12:06am MST
The Poet: Carl Sandburg, "What Shall He Tell That Son?"
"What Shall He Tell That Son?"
"A father sees a son nearing manhood.
What shall he tell that son?
'Life is hard; be steel; be a rock.'
And this might stand him for the storms
and serve him for humdrum and monotony
and guide him amid sudden betrayals
and tighten him for slack moments.
'Life is a soft loam; be gentle; go easy.'
And this too might serve him.
Brutes have been gentled where lashes failed.
The growth of a frail flower in a path up
has sometimes shattered and split a rock.
A tough will counts. So does desire.
So does a rich soft wanting.
Without rich wanting nothing arrives.
Tel... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Orlando, Florida, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
Chet Raymo, “In The Sweet By And By”
*“In The Sweet By And By”*
by Chet Raymo
“In the Bahamas there's a saying: Everbody wanna go to hebben, but nobody
wanna die. I suppose you could find the same expression anywhere in the
world. It's one of those universal axioms, a cognitive dissonance the human
species has learned to live with. We want to live forever, but there's
always that nagging fear that death is final. When someone comes along
promising eternal life, we are quick to jump on board, to buy into the
program, to make our Pascal's Wager with a generous tithe. The Keys of the
Kingdom have always been the ultimate... more »
"What is life? A madness. What is life? An illusion, a shadow, a story.
And the greatest good is little enough;
for all life is a dream, and dreams themselves are only dreams."
- Pedro Calderon de la Barca
Paulo Coelho, “The Black Man (A True Story)”
*“The Black Man (A True Story)”*
by Paulo Coelho
"We are at the restaurant of a German University. A red haired student, and
undeniably German, takes her tray and sits down at her table. She then
realizes she has forgotten her cutlery and gets up again to pick it up.
Coming back, she sees with astonishment that a black man, possibly
sub-Saharan by his appearance, is sitting there and is eating from her
tray. Straight away, the young woman feels lost and stressed, but
immediately changes her thought and presumes that the African is not
familiar with European customs concerning priva... more »
Will Harry Reid's Sell Out Of The Middle Class Help Solidify An Open Rebellion Caucus?

Trouble for America
John Nichols post-election piece for *The Nation*, Democrats: The Party of
Pablum, is pretty harsh... but completely on track, a track the geriatric,
sclerotic Democratic congressional leadership is now utterly incapable of
dealing with.
When Bernie Sanders gets to griping about the Democratic Party, which
happens frequently, he asks, “What does it stand for?” The independent
senator argues that, after years of sellouts and compromises on issues
ranging from trade policy to banking regulation, and especially after
letting campaign donors and consultants define i... more »
Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW) - What would you change?

Welcome to Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW)!
Wondering how to live greener? You've come to the right place. Each week we
challenge ourselves to try a new task ... or "amp up" something we're
already doing. We raise our awareness, learn from each other and develop
Eco-friendly skills which will improve our lives and protect our planet.
Doing so together gives us power ... the power to Change The World!
If this is your first visit, please click HERE for information and a
complete list of all the challenges we've taken on so far.
This post contains great information and I encourage ... more »

[image: Picture]
Today again my friends at BRAVE Mandala will explain the journey you'll
take with the Chak-dala above...
Todays Mandala is about Coherence. This quote was part of the inspiration
for it:
"The pollution of the planet is only an outward reflection of an inner
psychic pollution: millions of unconscious individuals not taking
responsibility for their inner space.”
Eckhart Tolle
2. Todays CHAK-dala is about Coherence. Being whole, undivided.
Bringing all our disparate and desperate thoughts into alignment with... more »
Federal Judge Blocks Review Of Alaska Mine's Impact On Salmon | ThinkProgress

*‘King Salmon’, United States, Alaska, Naknek, Bristol Bay, 2013. *
A federal judge has dealt a procedural blow to the EPA’s efforts to protect
a remote part of Alaska from the impacts of what could be the largest
copper and cold mine in North America. On Monday, Judge H. Russel Holland
of the U.S. District Court of Alaska issued a preliminary injunction in
favor the Pebble Mine’s efforts to block the EPA, thus preventing the EPA
from taking further steps in its Clean Water Act (CWA) review process.
Under section 404(c) of the CWA, the EPA has the authori... more »
"The Majority Of Us..."
"The majority of us lead quiet, unheralded lives as we pass through this
world. There will most likely be no ticker-tape parades for us, no
monuments created in our honor. But that does not lessen our possible
impact, for there are scores of people waiting for someone just like us to
come along; people who will appreciate our compassion, our unique talents.
Someone who will live a happier life merely because we took the time to
share what we had to give. Too often we underestimate the power of a touch,
a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the
smallest act... more »
"When We Don’t Take Action: The Effect of Not Doing"
*"When We Don’t Take Action: The Effect of Not Doing"*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
"Our actions shape our lives, but what we don't take action on can be just
as powerful. Life is sculpted on a moment-to-moment basis. Every one of the
thoughts we think, the words we speak, and the actions we take contributes
to the complex quality and character of the universe’s unfolding. It simply
is not possible to be alive without making an impact on the world that
surrounds us. Every action taken affects the whole as greatly as every
action not taken. And when it comes to making the world a b... more »
US Police Out of Control

*by Kevin Barrett, TruthJihad.com, first published in Farsi at Vatenemrooz
*[This was written before the Grand Jury decision and resulting protests in
Ferguson. I just discussed the Ferguson situation with Gordon Duff and
Richie Allen on Truth Jihad Radio.]*
The shootings of unarmed Missouri teenagers Michael Brown and Vonderitt
Myers Jr. have sparked huge protests and called attention to the systematic
abuse of African-Americans by police. But Brown and Myers are not the only
According to the FBI, at least 404 Americans were killed by police last
year. The rea... more »
Bahe: Keeping Legends Alive, Radio Show About October Sheep-Impoundments
"NaBahii Keediniihii"
Keeping Legends Alive, Radio Show About October Sheep-Impoundment
Greetings All,
40 years, I have lived and witness my Dineh community stand up for
liberation, honor the Treaty of 1868, honor their ancestors who have
fought against the colonial Spainards and Euro-Americans, honor the
Great Spirits of the Female Mountain (Big Mountain and Black Mesa),
"’Ullo, I recognise that ol’ leitmotif!"
When George Harrison was sued for plagiarising the Chiffons – when Men at
Work were sued for plagiarising the melody of a Boy Scout song – when Radiohead
are sued for plagiarising Albert Hammond, or Coldplay for plagiarising Joe
Satriani -- the common response is “Look, there are only so many musical
notes, chords and riffs that a person can string together into a song.”
But while that’s technically true, it’s practically just bollocks.
Because, *practically speaking*, the number of possible notes and chords
you can can combine together to form a melody is … well, *practically
in... more »
ADR Institute, Part 2

The newly-launched think tank, Albert Del Rosario Institute for Strategic
and International Studies (ADR Institute), held last Friday, November 21,
2014. The Board members, from left:
1. Benjamin Philip Romualdez, President of the Chamber of Mines of the
Philippines (COMP),
2. Victor Andres "Dindo" Manhit, Founder and Managing Director, Stratbase,
also Professor of Political Science, DLSU,
3. Manny V. Pangilinan, head of Metro Pacific Investments, Smart/PLDT,
Meralco, TV5, etc.,
4. Edgardo Lacson, honorary Chair of the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and
Industry (PCCI) and Presiden... more »
'Honoring Our Ancestors' Traditional Meal
Cu:k Ba'ak | Tohono O'odham
UnderGraduate | ASU | "I am Here To Change The World."
Upon suffering beyond suffering: the Red Nation shall rise again and it
shall be a blessing for a sick world. A world filled with broken
promises, selfishness and separations. A world longing for light again. I
see a time of Seven Generations when all the colors of mankind will
gather under the
This 3-Question Quiz Predicts Whether You Believe in God
To quote philosopher Stephen Hicks, this quiz is “fun [with an] intriguing
[image: image]
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
Of course there's no chance of any actual discussion about immigration

*From today's *Washington Post* "Tuesday's Opinions" e-mail*
*by Ken*
If I told you that I didn't bother to click through to the specimen of
op-ed illumination promised by the above e-blurb, and merely waved it at
you saying "See? See?," you would probably say, "Well, sure, that's dumber
than dirt, but it probably doesn't represent what that noted far-right-wing
sage Marc A. Thiessen really wrote or, you know, *oversimplifies* it." (As
if everything MAT writes didn't come to us presimplified down to the
single-cell-life-form level.)
So I clicked through, and you know what? What th... more »
Malaysian Flight 370 Updates ( November 25 , 2014 ) - Just won't fall off the radar , despite the best efforts to dustbin this unsolved mystery ....Emirates Chief Tim Clark speaks on Flight 370 .... One day debris will appear - that's what the experts say...... Official story under scrutiny.....
( Entire interview at the link.. )
The full transcript of German aviation journalist Andreas Spaeth's
interview with Emirates chief Sir Tim Clark.
*It's many months later and we know nothing about MH370, having disappeared
on March 8, 2014. What can be done?*
TIM CLARK: Malaysia Airlines 370 remains one of the great aviation
mysteries. Personally I have the concern that we will treat it like that
and move on, and it will go onto National Geographic as one of aviation's
g... more »
harper government's nuanced views on Nazism
Just when you think these harpercon scum couldn't sink any lower!
Russian gangster Vladimir Putin, takes advantage of the neo-Nazi
orientation of the gangsters running the Ukraine by putting to vote at the
United Nations a resolution to combat the glorification of Nazism.
The Ukraine government voted against it because they're nazis. Their excuse
though, is that they also suffered under Stalinism. Right. You can't
condemn the Nazis without condemning Stalinism. Why not propose a
resolution to combat the glorification of communism, or imperialism then?
The real reason, again, is b... more »
“So Many People Are Badly Traumatized by Life in America: It's Time We Admit It”
*“So Many People Are Badly Traumatized by Life in America:*
* It's Time We Admit It”*
*From a crushing economy, to government spying, to endless wars, are we
breaking down?*
By Lynn Stuart Parramore
“Recently Don Hazen, the executive editor of AlterNet, asked me to think
about trauma in the context of America’s political system. As I sifted
through my thoughts on this topic, I began to sense an enormous weight in
my body and a paralysis in my brain. What could I say? What could I
possibly offer to my fellow citizens? Or to myself? After six years writing
about the financial cris... more »
Ukraine Energy situation ( November 25 , 2014 ) -Russia tightens screws on Ukraine by cutting off Russian coal ! Natural gas has gotten the focus , however coal is critically low - at the prest rate 2015 shaping up to be extremely problematic if power plant coal supplies are exhausted by the end of 2014 !
Russia suspends coal supplies to Ukraine
Tuesday November 25, 2014 6:40AM ET
Russia has suspended supplies of coal to Ukraine, the press service of the
Ukrainian Energy and Coal Industry Ministry reported, citing Energy
Minister Yuriy Prodan.
[image: Russia coal]
"According to the information obtained by the Ukrainian Energy and Coal
Industry from Centrenergo and DTEK, coal supplies from Russia have been
suspended," Prodan said.
Reports on November 24 said that the Russian side on Satur... more »
"We Are the Enemy: Is This the Lesson of Ferguson?"
*"We Are the Enemy: Is This the Lesson of Ferguson?"*
By John W. Whitehead
"If you dress police officers up as soldiers and you put them in military
vehicles and you give them military weapons, they adopt a warrior
mentality. We fight wars against enemies, and the enemies are the people
who live in our cities—particularly in communities of color."- Thomas
Nolan, criminology professor and former police officer.
"Should police officer Darren Wilson be held accountable for the shooting
death of unarmed citizen Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, on August 9,
2014? That the police off... more »
A question about NZ temperatures

So the answer is “temperatures in New Zealand have been plummeting since
1998, and are cooler now than they were 60 years ago.”
[image: ScreenHunter_4788 Nov. 25 00.49]
I’ll let you work out what the question is.
[Source Real Science, hat tip Climatism
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
Editor's Note
Battling a very bad cold right now. I have been traveling a lot in the past
few weeks .... and I guess everything is catching up to me right now.
Blogging was difficult today (between the sniffles, coughs, and feeling
drowsy) .... so I am taking a break tonight. Hope that I will feel much
better tomorrow.
Ukraine President Poroshenko Under Western Pressure To Form A New Government And Institute Reforms

Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko (R) and U.S. Vice President Joe Biden
walk into a hall before a news conference in Kiev, November 21, 2014.
Credit: REUTERS/Valentyn Ogirenko
*Ukraine Leader, Under Pressure From West, Pledges New Government Soon --
(Reuters) - Ukraine will take the first steps this week towards forming a
new government, President Petro Poroshenko said on Monday, seeking to
assuage concern among his Western allies that the delay is holding up
reform and imperiling Western assistance.
The U.S. and other Western governments are criticizing Kiev's tardine... more »
The Paedophile Next Door
Are we living at peak paedophile? No, we passed that a few years ago. But
we do live in a culture saturated by paedophile panic. You're practically
not allowed to have contact with kids unless cleared by the Disclosure and
Barring Service. Nary a day goes by without a paedophile somewhere getting
banged up. We've had dear old Rolf, ex-cuddly crying man for *Animal
Hospital* jailed. The horrifying crimes of ex-Lost Prophets singer Ian
Watkins and the beyond imagining criminal depravity of Jimmy Savile. Added
to the mix is the appalling goings-ons in Rotherham and the historic
invest... more »
Michele Flournoy Does Not Want To Be the Next U.S. Secretary Of Defense

FILE: June 2, 2014: Former Defense Undersecretary for Policy Michele
Flournoy, in Washington, D.C. (REUTERS)
*Ex-Defense Official Michele Flournoy Takes Self Out Of Running To Succeed
Hagel At Pentagon -- FOX News*
Former Defense official Michele Flournoy has taken herself out of the
running to succeed Chuck Hagel as the next Defense Secretary because,
according to a source, she wants to be Hillary Clinton’s Pentagon chief --
not President Obama’s.
A source familiar with the circumstances of the decision confirmed to Fox
News Tuesday that Flournoy has taken her name out of the run... more »
France Postpones Mistral Delivery To Russia
*France Postpones Mistral Delivery To Russia Over Ukraine 'Until Further
Notice' -- RT*
President Francois Hollande has decided to suspend delivery of the first
Mistral-class ship to Russia "until further notice," citing the situation
in Ukraine as the reason, media reported an Elysee Palace statement.
"The President of the Republic believes that the current situation in the
east of Ukraine still does not allow the transfer of the first Russian
Mistral-type ships to Russia," a statement from the Elysée Palace said.
In this regard, Francois Hollande felt it necessary to postpone th... more »
In Missouri to Show Solidarity

I flew to St. Louis today and was picked up at the airport by folks from
the national Veterans For Peace (VFP) office that is headquartered in this
city. I've come to join other members of VFP to support the people of
Ferguson in their struggle for dignity and justice.
We are waiting on one more person to arrive and then will head over to
Ferguson. More later.
Isn't it pure irony that the most violent country in the world can't
understand when the most repressed, suppressed and beaten down people reach
their final boiling point and react with the very violence that the nation
... more »
“The Real Reason Ferguson Burns”
*The Real Reason Ferguson Burns*, by Michael Hurd
In the wake of the Missouri grand jury decision not to indict a white
police officer for killing a black man, websites such as HuffingtonPost.com
are offering commentaries under the heading of “Black Voices.”
This title really struck me — as an indication of something wider and
deeper that’s really, really wrong.
What exactly is a “black” voice as opposed to a “white” voice, or any
other non-black voice for that matter? Do black people think of their minds
and reasoning process as specifically “black” reasoning?
What i... more »
What Do We Really Know about Ted J. Morris, Jr.? An Update.
Ever since the Democrat and Chronicle published on November 23, 2014, its
article praising the newly-NY-Regents-approved, 22-year-old Ted J. Morris,
Jr., for the 2015 approval of his Greater Works Charter School, much
Morris-induced (mis)information has been flying through cyberspace on this
man. Indeed, with the new information that has come my way in the last 24
hours regarding […]
On political behaviour
If you’re trying to understand the ramifications of and behaviour behind
all the various reports released yesterday then fear not, because Don
Boudreaux has extracted a pertinent quote from Jonathan Haidt’s excellent
2012 book, *The Righteous Mind*:
Alpha-male chimps are not truly *leaders* of their groups. They perform
some public services, such as mediating conflicts. But most of the time,
they are better described as *bullies* who take what they want.
Politicians are not very far removed genetically from chimps, politics
being “the province, not of civilized men and women but... more »
Is This How Iran Negotiates?

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry (L), EU envoy Catherine Ashton (C) and
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif meet in Muscat November 10,
2014. REUTERS/Nicholas Kamm/Pool. Monday, November 10, 2014
*Reports: Top Iranian Negotiator ‘Frequently Shouts’ at Kerry, Western
Officials -- Washington Free Beacon*
*Zarif screams so loud bodyguards have entered the room, Iranian diplomat
VIENNA—Iran’s foreign minister and lead negotiator in nuclear talks is
known to frequently scream and shout at Western diplomats, including
Secretary of State John Kerry, a practice that ha... more »
Our Spiritual Origins
*Rene Descartes* - Spirit is the essence of life. Mind is the sculptor, the
builder who conceives imagines and shapes ideas out of the essence of
The post Our Spiritual Origins appeared first on Waking Times.
Arthur C. Clarke explains the internet … in 1974
Science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke – for those who don’t know him, he
was author of *2001: A Space Odyssey – *describes the internet, telling
Australian television that by 2001 every household will have a computer and
be connected all over the world, allowing you to work and live wherever you
like. “He’ll take it as much for granted as we take the telephone.”
[Hat tip Hilton H.]
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
Public Funding of Alberta Fake Clinics, Part 3
In our series, Hinton Crisis Pregnancy Association is last of the three
fake clinics in Alberta that have received public funds from the Alberta
Lottery Foundation.
(The others are Medicine Hat and Central Alberta Pregnancy Care Centre.)
Hinton CPC seems to be doing business as West Yellowhead Pregnancy Care
Centre; the address is the same on its Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA) annual
The first thing to know about Hinton is that it's pretty small, with a
population of 9,640 souls as of the 2011 census.
Another thing about HInton is that it has a photo radar system, the
proc... more »
Who Does The Law Prosectute-- And Who Gets A Free Ride For Even The Most Heinous Criminal Behavior?

Just a fantasy
At the end of 2011 there were 2,266,800 adults in prison and another
4,814,200 on parole or probation. Add to that 70,792 juveniles in
detention. Almost 40% of those in prison are black. By age 18 almost a
third of all black males and just over a quarter of all Hispanic males have
already been arrested, compared to just 22% of white males. 5 years on and
almost *half* of all black males have been arrested, as have 44% of
Hipsanic males (38% of white males). Bias? Absolutely-- and it goes beyond
race to class. Angela Davis and other critics of the U.S. gulags have been ... more »
Syrian Government Launches Air Strikes Against The Islamic State Controlled City Of Raqqa

A site hit by what activists said were airstrikes by forces loyal to
Syria's President Bashar al-Assad is pictured in Raqqa, eastern Syria,
which is controlled by the Islamic State November 25, 2014.
Credit: REUTERS/Nour Fourat
*Syrian Government Air Strikes Kill 63 In Raqqa - Monitoring Group --
(Reuters) - At least 63 people, half of them civilians, were killed when
Syrian war planes struck the northeastern city of Raqqa on Tuesday,
according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which monitors the
war in Syria.
Syrian government officials were not immediately ava... more »
Meaningful or Meaningless Control
In May of 2014, the United Nations Convention on Conventional Weapons (CCW)
first considered the issue of banning lethal autonomous weapons. Before the
start of the informal expert meetings, Article 36 circulated a memorandum
on the concept of “meaningful human control.” The document attempted to
frame the discussion around the varying degrees of control over
Continue reading
Tweets From the Edge: Ferguson edition

Fucking A, why doesn't @CNN go all full tilt, self-loathing racist and
replace Don Lemon with Allen West?
— Robert Crawford (@jurassicpork59) November 25, 2014
White people after the #FergusonDecision (with Thurston Howell III accent)
"Dear God, think of all the inventory!"
— Robert Crawford (@jurassicpork59) November 25, 2014
#Ferguson is the antebellum south's selfie. #FergusonDecision
— Robert Crawford (@jurassicpork59) November 25, 2014
So, Michael Brown was simultaneously a demonic Hulk Hogan who nonetheless
couldn't hit Wilson hard enough to cause seriou... more »
Scores Killed In Double Suicide Attack In Northern Nigeria
*Female Suicide Bombers Kill At Least 44 In Nigeria's Northeast -- Reuters*
MAIDUGURI, Nigeria, Nov 25 (Reuters) - Two female suicide bombers killed at
least 44 people on Tuesday in Nigeria's northeastern city of Maiduguri, at
the heart of a militant Islamist insurgency, medical officials said.
Four witnesses told Reuters near the scene a woman had entered the roadside
trading area behind the city's main market before blowing herself up.
"While the people were trying to help the injured, the second bomb
blasted," witness Sani Adamu told Reuters. "I saw lots of bodies."
A nurse at ... more »
James Jesus Angleton

"Even James Jesus Angleton, the CIA's director of counter-intelligence, who
also was responsible for liaison with Israel, had his problems when it came
to the Israeli bomb. The moody Angleton was legendary — and feared — for
his insistence on secrecy and his paranoia about Soviet penetration of the
He was a master of backchannel and "eyes only" reports, and his increasing
inability to deal with the real world eventually led to his firing in late
1974, but his glaring faults in counter-intelligence apparently did not
spill over to Israel* Former Agency officials, who, in p... more »
LDP Government in Japan on Suicide Mission
Majia's Blog - 10 hours ago
The LDP aims for collective suicide by extending Japan's nuclear reactors'
life span to 60 years while pushing forward with the Oma nuclear plant,
which will purportedly be the world's first 100 percent MOX facility!
Does everyone remember what Fukushima Daiichi Unit 3 explosion looked like?
Unit 3 was running MOX fueld. Its explosion strongly resembled a mushroom
cloud and has been interpreted as involving a nuclear criticality.
Plutonium from the Daiichi explosions, likely from Unit 3, was found in
MOX fuel is extraordinarily dangerous. Japan's earthquake activity ... more »

*Click on photos to enlarge*
*A size comparison of the Earth and our neighboring planets with the Sun in
our solar star system.*
*Happy Thanksgiving and a joyful reminder that we are but a tiny spec of
sand in the known universe but by surrendering to a **Unified Field**of
love and soul consciousness, that exists beyond time and space as well as
deepest within ourselves, we will begin to see through different eyes and
realize we are all one and most certainly not alone as well as the truth of
these words by William Blake ~ We are put on Earth a little space to b... more »
John Horgan`s Legislature Speech on British Columbia LNG, (and a little bit of the Persuader down below)
*J. Horgan: I rise today to speak to Bill 6, the Liquefied Natural Gas
Income Tax Act. I'm proud to stand here following many thoughtful
colleagues on both sides of the House who have offered up their point of
view on what has become.*
*J. Horgan: I rise today to speak to Bill 6, the Liquefied Natural Gas
Income Tax Act.*
*I'm proud to stand here following many thoughtful colleagues on both sides
of the House who have offered up their point of view on what has become,
certainly, a divisive issue if we listen to the minister just completed and
earlier presentations by other ... more »
Anthony Bragalia, the Roswell Slides and the UFO Community
*(Blogger's Note: *Over the last few weeks, I have learned about this on
going dispute among the various parties mentioned. Since some of this
information has now been circulated on the Interent in various venues, I
thought it was time to provide Tony with the opportunity to tell his side
of the story. This is what Tony had to say about it.)
*The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not
necessarily reflect the views of those who publish it.*
This writer (Anthony Bragalia) has be... more »
Pre-Paleolithic Neanderthals

That's what Stephen Lewis calls the Harper government. Lewis has always
known how to turn a phrase. But he's also always known how to make an
argument. And the evidence he offers in support of his case is damning.
Tim Harper writes in the *Toronto Star*:
Canada’s world standing is in free fall.
The Harper government’s contempt for Parliament and its traditions has
degraded political life and fostered voter cynicism.
Its attitude to aboriginals is not paternalistic, it is racist.
Harper’s refusal to jo... more »
Nov. 25: It's a mad, mad, mad,mad world....
----an example of the madness is a story the editors of the Irving press
missed. Just days ago, a UN committee put forward a proposal from Russia
that the UN should condemn racism-driven crimes. Specifically, it mentioned
Nazism - not surprisingly, since Nazi movements are enjoying a revival in
The proposal came from the Russians; and I first read of it in an English
language newspaper from Russia. It's called RT. That made me suspicious,
so I checked several respectable newspapers from Britain. They confirmed it.
The majority of delegates abstained - which is quite common... more »
Supplemental: Punished for wearing a hoodie while black!
*TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 2014Post tells familiar story:* Yesterday morning’s
Washington Post included a fascinating letter.
It came from a reader who became upset while reading a recent column by
Ruth Marcus. Marcus’ column started like this:
MARCUS (11/16/14): Reginald Latson’s path to solitary confinement began
four years ago as he waited for the public library to open in Stafford
County, Va.
Latson, known as Neli, has an IQ of 69 and is autistic.
*Teachers and therapists describe him as generally sweet and eager to
please.He is also a black man, now 22, who on the day in questi... more »
Ferguson Police Show the Way to Facism USA Style: This Is How You Wind Up With Michael Brown, Dead in the Middle of the Road (Social Media To Blame) Run for Your Life
The police are on the way. Hide. There is something gone badly wrong in the
way police are taught to look at civilians these days. This is the logic of
an occupying power being employed on American citizens. Ever since 9/11,
when we all began to be told that we were going to have to bend a little
bit, and then a little bit more, to authority or else we'd all die, the
police in this
El Paso Response to Ferguson Grand Jury Decision
Adriano Perez FOR
Email: alternativeaspects@gmail.com
Date: 11/25/2014
A peaceful protest in El Paso, Texas
El Paso, Texas, November 25, 2014- A National Protest in Response to
the Grand Jury's decision not to indict Officer Darren Wilson in the
Professional Politicians Dread Them But Primaries Are An Essential Component Of Our Electoral System

Hillary sees the billionaire class as her benefactors and partners; Bernie
has a different perspective
One of the problems with the professional political parties based inside
the Beltway is that they instinctively discourage primaries. Party bosses
hate them because they cost money and tend to cater to the base, making it
more difficult to get muddled careerist hacks without vision into office.
And if the party elites are about anything, it's getting muddled careerist
hacks without vision into office. This past cycle we talked a lot about how
Harry Reid, Michael Bennet and Guy Cecil... more »
Is Russia About To Annex Abkhazia?

Russian President Vladimir Putin (right) meets Abkhazian President Raul
Khajimba on November 24, 2014.(RIA Novosti / Mikhail Mettsel)
*Pact Tightens Russian Ties With Abkhazia -- New York Times*
MOSCOW — President Vladimir V. Putin signed a treaty on Monday to expand
Russia’s authority over Abkhazia, a breakaway region of Georgia,
effectively giving the Kremlin a dominant role in military and economic
policy and making it easier for residents of Abkhazia to obtain Russian
The accord comes at a time of deep apprehension in the West over Russia’s
expansionist aspiration... more »
Nothing honors a dead thug more than stealing a big screen TV...

*I had to buy mine.*
PRL: life in 90% of galaxies is killed by GRBs
Science Magazine describes a provoking paper by Piran (HUJI Jerusalem) and
Jimenez (U. Barcelona, Harvard) accepted for publication to prestigious
Physical Review Letters two weeks ago:
Complex life may be possible in only 10% of all galaxies (Science)
On the role of GRBs on life extinction in the Universe (arXiv, PRL)
The basic claim is rather simple.
*This extraterrestrial citizen works with Alza.cz and Alza.sk and spreads
tablets and other things all over our homelands. The negative feedback
suggests that the Czechoslovak folks may suffer from gree... more »
The Shocking Truth About the Meat Industry
*Dr. Mercola* - "Our food system is in dire need of change in order to
protect human health, but it's a system that is difficult to change..."
The post The Shocking Truth About the Meat Industry appeared first on Waking
St. Louis Prosecutor Bob McCulloch is the son of a police officer who was shot in the line of duty. In his 24 years as prosecutor, he has never recommended charges against any police officer

*(Michael Brown's body was left uncovered on a Ferguson, Missouri street
for hours by police. )*
So why should we be surprised that NO charges will be laid in the shooting
of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown?
*"McCulloch gave the jury no instruction on what charges they should
consider. [...] Giving the grand jury no instruction is equivalent to
throwing them into the deep end of the pool with no swimming lessons. They
had to work it out for themselves. It's not unusual for the prosecutor to
not suggest a specific charge, but it's almost unprecedented for the
prosecutor to du... more »
Vaccination: Defending Your Right to Know and Freedom to Choose
Posted 11/24/2014
*by Barbara Loe Fisher*
*Co-founder & President*
*National Vaccine Information Center*
*Following is a referenced excerpt from a keynote presentation given by
Barbara Loe Fisher at the 2014 U.S. Health Freedom Congress in Minneapolis,
The public conversation about whether we should have the freedom to choose
how we want to maintain our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual
health has become one of the most important public conversations of our
time. It is a conversation that challenges us to examine complex public
policy, scientific, ethical, le... more »
Tapping for Stress Relief and Emotional Freedom

*Video - *Instruction on the technique of tapping on acupressure points to
relieve stress and allow you to think more clearly.
The post Tapping for Stress Relief and Emotional Freedom appeared first on Waking
Scores Killed In New DR Congo Massacre

*Scores Killed In Fresh 'Congo Massacre' -- Al Jazeera*
About 100 people killed in the restive North Kivu region by Ugandan rebels,
according to members of parliament.
About 100 people were killed last week in a fresh massacre in the restive
east of the Democratic Republic of Congo, blamed by the government on
Uganda rebels, members of parliament have said.
The carnage took place on Thursday near Beni in North Kivu province, where
mainly Muslim Ugandan rebels have been blamed for killing more than 200
civilians in gruesome machete attacks since October, and where the UN wants
"neg... more »
Paul Craig Roberts' advice to Russia: "By its inaction the Russian government is aiding and abetting Washington’s onslaught against Russia. The Russian government could tell Europe to call off [the NATO/Ukraine attack on the eastern provinces] or go without natural gas. The Russian government could declare a no-fly zone over the separatist provinces and deliver an ultimatum to Kiev. The Russian government could accept the requests from Donetsk and Luhansk for unification or reunification with Russia. Any one of these actions would suffice to resolve the conflict before it spins out of control and opens the gates to World War III." And he adds that: "The American people are clueless that Washington is on the brink of starting a dangerous war." See the preceding blog for more details.

*Opening the Gates to World War III — Paul Craig Roberts*
November 23, 2014 | Original Here
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Opening the Gates to World War III
Paul Craig Roberts
According to news reports, Washington has decided to arm Ukraine for
renewed military assault on Russian ethnics in Donetsk and Luhansk.
A Russian foreign ministry official condemned Washington’s reckless
decision to supply weapons to Kiev as a violation of agreements that w... more »
Mohawk Nation News 'Listen to your Mother'
Posted on November 25, 2014
Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.
MNN. Nov. 25, 2014. The cops and soldiers all have mothers. The time has
come for mothers to speak to their sons and daughters who are carrying
out the will of the multinational energy corporations and their agents.
Monster Wells: How Much Water is Used in Fracking?
*Mike Gaworecki* - Some fracking wells are using 10-25 million gallons
each, and much of this is fresh water...
The post Monster Wells: How Much Water is Used in Fracking? appeared first
on Waking Times.
More U.S. Troops To Remain In Afghanistan In 2015 Than Initially Planned
*U.S. To Leave More Troops Than First Planned In Afghanistan - Sources --
(Reuters) - The United States is preparing to increase the number of troops
it keeps in Afghanistan in 2015 to fill a gap left in the NATO mission by
other contributing nations, according to three sources with direct
knowledge of the situation.
The final numbers are still being agreed, but there will be at least
several hundred more than initially planned, one of the sources said.
"If they hadn't done that, the mission would have lost bases," the source
Under the U.S. commitment, described a... more »
Colombia FARC Rebel Leader: Peace Talks Suspension Destroyed Confidence
*Colombia Rebel Chief Says Peace Talks Suspension Destroyed Confidence --
(Reuters) - Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos "destroyed" confidence
in the peace process by suspending talks and violated the terms of an
agreement that brought the rebels to the negotiating table, FARC guerrilla
leader Rodrigo Londono said.
Londono, known by his nom de guerre Timochenko, said in a statement
published on Monday that Santos had "overturned the board game" when he
halted talks last week and breached terms that allowed the negotiations to
start in 2012.
The Revolutionary Armed ... more »
SHORT WEEK/SHARP DECLINE: A warning from Blow!
*TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 2014Part 1—Katie McDonough knows all:* To her
credit, Katie McDonough knows everything.
We were struck by this fact all over again when we turned to Salon this
The youngish McDonough is billed as “Salon's politics writer, focusing on
gender, sexuality and reproductive justice.” That said, she also seems to
know everything about pretty much everything else.
In this morning’s revelations, she knows what would have been fair and just
in the case of Michel Brown—and in the case of Marissa Alexander.
Her descriptions of these cases may seem a bit selec... more »
Controversy Over Supporting Iraq’s Tribes In Anbar
Anbar was where fighting first broke out in Iraq at the very end of
December 2013. The conflict split many of the province’s tribes with some
supporting the government, some revolting against the authorities but
opposing the Islamic State (IS), and some throwing in their lot with the
Islamists. Since then some of those tribes have re-aligned again as many
had bad relations with IS previously, and when it became the main fighting
force in Anbar they decided to fight them as well and went to Baghdad for
support. New Prime Minister Haider Abadi has come out for recruiting and
training... more »
Why China won't be Asia's Dominant Power
I have thought as much for a long time, but i wanted someone to come out
and say as much.
The fundamental problem is China's one child policy which is slowly
inflicting a huge contraction to a mobilized economy. Add in the quite
normal skin of corruption that now becomes unsustainable and you have two
powerful drivers about to be powerfully applied which will now temper the
economy while hugely rationalizing it as well.
All this foreshortens the ambitions of power and makes it difficult to
execute. Thus we have at least one generation of consolidation combined
with ... more »
Woolly Mammoth Could be Cloned by South Korean Scientists
[image: A new-born woolly mammoth would likely find itself immediately
designated an endangered species, and have to cope with modern environments
as well as life in captivity]
Dispite the optimism, i am sure that we are still a long ways off, but
close enough for PR headlines to drive funding. The mammoth will be almost
the easiest extinct creature to recover, but still may demand a complete
reconstruction of the genome. Yet i think that is were we are going with
every extinct creature with ample computer assistance of course. Then
begins the job of creating refugia to protect s... more »
Obama Hates The Press by Jonathan Turley

One could write reams on the pathology of power but sadly Obama has
possibly succumbed to all temptation and his adoring press has to date
protected him from ever paying the price.
Obama was given a free pass to the presidency by our press and it was
astonishing to watch. Yet we expect to rely on this press to dig up the
dirt and hold a candidate's feet to the fire. That is what has largely
happened. Yet none of the problems facing an Obama candidacy were ever
properly vetted and aired. What we discover now turns out to be disasterous
and the results are disasterous.
Thus it is... more »
Has China Made The World's First Supersonic Drone?

A concept model of the Dark Sword drone was seen for the first time at the
Zhuhai Airshow in 2006. (Photo/CNS)
*Dark Sword Could Become World's First Supersonic Drone -- Want China Times*
China's mysterious "Dark Sword" combat drone could become the world's first
supersonic unmanned aviation vehicle, reports the website of the country's
national broadcaster CCTV.
The Dark Sword — known in Chinese as "Anjian" — made quite a stir in 2006
when a conceptual model of the unusually shaped triangular aircraft made
its debut at the Zhuhai Airshow in southern China's Guangdong province.
Th... more »
A Look At Who May Replace U.S. Secretary Of Defense Hagel
*Top Candidates To Succeed Hagel Are Longtime National Security Specialists
-- New York Times*
WASHINGTON — President Obama, working to shift his team’s focus in
confronting a raft of national security crises, is considering two former
Defense Department officials as successors to Secretary of Defense Chuck
Hagel, administration officials said Monday.
Even before Mr. Obama appeared with Mr. Hagel at the White House to
announce the Pentagon chief’s departure, officials inside and outside the
administration were speculating that Michèle A. Flournoy, a former under
secretary of defe... more »
A Christ-Centered Christmas Craft Advent for Young Children

Hello all! Lorene here again today, to share one of our new favorite
Christmas traditions. The holiday season gets so busy, but it's also so
important for us as a family to remember the purpose of the holiday, so I
am always looking for easy ways to make Christ-centered and kid-friendly
Christmas traditions. Last year, I stumbled upon the 25 Days of Christ and
I loved it! One small problem -- they were out of stock for the season
and... there's no way it would have been delivered before December 1.
(Procrastination strikes again!)
Instead, I used the same scripture stories and cre... more »
Vaccination: Defending Your Right to Know and Freedom to Choose
posted 11/24/2014
by Barbara Loe Fisher
*Following is a referenced excerpt from a keynote presentation given by
Barbara Loe Fisher at the 2014 U.S. Health Freedom Congress in Minneapolis,
Minnesota. View the video of her full 75 minute presentation here. *
The public conversation about whether we should have the freedom to choose
how we want to maintain our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual
health has become one of the most important public conversations of our
time. It is a conversation that challenges us to examine complex public
policy, scientific, ethical, legal, p... more »
Thinking Outside the Hourglass

*Zen Gardner* - Continue to dissolve this world of lies via passionate
dissemination of enlightened information, and community building...
The post Thinking Outside the Hourglass appeared first on Waking Times.
Menace On The Menu: Development And The Globalization Of Servitude

RINF and Countercurrents 25/11/2014
In his book ‘The World Economy: A Millennial Perspective’, economist Angus
Maddison noted that Indiawas the richest country in the world and had
controlled a third of global wealth until the 17th century [1]. Political
unity and military security helped evolve a uniform economic system,
increased trade and enhanced agriculture productivity. Indiawas an exporter
of spices, food grains, handicrafts, handloom products, wootz steel, musk,
camphor, sandalwood and ivory items, among other things.
It was for good reason that Gandhi once stated the futur... more »
McConnell To Senate Republicans: "Reelection Starts Now"

Will Democrats run on this-- or run away from it again?
In theory, 2016 should be a good electoral year for Democrats. Their voters
will probably be enthusiastic at the idea of electing Hillary Clinton (a
moderate, the first woman president, familiar entitity everyone feels they
know...). And Hillary at the top of the ticket is giving to mean rough
wealth for Republicans in blue-leaning House seats and in non-Confederate
Senate races especially in places where she's well-regarded, like
Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri,
maybe even North Carolina, ... more »
Racial Tensions In America: Proper Justice Is Served - Grand Jury Rules NO Indictment For Officer Darren Wilson

FINALLY proper justice has been served in America... Just yesterday, the
Grand Jury in the case of Officer Darren Wilson shooting dead Michael Brown
in Ferguson Missouri has ruled properly that Officer Wilson will not be
charged for Brown's death.... All of the evidence that the Grand Jury has
seen shows clearly that Officer Wilson acted in self defense against
Brown's abuse while trying to arrest Brown....The criminal justice system
in the United States ruled properly, in spite of all the outcries coming
from the African-American community.
Right now, I want to present Whitewraith... more »
Washington's Gamble: Russian Roulette, The Pale Blue Dot And All Out War

RINF 20/11/2014
(This is an updated and extended version of an article that was originally
published in early September)
The ‘Pale Blue Dot’ is the name of the photograph of the Earth taken in
1990 by the Voyager spacecraft, some six billion kilometres away from our
planet as the craft was about to leave the Solar System. The Earth appears
as a miniscule dot, almost lost in the vastness of space [1].
The late astrophysicist Carl Sagan commented on it by saying that from out
there in space, there is no inkling, no clue whatsoever, that there is life
here; there is no hint of humank... more »
UN: Child trafficking on the Rise and UN intervention is at the heart of the problem!
*The despicable UN *is at the forefront of this rise in human trafficking,
misery and exploitation.
How can the UN lament this problem, *when UN sanctioned interventions are
at the heart of this issue*? *This is simply some type of red herring.*
* The idiom "red herring" is used to refer to something that misleads or
distracts from the relevant or important issue.*
So the UN presenting themselves as concerned or caring about this issue is
simply to distract you all from the fact that the UN is the biggest part of
the problem. *In fact that the UN is the very catalyst for this probl... more »
*Boy, three, is banned from his first nursery school photograph after
headteacher brands his haircut EXTREME *
*I wore a "short back and sides" haircut throughout my youth. Most men did
so at that time too. I still do. What was once near universal is now
A three-year-old boy has been banned from taking part in his first ever
school photograph - after his headteacher ruled his haircut wastoo short.
Delaney Templeton had been excitedly looking forward to having the picture
taken with his classmates at his nursery.
But when mother Julieann Yates, 28, arrived to collect... more »
Artist Boldly Reimagines US Currency with Modern Design

*What's interesting about this project is the lack of mention of the
Federal Reserve Bank...and no $1 note... -AK*
*Artist Boldly Reimagines US Currency with Modern Design*
*Posted by Jonathan Terrasi *
November 20, 2014 at 2:21pm
Blending vivid colors, sleek geometric patterns, and minimalist elegance,
American designer Travis Purrington offers up a bold new vision for US
currency. As part of his design school Master's thesis, he set out to
conceptualize a set of bills that shift the focus from enshrining
long-deceased American leaders to highlighting Ameri... more »
*Craig Idso on facts the IPCC ignores*
*Cold-stunned turtles strand in record numbers*
*That global warming can be a bitch*
Cape Cod: Seated on the hard concrete floor of the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife
Sanctuary’s maintenance barn, veterinarian Kelly Sattman lifted turtle No.
491 to eye level.
She pressed a small speaker that looked like an old transistor radio up
to one ear while holding a sensor to the turtle’s neck.
Sattman tried to parse out the heartbeat from the white noise crackling
from the speaker, and the roar of a heater struggling to keep the barn, set
up a... more »
Iraq / Syria Regional War Updates ( November 25 , 2014 ) - Obama and Congress embrace War ( Hagel Firing By Obama , Secret Afghanistan Order Extending Direct Combat and Rand Paul War On ISIS ) ..... Corruption in Iraq bigger enemy than Jihadists ....... Tweets of the Morning - Additional Focus on Turkey and Lebanon , as well as Syria and Iraq !
Anti War....
A Wartime President: Obama Moves More HawkishOuster of Hagel, New Afghan
Order Reflect a Changing Policy
by Jason Ditz, November 24, 2014
Print This | Share This
President Obama has long couched his foreign policy as at least
comparatively moderate, presenting everything he does as the half-measure
alternative to some senatorial superhawk’s demands.
Yet Obama seems to be shifting himself further and further into the
position of a hawkish, wartime president, and his actions over the past few
days reflect an attempt to reinvent his foreign policy.
After years of talking u... more »
Lion Rock 16: Photos and Discussions in Reading Club Salon 2014

Here are some photos of the Lion Rock Institute (LRI) 3rd Reading Club
Salon (RCS) 2014 held three weeks ago in Hong Kong. Below, our group photo
after the morning session, moderated by LRI Chairman Bill Stacey (seated,
center). The afternoon session was moderated by Ken Schooland (seated, 2nd
from left) of the Hawaii Pacific University. LRI Executive Director, Peter
Wong, is standing behind Bill.
Milovan Djilas' book, "The New Class" (1957) was our take off discussion in
the morning session. Bill asked something like, "Is there something in
Marxism and its class analysis that makes... more »
Facts about Fast Food That May Surprise You
*Infographic -* Ever wonder what makes fast food big business and what's
really in it?
The post Facts about Fast Food That May Surprise You appeared first on Waking
"Without Going into Details" *snerk*
We had been wondering why Fetus Freak Media and its running blog lackeys
hadn't done its usual shrieky foot-stompy hissy fit routine over the partial
rescinding of an Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) grant to a fake
pregnancy centre.
The fake clinic itself responded on its blog in a rather tight-lipped
manner citing "philosophical differences" with OTF while accusing an
unnamed blogger (ahem).
One particular blog has been making false allegations regarding our Centre
and is taking credit for the rescinding of the OTF grant. This same group
has been making allegations against othe... more »
GAIA PORTAL: Higher realm collaborations accelerate as Cosmic Energies impel all to Higher Consciousness
*Higher realm collaborations accelerate as Cosmic Energies impel all to
Higher Consciousness*
by ÉirePort
Higher realm collaborations accelerate as Cosmic Energies impel all to
Higher Consciousness.
Awareness levels of all Gaia inhabitants continue to increase.
Formidations cannot block Higher Awareness.
Impending breakthroughs manifest quickly as Gaia ascends.
*118 Gateways open Hue- and hu-manity to* *the Higher Consciousness event.*
ÉirePort | November 25, 2014 at 09:16 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:
Kaman Announces Contract to Support the Upgrade of SH-2G Super Seasprite Aircraft for Peru

[image: Kaman SH-2G Super Seasprite]Kaman Corp. today announced that it has
entered into a contract with General Dynamics Canada to remanufacture and
upgrade four Kaman SH-2G Super Seasprite aircraft and provide support for
the operation of a fifth aircraft for the Peruvian Navy. The program value
to Kaman is expected to exceed $40 million.
Gregory Steiner , President Kaman Aerospace Group said, “We are very
pleased to support this effort to provide the Peruvian Navy with the
advanced capabilities of the Super Seasprite.
This is an important milestone for Kaman as it will extend th... more »
Kuperberg and a physician vs a thinking smoker
Scott Aaronson has reposted a "parable" that mathematician Greg Kuperberg
posted on his Facebook profile. Kuperberg wants to repeat the usual story
that the climate alarmists' recommendations are just like the physicians'
advises to their patients.
In the parable, a doctor wants her patient to stop smoking but she's unable
to answer any questions (clearly meant to be quantitative questions) about
the degree to which smoking is harmful. Surprisingly, although Aaronson's
is a far left blog addressed to the Cambridge MA Lumpencafé, most
commenters seem to realize that
1. the certa... more »
Construction of an airfield on the disputed Spratly Islands puts Australia in reach of China’s strategic bombers: Reports

[image: H-6K Badger]An air base being built on a disputed island chain is
raising eyebrows as its puts Chinese strategic bombers in range of
Australia for the first time.
Defence Publication IHS Janes says analysis of satellite photographs shows
China is turning Fiery Cross Reef in the contentious Spratly Islands into a
land mass big enough to hold a military air base.
The construction work shows China is enforcing its claim on the mineral and
oil-rich chain of islands which are also claimed by Taiwan, Malaysia,
Vietnam, Brunei and the Philippines. Beijing claims nearly all of the
... more »
Can’t keep waiting for stealth fighter, India tells Russia

[image: Su T-50 PAK-FA]Ahead of President Vladimir Putin's visit here early
next month, India has told Russia to come back with a plan to substantially
reduce the delivery timeframe for the stealth fifth-generation fighter
aircraft (FGFA) if it wants to seal the futuristic project by next year.
The plan till now was that India would begin inducting the stealth fighters
only 94 months — at the earliest — after the two countries inked the final
design and R&D contract, which itself has already been delayed by over two
years by now.
"Russia has now been told that India cannot wait fo... more »
DRDO to make unmanned combat systems
[image: Dr. Avinash Chander]"it is going to be the future, it will be a
fight against one technology over the other, than the conventional man
against man wars," DRDO Director General Avinash Chander said.
Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) Director General Dr.
Avinash Chander underscored the need for a policy to induct unmanned combat
systems into the armed forces and make them an integral part.
Many advanced countries, especially the United States, are focusing on
developing unmanned security systems and the DRDO is working on different
unmanned combat system pro... more »
Indian Navy gets 6th maritime patrol plane, likely to order four more

[image: P-8I Neptune]The Indian Navy is likely to order four more P-81
long-range maritime patrol and anti-submarine warfare aircraft from
American firm Boeing which delivered the sixth plane on Monday as part of
an eight-aircraft contract worth over Rs 12,000 crore.
The sixth aircraft landed at INS Rajali in Arakkonam in Tamil Nadu at about
4 PM on Monday.
The eight-aircraft deal was signed in 2009 and as per the agreement, three
each were to be delivered in 2013 and 2014 and two in 2015.
Read more
UK confirms first F-35 jet orders

[image: RAF F-35B Lightning II]Britain on Monday (Nov 24) announced it had
signed a contract with US manufacturer Lockheed Martin to buy the first of
14 F-35B combat jets.
The four Lightning II stealth combat aircraft will operate from both of the
Royal Navy's forthcoming new aircraft carriers and from Royal Air Force
land bases, with another 10 due to be ordered over the next five years. The
first batch is expected to be delivered in 2016 and will take up station in
"The investment we are making in the F-35 aircraft will ensure we are
securing the skies for decades to come, ... more »
First of frigates under $4.3 billion modernization program ready for duty

[image: HMCS Fredericton]Work has been completed on the first four
Halifax-class navy frigates to be modernized under a $4.3-billion federal
Following recent sea trials, HMCS Fredericton is preparing for a resumption
of duty early next year, Defence Minister Rob Nicholson said Monday in
The program also saw the modernization of HMCS Halifax, Calgary and
Winnipeg. They are currently undergoing trials.
Read more
Finland feels vulnerable amid Russian provocations

[image: Il-20 Coot]Wedged hard against Russia’s northwestern border,
peaceable Finland has long gone out of its way to avoid prodding the
nuclear-armed bear next door.
But now, the bear is provoking Finland, repeatedly guiding military planes
into Finnish airspace and deploying submarines and helicopters to chase
after Finnish research vessels in international waters.
The incidents are part of a pattern of aggressive Russian behavior that has
radiated across Europe, but that has been especially unnerving for
countries such as Finland that live outside the protective bubble of NATO.... more »
Why Did Chuck Hagel Have to Go?

[image: Chuck Hagel & Barack Obama]President Obama professed today strong
appreciation for the service of his third Secretary of Defense, Chuck
Hagel. But if he was so appreciative, why exactly is Secretary Hagel about
to be former Secretary Hagel?
Rumors are swirling as to whether Mr. Hagel was forced out or is leaving
voluntarily. It’s a safe bet that the Secretary didn’t choose to
relinquish, at this time, a job he had worked too hard to obtain and that
Team Obama fired the President’s token Republican.
If so, the question is: For which of several possible reasons was he
cashie... more »
Chinese Submarines And Indian ASW In The Indian Ocean - Analysis

[image: P-8I Neptune]How to deal with Chinese submarines in the Indian
Ocean has become a practical question for India. In December 2013, China
let it be known that one of its nuclear attack submarines would sail
through the Indian Ocean over the following two months.
It was the first time that China confirmed such a transit. At the time,
many thought it would be a relatively rare occurrence. But over the last
couple of months, two more submarines appear to have made similar transits,
after they were spotted making five-day long port calls in Sri Lanka.
On September 19, a Chinese S... more »
Defence Minister says he 'wouldn't trust' Australian Submarine Corporation to build a canoe

[image: Australian Submarine Corporation (ASC)]Defence Minister David
Johnston has warned he would not trust the Government-owned defence
builder, the Australian Submarine Corporation (ASC), to build a canoe.
Senator Johnston launched the scathing attack on the ASC in the Senate
during a debate about where Australia's next submarine fleet should be
The Government is under pressure to build Australia's next fleet of
submarines locally, rather than opt for an overseas design.
Read more
Two submarines to stay in Plymouth - two go to Faslane

[image: HMS Torbay]Two submarines earmarked for decommissioning will remain
in Plymouth while two others will move to Faslane, the Ministry of Defence
(MoD) has said.
HMS Torbay and HMS Trenchant, are to remain at the naval base at Devonport
until they are decommissioned.
HMS Talent and HMS Triumph will move to Her Majesty's Naval Base (HMNB)
Clyde at Faslane, by 2020.
Read more
Links and Links

*A pony attracts attention on a road in Taichung.*
- Awesome: longtime American Taiwan policy analyst says 1C2S is
inappropriate for Taiwan
- CPI blog by Ben Goren and Li Ying-ysuan: Lien campaign, a tragedy.
- Ian Rowen from Hong Kong: In search of Sunflower Seeds in Hong Kong
- J Michael Cole: Why it's so hard to be neutral in the Taipei election.
Because the Lien campaign is like the Plan 9 from Outer Space of political
- Frozen Garlic on the evolution of the political map and money forces
in local politics.
- CPI blog: Shelly Rigger argues ... more »
DSME signs contract to deliver 6 Missile Surface Corvettes (MSC) to Royal Malaysian Navy
[image: DSME Missile Surface Corvette]South Korean shipyard Daewoo
Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co Ltd (DSME) announced in a statement
Monday that it has obtained an order from the Royal Malaysian Navy to build
six Missile Surface Corvettes (MSC).
According to the statement, three vessels will be built and assembled in
South Korea starting from January 2018 while the rest will be block built
in South Korea and assembled in Malaysia with DSME's cooperation.
The statement, which did not mentioned the value of the deal, said the deal
is subject to final approval by the Malaysian ... more »
Newport News Shipbuilding Hosts Keel-Laying Ceremony for Virginia-Class Submarine Washington (SSN 787)

[image: future USS Washington (SSN 787)]With weld shields in place and
sparks flying, Newport News Shipbuilding, a division of Huntington Ingalls
Industries, hosted a keel-laying ceremony Saturday for the future USS
Washington (SSN 787), a Virginia-class submarine named for the Evergreen
The submarine’s sponsor is Elisabeth Mabus, daughter of Secretary of the
Navy Ray Mabus. Acting as the keel authenticator, during the ceremony she
chalked her initials onto a metal plate.
Her initials were then welded onto the plate, which will be permanently
affixed to the submarine as a s... more »
Giant Flying Cryptid Reports Increase in Pennsylvania
[image: Drawing used with permission of the witness]
The creatures are out there, but what is happening is that folks are
discovering where to report what they have seen and other folks are
investigating those sightings. We already know of the Ropen in Indonesia
and it is quite plausible that this creature is global in distribution.
Recall that this creature is a likely nocturnal fisher that literally flies
into the water and hunts there.
Other types are also showing up and all have been described in the reports
so that we are getting a serious body of data.
A large bird can... more »
Commentaries, Opinions, Analysis, And Editorials On The Firing Of U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel
*How Obama Dumped Hagel -- Glenn Thrush, Politico*
He ‘just wasn’t the man for the job,’ president concluded.
When President Obama first summoned Chuck Hagel to the Oval Office in
October, he wanted to know how his Pentagon chief planned to cope with the
dangerous new threat posed by the Islamic State that had drawn the
reluctant president back into war in the Middle East, not to mention
getting a sense of Hagel’s other plans for the final two years of Obama’s
But after several lackluster, low-energy sessions, Obama was so unimpressed
by the performance of his laconic... more »
Predicting money making opportunities in Brain to Brain Commerce

They say that you can't travel into the future, don't tell that to
Arthur C Clark.
This very afternoon I took a small trip into the future and what I saw was
a lot of money making opportunities.
I saw advertizements in the net, A woman was selling her location
sensations on line for $25.00 an 1/2 hour via Helmet connected to her and
the Internet.
I saw Telepresence helmets being sold for $499.00 they were being pushed
as a marital aid for frequent travelers.
I saw a room in the army barracks, 50 stalls with screens and
telepresence helmets rope wired to each stall each s... more »
Musical Interlude: Liquid Mind, “Velvet Morning” ("Void of the Stellar Winds")
Liquid Mind, “Velvet Morning” ("Void of the Stellar Winds")
- http://www.youtube.com/
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Near the center of this sharp cosmic portrait, at the heart of the Orion
Nebula, are four hot, massive stars known as the Trapezium. Gathered within
a region about 1.5 light-years in radius, they dominate the core of the
dense Orion Nebula Star Cluster. Ultraviolet ionizing radiation from the
Trapezium stars, mostly from the brightest star Theta-1 Orionis C powers
the complex star forming region's entire visible glow.
*Click image for larger size.*
About three million years old, the Orion Nebula Cluster was even more
compact in its younger years and a recent dynamical study indicate... more »
The Poet: May Sarton, "Unison Benediction"
*"Unison Benediction" *
"Return to the most human,
nothing less will nourish the torn spirit,
the bewildered heart,
the angry mind:
and from the ultimate duress,
pierced with the breath of anguish,
speak of love.
Return, return to the deep sources,
nothing less will teach the stiff hands a new way to serve,
to carve into our lives the forms of tenderness
and still that ancient necessary pain preserve.
Return to the most human,
nothing less will teach the angry spirit,
the bewildered heart;
the torn mind,
to accept the whole of its duress,
and pierced with anguish…
at last, act for love.... more »
November Tax-Cast Highlights Lux-Leak, Kenya, Ukraine
So much tax justice news this month that the usually 20 minute podcast runs
just shy of 30 minutes. The International Consortium of Investigative
Journalists publishes a treasure trove of leaked data from Luxembourg,
putting pressure not only on the country but its former Premier, now
President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker. Kenya is
abolishing many of its tax subsidies; meanwhile the Ukraine has become the
first country to mandate a listing of the beneficial owners of all
companies operating within the company. Hear about it here:
"Give Me the Stars... Life Wants to Live!"
*"Give Me the Stars... Life Wants to Live!"*
by Rick Tumlinson
“I have been asked how I can so easily cross party lines during this
election time, when it comes to supporting or chastising politicians based
on their actions regarding the opening of space. Why do I care about
opening the space frontier more than any other issue? How can I support
this one who is doing this, or attack that one who is doing that? How can I
even deal with that guy who is doing so much harm, and why do I attack that
woman who has done so much good for other issues? So many reasons, so
important to many,... more »
Second-class articles

I’m not the only one who’s keeping an eye on Gregg Carlstrom, the
freelancer who writes articles about Israel for the Times.
I see CiF Watch’s Adam Levick also noticed yesterday’s article in with the
alarming headline “Israel set to make Arabs second-class citizens.” (Page
32 under the section called “World” ) (£) It wasn’t just the font size
that made the piece look alarmist and sensational.
Some time ago this writer’s household had to cancel a subscription to the
Telegraph after one too many obnoxious pieces from Peter Oborne. I wrote to
the paper to register our dismay. Not... more »
The Cosby mess

Illustration by PJ Loughran for *Philadelphia* magazine
*by Ken*
Beyond the fundamental creepiness of the behavior attributed to Bill Cosby
by a growing number of women, there are a bunch of creepy aspects to the
mess now swirling around the beloved comedian. Of all of them, perhaps the
creepiest is that hardly any of it is news. As *New York Times* media
columnist David Carr notes, "the accusations had already been carefully and
thoroughly reported in Philadelphia magazine and elsewhere" at least as
early as June 2006, when the *Philadelphia* magazine piece, "Dr. Huxtable
and Mr.... more »
Chet Raymo, “Cuddle And Cudgel”
*“Cuddle And Cudgel” *
by Chet Raymo
"Click on the image above to make it as big as you can on your screen. It's
pretty, is it not? It is, in fact, an image of something invisibly small,
so small and so beyond apprehension by the unaided senses that it can only
be represented schematically, in his case as a TinkerToy construction of
balls-and-sticks (upper right) and, more abstractly, as a multicolored
ribbon (left).
What is it? The stick-and-ball construction is the "cuddle" hormone,
oxytocin. 43 carbon atoms, 66 hydrogens, 12 nitrogens, 12 oxygens, and 2
sulfurs: the basic Tinke... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Renton, Washington, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
"The Mysterious Phenomenon of 'Shadow People'"
"The Mysterious Phenomenon of 'Shadow People'"
by Bernard Powell
"One of the most interesting and intriguing phenomena in the world of
paranormal activity is that of the "Shadow People." Each and every week
there seems to be more and more stories and reports involving these
mysterious beings, and they certainly have become a hot topic and a subject
of growing interest of research by investigators. Stories about these
strange entities and their natures vary from harmless, quiet and shy
observers to malevolent and downright nasty creatures of mal-intent. As
with most things in the pa... more »
"Are You Feeling Stressed Out?"
"Are You Feeling Stressed Out?"
by Jonathan
"Have you got endless demands tugging at you from all directions? Does your
life seem to be spinning out of control? It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and
stressed out when you can’t ever seem to catch up. Do you think bringing
your life into balance would require a major life change? It may not be as
difficult as what you imagine. Did you realize that, regardless of your
circumstances, a true sense of balance actually comes from within you, not
from your surroundings?
3 Ways to reduce feelings of stress: Here are three simple strategies to
... more »
“Anxiety About Change: Anticipating the Good”
*“Anxiety About Change: Anticipating the Good”*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
“Change will occur in almost every aspect of our lives, we can learn to
embrace it while releasing the past with grace. When we find ourselves
going through any kind of change in our lives, our natural response may be
to tense up on the physical, mental, or emotional level. We may not even
notice that we have braced ourselves against a shift until we recognize the
anxiety, mood swings, or general worried feeling toward the unknown that
usually results. There are positive ways to move through change withou... more »
The Link between the Glands and the Chakras

*Video - *How each of the seven chakras are associated with each one of the
seven endocrine glands.
The post The Link between the Glands and the Chakras appeared first on Waking
An independent contractor cannot recover for wrongful dismissal
Ho v. World Financial Group Insurance Agency of Canada Inc., 2014 ONCA 832:
In particular, the motion judge found that the appellant was not an
employee but rather an independent contractor and that there could be no
claim for wrongful dismissal.
Who Is New York-Regents-Charter-Approved Ted J. Morris, Jr.?
On November 23, 2014, the Democrat and Chronicle published an article about
a seemingly remarkable 22-year-old, Ted J. Morris, Jr., who had supposedly
just received clearance from the New York Board of Regents to open his own
charter school, Greater Works Charter School, in 2015. However, there are a
number of issues with Morris and his publicized […]
Being in Oneness

[image: Picture]
For this week of Gratitude, I'd like to share some powerful, beautiful work
with you, work I am extremely grateful for as I walk this road of
For the next 3 days take a visual journey, courtesy of my gifted friends at
BRAVE Mandala.
The CHAK-DALA in the photo above is the first of the 3, and is meant to be
absorbed visually. Enjoy.
See you tomorrow,
Welcome to CHAK-DALA Quest….buckle up your precious, gorgeous self and
soul. The visual ride begins now!
*“I salute the light within your eyes ... more »
No True Bill in Ferguson...
*let's move on.*
*Prayers for Officer Wilson*
*and *
*for Michael Brown. *
Malibu And Beverly Hills Are Not Tanzania, Not Yet Anyway

If we've become inured to the plight of our own countrymen being kicked out
of their own homes by predatory banksters, something tells me not too many
Americans rushed to the Tanzanian embassy at 1232 22nd St NW in DC or to
the consulate at 201 East 42nd Street in Manhattan to protest the eviction
of 40,000 Masai from their ancestral homeland bordering the world-famous
Serengeti national park, to make room for a Dubai royal family private
hunting preserve. They have until the end of the year to vacate the
premises. The Tanzanian government, to make it up to the displaced Masai,
h... more »
Quote of the Day: On National’s Security Service
*“Not entirely convinced that the government really ought to be rushing
through stronger powers for the security apparatus until they've sorted out
perhaps a few better control mechanisms preventing partisan use of the
security apparatus.” *- Eric Crampton, ‘No, sir, I don't like it’
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
Gabor Maté: How Capitalism Makes Us Sick
This the first part of an interview with Gabor mate who nicely
describes just how stupid system we accept are in terms of dealing with
marginal behavior. I personally see ways forward that can make all this
slowly disappear completely. The problem though is that the present
infrastructure is very much invested and to effect correction it become
necessary to evolve transitional structures that nudge the whole think into
sanity..And yes, the present solution is insane and even meets the best
definition thereof. We keep doing it over and over again.
*Gabor Maté: ... more »
Gluten Intolerance and the Herbicide Glyphosate: A National Epidemic

The problem is clearly not going away soon although i am actually hopeful
that it will be generally banned just about everywhere outside the USA.
Even this will take a long time. In the meantime we all need advice on how
to minimize exposure.
This item tackles that part of the equation. Unfortunately the news is not
good. At best we can actively reject all GMO foods and that is pretty
difficult. Otherwise become best friends with an organic grower.
By and large what appears to be developing is a more general Glyphosate
syndrome that is needs to be generally addressed by ou... more »
Sloan Matt on Sitzen
This work eliminates Sitzen's leap into pure science fiction but leaves the
source material intact and brings out much of the esoteric. I am not so
sure that he was essentially driven by his publishers who wanted to exploit
Danikin's success. The general background appears intact of a plausible
intervention by an alien species and we have spirit, soul and the physical
separately identified. This is something that i have come to properly
understand only recently.
The other reality that we must soon face is that alien communities existed
during the Bronze Age at least. We now... more »
Archeologists Stunned by Ancient Stone Circles in Mideast

This is a serious conundrum. They are roughly made with no more skill
applied than one would expect from a local community. Thus there is surely
a practical explanation that tribesmen could make work well.
The only thing that comes to mind is to provide individual corrals for
sheep at a trading fair. The animals can be easily be lifted over the
fence or a temporary ramp can be provided to allow tghis usage. Once done,
they are well enough secured.
Otherwise these enclosures would be rather inconvenient for day to day but
fine when theft is a problem.
*Archeologists Stun... more »
Joe Oliver, CFIB, and the Fraser Institute
FinMin Joe Oliver admitted last week that his department had outsourced
government policy to the lobby group *Canadian Federation of Independent
Business,* and further, had not done their own analysis of CFIB's work even
though the lobby group represents the businesses the new policy was
intended to benefit. The new CFIB/FinMin policy takes $500M from the EI
fund and gives it to small businesses - ostensibly to create jobs.
CFIB wasted no time taking credit for this piece of government policy.
On their webpage CFIB shows this photo of CFIB President Dan Kelly at the
government's "... more »
You Serve At The Pleasure Of The President (The Resignation Of U.S. Secretary Of Defense Hagel)
*My Comment*: In the past few months many in the Pentagon have been brutal
in their commentary and analysis on President Obama's strategy to deal with
the Islamic State, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Syria, Ebola, Libya, etc.. What
made matters worse was that many of these comments were being made public
.... and in clear contradiction of stated White House policies and
strategies. The White House had to act to assert its authority .... and not
surprising they did so today. The result I predict is going to be
immediate. Generals/Admirals and their staff .... if they want to continue
havin... more »
Tap water, beer and beef: The surprising facts of life in Managua
Why does meat taste better in developing countries? We'll have been in
Managua for a month as of tomorrow, just long enough that I'm no longer
getting lost every time I walk out the door but short enough that every day
still holds some surprising discovery. Herewith, a small list of things I
hadn't been expecting:
- *You can drink the water from the tap in Managua.* Who knew? I just
presumed we'd be drinking bottled water for the whole time we were here, as
was the case for more than two years in Honduras. But I kept hearing from
one person after another that Managua... more »
Letter from Managua: Missing the strange
I can see why people wind up travelling to more and more exotic places.
After a month in Managua, I recognize a faint disappointment at the lack of
full-on culture shock.
The first month in Copan Ruinas, less than three years ago, was a thrill
ride of new sensations. The grungy home stay, the cobbled streets, the
half-starved dogs and sheer newness of life in the world’s most dangerous
country. We would walk along, under the scorching sun, and say ‘Geez, we’re
living in Honduras’ in a slightly bewildered way.
The arrival in Nicaragua was wildly uneventful by comparison. Sure, there’... more »
Free Trade 40: Razeen Sally Joins IDEAS, to Campaign for More Liberalization

Good news for the ASEAN here. Today, IDEAS announced this:
*Kuala Lumpur, 24 November 2014 – The Institute for Democracy and Economic
Affairs (IDEAS) announces today the appointment of Dr. Razeen Sally as the
first holder of IDEAS Chair of Political Economy and Governance Programme.*
*Dr. Sally is a globally renowned expert on international trade policy. He
is Director and Co-founder of the European Centre for International
Political Economy (ECIPE) and a Visiting Associate Professor at the Lee
Kuan Yew School of Public Policy. He was a faculty member and PhD graduate
of the London ... more »
Iranians Unbowed: CNN's Latest 'Open Mic' in Tehran
he has in the past, CNN correspondent Reza Sayah recently took to the
streets of Tehran to find out what Iranians really think of the prospect
of a nuclear deal between their government and six world powers.
Setting up a camera in the uptown thoroughfare of Tajrish Square, Sayah
asked passers-by if they support the current nuclear negotiations and
would favor a comprehensive deal. The
#JohnKeyHistory: Peaceful Settlement? [updated]
The PM wasn't exactly right suggesting settlement in NZ was *entirely*
peaceful -- although it was far more peaceful than western settlement
elsewhere. (Just ask the Incas how they got on against the Spanish, for
And this morning he’s been tangled up in ridiculous obfuscation between the
meaning of the words “colonisation” and settlement,” opening himself up to mostly
deserved ridicule.
One can only imagine he tried the defence of obfuscation at the behest of a
spin doctor.
What would have been far more accurate to say would be that *western
settlement of NZ brought pe... more »
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