10:38pm MDST
Fukushima Update July 13, 2015
Another unhealthy looking sky over Fukushima Daiichi:
Who knows what is happening at the plant?
There was a spike in Iodine-131 in Gunma sewage sludge in May 2015
(reported by Optimal Prediction):
Fukushima Daiichi also reported a spike in Iodine-131 in May 2015
*Significant level of I-131 detected from dry sludge of Fukushima sewage
plant after rain in May
http://fukushima-diary.com/2015/07/significant-level-of-i-131-detected-from-dry-sludge-of-fukushima-sewage-plant-after-... more »
Back to the Bazaar: Fact-Checking the BBC on Iran's Nuclear Program
on the Iranian nuclear program in the mainstream press has always been
fraught with disinformation, misinformation, speculative shorthand, and
myriad errors. The BBC is no stranger to such mistakes.
In a new report from Vienna, where nuclear talks continue, the Beeb's
diplomatic correspondent James Robbins attempts to give readers some
historical context for Iran's nuclear
There Should Be No Sanctuary from the Law
According to the Wall Street Journal, the last serious attempt to count the
number of federal criminal laws appears to have been made in 1982 by a
retired Justice Department official named Ronald Gainer. He failed, but the
estimate then...
The post There Should Be No Sanctuary from the Law appeared first on The
The Time Has Come To Remove Canada`s Wannabe Hitler, Time to Remove Stephen Harper

*Written by Grant G *
Every Government website, including Weather Canada, there it is, a message
from Stephen Harper, promoting him and the Conservative party, a Canada Day
message from Harper and a 150 celebration message, and not the least,
back-patting themselves over porky tax cuts, everywhere one looks Stephen
Harper`s propaganda is front and center...
Canada action plan signs littering every single infrastructure project site
as well as endless Federal Harper Conservative partisan Government ads
inundating television and radio costing Canadian taxpayers $hundreds of
mi... more »
The Extreme Centrism of Hillary Clinton
Despite a speech being touted as "sweeping" and populist, Hillary Clinton's
ingrained market-based approach to governance is shining like high beam
headlights. She outlined her economic agenda on Monday in a talk at the
carefully chosen progressive bastion known as the New School.
Reciting a litany of ills -- erosion of the middle class due to
globalization, crushing student debt, increasing wealth disparity, lack of
child care for working mothers, and Wall Street malfeasance -- she managed
to totally ignore how Clintonian neoliberal policies themselves accelerated
our race to the ... more »
Hillary against the Uber Economy
Grandmothers may know best, as Hillary Clinton has put it in tweets, but
judging by her latest economic speech, they don’t necessarily get or like
Uber. The ride-sharing service is synonymous with the new efficiency and
convenience enabled by information...
The post Hillary against the Uber Economy appeared first on The Stream.
Wife of Bill Cosby Stands by Accused Husband
The wife of comedian Bill Cosby, Camille Cosby, has stated that she is
standing by her husband who has been accused of raping multiple women.
Despite over 40 women accusing him of sexual assault, and his admitting to
drugging women...
The post Wife of Bill Cosby Stands by Accused Husband appeared first on The
Has the Vatican Already Forgotten the Lessons of John Paul II?
Cracow — Perhaps it’s because I’ve been living in the city John Paul II
called “my beloved Cracow” for the past two and a half weeks, but it does
strike me (and not only me) that the contemporary Vatican seems...
The post Has the Vatican Already Forgotten the Lessons of John Paul II?
appeared first on The Stream.
“The Last Days Of 'Normal Life' In America”
*“The Last Days Of 'Normal Life' In America”*
by Michael Snyder
“If you have got family and friends that you would like to visit before
things start getting really crazy, you should do so within the next couple
of months, because these are the last days of “normal life” in America. The
website where I have posted this article is called “End of the American
Dream“, but perhaps I should have entitled it “The End of America” because
that is essentially what we are heading for. The debt-fueled prosperity
that so many of us take for granted is about to come to a screeching halt,
and we... more »
Comics Watch: After 25 years, "Bloom County" returns!

*Berkeley Breathed posted this shot yesterday on his Facebook photo page
yesterday (click to enlarge) with the note: "A return after 25 years. Feels
like going home." (Presumably he's not referring to the apparatus on which
he was creating Bloom County 2015.)*
*by Ken*
Bright and early today Noah passed along the *Chicagoist* post below with
the note: "Looks like Opus and Milo just couldn't keep silent any longer!"
And I realize that for a lot of people this is awfully exciting news --
when I looked early this afternoon, the post of the first new *Bloom County*
strip in 25 years o... more »
This is a Coup
The thing that drives me crazy is the self-congratulatory hugs and kisses
between the EU banksters and Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras. It's
clear that he sold his people out with this deal but he clearly is enjoying
it way too much - especially after he came to power campaigning against
Just goes to show how the EU oligarchies reach even into opposition parties
is huge. The Greek people must be stunned and furious after this betrayal
by their own leadership. Very sad. Just goes to show you have to be
careful with leaders - they can turn on you and sell you out ... more »
Politics/The Economy: “The Troika And The Five Families”
*“The Troika And The Five Families”*
by Raul I Meijer
“Personally, like most of you, I always thought Germany, besides all its
other talents, good or bad, was a nation of solid calculus and accounting.
Gründlichkeit. And that they knew a thing or two about psychology. But I
stand corrected. The Germans just made their biggest mistake in a long time
(how about some 75 years) over the weekend. Now, when all you have to bring
to a conversation slash negotiation is bullying and strong arming and brute
force, that should perhaps not be overly surprising. But it’s a behemoth
failure all ... more »
British Government Wants More Drones And Special Forces To Combat The Islamic State
*Daily Mail*: *Cameron vows to ramp up the fight against ISIS to 'destroy
the fanatical extremist state at its source'*
* PM says a review of military spending will boost UK's anti-terror
* Claims extra kit will ensure UK can 'destroy fanatical extremist state'
* Defended record fighting ISIS, but added: 'I'm clear we need to do more'
Britain needs to do more to 'destroy' ISIS in Iraq and Syria, David Cameron
admitted today as he set out plans to boost spending on the SAS to fight
the fanatics on the ground.
The Prime Minister said an upcoming review of military spending ... more »
Pro-striver tax-cutting Osborne? He's hiked taxes by £47bn and cut tax credits for the working poor
TIMES: Osborne’s tax-cutting rhetoric masks £47bn increase in taxes
When you heard George Osborne say six times in his Budget speech that he
had moved Britain towards a “lower tax society”, he made a small but
important mistake. He really meant “higher tax”. The independent Office
for Budget Responsibility was crystal clear on the issue. Robert Chote,
its chairman,
The Big Secret: REPUBLICANS Took Down The Confederate Flag In South Carolina

The media, and especially rightwing media (FOX, Hannity, Limbaugh, Savage,
etc...), is telling us "the liberals" took down the Confederate flag in
South Carolina. The big secret, if you actually count the votes in the
South Carolina House, Senate, and the executive, is that more Republicans
than Democrats voted to bring down the Confederate flag.
Yes, it was the Republican HAT-TRICK: House, Senate, Governor
The South Carolina House passed taking down the Confederate flag 94-20. Of
the 94 take-down-the-flag votes, 48 Republicans voted yes to 46 Democrats.
So Republicans out-voted ... more »
What Passes For School In Syria Today

JM Lopez, Al Jazeeera
Al Jazeera: Magazine: *Syria's school of war*
How a former school-turned-'military academy' is training children to fight
in the country's civil war.
Aleppo, Syria - Abdel Razzaq's 'military academy' is located in a former
school in northern Syria's Aleppo province. It is where local boys come to
receive two hours of training a day for three months before being sent off
to the front.
Eager to join their older brothers and fathers on the frontline of the
Syrian civil war, the teenagers readying themselves to fight with the
rebels are oblivious to the interna... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- July 13, 2015
*Bloomberg editorial:* *Greece Should Just Quit*
Does Greece belong in the euro area? This fundamental question has divided
Europe's governments for months, and still does. The deal just announced
only pretends to resolve their disagreement. That's why it won't work.
Enough is enough: Greece should leave the euro system.
The terms forced on Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras last weekend have little
chance of being accepted, carried out and sustained by this Greek
government or its successors. Greece's parliament may accept them this week
because it thinks the alternative is worse -- ... more »
World News Briefs -- July 13, 2015 (Evening Edition)
*Reuters*: *Iran, world powers push for Tuesday nuclear deal*
Nuclear negotiations between Tehran and six world powers were set to miss a
midnight deadline on Monday to reach a final deal, but diplomats from all
sides said they hoped for a breakthrough in the coming hours.
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said an agreement was
possible on Tuesday, but Western and Iranian officials warned that sticking
points remain, including a U.N. arms embargo, and that things could still
fall apart.
The White House said significant issues remained to be resolved and Iran
faced som... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“This sharp cosmic portrait features NGC 891. The spiral galaxy spans about
100 thousand light-years and is seen almost exactly edge-on from our
perspective. In fact, about 30 million light-years distant in the
constellation Andromeda, NGC 891 looks a lot like our Milky Way. At first
glance, it has a flat, thin, galactic disk and a central bulge cut along
the middle by regions of dark obscuring dust.
*Click image for larger size.*
The combined image data also reveal the galaxy's young blue star clusters
and telltale pinkish star forming regions. And remarkably apparent in NGC
891's e... more »
Chet Raymo, “Making Peace”
*“Making Peace”*
by Chet Raymo
"A May 18, 2012 issue of “Science” was devoted to human conflict. If I can
summarize 60 pages of discussion: It's US versus THEM. It seems our long
evolutionary history has favored group solidarity. Empathy and cooperation
within the group; distrust and aggression toward those outside. The first
groups were those of kin, tribes, and then ethnicity. As societies grew,
groups identified themselves in more complex ways. Some researches would
suggest that religions evolved as group adhesives.
WE are moral, beautiful, enlightened, favored by God. THEY are ... more »
Empathy is Actually a Choice
One death is a tragedy. One million is a statistic. You’ve probably heard
this saying before. It is thought to capture an unfortunate truth about
empathy: While a single crying child or injured puppy tugs at our
heartstrings, large numbers...
The post Empathy is Actually a Choice appeared first on The Stream.
Illegal Immigration: Pastor Robert Jeffress and Dr. Richard Land Debate the Church’s Role
Dallas megachurch pastor Robert Jeffress said in a recent interview that
liberal churches sometimes harbor illegal immigrants who might be a danger
to society, but added that his First Baptist Church does not check the
immigration status of people who...
The post Illegal Immigration: Pastor Robert Jeffress and Dr. Richard Land
Debate the Church’s Role appeared first on The Stream.
New Horizons Spacecraft Reveals: Little Pluto Bigger Than Scientists Thought!
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — Little Pluto is a little bigger than anyone
imagined. On the eve of NASA’s historic flyby of Pluto, scientists
announced Monday the New Horizons spacecraft has nailed the size of the
faraway icy world. Measurements...
The post New Horizons Spacecraft Reveals: Little Pluto Bigger Than
Scientists Thought! appeared first on The Stream.
It’s Not Just Greek Government Debt: Government Spending and Easy Money Fuel(led) the Greek Crisis

[image: Greece]This morning we all woke up to “the Greek deal” heralded in
the media and the markets as some sort of “Great Revelation”
*– a **solution to fix all prior non-solutions**, a final fixing of the
Greek economy and the end to all the endless bailouts of the past. Of
course, cynics noted that solving government debt overhang (already
officially recognised by the IMF as unsustainable) by issuing more debt may
not be a good idea… but cynics are here to be ignored by the Euro optimists
who define their own reality. But never mind all the ‘long run’ stuff. Five
hours into a ... more »
Lee Reeves and the Roswell UFO Crash

I know that this might seem to be piling on, but in the last couple of
weeks, I have been asked about the story of Lee Reeves who supposedly
accompanied Dan Dwyer out to the crash site where the alien creatures were
found. Reeves’ tale appears in *Witness to Roswell* where it says, “When
the call came in to the fire station that there had been a crash north of
town, Dan Dwyer and Lee Reeves were dispatched Dan Dwyer and members of the
Roswell Fire Department.with the station’s “tanker” (a pickup truck with a
large, cylindrical water tank in the back) to the crash site. Arriving
befo... more »
"O Brave New World..."
"How many goodly creatures are there here!
How beauteous mankind is!
O brave new world, That has such people in't."
- William Shakespeare, "The Tempest"
"Emotional Attacks: Choosing Not To Be A Target"
*"Emotional Attacks: Choosing Not To Be A Target"*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
"You cannot control other people’s emotions, but you can control your own.
Hurtful confrontations often leave us feeling drained and confused. When
someone attacks us emotionally, we may wonder what we did to rouse their
anger, and we take their actions personally. We may ask ourselves what we
could have done to compel them to behave or speak that way toward us. It’s
important to remember that there are no real targets in an emotional attack
and that it is usually a way for the attacker to redirect the... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Schenectady, New York, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
Revelation of the Method, Predictive Programming and the Prime Directive
*Zen Gardner* - Are we being programmed to just accept whatever happens to
The post Revelation of the Method, Predictive Programming and the Prime
Directive appeared first on Waking Times.
Neocon Hack Jonah Goldberg Mocks Trump Supporters as Being in Need of an Intervention

A big name writer for a prominent national political publication has
launched a scathing attack on those who support maverick Republican
presidential candidate Donald Trump. Trump’s astonishing popularity has the
D.C. establishment shitting in their britches and the protectors of the
elite denizens of that big imperial city along the Potomac are circling the
wagons. The Donald has been smacked down by longtime establishment pundits
the likes of George Will and Charles Krauthammer - both of the Washington
Post editorial page - but now a new tactic is emerging of smearing and
slande... more »
Why Was a Female US Marine Commander Fired?
When Lt. Col Kate Germano became commanding officer of the all-female boot
camp at Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island, she wanted to improve
what she saw was a discouraging environment for female troops. Yet some
commanders and marines found...
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No Women Pass Marines Infantry Officer School by Experiment’s End
The last two female Marines hoping to make their way through the Marine
Corps’ Infantry Officer Course as part of an experiment to integrate the
program washed out on April 2, ending the research phase of the project.
The two...
The post No Women Pass Marines Infantry Officer School by Experiment’s End
appeared first on The Stream.
Judge: Dinesh D’Souza Must Continue Community Service
Author and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza, known for his documentaries critical
of President Obama, must continue for another four years the
community-service portion of his sentence for campaign-finance violations,
a federal judge ruled Monday in Manhattan. As WND reported, D’Souza was...
The post Judge: Dinesh D’Souza Must Continue Community Service appeared
first on The Stream.
Tsipras & Bankers, Esp. the IMF, Enslaved the Greek People. It Was Not Germany
*A round up of news items from earlier today:*
*Here’s What the Greek Deal Entails *
So,* what does the new deal entail?* Well, to begin with, a lot of money.
Greece’s creditors figure* the country needs between €82 billion and €86
billion in rescue *funds. Immediate financing needs amount t*o €7 billion
by July 2*0 and an additiona*l €5 billion by mid-August,* in large part to
help Greece clear arrears to the International Monetary Fund and pay back
other loans falling due.
That might sound a lot, *but it’s only around a third of what Greece has
already received in the first two b... more »
Press the Meat: Chuck Todd Opens Bipartisan Effort to Quash Donald Trump

Not that one should expect much from a television network that employs the
likes of ‘lyin Brian Williams and the giggly horse-faced lesbian Rachel
Maddow but Chuck Todd’s Sunday morning tour de force of bullshit in bashing
renegade GOP candidate Donald Trump was epic. Todd – whose surname would be
a much better fit if it were "Toad" – was the tip of the spear for the
coming bipartisan attempt to shut down *The Donald* *ASAP* before he gains
even more momentum.
Todd’s primo spot on NBC’s Sunday morning McNews program *Press the Meat* or
it is formally known - Meet the Press - will... more »
Quote of the day: On Sydney’s savages …
“Civilised man has never had a greater opportunity to find
his home in the midst of a natural paradise than than offered
him right in the heart of the Australian metropolis.
No savages could be capable of making such a mess
of this opportunity as Sydney as hitherto made of it … ”
- architect Walter Burley Griffin, writing in 1922
- “Melbourne is a man-made city.”
- Some of me 'oliday snaps
- More from Castlecrag
- Willoughby Incinerator - Walter Burley Griffin
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: ... more »
July 13: LIARS
" Pope visits Paraguay slum, urges churches to welcome the sick, strangers,
sinners." That'a the big story of the Pope's visit to South America?
You'll find it on B6 of today's paper. And it comes from The Associated
Press which means this is the "truth" of what the Pope's visit is about,
the " truth" that will be spread all over North America.
And it's a lie.
Oh, of course the Pope said that - just as he probably said good morning,
what's for breakfast?, it's good to see you all..... I'm sure he said the
things that every Pope in history has said. But that's no news.
He also s... more »
"A Civilized Society..."
"Before our white brothers arrived to make us civilized men, we didn't have
any kind of prison. Because of this, we had no delinquents. Without a
prison, there can be no delinquents. We had no locks nor keys and therefore
among us there were no thieves. When someone was so poor that he couldn't
afford a horse, a tent or a blanket, he would, in that case, receive it all
as a gift. We were too uncivilized to give great importance to private
property. We didn't know any kind of money and consequently, the value of a
human being was not determined by his wealth. We had no written laws l... more »
Update from Howie
*by Ken*
Howie hasn't authorized me to say anything, but on July 3 he did share this
information about the current stage of his treatment for mantle-cell
lymphoma (a rare form of lymphoma) with his Facebook fans:
I'm in the hospital getting stem cell transplants to keep the cancer in
remission. I was feeling pretty low and fatigued all day. But I just put on
"Friday Night" by Brutalism and, man, I'm alive, I'm alive!! I hope I don't
scare the nurses.
Back then he was on (by my reckoning) Day 5 of eight consecutive days of
chemo treatments in preparation for the transplant, but on... more »
"The Green Frog Skin"
"The Green Frog Skin"
by John (Fire) Lame Deer
"The Green Frog Skin– that’s what I call the dollar bill. In our attitude
towards it lies the biggest difference between the Indians and the whites.
My grandparents grew up in an Indian world without money. Just before the
Custer battle the white soldiers had received their pay. Their pockets were
full of green paper and they had no place to spend it. What were their last
thoughts as an Indian bullet or arrow hit them? I guess they were thinking
of all that money going to waste, of not having had a chance to enjoy it,
of a bunch of dum... more »
"Only A White Man..."
“When told the reason for Daylight Saving time the old Indian said,
"Only a white man would believe that you could cut a foot off the top
of a blanket and sew it to the bottom of a blanket and have a longer
~ Author Unknown
"How It Really Is"
Oh yeah, the totally corrupt money whores in our beloved and to-be-trusted
banking system and corporations are totally owned by the bankers and the
1% devoted to serving only their Money Masters We the People, and doing
just a great job to for the rest of us...
- CP
*Another Round: The Remiss Management of the St. Roch Market ~Andru Okun,
Watch: Ken Blackwell Defends Religious Liberty on C-SPAN
Ken Blackwell, Senior Fellow for Family Empowerment at the Family Research
Council, appeared on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal program Monday to discuss
religious liberty in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision to mandate
same-sex “marriage” nationwide. Blackwell expanded on last week’s column...
The post Watch: Ken Blackwell Defends Religious Liberty on C-SPAN appeared
first on The Stream.
Son of Boston Police Captain Arrested in Alleged ISIS-Inspired Plot
FBI agents arrested the estranged son of a Boston police captain July 4 for
allegedly planning an Islamic State-inspired attack on U.S. soil. Alexander
Ciccolo, 23, was arrested after buying four weapons from an uncover FBI
informant. A search of...
The post Son of Boston Police Captain Arrested in Alleged ISIS-Inspired Plot
appeared first on The Stream.
Hillary Clinton’s White Male Voter Problem
Karl Savage is the kind of guy that makes top Democrats nervous. He lives
in a working-class neighborhood, with a cigar-store Indian perched on his
front stoop and a carved Harley-Davidson sign on his garage. He’s voted in
Democratic primaries,...
The post Hillary Clinton’s White Male Voter Problem appeared first on The
The Economy: "Bankers Get Away With It Again"
*"Bankers Get Away With It Again"*
by Karl Denninger
"Remember this article from a few days ago? "So which is it? Either the ECB
has no bullets in this gun with their "haircut expansion" because the
assets can be easily taken back and sold for more than the haircut value
and this is what any rational business person would do or the assets are
either worth far less than the haircut value or worse, entirely worthless.
AGAIN: Is this entire charade smoke and mirrors or is the Greek banking
system a fraud-laced enterprise that needs to have virtually all of its
participants face the h... more »
The Problem of Greece is not Only a Tragedy: It is a Lie

By John Pilger
An historic betrayal has consumed Greece. Having set aside the mandate of
the Greek electorate, the Syriza government has willfully ignored last
week’s landslide “No” vote and secretly agreed a raft of repressive,
impoverishing measures in return for a “bailout” that means sinister
foreign control and a warning to the world.
Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has pushed through parliament a proposal to
cut at least 13 billion euros from the public purse – 4 billion euros more
than the “austerity” figure rejected overwhelmingly by the majority of the
Greek population in ... more »
Feel the Ecstasy!
*“Wouldn’t you simply die without Mahler!”*
- Maureen Lipman in Willy Russell’s *Educating Rita*
*Guest review by Lindsay Perigo*
There are two types of people in the world: those who worship Gustav Mahler
and those who do not. For those who do, Mahler's music is a religious
experience. Mahler is not so much a composer as a Deity, in whose Presence
one shall inexorably convulse with ecstasy. As one who believes that
ecstasy is the whole point of music, I empathise with the sentiment; I just
don't, as a rule (*huge *exception noted below) get ecstasy from Mahler. I
hear a plenitu... more »
Robert E. Lee Statue Vandalized in Dallas Park
The historic monument faces to the south. It sits like a mountain of
pride, a bold-bronze boulder of acknowledgement along Dallas’ Turtle Creek
Boulevard. It’s gargantuan presence displays a towering military man on
horseback, accompanied by a young soldier. In...
The post Robert E. Lee Statue Vandalized in Dallas Park appeared first on The
Where are the Left Wing Eurosceptics?
The deal imposed by the Eurozone grouping on Greece is nothing short of
shameful. It continues to pile up the debt, reducing Greece to the status
of a debt colony of the rich, Northern European countries. It, like all
austerity programmes, expects working people, pensioners, the young to pick
up the tab for payments that never touched the Greek economy. It puts the
kibosh on Syriza's radical manifesto and any hopes the Greek people had on
ending the entirely preventable depression the country sits in. And
naturally, as every crisis is an opportunity to make money, parts of the
Gree... more »
Civil War In Syria News Updates -- July 13, 2015
*Elliott Abrams, Newsweek: **Assad’s War for Survival in Syria Is Now
Iran’s War*
The war in Syria is becoming increasingly an Iranian war rather than a
civil war. Consider this new report by Now Lebanon, entitled “Syria
Alawites reportedly clash with regime, Iran troops.”
Two facts are striking. First, the Alawite regime of Bashar al-Assad is
having enormous trouble recruiting Alawite youths to join the military. It
has long been said that the Alawite community is his base and will fight
for him, if only out of fear that if the regime falls they will pay the
price when Sunnis at... more »
Impending disaster in Greece
Paul Krugman analyzes the debacle in Greece. Although Greeks voted barely a
week ago to reject the bailout terms offered by the EU, which called for
uninterrupted austerity, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras proposed to the EU
to accept almost all of the terms if there was some true financial relief.
Instead, what the European Union, spurred by Germany, proposed today
demanded all of the pain, and none of the gain that Tsipras sought. Indeed,
Germany has essentially demanded regime change in Greece, even though
Tsipras only came to office in January. As Krugman says, "It is,
presumably,... more »
Islamic State Claims That Their Afghan Leader Was Not Killed In A U.S. Drone Strike

*Photo:* ISIS leader Shahidullah Shahid
*Reuters: **Islamic State audio tape raises doubt whether Afghan leader
Islamic State on Monday released an audio tape it said was of the
movement's leader for Afghanistan, raising doubts over whether he was
killed in a U.S. drone strike on Friday.
According to Afghan intelligence agency, Hafez Saeed was killed late on
Friday in the Achin district of Nangarhar province late on Friday. Achin
fell to fighters loyal to Saeed last month after heavy clashes with Taliban
A former Taliban commander, Saeed switched allegiance to th... more »
Sphere Alliance Message #16 The Portals Remain Open

As received by Denise
13 July 2015
*Cleared my space; only messages of absolute, pure, unconditional love and
truth are welcome here.*
*Yes, we have a message to share quickly. *
*For you are aware that in your time/space that you call the solar system
there are physical barriers to prevent movement in and out, we share with
you in important piece of intel that we wish to broadcast far and wide: the
intermediary portals known only to us remain open for our use. *
*Yes, we are smiling and in joy.*
*That is all, end transmission.*
*This was not a typical message so I asked for co... more »

[image: emperor-without-clothes]
Big Data has made it possible to measure employee performance more
thoroughly than ever. But two recent studies offer a warning: Be careful
about how you deploy that data.
Many managers assume that distributing a ranking of their employees’
performance is an effective motivational tool, said Iwan Barankay, an
associate professor at the Wharton School at the University of
Pennsylvania. The idea i... more »
Boy Scouts Executive Committee OKs Ending Ban on Gay Leaders
NEW YORK (AP) — The executive committee of the Boy Scouts of America has
unanimously approved a resolution that would end the organization’s blanket
ban on gay adult leaders and let individual scout units set their own
policy on the...
The post Boy Scouts Executive Committee OKs Ending Ban on Gay Leaders
appeared first on The Stream.
U.S. Taxpayers Funded ‘Bizarre Quasi-Communist’ San Francisco Mime Troupe
Most American taxpayers probably don’t know their hard-earned dollars
funded a politically-charged mime troupe in San Francisco, but that
happened. The troupe is just one of the many examples cited in Rep. Steve
Russell’s second issue of Waste Watch, which...
The post U.S. Taxpayers Funded ‘Bizarre Quasi-Communist’ San Francisco Mime
Troupe appeared first on The Stream.
Solzhenitsyn Mourned Bastille Day. So Should All Christians.
Tuesday, July 14 probably passes without much fanfare in your home, but the
date, Bastille Day, marks the beginning of the greatest organized
persecution of Christians since the Emperor Diocletian. This day, the
beginning of the French Revolution, also planted the seeds...
The post Solzhenitsyn Mourned Bastille Day. So Should All Christians.
appeared first on The Stream.
Stephen Harper, Time Has Come To Remove Canada`s Wannabe Hitler
*Written by Grant G *
Every Government website, including Weather Canada, there it is, a message
from Stephen Harper, promoting our Canadian military, a Canada Day message
from Harper and a 150 celebration message..
Government of Canada activities and initiatives Strong Proud and Free
Discover My Benefits
Canada 150
Canada action plan signs littering every single infrastructure project site
as well as endless Federal Harper Conservative television self promotional
advertising costing Canadian taxpayers hundreds of $millions of dollars
e... more »
Starting Lineups Revealed for MLB All-Star Game
CINCINNATI (AP) — Los Angeles Dodgers right-hander Zack Greinke will start
for the National League in Tuesday night’s All-Star Game and Houston Astros
lefty Dallas Keuchel will be on the mound for the American League. The
31-year-old Greinke is 8-2...
The post Starting Lineups Revealed for MLB All-Star Game appeared first on The
A True Symbol Of Resistance From Tyranny: The Confederate Flag Needs To Be Raised, Not Lowered!

Yes, I am a Canadian... But I am watching what has been happening in the
once great United States of America with interest and deep sorrow... For
what happens in the US has serious repercussions up here in Canada as
I have been looking at the sudden rash of stupidity going on in the US
right now when it comes to the sudden rush to change everything due to
"political correctness" and I am deeply appalled... And when it comes to
this push by ignorant Americans to dishonor the Confederate battle flag,
usually called the "Stars and Bars", I honestly shake my head in disgust..
M... more »

Book One
*Mythical Origins of East-West Conflict*
Opening alludes to Homer, suggests epic scale and purpose
(memorialization). Rape of Io by Phoenician traders as Persian version of
origin of East-West conflict (1). Reciprocal rapes of Europa and Medea by
Greeks (2). Rape of Helen; negotiations fail (3). Women are guilty in rape
cases, as Helen was; Helen was not worth fighting for (4). A Phoenician
version of Io story makes her responsible. Hdt. reserves judgement; he will
tell the history of states large and small, with an awareness of human
insta... more »
The U.S. Wants To Deploy Drones To North Africa To Monitor The Islamic State

The Times
*Wall Street Journal:** U.S. Wants Drones in North Africa to Combat Islamic
State in Libya*
*Washington seeking permission to use a base in a neighboring country*
WASHINGTON—The U.S. is in talks with North African countries about
positioning drones at a base on their soil to ramp up surveillance of
Islamic State in Libya in what would be the most significant expansion of
the campaign against the extremist group in the region.
The establishment of such a base would help eliminate what counterterrorism
officials described as one of the last and most pressing intelligence ... more »
Supplemental: Kristof says Carter was viewed as a hick!
*MONDAY, JULY 13, 2015Plus, Davis in his wife’s dress:* Clearly, it’s the
biggest insult they can imagine at the Times op-ed page.
This morning, in the paper’s most prominent op-ed piece, we get to see and
contemplate Jefferson Davis in his wife’s fanciest dress. Dearest darlings,
it’s sublime!
He looks just like a girl!
Peter Manseau, who wrote the piece, probably isn’t Maureen Dowd. Down
through the years, it’s Dowd who has made it clear that this constitutes
the greatest insult the New York Times op-ed page can conjure—the idea that
a man is really a woman, or that a woman is ... more »
*Education: Debating the Scope of Federal Control*
Technically it’s been dead since a Democrat Congress failed to reauthorize
it in 2007, but the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) has been a useful
whipping boy for the Obama administration and Democrats ever since it
replaced the old Great Society-era Elementary and Secondary School Act in
2001. An attempt to revamp it two years ago failed in Harry Reid’s Senate.
With the GOP takeover of Congress last year, conservatives were convinced
that reforms were finally possible. Adding to their concerns was the Obama
administration’s use of... more »
Does Iran Really Need Nuclear Power?
multilateral negotiations over Iran's nuclear program and international
sanctions continue in Vienna, it is important to remember that, for
Iran, this is not about nuclear weapons, but rather the domestic
production and control over nuclear energy.
Iran has officially forsworn any interest in nuclear weapons -
constantly and consistently - since it restarted its nuclear program in
The Greek Crisis: A Real Greek Tragedy - The Problem Of Greece Is Not Only A Tragedy, It Is A Lie!
I cannot believe what I have been reading the last few days during my short
absence away from this blog... It was just last weekend that the Greek
people took the positive step for their very future by basically telling
the Jew run IMF and the Jew controlled EU to take their "austerity"
measures of permanent debt enslavement and basically shove it up their
collective asses! It truly was a victory for democracy and for possibly
freeing another nation from the shackles of Jewish debt enslavement... Or
so it seemed at the time...
In just the last few days, the Syriza government has ha... more »
Can't Deny the Obvious US-NATO Aggression
This original video was a German interview with Willy Wimmer - former
deputy of German Bundestag, former state secretary of German Defense
Ministry, former vice president of OSCE. He's an inside foreign policy
player and lays out very clearly how the US has turned on the world in
order to implement 'full spectrum dominance' on behalf of corporate
For those still in denial about US intentions around the globe this is a
good video to watch. Remarkably we are presently finding, even amongst the
ranks of key 'peace movement' leaders both in the US and around the world,
... more »
The Economy: “We Just Arrived in Athens…Here’s What We Saw…”
*“We Just Arrived in Athens…Here’s What We Saw…”*
by Bill Bonner
ATHENS, Greece – “It’s finished. The euro finished. Greece finished.” With
this apocalyptic shorthand, our taxi driver described the situation in
Athens. The banks here have been closed for two weeks. To try to prop up
the crumbling banking system, the government has banned Greek citizens –
but not tourists – from withdrawing more than €60 ($67) a day from the
ATMs. The breaking news this morning is that the government and its
creditors have cobbled together a deal to keep Greece in the euro zone.
Prime minister Alexi... more »
Pentagon Finalizing Plans to Lift Military Transgender Ban
WASHINGTON (AP) — Pentagon leaders are finalizing plans aimed at lifting
the ban on transgender individuals in the military, with the goal of
formally ending one of the last gender- or sexuality-based barriers to
military service, senior U.S. officials told...
The post Pentagon Finalizing Plans to Lift Military Transgender Ban
appeared first on The Stream.
Burundi's President Faces An Emerging Armed Rebellion As Vote Looms
*Reuters*: *Burundi president's faces emerging armed rebellion as vote
Burundi's President Pierre Nkurunziza may find an election victory he is
assured of this month swiftly overshadowed by the emergence of an armed
insurgency in a nation at the heart of one of Africa's most combustible
After weeks of protests against the president's bid for a third term, a
general involved in a failed coup says he is mobilizing troops, grenade
attacks echo round the capital and armed clashes have erupted in the north
of a nation still scarred by civil war.
"We are heading for tr... more »
Obama Cuts Prison Sentences for 46 Convicts
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama cut the prison sentences of 46
non-violent offenders on Monday, including 14 who were serving life
sentences, saying “their punishments didn’t fit the crime.” “These men and
women were not hardened criminals,” Obama said...
The post Obama Cuts Prison Sentences for 46 Convicts appeared first on The
Civil war in Subcarpathian Rus?
While Crimea is doing fine as a part of Russia, Donbass isn't the only part
of Ukraine where tensions have run high since 2014. The Zakarpattia Oblast,
the most Western subdivision of Ukraine, has witnessed a shootout between
Porošenko's security forces and the Right Sector, a notorious Nazi
organization in Ukraine.
The Right Sector apparently wanted to preserve a cigarette smuggling ring
that produces a few million dollars a month. There were some casualties.
The Right Sector demands the resignation of the interior minister Avakov.
These thugs threaten that they will bring most o... more »
Robot kills autoworker at Volkswagen plant in Germany
I watched an hour long documentary on robots on CBC. It is amazing how
advanced robots are becoming. Then I read a story where a robot killed an
autoworker at Volkswagen plant in Germany. Although this was considered a
human error but imagine if humans are able to produce robots who can think
and have emotions.
Then there are some robots who call themselves politicians. I am truly
afraid of them. Look at the situation in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya
and many other countries.
*Update:* By the way rich and big corporations hold remote control for the
political robots.
The Puerto Rico Debt Crisis — Like Greece, Sort Of
*"America" from *West Side Story*. According to YouTube, this appears to be
from one of the more recent Broadway Broadway performances. (Full movie
scene at the end of this piece.)*
*by Gaius Publius*
Because of the coverage of Greece and its debt problems, I've been fielding
a lot of questions about Puerto Rico and *its* debt problems as well.
Pruerto Rico's problems aren't the same as the Greeks' though; similar, but
not matching. For one thing, Puerto Rico is a territory of the U.S. and
subject to some unique-to-itself U.S. laws. Greece is under the thumb of
northern Europeans.... more »
Germany's Corporate Stormtroopers Take Over Greece
No panzer divisions required--just a bunch of steely-eyed German fascist
banksters holding Europe hostage while it applies extortion and blackmail
to fatten the bankrolls of international capitalists.
From Huffpo:
BRUSSELS, July 13 (Reuters) - Euro zone leaders made Greece surrender much
of its sovereignty to outside supervision on Monday in return for agreeing
to talks on an 86 billion euros bailout to keep the near-bankrupt country
in the single currency.
The terms imposed by international lenders led by Germany in all-night
talks at an emergency summit obliged leftist Prime Mini... more »
Comcast Launching Streaming Video Service
NEW YORK (AP) — Comcast, the country’s largest cable company, is offering
its own online video alternative as people spend fewer hours watching live
TV and more time using tablets and phones for entertainment. The new
service, called Stream, will...
The post Comcast Launching Streaming Video Service appeared first on The
Police: 7 Killed in Gun Attack on Tanzania Police Post
DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania (AP) — Tanzania’s police chief says gunmen attacked
a police station in the city of Dar es Salaam, killing seven people and
injuring four others. Ernest Mangu told reporters Monday that four of the
victims were...
The post Police: 7 Killed in Gun Attack on Tanzania Police Post appeared
first on The Stream.
Turkey Finds China Too Big To Bite
These days, it is quite dangerous for anyone with Far Eastern facial
features to take a stroll on a Turkish street or to enjoy a plate of sushi.
To angry Turks, every Far Easterner is a Chinese to attack. In...
The post Turkey Finds China Too Big To Bite appeared first on The Stream.
Israeli PM on Twitter: Iran is a Bigger Version of ISIS
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is tweeting up a storm to express
just how fiercely he opposes negotiations with Iran. On June 30, the
original deadline for an agreement to limit Iran’s nuclear capabilities in
exchange for the lifting of economic...
The post Israeli PM on Twitter: Iran is a Bigger Version of ISIS appeared
first on The Stream.
Tolkien, Lewis, and a World Shot Through with Meaning
There are those whose love for J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis is so fervent
that no amount of detail about these writers is too much. These are the
people who read and re-read not just Tolkien’s ring trilogy but also...
The post Tolkien, Lewis, and a World Shot Through with Meaning appeared
first on The Stream.
Iranian Nuclear Talks Grind on
*Washington Post:** Iran talks drag on despite expectations of an imminent
VIENNA – Negotiators at the Iran nuclear talks on Monday tried to resolve a
small number of issues still standing in the way of a final deal that would
impose restrictions on Iran’s nuclear program in return for the lifting of
Secretary of State John F. Kerry huddled for more than 50 minutes with
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on Monday afternoon,
following an hour-long meeting of foreign ministers from all six nations
negotiating as a bloc with Iran, known collectively as t... more »
Agreement Reached In Vienna On Lifting The Iranian Arms Embargo

Reuters / Leonhard Foeger
*Bloomberg:* *UN Arms Embargo Issue Said to Be Resolved at Iran Nuclear
Negotiators seeking an accord with Iran over its nuclear proram reached a
political agreement to lift the United Nations arms embargo over time,
according to a person at the Vienna talks who declined to be identified.
The arms embargo will be addressed in a UN Security Council resolution that
is still being drafted, according to the person who requested anonymity.
Under the planned resolution, the embargo, which had been a hurdle in
reaching an agreement during the talks, will ... more »
Iran Ship Targets US Navy In The Gulf Of Aden

The Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Forrest Sherman
maneuvers into position for a strait transit exercise, September 30, 2014.
An Iranian ship repeatedly pointed a laser at the ship on two separate
occasions this week. Anthony N. Hilkowski/U.S. Navy
*Stars and Stripes:* *Iranian vessel pointed laser at Navy ship, helicopter
in Gulf of Aden*
MANAMA, Bahrain — An Iranian-flagged merchant vessel on two separate
occasions pointed a laser at a U.S. Navy ship and helicopter, Navy
officials said.
The Iranian ship repeatedly used the laser to target the USS Forrest
Sherm... more »
Escaped Mexican Cartel Boss Joaquin Guzman Threatens Donald Trump

Guzman sends a tweet directly to Donald Trump telling him he will eat this
words, following his escape from prison
*Daily Mail:* *'There's no jail for such a big midget': Mexico's
billion-dollar drugs lord taunts the world and threatens Donald Trump after
his dramatic escape from max-security prison in tunnel dug under shower
* Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman, head of powerful Sinaloa Cartel, is on the run
* He fled a prison in Mexico City through an elaborate tunnel network
* El Chapo has now reportedly taken to Twitter to gloat about escape online
* Posted threats about Donald ... more »
World News Briefs -- July 13, 2015
*VOA:* *Negotiators Work to Close Iran Nuclear Talks*
VIENNA — High-level meetings are underway on the last designated day for
Iranian nuclear negotiations in Vienna, with intense speculation but no
official indication that a deal will be announced.
In brief comments to the media within the last 24 hours, several top
diplomats involved in brokering the accord said important issues remained
to be resolved ahead of the self-imposed deadline.
Iran and the six countries involved – Britain, China, France, Germany,
Russia, and the United States, as well as the EU’s foreign minister – ha... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- July 13, 2015

Lockheed Martin's F-35 is a high-tech fighter jet with an even higher price
tag. Photo: Lockheed Martin.
*The Motley Fool:* *Pentagon Planning to Purchase $47.5 Billion of Lockheed
Martin's F-35 Stealth Fighter Jets*
The stakes for Lockheed Martin's F-35 success are about to get much, much
For all its troubles, Lockheed Martin's (NYSE:LMT) F-35 joint stealth
fighter remains a very popular warplane -- both here and abroad.
Over the next 60 years, Lockheed Martin aims to sell as many as 5,100 F-35s
to customers around the globe. And as we just learned from DoDBuzz, one
sing... more »
What Is My Take On The EU - Greece Debt Agreement
*Max Ehrenfreund, Washington Post:* *Why a deal might be too late for
Greece and Europe have reached a deal. The goal is keeping Greece in the
currency union, but it's unclear whether the plan will really do what it's
supposed to do -- even in the short term, and even if the agreement is
ratified, which it might not be.
The Greek banks are nearly out of cash, and confidence is in short supply
among the Greek people. The deal agreed to Monday morning will do little to
restore that confidence, since it will likely further dampen the Greek
economy in general. To prevent Gree... more »
EU - Greece Reach Deal On Bailout
*Reuters*: *Euro zone strikes Greek deal with tough conditions*
Euro zone leaders made Greece surrender much of its sovereignty to outside
supervision on Monday in return for agreeing to talks on an 86 billion
euros bailout to keep the near-bankrupt country in the single currency.
The terms imposed by international lenders led by Germany in all-night
talks at an emergency summit obliged leftist Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras
to abandon promises of ending austerity and could fracture his government
and cause an outcry in Greece.
"Clearly the Europe of austerity has won," Greece's Re... more »
History Repeats, Inciting Fear for Political Gain
Was It Modern Canada’s First, Major, And Largest “False Flag” (meaning
Government Sponsored Criminal Violence Secretly Organized And Employed To
Shape Public Opinion And Policy)?
Written by Robin Mathews
As hard as it is for the mind to grasp, The WHOLE FLQ CRISIS may have been
a “*False Flag*” – a government, criminally-created crisis. From the early
1960s Pierre Trudeau almost personally hated the independence movement and
its supporters. In the 1960’s he was an Actonian anti-nationalist,
dismissing Canadian nationalism and revili... more »
The Government Data Hack: An Object Lesson in Government Bureaucracy
The warning system makes that blaring “Uhhnk! Uhhnk!” noise, a robotic
voice declares over and over that the hull is being breached, and the
captain shouts orders while one or two passengers scream or cry. It’s a
standard scene in science fiction...
The post The Government Data Hack: An Object Lesson in Government
Bureaucracy appeared first on The Stream.
Pope Francis Promises ‘Dialogue’ with U.S. Critics
ABOARD THE PAPAL PLANE (AP) — Pope Francis is acknowledging criticism in
the United States of his anti-capitalist stance and is calling for dialogue
before his high-profile trip in September. He’s also downplaying his role
in the U.S.-Cuba rapprochement. Francis...
The post Pope Francis Promises ‘Dialogue’ with U.S. Critics appeared first
on The Stream.
The History of British Slave Ownership Revealed
The past has a disconcerting habit of bursting, uninvited and unwelcome,
into the present. This year history gate-crashed modern America in the form
of a 150-year-old document: a few sheets of paper that compelled Hollywood
actor Ben Affleck to issue...
The post The History of British Slave Ownership Revealed appeared first on The
Europe’s Great Migration Crisis
Europe’s migration crisis is exposing the deep divisions that exist within
the European Union, which European federalists have long hailed as a model
for post-nationalism and global citizenship. Faced with an avalanche of
migrants, a growing number of EU member...
The post Europe’s Great Migration Crisis appeared first on The Stream.
Hamilton Heads to Broadway in a Hip-Hop Retelling
The show, “Hamilton,” arrives with a powerful tailwind. It has already
brought in $27.6 million, with just over 200,000 tickets sold in advance —
huge numbers for Broadway, and among the biggest pre-opening totals in
history. An Off Broadway production...
The post *Hamilton* Heads to Broadway in a Hip-Hop Retelling appeared first
on The Stream.
After the Frack: Habitat Fragmentation
*Lana Straub* - Take a closer look at what has been left behind after the
The post After the Frack: Habitat Fragmentation appeared first on Waking
THE TRILLION-DOLLAR CONSPIRACY - 9/11 Explosive Evidence - Architects and Engineers for 911 truth
don't even let this hot potato cool
don't ever let the cinders of 911 be brushed under any corporate rug
don't forget how much PROFIT some folk make off the events of the day
*"Oh, wait, nobody's listening!"*
Turmeric May Neutralize Deadly Viral Infections
*Sayer Ji* - Turmeric holds tremendous promise for deadly viral infections,
including ebola.
The post Turmeric May Neutralize Deadly Viral Infections appeared first on Waking
Jersey Jazzman: Why U-Ark's Charter School Philanthropy Study Is J...
JJ takes down the latest corporate research for the Walmart School of Ed
Reform at U of Arkansas. Great work:
Jersey Jazzman: Why U-Ark's Charter School Philanthropy Study Is J...: One
of the more annoying things about discussing and debating education policy
is seeing how misconceptions are born. You can often trace an... more »
Is Biden Planning a Presidential Run?
Even without the heartbreak of loss, this was bound to be a crossroads
moment for a vice president who has spent four decades in Washington only
to find an uncertain path ahead. He has not ruled out running for
The post Is Biden Planning a Presidential Run? appeared first on The Stream.
Reviving Tradition: Djokovic, Williams Bust a Move at Wimbledon Champions Dinner
LONDON (AP) — After winning titles again on Wimbledon’s grass, Novak
Djokovic and Serena Williams showed they can cut a rug, too. Reviving a
bygone tradition, Djokovic and Williams busted a move at the Grand Slam
tournament’s annual champions’ dinner,...
The post Reviving Tradition: Djokovic, Williams Bust a Move at Wimbledon
Champions Dinner appeared first on The Stream.
Who’s Giving Donald Trump the Most Airtime? Not Fox News
As you may have noticed, Donald Trump has been on TV and in the media a lot
in the last week.
The post Who’s Giving Donald Trump the Most Airtime? Not Fox News appeared
first on The Stream.
ANALYSIS: The Formidable, Union-Busting Scott Walker Finally Enters the Presidential Race
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker waited until Monday after the state
legislative session ended to finally officially enter the Republican race
for president. The 47-year-old candidate made the announcement from his
hometown of Waukesha. He enters the race near the top,...
The post ANALYSIS: The Formidable, Union-Busting Scott Walker Finally
Enters the Presidential Race appeared first on The Stream.
5 Faith Facts about Scott Walker: Son of a Preacher Man
Scott Walker, best known for picking a fight with Wisconsin’s unions that
led to protestors’ occupation of the state capitol, credits prayer and his
church for delivering him and his family through trying times. The only
governor in American history to survive a...
The post 5 Faith Facts about Scott Walker: Son of a Preacher Man appeared
first on The Stream.
Woman Who Was Face of Live Aid Laments Price of Fame 30 Years On
The woman who as a starving three-year-old became the face of Live Aid 30
years ago has said the campaign has done “nothing” for her, and the
celebrity that came with it has forced her to live a life underground....
The post Woman Who Was Face of Live Aid Laments Price of Fame 30 Years On
appeared first on The Stream.
The Individual and His Future
*Jon Rappoport* - The individual remains vital; above, beyond, and through
any blizzard of propaganda.
The post The Individual and His Future appeared first on Waking Times.
Random Thoughts on Greece

The truth is finally out there: the German hegemon is a Frankenstein
monster sewn together with the body parts of every Batman and James Bond
villain ever dreamed up by a Hollywood nightmare factory. Now that Angela
Merkel and her henchman Wolfgang Schauble have turned Greece into a German
colony, with global hedge funds and too-big-to fail banks its de facto
occupying force, will this tiny country now be officially known as
Griechenland? Will the Acropolis be transformed into the latest Goldman
Sachs bank branch?
The Neoliberal Monster: Die Slowly or Die Quickly, Just Surrender ... more »
Gaza debate unraveled

Yesterday I posted a hasty response to the parliamentary debate on Gaza.
Standing back a bit, it calls for some further observations.
I don’t really know how significant that particular debate was in the
overall scheme of things.
In his necessarily truncated summing up speech, Tobias Ellwood (the
parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth
Affairs) hinted that although he had been listening carefully, he wasn’t
wholly convinced by what he had just heard.
He even brought up something that hadn’t been specifically aired in the
course of the debate:
“I am afr... more »
ANALYSIS: Why is the GOP Presidential Field So Big?
WASHINGTON (AP) — Who yelled “everybody into the pool?” After all the
candidate announcements, after all the speculation about who’d go first and
who’s yet to jump in, one question remains in this summer before the
election year: Why are...
The post ANALYSIS: Why is the GOP Presidential Field So Big? appeared first
on The Stream.
Former Ambassador Robert Ford Reflects On U.S. Policy Towards Iraq And Syria
Robert Ford was one of the State Department’s leading Middle East experts.
He joined the Foreign Service in the 1980s serving across the Arab world
including appointments to Bahrain, Egypt and Algeria . During the 2000s he
served three tours in Iraq as a political adviser and Deputy Ambassador
before going on to be the Ambassador to Syria from 2011-2014. Ford is now a
resident scholar at the Middle East Institute . This is an interview with
Ford about his time in Iraq and Syria and some lessons learned for American
foreign policy.
*1. You first went to Iraq in 2003 to work for th... more »
Strawberry Limeade Julius + Blendtec Giveaway

I love Limeades. I have been obsessed with them since I was a kid. Why
would you order a lemonade if you could have a limeade? I have made
limeades in just about every form, but this is one of my favorites.
Limeades and strawberries all in Julius form. Is there anything better
drink? Not in my opinion!
This drink is very similar to the original Orange Julius with some
modifications to fit with the lime flavor.
You will need:
- 1 container frozen limeade concentrate
- 1 cup milk
- 1⁄4 cup sugar
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
- 8-12 ice cubes
- 4-5 strawberries, washed and hal... more »
Chinese Hackers Had Long, Coordinated Campaign against U.S. Targets
The vast cyber-attack in Washington began with, of all things, travel
reservations. More than two years ago, troves of personal data were stolen
from U.S. travel companies. Hackers subsequently made off with health
records at big insurance companies and infiltrated...
The post Chinese Hackers Had Long, Coordinated Campaign against U.S. Targets
appeared first on The Stream.
Iraq Begins Operation to Oust Islamic State Group from Anbar
BAGHDAD (AP) — The Iraqi government began on Monday a long-awaited
large-scale military operation to dislodge Islamic State militants from
Iraq’s western Anbar province, a military spokesman announced. The
spokesman for the Joint Operations Command, Brig. Gen. Yahya Rasool, said...
The post Iraq Begins Operation to Oust Islamic State Group from Anbar
appeared first on The Stream.
Andy Slavitt, Obamacare Health Nominee Pounded on Conflicts of Interest
Liberals and conservatives have grave ethical concerns about Andy Slavitt,
a former health care executive President Barack Obama nominated as his top
administrator at the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
Slavitt’s confirmation hearings could serve as a high-profile flash point
The post Andy Slavitt, Obamacare Health Nominee Pounded on Conflicts of
Interest appeared first on The Stream.
FROM THE TPP TO THE ACA: The soft bigotry of our high self-regard!
*MONDAY, JULY 13, 2015Part 1—To us, Hayes’ number seemed bad:* How good a
job do we liberals do at establishing a political agenda?
How good are we at persuading The Others that they should *support* our
When it comes to economic issues, we don’t go a good job at all. Consider:
Last week, we considered the way our corporate liberal news channel glossed
and ignored the issues involved in the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership.
On several programs, passage of “fast track” authority was treated as part
of President Obama’s “best week ever,” even though the TPP is widely
opp... more »
Permaculture – Reconnecting with Nature, Supply Your Own Resources
*Phil Watt* - Permaculture isn’t just good for the earth but good for the
soul of humanity.
The post Permaculture – Reconnecting with Nature, Supply Your Own Resources
appeared first on Waking Times.
National Scott Walker Day?

*"To those who thought Donald Trump was the only sociopath in the race,
let me say this: not anymore."*
*-- Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, quotedby The Borowitz Report (see below)*
Another long-awaited candidate for the 2016 GOP presidental nomination is
finally here. The Kochs and ALEC are pushing out their schlemiel of a
candidate, a study in vapidity, today.
Agenda Project Action Fund, in partnership with American Family Voices, is
graciously welcoming Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and his fan boys with the
above TV ad, "Puppet for President," running in neighborong Iowa which
... more »
Why It’s the Government’s Fault Your Dishwasher Cycle Is 2 or 3 Hours Long
The guiding fiscal principle of President Obama’s 2009 Stimulus Package was
simple: “Spend it as fast as you can.” Programs operating under that
principle are almost predestined to flunk a cost-benefit test — and the
federal Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP)...
The post Why It’s the Government’s Fault Your Dishwasher Cycle Is 2 or 3
Hours Long appeared first on The Stream.
The Most Important Military Leaders in World History

*Ranker*:* The Most Important Military Leaders in World History*
List Criteria: List includes military leaders from all countries and all
Military history has a few figures who didn't just win battles or
campaigns, but changed the world and the destiny of their nations. From the
earliest world conquerors, men who laid waste to the entire known world; to
modern tactical geniuses using weapons that previous generations only
dreamed of, these are the best military leaders, those who were known,
feared and respected by both their people and their opponents.
*WNU Editor:* I disa... more »
"Half The Harm..."
"Half the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel
important. They don't mean to do harm. But the harm does not interest them.
Or they do not see it, or they justify it. Because they are absorbed in the
endless struggle to think well of themselves."
- T. S. Eliot
Sofia Jannok Singing Irene

*Published on Jan 25, 2013*
Sofia Jannok is a singer-songwriter from Sweden. "Irene" is the first
single from the album "Áššogáttis/By the Embers". Directed by Mathieu
Hebeisen. © 2009 Caprice Records,
Previous views on YouTube: 469 674
The Roundtable Discussion tonight: Canadian Genocide of the First Nations

The One People's Roundtable Discussion will be delving into Canadian
Genocide against the First Nations, The "Truth & Reconciliation" report,
and the Canadian Government, "The Crown" and the church's history of murder
and torture of First Nations Children in the Residential Schools, and the
hundreds of "missing" aboriginal women.
Lisa and I will be discussing all of these topics and more with our guest
tonight, Thahoketoteh of the Kanion'ke:haka - The Mohawk Nation of Canada.
My friend Thahoketoteh joined us on The Untangled Gathering to tell the
Kanion'ke:haka creation story... more »
“Those Who Pretend to Sleep”
*“Those Who Pretend to Sleep”*
By John R. Hall
“Lately I find that my frustration with the level of idiocy on the part of
this planet I call home is so great that writing has become nearly
impossible. A recent article by Andrew Vltchek titled “In the USA-I Cannot
Write” gave me comfort. I’m not alone. Here in the belly of the beast,
among the zombie-fascist, gun-totin’, flag-wavin’ hordes of fellow
Americans I spend my days in fearless loathing. Fearless because after
living for two-thirds of a century I have little to fear other than a long
painful death, being shot full of lead,... more »
Iraq Launches Offensive In Anbar With Help From Shiite Militias
*Reuters*: *Iraq launches military assault on Islamic State in Anbar*
Iraqi troops and Shi'ite Muslim militia forces attacked Islamic State
fighters on several fronts in the country's largest province on Monday,
saying the battle to drive the hardline militants out of Anbar was under
A spokesman for the joint operations command said the offensive, which
began at dawn, brought together the army, mainly Shi'ite Hashid Shaabi
militias, special forces, police and local Sunni Muslim tribal fighters.
Military sources in Anbar said they met fierce resistance from the
insurgents, wh... more »
Out biking links

*What was it?*
I'm out biking this week, so enjoy a few links. I'll be back on Friday or
- Alas, this abandoned development in Keelung no longer exists, but
Taiwan is studded with similar places. Taichung is the realm of ruins,
behind my house are a couple of developments like this one.
- FocusTaiwan article on Ma Administration propaganda about the 1992
Consensus. I suspect that our 'diplomatic allies' are being quietly told
to switch sides when Tsai comes to power.
- Jerome Cohen thinks Ma Ying-jeou should get a Nobel for his East China
Sea (S... more »
The Astonishing Greatness of Serena Williams
After winning her 4th consecutive Grand Slam title at Wimbledon, Serena
Williams has become one of the most accomplished American athletes of all
time. No major sport—with the possible exception of gymnastics or
swimming—worships youth like tennis. The best athletes...
The post The Astonishing Greatness of Serena Williams appeared first on The
The Sickness of harpercon Support for Austerity in Greece

You know, it's not surprising that right-wingers would support destroying
the lives of millions of Greeks in order to force them to pay back the IMF
(who paid back the banksters who loaned money to their corrupt elites).
The right-wing is always on the side of the powerful against the weak. They
tend to support trigger-happy racist cops over their innocent, unarmed,
non-white victims. They tend to support capitalists against unions.
Patriarchs against feminists. They're bullies and cowards.
But just think about it: Jason - "fuckwad" - Kenney supports austerity for
Greece. Jason - "... more »
David Wright House, by Frank Lloyd Wright
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to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
*Mrs. Obama to Indian Youth: We're Finally Embracing 'Wisdom of Your
Ancestors' on Climate Change*
*The The Iroquois Confederacy has been praised to the skies by the American
Left. It is one of their abiding myths: So much nicer that praising the
much greater democratic achievements of American whites! It has even been
praised as the "Oldest Living Participatory Democracy on earth". That
Iceland's Althing was at least 500 years ahead of them doesn't count,
apparently. And if "a few thousand" Icelanders don't count, neither do a
few thousand IroquiosBut how often do the Left... more »
EPA says Glyphosate is Not an Endocrine Disruptor: Chemical Manipulation of Humanity
Do you believe the EPA? Do you trust their science? I don't.
Despite an abundance of evidence linking glyphostate with endocrine
disruption and all the resulting diseases, the so called Environmental
Protection Agency, the EPA, says glyphosate is not an EDC.
*By Monsanto July 08, 2015 | 7:01 am EDT*
This has been a difficult couple of months for glyphosate following the *International
Agency for Research on Cancer’s (IARC) recent classification of glyphosate
as a group 2A “probable carcinogen”. *Now, though,* we’ve got the formal
confirmation *of something we knew a... more »
Greece Reaches Deal with Creditors, Avoids Euro Exit
BRUSSELS (AP) — Greece reached a deal with its European creditors Monday,
pledging stringent austerity to avoid an exit from the euro and the global
financial chaos that could have followed. The deal calls for Greeks,
already reeling from harsh...
The post Greece Reaches Deal with Creditors, Avoids Euro Exit appeared
first on The Stream.
Rubio Campaign Reports $12 Million Haul
WASHINGTON (AP) — Marco Rubio has raised more than $12 million for his
White House bid, his campaign said. The Florida senator is one of an
expected 17 Republican presidential candidates, and most of them are due to
report their...
The post Rubio Campaign Reports $12 Million Haul appeared first on The
Iran Nuclear Talks Hit Final Stage, but Deal Remains Elusive
VIENNA (AP) — Disputes over attempts to probe Tehran’s alleged work on
nuclear weapons unexpectedly persisted at Iran nuclear talks on Monday,
diplomats said, threatening plans to wrap up a deal by midnight — the
latest in a series of...
The post Iran Nuclear Talks Hit Final Stage, but Deal Remains Elusive
appeared first on The Stream.
Haiti’s Unstoppable Cholera Outbreak
Haiti has been battling a cholera outbreak since 2010, and it’s still
killing people. Why has no one been able to stop the spread of the disease?
In early February, when Jenniflore Abelard arrived at her parents’ house
high in...
The post Haiti’s Unstoppable Cholera Outbreak appeared first on The Stream.
Failing Economics 101

Stephen Harper and Joe Oliver like to pose as economic gurus. They claim
that, when it comes to running the nation's economy, they know what they're
doing. But, Jim Stanford writes, they should review they're notes from
Economics 101 -- assuming they took notes:
The Conservatives need to dust off their first-year college macroeconomics
textbooks. Overall economic activity is determined by the spending power
available to buy what we collectively produce. There are four major
categories of spending, and henc... more »
Survivor of Satanic Ritual Abuse, Loren Grace - "The Story of Me - Traveling in the Astral"

Loren Grace
Chapter 16
*Trigger Warning*: *Abuse isn't pretty, and mincing words and glossing over
the details is not helpful to me or anyone who has suffered through abuse.
While I don't plan on going into obscenely gory detail, I also am not
planning on tip-toeing around the truth. So, I'm sure many parts of my
story will be triggering to survivors. Please take the necessary
precautions when reading.*
*Traveling in the Astral*
Basically speaking, astral travel is when the spirit of a person comes out
of the physical body and travels around to different places. The places ... more »
Can I get a peace bond?
If someone is harassing you it is possible, in some circumstances, to get
what is known as a peace bond. That is a court order requiring that person
to leave you alone and (usually) stay a specified distance away from you.
The peace bond also requires more generally that the person bound by it
keeps the peace and doesn't break the law.
You can get a peace bond if you are afraid that another person will harm
you, your partner (spouse or your common-law), your child, or damage your
property. The other person could be anyone - a neighbour, an acquaintance
or a family member. The peace... more »
EDC's alter Gene Function in Placenta- Hamper Fetal Growth: Chemical Manipulation of Humanity
Researchers link endocrine disrupting chemical exposure to altered gene
function in pregnant women’s placentas, which could hamper fetal growth
*Women exposed to widely used chemicals while pregnant are more likely to
have altered gene function in their placentas, according to a new
study.Harvard University*
*It is the first study to show that exposure to phenols and phthalates may
alter how genes are expressed in the placenta of pregnant women and
suggests that such exposures may hamper fetuses’ proper development and
“Altered expression of a gene is of concern because we ... more »
Eilat-bound jets get anti-missile defense pods

[image: Skyshield system]Missile defense systems have reportedly been
installed on Israeli commercial flights servicing the southern city of
According to a report Monday in the daily Yedioth Ahronoth, the Israeli
defense establishment gave the order to deploy the SkyShield missile
defense systems to Arkia and Israir flights to Eilat two weeks ago, after
an Islamic State-affiliated group carried out a major offensive against the
Egyptian military in the Sinai.
The new defensive measure, the report said, was introduced in response to
concerns that terrorist groups operating in... more »
*After Hurricane Katrina, a look at New Orleans’ uneven recovery among its
neighborhoods ~Jeff Adelson, N.O. Advocate *
Chemical Manipulation of Humanity: Combinations of 'Safe' Chemicals May Increase Cancer Risk
Lots of chemicals are considered safe in low doses. *But what happens when
you ingest a little bit of a lot of different chemicals over time? *In some
cases, these combinations may conspire to increase your risk of cancer,
according to a new report.
I do NOT believe that the combination of chemicals and their affect on us,
has not been considered.
*"Many [chemicals] have the possibility, when they are combined, to cause
the initiation of cancer," *said Hemad Yasaei, a cancer biologist at Brunel
University in England, one of the authors of the report.* "They could have
a synergis... more »
Hollywood Accredits the Memes : Valkyrie (2008)

*"This had better not be a drill..."*
*"You have to say, if he [Himmler] didn't know about it, then he damn well
should have done...."*
*The (sometime) Liar David Irving*
*The Not-Hitler.*
Lascelles, in his diaries, entitled King's Counsellor, wrote that, in *June
1944*, General Georges Catroux, of the Free French forces, had asked the
British government's Alfred Duff Cooper* "to see a certain French officer,
urgently." *
The diary entry for 21 June 1944 continues: *"This man, who is a very big
noise in the French intelligence service, told Duff that he had very
reliable informa... more »
Scott Walker to Remind Voters of Wins over Big Government, Unions as He Enters 2016 Race
MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who is to enter the 2016
Republican presidential contest on Monday, has a national profile largely
due to his clashes with labor unions. He enacted policies weakening their
political power and became...
The post Scott Walker to Remind Voters of Wins over Big Government, Unions
as He Enters 2016 Race appeared first on The Stream.
Clinton to Outline Economic Priorities in New York, De-Emphasizes Economic Growth
WASHINGTON (AP) — Pointing to the need to boost middle-class wages, Hillary
Rodham Clinton is laying out her most concrete vision for the U.S. economy
on Monday in a pitch to Democrats who are being wooed by Clinton’s chief
The post Clinton to Outline Economic Priorities in New York, De-Emphasizes
Economic Growth appeared first on The Stream.
Iranian Trial of Washington Post Reporter Jason Rezaian Enters Third Session
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — The closed-door trial of detained Washington Post
correspondent Jason Rezaian, who has been in an Iranian prison for nearly a
year, resumed for a third session Monday, Iran’s official IRNA news agency
reported. No decision in...
The post Iranian Trial of *Washington Post* Reporter Jason Rezaian Enters
Third Session appeared first on The Stream.

*During World War II, the Allies noticed that certain German officials were
making radio broadcasts from multiple time zones almost simultaneously.*
*Analysts such as Richard H. Ranger believed that the broadcasts had to be
transcriptions, but their audio quality was indistinguishable from that of
a live broadcast and their duration was far longer than was possible with
78 rpm discs.*
The Race to Video
THE CHALLENGE came from one of broadcasting’s most revered figures: Build a
working videotape recorder in five years. The competition was intense, and
the victor turned out to b... more »
Greece Report ( July 13 , 2015 ) - Overview the Day After The Tentative Agreement Reached To Reopen Bailout Three Talks ( Greece Needs 7BN By Next Monday - ECB / IMF Obligations Coming Due Or Overdue , Bridge Financing Details , Market Relief After Deal , Political Impacts For Syriza , Greece Reaches Deal Significantly More Restrictive Than Rejected 8 Days Ago Sums That Up Neatly - Some Key Provisions / Links To Full Deal In Principle With Lists Of Tasks , Odds and Ends )

Evening Wrap.....
*fred walton* @fredwalton216 9m9 minutes ago
fred walton retweeted Constantin Gurdgiev
Another month of arrears due to IMF ....
fred walton added,
*Constantin Gurdgiev* @GTCost
And we have another month of arrears to tick a box on… #*Greece* #*IMF* |
Predictably, as there's no bridge financing
*Frances Coppola* @Frances_Coppola 4h
4 hours ago
If @smerler is right, then Stathikis's statement that all deposits are safe
is not remotely credible: http://www.bruegel.org/nc/blog/detail
/article/1679-preserving-the-greek-financial-sector-options-for-r... more »
Thug Factory: Another Florida State Football Player Accused of Beating Woman
In what is beginning to become a familiar pattern another Florida State
Seminole football player has run afoul of the law for punching a woman out.
This comes just days after the announcement that the school had cut ties
with freshman quarterback De’Andre Johnson after a video of him punching a
woman in the head at a bar went viral. The school has indefinitely
suspended star running back Dalvin Cook and authorities are issuing a
warrant for his arrest.
The latest garnet and gold clad thug was expected to play a huge role for
the team this year as it tries to offset the loss of sup... more »
The agreekment
The negotiations looked hopeless up to Monday morning when some prime
ministers tweeted that they had a deal with Greece and the EU "president"
Donald Tusk announced that they had agreekment. I thought that he was
forgetting basic English words – but it was actually meant to be a funny
word. Just like there is Grexit, Grexitus, and Greferendum, there exists
a-Greek-ment. If he invented this word himself, he has a small plus from
me. It's not as funny as Donald Marzy but it is funny enough for a
successor of a wet rag.
What Tsipras has signed seems like a very ambitious deal. Within ... more »
St. Bernie Sanders Drops by Swanky Martha’s Vineyard to Beg for Money

It has been with bemusement and bewilderment to see many liberals lining up
to back Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders as an alternative to Queen Hillary.
The aging Sanders - who is a proud socialist - may be drawing big crowds
now but he will be crushed by the Clinton political machine like cockroach
pulverized by a jackboot when the time comes.
I have more than a few friends who are whimsical and naïve liberals and to
them old Bernie is nearly a Christ like figure but alas they are being
conned - just like they were by Obama. Sanders is really nothing more than
a Democrat ringer to... more »
Things Aristotle Was Completely Wrong About : Teeth

*"Francis Bacon and his tribe buggered science and the result of this
was empiricism."*
*Lyndon H. Larouche Jr. *
*of U.S. Army Intelligence*
*Linguafoeda acheronsis*
*Of the Teeth.*
*Why do they only, amongst all other bones, feel the sense of feeling?*Because,
as Avicen and Galen do say, they might discern of heat and cold which hurt
them, which other bones need not.
*Why have men more teeth then women?*By reason of the abundance of heat and
blood which is more in men than in women.
*Why do the teeth grow to the end of our life, and not the other bones?*Because
otherwise they w... more »
Open Communism Being Rolled Out And Taught In U.S. Public Schools

[image: grindall61]
*[image: logo]*
Number 50: Summer 2015
[image: TT50]
Cover art by Mark McGinnis
Sex? Sexual Orientation? Gender Identity? Gender Expression? Learn the
langauge and the facts. Download the PDF version of this magazine here.
One World Poster
The Day I Swam Into a New World
Frances dreams of swimming with her classmates, but will everyone be ... more »
Mexico's Notorious Drug Lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman Escapes From Prison (Again)
*Reuters:* *Mexico kingpin 'Chapo' Guzman stages brazen jailbreak in blow
to president*
Mexico's most notorious drug lord, Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, broke out of
a high-security prison on Saturday night for the second time, escaping in a
tunnel built right under his cell, and heaping embarrassment on President
Enrique Pena Nieto.
The kingpin snuck out of the prison through a subterranean tunnel more than
1.5 km (1 mile) long that ended at an abandoned property near the local
town, National Security Commissioner Monte Alejandro Rubido told a news
conference on Sunday.
Guzman, wh... more »
Gunmen Holding 10 Hostages At French Primark
Sky report
that gunmen are holding hostages at a Paris Primark store.
Robbery that went very wrong or here we go again?
Russia's Air Force Jets Continue To Crash

MiG-29. © ITAR-TASS/Dmitry Rogulin
*Kyle Mizokami, The Week/War Is Boring:* *The Russian Air Force is falling
out of the sky*
The flights began last year. The government of Russian President Vladimir
Putin, eager to send a message, began flying nuclear bombers on training
missions near the United States and its allies around the world.
The message was one of intimidation and defiance: Russia is still a power
to be reckoned with, and meddling in the Ukraine, Syria, and Russia itself
— particularly on human rights issues — is not appreciated.
Now, after months of aggressive flying, ... more »
MMR Vaccination Plunges Child Into Autism and Mom Will Never Vaccinate Her Boy Again

*Published on Jul 10, 2015*
http://www.StopMandatoryVaccination.com - Gladys took her normal, healthy
18-month-old boy into the pediatrician’s office to get the MMR vaccination,
only to leave with a vaccine-injured child. The doctor said that the
symptoms of the injury were “normal.” Her child would later be diagnosed
with Autism. She was able to help her child by following a gluten free
casein free diet, and later, by using homeopathic protocols. Please share
her story to warn other parents about the dangers of vaccination and to
help us stop all government sponsored vaccination ... more »
The Blackadder View of History and What's Wrong With It

Well, first of all, exactly as with the National Curriculm GCSE History
syllabus, they completely ignore almost any reference or discussion of the
British Empire;
Except for this one :
*"George, the British Empire at present covers a quarter of the globe,
while the German Empire consists of a small sausage factory in Tanganyika."*
What does this achieve? Straight away, you have reduced the nature of
German Imperialism in Africa to something comically benign and
non-threatening to the African continent and populace (which is hardly
true), whilst dismissing out of hand the notion o... more »
India Test-Fires Helicopter Launched Anti-Tank Guided Missile ‘HeliNag’

India has successfully tested an indigenously developed anti-tank guided
missile (ATGM) from a Helicopter.
The anti-tank missile, “HeliNa (HELIcopter Nag)” is the helicopter launched
version of Nag missile developed by the Defense Research Development
Organization (DRDO) among the five missiles developed under the Integrated
Guided Missile Development Programme (IGMDP). Three missiles were fired
from the Chandan firing range in Jaisalmer of which two hit the target.
Three ‘HeliNa’ missiles were fired during the guided flight trials at
Chandan firing range in Jaisalmer.
Read more
Is The Russian Army Facing A 'Desertion Crisis"?

*AFP*: *Dozens of Russian troops 'flee unit, fearing Ukraine deployment'*
Moscow (AFP) - Dozens of Russian soldiers are facing trial for fleeing
their unit, fearing deployment to Ukraine, a news site and a lawyer for
five of the men said Saturday.
The popular Gazeta.ru website said several dozen soldiers would be
prosecuted after fleeing a training ground in southern Russia where they
were under pressure to "volunteer" to fight in Ukraine.
The troops had freely enlisted for the army and are not draftees, it said.
It is the latest report to allege Russian soldiers are being sent to... more »
Obama's Schedule for Monday...
*what does your schedule look like?*
I only have one comment:
What in hell are we paying you $400K a year to do? That doesn't include
all the perks, insider trading, and other sources of income. You've become
a multi-millionaire since becoming president.
This past weekend, your wife took your daughters to a Broadway play - one I
would never let my young daughters attend. You played golf at a course
that was some distance from the White House
spewing untold amount of CO2 into the air. And today, all you can manage
is lunch with that senile dope who is our vice-president?
Last... more »
US set to be India’s biggest arms supplier

[image: P-8I Neptune]The US is fast consolidating its position as India's
largest arms supplier with a flurry of new defence deals and joint
projects, after having inked the expansive new 10-year defence framework in
June and bagging contracts worth $10 billion over the last eight years.
Sources said the Manohar Parrikar-led defence acquisitions council (DAC),
in its meeting slated for Tuesday, is likely to clear the decks for
acquisition of another four P-8I long-range maritime patrol aircraft for
almost $1 billion.
"The contract negotiation committee (CNC) has completed its work. ... more »
Lockheed Martin searching for markets for a C-130J maritime variant

Lockheed Martin will offer a variant of its C-130J Hercules to Britain as a
maritime patrol aircraft.
The company says it could convert the U.K. Royal Air Force’s existing fleet
of C-130J airlifters into SC-130Js maritime patrol aircraft, reducing
procurement costs and technical risks, writes Tony Osborne of Aviation Week.
Lockheed Martin has also looked at a similar proposal for the RCAF’s needs
but has suggested purchasing new SC-130J Sea Hercules for the job.
Read more
Bigger Royal Australian Navy could be on the way

[image: HMAS Arunta (FFH 151)]Australia could end up with a much bigger
navy as the government embarks on a national shipbuilding program which
turns out new vessels every two years.
A study by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute says this is likely to
involve the sale of the government-owned shipbuilder ASC. But this would
only make sense if ASC could build ships cheaper than it does now.
ASPI analysts Andrew Davies and Mark Thomson said the nature of the
continuous production process suggested the navy could end up with a
surface warship fleet of 14 or 15 vessels, up from th... more »
China's Type 055 destroyer: air cover for future carrier group

[image: Type 055 Mockup]Like the Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruisers
of the United States Navy, China's Type 055 guided-missile destroyers were
developed to defend the PLA Navy's carrier battle group from enemy air and
missile strikes, reports the Beijing-based Sina Military Network.
Photos of a model warship purported to be the Type 055 reveal sophisticated
electronics and an integrated stealth mast fitted with advanced electronic
support measures.
With such equipment, the Type 055 destroyer can serve as an anti-air
warfare command-and-control platform, similar to the role p... more »
Fossil Fuels Are Killing Us - The Lancet
Regrettably this is a propaganda piece for the global warming crowd. Get
over that, it remains correct that the waste products of our hydrocarbon
culture have by necessity been dumped continuously into the environment for
a century. This was never a great plan and that it has lasted so long is
the biggest surprise.
The developed world has sharply reduced its exposure but it is a long ways
from been ideal.
However, i find it hard to care much when i know that the technology is
been put together right now that will utterly eliminate the entire
hydrocarbon industry. The knowled... more »
How Long Does It Really Take to Think a Thought?
[image: (ChrisGorgio/iStock)]
This is becoming far more difficult because we can only measure neural
reactions. Yet there is plenty of questions. We know that the cognitive
mind is often engaged after the event in an emergency. sportsmen uses this
talent to avoid interference with a well trained reaction as well.
Plenty of thoughts appear to arrive fully formed as well. Are they even
connected to the neural system while been formed? That is now my most
important question.
We can measure the time needed for thought expression but as shown here
this is unsatisfactory.
*It ... more »
Rise in Carbon Dioxide Could Restrict Growing Days for Crops?
[image: While plants in temperate zones may benefit from higher
temperatures, global warming's impact in the tropics threatens catastrophe
for food security.]
The claims made in this item are totally over the top and are rubbish. We
leap from a seven degree shift in the far north reflecting an at best one
degree shift in the tropics in fact to extending a similar magnitude to the
tropics which is plain wrong. We already have most of that in the North
and not from the effects of CO2 either.
No one has noticed yet in the tropics at all.
The temerature cycle has actually flatlined... more »
The Hidden Reality of Deep Underground Military Bases
First off, it makes complete sense to sink deep bases underground to make
them immune to direct attack by nuclear weapons. It is the best strategy.
Even better, their surface footprint can be negligible and easily
misleading. Given all that it is certain that this program began in the
early fifties and continued to this day.
The military has huge advantages doing this. First it will mine in
seriously competent rock. This makes the mining relatively safe. Thus
crews who are already experienced miner... more »
Military Photo of the Day: July 13, 2015
U.S. Army CH-47 Chinook helicopters prepare to land and pick up U.S.
service members from an Afghan National Army combat outpost in Afghanistan
on June 23, 2015. Every day, brave American troops are risking their lives
overseas. We salute them...
The post Military Photo of the Day: July 13, 2015 appeared first on The
Ukraine Nationalists Are Now Challenging The Kiev Government
*The Guardian:* *Ukraine government in armed standoff with nationalist
Government forces barricade bases of Right Sector, which has helped it
battle pro-Russian forces, after gunfight reportedly killed two people
Soldiers and police have been locked in a standoff with a nationalist
militia in western Ukraine after a gun and grenade battle that left at
least two dead.
Tensions have been rising between the government and the Right Sector
militia that has helped it fight pro-Russian separatists in the east of the
A Right Sector spokesman, Taras Kuzyak, told Ukrain... more »
Canada's CF18 bases won't have radar units replaced as $55M deal cancelled

[image: A military mobile radar unit in Resolute Bay, Nunavut]Another
multimillion-dollar military purchase has gone off the rails.
The Harper government is terminating its contract with Thales Canada Ltd.,
which was to supply new radar units to support Canada's CF-18 fighter jet
squadrons in Cold Lake, Alta., and Bagotville, Que.
The deal signed in November 2010 was initially worth $55 million for two
tactical-control radar systems, with delivery to begin in 2013. Thales won
the tender over one other bidder.
Read more
“Greek ‘Debt Crisis’: Humans Must Suffer For Bankers To Profit”
*“Greek ‘Debt Crisis’: *
*Humans Must Suffer For Bankers To Profit”*
by Joe Quinn
“To understand the 'Greek debt crisis', the 'financial crisis' of 2008, the
first thing to understand is the unreal or immaterial nature of money and
what is called the 'global economy'. In 2014, a Bank of England report
titled: "Money Creation in the Modern Economy" finally admitted what has
been known by many for a long time: that 97% of the money supply is now
created by banks when they make loans. Most of that money is, and remains
throughout its life cycle, digital rather than 'physical' paper mon... more »
Japan Wants To Join NATO's Missile Consortium

Japan Self-Defence Forces soldiers prepare to refuel a unit of Patriot
Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) missiles at the Defence Ministry in Tokyo
April 10, 2013. Reuters/Issei Kato
*Reuters:* *Exclusive: Japan interested in joining NATO missile consortium*
Japan is interested in joining a NATO missile building consortium that
would give Tokyo its first taste of a multinational defense project, a move
the U.S. Navy is encouraging because it could pave the way for Japan to
lead similar partnerships in Asia, sources said.
The 12-country NATO consortium oversees development and shares the... more »
Don’t Cry for Me Argentina: Pope Francis and Economic Populism
Since the late Hugo Chávez rose to power in Venezuela in 1999, much of
Latin America has been firmly under the thumb of leftist-populist
governments. Characterized by caudillo-like leaders, demagogic rhetoric,
the deliberate mobilization of groups against each other (the...
The post Don’t Cry for Me Argentina: Pope Francis and Economic Populism
appeared first on The Stream.
The ELL "Problem" and the Common Core "Solution"*
Stephen Krashen
There is a problem with ELLs/Emergent Bilinguals (henceforth ELLs), but
it is not the problem that is typically stated in the media. And there is a
solution, but it is very different from the one that is being currently
offered by the Common Core. In fact, the Common Core promises to make
things much worse for ELLs, as well as for all students in public schools
According to Uro and Barrio (2013), there are two big problems with
The first is that ELLs aren't as proficient as fluent English speakers:
Test results show "wide gaps in reading and ... more »
Is This Iranian Nuclear Deal For Real?
*Charles Dickey, Daily Beast:* *How to Tell if the Iran Deal Is Bogus*
Sanctions, inspections and decision-makers: The number of things that could
still trip up an Iranian nuclear agreement is small, but they’re
PARIS — After the most recent of many deadlines for the marathon Iran
nuclear talks in Vienna came and went, one Iranian analyst with close ties
to the negotiators suggested, “At this point it’s a question of how much
more they can take; there’s a limit to how many schnitzels you can eat.”
Well, now it looks like a deal is done—but not quite. The Associated ... more »
Announcement Expected Late Monday Of An Iranian Nuclear Agreement.
*Wall Street Journal:* *Europeans Press for Iran Nuclear Deal on Monday*
*Washington says it won’t be rushed into a final agreement.*
VIENNA—Nuclear negotiations between Iran and six world powers have reached
the make-or-break point, European officials said, warning the diplomacy
could fail if there is no final agreement by Monday night.
The comments by senior European diplomats in Austria’s capital on Sunday
suggested a divergence from Washington on the way forward with Tehran.
The Obama administration has also said it is willing to end nearly two
years of negotiations if a deal... more »
What Is Next For Greece?
*Leonid Bershidsky, Bloomberg:* *Would You Lend Greece $60 Billion?*
Keeping Greece within the euro zone and the European Union is a political
question. Yet it's also about money, and it may be worthwhile to consider
how Europe would act if it were a bank confronted with a big delinquent
This would be an easy question to answer if the choice were merely between
a Greek default on all of its debt and a write-off of some portion.
Something is better than nothing. Yet the situation is more complicated:
Greece wants 53.5 billion euros (almost $60 billion) over the next three ... more »
Greek Debt Crisis -- News Updates July 12 - 13, 2015

Tense talks: Eurozone leaders appear to looking at a new bailout figure of
between 82 and 86 billion euros
*Daily Mail:* *Marathon talks in bid to save the euro: Leaders hold tense
negotiations through the night as Greece prepares to accept a raft of
demands to avoid banks meltdown *
* Tsipras keen to strike a deal with European creditors tonight
* A Cabinet reshuffle is set to go ahead in Greece if a deal is struck
* A statement is expected to be released soon by European leaders
* A new bailout figure of 82 billion to 86 billion euros has emerged
Eurozone leaders were thrashing o... more »
Not #Grexit but #Greviction?
Even in the Eurozone hall of monetary mirrors there is only so long you can
keep eating your cake and have someone else unwillingly pick up the tab for
it. Greece may not exit; it may simply be evicted.
*Five months of negotiations in which its left-wing Government destroyed
goodwill among creditors that have lent it hundreds of billions of dollars
have cost Greece dearly in its frantic attempts to save its economy.
With its banks closed, cash machines rationing withdrawals to just 60 (
$99) a day, pharmacies running short of drugs and businesses teetering on
bankruptcy, sa... more »
The Industrial Workers of the World

The Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), members of which are commonly
termed "Wobblies", is an international, radical labor union that was formed
in 1905. The union combines general unionism with industrial unionism,
being a general union itself whose members are further organized within the
industry of their employment. The philosophy and tactics of the IWW are
described as "revolutionary industrial unionism," with ties to both
socialist and anarchist labor movements. The origin of the nickname
"Wobblies" is uncertain.
The IWW promotes the concept of "One Big Union", and conte... more »
TV Watch: Stephen Colbert continues the countdown to September 8

*Since we haven't seen much of each other since** December, Stephen asks,
"What've you guys been doing?" ("Me, I've been busy," he says.) Here he
shaves off the beard he adopted after finding it by the highway, which
helped earn him the cover of Homeless Sea Captain Monthly. The beard had to
come off, he explains, because on CBS, it turns out, "Tom Selleck's
moustache has a noncompete clause."*
*by Ken*
I know I just saw a post somewhere by someone who couldn't believe he'd
only just discovered that Stephen has started a podcast. But I lost the
link, and in trying to refind it, I ... more »
Business 360--26, Nepal earthquake and lessons from it

* This is my article for the business magazine in Kathmandu, June 2015
*Earthquakes and economic growth*
The people of Nepal are still recovering from the huge destruction of the
7.8 earthquake (EQ) last April 25 plus succeeding tremors that occurred
almost daily. Those tremors have killed 8,000+ people and injured thousands
Some hard lessons must be learned and relearned from those events. And not
only for Nepal but many other developing countries, in particular, other
Asian countries in the “Pacific Ring of Fire.”
*One*, EQs are part of nature, part of the continui... more »
TIME Admits ISIS Bringing Arms, Fighters in From NATO Territory

Activist Post
Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Programming
Sunday, July 12, 2015
By Tony Cartalucci
Late last year, Germany’s broadcaster Deutsche Welle (DW) investigated what
turned out to be hundreds of trucks per day carrying billions of dollars in
supplies, flowing across the Turkish border into Syria and directly into
the hands of the so-called “Islamic State” (ISIS).
The border crossing near the Turkish city of Oncupinar, approximately 100km
west of the Syrian city of Kobani is apparently only one of many such
crossings where ISIS fighters, weapons, and materiel move dire... more »
Dick J. Reavis : We are the New Union Army!
It’s time to wear our colors as we work to help finish the Civil War. By
Dick J. Reavis | The Rag Blog | July 12, 2015 In a recent book about the
Southern Civil Rights Movement, professor, SNCC veteran, … finish reading Dick
J. Reavis :
We are the New Union Army!
How come ISIS only attacks Israel’s enemies? This Video Explains It All !!!
Jul 3, 2015
How come ISIS only attacks Israel’s enemies – EXPLAINED
Musical Interlude: Vangelis, “Apocalypse Des Animaux”
Vangelis, “Apocalypse Des Animaux”
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBMoqDHfn_M-
"A Look to the Heavens"
“What's going on in the center of this spiral galaxy? Named the Sombrero
Galaxy for its hat-like resemblance, M104 features a prominent dust lane
and a bright halo of stars and globular clusters. Reasons for the
Sombrero's hat-like appearance include an unusually large and extended
central bulge of stars, and dark prominent dust lanes that appear in a disk
that we see nearly edge-on. Billions of old stars cause the diffuse glow of
the extended central bulge.
*Click image for larger size.*
Close inspection of the bulge in the above photograph shows many points of
light that are ac... more »
Chet Raymo, "Free Will?"
*"Free Will?"*
by Chet Raymo
“In an essay in the 14 May, 2009 issue of “Nature”, German biologist Martin
Heisenberg asks the question: "Is free will an illusion?" And he answers:
No. We are free, says Heisenberg, if our actions are self-generated, and
not mere responses to external stimuli. But how can they be self-generated
in a world of cause and effect? As befitting the son of Werner Heisenberg,
father of the Uncertainty Principle, Martin invokes the stochastic nature
of quantum mechanics. Presumably, randomly firing neurons equal free will.
One does not have to be consciously ... more »
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