Intel and Micron Announce New Memory Technology, 3D XPoint
Via: Intel: The technology is up to 1,000 times faster and has up to
1,000 times greater endurance than NAND, and is 10 times denser than
conventional memory. … Following more than a decade of research and
development, 3D XPoint technology was built from the ground up to
address the need for non-volatile, high-performance, high-endurance […]
Kentucky Man Arrested for Shooting Down Drone
Via: WDRB: A Hillview man has been arrested after he shot down a drone
flying over his property — but he’s not making any apologies for it. It
happened Sunday night at a home on Earlywood Way, just south of the
intersection between Smith Lane and Mud Lane in Bullitt County,
according to an arrest […]
Prince Charles reacts to a flapping eagle, sparks brilliant meme
LONDON – There's a new royal meme in town, people, and this one looks
like a keeper.
See also: Queen off-roads to get past slowcoach family like a total
After Prince Charles was photographed on Wednesday cringing away from a
Bald Eagle during a visit to Sandringham Flower Show, the Internet
reacted in the only way it could.
#princecharlesbeingattackedbythings was launched Thursday morning b
Carnegie tried to bribe Germans to stop WWI
Billionaire Andrew Carnegie actually tried to put a stop to World War I
by bribing Kaiser Wilhelm II. Sometimes referred to as 'The war to end
all war...
The Corbett Report
Interview 1066 – Financial Survival: Free Speech Isn’t Free
this week's edition of Financial Survival James and Alfred discuss free
speech (or lack thereof) in Canada, and whether the US will be far
behind with hate speech laws and censorship. Also on the table for
discussion: gold market manipulation, the global government agenda and
whether the Chines
The EnvironmentaList
Tempest in a Green Bin
Uproar over compost and recycling fees in Oakland illustrates challenges of achieving a zero-waste goal
Major San Francisco Bayfront Developments Advance Despite Sea Rise Warnings
Builders plan to invest more than $21 billion in offices and homes in
flood-prone areas, where waters could climb 8 feet above today’s high
tide by the end of this century
Is Hillary Clinton’s Ambitious Solar Energy Goal Workable?
Clinton’s first climate change policy pitch is bold, but the US must look beyond solar for a clean energy revolution
Is the BBC biased?
Antisemitism and the media
We hear that there’s a sharp rise in antisemitic incidents, perhaps
because Jews are now more likely to report them. (Or because of the
negative way Israel and Jews are portrayed in the British media.) The
Today programme announced this news clearly enough, but didn’t seem
curious about the how, the why or the wherefore. Get an earful of Ajmal
Masroor’s ugly Speech about Zionism and the Zionist L
Muslims and Peter Oborne
Peter Oborne has been trailing his programme HSB Muslims and Me Radio
4, tonight 20:00Here’s the blurb:In the summer of 2014 HSBC dispatched a
batch of identical letters to several prominent Muslims telling them
that their accounts would be closed. The bank said that it no longer had
the "risk appetite" to handle their money. But it failed to explain why
or to offer a right of appeal.
The Pennine Way
The first episode of Paul Rose's upbeat new BBC Two series The Pennine
Way began tonight.Yes, a left-wing journalist was its early hero and
there was talk of climate change (for those who prefer their blogs about
BBC bias to actually be about BBC bias), but I liked it and will be
watching the rest of the series - and the BBC's cameramen worked wonders
in bringing out the staggering beauty of the P
Friday’s Any Questions was a bit of an embarrassment. The audience
continually applauded Michael Morpurgo, the children’s author who often
dresses, head-to-toe, in incompatible shades of red. It must have been a
‘pre-red’ day when he posed for the photo shown on Richard Millett’s
blog in 2012 entitled “War Horse writer Michael Morpurgo: Israel shoots
Palestinian children “like a video game”. Hi
Mark above articles as read
The Rules of Exposition
Structure and focus
Bryan Garner's LawProse Lesson #214:Lawyers’ biggest failing as
writers.What’s the most pervasive flaw among legal writers? It’s the
tendency to begin writing before fully understanding the message to be
conveyed. Lawyers often don’t think through what they want to say until
they’re already writing—and they therefore meander, backtrack, and even
restart. Unless they spend a great deal of time rewr
Mark above articles as read
A Closer Look: Jody Paterson
One day 30 years ago, I interviewed to be a sex worker
One summer day when I was a young reporter in Kamloops, my bosses at
the newspaper sent me off to pretend I wanted to get hired as a
lingerie model. The advertising department at the paper had been
running classified ads seeking young women interested in working as
lingerie models. The paper wanted the advertising revenue, but was
worried the real nature of the business was prostitution. So
Mark above articles as read
A Different Perspective
The Hoover Memo Again
(Blogger's Note: In the last couple of days I have received a number
inquiries about the Hoover Memo and how it relates to Roswell or UFO
crashes. Although this was posted in 2011, I thought the easiest course
of action was to reprint it with a couple of updates. This is the best
information and the best interpretation of the memo and is based, not
only on the handwritten note, but a typewritten c
Conversations and the Search for Bridey Murphy
(Blogger’s Note: This is a short segment from my book, Conversations.
I’m reprinting it here because it struck me that the attack on the
Bridey Murphy story resembled some of the attacks on UFO reports. As you
read this, you’ll see that those opposed to the idea that Ruth Simmons
was the reincarnation of Murphy. What I mean is that some of the
opponents of the idea, who believed they know the ulti
Lake Area Paragon Conference and a Little about the Roswell Slides
On Friday, July 10 and Saturday, July 11, I attended the Lake Area
Paragon conference in Long Prairie, Minnesota. It appealed to me because
it was close to home and wouldn’t cause any additional health problems
that have been plaguing me in the last few months.Lorna Hunter was the
organizer and host of the conference and did everything in her power to
make sure that we, who were on the program, di
Area 51 and History 2
I was watching one of those old UFO programs on History Two, which I
think is where they now dump most of their crap. Anyway, this program
was about Area 51 and when it was over, I thought about what I had
learned.The highly secret base had runways, hangars, and other
buildings. What a stunning bit of information.The “camo dudes” who watch
those getting close to the base perimeters were dressed in
A Very Public Sociologist
Dear Yvette Cooper
Dear Yvette,Re: Leadership of the Labour PartyI read extracts of your
interview with the Indy with some interest as, I think it's fair to say,
your platform for Labour leadership is considered the 'lightest' among
the contenders so far. No one is in any doubt what Liz Kendall stands
for. Ditto Jeremy Corbyn. And last night on Newsnight, Andy finally put
more flesh on the bones of his National Care
Relax, There Is No Labour Meltdown
Another day, another bout of mischief making. In today's Indy we learn
that things aren't looking too rosy for Labour. In a specially
commissioned poll, it "shows party is now even 'less electable' than
under Ed Miliband. Blimey, that doesn't bode well for 2020. They go
on:... voters think Labour has gone backwards since its crushing defeat
under Ed Miliband. Only 24 per cent of people believ
Jeremy Corbyn and Hard Left "Infiltration"
The press are not neutral arbiters when it comes to the Labour
leadership contest. If they can use the debates between party members as
a way of deepening divisions in the party, they will. At the forefront
of these attempts is the so-called quality "paper of record" The Times,
which of late is transforming itself into a straight propaganda sheet.
Earlier this week, a fairly innocuous pi
What I've Been Reading Recently
Nicking this idea off Mark Carrigan, here's what I've read these last
few months.The Enigma of Capital by David HarveyThe Cornish Trilogy by
Robertson DaviesTalcott Parsons: Theorist of Modernity by Roland
Robertson and Bryan S Turner (eds)Sperm Wars by Robin BakerOn the Steel
Breeze by Alastair ReynoldsProstitution and Feminism: Toward a Politics
of Feeling by Maggie O'NeillThe Illuminatus! Trilo
A Way to Live
Using the margins
Go out to where either your greens have made a whole lot of big side
foliage you don't use at table, or have gone to seed producing
volunteers (volunteer chard shown), and gather about forty leaves. Stuff
your Excelsior or Excalibur or solar dehydrator with them. When they're
brittle, fish them out and strip dry matter from midribs. Clean up and
crumble to desired consistency. Dry can (bake) in ja
Into the woods
We took a break between the heat waves to try out "Tessa," the new
teardrop trailer.Last summer we went tent camping and I think it it was
for the last time! Old bones and all that. So we asked a local builder
to provide us with a roof and walls -- with cabinets, 12V and 110V
wiring, a galley, and a set of wheels -- for an honest to goodness
mattress.The trailer works as expected and the
Still sweet
The Stupice tomatoes are rolling in, along with yellow and green
zucchini and assorted cucumbers. But we have never, ever been so dry.
The air even tastes funny, like our tongues are turning into raisins. We
drink water till we're in danger of rolling over and bursting and still
feel thirsty. The plants look like they feel the same way -- though the
beds, where we opened and lifted the soil with t
Watching the swallows dip and reel
Another heat wave; I go out at dawn or in short twenty minute shifts to
do anything much. You can see the garden is very mature for mid-July.
So are the weeds.The soaker hose bought this year both fell apart after a
couple of weeks' dragging around, So I'm using the last of those bought
ten years ago (!!) which holds up much better. A clue to the collapse
of indurtrial civilization.For lunch, I'm
Activist Teacher
How politically correct culture promotes racism, and on the crucial role of collaborators in hierarchical oppression
The continuing interview about my book... highlighting another theme in the book.
The individual must be incapacitated -- video interview with Denis Rancourt
Julia Tourianski interviewed me about my book. This is a short summary statement captured at the end of the long interview.
Brave The World also put out this meme on Twitter, which features a quote from my book:
Alwaght News interview with Denis Rancourt -- Every Day Must be Quds Day
Monday, July 6, 2015, 5:22 PM
Everyday Day Must Be Quds Day, We Must All Be Palestinians: Prof. Denis Rancourt
Adrienne's Corner
Planned Parenthood Exposé Continues with Video Number Three...
and it's ugly.The following video is very graphic. For contrast,
listen to Republican Presidential Candidate Carly Fiorina schools Jess
McIntosh, a top official with Emily’s List, about abortion. The
abortion part of the interview starts at 3:20.
Obama calls Tea Party members stupid...
again.Because there's no other way to interpret this statement made by
him on the Jon Stewart show, which aired last night."By the time I leave
here, I think we're going to be able to say that government is working
much better, much more efficiently, much more customer-friendly than
when I came into office," Obama added later. When people throw up their
hands and say "there's nothin
More Ghoulish Planned Parenthood Video Released...
how can anyone defend this?When I was asked why The Center for Medical
Progress waited a year before releasing the video of Planned Parenthood
Federation of America’s Senior Director of Medical Services, Dr. Deborah
Nucatola, describing how America’s largest abortion business allegedly
uses the banned partial birth abortion procedure to harvest and sell the
body parts of aborted children, includin
Are You Really in Control of Your Life?...
or are you being controlled by outside forces?There is no doubt that we
are more "connected" than ever before. Between our lap tops, iPads,
and smart phones, there is hardly a time when we are not being bombarded
with information, not to mention kitteh videos, and other esoteric
non-essentials.Most of us have witnessed the hapless person strolling
down the street, grocery store aisle, o
US to deliver F-16 aircraft to Egypt
Washington to deliver eight aircraft to Egypt within the next two days, US embassy in Cairo says in a statement.
Africa to Obama: Mind your own business
Like all imperial powers before it, the US seeks to dominate the world in order to exploit it.
Taliban elects new leader after Mullah Omar's death
Taliban sources tell Al Jazeera that Mullah Akhtar Mansoor is new leader of the group, confirming death of Mullah Omar.
Allen L Roland's Weblog
America Deserves Donald Trump
The Donald in full attitude I used to think that America had
achieved the pinnacle of H.L.Mencken's famous quote about the eventual
election of a moron with the disputed election of George W Bush but that
was just a rung above the possibility of a President Trump. Donald
Trump represents the last desperate hope of an American electorate who
have been left out of the political process and have
Nixon Was A Frightened Felon ~ Victim Of His Own Paranoia And A Prelude To Our Own.
Click on to enlarge Nixon in the cross-hairs in 1974Look at
his eyes and you see the frightened look of a paranoid and insecure man
who knows that his own tapes and fear based decisions have revealed in
no uncertain terms that the game is up ~ his presidency is over. Tim
Weiner’s remarkable new book, One Man Against the World: The Tragedy of
Richard Nixon was recently reviewed by Tom Eng
60th Anniversaru of Russell-Einstein Manifesto Now Reinforced by Climate Change and Teilhard's Warning
Sixty years after Albert Einstein and Bertrand Russell issued their
manifesto about the growing threat of world war, the globe continues to
face the prospect of nuclear annihilation coupled with the looming
threat of climate change as well as Teilhard's ominous warning ~ Love
one another or you will perish: Allen L Roland, PhD"We have reached a
decisive point in human evolution, at which the
Greece Says Oxi (No) To The Troika
The no vote by Greece is an extraordinary act of political
courage, defying threats and intimidation from the European Union, the
US government and the Greek ruling class and sends an alarming signal to
the global elite that the game has dramatically changed. The “no” vote
itself has made clear the social chasm separating the working class from
the ruling elites of Greece, Europe and America
Pause in personal questions to Sphere Alliance
I am going to take a pause in questions.I need a break and have other matters at hand. I will return to posting them shortly.
GAIA PORTAL:Harmonizations come forth as chaotic envelopes are transcended
Harmonizations come forth as chaotic envelopes are transcendedby
ÉirePortHarmonizations come forth as chaotic envelopes are
transcended.Flairs of brilliance succeed flares of emergence.Strains of
solidness are experienced and exposed.Venerations of True Counsel are
realized.Moderations relax.Heaven enters.ÉirePort | July 30, 2015 at
08:08 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: http://wp.me/p2sFUY-vc
Sphere Alliance Message #60 Reply To Jack And Lydia
On Jul 27, 2015, at 8:09 PM, john sturgeon The day before my 17th
birthday, I went to bed everything was "normal". The next morning when I
got up, something was seriously wrong, I didn't know what. By the end
of the day, my Psyche had exploded and much of the unconscious content
came to consciousness,.........(I didn't know this at the time, I had no
vocabulary or understanding for wha
SPHERE ALLIANCE MESSAGE #59 ...EARTH Physics has LAWS/functions/reasonings/theories
On Jul 28, 2015, at 11:35 AM, Theo G wrote:If you're familiar with
quantum physics and the double slit experiment, you'll know that when
there is no observer, there's an interference pattern and when there is
an observer, it has an outcome on the experiment. Essentially, the
observer collapses the wave function of the particles and basically
"creates" reality.I know of someone who feels
Angola 3 News
Photos of new Albert Woodfox mural in New Orleans by artist B-Mike w/ Amnesty Intl. USA
Featured below are photos of the new Albert Woodfox mural in New
Orleans, Louisiana, painted by artist Brandan "B-Mike" Odums in
conjunction with Amnesty International USA. The photos below are taken
by Amnesty USA and the A3 Coalition. Read the July 3 NOLA Times Picayune
article to learn more about the mural and to view more photos.This
first photo is of Michael Mable, brother of Albert
Mark above articles as read
When Leaders Follow Insurgents
How much has the Republican Party on Capitol Hill lost its equilibrium?
Just hear the histrionics about the Iran deal — a deal which has the
unanimous support of the UN Security Council and every U.S. ally and
friend around the world save one: the Government of Israel. A deal that
prevents Iran from producing nuclear weapons for 10-15 years and perhaps
much longer. And a deal that has no support a
DOD Law of War Manual and Nukes
The Defense Department released a Law of War Manual in June that says
some interesting things about how the United States views legal
questions about the use of nuclear weapon.
Legal perspectives are terribly important in the United States. I
observe that the United States tends to think about nuclear weapons in a
far more legalistic manner than other states, whether friend or foe. I
was in one m
Congress and the Iran Deal: Money for Nothing, Votes for Free
A “free” vote on Capitol Hill is one without negative consequences.
Republicans and Democrats can line up with party activists and showboat
without risk because they will be unsuccessful. Hard decisions can be
sidestepped and political posturing is easy when negative consequences
are blocked by the U.S. Constitution’s separation of powers.
Republicans have proven to the party faithful their since
We have a deal!
After months of negotiations, the EU3+3 and Iran have signed a nuclear
agreement. Jeffrey was so excited he got up at 3:30 in the morning
California time to get a jump on reading the 159 page document.
Meanwhile, Europe based Aaron read it over coffee at a cafe outside. All
in all, the JCPOA looks a lot like the US fact sheet after Lausanne –
and that is a good thing!
In today’s episode, Aaron and
Big Dan's Big Blog
Louisiana Shooting: Cut/Paste My FALSE FLAG SHOOTER FORMULA To See If It's A FALSE FLAG
Here's my FALSE FLAG SHOOTER FORMULA:– "news" immediately refers to
shooter as a "LONE NUT GUNMAN" or "LONE WOLF"– had some/all of these:
confederate flag, nazi flag, 9/11 t-shirt, rightwinger/white
supremacist/skinhead/etc…– there will be a "hero" story, where someone
saved some lives during the shooting– the FBI either had prior contact
with the shooter, o
U.S.A. FALSE FLAG NATION: Chattanooga Shooting Looks Like A FALSE FLAG
If you believe this Chattanooga bullshit, I have this car over here to
sell you...................Whenever there's a big shooting by especially
a "racist", "anti semite", or "muslim", before anything, the first
question we must ask and debate is whether it's a government false flag
hoax or not. THEN go onto other issues such as the confederate flag, gun
control, radic
The Big Secret: REPUBLICANS Took Down The Confederate Flag In South Carolina
The media, and especially rightwing media (FOX, Hannity, Limbaugh,
Savage, etc...), is telling us "the liberals" took down the Confederate
flag in South Carolina. The big secret, if you actually count the votes
in the South Carolina House, Senate, and the executive, is that more
Republicans than Democrats voted to bring down the Confederate flag.
Yes, it was the Republican HAT-TRICK: Hou
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