Pentagon has told the US Congress that Pakistan is using terrorist
groups as proxies to counter the superior Indian military. "Afghan-and
Indian-focused militants continue to operate from Pakistan territory to
the detriment of Afghan and regional stability. Pakistan uses these
proxy forces to hedge against the loss ...
the day, the four members of Royale can be found working at the Chicago
Music Exchange , either behind the counter or shooting footage for the
store's popular YouTube page . At night, they become, in their words
mind you, the "Fathers of Progressive Sci-Fi Yacht Metal." Across an ...
Central West Astronomical Society received more than 200 entrants
across Australia and picked the best of the best for the 10th annual
David Malin Awards, as part of the CWAS AstroFest.
The overall winner of the astrophotography awards was Paul Haese of
South Australia for his incredible image of the ...
Royal Observatory Greenwich and BBC's Sky at Night magazine hold a
contest each year for the most amazing astronomy photos. British
photographer James Woodend beat out thousands of amateur photographers
from around the world with his incredible work. His image was also shown
in the exhibition of winning photographs ...
constellation of Orion holds much more than three stars in a row. A
deep exposure shows everything from dark nebula to star clusters, all
embedded in an extended patch of gaseous wisps in the greater Orion
Molecular Cloud Complex. The brightest three stars on the far left are
indeed ...
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Indian Analyst To Pakistani Admiral On Indian TV: "Your army is the cause of all your problems"
The video below is from a program called, "The Newshour Debate" that airs
daily on the Indian TV channel "Times Now." The host is *Arnab Goswami*.
On November 4, 2014, the show featured Indian and Pakistani guests from
military and defense circles and revolved around *the recent Pentagon
report* that charged Pakistan of using terrorist proxy forces in India and
An excerpt from the video:
"Admiral, first point, the Americans were peeved with you because all of
the money they were pouring in wasn't going into your society, but it was
going into the coffers of your arm... more »
The Cecilia Washburn Comedy Hour

*Dancing With Wolves and Thugs by Cecilia Washburn*
It was leaked that Robbie Mook (former DCCC executive director) and Marlon
Marshall (Obama administration) have built a pathetic listserv to “get
their rocks off” to the idea that they will be controlling Clinton 2016.
As Beltway losers, these two clowns love the idea that younger, less
experienced staffers are sucking up to them by working social channels to
be invited onto this listserv. They probably salivate to this concept while
waiting for their non-existent phone call to be on a television show that
would let that play a... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“The dark Horsehead Nebula and the glowing Orion Nebula are contrasting
cosmic vistas. Adrift 1,500 light-years away in one of the night sky's most
recognizable constellations, they appear in opposite corners of the above
stunning mosaic.
*Click image for larger size.*
The familiar Horsehead nebula appears as a dark cloud, a small silhouette
notched against the long red glow at the lower left. Alnitak is the
easternmost star in Orion's belt and is seen as the brightest star to the
left of the Horsehead. Below Alnitak is the Flame Nebula, with clouds of
bright emission and dramatic... more »
FireFighters for 911 Truth.org - Finally
FBI: Ferguson Decision ‘Will Likely’ Lead to Violence By Extremists
*FBI Warns Ferguson Decision ‘Will Likely’ Lead to Violence By Extremists
Protesters -- ABC News*
As the nation waits to hear whether a Missouri police officer will face
charges for killing unarmed teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., the
FBI is warning law enforcement agencies across the country that the
decision “will likely” lead some extremist protesters to threaten and even
attack police officers or federal agents.
Peaceful protesters could be caught in the middle, and electrical
facilities or water treatment plants could also become targets. In
addition, so-called “hac... more »
Conversation: Examining China's Presence in Afghanistan and Pakistan
An excerpt from, *"United States praises China's growing role in
Afghanistan"* Reuters, October 30, 2014:
The United States welcomed China's growing role in trying to ensure
Afghanistan's stability on Thursday, saying a Beijing conference of foreign
ministers on Afghan reconstruction this week shows its commitment to the
region as Western troops pull out.
The comments, made by a senior State Department official, are rare U.S.
praise for Beijing, which this week hosts Afghan President Ashraf Ghani on
his first visit abroad since assuming office in September.
"China's view of engag... more »
You Want a Post???? HERE's a FUCKING POST!!!!
Not going to save the world today mo-fo's!
Trip to the States
I took a trip to the States from November 10 to November 16 to visit my Mom
and Grama in Florida. My Grama lives in Port Richey Florida in the summer
months. I timed the flights so my Mom and I arrived in Michigan at the
same time and left around the same time flying American Airlines.
I grabbed a ride to the airport with my friends Shawn and Chelsea since
they were leaving Costa Rica the same time I was. More on that later.
Trip to airport was fine. I was a tad concerned as there had been news
that some landslides on the main highway has put traffic down to one lane,
but it did... more »
"The Sharp Tang And Savor Of Existence"
"The thought of the disaster which almost certainly lay in wait for the
Other Men threw me into a horror of doubt about the universe in which such
a thing could happen. That a whole world of intelligent beings could be
destroyed was not an unfamiliar idea to me; but there is a great difference
between an abstract possibility and a concrete and inescapable danger. On
my native planet, whenever I had been dismayed by the suffering and the
futility of individuals, I had taken comfort in the thought that at least
the massed effect of all our blind striving must be the slow but glorious ... more »
Tax haven benefits are not investment incentives
Tim Worstall at *Forbes* takes issue with my last post, claiming that we
actually don't know that U.S. state and local governments give more in
location incentives than EU Member States do. He then says that while it is
true that EU states give less in cash grants and other kinds of subsidies
defined as "state aid" in EU law, these same states give more than the U.S.
in other types of tax benefits. His argument then moves quickly through
Ireland's 12.5% corporate income tax (though he gives no examples) to
Amazon's European sales all being channeled through Luxembourg
subsidiaries. ... more »
Chet Raymo, "Life"
by Chet Raymo
The first string of letters above represents an actual sequence of amino
acids on human chromosome 10. The second string is the corresponding
sequence for an elephant. I copy the strings from a New Yorker article on
Neanderthals by Elizabeth Kolbert. She tosses them in more or less at
random just to show what a DNA sequence looks like. Still, they jump off
the page. Humans and elephants. A four-letter code.
Four molecules called neucleotides, arranged in pairs along a spiraling
ladder, the double-helix - adenine, thymine, g... more »
"30 Lessons A Wise Man Once Shared"
*"30 Lessons A Wise Man Once Shared"*
by Marc
"My father is one of the wisest men I know. Over the past year he has been
dispensing bits of wisdom to friends, business partners and family members
via his Facebook wall and private Twitter stream. Since much of what he
posts is in line with the focus of our blog, I figured I’d share some of
his advice with you today. Here are my 30 favorite excerpts from his
recent posts.
*1.* You can’t make choices for other people. Don’t let other people make
choices for you.
*2.* There are an unlimited number of ‘Dr. No’ folks that you will
... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Bozeman, Montana, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
The Poet: Anne Sexton, "Courage"
"It is in the small things we see it.
The child's first step,
as awesome as an earthquake.
The first time you rode a bike,
wallowing up the sidewalk.
The first spanking when your heart
went on a journey all alone.
When they called you crybaby
or poor or fatty or crazy
and made you into an alien,
you drank their acid
and concealed it.
if you faced the death of bombs and bullets
you did not do it with a banner,
you did it with only a hat to
cover your heart.
You did not fondle the weakness inside you
though it was there.
Your courage was a small coal
that you kept swallo... more »
"A Good Fight..."
"If fate means you to lose, give him a good fight anyhow."
~ William McFee
"Clinging To The Core When Our World Falls Apart"
*"Clinging To The Core When Our World Falls Apart"*
by The DailyOm
"When external factors shift we have an opportunity to rediscover our core
which is the only truly safe place to call home. There are times when our
whole world seems to be falling apart around us, and we are not sure what
to hold onto anymore. Sometimes our relationships crumble and sometimes
it’s our physical environment. At other times, we can’t put our finger on
it, but we feel as if all the walls have fallen down around us and we are
standing with nothing to lean on, exposed and vulnerable. These are the
times ... more »
Iran Is Nervous That The Price Of Oil May Continue To Decline
*Oil Slide Prompts Iran’s Oil Minister To Visit UAE -- Fuel Fix*
Iranian oil minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh is preparing to visit the United
Arab Emirates this week, underscoring the deepening concern among OPEC
members over the slump in oil prices.
After trips to Kuwait and Qatar last week to discuss strategies to buoy
prices, Zanganeh will meet with officials in the UAE tomorrow, Shana, the
Tehran-based oil ministry’s news service, said on its website yesterday.
The discussions come before the Organization of Petroleum Exporting
Countries’ next scheduled meeting on Nov. 27.
OPE... more »
Remoteness of damages in contract
1298417Ontario Ltd. v. Lakeshore (Town), 2014 ONCA 802:
[138] In *RBC Dominion Securities Inc. v. Merrill Lynch Canada Inc*.,
2008 SCC 54, [2008] 3 S.C.R. 79, at paras. 63-64, Abella J. (dissenting in
part) summarized the test for remoteness of damages following a breach of
The defining explanation of the contractual breach principles of reasonable
foreseeability and remoteness is found in *Hadley v. Baxendale*... A court
must therefore ask itself "what was in the reasonable contemplation of the
parties at the time of contract formation" (*Fidler v. Sun Life Assurance... more »
Uproar and unrest in America Alert ( November 17 , 2014 ) ....Ferguson Missouri ( Imminent decision as to whether Officer Darren Wilson is indicted by sitting Grand Jury ) sparks fresh protests , A declaration of a State of Emergency by the Governor - decision due this week....... Meanwhile , possible Executive Actions by President Obama on Immigration also possibly due this week ! Buckle up , the ride could get bumpy ......
and tweets.......
*Demonstrators mob courthouse...*
*Police nationwide brace for unrest...*
*Police nationwide brace for unrest...*
Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon (D) declared a state of emergency Monday in
anticipation of possible unrest following the announcement of findings
two separate criminal investigations into the death of Michael Brown,
unarmed black teenager killed by a Ferguso... more »
ClassDojo: Another Insecure Child Labeling, Shaming, and Tracking Device

If your town has 9 schools, there is a teacher in three of them using
unsafe software that can be used to publicly shame your child while making
money for the company that sells the app. The banking model of education
just got a whole lot more lucrative, and the total surveillance society
just got a bit closer still.
The NYTimes has a piece on the latest cutesy version of the KIPP paycheck.
In this digitized and cutesy one that uses children to become complicit in
their own monitoring and labeling, ClassDojo seeks to get rich by
collecting and sharing data. Below is a screen gr... more »
Raise your hand if you'd like to see a "top Republican" bowing to scientists

*Do you recognize this guy? No, not from a post-office wall. What if I told
you he's the number-three Republican in the Senate? And before you ask, no,
there doesn't appear to be any video of him bowing to scientists.*
*by Ken*
The title of the washingtonpost.com "PostPartisan" blogpost was so
provocative that I couldn't resist: "Top Republican bows to scientists on
climate change." I was so busy trying to think who the top Republican is
that I had to pause to change gears when the webpage opened and I had no
idea which Republican puss was staring out at me. Oh wait, it occurred to... more »
The Reason Why The Islamic State Has Embarked On A Reign Of Terror

Syrian soldiers about to be executed by Islamic State fighters
*A Horrifying New Report Reveals The Strategy Behind ISIS's Brutality --
Zack Beauchamp, VOX*
Scattered reports from inside ISIS-controlled territory have painted an
awful picture of life under the militant group's rule. But a brand-new UN
report, compiled from interviews with 300 people who have lived or
currently are living in ISIS-controlled Syria, gives us a systematic look
at the militant group's reign.
And it is horrifying.
This isn't just because the behavior documented is terrible, though it is.
It's that the ... more »
How Pakistan Blackmails Uncle Sam With Nukes
*Below is an excerpt from author C. Christine Fair's lecture about
Pakistan's army at The Institute of World Politics on July 28, 2014.*
"I argue in the book that if you sort of look at the temerity, the
brazenness of Pakistan's use of these non-state actors, if they're plotted
out, it very much aligns with the trajectory of Pakistan's expanding
nuclear umbrella. So what does this mean for U.S. policymakers? It's hard
for me to be incredibly optimistic about this place. As the power
differentials between India and Pakistan continue to expand, Pakistan is
even less capable of achie... more »
John Todd: The Illuminati and witchcraft
*keep in mind, these talks were given in the mid 1970's . . *
July 6, 2010
James Japan
*[link to hours of talks given by John Todd:
*On July 2, 2010, I received by email a PDF file of yet another one of John
Todd’s talks, and converted the file to text with some editing to correct
misspellings and typos. The talk is not exactly the same as the one on my
other web site. It contains additional information that may interest you. I
first read John Todd’s message about the Illum... more »
Mexico Missing Students spark continued protests and National strike for November 20 , 2014 ! Murders do have consequences !

*Stephen Q. Kurczy* @KurczyBeast 1h
1 hour agoUruguay
Thousands marched in Uruguay capital today in support of families of
*Mexico*'s 43 *missing* *students*, *protest* at embassy
[image: Embedded image permalink]
*Jason Mojica* @elmodernisto 2h2 hours ago
Police Confrontation at *Mexico*'s National University Ends With 2 Shooting
Injuries and Riot Police https://news.vice.com/article/police
-and-students-violently-clash-at-revered-mexico-city-school … via @
*Prof. Steve Hanke* @steve_hanke 10h
10 hours ago
Political instability causes... more »
Lily in Nashville to Declare Common Core a "state initiative"
NEA President, L. E. Garcia, was in Nashville today trying to pump life
back into the rotting corpse of Common Core.
Ravitch will there on the 19th follow up.
From Andy Spears:
Garcia says she was initially a Common Core skeptic. But says she reviewed
the standards for 6th grade, which she taught, and found them to be
reasonable. She said Common Core is and should be a state initiative.
Our sky high energy and food inflation hits the poorest hardest. Our rock bottom mortgages hardly benefit them at all
GUARDIAN: 300,000 more people live in poverty than previously
thoughtThe study by the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) for the
Joseph Rowntree Foundation said the government method for calculating
absolute poverty – the number of people living below a breadline that
rises each year in line with the cost of living – incorrectly assumed
that all households faced the same inflation
Islamic State Claims To Have Sized An Iranian Drone
#PT Growing reports of #IRGC & #IS clashes in Hamrin mounts recently. An
other Mohajer 4 was found in the same area pic.twitter.com/SsoklcwwKN
— Green lemon (@green_lemonnn) November 17, 2014
*ISIS: We Nabbed An Iranian Drone -- Jacob Siegel, Daily Beast*
Unmanned aircraft are crowding the skies over Iraq. Now ISIS says they’ve
got one of their own—a drone they took from Iran.
ISIS fighters in Iraq are bragging about an Iranian drone they claim to
have captured.
Social media accounts associated with ISIS have been posting photos of the
unmanned aircraft since this morning, claimi... more »
by Tim Knight
“A handwritten letter arrived in my mailbox last week from a reader. In it
was a note from whom I would guess is an elderly gentleman, thanking me for
my work both on Slope and on Tastytrade, but politely asking me to use the
phrase "God damn it" less frequently, since he found it upsetting. The
handwriting on the paper trembled like leaves in an autumn breeze, and it
was obvious it took time and effort to send me this two-page missive. It
meant something to him.
It never occurred to me that I ever used this phrase in a video, let alone
often enough to ca... more »
“Are ‘We the People’ Useful Idiots in the Digital Age?”
*“Are ‘We the People’ Useful Idiots in the Digital Age?”*
By John W. Whitehead
“Back in the heyday of the old Soviet Union, a phrase evolved to describe
gullible western intellectuals who came to visit Russia and failed to
notice the human and other costs of building a communist utopia. The phrase
was “useful idiots” and it applied to a good many people who should have
known better. I now propose a new, analogous term more appropriate for the
age in which we live: useful hypocrites. That’s you and me, folks, and it’s
how the masters of the digital universe see us. And they have pret... more »
Sad News: Nat Bellocchi (1926-2014) passes

[image: back_88]
News from a friend:
We are saddened to let you know that former AIT Chairman Nat Bellocchi
passed away in his sleep in Sunday morning, 16 November 2014. Below is a
brief summary of his life, and we pray for his family and for his soul.
We will dearly miss him, as he was a strong supporter of freedom and
democracy for Taiwan, and didn’t hesitate to speak out for Taiwan.
His two most recent commentaries were on President Obama’s trip to Beijing:
and on the protests in Hong Kong:
http://www.taipeit... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- November 17, 2014
*Eastern Ukraine Braces For ‘Full-Scale War’ -- Jamie Dettmer, Daily Beast*
Ukrainian soldiers are on edge and artillery barrages continue. With
Russian troops and tanks crossing the border, how long can this ‘ceasefire’
DONETSK, Ukraine—There was a deep growl of artillery and Grad rocket
bombardment in the distance, but it didn’t have any heads turning in the
center of Donetsk. People here are used to the rumble of a fight that has
raged since the summer around the city’s airport on the outskirts and their
swift steps homeward seemed more to escape the freezing cold than di... more »
“A Preposterous Theory”
*“A Preposterous Theory”*
by Bill Bonner
“Our knowledge of human life in prehistoric times is sketchy. We have a
limited archeological record. We also have legends and stories. And we have
inferences we can make from studying primitive tribes in remote areas of
the globe, before civilization got hold of them. What they tell us is that
philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau was a fool. When Ralph Waldo Emerson
visited Europe, he had to be practically dragged to the home of Rousseau,
whom he considered unworthy of homage.
In our book, we mention that Rousseau's "social contract" theory o... more »
The Sacred Role of the Ayahuasca Shaman
*Dylan Charles* - Part scientist, part mystic, the role of the Ayahuasca
shaman is to facilitate personal transformation and healing...
The post The Sacred Role of the Ayahuasca Shaman appeared first on Waking
Confusion over the Cardiff jihadist
There is confusion tonight about whether Nasser Muthana, the
Cardiff-student-turned-Islamic-State-terrorist, actually appeared in the
latest IS murder video carrying out an atrocity against captive Syrian
It was reported last night that his father, Ahmed, had said he thought it
might be his son in the video and that he disowned him and believed he
should be executed in return ("a head for a head"). He said such things to
the *Guardian,* the *Daily Mail* and the *Evening Standard, *all of who
reported them. The BBC website also reported it today (or at least some of
it, ... more »
World News Briefs -- November 17, 2014 (Evening Edition)
*Kerry: IS Momentum 'Dissipated' by Coalition Attacks -- VOA*
STATE DEPARTMENT — U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry says Islamic State
(IS) fighters in Iraq and Syria are losing momentum in the face of
coalition airstrikes against them. The militants, who also are known as
ISIL, have beheaded a fifth Westerner, and warned that a U.S. soldiers will
meet a similar fate.
Kerry said that, overall, the international campaign against ISIL has begun
to have a “significant impact.”
“The momentum that ISIL built up during the summer has dissipated. It
continues, yes, to commit terrible cr... more »
Great Article If You Want to Understand Ukraine & Russia Situation

Understanding what is really going on in Ukraine is not easy for most
Americans and people living in the west due to constant corporate media
trashing of Putin and the Russian government. Below are a few excerpts
from one of the best articles yet on this important subject. It is written
by James Petras retired Bartle Professor (Emeritus) of Sociology at
Binghamton University in Binghamton, New York and adjunct professor at
Saint Mary's University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. You can read the
entire article entitled *Russia’s Vulnerability to EU – US Sanctions and
Military En... more »
Obama "Would Order" US troops into Combat if ISIS Got Nuclear Weapons

*Considering all the spin regarding ISIS goading the NATO nations into
attacking them... this headline just screams -FALSE FLAG - to me.*
Why on earth would Obama make such an absurd statement unless the masses
are being set up for some sort of perception managed psychological
operation, that has yet to be unleashed?
When one reads what Obama says.... he set the bar low. I mean quite low.
*ISIS won't have to use a weapon. *
*It just has to be alleged that ISIS possesses some sort of nuclear weapon*
If that doesn't shriek, *any excuse for Obama to expand this war*, I don't
know what el... more »
The EU Is Looking For A New Russian Strategy
*EU Foreign Ministers Seek New Russia Strategy -- Deutsche Welle*
The EU isn't interested in tougher sanctions against Moscow, but in fresh
talks - while Kyiv is expected to launch reforms to move the country closer
to the European Union.
Whoever imagined that, following the heated words directed at Vladimir
Putin at the G20 summit, the EU foreign ministers would strike a harsher
tone on Ukraine were mistaken.
On the contrary - at the start of the meeting in Brussels, Europe's new
chief diplomat Federica Mogherini was content to signal a multi-pronged
approach. A debate on sanct... more »
Left Unity One Year On
This weekend saw Left Unity hold its first national conference. Well, not
really. It was preceded by its foundation back in November last year, and a
further national gathering in Manchester last March, but who's counting
right? So 12 months down the line, where do things stand with Britain's
newest leftist unity initiatives? Should Labour be worried another
potential rival stands poised to bleed its voter base, or does that
prospect remain remote?
You can tell something about a party by the character of its conference.
Braving adverts for cruises, Netflix and the Murdoch press, th... more »
Hensarling To Reinstate Indicted Mafia Thug Michael "Mikey Suits" Grimm On The Financial Services Committee
Jeb Hensarling (R-TX), crooked chairman of the House Financial Services
Committee, is one of the GOP's bagmen for Wall Street banks. He collects
the dough from the toxic banksters he's supposed to be overseeing and
distributes it inside the Republican caucus to build his own power base
among the rank and file. He wrote a personal check to the NRCC this cycle
for $2,130,739. And his leadership PAC-- Jobs, Economy & Budget (JEB)
Fund-- handed out $655,403 to Republican members and congressional
candidates. One of the candidates who got a maximum $10,000 contribution
was indicted Rep... more »
Eastern Ukraine Continues To Deteriorate

Unmarked military trucks drive along a road in a territory controlled by
the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic near the town of Khartsyzk,
east of Donetsk, eastern Ukraine, November 15, 2014. International monitors
deployed along the Russian border in eastern Ukraine say their drones were
shot at and jammed days before new columns of unmarked soldiers and
weapons, said by the West to be Russian, were seen in the rebel-held
territory. Maxim Zmeyev/Reuters
*All Is Not Well On Ukraine’s Eastern Front -- Benny Avni, Newsweek*
What is Vladimir Putin’s game in eastern Ukraine? NA... more »
Ukarine Wages Economic Warfare Against The Rebel Enclaves In The East

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko delivers a speech during a ceremony to
hand over armoured vehicles KrAZ Cougar to the Organisation for Security
and Cooperation in Europe's (OSCE), which will be used for monitoring the
situation in eastern regions of Ukraine, near the Defence Ministry
headquarters in Kiev November 13, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Mikhail
Palinchak/Ukrainian Presidential Press Service/Handout via Reuters
*Ukraine Takes Economic Swing At Rebels – But Might Hit Pensioners Instead
-- Fred Weir, Christian Science Monitor*
*President Poroshenko canceled a 'special status' l... more »
BBC England

I see that John Redwood is also conscious of the BBC's push for English
regionalism (as opposed to English Votes for English Laws or an English
Today a large majority of English voters want English votes for English
laws, and some wish to go further to a separate English Parliament.
More English people today contact me to complain that the financial
settlement is not fair. They want the UK national broadcaster, the BBC, to
have a BBC England to promote England and our causes as BBC Scotland
promotes Scottish interests. They want the suppressed identity of England
to ... more »
The one hundred and ninety sixth weekly "No shit, Sherlock" award
New surveys conducted in France suggested that Frenchmen of Muslim origin
were far likelier to espouse anti-Semitic views than the general population.
Now why would Frenchmen of Muslim origin be far likelier to espouse
anti-Semitic views than the general population?
I know why and that's why being told that 'New surveys conducted in France
suggested that Frenchmen of Muslim origin were far likelier to espouse
anti-Semitic views than the general population.' provokes a serious "No
shit, Sherlock" response.
EU Prepares Sanctions Against Ukrainian Separatists. No New Sanctions On Russia
*E.U. To Toughen Sanctions on Ukrainian Separatists, But Not Russia -- New
York Times*
BRUSSELS — The European Union’s foreign ministers decided on Monday to
impose more sanctions on individual separatists in Ukraine, but shied away
from toughening sanctions against Russia despite its recent military
incursions into Ukraine.
Federica Mogherini, the bloc’s new foreign policy chief, said that
sanctions should be just one part of a wider approach to Russia that must
also involve diplomacy.
The “main discussion today was how to relaunch, or how to re-engage, in a
dialogue,” Ms. Mogh... more »
Supplemental: Reclusive genius passes away!
*MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2014Math is still quite hard:* The headline shouted
at us from yesterday’s Washington Post:
*Reclusive genius a ‘giant’ of math*
In an 1100-word piece, Matt Schudel reported the death, at age 86, of
Alexander Grothendieck, “whose brilliant mind electrified the world of
mathematics in the 1950s and 1960s, earning him the equivalent of the Nobel
Prize in his field.”
We’d never heard of Grothendieck! Hungrily, we fell upon the Post report,
hoping to learn what his brilliant mind had done.
Basically, Schudel wasn’t saying. He started by telling us this:
SCHUDEL... more »
36 Million People Live In Slavery In The World Today
*Modern Slavery Affects More Than 35 Million People, Report Finds -- The
Five countries including India, China and Russia account for 61% of all
slavery, says Australia-based Walk Free Foundation
More than 35 million people around the world are trapped in a modern form
of slavery, according to a report highlighting the prevalence of forced
labour, human trafficking, forced marriages, debt bondage and commerical
sexual exploitation.
The Walk Free Foundation (WFF), an Australia-based NGO that publishes the
annual global slavery index, said that as a result of better data ... more »
U.S. Defense Secretary Hagel Says US Is Speeding Up Training Of Iraqi Forces To Fight The Islamic State
*Hagel Says US Speeding Up Training Of Iraqi Forces To Fight ISIS -- FOX
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said Sunday that the U.S. military is
speeding up its training and advising of Iraqi forces who are fighting the
Islamic State militants after a recommendation from the commander of U.S.
Central Command.
Hagel's announcement came the same day the White House confirmed a third
American, aid worker and former Army Ranger Peter Kassig, had been beheaded
by members of the militant group.
The Pentagon chief spoke to reporters after observing Army training in
California's Mojav... more »
Congratulations to our Heroes
Brenda Norrell
Censored News
It is wonderful watching my longtime friends honored for fighting the
good fight. Each is on their own path, upholding their cultures and
traditions, and fighting for human rights and border rights in what is
known as Arizona.
It is an incredible time for the Benally family. Jones Benally of Big
Mountain is being honored at the Heard Museum in Phoenix. Sihasin -
Supai Waters: Raising the AIM staff
Supai Waters
Censored News
Good afternoon,
Northern Havasupai AIM scout enroute to Red Lake
United Nations AIM camp. All unified AIM chapters on stand by,
waituntil southern route AIM staff is raised and standing atattention.
Drum nations stand by.
We will shoot the first arrow for clearance.
Supplemental: Dumbing the liberal world way down!
*MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2014Salon crawls to AlterNet:* For many years,
conservative entities took the lead in dumbing the public down.
At some point in the past ten years, pseudo-liberals decided to follow
suit. As a recent example, consider this pitiful piece at the new Salon, by
way of AlterNet.
Sadly, Janet Allon isn’t some wide-eyed kid of the type the new Salon likes
to employ. She’s been a political writer for decades. This seems to be her
idea of the “worst right-wing moment” of the past week:
ALLON (11/17/14): *Fox News’ Megyn Kelly and Charles Krauthammer beat the
impeachm... more »
60 Global Terror Groups Have Joined The Islamic State

*(Click on Image to Enlarge)*
*ISIS Beheads Another American As 60 New Terror Groups Join -- Riyadh
Mohammed, The Fiscal Times*
In defiance to the rumors of his injury or death, ISIS leader, Abu Bakr
al-Baghdadi delivered a 17-minute audio speech on Thursday admitting that
the U.S. – led campaign against ISIS is “one of the hardest ones.” In
another video released today, he takes his revenge by beheading another
American--Peter Edward Kassig, a former U.S. Army Ranger who converted to
Islam to aid the Syrians.
But Baghdadi's biggest problem isn’t U.S. led air attacks. It’s the gr... more »
Islamic State War News Updates -- November 17, 2014
*U.S. Targets Islamic Militants With More Airstrikes In Syria, Iraq:
Central Command -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - U.S. military forces conducted 11 air strikes against Islamic
militants in Syria and 20 in Iraq since Friday, Central Command said on
Nine of the Syria strikes were near the Turkish border city of Kobani and
destroyed seven Islamic State positions and four staging areas and struck
one unit, the command said in a statement. Two near Dayr Az Zawr hit an
Islamic State crude oil collection facility and destroyed a tank, it said
*Read more* ....
*Islamic State War New... more »
The Law of New Being

*Another interesting blog post from the 1970s, this one, the others is like
a time capsule for the future... for the time of the NEW HUE-MAN... -AK*
The Law of New Being (PART 9)
*The Law of New Being lessens polarities and reconciles oppositions. The
Law of New Being reconciles the yes and no, right and wrong, good and evil,
and brings the concepts of God and Satan together in harmonious resolution,
integrated totally under the Law of One. The Law of New Being acknowledges
the return of Lucifer to the Godhead or Source o... more »
Anonymous takes the hoods off the KKK after Ferguson threats
seizes Ku Klux Klan Twitter account over Ferguson threats
Summary: After racial hate group Ku Klux Klan said it would use 'lethal
force' on Ferguson protesters, a skirmish with Anonymous erupted:
Anonymous has now seized two primary KKK Twitter accounts. UPDATED.
Read articles and watch video:
Food Security A Hostage To Wall Street And US Global Hegemony

RINF 17/11/2014
(An extended version of a piece that initially appeared in various other
publications during October 2014)
Last month, World Food Day celebrated ‘Family Farming: Feeding the world,
caring for the earth’. According to the UN Food and Agriculture
Organization’s website:
“The 2014 World Food Day theme – Family Farming: “Feeding the world, caring
for the earth” – has been chosen to raise the profile of family farming and
smallholder farmers. It focuses world attention on the significant role of
family farming in eradicating hunger and poverty, providing food security ... more »
Experiencing a Shift in Collective Consciousness
*Video - *Many believe that a shift in human consciousness was the true
message of the Mayan Long Count Calendar.
The post Experiencing a Shift in Collective Consciousness appeared first on Waking
Lakotas 'House vote on Keystone pipeline is act of war'
Aldo SeoaneWica Agli
Lakota Voice
ROSEBUD, SD – In response to today’s vote in the U.S. House of
Representatives to authorize the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline, the
Rosebud Sioux Tribal President announced that the Rosebud Sioux Tribe
(Sicangu Lakota Oyate) recognizes the authorization of this pipeline as
an act of war.“The House has now signed our death warrants and the death
Briton, Frenchman Seen In Islamic State Video Of Beheadings
*ISIS' International Death Squad: Jihadist Executioners In Beheading Video
Include Two Britons, Two Frenchmen And A German -- Daily Mail*
* At least two French nationals thought to appear in the latest ISIS video
* Pair believed to be among the jihadis filmed beheading Syrian soldiers
* One is understood to be 22 year old Muslim convert Maxime Hauchard
* Appeared on French TV in July declaring desire to wage jihad in Syria
* Details of possible second Frenchman and a German are not yet known
* Comes after medical student from Cardiff was pictured alongside killers
* Father of Nasser Mu... more »
O'odham Resistance against Loop 202: Protect the Sacred
Akimel O’odham Youth CollectiveContact: Akimeloodhamyc@gmail.com
November 15th, 2014
Censored News
On Saturday November 15th, 2014, the Arizona Department of
Transportation (ADOT) came to the Gila River Indian Community (GRIC) to
hold a public forum regarding the Final Environmental Impact Statement
(FEIS) for the proposed South Mountain Loop 202 Freeway. About 25 people
Did Steve Israel Poison The Well At The DCCC For African American Candidates?

Guess which guy the DCCC supported and which guy they stiffed?
Saturday we took at look at how disturbed the Congressional Black Caucus is
about how the DCCC blew off Steven Hosford's reelection in Nevada. There
are those who felt the DCCC attitude was, at best, "benign neglect." The
same folks at Crew of 42 who told us about the Horsford news, went back
into history and saw the DCCC doing the same thing in 2012 to an
African-American candidate in Omaha, Nebraska. This cycle, the DCCC spent
$1,432,187 on white Blue Dog Brad Ashford and managed to defeat GOP
incumbent Lee Terry, one o... more »
5 Critical Reasons to Add Nutritious Hemp Seeds to Your Diet
*Christina Sarich* - Hemp can be used for almost literally countless
things, from building homes to the remediation of contaminated soil.
The post 5 Critical Reasons to Add Nutritious Hemp Seeds to Your Diet
appeared first on Waking Times.
Poland And Russia Have Carried Out Tit - For - Tat Diplomatic Expulsions
*Poland, Russia In Tit-For-Tat Diplomatic Expulsions -- Wall Street Journal*
*Expulsions Come Amid Spying Affair, Heightened Bilateral Tensions Over
WARSAW—Poland and Russia have carried out tit-for-tat diplomatic expulsions
in a spying affair as bilateral tensions have intensified over Moscow’s
intervention in Ukraine.
Poland was rocked by an espionage scandal last month when a Polish defense
ministry official and a civilian were detained and charged with spying for
Russian military intelligence, amid reports of increased Russian spying
In the aftermath of th... more »
Fascism On the Homepage
It arrived draped in the Red, White and Blue Cross flag. And the *New York
Times*, which only last week noticed that democracy had collapsed, has
today taken a giant logical leap forward and observed that fascism has come
to America and taken its place.
The Gray Lady only got one thing wrong in the headline "Health Law Turns
Obama and Insurers Into Allies," and that is in the application of the
present tense. Obama and the insurers were allies from the get-go, as they
connived behind closed doors to remove the public option from the equation
and the president continued to lie with i... more »
A Monday Morning Saving Tip...
*for the thrifty minded ladies and men.*
*Ladies First: *
A few days ago I had to visit the library to pick up a book that was on
hold for me.
It was late in the day, and I was very tired and very cold. The thought of
slipping my freezing footsies into my cute little animal print flats was
low on my list.
New ones. Last years has cream trim
I spied my Dearfoam slippers purchased last year at Costco for $9.99 and
thought, "I'm just slipping in and out of the library and no one will
notice I'm wearing slippers."
Well, they did. But they thought they were the cutest *shoes* they ha... more »
Oreo Cookie Ball Ornaments

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser.
All opinions are mine alone. #OREOCookieBalls #CollectiveBias
[image: Housewife Eclectic: Oreo Cookie Ball Ornaments]
The Holidays are coming and bringing with them all of the delicious holiday
baking. I can't wait to dive into creating pumpkin pies and delicious
rolls. Right at the top of my list to create are Oreo Cookie Balls. They
are a delicious bite-sized morsel that pleases any crowd. You can leave
them dipped in chocolate just like the official recipe says to, or spruce
them up a little bit to be Oreo ... more »
Ukraine has ignored the far right for too long. As have the US/NATO/Israeli thugs
One can only conclude that the 'far right' or fascists as I like to call
them perform a job that needs doing. So, when it all goes south and it
will, don't call it blowback! Not when it is easily predictable and
avoidable. *Call it what it is. .....Planned.*
The Ukrainian authorities and mainstream opinion in Ukraine continue to
show unacceptable ignorance of the danger from the far right and even
openly neo-Nazi forces, cooperating with them in elections and allowing
them to take positions within law enforcement.
It is not ignorance. Nor blowback. "Blowback" is a logical fallacy.... more »
Education Plus Compassion – How to Change the World
*Mike Sygula* - "There are two vital tools needed to improve our life on
this planet and start living more sustainably: education and compassion."
The post Education Plus Compassion – How to Change the World appeared first
on Waking Times.
World News Briefs -- November 17, 2014
*Mixed Fortunes For G20 Leaders As Summit Comes To A Close In Brisbane --
Brisbane, Australia (CNN) -- Vladimir Putin was the first G20 leader to
leave Brisbane.
The Russian president's jet lifted off soon as soon as possible -- after
the final lunch of the summit meeting, but well before the final communique
outlining the achievements of the summit had been announced.
Given the mood of the summit, his speedy exit was hardly surprising. Putin
had been a verbal punching bag for many of the G20 leaders, critical of
Russia's reported movement of new troops and weapons into inde... more »
IS Still Making Charge In Anbar While Iraq Forces On Offensive In Babil & Salahaddin 3rd Wk Of October 2014
MUSINGS ON IRAQ - 12 hours ago
Violence remains relatively low in Iraq in October 2014 in comparison to
the height of the summer offensive. The third week of the month saw a
decline in attacks, deaths and wounded from the second week, which
witnessed a slight jump in all of those categories. Anbar remained under
threat, and the Islamic State (IS) launched a major assault upon a town in
Diyala, but eventually withdrew. More importantly fighting returned to
Ninewa as Mount Sinjar was fully encircled. In places like Salahaddin and
Babil however, the Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) were on the offensive
themselves. Thi... more »
8 Reasons Why I Have Hope For Our World & You Should Too
*Mark DeNicola* - We are all hard wired to not only survive and thrive here
on planet Earth, but also to come together and recognize the
interconnectedness that we all share..."
The post 8 Reasons Why I Have Hope For Our World & You Should Too appeared
first on Waking Times.

- by Dawn Johnson
Let's get back to the 1934 "Gold Certificates" that Neil Keenan claims he
has in his hands., and that he sent an email to Drake Kent Bailey with
photos attached which Drake placed on his website.
According one photograph we can see two piles of so called Gold
Certificates (on... more »
Syria wants details on proposed truce
Syrian Minister of National Reconciliation Ali Haidar says U.N. Syria envoy
Staffan de Mistura presented officials in Damascus last week with "a
headline, not with any comprehensive proposal" to implement small-scale,
local truces.
Haidar also told The Associated Press on Monday that de Mistura "has to
make sure that the armed groups on the ground and their backers are ready
to accept this initiative."
*The Syrian government knows this is ruse. *
* The "truce" so called is simply a time buying exercise for the NATO
Soft targets and red herrings
mentally questionable individual who posed as a decorated jumper from
the RCR is a soft target and irrelevant. The scorn presently being
heaped on him from military circles is unsurprising, but Mr. Gervais is a
red herring. Stephen Harper has worn unearned RCAF wings and members of
his government has appeared in uniforms complete with rank and unit
insignia, not to mention received unentitled
Aisha North: The manuscript of survival – part 430 - November 17, 2014

*The manuscript of survival – part 430*
November 17, 2014
by Aisha North
For now, what has been set into motion can no longer be negated, and as
such, all of the consequent reactions will come about from a positive
energetic charge, even if some of the outcome of it may be labelled as
negative by those still set on maintaining status quo.
Let us elaborate. You see, this whole chain of events that is now in the
middle of being activated is one that will have far reaching consequences,
and as we have a... more »
Radio 4 Listener Profile
Colonel Blimp at *Biased BBC *has found a fascinating new tool on the *YouGov
*website called *YouGov Profiles*.
Type in any brand, person or thing and the YouGov database brings up a
typical profile for people who like that particular thing, whether it be
Barack Obama, rabbits or BBC One's *Question Time*.
The Colonel tried out "BBC Radio 4".
Following his lead, it appears that the typical BBC Radio 4 listener is
over 60, works in education, government & civil service, or civil society &
charity, spends£1000+ a month, likes trekking, hiking and bird watching, is
most likely to... more »
BRAVE NEW VOICES: With waves of piddle!
*MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2014Part 1—Emily Gould is no snob:* The waves of bunk
from major news orgs were quite impressive this weekend.
We refer to work we saw at the new Salon *and* at Slate, at the New York
Times *and* the Washington Post. In this morning’s early hours, the waves
of piddle continued to crash on the shore.
That said, of all the piddle we scanned this weekend, one presentation has
stuck in our head. We refer, of course, to Emily Gould’s review of The Big
Bang Theory, the popular CBS sitcom.
Her piece appeared last Friday night at the new Salon:
FRIDAY, NOV 14, 201... more »
5 Easy Steps to Detoxify the Body
*Meme -* Take these steps now to detoxify the body on a continual basis to
stay energized and keep toxins from causing serious health problems.
The post 5 Easy Steps to Detoxify the Body appeared first on Waking Times.
What Food Cravings Tell You About Your Health
*Natasha Longo* - "Defeating recurring cravings is all a matter of matching
a nutrient deficiency with a healthy bioavailable source."
The post What Food Cravings Tell You About Your Health appeared first on Waking
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- November 17, 2014

U.S. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel (L) gestures next to Strategic
Command commander Adm. Cecil Haney at a news briefing to announce reforms
to the nuclear enterprise at the Pentagon in Washington, November 14, 2014.
Credit: Reuters/Yuri Gripas
*U.S. Military Scrambles To Keep Its Edge Despite Budget Woes -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Short of funds, and awash in global challenges, the U.S.
military-industrial complex is betting on robotics and other new
technologies to stay ahead of rapid advances in weapons development by
China, Russia and other potential foes.
But with budgets alre... more »
Dangers of Expert Evidence
*R. v. Singh*, 2014 ONCA 791:
[31] It is important not to lose sight of the scope of a trial
judge’s ‘gate-keeping’ function in relation to expert evidence. A ruling
in favour of the admission of expert evidence does not discharge the trial
judge’s obligation to protect against the misuse of such evidence. In *R.
v. Abbey*, 2009 ONCA 624, 97 O.R. (3d) 330, at para. 62, Doherty J.A. of
this court warned:
A cautious delineation of the scope of the proposed expert evidence and
strict adherence to those boundaries, if the evidence is admitted, are
essential. The case law demon... more »
Colombia - FARC Peace Talks Suspended After General Is Kidnapped
*Colombian President Halts Farc Talks After General Kidnapped -- The
Efforts to end 50 years of war in crisis after Ruben Dario Alzate captured
along with military official and lawyer.
The Colombian president, Juan Manuel Santos, has suspended peace talks with
Marxist Farc rebels following the kidnapping of an army general, throwing
into crisis the nation’s efforts to end 50 years of war.
General Ruben Dario Alzate, who heads the Titan task force in the Pacific
department of Choco, was captured on Sunday afternoon by the Revolutionary
Armed Forces of Colombia (Farc), al... more »
Tred Cruz And Rand Paul Have Very Dedicated Supporters-- But Not Very Many Of Them

Latest rap on Hillary Clinton, the odds on favorite to be the next
president of the United States, is that her support, though wide, is
shallow. Okay... And this weekend *Politico* made the case for two
Republican would-be contenders, each of whom has very deep support, albeit
extremely narrow: Rand Paul and my own bet to be the GOP nominee, Ted Cruz.
Let's look at Paul first. His inner circle says he plans to run-- "a 95%
certainty," and in a state where the voters don't want him to run for
reelection as senator and run for the presidency at the right time-- and,
perhaps more imp... more »
Time For A Walk In The Snow?

Conrad Black observed last week that the Harper government had "run out of
steam." And Stephen Mahar suggested that Jason Kenny was ready and willing
to fill the prime minister's shoes. Michael Harris writes that the
Conservative base has tired of Stephen Harper for several reasons -- but,
most particularly, two. The first is his lack of integrity:
Harper came to power promising to do things differently than the Liberals
of the Ad Sponsorship era. The base expected a new integrity reflecting the
best conservati... more »
Negotiators Gathering In Vienna For A Final Push To Get An Iranian Nuclear Deal
*Doubts About Nuclear Deal With Iran As Talks Near Deadline -- Washington
For the six global powers in talks with Iran, the goals have always been
clear — blocking Iran’s path to a nuclear bomb while eventually lifting
sanctions that have hobbled its economy and caused hardship for the Iranian
But as negotiators gather in Vienna this week in one last push for a deal,
decades of mutual mistrust and years of Iranian obfuscation on its nuclear
program may be proving too much to surmount.
Three days of talks in Oman last week produced no leap forward, with a
deadline f... more »
The Islamic State's Last American Hostage Is A Woman

*A 26-Year-Old Woman Is ISIS’s Last American Hostage -- Daily Beast*
The extremists didn’t show her off in their latest snuff film. And her
family doesn’t want her name released. But what is known about ISIS’s
remaining U.S. captive is heartbreaking.
With ISIS’s brutal murder of Peter Kassig, a 26-year-old American aid
worker who dedicated his life to the plight of Syrian refugees, the
militant group has one more U.S. citizen remaining in its clutches,
according to current and former U.S. officials, as well as individuals
involved in efforts to free the Americans.
The hos... more »
Did The Saudi Royal Family Finance The 9/11 Plot?

Response: The Saudi Arabian government said it had nothing whatsoever to do
with the September 11 attacks
*'Saudi Prince Paid For 9/11 Pilots To Learn To Fly': Incredible Claims Of
'20th Hijacker' Serving Life In Prison For Terrorism As He Asks To Testify
Again In Court And Reveal All -- Daily Mail*
* Zacarias Moussaoui, 46, filed court documents claiming Saudis funded 9/11
* He said an unnamed prince paid for him and 19 hijackers to learn to fly
* Moussaoui was given life sentence in 2006 after admitting terror charges
* Government lawyers interviewed him and said he had 'relevant' m... more »
*Back to Redistributing Teachers*
When the Obama administration began writing its own laws under the guise of
No Child Left Behind waivers in 2011, it snuck into the thousands of pages
of bureaucratese a requirement for “teacher equity.” Now, the
administration has reminded states it wasn’t joking.
On Monday, the U.S. Department of Education wrote states a letter demanding
they submit “teacher equity plans” to the feds by next June.
The problem: Research shows poor and minority children are typically taught
by less-experienced and lower-quality teachers. This is in large part one ... more »
Taipei Mayoral Election: Lien Chan is all kinds of awesome

*Spider guarding her young.*
Election junkies: China Policy Institute blog run by Jon Sullivan will be
hosting a special issue on Taiwan and the elections. The line-up looks
fabulous. And trawl through the previous posts of Frozen Garlic, there's
some great stuff there.
Lien Chan, Honorary KMT Chairman for Life, father of Sean Lien, current KMT
candidate for Mayor of Taipei, has spoken (in Chinese)(Taipei Times) on the
election, attacking Ko in no uncertain terms. He's so wonderful. He should
really speak at KMT campaign events across the nation. Not for nothing did
a sharp friend... more »
19 Year-old Jewish Twins Share Their Faith In Jesus (Plus Bizarre Freemason Story)

*this is an amazing story, seriously!*
[image: The Eternal Planner w/ Rob Rennie]
The Eternal Planner w/ Rob Rennie
Eric and Brian Carter call in from southern California to share their faith
in Jesus and share a bizarre freemason story.
Iraq / Syria Regional War Updates - ( November 17 , 2014 ) News and views touching on Iraq . syria / Lebanon / ISIS

Morning Tweets ....
*Rudaw English* @RudawEnglish · 6m6 minutes ago
Car bomb explodes in East #Baghdad, 9 casualties reported. http://
*Rudaw English* @RudawEnglish · 3h3 hours ago
#ISIS "stole" #Iraqi grain and wheat, ministry says http://fb.me/2fhkKiHMr
*Rudaw English* @RudawEnglish · 4h4 hours ago
#ISIS kills six doctors in #Mosul for refusing to treat wounded fighters,
find out more http://goo.gl/RLQPzI
*Syria Deeply* @SyriaDeeply · 3h3 hours ago
#ISIS seizing foreign aid destined for the neediest Syrians,some
redistributed to the gr... more »
*The Democrats’ climate change agenda is a loser*
President Obama’s climate change policy played a key role in the midterm
elections and helped Republicans take control of the Senate.
Obama emphasized the elections were about his policies saying, “Make no
mistake, these policies are on the ballot, every single one of them.”
Judging by the results his climate change agenda got trounced.
Obama’s refusal to approve the Keystone XL pipeline hurt the re-election
prospects for three term Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA). After failing to
fight off two Republican challengers on November 4, La... more »
GAIA PORTAL: Star systems align for reception of final Cosmic wave package…

*Star systems align for reception of final Cosmic wave package…*
by ÉirePort

Star systems align for reception of final Cosmic wave package prior to
establishment of New Earth alignment protocols.
Pulses of New Energies continues in phases designed for hu-manity
acceptance, and Hue-manity upliftment.
Star patterns change to align with individual Gaia BEing requirements.
*In accordance with Unity Law,* *sacreds unveil as needed and requested.*
*Attunement to Higher Self and Higher Mind are requested at this moment.*
ÉirePort | November 17, 2014 at 08:08 | Categories: Uncategorized... more »
Wonder which direction the U.S. economy is headed? Then turn to Paul Craig Roberts, Ph.D. in economics and practical experience as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. Here are some his remarks in this post: "As most Americans, if not the financial media, are aware, Quantitative Easing (a euphemism for printing money) has failed to bring back the US economy." "In the US QE caused inflation in stock and bond prices as most of the liquidity provided went into financial markets instead of into consumers’ pockets." "The extent of financial corruption involving collusion between the mega-banks and the financial authorities is unfathomable. The Western financial system is a house of cards resting on corruption."

*A Global House Of Cards — Paul Craig Roberts*
November 14, 2014 | Original Here
Go here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter
A Global House Of Cards
Paul Craig Roberts
As most Americans, if not the financial media, are aware, Quantitative
Easing (a euphemism for printing money) has failed to bring back the US
So why has Japan adopted the policy? Since the heavy duty money printing
began in 2013, the Japanese yen has fallen 35% against the US dollar, a... more »
photorealism - Gottfried Helnwein - his latest works
ask for one classic example of Gottfried Helnwein's photorealist paintings
and this iconic image will probably be conjured up by the mainstream mind,
shattering the front cover of Scorpions 1982 album BLACKOUT.
*Gottfried Helnwein (born 8 October 1948) is an Austrian born
Austrian-Irish fine artist, painter, photographer, installation and
performance artist. Helnwein studied at the University of Visual Art in
Vienna (Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Wien). He was awarded the
Master-class prize (Meisterschulpreis) of the University of Visual Art,
Vienna, the Kardinal-König prize and th... more »
The 9 Billion Dollar Witness
One thing that i am sure of is that the crime of treason has no statute of
limitation and this was all a criminal assault on the US dollar. Yet that
is the shoe that has never been dropped and we have instead the spectacle
of the criminals using their loot to thwart due process every which way. At
least this blameless observer has come forward and publicised her evidence
where it will not disappear too soon. I had no doubt that this was
happening as it would otherwise be impossible to pull off. The whole
process of vetting a senior security is rigorous and needed t... more »
George Will Confirms Nixon's Vietnam Treason

What is sickening is that both politicians were motivated then and there
for political ends rather than strategic or tactical ends. LBJ was the
sitting president and his efforts were to help elect Humphrey. That
surely opened the door for the counter move.
Neither was forgivable and LBJ was actually less so because he was forcing
the issue over the good judgement of his South Vietnamese allies. In
typical LBJ style he was making them heel. He stilled failed because Nixon
made sure that they had an alternative.
I do not think that the outcome would have been any better simpl... more »
Extreme Graphene and the Coming Super Materials Gold Rush

* Cooling is achieved by replacing a small piece of the thermally
insulating human skull with thermally conductive graphene, allowing heat to
flow from the brain to the cooler scalp. This technique has been
demonstrated to prevent seizures before they occur.*
This is an up to date survey and is due. The news continues to be
stunning and rapidly growing as these ideas get applied to other elements
as well. The wow here is that it explains the curious structure of the
Star-Child Skull covered extensively on this blog.
The skull covers a significantly larger brain than the h... more »
What Is HAARP?
HAARP is much further developed than anyone is admitting and can
significantly impact the ionosphere. I do suspect that the apparent
worldwide distribution of known sites occurred with the full support of the
USA military including Russia as well. This provides the capability to do
a wide range of implied experiments and also plausibly protect the Earth
from solar flare damage. At least that is why these countries will have
Unfortunately the system does have offensive capability and it is
plausible that it was deployed at least during the Bosnian bombi... more »
FIFA's Next Step: Hell 2026!?
This is related to my recent post on the atrocities surrounding the
preparations for the Qatar football / soccer World Cup in 2022, and the
associated obviously morally defunct organisation of FIFA. Just yesterday,
following another pathetic round of attempted FIFA whitewash of the recent
awarding process of the World Cup to same Qatar and, before that, the
stellar beacon of human rights and democracy that is Russia, *The Sunday
Times* revealed fresh evidence of corruption, to no surprise of anyone.
So, with that in mind, today's tongue-in-cheek "revelation" from *The
Telegraph... more »
Military Cancer - It's not mine to own - it's ours to share
Class War Films brings us this involving and educational film about the
Genesis of Modern War or American Imperialism as it's called in the MICC.,
in case you weren't aware such a perpetual war-based economy existed.
In case you've been asleep since the sacking of Rome by the Vandals.
*the phrase, "it's not mine to own, it's ours to share," allows Free Planet
to bypass MICC. *
Justin Trudeau and Big Mo(mentum)...Updated, newest poll

*Written by Grant G*
*Whitby-Oshawa Liberal Candidate Celina Caesar-Chavannes has just less than
half the vote (45%) to just more than 4-in-10 for her Conservative
opponent, former Whitby mayor Pat Perkins (42%). In comparison, five days
ago, candidate results were reversed, but similarly close, with the
Conservative at close to half (44%) and the Liberal at 4-in-10 (40%). The
NDP candidate, Trish McAuliffe has just one tenth of the vote now (10%),
and the Green Party has a very small share (3%). About one fifth of those
who voted Conservative in the last federal electio... more »
Will Turkey stick with Chinese missile defense deal?

[image: HQ-9 (FD-2000) long range sam]After Turkey decided in 2006 to
procure a long-range air and anti-missile defense system known as
T-Loramids, a long and a hot contest pitched the US PAC-3 Patriot, Russian
S-400, French/Italian SAMP/T and Chinese HQ-9 models. Raytheon-Lockheed
Martin of the US and European Eurosam companies made particular efforts to
win Ankara’s favor.
While everyone was expecting one of these two companies to win the
contract, in September 2013 a bombshell hit the agenda when Turkey decided
on China’s state-owned Precision Machinery Import-Export Corp (CPMIE... more »
Boeing to upgrade cabin and cockpit avionics for Japan's fleet of E-767 AWACS aircraft

[image: JASDF E-767 AWACS]Airborne electronics experts at the Boeing Co.
Defense, Space & Security segment in Kent, Wash., will upgrade cockpit
avionics and cabin avionics on four of Japan's wide-area radar surveillance
jets under terms of a $25.6 million contract.
Officials of the U.S. Air Force Life Cycle Management Center at Hanscom Air
Force Base, Mass., are asking Boeing to upgrade four E-767 aircraft and
three ground support facilities for the government of Japan as part of the
Japan Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) mission control unit
design and production program... more »
US Navy Deploys Laser Weapons in Persian Gulf: Laser Beams Will Warn And Destroy Hostile Drones and Swarming Boats

[image: Laser Weapon System, or LaWS]To show off its naval power in hostile
ocean fronts, the U.S. Navy has developed a brand new weapon to scare away
enemy drones and swarming boats. It is going to be a nightmare for pirates
The Laser Weapon System, or LaWS, is the U.S. Navy's new answer to unmanned
drones and pirate boats aiming to attack cargo ships or war ships.
The laser weaponry has been installed on the USS Ponce to be tested across
the Persian Gulf, this summer. The programme, now in the prototype phase
would be deployed across Navy's fleet by 2017, reported Bloomberg... more »
U.S. Navy Expects Further Orders of Boeing Jets

[image: EA-18G Growler]The U.S. Navy is looking at possible additional
orders of Boeing Co's EA-18G electronic attack planes, or Growlers, as it
shapes its fiscal 2016 budget request, the Navy's top uniformed officer
said Saturday.
Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Jonathan Greenert said the Navy was
reviewing its inventory of tactical aircraft, including Growlers and strike
fighters, to ensure its electronic attack needs were met.
Congress, responding to an "unfunded priority" list submitted by the Navy
earlier this year, is poised to approve orders of 12 more EA-18G Growlers
in t... more »
Deal for S Korean minesweepers to be scrapped

[image: INS Kozhikode]India is all set to scrap the long-pending deal for
South Korean mine countermeasure vessels (MCMVs), which are
highly-specialized smallish warships that detect, track and destroy enemy
mines to keep shipping traffic safe, due to allegations of agents having
vitiated the entire selection process.
Instead, in recognition of Navy's critical operational requirement for
MCMVs, the defence ministry will "nominate" defence PSU Goa Shipyard (GSL)
to build eight such specialized vessels with foreign collaboration through
a fresh tender soon.
With defence minister Mano... more »
EU Naval Force and Chinese Navy Ships Meet at Sea in the Gulf of Aden

[image: The Commander of Chinese Naval Escort Task Group 989 and the
Commanding Officer of CNS Changbaishan, Captain Deng Xianwu during a tour
of the EUNAVFOR Flagship ITS Andrea Doria]On Monday 10th November, the EU
Naval Force Flagship, ITS Andrea Doria, and the Chinese Flagship CNS
Changbaishan met at sea in the Gulf of Aden.
The Commander of Chinese Naval Escort Task Group 989, Rear Admiral Zhuang
Chuanshu, and the Commanding Officer of CNS Changbaishan, Captain Deng
Xianwu, took the opportunity to visit the EU Flag Ship and to conduct a
courtesy visit on the EU Force Commander,... more »
RHIC and a shower: how stand-up comedian Frank Wilczek suffered for science
I think that this 19-minute video at the World Science Festival (the "Moth"
series) shows that Frank Wilczek could make the living as a stand-up
comedian. At least it seems to me that he is a more natural entertainer
than the *comedian* who introduced him.
*The video was posted 3 weeks ago but it was recorded in 2010, I think.*
He tells us two stories, a longer one and a shorter one, how he has
suffered for science.
*RHIC, black holes*
First, sometime around 2000, Walter Wagner – the same Hawaiian high school
teacher who would sue the LHC later – would question the RHIC experimen... more »
Fighting to the End: The Pakistan Army's Way of War

*Video Title: Fighting to the End: The Pakistan Army's Way of War. Source:
The Institute of World Politics. Date Published: July 29, 2014.
On July 28, 2014, author C. Christine Fair, Ph.D. discussed her book
"Fighting to the End: The Pakistan Army's Way of War."
About the book
Since Pakistan was founded in 1947, its army has dominated the state. The
military establishment has locked the country in an enduring rivalry with
India, with the primary aim of wresting Kashmir from it. To that end,
Pakistan initiated three wars over Kashmir--in 1947, 1965, and 1999--and
fa... more »
New MH17 Video Captures The Moments After Airplane Was Downed In Ukraine
*MH17 Video Captures The Moments After Airplane Was Downed In Ukraine --
A just-released video depicts the moments after Malaysia Airlines Flight 17
was downed near the village of Hrabove, Ukraine, July 17, the Associated
Press reported. Residents can be seen running to the area where MH17
crashed. A large cloud of black smoke and burning wreckage can be seen in
the background with debris strewn across a street near several houses. All
298 passengers and crew aboard MH17 were killed.
*Read more* ....
*Update #1*: New Video of MH17 Downing Shows Aftermath of Crash in Ukra... more »
Ukraine President Poroshenko: Country Is 'Ready For Total War' With Russia

Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko claimed his country was "prepared for
total war" against Russian forces. Thomas Peter, Reuters
*Ukraine Crisis: Petro Poroshenko Says Country Is 'Ready For Total War'
With Russia -- ABC news (Australia)*
Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko says his country is "prepared for
total war" as fighting continues around the pro-Russian rebel stronghold of
Donetsk in eastern Ukraine.
Fresh volleys of artillery fire were heard across many parts of Donetsk
overnight, fuelling fears of a military build-up amongst rebel forces.
The latest clashes come amid... more »
Bill Moyers: Zephyr Teachout And Larry Lessig Have Only Begun To Fight

This week's guest on Bill Moyers shows were two academics-- Zephyr Teachout
And Larry Lessig-- who "decided to practice what they preached. They left
the classroom, confronted the reality of down-and-dirty politics, and tried
to replace moneyed interests with the public interest." Teachout stunned
Andrew Cuomo and his backers by winning over a third of the vote and 30 of
New York's 62 counties. She won Ulster County with 70%, Schoharie County
with 71.7%, Columbia County with 77.9% and Albany County, where they know
Cuomo best, with 61.9%. Cuomo spent $60.62 per vote. Teachout ran ... more »
Putin Comments On The Crisis In Ukraine

November 13, 2014. Russian President Vladimir Putin answers questions of
ARD channel's representative Hubert Seipel during an interview to the
channel (RIA Novosti / Michael Klimentyev)
*Putin: Russia Concerned by Threat of Ethnic Cleansing in Ukraine --
In an interview with German channel ARD Russian President Vladimir Putin
said that Moscow was concerned by the risk of ethnic cleansing in Ukraine,
adding that Kiev should stop using force in southeastern regions and create
conditions for a political dialogue.
MOSCOW, November 17 (Sputnik) – Moscow is concerned by the ris... more »
Ukraine Civil War News Updates -- November 16, 2014
*Heavy Shelling Rocks Rebel-Held Donetsk In East Ukraine -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Fresh volleys of artillery fire were heard across many parts of
the separatist stronghold of Donetsk in eastern Ukraine on Sunday, a
Ukrainian government statement said, after Kiev warned again of rebel
preparations for a fresh offensive.
A Reuters witness in central Donetsk heard several dozen blasts of
artillery fire, although it was unclear who had launched them or what was
under attack.
Shelling from both sides has repeatedly punctured a ceasefire, agreed in a
deal signed on Sept. 5 to end a ... more »
A Picture Says A Thousand Words In International Diplomacy

*What A Difference A Week Makes In International Diplomacy -- Zero Hedge*
It is often said that a picture paints a thousand words, so here are 3000
words on the state of international diplomacy.
Last week's APEC Summit... Putin between China's Xi and Brunei's Hassanal
Bolkiah with Obama positioned with the wives...
This week's G-20 Meeting... Obama front-and-center between China's Xi and
Brazil's Rousseff (just in front of Britain's Cameron) with Putin almost
out of shot
*Read more *....
*WNU Editor*: But Zero Hedge`s best picture was the last one .... (he is
also right when he ... more »
* Hazelton Lanes Inc. v. 1707590 Ontario Limited*, 2014 ONCA 793:
[58] The test for reasonable apprehension of bias is that set out in
de Grandpré J.’s dissenting opinion in *Committee for Justice and Liberty
v. Canada (National Energy Board)* (1976), [1978] 1 S.C.R. 369 (S.C.C.), at
pp. 394-95, which reads as follows:
[T]he apprehension of bias must be a reasonable one, held by reasonable and
right minded persons, applying themselves to the question and obtaining
thereon the required information…. [The] test is “what would an informed
person, viewing the matter realistically an... more »
The G20 Summit Has Ended -- News Updates November 16, 2014
*G20 Nations Pledge to Boost Global Economy -- VOA*
Leaders of the G-20, representing the world's largest advanced and
developing economies, adopted a plan to boost global economic growth by
more than $2 trillion over five years, by investing in infrastructure and
increasing free trade.
As the G-20 summit ended Sunday in Brisbane, the international leaders also
pledged cooperation for strong action against climate change and support
for an international response to the Ebola breakout in West Africa.
U.S. President Barack Obama said policies adopted by the G-20 could add 100
milli... more »
Putin And Ukraine Was The Main Focus At This Year`s G20 Summit
*Ukraine Crisis Casts Shadow Over G-20 -- Wall Street Journal*
Putin Leaves Summit Early, Host Australia Loses Battle to Keep Climate Off
BRISBANE, Australia—The crisis in Ukraine cast a shadow over an
international summit here, with Russian President Vladimir Putin leaving
early after facing rebuke from fellow leaders over Moscow’s role in the
Mr. Putin, the first leader to depart the weekend summit, cited the long
flight home from Australia as the reason for his early exit and not the
frosty reception he received from many counterparts—including Canadian
Prime... more »
Magnificent Delusions: Pakistan, the United States and an Epic History of Misunderstanding

*Video Title: Pakistan, the United States and an Epic History of
Misunderstanding. Source: Centre for International Policy Studies uOttawa.
Date Published: September 18, 2014. Description:*
Husain Haqqani presents: Magnificent Delusions: Pakistan, the United States
and an Epic History of Misunderstanding
0:00 Introduction from Roland Paris
2:10 : Husain Haqqani
31:29 : Question Period
Though Pakistan and the United States have been allies since Pakistan’s
birth in 1947, mistrust and cross-purposes have long characterized their
relationship. The discovery of Osama bin Laden in the... more »
Pakistan's Offensive Against The Taliban Is Taking A Heavy Toll

This picture shows Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Raheel Sharif being
shown different weapons and equipment recovered from terrorists in
Miramshah. — Photo: ISPR
*Pakistani Army: 1,200 Militants Killed During Five-Month Offensive --
(Reuters) - The Pakistani army has killed 1,200 suspected militants in an
anti-Taliban offensive during the past five months, seriously reducing the
group's ability to carry out attacks, senior officers said on Sunday during
a rare trip to the conflict zone.
The ongoing operation has targeted the militant stronghold in North
Waziristan, a... more »
No Justice No Peace
Ferguson Speaks: A Communique From Ferguson from FitzGibbon Media on Vimeo.
As law enforcement officials and national media gear up for a St Louis
County Grand Jury’s announcement as to whether it will levy charges against
Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson for the August 9th shooting of
Michael Brown Jr., activists have issued a 9 minute video communiqué
providing an intimate look at the climate on the ground.
Sign a petition *here*
How does the "strict father" model of society work when Strict Dad is, say, a Point-Haired Boss or a Donny "The Mine Unsafety King" Blankenship?

*DILBERT by Scott Adams*
*by Ken*
This weekend I've been wandering around issues of work and the
employer-employee relationship, first Friday night, "Let's celebrate that
great champion of the American working man, mining mogul Donny "Safety Is
for Suckers" Blankenship," about the news that four years after the Upper
Branch Mine disaster Donny B has finally been indicted for allowing the
mine to be so dangerously unsafe; then last night, "Work sucks (pass it
on)," about how work for most of us, you know, sucks. Tonight I want to
make a trilogy of it, pulling those previous ... more »
Peter Kassig 'saved countless lives' in Syria | Channel 4 News
"I am obviously pretty scared to die but the hardest part is not knowing,
wondering, hoping, and wondering if I should even hope at all. I am very
sad that all this has happened and for what all of you back home are going
through. If I do die, I figure that at least you and I can seek refuge and
comfort in knowing that I went out as a result of trying to alleviate
suffering and helping those in need." - *Abdul-Rahman Kassig*.
"Kassig was one of many itinerant idealists in Beirut, Syrian and foreign
alike, who were drawn to the uprising: students gave up their classes to
stand in ... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
"Stunning emission nebula IC 1396 mixes glowing cosmic gas and dark dust
clouds in the high and far off constellation of Cepheus. Energized by the
bright, bluish central star seen here, this star forming region sprawls
across hundreds of light-years - spanning over three degrees on the sky
while nearly 3,000 light-years from planet Earth. Among the intriguing dark
shapes within IC 1396, the winding Elephant's Trunk nebula lies just below
*Click image for larger size.*
The gorgeous color view is a composition of digitized black and white
photographic plates recorded through ... more »
The Poet: Mary Oliver, "There Is Time Left"
*"There Is Time Left"*
“Well, there is time left –
fields everywhere invite you into them.
And who will care, who will chide you if you wander away
from wherever you are, to look for your soul?
Quickly, then, get up, put on your coat, leave your desk!
To put one's foot into the door of the grass, which is
the mystery, which is death as well as life,
and not be afraid!
To set one's foot in the door of death,
and be overcome with amazement!”
~ Mary Oliver
"Against All Odds..."
“You know how when you were a little kid and you believed in fairy tales,
that fantasy of what your life would be, white dress, prince charming who
would carry you away to a castle on a hill. You would lie in bed at night
and close your eyes and you had complete and utter faith. Santa Claus, the
Tooth Fairy, Prince Charming, they were so close you could taste them, but
eventually you grow up, one day you open your eyes and the fairy tale
disappears. Most people turn to the things and people they can trust. But
the thing is it's hard to let go of that fairy tale entirely cause almost... more »
"The Secret Of Surrender: Seeing The Illusion"
*"The Secret Of Surrender: Seeing The Illusion"*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
"Surrender should be seen as a great strength and comes when we let go of
trying to attain the impossible. Most of us were raised and live in a
culture that emphasizes the ideals of independence and control. The general
idea is that we are on our own and we don’t need any help from anyone else,
and if we are really successful it’s because we are in complete control.
However, true lasting success comes only with surrender, which is the
opposite of control. We cannot accomplish anything truly great on our ... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Castlegar, British Columbia, Canada. Thanks for Stopping by.
Viktor Frankl, "Man's Search For Meaning", Excerpt
*"Man's Search For Meaning"*
by Viktor Frankl
“In attempting this psychological presentation and a psychopathological
explanation of the typical characteristics of a concentration camp inmate,
I may give the impression that the human being is completely and
unavoidably influenced by his surroundings. (In this case the surroundings
being the unique structure of camp life, which forced the prisoner to
conform his conduct to a certain set pattern.) But what about human
liberty? Is there no spiritual freedom in regard to behavior and reaction
to any given surroundings? Is that theory ... more »
"Those Who Danced..."
"Those who danced were thought to be quite insane
by those who could not hear the music."
~ Angela Monet
Musical Interlude: Ocean Voyager, “Titanic Expedition”
Ocean Voyager, “Titanic Expedition”
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwHP5au6uvQ
Chet Raymo, “Hearing The Galaxies”
*“Hearing The Galaxies”*
by Chet Raymo
“In her wonderful autobiography, the beloved Mississippi writer Eudora
Welty tells of her time at the Mississippi State College for Women. The
first book she bought for her bookshelf was In April Once, by the
Mississippi poet William Alexander Percy. The first poem in the book,
written in New York City, was entitled "Home":
"I have a need of silence and of stars.
Too much is said too loudly. I am dazed.
The silken sound of whirled infinity
Is lost in voices shouting to be heard..."
She is walking on the campus at night, the poem ... more »
Paulo Coelho, “Dreams: The 12 Steps”
*“Dreams: The 12 Steps”*
by Paulo Coelho
"When Joseph Campbell created the expression “follow your blessing,” he was
reflecting an idea that seems to be very appropriate right now. In “The
Alchemist,” this same idea is called “Personal Legend.” Alan Cohen, a
therapist who lives in Hawaii, is also working on this theme. He says that
in his lectures he asks those who are dissatisfied with their work and
seventy-five percent of the audience raise their hands. Cohen has created a
system of twelve steps to help people to rediscover their “blessing” (he is
a follower of Campbell):
*1. T... more »
The Poet: Denise Levertov, "Variation On A Theme By Rilke"
*"Variation On A Theme By Rilke"*
("The Book of Hours, Book I, Poem 1, Stanza 1")
"A certain day became a presence to me;
there it was, confronting me- a sky, air, light:
a being.
And before it started to descend
from the height of noon, it leaned over
and struck my shoulder as if with
the flat of a sword,
granting me honor and a task.
The day's blow rang out, metallic-
or it was I, a bell awakened,
and what I heard was my whole self
saying and singing what it knew: I can."
~ Denise Levertov
"The Wonder Of Life..."
"We live in radical times surrounded by tasks that seem impossible. It has
become our collective fate to be alive in a time of great tragedies, to
live in a period of overwhelming disasters and to stand at the edge of
sweeping changes. The river of life is flooding before us, and a tide of
poisons affect the air we breathe and the waters we drink and even tarnish
the dreams of those who are young and as yet innocent. The snake-bitten
condition has already spread throughout the collective body.
However, it is in troubled times that it becomes most important to remember
that the wond... more »
Musical Interlude: Adiemus, “Song of the Odessey”
Adiemus, “Song of the Odessey”
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhbkJKkPHQo
NDF Hero Tells How He Chose to Throw Himself down a Mountain instead of Surrendering to Terrorists
This is an inspiring story told by a Syrian soldier, it's like that scene
from 'Lone Survivor' where the Navy SEALs hurl themselves down a mountain
to avoid capture by the Taliban. Similar circumstances, similar heroism,
similar sacrifice.
*Video Title: NDF Hero Tells How He Chose to Throw Himself down a Mountain
instead of Surrendering to Terrorists. Source: Eretz Zen. Date Published:
November 16, 2014. Description:*
A fighter in the ranks of the National Defense Forces (NDF), Yousef Haddad,
tells his heroic story when he was left fighting against terrorists from
the US-backed "F... more »
Dr Wilhelm Ebstein (1836-1912); the Father of LCHF, on Gout, 1884

"It is difficult to label Wilhelm Ebstein because he was a clinician,
pathologist, chemist, basic scientist, teacher, and writer. It is a mystery
that so few know him because he was extremely productive and made many
significant medical contributions.
Ebstein wrote 237 articles: 72 were about metabolic diseases, 38 dealt with
gastrointestinal diseases, 16 were about infectious diseases, 12 were
concerned with heart disease, 15 dealt with medical history, and the
remainder were about various subjects that interested him.
He has been called the “forgotten founder of bio... more »
The Nazi SS Plan to Nuke New York City

*The OKL 's "Feasibility Study" of an Atom Bomb Blast of Hiroshima Size
over Manhattan Island in New York City, 1943*
*"Assertions made by General Groves after the war... were probably designed
to divert attention from the German isotope separation program. The idea
being that if the existence of the German uranium enrichment program could
be hidden, then the cover story could be established that Germany's atomic
bomb effort consisted only of failed attempts to create a reactor pile to
bread plutonium "*
*Carter P. Hydrick: Critical Mass: the Real Story of the Birth of the
Atomic ... more »
Melissa Francis Silenced by CNBC and finally Huffington Post says something about Gruber...

*and the reactions are what we could expect from the libtards.*
I've been scanning Huff and Puff for days now to see if they would say
anything about the Gruber tapes.
Finally today (Sunday, Nov. 16th 2014), I spied a very small piece, *David
Axelrod Slams Jonathan Gruber Over Obamacare Comments, * in which they
quoted Axelrod's tweet:
As one who worked hard to make ACA and its benefits clear, let me say: if
you looked up "stupid" in the dictionary, you'd find Gruber's picture.
And the article further quoted Odumbo as saying today from a presser in
“The fact that an adv... more »
IPR and Medicines 31: Trademark Stealing and Counterfeit Medicines

Today, I will attend the 1st day of* National Consciousness Week against
Counterfeit Medicines, **Theme: Kapakanan ng Pamilya Alagaan, Huwad na
Gamot Labanan*, to be held at the JY Campos Hall, Bayanihan Center, Unilab
Complex in Pasig City. The event is sponsored by the Food and Drugs
Administration (FDA) and today's event is mainly for civil society
organizations (CSOs), including Minimal Government Thinkers, Inc.
Production of counterfeit, fake and substandard medicines is generally
stealing the trademark and logo of famous pharma companies, both innovators
like Pfizer and GSK, a... more »
What's Next For Steve Israel-- And Steve Stockman?
Stockman was never convicted for his role in the Oklahoma City bombing--
and, the Texas Republican Party being what it is these days, he even wound
up back in Congress. But the former drug addict has had a number of ethics
problems in the House and is now facing criminal prosecution, along with
several of his staffers. Grand jury subpoenas have already been served but
Stockman, who won't be going back to Congress next year, may just flee to
Texas and ignore the subpoena. Stockman told Boehner that he's "consulting
with counsel to determine whether and to what extent compliance with... more »
Civic Elections 2014 Biggest Winner, The Environment
*Written by Grant G*
2014 civic elections had many winners and one really big winner, *the
environment, *British Columbians sent a loud message the Stephen Harper`s
well funded big oil lobby...Get The Hell Out!
Derrick Corrigan of Burnaby blasted all challengers, Burnaby citizens
soundly rejected Kinder Morgan and their bully tactics, ...Derrick had
really only one message to Burnaby voters in this election, ....*We will
stop Kinder Morgan...*Even Burnaby`s large Asian demographic said no to big
oil and yes to Derrick Corrigan...
You won`t hear one big media outlet like the Vanc... more »
Fukushima Nuclear Diaster Updates ( November 16 , 2014 ) -- Unprecedented radiation contamination worsens in Japan , impacts in US slowly becoming clear as well !
Energy News.....
12:45 PM EST on November 16th, 2014 | 37 comments
US Nuclear Professor: Fukushima “a really major event here”, Washington had
radioactive aerosols 100,000 times normal; “Far more bigger accident than
we’re hearing” — Model shows West Coast completely blacked out due to
particles covering area — Gundersen: Lung cancers to start increasing in
Pacific Northwest (AUDIO)
11:04 PM EST on November 14th, 2014 | 224 comments
Massive radiation spike at Fukushima: 40,000% increase below ground between
Units 1 & 2 this month — Order of magnitude above record high set last ye... more »
The "Rebellion" in Heaven and the "Fall" of Man

The "Rebellion" in Heaven and the "Fall" of Man
(More on the Dark & Light Illuminati)
*[Lessons in Duality: What is outlined below is essentially what we see now
coming to a conclusion, this was written many decades ago but holds true
now. If the Bible book of "The Revelation of Saint John the Divine" were
written now we might see the word BEAST, replaced with MACHINE -
they simply didn't have that in their vocabulary then and what the seers of
that time saw was the beast like violence of the inhumane MACHINE of th... more »
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