9:18pm MDST
US Strike on Syria is Desperation Incarnate
*September 24, 2014* (Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - The West was racing against
the clock - attempting to justify war with Syria by allegedly "fighting"
the so-called "Islamic State" (ISIS) in Syrian before the world fully
realized the West and its allies had in fact created ISIS in the first
place and was to this day arming, funding, and directing them. In haste
that can only be described as desperation bordering criminal insanity, the
West announced that it has begun air and missile attacks on Syrian
It alleges that it is attacking ISIS, however - and unlike its campaign i... more »
"Don't Wonder..."
"Don't wonder why people go crazy. Wonder why they don't.
In the face of what we can lose in a day, in an instant,
wonder what the hell it is that makes us hold it together."
- "Grey's Anatomy"
Chet Raymo, “The General And The Particular”
*“The General And The Particular”*
by Chet Raymo
“Of the fundamental particles of which the world is made, each one is
identical to all others of its species. Every electron is a clone of every
other electron. Every proton is interchangeable with every other. And the
laws by which the fundamental particles interact and bind are fixed and
immutable. Physics would not be possible if there were not an elemental
sameness to the world, a concrete block redundancy.
As a young man I was trained as a physicist. I was taught to revel in the
general, to see through the particulars to the sam... more »
Paulo Coelho, “Dreams: The 12 Steps”
*“Dreams: The 12 Steps”*
by Paulo Coelho
"When Joseph Campbell created the expression “follow your blessing,” he was
reflecting an idea that seems to be very appropriate right now. In “The
Alchemist,” this same idea is called “Personal Legend.” Alan Cohen, a
therapist who lives in Hawaii, is also working on this theme. He says that
in his lectures he asks those who are dissatisfied with their work and
seventy-five percent of the audience raise their hands. Cohen has created a
system of twelve steps to help people to rediscover their “blessing” (he is
a follower of Campbell):
*1. T... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Waynesville, North Carolina, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
The Poet: John Glenday, "Concerning the Atoms of the Soul"
*"Concerning the Atoms of the Soul"*
"Someone explained once how the pieces of what we are
fall downwards at the same rate as the Universe.
The atoms of us, falling towards the centre
of whatever everything is. And we don't see it.
We only sense their slight drag in the lifting hand.
That's what weight is, that communal process of falling.
Furthermore, these atoms carry hooks, like burrs,
hooks catching like hooks, like clinging to like,
that's what keeps us from becoming something else,
and why in early love, we sometimes
feel the tug of the heart snagging on another's heart.
Only th... more »
Climate Change March Highlights Global Issue
Demonstrations around the world. It is good to know that it has become
international issue.
Please watch the video here
"The Wonder Of Life..."
"We live in radical times surrounded by tasks that seem impossible. It has
become our collective fate to be alive in a time of great tragedies, to
live in a period of overwhelming disasters and to stand at the edge of
sweeping changes. The river of life is flooding before us, and a tide of
poisons affect the air we breathe and the waters we drink and even tarnish
the dreams of those who are young and as yet innocent. The snake-bitten
condition has already spread throughout the collective body.
However, it is in troubled times that it becomes most important to remember
that the wond... more »
"Life Is Not..."
- http://walkerbaitproductions.com/?p=746
"Taking Another Look: Importance of Second Chances"
*"Taking Another Look: Importance of Second Chances"*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
"Everyone deserves to be given a second chance in life and the opportunity
for forgiveness. When we meet someone for the first time, we often create a
defining image in our minds of who that person is. We may also determine
whether or not that someone is worth getting to know. Sometimes when an
initial interaction is particularly uncomfortable or challenging, we can
decide to close our hearts to this new acquaintance entirely. But being too
quick to judge can cause us to lose out on a potentially wo... more »
"FBI, DHS Go Full Scaremonger: Warn Police Of Airstrike-Inspired "Homegrown Extremists" & "Disgruntled Employee" Threats"
*"FBI, DHS Go Full Scaremonger: Warn Police Of Airstrike-Inspired *
*"Homegrown Extremists" & "Disgruntled Employee" Threats"*
by Tyler Durden
"While careful to note 'no specific threats' have been found, it appears
the FBI and DHS have decided it's time to show why local police departments
needed to be fully militarized after all. In the first bulletin, according
to Bloomberg, US security officials warned federal and local police to
watch for “homegrown violent extremists” who may be motivated to attack by
airstrikes in Syria. In the second bulletin, the FBI and DHS assess that
dis... more »
U.S. Told Iran That Their Intention Was To Strike Islamic State Targets In Syria But Were Not Going To Target Assad's Forces

The guided-missile cruiser USS Philippine Sea launches a Tomahawk cruise
missile, as seen from the aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush, in the
Arabian Gulf, September 23, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Mass Communication
Specialist 1st Class Eric Garst/U.S. Navy
*Exclusive: U.S. Told Iran Of Intent To Strike Islamic State In Syria --
(Reuters) - The United States informed Iran in advance of its intention to
strike Islamic State militants in Syria and told Tehran that it would not
target the forces of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, a senior Iranian
official told Reuters.
"Ira... more »
America's Mission Creep To War In The Middle East

*How Obama’s War Against ISIS Just Keeps Growing -- Michael Crowley, Time*
*A mission that keeps shedding its limits.*
Barack Obama’s war against ISIS has come a long way from Sinjar Mountain.
It was six weeks ago, on Aug. 7, that the President announced his first
airstrikes against the militant group Islamic State of Iraq and Greater
Syria (ISIS). It was a profound decision for a President long determined to
avoid military action in the Middle East—and for a war-scarred country
resistant to foreign interventions.
It was also the first of many incremental steps towards Monday ... more »
While the "MANHUNT" For Eric Frein Is Going On, How Many Citizens Have The Cops Murdered?

Have you seen this man...on your lottery machine???
We all know the Pennsylvania State Police are searching for Eric Frein whom
they accuse of shooting two Pennsylvania State Policemen, killing one of
them. But while the "MANHUNT" for Eric Frein is going on, how many citizens
in that time period have police murdered, beaten, tazed, and brutalized and *how
many Constitutional laws have the police broken* while doing their
(I will update this post DAILY, as police murder citizens DAILY, as long as
this "MANHUNT" is going on. There is a "MANHUNT" on for *Eric Frein*,
accu... more »
While the forerunners and later derivative groups of what is now ISIS, or
IS as they now prefer to call themselves, were busy fighting Israel’s enemy
in Syria, Israel and the US together with their Western allies were content
to let the al-Assad regime forces and the Islamists slug it out between
them. Both sides remain, however, the enemy of Israel. But, as the civil
war in Syria progressed, so the various Islamist forces ranged against
al-Assad began to coalesce. Though still not quite fully united, the group
that now calls itself the Islamic State has emerged by far the most
infl... more »
"Hélas! on voit que de tout temps
Les Petits ont pâti des sottises des grands."
"Alas! we see that the small have always suffered for the follies of the
- La Fontaine, "Fables. II. 4."
Harper Refuses To Answer ANY Questions On Iraq Mission - Partisan House Of Commons Speaker Andrew Scheer Refuses To Follow Rules Of The House!!

Speaker Andrew Scheer is so completely in the pocket of the Prime
Minister's Office, he will not follow the Rules of the House and require
the Conservative Government to adhere to some sane relevancy when answering
questions in Question Periond. SHAME ON SPEAKER SCHEER!!!
Tue, Sep 23: *"NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair wanted to talk about Canada’s
military mission in Iraq. Conservative MP Paul Calandra wanted to talk
about a NDP fundraiser’s inflammatory comments about Israel. What followed
was an utterly bizzare exchange which ended with Mulcair questioning the
Speaker of the House’s i... more »
Traffic cops and communists
Why the hysterical emotion from the left about their election loss, wonders
Home Paddock this morning after windows were broken and Molotov cocktails
left (but not lit) at a National Party office in Dunedin.
There was a ”huge amount of emotion” among those on the political Left
after National’s sweeping election victory, ranging from ”demoralisation to
anger to incredulity”, said University of Otago politics lecturer Dr Bryce
”[The vandalism] shows a very exaggerated and extreme outcome of how
many on the Left are feeling, but it doesn’t typify it.”
The emotion is e... more »
"A man, a plan, a canal, Pana-" . . . oops, wrong canal!

*Possibly there's a school of thought somewhere which holds that all canals
look pretty much the same. But you don't have to be a canal whiz to know
that this sure doesn't look like the Suez Canal. Why, it looks more like,
like . . . .*
*"The man [the head of the Egyptian postal authority] didn't notice that
the stamps show greenery on both sides of the canal while the Suez Canal
runs in the middle of the desert!"*
*-- Amr Adeeb, host of TV's Cairo Today*
*by Ken*
In fairness, Amr Adeeb, perhaps the gentleman in question, the one who
"didn't notice that the stamps show greenery on... more »
@homedepot foundation rejected my small grant application. We don’t have enough needs, apparently.
I put in for a $750 grant for the Home Depot Foundation to get some start
up funding for a school garden, meeting space that would eventually
generate revenue at a local farmer’s market in Ward 8, DC. I get the
automatic reply: Dear Applicant, The Home Depot Foundation appreciated the
opportunity to consider your […]
What Is Next In The U.S. Military Campaign Against The Islamic State
*‘Sustained Campaign’ Against ISIS Poses Complex Challenges For Military,
Congress -- FOX News*
The launch of U.S. airstrikes in Syria marks the beginning of what military
officials are calling a "sustained campaign" against the Islamic State -- a
new war in the Middle East that immediately poses complex challenges for
the Obama administration and Congress.
Some already see the war against the Islamic State, or ISIS, as an
engagement that could last years, and could fall to President Obama's
successor to finish.
"The fact is, Islamic terrorism is out to destroy us ... and the w... more »
I am about six weeks into the new school year. You may have noticed, maybe
not, that my personal contributions here, and to the “radio” show, dropped
off precipitously. Teaching is a busy job, as you know. I have hobbies, a
personal life, and other interests that supersede the old education reform
commentary. Beyond the […]
Yemen success story looking like Libya success story ....

*Rami(ط)* @RamiAlLolah 4h
This #USA drone was downed in #*Yemen*.. pic.twitter.com/TlrKKag6c3
[image: Embedded image permalink]
*Zaid Benjamin* @zaidbenjamin 2h
Al-Qaeda in a statement calls the Sunni of #*Yemen* to unite against the
*Al Arabiya English* @AlArabiya_Eng 1h
#Houthis tighten grip on #Yemen capital http://ara.tv/8z5kh
Al Arabiya English
[image: View this content on Al Arabiya English's website]
Heavily-armed Houthi rebels deploy in Sanaa
By Al Arabiya English @AlArabiya_Eng
Hundreds of Houthi rebels armed with heavy weaponry deploy in San... more »
FBI, DHS Go Full Scaremonger: Warn Police Of Airstrike-Inspired "Homegrown Extremists" & "Disgruntled Employee" Threats ( Has anyone considered that with Americans civil liberties curtailed and essentially any American a " domestic terrorist " these days , that our Government has done more harm than Al Qaeda / ISIS or any other Jihadist Group could ever aspire to accomplish to destroy the Country ? )
FBI, DHS Go Full Scaremonger: Warn Police Of Airstrike-Inspired "Homegrown
Extremists" & "Disgruntled Employee" Threats
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/23/2014 19:48 -0400
- Bloomberg News
- Iraq
- Ron Paul
- Saudi Arabia
While careful to note '*no specific threats*' have been found, it appears
the FBI and DHS have decided it's time to show why local police departments
needed to be fully militarized after all. In the first bulletin, according
to Bloomberg, *US security officials warned federal and local police to... more »
Libya Updates ( September 23 , 2014 ) -- Political intrigue and actual fighting between Libyan power brokers / tribes / jihadists and the non jihadists , more mystery air strikes in Tripoli ( Egypt Calling ) , the future of Syria unfolding before our eyes ?

Uprising against Islamists begins in the capital of Libya
September 24, 2:48 UTC+4
Aircraft pound Islamist positions
CAIRO, September 24. /ITAR-TASS/. In the Libyan capital, an uprising
against Islamist forces, which control it, began on Tuesday. The
satellite-aided television channel Sky News Arabia reported that all areas
of Tripoli rose up in the fight against the militants.
Besides, according to Al-Arabia, the principal city of the country was
subjected to an intensive bombardment. Aviation delivered at least six
strikes against the posi... more »
Obsessions with the f-word. I mean, FRUSTRATION
I saw this posted today from the Answer Sheet on reading in our current
standards-obsessed era. The article poses an interesting question: is
cultivating frustration in children something we should embrace? My
instincts tell me no, and I’ll let you debate that answer for yourself. But
what I will say is that I’ve seen this word, […]
What’s Next for the Global Climate Movement?
This is a guest post from Jennifer Hadden, who is an assistant professor at
the University of Maryland. She guest blogged on the Duck before on global
climate negotiations. She also has a forthcoming book from Cambridge on
climate advocacy called Networks in Contention: The Divisive Politics of
Climate Change. The largest climate change demonstration in
Continue reading
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- September 23, 2014
*Why Airstrikes in Syria Are Just the Beginning -- Brian Katulis, WSJ*
Coalition airstrikes in Syria mark a significant shift in the Obama
administration’s Middle East policy and overall national security strategy.
These actions are just the opening barrages in a new and complicated battle
that will require more than military action. A broad international and
regional coalition will be needed, as President Barack Obama stressed in
his statement Tuesday morning.
Advancing stability in the region and combating Islamic State militants
will require a multifaceted effort involving dipl... more »
Shepherd Bliss : ‘Village Building Convergence’ rocks small-town Sebastopol
The two-day event was designed to ‘improve our experience of community… by
transforming public spaces and making them into special places.’ By
Shepherd Bliss | The Rag Blog | September 23, 2014 SEBASTOPOL, California —
Participants in the ambitious 10-day … finish reading Shepherd Bliss :
‘Village Building Convergence’ rocks
small-town Sebastopol
Quote of the day: Bob Jones on Labour
*“Most of all they should embrace the modern age and recognise that social
and economic salvation and uplifting the underclass does not simplistically
lie in ever increasing taxes on the industrious and thrifty and their
transfer to the indolent. There's nothing positive or progressive about
- Bob Jones, ‘Cunliffe should man up and quit,’ NZ HERALD
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
World News Briefs -- September 23, 2014 (Evening Edition)
*Obama Hails Joint US-Arab Strikes on Islamic State Targets in Syria --
Voice of America*
President Barack Obama on Tuesday hailed the coalition of Arab states that
joined U.S. forces to pound Islamic State targets in Syria, calling it a
sign that Middle Eastern people were “standing up for the peace and
security that the people of the region and the world deserves.”
Hours earlier, U.S. forces and Arab allies hit dozens of targets, using war
planes, remote drones and ship-launched cruise missiles to attack the
militants in Syria for the first time.
*Read more *....
*MIDDLE EAST*... more »
David Cameron to recall Parliament- strikes in Iraq? Or mostly Syria

Rather then updating an already lengthy post, I started anew-
US/Israel & GCC nations strike Syria- Khorasan and Updates* David Cameron-
strikes on Syria, cause let's face it t*he strikes in Iraq have been mostly
for show. Once the regime change was taken care of in Iraq. Syria was going
to be the target.
This news ties in quite nicely with a comment from Marie, earlier today
September 23, 2014 at 8:20 AM
Hi Penny
I am greatly saddened by the news. It was inevitable, as we say. I must
tell you that the president of Cyprus (who is by all accounts in the
pockets of the US) went to th... more »
Afghan President Hamid Karzai's Farewell Speech Takes A Swipe At The U.S. And Pakistan

Outgoing Afghan President Hamid Karzai speaks during a ceremony
commemorating the 2001 assassination of legendary Tajik resistance
commander Ahmad Shah Massoud, in Kabul Septembsr 9, 2014. Credit:
Reuters/Omar Sobhani
*Afghanistan's Karzai Criticizes US, Pakistan In Farewell Speech -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Outgoing President Hamid Karzai on Tuesday blamed the United
States for Afghanistan's long war in a final swipe at the country that
helped bring him to power 13 years ago but towards which he has become
increasingly bitter.
His farewell speech came days ahead of the swearing in o... more »
Richard Allen's White House Safe

*"Maybe if I had had a shotgun, I might have disposed of a few subsequent
*- Alexander Haig*
North`s Safe Has `History`
May 16, 1987|United Press International
WASHINGTON -- The gray metal safe that a former State Department consultant
testfied Lt. Col. Oliver North stashed thousands of dollars in for covert
payments to Nicaraguan rebel leaders has a storied past.
Robert Owen, who said he took at least two sizable payments from the safe
to Contra leaders, also said North told him the safe -- in room 302 in the
Old Executive Office Building next door to the White House ... more »
We are One

This journey we are on, called life, is one of the most spectacular trips
available. The experience of physical existence has within it every
possibility. This planet is filled with over 7 billion humans – there are
many who choose to visit here.
To be clear, all facets of this life are known as possibilities before
birth. There are no tricks played or secrets kept. In full awareness we
incarnate, happy for the chance to live again.
This talk of an “experiment” may have led you to think otherwise – to
think that you’d been duped and your plan to be here at all was made under
f... more »
*The Film Don't Lie: Saints ~Mike Triplett, ESPN*~*The Saints’ defense
showed great improvement in most areas in Week 3. But in order to get their
first road win of the season Sunday night at Dallas, they must figure out
how to start forcing turnovers. *
*State to hold public hearing on oil drilling permit application in St.
Tammany ~Robert Rhoden *
*The Irish House to host Louisiana’s Brewers Bash ~Jamal Melancon, Uptown
Marriott Fires A Democratic Employee For Running Against The Republican The Company Is Backing In Florida

Marriott backs Republicans Lew Oliver and John Quiñones and fired Democrat
Viviana Janer to prove it
The specifics of this story tell you a lot about problems facing women,
minorities, young people… anyone not part of the old, rich, white, male
Establishment of Central Florida. Taking an overview, however, isn't just
something about Kissimmee or even Florida; it's about the growing toxicity
of conservatives in general and the Republican Party in particular. Vivian
Janer is a Democrat running for a county commission seat in Osceola County
in central Florida. If elected, she'd be the ... more »
New NC Standards Commission Headed by IBM Offshoring Expert and Tea Party Darling
From WRAL:
IBM executive Andre Peek of Wake County and longtime Forsyth County school
board member Jeannie Metcalf were named co-chairmen of the commission.
Jeannie Metcalf is Tea Party school board member. Andre Peek's LinkedIn
page has his expertise listed as Outsourcing/Offshoring (really!).
What can go wrong?
Town planners are great, say town planners
The New Zealand Planning Institute -- the trade union for the country’s
town planners -- says don’t repeal, reform or even alter slightly the
Resource Management Act – the source of employment for the country’s town
Trade union boss Bryce Julyan said recent statistics collected by the
Ministry for the Environment “debunked the myth that planners were a
handbrake on development.”
The statistics showed that of the 34,000 resource consents that were
processed through to a decision in 2012/13, 97% were processed on time,
only 5% were notified in some way and 0.27% ... more »
‘New Bonnet,’ by Eastman Johnson
[image: image]*New Bonnet*, 1876, oil on cardboard, 527 x 686m,
Metropolitan Museum of Art
A genre painter from Nantucket, Johnson had more tricks up his sleeve than
you might think.
Composition, for example. Unusual for the time, the composition describes
the relationship. Divided in the middle by his tools, there is a straight
line from the new bonnet (at the far edge of the picture) through the
sustenance being prepared, through to the hands that provided both now
being warmed over the fire.
[Pic from The Athenaeum]
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact autho... more »
BRONX TALES. via BRONX TALES.Filed under: SHAUN JOHNSON, PHD: Musings from
the Chalk Face
Naomi Klein: The Socialist spewing anti-capitalist author of "This Changes Everything" and darling of the left and her anti-American husband...

*enjoy all the perks of capitalism while demanding that we return to living
in tents - or something.*
Does anyone really think this woman, with no scientific credentials to
speak of, has the answer for anything, most especially for the made up
money making scam known as global warming?
Let's sum up her entire new bestselling book in one sentence:
*We must destroy capitalism and income inequality in order to solve the
global warming issue.*
There you have it.
Let's take a look at her rabid supporters. I'm sure they were legion at
the People's Climate March in NYC this past Sunday.... more »
Ed Miliband's Conference Speech
Not one but *two* five-year plans? Ambitious targets? An 80 minute
monologue with anecdotes about meeting ordinary people? Forget Red Ed.
Today we saw the debut of Kim Jong-Mil. Yeah, yeah, lame. But Ed Miliband's
speech was interesting, and not because for what went unsaid. The mild
social democracy was there - the 25p/hour minimum wage uprating until 2020;
jobless, housing, first time buyer, apprenticeship targets, votes for 16
and 17 year olds and the property speculation mansion tax to raise £1.2bn
for thousands more GPs, nurses and careworkers. And, by the standards of
British... more »
Yemen President Warns Of Sunni - Shiite Civil War In His Country
*Yemen President Warns Of Civil War -- Al Jazeera*
Abdrabuh Mansour Hadi alleges foreign conspiracy and pledges to restore
state authority in the capital city of Sanaa.
Yemeni President Abdrabuh Mansour Hadi has vowed to restore state authority
and warned of a "civil war" in the Sunni-majority country as Shia rebels
were seen in near-total control of the capital, Sanaa.
"Sanaa is facing a conspiracy that will lead towards civil war," Hadi said
in a speech at the presidential palace on Tuesday, two days after the
rebels took control of all other key state institutions in the capita... more »
People's Climate March Protest In London
Gross Negligence from rikki on Vimeo.
Islamic State Responds To U.S. And Coalition Air Strikes
*Syria Air Strikes: Islamic State Vows Attacks Against Isis Targets 'Will
Be Answered' -- The Independent*
An Islamic State fighter has vowed retribution for US-led air strikes
against the group, after the attack launched with Arab allies killed dozens
of militants overnight.
"These attacks will be answered", the Isis militant told the Reuters news
agency, while blaming the "sons of Saloul" - a derogatory term for Saudi
Arabia's ruling family - for allowing the strikes to take place.
The Pentagon spokesman Rear Adm John Kirby said fighter jets, bombers and
Tomahawk cruise missile... more »
Sept. 23: Well, what can you expect...
..... in a province in which two-thirds of the voters are functionally
illiterate, and both the newspapers and the two, traditional political
parties are owned by the same people?
That premier Alward's conservatives almost won the election
certainly had nothing to do with any accomplishment of his during his term.
And the Liberals, who lost the last election because they were so detested,
certainly had nothing exciting going for them in Gallant, the Liberal
leader, who appeared to have no leadership qualities and no platform at all.
New Brunswick ain't going nowhere. Th... more »
Supplemental: What we found at the new Salon!
*TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2014A message is lurking here:* Yesterday, we
commented on the many sexy-time topic selections at the new reinvented
Sexuality is an important topic. It’s also a wonderful way to grab the
eyeballs of us the helpless rubes.
This morning, at 5:15, we journeyed to the new Salon. These were the first
three reports we found there:
MONDAY, SEP 22, 2014 07:01 PM EDT
*“Gilmore Girls” is a lie: How the show’s rosy vision of motherhood
tormented me*
My relationship with my mom fell apart; Rory and Lorelai's flourished. It
killed me—but I couldn't stop watchi... more »
Supplemental: Hayes stages world’s worst conversation!
*TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2014How to dumb liberals down:* Unlike many
upper-end “journalists,” the New York Times’ Juliet Macur isn’t straight
out of college.
Macur graduated from Columbia in 1992. In 1997, she got a master’s in
journalism from the same august institution.
Macur isn’t straight out of college, but her column today is horrible. That
said, it’s a perfect marker of the traits of the modern “press corps.”
Macur is a sports columnist for the Times. Today, she wrote her paper’s
latest horrible column about the Ray Rice matter.
Yesterday, the owner of the Baltimore Raven... more »
This Syrian Man Is Live-Tweeting The U.S. Military Strikes As They Hit
Tweets by @3bdUlkaed6r
*The US Just Started Bombing Syria. This Syrian Man Is Live-Tweeting The
Strikes As They Hit -- VOX*
The US is now launching its first-ever air strikes in Syria against the
terrorist group ISIS, the Pentagon announced at about 9:30 pm EST,
revealing that the US military is "using a mix of fighter, bomber, and
Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles" along with the air forces of Middle Eastern
But the news was actually broken 30 minutes earlier by a Syrian Twitter
user in the city of Raqqa, where ISIS has its headquarters, who heard the
strikes and speculated —... more »
President Obama Vows More Airstrikes Against The Islamic State In Syria
*Obama Vows More Strikes On ISIL In Syria -- Al Jazeera*
US President says that the combined operation targeting the armed group in
Syria shows the US is not fighting alone.
US President Barack Obama has said that the participation of five Arab
nations in Syria airstrikes against Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant
(ISIL) fighters "makes it clear to the world this is not America's fight
In a short statement on Tuesday, hours after the first US-led airstrikes
hit the group's headquarters in eastern Syria, Obama vowed to continue the
fight, which he said was vital to the s... more »
Snowden, CDC whistleblower: who owns information?

Jon Rappoport
Let me start with this general statement: there are scientists and
politicians who are trained like dogs to believe that corrections to the
deepest crimes of government can be achieved through an orderly structure
and process.
This belief is a form of mind control. It’s engraved in a place where
so-called rational people still entertain a fairy tale about rescue and
“everything working out properly, through channels.”
Among the many differences between Ed Snowden and William Thompson, the CDC
whistleblower, there is one striking similarity.
They’ve both taken go... more »
How to Start a Student Group To Protect Your Digital Privacy

April Glaser
*Electronic Frontier Foundation*
Watch for it. This year student protest and resistance to mass surveillance
might be bursting at the seams. The Internet, which students across the
world have grown up with, is under threat. And now more than ever, student
leaders are contacting EFF, wanting to know how to get involved to protect
our rights online.
Now is the time to organize. We’re calling on all concerned students,
whether new organizers or seasoned campus leaders, to join the growing
movement to fight for our right communicate and innovate, unhampered by oppressive ... more »
Irish Austerity Exodus Lingers On
August brings us the annual Irish immigration data, so it's time to look at
what has happened in their statistical reporting "year" that ended in April
2014. While better than last year, it's still not pretty.
According to the Central Statistics Office, net emigration continued in
2013-14, with net emigration of 21,400. a decline of just over 1/3 compared
to net emigration of 33,100 in 2012-13. Of the new total, once again, the
Irish themselves accounted for over 100% of the net departures, with 29,200
more Irish nationals leaving the country than returning.
This continued out-migra... more »
Criminal US Launches Airstrikes Against Syria: The Plan Has ALWAYS Been To Remove Assad
I finally have been able to surf the Internet over the last few hours
today, and what I saw turned my stomach... It appears that starting last
night, the criminal US Government finally launched their planned airstrikes
into Syria... This, readers, is a clear violation of international law and
basically is a declaration of war against the sovereign state of Syria
For the longest time I have posted articles at this blog that laid the
facts out clearly for everyone....The US and Israel have long been planning
to have Syria destroyed and since the failure last spring in havin... more »
Inter-Island Solidarity Growing in Pacific
Catholic Bishop Kang on Jeju Island, South Korea thanks activists from
other Pacific Islands for coming to the recent peace camp in Gangjeong
village. (Video has English sub-titles)
Healthy Lunches: Captain America Lunch

Today I am taking a break from princesses to channel my daughter's favorite
super hero. A couple of years ago, my daughter came home from a weekend at
my parents to proudly declare she wanted to be Captain America for
Halloween. I found/made her an fantastic costume and every time someone
asked her if she knew Captain America was a boy, she rolled her eyes and
told them that anybody could be a hero. From that moment, I have loved
Captain America, because she is right, anybody can be a hero.
This fun lunch incorporates the red, white and blue theme while sticking to
healthy princi... more »
A Look At The Targets That Were Hit By U.S. Airstrikes In Syria

*U.S.-Led Airstrikes On ISIS In Syria: What You Need To Know -- Jethro
Mullen, CNN*
(CNN) -- The United States and several Arab nations carried out airstrikes
against ISIS in Syria early Tuesday, intensifying the campaign against the
Islamic militant group.
Tomahawk missiles launched from the sea began the strikes against the Sunni
Muslim extremists, followed by bombers and fighters.
Here are answers to key questions about the new phase in the conflict with
*Read more* ....
*More News On The Targets That Were Hit By U.S. Airstrikes In Syria *
Airstrikes Move To Syri... more »
Trucker Pulls Over a Cop for Speeding, A Metamorphosis Happens on Camera

*Interesting transformation when its recorded...... -AK*
Found at:
*Trucker Pulls Over a Cop for Speeding, A Metamorphosis Happens on Camera*
Trucker Brian Miner was driving through Illinois this week when he says he
saw an officer of the law pass him traveling well over the posted speed
He says that the officer was on his cellphone as well.
Mr. Miner, like most of us does not like the above the law, double-standard
of police, so he took action by honking his horn to pull the ... more »
Kelly Westlund Cheddar Bomb… Today

Blue-America endorsed candidate Kelly Westlund (WI-07) is running for the
massive 72-county swing district seat in the northern, ventral an western
part of Wisconsin. Sean Duffy, a sad Paul Ryan stooge, currently occupies
the seat, although Obama won it 53-45% in 2008 and lost narrowly in 2012,
51-48%. The district was represented for over 40 years years by Dave Obey,
who has endorsed Kelly: "I’ve won 25 elections in Northern Wisconsin, so I
know what it takes to win up here. You have to stand up for people who are
struggling to make ends meet. You have to tell the truth, even when... more »
Who Are The 'Arab Allies' Assisting The U.S. in Attacking The Islamic State

*The Arab Allies Helping The US Fight Isis -- The Guardian*
Barack Obama had insisted on a visible coalition being formed with Sunni
Arab states before expanding operations into Syria
Jordan became the first US ally to confirm its forces had taken part in
attacks against Isis in Syria. Washington said Saudi Arabia, the UAE and
Bahrain had also contributed forces, with Qatari assets playing a support
It was not immediately clear which, if any of the Arab air forces sent
their jets over the skies of northern Syria, but ahead of the strikes
Riyadh had agreed to spearhead the a... more »
Greenpeace just took over a coal train!
You can see video clips rushed by bike from the stopped train, read the
stories of the people on board, and sign the petition to end dirty coal
here: https://secure.greenpeace.org.uk/people-vs-coal
Hi Udinesi
I'm on top of a coal train right now with 49 ordinary people, who
believe so passionately that we need to stop climate change, we've
stopped a train reaching Cottam power station in
U.S. Airstrikes In Syria Also Targeted The Khorasan Group
*‘Imminent Attack’ on U.S. Prompted Strikes on Khorasan Group -- Bloomberg*
Airstrikes in Syria against the extremist Khorasan group were prompted by
planning for an “imminent” terror attack on U.S. soil, the Pentagon said.
“We believe the individuals plotting and planning it were eliminated” in
the eight U.S. airstrikes overnight, Rear Admiral John Kirby, the Pentagon
spokesman, said today in an interview with ABC’s “Good Morning America”
Amid attention on the threat from Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, Khorasan
has emerged in recent weeks as a more immediate peril in t... more »
National Monument to Victims of ...

Sept 23, 2015 : Reactions were mixed today as the long awaited National
Victims Monument was unveiled on Parliament Hill, but the winning designer
couldn't be more pleased with the final result.
"I was playing with my infant son when the inspiration for the design just
came to me", he told assembled reporters.
After cutting the ribbon and posing for photos, Prime Minister Stephen
Harper launched a blistering Cold War style attack on the evils of
communism saying its “poisonous ideology and ruthless practices slowly bled
into countries around the world. ... That's why we need th... more »
President Obama: U.S. Will ‘Do What Is Necessary’ Against ISIS
*Obama: Syria Strikes Show 'This Is Not America's Fight Alone' -- CNN*
The coalition that attacked ISIS in Syria overnight "makes it clear to the
world that this is not America's fight alone," and that governments in the
Middle East are rejecting ISIS, President Barack Obama said Tuesday.
The U.S. strikes against "seasoned al Qaeda operatives in Syria" known as
the Khorasan Group show the United States will not tolerate safe havens for
terrorists, he said.
Obama said he has talked to members of Congress about the overnight strikes
in Syria, and that there is bipartisan support for... more »
CDC: The Worst Case Scenario Has Ebola Infecting 1.4 Million In West Africa By End Of January

A projected spike in Ebola cases by end of October. (Chart courtesy of
*CDC: Ebola Could Infect 1.4 Million In West Africa By End Of January If
Trends Continue -- Washington Post*
The number of Ebola cases in West Africa could reach 1.4 million by the end
of January if trends continue without an immediate and massive scale-up in
response, according to a new estimate by the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention.
The report released Tuesday is a tool the agency has developed to help with
efforts to slow transmission of the epidemic and estimate the potential
number ... more »
On the BUS: First-Hand Tales of Teaching, Speaking Out, and Consequences
Originally posted on WeActEd:
What happens to teachers who speak out about problems they see in their
work? Join the next Education Town Hall BUS as two educators tell
first-hand stories and discuss the larger issues, including
whistle-blowing, teachers unions, job protections, and the impact of school
reform policies on teachers of color. Tune in…
Martial Bourdin

"we recalled the already old story of the attempt to blow up the Greenwich
Observatory; a blood-stained inanity of so fatuous a kind that it was
impossible to fathom its origin by any reasonable or even unreasonable
process of thought. For perverse unreason has its own logical processes.
But that outrage could not be laid hold of mentally in any sort of way, so
that one remained faced by the fact of a man blown to bits for nothing even
most remotely resembling an idea, anarchistic or other. As to the outer
wall of the Observatory it did not show as much as the faintest crack. I
po... more »
New Video Exposes Canadian Spy Agency's Unchecked Surveillance Program

OpenMedia.ca Katitza Rodriguez
*Electronic Frontier Foundation*
The Canadian government's surveillance of innocent Canadians is secretive,
expensive, and out-of-control—that’s the message of a new video launched
this morning by Canadian digital rights organization, OpenMedia.ca. The
group is leading a large, non-partisan, Canadian coalition of organizations
calling for effective legal measures to safeguard Canadians from government
The video reveals how information collected by government spy agency, CSEC
(Communications Security Establishment Canada), can expose intimat... more »
$elling Global Corporate Dominance
Note how this Raytheon video exaggerates the so-called missile threat from
North Korea, Iran and Syria.
Raytheon is the weapons corporation based in Massachusetts. If you can
imagine regional family oligarchies across the US.... the Boston-regional
oligarchy gets a piece of the action from Pentagon spending with Raytheon.
The Crown family in Chicago has majority stock in General Dynamics. It's
this way all over the country.
The goal of the aerospace industry is to turn the majority of domestic
production toward space technology. Local labor and investment goes into
building t... more »
Syrian Fighter Jet Shot Down By Israel Over The Golan Heights
*Israel Shoots Down Syrian Warplane Over Golan -- Al Jazeera*
Syrian military official accuses Israel of siding with rebels after one of
its aircraft is downed over Golan Heights
The Israeli military has shot down a Syrian aircraft that it said had
infiltrated it airspace over the Golan Heights.
Tuesday's incident was the most serious incident to take place on the
strategic plateau since the outbreak of the Syrian civil war in 2011.
Army radio said it was apparently a MiG-21 fighter jet which was shot down
by a surface-to-air Patriot missile, with the wreckage landing on the
Syri... more »
THE HOUSES OF NANTUCKET COUNTY: Matt Bai tells all about Gary Hart!
*TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2014Interlude—Telling the truth very slowly:* We
couldn’t help chuckling about one part of Frank Bruni’s column this Sunday.
At the start of his column, Bruni described a new book by Matt Bai—a book
about the press coverage of Gary Hart.
Bai’s new book may be very good. “But good lord,” we incomparably said. “They
tell the truth *very* slowly:”
BRUNI (9/21/14): ...I sank into a newly deep funk about the kinds of people
drawn to politics these days.
*Then I burrowed into Matt Bai's new book and I hit rock bottom.It's called
''All the Truth Is Out,'' it w... more »
Quatuor Coronati

"...Of the existence of a coverup there can be no doubt. One of the main
saboteurs of the investigation was a certain *Gen. Sir Charles Warren, the
chief of the London Metropolitan Police. *Warren suppressed evidence, had
witnesses intimidated, and was forced to resign amidst a public outcry
about Masonic conspiracy. Warren was the master of a new Freemasonic lodge
that had recently been created in London. *This was the Quatuor Coronati
Lodge of Research, number 2076 of the Scottish rite.* The Quatuor Coronati
lodge had been founded in 1884 with a warrant from the Grand Master of ... more »
"bogus" refugees and queue-jumping: stephen harper's campaign against a compassionate canada
Political language -- and with variations this is true of all political
parties, from Conservatives to Anarchists -- is designed to make lies sound
truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to
pure wind.
George Orwell, "Politics and the English Language," 1946
Unpacking how this happens, and in how many ways, is our life's work. It's
a topic that must be repeatedly trotted out against as a bulwark against
the powerful forces that shape our world.
Right now the War Resisters Support Campaign is facing a huge crisis. A
spate of war resisters have receiv... more »
US Attacks on Syria

Journalist Stephen Lendman writes about Obama's attacks on Syria and his
ploy to finagle UN support for the bombing:
International law professor Francis Boyle said he expects it [UN
resolution] to be adopted. It's a Chapter VII resolution. It "arguably
establishes the predicate for (using) force," said Boyle.
It should have been a UN Charter Chapter VI resolution. It rules out using
Security Council resolutions "are binding under either Chapter VI or VII
according to an International Court of Justice (ICJ) Namibia Advisory
opinion," Boyle explained.
"So obviously, Oba... more »
12 Billion People By 2100 – And Why It’s No Big Deal

Tony Cartalucci
Wired magazine recently published an article titled, “Boom! Earth’s
Population Could Hit 12 Billion by 2100,” which despite the typical
narrative of misanthropic population control that works its way into any
Western mainstream article on the topic of growing populations, remained
relatively positive.
Wired quoted statistician and sociologist Adrian Raftery of the University
of Washington who stated: “A rapidly growing population with bring
challenges. But I think these challenges can be met.”
And Raftery is correct. Wired would also include in its article that:... more »
The US-Israel Take Down List

US air strikes against Syria
are illegal
under international law
but Washington and
Tel Aviv
'don't do treaties no more'
The US-Israel-NATO
corporate criminal syndicate
is out to rule the planet
no one gets in the way
Syria is to be taken down
Iran is near the
top of the list
Russia and China
are on the list
anyone who gets
in the way
gets taken down
The American people
are on the list
not needed
superfluous population
look around
smell the coffee
hear the train coming
you are on the list
Your choices?
Roll over or resist
clear choice
one our ancestors
made many times
as they stood
i... more »
Parliamentary Radicalism
"But thwap! If you're poo-pooing the massive people's march against climate
change yesterday, and calling for (unstated) radical alternatives to
marching, why the fuck do you believe in voting and parliamentary
I know exactly why I'm doing this. I think it's more powerful to pass a law *telling
*capitalists (or any other oppressor) that they *have* to do something,
rather than pleading (or "demanding" as we like to delude ourselves we're
doing) that they do something.
After the landslide victory of the British Labour Party in 1945, one of
their members Hartley Shawcro... more »
MI Congressional Candidate: 'Investigate 9/11, Chemtrails'

Rick Strawcutter - third party candidate
Brandon Turbeville
As the November elections grow closer, a number of candidates have thrown
their names into the ring for consideration as the next elected leader or
representative of the American people in their respective states, cities,
or districts. The November 2014 elections are of course made up by a
majority of Democrats and Republicans but a large number of Independent
candidates are also taking part in the races all across the country.
Few of these candidates, however, bear a resemblance to Rick Strawcutter, a
congressional cand... more »
World News Briefs -- September 23, 2014
*U.S. And Allies Hit ISIS Targets In Syria -- New York Times*
BEIRUT, Lebanon — The United States and five Arab allies launched a
wide-ranging air campaign against the Islamic State and at least one other
extremist group in Syria for the first time early Tuesday, targeting the
groups’ bases, training camps and checkpoints in at least four provinces,
according to the United States military and Syrian activists.
The attacks struck a fierce opening blow against the jihadists of the
Islamic State, scattering their forces and damaging the network of
facilities they have built in Syria ... more »
United States Launches Airstrikes in Syria - Real Target Is Assad

Image source
Brandon Turbeville
Late Monday evening, September 22, the United States began the first of its
airstrikes inside Syria.
Although details are still murky about where the attacks took place and
what targets were actually hit, the Pentagon has acknowledged
responsibility for the bombings.
According to USA Today, Rear Admiral John Kirby stated that "I can confirm
that U.S. military and partner nation forces are undertaking military
action against ISIL terrorists in Syria using a mix of fighter, bomber and
Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles. Given that these operations are on... more »
Oath Keepers Founder Warns Feds of Civil War at National Press Club

Stewart Rhodes, President of Oath Keepers, recently spoke at the Lamp of
Liberty National Press Club to address why he and others participated in
the Bundy Ranch stand off, citing federal snipers breaking their oath by
pointing their weapons at peaceful American ranchers and ridiculous free
speech zones.
Rhodes went on to issue a stern and powerful warning to Feds and other law
enforcement officials who continue to violate the rights of citizens: stand
down or face civil war.
Learn more about OathKeepers.org
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
Subscribe to GLOBA... more »
"28 Proofs: West Coast Absolutely Fried With Fukushima Radiation, Parts I and II"”
*"28 Proofs: West Coast Absolutely Fried With Fukushima Radiation, Part I”*
- http://www.veteranstoday.com/
*"28 Proofs: West Coast Absolutely Fried With Fukushima Radiation, Part II”*
- http://www.veteranstoday.com/
Do a Search for Fukushima on this blog. It's all here, all you don't want
to know,
in your worst nightmare... I didn't want to know it, either.
I can't, won't, comment on this. Read it yourself and decide what to
- CP
Kate Braun : Welcome the return of Autumn by celebrating the Fall Equinox
By paying attention to balance in our lives, we promote harmony, which
tends to make life more comfortable. By Kate Braun | The Rag Blog |
September 22, 2014 “Autumn has returned… Trees are falling asleep…As though
time has stopped … finish reading Kate Braun :
Welcome the return of Autumn by celebrating the Fall Equinox
The Smog of War
Nothing says cynicism like unleashing mega-tons of bombs on the very eve of
the much-ballyhooed United Nations climate change summit, huh? President
Obama and the "deep state" of which he is the current figurehead, must have
figured that the air and sea assault against IS, ISIL, ISIS or whatever new
terror brand they're marketing today, will clear the air for a real serious
debate. They'll jabber about reducing their carbon footprint while ignoring
the fact that they're deepening and widening their carbon footprint by
waging perpetual war. The Pentagon is, after all, already one of t... more »
Dr. Oz: GMOs Can Be Ushering in a Pesticide Arms Race

Heather Callaghan
One thing's for sure: when Dr. Oz speaks, people listen. Many a healthfood
store and tea shop owner have saluted him when he mentions their goods on
air - and their stores fill up. In the past he has drawn cheers and jeers
for his fluctuating stances on organic food and genetically modified
organisms in the food supply.
Today, he makes a very clear stance, as a concerned doctor, against the
EPA's pending approval of a new, toxic pesticide intended for use on
genetically engineered crops like corn and soy - this country's biggest
crops and food ingredients. He wa... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- September 23, 2014
*US Strikes ISIS Targets in Syria With Tomahawk Missiles and Stealth F-22
Raptor -- ABC News*
The United States expanded its fight against ISIS with airstrikes in Syria
Monday night with a barrage of firepower that included Tomahawk Land Attack
Missiles and a stealth F-22 Raptor, officials said.
The United States and its allies carried out 14 airstrikes against ISIS
targets in Syria, according to a Centcom statement released early this
morning. The operation marks the first time the United States has launched
strikes in Syria, a new front in the battle against the terror group.
... more »
Jewish Splooge
The Jews have spewed Semen all over the holy lands. The Arabs IMHO have
spent this same time shitting there. Right now today we are in a Semen Shit
holocaust of middle east real estate. Its like the never seen
gross outtakes of a anal focused porn video.
After seeing that I do not know which way to go. The Jews have lost cause
they do not do anal enough. There is no way they survivie, you can pump
money into a pump for so long and it will refresh even if you deny the fact
there is no water there. Millions and Billions of motivated dumb fucks
against Israeli. No way for victory espec... more »
What is the CDC whistleblower’s strategy now?

Anthony Freda
Jon Rappoport
Congressional hearing. That’s what CDC whistleblower William Thompson wants
or is willing to deal with. That’s what his closest, or formerly closest,
confidantes are looking for. An explosive Congressional hearing.
Congressman Bill Posey has many (thousands?) of pages of vaccine documents
Thompson has sent him. Posey’s (qualified?) staff are going through them
Posey doesn’t, however, have a great deal of clout in the House. Can he
gain support for a hearing?
If it occurs, it could take place after the first of the year. Earlier, say
November, ... more »
Scam Alert: Hospitals All Over America Are Wildly Inflating Medical Bills

Michael Snyder
The next time you visit a hospital, it is your wallet that may end up
hurting the most. All over the United States, it has become common practice
for hospitals to wildly inflate medical bills. For example, it has been
reported that some hospitals are charging up to 30 dollars for a single
aspirin pill. And as you will see below, some victims report being billed
tens of thousands of dollars for a non-surgical hospital visit that lasts
only a few hours.
When something is seriously wrong with us, most of us never stop to ask our
health professionals how much it will c... more »
Get Your Christmas Gifts From The Police State!

Amanda Warren
So perhaps you think that warrantless checkpoints, random DNA sampling,
no-knock SWAT raids to smoke out some criminals, and an array of high-tech
weapons and drones were the only gifts bestowed upon society by a rightly
outfitted militarized U.S. police force. Freedom isn't free after all!
Since Christmas advertising celebration begins earlier every year,
September 22nd seems a day as appropriate as any to remember how the Police
State gives back.
In at least a couple of locations last year, Santa had a personal escort in
his mission of gift-giving. Because, these ... more »
3D-Printed Military Drone Takes Flight

*An update to the military mission of producing 3D-printed drones*
Nicholas West
3D printing offers a range of potential benefits and open-source solutions to
free humanity from centralized corporate and police state shackles.
Naturally, the good elements are being fought tooth-and-nail, while the
aberrant forms are brought to us by the military-industrial complex as an
essential security solution.
3D-printed military drones are now being explored, with some successes
already being reported. In May of last year, Robo Raven (discussed below)
was announced which incorporates 3D-pri... more »
America Has its Own Growing Secession Movement

Joshua Krause
Watching the results of Scotland’s secession gambit was quite a ride, if
not a little disappointing in the end. It would have been fantastic to see
that proud nation independent once again. I suppose it’s not to be, at
least for now. While Downing Street breathes a sigh of relief, perhaps they
should reexamine the demographics of the voting results. They certainly
don’t bode well for the future of the United Kingdom.
For starters, the growth of the independence movement was quite impressive.
From 2011 until the day of the vote, there were quite a few polls taken on
... more »
No Supermen
Yep all the masters of the universe and all the wanna bees
are just like you and me
they rode a good wave
and with their cuts
lead the world
to annihilation
so do not trust the experts
especially those on TV
they are being paid
to keep a very
expensive labour intensive
reality distortion field.
Syrian Government Informed In Advance Of U.S. Led Airstrikes Against Islamic State Targets Inside Syria
*Source: Syria Given Advance Notice Of Strikes -- The Hill*
The United States informed the government of Syrian President Bashar Assad
before launching airstrikes targeting Islamic State in Iraq and Syria
(ISIS) sites inside Syria, a senior administration official said Tuesday.
But, the official stressed, the notification was merely that and not a
signal that Washington and Damascus would work together in the fight
against ISIS.
“We did not seek the regime’s permission, we didn't coordinate our actions
with the Syrian government, and Secretary [of State John] Kerry did not
send a... more »
The Pentagon’s $55 Billion 'Long Range Strike - Stealth Bomber' Is Shrouded In Secrecy

Art: Northrop Grumman
*Is The Pentagon’s $55 Billion Stealth Bomber Too Big a Secret? -- Daily
The secrecy surrounding the new ‘Long Range Strike Bomber’ is more
expansive than any aircraft program of its size since the 1980s. What are
the generals and contractors hiding?
Like a dark planet that can only be detected by the visible orbits it
perturbs, the Air Force’s new $50 billion Long Range Strike Bomber project
will be ever-present but invisible in defense budget debates in the next
few months. Sometime in early 2015, either a Boeing/Lockheed Martin team or
Northrop Gru... more »
A Scandal That Won't Go Away: South Dakota Republicans Profiting By Selling Visas To Rich Foreigners

If Rick Weiland beats Mike Rounds for the South Dakota Senate seat in
November, we'll probably be able to expect a lot more from him than your
garden variety Democratic senator. That's because he will be 100%
independent of the corrupted Establishment party leaders in DC. His
campaign has gotten no help whatsoever from the DSCC and it's one of the
most grassroots campaigns I've ever seen. He won't owe Reid or any other
party leaders a thing. And he can win. Even without DSCC help, he's within
a few points of corrupt former Governor Mike Rounds. Rounds is enmeshed in
an ugly visas... more »
Rigged Gold Price Distorts Perception of Economic Reality

image source
Paul Craig Roberts and Dave Kranzler
The Federal Reserve and its bullion bank agents (JP Morgan, Scotia, and
HSBC) have been using naked short-selling to drive down the price of gold
since September 2011. The latest containment effort began in mid-July of
this year, after gold had moved higher in price from the beginning of June
and was threatening to take out key technical levels, which would have
triggered a flood of buying from hedge funds.
The Fed and its agents rig the gold price in the New York Comex futures
(paper gold) market. The bullion banks have the abili... more »
Imagine The Progress.......Messages From Higher Self
Income Inequality bring it on
If you want to live in fear behind a gate, Travel the world and that is
what you see,
GAIA PORTAL: Heavy Sensations Come Rapidly to the Surface in Gaia Inhabitants at this moment
*Personally... I think I already went thru this stage... ;) -AK*
*Heavy Sensations Come Rapidly to the Surface in Gaia Inhabitants at this
by ÉirePort
Heavy Sensations Come Rapidly to the Surface in Gaia Inhabitants at this
moment, for visualization, rectification, and clearing.
Assistance for all those requesting is rapid and thorough.
Processing of Hue-Beings and hu-beings is strong at this moment, and
requires "sensation of heaviness" to call attention to energetics needing
to be cleared.
Such processing continues, as needed, for all Gaia inhabitants, primarily
during ... more »
Associated Press Investigates Americans Supporting ISIS - Forgets John McCain

Except John McCain - Anthony Freda Art
Brandon Turbeville
In the latest attempt at misdirection by the mainstream media, the
Associated Press has attempted to investigate and present a focus on
Americans who become jihadist fighters in battlefields across the world
such as Syria and Iraq and, eventually, the United States.
In their article, “Tracing Shift From Everyday Americans To Jihadis,” The
Associated Press writers present the profile of American jihadists as
lonely, unhappy individuals feeling lost and hopeless in the land of the
free and endless entertainment. These indivi... more »
Tats why we have Tats
When I grew up in the pre internet age the only people who had tats where
not to politically incorrect gutter rats. They were exclusively retrogrades
or people who did some kind of job that the elite did not fancy. The
biggest surprise for me is the women. As a youth I had litle chance to hit
it. Maybe this was due to a mass mis-communication and the young people
today are marking themselves to express the point.
The Bunker Buster

The conventional wisdom these days seems to hold that Stephen Harper will
never testify at Mike Duffy's trial. But Scott Reid, who used to be Paul
Martin's director of communications, knows what kind of damage scandal can
do to a prime minister's future. He writes that no one should underestimate
the havoc Duffy can wreck on Harper:
Imagine all of this unfolding in public – again. Except this time with
added rigour and filled-in details. Not leaked out in spastic bursts
through media reports, but explor... more »
*D.C. Gets an ‘F’ in Academic Achievement for Low-Income & Minority
The District of Columbia in 2014 received an “F” grade in academic
achievement for low-income and minority students attending its public
schools, according to a report from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
The Chamber, which released a report entitled Leaders and Laggards: A
State-by-State Report Card on K-12 Educational Effectiveness, ranked states
on nine indicators to see which states were the national leaders in
educational performance and which states were lagging behind.
The Chamber looked at metrics... more »
Greastest Crisis in Planetary Civilization
On the eve of the historic People's Climate March, authors Chris Hedges,
Naomi Klein, 350.org founder Bill McKibben, and Seattle councilperson
Kshama Sawant discussed the urgency of radical action on climate change.
The event was moderated by WNYC's Brian Lehrer, and Senator Bernie Sanders
was the keynote speaker.
Do I clement the death of 3D TV
No not at all and I think 4K will go the same way. For easy viewing 720p
will remain the standard. If you want upscale you will be wearing googlies.
And soon some day a USP ported directly to the brain. Do not invest in
glass, and even the cable will be short.
Money Creation

Its all artificial, that's why we do not have a gold standard. That means
we are all living in an illusionary economy that is completely faith based.
Our high priests are economists. People that would meet you lost in the
middle of a corn field and tell you exactly what the yield was and taking
your watch the time, but have no idea where you where standing.
We are all Wlye E Coyotes now.
F-22 Raptors Were Used For The First Time In A Combat Role During Last Nights U.S. Airstrikes In Syria
*Report: F-22 Raptors Launched Airstrikes In Syria -- Defense Tech*
U.S. Air Force F-22 stealth fighter jets were part of the opening wave of
American-led airstrikes in Syria against the Islamic State, according to a
news report.
Julian Barnes of The Wall Street Journal included that dramatic bit of
information in his story about the rapidly evolving military mission
against the al-Qaeda-inspired terrorist group:
* Using Navy Tomahawk cruise missiles and Air Force fighter planes,
including stealthy F-22s, the U.S. carried out plans for strikes against
more than a dozen targets i... more »
US/Israel & GCC nations strike Syria- Khorasan and Updates
*This post is a work in progress*. Check back for updates because they are
The news this morning, broke my heart. My husband read to me as I prepped
food in the kitchen and he said “The US is bombing Syria” and I said “No!”
Hightailed it towards the computer and there were the reports. I knew it
was coming... But the knowing didn’t lessen my sadness and disgust
*As I wrote for readers here, Saturday September 20/14 in this post *
"Boots on the ground" pour into Syria- PKK appeals for Kurds to fight with
ISIS in Syria
‘To conclude- The ISIS mercs, PKK terrorists and the... more »
U.S. To Spend $1 Trillion Upgrading Its Nuclear Arsenal

*U.S. Ramping Up Major Renewal in Nuclear Arms -- New York Times*
KANSAS CITY, Mo. — A sprawling new plant here in a former soybean field
makes the mechanical guts of America’s atomic warheads. Bigger than the
Pentagon, full of futuristic gear and thousands of workers, the plant,
dedicated last month, modernizes the aging weapons that the United States
can fire from missiles, bombers and submarines.
It is part of a nationwide wave of atomic revitalization that includes
plans for a new generation of weapon carriers. A recent federal study put
the collective price tag, over ... more »
The Union Hi-Jack
Well, it appears that once again true people’s democracy has been subverted
and the dream of a free Scotland has been thwarted, upon orders by utter
cunts of the crown. To all those traitorous, happy little slaves who voted
NO, I say a hale and hearty fuck the lot of you! I will be laughing as your
pimp Cameron and his central bank puppet-masters drop austerity measures on
you so heavy that it breaks your bones. You see, none of you will be able
to withstand it, unlike your freedom-loving fellow Scots whom acquired the
skills necessary to resist and survive. Not to worry though, I... more »
U.S. Courts Have Ruled Against The 'Arab Bank' Finding Them Liable For Financially Supporting Terrorism
*Arab Bank Liable For Supporting Terrorist Efforts, Jury Finds -- New York
A federal jury on Monday found Arab Bank liable for knowingly supporting
terrorism efforts connected to two dozen attacks in the Middle East, the
first time a bank has ever been held liable in a civil suit under a broad
antiterrorism statute.
Arab Bank, a major Middle Eastern bank with $46 billion in assets, was
accused of knowingly supporting specific terrorist acts in and around
Israel during the second Palestinian uprising of the early 2000s.
The verdict is expected to have a strong impact on sim... more »
Small Wyoming County Gets Grenade Launcher from Federal Government

The small rural county of Goshen in Wyoming didn’t take advantage of the
U.S. government’s discounted military surplus program to buy an MRAP but
they did decide that they wanted a grenade launcher. It must be one heck of
a status symbol to have something like that out in the boonies along the
Nebraska state line. This is yet one more example of how the feds are
contributing to the militarized police madness in America.
As reported by a story on the website of the Casper Star-Tribune entitled “Goshen
County buys grenade launcher”:
*Three grenade launchers have been moved in and ou... more »
Fukushima: "Gov’t Expert: Fallout In California Thousands of Times Higher Than We Expected For Several Days After Fukushima Explosions"
*"Gov’t Expert: Fallout In California Thousands of Times **Higher*
* Than We Expected For Several Days After Fukushima Explosions"*
- ‘Orders of magnitude’ above estimates at start of crisis,
even though estimations based on Chernobyl
by ENENews.com
*World Meteorological Organization (WMO)– Commission of Aeronautical
Meteorology*, July 15-17 2014 (emphasis added): Fukushima fully showed
reliable source terms for assessing accident severity and consequences in
real-time were not readily available in the early phase. The inherent
uncertainty involved poses questions in the accuracy of... more »
Kaos Climate Change

To those who believe in man made climate change its as obvious to us as the
fact that Christ had a virgin birth, disappeared for 30 years, and then
rose from the dead.
We needed more Frank Luntz in our approach. The best climate change denial
argument I have heard is that we find evidence that the north and south
extremes of our planet where once tropical. Yes that's true and at one time
they were molten lava. Climate change alarmists are not denying the climate
of the earth has changed many times over the billions of years of earths
existence. What we are saying is that the clim... more »
An interview with Edward Witten at a bizarre place
Most events in the "science journalism" of the recent years have been
really strange, to put it extremely mildly. So the following thing is
probably just another example of the rule. But listen.
John Horgan is a loud, violent, and obnoxious critic of science who
believes that science has ended. In fact, he has also written extensive
texts about the end of mathematics. The oppressive numbers, functions, and
groups have collapsed and all this fantasy called mathematics is over,
Horgan has informed his readers.
Before he published a loony "book" titled "The End of Science" sometime in ... more »
Ukraine / Russia situation - news and tweets of the day ( September 19 , 2014 ) -- Obama rejects plea of Ukraine President Poroshenko for lethal aid , pledges financial aid of 56 million ( Poroshenko says 1 billion in financial guarantees ) ....... International political theatre and sanctions updates ...... Gas talks set for September 26 , 2014 ( Winter is still coming for Europe ) ..... Coal may be the new four letter word this winter in Ukraine as shortages loom ......
Catharsis Ours - 17 hours ago
President Barack Obama has declined to supply Ukraine with “lethal aide”
despite the passionate plea for more military equipment that Ukrainian
President Petro Poroshenko made to Congress earlier on Thursday.
During a White House meeting between the two leaders that occurred after
Poroshenko’s address to Congress, President Obama said the United States
would keep working to mobilize the international community in order for the
conflict in Ukraine to be solved diplomatically, Reuters reports.
Following the meeting, Poroshenko said... more »
Devon naval contractor signs torpedoes deal with Malaysian navy

[image: J+S Ltd TLS]A subcontractor to the naval industry has won a major
contract to supply torpedo launchers to the Malaysian navy.
J+S Ltd, which employs 130 staff in the UK, have been successfully selected
to supply the Torpedo Launcher System (TLS) for the new Royal Malaysian
Navy littoral combat ships being constructed by Boustead Naval Shipyard Sdn
Bhd in Malaysia.
The Barnstaple company will supply a triple tube torpedo launcher system
with associated weapons handling and storage equipment across each of the
six platforms.
Read more
The A-10 Thunderbolt, Saved By Congress, Joins Airstrikes Against ISIS In Syria

[image: A-10 Thunderbolt II]As the U.S. begins bombing ISIS targets in
Syria with a campaign of airstrikes that started Monday, a venerable
airplane that was almost sent to the scrapyard joins the fight.
The Pentagon will send a dozen A-10 Thunderbolt aircraft and up to 300
airmen to the Middle East in early October, to help in the conflict against
the Islamic State group, the Indiana National Guard said.
The deployment of the 40-year-old aircraft comes just four months after it
was controversially saved from defense cuts by Congress, whose rationale
for saving it was simple: Cutti... more »
Eaten by mosquitos
We have had so much rain that the desert is magnificent. It is lush with
green foliage and yellow flowers. Each weekend I either hike or go to the
lake with my family. We are enjoying the beautiful burst of growth, except
for the mosquitos. Why couldn’t they have disappeared with the cockroaches?
The cockroaches, june bugs, and beetles haven’t made up for their
population collapses in 2011. Crickets have survived better but are still
in relatively small number. Bats were impacted but are still around, just
in fewer numbers.
But the mosquitos are booming. And no-see-ums also. Ugh.... more »
North Korea reportedly developing tactical nuclear missiles: paper
North Korea is developing new missiles capable of carrying tactical nuclear
warheads, a Seoul daily reported Tuesday, citing South Korean intelligence
The JoongAng Ilbo said North Korea has performed a series of test-firings
of new short-range missiles since Aug. 14. It was the first time the
government had detected Pyongyang developing a tactical nuclear missile,
according to the report.
Designated as KN-10, the new ground-to-ground missiles are believed to be
designed to carry nuclear payloads, the report said.
Read more
US reaffirms Apache delivery to Egypt

[image: AH-64E Apache]The United States has reaffirmed its commitment to
supply Egypt with 10 Boeing AH-64 Apache attack helicopters that have been
withheld since the military took control of the country in July 2013.
With the US government having indicated in April that it would now deliver
the helicopters, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel confirmed the decision
during a meeting with Egyptian Minister of Defense Colonel General Sedki
Sobhy, the US Department of Defense (DoD) announced on 20 September.
"The US DoD announced in April 2014 that it had lifted suspension of the
delivery... more »
GAO Draft Slams F-35 On ‘Unaffordable’ Costs: $8.8B Over Legacy Fighters

[image: F-35C Lightning II]The F-35′s long-term costs may “not be
affordable” and appear to be substantially higher than those of the
existing combat aircraft fleets that the Joint Strike Fighter will replace,
the Government Acocuntability Office says in a draft report.
“The annual F-35 operating and support costs are estimated to be
considerably higher than the combined annual costs of several legacy
aircraft,” the draft says. This issue is likely to be a topic of debate at
the JSF Executive Steering Board meetings to begin Thursday in Oslo,
The nine countries that invest... more »
IAF shoots down Syrian fighter jet over Golan Hights

[image: Patriot missile]The IDF on Tuesday shot down a Syrian warplane that
invaded Israeli airspace over the Golan Heights.
A Syrian fighter jet belonging to the Assad regime was detected over
Quneitra near the Israeli border, before it crossed into Israeli air space
on Tuesday morning. The IAF fired a Patriot surface-to-air missile at the
warplane, striking it down.
"It was a Russian-made Sukhoi," a military spokesman said.
Read more
Russia to fully renew nuclear forces by 2020 – official
[image: RS-24 Yars]Russia is set to renew the country’s strategic nuclear
forces by 100 percent, not 70 percent as previously announced, according to
Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin.
"The formation of the technical basis for strategic nuclear forces is going
at a faster rate, and in fact, we will renew not 70 percent of the SNF, but
100 percent," Rogozin told Rossiya TV channel.
The deputy premier, who’s responsible for the Russian defense industry,
also declared that in 2015 the army and the navy are to switch 30 percent
of their weapons to "cutting edge" technology, and by 70... more »
China developing a stealth bomber

[image: Future Chinese H-20 stealth bomber]China is developing a new
stealth bomber called the H-20 to firm up the PLA strategic bomber force,
said Bill Sweetman, a military journalist and Richard D. Fisher, an expert
in Chinese military development.
Russia and China are both proceeding with bomber plans while the United
States is developing its own Long-Range Strike Bomber project, said the
Washington-based Aviation Week & Space Technology report.
China's H-20 bomber is most likely to be developed and produced by Xi'an
Aircraft Industrial Corporation. The aircraft concept will pro... more »
San Diego-based frigate USS Gary prepares for final deployment
[image: USS Gary (FFG 51)]A San Diego-based guided-missile frigate is
scheduled to leave Wednesday for a final deployment before its scheduled
decommissioning, the Navy announced Monday.
The 30-year-old USS Gary will sail to the waters off Central and South
America for anti-drug trafficking missions.
A U.S. Coast Guard law enforcement detachment and units from Helicopter
Anti-Submarine Light Squadron 49 will join the Gary and its 240 sailors for
the final deployment.
Read more
*So much for clearing up the planet! Climate change protesters who marched
through Manhattan are branded hypocrites for leaving litter strewn across
the city*
*Typical Leftist egotists with no respect for other people*
Climate change skeptics have branded protesters who marched through
Manhattan on Sunday as hypocrites for leaving litter strewn across the city.
New Yorkers uploaded images to social media sites showing piles of trash -
included ditched paper and cardboard signs - left behind after thousands
took part in the People's Climate March.
'Their love for the Earth is so re... more »
U.S. Airstrikes Have Failed To Stop The Islamic State In Iraq

*Weeks Of U.S. Strikes Fail To Dislodge ISIS In Iraq -- New York Times*
BAGHDAD — After six weeks of American airstrikes, the Iraqi government’s
forces have scarcely budged the Sunni extremists of the Islamic State from
their hold on more than a quarter of the country, in part because many
critical Sunni tribes remain on the sidelines.
Although the airstrikes appear to have stopped the extremists’ march toward
Baghdad, the Islamic State is still dealing humiliating blows to the Iraqi
Army. On Monday, the government acknowledged that it had lost control of
the small town of Sichar a... more »
US launches air strikes against Isis in Syria for the first time

[image: F/A-18 Hornet]The US stepped up its war against the Islamic State
militant group, launching air strikes on targets in Syria for the first
The Pentagon press secretary, rear admiral John Kirby, confirmed that the
US and allied nations sent fighter jets, bomber aircraft and Tomahawk
missiles in an operation against Isis that he described as “ongoing”.
A US official, speaking on condition of anonymity, indicated that Raqqa, a
Syrian stronghold of Isis, was among the targets of the operation, which
began in the early hours of Tuesday morning local time.
Read more
NYPD was only able to arrest 100 "climate" communist criminals so far
*...along with 1 polar bear...*
*Off-topic:* the 8th season of The Big Bang Theory was started yesterday.
If you have missed those episodes, don't miss the next ones.
On Sunday, "The People's Climate March" took place in Manhattan. According
to their counts, it was attended by 310,000 communist and socialist
hecklers; the figure includes about 100,000 hecklers who were actually
observable in the visible spectrum.
These individuals brought the world another clear piece of evidence that
the global warming movement has nothing whatever to do with science,
despite the often repeated ou... more »
U.S. Navy selects Lockheed Martin Syracuse for $147 million contract to upgrade ship defenses

[image: AN/SLQ-32]The U.S. Navy has awarded Lockheed Martin's suburban
Syracuse plant a contract worth $147 million to upgrade its electronic
warfare defenses against threats such as anti-ship missiles.
The contract is at least the second that the plant at Electronics Park in
Salina has received to produce Block 2 of the Navy's Surface Electronic
Warfare Program, or SEWIP.
In April 2013, Lockheed received an initial $57 million contract to upgrade
the fleet's electronic warfare defenses on ships that included the USS
Bainbridge, a guided-missile destroyer.
Read more
Musical Interlude: Tron Syversen, “Moonlight Reflections”
Tron Syversen, “Moonlight Reflections”
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1EZ30fUHLA
Shipbuilders from Spanish firm Navantia called in to salvage destroyer program
[image: Hobart class DDG]The Abbott government will install a senior team
of shipbuilders from Spanish firm Navantia to work on the Air Warfare
Destroyers as it attempts to salvage the troubled $8.5 billion project.
The move is one of the first steps in the government’s recovery plan for
what Defence Minister David Johnston has described as a “disgraceful mess
of a project” and a “skunk” that has been plagued with cost overruns of
more than $500 million and delays of up to two years.
Senator Johnston has said the reform strategy for the AWD project will be a
“test case” for the Aust... more »
German Navy Grounds Sea Lynx Helicopter Fleet

[image: German Navy Sea Lynx]A 22-centimeter-long crack discovered in a
German Sea Lynx Mk88 helicopter has grounded 21 of the Navy’s 22-strong Sea
Lynx fleet, according to the Defense Ministry.
The crack appeared on the hoist arm of a Sea Lynx onboard the frigate
Lübeck, currently at sea, in the region of the tail rotor, a ministry
spokesman said. As other Sea Lynx have shown a precondition for the same
defect, the whole fleet will be checked.
Fifteen of the multipurpose military helicopters are therefore grounded
while six were already in routine maintenance. One aircraft used for... more »
New Zealand's Anzac frigates to be equipped with Thales' SMART-S Mk2 radar

[image: SMART-S Mk2]Thales Nederland has been awarded a contract by
Lockheed Martin Canada to deliver SMART-S Mk2 radars and 3D surveillance
radar for integration into Royal New Zealand Navy (RNZN) frigates.
Being delivered as part of the Anzac frigate system upgrade executed by
Lockheed Martin Canada, the two medium-to-long range surveillance radars
will be installed on the RNZN's two Anzac-class frigates.
Thales vice-president, Surface Radar activities in charge Geert van der
Molen said: "SMART-S Mk2's proven capability to support Evolved Sea Sparrow
missile, vertical launch MICA,... more »
Mutiny on the Potomic?
[image: FILE - In this Sept. 5, 2014, file photo U.S. President Barack
Obama looks around during a flypast at the NATO summit in Newport, Wales.
Obama will begin this week to lay out a strategy to defeat Islamic State
militants in the Middle East, starting with a White House meeting with
bipartisan congressional leaders on Tuesday, Sept. 9, 2014 and a speech on
Wednesday, the eve of the 13th anniversary of the deadliest terrorist
attack on U.S. soil. (AP Photo/Jon Super, File)]
This item is quite right, suddenly action however muted is forthcoming
that is not t... more »
Glimpsing Heaven with Judy Bachrach
[image: A photo of the gravestone of William Penn, English Quaker and
founder of Pennsylvania.]
Let me make it simple. We are going to be able to see and communicate
with Spirits as a matter of course. The spirit of a living person is
formed from dark matter and is glued together with photons. It is well
named as the light body. That light body can remove itself from the body
and go on excursions as well as interact with others. This will become
possible just as soon as a number of experiments are run in order to
determine how to provide appropriate tools.
... more »
Ukraine, Iraq and a Black Sea Strategy
The best strategy available to the USA and NATO is to establish major
military bases in Romania and in Kurdistan that has the capacity to support
direct intervention as needed. This has the cost of establishment but
provides clear tactical options beyond actually declaring war in
A forward base in Romania that is coastal allows the USA Fleet to set up in
the Black sea in support of the Ukraine and to maintain air power on land
nearby. It can be compact and close enough to seriously discourage
The same holds true in Kurdistan. This is clo... more »
Southwest’s Drought - the Solution?
The news does not get any better does it? The good news is that the
solution is already available and it is ingenious and wonderful. We can
now harvest moisture directly from the atmosphere with a system discovered
in Africa that uses modern plastic filament netting held in a conical
structure of thin bamboo like poles that run twenty feet into the air.
This allows dew to be collected all night in a small shallow pond below
that likely can also contain edible fresh water vegetation like water
cress. The surplus is then fed directly into nearby roots, preferably that
of... more »
What is love?

Love is a hormonally modulated binding between two individuals that ranges
from mild through obsessively overwelming and affects emotional responses.
The typical lifespan is measured in years although decay does occur and
reinforcement as well. The mind is mostly capable of managing the effect
but the emphais is on mostly. In fact is often welcomed and nurtured.
Understanding also that all decissions made by the human animal have an
emotional loading in order to drive decissions it is no surprise that this
is at the center of much of human interaction.
The one aspect of love th... more »
Stonehenge 'Complete Circle' Evidence Found
[image: Stonehenge]
This recent work is finally completely opening up the whole site through
remote sensing technology and nothing could be more welcome. I will be
posting additional information in the days ahead. For now it is satisfying
to know that the site itself was completed as a circle as everybody
naturally assumed.
In fact we will now see years of excavation undertaken here over a huge
area. This technology is showing us were to look and the days of blind
trenching are gone.
We can expect many more discoveries here.
... more »
How Higher Education in the US Was Destroyed in 5 Basic Steps
Without question higher education has become an insane money pit that is
managed to provide a credential rather than a meaningful education for many
participants. Much of what is been presented could be made as part of a
college level credentialing system and no more. In fact we need to
seriously separate the two and allow more compression to save costs.
For far too many disciplines, the standards are hardly there at all. Yet
it is quite reasonable that all college level degrees sh... more »
Neanderthal Engraving
[image: Photo of the skull of a female Neanderthal in a cave in Gibralter.]
The Neanderthal was very much a hunter gatherer and all tht which it
entails. Modern humanity was much better at that and mostly absorbed the
Neanderthal into a much larger population. It really is that simple and
the same has largely already happened to North American First Nations
although immigration has brought that about. Of course, immigration did it
for the Neanderthals as well.
Humanity simply knew how to support large villages.
In the meantime they also shared the capacity to make some form of ... more »
Monumental Tombs in France 6500 BP

Human remains are welcome as these are often missing. Otherwise we appear
to have a society populous enough to produce huge barrow mounds for their
dead. This coincides with the early Bronze Age and coincident agricultural
expansion throughout all Europe.
Thus it is clear that early Bronze Age traders did have viable destinations
to visit and establish trade factories with. Nothing depended on the advent
of available metal as was true on the Pacific niorthwest as well. Metal is
a bonus that allows certain tasks to simply become easier.
The actual villages need to also be avai... more »
The Crystal Sun with Robert Temple
If they were able to polish lenses they were certainly able to produce
crystal skulls as well. Thus one confirms the other. and seriously, a
crystal skull is not a natural part of our world view at all.
I wish i had seen this much earlier because it eliminates an issue that i
had when i reconstructed Bronze Age Mathematics.
Correctly establishing the circumference of the Earth and deriving the foot
required fantastic eyesight however theoretically possible i showed it to
be. It really needed a scope of some sort to do properly over the
necessary distances and time fram... more »
Mu with Brian Forester
Brien is now tackling the problem of Mu. In this item he makes us aware
that Hawaii formed a large archipelago as recently as even ten thousand
years ago and possibly much later as well. I do not really need it to
found Mu but it was also certainly inhabited into recent epochs.
As we have posted extensively the Atlantean world wide culture was an
antique trade empire that initially peaked around 4500 years ago that
included at least one thousand years of local prehistory. Thus all these
traditions were shared and strengthened then. That is important because
thereafter ... more »
Heart Field

I am sceptical regarding the validity of any assertions here but at least
it is a reminder of the real complexity of our physical neural network and
our growing understanding of its depth. There is a lot of practical
biological reasons for our core hind brain to be centered in the heart
itself because this just happens to be the engine powering the whole body.
It would be terrible risky to have a vulnerable linkage between the
decision and the action. Recall that under threat, our physical self can
explode up a nearby tree long before our brain even is aware that a threat
has m... more »
Brain to Brain Communication Demonstrated

We are at least proving that information transfer is taking place
accompied with signalling in the brains involved. This was certainly
demonstrated long ago but had lacked a mechanism and physical confirmation
which this provides.
That mind to mind is our natural form of communication is something that I
have recently understood and that it has been cut of generally is also
understood. The difficulty with mind to mind is that it is image driven
rather than word driven and certainly not written text driven at all. The
proper development of intelligence demanded a written langua... more »
Apple Cider Vinegar

I have posted on this topic in the past but this appears to be a superior
summary. Its relationship to heart health is particularly noted and again
supports my advocacy of sauerkraut and kimchee protocols to strengthen
digestion and health management generally.
My wife and I have been using vinegar for the hair for some times and it
clearly maintains a healthy scalp. Other reports have also supported this.
ACV allows vinegar to be introduced into meals such as lunch and supper
rather handily and that is always welcome. Again with olive oil we have an
excellent dressing.
*8 R... more »
Mind to Mind Emails?

This is a long way from been useful but it does use what we know. I do
think that we must get beyond this already ancient technology and discover
a better way to image and connect. We already know that it is possible for
the consciousness to produce a mind image which I suspect is physical. Thus
intercepting that process appears to be a far better strategy for telepathy.
Then a trained mind can simply visualize the typing of a mesaage in the
mind and send. I think that this can be mapped in porocess and used to feed
to a reciupient the same way. At least we should try and this m... more »
Blue Lotus : The Entheogen of Ancient Egypt

The blue lotus is way more important as a proper and natural symbol for
advanced knowledge than anything listed here. I expect to end up using it
myself as a teaching aid in time. It is as important as the ancient symbol
for infinity.
That it has mild drug effects is interesting but not overly convincing
since so many plant concoctions share such behavior.
Otherwise is is a beautiful blossom.
*Blue Lotus : The Entheogen of Ancient Egypt*
*2:23:00 AM *
*For over 3000 years the... more »
INS Sindhurakshak not seaworthy: board

[image: INS Sindhurakshak]The second Board of Inquiry (BOI) constituted by
the Defence Ministry to probe the feasibility of reusing INS Sindhurakshak
has recommended decommissioning of the kilo-class submarine.
In its report, the BOI said “the submarine is not seaworthy and hence not
fit to sail again,” a senior Navy officer privy to the report told The
Hindu .
In August 2013, a massive fire broke out on Sindhurakshak followed by a
series of explosions, killing all 18 Navy personnel, including three
officers, aboard.
Read more
12 Billion People By 2100 - And Why It's No Big Deal

*September 23, 2014* (Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - Wired magazine recently
published an article titled, "Boom! Earth's Population Could Hit 12 Billion
by 2100," which despite the typical narrative of misanthropic population
control that works its way into any Western mainstream article on the topic
of growing populations, remained relatively positive.
Wired quoted statistician and sociologist Adrian Raftery of the University
of Washington who stated:
*“A rapidly growing population with bring challenges. But I think these
challenges can be met.”*
And Raftery is correct. Wired would als... more »
ECONOMICS FOR REAL PEOPLE: Currency Internationalisation
[image: 276464_137539366339987_1226509_n]
So what’s on this week at the Auckland Uni Economics Group you ask? This
week, customers, you’re in for a treat:
Hi everyone,
We are delighted to be joined this Thursday by Professor Tony Endres, very
definitely one of the good guys.
Tony is a Professor of Economics here at the University of Auckland,
but don’t let that put you off. His research interests include the history
of economic theory, Austrian economic economic theory and history, and
international monetary relations.
This Thursday evening, Tony will speak about “*Curr... more »
La. Legis Auditor Steps Into Common-Core-Promoting Game
On September 22, 2014, Louisiana Auditor Daryl Purpera issued a report on
his objective opinion (?) of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS).
Whether Purpera intended it or not, he is now part of the game. Purpera’s
report is little more than another brochure for CCSS, one that glosses over
issues such as who actually […]
U.S. President Obama Will Meet Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu At The White House On October 1

President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel hold
a bilateral meeting in the Oval Office, Sept. 30, 2013.(Official White
House Photo by Pete Souza)
*Netanyahu And Obama To Meet at The White House -- Arutz Sheva*
*U.S. President to welcome Prime Minister Netanyahu to the White House on
October 1.*
U.S. President Barack Obama will welcome Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu
to the White House on October 1, AFP reported on Monday.
The meeting will come as a U.S. drive for a nuclear deal with Iran reaches
a crucial point.
National Security Council spokeswoman... more »
"Coming up next .. Are ISIS terrorists hiding under your bed waiting for you to fall asleep? Our experts say 'It's possible'! '

*Tom Tomorrow ...*
*Harper condemns Isis threat on Canadians .. *
Secret Service 'Beefs - Up' Security At The White House (They Added An Extra Fence)

The photo is from Jim Acosta (CNN)
*My Comment*: I could be wrong but it looks like the public will no longer
be allowed to take pictures and/or look at the White House from the
original fence.
*Hat Tip:* *Gateway Pundit*
Barbara Frum on How to get women elected.
In the October 1971 issue of _Chatelaine_ Barbara Frum wrote a short piece
in her characteristic irreverent, droll style. It was titled: "Insiders'
tips on how to get women elected."
The last paragraph:
*Marry a man who's already there and become his widow*A third of all the
women who've ever been in Parliament got there on the sympathy vote, as
widows. One hard-eyed pro, who dismisses the ability of women to get into
politics on their own and has been cynically successful running widows on
the black-crepe ticket, says: "The only way you'll ever see a hundred women
in the House i... more »
Breaking News: Islamic State Militants Are Now Using Chemical Weapons

An image allegedly showing militants of the Islamic State of Iraq and the
Levant (IS) driving on a street at unknown location in the Salaheddin
province, Iraq, 2014. (photo credit: AFP / HO / WELAYAT SALAHUDDIN)
*WNU Editor:* Earlier in the day we had covered the fall of a major Iraqi
military base (Camp Saqlawiya) to Islamic State forces .... *Hundreds Of
Iraqi Soldiers Missing Or Stranded After Their Base Was Overrun By Islamic
State Forces*. As we had mentioned in the post .... this was a major defeat
for the Iraqi military .... as well as raising concerns that the Iraqi
militar... more »
Coalition Of The Shilling
German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, says Germany isn't sending
men or planes to fight in Iraq, which is significantly different from what
President Obama is asserting. Instead, says Steinmeier, let Iran do the
heavy lifting. At Friday's UN Security Council session on ISIS, he said
that "[d]espite the difficulties that we have with Iran and its nuclear
ambitions, I am of the opinion that all of the neighbors of Syria and Iraq
should be included… I sincerely hope that Iran will be considered, for only
then will we be able to get control of the threat posed by IS."
Over... more »
(Bombing Syria!) Running Out of Time: Were You At the People's Climate March Sunday? (There's Nothing Wrong With Kansas That Throwing Out the Right Wingnutters Won't Improve) Maligned Chimps
U.S. Bombing Syrian Targets Hardly a surprise. When will the entire Middle
East (other than Saudi Arabia, Israel and other predator nations) become a
target? Soon is my guess. And on another extremely important upcoming event
. . . . Were you able to . . . march yesterday with the 310,000 and more
who showed up for the People's Climate March to Change Everything . . . .
From my buddy Yas
The U.S. Is Now Directly Involved In Syria's Civil War
The US along with Jordan, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Qatar and Saudi
Arabia .... have started bombing ISIS targets in Syria. Reports indicate
that the targets included command and control centers, training camps, and
weapons depots. The Syrian government was not notified that these
airstrikes would happen today.
Apparently the Ar-Raqqah Governor's building, the headquarters of ISIS, was
*destroyed* in these airstrikes on Monday (see below video of the attack).
ISIS has apparently instructed its fighters to leave their headquarters in
ar-Raqqah and to flee into the rural area... more »
U.S. And Arab Allies Have Commenced Air Strikes On Islamic State Targets In Syria
*U.S., Partner Nations Launch First Strikes In Syria: Pentagon -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - The United States and partner nations are carrying out the
first air strikes against Islamic State targets in Syria, the Pentagon said
on Monday, in ongoing operations that mark the opening of a new, far more
complicated front in a battle against the militants.
"I can confirm that U.S. military and partner nation forces are undertaking
military action against (Islamic State) terrorists in Syria using a mix of
fighter, bomber and Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles," Rear Admiral John
Kirby, Pentagon p... more »
BREAKING NEWS: Syria under Attack by United States and Partners

*UPDATE:* *September 23, 2014* Watch this interview with American author
and political analyst, *Dean Henderson*. He says that this attack on
Syria is the US/Israeli Neocon in the last throes of their power...we can
only hope!
*Gaza under attack by Israel last summer*
*The United States of America and "Partners" have attacked Syria. *
*The official story is that they are targeting ISIS (a construct of the
US/Mossad). This proxy war group has attacked Syria recently. ... more »
This pseudo-"scientific" way to cut a cake is the sort of thing that makes people think scientists are idiots
*Is this what happens when you've never had a birthday party?*
*by Ken*
"Is This A Scientifically Superior Way To Cut Cake?" asks Elite Truong on
WNYC's "Sporkful" blog ("It's Not for Foodies, It's for Eaters"), and while
I undoubtedly wouldn't have seen this crackpot video if not for the
blogpost, which can therefore be held to task for actually giving this sad
person the attention he seems to crave so desperately, now that I *have*
seen it, I have to say I'm glad someone blew the whistle on it.
This Alex Bellos is supposed to be a mathematician, which grieves me,
because I have ... more »
Do not believe the news reports that our economy is picking up. Not only are the statistics being fudged, but "the Federal Reserve and its bullion bank agents (JP Morgan, Scotia, and HSBC) have been using naked short-selling to drive down the price of gold since September 2011." Naked short-selling means selling something on the market that you neither own nor have borrowed. It is illegal on the stock and bond markets, but it is permitted for gold futures. How convenient for our corrupt govenment! Normally selling off gold is a sign of investors' confidence in the markets. In reality the dollar is doomed to crash sooner than later. So don't be fooled; buy gold (or silver) now while it is arificially depressed. When the dollar crashes the value of gold (and silver) will instantly double or triple, and the riggers will own plenty of them. Why shouldn't you?

*Rigged Gold Price Distorts Perception of Economic Reality — Paul Craig
Roberts and Dave Kranzler*
September 22, 2014 | Original Here
Go here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter
*Rigged Gold Price Distorts Perception of Economic Reality*
Paul Craig Roberts and Dave Kranzler
The Federal Reserve and its bullion bank agents (JP Morgan, Scotia, and
HSBC) have been using naked short-selling to drive down the price of gold
since September 2011. The latest containment... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Shiny NGC 253 is one of the brightest spiral galaxies visible, and also
one of the dustiest. Some call it the Silver Dollar Galaxy for its
appearance in small telescopes, or just the Sculptor Galaxy for its
location within the boundaries of the southern constellation Sculptor.
First swept up in 1783 by mathematician and astronomer Caroline Herschel,
the dusty island universe lies a mere 10 million light-years away.
*Click image for larger size.*
About 70 thousand light-years across, NGC 253 is the largest member of the
Sculptor Group of Galaxies, the nearest to our own Local Group ... more »
"A Moment With Nature"
"May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous,
leading to the most amazing view.
May your mountains rise into and above the clouds."
- Edward Abbey, "Benedicto"
“Playing with Words: Origins of Common Phrases”
*“Playing with Words: Origins of Common Phrases”*
by worldmysteries9
*“Stump someone.”* Meaning: Ask someone a question they can’t answer.
Origin: Actually refers to tree stumps. “Pioneers built their houses and
barns out of logs … and they frequently swapped work with one another in
clearing new ground. Some frontiersmen would brag about their ability to
pull up big stumps, but it wasn’t unusual for the boaster to suffer defeat
with a stubborn stump.” (From "I’ve Got Goose Pimples", by Marvin Vanoni)
*“Paint the town red.”* Meaning: Spend a wild night out, usually involving
drinkin... more »
The Poet: Charles Baudelaire, "Contemplation"
by Charles Baudelaire
“Thou, O my Grief, be wise and tranquil still,
The eve is thine which even now drops down,
To carry peace or care to human will,
And in a misty veil enfolds the town.
While the vile mortals of the multitude,
By pleasure, cruel tormentor, goaded on,
Gather remorseful blossoms in light mood-
Grief, place thy hand in mine, let us be gone
Far from them. Lo, see how the vanished years,
In robes outworn lean over heaven's rim;
And from the water, smiling through her tears,
Remorse arises, and the sun grows dim;
And in the east, her long shroud trailing ... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Rock Springs, Wyoming, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
"Who funds and supports ISIL?" Arabic channel Al-Mayadeen interviews Kevin Barrett

Part 1:
Part 2:
Chet Raymo, "Know Thyself"
*"Know Thyself"*
by Chet Raymo
"The ancient Greek aphorism, attributed to Socrates and others. Good
advice, I'm sure. If only we knew what it means. Is it the same as the
"examination of conscience" we were asked to perform as young Catholics?
"Bless me, Father, for I have sinned." Well, yes, it is good to ask
ourselves if we have lived up to our highest moral aspirations. But surely
"Know thyself" means more than that.
Does it mean to be aware of our self-awareness? That is to say, not to act
impulsively, but reflectively. Thoreau's "I went to the woods because I
wished to live ... more »
"'Inner Voice' Plays Role in Self Control"
*"'Inner Voice' Plays Role in Self Control"*
by PhysOrg.com
"Research out of the University of Toronto Scarborough - published in "Acta
Psychologica" - shows that using your inner voice plays an important role
in controlling impulsive behaviour. "We give ourselves messages all the
time with the intent of controlling ourselves - whether that's telling
ourselves to keep running when we're tired, to stop eating even though we
want one more slice of cake, or to refrain from blowing up on someone in an
argument," says Alexa Tullett, PhD Candidate and lead author on the study.
"We want... more »
Eckhart Tolle, “Watching The Thinker”
*“Watching The Thinker”*
by Eckhart Tolle
"What exactly do you mean by “watching the thinker”? When someone goes to
the doctor and says, “I hear a voice in my head,” he or she will most
likely be sent to a psychiatrist. The fact is that, in a very similar way,
virtually everyone hears a voice, or several voices, in their head all the
time: the involuntary thought processes that you don’t realize you have the
power to stop. Continuous monologues or dialogues.
You have probably come across “mad” people in the street incessantly
talking or muttering to themselves. Well, that’s not muc... more »
Scottish referendum vote-rigging claims spark calls for recount ! Updates from September 22 , 2014

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Scottish referendum vote-rigging claims spark calls for recount http://
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Scottish referendum vote-rigging claims spark calls for recount
Tens of thousands sign petitions wanting recount or fresh vote based on
videos that purport to show evidence of electoral fraud
View on web
User Actions
Was Scottish Vote Rigging Caught On Tape? http://www.
zerohed... more »
ALEC HQ Misleads America with Google Presser
Such good news today with Google kicking ALEC to the curb
Was out having a drink - celebrating the good news of the day and my
birthday and I come home to this!
The day dampened by an ALEC presser that - - - again - - - misleads people.
This presser is a demonstration why we HAVE TO HAVE people monitoring what
happens at ALEC meetings – cause without it – the lies they tell will
believed as truth.
American Legislative Exchange Council Statement on Google Membership
Arlington, Virginia (September 22, 2014) — CEO Lisa B. Nelson issued the
following statement:
“It is unfortunate to ... more »
theater of the absurd

A shell shocked reindeer
looks on as World War II planes
drop bombs on Russia in 1941
Ukraine situation Updates ( September 22 - 23 , 2014 ) -- Ukraine Introduces Capital Controls .....News and views on the ongoing Ukraine conflict .
NBU Reduces Maximum Sale Of Foreign-Currency Cash To UAH 3,000 Per Person
Per Day (17:27, Monday, September 22, 2014)
*Ukrainian News Agency*
The National Bank of Ukraine has reduced the maximum amount of
foreign-currency cash that can be sold to a single person per day to the
equivalent of UAH 3,000.
The National Bank of Ukraine announced this in a statement on Facebook.
"Given the increased tension in the cash segment of the foreign-exchange
market, the resolution provides for reduction of the maximum amount of
foreign-currency cash that can... more »
Iraq / Syria Regional War ( September 22 - 23 , 2014 ) Updates , news and views .....
Anti War.....
As ISIS Nears Key Syrian Kurdish Town, a Refugee Exodus100,000 Flee to
Turkey, Number Expected to Grow
by Jason Ditz, September 21, 2014
Print This | Share This
Having taken scores of Kurdish villages in the surrounding area, ISIS
fighters are increasingly surrounding the key Kurdish city of Ayn al-Arab,
along the Syrian-Turkish border.
Border crossings are always a prize for militants, and ISIS has tried to
take Ayn al-Arab repeatedly, leading the various Kurdish militias to
mobilize large “calls to arms” to defend the city.
Locals aren’t willing to bet that’s going to... more »
Harvey Wasserman : Gorgeous global march shows how to win the climate fight
Huge environmental action in New York teaches us that the answer to change
lies with the grass roots. By Harvey Wasserman | The Rag Blog | September
22, 2014 NEW YORK — The massive People’s Climate March, the most hopeful, …
finish reading Harvey Wasserman :
Gorgeous global march shows how to win
the climate fight
‘I heart fossil fuels’ at the #People’sClimateMarch
[image: image]
And the only one there fanning a different fire? The courageous Alex
Epstein from the Center for Industrial Progress, brandishing a copy of his
new book *The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels *and a banner and T-shirt the
Why did he do it? Because he figured protestors should know they are
marching against the lifeblood of civilisation.
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for
permission to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
Can The Islamic State Be Defeated?

Deutsche Welle
*Can IS Ultimately Be Defeated? -- Andre de Nesnera, Voice of America*
WASHINGTON — The U.S. Congress has authorized funds to train and equip
moderate Syrian rebels fighting the Sunni extremist group known as the
Islamic State. President Barack Obama has vowed “to degrade and ultimately
destroy” the Islamic State.
It has taken over a vast territory in Iraq and Syria. It has carried out
mass killings, said to have sold women and children as slaves and beheaded,
among others, two Americans and one Briton.
Since August, the United States has launched air strikes agains... more »
Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- September 22, 2014
*Why Is ISIS Taunting The West? -- Jethro Mullen, CNN*
(CNN) -- For a while, it seemed that the threat from ISIS was limited to
sparsely populated desert regions in the Middle East.
Through brutal tactics and persecution of minorities, the Sunni extremist
group brought slaughter and chaos to large areas of Syria and Iraq.
But its merciless efforts to establish its version of an Islamic caliphate
unsettled the wider region, prompting U.S. airstrikes aimed at stemming its
The Islamic militant group has responded by beheading three of its Western
hostages in recent weeks, r... more »
Sunni Grievances Against The Shiite Government In Iraq: More Fiction Than Fact
*"Reclaiming Iraq: The 1920 Revolution and the Founding of the Modern
State"* by Abbas Kadhim (2013).
One of the explanations that has been given for the rising popularity of
ISIS in Iraq is that the Maliki-led Shiite government persecuted Sunnis,
and did not allow them to have any say in the government so they had no
choice but to turn to ISIS as a way to take revenge against Maliki.
But that's not true.
Dr. Abbas Kadhim, an Iraqi-American professor and a Visiting Scholar at
Stanford University, says that, "100 percent of local governance in every
Sunni province is by elected Sun... more »
"How It Really Is"
"Change we can believe in..." LOL, LOL, LOL...
After the Scottish referendum: Will Westminster renege on its devolution pledges?
and Chris try to guess what happens next...
SOURCE SKY NEWS: Scotland Devolution Pledge 'Non-Negotiable'Scotland
First Minister Alex Salmond has accused the No campaign of tricking
voters into believing the promise of devolution. He said: "I suppose I
feel sorry for those in the No side who were tricked by Westminster into
believing there would be an immediate offer of extra powers, an
Election wrap

Every bullfrog and their leg rope has had their take on the election. So
why not me?
Unusually, “None of the Above” didn’t win this election:
*Pic by **Nick Young*
As my colleague Richard McGrath suggests, parliament should leave 28 places
at the trough empty to reflect this voter disgust.
This was not because of low turnout that “None of the Above” polled so
poorly. (This was one of New Zealand's lowest turnouts ever.) It was
because National did unusually well. The first MMP election in which a
party scored enough votes to rule on its own, and – virtually unheard of –
a part... more »
World News Briefs -- September 22, 2014 (Evening Edition)
*200,000 Flee In Biggest Displacement Of Syrian Conflict, Monitor Says --
Istanbul (CNN) -- The sudden, massive flood of refugees fleeing ISIS is
unlike any other displacement in the 3½-year Syrian conflict.
As many as 200,000 people have left the area surrounding the Syrian Kurdish
city of Kobani, also known as Ayn al-Arab, in just four days as ISIS
advances into the area, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said
Monday. Most have gone into Turkey, the London-based monitoring group said.
Turkey's semiofficial Anadolu news agency and the United Nations said
130,000 Syria... more »
METRO EVENT | Beverly Baker Moore : Support your local musicians’ health
Have fun, celebrate live music, and support a great cause during HAMM
Benefit Day throughout Austin, Tuesday, September 23. By Beverly Baker
Moore | The Rag Blog | September 22, 2014 Event: HAAM Benefit Day Sponsor:
Whole Foods Market Benefiting: … finish reading *METRO EVENT* | Beverly
Baker Moore : Support your local musicians’ health
Free Download: Leopold Kohr, “The Breakdown of Nations”
*“On The Breakdown Of Nations”*
by Tim Price
“Several years ago we highlighted the work of Leopold Kohr. Kohr was an
Austrian Jew who only narrowly escaped the Holocaust. The village in which
he was born, Oberndorf in central Austria, with a population of just 2,000
or so, would come to exert a disproportionate influence on Kohr’s thinking.
Kohr went on to study at the LSE with the likes of fellow Austrian thinker
Friedrich von Hayek. In 1938 he left Europe for America, a place he would
make his home for the next 25 years.
In September 1941, just as the mass murder of the Jewish in... more »
“Oh Yes, Those Medical Guys Shouldn't All Go To Prison”
*“Oh Yes, Those Medical Guys Shouldn't All Go To Prison”*
by Karl Denninger
“*Riiiight.* The practice increases revenue for physicians and other health
care workers at a time when insurers are cutting down reimbursement for
many services. The surprise charges can be especially significant because,
as in Mr. Drier’s case, they may involve out-of-network providers who bill
20 to 40 times the usual local rates and often collect the full amount, or
a substantial portion. 20 to 40 times the usual and customary local rates?
Who authorized that? Nobody! So what is it when you're basicall... more »
KIPP Teaching: "Sprinting a Marathon for Two Years"
At some KIPP schools teachers ride the buses so that children come to
school ready to learn and go home ready for homework. What can be effect on
children who have to remain silent from when the leave home until the time
they return?
From a former KIPP teacher:
It was ultimately unsustainable. It felt like sprinting a marathon for two
years. Probably worked somewhere between 80 and 100 hours every single
week for two years and that’s unsustainable, even for somebody who didn’t
have a family, I was living with my girlfriend. No kids. The money was
fine. I had no chance to spen... more »
But what does a Colon stand for?
Conservative Party leader Colon Craig says he is “in politics for life,”
undeterred by another expensive failure,
"I'm totally committed to politics. I've made that pretty clear," he told
the *Herald..*. "This is what I do now."
Mr Craig said he was not only committed to running again in 2017, but
also 2020 and beyond. "This is what I am going to be doing and working on
for the rest of my life," he said.
For the rest of his life!
But what does he want to be a politician *for*? To advance an agenda? To
promote his ideas? To get his policies in place? Apparently not:
He might ... more »
Missing Afghan Soldiers In The U.S. Found Trying To Enter Canada
*Missing Afghan Military Officers Caught Trying To Cross The Border Into
Canada -- Washington Post*
Three missing Afghanistan National Army officers, who disappeared while
participating in a training program in Massachusetts, were detained while
attempting to cross the border into Canada and are in the custody of the
Canada Border Services Agency, a spokesperson for U.S. Customs and Border
Protection said on Monday.
The men were detained while attempting to enter Canada at Rainbow Bridge,
which connects the cities of Niagara Falls in New York and Ontario, said
David Procopio, a M... more »
"Turning Americans into Snitches for the Police State"
*"Turning Americans into Snitches for the Police State: *
*‘See Something, Say Something’ and Community Policing"*
By John W. Whitehead
“There were relatively few secret police, and most were just processing the
information coming in. I had found a shocking fact. It wasn’t the secret
police who were doing this wide-scale surveillance and hiding on every
street corner. It was the ordinary German people who were informing on
their neighbors.”—Professor Robert Gellately
"If you see something suspicious, says the Department of Homeland Security,
say something about it to the police, ca... more »
Indigenous Medicine Peoples Statement to UN Climate Summit
Indigenous Elders at UN Climate Summit: ‘We Can No Longer Wait for Solutions From Governmental and Corporate Leaders’
Contact: Shawn Mulford
September 21, 2014
Email: smulford@comcast.net
Censored News
NEW YORK – The UN Climate Summit hosted by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon serves to catalyze ambitious action on the
Government Now Implies that White House Fence Jumper Was on an Assassination Mission

These days it is increasingly difficult to tell the difference between what
is real and what is bullshit when it comes from the Obama administration
and the larger government - neither of which have any credibility. Breaking
news has transformed the White House fence jumper into a veritable killing
machine. Perhaps it was the laughable attempt to push that three inch
bladed pocket knife that Omar Gonzalez had on him when he crashed Barry's
pad on Friday as a real threat but now we are being told that he had an
arsenal in his car.
The Washington Post is reporting in a story entitle... more »
September 11th 2001: A 700 foot (213 m) Tall Steel ChunkTurns To Dust in 3 Seconds

*Steel girders don't normally atomize into dust when a building
collapses... -AK*
*The video maker writes:*
Published on Sep 13, 2014
Think of a 700 ft steel boat standing up on its stern doing this then maybe
then you can understand why I keep saying its a real issue . How come we
don,t see ae911truth or Alex Jones or any of the purveyors of 911 truth
talk about this clear cut directed energy use on the twin towers is not a
accident . How can we ever resolve these issues if the people at the top
who speak about the topic refuse to include or even acknowledge it . What
it mea... more »
Ukraine Economy On The Brink Of Total Collapse

*Photo:* © lifedon.com.ua
*Ukraine Is On The Brink Of Total Economic Collapse -- Walter Kurtz & Sober
Look, Business Insider*
While we see a great deal of media coverage of Ukraine-related geopolitical
risks, there hasn't been sufficient discussion about the dire economic and
fiscal conditions the nation is facing.
Writing about men in masks fighting in eastern Ukraine sells far more
advertising than covering the nation's economic activity. However it's the
economy, not the Russian army that has brought Ukraine close to the brink.
And just to be clear, some of Kiev's economic and... more »
Ukraine Military Pulls Back It's Heavy Guns From The Front Line In The East

Ukraine Pulling Back from Buffer Zone in Embattled East -- Voice of America
Ukrainian officials say they have started to pull troops from a buffer zone
in the east of the country where they have been fighting pro-Russian
Security and Defense Council spokesman Colonel Andriy Lysenko said Monday
rebel attacks have diminished, allowing Kyiv to implement an agreement
reached last week with the separatists to create the 30-kilometer buffer.
On Sunday, Ukraine had said it would not pull its forces until cease-fire
violations stopped, and that several violations had occurred... more »
Does Globalisation Breed Nationalism?
Yuck, globalisation. A notion so commonplace, so banal that to write it
these days is like murmuring a vulgarity. It's a truism universally
acknowledged that the circuits of capital, the organisation of production,
its division of labour, and worldwide commodity chains tend to treat
borders as irrelevances. Cheap air travel and affordable internet access
has shrunk the planet and thrust economies and cultures closer together.
Societies and their fates are interpenetrated, and the possibility of
describing human civilisation as a single, integrated entity is here.
Wonderful, isn't i... more »
Supplemental: More Salem Village to come tonight!
*MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2014ESPN’s latest slippery report:* Based on this
morning’s horrible Morning Joe, cable news will rock tonight with another
entertainment spectacular in which the parsons and goodies of Salem Village
chase the demon Goodell.
Last Friday’s gong-shows on CNN were about as bad as cable dunkings get.
Based on Joe and Mika’s sanctimony—and Willie’s faithful recitations—we’re
forced to predict more wet weather tonight.
In this case, the mob is chasing a relatively insignificant figure—the
commissioner of a professional sport. At other times, the screaming mimis
o... more »
Why Congressional Recruitment Really Matters

This morning one of the Beltway trade papers ran a piece about how weak GOP
backbencher Rodney Davis, is kicking the ass of Steve Israel's pathetic
mystery meat candidate, Ann Callis, in Illinois' most swing district,
IL-13. Earlier in the cycle, PPP polled the district and found Davis' job
approval rating underwater and that more voters were ready to defeat him
than reelect him. When informed that Davis had voted to shut down the
government, 42% of registered voters said they would vote for him and 47%
said they would vote for his Democratic opponent.
And that's when the DCCC a... more »
UK:Royal Mint launches online dealing account … in gold
I'd like to deposit these please …
Photograph: Andreas Solaro/AFP/Getty*Personally... I think I'd demand
physical delivery... there's not much gold in the vaults... and you know
what they'll snatch when the chips are down... and they have custody of
it... -AK*
*Royal Mint launches online dealing account … in gold*
*Mint's Vault service will allow anyone to buy and sell gold and silver
bullion via its website at live market rates 24/7*
By Miles Brignall
The Guardian,
Monday 22 September 201... more »
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