Greek Debt Crisis -- News Updates July 12 - 13, 2015

Tense talks: Eurozone leaders appear to looking at a new bailout figure of
between 82 and 86 billion euros
*Daily Mail:* *Marathon talks in bid to save the euro: Leaders hold tense
negotiations through the night as Greece prepares to accept a raft of
demands to avoid banks meltdown *
* Tsipras keen to strike a deal with European creditors tonight
* A Cabinet reshuffle is set to go ahead in Greece if a deal is struck
* A statement is expected to be released soon by European leaders
* A new bailout figure of 82 billion to 86 billion euros has emerged
Eurozone leaders were thrashing o... more »
Not #Grexit but #Greviction?
Even in the Eurozone hall of monetary mirrors there is only so long you can
keep eating your cake and have someone else unwillingly pick up the tab for
it. Greece may not exit; it may simply be evicted.
*Five months of negotiations in which its left-wing Government destroyed
goodwill among creditors that have lent it hundreds of billions of dollars
have cost Greece dearly in its frantic attempts to save its economy.
With its banks closed, cash machines rationing withdrawals to just 60 (
$99) a day, pharmacies running short of drugs and businesses teetering on
bankruptcy, sa... more »
The Industrial Workers of the World

The Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), members of which are commonly
termed "Wobblies", is an international, radical labor union that was formed
in 1905. The union combines general unionism with industrial unionism,
being a general union itself whose members are further organized within the
industry of their employment. The philosophy and tactics of the IWW are
described as "revolutionary industrial unionism," with ties to both
socialist and anarchist labor movements. The origin of the nickname
"Wobblies" is uncertain.
The IWW promotes the concept of "One Big Union", and conte... more »
TV Watch: Stephen Colbert continues the countdown to September 8

*Since we haven't seen much of each other since** December, Stephen asks,
"What've you guys been doing?" ("Me, I've been busy," he says.) Here he
shaves off the beard he adopted after finding it by the highway, which
helped earn him the cover of Homeless Sea Captain Monthly. The beard had to
come off, he explains, because on CBS, it turns out, "Tom Selleck's
moustache has a noncompete clause."*
*by Ken*
I know I just saw a post somewhere by someone who couldn't believe he'd
only just discovered that Stephen has started a podcast. But I lost the
link, and in trying to refind it, I ... more »
Business 360--26, Nepal earthquake and lessons from it

* This is my article for the business magazine in Kathmandu, June 2015
*Earthquakes and economic growth*
The people of Nepal are still recovering from the huge destruction of the
7.8 earthquake (EQ) last April 25 plus succeeding tremors that occurred
almost daily. Those tremors have killed 8,000+ people and injured thousands
Some hard lessons must be learned and relearned from those events. And not
only for Nepal but many other developing countries, in particular, other
Asian countries in the “Pacific Ring of Fire.”
*One*, EQs are part of nature, part of the continui... more »
TIME Admits ISIS Bringing Arms, Fighters in From NATO Territory

Activist Post
Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Programming
Sunday, July 12, 2015
By Tony Cartalucci
Late last year, Germany’s broadcaster Deutsche Welle (DW) investigated what
turned out to be hundreds of trucks per day carrying billions of dollars in
supplies, flowing across the Turkish border into Syria and directly into
the hands of the so-called “Islamic State” (ISIS).
The border crossing near the Turkish city of Oncupinar, approximately 100km
west of the Syrian city of Kobani is apparently only one of many such
crossings where ISIS fighters, weapons, and materiel move dire... more »
Dick J. Reavis : We are the New Union Army!
It’s time to wear our colors as we work to help finish the Civil War. By
Dick J. Reavis | The Rag Blog | July 12, 2015 In a recent book about the
Southern Civil Rights Movement, professor, SNCC veteran, … finish reading Dick
J. Reavis :
We are the New Union Army!
How come ISIS only attacks Israel’s enemies? This Video Explains It All !!!
Jul 3, 2015
How come ISIS only attacks Israel’s enemies – EXPLAINED
Musical Interlude: Vangelis, “Apocalypse Des Animaux”
Vangelis, “Apocalypse Des Animaux”
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBMoqDHfn_M-
"A Look to the Heavens"
“What's going on in the center of this spiral galaxy? Named the Sombrero
Galaxy for its hat-like resemblance, M104 features a prominent dust lane
and a bright halo of stars and globular clusters. Reasons for the
Sombrero's hat-like appearance include an unusually large and extended
central bulge of stars, and dark prominent dust lanes that appear in a disk
that we see nearly edge-on. Billions of old stars cause the diffuse glow of
the extended central bulge.
*Click image for larger size.*
Close inspection of the bulge in the above photograph shows many points of
light that are ac... more »
Chet Raymo, "Free Will?"
*"Free Will?"*
by Chet Raymo
“In an essay in the 14 May, 2009 issue of “Nature”, German biologist Martin
Heisenberg asks the question: "Is free will an illusion?" And he answers:
No. We are free, says Heisenberg, if our actions are self-generated, and
not mere responses to external stimuli. But how can they be self-generated
in a world of cause and effect? As befitting the son of Werner Heisenberg,
father of the Uncertainty Principle, Martin invokes the stochastic nature
of quantum mechanics. Presumably, randomly firing neurons equal free will.
One does not have to be consciously ... more »
"The Human Condition..."
"I think it's unfair, but they have the right as fallible,
screwed-up humans to be unfair; that's the human condition."
- Albert Ellis
The Poet: Linda Pastan, "What We Want"
*"What We Want" *
"What we want
is never simple.
We move among the things
we thought we wanted:
a face, a room, an open book
and these things bear our names-
now they want us.
But what we want appears
in dreams, wearing disguises.
We fall past,
holding out our arms
and in the morning
our arms ache.
We don't remember the dream,
but the dream remembers us.
It is there all day
as an animal is there
under the table,
as the stars are there
even in full sun."
~ Linda Pastan, "Carnival Evening"
Paulo Coelho, “We Are The Revolution”; "Declaration of Principles"
*“We Are The Revolution”*
by Paulo Coelho
“My literature is totally committed with a new political attitude – human
beings in search of their own identity. We are the revolution taking place.
We are responsible for the world in every sense– political, social, moral.
We are responsible for the planet. We are responsible for the unemployed.
Of course, we can blame the banks, the disaster that irresponsible people
created in the financial system, the political repression, the inability of
the Govts. to hear what people have to say. But this will not help the
world to become a better p... more »
Foxman: "anti-Semites" jealous of astounding Jewish success & control

*The Jewish Daily Forward* has published a rather revealing Q&A with Abe
Foxman, the outgoing national director of the Anti-Defamation League,
conducted by Jewish journalist and author Tuvia Tenenbom. The Q&A begins:
*Tuvia Tenenbom: Let me ask you, is the state of anti-Semitism better or
worse after the last 28 years since you became national director of the
ADL? Or the last 50 years?*
*Abraham Foxman:* The answer is “yes” to both. On one hand it’s better and
on one hand it’s worse.
I’d say that in the United States it’s significantly better; it’s gotten
better in the ... more »
Top 10 ramble links
I always take a quiet side-bet with myself which links from my Friday
Morning Ramble will prove most popular over the weekend, and which will
barely get touched. A few of you have asked me as well.
This week I only scored moderately well, mostly because I thought news of
the flatworm that uses 'hypodermic penis' to inject sperm into its own head
would rank astonishingly well. But instead you were mostly drinking the
hard stuff and keeping it local, because …
1. Reversing the decline in speakers of te reo Māori
2. NZ First insider – Hell hath no fury like a Martin scorned
... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Roswell, Georgia, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
Hugh Pavletich blames the incompetent council. But who’s really to blame?
Exorbitant rates rises are only part of the severe imposition on Auckland
home-owners. Housing commentator Hugh Pavletich blames the incompetent
*If Auckland was a normal housing market, like most in North America, house
prices would be at or below $300,000 for those on $100,000-a-year household
incomes. Thanks to the incompetent Auckland Council, an Auckland family
with a household income of $100,000 is forced to pay $820,000 for a house.
The council is forcing them to pay an extra $520,000 for the house and
this new study calling for more apartments in the... more »
Satire: "Walker Assures G.O.P. Voters He is as Horrible as Trump"
*"Walker Assures G.O.P. Voters He is as Horrible as Trump"*
by Andy Borowitz
MADISON, WISCONSIN (The Borowitz Report) – "Serving notice that he intends
to go toe-to-toe with the controversial real-estate mogul, Wisconsin
Governor Scott Walker used the official announcement of his Presidential
candidacy to assure Republican voters that he is as horrible as Donald
Trump. “Donald Trump has grabbed a lot of headlines over the past few weeks
by spewing bigotry and venom,” Walker told an enthusiastic crowd of
supporters. “I want to make it clear that when it comes to those things, I
take... more »
The Economy: “The Latest On Greece”
*“The Latest On Greece”*
by Karl Denninger
“Now the screws really are being turned. It is reported that demands from
the Troika now include:
*Direct* veto authority over the government's budget and spending programs.
€50 billion worth of "assets" deposited in Luxembourg to be held as
"available for sale" without further act of the Greek Parliament should the
Troika not get whatever they want both now and in the future.
I remind everyone that there is no possible way that lending the Greeks
another €100 billion, which is now what the estimates are up to, will ever
lead to the... more »
Mark Thornton Joins Tom Woods to Discuss Drug Decriminalisation in Portugal
Followers of Curwen Ares Rolinson – whose numbers appear to be legion! –
might appreciate this interview with Mark Thornton, expanding on today's *Mises
Daily *article reviewing the cases of Portugal and Washington state, and
askin: have the fears of the prohibitionists been realised?
*Mark provides some additional details on how the decriminalisation program
has worked in Portugal, contrasting decriminalisation with the legalisation
that has been implemented in Colorado and Washington State.*
Good listening. [Conversation starts at 2:30]
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © ... more »
"How It Really Is"
Don't they wish?!
*lol ;-)*
"If Only!"
*Pot calling the kettle black, Donald?*
Rightwing Nuthouse: “8 Right-Wing Lunacies This Week That Rival Trump's Nonsense”
*“8 Right-Wing Lunacies This Week That Rival Trump's Nonsense”*
by Janet Allon
*“1. Marco Rubio vows to oppress women worldwide: *Marco Rubio will not
rest until women all over the world no longer have the right to choose
abortion. As president, he would see to it that women in other countries
were just as oppressed and pregnant as the ones right here at home. He made
this vow during a speech before the National Right to Life Committee’s
annual convention in New Orleans on Friday. He even compared the fight
against abortion rights to the fights to end slavery and for women’s
suffr... more »
All our houses are belong to #YellowPeril
In the 1800s ethnic Chinese living in New Zealand were taxed simply for
being Chinese. On Saturday, you would be forgiven for thinking there were a
modern move afoot to tax ethnic Chinese for living in New Zealand homes.
On Saturday the *Weekend Herald* splashed bungled Labour Party “research”
across the front page – declaring on basis of foreign-sounding surnames
from a single unnamed real-estate agent that foreigners should be banned
from buying “our” houses.
I’m sure you’ve already heard that. And I’m sure you, like I did, wondered
how desperate Labour must be to want to tap Wi... more »
*Hurricane Katrina transformed New Orleans, the region's makeup after
unrivaled exodus in U.S. ~Jeff Adelson, N.O. Advocate *
Republicans Find a Big Ol’ Pot of Perversion and Terrorism at the End of Every Rainbow!

*Featuring Tom DeLay and his fabulous future world of"12 New Perversions"!
Plus: Mike Huckabee in chaps!*
*Uh-oh, looks like the republican God has some punishing to do.*
*by Noah*
It's summertime, the time of beastly hot weather, which is often relieved
only by big storms. At the end of those storms, one can often see a
rainbow. To normal people, a rainbow is something beautiful. To
republicans, rainbows are ugly things that equate to perversion and even
terrorism, especially if those rainbows take the form of flags.
This past week, while so many of us, even a few South Carolina... more »
Institutionalized Sociopathy
Greg Miller, “Inquiry: Psychologists group colluded with Pentagon, CIA
interrogations,” The Washington Post (July 10, 2015),
Leaders of the American Psychological Association secretly collaborated
with officials at the Pentagon and CIA to weaken the association’s
guidelines and allow psychologists to take part in coercive
programs after t... more »
Italian ‘Banksy’ exposes ‘masterminds of spying’ in street art campaign

*Italian ‘Banksy’ exposes ‘masterminds of spying’ in street art campaign*
Published time: July 12, 2015 12:37
Images from paolocirio.net
An Italian artist has declared a ‘brush-and-ink’ war on mass surveillance –
he looks for private photos of high-ranking US intelligence officials,
reworking them in a stencil technique. He then posts them on walls in
capital cities across the globe.
Turin-based conceptual artist, Paolo Cirio, is targeting key figures “in
scandals regarding secret intelligence operations,... more »
July 12: religion without morality. professions without ethics.....
No, this will not be Sunday's sermon. It will be about the collapse of
religious and of professional ethics in the western world. I group the two
together because we are living through a disappearance of morality in
religion, and a disappearance of ethics in the professions
For evidence of the disappearance of morality in religion, just check the
faith page of any Saturday issue of the Irving press. But morality is
important because without rules to govern our behaviour as a society, we
won't have a society very long. But the clergy who write for the Faith page
pretty much ignore m... more »

[March 10, 1779]
A Ship having been fitted out from England before the Commencement of this
War, to make Discoveries of new Countries, in Unknown Seas, under the
Conduct of that most celebrated Navigator and Discoverer Captain Cook; an
Undertaking truely laudable in itself, as the Increase of Geographical
Knowledge, facilitates the Communication between distant Nations, in the
Exchange of useful Products and Manufactures, and the Extension of Arts,
whereby the common Enjoyments of human Life are multiplied and augmented,
and Science of other kinds encreased to the Be... more »
Harriet Harman's Tax Credit Debacle
The Labour Party is a mass organisation. Under its banner you find all
kinds of people harbouring all kinds of views. It could hardly be
otherwise, given the roots it has in the labour movement representing the
sectional interests of otherwise quite disparate occupational groupings. It
is also a party that has to reach beyond its natural support at election
time in order to win. Hence there is a fundamental political contradiction
that's sat at the heart of the party since its inception. Should one follow
principles or try and chase votes? Can Labour try and set the political
weath... more »
Mexico: Drug Lord Joaquin Guzman Escapes through Tunnel
MEXICO CITY (AP) — In a scheme befitting a caper movie, Mexico’s most
powerful drug lord, Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, escaped from a maximum
security prison through a 1.5-kilometer (1 mile) tunnel from a small
opening in the shower area...
The post Mexico: Drug Lord Joaquin Guzman Escapes through Tunnel appeared
first on The Stream.
Relationship between Astrological Planets and Life
*Infographic - *Here's an infographic that explains how the positions of
the astrological planets in the sky affect nearly every aspect of a
person's life.
The post Relationship between Astrological Planets and Life appeared first
on Waking Times.
Argentina: Hunter Claims He Shot "An Extraterrestrial"

*Source: Nuevo Diario Web de Santiago del EsteroDate: July 12, 2015*
Argentina: Hunter Claims He Shot An Extraterrestrial
"They are grey and have four fingers on their hands and four toes on their
feet. They stand approximately a meter and fifteen centimeters," says
Alberto Tavernise, who says he was later abducted.
The uncanny story could be the plot of a science fiction film. However, it
concerns the dramatic story told by a resident of the community of Luan
Toro, located 20 kilometers south of Santa Rosa, La Pampa.
Alberto Tavernise, 59, shared his experience with Cronica - an... more »
Archidiaconus Asemnes

This morning's *Sunday *doesn't call for a long post this week. It didn't
do anything outrageously biased, and even (most unusually for *Sunday*) featured
something of interest to British Hindus - along with Sikhs, the forgotten
religious minority of Radio 4's *Sunday*.
Other than that, there was coverage of sex abuse in the Anglican Church; an
interview about Srebrenica; a report on the discontent of some in the U.S.
at the Obama administration's reluctance to help minorities in the Middle
East (Christians, Yazidi, etch) - and the administration's refusal to
associate the violenc... more »
Successful Sea Trials Royal Australian Navy's NUSHIP Adelaide LHD

[image: NUSHIP Adelaide (L01)]NUSHIP Adelaide will dock at BAE Systems
Williamstown shipyard tomorrow following successful initial sea trials and
first docking at the RAN base at Garden Island in Sydney.
The sea trials were conducted from 17 to 26 June on the voyage to Sydney
and then during the voyage back following the successful docking.
NUSHIP Adelaide will dock at BAE Systems Williamstown shipyard tomorrow
following successful initial sea trials and first docking at the RAN base
at Garden Island in Sydney.
Read more
Shark Watch: This year, Discovery Channel indicated, some of its "Shark Week" programming may actually have been TRUE!

*npr.org caption:* "*This photo from Discovery Channel shows a great
hammerhead, one of the largest sharks in the world, during an episode of
Shark Week.*"
*Megalodon: The Monster Shark Lives was the highest-rated program in 'Shark
Week' history. Even though the network ran a disclaimer saying it was fake,
experts like [the University of Miami's David] Shiffman were unimpressed."
'It was presented in such a way that you could very easily watch it and not
know it was fictional,' he says."*
*-- from Neda Ulaby's NPR report on Discovery Channel's "Shark Week"*
"*No one in this wor... more »
Sphere Alliance Message #15 In the Energy of Love and Joy, You Make the Best Decisions

*As received by Denise*
*This one was very interesting! I am not sure if the math abstract is even
relevant, but I included it because it showed me a different perspective of
these three words. . .even though it is very complex, I still now at this
moment, feel their humor at my reference to Dr. Seuss. I guess my filters
are showing!*
12 July 2015
*Had a short thought exchange early this morning about “Choices” and the
future and why stay in Joy. *
*There was a quick reply of something like: we deal with possibilities,
probabilities, and eventualities. *
*It felt like a Dr. ... more »
Abe the Andalusian and the BBC

Those nice bearded chaps at CAGE aren't at all happy with Andrew Gilligan
of the *Telegraph *today for his article, *By day, at heart of
counter-terror policing. And by night, preacher of extremism*.
Here's what got up their noses:
The Government watchdog which inspects police forces’ readiness for
terrorism admitted that it employed one of Britain’s most notorious Islamic
For almost two years Abdullah al Andalusi, led a double life, the Telegraph
can reveal.
By night, he taught that the terror group Islamic State of Iraq and the
Levant (Isil) was “no different to ... more »
NASA’s New Horizons Gives Final Closeup of Pluto’s Puzzling Dark Spots
Pluto, the underdog of planetary science, finally gets its time in the
spotlight this week. As the New Horizons spacecraft nears its historic
rendezvous with the icy space object Tuesday morning, it is providing
scientists and the public with the...
The post NASA’s New Horizons Gives Final Closeup of Pluto’s Puzzling Dark
Spots appeared first on The Stream.
It's Sunday: Let's talk about Donald Trump, Click Bait, and some nifty products...

*because no one else is - particularly when it comes to The Donald.*
After hitting the major news sites like Drudge, Townhall, Bad Blue, et al,
as I do most mornings, I headed off to Feedly. My feed is in "title only"
mode so I can scroll through hundreds of article titles quickly. I've
winnowed my feed down to 251, which is still a substantial amount.
I was curious about how many people would remark about the speech on
illegal immigration Trump gave in Phoenix yesterday. It was pretty much
Yesterday, I saw someone say, "Let's face it, Trump is a buffoon."
Ah, no, I ... more »
The Rag Blog : METRO EVENT | Bill Fletcher Jr. speaks in Austin on the struggle for justice
Event: Talk by Bill Fletcher Jr. Topic: From Ferguson to Jerusalem: The
Struggle for Justice Date: Tuesday, July 14, 2015, 7 p.m. Where: St. James
Episcopal Church Address: 1941 Webberville Rd., Austin, TX 78721 Sponsors:
Interfaith Community for Palestinian Rights … finish reading The Rag Blog :
*METRO EVENT* | Bill Fletcher Jr. speaks in Austin on the struggle for
Pebbles From A Lonely Beach - A Vaccine Injury Story

Pebbles from a lonely beach
by Jagannath Chatterjee
Sane Vax, Inc. 11 July 2015
*(First published in Medico Friend Circle Bulletin: Issue 363-364,
January-February 2015)*
I am here to try and write about my experience with the fond hope that it
will help parents, doctors and caregivers understand what their loved ones,
patients or wards are going through. It will not be a pretty picture. What
people with health issues go through has never been fully described in any
medical textbook, cannot be mapped through clinical tests, is not subject
to rational thinking, and does not l... more »
Supporting the People of Palestine
Dud Hendrick from Veterans for Peace about his recent trip to Palestine.
It's all Greek to...everyone

It's a curious thing, but I really don't think that bloggers or commenters
who post about BBC bias have ever quite got to grips with the seemingly
endless Greek debt crisis.
I've rarely seen posts at any of my favourite haunts laying out an in any
way convincing case against the BBC's coverage, *vis a vis* bias.
That's not to say that there haven't been* lots* of comments berating the
BBC for bias over the issue but they rarely seem very specific (except over
Robert Peston, who's widely assumed to be pro-EU rather than pro-Syriza)...
...and I'm simply not seeing the usual phalanx... more »
Global Surveillance Industry
Michael Ratner is President Emeritus of the Center for Constitutional
Rights (CCR) in New York and Chair of the European Center for
Constitutional and Human Rights in Berlin. He is currently a legal adviser
to Wikileaks and Julian Assange. He and CCR brought the first case
challenging the Guantanamo detentions and continue in their efforts to
close Guantanamo. He taught at Yale Law School, and Columbia Law School,
and was President of the National Lawyers Guild. His current books include
Hell No: Your Right to Dissent in the Twenty-First Century America, and Who
Killed Che? How th... more »
Musings On Iraq In The News
I’m cited in the following books: *Finding Peace in Iraq, Volume 2* by
Thomas Hill and Alex Munoz, *Conflict, Democratization, and the Kurds in
the Middle East: Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and Syria* by David Romano and Mehmet
Gurses, and *A Revolution in Tropes: Alloiostrophic Rhetoric* by Jane
Sutton and Mari Lee Mifsud. My article on Iraq's June oil exports and
breakdown of budget deal with the Kurds was reprinted in The Daily
Journalist. My interview with Sara Pursley on whether Iraq is an artificial
state was reprinted in Real Clear Defense.
Pentagon mission: Conquer the whole world or, if not possible, destroy the entire earth with a nuclear war that they themselves bring about and start all over ...that is if any of them survive.

*Pentagon Concludes America Not Safe Unless It Conquers The World — Paul
Craig Roberts *
July 10, 2015 | Original Here Go
here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter
Pentagon Concludes America Not Safe Unless It Conquers The World
Paul Craig Roberts
The Pentagon has released its “National Military Strategy of the United
States of America 2015,” June 2015. http://news.usni.org/2015/07/02/document-2015-u-s-national-military-strategy
The document announces a shift in ... more »
Gaza 'debate'
When someone mentioned one of Gerald Kaufman’s unhinged remarks the other
day I failed to realise that he had made them during a parliamentary debate
on Gaza, which took place on 8th July in Westminster Hall.
It was aired again on the parliament channel this morning, where I happened
to see it.
The most striking thing by far was the poverty of oratorical competence. It
was staggeringly bad.
You can see it on the iPlayer.
The Gaza debate was brought to us by Holly Lynch, Lab. It was supposed to
be about the UN report into the 2014 Gaza conflict, but it strayed into
other areas - ‘... more »
Hillary Clinton’s Hedge Fund Son-In-Law
*By Doug Martin at Hoosier School Heist Blog*
A while back, Hillary Clinton, speaking the talk of the working class as
all Wall Street DC Democrats do, lashed out at top hedge fund managers for “making
more than all of America’s kindergarten teachers combined.” Hillary’s
statement was mere deception. Not because it wasn't the truth; but because
Hillary happens to love hedge fund managers and banksters.
Hedge fund managers seek to privatize education and steal pensions from
teachers, as I detail in my book *Hoosier School Heist*, and wipe out what
is left of the middle class. And ... more »
Minnesota Reactionary John Kline Manages To Reauthorize Hated "No Child Left Behind"

Everybody hates No Child Left Behind, right? (Except Jeb!, whose family has
made a fortune off it.) Democrats hate it, and most Republicans say they
hate it. But it was reauthorized-- albeit with the narrowest of votes,
218-213-- on Wednesdsay.
Twenty-seven Republicans bucked their party leadership and voted against
the bill introduced and pushed down America's throat by the most
anti-education chairman of the Education Committee in American history,
John Kline of Minnesota. His misleadingly titled "Student Success Act"
drove a diverse segment of Republicans running across the ai... more »
Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, July 12th, 2015
[image: rant-jpeg-b]
Sunday.... And time again for my weekly rant..
Well, I am back... Sort of.... I am still suffering from a bit of "burn
out" and will probably be taking it a bit easier over the next while..... I
will be posting for the next while but a bit more sporadically....
The fact is that I have been enduring a very grueling work schedule over
the last while, and that has been coupled with high demands at home for
work around here and of course some renovations... It was taking its toll
on me and considering that I am indeed 55 years of age, it has been taking
a bit lon... more »
TIME Admits ISIS Bringing Arms, Fighters in From NATO Territory

*July 12, 2015* (Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - Late last year, Germany’s
broadcaster Deutsche Welle (DW) investigated what turned out to be hundreds
of trucks a day carrying billions of dollars in supplies, flowing across
the Turkish border into Syria and directly into the hands of the so-called
“Islamic State” (ISIS).
The border crossing near the Turkish city of Oncupinar, approximately 100km
west of the Syrian city of Kobani, is apparently only one of many such
crossings where ISIS fighters, weapons, and materiel move directly under
the watch and apparent assistance of NATO.
*Image: ... more »
*Sucking the life out of the academy*
The British government’s latest plans for the future of higher education
were revealed last week when the newly appointed universities minister made
his first speech. Jo Johnson, the less famous brother of London mayor
Boris, wants ‘Teaching at the heart of the system’. Johnson minor is not
proposing to replicate the elite academic education he benefitted from
while at Eton and Oxford. There are no plans to extend access to the ivory
towers, the pursuit of knowledge and learning for its own sake to everyone
who wants it. Instead, today’s unive... more »
Pope Francis Finishes Politicized Grand Tour of Latin America
ASUNCION, Paraguay (AP) — Pope Francis will put into practice his
insistence that the world’s poor not be left on the margins of society by
visiting a slum outside Asuncion on the final day of his three-country
South American tour....
The post Pope Francis Finishes Politicized Grand Tour of Latin America
appeared first on The Stream.
Why Martin Luther King Jr. Would Have Opposed Same-Sex ‘Marriage’
Ever notice how the secular left conveniently omits the fact that Dr.
Martin Luther King Jr. was a devout Christian minister? Though he and other
Christian leaders have, no doubt, welcomed aid and support from honorable
and like-minded secularists, it...
The post Why Martin Luther King Jr. Would Have Opposed Same-Sex ‘Marriage’
appeared first on The Stream.
The Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Ruling is on the Wrong Side of Nature, Evolution and God
We’ve been told that people who want to maintain the man-woman definition
of marriage are “on the wrong side of history.” They thought opponents of
Soviet communism were also on the wrong side of history, but bracket that
off and...
The post The Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Ruling is on the Wrong Side of Nature,
Evolution and God appeared first on The Stream.
Rubio Revisits Childhood in Vegas, Calls Putin a Criminal
HENDERSON, Nev. (AP) — Republican Sen. Marco Rubio called Russian President
Vladimir Putin a criminal on Saturday in a presidential campaign speech
less focused on foreign and domestic policy than recounting his parents’
immigrant experience to voters in his childhood...
The post Rubio Revisits Childhood in Vegas, Calls Putin a Criminal appeared
first on The Stream.
*More failed prophecy. BOM bombs out again*
*The BOM (Bureau of Meteorology) is Australia's great temple of the global
warming faith Climate is the sum of weather so big failures to predict the
weather cast great doubt on predictions about the climate. The forecast for
Eastern Australia below issued last Friday is a case in point. It was
headed: "Antarctic blast begins to bite: Heavy snow falls in southern
states, 90km/h blizzards set to batter NSW and drivers urged to stay off
the roads as temperatures plummet to lowest in 15 YEARS"In fact: At
mid-afternoon in Brisbane... more »
Long an Amnesty Advocate, Now Trump Rides Border Chaos to Popularity
PHOENIX (AP) — Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump criticized U.S.
immigration and trade policies on Saturday in speeches that veered from
accusing Mexico of deliberately sending criminals across the border to
professing respect for the Mexican government and love for...
The post Long an Amnesty Advocate, Now Trump Rides Border Chaos to
Popularity appeared first on The Stream.
The Last Chance for Greece to Stay in the Euro?
BRUSSELS (AP) — Greece will have another, possibly its last, chance Sunday
to convince skeptical European creditors it can be trusted to enact
wide-ranging economic reforms that would safeguard its future in the euro.
After more than eight hours of...
The post The Last Chance for Greece to Stay in the Euro? appeared first on The
Democrats Tack on Confederate Flag Ban to Spending Bill
WASHINGTON (AP) — The dispute in Congress over the Confederate flag
threatened Friday to upend House Republican plans to move forward on
routine spending legislation, amid concerns that Democrats could hijack the
bills to debate the flag. House Republican aides...
The post Democrats Tack on Confederate Flag Ban to Spending Bill appeared
first on The Stream.
Special Greece Update ( Sunday July 12 , 2015 ) EVENING UPDATE - POTENTIAL TENTATIVE AGREEMENT ! - EG Sunday Morning and Leaders Summit Sunday afternoon and continuing into the evening / night on tap today.... Key news and views on same !

El-foldo ....
*Ian Traynor* @traynorbrussels 51m
51 minutes ago
#*greece* #*euco* gr needs 7bn short-term over next month. remember the
2010 efsm? EUcomm can raise 60bn using it. that's what they're mulling
- Tweets
- Tweets & replies
- Photos & videos
*fred walton* @fredwalton216 1m1 minute ago
fred walton retweeted Gregor Peter
Talks update pieces coming together .....
fred walton added,
*Gregor Peter* @L0gg0l
Spiegel: - Temporary Grexit off the table - Greece ok with IMF on board
- Bridge financing from SMP, b... more »
25 Uses of Apple Cider Vinegar that You Might Not Know
*Meme - *Many believe that you can use as a non-toxic product to clean your
home and enhance the appearance of your hair and skin, as well as improve
your health and well-being.
The post 25 Uses of Apple Cider Vinegar that You Might Not Know appeared
first on Waking Times.
Typhoon Pounds China with Heavy Rains; 1.1 Million People Evacuated
BEIJING (AP) — A typhoon pounded the Chinese coast south of Shanghai on
Saturday with strong winds and heavy rainfall, submerging roads, felling
trees and forcing the evacuation of 1.1 million people. Typhoon Chan-hom
slammed ashore with winds of up...
The post Typhoon Pounds China with Heavy Rains; 1.1 Million People Evacuated
appeared first on The Stream.
National Televised Debate set for October.
The group of networks known as the broadcast consortium, including CBC
News, *has set the English-language debate for Thursday, Oct. 8, from 6 to
7:30 p.m. ET, and the French-language debate for Wednesday, Oct. 7, from
8 to 10 p.m. ET*...... despite an ongoing boycott by the Conservative Party.
In a news release, the consortium which includes CTV News, Global News,
Radio-Canada and Télé-Québec and CBC News, said the broadcasters maintain
their invitation to the Conservative Party, who have thus far declined, to
Some criticism has been heard regarding the time slot alloca... more »
A Running Gag

Yesterday, at a campaign stop in Pickering, Stephen Harper claimed the
Canadian economy was in bad shape because the global economy isn't doing
"Let me just state clearly what the situation is, there has been a downturn
and the reason for that has been the downturn in the global economy,"
Harper said in Pickering, Ont.
"It's really that simple. Look around the world, we have another crisis
downturn in Europe, we have a very significant slowdown and some other
related economic problems now in China, we had very negative first quarter
growth in the... more »
Greek banks to go bankrupt Monday if no debt deal

Pensioners wait in front of a National Bank branch to receive part of their
pensions at an Athens neighborhood, in Greece July 9, 2015. (Reuters/Yannis
Behrakis)Pensioners wait in front of a National Bank branch to receive part
of their pensions at an Athens neighborhood, in Greece July 9, 2015.
(Reuters/Yannis Behrakis)
Greek banks to go bankrupt Monday if no debt deal – FT
Published time: July 10, 2015 16:08
Edited time: July 10, 2015 17:09
As cash withdrawals from Greek banks reach €100 million a day *the
country’s banking... more »
Greece Disaster Shows Unavoidable Consequences of Socialism
The Greek citizens have rolled the dice and voted overwhelmingly to reject
the “austerity” referendum. This was a way for voters to stick a finger in
the eye of their creditors. The left around the world has responded to
The post Greece Disaster Shows Unavoidable Consequences of Socialism
appeared first on The Stream.
(Same As the Old Boss) Peace Has Not Come (Yet) To Greece's Payers/Minions (Germany Never Repaid Its War Debts?) Does Syriza Have A Mandate? (Stop Selling Children To Bankers)
Greek Bailout Offer Passes Same As the Old Boss - Alexis Tsipras How
Germany Reconquered Europe Yanis Varoufakis: Germany Won't Spare Greek
Pain It Has An Interest in Breaking Us Stop Selling Your Children to
Bankers Greece'd: We Voted "No" to Slavery, But "Yes" to Our Chains
German Pot Calls Greek Kettle Black A Hostage Situation: Greece Yields to
Austerity Demands Just Days After
‘Issues of credibility & trust’: Eurogroup adjourns without reaching Greece deal

Dutch Finance Minister and Eurogroup President Jeroen Dijsselbloem (2nd L)
gestures as he talks to ministers during a euro zone finance ministers
meeting in Brussels, Belgium, July 11, 2015 (Reuters / Francois
Lenoir)Dutch Finance Minister and Eurogroup President Jeroen Dijsselbloem
(2nd L) gestures as he talks to ministers during a euro zone finance
ministers meeting in Brussels, Belgium, July 11, 2015 (Reuters / Francois
*‘Issues of credibility & trust’: Eurogroup adjourns without reaching
Greece deal*
Published time: ... more »
Half-naked stockbroker performed 'vigorous' solo sex act in Kensington Gardens toilet per Telegraph
Vigorous masturbating makes sense, vicious much less so... Different
strokes for different folks (pun intended)
'Court hears Thomas Boyd, 61, emerged from a cubicle 'viciously' pleasuring
himself in front of a history lecturer
A retired stockbroker pleasured himself in front of a shocked American
academic in the public toilets in Kensington Gardens, a court heard.History
lecturer Dr Tom Sebrell was stunned to see a half naked Thomas Boyd, 61,
emerging from a cubicle, jurors heard.
The former stockbroker was allegedly staring at the uncomfortable Dr
Sebrell, who lives in west Lon... more »
*Creole Tomatoes ~The Raging Pelican*
*Hiring problems plague efforts to reform Orleans Parish Prison ~Jim
Mustian, N.O. Advocate *
Is the BBC biased?: The case for (some) walls
Is the BBC biased has a great article
pointing out the obvious truth that for the BBC, and others, building
security walls to keep out Islamist terrorists is fine, unless the wall is
built by Israel, in which case it's an apartheid wall
"Please do not touch!"
From this morning's paper review on the BBC News Channel:
*Gavin Esler*: Let's move onto somebody else who's on the naughty step,
which is the BBC, it would appear. *The Sunday Times*...
*James Rampton, The Independent*: The whole BBC!
*Gavin Esler*: The whole of the BBC! "The Tories give the BBC reform
ultimatum. Demands for broadcaster to stop chasing viewers" and very
interesting kind of panel of people who are going to comment to the Culture
Secretary on how the BBC should function in the future...
*Shyama Perera, journalist*: And do you know, Gavin, I'm old enough to
rememb... more »
How Do We Live In Times Like These?
SHEILA WALSH — During the Roman persecution of the Jews in the second
century, Rabbi Akiva was once asked why he persisted in teaching God’s Word
when doing so meant risking torture and death. “Let me tell you a
The post How Do We Live In Times Like These? appeared first on The Stream.
Russia Working To Resume Tu-160 Nuclear Bomber Production: Report

[image: Tu-160 Blackjack]Russian authorities are working to relaunch
production of the Soviet-era Tupolev Tu-160 "Blackjack" supersonic nuclear
bomber, a Russian defense ministry official reportedly said Friday.
"We are already working quickly [on the project], we have created a working
group, scheduled monthly meetings with the Industry and Trade Ministry on
how the work is progressing and appointed chief designers," Deputy Defense
Minister Yury Borisov told RIA Novosti, cited by the Moscow Times.
Only 16 of the Soviet-era aircraft were built before production ceased in
the 1990s. ... more »
Boeing patents laser-powered fusion-fission jet engine for airplanes, spacecraft

Assume the brace position. Boeing has received a patent for, I kid you not,
a laser-powered fusion-fission jet propulsion system. Boeing envisions that
this system could replace both rocket and turbofan engines, powering
everything from spacecraft to missiles to airplanes.
The patent, US 9,068,562, combines inertial confinement fusion, fission,
and a turbine that generates electricity. It sounds completely crazy—and it
is completely unrealistic given our current mastery of fusion, or lack
thereof—but, in the future perhaps, this could be a rather ingenious
To begin with,... more »
"It never fails to turn a bit of a rumpus into an existential crisis"

And sticking with *The Sunday Times *for one last post...
Stephen Robinson's review of *Getting Out Alive *by former BBC News boss
Roger Mosey begins with a revealing story:
There is a good anecdote in Roger Mosey’s memoir of a BBC career when he
and senior colleagues are gathering at Heathrow for a business-class junket
to America. In a scene straight out of W1A (the BBC’s satire of its
beyond-parody institutional absurdities), they spot a sinister pair lurking
near the check-in, reviewing photographs of the BBC hierarchy. They assume
they are Daily Mail reporters out to expose t... more »
Ukraine Seeks American Javelin Missiles For Giving Up on Nuclear Weapons

[image: FGM-148 Javelin]Ukraine has sought a thousand US-made Javelin
shoulder-fired missiles for giving up on its nuclear warheads arsenal in
the past.
"We need to understand that we must be prepared for any situation in the
southeast. And also need to understand that Ukraine, which gave (up) 1,240
nuclear warheads, should have the right to receive, if necessary, at least
a thousand Javelins", Ukraine’s newly-appointed Ambassador to the US
Valeriy Chaly was quoted as saying by Ukraine's Mirror Weekly newspaper on
On Thursday, US Joint Chiefs Of Staff Chairman Nominee Josep... more »
Effort to overhaul nuclear missile system expected to begin this fall

[image: Nuclear launch control simulator]The Air Force will take a major
step toward overhauling its Cold War-era nuclear missiles this fall, with
plans to field hundreds of the weapons even as it must comply with a treaty
calling for reductions alongside Russia.
The service expects to spend $62.3 billion over 30 years on 642 missiles,
400 of which would be operationally deployed, according to an Arms Control
Association review of internal Air Force documents. The service had 447
deployed missiles as of last fall, and the reduction would keep the Air
Force within New START reduction... more »
Marines drop first bombs from F-35B in test runs

[image: F-35B Lightning II]Marine pilots recently dropped dozens of live
bombs from the F-35B joint strike fighter for the first time, bringing the
aircraft a step closer to its long-anticipated rollout.
Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 121 dropped 30 bombs over five days without
a hitch in late June near Marine Corps Air Station Yuma, Arizona. It was a
first for the squadron testing the aircraft's capabilities, and Marines
said they can hit targets in little- to no-visibility.
That showed that the F-35B is ready and able to conduct direct strikes in a
battlefield environment, , said ... more »
Competition for China's future helicopter being held in Beijing

[image: VA-075 and JY-8]The Future Helicopter Designer Competition held
which began on July 8 in Beijing and is sponsored by the Aviation Industry
Corporation of China will decide what kind of military helicopter the
country will develop over the next five years, reports state-run Global
Wu Ximing, the chief helicopter designer of AVIC; Hong Jiao, the director
of AVIC's helicopter Research and Development Center; and his deputy, Xu
Chaoliang are the three major competitors. Each will have to present their
ideas of what China's future helicopter should look like before Aug. 20... more »
Boolean logic is sufficient to work with quantum mechanics
Even though a whole "community" of would-be scientists nurture a religion
based on the (scientifically debunked) dogma that there is something
incomplete or unsatisfying about quantum mechanics, quantum mechanics has
worked extremely well for 90 years and it really takes a few lines to fully
and rigorously describe its general rules and check that they don't suffer
from any flaw.
Quantum mechanics is a framework to produce predictions – or construct
valid statements – about Nature our of some known facts about Nature.
According to this framework, every physical system is described b... more »
A hopeful sign?

The lead story in *The Sunday Times r*eports that the BBC will be told to
return to its public service roots and scrap ratings-grabbing programmes
like *The Voice.*
According to the paper, this week's government green paper will also:
• Open the door to a replacement for the £145.50 licence fee, with a
household tax, subscription payments and a means-tested licence fee all on
the table
• Say that the BBC Trust should be scrapped because it cannot be a
cheerleader and regulator at the same time and propose that either Ofcom or
a new regulator takes over
• Suggest that the BBC w... more »
Navy has no sailors for new aircraft carriers

[image: HMS Queen Elizabeth (R08)]An online campaign group made the stark
warning amid concerns Armed Forces are facing even more cuts with another
Defence Review scheduled for later this year.
Save The Royal Navy believes the service will be hard pushed to man even
one of the massive ships because of the depleted number of sailors.
The organisation also expressed concerns the record low staffing levels
will lead to “dangerously small crews” while uncertainty over the number of
aircrafts on board the carriers and lack of escort vessels could leave them
vulnerable to an attack.
Read... more »
A Month On, Dornier Data Recorder Found 950 Metres Under Sea

[image: Do-228 MPA]Over a month after the Coast Guard’s Dornier aircraft
went missing, setting in motion an unrelenting and uninterrupted search
operation involving ships, submarines, advanced remotely operated vessels,
planes and satellites, the efforts finally succeeded on Friday with the
recovery of the flight data recorder (FDR), cockpit voice recorder and the
wheel of the aircraft from about a kilometer under sea off the Pichavaram
coast in Cuddalore district.
However, there was still no information on the fate of the three crew
members who were on board the aircraft when it va... more »
Graphs at a glance : Osborne renames the National Minimum Wage to the National Living Wage? The minimum wage is a matter of legislation. The living wage is a matter of opinion.
much is a "Living Wage"? MPs salivating at their 2015 pay increase
bleat that they can't live on £67k a year. Few (if any) MPs say they do
the job for the money, public service being their declared incentive.
But apparently they need an extra 10%, lifting their basic salary to
£74k in 2015, to 'live on'.
MPs need £74k per year, but George Osborne has decided for the rest of
the nation the
Defence industry to use Irish military to test more products under Coveney plan

[image: Irish Minister for Defence Simon Coveney]The international defence
industry is to have increased access to the Irish Defence Forces for
product testing, under plans to be brought to Cabinet next week by Minister
for Defence Simon Coveney.
The Minister has been working on a White Paper setting out his aims.
"We are planning to do a lot more of it, to actually link defence
infrastructure and the skillset of the defence forces, with innovators in
the private sector so that actually we can create products that are good
for defence," Coveney told the Sunday Independent.
Read more
Indian Navy to soon invite tenders for six conventional submarines
[image: Scorpene class SSK]The Indian Navy will soon invite tenders for
building six conventional submarines after a high-level committee of the
Defence Ministry submitted its report identifying shipyards capable of
executing the about Rs 60,000 crore project.
"The Committee has visited all the shipyards in the country and has
submitted its report recently. It is under consideration of the Defence
Ministry," defence sources said.
Though they remained tightlipped about the name of shipyards that have been
shortlisted, the sources said a Request for Proposal (RFP) will be issued
soon... more »
Love Gov: Keeping a Close Eye on Privacy
The post Love Gov: Keeping a Close Eye on Privacy appeared first on The
LHC matches the whole atmosphere in the number of produced Higgses
The LHC just passed 1,000 inverse microbarns per second [live] (divide
1,000 by 31.69 to get the value in "inverse femtobarns per year" – yes, it
would be 30 inverse femtobarns per year). Thanks to Phil Gibbs. So it may
be a good time for some musings about "how much stuff the LHC creates".
Jonathan Butterworth of ATLAS just posted a funny little comment in his
Guardian blog:
Nature's hadron collider produces Higgs bosons all the time, high in the sky
He mentions the bachelor thesis by Josua Unger who has calculated how many
Higgs bosons are created in the atmosphere due to the coll... more »
Military Photo of the Day: July 12, 2015
A severely ill child and his dad are escorted toward a fighter jet during a
tour of Naval Air Station Whidbey Island in Washington State. The special
tour was part of the Make-A-Wish program. Thank you to Make-A-Wish and
The post Military Photo of the Day: July 12, 2015 appeared first on The
Synthetic Hitler : The Making of a Bavarian Candidate
*"In the seventeenth chapter of Saint Luke it is written, "the kingdom of
God is within man" -- not one man, nor any group of men, but in all men"*
*The Bavarian Candidate*
Synthetic Hitler - Made in UK : The Making of a Bavarian Candidate from Spike
EP on Vimeo.
* "I, Herodotus of Halicarnassus, am here setting forth my history, that
time may not draw the color from what man has brought into being, nor those
great and wonderful deeds manifested by both the Greeks and the barbarians,
fail of their report, and together, with all of this, the reason why they
fought one another."*
... more »
Down with BBC imperialism!

There's a *lot* of BBC-related stuff in today's *Sunday Times*, including a
in-depth report by Tim Rayment headlined *Taming the BBC beast.*
Among other things, the piece crisply lays out why the BBC's long-standing
imperial ambitions are such a problem:
On the day ITV was launched in 1955 a young woman died in The Archers. Her
life ended horribly as she tried to save a horse from a fire and for 48
hours heartbroken listeners jammed the BBC switchboard, overshadowing the
dawn of commercial television. A new instinct had joined the BBC’s Reithian
values of public service broadcasti... more »
Asian free market websites, Part 4

How popular are the free market think tanks and institutes in Asia, at
least online?
I checked alexa.com four years ago to answer that question. Today, out of
curiosity, I checked again alexa.com and here is what I discovered. Shown
are their global ranking -- out of several hundred million sites and blogs
in the planet.
1. Korea Economic Research Institute (KERI), Seoul, headed by Dr. Tae-shin
Kwon, represented by Dr. Choi Byung Il in various EFN Asia conferences.
2. Unirule Institute of Economics, Beijing, headed by Dr. Mao Yushi; often
represented by Dr. Feng Xingyuan in various ... more »
Three views of success -- from Dilbert's Wally, Tyrell Wellick (of "Mr.Robot"), and the great Robert Benchley

*DILBERT by Scott AdamsJuly 9: "Hard Work Is Necessary For Success"*
[*Click to enlarge.*]
*"I take Life as it comes, and although I grouse a great deal and sometimes
lie on the floor and kick and scream and refuse to eat my supper, I find
that taking Life as it comes is the only way to meet it. It isn't a very
satisfactory way, but it is the only way. (I should be very glad to try any
other way that anyone can suggest. I certainly am sick of this one.)"*
*-- Robert Benchley, in "A Little Sermon on Success"*
*"Give a man a gun and he can rob a bank. But give a man a bank and he can ... more »
MENA Report ( July 11 , 2015 ) - General Comment For The Day -- " Cry " Havoc " and let slip the dogs of war. That this foul deed shall smell above the earth . With carrion men, groaning for burial ( Julius Caesar - Act 3 , Scene 1 ) - - - Iraq - Syria Regional War Updates.....Iran Nuclear Talks ...... Yemen Regional Proxy War ... Libya " Fuster Cluck " - is peace really at hand ?

*Iran Talks Extended to Monday Amid Deal Reports*
*Panic in Fallujah as Militias Prepare to Attack*
*Despite Ceasefire, Saudi Airstrikes Pound Yemen*
*US Says Afghan ISIS Planning Attacks Against NATO Troops*
Airstrikes Kill Civilians; 154 Killed in Iraq
Hezbollah, Syrian Govt Clash With Rebels in Zabadani
Turkey Arrests 21 Suspected ISIS Members
At War With ISIS, Iraq Is Pumping More Oil Than Ever Before
Retweeted 345 times
*CNN* @CNN Jul 10
Military analysts: Donald Trump's plan to bomb *Iraq*'s oil fields not a
good one http://cnn.it/1NZza2S
[... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“The most distant object easily visible to the eye is M31, the great
Andromeda Galaxy some two and a half million light-years away. But without
a telescope, even this immense spiral galaxy - spanning over 200,000 light
years - appears as a faint, nebulous cloud in the constellation Andromeda.
In contrast, details of a bright yellow nucleus and dark winding dust
lanes, are revealed in this digital telescopic image.
*Click image for larger size.*
Narrow band image data recording emission from hydrogen atoms, shows off
the reddish star-forming regions dotting gorgeous blue spiral arms ... more »
The Poet: Mary Oliver, “The Eskimos Have No Word for ‘War’”
* “The Eskimos Have No Word for ‘War’”*
“Trying to explain it to them
Leaves one feeling ridiculous and obscene.
Their houses, like white bowls,
Sit on a prairie of ancient snowfalls
Caught beyond thaw or the swift changes
Of night and day.
They listen politely, and stride away,
With spears and sleds and barking dogs
To hunt for food.
The women wait,
Chewing on skins or singing songs,
Knowing that they have hours to spend,
That the luck of the hunter is often late.
Later, by fires and boiling bones
In streaming kettles, they welcome me,
Far kin, pale brother,
To share what they have in a... more »
"Mad People..."
"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can't help that," said the cat: "We're all mad here. I'm mad.
You're mad."
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the cat, "Or you wouldn't have come here."
- Lewis Carroll,
"Alice's Adventures in Wonderland"
Chet Raymo, “Embracing the Seventh Art”
*“Embracing the Seventh Art”*
by Chet Raymo
“The medieval university curriculum was divided into two parts- the trivium
(grammar, rhetoric, and logic), and the quadrivium (arithmetic, geometry,
music, and astronomy). One might argue, and many do, that these seven
liberal arts might still constitute a satisfactory education. And
certainly, what the medievals understood about grammar, rhetoric, logic,
arithmetic, geometry and music has not substantially changed. Rhetoricians
can still be inspired by Cicero. Einstein learned his geometry from Euclid.
We listen to medieval music with u... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Renton, Washington, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
“No Escape from Existential Reality”
*“No Escape from Existential Reality”*
by Sartre
"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away."
Philip K. Dick
"Finally agreement! No one can dispute the reality that we all will die.
Since most choose to block out this fate or find it discomforting to
consider, the roots of denial are sown. Refusal to confront the one great
similarity that all humans share, is a trait that has greatly affected our
political and social lives. Life is to be lived, no doubt. But how you live
it greatly depends upon how you treat the final ending.
Death, freedom, existential ... more »
"You Better Decide..."
“A wise man once said you can have anything in life, if you sacrifice
everything else for it.
What he meant is, nothing comes without a price.
So before you go into battle you better decide how much you're willing to
- "Grey's Anatomy"
Vaccines: an ideal covert op to genetically re-engineer humans

Saturday, July 11, 2015
*Why is the government so maniacal about injecting vaccines?*
By Jon Rappoport
The reference is the *New York Times*, 3/15/15, “Protection Without a
Vaccine.” It describes the frontier of research. Here are key quotes that
illustrate the use of synthetic genes to “protect against disease,” while
changing the genetic makeup of humans. This is not science fiction:
“By delivering synthetic genes into the muscles of the [experimental]
monkeys, the scientists are essentially re-engineering the animals to
resist disease.”
“’The sky’s the limit,’ said Michael ... more »
Things Aristotle Was Completely Wrong About : Australia

*"Francis Bacon and his tribe buggered science and the result of this was
*Lyndon H. Larouche Jr. *
*of U.S. Army Intelligence*
*Terra Australis Incognita*
*aka The Counterweight Continent*
*(N.B. : Please note the presence (and existence) of the *
*Lost Continent of Mu **("Coo!") on this chart)*
*Il designo del discoperto della Nova Franza *
*by Paolo Forlani, ca. 1566*
By Aristotle
Written 350 B.C.E
Translated by E. W. Webster
"There are two inhabitable sections of the earth: one near our upper, or
nothern pole, the other near the other or south... more »
Civilian Casualties and Operation Protective Edge
Waking up the other day to discover that I was a duck was a rather
disconcerting experience. They say the condition is only temporary, but
there is a danger that I will forever be seen as a bit of a quack.
Nevertheless, the opportunity to blog at the Duck of Minerva is a great
privilege […]
Super R-Type for the Super Nintendo
*R-Type*. There was a point in time when that name was synonymous with
horizontally-scrolling shooters. When it hit the arcades in 1987, the
splash it made was huge. It wasn't the first of its kind, and by that time
the acquisition of power-ups were pretty standard too. What marked it off
was three things. Its unique selling point was the use of 'The Force', a
bolt-on indestructible droid that could be attached to the front or back of
your ship and used to absorb bullets in those tricky moments. It could also
be fired out front to operate semi-independently - a very handy thing to
... more »
A good day
I always prefer *Dateline London *when it has a broad range of political
opinions. Alas, it doesn't happen too often.
Today's edition, however, *did* contain a decent spread of opinion - from
centre-left to centre-right (via a pro-Saudi journalist and an American
...and the centre-right guest (Conservative Home's Alex Deane) engaged in
plenty of sparring with the two left-liberals (including Michael Goldfarb).
It's so much better when *Dateline *isn't just a left-leaning love-in.
That's when it becomes worth watching.
ESEA and the New Jim Crow Schools
A few years back Michelle Alexander wrote an amazing book, *The New Jim
Crow. . .*, that remains so relevant today. It is about a new form of
exclusion, segregation, and separation of African-Americans based on racist
policing and "justice" systems that incarcerate and then turn black men, in
particular, into lifelong "untouchables" who are kept from participating in
voting, legitimate employment, educational opportunities, and even public
Today we have a minor league farm system for this adult form of
institutionalized dehumanization, and like the adult version, it is ful... more »
From NJ to Maine, Big Rat Bastard Gummers of a feather flock together: Part 2, Our old pal, the Big Rat Bastard Gummer of NJ

*Yes, it's not one but two Big Rat Bastard Gummers, last week in Becky's
Diner in Portland, Maine, where the Pine State's gummer endorsed the gummer
of the Garden State for president.*
*by Ken*
In yesterday's Part 1, we focused on the twice-elected "Idiot Thug Running
Maine," a figure who to an almost unique degree combines
rolling-in-the-aisles buffoonery with the ability to strike terror in the
hearts of citizen students of American government and American society. A
man who might be the fraternal twin of the original Big Rat Bastard Gummer
of NJ.
The original Big Rat Bastard G... more »
Anita's Dance

Anita Anand's weekly introductions to *Any Answers? *are, I think, proving
to be something of an untapped bonanza for BBC bias hunters. She just
doesn't seem able to stop herself from thinking inside a certain
(left-leaning) box, however hard she appears to try.
This week's introduction started well, with a careful balance of talking
Good afternoon. Welcome to *Any Answers?*
So, the big question for you this afternoon: How will the Budget affect
*you*? With the changes to tax credits, a new national living wage,
inheritance tax, student maintenance grants, will you be b... more »
"WTF is this fancy pants load of politically correct crap from Manchester?"
I will admit that I'm loath to let last night's *Newsnight* pass without
comment, however inconsequential my thoughts about it may be. After all, I
wasted a good half an hour of my life watching it, and I want some return
from that ordeal!
The programme ignored the news completely (despite being called *Newsnight*)
and focused instead on the arts scene in Manchester - a few miles away from
the BBC's Salford residence: namely the Manchester International Festival
(abbreviated by *Newsnight* to MIF - though many a Twitter user claims to
have misread that as 'MILF').
Poo and pubic c... more »
2015 Week 28 Education Odds and Ends
*“Our rulers don’t just want exclusive control over the governance and
finances of our schools, they want to control both what is taught and by
whom.” — Robert D. Skeels*
Deasy not given his due
An EdSource piece by the respected Carl Cohn makes the tired old case for
"breaking up" Los Angeles Unified School District. Cohn lists multiple
recent missteps in his case — MiSiS cRiSiS and Pearson/iPad scandal among
them — but never once mentions the common denominator of all the missteps,
perhaps because of EdSource's sources of funding. I addressed Cohn's lack
of attribution thusly: ... more »

Marie Keyworth
For those tracking the BBC's obsessive interest in Gaza, today's *From Our
Own Correspondent *- a particularly egregious programme in that respect -
ended with yet another yarn from that particular unoccupied territory.
It came courtesy of a BBC reporter whose previous reporting from Gaza has
left a lot to be desired before, impartiality-wise: Marie Keyworth.
The story was a heart-warming, romantic one - a tale of stolen kisses -
set, BBC-style, against a heart-breaking story of fear and depression,
caused by Israeli bombs during last year's conflict - and fear of I... more »
July: There is nothing in today's Irving press worth commenting on.
This is the equivalent of a class newspaper for grades six and seven. Even
the Commentary by Gwynne Dyer is a pretty bland one for most Canadian
readers. I'm becoming convinced that the Irving press accepts only those
Dyer commentaries which are tame and remote - interesting for the reader
who avidly follows world news, but likely to be skipped by general readers.
Bill Belliveau has a column in which he urges readers to vote Liberal -
without giving a single reason why they should. He ends with an attack on
Mulcair because Mulcair was once interview for a job with the
Conservative... more »
Sphere Alliance Message #14

*This just came in as I was thinking about the nature of my son's "summer"
cold. This virus is quick and mean and the mucus is so thick and sticky it
is hard to breathe and swallow. I cleared my space and declared that only
messages of absolute unconditional and pure love and absolute truth are
11 July 2015
*You have a question about viruses? A virus is simply an aberration sent
into your system. It may contain codes to alter your genetic make-up; it
may be “man” made or nature made. All things come from Source. This virus
that you perceive is not the problem. ... more »
Liberal U.S. Magazine Touts Trip To Meet Cuban Spies Who Killed Americans
The Nation, one of America’s premier left-wing magazines, is advertising a
trip to Communist Cuba where it touts that visitors will be able to meet
spies who helped kill Americans. An email sent out Friday invites loyal
friends of The Nation to purchase one...
The post Liberal U.S. Magazine Touts Trip To Meet Cuban Spies Who Killed
Americans appeared first on The Stream.
Radio 4's 'Feedback': Not in my name

I have to say that I listened to the opening section of this week's *Feedback
*with growing astonishment.
Why? Well, because Radio 4's *Newswatch* equivalent, instead of acting as a
fair mirror of listeners' complaints and compliments, went off instead on
an extended editorial...
...and to say that presenter Roger Bolton gave a biased account of the deal
between the government and the BBC over the licence fee would be something
of an understatement. Where Roger stood on the subject was *not *exactly
left to the listeners' imagination here, to put it mildly. It was crystal
clear.... more »
Only Love Has the Power to Help You Discover this Simple Truth

*Video - *A short video about waking up from the illusion of separation and
discovering that love is the very fabric that creates you and this universe.
The post Only Love Has the Power to Help You Discover this Simple Truth
appeared first on Waking Times.
Confederate Flag Removed From South Carolina’s Statehouse Grounds
*There was a massive outburst of emotion as South Carolina brought down one
of the most divisive symbols in the nation from its Capitol grounds.* NBC.
It should have been done long time ago.
Gaza: “The 51-Day Genocide”
*“The 51-Day Genocide”*
by David Swanson
"Max Blumenthal’s latest book, "The 51 Day War: Ruin and Resistance in
Gaza," tells a powerful story powerfully well. I can think of a few other
terms that accurately characterize the 2014 Israeli assault on Gaza in
addition to “war,” among them: occupation, murder-spree, and genocide. Each
serves a different valuable purpose. Each is correct.
The images people bring to mind with the term “war,” universally outdated,
are grotesquely outdated in a case like this one. There is no pair of
armies on a battlefield. There is no battlefield. There ... more »
The Stable

are the horse race
all show
pure entertainment
political consumerism
they keep us
our energies
We quit
watching the
magic hands
of the
ruling oligarchies
as they make war
and steal us blind
Mr. Big
has a deep bench
inside the stable
with eager
men and women
of many colors
at the bit
for the big race
Mr. Big
seeds all
public organizations
and political parties
with his
It’s like
a lake
with trout
before fishing season
The leaders
we are allowed
to pick from
stable stock
all hav... more »
More Greece Analysis
Quagmire and fiasco are only two words to describe the condition of the
European Union and the eurozone after the democratic choice of the Greek
CrossTalking with Joshua Tartakovsky, John Laughland, and Theofanis
"How Donald Trump Sees The Globe"
*"How Donald Trump Sees The Globe"*
by Aaron Nemo
"Over the centuries, countless cartographers have dedicated their lives to
tirelessly assembling an accurate representation of our globe. Ignore those
idiots: It's Trump time! Feast your eyes upon our estimation of the
ultimate map as perceived by the lone presidential candidate ever to utter
the phrase, "Somebody's doing the raping."
*Click image for larger size.*
- http://www.huffingtonpost.com/
"Donald Trump Is the Clown in Charge: Sorry, GOP,
You Created Him, Now He’s the Face of Your Party"
- http://www.alternet.org/
Here's a shocker: The Sarah Palin Channel goes SPLAT! (But don't worry, you can now get crapnews from Princess Sarah for free!)

*No, the "*LEARN MORE*" link in the above screen grab (click to enlarge)
isn't live. It's a video you can watch by going to the Sarah Palin Channel
*by Ken*
"The who-what channel?" you say. "Uh, the Sarah Palin Channel? Oh, right, I
vaguely remember that. Sorta."
Ah, it was only a year ago that this breakthrough in America media was
announced to great fanfare -- or at least as much fanfare as a a heavily
over-fanfare-laden media world could muster. You could get a month's worth
of content from America's Princess at a monthly rate of a mere $9.95, or a
full doggone year ... more »
Portugal’s Experiment in Drug Decriminalization Has Been a Success
*Mark Thornton* - It is a happy anniversary for the Portuguese, but a scary
one for all the drug warriors around the world.
The post Portugal’s Experiment in Drug Decriminalization Has Been a Success
appeared first on Waking Times.
21 Life Changing Lessons to Learn From Confucius
*Luminita Saviuc* - The wisdom of the ancient sage Confucious.
The post 21 Life Changing Lessons to Learn From Confucius appeared first on Waking
Greece should rent Crete to Eurozone for 100 years, €325 billion

In the morning, it seemed extremely likely that the new Greek proposed €53.5
billion bailout was going to be accepted. Positive voices were heard from
the EU and IMF authorities. However, the finance ministers who discuss the
issue tonight are much less enthusiastic.
For example, Slovak finance minister Peter Kažimír has said that the
proposal reminds him of a time machine. It would have been good for the
completion of the 2nd bailout but it's probably no good for a 3rd bailout
because the economic conditions continued to further deteriorate, as I have
often warned. Moreover, the... more »
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