5:25pm MDST
Satire: “McCain Rips Obama’s Failure to Bomb Stonehenge”
*“McCain Rips Obama’s Failure to Bomb Stonehenge”*
by Andy Borowitz
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)— “Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.) blasted
President Obama on Saturday for failing to bomb Stonehenge while in the
United Kingdom for the NATO summit. “This is a time when it’s important to
send our enemies the message that the United States is strong,” McCain told
Fox News. “I can think of no better way to do that than by blowing
Stonehenge off the map.” McCain said that he was “astounded” by Obama’s
reluctance to order airstrikes on the ancient monument. “He had a clean
shot at Stone... more »
A Timeline On When The World's Resources Run Out

*(Click on The Image to Enlarge)*
*When Will It All Run Out? -- Zero Hedge*
Nothing lasts forever (except central bank dovishness) in the real world.
Here is an interpretation of when the world will run out of each metal or
energy source...
*As Visual Capitalist notes,*
*There is a limited supply of these commodities – and if there are no
discoveries, no price changes, and no changes in consumption, we are
running out relatively soon. In my opinion, there are two caveats that are
always worth considering when looking at something like this.1. “Reserves”
are an engineering num... more »
NATO agrees cyberattack could trigger military response
*NATO looks for any excuse to justify their tyrannical existence.*
*Question-** What two nations conspired and launched a massive cyber attack
on energy producing facilities, possibly endangering the entire planet in
the process?*
*The answer is- US and Israel. Two nations that conspired to release
Stuxnet & Flame*
*Flashback to Stuxnet........*
4-Stuxnet Struck Russian Nuclear Power Plant
3-Massive Targeted CyberAttack- mostly striking Iran- Flame
2-Stuxnet, tested in Israel, developed with the aid of the US
1-Israel responsible for Stuxnet attack
*Is NATO going to attack the US... more »
This morning's 'Today'

This morning's *Today* was really quite a pleasant listen, once you got
past all the gory news. It wasn't entirely free from bias though.
It covered much of the heavy stuff, dealing with Ukraine and Islamic State
at some length, plus Ebola in Sierra Leone, the badger cull, a development
v environment controversy in Kent, the successful parliamentary revolt over
the 'bedroom tax' and, occupying the 8.10 spot, the immigration crisis in
There was also time for lighter subjects, like James Naughtie visiting a
whisky distillery on Skye that one of his ancestors used to own, an ... more »
More Thoughts on McMinnville
I find that sometimes, if I pose a question here, someone out there has an
answer. I have said for a very long time that there are only two
conclusions to be drawn about the pictures taken in McMinnville, Oregon.
They either show a craft from another world, or they are a hoax. I do not
see a third possibility given the clarity of the photographs, the features
of the object, and the state of our research and development of aircraft in
Philip Klass believed the photographs to be a hoax and research and
analysis on the photographs suggested to Robert Sheaffer that the pictures
... more »
Israel's Moral Depravity
Somebody left a copy of the Toronto Star lying around the other day. Out of
curiosity, I opened it up to the opinions page and found this nauseating
example of complete moral depravity:
"World too hasty in judging Israel’s conduct in Gaza: Israel’s conduct
should be judged on the same level as that of other democracies during
Let's be very clear here, for all the racists and sadists, "Operation
Protective Edge" was not merely a "war of choice." It was a slaughter of
choice. The only step lower for Israel to go is to put a few hundred
Palestinian men, women and children in... more »
Some Odd Ends- Destroying Society's Cohesion- Hidden History
*Interesting little image left by jo*
jo6pacSeptember 5, 2014 at 3:22 PM
"Small print but nothing changes on how to attack people senses"
*That little clipping reads very much like a methodology to destroy
*1919? Communist? Bolshevik? *
Why the link? Because the Russian people were brutalized under the
Bolshevik regime?
*"More than was the case with the monarchies of western Europe, Russia's
Tsar personally symbolized his land and nation. Thus, the murder of the
last emperor of a dynasty that had ruled Russia for three centuries not
only symbolically presaged the Com... more »
Next Round

September 6, 2014 Well, today we have our first taste of fall weather
here in southwest Missouri, with lows last night in the mid fifties and an
expected high of seventy-five this afternoon. By the end of next week, (we
… Continue reading →
Did The U.S. Help In Making The Islamic State A Threat?

Image Credit: REUTERS/Stringer
*How The US Made ISIS A Threat -- Zachary Keck, The Diplomat*
*The U.S. not only helped create ISIS, but also turned it into a threat to
the United States.*
Over at The Debate, Ben Reynolds demolishes American pundits who, fearing
the U.S. and Iran will cooperate on a shared interest, have tried to blame
Iran and its allies for the rise of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham
I have no doubt that Bashar al-Assad welcomed ISIS’s rise in the
insurgency. An Alawite family does get to rule over Syria for decades by
failing to recognize opportun... more »
Ronald Reagan: "When You're Younger, You Have Fiery Ideas"

Yesterday afternoon, the *Washington Post*'s Greg Sargent pointed out that
statewide Republican candidates-- even in the South-- are moving ever so
slightly back towards the mainstream and away from the kind of crackpot
right-wing extremism that has degraded the GOP brand so baldy in recent
years. Arkansas teabagger Tom Cotton is suddenly saying he'll vote *for*
the minimum wage increase in his state-- which isn't what the Koch brothers
have been paying him to say. And four of them are ducking questions about
Medcaid expansion (i.e., Obamacare) in Iowa, New Hampshire, Michigan and ... more »
In Iraq, A United Sectarian Death Cult Is Stronger Than A Coalition of Confused Enemies

*A resident of Amerli, Iraq.*
There has been a lot of talk on twitter about the irony of the U.S. and
Iran teaming up and fighting together in a strange coalition to save the
besieged city of Amerli, whose inhabitants, Shiite Turkmen, have heroically
resisted the ISIS onslaught for months while towns around them submitted
without a fight.
The coalition included the Iraqi army, Iranian-backed Shiite Militias,
Kurdish Peshmerga, senior Iranian IRGC officials, the United States, and
local volunteer fighters inside Amerli itself.
This alliance was unexpected, and it was only formed i... more »
European heads of state accept Washington's lies about Russia as being the god's the truth, frequently at considerable cost to the countries they lead. Perhaps this is due to their belief that the U.S. can do no wrong, although more likely they have been bribed or blackmailed by Washington. Paul Craig Roberts perceives that the ever-willing-to-compromise Vladimir Putin "...holds all the cards and can wreck Europe by turning off the flow of natural gas and can reincorporate the entire Ukraine back into Russia in two weeks or less..." for which actions Washington would have no answer, yet he wonders whether Putin would ever do this.

*The West Paves The Road To War With Lies — Paul Craig Roberts*
September 5, 2014 | Original Here
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The West Paves The Road To War With Lies
Paul Craig Roberts
Official statements from the Russian government indicate that the president
and foreign minister continue to rely on the good will of “our Western
partners” to work out a reasonable diplomatic solution to the trouble in
Ukraine caused by Washington. Not only is... more »
News photo mural 2006 -- 2014
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Sept. 6, 2014
Govinda at Earthcycles is interested in providing a live broadcast from
the Climate Train, across America on Amtrak in September 2014. We are
also interested in providing, as always, a voice
The Islamic State Is Expanding Into Egypt

A fighter of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) holds an ISIL
flag and a weapon on a street in the city of Mosul, June 23, 2014. Credit:
*Exclusive: Islamic State Guides Egyptian Militants, Expanding Its
Influence -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Islamic State, fighting to redraw the map of the Middle East,
has been coaching Egypt's most dangerous militant group, complicating
efforts to stabilize the biggest Arab nation.
Confirmation that Islamic Sate, currently the most successful of the
region's jihadi groups, is extending its influence to Egypt will sound
... more »
Sept. 6: Let's forget the Irving press for a bit...
...there's nothing in it anyway. But something happened yesterday that can
only be understood with a lot of history.
While suffering the boredom forced on us seniors by exercise instructors
who condemn us to forever walking on treadmills, I watched Obama's press
conference on Ukraine. At first, I was infuriated by his lies, his spewing
of hatred, and his threats. Then, as it went on, the truth dawned on me.
It was all huff and puff. What he was really saying is that he isn't going
to do anything about Ukraine.
To understand all this, why it's happening and what it means, we have to... more »
Is There A U.S. - Iranian Alliance To Combat The Islamic State?

*America Has An Unannounced ISIS Strategy, And It Involves Iran -- Jacob
Siegel, Daily Beast*
*Obama may say “we don’t have a strategy yet” for beating ISIS. Growing
American operations on the ground paint a different picture—one with
Iranian hues.*
The President hasn’t announced his strategy for dealing with ISIS yet, but
there is a clear military approach taking shape in Iraq. On an operational
level, the military intervention has shown some early success in using U.S.
airpower to support local ground forces and halt ISIS’s advances. But the
tension between tactics and strategy,... more »
Doubts on Doubts: Part Two
In part one, I shared my views on whether international law is really law.
As promised, this post cuts into the conversation on whether international
law matters. Violations of international law lead many to question its
effectiveness. Non-compliance especially by powerful states reinforces the
instrumentalist view which characterizes international law as a strategic
instrument of
Continue reading
You can't trust leaders who always take the credit, but never the blame.
That's what undid Maliki. Maliki's heavy-handed control over the army led
to its collapse at Mosul, but when the city of Amerli was recently
liberated from ISIL by a coalition of militias and U.S. airstrikes, *he was
the first politician on the scene* to promise the heroic people of the town
that Iraq would win this war, posing as a great and triumphalist leader
when in reality he had nothing to do with the victory.
Video Title: Obama Ended the Iraq War!
Iran v Saudi Arabia, 'Dateline' grudge match

What has got into *Dateline London *recently?
After years of relentless, rather oppressive left-liberal
consensus-building, the programme has sprung to life in recent months.
Instead of presenting us, week in week out, with like-minded people
agreeing with each other - as if the whole world agreed with *Dateline*'s
worldview - now we are being allowed to see and hear a wider range of
voices, often vigorously disagreeing with each other.
It's as if the real world has been invited in at last.
The results may occasionally be raw and rowdy but it is fascinating and
revealing, and I ... more »
U.S. Military Charter Plane With 100 Americans That Was Forced To Land In Iran Has Reached Dubai

*Plane Carrying Americans Reaches Dubai After Being Diverted To Iran --
(Reuters) - A chartered aircraft carrying about 100 Americans from the U.S.
airbase at Bagram, Afghanistan, has landed safely in Dubai after being
diverted to Iran because of issues with its flight plan, the U.S. State
Department said on Friday.
The Fly Dubai plane took off earlier from Bandar Abbas, Iran, after being
rerouted there. A U.S. official said the plane had failed to update its
flight plan after leaving Bagram for Dubai several hours late.
When Iranian civil aviation officials identified th... more »

Forgive me father for I have sinned and I’m not even a Catholic. I feel
guilty all the same because I’ve been a voyeur. I’m sorry to say I’ve been
looking at Jon Donnison’s Twitter feed with a mixture of morbid fascination
and ordinary fascination, and I haven’t even got a Twitter account nor do I
intend signing up for one no matter how many times they urge me to do so
whenever I log on. Looking in on it feels just so wrong. I think they
should stop people like me from spying on other people’s Tweets. Something
should be done.
Anyway, it led to something loosely relating to Craig’s ... more »
Genesis according to Kerry: you shall save the Muslim world from global warming
*What an interesting combination of insanities*
As you may have noticed, I am very busy these days and it will continue to
be so for 9 more days because several things have overlapped. So it may be
a time for easier blog posts.
When I was reading a title by Anthony Watts,
Is John Kerry mentally ill? "Scriptures Commands America To Protect Muslims
From Global Warming"
I was thinking that Anthony had to misinterpret Kerry's words or heavily
exaggerate, or something like that. But then I pressed "play" on this
90-second video:
In the State Department, they follow the slogan "religi... more »
Steve Israel Starts Dumping His Miserable Recruits
Steve Israel and the DCCC freaked out when they realized that a progressive
grassroots candidate, George Gollin, was serious about running against
freshman GOP corporate shill Rodney Davis. With Dick Durbin at their side,
they did everything they could to undermine Gollin and, in the end, Israel's
mystery meat candidate, Ann Callis, won the primary, with 54.65%, having
significantly outspent Gollin. From the moment she won the primary, the
Democrats could have written off the swing district. She stands for nothing
except her own career and offers no one-- except for blind partisan... more »
Why Did President Obama Skipped The Start Of This Week's NATO Meeting?

U.S. President Barack Obama prepares to speak at a news conference on the
second and final day of the NATO summit at the Celtic Manor resort, near
Newport, in Wales September 5, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Yves Herman
*Obama Absent For Start Of NATO Meeting -- The Hill*
President Obama was nowhere to be found during the beginning of a meeting
of the NATO-Ukraine commission in Wales on Thursday.
Obama was "noticeably absent" from the start of the meeting, according to a
White House pool report, although U.S. Ambassador to NATO Douglas Lute was
in attendance.
Obama was late to the Ukraine... more »
Supplemental: The theme of confusion in elite life!
*SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2014Fratricide comes to Dick Nixon:* In the last
few years of her life, Fawn Brodie, who was dying of cancer, wrote a
peculiar book.
The book was published in 1981, after Brodie had died. It bore the title
Richard Nixon: The Shaping of His Character.
Brodie’s semi-famous book was extremely strange. Equally strange is the
fact that many elite journalists couldn’t tell—and that Professor Brodie’s
book still plays a role in our lives.
Next week, we’ll look at the way Rick Perlstein adapted parts of Brodie’s
book in his 2008 best-seller, Nixonland. For today, ... more »
Ken O'Keefe talks about where Zionism is headed!
Ken tells it like it is. He was on the Mavi Mara aid ship which was
ransacked by the criminal Zionist state called Israel and resulted in the
murder of many people who came to help Palestine. Can you salute this guy?
He personally disarmed one Zionist commando clown and another... please see.
Musings On Iraq In The News
I was mentioned in “iraq’s new parliament: 200 laws in limbo, 6,000
unfinished projects and one messy constitution” by Mustafa Habib in Niqash.
I was also interviewed for the latest episode of EPIC's podcast "What You
Need to Know About What Happened in Sinjar."
Our Politicians are overwhelming scumbags
Is this democracy? How can we change this? The world depends on some kind
of articulacy, back by Justice.
The EU And The U.S. Are Preparing More Sanctions Against Russia Despite The Ceasefire
*Ukraine Crisis: Ceasefire Holds But Russia Says It 'Will React' To Further
EU Penalties -- The Independent*
Further travel and economic sanctions on Russia were approved by the EU
yesterday, however its Foreign Ministry warned this morning that it would
"react" if they are imposed
A ceasefire between Ukraine and separatist rebels began last night and
appears to still be in place, after a five-month bloody conflict left more
than 2,000 dead.
The deal began at 6pm local time after being signed in Minsk, the capital
of Belarus, by Kiev, Moscow and the Russia-backed separatists, as ... more »
Architecture is everything
Well I know I am a living thing
and is there anybody in humanity'
that feels the same way?
The way they build buildings
makes me think aboot
how different the life
of the architect and mine
cross paths on the search
for a great life.
Why Is Independence So Frightening? Following the Leader...
Brandon Smith clearly outlines many aspects of the word "independence" that
scares the shit out of people, and defines the word "leader" in it's true
meaning in this article, *"Why is Independence so frightening to some
Beyond the definition of "Follower" and "Leader" and their defined roles in
our society that this article outlines, there is also the dramatic
influence of the programmed templates that we have seen play out over and
over in our perceived "history". As words are redefined to mean something
different, ie: Leadership, so the templates roll on, continuing t... more »
Will The Ukraine Ceasefire Hold?
*East Ukraine Calm After Ceasefire, But Residents Doubt It Will Last --
(Reuters) - A ceasefire between Ukrainian forces and pro-Russian
separatists in eastern Ukraine appeared to be holding on Friday evening,
despite some initial shelling in the rebel stronghold of Donetsk.
However, many residents and combatants were skeptical that the ceasefire
could last long or turn into a basis for a durable peace settlement after
six months of conflict. The two sides remain far apart on the future of the
The ceasefire was approved by envoys from Ukraine, the separatist
lea... more »
Remind me how Israel is meant to make peace with Hamas...
90 Seconds of Truth about Hamas.: http://youtu.be/yOEHvi7qGsk
War what is it good for?

War is the ultimate rule
when the supreme courts
are not satisfactory
War will make the factory
Humans are animals
and as hard as we try to deny it
or obfuscate the truth
our society is structured
like a great ape colony
thank god for our blessing
we are not ants
if is was an ant colony
we would not be digging that
The real Euros have long recognized the facts
human nature is a controllable act
Maybe the Vikings could not read
or write
but they sailed and fought in a special way
and today they lead us not into combat
but into living in peace
in a Nordic way
a proven model of what
is ... more »
OECD's Efficiency Zealots Say Cutting Teacher Pay and Raising Class Size Would Be Good Policy, But Don't Do It
For my academic friends who are engaged in a new revisionism to write out
effects of a hundred years of social efficiency domination in education
policy, you may want to have a look at this.
The OECD, the outfit that brings us PISA every so often, has taken to
sub-contracting its nastier statistical tasks to other "research" firms.
The latest example is the Efficiency Index, contracted to a British firm,
GEM, to use PISA data to wildly extrapolate, suggest, surmise, guess, and
conclude on issues related to getting the biggest test score for the buck.
The lead researcher, Adam Stil... more »
People should keep their heads

ISIS is an illusion, its a massive fraud with only one purpose. To keep you
People are people and there are good and bad. There are very few
bloodthirsty Islamic warriors in this world. Human nature is common sense,
so when you see multiple beheading on the news, ask yourself does that make
So ISIS is taunting the world. Really Napoleon Islamic brain. This people
are insane, really?
If you travel the world you will find one conclusion, basically people are
all the same. The weird whipped up frenzy is played for us to make our fool
play the game.
Sure people go to... more »
Bill Whittle: President Coward...
*also known around here as "President Ribbon Cutter." *
People - he's nobody. He's a vile little sock puppet sent out by his
handlers to say or do whatever they want.
He delayed the mission to rescue James Foley and other ISIS hostages
because he didn't want to be "Carterized." He sent the men in the rescue
helicopters back to their bunks as he watched our people die in real time
at Benghazi. And he delayed the Osama bin Laden raid for MONTHS out of fear
of what a failed attempt would do to his re-election chances. In his latest
FIREWALL, Bill Whittle shows how President Coward alw... more »
Saturday Nerd Blogging: The Skynet Factor and the Killer Robot Campaign
A day late, but not a penny short: at the Monkey Cage this
week I look at the interplay between science fiction references and the
Campaign to Stop Killer Robots: The media might be forgiven for using such
terms and images as click-bait. But some people have
Continue reading
Ukraine Ceasefire Still Holding

*(Click on Image to Enlarge)*
*Ukraine Sees Cease-Fire Holding As Russian Troops Poised -- Bloomberg*
Ukraine’s military said pro-Russian separatists seem to be honoring the
truce accord reached yesterday to stem months of bloodshed, while urging
Russia to pull its troops back from the border to avoid provocations.
No casualties have been reported in the past 24 hours, military spokesman
Andriy Lysenko said in televised remarks in the capital Kiev, the first
time that’s happened since the insurgents unleashed a counteroffensive last
month. Some rebel shelling occurred after the 6 p... more »
Saturday Interview: Sam Hale
At 21, Sam Hale is one of the youngest Labour prospective parliamentary
candidates in the country. His opponent is 'Kaiser' Bill Cash, noted
europhobe and long-serving Conservative MP for Stone. Sam lives in Cheadle
and recently graduated from Lancaster University. You can find Sam's
campaign website here, and follow him on twitter here.
- Do you regularly read blogs, and if so what are your normal haunts?
I regularly check Guido Fawkes’ blog, as he is very quick on political
events and rumours, usually before the main news channels post anything. I
receive the *Telegraph*’s Morni... more »
Ebola Updates ( September 6 , 2014 ) Round of news and views on the 2014 Ebola Outbreak....

As the number of deaths piles up in the Ebola outbreak in West Africa,
surpassing more than 1,900 people this week, keeping patients quarantined
has continued to be a problem. This issue was most recently highlighted in
a video that shows an Ebola patient escaping from a quarantine center in
Liberia on Monday.
In an eerie scene, the patient is seen wandering into a market in Monrovia,
reportedly looking for food. Videos shot by witnesses show market-goers
keeping a noticeable distance a... more »
Life during wartime: Shelling civilians edition

War is a fundamental deception. War is a lion taking down an antelope, and
you know that antelope had a family. When a bad guy pulls a knife on a cop
and gets shot that is justice. It does not matter that the cop had a vest
or other options. That is what you get or otherwise the Jungle wins. War is
not beanbag. War is the worst of human conditions. I have been
thinkingaboot war and have come up with a broken windows theory. Lets stop
the criminals behind most wars.

Gladio, NATO's Dagger at the Heart of Europe: The Pentagon-Nazi-Mafia
Terror Axis
by Richard Cottrell (Author)
In this "non-fiction corollary to Larsson's Millenium Trilogy," wet works
and false flags keep Europe a colony of the US. Leaders are murdered,
movements are subverted. Under the surface, the empire rules by death
squads, as it always has south of the border. The attack on Libya laid bare
the iron fist within the velvet glove of slogans such as "humanitarian
intervention." Like the destruction of Yugoslavia and the rape of
Afghanistan, the reduction of Libya to a virtua... more »
Grooming? No, the word is Rape.
Over the last week, the Hull-based faction of the NF, the BNP, the EDL and
Britain First have all been active in Rotherham, protesting against the
over 1400 known rapes of indigenous English girls at the hands of
Paki-stani moslems in just one moderately sized English town. The number
of victims across the country must be truly staggering, but Rotherham has
become the focus of protests due to the number of admitted victims, whereas
in the rest of the country, the cover-ups are still in full force.
Whilst it is good to see so many groups taking a stand against the vile and
inexcusa... more »
'We get complaints from both sides, which shows we're getting it about right'

As David was saying in the comments yesterday, the fact that the BBC gets
complaints of bias from both sides on a contentious issue (like
Israel-Gaza, Scottish independence, climate change, etc) doesn't
necessarily mean that the BBC isn't biased on those issues.
Those from one side could be genuine complaints while the ones from the
other side could be essentially disingenuous. One side could outline
specific, detailed examples of bias, the other could just make unsupported
Just because both sides say they are biased it doesn't necessarily follow
that both sides are ... more »
How Many McJobs Go With That?

When Burger King gobbled up Tim Hortons two weeks ago, Joe Oliver crowed
about Canada's low corporate tax rates. But, Linda McQuaig writes, Oliver
was telling whoppers, not selling them:
One might be left with the impression that the corporate creator of the
Whopper plans to invest a whopping $11 billion in Canada. Now there’s a
whopper for you — but it’s not inside a bun.
The truth is that the Burger King-Tim Hortons deal is just a paper
transaction that, apart from enriching some stockholders... more »
Is The Chinese Military A Paper Tiger?

*The Chinese Military Is A Paper Dragon -- Kyle Mizokami, Real Clear
Defense/War Is Boring*
Some think China is a near-peer competitor. Wrong.
China’s rise over the past 30 years has been nothing short of spectacular.
After decades of double-digit growth, today China is the world’s second
largest economy—and possesses an increasingly sophisticated military that’s
among the planet’s most powerful. Despite China bordering a number of
unstable countries, its borders are secure.
That wasn’t always the case. In 2,000 years, China has suffered invasions,
revolutions and humiliations fr... more »
Why Give Extremists Like Brett Gurthrie A Free Pass To Reelection?
Ron Leach is a Iraq/Afghan War veteran and the Democratic Party candidate
for Kentucky's 2nd congressional district, a stretch of central Kentucky
from the suburbs southwest of Lexington through Elizabethtown, south to
Bowling Green and Glasgow and west to Owensboro. The PVI is R+16 and Obama
only took 35% against Romney. In 2012, the Republican incumbent, Brett
Guthrie, won all 21 counties that make up the district, beating his
Democratic opponent, David Williams, 64-32%. There wasn't a single county
in which Williams did well. The district is not on the DCCC's map and the
state... more »
*New Orleans Saints vs Atlanta Falcons series history, and btw Fuck the
*Erin Brockovich sends her chief environmental investigator to St. John
*Angry shrimpers to stop work for better pay *
*Gulf Coast residents, workers hail judge’s ruling against BP *
*Head ain't afraid a no Phishheads*
*New Orleans council clears Uber, others to offer luxury online taxi
Russia's Foreign ministry says the announcement the bloc will hold military
drills with Ukraine will only increase tensions. The decision was made
public at the NATO summit in Wales, where the alliance also agreed to
create a rapid reaction force for Eastern Europe, made up of thousands of
troops. RT's Harry Fear reports.
*College is a ludicrous waste of money*
Robert Reich
This week, millions of young people head to college and universities,
aiming for a four-year liberal arts degree. They assume that degree is the
only gateway to the American middle class.
It shouldn’t be. For one thing, a four-year liberal arts degree is hugely
expensive. Too many young people graduate laden with debts that take years
if not decades to pay off.
And too many of them can’t find good jobs when they graduate, in any event.
So they have to settle for jobs that don’t require four years of college.
They end up overq... more »
Is The U.S. Army Stuck In The 19th Century?

*Why The U.S. Army Is Stuck In The 19th Century -- Bill Sweetman, Daily
It’s unlikely that the U.S. Air Force will be abolished in anyone’s
lifetime, whatever University of Kentucky professor Robert Farley, author
of Grounded—The Case for Abolishing the United States Air Force, may think.
A few commentators have already raised the obvious issues: that the USAF
already provides essential enablers to the Army and Navy, rather than being
obsessed with bombers and independent airpower; that neither the Army nor
the Navy would be well suited to take over things like space launch ... more »
*Big Al to the rescue*
*Whatever Happened to Global Warming?*
*Now come climate scientists' implausible explanations for why the 'hiatus'
has passed the 15-year mark?*
On Sept. 23 the United Nations will host a party for world leaders in New
York to pledge urgent action against climate change. Yet leaders from
China, India and Germany have already announced that they won't attend the
summit and others are likely to follow, leaving President Obama looking a
bit lonely. Could it be that they no longer regard it as an urgent threat
that some time later in this century the air ... more »
Will Future Fighter Jets Be Flown By ROBOTS? (Updated)

Boeing concept for F/A-XX. Boeing Image
*Will Future Fighter Jets Be Flown By ROBOTS? Pentagon Plans To Have
Artificially Intelligent Pilots In Its Next-Generation Aircraft -- Daily
The Pentagon in Virginia is planning to introduce artificial intelligence
to a future generation of fighter jets
The plan is to use AI as co-pilots to humans and to help with sensory data
and possibly with landings on aircraft carriers
Such technology may be used in the US Navy's upcoming F/A-XX jet
And it may also feature in the US Air Force's F-X fighter jet
Both are being designed to enter operat... more »
Is Telepathy Going To Become The Next Big Dvelopment In Military Communications?

*(Click on Image to Enlarge)*
*Actual Telepathy Is One Step Closer to the Battlefield -- Defense One*
Forget battlefield smartphones; the future of soldier-to-soldier
communication may be electronic telepathy. A group of researchers in Europe
have developed what they are calling the first “human brain-to-brain
interface,” allowing people to communicate telepathically through the
Internet without a surgical implant, bringing us closer to the day when
soldiers behind enemy lines exchange information via sensors reading their
The primarily Spanish researchers, who published... more »
Ukraine / Russia Situation Updates ( September 1 , 2014 ) - State of Play from the Battlefield , Negotiations to resolve unrest and the fighting , natural gas talks.........
Catharsis Ours - 11 hours ago

*fred walton* @fredwalton216 7m
ssia-independent-associated-or.html?m=1 … Food for thought as to possible
outcomes. With the Novorussians success of late on the battlefield and
Russian support , a new day ?
*Kyiv Post* @KyivPost · 21m
#Minsk talks at impasse as separatists demand concessions while Russian
army strikes http://www.kyivpost.com/content/ukrain
… #Ukraine #Russia
*Kyiv Post* @KyivPost · 2h
Al... more »
Libya Updates ( September 6 , 2014 -- State of play regarding political in-fighting as well as battle for control of Tripoli and Libya regional strife....
Libya Herald .....
Libya Dawn rejects ceasefire attempts
*By Libya Herald staff.*
*Tripoli, 5 September 2014*:
A delegation from the House of Representatives has failed in repeated bids
to broker a ceasefire between militias fighting in and around Tripoli.
It is being claimed that there have been no less than 26 separate attempts
to talk to Libyan Dawn representatives, all of which have been rebuffed.
The group was made up of 13 representatives from the HoR Ceasefire Committee set
up on 17 August. House member Sallah Al-Sahbi told the Arabic language
newspaper *Buwabat Al-Wasat*, the... more »
Phantom Tanks and the Desperation of Kiev

*Editor's note: **This excellent synopsis of US propaganda regarding the
Ukraine crisis can easily be verified by reading OSCE's own daily reports
which in fact mention Nazis tearing down monuments, Kiev troops destroying
Ukraine's own infrastructure, and no mention ever of a "Russian invasion."*
*September 6, 2014* (Caleb Maupin - NEO) - How many times have we seen this
The President of the United States is on TV telling us horror stories. Some
innocent people in some corner of the world are being crushed, he tells us.
They face some monstrously evil oppressor, he says. Wh... more »
Iraq / Syria Regional War Updates - September 6 , 2014 -- Long War: Obama’s ISIS Strategy Will Mean Years of Steady Escalation Plans Diplomacy to Amass Allies While Slowly Building Up Conflict ....... US Assembles ‘Coalition’ Against ISIS Cameron: No Military Requests as Part of Coalition Talks ...... Tweets of the day !
Anti War.....
Long War: Obama’s ISIS Strategy Will Mean Years of Steady EscalationPlans
Diplomacy to Amass Allies While Slowly Building Up Conflict
by Jason Ditz, September 05, 2014
Print This | Share This
Last week, President Obama admitted to not having a strategy for victory
over ISIS, and that remains the case. Yet at today’s NATO summit, he laid
out what amounts to a strategy for ever increasing escalation of the
Today, Obama announced the acquisition of a number of NATO members as
allies for that conflict, and aides indicated that there will be many more
diplomatic ef... more »
Ukraine situation ( September 6 , 2014 ) - Ukraine Ceasefire Signed, Calm Returns to East NATO bringing about the ceasefire ..... Continues to Express 'Skepticism' About Peace , EU sanctions Russia despite its role in bringing about this ceasefire....... NATO approves spearhead force for Eastern Europe ...... MH 17 not forgotten by Malaysia Government - they demand independent and open investigation ........ With the ceasefire in place , natural gas War about to become center focus..... Sanction regime will see Russia response if Europe implements threatened sanctions against Russia ..... Tweets of the morning !
Anti War......
Ukraine Ceasefire Signed, Calm Returns to EastNATO Continues to Express
'Skepticism' About Peace
by Jason Ditz, September 05, 2014
Print This | Share This
Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko and a representative from the eastern
rebels both signed a ceasefire deal earlier today, with fighting scheduled
to stop at 11 AM eastern time.
It didn’t really take that long, as news of the ceasefire saw combat
steadily tapering down in the hours leading to the official end of
hostilities. Some Ukrainian troops claimed not to have received orders even
by 11 AM, but fighting seem... more »
NATO spearhead force shows turn from defense to offense
A discussion on the latest developments in Ukraine and at NATO’s summit in
Wales with British investigative journalist Tony Gosling and political
analyst Chris Bambery.
[image: 'NATO spearhead force shows turn from defense to offense']
Russia to sue Ukraine over damages in Rostov Region estimated at $1 bln
State Duma lawmakers are going to to file a lawsuit with an international
court seeking over $1 billion in damages caused by Ukraine’s shelling of
the Rostov Region in Russia, Izvestia newspaper reports on Friday.
Additional EU sanctions against Russia might hurt Slovenian economy
Additional European Union’s sanctions against Russia might have an
extremely detrimental effect on the national economy of Slovenia, Ales
Cantarutti, the chairman of the Slovenian Trade and Industry Chamber, said
on Thursday.
Putin's restraint
President Putin's matter-of-fact statement over last weekend that, "If I
wanted to I could take Kiev in two weeks", following his mid-week reminder
of Russia's sometimes forgotten nuclear capacity, was most certainly
startling to European Union leaders gathered in Bruxelles to shuffle around
EU functions in such way that the bureaucrats-who have made non-elected
careers in Bruxelles running as much as possible the lives of Europeans-can
keep their jobs.
Serbian Foreign Minister: The European Union Will Try to Make Serbia to Sanction Russia
Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said that he expects the EU to
increase pressure on Serbia to introduce sanctions against Russia as the
Ukrainian conflict grows more violent, adding that he believes that Serbia
will build the same relationship of understanding and partnership with the
new High EU Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica
Mogherini as with her predecessor Catherine Ashton.
EU admits Putin’s comment on ‘storming Kiev’ taken out of context
The EU has admitted that Vladimir Putin’s words about “taking Kiev in two
weeks” had been “made public out of context,” said a spokeswoman for the
European Commission President in a written response to The Wall Street
Ukraine Crisis - Man Hunting Safaris are on the rise in Ukraine
A member of a pro-Ukrainian thug gang describes how anyone can sign up to
go murder people in Donbas.
[image: Ukraine Crisis | Man Hunting Safaris are on the rise in Ukraine |
English Subtitles]
Ukraine Crisis - The Battle for Mariupol has begun
The Donbas Militia is preparing to enter Mariupol - a port city of
strategic significance. In this video allegedly a convoy of Ukrainian APCs
is destroyed by Militia Grad fire on eastern outskirts of the city.
[image: Ukraine Crisis | Mariupol - Battle for the city has begun]
Witness: Laredo Police Knew It Was a Pellet Gun When They Killed Jose Garza
An eyewitness to the police killing of Jose Walter Garza in Laredo, Texas,
on Saturday has come forward to contradict the official account of events.
Student tackled by officers over cell phone tells her side of the story
The day after HISD police officers wrestled a 10th grade girl to the
hallway floor of Sam Houston High School, the girl and her family protested
in front of the campus demanding an investigation and an apology.
No injuries after Marine Harrier makes emergency landing, catches fire
A Marine Corps AV-8B Harrier caught fire Thursday after making an emergency
landing in Japan.
The pilot, who is assigned to the Okinawa, Japan-based 31st Marine
Expeditionary Unit, saw a warning indicator light during a training flight
and then landed the aircraft at the nearby Kadena Air Base. An aircraft
rescue and a firefighting crew then put out a “small” fire caused by hot
brakes, according to a Marine Corps news release.
There were no injuries.
Read more
U.S. eyes deal with South Korea on F-16 upgrades by year-end: sources

[image: ROCAF F-16 Flying Falcon]The U.S. government hopes to hammer out an
agreement with South Korea by the end of the year for the U.S. unit of
Britain's BAE Systems Plc to carry out $1 billion-plus of upgrades to more
than 130 F-16 fighter jets, sources familiar with the discussions said this
The U.S. Air Force has been leading talks with Seoul about the second phase
of a contract won by BAE in 2012, when it beat out F-16 maker Lockheed
Martin Corp (LMT.N) to upgrade 134 of South Korea's fighter jets for $1.3
BAE, the first non-original equipment maker to win suc... more »
China says 2 pilots died in aircraft carrier tests

[image: J-15 Flying Shark]Two Chinese test pilots were killed during
development of the country's first aircraft carrier fighter wing, state
media said, in a rare admission of problems with the hugely popular naval
The admission came in a report by the official Xinhua News Agency saying
President Xi Jinping had signed an order awarding honorary titles to all
pilots in the first squadron to conduct take-off and landing tests aboard
the Liaoning, China's only aircraft carrier.
"Two test pilots of the squadron sacrificed their lives during the tests,"
the report said. No deta... more »
Musical Interlude: Traveling Wilburys, “End Of The Line”
Traveling Wilburys, “End Of The Line”
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rf_dQk9iaSY
U.S. Predator Drone Spotted Over The Islamic State's Stronghold Of Raqqah In Syria
Activists in ar-Raqqah believe they have seen MQ-1B Predator hovering for
more than 2 hours over the city. pic.twitter.com/dMuupD39IJ
— Zaid Benjamin (@zaidbenjamin) September 5, 2014
*My Comment:* The U.S. is obviously gathering intel for future military
*Hat Tip*: Zero Hedge.
US to convert older Mavericks into laser-guided missiles as strikes on IS continue

[image: AGM-65 Maverick]The US Navy (USN) is to convert its stockpile of
TV-guided AGM-65A/B Maverick air-to-surface missiles to the laser-guided
AGM-65E2 configuration under a USD49.5 million contract awarded to Raytheon
on 3 September.
The conversion of 500 missiles will run through to the end of January 2017.
Although not mentioned in the Department of Defense's (DoD's) notification,
the contract most likely arises from the current USN air strikes against
Islamic State (IS) militants in Iraq, where the Maverick missile is being
used extensively.
Able to engage targets with more ... more »
We Are More Than......A Guest Post by Seldom Heard
Royal Navy will get second aircraft carrier HMS Prince of Wales after Nato leaders agree to boost military spending
The Royal Navy’s second new aircraft carrier is to be brought into service
instead of being sold off.
The unexpected announcement about the 65,000-ton HMS Prince Of Wales was
made at the Nato summit in Wales.
The Queen launched the first of the two new vessels, HMS Queen Elizabeth,
in July, amid concerns over whether Britain could afford the £6.2billion
cost for both carriers.
Read more
"A Look to the Heavens"
"Cradled in cosmic dust and glowing hydrogen, stellar nurseries in Orion
the Hunter lie at the edge of a giant molecular cloud some 1,500
light-years away. Spanning nearly 25 degrees, this breath-taking vista
stretches across the well-known constellation from head to toe (top to
bottom). The Great Orion Nebula, the closest large star forming region, is
right of center. To its left are the Horsehead Nebula, M78, and Orion's
belt stars. Red giant Betelgeuse is at the hunter's shoulder, bright blue
Rigel at his foot, and the glowing Lambda Orionis (Meissa) nebula at the
far left, near ... more »
"Our Planet..."
"We do not have to visit a madhouse to find disordered minds;
our planet is the mental institution of the universe.”
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Australia joining NATO must be carefully considered

[image: US Secretary of State John Kerry]Australia, it appears, is on the
cusp of becoming a member of NATO. Continuation of extant interoperability
arrangements are understandable and sensible to a point.
But if fuller membership of NATO is imminent, then there is a need for some
serious and broad-ranging discussions on the profound implications.
There are, surprisingly enough, a number of potential benefits from
maintaining and perhaps expanding some of the close ties. But are they
outweighed by the potential liabilities they may generate?
Read more
Warship deal runs aground

[image: Yangyang class minesweeper]India's first major defence hard-ware
import from East Asia is in jeopardy after the defence ministry flagged
irregularities in a Rs.2,300 crore deal to buy eight mine counter-measure
vessels from South Korea.
On May 29 this year, the ministry encashed a Rs.3 crore bank guarantee
furnished by the Kangnam Corporation, which had been shortlisted to supply
the minesweepers to the Indian Navy.
The liquidation of the guarantee came after an inquiry by the ministry
found that the South Korean shipyard may have hired middlemen to facilitate
the contract... more »
Russia bases high-tech nuclear sub closest to Norway
Zapadnaya Litsa fjord
Weapon tests are completed and the submarine will soon sail towards her new
homeport, less than 60 kilometres from the NATO border in the north.
What was supposed to be a revolution for the Soviet navy is finally ready
for duty. The high-tech sub, filled up with advanced cruise-missiles and
torpedoes, is said to be the most silent-sailing underwater warfare system
ever created by humans.
K-560 “Severodvinsk” is the first of the new 4th generation nuclear powered
multi-purpose submarines in the Russian navy.
Read more
“Intertwined Fates: We Are All Connected”
* “Intertwined Fates: We Are All Connected”*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
“Being aware of the connection between all things can help you in terms of
the broader effect you may be creating. There are times when we may feel
disconnected from the world. Our actions can seem like they are of no
major consequence, and we may feel like we exist in our own vacuum. Yet,
the truth is that our simplest thought or action - the decisions we make
each day, and how we see and relate to the world - can be incredibly
significant and have a profound impact on the lives of those around us, as
wel... more »
Newport News Shipbuilding prepares to christen submarine John Warner
Petty Officer 2nd Class Joseph Koerber, preparing for his first submarine
duty, has studied the namesake of his new ship, a man who has "a very rich
But this isn't someone from the Navy's distant past. In fact, Koerber can't
wait to see him.
The submarine John Warner will be christened Saturday at Newport News
Shipbuilding, and while Virginia-class submarines have rolled into the
water with assembly-line regularity over the years, this ceremony will be
special. It is rare for the Navy to name a warship for a living person. And
since the 1970s, it has only happened twice ... more »
Why Is The U.S. Government Ignoring The Documents And Intel Retrieved In The Bin Laden Raid?

President Obama and his national security team in the White House Situation
Room. Pete Souza/White House
*Al Qaeda Wasn’t ‘On The Run’ -- Stephen F. Hayes, Weekly Standard*
Why haven’t we seen the documents retrieved in the bin Laden raid?
In the early morning hours of May 2, 2011, an elite team of 25 American
military and intelligence professionals landed inside the walls of a
compound just outside the Pakistani city of Abbottabad. CIA analysts had
painstakingly tracked a courier to the compound and spent months monitoring
the activity inside the walls. They’d concluded, with vary... more »
It's another 'man'
The BBC report http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-29089893 this:
' A 25-year-old man has been charged with the murder of 82-year-old
grandmother Palmira Silva, who was killed in a suspected beheading in north
Nicholas Salvador, of Gilda Avenue, Enfield, is accused of killing Ms
Silva, who was found in a garden behind a house in Nightingale Road,
Edmonton, on Thursday.Mr Salvador is also charged with assaulting a police
Just a 'man'? No further information available? Really BBC?
Tracking The Growth Of Boko Haram

*As Islamist Militants Advance, Residents Flee a Nigerian City -- New York
DAKAR, Senegal — Amid fears that Islamist militants were closing in on the
major city in Nigeria’s northeast, hundreds of residents were said to be
fleeing Maiduguri on Thursday in the face of doubts that the army could
repel an attack on the metropolis of more than one million people.
The militant group Boko Haram has captured towns to the north, south and
east of Maiduguri in recent months in a series of bloody assaults, and
appears also to have taken control of the last major town on the road
sou... more »
The Future of Toronto's Subway System - TTC Map

Below is a rendering of what the new Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension
will look like on the TTC system map when the new subway extension opens in
the Autumn of 2016.
That is assuming that Rob Ford doesn't start an epidemic of "lying and
cheating crack zombies" between now and then. It would totally suck if the
"crack zombie apocalypse" happened before the subway extension was
completed. Just think of how many more people would be trapped underground
thanks to the subway extension when the zombie epidemic spreads to the TTC.
In other news, the *2014 Toronto Mayoral Election* wi... more »
On Patrol With Israel's Female Fighters
*On Patrol With Israel's Female Fighters: The Hardened Battalion Made Up
Mostly Of Women Based On The Restless Egyptian Border -- Daily Mail*
* Mixed-sex unit was formed in 2000 following mounting public pressure to
allow women to serve in combat positions
* Pictures offer revealing insight into battalion as soldiers prepare for a
graduation march near the Egyptian border
* While the unit, named after a desert cat, is a mixed gender unit, in
2009, about 70 per cent of the unit was female
These revealing images off a unique insight into the hardened Israeli
battalion, made up mostl... more »
President George W. Bush's Chilling Warning On Iraq In 2007
*My Comment:* I am not a fan of President Bush .... but what he said and
outlined in 2007 .... is happening today.
United Nations: Iran Misses Deadline On Nuclear Cooperation

The flag of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) flies in front of
its headquarters during a board of governors meeting in Vienna November 28,
2013. Credit: Reuters/Heinz-Peter Bader
*Iran Misses Deadline On Nuclear Cooperation -- Deutsche Welle*
Iran has failed to keep up with a timeline to answer questions on its
nuclear program. The UN's nuclear watchdog released this information in its
quarterly report.
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has said that the
international community's effort to probe allegations of Iran's secretive
nuclear program has failed t... more »
Welcome to PANYNJ Imperial Wizard Kris Krispy's rampaging young Port Authority Krispy Kop Korps

*Honoring the shield*: *It appears that the new crop of Port Authority
Police Dept. probationary officers has imbibed the spirit(s) of the
PANYNJ's spiritual grand imperial wizard.*
*"If they are going to treat themselves and others at a bar like this, what
will they do when they’re on the job?"*
*-- a "source" quoted in DNAinfo's* "New Port Authority
Police Go on Drunken Rampage After Graduation"
*by Ken*
The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey has never been exactly a
model of "good governance," but now Garden State Grand Imperial Wizard Kris
"NJ Fats" Krispy has gotten his... more »
Does anyone know... UPDATED!

...what kind of bug this is? This is the second time I've photographed one.
Strangest bug I've ever seen.
Yay! Someone at Reddit identified it as a debris carrying lacewing larva (
[Taiwan] Don't miss the comments below! And check out my blog and its
sidebars for events, links to previous posts and picture posts, and scores
of links to other Taiwan blogs and forums!
OSF Treating Haitians as Insects
*John A. Carroll*@haitianhearts
OSF Treating Haitians as "Insects" http://blogs.pjstar.com/haiti/2014/09/
05/osf-treating-haitians-as-insects/ … via @pjstar
Iran's Supreme Leader Has Approved Joint Military Efforts With The US To Contain The Islamic State

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. © RIA Novosti. Sergey Guneev
*Iran's Supreme Leader Said To Approve Military Cooperation With US --
Christian Science Monitor*
*The BBC reports that Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has approved joint military
efforts with the US to contain Sunni militants in Iraq. The unconfirmed
report comes amid signs of de facto US-Iranian cooperation. *
Istanbul — Iran’s top commander has been authorized to coordinate military
operations with US, Iraqi, and Kurdish forces battling Islamic State (IS)
militants in northern Iraq, according to a report today by ... more »
ISIS and the Persecution of Christians in Iraq by Adnan Ibrahim

*The Muslim world is burning this flag:*
And will raise this one:
*Video Title: ISIS and the Persecution of Christians in Iraq by Adnan
Ibrahim. Source: dffarah. Date Published: September 5, 2014. Description:*
Taken from the Sermon entitled 'Dots on Letters' in which Dr. Adnan Ibrahim
says, "Iraq is a Mosaic unparalleled in the world, in it live the
worshipers of God in the far right and the worshipers of the devil in the
North without a problem, ‘To you be your Way, and to me mine’, the
worshiper of the Devil with the worshiper of God Most Gracious, this is the
great Iraq."
This ... more »
NATO Leaders Vow To Increase Defense Spending

*(Click on Image to Enlarge)*
*NATO Leaders to Vow to Lift Military Spending -- Wall Street Journal*
*Commitment Would Be Nonbinding*
NEWPORT, Wales—Leaders of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization will
pledge at a summit here to lift their military spending to 2% of each
country's gross domestic product over the next 10 years, according to three
officials familiar with the negotiations over the summit communiqué.
Only four of NATO's 28 member states currently meet or exceed that level:
the U.S., U.K., Greece and Estonia. The decision to cite the 2% figure was
the subject of inte... more »
The CIA and Associated Press intelligence reporter Ken Dilanian regularly
collaborated on stories promoting the spy agency’s image, according to a
report by The Intercept. Documents obtained through a Freedom of
Information Act request show how during his time with the Los Angeles
Times, Ken Dilanian worked with the agency to more positively portray CIA
actions, at times explicitly promising positive news coverage, according to
the report. RT’s Lindsay France digs into the newly revealed documents to
explore the depth of the relationship.
“Drought Apocalypse Begins In California As Wells Run Dry”
*“Drought Apocalypse Begins In *
*California **As Wells Run Dry”*
by Mike Adams
“Water wells in central California have begun to run dry, reports the LA
Times. "Extreme drought conditions have become so harsh for the Central
Valley community of East Porterville [that] many of its residents dependent
on their own wells have run out of water." Tulare County has confirmed
their wells have run out of water, and so far hundreds of homes have no
running water.
According to the LA Times, rumors are also spreading that Child Protective
Services officials will begin taking children away fro... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Owyhee, Nevada, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
Citizen Watch 3: Political and Economic Reforms After SONA 2014

Yesterday, I participated in Round 3 of Citizen Watch's Roundtable
Discussion, on political and economic reforms after the 5th State of the
Nation Address (SONA) of President Aquino last August. The forum was held
at UP NCPAG, Diliman campus. Jointly organized by Stratbase Research
Institute (SRI), and the Office of the VP for Public Affairs, UP Diliman.
The Participants were:
1. Prospero "Popoy" De Vera, the UP Vice-President for Public Affairs.
2. Ramon Casiple, Executive Director of the Institute For Political And
Electoral Reform (IPER)
3. Atty. Randy Bello, Vice President For ... more »
Tonight's Movie Is 'Stalin'
*My Comment:* It is hard to believe that this man ruled the Soviet Union
for decades.
Joan Rivers (1933-2014)

*Joan preps to guest-host WNYC's Leonard Lopate Show, on which she was a
frequent guest, this past January. (Photo by Amy Pearl/WNYC)*
*by Ken*
Among the plethora of remembrances of Joan Rivers now pouring forth, I
commend to your attention to the one on the WNYC website, " Joan Rivers,
Unflinching And Iconic Comedian, Dies At 81," by Mike Katzif, the "digital
producer" of the station's *Soundcheck* broadcast, above all for the
generous assortment of audio clips included of appearances she made on
WNYC, all but one from *The Leonard Lopate Show*. For once, I don't think
there's li... more »
Washington's International Coalition Against ISIS Terrorists Excludes Popular Militias Like The PYD In Syria, But Includes This Demonic-Looking Retarded Cleric

*Angry Arab - Those Saudi Wahhabi clerics are key US allies in the war on
*Angry Arab - Saudi and Qatari clerics: *
Yes, Saudi and Qatari clerics have been ordered to condemn ISIS as of late
but the problem is that those clerics are lacking in credibility and it is
easy for ISIS to dismiss them and mock them, as it has done.
*Angry Arab - Saudi regime is in deep trouble*:
It will eventually hit everyone: that both Al-Qa`idah and ISIS come out of
the same ideological background as the Saudi regime. It will be
inevitable: people will conclude that to stem the tide of those... more »
The Poet: Barbara Crooker, "In the Middle..."
*"In the Middle..."*
"In the middle
of a life that's as complicated as everyone else's,
struggling for balance, juggling time.
The mantle clock that was my grandfather's
has stopped at 9:20; we haven't had time
to get it repaired. The brass pendulum is still,
the chimes don't ring. One day you look out the window,
green summer, the next, and the leaves have already fallen,
and a grey sky lowers the horizon. Our children almost grown,
our parents gone, it happened so fast. Each day, we must learn
again how to love, between morning's quick coffee
and evening's slow return. Steam from a pot ... more »
Archaeology: “From Foraging To Farming: The 10,000-Year Revolution”
*“From Foraging To Farming: The 10,000-Year Revolution”*
by PhysOrg
“Excavation of 19,000-year-old hunter-gatherer remains, including a vast
camp site, is fuelling a reinterpretation of the greatest fundamental shift
in human civilisation – the origins of agriculture. The moment when the
hunter-gatherers laid down their spears and began farming around 11,000
years ago is often interpreted as one of the most rapid and significant
transitions in human history – the ‘Neolithic Revolution’. By producing and
storing food, Homo sapiens both mastered the natural world and took the
first s... more »
Chet Raymo, “Walking Wary”
*“Walking Wary”*
by Chet Raymo
“Virginia Woolf called them "moments of being," those unanticipated
encounters with something in nature (including, of course, human nature)
that sets one back on one's heels, drops the jaw, sends chills up the
spine. I use clichés, but the experiences are anything but clichés. What
makes them special is the way they break through and illuminate what Woolf
calls "the grey cotton wool" of everyday experience.
Sylvia Plath describes these rare and precious encounters in her poem
"Black Rook in Rainy Weather." "Spasmodic tricks of radiance," she calls
t... more »
"The Trouble With Most People..."
"The trouble with most people is that they think with their
hopes or fears or wishes rather than with their minds."
- Will Durant
Guatemala Rejects U.S. Trade Law Protecting Monsanto and GMOs

Heather Callaghan
Big Biotech's promise to feed the world, by squeezing out every other
choice against the will of the impoverished people intended as the target -
is beyond cruel and exploitative. It is another way that the U.S. occupies
other countries. How else are other people in these countries supposed to
view multiple soft-sanctions on food, but as an act of war?
The people of Guatemala caught on to the deceptive nature of a U.S. Trade
Agreement with Central America which was marketed as a way to "modernize"
them. It also pretends to protect new seed varieties and paints ... more »
Turkey Faces Blowback For Support Of ISIS Fighters In Syria
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The Police Tool Used To Hack iCloud and Other Crazy News
*James Corbett*
Corbett Report and Media Monarchy cover some of the most important
developments in open source intelligence news.
Visit CorbettReport.com
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Police Harass Man Sitting in Car in Front of His House Until He Exercises His Rights
*Hunter Sanders*
Video explanation: "So I'm sitting in my car in front of my house drinking
a Redbull after I got done working all night. At around 12:30 am august
29th 2014 when the police respond to a call across the street for domestic
disturbance (I assume because I heard an argument from their house before
the police showed up). At 12:50 the officer walked from their house across
the road to my vehicle and asked for my ID without identifying himself. I
told him I was in front of my house, my name, and I asked if I was being
detained. He tried to open my door. This is when I s... more »
Talk Of Nuclear War Over Ukraine Beginning To Surface In Mainstream Media

Anthony Freda Art Brandon Turbeville
Until now, the talk of nuclear warfare between the United States and Russia
has been confined to prescient and observant researchers largely operating
within the alternative media. Western media outlets, while attempting to
Portray Putin as the new Hitler and Russia as a provocateur, still attempt
to paint a picture of a winnable confrontation between the two superpowers.
Indeed, Western media outlets along with opportunistic politicians are
attempting to nurture anti-Russian sentiment amongst the American people
who, unfortunately, have no r... more »
Friday Nerd Blogging: NATO Week!
I have been lax in my Friday Nerd Blogging duties lately. Partly because I
have been so obsessed with NATO and its summit. Now that the communiques
are launched, it is time to relax and embrace that fave NATO song:
U.S. Confirms That Al Shabaab's Leader In Somalia Was Killed In A Drone Strike This Week
US Confirms al-Shabab Leader Ahmed Godane Killed -- BBC
The leader of the Somali Islamist group al-Shabab, Ahmed Abdi Godane, was
killed following a US attack earlier this week, the Pentagon has said.
The US carried out air strikes on Monday night destroying a vehicle and an
encampment south of the capital.
Somalia's president issued a statement on Friday urging militants to
embrace peace after the death of their leader.
Godane was one of the US state department's most wanted men.
It had placed a bounty of $7m (£4.2m) on his head.
Somali analyst Nuur Mohamud Sheekh told the BBC t... more »
Heavenletter #5033 - Bring What You Want to the World

*Heavenletter #5033 - Bring What You Want to the World*
September 5, 2014
God said:
Life in the world keeps chugging along. Life in the world, as you know it,
may never settle down. Therefore, it is incumbent for you to settle down.
Within yourself, you settle down. You are wise and calm. Life brings
unexpected stories, and yet you can read these stories without alarm. What
an imagination life has! What it puts together cannot be taken back, yet,
what life puts together keeps changing and growing, and sometimes dreams do
come true.
There are dreams you have that are imminently t... more »
Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- September 5, 2014
*Russia-Ukraine Crisis Moves NATO Back Toward Its Roots -- Nic Robertson
and Josh Levs, CNN*
(CNN) -- The future of Europe may rest on whether NATO can recover its
With Russian President Vladimir Putin "land grabbing" and violating
international law, the alliance is finding itself "brought back to its
core," says Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, NATO's former secretary general. But it
isn't prepared.
When NATO was founded in 1949, its central task was to protect its members
against military aggression and work to promote democracy -- which, in the
years following, often meant stand... more »
The Zarqawis

*U.S. distributed photo*
*Picture of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi shortly after his death. *
See http://www.defenselink.mil/home/photoessays/2006-06/p20060608b2.html,
slide 2, caption
*"Army Maj. Gen. William B. Caldwell briefs reporters in Baghdad, June 8,
2006, on the June 7 air strike that killed terrorist Abu Musab al Zarqawi.
U.S. military officials released the photo to Caldwell's right of the
deceased Zarqawi."*
According to NBC News, the Pentagon had pushed to "take out" Zarqawi's
operation at least three times prior to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, but had
been vetoed by the Na... more »
US Key Man in Syria Worked Closely with ISIL and Jabhat al-Nusra
*NATO won't destroy what it created over a period of many years. It will
send a few advisers to Iraq, and drop a few bombs, but in the shadows it
will continue to feed the ISIL terrorist machine with more money and better
Video Title: US Key Man in Syria Worked Closely with ISIL and Jabhat
al-Nusra. Source: Eretz Zen. Date Published: August 17, 2014. Description:
One of the key US men in Syria, the "Free Syrian Army" (FSA) Col. Abdel
Jabbar al-Okaidi, who operated mostly in the Greater Aleppo area, was open
about his daily communication and collaboration with extremist ji... more »
"Less Time And Inclination..."
“We have looked first at man with his vanities and greed and his problems
of a day or a year; and then only, and from this biased point of view, we
have looked outward at the earth he has inhabited so briefly and at the
universe in which our earth is so minute a part. Yet these are the great
realities, and against them we see our human problems in a different
perspective. Perhaps if we reversed the telescope and looked at man down
these long vistas, we should find less time and inclination to plan for our
own destruction.”
- Rachel Carson
World News Briefs -- September 5, 2014 (Evening Edition)
*Ukraine And Pro-Russia Rebels Sign Ceasefire Deal -- BBC*
Ukraine and pro-Russian rebels in the east have signed a truce deal to end
almost five months of fighting.
The two sides agreed to stop firing by 15:00 GMT and the truce appeared to
be holding. But the rebels said the truce had not changed their policy of
advocating splitting from Ukraine.
Meanwhile, Nato has agreed to form a multi-national "spearhead" force
capable of deploying within 48 hours.
More than 2,600 people have died since rebels stormed several eastern
The takeover - which followed the annexation by R... more »
Obama’s Chickens Coming Home to Roost in Kiev

While having lunch at a local eatery on Thursday, the television was on and
the area news channel was spewing the same lies and State Department
talking points on the vilified Russian leader Vladimir Putin’s invasion of
Ukraine. The patrons at the lunch counter were all staring into the
electronic crackpipe as they mentally digested the daily dispersal of
bullshit as I nearly choked on my 5.99 blue plate special meatloaf. Things have
never been what they are sold as in Ukraine, anyone who is inclined to stay
informed can easily do so in the era of the internet and social media. But... more »
*Society of Environmental Journalists' 24th Annual Conference Coverage *
*A reaction to the reckless ~Disenfranchised Citizen*
*So Many Reasons To Participate In #FalconsHateWeek (But It's All In Good
Fun) ~Jason Saul, WWNO*
Terrorism, COINTELPRO, and the Black Panther Party --An interview with law professor Angela A. Allen-Bell

(PHOTO: Angela A. Allen-Bell joins Amnesty International in support of the
Angola 3 outside of the Louisiana State Capitol on April 17, 2012.)
*Terrorism, COINTELPRO, and the Black Panther Party*
*--An interview with law professor Angela A. Allen-Bell*
*By Angola 3 News*
This past July, students from Northwestern University’s Medill Justice
Project visited the infamous Louisiana State Prison known as Angola. While
there, students landed an impromptu interview with Warden Burl Cain, where
they asked him about an inmate at Angola named Kenny ‘Zulu’ Whitmore, who
has now been in soli... more »
After Throwing His Own Christian Wife Under The Bus, Whose Wife Will Bob McDonnell Be In Prison?
Will Bob McDonnell start a song and dance group in prison?
Yesterday, when I first heard-- well, read-- on twitter the jury in
Virginia declare Bob McDonnell guilty on one corruption charge after
another, 11 in all, I just couldn't wait to watch Rachel Maddow's show. She
may not know much about electoral politics beyond a "D" or an "R," or
anything at all about telling a Balkan from a Baltic, but *no one* knows as
much about the intricacies of the Bob McDonnell case as Rachel. And no one
has presented the case in a more delightful and informative way.
The moment I saw the verdict com... more »
NATO Summit News Updates -- September 5, 2014
*NATO Agrees On New 'Spearhead' Force To Meet Global Threats -- CNN*
(CNN) -- The future of Europe may rest on whether NATO can recover its
With Russian President Vladimir Putin "land grabbing" and violating
international law, the alliance is finding itself "brought back to its
core," says Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, NATO's former secretary general. But it
isn't prepared.
When NATO was founded in 1949, its central task was to protect its members
against military aggression and work to promote democracy -- which, in the
years following, often meant standing against the Soviet em... more »
Supplemental: High praise for work which makes no sense!
*FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2014Fratricide and Richard Nixon:* Do you believe
there is any such thing as a “Los Angeles artist” named XVALA?
We ask that person because “Los Angeles artist XVALA” is currently in the
news, if any such thing as the news exists. Emily Yahr has the story, or
something like it, on-line at the Washington Post, if you believe in the
YAHR (9/5/14): While news about hundreds of nude celebrity photos stolen
from Jennifer Lawrence, Kate Upton and others have thrown the Internet into
a frenzy, one artist has decided to take advantage of the madness.
*Los Angel... more »
Kiev officials and representatives of the two self-proclaimed republics in
southeastern Ukraine have agreed to a ceasefire, as the contact group met
behind closed doors in Belarus.
Free Download: Mark Twain, "Letters From the Earth"
* Mark Twain's "Letters From the Earth"*
by Wikipedia
“Letters from the Earth” is one of Mark Twain's posthumously published
works. The essays were written during a difficult time in Twain's life; he
was deep in debt and had lost his wife and one of his daughters. Initially,
his daughter, Clara Clemens, objected to its publication in March 1939,
probably because of its controversial and iconoclastic views on religion,
claiming it presented a "distorted" view of her father. Henry Nash Smith
helped change her position in 1960. Clara explained her change of heart in
1962 saying that ... more »
NATO Is Not Ready To Admit Ukraine As A Full Fledge Member

Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko (L) and NATO Secretary General Anders
Fogh Rasmussen talk during the NATO-Ukraine meeting at the NATO Summit at
the Celtic Manor Resort in Newport, Wales, September 4, 2014.
(Reuters/Facundo Arrizabalag)
*NATO Too Wary of Russian Threats to Let Ukraine Join -- Simon Shuster,
Despite Russia's actions in eastern Ukraine, the U.S.-led alliance is
keeping Kiev at a distance
With its aggression against Ukraine, Russia achieved in just a few months
what Vadim Grechaninov has been trying to do for a decade. His mission as
President of the Atlan... more »
On Iraq, Former President Bush Looks Like A Genius Compared To President Barack "No Strategy" Obama

*The mentally deficient man with guts is a thousand times better than the
indecisive intellectual. *
“[It] would mean surrendering the future of Iraq to al Qaeda. It would mean
that we’d be risking mass killings on a horrific scale.
It would mean we’d allow the terrorists to establish a safe haven in Iraq
to replace the one they lost in Afghanistan.
It would mean increasing the probability that American troops would have to
return at some later date to confront an enemy that is even more
dangerous.” - Former President George W. Bush in 2007. [*Source*].
"The interesting part abou... more »
U.S. Military Charter Plane With 100 Americans Has Been Forced Down In Iran By Iranian Fighter Jets
*U.S. Military Charter Plane Forced To Land In Iran -- Washington Post*
A U.S. military charter aircraft flying from Afghanistan has been forced
down in Iran by Iranian fighter jets, according to officials familiar with
the incident.
The plane, which departed Bagram air base on Friday, was chartered by the
Pentagon from Fly Dubai, an airliner based in the United Arab Emirates, and
was carrying approximately 100 Americans and possibly a pair of Canadians.
After being intercepted by the fighter jets, the plane was escorted to the
southern Iranian city of Bandar Abbas.
*Read more* .... more »
Most of the links that Paul Craig Roberts provides here have been taken up in one form or another in my previous five re-posts. Please play at least the short videos you will find in two of them ("a picture is worth a thousand words"). The one thing new to me were the Germans in Dresden (burned to the ground in WWII) packing the streets calling Chancellor Merkel a war monger, which she is so long as she continues to be a vassal of Washington. A "must see" ...so I embedded this video below.

*Warning to the World: Washington and its NATO & EU Vassals are Insane —
Paul Craig Roberts*
September 2, 2014 | Original Here
Go here to sign up to receive
email notice of this news letter
*Warning to the World: Washington and its NATO & EU Vassals are Insane*
Paul Craig Roberts
Herbert E. Meyer, a nutcase who was a special assistant to the CIA director
for a period during the Reagan administration, has penned an article
calling for Russian President Putin’s assassination. If... more »
To discuss the latest developments in Ukraine and at NATO’s summit in
Wales, RT is joined live by British investigative journalist Tony Gosling
and political analyst Chris Bambery.
Carl Sagan, “Humility”
Carl Sagan, “Humility”
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8GA2w-qrcg
“The Pale Blue Dot: Where We Make Our Stand”
Carl Sagan, “The Pale Blue Dot: Where We Make Our Stand”
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PN5JJDh78I
“New Galaxy Map Relocates The Milky Way To A Ginormous Supercluster Called Laniakea”
*“New Galaxy Map Relocates The Milky Way *
*To A Ginormous Supercluster Called Laniakea”*
By James Cave
“Astronomers have long had a sense of where the Milky Way is in relation to
other galaxies, but a new three-dimensional star map gives us a more
nuanced look at our cosmic neighborhood. Until now, the Milky Way was
believed to be one galaxy in the 2,000 that make up what's known as the
Virgo "supercluster." But as the new map shows, the Milky Way's 100 billion
stars are actually part of something 100 times bigger: a supercluster of
galaxies astronomers have christened Laniakea, mea... more »
Adventures in canning: Sweet cherry peppers and beef stew...
*couldn't be easier.*
The cherry peppers were my major goal when planting all the pepper plants.
All the other peppers were just companions for the cherry peppers. Anyone
who gardens knows that when ordering seeds a sort of insanity ensues
wherein you order *waaaaay* more than you need.
I crammed in some banana peppers to fill up the spaces between the cherry
peppers and added some onion.
These will be delicious stuffed with feta cheese.
The store where I work had a good sale on boneless beef bottom round rump
roasts. This meat came from the *Double R ranch*. It's perfect ... more »
Before Today's Ukraine Ceasefire Announcement, The Pentagon Reported That Russia Had Just Deployed It's Best Troops On The Border

Pentagon: Russia Has More Capable Troops On Ukraine Border -- *Wall Street
Current Deployment Is Called Smaller But More Dangerous Than Previous Forces
The Pentagon said Thursday that the Russian troops along Ukraine's border
represent the most capable force Moscow has deployed to the area since the
current crisis began.
The potent border deployment, which is smaller but more dangerous than
previous ones, highlighted the degree to which the two sides remain at odds
and the difficulty of achieving a cease-fire.
In March, Russia had a far larger force, of more than 50,000, ... more »
Absent express findings supporting a finding that finding is an error of law
*R. v. Batty,* 2014 ONCA 620:
While this court cannot “revisit factual findings or correct errors of
mixed fact and law” (R. v. R.R., 2008 ONCA 497, 234 C.C.C. (3d) 463 at
para. 24), an absence of findings capable of supporting guilt amounts to an
error of law (R. v. Seath, 1999 ABCA 347, [2000] A.W.L.D. 93 at para 28
referring to R. v. Schuldt, [1985] 2 S.C.R. 592, [1985] S.C.J. No. 76 at
Even Senator McCain ‘Accidentally’ Refers to the Syrian Rebels as ‘ISIS’

Melissa Melton
The supposed differences between the Syrian rebels (which our government
says are the “good guys”) and ISIS (the “bad guys”) are becoming so hard to
differentiate these days, that apparently even our government’s most
stalwart supporters of war can’t keep their lies straight when the cameras
are rolling.
I’ve written multiple articles (here, here, and here) on the fact that good
‘ol Uncle Sam in the form of the Obama Administration has sent hundreds of
millions of dollars to ISIS, the terrorist enemy in Iraq and Syria that our
government also helped train ... more »
Joan Rivers

Putting my outsized cigar aside for a couple of minutes, here are some
classic lines from Joan Rivers:
My daughter and I are very close. We speak every single day and I call her
every day and I say the same thing, “Pick up, I know you’re there.” And she
says the same thing back, “How’d you get this new number?”
The whole Michael Jackson thing was my fault. I told him to date only
twenty-eight-year-olds. Who knew he would find 20 of them?
Bo Derek turned down the role of Helen Keller because she couldn’t remember
the lines.
And here's the BBC's attention-seeking Jon Donnison, twee... more »
17 Fake Cell Phone Towers Discovered Across U.S.

Chris Carrington
Now why would someone want to erect fake cell phone towers across the
United States? Who would have the money and the manpower to do so? Who owns
them? Who is using them to track your calls?
These are just a few of the questions Les Goldsmith, Chief Executive of the
security company ESD America, wants answered.
Talking to *Popular Science *magazine Mr Goldsmith said:
One of our customers took a road trip from Florida to North Carolina and he
found eight different interceptors on that trip. We even found one at a
casino in Las Vegas.
What we find suspicious is t... more »
Mike Brown Protesters: Willing to Die for Justice

*by Mark Daniels*
"The most iconic photo of the Ferguson Protests"
Photo Credit: Post-Dispatch photographer Robert Cohen
On August 9, 2014 Michael Brown of Ferguson Missouri was shot numerous
times and killed by Ferguson Police Officer, Darren Wilson, followed by
days and weeks of mostly peaceful protests with some rioting and looting
and a militarized police response including Governor Jay Nixon's State of
Emergency declaration and deployment of the Missouri National Guard on the
streets of Ferguson. As a result, Ferguson residents were subject to
martial law measures which i... more »
Hamas Sermon - Hamas are open about wanting to kill all Jews, why don't the BBC admit this truth?
Hamas are open about wanting to kill all Jews, why don't the BBC admit this
The BBC is institutionally anti Israel and this is seriously affecting
their coverage of Israel and the Palestinians.

*President Obama catches the eye of former Vice President Dick Cheney at
Obama's 2008 inauguration. (photo: Flickr)*
*As we approach the 13th Anniversary of America's greatest act of treason,
perhaps only satire can fully reveal the true extent of the Big Lie and how
literally half of Washington, DC has been silenced or blackmailed by AIPAC
into remaining silent over the fact that 9/11 was an inside job. The only
way to stop the current **military **escalation follies **throughout the
Middle East **is to finally fully reveal the 9/11 Lie they were** all**
initially born from: Allen ... more »
Human Rights Research and Researchers in IR: Are We REALLY that Odd?
Before APSA last week, I had the privilege of attending a small conference
put on the Teaching, Research, and International Policy (TRIP) Project at
William and Mary. The conference was a chance for researchers in different
research areas to write about the policy-relevance of their issue area and
compare research and researchers in their area
Continue reading
That Republican Civil War… It's Still Burning Out Of Control

One's indictable and one's… another Bush
The University of Florida released a poll last night showing Jeb Bush,
Marco Rubio (and Hillary) with the highest popularity ratings in the
Sunshine State's newest twist on a 2016 presidential survey. Nationally,
the Big Money elites who call the shots in the GOP, want a top tier
candidate to start focussing on already. Believe it or not, among GOP
voters, Chris Christie, most likely next governor to face the fate Bob
McDonnell just ran into yesterday in court, is still the highest ranked
"candidate." The sad Republican Party rankings:
*•* C... more »
SKY News Films The Presence Of Heavily Armed Russian Soldiers In Ukraine

The men were filmed travelling in a small convoy
*Sky Films Troops 'In Russian Gear' In Ukraine -- SKY News*
*The men were travelling in a convoy that included an armoured personnel
carrier and two machine gunners mounted on pick-up trucks.*
Sky News has filmed well-armed, well-equipped troops, who appear to be
wearing recent issue Russian combat gear, operating alongside rebel forces
in south-eastern Ukraine.
The men were travelling in a small convoy, which included an armoured
personnel carrier and two machine gunners mounted on pick-up trucks.
The vehicles were marked with the ... more »
Supplemental: Maddow discusses McDonnell’s conviction!
*FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2014We get a new impression:* To us, the prosecution
of Bob McDonnell seemed like a shaky idea.
He doesn’t seem to have done very much to help businessman Jonnie Williams.
We thought the prosecution was a bit of a stretch, with a bit of a banana
republic feel.
We’d prefer to see progressives learn how to win fights with such governors
at the polls. Unfortunately, as our new progressive world unfolds, we keep
getting saddled with leaders who don’t seem well suited to this approach.
We also weren’t crazy about the coverage in the Washington Post. That
extends ... more »
Ukraine Civil War News Updates -- September 5, 2014

© ITAR-TASS/EPA/Alexander Ermochenko
*Combat Operations In Donetsk, Luhansk Republics Suspended For Now — Source
Militiamen of DPR and LPR hold more than 1,000 Ukrainian servicemen
captive, and are ready to start start the exhchange of prisoners at any time
DONETSK, September 05. /ITAR-TASS/. Combat operations in Donetsk, Luhansk
self-proclaimed republics have been suspended for now, a high-ranking
source from the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) told
ITAR-TASS on Friday.
“There have been no reports about military hostilities in the DPR and LPR
over t... more »
Argentina: Unknown Object Over Villaguay

*Source: VISION OVNIDate: September 5, 2014*
*Argentina: Unknown Object Over Villaguay*
By Silvia Pérez Simondini
Dear friends - José Javier Perotti of Villaguay, Entre Rios, has sent me an
interesting home video - unedited, which makes it truthful. In any event,
it is necessary to have it analyzed by our specialists to insure that we
are facing an anomalous object. Thank you, José, for always being alert and
collaborating with us.
*VIDEO at*:
Inexplicata Podcasts covering items from UFO / paranormal history in... more »
The (Better) Half Has Never Been Told: A book review by Cyril Blubberpuss, Esq
Since the golf ball cleaner on the links was busted and I was waiting
for my caddy to suck my Titleists clean, I was thinking about a book I'd
read recently by some liberal named Edward Baptist. It's called, *The Half
Has Never Been Told: Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism*. Now,
as if that wasn't a provocative enough title with its call for class
warfare, it seems as if the limp-wristed *Economist*, which published a
review of the book, has pulled it under some politically correct liberal
faux outrage.
The libs, most of them coming from Crooks and Liars (includ... more »
Three new 'noes'

I hear Craig is putting his feet up and is smoking a big fat cigar instead
of blogging, though he disputes this.
Meanwhile here are three recommends. Some might argue that they only
tangentially relate to the BBC, but those of a particular turn of mind
might say they relate to the BBC quite a lot.
No Peace with Islam. No recognition of (moderate) Islam. No negotiations
with Islam.
Daniel Greenfield has written two particularly sparky articles on his blog
Sultan Knish.
The first one, The Deadly Israeli House Strikes Again, sets out the
absurdity of the fact that in the eyes of t... more »
Sweetness and Blight

The latest in Bam Spam:
Take it from one who knows: The constant maintenance of cynicism is
exhausting. So when I eagerly clicked on the link in the email from Obama
factotum Jon Carson to learn just how I, too, can stand up to cynicism and
give Hope a chance, I fell right back into the morass. It was nothing but
another freakin' money grub from Obama's political machine! Not even one
Panglossian quote, or a picture of Pollyanna, or a spoonful of sugar to
help the medicine go down, or anything to make us feel better. Just gimme,
gimme, gimme.
You may cynically be thinking that t... more »
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