Engineer-Poet wrote a Nov 2006 layout of a sample energy policy to eliminate crude oil imports to the US at the Ergosphere Blogspot. Knowing his interest in things nuclear - including Thorium - it is still a bit of a shock to see him treating carbon credits / anthropogenic global warming as other than a con game to pervert global energy supply by a tax on a fictitious problem ( making lots of money via fraud on the way while rewarding scofflaw nations and taxing the poor into extinction ) ...administered by an international body controlled by the US/UK ( power over power supply ). Still ... there is nothing like an independent thinker trying to pound sense into peoples' heads.
People do not seem realize - as per media publicity - the ice age prophecies ( as in also being pure modelled or no ) were roughly as credible ( make that incredible ) and would be a case of squeezing the lucre at the most devastating pricing opportunity should they come to pass.
Husbanding resources also means "Buy Low, Sell High" : a real ca$e for CONservation of strategic war materiel and necessity of modern infrastructure.
Energy Policy Wikipedia

EngineerPoet Voodude 11 hours ago

EngineerPoet Voodude 14 hours ago

EngineerPoet Voodude 16 hours ago
People do not seem realize - as per media publicity - the ice age prophecies ( as in also being pure modelled or no ) were roughly as credible ( make that incredible ) and would be a case of squeezing the lucre at the most devastating pricing opportunity should they come to pass.
Husbanding resources also means "Buy Low, Sell High" : a real ca$e for CONservation of strategic war materiel and necessity of modern infrastructure.
Energy Policy Wikipedia

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