10:20pm MST
Andrew Slack Asks The 13 Crucial Questions About Ferguson
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 19 minutes ago

Andrew is someone I know from progressive activists circles and who also
happens to lead the Harry Potter Alliance, which uses popular culture to
make social justice popular. Today he gave me permission to crosspost the
13 questions from his Facebook page.
*Guest Postby Andrew Slack*
Here are 13 questions I have around Ferguson, numbered but in no particular
order of importance. While I realize it's long, I think these questions are
important and worth asking about, acting around, and wrestling with:
*1) #WHYTWELVESHOTS*: Not even in Officer Wilson's telling of the story,
did ... more »
FFWN: Be thankful it hasn't happened yet!
Kevin Barrett at truthjihad.com blog - 48 minutes ago
For links to all the stories, see: http://noliesradio.org/archives/92117
[image: happy-thanksgiving]
Be thankful it hasn’t happened yet
It's Thanksgiving 2014. You’re still here – reading this. So….
Be thankful. Be very, *very* thankful.
Terrible things have happened. Terrible things are happening. And
undoubtedly, terrible things will continue to happen.
But it could be a whole lot worse.
And yes, I know it’s bad. Every week, Jim Fetzer and I bring you a
hideously depressing summary of all of the awful things going on in the
world. It’s a TV show called False Flag Weekly News, an... more »
Why The U.S. Plan To Save Iraq Is Doomed To Fail
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 2 hours ago

Iraqi security forces march on the outskirts of Najaf, south of Baghdad
Nov. 19, 2014. REUTERS/Alaa Al-Marjani
*Sunni vs. Shi’ite: Why The U.S. Plan To Save Iraq Is Doomed To Fail --
Peter Van Buren, Reuters*
If the United States was looking for the surest way to lose Iraq War 3.0,
it might start by retraining the failed Iraqi Army to send north —
alongside ruthless Shi’ite militias — into Sunni-majority territory and
hope that the Sunnis will welcome them with open arms, throwing out the
evil Islamic State.
Maybe it’s time for a better plan.
And the way to find one is by underst... more »
Happy Thanksgiving To My American Friends And Readers
Northerntruthseeker at Northerntruthseeker - 2 hours ago
I have started to get into the habit of taking Thursdays off to do some
personal business… But since today is American Thanksgiving, I figure I
would say "Happy Thanksgiving" to all of my friends and readers in the
United States…..
I sure hope everyone in America is taking today to be thankful… But always
remember that while you are stuffing your faces with turkey and other
fixings, there are many out there that are not so privileged and do need
your help… Take the time to give what you can and to lend a helping hand to
those in need…
One other thing…. Tomorrow is of course "Black ... more »
Volunteers Peacefully Protect Ferguson Small Businesses
Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 2 hours ago
Oath Keepers on the rooftops in Ferguson! John Karriman, veteran police
officer and Academy instructor on guard. pic.twitter.com/E0MvMVM8rd
— Stewart Rhodes (@StewartRhodesOK) November 27, 2014
On this American Thanksgiving day we should be thankful for the Oath
Kinder Morgan, Stage 4 Symptom of Corporate Cancer, Stage 5 is Democracy`s Death
Grant G at The Straight Goods - 2 hours ago
*Written by Robin Mathews*
Kinder Morgan. Economist Robyn Allan in TYEE. Corporate Robbers in British
Columbia. The National Energy Board …. A part of the story Robyn Allan
doesn’t tell.
The story is so large, so corrupt, so – to many, many ordinary Canadian
eyes – so criminal - Robyn Allan couldn’t possibly have told all of the
Terasen/BC Transmountain Pipeline System story. More has to be laid out.
British Columbians must know, first, that the National Energy Board is
their enemy – and they must treat it – openly – as that. (Other enemies
are more obvious.)
In his 2014 b... more »
Have a happy Charles Ives-accompanied Thanksgiving!
KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 2 hours ago

*"Certainly one of the things Ives wants to do is to provoke us, to
challenge us to think about music in ways we never have," says Michael
Tilson Thomas as he talks about and performs Charles Ives's Holidays
Symphony with the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra in their PBS series
Keeping Score. You can watch the Ives show here.*
*by Ken*
We've done it before, and by gosh, we're going to do it again: celebrate
Thanksgiving with the symphonic poem the American original composer Charles
Ives (1874-1954) created to depict *Thanksgiving*, which formed part of his
*Holidays* Symphony (or ... more »
IPR and Medicines 31: The Policy Workshop's Hong Kong Dialogue
Nonoy Oplas at Government and Taxes - 2 hours ago

It was another stimulating discussion on "Policy Dialogue on IPR and
Innovation", a small group forum for independent and market-oriented Asian
think tanks held in Harbour Grand Hong Kong last November 5, 2014 and
sponsored by The Policy Workshop (TPW), a NY-based public affairs firm.
The night before the Policy Dialogue and after the Lion Rock Institute's
Reading Club Salon 2014, TPW sponsored a dinner at the hotel. Our group
photo below, a mixture of Reading Salon + Policy Dialogue participants.
The small group forum was under the Chatham House Rule, we participants
can mention... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- November 27, 2014
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 6 hours ago

*The Geopolitical Impact of Cheap Oil -- Martin Feldstein, Project
CAMBRIDGE – The price of oil has fallen more than 25% in the past five
months, to less than $80 a barrel. If the price remains at this level, it
will have important implications – some good, some bad – for many countries
around the world. If it falls further, as seems likely, the geopolitical
consequences on some oil-producing countries could be dramatic.
The price of oil at any time depends on market participants’ expectations
about future supply and demand. The role of expectations makes the oil
marke... more »
Ain't No Maidan Allowed Here
Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 6 hours ago

The US government
supported the violent
Maidan in Kiev
that set Ukraine
on path
to civil war
on Russia's border
The US government
funded much of
violent uprising
against Socialist
government in
The US government
was linked
to 'Occupy Hong Kong'
wanting to give China
a black eye
and balkanized
on and on
the story goes
The US government
opposed the largely
Occupy movement
across America
the message of
the 99%
a big threat
to the ruling 1%
The US government
fears the Ferguson
inspired protests
now happening
across the nation
violent police
sent in to brea... more »
TransCanada astroturfers
Alison at Creekside - 6 hours ago
TransCanada has dumped its US pr firm Edelman 10 days after the Greenpeace
leak of documents outlining their joint dodgy strategy to use third party
front groups to aggressively attack opponents of the Energy East pipeline, and
to do and say what “TransCanada can’t" :
"TransCanada immediately denied it had implemented those tactics, which
were widely criticized."
The leaked docs - some adorned with the TransCanada logo - date back to May
and include various tactics for targeting opponents like Council of
Canadians using forty Edelman employees and nine TransCanada staffers.
TransCa... more »
Inukjuak, Resolute and Grise Fjord
James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 6 hours ago
Inukjuak, Quebec is tragically related to Resolute Bay and Grise Fjord,
communities created 2000 km away in the High Arctic.
In 1953 Inuit from Inukjuak were involuntarily relocated north by the
Government of Canada, essentially, in order to act as flagpoles. They
represented Canada's efforts to occupy the uninhabited High Arctic and
counter the feared expansionist activities of other nations.
Families were split up and relocatees were placed in the cruel position
where to survive they had to quickly acquire new hunting techniques in the
face of much harsher climatic conditions.
... more »
World News Briefs -- November 27, 2014
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 6 hours ago

OPEC Secretary-General Abdullah al-Badri waits for the start of a meeting
of OPEC oil ministers at OPEC's headquarters in Vienna November 27, 2014.
Credit: REUTERS/Heinz-Peter Bader
*Oil Prices Plunge After Opec Meeting -- BBC*
The price of oil slumped after the Opec oil producers' cartel decided not
to cut output at its meeting in Vienna.
Opec's secretary general Abdallah Salem el-Badri said they would not try to
shore up prices by reducing production.
"There's a price decline. That does not mean that we should really rush and
do something," he said.
Following the announcement B... more »
Ready For A Thanksgiving Day Dust-Up?
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 7 hours ago

Banning political discussion from Turkey Day would probably be a great idea
in many families. But if you have a brother-in-law who parrots, *verbatim*,
the most recent Rush Limbaugh or Michael Savage show every time he opens
his mouth, it's probably hopeless. Place settings of the nice red, white
and blue illustration above aren't likely to solve anything. Facts don't
penetrate the conservative mind. As Ken made clear when he defined "the
whole hulking Modern American Right" Tuesday: *"Our brains are like a
fortress, and no way can you come in."*
That isn't going to stop someone l... more »
Nov. 27: The news and other bunk....
Graeme Decarie at The Moncton Times@Transcript - Good and Bad - 7 hours ago
We'll start with the news.
A big story on A1 for Wednesday tells you all you need to know about the
TandT. "Pup has dramatic recovery after being found abandoned". And, sure
enough, there's a huge photo of a recovered puppy, with another photo
inside. I can imagine the scene in the newsroom now. An editor calls for
ace reporter Brent Mazerolle.
"Mazerolle, get on on your horse. We have a fast-breaking story. It's about
a puppy. Front page stuff. Bring a photographer. Get all the facts."
An excited Brent Mazerolle rushes home, and opens his secret closet. What
to wear? The Superm... more »
The Time-Lag Diet-Heart Hypothesis - Last Ditch of Opposition to LCHF
George Henderson at The High-fat Hep C Diet - 7 hours ago

In their “Against the Grain” Lancet letter, Jim Mann and co. cited a 2012
Swedish study[1] that correlated a rise in butter and fall in carbohydrate
consumption with a later rise in serum cholesterol levels in Sweden, after
decades of cholesterol-lowering advice was overturned by a LCHF revolution
beginning in 2004.
Recently, the Swedish blog Diet Doctor published this graphic showing the
continuing decline in heart disease mortality. The LCHF revolution in 2004
hasn’t exactly slowed the decline. In fact, one could say the decline in MI
incidents in men had stalled ... more »
brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 7 hours ago
Please post & distribute. Nia:wen. MNN. Nov. 27, 2014. In 1976
the MNN editor was working at Indian Affairs in Ottawa. One evening I
was working late. ...
View on mohawknationnews.com
Preview by Yahoo
The arbitrariness of detention is determined by what police did and not what they could have done
James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 7 hours ago
*R. v. Stevenson*, 2014 ONCA 842
[56] Whatever lawful police power, apart from the arrest power, the
police may have had to detain the appellant, they did not purport to
exercise any such power. The police arrested the appellant. The police
conduct at and after the gunpoint encounter with the appellant, is only
consistent with a full arrest. The arbitrariness of the appellant’s
detention must be determined having regard to the police power actually
exercised and not by reference to some other police power which may have
been, but was not, exercised: *R. v. Whitaker*, 2008 BCC... more »
Huey Sykes and the News
Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 7 hours ago
And the award for 'Impartial BBC Tweet of the Day' today goes to...
...drum roll please...
Mr. Hugh Sykes. (Applause).
Emotive headlines like 'Net #Migration Soars!', are raw @UKIP fodder unless
accompanied by cost/benefit analysis (who?why?recruited? etc).
— HughSykes (@HughSykes) November 27, 2014
Military And Intellgience News Briefs -- November 27, 2014
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 8 hours ago
Soldiers prepare turkeys for a Thanksgiving Day meal in the dining facility
on Eglin Air Force Base, Fla., Nov. 23, 2014. U.S. Army photo by Capt.
Thomas Cieslak
*U.S. Bases Around The World Gear Up To Support Thanksgiving For Troops --
Stars and Stripes*
AVIANO AIR BASE, Italy — Thanksgiving is not a holiday for cooks,
professional or amateur, on or off base.
At Aviano Air Base, Mary Ann Lauro, the executive chef of La Bella Vista
Club, and a handful of helpers on Wednesday were preparing Thanksgiving
lunch for more than 200 people expected to fill the dining room on
Thursday. T... more »
Rip-off News round-up. Our pick of the last week's media (Thu 27th November)
Hari at Ripped-off Britons - 8 hours ago
300,000 paid less than minimum wage. Yet in the past year, no
companies were prosecuted
The Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings for the Office for
National Statistics recently found that about 287,000 workers were paid at less
than the minimum wage in 2012, although the TUC puts the figure closer to
350,000. But despite ministers’ claims that the government is getting tough on
The Egypt Code: The Mystery of 10,500 BCE
WakingTimes at Waking Times - 8 hours ago
*Brandon West* - "In spite of the inflexibility of the egyptologists, the
ancient Egyptians themselves are speaking to us clearly..."
The post The Egypt Code: The Mystery of 10,500 BCE appeared first on Waking
To My American Readers .... Happy Thanksgiving
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 9 hours ago
*How The Civil War Created Thanksgiving -- Kenneth C. Davis, New York Times*
Of all the bedtime-story versions of American history we teach, the tidy
Thanksgiving pageant may be the one stuffed with the heaviest serving of
myth. This iconic tale is the main course in our nation’s foundation
legend, complete with cardboard cutouts of bow-carrying Native American
cherubs and pint-size Pilgrims in black hats with buckles. And legend it
largely is.
In fact, what had been a New England seasonal holiday became more of a
“national” celebration only during the Civil War, with Lincoln’s
p... more »
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 9 hours ago

Russia's President Vladimir Putin shakes hands with his China's counterpart
Xi Jinping (RIA Novosti/Mikhail Klimentiev)
*No, Russia and China Aren’t Teaming Up Against America -- Kyle Mizokami,
War Is Boring*
The odd couple of totalitarian regimes is less powerful than you think.
In mid-November, Russian defense minister Sergey Shoigu flew to Beijing for
high-level military talks. Shoigu was scheduled to meet with Prime Minister
Li Keqiang and Defense Minister Chang Wanquan to discuss “current issues of
international and regional security and bilateral military and
military-techni... more »
SWP Bullies London Black Revolutionaries
Phil at All That Is Solid ... - 9 hours ago
I'm not familiar with London Black Revolutionaries but looking at their Facebook
page it appears they do some very good, if not strictly lawful, work. From
active solidarity with the homeless and immigrants, to protesting against
racist police murders in the US, they're a refreshing change from the
would-be Lenins of the far left. As you might expect, hearing a bandwagon
trundling along in the distance, the SWP tried to get a piece of last
night's LBR-arranged 5,000 strong 'FromLondon2Ferguson' protest outside the
American embassy. According to this LBR statement below, the SWP didn... more »
The MIlitary - Arms Race Continues In The Pacific
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 9 hours ago

The Chinese aircraft carrier Liaoning with support ship. IMINT
*Pacific Militaries Rising -- Michael Auslin, Wall Street Journal*
While the growing weapons capabilities of Asian nations make the threat of
war more serious, they may also encourage diplomacy.
The Royal Australian Navy this week commissioned its newest and largest
warship, joining Japan and China in the aircraft-carrier club. It’s a
reminder that Asia is set to see increasingly capable navies and air forces
operating in its regional waters and skies. While this development raises
the potential for international confli... more »
For The First Time Since The End Of The Second World War There Will Be No U.S. Aircraft Carriers In East Asian Waters (For About 4 Months)
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 9 hours ago
The aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan travels through the Pacific Ocean
with other ships assigned to the Rim of the Pacific 2010 exercise, north of
Hawaii, July 24, 2010. U.S. Navy photo by Petty Officer 3rd Class Dylan
*East Asian Waters To Be US Aircraft Carrier-Free For A Time -- Nikkei
Asian Review*
TOKYO -- Defense policymakers in Japan and the U.S. are privately voicing
concern about the total absence of U.S. aircraft carriers from East Asian
waters for four months next year.
Budget constraints at home, combined with the rise of the Islamic State
group in the Middle... more »
Happy Thanksgiving
jurassicpork at Welcome Back to Pottersville - 9 hours ago

From left to right, clockwise: Pork gravy, broccoli, cranberry sauce,
butternut squash, homemade mashed potatoes, Charlene's Cheesy Potatoes,
pork loin with cherry preserve topping, Bell's stuffing and a fine but
inexpensive bottle of Riesling. Happy Thanksgiving from our home to yours.
Please have a safe, happy holiday.
Stop the Harmonisers: Stop the Destruction of Humanity
Rufus News From Atlantis at News From Atlantis. - 9 hours ago

Yesterday on BBC Radio Cymru, I heard a news item which incensed me to the
point that I nearly crashed my car into a lake! The offending item
concerned an imperialistic globaliser who has made the outrageous statement
that the Welsh language is holding back the people of Wales and preventing
them from enjoying the cultural and economic joys which their English
neighbours enjoy! The item continued to state that the globalist oracle
considers the Eisteddfod to be an anachronism which should be abolished in
favour of the English cultural experience.
The globalist attack upon the We... more »
Andrew Mitchell, plebs, the police, the BBC...
Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 10 hours ago

Keeping with stream-of-consciousness, a blog that monitors BBC bias should
be able to 'live blog' some 'breaking news'.
I've just returned to my computer to find that an important(ish) news wave
is breaking on the shoreline and various media surfers are likely to be
riding it, so how is it being covered?...
I've clicked first onto the Sky News website. Its lead story is:
*Judge Satisfied Mitchell Did Call Cops 'Plebs'*
The judge at the former chief whip's libel trial says events "do not
reflect well" on him and finds his account "inconsistent".
Now, this is a surprise. I thought A... more »
It's All About The Money-- It's Not About The Thanksgiving
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 11 hours ago

Last summer we looked at legislation Alan Grayson proposed to end the
over-militarization of local police departments, long before "Ferguson"
became synonymous with overly militarized local police departments.
Grayson's amendment failed-- by a lot-- 62-355, only 19 Republicans and 43
Democrats having the foresight and wisdom to back it. One of the 43
Democrats who did vote correctly was Hank Johnson, who represents the
suburbs west of Atlanta all the sway out past Covington. He's using the
issue to try to raise money. His e-mail sounds creepy:
Dear justice seeker,
We are gainin... more »
Americans Are The New Indian: Russell Means
WakingTimes at Waking Times - 11 hours ago
*Video* - Native American activist Russell Means explains how modern
Americans are now seen as the new indians on the great reservation, USA.
The post Americans Are The New Indian: Russell Means appeared first on Waking
Stephen Harper - the Worst Prime Minister in Canadian History
greencrow at Greencrow As The Crow Flies - 11 hours ago

*Stephen Harper*
* The Worst Prime Minister in Canadian History*
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, not satisfied with dragging Canada
into the sewer of Neo-Nazi support in Ukraine....is joining with the US in
trying to skuttle a planned UN meeting on Palestine to be held in December
in Geneva.
This man pretends to care about women and children....but what about the
women and children being terrorized in the open prison camp........!!!!!
that is *Gaza*?
*(I am not allowed to upload this video directly on my blog...but ... more »
Creating Your Own Reality – How’s that Working for You?
WakingTimes at Waking Times - 11 hours ago
*Ellen Dye* - "In the midst of difficult circumstances, the most
constructive thing we can do is to consciously reach for those higher
The post Creating Your Own Reality – How’s that Working for You? appeared
first on Waking Times.
'Newsnight' - punch-ups and pulled punches
Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 12 hours ago

I haven't watched *Newsnight *much since Evan Davis replaced Jeremy Paxman
and, so, was rather expecting that Ian Katz and Evan Davis would be
doggedly persisting with their 'gently, gently' approach to political
Having watched this week's editions so far though, it doesn't look as if
they are.
In fact, it's been quite a while since I've heard such a pair of
unfriendly, interruption-filled interviews as those between Evan Davis and
Conservative MP Owen Paterson on Monday's edition (over Mr Paterson's
deeply Eurosceptic proposals) and Emily Maitlis and Conservative ... more »
The Rise of North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un’s Little Sister
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 12 hours ago
*New Kim On The Block: The Rise of Kim Jong Un’s Little Sister -- Time*
But who exactly is Kim Yo Jong?
At last, a North Korea rumor proves true: all year, Korea watchers have
been buzzing about the rise of Kim Jong Un’s little sister, Kim Yo Jong.
She popped up at her father Kim Jong Il’s December 2011 funeral, then
reappeared next to her brother on election day in March of this year. (Yes,
North Korea has elections, of sorts.) Experts speculated that her presence
at a high-profile political event signaled that she was on the rise within
the regime but, as with many things in th... more »
The First Thanksgiving
Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 12 hours ago

"Stools of stumps made good seats for the Pilgrim population. The Indians
sat on the ground, gnawing on deer bones, tearing fowl apart, and lapping
up the very ancient and rancid butter with grunts of appreciation. It is a
pretty picture to think of."
- from Old Glory, by Samuel Eliot Morison
A harvest feast did take place in Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1621, probably
in mid-October and the Indians who attended were not even invited. It later
became known as "Thanksgiving" but the Pilgrims never called it that. The
pilgrim crop had failed... more »
NATO's Secret Armies in Europe; Interview with Daniel Ganser
Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 12 hours ago
"This week on SOTT Talk Radio we're discussing the biggest story never told
in modern Europe: *NATO’s secret warfare against European civilians*. Proxy
wars, false-flag terrorism, assassinations, economic warfare, color
revolutions, interfering in elections... it's no secret that the U.S.
establishment has done all that (and more) through its application of a
psychopathic 'strategy of tension' around the world since the Second World
What is *not *generally known is that such 'secret warfare' was also taking
place in Europe. For the briefest of moments, CIA and MI6 coordination... more »
The price of GAS!
Steve at Thinking Aboot - 12 hours ago
The invisible hand has been bent backwards for decades but now we realize
that yep, conservation decreases demand in a good way. Gas Taxes lead to
lower fuel costs, its simple economics,
OPEC Decides Against Output Cuts
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 13 hours ago
*Oil Prices Plummet As OPEC Decides Against Output Cut -- USA Today*
VIENNA — Oil prices fell sharply Thursday after the powerful oil collective
OPEC said it would't intervene in global markets and cut production levels
to stem oil prices that have fallen 30% since June.
Saudi Arabia's oil minister Ali Al-Naimi delivered the news as he left a
meeting of the cartel in Vienna.
Crude oil prices plummeted 2.7% to $72.61 a barrel following the
annoucement. In June, prices were as high as $115 a barrel.
Energy ministers from the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting
Countries, led by... more »
U.S. Officials Are Reporting That Military Operations In Afghanistan Will Remain Unchanged
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 13 hours ago
*US Says Military Operations in Afghanistan Remain the Same -- Voice of
U.S. officials say the activities of U.S. and NATO troops remaining in
Afghanistan after December have not been changed.
Media reports this week, however, have said that more U.S. troops will stay
in Afghanistan. The reports also say troop actions will be expanded.
A Pentagon spokesman said U.S. forces will not seek Taliban targets. But he
said anyone creating a threat to U.S. or Afghan forces will, in his words,
"become fair game."
A U.S. State Department spokesman said the U.S. combat mission will ... more »
Mensajes de Amor y Amistad con Tulipanes de Colores
José Luis Ávila Herrera at FOTOFRONTERA - 13 hours ago

Higgs hunters: a weird citizen science project
Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 13 hours ago

The ATLAS Kaggle Higgs contest made a lot of sense. Today, some NYU+Oxford
folks from ATLAS – working with the Zooniverse – have presented something
similar. Except that I have no idea how I could usefully help them:
It's particle-hunting season! NYU scientists launch Higgs Hunters Project
The press release above promotes the website
where you may sign up (with Zooniverse) and start to classify collisions.
*This new ATLAS picture isn't really from the contest but it's fun: it's
showing a cosmic ray particle going through the magnetic fields in the
det... more »
Afghan Taliban Claim Responsibility For Today's Attack Against UK Embassy Workers. Diplomat Among Those Who Were Killed
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 14 hours ago
*British Security Officer Among Six People Killed In Suicide Bomb Attack On
British Diplomatic Vehicle In Afghan Capital -- Daily Mail*
* Terrorist detonated huge explosive device as he drove alongside British
embassy 4x4 vehicle in east of Kabul
* Afghan Interior Ministry say one British national has been confirmed
among the dead. Five Afghans also killed
* At least three of the Afghan victims were members of a family heading to
Jalalabad for a relative's wedding
* Identity of British victim not known but embassy spokesman said car was
not carrying British diplomats
* Taliban claim... more »
Pre sentence custody should be customarily considered at 1.5 to 1
James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 14 hours ago
R. v. Geddes, 2014 ONCA 838:
[3] In *R. v. Summers, *[2014] S.C.J. No. 26, the Court held that
the loss of early release alone will generally be a sufficient basis on
which to award enhanced credit of 1.5:1. As a result, the Crown now
concedes that the appellant's entire period of pre-sentence custody
amounting to 537 days should be credited at the rate of 1.5:1 and that the
appellant should receive 806 days credit for pre-sentence custody as
Bigger Than Ferguson
Barbara Ann Levy at WPB/NYC and Anything Else; A Curated Green Rights Collection - 14 hours ago
Replace Copyright with Patronage
Steve at Thinking Aboot - 14 hours ago

Copyright is silly because its a pyramid scheme. The so called original
thought was only there because of a vacuum. The song or plot always existed
someone just discovered it. I am not saying there was not a form of genius
involved or real discovery. Nevertheless with every plot and note
copyrighted the creative process is restrained. Its so obvious in music
where the notes are all copied but skewed enough to hold off the lawyers.
But I mean honestly listen to pop today, or country music everyday, every
song sounds the same. Legions of players backed by legions of lawyers find
som... more »
The Science and Practice of Gratitude
WakingTimes at Waking Times - 14 hours ago
*Dr. Mercola* - "Be thankful for what you have. When life gives you a 100
reasons to cry, remember the 1,000 reasons you have to smile..."
The post The Science and Practice of Gratitude appeared first on Waking
An 1985 documentary on entanglement
Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 15 hours ago
If you have 40 spare minutes, here is a 1985 documentary about quantum
entanglement. It begins with a rather cute discussion of the Einstein-Bohr
I wanted to see what the people were saying in the documentary because it
was shot shortly before I began to learn quantum mechanics myself – and
it's "in the middle" between the 1950s when the professional physicists
were sensible about the foundations of quantum mechanics and the 2010s when
the idiocy seems to prevail.
So what will we get if we make an observation in the middle?
We get a mixed bag, as you may guess from th... more »
Governments and Climate Change
Owen Gray at Northern Reflections - 15 hours ago

Our present masters would have us believe that markets are the *sine qua
non* of human existence. Conversely, they claim that government is the bane
of human existence. They see its purpose as enslavement. It is, they say --
always and everywhere -- a threat to human freedom.
But history proves, Linda McQuaig writes, that markets have never developed
new technologies. In fact, it has been government which has -- again and
again -- supported their development:
In fact, virtually all previous major technologic... more »
The Senate Democrats' Messaging Czar Will Always Disdain Progressive Ideas
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 15 hours ago

This photo of Schumer never surprised me; I went to high school with him
There are some good reasons to be unenthusiastic about the congressional
action that eventually came to be known as Obamacare. It didn't go nearly
far enough towards the modern universal, single-payer system that is
desperately needed. And compromises with special interests left
unconscionable profits flowing to Big Pharma and Big Insurance. But these
aren't the criticisms economic royalist Chuck Schumer-- the Senate
Democrats' messaging czar-- was whining about at the National Press Club
Tuesday. Schumer's argu... more »
Islamic State War News Updates -- November 27, 2014
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 15 hours ago
*Syrian Regime Bombards Islamic State Stronghold -- Wall Street Journal*
*Many Civilians Killed, Say Activists and Residents*
BEIRUT—Syrian warplanes pounded the northern city of Raqqa, a stronghold of
extremist group Islamic State, killing dozens of people, according to
residents and antigovernment activists.
The U.S.-led coalition conducting airstrikes on Islamic State in Syria and
Iraq has also attacked Raqqa as recently as Monday, showing how Western
interests are aligning with those of President Bashar al-Assad ’s regime on
at least one front in the multisided Syrian civil wa... more »
The Costs To Battle The Islamic State Are Starting To Soar
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 15 hours ago
U.S. Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
addresses questions from U.S. military members during a town hall meeting
in Baghdad, Nov. 15, 2014. DoD photo by D. Myles Cullen
*Costs Soar In War Against Islamic State -- Walter Pincus, Chicago Tribune*
The cost of the fight against the Islamic State continues to mount.
The departure of Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel may be one of them, but I
want to focus on the dollars and sense, and by the latter I mean explaining
more about what we are doing.
The Obama administration's request to Congress for an additio... more »
Thursday night Short Shorts, Day of Doom Approaching Version
Michael Turton at The View from Taiwan - 15 hours ago

*Dajia River, Taichung.*
The election is two days away and observations are descending on me in all
directions from eyes sharper than mine own. Come along for the ride...
On Taichung, a longtime watcher of Taichung politics observed the other day
that the amalgamation of city and county, which hurt Hu in 2010, is helping
him now. The local factions (note: I did not say gangs) in the city and
county have worked out understandings, the powerful local factions have
made their peace, and above all, money has been committed to them and their
patronage networks. Integration of city and c... more »
Fort Carson Troops Will Deploy to Ukraine?
Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 16 hours ago
*Surely looks to me that the US/NATO war machine is looking for war. Not
peace. WAR.*
*How else to explain more American soldiers going to the Ukraine? *
Fort Carson is located near Colorado Springs ( I had to look that up) It
appears to be a long term move, or at the very least, there appears to be
no end date for this deployment. Will more soldiers be sent at a later
date? What’s going on?
*"This is not going to be a three-week or a month deployment,*" said a
source at the post familiar with the new mission.
The Army hasn't said how long the division troops will be overseas,*
leav... more »
Iraq / Syria Regional War Updates ( November 27 , 2014 ) Focus on Syria , Iraq , Lebanon and Jordan
Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 16 hours ago

*US in Talks Over Arab Boots on the Ground*
*More US Attack Planes Head to Iraq, But ISIS Targets Elusive*
*Qatar Training Syrian Rebels With US Aid: To Fight Assad and ISIS*
*How a French Truck Driver Became a Target of the US Air War in Syria*
Syria Raids on ISIS Killed 95: Monitor
Syrian FM: Russia to Boost Relations With Assad
*Syria Direct* @SyriaDirect 2m
2 minutes ago
THE LINES OF ALEPPO: Regime advances target supply lines of the
increasingly isolated rebels of eastern Aleppo
[image: Embedded image permalink]
*Syria Deeply* @SyriaDe... more »
Maureen Lipman: Miliband pandering to anti-Semitism masking as anti-Zionism
Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 16 hours ago
"Inadvertantly or not, he is pandering to the anti-Semitism masking as
anti-Zionism, which is once again sweeping across Europe."
Maureen Lipman right on the money again...
More here
not on the institutionally anti Israel BBC.
Iraq's Governor Of Mosul: Taking Back Mosul From The Islamic State Will Be 'Easy'
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 16 hours ago
*Mosul Governor: Liberating City Will Not Need Big Battle -- Rudaw*
Taking Mosul back from the Islamic State (ISIS) should not be too hard, the
chosen governor of Iraq’s second city said in an interview with Rudaw.
Atheel Nujaifi had to flee when the radical Islamic group invaded in June.
He says he is getting ready to return, with military forces working in and
outside Mosul toward that end, and Americans helping to train them. The
killing of the ISIS governor in an American air raid was one step in that
process. Nujaifi says that the ISIS coalition in Mosul has crumbled since
th... more »
We Are All Pequots Now
Karen Garcia at Sardonicky - 16 hours ago
It's that most exceptional time of the year, when we bow our heads in
thanks, celebrating the birth of the great American hegemon. It's time to
get all nostalgic about the myth of the beneficent and libertarian
pilgrims, escaping as they did from the persecution of being regulated and
taxed by the government.
Admittedly, this whole Thanksgiving holiday bounty thing is kind of hard
if you live in a place like bankrupt Detroit, and are experiencing your own
forced colonization by the deregulated puritanical plunderers of Wall
Street. Grim men in austere suits are seizing all that di... more »
How Corruption In Iraq Is Crippling The War Against The Islamic State
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 16 hours ago

Iraqi Army personnel take part during an intensive security deployment
against Islamic State militants in Jurf al-Sakhar, October 27, 2014. Photo:
Reuters/Mahmoud Raouf Mahmoud
*Graft Hobbles Iraq’s Military in Fighting ISIS -- New York Times*
BAGHDAD — One Iraqi general is known as “chicken guy” because of his
reputation for selling his soldiers’ poultry provisions. Another is “arak
guy,” for his habit of enjoying that anis-flavored liquor on the job. A
third is named after Iraq’s 10,000-dinar bills, “General Deftar,” and is
infamous for selling officer commissions.
They are just... more »
U.S. Intensifying The War Against The Islamic State
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 17 hours ago

A jet from the U.S.-led coalition flies in the sky over the Syrian town of
Kobani as seen from a hill in Tal-Hajeb village that overlooks Kobani,
October 7, 2014. Credit: REUTERS/Stringer
*U.S. Adds Planes to Bolster Drive to Wipe Out ISIS -- New York Times*
SHAW AIR FORCE BASE, S.C. — The United States is shifting more attack and
surveillance aircraft from Afghanistan to the air war against the Islamic
State, deepening American involvement in the conflict and presenting new
challenges for the military planners who work here in central South
Carolina, far from the targets they will... more »
To My Readers on Thanksgiving 2014
deutsch29 at @ THE CHALK FACE - 17 hours ago
First of all, let me wish all of my readers a Happy Thanksgiving. I hope
that your day is one long string of happy moments. Now, let me note that
the remainder of this Thanksgiving post centers on living life via my faith
in Jesus Christ. I realize that some may not wish to continue […]
Author interview with Mike Philbin - author of Custodian (free planet #1) - Hunters of Reloria
Mike Philbin at Mike Philbin's free planet blog - 18 hours ago

*two competing trilogies - one raped homeworld*
many thanks to Australian writer Kasper Beaumont who just interviewed me on
her Hunters of Reloria website to talk about writing the novel Custodian
and where we go (as a race) with the Free Planet vs War World series.
I've shown the Free Planet and War World trilogy covers because (even
though Chimericana Books is publishing the six books Custodian & Tandem,
Liberator & Watcher and Reaper & Kumiko in 2013 thru 2015) there may be
plans to rework, update and release both trilogies as two 200,000+ words
books in 2016.
Here's a LINK TO T... more »
GAIA PORTAL: Stabilization of release protocols is now complete
Americani Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 18 hours ago
*Stabilization of release protocols is now complete*
by ÉirePort
Stabilization of release protocols is now complete.
*Preparation for "mass release" is now complete.*
Attendant Gaia Light Influx is concomitant.
Fluctuations are finished.
Flames of Higher Transformation soon visibilizes for all hu-manity.
Prepare in Consciousness for Mass Expansion.
*It is done.*
ÉirePort | November 27, 2014 at 10:10 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:
Greece Updates ( November 27 , 2014 ) - Major Greece Strike underway and Failure to reach deal with Troika lead items of the day
Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 19 hours ago

Top news story
*TOI World News* @TOIWorld 38m
38 minutes ago
*Greece* paralysed by major *strike*, flights cancelled http://
Times of India
[image: View this content on Times of India's website]
Greece paralysed by major strike, flights cancelled - The Times of...
Greek labour unions staged a 24-hour strike that cancelled hundreds of
flights, shut public offices and severely disrup... more »
OPEC Meeting ( November 27 , 2014 ) - Will OPEC cut oil production in the face of US Shale Production rivaling the Saudis ?
Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 19 hours ago
Zero Hedge....
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
19 US Shale Areas That Are Suddenly Endangered, "The Shale Revolution
Doesn't Work At $80"Submitted by Tyler Durden on 11/26/2014 - 15:41
*“Everybody is trying to put a very happy spin on their ability to weather
$80 oil, but a lot of that is just smoke... The shale revolution doesn’t
work at $80, period.”*
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
For The World's Largest Rig Operator, The "Recovery" Is Now Worse Than The
Post-Lehman CrashSubmitted by Tyler Durden on 11/26/2014 - 12:24
The last time the world's largest oil and gas drill... more »
Our Favorite Elf on the Shelf Ideas
Debra Hawkins at Housewife Eclectic - 19 hours ago

Elf on the Shelf. It seems your either love him or hate him. We have our
own little elf named Pixie that comes to visit just for fun. She doesn't
get into too much trouble, just a little mischief here and there. Here are
some of my daughter's favorite places that she has found Pixie.
Rolling down the stairs in a toilet paper roll. My daughter thought this
one looked like so much fun, that she lamented that they didn't a roll big
enough for her to roll down the stairs too.
"Snowball" fight with the doll house toys. Just some blocks and mini
marshmallows and Pixie had herself a snow... more »
Egypt would be interested in purchasing a FREMM multi-mission frigate from France
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 19 hours ago
According to French financial newspaper La Tribune, Egypt would like to
quickly procure a FREMM multi-mission frigate from France, following the
deal the country has just signed with DCNS for four Gowind 2500 corvettes
(the lead ship to be built in France and the 3 others to be built in Egypt
as part of a transfer of technology).
Egypt is reported to have requested a FREMM for as early as 2015.
La Tribune is reporting that France could sell Aquitaine class Frigate
Normandie which is set to be delivered to the French Navy by year end.
Read more
Gforce at Zionist Made2Happen Disasters - 20 hours ago
by Dawn Johnson
Let's look at the definition in the dictionary
According to Wikipedia " interrogation" covers various aspect of getting
information a from a person by asking questions to downright torture. link
Definition of Torture *Torture*is the act of deliberately inflicting severe
physical or psychological painand possibly injuryto a person (or animal).
Therefore Torture is a type of interrogation which causes the subject to
feel pain and eve... more »
China Negotiating to Buy Russian S-400 Anti-Aircraft Missile Systems
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago

[image: S-400 Triumf]Russia is in the process of selling cutting-edge S-400
anti-aircraft missile systems to China, which would hand Beijing a defense
system capable of deterring even the most advanced air powers from
infringing on Chinese airspace, the Vedomosti newspaper reported Wednesday.
China this fall signed an agreement with Russia's arms export agency,
Rosoboronexport, that calls for the delivery of at least six divisions of
the S-400 system costing over $3 billion, the paper said citing
unidentified Defense Ministry and industry officials.
The report comes a week after Rus... more »
French minister to push for Rafale deal during visit
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago

[image: Dassault Rafale]French Defence Minister Jean Yves Le Drian is set
to arrive in New Delhi on Sunday to push for early conclusion of the Rafale
fighter plane deal that has been pending for the last three years.
He will meet his Indian counterpart Manohar Parrikar on December 1 and the
two are expected to discuss bilateral relations in defence, including the
126 fighter jet deal. He would also be given a guard of honour.
Almost three years ago, India shortlisted Rafale as the preferred platform
to replace the ageing MiG-21 fighter jets of the Indian Air Force. The
deal, however... more »
IAF’s UAV crashes near Bhuj town
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago

[image: Crashed Heron UAV]The Indian Air Force’s UAV (unmanned aerial
vehicle) aircraft crashed at Mankuva village near Bhuj while doing it’s
routine surveillance at Bhuj on Wednesday.
Defence PRO, Wing Commandar Abhishek Matiman said, “It is a Heron UAV that
was in air and crashed near Bhuj. The IAF is looking into the reasons
behind the crash and a court of inquiry has been ordered”.
The IAF officials said that the UAV was in air since last few months for
its routine work of surveillance, security, collecting and providing
information to the Air Force on movements around the air b... more »
Vikramaditya may sail to Mumbai
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago
[image: INS Vikramaditya]India’s largest and most costly warship, the
aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya, is likely to visit Mumbai in the next
fortnight, according to sources in the Indian Navy.
While Naval officials remained tight-lipped on the decision, sources
indicated that the purpose of the visit is to conduct trials to check its
operability from Mumbai and an undisclosed set of tasks.
“We need to check how the ship can operate from the Mumbai harbour, which
is also the INS Viraat’s home port,” said an officer.
Read more
East Asian waters to be US aircraft carrier-free for a time
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago

[image: USS George Washington]Defense policymakers in Japan and the U.S.
are privately voicing concern about the total absence of U.S. aircraft
carriers from East Asian waters for four months next year.
Budget constraints at home, combined with the rise of the Islamic State
group in the Middle East, are limiting the American fleet's ability to
operate in Asia. Temporarily at least, not a single aircraft carrier will
be deployed in East Asia.
Japanese and U.S. officials fear having no U.S. carriers, which have long
been the bedrock of the region's stability, could tempt North Korea a... more »
Labour: Navy chief should quit over Clyde threat
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago

[image: Type 26 GCS]The head of the Royal Navy should be “made to walk the
plank” and get the sack Labour MPs have demanded after he suggested that
the next generation of frigates could be built in France and not on the
The issue of where the new Type 26 frigates are to be built dominated
Scottish questions in the Commons following The Scotsman’s revelations
about Admiral Sir George Michael Zambellas’ threat to take the contract
Admiral Zambellas said: “The acquisition process looks for a solution to
give us what we need. The affordability question… depends on the be... more »
Dutch navy helicopters over the skies of RNAS Culdrose
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago

[image: NH90 helicopter]Dutch navy helicopters have begun a three-week
training stint in West Cornwall.
Three NH 90 Maritime helicopters from 7 (NL) Squadron of the Royal
Netherlands Navy along with 60 aircrew and engineers have arrived at RNAS
They are also working with Flag Officer Sea Training at Devonport to hone
their maritime skills alongside RNAS Culdrose’s Fleet Air Arm's Merlin Mk2s.
Read more
Our concerns about the common core are not just "noise"
skrashen at Schools Matter - 20 hours ago
Sent to Reading Today, November 27, 2014
"Moving beyond the noise of the common core" (Nov/Dec 2014) reads like
advice from a mature adult to excitable children: don't pay attention to
the critics, just embrace the core. Focus on implementation, on making the
common core work.
But many of us are convinced that the common core is a disaster, a tsunami
that could destroy American education. Our concerns are not "noise." They
are very serious.
Briefly, there is no need for the common core: The problem in American
education is not teacher quality, nor is it a lack of tough standard... more »
PayPal has permanently limited my account
John Friend at The Realist Report - 20 hours ago
I received a rather surprising email from PayPal yesterday morning
indicating that my account had been permanently limited due to alleged
violation of a particular section of PayPal's Acceptable Use Policy. The
email read in part:
From: service@paypal.com
Date: Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 7:09 AM
Subject: Your account has been limited
To: john.robert.friend@gmail.com
RE: Notice of PayPal Account Limitation
Dear John Friend,
We have recently reviewed your PayPal account activity and determined that
your receipt of payments related to www.therealistreport.com/ violates
PayPal's Acceptable U... more »
Investigating Dark Matter.
arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago
My readers may or may not know this, but I have been working with an
associate to revisit what we think we know about electron flow and Tesla's
efforts to tap the global power potential. We are using a working
conjecture that describes so called Dark Matter. This is easily derived
from my theoretical work on the fundamental particle pairing that I also
describe provisionally as the neutral neutrino pairing. It is my
conjecture that these pairings also then self assemble to decay into an
electron positron... more »
Italy Captures Mafia Initiation Rites on Film, 40 Arrests
arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago
This is another example of how the confrontation between the Mafia and the
Police is steadily stiffening and the possibility of a real victory is
clearly improving.
However the true death blow must come by the adoption of a working drug
management program at the least. This will not stop other channels of
criminality but it will at least decimate the resources available.
Such a step can not be too far off now. The changes taking place in the
USA is already cutting deep into the illicit market. Their clear early
success will open the door for these methods to be adopted univ... more »
Democrats Lost More Than an Election in 2014
arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago
What is happening is a real revolution and both parties are missing the key
point. The public has generally come to clearly understand that empowering
the Federal government to do any form of social engineering is naturally
disastrous and cannot work.
That naturally means that the people are organizing somewhat outside the
normal avenues and are expressing their opinions and ignoring the nonsense
of politicians. What has happened is a loss of trust and the party that
addresses that with practica... more »
Evidence for Pre-Clovis Inhabitants of Americas Emerges from Sea Floor
arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago
*12 August, 2014 - 03:18aprilholloway *
*Evidence for Pre-Clovis Inhabitants of Americas Emerges from Sea Floor*
*- See more at:
posted on this discovery some years ago, but it is now worth a serious
revisit. Since then DNA data has been acquired that has placed this
conjecture on a strong footing. We now have pre Clovis artifact under
Clovis sites and those are dated to times contemporaneous with the so
called Soluterain c... more »
Gforce at Zionist Made2Happen Disasters - 21 hours ago
By Dawn Johnson
On the 14th November 2014,on Blog Talk Radio, followers and listeners like
were shocked to hear a confession that Drake Kent Bailey freely admitted he
had tortured a North Vietnamese POW.
The programme is 3 hours 4 minutes and 2 seconds long At 57:40 mark, You
can hear his confession here
Below is a transcript how Drake described how it came about and what he did
in graphic detail to a North Korean POW . (Be warned, you may find the
contents of this transcript di... more »
IAF in a fix over VVIP copters
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 21 hours ago

[image: AW101 VVIP Helicopter]The Indian Air Force is in a bind over its
“lalbattis-in-the-sky” that are now “mothballed on the ground”.
It has asked an equally vexed defence ministry to make up its mind on what
it should do with three super-luxury AW101 VVIP helicopters that were meant
to fly the President, Prime Minister and other dignitaries but have been
dismantled and stowed in protective casing in a hangar at the Palam air
The helicopters are occupying valuable space in the airbase. The IAF
decided to mothball them since former defence minister A.K. Antony decided
on Ja... more »
PLA's nuclear arsenal slowly eroding US Pacific defenses
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 21 hours ago

[image: JL-2 SLBM]China's nuclear forces are expected to become more lethal
and survivable against US defenses in the Western Pacific within three to
five years, according to a report published by the US-China Economic and
Security Review Commission as cited by the Jane's Defence Review.
"Estimates of China's nuclear forces and nuclear capabilities by
non-governmental experts and foreign governments tend to be higher than US
estimates," the publication said in response to the commission's report.
China's nuclear forces will become more powerful and deadly after more
road-mobile nuc... more »
Air Warfare Destroyers cursed by infighting, says ‘rescue report’
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 21 hours ago
[image: Hobart class DDG]The confidential plan to rescue the nation’s
largest defence project, the $8.5 billion construction of Air Warfare
Destroyers, has been sabotaged by bitter infighting, risking a fresh
blowout in costs and casting a pall over the future of naval shipbuilding
in Australia.
The AWD rescue report, commissioned by the government and obtained by The
Australian, warned in April that failure to take action to fix the troubled
program within six months would trigger fresh delays and costs, and would
“debilitate” the future of naval shipbuilding.
Almost eight months ... more »
Australian support for France’s nuclear force
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 21 hours ago
[image: Francois Hollande & Tony Abbott]In his final press conference
during his state visit to Australia, French President Francois Hollande
praised the contribution of Australian companies to France’s nuclear strike
force. However the full translation of these comments went missing from the
transcript published by Prime Minister Abbott’s office.
Standing beside Tony Abbott at a joint press conference in Canberra on 19
November, French President Francois Hollande highlighted the important
collaboration of French and Australian corporations in the defence sector.
Speaking in French,... more »
8 Toxic Household Products You Should Avoid
WakingTimes at Waking Times - 21 hours ago
*Anastasia Pantsios* - "A lot of these common products are toxic, something
we know more about now than your family did back in the day..."
The post 8 Toxic Household Products You Should Avoid appeared first on Waking
What the Fake Syria Sniper Boy Video Tell Us About Media Experts
Land Destroyer at Land Destroyer - 22 hours ago

*November 27, 2014 *(Maram Susli - NEO) Many mainstream media websites
helped a fake video go viral this month. The video showing a young Syrian
boy running through sniper fire to save a little girl, was exposed as a
fake when the Norwegian producer Lars Klevberg made the fact public. One of
the stated aims of the Norwegian film makers was to “see how the media
would respond to a fake video." This article examines how that experiment
The western press very quickly accepted the video as real and used it to
support the US administration's narrative on Syria. Many top US news
... more »
Toucans, Woodpeckers, Jays, and Squirrels, OH MY!
Lori Anne Haskell at Our Paradise--Life in Costa Rica - 23 hours ago
Had an awesome day two days ago. I had walked over to the kitchen sink to
put something in there, and looked out the huge window that overlooks the
backyard. In the papaya tree, which is about 10 feet outside the window,
was a toucan! We have seen toucans at the house before, but usually pretty
high up and far away in trees. This was SO CLOSE. The toucan was eating a
papaya. We don't pick them as we were hoping eventually animals would come
eat them, and I so lucked out! I took some pics through the kitchen window
as I did not want to go outside and scare the toucan away. A... more »
Happy Thanksgiving!
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
Have a safe and very happy Thanksgiving, folks!
Musical Interlude: 2002, “Deep Still Blue”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
2002, “Deep Still Blue”
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3lcidv5ZrE
Andrew Sorkin Wants To Know Why Elizabeth Warren Doesn't Understand That A Bankster Who Is a Protégé Of George Plimpton Is A Different Breed Of Bankster
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago

Antonio Weiss with Lazard Frères chairman Michel David-Weill at the Frick
Collection Autumn Dinner (2013), proof that banksters appreciate art and
should run the world
Saturday we looked at the reasons why Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders
are opposing President Obama's nomination of multimillionaire bankster
Antonio Weiss for a cush position as a Treasury Under Secretary.
Progressives would like Obama to stop nominating anti-social Wall Street
criminals to government positions-- i.e., people like Weiss. Andrew Ross
Sorkin, a *NY Times* columnist and CNBC host (for the reactionary... more »
Reduce Footprints is on hiatus
Small Footprints at Reduce Footprints - 1 day ago

[image: Reduce Footprints is on hiatus]
It's time for our winter break.
We will return on January 19, 2015
In the meantime ...
[image: Special discounts on Eco-friendly products] [image: Special
discounts on Eco-friendly products] [image: Special discounts on
Eco-friendly products] [image: Special discounts on Eco-friendly products]
Visit our *Special Offers Page*
for discounts on Eco-friendly products!
Read my reviews of body care products, books, and more:
[image: Tasha Hussey Body Care Products]Click photo to browse reviews
Visit our Change The World Wednesday page
for fun... more »
Paul Craig Roberts' reflection on the meaning of Thanksgiving: "When Americans celebrate Thanksgiving, they don’t know what they are celebrating." "Thanksgiving became a national holiday with the completion of the Reconstruction of the South after the War of Northern Aggression and the extermination of the Plains Indians by the Union generals in the 1870s. This taints Thanksgiving as a celebration of the preservation and expansion of the American Empire and accurately reflects the goal of the political forces behind Lincoln."
David L Griscom at Cherchez la Verite - 1 day ago

*What Americans Celebrate On Thanksgiving Day — Paul Craig Roberts*
November 25, 2014 | Original Here
Go here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter
What Americans Celebrate On Thanksgiving Day
Paul Craig Roberts
When Americans celebrate Thanksgiving, they don’t know what they are
In American folklore, Thanksgiving is a holiday that originated in 1621
with the Pilgrims celebrating a good harvest. Some historians say that this
event is poorly document... more »
Paul Craig Roberts' shocking revision of the American history that we've all been taught in school was immediately supported by Prof. Thomas DiLorenzo, who has studied and written extensively about the many falsehoods in American school books put there to conceal U.S. government war crimes.
David L Griscom at Cherchez la Verite - 1 day ago

*The War Crime Deniers: Guest Column by Professor Thomas DiLorenzo*
November 26, 2014 | Original Here
Go here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter
The War Crime Deniers
I was pleased to see my article, “What Americans Celebrate on
Thanksgiving,” reprinted on LewRockwell.com together with Professor Thomas
DiLorenzo’s article reminding the Lincoln Cult that numerous distinguished
historians have documented the extraordinary war crimes committed by
Lincoln and his ... more »
Ferguson: When Is Everyone Going To Wake Up To The Government and Police Protest Tactic Of AGENT PROVOCATEUR and LOOTING?
Big Dan at Big Dan's Big Blog - 1 day ago

*Our Top Story: Government and Police Agent Provocateurs are at it
*The first thing you will hear in the "news" about every major protest is:
"LOOTING" (and to some extent "MOLOTOV COCKTAILS"). *
*Here's why:*
First, you need to realize that for every major protest since the 1960's,
the government has employed the AGENT PROVOCATEUR/LOOTING strategy. That is
a strategy where the government sends in people who work for them to mingle
with the protesters and "LOOT" so the media can then discredit the... more »
"A Deep Look to the Heavens"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
"In 2003, the Hubble Space Telescope took the image of a millenium, an
image that shows our place in the universe. Anyone who understands what
this image represents, is forever changed by it."- YouTube/NASA
"It helps to put things in perspective here on our frenetic little planet
with a look at this extraordinarily powerful and moving video of the Hubble
Space Telescope mapping of the Universe, whose known size is 78 billion
light years across. The video of the images is the equivalent of using a
"time machine" to look into the past to witness the early formation of
galaxies, perha... more »
Gangstalkers Record Brain Frequencies for Torture with Electronic and Acoustic Weapons
urupiper at Yesterday 's Lies - 1 day ago

*now this is very disturbing but valuable information . .. forever testing,
poking and prodding the unsuspecting & trusting public . . .*
[image: Skizit Gesture]
Skizit Gesture
*May 7, 2014*
Americans are being selected for disposal, no indictment, no trials, no
jury. Go directly to torture and death sentence. Thousands of Americans are
deliberately being murdered after being selected fo... more »
"The Human Touch- 5 Seconds Equals a Thousand Words"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
"The Human Touch- 5 Seconds Equals a Thousand Words"
by Nicholas Bakalar
"Researchers have found experimental evidence that a touch can be worth a
thousand words, that fleeting physical contact can express specific
emotions — silently, subtly and unmistakably. Scientists led by Matthew J.
Hertenstein, an associate professor of psychology at DePauw University,
recruited 248 students, each to touch or be touched by a partner previously
unknown to them to try to communicate a specific emotion: anger, fear,
happiness, sadness, disgust, love, gratitude or sympathy. The person
touched wa... more »
"In the Inbox"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
"In the Inbox"
From: Coordinator of Volunteer Services
"We have a young man, thirty-six, on hospice, who has a very young child. They
want someone to help him do a life review and perhaps put some pictures
together for he and his wife so the child will know him. Call me if you are
willing to do this."
The next time, friend, your life seems too hard, check your Inbox.
- Jose Orez
"The Difference Between Stress And Burnout"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
"The Difference Between Stress And Burnout"
by Kari Henley
"Clearly the stress barometer in our country, and around the world, is
escalating. The reaction to the recession has moved from shock and fear,
into anger and rage. The honeymoon of President Obama's 100 days has
evaporated into gun carrying dog fights, screaming matches, and the high
hopes of "Yes We Can" have deteriorated into, "Is This Ever Going to End?"
Research shows that some stress is important in our lives. It keeps us on
our toes, helps to strive toward goals, and makes us feel alive. The
hormones related to feeli... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
Chandler, Arizona, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
"Thanksgiving: A Time To Imagine"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*"Thanksgiving: A Time To Imagine"*
By Frank Joseph Smecker
"Imagine if aliens from a galaxy light-years from Earth, decide to seek out
a New World. Imagine they discover Earth, it’s the New World, they assume.
And they pursue a relentless campaign of occupation, colonizing the planet.
One by one, these aliens systematically remove, with much violent force,
the people of the planet, starting with the First World dominant culture,
because, of course, they’ll want what that culture has: access to the land
and resources which that culture controls. Imagine these aliens succeed
with su... more »
Nutrition: "Sunflower Seeds- Nature's Anti-Depressant, And More"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*"Sunflower Seeds- Nature's Anti-Depressant, And More"*
by NaturalNews
"Sunflowers are the earthly representation of the sun. They have such an
affinity for the life giving force that they twist on their stems so their
faces can bask in sunlight all through the day. Photons from the sun are
stored in the DNA of the sunflower, making its seed resonate with the
photons in human cells. This resonance is good for mind as well as body,
and makes sunflowers one of the top foods for fighting depression.
If we believe that we are what we eat, it is clear that nerves depend on
what they are... more »
"How It Really Is"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
Well of course, never enough "stuff"...
"The Pilgrims Should Have Been Thankful for a Spirochete"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*"The Pilgrims Should Have Been Thankful for a Spirochete"*
By Madeleine Johnson
"Rat urine. As we feasted on succulent turkey, moist stuffing, and
glistening cranberry sauce this Thanksgiving, the furthest thing from our
minds was probably rat urine. Yet it’s quite possible that America as we
know it would not exist without rat urine and leptospirosis, the disease it
spreads. The disease conveniently cleared coastal New England of Native
Americans just prior to the Pilgrims’ arrival and later killed the helpful
Squanto. It still lurks among us, underdiagnosed, an emerging menace.
... more »
"Holiday Stress Advice"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*"Holiday Stress Advice"*
by Dr. Phil McGraw
"My dad used to joke that holidays are that time of the year when you find
yourself thrown together with people you don't really know that well or
have much in common with any more. You spend too much time jammed into too
little of a space, and wind up making each other miserable all in the name
of "togetherness!"
Dad wasn't a humbug and he was kidding... well sort of kidding. He just saw
what could happen when, as he put it, we start "over-expecting" and
romanticizing at Thanksgiving and Christmas. And let's be honest, if your
family i... more »
#walmartstrikers + international buy nothing day = don't shop at walmart
laura k at wmtc - 1 day ago
I don't know when people starting calling the day after US Thanksgiving
"Black Friday," but the expression has become synonymous with
over-consumption, empty consumer culture, and the bizarre importance
assigned to hunting for bargains.
And what a bargain it is: a multibillion-dollar corporation sells a piece
of crappy future landfill at an artificially low price by manufacturing it
halfway around the globe with child labour, dumping toxins into the
environment, and paying its own customers sub-living wages. In return,
consumers agree to see nothing and know nothing except the price... more »
In the firing of SecDef Chuck Hagel, the person who comes out looking best (or least worse) is Chuck Hagel
KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago

*In announcing Secretary Hagel's departure Monday, President Obama said
only good things about him, but people who work for the president had
already made sure that the secretary looks like a bumbling, stumbling fool.*
*by Ken*
Somebody, or I guess I should say *somebodies*, in the White House, the
Pentagon, and the media went to a lot of trouble to portray now-lame-duck
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel as a bumbling nitwit, so out of his depth, if
not stumblingly incompetent, that even President Obama, who doesn't hardly
fire anybody, had to give him the ax.
I got to watch a little ... more »
"I've been wondering why it's taking twice as long to build a house now than it used to”
Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 1 day ago
Why do we take these things for granted?
Why have New Zealanders taken it lying down?
John is 78 years old. He spent most of his working life in the construction
industry. He tells me there are still far too many elderly people [in
Christchurch] who have not had their damaged houses fixed.
This is a bloke who can look at how a house is being built and provide a
real, educated assessment of the situation.
"I've been wondering why it's taking twice as long to build a house now
than it used to. We used to price a three-bedroom house on a timeframe of
400 to 600 hours. In th... more »
VFP Member Attacked by Cops in St. Louis
Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 1 day ago
Veterans for Peace member Russell Johnson from Asheville, North Carolina
was arrested at St. Louis city hall today as the crowd of a couple hundred
was dispersing after sitting on steps to building....he was walking away
from the city hall steps and was slammed to the ground from
behind......more than 100 riot cops attacked the non-violent protest...he's
now got a dislocated shoulder and was released from jail about 7:00 pm. He
was taken to an emergency room by another VFP member who did not return to
the office where we are sleeping on the floor until 2:00 am.
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