10:29pm MST
*Wake Up (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : TV-PG
Score : 9.3
Release : 21 Apr 2014
Duration : 11 min
Genre : Animation, Adventure, Comedy
Director : Elizabeth Ito
Writer : Pendleton Ward (creator), Cole Sanchez, Andy Ristaino, Kent
Osborne (story), Pendleton Ward (story), Jack Pendarvis (story), Adam Muto
Cast : Jeremy Shada, John DiMaggio, Miguel Ferrer, Melinda Hill
Synopsis Wake UpFinn tracks down who he believes is his father.
Description Wake Upwake technical community college. Wake Tech enriches
lives by providing quality education, training, and workforc
Revolutionary thought of the day:
Hunger isn't about the amount of food around. It's about being able to
afford and control that food. After all, the U.S. has more food than it
knows what to do with, and still 50 million people are food insecure.
Raj Patel, author of *Stuffed and Starved* and *The Value of Nothing*,
quoted by Naomi Klein in *This Changes Everything*
negative reviews and threats of lawsuits: let's not give in to corporate bullying
There's a new bully in town, and he's not going after fat kids in the
school cafeteria. He's a corporate bully, and he's gunning for *you*, his
dissatisfied customer.
An increasing number of companies are threatening lawsuits against
customers who post negative online reviews about their products or
services. At least one company has actually sued a former customer for
defamation, based on negative reviews - and won.
This is a chilling development for anyone who cares about free speech, a
free internet, and consumer advocacy. But it may not be as dire as it
*A slightly mo... more »
The Islamic State Continues To Attract Thousands Of Jihadists

*Airstrikes Against Islamic State Do Not Seen To Have Affected Flow Of
Fighters To Syria -- Washington Post*
More than 1,000 foreign fighters are streaming into Syria each month, a
rate that has so far been unchanged by airstrikes against the Islamic State
and efforts by other countries to stem the flow of departures, according to
U.S. intelligence and counterterrorism officials.
The magnitude of the ongoing migration suggests that the U.S.-led air
campaign has neither deterred significant numbers of militants from
traveling to the region nor triggered such outrage that even more ... more »
Al Qaeda Forces Rout U.S. Trained Syrian Rebels. Heavy Weapons And Supplies From The U.S. Seized

A fighter for the moderate Free Syrian Army sits in a shooting position
behind sandbags during clashes with loyalist forces in Aleppo, Syria, on
Nov. 2. Moderate rebels elsewhere in northern Syria were pushed back by
Islamists over the weekend. (Hosam Katan/Reuters)
*Syrian Rebels Armed And Trained By US surrender To al-Qaeda -- The
*Moderate rebels in Syria that the US have armed and trained to fight
jihadists have surrendered to al-Qaeda *
Two of the main rebel groups receiving weapons from the United States to
fight both the regime and jihadist groups in Syria have s... more »
Tennessee Valley Authority dealing with dam seepage issue ( November 2 , 2104 ) - 7 nuclear reactors potentially at risk ? ( H/T Energy News ! )
City Press, Oct. 30, 2014 (*emphasis added*): Oct. 20 inspection of
[Tennessee's Boone] dam revealed a sink hole… Six days later, an
occurrence* happened when *seepage was found near the location of the
hole at the base of the dam*…
NRC, Oct. 30, 2014: … BOONE DAM STABILITY ISSUES… “TVA conducted a
for government officials… after discovery of a ... more »
Pentagon Resents White House Management Of The War Against The Islamic State

President Barack Obama meets in the Situation Room with his national
security advisors to discuss strategy in Syria, Saturday, August 31, 2013.
(Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
*Military Hates White House ‘Micromanagement’ of ISIS War -- Eli Lake &
Josh Rogin, Daily Beast*
The Pentagon brass placed in charge of implementing Obama’s war against
ISIS are getting fed up with the short leash the White House put them on.
Top military leaders in the Pentagon and in the field are growing
increasingly frustrated by the tight constraints the White House has placed
on the plans to... more »
UN Warns Of Irreversible Climate Change Without Concerted Change - Harper Guilty Of Environmental Criminal Negligence

*U.N.: Phase Out Fossil Fuels By 2100 Or Face ‘Irreversible’ Climate Impact*
*Stephen Harper Ranked #1 Worst ‘Climate Villain’ In The World*
*Crimes against humanity: Stephen Harper and the ethics of climate change *
Selling the "ISIS" Brand - The BFP Roundtable Takes on "Islamic Terror"
*The best marketing strategy that ISIL has at its disposal is having the
U.S. and the West pose as their enemies on the battlefield. The stupid
"Mujahideen" hear about the U.S. airstrikes on their 1970's walkie-talkies
and flock to the group that is fighting the "infidels." In reality, we know
the U.S. is doing very little damage to ISIL's positions and military
hardware in Syria and Iraq, and is secretly giving an endless amount of
arms and money to the terrorist group via third parties such as Qatar,
Saudi Arabia, and Turkey.*
Read the article *"ISIS Stunner: Terrorist Organizati... more »
What I Did With My $427.76 *Highly Effective* Winnings
In 2013-14, I was rated as a “highly effective” teacher. The rating was
based upon two classroom observations by one of our school administrators,
an in-house semester “exam” (the quotes around the word exam are meant to
convey a shoddy, last-minute delivery of an exam that if it were an
assignment for a course I taught, […]
France sees violent protests in Nantes after police grenade kills a protester ( November 2 , 2014 ) Mayhem seen previously in " MENA " spreading to Europe ?

*RT* @RT_com 40m40 minutes ago
100 arrested, 9 injured: Violent clashes in #France after protester killed
‘by police grenade’ http://on.rt.com/zc4gzs
[image: Embedded image permalink]
Top news story
*Umanand Amin* @umanandamin Nov 1
Violent *Protests* Erupt in *France* Over Alleged Police Brutality: Violent
*protests* broke out on Saturday in two ... http://bit.ly/1u9xD3x
[image: View this content on NDTV's website]
Violent Protests Erupt in France Over Alleged Police Brutality
Violent protests broke out on Saturday in two French cit... more »
Jon Stewart asks, "Who are these lovable scamp Koch Brothers?" and answers his own question

*"How bad can they [the Koch Brothers] be?" Jon asks. "I mean, if they were
evil, would a baby agree to appear in one of their advertisements?"*
*"Now that we know the Koch Brothers are pouring an unending waterfall of
money through a cleverly masked network of unaccountable organizations to
peddle electoral influence, the ad sounds less inspiring."*
*-- Jon Stewart, in the above report, responding toa Koch Industries ad
placed on The Daily Show*
*"The poll . . . shows that the proxy candidates of billionaires are likely
to win ninety-eight per cent of next Tuesday's races, with th... more »
Like everything else, international volunteering gets easier with experience
Home sweet home for the next four months Meet new boss: Check. Open
Nicaraguan bank account: Check. Find place to live in Managua for the next
four months: Check.
And so we are ready, Paul and I, for whatever comes next.
As we had expected, we are settling into our Cuso International positions
much quicker this time around, having been able to draw on our last
experience in Honduras and get things done in a much more efficient
fashion. There will be unexpected bumps and frustrations to come; there
always are. But how different it feels to be a more seasoned Central
American v... more »
"UNFREE in Palestine" -- A most important new book for all who study national liberations
in Palestine
-- Registration, Documentation and Movement Restrictions
By Nadia Abu-Zahra and Adah Kay
PlutoPress, 2013, pp. 222
Book reviewed by Denis G. Rancourt, PhD
The new book by academics Nadia Abu-Zahra and Adah Kay is a brilliant
achievement, and a landmark in the study of both the ongoing Israel
genocide in Palestine [1], and national liberation struggles in general.
Fukushima Radiation Creeping Towards US West Coast

*Video - *What are the implications of Fukushima radiation approaching the
waters off the US West Coast?
The post Fukushima Radiation Creeping Towards US West Coast appeared first
on Waking Times.
Watch Unspoken Words 2014 Full Movie Online

*Unspoken Words (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 7.4
Release : 05 May 2014
Duration : 125 min
Genre : Action, Drama
Director : Henderson Maddox
Writer : Henderson Maddox
Cast : Ajiona Alexus, Hannah Marie Bailey, Detra Bickerstaff, Terry Bookhart
Synopsis Unspoken WordsBorn into the world as an orphan, Dante Jordan has
all odds against him. His life was destined for despair, living in a group
home with an abusive foster mother. Dante had a dream that leads him on a
journey. Along the way he finds a love for slam poetry. Poetry develops his
voice. He also finds himself in a... more »
Security in an Open Society - by DCI William E. Colby, Address to the NSA, 1973

*William E. Colby*
Approved for release by NSA on 12-01-2011,
Transparency Case #3852
The following is an edited version of the address given in the NSA
Auditorium in November as the feature of Security Week 1973.
Good morning ladies and gentlemen.. It is a real pleasure to be be here.
When I assumed this new post I made a talk to some of our people at CIA and
others from the community and I made the point that my appointment by the
President and my confirmation by the Senate was an appointment of the
intelligence profession, not a personal thing, and that it was a mark of
... more »
Watch American Weapon Full Movie 2014 Streaming

*American Weapon (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 2.8
Release : 01 Mar 2014
Duration : N/A
Genre : Horror, Thriller
Director : Cliff Vasko
Writer : Cliff Vasko
Cast : Amin Joseph, Maria-Elena Laas, Benjamin Mouton, Nika Williams
Synopsis American WeaponThe story of six beautiful travelers who head to
the mountains for a getaway weekend, only to be terrorized by a homicidal
war veteran, who has been programmed to kill without remorse.
Description American Weapon
American Weapon Trailer on Youtube
*Watch American Weapon Full Movie*
Search Result Related American Weapon
METRO | Lamar W. Hankins : The failure of Greg Abbott’s best arguments against marriage equality
It appears that the issue of marriage equality is less a matter of
partisanship than it is of pandering to the religious right. By Lamar W.
Hankins | The Rag Blog | November 2, 2014 Most lawyers are embarrassed to …
finish reading *METRO* | Lamar W. Hankins : The failure of Greg Abbott’s
best arguments against marriage equality
Saudi Scholar Sami Habib: Israel Is Responsible for 9/11
At least some of the scholars in Saudi Arabia are waking up and challenging
the official 9/11 narrative. This is good to see. It shows that they are
not completely brainless. Hope it is a sign of things to come. It is about
time that some of the brighter minds in Saudi Arabia are beginning to
reexamine 9/11 and Israel's participation in that crime.
Of course, it is a mistake to view Israel as responsible for all of the
crises, injustices, and problems of the Muslim world, that's absurd, but
there is no question that it played a big role in the 9/11 attacks that led
to the criminal i... more »
“Keeping Our Minds Supple: Questioning Everything”
*“Keeping Our Minds Supple: Questioning Everything”*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
“Being open-minded means that we are willing to question everything,
including those things we take for granted. A lot of people feel threatened
if they feel they are being asked to question their cherished beliefs or
their perception of reality. Yet questioning is what keeps our minds supple
and strong. Simply settling on one way of seeing things and refusing to be
open to other possibilities makes the mind rigid and generally creates a
restrictive and uncomfortable atmosphere. We all know someone w... more »
Some Comedy

*Dogs on bike paths *sigh**
This is an actual news report of an actual upcoming event:
In order to provide people of foreign nationalities in Taiwan with the best
tax experience and to prevent false receipts or unidentified sources of
information, the National Taxation Bureau (NTB) of Taipei, Ministry of
Finance (財政部臺北國稅局) is holding a talent show to promote taxation awareness
on Nov. 9 in Daan Park at 1:30 p.m.
*The Ministry of Finance invites foreigners over 14 years of age who are
not native speakers of Mandarin to come and give performances related to
paying taxes, all in Mand... more »
"Time goes, you say? Ah, no! Alas, time stays, we go."
- Henry Austin Dobson
Simon & Garfunkel, "A Hazy Shade Of Winter"
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnZdlhUDEJo
The Saker Podcast No1
The Saker Podcast No1
* Don't Miss.....* *Ebola Today: WHO adopted a Global Vaccine Plan 2012*
"In The Middle Of Here And Now..."
"If our friendship depends on things like space and time, then when we
finally overcome space and time, we've destroyed our own brotherhood! But
overcome space, and all we have left is Here. Overcome time, and all we
have left is Now. And in the middle of Here and Now, don't you think that
we might see each other once or twice?"
- Richard Bach,
"Jonathan Livingston Seagull"
"In The Time Of Your Life..."
"In the time of your life, live - so that in good time there shall be no
ugliness or death for yourself or for any life your life touches. Seek
goodness everywhere, and when it is found, bring it out of its hiding-place
and let it be free and unashamed. Place in matter and in flesh the least of
the values, for these are things that hold death and must pass away.
Discover in all things that which shines and is beyond corruption.
Encourage virtue in whatever heart it may have been driven into secrecy and
sorrow by the shame and terror of the world. Ignore the obvious, for it is
unwor... more »
Kahlil Gibran, "The Prophet, On Time"
*"On Time"*
"And an astronomer said, "Master, what of Time?"
And he answered: "You would measure time the measureless and the
You would adjust your conduct and even direct the course of
your spirit according to hours and seasons.
Of time you would make a stream upon whose bank you would sit and watch its
Yet the timeless in you is aware of life's timelessness,
And knows that yesterday is but today's memory and tomorrow is today's
And that which sings and contemplates in you is still dwelling within the
bounds of that first moment which scattere... more »
"Time Travel In The Brain"
*"Time Travel In The Brain"*
by Daniel Gilbert & Randy Buckner
“What are you doing when you aren’t doing anything at all? If you said
“nothing,” then you have just passed a test in logic and flunked a test in
neuroscience. When people perform mental tasks—adding numbers, comparing
shapes, identifying faces—different areas of their brains become active,
and brain scans show these active areas as brightly colored squares on an
otherwise dull gray background. But researchers have recently discovered
that when these areas of our brains light up, other areas go dark. This
dark network (... more »
The Complete Washingtonization Of Politics

This election cycle should serve as a case study in how not to run the
DCCC. We've been referring to it as The Steve Israel Effect but, even if
Israel is the worst practitioner ever, the DCCC's inability to do its job
predated Israel for as long as anyone alive can remember. This goes beyond
spending $4,000,000 in a blue-leaning New York City district for a recruit
so unattractive that he could lose in a landslide to a Mafia thug with 20
criminal indictments. The story, or a version of it, can be told in any
district in the country that Steve Israel stuck his nose into.
As an exam... more »
Top 12 Reasons for Charter School Support
1) Charter schools allow corporate foundations and billionaires to impose a
draconisn kind of paternalism on economically disadvantaged children who
are thought to be in need of cultural and moral repair.
2) Charter schools allow for the imposition of schedules, curriculums, and
behavioral control techniques that are not subject to public scrutiny.
3) Charter schools are cheaper because they reduce teacher salaries, health
benefits, learning materials, and retirement plans.
4) Charter schools make it easier to segregate schools based on race,
economics, gender, and ability.
5) Char... more »
“Time, Person, Year, Way...”
*“Time, Person, Year, Way...”*
by Chet Raymo
“According to the Concise Oxford English Dictionary, the 25 most used nouns
in the English language are: time, person, year, way, day, thing, man,
world, life, hand, part, child, eye, woman, place, work, week, case, point,
government, company, number, group, problem, fact.
All very prosaic. Very workaday. Time leads the way, with year, day and
week bucking up the calendar. Hand takes precedence over eye. Man, child,
woman in her place. Case in point: government and company. Problem precedes
fact. Work is always with us, of course; play i... more »
Crisis Pregnancy Centres in Canada: Now with Ultrasound Machines
Doing some research for our ongoing series on public funding of crisis
pregnancy centres (Part 1 and Part 2), I ran across some information about
ultrasounds in Canadian fake clinics.
First, regular readers know that DJ! has a fascination for the fetus
fetishists' um, fetish for ultrasounds used to somehow magically connect
abortion-minded women to their blobs and immediately reverse any desire for
In the US, the fancy-dress army of the Vatican Taliban, aka the Knights of
Columbus, has a huge fundraising project to buy the machines for as many
fake clinics as t... more »
Musings On Iraq In The News
I was quoted in “The Plight Of The Yazidis *Still* Isn’t Over, Ctd,” in
Andrew Sullivan’s Daily Dish. My article on Iraq finally getting rid of its
fake bomb detectors was republished in Al Mada.

*The resurrection of Eisenhower's lost Columbine** Two** is somewhat
parallel to his almost forgotten presidential farewell speech of 1961 where
he prophetically warned of the dangers of **an out of control**
Military-Industrial complex which he **helped **create and we are now**
directly** experiencin**g** 53 years later: Allen L Roland, Ph.D*
*"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of
unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military
industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced
power exists and will persi... more »
Watch Swelter Full Movie 2014 Streaming

*Swelter (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : R
Score : 4.5
Release : 22 May 2014
Duration : 83 min
Genre : Action, Drama, Thriller
Director : Keith Parmer
Writer : Keith Parmer
Cast : Jean-Claude Van Damme, Mindy Robinson, Josh Henderson, Alfred Molina
Synopsis SwelterIn the vein of the brutal heist drama Reservoir Dogs, the
modern crime thriller A History of Violence, and the classic western High
Plains Drifter, SWELTER is a violent story of greed and retribution.
Description SwelterSwelter Blu-ray despite stunning video and audio falls
short as a Blu-ray release In the vein of the bruta... more »
Advice for a Junior Colleague
What kinds of advice do you give junior colleagues early on as they think
about what it takes to get tenure and promotion? With some new colleagues,
I’ve been giving that some thought based on my own pretty recent
experience. Obviously, some guidance is institution-specific, and I have a
fairly idiosyncratic circumstance in a policy
Continue reading
Ebola Today: WHO adopted a Global Vaccine Plan 2012
*Ebola : WHO Adopts Global Vaccine Plan*
I saved this from* 2012-* And, yes, it is relevant today. Why? Because it's
a plan. And the elites love when a plan comes together! *This long term
global vaccine plan *appears related to the hard sell campaign ,being
pushed via the media, regarding the situation in Africa. All the hype
around Ebola is looking more and more to be a blatant push for to promote a
vaccine as "SAVIOUR" in a classic, problem reaction, solution type scenario.
The article linked above is heavy on spin. The WHO can tell us whatever
they want about why they adopted ... more »
Our current world: Speaking of dumb and dumber...

*here's some prime examples.*
Skip the Sunday talking heads and take a gander at what we're really
dealing with in our degraded and degrading culture.
First up? Martha Coakley, who is running for governor of Massachusetts.
Does she actually make Wendy Davies, aka Abortion Barbie, sound smart?
Next up? Taylor Swift, a vacuous anorexic singer who needs auto-tune
because, contrary to what some people think, she can't sing...on pitch
anyway. And frankly, in my opinion, she's funny looking and would only be
attractive to a man who likes adolescent girls.
Taylor has come out (F... more »
Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, November 2nd, 2014
[image: rant-jpeg-b]
Yes, it is Sunday, November 2nd, and time for my weekly rant… After
spending a week of coughing and almost hacking up a lung, it is good to be
back and tearing up the Jew spew media to shreds as usual….
Honestly, I do hate being sick… I really did not enjoy sitting laid up in a
bed and not able to access a computer for several days due to my personal
doctor's orders (she is a darling though)…..I left it up to Whitewraithe
and others to cover what the hell was going on in my absence. Being
finally able to get online as of today, I found that nothing has changed,... more »
Watch The Imitation Game 2014 Full Movie Online

*The Imitation Game (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : PG-13
Score : 8.9
Release : 21 Nov 2014
Duration : 113 min
Genre : Biography, Drama, Thriller
Director : Morten Tyldum
Writer : Andrew Hodges (book), Graham Moore (screenplay)
Cast : Benedict Cumberbatch, Keira Knightley, Matthew Goode, Mark Strong
Synopsis The Imitation GameBased on the real life story of legendary
cryptanalyst Alan Turing, the film portrays the nail-biting race against
time by Turing and his brilliant team of code-breakers at Britain's
top-secret Government Code and Cypher School at Bletchley Park, during the
dark... more »
Cut Off from Nature
Sacred Economics traces the history of money from ancient gift economies to
modern capitalism, revealing how the money system has contributed to
alienation, competition, and scarcity, destroyed community, and
necessitated endless growth.
Today, these trends have reached their extreme - but in the wake of their
collapse, we may find great opportunity to transition to a more connected,
ecological, and sustainable way of being.
Watch The Mend 2014 Full Movie Online

*The Mend (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 7.1
Release : 09 Mar 2014
Duration : 111 min
Genre : Comedy, Drama
Director : John Magary
Writer : John Magary (screenplay), John Magary (story), Russell Harbaugh
(story), Myna Joseph (story), John Magary
Cast : Josh Lucas, Stephen Plunkett, Lucy Owen, Cory Nichols
Synopsis The MendA comic drama about rage, doubt, lust, madness, and other
brotherly hand-me-downs.
Description The MendThis year's Move It Week had a globetrotting theme and
gave families across the UK the chance to get active and be inspired with
food, sport and activ... more »
IPR and Medicines 30: R&D and Innovator Companies

Interesting data here. Out of the top 10 biggest firms in the world in
terms of R&D spending, five are pharma (Roche, Novartis, Merck, Pfizer,
J&J), three are IT (Samsung, Intel, Microsoft), and two are automobile
firms ((Volkswagen, Toyota). Latest data March 2014.
Source: Raconteur, Intellectual Property 2014
But in terms of top 10 firms in terms of number of patents held, zero from
pharma, almost all of them are IT companies.
From this article:
*"It’s estimated that currently up to 80 per cent of stock market values
are based on intangible assets. This compares to just 20 pe... more »
Watch Girls! 7 Nin No Idol the Movie 2014 Full Movie Online

* Girls! 7 Nin No Idol the Movie (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 5.9
Release : 10 Jan 2014
Duration : 53 min
Genre : Animation
Director : Yutaka Yamamoto
Writer : Hiroshi Yamamoto (original story), Touko Machida (screenplay)
Cast : Yoshino Aoyama, Shintaro Asanuma, Kaori Fukuhara, Kana Hanazawa
Synopsis Girls! 7 Nin No Idol the MovieN/A
Description Girls! 7 Nin No Idol the MovieThis site uses cookies and by
using the site you are consenting to this. Find out why we use cookies and
how to manage your settings here.,GET INFORMED. Industry information at
your fingertips. GET ... more »
His Penultimate Hurrah

You knew this was coming. President Obama, according to the political
celebrity-focused pundit class, will be faced with a theatrical conundrum
after midterm elections. He must either continue pretending to
ineffectually despise Republicans while pleading for ineffectual
legislation like the $10.10 minimum wage. Or, he can finally drop the
pretense and reprise 2011, venturing even more boldly out of his right-wing
closet to give John Boehner 99.999% of what he wants, to save Hillary the
trouble and precious political capital.
Freed from the chore of grubbing money from Wall Street ... more »
Speaking of time management, what did you do with the hour you got back from DST? (Including my favorite story about DST "fallback" day)

*DILBERT by Scott Adams*
*Did it ever occur to you that salad tongs might be useful for those of us
with, er, time-management issues.*
*by Ken*
I don't know how you feel about your time management, but I always have the
feeling mine sucks, and on an especially hectic weekend (in the space of
not much more than 24 hours three walking tours in three different boroughs
of NYC plus a performance of *Ruddigore* plus maybe a few hours' sleep) it
was a blessed relief when I remembered that this was the night when we set
the clocks back to end daylight savings time. (You know,... more »
U.S. DoD to give $100k to Israeli "Homeland Security" start-up

A popular online Israeli daily newspaper recently published an article
further bolstering *an argument* I have *been making* on this blog for
quite some time now: namely, that the entire "Homeland Security" industry
is an Israeli racket. The article, appearing in *The Times of Israel*,
highlighted a U.S. Department of Defense contest in which $100,000 would be
given to an Israeli start-up technology firm specializing in "Homeland
Security"-related services and technologies.
Israel-US relations may be at a low point, but *the US Department of
Defense is so sure that the next big home... more »
Money, Money, Money, Money

[image: Picture]
There is a sense of foreboding approaching as we begin November and it is
escalating. This, a result of the observance and subsequent prediction of
world events. Keep in mind always that the whole notion of “future” is a
fallacy. *All is now.* In every now moment you retain creative control.
Your actions, your thoughts, your words, your writing and your choice of
watching/reading material are formative. You are not only an observer of
world events – but a creator of them. There are no small actions, no
“lesser” participants. The multimillion dollar propaganda machi... more »
Bibi crashes 9/11 plane into grassy knoll
Israeli PM Benyamin “Bibi” Netanyahu is suddenly embroiled in controversy –
over the two biggest unsolved murder cases in American history. First, a
cartoon in Haaretz, Israel’s liberal flagship newspaper, depicts Netanyahu
as a kamikaze pilot flying a jetliner into the World Trade Center. Then
Netanyahu, angered at being called a “chickenshit,” snarls out a threat to
Obama referencing the famous Grassy Knoll from whence JFK’s brains were
blown out.
What's up with that?
Full article: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2014/11/02/bibi911knoll/
[image: CArtoon-main][image: CArtoon-main]
Letter from Managua: Streets with no names
I got used to the lack of addresses in Copan Ruinas, Honduras. We told
people we lived in the Casa de Jorge Ramos on Calle Independencia. They
usually knew where I meant.
But Managua has upped the game, shunning not only addresses but street
names. Beyond a handful of main highways, streets have no names. Finding
your way around a city of 2.4 million people without any street names or
addresses is like some kind of strange experiment in ingenuity.Alexis
Arguello statue
- just walk west
Cuso International’s business cards and letterhead do not have an address
for the Managua office, ... more »
T & W, Inc. Engaged in Racial Profiling Program in Huntsville
Raw Story reports that a shadowy outfit in Huntsville, Alabama, T & W,
Inc., has been identified as the company in charge of a student spying
program paid for by the Huntsville City Schools:
Huntsville City Schools (HCS) paid a former Federal Bureau of
Investigations agent $157,000 to direct security last year, but critics
contend that the system he implemented is designed to monitor the social
media activity of black students, according to AL.com.
Chris McRae, the agent in question, was brought in to oversee the Students
Against Fear (SAFe) program, which works by allowing students... more »
*Halloween continues to boost New Orleans local economy ~WWLTV*
*Louisiana officials permanently halt transportation of Ebola waste to
landfill ~WDSU*
*Nerd heaven: Tubby & Coo's Mid-City Book Shop in New Orleans ~Mary Beth
Magee, Examiner*
*Voodoo Today!*
Testing and monitoring in Kindergarten
The picture in this article about new testing protocols for Kindergartners
in MD reminds me of this memorable exchange from Shawshank Redemption: Red:
Rehabilitated? Well, now let me see. You know, I don’t have any idea what
that means. 1967 Parole Hearings Man: Well, it means that you’re ready to
rejoin society… Red: I know […]
Change Comes Slow

It's snowing outside
not normal
snow usually
after Thanksgiving
it's the change
coming our way
things not finished
with the garden
nor putting away
everything in the yard
leaves not all raked
hunkered in
wood fire
more doors closed
keep heat in kitchen
community room
go inside
and ponder
the deepest
healing comes
change comes
too slow

Misprision: treasonous failure to report a crime
Silver maple, western New Jersey, November 1, 2014
This morning, courtesy of the unfailing source of the fascinating and
obscure -synthetic_zero blog, I watched a lecture by Claire Colebrook. A
professor at Penn State, she is the author of *Death of the Post-Human:
Essays on Extinction, Volume I*. I haven’t read it yet, but considering
the description, I certainly will, especially because it is available for
free online:
“Death of the PostHuman undertakes a series of critical encounters with the
legacy of what had come to be known... more »
Arne Duncan on pre-school and, umm, “cultural hesitation.”
Here: Education Secretary Arne Duncan said Wednesday that “cultural
hesitation” makes it more difficult for some Hispanic parents to want to
enroll their children in public pre-school programs because of their
preference for family and friends. And: “Two different challenges that I
think we have to face,” Duncan said. “One that [HHS Secretary] Kathy
[Sebelius] […]
Editor's Note
I am finishing up on a project right now. Blogging will return to normal
late tonight.
Comforting The Rich

Stephen Harper revealed his income splitting plan last week. It's classical
Conservative policy. Comfort the rich, they say, and everyone else will
benefit. Scott Clark and Peter Devries write:
According to the Harper government, income-splitting will cost Ottawa $2.4
billion 2014-15 and $1.9 billion in 2015-16. That’s an awful lot of revenue
to give up just to make a small group of well-heeled taxpayers happy. Why
do these households deserve a deep tax break more than the vast majority of
Canadian taxpa... more »
The "World Community's" Hypocrisy About the Ukraine
Here's a headline from CBC News: "Ukraine rebels hold election despite
international outcry." The "international community" in this instance
appears to be the USA (the country that funded the fascist coup d'etat in
the Ukraine and then recognized the plotters as the legitimate government
of the Ukraine), the USA's tame poodles in the EU, and the United Nations,
which appears to be only the compliant Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. (I
suppose the cowardly boot-licking stephen harper and his boorish foreign
minister john baird could also be found crying about this.)
Here's the thing; P... more »
Casualty of War?
This week has seen a multitude of individuals expressing concern that the
Harper Regime will use the so called “terrorist attack” upon parliament to
further increase the ability of the RCMP and CSIS to investigate Canadian
citizens whilst reducing the already minimal oversight over their
There is little doubt that any country must protect its citizens,
infrastructure and institutions from those who would use violence and
destruction for whatever reason. To do so without restraints, without
recourse for the accused or without checks upon those charged with this
power is ... more »
Learning The Psychology of Self-Motivation

*Video - *A TEDx Talk on how to achieve self-motivation which can lead to
finding the real meaning in our lives.
The post Learning The Psychology of Self-Motivation appeared first on Waking
*Low income British pupils to leap admission queue as ministers tear up
rules forbidding selection on basis of family finance *
Poor pupils will be allowed to jump the queue for places at all primary and
secondary schools in England, the Government has confirmed. Ministers have
torn up admission rules that forbid selection on the basis of family
This will let state schools give low income youngsters top priority in
return for extra cash as part of a flagship policy by Liberal Democrat
leader Nick Clegg.
The shake-up comes despite critics warning of ‘large numbers of ch... more »
*2014 Won’t Be Warmest Year*
*And what do a few hundredths of a degree matter anyway? That's the
quantum of the differences between years this century. And across the
entire thermometer record the differences are only in tenths of a degree
Contrary to projections made by environmental journalist Seth Borenstein in
a widely reprinted article, 2014 will not be the hottest year on record.
Based on average surface temperature data for January–September 2014,
Borenstein said the year is on pace to be the warmest in the modern
instrumental record. He’ll be proven wrong.
Dr.... more »
Right Judgement - The Wisdom Of Rudolf Steiner

[image: Sunday Right Judgment 5 x 7]
*Source:Notes Along The Path Blog*
MIF or Magic Intel Face - OMOTE - Moving Digital Makeup Projected in Real Time
The OMOTE project is a collaboration between a group of engineers, artists,
and other creative types that allows for real-time 3D mapping of a human
OMOTE is a proof of concept at this point, but the possibilities are
scintillating. Real-time 3D mapping and facial projection could make for
some killer Halloween costumes and, if the projectors could be made small
and nimble enough, even stage makeup Covert Operative Disguises.
10 Shocking Facts About Factory Farmed Animals
*Infographic - *Some solid reasons to boycott factory farmed meats and
start buying local.
The post 10 Shocking Facts About Factory Farmed Animals appeared first on Waking
Arcturian Transmissions to Our Inter-Galactic Emissaries. Part 4 – Flashing Into Lightbody

*Arcturian Transmissions to Our Inter-Galactic Emissaries. Part 4 –
Flashing into Lightbody*
Channelled by Suzanne Lie
October 31, 2014
There is a lower frequency of Earth that Gaia will “let go” as She releases
her planetary body from the vast restrictions of the 3D Matrix. This Matrix
was created during the demise and fall of Atlantis when Earth was in danger
of total destruction. *The 3D Matrix served like a “net” to catch Earth as
it plummeted into lower and lower frequencies.*
*Unfortunately, the net that rescued Earth also entrapped Her. ... more »
former Lockheed Martin engineer Boyd Bushman - aliens are among us - UFOs are real
"Mike, if you're a proponent of the savage intel-game sponsored by Boyd
Bushman and the Area 51 cronies, why put it in the 'science fiction'
category?" you'll be askin'.
Well, alleged former Lockheed Martin and Texas Instruments engineer Boyd
Bushman makes quite an astounding series of claims in the following video,
with alleged photographs to back up his 'deathbed confession'...
- *'Quintonians' (the alien race) live for 200+ years *
- *they fly the 68 light years to Earth in 45 years*
- *they have heads-up displays in their UFOs*
Boyd doesn't say why they are interacti... more »
ISM'nt - the new Free Planet - campaign slogan

*new Free Planet campaign slogan.*
The idea of the ISMn't (new Free Planet campaign slogan) is to effectively
eradicate the collective dogma suffix ~ISM from our language.
ISMn't, it's like ISN'T except that it's not; but what is it?
I'll tell you what it ISMn't...
Anarchism, Agnosticism, Atheism, Buddhism, Christianity, Communism,
Conservatism, Darwinism, Deism, Environmentalism, Egalitarianism, Fascism,
Feminism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Liberalism, Marxism, Mormonism,
Nationalism, Pacifism, Sikhism, Socialism, Taoism, Zoroastrianism,
Zionism... *a non-exhaustive list*.
GET RI... more »
What We Know So Far About The J-20
Ahead of the Zhuhai air show, Aviation Week's International Defense Editor
Bill Sweetman talks to Defense Managing Editor Jen DiMascio about the J-20
Chinese fighter.
Navy’s pride HMS Queen Elizabeth ‘will depend on French’

[image: HMS Queen Elizabeth]The 65,000-tonne aircraft carrier, Britain’s
largest ever warship, was described as a “source of inspiration” by the
Queen when she christened the vessel at Rosyth, Scotland in July.
The ship is due to be launched in 2017, although delays are expected.
But for three years while her sister carrier the Prince of Wales is being
completed in Rosyth, there will be no dry dock large enough for Queen
Elizabeth if she needs underwater repairs.
Read more
J-31 could bring one-two punch to China's air power: expert

[image: J-31 Gyrfalcon]China's mysterious fifth-generation J-31 stealth
fighter jet, set to make its debut later this month, could form a lethal
tandem with the country's existing J-15 carrier-based fighter aircraft,
says a Chinese military expert.
The J-31, also known as "Gyrfalcon," or Falcon Hawk by some military
enthusiasts, is a twin-engine, mid-size fifth-generation jet fighter
currently under development by Shenyang Aircraft Corporation.
The jet, set to make its debut at the China International Aviation &
Aerospace Exhibition on Nov. 16, has already been seen performing test... more »
SA Government proposes ASC privatisation to keep submarine building program in Australia

[image: Collins class SSK]The South Australian Government has proposed the
privatisation of ASC, a naval shipbuilding company based near Port Adelaide.
It made the submission to the Commonwealth's Defence White Paper as "one
possible" solution for the Federal Government to consider.
The ASC is owned by the Commonwealth and built the existing Collins Class
Read more
NATO’s Bold Alligator mission begins off north American coast
NATO has launched Bold Alligator, a major military exercise off the north
American coast.
Some 8,000 soldiers and sailors from 19 countries are taking part in the
amphibious landing training mission. The aim is to improve combat
flexibility amid rising global threat levels.
Dutch Commodore Rob Kramer, Commander of Bold Alligator coalition forces:
“It’s clear that we live in a very dynamic world, we have got to be ready
for everything. That’s what we are doing here and if need be and called
upon, we are ready for it.”
Read more
N. Korea launches ballistic missile submarine: gov't sources

[image: Project 629A (Golf II) class SSK]North Korea has launched a new
submarine capable of firing ballistic missiles, military and government
sources in Seoul said Sunday, raising further concerns over the North's
evolving missile and nuclear threats.
The communist country "imported a Soviet-era Golf-class diesel submarine
and modified it," a government source said on condition of anonymity. The
Soviet vessel was built in 1958 and decommissioned in 1990.
"The new submarine is 67 meters long with a beam of 6.6 meters, and has a
dived displacement in the 3,000-ton range," the source... more »
India alarmed over Sri Lanka opening port for Chinese nuclear submarine again

[image: Type 094 (Jin) class SSBN]India has taken seriously the reports
that Sri Lanka has permitted another Chinese attack submarine to dock at a
Lankan port.
According to some media reports, the second docking may soon take place.
The presence of Chinese submarines across Palk Straits has troubled the
Indian government which is making another call to Lankan authorities but
this time they want to convey strong displeasure. This news came as a shock
for the government right after the Chinese submarine docking in Sri Lanka
was brought days after the visit of Vietnam PM Nguyen Tan Dun... more »
Republicans Are People Too-- Or So They Once Claimed On The TV

This week Rand Paul took a lot of heat for saying aloud something that
everyone already knows: the GOP Brand sucks. Speaking in Detroit, Paul
said, "Remember Domino's Pizza? They admitted, 'Hey, our pizza crust
sucks.' The Republican Party brand sucks and so people don't want to be a
Republican and for 80 years, African-Americans have had nothing to do with
OK, he has a point, but is it really the Republican Party that
African-Americans are so wary of? Or is it the toxic conservative ideology
that the party embraces? And that conservative ideology isn't owned solely ... more »
How a paper about dark matter interactions got misrepresented
*A potential deviation from ΛCDM described via "eating"*
At least sixteen news outlets ran stories about "dark energy that is
devouring dark matter" in recent two days. I think that the journalists
started with a University of Portsmouth press release that described the
recent publication of a British-Italian paper in Physical Review Letters.
The article by Salvatelli and 4 co-authors has been available since June:
Indications of a late-time interaction in the dark sector (arXiv)
It has 6 pages, 6 figures. As of today, it has only collected 2 citations
but it's an OK paper, I think.... more »
Weingarten Tries to Steer New York Voters Toward Cuomo
We are nearing the Eleventh Hour for our November 4th elections, and I
wondered if Weingarten would pull another backdoor, pro-Cuomo robocall. I’m
still watching for it. After all, it is only November 1st. What Weingarten
is doing is excusing New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s October 29, 2014,
statement about New York’s public schools as being a […]
Navajo and Hopi governments release statements on sheep impoundments
Nation demands halt to livestock impoundment on Hopi Partitioned Lands
Navajo Nation press statement Oct. 30, 2014
Published at Censored News
President Ben Shelly and Speaker Pro Tem LoRenzo Bates are demanding
that the Hopi Tribe and the Bureau of Indian Affairs cooperate with a
request issued by the Navajo-Hopi Land Commission Office to cease and
desist from ongoing impoundment
Dirty Money, Dirty Water: Nature Conservancy teams up with Big Oil and Wal-Mart
of lower San Joaquin River on the "Delta Loop" by Dan Bacher
By Dan Bacher
Censored News
Good Morning
Below are my latest three articles, all about the big corporate money
behind Prop. 1, Governor Jerry Brown's Water Bond.
If you every had any doubts that the political process in California
wasn't completely corrupt and driven by big money, please read the
following articles about
Watch Demon Legacy Full Movie 2014 Streaming

*Demon Legacy (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 3.3
Release : 19 May 2014
Duration : 93 min
Genre : Horror
Director : Rand Vossler
Writer : Tracy Morse (based on an original screenplay by)
Cast : Matthew Currie Holmes, AnnaMaria Demara, Eileen Dietz, Angelina
Synopsis Demon LegacyIn a remote mountain lodge, five sorority sisters
accidentally unleash an unholy entity, and must battle evil and each other
to stop it from devouring mankind.
Description Demon LegacyPound Pup Legacy is an informational resource that
advocates the needs of children in the child placeme... more »
Watch Mahogany Sunrise 2014 Full Movie Online

*Mahogany Sunrise (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 7.8
Release : 05 Apr 2014
Duration : 102 min
Genre : Adventure, Crime, Drama
Director : R. Scott Leisk
Writer : R. Scott Leisk
Cast : Wesley Blake, Denise Downs, Jesse Campos, Drew Whelpley
Synopsis Mahogany SunriseAfter being sent to a border town for work,
Jackson a disheartened IT guy who longs to be a musician, stumbles upon a
stash of loot. Thinking he's hit the jackpot he takes it but soon learns
that his new found fortune comes with a price as he finds himself on the
run from two ruthless hitmen. He later meets and ... more »
Video Etta Begay speaks on rangers impounding her sheep
Mesa Indigenous Support
Statement of Etta Begay of Red Willow Springs re: the recent livestock
impoundments at her homesite.
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The Evil State Of Jewish Statism
**I am still doing some catching up… I have been basically out of
commission for almost a full week, with plenty of articles that have been
sitting in my blog that I was ready to post but just needed some final
touches… The following is definitely a great one that everyone should
especially read… NTS*
Periodically, a great article surfaces that everyone should read, and heed
its words… One such article comes from a writer over at "The Rebel" at
www.therebel.org, named "Yukon Jack". It is entitled: "The Evil State Of
Jewish Statism" and is a must read by everyone… I have it right ... more »
Israel DID 9-11: Jewish Reporter Uses Cartoon To Show Israel's Involvement In The 9/11 False Flag Attack!
Israel absolutely did the attacks of September 11th, 2001 that killed some
3000 innocent American citizens and plunged the United States into the
fraudulent "war on terror". It is so amazing that some 13+ years since
that fateful day that so many Americans and even those living outside of
the United States just do not see that as absolutely the truth. It shows
again the intense power these criminal psychopathic Jews have over the
world's governments, and especially our BS media…
I want to present a great article here for my own readers to read for
themselves that comes from Greg... more »
Domestic Spying Advocate And Fake Democrat Adam Schiff Has An Opponent-- Meet Steve Stokes

Voters in Hollywood, Glendale, Silverlake and Burbank have a choice--
Schiff is the CIA corporate candidate and Stokes is the grassroots
Adam Schiff, a conservative Blue Dog and New Dem with a Military Industrial
Complex complex, is a bad fit for his new district, which saw much of its
more conservative-leaning areas in the eastern third of the district,
including most of Pasadena, South Pasadena, San Marino, Alhambra and
Altadena, shaved off and put into Judy Chu's district. Schiff's district
moved west and south to include Los Feliz, Silverlake, Hollywood and West
Holl... more »
Musical Interlude: Vangelis, “Hymn”
Vangelis, “Hymn”
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DB7fnZ-AQNE
Free Downloads: Orison Swett Marden, “The Joys of Living”
*“The Joys of Living”*
by Orison Swett Marden
“Resolve every morning that you will get the most out of that day, not of
some day in the future, when you are better off, when you have a family,
when your children are grown up, when you have overcome your difficulties.
You never will overcome them all. You will never be able to eliminate all
the things which annoy, trouble, and cause friction in your life. You will
never get rid of all the little enemies of your happiness, the hundred and
one little annoyances, but you can make the most of things as they are.
The reason why our liv... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Sprawling across almost 200 light-years, emission nebula IC 1805 is a mix
of glowing interstellar gas and dark dust clouds. Derived from its
Valentine's-Day-approved shape, its nickname is the Heart Nebula. About
7,500 light-years away in the Perseus spiral arm of our galaxy, stars were
born in IC 1805. In fact, near the cosmic heart's center are the massive
hot stars of a newborn star cluster also known as Melotte 15, about 1.5
million years young.
*Click image for larger size.*
A little ironically, the Heart Nebula is located in the constellation of
the mythical Queen of Aethiopi... more »
3D Printing and the Age of Disruption

*November 2, 2014* (Tony Cartalucci - LocalOrg) - Disruptive technology is
that which overturns an industry unable to adapt or evolve to meet
competition enabled by a technological edge. This has occurred across
various media industries - from the newspaper to large network news
channels, to music and movie producers - the dropping cost of entering the
market and competing either directly or by undermining previously
monopolized channels of distribution have challenged special interests'
grip on information.
Many have predicted such a disruption across other industries beyond the
d... more »
"The World..."
"The world is your exercise-book,
the pages on which you do your sums.
It is not reality,
although you can express reality there if you wish.
You are also free to write nonsense, or lies,
or to tear the pages."
- Richard Bach, "Illusions"
Friday Nerd Blogging: Belated Halloween Edition
I have fallen behind in my Friday Nerd Blogging contributions, so I have
this belated Halloween video:
"Fortune’s Fools"
*"Fortune’s Fools"*
by Phil Rockstroh
“Sometimes you have to play a long time to be able to play like yourself.”
— Miles Davis
"As a general rule, musicians, artists, and writers, as well as those
possessed of an ardor for self-awareness and a commitment to political
activism have been advised to avoid a habitual retreat to comfort zones…to
take note of the criteria that causes one’s pulse to quicken, brings flop
sweat to the brow, causes sphincters to seize up, and delivers
mortification to the mind. In order to quicken imagination and avoid
banality, it is imperative to explore... more »
“What Is Perhaps the Most Powerful Word in the English Language?”
*“What Is Perhaps the Most Powerful Word in the English Language?”*
by Michael S. Broder, Ph.D.
“I'll spare you the tease. That word is "no"!
The ability to be assertive and say "no" is a communication skill we all
learn at a very young age. If you're a parent, you know better than anyone
that once this word enters a child's vocabulary it's used very often.
However, as an adult, "no" is often much more difficult to say. As life
gets busier and obligations increase, the ability to say "no" is
increasingly important. If you can learn to assert yourself, it can be the
difference betwe... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Booneville, Mississippi, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
"Emotional Attacks: Choosing Not to Be a Target"
*"Emotional Attacks: Choosing Not to Be a Target"*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
"It is important to remember that if you are being attacked emotionally, it
is more than likely not about you at all. Hurtful confrontations often
leave us feeling drained and confused. When someone attacks us emotionally,
we may wonder what we did to rouse their anger, and we take their actions
personally. We may ask ourselves what we could have done to compel them to
behave or speak that way toward us. It’s important to remember that there
are no real targets in an emotional attack and that it is usu... more »
"The World Is Too Much With Us..."
"The world is too much with us; late and soon,
Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers:
Little we see in Nature that is ours;
We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon!"
- William Wordsworth, 1770- 1850
"A Message From 30,000 Years Ago"
Across 30,000 years of time the message is clear:
"I am human. I am here."
"Lascaux is a complex of caves in southwestern France famous for its cave
paintings. The original caves are located near the village of Montignac, in
the Dordogne departement. They contain some of the earliest known art,
dating back to somewhere between 13,000 and 15,000 BCE, or as far back as
25,000 BCE. The Upper Paleolithic cave paintings consist mostly of
realistic images of large animals procreating, including aurochs, most of
which are known from fossil evidence to have lived in the area at the time.... more »
Watch Electric Slide 2014 Full Movie Online

*Electric Slide (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : N/A
Score : 5.3
Release : 20 Nov 2014
Duration : 95 min
Genre : Action, Biography, Crime
Director : Tristan Patterson
Writer : Timothy Ford (article), Tristan Patterson (screenplay), Tristan
Cast : Patricia Arquette, Vinessa Shaw, Chloë Sevigny, Jim Sturgess
Synopsis Electric SlideIt's 1983 Los Angeles - beautiful girls, luxurious
mansions, glamorous parties and Eddie Dodson, a very hip, very charismatic
dealer of high-end antique furniture for the rich and famous. When Eddie
meets the cool and aloof Pauline, the attraction is... more »
Chet Raymo, "The Dark Cloths of Night"
*"The Dark Cloths of Night"*
by Chet Raymo
"For years I taught a general studies astronomy course for liberal arts
students. And often, when we reached the home galaxy, I asked, "How many of
you have seen the Milky Way?" The answer was usually one or two at most out
of a class of thirty. Which is no surprise. I can't see the Milky Way from
my neighborhood, which is about half-way between Boston, Massachusetts, and
Providence, Rhode Island. You'd have to live somewhere pretty far out in
the country to see the Milky Way from the eastern United States.
We first came to this little isl... more »
"Fight For Your Dreams..."
"The glory of the world is transitory, and we should not measure our
lives by it, but by the choice we make to follow our personal legend, to
in our utopias and to fight for our dreams. We are all protagonists of our
lives, and it is often the anonymous heroes who leave the deepest mark.”
- Paulo Coelho
Tax Cut 21: Taxation Without Income Discrimination

Reposting a nice article by a friend, Wan Saiful Wan Jan, CEO of the Institute
for Democracy and Economic Affairs (IDEAS) in Kuala Lumpur. Originally
posted in The Star and reposted in IDEAS website., October 28, 2014.
In my column two weeks ago, I wrote about how taxes are a form of coercion
by the government against the people. Since then, I received many comments
saying that it is not fair to blame Barisan Nasional for everything.
I want to start this column by clarifying again that when I use the word
‘government’ I do not refer to any political party. A government is... more »
Sodomy or BODOHMY
Written by Dean Johns, Nov 2, 2014.
Oh me, oh my. As you can plainly see from the title of this, my 384th piece
on perfidy of the BN regime, I’m finding it increasingly tough to find or
even fabricate appropriate words to decry and deride the activities of this
cabal of despicable crooks.
Because just as they seem to have gone as low as it’s possible to go, they
sink to depths that are even more difficult than ever to credit or
describe. Stopping at absolutely nothing in their project to pervert every
possible aspect of Malaysian life, from truth and justice to religion,
reason and ... more »
TV Watch: "Town to town, up and down the dial" -- welcome back, "WKRP in Cincinnati"!

*It looks like hell in this format, stretched and squashed into that tiny
screen, and the voices sound kind of peculiar too -- has the pitch somehow
dropped? Still, I think this may be my favorite WKRP episode: "Baby, It's
Cold Inside" (Season 3, Episode 8). On this frigid, heatless morning, the
station staff, which I describe below as "one of the great ensemble casts
in TV history," is thrown into confusion by the unexpected early-morning
appearance of Mrs. Carlson (Carol Bruce), media-mogul mother of station
manager Arthur "Big Guy" Carlson (Gordon Jump). Under the influence of wh... more »
Nov. 1: To the despair of my highland Scots ancestors....
....and the joy of my French Catholic ones, I read a newsletter from The
Vatican. It's called Catholic News; and it carries a story of a talk given
by Pope Francis to a convention of social activists. And it is brilliant. I
recommend everyone read it. It's at
He urged his audience to struggle against the structural causes of poverty
and inequality - lack of work, denial of social and labour rights, and the
"empire of money". He said that financial speculation on food prices is to
blame for the starvation of millions around the world.... more »
Changing the Student Lending Industry

*Film - *Story of borrowers from different backgrounds affected by the
student lending and their struggles to change the system.
The post Changing the Student Lending Industry appeared first on Waking
Watch The Good Lie 2014 Full Movie Online

*The Good Lie (2014)*
Year : 2014
Rating : PG-13
Score : 7.1
Release : 03 Oct 2014
Duration : 110 min
Genre : Drama
Director : Philippe Falardeau
Writer : Margaret Nagle
Cast : Reese Witherspoon, Arnold Oceng, Ger Duany, Emmanuel Jal
Synopsis The Good LieSudanese refugees given the chance to resettle in
America arrive in Kansas, where their encounter with employment agency
counselor forever changes all of their lives.
Description The Good LieFrom thanking your grandmother profusely for an
awkward gift to telling a work friend that her less-than-sparkling
presentation was fantastic... more »
Washington Bullies Hungary to prevent it from choosing it's own way...
ZAGREB/BUDAPEST, Oct 31 (Reuters) - The United States is* mounting a
diplomatic offensive *to stop Hungary selling a stake in a Croatian energy
firm to Russia, part of what Western powers see as Budapest's dangerous
drift into Moscow's orbit.
The U.S. government has already taken the *highly unusual step* of*
blacklisting *six people with ties to the government in Hungary, a NATO
ally and European Union member, from entering the United States, accusing
them of involvement in corruption.
Highly unusual? The US blacklisting people is pretty much the norm.
*U.S. officials say tha... more »
This Drug is FDA Approved but Has an Appalling Safety Record
*Dr. Mercola - *Fluoroquinolones are among the most dangerous FDA-approved
drugs on the market.
The post This Drug is FDA Approved but Has an Appalling Safety Record
appeared first on Waking Times.
Watch Wake Up 2014 Full Movie Online

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