10:30pm MST
Terence McKenna Wisdom – Meditation vs. Hallucination

*Video* - Terence McKenna talks up some experiential wisdom on the
difference between meditation and psychedelics...
The post Terence McKenna Wisdom – Meditation vs. Hallucination appeared
first on Waking Times.
TV Watch: AMC's "Better Call Saul" premiere is now scheduled as a two-night affair, February 8-9

*by Ken*
Don't get too excited -- there's not much to it, but come on, it's been two
full weeks since we passed on news of the *Breaking Bad* prequel *Better
Call Saul*. I realize we're being manipulated shamelessly by the AMC
publicity machine, dribbling out snitches 'n' snatches of not much, but
what're ya gonna do? Anyway, here *is* the "Tingle Fingers" promo:
As to the breaking news about the *Better Call Saul* rollout, the deal now
is that Episode 1 will air Sunday night, February 8, in what I take to be
the show's regular time slot, and Episode 2 has been slotted in for a ... more »
Filtered Water – How to Protect Yourself From the Tap
*Alex Pietrowski* - As more contaminants enter drinking water supplies, it
is more important to filter your drinking water. Here's what you need to
The post Filtered Water – How to Protect Yourself From the Tap appeared
first on Waking Times.
Mohawk Nation News 'The New Indians'
Posted on November 22, 2014
Mohawk Nation News
Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.
MNN. Nov. 21, 2014. Prime Minister Harper’s anti-terror bill has created
the new INDIANS who are Canadians that stand by the Ongwehonwe and the
laws of creation. War has been declared to desecrate our land. Like the
ongwehonwe, the natural people of Onowaregeh, they are being brutally
"To Survive You Must..."
“To survive you must surrender without giving in, that is to say, fully
accept the reality in all its horror and never give up the will to survive.
That allows you to quickly adapt to the situation and dedicate yourself to
the present moment rather than wallow in denial. As you run out of options
and energy you must become resigned to your plight. Like it or not you must
make a new mental map of where you are, not where you wish you were. To
survive you must find yourself, then it won't matter where you are.
- Laurence Gonzales, “Deep Survival”
Kundalini – The Energy of Consciousness
*Wes Annac* - Kundalini is a psycho-spiritual energy, the energy of the
consciousness, which is thought to reside within the sleeping body...
The post Kundalini – The Energy of Consciousness appeared first on Waking
Tunnel Warfare Comes To Syria

At least 20 government fighters and militia have been killed in an apparent
attack by Syrian rebels after a tunnel bomb was exploded near the historic
old city of Aleppo. Daily Mail
*Syrian Rebels, Increasingly Desperate, Turn To Tunnel Warfare -- L.A.
For three days, Syrian rebels dug through a wall of a library that housed a
trove of historical religious texts, and underneath an adjacent road.
When they were done with the 50-foot-long tunnel, they waited at one end of
it for a tank to drive by, and blew it up.
The explosion cut off the road, a crucial supply route for gov... more »
These Are The Weapons That The U.S. Wants To Give To Iraq's Army And Kurdish Fighters

Kurdish peshmerga fighters take part in weapons training in the grounds of
their camp in Irbil, Iraq, on Nov. 3. The Pentagon wants $1.6 billion to
train and equip Iraqi forces, including the peshmerga, in fiscal 2015,
according to a new Defense Department report. (Azad Lashkari/Reuters)
*A Breakdown Of All The Weapons The U.S. Wants To Give Iraq To Fight
Militants -- Washington Post*
Top U.S. officials said earlier this month that they would ask Congress to
spend $1.6 billion in fiscal 2015 to help equip security forces across
Iraq, as the country continues to grapple with how to ... more »
Smarter Balanced: Lacking Smarts; Precariously Balanced
In this time of “public-education-targeted boldness,” the Common Core
State Standards (CCSS) has made the American public one whopper of a “bold”
promise: The standards were created to ensure that all students graduate
from high school with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in
college, career, and life, regardless of where they live. [Emphasis added.]
The House of Rockefeller
The Rockefellers - Part 1 : The Robber Barons from Spike EP on Vimeo.
"The day of combination is here to stay. Individualism has gone, never to
"I believe the power to make money is a gift of God … to be developed and
used to the best of our ability for the good of mankind. Having been
endowed with the gift I possess, I believe it is my duty to make money and
still more money and to use the money I make for the good of my fellow man
according to the dictates of my conscience."
"I believe it is a religious duty to get all the money you can, fairly and
honestly; to keep al... more »
The Sandy Hook Shooting FRAUD: Great New Interview With Wolfgang Halbig - Where The Investigation Into That HOAX Stands Today!
I came under fire last weekend where in my Sunday rant I again emphasized
that everything now points clearly to the fact that the Sandy Hook shooting
of December 14th, 2012 was indeed a massive operation and a total fraud….
It is so shocking that I received the usual comments from trolls and
misfits that are still trying to claim that Sandy Hook was somehow "real"…
To them, I state again that they need to either get a life, or to decide if
they want to continue to be agents of lies and deceit…..
I, like everyone else, has been wondering what happened to Wolfgang Halbig
and where the... more »
U.S. Airstrikes Are Having A Minimal Impact On The Islamic State's Military Capabilities
*Months Of Bombing Makes Small Impact On ISIS' Military Capabilities --
Robert Windrem and Jim Miklaszewski, NBC*
After more than three months of air attacks against ISIS forces in Iraq and
Syria, U.S. intelligence and defense officials say minimal progress has
been made toward President Barack Obama’s stated goal to “degrade and
destroy” the Islamic terror group.
Intelligence gathered over the past several weeks, which was being
presented at a classified briefing for senators on Wednesday, indicates
that while airstrikes have stalled offensives by ISIS forces in some areas,
in a... more »
Just for the record, we all know that the Ooh That Damn Obama Party was never going to play nice with the president, don't we?

*Yeah, theze guyz wuz really gonna do a heapa cooperatin' with Ooh That
Damn Obama.*
*"[Incoming Senate Majority Leader Mitch] McConnell's conciliatory
statements are encouraging, but he's about to discover that he cannot
persuade Republican Senators and Congressmen to cooperate on anything
constructive. We're about to get two years of intense, horrifying
stupidity. If you thought Benghazi was a legitimate scandal that reveals
Obama's real plans for America then you're an idiot, but these next two
years will be a (briefly) happy period for you."*
*-- "GOPlifer" blogger Chris Ladd,... more »
(PETRONAS PRESS RELEASE), CODE-NO British Columbia CONTRACTORS, NO British Columbia Labour(too pricey), LNG Mainframes and Modules to be Built In S. Korea
*Statement by PETRONAS President & Group CEO Tan Sri Dato` Shamsul Azhar
Abbas Regarding LNG Development in British Columbia*
*Vancouver British Columbia October 6th/2014-Sri Dato` Shamsul Azhar Abbas
made the following statements today regarding the proposed investment to
build and operate The Pacific Northwest LNG LTD. export facility in Prince
Rupert, British Columbia and its associated natural gas reserves operated
by Progress energy Canada LTD. located primarily in the north Montney
region of northeast British Columbia*
*PETRONAS is encouraged by the commitment expre... more »
ObamaCare: “I’ve Been Stupid, but Not THAT Stupid!”
*“I’ve Been Stupid, but Not THAT Stupid!”*
by Tom Purcell
“I’ve done my fair share of stupid things over my life. When I was 5, my
father told me to stop jumping around the bathtub, but I ignored him. I
slipped and hit my head on a ceramic soap dish, which busted into a dozen
pieces. I should have been hurt, but my hard, dense noggin didn’t even
sustain a bruise. Over the years, I clogged a toilet with an apple core,
shattered a picture window with a baseball and hit a golf ball through a
neighbor’s window (I fled, was later apprehended, and had to mow a lot of
lawns to pay my fath... more »
"Your 'Children Will Be Fined' If You Fail To Sign Up For Obamacare: People Are Going To Be In for A Shock"
*"Your 'Children Will Be Fined' If You Fail To Sign Up For Obamacare:*
* People Are Going To Be In for A Shock"*
by Mac Slavo
"Free and affordable health care just gets better and better. In 2015 the
government will be activating some new “incentives” embedded in the
Affordable Care Act in an effort to get more people to sign up. But, as is
often the case when the government says one thing, they mean exactly the
opposite. In this case, when they say incentive what they really mean is
that you are going to be penalized if you fail to acquire government
mandated health insurance. But ... more »
Tonight's Movie Is 'The Last Drop'
*From YouTube*: During Operation Market Garden, different factions in
WWII-era Holland race to find a stash of Nazi gold.
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- November 21, 2014
*The Islamic State's Terrifying Strategy -- David Ignatius, Washington Post*
WASHINGTON -- A centerpiece of President Obama's strategy for defeating the
Islamic State is mobilizing tribal fighters to join the Iraqi military in
retaking Anbar and other Sunni-dominated provinces. But new research shows
the jihadists have been working since 2009 to gut the very Sunni tribal
leadership on which Obama's rollback depends -- making the U.S. campaign
much more difficult.
U.S. strategists want to create a "national guard" version of the tribal
militia known as the "Awakening," which in 200... more »
The Westminster Conspiracy with Carolyn Hamlett, Dr. Bailey and Nathaniel
Discovering The Truth
On today's program Daniel will be joined by several guests in order to
tackle the subject of the news headliner Westminster, Massachusetts tobacco
ban debate. National news has focused in on Westminster with stories that
seem to indicate riotous behaviour among town residents in response to a
potential ban on the sale of tobacco products. Is that the real story
though? In order to investigate the issue Daniel is joined by former
Illumined One Carolyn Hamlett, DID and SRA expert Dr. Preston Bailey, and a
Wesminster native going by the name Nathaniel to get to ... more »
Conservative Revolutionaries and Revolutionary Tories
As someone who spent most of her career on the wrong side of the education
history that she wrote about through the rose-colored glasses of a pampered
conservative, Diane Ravitch has found real solace, I think, in
acknowledging the truth laid bare by the facts that she could no longer
deny. The acknowleged truth, however, will set you free or give you real
solace only when it is acted upon.
The American colonists found solace, for sure, in knowing that King George
was a bully and a tyrant, but it was only when they began dumping tea into
Boston Harbor that their knowledge and trut... more »
World News Briefs -- November 21, 2104
*U.S., Iran Discussing New Ideas To Break Nuclear Impasse: Sources --
(Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Iranian Foreign Minister
Mohammad Javad Zarif are discussing new ideas aimed at breaking the
deadlock in nuclear talks between Tehran and six world powers, sources
close to the talks said on Friday.
The sources, who spoke to Reuters on condition of anonymity, said the top
Iranian and U.S. diplomats were preparing ideas that could be shown to both
countries' capitals.
"Discussions are continuing," said a senior U.S. official, who declined to
discuss de... more »
The Incredible Coconut From Nose to Tail

*Video* - In Sri Lanka, the coconut is, in a sense, a source of life...
The post The Incredible Coconut From Nose to Tail appeared first on Waking
Thoughts Through Space: A Pioneering Long-Distance Telepathy Experiment
*Brendan D. Murphy* - "It was difficult to distinguish between a thought in
the mind of an individual and the actual materialization of that thought in
The post Thoughts Through Space: A Pioneering Long-Distance Telepathy
Experiment appeared first on Waking Times.
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- November 21, 2104
*Koreas On Edge Amid Live-fire Drills -- Voice of America*
SEOUL — It has been another tense week on the Korean peninsula as North
Korea threatened to again test nuclear weapons while the United States and
South Korean forces held joint military exercises.
The drills – conducted from Kunsan Air Base on South Korea’s coast – may
not have been scheduled in response to specific threats from North Korea,
but they demonstrate U.S. and South Korean forces’ capabilities.
The weeklong exercise called “Max Thunder” included approximately 80 U.S.
and South Korean fighter jets, some of which... more »
Why You Probably Aren't Getting A $186 Million Check If You Sue Your Former Employer
If you're contemplating bringing a discrimination case against your former
employer, you've probably been scouring the Internet for information. You
also probably found the recent case where an employee who was the victim of
pregnancy discrimination won a $186 million verdict against her employer.
You may be seeing dollar signs. Surely your case is worth at least that
Or not.
Let's do a reality check. Here are just some of the many reasons why you
probably aren't going to end up with a $186 million check from your former
employer if you sue:
- *Your bosses didn't conspir... more »
Dead Armadillos? An Analysis Of The 2014 South Dakota Senate Race By Peter Stavrianos
*Just so you know, Peter Stavrianos served as Chief of Staff for South
Dakota Senators George McGovern, Jim Abourezk and Tom Daschle from
1962-1995. Stavrianos holds a BA and MA in political science from Harvard
and UC Berkeley respectively. He's been retired since 2005 but served as an
occasional adviser to Rick Weiland's campaign. This is his analysis:*
Most Democrats ran hard toward the muddled middle in the 2014 elections.
Once there they quickly discovered the truth of the old Texas observation
that the only things in the middle of the road are yellow lines and dead
armadill... more »
Ukrainians Mark The First Anniversary Of The Euromaidan
*A Year After Ukraine's Revolution Began, Slain Protesters' Families Demand
Justice -- Reuters*
KIEV, Nov 21 (Reuters) - Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko was shouted
down by angry relatives of 100 protesters killed in Kiev's "Euromaidan"
revolution at a ceremony on Friday to pay tribute to the victims.
The relatives, frustrated by Poroshenko's failure to bring officials of the
previous government to justice, shouted, "Who is a hero for you,
Poroshenko?", "Where are their killers?" and "Down with Poroshenko!"
They also attacked him for failing to keep a promise to confer the ti... more »
Islamic State War News Updates -- November 21, 2014
*Islamic State Targeted In 30 Air Strikes By U.S., Allies -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - The United States and its allies have staged 30 air strikes on
Islamic State targets in Syria and Iraq since Wednesday, the U.S. Central
Command said on Friday.
The 23 strikes in Iraq included six near Baiji that hit Islamic State
buildings, vehicles and tactical units while buildings, vehicles, a guard
post and two tactical units were destroyed near Sinjar in four air strikes,
Central Command said. Similar targets were destroyed or damaged west of
Kirkuk, near Mosul and Ramadi and in Tal Afar.
*Rea... more »
Climate Change Alert!
Post by WBIR Channel 10.
Can you see the Mother Earth, suffering from toxic shock, thrashing about?
She is going to shut down our whole way of life. We refused to pay
attention and to act like good little Earthlings.... so Madre Terra is
going to do what we wouldn't do. Hang on friends!
(Falcon of War Flying High) Citigroup Banker (Another One) Dies Violently Along with Final Nail In Casket of U.S. Reporting (Calling Jack Webb!) À Bientôt, Mike Nichols
Worst President Ever??? R.I.P. Mike NicholsIf you like the floozies who
pose as news reporters today you're gonna be crazy about the makeup of
future newsrooms. Get ready for a real fast-and-furious free ride (for
them). The Falcon Can No Longer Hear the Falconer Moral deafness pervades
the culture arriving on the back of freely-dispensed taxpayer cash? And
whence cometh the bankers?* A
The Face of Armageddon

*The Navy's new Zumwalt 'stealth' destroyer being built at Bath Iron Works
in Maine. The ship was designed to sneak up along China's coastline and
blast them with 'elctro-magnetic railguns' *
We had our Maine Veterans For Peace (VFP) meeting last night in Augusta -
about an hour from Bath where I live. Three of us rode in Peter Woodruff's
truck. On the way there I apologized for having forgotten my wallet and
thus couldn't kick in a few bucks for gas. Peter immediately took the next
exit near Gardiner and I thought he was going to drop-kick me right there.
We all had a good laugh... more »
Ebola Deaths Continue Top Rise
*Ebola Deaths Near 5,500 As Virus Still Rages -- WSJ*
*Rate of Transmission Intense in Three West African Countries*
ZURICH—Nearly 5,500 people have died from Ebola, the World Health
Organization said Friday, adding that the rate of transmission remains
intense in the three West African countries at the center of the epidemic.
In an update, the United Nations health agency said 15,351 confirmed,
suspected or probable cases of Ebola had been reported in eight countries
that have been affected by the disease. Most of the cases were concentrated
in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.
... more »
Iran Nuclear Talks Are Going Down To The Wire

French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius (3rd L), EU envoy Catherine Ashton
(6th L), U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry (3rd R) and Britain's Foreign
Secretary Philip Hammond (front L) sit a a table during talks in Vienna
November 21, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Heinz-Peter Bader
*U.S., Iran In Last-Ditch Bid To Clinch Historic Nuclear Deal -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Iran and the United States on Friday intensified efforts to
overcome deep divisions in talks on Tehran's nuclear program days ahead of
a deadline for agreement.
With the deadline for a deal to defuse a 12-year stand-off over Iran... more »
Mexico City Sees Mass Protests Over The Apparent Massacre Of 43 Students
*Molotov Cocktails Fly as Violent Protests Over Missing Students Rage in
Mexico -- VICE*
Protests across Mexico turned violent on Thursday as crowds clashed with
police, throwing Molotov cocktails and burning an effigy of President
Enrique Peña Nieto in opposition to his government's handling of the
apparent massacre of 43 teaching students from Guerrero state.
The protests devolved into riots near a large public square called the
Zocalo in Mexico City located outside of the National Palace, the doorway
of which was burned in riots two weeks ago.
The protests were peaceful at fi... more »
Pentagon Releases 5 More Guantanamo Detainees

The U.S. flag flies over Camp VI, a prison used to house detainees at the
U.S. Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay, in this March 5, 2013 file photo.
Officials confirmed Thursday that five detainees were released from the
center bringing the population of the controversial detention center to
143. Bob Strong. Reuters
*5 Guantanamo Detainees Sent To Europe; Largest Release In Years -- L.A.
Five Guantanamo detainees have been flown to Europe for resettlement, the
Pentagon announced Thursday, in the largest release of former terror
suspects in years.
Three Yemenis sent to Georgia an... more »
LIVE AIM West Fri, Nov. 21, 2014
Sweet Medicine all women's drum at AIM West
For today's video files from AIM West, go to Earthcycles and scroll down
to Video Library. We'll be live again on Saturday. Earthcycles and
Censored News:
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
SAN FRANCISCO -- Clyde Bellecourt, Bill Means, Lori Riddle and William
Underbaggage began the AIM West
Don't Blame The Defeat Of The Ossified Beltway Democrats On Young Voters Not Showing Up

Mostly old and in the way
Yesterday NBC News and the *Wall Street Journal* released a poll, from
which the sclerotic Beltway Democrats, who are utterly steeped in denial
about their own national rejection, will take solace. These are the 5 top
priorities respondents gave the pollsters:
*•* 82% support Congress providing access to lower the costs of student
*•* 75% support increasing spending on infrastructure, roads and highways;
*•* 65% support Congress raising the minimum wage;
*•* 60% support approving emergency funding to deal with Ebola in West
*•* 59% support add... more »
Former Soviet Leader Mikhail Gorbachev: Putin Sees Himself As 'Second Only To God

Vladimir Putin was in Brisbane for the G20 summit, where he experienced a
series of diplomatic snubs from Western leaders following fresh reports of
Russian troops pouring into eastern Ukraine
*Putin Sees Himself As 'Second Only To God': Gorbachev Blasts Russian
President For His 'Big Head' As It Emerges Kremlin Leader Was In Furious
Four Hour Bust-Up With Angela Merkel -- Daily Mail*
* Gorbachev criticised Putin as he launched his book 'After the Kremlin'
* He warned him not to get a big head because 'that is what ruined me'
* But he also praised Putin saying he worked 'in the inter... more »
8 Clues That We Are Experiencing a Spiritual Awakening
*Michelle Walling* - "One of the main things we begin to question in our
spiritual awakening is who we really are...."
The post 8 Clues That We Are Experiencing a Spiritual Awakening appeared
first on Waking Times.
The Absurdity of British Politics
We are living in the most stupid period of politics ever.
Emily Thornberry resigning over a tweet that might - and was - construed as
snotty. Absurd.
Then came UKIP's second by-election victory in Rochester and Strood. This
was after Mark Reckless, lest we forget, called for the repatriation of EU
immigrants in the event of UKIP becoming a governing coalition partner. One
can channel the National Front's manifesto circa 1979 without any adverse
effects to one's electoral prospects it seems. Absurd.
An ex-city trader up to his neck in neoliberal common sense having led a
gilded li... more »
I’ve always thought of Henry Kissinger as the quintessential neocon …and in the purest sense maybe he still is. The reason for my confusion may be that he is pragmatic and as logical as Paul Craig Roberts (who called my attention to the column below). The difference is that neocons presently running the U.S. government are illogical, and literally insane, in their push for a nuclear world war that would destroy themselves together with the rest of the human race.

Kissinger: Ukraine should forget about Crimea and NATO membership
Former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger spoke about global threats,
the secession of Crimea and Ukraine's NATO accession.
Mr. Kissinger said that there currently is an urgent need for a new world
order, but its coming into being will be long and complicated. "There are
no universally accepted rules," said Mr. Kissinger in an interview with the
German magazine Der Spiegel. "There is the Chinese view, the Islamic view,
the Western view and, to some extent, the Russian view. And they... more »
Abby Martin - Jesse Ventura - Off The Grid + 9/11 re-investigation!
Jesse Ventura, god bless him, he's trying hard to get to the truth, but he
The stakes are too high, we're talking TOTAL GLOBAL FINANCIAL-MIND
DOMINATION and we're supposed to just lie on our fucking backs and piss on
our own stomachs.
Abby Martin growls spunkily, but it's all for nought - until we have a Free
Planet, stripped of all patents and profit, we're fucked.
Pimping Out Lady Liberty

Shorter President Obama: (his exact words are in italics)
The *responsible* (right wing dog whistle-speak for non-deadbeat
employment-age wage slaves) tired, poor, and huddled masses can stay for a
short while as long as they've lived and worked here for at least five
years, have procreated on our shores, can show that they are loyal
Homelandians, and have the financial wherewithal to pay a slew of fines and
back taxes with no benefits to themselves but tons of new profits for their
greedy employers. Obama the Merciful and Ming the Merciless are neatly
rolled into one passive-aggre... more »
Pt.2- Kurd/ ISIS Symbiosis- The impending destruction of Turkey
*Double Cross *-to betray or swindle, esp. by an action contrary to an
agreed upon course.
I suspect Turkey is in the process of being double crossed- And, I believe
Erdogan is aware of this.
We have seen this type of double cross on more then one occasion. Libya had
attempted to cooperate with the US only to be betrayed and Gaddafi brutally
killed. Syria had also attempted to appease the US, again, only to find
itself caught in the crosshairs of the NATO global tyranny nexus dominated
by US/Israeli/UK interests.
Turkey is being prepped for that same treatment. It's been a plan in t... more »
Professor Reveals Shocking Report On Flu Vaccinations
*Arjun Walia* - “The vaccine may be less beneficial and less safe than has
been claimed, and the threat of influenza seems to be overstated.”
The post Professor Reveals Shocking Report On Flu Vaccinations appeared
first on Waking Times.
LISTEN Chief Arvol Looking Horse on Indigenous Wisdom Summit
Chief Arvol Looking Horse: Tar sands is the cancer of Canada
By Brenda Norrell
Indigenous Wisdom Summit
Censored News
Chief Arvol Looking Horse, Lakota 19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred
White Buffalo Calf Pipe, began with a prayer for Grandmother Earth and
the relatives, during the online Indigenous Wisdom Summit Nov 18 -- 20,
Chief Looking Horse spoke of the birth of the white
Friday Nerd Blogging: Twitter Much?
As a very frequent tweeter, I could only watch this SNL sketch/dance number
(didn’t make it to the show, just to dress rehearsal) with just a hint of
Hunger Games Book Jewelry

I have loved sharing my love of the Hunger Games with you this week. You
can check out The Hunger Games party here, the Katniss shirt here, and the
free printables here.
To finish off a week of Hunger Games posts, I am sharing these Book Jewelry
pieces. The only thing better than loving a book, is getting to bring a
little piece of that book with you wherever you go. For these pieces you
will need a copy of Mockingjay. I love using old book pages from my
favorite books for all sorts of things. I scour thrift stores for old
copies to use. You can either cut the pieces directly out o... more »
Iran Continues Its Nuclear Weapons Work While The U.S. Pushes For A Deal

*A Bad Deal Gets Worse -- Lee Smith, Weekly Standard*
As we go to press, the White House has reportedly offered Iran a deal
regarding its nuclear program, a framework agreement with details to be
worked out in the coming months. However, even as the interim agreement is
set to expire November 24, it seems the Iranians have not responded to the
Obama administration’s offer. And why would they? The White House has made
it clear it wants a deal more than the Islamic Republic does. Under the
circumstances, why wouldn’t Tehran wait to see how many more U.S.
concessions it can extract?
... more »
Mark Pocan Can Show House Democrats The Way Out Of The Darkness Created By The Current Timid, Fractured, Sclerotic Leadership

Wednesday the Congressional Progressive Caucus elected-- mostly reelected--
it's caucus officers. With no opposition, Raul Grijalva (D-AZ) and Keith
Ellison (D-MN) were again voted caucus co-chairs and Barbara Lee (D-CA) was
reelected whip. Freshman Ruben Gallego (D-AZ) was made a vice chair/liaison
to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus and Matt Cartright was also named a
vice chair/liaison for new members. But the biggest news was that the CPC
amended its rules to create an important new post-- First Vice Chair, the
third-ranking position in the Caucus. And they elected Mark Pocan ... more »
KKK Ferguson police ties exposed by Anonymous
Anonymous exposes ties between Ferguson police and Ku Klux Klan
Read article:
RT: Klan threatens to shoot Anonymous 'n****r lovers'
Also see: Nevada racist alert, incoming House Speaker:
Nevada racist alert: http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2014/11/
Many Russian Soldiers Have Died (And Are Dying) In Ukraine
*The War in Ukraine Is Killing Lots of Russians -- Paul Richard Huard, War
Is Boring*
*Trucks marked ‘Gruz 200' could be hearses for Moscow’s dead.*
The Kremlin has gone to great lengths to deny any direct involvement in the
war in Ukraine, even as Russian soldiers have entered eastern Ukraine in
increasing numbers since April to fight alongside pro-Moscow separatists.
But despite tactics ranging from blunt official denials to government
pressure on soldiers’ families to remain silent, there is mounting evidence
that Russian soldiers are not just fighting in Ukraine.
They are dyi... more »
New York: Letter Writing Dinner for Leonard Peltier and Oso Blanco
Harvey Arden
BROOKLYN, New York – Tuesday, November 25th – Letter-Writing Dinner For
American Indian Warriors Oso Blanco and Leonard Peltier
WHAT: Political Prisoner Letter-Writing Dinner
WHEN: 7 pm sharp, Tuesday, November 25th, 2014
The Meaning Of Silence

There has been nary a word from the Conservative Party since Michael Sona's
sentencing. What are we to make of that? Michael den Tandt writes:
Keep in mind, key questions that emerged on the very first day the story
broke in 2012, courtesy of Postmedia’s Stephen Maher and the Ottawa
Citizen’s Glen McGregor, are still outstanding. Does it make any sense at
all to think that a 22-year-old planned and executed this scheme, which
required access to the party’s Constituent Information Management System
(CIMS... more »
Netherlands Gold Bombshell ( November 21 , 2014 ) - Netherlands very quietly repatriates 122.5 tons of gold from the New York in a month ! Not just pulling their gold back before the Swiss Gold Initiative Vote on November 30 , 2014 , but how can they do what Germany can't do regarding their gold ?

Posted on 21 Nov 2014 by Koos Jansen
The Netherlands Has Repatriated 122.5t Gold From US
*The Dutch central bank, De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB), has repatriated in
utmost secret 122.5 tonnes of gold from the Federal Reserve Bank of New
York (FRBNY) to its vaults in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, according to
apress release from DNB published today (November 21).*
DNB states it has changed allocation policy from 11 % in Amsterdam, 51 % at
the FRBNY, 20 % in Canada and 18 % at the Bank Of En... more »
Iraq / Syria Regional War Updates - November 21 , 2014 - Focus on Battleground updates in Iraq and Syria , the politics of War , items on Jordan , Turkey and Lebanon , a closer look at ISIS and how it is different in approach from Al Qaeda !

*ISIS Bombing Extends Reach Into Kurdish Capital*
*US Reluctant to Sell Iraq More Arms With ISIS Taking So Many*
*US Troops Going to Iraq Before Congress Agrees to Funding*
*Hagel Admits Assad Benefiting From War on ISIS*
Morning Tweets....
*Rudaw English* @RudawEnglish · 26m26 minutes ago
#UNHCR launches airlift to provide displaced people with winter aid in #
Kurdistan Region — 150,000 people to receive tent insulation kits.
*Rudaw English* @RudawEnglish · 2h2 hours ago
#Turkish premier vows "any necessary means" for #Kurdish security on #Erbil
visit http:... more »
Then and Now

Paul Barclay, who runs the East Asia Image Collection at Lafayette
College is traveling in Taiwan at the moment. If you get the chance, go
listen to him talk, he's wonderful. A friend traveling with him in central
Taiwan posted this Japanese era pic captioned* A Bamboo Bridge in Savage
District * (original link). This picture was taken facing more or less east
along the river.
[image: LuguLoop90]
Just for fun, I dug up a modern image I took of it on a ride several years
ago. It is now the location of the Jiji Weir (my pic faces north). The old
Japanese era road follows what is now ... more »
Jason Erb- Canada's Indentity Crisis
*Jason's Exposing Faux Capitalism blog has found a permanent 'home' in the
sidebar to the left*
*Worth a listen!*
5 Foreign Policy Lessons

*The Top 5 Foreign Policy Lessons Of The Past 20 Years -- Stephen Walt,
Foreign Policy*
*From Russia to China to the United States, from hubris to ultimatums to
power plays, the good, the bad, and the ugly of (recent) world politics. *
Tell me, friend: Do you find the current world situation confusing? Are you
having trouble sorting through the bewildering array of alarums,
provocations, reassurances, and trite nostrums offered up by pundits and
politicos? Can't tell if the glass is half-full and rising or half-empty,
cracked, and leaking water fast? Not sure if you should go lon... more »
BREAKING: Amtrak welcomes entire staff!
*FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2014On secret northbound excursion:* We're off on a
mission of national import. No posts until tomorrow.
Greg Hunter, "Weekly News Wrap-Up, 11/21/14"
*"Weekly News Wrap-Up, 11/21/14"*
By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com
"President Obama, who many are now calling emperor, has made millions of
illegal aliens legal with the stroke of his pen. Some in Congress say the
time is up and something had to be done, but that is not how our government
works. Obama says he is within his power, while Republicans in the House
and Senate say the Constitution clearly says he is not. Expect another
flood of illegal immigration on the southern border. Who is going to pay
for all this welfare? What about the high unemployment rates among black
youth alr... more »
An Analysis On The Geopolitical Impact Of Declining Oil Prices

*Cheap-Oil Era Tilts Geopolitical Power to U.S. -- Bloomberg*
A new age of abundant and cheap energy supplies is redrawing the world’s
geopolitical landscape, weakening and potentially threatening the
legitimacy of some governments while enhancing the power of others.
Some changes already are evident. Surging U.S. oil production enabled
America and its allies to impose tough sanctions on Iran without having to
worry much about the loss of imports from the Middle Eastern nation.
Russia, meanwhile, faces what President Vladimir Putin called a possibly
“catastrophic” slump in prices f... more »
Statutes may be considered even if not pleaded
Mason Homes Limited v. Woodford, 2014 ONCA 816:
[15] We are of the view that the respondents' failure to plead the
Act was not a bar to its consideration by the trial judge, who is permitted
to have regard to applicable statutes. However, the trial judge erred in
his analysis and application of the Act.
A Look At How The U.S. Air Force Determines What Targets Are Attacked By U.S. Jets And Drones

Image: Wikipedia
*A Look Inside a Secret US Air Force Intelligence Center -- Marcus
Weisgerber, Defense One*
LANGLEY AIR FORCE BASE, Va. – While there might not be any American combat
boots on the ground in Syria, dozens of manned and unmanned aircraft dot
the skies above gathering video and other types of intelligence about the
movement of Islamic State militants. The images collected by those aircraft
are streamed by satellites in near real-time thousands of miles away to
Langley Air Force Base in southern Virginia.
Here in a dimly lit room about the half the size of a football... more »
A Look At America's THAAD System
*THAAD: America's Super Shield against Ballistic Missiles? -- Dan Sauter,
National Interest*
*Editor’s Note:* TNI’s Managing Editor, Harry J. Kazianis, spoke with Dan
Sauter of the Business Development for Terminal High Altitude Area Defense
at Lockheed Martin about the various advantages of the THAAD defense system
and how it could help deal with emerging security threats in the
*Kazianis:* For our readers who might not be familiar with THAAD or
Terminal High Altitude Area Defense, could we begin by you giving TNI
readers a basic description of the system and how i... more »
Senior Rebel Leader In Eastern Ukraine Has Proposed Settling The Outcome Of The Country’s Civil War With A Duel

Prime Minister of the Luhansk People's Republic Igor Plotnitsky (L) and
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko (R) (RIA Novosti)
*Rebel Leader’s New Solution To The Ukraine Civil War: He Wants To Duel The
Ukrainian President On Live TV -- National Post/The Telegraph*
DONETSK — A senior rebel leader in eastern Ukraine has proposed settling
the outcome of the country’s civil war with a duel.
In an open letter to Petro Poroshenko, the president, Igor Plotnitsky, head
of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People’s Republic, suggested that they
decide the conflict once and for all in the manner ... more »
Demonic Possession and God's Shield. The Pineal Gland

[image: BPEarthWatch]
*Published on Jan 22, 2014*
The Pineal Gland,The End Time Delusion of those who take the mark of the
beast. Today's Blogtalk Radio Show with Michael and Anthony Patch.
Fourth S-400 missile defense regiment put on combat duty near Moscow — Defense Ministry

[image: S-400 Triumf]A new regiment equipped with the S-400 Triumf air
defense missile systems has taken up combat duty in the Moscow Region, a
spokesman for the Russian Defense Ministry said on Thursday.
"The Russian Aerospace Defense Forces currently have four anti-aircraft
regiments equipped with the newest S-400 Triumf systems that ensure air
defense of Moscow and the central industrial region," Alexey Zolotukhin
S-400 Triumf (NATO Designation SA-21 Growler) anti-aircraft systems can
engage targets at a maximum range of up to 400 km at an altitude of
40,000-50,000 meters.... more »
Northrop Grumman Introduces Viper™ 2.1 Laser

[image: DIRCM Small Laser Transmitter Assembly]Northrop Grumman
Corporation's Laser Systems business unit has announced its new Viper™ 2.1
laser, featuring a form factor and interface for use on all directed
infrared countermeasure (DIRCM) systems.
The Viper™ 2.1 is the latest in the family of Viper™ lasers designed
specifically for DIRCM systems. After five years of funding, development
and testing, the Viper™ 2.1 will soon be ready for full-scale production
alongside the venerable Viper™ family of DIRCM lasers.
Viper™ lasers have been fielded and are in full operation on approxim... more »
Akash missiles hit target

[image: Akash SAM]India Thursday test fired two Akash surface-to -air
missiles successfully from a base in Odisha.
The two missiles were simultaneously launched from the Integrated Test
Range (ITR) at Chandipur in Balasore district against two flying targets.
"The test was successful. The missiles intercepted moving unmanned aerial
vehicles (UAV)," Chandipur ITR director M.V.K.V. Prasad told IANS.
Read more
Two Navy supply ships collide in Gulf of Aden, no injuries

[image: USNS Amelia Earhart]Two U.S. navy supply ships collided in the Gulf
of Aden early Thursday, apparently suffering only minor damage, the U.S.
Navy said in a release. No one was injured.
The USNS Amelia Earhart and USNS Walter S. Diehl were beginning a
replenishment operation, when the collision occurred at 5:26 a.m. Both
ships are continuing their assigned missions, the Navy said.
The Earhart is a dry cargo and ammunition supply ship, and the Diehl is a
replenishment oiler.
Read more
U.S. Aircraft Carrier’s Cost Likely to Rise Again, GAO Says
[image: USS Gerald R. Ford]The cost of the U.S. Navy’s new aircraft carrier
is likely to keep rising from the $12.9 billion now estimated, with the
final price masked by deferring some work until after the ship is
delivered, the Government Accountability Office said.
In the latest in a series of reports offering political ammunition to
critics of the Navy’s most expensive warship, the GAO yesterday reaffirmed
its earlier concerns that the Ford-class carrier being built by Huntington
Ingalls Industries Inc. (HII) will cost more and take longer to complete
than advertised.
“With the ... more »
South Korean Military Conducts Live-Fire Drill To Check Preparedness Against North Korea
[image: Sejong the Great-class DDG]The South Korean military conducted a
live-fire drill near the inter-Korean border on the Yellow Sea, a
heavily-guarded area, on Friday.
According to the country’s defense ministry, the latest exercise was
carried out to check the preparedness of South Korean forces against
possible provocations by the North, Yonhap, a South Korean news agency,
The naval drill, which lasted for two hours, was part of the ongoing Hoguk
(defense of nation) exercise, which kicked off last week, involving nearly
330,000 troops and 60 fleets. The latest 12-d... more »
Russia and China to Hold 2015 Naval Exercises in Mediterranean, Pacific

[image: Du Xiping & Sergei Yuriyevich Zhuga]Russia and China have committed
to a pair of 2015 naval exercises as a sign of growing military cooperation
between the two countries, Russia’s minister of defense said this week.
“We plan to conduct a regular joint naval exercise in the Mediterranean
next spring,” said Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, according to the Russian
TASS news agency.
“Another joint naval drill is planned in the Pacific.”
The announcement from Shoigu follows a Beijing meeting with Chinese Defense
Minister Chang Wanquan in which the two countries pledged greater
mi... more »
France announces order for Airbus A330 MRTT air-to-air refuelling aircraft

[image: A330 MRTT]Twelve aircraft to be acquired in multi-year programme
Airbus Defence and Space has been selected by the French Ministry of
Defence to supply 12 A330 MRTT new generation air-to-air refuelling
aircraft for the French Air Force. The first delivery is foreseen for 2018,
followed by the second in 2019, and then at a rate of one or two per year.
The contract agreed between the French procurement agency, la Direction
Générale de l’Armement (DGA), and Airbus Defence and Space is now ready
for official award.
Read more
Vietnam's third Russian sub to arrive next month

[image: Hanoi (Kilo) class SSK]The third of six submarines Vietnam
purchased from Russia will arrive early next month, Russian news agency
Interfax reported.
The HQ-184 Hai Phong completed testing at sea in Kaliningrad and returned
to the St. Petersburg-based Admiralty Shipyards, the submarines'
manufacturer, on March 2.
Interfax quoted Alexander Buzakov, Admiralty Shipyards’ general director,
on Tuesday as saying that the submarine will arrive in Vietnam early next
month without specifying how.
Read more
Thai Navy renews push for sub plan
[image: Type 206A SSK]The Royal Thai Navy will dust off a proposal to buy
submarines after years of failed attempts to equip itself with the
expensive underwater craft.
Navy chief Kraisorn Chansuwanich revealed the plan on Thursday, which marks
Royal Thai Navy Day.
Adm Kraisorn said he had proposed the navy’s latest development plan, which
includes the bid to procure submarines, to Deputy Prime Minister and
Defence Minister Prawit Wongsuwon during his visit to navy headquarters on
Read more
Why Women Will Change The World

Well maybe. What will change the world is the restoration of Eden as
humanity achieves maturity and that folks is what this Blog is all about.
The key to it all though is that we establish natural security to allow the
rule of twelve to guide all natural communities and dismiss hierarchy
Central to the rule of twelve is natural community itself. This is also
the natural medium in which the spiritual aspects of life are properly
explored and seriously strengthened. Thus assembling a spiritual twelve is
an excellent way to advance knowing and to share knowing. As obvi... more »
A New Type of Brain Cell has been Discovered
[image: 79718_web2]
It is almost astonishing that this has not been noted before. It is also
obviously very important and makes really good sense from an engineering
perspective. A high speed road is made available witout excfess error
producing process taking place in the cell itself.
Better, if the cells are naturally conforming to a tetrahedral structure,
we have an ideal three dimensional network for shunting signals through the
system that can naturally provide a minimum path solution for the
information. Artificial 3D processors will need to do something very like
t... more »
World's Longest Sniper Kill - 2.47km twice!
[image: World's longest sniper kill - 2.47km twice!]
The best counter to insurgency is the sniper. First off, an elite training
program provides a natural system for producing skilled snipers. Even
better, not every sniper needs to be good enough to make a kill at 2.27
kilometers. A kilometer is plenty good enough in the majority of
situations. That range is good enough for most well trained soldiers who
get plenty of practice. The real effort has to go into concealment or
speedy extraction.
Why this is important though is that it allows a small force to cover
area. A few m... more »
Putin to Western elites: Play-time is over

Reading this, the sheer willfulness and incompetence of the Obama regime
becomes glaringly obvious. We so need today to be working and thinking at
this level and Putin in this speech shows himself to be a willing partner
who understands that it matters.
We have reached a historical cusp that nust be taken up by the sucessor to
Obama and a alliance of the developed world and India and China in
particular. This must represent sixty percent of the world's population
and must require a two thirds majority or consensus in order to enact
This naturally gives India and C... more »
Malaysian navy ship KD Perantau sinking at Lumut base

[image: KD Perantau]A Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) vessel has taken in a lot
of water and is listing heavily to port in the Boustead Naval Shipyard
(BNS) docks at the naval base here.
A navy spokesperson said KD Perantau, a hydrographic vessel, was undergoing
refitting maintenance at dock when it became flooded on Tuesday at about
"Efforts are being conducted to rescue the vessel from sinking.
Read more

*Watering a local garden.*
Thinking Taiwan is rocking the intertubes as the election approaches with a
bouquet of great stuff. On an obscure candidate for mayor in Taipei:
To run for mayor of Taipei, a candidate must pay a NT$2 million (roughly
US$66,000) deposit. And if said candidate doesn’t receive more than 10% of
the vote, the money will not be returned. Uncle Chao Yan-ching is
definitely not getting his NT$2 million back. So the question on everyone’s
mind is: “Why is he running?”
The awesome Wen-ti Sung on campaign ads (same post at CPI blog):
After the televised debate be... more »
'Hunger Games' Becomes Symbol Of Resistance In Thailand
*‘Hunger Games’ Continues to Inspire Coup Resistance in Thailand --
Thai police detained three students on the opening day of the new “Hunger
Games” movie, including one who flashed a three-fingered salute made
popular by the film’s resistance fighters and adopted by opponents of
military rule.
The detentions outside two Bangkok movie theaters yesterday came a day
after five student activists were taken away by police after giving the
salute during a speech by junta leader Prayuth Chan-Ocha on his first
post-coup visit to the country’s northeast, the political strongho... more »
Chinese Nuclear Weapons Are Getting 'Bigger And Better'

Defence Talk
*China's Nuclear Weapons Are Getting Bigger And More Destructive --
Business Insider*
China is on the cusp of truly ominous nuclear and space warfare gains, the
2014 annual congressional report from the US China Economic and Security
Review Commission states.
The report warns that China’s nuclear warfare capabilities will rapidly
modernise and proliferate. In 2013, the Pentagon estimated that Beijing’s
nuclear arsenal was comprised of roughly 50 to 75 nuclear capable
intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) that could reach the US. Within
the next 15 years, China ... more »
Musical Interlude: The Moody Blues, “Your Wildest Dreams”
The Moody Blues, “Your Wildest Dreams”
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PIFDTuf2RM
Christy Clark, The Most Disgusting Trash Clucking Dirtbag to Ever Hold Office
Watch Christy Clark smirk and cluck away like a callous SKANK when asked
about Health workers firings and a health worker suicide..
All politics and all deflection from a school drop out named Christy Clark..
Watch question period, watch Christy Clucking Clark`s first answer to the
first question..
Families First eh Christy, you won`t stop stealing child support from
single and disabled parents, you won`t stop charging rental fees on
wheelchairs for poor seniors..
http://www.leg.bc.ca/hansard/video/archive.asp?video=2014112... more »
John McCain-- Always And Forever The Manchurian Candidate?

The CIA was trying-- and trying hard-- to further its own goals in the 2014
elections. Replacing Senate Intelligence Committee civil liberties hawk
Mark Udall (D-CO) with a hapless national security state sieve may have
been their top goal but electing freshmen members to climb into committee
positions to control CIA over site was another goal. It met with mixed
results. The DCCC failed to slip several CIA agent-House candidates into
Congress-- at least Kevin Strouse (PA-08), Bobby McKenzie (MI-11) and Jerry
Cannon (MI-01)-- but the Republicans were able to beat hapless Blue Dog
... more »
NSA Director Admits That China And A Few Other Countries Can Take Down The U.S. Power Grid And Financial Networks
*The U.S. Government Thinks China Could Take Down The Power Grid -- CNN*
Washington (CNN) -- China and "probably one or two other" countries have
the capacity to shut down the nation's power grid and other critical
infrastructure through a cyber attack, the head of the National Security
Agency told a Congressional panel Thursday.
Admiral Michael Rogers, who also serves the dual role as head of U.S. Cyber
Command, said the United States has detected malware from China and
elsewhere on U.S. computers systems that affect the daily lives of every
"It enables you to shut dow... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Big, beautiful, barred spiral galaxy NGC 1300 lies some 70 million
light-years away on the banks of the constellation Eridanus. This Hubble
Space Telescope composite view of the gorgeous island universe is one of
the largest Hubble images ever made of a complete galaxy. NGC 1300 spans
over 100,000 light-years and the Hubble image reveals striking details of
the galaxy's dominant central bar and majestic spiral arms.
*Click image for larger size.*
In fact, on close inspection the nucleus of this classic barred spiral
itself shows a remarkable region of spiral structure about 3,000
l... more »
Top U.S. General Predicts That The War Against The Islamic State Will Last 4 Years
Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, speaks
at a conference on the civil-military divide and the future of the
all-volunteer force hosted by Center for a New American Security in
Washington D.C., Nov. 20, 2014. DoD photo by U.S. Navy Petty Officer 1st
Class Daniel Hinton
*Joint Chiefs Chairman Predicts ISIS War Will Last Four Years --
With Goals, Scope Still Unclear Timeline Not Based on Anything
During an interview at the Defense One conference, Joint Chiefs of Staff
Chairman General Martin Dempsey estimated that the US war against ISIS... more »
The Poet: Mary Oliver, "What Is There Beyond Knowing?"
*"What Is There Beyond Knowing?"*
"What is there beyond knowing that keeps calling to me?
I can't turn in any direction but it's there.
I don't mean the leaves' grip and shine
or even the thrush's silk song,
but the far-off fires, for example, of the stars,
heaven's slowly turning theater of light,
or the wind playful with its breath;
or time that's always rushing forward,
or standing still in the same- what shall I say- moment.
What I know I could put into a pack
as if it were bread and cheese,
and carry it on one shoulder,
important and honorable, but so small!
While everything ... more »
"The Bank Of Time"
"Imagine there is a bank account that credits your account each morning
with $86,400. It carries over no balance from day to day. Every evening the
bank deletes whatever part of the balance you failed to use during the day.
What would you do? Draw out every cent, of course? Each of us has such a
bank. It's name is TIME.
Every morning, it credits you with 86,400 seconds. Every night it writes
off as lost, whatever of this you have failed to invest to a good purpose.
It carries over no balance. It allows no over draft. Each day it opens a
new account for you. Each night it burns the... more »
The Push Is Now On From The U.S. Congress To Arm The Kurds
*US to Consider Providing Weapons to Iraqi Kurds: Congressman -- Sputnik*
*US House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce has announced that
the US House of Representatives has introduced a legislative proposal to
provide lethal weapons to Iraqi Kurds.*
WASHINGTON, November 21 (Sputnik) – The US House of Representatives has
introduced a legislative proposal to provide lethal weapons to Iraqi Kurds
fighting the Islamic State (IS) extremist group, US House Foreign Affairs
Committee Chairman Ed Royce has announced in a statement.
"This important legislation will finally allow t... more »
Comedians on Psychedelics

*Video - *Psychedelics are starting to get mainstream attention from all
types of entertainers as people seek solutions to the deterioration of the
human psyche and health.
The post Comedians on Psychedelics appeared first on Waking Times.
"Zen & the Science of Time Travel"
*"Zen & the Science of Time Travel" *
by Casey Kazan and Luke McKinney
"I do believe in time travel. Time travel to the future. Time flows like a
river and it seems as if each of us is carried relentlessly along by time's
current. But time is like a river in another way. It flows at different
speeds in different places and that is the key to traveling into the
future. This idea was first proposed by Albert Einstein over 100 years
ago." - Stephen Hawking
"Stephen Hawking thinks four of the world's physicists are wrong believing
that time travel is impossible: Hawking sides with Sir... more »
Why Does Diane Ravitch Continue to Support Charter Schools?
About 1 in 6 charter schools is the for-profit variety. By a wide margin,
most of the damage, destruction, and abuse is being done by the 5,000 or so "non-profit"
charter schools. The vast majority are more segregated even than the public
schools they replace, and most of the punishing "no excuses" abuse is
committed in these "non-profit" chain gangs. And most of the public money
intended for public education is being sucked up by the corporate welfare
artists and ideologues whose aim it is to dismember government and to
devour each piece as they go.
And so it is a puzzle to ... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Twin Lakes, Wisconsin, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
Just a wee mini-ramble

When American presidents still remembered how things work…
The wonders of division of labour.
*Extreme commute: From New Zealand to rural Iceland* – BBC
“The purpose of [Putin’s] media offensive isn’t so much to present an
alternative point of view as to create a parallel reality where crackpots
become experts and conspiracy theories offer explanations for the
injustices of the world. The target audience is Western citizens skeptical
of their own system of government. The goal is obfuscation.”
*Putin waging information war in Ukraine worthy of George Orwell* – Lucian
Kim, REUTERS... more »
"The Problem..."
"The problem is not that there are problems. The problem is expecting
otherwise and thinking that having problems is a problem."
- Theodore Rubin
Health: “Powerful and Simple Tips to Help Lower Your EMF Risks”
*“Powerful and Simple Tips to Help Lower Your EMF Risks” *
by Dr. Joseph Mercola
"If you're a regular newsletter reader you're probably well aware of the risks
that come from using your cell phone. This and other wireless devices
(including cordless phones) are among the worst electromagnetic field (EMF)
offenders, but they are far from the only ones. Right now we exist in an
environment that has never before occurred in nature, one that is teeming
with varying levels of electrical pollution, or "electrosmog." It started
with the rollout of the electrical grid a century ago, an... more »
"A Desperate Grasp..."
“If thinking is existing, then knowing is creating, and creativity is a
grasp at something far beyond the confines of our simplistic reality.”
- Zeb Reynolds
Psychology: "Do Opposites Really Attract?"
*"Do Opposites Really Attract?"*
by LiveScience
"Do opposites really attract? A new study finds that when it comes to
personality, people seek partners with their same qualities — but claim to
want someone who is different. The study, published in the journal
"Evolutionary Psychology," asked 760 members of an online dating site to
answer questionnaires regarding their personality traits, as well as the
traits they would want in an ideal long-term partner. They then were asked
if they most wanted a partner that complemented them, or resembled them.
The answers showed a preference f... more »
"How It Really Is"
You better believe it...
San Francisco Sounds Out for Missing Students in Mexico!
by Brenda Norrell
San Francisco Sounds Out for Missing Students in Mexico
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Nov. 20, 2014
A large and loud crowd marching down Market St in San Francisco tonight,
demanding justice for the 43 missing students in Guerrero, Mexico.
Their signs demanded an end to the terrorism in Mexico. A light rain was
falling, but they were undeterred. Trailed by the
Violent arrests at Burnaby Mountain
Photos by Jonathan Hayward Canadian Press
See more photos:
Screenshot from Sea Shepherd livestream today
Watch videos from today
Defending the Earth from Kinder Morgan pipeline
In the news at Vancouver Observer:
Ultimate Gift Guide Holiday Giveaway

I am so excited to be joining up with a bunch of fabulous bloggers to bring
you the opportunity to win gifts for so many of the people on your
Christmas list. There is a little something for everyone.
The Holidays are about giving and this holiday season Bargains with
Brittanie, Addicted 2 Savings 4 U, and The Budget Bandit have teamed up
with an amazing group of bloggers to put you into the holiday spirit by
offering a fantastic Holiday Gift Guide Giveaway! With over $1,800 in
prizes and 21 winners this is a giveaway event you do not want to miss!
With the holidays in full swing c... more »
The Slow Collapse Of Ukraine

Members of the "Donbass" self-defence battalion attend a ceremony to swear
the oath to be officially included into the reserve battalion of the
National Guard of Ukraine near Kiev June 23, 2014. (Reuters/Valentyn
*Ukraine’s Slow Collapse -- New York Times editorial*
The crisis in Ukraine has reached an impasse. The cease-fire signed in
Minsk, Belarus, in September never really took hold, but at least it
provided a cover for efforts to reduce the level of fighting and focus on
stabilizing and reforming the Ukrainian economy as a prelude to a serious,
long-term search for ... more »
Kinder Morgan`s Disgrace, Violent Police Throw Grey Haired Woman on Ground

@*2010redmittens* Follow
@*AndrewChangCBC* i am disgusted that RCMP were so violent. Watch vid
via @
Clink the below video link, prepare to be outraged
#*cdnpoli* #*BC*
5:40 PM - 20 Nov 2014
Vine @*vine*
And speaking of TRASH.....Christy Clark smirks and Clucks like a
SKANK over health worker firings and a suicide.
Straight Goods
Cheers ... more »
Viral Video Shows The Ukrainian Army Using Drones In A Combat Zone
*Viral Video Shows Ukrainian Soldier Launching Drone In Combat Zone --
Washington Post*
A new viral video appears to depict a Ukrainian soldier hurling a small
drone aircraft into the air, providing a glimpse into how Kiev’s soldiers
are using low-grade military technology against Russian-backed separatists.
The footage has gone viral after being posted to YouTube on Monday and
appears to show the drone under gunfire after it takes off. It isn’t clear
what kind of aircraft it is, but the video shows the drone buzzing over
fields riddled with craters and what looks like an airfield... more »
Breaking news: Bob Mankoff sheds light on the age-old "New Yorker" Question of Québec

*If you really want to, you can watch Episode 5 of The Cartoon Lounge here.*
*"Any legal resident of the United States or Canada (except residents of
the province of Quebec), Australia, United Kingdom and the Republic of
Ireland, age eighteen or over can enter, except employees, agents, or
representatives of Sponsor or any other party associated with the
development or administration of the Contest, or any member of their
immediate family."*
*-- from* The New Yorker's* "Caption Contest Rules*"
*by Ken*
Confidential to *New Yorker* cartoon editor Bob Mankoff: Wherever you got
the i... more »
Russia Warns U.S. That Supplying Weapons To Ukraine Will Be Seen As A 'Very Serious Signal'

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden (L) and his wife Jill wave upon their arrival
at Boryspil International airport outside Kiev November 20, 2014. Credit:
REUTERS/Valentyn Ogirenko
*Russia Warns US Against Supplying ‘Lethal Defensive Aid’ To Ukraine -- RT*
Moscow has warned Washington a potential policy shift from supplying Kiev
with “non-lethal aid” to “defensive lethal weapons”, mulled as US Vice
President visits Ukraine, would be a direct violation of all international
A Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson said that reports of possible
deliveries of American “defensive... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- November 20, 2014
*Jaw-Jaw With Iran -- Fred Kaplan, Slate*
We are likely going to blow the deadline in the Iranian nuclear
negotiations. But why not just keep talking?
It seems very unlikely that the Iran nuclear talks will result in a
comprehensive deal by Nov. 24, the deadline set a year ago, when an interim
accord was reached. So what to do now? Should the West call the whole thing
off, erase the tentative détente with Iran, return to unrelieved tension,
and allow the mullahs to escalate their nuclear program with no controls or
inspections, leading to a possible regional arms race or war? Or s... more »
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