Debunking New 'Mini Ice Age' Scam and the Man Who Punked Scott Walker: 'BradCast' 7/13/2015
A busy week kicked off today on The BradCast! Scott Walker makes his
2016 run for the GOP nomination official; Hillary Clinton takes shots at
both him and Jeb Bush in a major economic speech; And the long-awaited
NAACP/ACLU/DOJ trial begins in North Carolina against "the most extreme
anti-voter bill passed by any state since the Jim Crow Era".
But after those updates, we dig into debunki
This man and his burrito took better engagement photos than most couples
San Francisco-based writer David Sikorski is a true, out-of-the-movies
classic romantic
If you don't believe us, take a look at the engagement photos he took
with the love of his life: his burrito
See also: The definitive ranking of picnic food
Sikorski, apparently tired of the stereotypical couple pictures plaguing
his Facebook timeline, took matters into his own hand and had
professional photogr
New Rendlesham Forest UFO evidence found
Col Charles Halt has revealed that radar operators had tracked a bogie
at the time of the incident. It's the UK's best known UFO case and even
now, mo...
Baby's reaction to seeing clearly for the first time is what your Monday needs
Warning: You may not be able to see clearly after viewing this video
because of the happy tears rolling down out of your eyeballs
An optometrist diagnosed 10-month-old Piper with extreme farsightedness
and outfitted the little girl with glasses. Piper's mom, Jessica
Sinclair, shared a video on Facebook of Piper's seeing the world in
focus for the first time ever.
Karaoke champ's Whitney Houston
The Corbett Report
Interview 1062 – James Perloff Explodes the Korean War Lies
the 65th anniversary of the beginning of the Korean War James is joined
by James Perloff of jamesperloff.com to discuss his in-depth article,
"The Korean War: Another Conflict that Served the Illuminati Agenda."
From deals with the Soviets to protection for the Chinese to pulled
The EnvironmentaList
Insect Feed Could Be the Next Frontier in Animal Agriculture
Bugs may offer an environmentally friendly alternative to soy and fishmeal when it comes to feeding livestock
Without Sharks, There Would be No Shark Week
With estimated 100 million sharks killed every year, one third of open ocean sharks are threatened with extinction
Obama Creates Three New National Monuments Protecting Another 1M Acres of Public Lands
New designation preserves areas of historic, cultural, and natural value in California, Nevada, and Texas
Thirty Years Later: The Bombing of the Rainbow Warrior
New Zealand journalist David Robie returns with two books commemorating
the sinking of Greenpeace’s iconic ship and the nuclear-free Pacific
Is the BBC biased?
Gaza debate unraveled
Yesterday I posted a hasty response to the parliamentary debate on
Gaza. Standing back a bit, it calls for some further observations.I
don’t really know how significant that particular debate was in the
overall scheme of things. In his necessarily truncated summing up
speech, Tobias Ellwood (the parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for
Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs) hinted that although he ha
Archidiaconus Asemnes
This morning's Sunday doesn't call for a long post this week. It didn't
do anything outrageously biased, and even (most unusually for
Sunday) featured something of interest to British Hindus - along with
Sikhs, the forgotten religious minority of Radio 4's Sunday.Other than
that, there was coverage of sex abuse in the Anglican Church; an
interview about Srebrenica; a report on the discontent of so
Abe the Andalusian and the BBC
Those nice bearded chaps at CAGE aren't at all happy with Andrew
Gilligan of the Telegraph today for his article, By day, at heart of
counter-terror policing. And by night, preacher of extremism.Here's what
got up their noses:The Government watchdog which inspects police
forces’ readiness for terrorism admitted that it employed one of
Britain’s most notorious Islamic extremists. For almost two yea
It's all Greek to...everyone
It's a curious thing, but I really don't think that bloggers or
commenters who post about BBC bias have ever quite got to grips with the
seemingly endless Greek debt crisis. I've rarely seen posts at any of
my favourite haunts laying out an in any way convincing case against the
BBC's coverage, vis a vis bias.That's not to say that there haven't
been lots of comments berating the BBC for bias over
A Closer Look: Jody Paterson
One day 30 years ago, I interviewed to be a sex worker
One summer day when I was a young reporter in Kamloops, my bosses at
the newspaper sent me off to pretend I wanted to get hired as a
lingerie model. The advertising department at the paper had been
running classified ads seeking young women interested in working as
lingerie models. The paper wanted the advertising revenue, but was
worried the real nature of the business was prostitution. So
Mark above articles as read
A Different Perspective
Lee Reeves and the Roswell UFO Crash
I know that this might seem to be piling on, but in the last couple of
weeks, I have been asked about the story of Lee Reeves who supposedly
accompanied Dan Dwyer out to the crash site where the alien creatures
were found. Reeves’ tale appears in Witness to Roswell where it says,
“When the call came in to the fire station that there had been a crash
north of town, Dan Dwyer and Lee Reeves were dis
Kenneth Arnold and the Null Hypothesis
It has become an article of faith among some that the Kenneth Arnold
sighting with its misreported description of a flying saucer is the
genesis of modern UFO shape. Arnold had said that the objects he saw
moved with a “motion like that of saucers skipping across a pond,” which
reporters took to mean that Arnold had seen disk-like objects. Skeptics
have pointed out this error, suggesting that Arno
Flying Saucers and Kenneth Arnold
(Blogger’s Note: Yes, I’ve touched on this before but in the last week
or so the MSM, that is to say Time, published a UFO story that made the
point that flying saucer was based on an error so of proving there is
nothing to the sightings. I thought I’d take another run at this idea.)I
have seen recently more suggestions that the term, “Flying Saucer,” is a
misnomer because Kenneth Arnold wasn’t de
New Defector from the Roswell Slides
Mesa VerdeOnce again I’m dragged back into the nonsense that is the
Roswell Slides. It should be clear to everyone who is able to think at
all that the slides show the image of an unfortunate child who died
hundreds of years ago. No one has ever offered an explanation of how we
got from the image of what is clearly a mummy to the idea that it was
the body of an alien creature. How did they make th
A Very Public Sociologist
Where are the Left Wing Eurosceptics?
The deal imposed by the Eurozone grouping on Greece is nothing short of
shameful. It continues to pile up the debt, reducing Greece to the
status of a debt colony of the rich, Northern European countries. It,
like all austerity programmes, expects working people, pensioners, the
young to pick up the tab for payments that never touched the Greek
economy. It puts the kibosh on Syriza's radical manif
Harriet Harman's Tax Credit Debacle
The Labour Party is a mass organisation. Under its banner you find all
kinds of people harbouring all kinds of views. It could hardly be
otherwise, given the roots it has in the labour movement representing
the sectional interests of otherwise quite disparate occupational
groupings. It is also a party that has to reach beyond its natural
support at election time in order to win. Hence there is a f
Super R-Type for the Super Nintendo
R-Type. There was a point in time when that name was synonymous with
horizontally-scrolling shooters. When it hit the arcades in 1987, the
splash it made was huge. It wasn't the first of its kind, and by that
time the acquisition of power-ups were pretty standard too. What marked
it off was three things. Its unique selling point was the use of 'The
Force', a bolt-on indestructible droid that could
Review - Look Who's Back by Timur Vermes
A comic novel with Adolf Hitler as the main character? Really? Quite
apart from the humourless fanaticism that characterised Hitler and the
regime he founded, isn't it still a bit early to turn the most notorious
name in modern history into a sympathetic figure of fun? Yes, it is. Or
at least it's something that's very risky. As Gavriel Rosenfeld puts
it, Look Who's Back flirts with "the risk
A Way to Live
For now
In these early-September-like conditions, one thinks a great deal about
mulch and water, and sometimes falls behind on harvesting. I still
don't have the dried broadbeans in their jars, and already some zukes
and cukes are getting past me.It's all right about the oversized vegs as
they are much appreciated sliced and tossed into the poultry
zones.Several beds have been left fallow (i.e., grown up
These things can wait
It has been over 90F out, and sometimes 100F, for over a month, seems
like. The ground is complaining mightily, and now trees are beginning to
shrink away from the sun. We anticipated this for several years and
were more often wrong than right, but this year the garden's timing --
with things planted in March and April that traditionally are planted on
Memorial Day weekend hereabouts -- has been i
Beans, beans, beans
I find the broad beans rewarding to grow but a little difficult to
process. The pods are bendy but fibrous and do not snap like green
beans, nor to they zip open by pulling the "string" as one does with
peas. I resort to sliding a knife down each one and kind of folding each
bean out, one by one. The pods will go right back in the beds, under
straw.It's best done with music and cider, I
New potatoes are the best
We water with soakers but also freshen things up a bit with a spray
nozzle. The garden, along with everything else, is trying to dry up. It
was 101F here yesterday. Eugene had an official record at 98, so I think
we had a record too. And no relief in sight for the next ten days.It's
quite the emergency. I have friends who have moved to motels for the
duration, or are camping along streams and sitt
Gender Identity and the Brain - a Round-Table
http://www.hulu.com/watch/807430Six months ago Charlie Rose and his
colleague, Nobel Prize-winning brain scientist, Eric Kandel, began
planning their latest instalment of the Charlie Rose Brain Series
dealing with gender identity and the brain. In the time since, we met
the most famous transgender person in the world — Caitlyn Jenner. In a
fascinating hour-long episode, Charlie moderates a brillia
Mark above articles as read
Activist Teacher
Alwaght News interview with Denis Rancourt -- Every Day Must be Quds Day
Monday, July 6, 2015, 5:22 PM
Everyday Day Must Be Quds Day, We Must All Be Palestinians: Prof. Denis Rancourt
Mark above articles as read
Adrienne's Corner
Obama's Schedule for Monday...
what does your schedule look like?I only have one comment:What in hell
are we paying you $400K a year to do? That doesn't include all the
perks, insider trading, and other sources of income. You've become a
multi-millionaire since becoming president. This past weekend, your wife
took your daughters to a Broadway play - one I would never let my young
daughters attend. You played golf at a course
Will you be silent?...
I won't.
More signs of insanity...
seriously.Reading the news is dangerous to your mental
health. Politicians are still wrangling over the Confederate
flag.American Thinker: Keep the Confederate Flag Flying People who
consider themselves adults think running in "mud races" is fun. What
the hell happened to chess and reading a good book? Or how about sitting
around in pretty clothes having adult conversations with other
Rod Stewart: Love Is...
it just doesn't get much happier than this.Fiddle and banjo. Yay!The
brand new studio album Another Country by Rod Stewart is set to be
released October 23rd via Capitol Records! One of rock’s most gifted
storytellers is back to continue the story he began with 2013’s Time.You
may pre-order HERE Hard to believe he's 70 years old.
Australian woman 'arrested in UAE over Facebook photo'
Artist reportedly posted picture showing a vehicle blocking disabled car spaces at her apartment block in Abu Dhabi.
Can Kuwait justify mandatory DNA testing?
Gulf state to introduce testing for all citizens and foreign residents following last month's ISIL mosque bombing.
US boy scouts vote to end ban on gay leaders
Historically conservative organisation says resolution reflects "rapid changes in society".
Video shows Palestinian youth fleeing before being shot
Human rights group accuses Israeli officer of shooting unarmed teenager in the back near checkpoint in the West Bank.
Allen L Roland's Weblog
Greece Says Oxi (No) To The Troika
The no vote by Greece is an extraordinary act of political
courage, defying threats and intimidation from the European Union, the
US government and the Greek ruling class and sends an alarming signal to
the global elite that the game has dramatically changed. The “no” vote
itself has made clear the social chasm separating the working class from
the ruling elites of Greece, Europe and America
Happy Fourth Of July ~ But Remember The Courage Of The Signers
Have you ever wondered or wanted to know what happened to
the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence. Their stories
firmly establish the true sacrifice and personal courage it took to
write and sign the Declaration of Independence on July 4th, 1776 ~ which
quite often gets lost in our annual celebration amidst the beer, hot
dogs, and fireworks shows: Allen L Roland, Ph.D
George Carlin / The Perfect Prophet For Our Disingenuous Times
As I search for a morsel of truth in the actions of our disingenuous
plutocracy ~ I find myself always falling back to the truths of the late
George Carlin, our modern day Mark Twain, who not only saw the
duplicity of our present actions but was more than willing to speak his
truth with biting humor and sarcasm: Allen L Roland, Ph.D “How is it
possible to have a civil war?” ~ George CarlinGeorge
When Johnny Came Home
A heart centered approach to assist combat veterans with PTSD has
not only proved effective but has led to inner transformation for many
combat veterans in the past five years. I present a composite of two
graduates of the Healing the Wounded Hearts (Band of Brothers) program
in Northern California where Johnny finally came home to a life of
meaning , value and framed in gratefulness: Allen L
Sphere Alliance Message #16 The Portals Remain Open
As received by Denise13 July 2015Cleared my space; only messages of
absolute, pure, unconditional love and truth are welcome here.Yes, we
have a message to share quickly. For you are aware that in your
time/space that you call the solar system there are physical barriers to
prevent movement in and out, we share with you in important piece of
intel that we wish to broadcast far and wide: the interm
Sphere Alliance Message #14
This just came in as I was thinking about the nature of my son's
"summer" cold. This virus is quick and mean and the mucus is so thick
and sticky it is hard to breathe and swallow. I cleared my space and
declared that only messages of absolute unconditional and pure love and
absolute truth are welcome.11 July 2015You have a question about
viruses? A virus is simply an aberration sent in
Sphere Alliance Message #13 Questions and Answers
As received by Denise10 July 2015Cleared my space. Only pure, absolute,
unconditional love and truth are welcome here.Yes we perceive many,
many questions. This is good and we shall address them one at a time.AK
Question submitted via Denise: Can two aspects of the same Eternal
Essence (the unique energetic signature of a single multidimensional
being) exist in the same energetic realm…just wonder
Thomas Piketty: ‘Germany Has Never Repaid its Debts. It Has No Right to Lecture Greece’
File photo of Thomas Piketty. Credit: Universitat Pompeu
Piketty: ‘Germany Has Never Repaid its Debts. It Has No Right to
Lecture Greece’ By Die Zeit on 08/07/2015This forceful and important
interview which is of enormous relevance to not just Greece, Germany or
Europe but t
Angola 3 News
A3 Newsletter: The Beat Goes On
Healing Our Wounds: Restorative Justice Is Needed For Albert Woodfox,
The Black Panther Party & The Nation --Law Professor Angela A.
Allen-Bell interviewed by Angola 3 NewsOn Monday, June 8, 2015, US
District Court Judge James Brady ruled that the Angola 3's Albert
Woodfox be both immediately released and barred from a retrial. The next
day, at the request of the Louisiana Attorney General, t
Healing Our Wounds: Restorative Justice Is Needed For Albert Woodfox,
The Black Panther Party & The Nation --An Interview With Law
Professor Angela A. Allen-Bell
(VIDEO: Prof. Bell interviewed by Sky News, following Judge Brady's
ruling to immediately release Albert Woodfox. A stay on his release was
ordered later that day by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. Also be
sure to watch her June 12 appearance on MSNBC's News Nation with Tamron
Hall)Healing Our Wounds: Restorative Justice Is Needed For Albert
Woodfox, The Black Panther Party & The Nation--
E3/EU+3 or P5+1
I am getting punchy waiting for an Iran deal. In case you are
confused/annoyed/amused by the interchangeable use of E3/EU+3 and P5+1.
Iran: The Punditariat Weighs In
Now that the negotiating endgame for a nuclear limitation agreement
with Iran has been extended to July 7th, critics and kibitzers have had
an extra seven days to push, prod and excoriate the Obama
administration. It’s far easier to criticize an agreement-in-progress
for not being good enough than to defend it – even when the outlines of
the deal negotiated in early June were surprisingly good.
A Region in Flux: Proliferation Concerns in the Middle East
After a four week absence, Aaron returns to the show to discuss the
current state of the Middle East and related nonproliferation
challenges/concerns. The wide ranging conversation touches on the
prevailing stability-instability paradox, the Saudi Air War in Yemen,
Scud hunting difficulties, the proliferation of ballistic missiles in
the Gulf, and why the Saudis can probably build a Bomb – but won
Arms and Influence
Aspiring Wonks: Time once again to whet your appetite by dipping into a
classic text waiting for you online or at the library – one that applies
to the P-5+ 1 negotiations with Iran. These passages are from the first
chapter of Nobel Laureate Thomas C. Schelling’s Arms and Influence
(Yale University Press, 1966).
“Diplomacy is bargaining; it seeks outcomes that, though not ideal for
either party,
Big Dan's Big Blog
The Big Secret: REPUBLICANS Took Down The Confederate Flag In South Carolina
The media, and especially rightwing media (FOX, Hannity, Limbaugh,
Savage, etc...), is telling us "the liberals" took down the Confederate
flag in South Carolina. The big secret, if you actually count the votes
in the South Carolina House, Senate, and the executive, is that more
Republicans than Democrats voted to bring down the Confederate flag.
Yes, it was the Republican HAT-TRICK: Hou
Now That "THE MANIFESTO" Story Has Come Out, The South Carolina Shooting Is Beyond A Doubt A FALSE FLAG
He should be holding a FALSE FLAG, not a REBEL FLAG !!!!!!!Even though
the South Carolina "shooting" by Dylann Storm Roof had all the hallmarks
of a FALSE FLAG, I waited and waited and waited and waited and waited
to come out and officially say it was a FALSE FLAG.................UNTIL
"THE MANIFESTO" story just came out today!!!This shooting had all the
hallmarks of the FORMUL
Blood & Treasure
man on a mission
File this under really stupid things somehow worth doing.
"Several of these countries have little freedom of press and expression.
Tourists are rare. Visas for photographers were hard to come by. I
often had to instead go into the countries on tourist visas. Despite my
efforts not to arouse suspicion I was, on several occasions, accused of
being a spy and only narrowly avoided getting caught
International Monetary Fund (IMF) Reseach PROVES 'Trickle Down Reaganomices' Do NOT Work !!!
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has now released detailed
research that proves a pillar of right wing economic theory DOES NOT
WORK !!! Huffington Post"The International Monetary Fund just blew a big
hole through trickle-down economics. You’ve probably heard of
trickle-down economics: It gained popularity in the 1970s and was a
major part of the pro-business “Reaganomics” agenda of the
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