10:12pm MST
posted on Friends of Syria :
Russian President Vladimir Putin (RIA Novosti / Aleksey Nikolskyi)
It's open season for Western media to bend the rules in their depiction
of Russia. And with a little help from Western officials, they can quote
President Putin speaking pretty aggressively - even when ...
Bill Moyers: Zephyr Teachout And Larry Lessig Have Only Begun To Fight

This week's guest on Bill Moyers shows were two academics-- Zephyr Teachout
And Larry Lessig-- who "decided to practice what they preached. They left
the classroom, confronted the reality of down-and-dirty politics, and tried
to replace moneyed interests with the public interest." Teachout stunned
Andrew Cuomo and his backers by winning over a third of the vote and 30 of
New York's 62 counties. She won Ulster County with 70%, Schoharie County
with 71.7%, Columbia County with 77.9% and Albany County, where they know
Cuomo best, with 61.9%. Cuomo spent $60.62 per vote. Teachout ran ... more »
Putin Comments On The Crisis In Ukraine

November 13, 2014. Russian President Vladimir Putin answers questions of
ARD channel's representative Hubert Seipel during an interview to the
channel (RIA Novosti / Michael Klimentyev)
*Putin: Russia Concerned by Threat of Ethnic Cleansing in Ukraine --
In an interview with German channel ARD Russian President Vladimir Putin
said that Moscow was concerned by the risk of ethnic cleansing in Ukraine,
adding that Kiev should stop using force in southeastern regions and create
conditions for a political dialogue.
MOSCOW, November 17 (Sputnik) – Moscow is concerned by the ris... more »
Bottom 90 Percent Prove to Be Slackers

from the NYTimes:
Ukraine Civil War News Updates -- November 16, 2014
*Heavy Shelling Rocks Rebel-Held Donetsk In East Ukraine -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Fresh volleys of artillery fire were heard across many parts of
the separatist stronghold of Donetsk in eastern Ukraine on Sunday, a
Ukrainian government statement said, after Kiev warned again of rebel
preparations for a fresh offensive.
A Reuters witness in central Donetsk heard several dozen blasts of
artillery fire, although it was unclear who had launched them or what was
under attack.
Shelling from both sides has repeatedly punctured a ceasefire, agreed in a
deal signed on Sept. 5 to end a ... more »
A Picture Says A Thousand Words In International Diplomacy

*What A Difference A Week Makes In International Diplomacy -- Zero Hedge*
It is often said that a picture paints a thousand words, so here are 3000
words on the state of international diplomacy.
Last week's APEC Summit... Putin between China's Xi and Brunei's Hassanal
Bolkiah with Obama positioned with the wives...
This week's G-20 Meeting... Obama front-and-center between China's Xi and
Brazil's Rousseff (just in front of Britain's Cameron) with Putin almost
out of shot
*Read more *....
*WNU Editor*: But Zero Hedge`s best picture was the last one .... (he is
also right when he ... more »
* Hazelton Lanes Inc. v. 1707590 Ontario Limited*, 2014 ONCA 793:
[58] The test for reasonable apprehension of bias is that set out in
de Grandpré J.’s dissenting opinion in *Committee for Justice and Liberty
v. Canada (National Energy Board)* (1976), [1978] 1 S.C.R. 369 (S.C.C.), at
pp. 394-95, which reads as follows:
[T]he apprehension of bias must be a reasonable one, held by reasonable and
right minded persons, applying themselves to the question and obtaining
thereon the required information…. [The] test is “what would an informed
person, viewing the matter realistically an... more »
The G20 Summit Has Ended -- News Updates November 16, 2014
*G20 Nations Pledge to Boost Global Economy -- VOA*
Leaders of the G-20, representing the world's largest advanced and
developing economies, adopted a plan to boost global economic growth by
more than $2 trillion over five years, by investing in infrastructure and
increasing free trade.
As the G-20 summit ended Sunday in Brisbane, the international leaders also
pledged cooperation for strong action against climate change and support
for an international response to the Ebola breakout in West Africa.
U.S. President Barack Obama said policies adopted by the G-20 could add 100
milli... more »
Putin And Ukraine Was The Main Focus At This Year`s G20 Summit
*Ukraine Crisis Casts Shadow Over G-20 -- Wall Street Journal*
Putin Leaves Summit Early, Host Australia Loses Battle to Keep Climate Off
BRISBANE, Australia—The crisis in Ukraine cast a shadow over an
international summit here, with Russian President Vladimir Putin leaving
early after facing rebuke from fellow leaders over Moscow’s role in the
Mr. Putin, the first leader to depart the weekend summit, cited the long
flight home from Australia as the reason for his early exit and not the
frosty reception he received from many counterparts—including Canadian
Prime... more »
Magnificent Delusions: Pakistan, the United States and an Epic History of Misunderstanding

*Video Title: Pakistan, the United States and an Epic History of
Misunderstanding. Source: Centre for International Policy Studies uOttawa.
Date Published: September 18, 2014. Description:*
Husain Haqqani presents: Magnificent Delusions: Pakistan, the United States
and an Epic History of Misunderstanding
0:00 Introduction from Roland Paris
2:10 : Husain Haqqani
31:29 : Question Period
Though Pakistan and the United States have been allies since Pakistan’s
birth in 1947, mistrust and cross-purposes have long characterized their
relationship. The discovery of Osama bin Laden in the... more »
Pakistan's Offensive Against The Taliban Is Taking A Heavy Toll

This picture shows Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Raheel Sharif being
shown different weapons and equipment recovered from terrorists in
Miramshah. — Photo: ISPR
*Pakistani Army: 1,200 Militants Killed During Five-Month Offensive --
(Reuters) - The Pakistani army has killed 1,200 suspected militants in an
anti-Taliban offensive during the past five months, seriously reducing the
group's ability to carry out attacks, senior officers said on Sunday during
a rare trip to the conflict zone.
The ongoing operation has targeted the militant stronghold in North
Waziristan, a... more »
No Justice No Peace
Ferguson Speaks: A Communique From Ferguson from FitzGibbon Media on Vimeo.
As law enforcement officials and national media gear up for a St Louis
County Grand Jury’s announcement as to whether it will levy charges against
Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson for the August 9th shooting of
Michael Brown Jr., activists have issued a 9 minute video communiqué
providing an intimate look at the climate on the ground.
How does the "strict father" model of society work when Strict Dad is, say, a Point-Haired Boss or a Donny "The Mine Unsafety King" Blankenship?

*DILBERT by Scott Adams*
*by Ken*
This weekend I've been wandering around issues of work and the
employer-employee relationship, first Friday night, "Let's celebrate that
great champion of the American working man, mining mogul Donny "Safety Is
for Suckers" Blankenship," about the news that four years after the Upper
Branch Mine disaster Donny B has finally been indicted for allowing the
mine to be so dangerously unsafe; then last night, "Work sucks (pass it
on)," about how work for most of us, you know, sucks. Tonight I want to
make a trilogy of it, pulling those previous ... more »
Peter Kassig 'saved countless lives' in Syria | Channel 4 News
"I am obviously pretty scared to die but the hardest part is not knowing,
wondering, hoping, and wondering if I should even hope at all. I am very
sad that all this has happened and for what all of you back home are going
through. If I do die, I figure that at least you and I can seek refuge and
comfort in knowing that I went out as a result of trying to alleviate
suffering and helping those in need." - *Abdul-Rahman Kassig*.
"Kassig was one of many itinerant idealists in Beirut, Syrian and foreign
alike, who were drawn to the uprising: students gave up their classes to
stand in ... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
"Stunning emission nebula IC 1396 mixes glowing cosmic gas and dark dust
clouds in the high and far off constellation of Cepheus. Energized by the
bright, bluish central star seen here, this star forming region sprawls
across hundreds of light-years - spanning over three degrees on the sky
while nearly 3,000 light-years from planet Earth. Among the intriguing dark
shapes within IC 1396, the winding Elephant's Trunk nebula lies just below
*Click image for larger size.*
The gorgeous color view is a composition of digitized black and white
photographic plates recorded through ... more »
The Poet: Mary Oliver, "There Is Time Left"
*"There Is Time Left"*
“Well, there is time left –
fields everywhere invite you into them.
And who will care, who will chide you if you wander away
from wherever you are, to look for your soul?
Quickly, then, get up, put on your coat, leave your desk!
To put one's foot into the door of the grass, which is
the mystery, which is death as well as life,
and not be afraid!
To set one's foot in the door of death,
and be overcome with amazement!”
~ Mary Oliver
"Against All Odds..."
“You know how when you were a little kid and you believed in fairy tales,
that fantasy of what your life would be, white dress, prince charming who
would carry you away to a castle on a hill. You would lie in bed at night
and close your eyes and you had complete and utter faith. Santa Claus, the
Tooth Fairy, Prince Charming, they were so close you could taste them, but
eventually you grow up, one day you open your eyes and the fairy tale
disappears. Most people turn to the things and people they can trust. But
the thing is it's hard to let go of that fairy tale entirely cause almost... more »
"The Secret Of Surrender: Seeing The Illusion"
*"The Secret Of Surrender: Seeing The Illusion"*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
"Surrender should be seen as a great strength and comes when we let go of
trying to attain the impossible. Most of us were raised and live in a
culture that emphasizes the ideals of independence and control. The general
idea is that we are on our own and we don’t need any help from anyone else,
and if we are really successful it’s because we are in complete control.
However, true lasting success comes only with surrender, which is the
opposite of control. We cannot accomplish anything truly great on our ... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Castlegar, British Columbia, Canada. Thanks for Stopping by.
Viktor Frankl, "Man's Search For Meaning", Excerpt
*"Man's Search For Meaning"*
by Viktor Frankl
“In attempting this psychological presentation and a psychopathological
explanation of the typical characteristics of a concentration camp inmate,
I may give the impression that the human being is completely and
unavoidably influenced by his surroundings. (In this case the surroundings
being the unique structure of camp life, which forced the prisoner to
conform his conduct to a certain set pattern.) But what about human
liberty? Is there no spiritual freedom in regard to behavior and reaction
to any given surroundings? Is that theory ... more »
"Those Who Danced..."
"Those who danced were thought to be quite insane
by those who could not hear the music."
~ Angela Monet
Musical Interlude: Ocean Voyager, “Titanic Expedition”
Ocean Voyager, “Titanic Expedition”
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwHP5au6uvQ
Chet Raymo, “Hearing The Galaxies”
*“Hearing The Galaxies”*
by Chet Raymo
“In her wonderful autobiography, the beloved Mississippi writer Eudora
Welty tells of her time at the Mississippi State College for Women. The
first book she bought for her bookshelf was In April Once, by the
Mississippi poet William Alexander Percy. The first poem in the book,
written in New York City, was entitled "Home":
"I have a need of silence and of stars.
Too much is said too loudly. I am dazed.
The silken sound of whirled infinity
Is lost in voices shouting to be heard..."
She is walking on the campus at night, the poem ... more »
The Holey Genome
Majia's Blog - 3 hours ago
This article
illustrates why radiation exposure is never safe. See below for my thoughts
on the "holey" genome being produced as result of environmental exposures
to genotoxins and epigenetic triggers or silencers:
The Holey Human Genome
My hypothesis is that de novo mutations and subtle, but adverse,
alterations in genetic expression are being caused by exposures – both
internal and external – *in excess of the expected rate of mutation in
humans*. Exposures include chemicals, toxic elements (e... more »
Paulo Coelho, “Dreams: The 12 Steps”
*“Dreams: The 12 Steps”*
by Paulo Coelho
"When Joseph Campbell created the expression “follow your blessing,” he was
reflecting an idea that seems to be very appropriate right now. In “The
Alchemist,” this same idea is called “Personal Legend.” Alan Cohen, a
therapist who lives in Hawaii, is also working on this theme. He says that
in his lectures he asks those who are dissatisfied with their work and
seventy-five percent of the audience raise their hands. Cohen has created a
system of twelve steps to help people to rediscover their “blessing” (he is
a follower of Campbell):
*1. T... more »
The Poet: Denise Levertov, "Variation On A Theme By Rilke"
*"Variation On A Theme By Rilke"*
("The Book of Hours, Book I, Poem 1, Stanza 1")
"A certain day became a presence to me;
there it was, confronting me- a sky, air, light:
a being.
And before it started to descend
from the height of noon, it leaned over
and struck my shoulder as if with
the flat of a sword,
granting me honor and a task.
The day's blow rang out, metallic-
or it was I, a bell awakened,
and what I heard was my whole self
saying and singing what it knew: I can."
~ Denise Levertov
"The Wonder Of Life..."
"We live in radical times surrounded by tasks that seem impossible. It has
become our collective fate to be alive in a time of great tragedies, to
live in a period of overwhelming disasters and to stand at the edge of
sweeping changes. The river of life is flooding before us, and a tide of
poisons affect the air we breathe and the waters we drink and even tarnish
the dreams of those who are young and as yet innocent. The snake-bitten
condition has already spread throughout the collective body.
However, it is in troubled times that it becomes most important to remember
that the wond... more »
Musical Interlude: Adiemus, “Song of the Odessey”
Adiemus, “Song of the Odessey”
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhbkJKkPHQo
NDF Hero Tells How He Chose to Throw Himself down a Mountain instead of Surrendering to Terrorists
This is an inspiring story told by a Syrian soldier, it's like that scene
from 'Lone Survivor' where the Navy SEALs hurl themselves down a mountain
to avoid capture by the Taliban. Similar circumstances, similar heroism,
similar sacrifice.
*Video Title: NDF Hero Tells How He Chose to Throw Himself down a Mountain
instead of Surrendering to Terrorists. Source: Eretz Zen. Date Published:
November 16, 2014. Description:*
A fighter in the ranks of the National Defense Forces (NDF), Yousef Haddad,
tells his heroic story when he was left fighting against terrorists from
the US-backed "F... more »
Dr Wilhelm Ebstein (1836-1912); the Father of LCHF, on Gout, 1884

"It is difficult to label Wilhelm Ebstein because he was a clinician,
pathologist, chemist, basic scientist, teacher, and writer. It is a mystery
that so few know him because he was extremely productive and made many
significant medical contributions.
Ebstein wrote 237 articles: 72 were about metabolic diseases, 38 dealt with
gastrointestinal diseases, 16 were about infectious diseases, 12 were
concerned with heart disease, 15 dealt with medical history, and the
remainder were about various subjects that interested him.
He has been called the “forgotten founder of bio... more »
The Nazi SS Plan to Nuke New York City

*The OKL 's "Feasibility Study" of an Atom Bomb Blast of Hiroshima Size
over Manhattan Island in New York City, 1943*
*"Assertions made by General Groves after the war... were probably designed
to divert attention from the German isotope separation program. The idea
being that if the existence of the German uranium enrichment program could
be hidden, then the cover story could be established that Germany's atomic
bomb effort consisted only of failed attempts to create a reactor pile to
bread plutonium "*
*Carter P. Hydrick: Critical Mass: the Real Story of the Birth of the
Atomic ... more »
Melissa Francis Silenced by CNBC and finally Huffington Post says something about Gruber...

*and the reactions are what we could expect from the libtards.*
I've been scanning Huff and Puff for days now to see if they would say
anything about the Gruber tapes.
Finally today (Sunday, Nov. 16th 2014), I spied a very small piece, *David
Axelrod Slams Jonathan Gruber Over Obamacare Comments, * in which they
quoted Axelrod's tweet:
As one who worked hard to make ACA and its benefits clear, let me say: if
you looked up "stupid" in the dictionary, you'd find Gruber's picture.
And the article further quoted Odumbo as saying today from a presser in
“The fact that an adv... more »
IPR and Medicines 31: Trademark Stealing and Counterfeit Medicines

Today, I will attend the 1st day of* National Consciousness Week against
Counterfeit Medicines, **Theme: Kapakanan ng Pamilya Alagaan, Huwad na
Gamot Labanan*, to be held at the JY Campos Hall, Bayanihan Center, Unilab
Complex in Pasig City. The event is sponsored by the Food and Drugs
Administration (FDA) and today's event is mainly for civil society
organizations (CSOs), including Minimal Government Thinkers, Inc.
Production of counterfeit, fake and substandard medicines is generally
stealing the trademark and logo of famous pharma companies, both innovators
like Pfizer and GSK, a... more »
What's Next For Steve Israel-- And Steve Stockman?
Stockman was never convicted for his role in the Oklahoma City bombing--
and, the Texas Republican Party being what it is these days, he even wound
up back in Congress. But the former drug addict has had a number of ethics
problems in the House and is now facing criminal prosecution, along with
several of his staffers. Grand jury subpoenas have already been served but
Stockman, who won't be going back to Congress next year, may just flee to
Texas and ignore the subpoena. Stockman told Boehner that he's "consulting
with counsel to determine whether and to what extent compliance with... more »
Civic Elections 2014 Biggest Winner, The Environment
*Written by Grant G*
2014 civic elections had many winners and one really big winner, *the
environment, *British Columbians sent a loud message the Stephen Harper`s
well funded big oil lobby...Get The Hell Out!
Derrick Corrigan of Burnaby blasted all challengers, Burnaby citizens
soundly rejected Kinder Morgan and their bully tactics, ...Derrick had
really only one message to Burnaby voters in this election, ....*We will
stop Kinder Morgan...*Even Burnaby`s large Asian demographic said no to big
oil and yes to Derrick Corrigan...
You won`t hear one big media outlet like the Vanc... more »
Fukushima Nuclear Diaster Updates ( November 16 , 2014 ) -- Unprecedented radiation contamination worsens in Japan , impacts in US slowly becoming clear as well !
Energy News.....
12:45 PM EST on November 16th, 2014 | 37 comments
US Nuclear Professor: Fukushima “a really major event here”, Washington had
radioactive aerosols 100,000 times normal; “Far more bigger accident than
we’re hearing” — Model shows West Coast completely blacked out due to
particles covering area — Gundersen: Lung cancers to start increasing in
Pacific Northwest (AUDIO)
11:04 PM EST on November 14th, 2014 | 224 comments
Massive radiation spike at Fukushima: 40,000% increase below ground between
Units 1 & 2 this month — Order of magnitude above record high set last year
1... more »
The "Rebellion" in Heaven and the "Fall" of Man

The "Rebellion" in Heaven and the "Fall" of Man
(More on the Dark & Light Illuminati)
*[Lessons in Duality: What is outlined below is essentially what we see now
coming to a conclusion, this was written many decades ago but holds true
now. If the Bible book of "The Revelation of Saint John the Divine" were
written now we might see the word BEAST, replaced with MACHINE -
they simply didn't have that in their vocabulary then and what the seers of
that time saw was the beast like violence of the inhumane MACHINE of th... more »
U.S. Military Advisers Have Started Advising Iraqi Forces In Anbar Province

(Washington Post)
*U.S. Forces Already Advising Iraqi Forces In Anbar Province -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - American forces have begun advising Iraqi troops in the western
Anbar province, the top U.S. general told Reuters, in a
faster-than-expected expansion of an operation that is central to its
campaign against Islamic State.
General Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said a small
group of advisers had already established themselves in a preliminary
fashion at Ain al-Asad air base in the province, much of which is
controlled by the militant Islamist group.
They w... more »
Reflections on my 103rd Post

*US space suit prototype that didn't fly*
I was going to stop and reflect on the occasion of my *100th post*...but
life happens and I had some other issues to discuss instead. This post
will look back and forward on the subject of blogging and perhaps some
other "tidbits" (as Northerntruthseeker likes to call them). First of all,
the death last September of Kenny of Kenny's sideshow was a real shock and
wake-up call for me. He was there...dependable and logical...then he was
gone. First of all, it motivated me to take my own blog up a notch. I
added the gadget feature of m... more »
is an interesting revision of the same themes apparent in 2001: A Space
Odyssey. Time features large and the idea of literally warping time is
now theoretically possible. The vastness and complexity of the universe,
or multiverses are increasingly known to us. We have devices in space
now that can look at the some of the oldest light in the universe. We
have caused a particle to

*Nestled in the San Francisco East Bay hills and Valleys is the City of
Oakley ~ a city that is celebrating its 15th year of incorporation as well
as local control of its community's destiny. That includes leasing its
Seniors the old city Firehouse and then encouraging them to adopt the newly
formed Veterans of Oakley and supporting them to join the Seniors in
service to each other as well as the community: Allen L Roland, Ph.D*
*Click on all photos to enlarge*
*Veterans of Oakley president Randy Smith celebrates with fellow veteran
Clint Rehak (Iraq Vet) as th... more »
People's Victory on Okinawa Against US Base
Voters elected Takeshi Onaga as the new governor of the southern island
chain. Onaga defeated incumbent Governor Hairokazu Nakaima who was backed
by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's party. The premier wants the US military
base to be relocated to another site within the prefecture. Onaga says he
will veto the landfill work needed for the new base to be built and wants
the base closed rather than moved.
Currencies From Oil-Producing Countries Are Getting Crushed

*Oil-Producing Countries' Currencies Are Getting Crushed -- Zero Hedge*
While most people's attention has been focused on the demise of the Russian
Ruble this year, since the June highs in Crude Oil, the oil-producing
nations of the world have seen their currencies devalue rapidly. From
Brazil to Nigeria and Algeria, the impact of lower oil revenues is starting
to create a vicious circle for many of these nations... and having
consequences for the very Petrodollar flows that the US relies upon...
*Read more* ....
*My Comment:* As predicted .... *Is The World On The Brink Of An Oil... more »
I am the Queen of the slipstream
Its true I just do not care
and no shit you through
at me can hit
me as I am supersonic air
with no gravity
but on the nightly news
I appear as granite
great parts of the Canadian
an the oil sands
are my makeup
as I lie about everthing
and the press
they take it all in
I am a conservative\
reform puke
that makes
the world sick.
Crimes agianst humantiy
Voices that can really sing
are being made extinct
by vodophones
this is the worst.
In the day everyone could sing
in fact it was the first thing
not how much vocal assistance
and hype one could contribute
We have lost so much talant to
this muscial apoclyspe
I wonder if culture
will ever recover.
Van Morrison Stranded
If you do not know and love Van the man I am sorry. Well here is your
chance to hear the man in his late genius. Can not compare to Astral Weeks
but still compelling.
News Update

- Vandenberg AFB in California was the landing place for the Pentagon's
new military space plane last month after a 22-month mission orbiting the
Earth. It's part of Strategic Command's "prompt global strike" program
suggesting to Russia and China that they could be quickly hit from space.
After the shuttle was retired we were told that the X-37 (and other similar
programs now under development) would be the successor to the shuttle. But
the X-37 has nothing to do with peaceful space exploration or NASA. It's
being developed for surveillance and to give... more »
Redtails Redtails

You know exactktty what I mean from thus outburst.
Over achivers or the worthy never
given a shot, In the day of the cap
Stanley Cups will be captured
by those redtail stats.
The Erudite Faction and the TFA Corps

Saw *Divergent* last evening. If you haven't seen it, you should.
Kate Winslet (Jeanine) plays the sci-fi version of the scarier Wendy KIPP
Kopp (Wendy).
from the Erudite Manifesto:
*Ignorance is defined not as stupidity but as lack of knowledge. Lack of
knowledge inevitably leads to lack of understanding. Lack of understanding
leads to a disconnect among people with differences. Disconnection among
people with differences leads to conflict. Knowledge is the only logical
solution to the problem of conflict. Therefore, we propose that in order to
eliminate conflict, we must elimi... more »
Sunday Classics report: The Schneider Quartet's legendary Haydn recordings finally make it to CD!

*The cover of the booklet accompanying the indispensable Music and Arts CD
reissue of the legendary not-quite-complete 1951-53 Haydn Society cycle of
the Haydn string quartets by the Schneider Quartet*
*by Ken*
For decades now it has been one of the gaps in the ranks of available
recordings, through much of the LP era and, until now, the whole of the CD
era. But this month Music and Arts has released a specially priced 15-CD
set of the 54 Haydn quartets recorded by the Schneider Quartet in the early
'50s, "newly remastered mostly from the original master tapes." The massive
projec... more »
Is Politics Killing The Pentagon

*Politics Is Killing The Pentagon -- Mackenzie Eaglen, The Hill*
As America returns to war in the Middle East, ramps up for new problems
from Russia, battles Ebola in Africa and continues the “pivot” to Asia, the
capacity of the U.S. military is once again front and center. But
Washington is in denial about two major realities: The U.S. military’s
technological edge is eroding, and politics is killing the Pentagon. All
too soon, America won’t be able to take on this range of challenges.
Indeed, it’s not even clear that we still can today.
At a recent Democratic Party eve... more »
Jose Matus receives Corazon Indigenous Award
Matus, a lifetime upholding border rights, human rights and Yaqui
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Jose Matus receives
Corazon Indigenous Award
PASCUA YAQUI NATION -- Jose Matus, Pascua Yaqui ceremonial leader and
human rights activist, was selected by the Pascua Yaqui Nation to
receive the Corazon Indigenous Award.
Matus was one of twelve people in the Tucson area to
Keenan's Fake Blue Book of Redemption Part 2

by Dawn Johnson & AN Other
FOLLOW THE YELLOW BRICK ROAD. .. President Roosevelt, Exec. Order 6102 &
1934 Gold Certificates & Neil Keenan
Neil Keenan claims he has a book "the blue book of redemption " which on
the inside cover clearly states a date of 1934. Let's put this in
perspective... What happened a year earlier in the United States in 1933,
relating to Gold?
"Executive Order 6102 is a United States Presidential Executive Order
signed on April 1933 by President Franklin D Roosevelt , forbidding the
hoarding of gold coin, bullion and gold certif... more »
advice for you life everyday(911 lies leading to action)
You should live it like
you want it
despite all the discourging
things that naturaly come
your way
One can never be happy
no matter what
this is the universal truth
we love and live
and have fabulouse times
but we are never happy
that is what drives
the human genome
we are at the heart
a pissed off society
enjoying happy
as the icing on a cake
Could I talk to some
less intelligent beings
in our circustance
like dolphins and monkeys
and gorillias
or even the great hunters
the lions
I do not know what
advice they would spread
as I cut there guts out
and on my mantle I
put that head.
... more »
Piracy and Wanton
Next to prostitution piracy is probably up there in the worlds oldest
professions. Two evils that should be wiped out. If we took a best
practices approach we could elimate them both. We can use robotics to
eliminate prostitution. We could use common sense to eliminate piracy. Do
not ask the consumer to pay a fortune for content. Case closed.
The Dissolution of Contrived Civilization
*Zen Gardner* - Disconnect – disobey – and de-enlist. Break your
unconscious and conscious agreements. The parasites will shrivel up and
The post The Dissolution of Contrived Civilization appeared first on Waking
Russia To Develop Hypersonic Missiles

Lockheed's hypersonic missile concept. Lockheed Martin
*Russia Will Build First Hypersonic Missile Before 2020 -- Zachary Keck,
The Diplomat*
*A senior official at a Russian defense company said the country will build
its first hypersonic missile before 2020.*
Russia will build its first hypersonic missile by 2020, according to local
state media.
On Thursday Sputnik News Agency, RIA Novosti’s new international brand,
cited a senior official at a state-owned Russian defense company as saying
that Russia would build its first air-launched hypersonic missiles before
“In my es... more »
MOTUS just made our Sunday a whole lot brighter...
*no, really!!!*
You must go and do some Gruber flinging.
You *must*...
*Post-Obamacare Syndrome Gruber Therapy®*
*Go, go, go.*
*I promise you will feel so much better. *
Koohan Paik at the Techno-Utopianism Confab
Koohan Paik was one of 45 leading scholars, authors and activists who
convened at The Great Hall of Cooper Union, New York City, on October
25-26, 2014, for the public presentation: "Techno-Utopianism and the Fate
of the Earth." Speakers discussed the profound impacts—environmental,
economic and social—of runaway technological expansionism and cyber
immersion; the tendency to see technology as the savior for all problems.
For more info, see http://ifg.org/techno-utopia/program/
Raised in Korea and Guam, Koohan Paik is Coordinator of the Asia-Pacific
program at the International Fo... more »
What If?
*RJ Spina* - "What if, just for a moment, we move forward with a different
The post What If? appeared first on Waking Times.
Amnesty Sweepstakes

As many as five million lucky undocumented immigrants may be granted
amnesty from deportation as early as this week by executive order of
President Obama. So let the Latino community rejoice, right? The odds of
winning are just slightly lower than fifty-fifty!
Well, not so fast. All those deportees-in-waiting could have their
newly-issued working papers, drivers' licenses and other paraphernalia of
"legality" yanked out from under them at the drop of a hat. Or, as Obama
himself sensitively put it on Saturday,
*There is a very simple solution to this perception that somehow I’m
exer... more »
Hugh, me, Janet and 'BH'

It's a while since I've done a post on Paddy O'Connell's *Broadcasting
House* but this morning's edition calls for some comment.
(Actually, it doesn't really. Should I leave the post there? No people are
doubtless gagging to know what you made of it, so on you go!)
As I confessed a while back, I'm quite the fan now *but*...
The discussion on charitable giving was an interesting one. There were many
thought-provoking ideas, albeit largely from the charity sector side. It
featured two studio guests and several talking heads. All but two of the
people expressing their views were seni... more »
Russia Claims To Have A 'Nuclear Surprise' For NATO

The RT-2PM Topol ballistic missile (RIA Novosti/Alexandr Kryazhev)
*Russia Prepares Nuclear Surprise For NATO -- Pravda*
On September 1, 2014 the US State Department published a report, in which
it was stated that for first time since the collapse of the USSR, Russia
reached parity with the US in the field of strategic nuclear weapons. Thus,
Washington admitted that Moscow regained the status that the Soviet Union
had obtained by mid-70's of the XX century and then lost.
According to the report from the State Department, Russia has 528 carriers
of strategic nuclear weapons that car... more »
Accepting What You Cannot Change
*Randi G. Fine* - "Acceptance is a choice we make to better our lives. It
begins with realistic expectations about life itself...
The post Accepting What You Cannot Change appeared first on Waking Times.
Russia Gives France Until End Of November To Deliver Mistral Warship
*Russia Gives France A Final Deadline To Hand Over The Mistral Warship --
Business Insider*
Russia has given France until the end of November to deliver the first of
two Mistral-class helicopter carriers currently stuck in a shipyard in
Saint-Nazaire, according to reports.
The ship, the Vladivostok, was scheduled to be delivered on Friday, but
that deadline is now certain to be missed. In response a senior Russian
source told the state-owned news service Sputnik International that the
French side had until the end of the month to hand over the ship or the
whole deal could be in j... more »
Petition Demands Haslam Choose an Educator as New TN Commish
Haslam's army of TFA cult members are combing the Broad Foundation
databases in search of someone with as little education knowledge,
leadership, and social skills as Kevin Huffman. Inside reports indicate no
luck yet.
Meanwhile, a petition is circulating urging Huffman to do what neither
ideology nor politics tells him do:
*We stand with Tennessee Strong, a network of education advocacy groups
from across the State of Tennessee, and ask that you appoint a Commissioner
of Education who exhibits transparency, inclusiveness, and open
communication with all stakeholders in Tennessee. ... more »
Distancing Parents from Children's School Work

Gary Rubenstein posted this shot of his first grade daughter's Common Core
math homework. Could there be any more effective way of putting distance
between parents and their children's work?
NATO: Russian Military Aircraft Are Risking The Safety Of European Airliners
*Russian Warplanes Risking Safety Of European Airliners, Says Nato Chief --
The Telegraph*
*Jens Stoltenberg, the new secretary general of Nato, tells the Telegraph
that more Russian military jets are flying over Europe without contacting
air traffic control, raising the risk of mid-air collisions *
Russia is placing civilian flights at risk by dispatching jet fighters and
bombers into European airspace without following safety procedures,
according to Nato’s secretary general.
Jens Stoltenberg told the Telegraph that Nato fighters had intercepted
Russian military aircraft over ... more »
Are UKIP "Profoundly Un-British"?
Former Prime Minister John Major certainly thinks so. I believe the answer
is more nuanced than that. Speaking on *Andrew Marr* this morning, the grey
man of politics said UKIP were un-British because they are
"anti-everything", particularly "anti-foreigner" and "anti-immigrant". He
added that this is "the negativity of the four-ale bar. That’s not the way
to get into Parliament, it’s not the way to run a country." Finally, Major
mused that as the economy gets better, you can expect UKIP support to die
back. Possibly, John, put only if people's sense of self-security gets
... more »
Islamic State Claims Beheading Of US Aid Worker Peter Kassig And The Execution Of Dozens Of Syrian Soldiers
*'The Islamic State Will Slaughter Your People In Your Streets': New
'Jihadi John' Threat To Britain And The US In Latest Horrific ISIS Video
Which Claims To Show Beheaded American Aid Worker -- Daily Mail*
* Peter Kassig's murder not shown but a severed head said to be his is seen
* Mr Kassig was a former U.S. soldier turned aid worker in Syria
* Video also shows the graphic execution of dozens of Syrian soldiers
* Prime Minister says he's 'horrified by the cold blooded murder'
* White House says intelligence agencies are examining the video
A masked jihadist today issued a chilli... more »
All entities within this universe, are created from imagination--imagination that does move itself into what appears to be solidity

*During the "Cosmic Celebration" at York, Pa, in November 1977, producer
Jan Pachul of Television station YCAT-TV in York asked the interpreter,
Paul Shockley, if he would do an interview on his TV station and perhaps
even a trance session. Paul consented. This readings is the first of two
readings which were given on television, the second one on the following
day. The producer, evidently impressed by what was happening, allowed the
trance to continue even when the allotted time was up, pre-empting several
other prog... more »
*Bengals vs. Saints 2014 picks and predictions: New Orleans a heavy
favorite at home ~Michael Jones, SB Nation*
*Irish philanthropist’s spirit lives on in New Orleans ~Simon Carswell,
Irish Times*
A New Era Of Cooperation Between Pakistan And Afghanistan?

Ashraf Ghani, the new president of Afghanistan, left, with Prime Minister
Nawaz Sharif during a cricket match on Saturday. Credit Faisal
*Pakistanis Optimistic on Ties After Afghan Leader’s Visit -- New York
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Afghanistan’s new president, Ashraf Ghani, met with
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif here on Saturday, ending a state visit that
left Pakistanis optimistic about a new start for the countries’ often
acrimonious relationship.
“This was a serious charm fest on both sides and pretty much set the tone,
as a start, for a much-needed reset i... more »
The West Has Lost The Ideological War Against Al Qaeda

*Why’s Al Qaeda So Strong? Washington Has (Literally) No Idea -- Bruce
Riedel, Daily Beast*
*In the years since Bin Laden declared war on the West, we’ve learned how
to kill his followers, but not how to defeat his ideology.*
It’s been more than 16 years since Al Qaeda declared war on America and
it's allies, civilians as well as military, whenever and wherever they
could be found. Terror, said Osama bin Laden, was a “moral duty” against
“Crusaders” like the Americans, and the Jews, and what he decreed to be
their Muslim collaborators. The young people who answered the call of al
... more »
CMS: locally 2.6 or 2.9 sigma excess for another \(560\GeV\) Higgs boson \(A\)
*And there are theoretical reasons why this could be the right mass*
Yesterday, the CMS Collaboration at the LHC published the results of a new
Search for a pseudoscalar boson \(A\) decaying into a \(Z\) and an \(h\)
boson in the \(\ell^+\ell^- \bar b b\) final state
They look at collisions with the \(\ell\ell bb\) final state and interpret
it using the two higgs doublet model scenarios.
There are no stunning excesses in the data.
But I think it's always a good idea to point out what is the most
significant excess they see in the data, and the CMS folks do just that ... more »
Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, November 16th, 2014
[image: rant-jpeg-b]
Sunday, November 16th, and time again for my weekly rant…
Yes, it is mid November up here in central Canada, and the outside air
temperatures have been falling like a stone over the last week to almost
unseasonably cold conditions… I for one am really sick of the liars and
misfits who continue to harp the lie of "Global Warming" and have the
audacity to actually call this period of unusually cold conditions a "lull"
in the march towards this world heating up uncontrollably. I am sick of
those lies and have continued to try to reach the dumb asses that actually... more »
How Is It That Most People Who Vote For Republicans Disagree With Their Specific Policy Positions?

I hate long meetings in closed conference rooms. Not having to go to them
day after day was one of the pleasures of retiring from the business world.
One meeting I used to always look forward to though-- even though it was in
DC-- was People for the American Way's board meetings. I always got an
opportunity to sit next to someone inspiring like Dolores Huerta or Rabbi
Michael Lerner. But I've come to hate DC so much that I can't seem to drag
myself even to those meetings anymore. Fortunately for me, Lerner published
a brilliant essay in *Tikkun* a couple days ago, Why the Right Kee... more »
The Consequences Of His Inaction

There are some who believe that the deal which the United States and China
reached on greenhouse gas emissions will force Stephen Harper to act on
climate change. But Jeffrey Simpson warns that such optimism is misplaced.
To begin with, the Republican dominated congress will act immediately to
nullify the agreement. And, of course, Harper is philosophically a
When a leader such as Mr. Harper spends the better part of a decade not
even speaking about the issue, let alone the rest of what polit... more »
Mexico citizens protest over abducted and murdered students update ( November 16 , 2014 ) - It's not just the 43 students who have disappeared , it's not just the 22,000 that have diappeared as well - it's the systemic corruption , violence and virtual failed state existing that have caused citizens to say " No Mas " !

*fred walton*@fredwalton216
@fredwalton216 Allowing Mexico to fester in its current state , allowing
Cartel corruption and Government collusion w/o comment -toxic stew. 4
*fred walton*@fredwalton216
@fredwalton216 Border security has been correctly criticized as suboptimal
at best ( being kind ) and immigration policy dysfunctional. 3.
*fred walton*@fredwalton216
@fredwalton216 Mexico is right in our backyard ! And we have a toxic petri
dish of corruption , a Government close to " Failed State " 2.
*Tom Coburg* @Undercoverinfo1 5m
5 minutes ... more »
Report: Islamic State Army 7 Times Bigger Than CIA Estimates

*War With ISIS: Islamic Militants Have Army Of 200,000, Claims Senior
Kurdish Leader -- The Independent*
*Exclusive: CIA has hugely underestimated the number of jihadis, who now
rule an area the size of Britain *
The Islamic State (Isis) has recruited an army hundreds of thousands
strong, far larger than previous estimates by the CIA, according to a
senior Kurdish leader. He said the ability of Isis to attack on many widely
separated fronts in Iraq and Syria at the same time shows that the number
of militant fighters is at least 200,000, seven or eight times bigger than
forei... more »
A Stark Contrast.
I dont often comment upon the daily actions of politicians on this blog
preferring to look at the broader picture of how their actions affect our
democracy but one recent report realy got my attention in its stark
contrast between a potential leader and the current one.
The way in which our 'leaders' interact with our local and national media,
be they the press, television new outlets or simply citizen bloggers has
much to do with democratic freedom and our need to know and understand what
'government' is doing on our behalf.
This item *from Matt Guerin * outlines the contrast........ more »
The Revolution will not be Facebooked?
Paul Donovan in the *Sunday Times* has an interesting take on what's
happened to people's perceptions of the news over the past few decades:
There was a time, perhaps only a generation or so ago, when “the news” was
something that was just there, like “the weather”. News bulletins, to
borrow George Orwell’s definition of good prose, were “like a window pane”,
through which you peered to see what was going on in the world; if you did
not like what you saw, it was no fault of the glass.
Then came the accusation, fuelled by the influential and left-wing Glasgow
Media Group in the 197... more »
Decoding "The Giver" (2014)

*"The Giver (2014) has a lot to say about the programmed state of our world
that is the result of the control exercised over the versioning of history.
Mostly, it's concealing and revealing, spilling the beans about the global
recollection that will come as memories are implanted as a beaming of
historical events comes through the opened portal."*
[image: The Open Scroll Blog]
The Giver (2014) Trailer
Aaron and I just watched the film, The Giver (2014). It's yet another remix
of “the plot," a shuffle and deal of a few of the key elements. It's a
veiled allegory picturing what ... more »
"Stop harpeer"
What did you propose to bring down the cowardly monstrosity?
*Public High School Aborts Pro-Life Club*
The Thomas More Society, a public interest law firm, sent a demand letter
Tuesday to a public high school principal in Virginia after he refused to
grant Madison Sutherland, a senior at the school, permission to start a
pro-life club on campus.
"As there is no legally acceptable reason to reject Ms. Sutherland's
application, we request that you reverse your decision and promptly approve
Ms. Sutherland's request to establish, publicize, and actively run a
pro-life student group at Courtland High School," said the Thomas More
Society's lett... more »
Funniest Wikipedia remark, re the 'journalist' Michael White
'With regard to the Israel-Palestine conflict, in July 2006 he stated that
as he gets older his sympathies are shifting back to Israel.[3]'
They've a bloody long way still to go.
*Seven current articles below, including Mr Obama's latest effusion*
*University of Qld preaches Warmism*
*They think that you learn critical thinking by absorbing warmist dogma,
not by criticizing it. Course outline below. It's clear that climate
skepticism has got them rattled. It's an EDx (online) course -- which
makes it difficult to ask questions and answer back. The University of Qld
is one of the homes of "Mr. 97%" -- psychologist John Cook.In my years
doing psychological research I grew accustomed to finding conclusion... more »

*A Cosmic Awareness TransmissionPaul Shockley, Interpreter *
This Awareness indicates before the beginning there was a Void. And the
Void was without form or substance and it was unaware as if It were
eternally sleeping. That Void was empty, without dreams, thought, or
consciousness. Nothing that is, was. All that was, was the Void, the Static
Void. This Universal Consciousness, this Cosmic Awareness, had n... more »
Canada and Australia, alone in the world
Summit lead-up, 2020
The world was not shocked today when the remaining G20 countries
declined to extend meeting invitations to Canada and Australia over
their stance on climate change. The intransigent position on fossil
fuels taken by the national governments of these two countries
distrupted last year's summit as the other G20 nations all but finalised
a new energy agenda. An unidentified
Keeping busy

Philosopher John Gray presented an interesting *A Point of View *this week
on Radio 4. He argued that many people crave busy lives where not a second
is wasted because they can't bear the consequences of stopping and being
forced to think about things - about the inevitability of death for
Well, it's a point of view. I can waste any more time thinking about it
though, so here's a post about Sir Michael Lyons instead:
Whatever happened to Sir Michael Lyons, the former head of the BBC Trust?
Sir Michael, as you may recall, began his public life as an academic, then
becam... more »
Cosying up to Hamas

It's been quite a week for anti-Israel terrorist organisations vis-à-vis
the BBC and the *Guardian*.
After the BBC got its Hezbollah 'scoop' - Mishal Husain's interview with a
Lebanese cabinet minister - the *Guardian *has gone one better and given
over an entire op-ed to Ahmed Yousef, propagandist for the Hamas prime
minister Ismail Haniya.
In the piece, published on 14 November, Mr Yousef attempts to make the
terrorist group sound the Salvation Army. He says that Hamas is a modest,
inclusive organisation whose Jew-hating Charter isn't to be taken seriously
because Hamas actuall... more »
Moments before the crash of Boeing aircraft (MH17) near Donetsk - a unique video frame has been found and analyzed

*Lots of things can be faked digitally, so keep that in mind. But one
thing has bothered me about this whole MH17 thing, is attacking it does not
fit the Russian mindset. Russians like chess and strategy, and they like
complicated scenarios and thinking about them and plotting 5 moves ahead.
The downing of MH17 was either ham-fisted knuckle-headedness, or
cold-blooded murderous calculation to impose blame where it doesn't belong.
Doesn't seem to fit the way Putin works, Brezhnev perhaps, Putin...no way.
The conflict in the Ukraine is about the Petro-dollar and maintaining it
... more »
US Begin $1 Trillion Upgrade of Nuclear Weapons Arsenal

[image: Minuteman III ICBM]The US has announced that an emergency spending
programme will be carried out in order to update its ageing nuclear
arsenal. Up to $1 trillion (£640bn) will be spent as part of a 30-year plan
to upgrade an array of missiles, submarines and bombers.
Speaking at the Pentagon, Chuck Hagel, the US defence secretary declared:
"No other mission we have is more important. It deters nuclear attack on
the US and our allies and our partners. It prevents our adversaries from
trying to escalate their way out of failed conventional aggression."
According to the Associa... more »
Defense Ministry cagy on Arrow test results

Israel’s Ministry of Defense and the U.S. Department of Defense’s Missile
Defense Agency conducted on September 9 a test of the Arrow 2 missile
defense system, but the Israeli agency has been less than forthcoming about
the results of the launches.
The tests were held in the Palmahim area, along Israel’s southern
Mediterranean coast south of Tel Aviv and north of Ashdod.
Sometimes the full picture of a test launch is not immediately clear, a
senior official in the Defense Ministry told reporters on the day of the
launch, but usually “Within a day or two we will know what happened,” ... more »
An inclusive Songs of Praise

Switching on BBC One's *Breakfast *programme this morning I caught a report
from the BBC's Caroline Wyatt about today's new-look *Songs of Praise*.
Well, when I say 'report' I mean 'blatant plug'. Or 'advert'.
Just to remind you, Aaqil Ahmed, the BBC’s Muslim head of religion, has
given *Songs of Praise *a make-over. No longer will we see editions
broadcast from a single church or cathedral but instead the programme
will be broadcast from multiple locations each week, including Pentecostal,
Roman Catholic and Salvation Army churches. It will also include
“magazine-style” reports ... more »
China’s showpiece fighter jet crashes on test flight; 7 hurt
At least seven persons were injured when an advanced Chinese multi-role
fighter jet crashed into a residential compound during a test flight in the
country’s southwest.
The pilot ejected safely but at least seven persons received burn injuries
after the jet struck a newly constructed residential building before
plunging into an artificial lake inside the compound at Chengdu in Sichuan
province, yesterday.
The jet, operated by the Chengdu military command and said to be a
prototype of an advanced Jian 10-B fighter, may have been on a test flight,
Hong Kong based South China Morning... more »
Russian warplanes risking safety of European airliners, says Nato chief
Russia is placing civilian flights at risk by dispatching jet fighters and
bombers into European airspace without following safety procedures,
according to Nato’s secretary general.
Jens Stoltenberg told the Telegraph that Nato fighters had intercepted
Russian military aircraft over 100 times so far this year, compared with 30
such incidents in 2013.
Russia’s long-range bombers and spy planes usually stay in international
airspace, but they deliberately ignore safeguards designed to reduce the
risk of collision with civilian flights. In particular, they switch off the
“transponder... more »
Iran to Display Various Types Planes, UAVs in Aviation Exhibit

[image: Amphibious-landing plane]Iran is due to display amphibious-landing
planes and dirigibles in the international aviation industries exhibition
on Kish Island, in the Persian Gulf, on November 18.
"20 companies from Russia, Ukraine, France, Italy, the UAE and China along
with 100 Iranian companies will take part in the 7th aviation exhibition on
Kish," Secretary of the Exhibition Bijan Bonakdar told reporters in a press
conference in Tehran on Saturday.
He said that the exhibition will be a good opportunity for Iran to display
its latest achievements and capabilities in exporti... more »
Second stealthy destroyer starting to take shape

[image: Dechhouse of USS Michael Monsoor]The second of three stealthy
destroyers under construction in Maine is starting to take shape.
The Navy says it has completed the hoisting of the 1,000-ton composite
deckhouse onto the 610-foot hull of the future USS Michael Monsoor. It took
four cranes to complete the job Friday.
Like the first-in-class Zumwalt, the Monsoor is a 610-foot-long destroyer
that will be part of the first class of electric-drive surface combatants
since the 1940s.
Read more
End of an era as squadron retires trademark helicopter

[image: 814NAS and their Merlin Mk 1 helicopters]It was the end of an era
at a Westcountry Naval base when a return home from a 19 month deployment
also saw a squadron wave goodbye to their trademark helicopter.
The crew of 814 Naval Air Squadron, also known as The Flying Tigers, are
back at RNAS Culdrose, near Helston, after a lengthy mission hunting
pirates in the Middle East.
They are now set to see their trusty Merlin Mk 1 aircrafts upgraded to the
more advanced Merlin Mk 2.
Read more
You may still buy Matt Taylor's shirt
Matt Taylor's shirt has instantly become one of the modern symbols of the
fight between science, achievements, freedom, dedication to one's work, and
meritocracy on one side and oppression, bullying, parasitism, feminism,
humorlessness, cruelty, and superficiality on the other side.
The feminist bullies have apparently broken Matt Taylor, a
scientist-in-chief of the Rosetta mission that succeeded in sending a
module to a comet and in drilling it – all the data from the drilling got
back before the battery went to the standby mode. But the legend has it
that the poor guy said "and ye... more »
Of inverted pyramids and BBC reporting
Is the BBC News website the worst UK media outlet when it comes to
reporting Israel? Does it even out-*Guardian* the *Guardian *sometimes?
That was a question which led a post here yesterday, and there's more
evidence for the answer 'Yes' from David at Five Minutes for Israel. His
article, 'Tale of Two Stories', is well worth reading and, I'd say, very
much on the mark.
He looks at two BBC News website articles
Palestinian ‘shot dead by Israeli army’ in Hebron
Israeli woman and soldier killed in two knife attacks
and shows how their unbalanced structure works to distort readers'
... more »
U.S. Navy sees decision soon on follow-on for LCS warship
[image: USS Fort Worth]Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel is expected to make a
decision soon on how to make a new class of smaller warships more lethal
and survivable, the Navy's top admiral said on Saturday.
Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Jonathan Greenert expected a quick
decision based on a recommendation submitted by the Navy, but gave no
"The Secretary is very close to a decision," Greenert told Reuters in an
interview at a defense conference at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.
Read more
The Great CON of Man
This is an excellent set of articles that I highly recommend reading.
Bradley outlines some of the very deepest depths of the CON and the spell
of delusion, deception, and deceit that has been programmed into us and
placed upon us. To understand what has been done, to move forward to shake
free of the dream-world matrix in which we have been held, then first we
need to unlearn that which we were taught.
The Great CON of Man
10 November 2014
Jean Haines has been posting a series of articles by Bradley Loves called ‘ The
Great CON of Man – Esoteric’s, the Supernatural, Magic... more »
India to procure anti-sub armour

[image: INS Kolkata]The Indian Navy has launched a hunt for integrated
anti-submarine warfare suites to fill a void in the security framework that
renders its frigates and destroyers vulnerable to underwater threats.
The new system is being procured as there has been a substantial delay in
the development of advanced towed array sonars, a crucial component of the
anti-submarine warfare (ASW) suite, by the Defence Research and Development
Organisation (DRDO). The defence ministry, which was earlier in favour of
waiting for the DRDO to complete its project, has given the goahead for
p... more »
New German hope for multibillion-dollar submarine build at Adelaide’s ASC shipyards

[image: Type 216 SSK]Adelaide is re-emerging as the likely home of a
multibillion-dollar slice of construction work for Australia’s Future
Submarine Project.
In a significant boost for the Osborne-based ASC, it is understood the
German proposal to build up to 11 boats there is gaining support with the
Federal Government.
Senior government sources have told The Advertiser that German and Japanese
bids are the most likely to land the $20-$30 billion deal.
Read more
DRDO builds propulsion system, may be fitted into Scorpene subs

[image: Scorpene class SSK]A DRDO-developed propulsion system, that
enhances the underwater stay of conventional diesel- electric submarines,
could be fitted in the last two Scorpene submarines India is building
locally under transfer of technology from a French defence major.
The work on the Scorpene submarines is on at the Mazagaon Dock, Mumbai and
the first of the six vessels is expected to enter service in late 2016.
The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) -developed air
independen ..
Read more
BBC bias explained
Degree in Biased BBC explains
particular case of BBC anti Israel bias, clearly and concisely.
' a classic case of semantic manipulation, Media Studies 101, if you
will.Palestinian 'shot dead by Israeli army' in HebronOut of 466 words only
49, including the headline and the bold type lead paragraph, have anything
directly to do with the death. But as any Media student learns that's the
way a news article is structured. In the so-called inverted triangle
structure the main points of the story , the wh... more »
when sexual assault goes public: #beenrapedneverreported and the presumption of innocence
The revelations about Jian Ghomeshi hit my Facebook feed in waves.
First many friends were shocked by CBC's announcement that they were
"severing their relationship" with the longtime and very popular radio
host. I don't listen to radio and I'm always surprised at how many people
Then came Ghomeshi's own statement, which one friend very perceptively
recognized as likely Ghomeshi's attempt to get ahead of a story in which he
would be accused of assault.
Then came his victims - now 14 people - who have courageously come forward
to tell their stories.
Despite the corroboratio... more »
Mashal Khan Takkar: Birth And Death of Pakistan
This site has had a lot of content on Pakistan and Afghanistan in the last
little while, from a variety of perspectives and viewpoints. The problems
in these two countries will only grow larger in the coming years, so the
more history lessons, the better.
Understanding Pakistan is so important, especially since its role in
Afghanistan and the region will increase as the U.S. and NATO pull out of
the area by the end of this year.
Pakistan is a cocktail of traditions, faiths, and peoples so it has always
been a fascinating place to read about. But, the more one looks into its
histo... more »
US Brings Brush Fires and Broken Promises to Beijing

*November 16, 2014 *(Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - In reality, nothing was
intended to be decided during US President Barrack Obama's visit to
Beijing, China. US policy regarding China has been more or less set for
decades and only superficial, rhetorical changes are made year-to-year for
a variety of shorter-term political reasons.
And despite the language used to market America's foreign policy both at
home and abroad, what US President Obama is bringing with him to Beijing is
yet another attempt to reassert geopolitical, military, and economic
hegemony over China not only directly, ... more »
George Orwell Was Only Off By 30 Years

*(Click on Image to Enlarge)*
*WNU Editor: *Just finished reading the book again. If you want to downland
a free ebook copy ....* go here.*
Taichung election, Sunday Linkfest, and Comments

*Updated map of Taipei metro with opening of new Songshan Line. Note that
the lines are now numbered. This was done "for the foreigners". Nobody
asked us if we wanted that, it is totally unnecessary. h/t to David Reid. *
Practically giddy I am: Frozen Garlic actually mentioned me in a post the
other day:
It seems like this will be a lost year for Frozen Garlic. I have lots of
things that I would like to write about, but I just don’t seem to be able
to find any free blocks of time when I have the energy to write. I don’t
know how other bloggers find the time and energy to write regu... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Point your telescope toward the high flying constellation Pegasus and you
can find this expanse of Milky Way stars and distant galaxies. Centered on
NGC 7814, the pretty field of view would almost be covered by a full moon.
NGC 7814 is sometimes called the Little Sombrero for its resemblance to the
brighter more famous M104, the Sombrero Galaxy.
*Click image for larger size.*
Both Sombrero and Little Sombrero are spiral galaxies seen edge-on, and
both have extensive central bulges cut by a thinner disk with dust lanes in
silhouette. In fact, NGC 7814 is some 40 million light-year... more »
Work sucks (pass it on)

*"Sometimes, you win the life lottery and the thing that you do for 40
hours a week in a nondescript office building somewhere in the city you
live in is not a soul-crushing exercise in managing disappointments.
Sometimes, you're lucky enough to really, truly, love what you do. If you
are one of these people, I'm very happy for you. . . ."*
*-- Megan Reynolds, introducing her new every-Monday column on work issues
on "The Frisky"*
*by Ken*
As I mentioned last night, I was putting off a post on the lines of "Work
sucks" in order to deal ("Let's celebrate that great champion of the... more »
Consciousness Science Techniques Kept Hidden

*Film - *How do we create an intelligent dialog with the creative force of
the Universe to allow us to experience a Quantum leap in our own
The post Consciousness Science Techniques Kept Hidden appeared first on Waking
The Growing Importance Of Thule Air Base

*The Most Isolated US Military Base Could Get A Lot More Important --
Jeremy Bender, Business Insider*
Over 700 miles north of the Arctic Circle in Greenland sits one of the US's
most isolated military installations — a place that could potentially
become one of the most important American air bases on earth.
Situated close to the halfway point between Moscow and New York City, Thule
Air Base is a remnant of the US's drive to create global staging areas for
operations against the Soviet Union during the Cold War. At its height,
Thule had close to 10,000 personnel from the US and D... more »
Chet Raymo, “The Maintenance of Self”
*“The Maintenance of Self”*
by Chet Raymo
"Ah, yes, the pitcher plant. Those devouring goblets. Those caldrons of
digestive juices. And now naturalists have found the biggest one yet, as
big as a chalice, on a mountaintop in the Philippines, its punch bowl
filled with beetles, flies and wasps.
*Come hither, ye who flitter. Admire my colors. Sip my nectar. Yes, yes,
just like that, *
*touch my milky pool. I'll be your Tar Baby. Your flypaper paramour. That's
it. *
*Sniff my irresistible scent. My buffet waits. Sip. Lap. Gorge yourself. *
Countless plants use insects to consu... more »
"Be A Succesful Dreamer!"
*"Be A Succesful Dreamer!"*
by Buddhaofhollywood
"It seems to me that the world is getting increasingly biased, split,
separated in two: On one side there are the “practical” people that believe
dreaming is a foolish waste of time. (Watch out they are taking over the
world!) On the other side there are the “dreamers”, the idealists that
believe it is better to be pulled by your dreams than to be pushed by your
bills. In this dichotomy I am feeling like an odd bird because I believe in
the practical dreamer, the “successful dreamer” as I call it. Let me put it
this way: Not all drea... more »
"A Dreamer..."
"Yes, I am a dreamer.
For a dreamer is one who can find his way by moonlight,
and see the dawn before the rest of the world."
- Oscar Wilde
Idiot Canadian Prime Minister Opens His Big Mouth At G20 Summit In Australia And Has The Gall To Tell Putin To "Get Out Of Ukraine"
Today, I am truly ashamed to be a Canadian… I never voted for the criminals
that are now occupying the Federal government in Ottawa, and I especially
dislike that clown, Stephen Harper, that somehow has the gall to call
himself the Canadian "Prime Minister"… The man basically is an idiot and a
Jew butt kisser to an extreme….
But something happened today at the G20 "summit" in Australia that really
ticks me off…. For according to this ridiculous article from the Jew spew
news outlet, CTV News online, at www.ctvnews.ca, the idiotic Canadian
stooge of a Prime Minister opened his big fa... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Knoxville, Tennessee, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
"JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters.""
"JFK and the Unspeakable*: *
*Why He Died and Why It Matters*"
by Oliver Stone
"The murder of President Kennedy was a seminal event for me and for
millions of Americans. It changed the course of history. It was a crushing
blow to our country and to millions of people around the world. It put an
abrupt end to a period of a misunderstood idealism, akin to the spirit of
1989 when the Soviet bloc to began to thaw and 2008, when our new American
President was fairly elected.
Today, profound doubts persist about how President Kennedy was killed and
why. My film "JFK" was a metaphor for a... more »
"A Good Haven..."
“To desire and strive to be of some service to the world,
to aim at doing something which shall really increase the
happiness and welfare and virtue of mankind -
this is a choice which is possible for all of us; and surely it is a good
haven to sail for.”
- Henry Van Dyke
What do Monsanto, Roundup herbicide, Used Books, and Trader Joe's have in common?...
*absolutely nothing (except for Monsanto and Roundup, which we'll be saving
for a later post.)*
Just a quickie about the Roundup and where I'm going with this.
Yesterday I read an article: *The Real Reason Wheat is Toxic (it's not the
gluten)* that made me sit back and go, Whoa!
Daisy Luther, over at The Organic Prepper, followed up with *Maybe You
Aren't Actually Gluten Intolerant. Maybe You're Poison Intolerant. *
I'm a Master Gardener, courtesy of the state of Idaho (no big whoop), and
have been gardening for over 60 years. I was gobsmacked when I read that
farmers are spray... more »
And The Richest Nations In The World Are ....

*(Click on Image to Enlarge)*
*And The 10th Most Prosperous Nation In The World Is... -- Zero Hedge*
Despite all the bravado from political leaders and the record high stock
prices - which prove how clean America's dirty short is - The Legatum
Institute finds the United States is just the 10th most prosperous nation
in the world... after Holland, Canada, New Zealand, and Denmark to name a
Still, could be worse... could be 11th, like Iceland...
*Read more* .... more »
Mark Twain, "Slavery"
by Mark Twain (attributed)
"Suppose I am the owner of an estate and 100 slaves, all the land about
being held in the same way by people of the same class as myself. It is a
profitable business, but there are many expenses and annoyances attached to
it. I must keep up my supply of slaves either by buying or breeding them. I
must pay an overseer to keep them continually to their work with a lash. I
must keep them in a state of brutish ignorance (to the detriment of their
efficiency), for fear they should learn their rights and their power, and
become dangerous. I must tend... more »
Peoria's OSF-Children's Hospital of Illinois Heart Surgeons Leaving Town

Forum: A big loss for Peoria
Dr. Dale Geiss, cardiac surgeon, recently moved his practice from Peoria to
the Quad Cities. Dr. Geiss began his practice of adult and pediatric
LikeLike · · Share
John A Carroll Dr. Dale Geiss established the surgical pediatric heart
program at OSF-CHOI through incredible hard work, tenacity, and skill. It
took him decades to do this.
Dr. Geiss operated Haitian Hearts patients and never sent me one bill.
And neither did his perfusionist, operating team, or the myriad of
pediatric speciality physicians taking care o... more »
"Conversations are efforts toward good relations. They are an elementary
form of reciprocity. They are the exercise of our love for each other. They
are the enemies of our loneliness, our doubt, our anxiety, our tendencies
to abdicate. To continue to be in good conversation over our enormous and
terrifying problems is to be calling out to each other in the night. If we
attend with imagination and devotion to our conversations, we will find
what we need; and someone among us will act—it does not matter whom—and we
will survive."
— Barry Lopez
No Just About Privacy - It's About Freedom
Where are all the conservatives who say they love freedom and liberty?
"Can Stress Make Us 'Creatures of Habit?'"
"Can Stress Make Us 'Creatures of Habit?'"by Ned Potter
"You may identify with the rats in a new Portuguese study. When exposed to
daily chronic stress - being cooped up in a plastic tube for half an hour,
say, or forced to swim for 10 minutes - they soon became lousy decision
makers, relying on habit instead of actively thinking about whether to
press a lever to get a food pellet. Sound familiar? The stresses we face
are different - morning traffic, unsympathetic bosses, the recession - but
over time they get to us. How often do we talk about burned-out people who
are just going th... more »
Glenn Greenwald's Unbridled Enthusiasm For A Hillary Clinton Presidency

Hillary Clinton chows down with typical struggling America, a Mr. Lloyd
Blankfein who works at Goldman Sachs
Irony dripping from his fingertips, Glenn Greenwald pointed out that there
is genuine excitement at the prospect of a President Hillary Clinton, even
above and beyond gender politics. "There are pockets of vibrant political
excitement stirring in the land over a Hillary Clinton presidency," he
wrote. "There are posters being made, buttons being appended, checks being
prepared, appointments being coveted. The joint, allied, synergistic
constituencies of plutocracy and endless w... more »
"Discovering Your Self-Worth"
*"Discovering Your Self-Worth"*
by Dan Millman
"The first step is to realize that you are not alone. We have all made
mistakes as part of our life and growth. We have all said, thought, felt,
and done things we regret. Our worth is not dependent upon being perfect.
Many of us have fallen into self-defeating cycles-behaving badly, leading
to a lowered sense of self-worth, leading to more negative behaviors. If we
can stop judging our mistakes so harshly, we can also stop ourselves from
reactively engaging in the negative behaviors.
The second realization is that no matter what your ... more »
This Is Why The 'Retired' F-117 Is Still Flying Around?
*We Now Know Why The F-117 Is Still Flying -- Defense News/Intercepts*
Mystery solved!
In October, Intercepts wrote about the F-117 Nighthawk and how recent
photos had shown the stealth jet flying from Tonopah Test Range in Nevada —
despite the plane having been retired in 2008.
Given the secretive history of the Nighthawk, speculation immediately arose
as to what the jets could be doing. General consensus was that the jet was
doing testing, although on what and for what purpose was up in the air.
But now, through hard work and deep, investigative reporting (read: we
asked the Ai... more »
the wormwood star
*This kind of information is very hard to discern . . but I do think that
it should be considered . . I have respect for the maker of this video . *.
22 Countries Do Not Have A Military
*These 22 Countries Don’t Have a Military -- Kathy Gilsinan, Defense
One/The Atlantic*
“The pope! How many divisions has he got?” Joseph Stalin is said to have
asked derisively with regard to the physical power of the Catholic Church.
The Vatican is one of the rare countries in the world without armed forces.
But it’s not totally alone. More than 20 other countries lack standing
armies, though the length of the list varies depending on how you count
armies and countries (and it grows substantially longer if you include
autonomous territories like Puerto Rico and the Cayman Islands... more »

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