10:30pm MDST
Political Twitter Fun

Did you know there's such a thing as TwitterAudit? I didn't either. You
enter "any Twitter screen name," and it estimates "How many of your Twitter
followers are real?" I just found out that none of the Democratic
presidential candidates follow @potus on Twitter, and that TwitterAudit
{"not affiliated with Twitter in any way") considers 57% of Chris
Christie's Twitter followers fake, which makes plenty of sense to me.
There's also a Twitter Primary, from Spokeo, and Trump is routing all other
GOP contenders. Everybody loves a good train wreck.
If the primary was held on twitter, ... more »
A Noble Man - R.I.P.

Omar Sharif (born Michel Demitri Chalhoub 10 April 1932 – 10 July 2015) was
an Egyptian actor. His films included Lawrence of Arabia (1962), Doctor
Zhivago (1965) and Funny Girl (1968). He was nominated for an Academy Award
and won three Golden Globe Awards and a César Award.
Sharif's first English-language film was in the role of Sharif Ali in David
Lean's historical epic Lawrence of Arabia in 1962. This performance earned
him a Best Supporting Actor Oscar nomination and a Golden Globe Award for
Best Supporting Actor – Motion Picture, as well as a shared Golden Globe
Award for Ne... more »
BWorld 10, Greece crisis, pension and rule of law

* This is my article yesterday in BusinessWorld Weekender.
*Greece’s debt crisis and lessons for thePhilippines*
AFTER piling more than 300 billion euros of public debt, Greece could not
pay some of the maturing obligations. It defaulted paying $1.6 billion to
the International Monetary Fund (IMF) last week.
How did Greece and its people dig this deep hole of debt?
By living beyond their means, by overspending each year without exception,
for decades. It also did not follow many of the conditions of its lenders,
especially on spending cuts and revenue increases, a.k.a. “austerity... more »
Higher Education For Your Ass
think I've mentioned before that I am of the opinion that modern
western universities bear a certain portion of responsibility for the
mess the world finds itself in.
Highly educated chemists work for Monsanto and are actively involved in
developing products that are rapidly decimating the pollinators of the
Highly educated geo scientists are busily seeing to the destruction of
“The Dark Side of Goal-Setting”
*“The Dark Side of Goal-Setting”*
by PsyBlog
“I wouldn't be surprised if you are fed up with hearing about goal-setting.
I am. Goal-setting has become a personal, corporate and political fetish.
Modern workers are frequently subjected to performance reviews in which
they must set themselves goals to work towards. The fact that these targets
are frequently idiotic or meaningless seems to be irrelevant. Whole
countries are now run on targets. Here in Britain, like elsewhere,
politicians have become obsessed with goal-setting. Goals have been set for
everything, from economic indicato... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“The spiky stars in the foreground of this sharp cosmic portrait are well
within our own Milky Way Galaxy. The two eye-catching galaxies lie far
beyond the Milky Way, at a distance of over 300 million light-years. Their
distorted appearance is due to gravitational tides as the pair engage in
close encounters. Cataloged as Arp 273 (also as UGC 1810), the galaxies do
look peculiar, but interacting galaxies are now understood to be common in
the universe. In fact, the nearby large spiral Andromeda Galaxy is known to
be some 2 million light-years away and approaching the Milky Way.
*Cli... more »
Tsipras "Serfs" the Greek People?
*This sure doesn't read as a positive considering the referendum. The
election. *
*The election promises. The tough talk. The heartfelt talk. Etc., *
*12:35 a.m.*
In a speech with a strongly personal tone, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras
says he negotiated as hard as he could and admits his government had made
mistakes during his barely six-month tenure as he fought to win bailout
funds for his debt-ridden country.
Speaking in a late-night parliament session, Tsipras described the last few
months as a war in which difficult battles were fought and some were lost.
"Now I have the feeli... more »
The Universe
“There is always something to be happy about. Truly happy. And if you
have the audacity to find it and the courage to make it your focus,
in spite of the countless temptations to do otherwise, you will have
well, your life will be transformed, and all things will be added unto you.
Trust me, I have connections.”
"End" game,
The Universe
"Thoughts become thing, choose the good ones."
- http://www.tut.com
"The Purpose Of Life..."
“I cannot believe that the purpose of life is to be "happy." I think
the purpose of life is to be useful, to be responsible, to be compassionate.
It is, above all, to matter and to count, to stand for something,
to have made some difference that you lived at all.”
- Leo C. Rosten
Paulo Coelho, “The Cycle of Nature”
*“The Cycle of Nature”*
by Paulo Coelho
“In the cycle of nature there is no such thing as victory or defeat: there
is only movement. The winter struggles to reign supreme, but, in the end,
is obliged to accept spring’s victory, which brings with it flowers and
happiness. The summer would like to make its warm days last for ever,
because it believes that warmth is good for the earth, but, finally, it has
to accept the arrival of autumn, which will allow the earth to rest.
The gazelle eats the grass and is devoured by the lion. It isn’t a matter
of who is the strongest, but God’s way... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Sheung Wan, Hong Kong, China. Thanks for stopping by.
The Wild, Weird and Creepy Story of Indra Devi, the Woman Who Helped Bring Yoga to the West
Science confirms the physical benefits of yoga, but the mental risks are
considerable. The waistline contracts, but the critical sensibility may
wither. The blood pressure falls, but the Downward Dog may lead to
prostration before gurus. I should know. Ten...
The post The Wild, Weird and Creepy Story of Indra Devi, the Woman Who
Helped Bring Yoga to the West appeared first on The Stream.
*Friday budget meeting with sheriff offers preview of next week’s citizen
meetings ~Charles Maldonado, The Lens*
Criticism Spreading Re Corporate Teachers' Unions
With charts and graphs, novelist Sarah Darer Littman makes some astute
observations and asks some good questions about Randi's role in the
corporatization of schools. Here is a clip:
I’ve been commenting privately for years that the unions don’t need the
Koch Brothers to destroy them — they are doing a good job of that
themselves by working against the interests of their own rank-and-file
membership. I speak in particular of AFT President Randi Weingarten, who
reportedly pulled in an AFT income of over half a million dollars in 2014,
while the average teacher salary in the United S... more »
Chet Raymo, “Then To The Elements Be Free”
*“Then To The Elements Be Free”*
by Chet Raymo
“Be cheerful, Sir.
Our revels are now ended. These our actors,
As I foretold you, were all spirits and
Are melted into air, into thin air;
And, like the baseless fabric of this vision,
The cloud-capp'd towers, the gorgeous palaces,
The solemn temples, the great globe itself,
Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve,
And, like this insubstantial pageant faded,
Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff
As dreams are made on: and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep.”
“Surely one of the most beautiful passages in all of dramatic literature... more »
"Some Of Us..."
"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars."
- Oscar Wilde
“Divergent Directions: Coping with People You Dislike”
*“Divergent Directions: Coping with People You Dislike”*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
“When we are forced to deal with people we dislike, a great learning
opportunity is being put forth to us. As much as most of us wish we could
exist in harmony with the people we encounter throughout our lives, there
will always be individuals we dislike. Some simply rub us the wrong way
while others strike us as deliberately unaware. We may judge others as too
mean or abrasive for us to interact with them comfortably. Yet no person
should be deemed a villain because their beliefs, opinions, mann... more »
Five Things All Atheists Should Know About Religion
As an atheist who engages in secular activism and is active within the
atheist community. I’m also doing doctoral work in the cognitive science of
religion, and I’m sad to see so many atheists who have misguided and
ignorant views...
The post Five Things All Atheists Should Know About Religion appeared first
on The Stream.
Hillsong’s Brian Houston on His Father’s Child Abuse: ‘A Nightmare that Would Change My Life’
Hillsong’s Brian Houston has detailed his own slide toward depression after
discovering that his father had sexually abused underage children. In an
edited extract from his new book Live Love Lead, Houston describes first
learning of his father’s crimes in 1999....
The post Hillsong’s Brian Houston on His Father’s Child Abuse: ‘A Nightmare
that Would Change My Life’ appeared first on The Stream.
Half of All Americans Believe Discrimination Against Christians is a Serious Problem in the U.S.
Nearly 50 percent of Americans believe discrimination against Christians in
the U.S. has become as big of a problem as discrimination against other
ethnic and religious groups, according to a new survey published by the
Public Religion Research Institute. Forty-nine...
The post Half of All Americans Believe Discrimination Against Christians is
a Serious Problem in the U.S. appeared first on The Stream.
GOP White House Hopefuls Share Their Pro-Life Views
NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Trying to distinguish themselves in front of an
important group of social conservative activists, Republican White House
hopefuls on Friday used the National Right to Life Convention to share
personal stories and detail the abortion restrictions...
The post GOP White House Hopefuls Share Their Pro-Life Views appeared first
on The Stream.
From NJ to Maine, Big Rat Bastard Gummers of a feather flock together: Part 1, "The Idiot Thug Running Maine"

*Oh no, there are two of them!* *Notice how even if you overlap Big Rat
Bastard Gummers LePage and LeKrispy by about two-thirds, you still can't
fit them in a single frame! Similarly, we're not going to be able to
squeeze their current high jinks into a single post.*
*"Paul LePage has become a terrible embarrassment to the state I live in
and love."*
*-- Maine's most famous citizen, novelist Stephen King*
*by Ken*
As the *Bangor Daily News*'s Mario Moretto reported last week from Becky's
Diner in Portland, "On a rain-slickened patio above a bustling diner, Maine
Gov. Paul LePage o... more »
Larry Elder- Lawn Jockey to Irv Rubin and the Terrorist Jewish Defense League (JDL)

*"When I began working with best- selling author and KABC talk show host
Larry Elder in 2012, he would repeatedly tell me that the reason for our
partnership was not my writing skills, which he admired, nor my
filmmaking/editing abilities, which he always put to good use, but rather
my good nature. “You always seem to be happy and loving life,” he would
tell me. *
*Larry is a lawyer as well as a brilliant political thinker. He has a mind
like a steel trap. So it was a feather in my cap that I fooled the shit out
of him with that whole “happy and loving life” thing.*
*Dur... more »
July 10: 198.7 billion dollars....
..the amonnt Mr. Irving donates to charities? No. Average collection for
the whole congregation on a Sunday at the Irving Chapel with special music
and coffee? No.
198.7 billion dollars is what the Canadian wealthy had in offshore bank
accounts to avoid taxes in. 2014. (And that doesn't include many billions
in other tax dodges.) 2015 should take it well over 200 billion since the
number has been going up each year.
Professor Saillant, I'm sure, will want to add this to his highly respected
book on New Brunswick's deficit. And perhaps Professor Savoie will raise
this in his next ... more »
ANALYSIS: The Decline of US Power?
Standing on the Washington Mall at the turn of the new millennium, it was
impossible not to be struck by America’s power and global pre-eminence.
Victory in the Cold War made it the hegemon in a unipolar world. Few
The post ANALYSIS: The Decline of US Power? appeared first on The Stream.
In Bolivia, Pope Spins a Dark Theory of Modernity, Progress, Capitalism
Even by the standards of this pontiff, Pope Francis’s speech yesterday in
Bolivia to a crowd that included the country’s president wearing a jacket
emblazoned with the face of a mass-murderer (Che Guevara, in case you
needed to ask: we...
The post In Bolivia, Pope Spins a Dark Theory of Modernity, Progress,
Capitalism appeared first on The Stream.
Pecs appeal

Yanis, with Mark Mardell (in a blond wig) riding behind
I had a bad night's sleep last night.
Far too much time spent monitoring the BBC for bias made me dream about
Radio 4's *Front Row. *I imagined them reporting a new *Mills and Boons* line
of novels for gay men.
And this is what I imagined (and, yes, please brace yourselves for some gay
A few hours after his surprise resignation, I chanced upon Yanis sitting in
a cafe surrounded by friends.
Naturally I wanted a word.
During this brief and trivial conversation, I was entranced not only by his
warm smile and eng... more »
Sexism in Political Science, part II: The Very Least One Can Do
Last night, I posted this about sexism in political science. It has gotten
a pretty strong response getting 10x as many hits (so far) as my usual
post, lots of retweets by female political scientists, and some sharing on
facebook. The sharing on facebook came with props as my female political
science friends were happy […]
Freedom Fades when We Forget What It is and Let Ideology Co-opt It
As a nation last week, we celebrated the Declaration of Independence, which
announced our freedom from Great Britain. But what is freedom, anyway? Our
debates aren’t worth a dime without knowing what we’re seeking to protect
and nourish in our...
The post Freedom Fades when We Forget What It is and Let Ideology Co-opt It
appeared first on The Stream.
Agency’s Request for 52,000 Rounds of Ammo for Hoover Dam Prompts Inquiry
In a move that’s prompting questions about the stockpiling of weapons by
the federal government’s nonmilitary agencies, the Bureau of Reclamation
wants to buy 52,000 rounds of ammunition for use in law enforcement at
Hoover Dam and Lake Mead. After...
The post Agency’s Request for 52,000 Rounds of Ammo for Hoover Dam Prompts
Inquiry appeared first on The Stream.
John Humphrys: "Now if that is not the definition of a terrorist, I’m damned if I know what is"

One of the great things about the blogosphere is the spirit of sharing it
so often engenders...
...(and thinking about that spirit makes me want to put some flowers in my
hair and listen to Neil Young and Creedence Clearwater Revival)...
..so - in that spirit - I'm going to share something that True Too posted
today at *Biased BBC*: namely a video featuring John Humphrys [at a highly
entertaining Intelligence Square debate about the importance (or otherwise)
of English grammar], and his [True Too's] excellent transcriptions - which
are [and I've checked!] accurate:
First, here's ... more »
Joey, of Country Duo Joey + Rory, Undergoes Cancer Surgery
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Joey Feek, of the husband-and-wife country duo
Joey + Rory, is recovering after surgery to treat a reoccurrence of
cervical cancer. Band manager Aaron Carnahan said Friday that the singer
underwent surgery on Thursday at the Cancer...
The post Joey, of Country Duo Joey + Rory, Undergoes Cancer Surgery
appeared first on The Stream.
HarperCollins Refutes NYT Claim That Ted Cruz Tried To Game Bestseller List
Publishing giant HarperCollins is publicly pushing back against the New
York Times’ claim that Ted Cruz’s new book, A Time For Truth, was
disqualified from its bestseller list because sales were limited to
“strategic bulk purchases.” In a statement provided...
The post HarperCollins Refutes NYT Claim That Ted Cruz Tried To Game
Bestseller List appeared first on The Stream.
Oregon Agency Inadvertently Admits Rules Used to Fine Bakers Unneeded, Mostly Unused
Oregon’s Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI) wants to make it clear to
everybody that when it ordered Aaron and Melissa Klein to pay $135,000 to a
lesbian couple for refusing to bake them a wedding cake, that this money...
The post Oregon Agency Inadvertently Admits Rules Used to Fine Bakers
Unneeded, Mostly Unused appeared first on The Stream.
Progress: Dozens of Pro-Life Bills Passed in States in 2015
WASHINGTON, D.C., July 9, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) – For the fifth year in a
row, pro-life laws are continuing to be signed in large numbers at the
state level. According to a new report by the pro-abortion Guttmacher
Institute, 51 pro-life...
The post Progress: Dozens of Pro-Life Bills Passed in States in 2015
appeared first on The Stream.
Niki Ashton vs. harpercon fuckheads on Greece

Niki Ashton is one of the NDP MP's who I like. Recently she was on Twitter
cheering the Greek people's rejection of the austerity conditions attached
to the latest bail-out package (a bail-out for Greece's creditors really,
not for Greece). She wrote:
"NO to austerity! YES to democracy!"
It's long been a problem for me that since I don't watch mainstream news at
all and read very little of mainstream print news, I have no way of
understanding the world-views of the ignorant deluded fools who imagine
that the neo-liberal, 1%, bankster financial crisis is the fault of the
last vest... more »
FBI ‘Error’ Allowed Dylann Roof to Buy Gun Used in Charleston Massacre
The FBI said Friday that the man accused of killing nine African American
parishioners at a historically black church in Charleston should not have
been able to purchase a gun. Officials said a background check failure
allowed Dylann Roof to...
The post FBI ‘Error’ Allowed Dylann Roof to Buy Gun Used in Charleston
Massacre appeared first on The Stream.
Obama’s Nominee to Head Medicare, Medicaid Agency Faces Questions of Cronyism
An Obama administration official who faces questions surrounding potential
conflicts of interest due to his work in the medical services field has
been nominated to serve as head of the agency tasked with overseeing
Obamacare. The White House announced yesterday...
The post Obama’s Nominee to Head Medicare, Medicaid Agency Faces Questions
of Cronyism appeared first on The Stream.
An Apology

Confession time...
We had an overnight comment a couple of days ago from someone disagreeing
with our take on Lyse Doucet's *Children of the Gaza War* documentary.
He argued - from what I saw of his comment - that the programme had a
pro-Israel bias, saying (among other things) that the BBC shows Israeli
women as 'people like us' whilst showing Gazan women as 'the other',
dressed up to the eyeballs in hijabs.
Waking up early yesterday morning (and I do mean 'early'), I blearily
switched on my tablet (rather than the laptop I prefer to blog on) and
checked out the 'Dashboard' her... more »
*Donald Trump for president*
*NBC News' Katy Tur took on GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump in a
1-on-1 interview Wednesday - and things got little bit heated.*
He is a crazy man. Can you imagine him being the president of the United
Visit NBCNews.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Who Dares Stand Up to Uncle $ham?
*Headline News:*
Washington claims
Russia is biggest
threat to U.S.!!
How dare
the bear
care about
what is happening
its border!
Uncle *$*am
over dosing again
on steroids
and exceptionalism
is swinging
his nuclear club
eastern Europe
who is boss
The 'boss'
is a sick dude
the world's biggest
to go along with
his supersized balls
The boss man
rooted deeply
in genocide
is one
If you watch
boss *$*am
you see
his method
of operation
he blames
the other
for what... more »
Sphere Alliance Message #13 Questions and Answers

As received by Denise
10 July 2015
*Cleared my space. Only pure, absolute, unconditional love and truth are
welcome here.*
*Yes we perceive many, many questions. This is good and we shall address
them one at a time.*
*AK Question submitted via Denise:* *Can two aspects of the same Eternal
Essence (the unique energetic signature of a single multidimensional being)
exist in the same energetic realm…just wondering if there is some quantum
principle that requires two beings to be in separate realms… *
*The question of one aspect of eternal essence existing in two realms at
once is... more »
"How It Really Is"
Do I really need to comment? Look around...
Feds Spent $2 Million to Have Wives Nag Men about Chewing Tobacco
Since 2012 the government has spent nearly $2 million on a campaign to get
women to nag the men in their lives to quit using smokeless tobacco. The
National Institutes of Health has sponsored a continuing grant for the
The post Feds Spent $2 Million to Have Wives Nag Men about Chewing Tobacco
appeared first on The Stream.
The Immigration Secessionists: How Sanctuary Cities Defy Federal Immigration Law
It turns out that everything we’ve heard about the evils of states and
localities defying federal law is wrong. So long as a jurisdiction is
sticking its thumb in the eye of the federal government on behalf of
illegal immigrants...
The post The Immigration Secessionists: How Sanctuary Cities Defy Federal
Immigration Law appeared first on The Stream.
Chris Bryant calls Rona Fairhead a "lame duck"

If you care....
According to the *Guadrian*, Labour's shadow culture secretary Chris Bryant
has called for the head of the Head of the BBC Trust, Rona Fairhead.
He says she's a "lame duck".
“The BBC Trust, and in particular the chairperson, needs to be robust and
able to tell the government home truths. The BBC are the embodiment of the
independence of the BBC … And I am mystified that nobody has chosen to
Oh dear, another politician bossing the 'independent' BBC around!
Please excuse me while I go and stock up on the popcorn... more »
Choosing an angle
Talking a few screengrabs from the home pages of the BBC, Sky and ITV News
websites tonight shows the same story leading each broadcaster's online
news coverage.
It also shows, however, some differences in focus, with ITV and Sky taking
somewhat different tacks to the BBC.
ITV's coverage is straightforward. Its main story is:
*Brits begin flying home from Tunisia after terror alert*
British holidaymakers are returning home from Tunisia today after the
Foreign Office warned a further terrorist attack 'highly likely'
And its accompanying stories are:
* Ireland government advises a... more »
Do not cut my cock off
YOU and me
doing the greatest thing ever
and in that dream
we are all chiese
that crossed the
because the man
we loved said
I do not want
my cock cut off
the importance of SITRAP
Talking all kinds of nonsee
is a luxury in a evereney
and toay on my s s cren
I see every emegiancis
and its trendig
many nodes are\
down and what seems
to be a black cloud
has desinded over
the subjec area
we got lots of things
we can do
before we call
in sTEPHEN king
Jonathan Dimbleby commits "a serious breach of the Editorial Guidelines on Impartiality"

You may or not have spotted this (as I believe only the *Guardian *and the *Daily
Mail *have covered the story), but the BBC Trust has issued a rare damning
verdict on a high-profile BBC presenter - namely Jonathan Dimbleby:
*Trail for Any Questions? In Today, Radio 4, 29 May 2015*
*Summary of finding *
The Committee considered the serious editorial breach which occurred during
a trail for the programme* Any Questions?* on Radio 4’s Today programme. In
the trail, the* Any **Questions? presenter Jonathan Dimbleby included
information on the charity he had *helped to establish in me... more »
"Expect the climate change deniers to get fired up"
It's going to be cold(ish) in parts of #Australia this weekend. Expect the
climate change deniers to get fired up. pic.twitter.com/oDfHNzWL1D
— Jon Donnison (@jondonnisonbbc) July 10, 2015
Editor's Note
My new computer system has been hacked. It figures .... I made the fatal
error of answering emails and visiting forums before I installed my
security programs and firewalls. I am not a happy person.
I will now have to clear my hard drive again and .... well you get the
picture. This is going to take a while. I will update my progress every few
*Update July 10, 2015 18:45 EST*: I have made the decision that I will need
to restore my computer to it's factory settings. I am backing-up everything
that I have, but it will mean that I will be offline till Sunday. I still
have my ... more »
For Churches That Won’t Perform Same-Sex Weddings, Insurance Begins to Look Iffy
In the aftermath of Obergefell v. Hodges, pastors and church members are
experiencing a wave of anxiety over what many of them deem the “nightmare
scenario”: lawsuits or government action designed to force them to perform
or recognize same-sex marriages....
The post For Churches That Won’t Perform Same-Sex Weddings, Insurance
Begins to Look Iffy appeared first on The Stream.
Where U.S. Army Soldiers are Losing their Jobs
The Army announced post-by-post numbers of soldiers it expects to cut at
about 30 installations. Some posts will lose thousands of soldiers.
The post Where U.S. Army Soldiers are Losing their Jobs appeared first on The
Piketty: "Germany Has Never Repaid Its Debts; It Has No Standing To Lecture Other Nations"

*Thomas Piketty, author of *Capital in the Twenty-First Century* (source)*
*by Gaius Publius*
This is yet another piece about Greece, much shorter, but long on irony
served cold. Thomas Piketty is the author of the ground-breaking study of
wealth inequality that came out last year, *Capital in the Twenty-First
Century*. He's also French, and François Hollande, who ran as a critic of
austerity, has been off and on in agreement with Merkel's hard stance
against Greece, as the interview reveals. (For what it's worth, French
banks are involved along with German ones as investors the EU... more »
THEY KNOW WHAT YOU WANT: Maddow’s take on the giant trade bill!
*FRIDAY, JULY 10, 2015Part 5—Nancy Pelosi’s the best:* Is Paul Krugman
actually right about that proposed “trade thing?”
Over the past eighteen months, Krugman has said that the proposed
Trans-Pacific Partnership just isn’t that big a deal.
He has said that both sides are overstating the likely effects of the
proposed deal. He has said it *won’t* kill a boatload of jobs, the way
progressives have been saying. But he also says that the TPP wouldn’t be
especially good for the country or the world.
Is Krugman right about the TPP? Like you, we have no idea. Like you, we
watch The Ra... more »
Synchronicity and the Secret of the Co-creator
*Robert Torres* - If you believe synchronicity is simply coincidence, then
read on.
The post Synchronicity and the Secret of the Co-creator appeared first on Waking
You Are Doing It Wrong
The former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis (also a former
colleague) has compared Greece’s situation to “fiscal waterboarding” at the
hands of its creditors. Thomas Piketty has accused Germany of forgetting
its own post-World War II experience with debt relief. When I read some of
the appeals to Germany and the European Union on Greece’s debt situation,
World Gone Crazy today

Its a crazy quilt stupid
Thank God in his/ her LGBT innovate wisdom
for getting us through this week
with less than a million casualties
of the great life
Every week many million people die
no one tracks this and you
know why
I generally agree
dead people
have little left
to contribute
so why use
bandwidth on them
I just want to take
the time I have provided
if your still reading this
to pay tribute to
some fallen soldiers
who battled life and won.
Louis Tannebaum died
and I rocked with his cassette
player and many more div ices
entrepreneurs are our fuel
and we need them always
in... more »
Mohawk Nation News 'Indian 'Deadly' Detail at Onondaga'
Posted on July 10, 2015
Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.
MNN. 10 July 2015. A meeting of those of us clients dropped by the
lawyers, the lawyers for the other ongwe’hon:weh, the NYS Attorney
General’s office, met at G. Nugent’s office [not the INDIAN hater Ted]
in Syracuse. It was about the NYS Attack in Onondaga in 1997. [See
Angel whispers, wrinkled eyes...

There is something about us humans. Regardless of circumstance, we have
this one “instant happiness” button. It is eye contact. It is each other.
It is an eye wrinkling smile. It is a heartfelt grin. Happiness comes from
In considering why we are here, not just now, but every now, it occurs to
me that it may be in the re-discovery of that rush – over and over, moment
after moment. It is available to everyone and can be offered or received
without payment or expectation. “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for” is
true in so many ways. I crave you, without even being co... more »
N.Y. Times Keeps Cruz Off Bestseller List
The New York Times informed HarperCollins this week that it will not
include Ted Cruz’s new biography on its forthcoming bestsellers list,
despite the fact that the book has sold more copies in its first week than
all but two...
The post N.Y. Times Keeps Cruz Off Bestseller List appeared first on The
U.S. Women’s Soccer Team Honored With NYC Ticker-Tape Parade
Confetti is blanketing Manhattan’s “Canyon of Heroes” as the U.S. women’s
soccer team — fresh off their World Cup triumph — is feted by thousands of
fans Friday morning. Members of the women’s team waved from floats to the
The post U.S. Women’s Soccer Team Honored With NYC Ticker-Tape Parade
appeared first on The Stream.
U.S. Personnel Chief Resigns over Data Hack
WASHINGTON (AP) — The head of the U.S. government’s personnel office
resigned abruptly on Friday, bowing to pressure for her to step down
following a massive government data breach on her watch. Katherine
Archuleta, director of the federal Office of...
The post U.S. Personnel Chief Resigns over Data Hack appeared first on The
Why I Rejoiced When the Flag Came Down!
The South Carolina decision to remove the Confederate flag from the State
House was an important and timely decision. It was right to do in memory of
Pastor Clementa Pinckney and his denomination’s struggle against racism. It
was right to...
The post Why I Rejoiced When the Flag Came Down! appeared first on The
What was the weather forecast, I'll have to watch the video again - A Friday Night Rule 5 Post - NSFW
Apparently Mexican weather lady Yanet Garcia is an internet phenomenon, I
have no idea why!
Transcendental Meditation Enables the Mind to Express these Important Qualities

*Video - *The regular experience of Transcendental Consciousness, gained
during the practice of the transcendental meditation technique, provides
nourishment for all aspects of life—for our mind, body and spirit.
The post Transcendental Meditation Enables the Mind to Express these
Important Qualities appeared first on Waking Times.
The Economy: “Don’t Feed the Zombies…”
*“Don’t Feed the Zombies…”*
by Bill Bonner
LONDON – “Want to know what happened yesterday? Read the newspapers! There
are three big news stories today…
*No. 1:* The Greeks are making a “last ditch” effort to get more money from
their creditors. After countless delays, it looks as though the spark and
the fuse will come together this weekend. Things could get hot. Your
intrepid reporter loves a financial blow-up. So he’ll make his way to
Athens tomorrow to see it for himself.
*No. 2:* We’ll let the Financial Times tell it – “Rebound in China equities
spurs rally in U.S. and acros... more »
How to Respond to the Rising Tide of Anti-Christian Hatred
In the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s decision on marriage, which
effectively codifies Bible believers as bigots, the attack on core
Christian values has reached fever pitch. This is no surprise. I and many
others have been warning that this...
The post How to Respond to the Rising Tide of Anti-Christian Hatred
appeared first on The Stream.
“The Benedict Option Means Precisely What I Choose It to Mean at Any Given Moment”
I wrote last week on the “Benedict Option,” a nebulous cultural strategy
which its popularizer, Rod Dreher, describes as an “inchoate phenomenon in
which Christians adopt a more consciously countercultural stance towards
our post-Christian mainstream culture.” It’s named after St....
The post “The Benedict Option Means Precisely What I Choose It to Mean at
Any Given Moment” appeared first on The Stream.
Whites expected to applaud their own demographic displacement

*"Hurray, hurray! Finally!"* the anti-White, anti-American,
Jewish-instigated Marxists and their supporters shouted following *the
official announcement*: "Latinos" (or, as the always insightful and
powerful author of *Modern Heretic* puts it, "la-teen-ohs") have officially
displaced White Americans in California.
The *LA Times* reports:
The demographers agreed: At some point in 2014, Latinos would pass whites
as the largest ethnic group in California.
Determining when exactly that milestone would occur was more of a tricky
question. Counting people isn't like counting movie ticket... more »
Reclaiming the Rule of Law after Obergefell
Justice Kennedy’s reasoning in Obergefell is fully encapsulated by his
first line: Americans have a constitutional right “to define and express
their identity.” Of course, this right is contingent on their defining only
those things to which the Supreme Court...
The post Reclaiming the Rule of Law after Obergefell appeared first on The
Indigo Skyfold Pilot Reveals the Truth Behind Chemtrails

*Video - *A former USAF pilot gives a bare-all account of his experience
when he was still flying Aerosol Tankers as part of the secret Indigo
Skyfold Program.
The post Indigo Skyfold Pilot Reveals the Truth Behind Chemtrails appeared
first on Waking Times.
Iran Deal Uncertainty
The U.S. and Iran appear to be on the cusp of a historic deal which could
end decades of animosities and ensure a nuclear weapons-free Iran. But with
political forces mobilizing on Capitol Hill to torpedo the deal, and both
sides pushing for last-minute concessions, the likelihood of a breakthrough
remains unclear.
Does President Obama have enough political capital to ensure the
sustainability of an eventual deal, and what are the broader geopolitical
implications of the agreement? Oksana is joined by Trita Parsi, the
President of the National American Iranian Council, to analyse ... more »
Deception online: Media in Indian country and corporate criminals
theft of Native American land and water rights is accelerating. The
failure of the media in Indian country to be present is accelerating the
theft by Congress and corporate criminals.
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
The failure of the media in Indian country to be present and cover the
news is accelerating the theft of land and water rights in Indian
country. While stay-at-home
ANALYSIS: On Socialist Death Spirals
Here in the world of capitalism, we are accustomed to the idea that the
economy grows every year. Sometimes the growth is 4 percent in a year, and
sometimes it’s only 1 or 2 percent, but it is rare to...
The post ANALYSIS: On Socialist Death Spirals appeared first on The Stream.
Boko Haram Offers to Free 200-Plus Chibok Schoolgirls in Exchange for Militant Leaders
The Nigerian terrorist outfit Boko Haram has offered the release over 200
kidnapped schoolgirls who were abducted from a boarding school over a 14
months ago in exchange for the release of multiple Boko Haram militant
leaders who are being...
The post Boko Haram Offers to Free 200-Plus Chibok Schoolgirls in Exchange
for Militant Leaders appeared first on The Stream.
American Samoa Hesitates on Same-Sex Marriage
PAGO PAGO, American Samoa (AP) — American Samoa is the only U.S. territory
to hold out against the recent Supreme Court ruling that legalized gay
marriage. As the Pacific island’s attorney general reviews the decision,
legal observers and gay rights...
The post American Samoa Hesitates on Same-Sex Marriage appeared first on The
World News Briefs -- July 10, 2015
*VOA*: *Iran Nuclear Talks Will Continue Into Saturday *
VIENNA — Foreign ministers from Iran and major world powers will reconvene
in Vienna Saturday for talks on Tehran's nuclear program after blowing past
yet another deadline to reach a comprehensive deal.
"We are making progress, it's painfully slow," British Foreign Secretary
Philip Hammond said before leaving Vienna Friday.
Echoing U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry's assessment of the talks,
Hammond added, "There are still some issues that have to be resolved."
Iraq's Shi'ite militias target *Falluja in Anbar... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- July 10, 2015
*U.S. Department of Defense:* *Dunford Faces Senators Considering His
Nomination as Chairman*
WASHINGTON, July 9, 2015 – Russia, China, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, North Korea
are just a few of the situations that the next chairman of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff will have to deal with, and the president’s choice -– Marine Corps
Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr. -– discussed these and more during his
confirmation hearing today.
Dunford, currently the commandant of the Marine Corps, spent almost three
hours before the Senate Armed Services Committee. If confirmed by the
Senate, Dunford would succee... more »
Fukushima Update: Pink Skies and Heavy Emissions
The pink sky is from yesterday, taken from the Futaba cam:
Heavy emissions visible now on both TEPCO cams. It is not raining. TEPCO
cam 4 looks particularly bad:
Links/Open Thread
*Wall Street Powers Higher on Greece Hopes*: because The Market is a sadist.
*Greek crisis worse than the Great Depression*: Plutocrats of the World,
*Tsipras Just Destroyed Greece*: It seems that the popular referendum
against neoliberalism was just a head fake, and that the Syriza leader
never really expected hoi polloi to reject austerity. Perhaps the lefties
over at the World Socialist Website were right about Tsipras being an Obama
clone all along. I hear tell that the Masters of the Universe might even
give him a ticker-tape parade down the Canyon of Heroes, using the l... more »
Defeat of Federal School Vouchers Sets Up CorpEd Pols to Approve Massive Charter Package
During the legislative process that produced NCLB in 2001, school vouchers
were voted down in both houses more than once. This hollow victory for
public ed advocates gave Dems the political cover they needed to vote for
NCLB, which was an underhanded declaration of war on public education in
Now the same process is underway in Washington, as Alexander's phony plan
for federal school vouchers has been handed a defeat, as planned. No doubt
the Dems will beat their chests and then sign on to Act II of the ESEA
public school privatization plan, which will give free rein and ... more »
Friday Beaver - Please stand by

The beaver is off today while he fixes a few computer problems. He may be
back next week with a few surprises. In the mean time it looks like Greece
caved and more austerity is on the way. We shall see. Haven't researched
the full agreement.
Bank fails later
The 6 Biggest Threats to the Amazon Rainforest
*Michael Whitehouse* - The Amazon rainforest is facing utter destruction.
The post The 6 Biggest Threats to the Amazon Rainforest appeared first on Waking
Will He Prorogue The Election?

Things are not going as planned. The two big timbers in Stephen Harper's
election platform -- the economy and national security -- are rotten.
The economy is nothing to crow about. Michael Harris writes:
Joe Oliver appears to have stayed out in the sun too long. It is not a
recession, Oliver said, but an opportunity for the government’s Economic
Action Plan, the undead of Harper policy, to come to the rescue. The Flat
Earth Society are rationalists from the Enlightenment compared to the
voodoo coming out of Ottawa these days on the economy. The masters of the
economic universe s... more »
London Marks Battle of Britain’s 75th Anniversary
Aircraft, including Hurricanes and Spitfires, have flown over Buckingham
Palace to mark the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Britain. The planes
belong to the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight which is based at RAF
Coningsby in Lincolnshire. A specially...
The post London Marks Battle of Britain’s 75th Anniversary appeared first
on The Stream.
Professor at DSU Suggests Changes, Says Name ‘Dixie’ Has Ties to Confederacy
ST. GEORGE, Utah – State officials across the country are removing
confederate symbols from public places, and now a Dixie State University
professor says there should be changes in Utah. Dannelle Larsen-Rife
believes Dixie State University should officially cut ties...
The post Professor at DSU Suggests Changes, Says Name ‘Dixie’ Has Ties to
Confederacy appeared first on The Stream.
Actor Omar Sharif Dies at 83
CAIRO (AP) — Omar Sharif, the Egyptian-born actor with the dark, soulful
eyes who soared to international stardom in movie epics, Lawrence of Arabia
and Doctor Zhivago, died Friday. He was 83. Sharif died of a heart attack
in a...
The post Actor Omar Sharif Dies at 83 appeared first on The Stream.
Iraqi Troops, Militias Repel Islamic State Attack on Town in Anbar
BAGHDAD (AP) — Government forces and Shiite militiamen repelled an Islamic
State group attack Friday that left 10 soldiers dead in western Iraq’s
Anbar province, officials said. The militants attacked the government-held
town of Khalidiyah with mortars and five suicide...
The post Iraqi Troops, Militias Repel Islamic State Attack on Town in Anbar
appeared first on The Stream.
New Poll: Donald Trump Leads GOP Presidential Field
The Republican horserace continues to be a contest of multiple candidates –
with frontrunners sometimes ahead by only a few points, and no one
dominating the race. In this week’s Economist/YouGov Poll, businessman
Donald Trump leads among Republicans, ahead of...
The post New Poll: Donald Trump Leads GOP Presidential Field appeared first
on The Stream.
The prognosis here for the Greeks is not so nice as PCR supposed. If they are to escape the worst (which is now looking unlikely), then they must adopt some of Ellen Brown's options. Though Americans don't know it, the same must be done in the US, because when the big-name banks collapse, as they must, they will "bail in", i.e., dip into your savings accounts.

“Guerrilla Warfare Against a Hegemonic Power”: The Challenge and Promise
of Greece
Posted on July 9, 2015 by Ellen
Brown Original
*Banks create money when they make loans. Greece could restore the
liquidity desperately needed by its banks and its economy by nationalizing
the banks and issuing digital loans backed by government guarantees to its
ailing businesses. Greece could provide an inspiring model of sustainable
prosperity for the world. But it is being strangled by a hegemonic p... more »
Statistical Charts Of Security In Iraq One Year After Fall Of Mosul
Recording violence in Iraq is never easy. That’s especially true now. There
are certain provinces that don’t get much coverage in the press. The
government is withholding most of its losses and only announcing victories
because it is in propaganda mode with the war against the Islamic State.
That means the casualty counts presented here are probably only a fraction
of what’s actually happened. The attack numbers might be a bit more
accurate, but still missing a lot. That being said these are charts on
violence recorded by Musings On Iraq since the fall of Mosul in June 2014.
*V... more »
The case for (some) walls

The BBC and the Times make a good case for WALLS.
*Tunisia has announced plans to build a wall along its border with Libya to
counter the threat from jihadist militants.*It would stretch 160km (100
miles) inland from the coast, and be completed by the end of 2015, Tunisian
Prime Minister Habib Essid told state TV.The gunman who killed 38 people in
an attack on a beach resort is believed to have received training in Libya.Tunisia
declared a state of emergency following the attack last month.The Tunisian
army would build the wall, which would have surveillance centres at certain
po... more »
Put your feelings aside
We get caught up in semantics, such as 'what should we call Islamic State
if we don’t want to look as if we’re legitimising the aspirations of a
bunch of savages or allowing them to be perceived as representatives of
Islam for fear of alienating The Muslims?'
One argument posits that there can be no confusion about what is meant by
‘Islamic State’, since that is what the movement calls itself. The
suggested alternatives don’t resolve those issues because they retain the
offending words ‘Islamic’ and ‘State’ save the one that is an acronym for
'Islamic State' in Arabic.
I couldn’t giv... more »
First Chapter of New Harper Lee Novel Now Available Online
NEW YORK (AP) — We know this much so far about Harper Lee’s new book:
Atticus Finch is 72 and suffering from rheumatoid arthritis; Scout is a
grown woman who has a suitor most anxious to marry her. And Scout’s older...
The post First Chapter of New Harper Lee Novel Now Available Online
appeared first on The Stream.
Hamas violations of laws
'... Hamas has been guilty of far more violations of the laws of war and
humanitarian law, - 18 other violations by my count.
Using medical facilities and ambulances for military purposes. Booby
trapping civilian areas. Fighting while not in uniform. Using the local
population as human shields. Recruiting and exploiting children. Stealing
humanitarian aid. Using the uniform of the enemy. Threatening journalists.
Mistreating the dead.'
More here
but not on the institutionally anti Israel BBC.
Monsanto Has Known Since 1981 That Glyphosate Promotes Cancer
*Dr. Mercola* - A researcher discovered a cover up about Monsanto and toxic
The post Monsanto Has Known Since 1981 That Glyphosate Promotes Cancer
appeared first on Waking Times.
Has Trump Branded His Own Arsenic Yet?

I'm a casual guy, part of why I like living on the West Coast. I was never
much of a slick dresser and avoided ties as much as possible. But when fate
threw me into a TimeWarner presidential job, I wound up with offices in New
York and London as well as L.A. and I had to represent our company in
countries where suits and ties were important status symbols for
executives. Over the years I tried to casualize the culture everywhere I
could, but... I had to wear ties too.
In Milan, where our Italian company was headquartered, I discovered Ermenegildo
Zegna. Their ties were elegant an... more »
Segregated Housing and the Results That Follow
In an excellent piece at Alternet, Richard Rothstein turns his attention to
conditions that made racial incidents in Ferguson and Baltimore entirely
The history of U. S. housing for non-whites is one of labeling,
containment, and exclusion, and all of it has been and continues to be
inspired, funded, and embraced by federal and local governments.
Today we see the same discriminatory model used in the
institutionally-racist policies applied to education in the No Excuses
charter hellholes that celebrate segregation, containment, close policing,
and psychological steril... more »
Photos Apache Stronghold Caravan: Superior and Red Rocks to South Dakota!
July 10, 2015: Join the Apache Stronghold Caravan today on Rosebud in
South Dakota!
By Wendsler Nosie, July 9, 2015: "We were at the Crazy Horse Memorial,
giving the Oak Flat sign unifying in solidarity with people in
Minnesota. All throughout the country the people are taking a stand with
the Apache Stronghold. Everyone send us the Oak Flat sign to keep the
prayers and motivation
Incoming Top U.S. General: 'Russia is Top Military Threat'
*Wall Street Journal:* *Joint Chiefs Chairman Nominee Says Russia Is Top
Military Threat*
Marine Commandant Joe Dunford says Ukraine can’t counter Russian aggression
without lethal military assistance.
WASHINGTON—Gen. Joe Dunford, President Barack Obama’s nominee to become the
Pentagon’s top military officer, said Thursday he believes Russia poses the
biggest threat to U.S. national security and that Ukraine won’t be able to
counter Russian aggression unless it is provided with lethal military
Amid potential threats that include China, Islamic State, Iranian influence... more »
Yemen: Unconditional Ceasefire Announced Until The End Of Ramadan
*Reuters:* *Yemen's warring parties endorse truce from midnight as fighting
Yemen’s main warring factions endorsed a U.N.-brokered humanitarian truce
from midnight on Friday although heavy fighting on the ground and Saudi air
strikes carried on relentlessly.
The week-long truce will end at the same time as the Muslim holy month of
Ramadan and aims to get aid to some 21 million Yemenis. All sides said they
hoped a full ceasefire would follow.
A Saudi Arabia-led coalition of Arab states has been bombing the
Iranian-allied Houthi rebel movement since late March in a bid to re... more »
Smart Meters and Domestic Surveillance
Smart meters are proving to be extraordinary surveillance devices.
The post Smart Meters and Domestic Surveillance appeared first on Waking
The Economist : The Future of Mind Control (2002)

*‘The ‘secret society’ was organized on the conspiratorial pattern of
circles within circles. *
*The ROUND TABLE worked behind the scenes at the highest levels of British
In his book *None Dare Call it Conspiracy*, *Gary Allen* writes:
“*THE ROUND TABLE* organization in England grew out of the life-long dream
of gold and diamond magnate *CECIL RHODES* for a ‘new world order’.
“Rhodes’ biographer, *Sara Millin*, was a little more direct. As she puts
it: ‘the government of the world was Rhodes’ simple desire’.” “Quigley
‘In the middle 1890’s Rhod... more »
Judge Who Declines to Do Same-Sex ‘Marriages’ Says Civil Rights Struggle Inspired His Career
A Toledo judge who declined to officiate at the wedding of two women Monday
has apologized to the couple for a 45-minute delay, explaining that his
“personal and Christian beliefs” compelled him to ask that another judge
step in. Judge...
The post Judge Who Declines to Do Same-Sex ‘Marriages’ Says Civil Rights
Struggle Inspired His Career appeared first on The Stream.
How the Nazi Telegram that Helped Drive Hitler to Suicide was Nearly Forgotten in a S.C. Safe
It is one of the most crucial documents from the most pivotal moment in the
most terrible war. A treasonous telegram from No. 2 Nazi Hermann Goering to
none other than the fuhrer himself. A message that, along with the
advancing Allied...
The post How the Nazi Telegram that Helped Drive Hitler to Suicide was
Nearly Forgotten in a S.C. Safe appeared first on The Stream.
Far Worse than Reported: 22.1 Million People Compromised in Hacks of Government Databases
Two major breaches last year of U.S. government databases holding personnel
records and security-clearance files exposed sensitive information about at
least 22.1 million people, including not only federal employees and
contractors but their families and friends, U.S. officials said Thursday....
The post Far Worse than Reported: 22.1 Million People Compromised in Hacks
of Government Databases appeared first on The Stream.
Creditors Call Greece PM’s Bluff, Tsipras Folds, Backs New, Harsher Deal
ATHENS, Greece (AP) — Left-wing Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras sought
his party’s backing for a harsh new austerity package Friday to keep his
country in the euro — less than a week after urging Greeks to reject milder
The post Creditors Call Greece PM’s Bluff, Tsipras Folds, Backs New,
Harsher Deal appeared first on The Stream.
Typhoon-blown news....

*A singer in a temple procession.*
We are in the midst of a typhoon, and China Post has issued one of the most
classic Taiwan pics evah: wedding photos in the typhoon.
Meanwhile another gale of news these last few days. First, on Wed, the
pro-KMT China Post, offered the story of KMT insiders' dissatisfaction with
the China policy of their presumptive presidential candidate, Deputy
Legislative Speaker Hung Hsiu-chu.
According to the local United Evening News, KMT Chairman Eric Chu (朱立倫) has
discussed Hung's proposed "one China, same interpretation" policy stance —
which is seen by... more »
5 Ways Our Ancestors Used To Get Rid of Headaches Naturally
*Karen Foster* - 5 simple, natural ways to get rid of headaches that used
to be fairly common.
The post 5 Ways Our Ancestors Used To Get Rid of Headaches Naturally
appeared first on Waking Times.
Crisis In Venezuela. No More Beer!!!
*Global Post:* *Now it’s serious! Venezuela is almost out of beer*
*LIMA, Peru — Throughout their country’s descent into political and
economic crisis, Venezuelans of all stripes have at least been able to rely
on one thing: drowning their sorrows in beer.*
*Locals of the sweltering South American nation love to down the kinds of
heavily chilled light lagers popular from Mexico to Argentina.*
*But pretty soon Venezuela could run dry. And that could be even more
devastating than it sounds.*
*How did it come to this?*
*For one, brewery workers are on strike demanding higher wages. ... more »
Nihigaal bee lina Walkers Pass Dirty Coal Power Plant on Navajoland
bee Iiná is hosting their third Block Party in Kayenta this weekend at
the Kayenta Skate Park! The event starts at 4 pm rez Time. There will be
live bands, free food, info sessions, and workshops! Invite your
friends and come meet the Walkers and other presenters! Kayenta Skate
Park, Navajo Nation, 4 pm to 10 pm, Saturday, July 11, 2015!
The Journey for Existence
*Honoré: BP deal like an oyster — raw, no pearl*
*New Orleans City Council begins process for removing Confederate monuments
~Jaquetta White, N.O. Advocate *
*Confirmed: Fort Polk to lose 388 troops ~WWL*
*French Bliss: Bastille Day Storms NOLA by Lucy Leonard ~NOLA DEFENDER*
How Sanctuary Policies Have Directly Led to 1000s of Crimes against Americans, Including Murder
There has been a fiery debate over the past few weeks about illegal aliens
and crime, which has intensified with the murder of Kate Steinle in San
Francisco by a seven-time felon and five-time deportee as the direct result
The post How Sanctuary Policies Have Directly Led to 1000s of Crimes
against Americans, Including Murder appeared first on The Stream.
The Very Unfunny Truth Bill Cosby has Taught Us
It seems very likely that Bill Cosby is not the kind of man we thought he
was. While he hasn’t been convicted of a crime, and perhaps never will be,
there is a growing mountain of accusations, and now sworn...
The post The Very Unfunny Truth Bill Cosby has Taught Us appeared first on The
South Carolina’s Confederate Flag Comes Down
COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — The Confederate flag was lowered from the grounds of
the South Carolina Statehouse to the cheers of thousands on Friday, ending
its 54-year presence there and marking a stunning political reversal in a
state where many...
The post South Carolina’s Confederate Flag Comes Down appeared first on The
Iran: Other Side Changing Demands, Making Nuclear Talks Tough
VIENNA (AP) — The Iran nuclear talks turned Friday from talk of progress to
a blame game, with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif accusing
the United States of shifting its demands. He dismissed a warning that the
U.S. is...
The post Iran: Other Side Changing Demands, Making Nuclear Talks Tough
appeared first on The Stream.
Jeb Bush’s New Challenge: How to Spend $114 Million
WASHINGTON (AP) — Jeb Bush has shattered political fundraising records with
a $114-million haul in the first six months of the year, an extraordinary
total designed to instill a sense of shock and awe into his Republican
competitors. Now he...
The post Jeb Bush’s New Challenge: How to Spend $114 Million appeared first
on The Stream.
US Personnel Chief Resists Calls to Resign Following Massive Data Hack
WASHINGTON (AP) — The head of the U.S. government’s personnel office is
rejecting bipartisan calls for her resignation following revelations that
hackers stole the personal information of more than 21 million people on
her watch. Katherine Archuleta, director of the...
The post US Personnel Chief Resists Calls to Resign Following Massive Data
Hack appeared first on The Stream.
IPR and Innovation 22, The USTR 301 Report 2015 and the Philippines

Last May 1, the US Trade Representative released the *2015 Special 301
Report. *an annual review of the state of intellectual property rights
(IPR) protection and enforcement of U.S. trading partners around the world,
For many years, the Philippines was on the Watch List of this report until
2013. By 2014, the Philippines was taken off the list, a good news for the
country and its technology-based investors, local and multinational.
Here is the cover of the 2015 Report and the Asian economies that are still
on the watch list. I copy-pasted on paint the cover and the table of
content... more »
Cartoon: ‘Basic Economics’
The post Cartoon: ‘Basic Economics’ appeared first on The Stream.
Rejoicing in Repentance
DUDLEY HALL — “And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he
interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself.”
(Luke 24:27) Growing up I was a member of a Baptist church that scheduled a
“revival” each...
The post Rejoicing in Repentance appeared first on The Stream.
You Are A Work of Art

Source of poster: http://spontaneouspika.blogspot.se
Rubble Rousing
Having created the neologism “Rubble rousing” I would like to highlight a
post on the blog
*Five Minutes for Israel*
where there’s a very handy reference guide for anyone who finds him/herself
face to face with Jon Snow or Yolande Knell, or anyone else who tells you
the reason for Gaza’s continuing devastation and dereliction is The Siege.
(which of course technically the blockade is not.)
*Written in Cement*Why is Gaza reconstruction so slow?In her BBC dispatch, *Why
is Gaza reconstruction so slow?*, BBC NEWS, 8 July 2015, on the pace of
rebuilding in Gaza she totally ignores eight... more »
Greece Special Report ( July 10 , 2015 ) Here's what we know presently ( Greece has submitted its Proposals to the Creditors , who have begun their assessments. Greek Gov't will begin the process of moving " Prior Actions " through Parliament , Key Eurogroup set for Saturday - the make or break session - key news and views touching upon " very fluid " state of play ! )

Evening Wrap......
*zerohedge* @zerohedge 5m
5 minutes ago
This just gets better and better: 15 Syriza Lawmakers Who Voted ‘Yes’ Say
They Oppose Bailout Plan.
Manos Giakoumis retweeted
*MacroPolis* @MacroPolis_gr 33m33 minutes ago
Greek Parliament approves measures, authorises Tsipras & Tsakalotos to
negotiate with lenders: 250 in favour, 32 against & 8 abstain #Greece
*Nick Malkoutzis* @NickMalkoutzis 24m
24 minutes ago
Questions now if Tsipras can continue with this set-up or whether he needs
new MPs/coalition/elections. Also, will lenders trust him ... more »
Royal Moroccan Navy Ordered a 50 Meters LCT Landing Craft Tank from PIRIOU Shipyard

[image: Piriou 50 meters LCT (Landing Craft Tank)]French Shipyard PIRIOU
based in Concarneau (Brittany) has just won a contract with the Royal
Moroccan Navy for a 50 meters LCT (Landing Craft Tank) which will be
operated in the coastal waters of Morocco. This new unit will be built in
France with delivery expected in mid-2016.
The contract also includes training in Concarneau for the first crew (for
both operation of the vessel and maintenance training).
Pascal Piriou, CEO of the group, said: "This first contract with the Royal
Moroccan Navy is not only a great honor but also the co... more »
It's a Free Planet, not a Corporate Empire

*damn right!*Look up into the sky, what do you see?
That's the probably going to be the majority view, "We look up into the
sky, beyond the clouds, out into the infinity of open space. We see the
workings of the divine. We see a hand of creation. We see spirituality
How, and why? You're looking too far into the misty-eyed godma-sewer. Your
minds have been shattered and your belief system corrupted by those much
cleverer and manipulative than you. If it weren't for godma, and other
forms of fascist brain washing to make you comply, there'd be no wars,
there'd be n... more »
Russian Naval Cruisers Fire Supersonic Cruise Missiles in Sea of Okhotsk

[image: Slava class CG]Russian Navy cruisers from the Pacific Fleet have
fired supersonic Moskit cruise missiles during exercises in the Sea of
Okhotsk, a spokesman for the Russian Ministry of Defense’s Eastern Military
District said Friday.
"Ships from the Primorsky Joint Forces entered the sea to complete a set of
tasks after transferring from the Sea of Japan into the southern region of
the Sea of Okhotsk. The cruisers held a number of exercises in air defense
and developed skills in firing missiles in the region," Capt. 1st Rank
Roman Martov said.
On July 6, Martov announced mi... more »
Lockheed Martin Completes 100th THAAD Interceptor

[image: THAAD Interceptor]Lockheed Martin delivered the 100th interceptor
for the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system in a recent
ceremony at the company’s Troy, Alabama, facility.
THAAD is a key element of the Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS) and
is highly effective at protecting America’s military, allied forces,
citizen population centers and critical infrastructure from short- and
medium-range ballistic missile attacks.
“The 100th interceptor delivery is a tribute to the brilliant men and women
who have devoted countless hours engineering, developing and ma... more »
Airbus Helicopters has delivered the 20th and final NH90 to Finland
[image: Finnish NH90-TTH]Airbus Helicopters and Patria, the company
responsible for the local assembly of the NH90, marked the important
milestone of the delivery of the 20th and last serial NH90 during a
ceremony with the customer at Patria’s facility in Halli, Finland.
“These helicopters are used for various tasks of the Finnish Defense Forces
such as national defense, international crisis management and for SAR
missions” said Jussi Ristimäki, FDF Program Manager for the NH90.
The very first flight of a Finnish NH90 took place in the Airbus
Helicopters facility in Marignane in 200... more »
Is Real Democracy Movement Starting to Flower - Coup d'Etat in Slow Motion? (N'Grexit? Icky Vicky Nuland Visits Greece (After Vacation in Ukraine) Making It Easier To Steal Faster - So What's the Grecian Formula Now?) 3 Fraud Epidemics Foreshadowed Financial Crisis (Endemic Fraud at Elite Financial Institutions) Rotten Core of Banking Exposed: Global Outrage (But Very Little Re-Regulation) Follows HSBC Revelations (China Off?) No Jobs, No Retirement In U.S.
Jebbie's Campaign Platform Is More Punishment for Those at the Bottom
(Workers Just Need to Work More Hours to Get Ahead He Whines) Dubya (Still
Alive and Kicking) Thinks Being Paid a Million Dollars Plus Expenses to
Speak to Wounded Iraq and Afghanistan Soldiers Is Insufficient Remuneration
for his War Service to Grateful Country U.S. Has Contrived Orwellian
Opposition To What Real
Greg Hunter, "Weekly News Wrap-Up, 7/10/2015"
*"Weekly News Wrap-Up, 7/10/2015"*
By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com
"Have you ever noticed this many strange things going on at the same
time? The Iran nuke deal is going poorly. Greece is looking like it will be
plunged into an even bigger depression. China stock market has turned from
hero to zero in a huge market plunge in the last few weeks. The US stock
markets are gyrating up and down with big swings. There is major hacking
going on from stock exchanges to the US government, and Obama and Congress
are busy setting up secret trade deals and secret directives. What is going
on?... more »
Malaysia Airlines MH17: Russia rebukes push for UN tribunal

[image: SA-17 Grizzly (BUK-M1)]Malaysia has asked the United Nations
Security Council to set up an international tribunal to prosecute those
suspected of downing a passenger airliner last year in eastern Ukraine, but
Russia dismissed the move on Thursday.
Malaysia, a member of the 15-member council, distributed a draft resolution
late on Wednesday, which it hoped could be adopted later this month,
diplomats said. It is a joint proposal by Malaysia, Australia, the
Netherlands, Belgium and Ukraine.
Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 was shot down in July 2014 with 298
passengers on board,... more »
U.S. approves a $1.9B arms sale to Israel; analysts say it’s probably meant to offset objections to Iran nuke deal

[image: Guided Bomb Unit-28 (GBU-28) BLU-113 Penetrator]An agreement to
curb Iran’s nuclear program could create a bonanza for U.S. defense
contractors who already are benefiting as the Obama administration tries to
assuage Israeli and Gulf Arab concerns by cutting deals for more than $6
billion in military hardware.
The details of a potential deal being negotiated between Iran and six world
powers — China, France, Germany, Russia, the U.K. and U.S. — would
determine what steps the U.S. takes to help its allies.
A nuclear agreement is likely to prompt Mideast partners to seek impro... more »
Poland’s Patriot Deal Includes Interim U.S. Deployment

[image: Patriot PAC-3]The U.S. government will guarantee the defense of
Polish airspace for up to two years by placing U.S. Army Patriot PAC-3
batteries in Poland until that country receives the first two of its own
eight batteries.
Poland selected the Patriot system last April, in preference to the MBDA
France/Thales Sol-Air Moyenne Portée/Terrestre (SAMP/T) system firing Aster
30 missiles.
Poland’s PAC-3 batteries will each have three fire units, loaded with a mix
of the Raytheon PAC-2 GEM-T and Lockheed Martin PAC-3 missile segment
enhancement (MSE) missiles.
Read more
A first: Nuke sub Arihant to test-fire N-capable missile

[image: INS Arihant]Nuclear-powered submarine, INS Arihant, will undergo
its first-ever underwater missile firing test and also conduct deep diving
tests this year.
The missile, code named ‘B-05’, is of medium-range variety capable of
carrying a nuclear-tipped warhead, making it New Delhi’s first Submarine
Launched Ballistic Missile (SLBM).
INS Arihant is classified as a ship submersible ballistic, nuclear (SSBN)
submarine. In comparison, China has five such operational SSBNs and the
range of Beijing’s missile is much more than ‘B-05’.
Read more
Northrop Grumman to Provide Mission Computer for Marine Corps H-1 Lot 12 Helicopter Upgrades

[image: AH-1Z Viper]Northrop Grumman Corporation was recently awarded a
contract from Naval Air Systems Command to deliver its next-generation
mission computer for Lot 12 of the Marine Corps' H-1 helicopter upgrade
Under this contract, Northrop Grumman will provide FlightPro™ Gen III
mission computers for the UH-1Y and AH‑1Z aircraft. These aircraft are
expected to be the first to benefit from the latest model in the FlightPro™
product line.
The period of performance for this Lot 12 contract is slated for October
2016 through October 2017.
Read more
Australia Not To Operate F-35B Fighters For LHDs

[image: RAAF F-35 Lightning II]Australia has dropped plans to operate
Lockheed Martin F-35B Short Take Off and Vertical Landing (STOVL) fighter
aircraft for its Landing helicopter Ship (LHD) HMAS Canberra and HMAS
According to a report published by Australian Financial Review, the
proposal to operate F-35B STOVL fighter was dropped on the basis of cost
and complexity and the number of modifications needed to LHDs. Prime
Minister Tony Abbott had asked to evaluate operating the F-35B fighter from
the LHDs as part of the Defense White Paper deliberations.
The Defense Ministe... more »
Manning Centre for Building American Majority
Last month in Ottawa, PM Stephen Harper and House Leader Peter Van Loan
quietly met with Scott Walker, the anti-SSM anti-abortion anti-union Wisconsin
governor whose imminent 2016 Republican presidential candidacy is already
teetering atop a pile of Koch Bros. dark money.
When Glen McGregor reported on the meeting yesterday, PMO spokesey Stephen
Lecce came out of his little spokesbox and said "These are not the droids
you are looking for," and went back inside again.
Harper and Walker have so much in common to talk about - union-busting and voter
suppression legislation, campaign... more »
Love Gov: A Remedy for Healthcare Choices
The post Love Gov: A Remedy for Healthcare Choices appeared first on The
U.S. Offers Billions In Arms To Allies In The Middle East Worried About An Iranian Nuclear Deal
*Bloomberg*:* U.S. Offers Billions in Arms to Ease Mideast’s Iran Anxiety*
An agreement to curb Iran’s nuclear program could create a bonanza for U.S.
defense contractors who already are benefiting as the Obama administration
tries to assuage Israeli and Gulf Arab concerns by cutting deals for more
than $6 billion in military hardware.
The details of a potential deal being negotiated between Iran and six world
powers -- China, France, Germany, Russia, the U.K. and U.S. -- would
determine what steps the U.S. takes to help its allies. A nuclear agreement
is likely to prompt Mideast ... more »
Shoutng Matches At The Iranian Nuclear Talks
*Wall Street Journal*: *New Tensions Emerge in Iran Nuclear Talks*
Heated exchanges took place among foreign ministers as Washington and
Tehran struggled to overcome remaining hurdles to a final agreement.
VIENNA—Tensions in the nuclear talks between Iran and six powers have
boiled over in recent days, producing heated exchanges among foreign
ministers as Washington and Tehran struggled to overcome remaining hurdles
to a final agreement, according to people involved in the talks.
The German and British foreign ministers returned to the Austrian capital
Wednesday evening as Western... more »
Hungary’s Gripen fighters intercept two aircraft in Slovenian airspace

[image: JAS-39 Gripen]The Hungarian Defence Forces' two Gripen fighters
have intercepted and identified two aircraft above Slovenia in two separate
The missions, which are flown from Kecskemét Air Base in Hungary, are part
of its commitments to Nato.
Hungary, in collaboration with Italy, has been performing air policing
duties in Slovenian airspace since October 2014.
Read more
The third bailout: can Greece be trusted?
Since the January elections in Greece that were won by Syriza, a Marxist
movement, and especially in recent 6 weeks, there have been about 19
deadlines – the really "last" moments before which a deal has to be signed
Tsipras and his comrades didn't pay any attention to these deadlines. They
didn't care about the closure of the banks, need for capital controls, and
the default to the IMF, either. For the first time, however, the Greek
government seems to be serious about their concessions. Perhaps the
elimination of Yanis Varoufakis has changed their moods and they started to... more »
DRDO chief: increase the production rate of missiles and it now one of the main thrust areas

[image: AGNI III IRBM]Among the various issues faced by the Defence
Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), one is to increase the
‘production rate of missiles’ and it will now be one of the main thrust
Dr S Christopher, secretary, department of defence research and
development-cum-director general, said that with respect to various
varieties of missiles, the focus would be on both – the quantity as well as
quality for all the variants.
Currently, the production rate is just about 20% of the potential which, he
insisted, has to be harnessed to full. The DRDO is now em... more »
First Female Divers Crew and Operate a Dual-Mode Underwater Vehicle

[image: Proteus DMUV]Huntington Ingalls Industries' Undersea Solutions
Group (USG) subsidiary made history in June as its two female divers became
the first women to crew and drive a dual-mode underwater vehicle (DMUV).
Chloe Mallet, an ocean engineer, and Andrea Raff, a mechanical engineer,
crewed and operated USG's Proteus, a submersible able to operate as a
manned swimmer delivery vehicle (SDV) and as an unmanned undersea vehicle
Mallet and Raff are certified as rescue divers. They have undergone
extensive training with Proteus and assist with its maintenance. To prepare ... more »
Japan Interested In Joining NATO Missile Consortium: Report

[image: RIM-162 Evolved SeaSparrow Missile (ESSM)]Japan is interested in
joining a NATO missile building consortium that would give Tokyo its first
taste of a multinational defense project, a move the U.S. Navy is
encouraging because it could pave the way for Japan to lead similar
partnerships in Asia, sources said.
The 12-country NATO consortium oversees development and shares the costs of
the SeaSparrow missile, an advanced ship-borne weapon designed to destroy
anti-ship sea-skimming missiles and attack aircraft. The missile is made by
U.S. weapons firms Raytheon and General Dynam... more »
Military Photo of the Day: July 10, 2015
A senior U.S. Marine drill instructor commands her platoon during their
final drill evaluation on South Carolina’s Parris Island. It’s hard for
civilians like me to imagine the rigors of basic training, especially in
South Carolina’s piercing summer heat. We...
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A Boy's Non-Terrestrial Experience

This is a remarkable story. It conforms to other reports and to things we
are learning as well. Again this boy is grabbed with a tractor beam and
then elevated toward a craft overhead. This is not a unique story except
his report is very clear.
The voice again tells of bad times to avoid. Yet this man has lived a life
and has noticed no such thing. This claim has been made often and it seems
to be part of a script and can now be dismissed. It is more interesting
that they respect a rule to ask permission which is applied even to a six
year old boy.
Much more interestin... more »

The only thing that can be said for sure about civilization and sexuality
is that civilization is disturbed by sexuality and no successful uniform
solution has ever appeared.
Do observe that i exclude the sexuality of non civilizations. Sexuality
begins there with puberty with some fanfare and multiple partners is
accepted until bonding occurs and that is also usually limited to several
years. That protocol happens to be in direct conflict with what makes a
civilization. That happens to require long periods of education demanding
managed abstinence at the least.
Finding ... more »
The Jihadist Trap of Here and Now
Essentially any putative war lord can declare jihad and attract an army of
thugs with essentially the tacit and active support of greater Islam to
draw upon. This has led to a game of whack a mouse for Western forces and
local forces of questionable loyalties.
The conflict that truly erupted on 9/11 has dragged on for a full fifteen
years or so and we have now seen the entirety of the jihad trick bag. It
is actually not much to look at except that it brings devastation to any
area claimed or contested. It has destabilized central governments
everywhere and worsened effor... more »
How to Make a Battery That Lasts Practically Forever
What makes it interesting today is that the better components are
available. However it is too much hardware when we have better solutions.
I presume reversal is also possible as well and that salt would be wise to
improve efficiency.
The picture is robust, but likely too much. A twelve volt battery with
quarter inch bars and quarter inch foam would do as well i think and pack
hexagonally as well. It would likely last a year as well.
May be worth trying and it may even be useful.
*How to Make a Battery That Lasts Practically Forever*
*http://worldtruth.tv/how-to-make-... more »
Germany Backs Down. Greece Blinks And Submits New Proposals Two Hours Before Deadline
*The Telegraph*: *Greek deal in sight as Germany bows to huge global
pressure for debt relief*
Angela Merkel faces a defining moment in her political career as chorus of
voices push for Greek debt relief.
Germany is at last bowing to pressure as a chorus of countries and key
institutions demand debt relief for Greece, a shift that could break the
five-month stalemate and avert a potentially disastrous rupture of monetary
union at this Sunday’s last-ditch summit.
In a highly significant move, the European Council has called on both sides
to make major concessions, insisting that t... more »
Tunisia to build 'anti-terror' wall on Libya border per BBC News
The BBC report http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-33440212 that:
'Tunisia has announced plans to build a wall along its border with Libya to
counter the threat from jihadist militants.
It would stretch 160km (100 miles) inland from the coast, and be completed
by the end of 2015, Tunisian Prime Minister Habib Essid told state TV.'
Strangely the BBC aren't quite as upset by this anti terrorist wall as they
are by the security fence and wall built by Israel to keep Palestinian
terrorists out of Israel. I wonder why...
In Praise of Soccer Moms
The inspiring march of the U.S. Women’s National Team to the World Cup
championship has elicited a fair amount of cultural commentary. Advocates
of Title IX—the 1972 law requiring equal treatment of female athletes—claim
that it set the U.S. apart...
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How Yelp is Giving You Bad Advice
Where can you devour an elk burger smothered in melted cheese and onion
rings? Which diner has the greasiest loaded potato skins? It’s no secret
that many of us turn to crowdsourced sites to gather information and weigh
options. Quantcast...
The post How Yelp is Giving You Bad Advice appeared first on The Stream.
Estrangement from the Truth a Problem for Hillary
Hillary Clinton lies. This is a widely acknowledged fact among people who
pay attention and aren’t on her payroll. Nearly 20 years ago, New York
Times columnist William Safire wrote: “Americans of all political
persuasions are coming to the sad...
The post Estrangement from the Truth a Problem for Hillary appeared first
on The Stream.
The Trainwreck Behind ‘Yes Means Yes’
Over the past few years, American powerbrokers have developed a charming
tendency to obsess over favored topics (putting “diversity training” at the
top of the federal Office of Personnel Management’s priority list, for
instance) while ignoring the colossal and urgent...
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The Death of the Hippies
The photographer Joe Samberg remembers how drugs destroyed the Telegraph
Avenue scene and effectively ended the movement Hippies started. In 1967,
just after the Summer of Love, The Atlantic published “The Flowering of the
Hippies,” a profile of San Francisco’s...
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Civil(ian) Military Integration & The Coming Problem for International Law
In late May, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) released a white paper on
China’s Military Strategy. This public release is the first of its kind,
and it has received relatively little attention in the broader media.
While much of the strategy is of no big surprise (broad and sweeping claims
to reunification of Taiwan […]
Animal Brains Connected up to Make Mind-Melded Computer
For the first time, a team has networked the animal brains of multiple
species to form a living computer that can perform tasks and solve
problems. Two heads are better than one, and three monkey brains can
control an avatar...
The post Animal Brains Connected up to Make Mind-Melded Computer appeared
first on The Stream.
Musical Interlude: 2002 (Pamela & Randy Copus), “Oceans of Life”
2002 (Pamela & Randy Copus), “Oceans of Life”
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1Z6A8ur334
Wikileaks Exposes Trade Deal
[image: Wikileaks Exposes Obama’s Fake Trade Deal – Only 5 Of The 29
Chapters Are Actually About Trade]
The idea of international tribunals is an obvious extension of State
practice but is also missing the safeguards built up over centuries of
This happens to be a huge leap and one that we can expect the Chinese in
particular to game as they have also gamed other international agreements.
What it calls for is a conferance of these parties aimed at producing an
international legal framework that is also enforceable on both China and
the USA and folks on the public ... more »
Coke and Pepsi Are Trying to Sell You Pretend Craft Soda
I grew up thinking coca cola was bullet proof as a business. I used to
think the same way about a lot of other great successful businesses as well
that have all hit the future with a dull thump.
What we are seeing here is the same type of panic we saw when those other
business hit serious resistance. The beverage giants will continue but
they will also continue to contract. After all you can buy water in a
bottle and stevia sweetened tea with a shot of glucose for energy is
something we can drink much more safely. The bottom line is that the
consumer is looking for way... more »
Jane Goodall and Steven Druker Expose US Government Fraud over GMOs
[image: steven druker]
I have covered this book indirectly in an earlier post, however we now have
the endorsement of Jane Goodall. It tells a story of profound scientific
corruption working through the regulatory system to the benefit of those
prepared to pay well.
What has been sold is the reputation of the FDA.
The destruction of that reputation is now almost complete and we find
country after country now taking a long second look at what they have
bought on trust. It is a sad day.
This provides all the anti GMO information anyone needs.
*Jane Goodall and Steven Druke... more »
Optical Illusions: The Challenge of Tracing Human Origins

What this emphasizes is that our dating methods simply fail us as often as
they work. Our understanding of geological process is also deeply flawed
and we have been outright ignoring inconvenient anomalies for far too long.
Then again we have been ignoring the moon.
I do not like deus ex machina explanations but i also get frustrated by
studied ignorance when inconvenient facts show up.
It is obvious that the earliest expression of the primate linage spread out
almost immediately worldwide and then additionally speciated to its heart's
content. Thus we have a broad distri... more »
Locals feel the chill as gentrification looms over a block in Upper Manhattan's Washington Heights

*The west side of Broadway between 161st and 162nd Streets*
*by Ken*
Even as Jane Jacobs described the process of organic neighborhood revival
she called "unslumming" in *The Death and Life of Great American Cities*,
she recognized that it could go haywire if all spoils were allowed to go
the highest bidder. What we later came to call "gentrification" bears a
superficial resemblance to Jane's "unslummng," but one difference is that
gentrification pays no heed to the energies of the local residents whose
faith in their neighborhood gets the process started -- and another
difference... more »
The Impassioned Speech that Helped Remove the Confederate Flag from the SC Capitol Grounds
A South Carolina representative made waves late Wednesday night after
giving an impassioned four-minute speech calling for the state to take down
the Confederate flag. A Republican from Summerville, Rep. Jenny
Horne’s speech was immediately prompted by a desire to halt a series of...
The post The Impassioned Speech that Helped Remove the Confederate Flag
from the SC Capitol Grounds appeared first on The Stream.
Jersey Jazzman: More Obnoxious Charter School Propaganda
Jersey Jazzman: More Obnoxious Charter School Propaganda: Make it stop!
MAKE IT STOP! State Sen. Shirley Turner recently introduced legislation
seeking a moratorium on expanding enrollment for New... more »
Access to Justice means reasons in Small Claims (POA?) need not be as detailed as SCJ
Maple Ridge Community Management Ltd. v. Peel Condominium Corporation No.
231, 2015 ONCA 520:
[33] The Supreme Court of Canada has recognized that access to
justice is a significant and ongoing challenge to the justice system with
the potential to threaten the rule of law. In *Hryniak v. Mauldin*, *2014
SCC 7, [2014] 1 S.C.R. 87, *at para. 1, the court held:
Ensuring access to justice is the greatest challenge to the rule of law in
Canada today. Trials have become increasingly expensive and protracted.
Most Canadians cannot afford to sue when they are wronged or defend
them... more »
Prejudicial evidence in judge alone trial
In judge alone trials evidence or submissions on evidence that might well
lead to a mistrial before a jury are far less likely to lead to a mistrial.
So see today's decision in R. v. Laine, 2015 ONCA 519:
[59] The trial judge then concluded this discussion with the
This is a judge alone trial. Submissions are not evidence. I have not and
will not consider this as a case of alleged recent fabrication. It does not
arise on the evidence. What is alleged is fabrication, pure and simple. The
application is therefore dismissed.
[60] The appellant can point to not... more »
New Horizons, Pluto and Us
WASHINGTON — We need a pick me up. Amid the vandalizing of Palmyra, the
imminent extinction of the northern white rhino, the disarray threatening
Europe’s most ambitious attempt ever at peaceful unification — amid plague
and pestilence and, by God,...
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Friday Morning Ramble

A few things I wanted to yammer about earlier this week, but didn’t get the
chance …
[image: Embedded image permalink]
“It would be ... interesting ... to run ROI calculations on these degrees
taking into account opportunity costs of years spent in training.”
*Student loans* – Eric Crampton, OFFSETTING BEHAVIOUR
Don’t upset Winnie’s witches.
*NZ First insider – Hell hath no fury like a Martin scorned* – DAILY BLOG
“Preliminary findings show Maori is not an active form of communication on
the marae” - Time to face facts.
*Reversing the decline in speakers of te reo Māori* – SCO... more »
Mercatus Rankings Again Confirm: Low Tax States Do Better
Yet another study has confirmed what we already knew — states with lower
taxes do better. Today, the Mercatus Center at George Mason University
unveiled its latest report, Ranking the States by Fiscal Condition. The
report ranks states on their overall...
The post Mercatus Rankings Again Confirm: Low Tax States Do Better appeared
first on The Stream.
monument to the flying saucer

The Space Needle is an observation tower in Seattle, Washington, a landmark
of the Pacific Northwest, and an icon of Seattle. It was built in the
Seattle Center for the 1962 World's Fair, which drew over 2.3 million
visitors, when nearly 20,000 people a day used its elevators.
Once the tallest structure west of the Mississippi River, it is 605 ft (184
m) high, 138 ft (42 m) wide, and weighs 9,550 tons. It is built to
withstand winds of up to 200 miles per hour (89 m/s) and earthquakes of up
to 9.1 magnitude, as strong as the 1700 Cascadia earthquake. It also has 25
lightning rods.... more »
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