Outgoing Joint Chiefs Chairman Martin Dempsey Issues Sober Assessment of Middle East
*Washington Post*: *As Dempsey departs, he issues sober assessment of
Middle East*
Outgoing Joint Chiefs Chairman Martin Dempsey showed last week how much his
understanding of the Middle East will be missed when he steps down.
In a blunt assessment given the Senate Armed Services Committee last
Tuesday, Dempsey — who since 1991 has spent a good part of his career in
the region — outlined the dilemma facing the Obama administration.
“While our potential adversaries grow stronger,” meaning the Islamic State
and Iran, “many of our allies are becoming increasingly dependent on the
Un... more »
Israel And Saudi Arabia Unite Against The Iranian Nuclear Deal
*The Telegraph:* *Israel and Saudi Arabia present united front over Iran
Iran's enemies unsettled by its deal with the West, but Bashar al-Assad of
Syria says it is 'a great victory'.
The nuclear deal with Iran caused fury in Israel and consternation around
the region at the likely increase in influence and resources of a newly
enriched Iran.
Most telling was the loudest expression of support. "I am happy that the
Islamic Republic of Iran has achieved a great victory by reaching an
agreement," President Bashar al-Assad of Syria said in a message to his
Iranian opposite num... more »
Sunni Arabs Are Now Seeing America Take The Shia Side In The Middle East's Sectarian War

A staff removes the Iranian flag from the stage after a group picture with
foreign ministers and representatives of Unites States, Iran, China,
Russia, Britain, Germany, France and the European Union during the Iran
nuclear talks at the Vienna International Center in Vienna, Austria July
14, 2015. REUTERS/Carlos Barria
*Robert Fisk, The Independent: **Iran nuclear deal: However the great and
good represent it, America has now taken the Shia side in the Middle East's
sectarian war*
Obama hailed a 'more hopeful world...an opportunity to move in another
However much Bibi ... more »
Ayn Rand, "The Ethics of Emergencies"
*"The Ethics of Emergencies"*
by Ayn Rand
"In the normal conditions of existence, man has to choose his goals,
project them in time, pursue them and achieve them by his own effort. He
cannot do it if his goals are at the mercy of and must be sacrificed to any
misfortune happening to others. He cannot live his life by the guidance of
rules applicable only to conditions under which human survival is
The principle that one should help men in an emergency cannot be extended
to regard all human suffering as an emergency and to turn the misfortune of
some into a first mortg... more »
"10 Effective Ways To Simplify Your Life"
*"10 Effective Ways To Simplify Your Life"*
by Tejvan Pettinger
"It is a good question whether modern society has led to an improvement in
living standards. We have an unprecedented level of material prosperity,
but often it seems to come at the price of increased complexity and stress.
However, there is no reason why we cannot have the best of both worlds;
taking advantage of modern technology and enjoying the simplicity of living
in the present moment. If you feel life is too stressful and complicated
these are some tips to simplify your life.
*Give priority to the essentials of ... more »
"A True Manifestation..."
"It's daylight, the sky is cloudy, and human beings believe that beyond the
clouds lives an all-powerful God, guiding the fate of men. Meanwhile, look
at your son, look at your feet, listen to the sounds around you: down here
is the Mother, so much closer, bringing joy to children and energy to those
who walk over her body. Why do people prefer to believe in something far
away and forget what is there before their eyes, a true manifestation of
the miracle?"
- Paulo Coelho
"What Matter?"
"What matter if this base, unjust life
Cast you naked and disarmed?
If the ground breaks beneath your step,
Have you not your soul?
Your soul! You fly away,
Escape to realms refined,
Beyond all sadness and whimpering.
Be like the bird which on frail branches balanced
A moment sits and sings;
He feels them tremble, but he sings unshaken,
Knowing he has wings."
– Victor Hugo
Musical Interlude: Robert Palmer, "You're Gonna Get What's Coming"
Robert Palmer, "You're Gonna Get What's Coming"
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgIebIQLiiQ
When the truth accidentally slips out....

*Vancouver MP Wai Young...inadvertent truth teller*
Conservative Vancouver Member of Parliament, Wai Young, recently mis-spoke
herself. She told a church congregation in her riding that the Canadian
Security and Intelligence Service (CSIS) knew about the "Air India Bombing"
(a plane departing from Vancouver Airport on 23 June, 1985 blew up killing
over 300 passengers off the Coast of Ireland) ahead of time. According to
what she said in church...CSIS knew there was a bomb on board the plane *but
was prevented by rules and policies governing the CSIS at the time, from
telling the... more »
Musical Interlude: Peter Gabriel, "Solsbury Hill"
Peter Gabriel, "Solsbury Hill"
- https://www.youtube.com/
Happy Birthday, Rembrandt!

Four-hundred-and-nine years ago, on July 15 1606, Rembrandt van Rijn,
better known simply as Rembrandt, was born. As the son of a miller, this
Dutch master painter was born into humble circumstances, but became famous
as a great artist in his...
The post Happy Birthday, Rembrandt! appeared first on The Stream.
Restitution in Criminal Law
Restitution in the criminal law comes in two forms. Restitution is
intended to rehabilitate the offender by making him immediately responsible
for the loss of the victim. It also gives the victim a speedy means of
getting money back.
Informal restitution is often part of a resolution arrangement in property
offences where the prosecution is stayed or otherwise lessened if
restitution is paid before the case gets to trial.
Formal restitution is set out in sections 738 to 741.2 of the Criminal Code.
Restitution can be ordered to require the offender to pay a sum of money to
compen... more »
July 14: Wonderful!
The US and Iran have signed a deal that Iran will not build nuclear weapons
- something Iran wasn't doing, anyway. And will t his bring peace to the
middle east? No. It won't even bring peace to Iran because both Israel and
Saudi Arabia want Iran destroyed as a nation.
Meanwhile, Israel has at least 200 nuclear weapons, and nuclear submarines
to deliver them - anywhere. It has them as illegally as it would have been
for Iran to have them if Iran were doing that. So what's going on?
I don't know. I do know that American oil companies want control of Iranian
oil. They also don't wan... more »
Ex-Planet Watch: He-e-e-e-re's Pluto!

*This photo is part of the binge of data New Horizons sent back yesterday
before it stopped chattering with earth in order to focus on its up-close
observation of Pluto. It was scheduled to reach its closest point to the
"dwarf planet" at 7:50 this morning ET, and to check in with home at 8:53pm
ET this evening.*
*BREAKING NEWS: New Horizons phones home!*
*Clearly this post was written before that fateful moment, at 8:53pm ET
this evening, when the New Horizons spacecraft was scheduled to send a
short data burst signaling the end of its communications blackout during
its flyby of ... more »
U.S. High Schools Embrace the Sport of Rifle Shooting
A growing number of high schools in states like Minnesota are adding rifle
shooting as a new sport for students to participate in, according to
Bloomberg. U.S. gun sales have begun to level after a spike caused by fears
The post U.S. High Schools Embrace the Sport of Rifle Shooting appeared
first on The Stream.
The Bilocation of Hillary Clone-Clinton

Alcuin and Flutterby
*Exploring what might be*
In 2008, during the American presidential election campaign, US Senator
Hillary Clinton's handlers began to get clumsy and she was seen in two
different places at once on a number of separate occasions. And not just in
Iowa and New Hampshire.
Someone sees Hillary Clinton at a function across town at, say, 1.30pm. And
then, when they compare notes with a Democratic Party co-worker later that
day, they learn that Hillary was also seen back at the hotel at 1.30pm,
three miles away. And her clothes were different, or her hair was
diffe... more »
Russian Foreign Minister: With An Iranian Nuclear Deal In Place There Is No Need For Missile Defense In Europe

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov
*RT: **Lavrov: Russia expects US to abandon Europe AMD plans after Iran
Moscow hopes the US will fulfill its promise not to develop a system of
missile defense in Europe after a deal with Iran has been reached, Russian
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in Vienna on Tuesday.
“We all probably remember that in April 2009 in Prague [US] President
[Barack] Obama said that if the Iran nuclear program issue is sorted out,
then the task of creating the European segment of the missile defense
system will disappear,” Lavrov said at press confer... more »
Cartoon: ‘Voice Commands’
The post Cartoon: ‘Voice Commands’ appeared first on The Stream.
Does Positive Thinking Free Us From the Matrix?
*Frank M. Wanderer* - Is it true that positive thinking can free us?
The post Does Positive Thinking Free Us From the Matrix? appeared first on Waking
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Large, dusty, spiral galaxy NGC 4945 is seen edge-on near the center of
this rich telescopic image. The field of view spans nearly 2 degrees, or
about 4 times the width of the Full Moon, toward the expansive southern
constellation Centaurus.
*Click image for larger size.*
About 13 million light-years distant, NGC 4945 is almost the size of our
own Milky Way Galaxy. But X-ray and infrared observations reveal even more
high energy emission and star formation in the core of NGC 4945. The other
prominent galaxy in the field, NGC 4976, is an elliptical galaxy. Left of
center, NGC 4976 i... more »
The Poet: Rainer Maria Rilke, Beyond Undoing"
*"Beyond Undoing"*
"Why, then have to be human?
Oh, not because happiness exists,
Nor out of curiosity...
But because being here means so much;
Because everything here,
Vanishing so quickly, seems to need us,
And strangely keeps calling to us...
To have been Here once,
completely, even if only once,
To have been at one with the earth -
This is beyond undoing."
~ Rainer Maria Rilke
Chet Raymo, “The Journey”
*“The Journey”*
by Chet Raymo
"Here's a deep-deep sky map of the universe from the March 9, 2006 issue of
Nature. The horizontal scale is a 360 view right around the sky; the
vertical gaps at 6 hours and 24 hours are the parts of the universe that
are blocked to our view by the disk of our own Milky Way Galaxy. The
vertical scale - distance from Earth - is logarithmic (10, 100, 1000, etc.)
measured in megaparsecs (a parsec equals 3.26 light-years). Across the top
is the Big Bang, and the oldest and most distant thing we can see, the
cosmic microwave background, the radiation of the... more »
Freedom is Key to Prosperity, and Texas Leads the Way
Financial website Money-Rates.com has ranked the states, determining which
are the easiest and most difficult in which to make a living. The results
are far from surprising, and show that freedom is key to prosperity. The
easiest states in which...
The post Freedom is Key to Prosperity, and Texas Leads the Way appeared
first on The Stream.
Labour and the Law of Costs: But doesn’t “Yoda” sound Chinese? [updated]
So the Labour Party probably figured they could make a splash with a bit of
Asian-bashing, for which they’ll be pilloried for a few days but will be
able to ride out because – underneath all the hooplah – despite all the
criticism – after all the smoke has cleared –Labour thinks Joe & Josephine
Voter will still be thinking in the back of their minds: “Hmmm, seems to me
that if more Chinese are buying more of ‘our’ houses, then the prices of
all ‘our’ houses will have to go up. Stands to reason.”
Joe and Josephine, Labour hopes, will forget all they’ve heard about all
the errors in... more »
Will The U.S. And Iran Now Become Allies?

Pool photo by Andrew Harnik
*Leslie Gelb, Daily Beast:* *The Real Reason Obama Did The Iran Deal*
The U.S. allows Tehran to keep its nuclear program with the secret hope
that America’s foe will become a friend.
Both Iran and the United States essentially got what they wanted from the
159-page nuclear deal agreed upon Tuesday in Vienna.
The Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s gains were more tangible than President Barack
Obama’s. The Supreme Leader got significant sanctions relief for his ailing
economy, the launch pad for Iran to become a more formidable Mideast power.
Mr. Obama stretched I... more »
"The Problem With Proverbs"
*"The Problem With Proverbs"*
by Patrick Cockburn
"My father, Claud Cockburn, invented a game in which participants made up
national sayings that had to be completely meaningless but sound
appropriate to their purported country of origin. An example could be the
traditional Norwegian saying, “the tree is taller than the highest wave”
or, as they say in India, “all is not nothingness, nor the nothingness all”.
The idea for the game came to him on the top of a bus in London which was
crawling along in a traffic jam. He overheard a passenger in the seat in
front of him complain to a f... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan. Thanks for stopping by.
"In the Inbox"
"In the Inbox"
*From: Coordinator of Volunteer Services: *"We have a young man,
thirty-six, on hospice who has a very young child. They want someone to
help him do a life review and perhaps put some pictures together for he and
his wife so the child will know him. Call me if you are willing to do this."
The next time, friend, your life seems too hard,
check your Inbox.
- Jose Orez
"How Fear Blocks Creativity: Protecting Your Flow"
*"How Fear Blocks Creativity: Protecting Your Flow"*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
"When we feel safe, our creativity unfolds like a beautiful flower. To
understand how fear blocks creativity, take a moment to imagine yourself
telling a story. First, imagine telling the story to someone you love and
who loves you. You probably feel warmth and energy as you fill in the
details of your tale to your friend’s delight. Now, imagine telling the
same story to someone who, for whatever reason, makes you uncomfortable.
The wonderful twists and turns, the fine points and colorful images that... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- July 14, 2015
*Ben Caspit, Al Monitor*: *Israeli defense minister says Iran deal will set
off nuclear arms race in region*
By the afternoon of July 13, Jerusalem had come to terms with the fact that
Iran and the superpowers had apparently reached an agreement. As far as
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon and
Minister of Strategic Affairs Yuval Steinitz are concerned, this is the
moment of truth. The public debate will heat up intensely over the next few
days, culminating in Netanyahu’s anticipated visit to the United States in
September to attend the UN General As... more »
Twitter Reacts to Planned Parenthood Scandal
This morning, we had the disturbing news that Planned Parenthood is
actually selling the organs of aborted babies. I wish that were an
exaggeration. Many took to Twitter to voice their disgust. From @DLoesch
#DLRS pic.twitter.com/gq3xn3kFQn — Chris Loesch (@ChrisLoesch)...
The post Twitter Reacts to Planned Parenthood Scandal appeared first on The
Leaked Document: Hundreds of Thousands of Vets Have Died Awaiting VA Care
A new leaked document from the Department of Veterans Affairs indicates
238,657 veterans have died while waiting for health care appointments.
There are a total of 847,822 veterans on the enrollment waitlist, meaning a
third have been declared deceased while in line...
The post Leaked Document: Hundreds of Thousands of Vets Have Died Awaiting
VA Care appeared first on The Stream.
World News Briefs -- July 14, 2015 (Evening Edition)
*Wall Street Journal:* *‘Today a New Page Has Turned,’ Iran’s President
Tells Nation*
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said nuclear accord ushers in a
‘significant period’
TEHRAN—Iranian President Hassan Rouhani hailed Tuesday’s nuclear deal with
six world powers as a watershed in repairing relations with the West but
cautioned that much work lay ahead to improve ties and implement the
“Today a new page has turned,” Mr. Rouhani said in a speech aired on
Iranian state TV. “Today is an end to the injustice and wrong, unfit
accusations, and the beginning of a new develop... more »
6 Questionable Statements in Obama’s Iran Speech
Obama gave an optimistic speech Tuesday morning, hailing a newly-reached
nuclear deal with Iran as an historic accomplishment. Many have praised the
new deal, and there’s a near-universal hope in the West that it will be
successful in its goal of halting Iranian nuclear...
The post 6 Questionable Statements in Obama’s Iran Speech appeared first on The
Deion Sanders Gives Paul Ryan Props in Anti-Poverty Fight
NFL Hall-of-Famer Deion Sanders touted the authenticity of Republican Rep.
Paul Ryan’s efforts to fight poverty Monday, saying Ryan’s not “trick or
treating.” “There’s a lot of people trick or treating in these wonderful
offices, and it’s not even October,” Sanders...
The post Deion Sanders Gives Paul Ryan Props in Anti-Poverty Fight appeared
first on The Stream.
Quote of the Day: On the climate war’s damage to science
“For much of my life I have been a science writer. That means I eavesdrop
on what’s going on in laboratories so I can tell interesting stories. It’s
analogous to the way art critics write about art, but with a difference: we
“science critics” rarely criticise. If we think a scientific paper is dumb,
we just ignore it. There’s too much good stuff coming out of science to
waste time knocking the bad stuff.
* “*Sure, we occasionally take a swipe at pseudoscience—homeopathy,
astrology, claims that genetically modified food causes cancer, and so on.
But the great thing about science... more »
Why Obama Wants to Lift Sanctions on Iran

by Mike Whitney
“It is essential to recognize that Iran does not currently have a
nuclear weapons program, nor does it possess a nuclear weapon. On February
26, James Clapper, the director of national intelligence, told the Senate
Armed Services Committee that Ayatollah Khomenei, the supreme leader of
Iran, ended his country’s nuclear weapons program in 2003 and “as far as we
know, he’s not made the decision to go for a nuclear weapon.” This repeats
the “high-confidence” judgement of the U.S. Intelligence Community (IC)
that was first made in November 2007.”
-Micah Z... more »
Institutional Aspects of the Iran Deal
I woke up this morning to read (a few hours behind most of you…one of the
few downsides to living in the Pacific Northwest is living behind the news
cycle!) about the finalizing of a nuclear deal between the E3/EU+3 and
Iran. I’ll leave it to others to analyze whether the deal is a good […]
The Business Book Every Student Should Read
Over at Intercollegiate Review, John R. Inzero makes the case for
Shakespeare’s Henry V as being the best business book any student could
ever read. Many (many, many) years ago, I read all the business books that
were hyped by...
The post The Business Book Every Student Should Read appeared first on The
Planned Parenthood Counters Sting Video by Describing Sale of Baby Parts as ‘Tissue for Scientific Research’

Today Twitter exploded over a video that captures Planned Parenthood’s
senior director of medical services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, discussing the
sale of organs taken from the bodies of aborted babies. It’s a gruesome
story and major news for anyone who...
The post Planned Parenthood Counters Sting Video by Describing Sale of Baby
Parts as ‘Tissue for Scientific Research’ appeared first on The Stream.
The Case Against Laptops in the Classroom
Jennifer Senior, writing in New York Magazine, explains why it is so
counter-productive for schools to allow laptops in the classroom. Last
week, at the Aspen Ideas festival, there came an interesting little moment
between Kentaro Toyama, a computer scientist,...
The post The Case Against Laptops in the Classroom appeared first on The
Iran has a deal
The negotiations were hardfought …
… and conclusive:
- “[The crisis] began in 2002, when at a public press conference in
Washington DC, an Iranian opposition group, the Mojahedin-e-Khalq (MKO)
exposed details of undeclared Iranian nuclear activities, which had
progressed much further than anyone had suspected. At least, almost anyone.
While it was the MKO that revealed Iran’s nuclear secrets to the world,
diplomats in the know told me the information had come from Israeli
“It was perhaps a fitting start to a crisis that h... more »
Global freezing: ‘mini ice age’ by 2030- Carbon Tax/ Cap Trade wont save us
Mini Ice Age Cometh
Ice builds up along Lake Michigan at North Avenue Beach in Chicago as
temperatures dipped well below zero on Jan. 6, 2014.
Some 15 or so years from now, the “polar vortex” might not sound so bad.
*European scientists warn that by 2030, a decade of winters with deep
freezing temperatures could bring about a “mini ice age*” the likes of
which hasn’t been seen in 370 years.
Researchers at Northumbria University, led by Professor Valentina Zharkova, used
mathematical models to predict solar activity will drop by 60% and trigger
plunging temps around the world. Th... more »
Today's Nuclear Agreement Is A Huge Victory For The Iranian Regime

U.S. President Barack Obama delivers a statement after a nuclear deal was
reached between Iran and six major world powers, beside Vice President Joe
Biden, in the East Room of the White House in Washington, July 14, 2015.
Reuters/Andrew Harnik/Pool
*WNU Editor:* To say that this is a huge victory for Iran is an
understatement .... Iran got everything that they wanted .... and then some
more. $100 billion in funds to be released. All sanctions to be removed
over time .... including the arms embargo. The hundreds of Iranian
officials who are under sanctions .... including those who h... more »
Can a book mostly bulk-bought by political hypesters to inflate "sales" qualify as a "best-seller"?

*Plus: The irony of superliar Rafael "Ted fromAlberta" Cruz titling a book
A Time For Truth*
*Daily Kos caption:* "*A Time For Lies?*"
*"This fake 'popularity' of conservative books is evidenced by the fact
that 4 out of the 5 'bestsellers' in 2013 were by conservative opinion
makers."Really? If 4 out of 5 of the most popular books are about
conservative ideas then why did 5,204,364 more people vote for Democrats in
the last 3 Nationwide Senate elections?"*
*-- HealOurCountry, in the above-linked Daily Kos post*
*by Ken*
Remember when we were force-marched into a discussion of... more »
"True Knowledge..."
"There is a difference between a question and a wonder. I would prefer to
answer only questions that will be useful to you. A child looks up at the
starry sky at night and wonders. He is filled with the joy of the mystery
of creation. Why should I explain everything to you and take away that joy?
I will not. The purpose of my words is to create silence, to create joy. I
am not here to stuff your head full of knowledge. A child starts out
innocent. You ask him something and he says, "I don't know." Then that
child grows up and thinks he knows everything. I'll teach you something.
I'... more »
Satire: “Poll: Palin Would Bring Much-Needed Dignity to Republican Field”
*“Poll: Palin Would Bring Much-Needed Dignity to Republican Field”*
by Andy Borowitz
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)— “The former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin
would bring much-needed dignity to the 2016 Republican field, a new poll
shows. According to the poll, conducted by the University of Minnesota’s
Opinion Research Institute, Palin’s ability to articulate her positions on
issues with precision and restraint is sorely lacking among other entrants
in the G.O.P. race. Additionally, voters said that the former governor’s
breadth of knowledge in the fields of economics, foreign affa... more »
That letter
Well, here we go (h/t *The Daily Telegraph*)!...
...an open letter to the PM from some celebs and BBC stars:
The Prime Minister David Cameron
10 Downing Street
Dear Prime Minister,
We have seen that the Government has pledged to modernise the licence fee,
return funding that had been diverted to pay for broadband roll-out, and
increase the licence fee in line with inflation in return for the BBC
taking on the costs of Licence Fees for the over 75's.
The Government and the BBC are now entering the Charter Review. We are
writing to place on record at the very star... more »
The Value of Disagreement
Writing at The American Conservative, Alan Jacobs lays out the moral and
historical reasons for why more people should value thoughtful
disagreement. In an excellent recent article, Mollie Hemingway wrote, “We
are slowly forgetting how to dislike something without seeking...
The post The Value of Disagreement appeared first on The Stream.
Miss USA Contestant Completely Bombs Political Correctness Question
Miss USA contestants aren’t particularly known for their eloquent answers
to serious questions, but it appears Miss Rhode Island has absolutely no
idea what political correctness is. Anea Garcia was competing for the Miss
USA crown Sunday night when she...
The post Miss USA Contestant Completely Bombs Political Correctness Question
appeared first on The Stream.
RBN Gnostic Media Radio: Aldous Huxley/The Ultimate Revolution: Loving Our Servitude?
*Gnostic Media RBN*
*Jan plays the audio of Aldous Huxley's 1962 lecture at Berkeley, The
Ultimate Revolution, exposing the Elite / MKULTRA agenda. Callers at the
end. This is a must hear. *
*Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:36:11 — 66.0MB) |
Absolutely worth listening to!
*Flashback to a post that has gotten a second or third wind online:*
Aldous Huxley letter to George Orwell [image:
http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/03/07/article-2111440-0... more »
Africa: Slated For Western Economic Exploitation and Drone Policing
Two articles in yesterday’s the Wall Street Journal tell you all you need
to know about US plans for Africa:
Christina Passariello and Suzanne Kapner (2015, July 13). Search for
cheaper labor leads to Africa. The Wall Street Journal, B1, B2.
“Africa is the final frontier in the global rag trade—he last untapped
continent with cheap and plentiful labor. Ethiopia’s garment sector has no
minimum wage, compared with Bangladesh where workers earn at least $67 a
month, according to the International Labor Organization. Garment workers
in Ethiopia started at about $21 a month as of las... more »
ADHD Meds – The Gateway to Addiction
*Michael Whitehouse* - Prescribing drugs to individuals who don't need them
is fueling mass addiction.
The post ADHD Meds – The Gateway to Addiction appeared first on Waking Times
Midday Musical Interlude: 2002, “Remember Now”
2002, “Remember Now”
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bq4qjI8VVzg
John Oliver Questions Why Taxpayers Are Funding Plush Sports Stadiums
Last Week Tonight host John Oliver is advocating that sports teams stop
using public funding to build extravagant stadiums. Oliver cited the Miami
Marlins, whose publicly-financed stadium includes an aquarium behind home
plate. Detroit spent $444 million to construct a...
The post John Oliver Questions Why Taxpayers Are Funding Plush Sports
Stadiums appeared first on The Stream.
Has the Vatican Already Forgotten the Lessons of John Paul II?
Perhaps it’s because I’ve been living in the city John Paul II called “my
beloved Cracow” for the past two and a half weeks, but it does strike me
(and not only me) that the contemporary Vatican seems to have...
The post Has the Vatican Already Forgotten the Lessons of John Paul II?
appeared first on The Stream.
Gulf Island Reflections...

*Ganges artwork - acrylic and pen on wood by S. Pendergast*
*15 cm x 15 cm*
*I call this "An Old Married Couple depicted as flowers"*
Just a brief check-in, in the middle of some summer days off. Returned from
a sailing trip to the Gulf Islands located in the Georgia Strait, off the
BC West Coast last night. Visited *Snug Cove* on Bowen island, then *Silva
Bay* on Gabriola Island, then *Ganges Harbour* on Salt Spring Island and
then finally *Sidney Bay Marina* on Vancouver Island. A high tide brought
us back to the Vancouver lower mainland yesterday evening after a near
record 10 st... more »
You read it here first
Steerpike at *The Spectator* has a 'scoop' today:
He's 'revealed' that the BBC has 'vanished' an episode of *Panorama - *the
one featuring U.S. pollster Nate Silver faring as badly as the UK's very
own pollsters at predicting the 2015 UK general election.
Steerpike accuses the BBC of "trying to cover it up" after having "lapped
up" Nate Silver's predictions and "worshipping at the shrine of his date
Steerpike's piece of evidence to back this accusation up is a screengrab of
the *Panorama *episode list on iPlayer showing that the 'withdrawal' of
that episode is except... more »
The Economy: "Here It Comes!"
*"Here It Comes!"*
by Karl Denninger
"Oh oh... "The U.S. Census Bureau announced today that advance estimates of
U.S. retail and food services sales for June, adjusted for seasonal
variation and holiday and trading-day differences, but not for price
changes, were $442.0 billion, a decrease of 0.3 percent (±0.5%)* from the
previous month, but up 1.4 percent (±0.9%) above June 2014. Total sales for
the April 2015 through June 2015 period were up 1.7 percent (±0.7%) from
the same period a year ago. The April 2015 to May 2015 percent change was
revised from +1.2 percent (±0.5%) to +1.0... more »
B.C. Birding Bliss

I returned yesterday from another blissful weekend in BC. I didn't quite
get a break from the haze of forest fires as you can tell from my photos
below. (Much of this smoke is coming from forest fires in Jasper National
The Cranberry Marsh in Valemount was a place I discovered last month and is
fast becoming a favourite for bird watching. I spent a good part of
Saturday morning there and this time around I did the 6km loop in reverse,
spending most of my time on the sand dyke on the marsh's west side.
The east side did reveal some pleasant surprises however as I spotted... more »
60th Anniversary of Russell-Einstein Manifesto Now Reinforced by Climate Change and Teilhard's Warning

*Click on Photo to enlarge*
*Sixty years after Albert Einstein and Bertrand Russell issued their
manifesto about the growing threat of world war, the globe continues to
face the prospect of nuclear annihilation coupled with the looming threat
of climate change* *as well as* *Teilhard's ominous warning ~ Love one
another or you will perish: Allen L Roland, PhD*
*"**We have reached a decisive point in human evolution, at which the only
way forward is in the direction of a common passion ~ Either we must doubt
the value of everything around us, or we must utt... more »
"Freedom or the Slaughterhouse? The American Police State from A to Z"
*"Freedom or the Slaughterhouse? *
*The American Police State from A to Z"*
By John W. Whitehead
“Who needs direct repression when one can convince
the chicken to walk freely into the slaughterhouse?”
- Philosopher Slavoj Žižek
"Despite the best efforts of some to sound the alarm, the nation is being
locked down into a militarized, mechanized, hypersensitive, legalistic,
self-righteous, goose-stepping antithesis of every principle upon which
this nation was founded. All the while, the nation’s citizens seem content
to buy into a carefully constructed, benevolent vision of life in Am... more »
"Nobody in Iran has threatened you for a very long time"
*Honest Reporting *reports another 'BBC shocker' today.
Danny Danon, Israel’s Minister of Science, appeared on the BBC World
Service's *Newshour* earlier. In a remarkably loud voice, the BBC presenter
challenged him in the following fashion:
But you’re not under threat by Iran. Nobody in Iran has threatened you for
a very long time. You’re harking back to a time when President Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad threatened Israel directly.
As *Honest Reporting *points out - with some graphic examples - this
statement is simply untrue.
Within the past year, Ayatollah Khamenei has unambiguously ... more »

Bethany Bell's piece on *PM* tonight reported various approving reactions
to the Iranian nuclear deal, without labelling the speakers with anything
other than their job titles.
Then she moved on to those disapproving of the deal:
But there's stiff resistance to the deal by *hardliners* in both the United
States and Iran, and Israel's prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu says it's a
stunning historic mistake.
Tying together critics of the deal in the U.S. and Iran (*very* different
groups of people) with the Israeli PM, and binding them all together under
the somewhat pejorative bl... more »
House Pulls Coin Bill That Would’ve Benefited Group with Planned Parenthood Ties
House GOP leaders yanked legislation from the floor on Tuesday to create a
pink gold commemorative coin that would help raise money for breast cancer
research. Heritage Action, an influential conservative group, urged
Republicans earlier in the day to vote...
The post House Pulls Coin Bill That Would’ve Benefited Group with Planned
Parenthood Ties appeared first on The Stream.
Another Sign that Traditional Schooling Needs an Overhaul
*Video - *This famous CE explains why he was dissatisfied with traditional
schooling and started a small school that teaches without a grade structure.
The post Another Sign that Traditional Schooling Needs an Overhaul appeared
first on Waking Times.
Sexual Liberation on Campus and the Death of Freedom
Minutes before the wedding in the movie The Philadelphia Story, the groom,
George Kittredge (John Howard), accuses the bride, Tracy Lord (Katherine
Hepburn), of having an “affair.” Angered by Kittredge’s accusation,
Macaulay Conner (Jimmy Stewart), the other half of the...
The post Sexual Liberation on Campus and the Death of Freedom appeared
first on The Stream.
Vaughn Palmer and Michael Smyth, Deliberate Liars, Corporate Whores, The Great LNG Investment Dollar LIES!
*Written by Grant G* Christy Clark and big media keep splashing around the
number $36 billion dollars, that is for spin purposes, Petronas has not
committed to spend $36 billion in BC...Petronas`s commitment to BC spending
is a mere $2 to $3 billion dollars.Every big media outlet in Canada are
deliberately and with malice lying about the Petronas investment in British
Columbia, ...Petronas`s LELU island proposed project is a mere $11 billion
dollars ....$8 billion dollars worth of this investment is $dollars that
will be spent overseas..Lazy Michael Smyth and Vaughn Palmer are com... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials On The Iranian Nuclear Deal -- July 14, 2015
*Ankit Panda, The Diplomat:* *The Final Iran Deal Is Here: What Iran Gives
Up, What Iran Gets*
After 20 months of sustained negotiation, Iran and the P5+1 group of powers
have reached a final agreement.
Iran and the P5+1—a group including the United States, Russia, China,
France, the United Kingdom, and Germany—have reached a final agreement, a
Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) over Iran’s nuclear program. The
agreement comes nearly 20 months after the November 2013 Joint Plan of
Action, in which Iran made major technical concessions regarding the
functioning of its civi... more »
Encountering Pluto
It's been a long wait for the *New Horizons* flyby of Pluto and its system,
but what's nine years between friends? At the risk of sounding all *Star
Trek* about it, every successful space mission sending robots to skim,
orbit, or land on astronomical bodies are stupendous technical achievements
that mark our growing capabilities. They are also important moments in
securing our species collective futures. While one should be weary of
science fiction that sees space as an escape from the environmental
degradation the reckless pursuit of profit is bequeathing future
generations, our lo... more »
The Economy: "What I Learned Over Dinner in Athens Last Night…"
*"What I Learned Over Dinner in Athens Last Night…"*
by Bill Bonner
MADRID – "The Dow rose 217 points yesterday, even though Greece missed a
$500-million loan payment to the IMF. And the country needs to come up with
another $8 billion by July 20, when it’s scheduled to pay back the
principal it owes on bonds held by the ECB. Greece reached an agreement
with its creditors on Sunday night that would, in theory, allow it to tap
further emergency loans. But in practice, there are two major stumbling
First, Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipras faces rebellion in Athens. Many
i... more »
This Deal Could Prevent Another War
Lawrence Wilkerson is a retired United States Army soldier and former chief
of staff to United States Secretary of State Colin Powell. Wilkerson is an
adjunct professor at the College of William & Mary where he teaches courses
on US national security. He also instructs a senior seminar in the Honors
Department at the George Washington University entitled "National Security
Decision Making."
Supplemental: Parker and Chozick frisk Candidate Clinton!
*TUESDAY, JULY 14, 2015In search of the Clinton rules:* Is Candidate
Clinton facing a problem with a phenomenon known as “the Clinton rules?”
On July 6, Jonathan Allen became the latest mainstream reporter to say that
she actually does. At Vox, he listed his version of the “Clinton
rules”—five rules the mainstream press corps allegedly follows in covering
Candidate Clinton.
Allen’s piece is underwhelming, largely because he largely follows the
press corps’ “code of silence.” He lists five basic ways in which, he says,
the press corps systematically mistreats Candidate Clinton. Bu... more »
Federal Appeals Court: Little Sisters Must Comply with Obamacare’s Birth Control Mandate
A federal appeals court ruled Tuesday that an order of Roman Catholic nuns
must comply with Obamacare’s birth control mandate, the likely end to a
years-long battle over the rule. The Court of Appeals for the Tenth
District ruled that...
The post Federal Appeals Court: Little Sisters Must Comply with Obamacare’s
Birth Control Mandate appeared first on The Stream.
PODCAST: John Zmirak Talks Bastille Day and the French Revolution’s Persecution of Christians
The French Revolution is nothing to celebrate; it launched radical
nationalism, socialism, and the ruthless persecution of Christians that
killed some 300,000 peasants in the Vendée , who resisted the government’s
efforts to control the religious lives of citizens. Learn why...
The post PODCAST: John Zmirak Talks Bastille Day and the French
Revolution’s Persecution of Christians appeared first on The Stream.
GOP Blasts Homeland Security Chief over S.F. Murder
WASHINGTON (AP) — Angry House Republicans blasted the Obama administration
Tuesday over the release of an immigrant later charged with murder in San
Francisco, and advanced legislation aimed at preventing such an event from
happening again. Homeland Security Secretary Jeh...
The post GOP Blasts Homeland Security Chief over S.F. Murder appeared first
on The Stream.
School Funding Matters
Once again The Education Law Center and Bruce Baker shine a spotlight on
what matters.
Last month, Education Law Center released the 4th edition of the National
Report Card, "Is School Funding Fair?" The picture is bleak: the vast
majority of states are not funding public schools adequately or equitably;
the fiscal retrenching connected with the Great Recession has not been
reversed; and at-risk students are not being provided with the resources
they need to succeed.
Bottom line: disinvestment in public educa... more »
International Reaction To The Iranian Nuclear Agreement
*CNN:* *World reacts to historic Iran nuclear deal*
(CNN)After nearly two years of negotiations, a deal has been reached on
Iran's nuclear program. The agreement is a pivotal moment in relations
between Iran, which was eager to end economic sanctions, and the West,
which wants to stop Iran from becoming a nuclear power. Here's how people
around the world, from leaders to ordinary citizens, are reacting.
*More News On International Reaction To The Iranian Nuclear Agreement*
Arab states fear nuclear deal will give Iran a bigger regional role --
Washington Post
Iran Deal Worries Mide... more »
U.S. Political Reaction To The Iranian Nuclear Deal
*VOA:* *US Presidential Candidates on Iran *
WASHINGTON - Most Republicans running for their party's nomination in the
2016 presidential election have been strongly opposed to the nuclear deal
with Iran.
"Even former top Obama officials think emerging deal will ‘not prevent Iran
from having a nuclear weapons capability’,” Former Florida Governor Jeb
Bush tweeted last week. Included in his tweet was a link to a New York
Times article about a letter from five former White House advisors
expressing concern about the potential deal.
Florida Senator Marco Rubio was one of 47 Senate Re... more »
Israeli Reaction To the Iranian Nuclear Agreement
*Washington Post:* *Israel blasts Iran deal as ‘one of the darkest days in
JERUSALEM — Israeli leaders across the political spectrum condemned in
stark apocalyptic language the Iranian nuclear pact announced by the United
States and world powers Tuesday, calling it a historic mistake that frees
Iran to sponsor global terror while assembling the expertise to build a
nuclear bomb.
“Iran is going to receive a sure path to nuclear weapons,” said Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. “Many of the restrictions that were supposed
to prevent it from getting there will be lifted.” ... more »
Iranian Reaction To The Nuclear Agreement
*Press TV:* *Iranian Supreme Leader thanks Iranian nuclear negotiating team*
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has
expressed gratitude to the Iranian nuclear negotiating team for their
efforts following the conclusion of Iran-P5+1 talks.
The Leader made the comments in a meeting with President Hassan Rouhani and
his Cabinet on Tuesday, the day Iran and six world powers reached a
conclusion to intensive nuclear talks.
*WNU Editor:* From what I am reading and seeing .... the Iranians are
*More News On The Iranian Reaction To The Nuclear Agr... more »
*A truly pathetic British university*
*Backed down after ridicule*
Graduates at a top UK university have been banned from throwing their
mortarboards in the air over fears the falling hats could cause injuries.
Students at the University of Birmingham have been told they are not
allowed to throw their black caps in the air in celebration because of
health and safety concerns.
Those set to graduate later this summer have been told they could be
ejected from the ceremony if they are seen following the tradition.
In an email, students were told: 'Throwing of caps is not to be permi... more »
President Obama's Remarks On The Iranian Nuclear Deal
*USA Today:* *Obama hails nuclear deal with Iran as a landmark*
WASHINGTON — President Obama began making his case early Tuesday for the
historic nuclear agreement with Iran, seeking to convince skeptics in
Congress, Israel, and other Middle East nations.
"Today, because America negotiated from a position of strength and
principle, we have stopped the spread of nuclear weapons in this region,"
Obama said during a dawn speech at the White House.
"Because of this deal," the president added, "the international community
will be able to verify that the Islamic Republic of Iran will no... more »
Iranian Nuclear Deal: News Roundup -- July 14, 2015
*Daily Mail:* 'Iran have been given a licence to kill': Netanyahu blasts
'historic mistake' of agreeing Tehran nuclear deal as Israeli ministers
condemn the 'surrender by the West to the axis of evil'
* Major powers agree historic accord after a decade of on-off negotiations
* Lead negotiator John Kerry says U.S. got 'the good deal that we sought'
* United States, European Union and the UN agree to lift sanctions on Iran
* Tehran accepts long-term curbs on its nuclear programme that the West has
suspected was aimed at creating an atomic bomb
* Israel reacts angrily to deal and vows ... more »
World News Briefs -- July 14, 2015
*CNN*: *Landmark deal reached on Iran nuclear program*
Vienna (CNN)After arduous talks that spanned 20 months, negotiators have
reached a landmark deal aimed at reining in Iran's nuclear program.
The agreement, a focal point of U.S. President Barack Obama's foreign
policy, appears set to reshape relations between Iran and the West, with
its effects likely to ripple across the volatile Middle East.
Representatives of Iran, the United States and the other nations involved
in the marathon talks were holding a final meeting in Vienna on Tuesday.
Obama praised the deal reached Tuesday ... more »
Mexico: Senior Citizen Allegedly Run Over by UFO

*Source: Agencia de Noticias Imagen del Golfo and Planeta UFODate: July 14,
*Mexico: Senior Citizen Allegedly Run Over by UFO*
A senior citizen from the community of Faisán, belonging to the Paso de
Ovejas municipality, was run over by an alleged UFO that tried to abduct
him, according to the injured party.
The incident occurred on the Salmoral - Paso de Ovejas segment of the state
highway as the man identified as Francisco Acosta Tostado, 68, rode along
in his bicycle. He was found in a prone position in the bushes on the side
of the road, seriously injured and completely... more »
Russell Moore Blocked, Unblocked on Facebook after Validating Sting Video of Planned Parenthood Selling Baby Body Parts

Dr. Russell Moore of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the
Southern Baptist Convention challenged Facebook after the social media
service blocked his column about a story and sting video about Planned
Parenthood illegally trafficking aborted fetal parts. Moore...
The post Russell Moore Blocked, Unblocked on Facebook after Validating
Sting Video of Planned Parenthood Selling Baby Body Parts appeared first on The
The Latest on the Mystery of ‘Baby Doe’
Fifty three million people have seen the computer-generated image of the
little girl with the big brown eyes and brown hair. Seven hundred and fifty
thousand have shared it. And yet, nearly three weeks since her remains were
found along...
The post The Latest on the Mystery of ‘Baby Doe’ appeared first on The
The "Augean Stable" — How Corruption Has Amended the Constitution

*Hercules starting to clean a 1,000-cattle stable that hadn't been emptied
in 30 years. Like the U.S. government, says Gary Hart. (Hercules quickly
gives up on the shovel.)*
*by Gaius Publius*
Not something you don't already know if you're a regular reader of these
pages, but it's becoming more and more mainstream to deliver a radical*
analysis of government in the U.S. That's why I found the following so
interesting — the source is former U.S. Senator and former presidential
candidate Gary Hart. And believe me, this is a radical analysis.
*But first*, two definitions. The *Augean... more »
House Votes Today on $4.75 Million Commemorative Coin Earmark for Susan G. Komen, Funder of Planned Parenthood
Today, the House will vote on the Breast Cancer Awareness Commemorative
Coin Act (H.R. 2722), introduced by Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) 8%. The
bill would require the U.S. Treasury to mint coins that would funnel up to
$4.75 million to Dallas-based Susan G....
The post House Votes Today on $4.75 Million Commemorative Coin Earmark for
Susan G. Komen, Funder of Planned Parenthood appeared first on The Stream.
Firefox Blocks Flash, and Facebook Calls for Its Death
Mozilla blocked Flash by default in its Firefox browser late Monday night,
a day after Facebook’s (FB, Tech30) security chief called for Adobe to kill
Flash once and for all. The Flash-bashing picked up last week after
revelations that the...
The post Firefox Blocks Flash, and Facebook Calls for Its Death appeared
first on The Stream.
Emails Detail Wild Parties Hosted By Former EPA Official
If you’re an environmentalist, you’ll definitely want to go to “Goofest”
put on by the EPA’s former policy administrator Michael Goo. Goofest was
apparently a bigger occasion than the “killing of Bin Laden,” according to
emails obtained by House Republicans....
The post Emails Detail Wild Parties Hosted By Former EPA Official appeared
first on The Stream.
What 2016ers are Saying About Obama’s Nuke Deal
Within hours of President Obama’s announcement of an agreement with Iran
that he said would “stop” the Islamic regime’s march toward a nuclear bomb,
most of the Democrats and Republicans who hope to succeed him had offered a
The post What 2016ers are Saying About Obama’s Nuke Deal appeared first on The
Obama Makes a Very Good Nuclear Deal … for Iran
We have a deal. It’s a deal worse than even we imagined possible. It’s a
deal that gives the Iranian regime $140b in return for … effectively
nothing: no dismantlement of Iran’s nuclear program, no anytime/anywhere
inspections, no curbs on...
The post Obama Makes a Very Good Nuclear Deal … for Iran appeared first on The
Activists Target Kid Rock over Confederate Flag
DETROIT (AP) — Activists in Detroit want General Motors to end the
Chevrolet brand’s sponsorship of Kid Rock’s summer tour if the musician
continues to display the Confederate flag at performances. Members of the
National Action Network have been discussing...
The post Activists Target Kid Rock over Confederate Flag appeared first on The
The Vitamin Found to Destroy Cancer Cells
*Barbara Minton* - Evidence is mounting that humble little vitamin E plays
a big role in preventing breast cancer.
The post The Vitamin Found to Destroy Cancer Cells appeared first on Waking
Research Reveals the Importance of Your Microbiome for Optimal Health
*Dr. Mercola* - The health of the body's microbiome is essential.
The post Research Reveals the Importance of Your Microbiome for Optimal
Health appeared first on Waking Times.
DIY Minion Shirts & Gift

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its
advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #SendSmiles #CollectiveBias
There is nothing my baby loves more than Minions. She can say about 15
words and one of them is Minion. She loves them so much, that I can't walk
by anything in the store that has a Minion on it without her pumping her
fists in the air and shouting "Minion!" We are even considering braving the
movie theater for the new movie because she loves them so much.
We have some grandparent birthdays coming up in our family. We usually do
pictures of our kids fo... more »
Iran Nuclear Deal is a Huge, Historic Gamble
In his opening to China more than 40 years ago, Richard M. Nixon made a
huge Cold War gamble that he could forge a working relationship with a
Communist country that had built a small arsenal ofnuclear weapons and
The post Iran Nuclear Deal is a Huge, Historic Gamble appeared first on The
Planned Parenthood: Selling Baby Parts...
*against the law.*
*I can't remember the last time I saw something as evil as this Planned
Parenthood doctor shoveling food into her gaping maw while casually
discussing selling livers, lungs, and lower extremities of aborted babies.*
What have we become as a country?
May I remind you all that our government hands over your tax dollars to
this evil corporation every single solitary year.
*This is a must watch video. *
The video, made by the Center for Medical Progress, catches Planned
Parenthood Federation of America’s Senior Director of Medical Services, Dr.
Deborah Nucatola, ... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- July 14, 2015

Military hardware on show during this year's National Army Day in Tehran
*Richard Spencer, The Telegraph:* *Arms dealers set to profit from end to
Iran embargo*
Tehran will be looking to upgrade its arsenal as a phased lifting of the
non-nuclear arms embargo is confirmed
The phased lifting of the arms embargo on Iran that will accompany
Tuesday's nuclear deal will be a boon to arms dealers and industrial
exporters across the world.
Under the broader sanctions programme, offensive weapons and a whole range
of kit - some obvious like military aircraft but some much more general
su... more »
Open Carry Banned in Whataburger Restaurants
A Texas-based fast food chain is going counter to Texas culture when it
comes to gun rights. Whataburger, which has nearly 800 locations in 10
states, announced that Texas customers will be denied the right to open
carry their weapons, even though the...
The post Open Carry Banned in Whataburger Restaurants appeared first on The
Chief: Gunmen Tried to ‘Assassinate’ St. Louis Police Officer
ST. LOUIS (AP) — A gunman wearing a bandanna over his face opened fire on a
uniformed St. Louis police sergeant before dawn Tuesday, peppering his
windshield with at least a dozen rounds, and the police chief credited the
The post Chief: Gunmen Tried to ‘Assassinate’ St. Louis Police Officer
appeared first on The Stream.
New Video Exposes Planned Parenthood Selling Body Parts from Partial-Birth Abortions
A chilling video was released today by the Center for Medical Progress as
the culmination of a nearly 3-year-long investigative journalism study of
Planned Parenthood’s illegal trafficking of aborted fetal parts. “I must
admit I was speechless for close to...
The post New Video Exposes Planned Parenthood Selling Body Parts from
Partial-Birth Abortions appeared first on The Stream.
A Look At What Soldiers Of The Future Will look Like

*Patrick Tucker, Defense One/Government Executive:* *What the Fighter of
the Future Will Look Like*
The next 15 years will change troops’ gear in virtually every respect, from
body armor to communications to robot interactions.
New technologies will replace a number of jobs in the next 15 years, but
one occupation that’s unlikely to go away is the most dangerous one in the
world—soldier. The Pentagon spends billions of dollars to make sure
front-line troops are better armed and trained than any adversary they come
across. But as commercial technology advances faster than t... more »
Mexico: Senior Citizen Allegedly Run Over by UFO

Source: Agencia de Noticias Imagen del Golfo and Planeta UFO
Date: July 14, 2015
*Mexico: Senior Citizen Allegedly Run Over by UFO*
A senior citizen from the community of Faisán, belonging to the Paso de
Ovejas municipality, was run over by an alleged UFO that tried to abduct
him, according to the injured party.
The incident occurred on the Salmoral - Paso de Ovejas segment of the state
highway as the man identified as Francisco Acosta Tostado, 68, rode along
in his bicycle. He was found in a prone position in the bushes on the side
of the road, seriously injured and completely ou... more »
Warning: Nuclear Deal With Iran Prelude to War, Not "Breakthrough"

*July 14, 2015 *(Tony Cartalucci - LD) - Originally posted in November of
2013, the article, "Nuclear Deal With Iran Prelude to War, Not
"Breakthrough,"" warned of a premeditated, documented conspiracy to use a
monumental "deal" with Iran as a pretext not for peace, but in fact, for
war and regime change.
Hysteria now sweeps the headlines across the Western media regarding a
"historical nuclear deal" that "Obama made" that vindicates the Nobel Peace
Prize he was "prematurely awarded" so many years ago. For those aware of
the ruse at play, such sentiments are to be inevitably and com... more »
Overview of Displaced In Iraq, May 2015
In June 2015 it was reported that over 3 million Iraqis had lost their
homes. This tragedy began in January 2014 when open fighting broke out in
Anbar after Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki decided to shut down the protest
site in Ramadi. It then accelerated after the fall of Mosul and Tikrit in
June 2014, and then had several more surges as the Islamic State seized
more territory in Anbar in late 2014 to the spring of 2014. Here is an
overview of the displaced in Iraq in May 2015 based upon data published by
the International Organization of Migration (IOM). IOM has not released
re... more »
Netanyahu: Israel ‘Not Bound’ by Iran Nuclear Deal
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel’s prime minister condemned Tuesday’s international
nuclear agreement with Iran as a “stunning historic mistake” and said his
country is not bound by the deal, strongly hinting that military action
remains an option. Benjamin Netanyahu has been...
The post Netanyahu: Israel ‘Not Bound’ by Iran Nuclear Deal appeared first
on The Stream.
Obama’s Silence on Kate Steinle Murder is Deafening
After Trayvon Martin was killed, President Obama spoke emotionally about
his death, declaring “this could have been my son.” After Michael Brown was
killed, Obama promised to ensure that “justice is done” and declared: “We
lost a young man, Michael...
The post Obama’s Silence on Kate Steinle Murder is Deafening appeared first
on The Stream.
A Major Breakthrough In Colombia - FARC Peace Talks?
*L.A. Times*: *Picking up the pace of peace talks between Colombia, rebels*
In an apparent concession to rebels with whom he is holding stalled peace
negotiations, Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos has agreed to scale
down military activities of his armed forces on the condition that the
insurgents speed up the pace of the talks in coming months.
In a press conference at the presidential palace here Monday morning, chief
government negotiator Humberto De La Calle said the Revolutionary Armed
Forces of Colombia, or FARC, had agreed to “change the methodology” of the
talks to q... more »
Herbs and Spices: Flavor Your Meals and Boost Your Health
*Meme - *Why pay for doctors' fees and prescription medications when you
can stock your kitchen with these organic herbs and spices that you can use
for a variety of ailments?
The post Herbs and Spices: Flavor Your Meals and Boost Your Health appeared
first on Waking Times.
It's All Hogwash

These days, Michael Harris writes, the Conservative majority in the Senate
is sounding more and more like Donald Trump:
If there is anyone left in the country who still believes that the place of
sober second thought is an independent body, last week’s report from the
Senate’s Security and Defence committee should open their eyes.
It’s not the Red Chamber. It’s the Echo Chamber, amplifying the central
message of the Conservative election campaign: be afraid, be very afraid.
It is trash politics in all its ... more »
Pentaquark discovery claimed by LHCb
Due to confinement, quarks are obsessive about the creation of bound
states. Most typically, we have quark-antiquark pairs (mesons) and triplets
of quarks (baryons). All of those states have lots of extra gluons and
quark-antiquark pairs.
*Quark bound states simpler than the pentaquark*
The word "pentaquark" means "five quarks". They are hypothetical particles
made out of five quarks-or-antiquarks. The Greek prefix is being used to
remember the times when Greece was an advanced country, some 2,000 years
ago. These bags of 5 particles have to contain 4 quarks and 1 antiquark, or
v... more »
Greece's Financial Situation Far Worse Than Reported
*Reuters*:* Exclusive - Greece needs debt relief far beyond EU plans:
secret IMF report*
Greece will need far bigger debt relief than euro zone partners have been
prepared to envisage so far due to the devastation of its economy and banks
in the last two weeks, a confidential study by the International Monetary
Fund seen by Reuters shows.
The updated debt sustainability analysis (DSA) was sent to euro zone
governments late on Monday, hours after Athens and its 18 partners agreed
in principle to open negotiations on a third bailout programme of up to 86
billion euros in return for... more »
Wal-Mart Sued, Accused of Same-Sex Discrimination
BOSTON (AP) — A Massachusetts woman filed a class-action lawsuit Tuesday
accusing Wal-Mart of wrongly denying employee benefits for same-sex
spouses. Jacqueline Cote says Wal-Mart repeatedly denied medical insurance
for her wife before 2014, when the retail giant started offering...
The post Wal-Mart Sued, Accused of Same-Sex Discrimination appeared first
on The Stream.
FROM THE TPP TO THE ACA: Liberal applause for some horrible numbers!
*TUESDAY, JULY 14, 2015Part 2—As judged by the global perspective:* Will
the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership—the TPP—succeed in “killing huge
swaths of working-class and middle-class jobs?”
That’s what Rachel Maddow suggested, just one time, back in early May. But
let’s face it! Within vast swaths of our own liberal tribe, we don’t seem
to give a large hoot about such mundane concerns.
Dearest darlings! On our own corporate liberal news channel, the TPP has
largely been ignored, except when it’s been used as a feel-good partisan
toy. But that’s the way “economic issues” tend t... more »
One Toke Over the Line: Race On to Develop ‘Pot Breathalyzer’
As cannabis bans are relaxed in more U.S. states, the race is on to develop
an instant roadside breathalyzer for police to test drivers who may be
taking the “high” road. Vancouver-based Cannabix Technologies Inc, founded
by a retired Royal...
The post One Toke Over the Line: Race On to Develop ‘Pot Breathalyzer’
appeared first on The Stream.
There is No Greek Deal ? Will the Greek government fall?
*Here's an interesting perspective:*
*From an economist named Meagan Greene of Manulife.*
*She certainly presents much food for thought *
*BTW: Will the Greek Government "fall"? *
You saw the headlines Monday about a deal for Greece? *Well, there is no
deal*.* There are a series of punitive and humiliating diktats from
creditors that Greece must legislate into law by Wednesday or take a
“time-out” from the eurozone.*
*Once these creditor demands are met, then Greece will negotiate a new
bailout deal.* That deal will very likely certainly be a failure for both
political and economic... more »
Good News In Colorado-- Morgan Carroll Is Running For Congress

CO-06 was redrawn some years ago as a true swing district. It snakes around
the southern, western and northen suburbs of Denver and includes Aurora,
Littleton and Centennial. Long a prime Democratic target, the PVI D+1
district is represented by Mike Coffman, who is far too right ideologically
for the moderate district. Obama beat McCain in 2004 59-40%, and beat
Romney 4 years later 52-47%.
The DCCC selected their last candidate, Andrew Romanoff, despite a distinct
lack of enthusiasm for his candidacy from the Hispanic community.
Environmentalists were also wary of him because of... more »
Russian Tu-95 Bear Strategic Bomber Crashes In Siberia

Russian Tu-95 Bear Strategic Bomber. © Sputnik/ Jakutyn
*RT:* *Russian Tu-95 Bear Strategic Bomber*
A Tu-95 strategic bomber has crashed during training flight 80km from the
city of Khabarovsk, eastern Russia, the Defense Ministry said.
“The flight was being conducted without ammunition. The plane fell in
deserted area, there is no destruction on the ground,” says a statement
from the ministry. The crew ejected from the aircraft before the crash, it
The incident happened near the aviation ground of Litovka, 60km from
Khabarovsk, a source told TASS, adding that the suspecte... more »
Harper Lee’s Town Joyful, Anxious Over ‘Mockingbird’ Sequel
MONROEVILLE, Ala. (AP)€ —” Judy May and her sister Julia Stroud drove back
to their hometown of Monroeville, Alabama, and snatched up the first two
copies as Harper Lee’s new novel “Go Set a Watchman” as the book went on
The post Harper Lee’s Town Joyful, Anxious Over ‘Mockingbird’ Sequel
appeared first on The Stream.
Can Court Clerks Decline to Do Gay Marriages? How It’s Playing Out in the States
A few cases of public employees who cite their faith in declining to issue
marriage licenses to same-sex couples have grabbed media attention, but
similar concerns exist in scores of courthouses across America, a lawyer
for a prominent Christian legal organization...
The post Can Court Clerks Decline to Do Gay Marriages? How It’s Playing Out
in the States appeared first on The Stream.
Military Veteran Amputee Inspires in Pro Golf Debut
Chad Pfeifer, a retired United States Army Corporal, had his left leg
amputated above the knee in 2007 after an explosion hit his patrol vehicle.
He was serving in Iraq at the time. On Thursday, Pfeifer made his
professional golf...
The post Military Veteran Amputee Inspires in Pro Golf Debut appeared first
on The Stream.
Iran Deal Signed - Now Will U.S. Bring 'Missile Defense' Home?
Iran has reached an agreement to significantly limit its nuclear ability
for more than a decade in return for lifting international oil and
financial sanctions. The agreement is between Iran and Britain, China,
France, Germany, Russia, the United States, and the European Union. The
deal would not have likely been possible without the active participation
of the Russian Federation.
Israel and Saudi Arabia will likely try to kill the deal as will the
Republican led Congress in Washington.
Longtime peace worker Jan Oberg in Sweden writes about the deal:
Why Iran in focus and not ... more »
Pentagon To Allow Transgenders To Serve Openly In The Military
*Washington Post:* *Military to allow transgender members to serve openly*
The Pentagon announced Monday that it will allow transgender members of the
military to serve openly starting next year, marking an end to a
long-standing policy that barred them from the armed forces.
In an echo of the Defense Department’s repeal of the ban on gays in uniform
four years ago, Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter said he had directed the
armed forces to devise new rules over the next six months that would allow
transgender troops to serve, except in situations “where objective,
practical imped... more »
Closing Arguments to Begin in Colorado Theater Shooting Case
CENTENNIAL, Colo. (AP) — Attorneys in the Colorado theater shooting trial
have one last chance to convince jurors that gunman James Holmes was either
a cold, calculating killer or a man so overcome by psychosis that he could
no longer...
The post Closing Arguments to Begin in Colorado Theater Shooting Case
appeared first on The Stream.
Meet The Escaped Murderous, Billionaire Drug Lord Mexico Can’t Keep in Jail
Mexican officials are scrambling to capture a murderous, billionaire drug
cartel kingpin who escaped from prison over the weekend, but who exactly is
this man, how dangerous is he, and why is the entire country of Mexico
terrified of him? Joaquin...
The post Meet The Escaped Murderous, Billionaire Drug Lord Mexico Can’t
Keep in Jail appeared first on The Stream.
U.S. Military Announces Plan to Lift Transgender Ban
WASHINGTON (AP) — Defense Secretary Ash Carter has ordered a six-month
study aimed at formally ending one of the last gender- or sexuality-based
barriers to military service, saying the Pentagon’s current regulations
banning transgender individuals from serving in the military...
The post U.S. Military Announces Plan to Lift Transgender Ban appeared
first on The Stream.
Efficient Government
W.R.Hume Residence, by Walter Burley Griffin
Unbuilt project for a site outside Melbourne, 1920 or earlier. Designed by
Walter Burley Griffin for Walter Hume, director of Hume Pipe Co. (Aust)
Ltd. Not very exciting spatially, but it was the first residential design
in which Griffin used concrete pipes as columns. European “modernists”
wouldn’t be so modern for at least a decade.
Griffin’s aim with most domestic architecture was to modest dwellings
allowing nature to dominate. The beautiful drawings by hiswife Marion
Mahoney demonstrate the ethic perfectly.
[Image from *Griffin Society*]
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com ©... more »
*Global warming forcing planes to spend up to 11 minutes longer in the air
battling strong winds*
*Another entertaining bit of nonsense. It may be that winds have got
stronger in recent times but even the IPCC does not claim any upsurge in
extreme weather as a result of climate change -- and there has been no
climate change for 18 years anyway. This is at best just propaganda*
Global warming might be creating a vicious cycle of rising temperatures as
its effects exacerbate its causes.
Strong winds caused by extreme weather are fuelling this rise as planes
spend longer in the ai... more »
Pluto Close-up: Spacecraft Now Flying Past Icy Mystery World
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — We’ve made it to Pluto by NASA’s calculations,
the last stop on a planetary tour of the solar system a half-century in the
making. The moment of closest approach for the New Horizons spacecraft
The post Pluto Close-up: Spacecraft Now Flying Past Icy Mystery World
appeared first on The Stream.
Obama Warns Congress Not to Stand in Way of Iran Deal
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama heralded a historic nuclear
agreement with Iran Tuesday as an opportunity for the longtime foes to move
in a “new direction,” while sharply warning Congress that it would be
irresponsible to block the accord....
The post Obama Warns Congress Not to Stand in Way of Iran Deal appeared
first on The Stream.
Greek Leader Faces Dissent at Home over Rescue Deal
ATHENS, Greece (AP) — Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras faced open revolt from
some of his own ministers as he tried Tuesday to rally support for a
financial rescue agreement that includes measures that will cause more
economic pain for Greeks....
The post Greek Leader Faces Dissent at Home over Rescue Deal appeared first
on The Stream.
Official Calls Teen’s Plane Crash Survival a ‘Miracle’
SEATTLE (AP) — A 16-year-old girl survived a small plane crash in the
rugged mountains of north-central Washington state and then hiked through
thick forest to reach safety in what one official called “a miracle.” But
searchers were still looking...
The post Official Calls Teen’s Plane Crash Survival a ‘Miracle’ appeared
first on The Stream.
Son of Boston Police Captain Became ‘Obsessed with Islam,’ Planned to Bomb College, Broadcast Killings
BOSTON (AP) — The son of a Boston police captain has been accused of
plotting to detonate pressure-cooker bombs at an unidentified university
and to broadcast the killings of students live online, extremist acts aimed
at supporting the Islamic State...
The post Son of Boston Police Captain Became ‘Obsessed with Islam,’ Planned
to Bomb College, Broadcast Killings appeared first on The Stream.
Economic News , Data and View ( July 14 , 2015 ) - Broader Europe ( Economic Data Splash - ZEW July German Economic Sentiment Index , Industrial Output For EZ , Business Confidence - France and Italy , Italian Inflation data - June ) ...... Greece in focus ( Finding The Bridge Financing , State Of Play - Domestic Greece Politics and International Scene , Creditor Talk tidbits )

Broader Europe....
*Markit Economics* @MarkitEconomics 1h
1 hour ago
ZEW July German Economic Sentiment Index at 29.7 (31.5 in June); Current
Conditions Index at 63.9 (62.9 in June)
*Markit Economics* @MarkitEconomics 1h1 hour ago
Industrial output in #*eurozone* falls 0.4% m/m in May. #*Greece*: -5.1%.
Full table here: http://ow.ly/i/bObP3
*Markit Economics* @MarkitEconomics 2h
2 hours ago
Business confidence in #*France* rises to highest since February 2014
http://ow.ly/PzR2b http://ow.ly/i/bO9oP
*Markit Economics* @MarkitEconomics 2h
2 hours ago
Weake... more »
After Hard Negotiation, Historic Iran Nuclear Deal Reached, But Middle East Tensions Rise in Israel, Saudi Arabia
VIENNA (AP) — After 18 days of intense and often fractious negotiation,
world powers and Iran struck a landmark deal Tuesday to curb Iran’s nuclear
program in exchange for billions of dollars in relief from international
sanctions — an agreement...
The post After Hard Negotiation, Historic Iran Nuclear Deal Reached, But
Middle East Tensions Rise in Israel, Saudi Arabia appeared first on The
This Should End the Debate. . . Aw, Fuck, Who Are We Trying to Kid?
The thing about the repro rights beat is that nothing is ever settled.
Well, it is, but the fetus freaks don't accept facts, evidence, studies,
and so on and just keep stomping their feet and SHRIEEEEKING.
It's been said many times: post-abortion syndrome is a myth, a myth whose
origin is possible to date even (it was coined by Vincent Rue in 1981).
And apparently I'm not the only one getting tired of covering this stuff. A
headline at ThinkProgress today is "This Study Should End The Debate About
Whether Women Regret Having Abortions."
Here's the link.
According to a new study tha... more »
The Iran deal is a new Munich Betrayal
Today, July 14th, 2015, will be remembered as the date of the deal with
Iran. The world powers officially lift all sanctions against Iran, allow
Iran to export and import weapons, get much wealthier than it is now, keep
all of its nuclear facilities, continue enrichment, and behave as if it
were a legitimate regional power. Since 2023, there won't be any
restrictions on enrichment at all.
OK, I meant the updated photograph.
IAEA (International Nuclear Watchdog) is immediately losing all access to
nuclear sites and scientists. In the words of their president, all of
Iran's goals... more »
Lockheed Martin’s JAGM Goes Two for Two in Latest Flight Tests

[image: Joint Air-to-Ground Missile (JAGM)]Lockheed Martin demonstrated its
multi-mode Joint Air-to-Ground Missile (JAGM), engaging two
laser-designated stationary targets during recent Government-led flight
tests at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida.
In the first test, the missile flew four kilometers, engaged its
precision-strike, semi-active laser and hit the stationary target.
During the second flight, the missile flew four kilometers, acquired the
target using its precision strike, semi-active laser while simultaneously
tracking the target with its millimeter wave radar, and hit t... more »
Repentance to Good News
DUDLEY HALL — “Let all the house of Israel therefore know for certain that
God has made him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you crucified. Now
when they heard this they were cut to the heart, and said...
The post Repentance to Good News appeared first on The Stream.
Two sides to every story
“Good News!” said the announcer this morning. “An historic deal has been
stricken! “ Well, not exactly, but the announcement that the US and co have
reached an agreement with Iran seemed to have been framed as though this
was jolly good news.
As a supporter of Israel, I’m inclined to take the view that it is no such
thing, but seeing as I am only a relatively ill-informed member of the
public I’ll leave it at that for now.
When they said the deal was “to curb Iran’s nuclear programme” I thought,
yeah, but I bet they ain’t reporting it like that in Tehran. They’ll be
calling it a... more »
Corzine Skips & Bankers Jubilant (Greece's Dire Economic Straits Not Only a Tragedy, But a Lie) Greece Greased by Greedy? (Guerrillas Gone)
Wall Street (Corzine and buddies) up, Greased Street down? There seem to be
lots of plans that the voters don't get to know. Until the next election
perhaps? (If then.) Don't miss the commenters, many of whom live in Greece
and are seeing this attack on the ground (and yes you'll need more than one
drink). From Zero Hedge, Penny for your Thoughts, and Coyote-Prime: WaLL
UK’s Cameron urges more UAV and surveillance SDSR spending

[image: RAF MQ-9 Reaper]UK Prime Minister David Cameron has said that more
resources should be allocated to unmanned air vehicles and surveillance
aircraft, indicating that the upcoming Strategic Defence and Security
Review (SDSR) could include more spending on these capabilities.
Ahead of a visit on 13 July to RAF Waddington in Lincolnshire – the home of
the UK’s surveillance fleet, including the armed General Atomics
Aeronautical Systems MQ-9 Reaper UAV – Cameron said that the UK’s recently
pledged 2% GDP defence spending needs to be spent on key areas, including
UAVs, special for... more »
Deal reached in Iranian nuclear talks

[image: Shahab-3 missile]Iran and six major world powers have reached a
deal in nuclear talks, capping more than a decade of on-off negotiations
with an agreement that could potentially transform the Middle East.
Under the deal, sanctions imposed by the United States, European Union and
United Nations would be lifted in return for Iran agreeing long-term curbs
on a nuclear programme that the West has suspected was aimed at creating a
nuclear bomb.
Reaching a deal is a major policy victory for both US President Barack
Obama and Iran's President Hassan Rouhani, a pragmatist elected tw... more »
Doing deals to prevent nuclear weapons being manufactured by rogue nations works, doesn't it?
Watching the Barack Hussein Obama administration do everything it can in
order to placate Iran and come to a deal, any deal, that at least appears
to restrict Iran's march towards nuclear weapons reminded me of another US
Democrat President doing similar.
Here's Bill Clinton from October 1994 on how his deal was going to stop
North Korea's nuclear weapons programme. That worked out well, didn't it?
On October 9, 2006, North Korea announced it had successfully conducted its first
nuclear test. An underground explosion was detected, its yield was
estimated as less than a kiloton, and... more »
First F-16s Arrive in Iraq Under US Contract

[image: F-16 Fighting Falcon]The first batch of U.S.-provided F-16s has
arrived in Iraq, following a string of delays over security and other
The big question overhanging the shipment, though, is whether the Iraqis
can fly them.
The Obama administration said Monday that the first group of Iraqi pilots
has been trained.
Read more
Who has airpower superiority in southern Africa?
[image: Su-30SM Flanker]South Africa’s reputation as top gun when it comes
to air power in the southern African region could be shot down by Angola
and its powerful new Russian fighters.
The west African country is set to take delivery of the first tranche of
Sukhoi Su-30K fighters in the next six months and will have 12 in service
by the end of next year.
Gauteng Afrikaans daily Beeld approached military analyst Helmoed Heitman,
retired SAAF and Indian Air Force pilot colonel Rama Iyer and a former
officer commanding 2 Squadron for their views on how the SA Air Force’s
(SAAF) Grip... more »
Russia Calls US Nuclear Bomb Test 'Provocative' Weeks After Putin Announced Arsenal Expansion

[image: Russian Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov]The U.S. military's
test earlier this month of a B61-12 nuclear bomb in Nevada was an “openly
provocative” attempt to antagonize Moscow, a top Russian official said
Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov condemned the exercise just weeks
after Russian President Vladimir Putin announced his plan to expand
Russia’s own nuclear arsenal.
The U.S. Air Force and National Nuclear Safety Administration used an F-15E
fighter-bomber to test-launch a warhead-less bomb July 1.
Read more
A Formal Nuclear Deal With Iran Has Been Announced

German Foreign Minister Frank Walter Steinmeier (L), French Foreign
Minister Laurent Fabius (2ndL), Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi (4thL), EU
Deputy Secretary General for the External Action Service Helga Schmid
(8thL), European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security
Policy Federica Mogherini (C), U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry (5thR),
Under Secretary for Political Affairs Wendy Sherman (4thR) and Russian
Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov (R) meet in Palais Coburg, the venue for
nuclear talks, in Vienna, Austria July 13, 2015. REUTERS/Leonhard Foeger
*Reuters... more »
Boeing not exclusively teamed going into JSTARS battle

[image: E-8A JSTARS]Boeing, Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman’s JSTARS
teams are in a “blackout period” awaiting an announcement by the US Air
Force in late August or early September about which prime contractors will
proceed to the first stage of the multi-billion dollar aircraft
recapitalisation programme.
The air force intends to select “up to three teams” for the forthcoming
pre-development technology maturation and risk-reduction phase, meaning
neither’s place is secure and one, or perhaps even two, primes could miss
Northrop and Lockheed used last month's Paris Air Sh... more »
Northern Fleet Su-33’s Redeployed to Crimea for Training

[image: Su-33 Flanker-D]Three Su-25UTG aircraft and three Su-33
carrier-based fighters were redeployed from the Severomorsk-3 airfield of
the Northern Fleet to the Saki airfield. The training sessions will take
several weeks and include 10 flying shifts.
Crews of the shipborne fighter regiment of the Russian Northern Fleet
aviation began on Monday practical training at the NITKA range in Crimea,
the press-office of the fleet reported.
"Three Su-25UTG military training aircraft and three Su-33 carrier-based
fighters were redeployed from the Severomorsk-3 airfield of the Northern
Fle... more »
Retired Aircraft Carrier USS Ranger Reaches Texas For Scrap

The former aircraft carrier USS Ranger has reached a South Texas shipyard
where it will be taken apart for scrap and recycling.
Spectators lined the shore as the Ranger was towed to the Port of
Brownsville on Sunday.
The Ranger left Bremerton, Washington, on March 5. International
Shipbreaking Ltd. has been hired to dismantle the former U.S. warship.
Read more
PLA's Type 075-class amphibious landing helicopter assault ship revealed
[image: Type 075 LHA]Photos of a model of China's new Type 075-class
amphibious landing helicopter assault ship have recently been revealed on a
Chinese military website, reports Hong Kong-based Phoenix Television on
July 12.
With a displacement of 40,000 tons, the Type 075-class amphibious landing
helicopter assault ship has four take-off and landing spots dedicated to
Below the hanger of the vessel, there is a huge well deck designed to carry
an unknown number of domestic air-cushioned landing craft.
Read more
India in Talks With Russia on Purchasing Submarine Rescue Ship

[image: Project 21300 rescue ship Igor Belousov]Alexander Buzakov, the head
of Admiralty Shipyards, said they had presented to Indian military
representatives aboard a 21300-class vessel, the first ship of its kind to
be commissioned by to the Russian Navy by the end of 2015.
India has no ship capable of assisting nuclear and conventional submarines
should they run into trouble at sea, the outlet noted.
At present, its deep-sea rescue operations rely on foreign assistance.
Read more
Attack submarines to amphibious planes: Japan's biggest companies bet big on exporting military hardware

[image: ShinMaywa US-2]Some of Japan's biggest companies, best known for
motorcycles, washing machines and laptop computers, are pitching a new line
of global products: military hardware.
Quiet-running attack submarines. Amphibious search-and-rescue planes.
Ship-mounted radar systems that use lasers to help pinpoint approaching
After a ban on weapons exports that the Japanese government had maintained
for nearly 50 years, Mitsubishi, Kawasaki, Hitachi, Toshiba and other
military contractors in this semipacifist country are cautiously but
unmistakably telling the world th... more »
Russian Black Sea Submarine Presence Revived As It Looks To Strengthen Military Position Near Crimea

Russian will send new diesel-electric submarines to its Black Sea port of
Novorossiysk in 2016 as it looks to reinforce its naval presence in the
region, reported the Russian news agency Tass.
The naval base, which lies about 60 miles from the annexed Crimean
peninsula, will alarm NATO and European Union (EU) leaders, who will see
the move as an attempt to further legitimize Russia’s claimed ownership of
the former Ukrainian territory and further evidence of the Kremlin
reverting to a military stance reminiscent of the Cold-War.
"The construction of a series of six Project 636 di... more »
Russia's Five Most Lethal Submarines as Seen by US Magazine

[image: Project 636.3 (Varshavyanka) class SSK]Having recently published
lists of Russia's deadly naval ships and dangerous military aircraft, the
National Interest is back with a new best of compilation.
Russia makes every effort to improve its nascent submarine fleet by
upgrading Soviet-era models and offering brand new platforms, like Borei
and Yasen. Let's take a closer look.
*Akula-class submarine*
Project 971 Shchuka-B or Bars, designated by NATO as the Akula, is a
nuclear-powered attack submarine equipped with 40 torpedoes, mines and 12
RK-55 Granat cruise missiles.
Read more
Greek PM Alexis Tsipras Faces Party Revolt And Public Opposition Over His Eurozone Bailout Deal
*Reuters*:* Greek PM Tspiras faces party revolt over bailout deal*
Greece's leftwing Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras faces a showdown with
rebels in his own party on Tuesday furious at his capitulation to German
demands for one of the most sweeping austerity packages ever demanded of a
euro zone government.
Just hours after a deal that saw Greece surrender much of its sovereignty
to outside supervision in return for agreeing to talks on an 86 billion
euro ($95 billion) bailout, doubts were already emerging about whether
Tsipras would be able to hold his government together.
The ter... more »
The U.S. Navy Wants A Navy Of Robots

The Navy's new "yellow submarine" is one robot already under development.
Source: U.S. Navy.
*Motley Fool:* *Who Wants a Robot Navy? The Pentagon Does!*
A little-noticed contract gives a big clue to where the Pentagon is heading.
For years, we've been talking about the U.S. Navy's infatuation with robots
-- everything from robotic helicopters to robotic fighter jets that can
land on an aircraft carrier -- unaided. From swarming, remote-controlled
small patrol boats sailing the seas to tiny submarines that look like fish.
Granted, many of the Navy's experiments in the realm of robot... more »
A Look Inside The Pentagon's Cyber Boot Camp

From left: Miles Brinkley, 23, and Joshua Fisk, 26. Photographer: William
Widmer for Bloomberg Businessweek
*Jordan Robertson and Michael Riley, Bloomberg*: *Inside the Pentagon’s
Boot Camp for Cyberwarriors*
Drop and give me 20 lines of code.
Inside the U.S. Navy’s Corry Station base in Pensacola, Fla., there’s a
school that wouldn’t look out of place on any well-manicured college
campus—except for a handful of buildings wreathed in barbed wire, with the
windows bricked up. That’s to keep electronic signals from getting in or
out. The buildings make up the Center for Information ... more »
Economic Theories That Have Changed Us: Game Theory
[image: Game theory has a fascinating connection with poker. (iStock)]
Game theory is an excellent structure but needs a better foundational
understanding of the social nature of economic decision making. good luck
on all that. It really needs to be mastered at the natural community level.
In the meantime the world will continue to flounder sadly.
I am completely convince that poverty can disappear while the global
economy leaps in size.
*Economic Theories That Have Changed Us: Game Theory*
*By Partha Gangopadhyay, University of Western Sydney | June 30, 2015*
*Last Update... more »
Scientists Discover New Fundamental Property of Light—150 Years After Maxwell

Interesting. an idea passes over from the physical electrons to light
itself and opens a set of tools to manipulate light. This will be useful.
Our own central being is a light body so we know that stable complex
structures are possible. now we need to master the art of building up such
structures and working with them.
Can we encode a trapped photon?.
*Scientists Discover New Fundamental Property of Light—150 Years After
*By Clive Emary, University of Hull | June 30, 2015*
*http://www.theepochtimes.com/n3/1411481-scientists-discover-new-fundamental-propert... more »
Enzyme Provides Built-in Protection Against Atherosclerosis
[image: A study led by Yogen Kanthi, M.D., cardiologist and vascular
medicine specialist at the University of Michigan Frankel Cardiovascular
Center, is the first...]
This begs the question of what to do next. Is CD39 driven by an age
related deficiency? Is it related to say vitamin C? That consists of
tying two linkages together but needs to be tested.
Is there even a CD39 deficiency at all? How does it relate to Ginseng's
effect on Blood chemistry?
Those are the easy questions. At least we have a promising helper that can
be potentially optimized..
*New research suggests ... more »
How Turmeric Will Light Up The Future
[image: Turmeric]
This is astonishing and unexpected. Better our command of the science
strongly suggests that this will open up a huge range of available organic
light sources that are not exotic at all. embedding something like this as
a substrate in a clear plastic sheet becomes plausible along with a low
energy profile.
We are on the way to white light ceiling panels that cost little to
operate. Who would have thought any of this coming out of the box?
The payoff though is obviously the low energy profile. Add it to
plasticized electronic circuits and flexi... more »
Military Photo of the Day: July 14, 2015
A Sea Hawk MH-60R helicopter fires flares near the aircraft carrier USS
Carl Vinson during an air power demonstration on July 11, 2015. Thanks
to Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Tom Tonthat for taking this
spectacular photo!
The post Military Photo of the Day: July 14, 2015 appeared first on The
Jeremy Corbyn loses his cool.
Scratch the surface and what an angry little chap lies underneath.
I do love the way he compares Israeli politcicians with the genoicidal
Islamist terrorists of Hmas and Hezbollah.
How to install LinkWithin gadget to Blogger

LinkWithin has changed the way we install their Related posts widget to a
Blogger.com blog. This is how you should do it. First, go to LinkWithin
website. Copy-paste your blog address/url into the relevant field and
select how many related posts you want to display (see screenshot below):
[image: How to get Linkwithin gadget]How to get Linkwithin gadgetThen click
GET WIDGET! Once you have done this, the LinkWithin gadget will be added to
the list of gadgets for your Blogger.com blog.
After clicking GET WIDGET! a page will popup showing the LinkWithin gadget
in your Dashboard:
[imag... more »
Is The U.S. Drone Campaign Against The Islamic State Working?

The Triton unmanned aircraft system completing its first flight from the
Northrop Grumman manufacturing facility in Palmdale, California, May 22,
2013. U.S. Navy photo courtesy of Northrop Grumman/Alex Evers/Handout via
*David Axe, Reuters:* *Why you’ll always lose with drones alone*
The U.S.-led air campaign against Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria
is having a devastating effect on the insurgent forces. That is, if you
believe the Pentagon’s continuing tally of destroyed and damaged vehicles,
facilities and troop formations.
But the official statistics are meanin... more »
Can This Be the Solution to the Global Trash Problem?
*Video - *If each one of us treats trash the way this woman does, what type
of world would we live in?
The post Can This Be the Solution to the Global Trash Problem? appeared
first on Waking Times.
Cartoon: ‘Famous Last Words’
The post Cartoon: ‘Famous Last Words’ appeared first on The Stream.
Is the Civil War Over?
In the wake of the recent murders in a South Carolina church, the killer’s
hope of igniting a race war produced the opposite effect. Blacks and whites
in South Carolina came together to condemn his act and the race hate...
The post Is the Civil War Over? appeared first on The Stream.
Hillary’s Tired, Demogogic Economic Proposals
Hillary Clinton is a walking, talking cliche who spouts decades-old sound
bites that were bad enough when her husband first delivered them but are
painfully anachronistic today. Same old material, same old demagoguery. You
would think a self-styled “progressive” would...
The post Hillary’s Tired, Demogogic Economic Proposals appeared first on The
Fukushima Update July 13, 2015
Another unhealthy looking sky over Fukushima Daiichi:
Who knows what is happening at the plant?
There was a spike in Iodine-131 in Gunma sewage sludge in May 2015
(reported by Optimal Prediction):
Fukushima Daiichi also reported a spike in Iodine-131 in May 2015
*Significant level of I-131 detected from dry sludge of Fukushima sewage
plant after rain in May
http://fukushima-diary.com/2015/07/significant-level-of-i-131-detected-from-dry-sludge-of-fukushima-sewage-plant-after-... more »
Back to the Bazaar: Fact-Checking the BBC on Iran's Nuclear Program
on the Iranian nuclear program in the mainstream press has always been
fraught with disinformation, misinformation, speculative shorthand, and
myriad errors. The BBC is no stranger to such mistakes.
In a new report from Vienna, where nuclear talks continue, the Beeb's
diplomatic correspondent James Robbins attempts to give readers some
historical context for Iran's nuclear
There Should Be No Sanctuary from the Law
According to the Wall Street Journal, the last serious attempt to count the
number of federal criminal laws appears to have been made in 1982 by a
retired Justice Department official named Ronald Gainer. He failed, but the
estimate then...
The post There Should Be No Sanctuary from the Law appeared first on The
The Time Has Come To Remove Canada`s Wannabe Hitler, Time to Remove Stephen Harper

*Written by Grant G *
Every Government website, including Weather Canada, there it is, a message
from Stephen Harper, promoting him and the Conservative party, a Canada Day
message from Harper and a 150 celebration message, and not the least,
back-patting themselves over porky tax cuts, everywhere one looks Stephen
Harper`s propaganda is front and center...
Canada action plan signs littering every single infrastructure project site
as well as endless Federal Harper Conservative partisan Government ads
inundating television and radio costing Canadian taxpayers $hundreds of
mi... more »
The Extreme Centrism of Hillary Clinton
Despite a speech being touted as "sweeping" and populist, Hillary Clinton's
ingrained market-based approach to governance kept shining through like
high beam headlights aimed at the yellow line in the middle of the road.
She outlined her economic agenda on Monday in a talk at the carefully
chosen progressive bastion known as the New School.
Reciting the standard litany of ills -- erosion of the middle class due to
globalization, crushing student debt, increasing wealth disparity, lack of
child care for working mothers, and Wall Street malfeasance -- she managed
to totally ignore h... more »
Hillary against the Uber Economy
Grandmothers may know best, as Hillary Clinton has put it in tweets, but
judging by her latest economic speech, they don’t necessarily get or like
Uber. The ride-sharing service is synonymous with the new efficiency and
convenience enabled by information...
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Wife of Bill Cosby Stands by Accused Husband
The wife of comedian Bill Cosby, Camille Cosby, has stated that she is
standing by her husband who has been accused of raping multiple women.
Despite over 40 women accusing him of sexual assault, and his admitting to
drugging women...
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Has the Vatican Already Forgotten the Lessons of John Paul II?
Cracow — Perhaps it’s because I’ve been living in the city John Paul II
called “my beloved Cracow” for the past two and a half weeks, but it does
strike me (and not only me) that the contemporary Vatican seems...
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appeared first on The Stream.
“The Last Days Of 'Normal Life' In America”
*“The Last Days Of 'Normal Life' In America”*
by Michael Snyder
“If you have got family and friends that you would like to visit before
things start getting really crazy, you should do so within the next couple
of months, because these are the last days of “normal life” in America. The
website where I have posted this article is called “End of the American
Dream“, but perhaps I should have entitled it “The End of America” because
that is essentially what we are heading for. The debt-fueled prosperity
that so many of us take for granted is about to come to a screeching halt,
and we... more »
Comics Watch: After 25 years, "Bloom County" returns!

*Berkeley Breathed posted this shot yesterday on his Facebook photo page
yesterday (click to enlarge) with the note: "A return after 25 years. Feels
like going home." (Presumably he's not referring to the apparatus on which
he was creating Bloom County 2015.)*
*by Ken*
Bright and early today Noah passed along the *Chicagoist* post below with
the note: "Looks like Opus and Milo just couldn't keep silent any longer!"
And I realize that for a lot of people this is awfully exciting news --
when I looked early this afternoon, the post of the first new *Bloom County*
strip in 25 years o... more »
This is a Coup
The thing that drives me crazy is the self-congratulatory hugs and kisses
between the EU banksters and Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras. It's
clear that he sold his people out with this deal but he is enjoying it way
too much - especially after he came to power campaigning against austerity!
Where is the humility?
Just goes to show how the EU oligarchies reach into opposition parties is
huge. The Greek people must be stunned and furious after this betrayal by
their own leadership. Very sad. It's truly a lesson to be careful with
'leaders' - they can turn on you and sell you... more »
Politics/The Economy: “The Troika And The Five Families”
*“The Troika And The Five Families”*
by Raul I Meijer
“Personally, like most of you, I always thought Germany, besides all its
other talents, good or bad, was a nation of solid calculus and accounting.
Gründlichkeit. And that they knew a thing or two about psychology. But I
stand corrected. The Germans just made their biggest mistake in a long time
(how about some 75 years) over the weekend. Now, when all you have to bring
to a conversation slash negotiation is bullying and strong arming and brute
force, that should perhaps not be overly surprising. But it’s a behemoth
failure all ... more »
British Government Wants More Drones And Special Forces To Combat The Islamic State
*Daily Mail*: *Cameron vows to ramp up the fight against ISIS to 'destroy
the fanatical extremist state at its source'*
* PM says a review of military spending will boost UK's anti-terror
* Claims extra kit will ensure UK can 'destroy fanatical extremist state'
* Defended record fighting ISIS, but added: 'I'm clear we need to do more'
Britain needs to do more to 'destroy' ISIS in Iraq and Syria, David Cameron
admitted today as he set out plans to boost spending on the SAS to fight
the fanatics on the ground.
The Prime Minister said an upcoming review of military spending ... more »
Pro-striver tax-cutting Osborne? He's hiked taxes by £47bn and cut tax credits for the working poor
TIMES: Osborne’s tax-cutting rhetoric masks £47bn increase in taxes
When you heard George Osborne say six times in his Budget speech that he
had moved Britain towards a “lower tax society”, he made a small but
important mistake. He really meant “higher tax”. The independent Office
for Budget Responsibility was crystal clear on the issue. Robert Chote,
its chairman,
The Big Secret: REPUBLICANS Took Down The Confederate Flag In South Carolina

The media, and especially rightwing media (FOX, Hannity, Limbaugh, Savage,
etc...), is telling us "the liberals" took down the Confederate flag in
South Carolina. The big secret, if you actually count the votes in the
South Carolina House, Senate, and the executive, is that more Republicans
than Democrats voted to bring down the Confederate flag.
Yes, it was the Republican HAT-TRICK: House, Senate, Governor
The South Carolina House passed taking down the Confederate flag 94-20. Of
the 94 take-down-the-flag votes, 48 Republicans voted yes to 46 Democrats.
So Republicans out-voted ... more »
What Passes For School In Syria Today

JM Lopez, Al Jazeeera
Al Jazeera: Magazine: *Syria's school of war*
How a former school-turned-'military academy' is training children to fight
in the country's civil war.
Aleppo, Syria - Abdel Razzaq's 'military academy' is located in a former
school in northern Syria's Aleppo province. It is where local boys come to
receive two hours of training a day for three months before being sent off
to the front.
Eager to join their older brothers and fathers on the frontline of the
Syrian civil war, the teenagers readying themselves to fight with the
rebels are oblivious to the interna... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- July 13, 2015
*Bloomberg editorial:* *Greece Should Just Quit*
Does Greece belong in the euro area? This fundamental question has divided
Europe's governments for months, and still does. The deal just announced
only pretends to resolve their disagreement. That's why it won't work.
Enough is enough: Greece should leave the euro system.
The terms forced on Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras last weekend have little
chance of being accepted, carried out and sustained by this Greek
government or its successors. Greece's parliament may accept them this week
because it thinks the alternative is worse -- ... more »
World News Briefs -- July 13, 2015 (Evening Edition)
*Reuters*: *Iran, world powers push for Tuesday nuclear deal*
Nuclear negotiations between Tehran and six world powers were set to miss a
midnight deadline on Monday to reach a final deal, but diplomats from all
sides said they hoped for a breakthrough in the coming hours.
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said an agreement was
possible on Tuesday, but Western and Iranian officials warned that sticking
points remain, including a U.N. arms embargo, and that things could still
fall apart.
The White House said significant issues remained to be resolved and Iran
faced som... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“This sharp cosmic portrait features NGC 891. The spiral galaxy spans about
100 thousand light-years and is seen almost exactly edge-on from our
perspective. In fact, about 30 million light-years distant in the
constellation Andromeda, NGC 891 looks a lot like our Milky Way. At first
glance, it has a flat, thin, galactic disk and a central bulge cut along
the middle by regions of dark obscuring dust.
*Click image for larger size.*
The combined image data also reveal the galaxy's young blue star clusters
and telltale pinkish star forming regions. And remarkably apparent in NGC
891's e... more »
Chet Raymo, “Making Peace”
*“Making Peace”*
by Chet Raymo
"A May 18, 2012 issue of “Science” was devoted to human conflict. If I can
summarize 60 pages of discussion: It's US versus THEM. It seems our long
evolutionary history has favored group solidarity. Empathy and cooperation
within the group; distrust and aggression toward those outside. The first
groups were those of kin, tribes, and then ethnicity. As societies grew,
groups identified themselves in more complex ways. Some researches would
suggest that religions evolved as group adhesives.
WE are moral, beautiful, enlightened, favored by God. THEY are ... more »
Empathy is Actually a Choice
One death is a tragedy. One million is a statistic. You’ve probably heard
this saying before. It is thought to capture an unfortunate truth about
empathy: While a single crying child or injured puppy tugs at our
heartstrings, large numbers...
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