9:31pm MST
.Putin meets Obama, Xi Jinping, Bolkiah at the APEC summit
Russia's New Military Doctrine Will Designate The U.S. And NATO As Threats Or Adversaries
Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping talk as they depart the APEC Summit family photo, in Beijing November 10, 2014. (Reuters/Kevin Lamarque) *Putin Builds China Links As Ties With West Fray -- Financial Times* When Vladimir Putin met China’s president Xi Jinping, a memorandum of understanding for a second massive gas supply deal caught most of the attention. For the Russian president, the deal may be less appealing for its commercial benefits than its ability to advance the larger goal of cementing ties with its eastern neighbour. According to Russi... more »
"Trying to Please Others, Living for Ourselves"
*"Trying to Please Others, Living for Ourselves"* by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM "We may not realize until we are adults that we are living our life to make our parents happy. Most of us come to a point in our lives when we question why we are doing what we are doing, and many of us come to realize that we may be living our lives in an effort to make our parents happy. This realization can dawn when we are in our 20s, our 40s, or even later, depending upon how tight a hold our family of origin has on our psyche. We may feel shocked or depressed by this information, but we can trust ... more »
Carl Sagan and Reflections on the Significance of IR
I was remiss yesterday in failing to note that November 9, 2014 would have been Carl Sagan’s 80th birthday. For a former astrophysicist such as myself, it is an opportunity for reflection on the significance of what we do in the study and practice of international relations. Sagan was a masterful communicator of important scientific Continue reading
John A Carroll shared a link. 2 hrs · Haiti--2014 Father Andre is the soothing force in northern Haiti. His announcements after Mass are the social media equivalent of Twitter but are much more important. Haitian officials request tourists but for... BLOGS.PJSTAR.COM LikeLike · · Share - [image: John A Carroll]
No. They Didn't Fight for our Freedoms.
On Remembrance Day, Canadians come together to honour our fellow countrymen and women who have sacrificed for the sake of our freedom and way of life. Prince George-Peace River MP Bob Zimmer This trope that Canadian soldiers have fought and sacrificed for Canadian freedoms is so common we accept it without any thought. It's part of our lore now, and it is regularly trotted out as a reminder to
Ryan Wood and the Majestic Documents
In the interest of fairness, and remember this is my blog so that I get to decide what is fair and what is not, I mention that I have been in communication with Ryan Wood, which is to say, he emailed me. He pointed out that the documents under discussion have been on his website www.majesticdocuments.com and that these specific documents can be found at: http://www.majesticdocuments.com/official.documents.nara.php. In the email he argues, “I don’t think a it has any bearing (positive or negative) on “Operation Majestic-12”; the right hand was not talking to the left hand (which wa... more »
Who Remembers Republican Congressman Jay Kim?
Former U.S. Congressman renounces American citizenship, defects Much to the embarrassment of Korean-Americans, the first person elected to Congress from their community was Jay Kim, a Seoul-born crooked conservative. A former mayor of suburban Diamond Bar, Kim was elected to Congress from the just created 41st CD in 1992. His campaign and his entire sleazy political career were financed by Korean corporate interests. He was chair of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee's subcommittee for Public Buildings & Economic Development. The story of how he lost his 1998 prima... more »
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Bin Laden legends ‘made in USA’
The continuing controversy over which Navy Seal supposedly killed Osama Bin Laden, and the allegedly ISIL-linked killings of two Canadian soldiers, are the latest media stunts designed to prop up the illusion of a “global war on terror” (GWOT) against radical Islam… ...In July 2001 – at precisely the same time New York Zionist mafia figures Larry Silverstein, Frank Lowy, and Lewis Eisenberg were privatizing and over-insuring the condemned-for-asbestos World Trade Center – Bin Laden was being treated for kidney failure at the American Hospital in Dubai by a US intelligence linked s... more »
Taipei Mayor Polls, Debate Round up
Rounded up some stuff on Taipei, where Ko Wen-je, independent candidate extraordinaire, is holding his lead over KMT scion Sean Lien. Click READ MORE.... @FormosaNation on Twitter, whom you should be following, has rounded up another collection of polls. This Nov 8 poll from the pro-KMT China Times has the KMT's "God-Pig" Sean Lien getting killed by independent Ko Wen-je, 46.9% to 30.2%. The lowest line, 16.2, tracks undecideds. More importantly, Ko's large lead is holding in every poll and over time. TVBS, another pro-KMT station, has very similar numbers for Nov 8, 45-32. This p... more »
Who Killed Ahmad Shah Massoud?
*The shadow CIA killed Ahmad Shah Massoud on September 9, 2001. His assassination was overshadowed by the false flag 9/11 attacks, also done by the shadow CIA, and in partnership with the shadow Mossad.* "The details of the assassination, which included an explosive charge disguised as a battery pack for a video camera, the acquisition of stolen passports, and the death of both assassins, at different times and by different means -- suggest a sophisticated conspiracy. Dead men tell no tales, and in this case, neither have the living. But Massoud's assassination is important for s... more »
The Intelligence of Plants Unveiled
*Film - *A film that questions the intelligence of plants and examines how plants perceive their environment and if they have the ability to remember and feel. The post The Intelligence of Plants Unveiled appeared first on Waking Times.
UNDER THE INFLUEN$E - 10 min extended trailer from UNDERtheINFLUENCE on Vimeo.
Wild Bill: Some advice for the Republicans...
*because this is the last chance you'll get. * Don't blow it!
Ukraine's Civil War Could Explode In The Next 48 Hours
*All-Out War Looms In Ukraine As Military Vehicles Move Towards Donetsk -- Sydney Morning Herald* Shakhtarsk, Ukraine: New columns of tanks, trucks and heavy artillery have rumbled towards the pro-Moscow rebel stronghold of Donetsk as fears grow of a return to all-out fighting in war-torn eastern Ukraine. Meanwhile, a Ukrainian separatist leader met senators in Moscow after elections condemned by the US and the European Union, which warned it could increase sanctions on Russia if the conflict intensifies. Intense weekend shelling around Donetsk and more armoured columns heading t... more »
Remembrance Day, November 11, 2014
The glorification of War has reached a crescendo this year with War Movies and video games...non stop media coverage of historical and current war stories. There should be a law that equal time be given to the heros of peace...like Roger Waters of "Pink Floyd" for his courageous stand on Palestine. *Roger Waters singing "We Shall Overcome"* I also think an *equal opportunity should be given to Peace Symbols *to offset the obsession with the Poppy....it used to stand for something other than* neverending war*.... *What to do with a Poppy...* *How about wearing a "W... more »
METRO/GUEST VOICE | Elaine J. Cohen : Cassandra’s curse and the usgov detention centers
Briefly thought extinct, the idea of ‘family detention’ has returned to the horror of those who battled it at the T. Don Hutto Detention Center in Taylor, Texas. By Elaine J. Cohen | The Rag Blog | November 6, 2014 … finish reading *METRO/GUEST VOICE* | Elaine J. Cohen : Cassandra’s curse and the usgov detention centers
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- November 10, 2014
Image: Wikimedia Commons/Brandon Lim/CC by-sa 2.0 Asia’s Economic Miracle Has Peaked -- William T. Wilson, National Interest *Demographic trends, faltering exports, slowing growth in China and a credit bubble all suggest a new reality for Asia. * Unlike working-age individuals, the young and old tend to consume more output than they generate. As a consequence, the value of output per capita tends to be boosted when the population of working-age individuals is relatively large and tends to be depressed when a relatively large part of the population consists of young and elderly depe... more »
There Is Still No Global Warming Greenhouse Effect
Steven Goddard is insisting that there is a "greenhouse effect" due to IR absorption by "greenhouse gases"; he claims they impede heat energy flow from the Earth's surface upward, like a dam across a river impedes the river's flow. My response: *From the Earth's surface to the tropopause, the energy flow is governed solely by the lapse rate in temperature, which is due solely to the gravitational acceleration g and the effective specific heat of the atmosphere--completely independent of just how the atmosphere is warmed, as for example by absorption and emission of IR radiation by I... more »
My POST eliminated by the CIA
It happened. I wish I could reconstuct the post with a gun to my head but its gone girl.
I do not want to eat your oversalted shit
Hey fast food, stop selling poison and I might eat you when I am out.
Nazi Megastructures
These last five weeks there's only been one place for Third Reich geeks. And that's been More4, 9pm Sunday evenings for the fantastically-named documentary series, *Nazi Megastructures*. At the centrepiece of each programme was a terrible, maniacal, yet ingenious Nazi scheme designed to strike the allies a crippling blow. They were truly windows into this most barbarous of regimes. The first episode focused on the U-boat threat and particularly the base built at Lorient, on the French Atlantic coast. This structure, built between 1941 and 1942 provided three huge bunkers for the r... more »
"How They Really Are..."
"Most of one’s life is one prolonged effort to prevent oneself from thinking. People intoxicate themselves with work so they won’t see how they really are." - Aldous Huxley
"Bread, Circuses & Bombs – Decline of The American Empire, Part Two"
*"Bread, Circuses & Bombs – * *Decline of The American Empire, Part Two"* by James Quinn "In Part One of this article I discussed the similarities between the Roman Empire and the American Empire at a high level. In this article I’ll delve into some specific similarities and rhymes between the fall of the Roman Empire and our modern day empire of debt, decay and decline. I’ll address our expansive level of bread and circuses and how defects in our human nature lead to people willingly sacrificing their liberty for promises of safety and security. All empires decline due to the same ... more »
World News Briefs -- November 10, 2014 (Evening Edition)
U.S. President Barack Obama (L) poses for photographs with China's President Xi Jinping (C) and Xi's wife Peng Liyuan during the APEC Welcome Banquet at Beijing National Aquatics Center, or the Water Cube, in Beijing, November 10, 2014. REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon *Obama Urges China To Be Partner In Ensuring World Order -- Reuters* (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama said on Monday a successful China was in the interests of the United States and the world but Beijing had to be a partner in underwriting international order, and not undermine it. Referring to growing concerns among U.... more »
ORDINARY AND COMMON MINDS: (My inner Taylor Mali). via ORDINARY AND COMMON MINDS: (My inner Taylor Mali).Filed under: SHAUN JOHNSON, PHD: Musings from the Chalk Face
Are We Going To Condemn Ourselves To Voting For The Lesser Of Two Evils For Eternity?
New York State has 62 counties. A majority of voters in only 16 of them backed Andrew Cuomo's reelection as governor last week. He beat Republican Rob Astorino 1,919,225 (53.96%) to 1,443,713 (40.59%)-- with 173,606 votes (4.88%) for Green Party candidate Howie Hawkins. In September Cuomo spent $60.62 per voter to win a 62-35% victory over staunchly progressive icon, Zephyr Teachout, who managed to win 30 counties, several-- like Ulster, Sullivan, Columbia, Schoharie, Saratoga, Otsego, and Tompkins-- with over two thirds of the vote. She took 77.9% of the vote in the Hudson Valle... more »
George Bushes
As part of my mission to bring you all sort of random stuff from time to time, here's a new painting from former U.S. president George W. Bush. His previous paintings were much mocked by the BBC. Will this latest painting receive the same treatment? (Note how I cunningly brought in a 'BBC bias' angle to justify this post.)
The Economy: "The Keynesian Consensus Has Been a Dismal Failure"
*"The Keynesian Consensus Has Been a Dismal Failure"* by Bill Bonner "Voters don't like the Republicans any better than they like the Democrats. But last week, Obama and the Dems were held responsible for the economy. They got off easy. A hanging would have been more appropriate. We have mentioned many times how median household income is now lower than it was when the 21st century began. The median household had $57,000 in income when the big ball came down in Times Square and closed out the 20th century. Today, it has $52,000. Stocks are substantially higher. So are corporate pr... more »
Are you competent?
Well then maybe you should be President, boss or team leader. What we have seen is that incompetance at the top has made opportunity a clean up on asile sick. I am not talking about Obama alone, its everywhere, like Zombies that can not be killed with a brain stroke. In China and in Germany they do not put people in power who got a law degree. We should never have in my IMHO a leader who just abides. A law degree or and MBA sersiously what kind of currency is that today.
That BBC Trust ruling against 'Newsbeat'
Some of you will perhaps have read about the BBC Trust and Ofcom's rulings against Radio 1's *Newsbeat *over that programme's interview with an Islamic State jihadi from Britain. There have been quite a few interviews with such people on the BBC, most prominently on *Newsnight*. Whether any of those are being investigated or not I cannot say. Maybe none of them breached the BBC's editorial standards so egregiously. All I can say is this one must have been *really* bad. The BBC Trust *very rarely* makes such a damning verdict on the BBC. The BBC's own online report today isn't ve... more »
Politics a paid profession for bulllies and the entitled
Public service yada yada yada, you could not make half the money or get half the benifits someplace else. Or your Dad was great and lets elect me. We need some kind of entrance examime before you can run for office.
We will remember them
History’s most disastrous, most tragic, most pointless mass slaughter finally ground to a halt on the 11th hour of the 11th month of the Year of Destruction 1918. “Utterly incredible,” confided Arthur Ponsonby to his diary on 13 August 1914 … The long expected European war has come. A dozen or so diplomats, a score of ministers, and two or three monarchs have been offending one another, so to make things straight they have ordered out millions of peaceful citizens to go and get massacred. The Government have been telling us lies and we believed them. We were committed and we did... more »
RAF Drone Carries Out First Strike In Iraq
BBC *RAF Make First Strike On ISIS with Drone: Missile Launched From Reaper Hits ISIS Terrorists Laying Bombs In Iraq -- Daily Mail* * MoD said Reaper 'successfully attacked the terrorists using a Hellfire missile' * ISIS militants were planting improvised explosive devices north of Baghdad * A pair of RAF Tornadoes also destroyed an ISIS equipment container British forces conducted their first drone attacks on ISIS militants in Iraq over the weekend, the Ministry of Defence has said. A series of coalition missions were conducted near Bayji, north of Baghdad, where extremists were ... more »
How the German mainstream media became puppets of the CIA and how the German people became angered over their hugely biased coverage of Russia. Unlike the American sheeple, the Germans have now stopped reading their "mainstream" newspapers and journals. In fact now even their websites are all going down.
------------------------------ *News Report from Russia Insider* ------------------------------ November 10, 2014 | Original Here Go here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter German Newspapers Have Destroyed Themselves By Being The CIA’s Puppets Germans Abandon Major News Sites in Anger Over Slanted Russia Coverage Triggered by reader disaffection, internet traffic has collapsed for half a dozen major German media websites What’s going on in the German media is huge. It is one of the most popular subjects on our site. The ... more »
WTF, Russia’s domestic Internet traffic mysteriously passes through Chinese routers
[image: BRICS INTERNET ALTERNATIVE] *This is significant news...this means the BRICS are now separating their Internet traffic to their own networks outside the US/UK/EU controlled networks... This is not accidental. Its starting... -AK* http://arstechnica.com/security/2014/11/wtf-russias-domestic-internet-traffic-mysteriously-passes-through-china/ WTF, Russia’s domestic Internet traffic mysteriously passes through Chinese routers *Unexplained diversion underscores insecurity of Net's global routing system.* by Dan Goodin - Nov 9 2014, 6:00pm WET Dyn Research Domestic Inter... more »
Catalonians Vote Overwhelmingly In A Non-Binding VoteFor Independence From Spain
*Catalonia Vote: 80% Back Independence - officials -- BBC* An informal vote on independence for Catalonia has shown more than 80% in favour, officials say. The non-binding vote went ahead after Spain's constitutional court ruled out holding a formal referendum in the autonomous north-eastern region. More than two million people out of an estimated 5.4 million eligible voters took part in the ballot. Catalan leader Artur Mas hailed the poll "a great success" that should pave the way for a formal referendum. "We have earned the right to a referendum," he told cheering supporters. ... more »
Society goes on strike
Its there today in Japan and Korea even China. If we do not reproduce our society dies. So all you facists better figure out a way to make babies more profitable to the workers.
More factoids
From tonight's *The Museum of Curiosity* (one of the few Radio 4 6.30pm comedies worth listening to), three factoids: - Elvis Presley loved 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail' & could recite much of it by heart. - There are somewhere between 14 to 18 intact abandoned Tube stations beneath London. - A recent survey found that only 15% of university graduates know what bonobos are.
Cold War Levels? Report Lists 40 Cases Of ‘Brinkmanship’ In Past Eight Months Between Russian And Western Military Forces
A Russian SU-27 Flanker aircraft banks away with a RAF Typhoon in the background. RAF Typhoons were scrambled on June 17 to intercept multiple Russian aircraft in international airspace as part of NATO’s ongoing Baltic Air Policing Mission. (UK Ministry of Defense) *European Think Tank Says Russian Brinksmanship At Cold War Levels -- FOX News* A report from a European think tank has identified more than 40 dangerous incidents involving forces from Russia and those of NATO member states over the past eight months. The report, released Monday by the London-based European Leadership... more »
Veterans For Peace UK at The Cenotaph
The Cenotaph is a war memorial situated on Whitehall in London. It began as a temporary structure erected for a peace parade following the end of the First World War. It was replaced in 1920 by a permanent structure and designated the United Kingdom's primary national war memorial. Veterans For Peace was founded in Maine in 1985 and today has more than 100 chapters all over the US and in three countries - Vietnam, South Korea, and the United Kingdom.
How Many Wars Has Washington Started?
A neighbor told me Obama wasting his time negotiating with Iran can't trust them Who has Iran invaded during the last 200 years? No one Iraq attacked Iran in 1980 with help from U.S. Iran is high on Washington-Tel Aviv list for destabilization and regime change The fact my neighbor is talking about Iran indicates corporate media heating up war drums inside colonized heads of unsuspecting American people How many countries has Washington invaded during last 200 years? How many treaties and international agreements has Washington broken?
The Jeremy Bowen fanclub
Do you remember when Lauren Booth - Israel-hating, Hamas-friendly half-sister of Cherie Blair - got into a fluster over a false rumour that Jeremy Bowen had been pulled out of Gaza by the BBC after a complaint from Israel -, a rumour promoted by a concerned Tariq Ramadan (Israel-hating, Hamas-friendly). @BBC send jeremy Bowen back to Gaza. Let him report!“@TariqRamadan: @BBCNews HAS REMOVED JEREMY BOWEN FROM #GAZA ... pic.twitter.com/DpoDIuevgL”— Lauren Booth (@LaurenBoothUK) August 4, 2014 The original tweet was deleted after Lauren realised it was a hoax. However, it still serve... more »
Rally for Alexi Cruz, student detained in El Paso Immigration Center
Community Rallies for Alexi Cruz, Student Wrongly Detained in El Paso Immigration Center Alexi, who came to the U.S. at 14, is eligible for DACA El Paso, TX, November 10, 2014— Human Rights Organizer, student and father, Alexi Cruz was wrongly detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) after his car broke down on the side of the road in Lordsburg, NM. Alexi was racially
Rising number of Muslims Reporting Dreams about Jesus
[image: Desert] Presuming this is a real measurable phenomena, it is startling in terms of import. It represents a a signal that the world of the spirit which we have come to understand as physically real itself will make a clear choice. It is quite one thing for you and I to think that we have the right of it, but quite another for any spirit to reach out to a convinced Muslim and open his eyes directly and powerful for that spirit to be identified as Jesus. I would be equally impressed. More to the point it answers a profoundly troublesome issue. How can Islam itself be con... more »
Boyd Bushman’s Astonishing Area 51 Deathbed Confession and L:ie Detector Testimony
[image: Boyd Bushman photo of alien held at Area 51] [image: Boyd Bushman photo of alien held at Area 51] As reported befoere with the video this is all pretty real and conforms to a mass of data snippets that have leaked out since 1947 when the first UFO was retrieved in New Mexico. I think that it is clearly authentic and better yet it confirms completely excellent reports from completely independent sources. The most important datum is that a crystalline material is able to provide anti gravity. This is something that i had already conjectured and also had... more »
Berlin Wall: Weasel Vs Hawk
[image: Andrew Bates]*Was it some kind of "collective will" that caused the Berlin Wall to fall, or some kind of individual agency that pushed it over? Our guest poster Andrew Bates characterises the makers of these two arguments as Weasels and Hawks respectively.* London’s normally excellent paper *City AM *also publishes a fellow called Dr John C Hulsman, described as “a life member of the Council on Foreign Relations,” and a political consultant “explaining American politics and policy to the wider world, while also assessing the broad contours of the new multi-polar era we fin... more »
Mohawk Nation News 'Bloody Remembrance'
BLOODY REMEMBRANCE Posted on November 10, 2014 Mohawk Nation News Please post and distribute. Thank you. MNN. Nov. 10, 2014. War is the bankers’ favorite theatre. November 11th is a celebration of war. Everybody gets a day off. Commemorations are televised of the past and present bloodletting. The bagpipes blare. Why do Scottish clad men marching with bagpipes symbolize Canada in
Sandy Hook Was A Massive Operation And Hoax: Is THIS The Real Reason For That Operation? US Government To Introduce Psychiatic Surveillance Of US Public School Children!
Honesty, I had hoped that I would not have to file another report on the Sandy Hook operation of December 14th, 2012, simply because by this time I thought most people would have finally got the message that it was indeed a massive fraud and a hoax..... The fact is that absolutely NO children "died" in that operation in Newtown Connecticut, and the whole operation was conducted for very nefarious reasons by the US Government.... Many people have been asking the hard question: "If Sandy Hook was indeed a fraud, then what was its purpose?".... Well, it seems that there indeed was a ve... more »
*Jimmy Graham rips nullifying TD call by obviously corrupt NFL Vegas Referees* *Are they really the worst places to own a home? ~Ezra Boyd, Ph.D., DisasterMap.net* *Hurricane Katrina, Rita settlement letters mailed out, thousands could see small share of $20M ~Mark Schleifstein*
Weather Warfare: The Chemtrail Conspiracy
*Video - *A short video that takes a look at some of the history of geoengineering and the reasons for the unfolding chemtrail conspiracy. The post Weather Warfare: The Chemtrail Conspiracy appeared first on Waking Times.
METRO | Lamar W. Hankins : Birthing book linked to death of Pursley baby in East Texas cult
The Texas Family Code states explicitly that parents have a duty to provide medical care to their child. By Lamar W. Hankins | The Rag Blog | November 10, 2014 “I have some grievous news. The Lord took her.” – … finish reading *METRO* | Lamar W. Hankins : Birthing book linked to death of Pursley baby in East Texas cult
Supplemental: Still pounding a tale from 1992!
*MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2014Bob Schieffer never quits:* There is no reason to think that Ross Perot destroyed the re-election bid of President Bush the Elder in 1992. There is zero reason to think that any such thing occurred—and the tired old story is now 22 years old. But God help us! On yesterday’s Face the Nation, Bob Schieffer interviewed his personal friend, George Bush the Younger, and he seems to have raised this tired old tale again. Schieffer’s too slick to let us see how it happened. But this is the relevant part of the Face the Nation transcript: BUSH (11/9/14): The ’... more »
Obama, Putin Speak Briefly At The APEC Summit
Brunei's Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah (L-R), Russia's President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping, his wife Peng Liyuan and U.S. President Barack Obama arrive for a dinner hosted by the Chinese President at the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Beijing, November 10, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Mikhail Klimentyev/RIA Novosti/Kremlin *Obama, Putin Speak Briefly On Beijing Summit Sidelines -- Reuters* (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke briefly on the sidelines of APEC summit events on Monday night but did not delve into ... more »
Foods that will Boost Your Metabolism
*Meme - *Ensuring a healthy diet filled with these foods, which will boost your metabolism, may help you stay fit, healthy, and even improve your quality of life. The post Foods that will Boost Your Metabolism appeared first on Waking Times.
Exposing Shocking Truths About Vaccines: Vaccines Cause Cancer, Autism, & Other Deadly Diseases!
Yes, it has been a long time since I put up an important health report here at this blog... But with the recent "Ebola outbreak" sweeping the Jew spew news, and the seasonal demand here in Canada where Canuckleheads are requested to line up like dumb ass sheep to take poisonous and deadly "flu shots", this one is long overdue... I want to share with everyone an important article right here that comes from the RINF website, at www.rinf.com... It is entitled: "Vaccines Cause Cancer, Autism & Other Deadly Diseases" and it absolutely backs up everything that I have been stating for year...more »
U.S. Raises Concerns On Russia's Military Buildup In East Ukraine
*US Alarmed Over Reports of Russian Buildup in E. Ukraine -- Voice of America* The White House voiced "grave concern" Sunday over reports of military reinforcements pouring into eastern Ukraine from neighboring Russia, including the cross-border transfer of heavy weapons and tanks. National Security Council spokeswoman Bernadette Meehan also warned that any move by pro-Russian rebels to seize more territory in Ukraine's embattled east would be seen as a "blatant violation" of a cease-fire deal with the Kyiv government. The latest U.S. warning comes as European monitors reported c... more »
Ukraine Ceasefire On The Verge Of Breaking Down
Smoke rises above a new terminal of the Sergey Prokofiev International Airport after the recent shelling during fighting between pro-Russian separatists and Ukrainian government forces in Donetsk, eastern Ukraine, November 9, 2014. REUTERS/Maxim Zmeyev *In Ukraine, Shelling And Convoys Of Armed Trucks Threaten Cease-Fire -- New York Times* MOSCOW — A shaky cease-fire in eastern Ukraine looked ever more tenuous on Sunday as European monitors confirmed reports of unmarked military vehicles driving through rebel-held territory while Donetsk, the region’s biggest city, endured a nigh... more »
Some observations and questions about Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber calling libtards stupid...
*because he couldn't have been calling conservatives stupid because we already knew the truth.* First question: Why is everyone so shocked? First observation: In the first sentence he uses the word "literally." Ouch! Second question: Why is he flapping his hands around in imitation of the worst female newscasters? Women who do this are not to be considered serious in my opinion. Men who do this should have their sexuality questioned. Second observation: At approximately :35 he uses the word "basically." Double ouch! Third observation: At :38 he uses "basically" *again.* ... more »
The House Democrats' Delusional Autopsy Extravaganza Starts Now
Now it's the Beltway Democrats' turn for an autopsy. Early indications are that they are in such a state of denial that the whole exercise will probably prove as pointless as the one the GOP did after they had their asses kicked by the electorate in 2012. Take a peek at 3 minutes of my early morning twitter notifications yesterday: But Pelosi refuses to go beyond, "we did bad because our people didn't come out and vote." Why, Nancy, why? We already know they didn't vote-- worst turn-out since World War II, Dems-- and we know you know it. But do you know *why* they didn't come o... more »
Is The Islamic State Leader Dead? (Updated)
*Is Islamic State Leader Wounded Or Dead? -- USA Today* There's a big question swirling around Washington this Monday: Did an airstrike in Iraq wound or even kill the leader of the Islamic State? Iraqi officials say Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was wounded during an airstrike over the weekend in western Anbar province, but U.S. officials have not commented on the prospect. Former CIA deputy director Mike Morell, speaking on CBS This Morning, said that — regardless of the status of al-Baghdadi — it's encouraging that allies struck a convoy that included several Islamic State leaders. *Rea... more »
U.S. And Allies Intensify Airstrikes Against The islamic State
An explosion following an air strike is seen in central Kobani, November 10, 2014. Credit: REUTERS/Osman Orsal *U.S., Allies Launch Barrage Of Airstrikes Against Islamic State -- Reuters* (Reuters) - The United States and its allies launched a barrage of attacks against Islamic State over the weekend, conducting 23 air strikes in Syria and 18 in Iraq against the militant group since Friday, U.S. Central Command said. In a statement, U.S. Central Command said the strikes in Syria included 13 aimed near the key border down of Kobani and 10 hit near Dayr Az Zawr. In Iraq, seven strik... more »
Who Thinks Your Thoughts?
*Brendan D. Murphy* - "The notion that how we feel is merely caused by events around us or directly involving us, is a scourge of our modern times..." The post Who Thinks Your Thoughts? appeared first on Waking Times.
The Congo's Legacy of Imperialism - Ebola, Jews and Bats
*From the Nigerian Blog, PublicWellness :* *(Emphasis Added)* *"*Ebola virus disease (EVD) is a dreaded viral disease and the first case of the virus was recorded in 1976 in Zaire which was where it got its first name, Zaire Ebola Virus and out of the 318 persons that got hit by the virus only 38 lived to tell the story. Today, it is spreading like a wild fire in Africa and we all need to watch it. *Symptoms* The early symptoms of Ebola virus disease could be a bit difficult to notice because they are similar to other viral infections. Here are the common symptoms: - Elev... more »
Iran Claims To Have Successfully Tested A Replica Of The US Drone That Was Captured In 2011
An undated picture received December 8, 2011 shows a member of Iran's revolutionary guard pointing at the U.S. RQ-170 unmanned spy plane as he speaks with Amirali Hajizadeh (R), a revolutionary guard commander, at an unknown location in Iran. Credit: Reuters/Sepah News.ir/ Handout *Iran Says It Successfully Tested Copied US Drone -- VOA* Iran says it has successfully tested its version of a U.S. drone. Iranian officials said Monday the design is based on the RQ-170 Sentinel, a U.S. drone seized in 2011 when it traveled into Iranian airspace from Afghanistan. Tehran pledged to relea... more »
Jewish Supreme Court justices marvel at Jewish supremacy in America
A prime example of the Jewish domination of America today is the fact that 3 out of the 9 Supreme Court justices are Jews. Jews control and dominate many other important aspects of American society as well, including the mainstream mass media, Hollywood, Wall Street, Federal Reserve System, and politics to name just a few examples. Any time the Jewish domination and control of America is pointed out or criticized, the "anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist" canard is hysterically leveled against the observant offender of political correctness. And yet, Jews and Jewish news outlets often ... more »
Suicide Bomber Kills Dozens At Nigerian School
*47 People Killed In Bombing Outside Nigerian School; Boko Haram Suspected -- CNN* Kano, Nigeria (CNN) -- At least 47 people were killed and 79 were wounded Monday by a suicide bombing outside a school in northern Nigeria, police said. The attacker was disguised as a student when he set off the explosion in a government boarding school in the town of Potiskum, police spokesman Emmanuel Ojukwu said. "We suspect Boko Haram is behind the attack," Ojukwu said. The explosion took place at 7:50 a.m. local time outside the principal's office, where students had gathered for a daily spe...more »
Death Aid - French Imperialism and the Pre-Ebola Depopulation of Rwanda
President Kagame Accuses France Over Rwanda Genocide from Spike EP on Vimeo. "France has no friends - only interests." - French President Charles DeGaulle "Frenchmen trained and armed the soldiers and militia that would commit the genocide. They knew there would be genocide. The French saved those murderers later on and did not protect the victims. They were courageous enough to remain here without any apologies as well." - Rwandan President Paul Kagame Death Aid - The Depopulation of Rwanda and the French from Spike EP on Vimeo . "The primary means of killing at speed in this gen... more »
Khamenei's plan to eliminate Israel
An English-tweeting Persian user of Twitter who only follows three other users – the Arabic and Persian versions of himself as well as Ayatollah Khomeini – has presented his plan to settle the tension between Israel and the Arabs living on and near its territory. What's interesting about this senile crackpot is that he's been hired by Allah, a non-existent agent, as the mullah-in-chief of Persia. I hope that I haven't used any politically incorrect words when I talked about this m*therf*cker yet and I will try to keep these high diplomatic standards below, too. Here are his ans... more »
Neutering Dissent
Well Glory Hallelujah come on get happy. President Obama makes his *preferences* known, in no uncertain terms, and Internet freedom fighters throughout the land are exploding in gratitude, wonder and awe. From the official White House pronouncement published to great fanfare today: *“Net neutrality” has been built into the fabric of the Internet since its creation — but it is also a principle that we cannot take for granted. We cannot allow Internet service providers (ISPs) to restrict the best access or to pick winners and losers in the online marketplace for services and ideas... more »
We're More Powerful Than We Think
What really grinds my gears with radicals is their idiotic, ahistorical delusions about how we have zero power within Canada's quasi-democracy, and that we should reject it altogether and hold-out for the REAL democracy that will be won after a "struggle" that hasn't even begun, and which they therefore have absolutely nothing to tell us. If our elections were clean, and if our human rights were respected, and if we could somehow assume democratic rights within our workplaces, ... if we could somehow reduce the power of money within our political system and the power of economic bla... more »
World News Briefs -- November 10, 2014
*Xi Dangles $1.25 Trillion as China Counters U.S. 'Pivot' to Asia -- Bloomberg* President Xi Jinping sought to counter U.S. efforts aimed at boosting influence in Asia by flexing China’s economic muscle days before a Beijing summit with his counterpart Barack Obama. Speaking to executives at a CEO gathering in Beijing, Xi outlined how much the world stands to gain from a rising China. He said outbound investment will total $1.25 trillion over the next 10 years, 500 million Chinese tourists will go abroad, and the government will spend $40 billion to revive the ancient Silk Road t... more »
Message To U.S. Active Military – Are You Truly A Hero?
*Bernie Suarez* - "Where are the truly brave men and women of the United States of America who believe in freedom and the Constitution?" The post Message To U.S. Active Military – Are You Truly A Hero? appeared first on Waking Times.
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- November 10, 2014
*Obama Signals 'New Phase' Against Islamic State In Iraq -- BBC* President Barack Obama has said the deployment of 1,500 more US troops to Iraq marks a "new phase" against Islamic State militants. He told CBS TV that the new troops, although non-combat advisers, could help Iraq go on the attack against IS. A US-led coalition has been helping Iraqi and Kurdish ground forces with hundreds of air strikes since August. Iraqi forces have now reportedly seized large parts of Baiji - home to Iraq's biggest oil refinery - from IS. Officials said troops now controlled some 50% of the town... more »
Dollar Collapse? World Bank Whistleblower Predicts Global Currency
*Gregg Prescott* - World Bank whistleblower, Karen Hudes made some interesting claims about the future of the world's currency crisis... The post Dollar Collapse? World Bank Whistleblower Predicts Global Currency appeared first on Waking Times.
Pentagon Denies Reports That Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel Is To Be Replaced
U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, left, meets with Tunisian Defense Minister Ghazi Jeribi, right foreground, at the Pentagon, Nov. 3, 2014. DoD photo by U.S. Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class Sean Hurt *Pentagon Denies Rumors Hagel On His Way Out -- DoD Buzz* The Pentagon on Friday sought to dispel rumors fueled by opinion columns that Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel had lost favor with the White House and would soon be replaced. “The Secretary is fully committed” to serving as Pentagon chief for the remainder of President Obama’s term in office, Rear Adm. John Kirby, the Pentagon pre... more »
Supplemental: A portrait of a famous journalist!
*MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2014The people who hand you the news:* Jonathan Yardley’s book report is worth the price of the Sunday Washington Post, even before you compute the value of the weekly coupons. Yesterday, Yardley reviewed the latest book by Gregg Herken—the very same Gregg Herken with whom we graduated from high school in 1965! We can’t exactly tell you what Yardley thinks of Herken’s new book, The Georgetown Set: Friends and Rivals in Cold War Washington. But early in his review, Yardley recalled an evening he spent, long ago, with Joseph Alsop, a famous journalist of the t... more »
dispatches from the community of readers' advisors: r.a. in a day 2014
Last week I attended "R.A. in a Day," an annual one-day mini-conference on readers' advisory - that is, finding books for readers. It happens that the manager of my own "Readers' Den" department is one of the principal hosts of the conference, and the Mississauga Library was well-represented in the audience. More than 100 people attended from libraries throughout southern Ontario. It was a joy to spend the day focusing on the singular pleasures of reading and the experience of people who read. Part of what makes doing readers' advisory fun is that you're already talking to a reader... more »
On Self-Divided Election Strategies in Environmental Politics: Why Wedge and Lose When You Can Unify and Win?
This is a four point commentary upon the recent mid-term elections in the United States in 2014. All four of these points have been mentioned in previous posts about how different is the bioregional state in its recommendations for strategies toward sustainability and fuller democracy. However, it is well to summarize succinctly several points to help people craft better political strategies for environmental politics, cultural politics, or even class politics to be more representative. *Avoiding Defeat by Avoiding Wedge Issues in 'Internal' Party Strategies * To be... more »
Russian President Putin Goes To China
*Putin Seeks China Security Ties As Enmity With West Grows -- Financial Times* When Vladimir Putin met China’s president Xi Jinping on Sunday, a memorandum of understanding for a second massive gas supply deal caught most of the attention. For the Russian president, the deal may be less appealing for its commercial benefits than its ability to advance a larger strategic goal of cementing ties with its eastern neighbour. According to Russian officials and security analysts, Moscow’s worst stand-off with the west since the end of the cold war has convinced Mr Putin’s government th... more »
Police Attacked with Rocket Fireworks In East London
Police Attacked with Rocket Fireworks In East London http://youtu.be/q5THwEXDttg Isn't London simply lovely these days? I'll not hold my breath waiting for the BBC to report this.
Rumsfeld & Monsanto Team Up to Bring You Neuro-Toxic Aspartame & Splenda
*Christina Sarich* - "Donald Rumsfeld was on the Board of Directors at Monsanto’s Searle pharmaceuticals even before he helped get aspartame through the FDA..." The post Rumsfeld & Monsanto Team Up to Bring You Neuro-Toxic Aspartame & Splenda appeared first on Waking Times.
(Former Lord) Conrad Black Continues To Be A Disgusting Example Of The Self Serving Right Wing ..... just sayin'
*"Former media baron Conrad Black says that when he renounced his Canadian citizenship to sit in the British House of Lords he was only doing so “temporarily,” and meant to re-apply until he was sidetracked by his legal troubles south of the border.* * Black said Monday he was not turning his back on Canada itself when he gave up his citizenship in 2001 to become Lord Black of Crossharbour. Then-prime minister Jean Chretien had enforced an old law that said a Canadian citizen cannot become a British lord while retaining Canadian citizenship.* * “I made it clear when I renounced it ... more »
Don't Replace Facebook, Disrupt It
*November 11, 2014* (Tony Cartalucci - LocalOrg) - Facebook is a problem. It is undoubtedly being used by special interests to manipulate and monitor entire populations both within the United States and well beyond. It represents a tool that in no way serves the people actually using it, and instead allows special interests to use the users. It is a dream global panopticon for the abusive dictators that run Western society and presume dominion over what they call an "international order." But in order to counter this threat, Facebook cannot simply be "replaced." It specifically, an... more »
President Obama Goes To China
U.S. President Barack Obama (L) shakes hands with China's President Xi Jinping during the APEC Welcome Banquet at Beijing National Aquatics Center, or the Water Cube, in Beijing, November 10, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Kim Kyung-Hoon *Obama Urges China To Be Partner In Ensuring World Order -- Reuters* (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama said on Monday a successful China was in the interests of the United States and the world but Beijing had to be a partner in underwriting international order, and not undermine it. Speaking to growing concerns among U.S. and other companies about the... more »
Frosty Meeting Between Chinese - Japanese Leaders At APEC
*China's Xi, Japan's Abe Hold Landmark Meeting After Awkward Handshake -- Reuters* (Reuters) - After an awkward handshake, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe held formal talks on Monday for the first time since the two leaders took office, a breakthrough in efforts to improve ties between the Asian rivals. Television footage showed Abe waiting for Xi to greet him at Beijing's Great Hall of the People, a departure from usual protocol in which the Chinese leader is on hand waiting for a guest. Xi was unsmiling and stiff as the two shook hands and he... more »
Russian Central Bank Sees Sanctions Until 2017
An exterior view shows the headquarters of the Central Bank in Moscow, September 13, 2013. Credit: Reuters/Maxim Shemetov *Russian Central Bank Cuts Growth Forecasts, Sees Sanctions Until 2017 -- Reuters* (Reuters) - Russia faces the prospect of three years of economic stagnation, the central bank predicted on Monday, underscoring the heavy costs of President Vladimir Putin's Ukraine policies and of Russia's dependence on fragile oil prices. In an annual monetary policy strategy document, the bank slashed its economic growth forecasts in 2014-16 to almost zero, anticipating that ... more »
IMITATIONS OF NEWS: Gently shaken awake!
*MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2014Part 1—Is Lyndsey Layton human:* This morning, we were gently shaken awake at our usual 3:15. Already, the analysts were debating a crucial question: Is Lyndsey Layton human? The source of the problem was clear. In this morning’s Washington Post, Layton (Wesleyan, Class of 1986) had written an error-strewn, incomplete news report about an important topic the Washington Post should have been covering for decades. Is “Lyndsey Layton” human? That’s what the analysts were asking. We weren’t sure what to tell them. Layton’s multiply-bungled report appears ... more »
Create a Sonic Screwdriver Replica Charm or Tree Ornament
[image: Housewife Eclectic: Sonic Screw Driver Ornament] I'm baaack... Lorene here again to share one of my favorite little geeky projects: sonic screwdriver replica ornaments. Last Christmas, I made my favorite Whovian (that's Debra) a whole Doctor Who tree, complete with a Weeping Angel tree topper, character tree skirt, police box lighted sign, Doctors and companions garland, and oodles of Doctor-inspired ornaments. I've previously shared the Weeping Angel Tree Topper today I'm starting out the ornaments with these mini sonic screwdrivers. Create a Mini Version of The Doctor's S... more »
Toxic Air Pollution Another Big Problem With Fracking
*MikeG* - "At least 37% of the more than 600 chemicals used in fracking are endocrine disruptors, according to the report..." The post Toxic Air Pollution Another Big Problem With Fracking appeared first on Waking Times.
Abu Bakr al Baghdadi: The Myth Grows. Dead, Injured or Completely Unscathed
Does it matter? *Does it really matter?* *His legend will live on and his super villain status will explode into your consciousness!* *His omnipotence will cause you to shake with fear. * *He must be caught!!! For you to feel safe at night! * *Or some garbage like that?! * Yup, al Baghdadi is going to be alive. For now, at this time, he is worth more alive then dead. So, it's going to be announced in rather short order he is alive and has gone deeper underground, requiring an expanded war effort. More boots on the ground. More of your tax dollars being expropriated to prop up the milit... more »
NYTimes Reports on Parents Fed Up with Testing Hysteria
Good story! My comment at the New York Times: It is refreshing to see this kind of coverage in the NYTimes news pages. This portrayal of reality, however, remains so at odds with the antiquarian ideas of the Times Editorial Board, which continues to pay homage to the corporate reform school initiatives that have had 30 years now to prove themselves as sure failures. Parents, teachers, and students have signaled that TIME IS UP for profiteering, privatizing, punishing, and deprofessionalizing of teaching, learning, and schooling. If you are not a part of the national Opt Out movem... more »
U.S. Democrat Senator: President Obama Does Not Have The Power To Deploy More Troops
*Dem: Obama Doesn't Have Power To Deploy More Troops -- The Hill* Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) is calling President Obama’s plan to send 1,500 more troops into Iraq a “temporary band-aid," and said it should have been considered by Congress. "I do not think president has the ability under current authority to authorize 1,500 troops without Congress acting," Murphy said in an interview with CNN's "State of the Union." He pointed to the hundreds of thousands of troops who unsuccessfully tried to build up the government in the war-torn country over the last decade, and questioned th... more »
Globalization's Impact On The 99% Is Overwhelmingly Negative-- So The New Congress Is Sure To Push It
Obama, Boehner and McConnell, political enemies, all feel they need to show the American people they can do *something* together that they can cooperate on. Remember Obama on Wednesday assuring the American people he heard us? "I'm eager to work with the new Congress to make the next two years as productive as possible. I'm committed to making sure that I measure ideas not by whether they are from Democrats or Republicans, but whether they work for the American people." He's looking for places to cooperate across the aisle-- and he isn't the only one. "When the American people ch... more »
The F-35 By Any Means
http://leaksource.info/ We learned late last week the the Harper government has ordered four F-35's. Michael Harris writes: According to a Canadian Press story by Murray Brewster based on a Pentagon leak, the Harper government plans to buy four F-35s and slip the acquisition into the current fiscal year. In order to get the controversial jet by 2016 or 2017, Canada has to provide the F-35 Project Office with a letter of intent by mid-November. All this is documented in a U.S. Department of Defense slide show. Not a peep in Ottawa. N...more »
*ISIS cancels all classes except religious studies in Syrian schools because 'even the two-times table shouldn't be taught as all knowledge belongs to the creator' * ISIS extremists have cancelled all classes except religious studies in Syrian schools - with even the two-times table banned in its new curriculum. Militants have closed all schools in the eastern area of the country pending a religious revision of the syllabus to replace the current 'infidel' education, it has been revealed. Activists in the area say ISIS has attempted to justify the move by claiming that 'all knowle... more »
*Living in cities makes you look older: Polluted urban air will make you age 10 per cent faster than in the country (?)* *This claim is full of holes. For a start it appears to have been done in China, where the pollution is apocalyptic in many places and includes all sorts of industrial chemicals. So its generalizability to other countries cannot be accepted. Secondly, the interpretation of the results is guesswork anyway. There are many differences between city and country living other than pollution. A more straightforward interpretation of the results would be to say that... more »
The recent techni-higgs fad
In recent days, at least 34 news outlets were selling the "story" that the particle discovered by the LHC is perhaps not the Higgs boson, scientists finally realized. It's the techni-higgs, and so on. So the Higgs boson remains undiscovered, and all this amazing stuff. If you look what these deluded texts are building upon, you find out that it is a September 2013 (!) preprint The Technicolor Higgs in the Light of LHC Data by Belyaev, Brown, Foadi, and Frandsen (UK-Belgium-Denmark). And of course that the paper doesn't really claim that it's likely that the particle discovered in 2... more »
Interview: Rick Rozoff/John Pilger
*Stephen Lendman@ PNR * -Rick Rozoff is an activist, anti-war supporter, Stop NATO web site editor. Interviewed for approximately 30 minutes -Stephen Lendman speaks in between for about 10 minutes -John Pilger is an award-winning journalist, author, and documentary filmmaker. He’s a former foreign and war correspondent. Mr Pilger speaks for approximately 20 minutes
Ukraine / Russia situation ( November 10 , 2014 ) - Updates on the state of play in South East Ukraine , items of note regarding Russia attempts to deal with sanctions and low oil prices ....
Anti War..... Ukraine Launches Worst Shelling of Rebel Donetsk in Over a MonthRebels Shell Govt-Held Airport as Tensions Rise by Jason Ditz, November 09, 2014 Print This | Share This Tensions are on the rise between Ukraine and the eastern rebels again, with the city of Donetsk, the de facto rebel capital, seeing the worst shelling its had in over a month as Ukrainian military forces move into the area. Not that the Ukrainian military were the only ones fighting. The rebels were quick to start shellingthe airport on the outskirts of down, which lies in ruins, but still in government ... more »
Third Cape Class Patrol Boat Officially Named
[image: Lady Kelly Cartwright]Austal Limited is pleased to announce the third-in-series Cape Class Patrol Boat has been officially named Cape Nelson during a ceremony today at the Company’s Australian Defence Facility in Henderson, Western Australia. Cape Nelson is the third of eight boats being provided by Austal for the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service (ACBPS) under a design, construct and in-service support contract. The vessel was launched at Austal’s Henderson shipyard in May 2014 and has since undergone final fit out, sea trials and was handed over to ACBPS in ... more »
Saab Receives Missile Subsystems Order
[image: RBS-15 Mk3]Defence and security company Saab has signed a contract comprising missile subsystems amounting to approximately MSEK 250. Deliveries will take place during 2015-2022. “This order is yet another acknowledgement of our broad competence and expertise within missiles and we will continue to develop and refine our products and systems in this area,” says Görgen Johansson, Head of Saab’s business area Dynamics. Saab is a significant supplier of high-performing and cost-effective missile systems and components for air, land and naval operations. The strong product port... more »
Good Times at Pottersville, 11/10/14
(The followup can be found at this Brilliant at Breakfast exclusive.)
Christopher Story - Yuri Bezmenov - Globalist Leninist Ticking Timebomb?
The Industry of Slaves. Twenty-five Year War of Deception. Changing the Perception of Reality so that NO INFORMATION is believed, or believable. In light of the claims in the above two videos, iff there's a link between (say) the Russians and Israel, then 9/11 Attack and 7/7 Bombing gain new meaning... intel-intensive American Empirism gains new meaning. War of Terror is the only meaning, and PROFIT for the few at the expense of *You The Seven Billion Individuals* who fund it with your *work*, your *daily toil*. *APEC SUMMIT 2014:* sure, you're as welcome as you wanna be to co... more »
Former DM: Iran's Missile Industry Not Negotiable
[image: Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi]Former Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi reiterated the high confidentiality of any information about the country's missile industry and scientists, and said that such information would never become a topic of the nuclear talks between Tehran and the six world powers (the US, Russia, China, France, Britain and Germany). "As Iranian officials have announced many times before, the scope of Iran's missile capability cannot be principally discussed in the negotiations," Brigadier General Vahidi told reporters on Sunday. The U... more »
Fifth-gen fighter: India asks Russia to resolve tech-sharing, costing
[image: Su T-50 PAK-FA]In what could be a sign of fatigue in a long-lasting military relationship, India has conveyed to Russia that it cannot carry on with the proposed project to jointly develop and manufacture the next generation of fighter jets till Moscow addresses concerns about technology sharing and costing. India and Russia are on the verge of inking one of the biggest defence manufacturing deals to develop and produce the fifth generation fighter aircraft (FGFA). Its research and development (R&D) will cost $11 billion (Rs 66,000 crore) with India paying half of it. This... more »
Russian Engine to Power Chinese J-31 5th Generation Fighter: Rosoboronexport
[image: J-31 Gyrfalcon]A Russian-made RD-93 engine will power the Chinese J-31 fifth generation fighter, Rosoboronexport official told RIA Novosti Monday. "J-31 with the Russian engine RD-93 is considered to be an export program, able to compete with the American F-35 fifth generation aircraft on the regional markets," Rosoboronexport’s Air Force Equipment Export Department Head Sergey Kornev told RIA Novosti in an interview. "The program is ambitious, but very real, especially considering the high cost of F-35 and some problems with its development," Kornev added. Read more
Textron Scorpion Fighter Jet: Will It Take the Fight to ISIS?
[image: Scorpion tactical jet]According to a Nov. 2 DefenseNews.com report, the United Arab Emirates is looking to beef up its air force, and is giving the Scorpion a good hard look. As well it should. *A bit of background* Last year, the UAE scotched plans to buy Typhoon fighter jets from BAE Systems . Similarly, the Arab nation's plans to purchase as many as four dozen M-346 trainer jets from Italy appear to have hit a snag. Yet even as the UAE's air force seems starved for new planes, the country has taken on a role supporting U.S. airstrikes against ISIS insurgents in Syria. Re... more »
Iran touts successful test of US drone replica
[image: RQ-170 Sentinel]Iran's state TV is reporting that the country has successfully tested its own version of a U.S.-made drone based on one it captured in 2011. The report quotes Gen. Amir Ali Hajizadeh, head of the aerospace division of the elite Revolutionary Guard, as saying the test was carried out on Monday. He said a video of the drone flight will be released soon. Iran had displayed the drone earlier this year. Read more
Seoul to Buy W1.5 Trillion Worth of U.S. Interceptor Missiles
[image: Patriot PAC-2]Seoul will purchase some W1.5 trillion worth of PAC-3 interceptor missiles from the U.S. (US$1=W1,094). The U.S. Defense Security Cooperation Agency last Thursday said that the State Department approved the sale of 136 PAC-3 missiles, including equipment, components, training, and support. The major contractors are Lockheed Martin and Raytheon. The PAC-3 is to form the core of Korea's air and missile defense system and intercepts incoming ballistic missiles at an altitude of 30-40 km. The entire project will cost an estimated W17 trillion. Read more
France to Canada: Buy Weapons From Us, Not From Americans
[image: FREMM Frigate]France, concerned that US firms have the inside track on billions of dollars worth of future naval contracts, is lobbying the Canadian government to consider all options for its new surface fleet. French firms, including shipbuilder DCNS, want to pursue contracts for the Canadian Surface Combatant (CSC) program, the future fleet that will replace the country’s destroyers and frigates. Although a Canadian shipyard has already been selected to build the vessels, contracts to provide weapons, systems integration and warship design can be expected to be let in the ... more »
Kid' Sleep Giveaway
Welcome to the Kid'Sleep Prize Package giveaway, sponsored by Claessens'Kidsand hosted by Thrifty Nifty Mommy and Viva Veltoro. The Kid’Sleep Moon is part of a line of sleep training and time teaching/time organization products invented by a father of 6! The Kid’Sleep Moon has many benefits, as a sleep trainer and night light for young children and an alarm clock for older children. It helps young children have an understanding of when it's time to get out of bed and when it's not. It is a great tool for nighttime self regulation, and the result is that both parents and children g... more »
Putin Signs Secret Pact to Crush NATO?
[image: Putin Signs Secret Pact to Crush NATO] I do suspect that Putin, like his communist predecessors is hugely inspired by Czarism which saw borders as dynamic rather than foundations of permanent stability. Thus his international forays will have long term goals, not least of which is surely to resolve the western borders to the liking of Russians. That is likely mostly done except perhaps for the White Russians of Belorussia to voluntarily rejoin the Russian polity and a modest resolution with the Ukraine.The more difficult problem is Eastward. Thus creating a China Russi... more »
The 1971 Aznalcollar Incident Revisited
This report is interesting simply because it is by a profoundly uninformed witness and as close to as virgin report as we may ever get. Otherwise it conforms to the 100,000 extant reports out there all confirming a visitation by effectively odd humanoids that can never be mistaken for neighbors anywhere. Again built up areas are avoided but way more interesting is that they show no particular concern over scaring a lone human or even possibly interacting with him. in this case the fear was simply too great for that to happen. We now have a great number of interaction rep... more »
Dying Senior Scientist Shares Insider Truth About Area 51, Extraterrestrials, UFO’s & Anti-Gravity
[image: boydBushman] This has been popping up on the internet over the past few weeks. Do watch it. It is real and represents clean disclosure that is also instructive and confirms specific conjectures. I suspect that the whole body of knowledge is going to be disclosed although I presently see no evidence that a new body of theory has arisen yet. It remains purely empirical so far. It is also reported that our realtionship with these folks is not overly cosy but also somewhat cooperative. I think that full disclosure is way overdue. . *Dying Senior Scientist Shares I... more »
Strange Sounds Spook Couple in Pennsylvania woods
We may be dealing with a stratified layer of the atmosphere that provides a horizontal sound channel between layers. The general stillness supports all that. Then a simple burst of sheet lightening close to the ground would energerize this layer to produce an expanding shock wave that would simply pass overhead while producing an audible sound such as we just heard. I suspect it is that simple and the conforming conditions argue forcefully for just that. There are certainly known electromagnetic effects available that are strongest with these conditions as well and this may act ... more »
Acharya Kanad and Atomic Theory 2,600 Years Ago
I find this all unconvincing. It is natural to determine indivisibility and recipes to make something new. That we did continously until we learned to progressively extend out senses and this process then confirmed the implied systems of thought as sufficiently valid. None of them ever emerged as a crystal clear thought experiment that could not be evaded in discourse. For that we had to wait for this century and the development of mathematical rigor. For some reason it is attractive to some to assign modern understanding to some distant thinker who may well have been inflential.... more »
People of One Fire
This is a startling bit of research that opens up the story of the cultural expansion from Mexico observed in North America through to the advent of Columbus. Whether these cultures collapsed before columbus which is the prevailing opinion or actually collapsed between 1500 AD and 1600 AD as did happen in Mexico and much of South America remains to be resolved. Whenever it happened the result was exactly the same. A decimation of manpower and a huge contraction in the area under control. All this threw the land open for aggressive colonization by any newcomers and that turned out ... more »
Principle, Rigor and Execution Matter in U.S. Foreign Policy with George Friedman
This is a worthy article and it is fair which is refreshing. It clarifies the real constraints under which the USA must execute its foreign policy. It also becomes clear why it moves so slowly if at all. Presidents have involved themselves in foreign policy because they can without much serious constraint. In everything else they usually appeared to be bogged down. Yet this outlines the real world constraints. Unfortunately, doing nothing is also an option and often the unwise one. It really means that all choices are bad as present day Iraq shows us. *Principle, Rigor... more »
Urban Predators
It took a long time of course, but that is best understood by the sharp change in human density in rural america. The boy with a rifle and his dog is not able to suppress the population of small carnivores or even the rabbits although that was always no contest. A thousand acres is simply too much to patrol and populations have nicely rebounded over the past fifty years. The result is a serious recovery in carnivore population and this leads naturally to penetration of the urban space along with prey animals were hunting pressure is even lower. We should welcome it of course. Pig... more »
How Thunderstorms Could Help Save African Elephants
Not quite of course but we are all on the right track. I suspect that the elephants are actually up to the task of managing herds and carnivores and that they would do so willingly as well. That naturally protects them as they become integral to herd maintenance and ecological upkeep. I do know that we can communicate mind to mind although it is hardly developed yet. Yet that can be good enough. The tasks fit all our needs as well even if we have not identified the need to include the elephants. The task is far too onerous for the individual human caretaker and very dangerous. Thi... more »
New Math Shows ‘True Scale’ of Ebola Outbreak
The important information here is that the application of a simple one week quarantine can work well enough to prevent the disease running away. If it does start to get out of control, then applying that is what will work best. We can live with a one week pause in travel for example. During that week we scout out victims and wait until no more are reporting in. Communities can be declared free and access opened up for them. This is rough and ready but the key idea is to halt transmission and to buy time for all victims to emerge and be isolated. It is a dynamic approach but should... more »
Jian Ghomeshi and the Problem of Narcissistic Male Rage With Gabor Mate
[image: Making this scandal all about Jian Ghomeshi, we risk ignoring the broader sources of male narcissistic rage towards females, writes Gabor Maté.] I for one needed to have this all explained to me. What occurred here is completely alien to me and I am glad that that is true. I suspect that it is also true for the majority of men as well but then just who is counting? Linking it directly to narcissism is very helpful as I think that any examined life begins by separating self from the endeavor itself. That ends it. The solution starts with immediate reporting to heal... more »
Message to the Past
[image: Dr. Ron Mallett, who has mathematically shown binary messages could be sent to the future. (Courtesy of Dr. Ron Mallett)] This is not such a wacky idea. We build a device that is able to lock on a time line into the future and then accept messages from that future knowing that the operator will send say daily. Thus once established, it may be possible to even send back confimation. It certainly represents a early test of information time travel that is reasonable as well. such a device can be installed in a cathedral not likely to be ever torn down for centuries to all... more »
The Kitchen Network
It has always been there and even understood to be there but never properly described. I think that this article fills in the blanks rather nicely. It is a narrow world that is cut of from the surrounding culture and these folks see none of it. Yet it seems to work for everybody involved. The rest of us gain a chinese restaurant in places where no other restaurant will bother to come. This holds true almost world wide. These workers accept a lot and are typically loyal. I was once asked why my back room was populated by mostly Chinese clerical staff. The answer was terribly simpl... more »
Sugar Consumption in Adolescence Linked With Memory Problems
What we have been discovering is that the adolescent brain and that really means up to the age of twenty four even, far more sensitive than we would expect or like. Worse is that mature adult judgement is something that arrives as late as twenty four. This is not a comforting combination to inflict on anyone. The bottom line for this item is to discourage the use of sugar as much as possible. We all know that anyway but we need to be way more serious with developing brains than anyone ever thought. I personally think that it needs to be regulated out of our food processing system... more »
The Queen of Sheba
http://tedchang.free.fr/WestAsia/Yemen/index2.html What is so important is this script here. It is contemporaneous with Solomon and also with script in Colorado. It is well designed and ordered as well. More plausibly we are looking at the Atlantean trade script that was generally accepted or accepted with modifications depending on the language group as we have experienced with our own alphabet. Thus Caananite will turn out to be a similar derivative as will early Hebrew script. All of a sudden we have a twenty to thirty symbol phonetic scrip appearing all over the pl... more »
Anti-Indianism in America:
This of course has to be addressed and this item is certainly a fair start. Afterv saying all that it is also true that a non Indian or a non Scot for that matter always begin from a natural position of dismissal when it comes to understanding an alien culture. We all have to and that includes even indigenous peoples as well, go forward without arrogance and real respect and a willingness to learn if we interact. Today's blessing is that we are all communicating through a common language and it becomes possible to recover local knowledge. And make no mistake here, all indigen... more »
Rare Genes from History Revisited
Quite simply looking at the green dots on the map we have a clear indication of the sea borne distribution of European Bronze Age civilization It could hardly be stronger and better developed. Do not the surprising association with coastal locales on the African coast. This is one of those 'the evidence must be there' stories and here now is the emerging evidence. when you propose an attractive conjecture based often on scant evidence, the real test is whether conforming evidence continues to arise and particularly that which is also unexpected and seriously strengthening. ... more »
The Solution Is the Soil
Without question the future is organic farming properly tied to the universal concept of the natural community and natural internal credit creation all administered through natural application of the Rule of Twelve. What truly makes it all viable is that cheap energy allows the inexpensive multiplication of applied human effort to ensure a thriving ecology. We approached this desired state occasionally in the past but always in special circumstances and usually with a profound lack of guiding principles to work with. I now consider that to be a well resolved problem and it i... more »
Assad's Warnings Start to Ring True in Turkey
[image: Kurdish refugees from Kobani watch as thick smoke covers the Syrian town of Kobani during fighting between Islamic State and Kurdish Peshmerga forces, as seen from the Mursitpinar crossing on the Turkish-Syrian border in Sanliurfa province October October 26, 2014. REUTERS/Yannis Behrakis] What becomes painfully clear is that Turkey's choices all mean trouble and the strong possibility of blow back. since we have actually seen how that all works out in Iraq, it is hard to blame them for been seriously hesitant in participating at all. The fundamental problem is cultural i... more »
Mapping the Field of Subtle Energies and Biofields
This is a list of phenomena identifiable as connected to our consciousness and our light bodies in particular. Again, to put all this in perspective, our light body contains information that is many orders of magnitude greater than our physical bodies. Better it does command and control our physical bodies at the cellular level at least. Thus therapy becomes practical as this indicates. I expect to report on each of these as well or at least plan to. Better yet do go out and experience this somehow so as to understand were it is presently at. My own instincts inform me ... more »
Evidence That Awareness Can Continue
This is more confirmation that science is now studying the phenomena of death. This is very welcome. Resurrection therapy has saved a lot of folks already and it needs to restructure the total emergency response system. Add in the capacity of certain drug therapies to actually recover brain damage and the future has become promising. I will go much further. We now strongly suspect that the spirit is physical and manages correct healing process provided resources are available. This needs to be supported and stimulated as well. It also means that seriously damaged bra... more »
Effect of Biochar on Maize Productivity in Ghana
This is a neat experiment that can be replicated anywhere easily with the planting of a three by four grid. Again the results are fully consistent with many other tests out there and what remains most important is that the soil is left in far better condition with better water holding capacity and real nutrient retention as well. I wrote a lot on biochar during the first three years of this blog and it welcome to see the work steadily continue and also make real inroads into agricultural practice. For the uninitiated, this is the technology that will tame all soils and trop... more »
Hidden Consciousness in Coma Patients
[image: These are brain networks in two vegetative patients (left and middle), alongside a healthy adult (right). The vegetative patients appeared behaviorally similar but one of them (middle) showed signs of hidden awareness during a previous fMRI study.] This is obviously going to be helpful. Better, as brain health is restored and that is something we are slowly coming to grips with, we will be able to also track the improvement through this type of imaging. I have conjectured that the true consciousness is resident in the light body rather than the physic... more »
Super-Intelligent Humans Are Coming
*[image: Hsu_BREAKER_Charly.jpg]* Well maybe. I really think that we do have a lot to learn and much to perfect in brain development itself. We do understand that what we have is unsatisfactory and that specific experiments show us roads forward. What we do know today is that the brain operates with a finite number of identifiable skills. It is thus worthy to measure and polish these skills and of no use attempting to merely compete with others. True math skill is an oddity that is easily measured and identified but also capable of been aped at what can be described as ele... more »
Elite: Dangerous faces competition after launch
Space trading game Elite: unsafe is to be launched on 16 December. The latest sequel to the powerful game will go on wide release after months of testing by those who backed it on Kick starter. After launch, the game will face stiff opposition from other space-based games at present in growth. Many of those offer players very similar experiences to the fighting, trading and exploring in deep space seen in Elite. Plans to create the fourth installment in the Elite sequence of games emerged in November 2012 when the project appeared on Kickstarter seeking to raise £1.25m to develop... more »
British Columbia`s LNG Super Power Dream Just Died-World LNG Glut, Way More Supply Than Demand Already Exists
http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/aug/25/western-australia-credit-rating-downgraded-moodys http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/06/13/us-breakingviews-energy-shale-idUSKBN0EO16F20140613 http://www.macrobusiness.com.au/2014/11/russia-and-china-bash-oz-lng-with-second-pipe/ http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2014/11/08/business/uranium-mining-stocks-jump-as-japan-clears-way-to-reactors-restart/#.VGAs1MmNqUk Report The Looming Gas Glut*Countries from Australia to Tanzania have scrambled to start exporting liquefied natural gas. Who's going to buy it all? * *Companies... more »
British Columbia`s LNG Super Power Dream Just Died-World LNG Glut, Way More Supply Than Demand Already Exists
Go read the entire story linked below, we here at The Straight Goods have foretold this story for several years now..So grandiose were the BC Liberal`s promises.. "*LNG we pay off our provincial debt...LNG will create a $100 billion dollar prosperity fund..LNG will eliminate our sales tax,...LNG will pay off all crown corporation debt, remove bridge tolls, ..LNG will pay for new schools and hospitals...LNG will create over 100,000 jobs" * Chrity Clark said all those things, as did Rich Coleman and all the BC Liberals, everyone of those BC Liberal statements are lies!Now as of late... more »
Who Killed Bin Laden?
* Bin Laden died from natural causes.* *It's official.* The number of people who have killed Bin Laden is now bigger than the number of people who Bin Laden killed on 9/11. Every other day it seems a new guy comes out and claims he took the storied shot that took Bin Laden's life near a military compound in Pakistan in 2011. And who can blame these warriors-turned-charlatans? Money and fame are the rewards for their lies. That's not a bad trade. People who join the military don't usually care about money and fame, but when they find out that military service isn't all that it's cr... more »
ISIS is America's Dream Rebel Army
US policy paper reveals desire for construction of full-scale extraterritorial army to invade Syria. Such an army is being built in Iraq and Turkey and it's called "ISIS." *November 10, 2014* (Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - The corporate-financier funded and directed policy think tank, the Brookings Institution, has served as one of several prominent forums documenting and disseminating US foreign policy. It would host in part the architects of the so-called "surge" during the nearly decade-spanning US occupation of Iraq, as well as battle plans for waging a covert war against Iran now ... more »
Meet & Greet (#MtaGt) - November - Au Naturale
Welcome to Meet & Greet, a regular series designed to grow our green community. [image: A monthly link-up party for green blogs on Reduce Footprints] Banner by Art Ist Grab our banner for your site:
*The rules:* 1. Use the link-up tool below to share your green-living blog or collection of ... more »

"A Look to the Heavens"
“Like delicate cosmic petals, these clouds of interstellar dust and gas have blossomed 1,300 light-years away in the fertile star fields of the constellation Cepheus. Sometimes called the Iris Nebula and dutifully cataloged as NGC 7023 this is not the only nebula in the sky to evoke the imagery of flowers. Still, this remarkable image shows off the Iris Nebula's range of colors and symmetries in impressive detail. Within the Iris, dusty nebular material surrounds a hot, young star. *Click image for larger size.* The dominant color of the brighter reflection nebula is blue, characteri... more »
The Poet: Mary Oliver, “I Worried”
*“I Worried”* by Mary Oliver “ I worried a lot. Will the garden grow, will the rivers flow in the right direction, will the earth turn as it was taught, and if not how shall I correct it? Was I right, was I wrong, will I be forgiven, can I do better? Will I ever be able to sing, even the sparrows can do it and I am, well, hopeless. Is my eyesight fading or am I just imagining it, am I going to get rheumatism, lockjaw, dementia? Finally I saw that worrying had come to nothing. And gave it up. And took my old body and went out into the morning, and sang.”
"A Life of Learning: Earth School"
*"A Life of Learning: Earth School"* by The DailyOm "Earth school provides us with an education of the heart and the soul. Life is the province of learning, and the wisdom we acquire throughout our lives is the reward of existence. As we traverse the winding roads that lead from birth to death, experience is our patient teacher. We exist, bound to human bodies as we are, to evolve, enrolled by the universe in earth school, an informal and individualized academy of living, being, and changing. Life’s lessons can take many forms and present us with many challenges. There are scores o... more »
"Being Human: A Personal Credo"
*"Being Human: A Personal Credo"* by John Robbins "There is so much pain and death in our times. This is not an easy time to be a person of conscience and feeling. It can be terribly hard today to stay in touch with your deep soul. It can seem all but impossible to keep your love alive. The world has a way of blowing relentless hurricane winds at our little flickering candles of faith. This is what I have to say at this time in history. I stand here in the face of the anguish of our time, and I affirm that it is possible to see it all, to gaze fully into the abyss, and yet not beco... more »
"A Test..."
"Here is a test to find whether your mission on Earth is finished: If you're alive, it isn't." - Richard Bach, "Illusions"
Chet Raymo, “We Are The Consciousness of the Universe”
*“We Are The Consciousness of the Universe”* by Chet Raymo "The leaves are raked and bagged. The grass is mowed for the last time. The geraniums smile weak goodbyes. Now, as if by some law of compensation, the curtain opens on the sky. The great starless spaces of autumn fall like a black velvet drape into the west. The show opens. The sky begins. As the Sun sinks beneath the horizon, the Pleiades rise in the east, heralding the arrival of the spectacular winter stars. Aldebaran, the red eye of the Bull. Sirius, the Dog Star. Rigel and Betelgeuse in Orion. Castor and Pollux, the T... more »
"A Little Parenthesis In Eternity..."
“We are travelers on a cosmic journey, stardust, swirling and dancing in the eddies and whirlpools of Infinity. Life is Eternal. We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share. This is a precious moment. It is a little parenthesis in Eternity." - Paulo Coelho
What's Next For The Ambitious Young Guy Who Ran The Worst Congressional Race Of 2014?
As far as we know, so far Sean Eldridge spent $4,659,027 in his failed NY-19 congressional run ($2,840,000 of which was from his personal wealth). His opponent, Chris Gibson, who spent $1,798,884, was an early DCCC target because the district has a PVI of D+1 and because Obama won the district twice, 175,800 (53%) to 150,359 (45%) against McCain and 157,279 (52%) to 138,384 (46%) against Romney. Problem though, is that while Obama was racking up an almost 20,000 vote margin in 2012, Gibson beat the DCCC's Red-to-Blue candidate, Julian Schreibman, by over 15,000 votes. That same Ob... more »
Crossbreeding Terrorists
There is a lot of terrorist crossbreeding going on right now across the Muslim world. Recently, Jihadist groups operating in the Sinai *openly declared that they will officially join ISIS*. Yesterday, the *Pakistani government published a report* saying that thousands of fighters in its tribal areas are deflecting from the Taliban and throwing their support behind ISIS. And *a city in Libya* said it has joined the so-called Islamic State. ISIS, known for its brutality, massacres, and religious bigotry, has ideological appeal in many conservative areas in Arab and Muslim societies.... more »
(Wise Up, Janet Weiss 2!) Actually, Democrats Have a Clear Agenda and Are More Ideological Than Republicans (They Are the Proud Neolibs) How the Koches Made All That Money and How They Intend To Keep It (Loopholes (and They Own US))
Now, neoliberalism is often thought of as synonymous with privatization, deregulation, and trade and capital liberalization, but the state will discard these policies for corporate handouts the instant elites get into a self-inflicted mess, as with the Wall Street crash. This has left the Democratic Party in a bind. It relies on votes from social groups like women, union members, Blacks,
Fall of the Berlin Wall: Then and Now
Today 25 years ago the Berlin Wall was torn down, one of the most consequential events of the 20th Century, catalyst for the end of the Cold War and freedom for millions stuck behind the Iron Curtain yanked down on them by the USSR. I was a student just starting to get interested in the Continue reading
Amrullah Saleh On The Difference Between The Taliban And ISIS
*Video Title: Amrullah Saleh Speaks of Taliban and IS or ISIS. Source: Afghanistan101Films. Date Published: September 5, 2014. Description:* Amrullah Saleh Speaks of IS or ISIS with John Simpson. Quote: "Will the Taliban be like IS here, pushing us and overrunning population centers? No. The Taliban have lost politically. What they have is lethal power and the power to unleash terror, but they do not have acceptance in the society. Plus, the Afghan power structure, with all its shortcomings and flaws, has been an inclusive system. You do not find a particular constituency being exc... more »
Christianity and the Sino-American Relationship
Last week, the Economist reported on the expanding sway of Christianity in China. While the numbers are difficult to pin down, The Economist reports that some argue that the number of Christians in China exceeds the number of official members of the Chinese Communist Party (87 million). What we are witnessing in China then is Continue reading
Disney on Ice SLC Winner
Disney on Ice is hands down our favorite family outing of the year and this time we are excited to see Cars, The Little Mermaid, Toy Story 3 and Tinkerbell on ice. Who is the giveaway winner who is going to be joining us?! Congratulations to Jaylene Steele for winning the family four pack! Didn't win the tickets but you still want to come? Find all of the information about purchasing the tickets below! Disney on Ice will be at the Energy Solutions Arena in SLC on the following dates: - November 12 – 16, 2014 - Wednesday, Nov. 12 7:00 PM - Thursday, Nov. 13 7:00 PM - ... more »
Common Core Is Designed to Drive Your Local Curriculum.
Proponents of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) like to promote the idea that CCSS is “not a curriculum.” The CCSS website further states the disjointed idea that local districts somehow retain true freedom over what is taught in the classroom. This is a lie. CCSS is a laundered curriculum. That is, in order for schools to truly […]
The Economics Behind the Fall of the Berlin Wall
*Much of the media discussion around the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Berlin Wall’s fall focusses on American military politics and the politicians of the time. But to truly understand why the Soviet system in Eastern Europe collapsed, says Ryan McMaken in this guest post, we must look to Mises’s pioneering work on economic planning.* Today marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Like most historical events that are commemorated as if they took place on a single day, the fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989, was just one of many interrelated ev... more »
TV Watch: "Million Dollar Listing: Los Angeles" completes a strong season, with an emotional farewell to Josh Flagg's beloved grandmother
*Edith Flagg (1919-2014)* *"I've always known that one day I would walk through the doors of that penthouse, and she would no longer be there anymore."* *-- Josh Flagg, on returning to Grandma Edith's apartment,in the Million Dollar Listing: Los Angeles season finale* *by Ken* Here again is why I avoid burning up the Intertubes for TV news that I don't need to know until I need to know it. I guess the rest of the world knew in August that Edith Flagg, the 94-year-old grandmother of *Million Dollar Listing: Los Angeles* real-estate flogger Josh Flagg, had died, whereas I got to w... more »
If we had an affair how would that work
I am all like needles and pins and you are all circumstance and I give nothing awa but you have such a beaurtiful reveal its a match made in heaven if we were sixteen
Uranium Destroys DNA Through Chemical Action AND Radioactive Decay
Chris Busby has an excellent article at The Ecologist I highly recommend reading concerning the publicly unrecognized risks of uranium fallout - especially U 234 - from nuclear weapons: The 'forgotten' uranium isotope - secrets of the nuclear bomb tests revealed Chris Busby 4th November 2014 http://www.theecologist.org/News/news_analysis/2619320/the_forgotten_uranium_isotope_secrets_of_the_nuclear_bomb_tests_revealed.html *Papers reluctantly released by the UK Government in the bomb test veterans' legal case for compensation reveal what it has long denied, writes Chris Busby - tha... more »
The Equity Project’s results are meh @NEERAVKINGSLAND
That charter school in NYC paying their teachers $125K per annum: they do all right, but no better than similar no excuses chains. So much for the grand experiment. In the interest of full disclosure, I applied to teach at that school, twice. The first time, right before I finished my PhD and the second […]
On the Cusp of Nuclear War?
There's a lot of other serious shit going down everywhere. But I have to say that this crisis in the Ukraine has me spooked. And the fighting in Iraq and Syria. It's all connected to the USA's deluded attempts to maintain full spectrum dominance over the entire earth, all of human civilization. From 1945-1991 they had to contend with a rival super-power. The USSR's implosion meant that the USA was now the world's only super-power. But by 1991, the USA had its own problems. And, for the rest of the world, 1991 wasn't 1945. In 1945, Europe and Japan were in ruins. India and China were... more »
Why do we label difficult text “frustrational?” Is that even a word?
Many districts mandate the use of DIBELS and similar assessments to track progress in reading. Anyone familiar with these methods know that the complicated task of reading cannot be defined so myopically. Take Amplify’s mCLASS, for example. If you use this tool, you’ll notice that reading tasks that are too difficult for students are by default […]
To take a piss outside
Yeah I just did it. There is something deep inside us we want to piss out. I just did it.
The Chines kept the empire with Enuchs
The Gay men that died for the Bush Empire will never be comprised.
Making Russia the New Enemy
The world is on the brink of a new Cold War. That's the warning from the last Soviet leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, who's in the German capital for the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Former MI-5 intelligence officer Annie Machon joins us live with her thoughts.
I have no to rule the zombie mind
Please exucse my grammer but the point remians the same, Rule and regulations and eforement are a fools game. That will lead to the end of civilazation faster and further than Zombies.
Why I no longer watch the news
Cause its all bullshit and promos for drugs or futher propaganda,
The problem is not ignorace but will
The Democrarats got handed an appovolyse during the last election. I got to say that was a good thing, All those defeated half men an woemen will be replaced with real warriors for social justice. For poeple that really believe America can be a beacon on a hill,
Jack Ma Jack Ma
I have been to Hangzhou and walked it many bridges tis means I do not understand Ja Ma at all but I know where he walked and that in this ecomomy of ignorance is something
Science Fiction can not hold a candle to the now day things that are real
I walked out of the house in 1977 a high school graduate with my backpack in this mess along with my bong were books that I thought would help me make the great right cross from dependent to salary bring and fifty years later and a world of experience I am still paralzed between the obious choices and the dark chocalte work that might bring a thought or a code to the world as something bold to behold. If I had known in 77 that advertising would rule the world I might have done something to bring more bling but at that time I would have vomited and stuck with a path to make real mone... more »
Etheric Rainbow Shower
https://thebluetemple.wordpress.com/tag/cosmic-heart/ *This is not a new post, its over a year old, but seems to be meant for this time, at least that's my sense of it, and is we know there is no time, only NOW... Take what resonates from this... BTW, the entire Earth is a crystal light chamber... you don't have to go to inner earth for that... -AK* JULY 18, 2013 *Etheric Rainbow Shower* I was shown a vision in awakening this morning of what is happening energetically to me and others with the changing in energies. Beings of the Elohim were with me. We were on a platform over... more »
Who is ready for climate or other collapse/
That would be Germany, France, Austria, Demark and Switzerland to name a few. Why do we not waste money to catch up in this disaster gap?
How Deep Will The Divide Be Between Corporate Republicans And For-Profit Republicans? And Between Real Democrats And ConservaDems?
It's long but Alan Minsky did a thorough biopsy of the tumor debilitating the Beltway Democrats. He starts by acknowledging what the mainstream media won't-- that the shellacking last Tuesday was a debacle for the Blue Dogs and New Dems who make up the Republican wing of the Democratic Party, what Minsky calls "the centrist Clinton/Obama Democratic Party." His premise is that their misery is an opportunity for normal, non-Beltway, non-careerist, progressive, grassroots Democrats. And that opportunity is what the Goldwaterites seized after they disaster in 1965 and what the Tea Part... more »
We are bored
Rich, famous, poor and destitute. We are bored out of our minds because there are really no more questions to be answered. We know no matter what the questions that have twarted us for centuries are all now on a path of revelation. How else can you explain the Pope being a fan of the Big Bang Theory. What to do with this fucking boredom. Travel is in but if you have traveled its more pain in the as than pleasure. I could do the same things at home with a bottle of wine if you know what I mean. ABC means in Euro travel speak another bloody castle. I never in my lifetime want to spend... more »
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