'Green News Report' - July 21, 2015
IN TODAY'S RADIO REPORT: Extreme weather whips major California freeways - from floods to fire, as bridges collapse and cars burn; June 2015 the Hottest June on record; PLUS: Off-the-charts Pacific Ocean warming means global hurricane season off to record start... All that and more in today's Green News Report! Listen online here, or Download MP3 (6 mins)... Link: Embed: Got comme
NASA releases new 'blue marble' Earth image
The breathtaking image was captured one million miles away by the Deep Space Climate Observatory. The picture is the first to capture the complete sun...
Solar activity was really at exceptional lows during the cold Maunder Minimum
Fig 3 (Part VI only) Sunspot drawing of by G.D. Cassini in 1671 (Oldenburg, 1671c). What is surprising is just how much data we have on the Sun from 400 years ago. For some aspects of solar activity we barely have a half a solar cycle. For example, on solar spectral changes: UV and Infrared light swing up and down through the solar cycle, but we only got a good grip on these important changes in t
Girl plays the piano while sleepwalking
A young girl from New Zealand has become a social media hit after playing the piano while asleep. Footage uploaded on to YouTube showing 12-year-old I...
Interview 1062 – James Perloff Explodes the Korean War Lies
[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2015-06-25%20Financial%20Survival.mp3"][/audio]On the 65th anniversary of the beginning of the Korean War James is joined by James Perloff of jamesperloff.com to discuss his in-depth article, "The Korean War: Another Conflict that Served the Illuminati Agenda." From deals with the Soviets to protection for the Chinese to pulled punch
Building Islands and Burying Reefs in the South China Sea
China’s land reclamation activities in the Spratly Islands are causing permanent damage to marine habitat
In Review: “Protecting the Wild”
Essay collection by leading conservationists makes the case for why parks and preserves remain important today
IS THE BBC BIASED? // actions
Panorama. The Train that Divides Jerusalem
Does anyone still make a point of tuning in to Panorama as we used to in the past? I don’t think so. Last night, for want of anything better to do I switched on the telly just in time to catch someone, in their most doleful Will Self accent, regretfully decrying their sadness that their grandparents’ dream of a utopian Israel was now kaput. As the closing credits rolled up the screen, with heavy
No Jews involved
It’s a funny old world. The Times (£) has front page news! Cameron crackdown on “anti-British’ Muslims.“British Muslims who hold “intolerant ideas” and create a climate for extremism will become the target of a new clampdown to be announced by David Cameron today.In a landmark speech the prime minister will say that a failure of integration has meant that there are people born and raised in this c
Bad deals
We know certain things about Iran. It sponsors terrorism and perpetuates aggression by proxy, interferes in other countries’ affairs, and calls for “death” to America and Israel. We know it has a nuclear programme, which it claims is for peaceful purposes only.We know that economic sanctions have weakened Iran, and we assume that is what brought them to the table.Nobody believes Iran’s insistence
Everything crowds under the low horizon
Just to add something more about that Stewart Lee piece...Stew got a bit overwrought last week:Last Sunday, after I read in the Sunday Times of the culture secretary’s plans, I was stuck in traffic on the north circular with the kids. A new young writer called John Osborne, who I hadn’t heard of before, came on Radio 4 and told a half-hour story about childhood holidays that left all of us, aged f
One day 30 years ago, I interviewed to be a sex worker
One summer day when I was a young reporter in Kamloops, my bosses at the newspaper sent me off to pretend I wanted to get hired as a lingerie model. The advertising department at the paper had been running classified ads seeking young women interested in working as lingerie models. The paper wanted the advertising revenue, but was worried the real nature of the business was prostitution. So
Area 51 and History 2
I was watching one of those old UFO programs on History Two, which I think is where they now dump most of their crap. Anyway, this program was about Area 51 and when it was over, I thought about what I had learned.The highly secret base had runways, hangars, and other buildings. What a stunning bit of information.The “camo dudes” who watch those getting close to the base perimeters were dressed in
Lee Reeves and the Roswell UFO Crash
I know that this might seem to be piling on, but in the last couple of weeks, I have been asked about the story of Lee Reeves who supposedly accompanied Dan Dwyer out to the crash site where the alien creatures were found. Reeves’ tale appears in Witness to Roswell where it says, “When the call came in to the fire station that there had been a crash north of town, Dan Dwyer and Lee Reeves were dis
Kenneth Arnold and the Null Hypothesis
It has become an article of faith among some that the Kenneth Arnold sighting with its misreported description of a flying saucer is the genesis of modern UFO shape. Arnold had said that the objects he saw moved with a “motion like that of saucers skipping across a pond,” which reporters took to mean that Arnold had seen disk-like objects. Skeptics have pointed out this error, suggesting that Arno
Flying Saucers and Kenneth Arnold
(Blogger’s Note: Yes, I’ve touched on this before but in the last week or so the MSM, that is to say Time, published a UFO story that made the point that flying saucer was based on an error so of proving there is nothing to the sightings. I thought I’d take another run at this idea.)I have seen recently more suggestions that the term, “Flying Saucer,” is a misnomer because Kenneth Arnold wasn’t de
Why Are the ATL Raiding Other Unions?
I've always found it a bit weird that teaching presently has four trade unions vying to represent it: the NASUWT, NUT, ATL, and Voice. However, four may very soon become three as "non-formal" talks are taking place between the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (124,000 members) and the National Union of Teachers (333,000 members). Good. Anything reducing competition between unions ma
Defending Daniella Westbrook and Dr Christian Jessen
Celebs and dodgy photos, eh? The latest pair to succumb in this fashion are ex-Eastender Daniella Westbrook and the chunky, hunky Dr Christian Jessen of C4's Embarrassing Bodies. In case anyone missed the last two editions of the Daily Star Sunday, both have been caught somewhat in flagrante. Daniella apparently became infatuated with a man she met on Instagram and sent him some samples from her a
How Rambo Vs ISIS Could Be Very Good
It says everything you need to know about the state of journalism.Last week, there was a brief flurry of excitement and incredulity when Sylvester Stallone reportedly announced that he was making a final Rambo movie (dubbed Last Blood) and the baddies he'd be mowing down were to be ... our friends Islamic State. There were a lot of red faces in the news room when a Stallone spinner intervened to d
The Royals and the Nazis
Who wasn't tickled by this front page? Well, The Palace, obviously. They said it's "disappointing that film, shot eight decades ago... has been obtained and exploited". Disappointing? How so? It's not like anyone seriously believes the Queen has an attic full of Nazi regalia and goes to bed with a signed copy of Mein Kampf. And no one is suggesting that she is somehow culpable for what t
A WAY TO LIVE // actions
Watching the swallows dip and reel
Another heat wave; I go out at dawn or in short twenty minute shifts to do anything much. You can see the garden is very mature for mid-July. So are the weeds.The soaker hose bought this year both fell apart after a couple of weeks' dragging around, So I'm using the last of those bought ten years ago (!!) which holds up much better. A clue to the collapse of indurtrial civilization.For lunch, I'm
For now
In these early-September-like conditions, one thinks a great deal about mulch and water, and sometimes falls behind on harvesting. I still don't have the dried broadbeans in their jars, and already some zukes and cukes are getting past me.It's all right about the oversized vegs as they are much appreciated sliced and tossed into the poultry zones.Several beds have been left fallow (i.e., grown up
These things can wait
It has been over 90F out, and sometimes 100F, for over a month, seems like. The ground is complaining mightily, and now trees are beginning to shrink away from the sun. We anticipated this for several years and were more often wrong than right, but this year the garden's timing -- with things planted in March and April that traditionally are planted on Memorial Day weekend hereabouts -- has been i
Beans, beans, beans
I find the broad beans rewarding to grow but a little difficult to process. The pods are bendy but fibrous and do not snap like green beans, nor to they zip open by pulling the "string" as one does with peas. I resort to sliding a knife down each one and kind of folding each bean out, one by one. The pods will go right back in the beds, under straw.It's best done with music and cider, I
A.E.BRAIN // actions
Gender Identity and the Brain - a Round-Table
http://www.hulu.com/watch/807430Six months ago Charlie Rose and his colleague, Nobel Prize-winning brain scientist, Eric Kandel, began planning their latest instalment of the Charlie Rose Brain Series dealing with gender identity and the brain. In the time since, we met the most famous transgender person in the world — Caitlyn Jenner. In a fascinating hour-long episode, Charlie moderates a brillia
The individual must be incapacitated -- video interview with Denis Rancourt
Julia Tourianski interviewed me about my book. This is a short summary statement captured at the end of the long interview. Brave The World also put out this meme on Twitter, which features a quote from my book:
Alwaght News interview with Denis Rancourt -- Every Day Must be Quds Day
Monday, July 6, 2015, 5:22 PM Everyday Day Must Be Quds Day, We Must All Be Palestinians: Prof. Denis Rancourt
More Ghoulish Planned Parenthood Video Released...
how can anyone defend this?When I was asked why The Center for Medical Progress waited a year before releasing the video of Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s Senior Director of Medical Services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, describing how America’s largest abortion business allegedly uses the banned partial birth abortion procedure to harvest and sell the body parts of aborted children, includin
Obama collecting personal data for a secret race database...
while his daughters have only black friends.A key part of President Obama’s legacy will be the fed’s unprecedented collection of sensitive data on Americans by race. The government is prying into our most personal information at the most local levels, all for the purpose of “racial and economic justice.” Unbeknown to most Americans, Obama’s racial bean counters are furiously mining data on their
Are You Really in Control of Your Life?...
or are you being controlled by outside forces?There is no doubt that we are more "connected" than ever before. Between our lap tops, iPads, and smart phones, there is hardly a time when we are not being bombarded with information, not to mention kitteh videos, and other esoteric non-essentials.Most of us have witnessed the hapless person strolling down the street, grocery store aisle, o
6 Things to know about Planned Parenthood...
and some questions. 1. Planned Parenthood clinics did 327,653 abortions in its fiscal year 2014 (which ran from July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014). 2. Planned Parenthood received $528.4 million from government grants and reimbursements, which equaled 41 percent of its revenue. That's an average of $1.4 million per day.3. Cecile Richards, CEO of Planned Parenthood earned $590,928.00.4. The combine
French prosecutor requests dropping Arafat death probe
Prosecution says no case to answer regarding former Palestinian leader's death despite allegations of poisoning.
AU troops 'gun down unarmed civilians' in Somalia
At least 24 people killed and 22 injured after AU troops open fire on civilians in the town of Marka, residents say.
Syria's war victims find healing in Jordan
A unique hospital set up by Doctors Without Borders is providing free reconstructive surgery to those injured in war.
Despite animosity, Moscow's Muslims change the city
At least 1.5 million Muslims in Russia's capital form the fastest growing and most ethnically diverse demographic group.
60th Anniversaru of Russell-Einstein Manifesto Now Reinforced by Climate Change and Teilhard's Warning
Sixty years after Albert Einstein and Bertrand Russell issued their manifesto about the growing threat of world war, the globe continues to face the prospect of nuclear annihilation coupled with the looming threat of climate change as well as Teilhard's ominous warning ~ Love one another or you will perish: Allen L Roland, PhD"We have reached a decisive point in human evolution, at which the
Greece Says Oxi (No) To The Troika
The no vote by Greece is an extraordinary act of political courage, defying threats and intimidation from the European Union, the US government and the Greek ruling class and sends an alarming signal to the global elite that the game has dramatically changed. The “no” vote itself has made clear the social chasm separating the working class from the ruling elites of Greece, Europe and America
Happy Fourth Of July ~ But Remember The Courage Of The Signers
Have you ever wondered or wanted to know what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence. Their stories firmly establish the true sacrifice and personal courage it took to write and sign the Declaration of Independence on July 4th, 1776 ~ which quite often gets lost in our annual celebration amidst the beer, hot dogs, and fireworks shows: Allen L Roland, Ph.D
George Carlin / The Perfect Prophet For Our Disingenuous Times
As I search for a morsel of truth in the actions of our disingenuous plutocracy ~ I find myself always falling back to the truths of the late George Carlin, our modern day Mark Twain, who not only saw the duplicity of our present actions but was more than willing to speak his truth with biting humor and sarcasm: Allen L Roland, Ph.D “How is it possible to have a civil war?” ~ George CarlinGeorge
Sphere Alliance Message #22Incoming Wave of Energy
As received by Denise...20 July 2015Hello dear one; it is with joy and love that we say to you well done. This is not an easy task for you and your hesitation is well noted. There is so much that we must convey however, and there is little “time” for prepare humanity for what is to come. Indeed we said to you privately that the “wave” is scheduled by our calculations to arrive at the end of your
Updated with further clarifications 7/20/15: 1:32 PM GMT Sphere Alliance Message #21 DNA Storage and Harvesting by Galactic Travelers
This one was unexpectedly candid about the DNA storage to and harvesting from Earth humans. Shades of the movie Jupiter Ascending. Heather Tucci-Jarraf told me privately after I arrived in Morocco in 2013 that DNA was the biggest export from this planet and that the elites had been profiting from it for sometime by exchanging it for technology and other resources. Kind of makes you rethink all t
Sphere Alliance Message Portals Part 2
Our friends couldn't wait to send this one. I am going to do this right away.16 July 2015They were tapping on the top of my head, so I cleared my space and declared that I only accept messages of pure, absolute, unconditional love and truth.Yes, we tapped. We ask you and your friends to play a little game with us. This won’t take long and may help you remember how to use your local portals. Yes
ANGOLA 3 NEWS // actions
A3 Newsletter: The Beat Goes On
Healing Our Wounds: Restorative Justice Is Needed For Albert Woodfox, The Black Panther Party & The Nation --Law Professor Angela A. Allen-Bell interviewed by Angola 3 NewsOn Monday, June 8, 2015, US District Court Judge James Brady ruled that the Angola 3's Albert Woodfox be both immediately released and barred from a retrial. The next day, at the request of the Louisiana Attorney General, t
Healing Our Wounds: Restorative Justice Is Needed For Albert Woodfox, The Black Panther Party & The Nation --An Interview With Law Professor Angela A. Allen-Bell
(VIDEO: Prof. Bell interviewed by Sky News, following Judge Brady's ruling to immediately release Albert Woodfox. A stay on his release was ordered later that day by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. Also be sure to watch her June 12 appearance on MSNBC's News Nation with Tamron Hall)Healing Our Wounds: Restorative Justice Is Needed For Albert Woodfox, The Black Panther Party & The Nation--
Congress and the Iran Deal: Money for Nothing, Votes for Free
A “free” vote on Capitol Hill is one without negative consequences. Republicans and Democrats can line up with party activists and showboat without risk because they will be unsuccessful. Hard decisions can be sidestepped and political posturing is easy when negative consequences are blocked by the U.S. Constitution’s separation of powers. Republicans have proven to the party faithful their since
We have a deal!
After months of negotiations, the EU3+3 and Iran have signed a nuclear agreement. Jeffrey was so excited he got up at 3:30 in the morning California time to get a jump on reading the 159 page document. Meanwhile, Europe based Aaron read it over coffee at a cafe outside. All in all, the JCPOA looks a lot like the US fact sheet after Lausanne – and that is a good thing! In today’s episode, Aaron and
Monitoring Provisions of the Iran Agreement
This assessment of the core monitoring provisions of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action is necessarily hurried and preliminary. I invite ACW readers to weigh in with their comments. The text of key provisions follows my first-cut assessment. The agreement’s provisions are extremely complex and detailed. Reading the fine print brings flashbacks of the most detailed nuclear arms reduction provis
Iran Deal: Reading The Fine Print
The text of the nuclear limitation agreement with Iran (AKA “The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action”) has been released and can be found here [link fixed]. Several key provisions are reprinted below. I’ll post key verification provisions separately, with my assessment of their utility. Iran will begin phasing out its IR-1 centrifuges in 10 years. During this period, Iran will keep its enrichment
BIG DAN'S BIG BLOG // actions
U.S.A. FALSE FLAG NATION: Chattanooga Shooting Looks Like A FALSE FLAG
If you believe this Chattanooga bullshit, I have this car over here to sell you...................Whenever there's a big shooting by especially a "racist", "anti semite", or "muslim", before anything, the first question we must ask and debate is whether it's a government false flag hoax or not. THEN go onto other issues such as the confederate flag, gun control, radic
The Big Secret: REPUBLICANS Took Down The Confederate Flag In South Carolina
The media, and especially rightwing media (FOX, Hannity, Limbaugh, Savage, etc...), is telling us "the liberals" took down the Confederate flag in South Carolina. The big secret, if you actually count the votes in the South Carolina House, Senate, and the executive, is that more Republicans than Democrats voted to bring down the Confederate flag. Yes, it was the Republican HAT-TRICK: Hou
Now That "THE MANIFESTO" Story Has Come Out, The South Carolina Shooting Is Beyond A Doubt A FALSE FLAG
He should be holding a FALSE FLAG, not a REBEL FLAG !!!!!!!Even though the South Carolina "shooting" by Dylann Storm Roof had all the hallmarks of a FALSE FLAG, I waited and waited and waited and waited and waited to come out and officially say it was a FALSE FLAG.................UNTIL "THE MANIFESTO" story just came out today!!!This shooting had all the hallmarks of the FORMUL
BLOOD & TREASURE // actions
man on a mission
File this under really stupid things somehow worth doing. "Several of these countries have little freedom of press and expression. Tourists are rare. Visas for photographers were hard to come by. I often had to instead go into the countries on tourist visas. Despite my efforts not to arouse suspicion I was, on several occasions, accused of being a spy and only narrowly avoided getting caught
Economic News & Views ( July 21 , 2015 ) Commodities Headlines & News from Other Quarters ( Oil and gold slump as commodities in general under pressure in , Russia , China , Argentina , Nicaragua and Africa items of interest ) ...... Greece block of news and views for the day - next round of Creditors on the horizon as Parliaments readies next batch of Legislation for a crucial vote on Wednesday !
Tweets......Commodities in focus - in particular gold & oil ...Holger Zschaepitz @Schuldensuehner 5h5 hours agoHFE: We do not believe that #commodity Armageddon began yday. We are in for a few weeks of particularly volatile mkts Holger Zschaepitz @Schuldensuehner 6h6 hours ago#Gold slide helps erase half of gains from 12-yr bull run, $1000/ounce on horizon. http://reut.rs/1JbQP7r Holger Z
Special Greece Report ( July 20 , 2015 ) Early Morning Overview for Monday ! ( Banks re-open today with capital controls in place still ........ Fine commentaries and news on the general state of play politically /economically ....... socioeconomics factors touching upon Greece ..... Odds & Ends ! )
Boing de Guayaba @BoingGuayaba 12 hours agoKASTELLORIZO Sunrise by YusufGurel ... Sunrise at Kastellorizo Island, Greece.. (Megisti) Meis.. TradeWinds @TradeWindsLife Stunning sunrise this morning in Port Leone, Island of Kalamos, Greece. Captured by Simon & Diane #tradewindslife Tweets.....Two fine posts from Frances Coppola - lined up back to back for perspective ....fred walton @fredwa
MENA Report ( July 19 , 2015 ) - Iraq - Syria Regional War Updates ...... Libya state of decay continues unabated ....... Yemen Regional Proxy War continues unabated ......Iran Nuclear Deal with P 5 + 1
Links....Ayatollah Khamenei Doesn't Fault Nuclear DealISIS Leader Orders Toning Down Graphic VideosOfficials Say Yemeni Rebels Thwart Advance in AdenWhite House: Iran Sanctions Will 'Collapse' if Congress Rejects DealKurdish-US Alliance Against ISIS Stokes Resentment in SyriaSyrian Army Ambushes 40 Rebels in City Near Lebanese BordersSistani Tells Neighbors to Close Borders to Foreign FightersTall
Special Greece Report ( July 18 , 2015 ) - Saturday Updates ( Conundrum Watch - 70 % of Greeks favor Agreement with Creditors over 24 % favoring Grexit , 73 % favor Euro over 24 favoring Drachma - and yet , SYRIZA leads New Democracy by 42.5 % to 21.5 % , To Potami at 8% . G.D and PASOK struggle home at 6.5 % and 6% respectively ......... Dissecting aftermath of Deal To Re-open Talks And Bridge Financing Scheme To Repay ECB and IMF Arrears ..... Look Forward To Next Round Of Talks And Next Capitulations By Greece Gov't , Greece Reshuffle Items Greece Domestic Politic Items ...... International Politics Re : Third Bailout .... Odds & Ends ! )
Tweets.....Nick Kounis @nickkounis 8s8 seconds ago"Our aim is to negotiate hard...there are many vague terms in the text," new #Greek Labor Minister George Katrougalos http://mobile.reuters.com/article/topNews/idUSKCN0PR29W20150718 …NikiKitsantonis @NikiKitsantonis 5m5 minutes agoNikiKitsantonis retweeted Steven Erlanger"For many in Europe, especially on center left, Greek crisi
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