One of these AOL Today "news" items isn't like the others -- and it's labeled. But . . .
*One of these "newsy" items is not like the others --* [*Click to enlarge.*] *by Ken* I know I'm supposed to be humiliated to admit that I still use an AOL e-mail address, which marks me as some sort of pathetic, antique computer naïf. If I were foolish enough to use it to, say, apply for a job, I would be laughed out of consideration just for this. Still, perhaps you'll pardon my observation that none of the other e-mail systems I've been exposed to seem to me any better. (I think "worse" is the word I'm groping for.) For one application I'm obliged to use Gmail, and I hate it. ... more »
Greece & EU: There is NO Agreement. EU and EU2 ?
*Flashback: Greece : The Straw that Breaks the Euro Area- Full Integration or an Amicable Split* *Concluding * Can't be sure. However, I'm sticking with what I see at this time. *Greece (Tsipras) is being used to put pressure on the EU to fully and completely integrate or split into two factions.* EU & EU 2 the poor cousins * Continuing:* No Agreement, still- Only an agreement to negotiate. Tsipras doesn't 'believe' in this deal. Schauble doesn't believe in the deal. The IMF, of all entities, does not support this deal*. *Still thinking this has all been designed to fail. Not ... more »
Planned Parenthood’s Travesty of Sacrifice
“We were at one, blood to blood, as no other kind of union could make us,” the English essayist Malcolm Muggeridge wrote, recalling giving his wife his own blood during a critical medical moment. “To give life,” he continued, “this... The post Planned Parenthood’s Travesty of Sacrifice appeared first on The Stream.
Misappropriated Womanhood
I see the liberal, secular feminist and the homosexual/transgender ideologies running smack into each other like bulls. The losers in this bloody clash? There will be many, but let’s talk about the most ironic losers: women. Neither ideology respects true... The post Misappropriated Womanhood appeared first on The Stream.
A Special Moment at Tom Watson’s Last Open Championship
In 1975, Tom Watson won his first Open Championship. 40 years later, he finished the final round at his last. Wrapping up his Open Championship career yesterday at the home of golf, St Andrews, Scotland, Watson received a standing ovation from... The post A Special Moment at Tom Watson’s Last Open Championship appeared first on The Stream.
A Look at the Four Marines Murdered in Chattanooga Terror Attack
They were four people charged with the safety of others, gunned down in a place where the nation’s defense is the paramount mission for those who pass through its doors. They are being deemed heroes by some, and the cruel... The post A Look at the Four Marines Murdered in Chattanooga Terror Attack appeared first on The Stream.
July 17:
Friday, like today (Thursday) will be a busy day for me. So I'm starting this blog this evening - and will finish tomorrow. So the part about what's in Irving press will come last. I spent part of today watching news on U.S. TV channels. It's a very frightening thing to watch. First, there was the general who warned that Iran came third on the list of threats to the U.S. Then there was the panel discussion which warned us that Iran was America's most dangerous enemy. I don't know whether the general or the panelists believed what they said. But I know it's absurd. The idea that Ira... more »
What’s Really In Secondhand E-Cigarette Aerosol
*Inforgraphic - *E-cigarettes emit more than just "harmless water vapor." Secondhand e-cigarette aerosol, wich is inaccurately called vapor by the industry, contains more than nicotine. The post What’s Really In Secondhand E-Cigarette Aerosol appeared first on Waking Times.
Moldova Is On The Brink Of Becoming A Failed State
BBC *Niels Van Wanrooij, Real Clear World:* *Europe Risks Losing Moldova to Moscow* Moldova, a country of 3.5 million on the brink of bankruptcy, risks becoming a failed state. This would increase instability on the EU's eastern borders by handing Russia another opportunity to extend its influence in the former Soviet-sphere, as it lures Moldova into its "Eurasian Customs Union". Moldova: a small country on the periphery of Europe, facing massive corruption and unemployment and struggling to obtain credit from the EU and the IMF to avoid bankruptcy. Add to this that it is curren... more »
Business 360-27, Public health in Asia
* This is my article for July 2015 issue of the business magazine in Kathmandu, produced monthly by Media 9. *The state of public health in Asia* We often hear complaints and litanies about how our lives are deteriorating and how our health condition is getting more “critical.” Are there solid basis for these statements aside from the subjective observations and emotional sentiment attached to them? Let us check some health data and see how valid or invalid those observations are. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has a good compilation of social and economic data spanning for two... more »
How You Can Buy Your Own Legislature (and Laws!) Koch Proud
Should We All Become Whistleblowers? Economic Update: Capitalism and Its Others - Richard Wolff Jeb Bush's Plan to Expand the Economy by Workers Putting in More Hours Is Based on a Lie Outrage and Obfuscation: Conservative Critics of the Iran Deal Get Ready for Another Iraq War Deception Strategy How the Billionaires Bought Justice for Scott Walker Friday, 17 July 2015 By The Daily Take
Tonight's Movie is 'Path To War'
From *Wikipedia*: Path to War is a 2002 American biographical television film, produced by HBO and directed by John Frankenheimer that deals directly with the Vietnam War as seen through the eyes of United States President Lyndon B. Johnson and his cabinet members. It was the final film (theatrical or made-for-TV) that was directed by Frankenheimer, who died seven weeks after the film debuted on HBO. The film stars Michael Gambon as President Johnson, Alec Baldwin as Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara and Donald Sutherland as presidential advisor Clark M. Clifford, who succeeds ...more »
No 2 Trudeau: Sick Puppies
The No 2 Trudeau campaign has been annoying and disgusting a lot of people lately. These good folks, who absurdly expect to look through their junk mail without encountering fetal gore porn, have complained to cops, politicians, and Advertising Standards Canada (ASC). ASC, which has no power to actually do anything but tut-tut, has looked at this sort of thing before and shrugged it off as beyond its purview, being deemed "political." (So I guess the CPC gets a pass for using ISIS snuff-film footage too.) Well, the FetalGoreGang has so annoyed people that ASC decided to have anothe... more »
How We’re All Being Manipulated by the ‘Crisis of the NOW’
*Mike Adams* - A very powerful question to use in these time is: "How do you know?" The post How We’re All Being Manipulated by the ‘Crisis of the NOW’ appeared first on Waking Times.
Stephen Harper and Natives
Stephen Harper's indifference towards Natives including aboriginal women's mistreatment.
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- July 17, 2015
*Samuel Oakford, VICE*:* Iran's 'Shadow Commander' Will Lose Some of His Sanctions Under Iran Deal * Qassem Suleimani, Iran's best known general and a man the American government has accused of involvement in the deaths of hundreds of American soldiers in Iraq, is set to be removed from UN sanctions — as well as certain European Union sanctions —as part of the Iran nuclear deal agreed to on Tuesday. But despite initial confusion — and bouts of furor from social media, media outlets, and some politicians — Suleimani will not be taken off US sanctions lists, due to his ties to te...more »
Europe, Greece, and the problem of identity: Doing it wrong, social psych edition
The Iran deal is the hot topic now, but since I wrote on the subject recently in another venue, I thought I would address the Greek/Euro crisis. I can’t help but borrow a bit of Josh’s title on the subject because it describes so well the situation in Europe. A lot of people are piling […]
World News Briefs -- July 17, 2015 (Evening Edition)
*FOX News:* *Tennessee gunman was armed to the teeth and ready for war with America*. Mohammad Youusef Abdulazeez, the naturalized American-turned Islamic radical who killed four Marines Thursday, was heavily armed, wore an ammo vest and was bent on waging war against America, according to authorities who spoke a day after the horrific attack at two military facilities in Chattanooga. *MIDDLE EAST* Isis claims responsibility for *Iraq car bomb blast that kills dozens*. Death toll in Iraq suicide car bombing* rises to more than 100*. Iran: Nuclear deal is new chance* for regional... more »
Islam is Puerile Drivel and Moslems are Violent Sadistic Morons
Ramadan is over and moslems and liberal sycophants are celebrating the religion of peace's rituals. I live in an area contaminated by the moslem scum, and I can tell you that they are not good righteous people; they are evil sadists who are obsessed with an ideology which is insane. During Ramadan the moslem hypocrites change their eating routine from the usual daytime routine to a nocturnal one. They do not 'fast', they do not go hungry, they eat like pigs before the sun comes up, so that they are so full that they cannot eat another thing until the sun sets; then they eat like ... more »
Area 51 and History 2
I was watching one of those old UFO programs on *History Two*, which I think is where they now dump most of their crap. Anyway, this program was about Area 51 and when it was over, I thought about what I had learned. The highly secret base had runways, hangars, and other buildings. What a stunning bit of information. The “camo dudes” who watch those getting close to the base perimeters were dressed in camouflage uniforms… like the major of the military serving at the time. There is no significance in the fact they were dressed in camouflage other than they were working security at t... more »
Sphere Alliance Message #19 Dr Seuss - A Mission of Awakening
*AK Note: Theodor "Seuss" Geisel's work has entertained millions of American children. My favorite is "Oh the places you will go!". I first saw that particular book after I returned from working for the SNFC railway in France, and my roommate at the time was given the book upon graduating law school at USD. * *Dr Seuss was not without controversy, he was of the World War II era and some of his early cartoons are known to be slightly racist and others were war propaganda which attacked isolationist and Japanese Americans as 5th columnists... but such was the era and my own fathe... more »
Patti LuPone teaches a lesson in acceptable audience behavior
*Patti LuPone as Irene in Douglas Carter Beane's Shows for Days* *On her way to her matinee performance Wednesday, Patti called in to talk to WNYC guest host Jami Floyd (and the station's former business and economics editor, now entertainment editor, Charlie Herman) about disruptive audience behavior.* *by Ken* Patti begins her conversation with Jami Floyd (and, later, Charlie Herman) by clarifying that she didn't *stop* that show last week. This CNN link is wrong when it says, "While doing a scene, LuPone reached down and plucked the phone from the spectator's hands." Patti say... more »
Obama’s Annoyance Shows Major Garrett Asked the Right Questions
I know Major Garrett. We co-hosted a morning television program back in the mid 1990s. And Major is nothing if not a solid news reporter. That is why it shouldn’t be surprising that he asked very pointed questions when President... The post Obama’s Annoyance Shows Major Garrett Asked the Right Questions appeared first on The Stream.
USDA Lashes Out Against Gov. Walker For Food Stamp Lawsuit
U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack called Republican Gov. Scott Walker ignorant of the law Wednesday for filing a lawsuit in response to not being allowed to drug-test food stamp recipients. The Walker administration filed the lawsuit Tuesday against Vilsack and other top... The post USDA Lashes Out Against Gov. Walker For Food Stamp Lawsuit appeared first on The Stream.
Solid Sessions - Janeiro
No time for a blog post, but I've *always* got room for top tunes.
*Mississippi River reaches 15 feet at New Orleans, triggering more Corps levee restrictions ~Mark Schleifstein* *Holding Onto the Bayou (Gravy Ep. 18) ~Tina Antolini, Southern Foodways Alliance*
Japan Votes To Allow The Deployment Of Combat Forces For The First Time Since The Second World War
*New York Times*: *Japan Moves to Allow Military Combat for First Time in 70 Years* TOKYO — Defying broad public opposition and large demonstrations, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe won a crucial vote in Parliament on Thursday for legislation that would give Japan’s military limited powers to fight in foreign conflicts for the first time since World War II. Mr. Abe’s party and its allies in the lower house of Parliament approved the package of 11 security-related bills after opposition lawmakers walked out in protest and as demonstrators chanted noisily outside, despite a gathering typ... more »
More BBC 'impartiality'
For those keeping an eye on the BBC's extremely reluctant Australia correspondent Jon Donnison... He's returned to BBC TV today, making a fairly rare appearance, reporting on one of the very few subjects about Australia that seems to bother him: the country's immigration policy. (He's not a fan). Given his past recording of reporting on Australia's immigration policy (he disapproves) and Human Rights Watch *vis a vis *Israel (he approves), this was a report he clearly *had* to post: *Australian asylum resettlement policy 'a disaster' - Human Rights Watch* Jon Donnison reports from... more »
Congres ignores the major cause of low school achievement
Sent to the New York Times, July 17 In the versions of the education law passed by both houses of congress, annual testing is still required for reading and math, and for science every three years ("Senate Approves a Bill to Revamp ‘No Child Left Behind’," July 16). This means that whether the common core standards are in place or not, school will remain in a test-preparation mode for reading, math and science. Nothing will be done about the major cause of low school achievement: poverty. Instead, we will continue to spend taxpayer money on online testing that uses untested ... more »
The Economy: "Brace Yourself for Obamacare 'Sticker Shock'”
*"Brace Yourself for Obamacare 'Sticker Shock'”* by Bill Bonner TORONTO – "It is cool here. A welcome change from Athens, Madrid, and Paris. The markets were cool yesterday, too. The Dow rose 70 points. Nothing to get excited about. Today, we report on a new front in the Great Zombie War – the U.S. health care sector… and why costs there are set to rise. (More on that below…) For now, we are sitting in the bar at The Hazelton Hotel. We always thought of Canadians as being a bit more reserved and conservative (socially, not necessarily politically) than their neighbors to the south... more »
Watching the Guardians
Last week's *Feedback* turned into what I felt to be a loaded editorial/crusade against the (proposed) new dispensation for the BBC. This week's edition was hardly any better. Yes, it went through the motions of 'BBC impartiality', but the whole thing was so heavily skewed in one direction (the direction of those who oppose the present 'attack' on the BBC) as to send 'BBC impartiality' flying out of the window and right up into Lala Land. My evidence? Well, where to begin! Perhaps at the beginning, with Roger Bolton's introduction: Hello. "A much diminished, less popular BBC". T... more »
FBI: Chattanooga Attack Investigated as ‘Act of Terrorism’
CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. (AP) — To neighbors and former classmates, Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez was a well-mannered, outgoing young man who seemed “as Americanized as anyone else.” He wrestled in high school, his sister played tennis, and they enjoyed dinners with neighbors.... The post FBI: Chattanooga Attack Investigated as ‘Act of Terrorism’ appeared first on The Stream.
Pro-Life Americans Will Rally on July 28th to De-Fund Planned Parenthood
The undercover videos released this week that showed Planned Parenthood’s top abortionist, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, casually discussing the how she fills the orders for the body parts of aborted babies for the day were shocking. They were horrific. They saddened... The post Pro-Life Americans Will Rally on July 28th to De-Fund Planned Parenthood appeared first on The Stream.
Who Had the Worst Week in Washington? Planned Parenthood.
It’s never a good look to be sipping red wine while discussing the costs associated with fetal tissue culled from abortions. But that’s the situation Planned Parenthood found itself in this past week after a senior official was secretly taped... The post Who Had the Worst Week in Washington? Planned Parenthood. appeared first on The Stream.
This is what the Greeks ought to do, if they possibly can. If they can't, they will be faced with an incurable depression and the sale of their countrie's industries, utilities, and natural attractions. Sad!
------------------------------ Lapavitsas Calls for Exit as the Only Strategy for Greek People In an intense speech in Athens, Costas Lapavitsas says the Syriza plan was to achieve radical change within the Eurozone - and that's impossible. *July 17, 15* https://youtu.be/GbkIjgDDEvk Uploaded on Jul 17, 2015 Original Here In an intense speech in Athens, Costas Lapavitsas says the Syriza plan was to achieve radical change within the Eurozone - and that's impossible. Category ... more »
Only Half Of Israel Would Support A Unilateral Military Strike Against Iran
An Israeli F-16I fighter plane takes off from Ramon Air Base in southern Israel in 2008. Foreign Policy magazine reports that Israel is developing a 'secret staging ground' in Azerbaijan for a possible air attack on Iran's nuclear facilities. Gil Cohen/Reuters/File *AFP*: *47% of Israelis would back unilateral Iran strike: poll* Jerusalem (AFP) - Almost half of Israelis would support a unilateral strike to prevent Iran obtaining the atomic bomb, an opinion poll carried out after Tuesday's nuclear deal between Tehran and major powers found. Nearly three-quarters of respondents in th... more »
Many Sailors Upset after U.S. Navy Bans Fried Food
The Navy is going on a health kick and removing all fried food from dining hall menus. In an effort to kick up its healthy eating “Go for Green” campaign, it will stop frying foods like chicken and french fries... The post Many Sailors Upset after U.S. Navy Bans Fried Food appeared first on The Stream.
Apache Stronghold in Times Square NY Photos
. Photos by Michele Susan, thank you. Apache Stronghold Convoy in Times Square today.
Has 'Hope' Become The Basis For U.S. Foreign Policy?
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry talks to the media after a meeting with Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir at the State Department in Washington July 16, 2015. Reuters/Yuri Gripas *Reuters:* *Kerry: 'very, very hopeful' Iran will release detained Americans* Secretary of State John Kerry said on Friday he raised the topic of detained Americans at every meeting he held with Iranians during the final weeks of nuclear negotiations and said he is hopeful Tehran would release them. The Obama administration has faced criticism for not securing the Americans' release as part of the... more »
EU Official: Migrant Boats Also Carrying ISIS Fighters per Breitbart
' EU OFFICIAL: MIGRANT BOATS ALSO CARRYING ISIS FIGHTERS ReutersReuters by BREITBART NEWS 6 Jul 2015 99 BRUSSELS (AP) — The European Union's top prosecutor said Monday she has been told that smugglers' boats bringing migrants across the Mediterranean to Europe are also carrying Islamic State group fighters. Michele Coninsx, head of the EU's judicial cooperation agency Eurojust, told reporters she received the information as part of the organization's efforts to help EU nations jointly respond to illegal immigration, terrorism and cybercrime.' You could look to the British Broadcas... more »
New Islamic State Video Shows Young Boy Beheading A Syrian Soldier
Horror: Video of the incident has been shared by ISIS supporters on social media and shows a child no older than 10 carrying out the brutal beheading. (YouTube) *Daily Mail:* *ISIS film a CHILD carrying out a beheading for the first time: 'Cub of the Caliphate' is the first seen executing a prisoner by decapitation as the terror group increasingly use boys to kill * * Depraved jihadis forced a boy no older than 10-years-old to commit murder * Child is seen executing a Syrian army officer near the city of Palmyra * Approaches the victim from behind and uses a small knife to behead him... more »
British Pilots Are Conducting Airstrikes In Syria
UK forces have been taking part in coalition operations against ISIS in Iraq. *Daily Mail*: *Fury as Cameron admits he knew British RAF pilots were carrying out ISIS airstrikes 'by stealth' in Syria* * UK pilots embedded with allies' forces conducted airstrikes over Syria * House of Commons voted against taking military action in Syria in 2013 * Three British pilots were with US and Canada who took part in strikes * MoD said embedded personnel are effectively operating as foreign troops David Cameron was today accused of authorising British involvement in airstrikes in Syria 'by st... more »
Modern-Day Trench Warfare In Ukraine
*CNN*: *On the front lines of Ukraine's forgotten war* Pisky, Ukraine (CNN)The war in Ukraine is not over. It's easy to think that it might be. If you walk around the Ukrainian capital of Kiev, or Lviv in western Ukraine, or even in Mariupol, just a 20-minute car ride from the front lines in Shyrokyne, it's hard to feel the war. Life is still going on as normal. People are still going out to bars and restaurants, movies are still playing, young couples are still getting married and students are still in class. Yet the war is not over. This summer the Ukrainian military decided to... more »
BWorld 11, China's stockmarket and central planning
* This is my article in BusinessWorld Weekender yesterday. HIGH DEBT, private and public, will always create financial turmoil, today or tomorrow. The ongoing fiscal drama in heavily indebted Greece will continue for many months to come, whether it will stay using the Euro or not. And recently, it was China’s turn with the recent near-crash of its stock markets in Shanghai and Shenzen, and partially affecting the markets in Hong Kong. Unlike the markets in the US, Japan, UK, Germany and other democratic countries, the case of China will always be internally conflicting. It is a dic... more »
Report: China is Rounding Up its Civil Rights Lawyers
Some were taken from their homes in the middle of the night. Others had their offices raided, or were summoned to “take tea” at the local police station—a euphemism for being interrogated. According to Amnesty International, around 120 lawyers, as... The post Report: China is Rounding Up its Civil Rights Lawyers appeared first on The Stream.
The Mess in Europe
Click here to read my column in Sunday's *NY Times*.
Being Politically Correct At Chattanooga, Tennessee
(*Click on Image to Enlarge)* A police officer walks past the bullet-riddled front door of a US Military Recruiting storefront after Thursday's alleged "domestic terrorism" attack Chattanooga, Tennessee. Photo: EPA *WNU Editor:* If you click on the above image you cannot help but notice the "Warning: Weapons Prohibited" on the door. Sighhh .... I guess it sums up our "Politically Correct" culture perfectly.
Chattanooga Terror Attack That Targeted US Marines -- News Roundup
*Wall Street Journal:* *Chattanooga Shootings Leave Four Marines, Sole Gunman Dead* Case is being handled as a terrorism probe CHATTANOOGA, Tenn.—A 24-year-old Kuwaiti-born man opened fire at two military facilities here Thursday, killing four Marines and injuring three others before dying from a gunshot wound, authorities said. The case is being handled as a terrorism probe, though officials cautioned they still hadn’t determined a motive for the shooting. The gunman was identified as Mohammod Youssuf Abdulazeez. While the Federal Bureau of Investigation has been monitoring hund... more »
Greece Has Been Ruined by the Monetary Union
In a recent speech in Athens, Costas Lapavitsas says the Syriza plan was to achieve radical change within the Eurozone - and that's impossible. Costas Lapavitsas is a professor of economics at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, and was elected as a member of the Hellenic Parliament for the left-wing Syriza party in the 2015 general election.
California Drought, the "Bigger Water Crisis" & the Consumer Economy
*Current drought status in the U.S. Note the color-coded legend in the lower-right portion of the graphic (source; click to enlarge)* *by Gaius Publius* I started to write a piece about a nice BillMoyers.com write-up of a good set of feature (and media-interactive) reports at ProPublica. The BillMoyers.com write-up is this: *California’s Drought Is Part of a Much Bigger Water Crisis. Here’s What You Need to Know.* It has an easy-to-follow question-and-answer format. The underlying ProPublica report is this: *Killing the Colorado* Both are worth your reading. Notice that ProPubli... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- July 17, 2015
Gen.Ray Odierno *Defense News*: *Odierno: ISIS Fight Will Last '10 To 20 Years'* WASHINGTON — The Army’s top officer believes the fight against the Islamic State, commonly known as ISIS or ISIL, will last “10 to 20 years,” an expansion of the timelines generally offered by the Obama administration. Gen. Ray Odierno, the Army chief of staff, added that the solution to the militant group cannot come entirely by military means. “In my mind, ISIS is a ten to twenty year problem, it’s not a two years problem,” he told reporters Friday. “Now, I don’t know what level it will be a problem... more »
Army Chief: Security at Recruiting Posts to be Reviewed
WASHINGTON (AP) — Security at military recruiting and reserve centers will be reviewed in the aftermath of the deadly shooting in Tennessee, but it’s too early to say whether the facilities should have security guards or other increased protection, the... The post Army Chief: Security at Recruiting Posts to be Reviewed appeared first on The Stream.
Kentucky Lawmakers Move to Protect County Clerks, Clergy Opposed to Gay Marriage
Three Kentucky legislators have filed bills to protect county clerks or religious leaders who say their faith does not allow them to help same-sex couples get married. One bill, announced Wednesday, would shield county clerks from liability if they refuse,... The post Kentucky Lawmakers Move to Protect County Clerks, Clergy Opposed to Gay Marriage appeared first on The Stream.
On Clear Biblical Teaching, Non-Essentials and Homosexuality
Christians disagree about many things, some more important than others. Among Evangelical Protestants, there is universal concurrence on the core issues of the faith. The key aspects of our theology are well-expressed in the historic Lausanne Covenant, for example. On... The post On Clear Biblical Teaching, Non-Essentials and Homosexuality appeared first on The Stream.
Cartoon: ‘The Most Remote Object in Our Solar System’
The post Cartoon: ‘The Most Remote Object in Our Solar System’ appeared first on The Stream.
Musical Interlude: Liquid Mind, "Velvet Morning"
Liquid Mind, "Velvet Morning" Liquid Mind ® is the name used by Los Angeles composer and producer Chuck Wild of the best-selling Liquid Mind relaxation music albums. - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xp3BuiupOrc&feature=related
What the giant squid approves as video
Its called in network terms the daily news full of nonsene and suppositon with an overwhelming theme you are hopless on your own even in Oklahma the sod hous will become a funeral pyre Serioulsy do not believe that shit cause you have parked you car in a bad place whith sihit on the windsheild you can not unterstand but baby there is some serious backwatrer in your drain and if your a citazemn why complain?
The Grotesque Business of Planned Parenthood
It’s hard to have an honest debate about abortion in this country, when the issue is so often shrouded in evasion and deception. That’s why we owe a debt to Deborah Nucatola. She is willing to tell it the way... The post The Grotesque Business of Planned Parenthood appeared first on The Stream.
Poll: Americans ‘Very Concerned’ about Islamic Extremism
In the U.S., women, older Americans, Republicans and those who say religion is important in their lives are the most likely to be very concerned about Islamic extremism. For instance, 58% of American women are very worried about the extremist... The post Poll: Americans ‘Very Concerned’ about Islamic Extremism appeared first on The Stream.
Iran Can Now Buy Advance Weapon Systems
A ballistic missile is launched during the second day of military exercises codenamed Great Prophet-6, for Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards at an undisclosed location. Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards fired 14 missiles in the exercise. (Xinhua/AFP Photo) *Robert Farley, The Diplomat:* *What Weapons Will a Post-Deal Iran Look to Purchase? Pretty Much Everything* With the Iran deal, Tehran will be looking to purchase arms. Who’s selling? The recent deal between the P5+1 and Iran over the latter’s nuclear program means, reportedly, that Iran will once again be on the market for advan... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
"M78 isn't really hiding in planet Earth's night sky. About 1,600 light-years away and nestled in the nebula rich constellation Orion, the large, bright, reflection nebula is well-known to telescopic skygazers. But this gorgeous image of M78 was selected as the winner of the Hidden Treasures 2010 astrophotography competition. Held by the European Southern Observatory (ESO), the competition challenged amateur astronomers to process data from ESO's astronomical archive in search of cosmic gems. *Click image for larger size.* The winning entry shows off amazing details within bluish M78... more »
"A Home Beyond What This World Knows..."
"You can chain my body But you cannot chain my soul. You can enslave my body But you’ll never own my soul. You can whip my body, But you cannot touch my soul. For my soul is mightier than your chains, My soul endures all your blows, My soul is eternal, eternally remains, My soul has a home beyond what this world knows. You can imprison my body, but you cannot jail my soul. You can break my body, But you’ll never break my soul. My soul is free as the eagle flying so high, Vast like a dark, starry sky, Deep as the ocean, wider than the sea, My soul is forever, eternally free, my soul is fore... more »
Is The F-35 Worth The Cost?
*Zachary Cohen, CNN:* *The F-35: Is the world's most expensive weapons program worth it?* (CNN)Three years behind schedule and some $200 billion over its original budget, the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program is finally set to become operational this month. The fighter jet has been in development for nearly 15 years, weathered half a dozen years of testing and experienced myriad hardware malfunctions and software glitches along the way. Once it's declared ready for combat, it will be the most expensive weapons system in world history. It will also be the most advanced in the sky.... more »
Chet Raymo, "What Has Been So Long Composed"
*"What Has Been So Long Composed"* by Chet Raymo "We have a sea horizon to the east. The sun comes up like a blaze of molten gold, a river of gold that flows across the sea to the surf at my feet. First a sliver, then a blister, then a bubble floating free. We arrived on this tropic isle in mid-December when the sun was at its southernmost extremity. Day by day it has been creeping northward, each sunrise edging, it seems, our way. The planet leans into its curve, tilting its northern hemisphere toward its star, grazing on the solar warmth. On Sunday, March 20, the sun will rise ... more »
"A Life That Matters..."
“Always choose to heal, not to hurt, to forgive not to despise, to persevere not to quit, to smile not to frown, and to love not to hate! At the end of life, what really matters is not what we bought, but what we built, not what we got, but what we shared, not our competence but our character, and not our success but our significance. Live a life that matters. Live a life that cares...” - Ritu Ghatourey
“What is the ‘Hegelian Dialectic?’"
*“What is the ‘Hegelian Dialectic?’"* - Stirling "The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists." - J. Edgar Hoover “Why is it important for you to understand the subject of the Hegelian Dialectic? Because it is the process by which all change is being accomplished in society today. More importantly, it is the tool that the globalists are utilizing to manipulate the minds of the average American to accept that change, where ordinarily they would refuse it. The Hegelian Dialectic is, in short, the critical process by w... more »
"Twirling A Baton..."
“Humanity is a parade of fools, and I am at the front of it, twirling a baton.” - Dean Koontz, “Brother Odd”
The Daily "Near You?"
Lawton, Oklahoma, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
"Reality is what we take to be true. What we take to be true is what we believe. What we believe is based upon our perceptions. What we perceive depends upon what we look for. What we look for depends upon what we think. What we think depends upon what we perceive. What we perceive determines what we believe. What we believe determines what we take to be true. What we take to be true is our reality." - Gary Zukav
FROM THE TPP TO THE ACA: Silence invaded the (corporate news) suburbs!
*FRIDAY, JULY 17, 2015Part 5—The things our own favorites won’t say:* We modern liberals are the brainiest, most enlightened life-forms found anywhere on the earth. That fact is widely understood. Proceed to any “liberal” site. You’ll find a string of brainy, enlightened people stating and implying that fact. When they do so, they make us liberals feel good. They’re telling us that we’re the best! In fairness, this behavior can produce the occasional tiny small paradox. Last week, for example, we noted the way our corporate-paid intellectual leaders treated the Trans-Pacific Part... more »
"Despair and Survival"
*"Despair and Survival"* by Sam Smith "Ever since I read Thoreau in high school and adopted as my own his declaration that he would rather sit alone on a pumpkin than be crowded on a velvet stool, I have made the pursuit of individual freedom a part of my daily business. I follow it like others follow football. I know the game, the players, and the rules. And one of the most important things I have discovered is how few people are able to help you much. The psychiatrist with his elegant degree, the minister with an eye on the vestry's budget, the philosophy professor just short of... more »
The Universe
“There are some things that are best forgotten. And when I remember what a few of them are, I'll drop you a line. But a couple of things worth remembering, that are all too easily forgotten, are the times in your life when you felt absolutely alone and uncertain. Yet somehow, perhaps beyond perception, there was a great click, after which suddenly a new friend appeared, an idea was imparted, or a connection established, causing the tides to turn and the floodgates to open. And remembering this, should such "alone and uncertain times" ever revisit you, however dark they may seem, yo... more »
"Knowing When to Let Someone Go: Freeing Yourself"
*"Knowing When to Let Someone Go:* *Freeing Yourself"* by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM "Knowing when to end a relationship and acknowledging that the pain will pass can often prevent greater pain in the long run. Just as a good relationship can have a positive impact on your life, stressful, draining, or imbalanced relationships can have negative effects on your health and well-being. It’s common to maintain a relationship because we feel the other person needs us or we believe that they will eventually change. We may also be afraid of hurting the other person or feel insecure in our... more »
Malaysian Flight MH17 Shootdown: One Year Later, We Know Who Did It And Why
I have been watching the Jew spew media lie their asses off for the last year when it comes to Malaysian flight MH17 that was shot down exactly one year ago over Ukraine.... These liars have long stuck to the false story that Malaysian flight MH17 was either blown out of the sky by ground to air missiles fired from the Ukrainian separatist forces in the eastern provinces of Ukraine, or from BUK missile batteries manned by Russian Federation forces.... It has been equally unnerving to watch the liars in the US government go up to their podiums and falsely place the blame on the Russi... more »
Rent it from me: You are what your eat, you exist by what you think!
Hi TONY Robbins and Joel Ostem I steve am cutting your grass with a simple phrase. I hope for Kardishian dividents though I am more pretty. You are what your eat, you exist from thought, you are what your eat your mind is your greatest weapon. You are what your eat, and we exist as we eat. Prime one version steak. This I hope is a phase that will see me be rewarded as I desever and pithch harder to fix the human condition
Terror in Chattanooga: ‘The War Came Here’
For years, that terrible news — “Four Marines killed today by enemy fire” — has come to us from faraway lands. Like Baghdad. Fallujah. Now, Chattanooga. On a normal Thursday in July, the war came here. The post Terror in Chattanooga: ‘The War Came Here’ appeared first on The Stream.
“Villian" Angela Merkel," Victim" 10 Year Old & Hashtag Manipulation
*I’m sure readers here caught the media spin cycle twisting this story yesterday? Of course there was some ‘hash tag’ nonsense at work too* *In case you missed it? * *Briefly: **Reuters - Merkel mocked online over refugee girl's tears* “The hashtag #merkelstreichelt (merkelstrokes) and video clip of Merkel's exchange with *a roughly 10-year old girl went viral*. The girl, identified as Reem, from Lebanon has lived in Germany for four years* but her family may be forced to leave.”* *During a discussion forum in the northern city of Rostock organized by the chancellor's office,* Ree... more »
Gut paper retracted after university review says “figures cannot be validated by original data”
A biologist at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine in Ohio has retracted a paper from Inflammatory Bowel Diseases after a university review found the figures within it could not be “validated by original data.” The 2010 paper, “Elevated IL-13Rα2 in intestinal epithelial cells from ulcerative colitis or colorectal cancer initiates MAPK pathway,” concerns the elevated expression […] The post Gut paper retracted after university review says “figures cannot be validated by original data” appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Nazis in Ukraine Moving Against U.S. Puppet Regime
Nazi units (Right Sector) are making a more aggressive move to topple the US puppet regime in Ukraine. Now that many of the Nazi 'volunteer battalions' have been trained by the US Army they should be even more effective death squads. The US has created a real mess inside Ukraine...... Right Sector fascists set up a checkpoint on the outskirts of Kiev on Sunday, following deadly clashes between the group and police in Mukachevo which reportedly caused two deaths and more injuries. Right Sector and associated nationalists maintained a presence outside Kiev's Presidential Administ... more »
Friday Beaver - Up and running
Finally got a newer computer. The old one just wouldn't handle new software and was about as slow as dial up towards the end. Then there was the issue of updating everything. Sadly I can not transfer old files to the newer one because they are two completely different operating systems even though the same brand. Greece - Either way they were screwed. Take the deal and inflict austerity or don't take the deal and face bankruptcy and austerity. Doesn't pay to be a black man or a hispanic in this country. The odds are against you. One black man strangled for 20 minutes until he d... more »
Why Helicopter Parenting Is The New Victorianism
What the stereotypical Victorians did to women is what stereotypical helicopter parenting (or alarmist neighbors) do to modern children. According to ourselves, modern Americans have cast off the ruffles, paternalism, and prudishness of the Victorians. We certainly wear less fabric... The post Why Helicopter Parenting Is The New Victorianism appeared first on The Stream.
Why Can’t Obama Treat Iran as He Treats Republicans?
Query: If President Obama’s nuke deal with Iran is so wonderful, why do the major parties in Israel oppose it? Why was Obama so excited about making a deal that, based on his previous positions, he would have opposed earlier?... The post Why Can’t Obama Treat Iran as He Treats Republicans? appeared first on The Stream.
Why Aren’t More Women’s Groups Fighting to Get Carly Fiorina Into the GOP Debate?
Yes, the presidential election is more than a year out, but how quickly now do we approach the first winnowing. On Aug. 6, 10 Republican candidates will take the stage in Cleveland for the first primary debate of the 2016 election cycle. Fox News,... The post Why Aren’t More Women’s Groups Fighting to Get Carly Fiorina Into the GOP Debate? appeared first on The Stream.
The Untangled Gathering......
*COMING SOON........*
5 Countries That Prove the World Doesn’t Need Fossil Fuels
*Jake Anderson* - Environmentally-minded nations of the world increasingly embrace alternative energy sources. The post 5 Countries That Prove the World Doesn’t Need Fossil Fuels appeared first on Waking Times.
President Obama And The Saudi Foreign Minister Are Meeting This Friday To Discuss The Iranian Nuclear Deal
President Barack Obama meets with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef (C) in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington Wednesday. At left is Saudi Foreign Minister Adel Al Jubeir. (REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque) *Wall Street Journal*: *Obama, Saudi Foreign Minister to Meet Friday in Shadow of Iran Deal* WASHINGTON—In the wake of the nuclear agreement with Iran, President Barack Obama will meet Friday with Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister, a White House official said. It is Mr. Obama’s first meeting with a key American ally from an Arab state since reaching the Iran deal on Tuesda... more »
California Shrugged: No One Knows What’s Up With Frack Water
*Heather Callaghan* - Who really knows what's happening to California's fracked water supply? The post California Shrugged: No One Knows What’s Up With Frack Water appeared first on Waking Times.
FBI Probes Chattanooga Shooter’s Recent Middle East Trip
Counterterrorism investigators are looking closely at a monthslong trip the Chattanooga shooting suspect took to Jordan in 2014 to determine if he had contact with any extremists or traveled to other countries, according to people familiar with the investigation. Muhammad... The post FBI Probes Chattanooga Shooter’s Recent Middle East Trip appeared first on The Stream.
How Google Distorts Your View of the World
Many charges have been leveled at Google. It steals your information, violates copyright, allows access to dangerous and illegal material and prioritizes its own sites while crushing any competition. But perhaps the most troubling accusation about the search giant is... The post How Google Distorts Your View of the World appeared first on The Stream.
ANALYSIS: Are We Making it Easy for Killers to Attack the Military?
Thursday saw yet another tragic attack in a gun-free zone. Four Marines were murdered. Others were injured. Watching the coverage on television Thursday, it was hard to ignore the gun-free zone sign on the front door of the recruiting station.... The post ANALYSIS: Are We Making it Easy for Killers to Attack the Military? appeared first on The Stream.
Are Germans cruel?
*Not for the reasons that far leftists suggest.* Because the reforms that the other European nations demand from Athens for the third (still not quite certain) bailout seem more strict than certain people expected, you may hear lots of people complaining about the German cruelty. Let me begin with a vaguely related story that has excited many Germans yesterday: Angela Merkel was in Rostock, NDR (which stands for East Germany in Czech LOL) and NDR (a TV station) showed the Chancellor's exchange with a cute, smiling Palestinian girl who said – in German that was better than I coul... more »
dogs, apartments, and anxiety: in which diego returns to school
As I mentioned (almost a month ago now), our pack of four is moving to a new den. We're going to stop renting houses, as we have done for the past ten years, and move back to apartment life. Although I've adjusted to the idea, I'm no happier about it. I'm heartsick that we'll no longer have the private oasis of a backyard. We've found a great apartment: three bedrooms, two bathrooms, well-maintained building, lots of green space outside, dog-friendly building (it's the law in Ontario, but not always followed or enforced), good location for both driving and transit. Honestly, had I s... more »
Starbuk was an angel and 29 was a stopper
I am singing that love song again You know my belle I would change the universe on its axis making positive negative and gravity just a talking point thing If I could capture your heart again and feel your angel pulse beating against my soul as well together not quite sweaty Some kind of glistening I will always remember your skin Not meeting the threshold of wet no a magical kind of moist a mucous layer of love conformation yet not by any means dry It was some kind of CGI anomaly that I saw with my loving eye. Who do! Who do you want? Who knows what the future brings Who does I have to... more »
Big Changes In The Pentagon's Top Leadership
*Taylor Hill, VICE*: There’s a Sweeping Changeover Happening Among the US Military's Top Brass There's a sweeping transition happening at the highest level of American military leadership, and two of the new kids on the block - the nominees for chairman and vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff -- are already shaking things up. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter has been in his position for five months. The Senate Armed Services Committee is reviewing President Barack Obama's nomination of General Joseph Dunford as chairman of the joint chiefs and General Paul Selva as second i... more »
Paper cited by New York Times for key stat gets retracted
A paper that had served as the key aspect of an April New York Times article about a recent surge of violence against immigrants in South Africa has since been retracted for plagiarism. The research, which appeared in the Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, had served as the source of the newspaper’s statement that the country is “home to […] The post Paper cited by New York Times for key stat gets retracted appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Can Steve Israel Save Scott Garrett's Seat For Their Wall Street Masters Again?
New Jersey has 12 congressional seats and, largely due to skillful deals between craven Jersey political bosses, half are held by Democrats and half by Republicans. Seems odd in a state that didn't just give Obama a 58-41% win in 2012 and a 57% to 42% win in 2008 but had gone for Kerry and Gore against Bush and for Bill Clinton against both Bob Dole in 1996 and George H.W. Bush in 1992. Nevertheless, Boss Norcross has seen to it that the parties have come off with an equal number of seats. Of the 6 New Jersey Republicans, 5 could be classified as relatively mainstream conservativ... more »
Jenner at the ESPY’s: Real Courage?
When we come to a crossroad, sometimes we are forced to choose between good and evil, right or wrong, and sadly some are choosing wrong. Bruce Jenner, who is now known as Caitlyn Jenner, received the ESPN ESPY Award for... The post Jenner at the ESPY’s: Real Courage? appeared first on The Stream.
Syria Is Disintegrating
*(Click on Image to Enlarge)* *New York Times:* *Syria Increasingly Disintegrates in Crucible of War* BEIRUT, Lebanon — Syria is falling apart, as warring groups carve it into de facto fiefs, and it is increasingly hard to see how its disintegration can be reversed. Within the country, no single group can muster enough territory or popularity to win an increasingly fragmented war — or even to negotiate and enforce an eventual peace. From outside, regional and global powers tug at the country in a proxy fight for their own interests, but none of them have the influence or, apparent... more »
IN DEPTH: Talking Past Each Other: “Love Wins” vs. Human Nature
Times have been more trying than usual for supporters of marriage—that is, the institution that brings together a man and a woman and is fulfilled by the raising of any children that their union bears. Our new sovereigns, the Supreme... The post IN DEPTH: Talking Past Each Other: “Love Wins” vs. Human Nature appeared first on The Stream.
No Special Military Aid To Israel Contrary To Earlier Reports That They Will Receive More Assistance Due To The Iranian Nuclear Deal
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel and President Obama at the White House in October. Credit Kevin Lamarque/Reuters *CNN:* *Source: 'No specific package' for Israel aid* Washington (CNN)A senior Administration official told CNN that there is "no specific package" in response to a New York Times report that President Barack Obama offered to bolster defense support to Israel in a phone call with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. "We have repeatedly offered the Israeli leadership to hold these consultations, including the President to the Prime Minister on their last few c... more »
“The Humiliation and Subjugation of Greece”
*“The Humiliation and Subjugation of Greece”* By Clive Maund “Europe is a fascinating place, but not as interesting as it was before the European Union came into existence. Older travellers may recall the fun of going from one European country to another, with each having its own currency and banknotes which you could scrutinize with interest as you relaxed at various cafes or restaurants. The national stereotypes could still easily be found - Frenchmen on bicycles dressed in blue and white striped shirts and black berets pedaling around selling strings of onions, and refusing to s... more »
Apache Stronghold Visits Carlisle: Children Who Never Came Home
Chiricahua Apache Children were Prisoners of War at Carlisle Indian School in Pennsylvania Apache Stronghold Censored News "We need to know our history, where we have been will guide us to where we are going. " Wendsler Nosie Sr. The Apache Stronghold visited our relatives who never made it back home. It was a real emotional experience for all of us. The Chiricahua Apache children
House Strips Funding from Planned Parenthood Supporter in Wake of Scandal
The undercover video that sparked a scandal involving Planned Parenthood this week is reverberating beyond the abortion group, costing one of its allies millions of dollars. House GOP leaders had expected the Breast Cancer Awareness Commemorative Coin Act to be... The post House Strips Funding from Planned Parenthood Supporter in Wake of Scandal appeared first on The Stream.
Mosaic Found in Ancient Synagogue May Show Alexander the Great (and His Elephants)
In the ancient Jewish village of Huqoq, located in the Lower Galilee, a set of mosaics that allegedly depict Alexander the Great meeting with a Jewish priest have been unearthed during an excavation of the remains of a synagogue that dates... The post Mosaic Found in Ancient Synagogue May Show Alexander the Great (and His Elephants) appeared first on The Stream.
The IRS Hung Up on Taxpayers 8.8 Million Times This Year
The Internal Revenue Service hung up on customers calling for help 8.8 million times this year, showing just how low service sank during tax filing season. The new low in “courtesy disconnects,” a euphemism for an overloaded system hanging up on a... The post The IRS Hung Up on Taxpayers 8.8 Million Times This Year appeared first on The Stream.
ANALYSIS: Where Are the Mainline and Progressive Evangelical Voices Speaking Up after That Planned Parenthood Tragedy?
The Planned Parenthood video has received (and deserved) wide coverage. It should been seen by all who can handle watching it. Actually, if you care about justice, I think you should take the time to watch the whole video. The... The post ANALYSIS: Where Are the Mainline and Progressive Evangelical Voices Speaking Up after That Planned Parenthood Tragedy? appeared first on The Stream.
Cartoon: ‘Obama’s Press Conference’
The post Cartoon: ‘Obama’s Press Conference’ appeared first on The Stream.
U.S. Senator McCain: Congress Will Unlikely Block The Iranian Nuclear Deal
*Voice of America: **VOA Interview: McCain Concedes Congress Unlikely to Block Iran Nuke Deal * CAPITOL HILL — Senator John McCain (R-AZ), a leading critic of Tuesday’s landmark nuclear accord with Iran, has conceded that the U.S. Congress is unlikely to be able to block the deal, despite strong opposition from Republican lawmakers who control both chambers. McCain, chairman of the Armed Services Committee, told VOA “it’s doubtful, just doubtful” that enough Democrats would join with Republicans to override a presidential veto of congressional votes disapproving the deal. *WNU Ed... more »
World News Briefs -- July 17, 2015
Reuters: *Yemen's exiled government says Aden 'liberated', Houthis expelled* Saudi-backed Yemeni fighters completed their offensive to retake the southern city of Aden from the Houthi militia on Friday, residents said, as fighting in one main district subsided. Their victory in the port city - backed up by training and heavy weapons delivered by an Arab military coalition - marks a turning point in almost four months of aerial bombing and civil war in which battle lines seldom changed but more than 3,500 people have been killed and a million displaced. *MIDDLE EAST* Iran: Nuclear... more »
A Parent's Prayer - A Guest Post by Pam Bickell
*Source:* *Notes Along The Path Blog*
Casualties in the War: New Research Confirms Vaccines Do Have a Dark Side by Celeste McGovern
Casualties in the War: New Research Confirms Vaccines Do Have a Dark Side by Celeste McGovern Green Med Info., 8 July 2015 *Vaccines can and do disable and kill healthy people. When billions of people take them, year upon year, even remote risks translate into huge numbers.* Call it the Great Vaccine Blitz. In the past six months legislators have bombarded state capitals with *new bills * -- more than 65 of them in 25 states – which could prove to radically transform notions of religious freedom, medical consent and American liberty. They are not all identical – they se... more »
The Iranian Nuclear Treaty Bans All U.S. Citizens From Iran's Nuclear Sites
Iran nuclear power center. (Photo from San Francisco Sentinel) *Washington Free Beacon:* *Iran Bans U.S. Inspectors from All Nuclear Sites* No Americans permitted under final nuclear deal U.S. and Iranian officials confirmed Thursday that no American nuclear inspectors will be permitted to enter the country’s contested nuclear site under the parameters of a deal reached with world powers this week, according to multiple statements by American and Iranian officials. Under the tenants of the final nuclear deal reached this week in Vienna, only countries with normal diplomatic relation... more »
Star Trek was cancelled by Communism
We can do it all today we do not need no stinking future but why not? Cause some rich ass holes like living like Gods and it admit it we are wired that way but the Star Trek system which I believe the educated will call communism is the answer Probe the people in the barrio they are happier and more content than those living in glass towers on the top floor with glass walls and guilty conscience Communism has never actually been tried democracy has been and it Germany it seems successful; but with tech it will be obsolete so we will need a new model
Indebted Canadians
So, according to CBC, we're up to 163% debt-to-income in Canada. And the worry from the experts is that interest rate cuts to aid the sputtering Canadian economy will entice us stupid Canadians to splurge on more debt. According to Statistics Canada, the ratio of household debt to disposable income was near record levels at 163.3 per cent for the first three months of the year. That means for every dollar of disposable income in a typical year, Canadians carry about $1.63 of debt. The Bank of Canada lowered its key lending rate to stimulate spending and investing in a sluggish econom... more »
“Death to America” Chants in Tehran, Despite Iran Nuke Deal
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — The main prayer service in the Iranian capital has been interrupted by repeated chants of “Death to America” — despite this week’s landmark nuclear deal with world powers that was welcomed by authorities in Tehran. The... The post “Death to America” Chants in Tehran, Despite Iran Nuke Deal appeared first on The Stream.
Race the Clock: Key Democrats Size Up Obama’s Iran deal
WASHINGTON (AP) — Democratic lawmakers say they’re going to make those 60 days count. The congressional review of President Barack Obama’s deal on Iran’s nuclear capability is a hard-won interlude that lawmakers insisted on as part of their successful drive... The post Race the Clock: Key Democrats Size Up Obama’s Iran deal appeared first on The Stream.
In Clinton’s Shadow, Democrats Meet for First 2016 Face-Off
WASHINGTON (AP) — Democratic presidential candidates are descending on Iowa for the first face-off of their 2016 primary, a contest that remains dominated by the outsized political influence of Hillary Rodham Clinton. All five Democratic primary candidates are on the... The post In Clinton’s Shadow, Democrats Meet for First 2016 Face-Off appeared first on The Stream.
The Imitation Of Who?
http://www.straight.com/ Two weeks ago, Conservative MP Wai Young told the congregation at the Harvest City Church that, when he pushed through Bill C-51, Stephen Harper was walking in Christ's footsteps. All analogies eventually break down. But this one never even got out of the gate. That's why Michael Harris has so much fun with it: Sorry, Wai — the case for Steve being Christ-like is not compelling. It’s like comparing Donald Trump to Mother Theresa, or John Baird to Gandhi. For one thing, Steve was born in a hospital, no... more »
Going Global!
I apologise to everyone if I fucked up this message but you should know one thing in this exchange my message was from GOD!! Global Love Think Tank my first post think tank cherry broke what do the remains look like something non partisan something from the heart some kind of intelligence that cant be measured on a pie chart Thinking about love on a global scale is scary science way worse than economics at least those parishioners have word equations upon which they can wail love is an emotion so far no scale null established analytics of push back expect the opinion of the mentally cha... more »
Chinese Hackers Use U.S. Servers in Cyber Attacks
Chinese-government linked hackers are using American computer services companies in conducting cyber attacks against private company networks, according to cybersecurity analysts. A detailed computer forensic investigation by a major U.S. security firm revealed that three recent cyber attacks were carried... The post Chinese Hackers Use U.S. Servers in Cyber Attacks appeared first on The Stream.
How Hollywood Made Prison Breaks Seem Heroic
Movies and television have made the prison break seem like the ultimate victory against a corrupt system, but the reality is far less heartwarming. The details of the Mexican drug lord Joaquín Guzmán Loera’s escape from prison on July 11... The post How Hollywood Made Prison Breaks Seem Heroic appeared first on The Stream.
Hedging Bets with Bush and Clinton in 2016
WASHINGTON (AP) — John Catsimatidis, a Manhattan grocery chain owner, gave as much money as allowed to Hillary Rodham Clinton’s Democratic primary campaign. Two months later, he gave the same amount, $2,700, to Jeb Bush, her would-be Republican challenger. “I’ve... The post Hedging Bets with Bush and Clinton in 2016 appeared first on The Stream.
Merkel Urges Lawmakers to Back Greece Bailout Deal to Avoid Chaos
BERLIN (AP) — Chancellor Angela Merkel urged German lawmakers Friday to vote in favor of a third bailout package for Greece, arguing that the cash-strapped country faces chaos without a deal. The proposed bailout, which was agreed Monday, has already... The post Merkel Urges Lawmakers to Back Greece Bailout Deal to Avoid Chaos appeared first on The Stream.
IPR and Medicines 35, New paper from Geneva Network
Minimal Government Thinkers, Inc. is a partner of two international free market network dealing with property rights protection including intellectual property rights (IPR) -- the Property Rights Alliance (PRA, based in the US) and the Geneva Network (GN, based in UK). PRA is an old, established network and among its important projects is the production of the International Property Rights Index (IPRI) annually. GN is a new network, born only this year and it produces occasional papers and holds some public events/lectures from time to time. PRA is headed by Lorenzo Montanari and GN... more »
Little Known about Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, the Kuwaiti Suspect in Fatal Shooting of Marines
CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. (AP) — The man who authorities say killed four Marines in an attack on a military recruiting center and another U.S. military site was a 24-year-old, Kuwait-born engineer who had not been on the radar of federal authorities... The post Little Known about Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, the Kuwaiti Suspect in Fatal Shooting of Marines appeared first on The Stream.
The Rise of Aliteracy
There is a new buzzword reemerging in reading circles—“aliteracy,” which means being able to read but rarely choosing to read. The backstory on aliteracy is the rise of the screen age. We’ve all read about the trends: Kids are spending... The post The Rise of Aliteracy appeared first on The Stream.
San Francisco: Repeat Offenders, Come and Stay, Roam and Prey
San Francisco is not likely to change its ill-conceived sanctuary-city policy because City Hall must bow to progressives who don’t believe in deporting undocumented immigrants with serious criminal records. Activists such as Angela Chan of the Asian Law Caucus believe... The post San Francisco: Repeat Offenders, Come and Stay, Roam and Prey appeared first on The Stream.
Conservatives Plot to Get Religious Liberty Bill to Obama’s Desk
Conservative members of Congress appeared confident today that a new bill designed to prohibit the federal government from taking “discriminatory action” against a person or institution based on his or its religious beliefs about marriage will reach the president’s desk... The post Conservatives Plot to Get Religious Liberty Bill to Obama’s Desk appeared first on The Stream.
Jewish Voters in Flux After Iran Nuclear Deal
MIAMI (AP) — Republicans are trying to seize on President Barack Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran and strained ties with Israel’s leader to cultivate Jewish voters, reasoning that a small shift in the margins could help them in battleground states... The post Jewish Voters in Flux After Iran Nuclear Deal appeared first on The Stream.
ANALYSIS: What Did Pope Francis Really Think of the “Communist Crucifix”?
When Pope Francis was presented with the now-infamous “Communist crucifix” by the hard-line socialist president of Bolivia, Evo Morales, the world took note. As Joe Carter of the Acton Institute explained, the crucifix is a reproduction of one carved during... The post ANALYSIS: What Did Pope Francis Really Think of the “Communist Crucifix”? appeared first on The Stream.
Liberal Theory of Justice Doesn’t Support Abortion
I wonder what John Rawls would think of the market for fetal livers. The great liberal philosopher isn’t quite a household name, but his influence on contemporary American liberalism and political philosophy is hard to overstate. Before his death in... The post Liberal Theory of Justice Doesn’t Support Abortion appeared first on The Stream.
A lousy way to rate teachers
Sent to the Los Angeles Times, July 17 "Group sues 13 school districts for not using test scores in teacher evaluations,"(July 16) should stimulate discussion of whether using student test-score gains to evaluate teachers should remain state law. I suggest that the discussion include these two points: A number of studies have shown that rating teachers using test score gains does not give consistent results. Different tests produce different ratings, and the same teacher’s ratings can vary from year to year, sometimes quite a bit. In addition, using test score gains for evaluation en... more »
Planned Parenthood and the Statist Abyss
On Tuesday, a sickening undercover video blew up the Internet, and for good reason: Dr. Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood’s senior director of medical services, was caught on camera yukking it up over red wine and a fancy salad. The topic:... The post Planned Parenthood and the Statist Abyss appeared first on The Stream.
Greg Hunter, “Weekly News Wrap-Up, 7/17/2015”
*“Weekly News Wrap-Up, 7/17/2015”* By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com “Two big deals were made this week, but they may not be deals just yet. I characterize the deal to curb Iran’s nuclear program as a deal between liars and cheaters. The cheater is Iran. They have cheated in the past on curbing their nuclear program. Just a few months ago, the UN accused Iran of cheating again. The liar is the Obama Administration. The lies by him and his administration are numerous. “You can keep your health plan.” “Obama Care is going to be cheaper.” Deserter “Bo Bergdahl served with distinction.”... more »
By Attorney Constance Cumbey July 17, 2015 NewsWithViews.com *Part 1, Was he truthful to his Tea Party and Women Defending America followers about his relationship with key Satanic leader, Michael Aquino?* Perhaps reading this, the first of 4 articles planned for the next 4 weeks on this sobering subject, it might be helpful to review the principles of Hegelian Dialectics – controlling both sides to direct all to the desired planned destination. Reading the Bible would help even more. I particularly recommend the passages about deception that could, if possible, “deceive even the El... more »
Blessed Are The Wayseers
*We lead the way to a better human living in a better and a more humane world.*
Fatal Crash Prompts Marines To Change Osprey Flight Rules
Marine Corps leaders have issued a fleetwide order to MV-22 pilots to wave off any landing in a dust cloud they can’t complete within 30 seconds, Breaking Defense has learned, a reaction to a fatal accident in Hawaii on May 17. The previous rule was 60 seconds, though experienced Osprey and helicopter pilots usually spend no more than 10 seconds or so in such risky conditions. Investigators are still studying the training flight mishap in which an MV-22B Osprey‘s hard landing killed two Marines aboard. Read more
Watch fearsome F-35 stealth jet fire its controversial hidden wing cannons in Top Gun-style video
Each one costs $3.5 billion to build and boasts a special stealth coating that makes it almost invisible to radar. And the fearsome F-35 fighter jet also has powerful 25mm cannons hidden inside its wings. Unfortunately, the software required to fire the cannons won't be available until 2019. This new video shows the cannons smoking as they fire live rounds - but the jet remains grounded the entire time. Read more
Special Greece Report ( July 17 , 2015 ) - Updates ( Some But Not All Greece Banks To Re-Open Monday ..... Examining Domestic Politics In Greece ...... Germany Gets Set To Vote on Greece Bail Out Talks Re-Opener ...... International Politics / Speeches & Comments - Merkel , Dijsselbloem , Mohamed -El Erian , Dombrovskis , Lagarde , Mody , Schauble .... Rescue Plan / Grexit / Bridge Loan Items of Note ......Market Reactions .... Odds& Ends )
Evening Tweets..... fred walton retweeted *Nick Timiraos* @NickTimiraos 3h 3 hours ago See if you can spot the pattern in the IMF's periodic revisions of Greek debt-burden forecasts http://on.wsj.com/1e3t5VY [image: Embedded image permalink] fred walton retweeted *Prof. Steve Hanke* @steve_hanke 2h 2 hours ago #Athens is literally #burning as 66 simultaneous #wildfires broke out in # Greece. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-07-17/greece-burning-literally … [image: Embedded image permalink] fred walton retweeted *Silvia Merler* @SMerler 2h 2 hours ago #Greec... more »
Koreans raise questions about KF-16 fighter jet upgrade
The U.S. has approved a possible sale of parts, equipment and logistical support to Korea. If approved by Congress, the deal will allow Korea to upgrade its aging fleet of 134 KF-16 fighter jets. Citing military sources in Washington, Seoul-based Yonhap News says the price set by the U.S. State Department is two-and-a-half billion dollars. But that's a billion dollars more than a now-scrapped contract Seoul had with British defense firm BAE Systems. Since December 2014, the Korean government has worked to switch the principal contractor saying it cannot afford to pay the combined ... more »
Brazil will sign Gripen fighter jet contract soon, minister says
[image: JAS-39 Gripen F]Brazil will soon sign the final contract to finance and purchase fighter jets from Sweden's Saab AB, Brazilian Defense Minister Jacques Wagner said on Wednesday nearly one year after an initial agreement had been struck. Brazil and Sweden have extended their talks since agreeing on the deal last year as Brazil sought to reduce the financing costs of the $5.4 billion sale of 36 Gripen fighter jets, intended to renew Brazil's aging fighter fleet. "We're fighting against the economic crisis," Wagner said as he visited Air Force units in the northeastern city of... more »
US And Russia Locked In Tactical Weapons Race: Russia Alleges US Of Nuclearising Europe
[image: Iskander-M (SS-26 Stone) SRBM]Russia and the United States are in fresh race of tactical nuclear weapons, including missiles and bombs. In early July, the U.S. undertook the flight test of its new gravity bomb and Moscow is now planning to test its nuclear enabled Iskander tactical missile systems. According to news reports, servicemen of a missile unit of the Southern Military District in the Krasnodar Territory are doing the drills for the live-firing of tactical Iskander-M missile systems by late July at the Kapustin Yar range in the Astrakhan Region. In February, a Ru... more »
Stunning Footage Of Tornado GR4 Bomb Drop
This incredible footage above shows GR4 Tornados from XV(R) Squadron dropping the Paveway III laser-guided bomb, a highly capable weapon used against hardened and concealed targets. It comes as Defence Secretary Michael Fallon announces details of an increase in surveillance operations to fight Islamic State in Syria and Iraq. A second Rivet joint spy plane will be sent to the region which along with the Sentinel aircraft will gather intelligence on IS movements. Read more
Thrills as aircraft arrive at Fairford for RIAT
Enthusiasts and residents alike have been savouring the arrivals of aircraft from around the world at RAF Fairford for the Royal International Air Tattoo, which gets under way tomorrow. Around 40 aircraft touched down at the airfield on Wednesday ahead of appearances at the airshow's extensive static park or flying displays planned until Sunday. Among those generating interest from aircraft enthusiasts and the media were two Kawasaki P-1 maritime patrol aircraft from the Japan Maritime Self-Defence Force. Read more
Brazil Aircraft Carrier Modernization Underway
[image: BNS São Paulo (A12)]Satellite imagery confirms that Brazil’s Sao Paulo Aircraft Carrier has entered the dry dock at the naval shipyard in Rio de Janeiro, probably to be evaluated for ship improvements. Few countries in the world have a working aircraft carrier and Brazil happens to be one — even if barely. With a 7,400 km coastline and significant offshore energy reserves, it’s not hard to see why. Recent space snapshots suggest the country is well underway in maintaining its status as Latin America’s only flattop operator. Read more
Navalized Ka-52 Alligator Makes Public Debut in Russia
[image: Kamov Ka-52K Katran]The prototype Kamov Ka-52K Katran, a navalized version of Ka-50/52 Alligator family already in Russian air force service, has made its public debut. It was briefly exposed to visitors attending the Army 2015 expo in Kubinka near Moscow in mid-June. Then it was exhibited at International Maritime Defense Show (IMDS 2015) in St. Petersburg in early July. The Russian defense ministry ordered 32 Ka-52Ks in April 2015, and the prototype flew for the first time on March 7, 2015. Its first application was intended to be on the two Mistral-class amphibious ass... more »
Japan military chief says South China Sea surveillance possible
[image: JSADF F-15 Strike Eagle]Japan's top military commander, Admiral Katsutoshi Kawano, said on Thursday he expected China to become increasingly assertive in the South China Sea and it was possible Japan would conduct patrols and surveillance activities there in the future. Speaking in Washington, Kawano said there had been "talk" of Japan conducting such patrols in the South China Sea, including anti-submarine activities. "But our position on this is that we consider this as a potential future issue to be considered depending on how things pan out,” he told the Center for Stra... more »
Islamic State strikes Egyptian naval vessel off Sinai coast
The Islamic State claimed credit for a rocket attack off the coast of the Sinai that set an Egyptian ship ablaze earlier today. The attack was confirmed by the Egyptian military, which disputed the jihadist group’s claim that the ship was destroyed and all crew members were killed. The Islamic State released a brief statement on Twitter, as well as three photographs purporting to show the attack. Read more
Defence shipbuilding review warns delays mean 20-year shortage
[image: HMAS Hobart (DDG 39)]Australia faces a collective delay of up to a decade for its replacement fleet of frigates, causing a shortage of warships over the next 20 years, the author of the government’s shipbuilding review says. Rand corporation’s Joel Predd, who modelled workforce requirements for the government’s shipbuilding program, said the coming defence white paper would need to address the looming delays or risk having fewer ships available for the navy. “It is really Australia’s decision; they have a choice there: they can either retire on schedule and face a shortfal... more »
HMCS Frédérick Rolette name of navy's new Arctic patrol ship
[image: Essex Conservative MP Jeff Watson]The Royal Canadian Navy's newest Arctic patrol ship is named HMCS Frédérick Rolette, honouring a War of 1812 hero who was stationed in Amherstburg, Ont. Essex Conservative MP Jeff Watson made the announcement on behalf of Minister of Defence Jason Kenney on Thursday at HMCS Hunter in Windsor, Ont. "Lt. Rolette served our country with great distinction throughout the War of 1812. Naming a Royal Canadian Navy ship after him honours the bravery and valour this great French-Canadian exhibited throughout his career," Kenney said in a statement. "... more »
Plan to Fund Ohio Replacement Submarine Reaches Tipping Point
[image: Successor class SSBN]Political drama surrounds the Navy’s Ohio replacement submarine, as the service tries to secure funding for its highest priority program. Much hangs on the outcome of the high stakes budget battle playing out in Washington, D.C., which will shape the future of Navy shipbuilding and potentially have major effects on the other services and the industrial base. A key issue in question is how to pay for the next generation of ballistic missile submarines — known as the SSBN(X) or the Ohio replacement — which the Navy says are needed to replace the aging Ohi... more »
Why agreements with the EU are worthless
From Guido Fawkes this morning: 'Conservative Party manifesto, May 2015: "We took Britain out of Eurozone bailouts, including for Greece – the first ever return of powers from Brussels." July 2015: "Britain will be liable for close to £1 billion of emergency loans to Greece after Jean-Claude Juncker tore up a "black and white" deal to protect UK taxpayers from Eurozone bailouts." This is why whatever renegotiation David Cameron says he's achieved will make no difference to Eurosceptics, they know that post a vote to stay in, the EU will do what they like and David Cameron will mee... more »
Military Photo of the Day: July 17, 2015
U.S. service members march during the 66th annual Chattanooga Armed Forces Day parade on May 1, 2015. This photo shows the patriotism of Chattanooga. In the wake of the shocking, tragic events that unfolded there on July 16, everyone at The Stream... The post Military Photo of the Day: July 17, 2015 appeared first on The Stream.
Symmetry magazine, papers about the \(2\TeV\) \(W_R\)-like bumps
*A good idea to get used to left-right-symmetric models* *Sad news:* Yoichiro Nambu died of heart attack on July 5th. This forefather of string theory and other things shared the 2008 Nobel prize in physics. When I listed some of the excesses seen at the LHC that the ongoing run will either confirm or disprove, the #1 bump I mentioned was the \(2\TeV\) bump of ATLAS that looks like a new \(W\)-like boson decaying to two normal electroweak bosons. The local significance was about 3.5 sigma and the global one was 2.5 sigma. Moreover, CMS saw similar (but weaker) effects at a nearby p... more »
IDF unveils navy tugboats designed to service Dolphin submarines
[image: New Israeli tugboat]The Israel Navy this month introduced two new tugboats specially designed to bring second- generation Dolphin-class submarines to their new docking stations, a naval officer said on Wednesday. Cmdr. Alon Friedman, who heads the Israel Navy’s Engineering Department, said the tugboats were built by Israel Shipyards from plans created by Spanish naval architects Cintranaval- Defcar according to Israeli specifications. The vessels come equipped with Azimuth stern drive propulsion systems, made by Rolls Royce, Friedman explained, enabling them to turn 360 degr... more »
Chattanooga shootings: House searched after marines killed per BBC News
The BBC's Gary O'Donoghue has managed to name the Chattanooga gunman but is very quick, as I predicted, to label him a lone wolf. 'The investigation is still at an early stage, but it appears that Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez was acting alone. What made him do what he did will be the subject of intensive inquiries that will delve deep into his past and that of his friends and family, and into his state of mind.But lone wolves, as such men are often described, are the hardest to stop.' When does a lone wolf cease to be such? How many lone wolf attacks must there be before the BBC w... more »
U.S. Unable To Convince Israel And Saudi Arabia That They Have Nothing To Fear In The Iranian Nuclear Deal
*Voice of America:* *Push to Counter Israeli, Saudi Fears on Iran Deal Shows Little Progress * Top American and British diplomats appeared to make little headway Thursday in easing Saudi and Israeli fears about the historic international agreement aimed at keeping Iran from building a nuclear weapon. In Washington, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry met with his counterpart, Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir, whose government has been alarmed about the deal with regional rival Iran. Afterwards, Jubeir warned Iran not to use the money it is likely to gain as economic sanctions... more »
FBI Tracked Chattanooga Shooter's Family for Years
*July 17, 2015* (Tony Cartalucci - LD) - Once again, another convenient shooting has helped supercharge anger, hatred, fear, and division across the Western World after an alleged "Islamist extremist" opened fire on and killed 4 US Marines at a recruiting station in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Without any knowledge of how the US has in fact created Al Qaeda and its many global affiliates, including vicious terrorist groups plaguing Southeast Asia, and the most notorious to date, the so-called "Islamic State" (ISIS), the American public will predictably react in a manner that will simp... more »
What is Jade Helm?
The military operation occurring in the state of Texas has many people mystified. I read one fascinating account of its purpose today in a comment at Zero Hedge: *“JADE” is an **AI quantum computing technology** that produces holographic battlefield simulations and has the ability to use vast amounts of data being collected on the human domain, to generate human terrain systems in geographic population centric locations, to identify and eliminate targets, insurgents, rebels or whatever labels that can be flagged as targets in a Global Information Grid for Network Centric Warfare ... more »
KMTitanic 15: waiting for the July 19th absolution
*Riding north from Tainan today, I took the 163 to the HSR station in Chiayi. There was no direct connection between the 163 and the 37 to the HSR station, so I took a lonely gravel and dirt access road a couple of kilometers through the fields of sugar cane that ran parallel to the HSR line. As so often in Taiwan, I ran across a little historical treasure: the old rails from the Japanese-era sugar lines still exist all over the south, uncared for and unacknowledged.* *Fifteen-hundred people went into the sea, when Titanic sank from under us. There were twenty boats floating nearby... more »
Musical Interlude: Kevin Kern, “Sundial Dreams”
Kevin Kern, “Sundial Dreams” - https://www.youtube.com/
"Mass Extinction: It's the End of the World as We Know It"
*"Mass Extinction: * *It's the End of the World as We Know It"* By Dahr Jamail "What can we know? What are we all? Poor silly half-brained things peering out at the infinite, with the aspirations of angels and the instincts of beasts." - Arthur Conan Doyle "Guy McPherson is a professor emeritus of evolutionary biology, natural resources and ecology at the University of Arizona, and has been a climate change expert for 30 years. He has also become a controversial figure, due to the fact that he does not shy away from talking about the possibility of near-term human extinction. Whil... more »
Elaine J. Cohen : METRO EVENT | Jewish peace group holds remembrance for Gaza War victims
Event: Memorial for Victims of Last Summer’s Gaza War When: Thursday, July 23, 2015, 7-9 p.m. Where: Friends Meeting of Austin Address: 3701 E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Austin, Texas 78721 Sponsors: Austin Jewish Voice for Peace and Interfaith … finish reading Elaine J. Cohen : *METRO EVENT* | Jewish peace group holds remembrance for Gaza War victims
How do you mark the final day of the world's most famous toy store? How else? With selfies!
*A scene yesterday from the last day of business at FAO Schwarz in Manhattan -- not a selfie, but an actual photograph, taken by an actual photographer, Reuters' Lucas Jackson* *"By Wednesday afternoon, hours before the store was set to shut its doors at 8 p.m., many of the shelves had already been stripped bare of their stuffed animals or games, or else were marked down by fire-sale-like percentages."* *-- the NYT's Tatiana Schlossberg, in* "Shoppers Bid Farewell to F. A. O. Schwarz on Its Final Day" *by Ken* In all honesty, it was this blurb in the NYT's "Today's Headlines" e-mai... more »
Even With A Nuclear Deal Iran And The U.S. Are Still In A 'Shadow War'
*Missy Ryan, Washington Post*: *Despite nuclear deal, U.S. and Iran locked in regional shadow war* Even as their highest-ranking diplomats were shaking hands this week on a landmark nuclear accord, the United States and Iran continued moving weapons, money and fighters across the Middle East in an uninterrupted shadow war. At secret CIA bases in Jordan, U.S. operatives continued to arm and train fighters being sent into Syria to oust a critical ally of Iran. In Saudi Arabia, U.S. military advisers remained in place at a command center selecting targets for airstrikes in Yemen aga... more »
Oliver and Boyd 1953 - lessons from the early history of the lipid hypothesis.
The introduction to Hooper et al. 2015 gives a good potted history of the lipid hypothesis. It's well worth reading to get some background as to why this idea that saturated fat causes heart disease took off the way it did. (Hooper 2015) There's a chain of logic involved. There is cholesterol in atherosclerotic plaques. There was a correlation between high cholesterol and heart disease. Eating saturated fat tends to elevate serum cholesterol. Join the dots. The assumption is that the high cholesterol that correlates with heart disease and the effect of saturated fat on serum choles... more »
Advancing Bailout - A Humiliating Defeat for Greece (When Will Greek Looting/Austerity End?) Soulless Economics (What Other Type Exists Today?)
Craigslist? Soulless Economics Advancing Bailout, Greece Approves 'Terms of Surrender' to Austerity The €86 billion bailout comes at a high political and social cost, forcing the imposition of harsh austerity measures and economic reforms tougher than those rejected by more than 60 percent of Greek voters in a July 5 referendum. Among the measures included in the rescue package, which
4 U.S. Marines Killed In Domestic Terrorism Attack In Tennessee (Updated)
*Reuters*: *Four Marines and gunman killed in Tennessee shootings* Four U.S. Marines were killed on Thursday by a gunman who opened fire at two military offices in Chattanooga, Tennessee, before being fatally shot in an attack officials called a brazen, brutal act of domestic terrorism. The FBI named the suspect as Mohammod Youssuf Abdulazeez, 24, but said it was too early to speculate on a motive for the rampage, which comes at a time when U.S. military and law enforcement authorities are increasingly concerned about the threat posed by 'lone wolves' to domestic targets. "We are ...more »
Commentaries, Analysis And Editorials -- July 16, 2015
An Israeli F-16 fighter jet takes off at Ramon air base in southern Israel during routine training, October 21, 2013. REUTERS/Amir Cohen *Noga Tarnopolsky, Reuters*: *Israel won’t strike Iran alone, no matter how much it hates the nuclear deal* The day after a nuclear deal with Iran was announced, the sun rose high above Jerusalem’s shimmering hills just as it does every July, as if the ancient land shrugged off two decades of apocalyptic warnings from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and decided to go about its usual routine. Israeli officials across the political landsca... more »
Beyond One Space-Time Continuum: Logic and Imagination
*Jon Rappoport* - Magic eventually comes to the conclusion that imagination creates reality. Any reality. The post Beyond One Space-Time Continuum: Logic and Imagination appeared first on Waking Times.
The Iran Nuclear Deal: Worse Even Than I Imagined
WASHINGTON — When you write a column, as did I two weeks ago, headlined “The worst agreement in U.S. diplomatic history,” you don’t expect to revisit the issue. We had hit bottom. Or so I thought. Then on Tuesday the... The post The Iran Nuclear Deal: Worse Even Than I Imagined appeared first on The Stream.
PONI Live Debate: Global Zero + An Excerpt From "The Partnership: Five Cold Warriors And Their Quest To Ban The Bomb"
*"The Partnership: Five Cold Warriors And Their Quest To Ban The Bomb" by Philip Taubman (2012).* *Description of "The Partnership" [Source: Harper Collins Publishers]:* Illuminating and thought-provoking, *The Partnership* tells the little-known story of their campaign to reduce the threat of a nuclear attack and, ultimately, eliminate nuclear weapons altogether. It is an intimate look at these men—Henry Kissinger, George Shultz, Sam Nunn, William Perry, and the renowned Stanford physicist Sidney Drell—the origins of their unlikely joint effort, and their dealings with President O... more »
World News Briefs -- July 16, 2015 (Evening Edition)
*New York Times*: *Obama Begins 60-Day Campaign to Win Over Iran Deal Skeptics at Home and Abroad* WASHINGTON — President Obama eagerly took on critics of the Iran nuclear deal on Wednesday, inviting question after question on an agreement he suggested that many of his political adversaries had not even read. Mr. Obama used a formal East Room news conference to begin what White House officials said would be an aggressive effort by the president and his top advisers over the next 60 days to combat critics in both parties and to sell the Iran deal to members of Congress, the public ... more »
One People's Roundtable Discussion- June 13th Archive Video
Good evening everyone! Here is the Archive Video from last Monday night's Roundtable Discussion. While I didn't get to participate for the first hour due to my internet mysteriously disappearing about 1 minute into the show- leaving me with a frozen face that is truly hysterical, lol- I managed to get back onto the show for the last half of the discussion. Lisa and I were joined by Thahoketoteh of the Kanion'ke:haka- or as corporate Canada says: the Mohawk Nation . We had a really good conversation about Canada's "Truth and Reconciliation" report, the genocide of Canadas First... more »
War Is Peace
"If you want a vision of the future imagine a boot stamping on a human face forever." George Orwell
Surprises from Pluto
Kenneth Change, “Pluto’s Portrait From New Horizons: Ice Mountains and No Craters,” New York Times (July 16, 2015), http://www.nytimes.com/2015/07/16/science/pluto-flyby-photos-reveal-mountains.html?emc=edit_th_20150716&nl=todaysheadlines&nlid=32962000 [excerpted] The first surprise was the rugged topography — mountains up to 11,000 feet high. But these mountains are almost certainly made of frozen water instead of rock…. A second surprise was that the dwarf planet’s surface was unmarred by craters. “We have not yet found a single impact crater in this image,” Dr. Spencer sa... more »
SupGaleano Part II 'Critical Thought Versus the Capitalist Hydra'
Chiapas, Mexico, the World. (passage from the text “A World War,” May-June 2015, by SupGaleano, in “Our View of the Hydra,” part II of volume I of “Critical Thought Versus the Capitalist Hydra”) Click here for Translations The first thing that got our attention was the protests and disagreement on social media. Then came the articles that managed to get a place on the pages of the paid
Mohawk Nation News 'Across the Pond Comment'
ACROSS THE POND COMMENT Posted on July 16, 2015 Please post & distribute. Nia:wen. MNN. July 16th 2015. Nia:wen to our readers in Ohontsakaionen [old land] who see our solution as theirs too. This is their letter. Great Peace of Montreal 1701. “Resistance 71 is a French and English speaking collective [in Europe] created in 2010. There are ways to remove the totalitarian society
WI Legislature Votes Blacks Must be Precuffed and Pretased For Law Enforcement.
*Acceptable posture: Compliant negroes take a leisurely crawl through downtown Madison.* Madison, WI -- Coming on the tail end of a raft of Draconian legislation from the legislative body, the GOP-dominated Wisconsin Senate ratified the "2015 Black Empowerment Act". A nearly identical bill sailed through the lower chamber albeit votes being cast along party lines. The bill, if signed into law by Governor and presidential candidate Scott Walker, would mandate all Wisconsin African Americans, including those officially judged to be "Octaroon", be precuffed and even pretased prior... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- July 16, 2015
*FOX News:* *White House reportedly offers to boost military aid to Israel after Iran deal* President Obama has offered to increase U.S. military aid to Israel in the wake of the Iran nuclear agreement, according to a published report. According to the New York Times, Obama broached the subject in a phone conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday. White House officials said that Obama told Netanyahu that he was prepared to hold "intensive discussions" on bolstering Israel's defense capabilities. *Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- July 16, 201... more »
Ukraine Crisis -- News Updates July 16, 2015
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko addresses deputies before voting on a draft law at the parliament in Kiev, Ukraine, July 16, 2015. Reuters/Valentyn Ogirenko *VOA:* *Ukraine Moves Toward More Autonomy for Separatist Regions * Ukraine's parliament approved a draft law Thursday to grant greater autonomy to the separatist-held areas in the country’s eastern Donetsk and Luhansk regions. As stipulated by the cease-fire agreement reached last February in the Belarusian capital, Minsk, President Petro Poroshenko submitted the bill to parliament to give the areas that have proclaimed ... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
"Is this galaxy jumping through a giant ring of stars? Probably not. Although the precise dynamics behind the featured image is yet unclear, what is clear is that the pictured galaxy, NGC 7714, has been stretched and distorted by a recent collision with a neighboring galaxy. This smaller neighbor, NGC 7715, situated off to the left of the featured frame, is thought to have charged right through NGC 7714. *Click image for larger size.* Observations indicate that the golden ring pictured is composed of millions of older Sun-like stars that are likely co-moving with the interior bluer ... more »
"They Should Want Roses..."
“The monstrous thing is not that men have created roses out of this dung heap, but that, for some reason or other, they should want roses. For some reason or other man looks for the miracle, and to accomplish it he will wade through blood. He will debauch himself with ideas, he will reduce himself to a shadow if for only one second of his life he can close his eyes to the hideousness of reality. Everything is endured – disgrace, humiliation, poverty, war, crime, ennui – in the belief that overnight something will occur, a miracle, which will render life tolerable. And all the while... more »
Free Download: Walt Whitman, "Leaves of Grass"
*"Miracles"* "Why, who makes much of a miracle? As to me I know of nothing else but miracles, Whether I walk the streets of Manhattan, Or dart my sight over the roofs of houses toward the sky, Or wade with naked feet along the beach just in the edge of the water, Or stand under trees in the woods, Or talk by day with anyone I love, or sleep in the bed at night with anyone I love, Or sit at the table at dinner with the rest, Or look at strangers opposite me riding in the car, Or watch honeybees busy around the hive of a summer forenoon, Or animals feeding in the fields, Or birds, or the wo... more »
Chet Raymo, “The Ultimate Citadel of Humanism”
* “The Ultimate Citadel of Humanism”* by Chet Raymo “Here I go again. It seems lately that these posts drift more and more toward memoir, toward summing up, toward drawing together the raveled treads of a life. What started almost ten years ago as a continuation of my 20 years of science essays in the Boston Globe -- essays that aspired toward a spritely objectivity -- has become willy-nilly an exercise in self-indulgence. That so many of you have stayed for the ride suggests, I hope, that we share certain life-experiences, and that together we articulate a Tao, a way, a common aspi... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Brawley, California, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
Thoughts on Subjectivity in Writing about Israel
This is a guest post from Mira Sucharov, an Associate Professor at Carleton University. Particularly in areas of contested politics — controversial policy issues, protracted conflict, clashing narratives, and the like — how much responsibility do authors have to remain unbiased? It’s a problematic word, bias. It’s almost always used either in the context of […]
Money Talks: Giving Women a Voice on U.S. Currency
The grassroots advocacy campaign, Women on 20s, had a simple request: put a woman on the $20 bill by 2020 to commemorate the 100 year anniversary of the 19th amendment, which granted women the right to vote in the United States. Starting with a list of 15 women candidates, on-line voters cast an electronic ballot […]
Photo Orbs, Memory Snapshots and Buddhist Tulpas
*Amy L. Lansky* - The “orbs” that many people are capturing in digital photographs may be what the Buddhists call tulpas. The post Photo Orbs, Memory Snapshots and Buddhist Tulpas appeared first on Waking Times.
Senate Will Vote on Pro-Life Bill Banning Late-Term Abortions After 20 Weeks
Just days after a shocking new expose’ video depicted a top Planned Parenthood doctor discussing how the abortion business sells the body parts from aborted babies, Senate officials indicate the U.S. Senate will hold a vote after the August recess... The post Senate Will Vote on Pro-Life Bill Banning Late-Term Abortions After 20 Weeks appeared first on The Stream.
John McCain Has a Few Things to Say About Donald Trump
Over the weekend, Donald Trump held a rally in Phoenix, Arizona, that attracted several thousand people. He shared the stage with the father of a man who was killed by an undocumented immigrant — and Trump continued his rant against illegal immigration... The post John McCain Has a Few Things to S
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