10:16pm MDST
They Hate Us, But Who Cares?
In her 1985 speech after receiving the Best Actress Oscar for her role in Places in the Heart, actress Sally Field famously gushed, “You like me; you really, really like me.” The latest in a long history of surveys examining... The post They Hate Us, But Who Cares? appeared first on The Stream.
The Lonely Parent: Should Young Children Have Email Accounts?
Writing at Acculturated.com, blogger Naomi Schaefer Riley examines what it means for young children to have access to the internet and email accounts. Preschool is three days a week for two hours and fifteen minutes, but for some parents, that... The post The Lonely Parent: Should Young Children Have Email Accounts? appeared first on The Stream.
NTS On A Short Break
I have always said that sometimes personal and family business overtakes our lives and it does take precedence over everything else... I have been on many projects over the last while and have several more that have now taken up much of my time, and away from writing at this blog... I will be taking a short break to clear up personal, and work business, and afterwards will be resuming writing articles at this blog... During my absence, I do recommend again that everyone take a look at the superb work put out by those who I call the "Best Bloggers That I Know" that I have listed on t... more »
Jim Gilmore to Become 17th GOP Presidential Candidate
RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Former Virginia Gov. Jim Gilmore will announce a run for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination next month. Gilmore said in a phone interview Tuesday with The Associated Press that he plans to announce his candidacy in... The post Jim Gilmore to Become 17th GOP Presidential Candidate appeared first on The Stream.
Guest Post By Oren Jacobson-- Would Thomas Jefferson Recognize American Democracy Today?
*Looks like we lost Oren Jacobson as a candidate against Lipinski, at least for the this cycle, but we've gained a sharp and dedicated new correspondent from Chicagoland. Last week he shared his reflections after Obama's speech in Charleston. This evening his topic is reflections on the Declaration of Indpendence as it has evolved and continues to evolve*.* His targets are the evils of systemic partisan gerrymandering and the predponderant influence of Big Money on out electoral system and their impact on American electoral democracy.* *American (r)Evolutionby Oren Jacobson* Eac... more »
The National Cathedral’s Confederate Window Problem
The National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. wants to remove two stained glass windows honoring Confederate generals Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson. The Dean of the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., which is an Episcopal Church institution but serves as... The post The National Cathedral’s Confederate Window Problem appeared first on The Stream.
China Report ( July 9 , 2015 ) -- Today's Updates As News Rolls In ( Chinese Regulators pulling levers and pushing buttons to contain carnage as margin calls roll in and early stock halts are announced , Carnage in China roiling the Regional Bourses as well , Scapegoating well underway by China's Gov't , Stock market crash hitting car sales and real economy , Overview of ongoing crash ! )
Tweets..... To be tonight updated , as relevant *zerohedge* @zerohedge 1m 1 minute ago SHCOMP -3.2% *fred walton* @fredwalton216 now fred walton retweeted George Chen July 9 , 2015 starting off poorly - note not trading due to either still on suspension od due to daily limits fred walton added, *George Chen* @george_chen BREAKING: China's stock market opens over 2% lower, with over 400 stocks immediately down 10% ... and about 1400 stocks still in suspension *zerohedge* @zerohedge 10m 10 minutes ago China Stock Futures Tumble As Crash Protection Costs ... more »
What Will Iran Do With An Extra $100 Billion?
Rick Wilking/Reuters Tim Mak, Daily Beast: Obama Admin Fears Iran Deal Will Release Billions for Terror Attacks Any nuclear deal with Tehran is going to mean a huge influx of cash for Iran. And even the White House is worried that could mean new funds for Tehran’s terror proxies. A nuclear agreement with Iran could give Tehran a $100 billion financial windfall—a sum that even the Obama administration is concerned could be used to finance terrorism against American interests. Iran has billions in assets frozen by an international sanctions regime led by the United States and other... more »
Musical Interlude: 2002, "Another Answer Came"
2002, "Another Answer Came" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILt_GZqJzjQ&feature=related
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Like delicate cosmic petals, these clouds of interstellar dust and gas have blossomed 1,300 light-years away in the fertile star fields of the constellation Cepheus. Sometimes called the Iris Nebula and dutifully cataloged as NGC 7023 this is not the only nebula in the sky to evoke the imagery of flowers. Still, this remarkable image shows off the Iris Nebula's range of colors and symmetries in impressive detail. Within the Iris, dusty nebular material surrounds a hot, young star. * Click image for larger size.* The dominant color of the brighter reflection nebula is blue, characte... more »
Chet Raymo, “In Place of Belief”
*“In Place of Belief”* by Chet Raymo “A lightning storm the other night, slipping down from Florida. For an hour we sat on the terrace and watched the northern sky blaze with pyrotechnics, the best we'd ever seen, almost continuous rivers of electricity streaming between the clouds, clouds heaped like mountains and lit from within. After some particularly sky-filling explosions we could not resist applause. From horizon to horizon, from Andros to San Salvador the streamers ran, trailing their rumbles of far-off thunder. So much energy! Energy entirely beyond the human capacity to c... more »
Life Skills: “8 Lessons I Learned This Birthday”
*“8 Lessons I Learned This Birthday”* by Amy Chan "Recently, I celebrated another birthday. As I look back at how quickly time passes, I am amazed at how much can change in a matter of a year. I think we go through cycles of change - when the complete unexpected throws you off your equilibrium -giving you the opportunity to reassess and recalibrate. This past year was one of those cycles for me - and slowly but surely the pieces that were thrown up in the air are falling into place. At a time of reflection, I'd like to share with you some of the things I have learned. *1. The diff... more »
The Poet: Rainer Maria Rilke, "And Yet..."
"And yet, though we strain against the deadening grip of daily necessity, I sense there is this mystery: All life is being lived. Who is living it then? Is it the things themselves, or something waiting inside them, like an unplayed melody in a flute? Is it the winds blowing over the waters? Is it the branches that signal to each other? Is it flowers interweaving their fragrances or streets, as they wind through time?" ~ Rainer Maria Rilke
Paulo Coelho, “The Porcelain Vase And The Rose”
*“The Porcelain Vase And The Rose”* by Paulo Coelho “The Grand Master and the Guardian shared the administration of a Zen monastery. One day, the Guardian died and a replacement had to be found. The Grand Master gathered together all the disciples in order to decide who would have the honor of working at his side. ‘I am going to set you a problem,’ said the Grand Master. ‘And the first one to solve that problem will be the new Guardian of the temple.’ Once this briefest of speeches was over, he placed a small stool in the middle of the room. On it stood a priceless porcelain vase c... more »
Iran's Foreign Minister: 'Never Threaten An Iranian'
Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif talks to media from bacon of the Palais Coburg Hotel, venue of the nuclear talks in Vienna, Austria on July 2, 2015. AFP PHOTO/SAMUEL KUBAN *Daily Star/AFP: **'Never threaten an Iranian': nuclear talks get feisty* VIENNA: A top-level meeting at the Iran nuclear talks this week was a stormy affair, Iranian media reported Wednesday, with the country's foreign minister warning: "Never threaten an Iranian." The altercation happened Monday evening as foreign ministers from Iran and six major powers including US Secretary of State John Kerry met in Vi... more »
Never mind Greece, WTF is going on with China's plunging equity markets?
*Droll washingtonpost.com caption*: "*The Extraordinary League of Punditry requires this stock photo of an investor looking at a red screen when writing about the ongoing turmoil in Chinese equity markets.*" *"The rout in Chinese shares has erased at least $3.2 trillion in value, or twice the size of India’s entire stock market."* *-- from Bloomberg's report* yesterday, "Chinese Trading Suspensions Freeze $1.4 Trillion of Shares Amid Rout" *by Ken* "Nothing to see here," reads the deck on Tufts Professor Daniel W. Drezner's washingtonpost.com post "The politics of China's stock mark... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Boise, Idaho, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
"Human Existence: Our Story in One Minute"
“Could you tell the story of human existence in a minute? This thrilling video culls together multiple teasing snippets in an attempt to do just that. And sets it to music. Briefly depicted, from start to finish, is an artistic animation of the Big Bang, a trip across the early universe, the formation of the Earth and Moon, the emergence of multi-celled life and plants, the rise of reptiles and dinosaurs, a devastating meteor strike, the rise of mammals and humans, and finally the rise of modern civilization. The minute movie ends with a flyover of the modern skyscraper and a human... more »
"All About The Folly..."
"Archimedes said, "Give me a fulcrum and I will move the Earth"; but there isn't one. It is like betting on the future of the human race - I might wish to lay a bet that the human race would destroy itself by the year 3000, but there is nowhere to place the bet. On the contrary, I am involved in the world and must try to see that it does not blow itself to pieces. I once had a terrible argument with Margaret Mead. She was holding forth one evening on the absolute horror of the atomic bomb, and how everybody should spring into action and abolish it, but she was getting so furious abo... more »
The Preferential Option for Myself
Read what some self-proclaimed “social justice Christians” are writing these days, and spilling on social media, and you’ll discover an odd phenomenon. The people we have in mind will grab a headline that somehow connects to poverty — perhaps a... The post The Preferential Option for Myself appeared first on The Stream.
"Useful Transformation: Make Change Work for You"
*"Useful Transformation: Make Change Work for You"* by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM "When we experience change in our life we can control our response and reaction to the changes that are happening. Transformation is a universal constant that affects our lives from the moment we are born until we leave earthly existence behind. At the root of all growth, we find change. Occasionally, change and the circumstances leading up to it are a source of extraordinary joy, but more often than not they provoke feelings of discomfort, fear, or pain. Though many changes are unavoidable, we should... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- July 8, 2015
*Heather Timmons and Gwynn Guilford, Quartz:* *The global fallout from China’s stock market crash may be coming your way* China’s market downfall has been dramatic and painful for the investors involved. But so far there has been little immediate impact on the rest of the world, because China tightly limits foreign investment in mainland stocks. China’s stock markets are, for the most part, a mom and pop affair—about 80% of the trading that happens in Shanghai and Shenzhen is done by Chinese individuals. They represent at most 14% of the total Chinese population. *Commentaries, A... more »
World News Briefs -- July 8, 2015 (Evening Edition)
*Daily Mail*: *Think Greece's economy is the one in trouble? It's CHINA that's facing financial meltdown and the biggest stock market crash since the Great Depression* * Nearly $3trillion wiped off Chinese stock markets in just the last few weeks * Government and investors launched campaign to prop up tumbling shares * Booming stock markets had more than doubled in the year to mid-June * Experts draw parallels with the credit booms that led up to the 1929 crash * Analyst: 'I've never seen this kind of slump before. Don't think anyone has' China's tumbling stock markets plunged even... more »
China's Stock Market Crash Continues -- News Updates July 8, 2015
*The Guardian:* *Chinese stock markets continue to nosedive as regulator warns of panic* Main markets open sharply down as nearly 700 companies request their shares be suspended in unprecedented move China’s stock exchange regulator has imposed severe limits on stock market selling, having earlier warned of panic in the market as a range of recent government measures failed to prevent stocks plummeting a further 6%. After 10 minutes of morning trading a wave of listed companies’ shares had been suspended across China’s two stock markets after they dropped by the daily limit of 10... more »
Hedges on Sanders
On Reality Asserts Itself, Chris Hedges and Paul Jay discuss the role of violence in revolution and the Bernie Sanders campaign. The comments on Sanders begin at 16 minutes into the video. Worth watching.
Christianity After Obergefell, When the First Amendment Doesn’t Help
The hoof beats of antichristian persecution are now heard in a land which once recognized that human rights do not come from kings, courts or tribunals, but from the Creator, now that in Obergefell v. Hodges the Supreme Court has step... The post Christianity After *Obergefell*, When the First Amendment Doesn’t Help appeared first on The Stream.
A Look at the Release of the Immigrant Charged in Pier Killing
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — The city of San Francisco has come under fire after it released a Mexican immigrant in the country illegally despite a request by federal immigration authorities to keep him in custody so they could deport him... The post A Look at the Release of the Immigrant Charged in Pier Killing appeared first on The Stream.
Chief Justice Roberts Receives Low Approval Ratings from Republicans, Conservatives
In the aftermath of the Supreme Court ruling, conservatives aren’t John Roberts’ biggest groupies. Half of Republicans and 55 percent of self-identified conservatives disapprove of Chief Justice John Roberts’ job in the Supreme Court, according to a recent Morning Consult... The post Chief Justice Roberts Receives Low Approval Ratings from Republicans, Conservatives appeared first on The Stream.
Cartoon: ‘Atlas, Greek Titan of Debt’
The post Cartoon: ‘Atlas, Greek Titan of Debt’ appeared first on The Stream.
Talking about NZ inequality continues to increase
Everybody knows that inequality has been rising in New Zealand since the time the term was invented. We know this because the commentariat tell us so. They tell us often: *The last few years have shown a sharp rise in the number of newspaper articles devoted to inequality. … Inequality is clearly seen as a serious and rising problem. The only problem with that is that the data says otherwise.* What’s that? *Work by both the Ministry for Social Development and Treasury shows that while inequality rose through the reforms of the late 80s and early 90s, it since plateaued or even ... more »
Sphere Alliance Message #9 - July 4th Freedom from Tyranny is a Choice
As received by Denise 4 July 2015 *I am pure love I only accept messages of pure absolute love and truth.* *We are here to celebrate with you. * *It is true that you cannot see us but we can see you. * *Your joy is spreading and rubbing out the fear, the fake fear, the proposed fear. * *It is this day that in your country you celebrate your freedom from tyranny. * *What if we told you there was never any tyranny? Then there would be no reason to celebrate this day. The tyranny, the supposed tyranny was planned by a few to create this system, this illusion that you live in ... more »
George Osborne's Decadent Budget
Let's scotch a myth that's been multiplying like typhus in news about the so-called emergency budget. George Osborne is no "political genius". Take a look at the measures he's outlined. All of them are imprinted with his partisan political economics designed as traps for the Labour Party. The cut on corporation tax - any attempt to reverse it is a tax on business. Increasing the inheritance tax threshold - a reversal appropriates a chunk of a lifetime's hard work. Opposing the extension of the MOT is punishing car ownership. Wanting to see public sector salaries rise above 1% is "p... more »
Greek Debt Crisis News Updates -- July 8, 2015
*New York Times*: *Greece Submits New Loan Request as Tsipras Takes Defiant Stance* ATHENS — Greece, running out of money and under a tight deadline from European leaders, requested a three-year loan on Wednesday from the eurozone’s bailout fund as the country and its creditors began what could be a last effort to avert a historic rupture. But in making a formal request for new aid that it needs to avoid further defaults on its debts, Greece did not provide any details of what it would do in return to show that it is serious about strengthening the government’s finances, other th... more »
Did Anonymous Warn about the NYSE Outage?
A Twitter account tied to the online hacktivist group Anonymous may have foretold Wednesday’s sudden outage of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) in a tweet Tuesday. The curious tweet was made by the account @YourAnonNews, the largest Twitter account tied to... The post Did Anonymous Warn about the NYSE Outage? appeared first on The Stream.
There's a Bull in the Greek China Cabinet
*"We’ve got to make those bastards stand still!" *- Wesley Mouch, in *Atlas Shrugged* *Guest post by Chris Campbell from Laissez Faire Today * - *Is This It? *A “crack-up” was always just a matter of time. Is this the time? Are China and Greece the snowflakes that start the avalanche?” - *The Rose that Grows Between the Cracks of Concrete: *What the mainstream media isn’t telling you about what’s happening in Greece… *“Turning and turning in the widening gyre. The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold …” *- W.B. Yeats, “The ... more »
Reusable Sticker Playsets
My kids absolutely love sticker play sets. They keep them busy for hours and so it seems like I am always buying them for our road trips. My kids are always sad when the stickers are all used up and they have to move on to something else. After heading out to buy more sticker playsets for our latest road trip, I decided to spend a little bit of time making them reusable than wasting more and more money on them. The kids loved them just as much and we can use them on our next trip now too! It takes a little bit of time to make them reusable but it is so worth it! You will need: ... more »
"My mother-in-law fell down a wishing well. I was amazed; I never knew they worked"
I watched some of the BBC's Budget coverage earlier today and got so depressed watching Robert Peston and some chap from the IFS telling us how horribly most people were going to suffer because of it that I felt we here at *ITBB* might need to lighten the mood somewhat, lest we all flee to Greece. That said, I rehearsed some of the following jokes on my mother-in-law earlier today and she wasn't impressed (to put it mildly). In fairness to her, I'd put her in something of a bad mood beforehand. It was absolutely pouring down when she arrived. So I opened the door and I saw her th... more »
One Third of Americans Cannot Name a Single First Amendment Right
One third of Americans have no clue what rights they have under the First Amendment. The Newseum’s 2015 State of the First Amendment survey painted a bleak picture of Americans’ ability to remember what rights they are guaranteed by the... The post One Third of Americans Cannot Name a Single First Amendment Right appeared first on The Stream.
How Those in Power Stay In Power
*Video - *It's not as complex as it may seem for those in power to stay in power. They need us more than we need them. The post How Those in Power Stay In Power appeared first on Waking Times.
The Global Fiscal Mess
There are several important variables to the Greek debt crisis that most people aren't talking about.
July 8:Man uses gun to kidnap girlfriend for sex game...
It looks like the kind of mental bubble gum you read in those tabloids at the supermarket. - as in "Lady Camilla having affair with Muslim preacher". But it's the big story of the day for the Times and Transcript. The more important story is lower on A1. "Health system unsustainable says council". What council? Is it noted? reputable? highly respected? Damned if I know. The site for the council contains mostly the clumsily overdone jargon of a cheap shill. So I checked a list of the council's board. It did not seem to me to be a board much qualified to oversee and judge a provinci... more »
"How It Really Is"
"Military downsizing"... as if... - http://www.downsizinggovernment.org/defense - http://www.defenseone.com/
"I Know Why You Did It..."
“Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power. Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth. And the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn’t there? Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression. And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission. How did this happen? Who’s to blame? Well certainly there are those mor... more »
"When the FBI Knocks on Your Door, You Should Handle it Just Like This Woman"
*"When the FBI Knocks on Your Door, * *You Should Handle it Just Like This Woman"* By Matt Agorist "An Austin Texas woman, who is a peaceful antiwar activist was visited by the FBI. They wanted to know if she “had any plans to destroy property.” She handled the situation like a professional, flexing her rights. Do you know what to do if the FBI come to your house? Below is a pamphlet from the Center for Constitutional Rights that explains what to do if you are approached by the FBI for any reason." - http://thefreethoughtproject.com/ What to Do if the FBI Comes to Your Door
Baltimore Mayor Fires Police Commissioner, Citing Spike in Homicides
BALTIMORE (AP) — The Baltimore mayor fired the troubled city’s police commissioner Wednesday, saying that a recent spike in homicide rates weeks after a black man died of injuries in police custody required a change in leadership. Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake... The post Baltimore Mayor Fires Police Commissioner, Citing Spike in Homicides appeared first on The Stream.
Quote of the day: On government schooling
“Because the government school system is by its very nature immoral and impractical, it cannot be reformed. It must be abolished.” - C. Bradley Thomson, from his article ‘The New Abolitionism: Why Education Emancipation is the Moral Imperative of Our Time, in THE OBJECTIVE STANDARD Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
Was A German Patriot Missile Battery Hacked By A 'Foreign Source'
Germany's President Joachim Gauck and his partner Daniela Schadt listen to commander of German troops in Turkey Colonel Stefan Drexter as they visit Patriot missile batteries in Kahramanmaras April 27, 2014.Osman Orsal/Reuters *The Local:* *'Hackers' give orders to German missile battery* German-owned Patriot missiles stationed in Turkey were briefly taken over by hackers, according to media reports on Tuesday. The attack took place on anti-aircraft ‘Patriot’ missiles on the Syrian border. The American-made weapons had been stationed there by the Bundeswehr (German army) to protec... more »
A Deadly Warning: Srebrenica Revisited
Following up an earlier post... How did British Muslim convert Myriam François-Cerrah's BBC One documentary *A Deadly Warning: Srebrenica Revisited* turn out? Well, it was genuinely moving (and, thanks to all the sad music and other such familiar stand-bys, clearly *meant* to be so), and it was also surprising fair in parts. There were admissions later on (from Serbs - one 'bad', one 'good') that everything wasn't quite so black and white as the programme had previously suggested (though there is undoubtedly a good deal of blackness here) but... ...the programme was also heavily... more »
Are You Jewish? Israel’s Top Official for Religious Affairs Might Disagree
Israel’s top government official for religious affairs said Tuesday that he does not consider members of the Reform Jewish tradition to be actual Jews. Giving an interview to Army Radio in Israel, Minister of Religious Services David Azulai particularly singled out American... The post Are You Jewish? Israel’s Top Official for Religious Affairs Might Disagree appeared first on The Stream.
Need some help
I need a little help from the blog readership. Most immediate needs is $99 for some Mac software to record what I am witnessing on the Internet as this financial cyber war breaks loose... This is the most pressing matter... I thought I had a full version but apparently its only the demo and it puts an ugly watermark of DEMO across the most important part of the video. I also have a need for $400 to cover some miscellaneous expenses that will be cropping up in July. This blog is user supported by ads and clicking through on ads, and donations. Those of you who are Paypal sub... more »
“Beware Those Who Speak With Forked Tongues”
*“Beware Those Who Speak With Forked Tongues”* by Raouf Halaby “In 1855 Native American chief Hinmuuttu-yalatlat (Old Joseph) was duped by the Government of the United States into signing a treaty which, he was led to believe, would allow the Nez Perce to keep millions of acres of their tribal lands in the Northwest. However, because of the mad gold rush in the Black Hills of Dakota Territory, in 1863 the same land-grabbing government shoved another treaty down the Nez Perce’s throats reducing their original ancestral lands to a pathetic miniscule fraction of what was originally a... more »
Islamic State Mocks U.S. Recruitment Of Only 60 Syrian Fighters
Vocativ *WNU Editor:* The U.S. program to recruit and train Syrian fighters is $500 million .... *$500M US Program Has Only Trained 60 Syrians to Fight ISIS* (Military.com) .... and after 8 months only 60 fighters !?!?!?!?!. The Islamic State`s budget to recruit and train fighters is unknown .... but they are recruiting and training scores of fighters everyday .... *ISIS By the Numbers: Foreign Fighter Total Keeps Growing* (NBC) .... probably 60 everyday. Not surprising .... the Islamic State is now mocking U.S. efforts .... *ISIS MOCKS US: Only Trained Only 60 Fighters => Less Tha... more »
Supplemental: The truth about our big media stars!
*WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 2015Christie, Cosby, Clinton:* Frank Bruni is upset today with what Chris Christie said. More specifically, he’s upset with the failure of Republican candidates to denounce Donald Trump’s recent remarks about Mexican immigrants. According to Bruni, “Republicans can’t summon the courage to take on the dark heroes of the party’s lunatic fringe.” Eventually, he describes Christie’s failure to challenge what Trump said: BRUNI (7/8/15): Trump’s rant about immigrants, which he has since amplified, was another squandered moment. *Chris Christie could have made good ... more »
The Civil War In South Sudan Continues As The Country `Celebrates`Its 4th Year Anniversary
*New York Times:* *South Sudan’s Fourth Anniversary Offers Little to Celebrate* JUBA, South Sudan — The laborers, hundreds of them, were hard at work, busily fixing roads, painting buildings and making the parade grounds sparkle. At first glance, it might appear that the economy of this nation, one of the world’s poorest, is humming back to life. It is not. The work was being done in preparation for Thursday, when the governing party led by President Salva Kiir will celebrate the fourth anniversary of South Sudan’s independence. The day after the festivities, residents say, the... more »
New Han Solo Star Wars Film Announced
A Star Wars spin-off film will tell the back story of space smuggler Han Solo, Disney has announced. The new movie is to be directed by Christopher Miller and Phil Lord, the men behind the hugely successful Lego movie. The... The post New Han Solo *Star Wars* Film Announced appeared first on The Stream.
Lots of Democrats Want Socialism
Nearly 10,000 people turned out to hear Bernie Sanders in Wisconsin. Why? Apparently, many Democrats want socialism. Sanders is the Vermont senator who is running for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination. Sanders calls himself a “democratic socialist,” not to be... The post Lots of Democrats Want Socialism appeared first on The Stream.
House Votes to Ban Confederate Flag at Federal Cemeteries
WASHINGTON (AP) — The House has voted to ban the display of Confederate flags at historic federal cemeteries in the deep South. The low-profile move came Tuesday evening after a brief debate on a measure funding the National Park Service,... The post House Votes to Ban Confederate Flag at Federal Cemeteries appeared first on The Stream.
Deal or No Deal
So... ...on the minus side for the BBC, the BBC has agreed to meet the £650 million cost of free licence fees for all people over 75, currently paid for by the Department of Work and Pensions, and from 2020 to take control of the policy itself, while... ...on the plus side for the BBC, (a) the licence fee will be allowed to rise with inflation, (b) the BBC will get back the £150 million set aside for broadband roll-out, (c) the government will change the law underpinning the licence fee so as to make people accessing public service TV on the i-Player (and the like) have to pay for... more »
First Official Attempt At Peace Talks To End The War In Afghanistan Ends With A Promise For More Talks In The Future
*CSM*: * Afghanistan-Taliban peace talks in Pakistan yield optimism, and caution* The Pakistan-hosted peace talks ended with both sides committed to resuming the dialogue after Ramadan. But internal Taliban divisions are raising questions. The first official peace talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban ended on a positive note this week, signaling the possible start of a formal peace process. Participants agreed to continue talks after the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which ends in about two weeks. The Taliban’s 13-year insurgency against US-led international troop... more »
The Clinton Campaign Notices the Sanders Campaign, or How to Read the Media
*Bernie Sanders draws nearly 10,000 people in Madison, Wisconsin (source). Click to enlarge; it looks pretty good full size. * *by Gaius Publius* The 2016 primary contest won't begin until early next year (schedule here), with the Iowa Democratic caucus on February 1 and the New Hampshire primary on February 9. On the one hand, that's a still half a year away. On the other hand, that's only half a year away. So poll numbers and crowd sizes are beginning to be significant. As for the polls, Clinton appears to have peaked, though at a pretty high level, while Sanders is steadily gai... more »
Colombia's FARC Rebels Announce A New Cease-Fire
The ceasefire will come into force on 20 July, the Farc announced in Cuba *FOX News/EFE: **FARC declares one-month unilateral cease-fire in Colombia* The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC, guerrilla group said Wednesday in Havana it was declaring a one-month cease-fire in Colombia effective on July 20. The FARC made the move in response to calls from Cuba and Norway, the two guarantor countries for the peace process with the Colombian government in Havana, as well as Venezuela and Chile, for a reduction in the intensity of the conflict, the guerrilla group's second-i... more »
China Is Looking To Build A Long Range Bomber
Defense experts have recommended that China upgrade its air force. Pictured: A J-31 stealth fighter of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Air Force landed on a runway after a flying performance at the 10th China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition in Zhuhai, Guangdong province, Nov. 11, 2014. Reuters/Alex Lee *IBTimes*: *China Air Force Long-Range Bombers: People’s Liberation Army Needs To Develop Updated Aircraft In The Event Of Conflict, Defense Experts Say* China has been ramping up its defense budget and giving more attention to recruiting and training the Peopl... more »
Study: Newer Soldiers Most Likely to Commit Suicide
CHICAGO (AP) — War-time suicide attempts in the Army are most common in newer enlisted soldiers who have not been deployed, while officers are less likely to try to end their lives. At both levels, attempts are more common among... The post Study: Newer Soldiers Most Likely to Commit Suicide appeared first on The Stream.
Photos Save Oak Flat Caravan: Oak Flat to Gila River
. Photos by Sandra Rambler, San Carlos Apache. Save Oak Flat Caravan begins, from Oak Flat to Gila River. .
The Economy/Politics: "Why Hillary Won’t Win the White House"
*"Why Hillary Won’t Win the White House"* By Bill Bonner LONDON – "Dow up 93 points yesterday, after the Greeks and their creditors set a new deadline for a deal to avoid a “Grexit.” Until then, they agreed to disagree. And the show goes on… Meanwhile, the rout continued in China this morning. Shanghai stocks plunged another 6%. That brings the losses since the market peaked on June 12 to roughly 30%. (More on the consequences of that crash below in Market Insight.) These two troubles – one in Europe, the other in Asia – have a similar theme. They are skirmishes in what history may... more »
China Stock Sellers Frozen Out of 71% of Market
*Not everything can be fixed by the State... -AK* http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-07-08/china-trade-halts-hit-2-2-trillion-as-state-intervention-fails *China Stock Sellers Frozen Out of 71% of Market* by Kyoungwha KimFox Hu Investors trying to sell Chinese shares have found themselves locked out of 72 percent of the market. At least 1,331 companies have halted trading on mainland exchanges, freezing $2.6 trillion of shares, or about 40 percent of the country’s market capitalization. Another 747 fell by the 10 percent daily limit on Wednesday, making it all but impossib... more »
World News Briefs -- July 8, 2015
Investors look at computer screens showing stock information at a brokerage house in Shanghai, China, July 8, 2015. Reuters/Aly Song *Reuters:* *China stock market freezing up as sell-off gathers pace* China's tumbling stock market showed signs of seizing up on Wednesday, as companies scrambled to escape the rout by having their shares suspended and indexes plunged after the securities regulator warned of "panic sentiment" gripping investors. Beijing, which has struggled for more than a week to bend the market to its will, unveiled yet another battery of measures to arrest the sell... more »
Hope College and Belmont to Offer Benefits to Same-Sex Spouses
At least two Christian colleges are extending benefits to same-sex spouses of employees after last month’s Supreme Court ruling that legalized same-sex marriage nationwide. Hope College in Holland, Michigan, made that decision public this week. “In employment policy and practice,... The post Hope College and Belmont to Offer Benefits to Same-Sex Spouses appeared first on The Stream.
Trading Resumes at NYSE after Long Shutdown
NEW YORK (AP) — Trading has resumed on the New York Stock Exchange after an outage of more than three hours caused by technical problems. There was no interruption at the dozens of other U.S. stock exchanges Wednesday, including the... The post Trading Resumes at NYSE after Long Shutdown appeared first on The Stream.
PC Police Arrest Shakespeare
As one who frequently laments the state of modern education, it hardly comes as a surprise when I see some new example of political correctness run amok there. One of the latest examples: an effort to sacrifice on the altar of... The post PC Police Arrest Shakespeare appeared first on The Stream.
ANALYSIS: Why the Greece Crisis Could Be the Beginning of the End of Europe
It started with coal and steel. After the horrors of 1914 gave way to the even greater ones of 1939, France and West Germany tried to tie their economies so close together in 1951 that the continent could never turn into a... The post ANALYSIS: Why the Greece Crisis Could Be the Beginning of the End of Europe appeared first on The Stream.
Hollywood Rushes Movie about Same-Sex Marriage Ruling
Just weeks after the U.S. Supreme Court legalized gay marriage in the contentious Obergefell v. Hodges ruling, Variety is reporting that there’s a feature film in the works about Jim Obergefell, the lead plaintiff in the case. The movie is being developed... The post Hollywood Rushes Movie about Same-Sex Marriage Ruling appeared first on The Stream.
Wealthy Crime Pays, Even When It Doesn't
Goldman Sachs, the banking behemoth aptly described by Matt Taibbi as a giant vampire squid, has made big suckers out of the clients it grotesquely advised to bet on how long youths caught up in New York City's criminal justice system could stay out of jail after their initial releases. A mere seven million dollars out of the trillions of Goldman's money was spent on privatized counseling services to young Rikers inmates in an effort to help them become responsible members of society. No Goldman money was spent on a jobs program to help them become responsible members of society onc... more »
Oncologist Knowingly Diagnosed Healthy Patients With Cancer
*DAve Mihalovic* - More doctors and oncologists are being exposed for diagnosing healthy patients with cancer. The post Oncologist Knowingly Diagnosed Healthy Patients With Cancer appeared first on Waking Times.
Is Life After Death Possible?
*Video - *Does everything about a person disappear at death? The brain? It stops working, then dissolves. But what about awareness? Does our consciousness end forever? The post Is Life After Death Possible? appeared first on Waking Times.
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- July 8, 2015
*Voice of America:* *Senate Panel Grills US Military Leaders Over IS Strategy * Republican senators vented frustrations over U.S. efforts to fight Islamic State (IS) radicals, and grilled Secretary of Defense Ash Carter and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey at an Armed Services Committee hearing Tuesday. During testimony, Carter acknowledged publicly for the first time the United States was only training about 60 Syrian opposition fighters to battle the Islamic State group as of July 3. U.S. policymakers had hoped the program, launched in May in Jordan ... more »
Don’t Worry – Everything is Not Under Control
*Zen Gardner* - That false assurance that everything’s under control has got to go. The post Don’t Worry – Everything is Not Under Control appeared first on Waking Times.
Comparison Two of Fukushima Screenshots
My last post included two screenshots taken at July 8 22:05 and July 8 23:48 http://majiasblog.blogspot.com/2015/07/comparison-1-of-fukushima-daiichi.html Here are close ups from those screenshots: 22:05 23:48 I don't know what happened but the orange blob went away, the black line disappeared, and the mauve emissions were replaced by purple.
Paul Craig Roberts predicts the final outcome of the Greek referendum and refusal to be looted by the troika, i.e., the EU Commission, European Central Bank, and the IMF. It is not what you think. It's Washington screwing of the EU pillagers by requiring that Greece be given relief from the troika's plan to loot their remaining national assets. But there is no kindness in Washington. Rather their motive is to avert Greece's leaving the EU (likely to have been followed by Italy and Spain) in order that Washington and its European NATO vassals can continue fomenting a war with Russia that may kill us all. A must read!
------------------------------ *Greece And The EU Situation — Paul Craig Roberts * ------------------------------ July 7, 2015 | Original Here Go here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter Greece And The EU Situation Paul Craig Roberts I doubt that there will be a Greek exit. The Greek referendum, in which the Greek government’s position easily prevailed, tells the troika (EU Commission, European Central Bank, IMF, with of course Washington as the puppet master) that the Greek people support their government’s position that t... more »
Millions Share Story of Baby Doe Found Dead in Boston Harbor
BOSTON (AP) — In her computer-generated image, she is the picture of innocence: a 4-year-old girl with long brown hair, chubby cheeks and expressive brown eyes. The image has attracted a staggering 45 million views on Facebook as investigators try... The post Millions Share Story of Baby Doe Found Dead in Boston Harbor appeared first on The Stream.
Robert George: The Situation with Religious Freedom is Worsening
Robert George is the McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence at Princeton University. That’s one of the most prestigious academic appointments in the nation, a chair once held by Woodrow Wilson. But George disdains ivory tower elitism. He gets his hands dirty... The post Robert George: The Situation with Religious Freedom is Worsening appeared first on The Stream.
Disney Removes Bill Cosby Statue at Hollywood Studios
Walt Disney World officials say a bronze statue of Bill Cosby is being removed from the Hollywood Studios theme park. Local news outlets report the statue was being removed after the park closed Tuesday night. Disney offered no other comment. The post Disney Removes Bill Cosby Statue at Hollywood Studios appeared first on The Stream.
Michelle Obama spends 600k to re-do White House state dining room...
*that didn't need re-doing.* It looked just fine before the re-do. In fact, in my opinion, it looked way better. Now this is all coming from Daily Mail, so we'll have to hope they got it right. Always suspect. My burning question is: WHAT THE HELL COST 600K?? Sorry for shouting, but really guys, some paint, new rug, and some new chairs and the cost is 600K??? We have 1/3 of the people in this country with no jobs, or living paycheck to paycheck, and this ghetto-trash first "lady" spends 600K on a dining room re-do? How about donating that money to the family of Kathryn Stein... more »
*The no vote by Greece is an extraordinary act of political courage, defying threats and intimidation from the European Union, the US government and the Greek ruling class and sends an alarming signal to the global elite that the game has dramatically changed. The “no” vote itself has made clear the social chasm separating the working class from the ruling elites of Greece, Europe and America and sets the stage for needed social change but it won't be easy escaping our Black Hole of debt: Allen L Roland, PhD* *"* *Since the troika austerity measures began in 2010, ... more »
Comparison 1 of Fukushima Daiichi Screenshots 7/8/2015
Screenshot 1: July 8 22:05 Screenshot 2: July 8 23:48 Notice the yellow/orange dot on the bottom of the screen is missing from the second screenshot, taken over an hour later. Was the thing hanging from a crane? I cannot tell for sure. My next post will provide close-ups.
The Secret Plans...I'm Still Waiting
It's been exciting to see the response to my blog post about the Bernie Sanders campaign rally on Monday in Portland. Counterpunch posted it on their site which dramatically increased readership and debate around the growing critique of the Sanders campaign. We've had a bunch of really great comments here on this blog as well. As I told one woman on Fazebook who complained about my article.... "Democracy can be a real pain." Many would rather we just fall in line without question. I tried doing that when I was a Young Republican who joined the Air Force during the Vietnam War... more »
Saudi Arabia`s Oil Strategy Is Failing
*Matt Smith, Fuel Fix:* *Commentary: Saudi’s targeting of market share does not appear to be working* Thirty-four years ago today, Indiana Jones was the number one movie at the box office with ‘Raiders of The Lost Ark’. 1981 was also the year in which Beyoncé was born. These two reference points are just to highlight how long ago 1981 was (even if a swashbuckling Harrison Ford doesn’t seem that distant a memory). But while the world was a very different place back in 1981, one thing is the same now as it was then: the level of Saudi Arabian oil production. According to OPEC data,... more »
When the "Resistance" Embraced Defeat and Called It Victory
The Congress is beginning debate on the new ESEA, which is a conglomeration of the same age-old racist testing accountability practices, with new assurances for a dramatic proliferation of corporate reform charter schools and intensified segregation. If Congressmen were honest, or if pigs flew, the new version of NCLB should be called the Corporate Education Expansion Act. These most worrisome realities have not stopped the corporate unity caucus comprised of Badasses, NPE, AFT, NEA, and Fairtest from glomming onto an amendment by Jon Tester to accept a reduction of federal testi... more »
Official: Illegal Immigrant Used Federal Agent’s Gun in S.F. Killing
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A law enforcement official says the weapon used in the shooting death of a woman on a San Francisco pier belonged to a federal agent — the latest twist in a case that has become a... The post Official: Illegal Immigrant Used Federal Agent’s Gun in S.F. Killing appeared first on The Stream.
Hillary Plays the Victim in CNN Interview
Any Clinton supporters who hoped that a New Hillary would emerge from Tuesday’s televised grilling of the Democratic presidential frontrunner had to be brutally disillusioned. The Hillary Clinton who showed up for her 19-minute back and forth with CNN political correspondent... The post Hillary Plays the Victim in CNN Interview appeared first on The Stream.
Transpicuous News Tonight- Special Report: Global Financial Terrorism
After a two week Hiatus of Insanity, Transpicuous News Returns tonight, with a special report on Global Financial Terrorism. While I was busy with The Untangled Gathering, working on our new business, and moving house.... the world apparently lost it's proverbial mind. Or at least, that's how it felt to me every time I took a break from packing and studying and cleaning and opened the computer to see yet another seemingly psychotic episode of mind blowing stupidity, outright media insanity, and basic complete loss of rational thought on social media.... Tonight I'm not even goi... more »
THEY KNOW WHAT YOU WANT: Maddow doesn’t seem to care!
*WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 2015 Part 3—It’s time for the clowning to stop:* Friend, how well do you understand the disputes and disagreements about the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership? Check that! How well do you understand the disputes about international trade deals in general? With how much knowledge could you discuss the effects of NAFTA, to cite one high-profile example? For ourselves, we know very little about international trade. We *have* heard that the general topic is a major big deal. On May 7, we heard that from Rachel Maddow. At the start of this passage, she’s discussi... more »
Breaking Down The Islamic State's Military Strategy In Iraq
There is a huge amount of uncertainty about violence in Iraq today. In a war there are plenty of areas off limits to reporters. Some provinces do not get as much coverage as others. The Iraqi government is in propaganda mode and only reports victories. The number of casualties is being obfuscated for that last reason as well. Out of all of the statistics available for the on going conflict collating the number of attacks reported in the media might prove to be the most useful. While there are plenty of incidents that don’t get mentioned the ones that do can provide a rough idea of... more »
Hillary Attacks GOP Candidates on Immigration
IOWA CITY, Iowa (AP) — Hillary Rodham Clinton said a Republican in the White House would mark a “big U-turn” for the nation and assailed the GOP presidential field’s stance on an immigration overhaul. Asked about Jeb Bush, the Democratic... The post Hillary Attacks GOP Candidates on Immigration appeared first on The Stream.
6 Most Powerful Armies of All Time
*Photo:* Parade of German troops in Paris. View of the troops with the Arc de Triomphe in the background. June 14, 1040. Wikipedia *Zachary Keck and Akhilesh Pillalamarri, National Interest*: *6 Most Powerful Armies of All Time* “Power grows out of the barrel of a gun.” In an anarchical system like international relations, military power is the ultimate form of currency. A state may have all the culture, art, philosophy, and glitter and glory in the world, but it’s all for naught if the country doesn’t have a powerful military to defend itself. Mao Zedong put it bluntly when he st... more »
Ukraine Merges Nazis and Islamists
By Robert Parry In a curiously upbeat account, The New York Times reports that Islamic militants have joined with Ukraine’s far-right and neo-Nazi battalions to fight ethnic Russian rebels in eastern Ukraine. It appears that no combination of violent extremists is too wretched to celebrate as long as they’re killing Russ-kies. The *article* by Andrew E. Kramer reports that there are now three Islamic battalions “deployed to the hottest zones,” such as around the port city of Mariupol. One of the battalions is headed by a former Chechen warlord who goes by the name “Muslim,” Krame... more »
‘BibleSticks’ Distributed to Over 500,000 US Troops
The audio Bible recording company Faith Comes By Hearing has distributed over 500,000 digital audio Gospels, about the size of a pack of gum, to U.S. military troops, which allows them to continue learning the Gospel while they’re deployed away... The post ‘BibleSticks’ Distributed to Over 500,000 US Troops appeared first on The Stream.
Greece Requests 3-Year Loan, Pledges Pension Reform
ATHENS, Greece (AP) — The latest on the Greek financial crisis (all times Athens local): ___ 4:25 p.m. Greece’s main business and tourism associations have warned of an “explosion of unemployment” if the government fails to find a deal with... The post Greece Requests 3-Year Loan, Pledges Pension Reform appeared first on The Stream.
Ukraine Accepting Islamic Fighters From Chechnya To Wage War Against Rebels
Isa Musayev and other Muslim fighters in Ukraine in January. Mr. Musayev helped found the Chechen battalions and was killed in February, another leader said. Credit Tomasz Glowacki *New York Times*: *Islamic Battalions, Stocked With Chechens, Aid Ukraine in War With Rebels* MARIUPOL, Ukraine — Wearing camouflage, with a bushy salt-and-pepper beard flowing over his chest and a bowie knife sheathed prominently in his belt, the man cut a fearsome figure in the nearly empty restaurant. Waiters hovered apprehensively near the kitchen, and try as he might, the man who calls himself “Mu... more »
Needed: More Than Heartfelt Moments Of Silence After More Brutal, Unspeakable Gun Violence
Most Americans want more regulation of an out-of-control culture of gun violence in America. Gun manufacturers and arms merchants and their lobbyist group, the NRA, are not among that vast majority of Americans. Their bottom lines and political power are at stake. Progressive Congresswoman Donna Edwards (D-MD) has been a longtime rock-solid champion of reasonable gun control. Yesterday's *Baltimore Sun* ran an OpEd Donna wrote, Dealing With Guns Demands More Than Another Moment Of Silence. Short version of what Donna is working to accomplish: *•* Pass real gun laws that will actu... more »
Christian Baker Makes Case for Not ‘Expressing’ Support of Same-Sex ‘Marriage’
The owner of a family business that makes custom cakes today asked a Colorado appeals court to strike down state rulings that he discriminated against a same-sex couple by declining to provide a cake to celebrate their wedding. Lawyers for... The post Christian Baker Makes Case for Not ‘Expressing’ Support of Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ appeared first on The Stream.
How Not to Win the GOP Nomination
As he prepares to enter the 2016 presidential race on July 21, Ohio Gov. John Kasich is dusting off the playbook of failed 2012 presidential contender Jon Huntsman, the former Utah governor who tried to secure the GOP nomination by... The post How Not to Win the GOP Nomination appeared first on The Stream.
Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter: ‘I Believe Jesus Would Approve Gay Marriage
(CNSNews.com) – Former President Jimmy Carter in an interview with HuffPost Live on Tuesday said he believes Jesus would approve gay marriage and would encourage any “love affair” that was “honest and sincere and was not damaging to anyone else.”... The post Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter: ‘I Believe Jesus Would Approve Gay Marriage appeared first on The Stream.
France`s Central Bank Chief Warns Of Chaos And Riots In Greece If No Debt Deal Is Reached
*Daily Mail: **'Greece is on the edge of catastrophe. There will be riots and chaos': French central bank boss warns of dire consequences if the country does not make a deal this week * * Christian Noyer said he was concerned that major civil unrest could break out if a deal isn't struck by the weekend * He said he fears that Greece descend into 'riots and chaos' if a bailout compromise is not found this week * Alexis Tsipras told the European Parliament today that he is confident the end-of-the-week deadline will be met * But he claimed that Greece had been used as an 'austerity l... more »
A Sign That The Iranian Nuclear Talks Are Failing
*WNU Editor:* With the exception of the U.S. Secretary of State and the Iranian foreign minister .... all the other foreign ministers have left .... *Iran Talks Enter Rough Slog, Most Foreign Ministers Leave* (NYT/AP). My guess is that Iran`s "newest proposals" has impressed no one .... *Iran makes new proposal in nuclear talks, West unimpressed* (Globe and Mail/Reuters). *Update:* Iran faces off with global powers in game of brinkmanship -- AFP
Fukushima Cam Update July 8 22:10
July 8 22:10 Looks like light rain on the futaba cam. Police car in the intersection, toward the cam. Sky more illuminated than yesterday over site from Futaba cam view. Typical rainy-day emissions on TEPCO cams 1 and 4. TBS cam is obscured but I note a lot of RED in the pixilation, an unusual amount. The strangest thing is a glowing yellow-orange thing at the bottom of the TEPCO cam 4 screen what is the yellow-orange spot?
Will NSA Leaker Edward Snowden Get A Deal From The U.S. Justice Department?
*Daily Mail*: *'It's a possibility': Eric Holder claims US could strike deal with Edward Snowden to bring him back from exile - and says the case prompted 'necessary debate' on secrecy* * Former Attorney General charged Snowden with three espionage counts * Now, in new job at private law firm, he said case sparked necessary talks * And he revealed it is 'possible' US could strike a deal with the NSA leaker * Intelligence sources told Yahoo News Snowden could plead guilty to one felony count, serve 3-5 years in jail in exchange for government support Eric Holder believes America coul... more »
Free at Last
I am delighted to report that I am no longer chairman of the Harvard economics department. My three-year sentence term having been completed, I am happy to turn things over to David Laibson. Condolences Congratulations, David.
Aluminum, Barium & Strontium: the New Manhattan Chemtrail Project
*Peter A. Kirby* - There is enough information available now that we shouldn't have to be exposed. The post Aluminum, Barium & Strontium: the New Manhattan Chemtrail Project appeared first on Waking Times.
*Ohio Cuts Funding For Common Core Testing* According to the state of Ohio's two-year budget plan approved by Gov. John Kasich, there will be no more state spending on tests developed by the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC), a program which has drawn the ire of parents and educators around the country. According to a recent Washington Post article: The PARCC test was created by the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers, one of two federally funded multistate consortia tasked with creating new Common Core tests with s...more »
Michael Pearce on sentiment, zombies, and the fine art of kitsch
[image: image] Michael Pearce: *The Words (Priestess)* – Oil on Canvas They might be “massive, mythical and brimming with allegorical subtext” just as the brochure says, but … I have to confess, I do wish he painted like Caravaggio (his first love) instead of like this. But artist Michael Pearce has more to him than just his paintings, as his keynote speech entitled *“Kitsch and Emergence”* proves. Selfies, like kitsch, are our way – he says – of trying to surround ourselves with sentiment when our art has failed to do the job. *Sentiment and kitsch are indivisible. Without... more »
Vatican Won’t Let Israel See Its Treaty with ‘State Of Palestine’
After the Vatican signed its first treaty recognizing Palestine as a state in June, officials won’t allow Israel to review the document. The Holy See, the representation of the Roman Catholic Church abroad, declined four appeals by Israeli officials to read the details of the... The post Vatican Won’t Let Israel See Its Treaty with ‘State Of Palestine’ appeared first on The Stream.
Support for Israel is Declining in Democratic Party
Support for Israel is waning in the Democratic Party. The Times of Israel’s editor, David Horovitz, posted an important yesterday article showing that Israel is rapidly losing support among Democrats in the United States. Support for Israel among Republicans appears... The post Support for Israel is Declining in Democratic Party appeared first on The Stream.
Documents Show the Army Plans to Slash 40,000 Troops
Army plans indicate military officials will cut 40,000 troops from the force over a period of two years. Neither domestic nor foreign outposts are exempt from the cuts, according to a document obtained by USA Today. The end result would be a total of 450,000... The post Documents Show the Army Plans to Slash 40,000 Troops appeared first on The Stream.
Baltimore Police: 3 Dead in Shooting Near University Campus
BALTIMORE (AP) — Gunmen got out of two vans and began firing at a group gathered on a corner Tuesday night, fatally shooting three people, police said. The two gunmen shot a total of four people — one who was... The post Baltimore Police: 3 Dead in Shooting Near University Campus appeared first on The Stream.
The Evolution of Perception
*Jason Gregory* - The spiritual seeker and esoteric student travel through three planes of growth. The post The Evolution of Perception appeared first on Waking Times.
*Are shrubs causing global cooling?* *I initially thought this story about shrubs might be an allusion to George Bush II. Leftists always thought they were enormously clever by referring to him as "Shrub". But it was not to be.But some amusing nuttiness below anyway. I fully accept that shrubs are thriving these days. There is one in my front garden that certainly is. The known higher levels of CO2 would be the main cause of that. But the effect should be worldwide and not confined to the Arctic. But note what we read below:"'While plants help to slow climate chang... more »
Oluanpi lighthouse: a fortress
[image: IMG_3328] *Resting on the cape just above Oluanpi Lighthouse.* I had the great good fortune to come into a pile of books on Taiwan this week, one of which was *George Taylor and the Peoples of the South Cape*, a collection of the papers of George Taylor edited by Glen Dunbridge. Taylor was the lighthouse keeper at the Oluanpi lighthouse for four years in the 1880s, learned Paiwan, and wrote voluminously on his interactions with the aborigines of the southern part of Taiwan. The book presents several of his papers, full of anecdotes and observations. Don't miss it, hopefully I... more »
Front And Centre
David Suzuki writes that we live in a warmer world -- a world in which extreme weather is a fact of life. The evidence just keeps piling up: Several recent studies indicate a clear connection between increasing extreme weather and climate change. One, by climatologists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Colorado, looked at rising global atmospheric and sea-surface temperatures, which have increased water vapour in the atmosphere by about five per cent since the 1950s. According to the paper, published in Nature Climate Change, "This has fuelled larger storms, and i... more »
Rounding up Midweek
*A KMT candidate in Taichung. * The stock market crash in China is going to wipe out the small fry, while the big players will get subsidies. Hopefully this will silence a lot of the idiocy about the greatness of China's economic management one hears from time to time, and reduce its appeal. *THE IRRITANT POLICY*: Many times now I've noted that Ma Ying-jeou's policy for the ROC's legally indefensible and historically absurd claims to the South China Sea and the Senkakus is a purposeful policy designed to keep relations between Taiwan and its neighbors irritated. In facing China T... more »
King’s College President: Christians, Stop Trying to Be ‘Winsome’
[Jump to the 12-minute mark to skip the preliminaries.] The post King’s College President: Christians, Stop Trying to Be ‘Winsome’ appeared first on The Stream.
Greece Races against Clock to Submit Reform Proposal
STRASBOURG, France (AP) — Greece submitted a request for aid from Europe’s bailout fund Wednesday, and is rushing to detail a plan of economic reforms that creditors want to see this week they are to save the country from financial... The post Greece Races against Clock to Submit Reform Proposal appeared first on The Stream.
ANALYSIS: The Really Worrying Financial Crisis is Happening in China, Not Greece
China looks like it is heading for its version of the 1929 stock market crash. While all Western eyes remain firmly focused on Greece, a potentially much more significant financial crisis is developing on the other side of world. In... The post ANALYSIS: The Really Worrying Financial Crisis is Happening in China, Not Greece appeared first on The Stream.
Bobby Jindal: Greece Is a ‘Warning Sign of Where We Could Be Headed’ Under Obama
MANCHESTER, N.H.— While speaking at a town hall Tuesday night in New Hampshire, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal said that the Democratic presidency of Barack Obama is “taking us down the path towards socialism.” “You want to see our future, look... The post Bobby Jindal: Greece Is a ‘Warning Sign of Where We Could Be Headed’ Under Obama appeared first on The Stream.
FBI, Justice Dept. Ask Congress for Encryption Access, Opposed by Security Experts
WASHINGTON (AP) — Federal law enforcement officials are pressing their concerns about encryption before Congress, where they will argue to senators on Wednesday that the right to privacy is not absolute and must be weighed against public safety interests. The... The post FBI, Justice Dept. Ask Congress for Encryption Access, Opposed by Security Experts appeared first on The Stream.
Sphere Alliance Message #10 - The Dance Begins!
*Update: I am renumbering this #10... there is a missing message from the 4th of July which you can read HERE ...which I will insert before this one... -AK* As received by Denise *After I cleared the space and made my declarations, this was what they shared. And it felt like a voice like Sean Connery! * *6 July 2015* *We say to you this: The dance has begun.* * It will be a ballet....* * ...a waltz * * ...and then a jig. * *Many steps, many moves, and much beauty to see with your eyes open. * *We say to you this: Stand ab... more »
When the Government Harms the Dignity of Christians, Who Pays a Fine?
When a same-sex couple, regular customers of Sweetcakes by Melissa, ordered a wedding cake, Melissa and Aaron Klein politely refused; the same-sex couple filed discrimination charges with the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries. This same-sex couple says that being... The post When the Government Harms the Dignity of Christians, Who Pays a Fine? appeared first on The Stream.
Iran Nuclear Talks Enter Rough Slog, Most Foreign Ministers Leave
VIENNA (AP) — Secretary of State John Kerry is staying at Iran nuclear talks, and so is Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif. But foreign ministers of the five other nations at the negotiating table are leaving or have already... The post Iran Nuclear Talks Enter Rough Slog, Most Foreign Ministers Leave appeared first on The Stream.
Studying ISIS: Shock Troops Who Fight to the Death Secret of Success
BAGHDAD (AP) — Bearded and wearing bright blue bandanas, the Islamic State group’s “special forces” unit gathered around their commander just before they attacked the central Syrian town of al-Sukhna. “Victory or martyrdom,” they screamed, pledging their allegiance to Allah and... The post Studying ISIS: Shock Troops Who Fight to the Death Secret of Success appeared first on The Stream.
China Unveils New Steps to Prop Up Stocks, But Market Dives
BEIJING (AP) — China announced a flurry of new moves Wednesday to halt a stock market slide. The result? Another big dive in share prices. The government told state companies and executives to buy shares, raised the amount of equities... The post China Unveils New Steps to Prop Up Stocks, But Market Dives appeared first on The Stream.
*Family and friends mourn bicyclist killed in hit-and-run on Elysian Fields Avenue ~Jonathan Burlington* *Katrina / Federal Flood 2005: The Debris // Houston ~Kate Richardson, WWNO* *National Weather Service declares New Orleans 'storm ready' ~WWL* *NOAA predicts below-average season for commercial harvest of brown shrimp in western Gulf of Mexico* *Lil Wayne Announces Lil Weezyana Fest in New Orleans ~Billboard*
Love Gov: An Education in Debt
The post Love Gov: An Education in Debt appeared first on The Stream.
Going Forward
—BETH MOORE — So, what do we do now? What do we do in this world, in this day, in this time, in this era? In this climate of increasing hostility toward Christians? How do we glorify God and do people good... The post Going Forward appeared first on The Stream.
Healthy People 2020 and the Decade of Vaccines by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
Healthy People 2020 and the Decade of Vaccines by Sherri Tenpenny Green Med Info., 5 July 2015 *Healthy People 2020's latest recommendations are vast in scope and include government intrusion into nearly ever conceivable area of personal life and health, including a National Vaccine Plan.* While it appears that the *recent measles hysteria* pushed a button that rocketed nearly all 50 states to introduce vaccine bills simultaneously, calling to restrict and/or remove vaccine exemptions for children, the plan has actually been evolving for a long time. The flurry of legislat... more »
IAI and Thales have integrated a new NATO STANAG 7085 datalink capability on Heron MALE UAV
[image: IAI Heron UAV]Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) and Thales have conducted, in Israel, risk reduction flight tests for the integration of Thales and Elisra’s NATO STANAG 7085 data link on board the Heron Medium-Altitude Long-Endurance unmanned aerial vehicle (MALE UAV). Through a joint effort between IAI and Thales, Thales’s data link terminal, the TMA 6000, together with Elisra Radio Frequency Modules and antennas, have been integrated on board the Heron system and successfully demonstrated in flight. During the flight test, both infrared and daylight videos were transmitte... more »
Water Planet - Water People - Water Universe?
You're here because the Water Planet wants it. You're here because the Water Planet needs it. You're here because you have an integral role to play in the running of this Water Planet. You're even born into this world via water, the water of your mother's womb. Everything is water; you, your birth place, your memory place. I don't even know what that role is, so don't ask me. I just know. Know. That this world being made of water and our being made of water is no coincidence. We are made for each other. We are one and the same being. I have no idea what the interface might be or ... more »
Kumari Kandam
[image: Bhagavata-Purana, 10th Skanda] This item comes up short. With no land movement whatsoever we have a land mass the size of Japan running between India and Madagascar. It is not continous but it is sufficient to facilitate human transport. All this could have flooded out as early as 10,000 years ago or alternately when Atlantis subsided, we could have had a similar subsidence here eliminating the key island chain. The later possiblity allows for the exrensive cultural history to be more current. A cursury review of Google maps will show you what i am referring to. Th... more »
DARPA Is Creating a New Internet
This is of course good news. The present solution was always the best temporary solution as oppose to what were hopeless non solutions. It was always meant to be superseded. I just did not think it would take twenty years. The promise is that it will be universally available inside of twelve months which appears optimistic. at least we can now be looking for it. We are on notice for a vastly improved search engine experience. . *DARPA Is Creating a New Internet, Based Around Search* *By Joshua Philipp, Epoch Times | June 23, 2015* * http://www.theepochtimes.com/n3/140162... more »
The Ridiculous Nature of Saudi Intelligence
[image: WikiLeaks] This release appears to be sent as a warning to the house of Saud rather that anything critical. Russia Maybe? They at least are in conversations. However the point is well made that an awful lot of intelligence analysis generally is ridiculous. That Saudi's is terrible merely confirms that the distribution is skewed terribly and we need to expect little of it. Do these folks ever think to read the Economist? At least that source pays for been wrong or simply stupid in terms of reputation. I would actually approach the Economist to cover areas of interest... more »
Desalination Technology Goes Off the Grid in India
First of, the cost of solar power keeps dropping. That means it is no longer the biggest single outlay. As well, hardware can even be improvised once power is available. Thus it has become practical to set up a crude desalination system anywhere. This will now easily roll out as well thanks to the explosion of local know how supported by the internet. So yes, sweet water can be made and cheap enough as well. . *Desalination technology goes off the grid in India by Brooks Hays Boston (UPI) * *Jun 22, 2015* * http://www.terradaily.com/reports/Desalination_tec... more »
More defence for less money
The EU is facing a dramatically aggravated security environment in the East and South of its borders. At the same time, the financial crisis has led to drastic uncoordinated cuts in the defence budgets of the EU Member States. On the eve of the European Council on Defence of 25th June, the European Parliament's Liberal group, ALDE, presented its Roadmap towards an Integrated EU Military. Read more
'Hackers' give orders to German missile battery
[image: Patriot system]German-owned Patriot missiles stationed in Turkey were briefly taken over by hackers, according to media reports on Tuesday. The attack took place on anti-aircraft ‘Patriot’ missiles on the Syrian border. The American-made weapons had been stationed there by the Bundeswehr (German army) to protect Nato ally Turkey. According to the civil service magazine, the missile system carried out “unexplained” orders. It was not immediately clear when these orders were carried out and what they were. Read more
Fighter jet, plane collide in deadly midair collision
An F-16 fighter jet smashed into a small plane Tuesday over South Carolina, killing two people and raining down plane parts and debris over a wide swath of marshes and rice fields. Two people were aboard the smaller Cessna, which was completely destroyed, and both died, National Transportation Safety Board spokesman Peter Knudson said. The pilot of the F-16 ejected and “is apparently uninjured,” he said. Lt. Jenny Hyden, a spokeswoman for Shaw Air Force Base in Sumter, said the pilot was taken to the base for observation. There are not yet any details on what caused the collision o... more »
India needs to have network centric airspace surveillance: DRDO
[image: DRDO logo]DRDO Director General, S Christopher, on Monday stressed on the need for having network centric airspace surveillance saying conventional military systems in isolation were likely to be less effective. He said that an early warning system was a force multiplier as the early information against the adversary provides required edge over it. Speaking at 23rd Prof DS Kothari memorial lecture on "Network Centric Airspace Surveillance: A Force Multiplier" at Defence laboratory, he advised the new scientific generation that in each stage of system development, "they shoul... more »
Special Report - Greece ( July 8 , 2015 ) - D- Day Summit Set for This Weekend ( Saturday Key EWG - Deal Or No Deal Time / Sunday Full EU - To Consider Plan B ? ) ..... European Parliament Debate This Morning Could Set tone though ( Tsipras / Tusk / Juncker Set To Give Speeches ) ..... State Of Play ( ECB Indicates ELA Could Be Cut If Weekend Is a Failure , What Proposals Will / Can Greece Offer That Satisfy Troika and Greece Electorate After Sunday's Referendum , Grexit / Default Openly discussed Now , Germany roiled , Is There Any Way Ou Politically for The Parties ? ) ...... Economic Odds and Ends......
Evening Tweets.... Eleni Varvitsiotis retweeted *Europe Decides* @EuropeDecides 13h13 hours ago Some of the key quotes from this morning's European Parliament #GreeceDebate #EPlenary #GreeceCrisis Donald Tusk, a.tsipras, Manfred Weber and 7 others Yiannis Mouzakis retweeted *Ian Talley* @IanTalley 6h 6 hours ago After long hedging on Greek debt, the US ups the pressure on Germany by urging restructuring: http://on.wsj.com/1LWHsKv [image: Embedded image permalink] Yiannis Mouzakis retweeted *Tara Palmeri* @tarapalmeri 4h 4 hours ago What Plan B? ... more »
Malta signs for third AW139 search-and-rescue helicopter
The Armed Forces of Malta (AFM) is to exercise its option for a third AgustaWestland AW139 search-and-rescue (SAR) and maritime patrol helicopter, national media reported on 7 July. The government has signed a EUR14 million (USD15.4 million) contract for the helicopter, which will be financed by the European Borders Fund and Internal Security Fund. The report in the Malta Independent newspaper did not reveal a proposed delivery date for the third helicopter. Readmore
China's first aircraft carrier battle group to be formed next year
[image: Liaoning CV]China's first aircraft carrier battle group is expected to be formed next year to make up for the shortcoming of the limited combat radius of its existing fleets, according to a report by xinhuanet.com, run by Beijing's mouthpiece, Xinhua News Agency. Citing the Military-Industrial Courier, a Russia-based weekly, the report said that escorted by 12 vessels of different classes, China's first carrier, the "Liaoning," which was purchased from Ukraine in 1998, embarked on its first blue-water passage in early 2014. This means that China is considering different appr... more »
India in talks with Russia to lease new modern, world-class nuclear attack submarine
[image: RFS Severodvinsk (K-329)]India is in final talks with Russia to lease a new nuclear attack submarine, giving a much needed boost to its depleting underwater fleet. Signaling a difference in approach by the Modi-led government, India is now looking to lease a newly built, customised submarine, unlike in the past when older vessels were refurbished and handed over. Several sources related to the project that ET spoke with confirmed that talks on leasing a new submarine under the 'Chakra 3' project are in advanced stages and that the issue will be discussed during Prime Minist... more »
Anti-sub copter acquisition delay has Navy in dire straits
[image: SH-70B Seahawk]Indian warships continue to operate on the high seas without the critical multi-role helicopters that can detect and destroy enemy submarines. At a time when Chinese submarines are docking even at Karachi, the Navy is still nowhere near getting the advanced choppers due to the government's slow decision-making process. Adding another jolt to the Navy's 15-year-old quest for new multi-role helicopters (MRH), American firm Sikorsky has demanded a steep hike from India for the proposed acquisition of 16 of its S-70B choppers on the ground that contract finaliz... more »
Japan’s P-1 Submarine Hunter Will Make Historic Flight in Britain
[image: Kawasaki P-1 MPA]Japan’s P-1 maritime patrol aircraft will become the first aircraft with the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force to perform in a European airshow after Japan announced it will perform in this month’s Royal International Air Tattoo in Britain. The announcement comes as Kawasaki Heavy Industries, builder of the P-1, continues its push to find international buyers for the aircraft that compares to Boeing’s P-8 maritime patrol aircraft, which is flown by the U.S. Navy. Japan will send two P-1s to Britain with one on display and the other performing in the airs... more »
Russian Navy's New Sonar Can 'Hear' Every Sub Anywhere
[image: Project 677 Lada class Project 1650 Amur class SSK]Powerful sonar capable of “hearing” fourth generation nuclear submarines lurking in the deep will undergo trials at Russia’s Northern Fleet before the end of this year. The transmitter/receiver unit of the Batareya (Battery) sonar will be lowered to around 300 meters into the water 30 kilometers from the White Sea coast to pick up submarine sounds and send the date up via a fiber optic cable, said Sergei Tsygankov, one of the new sonar’s designers. “We went for exactly this method of data transmission because not a single W... more »
Philippines ramps up military spending in face of China threat
[image: F/A-50 Golden Eagle]The Philippines plans to ramp up military spending over the next 13 years, earmarking more than $20 billion to modernise its forces in the face of Beijing's maritime ambitions in the disputed South China Sea, a top air force official told Reuters. Major-General Raul del Rosario, military chief of plans, said the blueprint includes installing radars and sensors, and buying equipment such as submarines, frigates, fighters, surveillance planes and missile systems. "By the time, we complete this plan, we will have complete coverage of the South China Sea," sa... more »
Military Photo of the Day: July 8, 2015
An MH-60S Seahawk helicopter picks up cargo from the the USNS Tippecanoe on July 5, 2015. Thank you to Mass Communications 3rd Class David A. Cox for taking this photograph! The post Military Photo of the Day: July 8, 2015 appeared first on The Stream.
Britain at 'SIGNIFICANT risk from Putin's new undetectable torpedo-firing submarines'
[image: Project-865 Piranha SSM]Russia is developing a fleet of mini-submarines which could pose a "significant" threat to Britain, it has been revealed. President Vladimir Putin is set to recommission the virtually undetectable Piranha vessels as part of a £230million military spending spree. Piranhas, which can lay mines and fire torpedoes, were developed but axed during the Cold War. Read more
Greece Has Until Sunday To Avoid Bankruptcy
*Washington Post*: *Europe gives Greece 5 days to avoid bankruptcy* ATHENS — An emergency summit of European leaders called to salvage Greece’s financial rescue broke up acrimoniously late Tuesday night, with officials saying the country now has just five days to avoid bankruptcy. Following a day’s worth of talks aimed at finding a way out of months of bitter deadlock, European leaders were scathing in their assessments of Greece’s proposals, calling them inadequate and demanding the Greek government return with a detailed plan by Thursday. The leaders of all 28 European Union mem...more »
How I became a creditor in a bankruptcy
In April or May 2013, I decided to move a somewhat large amount of money to MSD, the Metropolitan Cooperative Savings Union (the largest Czech de facto bank among those that weren't officially a "bank") because someone else was satisfied and the interest rates on their saving accounts and deposits were high. You could have gotten over 4 percent a year – the drop to at most 1% in these two years was dramatic. If you know how much "good luck" your humble correspondent has, you can postdict what happened. Even though the union had existed since the 1990s, for 15 years or so, it was fro... more »
China Is Now Experiencing Its Own Version Of The 1929 Stock Market Crash
Already, there are warning signs of a slowdown, similar to those that front-ran the 1929 crash Photo: Reuters *Jeremy Warner, The Telegraph*: *The really worrying financial crisis is happening in China, not Greece* China looks like it is heading for its version of the 1929 stock market crash. While all Western eyes remain firmly focused on Greece, a potentially much more significant financial crisis is developing on the other side of world. In some quarters, it’s already being called China’s 1929 – the year of the most infamous stock market crash in history and the start of the ec... more »
Leaked Document Reveals Plans For Massive Cuts In The U.S. Army
*USA Today*: *Army plans to cut 40,000 troops* The Army plans to cut 40,000 soldiers from its ranks over the next two years, a reduction that will affect virtually all of its domestic and foreign posts, the service asserts in a document obtained by USA TODAY. The potential troop cut comes as the Obama administration is pondering its next moves against the Islamic State militant group in Iraq and Syria. President Obama said Monday he and military leaders had not discussed sending additional troops to Iraq to fight the Islamic State. There are about 3,500 troops in Iraq. "This will... more »
Islamic State Now Boasting That They Have Surface-To-Air Missiles
nshr.co *Nancy A. Youssef, Daily Beast: **Oh, Great. Now ISIS Says It Can Shoot Down Aircraft* ISIS is already plenty dangerous on the ground. New photos show it threatening targets in the sky, as well. The self-proclaimed Islamic State released photos showing its fighters using surface-to-air missiles in Egypt’s restive Sinai, the terror group’s latest effort to strike at the biggest advantage its enemies hold: airpower. That ISIS could potentially shoot down aircraft near the Israeli border, where the Israelis frequently launch strikes, was especially worrying, experts said. “... more »
Who Will Leave Office First, Syrian President Bashar Assad Or US President Barack Obama?
*Business Insider: **The US defense secretary just gave a very telling answer to a question about Obama and Assad* At a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on Tuesday, Republican presidential candidate and US Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) asked Defense Secretary Ash Carter: Who will leave office first, Syrian President Bashar Assad or US President Barack Obama? The Pentagon chief reportedly answered, "I hope Assad, but I don't think so." Carter's answer highlights the basic contradiction of the US policy regarding Assad. Over the past four years, the Obama administr... more »
Fiscal Irresponsibility 30, Grexit is another socialist failure
Hey Joe, what's happening? An economy that has been on budget deficit for decades should not aspire to have a fiscal surplus? Always living beyond one's means, never living below one's means? Populist but lousy, Joe. These are screen shots of Joe Stiglitz's tweets last night. The man is playing populist politics here. Tsipras and the Greek majority have declared loudly and clearly that they won't aspire for fiscal surplus, that endless deficit and borrowings are cool and their entitlement mentality is correct. Simply because they are in the Eurozone, they shd be entitled to e ndless... more »
Donald Trump is a Bad Deal for the GOP
Poor Donald Trump. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. For years, wherever The Donald went, he met people who told him he should run for president. His retinue of sycophants surely saw little to gain from explaining that “birthers,”... The post Donald Trump is a Bad Deal for the GOP appeared first on The Stream .
Quote of the day: The reason central banks were created …
*“Central banks were not created to ‘stabilise’ economies, but to fund governments.” *- George Selgin, speaking this morning at OCON2015 Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
China Market Meltdown !!!! July 8 , 2015 - Gravity has not been repealed - unfortunately chinese stock investors getting that news three weeks too late ! Lessons learned - ( 1) Stocks go down as well as up ; (2) margin debt is bad news , home gamers !
Tweets...... *SoberLook.com* @SoberLook 1m1 minute agoNew York, USA Chart: China's stock market unravels; full panic mode - [image: Embedded image permalink] *fred walton* @fredwalton216 20s 21 seconds ago fred walton retweeted lemasabachthani Rescue effort failing - 3 Future Indexes down daily limits of 10 % ! fred walton added, *lemasabachthani* @lemasabachthani *CSI 300, CSI 500 AND SSE 50 INDEX FUTURES ALL FALL 10% *George Chen* @george_chen 11m 11 minutes ago BREAKING: 180ETF and 50ETF, 2 of China's 4 biggest exchange-traded funds down 10% daily limit despite ... more »
Feds Discover Their Own Aid is to Blame for Rising Tuition
A new report by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York has found that the massive investment in grants and student loans by the federal government is a major contributor to the unbridled growth in the cost of attending college. College tuition... The post Feds Discover Their Own Aid is to Blame for Rising Tuition appeared first on The Stream.
TV Watch: USA's "Mr. Robot" brings us yet another of those fiendishly world-conquering villains from Scandinavia
*Episode 3 of Mr. Robot airs tomorrow night on USA Network.* *by Ken* I admit that the first thing that put me off of USA's new series *Mr. Robot* was the title. Wouldn't you assume that a show called *Mr. Robot* is about robots, or at least *one* robot? And I wasn't in the market for a show about robots, which sounded suspiciously like an offshoot of the vampire/zombie genre, which I don't participate in. Fortunately, Noah tipped me off withthe advisory that it's his favorite TV offering since *Breaking Bad*, which, coming from him, is exalted praise indeed. So I confirmed that t... more »
Musical Interlude: Leonard Cohen, “Everybody Knows”
Leonard Cohen, “Everybody Knows” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lin-a2lTelg
What is going on now in Greece and what the people should do next to restart their country. Costas Lapavistsas lays it out.
------------------------------ *Syriza MP: It's Time to Take Over the Banks (2/2)* Paul Jay discusses the results of the Greek referendum with Costas Lapavitsas and asks whether Syriza was prepared for this moment - July 6, 2015 Original Here https://youtu.be/A-x-IlOW19M?list=PLhvPB4lyc4dRGni9nReqS0cmq8pufU_E4 https://youtu.be/7LoTv2OG7-Y?list=PLhvPB4lyc4dRGni9nReqS0cmq8pufU_E4 Bio . Costas Lapavitsas is a professor in economics at the University of London School of Oriental and African Studies. He teaches the political economy of finance, and he's a regular columnist for The G... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“The universe is filled with galaxies. But to see them astronomers must look out beyond the stars of our own galaxy, the Milky Way. This colorful Hubble Space Telescopic portrait features spiral galaxy NGC 6384, about 80 million light-years away in the direction of the constellation Ophiuchus. At that distance, NGC 6384 spans an estimated 150,000 light-years, while the Hubble close-up of the galaxy's central region is about 70,000 light-years wide. * Click image for larger size.* The sharp image shows details in the distant galaxy's blue star clusters and dust lanes along magnifice... more »
"It Remains True..."
"There is no need to sally forth, for it remains true that those things which make us human are, curiously enough, always close at hand. Resolve, then, that on this very ground, with small flags waving and tiny blasts of tiny trumpets, we shall meet the enemy, and not only may he be ours, he may be us." - Walt Kelly
"As Afraid As The Next Man..."
“I was as afraid as the next man in my time and maybe more so. But with the years, fear had come to be regarded as a form of stupidity to be classed with overdrafts, acquiring a venereal disease or eating candies. Fear is a child's vice and while I loved to feel it approach, as one does with any vice, it was not for grown men and the only thing to be afraid of was the presence of true and imminent danger in a form that you should be aware of and not be a fool if you were responsible for others.” - Ernest Hemingway, “True at First Light”
"The Needs Of The Many..."
"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few... or the one." - Spock, "The Wrath of Khan"
"Look, I want to love this world as though it's the last chance I'm ever going to get to be alive and know it." - Mary Oliver
"The Ants of Gaia"
"The Ants of Gaia" by Joe Bageant "The power of population is so superior to the power of the earth to produce subsistence for man, that premature death must in some shape or other visit the human race. The vices of mankind are active and able ministers of depopulation. They are the precursors in the great army of destruction, and often finish the dreadful work themselves. But should they fail in this war of extermination, sickly seasons, epidemics, pestilence, and plague advance in terrific array, and sweep off their thousands and tens of thousands. Should success be still incomp... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Moosehorn, Manitoba, Canada. Thanks for stopping by.
"Avoiding Negative Vibrations: Taking on the Energy of Others"
*"Avoiding Negative Vibrations: Taking on the Energy of Others"* by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM "In order to protect ourselves from taking on any negative energy from other people or situations, we can learn to shield. There are times when you may find that being around certain individuals or groups of people leaves you with feelings of discomfort. It may be that spending time with a particular friend feels draining or that dealing with a specific coworker exhausts you. Being around toxic or angry people is also draining. And you may even find that being surrounded by a crowd of pe... more »
Q: What is the cause of the #GreekCrisis ?
What is inflation? Despite what you’ve heard, it’s not rising prices – although that may be one of the *effects*. So ask then, what is the cause of the Greek tragedy? Answer: Inflation. The Greek Government borrowed without the means to repay. Never mind prices, *this* is inflation. And what you’re seeing now is its results. Let me stress again … *By inflation, I don’t refer to rising consumer prices in Athens. My Greek friends tell me that prices have been steady there in recent years. The focus on prices is the greatest sleight of hand ever perpetrated. It diverts your attenti... more »
Feinstein and Califano
October 30, 1996 Medical Marijuana Use Winning Backing By CAREY GOLDBERG *LOS ANGELES, Oct. 29— *The Clinton Administration has condemned it as a cynical hoax, the Republican Presidential candidate, Bob Dole, has denounced it as dangerous, and in a letter released today, former Presidents George Bush, Gerald R. Ford and Jimmy Carter call it a threat to the public health of ''all Americans.'' But in the battle over Proposition 215, the California initiative that would legalize the medical use of marijuana for people with AIDS, cancer and other diseases, polls show voters leaning... more »
Crisis Management
National Security Decision Directives (NSDD) were issued by President Ronald Reagan and his Assistants to the President for National Security Affairs to set forth official national security policy for the guidance of the defense, intelligence, and foreign policy establishments of the United States Government. Presidential administrations have issued similar numbered papers to guide policy since the formation of the National Security Council (NSC) in 1947. Each directive was given a number assigned in sequence in order of issuance. The originals of these documents are presidential ... more »
Rupert Murdoch, Rhodes-Rothschild and De Beers
"After cashing out of the diamond business, *Nicky Oppenheimer has moved into investing.* The Oppenheimer family ended its 85-year reign atop diamond giant De Beers in 2012 when Nicky sold his 40% stake to mining conglomerate *Anglo American for $5.1 billion in cash. Anglo American, which Nicky's grandfather founded, now controls 85% of De Beers;* the government of Botswana owns the remaining 15%. *Nicky Oppenheimer served on Anglo American's board for 37 years through 2011, and he retains an estimated 1.8% stake in the company. *His E. Oppenheimer & Son entity controls investment...more »
The Fate of a Nation - by David Friedman (1995)
The Fate of a Nation : On the eve of the 21st Century, three economies--the Wired, the Kluge and the Provincial--are struggling for dominance in America. Only one of them promises high wages and continued growth, but it does not have a political voice. August 20, 1995|David Friedman | *David Friedman, an urban economist, was director of the New Economy Project and is president of an international business consulting firm* More than class or race, three divisions increasingly define America: ** The Wired economy .* The densely packed concentration of entrepreneurs and companies in... more »
U.S. Commitment And Promises To Build Up An Effective Syrian Rebel Army Has Failed Miserably
Hosam Katan/Reuters *Jamie Dettmer, Daily Beast:* *Unreliable Syrian Recruits for an Unworkable Obama Army to Fight ISIS* Only a handful of volunteers signed up for the training program, and many of them quit for Ramadan. ISTANBUL — An “update on our strategy to degrade and destroy” the Islamic State is how the White House has been promoting President Barack Obama’s remarks Monday at the Pentagon. The president talked about a “systematic campaign of airstrikes” against the extremists and of increasing support to forces fighting the militants in Iraq, but when it came to Syria Obam... more »
What Happened When Portugal Decriminalised Drugs [updated]
*Guest post by **Anything Peaceful* On July 1, 2001, Portugal did something extraordinary: it quit the war on drugs — or, at least, the war on drug *users* — by decriminalising all controlled substances. Portugal still tries to stop the supply of drugs, but, in the last fourteen years, it has not sent people to prison for possessing or using drugs. The decision was all the more remarkable because the country really did seem to have a problem with drugs: Portugal was in the middle of an “addiction epidemic,” with 1 in 100 Portuguese addicted to heroin. But since the shift in poli... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- July 7, 2015
*Elias Papaioannou, Richard Portes and Lucrezia Reichlin, Reuters:* *Before Greece becomes a failed state, here’s how to stop the slide* The “No” has prevailed. But given the campaign and the ambiguous messages on both sides of the struggle over whether and how Greece should repay its debts, the results cannot be read as a no to Europe. Europe needs Greece, and Greece needs Europe, regardless of the results of Sunday’s referendum. That reality must be the guiding principle in negotiations between Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras’ government and the European Union. *Commentaries, Ana... more »
Alice Embree : METRO | Jefferson Davis has no place on UT’s Main Mall
Students and the public are making their voices heard at forums on the UT campus. By Alice Embree | The Rag Blog | July 7, 2015 What: University of Texas at Austin Public Forum Date: Wednesday, July 15, 2015 Time: … finish reading Alice Embree : *METRO* | Jefferson Davis has no place on UT’s Main Mall
Catholic Priest Feared Kidnapped by Islamist Militants in Syria
Islamist militants reportedly kidnapped a parish priest in northwestern Syria, the latest Christian figure to fall victim to the ongoing Syrian war. An overseeing body for Franciscan missionaries in the Middle East lost contact with the Rev. Dhiya Aziz after he was taken for a “brief... The post Catholic Priest Feared Kidnapped by Islamist Militants in Syria appeared first on The Stream.
Thomas Sowell at 85: Looking Back
After my 85th birthday last week, I looked back over my life and was surprised to discover in how many different ways I had been lucky, in addition to some other ways in which I was unlucky. Among the things... The post Thomas Sowell at 85: Looking Back appeared first on The Stream.
Neocon Propagandist Accuses Texas “Right Wingers” of being Tools of Vladimir Putin
Since the onset of hostilities in Ukraine last winter, the Obama regime and the State Department have been churning out some real whoppers in order to juice arms sales to European client states. The reviled Russian leader Vladimir Putin has become America’s version of Emmanuel Goldstein and the shills in the media ministry of propaganda are eager to provide the woefully uninformed sheep with their “Two Minutes Hate” to jump start the Cold War. The prime motivation behind foolishly instigating a conflict with a nuclear armed Russia always seems to have been based on profiteering f... more »
World News Briefs -- July 7, 2015 (Evening Edition)
*Voice of America:* *Greece Offers Bailout 'Improvements,' Angers European Leaders * PARIS - Debt-wracked Greece said Tuesday that it had made "improvements" in its financial plan in hopes of collecting more bailout money, but it angered European leaders when its leaders showed up at a summit in Brussels without a written proposal. An Athens official said the plan calls for reforms, investment and debt settlement. The top finance chief in Europe's 19-nation euro currency bloc, Jeroen Dijsselbloem of the Netherlands, said he expected Greece to formally ask for a new bailout as ear... more »
Hey! Hey! Hey! It’s Chris Christie!
*"I mean what I say and I say what I mean, and that's what America needs right now,"* *-Chris Christie* Arriving on the scene like a charging RINO, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie officially waddled his way into an already bursting at the seams Republican presidential field. Christie’s belated entry has been a foregone conclusion ever since his campaign went live with the website on Saturday. The Garden State boss man made his announcement at his alma matter, Livingston High School where he worked to sell himself as a man of the people who vowed to put the shards of the shatte... more »
Secret Court Reinstates Obama’s NSA Stasi Domestic Phone Spying Program
Just in time for Independence Day the Obama occupying government provided another example of just how “free” that we really are. In a ruling on Monday the ultra-secret surveillance court "temporarily" reinstated those “illegal” domestic phone data collection programs what were allegedly reformed by the USA Freedom Act last month. So much for that happy horseshit about surveillance reform bandied about by all of the political phonies and liberal elitists with their premature victory lap. It is easy to trump the courts and silly privacy advocates when the government has their own se... more »
"A Good Place..."
“A good place to look for wisdom is where you least expect to find it: in the minds of your opponents. You already know the ideas common on your own side. If you can take off the blinders of the myth of pure evil, you might see some good ideas for the first time.” - Jonathan Haidt So, please do visit this site, often: - http://middleoftheright.blogspot.com/
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