11:30pm MDST
Vatican Environmental Conference: A Marriage of Bad Governors and Bad Science
Jerry Brown, the majestic governor of California, a state with a list of stultifying regulations longer than the available “genders” on Facebook, called me, a climate scientist, a “Troglodyte.” Brown was at the Vatican at the invitation of Archbishop Marcel Sánchez... The post Vatican Environmental Conference: A Marriage of Bad Governors and Bad Science appeared first on The Stream.
Kepler-452b, Distant Utopias and That Stubborn Little Thing Called Human Nature
NASA has discovered the answer to all of our problems. It is another planet, a possible twin to Earth that could theoretically sustain life. This revelation could be bigger than Columbus “discovering” America, or Lewis and Clark finding the Northwest... The post Kepler-452b, Distant Utopias and That Stubborn Little Thing Called Human Nature appeared first on The Stream.
Phony GOP Conservatism Has Worn Out Its Welcome
The long-simmering disconnect between the Republican Party’s conservative base and its leaders in government has degenerated into a full-blown schism. While President Obama accelerates his increasingly radical agenda, the GOP, despite its congressional majority, can barely muster an objection, let... The post Phony GOP Conservatism Has Worn Out Its Welcome appeared first on The Stream.
Illegal Immigration: Documented Irresponsibility
People who entered the United States illegally may be called “undocumented” in politically correct circles, but what is all too well documented is the utter irresponsibility of both political parties in dealing with immigration issues. Both Democratic and Republican administrations... The post Illegal Immigration: Documented Irresponsibility appeared first on The Stream.
Alan Waldman : TELEVISION | ‘Wentworth’ is a dark, dramatic Australian TV series set in a women’s prison
An excellent cast, clever, and gripping story lines, and an oppressive milieu make this a top-notch, thinking person’s entertainment. By Alan Waldman | The Rag Blog | July 27, 2015 [In his Rag Blog column, Alan Waldman reviews some of … finish reading Alan Waldman : *TELEVISION* | ‘Wentworth’ is a dark, dramatic Australian TV series set in a women’s prison
"Fukushima Update, 7/27/2015"
*"Fukushima Update, 7/27/2015"* by ENENews *"Kyle Cleveland, sociologist at Temple University’s Japan Campus, published Apr 29, 2015 (at 2:00 in): "*Like everyone else we were seeing what was on the media. The media was very alarmist, and I think ironically, some of what were taken as an overreaction or a panic in the first couple of weeks of the crisis subsequently have been vindicated to be in some ways quite reasonable claims and worries as more information have been revealed, as gov’t reports have been written. Those reports have demonstrated that the situation was really quite... more »
The Jews Who Are Determined to Stay in France
I am in Paris almost six months to the day after Muslim extremist Amédy Coulibaly held people in Hyper Cacher, a kosher supermarket, under lethal hostage, hours before the start of the Jewish Sabbath. Occurring days after the Charlie Hebdo... The post The Jews Who Are Determined to Stay in France appeared first on The Stream.
The Embarrassing Photos of Adolf Hitler
In 1925, a 35-year-old Adolf Hitler was released from prison after a short stint following an attempted coup, dubbed the “Beer Hall Putsch.” While incarcerated he wrote his manifesto/autobiography Mein Kampf. He was eager to seize power in Germany. One... The post The Embarrassing Photos of Adolf Hitler appeared first on The Stream.
Anti-harper Coalition or "Fair Play"?
I'd hardly heard of John Ivison before, but I'll give him credit for one thing: He's totally unafraid to write a column that shows he's absolutely clueless and then ask to get paid for the fucking thing. Predictions are preposterous at the best of times, but I predict Nathan Cullen will come to regret saying the NDP’s No. 1 priority is to topple the Tories. Bang! Right off the top, Ivison reveals his ignorance about the harpercon abuses of our parliamentary democracy and their fiscal incompetence and their overall immorality and murderous stupidity. A LOT of people, for a LONG ti... more »
Shares Plunge as Panic Grips China’s Stock Market
Shares in mainland China have recorded their biggest one-day fall for more than eight years following a sell-off towards the end of the trading day. The Shanghai Composite closed down 8.5% at 3,725.56 after more weak economic data raised concerns... The post Shares Plunge as Panic Grips China’s Stock Market appeared first on The Stream.
Soccer “highlights”
Yes, it’s true, people watch this shit. Bring back Greg Louganis. Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
Your 2015 Boy Scouts of America: "Individual troops will be allowed to decide whether to discriminate"
*It isn't always Catholics vs. Mormons. When it comes to homo-hating, their hierarchies are as one, and they'll be the largest religious groups benefitting from the Boy Scouts' new policy leaving them free to insist on scout leaders who "reflect their teachings." (Their teachings, of course, are: (1) Hate them homos! (2) Hate them homos! (3) Hate them homos!)* *by Ken* Is that American or what? "Individual troops will be allowed to decide whether to discriminate." The head on this 7:23pm washingtonpost.com tease was: "Boy Scouts vote to end ban on gay leaders." But I like the blur... more »
Put down the bloody video games and go outside
Show this to a family who needs it. And talk to them about the importance of hands-on sensory experiences. [Hat tip Maria Montessori Education Foundation] Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
16 ‘Experts’ Predict How Donald Trump’s Campaign Will End
With some help from Politico Magazine, Steve Wynn’s challenge was put to top political thinkers: how does Donald Trump’s unprecedented campaign end? Will Trump fizzle out soon, or endure for months? Will he succumb to pressure from the RNC, the... The post 16 ‘Experts’ Predict How Donald Trump’s Campaign Will End appeared first on The Stream.
Musical Interlude: Mike Oldfield, “Tubular Bells”
Mike Oldfield, “Tubular Bells” - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5gDGcXIEQE
“China has entered the bust phase”
*July 24 -- Asianomics Group Deputy Chief Economist Sharmila Whelan discusses the economy in China, outlook for the country’s equities and their impact on commodities. She speaks with Francine Lacqua and Manus Cranny on Bloomberg Television’s “**The Pulse**.”* PS: *Eric Sprott: “I don’t think there is any doubt about the world economy rolling over. China has been the major buyer of all products and they’re not holding it together here. They’ve experienced a market crash already, with these huge amounts of debts that the Chinese have taken. The Chinese have created more deb... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“The dark Horsehead Nebula and the glowing Orion Nebula are contrasting cosmic vistas. Adrift 1,500 light-years away in one of the night sky's most recognizable constellations, they appear in opposite corners of the above stunning mosaic. * Click image for larger size.* The familiar Horsehead nebula appears as a dark cloud, a small silhouette notched against the long red glow at the lower left. Alnitak is the easternmost star in Orion's belt and is seen as the brightest star to the left of the Horsehead. Below Alnitak is the Flame Nebula, with clouds of bright emission and dramatic ... more »
“I Have Learned”
*“I Have Learned”* Posted by Paulo Coelho "This text, which I found on the Internet, is attributed to me. I did not write it, but I think worth reproducing here." - PC • "I’ve learned that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is be someone who can be loved. The rest is up to them; • I’ve learned that no matter how much I care, some people just don’t care back; • I’ve learned that it takes years to build up trust, and only seconds to destroy it. • I’ve learned that you can get by on charm, for about fifteen minutes. After that, you’d better know something; • I’ve learned... more »
The Universe
"Everyone's scared. Few carry on. I mean really carry on, as if it were your reason for being." "Keep calm," The Universe "Thoughts become things... choose the good ones!" - www.tut.com
Free Download: Aldous Huxley, “Brave New World"
“Till at last the child's mind is these suggestions, and the sum of the suggestions is the child's mind. And not the child's mind only. The adult's mind too- all his life long. The mind that judges and desires and decides- made up of these suggestions. But all these suggestions are our suggestions...” - “Brave New World: Suggestions from the State” • Freely download “Brave New World", by Aldous Huxley here: - http://www.idph.com.br/conteudos/ebooks/BraveNewWorld.pdf
Chet Raymo, “This View of Life, With Its Several Powers”
* “This View of Life, With Its Several Powers”* by Chet Raymo “Somewhere in his "lost" notebooks Loren Eiseley writes of the pleasure of exploding a puffball in a woodland clearing, or shaking seeds out of their pods. As I recall, he takes a gleeful satisfaction in messing with evolution, in hurrying the process along. I remember identifying with that sentiment when I read it. I like exploding puffballs too. Dropping insects into spider webs. Picking up turtles that are half-way across a road and placing them in a ditch on the other side. Most of all I like breaking off the stalks ... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Osage Beach, Missouri, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
Paulo Coelho, "The Book By Camus"
*"The Book By Camus"* by Paulo Coelho "A journalist hounded the French writer, Albert Camus, asking him to explain his work in detail. The author of "The Plague" refused: "I write, and others can make of it what they will." But the journalist refused to give in. One afternoon, he managed to find him in a café in Paris. "Critics say you never take on truly profound themes," said the journalist. "I ask you now: if you had to write a book about society, would you accept the challenge?" "Of course," replied Camus. "The book would be one hundred pages long. Ninety-nine would be blank, ... more »
The Poet: Jeanne Lohmann, "Questions Before Dark"
*"Questions Before Dark"* "Day ends, and before sleep when the sky dies down, consider your altered state: has this day changed you? Are the corners sharper or rounded off? Did you live with death? Make decisions that quieted? Find one clear word that fit? At the sun's midpoint did you notice a pitch of absence, bewilderment that invites the possible? What did you learn from things you dropped and picked up and dropped again? Did you set a straw parallel to the river, let the flow carry you downstream?" - Jeanne Lohmann, "The Light of Invisible Bodies"
"The truth is painful. Deep down, nobody wants to hear it, especially when it hits close to home. Sometimes we tell the truth because the truth is all we have to give. Sometimes we tell the truth because we need to say it out loud to hear it for ourselves. And sometimes we tell the truth because we just can’t help ourselves. Sometimes, we tell them because we owe them at least that much." - "Dr. Meredith Grey," "Grey's Anatomy"
“Choose Your Words: Failure”
*“Choose Your Words: Failure”* by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM “When the word failure comes up, it’s a call for us to apply a more enlightened consciousness to the matter at hand. The word failure puts forward a very simplistic way of thinking that allows for only two possibilities: failure or success. Few things in the universe are black and white, yet much of our language reads as if they are. The word failure signifies a paradigm in which all subtlety is lost. When we regard something we have done, or ourselves, as a failure, we lose our ability to see the truth, which is no doub... more »
Possible Russian Sub Wreck Found Near Sweden's Coast
Crew members onboard a Russian submarine during celebrations in July 26. The Swedish armed forces refused to comment on whether the latest discovery could be a similar vessel. Photograph: Yuri Maltsev/Reuters *The Guardian*: *Sweden investigating underwater wreckage as possible Russian submarine* Swedish military studying video appearing to show sunken vessel but confusion reigns over whether it is a recent model or one that sank as long ago as 1916 The Swedish military is studying a video taken by shipwreck hunters who say it shows a wrecked submarine, just off the country’s east... more »
Today's Anti-Capitalists Ignore the Fundamental Problems of Socialism
*Guest post by Jonathan Newman* [image: demonstration]Anti-market and pro-socialist rhetoric is surging in headlines and invective (see also here, here, and here, or any random post on the Daily Blog or the Double Standard) and is popping up more and more on social media feeds. Much of the time, these vocal opponents of markets can’t tell the difference between state-sponsored organisations like the International Monetary Fund and actual markets. But that doesn’t matter because the articles and memes are often populist and vaguely worded — intentionally framed in such a way to e... more »
Satire: “Republicans Release Debate Format”
*“Republicans Release Debate Format”* by Andy Borowitz NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)— ”The Republican National Committee has released the format for its first 2016 Presidential debate, to be broadcast by Fox News on August 6th: 1. Question from moderator to Donald Trump; 2. Ignoring of question by Donald Trump, followed by personal attack on Jeb Bush; 3. Feeble attempt at rebuttal by Jeb Bush; 4. Interruption by Donald Trump, followed by attack on other eight candidates on stage; 5. Attempted moderation by moderator; 6. Personal attack on moderator by Donald Trump, followed by gratu... more »
The Economy: "12 Ways The Economy Is Already In Worse Shape Than It Was During The Depths Of The Last Recession"
*"12 Ways The Economy Is Already In Worse Shape * *Than It Was During The Depths Of The Last Recession"* by Michael Snyder "Did you know that the percentage of children in the United States that are living in poverty is actually significantly higher than it was back in 2008? When I write about an “economic collapse”, most people think of a collapse of the financial markets. And without a doubt, one is coming very shortly, but let us not neglect the long-term economic collapse that is already happening all around us. In this article, I am going to share with you a bunch of charts and... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- July 27, 2015
*David Dolan and Nick Tattersall, Reuters*: *In fight against Islamic State, Turkey's Erdogan sees chance to battle Kurds* Forced into battle against Islamic State as it presses on Turkey's borders, President Tayyip Erdogan is seizing the chance to keep another foe in check, bombing Kurdish militants he sees as a threat to the integrity of the Turkish state. Casting the operations as a war on terrorist groups "without distinction", Turkey launched air strikes against Islamic State in Syria for the first time last week and granted the U.S.-led coalition access to its air bases aft... more »
True-Crime Author Ann Rule Dies At Age 83
SEATTLE (AP) — True-crime writer Ann Rule, who wrote more than 30 books, including a profile of her former co-worker, serial killer Ted Bundy, has died at age 83. Rule died at Highline Medical Center at 10:30 p.m. Sunday, said... The post True-Crime Author Ann Rule Dies At Age 83 appeared first on The Stream.
Cartoon: ‘How Long?’
The post Cartoon: ‘How Long?’ appeared first on The Stream.
Quote of the Day: John Stuart Mill on voting
“It is important, that the assembly which votes the taxes, either general or local, should be elected exclusively by those who pay something towards the taxes imposed. Those who pay no taxes, disposing by their votes of other people’s money, have every motive to be lavish and none to economise. “As far as money matters are concerned, any power of voting possessed by them is a violation of the fundamental principle of free government . . . It amounts to allowing them to put their hands into other people’s pockets for any purpose which they think fit to call a public one. .... more »
World News Briefs -- July 27, 2015 (Evening Edition)
*Bloomberg*: *U.S. Joins Turkey to Seek Syria Safe Zone Free of Islamic State* Turkish and U.S. military forces are planning to create a safe zone about 60 miles long on the Turkish border with Syria by expelling Islamic State from the area, according to a U.S. defense official. One objective of the effort supporting moderate Syrian rebels would be to prevent Islamic State from importing recruits from Western Europe and elsewhere and exporting trained terrorists across that 97-kilometer stretch of the border, said the official, who requested anonymity to discuss ongoing military a... more »
Man Slain After Attacking Escort Investigated for Ties to Missing, Murdered Women
CHARLESTON, West Virginia (AP) — A man toting axes, a shovel and bleach when he was killed by an escort he met online had been stopped, interviewed or investigated by police in 21 states and is being looked into for... The post Man Slain After Attacking Escort Investigated for Ties to Missing, Murdered Women appeared first on The Stream.
Revenge of the Radical Middle
Two decades ago, in the spring of 1996, Newsweek magazine described a group of voters it called the “radical middle.” Formerly known as the Silent Majority, then the Reagan Democrats, these voters had supported Ross Perot in 1992, and were... The post Revenge of the Radical Middle appeared first on The Stream.
Poll: Carly Fiorina Makes Top 10 in Two National Polls
The only female GOP presidential candidate, Carly Fiorina, former Hewlett Packard CEO, is ranking in the top ten among the GOP presidential candidates in two national polls. Fiorina has often been critical of the female Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton and has... The post Poll: Carly Fiorina Makes Top 10 in Two National Polls appeared first on The Stream.
Why Do Democrats Lose In Backward, Reactionary Parts Of The Country? Maybe They Should Try Something New-- Like Running As Real Democrats
Friday, *Politico* warned: "Governor’s races in South and Midwest could be lost if party brand becomes too liberal." The culprit: a leftward shift in the Democratic Party. "Centrist Democrats were wiped out in the 2014 elections and in their absence emerged a resurgent liberal movement, embodied most recently by the surprisingly competitive presidential campaign of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders." By "centrist Democrats," *Politico* always means right-wing Democrats who vote with the Republicans, DINOs or Republican-lite Dems like Kyrsten Sinema (Blue Dog-AZ), Patrick Murphy (New De... more »
A Chinese Military Base In The Indian Ocean?
*Want China Times:* *Maldives constitutional amendment opens door for Chinese military base* The Maldives has amended its national constitution to allow foreign ownership of land, which may pave the way for China to build a military base on the archipelago. The Indian Express reported that the amendment, which was submitted by the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives and passed through parliament on Wednesday, will allow foreigners who invest more than US$1 billion to purchase land within a specified project site. At least 70% of the area of the completed project must be reclaime... more »
July 27: Makes ya think, don't it?
How is it possible to fill so many pages with print - and still say nothing? The only item worth reading in Section A is on page 5. A child and youth advocate says New Brunswick, like other provinces, has far too many aboriginal children in youth care centres. They would be far better off in their own homes, with help from professional youth workers. I've had some experience with this issue; and he's quite right. Adoption by even the most well-meaning non-aboriginal family is often (usually) highly damaging to the child. Why do our governments continue the practice of taking them o... more »
Philip Taubman, Award-winning journalist and long-time NYT reporter on the 1986 Reykjavik Summit
*Video Title: Philip Taubman, Award-winning journalist and long-time NYT reporter. Source: CTBTO. Date Published: January 28, 2013. Description:* Philip Taubman is a journalist, author and two-time winner of the George Polk Award. For more than 30 years, he worked for The New York Times, including as bureau chief for the Washington and Moscow offices. Taubman is now Consulting Professor at the Center of International Security and Cooperation of Stanford University. He has authored two books: "Secret Empire: Eisenhower, the CIA, and the Hidden Story of America's Space Espionage" an... more »
How So-Called ‘Equality Act’ Threatens Religious Freedom
Politico is reporting that the so-called “Equality Act” will be introduced today in Congress. The bill is the brainchild of the Human Rights Campaign — an influential, sophisticated and lavishly funded LGBT activist organization. The “Equality Act” is a misnomer.... The post How So-Called ‘Equality Act’ Threatens Religious Freedom appeared first on The Stream.
Texas Prosecutor Names Committee to Review Sandra Bland Case
HEMPSTEAD, Texas (AP) — A committee of outside attorneys will assist the Texas District Attorney investigating the death of Sandra Bland, the black woman who was found dead in her jail cell three days after a traffic stop by a... The post Texas Prosecutor Names Committee to Review Sandra Bland Case appeared first on The Stream.
The Pennine Way
The first episode of Paul Rose's upbeat new BBC Two series *The Pennine Way *began tonight. Yes, a left-wing journalist was its early hero and there were messages about the need to tackle climate change (for those who prefer their blogs about BBC bias to actually be about BBC bias), but I liked it a lot and will be watching the rest of the series. And the BBC's cameramen worked wonders in bringing out the staggering beauty of the Pennines. I could range widely and deeply over the subject but instead I'll just take the easy option, pick a minor point and run with it sarcastically ... more »
Seattle Sees Fallout From $15 Minimum Wage, As Other Cities Follow Suit
Seattle’s $15 minimum wage law is supposed to lift workers out of poverty and move them off public assistance. But there may be a hitch in the plan. Evidence is surfacing that some workers are asking their bosses for fewer... The post Seattle Sees Fallout From $15 Minimum Wage, As Other Cities Follow Suit appeared first on The Stream.
Bernie Sanders Wants to Mandate a $15 Minimum Wage — But He Only Pays His Interns $12
This week, Democratic presidential candidate and independent Senator Bernie Sanders introduced the Pay Workers a Living Wage Act, a bill designed to raise the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2020. The federal minimum wage “has got to... The post Bernie Sanders Wants to Mandate a $15 Minimum Wage — But He Only Pays His Interns $12 appeared first on The Stream.
Bill Clinton Sexual Harassment Accuser Launches New Anti-Clinton Website
Kathleen Willey, a former volunteer aide to former President Bill Clinton, has launched a new anti-Clinton website that labels Hillary Clinton “the most corrupt politician this nation has ever seen” and will reportedly ask potential sexual assault victims to come... The post Bill Clinton Sexual Harassment Accuser Launches New Anti-Clinton Website appeared first on The Stream.
Are enterprise zones finally “a thing”?
Ideas percolate slowly. *So it's encouraging to see the Government is at least entertaining the idea floated publicly this week by Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) [and for many years by many others] for 'Special Economic Zones.' It shows the Government may be relaxing its more purist and laissez faire approach from before the Northland election and looking at some more pragmatic ideas*. The reason the thinking in that quoted paragraph is so confused is because it’s written by the frequently befuddled Bernard Hickey (an idiot who seems to think the best thing about a Special Ec... more »
Melson House, by Walter Burley Griffin, 1912
Walter Burley Griffin was a very early collaborator with and “apprentice” of Frank Lloyd Wright. His conception of uniting architecture with nature was much more literal than Wright’s, preferring where possible to build his houses from stone hewn out of the site, and have them appear as if they had grown there. *Wright had made a proposal for the limestone crest, but it was set back a fair distance. [Wright's design for Melson later became the Isabel Roberts House.] Griffin placed the Melson house at the brink and by a cantilever suspended parts of rooms over the edge.* Shades o... more »
Nihigaal bee lina Walking the Good Road to Cortez
Journey for Existence, Dine' youths walking to the Four Sacred Mountains, speaking out for protection of the land, water, air and all living things.
Supplemental: Creating our latest Perfect Example!
*MONDAY, JULY 27, 2015Anecdotes versus statistics:* Argument by anecdote can be easy, especially if you get to invent or disappear your facts. Statistics may tend to be harder. They can also be unsatisfying. That said, much of our discourse has run on anecdote since the death of Trayvon Martin. We keep inventing Perfect Examples of the conduct we say we loathe. We’ve often done so by making up some of our facts while disappearing others. We’re now inventing our newest Perfect Example; her name is the late Sandra Bland. In this morning’s New York Times, Charles Blow is still invit... more »
A Look At How Russia And China Will Shoot Down The U.S. Air Force's F-35 In Battle
Two F-35B aircraft fly in formation over Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., in September 2013. *Malcolm Davis, National Interest:* *Revealed: How China and Russia Could Destroy America's F-35 in Battle* After the leaking of a report about the recent failure of an F-35 to win in a dogfight against an F-16D, debate has intensified about the future nature of air to air combat. In a recent Strategist post, Andrew Davies identifies the importance of combining long-range air-to-air engagement using ‘Beyond-Visual Range Air to Air Missiles’ (BVRAAMs), with the advantage bestowed by stealth ... more »
U.S.-Cuba Relations Get Another Upgrade
The Obama administration is giving Cuba another reason to be friends — and Republicans another reason to be mad. The State Department declared Monday that the communist-led country is no longer among the worst international offenders when it comes to human... The post U.S.-Cuba Relations Get Another Upgrade appeared first on The Stream.
ANALYSIS: How Arctic Ice Has Made Fools of All Those Poor Warmists
Two events last week brought yet further twists to one of the longest-running farces of our modern world. One was the revelation by the European Space Agency that in 2013 and 2014, after years when the volume of Arctic ice... The post ANALYSIS: How Arctic Ice Has Made Fools of All Those Poor Warmists appeared first on The Stream.
One Way to Ease the Worldwide Water Crisis — End Privatization
*Silicon life forms declare war on "ugly giant bags of mostly water" — in other words, us.* *by Gaius Publius* Water is literally the stuff of life for living beings. All life began as single-celled organisms floating in water. In their earliest and simplest form, living things are organized bags of water capable of reproduction, whose "inside" water is held together by a permeable or semi-permeable membrane ("sack" or "skin") through which nutrients borne by the "outside" water (the environment) pass in, and through which waste passes out. The simplest organisms live like that t... more »
Christians Today are Expatriates, Not Exiles
Rod Dreher has been attracting attention promoting his “Benedict Option” to believers living in post-Christian America. Writing in Time magazine on the day of the Obergefell decision, Dreher had this to say: Throughout the early Middle Ages, Benedict’s communities formed... The post Christians Today are Expatriates, Not Exiles appeared first on The Stream.
NATO to Hold Rare Emergency Meeting about ISIS
BRUSSELS (AP) — For just the fifth time in its 66-year history, NATO ambassadors will meet in emergency session Tuesday to gauge the threat the Islamic State extremist group poses to Turkey, and the debated actions Turkish authorities are taking... The post NATO to Hold Rare Emergency Meeting about ISIS appeared first on The Stream.
Mass Immigration Makes Virginia the ‘New California’
A remarkable transformation is underway in the Commonwealth of Virginia. The birthplace and final resting place of George Washington, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson—and once one of the most reliably-red of red states—is being rapidly turned into a progressive stronghold. These... The post Mass Immigration Makes Virginia the ‘New California’ appeared first on The Stream.
Planned Parenthood Responds to Unconfirmed Report It’s Been Hacked
Planned Parenthood Federation of America is investigating claims that its website was hacked by anti-abortion activists on Sunday. “We’ve seen the claims around attempts to access our systems. We take security very seriously and are investigating. Once we have investigated,... The post Planned Parenthood Responds to Unconfirmed Report It’s Been Hacked appeared first on The Stream.
Oregon grad student admits to faking data in four neuroscience papers
A graduate student at the University of Oregon in Eugene has admitted to faking data that appeared in four published papers in the field of visual working memory, according to the Office of Research Integrity. David Anderson’s supervisor at the time was Edward Awh, who has since moved to the University of Chicago. Anderson told Retraction Watch […] The post Oregon grad student admits to faking data in four neuroscience papers appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Good and Evil as Defined by Graham Hancock
*Video* - Duality plays a critical role in our universe, and the polarity between good and evil is important to our spiritual development. The post Good and Evil as Defined by Graham Hancock appeared first on Waking Times.
President Obama In East Africa: A News Round-up
*Washington Post*: *In Ethiopia, Obama seeks progress on peace, security in East Africa* ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia —President Obama convened a meeting with the leaders of several East African nations and the African Union on Monday in an effort to address the worsening situation in South Sudan, even as he met with Ethiopia’s prime minister to discuss how to strengthen human rights and democratic institutions here. With no resolution in sight for the ongoing conflict in South Sudan, Obama brought together top officials from Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya, Sudan and the A.U. to chart out a st... more »
India Security Forces On High Alert After Police Station Attack In Punjab
*The Guardian*: *Punjab police station siege puts Indian security forces on high alert* Indian home minister vows ‘befitting reply’ and Pakistan condemns incident near border that left at least 10 dead, including three gunmen. Security forces are on high alert in cities across India after gunmen attacked a police station, killing at least seven people in the north-western state of Punjab. Authorities said four police officers and three civilians had been confirmed dead in the siege, and eight more injured. All three of the attackers died. The attack started at about 5.30am on Mo... more »
Is the Truth Toxic?
*Zen Gardner* - The truth is only toxic to some. Namely those it exposes. The post Is the Truth Toxic? appeared first on Waking Times.
NATO Holding Emergency Meeting At Turkey's Request- US: No Go for No Fly Zone
Oh to be a fly on the wall........ This meeting should result in some real magical language useage via the war mongering media Should be interesting! “The rise of Islamic State in northern Iraq, in northern Syria, has effectively destabilized the southern border of Turkey. But also domestically, the threat of terrorism has become very real,” Lete told The Associated Press. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, who will chair the closed-door session, said Turkey requested it following recent “heinous terrorist attacks,” After months of reluctance, Turkish warplanes last week sta... more »
Yemen's Five-Day Ceasefire Plan Fails To Take Hold. Fighting Reported Throughout The Country
*Reuters*: *Houthis, foes fight on as Yemen ceasefire quickly unravels* Yemen's Houthi group carried on fighting across Yemen on Monday despite a ceasefire announcement by its Saudi-led foes, and media controlled by the Iran-allied movement acknowledged that its forces had shelled targets inside Saudi Arabia. The violence prolongs a four-month-old conflict rooted in political strains that spread across the Arabian Peninsula country last year, when the Houthis seized Sanaa and pushed aside President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi, a U.S. ally. This angered the Sunni Muslim-ruled Gulf Arab... more »
Sphere Alliance Message #40The Game of Existence
On Jul 27, 2015, at 6:26 PM, joe renaud wrote: I've been reading your blog since before the OPPT started posting their articles on your site. Two simple Questions to Denice and the Allaince; I surmised years ago that all beings are in a perpetual "game of existence" in all realms that allows for no other choice but one. That one choice is to be forced to play the game in all realms, whether we want to play it or not. To allow any beings to have the free will to opt out of the game, would mean to abort the game itself and if there is anything that seems far more precious, it i... more »
The 100 Greatest American Films
America’s films are among its greatest exports. Since Thomas Edison’s innovations in the medium in the 1890s, the United States has consistently been a powerhouse in the development of cinema – from the massively popular entertainments of Hollywood to independent... The post The 100 Greatest American Films appeared first on The Stream.
Turkey Intensifying Its War Against The Islamic State And Kurdish Fighters
BBC *Reuters*: *Syrian Kurds say hit as Turkish army battles Islamic State* Kurdish fighters in northern Syria accused the Turkish army of shelling their positions on Monday, highlighting the precarious path Ankara is treading as it simultaneously battles Islamic State in Syria and Kurdish insurgents in Iraq. Long a reluctant member of the U.S.-led coalition against Islamic State, Turkey last week made a dramatic turnaround by granting the alliance access to its air bases and bombarding targets in Syria linked to the jihadist movement. Struggling with more than 1.8 million Syrian... more »
Report: Turkey And U.S. Plan to Create Syria ‘Safe Zone’ (Updated)
The Incirlik Air Base in southern Turkey on Monday. Turkey and the United States agreed on a plan that would create what officials are calling an Islamic State-free zone, which the Turks say could also be a “safe zone” for displaced Syrians. Credit Murad Sezer/Reuters *New York Times*: *Turkey and U.S. Plan to Create Syria ‘Safe Zone’ Free of ISIS* BAGHDAD — Turkey and the United States have agreed in general terms on a plan that envisions American warplanes, Syrian insurgents and Turkish forces working together to sweep Islamic State militants from a 60-mile-long strip of norther... more »
@TribeswithFlags isn't always amusing, sometimes he's really nasty
I posted earlier about a recent amusingly stupid tweet from @TribeswithFlags Unfortunately it seems that he's not just an amusing fool, here's two earlier tweets that oddly enough he/she/it has chosen not to defend or justify. Here's the first... Interesting, an accusation that the Israelis are sending Palestinians to the ovens, with the implication that this is just as the Jews were sent by the Nazis. This sort of slur is more common than you might imagine amongst the nastier elements on Twitter. Here's the second... Strange that @TribeswithFlags thinks that the worst place ... more »
Funniest tweet of the day - by @tribeswithflags
Tweet from Tribes with Flags (@TribeswithFlags)
Tribes with Flags (@TribeswithFlags) tweeted at 4:36 PM on Mon, Jul 27, 2015: @notasheepagoat @dephunkt I don't hate Israel. I hate Zionist Israel. (https://twitter.com/TribeswithFlags/status/625691341415153664) Get the official Twitter app at https://twitter.com/download
5 World Views that Need to Be Scrapped for us to Evolve
*Gilbert Ross* - The evolution of our species includes the evolution of our knowledge and belief systems. The post 5 World Views that Need to Be Scrapped for us to Evolve appeared first on Waking Times.
The Minimum Wage Muddle
Once upon a time there was a near consensus among economists that raising the minimum wage was a bad idea. The market is really good at setting prices on things, whether it is apples or labor. If you raise the... The post The Minimum Wage Muddle appeared first on The Stream.
Tweet from NotaSheep MaybeaGoat (@notasheepagoat)
NotaSheep MaybeaGoat (@notasheepagoat) tweeted at 4:40 PM on Mon, Jul 27, 2015: "@TribeswithFlags: @notasheepagoat @dephunkt I don't hate Israel. I hate Zionist Israel." #FunniestTweetOfTheDay (https://twitter.com/notasheepagoat/status/625692158150987777) Get the official Twitter app at https://twitter.com/download
The Beauty of an Appalachian Orthodox Paschal Hymn
In the long run, I hope that an American tonal / melodic / harmonic structure develops that reflects something of our heritage as a nation and a culture. While I know that there are various melodic traditions that have entered... The post The Beauty of an Appalachian Orthodox Paschal Hymn appeared first on The Stream.
On Korean War Anniversary, North Korea Threatens U.S.
PYONGYANG, North Korea (AP) — North Korean officials warned the United States that another war on the Korean Peninsula would leave no Americans alive to sign a surrender document as the country marked Monday’s anniversary of the armistice that ended... The post On Korean War Anniversary, North Korea Threatens U.S. appeared first on The Stream.
Greece Made Secret Plans To Exit The Euro. Had Plans To Raid Banks For Drachma Return
Yanis Varoufakis (left) has opposed the bailout deal struck by Alexis Tsipras. Photograph: Alkis Konstantinidis/Reuters *The Guardian*: *Greece rocked by reports of secret plan to raid banks for drachma return* Opposition demands answers after covert proposals attributed to Yanis Varoufakis and fellow ex-minister highlight deep split in Syriza party. Some members of Greece’s leftist-led government wanted to raid central bank reserves and hack taxpayer accounts to prepare a return to the drachma, according to reports that highlighted the chaos in the ruling Syriza party. It is not ... more »
11th Health Care Professional Dead:
Holistic cancer treatment pioneer Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez dies suddenly; patients mourn the loss of a compassionate, innovative doctor who helped thousands heal from cancer Thursday, July 23, 2015 by Mike Adams (NaturalNews) Holistic cancer treatment pioneer Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez died earlier this morning, apparently from a heart attack, according to reports Natural News has received from close friends. Dr. Gonzalez is best known as a pioneering holistic cancer treatment doctor who helped many thousands of people overcome cancer through the use of complementary and holistic treatment... more »
World News Briefs -- July 27, 2015
*USA Today*: *Turkey expands anti-Islamic State campaign* Turkey and the United States have agreed on a military plan to push Islamic State militants from a strip of territory along the Turkish-Syrian border in what represents a major expansion of Turkey’s role in the conflict, according to a senior U.S. official. The agreement capitalizes on successes that Kurdish forces have had in pushing Islamic State fighters out of the region but stops short of creating a formal no-fly zone that the Turks have long requested, said the official, who did not want to be named because he is not ... more »
Conversations and the Search for Bridey Murphy
(Blogger’s Note: This is a short segment from my book, *Conversations*. I’m reprinting it here because it struck me that the attack on the Bridey Murphy story resembled some of the attacks on UFO reports. As you read this, you’ll see that those opposed to the idea that Ruth Simmons was the reincarnation of Murphy. What I mean is that some of the opponents of the idea, who believed they know the ultimate “truth” resorted to inventing evidence to prove that Simmons was engaged in some sort of hoax. While it is absolutely true that the evidence to support the idea that Simmons was rein... more »
BWorld 13, SONA's liberalism, five years after
* This is my article yesterday in BusinessWorld's Special 27th Anniversary Report, coinciding with President Aquino's 6th and last State of the Nation Address (SONA). ---------- *PRESIDENT Benigno S. C. Aquino III will deliver his 6th and last State of the Nation Address (SONA) today, and it is a relatively safe guess that its general outline will be a report of achievements over the past five years and what the administration intends to achieve in its final 11 months.* A WORKER puts cement on a 300-meter flyover that will connect two main expressways in this file photo taken in 201... more »
Hillary’s Bundlers: Anti-Public School and Pro-Private Prison
*By Doug Martin at Hoosier School Heist Blog * *(This is Doug Martin’s 3rd article in a series on Hillary Clinton’s fundraising. See article one here and article 2 here.)* Hillary Clinton has been busy this summer, working all of her wealthy connections to gather money for her campaign. Two campaign bundlers are lobbyists Heatherand Tony Podesta. Heather Podesta is married to Tony Podesta, the brother of John Podesta, Bill Clinton’s former Chief of Staff, once-keynote speaker at a Jeb Bush school privatization conference, and leader of the Center for American Progress. As ... more »
SPHERE ALLIANCE MESSAGE #39What do EARTH humans call the vessel known by the names “Orion’s Adventure” and “The Usual” ?
-----Original Message----- From: American Kabuki To: Denise Sent: Mon, Jul 27, 2015 11:20 am Subject: Further drill down question on Heather/Andrea's ship.... *What do EARTH humans call the vessel known as the names “Orion’s Adventure” / “The Usual” ? * *American Kabuki* *On Jul 27, 2015, at 5:26 PM, Denise wrote:* *SPHERE ALLIANCE REPLY* THE NEPTUNE :) *On Jul 27, 2015, at 5:28 PM, Denise wrote:* *Their answer really surprises me, because I remember Steve Beckow trying to get people aboard the Neptune and it was a different captain, right? The crown is spinning. And they ... more »
ANALYSIS: China May Soon Move to ‘Two-Child Policy’
It looks like China may further relax its one-child policy, creating a “two-child policy” across the country. The South China Morning Post last week reported that the changes may happen by the end of the year and mean that the... The post ANALYSIS: China May Soon Move to ‘Two-Child Policy’ appeared first on The Stream.
Obama Slams Huckabee, Trump, Cruz
ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (AP) — Insisting that Americans deserve better, President Barack Obama chided Republicans Mike Huckabee, Donald Trump and Ted Cruz on Monday for a series of campaign-trail attacks that he said would be “ridiculous if it weren’t so... The post Obama Slams Huckabee, Trump, Cruz appeared first on The Stream.
Former Clinton Adviser Thinks New Planet is ‘Bad News For God’
NASA’s recent announcement that it has discovered an “Earth-like” planet orbiting a nearby start is “bad news for God,” according to a recent article in The Huffington Post. Jeff Schweitzer, a scientist, author and former policy analyst for the Clinton... The post Former Clinton Adviser Thinks New Planet is ‘Bad News For God’ appeared first on The Stream.
Penn State postdoc faked data in cancer manuscript
A former postdoctoral fellow at Penn State University faked numerous data and analyses in a manuscript submitted to Molecular Cancer Research, according to the Office of Research Integrity (ORI). In a notice released today, the ORI found Julie Massè: …knowingly falsified and/or fabricated Western blot images, by manipulating the images to give the desired results, […] The post Penn State postdoc faked data in cancer manuscript appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- July 27, 2015
Commanding General of U.S. Special Operations Command Gen. Joseph Votel provides his testimony in front of Congress. The testimony on U.S. Central Command, U.S. Africa Command and U.S. Special Operations Command programs and budget in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2016 and the Future Years Defense Program. US Army *Washington Times*: *Vladimir Putin’s plans may post ‘existential’ threat to NATO, Special Ops chief says* The head of the U.S. Special Operations Command said Saturday that Russia is using every opportunity to divide the NATO alliance, posin... more »
Why It May Be Time To Stop Drinking Milk For Good
*Marco Torres* - Cow's milk may be a lot less healthy than we once thought. The post Why It May Be Time To Stop Drinking Milk For Good appeared first on Waking Times.
Just Because Trump Espouses Fascism, That Doesn't Make Him Wrong About Scott Walker
According to a new CNN poll, only a third of Republicans wish that Trump would quit the GOP race and he's the candidate most GOP voters say they want to see on the debate stage. 22% of Republicans say they think he'll be the eventual party nominee. Among Republicans and Republican-leaning independents who are registered to vote, 52% say they want Trump to stay in the race for the party's nomination, while 33% hope that he drops out. Another 15% say they'd like to see him make an independent run for the presidency. ...The majority of those Republicans surveyed that wants Trump to ... more »
The Chinese Stock Market Has Crashed Again
*The Guardian*: *China stock market hit by biggest one-day fall since 2007* Move to prop up index and halt sell-off stops abruptly, throwing doubt on Beijing’s plan to stave off deeper crash. Chinese shares has tumbled more than 8% after an unprecedented state rescue effort to prop up valuations abruptly stopped, raising doubts about the viability of Beijing’s plan to stave off a deeper crash. Major indexes had their largest one-day drop since 2007, shattering three weeks of relative calm in China’s volatile stock markets since Beijing moved to arrest a slump that started in mid-J... more »
Bill Freeland : Donald Trump: From here to obscurity
Trump may imagine himself as president, but what he can’t imagine is the perception of himself as a loser. By Bill Freeland | The Rag Blog | July 27, 2015 Here’s a first: the entire U.S. media, from the most … finish reading Bill Freeland : Donald Trump: From here to obscurity
Who Are The U.S. Allies In Iraq?
An American military trainer instructs an Iraqi soldier at the Taji base complex on January 7, 2015 (AFP Photo/Ahmad al-Rubaye) *Defense News:* *Real U.S. allies in Iraq difficult to identify, experts say* The steady growth of Shiite militias in Iraq is making it increasingly difficult for American forces deployed there to determine exactly which Iraqi forces they are supporting, experts say. The official line from Defense Department is that the U.S. will support operations involving both the Iraqi army and some militia forces that are operating "under command and control of the I... more »
An Interview And Discussion With The Commander of U.S. Special Operations Command
From *YouTube*: The Commander of Special Operations Command discusses his unique band of warriors and how they are protecting America’s interests around the world. *Update:* Votel Discusses Special Operations Challenges -- US Department of Defense
Head Of U.S. Special Operations Command: 'War Against Islamic State Could Last Half a Century'
U.S. Special Operations Command commander Gen. Joseph Votel answers a question at the Aspen Security Forum on July 24, 2015. Aspen institute *Sputnik:* *War Against ISIL Could Last Half a Century - US Special Operations Cmdr* The US war to destroy the Islamic State could take 50 years, US Army General Joseph Votel, the head of the Special Operations Command (SOCOM), told the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado, Department of Defense News reported. WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — When the Islamic State is blocked by strong resistance in one theater of operations, it turns its attention to anot... more »
New Poll: Trump Leads GOP Field, Jeb Bush 2nd
In the first national telephone poll since Donald Trump earned rebukes from Republican leaders over his comments about Senator John McCain’s military service, the real estate mogul has increased his support among GOP voters and now stands atop the race... The post New Poll: Trump Leads GOP Field, Jeb Bush 2nd appeared first on The Stream.
Call Off the Bee-Pocalypse: U.S. Honeybee Colonies Hit a 20-Year High
You’ve heard the news about honeybees. “Beepocalypse,” they’ve called it. Beemageddon. America’s honeybees are dying, putting honey production and $15 billion worth of pollinated food crops in jeopardy. The situation has become so dire that earlier this year the White... The post Call Off the Bee-Pocalypse: U.S. Honeybee Colonies Hit a 20-Year High appeared first on The Stream.
Showing Respect Is......by Roland Oliva
Source: *https://plus.google.com/+RolandOliva/posts*
THREE DAYS IN THE LIFE: Rachel Maddow just wants to have fun!
*MONDAY, JULY 27, 2015Part 1—Two ways to spend time at the office:* We were struck by something Rachel said on Friday evening’s program. Somewhat surprisingly, Maddow did an actual news segment midway through the program. It concerned the Louisiana shootings, which had occurred the night before. Maddow hurried through the basics in her short news segment. In effect, she was clearing time for her weekly “Friday Night News Dump,” an ersatz quiz show where everybody gets to be silly and have lots of fun. Maddow hurried through the basics about the latest mass shooting. Along the wa... more »
UPitt investigation brings total retraction count to four for pair of cancer researchers
An official inquiry by the University of Pittsburgh has led to two more retractions for a pair of cancer researchers, Tong Wu and Chang Han. By our count, the pair now have four retractions under their belt, all the result of the university investigation. The Journal of Biological Chemistry published the notices earlier this month, […] The post UPitt investigation brings total retraction count to four for pair of cancer researchers appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Death by US police accelerates as media and ethical attorneys fail the people
By Brenda Norrell Censored News The US attempted to cover up the US police murders while testifying before the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva in May. The countries of the world made it clear that they knew the facts. Now, these police murders, and deaths in jail, are increasing -- at least the reporting of these is increasing. A judge has now ordered migrant children released from jail,
Sphere Alliance Message #38 The Show Begins Shortly!
On Jul 27, 2015, at 2:04 PM, Denise wrote: *Well-- I was going to write an email, but THEY want to talk to you. It is constant now, and I would not have it any other way!* *BILL/AK, the ONEs that you label the DIVINES, are "broken up" shall we say. MANY, MANY 'times' we have tried to share with you the JOY that we 'feel' as you have performed your 'tasks'. EACH piece of this wonderful puzzle was necessary and as you know you have played your role very well.* *NOW, there are a FEW HOLDOUTS in the "DIVINE's GANG". YOU remember, there are always a few children who keep their bac... more »
25 AMAZING Picture Books
We read a lot of picture books in our house. Our oldest is just starting to read by herself and our baby LOVES to be read to. The combination equals more time spent reading that just about any other past time. It is fine by me. I love reading and I love watching my kids read. I have put together this list of 25 picture books that we have really enjoyed! There are so many good ones not on this list, hopefully I will make a part 2 soon! *1. The Empty Pot*- When the emperor decides to pick his successor from a group of children based on how well they can care for a flower over the cou... more »
Market Worries Grow ahead of Greece Bailout Negotiations
ATHENS, Greece (AP) — Technical talks over Greece’s third bailout in five years are poised to start in the next day or so as negotiators representing the country’s creditors continued arriving in Athens Monday. The talks involving lower-levels officials, delayed... The post Market Worries Grow ahead of Greece Bailout Negotiations appeared first on The Stream.
U.S., Turkey Aim for ISIS-Free Zone in Northern Syria
BEIRUT (AP) — The United States and Turkey are finalizing plans for a military campaign to push the Islamic State group out of a strip of Syrian territory along the Turkish border, a move that would further embroil Turkey in... The post U.S., Turkey Aim for ISIS-Free Zone in Northern Syria appeared first on The Stream.
Movement Gaining Steam to Use Article 3 of the Constitution to Rein in Activist, Leftist Courts
Who has the most power in the country over political issues? Everyone focuses on the president and Congress when they talk about reforming the system and taking control back from the left, but they overlook the real powerbroker. Federal courts... The post Movement Gaining Steam to Use Article 3 of the Constitution to Rein in Activist, Leftist Courts appeared first on The Stream.
Turkey: ISIS/Kurds & the Good Vs Evil Narrative
Turkey, striking ISIS, hits Kurds- It seems so contradictory and yet it's not *Sample news item: Turkey accused of shelling Kurds in Syria* Turkey denies claims it shelled Kurdish fighter positions in a village in northern Syria, as Ankara continues its campaign against so-called Islamic State *Image from linked news story. ISIS or Kurds? (Check link for answer)* “A Turkish foreign ministry official denied on Monday that bombing of Kurdish positions in northern Syria had taken place. A government official has said that the claim is being investigated. "The ongoing military operatio... more »
North Korea Marks The Korean War Anniversary
*The Telegraph:* *North Korea marks Korean War anniversary with threat to 'leave no Americans alive'* North Korea rails against US imperialism as the reclusive state celebrates 62 years since an armistice brought the three-year Korean War to an end North Korean leaders have warned the United States that another war on the Korean Peninsula would leave no Americans alive, as the reclusive state marked the 62nd anniversary of the end of the Korean War. The anniversary, celebrated annually in North Korea, marks the signing of an armistice on 27th July 1953, which brought to an end thr... more »
U.S. Hints That They Will Be 'Flexible' In Having Nuclear Talks With North Korea
*The Guardian*:* North Korea would find flexible nuclear negotiations partner in US, envoy says* US special envoy Sydney Seiler says Iran deal shows door is open to North Korea to negotiate when it decides it is willing to end diplomatic isolation. The recent nuclear deal with Iran showed that the US can be flexible with a willing counterpart, including North Korea if it decides it wants talks on its nuclear programme, a US envoy said on Monday. Also on Monday, North Korea marked the anniversary of the armistice that ended fighting in the Korean war more than six decades ago. Off... more »
Stiglitz On Greece
http://topics.nytimes.com/ Joe Stiglitz has been spending the last little while in Greece, checking out the state of affairs. Those affairs, he predicts, will get worse and follow a course of events which keep repeating themselves: As I read the details, I had a sense of déjà vu. As chief economist of the World Bank in the late 1990s, I saw firsthand in East Asia the devastating effects of the programs imposed on the countries that had turned to the I.M.F. for help. This resulted not just from austerity but also from so-called str... more »
The Rise And Fall Of 'Jihadi John'
Mohammed Emwazi is believed to be one of four British jihadis who tortured and interrogated hostages in Syria *Daily Mail:* *Jihadi John 'on the run in Syria after becoming terrified ISIS chiefs have no use for him and will subject him to same fate as his victims' * * Jihadi John is believed to be Mohammed Emwazi, originally from London * MI5 allegedly tried to recruit the British Kuwaiti after going to Tanzania * Emwazi has not been seen in an ISIS propaganda video for six months and may have joined another jihadi group in war-torn Syria ISIS's notorious executioner Jihadi John h... more »
Comparing the Economic Records of the Governors Running for President
Miracles are regular occurrences for governors who want to be president of the U.S. Rick Perry’s supporters have talked about the “Texas Miracle” of job growth. Post-recession recoveries under John Kasich and Louisiana’s Bobby Jindal are the “Ohio Miracle” and... The post Comparing the Economic Records of the Governors Running for President appeared first on The Stream.
It’s Legal, Sure, But So What?
“But it’s legal,” he kept saying. Three words, repeated no matter what I said. He didn’t speak angrily, but as if he’d said everything that needed to be said even though I was too thick to see it. My friend... The post It’s Legal, Sure, But So What? appeared first on The Stream.
Exodus from Puerto Rico Could Upend Florida Vote in 2016 Presidential Race
KISSIMMEE, Florida — Puerto Rico’s economic crisis meant Jeffrey Rondon, 25, struggled to find even part-time work, so he recently joined the growing exodus from his Caribbean island to Florida. Now he holds a full-time restaurant job and something that... The post Exodus from Puerto Rico Could Upend Florida Vote in 2016 Presidential Race appeared first on The Stream.
Medical Examiner: Autopsy Planned for Whitney Houston’s Daughter
ATLANTA (AP) — An autopsy will be needed to evaluate what led to the death of Bobbi Kristina Brown, daughter of singer Whitney Houston, authorities said Monday, the day after her death. In a statement Monday morning, the Fulton County... The post Medical Examiner: Autopsy Planned for Whitney Houston’s Daughter appeared first on The Stream.
*Australia: Christian lobby groups claim ‘radical sexual experimentation’ is being promoted in schools* IT WAS devised to stop bullying and create wider acceptance of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) students but Christian lobby groups claim all it does is promote “radical sexual experimentation”. Since Safe Schools Coalition Australia (SSCA) was launched, more than 360 Australian schools have signed up to the program, which provides training and resources for teachers and staff to build a more inclusive and safe environment within their schools. Some of t... more »
Honest Politics
What’s the quickest way to get a politician off your doorstep? Easy - tell them that you intend to vote for them. This curious reflex tells us something about the nature of electioneering. Politicians only canvass those voters who *don’t* share their beliefs. Unlike most political discourse, which consists of preaching details to the converted, election campaigns must ignore the saved and focus on the heathens. It follows then that electioneering is always an attempt to convince people that you know their interests better than they do; you know what’s good for them, better than they... more »
Updated: Sphere Alliance Message #37 Who are these "enlightened" people, is this the "Divine Mafia"?
*Updated 7/27/15 2:54 PM GMT* *On Jul 27, 2015, at 3:49 PM, john sturgeon wrote:* *Bill, with deep and heartfelt gratitude, I thank you and Denise. Both of you are doing an outstanding job.* *In Sacred Unity* *jack* *SPHERE ALLIANCE:* *WE ACKNOWLEDGE the ENERGY of this ONE. * *YOU speak of many things that we have acknowledged amoung our collective. * *SOURCE CREATES/SOURCE DESTROYS. * *YOU are correct in saying that this is (EARTH) is not the only 3d planet. WE will SAY this: EARTH WAS THE ONLY 3D PLANET in which the EXPERIMENTs for DATA COLLECTION HAD TURNED OUT SO "DA... more »
Note on questions to Sphere Alliance
by American Kabuki I will be happy to forward questions to Denise to ask the Sphere Alliance, but I'd like the questions to be specific, and not "what is my life purpose" type questions that are best answered by going inside yourself. All data is inside really... and I will be the first to admit that I have a long ways to go myself in accessing it... but we all need to start there. There are many experiences humans have had that are frankly very difficult to answer, because there is no precedent recorded on the Internet or otherwise. And those might be the type of question best s... more »
*Is the Pope a Fascist?* *If we compare him with Fascists of the past, his ideas are clearly Fascist. Fortunately, however, he has none of their power. "But how can such a nice guy be a Fascist?" one might ask. In answer to that remember that "Pope" is a version of the Italian word for "father" and that both Mussolini and Hitler were seen as fatherly figures in their times. Hitler had most Germans convinced that he loved them. And even in the mouth of a holy man bad ideas can be destructive when other people take them seriously.And the church has always accomod... more »
Friday’s Any Questions was a bit of an embarrassment. The audience continually applauded Michael Morpurgo, the children’s author who often dresses, head-to-toe, in incompatible shades of red. It must have been a ‘pre-red’ day when he posed for the photo shown on Richard Millett’s blog in 2012 entitled “War Horse writer Michael Morpurgo: Israel shoots Palestinian children “like a video game”*. * His views are pretty child-like and saccharine sweet, so when Dimbleby revealed that the A.Q. had taken place in an Exeter F.E. college, I deduced that the audience might have been dispropo... more »
Working Class War Fodder
CounterPunch, RINF (a previously published piece that was amended and updated for CounterPunch and RINF) Who in their right mind would be prepared to fight and die for Shell, Chevron or Coca Cola? Who with half a brain would choose to put their life on the line for Goldman Sachs, Bank of America or General Electric? Any volunteers? I’m guessing there wouldn’t be many. Then again, I could be wrong. Think of the tens of thousands of NATO troops who over the last decade or so have been in Afghanistan or Iraq. Drunk on the potent aphrodisiac of nationalism and a military that sells li... more »
New Faith-Based Show ‘Answered Prayers’ Premieres, Draws Praises From Christians
Christian power couple Mark Burnett and Roma Downey’s new faith-based show “Answered Prayers,” which premieres on Sunday, July 26, at 10 p.m. ET on TLC, is already getting a lot of praises from devoted Christians. Downey, who hosts the six-part... The post New Faith-Based Show ‘Answered Prayers’ Premieres, Draws Praises From Christians appeared first on The Stream.
ANALYSIS: How Obama’s Poor Judgment Led to the Chinese Hack of the Office of Personnel Management
The maxim that “personnel is policy” transcends partisan affiliations and political labels. Every president, including President Barack Obama, has the authority to staff federal agencies with loyal political appointees. Given the deep pool of experienced talent from which presidents can... The post ANALYSIS: How Obama’s Poor Judgment Led to the Chinese Hack of the Office of Personnel Management appeared first on The Stream.
U.S. Support Quietly Increases for Ukraine as Peace Remains Elusive
KYIV, Ukraine—A Department of Defense plan to send Ukraine advanced, long-range counter-battery radars highlights both an evolution of the Ukraine war as well as a ratcheting up of U.S. military support for the post-Soviet state, which continues to fight a... The post U.S. Support Quietly Increases for Ukraine as Peace Remains Elusive appeared first on The Stream.
McConnell Angers Conservatives by Blocking Defunding of Planned Parenthood, Kate’s Law
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has never been a favorite of conservatives. Those who see him as a “squishy” compromiser more interested in placating President Barack Obama and K Street lobbyists than the Republican base had more fuel tossed on... The post McConnell Angers Conservatives by Blocking Defunding of Planned Parenthood, Kate’s Law appeared first on The Stream.
Obama Holds Talks on Security, Human Rights in Ethiopia
ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (AP) — President Barack Obama huddled with Ethiopia’s leaders Monday for talks on counterterrorism, human rights and regional security issues, including the crisis in neighboring South Sudan. Obama’s visit marks the first visit by a sitting U.S.... The post Obama Holds Talks on Security, Human Rights in Ethiopia appeared first on The Stream.
Barack Obama and Uhuru Kenyatta on gays in Kenya
Barack Obama has visited his fatherland, Kenya, and he didn't resist the temptation to promote one of the fads of the contemporary America, namely homosexualism (this is a favorite word of Czech ex-president Klaus; Kenyans surprisingly talk about gayism, too). Kenya is a nation of 45 million people in East Africa. The official languages are English and Swahili. I actually found the response by their president, Uhuru Kenyatta, rather impressive. It sounds weird that this president's English and his rhetorical skills exceed those of any current top Czech politician. Obama said t... more »
Explosive: The real reason Holistic Doctors are being killed and vanishing!
https://gcmaf.se/patient-resources/autism/ [image: GcMAF.se] - Buy GcMAF - Quality - GcMAF Range - Treatment Protocols - The Science - News - Conferences - Contact [image: Autism] Autism85% respond and 15% have their autism eradicated. - - Patient Resources - Autism - Report from Italian families treating children with GcMAF - What improvements did parents report? Dr Jeffrey Bradstreet has now treated over 2,000 autistic children with GcMAF and the results are well established. In 15% GcMAF makes no difference. 85% i...more »
Sphere Alliance Message #36 Question from Aldan of Tuscany - The Green Tile of Light
On Jul 26, 2015, at 12:59 PM, aldan in Tuscany writes: One question I am curious about. In 2009 a sort of dense green light tile appeared to my wife in home. I was not in that room. She described it as a wonderful light-tile on the floor emitting green light and with a small white spiral in the centre. I didn't see it. She put her foot on it and, she said me, the light enveloped the foot. When she decided to switch on the light the green tile disappeared. She came sleeping and related me the fact just the morning after, as she had forgotten it in the close moments. The room, t... more »
EEOC Says Sexual Orientation Discrimination Is Already Illegal
This is my first post (other than the blog carnival) since I got a concussion. A lot has happened in the interim, so I have a lot to catch up on. This week I want to cover what I think is probably the most important development in discrimination law in a long time. That is, the EEOC has issued a decision that Title VII's prohibition against sex discrimination also prohibits sexual orientation discrimination. But this is nothing new, you say? Sure, EEOC has been opining that transgender employees are protected under sexual stereotyping. They've also overturned "unable to determine" d... more »
How Senate Conservatives Plan to Challenge GOP Leadership Today
Conservatives in the U.S. Senate are gearing up to challenge Republican leadership today, setting their sights on a plan to repeal Obamacare with 51 votes — a measure that would easily pass if the 54 GOP senators support it. The... The post How Senate Conservatives Plan to Challenge GOP Leadership Today appeared first on The Stream.
Anti-vaccine doctor behind ‘dangerous’ autism therapy found dead. Family cries foul.
*as you read this mainstream article, watch how slyly the reporter turns this into a plug for Big Pharma, and almost insinuates that the world is better off without people like Dr Bradstreet . . .the article is written by a "foreign affairs reporter" . . . imo, many/most of the "news" people receive is directly from the CIA . . look at Operation Mockingbird . . *The Washington Post http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2015/06/29/anti-vaccine-doctor-behind-dangerous-autism-therapy-found-dead-family-cries-foul/ By Michael E. Miller June 29, 2015 Morning Mix Anti-vaccine ... more »
BBC Andrew Marr's Tory Lord Coke Freudian Slip
It's so part of the BBC psyche
Student Invasion of the Ministry of Education becomes major political issue. Good. + Links
*Where does it go? Somewhere deep into Nantou...* Noah Buchan commented in an excellent editorial in the Taipei Times: A culture war is raging in Taiwan, and it has been going on for decades. It is a time when Chiang Kai-shek (蔣介石) statues still cast shadows in public parks; when denials of Han privilege course through the media; when the Ministry of Education (MOE) snubs its nose at the courts and pushes through China-centric adjustments to curriculum guidelines — ones that euphemize the Japanese colonial period; and when the nation’s largest political party believes that it still... more »
JPMorgan Chase Flying High from Great Deals (Crash Coming? Let's Go To the Charts) ‘MH17 Crash Used by US To Break Russia’s Relationship with Europe’
← Today’s Strangled, Muzzled, Darkened and Halted “Free” Markets Don't worry about interpreting the charts, friends. Just read through them slowly, let the data sink in and realize the situation occurring then and the one now. (Oh yes, you might want to hold off on the cool drink until the second essay.) JPMorgan Chase Closes at All-Time High – As Financial Crises Sprout Like ‘08 By Pam
Russia Launches Cutting-Edge Spy Ship to Track U.S. Missile Defense
[image: RFS Yury Ivanov]Russia inducted a new-generation spy ship into the Northern Fleet on Sunday during navy day celebrations. The new vessel will be tasked with monitoring U.S. anti-missile defenses on the high seas, a navy spokesman said. The ship is known as the Yury Ivanov, the lead boat of the Project 18280 intelligence ships designed for the Russian navy. A second vessel of the same class will be launched next year, according to the United Shipbuilding Corporation, news agency RIA Novosti reported last week. The ship was commissioned into the Russian navy during a large nav... more »
Russian Su-35 Fighter Jet Sees Export Orders Soar
[image: Su-35 Flanker-E]The Sukhoi Su-35 is set to follow in the wake of the Soviet Union's legendary Su-27 and Su-30 fighter jets in becoming a major military export. Negotiations for the export of the Sukhoi Su-35 fighter jet are coming to fruition, with orders from buyers in South American and Asian countries expected to be agreed upon in the near future, sources close to talks on the export of the aircraft have told military correspondent Ilya Kramnik. The Sukhoi Su-35 fighter is a single-seat twin-engine super-maneuverable multirole fighter, built by the Komsomolsk-on-Amur Airc... more »
Watch this fighter jet's insane vertical takeoff
Some things make sense to me. With others, I struggle. So when I watch this footage of a Polish Air Force MiG-29 taking off, I go along for the ride. Until my stomach takes an involuntary turn. I imagine, you see, what it would be like to be in the cockpit as the pilot decides to have a little fun. Read more
Inequality 26, Pew survey result on support for free market
There is an interesting report in vox.com, covering the recent result of Pew Research survey on Support of the free market system. People in socialist Vietnam and China have high support for free market capitalism and its inequality than people against it. Also high support of people in Nigeria, Turkey, Malaysia, Philippines. Pew's survey question was, "Are people better off in a free-market economy given the wide disparities in wealth that might result?" Agree or Disagree. And another interesting chart from that report -- optimism of people who say that children will be better ... more »
Economic News , Data And Views ( July 27 , 2015 ) - China in focus as stocks on the main exchange fall 8.5% ! .... Around the horn for Europe - Greece Updates for today , EZ politics , ECB Taper potential !
Morning Tweets..... *Fabrizio Goria* @FGoria 5m5 minutes ago Fabrizio Goria retweeted George Chen THIS Fabrizio Goria added, *George Chen* @george_chen Apparently Gov fund today didn't want to save stock prices of 2 key bluechips - Sinopec & PetroChina - both down 8%, so market falls freely *MineForNothing* @minefornothing 4m 4 minutes ago CHINA SHANGHAI COMPOSITE FALLS 8.5% TO 3,725.56 AT CLOSE 1. *George Chen* @george_chen 13m13 minutes ago Just last week, several senior Chinese officials began to talk about "success" in managing stock market st... more »
Revealed: How China and Russia Could Destroy America's F-35 in Battle
[image: F-35A Lightning II]After the leaking of a report about the recent failure of an F-35 to win in a dogfight against an F-16D, debate has intensified about the future nature of air to air combat. In a recent Strategist post, Andrew Davies identifies the importance of combining long-range air-to-air engagement using ‘Beyond-Visual Range Air to Air Missiles’ (BVRAAMs), with the advantage bestowed by stealth technology to reduce detectability of the aircraft, as well as exploiting superior sensors, information processing and electronic warfare capability. Davies also notes that i... more »
Navy chooses digital HD electro-optical sensors from L-3 Wescam for P-8A Poseidon jet
Navy maritime surveillance experts needed high-altitude surveillance electro-optical sensors for the Navy Boeing P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol aircraft. They found their solution from L-3 Wescam in Burlington, Ontario. Officials of the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division in Lakehurst, N.J., announced plans to purchase the company's MX-20HD digital high-definition electro optical/infrared (EO/IR) systems, technical data, and repair services for integrating the sensors aboard the P-8A aircraft. The L-3 Wescam MX-20HD electro-optical sensor system is for intelligence, surveilla... more »
Marines' new F-35 software warns maintainers of needed fixes
[image: F-35B Lightning II]As the Marine F-35B joint strike fighter completes final operational testing, including bomb runs and shipboard landings, a lesser publicized piece of the program critical to keeping the jet in the air received its last required upgrade before the aircraft can be certified as ready for war. Affectionately known as ALIS, the Autonomic Logistics Information System used by Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 121 out of Marine Corps Air Station Yuma, Arizona, serves as the information hub for the F-35, transmitting aircraft health and maintenance needs directly to ... more »
New Russian Combat Robot on Display
Platform-M, a new Russian remote controlled military robot, was presented to the public during the Russia's Navy Day celebrations in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky on July 25, 2015. The new combat system can be used to conduct patrols and to actively engage enemy targets. Source
PLA's underwater listening network is baloney: Taiwan colonel
[image: PLA's purported underwater listening network]The claim made recently in Chinese media outlets that the People's Liberation Army can monitor the movement of US submarines as far away as Guam is unrealistic, says Colonel Wang Chih-peng, a reserve officer in Taiwan's navy. China began the development of its underwater listening network in 1996 under the codename Program 863, according to the Beijing-based Sina Military Network. The article made the claims that various underwater listening devices connected by undersea cables enable the PLA Navy to monitor the activities of subm... more »
Russia’s Navy Day: Warships, subs, aircraft show off military might
Ships, submarines, aircraft, troops and amphibious vehicles have been deployed in port cities across Russia displaying the force’s skills and capabilities to mark Navy Day. The day of celebrations commemorates the victories of Russian sailors and is celebrated each year on the last Sunday of July, with parades of the Pacific, Northern, Baltic and Black Sea fleets and the Caspian Flotilla. "On the last Sunday of July, we traditionally honor Navy servicemen and veterans, we congratulate workers of shipbuilding and repairing wharfs and research organizations of the military-industrial... more »
Military Photo of the Day: July 27, 2015
U.S. Marines conduct high explosive training at Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms in California on July 21, 2015. Thank you to these brave Marines for volunteering for some of the most dangerous jobs on the planet. The post Military Photo of the Day: July 27, 2015 appeared first on The Stream.
Hegemonic Warfare Watch: The Case of Charles Glaser Worried
[image: DSC07339] *Planting rice north of Taichung.* *I say to you againe, doe not call up Any that you can not put downe; by the Which I meane, Any that can in Turne call up Somewhat against you, whereby your Powerfullest Devices may not be of use.* *sigh* Charles Glaser really loves to imagine himself as a Great Decider, determining the fate of millions with Grand Bargains. This latest installment of his patented point of view, "sell Taiwan to China for better relations" is *A U.S.-China Grand Bargain? The Hard Choice between Military Competition and Accommodation* (International ... more »
The Rag Blog : METRO EVENT | Dr. Rania Masri headlines ‘Gaza One Year Later’ fundraiser in Austin
Event: “Gaza One Year Later” What: Fundraiser for Gaza featuring Rania Masri Date: Thursday, July 31, 2015 Time: Reception at 6:30 p.m., Program at 7 Where: Asian-American Resource Center Address: 8401 Cameron Road, Austin, Texas 78754 Tickets & Donations: $20 … finish reading The Rag Blog : *METRO EVENT* | Dr. Rania Masri headlines ‘Gaza One Year Later’ fundraiser in Austin
IRD sick leave
The Herald reports: *Inland Revenue Department staff are being hauled before their manager if they have even one day off ill, as the tax agency grapples with its high level of sick leave. **The meetings, dubbed “welcome back conversations”, are part of a new initiative – Supporting Positive Attendance – introduced after the IRD noticed skyrocketing rates of staff taking sickies.* Frankly, I have to ask why they’re reporting skyrocketing rates of IRD staff taking sickies as *a bad thing!*? What, I wonder, would be the biggest problem if Inland Revenue Department staff had, s... more »
Yes, euthanasia is already happening in NZ
Everyone who’s ever watched someone they love dying already knows this, and will have their own story about it to tell … *Euthanasia is already happening in NZ* *Doctors and nurses are playing increasing roles in prescribing, supplying or administering drugs that may hasten a patient’s death, according to new research. * *A University of Auckland study anonymously surveyed 650 GPs. * *Sixteen reported prescribing, supplying or administering a drug with the explicit intention of bringing death about more quickly. * *But in 15 of those cases, it was nurses who administere... more »
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