Both Houses of Congress to Consider Defunding Organ-Trafficking Planned Parenthood
Congress’ planned crackdown on Planned Parenthood is looking increasingly real. Republican leaders are weighing a series of votes to defund Planned Parenthood — possibly beginning before the August recess — after the release of a second undercover sting video allegedly... The post Both Houses of Congress to Consider Defunding Organ-Trafficking Planned Parenthood appeared first on The Stream.
Dodd-Frank Is Five Years Old Today... Will Conservatives Murder It?
Today is the fifth anniversary of Dodd-Frank, a package of legislative reforms that has helped protect American consumers from Wall Street banksters and other financial predators. It needs to be expanded and strengthened, but the full weight and power of the Republican Party has been devoted to gutting it and making it unworkable. In the short video above, Elizabeth Warren has a clear explanation of what's happening. Wall Street is so angry at Warren and some of her Senate allies-- like Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Jeff Merkely (D-OR)-- that the banksters have ... more »
British Columbia Liberal Government Are Deliberate Liars, Vaughn Palmer, Sean Leslie and Michael Smyth are A Disgrace TO Journalism, MORE LNG LIES EXPOSED(The Proof Is Here)
*Written by Grant G* The media in Brutish Columbia is a journalistic joke, those clowns toss around numbers, facts and figures like a Bear Stearns accountant, made up phony garbage, today BC Liberal stooge and radio voice Sean Leslie was calling Petronas`s proposed Prince Rupert LNG project..."*A $46 BILLION DOLLAR PROJECT"...* HAVE THE MEDIA NO MORALS, THEY CAN`T BE THAT STUPID*, ...*For one...The media keep saying Petronas`s project proposal is a $36 billion dollar project, american greenback dollars. $36 billion dollar..... The number is spurious, meaningless, the project co... more »
Musical Interlude: Kevin Kern, “Scene In A Dream”
Kevin Kern, “Scene In A Dream” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OW2_XW0sL1M&list=PLB1EE30850F901542
"A Look to the Heavens"
"How and why are all these stars forming? Found among the Small Magellanic Cloud's (SMC's) clusters and nebulae NGC 346 is a star forming region about 200 light-years across, pictured above by the Hubble Space Telescope. A satellite galaxy of the Milky Way, the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) is a wonder of the southern sky, a mere 210,000 light-years distant in the constellation of the Toucan (Tucana). *Click image for larger size.* Exploring NGC 346, astronomers have identified a population of embryonic stars strung along the dark, intersecting dust lanes visible here on the right. S... more »
"The Privilege Of A Lifetime..."
"I don’t believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive, we want to feel the rapture of being alive. What each must seek in his life never was on land or sea. It is something out of his own unique potentiality for experience, something that never has been and never could have been experienced by anyone else. Life is without meaning. You bring the meaning to it. The meaning of life is whatever you ascribe it to be. Being alive is the meaning. The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are. Participate joyfully in th... more »
"What Was Steve Jobs’ Secret to Life?"
*"What Was Steve Jobs’ Secret to Life?"* By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com "The passing of Steve Jobs was like losing the Alexander Graham Bell or Thomas Edison of our day. He was truly brilliant. His thoughts and inventions changed the way we live. What was his secret? Is it something we all could incorporate into our lives? I stumbled upon Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford University Commencement Speech a few weeks ago. I watched from beginning to end because it was riveting. He gave his secret to success and life in this speech. Please watch it. I think you will find it just as enjoyable... more »
Conservatives Need Not Fear Donald Trump
Senator* Lindsey Graham* recently stated that Donald Trump *"is becoming a jackass at a time when we need to have a serious debate about the future of the party and the country."* This statement by the Senator is revealing. Lindsey Graham has never spoken this way about a leftist Democrat in his entire political career. He, like his friend John McCain has chosen to use his toughest rhetoric of his entire career, not toward Harry Reid, not toward Chuck Schumer, not toward the late Ted Kennedy, Chris Dodd, Nancy Pelosi or Al Franken - but rather, *toward a fellow Republican*. Th... more »
Psychology: "Why The Incompetent Don't Know They're Incompetent"
*"Why The Incompetent Don't Know They're Incompetent"* by PSY Blog "One of the painful things about our time is that those who feel certainty are stupid, and those with any imagination and understanding are filled with doubt and indecision." The quote above comes from the philosopher Bertrand Russell. Psychological research has now shown he was right. The Dunning-Kruger effect is the finding that the poorest performers are the least aware of their own incompetence. The effect has been: "...replicated among undergraduates completing a classroom exam (Dunning, Johnson, Ehrlinger, & K... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Grapevine, Texas, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
The Poet: Mary Oliver, “Praying”
*“Praying”* “It doesn't have to be the blue iris, it could be weeds in a vacant lot, or a few small stones; just pay attention, then patch a few words together and don't try to make them elaborate, this isn't a contest but the doorway into thanks, and a silence in which another voice may speak.” - Mary Oliver, “Thirst”
Beliefs and Convictions..."
“If someone in your life talked to you the way you talk to yourself, you would have left them long ago.” - Carla Gordon “The opinion which other people have of you is their problem, not yours.” - Elisabeth Kubler-Ross “We only feel dehumanized when we get trapped in the derogatory images of other people or thoughts of wrongness about ourselves.” - Marshall Rosenberg “My great mistake, the fault for which I can't forgive myself, is that one day I ceased my obstinate pursuit of my own individuality.” - Oscar Wilde
"7 Signs You're in a Manipulative Relationship"
*"7 Signs You're in a Manipulative Relationship"* by Colleen Oakley “Christine Donovan knew something wasn't right in her relationship when she didn't want to go home from work. "I felt anxious all the time," she says. "I never knew what kind of mood he would be in, or if I had unknowingly done something that would have upset him." But Christine wasn't in an abusive relationship - at least none that she had ever seen. "He didn't hit me or get violently angry. I just thought we were having normal relationship problems that we needed to work through," she says. The type of guy Christ... more »
MENA Report ( July 21 -22 , 2015 ) - Self Evident That Iraq- Syria War Is Becoming A Wider , More Protracted Regional War.......
Links.... *UN Security Council, EU Both Endorse Iran Deal* *31 Killed in Turkey Blast Near Syria Border* *Pro-Saudi Forces in Yemen Claim New Gains in Central Aden* *Many Civilians Among 26 Killed in Airstrikes Against Syrian ISIS Town* *67 Killed as Hezbollah, al-Qaeda Clash on Syria-Lebanon Border* *204 Killed Across Iraq; Large Stadium Demolished* Kidnaps and Arrests Following Deadly Bombing in Iraq ISIS Strategies Include Lines of Succession and Deadly Ringtones Iraq's Kurdish 'Sappers' Face ISIS Explosives Head-On Tweets ......... Iraq - Syria Regional War....... more »
Another Excerpt From "The Partnership: Five Cold Warriors And Their Quest To Ban The Bomb"
*"The Partnership: Five Cold Warriors And Their Quest To Ban The Bomb" by Philip Taubman (2012).* *Related: PONI Live Debate: Global Zero + An Excerpt From "The Partnership: Five Cold Warriors And Their Quest To Ban The Bomb." * *An excerpt from, "The Partnership: Five Cold Warriors And Their Quest To Ban The Bomb" by Philip Taubman:* The new look of weapons modernization work at Los Alamos is just one example of the kind of fundamental change that will be required to move the world toward nuclear disarmament. As Shultz, Kissinger, Perry, Nunn, and Drell well know, an imposing arr... more »
Alveda King’s Open Letter to Congressional Black Caucus on Planned Parenthood
Dear CBC, I am writing to you today because my heart is heavy over the deafening silence coming from you regarding a recent video that has gone viral exposing Planned Parenthood’s practice of harvesting and selling aborted babies’ body parts.... The post Alveda King’s Open Letter to Congressional Black Caucus on Planned Parenthood appeared first on The Stream.
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- July 21, 2015
*VOA Interview:** Kerry Says Iran Deal Will Make World Safer* U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry says implementing the international nuclear deal with Iran will make the world safer, improve the standard of living for Iranians and potentially open up other opportunities between the United States and Iran. In an interview with VOA's Persian service, Kerry said he hopes proponents will successfully persuade people that the agreement will keep Iran from getting a nuclear weapon, prevent conflict and provide security for the region. *Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- July 21... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- July 21, 2015
*Sputnik:* *US Determined to Keep Israel Top Mideast Power - Defense Secretary* The United States remains totally committed to Israel’s defense and to providing it with the most advanced military systems in the Middle East, US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter said in a press conference in Tel Aviv. WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — Carter was visiting Israel on the first stage of a three nation trip around the region that will also bring him to Saudi Arabia and Jordan, two other long-time US allies. *“We will maintain our ironclad commitment to Israel's qualitative military edge — to — so... more »
World News Briefs -- July 21, 2015
*Reuters*: *U.N. ship brings food aid to Yemen's Aden as fighting rages* A ship carrying food aid for Aden's beleaguered population docked in the southern Yemeni port on Tuesday, the first in months of warfare that have devastated the city, as rival factions fought in the northern suburbs. The ship carried enough U.N. food aid to feed 180,000 people for a month, a small measure of relief for a city that has been severely damaged by the conflict between Houthi militiamen and forces loyal to deposed President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi. It had been anchored off Aden since June 26 but ha... more »
By American Kabuki Justin informed me Corey Goode has gone on the attack on sweet Denise. Why? Do you ever get the feeling these guys like to control what's being released information-wise? I mean look at the logo itself... GOOD ET.... (even named himself "Goode") and by definition the rest are BAD ET.... or perhaps bad blogger? Sorry its all ONE... its all just states of consciousness. There are are awake beings and non-awake beings, and there are beings who operate in pure love, and those who'd rather talk about dark and light and good vs bad... the law of One...and why y... more »
PHOTOS! Apache Stronghold March on Capitol Today
. Photos by Apache Stronghold! Save Oak Flat March on US Capitol Tuesday, July 21, 2015 . Congressman Raul Grijalva greets Apache Stronghold in DC Apache Stronghold in front of the White House today.
Viral ‘Humans of New York’ Photo Stirs Emotional Response
“I was 16 when my girlfriend got pregnant,” begins the quote accompanying a picture of a young father and his daughter posted to the Humans of New York Instagram account yesterday. “We went to the abortion clinic on 59th Street. We... The post Viral ‘Humans of New York’ Photo Stirs Emotional Response appeared first on The Stream.
Are You a Head or Heart Person?
Imagine meeting a stranger and having a chance to learn what sort of person they are by asking just one question. You might try the obvious: “Are you an introvert or an extrovert?” Or you could probe their political leanings:... The post Are You a Head or Heart Person? appeared first on The Stream.
Free Faith-based Moore Medical Clinic Shows ‘What Ministry is’ For Residents
MOORE — Many homes and businesses weren’t the only things uncovered when a devastating tornado tore off roofs and pummeled properties as it barreled its way through the city in May 2013. The storm also exposed the unmet needs of... The post Free Faith-based Moore Medical Clinic Shows ‘What Ministry is’ For Residents appeared first on The Stream.
What Does it Portend That Four Major Segments of Eurasia are in Crisis?
In my “Net Assessment of the World,” I argued that four major segments of the European and Asian landmass were in crisis: Europe, Russia, the Middle East (from the Levant to Iran) and China. Each crisis was different; each was... The post What Does it Portend That Four Major Segments of Eurasia are in Crisis? appeared first on The Stream.
Army Ranger Saves Drowning Child: ‘Please God, Let Me Save This Little Girl’
A U.S. Army Ranger says he went into “tunnel vision” and prayed for God’s assistance before saving the life of a drowning 6-year-old girl. Spc. Luke Smith and two fellow members of the 75th Ranger Regiment ran to a Fort... The post Army Ranger Saves Drowning Child: ‘Please God, Let Me Save This Little Girl’ appeared first on The Stream.
Why You Should NOT EAT Fast Food
*Video -* These two videos are a perfect example why you should not eat fast food. You won't believe just how unhealthy McDonald's food is until you see these. The post Why You Should NOT EAT Fast Food appeared first on Waking Times.
Economic Hitmen – How Banks & Corporations Conquer Nations
*Video* - An excellent explanation of how nations and peoples are conquered in the 21st century. The post Economic Hitmen – How Banks & Corporations Conquer Nations appeared first on Waking Times.
“Don't panic - we're all still doomed, scientists insist” [updated]
Contrary to the predictions of climate alarmists, the Arctic ice cap has not completely disappeared: “in fact it has been growing rapidly, increasing by an entire third just in 2013 and more since.” *Just one cool summer caused the much-worried-about Arctic icepack to swell by no less than a third in 2013 and it has grown even more since – more than making good its losses during the previous few years. Meanwhile of course, the southern sea ice around Antarctica has continued to spread out and cover bigger areas all the time, a circumstance which has frankly stumped climate scienti... more »
Economics for Real People: The Spectre, or Otherwise, of Deflation
[image: 276464_137539366339987_1226509_n]Yay! Students are now back and working again at Auckland Uni (well, as hard as they ever work), so Econ For Real People seminars are up and firing again. Here’s what’s afoot this Thursday: A new spectre is haunting the world’s financial houses, say economists. After decades of warning that inflation must be kept in check, and years in which central banks claim to have produced price stability -- a little healthy inflation will do you good, they say -- many economists are now fearing an imminent deflation. Falling consumer and commodity pri... more »
Mike Needham Predicts Congress Will ‘Absolutely’ Defund Planned Parenthood
Appearing on Fox News today, Heritage Action CEO Mike Needham confidently predicted that lawmakers will defund Planned Parenthood. “You will absolutely see this September that Congress will defund Planned Parenthood,” said Needham. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., among others, has called... The post Mike Needham Predicts Congress Will ‘Absolutely’ Defund Planned Parenthood appeared first on The Stream.
The Somber Mr. Holmes
For my money, one of the best actors alive today is Sir Ian McKellen. Sure, I may be a sucker for Tolkien and the Lord of the Rings films. And yes, the opinionated British thespian espouses political and cultural positions that... The post The Somber *Mr. Holmes* appeared first on The Stream.
Message From Lee Rogers
Lou Vince Dr. Lee Rogers was the Blue America-backed candidate for Congress twice in the Antelope Valley, Simi Valley, Santa Clarita area. He scared Buck McKeon so deeply that McKeon retired from Congress and is now working as a lobbyist. Even after McKeon raised the white flag, Steve Israel and the dysfunctional operation he's turned the DCCC into still managed to screw up the race, leaving Democrats without a candidate. So people have been stuck with a right-wing ideologue, Steve Knight, who has been making a terrible impression with his constituents and is likely to be a one-terme...more »
Why Is Economics "the Dismal Science"? The Reason May Surprise You
*The strange history of how racists smeared economics* David M. Levy and Sandra J. Peart write: *Everyone knows that economics is the dismal science. And almost everyone knows that it was given this description by Thomas Carlyle, who was inspired to coin the phrase by T. R. Malthus's gloomy prediction that population would always grow faster than food, dooming mankind to unending poverty and hardship. * *While this story is well-known, it is also wrong, so wrong that it is hard to imagine a story that is farther from the truth. At the most trivial level, Carlyle's target was ... more »
John Oliver: "We Waste a Third of Our Food While American Families Go Hungry"
*Strong language alert.* John Oliver: "We Waste a Third of Our Food While American Families Go Hungry" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8xwLWb0lLY
A Capitalist Saigon Rises as ‘Ho Chi Minh City’ Sheds Its Past
HO CHI MINH CITY, Vietnam — Taking a puff from a hookah and a sip from her beer, Thuy Truong, a 29-year-old tech entrepreneur in a black cocktail dress, pondered the question: What were her thoughts on the 40th anniversary... The post A Capitalist Saigon Rises as ‘Ho Chi Minh City’ Sheds Its Past appeared first on The Stream.
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- July 21, 2015
*Sputnik:* *US Determined to Keep Israel Top Mideast Power - Defense Secretary* The United States remains totally committed to Israel’s defense and to providing it with the most advanced military systems in the Middle East, US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter said in a press conference in Tel Aviv. WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — Carter was visiting Israel on the first stage of a three nation trip around the region that will also bring him to Saudi Arabia and Jordan, two other long-time US allies. *“We will maintain our ironclad commitment to Israel's qualitative military edge — to — so... more »
"The American Nightmare: The Tyranny of the Criminal Justice System"
*"The American Nightmare:* * The Tyranny of the Criminal Justice System"* By John W. Whitehead "How can the life of such a man Be in the palm of some fool’s hand? To see him obviously framed Couldn’t help but make me feel ashamed to live in a land Where justice is a game." - Bob Dylan, “Hurricane” "Justice in America is not all it’s cracked up to be. Just ask Jeffrey Deskovic, who spent 16 years in prison for a rape and murder he did not commit. Despite the fact that Deskovic’s DNA did not match what was found at the murder scene, he was singled out by police as a suspect because he ... more »
Planned Parenthood Getting Bashed on Twitter Over New Video
Today, a second Planned Parenthood video was released, and it was as horrifying as the first. In this video, we see a senior Planned Parenthood official haggling over the price of the organs they sell from aborted babies, joking that... The post Planned Parenthood Getting Bashed on Twitter Over New Video appeared first on The Stream.
Why The Golden Girls is Still the Most ‘Progressive’ Show on Television
One of the most self-consciously “progressive” shows on television features female roommates who pursue serial, emotionally fraught sexual relationships and whose stories generally serve to validate a liberal cultural outlook. I’m of course referring to The Golden Girls, which makes... The post Why *The Golden Girls* is Still the Most ‘Progressive’ Show on Television appeared first on The Stream.
Top U.S. Army General Clarifies Remarks On Arming Military Recruiters
*FOX News*: *EXCLUSIVE: Odierno clarifies remarks, says Army considering arming recruiters after shooting* In an exclusive interview with Fox News, Army Chief of Staff Gen. Raymond T. Odierno, who is set to retire as Army chief in August, clarified remarks he made in the wake of the Chattanooga shootings which left four Marines and one sailor dead. He says the Army is in fact considering whether to arm recruiters if the legal restrictions are lifted. "When it comes to recruiting stations, we are looking at it now -- what are we doing now to best protect them," Odierno said in a... more »
WYOMING Northern Arapaho murdered, another wounded, in hate crime
Arapaho Tribe calls for weekend shootings to be prosecuted as Federal Hate Crimes http://county10.com/2015/07/21/arapaho-tribe-calls-for-weekend-shootings-to-be-prosecuted-as-federal-hate-crimes/ (Ethete, Wyo.) – The Northern Arapaho Business Council denounced the murder and attempted murder of two homeless tribal members by a Riverton City Parks and Recreation employee, calling upon the
Understanding Labour's Abstentions
I'm going to have a stab at understanding the gyrations of leadership candidates in recent days around the Welfare Reform Bill and how only 48 Labour MPs voted against it. But because this is the internet a qualifier is necessary. Labour MPs last night should not have sat on their hands, they should have voted against. Not only is it wrong, it's ruinously stupid. And no one in "real life" is going to buy it. Have a think, is there anyone settling down to watch a news bulletin later thinking "nice one Labour. You finally get it and I'm going to vote for you"; or are those same people... more »
Killing the Minsk-2 Ceasefire Agreement
The Minsk-2 ceasefire agreement required the Kiev puppet government to negotiate with the eastern Ukrainian self-defense forces over the issue of decentralization - allowing greater local autonomy for the Russian speaking citizens in Donbass. So far the Poroshenko government has done nothing to implement the requirements of the ceasefire pact. The US was never happy about Germany and France using their influence to help create the Minsk-2 ceasefire plan. Since the signing of the agreement the US (which really controls the Kiev regime) has done everything possible to kill the cea... more »
After Outcry White House Lowers Flag For Chattanooga Victims
*The Hill:* *Obama lowers White House flag* President Obama has ordered flags at the White House and other public buildings to fly at half-staff after mounting criticism over the delay in honoring five armed forces members killed last week by a gunman. Obama's proclamation calls for the flags to remain at half-mast through Saturday “as a mark of respect for the victims of the senseless acts of violence perpetrated on July 16.” “Our thoughts and prayers as a Nation are with the service members killed last week in Chattanooga. We honor their service. We offer our gratitude to the p... more »
Photo Apache Stronghold Save Oak Flat at US Capitol
Photo by Dwight Metzger Apache Stronghold at US Capitol today. Save Oak Flat! New photo series of today at: http://bsnorrell.blogspot.com/2015/07/photos-apache-stronghold-march-on.html
A.I. – Virtually Giving Our Humanity Away
*Zen Gardner* - Humanity is quite creative when it comes to abdicating its power and authority. The post A.I. – Virtually Giving Our Humanity Away appeared first on Waking Times.
Lamborghini Having a Rough Day on Twitter
I can’t help but feel for Lamborghini’s social media team today. There they were, enjoying a beautiful summer day in Italy, when their Twitter mentions blew up and they found they were trending. That’s usually good news but, today, it’s... The post Lamborghini Having a Rough Day on Twitter appeared first on The Stream.
Obama Thanks China’s Leader For Role in Iran Nuclear Deal
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama is thanking Chinese President Xi Jinping (shee jihn-peeng) for China’s role in securing the nuclear deal with Iran. The White House says Obama and Xi spoke Monday, the same day the U.N. Security Council... The post Obama Thanks China’s Leader For Role in Iran Nuclear Deal appeared first on The Stream.
"Without the Gummint, no-one would fund science"?
"Without the Gummint, no-one would fund hard-core science." Really? *Cindy Wu, a recent college graduate, had a great idea — and when she explained it, investors opened up their cheque books. ... “Why can’t we just create a Kiva for scientists?” asked her best friend, Denny Luan, a biochemistry and economics major, who had launched a branch of the crowd funded micro-finance site ... They started by canvassing hundreds of scientists. “Every single person said, ‘Yes — if you built this, I would use it,’ says Wu. They all had one project they wanted to work on, one idea the... more »
Japan's Annual Defense Report On National Security Focuses On China
The Yomiuri Shimbun *Japan News/The Yomiuri Shimbun:* *White paper expresses concern about China* Japan’s defense white paper for 2015 signals strong concern over China’s maritime advances in the East and South China Seas, criticizing them as “coercive.” The white paper, titled “The Defense of Japan 2015,” was approved at a Cabinet meeting on Tuesday morning. It states that China is continuing its military buildup, persisting with maritime advances and continuing to “show an uncompromising stance toward realizing its unilateral claims.” *More News On Japan's Annual Report On Nati... more »
Burundi Presidential Vote Underway Amid Unrest And Violence
*New York Times:* *Burundi Votes in Presidential Election After Night of Violence* BUJUMBURA, Burundi — After months of unrest and a night of explosions and gunfire, Burundians went to the polls on Tuesday in a presidential election whose results are not in doubt but whose consequences could prove deeply destabilizing. President Pierre Nkurunziza is seeking a third term in office in defiance of international condemnation and bitter opposition at home. Every major opposition party in this impoverished African nation has boycotted the election. At several polling places around Buj... more »
July 21: Be still, my heart....
The front page of the TandT is always something pithy and stirring. Today, Irving reporters asked the tough question of Justin Trudeau. Will he ask for help from premier Gallant in the campaign. And Trudeau wouldn't say anything. Wow! The news doesn't get any hotter than that. Then, oh, be still my heart, our deputy mayor says we should have a 'sidewalk of stars' for eminent citizens. Great idea! And I know where there's a star available for immediate use. The Bill Cosby star in Hollywood will soon be on the market. Toss in worthies like, oh, the deputy mayor, the president of the c... more »
McKenzie Funk’s book, *Windfall*, explores the question, “What are we doing about climate change?” Readers are introduced to ambitious speculators who are eager to make enormous profits on new opportunities resulting from a warming planet. They are not investing in research for sharply reducing carbon emissions. They are obsessed with keeping the economic growth monster on life support. Climate change investment funds will soon become gold mines, creating a flood of new billionaires. The future is rosy as hell. Mining corporations are slobbering with anticipation as Greenland’... more »
2nd Undercover Video of Planned Parenthood Points Even More Strongly To Illegal Activity
The Center for Medical Progress has released a second undercover video showing a Planned Parenthood abortionist discussing the cost of selling aborted fetuses. Perhaps even more so than in the first video, it appears that Planned Parenthood is committing federal felonies, selling... The post 2nd Undercover Video of Planned Parenthood Points Even More Strongly To Illegal Activity appeared first on The Stream.
Gearing Yourself Up For the Academic Job Market: Waiting
It’s getting to be that time of year again – the time when a fresh not-so-fresh crop of ABDs/PhDs gear-up for the academic job market. I’ve been there – it can make even the most self-assured academic have an existential crisis.[1] As much as I hated being on the job market myself, I absolutely love […]
Supplemental: Two approaches after Charleston!
*TUESDAY, JULY 21, 2015“More cooperative political tone” versus list of demands:* In this morning’s New York Times, Blinder and Fausset offer a fascinating portrait of black political thinking in South Carolina in the wake of Charleston. We don’t know what will and won’t occur in South Carolina. Because of something we read yesterday, we were struck by the outlook of Robert Brown, am experienced member of the state legislature. Rep. Brown is a black Democrat. He thinks additional change may be on the way in the Palmetto State: BLINDER AND FAUSSET (7/21/15): *With the lowering of ...more »
Is Russian President Putin 'High Approval Rating' In Russia For Real?
© Sputnik/ Ramil Sitdikov *Dimitri Simes, National Interest:* *5 Things You Need to Know about Putin's Popularity in Russia* "Even if the West succeeds in further weakening Putin economically, it may up end up strengthening his position domestically." Since the crisis in Ukraine erupted, there has been a growing disconnect between how Russian president Vladimir Putin is perceived in the West and at home. In the former, policymakers and media commentators have been very vocal in denouncing the Russian leader's actions in Ukraine, and the opinion of the general public in those count... more »
Officials: Illegal Immigrant Sex Offender Accused of Assaulting Teen
A convicted sex offender charged last week with sexually assaulting a 14-year-old girl in Santa Clarita is in the country illegally and had recently been released on bail from immigration custody, according to federal authorities. Keane Dean, 26, a citizen... The post Officials: Illegal Immigrant Sex Offender Accused of Assaulting Teen appeared first on The Stream.
ANALYSIS: House Moderates Sell Out on First Amendment Defense Act?
The ink on the First Amendment Defense Act is barely dry, and already some Republicans in the House are trying to subvert it, according to The New York Times: At the same time, wary Republican moderates have quietly drafted a... The post ANALYSIS: House Moderates Sell Out on First Amendment Defense Act? appeared first on The Stream.
The Fear of Things that Sound Like Things You Shouldn’t Be Afraid of
If you’re a professional writer, having command of homophones — two or more words with the same pronunciation, but different meanings and/or spellings — is critical. Sure, the occasional error is okay, but if you write sentences like “The boy’s ants... The post The Fear of Things that Sound Like Things You Shouldn’t Be Afraid of appeared first on The Stream.
Gun-Firing ‘Drone’ Built by U.S. Teen Under Investigation
The Federal Aviation Administration said Tuesday it was investigating an online video that shows an alleged home-made “drone” firing a handgun in the Connecticut countryside. The 14-second video called “Flying Gun” shows a homemade multi-rotor hovering off the ground, buzzing... The post Gun-Firing ‘Drone’ Built by U.S. Teen Under Investigation appeared first on The Stream.
Canadian police kill Anonymous member defending Native land from dam
James Daniel McIntyre Named as #Anonymous member shot by RCMP in Dawson Creek BY RAINCOASTER on JULY 20, 2015 • ( 7 ) Anonymous Pondering: Anonymous #2 by Mattia Notari – Foto on Flickr . One of James Daniel McIntyre's last tweets before he was killed by Canadian police As reported in the Alaska Highway News, the BC Coroner’s Service has finally named the Guy Fawkes-masked
The Economy: “Onboard the TransCanada Railroad”
*“Onboard the TransCanada Railroad”* by Bill Bonner Onboard the TransCanada – “Have you people ever run a train before?” Sarcasm seemed appropriate. It wasn’t plainly crass or vulgar. Just mildly insulting. The book we were later given on the train explained that the VIA Rail Canada – Canada’s passenger rail system – was inspired by Amtrak in the U.S. This is a little like getting on a cruise line that said it drew inspiration from the Titanic. *O Canada: *By then we hardly needed any explanation. Our tickets said we were to be in Prestige Class for the journey from Toronto to Van... more »
Duke lung researcher up to seven retractions
More journals have pulled papers co-authored by researchers Erin Potts-Kant and Michael Foster, at Duke University, bringing the total up to seven for Potts-Kant and six for Foster. Authors were unable to replicate the experiments after “concerns about the initial data from the animal physiology laboratory” led them to reanalyze source data, according to the note in Environmental […] The post Duke lung researcher up to seven retractions appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Red Nation 'Cowboy, Rabbit and Border Town Violence'
On Sunday evening in Albuquerque, more than fifty people attended a memorial and vigil to mark the one-year anniversary of the violent murders of two Diné men, Allison “Cowboy” Gorman and Kee “Rabbit” Thompson. The surviving family members also came to remember their lost relatives. -- Red NationFNS FeatureCowboy, Rabbit and Border Town Violence By Kent Paterson Frontera NorteSur Censored
Human Dignity Is Priceless, but Baby Organs Start at $74.99
In his ruling on same-sex marriage, Justice Anthony Kennedy discovered what I call the “Oprah Winfrey Clause” in the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which bars any law that might inflict “dignitary” harm on any citizen. To respect the... The post Human Dignity Is Priceless, but Baby Organs Start at $74.99 appeared first on The Stream.
Trump Gives Out Lindsey Graham’s Cell Number in Speech
If Lindsey Graham has to change cellphone numbers, he has Donald Trump to thank. On Tuesday, Trump ramped up his attacks on the South Carolina senator — who made headlines Monday for calling the Donald a “jacka**” — and even... The post Trump Gives Out Lindsey Graham’s Cell Number in Speech appeared first on The Stream.
The Real Reasons Behind the Iran Nuke Deal
By Paul Craig Roberts Obama is being praised as a man of peace for the nuclear agreement with Iran. Some are asking if Obama will take the next step and repair US-Russian relations and bring the Ukrainian imbroglio to an end? If so he hasn’t told Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland or his nominee as Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Air Force General Paul Selva, or his nominee as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Marine General Joseph Dunford, or his Secretary of the Air Force, Deborah Lee James. The other day on Ukrainian TV Victoria Nuland declared th... more »
Goldman Sachs: Masters of the Eurozone
*From a 2011 report by *The Independent*. Click to enlarge.* *by Gaius Publius* Interesting headline, yes? I have a two-point intro and then the piece. *First*, when a "private" group's chief individuals flow back and forth constantly between government and that group, the group can be said to be "part" of government, or to have "infiltrated" government, or to have been "folded into" government. (Your phrasing will be determined by who you think is the instigator.) For example, a network of private "security consulting" firms does standing business with the (Pentagon's) NSA, and... more »
Apache Stronghold greeted in DC by Congressman Raul Grijalva
By Center for Biological Diversity Censored News The Apache Stronghold caravan has arrived in Washington D.C. Raúl Grijalva came out to welcome them. New! Photo series of Apache Stronghold march on US Capitol today! http://bsnorrell.blogspot.com/2015/07/photos-apache-stronghold-march-on.html
Apollo 11 Lunar Landing - PDI to Touchdown 46 years ago
I still find it incredible that man landed on the moon
U.S. ‘Disturbed’ by Iranian Leader’s Criticism after Deal
The United States said on Tuesday it was disturbed by anti-U.S. hostility voiced by Iran’s top leader after a nuclear deal, as both countries’ top diplomats sought to calm opposition to the accord from hardliners at home. U.S. Secretary of... The post U.S. ‘Disturbed’ by Iranian Leader’s Criticism after Deal appeared first on The Stream.
Dad of California Woman Killed by Illegal Deported 5 Times: Change Immigration Laws
WASHINGTON (AP) — The family of a California woman shot and killed while walking along a San Francisco pier told Congress Tuesday they support changing the laws that allowed her alleged killer to remain in the United States despite being... The post Dad of California Woman Killed by Illegal Deported 5 Times: Change Immigration Laws appeared first on The Stream.
How Do Couples with Differing Levels of Student Loan Debt Pay it Off Together?
Financial disagreements are a strong predictor of divorce. How do couples with differing amounts of student loan debt pay them off together? Chris Davis, a 28-year-old videographer and graphic designer, had been working hard to pay off his student-loans when... The post How Do Couples with Differing Levels of Student Loan Debt Pay it Off Together? appeared first on The Stream.
Capitol, White House Flags Lowered to Honor Chattanooga Victims
WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. flag atop the White House is flying at half-staff in remembrance of five service members who were killed in last week’s Chattanooga, Tennessee shooting. President Barack Obama issued an order Tuesday to lower the flag, following... The post Capitol, White House Flags Lowered to Honor Chattanooga Victims appeared first on The Stream.
General: ‘Seriously Consider’ Arming Some Recruiting Stations
WASHINGTON (AP) — The general tapped to be the next Army chief of staff said Tuesday that if legal issues could be resolved he thinks it would be appropriate, in some cases, to arm soldiers manning recruiting stations. At his... The post General: ‘Seriously Consider’ Arming Some Recruiting Stations appeared first on The Stream.
Study: Men Who Harass Women Online are Quite Literally Losers
Here’s a research finding that should surprise no one: The men most likely to harass women online … are the men most likely to have their own problems. That bit of validation comes courtesy Michael Kasumovic and Jeffrey Kuznekoff, researchers... The post Study: Men Who Harass Women Online are Quite Literally Losers appeared first on The Stream.
Do the Right Thing, Mr. President — Lower the Flag
Governors in a number of states lowered the American flag to honor those lost — but the flag was not lowered at the White House. Five members of the Armed Forces were gunned down by a Muslim terrorist on American soil last... The post Do the Right Thing, Mr. President — Lower the Flag appeared first on The Stream.
Chemical Manipulation of Humanity- Advancing the Discussion with Curtis Duncan
*“Looking a little deeper there is the possibility of substantially altering the intellectual and moral natures of individuals by some sort of hormonal injections; already great effects have been produced on animals”* * Charles Galton Darwin * Just something to think about? *A Further Discussion on the Chemical Manipulation of Humanity with Curtis Duncan.* *RBN: Gnostic Media Radio * *Curtis Duncan joins Jan for further discussion on the feminization of men and the masculination of women. We take calls at the end. * *Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:35:11 — 6... more »
Remembering Life's Big Moments- Soufeel Charms
Charm bracelets are a bit of a soft spot for me. I love wearing something that reminds me of fun trips and loved ones. They are by far my favorite kind of jewelry. I have had many charm bracelets over the years, slowly one by one I stopped wearing them all. Some of them because they are too loud and others because they have fallen apart from low quality. When Soufeel contacted me and asked me to review a charm bracelet, I jumped at the chance to bring my memories to life with a bracelet. I spent a lot of time picking charms because I wanted them all to mean something to me. I have ... more »
Insurance Company Executioners
If a stoned vigilante security guard can't quite succeed in killing a young black man with a shot to the back of the neck, then the predatory insurance cartel will be only too happy to finish the job. They might as well take out the "protection" part of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). Because if you get sick or hurt in the commission, or vicinity, of what the government-subsidized Predatory Insurance Cartel (PIC, as in nit-picky) deems to be "illegal activity," it can and will deny payment of your medical bills. And it's all perfectly legal. PIC is judge, jur... more »
Editor's Note
Completely swamped with work, family visiting from overseas, and a flat on my car. Sighhh .... its one of those days. Blogging will return by 15:00 EST. Military and Intelligence News Briefs and World News Briefs will be posted later today.
*TUESDAY, JULY 21, 2015Part 2—Chris Hedges invents a fact:* What you are about to read appears in the new Salon, this morning. It was written by a Stanford professor—more precisely, by “the Louise Hewlett Nixon Professor at Stanford University.” Below, you see the opening paragraph of this gruesome professor’s gruesome attempt at analysis: PALUMBO-LIU (7/21/15: I have been late getting to David Brooks’ column on Ta-Nehisi Coates, “Listening to Ta-Nehisi Coates While White.” I was absorbed by the case of Sandra Bland, the young black woman who was found dead in a Texas jail cell, ...more »
“To our horror”: Widely reported study suggesting divorce is more likely when wives fall ill gets axed
A widely reported finding that the risk of divorce increases when wives fall ill — but not when men do — is invalid, thanks to a short string of mistaken coding that negates the original conclusions, published in the March issue of the Journal of Health and Social Behavior. The paper, “In Sickness and in […] The post “To our horror”: Widely reported study suggesting divorce is more likely when wives fall ill gets axed appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Follow-Up: Ufologist Believes Alien Shooter Story is Credible
*Source:La Arena www.laarena.com.ar (Argentina) and Planeta UFODate: 07.17.2015* *Argentina: Rosario Ufologist Says Hunter's Story is "Credible"* *A Researcher Works on the Tavernise Case* After the initial astonishment and widespread diffusion in the media, the case involving the hunter from Santa Rosa who claims having slain an extraterrestrial has moved to another level: it is now a matter for investigation by UFO researchers. To one of them, the abduction was not extraterrestrial but rather military in origin. A psychiatrist wants Tavernise to submit to a deep relaxation tec... more »
A Demonic View of Human Dignity Takes Root in America
Where does human dignity come from? This isn’t an academic question. It’s a matter of life and death. A few weeks ago, I told you on BreakPoint that the Supreme Court’s decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, which legalized same-sex marriage,... The post A Demonic View of Human Dignity Takes Root in America appeared first on The Stream.
New Poll: Trump Takes Big Lead in GOP Presidential Race
Businessman Donald Trump surged into the lead for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination, with almost twice the support of his closest rival, just as he ignited a new controversy after making disparaging remarks about Sen. John McCain’s Vietnam War service,... The post New Poll: Trump Takes Big Lead in GOP Presidential Race appeared first on The Stream.
Using Nanostructured Ceramic Armor To Protect A Presidential Limousine
© Mikhail Metzel/TASS *ITAR-TASS:* *Russian leaders’ limousines may be reinforced with nanostructured ceramic armor* Russia has held trials in 2015 to test new ceramic armor created by NEVZ-Ceramics for the Kurganets, Bumerang and Armata combat platforms NOVOSIBIRSK, July 21. /TASS/. Nanostructured ceramic armor made by a Novosibirsk enterprise in East Siberia may be used to produce limousines for Russia’s top officials, according to reports revealed on Tuesday during Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev’s visit to the region. The premier visited the factory NEVZ-Ceramics operated by ... more »
Our Deadly, Daily Chemical Cocktail
*Kristin Wartman - *With the abundance of toxic chemicals present in a variety of packaged and processed foods, the FDA should reconsider its antiquated policies. The post Our Deadly, Daily Chemical Cocktail appeared first on Waking Times.
Texas Mother Arrested Because Her Children Sat ‘30 Feet’ Away from Her in a Food Court
A Texas mother has been charged with abandoning her children after they were found sitting about 30 feet away from her in a food court, according to Houston’s KHOU. Laura Browder was asked to meet a potential employer for a... The post Texas Mother Arrested Because Her Children Sat ‘30 Feet’ Away from Her in a Food Court appeared first on The Stream.
Poll: 59% Believe Businesses Should Be Able to Decline Gay Weddings
Four in ten Americans support and an equal percentage disagree with the Supreme Court decision on gay marriage in June. Asked about the Supreme Court’s decision on Obergefell v. Hodges, 39 percent of respondents said that they agree with the... The post Poll: 59% Believe Businesses Should Be Able to Decline Gay Weddings appeared first on The Stream.
Disavowed by GOP, Trump Keeps Supporters Cheering
CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — The Republican establishment may hope this is the beginning of the end for Donald Trump’s circus-like run for the presidency. But as the fallout intensifies after the billionaire businessman mocked Sen. John McCain’s war hero status,... The post Disavowed by GOP, Trump Keeps Supporters Cheering appeared first on The Stream.
Is It Worth Voting?
Now that I've sworn off voting for the lesser of two evils, I'm still willing to go to great lengths to exercise my right to vote. I don't know if I'd ride down from the Hindu Kush to the U.S. Embassy in Kabul on a horse again so I could do it, but even when I decided I couldn't vote for Obama in 2012, I still walked to my polling station so I could cast a protest vote for Green Party candidate Jill Stein. I believe in voting. I no longer believe in castigating Americans who look at our candidates and the inherent corruption of our political system and decide to not even bother. F... more »
What 10 Republican Presidential Candidates Said in Iowa This Weekend
AMES, Iowa—“How many of you by show of hands are better off today than your parents were when they were your age?” Frank Luntz, a national political consultant, polled the audience at the Family Leadership Summit on Saturday. “It’s almost... The post What 10 Republican Presidential Candidates Said in Iowa This Weekend appeared first on The Stream.
North Korea Says It Won’t Do Iran-Style Nuclear Deal with U.S.
North Korea’s government said Tuesday that it had no interest in pursuing a nuclear agreement of its own with the U.S. as long as Washington pursued what Pyongyang described as “provocative” U.S. policies. The statement from the isolated, totalitarian country’s... The post North Korea Says It Won’t Do Iran-Style Nuclear Deal with U.S. appeared first on The Stream.
North Korea Rejects Any Suggestion of An Iran-Style Nuclear Deal
Under Kim Jong-un, North Korea has continued its policy of developing nuclear weapons. (Photo : Twitter Photo Section) *FOX News*:* North Korea says it won't do Iran-style nuclear deal with US* North Korea's government said Tuesday that it had no interest in pursuing a nuclear agreement of its own with the U.S. as long as Washington pursued what Pyongyang described as "provocative" U.S. policies. The statement from the isolated, totalitarian country's Foreign Ministry was its first official response to the agreement concluded earlier this month between Iran and six global powers,... more »
O’Malley: Global Warming Created ISIS
After ostensibly trying to separate global warming from national security concerns, Democratic presidential candidate Martin O’Malley Monday jumped on the bandwagon of those claiming global warming created the conditions necessary for Islamic State to grow. “One of the things that... The post O’Malley: Global Warming Created ISIS appeared first on The Stream.
ANALYSIS: GOP Considerably Stronger Than Media Suggests
You would expect that a political party that recently won a majority in the U.S. Senate, gained strength in the House, captured 31 of 50 governorships and gave 24 of those governors majorities in their legislatures would be basking in predictions... The post ANALYSIS: GOP Considerably Stronger Than Media Suggests appeared first on The Stream.
A new LHC Kaggle contest: discover "\(\tau \to 3 \mu\)" decay
A year ago, the Kaggle.com machine learning contest server along with the ATLAS Collaboration at the LHC organized a contest in which you were asked to determine whether a collision of two protons was involving the Higgs boson (that later decayed to the \(\tau^+\tau^-\) pair, one of the taus is leptonic and the other is hadronic). To make the story short, there's a new similar contest out there: Identify an unknown decay phenomenon Again, you will submit a file in which each "test" collision is labeled as either "interesting" or "uninteresting". But in this case, you may actually d... more »
Former FDA chemist who admitted taking bribe wins back right to work in drug industry, 20 years later
More than 20 years after the U.S. Food and Drug Administration permanently debarred a former chemist for accepting bribes — and a puzzling 17 years after he asked for a pardon after helping the agency prosecute other cases — the FDA is lifting its debarment. In 1994, chemist David J. Brancato: …was permanently debarred from […] The post Former FDA chemist who admitted taking bribe wins back right to work in drug industry, 20 years later appeared first on Retraction Watch.
More Ghoulish Planned Parenthood Video Released...
*how can anyone defend this?* When I was asked why The Center for Medical Progress waited a year before releasing the video of Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s Senior Director of Medical Services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, describing how America’s largest abortion business allegedly uses the banned partial birth abortion procedure to harvest and sell the body parts of aborted children, including hearts, lungs, liver, and heads, the answer was simple. If they made one video and released it, they wouldn't be able to do more undercover work. How many more videos will be released...more »
Iran's Parliament Wants To Change The Nuclear Deal
*Breitbart:* *Iran Parliament Wants to Revise Nuclear Deal* While the UN Security Council passed the Iran deal in a unanimous 15-0 vote on Monday, Iran’s parliament, the Islamic Constituent Assembly, or Majlis, holds the power to revise or delay key parts of the nuclear deal with Iran–even as President Barack Obama and world powers seek a UN Security Council resolution before the U.S. Congress can review the deal. On Saturday, the Fars News Agency reported that the Majlis threatened to reject the agreement’s provision on ballistic missiles, which call for an international embargo ... more »
UK Gets Tough on Homegrown ISIS Recruits
U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron gave a speech Monday outlining his counterterrorism strategy for his remaining five years in office. Speaking at a school in the city of Birmingham, he announced several proposals, including a plan to allow parents who suspect their... The post UK Gets Tough on Homegrown ISIS Recruits appeared first on The Stream.
Two CCCU Colleges to Allow Same-Sex Married Faculty
Goshen College and Eastern Mennonite University, both CCCU colleges, have added “sexual orientation” to their nondiscrimination policies, opening the door for the schools to hire staff and faculty who are in same-sex marriages. That language puts them at odds with... The post Two CCCU Colleges to Allow Same-Sex Married Faculty appeared first on The Stream.
Love Is Not Just A Feeling - A Poem by M.N. Hopkins
*Love is not just a feeling* *It is a higher emotion* *That emanates from one’s heart center* *For* *It is love * *That resides in the heart of Man* *And * *It is Man* *Who will reside amongst his fellows.* *Once Love visits* *It transforms* *All darkness* *Into Light* *All misunderstandings* *Into knowledge* *All pain* *Into joy* *For* *Joy is a sign * *That reveals those whom are embraced in the arms of Love* *Those whom extend their arms out to others* *Those who know of the delight of touching another* *One heart touching to that of another* *A joy is evoked* ... more »
*Education correlates with longevity* A new study offers yet more evidence that higher levels of education are linked to living longer. Researchers looked at data on more than a million people from 1986 to 2006 to estimate the number of deaths in the US that could be attributed to low levels of education. They studied people born in 1925, 1935, and 1945 to understand how education levels affected mortality over time, and noted the causes of death, including cardiovascular disease and cancer. They found that 145,243 deaths could be saved in the 2010 population if adults who had n... more »
*A look at the first video after the devastation from the Federal Flood and Hurricane Katrina 10 years ago ~WWL-TV* *Zurik: Feds investigate huge mess at Tangipahoa Parish landfill ~WVUE* *A peek into Jindal’s inner sanctum ~Forgotston.com* *Young alligator snapping turtles released in SW Louisiana ~AP *
Into the world of diversity Che and Fidel were a rare Communist pair that could beat three of a capitalist kind In the battle so far Cuba is the clear winner battling above its weight class a beacon of freedom from in a mostly miserable semi hemisphere of freedom too Today relations are normalized and the strip mall architects are salivating its going to be Fulgencio Batista all over again while the Cuban people look around at what they got and what they lost and weigh in somewhat starved but very much alive after 50 years in a bomb shelter
Argentina: Sightings of UFOs and a Strange Winged Entity
*Source: Diario Popular (Argentina) and Planeta UFODate: July 20 2015* *Argentina: Sightings of UFOs and a Strange Winged Entity* *By Pachi La Fata* One fine day, UFOs reappeared in the Province of San Luis, a space with an endless list of incidents as startling as they are enigmatic. On this occasion, the incident involved two fishermen who witnessed two flying saucers floating some 20 meters over the ground. This isn't all: in another case, a strange "winged entity" - described as white and tremendously large - also appeared. Within the scope of a new publication by the Vision ... more »
*You were warned* *Here we go again: June warmest EVER recorded globally* *Random fluctuations of hundredths of a degree taken seriously again -- even though the precision of measurement is much coarser than that* Earth dialed the heat up in June, smashing warm temperature records for both the month and the first half of the year. Off-the-charts heat is 'getting to be a monthly thing,' said Jessica Blunden, a climate scientist for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 'This is the third month this year that we've broken the monthly record.' NOAA calculated... more »
Planned Parenthood Abortion Doctor Haggles over Payments for “Intact Fetal Specimens” in New Video
Today a new video was released showing Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s Medical Directors’ Council President, Dr. Mary Gatter, negotiating the price points for intact fetal specimens and offering to use a “less crunchy technique” to get more intact body parts.... The post Planned Parenthood Abortion Doctor Haggles over Payments for “Intact Fetal Specimens” in New Video appeared first on The Stream.
DA: It’s Too Early to Know How Woman Died in Texas Jail Cell
HEMPSTEAD, Texas (AP) — The prosecutor in a Texas county where authorities say a woman hanged herself in a jail cell said that it is too soon to determine exactly how she died and that the ongoing case is being... The post DA: It’s Too Early to Know How Woman Died in Texas Jail Cell appeared first on The Stream.
Ohio Gov. Kasich is 16th Notable Entry into GOP Race
COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Ohio’s John Kasich, a blunt governor who embraces conservative ideals but disdains the political sport of bashing Hillary Rodham Clinton, is to become the 16th notable Republican to enter the 2016 presidential race. The second-term governor... The post Ohio Gov. Kasich is 16th Notable Entry into GOP Race appeared first on The Stream.
Strong And Stupid
http://thedailyedge.net/ Joe Oliver has informed Kathleen Wynne that the Harperites will do absolutely nothing to help set up the Ontario Pension Plan -- which is essentially an expansion of the Canada Pension Plan. At the same time, he says that he is "consulting" Canadians about "voluntary" contributions to the CPP -- an idea which his predecessor, Jim Flaherty, said wouldn't work. Alan Freeman writes that the CPP works very well: The CPP has been fabulously successful. When it ran into funding difficulties in the 1990s, the ... more »
Into the world of diversity Che and Fidel were a rare Communist pair that could beat three of a capitalist kind In the battle so far Cuba is the clear winner battling above its weight class a beacon of freedom from in a mostly miserable semi hemisphere of freedom too Today relations are normalized and the strip mall architects are salivating its going to be Fulgencio Batista all over again while the Cuban people look around at what they got and what they lost and weigh in somewhat starved but very much alive after 50 years in a bomb shelter
Apache Stronghold Marches on Capitol Today Schedule
Apache Stronghold today at the White House New! Photo series of Apache Stronghold march on US Capitol today! http://bsnorrell.blogspot.com/2015/07/photos-apache-stronghold-march-on.html Apache Stronghold Caravan Arrives in D.C. to Protest Giveaway of Sacred Land: Today's Schedule By Apache Stronghold Censored News WASHINGTON – Members of the Apache Stronghold will march from
Why Are the ATL Raiding Other Unions?
I've always found it a bit weird that teaching presently has four trade unions vying to represent it: the NASUWT, NUT, ATL, and Voice. However, four may very soon become three as "non-formal" talks are taking place between the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (124,000 members) and the National Union of Teachers (333,000 members). Good. Anything reducing competition between unions maximises the hand of the employee in negotiation with the employer and should be welcomed by all labour movement people. That isn't to say everything is bright and cheerful. Gossip about some very qu... more »
Obama Faces Vets, Jon Stewart Amid Concerns over Iran, VA
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama is facing a convention of veterans and taking questions from Jon Stewart of “The Daily Show,” as concerns run high about Iran, veterans’ care and a shooting rampage against U.S. Marines. Obama will travel... The post Obama Faces Vets, Jon Stewart Amid Concerns over Iran, VA appeared first on The Stream.
Anthony Hervey, Black Confederate Flag Supporter, Dies in Suspicious Car Wreck
A black activist who defended the Confederate Flag died Sunday when the vehicle he was driving overturned, and another black Confederate flag defender who survived the accident says the vehicle was forced off the road by a group of young... The post Anthony Hervey, Black Confederate Flag Supporter, Dies in Suspicious Car Wreck appeared first on The Stream.
Searching for ET: Hawking to Look for Extraterrestrial Life
LONDON (AP) — The search for extraterrestrial life received a major boost Monday with the launch of an ambitious $100 million program, backed by famed physicist Stephen Hawking and tech billionaire Yuri Milner. Combining unprecedented computing capacity with the world’s most... The post Searching for ET: Hawking to Look for Extraterrestrial Life appeared first on The Stream.
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Arctic summers ice-free within 5 or 6 years
This BBC report is absolutely shocking, an ice free Arctic within 5 or 6 years. 'Scientists in the US have presented one of the most dramatic forecasts yet for the disappearance of Arctic sea ice. Their latest modelling studies indicate northern polar waters could be ice-free in summers within just 5-6 years. Professor Wieslaw Maslowski told an American Geophysical Union meeting that previous projections had underestimated the processes now driving ice loss. Summer melting this year reduced the ice cover to 4.13 million sq km, the smallest ever extent in modern times. Remarkably,... more »
Economic News & Views ( July 21 , 2015 ) Commodities Headlines & News from Other Quarters ( Oil and gold slump as commodities in general under pressure in , Russia , China , Argentina , Nicaragua and Africa items of interest ) ...... Greece block of news and views for the day - next round of Creditors on the horizon as Parliaments readies next batch of Legislation for a crucial vote on Wednesday !
Evening Wrap...... *Stelios Kiosses* @SteliosKiosses Every *sunset* in #*Greece* reminds me how much I love this country, in good and bad times! *Jonathan Algar* @jonathanalgar 21m 21 minutes ago *IMF APPOINTS NEW MISSION CHIEF FOR GREECE *IMF SAYS DELIA VELCULESCU TO BE NEW MISSION CHIEF *IMF SAYS RISHI GOYAL TO BE REASSIGNED *Mathieu von Rohr* @mathieuvonrohr 3h 3 hours ago Tsipras's non-paper slamming leftist SYRIZA dissenters - via @GreekAnalyst http://wp.me/p5BCK1-5K *Yannis Koutsomitis* @YanniKouts 2h 2 hours ago Greek business warn of closures as c... more »
Arctic ice 'grew by a third' after cool summer in 2013 per BBC News
'But they say 2013 was a one-off and that climate change will continue to shrink the ice in the decades ahead.' You've gotta have faith... because the facts just don't support the hypothesis. More here http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-33594654
Chinese destroyer ship (Jinan) at Mumbai Harbour anchorage for four days
[image: Type 052C (Luyang-II) class DDG]Luyang-II Class guided-missile destroyers (Jinan) of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy is at Mumbai harbour anchorage on Monday morning. The Chinese Naval vessel will be going alongside berth likely at Mumbai Port Trust on Tuesday. The vessel is going to stay in Mumbai for the next four days. The destroyer ship reached Mumbai harbour after completing its term of anti-piracy patrol at Gulf of Eden. "The PLA Navy vessel was on anti-piracy patrol and shall be leaving for Salalah from Mumbai on July 24. The Chinese destroyer ship reached M... more »
War World - the all-consuming self - Consumerism is your living Hell
Goya!Francisco Goya understood the concept of the ACS or All Consuming Self, aptly illustrated by his 1820's image SATURN DEVOURING HIS SON. In corporate-war-godma terms we can take this to mean, "That which funds our enterprise will be our Free Lunch," on the Day of Reckoning. A modern illustration of what Dali called Auto-Cannibalism can be seen in the following video presentation c/o some brave soul on You Tube. I personally love these AHRs or Alternative Historical Reimaginings or glimpses into the market-driven and mind-manipulated Machiavellia of Modern Man. We should see mo... more »
Panorama. The Train that Divides Jerusalem
Does anyone still make a point of tuning in to Panorama as we used to in the past? I don’t think so. Last night, for want of anything better to do I switched on the telly just in time to catch someone, in their most doleful Will Self accent, regretfully decrying their sadness that their grandparents’ dream of a utopian Israel was now kaput. As the closing credits rolled up the screen, with heavy heart I turned to iPlayer to see what I’d just missed. While I waited for it to be uploaded (or whatever was causing the delay) I turned to Twitter, as one does these days, to check out t... more »
I Woke Up Today Thinking - The Wisdom Of Roland Oliva
What happened to the Canadian Army’s TOW 2 missiles?
[image: TOW-II live firing]In a recent article I wrote, there were details about Canadian Army equipment that had been declared surplus and was either being destroyed or sold off. Included among that equipment were the TOW 2 missiles and related systems purchased by the Army around 2009 for $100 million. According to documents obtained by Defence Watch the stocks included 592 TOW 2 (analog) missiles, 897 TOW 2 (digital) missiles and 662 TOW 2B (top attack missiles). Read more
Final operational clearance for Tejas again delayed till next year
[image: Tejas LCA]At a time when Pakistan has already clinched the first export order for its JF-17 'Thunder' fighter built with China's help, India's home-grown light combat aircraft Tejas will take yet another year to become fully combat-ready. What is even more worrying is that the critically-required Tejas Mark-II, with a more powerful engine, is likely to need a strong infusion of foreign collaboration if the first prototype has to take to the skies by 2018-19 as per already much-revised deadlines. "Tejas Mark-II is still on the drawing board, with only the preliminary design ... more »
China Protests U.S. Pacific Fleet Commander’s Spy-Plane Flight
[image: Admiral Scott Swift]China renewed its protests over U.S. spy planes entering what it claims as territory after the commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet joined a surveillance flight over the disputed South China Sea. “For a long time, U.S. military ships and aircraft have carried out frequent, widespread, and up-close surveillance of China, seriously harming bilateral mutual trust and China’s security interests, which could easily cause an accident at sea or in the air,” the Ministry of Defense said in a statement published by state-run People’s Daily. Admiral Scott Swift joi... more »
Boeing’s maritime surveillance aircraft heads for Nordic demonstration
[image: 2005 BOMBARDIER INC CL-600-2B16]Boeing sent its Bombardier Challenger 604-based maritime surveillance aircraft (MSA) to appear in the static display at this year’s Royal International Air Tattoo (RIAT), as the company looked to attract customers for the offering. Proposed as a lower-cost alternative to acquiring a dedicated maritime patrol aircraft such as its own 737-based P-8 Poseidon, the MSA lacks armaments or the ability to deploy sonobuoys. The experimental aircraft sent to RIAT – registered N614BA – is representative of a proposed production MSA configuration, which w... more »
Three admirals forced out because of links to bribery scandal
[image: USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76)]Three Navy admirals forced into retirement after being linked to a bribery scandal had enjoyed fancy dinners and cigars, sightseeing trips, shopping binges and high-value hotel accommodations from the key figure in the case: colorful Singaporean businessman Leonard Glenn Francis. The censure letters meted out by Navy Secretary Ray Mabus were announced in February, along with the retirement of the three admirals: Vice Adm. Michael Miller, Rear Adm. Terry Kraft and Rear Adm. David Pimpo. But the details behind what Mabus called “poor judgment and a f... more »
Work begins on eighth FREMM ship for Italian Navy
[image: ITS Carlo Bergamini (F 590)]Fincantieri has started construction of the eighth frégate européen multi-mission (FREMM) ship for the Italian Navy at its Riva Trigoso shipyard in Sestri Levante, Italy. Planned to be built in the general purpose configuration, the FREMM ship is scheduled to be delivered to the Italian Navy in early 2019. This work is part of a contract awarded to Orizzonte Sistemi Navali to construct ten vessels for Italian Navy, to replace its ageing Fincantieri-built Lupo and Maestrale-class ships by 2021. Read more
Brand new sub "Stary Oskol" arrives at Baltiysk to join Navy Day ships parade
[image: The screw of the Improved-Kilo Stary Osko]The newest diesel-electric submarine SSK "Stary Oskol", recently commissioned into service with the Russian Navy fleet, arrived from St. Petersburg to Baltiysk to participate in the festive events dedicated to the Day of the Navy, when ships will sail out from Kaliningrad navigation channel's exit in Baltiysk , the Western Military District press office said. During the transition to the base SSK submarine crew held exercises on board the ship tested navigation elements, performed a series of combat training tasks for improving the p... more »
Darwin war games, under China gaze
Inflatable boats crammed with camouflaged soldiers power onto a remote beach crawling with Australian, United States and Japanese commandos - watched by officers from China. The drills, in Australia's remote Top End region in the Northern Territory, are the biggest war games in the military calendar as 30,000 personnel practise beach landings, parachuting and bush survival. Attended by observers from China, they reflect the delicate dance that is playing out in a region racked by territorial tensions. Read more
Submarine launches undersea drone in a first for US Navy
[image: USS North Dakota (SSN-784)]In a first for the U.S. Navy, a submarine has launched and recovered an underwater drone used in a military operation. The attack submarine USS North Dakota returned to its base in Groton on Monday following a nearly two-month deployment to the Mediterranean Sea specifically to test the drone-launching capability. “This was something they thought we could go do,” Capt. Douglas Gordon, the vessel’s commanding officer, said in an interview at the base. “We went out, and we proved that.” Read more
Greenert's Final Navigation Plan Prioritizes Nuclear Submarines
[image: Ohio class SSBN]Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Jonathan Greenert has released his final CNO Navigation Plan that listed maintaining the service's current nuclear-armed submarine fleet and building a next generation nuclear submarine as the service's top priority. This years' CNO Navigation plan will be the last one issued by Greenert who is slated to step down in September of this year. Greenert has served as CNO since 2011. The plan released Monday specifies a list of six Navy investment priorities including maintaining the Navy's sea-based deterrence, sustaining forward ... more »
China defends deployment of submarines in Indian Ocean
[image: Type 094 (Jin) class SSBN]Defending the recent deployment of Chinese submarines in the Indian Ocean, a Chinese military strategist at the People's Liberation Army's official think-tank said on Monday that the Chinese navy was right "to protect its interests" in the region which India should be "broad minded" enough to accommodate. Responding to Indian concerns about the deployment of a Yuan-class submarine which sailed through the Arabian Sea to Karachi in May - this followed the deployment of submarines to Colombo last year, which also triggered concerns - Zhou Bo, honorary... more »
Military Photo of the Day: July 21, 2015
A makeshift memorial at the Armed Forces Career Center in Chattanooga, Tenn. This week, the U.S. military heroes killed in Thursday’s despicable attack on military centers in Chattanooga are being honored, mourned and laid to rest. As these solemn ceremonies... The post Military Photo of the Day: July 21, 2015 appeared first on The Stream.
Is The U.S. Buying The Right Weapons For Future Wars?
The fourth Air Force F-35A Lightning II aircraft arrives at the 422nd Test and Evaluation Squadron at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, April 24, 2013, REUTERS/U.S. Air Force/Daniel Hughes/Handout *P.W. Singer and August Cole, Reuters:* *The weapons the U.S. needs for a war it doesn’t want* Terrorism and Middle East insurgencies are not going away. Yet in the 21st century, the United States must understand it faces a return of a serious national-security concern that shaped the last century: the risk of great-power conflict. The Defense Department’s new military strategy acknowledges... more »
The \(2\TeV\) LHC excess could prove string theory
On Friday, I praised the beauty of the left-right-symmetric models that replace the hypercharge \(U(1)_Y\) by a new \(SU(2)_R\) group. They could explain the excess that especially ATLAS but also (in a different search) CMS seems to be seeing at the invariant mass around \(1.9\TeV\), an excess that I placed at the first place of attractiveness among the known bumps at the LHC. *A random picture of intersecting D-branes* Alternatively, if that bump were real, it could have been a sign of compositeness, a heavy scalar (instead of a spin-one boson), or a triboson pretending to be a ... more »
Obama, You’re No Ronald Reagan
At his press conference last Wednesday, our president of self-regard again linked himself with Ronald Reagan, seeking to equate his supposed success in gaining a deal with Iran not to build a nuclear weapon for 10 years to Reagan’s arms... The post Obama, You’re No Ronald Reagan appeared first on The Stream.
1938 and 2015: Only the Names are Different
We say that evil is dark. But this metaphor is imprecise. Evil is actually intensely bright, so painfully bright that people look away from it. Many even deny its existence. Why? Because once people acknowledge evil’s existence, they know they... The post 1938 and 2015: Only the Names are Different appeared first on The Stream.
Mandatory Adult Vaccines Coming to California or GO TO JAIL!
*Video -* Kenny Valenzuela breaks down the latest California bill, SB792 - mandatory adult vaccinations. No personal exemptions and criminal penalties for failure to comply. The post Mandatory Adult Vaccines Coming to California or GO TO JAIL! appeared first on Waking Times.
Iran Nuke Deal: A Historic Catastrophe
Distinguished scientist Freeman Dyson has called the 1433 decision of the emperor of China to discontinue his country’s exploration of the outside world the “worst political blunder in the history of civilization.” The United States seems at this moment about... The post Iran Nuke Deal: A Historic Catastrophe appeared first on The Stream .
The Left’s Obsession with Imaginary Bias
Early this year, the University of California’s president, Janet Napolitano, asked all deans and department chairs in the university’s ten campuses to undergo training in overcoming their “implicit biases” toward women and minorities. The department heads also needed training, according... The post The Left’s Obsession with Imaginary Bias appeared first on The Stream.
Argentina Remembers the Worst Massacre of Jews Since WWII
The names of streets and neighborhoods in Buenos Aires often commemorate historical events. Most relate to its revolutionary period, like Nueve de Julio, often tagged the world’s widest avenue, for the 9th of July, Argentina’s Independence Day. A more recent... The post Argentina Remembers the Worst Massacre of Jews Since WWII appeared first on The Stream.
Don’t Be Fooled by the Media; This Isn’t about Trump
Is anyone concerned that the media have succeeded in using a flap between Donald Trump and John McCain to divert our attention from serious issues facing the nation? Trump has been very outspoken in recent weeks on certain issues, especially... The post Don’t Be Fooled by the Media; This Isn’t about Trump appeared first on The Stream.
Is President Obama Cooperating With Russian President Putin Over Ukraine?
Russian President Vladimir Putin, left, and President of the United States of America Barack Obama (RIA Novosti/Michael Klimentyev) / RIA Novosti *Leonid Bershidsky, Bloomberg*:* Ukrainians Suspect Obama-Putin Cooperation* It's rare that official representatives of the U.S. visit foreign parliaments to persuade lawmakers to vote a certain way on some piece of legislation. Yet last week, Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland traveled to Kiev and did just that, as the Ukrainian parliament prepared to vote on amendments to the country's constitution. Nuland was interested in j... more »
China Blames U.S. Incursions In The South China Sea For Tensions Between Washington And Beijing
Chinese dredging vessels are allegedly seen in the waters around Fiery Cross Reef in the disputed Spratly Islands area in this still image from a video taken by a P-8A Poseidon surveillance aircraft and provided by the U.S. Navy May 21, 2015. Reuters/U.S. Navy/Handout *IBTimes:* *US Navy South China Sea Surveillance Flyover Harmed Bilateral Relations: Beijing Defense Officials* A high-ranking U.S. Navy officer acknowledged Monday he participated in a routine surveillance flyover of the disputed waters of the South China Sea Saturday. Chinese defense officials have responded by say... more »
Sure to be this summer's hottest ticket: Liberation Day in Pyongyang
*Gwangbokjeol* (literally "Restoration of Light Day"), also called as the *National Liberation Day* of Korea, celebrated annually on August 15, is one of the public holidays in South Korea. It commemorates Victory over Japan Day, which liberated Korea from colonial rule. Independent Korean governments were created three years later, on August 15, 1948, when the pro-Moscow Kim Il-sung was made first President of North Korea and pro-U.S. Syngman Rhee was made first President of South Korea. Gwangbokjeol was officially designated a public holiday on October 1, 1949 in South Korea and... more »
Musical Interlude: 2002, “Long Piano Playlist”
2002, “Long Piano Playlist” "Over 1 hour of relaxing, soothing piano music by the award-winning duo 2002, Pamela and Randy Copus. Other instruments include soft strings, low flutes, chimes." - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xqq5ELgfnYU Beautiful... soul-touchingly beautiful...
Colin James is still a know-nothing
Colin James, the political pundit who could bore for New Zealand, has little in the way of acumen to redeem his turgid prose. Here’s part of his latest piece of political puffery, frothing about the forthcoming National Conference: *Throw in Bill English’s diversification of how the state does its business, which gives National more of a look than Labour as the party generating modern policy in a changing world. Delegates can celebrate the smaller state they yearn for and moralise about, and also feel the cabinet has innovative energy.* Oh yes. A “small” state, and constantly getti... more »
Iran Claims That Their Ballistic Missile Program Is Not Covered By The Iranian Nuclear Deal
Illustrative photo of a Fateh-110 ballistic missile, taken at an Iranian armed forces parade in 2012. (military.ir/Wikimedia Commons) *Times of Israel/AFP*: *Iran says UN can’t ban ballistic missiles under nuke deal* After Security Council endorses pact, Tehran claims prohibition on missile development not relevant to world body, adds atomic watchdog won’t want to inspect military sites Iran said its ballistic missile program was not connected to the UN Security Council resolution adopted Monday, which endorses its July 14 nuclear accord with world powers. A statement from the I... more »
Obama Kneecaps Congress (Again)
If only President Barack Obama were as hard-nosed and clever in undermining our adversaries as he is in kneecapping the U.S. Congress, the country’s strategic position might be transformed. The Iran deal went to the United Nations Security Council for... The post Obama Kneecaps Congress (Again) appeared first on The Stream.
ANALYSIS: Attention America’s Suburbs: You Have Just Been Annexed
It’s difficult to say what’s more striking about President Obama’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) regulation: its breathtaking radicalism, the refusal of the press to cover it, or its potential political ramifications. The danger AFFH poses to Democrats explains why... The post ANALYSIS: Attention America’s Suburbs: You Have Just Been Annexed appeared first on The Stream.
Musical Interlude: 2002, “The Dreaming Tree”
2002, “The Dreaming Tree” - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_hOphl_fsg
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Moving left to right near the center of this beautifully detailed color composite, the thin, bright, braided filaments are actually long ripples in a sheet of glowing gas seen almost edge on. The interstellar shock wave plows through space at over 500,000 kilometers per hour. Cataloged as NGC 2736, its elongated appearance suggests its popular name, the Pencil Nebula. *Click image for larger size.* The Pencil Nebula is about 5 light-years long and 800 light-years away, but represents only a small part of the Vela supernova remnant. The Vela remnant itself is around 100 light-years i... more »
The Universe
“It's part of nature's built-in checks and balances, that while there may be times when you think you can't even help yourself, precisely in such moments there will always be someone else nearby... you can help, instead. Which, I think you know, is actually one of the fastest ways to help yourself. I sure feel better.” “I hope that helps,” The Universe "Thoughts become things... choose the good ones!" - www.tut.com
Paulo Coelho, "The Cry Of The Desert"
*"The Cry Of The Desert"* by Paulo Coelho "As soon as he arrived in Marrakesh, Morocco, a missionary decided he would stroll through the desert at the city’s boundary every morning. On his first stroll he noticed a man lying on the sand, caressing the ground with his hands and leaning his ears towards the earth. “He is mad,” the missionary said to himself. But he saw the man every morning during his walks and after a month, intrigued by that strange behavior, he decided to approach the stranger. He knelt beside him and asked, in broken Arabic, “What are you doing?” “I keep the dese... more »
Chet Raymo, “Discorruption”
* “Discorruption”* by Chet Raymo “The great foundational poem of religious naturalism is Walt Whitman's “I Sing the Body Electric”. Not for the first time, of course, but for the first time with a modern voice, a poet sings of the material soul. How long we labored in the Judeo-Christian West with a distrust of the body, seeing in it something verminous and corruptible. How long we dreamed of flying free of the blood and visera and foul excretions- the immaterial soul like a whiff of luminous vapor, ascending. “Mouth, tongue, lips, teeth, roof of the mouth, jaws and jaw hinges.... more »
"A Test..."
"Here is a test to find whether your mission on Earth is finished: If you're alive, it isn't." - Richard Bach, "Illusions"
Celebrities & the Art of Distraction
*Patrick Henningsen* - Hollywood is the land of illusion, and this faux reality is amplified throughout society. The post Celebrities & the Art of Distraction appeared first on Waking Times .
The Daily "Near You?"
High Shoals, N. Carolina, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
"The Dance Is Always There"
*"The Dance Is Always There"* by Dr. Judith Rich “Many years ago, I had an important dream. In it, I was walking on a tightrope, wearing a business suit, carrying a briefcase, and wearing high heels. As the dream unfolds, I'm watching myself from an enlightened observer's viewpoint; I'm cautiously making my way along the tightrope, every muscle tensed. My concentration is like a laser beam, every step carefully placed. Falling would bring certain death. There is no net. At least not one that I can see. But just beneath the tightrope, out of my view, for as far as the eye can see, a... more »
"The Human Need For A Higher Purpose"
*"The Human Need For A Higher Purpose"* by Evolutionary Metaphysics "One of the more compelling reasons why some people hope for the existence of a purposeful creative process is because it can give a sense of meaning to their lives. Believing in a purposeful process is like having faith that our existence is orderly and meaningful, whereas to reject the possibility of purpose is like resigning yourself to the notion that our existence is ultimately meaningless, mindless, and possibly chaotic. The idea that consciousness has some kind of higher purpose has always been popular becau... more »
"Moving In Real Time: Fast-Forward Button"
*"Moving In Real Time: Fast-Forward Button"* by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM "We all want to press the fast forward button through pain, but in doing so we prolong important learning. We all go through times when we wish we could press a fast-forward button and propel ourselves into the future and out of our current circumstances. Whether the situation we are facing is minor, or major such as the loss of a loved one, it is human nature to want to move away from pain and find comfort as soon as possible. Yet we all know deep down that we need to work through these experiences in a co... more »
Cuba Is Demanding The Return Of Guantanamo Bay
*Reuters*:* Cuba seeks end to U.S. embargo, return of Guantanamo* Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez said on Monday the historic restoration of U.S.-Cuba relations will only make sense if the United States lifts its comprehensive trade embargo and returns to Cuba the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay in eastern Cuba. "The historic events we are living today will only make sense with the removal of the economic, commercial and financial blockade, which causes so much deprivation and damage to our people, the return of occupied territory in Guantanamo, and respect for the sovere... more »
With Friends Like These…
By Ken Derstine @ Defend Public Education! July 20, 2015 The U. S. Senate has voted to accept its proposed version of the Every Child Achieves Act (ECAA) by a bipartisan majority of 81 -17. The bill is a rewrite of the 1965 Elementary and Secondary Education Act that was reauthorized as No Child Left Behind in 2001. It now goes to Conference Committee which will try and reconcile the differences with the House version. The White House has threatened a veto if the bill becomes the House version. *Arne Duncan gave lukewarm support* for the Senate version, saying he hopes the... more »
Planned Parenthood Warns More Undercover Sting Videos Could Soon Emerge — Some Likely Racially Charged
WASHINGTON (TheBlaze/AP) — Planned Parenthood told Congress Monday that a secretly recorded video released last week by an anti-abortion group is fraudulent and part of a years-long pattern of illegal harassment aimed at prohibiting abortion. The abortion provider also warned... The post Planned Parenthood Warns More Undercover Sting Videos Could Soon Emerge — Some Likely Racially Charged appeared first on The Stream.
4 Crazy Moments from Netroots Nation
Last weekend, “progressives” from around the country met in Phoenix for their annual Netroots Nation conference. As you might imagine, it was a weekend full of bizarre moments and unbelievable statements, and a crowd that was completely out of control.... The post 4 Crazy Moments from Netroots Nation appeared first on The Stream.
Rafael Cruz: The Emissary
“You really have to hand it to these progressives,” the speaker is saying. He’s stalking the front of the chapel, pacing left to right, hands lifting and slicing and jabbing at the air. “They come up with the greatest terms.”... The post Rafael Cruz: The Emissary appeared first on The Stream.
Christian Bakery Closed for Refusing Lesbian Wedding Cake Breaks Crowdfunding Record with $352K
Aaron and Melissa Klein, Christians and former owners of a bakery in Oregon who were ordered by a judge to pay a fine of $135,000 for declining to bake a cake for a lesbian marriage ceremony, have set a record... The post Christian Bakery Closed for Refusing Lesbian Wedding Cake Breaks
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