The Subjugation Of India By The US Rests On Monsanto’s Control Of Agriculture

After a study of GMOs over a four-year plus period, India’s multi-party
Parliamentary Standing Committee on Agriculture recommended a ban on GM
food crops stating they had no role in a country of small farmers. The
Supreme Court appointed a technical expert committee (TEC), which
recommended an indefinite moratorium on the field trials of GM crops until
the government devised a proper regulatory and safety mechanism. As yet, no
such mechanism exists, but open field trials are being given the go ahead.
GMO crops approved for field trials include rice, maize, chickpea,
sugarcane, and... more »
The UK Spearheads The Campaign To Make European GMO Regulation Meaningless

Global Research and Countercurrents 29/10/2014
As Washington’s trusted lapdog, the UK is spearheading US agritech’s drive
to get genetically modified (GM) food into Europe. Officials, politicians,
academics and media outlets have been co-opted by and are colluding with
the GMO agritech industry [1-6]. These people and institutions have been
spewing out falsehoods, ignoring evidence pertaining to GMOs and are
putting a one-sided positive spin on GM food with the aim of forcing it
onto a public that does not want it [7].
Monsanto and other agritech companies are lobbying hard for t... more »
Monsanto Cola

Artwork by Isa Esasi
RINF and Global Research 27/10/2014
Welcome to Superstore Supercon. Buy one, get two free. False promises and
crushed hope that is.
From the people that brought the world the wonders of Agent Orange,
aspartame, PCB, DDT, dioxin and various other completely harmless poisons,
we bring you… cola in a can. That’s right. Monstersanto is now available in
a can. And to mark the launch, the price is even lower than the morality of
it all. Impossible you might think, but we’ve managed it!
Open the ring pull. Feel the spray. Taste the PR. It’s so refreshingly
cheap. Mo... more »
The EU's Sham Democracy: European Commission An Instrument Of Powerful Corporate Interests

Countercurrents 22/10/2014, Global Research 23/10/2014
The European Union’s sham democracy has again been laid bare as a result of
the plenary vote of European Parliament to approve the new Jean-Claude
Juncker Commission.
The previous Barroso Commission wholeheartedly served a corporate agenda.
We may now expect more of the same.
The European Commission is the executive body of the EU and acts as a
cabinet government. The new 28-person Juncker Commission includes:
- An ex-petroleum company president as climate commissioner (Miguel Arias
- An ex-corporate lobb... more »
Icke, Jones, Marx, Marcuse, Althusser, Capitalism, Conspiracy And All That
*This text was written in early 2012 as two separate articles and appeared
on various sites*
*Part One*
The contradiction between how people believe the world should be, according
to the mainstream propaganda pertaining to liberty and democracy, and how
it is in this time of crisis leads people to search for easily digestible
It’s easy for conspiracy theorists to play on people’s fears and prejudices
and to point fingers at certain groups. In the past, it has been ‘the
Jews’, ‘the Irish’, ‘the blacks’, ‘the Poles’ or some other easily
identifiable target that was blamed f... more »
Behind The Mask Of Altruism: Monsanto And The Gates Foundation In Africa

Countercurrents 15/10/2014, Global Research 16/10/2014
Since 2006, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has funded the Alliance for
a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) to the tune of almost $420 million.
Activists from Zimbabwe, Nigeria, South Africa, Uganda, and Ethiopia
recently attended the US-Africa Food Sovereignty Strategy Summit in Seattle
to argue that the Foundation’s strategy for agriculture in Africa is a
flawed attempt to impose industrial agriculture at the expense of more
ecologically sound approaches.
Daniel Maingi works with small farmers in Kenya and belongs to the ... more »
The TTIP: A Brief History Of An Agenda For Corporate Plunder

Global Research 14/10/2014, Countercurrents 17/10/2014
The corporate jargon surrounding the Transatlantic Trade and Investment
Partnership (TTIP) deal is about ‘protecting’ investment’, reducing
‘unnecessary’ barriers and ‘harmonising’ regulations that supposedly deter
free trade between the US and the EU.
In principle, the notion of trade that is free and fair sounds ideal. But,
across the world, the dominant ideological paradigm allows little scope for
either. Markets are rigged [1], commodity prices subject to manipulation
[2] and nations are coerced [3], destabilised [4] or att... more »
The Family Farm: Celebrating The Bedrock Of Global Food Production – By Destroying It

Global Research 11/10/2014, Deccan Herald and Countercurrents16/10/2014
World Food Day is coming up on 16 October. This year’s theme is ‘Family
Farming: Feeding the world, caring for the earth’.
According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization’s website:
“The 2014 World Food Day theme - Family Farming: “Feeding the world, caring
for the earth” - has been chosen to raise the profile of family farming and
smallholder farmers. It focuses world attention on the significant role of
family farming in eradicating hunger and poverty, providing food security
and nutrition, improving li... more »
The GMO Biotech Lobby's Emotional Blackmail And Bogus Claims: Monsanto’s GM Crops Will Not Feed The World

Global Research and Countercurrents 9/10/2014, Morning Star 16/10/2014, Il
Cambiamento 15/10/2014
“There are 7.2 billion people on the planet. There will be 9.6 billion by
2050. The demand for food will double… [Using GM food and data science is]
the only thing that will enable us to feed the planet without encroaching
on the forests and wetlands….This represents a business opportunity, but
from a societal perspective, it’s very important.” Robert Fraley, CEO of
Monsanto, Winner of the World Food Prize 2013 [1].
The claims made by Monsanto do not stack up. Issues pertaining to the
... more »
Fundamentalism Is Bleeding Us Dry: Stop The TTIP

Countercurrents 5/10/2014 and Global Research 5/10/2014
In Britain, the mainstream media is in overdrive, trying to sell the latest
war to the population. Prime Minister David Cameron and his sidekicks
Theresa May and Philip Hammond are attempting to convince everyone that
bombing Iraq and Syria is all about making Britain safe. To frighten the
living daylights out of everyone, they talk of murderous jihadists and
terrorists and how ‘British values’ are under threat.
Apart from protecting oil fields, the current wave of militarism is
ultimately about attacking the Assad government ... more »
David Cameron And Cristina Fernandez De Kirchner: Diverging Voices On Terror And Extremism In The Modern World

Countercurrents and Global Research 5/10/2014
“… those who form the ISIS… were previously regarded as freedom fighters
who fought in Syria against the Government of Al Assad… the great powers
change too easily the concept of friend-enemy or of
terrorist-non-terrorist.” – President of Argentina Cristina Fernandez de
Kirchner in her recent speech to the UN General Assembly.
Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner’s recent speech at the UN was a breath of
fresh air. She spoke about economic terrorism and the reasons why some
people turn to violence and told the audience how a bankrupt Argentin... more »
New European Commission Set Up To Serve A Corporate Agenda

Countercurrents 2/10/2014, Global Research 6/10/2014
Europeans require the European Commission (EC) to act in the interests of
ordinary people and the environment, not a handful of powerful private
corporations. The previous Barosso Commission was accused of being a
willing but captive servant of a corporate agenda and a disgrace to
Europe's democratic traditions. It pursued an agenda on behalf of big
business [1].
The EC is the executive body of the European Union (EU) and is responsible
for proposing legislation, implementing decisions, upholding the Union's
treaties and the day-... more »
The TTIP Trojan horse: Selling Out Europe To US Corporate Plunder

Countercurrents 29/9/2014, Global Research 30/9/2014, Il Cambiamento 29
September, 4th Media 14/10/2014
Do people in Europe want the likes of Monsanto determining policies in
secretive meetings in Brussels?
Would they like Unilever, Kraft or Nestle determining what is allowed in
their food?
Do they want big business removing or weakening health and safety standards
and undermining consumer and workers’ rights?
In other words, do they want their parliaments to be sidelined by powerful
corporations that determine policies behind closed doors with bureaucrats
and officials in Brusse... more »
Cameron Leads Britain Into War Again

Global Research and Countercurrents 28/9/2014
The UK parliament has voted in favour of British involvement in air strikes
on Syria and Iraq. On Saturday 27 September, RAF Tornado jets returned from
the first bombing raids on the Islamic State (IS).
Last week, British PM David Cameron told the United Nations that Britain was
ready to play its part in confronting “an evil against which the whole
world must unite.” He also said that that “we” must not be so “frozen with
fear” of repeating the mistakes of the 2003 Iraq invasion.
Cameron spoke of the virtues of the West's economic freed... more »
EU Public Health Sacrificed On The Altar Of Corporate Profit

Global Research 26/9/2014, Countercurrents 28/9/2014, Il Cambiamento
(Italy) 29/9/2014
A new report by the campaign/watchdog body Corporate EuropeObservatory
(CEO) reveals *huge conflicts of interests in the Scientific Committees* under
DG SANCO, the European Commission's department in charge of consumer issues
These Committees assess the risk to humans and the environment of chemicals
found in a huge range of everyday items, from shampoo to baby bottles.
Their opinions guide European Commission regulators, who decide which
chemicals are safe and at what levels, and which sho... more »
Streams Of Profit And Rivers Of Poison: Big Agritech’s Lasting Legacy

Global Research, RINF and Countercurrents 24/9/2014
Handing over agriculture to Big Agritech concerns is akin to letting the
foxes guard the hen house. What do they care if they wreck the environment
or human health with their chemical inputs? The more chemicals applied to
crops, the better. It’s good for business. The bottom line is increased
product sales.
What is good for business however is not good for agriculture. Big Agritech
cannot provide genuine solutions to the agrarian problems it has created
with its ‘Green Revolution’. For example, agriculture in India’s
Punjabstate ... more »
Girish Shahane’s Straw Man Anti-GMO Activist: Irrationalism Masquerading As Informed Debate

Countercurrents 9/9/2014 and Global Research 10/9/2014
Appearing on the website on September 3, Girish Shahane mounts an
attack on Vandana Shiva and what he believes to be her false and misleading
statements about farmer suicides in India (access the article here).
Shahane deems it necessary to question Shiva’s qualification as a
scientist, claiming she has never been one. He says this could be
overlooked if she was scientific in her approach to farmer suicides, but he
claims that her approach is anything but scientific.
According to Shahane, Shiva adopts a non-scientifi... more »
Monsanto’s Gamble: A Risk Not Worth Taking

Global Research and Countercurrents 8/9/2014, The 4th Media 9/9/2014, The
Nation (Sri Lanka) 14/9/2014
Before beginning to read this article, bear in mind that we do not need GM
food. The world is quite capable of feeding itself without GMOs: for
example, look, here, here, here, here and here for the evidence. Now to the
Everything we do involves risk. When we board a plane, we take a risk.
However, we assume that the plane we are about to board has complied with a
certain level of safety standards in stringent test conditions. One or two
planes might crash over a period... more »
Washington’s Gamble: Wealth, War And Power And The Drive To Nuclear Armageddon

Global Research, Countercurrents, The 4th Media 31/8/2014, (Spanish
site) 6/9/2014 and New Dawn magazine (Australia) Sept/Oct edition
“Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In all
this vastness there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save
us from ourselves. It is up to us.” Carl Sagan
Washington poured five billion dollars into Ukraine with the aim of
eventually instigating a coup on Russia’s doorstep [1]. When the former
administration turned to Moscow rather than Washington and Europe for a
financial package of assistance, Washin... more »
The 2014 Global Multidimensional Poverty Index: What Has Gone Wrong In India?

Global Research, Countercurrents 28/8/2014, The 4th Media 29/8/2014,
Morning Star 12/9/2014
The 2014 global Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) by researchers at the
University of Oxfordcovers 108 countries: 31 Low-Income Countries, 67
Middle-Income Countries and 10 High-Income Countries. These countries have
a total population of *5.4 billion people*, some 78% of the world’s
The MPI assesses poverty at the individual level. *If someone is deprived
in a third or more of ten weighted indicators, the global index identifies
them as ‘MPI poor’*, and *the extent – or int... more »
The Islamic State And Washington's War Drive

Morning Star 26/8/2014
A day after jihadists released a gruesome video of the beheading of US
journalist James Foley, Barack Obama urged US allies in the Middle East to
join together in routing the “cancer” of the Islamic State of Iraq and
Syria (Isis).
Obama pledged a relentless response to “cowardly acts of violence.” US
Secretary of State John Kerry said that Isis “must be destroyed” and the
world must know that the US will never back down in the face of such evil.
Isis controls large parts of Syria and Iraq, and the US has been carrying
out air strikes in Iraq since August 8. De... more »
Oil, Blood, Confusion And Fear: Fuelling The Public's Appetite For War

Global Research 24/8/2014, Countercurrents 25/8/2015, London Progressive
Journal 7/9/2014
Back in 2003, Tony Blair stated that Saddam Hussein could hit Britainwith a
missile within 45 minutes. He also said that Iraqpossessed weapons of mass
destruction. The national security of Britainwas said to be under threat.
Subsequently, Britaintook part in an invasion that had been planned long
before the evidence had been cooked up to fit the policy, and over a
million Iraqis lost their lives. Let’s not forget, before that Britainwas
complicit in applying sanction that led to the deaths ... more »
Monsanto’s PR Makeover: Lubricating The Wheels Of The GMO Trojan Horse

Global Research, Countercurrents and RINF 11/8/2014 and London Progressive
Journal 24/8/2014
Monsanto believes it is having trouble getting its message across to the
public. Last year, it began a makeover. It realised that it and GMOs have
an image problem.
According to the Holmes Report, an information service following the public
relations industry, Monsanto has embarked on an international campaign by
upgrading its association with Fleishman Hillard, one of the biggest public
relations firms in the US.
On the website, it states that a series of videos produced
fo... more »
Independent India: Selling Out To Monsanto

Global Research and Countercurrents 8/8/2014, The 4th Media and London
Progressive Journal 10/8/2014, Deccan Herald 12/8/2014 and Morning Star
On 15 August, India will mark its 67th anniversary of independence
fromBritain. It may seem strange to some that a nation would publicly
celebrate its independence while at the same time it less publicly cedes it
to outsiders. The gleaming façade of flags and fly-pasts will belie the
fact that national security and independence do not depend on military
might and patriotic speeches. Eye-catching celebrations will take place in
Del... more »
Wall Street's Unprecedented Land Grab Is Sacrificing Food Security For Profit

Global Research and Countercurrents 5/8/2014, The Nation (Sri Lanka)
A recent review carried out by the organization GRAIN revealed that *small
farms produce most of the world’s food and are more productively efficient
than large farms *[1]. Facilitated by an appropriate policy framework,
small farmers could easily feed the global population. However, small
farmers are currently squeezed onto less than a quarter of the world’s
farmland. *The world is fast losing farms and farmers through the
concentration of land into the hands of the rich and powerful.* The report
concl... more »
US Neocons Pushing World To The Brink With Russia

Deccan Herald 5/8/2014 and State Times 13/8/2014
Do not expect to live for much longer. The US is pushing the world towards
nuclear war.
These are not statements built on unfounded speculations. These conclusions
have been reached by Paul Craig Roberts, a former secretary to the US
Treasury during the Reagan era.
Roberts states that over the past couple of decades or so, the neocons have
turned the US into the world’s number one terror state. It has become a
failed state too. It has failed its own people by helping to bankrupt its
own economy at the behest of financial-corporat... more »
EU Regulator’s Approach To GMO Contamination: “Don’t Look, Don’t Find”

Global Research and Countercurrents 26/7/2014
“Corporations as the dominant institution shaped by capitalist patriarchy
thrive on eco-apartheid. They thrive on the Cartesian legacy of dualism
which puts nature against humans. It defines nature as female and passively
subjugated. Corporatocentrism is thus also androcentric - a patriarchal
construction. The false universalism of man as conqueror and owner of the
Earth has led to the technological hubris of geo-engineering, genetic
engineering, and nuclear energy. It has led to the ethical outrage of
owning life forms through patents,... more »
The Betrayal Of People’s Trust: Green-Lighting GMOs In India

Global Research and Countercurrents 25/7/2014
The Indian government is facing strong opposition for its decision to allow
field trials of genetically modified (GM) crops. The Coalition for a
GM-Free India is calling the approvals ‘hasty’ and has asked the Minister
for Environment, Forests & Climate Change to cancel them.
Swadeshi Jagaran Manch (SJM) is the economic wing of Rashtriya Swayamsevak
Sangh (RSS) - the parent body of the BJP party. It has termed the decision
of the Narendra Modi BJP central government as a “betrayal of people’s
Ashwani Mahajan, All India co-conve... more »
Putin Warns The US And Draws A Line In The Sand

*Global Research, The 4th Media, Countercurrents 24/7/2014 and Deccan
Herald 25/7/2014*
*State sovereignty and territorial integrity are fundamental values*.
However, t*he very notion of state sovereignty is being washed out.
Countries that conduct an independent policy or that simply stand in the
way of US interests get destabilised. Tools used for this purpose are the
so-called ‘colour revolutions’ or, in simple terms, takeovers instigated
and financed from the outside.*
*This is the conclusion of the Russian President Vladimir Putin in a recent
speech on *Russia*’s security giv... more »
Calling The European Commission To Account: Clamping Down On Corruption

Countercurrents 14/7/2014 and Global Research 15/7/2014
The Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation (ALTER-EU) is
a coalition of about 200 civil society groups, trade unions, academics and
public affairs firms. It campaigns against the increasing and massive
influence exerted by corporate lobbyists on the political agenda in Europe.
As Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) prepare to quiz the
president-elect of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker on Tuesday
15 July, the coalition is calling on them to ensure that improvements in
the areas of ethics, con... more »
Overwhelming Evidence: Organic Food Higher In Antioxidants And Lower In Toxic Metals And Pesticides

Global Research and Countercurrents 13/7/2014
Consumer demand for organic foods is partially driven by perceptions that
they are more nutritious. Now a peer-reviewed study just published in the
British Journal of Nutrition [1], a leading international journal of
nutritional science, has shown that organic crops and crop-based foods are
between 18 to 69 percent higher in a number of key antioxidants such as
polyphenolics than conventionally-grown crops.
Numerous studies have linked antioxidants to a reduced risk of chronic
diseases, including cardiovascular and neurodegenerative di... more »
Doublespeak, The TTIP And The Corporate Hijack Of Europe

Global Research and Countercurrents 11/7/2014 and London Progressive
Journal 29/7/2014
Tom Vilsack is the US Agriculture Secretary. In an attempt to support giant
agritech and food corporations’ aims to eliminate all ‘unnecessary’
barriers to trade and investment between the US and EU via the
Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), Vilsack has stated
in public that he wants “sound science” to underpin any rules governing
food trade. On a visit to Brussels last month, he came out with the
following statement:
"Science is a common language… we will be working towar... more »
The Great Corporate Swindle: Agribusiness Leading The Way In Setting The TTIP Agenda

*Global Research and Countercurrents 9/7/2014 and Morning Star 11/7/2014*
*According to the official language, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment
Partnership (TTIP) between the **US** and EU plans to create the world’s
largest free trade area, ‘protect investment’ and remove ‘unnecessary
regulatory barriers’. Cut through the rhetoric and it becomes clear that
the treaty aims to weaken labour, social, environmental and consumer
protection standards. *Masterminded by the ‘High Level Working Group on
Jobs and Growth’, this group has been accused of constituting nothing but a
bunch... more »
Monsanto’s Roundup: Regulators With Something To Hide

Global Research 5/7/2014 and Countercurrents 6/7/2014
In 2011, Earth Open Source said that official approval of glyphosate (the
main ingredient in the weedkiller Roundup) had been rash, problematic and
deeply flawed [1]. Its comprehensive review of existing data suggested that
industry regulators in Europe had known for years that glyphosate causes
birth defects in the embryos of laboratory animals. The review raised
questions about the role of the powerful agro-industry in rigging data
pertaining to product safety and its undue influence on regulatory bodies.
Despite its widesprea... more »
Acquiescing to Big Biotech: The Relentless Drive to Force GMOs into Britain

Global Research 2/7/2014 and Countercurrents 3/7/2014
A report just published by the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (EFRA)
Committee on food security in Britain supports Environment Secretary Owen
Paterson's plan to push ahead with growing genetically modified (GM) crops
in England. However, it doesn’t mention which crops would actually be grown
The Committee says that the Government should do more to inform the public
about "potentially beneficial impacts" of GM crops under development, but,
according to Genewatch UK, the report fails to inform the public that the
commer... more »
GMOs, Corporatocentrism And Economic Plunder: The Right To Challenge And Refuse

Countercurrents 23/6/2013, Global Research 24/6/2014, London Progressive
Journal 20/7/2014
The recently leaked report - ‘Impact of NGOs on Development’ - accuses
certain activists and civil organisations in India of working against the
national interest by colluding with foreign interests to undermine
development and growth [1]. While seeking to cast individuals and groups in
a negative light, the report itself is fully supportive of the model of
development being pursued. The irony is that the model is based on
officialdom working hand in glove with powerful foreign corporations [... more »
Criminalising Dissent In India Against GMOs And Monsanto

Global Research and Countercurrents 20/6/2014, The 4th Media 22/6/2014
Before being voted out of office this year, the Congress-led United
Progressive Alliance administration sanctioned open-field trials of 200 GM
food crops in India. Monsanto’s shares rocketed as a result (1). This
decision prompted Rajesh Krishnan of the Coalition for a GM Free India to
state that government was against the interest of citizens, farmers and the
welfare of the nation. Instead, it has decided to work hand in glove with
the multinational GM seed industry that stands to gain immensely from the
numero... more »
So You Want A Thatcherite Revolution? Free Trade, Corporate Plunder And The War On Working People

Countercurrents 12/6/2014, Global Research 13/6/2014, The 4th Media
15/6/2014, London Progressive Journal 16/7/2014
Prior to the recent national elections in India, there were calls for a
Thatcherite revolution to fast-track the country towards privatisation and
neo-liberalism (1). Under successive Thatcher-led governments in the
eighties, however, inequalities skyrocketed in Britain (2) and economic
growth was no better than in the seventies (3).
Traditional manufacturing was decimated and international finance became
the bedrock of the ‘new’ economy. Jobs disappeared over the hor... more »
Sugar-Coated Subjugation:Lie Back And Swallow

Deccan Herald 8/6/2014
David Beckham, with his killer smile and genteel southern English accent.
If he is promoting a product then it can’t be bad - can it? And then there
is also Sachin, Amitab, Kareena and all those other modern day cultural
icons. To try to scrape by, they are compelled to endorse the ‘must-have’
products of the age. With some of these stars having contracts to endorse
over a dozen items at a time, it’s a wonder they have any time left to do
those bothersome activities - like act or hit a small ball.
Edward Bernays is regarded as the father of modern day public... more »
The GMO Biotech Lobby Is Kicking Open The Door To Europe

Global Research 6/6/2014, Countercurrents 7/6/2014, London Progressive
Journal 20/6/2014
The proposal to hand back some decision powers to member states of the
European Union regarding GMO approvals is currently being discussed (1). It
will be voted on by member states on 12 June. According to Corporate Europe
Observatory, biotech firms regard it as an opportunity to break the
stalemate and finally get their GM crops growing in Europe's fields. The
proposal has the biotech lobby's fingerprints all over it (2).
The proposal states that for a member state to ban a GMO, it would first... more »
How Global Agribusiness Destroys Farming

Global Research and Countercurrents 30/5/2014, Deccan Herald 31/5/2014, The
Market Oracle 1/6/2014 and The Nation (Sri Lanka) 1/6/2014
A new review carried out by the organization GRAIN reveals that small farms
produce most of the world’s food. However, they are currently squeezed onto
less than a quarter of the world’s farmland. The world is fast losing farms
and farmers through the concentration of land into the hands of the rich
and powerful. If we do nothing to reverse this trend, the world will lose
its capacity to feed itself.
This claim is based on the findings of the report,... more »
Fast-Tracking Neoliberalism In India
Global Research 21/5/2014, Countercurrents 22/5/2014 and London Progressive
Journal 28/5/2014
Apparently, the results of the national general election in India mark a
turning point. We are told that the nation has spoken and has given the new
Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his BJP party a ‘landslide victory’.
Despite the euphoria, however, only 31% of votes cast were for the BJP.
That’s hardly a ringing endorsement. But it was enough to give the BJP a
‘landslide’ in terms of parliamentary seats. No party in India has ever won
over half the seats with such a low share of the vote.... more »
The Double Standards And Crumbling Myths Of The GMO Biotech Sector

Global Research 19/5/2014 and Countercurrents 20/5/2014
The GMO biotech sector is involved in a multi-pronged campaign to influence
governments and the public about the benefits of its products. It uses
various means.
It sets up or infiltrates institutions and co-opts prominent political and
scientific figures to do its bidding (1). It hijacks regulatory and policy
making bodies (2,3). With help from the US Government, it assumes strategic
importance in international trade negotiations and is then able to set a
policy and research agenda, as has been the case in India with the
Kno... more »
Democracy In Europe Is Not For Sale!

Countercurrents 16/5/2014 and Global Research 17/5/2014
On Thursday 15 May, farmers, trade unions and citizens belonging to the
D1920 Alliance (1) and Alter Summit (2) tried to shut-down Brussels '
biggest corporate lobbying event in protest at big business dictating
European policy. The surrounding of the European Business Summit (3) marked
the beginning of a period of action across Europe (4) against austerity
policies and the corporate hijack of decision and policy-making processes
within the EU.
The Summit is regarded by many as a corporate lobbying event where future
poli... more »
The European Commission “A Disgrace To The Democratic Traditions In Europe”

Global Research and Countercurrents 14/5/2014 and 16/5/2014
Corporate Europe Observatory has just released a critical report on the
record of the European Commission over the last five years. The report sums
up the record of the outgoing Barroso II Commission and how it has
interacted with big business lobby groups during its term.
The critique of the Commission in the report is damning. The Commission has
pursued a corporate agenda, with little regard for other interests in
society. Moreover, the Commission has fought tooth and nail to avoid
effective regulation of lobbyis... more »
The GMO Biotech Sector Can't Win The Scientific Debate: Co-option, Deception And Collusion As An Alternative Strategy

Global Research and Countercurrents 11/5/2014 and The 4th Media 22/5/2014
British Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Secretary Owen Paterson is a
staunch supporter of the GM sector (1). Despite criticisms of him being an
industry puppet (2) and content to ignore the devastating, deleterious
health, environmental, social and agricultural impacts of GMOs (3), both he
and other officials like the EU’s chief science advisor Anne Glover (4)
have been more than happy to act as mouthpieces for the GM sector by making
false statements and claims about the benefits and safety of GMOs that ... more »
The GM Sector's Contempt For Democracy: Don't Be Fooled By The Propaganda

Global Research and Countercurrents 6/5/2014, Deccan Herald 9/5/2014 and
London Progressive Journal 19/5/2014
The majority of the British public who hold a view on genetically modified
(GM) crops are against them (1). Yet the push to get them into the country
and onto plates is in full swing. Strategically placed politicians like
Secretary of State for Rural and Environmental Affairs Owen Paterson and
scientists such as Professor Jim Dunwell and Sir David Baulcombe are
conveying the message that GM food is both safe and necessary.
Although such politicians and scientists have lin... more »
War, Economic Catastrophe and Environmental Degradation. Under the Guise of Progress and Development
Global Research and Countercurrents 27/4/2014 and The Nation (Sri Lanka)
Indian finance minister P.Chidambaram once claimed that his government’s
policies were pro growth and pro equity (1). He talked of alleviating
poverty in India‘in our lifetime’ by implementing the type of development
policies currently being pursued. The minister envisages 85 percent of India’s
population eventually living in well-planned cities with proper access to
water, health, electricity, education, etc. Based on today’s population
size, which is set to continue to rise, that would mean at le... more »
Secrecy And Lies: Government Collusion With The GM Biotech Sector In Britain

Global Research 17/4/2014 and Countercurrents 19/4/2014
In 2012, the current British Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Secretary
Owen Paterson called concerns over the use of GM foods “complete nonsense”
in an outright attack on valid opposition to GMOs (1). Since then, through
comments and speeches, he has consistently voiced unqualified support for
the GM food industry.
MP Zac Goldsmith is a member of the Conservative Party to which Paterson also
belongs and has accused his fellow party member of making “nonsensical”
claims and as being a puppet of the industry. He has stated t... more »
Corrupt To The Core: The Fire Power Of The Financial Sector

Countercurrents and Global Research 9/4/2014
The enormous power and destructive influence of financial markets became
apparent after the global economic collapse of 2008. This event revealed a
need for bringing the sector under democratic public ownership; failing
that, stronger regulations for financial markets at the very least. But
political will has been lacking on both counts. The sector enjoys massive
financial resources and successfully translates them into political
Many ordinary people might be wondering why governments have not curtailed
the criminality of the... more »
Stopping The Corporate Plunder Of The TTIP/TAFTA By Campaigning For An Alternative Trade Mandate

Global Research and Countercurrents 2/4/2014
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP – previously known
as TAFTA, Trans-Atlantic Free Trade Agreement) is a trade agreement that is
presently being negotiated between the European Union and the United States.
There is growing concern that the negotiations could result in the opening
of the floodgates for genetically modified organisms and shale gas
(fracking) in Europe, the threatening of digital and labour rights and the
empowering of corporations to legally challenge a wide range of regulations
which they dislike. T... more »
Trans-Atlantic Free Trade Agreement Consultation: A smokescreen For A Corporate Agenda

Global Research and Countercurrents 28/3/2014
*The Transatlantic Free Trade Agreement (TAFTA) between the **US* and EU
aims to ‘protect’ investment and remove ‘unnecessary regulatory barriers’. Corporate
interests are driving the agenda, the public have been sidelined and
unaccountable, pro-free-trade bureaucrats are facilitating the strategy (1).
There is growing concern that the negotiations could result in the opening
of the floodgates for GMOs and shale gas (fracking) in Europe, the
threatening of digital and labour rights and the empowering of corporations
to legally challe... more »
Global Economy
http://ww... more »
Capitulating to Monsanto and the Wall Street Jackals: What Future India?

Countercurrents and Global Research 24/3/2014 and London Progressive
Journal 11/5/2014
Indian Oil and Environment Minister Veerappa Moily has added fuel to the
debate about genetically modified organisms (GMOs) by *approving field
trials of 200 GM food crops on behalf of companies like Monsanto, Mahyco,
Bayer and BASF. This is despite Supreme Court appointed Techn*ical Expert
Committee (TEC) recommending a ten-year moratorium on GM organism approvals
until scientifically robust protocols, independent and competent
institutions to assess risks and a strong regulatory system are deve... more »
Killing The World By Feeding the World: The Onslaught Of Pro-GM Propaganda By Officialdom Is Relentless

Global Research 28/3/2014 and Countercurrents 29/3/2014
The British government appears hell bent on ramming the GM biotech sector’s
poison done the throats of the British people. Food and Farming Secretary
Owen Paterson has been called a puppet of the sector and is either ignorant
of or is wholly misrepresenting the efficacy and health impacts of GMOs
(1), while Anne Glover, Chief Scientific Advisor of the European
Commission, has been accused of presenting lies as facts over the GM issue
Now the British government’s Chief Scientist, Mark Walport, has insisted
that EU rules b... more »
Tony Benn and Bob Crow: Two Men Who Shook The World
(Image: RMT/PA)
Global Research and Countercurrents 15/3/2014
"Tony’s death comes only a few days after the tragic loss of Bob Crow; for
the second time within a week, our movement has lost an outstanding trade
unionist and socialist, and I have lost a close friend.” Arthur Scargill,
former leader of the National Union of Miners.
The week just gone saw two giants of the left in Britain pass away. Rail,
Maritime and Transport Union leader Bob Crow went well before his time at only
52. Tony Benn, former minister in the Labour government during the 1970s
and stalwart of the left, die... more »
RIP Bob Crow: Principled British Trade Unionist And Genuine Socialist

Countercurrents 13/3/2014
British trade union leader Bob Crow died suddenly at age 52 on Tuesday of a
suspected heart attack. He had been leader of the Rail, Maritime and
Transport Workers Union since 2002. Once described as a ‘dinosaur’, a relic
from a different period, he stayed firm to his left wing principles and
fought tooth and nail for his members’ rights. On hearing about his
passing, former Mayor of London Ken Livingstone said:
“The only working-class people who still have well-paid jobs inLondon are
his members.”
Scottish Labour Leader Johann Lamont paid tribute by sa... more »
Corrupt Trade And Investor Agreements: Facilitating Corporate Plunder

Countercurrents 10/3/2014 and Global Research 11/3/2014
Since the economic crisis hit Europe, international investors have begun
suing EU countries struggling under austerity and recession for a loss of
expected profits, using international trade and investment
agreements. Speculative investors are claiming more than 1.7 billion Euros
in compensation from Greece, Spain and Cyprus in private international
tribunals for the impact of measures implemented to deal with economic
crises. This is the conclusion from a new report released by the
Transnational Institute (TNI) and Corporate ... more »
The European Union, Institutionalised Corruption and the Revolving Door

Global Research and Countercurrents 10/4/2014
One of the many ways by which rich corporations exert their influence over
and hijack government bodies is via the ‘revolving door’ process (1,2). Big
business is highly adept at positioning its (former) employers within
policy and regulatory bodies in order to slant legislation in its own
interests. And employees from the government sector have often left highly
paid, politically well-connected jobs to take up even higher paid jobs
lobbying or working on behalf on behalf corporations, with former British
PM Tony Blair being a prime exa... more »
Corporate Moles In High Places: India Is Capitulating To The GM Biotech Industry

Global Research and Countercurrents 4/3/2014, Deccan Herald 6/3/2014, The
Nation (Sri Lanka) 9/3/2014 and North India Patrika 10/3/2014
Can genetically modified (GM) food crops be kept out of India? Things
seemed positive when, as Environment Minister, Jairam Ramesh put a
moratorium on GM eggplant (BT Brinjal). However, he has now been replaced. Veerappa
Moily, India’s Oil Minister, is now also India’s new Environment Minister.
Oily has approved field trials of 200 GM food crops on behalf of companies
like Monsanto, Mahyco, Bayer and BASF. Monsanto’s shares surged by 77
percent as ... more »
The Stench Of Hypocrisy: Ukraine And The West's Selective Morality

Global Research and Countercurrents 3/2/2014
The propaganda strategy is always the same. We saw it with Gaddafi and Libya,
Assad and Syria, Saddam and Iraq, Milosevic and Serbia, and now we are
witnessing it again, this time with Putin and Russia. With banner headlines
in the Western mainstream press claiming that Russia has ‘invaded’ Ukraine
and that Putin is intent on clamping down on democracy and extending his
‘empire’, the ongoing demonisation of Russia is reaching new heights. The
Western corporate media is once again acting as prime cheerleader for
Pentagon and White House p... more »
Contamination, Bio-pollution And Duplicity: GM Sector Criminality

Global Research 1/3/2014, Countercurrents 2/3/2014, GreenMedInfo 2/3/2013
and Kashmir Reader 4/3/2014
There is currently a battle waging across the planet over genetically
modified (GM) crops. It seems like not a month goes by when a new report is
released on the health, environmental or productivity aspects of GM
organisms. The GM biotech industry tries to assure governments and the
public about the safety and efficacy of their products, while study after
study calls into question its claims.
The industry has succeeded in getting its GM foods onto the commercial
market in the US ... more »
Ukraine: The Lies Of Empire And The Smokescreen of Democracy

Countercurrents 28/2/2014, Global Research 1/3/2014 and The 4th Media
John Herbst, US ambassador to Ukraine from 2003 to 2006, this week gave an
interview to the RT television channel about current developments in Ukraine.
According to Herbst, what we are witnessing is a peaceful uprising against
an authoritarian, oppressive regime. He is unequivocal about this. He said
that the protests and protesters are being smeared and discredited, and the
only ones wanting to portray the opposition in Ukraine as being ultra
nationalist, neo Nazis and violent are those who fear democr... more »
GMO Industry: Puppets In High Places

Global Research 23/2/2014 and Countercurrents 25/2/2014
Anne Glover recently declared that there is no evidence pertaining to the
adverse impacts of GMOs. This is an extremely disturbing statement. It’s
extremely disturbing because it is not only patently wrong, but also
because Anne Glover ischief scientific adviser of the European Commission.
In an interview with EurActiv on 24 July 2012, she stated:
"There is no substantiated case of any adverse impact on human health,
animal health or environmental health, so that’s pretty robust evidence,
and I would be confident in saying tha... more »
US-EU Free Trade Agreement: More Secrecy And More Duplicity Revealed

Global Research 17/2/2014, Countercurrents 18/2/2014, Deccan Herald
25/2/2014, North India Patrika 1/3/2014 and State Times 14/3/2014
Current bilateral free trade agreement negotiations are shrouded in secrecy
and are closed to proper public scrutiny (1,2). This is because they
effectively constitute part of the ongoing corporate hijack of democracy
and the further restructuring of economies in favour of elite interests
*We need look no futher than Transatlantic Free Trade Agreement (TAFTA)
between the* *US* *and EU.* European Commissioner De Gucht claims that
“there is no... more »
The Deceptions And Falsehoods Of The GMO Lobby: Acquiesce Or Europe Will Become “Museum of World Farming”

Global Research and Countercurrents 7/2/2014
British Environment Secretary Owen Paterson is a staunch supporter of the
GMO sector. Despite mounting evidence pointing to the deleterious health,
social, ecological and environmental impacts of GMOs, Paterson has a blind
spot that lets him ignore reality and allows him to lend unconditional
support to the biotech conglomerates, the very concerns that regard Europe
as a massive potential cash cow from which their GM crops have till now
mostly been barred or restricted.
Paterson recently told the Oxford Farming Conference that Europe is l... more »
Economic Terror And Rolling Out India's Surveillance State

Global Research 5/2/2014, Countercurrents 6/2/2014, Deccan Herald 6/2/2014
and Morning Star 10/2/2014
When two planes flew into the World Trade Organisation buildings inNew York in
2001, the impact was twofold. First, there was shock and outrage. Second,
there was a collective sentiment, at least in the US, that something must
be done to prevent such a thing happening again and some form of
retributive justice meted out.
Governments the world over wasted no time in conveniently forcing through
legislation that eroded personal and collective freedoms, under the guise
of preventing ... more »
Health Dangers Of Glyphosate And Implications For India

*Deccan Herald 29/1/2014 *
*Last year, Friends of the Earth Europe (FoE) and GM Freeze found that
people in 18 countries across **Europe** had traces of glyphosate
(weedkiller) in their urine. They also commissioned laboratory tests on
urine samples and found that on average 44 per cent of samples contained
The proportion of positive samples varied between countries, with Malta,
Germany, the UK and Poland having the most positive tests. All the
volunteers who provided samples live in cities, and none had handled or
used glyphosate products in the run-up to the tests.... more »
The Ongoing Neoliberal Assault On Ordinary Working Class People In Britain

The Market Oracle, Global Research and Countercurrents 8/1/2014 and Deccan
Herald 10/1/2014
British Chancellor George Osborne this week announced massive cuts of £25
billion after 2015. This included further welfare cuts of £12bn. Osbourne
said that 2014 would be a year of hard truths. He claimed that his economic
policies were working, but admitted that the bad news is there's still a
long way to go.
He warned of more years of cuts to public services and the public sector by
saying £25bn would be cut over two years after 2015. That is in addition to
£17bn cuts this year and £20b... more »
The Battle For Trust, Truth And The Internet: 2013 In Focus

29/12/2013 (This was written specifically for Deccan Herald)
While the usual catalogue of violence, suffering and mayhem was witnessed
during 2013 and sections of the media were fascinated with the lives or
loves of Salman, Priyanka, Kareena and the rest of celebritydom, for this
end-of-year look-back the stardust and the suffering will take a back seat.
Instead, the spotlight falls on spin, trust and the internet, not least
because 2013 was to a large extent a year of revelations, accusations,
denials and clever public relations.
In an age of instant, mass communications, we ar... more »
Edward Snowden: Power, Privacy And The Public Good

Global Research 26/12/2013, Countercurrents 27/12/2013 and Deccan Herald
and Kashmir Reader 28/12/2013
For many years in Britain, the Queen’s Christmas Day message has been
broadcast on TV and watched by millions across the world. This year, the
monarch discussed the birth of a new royal, the 60th anniversary of her
being on the throne and took time to reflect on next year’s Commonwealth
Games in Scotland. While her anodyne annual Christmas message is eagerly
watched by many Brits and is regarded as part and parcel of modern-day
Christmas ‘tradition’, there are others who purposive... more »
Globalization: Fast Track To Nowhere

Global Research and Countercurrents 19/12/2012. A less political version
appeared in Deccan Herald on 8/2/2014 (in the caption)
Modern culture is an advocate of speed. From urban planning and transport
systems, to the food industry and beyond, ‘fast living’ cuts deep and
affects almost every aspect of life.
In terms of distances, things today are more spread out yet are more
interconnected than in the past. This interconnectedness has had the effect
of shrinking even the largest of distances and is ably assisted by digital
communications technology and rapid transit systems. Airpo... more »
Censored! Science and Nonsense: Retracting Seralini's Study

Global Research and Countercurrents 5/12/2013
The biotech sector often yells for “peer review” when the anti-GMO movement
refers to analyses or research-based findings to state its case. Despite
Professor Seralini publishing his research findings (rats fed on GMOs) that
were critical of the health impacts of GMOs in an internationally renowned
peer-reviewed journal in 2012, his methodology and findings were
nevertheless subjected to sustained attacks by the sector. Personal smears
came his way too (1). Now he finds that his paper has been retracted by the
Peer review or n... more »
GMO, Additives, Contaminants And Pesticides: European 'Food Safety' On Behalf Of Food And Drink Conglomerates

Global Research and Countercurrents 3/11/2013, AC24 6/12/2014 and Morning
Star 13/12/2013
Read in Czech *here*
According to the website of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), it
is the keystone of European Union (EU) risk assessment regarding food and
feed safety. The website also states that the EFSA provides independent
scientific advice and clear communication on existing and emerging risks
and that it is an independent European agency funded by the EU budget. The
authority operates separately from the European Commission, European
Parliament and EU Member States.
Nice ... more »
India’s 2014 General Election and APCO’s Trojan Horse

Global Research and Countercurrents 13/11/2013
2014 will witness India’s general election. And the choice available from
the two biggest national parties seems to be more globalisation or more
globalisation. In other words, continued acquiescence to Wall Street’s
economic agenda.
Globalisation, the type we are witnessing, reflects the needs of the extremely
wealthy of the world. They are ultimately setting the agenda at the G8,
G20, NATO, the World Bank, and the WTO and are from the highest levels of
finance capital and transnational corporations. They dictate global
economic poli... more »
Swiss Banks, Harvard And Mars: In India Everything Is Okay!

Global Research and Countercurrents 7/11/2013 and Kashmir Observer
Fly me to the Moon… or Mars. It doesn’t really matter as long as the Indian
political and economic elites and sections of the cheer-leading middle
classes quench their insatiable patriotic thirst for delusional superpower
status. Noises coming from those involved in ‘Mission Mars’ state that
sending a probe to Mars (ahead of China) will only boost national morale
How will sending a probe to the red planet make ‘the nation’ feel better?
How will spending so much money on such a project make the vast ... more »
Cast in a Bankrupt Image: Restructuring India

The shorter version in Deccan HeraldGlobal Research and Countercurrents
30/10/2013, Deccan Herald 1/11/2013, Kashmir Reader 2/11/2013, Meghalaya
Guardian and North East Times 4/11/2013, Northern India Patrika 11/11/2013,
Ki Kisan Awaaz Vol 4, No 11, November 2013 and Morning Star 21/1/2014
Back in 2008, Indian finance minister P. Chidambaram claimed that his
government’s policies were pro growth and pro equity (1). He blamed an
inept system of administering benefits to the poor for the low rate of
‘inclusive growth’. He also talked of the goal of alleviating poverty ‘in
our lifetim... more »
Free Trade Agreements: Bypassing Democracy To Institute Plunder

Global Research and Countercurrents 14/10/2013 and Morning Star 17/10/2013
The EU is currently negotiating a far-reaching free trade agreement with
the US, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). There
are plans to enshrine extra powers for corporations in the deal as a result
of a strong and persistent campaign by industry lobby groups and
unscrupulous law firms to allow powerful corporations to challenge
regulations both at home and abroad if they affect profits. The watchdog
organization Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO) states that EU member
states could fin... more »
Transatlantic Free Trade Agreement: A Corporate Power Grab

Countercurrents and Global Research 4/10/2013 and AC24 5/10/2013
The Transatlantic Free Trade Agreement (TAFTA) between the US and EU
intends to create the world's largest free trade area, 'protect' investment
and remove ‘unnecessary regulatory barriers’. Corporate interests are
driving the agenda, with the public having been sidelined. Unaccountable,
pro-free-trade bureaucrats from both sides of the Atlantic are facilitating
the strategy (1)
In addition to the biotech sector and Big Pharma, groups lobbying for the
deal have included Toyota, General Motors, IBM and the powerful lo... more »
Globalisation: A Vote In 2014 Will Be A Vote For India?

Global Research and Countercurrents 3/10/2013 and Morning Star 19/11/2013
In India, the race for the 2014 national elections is heating up. The
country faces many issues and, with 17% of the global population, how it
resolves them could have a large bearing on the future direction of
humanity, or could even be an inspiration for it.
India is where modernity is meeting tradition head on. But it is a specific
form of ‘modernity’, one which has been defined by powerful transnational
corporations. It goes under the guise of ‘globalisation’, which is too
often confused with genuine mut... more »
Hanging In The Mist: Mercury Contamination In South India

Global Research and Countercurrentas 26/9/2013, Morning Star 30/9/2013 and
Deccan Herald 15/10/2013
Mountains rise. Fog rolls. The plains below bake. On a plateau at 2,133
metres in the Palani Hills, South India, Kodaikanal nestles in the mist.
It’s a place where eucalyptus trees tower and water spills down rocky
mountain facades from cascading streams. A place where cypress, acacia and
fruit trees stand next to rhododendron, magnolia and dahlia.
Kodai is one of India’s many ‘hill stations’ that provide respite from the
summer heat below. But this station was set up by American mis... more »
The Future Is Local, The Future Is Organic

Deccan Herald 26/9/2013 and Countercurrents 25/9/2013 and Ki Kisan Awaaz
Vol 4, No10, October 2013
The future is local. The future is organic. Well, at least it could be if
we base our food production on an increasing body of evidence that
indicates the harmful effects of petrochemical, corporate-controlled
In June, researchers at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand
concluded that the GM strategy used in North American staple crop
production is limiting yields and increasing pesticide use compared to
non-GM farming in Western Europe. Led by Professor Jack Hein... more »
The Global Elite’s Crimes Against Humanity: The Subversion Of Happiness And Truth

Global Research and Countercurrents 19/9/2013 and Kashmir Observer 20/9/2013
For thousands of years, people have been writing about happiness. The
ancient Greek philosopher Aristippus concluded that happiness lies in the
pursuit of external pleasure. Other philosophers, from Antisthenes to
Buddha, have stressed that looking inwards and leading an ascetic life
based on virtue, simplicity and inner peace is the route to happiness. And
then there are others who seem to think that we can only be occasionally
happy in what is essentially a miserable world. The German philosopher
Arthur... more »
Hamster Happiness: A Pile Of Unethical Crap

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