Latest news and stories from
Google announces more protection against Unwanted Programs and Adware
Google announced today that they are expanding Safe Browsing to issue more warnings regarding UnwantedJuly 16, 2015 -
Darkode hacking forum forced offline
July 15, 2015 -
Firefox Blocks Adobe Flash
Firefox blocks Flash, and Facebook calls for its death - Jul. 14, 2015 Â QUOTE: Mozilla blocked FlashJuly 14, 2015
USA Partisan
How To Grow a Survival Garden
I love growing my own vegetables. I spend many fulfilling hours outside every summer, tending to my plants,6 hrs ago -
The Supremes Think They’ve Killed States Rights
The principle of states’ rights, which has lived on for the last 150 years as a noble, though often6 hrs ago -
Family receives death threats after Big Pharma’s illegal human
Natural News – by Jonathan Benson If ever there was a vaccine injury case so compelling as to8 hrs ago
SGTreport - The Corporate Propaganda Antidote - Silver, Gold, Truth, Liberty, & Freedom
China’s Record Dumping Of US Treasuries Leaves Goldman Speechless
from Zero Hedge : On Friday, alongside China’s announcement that it had bought over 600 tons of24 mins ago -
Widespread Panic Fan Dies After Strange Police Hogtie Incident
by Amanda Warren, Activist Post : In an incident of disturbing irony, a man has tragically died in32 mins ago
Black Agenda Report
Black Agenda Radio for Week of July 20, 2015
Mumia Abu-Jamal deindustrialization Mumia “May Have Been Poisoned” Six months after Mumia Abu Jamal16 hrs ago -
Why Bill Clinton's Apology and Barack Obama's Prison Drive-By
prison state Why Bill Clinton's Apology and Barack Obama's Prison Drive-By, Token Clemencies AreJuly 17, 2015 -
Freedom Rider: Obama’s Prison Charade
black mass incarceration by BAR editor and senior columnist Margaret Kimberley Barack Obama attempts toJuly 14, 2015
Climate Resistance
Brian Cox’s Weird Science
Brian Cox — of wide-eyed BBC science spectaculars fame — is lauded as one of science’sJune 16, 2015 -
What Do Psychologists Have to Say About Climate Change?
One of the least-explored but most revealing things about the climate change debate (such as it is) is theJune 9, 2015 -
The Apollo Lords – Shooting for the Stars? Or the Foot?
The climate debate has seen much history dragged into the present, to be served up again as hollowJune 4, 2015
The Daily Bell RSS News Feed
Thieves Emporium Part 2 - The Envelope
Part 2: The Envelope - The young mother got off the bus less than a block from the Cleveland Boxing ClubJuly 19, 2015 -
Production Versus Plunder Part 16
Rome, it must be said, adapted greatly as it failed. This rather begs the question of what types of rulingJuly 18, 2015 -
Rothbardian Thoughts on Strategy
In thinking about libertarian strategy, I find it useful to revisit the framework set out by MurrayJuly 18, 2015 Top Topics
10,000 year old giants of the Sahara (65 flags)
Not still alive, but the Kiffians of the Sahara dating back some 10,000 years ago were a very tall peopleMay 27, 2015 -
Restricted until 2063 (39 flags)
the author leaks a supposedly official document from the National Archives restricting access to anMay 27, 2015 -
I found out False Flags are done with Tranced Individuals (38 flags)
You know what CIA and NSA do -other than spying - they read news all day. Open source information gatheringMay 27, 2015
Accuracy In Academia
Defending Religious Liberty
On June 26 th , same-sex marriage legislation as well as amendments to the state public accommodation laws9 hrs ago -
College Chancellor Freaked Out about an Old Photo of a Confederate Flag
It was a three-year-old photo which sparked the University of Missouri chancellor’s remarks, which9 hrs ago -
Wisconsin Professor who Compared Scott Walker to Hitler Formally Apologizes
She apologized in a telephone interview with The College Fix, but she still stands by her criticism of the13 hrs ago
Al Jazeera English
Trump reveals private phone number of rival to audience
Lindsey Graham's phone jammed by Trump supporters after tycoon reveals number in response to being12 mins ago -
Anbar offensive starts amid multiple Iraq bomb blasts
Bombs kill 32 as Iraqi forces launch offensive to dislodge ISIL and secure supply route in contested Anbar32 mins ago -
Greek parliament set to vote on second bailout reforms
Vote seen as key test of PM Alexis Tsipras' authority after he suffered a major parliamentary rebellion52 mins ago
AllThingsD » Walt Mossberg
Top Products in Two Decades of Tech Reviews
This is my last column for The Wall Street Journal, after 22 years of reviewing consumer technologyDecember 17, 2013 -
Diabetes Data Beamed to Your Phone
Home medical devices, as opposed to fitness products like activity-measuring wrist bands, have too oftenDecember 10, 2013 -
Two Houses, One Cable TV Bill
Q: I have a vacation home and I am paying for cable service at two houses. Is there a practical way toDecember 10, 2013
altahrir, news of Islam, Muslims, Arab Spring and special Palestine
Right-wing Jews tour Al-Aqsa, Israeli police detain Palestinian
JERUSALEM (Ma’an) — Right-wing Jews toured the Al-Aqsa mosque compound Tuesday morning, while9 hrs ago -
Israeli committee pushes re-sentencing of Shalit deal detainees
BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — An Israeli military committee has recommended re-sentencing nearly all9 hrs ago -
Interview to Dr.Rami Mokdad, head of the Oncology Department from Shifa
No private hospital in Gaza treats cancer, only the public ones, and that the treatment is free of charge.9 hrs ago
Animal Emotions
Why Science Does Not Need Female or Male Mice
An editorial called “Why Science Needs Female Mice” by the New York Times Editorial Review Board relies onJuly 20, 2015 -
Dogs' Noses Know More Than Doctors About Cancer Detection
Dogs are highly accurate in sniffing out various cancers and outperform humans. One researcher goes as farJuly 11, 2015 -
A Tale of Two Brains: Are Two Really Better than One?
A recent study of brain-melding -- wiring together the brains of different animals -- raises many importantJuly 11, 2015
RSS Feed
Iran’s Inflexibility on Enrichment a Barrier to Progress on Nuclear Deal
By Daryl G. Kimball Officials involved in the high-stakes negotiations aimed at reaching a comprehensiveSeptember 27, 2014 -
The P5+1 and Iran Nuclear Talks Alert, September 25
By the research staff of the Arms Control Association. To get this P5+1 and Iran Nuclear Talks AlertSeptember 25, 2014 -
The P5+1 and Iran Talks Are Complicated Enough Without Partisan Senate
By Kelsey Davenport U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry meets with Iranian Foreign Minister Javad ZarifSeptember 22, 2014
Australian Climate Madness
Climate Council: junk science leads to record levels of alarmism
The Climate Council is nothing more than an alarmism generating machine. Every year the level of hysteriaFebruary 7, 2015 -
Coalition infighting will see return to bad old days of Labor – including a
The Coalition seems to have a healthy self-destruct instinct which it must have inherited from theFebruary 5, 2015 -
Journalist feels the wrath of climate jihadists
‘In a few years, self-defence is going to be made a valid defence for patricide, so Rose’sFebruary 1, 2015
BBC News - Home
'Oldest' Koran found in Birmingham
What could be the world's oldest fragments of the Koran have been found by the University of Birmingham7 hrs ago -
Sandra Bland arrest video released
A police dashcam video is released showing the arrest of a woman who died three days later while in custody2 hrs ago -
Second bailout reform vote in Greece
The Greek parliament will vote on a second set of structural reforms needed to secure an €86bn bailout from15 mins ago
BBC News - England
Two workers entombed in submarine
Two workers were accidentally entombed inside the ballast tank of a nuclear submarine, it emerges.5 hrs ago -
Liquid faeces food 'curing C. diff'
Doctors in Birmingham save more than 20 people with Clostridium difficile by feeding them liquid faeces.34 mins ago -
Most senior woman bishop consecrated
The most senior woman bishop in the Church of England is being consecrated at Canterbury Cathedral later.5 hrs ago
Radley Balko
These 13 People Were Killed By The War On Drugs. Their Lives Were The Cost
This story was first published in April 2013. America's long drug war has produced countlessApril 18, 2014 -
An Interview With Sam Dalton, Now In His Seventh Decade Of Criminal Defense
The year 2013 marked the 50th anniversary of two landmark Supreme Court cases in criminal defense law. InDecember 30, 2013 -
Militarizing Santa Claus
A couple years ago, I wrote a story about efforts by citizens in the town of Keane, New Hampshire, to blockDecember 27, 2013
Bartholomew's Notes on Religion
New Mexico Congressman Helps Build Evangelical Links in Belarus
From the Albuquerque Journal , at the end of May: Rep. Steve Pearce… flew alone to Belarus on aJuly 8, 2015 -
Kamal Saleem Doubles Down on “Obama is a Muslim” Conspiracy Theories
Fake ex-terrorist Kamal Saleem (background here ) is still doing the rounds – from the Hill CountryJuly 7, 2015 -
David Aaronovitch Responds To Critics of Satanic Ritual Abuse Documentaries
David Aaronovitch has written an exhaustive response to criticisms of his recent BBC Radio 4 documentariesJuly 6, 2015
Beyond Meds
Some Wu Wei wisdom (non-doing as path to freedom)
The concept of non-doing has been a big part of my practice lately. It's a way to always have exactly18 hrs ago -
Radical uncertainty: a healing stance for all
By Ron Unger, LCSW -- Unfortunately, the typical interaction between professionals and clients seen asJuly 19, 2015 -
Befriending fear
The practice of being with all that arises within. Fear here can be translated to "anxiety,"July 18, 2015
Biased BBC
Comic Vapours About The Charter Review
The BBC are pushing hard to make sure that criticism of the BBC and any projected change1 hr ago -
I notice the BBC reporting that South Yorkshire Police child protection ‘needs improvement’ I22 hrs ago -
It must be tough for the BBC. With Labour in sustained meltdown after their trouncing at the General23 hrs ago
BlackListed News
12 Ways The Economy Is Already In Worse Shape Than It Was During The Depths
Did you know that the percentage of children in the United States that are living in poverty is actuallyJuly 20, 2015 -
Who benefits from the lifting of Iranian sanctions?
With the approval vote in the United Nation Security Council of the P5 + 1 Iranian agreement, a smorgasbordJuly 20, 2015 -
470,000 Vehicles At Risk After Hackers "Take Control & Crash"
In what is being called "the first of its kind," reports that hackers, using just aJuly 20, 2015
Brave The World
Libertarian Party of Canada Platform
"My platform is simple: the ability to own a firearm runs parallel with freedom."July 8, 2015 -
Why I May be Resigning from the Canadian Libertarian Party
Well this may have been short lived. I joined the party as a way to market my message toJuly 3, 2015 -
Your 2 cents ChangeTip Contest!
Tweet your 2 cents at me for a chance to win some stuffJune 21, 2015
Blog: Posts
Advocates Call For Additional Coast Guard National Security Cutter
Body: By Taylor Feuss .ExternalClass35D01A6BBFEA4BB2BB67D85AEB248BCF p.MsoNormal12 hrs ago -
Army Chief of Staff Nominee: Service Chiefs Need Enhanced Role in
Body: .ExternalClass2FA736990D8F4B59BF8B1CB5A257C698 p.MsoNormal10 hrs ago -
Army’s Rapid Response Units Demand Better Mobile Communications
Body: By Sandra I. Erwin Commanders of Army war fighting units are losing patience with the slow pace of16 hrs ago
Business News Headlines - Yahoo! News
Asian shares wilt in shadow of Wall Street's earnings woes
TOKYO (Reuters) - Asian stocks skidded on Wednesday after weak earnings dragged down U.S. equities, while52 mins ago -
Apple gives weak forecast, shares fall nearly 7 percent
BENGALURU/SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Apple Inc shares slumped nearly 7 percent in after-hours trading as its8 hrs ago -
Greek PM Tsipras faces key bailout vote test on Wednesday
By Costas Pitas and Angeliki Koutantou ATHENS (Reuters) - Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras faces his14 mins ago
COTO Report
We Need to Talk about Sandy Hook
Originally posted on COALITION OF THE OBVIOUS : This is the definitive and most informative documentary onDecember 5, 2014 -
Mowing the Lawn in Gaza
By Volaar “When thy intelligence shall cross beyond the whirl of delusion, then shalt thou becomeAugust 11, 2014
Caring for Survivors of Torture
Passings: 2014-2015
Helen Bamber: “I vowed never to be a bystander…” Historically, throughout much of the world, torture hasApril 2, 2015 -
How much does race matter?
2014 death toll far higher than widely known… As we approach the end of a truly harrowing year for raceDecember 15, 2014 -
“We want them back alive!”
Vivos se los llevantaron…vivos los queremos! “They were taken from us alive! We want them back aliveDecember 9, 2014
Center on Budget: Comprehensive News Feed
House Budget Committee Plan Cuts Pell Grants Deeply, Reducing Access to
The House Budget Committee budget plan calls for large cuts in Pell Grants, which help more than 8 millionMarch 24, 2015 -
Eliminating Estate Tax on Inherited Wealth Would Increase Deficits and
The House Ways and Means Committee is scheduled to consider a bill this week to repeal the federal estateMarch 24, 2015 -
Obama Budget Restores Housing Vouchers
Thanks to funding Congress provided in 2014 and 2015, state and local housing agencies are beginning toMarch 23, 2015
“Tempête du Sud”: Al-Nosra jette l’éponge !!!
IRIB- En plus du fiasco infligé à leur bataille, «Tempête du Sud», laquelle devait, en principeJune 30, 2015 -
Le Hezbollah défend l’intégrité du Liban ! par Richard Labévière
IRIB- Toujours inscrit sur les listes américaine et européenne des organisations terroristes, leJune 30, 2015
Coyote Blog
Gawker Was Always Vile
Even before the current unpleasantness, Gawker was always vile. Here is Adam Weinstein in Gawker arguing9 hrs ago -
Why It Is Good to Be A White Male: I Had to Take Ownership for My Business
Ellen Pao's supporters are blaming her departure from Reddit on sexism, despite the fact that the much12 hrs ago -
Thanks Nevada for This Taxi Line
You gotta love crony capitalism. Bowing to the demands of taxi companies, Uber is banned in Las Vegas. As13 hrs ago
Crikey » COLUMNS
Isentia Index: The ‘age of entitlement’ is over – or is it?
Bronwyn Bishop and a hungry shark dominated media coverage this week.3 hrs ago -
Glenn Dyer’s TV ratings: a shocker for Seven
Nine’s night in metro and regionals (main channels there, Seven won overall) as The Voice again topped the3 hrs ago -
Media briefs: gallery snubs Labor Herald … off the grid … je ne suis pas
No press gallery access for Labor Herald . And other media tidbits of the day.3 hrs ago
Dandelion Salad
Richard Wolff: Is China’s Bubble About To Burst? Look Out US!
Dandelion Salad The Big Picture RT on Jul 21, 2015 Economist Dr. Richard Wolff, Democracy At Work joins7 hrs ago -
Chris Hedges: Bernie Sanders is Lending Credibility to a Party That is
Dandelion Salad with Chris Hedges and Ralph Nader Ralph Nader Radio Hour July 11, 2015 Ralph and acclaimedJuly 16, 2015 -
Greece is a Nation Under Occupation by Andrew Gavin Marshall
by Andrew Gavin Marshall Writer, Dandelion Salad July 16, 2015 In the early hoursJuly 16, 2015
Diary of a Heartland Radical
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONEJuly 20, 2015 -
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONEJuly 20, 2015 -
Thursday, April 9, 2015 Harry Targ Candidate Barack Obama’s most appealing campaign promise in 2008July 14, 2015
Cellphone Ordinance Puts Berkeley at Forefront of Radiation Debate
If you’ve seen the disinformation documentary Mobilize you’ll know that Berkeley, California5 hrs ago -
New Probe Exposes Horrific Child Abuse by Israeli Forces
Israeli border police arresting Ahmad Abu Sbitan, 11, in front of his school in East Jerusalem. (Photo7 hrs ago -
Transhumanism — The Final Religion?
Humphrey King (CC BY-SA 2.0) Transhumanism and its associated philosophies can be divisive. To be sure8 hrs ago
The Doctor's Report
Ghana: a Shining Democracy Without Accountability
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONEJuly 4, 2013 -
How Could Japan Offer $32billion In Aid To Africa?
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONEJune 14, 2013 -
Why Are African Professors Becoming Politicians?
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONEJune 5, 2013
Drone Wars UK
Campaigners seek to overturn injunction against protests at Israeli-owned
PRESS RELEASE Protest vigils have taken place outside the drone factory since 2009 Campaigners in the17 hrs ago -
Cameron further commits the UK to drone wars
David Cameron visits RAF Waddington and Coningsby – Credit BBC Radio Lincolnshire A year after theJuly 13, 2015 -
Cameron testing the water on British drone strikes in Syria
David Cameron with RAF pilots at Al Minhad Air Base in UAE, 2012 (credit Stefan Rousseau/PA) With theJuly 1, 2015
(e) Science News - Biology & Nature
Study sheds light on the ability of different marine species to respond to
In Eastern Australia, the ocean has been warming at a rate that's 4-times that of the global averageJuly 20, 2015 -
Imaging glucose uptake activity inside single cells
Researchers at Columbia University have reported a new approach to visualize glucose uptake activity inJuly 20, 2015 -
CRISPR-based genome editing technologies poised to revolutionize medicine
CRISPR/Cas systems for genome editing have revolutionized biological research over the past three yearsJuly 20, 2015
RSS Feed
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Fabius Maximus website
The Cult of the offense returns: why we’re losing the long war, & how to
Summary: We cannot escape history. It offers lessons to guide us. It’s deployed as propaganda to16 hrs ago -
Stratfor: what the Iran deal means for oil prices
Summary: Here Stratfor discusses one of the big economic and geopolitical questions about the Iran dealJuly 20, 2015 -
Attacks by Muslims in America start a new phase in our long war
Summary: The recent surge in attacks by Muslims in America mark a new phase in our long war, one longJuly 19, 2015
Whistleblower Protection Blog
The Chamber’s Proposal to Limit Recoveries to “ Net Actual Damages ” is
The Chamber of Commerce has commenced a well-financed and aggressive lobbying campaign to undermine America18 hrs ago -
Maryland Enacts False Claims Act
On April 8, 2015, the State of Maryland joined the majority of states, including Virginia and the DistrictJuly 20, 2015 -
Third Largest SEC Whistleblower Award Issued
Washington D.C., July 17, 2015: Today the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced that it paid aJuly 17, 2015
Friends of Syria
Turkish President’s daughter heads a covert medical corps to help ISIS
Sümeyye Erdoğan A discontented nurse working clandestinely for a covert medical corps in Şanlıurfa—aJuly 17, 2015 -
Horn Player Gives Racist Marchers the Goofball Soundtrack They Deserve
While many Neo-Nazis seem to think they’re the second coming of George Lincoln Rockwell or Heinrich Himmler3 hrs ago -
Bill Cosby Lawyers: Comedian Admitted to Recreational Drug Use, Not Rape
On Tuesday, lawyers representing Bill Cosby asked a judge to keep the settlement terms of a 2005 sexual4 hrs ago -
Officer in Sandra Bland Traffic Stop Video: "I Will Light You Up!"
On Tuesday, authorities released dashcam footage showing the traffic stop that preceded the arrest of5 hrs ago
The Green Life
Hiking Guru Shares Perfect Paths
Robert Manning is a hiking guru. At the University of Vermont, he researches and teaches park managment ,&#May 30, 2014 -
Defending The F-Word
The oil and gas industry dislikes the noun fracking , shorthand for hydraulic fracturing . ItMay 28, 2014 -
Not Your Grandparents’ Road Trip: 5 Green Reasons to Visit National Parks
Wailing children, crotchety parents, sand and sunscreen in uncomfortable places… you get the idea. IfMay 28, 2014
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The Intercept
Some Dude Created an Ashley Madison Account Linked to My Gmail, and All I
“Life is short. Have an affair.” That’s the motto of Ashley Madison, a dating site built for cheaters and12 hrs ago -
The Spirit of Judy Miller is Alive and Well at the NYT, and It Does Great
One of the very few Iraq War advocates to pay any price at all was former New York Times reporter Judy14 hrs ago -
Joe Biden: Some Democrat Who’s Not Him Should “Get Private Money Out of
Vice President Joe Biden declared last week that the “one single thing” that would make it14 hrs ago
In These Times
Ta-Nehisi Coates’ “Between the World and Me” Forever Changes the Meaning of
Ta-Nehisi Coates overtly summons his literary ancestors in his slim new memoir, Between the World and Me .7 hrs ago -
Underneath the Laughs, ‘Trainwreck’ Is Just Another Regressive Rom Com
I laughed a lot at Trainwreck —parts of it, anyway. I should note that I’m an easy laugher. In15 hrs ago -
Taxing the Rich is the Only Real Solution to Illinois’ Budget Deficit
The state of Illinois stands at a crossroads. Our elected officials must fix the state’s structuralJuly 20, 2015
Indigenous Action Media
Morning Star Institute to Hold 13th Annual National Prayer Day for Sacred
JUNE 19-24 SET FOR 2015 NATIONAL SACRED PLACES PRAYER DAYS Editor’s note: Indigenous Action MediaJune 18, 2015 -
Power Lines Feature Film Trailer
Power Lines is a politically charged coming of age story about a young Diné (Navajo) poet who runs away andMay 14, 2015 -
Ecological Destruction Doesn’t Equal Diné Sovereignty
In 2009 Joe Shirley Jr., then president of the Navajo Nation issued a press release stating, “April 18, 2015
Inter Press Service
First Six Months of 2015 “Hottest on Record” Since 1880
U.N. agencies are growing increasingly concerned about the health impacts of hotter temperatures driven by9 hrs ago -
Calls Mount for “Bold” Climate Deal in Paris
By Kitty Stapp NEW YORK, Jul 21 2015 (IPS) A diverse coalition of 24 leading British scientific12 hrs ago -
Ex-Leader of Chad Faces African-Led Court After Years on the Run
A scene from the mission of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) to Chad to inquire into16 hrs ago
The Invisible Opportunity: Hidden Truths Revealed
Academic oligarchy: Majority of science publishing is controlled by just
by: Ethan A. Huff (NaturalNews) The flow of science in this modern age is largely controlled by just sixJuly 20, 2015 -
MH17 One Year On: What Really Happened and Why
Patrick Henningsen 21st Century Wire This month marks the one year anniversary of the downing ofJuly 18, 2015 -
‘Was there a 2nd plane?’ New footage shows MH17 crash site minutes after
News Corp Australia has obtained a previously unknown video allegedly taken minutes after MalaysianJuly 18, 2015
Latest headlines
Cold Revenge
"Meretz is a loyal old party, saying all the right things, unblemished by corruption. Unfortunately it -
Military voyeurism or invasion of Syria?
"The ‘chemical weapons’ scenario seems to be the best cue for Washington and their western allies in -
Men and Women: Their Contributions to the World
"Even in the area of warfare, for which men had been paying price in terms of loss of life and limbs
RSS Feed
Venezuela : US Using Border Dispute as Destabilization
Venezuela and Guyana’s dispute over the Essequibo region is a new front in the destabilization of VenezuelaJuly 20, 2015 -
By Tanja Nijmeijer Starting in the Netherlands … In July 1995, during the war in Yugoslavia, a groupJuly 19, 2015 -
Somalia : African Union’s Military Strategy Challenged as Foreign Fighters
Press TV has conducted an interview with Abayomi Azikiwe, an editor at The Pan-African News Wire fromJuly 19, 2015
Check It Dance Festival
Check It Dance Festival: A Celebration of Female Choreographers was held today along the East River, withJuly 19, 2015
Master Resource
Settling an Old Score with AWEA
“Robert Bradley, of the petro-funded and misleadingly named Institute for Energy Research (Ministry1 hr ago -
Green Energy Plunders the Biosphere
“Green energy is not so green after all. It reduces the supply of food, water and energy available toJuly 20, 2015 -
Educating Public Utility Regulators: Is It Fruitful?
“Regulation did not originate as a goodwill gesture from enlightened attorneys who wanted to spreadJuly 16, 2015
Media Matters for America - Research Items
Latest Video Attacking Planned Parenthood Full Of More Deceptive Edits
In its latest deceptively edited video, the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) claims to have caught a17 hrs ago -
The Extreme And Violent Background Of The Group Consulting On The Anti
The anti-choice group Operation Rescue has been consulting with the Center for Medical Progress to attack21 hrs ago -
Right-Wing Media Deny Link Between Climate Change And Rise Of ISIL
Right-wing media are mocking Democratic presidential candidate Martin O'Malley for stating that a23 hrs ago
New Content on CO2 Science
Crop Breeding for High Production, Water Use Efficiency & Albedo
It's a good way to confront mankind's growing need for food and the water needed to produce itSeptember 2, 2014 -
Biospheric Productivity (Global: The Recent Past) -- Summary
Since 1980 the Earth has weathered three of the warmest decades in the instrumental temperature record, aSeptember 2, 2014 -
Catastrophic Floods of Dartmoor, South West England
Are they few and far-between? ... or are they growing ever more frequent ... and ferocious?September 2, 2014
Dollar in Argentina breaks 15-Peso threshold; pro-business candidate poor
The US dollar kept climbing in Argentina and ended trading on Tuesday above the 1526 mins ago -
Chilean congress makes unprecedented mea culpa on several corruption cases
The Chilean Congress made an unprecedented mea culpa on Tuesday for a series of43 mins ago -
French president to announce emergency measures in support of farmers
President Francois Hollande has said he would unveil emergency measures to help1 hr ago
NME News
Thurston Moore streams new album 'The Best Day' – listen
The album will be released on October 20October 13, 2014 -
More tickets released for Damon Albarn at the Royal Albert Hall – on sale
The shows will take place on November 15 and 16October 13, 2014 -
Foo Fighters to premiere new track 'Something From Nothing' on
The track is the first from forthcoming album 'Sonic Highways'October 13, 2014
Nature News Blog - Posts
Contamination created controversial ‘acid-induced’ stem cells
Stem cells that were claimed to be created simply by exposing ordinary cells to stress were probablyDecember 28, 2014 -
US to lift ban on blood donations from gay men
The US Food and Drug Administration has announced plans to end a lifetime ban on blood donation for men whoDecember 24, 2014 -
Gates Foundation announces world’s strongest policy on open access research
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has announced the world’s strongest policy in support of openNovember 21, 2014
National Wind Watch: Wind Energy News
Protestors seek funds fight fresh battle against Upper Broughton wind
Campaigners who oppose a planned wind turbine at Upper Broughton are appealing for financial aid to fight a12 hrs ago -
The environmentalist case against 100% renewable energy plans #USA
Renewable energy has had a busy year. California and New York have adopted ambitious plans calling for 5013 hrs ago -
Wind farm foes take case to Canton tonight #SD
The Lincoln County Commission will tackle the issue of wind farms tonight in Canton, as opponents of what13 hrs ago
Europe at the point of no return
The Europe as we have known it for the last sixty years has ended up on the 27th of June 2015. TheJuly 19, 2015 -
A mobility experience for everyone!
In the framework of their ‘Youth call for Europe', JEF France has called for an experience of mobilityJuly 9, 2015 -
Notes On the Greek Referendum's Result
After the recent Greek referendum a solution to the Greek question seems farther away than ever. TheJuly 9, 2015
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News For You
What Islam Really Says About Women
Huffington Post q -
Here's what the world could look like in ten years after the Iran deal
Business Insider q
Big Picture News, Informed Analysis
See You in September (And a Few Words About the Pope)
New material won't be added to this blog until Autumn. You are invited to explore the six-years-worthJune 21, 2015 -
The Future Isn’t Ours to Dictate
It is not the business of today's politicians to decide which energy sources will be used 85 years fromJune 9, 2015 -
Will Rajendra Pachauri Be Held Accountable by Green Activists?
The environmental movement routinely demands accountability from third parties. When will it acknowledgeMay 29, 2015
Online Cancer Blog
Caring and Supporting a Friend with Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is a type of cancer that occurs in the breast cells. Causes include genetics, age, obesityJuly 15, 2015 -
Healthy Lifestyle Tips for Childhood Cancer Survivor
June 24, 2015 -
Taking Care of Eating Habits after Chemo
June 19, 2015
thesparkofrevolution : blacktyranitar : thesparkofrevolution : jakovu : dama3 : tastefullyoffensive14 hrs ago -
new-aesthetic: Police truncheon texts the officer’s mother when...
new-aesthetic : Police truncheon texts the officer’s mother when it is used Russian artist DmitryJuly 20, 2015 -
"And then on the other end, the idea of disasters as things that
“And then on the other end, the idea of disasters as things that happen to poor people is redundant. PeopleJuly 19, 2015
The PPJ Gazette
Author, Chuck Frank See his website: lightofthenation.usJuly 19, 2015 -
TS Radio: Deirdre Gilbert….Protesting…What does it take to get you on your
Due to major technical difficulties this show will air tomorrow! Please watch for announcement of time! 4:July 19, 2015 -
Where was Homeland Security & FBI when this happened?
Doug Kinan Opinion written prior to the fifth person (Navy Reservist) pronounced dead Four brave MarinesJuly 18, 2015
Politics News Headlines - Yahoo News
After Israel talks, Pentagon chief says: 'Friends can disagree'
By Phil Stewart JERUSALEM (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter never expected to win over Israel	 hrs ago -
Trump's surge seen as summer squall, but will he rain on the Republican
By Steve Holland MANCHESTER, N.H. (Reuters) - For most of his Republican rivals, Donald Trump's surge1 hr ago -
Republicans close the digital gap as web gurus go head-to-head
Now the two digital strategy gurus are facing off on opposite sides of the 2016 presidential race, as1 hr ago
The Pump Handle
More evidence that indoor smoking bans and smart public health policy are
Because there can never be enough research to illustrate the positive impact of public health policy on8 hrs ago -
Will successful Colorado program to prevent teen pregnancies survive?
Back in 2009, the Colorado Family Planning Initiative started providing free IUDs and other contraceptiveJuly 20, 2015 -
Messaging study: Putting a human face on opioid addiction increases public
Every day in the U.S., more than 40 people die after overdosing on prescription painkillers. Deaths from aJuly 17, 2015
Jon Rappoport's Blog
American Addict: the medical police state
American Addict: the medical police state by Jon Rappoport July 22, 2015 (To read about Jon’s3 hrs ago -
What is happening to the individual in our time
What is happening to the individual in our time by Jon Rappoport July 21, 2015 (To read about JonJuly 20, 2015 -
New time, new life
New time, new life by Jon Rappoport July 20, 2015 (To read about Jon’s mega-collection, ExitJuly 19, 2015
Signs of the Times
Nazi hunter arrives in Denmark to report war crimes against Jews in WWII
A famous Nazi hunter says he is arriving in Denmark on Monday, hoping to press criminal charges against a3 hrs ago -
The American Nightmare: The tyranny of the criminal justice system
How can the life of such a man Be in the palm of some fool's hand? To see him obviously framed Couldn hrs ago -
Japan accused of coercing Fukushima refugees to return to unsafe homes
Greenpeace charges that pro-nuclear Prime Minister Shinzo Abe cares more about politics than public health4 hrs ago - Dominion Post
Basin Reserve flyover's $90 million for 90 seconds is worth it, says
The 90 seconds that motorists would save by driving on the Basin Reserve flyover is more impressive than it1 hr ago -
Paraparaumu farmer inundated with adoption requests for Mr Bull the steer
Offers to re-home Mr Bull, the castrated, friendly bull of Paraparaumu, have come flooding in.2 hrs ago -
NZ army chief to lead peacekeepers in Middle East
New Zealand's army chief is leaving his post to lead the United Nations peacekeeping efforts in the1 hr ago
RSS Feed
Is the UN Conniving with the Saudis in Yemen?
Nizar Abboud Published on Jul 21, 2015 Muhamad Salam the spokesman of Ansar Allah (Houthis) in YemenJuly 20, 2015 -
Battlefield Report : Syria in the Last 24 Hours
Army establishes full control over al-Zabadani plain, kills scores of terrorists across the country 21 JulyJuly 20, 2015 -
Why Did ISIS Attack Suruç?
By Yvo Fitzherbert A bomb was detonated yesterday on July 20th at the Amara Cultural Centre, killing 32July 20, 2015
130226 – Australia’s horrific incarceration rates of Aboriginal peoples
* The Stringer: International Prisoners Justice Day highlights Australia’s horrific incarcerationFebruary 26, 2013 -
130225 – Opportunity Lost by Boris Frankel – Marcia Langton’s Boyer
* arena: Opportunity Lost by Boris Frankel: Marcia Langton’s Boyer Lectures * Andrew Crook, CrikeyFebruary 26, 2013 -
130224 – Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia – 40 events
Click on the links for details of the events … Event: Sun 24 February 2013: Fremantle, Perth, WAFebruary 24, 2013
Freethought Blogs
That’s the price you pay
In my latest piece for Daily Beast , I briefly mentioned a current harassment case in Canada. A judge will14 hrs ago -
Flying gun
Soooooo…stay out of the parks. Well just stay inside altogether. But they can come up to your windows5 hrs ago -
Review: Waiting for Godot
This is a famous 1953 play by Samuel Beckett that is in the absurdist tradition. It features two older men8 hrs ago
Politics News Headlines - Yahoo News
After Israel talks, Pentagon chief says: 'Friends can disagree'
By Phil Stewart JERUSALEM (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter never expected to win over Israel	 hrs ago -
Trump's surge seen as summer squall, but will he rain on the Republican
By Steve Holland MANCHESTER, N.H. (Reuters) - For most of his Republican rivals, Donald Trump's surge1 hr ago -
Republicans close the digital gap as web gurus go head-to-head
Now the two digital strategy gurus are facing off on opposite sides of the 2016 presidential race, as1 hr ago
Politics : NPR
How Vandalism And Fear Ended Abortion In Northwest Montana
When Zachary Klundt broke into All Families Healthcare he destroyed the only clinic providing abortions in9 hrs ago -
5 Years Later, Legacy Of Financial Overhaul Still Being Weighed
Republicans are pushing to roll back Dodd-Frank because they say it over-regulates the financial industry9 hrs ago -
Former President Of Chad Forced To Appear In Court For War Crimes Trial
The imprisoned former president of Chad, Hissene Habre, fueled chaos at a court in Senegal trying him for9 hrs ago
Business News Headlines - Yahoo! News
Asian shares wilt in shadow of Wall Street's earnings woes
TOKYO (Reuters) - Asian stocks skidded on Wednesday after weak earnings dragged down U.S. equities, while59 mins ago -
Apple gives weak forecast, shares fall nearly 7 percent
BENGALURU/SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Apple Inc shares slumped nearly 7 percent in after-hours trading as its8 hrs ago -
Greek PM Tsipras faces key bailout vote test
By Costas Pitas and Angeliki Koutantou ATHENS (Reuters) - Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras faces his16 mins ago
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