Sunday, September 14, 2014

14 Sept - My Feedly!


Samsung Trolls iPhone 6 Plus in Sarcastic New Ad
By now, everyone knows that Apple recently unveiled the iPhone 6 Plus with a larger 5.5.-inch display — an announcement that has left rival Samsung majorly peeved. So peeved, in fact, that the company released an ad that throws serious shade at Apple and the tech experts who disparaged the Samsung Galaxy Note's large size, Mashable included See also: iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus vs. the Competition
Local and State Police Involved in Sensitive Hemisphere Program
Via: The Declaration: Federal, state, and local police, with the assistance of phone company employees embedded within DEA narcotics intelligence units, are utilizing an unclassified but “law enforcement sensitive” program, known as Hemisphere, which provides nearly unfettered access to an enormous database containing call records of all telephone calls passing through phone company switches likel
12 Selfie Tips You Can Learn From Animals
Taking a perfect selfie is difficult. Between the angle, filters, lighting and endless facial expressions you can make, it can be tough to hone each variable for the ideal photograph See also: 2 Bananas, 1,135 Feet and 1 Ridiculously Dangerous Selfie Before throwing your phone in frustration, take a tip from the animal kingdom. You don't need opposable thumbs to take a selfie, and these creatures
Long lost Arctic ship found after 160 years
One of two exploration vessels that vanished in the Arctic in 1845 has been found after a long search. When Sir John Franklin set off on his historic ...
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Contagion – FLNWO #19
This month on Film, Literature and the New World Order, Tim Kilkenny of RevelationsRadioNews joins us to discuss the 2011 propaganda film, “Contagion.” We examine “Participant Media,” the media venture of billionaire Jeff Skoll that produces “social action campaigns” for each of its 55 films and seeks to shape public debate in five main target areas, including pandemic disease. In this episode, Ja
America “Attacking” The Terrorists It Fostered
James Corbett appears on Press TV to discuss the new American-led coalition to attack ISIL targets in Syria and Iraq. He discusses the hypocrisy of a country that has actively helped to foster, train, equip and aid these terrorists presuming to then lead a military expedition against them. SHOW NOTES: 2006 Washington Post report on AQI PSYOP campaign US Trained ISIL Members At Secret Jordanian Bas
Interview 940 – RE2 Podcast: The 9/11 Attacks
via RE2 Podcast: James joins Michael and Steven of the RE2 podcast to discuss the 13th anniversary of the 9/11 events. This wide-ranging conversation covers the events of that day, the motivations for the attacks, and the ongoing pursuit of 9/11 truth and justice.
NSA Whistleblower Supports 9/11 Truth – William Binney and Richard Gage on GRTV
William Binney was a 30 year veteran official of the National Security Agency who resigned in October 2001 to blow the whistle on the NSA’s deliberate violation of the constitution. Now, 13 years after the events of 9/11 that helped the NSA justify its total surveillance dragnet, Binney has signed the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth’s petition calling for a new investigation into 9/11. Tod
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Blue Whale Recovery Report Leaves Room for Caution
New study only relevant to the Eastern Pacific Ocean; other blue whale populations around the world remain severely depressed
End of the Road
The US Forest Service is beginning to decommission some of its roads, opening the way for a wildlife comeback
$7.5 Billion California Water Bond Headed for the November Ballot
Voters must decide whether the bond can lead the state toward a sustainable water future
In Review: Disruption
Documentary film about upcoming People’s Climate March hits all the right notes
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IS THE BBC BIASED? //  actions

Ostriches, sand, heads and beheadings
Did you know that ostriches, the world's largest bird, have three stomachs and that, unlike all other living birds, they secrete urine separately from faeces? Or that they run so fast in part because they have just two toes on each foot (most birds have four), with the large nail on the larger, inner toe resembling a hoof? Or that their famously large eggs are the largest of any living bird and we
Some thoughts on Scottish independence and BBC bias
Given that both Sue and myself have - in our own different ways - had an absolutely crazy, hectic, unforgettable week this past week (massed cellos, new-born twins, overtime, exhibitions, Edinburgh...oh, yes, new-born twins!...), it's not surprising that Is the BBC biased? has been very quiet over the last few days (for which, apologies)...and might very well be just as quiet next week too (for wh
Middle East Myths and the Media
Whenever you find yourself arguing about the Middle East, you’ll probably have the luck to be up against a fan of Ilan Pappé or Noam Chomsky. That is a major stumbling block.Venerated historians can reference archival material till the cows come home, but documentary evidence seems not to figure in Israel-hating arguments, which are usually emotional and often inexplicable.The media’s focus is per
The plot thickens
As we at Is the BBC biased? have been almost as obsessed about BBC Australia correspondent Jon Donnison's reckless tweeting about Israel/Gaza as Jon Donnison himself has been about Israel, Gaza and BBC Watch, it's only right to note the latest twist in his ongoing battle with a multitude of Israeli spokesmen. He's gloating today (on Twitter), and clearly feels vindicated in his very public dispute
Joan Rivers
Three new 'noes'
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Diagramming sentences
From A Picture Of Language: The Fading Art Of Diagramming Sentences at NPR:That reminds me... I was taught diagramming sentences in elementary school -- fifth or sixth grade probably, 1958-1960, certainly not later. Years later, in the late 1970s, I walked past an open college classroom door and overheard a student complain that diagramming sentences was difficult. Stuck in my mind.From the NPR pi
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So much misinformation in Senate sex-work hearings
     Having a Twitter feed during the Senate's meetings on sex work is both a blessing and a curse. I got so much minute-by-minute info yesterday on the opening day of the meetings that I practically felt I was there, but at the same time I spent the day fuming at all the inane, hurtful and poorly informed comments being made by some of the senators and that cursed justice minister of ours, Peter
Senate invitation list for feedback on proposed anti-prostitution law is almost totally abolitionist
  Looks like the Conservative-controlled Canadian Senate is taking extreme measures to avoid hearing anything that might shake up their conviction that all sex workers are exploited victims when the Senate's legal and constitutional affairs committee considers Bill C-36 next week.     The bill will add even more criminality to sex work if it becomes law, making the purchasing of sex a crime for th
U.S. income gap by race worse than apartheid era
    Still reeling from the news that they're putting Uzis into the hands of nine-year-olds for fun in the U.S. (well, at least until they accidentally kill their shooting instructor), I now see that whites in the United States believe that anti-white racism is a bigger problem than anti-black racism. Oh, my.     But there's loads more in this piece from the New York Times than that little depressi
Victoria Sexual Assault Centre bravely breaks from the pack to stand in solidarity with sex workers
    Draw close to the debate about decriminalizing the sex industry in Canada and you will quickly learn that while sex workers' organizations are working hard to move this issue forward, they don't enjoy much support from most women's groups.    At least on the surface, the problem seems to boil down to a fundamental divide between those who see all sex work as exploitation and victimization, and
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More Thoughts on McMinnville
I find that sometimes, if I pose a question here, someone out there has an answer. I have said for a very long time that there are only two conclusions to be drawn about the pictures taken in McMinnville, Oregon. They either show a craft from another world, or they are a hoax. I do not see a third possibility given the clarity of the photographs, the features of the object, and the state of our re
The Roswell Rock
So now we have the Roswell Rock. What is it? Just a rock found in New Mexico with some sort of crop circle design on it that some think is beyond our capability to make. There seem to be no tool marks found under microscopic examination, it seems to have some strange magnetic properties and it was found within twenty-five miles of the site that is alleged to have contained the alien bodies. It now
The Air Force and the McMinnville UFO Photographs
For the last several weeks I have been researching my new book and I stumbled across a bit of information that suggests the Air Force was less than enthusiastic in their investigations of UFOs. I wondered what their conclusion of the McMinnville photographs was. These are the two pictures taken by Paul Trent on May 11, 1950 of a disk-shaped object near his farm in Oregon. I’m not going to debate t
When I began the Roswell investigation with Don Schmitt, I thought we’d find a solution quickly and that would be it. Th...
When I began the Roswell investigation with Don Schmitt, I thought we’d find a solution quickly and that would be it. That didn’t happen, but as we talked with various witnesses, prowled various archives, museums and newspaper morgues, and found some limited documentation, it became clear that something had happened back in 1947.When I interviewed retired Brigadier General Arthur Exon on the telep
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A New Constitutional Settlement for England
We could well be days away from ending the 307 year old union between Scotland, and England and Wales. This penny has finally dropped with establishment politics. They have looked into the abyss and are terrified that irrelevance could be staring right back at them. Characteristically, their attempt to ward of the spectre has been threat and promise. The former has been the gift of Scottish financ
The Significance of Eric Prydz's Call On Me
It wasn't one of my favourite dance songs of the 00s, but thanks to its video Eric Prydz's Call On Me is probably the best remembered, if not notorious video of that decade. And yes, believe it or not it's ten years to the day since its official release. If you really must watch it again here it is, and here's the even worse unofficial follow-up. They're not work safe or suitable for folk afflicte
Saturday Interview: Catriona Grant
Catriona Grant is from Edinburgh and has been active in the Trotskyist and women's movements. Presently a social worker, Cat is also campaigning for a Yes vote in the Scottish referendum. You can follow her on Twitter here. - Do you regularly read blogs? If so, which ones? Not really, I probably read your blog the most regularly. I used to read Richard Seymour's Lenin's Tomb and get sucked into So
Oscar Pistorius Trial: Verdict and Reception
Another dead woman. Another instance of her killer escaping justice. Over the coming days there will be much more written about how Oscar Pistorius shot to death his partner, Reeva Steenkamp, particularly how in this open and shut case the celebrity millionaire athlete got away with it. Some points worth considering.Firstly, it is strange that Pistorius was not tried before a jury of his peers, es
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A WAY TO LIVE //  actions

The Autumn cycles begin
There is fog along the river in the mornings now, geese are honking their way over the pass, pumpkins are turning bright orange, and the cornstalks are falling all over like tiddlywinks.I'm not sure what that's about with the corn; in the past it has meant the arrival of raccoons but the ripe ears have not been molested (except by us).I have been carrying a cloth shoulder bag on walks and doing a
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A.E.BRAIN //  actions

Mum forced to leave Australia after discovering gender error on birth certificate - Yahoo!7
Mum forced to leave Australia after discovering gender error on birth certificate - Yahoo!7 A British woman says she's been forced to surrender her dream life in Australia, after discovering her birth certificate lists her as a boy. Mother-of-five Kim Walmsey was mistakenly recorded as a male at her birth in 1965, meaning her marriage of 23 years was illegal Upon discovering the mistake, Walmsey f
Evolution IS a Blind Watchmaker
This is a good illustration of the principles involved in my PhD work.Only I'm attempting to evolve more efficient settings for mutation rate and population size, so it's about not just genetic algorithms, but meta-genetic algorithms. Evolving more efficient evolution.
Largest Study to Date: Transgender Hormone Treatment Safe
Largest Study to Date: Transgender Hormone Treatment Safe Cross-sex hormone treatment of transgender adults leads to very few long-term side effects, according to the authors of the largest study to date to examine this issue.More than 2000 patients from 15 US and European centers participated in the retrospective study, called Comorbidity and Side Effects of Cross-Sex Hormone Treatment in Transse
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Obama's ISIS project is nothing but a pretext to murder and destroy Syrian society
The US military-finance-corporate empire (US-Empire) is characterized by (LINK): global military projection using over 1000 military bases control over the global finance instruments (and the money supply) corporate exploitation of labour and resources on the scale of entire continents dominant influence on World organizations such as the United Nations a demonstrated willingness to
Major foreign corporation with US-military and IDF ties buys a "security and policy institute" at "Allan Rock's university" in Canada's capital
By Denis G. Rancourt BACKGROUND ABOUT ALLAN ROCK'S NAKBA AT uOTTAWA The University of Ottawa was a reputable institution of higher learning in Canada's capital city, before it was taken-over in 2008 by former federal politician and former Canadian Ambassador to the UN Allan Rock. Following his appointment, Rock immediately proceeded to bring in all his own people to run the place in
Broad-ranging media interview with Denis Rancourt about Israel's massacre in Gaza
FARS News Agency published this broad-ranging interview, done while the recent Israeli massacre in Gaza was ungoing: Prof. Denis Rancourt: The United States Supports Israel for Constant Bloodletting in the Middle East (LINK) TEHRAN (FNA)- A Canadian scholar and academic, who was fired from the university where he was teaching because of his pro-Palestinian viewpoints, believes the US
Adult university students are entrapped unpaid workers, captured and broken by institutional schooling
By Denis G. Rancourt Adult university students are entrapped unpaid managerial-labourers, intellectual slave-workers in forced indoctrination camps. The institutionally imposed "study" is unpaid forced labour done by adults and minors. By virtue of entirely blocking a person's freedom of inquiry, and freedom to thus self-define within the unpartitioned community, schooling and university
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The real KaBoom...
is not just that the Obama's "celebrated" 9/11 by showing up for a photo-op at the charity named KaBoom (btw - where were the first daughters?), or tweeted that they were joining "millions of others" in a day of service (which is a load of cr*p.)Here's the real KaBoom:KaBoom!I'll leave the captioning of the back view to y'all.
Adventures in canning: Orange Marmalade...
a challenge. I've discovered that like with beets, the world is evenly divided into those who love orange marmalade or those who cringe at the thought of eating it. I happen to love it and in a moment of insanity decided, "Hey, how about making your own?"Well, okay then.Out came my trusty canning books and then a trip to the internet to compare methods.  I think there as many ways to mak
Bill Whittle: Tie-Dyed Tyranny and Pocket Gophers...
why pocket gophers?This is the first I've heard of protecting the pocket gopher - the most virulent, ugly, destructive little rodent ever to inhabit the earth.  The complete eradication of this pest would be a blessing to the earth.But not in my neighboring Washington State:The species is currently listed as threatened by the state of Washington. In December 2012, a proposal was made by the U.S.
September 11...
never forget.Brought to you by the religion of peace...
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Life Update
Not a lot of posting lately, as life is just happening and nothing ultra exciting is going on.  Which is fine with me, as too much excitement exhausts me.We fired our yard guy.  Well, told him we did not need his help anymore.  When we first started using him, he worked hard and for the entire day and showed up every day except Sunday.  But as time went on, a lot of things he did started to annoy
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US: Arab states to join air raids on IS group
Officials say several Arab countries have offered to use air forces against the group calling itself the Islamic State.
Gaza children back to school after 50-day war
More than 250 schools are damaged, while some 64,000 refugees are still being housed in 20 Gaza schools.
Algeria's al-Qaeda defectors join IS group
'Soldiers of the Caliphate in Algeria' split from al-Qaeda's North African branch, allying with the Islamic State group.
UK PM calls emergency meeting over beheading
David Cameron to gather top security advisers after murder of British aid worker and threat to kill another.
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In Memoriam / World Trade Center
          World Trade Center Photos by Konstanton Petrov / June 2001Gray spheres rising into the morning mistA ghostly ship of commerce remembered only in nightmares and dated photographs. What tragedy awaits your stately columns. What evil already infects your cluttered offices,           Your polished restrooms        And your stately dining rooms        You were a bird of prey awaiting your fa
We'Re Watching You, Barack / 9/11 Memo To The President
President Obama catches the eye of former Vice President Dick Cheney at Obama's 2008 inauguration. (photo: Flickr)As we approach the 13th Anniversary of America's greatest act of treason, perhaps only satire can fully reveal the true extent of the Big Lie and how literally half of Washington, DC has been silenced or blackmailed by AIPAC into remaining silent over the fact that 9/11 was an inside j
Instant Karma / 200,000 Downwind Deaths From Nevada Atomic Testing
                American military forces participating in Nevada Atomic testingFrom 1951 to 1970 the United States Government conducted over 1100 Atomic tests in Nevada whose radiation fallout has resulted in over 200,000 deaths throughout the country ~ instant karma for the over 200,000 deaths from the Atomic bombing of Hiroshima in 1945 and now Fukushima is slowly radiating the West Coast. In le
Mourning Rubble / For Gaza With Love
Mourning Rubble For Gaza When darkness overcomes us And Hope lies in the past  What in our hearts sustains us? How do we make love last?   When our weakness overwhelms us, And we watch as children die, How can we breathe this still foul air? What makes us even try?   We see grief upon a father’s face. We hear a mother’s scream. How do we find another place For tortured hearts to dream?   With dar
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Hilarion - September 14, 2014
Hilarion September 14-21, 2014Beloved Ones,It is time to divorce yourselves from the endless distractions that present themselves in relentless attempts to take you from your inner core of knowing. Look instead to the heavens and to the alignments that are taking place in the cosmos. This is, indeed, big news and important for you to take note of as you go about your daily activities and duties up
Aurora Borealis 9-12-14
Aurora Borealis 9-12-14 from Lights Over Lapland on Vimeo.On September 11th and 12th two CMEs interacted with Earth's magnetosphere causing a KP-7 Geomagnetic storm. The storm sparked large aurora displays that will never be forgotten by the people that were lucky enough to witness the event. This short film is for everyone else... For more information please visit our website and be sure to like
Senator demands US courts recover 10 years of online public records demands US courts recover 10 years of online public records"Restore access," lawmaker says of docs purged because of computer upgrade David Kravets - Sep 13, 2014 6:50 pm UTCThe head of the powerful Senate Judiciary Committee is urging the federal bureaucracy to
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ANGOLA 3 NEWS //  actions

Terrorism, COINTELPRO, and the Black Panther Party --An interview with law professor Angela A. Allen-Bell
(PHOTO: Angela A. Allen-Bell speaks in support of the Angola 3 outside of the Louisiana State Capitol on April 17, 2012.)Terrorism, COINTELPRO, and the Black Panther Party--An interview with Angela A. Allen-BellBy Angola 3 NewsThis past July, students from Northwestern University’s Medill Justice Project visited the infamous Louisiana State Prison known as Angola. While there, students landed an
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Norm-Setting for Outer Space
Norms are standards of proper or acceptable behavior. They establish expectations and clarify misbehavior, thereby helping to isolate, limit, and sanction bad behavior. Without norms, there are no norm-breakers. They can be codified in treaties and other legal instruments, or they can be less formal, such as those embedded in international codes of conduct. When less-formal norms become customary
Putin’s Nuclear Threat
Did Vladimir Putin just threaten the West with nuclear weapons? Could nuclear weapons be used in Europe? What is Russia’s nuclear doctrine? Does a nuclear balance make the world safe for conventional war? Today, Aaron and Jeffrey talk about Russia’s nuclear weapons and the recent chatter about them in Moscow. Jeffrey and Aaron discussed a number of articles during the podcast: Jeffrey Lewis, “The
Crashing Glider, Hidden Hotspring
Don’t miss our podcast on the failed Chinese and US hypersonic launches! Analyzing China’s August 7, 2014 Hypersonic Glider Test James Acton, Catherine Dill and Jeffrey Lewis September 3, 2014 By a lake in an Inner Mongolian desert, about 200 km south-east of Ordos—the oft-described ghost city that hosted the Miss World contest in 2012—lies a Chinese resort called the Bulong Hu Hot Springs Resort
A Hypersonic Arms Race
What is the status of China’s and the United States’ hypersonic weapons programs? What can open source tell us about China’s most recent rest? What happened at Kodiak Island? Are hypersonic weapons destabilizing? And why were Jeffrey and James searching for resorts in Mongolia? Today, Jeffrey and Aaron speak with James Acton, a senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment, about hypersonic weapons.
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BASTARD.LOGIC //  actions

The Future of Labour: Trapped In A Neo-Liberal Veal Pen
File under: we are all serfs/eventual anarchists: Consulting firm PwC recently published its outlook for work in 2022, based on interviews with 500 human resources experts and 10,000 others in the United States and several other countries. You probably won’t be surprised to hear that big companies could end up so powerful and influential they morph into “ministates” that fill the void when governm
White Suspects > Black Victims ‘WELP: WHITE SUSPECT That’s how the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal chose to present the story of Amy Bishop, a former college professor who eventually pleaded guilty to killing three colleagues and wounding three others at a faculty meeting in 2010. BLACK VICTIM And that’s the headline ran about the shooting death of a 25-year-old black
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BECAUSE I CAN //  actions

ALEC Member Oped Misleads Montana
Oh – my – I get so, so tired of ALEC members and staff misleading the public.Think about it – IF ALEC was  - - an honorable organization,   the members would not need to mislead others.Today it is an OpEd written by the state chair in Montana.Sen. Roger WebbALEC public sector state chair for MontanaBillingsAnd it’s a doozy when it comes to misleading the public.ALEC is a thoughtful, democratic org
Asset Forfeiture - Connecting the Dots to ALEC
Four things hit my attention today that reminded me of more ALEC state nastiness that most people wouldn’t be aware of. Like most times when pulling this together, I will rely on the actual words of ALEC, rather than summarizing them for the reader.  I do this because I want you to see the actual ALEC’s nastiness and not me just reinterpreting on what could be ALEC nastiness.This entry really ende
GOP LIES - Deciding Vote On ACA - State by state by state
GOP Lies ONEMcFadden: Franken Was Deciding Vote for Obamacare, but Does Nothing Today to Fix It Brown Lied About Shaheen's Deciding Vote For Obamacare Mary Landrieu cast the ‘deciding’ vote for Obamacare?http://www.washingtonpost
When ALECers Retire - There is Still Danger
Two hundred plus  (200+) ALEC incumbents are not running for re-election in 2014This may sound like good news – but – IT IS NOTJust because they resigned this year – does not mean they have left politics.Some are running for higher office    And HAVE TO BE DEFEATED Some are running for Supreme Court, District Court or Justice of the Peace   And HAVE TO BE DEFEATEDAND WORSESome are running for cit
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Progressive Music Classics. The Mekons: "This Funeral is for the Wrong Corpse"
..By MARC McDONALDThe narrative of the Rich & Powerful and the corporate media was simple back in the day. When the Soviet Union died, we were told, communism died. End of story.In 1991, it was clearly time to bury Das Kapital in the landfill and embrace capitalism. The End of History, as Francis Fukuyama put it, was upon us.However, a strange thing happened along the way to Communism's funera
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BIG DAN'S BIG BLOG //  actions

Queen of the FAKE Bin Laden videos Rita Katz/SITE is the "source" for the fake ISIS "beheading" usual
Nobody verifies her claims. Rita Katz/SITE says "Al Qaeda" "ISIS" did it, it hits the "news":I used to do a post per day, sometimes two or more per day. Now I do a post it seems every couple of weeks. I guess that's what getting a job will do to your blogging time.Anyway, this was an easy post to do. You know these (fake) beheading videos? I immediately noticed they w
You Can Be Assured That Agent Provocateurs Are "LOOTING" And Throwing "MOLOTOV COCKTAILS" In Ferguson
It's an age-old tactic. The government & media use it at all protests. They used it at the Occupy protests. They use it at all the G8 protests. The government send in "agent provocateurs" who LOOT and throw MOLOTOV COCKTAILS and trash stores. Then the media changes the story from the actual peaceful protests to stories of "LOOTING", protesters throwing "MOLOTOV COCKTAI
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BLOOD & TREASURE //  actions

orange and red
Watching the Orange Order parading round Edinburgh on TV  today I wondered how you would explain this gorgeous sight to a Chinese citizen. "They're a loyalist, conservative, patriotic organisation." "Like the Communist Party!" "Well they're very pro-business" "Like the Communist Party!" "They're the sort of group local businessmen join to get on the ins
don't mourn, organise
If Novoscotiya is really going to secede from Ukania what the better together campaign needs to be doing right now is organising the post referendum resistance, the 'reunify' movement. Whoever wins, the vote is going to be close, there are millions of people in Scotland who don't subscribe to the McKipperist hallucinations, and voting, by its nature, is provisional, this being an especial feature
day of the owlish
Chatting to dsquared and SF reader on twitter reminds me that i interviewed Jonathan Meades a couple of months back for Big Issue in the North, on the occasion of the publication of his memoirs. All done and dusted now, so below the fold if you're interested. Some people you follow because they know their subject. If you are interested in that subject, then you are interested in what they have to
tycoonocracy endorsed
Remember when I said that the Hong Kong suffrage fight pitted capitalists and Communists against Democrats? Well, you can't get more explicit than this: On Thursday while visiting Hong Kong, Tsinghua University School of Law dean Wang Zhenmin said China needed to protect the interests of the city’s pro-Beijing tycoons. “Universal suffrage means the redistribution of economic interests amongst soc
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BP SLICK //  actions

BREAKING NEWS! BP found "Grossly Negligent"
Judge: BP Has Been Found Grossly NegligentPosted: Sep 04, 2014 9:53 AM CDT Updated: Sep 04, 2014 10:35 AM CDT By WKRG StaffBP court rulingBATON ROUGE, La. - A federal judge has ruled that BP's reckless conduct resulted in the nation's worst offshore oil spill, leaving the company open to billions of dollars in penalties. U.S. District Judge Carl Barbier's ruling Thursday could nearly quadruple the
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BRAVE NEW WORLD //  actions

History, Trends and Digital Changes in Media
Digital Music News have taken RIAA data and produced an interesting animated graphic of the changes in music purchases over the last 30 years. We strongly recommend that you view this as it shows how transient some technologies are and how it’s not just the technology that changes but how people buy and relate to media.It would be great to be able to step forward and predict what will happen in th
Is Amazon Poised to Steal Print On Demand?
Many saw Print On Demand (POD) as the ultimate ‘just in time’ production solution to book publishing, which would wipe out all the inefficiencies of the ‘just in case’ approach that plagues the book supply chain. So why didn’t it happen, or did it happen for some and not for others? Is there a new dawn, or just a new set of people who have been sold a pup and not looked hard at the facts? Today we
Amazon Gets All Twitchy
We have long argued about the logic of joining up the media dots. Some see this as merging the technology and using one technology architecture to deliver all services. Others see the services as remaining separate and simply offering a ‘one stop’ consumer umbrella, which collectively makes it difficult to compete with. This week Amazon has acquired games streaming service Twitchfor a cool $1 bill
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BUCKDOG //  actions

World Shocked At ISIS Beheadings ... while our ally Saudi Arabia continues to whack heads off routinely as part of their justice system!
"In the space of two weeks last month, according to the rights group Amnesty International, Saudi Arabia executed as many as 22 people. At least eight of those executed were beheaded, U.N. observers say. It appears that the majority of those executed in August were guilty of nonlethal crimes, including drug trafficking, adultery, apostasy and "sorcery." Four members of one family, A
Canada Slips From Most Developed Nation In The World To 11th Place Because Of Stephen Haper And The Conservatives .. Shame!!
Canada has slipped out of the top 10 countries listed in the annual United Nation's human development index — a far cry from the 1990s when it held the first place for most of the decade.The 2013 report, which reviews a country's performance in health, education and income, places Canada in 11th place versus 10th last year.A closer look at the trends shows Canada actually did better than last year
Stephen Harper's Deranged Thought Process Is Based On Higly Flawed Right Wing Ideology
By: Jakeet Singh  Tue Aug 26 2014  Stephen Harper really seems to have it out for sociology. In 2013, in response to an alleged plot against a VIA train, Harper remarked that we should not “commit sociology,” but pursue an anti-crime approach. And last week, in response to the death of Tina Fontaine, Harper argued that an inquiry into missing and murdered indigenous women is not needed, because t
Remembering Jack ....
No One Had More Fun Doing Segments On 'This Hour Has 22 Minutes' Than Jack Layton
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Ian Millar turns back the clock, thrills Spruce Meadows crowd with CP International triumph
O Captain! My Captain! Oh my! Ian Millar, the man fondly referred to as Captain Canada, was the talk of Spruce Meadows on Sunday afternoon at the 2014 Masters, a position in which he hadn’t found himself since 1991.
Stay out of all parks, city urges as storm cleanup continues
Calgarians hoping to enjoy the last few weeks of warm weather in city parks are in for a big disappointment after officials urged everyone to stay out of all parks while crews clear debris from recent storms.
Family participates in Terry Fox Run in honour of boy, 11, who died from cancer
Nicole Bowerman and more than 20 of her family members wore neon green shirts with a photo of her late brother on the front at Calgary’s annual Terry Fox Run on Sunday. Bowerman’s brother Jody Dewald died in 1988 from liver cancer. He was only 11.
‘There was blood everywhere’: Woman seriously injured in Edmonton dog attack
A woman walking her dog in an alley in central Edmonton was seriously injured Sunday morning when four to six dogs attacked her. The attack happened in an alley between 101st and 102nd Streets, behind 112th Avenue, in the central Edmonton neighbourhood of Spruce Avenue. Police say the woman, in her 50s, was taken to hospital with serious injuries to her legs, back and arms.

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