I wondered what they were talking about - and then realized Maxthon was plugging Feedly!
Service to be shut down
Ghost factories: Greece's modern ruins
Greece is home to some of the oldest known structures in the world. Tourists flock from around the world to visit ruins of once glorious places like the Acropolis or Epidaurus and marvel at an ancient civilization. But modern Greece now has its own ruins. The country's recent default on the $1.8 billion International Monetary Fund loan caps off years of a faltering economy that has resulted in a 2
Fourth Toons
* * * Perry Dorrell blogs as PDiddie at Brains and Eggs, usually on topics concerning the strange brew of Texas politics. He's also on Twitter @PDiddie.
8 times Instagram policed women's bodies
Note: The following article contains content that may be considered NSFW. For women, Instagram can get a bit like an overprotective parent, begging you to cover up or be punished. The past year has been especially harsh, with several women receiving Instagram time-outs for "inappropriate content." These women have had their images — and bodies — policed by the social media platform and i
NASA's New Horizons probe suffers anomaly
Just 10 days away from reaching Pluto the spacecraft has suffered an unexplained communications failure. The excruciatingly frustrating possibility th...
Interview 1064 – The BFP Roundtable Tackles ISIS v. Al Qaeda
[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2015-07-03%20BFP%20Roundtable.mp4"][/audio]On this episode we are joined by BFP contributors James Corbett and Christoph Germann for a discussion of the US Deep State's role in creating ISIS, its evolution, and the possible end of Al Qaeda. The three of us explore the idea of "moderate" Al Qaeda members speaking out against ISIS, and
On the Road: A UC Berkeley Grad Discovers a Wider World while Cycling Cross Country
Environmentalism looks different in different places
After the Frack: Habitat Fragmentation
Fracking-related habitat loss, degradation, and fragmentation could have lasting impacts
Developing Countries Surprise with Ambitious Climate Plans for Paris
Countries were asked to submit their best climate action plans ahead of December climate talks, and pledges announced so far show that developing countries are ready to act
In Putin’s Russia, Environmentalists Face Stiff Repression
Russians working to protect the unique Altai ecosystem forced to register as “foreign agents”
IS THE BBC BIASED? // actions
Fact of the day
Apropos of, well, I'm not quite sure...Did you know that the BBC is presently working on improving maternal health in Uttar Pradesh, India? I learned that from a recent tweet from Today editor Jamie Angus, who's just been in Dehli meeting colleagues at BBC Media Action who are working on the project. Sara Chamberlain, Head of Information Communication Technology for BBC Media Action in India, put
It's impartiality, Jon, but not as we know it
BBC Australia Correspondent Jon Donnison continues to sound off on Twitter.Here's his latest opinion - critical, as ever, of the Australian government:Forget Asian century, Australia stuck in 20th century.Minister warns Oz seen as 'decadent' if gay marriage legalised. http://t.co/8UXJrY4B4X— Jon Donnison (@jondonnisonbbc) July 5, 2015
As I've said before, the BBC's self-criticising programmes (a fine idea in principle) range from the utterly feeble (Points of View) to the barely tepid (Feedback) to the sometimes-decent-but-somewhat-hidden-away (Newswatch).Following on from an earlier post, this week's Feedback (the barely tepid one) followed its strange segment promoting complaints that the BBC wasn't being anywhere near PC eno
This is the voice of Anita Anand
I find Any Answers a weird programme to listen to because most of my focus is drawn to Anita Anand......and specifically to how she is reacting to each caller.I actually find Any Answers quite a tense listen at times, especially if Anita strongly disapproves of something the caller is saying. Am I alone in that, given how much her reactions dominate the show?And it's never hard to tell if she stro
Flying Saucers and Kenneth Arnold
(Blogger’s Note: Yes, I’ve touched on this before but in the last week or so the MSM, that is to say Time, published a UFO story that made the point that flying saucer was based on an error so of proving there is nothing to the sightings. I thought I’d take another run at this idea.)I have seen recently more suggestions that the term, “Flying Saucer,” is a misnomer because Kenneth Arnold wasn’t de
A Different Perspective on A Different Peerspective
When I began this blog so long ago, I envisioned a place where the various aspects of the paranormal could be intelligently discussed. I wanted to see people share ideas, solutions, questions and information in a way that would lead us to some sort of resolution. Oh, I knew that we wouldn’t solve everything and that sometimes we’d just have to agree to disagree, but I hadn’t expected the nastiness
Kerman, California UFO Case - An Update
As I had hoped, the Manuel Amparano sighting and burn incident has caused some good discussion and a few irrelevant points (let’s look at Stephenville, Hasting’s work and the Phoenix Lights… though I’m surprised that no one mentioned the Washington Nationals, the Lubbock Lights photographs and the Levelland Sightings in their wishes to see information on other cases). The discussion did take a nas
May 13, 1978: Kerman, California
Dr. Michael Swords has suggested that this case disproves the claim that there is nothing substantial to investigate in UFO sightings. While there is not a bit of metal to take into the laboratory, there are the physical reactions of the witness, police officer Manuel Amparano, who was a veteran of five years on the force. Had the situation developed differently, there was research that could have
New Blogs June/July 2015
Oh look, the summer has brought with it a nice range of new blogs.1.brianblackblog (Labour) (Twitter)2.davesoapbox (Unaligned/mental health) (Twitter)3.Liz Kendall: A Fresh Start (Labour) (Twitter)4.Local Government Worker Activists (Unaligned) (Twitter)5.Making Workers Pay (Unaligned/Anti-Cuts) (Twitter)6.Nora Mulready (Labour) (Twitter)7.Sean Henry (Labour) (Twitter)8.The Hand & Mouse (Unali
Jeremy Corbyn and the Trade Unions
There were howls of dismay on my Twitter feed last night. And it wasn't all because Heather Watson lost a close fought match with Serena Williams. It had something to do with this: that the GMB and Unite look all set to endorse Jeremy Corbyn's candidacy for the Labour Party leadership. And the people doing the moaning? Mostly Liz Kendall supporters.It's a strange turn about, considering a number o
Gender and Management in Fallout Shelter
To piss off any gamergaters stumbling on this post, let me note that when Anita Sarkeesian says ...The pregnancy mechanics in Fallout Shelter are super troubling. The primary way to progress is to impregnate as many women as possible.— Feminist Frequency (@femfreq) July 2, 2015... she is right. The further observations made by Eugene Fischer are also right. Then again, saying you cannot grow your
Notes on the Greek Crisis
Crisis? Since 2009, when has Greece not been in crisis? What the people of Greece have suffered is nothing less than a permanent depression that has since its economy collapse by almost a quarter and hundreds of thousands of its young people have fled abroad in search of work. Meanwhile, public spending has been cut to the bone in an austerity programme the likes of George Osborne can but aspire t
A WAY TO LIVE // actions
Beans, beans, beans
I find the broad beans rewarding to grow but a little difficult to process. The pods are bendy but fibrous and do not snap like green beans, nor to they zip open by pulling the "string" as one does with peas. I resort to sliding a knife down each one and kind of folding each bean out, one by one. The pods will go right back in the beds, under straw.It's best done with music and cider, I
New potatoes are the best
We water with soakers but also freshen things up a bit with a spray nozzle. The garden, along with everything else, is trying to dry up. It was 101F here yesterday. Eugene had an official record at 98, so I think we had a record too. And no relief in sight for the next ten days.It's quite the emergency. I have friends who have moved to motels for the duration, or are camping along streams and sitt
Other Mother's Day
She is almost thirty, and arrivesHere, where waves are sold to tourists,Ever stronger, ever more sure thanI, who look back, now, most of the time.She stretches, cat-like, knowing as she doesAll time and objects are hers. How am I? ILie a little, watching a gull sail off,Mention the easy sunrise, hiding a limpOr cough or skip of the heart, or plan forShedding of things no longer holding me,Things m
It all depends
In the mornings before going out walking with Toto, I have been ambling down the tunnel between the grapes and the Gravenstein, snapping off grape tendrils that reach for the tree and tossing them into the compost bin.There is generally light at the end of the tunnel and it is the morning light in the lower garden beds. Their best exposure is eastern, so it's bright early down there.Moving soaker
A.E.BRAIN // actions
Gender Identity and the Brain - a Round-Table
http://www.hulu.com/watch/807430Six months ago Charlie Rose and his colleague, Nobel Prize-winning brain scientist, Eric Kandel, began planning their latest instalment of the Charlie Rose Brain Series dealing with gender identity and the brain. In the time since, we met the most famous transgender person in the world — Caitlyn Jenner. In a fascinating hour-long episode, Charlie moderates a brillia
The Six Genders in Classical Judaism
More Than Just Male and Female: The Six Genders in Classical Judaism — SOJOURNThis description from Trans Torah/Rabbi Elliot Kukla:Zachar/זָכָר: This term is derived from the word for a pointy sword and refers to a phallus. It is usually translated as “male” in English.Nekeivah/נְקֵבָה: This term is derived from the word for a crevice and probably refers to a vaginal opening. It is usually transla
Caitlyn Jenner's Debut in Vanity Fair Spotlights Transgender Issues
Caitlyn Jenner's Debut in Vanity Fair Spotlights Transgender IssuesIf you want to read just one article that explains all the major issues, medical, social, and legal - this is it.
McHugh's "Surgical Sex" Revisited
In which Dr Paul McHugh's 2004 article Surgical Sex is rebutted by.... Dr Paul McHugh's 2004 article Surgical Sex.Why did Johns Hopkins stop performing sex reassignment surgery? The obvious reason is that their surgeon left, and wasn't replaced. They now refer patients to other surgeons after assessing suitability. The surgery is now no longer a "research" effort, but part of mainstream
Several dead in suicide bombing at Nigerian church
At least five killed, including children, as suicide bomber blow himself up in church in northeastern city of Potiskum.
Syria army and Hezbollah storm rebel-held Zabadani
Government troops backed by Lebanese group Hezbollah enter Zabadani in bid to recapture strategic city near Damascus.
Myanmar: Still locking up political prisoners
Despite reforms, lifting of sanctions and 'opening', political activists in Myanmar continue to face arrests.
Tunisia's economy 'waiting for a miracle'
Mass unemployment is gripping Tunisia's troubled mining regions, while the country's tourism sector gets a major blow.
Troika Approved: Soylent Greeks
Found at: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-07-03/attention-all-greeksby WilliamBanzai7by WilliamBanzai7
Xinjiang herdsman finds 17-pound gold nugget
http://www.icrosschina.com/news/2015/0205/8597.shtmlXinjiang herdsman finds 17-pound gold nugget2015-02-05URUMQI, Feb. 5 (Xinhua) -- A herdsman in China's far western Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region found a 17-pound (7.85-kilogram) gold nugget that was "practically lying on bare ground".The Kazak herdsman, Berek Sawut, from Qinghe County in Altay Prefecture made the extraordinary discov
Sphere Alliance Message #8
As received by Denise:A question from xx: what are these codes? 99 99 888 55 11 11 1 33 44 77 8Yes, Yes and Yes we say with joy and profound pleasure that you are recognizing and acknowledging our signs to you. Numerical, binary and trinary. All meant to return you to full remembrance. We know you struggle with the amnesia, the forgetting; it is all coming to an end. The joy of full
Sphere Alliance Message #7
As received by Denise...Another message today:1 July 2015A question: Why the rain in Pennsylvania?It is the purification of the aquifers of Gaia so damaged by mining and drilling. Yes the overabundance of rain is annoying to some, but it too shall pass and all will be well. Think of it as a long, well deserved shower for a very tired, dirty worker who is extremely exhausted and overworked. That
AT list of remarkable professional persons -- v2.0
Note: For older and newer versions of this list, click on the label "AT List". Newest additions are marked "*". Please make suggestions in comment. This is version-2.0 of a tentative list of outstanding persons who have used their professional status to fight injustice, and who have thus disturbed power and suffered significant consequences. Based on living professionals, these
More signs of insanity...
seriously.Reading the news is dangerous to your mental health. Politicians are still wrangling over the Confederate flag.American Thinker: Keep the Confederate Flag Flying People who consider themselves adults think running in "mud races" is fun. What the hell happened to chess and reading a good book? Or how about sitting around in pretty clothes having adult conversations with other
Rod Stewart: Love Is...
it just doesn't get much happier than this.Fiddle and banjo. Yay!The brand new studio album Another Country by Rod Stewart is set to be released October 23rd via Capitol Records! One of rock’s most gifted storytellers is back to continue the story he began with 2013’s Time.You may pre-order HERE Hard to believe he's 70 years old.
Bill Whittle: Death By Dynasties: Jeb, Hillary, and Disaster!...
just say no.Wouldn't you think in a country with 320 plus million people we could find someone other than a Clinton or a Bush?
Meet Miggy Pierre Haskell Born February 26, 2015
So. Just the other day, Kurt desperately wanted to rescue a kitten at the vet. I told him I didn't want any more pets since we already have three dogs and a cat.Fast forward to May 26, 2015. Kurt and I were in the San Jose area running errands. And we had a TON to run. Had to meet up with two different bankers, two different lawyers. One after the other. And then we saw the cutest little fre
Happy Fourth Of July ~ But Remember The Courage Of The Signers
Have you ever wondered or wanted to know what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence. Their stories firmly establish the true sacrifice and personal courage it took to write and sign the Declaration of Independence on July 4th, 1776 ~ which quite often gets lost in our annual celebration amidst the beer, hot dogs, and fireworks shows: Allen L Roland, Ph.D
George Carlin / The Perfect Prophet For Our Disingenuous Times
As I search for a morsel of truth in the actions of our disingenuous plutocracy ~ I find myself always falling back to the truths of the late George Carlin, our modern day Mark Twain, who not only saw the duplicity of our present actions but was more than willing to speak his truth with biting humor and sarcasm: Allen L Roland, Ph.D “How is it possible to have a civil war?” ~ George CarlinGeorge
When Johnny Came Home
A heart centered approach to assist combat veterans with PTSD has not only proved effective but has led to inner transformation for many combat veterans in the past five years. I present a composite of two graduates of the Healing the Wounded Hearts (Band of Brothers) program in Northern California where Johnny finally came home to a life of meaning , value and framed in gratefulness: Allen L
Beneath The Well Of Grief Is A Spring Of Joy
David Whyte's well of grief can be compared to a Black Hole in space but it's deep within many who live in fear ~ but at its center is a point of convergence ~ a state of consciousness that lies beyond time and space ~ a Unified Field of love and soul consciousness whose principle property is the urge to unite ~ or as Longfellow once wrote ~ the thread of all sustaining beauty that runs t
美国派侦察机于上周飞临中国正在扩建的南沙岛礁上空,遭到中国海军的反复警告。美表示今后可能派出力量进入这些岛礁的12海里范围,从而引起战略界和舆论界对中美可能在南海爆发军事冲突的担心。 那么这种军事冲突实际发生的可能性有多大,以及它们会在什么样的情况下发生呢?还有,一旦发生,它们的烈度会有多高呢? 首先要看到,随着美军从间接支持菲越到直接向中国在建岛礁发出挑衅,中美两军发生冲突的可能性的确比过去大了。两国在战略上无法释怀,美军在战术上逐渐制造两军摩擦的临界点,除非中国无限退让,否则这种趋势的结果将是危险的。中国不可能无限退让。那么就要看中美将如何设置各自在此轮南海博弈的底线,以及双方是否能够清楚、尊重对方的底线。 中国最重要的底线显然是要把岛礁建设继续下去,直到它们完工。如果美国的底线就是中国必须停工,那么中美南海一战将无可避免,而且冲突的烈度会高于人们通常理解的“摩擦”。 此外中国还
ANGOLA 3 NEWS // actions
A3 Newsletter: The Beat Goes On
Healing Our Wounds: Restorative Justice Is Needed For Albert Woodfox, The Black Panther Party & The Nation --Law Professor Angela A. Allen-Bell interviewed by Angola 3 NewsOn Monday, June 8, 2015, US District Court Judge James Brady ruled that the Angola 3's Albert Woodfox be both immediately released and barred from a retrial. The next day, at the request of the Louisiana Attorney General, t
Healing Our Wounds: Restorative Justice Is Needed For Albert Woodfox, The Black Panther Party & The Nation --An Interview With Law Professor Angela A. Allen-Bell
(VIDEO: Prof. Bell interviewed by Sky News, following Judge Brady's ruling to immediately release Albert Woodfox. A stay on his release was ordered later that day by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. Also be sure to watch her June 12 appearance on MSNBC's News Nation with Tamron Hall)Healing Our Wounds: Restorative Justice Is Needed For Albert Woodfox, The Black Panther Party & The Nation--
Albert Will Remain Behind Bars Pending Appeal --Justice Delayed is Justice Denied, But Not Forever (A3 Newsletter)
We are sad to report that the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals has decided to continue the stay and block the release of Albert Woodfox until the State's appeal is heard (read articles by The Advocate and Washington Post).Though it means some months before Albert will see his long overdue freedom realized, the court has granted an "expedited" status for the appeal. Oral Arguments are set for
A3 Newsletter: The Eve of Freedom?
(Artwork by Rigo 23)As we all wait anxiously for what tomorrow may bring, we thought like us, you may want to immerse yourself in some of the most powerful shows of support for Albert from around the world that have emerged in the last few extraordinary days since Judge Brady's heroic ruling.An article written today by the Associated Press and featured by the New York Times asks: What Has Louisian
Arms and Influence
Aspiring Wonks: Time once again to whet your appetite by dipping into a classic text waiting for you online or at the library – one that applies to the P-5+ 1 negotiations with Iran. These passages are from the first chapter of Nobel Laureate Thomas C. Schelling’s Arms and Influence (Yale University Press, 1966). “Diplomacy is bargaining; it seeks outcomes that, though not ideal for either party,
North Korea’s Submarine Launched Missile
In May, North Korea released pictures of the Kim Jong Un watching the launch of what appears to be a submarine-launched ballistic missile. Jeffrey sits down with Melissa Hanham and Dave Schmerler to discuss open source and the DPRK’s SLBM program. Sponsor: Tinderbox – a personal content assistant that helps you visualize, analyze, and share your notes. Download and try it today. Subscribe to the
Egypt, the Spoiler
Five years ago (5/6/10), during the 2010 NPT Review Conference, you can find my blog post on “Egypt, the Spoiler?” After the 2015 RevCon, we can dispense with the question mark. What happened in New York was symptomatic of a broader malaise affecting arms control, nonproliferation, and disarmament: acts of personal and national projection without due regard for consequences have become commonplac
Prelims on the Subcontinent
[Note: This post has been corrected.] Very bad news often follows when adversaries give up on improved relations. We’re at this juncture now on the Subcontinent. High-ranking Indian and Pakistani officials are lobbing over-heated public recriminations about abetting terrorism in each other’s sensitive spaces. Pakistan has elevated the Kashmir issue – never a good sign for Pakistan or for India — a
BIG DAN'S BIG BLOG // actions
Now That "THE MANIFESTO" Story Has Come Out, The South Carolina Shooting Is Beyond A Doubt A FALSE FLAG
He should be holding a FALSE FLAG, not a REBEL FLAG !!!!!!!Even though the South Carolina "shooting" by Dylann Storm Roof had all the hallmarks of a FALSE FLAG, I waited and waited and waited and waited and waited to come out and officially say it was a FALSE FLAG.................UNTIL "THE MANIFESTO" story just came out today!!!This shooting had all the hallmarks of the FORMUL
BLOOD & TREASURE // actions
man on a mission
File this under really stupid things somehow worth doing. "Several of these countries have little freedom of press and expression. Tourists are rare. Visas for photographers were hard to come by. I often had to instead go into the countries on tourist visas. Despite my efforts not to arouse suspicion I was, on several occasions, accused of being a spy and only narrowly avoided getting caught
BUCKDOG // actions
International Monetary Fund (IMF) Reseach PROVES 'Trickle Down Reaganomices' Do NOT Work !!!
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has now released detailed research that proves a pillar of right wing economic theory DOES NOT WORK !!! Huffington Post"The International Monetary Fund just blew a big hole through trickle-down economics. You’ve probably heard of trickle-down economics: It gained popularity in the 1970s and was a major part of the pro-business “Reaganomics” agenda of the
CENSORED NEWS // actions
'Dogs and Media Hounds' Russell Means Uncensored a Decade Later
'Dogs and Media Hounds,' Russell Means Uncensored a Decade Later Photo Brenda NorrellRussell Means and Ward Churchill By Brenda Norrell Censored News While going through my files, and remembering interviews with Russell Means, I found these two articles censored by Indian Country Today a decade ago, while I was a staff reporter there. I'm publishing these now because Russell
Mohawk Nation News 'July 4: Is it Independence?'
JULY 4 – IS IT “INDEPENDENCE”? Posted on July 3, 2015 Please post & distribute. MNN. July 4, 2015. The Great Peace showed that we are not independent unless we understand how we are dependent and how we can come to one mind. July 4th is a religious day to show how to worship the Golden Calf, the falsest god, and to celebrate being owned by the corporation of the United States of America
Apache Stronghold National Caravan Embarks July 5, 2015
. Apache Stronghold to begin Caravan to Washington, D.C. By Wendsler Nosie Censored News Phoenix, AZ - On Sunday, July 5th, Apache Stronghold will embark on a caravan through Indian Country to pick up supporters for a protest to be held at the nation’s Capitol July 21-22. The two week cross country journey will make stops in Arizona, New Mexico, Denver, Pine Ridge,
Peabody Coal Crashes and Burns Financially
By Brenda Norrell Censored News Peabody Coal is crashing and burning financially. The CEO resigned. So, now that Peabody may not be buying off the media in Indian country with its ads, maybe there will be headline news stories on how Peabody Coal/Navajo Generating Station has long been one of the most polluting, dirty, coal-fired power plants in the world. Is southern Arizona scrambling to
China Stock Market Travails ! Special Update - July 5 , 2015 - In Case You Missed It , China's Markets Have Been Spinning Wildly Out Of Control , Not Unlike a Satellite Falling To Earth - Can The PBOC , Chinese Government And Financial Community Hold Things Together ? Stay Tuned !
Tweets.....People's Daily,China @PDChina Jul 3Crimson clouds at sunset hang in the sky over the #GreatWall in Luanping county, North China's Hebei province, July 1 fred walton @fredwalton216 59m59 minutes agofred walton retweeted George ChenChina searching far and wide for scapegoats... fred walton added,George Chen @george_chen What caused Chinese stock market crash? Gov views so far: 1) rumo
Special Report On Greece ( Post One- Morning Coffee Edition ) - July 5 , 2015 - Referendum Day Begins - Overview Of Background information , News And Opinions - Broad Brush !
Tweets.....Very early post - Election morning !The Referendum has begun ! Nathalie retweetedTheodora Tongas @theodoratongas 10m10 minutes agoPolls open in #Greferendum vote #Greece RT @RT_com 3m3 minutes agoLIVE UPDATES: #Greece votes in bailout #referendum http://on.rt.com/z0woy8 #Greferendum Jeff Sandene, CFP® @MarathonWealth 1h1 hour agoGreek Referendum http://reut.rs/1JJkHqa via @Reute
Special Greece Report ( July 4 , 2015 ) - On Independence Day In The US , Interesting And Hopefully Thought Provoking Updates On Greece ( Background Items on Referendum / recent " reliable " polling data , ECB Governor Benoit Coeure due to give remarks Sunday morning , various articles / opinion pieces on the referendum reflecting both sides , updates on the state of play for Greece's Banks , the economy and financial situation )
Tweets.....Greek Reporter @GreekReporter 4h4 hours agoGreek Referendum Starts at 7:00 AM on Sunday, First ‘Safe’ Estimate at 9:00 PM http://dlvr.it/BQ92jX #GreeceDiane Shugart @dianalizia 9h9 hours agoanother number to watch tomorrow: 3,942,012. it's how many voters (40% of electorate) that must cast ballot for #Greferendum to be valid. Andrew Lilico retweetedJohn Rentoul @JohnRentoul 36m36
Economic News , Data and Views ( July 2 , 2015 ) - Broader Europe & Asia In Focus ( Items of note from Italy , Spain EZ in general , China ) ..... Greece - center of universe these days , in focus ( Items touching on the Referendum , state of play of domestic & international politics / creditor talks , polling and more ! )
Broader Europe & Asia .....Holger Zschaepitz @Schuldensuehner 4h4 hours agoThe #eurozone has underperformed since the single currency launched. http://ind.pn/1FT7PIR Ansa English News @ansa_english 30m30 minutes agoObama, Renzi talk about Greece, terrorism in call: Leaders stress need for close coordination http://bit.ly/1KuGdAr Ansa English News @ansa_english 15h15 hours agoRenzi meets
The Spacecoach Equation
My view is that the spacecoach, the subject of renewed discussion below by Brian McConnell and a design he and Alex Tolley have created, is the most innovative and downright practical idea for getting crews and large payloads to the planets that I’ve yet encountered. It’s low-cost and uses ordinary consumables as propellant, dramatically revising mission planning. Brian and Alex have continued ref
Thoughts on DE-STAR and Laser Sailing
Last week we looked at DE-STAR (Directed Energy Solar Targeting of Asteroids and Exploration), an ambitious program for developing modular phased arrays of kilowatt class lasers. The work of Philip Lubin (UC-Santa Barbara), DE-STAR is envisioned as a way to scale up a space-based system for asteroid mitigation. And in a new NIAC grant, Lubin will study an off-shoot called Directed Energy Propulsio
Methane Detection as New Horizons Closes
As I write, we’re thirteen and a half days out from the Pluto/Charon encounter. New Horizons will make its closest approach to Pluto at 0749 EDT (1149 UTC) on July 14. All of which has had me reading Pluto-related science fiction that I missed along the way, including most recently Wilson Tucker’s “To the Tombaugh Station.” The story, which ran in the July, 1960 issue of Fantasy and Science Ficti
A Disruptive Pathway for Planet Formation
Planet formation can be tricky business. Consider that our current models for core accretion show dust grains embedded in a protoplanetary disk around a young star. Mixing with rotating gas, the dust undergoes inevitable collisions, gradually bulking up to pebble size, then larger. As the scale increases, we move through to planetesimals, bodies of at least one kilometer in size, which are large e
Capitalism Has Become Socially Dysfunctional. Paul Craig Roberts' prologue: "If you have not read John Perkins’ book, Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man, you should. The book is easy to read and explains clearly from the inside how US corporations deceive foreign governments into debts that they cannot service or repay and then use the IMF and World Bank as looting mechanisms and reduce the indebted countries to penury. Capitalism has become a socially dysfunctional system focused on pillage and not on the growth of consumer income that sustains and grows markets for goods and services. Once the last prospect is looted, there is nothing left to sustain capitalism. In this interview John Perkins describes the looting process in Greece. [Today] the Greek people face the same decision that the people in Iceland and Ireland faced. In Iceland the people rejected the debts and refused to pay them. Now Iceland is recovering. Somehow the feisty Irish were brainwashed into accepting…
How Greece Has Fallen Victim To "Economic Hit Men"Zero HedgeJuly 4, 2015“Greece is being ‘hit’, there’s no doubt about it,” exclaims John Perkins, author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, noting that “[Indebted countries] become servants to what I call the corporatocracy … today we have a global empire, and it’s not an American empire. It’s not a national empire… It’s a corporate em
"If you become stuck in a boring July 4 hot air speech, distract yourself with this question: Are the values that Western civilization allegedly represents still extant? You don’t need to get heavy into philosophy. See if you can find any of the professed values reflected in current events." ---- "What is happening to Greeks has been happening to Americans. The financial crisis was used to focus Federal Reserve policy on the needs of the small handful of “banks too big to fail” at the expense of the American people." -- Paul Craig Roberts
Greece and Other Musings On July 4th — Paul Craig Roberts July 3, 2015 | Original Here Go here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letterGreece and Other Musings On July 4thPaul Craig RobertsIf you become stuck in a boring July 4 hot air speech, distract yourself with this question: Are the values that Western civilization allegedly represents
"Washington is brewing armageddon. But Greece can save us. All the Greek people need to do is to support their government and insist that their government, the first in awhile to represent the interests of the Greek people, give the finger to the corrupt EU, default on the debt, and turn to Russia." -- Paul Craig Roberts
Greece Again Can Save The West — Paul Craig Roberts July 1, 2015 | Original Here Go here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letterPaul Craig RobertsLike Marathon, Thermopylae, Plateau and Mycale roughly 2,500 years ago, Western freedom again depends on Greece. Today Washington and its empire of European vassal states are playing the part of t
A new CNN/ORC poll finds that for the first time in more than two years, 50% of Americans approve of the way Obama is handling the presidency. Big deal! Vladimir Putin’s approval ratings hit all-time highs of 89 percent last Wednesday. And many of the disapproving 11% are not pleased because they want Putin to take a more hardline policy toward the West. So why are Obama and the US “mainstream media” demonizing Putin? Answer, they want Russia to be another vassal of Washington, whereas Russia has no intention to be anyone’s vassal. Wouldn’t you?
Western Presstitutes Dumbfounded by Vladimir Putin’s 89% Approval Rating June 30, 2015 | Original Here Go here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letterWestern Presstitutes Dumbfounded by Vladimir Putin’s 89% Approval RatingGuest Column by The SakerThe Saker notes that the disapproving 11% are not pleased because they want Putin to take a mor
Happy...Independence Day?

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