10:33pm MDST
Has The Islamic State Set Up Training Camps In Bosnia?
The ISIS stronghold at Osve *Mirror:** ISIS set up stronghold in the heart of Europe as terrorists secretly buy land near an isolated village* Security services think the area in Bosnia is used for ISIS training camps and could be a base for devastating terror attacks on the West Islamic State have established a stronghold in mainland Europe, a Sunday Mirror investigation reveals. Terrorists are secretly buying land in an isolated village, surrounded by deep woodland. Security services think the area in Bosnia is used for ISIS training camps and could be a base for devastating t... more »
Satire: "True American Hero: Trump Says He Heroically Avoided Capture in Vietnam by Staying in U.S."
*"True American Hero:* *Trump Says He Heroically Avoided Capture in Vietnam by Staying in U.S."* by Andy Borowitz AMES, IOWA (The Borowitz Report)— "Presidential candidate Donald Trump revealed a little-known episode of personal heroism from his youth on Saturday, telling an Iowa audience that he narrowly avoided capture in Vietnam by remaining in the United States for the duration of the war. “The Cong were after me,” Trump said, visibly stirred by the memory. “And then, just in the nick of time, I got my deferment.” The former reality-show star said he had never shared his record... more »
Reports That Islamic State Fighters Are Now Using Chemical Weapons Is Raising Fears Of Gas Warfare In Syria And Iraq
A 120-millimeter mortar shell struck fortifications at a Kurdish military position near the Mosul Dam in June, arms experts said, sickening several Kurdish fighters who were nearby. Credit Conflict Armament Research and Sahan Research *New York Times:* *ISIS Has Fired Chemical Mortar Shells, Evidence Indicates* The Islamic State appears to have manufactured rudimentary chemical warfare shells and attacked Kurdish positions in Iraq and Syria with them as many as three times in recent weeks, according to field investigators, Kurdish officials and a Western ordnance disposal technic... more »
Iran Says Nuke Deal Won’t Change its Stance Toward U.S.
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran’s top leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said a historic nuclear deal with world powers reached this week won’t change Iran’s policy towards the “arrogant” government of the United States. Khamenei said Saturday in a televised speech... The post Iran Says Nuke Deal Won’t Change its Stance Toward U.S. appeared first on The Stream.
Trump Grabs Headlines, Earns Outrage, for Scorning McCain’s War Record
AMES, Iowa (AP) — Donald Trump’s criticism Saturday that Sen. John McCain isn’t a war hero overshadowed his rivals’ quest for support among evangelical voters at an Iowa political gathering designed to showcase their conservative views. In their appeals to... The post Trump Grabs Headlines, Earns Outrage, for Scorning McCain’s War Record appeared first on The Stream.
Rain Calms California Fire that Jumped Freeway, Burned Cars
LOS ANGELES (AP) — A rare summer storm helped firefighters advance Saturday on a wildfire that swept across a California interstate, torching vehicles and sending people running for their lives before burning property in a desert town. Light rain and... The post Rain Calms California Fire that Jumped Freeway, Burned Cars appeared first on The Stream.
Saudi Arabia Arrests Over 400 Islamic State Suspects Plotting A Wave Of Bomb Attacks
*Daily Mail*: *Saudi Arabia arrests 431 suspected ISIS members 'planning attacks on mosques, security forces and a diplomatic mission'* * Saudi Arabia's interior ministry says it smashed terror cells linked to ISIS * Kingdom arrests 431 militants believed to be planning a wave of attacks * Ring said to be targeting worshippers, the police and a diplomatic mission * Saudi suicide bomber killed 27 in a mosque attack in Kuwait last month Saudi Arabia has arrested 431 suspected ISIS militants believed to have been planning a fresh wave of attacks on mosques, security forces and a dipl... more »
Now You Know Why the Gadsden Flag is Yellow
Taken today at the KKK rally at Columbia, SC. Sometimes, a picture really is worth 1000 words.
Obama collecting personal data for a secret race database...
* while his daughters have only black friends.* A key part of President Obama’s legacy will be the fed’s unprecedented collection of sensitive data on Americans by race. The government is prying into our most personal information at the most local levels, all for the purpose of “racial and economic justice.” Unbeknown to most Americans, Obama’s racial bean counters are furiously mining data on their health, home loans, credit cards, places of work, neighborhoods, even how their kids are disciplined in school — all to document “inequalities” between minorities and whites. This Orw... more »
It seems Queen Elizabeth II has helped Britons forget that their reigning "House of Windsor" is German
*Oh, the horror!* *Is it any wonder that this photo "has sparked a furore in Britain"? It's terrifying! It's . . . . Oh wait, it's not this photo of Queen Elizabeth that's sparked the furore.* *by Ken* It's an understandable mistake, isn't it? I mean, Queen Elizabeth *smiling*? Aren't we more used to seeing the queen grumping and grouching, looking as is she'd like to slam whichever kitschy little handbag she's toting into the cranium of whoever's been presumptuous enough to approach her grumpy and grouchy royal self? But no, this isn't the image that's sparked the furore. It's *t... more »
Well my previous post was too hot to handle and got pulled. Too bad. So to tide you over I put up this hilarious but disgusting parody cum true story of the U.S. Government.
------------------------------ *The Night Watchman * ------------------------------ July 18, 2015 | Original Here Go here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter Whether True Or A Parody The Night Watchman Has A Valid Story And An Entertaining One THE NIGHT WATCHMAN Once upon a time the government had a vast scrap yard in the middle of a desert. Congress said, “Someone may steal from it at night.” So they created a night watchman position and hired a person for the job. Then Congress said, “How does the watchman do his job witho... more »
Just saying...
I really must just record, for the record, that one newspaper in particular is going hell for leather in defence of the BBC at the moment. It's quite extraordinary. Article after article is pouring out at that paper's website in defence of the BBC (alongside condemnation of the government and the BBC's commercial rivals). Some of it is caveated with claims that the BBC isn't perfect and may even be biased towards the Right (yeah, right!) but, still, the BBC must be saved from the Tories. Now which newspaper could that be? Is is *The Daily Mail*? No. Is it *The Daily Telegraph*? N... more »
Musical Interlude: Roger Waters, “The Tide Is Turning”
Roger Waters, “The Tide Is Turning” - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66nqhVtq6xo
"A Look to the Heavens"
“NGC 660 lies near the center of this intriguing field of galaxies swimming within the boundaries of the constellation Pisces. Over 20 million light-years away, its peculiar appearance marks it as a polar ring galaxy. *Click image for larger size.* A rare galaxy type, polar ring galaxies have a substantial population of stars, gas, and dust orbiting in rings nearly perpendicular to the plane of a flat galactic disk. The bizarre configuration could have been caused by the chance capture of material from a passing galaxy by the disk galaxy, with the captured debris strung out in a rot... more »
The Dark Side of Chocolate
*Film - *A documentary about the exploitation and slave trading of African children to harvest chocolate nearly ten years after the cocoa industry pledged to end it. The post The Dark Side of Chocolate appeared first on Waking Times.
“The Wisdom of Hushpuppy”
*“The Wisdom of Hushpuppy”* by Missy Beattie "In the powerful film “Beasts of the Southern Wild”, Hushpuppy says: “The whole universe depends on everything fitting together just right. If one piece busts, even the smallest piece… the whole universe will get busted.” The actress Quvenzhane Wallis as "Hushpuppy" *․* I think about these words as I lie in bed, laptop open, watching episode after episode of "Breaking Bad", a TV series in which nearly every action is a catalyst for depravity. The main character, Walter White, is a high school chemistry teacher, diagnosed with advanced lung... more »
Chet Raymo, “Hearing The Galaxies”
*“Hearing The Galaxies”* by Chet Raymo “In her wonderful autobiography, the beloved Mississippi writer Eudora Welty tells of her time at the Mississippi State College for Women. The first book she bought for her bookshelf was In April Once, by the Mississippi poet William Alexander Percy. The first poem in the book, written in New York City, was entitled "Home": "I have a need of silence and of stars. Too much is said too loudly. I am dazed. The silken sound of whirled infinity Is lost in voices shouting to be heard..." She is walking on the campus at night, the poem ... more »
"Too Often..."
"Many people die with their music still in them. Why is this so? Too often it is because they are always getting ready to live. Before they know it, time runs out." - Oliver Wendell Holmes
Watching the swallows dip and reel
Another heat wave; I go out at dawn or in short twenty minute shifts to do anything much. You can see the garden is very mature for mid-July. So are the weeds. The soaker hose bought this year both fell apart after a couple of weeks' dragging around. So I'm using the last of those bought ten years ago (!!) which holds up much better. A clue to the collapse of industrial civilization. For lunch, I'm cutting a single leaf of Fordhook Giant chard. Ours were grown from saved seed. Fordhook dates from the 1920s and was a Burpee developed strain. The stems are to my mind even better t... more »
The Poet: Mark Jarman, "Coyotes"
*"Coyotes"* "Is this world truly fallen? They say no. For there's the new moon, there's the Milky Way, There's the rattler with a wren's egg in its mouth, And there's the panting rabbit they will eat. They sing their wild hymn on the dark slope, Reading the stars like notes of hilarious music. Is this a fallen world? How could it be? And yet we're crying over the stars again, And over the uncertainty of death, Which we suspect will divide us all forever. I'm tired of those who broadcast their certainties, Constantly on their cell phones to their redeemer. Is this a fallen world? For them... more »
The Poet: Rainer Maria Rilke"Book of Hours II, 16"
*"Book of Hours II, 16"* "How surely gravity's law, strong as an ocean current, takes hold of even the strongest thing and pulls it toward the heart of the world. Each thing- each stone, blossom, child- is held in place. Only we, in our arrogance, push out beyond what we belong to for some empty freedom. If we surrendered to earth's intelligence we could rise up rooted, like trees. Instead we entangle ourselves in knots of our own making and struggle, lonely and confused. So, like children, we begin again to learn from the things, because they are in God's heart; they have never left h... more »
Fukushima at Dawn
The screenshot above is July 19, 7:02 AM. The cam froze as it opened and I captured this frozen shot. I refreshed the cam and it gave me a black screen. I closed the browser and tried to re-open and got the same result. I don't know if this is significant or not. Below is a slightly earlier screenshot from 4:09 AM:
Christian Universities: Will They Obey God or Man?
It’s by design. As I, and others, have repeatedly warned, the establishment of so-called “gay marriage” as a newfangled federal “right,” and the free exercise of religion as guaranteed by the First Amendment simply cannot coexist in harmony. Things diametrically... The post Christian Universities: Will They Obey God or Man? appeared first on The Stream.
"Regret: The Weight of the Past"; "A Buddhist Prayer of Forgiveness"
*"Regret: The Weight of the Past"* by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM "Holding onto regret is like dragging the weight of the past with us everywhere we go. Holding onto regret is like dragging the weight of the past with us everywhere we go. It drains our energy, leaving less available for life in the present because we are constantly feeding an old issue. This attachment can cause illness the same way watering a dead plant creates decay. We know that something new and beautiful can grow in its place if we only prepare the soil and plant the right seeds. We also know that we create ou... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Weatherford, Texas, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
Vacation Alert
I am taking a much needed vacation for the next 12 days starting tomorrow.... I will NOT be posting anything, including my weekly "rants" during that time frame... This vacation has been long in planning, and my better half has demanded that I do NOT blog during that time, just to give my body and my mind some much needed rest and relaxation.... During my absence, you can take a close look at the outstanding work put out by my friends and colleagues, that I call 'The best bloggers that I know"... They are of course listed along with other fine bloggers in the left hand column of t... more »
"Changing Others: Releasing the Reins"
*"Changing Others: Releasing the Reins"* by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM "If your tendency is to try and change other people, take some time to explore why you feel the need to do so. Our perception of humanity as a whole is, to a large extent, dualistic. We paint people with a broad brush—some are like us, sharing our opinions and our attitudes, while others are different. Our commitment to values we have chosen to embrace is often so strong that we are easily convinced that our way is the right way. We may find ourselves frustrated by those who view the world from an alternate van... more »
“You Don’t Love This Person, You Love The Idea Of This Person”
*“You Don’t Love This Person,* * You Love The Idea Of This Person”* by Paul Hudson "Love is incredibly complex. Not because it is formed of some otherworldly matter, but because it’s formed in our minds — and our minds are incredibly complex. The thoughts we think, the way we perceive the world, the way things and other people can make us feel, the way we can make ourselves feel, it’s all intertwined in the reality that exists in our heads. Our wants and needs will often blend in with our realities, changing the way we perceive something or someone to be. Emotions that arise from o... more »
Jury charges too long
The Supreme Court in R. v. Rodgerson, 2015 SCC 38 says jury charges are too long - see below. Some might suggest the Court is responsible for the great increase in length of jury charges because of the complexity the Court often adds to previously simple matters (say the principled approach): 3) The Role of the Trial Judge [50] While the Crown and defence counsel both have roles to play, the role of the trial judge is the most vital, and the most difficult, in formulating jury instructions. A trial judge must strike a crucial balance by crafting ... more »
Home Truths
For some (very) strange reason I felt a bit shy about posting this three days ago, but (three days on).... I saw a comment on another blog the other day (Wednesday), saying: Astonishing! Just heard the BBC reporter in Athens (BBC News Channel) actually say, “I think this is the first Left-Wing government to tear gas its own people. It’s usually right-wing governments that do that.” I suspect half a billion former Eastern Bloc citizens might quibble at that. Oh and the people in North Korea. Oh, and China. Then again, in BBC land Tchianamen Square was probably just “creative tank ... more »
Why This Former Vaccine Salesman Refused to Vaccinate His Son
*Video - *A former vaccine salesman explains why he and his wife did not allow their son to be vaccinated. The post Why This Former Vaccine Salesman Refused to Vaccinate His Son appeared first on Waking Times.
“The Pain of Modern Life: Loneliness and Isolation”
*“The Pain of Modern Life: Loneliness and Isolation”* by Graham Peebles “Humanity is a group. As Mohandas Gandhi famously said: "All humanity is one undivided and indivisible family." This is not a sycophantic religious concept, but the fact of our inherent nature; a nature that the current World socio-economic order systematically works against, forcing us to live in unnatural, unhealthy, unfulfilling, and unjust ways. The negative inter-related consequences of living under such a perverse system are many and varied- painful all: disharmony, depression, anxiety, and loneliness are... more »
“Little-Known History of the Euro: Crisis Was Baked In from the Start”
*“Little-Known History of the Euro: * *Crisis Was Baked In from the Start”* by George Washington "You’ve heard that the Euro was created to provide two benefits for Europe: *1.* Unite Germany, France and other countries in a peaceful political situation, to prevent repeats of World War I and II *2.* Create a macro-zone to compete against the economic strength of the U.S. So how did we get to this austerity and meanness of spirit, as typified by the grim expressions sported by German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble in talks with Greece? Because the Germans don’t view the Euro as a... more »
Median Incomes and Inequality
Median incomes have risen (slightly) under stephen harper. This can happen regardless (and, obviously, in spite of) harper's policies. It might also be the case that they haven't really risen. That it's a bit of statistical jiggery-pokery. Inequality has risen under harper. It also rose under the Liberals. This is the intended consequence of capitalist-driven, neo-liberal "reforms." To give more to the rich with the lie that they will invest it in job-creating enterprises. The lie at the beginning of this era of neo-liberal counter-attack was called "trickle-down." At the start (1... more »
The Other Side of the USS Liberty Incident : Dimona
List of fabrications, outright and suspected List of outright fabrications either by Israel directly or via agents/authors who are linked to the "accident theory". *1) The first "gun-camera picture" from the IDF History Report in 1982 does not show the USS Liberty.* *2) The second "gun-camera picture" of 1984 has been photo-shopped, and is almost certainly an American photograph taken weeks after the incident.* *3) The 1984 claim, much repeated, that there was a "friendly-fire" incident by the Israelis on their own armoured column the previous day (6th June 1967)* Hirsh Goodman a... more »
Tom Petty gets it re. the Confederate battle flag: says he was "downright stupid" to use it in performance, and highlights how "we're creating so many of our own problems"
*"The Confederate flag was the wallpaper of the South when I was a kid growing up in Gainesville, Florida. I always knew it had to do with the Civil War, but the South had adopted it as its logo. I was pretty ignorant of what it actually meant. It was on a flagpole in front of the courthouse and I often saw it in Western movies. I just honestly didn't give it much thought, though I should have."* *-- Tom Petty, to Rolling Stone's Andy Greene* *by Ken* Unlike Kid Rock, the " 'Kiss My Ass' Over the Confederate Flag" Man (who was born and raised in Michigan), true son of the South Tom... more »
“HPV Vaccine Has Done This to My Child”
July 18, 2015 July 18th, 2015 This was a very hard video to post, my 12 yr old daughter was fine before her vaccine, now this is her life. We live in New Zealand and I thought our healthcare system was ok, we have been left to deal with this ourselves. I’m showing this because I want people to know what damage this vaccine can and does cause. Please research before deciding. I didn’t [image: :(] Sorry the audio wasn’t the best, what I’m saying is *“I’ve just carried Briar out of the bath as her legs keep collapsing, this is the amount of pain she is in after pain killers, that he... more »
Outside Pluto
In the original spirit of this blog, I'd just like to recommend this week's *BBC Inside Science *as a fine piece of BBC broadcasting. It reported on the initial findings of News Horizons's fly-past of Pluto and its moons, and presenter Adam Rutherford was clearly excited - and rightly so, I think. Yes, *BBC Inside Science *bangs on about climate change far too much (always from the same perspective) and, yes, the programme can be very PC (and recently fell hook, line and sinker for the Sir Tim Hunt 'scandal', with a finger-wagging special) and, yes, the programme's recent links to... more »
July 19: Why. it isn't oil and at all. It's bitumen. Oh, that makes it different.
The Irving press at last has the story of the oil spill. But the reporter managed to write the whole story without calling it oil. ( I mean, why alarm people for no reason at all?) And what is bitumen? Well, when it hardens, it's called tar. When it's more liquid and is going through pipes, it's called oil - perhaps still heavy oil at that stage, but oil. Sometimes, the Alberta oil fields are called the tar sands - and that's why. But would you ask at your local gas station if you can fill up your car with bitumen? So why use that word in a news story? Well, you don't use it at ... more »
Poll: Voter Split on Gay Marriage
http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/248421-poll-voters-split-on-gay-marriage Voters are split on gay marriage in the wake of a Supreme Court ruling last month legalizing it in all 50 states, according to an Associated Press-GfK poll. The poll found 42 percent of voters support gay marriage,... The post Poll: Voter Split on Gay Marriage appeared first on The Stream.
"I'm really surprised about all this fuss about the Iranian bomb"
Today's *Dateline London *was partly surprising and partly unsurprising. The unsurprising bit was that three of the four guests were on board with the Iranian nuclear deal, while the other guest (Abdel Bari Atwan) was only *not *on board with the Iranian nuclear deal because he thinks Iran *should *have the bomb. (Those who aren't on board with the deal but *don't *think Iran should have the bomb were conspicuous by their absence). Here's a flavour of that part of the discussion: *Guest One*: It is an important deal, I would say, and it is good that it has been done...Out of the... more »
Sailor is 5th U.S. Service Member Killed in Chattanooga Attack
A male Navy Petty Officer succumbed to wounds received in the July 16 shooting at the Navy Operational Support Center (NOSC) in Chattanooga, Tennessee July 18 at 2:17 a.m. The post Sailor is 5th U.S. Service Member Killed in Chattanooga Attack appeared first on The Stream.
IN DEPTH: Is Less Really More? Reflections on Scarcity in Laudato Si
http://www.catholicworldreport.com/Item/4034/is_less_really_more_reflections_on_scarcity_in_laudato_si.aspx During his recent three-nation trip to Paraguay, Bolivia and Ecuador, Pope Francis spoke at Quito’s Catholic University, urging students and professors to champion responsible care for the environment: “It is no longer a mere recommendation, but rather a requirement because... The post IN DEPTH: Is Less Really More? Reflections on Scarcity in *Laudato Si* appeared first on The Stream.
24 Nations Are Facing Bankruptcy
*Zero Hedge:* *The Bankruptcy Of The Planet Accelerates - 24 Nations Are Currently Facing A Debt Crisis* *Submitted by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse blog*, There has been so much attention on Greece in recent weeks, but the truth is that Greece represents only a very tiny fraction of an unprecedented global debt bomb which threatens to explode at any moment. As you are about to see, there are 24 nations that are currently facing a full-blown debt crisis, and there are 14 more that are rapidly heading toward one. Right now, the debt to GDP ratio for the entire planet is u... more »
Iran's Ayatollah Khamenei Endorses The Nuclear Deal
*New York Times*:* Ayatollah Khamenei, Backing Iran Negotiators, Endorses Nuclear Deal* TEHRAN — Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the supreme leader of Iran, voiced support on Saturday for his country’s nuclear deal with world powers while emphasizing that the agreement did not signal an end to Iran’s hostility toward the United States and its allies, especially Israel. “Their actions in the region are 180 degrees different from ours,” he said, while also praising Iran’s annual anti-Israel rally, known here as Quds Day, and the slogans of “Death to America” and “Death to Israel.” Speaking... more »
Iran Continues To Hold Four U.S. Citizens Even Though The U.S. Released 4 Iranians Two Years Ago To Start The Nuclear Talks
Iranian scientist Mojtaba Atarodi. Daily Mail *WNU Editor:* I mentioned a few days ago that as time passes by more and more information on how the Iranian nuclear deal was done .... and the details within it .... will become known. Here is one .... the Iranians made a condition at the beginning that for talks to resume, 4 Iranians held by the U.S. and the U.K. had to be released .... which was quickly done .... *Secret Dealings With Iran Led to Nuclear Talks* (WSJ). Unfortunately for the Americans held in Iran .... it appears that no U.S. request for a quid pro quo was made or push... more »
The Kapp Pustch
∗ Kapp was born in New York on July 24, 1868. *FROM SHIRER :* "On the very eve of the birth of the Third Reich a feverish tension gripped Berlin. The Weimar Republic, it seemed obvious to almost everyone, was about to expire. For more than a year it had been fast crumbling. General Kurt von Schleicher, who like his immediate predecessor, Franz von Papen, cared littlefor the Republic and less for its democracy, and who, also like him, had ruled as Chancellor by presidential decree without recourse to Parliament, had come to the end of his rope after fifty-seven days in office. On ... more »
Supplemental: The latest events which didn’t occur!
*SATURDAY, JULY 18, 2015The discussion of Coates’ new book:* Ta-Nehisi Coates’ new book has launched a thousand discussions. On Monday, we may start to discuss those discussions. We may wait a week. For today, we thought we’d offer a weekend reading assignment. It’s drawn from this long excerpt from Coates’ book—an excerpt posted by The Atlantic, where Coates is a national correspondent. In the lengthy excerpt, as in the rest of the book, Coates is writing to his 15-year-old son. As he starts, he describes his appearance last November 30 on the CBS program Face the Nation, althoug... more »
The Royals and the Nazis
Who wasn't tickled by this front page? Well, The Palace, obviously. They said it's "disappointing that film, shot eight decades ago... has been obtained and exploited". Disappointing? How so? It's not like anyone seriously believes the Queen has an attic full of Nazi regalia and goes to bed with a signed copy of *Mein Kampf*. And no one is suggesting that she is somehow culpable for what the Queen Mother and the execrable Edward VIII encouraged her to do. Those for whom sycophancy is the only appropriate mode for treating with and speaking about the royals should neck a bottle of c... more »
Who are the 5 Czechs kidnapped in Lebanon
Three weeks ago, after the attack in Tunisia, I claimed that the Muslim world isn't safe for Western tourists. Sadly, five Czech passports were found in an abandoned car in Lebanon today. According to one source, the kidnappers demand their brother held by the Czech police to be freed. The press never tells you the exact names – in the Latin alphabet (except for Munir Taan, the Lebanese driver whom they hired including his car and who is also missing) – but I think that I got much further than that. This page in the Arab script provides us with a transcription of the Czech names to ... more »
"8th Grade Test From 1912 Shows How Far American Education Has Been Dumbed Down; Can You Take It?"
*"8th Grade Test From 1912 Shows How Far American * *Education Has Been Dumbed Down; **Can You Take It?"* By Kristan T. Harris "A Kentucky 8th grade exam from 1912 was donated to the Bullitt County history museum. The questions feature the fundamental foundation of education that we seem to have lost due to the dumbing down of the American education system. Now with the common core epidemic we can see our youth transformed by a cookie cut education system and a near total loss of critical and independent thinking. If you can not read the fine print or zoom in, then here are some exa... more »
Cruz, Rubio in Dead Heat Battle for Campaign Cash
Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio fought to a near-draw in the battle for campaign cash since launching their presidential campaigns this spring, making the summer fundraising months a pivotal period for both candidates. Cruz, a Texas senator, closed the second... The post Cruz, Rubio in Dead Heat Battle for Campaign Cash appeared first on The Stream.
ANALYSIS: What Paul Krugman Gets Wrong When He Claims Minimum Wage Hikes Don’t Cost Jobs
Paul Krugman opined today in the New York Times that new research shows higher minimum wages don’t cost jobs. In his view workers will work harder, so businesses break even at higher wages. He concludes the government should force companies... The post ANALYSIS: What Paul Krugman Gets Wrong When He Claims Minimum Wage Hikes Don’t Cost Jobs appeared first on The Stream.
Weekend reads: How to publish in Nature; social media circumvents peer review; impatience leads to fakery
The week at Retraction Watch featured a look at why a fraudster’s papers continued to earn citations after he went to prison, and criticism of Science by hundreds of researchers. Here’s what was happening elsewhere: Want to publish in Nature? Here’s how to write a title and abstract. Want to publish in BJOG: An International […] The post Weekend reads: How to publish in Nature; social media circumvents peer review; impatience leads to fakery appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Pope Francis’ Challenge to Millennial Catholics: It’s the Environment and Marriage
At the end of his Apostolic Visit to South America, Pope Francis instructed a crowd of young people to “make a ruckus.” He qualified, “Make … a ruckus that brings a free heart, a ruckus that brings solidarity, a ruckus... The post Pope Francis’ Challenge to Millennial Catholics: It’s the Environment and Marriage appeared first on The Stream.
José Delgado
José Delgado, Implants, and Electromagnetic Mind Control from Spike EP on Vimeo. *"We need a program of psychosurgery for political control of our society. The purpose is physical control of the mind. Everyone who deviates from the given norm can be surgically mutilated. The individual may think that the most important reality is his own existence, but this is only his personal view. This lacks historical perspective. Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electrically control the brain. Someday armies and ... more »
Decorated Soldiers Gunned Down Like Rabbits in a County Fair Shooting Booth and Suddenly We Need to De-fund Planned Parenthood....
*two things:* Why are decorated soldiers not armed? And why are we giving tax-payer money to an organization that makes tens of millions killing babies? Think about this: It was okay to fund them when all they did was mass murder, but selling baby parts is beyond the pale. There's no logic in that. None. That is all.
The Elves
*I was very pleased to see a cameo by the Self-Transforming Machine Elves in Marvel's Ant-Man, last night.* *The Elves are quite happy too, I'm sure.*
A new study of BBC pro-EU bias during the general election
From *Newswatch *to News-watch... ...and the preliminary findings of a characteristically compelling and comprehensive study of the BBC's general election coverage by David Keighley of that fine blog - and the no-less-fine *Conservative Woman*. David's survey focuses on the BBC's coverage of EU-related issues during the 2015 election, looking at (a) how much time was devoted to the subject, (b) how each of the four main political parties fared at the BBC's hands over this issue and (c) whether the *Today* programme's business news coverage gave a fair and balanced overview of EU ... more »
Can Chuck Schumer Win Back The Senate?
Montana organic wheat farmer and State Senator Jon Tester had an unexpected advantage against his big money, city slicker primary opponent, John Morrison, when he ran for the U.S. Senate. America's quintessential city slicker, Chuck Schumer, had recruited Morrison, the state auditor, and told Democrats far and wide that Tester was a bumpkin who coudn't raise money (which in SchumerSpeak means the guy doesn't know Wall Street banksters or K Street lobbyists) and that he would be unable to beat Republican incumbent Conrad Burns. That was 2006... so, so much water under the bridge! T... more »
Top U.S. Army General: U.S. Army Is Being Stretched By Global Commitments
U.S. Army Chief of Staff General Ray Odierno (L) speaks during a meeting with Fang Fenghui (not pictured), Chief of General Staff of the People's Liberation Army, at Bayi Building in Beijing February 21, 2014. Reuters/Lintao Zhang/Pool *Reuters:* *Shrinking U.S. Army increasingly stretched by global commitments: general* The U.S. Army is far more heavily engaged around the world than projected when it began slashing force size several years ago, and its commitments will be hard to maintain in the long run as troop numbers shrink, General Ray Odierno said on Friday. Odierno, the A... more »
Top U.S. Army General: Islamic State War Will Last '10 To 20 Years'
Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno answers a question from a Soldier during a town hall meeting on Fort Drum, N.Y., June 23, 2015. www.Army.mil *Defense News:* *Odierno: ISIS Fight Will Last '10 To 20 Years'* WASHINGTON — The Army’s top officer believes the fight against the Islamic State, commonly known as ISIS or ISIL, will last “10 to 20 years,” an expansion of the timelines generally offered by the Obama administration. Gen. Ray Odierno, the Army chief of staff, added that the solution to the militant group cannot come entirely by military means. “In my mind, ISIS is a ten to... more »
Cognitive Dissonance Danger
*Cognitive Dissonance Danger, you know the drill:avoid contact if you cant handle the truth.* Subject the battle between Nihilism and organization. The Nihilist are winning, and wining by billions. But its the organalizist that are reaping all the rewards. The organized ones are manufacturing Nihilist. It is the perfect divide and conquer. Tom thought about changing his interface and it happened, his level of augmentation was in now in God mode. He was now able to switch all his senses to a quantum computed dream zone where the owner was the architect of his own game. Players u... more »
Are The Saudis And The Leadership of Hamas Reconciling Their Differences?
*New York Times*:* King Salman of Saudi Arabia Meets With Hamas Leaders* CAIRO — King Salman of Saudi Arabia met Friday with top political leaders of the Palestinian militant group Hamas, in the most striking example yet of the new king’s willingness to work with Islamist organizations long considered foes. Analysts with close ties to the Saudi royal family said the meeting appeared to reflect King Salman’s determination to rally as much of the Arab world as possible against Iran, the kingdom’s chief rival, at a time when the Saudis fear that Iran will emerge empowered by its deal... more »
Sen. Lankford Slams Planned Parenthood: Debate Horse Slaughter but Become Numb to Children?
Senator James Lankford, R-Okla., delivered an emotional speech on the floor of the U.S. Senate Thursday about the recent Planned Parenthood undercover video and their abortion practices to harvest body parts. Lankford also wrote an op-ed on the matter calling for Congress... The post Sen. Lankford Slams Planned Parenthood: Debate Horse Slaughter but Become Numb to Children? appeared first on The Stream.
*In Make it Right neighborhood, recovery is still a work in progress ~Stephanie Bruno* *N. Rampart-St. Claude streetcar line construction 'hurting' local businesses ~WWL* *Mysterious bacteria sickens Hancock County shrimper* *UAS drone proves value in U.S. Fish & Wildlife pelican survey*
The New Normal Gets Down and Dirty After Obergefell
No small part of the extraordinary success of the pro–“gay marriage” movement has been its ability to sell the idea that this really is No Big Deal. Same-sex-attracted men and women, the claim goes, simply want what other people want... The post The New Normal Gets Down and Dirty After *Obergefell * appeared first on The Stream.
Until It 's Too Late
http://www.freerepublic.com/ This week, Joe Oliver -- acting on orders from the boss -- wrote a letter to Kathleen Wynne, informing her that the Harper government would offer absolutely no help in setting up the Ontario Retirement Pension Plan. Martin Regg Cohen writes: The toxic letter to Ontario penned this week by Harper’s henchman, Joe Oliver — Flaherty’s successor as finance minister, and the MP so cavalierly misrepresenting Toronto’s Eglinton-Lawrence riding — sets a new low for shabby politics and shoddy public policy ahead ... more »
*Leave the Department of Education Behind* Two weeks before the 1980 presidential election, the Associated Press published a story explaining that the two major-party candidates were "poles apart on education issues." Carter, the story reminded readers, was the Founding Father of the federal Department of Education. "The fate of the Department of Education, the $14-billion federal agency elevated to Cabinet status less than six months ago, may hang in the balance on Election Day," said the story. "Republican Ronald Reagan," it said, "hopes to dismantle the agency, which was crea... more »
No advertising on the BBC, eh?
In fairness to Evan Davis, at least he did put one striking question to James Purnell during that *Newnsight *debate with Stephen Glover: Well, let's take an example of this, James Purnell. Should the BBC have a weather app? There are lots of weather apps out there, right? The BBC has a very good weather app. It's been advertised quite heavily on BBC television. No other weather app has that privilege of being advertised on a mainstream channel. Is that right? I mean, the *Mail* might want to have a weather app. The BBC is full of adverts. Whether its TV or radio, programmes are a... more »
Cartoon: ‘Terrorism’
The post Cartoon: ‘Terrorism’ appeared first on The Stream.
Watch: Tur Threatens to Send Breitbart’s Ben Shapiro Home in an Ambulance During Jenner Discussion
Breitbart Editor-at-Large Ben Shapiro and transgender reporter for Inside Edition and helicopter pilot Zoey Tur engaged in a heated debate over Caitlyn Jenner and transgenderism during which Tur threatened to send Shapiro home in an ambulance on Thursday’s “Dr. Drew On Call.”... The post Watch: Tur Threatens to Send Breitbart’s Ben Shapiro Home in an Ambulance During Jenner Discussion appeared first on The Stream.
Most Hillary Bundlers Also Gave to Clinton Foundation
Most of Hillary Clinton’s top campaign bundlers are also major Clinton Foundation donors, raising further questions about the politicization of her family’s controversial philanthropy. Seventy of the 122 donors Clinton listed as “Hillblazers” on her campaign website earlier this week... The post Most Hillary Bundlers Also Gave to Clinton Foundation appeared first on The Stream.
Greek Bailout Moves Ahead After Germany Gives Its Backing
ATHENS, Greece (AP) — Greece’s proposed bailout cleared further key hurdles Friday after German lawmakers overwhelmingly gave their backing to another financial rescue and the European Union said it would release a short-term loan to ensure Athens avoids a debt... The post Greek Bailout Moves Ahead After Germany Gives Its Backing appeared first on The Stream.
*Are the diet dictators worse than the Greenies?* *They are at least just as bad. They do start out with a lot in common psychologically. Both think they are wiser than the "herd" but have such a lot of trouble proving it that they have to resort to wild and unproven claims in an attempt to substantiate that. And they need to impose their crazy ideas on the rest of us as some sort of validation for those ideas. So the Greenies want to make electricity increasingly unavailable to us and the diet police want to make sugar increasingly unavailable to us. It's Fascistic extremism in b... more »
A Time for Letting Go
*Zen Gardner* - This is a great time be alive…but not a good time to be asleep. The post A Time for Letting Go appeared first on Waking Times.
*Are the diet dictators worse than the Greenies?* *They are at least just as bad. They do start out with a lot in common psychologically. Both think they are wiser than the "herd" but have such a lot of trouble proving it that they have to resort to wild and unproven claims in an attempt to substantiate that. And they need to impose their crazy ideas on the rest of us as some sort of validation for those ideas. So the Greenies want to make electricity increasingly unavailable to us and the diet police want to make sugar increasingly unavailable to us. It's Fascistic extremis... more »
*Green Energy Steals from the Biosphere* Earth has only three significant sources of energy: First is geothermal energy from Earth’s molten core and decaying radioactive minerals in Earth’s crust. This energy moves continents, powers volcanoes and its heat migrates towards the crust, warming the lithosphere and the deep oceans. It can be harvested successfully in favourable locations, and radioactive minerals can be extracted to provide large amounts of reliable heat for power generation. Second is energy stored in combustible hydrocarbon minerals such as coal, oil, gas, tar san... more »
"Comments are disabled for this video"
James Purnell, on the right - or not Samira Ahmed's *Newswatch *also covered the *Newnsight *debate with the BBC's head of strategy James Purnell and the *Daily Mail*'s Stephen Glover. A viewer complained: Never was the gravitas of Jeremy Paxman more missed than on last night's debate. The behaviour of James Purnell, in never allowing Stephen Glover to get a single point in, without shouting him down, was an utter disgrace, and Evan Davis did nothing to control the discussion whatsoever. This was definitely the much-discussed "aggressive" new face of the BBC on display. James Purne... more »
Trouble Brewing : Sikorski & De Gaulle
*General Władysław Sikorski [Killed by the British], General Andrew McNaughton, Winston Churchill [Killer of the British] and Charles de Gaulle [Almost killed by the British]* *"Never the Anglo-Saxons really treated us as real allies. They never consulted us, government to government, on any of their provisions. For political purpose or by convenience, they sought to use the French forces for their own goals, as if these forces belonged to them, alleging that they had provided weapons to them [...] I considered that I had to play the French game, since the others were playing their... more »
What, no James Naughtie?
There was a familiar complaint on this week's *Newswatch *about the number of BBC reporters/presenters reporting from Greece over the past week. The programme counted seven of them (on BBC TV alone) for starters - some making fleeting reports that some say could just have easily been presented from a studio in the UK. Wasn't this a waste of licence fee payers' money? BBC News, however, feels that they got it about right and replied: We are as efficient as possible in deploying small teams to deliver balanced and comprehensive coverage and analysis, across radio and TV bulletins, ... more »
By way of contrast...
*Newswatch*'s Samira Ahmed showed Roger Bolton how it *should* be done: Well, both the government and the BBC have said they want to hear the views of members of the public in the year and a half running up to the renewal of the corporation's charter. One way *you *can make those known is by contacting *Newswatch *and I'll give you details of how to do so at the end of the programme. There was none of the bias nor any of the accompanying huffing and puffing of last week's *Feedback* there. And quite right too.
Scientists Make International Appeal on Dangers of WiFi
*Video* - A group of scientists has called on the UN to address the dangers of electromagnetic fields. The post Scientists Make International Appeal on Dangers of WiFi appeared first on Waking Times.
More Than 300 People Injured in Train Crash in South Africa
JOHANNESBURG (AP) — A commuter train crashed into another passenger train during rush hour Friday in South Africa’s largest city injuring more than 300 people, an emergency services spokeswoman said. Nana Radebe, spokeswoman for Johannesburg Emergency Services, said 326 people... The post More Than 300 People Injured in Train Crash in South Africa appeared first on The Stream.
Search for ET’s Finds Distant Stars Pulsing in Time with the Golden Ratio
*Michael Whitehouse* - The golden ratio is a well known mathematical number which is found throughout nature, including space. The post Search for ET’s Finds Distant Stars Pulsing in Time with the Golden Ratio appeared first on Waking Times.
Kidnapped Girls Allegedly Committing Atrocities on Orders from Boko Haram
An Islamic State-affiliated group kidnapped more than 200 Nigerian schoolgirls last year, and now they are allegedly committing atrocities on its behalf. Boko Haram abducted the young girls from Chibok village in April of 2014, and although the Nigerian military succeeded in rescuing some girls under... The post Kidnapped Girls Allegedly Committing Atrocities on Orders from Boko Haram appeared first on The Stream.
Satellites: Earth Nearly 21 Years Without Global Warming
After September of this year, the Earth will be entering its 22nd year without statistically significant warming trend, according to satellite-derived temperature data. Since September 1994, University of Alabama in Huntsville’s satellite temperature data has shown no statistically significant global... The post Satellites: Earth Nearly 21 Years Without Global Warming appeared first on The Stream.
We Are a Killing Nation
We can kill them fast, or we can kill them slow. See more *here *
Special Greece Report ( July 18 , 2015 ) - Saturday Updates ( Conundrum Watch - 70 % of Greeks favor Agreement with Creditors over 24 % favoring Grexit , 73 % favor Euro over 24 favoring Drachma - and yet , SYRIZA leads New Democracy by 42.5 % to 21.5 % , To Potami at 8% . G.D and PASOK struggle home at 6.5 % and 6% respectively ......... Dissecting aftermath of Deal To Re-open Talks And Bridge Financing Scheme To Repay ECB and IMF Arrears ..... Look Forward To Next Round Of Talks And Next Capitulations By Greece Gov't , Greece Reshuffle Items Greece Domestic Politic Items ...... International Politics Re : Third Bailout .... Odds & Ends ! )
Tweets..... *Jonathan Algar* @jonathanalgar 8m 8 minutes ago *GREEK BANKS TO REOPEN ON MONDAY: GOVT DECREE *Jonathan Algar* @jonathanalgar 8m 8 minutes ago *GREECE EASES SOME CAPITAL CONTROLS STARTING JULY 20: DECREE *Nick Kounis* @nickkounis 3m 3 minutes ago Nick Kounis retweeted Joe Lynam BBC Biz #Greece banks to open Monday but deposit controls to remain Nick Kounis added, *Joe Lynam BBC Biz* @BBC_Joe_Lynam Greek Govt: Banks to reopen on Monday but payments overseas still banned and savers can only withdraw €420 per week *Sputnik* @SputnikInt 1m... more »
Hispanic Voters Reject Path to Citizenship as Immigration Solution in New Poll
More than 60 percent of registered Hispanic voters do not think a pathway to citizenship for illegals would benefit the country, and most do not see it as the best way to solve the country’s immigration problems, a new poll... The post Hispanic Voters Reject Path to Citizenship as Immigration Solution in New Poll appeared first on The Stream.
Hank Pym Beats his Wife
*Hank Pym Beats his Wife * *(but then again, she is a total slut who sleeps with all his friends)* *Now, I'm not saying I that's an excuse - but I understand.* *Magneto? Really?* *That's you best friend's estranged and abusive father!!!* *Have you no shame...?* *[*ahem*] *whore* [*cough*]* Hank Pym was Not a Wife-Beater By Jim Shooter Back in 1981 I was writing the Avengers. Hank Pym aka Yellowjacket was married to Janet Van Dyne aka The Wasp and things had not been going well for him for a long time. Before I embarked on the storyline that led to the end of Hank Pym and Janet van D... more »
David Goldman on Israel, America’s Founding, and the Dangers Posed by the Impending Global Baby Bust
Esteemed columnist and author David Goldman is best known for his long-running pseudonymous column as “Spengler” for Asia Times. Under his own name he has written for a wide array of publications, and published two important books on culture, religion... The post David Goldman on Israel, America’s Founding, and the Dangers Posed by the Impending Global Baby Bust appeared first on The Stream.
Top Scientists Meet in Moscow, Tell Russian Government: Fetus is Human. Ban Abortion.
July 15, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) – A group of two dozen leading Russian and international scientists from various disciplines met last week in Moscow to make the case that science overwhelmingly confirms the humanity of the unborn child from the moment... The post Top Scientists Meet in Moscow, Tell Russian Government: Fetus is Human. Ban Abortion. appeared first on The Stream.
Folksy John Kasich Becomes 16th GOP Presidential Candidate
Ohio Governor John Kasich announced he was entering the already crowded Republican presidential field Tuesday at his his alma mater, The Ohio State University in Columbus. The folksy, former Fox News host of Heartland With John Kasich, he is perceived as a... The post Folksy John Kasich Becomes 16th GOP Presidential Candidate appeared first on The Stream.
Storm Shadow flight trials preparation underway in Italy & UK
[image: Eurofighter Typhoon with Storm Shadow missile]A series of ground-based tests have been completed at Finmeccanica-Alenia Aermacchi in Turin-Caselle and at BAE Systems in Warton, Lancashire, in readiness for Eurofighter Typhoon’s flight trials with MBDA’s Storm Shadow cruise missile. The trials are due to take place in the UK later this year. The first set of ground trials saw Italian Instrumented Production Aircraft 2 (IPA2) and UK production Typhoon aircraft BS111, fitted with two of MBDA’s Storm Shadow cruise missiles undergo Electro Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) tests. EM... more »
Egypt prepares to receive first three Rafales
[image: Dassault Rafale]The Egyptian Air Force will within the next ten days receive its first three Rafale fighter jets from Dassault, which is currently test flying them in full Egyptian markings. Two Egyptian Rafales were seen flying from Base Aérienne 125 Istres-Le Tube on Wednesday. They will be delivered to Egypt before the opening ceremony of the widened Suez Canal on 5 August Egypt ordered a single FREMM frigate and 16 two-seater Rafale DMs and eight single-seater Rafale EMs from France on 16 February. Read more
Iain's Perfect Response To Holocaust Caller per LBC
This post might surprise some... This LBC piece http://www.lbc.co.uk/auschwitz-survivor-i-cannot-say-i-forgive-112962 runs: 'A caller tells Iain Dale that Jews should "get over" the Holocaust - until Iain's passionate response shuts him up. Tom in Chelsea called after Oskar Groening, known as "the book-keeper of Auschwitz", was sentenced to four years in prison for being an accessory to the murder of at least 300,000 Jews. He told Iain that Jewish people should stop going on about what happened under the Nazis in the 1940s - until the LBC presenter put him in his place. ' I'm ... more »
The First Face I See
Jennifer Rothschild — “You look so much like your mom did when she was your age.” Those were the words of a friend as she scrolled through some family photos with me. “Do you remember her face?” I don’t know... The post The First Face I See appeared first on The Stream.
the role of God in Free Planet?
I've discussed the role of God in Free Planet with both Muslims and Christians and the sheer cynicism of the Religious+State issue is tax-deductively mind-numbing (to Free Planet). Sure, there 'might be a god or great universal creative force' or it might just be us, that's You The People and I. We just don't know, nor can we prove it. Agnostic Planet would be a more appropriate self-declaration than 'atheist planet', so where does this leave us? TO ALL INTENTS AND PURPOSES, GOD HAS NO ROLE IN FREE PLANET Too strong? Absolutely not. Religion and the Tax-funding of the GM or Godma ... more »
Khamenei: Nuclear deal won't change our regional alliances - No Shit Sherlock
'The nuclear agreement with major powers will not change Iran's policy against the "arrogant American government" nor will it change the Islamic Republic's policy of supporting its "friends" in the region, Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Saturday. "The Islamic Republic of Iran will not give up support of its friends in the region — the oppressed people of Palestine, of Yemen, the Syrian and Iraqi governments, the oppressed people of Bahrain and sincere resistance fighters in Lebanon and Palestine… Our policy will not change with regards to the arrogant US govern... more »
China starts work on first seaplane
[image: AG-600]China started the assembly on Friday of its first domestically developed seaplane, which is expected to take a big share in the international market. "Since the first day of its development, the AG-600 has been designed for the global market. We are confident in its market prospects because the aircraft's overall specifications, such as the maximum takeoff weight and flight range, are better than other amphibious planes in the world," said Qu Jingwen, general manager of China Aviation Industry General Aircraft Co, the aircraft's developer. "Some countries with many i... more »
India's Biggest Warship, INS Vishal, Likely to Be Nuclear-Powered
[image: INS Vikrant]India's biggest ever warship, the INS Vishal, is likely to be propelled by nuclear energy. The second of India's home-made aircraft carriers will be a whopper at 65,000 tonnes with enough room to accommodate 50 aircraft. The Ministry of Defence has written to nine Indian shipyards, including some that are privately owned, in search of a partnership for the project. Read more
Why they lie to us, and keep on lying regardless of the evidence that disproves their lies
"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State." Think...
Dalian shipyard to build China's first domestic aircraft carrier
China's first domestically produced aircraft carrier will be built by Dalian Shipyard, Chinese media reported, adding that there are several reasons for it to become the building base for aircraft carriers. The first reason is that the Liaoning, which marks China's entry into the "world's aircraft carrier club," was repaired, maintained and converted at the shipyard, which has a workforce of engineers and skilled workers. Secondly, the Dalian yard has built China's first missile submarine, speedboat and missile destroyer, as well as supply vessels. Read more
US offers Harpoons for Indian Navy subs, aircraft
[image: AGM-84 Harpoon]India has received from the US a Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) for the supply of 22 Harpoon missiles for the Navy. According to sources, though the Navy requires 12 Harpoons, no contract has been signed as yet. “The governments are inte-racting as it is a foreign military sale,” said the sources. India is set to purchase the missile system under a $200-million military sale recently approved by the US State Department. The purchase is awaiting New Delhi’s nod. Boeing and Virginia-based Delex Systems are the primary contractors. Read more
Russia Tupolev 22M3 Bombers Upgrade: Modernized Jets To Be In Service By End of 2015
Russia’s military is set to receive six modernized, long-range Tupolev-22M3 bombers by the end of the year, Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov told the country’s official Sputnik news agency Friday. Each capable of carrying long-range cruise missiles about 1,500 miles, the aircraft would add to the growing arsenal of modern military hardware the Kremlin is developing as it attempts to rejuvenate its military by 2020. The aircraft upgrade by the government unit formerly known as the Tupolev Design Bureau is part of Russia’s $400 billion modernization program. Read more
China, Russia Planning 20-Ship Naval Exercise in the Sea of Japan in August
[image: Since 2011, Russia and China have conducted regular joint exercises]China and Russia will conduct their largest joint Pacific exercise in August near Japan, Russian Navy planners announced on Friday. Announced last year, Joint Sea Exercise 2015 will occur in both the Sea of Japan and off the cost of Russian region of Primorsky — about 250 miles away from Japan. “These maneuvers will for the first time involve a joint amphibious assault drill in Russia’s Primorsky territory with the participation of carrier-based aircraft,” Russian Pacific Fleet spokesman Roman Martov said, ... more »
HII Awarded $564 Million Contract for Submarine Engineering and Industrial Work
[image: USS Minnesota (SSN 783) under construction]Huntington Ingalls Industries announced today that its Newport News Shipbuilding division was awarded a $106 million contract to provide engineering and industrial support on U.S. Navy submarines, special mission submersibles, submarine support facilities and related programs. If all options are exercised, the total value of the contract will be $564 million. Work will include engineering, design, configuration management, integrated logistic support, database management, research and development, modernization and industrial suppor... more »
The Agenda Behind ISIS' Cultural Genocide
The Romans would sow the earth with salt, America sends its terrorist proxies in with chisels and jackhammers. *July 18, 2015* (Maram Susli - NEO) - In what UNESCO is calling ‘Cultural Cleansing’, the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) have begun destroying 2000 year old Syrian statues in the ancient city of Palmyra and are claiming to have rigged the ancient ruins with explosives. This follows the systematic destruction of historical sites across the Middle East. So far ISIS has destroyed several sites across Iraq, which includes the destruction and looting of Mosul Museum, th... more »
The Vatican, The Jubilee, National Bankruptcy and the ISO
We've been heading deep into the rabbit hole of the Vatican, Vatican Law, The Treaty of Verona and the Magna Carta, "The Crown", the ISO, and the Grand Jubilee Shemitah. It seems that for the past 2 months, not a week has gone by that we didn't get handed yet another clue to all of this vastly convoluted mess. *On Monday night, July 20th, 2015, on the One People's Roundtable Discussion, Lisa and I will be reviewing the past few pieces of the puzzle, and really taking a close look at this HUGE piece that I was sent just before going live on air for the Transpicuous News Midweek Re... more »
Our Mostly Dry Planetary Neighbors?
The argument is persuasive enough but i do not trust it and i am hesitant to state alternatives. Firstly would the gas mix of the Jovian atmosphere match the gas mix of core material? That should be deuterium rich. I suspect that both Mars and Venus will prove to be direct ejecta from Jupiter. Add in the plausiblity that Mars is water saturated far deeper than expected and we have much more water than thought and it is only the surface that is dry. It is not too long ago that everyone presumed that the Earth's crust was also dry. Venus is a much more difficult situation. The ... more »
Aspirin Alternative
[image: Aspirin] The quick take home is that we have a superior blood thinner without the specific side effects of aspirin. I expect that it will drift into clinical use as more studies are done. Aspirin's use as a blood thinner was never a first choice and this is clearly superior and safer as well. In any event the more choices the better. Aspirin was a natural solution with nasty side effects that were neutralized successfully. It was always begging for a better solution. *.* *The Aspirin Alternative Your Doctor Never Told You About* *Sayer Ji, * *Waking T... more »
How Fraud and Tax Evasion led to Catastrophe in Greece?
This fraud conjecture is essentially rubbish. Fraud is an ongoing cost associated with the disbursement of funds and it usually becomes self evident. What is more difficult to assess is tax evasion because a lender must lend on the basis of collected tax. If there is no evidence of sufficient tax revenue, then advancing funds becomes foolhardy. Government chose to ignore the lack of revenue and the present program of austerity will not recover revenue at all. That means that core services need to be covered from available income while all others are rationed. Let me make thi... more »
Japan's Huge Sex Problem
Not only does Japan have a Demographic slide underway, it has a actual retreat from the procreation imperative that drives individuals to overcome social constraints. The time has actually long since arrived to apply drastic action. That should include the loss of pension benefits unless the recipient has two natural children. That at least would refocus the national mind. This situation has come about because of flawed National policy even if that is not particularly clear what the flaws are. We can truly blame the government for this situation. So we must start with the st... more »
Nearby Black Hole Just Erupted for the First Time in 26 Years
This is one star we really want to see close up. We have a complex model that may even stand up. It certainly explains observations. However so did Ptolemy. It is actually humbling when you add up just how regularly models collapse with better data. The biggest risk is that you fail to see what is there. We live in an ocean of freely available energy that we have failed to observe as just one such example. In the meantime we have an active event horizon that is producing gamma rays. I do not think it will be a classical black hole because that would be decaying as well. ... more »
Consciousness is a Life-Transforming Illusion
The critical aspect of consciousness that is not obvious is that the mind adds emotional loading to such mental constructs to further enhance decision making at the least. There must be some reason we appreciate art! There is plenty to contemplate here so enjoy this item and read it slowly. I read this today when i had also just more precisely understood how much of our so called emotions are physically operated rather than consciously operated. We do not order our selves to become enraged. Our instincts, modified by training, does that for us. The rational mind needs to be ... more »
Flagging Hate Speech
The confederate battle flag has become associated with the undercurrent of white supremacy. No more and no less. Try flying a swastika. Same problem. Hate speech needs to be carefully identified and both denounced and eliminated. We now are seeing a resurgence of anti Semetic hate literature and no end of ignorant apologists singing along. A substantial part of Islamic literature is natural hate literature and this must also be suppressed. Religion is not meant to be shield for barbarism and hate literature laws are an excellent way to confront this problem . *Flagging ... more »
John Repp on the Promise of Public Banking in Seattle
This is called boots on the ground for public banking. It is a powerful reminder that it demands political initiative and that is much too easy to divert with bribes. The historical success of public banking has made it some what immune to the privatization promotions of the past although that was cnot so in a couple of places. What we do have is the historical failure of private banking which presents a consistent pattern of getting caught with lending fashions that naturally max out. The drive for increasing profits rather that consistency rules with private banking and this ... more »
Slavery, Genocide, Abuse: The Dark Side of Asia's "Tiger Economies"
. This has remained under the radar for a long time during a multi decadal general economic expansion. Again the solution is the general establishment of a floor system that ends the possibility of poverty. Otherwise backdoor slavery itself will never quite go away. And the only way to end abusive behavior itself is to provide natural options that disconnects the abuser and pales serious economic value on the maintenance of civil conduct. At least we are now getting a blast of publicity which seriously helps. However we need an international agreement that est... more »
How These People Are Trying to End World Hunger. It Just Might Work.
[image: William Gomez, 16, a volunteer at Rescuing Leftover Cuisine, a non-profit that picks up excess food from restaurants and delivers it to homeless shelters, carries excess food from the Long Island Bagel Cafe in the Financial District, Manhattan, N.Y., on June 10, 2015, to deliver it to the NYC Rescue Mission, a non-profit that feeds, houses, and rehabilitates the homeless, in Chinatown. (Petr Svab/Epoch Times)] This is an urban problem that can be addressed. These folks are showing how easy it is. To start with every shelter is surrounded by potential suppliers and occupie... more »
History’s Most Outstanding Case of Levitation
[image: Michael Grosso, Ph.D., in his home in Charlottesville, Va., on Feb. 4, 2015. (Tara MacIsaac/Epoch Times)] What this example does is prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that levitation as such is possible as is mind to mind communication. So let us stop wasting time on false arguments thrown up by any available fool. More interesting is that it appears involuntary and the result of a withdrawal of the self into the astral body. This surely allows the astral body to redirect the internal gravity of the astral body to counter the gravity of the physical body. Since the gravit... more »
Myanmar Fisherman Goes Home After 22 Years as a Slave
[image: Myint Naing, Khin Than] That outright slavery can operate openly speaks volumes. That it crumbles before public exposure is also obvious and the more applied the better. In fact, the global media needs to hunt out slavery everywhere and bloody well follow it around with a camera crew.All slavery is about criminal coercion and secrecy. The high seas allows for secrecy. Simply enforcing labor laws properly with inspections can end this all easily. Consumers and the corporations buying this type of tainted product must seriously inspect all their suppliers regardless of r... more »
Why Governments Promote Deadly Nuclear Energy & Ban Beneficial Hemp
[image: nuclear reactor] I certainly support these sentiments. All aspects of the present day nuclear protocol are largely unnecessary. We simply have better ways to do things and we need to use them. At the same time the whole hemp industry has been choked by legal obstructionism and is now facing the wrath of unfettered capitailism. The Hemp cartel is now been broken by hundreds of participants all taking advantage of the multiple benefits. There are few enough truly valuable plants available to humanity and i suspect hemp will turn out to be the single most important. ... more »
Brick-laying Robot Can Build a Full-Sized House in Two Days
Brick continues to be a useful building material although not in regard to load bearing structures in earthquake country. This tech will extend that everywhere and yes, few want to be bricklayers much anymore. Just as obviously it is costly in terms of labor inputs and is avoided because of that often. Yet bricks themselves remain cheap. Such mechanization will bring the product back easily. Every building needs vertical heat sinks and bricks do that admirably. All good and will be a wonderful solution in the tropics when construction speed is welcome to produce thousands of s... more »
Cities adapt to Growing Ranks of Coyotes, Cougars and Other Urban Wildlife
This will be an ongoing phenomena. The rise of the urban environment of today happens to be recent. It has taken time for all critters to adjust. They all will adjust. Eventually we will see urban foxes out hunting those urban cats who had it easy far too long. Our problem is really what to do about wolves, cougars and bears who really are dangerous. We have held them off for a long time, but now their prey is setting up housekeeping. It follows that they will join in the party as well. In the meantime we can only watch and become a little more careful. . *Concrete ... more »
Wave Genetics: Increase Energy and Regrow Tissues, Organs, Bones, and Teeth
. This is an extremely important insight. Now we understand that the astral body of a cell works directly through the DNA to operate the contents of a cell. It is like looking at the control panel with the necessary connectors. Russian claims are empirical but confirm stuff we need to know in order to integrate the spirit body with the human body. Knowing an astral body is managing a cell should be the starting point of research. Now we khow somewhat how it is doing it. This needs to be shared inside and outside of the lab as it promises to induce serious healing. ... more »
Military Photo of the Day: July 18, 2015
An F-22 Raptor increases altitude shortly after takeoff from Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam in Hawaii on June 6, 2015. Thank you to Tech Sgt. Aaron Oelrich for taking this photograph! The post Military Photo of the Day: July 18, 2015 appeared first on The Stream.
UPC Wi-Free: cool ISP services
*220,000 new free Wi-Fi hotspots in Czechia for me* When we talked about the "net neutrality", I noticed that much of the support for this anti-market meme comes from some general animosity of consumers towards their Internet Service Providers (ISPs) – see e.g. these cartoons. I had no idea where these sentiments come from – and I am convinced that most Czechs share my feelings. The ISPs work as well as other industries that were rejuvenated by capitalism and liberalization – and perhaps even better than that. The rate at which our Internet connectivity has been evolving seems ama... more »
Over 100 Killed By Islamic State Suicide Bomber North Of Baghdad
*Reuters*: *Islamic State claims suicide car bomb that kills more than 100 in Iraq* More than 100 people were killed in a suicide car bombing at a busy market in an Iraqi town on Friday, in one of the deadliest attacks carried out by Islamic State militants since they overran large parts of the country. The blast brought down several buildings in Khan Bani Saad, about 30 km (20 miles) northeast of Baghdad, crushing to death people who were celebrating the end of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan, police and medics said. Islamic State, which controls large parts of northern and w... more »
My second day in Valemount I took on a more challenging trail. The McKirdy Mountain and Meadow Trail is only about 4.3km, not long at all compared to other hikes I've gone on, but with slopes of up to 30 degrees, rocks, tree roots and the elements thrown in, it was definitely one of the more challenging ones I've done in the past couple of years. I hiked up King George Mountain three or four times when I lived on Baffin Island which took me up to about 1750 feet and its really the only climb comparable to this one in terms of endurance......and beauty. Unlike past trails I've don... more »
One of these AOL Today "news" items isn't like the others -- and it's labeled. But . . .
*One of these "newsy" items is not like the others --* [*Click to enlarge.*] *by Ken* I know I'm supposed to be humiliated to admit that I still use an AOL e-mail address, which marks me as some sort of pathetic, antique computer naïf. If I were foolish enough to use it to, say, apply for a job, I would be laughed out of consideration just for this. Still, perhaps you'll pardon my observation that none of the other e-mail systems I've been exposed to seem to me any better. (I think "worse" is the word I'm groping for.) For one application I'm obliged to use Gmail, and I hate it. ... more »
Greece & EU: There is NO Agreement. EU and EU2 ?
*Flashback: Greece : The Straw that Breaks the Euro Area- Full Integration or an Amicable Split* *Concluding * Can't be sure. However, I'm sticking with what I see at this time. *Greece (Tsipras) is being used to put pressure on the EU to fully and completely integrate or split into two factions.* EU & EU 2 the poor cousins * Continuing:* No Agreement, still- Only an agreement to negotiate. Tsipras doesn't 'believe' in this deal. Schauble doesn't believe in the deal. The IMF, of all entities, does not support this deal*. *Still thinking this has all been designed to fail. Not ... more »
Planned Parenthood’s Travesty of Sacrifice
“We were at one, blood to blood, as no other kind of union could make us,” the English essayist Malcolm Muggeridge wrote, recalling giving his wife his own blood during a critical medical moment. “To give life,” he continued, “this... The post Planned Parenthood’s Travesty of Sacrifice appeared first on The Stream.
Misappropriated Womanhood
I see the liberal, secular feminist and the homosexual/transgender ideologies running smack into each other like bulls. The losers in this bloody clash? There will be many, but let’s talk about the most ironic losers: women. Neither ideology respects true... The post Misappropriated Womanhood appeared first on The Stream.
A Special Moment at Tom Watson’s Last Open Championship
In 1975, Tom Watson won his first Open Championship. 40 years later, he finished the final round at his last. Wrapping up his Open Championship career yesterday at the home of golf, St Andrews, Scotland, Watson received a standing ovation from... The post A Special Moment at Tom Watson’s Last Open Championship appeared first on The Stream.
A Look at the Four Marines Murdered in Chattanooga Terror Attack
They were four people charged with the safety of others, gunned down in a place where the nation’s defense is the paramount mission for those who pass through its doors. They are being deemed heroes by some, and the cruel... The post A Look at the Four Marines Murdered in Chattanooga Terror Attack appeared first on The Stream.
July 17:
Friday, like today (Thursday) will be a busy day for me. So I'm starting this blog this evening - and will finish tomorrow. So the part about what's in Irving press will come last. I spent part of today watching news on U.S. TV channels. It's a very frightening thing to watch. First, there was the general who warned that Iran came third on the list of threats to the U.S. Then there was the panel discussion which warned us that Iran was America's most dangerous enemy. I don't know whether the general or the panelists believed what they said. But I know it's absurd. The idea that Ira... more »
What’s Really In Secondhand E-Cigarette Aerosol
*Inforgraphic - *E-cigarettes emit more than just "harmless water vapor." Secondhand e-cigarette aerosol, wich is inaccurately called vapor by the industry, contains more than nicotine. The post What’s Really In Secondhand E-Cigarette Aerosol appeared first on Waking Times.
Moldova Is On The Brink Of Becoming A Failed State
BBC *Niels Van Wanrooij, Real Clear World:* *Europe Risks Losing Moldova to Moscow* Moldova, a country of 3.5 million on the brink of bankruptcy, risks becoming a failed state. This would increase instability on the EU's eastern borders by handing Russia another opportunity to extend its influence in the former Soviet-sphere, as it lures Moldova into its "Eurasian Customs Union". Moldova: a small country on the periphery of Europe, facing massive corruption and unemployment and struggling to obtain credit from the EU and the IMF to avoid bankruptcy. Add to this that it is curren... more »
Business 360-27, Public health in Asia
* This is my article for July 2015 issue of the business magazine in Kathmandu, produced monthly by Media 9. *The state of public health in Asia* We often hear complaints and litanies about how our lives are deteriorating and how our health condition is getting more “critical.” Are there solid basis for these statements aside from the subjective observations and emotional sentiment attached to them? Let us check some health data and see how valid or invalid those observations are. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has a good compilation of social and economic data spanning for two... more »
How You Can Buy Your Own Legislature (and Laws!) Koch Proud
Should We All Become Whistleblowers? Economic Update: Capitalism and Its Others - Richard Wolff Jeb Bush's Plan to Expand the Economy by Workers Putting in More Hours Is Based on a Lie Outrage and Obfuscation: Conservative Critics of the Iran Deal Get Ready for Another Iraq War Deception Strategy How the Billionaires Bought Justice for Scott Walker Friday, 17 July 2015 By The Daily Take
Tonight's Movie is 'Path To War'
From *Wikipedia*: Path to War is a 2002 American biographical television film, produced by HBO and directed by John Frankenheimer that deals directly with the Vietnam War as seen through the eyes of United States President Lyndon B. Johnson and his cabinet members. It was the final film (theatrical or made-for-TV) that was directed by Frankenheimer, who died seven weeks after the film debuted on HBO. The film stars Michael Gambon as President Johnson, Alec Baldwin as Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara and Donald Sutherland as presidential advisor Clark M. Clifford, who succeeds ...more »
No 2 Trudeau: Sick Puppies
The No 2 Trudeau campaign has been annoying and disgusting a lot of people lately. These good folks, who absurdly expect to look through their junk mail without encountering fetal gore porn, have complained to cops, politicians, and Advertising Standards Canada (ASC). ASC, which has no power to actually do anything but tut-tut, has looked at this sort of thing before and shrugged it off as beyond its purview, being deemed "political." (So I guess the CPC gets a pass for using ISIS snuff-film footage too.) Well, the FetalGoreGang has so annoyed people that ASC decided to have anothe... more »
How We’re All Being Manipulated by the ‘Crisis of the NOW’
*Mike Adams* - A very powerful question to use in these time is: "How do you know?" The post How We’re All Being Manipulated by the ‘Crisis of the NOW’ appeared first on Waking Times.
Stephen Harper and Natives
Stephen Harper's indifference towards Natives including aboriginal women's mistreatment.
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- July 17, 2015
*Samuel Oakford, VICE*:* Iran's 'Shadow Commander' Will Lose Some of His Sanctions Under Iran Deal * Qassem Suleimani, Iran's best known general and a man the American government has accused of involvement in the deaths of hundreds of American soldiers in Iraq, is set to be removed from UN sanctions — as well as certain European Union sanctions —as part of the Iran nuclear deal agreed to on Tuesday. But despite initial confusion — and bouts of furor from social media, media outlets, and some politicians — Suleimani will not be taken off US sanctions lists, due to his ties to te...more »
Europe, Greece, and the problem of identity: Doing it wrong, social psych edition
The Iran deal is the hot topic now, but since I wrote on the subject recently in another venue, I thought I would address the Greek/Euro crisis. I can’t help but borrow a bit of Josh’s title on the subject because it describes so well the situation in Europe. A lot of people are piling […]
World News Briefs -- July 17, 2015 (Evening Edition)
*FOX News:* *Tennessee gunman was armed to the teeth and ready for war with America*. Mohammad Youusef Abdulazeez, the naturalized American-turned Islamic radical who killed four Marines Thursday, was heavily armed, wore an ammo vest and was bent on waging war against America, according to authorities who spoke a day after the horrific attack at two military facilities in Chattanooga. *MIDDLE EAST* Isis claims responsibility for *Iraq car bomb blast that kills dozens*. Death toll in Iraq suicide car bombing* rises to more than 100*. Iran: Nuclear deal is new chance* for regional... more »
Islam is Puerile Drivel and Moslems are Violent Sadistic Morons
Ramadan is over and moslems and liberal sycophants are celebrating the religion of peace's rituals. I live in an area contaminated by the moslem scum, and I can tell you that they are not good righteous people; they are evil sadists who are obsessed with an ideology which is insane. During Ramadan the moslem hypocrites change their eating routine from the usual daytime routine to a nocturnal one. They do not 'fast', they do not go hungry, they eat like pigs before the sun comes up, so that they are so full that they cannot eat another thing until the sun sets; then they eat like ... more »
Area 51 and History 2
I was watching one of those old UFO programs on *History Two*, which I think is where they now dump most of their crap. Anyway, this program was about Area 51 and when it was over, I thought about what I had learned. The highly secret base had runways, hangars, and other buildings. What a stunning bit of information. The “camo dudes” who watch those getting close to the base perimeters were dressed in camouflage uniforms… like the major of the military serving at the time. There is no significance in the fact they were dressed in camouflage other than they were working security at t... more »
Sphere Alliance Message #19 Dr Seuss - A Mission of Awakening
*AK Note: Theodor "Seuss" Geisel's work has entertained millions of American children. My favorite is "Oh the places you will go!". I first saw that particular book after I returned from working for the SNFC railway in France, and my roommate at the time was given the book upon graduating law school at USD. * *Dr Seuss was not without controversy, he was of the World War II era and some of his early cartoons are known to be slightly racist and others were war propaganda which attacked isolationist and Japanese Americans as 5th columnists... but such was the era and my own fathe... more »
Patti LuPone teaches a lesson in acceptable audience behavior
*Patti LuPone as Irene in Douglas Carter Beane's Shows for Days* *On her way to her matinee performance Wednesday, Patti called in to talk to WNYC guest host Jami Floyd (and the station's former business and economics editor, now entertainment editor, Charlie Herman) about disruptive audience behavior.* *by Ken* Patti begins her conversation with Jami Floyd (and, later, Charlie Herman) by clarifying that she didn't *stop* that show last week. This CNN link is wrong when it says, "While doing a scene, LuPone reached down and plucked the phone from the spectator's hands." Patti say... more »
Obama’s Annoyance Shows Major Garrett Asked the Right Questions
I know Major Garrett. We co-hosted a morning television program back in the mid 1990s. And Major is nothing if not a solid news reporter. That is why it shouldn’t be surprising that he asked very pointed questions when President... The post Obama’s Annoyance Shows Major Garrett Asked the Right Questions appeared first on The Stream.
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