10:37pm MST
*Iceman (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : R
Score : 4.7
Release : 19 Sep 2014
Duration : 104 min
Genre : Action, Comedy, History
Director : Wing-cheong Law
Writer : Fung Lam, Mark Wu
Cast : Donnie Yen, Baoqiang Wang, Shengyi Huang, Yu Kang
Synopsis IcemanDuring the Ming Dynasty four orphans; Ying, Sao, Yuanlong
and Niehu are raised in Taoyuan Village and become close to being brothers.
Their exceptional martial arts skills allows them to reach the highest rank
within the imperial guards. After a successful attempt to kill a Japanese
troop leader, the E
The Daily "Near You?"
Mountain Home, Arkansas, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
"Any Future..."
“Perhaps it is better to be un-sane and happy, than sane and un-happy.
But it is the best of all to be sane and happy. Whether our descendants
can achieve that goal will be the greatest challenge of the future.
Indeed, it may well decide whether we have any future.”
- Arthur C. Clarke
Cosmology: “What Will the Universe Look Like In A Trillion Years?”
*“What Will the Universe Look Like In A Trillion Years?*”
by Ray Villard
"A trillion years from now the universe will be a much simpler place for
far-future astronomers to ponder. One trillion years? Yes, when the
universe is 100 times its presents age the only stars left will be the ones
that are the longest burning: red dwarfs. New star formation will have died
out eons earlier, so there will be no iridescent nebulae, supernova blasts,
or blue giant stars like Rigel in the constellation Orion. Our Milky Way
will have lost its identity long ago through merging with the Andromeda
g... more »
The Universe
“There is always something to be happy about. Truly happy. And if you
have the audacity to find it and the courage to make it your focus,
in spite of the countless temptations to do otherwise, you will have
well, your life will be transformed, and all things will be added unto you.
Trust me, I have connections.”
"End" game,
The Universe
- http://www.tut.com
"Thoughts become things, choose the good ones!"
Ukraine situation ( November 5 - 6 , 2014 ) Elections in Ukraine over - time for resumption of War ?
Anti War......
Ukraine President Orders Army East, Ready to Resume WarInsists Eastern
Elections Violate Truce
by Jason Ditz, November 04, 2014
Print This | Share This
The Ukrainian civil war has been on hold for weeks, but seems poised to
restart, as President Petro Poroshenko has ordered troops to the breakaway
east with an eye toward the resumption of the conflict.
Poroshenko insisted that the move was done to “repel possible attacks” by
the rebels, and also claimed he “remains a firm supporter of the peace
plan.” That sounds great, in theory.
The problem is that Poroshenko has dec... more »
Forbes: Putin Most Powerful Person In the World. Obama Comes In Second

*2014 Ranking Of The World's Most Powerful People*
Barack Obama Remains at No. 2 Spot On 6th Annual List, Plus An Exclusive
Inside Look at the Fall of Tinder CEO and the Crazy Saga of Tinder, the
World’s Hottest App
NEW YORK (November 5, 2014) – Russian President Vladimir Putin (No. 1)
takes the top spot out of 72 on Forbes’ sixth annual ranking of “The
World’s 72 Most Powerful People” (p. 98 of the November 24, 2014 Forbes
magazine issue) for the second y... more »
Weirdly Mixed Night For Gay Republicans
There aren't going to be all that many Democratic freshmen next year. Seth
Moulton's win in MA-06 yesterday was one of the bright spots. The district
is the northeast corner of the state where the 495 and the 95 join up and
head up into New Hampshire. It starts in the Boston's northern outer
suburbs-- Lynn, Saugus, Wakefield, Burlington and Bedford and shoots north
to Salem, Gloucester, Ipswich, Newbury and Merrimac. It's been John
Tierney's district since 1997 but Moulton beat him in a primary on
September 9. Although every poll showed Tierney winning, Moulton had closed
to with... more »
90 Year Old Man Arrested for Feeding the Homeless

*Video - *Cops fine and arrest 90 year old man who is feeding the homeless
in Florida.
The post 90 Year Old Man Arrested for Feeding the Homeless appeared first
on Waking Times.
Sanctuaries of Terror: Pakistan And Turkey Are Imperfect U.S. Allies In The War Against International Jihadist Terrorism
VIDEO: ANOTHER video showing Turkish soldiers & #ISIS meeting at border.
#Syria-#Turkey https://t.co/loW5HYrVvb pic.twitter.com/gzyWTM5Th7
— Military Studies (@ArmedResearch) November 4, 2014
*An excerpt from, "Pentagon Assessment: 'Pakistan Using Militants as
Proxies to Counter India's Superior Military'" NDTV, November 4, 2014: *
In a blunt assessment of terrorist safe havens in Pakistan, the Pentagon
has told the US Congress that the country is using militant groups as
proxies to counter the superior Indian military.
*"Afghan-and Indian-focused militants continue to operate fro... more »
The Poet: Rainer Maria Rilke, "All Will Come Again"
*"All Will Come Again"*
by Rainer Maria Rilke
"All will come again into its strength:
the fields undivided, the waters undammed,
the trees towering and the walls built low.
And in the valleys, people as strong and varied as the land.
And no churches where God
is imprisoned and lamented
like a trapped and wounded animal.
The houses welcoming all who knock
and a sense of boundless offering
in all relations, and in you and me.
No yearning for an afterlife, no looking beyond,
no belittling of death,
but only longing for what belongs to us
and serving earth, lest we remain unused."
China Tries to Come to Grips with Pollution
In the lead up to the APEC summit about to start this week in Beijing,
China’s leadership undertook a series of emergency measures to avoid the
continued embarrassment of a string of poor air quality days that had
bedeviled the country over the previous year. The government reinstated the
familiar practice of restricting car travel
Continue reading
Jack A. Smith : Bury the bomb before it buries us
The U.S. and Russia are modernizing, improving, and extending the longevity
by decades of the three prongs of their nuclear war triad. By Jack A. Smith
| The Rag Blog | January 4, 2014 A quarter century after the Cold …
finish reading Jack A. Smith :
Bury the bomb before it buries us
Watch What It Was 2014 Full Movie Online

*What It Was (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 5.3
Release : 25 Jun 2014
Duration : 90 min
Genre : Drama, Romance
Director : Daniel Armando
Writer : Daniel Armando
Cast : Arlene Chico-Lugo, Deirdre Herlihy, Melissa Navia, Brandon Smalls
Synopsis What It WasAn old flame is reignited and a new desire is awaken
when Hollywood Actress Adina J. Spencer returns back to New York. Soon she
is forced to face her sexual past, confront her present identity, and admit
her true love.
Description What It WasThe art of war, then, is governed by five constant
factors, to be taken into acco... more »
2016 GOP Frontrunners Revealed? (Easily Frightened Old People and Rednecks Get Their Day In the Sun) What We Learned Is People Who Work Hard Should Be Able To Pay Their Bills, and Establishment Democrats Who Embrace Big Money Over Economic Populism Have No Future But Attack Ads Win (Welcome to the Polycentric World Order)
Gently lifted from The Rag Blog. The GOP/corporate coup d’etat is nearly
complete. The Republicans now control the major media, the Supreme Court,
the Congress, and soon the presidency. Think Jeb Bush in 2016. All
throughout America, right down to the local level, buried in a tsunami of
cash and corruption, our public servants are being morphed into corporate
operatives. Otherwise . . .
"For Republicans, the hard part is about to begin" (Dana Milbank). Plus, the Borowitz Report reads the exit polls

*"Isn't this political ad wonderfully false and misleading?"*
*" 'I really think it's time for a change,' said Carol Foyler, a
memory-loss sufferer who cast her vote this morning in Iowa City. 'I just
feel in my gut that if these people were in charge they'd do a really
amazing job with the economy.'*
*"Harland Dorrinson, who voted in Akron, Ohio, and who has no memory of
anything that happened before 2013, said his main concern was a terrorist
attack on American soil.*
*" 'I really think we need to put a party in charge that won't ever let
something like that happen,' he said.... more »
Rip-off News round-up. Our pick of the last week's media (Thu 7th November)
MPs to escape
expenses investigations after paperwork destroyed by Parliament
John Bercow, the Speaker, faces accusations he has presided
over a fresh cover-up of MPs' expenses after tens of thousands of pieces of
paperwork relating to claims made before 2010 were shredded. Members of the
public who have written to Kathryn Hudson, the standards watchdog, to raise
concerns about their MP’s
Junk DNA: Our Interdimensional Doorway to Transformation
*Brendan D. Murphy* - We can change our consciousness and, in turn, alter
genetic expression...
The post Junk DNA: Our Interdimensional Doorway to Transformation appeared
first on Waking Times.
"Worthiness: Accepting Our Calling"
*"Worthiness: Accepting Our Calling"*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
"Our worth of being on the planet at this time cannot be judged as we are
all worthy and essential to being here now. The issue of worthiness may
come up in many areas of our lives, as we ask, often unconsciously, whether
we are worthy of success, love, happiness, and countless other things, from
supportive relationships to a beautiful home. In the end, though, it all
comes down to one thing: our willingness to claim our space in this life as
humans on this planet at this time. When we accept our divinity, we no
l... more »
Voters Ban Fracking In Texas, California, And Ohio
*Mike G* Voters in several states went to the polls and expressed their
desire to see an end to fracking.
The post Voters Ban Fracking In Texas, California, And Ohio appeared first
on Waking Times.
To Slip the Surly Bonds of Earth, And Touch the Face of God...

That's just the sort of post-industrialised, ultra-myopic, zero-growth,
social Darwinist Fabian nihilistic, economically defeatist Dying Earth
claptrap I'd expect from a Guardian columnist no-one's ever of.
Every person that spends a million quid or more developing a safe,
reliable, reusable and mass-producible technology that will decouple the
potential future capacity of mankind's experience from reference to the
near-inexhaustible yet still finite resource pool of Terra, held in
commons, is one less person wasting a million notes trying to help the last
two Pandas left ali... more »
Student Sets Gauge for Effective Education

*Video - *How hacking education can make young people more effective and
The post Student Sets Gauge for Effective Education appeared first on Waking
Ukraine Prepares For A Resumption Of The Civil War
*Cease-Fire In Ukraine Fails And Preparations For War Begin -- Simon
Shuster, Time*
Ukraine and pro-Russian forces are arming for the next round of conflict
The shelling of Mariupol, a city on the front lines of the war in eastern
Ukraine, resumed in earnest at the end of October, just as the country had
finished electing a new parliament. It has not let up since. “Day and
night, they have been bombing from two directions,” says Vasyl Arbuzov, an
adviser to the local authorities in Mariupol, referring to the pro-Russian
rebels who have approached the city from the east. “So most p... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- November 5, 2014

U.S. President Barack Obama gestures during a a news conference in the East
Room of the White House in Washington, November 5, 2014. Credit:
Reuters/Larry Downing
*What The White House Is Planning For The Next 2 Years -- Olivier Knox,
Yahoo News*
On tap after the election: An Iran nuclear deal, a push on trade and the
battle to replace Eric Holder
Life after the midterm elections was never going to be easy for President
Barack Obama. In the best-case scenario, he would have watched his
influence dwindle steadily as the fight to succeed him heated up. He would
have worked to polis... more »
Steven Poloz- Canada's Central Bankster should work for free!
After all he should walk his talk? But he won't. Cause he is an elitist
power that shouldn't be.
I had seen this news yesterday and had intended to post it- So here it is
Unlike the paid mouthpiece from the National Post- I DO NOT believe his
comments were well intentioned. He is one of the 'entitled' leeches on
society. After all Banksters transfer wealth from the bottom to the top by
exploiting the masses through manipulative money policies.
He understands completely the youth unemployment crisis in Canada- His 14
years at Canada's Central Bank prior to appointment helped to plant th... more »
An Easton Parliament?

The BBC's home editor Mark Easton is touring the UK in a mini with a union
jack on top. He's talking devolution.
I heard a report on Monday's *PM* that kicked things off by talking about
English Votes for English Laws and an English parliament - two quite
different things that Mark Easton quite airily conflated.
His report struck me as being pretty blatant in its opposition to EVEL/an
English parliament.
Both Mark Easton and his chosen expert, Akash Paun of the Institute for
Government, advanced points highlighting potential difficulties with
EVEL/an English parliament. They didn... more »
"I’m Terrified of My New TV: Why I’m Scared to Turn This Thing On- And You’d Be, Too"
*"I’m Terrified of My New TV: *
*Why I’m Scared to Turn This Thing On- And You’d Be, Too"*
by Michael Price
"I just bought a new TV. The old one had a good run, but after the volume
got stuck on 63, I decided it was time to replace it. I am now the owner of
a new “smart” TV, which promises to deliver streaming multimedia content,
games, apps, social media, and Internet browsing. Oh, and TV too. The only
problem is that I’m now afraid to use it. You would be too — if you read
through the 46-page privacy policy.
The amount of data this thing collects is staggering. It logs where, when... more »
The Revolutionary Speech

"I do, like many of you, appreciate the comforts of every day routine- the
security of the familiar, the tranquility of repetition. I enjoy them as
much as any bloke. But in the spirit of commemoration, thereby those
important events of the past usually associated with someone's death or the
end of some awful bloody struggle, a celebration of a nice holiday, I
thought we could mark this November the 5th, a day that is sadly no longer
remembered, by taking some time out of our daily lives to sit down and have
a little chat.
There are of course those who do not want us to speak. I s... more »
It's the Sense of Security, Stupid
At the start of the summer, prospective parliamentary candidates enjoyed a
breakfast audience with His Royal Blairness. There was none of the "proper"
post-prime ministerial coyness that our Tony normally pretends to. He was
frank and open. Sort of. He was asked what he thought of Labour's chances
going into the next general election, to which he replied "it's the
economy, stupid". Observing that GDP figures are up and relatively strong
after years of stagnation, Blair implied that the Tories stewardship of the
economy will see them (unjustly) reap the benefits. Just as smilin' old ... more »
World News Briefs -- November 5, 2014 (Evening Edition)

U.S. President Barack Obama answers questions during a news conference in
the East Room of the White House in Washington, November 5, 2014. Credit:
Reuters/Larry Downing
*After Republican Rout, Obama Tells Voters: 'I Hear You' -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama acknowledged on Wednesday that
"Republicans had a good night" with sweeping election victories in Congress
and said he got a message from voters that it was his responsibility to
break a Washington gridlock.
Republicans seized control of the U.S. Senate in Tuesday's election and
captured their biggest major... more »
Ashtar Special Message to Prepare for Change Group

*Ashtar Special Message to Prepare for Change Group*
as channeled by Susan Sammarco
November 2, 2014
Greetings. I am your brother, Ashtar. I have not sat with this group in
some time because there have been so many others who have been eager to sit
with you in this manner. You are so fond to me and I am happy to be with
you again. There is so much excitement in all planes right at this moment
and yes, we called forth to Susan last night that she might turn her ear
and her eye to us and allow us to fill her with the joyous messages that we ... more »
NY Voters Approve $2Billion Boondoggle
Posted as a comment on Bloomberg News
Stephen Krashen
November 5, 2014
"N.Y. Voters Approve $2 Billion Borrowing for School Technology," means
voters have bought into the largest boondoggle in history. The computer
companies make huge profits and take no risk.
There is no evidence that "laptops, high-speed broadband and interactive
white boards" will help students., and it is certain that most of the
technology will be obsolete by the time it is installed.
Taxpayers will pay for the brave new technology, and if it doesn't result
in improvement, teachers will be blamed. There will th... more »
Watch Bigfoot vs. D.B. Cooper Full Movie 2014 Streaming

*Bigfoot vs. D.B. Cooper (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : Not Rated
Score : 5.0
Release : 01 Jul 2014
Duration : 77 min
Genre : Horror
Director : David DeCoteau
Writer : David DeCoteau (story), Harvey Shaiman (screenplay)
Cast : Jordan Rodriguez, Liam Watkins, D.J. Aiken, Kyle George
Synopsis Bigfoot vs. D.B. CooperWhen several young hunters arrive at a
secluded lodge in the Pacific Northwest little do they know that they will
become the hunted.
Description Bigfoot vs. D.B. CooperAnderson Cooper goes beyond the
headlines to tell stories from many points of view, so you can make up your... more »
Watch The Rover 2014 Full Movie Online

*The Rover (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : R
Score : 6.8
Release : 20 Jun 2014
Duration : 103 min
Genre : Crime, Drama
Director : David Michôd
Writer : Joel Edgerton (story), David Michôd (screenplay), David Michôd
Cast : Guy Pearce, Chan Kien, Robert Pattinson, Tek Kong Lim
Synopsis The RoverTen years after a global economic collapse, a
cold-blooded drifter traverses the scorched Australian outback on a mission
to track down the men who stole his last remaining possession - his car.
When he crosses paths with a badly wounded member of the gang, he takes the
vulnerable, naïv... more »
BREAKING NEWS: Rob O'Neill Is Revealed As The U.S. Navy SEAL Who Killed Osama Bin Laden By Shooting Him Three Times In The Head

In action: A rare picture of O'Neill as a serviceman shows him in uniform
in Liberia, where the Navy was involved in operation to stabilize the
war-torn country
*EXCLUSIVE - Navy SEAL Who Killed Bin Laden Revealed: Rob O'Neill Named As
SEAL Team Six Hero Who Shot 9/11 Mastermind Three Times In Head - And Has
Already Inspired Series Of Hollywood Films -- Daily Mail*
* SEAL Rob O'Neill named ahead of Fox News interview in which he will tell
how he killed bin Laden and why he is giving up his anonymity
* Navy hero is upset at lack of healthcare and retirement after leaving the
service... more »
In Response To Yesterday's Elections, President Obama Threatens Vetoes And Executive Orders
*WHAT LANDSLIDE? Obama Threatens Vetoes And Executive Orders – Including
Immigration Reform THIS YEAR – After Americans Reject Him By Giving
Republicans Historic Gains In Congress -- Daily Mail*
* 'Congress will pass some bills I cannot sign,' the president warned
* He has only vetoed two minor bills since his inauguration in 2009
* And 'I'll take some actions that some in Congress will not like,' Obama
added, referring to threatened executive orders including a move on
* President sounded more like a winner than a loser despite his policies
being repudiated on a nationa... more »
President Obama Wants A New Authorization From Congress For Military Force Against The Islamic State

U.S. President Barack Obama answers questions at a news conference in the
East Room of the White House in Washington, November 5, 2014. Credit:
Reuters/Larry Downing
*Obama To Seek New Authorization For Islamic State Fight -- Bloomberg
President Barack Obama said he’ll ask the lame-duck Congress to give him
authorization to use military force against Islamic State militants, a
shift in the administration’s approach to an offensive already under way in
Iraq and Syria.
Obama, speaking a day after elections that swept Republicans to a majority
in the Senate, listed the... more »
EMILY's Lost

Their one win, Gina Raimondo, is a corrupt corporate shill as bad as ANY
This was a great year for EMILY's List. They accomplished their top goal--
raising an immense amount of money to pay their executives and run their
operation. Their candidates mostly lost but winning is only important to
EMILY's List insofar as it helps goose the contribution flow. When Ellen
Malcolm and a couple dozen friends founded EMILY's List in 1985, they were
launching a model group for progressives across the country. Everyone
admired EMILY's List. A *lot* has changed since then.
Their SuperP... more »
Arcturian Transmissions to our Inter-Galactic Emissaries - Part 2 Through the Portal

*Arcturian Transmissions to our Inter-Galactic Emissaries - Part 2 Through
the Portal*
as Channeled by Susan Lie
*Through The Portal*
Dear Inter-Galactic Emissaries,
We wish to tell you that you are in the process of download and integration
of a higher light that was, and is still, being delivered from the higher
dimensions. How does higher light download into Earth from the higher
dimension? *One way is that they “catch a ride” on the current “space
Whenever there are energy fields flowing from yo... more »
California County Passes Historical Law Declaring Right to Self-Governance
*James Lee - *The people of Mendocino County have made history once again
after being the first county in the nation to ban GMOs in 2004...
The post California County Passes Historical Law Declaring Right to
Self-Governance appeared first on Waking Times.
Samsung Error
Are the children and grandchildren of great men great men.
We will soon see at Samsung. Korea has done well with Cheabols, but all
trees fall when hit with a hard enough win. What the Koreans did to Japan,
the Chinese will do to Koreans. Maybe it will stop there. Or maybe we will
print everything in our pajamas and only those with the code will thrive.
Fact of the matter is that capitialistic society is really a dog eat dog
world and that is not humanity. The 3 D printer offers a new pastorial
advantage to those living in blessed places. Canada is the big one, Russia
is one, Scandinv... more »
It begins: German bank charging NEGATIVE interest to its customers
*Guest post by Simon Black*
*Don Quixote* is easily one of the most entertaining books of the
Renaissance, if not all-time. And almost everyone's heard of it, even if
they haven't read it.
You know the basic plot line—Alonso Quixano becomes fixated with the idea
of chivalry and sets out to single-handedly resurrect knighthood.
His wanderings take him far across the land where he gets involved in comic
adventures that are terribly inconvenient for the other characters.
He famously assaults a group of windmills, believing that they are cruel
giants. He attacks a group of clergy, be... more »
After Yesterday's Major Democrat Congressional Defeats, Speculation Grows Of A Shift In White House Policy Against The Islamic State

Obama to ask Congress to back use of military force against IS. © REUTERS/
Jonathan Ernst
*Republican Triumph Could Force Obama’s Hand On Islamic State -- Patrick
Dickson, Stars and Stripes*
WASHINGTON — The Republican rout in Tuesday’s midterm elections is widely
seen as a repudiation of President Barack Obama’s policies, and high on the
list of public discontent is the White House’s foreign policy.
Democrats took a beating at all levels, but the most significant defeat
came in the Senate. By taking seven seats from the Democrats with three
still in play Wednesday morning, Republ... more »
Guns and Glory: Amerika's Brand of Democracy
Be sure to watch this video til the end - a real taste of politics in
Iran And Saudi Arabia Compete To Arm Lebanon

Lebanese army soldiers carry their weapons during clashes with Islamist
militants in Tripoli on Oct. 25. (Stringer/Reuters)
*Rivals Tehran, Riyadh Pledge Billions To Lebanon’s Army -- Washington Post*
BEIRUT — Saudi Arabia and Iran have offered apparently competing aid
packages to Lebanon’s small and modestly armed military as it confronts
increasing attacks at home by militants with ties to extremists fighting in
Syria’s civil war.
The pledges total billions of dollars’ worth of mostly light arms and
underscore the mounting concern of the Persian Gulf foes about the
stability of ... more »
Vampires, zombies and BBC audiences
The upshoot of that biased-sounding panel for this week's *Start the Week *on
'The Language of Money' (see previous post) was....(drum roll)....a biased
John Lanchester attacked neo-liberalism from the Left, Martin Wolf savaged
the government's austerity programme from a Keynesian standpoint, John
Kampfner focused on inequality and the super-rich from a 'Cookite' position
and Naomi Alderman talked about how vampires represent the rich during
booms and zombies the poor during busts from a socialist perspective.
Austerity, neo-liberalism, the bankers, the rich, the prese... more »
Dean Del Mastro Resigns
Not a good thing. This means he gets a gold plated pension forever.
Progressive Muscle Relaxation Meditation

*Video - *Learning how to fully relax all of the muscles in your body is
the focus of this meditation.
The post Progressive Muscle Relaxation Meditation appeared first on Waking
SLAC, Nature: progress in plasma accelerators
A SLAC-UCLA collaboration has published a potentially important
experimental paper in Nature:
Researchers hit milestone in accelerating particles with plasma (SLAC press
High-efficiency acceleration of an electron beam in a plasma wakefield
accelerator (Litos et al., Nature)
Future plasma wakefield accelerators with the same final energy may be up
to 500 times smaller than the existing accelerators. What's the catch?
The bunches of electrons are accelerated by some waves in plasma. We need
many electrons to get a lot of energy; with a great... more »
How to Join the Love Revolution

[image: Picture]
We've grown up with ideas of “what I must do for others” as a duty and
“what I must do to take care of myself” as a right. It is a skewed version
of relationships that pits one against the other and forces compromise. In
a very general sense, no one is happy when part of a compromise, because
there is a perceived loss.
When thoughts and feelings about more and less enter into the negotiations
in any relationship, they are not about how much you are giving or not
giving *to* and getting or not getting *from* the perceived “other”. These
thoughts are reflections of s... more »
Watch Uneasy Lies the Mind 2014 Full Movie Online

*Uneasy Lies the Mind (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 7.2
Release : 08 Mar 2014
Duration : 90 min
Genre : Drama, Thriller
Director : Ricky Fosheim
Writer : Jonas Fisch, J'aime Spezzano (story), Dillon Tucker
Cast : Jonas Fisch, J'aime Spezzano, Dillon Tucker, Michelle Nunes
Synopsis Uneasy Lies the MindA man's sanity slowly unravels during a
couple's retreat to his isolated winter mansion.
Description Uneasy Lies the MindRecap for 'Doc Martin,' Episode 24: 'Uneasy
Lies the Head', Martin gets baby grief on both ends, with pregnant Louisa
finding her return to Portwenn diffi... more »
Watch Dead Within Full Movie 2014 Streaming

*Dead Within (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 4.0
Release : 09 Sep 2014
Duration : 91 min
Genre : Drama, Horror, Thriller
Director : Ben Wagner
Writer : Matthew Bradford, Dean Chekvala, Amy Cale Peterson, Ben Wagner
Cast : Dean Chekvala, J. Claude Deering, Rick Federman, Sarah McMaster
Synopsis Dead WithinSix months after the outbreak, a man and woman have
survived by isolating themselves in a remote cabin. Starved for resources,
they must confront the horrors that threaten them from outside and from
Description Dead WithinSince Mexico's President Felipe Calderón be... more »
The Collective Imagination Show: Global Financial Discussion
As I promised in yesterdays article , Here is the recording of The
Collective Imagination Show that we recorded with just audio (no video this
week). I will hopefully be recording the next episode of Transpicuous News
tomorrow or the next day, with more details of the current financial news
and what the intel is on the "new" financial system.
Collective Imagination Nov 4-14
05 November 2014
This week Lisa, Brian and Dani discuss the latest attempts to bring online
the ‘new’ financial system, what it really is and it’s impl... more »
Democratic Wipehout
I say a plauge on both of their houses. The US political system is
dsyfunctional and reality will bite hard soon. Glad to see blue dog
Demcrats lose. Obama has not goverend as a liberal, so fuck him.
Excellent Article By John Kaminski: You Must Know By Now
For years, I have followed the excellent work by John Kaminski, who writes
his posts over at The Rebel online alternative news site, at
www.therebel.org..... And yes, I have had some critics put forward
outrageous comments about John at this blog, including the false notion
that John himself is somehow "Jewish" due to his last name "Kaminski".... I
know for a fact that the name "Kaminski" is absolutely not Jewish but
Polish in origin, and I know for a fact that John himself is absolutely not
Jewish. The slurs against John are typical and are guaranteed vain
attempts to somehow stop... more »
On Twitter (again)
And talking of DB and Hugh Sykes, DB caught a particularly revealing example
of the BBC veteran's exemplary opinions over the weekend weekend.
The wildly popular moat of poppies outside the Tower of London prompted an
attack from the *Guardian*'s Jonathan Jones, who called it "a UKIP-style
memorial" and didn't mean that as a compliment. Even the *Guardian'*s own readership
objected to the piece's liberal hand-wringing about us "inward-looking"
Of course, Jonathan Jones is fully entitled to his views and the *Guardian *is
to be commended for giving them space, but should a BB... more »
U.S. Accuses Pakistan Of Using Terror Proxies In Afghanistan And India

*Pentagon Slams Pakistan For Using Militants As Proxies In Afghanistan,
India -- IBTimes*
Pakistan is using “proxy forces” to carry out attacks in Afghanistan and
India, the U.S. Department of Defense said, in a report published Tuesday.
The report come just days after militants, believed to be affiliated to
Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan, or TTP, carried out an attack near the Wagah
border crossing between India and Pakistan, killing over 60 people.
“Afghan-and Indian-focused militants continue to operate from Pakistan
territory to the detriment of Afghan and regional stability. Pakis... more »
Watch Live: The SCoaMF, aka President Ribbon Cutter, is holding a press conference...
*it should be interesting.*
I usually avoid the sight of his ugly mug and the drone of his voice, but I
shall make an exception today. I'm hoping he goes off teleprompter.
But first he'll give everyone the middle finger by being late.
Just Like Pro Wrestling
Lawrence Wilkerson is a retired United States Army soldier and former chief
of staff to United States Secretary of State Colin Powell. Wilkerson is an
adjunct professor at the College of William & Mary where he teaches courses
on US national security. He also instructs a senior seminar in the Honors
Department at the George Washington University entitled "National Security
Decision Making."
On Twitter
Hope he doesn't mind me lifting this little Twitter exchange, but here's *Biased
BBC'*s DB reminding the ever-opinionated Hugh Sykes of his failings as an
observer of U.S. politics:
@HughSykes @BBCMarkMardell "GOP midterms fail" Seem to recall the same BBC
narrative pre-2010.
— DB (@4d2b) October 1, 2013
As DB himself puts it, "Wrong in 2010, wrong again".
Welcome to the New World Order
Not my headline,but, certainly an attention grabber.
*The IMF’s annual report confirms the future belongs to the BRICS*
*Keeping in mind the post from yesterday regarding the attack on the BRICS
nations? *
* Saudi Arabia, aids the NATO war machine, more oil price cuts- Attack on
the BRICS*
*When it rains it pours. The International Monetary Fund’s annual report on
global economic activity shows the world’s economic landscape has shifted
dramatically, with western economies declining faster than previously
In its World Economic Report the IMF says *C**hina has unseated the... more »
Harry Targ : What to make of the elections – and what we should do next
Progressives must engage in education, agitation, and organization around
social and economic justice issues while fighting the politics of fear. By
Harry Targ | The Rag Blog | November 5, 2014 I am looking at exit poll data
and, as … finish reading Harry Targ :
What to make of the elections – and what we should do next
Variations on a Theme
While we're comparing and contrasting, please see if you can spot the
difference between these two prominent headlines:
From the home page of Sky News:
Juncker: 'I Don't Have A Problem' With Cameron
From the home page of BBC News:
Fresh Juncker criticism of Cameron
Russian President Putin: Ukraine Ceasefire Is Not Working

"A civil conflict, which in fact is a civil war, rages in Ukraine, near
Russian borders. Despite Minsk agreements, peaceful cities are being
shelled and civilians get killed,” Vladimir Putin said. © REUTERS/
Bernadett Szabo
*Putin: Civil War Rages in Ukraine Despite Reconciliation Deals -- RIA
MOSCOW, November 15 (RIA Novosti) – The civil war rages in eastern Ukraine
despite reconciliation agreements reached this fall with the participation
of Russia and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, the
Russian president said Wednesday.
"A civil conflict, whi... more »
The Growing Refugee Crisis In Ukraine

*These Charts Reveal The Catastrophe Of Ukraine's Refugee Crisis -- Global
If you thought the ballot box would heal Ukraine, you were wrong, at least
for now.
The past week has been election season for the troubled nation. On Oct. 26,
the central Ukrainian government held parliamentary elections in which
voters emphatically rejected radical candidates from both the left and
right in favor of pro-Western moderates. Not to be outdone, on Nov. 2,
pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine held their own elections in the
self-declared "people's republics" of Donetsk and Luhansk... more »
The BBC's pro-immigration bias on display again
Continuing to compare and contrast...
This is how the Sky News website begins its article on the latest report on
immigration (from University College, London:
*EU Migrants Pay In More Than They Take - Study*
EU immigrants have boosted Britain's finances by £4.4bn in 17 years but
those from outside the EU cost £118bn, a report finds.
EU migrants contribute more to the UK in taxes than they receive in
benefits and services, according to new research.
But the study showed those arriving from outside Europe over a 17-year
period took more from the public purse than they put back in.
T... more »
The Economy: “The Solemn Fantasy of Modern Democracy”
*“The Solemn Fantasy of Modern Democracy”*
by Bill Bonner
“Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want,
and deserve to get it good and hard.”
- H.L. Mencken
“Not much action in stocks or gold yesterday. Americans were busy at the
polls... participating in the solemn fantasy of modern democratic
government. About 60% of citizens who were eligible to vote in the midterm
elections stayed away from the polling stations. The rest wasted their time
standing in line and giving their ballots to the usual grifters, panderers
and earnest nincompoops who fill public o... more »
A Very Bad Cycle For The Republican Wing Of The Democratic Party

No surprise that McConnell won. And not a surprise that that was the very
first race called last night. The Democrats had a weak, inauthentic,
poll-driven candidate who didn't inspire anyone who didn't already hate
McConnell or who wanted a family friend of Bill and Hill to win or just a
generic woman in office. McConnell won by a bigger margin than most pundits
were predicting-- 754,777 (55.7%) to 557,652 (41.2%). But all those
millions of dollars spent on her race were hardly a waste. As of the
October 15 FEC reporting deadline, Alison Grimes had raised $17,487,650 and
McConnell... more »
Ukraine Ceasefire Collapsing. Civil War Returns
*Ukraine Ceasefire Crumbles, Fighting Continues In Donetsk -- Deutsche
After faltering since it was signed on September 5, both sides of the
Ukrainian conflict have said they will withdraw from the Minsk ceasefire
agreement. Fighting has already resumed at Donetsk airport.
The shaky ceasefire in Ukraine fell apart on Wednesday. Both sides have
accused the other of violating the agreement. Ukrainian President Petro
Poroshenko had already accused rebels in the Donbass region of violating
the September 5 accords by holding their own election on Sunday instead of
waiting for ... more »
Watch The Anomaly Full Movie 2014 Streaming

*The Anomaly (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 5.8
Release : 04 Jul 2014
Duration : 97 min
Genre : Action, Sci-Fi
Director : Noel Clarke
Writer : Simon Lewis
Cast : Noel Clarke, Ian Somerhalder, Brian Cox, Alexis Knapp
Synopsis The AnomalyA former soldier is taken captive and awakens in the
back of a van where he learns that he only has a few moments to figure out
how he got there.
Description The AnomalyThe Anomaly Watch Movie hd'' LEtmewatchthis,The
Anomaly Watch Putlocker Live For Me,The Anomaly Full Online Movie
Download,The Anomaly Movie Full Free,YouTube home · zergaa... more »
The Active Side of Infinity – Shamanism and Intuition with Carlos Castaneda
*Julian Rose* - At times like these one needs to reconnect with an older,
native kind of intuition. The wisdom of Carlos Castaneda can guide us...
The post The Active Side of Infinity – Shamanism and Intuition with Carlos
Castaneda appeared first on Waking Times.
Time to comment on the GASB standards!
As I reported last month, the Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB)
has proposed new rules that would require state and local governments to
disclose subsidies in their financial reports. The proposal is now open for
public comment from now until January 15, 2015.
Good Jobs First, which has long advocated for this change in accounting
rules, has produced a detailed analysis and critique of the proposal. While
any improvement in transparency is welcome, for governments' Comprehensive
Annual Financial Reports (CAFRs, as they are called) to provide useful
information to citizens... more »
Weeping Angel Mini Statue Tree Topper

Hello again friends! Lorene here from just Lu to share another fabulous (if
I do say so myself) project for all you Whovians out there.
If you'll remember, last Christmas, I made my favorite Whovian (that's
Debra) a whole Doctor Who tree, complete with a Weeping Angel tree topper,
character tree skirt, police box lighted sign, Doctors and companions
garland, and oodles of Doctor-inspired ornaments.Today I am sharing the
Weeping Angel for the top of the tree.
Don't be intimidated by this one -- it is actually easier than it looks.
Just give it some time and patience and know that ... more »
World News Briefs -- November 5, 2014
*Republican Gains Grow As New Election Results Come In -- New York Times*
The full magnitude of the Republican Party’s success in reshaping the
national political landscape at President Obama’s expense became clearer
Wednesday morning as the party seemed headed toward an even longer list of
electoral victories in Senate and governor races that had been too close to
call before dawn.
White House officials, waking to far deeper losses than they had expected
in races across the country, announced that Mr. Obama would hold a news
conference at 2:50 p.m. Eastern time to address the Rep... more »
The BBC and half the news
Trying to catch up with today's news I read the following on the *Times *
*Policeman killed as Palestinian driver rams pedestrians in Jerusalem *
An Israeli police officer was killed and 13 people wounded, two of them
critically, when a driver rammed groups of pedestrians in Jerusalem today.
The driver aimed his minivan at a group of police officers, then continued
south and hit another group of pedestrians, before getting out of the
vehicle and attacking passers-by with an iron bar. Police shot him dead.
Hamas took responsibility for the attack, the second similar assault in... more »
Tell Me How You Really Feel
Post by An Inconvenient Truth.
I thought I'd share some comments from folks this morning that seem to hit
the nail on the head - at least for me they do. Take a look if you'd
like. I won't put their names but I promise these comments come from real
- I talked to many people both on phones the past few weeks and at polls
yesterday who are FED UP AND ANGRY, i could see SO MUCH ANGER and yet I
knew many of them were going to vote the other way... Dems can't keep
intellectualizing everything publicly and sounding like professors. They
need to be pissed off... more »
Jon Stewart election 110414 *by lookatmyshirt*
Remember, Remember the 4th of November
This perfectly describes what we did to our country last night.
#RepublicanTakeover pic.twitter.com/k9c3K3Ifas
— Robert Crawford (@jurassicpork59) November 5, 2014
Forgive me if I don't share in the enthusiasm over the elections...
*because I'm a realist and very tired.*
Tired of six years of the worst president in the history of this country.
Tired of the puppet masters who control his every move and utterance. Tired
of weak ineffectual Republicans who go along to get along.
I pinned no hopes on this election to avoid the possibility of having to
face disappointments that I'm too tired to deal with anymore. Did I
mention I'm tired?
Well, I am.
I am happy that the American people sent a message to the louts in DC. I'm
doubly happy that the worst of the worst, people like Wendy "I love dead
babies" Davis a... more »
THE WAY WE ARE: Narrative all the way down!
*WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2014Part 3—Bumping statistics way up:* Of the
universe, Professor Russell once said, “It’s turtles all the way down.”
Today, the famous professor would surely be able to make out his error.
Consider what happened when MIT conducted a survey among its students about
harassment, rape and assault.
For yesterday’s post, click here.
First, the university’s scholars constructed a long, bewildering set of
survey questions. At times, the survey reads like it was translated from
the Norwegian by native speakers of Urdu.
At some point, the survey was taken by MIT st... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- November 5, 2014

John McCain will likely become chairman of the Senate Armed Services
Committee. (Yuriy Kirnichny / AFP)
*After Election Day, Familiar Faces in New Places on Senate Defense
Committees -- Defense News*
'Maverick' McCain in Line to Become SASC Chair
WASHINGTON — For the US national security sector, Tuesday mostly was a
status-quo election — but with one glaring exception: Say hello to Senate
Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain.
The Republican tidal wave means defense and national security committees in
the Senate will have new chairmen — but all are familiar faces to the
P... more »
Why The Iraqi Army Can't Fight

Capt. John M. Costello, a U.S. military adviser for 1st Battalion, 1st
Brigade of the 7th Iraqi Army Division looks at a map with an Iraqi soldier
before patrolling the streets of Tammim. /U.S. Marine Corps photo by Sgt.
Ryan S. Scranton
*Why Iraqi Army Can't Fight, Despite $25 Billion In U.S. Aid, Training --
L.A. Times*
*Can 1,400 U.S. advisors rebuild Iraq's military to repel Islamic State?
Interviews with troops raise doubts.*
Hussein Shehab knew things were going badly when he spotted the Iraqi
police pickup trucks. They were flying the black flag of Islamic State
fighters, ... more »
Today: Anonymous Million Mask March 2014: We need more whistleblowers!
Anonymous marches in the Million Mask March
Whistleblowers needed: Theft of Indian water rights
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
We need more whistleblowers to expose the ongoing theft of Native
American water rights! In the west, non-Indian attorneys, often hired by
tribal governments, are convincing Indian Nations to give up their
water rights in so-called Indian "water rights
Remembering The Israeli Attack On The USS Liberty: The Day Israel Attacked America
I am sick by what I am watching happening in America right now.... We just
witnessed the facade called the US "midterm" elections, and all I see is a
bunch of misfits and Israeli butt kissers being selected by the dumbed down
American public. Many have been harping the usual lies about the criminal
and psychotic state of Israel being "America's Greatest ALLY", which to me
is probably the most disgusting and untrue BS rhetoric ever promoted by
these liars and scoundrels....
It came to my attention that the Al -Jazeera news network put out a very
important video last Friday, October ... more »
Harvey Wasserman : The GOP/corporate coup d’etat is nearly complete
Our electoral apparatus is thoroughly compromised by oceans of dirty money,
Jim Crow registration traps, rigged electronic voting, gerrymandering… By
Harvey Wasserman | The Rag Blog | November 5, 2014 The GOP/corporate coup
d’etat is nearly complete. The Republicans now … finish reading Harvey
Wasserman :
The GOP/corporate coup d’etat is nearly complete
Hong Kong Protests, Part 4

After our roundtable discussion on Intellectual Property and Innovation in
Asian Markets at Harbour Grand Hong Kong, I and some friends went to the
Admiralty center to see the protests. Below, from left: me, Armin Reinartz
(Germany), Ken Schooland (Hawaii), Jadranco Brkic (Crotia?), Barun Mitra
(India), Wan Saiful Wan Jan (Malaysia).
Narwin Espiritu from FNF Manila (rightmost here) also joined us.
The main protest site. See a photo of China PM Xi, holding an umbrella. We
went there around 5:30-6 pm, Not too many protesters and I noticed there
were so many tents. Perhaps more tents... more »
8 Signs That We Simply Don’t Need GMOs to Feed the World
*Christina Sarich* - Key research shows we don't need GMOs to feed the
The post 8 Signs That We Simply Don’t Need GMOs to Feed the World appeared
first on Waking Times.
The Electoral Debacle

My first vote
'72 for McGovern
he lost big
49 states
went for
trickie Dick
It's been downhill
since that
sad night
Last night's
election returns
one more
sled ride
into the land
of Velveeta
endless war
The oligarchy
knows how
to spin the people
warp their minds
create false anger
and outrage
that benefits
the corporate agenda
people vote
against their
own interests
I've learned
not to put
all my hopes
in the ballot box
or the rigged
voting machine
I lived in Florida
during days of
hanging chads
My salvation
is the sidewalk
holding my sign
sucking exhaust
from passing
monster ... more »
Pentagn Denies That The U.S. Military Strategy To Battle The Islamic State Is Unravelling?
Royal Canadian Air Force CF-18 Hornets depart after refueling with a KC-135
Stratotanker aircraft over Iraq, Oct. 30, 2014. U.S. Air Force photo by
Staff Sgt. Perry Aston
*Pentagon Denies US Strategy To Defeat Isis Is Unravelling -- The Guardian*
Syrian resistance groups criticise Obama administration’s ‘Iraq-first’
strategy as a de facto alliance with Bashar al-Assad while Isis
consolidates influence in Anbar province
The Pentagon has denied that the US strategy against Islamic State (Isis)
is in disarray after a series of setbacks as the war known as Operation
Inherent Resolve s... more »
British Troops Returning To Iraq

AFP Photo / Essam AL-Sudani
*UK To Send Military Personnel To Help Train Iraqi Army -- The Guardian*
*Minister confirms military officers will play training and advisory role,
after reports that a small number will be sent to Baghdad*
British military officers are heading back to Iraq to help train and advise
the country’s army in its fight against Islamic State, Nicky Morgan, the
education secretary, has said.
Morgan gave confirmation before a government statement on the operation,
after reports that a small number of officers would be sent to a US-led
training centre in Baghdad.... more »
Singalong for Canadian Sex Workers
And as the UK legislature moves to reject the criminalizing of sex
buyers, Canada steps forward into its regressive law that does the
opposite, which the Senate has now passed. For the first time in our
history, the customers of adult, consensual sex workers are now going to be
I guess we all knew how this was ultimately going to go from the
minute that Justice Minister Peter MacKay started making noises about
further criminalization of the industry earlier this year. But still, the
news is so discouraging. Far from ab... more »
At the Polls, Momentum Gains to Legalize Cannabis and End Drug War
Voters across the country have accelerated the unprecedented momentum to
legalize marijuana and end the wider drug war...
The post At the Polls, Momentum Gains to Legalize Cannabis and End Drug War
appeared first on Waking Times.
Zapatistas: Government kidnapped defenders against highway destruction
Declaration from the National Indigenous Congress and the EZLN on the
Cowardly Attack by Government forces against the Ñatho Indigenous
Community of San Francisco Xochicuautla on November 3, 2014
Joint Declaration from the National Indigenous Congress and the EZLN on
the Cowardly Attack by Government forces against the Ñatho Indigenous
Community of San Francisco Xochicuautla on
A Look At Asia'sArmies

*The Five Most Deadly Armies of Asia -- Michael Peck, National Interest*
*Some of the world's most powerful armies reside in Asia. Which is the
Which Asian armies are the best in the region? Even if you get past the
nationalist chest thumping, it's difficult to choose. What does having the
"best" army mean for a hegemonic regional power like China, versus an
island-nation like Japan, versus warring states on the mainland like the
two Koreas? Does “best” mean the army that is most proficient or lavishly
equipped? Or is it the one that most fits the needs of its country?
But... more »
How To Get A Job At The CIA

*Here's How To Get A Job At The CIA -- Pierre Bienaimé, Business Insider*
If you told a friend you were in the running for a job at the CIA, you
might get a raised eyebrow, be asked whether you're even allowed to
revealed that fact, and perhaps some questions about how close to the
Bourne trilogy the whole process really is.
But speaking with Forbes, CIA head of recruitment Ron Patrick explained
what it takes to get a job at one of the most secretive wings of the US
government. And much of it looks like a pretty standard job application.
You can even apply online now.
*Read more* ... more »
Night of the Saucer Crash: The Monte Grande Conspiracy Continues

*Date: 11.02.2014Source: Planeta OVNI and Diario Crónica*
*Night of the Saucer Crash: The Monte Grande Conspiracy Continues*
*By Roberto Leiva - Grupo CrónicaLocal residents believe the truth about
the crash is being concealed.*
*Crónica Fenómenos Paranormales*. The official story states that a gas leak
caused an explosion in Monte Grande on the evening of 26 September 2011. A
growing number of voices, however, asserts that a flying saucer crashed at
the site.
Three years removed from the terrible explosion that caused one death and
the total destruction of two dwellings, ther... more »
Iraq’s Albu Nimr Tribe Facing Mass Executions At Hands Of Islamic State
Starting in October 2014 the Albu Nimr tribe has faced one setback after
another now verging on tragedy. Based out of central Anbar province in
western Iraq, the tribe had been fighting the Islamic State (IS) for
months, but then lost two of its major strongholds. Afterward, the
Islamists relentlessly hunted down its tribesmen kidnapping some and
executing others. Almost five hundred have died so far. IS has a long
history of carrying out such retaliatory attacks against its opponents,
especially in Anbar dating back to its predecessor Al Qaeda in Iraq. The
Albu Nimr knows this pa... more »
Here Paul Craig Roberts expresses his fear than Vladimir Putin is such a nice guy that he will give Russian gas to the Ukraine even if they don't pay. However I remember that Putin had devised a system whereby Russia would reduce the delivered gas by one twelfth every month they fail to pay up front. Of course, Ukraine would still be able to take the gas they need from the flow ticketed for Western Europe. If so, maybe the EU will realize that they have been screwing themselves by following orders from Washington.

Paul Craig Roberts Interview with RT on Russia-Ukraine-EU Gas Deal
*Uploaded on Oct 31, 2014*
Category News & Politics
License Standard YouTube License
Cherchez la Verite
Doctor Who - Dark Waters, the Nethersphere and Missy revealed
In short - well we all saw that coming... Or at least I did, indeed I
tweeted my prediction that Missy would be revealed to be the Master and
that this was a test run to see if the public would accept a female Doctor
Who as the next or one after that regeneration. At the BBC political
correctness demands that there be a female Doctor Who as a matter of
Now before I tackle the episode Dark Water, I feel I must make my feelings
public about this series. I was a huge fan of Matt Smith and did worry
whether Peter Capaldi came with too much historical baggage (of previous
roles... more »
No Large Scale Spy-Service For The Pentagon

*Pentagon’s Plans For A Spy Service To Rival The CIA Have Been Pared Back
-- Washington Post*
The Pentagon has scaled back its plan to assemble an overseas spy service
that could have rivaled the CIA in size, backing away from a project that
faced opposition from lawmakers who questioned its purpose and cost,
current and former U.S. officials said.
Under the revised blueprint, the Defense Intelligence Agency will train and
deploy up to 500 undercover officers, roughly half the size of the
espionage network envisioned two years ago when the formation of the
Defense Clandestine Serv... more »
My Analysis On Yesterday's U.S. Elections

*WNU Editor*: I was with a few Americans (all loyal liberal Democrats)
watching the U.S. election results last night. I expected a "bad night" for
the Democrats .... but not to the level that happened last night. To put it
bluntly .... everyone who identified themselves as a Democrat and ran as
one .... from dog-catcher straight to Governor/Senator/Congress
representative .... almost everyone was voted out. This was a strong
anti-Obama policy vote .... and even the Democrats who shied away from
being seen with President Obama knew that. Losing 7 U.S. Senators ....
maybe up to 9 af... more »
Why Did The Democrats Do So Badly Last Night? It Goes Beyond Gerrymandering And Obama's Poor Ratings

DSCC Executive Director Guy Cecil will reap big rewards for his incredible
string of abject failures yesterday
Guy Cecil, is the Executive Director of the DSCC. He wants to run the
Hillary Clinton presidential campaign. He-- and Harry Reid-- just cost the
Democrats Tim Johnson's South Dakota Senate seat. Cecil recruited
reactionary Blue Dog Stephanie Herseth Sandlin, who South Dakota voters had
rejected in 2010. They decided Herseth Sandlin's pleasant Beltway
conservatism was exactly what South Dakota needed. They chased Johnson's
son, Brendan, out of the race and handed the Democrat... more »
What's New?

As the details of Stephen Harper's income splitting plan are made public,
it becomes clear how grotesque his "family friendly" policy is. Carol Goar
writes that a small minority of Canadians will give income splitting
enthusiastic support:
For about 15 per cent of the population, the answer is an enthusiastic yes.
These taxpayers — typically high-earning breadwinners with stay-at-home
spouses and kids — will receive an average of $1,140 more a year in tax
relief and children’s benefits.
For... more »
Launching of SEANET, Malaysia

The Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs (IDEAS) has launched a new
project last October 30, 2014 in Kuala Lumpur, the Southeast Asia Network
for Development (SEANET). Its main goal is to promote economic
liberalisation in the ASEAN
IDEAS is a famous free market think tank in Malaysia and in ASEAN and
SEANET will be its regional centre focused on helping the development of
ASEAN nations through the adoption of market friendly, less government
intervention policies.
The network is envisioned to work with policy makers and opinion leaders in
ASEAN nations on its three pillars... more »
The Election Charade
I didn't vote. I suppose I might have if there was any chance of
influencing short-term local issues but I live in such an overwhelmingly
conservative area that it's pointless...and as far as national policy,
well, this government is so corrupt, there is no chance of any political
solutions averting collapse on various fronts. Thanks to the wonders of
technology, we can reflect on the prescience of George Carlin.
*Teens Suspended For Photo With Airsoft Rifles At Home*
Two high school students in Massachusetts have been suspended for 10 days
after they posted a photo of themselves holding Airsoft rifles.
According to WBZ-TV, 15 year-old Tito Velez and his girlfriend Jamie
Pereira posed for a picture at Velez’s home with the Airsoft rifles before
the Bristol Plymouth Regional Technical School homecoming dance last Friday.
Airsoft rifles shoot plastic pellets and Velez competes with a team.
The photo was posted to Facebook and later discovered by school officials.
“I understand but I think t... more »
*The biggest loser in this election was the climate scare*
In the run-up to the 2014 midterms, a lot of green groups had been hoping
that this would finally be the US election in which climate change was a
defining issue.
You had liberal billionaire Tom Steyer spending $57 million from his own
pocket trying to convince voters to care about global warming. You had the
League of Conservation Voters pouring in another $25 million, more than it
had in the past two elections combined. All the while, media outlets
suggested that natural disasters — from Superstorm Sandy two years ago to ... more »
Eat the banksters
Between September 2008 and August 2010, Scotiabank received a $25 billion
bailout amounting to 100% of the bank's value - or as Steve and Jim
preferred to call it at the time : "liquidity support" ***.
Last year Scotiabank made a record *$6.7 billion* in net profit and CEO and
president Brian Porter netted a total compensation package of *$6,902,242* for
the same year.
Nonetheless, Scotiabank announced yesterday it will cut 1,500 jobs,
including about 1,000 in Canada.
Aren't you glad you moved your bank account to a local credit union as soon
as you heard about their use of tempor... more »
Mohawk Nation News 'Republic of Kevin'
Posted on November 5, 2014
Please post and distribute.
MNN. Nov. 4, 2014. Rev. Kevin Annett, a non-Indian, and his followers
are nullifying Canada and proclaiming the “Republic of Kanata” on
January 1, 2015, in Winnipeg. It will be on all our unsurrendered
Indigenous land known as “Canada”. The
Toledo Ohio: Local men sentenced in dinar case - Iraqi currency scheme turns into lengthy prison terms

Published: 10/31/2014 - Updated: 4 days ago
*Local men sentenced in dinar case*
*Iraqi currency scheme turns into lengthy prison terms*
Bradford Huebner, left, arrives at federal court
for his sentencing with his attorney, Rick Kerger.
Describing him as *“a scammer who got scammed himself,”* a federal judge
sentenced an Ottawa Hills businessman Thursday to 87 months in prison for
defrauding investors who bought Iraqi currency and placement... more »
The Last Month Crazies Begin in Taipei: Guns of Navarone version

[image: IMG_0894]
The Taipei mayor campaign was awarded the coveted "-gate" suffix yesterday
as the Ko campaign team claimed to discover a bug in its offices...
Solidarity.tw reports (link to this site, it's wonderful):
During an interview with the media at 2:13 am Nov. 5, campaign spokesperson
[and Taipei City Councilor] Chien Yu-yen indicated that a black wire—a
telephone jumper cable known colloquially as a “rat tail”—had been
discovered in its third-floor telephone switchboard. The office is unclear
where the wire connects to, and it will file a report to the police because
the ... more »
Iran Nuclear Talks set for November 11 , 2014 - will the US Mid Terms impact these talks at a critical stage ?

*Al-Monitor* @AlMonitor · 10h10 hours ago
7 reasons not to worry about #Iran's enrichment capacity http://
almon.co/29he @TheIranPulse @CrisisGroup
Middle East Briefing and 12 others follow
*Barbara Slavin* @barbaraslavin1 18h18 hours ago
. @federalreserve most likely counterpart to #*Iran* private *bank* under a
nuclear *deal* says @TylerCullis @NIACouncil http://almon.co/29gu
[image: View this content on Al-Monitor's website]
Direct US-Iran banking channel could cement nuclear deal
Experts say the US Federal Reserve is the likeliest partner for ... more »
Mid Term Elections place Congress in control of th GOP ! November 5 , 2014 !
Mid term links.....
- Republicans Dominate Midterms, Pickup 8 - 9 Seats in Senate
- A Double Win for Mitch McConnell
- Wins in Key Governor Races Bolster Republicans' Huge Night
- GOP House Largest Since 1920s
- Yes, This Is a GOP Wave Election
- For Obama, a Harsh Referendum
- President Obama Left Fighting for His Own Relevance After Election
- Politico: No Obama Pivot Planned
- CO: Gardner Unseats Sen. Udall
- NC: Thom Tillis Wins Bitter ... more »
An 'Excessively Abnormal' Negative Arctic Oscillation (AO) & Negative North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) - An Indicative Sign Of Big Things Coming To The UK & Ireland? Cold/Snow/Blocking
*An 'Excessively Abnormal' Negative Arctic Oscillation (AO) & Negative
North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) - An Indicative Sign Of Big Things Coming
To The UK & Ireland? Cold/Snow/Blocking*
The exact signals that we need to be seeing for some even colder weather
and widespread snow events throughout the second half of November, and into
early/mid December are now starting to fall in place - with the Arctic
Oscillation (AO) and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) both doing
exactly what they should be at this stage and in terms of our 5-6 month
ahead calculations/forecasts.
The North ... more »
Russia Test Fires Intercontinental Missile From Submerged Nuclear Sub: Defense Ministry

[image: Project 667BDRM (Delta IV) class SSBN]A submerged Russian Northern
Fleet nuclear submarine on Wednesday fired a test intercontinental missile
from the Barents Sea to the country’s Far East’s Kura Range on the
Kamchatka Peninsula, the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement.
“Within the frameworks of testing the reliability of marine strategic
nuclear forces, the Tula (nuclear submarine) launched a Sineva
intercontinental ballistic missile from the Barents Sea to the Kura Range
[in Kamchatka],” the ministry statement reads.
Tactical Missile Pragati Readied for Export

[image: Pragati Tactical Missile]After Indo-Russian joint venture BrahMos
cruise missile, which has drawn the attention of a number of countries for
its kill precisions, India is now readying its home-grown new tactical
short range surface-to-surface missile Pragati for export purpose.
Defence sources said having a strike range of 50 km to 150 km, the missile
has quick reaction from command to launch in ripple firing mode.
The missile is small, lean and slim to achieve better and high manoeuvring
capability in mid-air which the Defence Research and Development
Organisation (DRDO) e... more »
Polish attack helicopter tender attracts four potential bidders

[image: AGM-158 JASSM]Four companies have expressed interest in supplying
Poland with 30 attack helicopters in a deal brought forward by two years as
part of a review of the country's army modernisation programme in light of
the crisis in Ukraine.
The potential bidders are an Airbus Helicopters and Heli Invest Services
consortium, Turkish Aerospace Industries, Bell Helicopter Textron Company
and BIT SA, a Ministry of Defence official said at a news conference on
The ministry said the list of potential bidders is not closed, so there is
still a chance for players such as Bo... more »
Aircraft carrier Lincoln leaves dry dock

[image: USS Abraham Lincoln]The aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln is
back in the water and a big step closer to rejoining the U.S. Navy fleet.
The ship left dry dock Monday at Newport News Shipbuilding, where it is
undergoing a mid-life overhaul. The move was announced in a release from
the ship's public affairs unit.
A Refueling and Complex Overhaul, or RCOH, happens midway through the
50-year life of a U.S. nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. The ship entered
dry dock nearly 2 years ago and is scheduled to rejoin the fleet in October
Read more
Sequester Could Kill Shipyards, Says CNO Greenert

[image: Jonathan Greenert]Navy readiness won’t fully recover from the
second-order effects of the 2013 sequester for another year, the Chief of
Naval Operations said this morning — and if the Budget Control Act cuts
(known as sequestration) return in full force for fiscal year 2016, the
nation might lose two of its five remaining major shipyards.
“I worry about the shipbuilding industrial base,” Adm. Jonathan Greenert
said at the Brookings Institution.
If sequestration forces steep cuts to the Navy’s shipbuilding account —
which Congress has actually been pretty adamant about prote... more »
SA Navy can look forward to new equipment in 2016

[image: SAS Amatola]Top management at the SA Navy will breathe a sigh of
relief when reading the words of Dr Sam Gulube, the Secretary for Defence,
in the latest Department of Defence annual report.
In common with the other arms of service in the SA National Defence Force
(SANDF), the lack of resources, both in terms of equipment and manpower, is
a problem and Gulube’s written pronunciation that “the delivery of
replacement equipment for the SA Navy is planned for January 2016” will be
music to the ears of those who sit on the Naval Command Council in Visagie
Street, Pretoria. Simil... more »
Indonesia orders 11 AS565 ASW helicopters

[image: Eurocopter AS565 Panther]Indonesia will acquire 11 Airbus
Helicopters AS565 Panther rotorcraft equipped for the antisubmarine warfare
The aircraft will be delivered in a green condition to PT Dirgintara
Indonesia, which will then install the mission systems before the aircraft
are delivered to the navy, says Airbus Helicopters in a statement.
Deliveries will commence in three years.
Read more
Egypt military spending set to reach $8.5b by 2019 – Report

[image: F-16 Flying Falcon]Egypt’s defense spending will increase at an
annual rate of 9.51 percent over the next five years to be valued at $8.5
billion in 2019, Business Monitor International said.
In a new market research report seen by APA on Tuesday, Business Monitor
International said during 2014 Egyptian military expenditure reached a
value of $5.2 billion.
“The country’s increasing military expenditure is reflected in the ongoing
modernization drive to counter threats of terrorism in the Sinai Peninsula,
a strained relationship with Ethiopia, political turmoil following the ... more »
GOP: landslide victories
*iPhone, iPad:* Apple users may try to play Lumo Deliveries. ;-)
Six years ago, Barack Obama was elected for the first time and, slightly
surprisingly for me, he was also reelected two years ago. But six or eight
years is a rather long time for a fad. So despite the very good condition
of the current U.S. economy and other positive signs, the Democrats have
decided that Barack Obama has become a liability and they tried to hide him
in the basement.
I think it has become too self-evident that most Americans disagree with
Obama on key domestic topics such as immigration and healthca... more »
US Navy re-starts sense and avoid radar for MQ-4C

[image: MQ-4C Triton]The US Navy is launching a competition to provide a
new air-to-air radar to help the unmanned Northrop Grumman MQ-4C Triton
detect other aircraft and avoid collisions.
The solicitation posed by Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) on 3 November
comes a year after the Navy canceled development of an Exelis-designed
sense and avoid system for the MQ-4C, a high-altitude, long-endurance
unmanned air system modeled on the air force’s RQ-4B Global Hawk.
The new competition is seeking a radar with less ambitious performance
requirements. For example, the navy “expects” t... more »
The government is trying to slip Trident replacement through the backdoor

[image: Vnaguard clss SSBN]In the last months of its political life, the
Coalition Government is stepping up nuclear cooperation with the United
States, under the guise of a routine treaty renewal.
But far from being just another piece of foreign policy housekeeping, the
renewal of the Mutual Defence Agreement (MDA) in July of this year, is
actually a further step towards replacing Britain’s Trident nuclear weapons
system – but without the open, democratic debate which such a momentous
decision warrants.
Majority public opinion is against the replacement of Trident, and with
conc... more »
Poland to buy armed drones amid Ukraine crisis

[image: Czesław Mroczek]NATO member Poland said Tuesday it will acquire
combat drones as part of a multi-billion-euro revamp of its armed forces
amid heightened tensions with Russia over its role in the Ukraine crisis.
"We will use these drones to defend our territory," Deputy Defence Minister
Czeslaw Mroczek told AFP.
"My Ukrainian counterpart informed me that one of their main problems was
the fact that Russian drones were operating in Ukrainian air space to scope
out artillery targets.
Read more
Israel's quiet doomsday submarines are almost ready

[image: Dolphin II class SSK]The Israeli navy is a bit of an odd duck. It's
designed largely for coastal and eastern Mediterranean warfare. But among
all of Israel's small corvettes and missile boats are some some seriously
mighty submarines.
Israel is also investing heavily in growing its submarine fleet. It's a
reflection of Tel Aviv's increasing reliance on the underwater boats for a
range of operations — including nuclear deterrence.
Right now, three Dolphin II-class submarines are under construction at
Germany's ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems shipyards in Kiel. Once the
submarine... more »
Country Irked Over No Progress Under Obama So Shoots Itself In Head and Decides It's Ready for New Depression (Pro Big Corporate IRS: Agency Guts Whistleblower Program, Leaves Billions on the Table)
It becomes increasingly hard to do satire these days. A red sweep, huh? Are
they Commies or Republicans? Stay tuned. We know it's socialism (of their
losses) for those at the top at least (and capitalism for those at the
bottom who get to pay off the bad bets/debts). But you have to admit that
that sly dog (drunken dog) Mitch McConnell won. Just like he proclaimed he
would (and that the
Is this new diesel electric submarine really a nuclear alternative?
Air Independent Propulsion equipped diesel electric submarines offer
incredibly stealthy and long diving capabilities, but they have remained
somewhat diminutive in size and limited in capabilities compared to their
larger nuclear counterparts.
Now, renowned French naval ship builder DCNS is looking to change that with
their super-sized SMX-Ocean sub concept.
The SMX-Ocean's size is telling — 328 feet long and displacing 4,750 tons
while surfaced (more while submerged). That makes her roughly three times
the size of the innovative AIP capable Swedish Gotland Class AIP diesel
elec... more »
BC Liberal`s Site C Power and BC Hydro Power Scam Exposed(Free Electricity For LNG Companies)

*Written by Grant G*
*British Columbia taxpayers are about to be ripped off for $billions of
Vaughn Palmer has joined the Linda Blair club of serial spinning...Vaughn
Palmer adds nothing to the REAL story but hyperbole and spin, a not very
well thought out column...
Vaughn Palmer in his November 4th column claims that LNG Canada will run
20% of their plant operations with BC Hydro electricity, thus LNG Canada
can claim to be the world`s cleanest LNG...But what Vaughn Palmer omitted
from his spinfest is....
If one reads the BC Liberal ghreenhouse gas bill, the bill ram... more »
Robert Peston and half the story about today's immigration story
BBC Radio 4 Today programme had a debate on immigration just before 7am
that was pretty fair in the time allowed to both sides and level of
questioning. The 7am news that followed lead on the benefits of EU
immigration but did at least then mention the high costs of immigration
from outside of the EU.
However when Robert Peston gave his 'expert' summation, he mentioned only
the positive effects of EU immigration and not the negative effects of
immigration from outside of the EU.The BBC just can't help themselves can
Musical Interlude: Medwyn Goodall, "Eyes of Heaven"
Medwyn Goodall, "Eyes of Heaven"
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yC0-RJ3P1G0
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Long before Stonehenge was built, well before the Dead Sea Scrolls were
written, ancient artists painted life-sized figures on canyon walls in
Utah, USA - but why? Nobody is sure. The entire panel of figures, which
dates back about 7,000 years, is called the Great Gallery and was found on
the walls of Horseshoe Canyon in Canyonlands National Park. The humans who
painted them likely hunted Mammoths.
*Click image for larger sizes.*
The unusual fuzziness of the largest figure led to this mural section's
informal designation as the Holy Ghost Panel, although the intended
attribution a... more »
Iraq / Syria Regional War ( October 25 - 26 , 2014 Weekend Report ) - Syria campaign rumbles on with Assad forces making incremental progress , while US bombs ISIS position in Northeast Syria and considers new ways to devastate Syrian infrastructure ( US considers bombing pipelines in Syria ) ...... As for Iraq , the usual and customary country-wide death dealing continues ......Lebanon slowly being dragged into the fray ..... Tweets for the weekend reflect current items of note.
Catharsis Ours - 23 hours ago

Sunday Tweets
*Jenan Moussa* @jenanmoussa · 5h5 hours ago
We can safely say no opposition fighters will go 2 #Kobane. Head Islamic
Front Zahran Alloush: "PYD &PKK work w/ Assad. They R our enemies"
*Rami* @RamiAlLolah · 2h2 hours ago
SOHR: 815 killed in #Kobane as of today: 21 Civilians 302 #Kurdish militias
481 #ISIS10 Others (#FSA) #Syria
*Hurriyet Daily News *@HDNER · 2h2 hours ago
#Kurds thwart new #ISIL bid to cut off #Syria's #Kobane http://
[image: Embedded image permalink]
*Bas News English* @EnglishBasNews · 1h1 hour ago
Masrour Barzani: P... more »
"The True Dream..."
“Maybe we accept the dream has become a nightmare. We tell ourselves that
reality is better. We convince ourselves it’s better that we never dream at
all. But, the strongest of us, the most determined of us, holds on to the
dream or we find ourselves faced with a fresh dream we never considered. We
wake to find ourselves, against all odds, feeling hopeful. And, if we’re
lucky, we realize in the face of everything, in the face of life the true
dream is being able to dream at all.”
- Dr. Meredith Grey, "Grey's Anatomy"
The Poet: Theodore Roethke, "The Waking"
*"The Waking"*
"I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow.
I feel my fate in what I cannot fear.
I learn by going where I have to go.
We think by feeling. What is there to know?
I hear my being dance from ear to ear.
I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow.
Of those so close beside me, which are you?
God bless the Ground! I shall walk softly there,
And learn by going where I have to go.
Light takes the Tree; but who can tell us how?
The lowly worm climbs up a winding stair;
I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow.
Great Nature has another thing to do
To you and me, so take the lively ... more »
Chet Raymo, “All Men Have The Stars”
*“All Men Have The Stars”*
by Chet Raymo
"At the end of his big-bang book "The First Three Minutes", physicist
Steven Weinberg famously wrote: "The more the universe seems
comprehensible, the more it also seems pointless." His point is this: We
have discovered in this century that the human species is just one of
billions of species of life on a typical planet near a star that is just
one of a trillion stars in a galaxy among hundreds of billions of galaxies.
It is no longer possible, he implies, to think that the universe was made
for us or that our existence is in any way importa... more »
Iraq / Syria War Regional Updates ( November 4-5 , 2014 ) -- Comprehensive report on state of play in Syria and Iraq...

*Wladimir *@vvanwilgenburg · 48m48 minutes ago
Rudaw's fast update #MERIForum Kobane official calls for more outside help
to defeat ISIS http://rudaw.net/english/middleeast/syria/051120141 …
Wladimir retweeted
*Nawroz Sinjari* @RojuAv · 41m41 minutes ago
Michael Werz: US consider protection of Kobane is more important than its
current relation with Turkey which is not easy decision #MERIForum
*Moon of Alabama* @MoonofA · 10h10 hours ago
New on MoA: "Western Training" And The Fight Against The Islamic State -
n-trainin... more »
Steve Israel Failed Miserably This Cycle-- Here's A Taste Of The Next Week Of Posts

Dozens of House incumbents had only nominal-- rather than serious--
opposition this cycle. But only 32 have no opposition at all. Here's the
list with each district's PVI:
*•* Robert Aderholt (R-AL)- R+28
*•* Terri Sewell (New Dem-AL)- D+20
*•* Gus Bilirakis (R-FL)- R+7
*•* Kathy Castor (D-FL)- D+13
*•* Ted Deutch (D-FL)- D+10
*•* Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL)- R+5
*•* Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL)- R+2
*•* Lynn Westmoreland (R-GA)- R+19
*•* Barry Loudermilk (R-GA)- R+19
*•* Hank Johnson (D-GA)- D+21
*•* John Lewis (D-GA)- D+32
*•* Austin Scott, (R-GA)- R+15
*•* David Scott (Blue Dog-GA)- D+1... more »
Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW) - Laundry Detergent

Welcome to Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW)!
Wondering how to live greener? You've come to the right place. Each week we
challenge ourselves to try a new task ... or "amp up" something we're
already doing. We raise our awareness, learn from each other and develop
Eco-friendly skills which will improve our lives and protect our planet.
Doing so together gives us power ... the power to Change The World!
If this is your first visit, please click HERE for information and a
complete list of all the challenges we've taken on so far.
This post contains great information and I encourage ... more »
Re-Visiting the Garrison State in the Age of "Global Terrorism" and Ebola
I'm re-running my post on the Garrison State, which continues to
relevance, as illustrated by this news article:
*Which President Cut the Most Nukes?*
DOVES who once cheered President Obama for his antinuclear crusades and
later fell silent as he backpedaled are now lining up to denounce him. A
recent skewering by the Federation of American Scientists details how
Obama, despite calling repeatedly for ... more »
Watch Full Movie Online

* ()*
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Trailer on Youtube
*Watch Full Movie*
Search Result Related
The Realist Report - Thomas Goodrich
On this edition of The Realist Report, we'll be joined once again by Thomas
Goodrich, author of *Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947*.
Thomas and I will be discussing the systematic destruction of National
Socialist Germany during and after WWII. You can download the entire
program *here*.
Below are relevant links for this program:
- *Hellstorm: The Documentary (Trailer)*
- *Exposing the Dresden Deception - The Mad Revisionist*
- *New film demonstrates how "Holocaust" narrative was faked - The
Realist Report*
The Daily "Near You?"
Vienna, Wien, Austria. Thanks for stopping by.
“Chronic Stress: The Hidden Health Risks”
*“Chronic Stress: The Hidden Health Risks” *
By Meryl Davids Landau
“According to a recent American Psychological Association poll, nearly a
quarter of Americans confessed to currently feeling under "extreme stress."
Respondents especially blamed money, work, and the economy—a feeling
50-year-old Sue Wasserman knows all too well. In February, the public
relations manager left Atlanta after her job was eliminated by a corporate
restructuring and took a new post in Asheville, N.C. When that proved a bad
fit, she struck out on her own as a freelance writer and publicist. Though
Wasser... more »
"A Chime Of Words..."
"Yes there is a meaning; at least for me, there is one thing that matters-
to set a chime of words tinkling in the minds of a few fastidious people."
- Logan Pearsall Smith
Gallup’s 2014 Parent and Teacher Surveys on Common Core
On October 31, 2014, Gallup released the last of five reports on parents
and teachers’ opinions on the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). What
Gallup does not offer is one concise document including the highlighted
survey questions in all five reports. So, I created such a document based
upon the contents of the five reports, one of […]
Satire: "Exit Polls Indicate Nation Suffering from Severe Memory Loss"
*"Exit Polls Indicate Nation Suffering from Severe Memory Loss"*
by Andy Borowitz
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)— "Exit polls conducted across the country
on Election Day indicate a nation suffering from severe memory loss, those
who conducted the polls confirmed Tuesday night. According to the polls,
Americans who cast their votes today had a difficult time remembering
events that occurred as recently as six years ago, while many seemed to be
solid only on things that have happened in the past ten days.
While experts were unable to explain the epidemic of memory loss that
appear... more »
Scientific Explanation Of Near Death Experience
*Video - *Scientific progress has begun to shed light on both the
physiological as well as cognitive processes such as near death experiences
that take place during clinical death.
The post Scientific Explanation Of Near Death Experience appeared first on Waking
“Politically motivated” Treasury posts 24m letters, telling you what your Income Tax and NI is being spent on
Fee, KJ and Chris somehow find it in their hearts to forgive Osborne...
accused of using new tax statements as ‘political propaganda’
George Osborne has been criticised for sending millions of
households annual tax statements that show the biggest chunk of their
contribution going towards welfare, with trade unions describing it as
“political propaganda
Watch Avenge 2014 Full Movie Online

*Avenge (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 7.3
Release : 02 Apr 2014
Duration : 88 min
Genre : Drama
Director : Gregory Christian
Writer : Gregory Christian
Cast : Aaron Aguilera, Dana Amromin, Mark Arnold, Chris Benton
Synopsis AvengeOnce upon a time in Little Italy, a mob widow plots to
avenge the death of her husband with the help of the local gypsies. Her
vendetta involves supernatural machinations which help to control the fates
and destinies of members of the four prominent mafia families: the Moronis,
Mancinis, Mascolos, and Assissis.
Description AvengeNew Internation... more »
Watch Senior Project 2014 Full Movie Online

*Senior Project (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 7.6
Release : 01 Jun 2014
Duration : 85 min
Genre : Comedy, Drama
Director : Nadine Truong
Writer : Jeremy Lin, Jeremy Lin
Cast : Vanessa Marano, Sterling Beaumon, Kyle Massey, Meaghan Martin
Synopsis Senior ProjectThe new kid at school must band with his new
classmates for a senior project in order to graduate, but will they find
out the secret he's hiding.
Description Senior ProjectJoin the International Olympic Committee. Do you
believe in the Olympic values? Are you willing to contribute to the success
of the Olympic Gam... more »
Watch Birdman 2014 Full Movie Online

*Birdman (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : R
Score : 9.1
Release : 02 Jan 2015
Duration : 119 min
Genre : Comedy, Drama
Director : Alejandro González Iñárritu
Writer : Alejandro González Iñárritu (screenplay), Nicolás Giacobone
(screenplay), Alexander Dinelaris (screenplay), Armando Bo (screenplay)
Cast : Emma Stone, Naomi Watts, Edward Norton, Michael Keaton
Synopsis BirdmanA washed-up actor who once played an iconic superhero must
overcome his ego and family trouble as he mounts a Broadway play in a bid
to reclaim his past glory.
Description BirdmanBirdman new music, concerts, photos,... more »
Tom Magliozzi (1937-2014)

*In 1999 a couple of characters named "Raymond" and "Thomas" were guest
speakers at their alma mater's commencement.*
*"His laugh is the working definition of infectious laughter."*
*-- Car Talk producer Doug Berman*
*by Ken*
I was going to, er, celebrate Election Day with something suitably snarky,
with a wonderful David Sipress *New Yorker* "Daily Cartoon" to illustrate
it, but then came news of the death of *Car Talk*'s Tom Magliozzi, and,
well, the goddamn election can wait.
Tommy gone.
In the fine obit below, NPR's Lynn Neary calls him "one of public radio's
most popular per... more »
Fukushima: “Official: ‘Fukushima Destroyed Our Life… It Can Destroy History Itself.’”
*“Official: ‘Fukushima Destroyed Our Life… *
*It Can Destroy History Itself.’”*
by ENE News
*“Anjalika Sagar:* “Things have got much worse — and at the same time that
things have got much worse, you have an accelerated form of secrecy
relating to the level of the contamination in food products, in the sea. We
were interested in the politics of how disposable this population has
become, where the threat of the earthquakes could possibly contaminate the
whole of Japan, which has happened.”
*Kodwo Eshun:* "We made a distinction between the nature of an accident and
the nature of a cat... more »
Mainstream Media – Patient Zero in the Fear Pandemic
*Sigmund Fraud* - "Life is anything but a meditation, and popular media has
become the pulpit for psychological terror and for the dissemination of
maximum anxiety and confusion..."
The post Mainstream Media – Patient Zero in the Fear Pandemic appeared
first on Waking Times.
Monsanto’s ‘Director of Millennial Engagement’ Says GMOs Are Cool
*Anastasia Pantsios* - "We are listening and making sure the concerns we
are trying to address are the ones people have... so why do people have
trouble with this?"
The post Monsanto’s ‘Director of Millennial Engagement’ Says GMOs Are Cool
appeared first on Waking Times.
"The FBI: America’s Secret Police"
*"The FBI: America’s Secret Police"*
By John W. Whitehead
"We want no Gestapo or secret police. The FBI is tending in that direction.
They are dabbling in sex-life scandals and plain blackmail. J. Edgar Hoover
would give his right eye to take over, and all congressmen and senators are
afraid of him." - President Harry S. Truman
"Secret police. Secret courts. Secret government agencies. Surveillance.
Intimidation tactics. Harassment. Torture. Brutality. Widespread
corruption. Entrapment schemes. These are the hallmarks of every
authoritarian regime from the Roman Empire to modern-da... more »
Midterm Election Live Blogging: Sink Along With Mitch edition
OK, despite CNN's and Fox doing their level-headed best to make us
forget liberalism ever existed and that, yes, Democrats are actually for
elected office this time around, I think we'll see some surprises this year.
Granted, ditching the Senate Minority Leader as we did House Majority
Whip Eric Cantor during his Republican primary last June won't cure all our
ills. But without the Human Saw Horse fucking things up in the Senate, at
least the upper chamber will move a little faster. And, no, the Republicans
will NOT retake the Senate tonight. Stop. Listening. To. The. Fucki... more »
“6 Right-Wing Disasters This Week: Bill O’Reilly Drops Accidental Truth Bomb”
*“6 Right-Wing Disasters This Week: *
*Bill O’Reilly Drops Accidental Truth Bomb”*
By Janet Allon
*"1. Bill O’Reilly: Republicans are afraid of black people. *Bill O’Reilly
chatted with radio host Tavis Smiley on Thursday, about how black people
are to blame for their economic problems, blah blah blah same old, same
old. But Papa Bill also said something simultaneously bizarre and true. He
told Smiley that Republicans are “more intimidated than uncaring. I think
they’re afraid… I think they’re afraid of, uh, black people, yeah.” Smiley
looked both amazed and perplexed. His facial ex... more »
I was Never There
Yup, move on. Most people where never there but they maintain Zombie
I work Prince
Maybe its a metaophr and maybe I am lazy, and do not have the stregtg tioo
put into pictures a truth that a million blogs and a thousad govermebt
oi=puinion would bw charetirixd as bored.
Native peoble have been abused forever The solution is not so simple unless
you believe in royalty. I work for Prince Charelse evreyday what would be
the differance?
The New Age Maze – Fantastic Beasts and How to Lose Them
*Era Denmark* - "People quickly adopt whatever beliefs mirror their current
inner state; most often a state of unprocessed pain and ego."
The post The New Age Maze – Fantastic Beasts and How to Lose Them appeared
first on Waking Times.
How much reality can I tolerate
For everyone who wants
a new future
based upon a failed past
I axe yoi
Rehtoric do not pk]==\\\
or do a single thing
to adane
a platform
built upon
specia interest tax breaks
this is the sign upon
which we need to summon
our internatll
Yes U knoqw
with the web
he had a great passion
and intial success
but his metor watched
as he was drawn and quartered
and fir ys
tgat should be reassing
becayse ub thus wikj=-=d
one dollar beyond
the grasp equalls
planatary success.
We lo v=e t = ge ] ruch
so many people have not===
ab idea about the eqyatuib
and they would st... more »
Well I never knew how much I love you
Van Morrison,
Do not waste taxpayer dollars on this threat gooble it!
Live Coverage Of U.S. Elections
*Live Coverage Of U.S. Elections*
2014 Senate Election Results -- Politico
Election Results -- Real Clear Poltiics
2014 Midterm Elections Center -- CBS
US News: Live Updates -- Reuters
Live Coverage of the 2014 Election -- New York Times
Election 2014 -- Washington Post
Live Blog: Midterm Elections 2014 -- Wall Street Journal
Midterm Elections 2014: Live Updates -- ABC News
Watch Decision 2014 -- NBC
FoxNews.com's Election Night live program -- FOX News
US mid-term elections 2014: Live -- BBC
Midterms 2014: Obama says 'worst possible states for Democrats since
Eisenhower' – liv... more »
METRO PODCAST | Thorne Dreyer : Houston-raised actress Cindy Pickett was Ferris Bueller’s mom
The daughter of Houston acting teacher Cecil Pickett, Cindy starred in
‘Guiding Light,’ ‘St. Elsewhere,’ and Roger Vadim’s erotic thriller, ‘Night
Games.’ Interview by Thorne Dreyer | The Rag Blog | November 4, 2014 Our
Rag Radio podcast features actress … finish reading *METRO PODCAST* |
Thorne Dreyer : Houston-raised actress Cindy Pickett was Ferris
Bueller’s mom
I just deleted everything of circumstance
(image to come later for uses that do not think
For what reason
I suggest you
open a CISIS door
No I have done nothimg
advocated nothing but feedom
and know that with my Winchester
40 40 I can bring sense to the
populatin that come within
my sights
and today we have some confusion
about imperial and metric
and I just want to make this real clar
to those that might use mathimatic
ignorace to bolster your clam
I am going to use my
GOD GIVEN ritght
to a fierarm to blow
away you stupid head
what comes and goes
comes around.
Humans do such magnificant things
this should be our first place
do not bomb
the human race!
Terrorism is just a vine
criminals need to be
brought to justice
and if they gather
in one place
a drone attack is devine
But for the wedding gueast
they will react like you or
I am goig kill that drone pilot
come hell or hell weather
this fucker will pay.
Yep we are going eye for an eye.
We proved this did not work
at home but internatial
we got a big gun
and nobody
will smile when
they see its deploymet
Just ask yourself something
if you demad freedom at home
why is the US militaruy
living... more »
‘Citizen Interventions’ – The Impact of Resistance to Canada’s Tar Sands
*Chris Rose* - "Citizen Interventions" have cost Canada's Tar Sands energy
development $17 billion and have changed the debate over this devastating
The post ‘Citizen Interventions’ – The Impact of Resistance to Canada’s Tar
Sands appeared first on Waking Times.
Egypt's Most Active Militant Group Swears Allegiance to ISIS
*Video Title: Egypt's Most Active Militant Group Swears Allegiance to ISIS!
Source: DAHBOO77. Date Published: November 4, 2014. Description:*
Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis, Egypt’s most active militant group, has sworn
allegiance to Islamic State, a statement from Ansar said Monday night.
Ansar had previously told Reuters that it sought inspiration and advice
from Islamic State, the radical al-Qaeda offshoot that has taken over
swathes of Iraq and Syria, drawing U.S.-led airstrikes as it tries to
remake the map of the Middle East.
“After entrusting God ... more »
Objective viess
i cold make ths alternative to the drudge repror. But fantasy sells so much
better than reality these days. I feel like a confedrat gernral.
Saudi Arabia, aids the NATO war machine, more oil price cuts- Attack on the BRICS

*If you are unaware of the ongoing price war refresh your memory with this
*Oil Wars? US/Saudi Arabia vs Russia/Iran*
[image: Think about this: four oil producers - Libya, Iraq, Nigeria and
Syria - are in turmoil today, and Iran is hobbled by sanctions.]Oil price
wars = economic warfare
* Then onto the latest: Saudi Arabia cuts oil prices, again!*
Futures fell as much as 3.7% to US$75.84 a barrel, the weakest since Oct.
4, 2011. Saudi Arabian Oil Co. reduced December differentials for all
grades it ships to the U.S., while supplies to Asia and Europe were priced
higher, ac... more »
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