11:02pm MST
Iraq / Syria War Regional Updates ( November 4-5 , 2014 ) -- Comprehensive report on state of play in Syria and Iraq...

*Moon of Alabama* @MoonofA · 10h10 hours ago
New on MoA: "Western Training" And The Fight Against The Islamic State -
n-training-and-the-fight-against-the-islamic-state.html …
*Joel Wing* @JoelWing2 · 3h3 hours ago
Please read my comprehensive security report for Oct 2014 in Iraq http://
*Al Arabiya English* @AlArabiya_Eng · 1h1 hour ago
#British troops to ‘train’ #Iraqi forces - #Iraq http://ara.tv/gztba
[image: Embedded image permalink]
*Bas News English* @EnglishBa... more »
Steve Israel Failed Miserably This Cycle-- Here's A Taste Of The Next Week Of Posts

Dozens of House incumbents had only nominal-- rather than serious--
opposition this cycle. But only 32 have no opposition at all. Here's the
list with each district's PVI:
*•* Robert Aderholt (R-AL)- R+28
*•* Terri Sewell (New Dem-AL)- D+20
*•* Gus Bilirakis (R-FL)- R+7
*•* Kathy Castor (D-FL)- D+13
*•* Ted Deutch (D-FL)- D+10
*•* Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL)- R+5
*•* Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL)- R+2
*•* Lynn Westmoreland (R-GA)- R+19
*•* Barry Loudermilk (R-GA)- R+19
*•* Hank Johnson (D-GA)- D+21
*•* John Lewis (D-GA)- D+32
*•* Austin Scott, (R-GA)- R+15
*•* David Scott (Blue Dog-GA)- D+1... more »
Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW) - Laundry Detergent

Welcome to Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW)!
Wondering how to live greener? You've come to the right place. Each week we
challenge ourselves to try a new task ... or "amp up" something we're
already doing. We raise our awareness, learn from each other and develop
Eco-friendly skills which will improve our lives and protect our planet.
Doing so together gives us power ... the power to Change The World!
If this is your first visit, please click HERE for information and a
complete list of all the challenges we've taken on so far.
This post contains great information and I encourage ... more »
Re-Visiting the Garrison State in the Age of "Global Terrorism" and Ebola
I'm re-running my post on the Garrison State, which continues to
relevance, as illustrated by this news article:
*Which President Cut the Most Nukes?*
DOVES who once cheered President Obama for his antinuclear crusades and
later fell silent as he backpedaled are now lining up to denounce him. A
recent skewering by the Federation of American Scientists details how
Obama, despite calling repeatedly for ... more »
Watch Full Movie Online

* ()*
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*Watch Full Movie*
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The Realist Report - Thomas Goodrich
On this edition of The Realist Report, we'll be joined once again by Thomas
Goodrich, author of *Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947*.
Thomas and I will be discussing the systematic destruction of National
Socialist Germany during and after WWII. You can download the entire
program *here*.
Below are relevant links for this program:
- *Hellstorm: The Documentary (Trailer)*
- *Exposing the Dresden Deception - The Mad Revisionist*
- *New film demonstrates how "Holocaust" narrative was faked - The
Realist Report*
The Daily "Near You?"
Vienna, Wien, Austria. Thanks for stopping by.
“Chronic Stress: The Hidden Health Risks”
*“Chronic Stress: The Hidden Health Risks” *
By Meryl Davids Landau
“According to a recent American Psychological Association poll, nearly a
quarter of Americans confessed to currently feeling under "extreme stress."
Respondents especially blamed money, work, and the economy—a feeling
50-year-old Sue Wasserman knows all too well. In February, the public
relations manager left Atlanta after her job was eliminated by a corporate
restructuring and took a new post in Asheville, N.C. When that proved a bad
fit, she struck out on her own as a freelance writer and publicist. Though
Wasser... more »
"A Chime Of Words..."
"Yes there is a meaning; at least for me, there is one thing that matters-
to set a chime of words tinkling in the minds of a few fastidious people."
- Logan Pearsall Smith
Gallup’s 2014 Parent and Teacher Surveys on Common Core
On October 31, 2014, Gallup released the last of five reports on parents
and teachers’ opinions on the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). What
Gallup does not offer is one concise document including the highlighted
survey questions in all five reports. So, I created such a document based
upon the contents of the five reports, one of […]
Satire: "Exit Polls Indicate Nation Suffering from Severe Memory Loss"
*"Exit Polls Indicate Nation Suffering from Severe Memory Loss"*
by Andy Borowitz
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)— "Exit polls conducted across the country
on Election Day indicate a nation suffering from severe memory loss, those
who conducted the polls confirmed Tuesday night. According to the polls,
Americans who cast their votes today had a difficult time remembering
events that occurred as recently as six years ago, while many seemed to be
solid only on things that have happened in the past ten days.
While experts were unable to explain the epidemic of memory loss that
appear... more »
Scientific Explanation Of Near Death Experience
*Video - *Scientific progress has begun to shed light on both the
physiological as well as cognitive processes such as near death experiences
that take place during clinical death.
The post Scientific Explanation Of Near Death Experience appeared first on Waking
“Politically motivated” Treasury posts 24m letters, telling you what your Income Tax and NI is being spent on
Fee, KJ and Chris somehow find it in their hearts to forgive Osborne...
accused of using new tax statements as ‘political propaganda’
George Osborne has been criticised for sending millions of
households annual tax statements that show the biggest chunk of their
contribution going towards welfare, with trade unions describing it as
“political propaganda
Watch Avenge 2014 Full Movie Online

*Avenge (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 7.3
Release : 02 Apr 2014
Duration : 88 min
Genre : Drama
Director : Gregory Christian
Writer : Gregory Christian
Cast : Aaron Aguilera, Dana Amromin, Mark Arnold, Chris Benton
Synopsis AvengeOnce upon a time in Little Italy, a mob widow plots to
avenge the death of her husband with the help of the local gypsies. Her
vendetta involves supernatural machinations which help to control the fates
and destinies of members of the four prominent mafia families: the Moronis,
Mancinis, Mascolos, and Assissis.
Description AvengeNew Internation... more »
Watch Senior Project 2014 Full Movie Online

*Senior Project (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 7.6
Release : 01 Jun 2014
Duration : 85 min
Genre : Comedy, Drama
Director : Nadine Truong
Writer : Jeremy Lin, Jeremy Lin
Cast : Vanessa Marano, Sterling Beaumon, Kyle Massey, Meaghan Martin
Synopsis Senior ProjectThe new kid at school must band with his new
classmates for a senior project in order to graduate, but will they find
out the secret he's hiding.
Description Senior ProjectJoin the International Olympic Committee. Do you
believe in the Olympic values? Are you willing to contribute to the success
of the Olympic Gam... more »
Watch Birdman 2014 Full Movie Online

*Birdman (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : R
Score : 9.1
Release : 02 Jan 2015
Duration : 119 min
Genre : Comedy, Drama
Director : Alejandro González Iñárritu
Writer : Alejandro González Iñárritu (screenplay), Nicolás Giacobone
(screenplay), Alexander Dinelaris (screenplay), Armando Bo (screenplay)
Cast : Emma Stone, Naomi Watts, Edward Norton, Michael Keaton
Synopsis BirdmanA washed-up actor who once played an iconic superhero must
overcome his ego and family trouble as he mounts a Broadway play in a bid
to reclaim his past glory.
Description BirdmanBirdman new music, concerts, photos,... more »
Tom Magliozzi (1937-2014)

*In 1999 a couple of characters named "Raymond" and "Thomas" were guest
speakers at their alma mater's commencement.*
*"His laugh is the working definition of infectious laughter."*
*-- Car Talk producer Doug Berman*
*by Ken*
I was going to, er, celebrate Election Day with something suitably snarky,
with a wonderful David Sipress *New Yorker* "Daily Cartoon" to illustrate
it, but then came news of the death of *Car Talk*'s Tom Magliozzi, and,
well, the goddamn election can wait.
Tommy gone.
In the fine obit below, NPR's Lynn Neary calls him "one of public radio's
most popular per... more »
Fukushima: “Official: ‘Fukushima Destroyed Our Life… It Can Destroy History Itself.’”
*“Official: ‘Fukushima Destroyed Our Life… *
*It Can Destroy History Itself.’”*
by ENE News
*“Anjalika Sagar:* “Things have got much worse — and at the same time that
things have got much worse, you have an accelerated form of secrecy
relating to the level of the contamination in food products, in the sea. We
were interested in the politics of how disposable this population has
become, where the threat of the earthquakes could possibly contaminate the
whole of Japan, which has happened.”
*Kodwo Eshun:* "We made a distinction between the nature of an accident and
the nature of a cat... more »
Mainstream Media – Patient Zero in the Fear Pandemic
*Sigmund Fraud* - "Life is anything but a meditation, and popular media has
become the pulpit for psychological terror and for the dissemination of
maximum anxiety and confusion..."
The post Mainstream Media – Patient Zero in the Fear Pandemic appeared
first on Waking Times.
Monsanto’s ‘Director of Millennial Engagement’ Says GMOs Are Cool
*Anastasia Pantsios* - "We are listening and making sure the concerns we
are trying to address are the ones people have... so why do people have
trouble with this?"
The post Monsanto’s ‘Director of Millennial Engagement’ Says GMOs Are Cool
appeared first on Waking Times.
"The FBI: America’s Secret Police"
*"The FBI: America’s Secret Police"*
By John W. Whitehead
"We want no Gestapo or secret police. The FBI is tending in that direction.
They are dabbling in sex-life scandals and plain blackmail. J. Edgar Hoover
would give his right eye to take over, and all congressmen and senators are
afraid of him." - President Harry S. Truman
"Secret police. Secret courts. Secret government agencies. Surveillance.
Intimidation tactics. Harassment. Torture. Brutality. Widespread
corruption. Entrapment schemes. These are the hallmarks of every
authoritarian regime from the Roman Empire to modern-da... more »
Midterm Election Live Blogging: Sink Along With Mitch edition
OK, despite CNN's and Fox doing their level-headed best to make us
forget liberalism ever existed and that, yes, Democrats are actually for
elected office this time around, I think we'll see some surprises this year.
Granted, ditching the Senate Minority Leader as we did House Majority
Whip Eric Cantor during his Republican primary last June won't cure all our
ills. But without the Human Saw Horse fucking things up in the Senate, at
least the upper chamber will move a little faster. And, no, the Republicans
will NOT retake the Senate tonight. Stop. Listening. To. The. Fucki... more »
“6 Right-Wing Disasters This Week: Bill O’Reilly Drops Accidental Truth Bomb”
*“6 Right-Wing Disasters This Week: *
*Bill O’Reilly Drops Accidental Truth Bomb”*
By Janet Allon
*"1. Bill O’Reilly: Republicans are afraid of black people. *Bill O’Reilly
chatted with radio host Tavis Smiley on Thursday, about how black people
are to blame for their economic problems, blah blah blah same old, same
old. But Papa Bill also said something simultaneously bizarre and true. He
told Smiley that Republicans are “more intimidated than uncaring. I think
they’re afraid… I think they’re afraid of, uh, black people, yeah.” Smiley
looked both amazed and perplexed. His facial ex... more »
I was Never There
Yup, move on. Most people where never there but they maintain Zombie
I work Prince
Maybe its a metaophr and maybe I am lazy, and do not have the stregtg tioo
put into pictures a truth that a million blogs and a thousad govermebt
oi=puinion would bw charetirixd as bored.
Native peoble have been abused forever The solution is not so simple unless
you believe in royalty. I work for Prince Charelse evreyday what would be
the differance?
The New Age Maze – Fantastic Beasts and How to Lose Them
*Era Denmark* - "People quickly adopt whatever beliefs mirror their current
inner state; most often a state of unprocessed pain and ego."
The post The New Age Maze – Fantastic Beasts and How to Lose Them appeared
first on Waking Times.
How much reality can I tolerate
For everyone who wants
a new future
based upon a failed past
I axe yoi
Rehtoric do not pk]==\\\
or do a single thing
to adane
a platform
built upon
specia interest tax breaks
this is the sign upon
which we need to summon
our internatll
Yes U knoqw
with the web
he had a great passion
and intial success
but his metor watched
as he was drawn and quartered
and fir ys
tgat should be reassing
becayse ub thus wikj=-=d
one dollar beyond
the grasp equalls
planatary success.
We lo v=e t = ge ] ruch
so many people have not===
ab idea about the eqyatuib
and they would st... more »
Well I never knew how much I love you
Van Morrison,
Do not waste taxpayer dollars on this threat gooble it!
Live Coverage Of U.S. Elections
*Live Coverage Of U.S. Elections*
2014 Senate Election Results -- Politico
Election Results -- Real Clear Poltiics
2014 Midterm Elections Center -- CBS
US News: Live Updates -- Reuters
Live Coverage of the 2014 Election -- New York Times
Election 2014 -- Washington Post
Live Blog: Midterm Elections 2014 -- Wall Street Journal
Midterm Elections 2014: Live Updates -- ABC News
Watch Decision 2014 -- NBC
FoxNews.com's Election Night live program -- FOX News
US mid-term elections 2014: Live -- BBC
Midterms 2014: Obama says 'worst possible states for Democrats since
Eisenhower' – liv... more »
METRO PODCAST | Thorne Dreyer : Houston-raised actress Cindy Pickett was Ferris Bueller’s mom
The daughter of Houston acting teacher Cecil Pickett, Cindy starred in
‘Guiding Light,’ ‘St. Elsewhere,’ and Roger Vadim’s erotic thriller, ‘Night
Games.’ Interview by Thorne Dreyer | The Rag Blog | November 4, 2014 Our
Rag Radio podcast features actress … finish reading *METRO PODCAST* |
Thorne Dreyer : Houston-raised actress Cindy Pickett was Ferris
Bueller’s mom
I just deleted everything of circumstance
(image to come later for uses that do not think
For what reason
I suggest you
open a CISIS door
No I have done nothimg
advocated nothing but feedom
and know that with my Winchester
40 40 I can bring sense to the
populatin that come within
my sights
and today we have some confusion
about imperial and metric
and I just want to make this real clar
to those that might use mathimatic
ignorace to bolster your clam
I am going to use my
GOD GIVEN ritght
to a fierarm to blow
away you stupid head
what comes and goes
comes around.
Humans do such magnificant things
this should be our first place
do not bomb
the human race!
Terrorism is just a vine
criminals need to be
brought to justice
and if they gather
in one place
a drone attack is devine
But for the wedding gueast
they will react like you or
I am goig kill that drone pilot
come hell or hell weather
this fucker will pay.
Yep we are going eye for an eye.
We proved this did not work
at home but internatial
we got a big gun
and nobody
will smile when
they see its deploymet
Just ask yourself something
if you demad freedom at home
why is the US militaruy
living... more »
‘Citizen Interventions’ – The Impact of Resistance to Canada’s Tar Sands
*Chris Rose* - "Citizen Interventions" have cost Canada's Tar Sands energy
development $17 billion and have changed the debate over this devastating
The post ‘Citizen Interventions’ – The Impact of Resistance to Canada’s Tar
Sands appeared first on Waking Times.
Egypt's Most Active Militant Group Swears Allegiance to ISIS
*Video Title: Egypt's Most Active Militant Group Swears Allegiance to ISIS!
Source: DAHBOO77. Date Published: November 4, 2014. Description:*
Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis, Egypt’s most active militant group, has sworn
allegiance to Islamic State, a statement from Ansar said Monday night.
Ansar had previously told Reuters that it sought inspiration and advice
from Islamic State, the radical al-Qaeda offshoot that has taken over
swathes of Iraq and Syria, drawing U.S.-led airstrikes as it tries to
remake the map of the Middle East.
“After entrusting God ... more »
Objective viess
i cold make ths alternative to the drudge repror. But fantasy sells so much
better than reality these days. I feel like a confedrat gernral.
Saudi Arabia,aiding the NATO war machine, cuts oil prices again- Attack on the BRICS

*If you are unaware of the ongoing price war refresh your memory with this
*Oil Wars? US/Saudi Arabia vs Russia/Iran*
[image: Think about this: four oil producers - Libya, Iraq, Nigeria and
Syria - are in turmoil today, and Iran is hobbled by sanctions.]Oil price
wars = economic warfare
* Then onto the latest: Saudi Arabia cuts oil prices, again!*
Futures fell as much as 3.7% to US$75.84 a barrel, the weakest since Oct.
4, 2011. Saudi Arabian Oil Co. reduced December differentials for all
grades it ships to the U.S., while supplies to Asia and Europe were priced
higher, ac... more »
Watch Iceman Full Movie 2014 Streaming

*Iceman (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : R
Score : 4.7
Release : 19 Sep 2014
Duration : 104 min
Genre : Action, Comedy, History
Director : Wing-cheong Law
Writer : Fung Lam, Mark Wu
Cast : Donnie Yen, Baoqiang Wang, Shengyi Huang, Yu Kang
Synopsis IcemanDuring the Ming Dynasty four orphans; Ying, Sao, Yuanlong
and Niehu are raised in Taoyuan Village and become close to being brothers.
Their exceptional martial arts skills allows them to reach the highest rank
within the imperial guards. After a successful attempt to kill a Japanese
troop leader, the Emperor orders Ying to escort the G... more »
Watch The Remaining Full Movie 2014 Streaming

*The Remaining (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : PG-13
Score : 4.6
Release : 24 Sep 2014
Duration : 83 min
Genre : Horror, Thriller
Director : Casey La Scala
Writer : Casey La Scala (screenplay), Chris Dowling (screenplay), Casey La
Scala (story), Chris Dowling, Casey La Scala
Cast : Johnny Pacar, Shaun Sipos, Bryan Dechart, Alexa PenaVega
Synopsis The RemainingA supernatural thriller that addresses questions of
life, love and belief against an apocalyptic backdrop. A group of close
friends gather for a wedding, but the celebration is shattered by a series
of cataclysmic events and ene... more »
How can we help?
get off this monkey desigied great silver
carbon fueled
gold mine.
Hitler's Blueprint: Indian reservations and US genocide
Starvation and cold at the prison camp of Fort Sumner, New Mexico
after the Longest Walk
Apartheid and the Holocaust: Genocide of American Indians
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Russell Means spoke a great deal about how Hitler used the genocide of
American Indians -- starvation on long walks, and slow death on
reservations -- as a blueprint for the Holocaust. Here is an article
Your all going to be fucked tommorw
Unfortunately you will drag us down
with you top down society
and killing society is
your brand.
Sclice of an insane minde
I got children
and I got all kind
of suppostitons
and I constantly
to the pee
and at the end of'
the day I am
a confedrate commuist
freedom fighter
lost in hstory.
The Teacher to Prison Pipeline in Georgia
Here are some quotes from the landmark teacher cheating trial taking place
in Georgia but not getting much coverage in the blogosphere or the
mainstream press. It's a shame because by shining a spotlight on this
trial, the country would finally see all that is wrong with high stakes
standardized tests linked to teachers' jobs and security.
*From The Detroit Free Press*
*Ronald Carlson, chair of law emeritus at the University of Georgia, noted
that it was rare, if not unprecedented, for teachers to be prosecuted using
the racketeering statute. Prosecutors, he said, will attempt to s... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- November 4, 2014
*Six Things To Watch On U.S. Election Night -- Linda Feldmann, CSM*
*Election Day is finally here, and for viewers at home – on TV or on the
Web – there's plenty to watch. Here's a guide.*
Washington — Election Day is here at last. Now all that’s left to do is go
out and vote – if you haven’t already – and then make a bowl of popcorn and
watch the returns.
Here’s a list of things to watch for on election night:
*Read more* ....
*Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- November 4, 2014*
Military Times poll: Troops fed up with politics -- Military Times
When Is the U.S. Going to... more »
Where did the butter go? Part 2

I had a look for an Edmonds Cookbook to prove my "peak butter = peak
baking" thesis and came across something even more interesting; a League of
Mothers Cook Book from what appears to be the 1970's (because metric
equivalents are given; NZ went metric in the early 1970's*), however it is
a reprint of a book I can trace back to 1951 (and perhaps much earlier if
the Art Deco cover is any indication).
In New Zealand, mothers had their own union
Rivers of butter flow through its pages, and sugar keeps pace. This recipe
caught my eye because of its name. Lake Monowai is a lake ... more »
Macro economic data: an instrument for government intervention
*Guest post by Frank Shostak*
It is generally held that for an economist to be able to assess the state
of the economy he requires macro-economic indicators which will tell him
what is going on. The question that arises is why is it necessary to know
about the state of the overall economy? What purpose can such types of
information serve?
[image: image]Careful examination of these issues shows that in a
free-market environment it doesn’t make much sense to measure and publish
various macro-economic indicators. This type of information is of little
use to entrepreneurs. The only i... more »
Matt Miller's Narcissistic Look Back Into His Pointless Congressional Campaign

Last week, a professional L.A.-based Beltway centrist, Matt Miller, wrote a self-pitying
retrospective of his unmemorable vanity campaign for Congress. Obviously,
for the Beltway publication virtually no one in L.A. reads or has even
heard of, *Politico*. The FEC reported that Miller raised $848,440-- much
of it from his Inside the Beltway cronies-- before coming in 5th with 12%
of the vote, behind 2 Democrats, a Republican and a progressive
independent. Coming from a DC-insider and a radio background, Miller ran a
relatively nasty campaign, calling other candidates names an... more »
Ukraine: Poroshenko breaks Minsk ceasefire- Moving troops- Revoking autonomy laws...
*Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko will ask parliament to revoke a law
giving more autonomy to regions, *after the separatists held elections.
That is what autonomous regions generally do. Elect their own leadership.
Ukraine is sticking to a Sept. 5 cease-fire, *(No it isn't)* Poroshenko
said, even as the government in Kiev accused insurgents of continuing to
shell Ukrainian forces and Russia of amassing troops and military vehicles
in insurgent-occupied Luhansk and Donetsk. The results of Nov. 2 ballots in
the two regions will be annulled and the votes redone in
government-co... more »
Does Common Core help or hurt in creating more avid readers?
Stephen Krashen
Reading Today 32 (3): 10-11. ("Two Takes" section)
We need to be concerned about developing avid readers: An impressive number
of studies confirms that avid or "self-selected" reading is the main source
of our reading ability, vocabulary knowledge, our ability to handle complex
grammatical constructions, spelling, and our ability to write in an
acceptable style.
The Common Core Publishers Criteria mentions self-selected reading:
"Additional meterials" should be provided that "ensure that all students
have daily opportunities to read texts of their choice on their ... more »
Censored News Fundraiser
News still needs to raise $260 for the live coverage from the Boarding
School Tribunal in Green Bay, WI, for the hotel and airfare in October
2014. We are reader supported news.
We are all volunteers and rely on donations for travel to provide live
coverage and authentic print journalism and photos! Thank you!
Boarding School Tribunal coverage
World News Briefs -- November 4, 2014

A man fills in his ballot as he votes in the U.S. midterm elections at a
polling place in Westminster, Colorado November 4, 2014. Credit:
REUTERS/Rick Wilking
*As Americans Vote, Republicans Look For Gains In The Senate -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Voters in the United States took to the polls on Tuesday,
casting ballots in midterm elections that could return control of the
Senate to Republicans, complicating President Barack Obama's last two years
in office.
Obama's low job approval rating, partisan gridlock in Washington and a U.S.
economy that is not growing broadly enough to help m... more »
No Filter vs Insane
I got no filter so am I insane
I see the truth and push
harder on the cystal to
assay if it be a diamond
or just something made
in India with great skill
that for every practiacl
is the same deal.
History is moving way
to fast for the consumer
so they have to adpat
to patterns they may not
like but have to watch
HISTORY you stupid fucks
trying decide which facist
will be your bride
Every man is an animial
but somehow we have managed
to rear ouselves onto legs
and stand up and scrutinize
the world around us
and come to conclusion
that make questions so
difficlutl that ... more »
Jack Anderson, the Mormon Mafia and the Selling of AIDS
AIDS Town Hall Forum - “Meeting the AIDS Challenge in the 90s.” MAY 14, 1990
from Spike EP on Vimeo.
*The Mormon Theology is explicitly White Supremacist.*
*The Mormon Theology is explicitly Masonic.*
*Mormons are Straight Arrows - they fall outside all the "Risk Groups".*
*They run Vegas - They do Missionary work all over Africa.*
*They hate black people, but they do missionary work in Africa.*
Participants in the forum discuss “Meeting the AIDS Challenge in the 90s.”
The participants include Dr. Jonas Salk, who developed an AIDS vaccine, Dr.
Robert Gallo, who discovered the AI... more »
Its Hard to be a leader when your white in a multicutural world

If West was white he
might be in his parents basemetth labs
hoping the job at Mcdonalds came through
We got lots of problems in the white world
for one
we are not reproducing
the birthrate for
white people around the globe
is almost half the replacement value
are we so ashamed of ourselves
we think we
shoud not exist?
White people are
facing the trash can
of history
We have no mo
we exist in the past
and everything we
did was bad
and approiaplty
will not last
My children are
probably the last
of white people
and that is something
the world knows
thats why GIA
has given us... more »
Keith Baldrey Spindoctoring BC Liberal Bootlicker Strikes Again
Well , Keith Baldrey, BC Liberal`s spindoctoring bootlicking sad sack is at
it again...
On Global`s noon news Keith Baldrey was spinning like a top, he announced
that BC Hydro and LNG Canada have struck a deal;....!
Keith was less than honest, he told a gullible public that LNG
Canada(Shell) would be buying electricity for almost double the current
industrial rate in B.C.....
Keith told the public that this move would calm the fears that residential
ratepayers have about subsidizing LNG plant`s power needs...
What Keith Baldrey didn`t tell the public is......
That LNG Canada... more »
Mohawk Nation News 'Richelieu Unity Strength and Peace'
Posted on November 3, 2014
Mohawk Nation News
Please post & distribute. Thank you.
MNN. Nov. 3, 2014. The MNN editor made these comments to the Quebecois
of Sorel Quebec, a city on Mohawk territory near Kahnawake. A sculpture
was being unveiled dedicated to the French people.
1710 Iroquois explain Great Peace to Queen Anne’s Court, London.
In Case We Forgot
A classic documentary about the Vietnam war...
A Crime to Feed the Hungry - Where is Jesus When We Need Him?
video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player
Fort Lauderdale police charged three men -- including two pastors and a
90-year-old man -- for feeding the homeless in public on Sunday, the first
such cases made by the city after the a new ordinance effectively banning
public food sharings took effect Friday.
The first to be charged was homeless advocate Arnold Abbott, 90, who has
been feeding the homeless in Fort Lauderdale for more than 20 years. Also
cited were two Christian ministers -- Dwayne Black, pastor of The Sanctuary
Church in Fort Lauderdale, and Mark Sims of St... more »
Supplemental: Maddow continues her cry for help!
*TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2014 Nonsense every night now:* Rachel Maddow
continued her cry for help on last night’s eponymous program.
Rather plainly, Maddow has decided to use “our friends at Fox News” as a
nightly punching bag. Leaving aside the rest of last evening’s nonsense,
let’s examine one part of her opening segment.
Maddow had the same peculiar look on her face she has had for weeks now. In
the part of her opening segment shown below, she explained what will happen
if the GOP takes control of the Senate.
Note the wild accusations aimed at Fox based on one statement by Chris
... more »
Oil prices and the future of the middle-east
of the cost of US fracking and rise of renewables is the growing
irrelevance of the oil producing countries of the middle-east and the
appalling scale of violence that may follow in these places.
This would happen anyway as production peaked in Saudi Arabia and the
other OPEC states in the region, but the appearance of alternative
energy sources means that the rest of the world will carry
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- November 4, 2014
*F-35C Makes First Arrested Landing on Aircraft Carrier -- Defense News*
An F-35C Lightning II, the carrier variant of the Joint Strike Fighter,
made an arrested landing aboard a flattop today, an important milestone
both in the development of the stealth fighter and in naval aviation
US Navy test pilot Cmdr. Tony Wilson landed his F-35C on the flight deck of
the aircraft carrier Nimitz off the coast of San Diego at 12:18 p.m.
Pacific Time, according to a news release from Naval Air Forces.
The landing, in which the redesigned tailhook worked flawlessly, marked the
begin... more »
Locked, Cocked and Ready to Rock the Boat by Rocking the Vote
*Yee*-hah! Nothing gets the blood of a political junkie like yours
truly stirring like Election Day, midterm or no. Mrs. JP and I just got
back from voting at our precinct here in central Massachusetts and, after a
kickass lunch afterwards at a local diner, am back home where I'm already
beginning to collect preliminary exit poll results.
I don't recall if I said it here or just on Twitter but I'll be
live-blogging the election tonight until long after the polls close here on
the east coast. Obviously, I can't cover all the elections, especially
since all 435 House seats a... more »
Why the Jebber will run in 2016

The Jebber is in the hunt
his nose smells defeat
but his heart is beating
like a playoff team
once the play starts
no one know the outcome
the mighty fall
and all those that jumped off
the wagon long ago
emerge from the sidelines
beating the drum
The Banana Republicans
face some tough choices
during the nomination
full nutty Cruze
pork laden Christie
libertarian to a fault Rand
pretty boy Hispanic pretty boy
whose name in this rant about entitlement
is not worth explaining
or a Tran regional WASP
with special commando political future training
picked a spouse
made in Mexico.
If this mar... more »
Britain's New Spy Chief Says Some U.S. Hi-Tech Firms Are Aiding Terrorism (Update)
*Top UK Spy: Twitter, Facebook Are Jihadi 'Command And Control Networks' --
Robert Hannigan called on US Internet giants to do more to help fight the
militants using their networks to recruit new members abroad. The
companies' cooperation has dropped off since Edward Snowden's intelligence
leaks became public.
In the latest warning from European officials concerned with online
recruiting of fighters for extremist groups like Islamic State, the new
director of Britain’s surveillance agency said social media have become
“the command and control networks of choice for terrorist... more »
Watch Preservation Full Movie 2014 Streaming

*Preservation (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 6.4
Release : 17 Apr 2014
Duration : 90 min
Genre : Horror, Thriller
Director : Christopher Denham
Writer : Christopher Denham
Cast : Pablo Schreiber, Aaron Staton, Wrenn Schmidt, Cody Saintgnue
Synopsis PreservationN/A
Description PreservationFor years, Ive been dreaming of Washington, D.C.
When you think the top of the preservation world, you think Washington,
D.C., right? (Well, I do.),Cylinder recordings, the first commercially
produced sound recordings, are a snapshot of musical and popular culture in
the decades around t... more »
Libyan Troops Go Wild In Britain

Reuters/Ismail Zitouny
*Libyan Troops Go Wild In England -- Nico Hines, Daily Beast*
They were supposed to be the “new” Libyan Army. Instead they allegedly went
crazy in the streets of Cambridge, assaulting strangers, and brutally
raping one young man.
LONDON, England — The mantra that we need to train the forces of friendly
governments and, for that matter, rebel groups, may have become a staple of
every 21st century Western intervention in the Middle East, but sometimes
things just go wrong. Really wrong.
A new generation of the Libyan army was supposed to be trained in the West... more »
Psychopaths to run country after Armageddon? Clearly Armageddon has passed.
Because most of the political leadership, globally appears to be
*No moral code- Check!*
*No feelings- Check!*
*No moral code- Check! *
*No empathy- Check!*
*My bad, I sad no moral code twice*. *Oh, dear me.*
Obviously the elites have no moral code. Look at the wars they wage? The
elite child molestation rings? *The human trafficking covered up in all the
high places, like the UN? * (* I call bullshit on the "unintended
consequence" excuse)* The plunder of the masses for the enrichment of the
scum that has plundered it's way to the top?
Secret documents proposed to ... more »
Burkina Faso Military Chief Vows To Hand Power back To Civilian Control

Lieutenant Colonel Yacouba Isaac Zida meets with opposition leaders in
Ouagadougou, capital of Burkina Faso, November 2, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Joe
*Burkina Military Leader Vows To Step Aside As World Watches -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Burkina Faso's new military ruler has pledged to hand power to
a civilian transitional government, an influential tribal ruler said on
Tuesday, a day before a trio of West African leaders was due in Ouagadougou
to press the army to relinquish power.
The military appointed Lieutenant Colonel Isaac Zida, the deputy commander
of the elite presidenti... more »
Paw Print Cupcakes and Fresh Fruit Hedge Hogs

My favorite part of the Littlest Pet Shop party that I posted about
yesterday, was the food table. The kids loves the snacks and I loved being
able to have a variety of options available to them. The food was all
relatively easy to pull together and very few things needed any prep work
at all.
For the Paw Print Cupcakes, you will need cupcakes that are baked and
frosted in any color but brown plus Tootsie Rolls. Wash your hands
thoroughly and then knead your Tootsie Rolls together until you have a
small flat patty. Cut out one large circle and three smaller circles for
each cupca... more »
Witnesses credibility and inconsistency
R. v. A.M., 2014 ONCA 769:
[9] First, every witness, irrespective of age, is an individual
whose credibility and evidence should be assessed according to criteria
appropriate to his or her mental development, understanding, and ability to
communicate: *R. v. W. (R.)*,[1992] 2 S.C.R. 122, at p. 134.
[10] Second, no inflexible rules mandate when a witness' evidence
should be evaluated according to adult or child standards. Indeed, in its
provisions regarding testimonial capacity, the *Canada Evidence Act*,
R.S.C., 1985, c. C-5, eschews any reference to ÒadultÓ or Òch... more »
Supplemental: It’s another one of those pitiful days!
*TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2014The inquiring minds at Salon:* The so-called
democratization of media has taught us many lessons.
Elite gatekeepers are no longer there to censor and sift the things we can
hear. Each separate tribe now gets to have its own say.
This morning, the corporate “liberal” tribe was saying the things shown
below at Salon. These reports were all sitting there when we clicked to a
site which started out as an intelligent liberal org:
*The right’s Lena Dunham nonsense just won’t stop*
Imputing predatory notions and alleging "abuse" is really an attempt to
silence ... more »
Reviewing a civil jury verdict
Stilwell v. World Kitchen Inc., 2014 ONCA 770:
[33] First, the standard of review of civil jury verdicts is
exceptionally high. A civil jury's verdict should be set aside only where
it is so plainly unreasonable and unjust that no jury reviewing the
evidence as a whole and acting judicially could have arrived at the
verdict: *Boucher v. Wal-Mart Canada Corp.*, 2014 ONCA 419, 120 O.R. (3d)
481, at para. 49; *Goodwin (Litigation Guardian of) v. Olupona*, 2013 ONCA
259, 305 O.A.C. 245, at para. 23.
[34] Second, a jury's verdict is entitled to a fair and liberal
interpret... more »
An Analysis On The Ukrainian Army Disaster At The Battle Of Ilovaisk
*The Battle of Ilovaisk: Details of a Massacre Inside Rebel-Held Eastern
Ukraine -- Lucian Kim, Newsweek*
Petro Poroshenko, the former chocolate king and recently-elected president
of Ukraine, stood proudly on the podium in Kiev’s Independence Square as
1,500 goose-stepping servicemen, armoured vehicles and rocket launchers
passed before him. Crowds of smiling families in traditional embroidered
shirts turned out to wave tiny yellow and blue Ukrainian flags in the
summer sunshine. It was August 24th 2014, the anniversary of the day the
country won its independence from the Soviet ... more »
What If Neither Of The Lesser of Two Evils Really Is Lesser Enough?

Bardel, Recchia, Grimm-- there's only one sane choice for NY-11
I'm over the whole concept of even voting for the lesser of two evils any
longer. The lesser of two evils is, by definition, still evil, even if not
as base as the greater of two evils. I voted for the Green Party candidate,
Jill Stein in 2012, not because Obama isn't infinitely better in every way
than Mitt Romney but because I am not making electoral decisions based on
how someone stacks up against a worthless pile of stinking dog shit like
Mitt Romney. Obama isn't terrible and he's had a tough time and history, I
susp... more »
Nov. 4: I didn't think they'd publish it.
When the UN published its report on climate change, it said that a) it is
almost entirely man-made b)it's largely a result of the burning of fossil
fuels c) if continued, it will destroy all life on this planet c) the time
we have left to stop it is shorter than earlier realized - in fact, very
shortly after the completion of the Moncton Events Centre d) this is the
unanimous opinion of most scientists all over the world. It's not just
David Suzuki.
I didn't think the Irving press would even publish that story. But I guess
it was too big to ignore. (Of course, it's not too big to li... more »
Ukraine President Poroshenko Orders The Army To Key Cities

*Ukraine Crisis: Poroshenko Orders Troops To Key Cities -- BBC*
*Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko has ordered army reinforcements to
key southern and eastern cities in case of a new rebel offensive.*
Mr Poroshenko said the units were to protect Mariupol, Berdyansk, Kharkiv
and the north of Luhansk region.
He spoke after meeting security chiefs in the wake of disputed polls in
rebel-held areas of Donetsk and Luhansk.
He said he was still committed to the current peace process but has
proposed cancelling a key plank of the plan.
The peace process was laid out in a 5 September c... more »
Is Comcast Stealing Your Bandwidth?
That's a good question
and you should think about it very seriously especially as more and more
things become internet dependent.
Case in point.
I hold down a full time job.
The only time I am at home during the day is when I am sick.
In the past year, I have been home sick 2 days.
On BOTH of those days - at 8am - my internet bandwidth basically
disappeared at my home.
This leads me to believe that Comcast was re-routing the bandwidth to their
business customers and away from residential customers during the day.
At night - I can have multiple livestreams, social media sites and web... more »
Digging up the Past and Digging into the dirt: RV, GCR, New financial system Updates
Synchronicities. Sooooooo funny. Or not, depending on your point of view
I guess.
We just finished recording this weeks The Collective Imagination show- we
were unable to upload live (again, lol, but this time it wasn't an internet
issue), and as soon as the show has been uploaded to The One Network I will
post the show here.
This week on TCI we left the usual realms of The Collective Imagination
Radio show and had a very in depth conversation with Lisa and Brian about
the latest intel I have received and uncovered about the "New" Financial
I will be recording the latest... more »
Ukraine President Poroshenko Meets With Security Chiefs. May Rescind Accords With The Eastern Rebels

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko (RIA Novosti/Nikolay Lazarenko)
*Ukraine President In Crisis Talks With Security Chiefs Over ‘Electoral
Farce’ -- The Guardian*
Petro Poroshenko vows to deal with only ‘legitimately elected
self-government bodies, not … bandits who crown themselves’
Ukraine’s president, Petro Poroshenko, is to meet his security chiefs on
Tuesday after pro-Russia rebels held elections that proved they would never
again be ruled by Kiev.
Separatist leaders in Luhansk and Donetsk claimed victory in the votes in
the east of the country, which Poroshenko condemned ... more »
Inconvenient Questions

Word has it that Stephen Harper wants to clamp down on individual liberties
on the pretext that national security demands such a clamp down. Murray
Dobbins writes that Harper should -- but won't -- answer some very
inconvenient questions:
The bigger questions remain to be asked and so they won't likely be
answered. Mr. Harper, who eagerly adheres to the (simplistic) idea that
jihadists "hate our freedoms," might reasonably be asked to explain why he
is so eager to destroy those freedoms in response to... more »
Heavy Fighting Reported Between The Libyan Army And Islamists Near Seaport City Of Benghazi
*Libyan Army, Islamists Battle in Benghazi -- Voice of America*
CAIRO — Arab news channels are reporting heavy fighting in the center of
Benghazi between forces loyal to the Libyan Army and the Shoura Council
Islamist militias. The army has called on residents to evacuate, amid heavy
Pitched battles were reported in Benghazi's central commercial district of
al Saberi, as Libyan Army forces tried to dislodge Islamic militants in
control of the area. Libyan TV reported that the Red Crescent evacuated its
headquarters in the Jumhuriya Hospital, due to heavy fighting.
A Lib... more »
Soft and Powerless?
*Ida Lawrence* - The spiritual journey is ancient. Are we intuitively led
and guided despite the ego?
The post Soft and Powerless? appeared first on Waking Times.
Wild Bill: Has some important advice for the citizens of this country...

*it's Reckoning Day.*
*We're not having a tailgate party, but we are going to have breakfast out.*
*It's pumpkin pancake time at Denny's... *
*Country Fried Steak and Eggs (with a side of pumpkin pancakes?)*
*or *
*maybe a Grand Slam (with pumpkin pancakes, of course)...*
Top US General In NATO Paints A Grim Picture Of Relations With Russia

NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe and Commander of the U.S. European
Command General Philip Breedlove speaks during a news conference at the
National Defence headquarters in Ottawa May 6, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Chris
*More Troops Needed In E.Europe Amid Ukraine Threat, Says NATO General --
Baltic Times*
NATO should boost its presence in eastern Europe amid growing security
challenges in the region, NATO general Philip Breedlove has said.
Breedlove said he was asking the Pentagon for more troops and equipment in
Europe amid fears of a growing resurgent Russia, the D... more »
Lambton CPC: Nuthin' to Hide?
Recently, DJ! nosed around and found that some crisis pregnancy centres in
Canada do indeed have ultrasound machines believed by fetus fetishists to
have the magical property of dissolving women's will for autonomy.
Which is odd, considering that they claim NOT to be medical facilities,
but, just, you know, counselling and information centres with sidelines in
mom-n-tots drop-ins and baby clothes.
In fact, in Ontario, the Ministry of Health does not fund these fake
clinics or regulate them specifically because they are not medical clinics.
What to make then of this promotional vide... more »
U.S. Navy SEAL Commander Tells Fellow SEALs To Not 'Spill Secrets'
*Navy SEALs Commander Attacks 'Selfish' Soldier Who Killed Osama bin Laden
For Violating Elite Force's Values By Agreeing To Tell-All Interview For
'For Financial Gain' -- Daily Mail*
* Rear Admiral Brian Losey hit out at those who violate SEAL 'ethos'
* Derided unnamed soldier for seeking 'public notoriety' and cash
* Did not directly address 'The Shooter' in letter but made clear reference
* SEAL who killed Osama bin Laden due to tell all on Fox News next week
* Follows other warnings from the Pentagon - and legal threats
The commander of the Navy SEALs has lashed out at the 'selfis... more »
Nuke Boys Like Alcohol

*This chair is at an ICBM launch control facility near Minot, N.D., on the
Minot Air Force Base. There has been a series of firings of commanders
lately - take a close look at the words on the patch on the chair. Click
on the photo if you need a larger view. *
I was up earlier than normal this morning in order to help set up our table
at the Bath polling station. Selma Sternlieb took the first two-hour shift
so I came home and immediately did an interview with PressTV in Iran. They
wanted my comment on a story about nuke silo commanders being fired that
was published in the mili... more »
Why You Should Only Use Fluoridated Antibiotics as a Last Resort
*Dr. Mercola* - Did you know that fluoridated antibiotics are among the
most dangerous pharmaceuticals out there?
The post Why You Should Only Use Fluoridated Antibiotics as a Last Resort
appeared first on Waking Times.
Disgusting and Cruel School Lunches Prompt Massive Student Boycott
*Heather Callaghan* - It's not so much the school they take issue with, but
the shady food company to whom they are contracted...
The post Disgusting and Cruel School Lunches Prompt Massive Student Boycott
appeared first on Waking Times.
New York City Drops Loser School Strategy

In a clear repudiation of everything that Gates, Broad, and the Waltons
stand for, New York City officials have returned to some semblance of
sanity after a long reign of educational terrorism.
May the contagion spread. From the NYTimes:
Is President Obama's Islamic State Strategy Doomed For Failure

President Barack Obama meets with his national security advisors in the
Situation Room of the White House, Aug. 7, 2014. Credit: Official White
House Photo by Pete Souza
*Obama's ISIS Strategy: Doomed For Failure -- Robert W. Merry, National
*"He remains mired in the same thinking that started with George W. Bush’s
invasion of Iraq in 2003 and has generated growing chaos in the region ever
since." *
In the spring of 1956, the prominent U.S. columnist Joseph Alsop, who
enjoyed wide access to world leaders around the globe, traveled through the
Middle East on an extended ... more »
Scotia Bank Got Harper's Tax Cut - Have Made $5.7 B Profit So Far In 2014 AND NOW WILL CUT 1500 Jobs!!

*Here is how things are working in Stephen Harper's corporate paradise ..
formerly known as 'Canada' ....*
"TORONTO - *Scotiabank (TSX:BNS) warns that it's cutting the equivalent of
1,500 jobs companywide — about two-thirds of them in Canada [...] Despite
the magnitude of the announcement, the bank said it remains on track to
meet its 2014 financial objectives. Like Canada's other major banks,
Scotiabank has been extremely profitable — with a total $5.57 billion of
net profit in the first three quarters of 2014.*
*"Today's announcement is a result of making some difficult but neces... more »
THE WAY WE ARE: A ball of confusion!
*TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2014Part 2—“Clarity,” as seen by the Times:* It’s a
bit like what they used to say about New England weather:
If you don’t like the weather, wait a while.
So it was with Richard Perez-Pena’s New York Times news report. The report
appeared atop the front page of last Tuesday’s National section.
For part 1 in this series, click here.
In his opening paragraph, Perez-Pena delivered an unpleasant statistic:
“among undergraduates who replied to a survey, at least 17 percent of women
[at MIT] said they had been sexually assaulted” during their time on campus.
If yo... more »
Be Cynical: Vote

Happy Meh-term Day, everybody! I trust that all of you will be doing your
civic duty and casting your votes today. I know, I know.... voting in the
Age of Citizens United is like casting your line into the muddy waters and
hoping you'll snag a piece of old plastic instead of a rotting animal
But take it from one who knows: despite what President Obama says ("Don't
be cynical! Vote!") it is indeed possible to be both a cynic and a voter.
All you have to take with you to the polls (besides an ID card if you are
voting in a red state while brown or black) is your tongue, held ... more »
There are many YouTube articles on whether or not you should buy silver, some pro, some con. How do we know who to believe? Well, when I saw that this one is by Dave Kranzler I knew this was the one to watch. Why? Because Paul Craig Roberts teamed with Kranzler to prove manipulation of the (paper) gold market. Bottom line: Paper silver is similarly being driven down, but much deeper than gold ...to a value lower than it costs to mine it. So buy physical silver now and expect its value to leap upward by a factor of 3 or 4 the day the dollar crashes ...which could be as soon as 6 months from now.

Banksters Gut Silver To Protect Fiat Paper Ponzi -- Kranzler
*Published on Sep 21, 2014*
It's the same old song, silver gutted by Bankster cartel paper in order to
protect their fiat Dollar Ponzi scheme. Dave Kranzler joins us to discuss
what's next and how low silver could go despite the very real demand for
PHYSICAL metals throughout Asia.
Cherchez la Verite
Ted Cruz Has Plans For A Republican-Controlled Congress

Do fascists now control the Senate GOP? Curtis Haas and Ted Cruz
Former Colorado congressman and virulent racist Tom Tancredo wrote on some
fringy, far right website that if the GOP captures the Senate today the GOP
leadership should move immediately to impeach President Obama. So? Who
cares what a crackpot like Tancredo, a private citizen with absolutely no
mainstream credibility, has to say? How about if someone just as unhinged
was saying the same kind of stuff but from inside the U.S. Senate? Did you
watch *House of Cards*? If so, do you recall the "Tea Party bullhorn," a
far rig... more »
Superfoods with Strongest Immunity-boosting Power
*Meme - *Dr. Fuhrman offers his rating of various superfoods based on their
power to boost the immue system.
The post Superfoods with Strongest Immunity-boosting Power appeared first
on Waking Times.
What US-America Needs is a Revolution
Two super-corrupt political parties. Murderous imperialists. Torturers. War
criminals. Who are now possessed of the idea that they have the right to
arrest people without charges; hold them without evidence; and imprison
them forever or kill them, without due process.
Sorry "liberal democrats" but you lost me at "arrest people without
And shameless Wall Street shills. Wall Street banksters committed
deliberate, genuine fraud, to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars,
requiring (for them) bail-outs to the tune of trillions of taxpayer
dollars. And not one of them was... more »
Locals Know Best: Community Action Is Game Changer for Containing Ebola In Sierra Leone
This is a guest post by Dehunge Shiaka, Researcher and gender expert in
Freetown Sierra Leone This is the second post in a series by Shiaka, which
is meant to provide an insider’s perspective on living in Sierra Leone
during the Ebola crisis. The first one can be accessed here. To access our
linkages posts
Continue reading
*'Alarmist' green groups made 'exaggerated' claims about global warming, UN
climate change scientist says*
Green groups have been unhelpfully “alarmist” in making the case for
tackling global warming - but the world now needs to take urgent and
radical action if it wants to prevent dangerous climate change, leading UN
scientists have said.
Some claims that non-governmental organisations have made about climate
change “have undoubtedly been exaggerated”, Professor Myles Allen, one of
the lead authors of a major new report from the UN’s Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPC... more »
*Distorted Education Attack Ads Hide the Facts*
Political campaigns across the country are heating up—thanks in no small
part to all the hot air surrounding accusations about alleged “cuts” to
education funding. As I explain in a recent USA Today column:
In North Carolina, Democratic Sen. Kay Hagan has been savaging her
opponent, Republican N.C. House Speaker Thom Tillis, for allegedly cutting
$500 million from the state’s education budget.
In the Wisconsin governor’s race, Republican Gov. Scott Walker is being
attacked by challenger Mary Burke for allegedly engineering “the larges... more »
Tuesday night shorts + links

*In Hsinchu*
CNN hosts President Ma spouting in fine 19th century blood and soil mode:
All our efforts in Taiwan have aimed at showing ethnic Chinese societies
around the world that the imported concept of democracy can take root,
germinate, and grow into a big tree on purely ethnic Chinese soil."
Crap from beginning to end: all the KMT efforts were to fight and suppress
democratic development, and at the other end, "purely ethnic Chinese
soil"?? No wonder the man has 14% approval ratings even from media outlets
friendly to his party. Tomorrow there will be a media flap, no biggie.... more »
Pakistan requests GRC43M cutters from US

[image: GRC43M Cutter]The US Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) has
notified Congress of a potential foreign military sale (FMS) of global
response cutters (GRC43M), support and associated equipment to Pakistan.
Under the estimated $350m FMS programme, Pakistan has requested eight
GRC43M cutters, in addition to eight outfitted 25mm or 30mm naval gun
systems, 32 M2-HB .50 calibre machine guns and 32 7.62mm guns.
The proposed package comprises eight 8m rigid inflatable boats, ballistic /
armour protection of critical spaces, command and control equipment,
communication equipme... more »
Glitch in Sukhoi-30 voice recorder tape

[image: Su-30MKI Flanker]The cockpit voice recorder (CVR) of the Sukhoi-30
MKI that crashed on October 14 near Pune, leading to the grounding of 200
Russian-origin fighter jets, stopped recording pilot communications minutes
before the crash, said a top government official familiar with the
The glitch has further deepened the mystery surrounding the crash, the
fifth accident involving a Su-30 during the last five years. The official
said there was no record of conversations in the cockpit at least five
minutes before the crash as the tape had run out.
The development... more »
Multiverse and the measure problem: no progress
*Off-topic, CERN:* former ATLAS spokeslady Fabiola Gianotti was chosen to
be the next CERN Director General. Congrats but it's since 2016 and she may
very well miss the first big post-Higgs discoveries.
*Interstellar:* the reviewers seem totally captivated by the black hole
Yesterday, Natalie Wolchover and Peter Byrne wrote an article for the
Quanta Magazine:
In a Multiverse, What Are the Odds?
It's the first part of a series. The article has received no comments so
far and no other media reacted. My reactions to this silence is mixed:
... more »
Poland to buy short-range missiles amid tensions with Russia

[image: Surface to Air Missiles (SAM)]NATO member Poland on Monday invited
manufacturers of short-range surface-to-air missiles for technical talks
for a planned military revamp amid heightened tensions with Russia.
The defence ministry said the new acquisitions will be part of a planned
anti-missile shield and air defence system which is pegged to cost 7.1
billion euros ($8.8 billion).
A supplier will be chosen in 2016, according to officials.
Read more
Japan Set to Launch First Homegrown Fighter Jet Since World War II to Counter China

[image: Mitsubishi ATD-X]The Advanced Technology Demonstrator-X (ATD – X),
a stealth jet fighter, which has been in the making for four years, is
expected to take to the skies for the first time in January next year,
according to the Nikkei Asian Review.
Japan's World War II defence manufacturer Mitsubishi Heavy Industries is
currently undertaking a final ground test of the prototype fighter also
referred to as 'Shinshin', which it will deliver to Japan's Defence
Ministry in April next year.
The government is expected to conduct further tests to verify the jet's
capabilities before... more »
Griffiss, NUAIR Test First Unmanned Aircraft System

[image: NeuroN UAS]Griffiss and NUAIR Alliance have successfully completed
the first test-flight of an Unmanned Aircraft System at Griffiss
International Airport.
The aircraft tested was a Logos Technologies parafoil system, which
combines a fabric wing with an aircraft body.
The parafoil was tested for its ability to carry significant loads for its
weight class and Logos’ flight control approach for inexpensively
delivering supplies.
Read more
Here Are The 'Complex' Russian Air Incursions That NATO Is So Concerned About

[image: Eurofighter Typhoon & Tu-95 Bear]Tensions between Russia and the
West have been steadily growing over the past few months, as there has been
a sharp uptick in Russian bombers and fighters flying missions over Europe.
This increase in activity has taken place against the backdrop of a frozen
conflict in Ukraine, which has already pitted Russia and the West against
each other.
This rise in tensions, summarized succinctly in a recent brazenly
anti-Western Putin speech, has led to Russian aerial incursions being
viewed with increased hesitance.
Read more
U.S. Marines to Retire Harrier Fleet Earlier Than Planned, Extend Life of Hornets

[image: AV-8B Harrier]The U.S. Marine Corps will phase out the Boeing AV-8B
Harrier II jump jet by 2025 — about five years earlier than planned — and
will instead extend the life of its fleet of aging Boeing F/A-18 Hornet
strike fighters, according to the service’s recently released 2015 aviation
In previous years, the service had said it would replace its increasingly
older fleet of original model Boeing F/A-18A – D Hornet strike fighters
before retiring the Harriers before replacing both fighters with the
Lockheed Martin F-35 Lighting II Joint Strike Fighter (JSF).
Now, the... more »
Historic first F-35 landing on carrier
Two Joint Strike Fighters successfully landed aboard the aircraft carrier
Nimitz Monday, in what is considered the new Navy fighter jet's coming out
party and an historic day in naval aviation.
Both F-35Cs caught the "three wire” – the third of four cables stretched
across the deck, considered a bullseye in Navy flying -- putting an extra
patina of success on the first day of sea trials for the next-generation
American jet.
"We're excited to have taken this step," said Vice Adm. David Buss, the
Navy's "Air Boss" who oversees the sea service's aviation fleet. "We’re
going to use th... more »
Navies of friendly countries keen on Indian sonars
[image: ABHAY (Compact Hull Mounted Sonar (HMS) System)]India is looking to
export indigenously developed hull-mounted sonars and negotiations are at
an advanced stage with the navies of three to four friendly nations.
SONAR (an acronym for Sound Navigation and Ranging) is used to detect
underwater targets. Like radar, used to detect long-range aerial and other
targets, sonars have applications in underwater surveillance, communication
and marine navigation.
Three units of these sonars have been exported to Myanmar. Officials from
Bharat Electronics Limited and the Naval Physical an... more »
Thales presents its new integrated mast I-Mast 500 at EURONAVAL 2014
In a tentative to combine its different existing products, Thales proposes
its new integrated mast I-MAST 500. I-Mast 500 integrates a I-Mast 400,
already installed on Dutch OPV Holland class, and an APAR Active Phased
Array Radar. Thales I-Mast 500 offers all the necessary capacities needed
by modern ships.
With the growing number of electronic systems that must be installed on
ships today (Radar, communication, ISR, guidance systems, etc...) arises
the problem of electronic interferences. Thales find a solution at this
problem by gathering the different systems in an unique integ... more »
Russia, China Continue Negotiations for Su-35S Fighters

[image: Su-35 Flanker-E]Ongoing changes in the political and military
landscape have prompted Russia and China into a stronger military and
industrial alliance.
Both countries feel increasingly isolated by the U.S. and its allies. Yet
while the expansion of ties between the Russian Armed Forces and China’s
People’s Liberation Army comes as no surprise, it has proven slow to
Russia started negotiations to sell the Chinese on a batch of 24 Su-35S
single-seat multirole fighters in 2012. Speaking to the media recently, an
official with Russia’s arms export agency Rosoboro... more »
North Korean Submarine Threat Overstated, Arms Analysts Say

[image: Project 629A (Golf II) class SSK]North Korea remains years away
from being able to launch ballistic missiles from a submarine even as its
leader Kim Jong Un seeks to expand the fleet’s range and firepower, weapons
analysts said.
“If the North decides to pursue such a capability, it is likely to take
years to design, develop, manufacture, and deploy an operational
submarine-launched ballistic missile force,” Joseph S. Bermudez Jr., chief
analytical officer at AllSource Analysis, wrote last week on 38 North, a
blog run by the U.S.- Korea Institute at Johns Hopkins School of Ad... more »
Neo-Cons and Corporate Fascists for Hong Kong Democracy?

Many "Occupy Central" supporters now admit the US National Endowment for
Democracy's (NED) role in ongoing chaos in Hong Kong and simply say, "so
what?" Here's what...
*November 4, 2014* (Tony Cartalucci - LD) - James T. Griffiths of the South
China Morning Post was preparing a hit piece on analysts exposing the US
role behind Hong Kong's ongoing street protests organized by "Occupy
Central." Through a series of various logical fallacies, Griffiths was
attempting to undermine and discredit these alternative news sources that
have filled in the missing pieces intentionally left out ... more »
"Rise of ISIS" Documentary Points All of The Blame At Maliki, Wrongly
*Source: PBS.*
*"Frontline: The Rise of ISIS* (Tuesday, PBS, 10 p.m.) gives answers. It’s
a must-see background investigation and it lays blame. It doesn’t outright
condemn, but the conclusion is easily found – blame is laid at the feet of
Nouri al-Maliki, who was prime minister of Iraq from 2006 until 2014, and
the Obama administration, which dithered neurotically while al-Maliki
created the condition for ISIS to flourish.
I’ve watched it twice and concluded that the issue of Islamic State is less
about religious fundamentalism than it is about gangsters and
testosterone-driven ... more »
Watch Maps to the Stars 2014 Full Movie Online

*Maps to the Stars (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : R
Score : 6.9
Release : 21 May 2014
Duration : 111 min
Genre : Drama
Director : David Cronenberg
Writer : Bruce Wagner (screenplay)
Cast : Julianne Moore, Robert Pattinson, John Cusack, Mia Wasikowska
Synopsis Maps to the StarsThe Weiss family is the archetypical Hollywood
dynasty: father Stafford is an analyst and coach, who has made a fortune
with his self-help manuals; mother Cristina mostly looks after the career
of their son Benjie, 13, a child star. One of Stafford's clients, Havana,
is an actress who dreams of shooting a remak... more »
Musical Interlude: Logos/Arcan, “Beauté Eternelle”
Logos/Arcan, “Beauté Eternelle”
- https://www.youtube.com/
Gaius' Quick Senate Scorecard for 2014 Races
-by Gaius Publius
As we move to election day, I'd like to offer the following as a quick
scorecard, a list of Senate races to watch.
In the following table, the first seven races (bolded) are those marked
"competitive" by the *New York Times* in an interesting interactive write-up.
The second group (Roman font) lists races I'm interested in, for a variety
of reasons. In some, the Republican is likely to win (for example,
McConnell, Collins, Capito). In others, the Democrat is given at least a
chance (Pryor, Landrieu). The Weiland race you've likely read about; he has
an interes... more »
Conflict and judicial recusal
Conflict of interest remains a challenging area for judicial officers.
The recent Newfoundland and Labrador decision in Cabana v. Newfoundland and
Labrador, 2014 NLCA 34 suggests that disqualifying conflict may not be
present in matters where Ontario judicial officers have customarily found
As a general rule Ontario judicial officers decline to hear contested
matters where one of the parties is represented by someone who is a member
of the same law firm as the judicial officer's spouse. So a judge will not
hear her husband's associate argue a matter.
The customary refusal is... more »
"The Only Question..."
“Life is an end in itself, and the only question as to whether
it is worth living is whether you have had enough of it.”
- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
"A Look to the Heavens"
“This sharp cosmic portrait features NGC 891. The spiral galaxy spans about
100 thousand light-years and is seen almost exactly edge-on from our
perspective. In fact, about 30 million light-years distant in the
constellation Andromeda, NGC 891 looks a lot like our Milky Way. At first
glance, it has a flat, thin, galactic disk and a central bulge cut along
the middle by regions of dark obscuring dust.
*Click image for larger size.*
The combined image data also reveal the galaxy's young blue star clusters
and telltale pinkish star forming regions. And remarkably apparent in NGC
891's e... more »
Tecumseh, "Live Your Life..."
"Live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart.
Trouble no one about his religion.
Respect others in their views and demand that they respect yours.
Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life.
Seek to make your life long and of service to your people.
Always give a word or sign of salute when meeting
or passing a friend, or even a stranger, if in a lonely place.
Show respect to all people, but grovel to none.
When you rise in the morning, give thanks for the light,
for your life, for your strength.
Give thanks for your food and for the joy of liv... more »
The Poet: Mary Oliver, "Song of the Builders"
*"Song of the Builders"*
"On a summer morning
I sat down
on a hillside
to think about God -
a worthy pastime.
Near me, I saw
a single cricket;
it was moving the grains of the hillside
this way and that way.
How great was its energy,
how humble its effort.
Let us hope
it will always be like this,
each of us going on
in our inexplicable ways
building the universe.”
~ Mary Oliver, “Why I Wake Early”
"Effort and Understanding: Having It Easy"
*"Effort and Understanding: Having It Easy"*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
"When we view the lives of others and think they have it easy, we are not
seeing the whole of their life or the story they are presenting. Our lives
are an exercise in facing challenges. We dream the grandest of dreams as
youngsters only to discover that we must cultivate copious inner strength
and determination in order to meet our goals. Our hard work does not always
yield the results we expect. And it is when we find ourselves frustrated by
the trials we face or unable to meet our own expectations that we... more »
Paulo Coelho, "Defeat"
by Paulo Coelho
"Does a leaf, when it falls from the tree in winter, feel defeated by the
cold? The tree says to the leaf: ‘That’s the cycle of life. You may think
you’re going to die, but you live on in me. It’s thanks to you that I’m
alive, because I can breathe. It’s also thanks to you that I have felt
loved, because I was able to give shade to the weary traveller. Your sap is
in my sap, we are one thing.’
Does a man who spent years preparing to climb the highest mountain in the
world feel defeated on reaching that mountain and discovering that nature
has cloaked the... more »
Ron Jacobs : BOOKS | ‘Killing Trayvons: An Anthology of American Violence’
This collection of essays, poetry, and art, much of it from the pages of
CounterPunch, is provocative and enlightening. By Ron Jacobs | The Rag Blog
| November 3, 2014 In 1771 in the North Carolina colony, Justice Martin
Howard … finish reading Ron Jacobs :
*BOOKS* | ‘Killing Trayvons: An Anthology of American Violence’
The Daily "Near You?"
Salisbury, Wiltshire, United Kingdom. Thanks for stopping by.
“Loving Your Servitude”
*“Loving Your Servitude”*
by James Quinn
“The real hopeless victims of mental illness are to be found among those
who appear to be most normal. Many of them are normal because they are so
well adjusted to our mode of existence, because their human voice has been
silenced so early in their lives that they do not even struggle or suffer
or develop symptoms as the neurotic does. They are normal not in what may
be called the absolute sense of the word; they are normal only in relation
to a profoundly abnormal society. Their perfect adjustment to that abnormal
society is a measure of th... more »
"Except for totally impulsive or psychotic behavior, every human
decision comes down to the choice between two alternatives."
- Jeff Duntemann
"The Decline of Critical Thinking"
*"The Decline of Critical Thinking"*
by Lawrence Davidson
"In 2008 Rick Shenkman, the Editor-in-Chief of the History News Network,
published a book entitled "Just How Stupid Are We? Facing the Truth about
the American Voter" (Basic Books). In it he demonstrated, among other
things, that most Americans were: (1) ignorant about major international
events, (2) knew little about how their own government runs and who runs
it, (3) were nonetheless willing to accept government positions and
policies even though a moderate amount of critical thought suggested they
were bad for the country... more »
3 City States that Control the World

*Video -* An interesting short film about three sovereign, corporate city
states that control the world.
The post 3 City States that Control the World appeared first on Waking Times
Where did the Butter go?

As I've said before in this blog, butter consumption in New Zealand was
high in the 1940's, was halved by wartime rationing (1943-1948), rose again
to its 1942/43 peak by the mid 60's, and is now a quarter what it was then.
How did people in the 1940's and 1960's manage to eat that much butter?
I've tried, and I can't do it, even on LCHF. And people back then didn't
have French cookery books, Julia Childs was still working for the OSS (she
didn't appear on NZ TV till the late 1980's, after Kiwis started drinking
This is how we did it
Wikipedia’s entry on “New Zealand Cu... more »
LNG Debate, Facts Versus BC Liberal Fiction....NDP`s Norm MacDonald
*Today at the British Columbia Legislature....The people`s house(Grant G)*
*________________ *
*N. Macdonald:** I rise to speak on Bill 6, the Liquefied Natural Gas
Income Tax Act.*
*That was interesting. I'm not sure the minister actually read the bill if
you're talking about the revenues that you still are trying to lay out in
front of British Columbians. This bill is a year and a half late coming,
and here it is. The reality is here before us to contrast with the frankly
ridiculous rhetoric around LNG from this minister and from the Premier in
particular, but really from a... more »
"Business leaders often give remarkably bad economic advice, especially in troubled times" (Paul Krugman)

*"[D]oesn’t [successful business people's] success with money mean that
they know how the economy really works? Actually, no. In fact, business
leaders often give remarkably bad economic advice, especially in troubled
*-- Paul Krugman, in his NYT column today,* "Business vs. Economics"
*by Ken*
PK's column today is one after my own heart. I've tried a number of times
to explain this distinction, between business and economic competence,
drawing only on my intuitive sense of the critically different way the two
groups look at the same problems, and the obviously different ... more »
Watch Kick Full Movie 2014 Streaming

*Kick (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 6.0
Release : 25 Jul 2014
Duration : 146 min
Genre : Action, Comedy, Romance
Director : Sajid Nadiadwala
Writer : Vakkantham Vamsi (story), Rajat Arora (screenplay), Keith Gomes
(screenplay), Sajid Nadiadwala (screenplay), Chetan Bhagat (additional
screenplay), Rajat Arora (dialogue)
Cast : Salman Khan, Jacqueline Fernandez, Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Randeep Hooda
Synopsis KickOn a train journey in Warsaw, psychiatrist Shaina meets
Himanshu, who is a police officer from India to discuss their prospective
marriage. Both are reluctant to ent... more »
Watch Your Final Vote On Your "Recap" Screen When You Vote On Electronic Voting Machines: They're "Flipping" All Over The Country!!! (updated with post-election articles at the bottom of post)

*It can ONLY be concluded: it is on PURPOSE -*
Here are examples of ELECTRONIC VOTING MACHINES flipping voters' votes from
around the country:
*Touch-Screen Votes Flipping Dem to Repub in North Carolina's 'Toss Up'
U.S. Senate Race: Most expensive Senate race in U.S. history - and balance
of Senate along with it - may be determined by 100% unverifiable votes...*
*E-Votes Flip D to R in Texas, R to D in Illinois: More Trouble With
Touch-Screens (2014 Edition)*
*"Touch-Screen Votes Flip 'No' to 'Yes' on Abortion Amendment to State
Constitution in TN"*
*"Unverifiable Diebold Touch-S... more »
Winter Hits Kiev
Residents in Kiev, Ukraine protested and blocked streets due to lack of
heating, hot water and electricity.
Maybe instead of making war on their fellow citizens in eastern Ukraine the
NATO puppet government in Kiev might want to take care of things back home.
One person commented after this video on YouTube with the following:
Phone John McCain and Victoria Nuland [fuck the EU fame] they will give you
some cookies.
Maybe instead of the US-NATO shipping more weapons of war to Kiev the
citizens of the Ukraine should demand peace with their fellow citizens and
an end to their corru... more »
Sweden Freaks Out - Again
Recently there was a big scare in Sweden that Russia had sent a nuclear
submarine into their waters. There was no evidence of this but the global
media gobbled it up. It turned out to be more fear tactics on the part of
NATO as they attempt to bring Sweden and Finland into the 'western
alliance' - better known as the US war machine's 'European Branch of
This video is a parody of the Swedish fear about a 'Moskol' attack.
It should come as no surprise that the US Ambassador to Sweden is Mark
Brzezinski who is the son of former US National Security Adviser Zbigniew
Brz... more »
Watch The Murders of Brandywine Theater Full Movie 2014 Streaming

*The Murders of Brandywine Theater (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : N/A
Release : 18 Apr 2014
Duration : 71 min
Genre : Drama, Fantasy, Horror
Director : Larry Longstreth
Writer : Larry Longstreth
Cast : Dian Bachar, Danielle Lozeau, Martin Klebba, Dallas Page
Synopsis The Murders of Brandywine TheaterA depressed, small-town
ventriloquist named Henry (Dian Bachar of Southpark, Baseketball) finally
comes out of his shell when his puppet 'Moxxy' (voiced by Les Claypool of
Primus fame) begins speaking up for him. All is seemingly well until the
cruel and charismatic puppet be... more »
Watch Alien Abduction Full Movie 2014 Streaming

*Alien Abduction (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : Not Rated
Score : 4.9
Release : 01 May 2014
Duration : 85 min
Genre : Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Director : Matty Beckerman
Writer : Robert Lewis
Cast : Katherine Sigismund, Corey Eid, Riley Polanski, Jillian Clare
Synopsis Alien AbductionA vacationing family encounters an alien threat in
this thriller based on the real-life Brown Mountain Lights phenomenon in
North Carolina.
Description Alien AbductionYou wake up after having been abducted by
aliens. Mash A to clench your sphincter. It only works so well, as you now
have an alien probe ... more »
Bad Bear's Photos: Protest to Save Pyramid Lake
Carson City, Nevada, State Legislature. Natives fight for water
rights for future generations.
Photos by Bad Bear Sampson, Western Shoshone/Paiute photojournalist
and long walker
News article: Paiute water rights will be lost if Obama signs bill
Editor's Note
I am calling it an early night. It has been a long and hard week (finished
up on a personal web project that I will share with all of you faithful
readers in the next few weeks) .... and I am totally bushed. Blogging will
return tomorrow morning.
*Update Tuesday, November 4, 9:38 EST:* You know you must have be tired
when you go to bed and you crash for 12 hours. Blogging will resume in
about 30 minutes.
The unique focus of the Montessori educational environment is on building
the child’s concentration – concentration being the key to everything that
The first essential for the child's development is concentration. It lays
the whole basis for his character and social behaviour. He must find out
how to concentrate, and for this he needs things to concentrate upon. This
shows the importance of his surroundings, for no-one acting on the child
from outside can cause him to concentrate.
Maria Montessori, *The Absorbent Mind*
This delightful wee video is one of a series of sho... more »
You've Been Conned, Hoodwinked, Bamboozled, Led Astray, Run Amuck (The Republicans Most Aggressive Attempt to Suppress Votes Yet And It Looks Like it Will Succeed) Votes Being Flipped In Dozens of States Already (We Are Sooooo F*cked) Karl Rove Smirking?
Latest in on rightwing voter/voting attacks from our friend at News from
the Underground: Computer scientists have rebutted Michael Shamos - 1
Update ES&S machines are flipping votes in Arkansas - 1 Update One more lie
in that crappy piece about e-voting - 1 Update The Hill has published a
rightwing scammer's piece (with input from the very
“Modern Day America: One Step Away from the Third Reich”
*“Modern Day America: *
*One Step Away from the Third Reich”*
By John Stanton
“Unbeknownst to most Americans the United States is presently under thirty
presidential declared states of emergency. They confer vast powers on the
Executive Branch including the ability to financially incapacitate any
person or organization in the United States, seize control of the nation’s
communications infrastructure, mobilize military forces, expand the
permissible size of the military without congressional authorization, and
extend tours of duty without consent from service personnel. Declared
sta... more »
The Economy: "This Is Monumentally Absurd..."
*"This Is Monumentally Absurd..."*
by Bill Bonner
'The Dow jumped another 195 points on Friday. What do you think? Was that
because the economy is so healthy? Are stock market investors looking for
years of healthy earnings growth ahead? Did buying the Dow at today's
valuations suddenly become a reasonable investment move? Or could it be
because Japan has just done something monumentally absurd? It is hard to
know what attitude to take when talking about Japanese financial policies.
Mockery? Pity? Gratitude?
It is easy to mock the Japanese. They have a government debt-to-GDP ratio... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- November 3, 2014

In this photo provided by Britain's Royal Air Force and taken Wednesday,
Oct. 29, 2014, a Russian military long range bomber aircraft photographed
by an intercepting RAF quick reaction Typhoon flies in international
airspace. Royal Air Force
*Why Russia Is Buzzing NATO -- Marc Champion, National Post Wire Services*
In a single 24-hour period this week, Russia dispatched 19 combat aircraft
— including “Bear” strategic bombers — to probe North Atlantic Treaty
Organization air defences. It also test-launched a ballistic missile in the
Barents Sea, north of Sweden, that hit a target in... more »
Littlest Pet Shop Party

“I participated in an Influencer Activation Program on behalf of
Influence-Central for Littlest Pet Shop. I received a sample to facilitate
my review and a thank you item for participating.
We have always loved Littlest Pet Shop Pets in our house. My daughter loves
carrying a few around her pocket and introducing them to people when we are
out and about. I love the stories she creates for each animal and how the
possibilities for imaginative play are endless. When we decided to throw a
Littlest Pet Shop Party for my 5-year-old and her friends, she was so
excited to share one of her f... more »
"Freeze" the Syrian Conflict? Here's that truce I mentioned so many months ago
*We are walking back to August 28/14. A stroll down memory lane, if you
*To a blog post entitled ISIS = Smoke & Mirrors. Giving cover now for
strikes on Syria*
*If you didn't read it then, you may want to now? On that date, I made
these statements and wrote them down for all the readers here*
*"Here is how I see events falling into place based on the information at
hand--The US will launch airstrikes into Syria.-They are and have been
laying the groundwork for sometime now.- Creation of the petro state
Kurdistan- -Soften targets for an onslaught of Islamists, Kurds, Tu... more »
Newly Discovered Neuron Adds to the Mystery of the Mind
*Anna Hunt - *A new type of neuron has been identified in the brain that
appears to be more effective in transmitting information than a regular
brain cell.
The post Newly Discovered Neuron Adds to the Mystery of the Mind appeared
first on Waking Times.
‘Oh! What a Lovely Pestilence!’: Why Governments Love Destruction (and Always Fail to Act)
*Paul Krugman and Joseph Stiglitz must be prancing around like excited
schoolgirls about Ebola, say Chris Campbell & Daniel Oliver in this Guest
[image: Why Governments Love Destruction (and Always Fail to Act)]We’ve
given Ebola a lot of thought this weekend. And how different this crisis
would be without the government getting in the way.
Despite the insanely underwhelming (yet typical) response from the
government, most people can’t imagine that we could deal with any type of
crisis without government intervention.
Most are inundated with the idea that we *need ... more »
World News Briefs -- November 3, 2014 (Evening Edition)

Pakistani rangers (wearing black uniforms) and Indian Border Security Force
(BSF) officers lower their national flags during a daily parade at the
Pakistan-India joint check-post at Wagah border, near Lahore November 3,
2014. Credit: Reuters/Mohsin Raza
*India, Pakistan Lower Flag At Wagah Border Ceremony Day After Deadly
Attack -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - India and Pakistan solemnly lowered their national flags at a
dusk military ceremony on their main land border crossing on Monday, a day
after a suicide attack killed almost 60 people on the Pakistani side.
India's home ministry had... more »
A Note on Porn and Misogyny
I agree with Julie Bindel. There's a phrase that won't win many friends. In
feminist and socialist circles, pornography can polarise opinion in ways
few issues can. And as par the course for strict dividing lines, either
side are soon painted into absolutist corners. In this case, those against
banning porn self-identify as sex-positive as opposed to the sex-negative
killjoys on the other side. For the feminists and socialists who take the
opposite view, they are the ones who are consistent opponents of sexual
violence while the opposition are "malestream" feminists or left friends ... more »
Tomorrow's Endorsements-- In The Races On My Own Ballot In Los Angeles
I live in Los Feliz, a neighborhood of Los Angeles. I vote down the street
in a neighbor's garage. We don't have any high-profile races to vote on
here-- nothing that will swing Congress one way or the other. Our
gubernatorial race-- pitting incumbent Jerry Brown against a random
Republican from the Greed and Selfishness wing of his party-- is not being
seriously contested. The last publicly available poll showed Brown ahead
56-37%. Almost all the Democrats running statewide are way ahead in the
polls-- including good candidates like Betty Yee (Controller), Dave Jones
(Insurance ... more »
Finally, This Should be Good News for Europe…
*Guest post by Kris Sayce from **Money Morning Australia*
[image: For those who live in Europe, where the
jobless rate is in double-digit percentage figures, price
deflation is good
There’s good news for *Europe*.
It’s just what the people there need.
We just hope they get to enjoy it.
But t... more »
Britain's New Spy Chief Says Some U.S. Hi-Tech Firms Are Aiding Terrorism

Robert Hannigan (right) took on the role of director of GCHQ (left) last
month after a distinguished career as a senior diplomat Photo: Crown
*Britain's Spy Chief Says US Tech Firms Aid Terrorism -- The Telegraph*
New GCHQ director Richard Hannigan accuses some Silicon Valley companies of
becoming 'the command and control networks of choice' for terrorists
Technology giants such as Facebook and Twitter have become "the command and
control networks of choice" for terrorists and criminals but are "in
denial" about the scale of the problem, the new head of GCHQ has said.
R... more »
When Joni Met Chachi Charlie

(By *American Zen*'s Mike Flannigan, on loan from Ari.)
Or *Sleepless 700 Miles From Dallas.*
To quote my fellow Bay State scribe Charlie Pierce, "Well, this didn't
end well."
Specifically, this is what happens when the proverbial Irresistible
Force of facts meets the Immovable Object of paranoid teabagger Ignorance
and Stupidity.
In Ankeny, a little burg in the middle of Iowa, Joni Ernst decided to
diversify her appeal to 30-something Klan members still holding out hope
the Black Guy Who Shall Not Be Named will make one move toward their guns
by trying to ap... more »
Are We Finally Ousting the World’s Last Dictators? Sadly, No.
[Note: This is a guest post by Andrew G. Reiter, Assistant Professor of
Politics at Mount Holyoke College.] Following massive public protests
challenging his attempt to amend the constitution and extend his 27-year
rule; Burkina Faso’s President Blaise Compaore announced his resignation
Friday, bringing an end to one of the world’s longest standing
dictatorships. In
Continue reading
Pushing to Revive Our Drowned Democracy

*Reading the names of innocents killed by US drones in Pakistan and
Afghanistan outside the gates of Hancock Field drone base near Syracuse,
New York in April, 2013. More than 30 were arrested that day including
several of us from Veterans For Peace*
- My volunteer lawyer finished up with negotiations today and sent me
the court document to sign that ends my arrest case at the Hancock Field
drone base in New York. I reluctantly agreed to plead guilty to Disorderly
Conduct (two counts) under the New York Penal Law. I'm told these charges
will be expunged from my rec... more »
African Union Issues An Ultimatum To The Military In Burkina Faso
*African Union Issues Burkina Faso Ultimatum -- Al Jazeera*
*African Union gives West African country two weeks to pick civilian leader
or face sanctions over military takeover.*
The African Union (AU) has given Burkina Faso's military leadership two
weeks to return the west African state to civilian rule or face sanctions
if they fail to comply.
"We ask the armed forces to transfer power to the civil authorities, and
the council has determined a period of two weeks for the transfer," Simeon
Oyono Esono, head of the AU's Peace and Security Council, said on Monday
following a meet... more »
Is America’s War Against The Islamic State Quickly Turning Into A Quagmire

Kurdish refugees from Kobani watch as thick smoke covers their city during
fighting between ISIS and Kurdish peshmerga forces on Oct. 26, 2014. Photo
by Yannis Behrakis/Reuters
*Obama’s Quagmire -- Fred Kaplan, Slate*
*America’s campaign against ISIS has already lost its way.*
America’s war against ISIS is quickly turning into a quagmire.
A few signs of progress have sprung up in recent days. U.S. airstrikes have
slowed down the Islamist group’s onslaught against the Kurdish town of
Kobani in northern Syria. A much-cheered caravan of Kurdish peshmerga
fighters is making its way fr... more »
Ottawa Parliament Hill False Flag Shooting: BUSTED! Obviously FAKE CPR Performed On Victim Of Ottawa Shooting!
It has now been almost 2 full weeks since the infamous "shooting" on
Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Ontario,Canada.... As a Canadian, I am deeply
disgusted by what I continue to see and read via the Jew spew media
outlets, and especially the Talmudvision brainwashing boxes... The
criminals are still harping about this "shooting" and they are still
calling for all Canadians to "rally" behind the criminal Harper regime in
Ottawa for their fraudulent 'war' on the phoney "ISIS" terrorist group....
And of course we find the media going wild with calls for all Canadians to
give up some of th... more »
Watch Below Dreams 2014 Full Movie Online

*Below Dreams (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 7.0
Release : 18 Apr 2014
Duration : 82 min
Genre : Adventure, Drama, Music
Director : Garrett Bradley
Writer : Garrett Bradley
Cast : Elliott Ehlers, Jamaine Johnson, Rebecca Matalon, Leanne Miller
Synopsis Below DreamsAgainst the backdrop of New York and New Orleans,
Elliott, Leanne and Jermaine question their ability o dream amidst a
crumbling economic climate. Opening in the streets of downtown Manhattan,
Elliott (23), living at home after college, is surrounded by incomplete
projects, frustrated and in search of purpose. ... more »
Watch Trippel Trappel Dierensinterklaas 2014 Full Movie Online

*Trippel Trappel Dierensinterklaas (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : N/A
Release : 08 Oct 2014
Duration : 65 min
Genre : Animation
Director : Paco Vink
Writer : Arnoud Rijken, Michiel Snijders
Cast : Bartho Braat, Hans Somers, Reinder van der Naalt, Kasper van Kooten
Synopsis Trippel Trappel DierensinterklaasThree young pets set out to find
Saint Nicolas to hand over their wish list with presents.
Description Trippel Trappel DierensinterklaasA-Film is de grootste
onafhankelijke filmdistributeur in de Benelux. A-Film brengt
kwaliteitsfilms met commerciële potentie uit. In de ... more »
Watch The Quitter 2014 Full Movie Online

*The Quitter (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 8.2
Release : 12 Sep 2014
Duration : 85 min
Genre : Comedy, Drama
Director : Matthew Bonifacio
Writer : Bill Gullo
Cast : Matthew Bonifacio, Julianna Gelinas Bonifacio, Destiny Monet Cruz,
Neil Jain
Synopsis The QuitterWhen a failed baseball player's ex-girlfriend moves
back to the neighborhood with her seven-year-old daughter, he realizes he
carries more regrets than how he handled his baseball career. What follows
is his earnest, awkward, and at times hilarious fight to become the father
he never was.
Description The Quitter... more »
Breaking! End of the world may be OK!
*MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2014The latest sign of the Times:* Headline in this
morning’s hard-copy New York Times:
“U.N. Panel Issues Its Starkest Warning Yet on Global Warning”
Placement in this morning’s Times:
Page A6
When an idiot shows his idiocy
Sometimes it's just so amusing when an idiot shows his idiocy and
ignorance, especially when they think they've been so clever.
Take a look at this little Twitter exchange
It would take a heart of stone not to laugh!
A talk by (and chat with) the U.S. ambassador
*A very good communicator with the task to defend a mixed bag of policies*
In March 2007, I met the Czech ambassador to the U.S. His secretary called
me to Cambridge, MA and told me that (then) Czech president Klaus wanted to
meet me (and a few other global warming skeptics including Fred Singer and
Pat Michaels) during a lunch in Washington D.C. It was nearly a civic duty
to arrive when your president wishes so, I was told, so I bought the air
ticket and wasn't sorry about it. It was my only visit to D.C. (so far?), a
city I liked (and probably prefer over the Big Apple which is ove... more »
Norway Aurora

Source: http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap141103.html
Supplemental: The canisters and corrections of Maddow County!
*MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2014Mocking the liberal world:* Let’s pray that we’ll
be permitted to ignore Rachel Maddow this week.
Her work last work was so absurd, so disingenuous, that the lunacy should
be recorded. We’re going to start with The Canisters of Maddow County.
Last Wednesday night, Maddow opened her program with one of the rambling,
folksy asides she uses as part of her branding.
A set of canisters sat before her. After thanking Chris Hayes, Maddow began
wasting everyone’s time.
We apologize for the length of our excerpt. To watch the full segment,
click here:
MADDOW (1... more »
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