Latest news and stories from BleepingComputer.com
Firefox Blocks Adobe Flash
Firefox blocks Flash, and Facebook calls for its death - Jul. 14, 2015 Â QUOTE: Mozilla blocked Flash9 hrs ago -
Vipre Antivirus false positive in Quickbooks' dbdata11.dll file
Reports are coming in about Vipre anti-virus quarantining the QuickBooks dbdata11.dll file. Due to thisJune 26, 2015 -
ATTN all computer techs: Live show for real IT Pros (+ meet-upand#33;)
I thought that many of those who are in the IT industry, or aspiring to be, would find this interestingJune 22, 2015
USA Partisan
Ever Wonder Which Words Will Flag You as a Terrorist?
By now, we all know that the NSA is spying on us. They read our emails, our texts, our Facebook posts1 hr ago -
More depressed scientists
From the “weepy Bill McKibben” department. Climate alarmists were out rattling their doomsday10 hrs ago -
Boycotting Israel Continues to Rise–Regime Panics! – Veterans Today
New York Times: “Israel seems as terrified by the ‘exponential’ growth of the Palestinian16 hrs ago
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Black Agenda Report
Black Agenda Radio for Week of July 13, 2015
American Revolution Racist SOcialist Alternative Seattle Austerity Rendering Detroit Unfit for HabitationJuly 13, 2015 -
Black Self Determination Matters
After Ferguson black mass incarceration by BAR executive editor Glen Ford After two generations ofJuly 8, 2015 -
Greece, Debt and Democracy
Detroit austerity Greece By BAR editor and senior columnist Margaret Kimberley From Athens to Detroit theJuly 8, 2015
Climate Resistance
Brian Cox’s Weird Science
Brian Cox — of wide-eyed BBC science spectaculars fame — is lauded as one of science’sJune 16, 2015 -
What Do Psychologists Have to Say About Climate Change?
One of the least-explored but most revealing things about the climate change debate (such as it is) is theJune 9, 2015 -
The Apollo Lords – Shooting for the Stars? Or the Foot?
The climate debate has seen much history dragged into the present, to be served up again as hollowJune 4, 2015
The Daily Bell RSS News Feed
Greece Finds Real Money
Greece is ahead of the economic curve. While the rest of the world is stuck with various state-sponsored20 hrs ago -
An Austrian Economists Advice for Greece and the EU
For months, now, the mass media and the financial markets have anxiously watched and waited to see the20 hrs ago -
FBI Director Comey is a Maniac
When the successor to the chair of J. Edgar Hoover feels he must reassure the nation that he is not aJuly 13, 2015
AboveTopSecret.com Top Topics
10,000 year old giants of the Sahara (65 flags)
Not still alive, but the Kiffians of the Sahara dating back some 10,000 years ago were a very tall peopleMay 27, 2015 -
Restricted until 2063 (39 flags)
the author leaks a supposedly official document from the National Archives restricting access to anMay 27, 2015 -
I found out False Flags are done with Tranced Individuals (38 flags)
You know what CIA and NSA do -other than spying - they read news all day. Open source information gatheringMay 27, 2015
Accuracy In Academia
Wisconsin Professor Claims Scott Walker Shares “Terrifying” Similarities
If a sociology professor said this about Barack Obama or any Democrat, you would hear more outrage from the4 hrs ago -
Scott Walker may consider Online Classes to Finish His College Degree while
What a neat thing to happen, if he does make it into the White House after the 2016 elections. He could be6 hrs ago -
Tuition Increases Swallow Up Financial Aid Packages
Two-thirds of financial aid packages are swallowed up by tuition increases. Federal Reserve Bank study8 hrs ago
Al Jazeera English
NASA spacecraft calls home after passing Pluto
New Horizons confirms it has passed dwarf planet, capturing pictures after a near decade-long journey.23 mins ago -
Cheers and jeers greet Iran nuclear deal
US President Obama says agreement offers a chance to reset ties with Tehran, but Israel PM calls it "1 hr ago -
UK radio campaign launched to stop girls joining ISIL
British police concerned that summer holidays could see more schoolgirls travel to Syria to join armed1 hr ago
AllThingsD » Walt Mossberg
Top Products in Two Decades of Tech Reviews
This is my last column for The Wall Street Journal, after 22 years of reviewing consumer technologyDecember 17, 2013 -
Diabetes Data Beamed to Your Phone
Home medical devices, as opposed to fitness products like activity-measuring wrist bands, have too oftenDecember 10, 2013 -
Two Houses, One Cable TV Bill
Q: I have a vacation home and I am paying for cable service at two houses. Is there a practical way toDecember 10, 2013
altahrir, news of Islam, Muslims, Arab Spring and special Palestine
IOA approves the construction of 800 housing units near Bethlehem
BETHLEHEM, (PIC)– Israeli Housing and Construction Minister Uri Ariel approved by the end of last4 hrs ago -
Islamic Jihad leader released from Israeli jail
HEBRON (Ma’an) — A Palestinian administrative detainee was released Tuesday after spending 184 hrs ago -
Palestinian bystander shot by Israeli forces in Shufat loses eye
JERUSALEM (Ma’an) — A 55-year-old Palestinian lost an eye after he was hit by a sponge-tipped7 hrs ago
Animal Emotions
Dogs' Noses Know More Than Doctors About Cancer Detection
Dogs are highly accurate in sniffing out various cancers and outperform humans. One researcher goes as farJuly 11, 2015 -
A Tale of Two Brains: Are Two Really Better than One?
A recent study of brain-melding -- wiring together the brains of different animals -- raises many importantJuly 11, 2015 -
Beyond Words: A New Book About What Animals Think and Feel
Award-winning scientist Carl Safina's "Beyond Words: What Animals Think and Feel" is anJuly 5, 2015
RSS Feed
Iran’s Inflexibility on Enrichment a Barrier to Progress on Nuclear Deal
By Daryl G. Kimball Officials involved in the high-stakes negotiations aimed at reaching a comprehensiveSeptember 27, 2014 -
The P5+1 and Iran Nuclear Talks Alert, September 25
By the research staff of the Arms Control Association. To get this P5+1 and Iran Nuclear Talks AlertSeptember 25, 2014 -
The P5+1 and Iran Talks Are Complicated Enough Without Partisan Senate
By Kelsey Davenport U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry meets with Iranian Foreign Minister Javad ZarifSeptember 22, 2014
Australian Climate Madness
Climate Council: junk science leads to record levels of alarmism
The Climate Council is nothing more than an alarmism generating machine. Every year the level of hysteriaFebruary 7, 2015 -
Coalition infighting will see return to bad old days of Labor – including a
The Coalition seems to have a healthy self-destruct instinct which it must have inherited from theFebruary 5, 2015 -
Journalist feels the wrath of climate jihadists
‘In a few years, self-defence is going to be made a valid defence for patricide, so Rose’sFebruary 1, 2015
BBC News - Home
IMF attacks EU over Greek bailout
The International Monetary Fund attacks the bailout deal eurozone leaders have offered to keep the country1 hr ago -
China's 7% growth beats expectations
Growth in the world's second largest economy beat expectations in the second quarter, but it was still42 mins ago -
Nasa probe survives Pluto encounter
A signal received from the New Horizons spacecraft shows that it survived its historic encounter with Pluto1 hr ago
BBC News - England
Council opposes land for Sikh school
A city council is opposing a request to hand over an area of land for the site of a new free Sikh school inJuly 13, 2015 -
Starved boy's mother dies in jail
A mother who starved and murdered her four-year-old son has died in jail, the Ministry of Justice has said.10 hrs ago -
Fire recruits 'degraded and abused'
Two senior firefighters took part in initiation ceremonies that degraded recruits who were also indecently2 hrs ago
Radley Balko
These 13 People Were Killed By The War On Drugs. Their Lives Were The Cost
This story was first published in April 2013. America's long drug war has produced countlessApril 18, 2014 -
An Interview With Sam Dalton, Now In His Seventh Decade Of Criminal Defense
The year 2013 marked the 50th anniversary of two landmark Supreme Court cases in criminal defense law. InDecember 30, 2013 -
Militarizing Santa Claus
A couple years ago, I wrote a story about efforts by citizens in the town of Keane, New Hampshire, to blockDecember 27, 2013
Bartholomew's Notes on Religion
New Mexico Congressman Helps Build Evangelical Links in Belarus
From the Albuquerque Journal , at the end of May: Rep. Steve Pearce… flew alone to Belarus on aJuly 8, 2015 -
Kamal Saleem Doubles Down on “Obama is a Muslim” Conspiracy Theories
Fake ex-terrorist Kamal Saleem (background here ) is still doing the rounds – from the Hill CountryJuly 7, 2015 -
David Aaronovitch Responds To Critics of Satanic Ritual Abuse Documentaries
David Aaronovitch has written an exhaustive response to criticisms of his recent BBC Radio 4 documentariesJuly 6, 2015
Beyond Meds
We are dead stars, looking back up at the sky. Says NASA astronomer
Every atom in our bodies was fused in an ancient star. NASA astronomer Dr. Michelle Thaller explains how7 hrs ago -
Come into the full potential of our humanity: neuroplasticity, complete
I now have the distinct sense that healing for me is also transforming me into more than I ever was. ThisJuly 10, 2015 -
F*ck That: A Guided Meditation
If you're offended by expletives you may not want to do this meditation...otherwise please have funJuly 8, 2015
Biased BBC
I bet Israel was DELIGHTED by this news from our strictly impartial National Broadcaster…. Honest7 hrs ago -
I took part in a debate on BBC5 live today regard the future of the BBC. One of my opponents was the rather7 hrs ago -
Time for a new one of these for your completion! The floor is yours…July 13, 2015
BlackListed News
Scientist who studied health effects of 9/11 dust dies at 68
Lioy was an internationally renowned authority on exposure science. He received two lifetime achievement22 hrs ago -
Smart trash cans in NY expanding Wi-Fi hotspots
Waste management company Bigbelly equipped two of its smart bins with wireless internet in downtown22 hrs ago -
Your Cellphone May Be Hazardous To Your Child’s Mental Health
To find out the effect all those cellphone calls have on kids, ConsumerWatch did an informal playground22 hrs ago
Brave The World
Libertarian Party of Canada Platform
"My platform is simple: the ability to own a firearm runs parallel with freedom."July 8, 2015 -
Why I May be Resigning from the Canadian Libertarian Party
Well this may have been short lived. I joined the party as a way to market my message toJuly 3, 2015 -
Your 2 cents ChangeTip Contest!
Tweet your 2 cents at me for a chance to win some stuffJune 21, 2015
Blog: Posts
Civil Affairs Units Shifting Focus to Conflict Deterrence
Body: By Graham Kilmer U.S military civil affairs teams are shifting from reconstruction and post-combat8 hrs ago -
‘Dangerous World’ Rhetoric Not Driving Up Defense Spending
Body: By Sandra I. Erwin An alarmist chorus of military leaders and members of Congress is warning ofJuly 10, 2015 -
Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Nominee Dunford: Russia Greatest Threat to
Body: .ExternalClass5EAAFC1EFCDE4BCBAA41FAFCFDBE1BDB p.MsoNormalJuly 9, 2015
Business News Headlines - Yahoo! News
IMF calls for Greece debt relief ahead of bailout vote
By Renee Maltezou and Jan Strupczewski ATHENS/BRUSSELS (Reuters) - An International Monetary Fund study3 hrs ago -
Asian shares extend gains on reassuring China data
Asian stocks extended early gains on Wednesday after a raft of upbeat Chinese data reassured anxious13 mins ago -
China's growth steady at 7 percent as investment rebounds
China's economy grew an annual 7.0 percent in the second quarter, steady with the previous quarter and20 mins ago
COTO Report
We Need to Talk about Sandy Hook
Originally posted on COALITION OF THE OBVIOUS : This is the definitive and most informative documentary onDecember 5, 2014 -
Mowing the Lawn in Gaza
By Volaar “When thy intelligence shall cross beyond the whirl of delusion, then shalt thou becomeAugust 11, 2014
Caring for Survivors of Torture
Passings: 2014-2015
Helen Bamber: “I vowed never to be a bystander…” Historically, throughout much of the world, torture hasApril 2, 2015 -
How much does race matter?
2014 death toll far higher than widely known… As we approach the end of a truly harrowing year for raceDecember 15, 2014 -
“We want them back alive!”
Vivos se los llevantaron…vivos los queremos! “They were taken from us alive! We want them back aliveDecember 9, 2014
Center on Budget: Comprehensive News Feed
House Budget Committee Plan Cuts Pell Grants Deeply, Reducing Access to
The House Budget Committee budget plan calls for large cuts in Pell Grants, which help more than 8 millionMarch 24, 2015 -
Eliminating Estate Tax on Inherited Wealth Would Increase Deficits and
The House Ways and Means Committee is scheduled to consider a bill this week to repeal the federal estateMarch 24, 2015 -
Obama Budget Restores Housing Vouchers
Thanks to funding Congress provided in 2014 and 2015, state and local housing agencies are beginning toMarch 23, 2015
“Tempête du Sud”: Al-Nosra jette l’éponge !!!
IRIB- En plus du fiasco infligé à leur bataille, «Tempête du Sud», laquelle devait, en principeJune 30, 2015 -
Le Hezbollah défend l’intégrité du Liban ! par Richard Labévière
IRIB- Toujours inscrit sur les listes américaine et européenne des organisations terroristes, leJune 30, 2015
Coyote Blog
Best Possible Thing for Low-Skilled Workers: Having Others Get Rich off
I had an argument in a comment thread of one of Kevin Drum's minimum wage or some such posts (sorry, I4 hrs ago -
Hey, I Love Eating Alone in Public
There are few things I enjoy more when I am on the road alone or even at home with my family gone for some5 hrs ago -
Globalization and Start-Ups
In a comment on this article about declining startup activity and the growing average size of businesses ,6 hrs ago
Crikey » COLUMNS
Tips and Rumours: Young Labs run free forever
Looks like the yoof wing of the ALP doesn't even need the national conference for power plays and23 hrs ago -
Tips and rumours
Malcolm Turnbull at dinner with Leigh Sales and Annabel Crabb ,,, Young Labor infighting ... Cryptographers23 hrs ago
Dandelion Salad
The Problem of Greece is Not Only a Tragedy. It is a Lie. by John Pilger
Dandelion Salad by John Pilger crossposted from johnpilger.com July 14, 2015 An historic betrayal has4 hrs ago -
Sen. Bernie Sanders, I Have Some Questions For You by Lo
by Lo editor, Dandelion Salad July 11, 2015 To anyone working on Bernie Sanders‘ campaign. TheseJuly 11, 2015 -
“Guerrilla Warfare Against a Hegemonic Power”: The Challenge and Promise of
by Ellen Brown Writer, Dandelion Salad The Web of Debt Blog July 10, 2015 Banks create money when they makeJuly 10, 2015
Diary of a Heartland Radical
Thursday, April 9, 2015 Harry Targ Candidate Barack Obama’s most appealing campaign promise in 200811 hrs ago -
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONEJuly 7, 2015
Earthquake Will Destroy Pacific Northwest Coast
“An earthquake will destroy a sizable portion of the coastal Northwest. The question is when,”1 hr ago -
Sex Toys Dangling From Power Lines in Portland, OR
Some faux dangles are a-danglin’ over in Portland, Oregon. Instead of the played-out sneakers on3 hrs ago -
Psychologists are known for being liberal – but is that because they
It’s not that studying psychology made me a bleeding heart, but that studying psychology gave me a better5 hrs ago
The Doctor's Report
Ghana: a Shining Democracy Without Accountability
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONEJuly 4, 2013 -
How Could Japan Offer $32billion In Aid To Africa?
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONEJune 14, 2013 -
Why Are African Professors Becoming Politicians?
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONEJune 5, 2013
Drone Wars UK
Cameron further commits the UK to drone wars
David Cameron visits RAF Waddington and Coningsby – Credit BBC Radio Lincolnshire A year after theJuly 13, 2015 -
Cameron testing the water on British drone strikes in Syria
David Cameron with RAF pilots at Al Minhad Air Base in UAE, 2012 (credit Stefan Rousseau/PA) With theJuly 1, 2015 -
Blurred lines: Drones, the UK and the slippery slope to permanent war
Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) This week’s Guardian revelation that documents leaked byJune 25, 2015
(e) Science News - Biology & Nature
Algae, quinoa, legumes top list of alternative protein choices
Algae is evolving as the next new alternative protein source consumers are anxious to bite into as an7 hrs ago -
Male black widow spiders destroy female's web to deter rivals
Male black widow spiders destroy large sections of the female's web during courtship and wrap it up inJuly 13, 2015 -
Mysterious black leopards finally reveal their spots
James Cook University scientists have helped invent a clever technique to tell black leopards apart - a15 hrs ago
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The Fabius Maximus website
A warning about water: we’re exhausting our groundwater reservoirs
Summary: A groundbreaking study shows that nearly a third of all underground water basins are stressed and17 hrs ago -
Is our certain fate a coal-burning climate apocalypse? No!
Summary: The news media overflows with scary stories as we approach November’s United Nations ClimateJuly 13, 2015 -
Martin van Creveld says: To understand ISIS, see its history
Summary: To gain a perspective to understand the Islamic State, Martin van Creveld looks at the history ofJuly 12, 2015
Whistleblower Protection Blog
IRS Whistleblower Program Releases 2014 Report to Congress
On July 6, 2015 the Internal Revenue Service’s Whistleblower Office released its Report to Congress for the11 hrs ago -
Whistleblower Advocacy Group Campaigns For National Whistleblower Day
The National Whistleblower Center issued an alert today asking its Action Alert Network to push Congress toJune 24, 2015 -
Senators Introduce Criminal Antitrust Anti-Retaliation Act
Washington, D.C. June 18, 2015. Yesterday Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley and RankingJune 18, 2015
Friends of Syria
Staged ISIS Beheading Video Hacked from McCain Staffer
Brought to you by Bin Laden Studios and Rita Katz’ infamous SITE Intelligence VT | TheJuly 13, 2015 -
U.S. Taxpayers Paid $851 a Minute to Train 60 “Moderate” Rebels
BY LEITH FADEL According to a report released by Vocativ, the United States GovernmentJuly 10, 2015 -
Tunisia, martial law called a week after the Sousse shootings, photos
Originally posted on A historic view of Syria and its place in the Arab world : Martial law: a state ofJuly 10, 2015
Unidentified Dong Dangler Hangs Up Hundreds of Dildos Around Portland
A specter is haunting Portland—the specter of dildos. Read more...54 mins ago -
On Tuesday, street artist Shepard Fairey turned himself in to Detroit
On Tuesday, street artist Shepard Fairey turned himself in to Detroit police, who issued a warrant for his1 hr ago -
Lawsuit: Alabama Cops Tasered, Bound and Gagged Teen Girl Having Seizure
A recently filed federal lawsuit has accused police officers in Alabama of tasering a 16-year-old girl2 hrs ago
The Green Life
Hiking Guru Shares Perfect Paths
Robert Manning is a hiking guru. At the University of Vermont, he researches and teaches park managment ,&#May 30, 2014 -
Defending The F-Word
The oil and gas industry dislikes the noun fracking , shorthand for hydraulic fracturing . ItMay 28, 2014 -
Not Your Grandparents’ Road Trip: 5 Green Reasons to Visit National Parks
Wailing children, crotchety parents, sand and sunscreen in uncomfortable places… you get the idea. IfMay 28, 2014
HealthLeadersMedia.com - Daily News & Analysis
Latest Choosing Wisely Grantees to Focus on Patients
The importance of reducing unneeded medical testing and medications can be a complicated message for15 hrs ago -
Bundled Payments' Disruptive Effects Detailed
Mandatory bundled payments for hip and knee surgeries would shutter one in four skilled nursing facilities15 hrs ago -
Tools for Assessing Nursing Quality Include Surveys
Interest in using a variety of staffing and nursing engagement surveys as a reportable quality indicator isJuly 13, 2015
The Intercept
Chatting in Secret While We’re All Being Watched
When you pick up the phone and call someone, or send a text message, or write an email, or send a Facebook7 hrs ago -
The Syrian Refugee Crisis Will Transform Middle East Politics
By the time the Arab-Israeli War of 1948 ended, Israeli forces had expelled about 700,000 Palestinian Arabs8 hrs ago -
ACLU Sues to Stop Bulk Phone-Data Collection, Even if it’s Only Temporary
The nation’s secretive surveillance court should not have reinstated the National Security Agency’s bulk9 hrs ago
In These Times
Laundromat Workers Air New York’s Dirty Laundry in Performance Piece
Nestled in the crevices between corner bodegas and twisted alleys, the corner laundromat is the town square9 hrs ago -
Saqib Bhatti Debunks the Inevitability of Austerity in Detroit, Chicago and
In 2013, Detroit became the largest city in the history of the United States to file bankruptcy. A host of10 hrs ago -
Richard Nixon’s Blueprint for Twenty-First Century America
Let me give you a reason that’s anything but historical for reading Tim Weiner’s remarkable new11 hrs ago
Indigenous Action Media
Morning Star Institute to Hold 13th Annual National Prayer Day for Sacred
JUNE 19-24 SET FOR 2015 NATIONAL SACRED PLACES PRAYER DAYS Editor’s note: Indigenous Action MediaJune 18, 2015 -
Power Lines Feature Film Trailer
Power Lines is a politically charged coming of age story about a young Diné (Navajo) poet who runs away andMay 14, 2015 -
Ecological Destruction Doesn’t Equal Diné Sovereignty
In 2009 Joe Shirley Jr., then president of the Navajo Nation issued a press release stating, “April 18, 2015
Inter Press Service
Latin America Has Beaten Down, but not Beaten, HIV/AIDS
A group of children use bottle caps to create the red ribbon that symbolises the fight against AIDS, in one3 hrs ago -
Is Climate Change or ISIS the Greater Threat to Humankind?
Severe flooding is one of many devastating effects of climate change, as the Caribbean island nation5 hrs ago -
New Census Paints Grim Picture of Inequality in India
An elderly Indian couple sits outside their ‘home’, a barebones dwelling constructed from plastic sheeting6 hrs ago
The Invisible Opportunity: Hidden Truths Revealed
A ‘mini ice age’ is coming in the next 15 years – ScienceAlert
A new model that predicts the solar cycles more accurately than ever before has suggested that solar22 hrs ago -
Greece Just Lost Control Of Its Banks, And Why Deposit Haircuts Are
By Tyler Durden Yes, Greek banks may have been insolvent – something that was clear since the first22 hrs ago -
Everything You Need to Know About the Greek Crisis and ECB Fascism in Two
Yanis Varoufakis just sat down for his first interview since resigning as Finance Minister of Greece. He23 hrs ago
Latest headlines
Cold Revenge
"Meretz is a loyal old party, saying all the right things, unblemished by corruption. Unfortunately it -
Military voyeurism or invasion of Syria?
"The ‘chemical weapons’ scenario seems to be the best cue for Washington and their western allies in -
Men and Women: Their Contributions to the World
"Even in the area of warfare, for which men had been paying price in terms of loss of life and limbs
Libya 360°
Lessons from Libya’s Destruction
By Tortilla Con Sal The following article is based on this interview, conducted last weekend: TheJuly 8, 2015 -
Criticisms of Caribbean Media for Not Publishing Maduro Decree on Esequibo
By David Comissiong It is a shame that not a single media house in the Caribbean has had theJuly 7, 2015 -
Venezuela Recalls Ambassador from Guyana Over Esequibo Dispute
By Rachael Boothroyd Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has temporarily withdrawn his government’sJuly 7, 2015
‘Black Art’
The Studio Museum in Harlem announced plans last week for a $122 million expansion to its 125th Street home8 hrs ago -
Fun Home
July 12, 2015 -
‘Secret Identities’
Driscoll Babcock Galleries presents Secret Identities: Suoerheroes and Selfhood, a group exhibitionJuly 9, 2015
Master Resource
James Hansen: Revisiting His False Alarms (10-year warning coming due!)
“We have at most ten years—not ten years to decide upon action, but ten years to alter fundamentally20 hrs ago -
AWED Energy & Environmental Newsletter: July 13, 2015
The Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (AWED) is an informal coalition of individuals and organizationsJuly 13, 2015 -
An Open Letter to Senator Hatch on the PTC
“The PTC offsets the high price of wind energy, giving the false impression that wind is competitiveJuly 10, 2015
Media Matters for America - Research Items
3 Deceptive Edits In The Video Claiming Planned Parenthood Is "Selling
A deceptive video from a conservative group purports to show a Planned Parenthood official discussing12 hrs ago -
Conservative Media Ignore The Differences Between Iran And North Korea
Conservative media figures reacted to the announced nuclear deal with Iran by comparing the deal with the16 hrs ago -
"Treason": Right-Wing Media Lament Historic Deal To Curb Iran'
Conservative media figures bombarded Twitter with accusations that President Obama committed "treason&11 hrs ago
New Content on CO2 Science
Crop Breeding for High Production, Water Use Efficiency & Albedo
It's a good way to confront mankind's growing need for food and the water needed to produce itSeptember 2, 2014 -
Biospheric Productivity (Global: The Recent Past) -- Summary
Since 1980 the Earth has weathered three of the warmest decades in the instrumental temperature record, aSeptember 2, 2014 -
Catastrophic Floods of Dartmoor, South West England
Are they few and far-between? ... or are they growing ever more frequent ... and ferocious?September 2, 2014
China's exports in June rise, but imports fall for the eighth month
Exports in the world's second largest economy, China, have risen, ending three20 hrs ago -
Mexico is offering 3.8 million dollars reward for the capture of drug lord
Mexico is offering a reward of 60 million pesos ($3.8m) for the capture of the20 hrs ago -
Hillary Clinton vows banks cannot be "too big to fail" since it&#
US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton criticized Wall Street and her Republican20 hrs ago
NME News
Thurston Moore streams new album 'The Best Day' – listen
The album will be released on October 20October 13, 2014 -
More tickets released for Damon Albarn at the Royal Albert Hall – on sale
The shows will take place on November 15 and 16October 13, 2014 -
Foo Fighters to premiere new track 'Something From Nothing' on
The track is the first from forthcoming album 'Sonic Highways'October 13, 2014
Nature News Blog - Posts
Contamination created controversial ‘acid-induced’ stem cells
Stem cells that were claimed to be created simply by exposing ordinary cells to stress were probablyDecember 28, 2014 -
US to lift ban on blood donations from gay men
The US Food and Drug Administration has announced plans to end a lifetime ban on blood donation for men whoDecember 24, 2014 -
Gates Foundation announces world’s strongest policy on open access research
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has announced the world’s strongest policy in support of openNovember 21, 2014
National Wind Watch: Wind Energy News
Town of Catlin bans windmills #NY
CATLIN, N.Y. – The winds of Catlin are free to roam, still unharnessed by a Florida-based company14 hrs ago -
NextEra won’t drop its lawsuit against Esther Wrightman #ON
Two years ago, I wrote a piece for NRO about a SLAPP suit (strategic lawsuit against public participation)14 hrs ago -
Livingston County wind farm advocates, opponents make final push #IL
FORREST – It’s a debate that’s raged for close to a year now in Livingston County. As the14 hrs ago
A mobility experience for everyone!
In the framework of their ‘Youth call for Europe', JEF France has called for an experience of mobilityJuly 9, 2015 -
Notes On the Greek Referendum's Result
After the recent Greek referendum a solution to the Greek question seems farther away than ever. TheJuly 9, 2015 -
The European Perspective - Greferendum
The outcome of the referendum in Greece is clear: they have said NO to the recent requirements of reformJuly 7, 2015
New Web Order
Securing Blockchain.info Users with Tor and SSL
Over the past couple of weeks there has been a marked increase in the number of man-in-the-middle (MITMDecember 3, 2014 -
FBI seizes fake Tor hosted Jihad funding website as part of Operation
As part of Operation Onymous the FBI seized some 276 Tor hidden services , many of which were clone or scamNovember 17, 2014 -
Large Number of Tor Hidden Sites Seized by the FBI in Operation Onymous
This post is the first in a series dealing with the takedown of Silk Road 2.0 and Operation Onymous . TheNovember 17, 2014
News For You
This might be the single most important paragraph of the Iran deal
Business Insider -
No, Earth is not heading toward a ‘mini ice age’
Washington Post q -
The Real Reason Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Neocons Hate the Iran Deal
Slate Articles q -
Why is the West Antarctic ice sheet melting? It may not be just global warming.
The Christian Science Monitor q
Big Picture News, Informed Analysis
See You in September (And a Few Words About the Pope)
New material won't be added to this blog until Autumn. You are invited to explore the six-years-worthJune 21, 2015 -
The Future Isn’t Ours to Dictate
It is not the business of today's politicians to decide which energy sources will be used 85 years fromJune 9, 2015 -
Will Rajendra Pachauri Be Held Accountable by Green Activists?
The environmental movement routinely demands accountability from third parties. When will it acknowledgeMay 29, 2015
Online Cancer Blog
Healthy Lifestyle Tips for Childhood Cancer Survivor
June 24, 2015 -
Taking Care of Eating Habits after Chemo
June 19, 2015 -
Alcohol Consumption and Risks of Breast Cancer
There has been significant research over the decades to prove the relation between alcohol consumption andMay 26, 2015
"And that’s why Lovecraftiana works so well for geek culture in 2015;
“ And that’s why Lovecraftiana works so well for geek culture in 2015; because we’re starting to see thoseJuly 13, 2015 -
"the rise of London as a symptom of the Piketty-complete industrial
“the rise of London as a symptom of the Piketty-complete industrial crony-capitalism system.” - Why I’mJune 30, 2015 -
(via Dave on Twitter: “KNOW YOUR CAR WARNING LIGHTS:...
(via Dave on Twitter: “KNOW YOUR CAR WARNING LIGHTS: http://t.co/wgs1qL09U4” )June 28, 2015
The PPJ Gazette
TS Radio: Another Scandal in Florida. 2nd hr./J Kristi Hood: terminology
Join us Sunday evening July 12th at 6:00 pm CST! 4:00 pm PST … 5:00 pm MST… 6:00 pm CST …July 12, 2015 -
King v. Burwell: The Fix Was Definitely In
Richard Amerling, M.D. ________________________________________ As I predicted back in March, the U.SJuly 11, 2015 -
The Boston Courts: A study in judicial shell games
Marti Oakley Commentary by Doug Kinan _____________________________________________ A recent article in theJuly 11, 2015
Politics News Headlines - Yahoo News
Iran deal faces fight in U.S. Congress but will likely survive
By Patricia Zengerle WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The nuclear deal between world powers and Iran starts a new4 hrs ago -
New U.S. president would struggle to ruin Iran deal, experts say
Threats on Tuesday by U.S. Republican presidential candidates to scrap the Iran nuclear agreement look5 hrs ago -
Obama calls for criminal justice reforms by end of year
By Roberta Rampton PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Tuesday he wanted to work with a3 hrs ago
The Pump Handle
Occupational Health News Roundup
At The Nation , leaders in the domestic workers movement write about what’s next in their efforts to5 hrs ago -
Worth reading: Unequal risk and hospital infections
A few of the recent pieces I’ve liked: The excellent “Unequal Risk” series by theJuly 13, 2015 -
In wake of Affordable Care Act, dramatic declines in out-of-pocket spending
Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, American women are saving hundreds of dollars on birth controlJuly 10, 2015
Jon Rappoport's Blog
Science, logic, consensus, and propaganda: a cartoon of reality
Science, logic, consensus, and propaganda: a cartoon of reality by Jon Rappoport July 14, 2015 (To13 hrs ago -
The individual and his future
The individual and his future by Jon Rappoport July 13, 2015 (To read about Jon’s megaJuly 13, 2015 -
Vaccines: an ideal covert op to genetically re-engineer humans
Vaccines: an ideal covert op to genetically re-engineer humans Why is the government so maniacal aboutJuly 11, 2015
Signs of the Times
Santa Cruz County decides to do away with big banks
The Board of Supervisors in Santa Cruz County, California, have taken a bold step. The County has decided47 mins ago -
Myrtle Beach restaurant patron jailed for not paying tab; planned for '
A woman was arrested Sunday night after refusing to pay her dinner tab at a Myrtle Beach seafood restaurant5 hrs ago -
Alabama teenager tased by police three times during grand mal seizure
A lawsuit filed this month by an Etowah County woman alleges that police officers from Rainbow City5 hrs ago
Stuff.co.nz - Dominion Post
Priest John Tovey pleads guilty to indecent assault charges in Napier
An Anglican priest has pleaded guilty to two charges of indecent assault.2 hrs ago -
Garage Project, Tuatara, Parrotdog and Panhead off to Oregon Brewers
For the first time, Wellington Brewers will quench the thirst of over 85,000 festival goers at the OregonJuly 13, 2015 -
Napier men and company fined over listeria meat sold to hospital
A meat processing company, a director and an employee have been fined a total of $192,500 for selling1 hr ago
SYRIA 360°
Interactive MAP details Israeli strikes a year after Gaza war
Human rights groups have launched a new interactive platform mapping Israeli attacks during the 2014 GazaJuly 7, 2015 -
UN : Israeli 2014 War on Gaza Most Deadly since 1967
Al Manar The Zionist 51-day brutal war on Gaza last summer was the most “deadly and destructiveJuly 7, 2015 -
65,000 Archeological Artifacts Stolen by Terrorists Recovered
65,000 Archeological Artifacts Stolen by Terrorists Recovered 7 July، 2015 Damascus, SANA Director GeneralJuly 7, 2015
130226 – Australia’s horrific incarceration rates of Aboriginal peoples
* The Stringer: International Prisoners Justice Day highlights Australia’s horrific incarcerationFebruary 26, 2013 -
130225 – Opportunity Lost by Boris Frankel – Marcia Langton’s Boyer
* arena: Opportunity Lost by Boris Frankel: Marcia Langton’s Boyer Lectures * Andrew Crook, CrikeyFebruary 26, 2013 -
130224 – Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia – 40 events
Click on the links for details of the events … Event: Sun 24 February 2013: Fremantle, Perth, WAFebruary 24, 2013
Freethought Blogs
Defend 4 facing death and imprisonment for homosexuality in Iran
The International Committee against Execution in Iran calls on gay rights organisations to initiate a6 hrs ago -
Finally, something made me laugh today
I feel for the poor girl , but still : Her parents insisted that she wasn’t sick, just Scottish27 mins ago -
They need a woman – just the one, mind
That paper by Fiona Watt … During my time in Cambridge, virtually every invitation I received to1 hr ago
Politics News Headlines - Yahoo News
Iran deal faces fight in U.S. Congress but will likely survive
By Patricia Zengerle WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The nuclear deal between world powers and Iran starts a new7 hrs ago -
New U.S. president would struggle to ruin Iran deal, experts say
Threats on Tuesday by U.S. Republican presidential candidates to scrap the Iran nuclear agreement look7 hrs ago -
Obama calls for criminal justice reforms by end of year
By Roberta Rampton PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Tuesday he wanted to work with a5 hrs ago
Politics : NPR
Sen. Ben Cardin: Iran Nuclear Deal Still Raises 'A Lot Of Questions'
Congress is set to begin reviewing the nuclear deal with Iran. NPR's Robert Siegel speaks with7 hrs ago -
Congress To Begin 60-Day Review Period Of Iran Nuclear Deal
Lawmakers in Congress have 60 days to review the nuclear deal with Iran. NPR looks at the agreement's7 hrs ago -
Obama Proposes Changes To Criminal Justice System
In the wake of the White House's decision to commute the sentences of 46 nonviolent drug offenders8 hrs ago
Business News Headlines - Yahoo! News
IMF calls for Greece debt relief ahead of bailout vote
By Renee Maltezou and Jan Strupczewski ATHENS/BRUSSELS (Reuters) - An International Monetary Fund study6 hrs ago -
Asian shares pare gains as China markets slump
Asian stocks erased most of their gains on Wednesday as Chinese shares slumped despite upbeat economic data1 hr ago -
China growth beats forecasts as activity warms up
China's economy grew an annual 7 percent in the second quarter, steady with the previous quarter and23 mins ago
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