The Lácar Lake is a lake of glacial origin in the province of Neuquén, Argentina. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
The aquatic phosphorus cycle (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
English: Lady Bugs mating in a natural environment. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
A view of Earth's troposphere from an airplane. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Lathyrus vernus in natural environment, Central Finland, Summer 2006 (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
"Waiting for a Chinnook" Also known as "Last of the 5000" (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Search returns for water and environment below
"value of restored lands and waterways "
The Zen of the wolf, is the timeless passage on our lands, it’s the balance, the halcyon beauty of an animal designed for its environment in every way. By contrast, the iniquity of the ranching industry and they circle of supporters, their often maudlin behavior is tired and must be forced to change.
Public lands ranching must, like so many other dark chapters of our nation’s history, come to an end.
I so agree with the charge that current policies are
destructive of natural ecosystems, neglecting something
as obvious as foliage by streambeds and balance of
predators with prey.
The tack of taxing methane and buying into the manmade
climate change meme ( computer scenarios are not data
but unverified to unverifiable schemes ) risks further eroding
the poor protections afforded by native and 'environmentalist'
actions by monetizing grasslands, forests and jungles as
environmental reserves.
I have blogged not skepticism of climate change but rather
rejection of corporate representations to control weather/climate
by an international tax on the use of fire. If you think that
will work to the good of the common people or environment
you really have not paid attention to energy and resource wars.
( while bordering on incoherent, Jon still takes a brave view )
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