Chairman Hamid Karzai surrounded by supporters after his victory in balloting at the Loya Jirga, or Grand Council. He won the most votes of the 1500-member council, and will be Afghanistan's president for up to two years. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Afghan Presidential Candidate Abdullah Rejects The Presidential Vote Audit
Afghan President Hamid Karzai (center) speaks during celebrations to commemorate Afghanistan's 95th anniversary of independence as he is flanked by presidential candidates Abdullah Abdullah (right) and Ashraf Ghani in Kabul on August 19. *Afghanistan's Abdullah Rejects Vote Result -- Al Jazeera* Hopes of solution to political crisis fade as Abdullah Abdullah insists he won presidential poll he says was rigged. Afghan presidential candidate Abdullah Abdullah has insisted that he won the country's disputed election, dimming hopes that a UN-supervised audit of votes could soon end th... more »
Egypt Asks For Support From The International Community To Help It Fix The Mess That NATO Created In Libya
*Source of photo.* An excerpt from, *"Egypt seeks help in disarming Libyan militias"* by Walaa Hussein, Al-Monitor, September 5, 2014: *Meanwhile, Cairo is seeking international support to guarantee the success of its initiative to restore stability in Libya and remove heavy weapons from the militias and tribes in return for their participation in political life.* Egypt does not wish to interfere in Libyan affairs amid the lack of reliable institutions capable of completing the disarmament process. Thus, Cairo is seeking the help of international organizations such as the United N... more »
World News Briefs -- September 8, 2014
*Ukraine President Visits Frontline City Amid 'Shaky' Ceasefire -- Reuters* (Reuters) - Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko visited the eastern port of Mariupol on Monday and promised to deal a 'crushing defeat' to pro-Russian rebels massed on the edge of town if they tried to advance in violation of a ceasefire agreement. "I have ordered (the military) to secure the defense of Mariupol with howitzers, multiple rocket launchers, tanks, anti-tank weapons and air cover," Poroshenko told a crowd of steel workers in the port on the Sea of Azov near the Russian border. *Read more* ..... more »
Creating a Positive Future: Time Science Shows Our Earth is on a Positive Timeline in our Time Space Hologram
Creating a Positive Future: Time Science Shows Our Earth is on a Positive Timeline in our Time Space Hologram From: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By Alfred Lambremont Webre* *“It’s time science, not rocket science that Earth is on a positive timeline.”* Positive Future = Positive Timeline + Unity Consciousness VANCOUVER, BC Positive Future = Positive Timeline + Unity Consciousness A key discovery promulgated in this paper is that (1) a critical mass of humanity is (2) co-creating a positive future, through conscious ack...more »
Burning man and the simple thing connected to Davros
In the future the world will be decided in a desert that is the world in general due to climate shock but if you want to remove the dust from the clouds you will be at black rock Mesa So now the young gods in their sithsuits determine the path of humanity will they do any better than the old farts who paved over paradise? Their is no way they could do worse and maybe they know not comming from the atmosphere that we all need oxygen to breathe and take a breath and look at every challenge not as some way to succeed Time and measure can be accurate clocks but we want to disrubte ... more »
It Depends on What the Meaning of the Word IsIs
How to declare war the slick Clintonesque way? Parse it to death. Drone on and on and on until the free-floating angst of a nation is rendered into acquiescence. Bore them to death with clinical academic discourse. The only bodies shown on TV will be the headless ones. The only atrocities ever shown on YouTube will be the ones committed by the latest in a whole series of CIA-manufactured renegades. Assure anyone still paying attention that there will be no American boots on the ground despite the fact that at least a thousand pairs of boots are currently on the ground. Assure them... more »
9/11 and Plato's Allegory of the Cave
*"It is the task of the enlightened not only to ascend to learning and to see the good, but to be willing to descend again to those prisoners and to share their troubles and their honors whether they are worth having or not ..... and this they must do even with the prospect of death."* *Plato's Allegory of the Cave and Related 9/11 Videos* From Heather Callaghan: We are rapidly approaching 13 years since the tragic events of September 11, 2001, where the facts surrounding the deaths of thousands of Americans continue in suppressed fashion, garnering yearly rehashes of the ori... more »
CDC “Whistleblower” Now Says He’d NEVER Inject His Pregnant Wife with a Flu Shot!
*Truthstream Media* This is enough to make you throw up, so I have to apologize in advance. Listen to this man who works for the CDC say that he’d NEVER inject his pregnant wife with a flu shot because he is confident that thimerosal, the mercury-containing preservative still contained in these shots, causes TICS and he also admits he knows there is evidence thimerosal also causes “autism-like features”. WHERE’S HIS SCIENTIFIC STUDY ON THAT?! HUH?! Why isn’t he on any media outlet screaming this one from the rooftops?! He goes on to ask, *“Do you think a pregnant mother would w... more »
Thorne Dreyer : PODCAST | Former NFL star David Meggyesy wrote the classic memoir, ‘Out of Their League’
Meggyesy speaks out on the uber-violent ‘military culture’ of pro football. And he calls new UT coach Charlie Strong’s ‘hard-ass’ approach ‘insane.’ By Thorne Dreyer | The Rag Blog | September 8, 2014 David Meggyesy, author of the classic football … finish reading Thorne Dreyer : *PODCAST* | Former NFL star David Meggyesy wrote the classic memoir, ‘Out of Their League’
NAEP, Common Core, and the Continued Production of Failure
For those who never knew Gerald Bracey's work, all I can say is you have a lot of catching up to do. It was his writing in the *Kappan* in the 1990s that caught my attention, and then came his books. He was a master at using his steel trap logic and his delightfully sharp pen to pop all the gas bags floating over the education policy centers of Washington, DC. One of is favorite subjects was NAEP and the ridiculous cut scores that were developed and maintained under the watchful eye of people like Chester Finn and his pal, Diane Ravitch (prior to her conversion to corporate un... more »
Who owns the Federal Reserve Bank? A phone conversation about the unseen operations of the Federal Reserve System
image courtesy *Who owns the Federal Reserve Bank? A phone conversation about the unseen operations of the Federal Reserve System* The following is a conversation with Mr. Ron Supinski of the Public Information Department of the San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank. This is an account of that conversation. CALLER – Mr. Supinski, does my country own the Federal Reserve System? MR. SUPINSKI – We are an agency of the government. CALLER – That’s not my question. Is it owned by my country? MR. SUPINSKI – It is an agency of the government created by congress. ... more »
Doodle Again and Again Shirts with amazing Kids Cards
I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper amplification for Collective Bias and its advertiser. #CollectiveBias If you kids are anything like mine, they absolutely love to color. We go through coloring pages like they are going out of style and then she is always begging for me for more books. This darling and easy to make shirt made the absolute perfect present for my 5-year-old, she can color and wear her own artwork and the best part is once you wash it, you can color it again and again, making it ... more »
Supplemental: The Houses of Journalist County!
*MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2014Read each thrilling installment:* Over the course of several weeks, we’ll be spending some time each day inside Journalist County. Be sure to read each thrilling installment! We’ll post all links here: *Week One—The Houses of Journalist County* Part 1: At Meredith Vieira’s new show, our scribes are just like us. Part 2: Just for the record, the salaries and homes. Part 3: Vieira provides some comic relief. The bullroar of Journalist County. Part 4: Game-show elements, roving trucks. The values of Journalist County. *Week Two—The Warnings from Journalist Cou... more »
Acceptance Is A Sign Of...... A Guest Post by Saker Saloum
Source: *Saker Saloum - G+*
Israel Absolutely Did 9/11: 9/11: The Shocking Truth Laid Bare
This Thursday, September 11th, 2014, officially marks the 13th anniversary of that horrific day when America was attacked by its "greatest ally" known as the psychotic and terrorist state of Israel. On that day, these ultra-criminals exterminated 3000 innocent American lives and launched the US into their much needed "war on terror" to gain total hegemony over the Middle East. To this day, most Americans are still unaware of Israeli involvement and are blinded by the Jew spew media and Jewish control over the US government into the falsehood that the attack of 9/11 was conducted ... more »
Good News!
Hey its in such short supply but in reality it is reality. We are not being bombed, I dont have Elboa, and on the farm food is still flowing and everyday some smart ass makes a brilliant discovery I am hopeful it will radiate our world faster than the microwave patented in 1957. So just be patient something from 65 could bring the 21st century alive.
Legitmate Mafia
Is that not goverment? I hope the Scottish vote for independence. I hate the mutherfucking Anglo Saxons masters of the Universe only who have so much pride in being much more legitimate than the mafia for centuries.
The latest edition of *This Issue* features Billy Rixon from Freeport. Rixon is an activist with and speaks about the growing reality of climate change. He invites people to join the coming national People’s Climate march in New York City on Sept 21. Rixon is also a life long sailor and speaks passionately about the changes he has seen in the ocean in recent years.
Between A Rock And A Hard Place Interview With Anbar Governor Ahmed Dulaimi
In 2013 Ahmed Khalaf al-Dulaimi was elected Anbar’s new governor. His victory was largely due to his support for the protest movement. That did not adhere him to Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki who hit him with an arrest warrant. The two then tried to reconcile with a series of negotiations over the demonstrations, which cost the governor some local support. Then in December 2013 the premier shut down the Ramadi protest site, which immediately led to open fighting by anti-government tribes, insurgent groups, and the Islamic State against the Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) and pro-Bagh...more »
THE WARNINGS FROM JOURNALIST COUNTY: “Make it pablum and it will sell!”
*MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2014Part 1—Warned from inside CBS:* Does it matter if the biggest stars of the national “press corps” live in The Houses of Journalist County, the magical kingdom we started describing last week? Does it matter if they’re paid the kinds of salaries people routinely degrade themselves for, in the manner glorious Cummings described? (Cummings: “Humanity i love you because you would rather black the boots of success than enquire whose soul dangles from his watch-chain which would be embarrassing for both parties and because you unflinchingly applaud all songs c... more »
Janes Addiction
If you had to pack for a trip on an island and could only bring essential things above and beyond the nutrients powders and pins that would keep you alive what culture would you bring to the island if you knew it might be the last living thing? Digital Media allows us to pack above our punch but those systems are sure to break down in five years beating on hollowed logs will be the bass sound Maybe we might find a battery powered fender caster around Then play Janes Addiction because they are the Beatles on EStacy instead of Acid and due to that fact they are closer to our astral pla... more »
Turbulent Times Show For Friday, September 5th, 2014
I must apologize to everyone for not getting the link to the last Turbulent Times show here... Turbulent Times Show for Friday, September 5th, 2014 [image: turbulenttimesbanner] Wraithe and I talked about current events and the death of Edgar Steele. Please join us in the Chatango chat room and the live feed at Outside Radio. ** ** Archive link to show for you to download: ** NTS Notes: Yes, we are continuing with live shows, and the F... more »
Cashing In On The 'War On Terror'
*YouTube* There's BIG money behind war. Since 2001, the "War on Terror" has done little to end global violence and has cost a staggering 4.4 trillion dollars. So who actually benefits from its perpetuation, and how are lobbyists and military industrial complex involved? *Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.* Subscribe to GLOBAL POLITICAL AWAKENING by Email
Moms Against Frankenfoods
*YouTube* *Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.* Subscribe to GLOBAL POLITICAL AWAKENING by Email
If The Economy Is Recovering, Why Is The Labor Force Participation Rate At A 36 Year Low?
Michael Snyder Should we be concerned that the percentage of Americans who are either working or looking for work is the lowest that it has been in 36 years? In August, an all-time record high 92,269,000 Americans 16 years of age and older did not "participate in the labor force". And when you throw in the people that are considered to be "in the labor force" but are not currently employed, that pushes the total of working age Americans that do not have jobs to well over 100 million. Yes, it may be hard to believe, but there are more than 100 million working age Americans that a... more »
How the US government admits vaccines cause autism
Dees Illustration Jon Rappoport What? The government admits vaccines cause autism? The extensive article is at Title: “Vaccines Did Not Save Us.” It’s well worth studying. Halfway through the piece, we’re linked to a May 5, 2008, email, from Tina Cheatham at the US Health Resources Services Administration, to CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson. The email concerns the conditions under which the federal government will pay out compensation to parents whose children have been damaged by vaccines. Here is the key quote. Follow the circuitous language: Th...more »
March With Vandana In New York City on September 21, 2014
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 28, 2014 Vandana Shiva to March with Organic Consumers Association ‘Cook Organic, Not the Planet’ Activists at the People’s Climate March in New York CONTACT: Organic Consumers Association, Katherine Paul, 207.653.3090 FINLAND, Minn. – The Organic Consumers Association (OCA) today announced that Vandana Shiva, anti-GMO and climate activist, and author of more than 20 books, will march with the OCA’s “Cook Organic, Not the Planet” contingent in the People’s Climate March, on September 21, 2014, in New York City. “Vandana Shiva is known the world... more »
Presdient Obama Defends Playing Golf
*Obama On Golfing Optics: Part Of My Job Is ‘Theater’ -- Washington Post* President Obama said he was near tears while talking to the parents of slain U.S. journalist James Foley, and he appeared to express some misgivings about his decision to play golf minutes after delivering an angry public statement about Foley's killing in Syria three weeks ago. "I should've anticipated the optics," Obama said in an appearance on NBC's "Meet the Press" set to air Sunday. "Part of this job is also the theater of it," Obama said, adding that "it's not something that always comes naturally to m... more »
The purpose of Government?
Is it to let the insiders do chum deals on each other? Or is it to build a Utopian society. Or am I mixing religion with politics? Is it to expand the limits of human knowledge or to control thought?
A Coalition for Major Outreach This 9/11 Anniversary
Heather Callaghan We are rapidly approaching 13 years since the tragic events of September 11, 2001, where the facts surrounding the deaths of thousands of Americans continue in suppressed fashion, garnering yearly rehashes of the original narrative. As calendar pages turn, so fades public interest and perhaps attempts at outreach and education regarding the facts. As time goes on, 9/11 truth is teetering on the edge of enmeshment with other obscured events which carry the scarlet letter of "conspiracy theory," and thus, with a public in the dark, the implausible official stories... more »
Is The Power And Influence Of The Islamic State 'Overblown'?
Images of ISIS members rolling triumphantly through Syrian and Iraqi cities and towns do not necessarily capture the scope of the threat posed by this jihadi group, Middle East experts say. (Reuters) *Analysis: Why ISIS May Not Be As Powerful As We Think -- CBC* *Iraqi jihadist group has more enemies than allies, experts say.* Many people who have followed ISIS's advances across Iraq this summer might well come to the conclusion that the Sunni jihadist group is unstoppable. Its gruesome tactics, as well as images of the black ISIS flag being waved in numerous Iraqi cities and town...more »
U.S. Officials: Destroying ISIS Will Take Years
President Obama will use a speech on Wednesday to make his case for launching a United States-led offensive against Sunni militants. Credit Doug Mills/The New York Times *Destroying ISIS May Take Years, U.S. Officials Say -- New York Times* WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is preparing to carry out a campaign against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria that may take three years to complete, requiring a sustained effort that could last until after President Obama has left office, according to senior administration officials. The first phase, an air campaign with nearly 145 ai... more »
The Islamic State is Making It's Presence Felt In India And Pakistan
A man sits on a motorbike in front of a wall with a graffiti message at Mission Hospital in Bannu, in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province July 11, 2014. The graffiti message reads, ''Congratulations to the chief of Syrian organisation Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi''. Credit: Reuters/Haji Mujtaba/Files *After Syria and Iraq, Islamic State makes inroads in South Asia -- Reuters* (Reuters) - Islamic State pamphlets and flags have appeared in parts of Pakistan and India, alongside signs that the ultra-radical group is inspiring militants even in the strongholds of the Taliban and al Qaeda. A splinter g... more »
Riots Return To Jerusalem
*Palestinians Riot In Jerusalem Pelting Passing Cars With Rocks, Petrol Bombs And Flares After Youth From Their Neighbourhood Died Following Clash With Israeli Police -- Daily Mail* * Violence flared after death of Mohammed Sinokrot, 16, last week. The circumstances of his death are disputed * Protestors threw rocks and petrol bombs at cars and Israeli riot police * Police officers responded by firing rubber bullets in most serious uprising in Jerusalem in a decade Scores of Palestinians rioted in East Jerusalem today after hearing that a youth from their neighbourhood had died of ... more »
Is Tomorrow's Primary In New York Important At All?
Tomorrow is election day in New York. Reform-minded Democrats are threatening to do the impossible: upend the career of a very powerful conservative Governor, Andrew Cuomo but defeating him and his handpicked right-wing candidate for Lieutenant Gov., banking lobbyist Kathy Hochul. Cuomo-Hochul represent all the worst of an Establishment that has treated the public with disdain and contempt. Predictably, Hillary Clinton is campaigning on their behalf-- making it clear once again that she's, first and foremost every bit as much a servant of Wall Street and Big Business as any Republ... more »
From "cancer" to "House of Blood". NATO media is meme generating for yet more war!
*A news round up* *Jordan* *From the UN’s new Jordanian Chief human rights abuser* *"It would be a harsh, mean-spirited, house of blood, where no shade would be offered, nor shelter given, to any non-Takfiri in their midst," Zeid added.* *A Jordanian speaking of takfiris...... Rich!* *What with all the training past and present in Jordan of those very same Takfiri.* “According to Jordanian intelligence sources, it is reported that the program is designed to create 10,000 fighters who will exclusively be a part of the ISIS group. ISIS is now responsible for the unrest occurring i... more »
Israel To Receive It's Fourth German Made 'Stealth Submarine' (Video)
*Video: 'Nuke-Capable' Stealth Submarine Sets Sail for Israel -- Aurtz Sheva* The INS Tanin – the Navy's fourth and most advanced Dolphin-class submarine – is en route to Israel from Germany. The INS Tanin, Israel's fourth and most advanced Dolphin class submarine – is en route to Israel from Germany, and the Navy has released video of the vessel and the ceremony in which it was launched at Germany's Kiel shipyards at week's end. Reports claim Israel has modified the Dolphin's 650mm launch tubes to allow the launch of missiles that could carry nuclear warheads. Such missiles s... more »
US Throws up Roadblocks for Those Wishing to Leave
Janet Phelan The word is out. People are leaving the US in droves. The latest FBI NICS list of American citizens who have expatriated shows a spike in individuals who have renounced their US citizenship. The list, published quarterly, provides a grand total of 2,193 such renunciants since the end of last year. 2013 resulted in a total of 2,999 renunciants, which constituted a 221% increase over those who left in 2012. And we are just half way through 2014. The NICS list, however, appears to be incomplete. For starters, NICS only lists renunciants, not relinquishers. And yes, t... more »
U.K. In Panic Mode With Reports That A Majority Of Scots Now Favor Independence
*Supporters Of Scottish Independence Take Narrow Poll Lead For First Time -- Reuters* (Reuters) - Supporters of Scottish independence from Britain have taken their first opinion poll lead since the referendum campaign began, indicating a real possibility that they might win, according to a YouGov survey for the Sunday Times newspaper. With less than two weeks to go before the Sept. 18 vote, the poll put the "Yes" to independence campaign on 51 percent against "no" camp on 49 percent, overturning a 22-point lead for the unionist campaign in just a month, the Sunday Times said. You...more »
*Ivy league reality* *Below is just one excerpt from a very comprehensive article by Steven Pinker* Like many observers of American universities, I used to believe the following story. Once upon a time Harvard was a finishing school for the plutocracy, where preppies and Kennedy scions earned gentleman’s Cs while playing football, singing in choral groups, and male-bonding at final clubs, while the blackballed Jews at CCNY founded left-wing magazines and slogged away in labs that prepared them for their Nobel prizes in science. Then came Sputnik, the '60s, and the decline of gente... more »
Things Could Get Very Nasty Canada's job creation numbers have been dismal. Carol Goar writes: The numbers are striking. Since last autumn, Canada has created 50,000 part-time jobs but lost 20,000 full-time positions. What was once a whisper — are we becoming a nation of part-timers? — has swollen into a worried chorus. A report by Randall Bartlett and Derek Burleton for the Toronto Dominion Bank acknowledges the growth in part time work. But both economists conclude that, as the American economy picks up, Canadians will re... more »
Iraq / Syria Regional War Updates ( September 8 , 2014 ) -- US Expands Air War Into Iraq’s Anbar Province Latest Airstrikes Focus on Haditha Dam ........ US Contractors Will Replace ‘Boots on the Ground’ in Iraq Pentagon Notice Asks for Contractors Willing to Work Long-Term in Iraq ........ Iraqi PM-Designate Proposes New Cabinet, But Vote Uncertain Kurdish Officials Say Negotiations Faltering ...... Obama Address to Lay Out Plans to Widen War on ISIS President Desperate to Insist It Isn't a New Iraq War ....... Tweets of the day focusing on news from the political front and he battlefield
Anti War...... US Expands Air War Into Iraq’s Anbar ProvinceLatest Airstrikes Focus on Haditha Dam by Jason Ditz, September 07, 2014 Print This | Share This In mid-August, Anbar Province Governor Ahmed Khalaf al-Dulaimi announced a deal with the United States that would involve the US expanding its war on ISIS into that province. Today, the expansion began, with the first US airstrikes launched in the area around Haditha Dam, and Pentagon officials saying the strikes are aimed at assuring government control of the significant hydroelectric dam. ISIS has seized most of Anbar Province s...more »
150 cities + 500 arrests = whatever it takes for $15
Last Thursday, fast-food workers in more than 150 US cities went on strike. There were more than 500 arrests for civil disobedience, including this man, José Carillo, an 81-year-old McDonald's worker. In Detroit, there were so many arrests that the police gave up: they *ran out of handcuffs*. There's a very short video compilation of some highlights from the day here on Facebook. Here's another good video, this one of the Chicago action, where 51 workers were arrested.
The ZAP Report - August 7, 2014
*I haven't posted one of these in a while but I thought this one had some interesting data. Zap distances himself from the Dinar people and their expectations for huge payouts... (did anyone really think such greed resulting from an illegal war, would really fly in the new energetics on this planet?). ZAP also refers to "The Old Man" as "Grandfather" which is how the Native American's refer to him... not how the Chinese refer to him. Sounds like he's been talking to "Great Eagle"... These views below are of course ZAP's/Susan and company and not mine. Below is undedited except ... more »
Meet & Greet (#MtaGt) - September - Green Global Travel
Welcome to Meet & Greet, a regular series designed to grow our green community. [image: A monthly link-up party for green blogs on Reduce Footprints] Banner by Art Ist Grab our banner for your site:
*The rules:* 1. Use the link-up tool below to share your green-living blog or collection of ... more »

Ukraine / Russia situation ( September 8 , 2014 ) -- Russia Prime Minister summarizes the Ukraine situation , Sanctions , Asia and how Russia may proceed moving forward ...... As Death toll hits 3000 in the East Ukraine civil war , the Ceasefire largely remains in place as Kiev and the parties to the Ceasefire continue to move forward with the Ceasefire protocol...... Natural gas talks set to continue in a couple of weeks ...... An interesting point of view on the Novorussia situation ( Vineyard of the Saker )
RIA Novosti..... Russian PM Medvedev on EU Sanctions, Asian Partners and Power-Hungry Crimea Topic: Russia Responds to Western Sanctions [image: Russia's Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev during governamental meeting,] Russia's Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev during governamental meeting, © RIA Novosti. Dmitry Astakhov 13:08 08/09/2014 Tags: refugees, sanctions, airspace, Rosneft, Dmitry Medvedev, Far East, Crimea, Europe, Russia Related News - Medvedev Discusses Transfer of State Arms Purveyor With Putin - Medvedev: Giving $40 Billion to Oil Giant Rosneft Reasonable - Medvedev:... more »
Ukraine / Russia situation - News from the battlefield of South East Ukraine , from the political front , sanctions watch .... news and tweets of the day !
Catharsis Ours - 4 hours ago
Russia Today..... HRW: Civilian death toll in E. Ukraine rising due to 'indiscriminate and unlawful' shelling Published time: September 02, 2014 13:13 Edited time: September 02, 2014 14:00 Get short URL [image: Man inspects damaged residential building in the Mirny district of Lugansk, hit by artillery fire.(RIA Novosti / Valeriy Melnikov)] Man inspects damaged residential building in the Mirny district of Lugansk, hit by artillery fire.(RIA Novosti / Valeriy Melnikov) 7892923 Trends Ukraine turmoil Tags Conflict, Health,... more »
Scottish independence may be a non-event
Next Thursday, the Scottish voters will be asked whether Scotland should become an independent country. Some Scots support the independence efforts. Many Englishmen such as Stephen Hawking and Paul McCartney have urged the Scots to vote to preserve the union. Peter Higgs, an Englishman in Edinburgh, was undecided quite recently. The result of the referendum seems completely uncertain now – the odds are 50-50. *Lyrics of the Czech jingle that I would hear rather often as a kid, despite socialism: The Scot has skirts, pipes, and the lake where a mysterious secret has been hiding for... more »
I don't "get" the stock market...
*so that's why I don't invest in stocks.* At one time many years ago, I had a fairly hefty 401K. When the stock market started to explode, I became very nervous and cashed it in. It turned out to be a wise decision. Ever since then, I've invested in durable and non-durable goods and a small amount of gold. However, I do know just enough to realize that when the stock market keeps going up and up, it's not necessarily a good thing, and will probably not end well. And right now the market is acting crazy. We have companies that don't make any money with stock worth billions. Ho... more »
News about Gaza that you won't hear from the BBC
The BBC's coverage of the Israeli/Palestinian dispute long ago ceased to bear any resemblance to reality. The BBC's coverage is that which one would expect from an organisation that is institutionally anti-Israel. So two pieces of news that an unbiased news reporting organisation would report have not been reported by the BBC. 1. Hamas leader Mahmoud Zahar told worshippers during a sermon he delivered during Friday prayers at Martyr Abdullah Azzam Mosque in Gaza City on 5 September. *In case you were wondering, Abdullah Azzam was a Palestinian 'scholar, teacher and mentor of Osama ... more »
Blossom Goodchild - September 6, 2014 - THE WILL OF THE SOUL IS TO BE ONLY LOVE
Blossom Goodchild - September 6, 2014 Good morning to you. So, many enjoyed your last channelling. They found it very helpful in ways of doing something practical. Thank you for that. Warmest greetings of Love to each and every one. It is our full intention to surprize the soul which in turn allows for the sun to shine through it at all times. For this is WHO YOU ARE and WHAT YOU CAME TO EXPERIENCE. We FEEL it necessary to explore circumstances that diminish the soul’s Light and to then in turn … encourage ways for one to emerge from that ‘gloom’ … and bring the soul into alignmen... more »
Artificial Human Farms Could Wipe Out Animal Testing in Three Years - Scientists Claim
Human farms could be the sign of the futureThis is one of those creepy *"cure being worse than the disease"* kind of pieces of news. It is a bit of genius selling this to the animal rights people as *good news*, because many drawn to the more radical aspects of that movement don't like people all that much, and therefore don't care what happens to humans, their body parts, or their DNA. And all this for the *cosmetic industry*? Something tells me there's a bigger agenda than that afoot - like the human organ transplant market... I wonder what they use as feed stocks for the cl... more »
What if Scotland leaves the UK?
It is seeming plausible. And if a sensible country like Scotland leaves an astonishingly productive and prosperous union after hundreds of years what does that say for Canada? Quebec isn't the only region that has separatists. We should, as Canadian federalists, hope that the UK stays United.
Gangs and Counter-gangs in Free Ukraine - Amnesty International Report
*Pro-Russian activists march on May 1, 2014 in Donetsk, Ukraine. Following the rally, activists marched through the city and clashed with police during a takeover of the city prosecutors office. The activists confiscated riot gear from the defeated police force guarding the building. (Scott Olson/Getty Images)* *Press releases* *7 September 2014* *Ukraine: Mounting evidence of war crimes and Russian involvement* Ukrainian militia and separatist forces are responsible for war crimes, Amnesty International said today. The organisation accused Russia of fuelling separatist crimes... more »
Fringe conmen like Wilcock, Fulford and Keenan ..... all globalist spokesman? ~ Ken
- repost by GrandeLander Dear David Wilcock, PressTV, and RT: It’s all about the CENTRAL BANKERS, not the Nazis Here are the bad guys who’ve been causing all our problems… [image: nazihydra] …Once the heroic politicians and central bankers of the paradise-like BRICS nations defeat them, all will be right again in the world… NOT. A couple of days ago, I ran across a short essay from globalist spokesman David Wilcock (and left some comments underneath it). His basic point was that he saw two Disney movies that had plot elements kinda similar to the geopolitical narrative he’s been... more »
Duke Airborne Systems RWS robotically arms helicopters in seconds
Utility helicopters perform a vital role in modern warfare delivering troops and supplies to otherwise inaccessible areas, but they are often minimally armed so have to fly with an armed escort. Israeli company Duke Airborne Systems presented its solution to this predicament at this year’s Eurosatory event; a first-of-its-kind fully-robotic Remote Weapon Station for helicopters. Duke Airborne Systems new Remote Weapon Station (RWS) for helicopters is based on the company's land-proven RWS, with the concept of defending otherwise unmanned helicopters without alerting enemies. Read... more »
Foto Gambar Desain Rumah Minimalis Type 54 Terbaru
Foto Gambar Desain Rumah Minimalis Type 54 Terbaru - untuk orang yang telah berumah tangga tepat cita cita pertama yang ingin terwujud yaitu membikin rumah. oke memang rumah merupakan salah satu yang sangat penting dalam berumah tangga. Karena dirumah lah kita-kita bisa berkumpul bareng keluarga dengan anak anak kita dan dirumah lah dasar kami bermimpi meniti impan. Namun yang akan kami selidik
The Navy's Long Overdue Smart & Deadly Patrol Boat Has Arrived
The Navy has been slow to adapt from a Cold War era 'blue water' Navy, focused on fighting set-piece prelude to WWIII engagements on the open ocean, to one where interdiction, territorial security, and special operations are also of a high priority. With this in mind, the Mark VI Patrol Boat is welcome arrival. It has been reported that the Navy has received its first of ten contracted Mark VI Patrol Boats, with the service eyeing a fleet of 48 of the fast and deadly vessels. The delivery of the Mark VI would mark the first real patrol boat the Navy has bought since the 1980s, ev...more »
Turkey seeks French missiles
[image: Eurosam (Aster-30)]Turkey has resumed talks with France on purchasing a new missile system after negotiations on a controversial deal with a US-blacklisted Chinese company hit a rock, the Turkish president was reported on Sunday as saying. “Some disagreements have emerged with China on the issues of joint production and technology transfer during negotiations over missile defence system,” President Recep Tayyip Erdogan told reporters as he returned from the Nato summit in Wales, according to private television NTV. “Talks are continuing despite that, but France which is seco...more »
- repost by GrandeLander *If you have not read this post, please read it to understand Neil Keenan ties to the Illuminati. So does Drake with his "Military Good Guys". Another 2 weeks for the military take over and mass arrests? Keep dreaming and hoping. Wake up. Both Neil Keenan and Drake are "controlled opposition" operators, meant to keep us calm with disinformation before the SHTF. CALM before the CULL. ~ GrandeLander* NEIL KEENAN REVEALS HIS ILLUMINATI TIES AUGUST 1, 2013 ADMIN 7 COMMENTS Another fantastic write up and summation from Ken at Redefining God Blog… The phrase t... more »
Navy's new amphib highlights the future of Marine aviation
[image: MV-22B Osprey]About 1,500 Marines and sailors have been busily testing the capabilities of the Navy’s newest amphibious assault ship during a two-month transit in a region that rarely sees a warship of this size. Marines and sailors have been engaging important U.S. allies in this part of the world since leaving the Mississippi shipyard in July. Because the two aircraft elevators used to lift planes and helicopters from the hangars to the deck don’t fold, the America is too wide to sail through the Panama Canal. Read more
New Virginia-class Submarine Christened 'John Warner'
Pre-Commissioning Unit (PCU) 'John Warner' (SSN 785), will be the first Virginia-class attack submarines to be homported in Naval Station Norfolk, following its christening by Mrs. Jeanne Warner at Newport News Shipbuilding yard, informs the US Navy. John Warner is the 12th Virginia-class submarine to be built. It is named after John Warner, the five-term U.S. Senator from Virginia who also served as Secretary of the Navy from 1972 to 1974. His wife Jeanne is the ship's sponsor. "The christening of the future USS John Warner is not only a celebration of a dedicated Sailor, Marine... more »
Vietnam Deterring China with Submarines
[image: Hanoi (Kilo) class SSK]Vietnam will soon have a credible naval deterrent to China in the South China Sea in the form of Kilo-class submarines from Russia, which experts say could make Beijing think twice before pushing its much smaller neighbor around in disputed waters. A master of guerrilla warfare, Vietnam has taken possession of two of the state-of-the-art submarines and will get a third in November under a $2.6 billion deal agreed with Moscow in 2009. A final three are scheduled to be delivered within two years. Read more
'Nuke-Capable' Stealth Submarine Sets Sail for Israel
The INS Tanin, Israel's fourth and most advanced Dolphin class submarine – is en route to Israel from Germany, and the Navy has released video of the vessel and the ceremony in which it was launched at Germany's Kiel shipyards at week's end. Reports claim Israel has modified the Dolphin's 650mm launch tubes to allow the launch of missiles that could carry nuclear warheads. Such missiles should give Israel the ability to deter belligerent neighbors like Iran, if it delivers a sufficiently convincing threat to make use of them. However – Israel has thus far maintained a policy of nu...more »
Delays force Navy to drop demand for foreign submarines
[image: Scorpene class SSK]Frustrated with seven years of debilitating delay in even kicking off the process to select a foreign collaborator to help make new-generation stealth submarines, the Navy has junked its long-standing demand for getting two of the six such vessels directly from aboard. Defence ministry sources said Navy has now agreed that all the six new submarines, armed with both land-attack missile capabilities and air-independent propulsion for greater underwater endurance, will be constructed in India with foreign collaboration under 'Project-75-India'. The major de... more »
New Japanese submarines to cost Abbott Government $20 billion
[image: Soryu class SSK]Seventy-two years after Japanese submarines attacked Sydney Harbour, the next generation of Australian submariners will be put to sea in boats made in Japan. In one of the biggest and most contentious defence equipment decisions in decades, the Abbott Government will select the Japanese-built Soryu Class submarine to replace locally built Collins Class boats as the navy’s key strike weapon beyond 2030. A decision to spend more than $20 billion on up to 10 of the Japanese vessels will be announced before the end of the year. Read more
Fincantieri delivers new amphibious vessel for the Algerian Navy
[image: Kalaat Beni-Abbes BDSL]Fincantieri has delivered new amphibious vessel "Kalaat Beni-Abbes" for the Algerian Navy, the company said in its press release. The delivery ceremony was held today at the Muggiano shipyard (in La Spezia) for the "Kalaat Beni-Abbes" (from the name of a place in the north of the country, which in Arabic means fort of the sons of Abbes), a vessel commissioned in 2011 by the Ministry of Defence of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria from Orizzonte Sistemi Navali, a company controlled by Fincantieri in which Selex ES also holds an interest, to se... more »
Israeli Soldiers Saved Irish UN Peacekeepers From Jihadists On The Golan Heights
Members of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) ride on an armoured personnel carrier (APC) in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights before crossing into Syria August 31, 2014. Baz Ratner/REUTERS *IDF Credited With Saving Irish Troops From Jihadists On Golan -- Times of Israel* *Israeli forces provided decisive covering fire, enabling soldiers to rescue Filipino UN observer forces* IDF forces played a crucial role in helping Irish soldiers rescue UN troops from the clutches of Syrian jihadists in a fierce clash on the border with Israel last week. Senior military ... more »
Materi Fisika SMA Rumus persamaan Gerak
Materi Fisika SMA Rumus persamaan Gerak – Hai adik adik semua, berjumpa lagi dengan kami team sekarang ini kita-kita akan membahas materi fisika tentang Persamaan Gerak. Nah untuk adik adinda semua yang butuh memperdalam lagi parafrase tentang materi tersebut, baca materinya di bawah ini Gerak Translasi1. Posisi titik pada suatu bidangposisi titik dalam 1 bidang dapat di
Henry Kissinger: Iran Is A Major Threat In The Middle East
*Iran Is The Major Threat In The Middle East -- NPR* Henry Kissinger was a Harvard scholar before he became a mover and shaker in the world of foreign policy. And in his new book, World Order, the former secretary of state under Presidents Nixon and Ford gives a historian's perspective on the idea of order in world affairs. Nations are always trying to establish systems to make the world a more orderly place, but they rarely last for long. His book stretches from China under the emperors, Rome surrounded by barbarians and Islam encircled by infidels, to the treaties of Europe and t... more »
Vafa: supergroups, non-unitary cousins of CFT, and black hole puzzles
Cumrun Vafa has a very interesting new paper, Non-Unitary Holography You may start with a simple question. What happens if you replace gauge groups derived from \(U(N)\) by their supergroup counterparts, \(U(N+k|k)\)? Well, the supergroup has more degrees of freedom – many of those have a negative norm (anticommuting but spin-one components of the "gauge bosons") and may produce negative probabilities. But Cumrun says that it doesn't affect anything you encounter at any order of the perturbative expansion in \(1/N\) i.e. in the string loop expansion. The effect of the extra \(k\) b... more »
Why Jamie Whyte can’t build an electoral fire under ACT
You know, I’ve waited nearly all my life for any party other than Libertarianz to say that, or anything like that. To say that and actually* mean* it. I’ve waited nearly two decades for any other party to say that recognising property rights means the Resource Management Act must go, must be abolished, must be repealed, binned, burned, destroyed. I’ve waited exactly that long for someone, anyone, to recognise that in binning it we don’t need to replace it with more town planning, but with the good old-fashioned protection of common law – protection for property rights and environm...more »
Musical Interlude: Simon & Garfunkel, "The Boxer"
Simon & Garfunkel, "The Boxer" -
Moffat Accredits the Memes Part III : I am Legend
*"…it means… I don’t know. It means, basically, that some movies are clearly being made by Invisibles and they contain messages for other Invisibles. Invisibles talking to each other in ther own secret language… the movies are signals, they let us know that others are out there…”* *Getting a bit Meta : Patrick Troughton as Robin Hood* *"Old-fashioned heroes only exist in old-fashioned storybooks, Clara..."[Also available on Kindle][*Attack Eyebrows*]* Hollywood Accredits the Memes: The Body National and the Myth of the Nation from Spike EP on Vimeo. *"Strauss believed it w... more »
Aaron Kosminkski
*Windsor - The House that Jack Built.* *Aaron Kosminski* *Aliases:* None. *Born:* 1864/5. *Died:* 1919. *First suspected:* 1894, first suggested in the Macnaghten Memoranda. *Reasons for suspicion:* According to Anderson and Swanson, identified by a witness as the Ripper, but no charges were brought against him due to the witness's reluctance to testify against "a fellow Jew." Known to have been insane. *Problems with candidacy:* Discrepancies between Aaron Kosminski and the "Kosminski" described by Anderson/Swanson. Not known to have had violent tendencies. "*THE JUWES ARE THE MEN ... more »
Russia Opens A New Permanent Military Base In The Arctic
*Russian Navy Sends Flotilla To Arctic To Start Permanent Service At Military Base -- RT* Six vessels from the Russian North fleet have left their base in Severomorsk in the Barents Sea and set off for the New Siberian Islands, where a military base under reconstruction will start functioning later this year. “The major goal of the latest expedition of the North fleet ships to the Arctic is to deliver personnel, equipment and property of the North fleet’s tactical group, which starting this year is going to fulfill military service at the New Siberian Islands on a permanent basis... more »
If Scotland Gets Independence, Will Quebec Be Next? Catalonia? Wales? How About Texas?
Last time we checked in with the Scots, it didn't look like a majority would embrace independence. Every force for conservatism on the planet-- from Sir Mick Jagger, Simon Cowell and Hillary Clinton to Nigel Farange, Steve Stockman (R-TX) and Steve Israel (D-NY) were aligned against it, with just a few public intellectuals like Noam Chomsky, Bill Bragg, Morrissey and Chuck D on the pro-independence side. But a poll-- or as *The Guardian* put it, a shock poll-- by YouGov published in the *Sunday Times* today, shows the pro-independence forces with momentum and pulling ahead of the ... more »
U.S. Security Team In Benghazi Contradicts White House Claims That There Was No Significant Delay During The U.S. Consulate Attack
*Top CIA Officer In Benghazi Delayed Response To Terrorist Attack, US Security Team Members Claim -- FOX News* A U.S. security team in Benghazi was held back from immediately responding to the attack on the American diplomatic mission on orders of the top CIA officer there, three of those involved told Fox News’ Bret Baier. Their account gives a dramatic new turn to what the Obama administration and its allies would like to dismiss as an “old story” – the September 11, 2012 Benghazi attacks that killed U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans. Speaking out pu... more »
Meritocracy, Chinese and American Style
The biggest difference in Chinese and American education is that the Chinese only offer their best test scores in international comparisons. Otherwise, the systems operate on the same principles of corruption and inequality, and they produce similar results based on a caste system sustained by instituionalized racism and classism. *China’s Education GapBy HELEN GAO SEPT. 4, 2014* *BEIJING — EVERY September, the campuses of Peking and TsinghuaUniversities, often called the Harvard and M.I.T. of China, brim with eager newstudents, the winners of China’s cutthroat education sys... more »
3 Articles & Videos About The Washington Post Journalist Who Is Being Illegally Detained In Iran's Dungeons
During the annual UN General Assembly meeting later this month there will be discussions to secure a final and sustainable nuclear agreement between Iran and the P5+1 countries, led by the United States. The deadline for a deal is November 24. "The New York talks will be held on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly opening, with the US side being led by Under Secretary Wendy Sherman" (*Source*). Under the Rouhani administration, the number of arrests of journalists has grown, as well as executions of political prisoners. The most notable among the arrests is Iranian-America... more »
Russia - Estonia Ties Fray Over 'Captured Spy'
Raid: Russian security services released pictures of Eston Kohver, who they claim is intelligence-gathering for Estonia. He could be imprisoned for twenty years if found guilty of espionage. Daily Mail *Russians Open New Front After Estonian Official Is Captured In 'Cross-Border Raid' -- The Guardian* Eston Kohver taken to Moscow and paraded on TV as 'spy' two days after Obama's visit to Baltic state. The Estonian-Russia border at Luhamaa does not look like a new Checkpoint Charlie. Set among the wooded plains that mark Nato and the European Union's eastern-most territory, the cro... more »
Leader Of Kiev Orthodox Church Claims Putin Is Under The 'Influence of Satan'
Patriarch Filaret (R), the head of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Kiev, takes part in a festive ceremony marking the 1,026th anniversary of the Christianization of Kievan Rus', in Kiev, July 28, 2014. (REUTERS/VALENTYN OGIRENKO) *Putin Is Under Satan's Influence: Leader Of Kiev Orthodox Church -- Reuters* KIEV (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin has fallen under the spell of Satan and faces eternal damnation unless he repents, a top Ukrainian clergyman said on Saturday in an unusually blunt statement that squarely blamed the Russian leader for the war in Ukraine. Patriarch Fil... more »
Musical Interlude: Liquid Mind, “Night Light”
Liquid Mind, “Night Light” -
Laura Chapman on Education Weekly’s “Philanthropic” Funding
The post below is from the comments section of my September 6, 2014, post, Gates, Other “Philanthropy,” and the Purchase of a Success Narrative. It was written by Laura Chapman, veteran arts educator whose well-researched observations on the entangled funding of privatizing reform are often featured on education historian Diane Ravitch’s blog. Below, Chapman briefly examines the numerous philanthropies whose […]
"A Look to the Heavens"
“NGC 253 is not only one of the brightest spiral galaxies visible, it is also one of the dustiest. Discovered in 1783 by Caroline Herschel in the constellation of Sculptor, NGC 253 lies only about ten million light-years distant. NGC 253 is the largest member of the Sculptor Group of Galaxies, the nearest group to our own Local Group of Galaxies. *Click image for larger size.* The dense dark dust accompanies a high star formation rate, giving NGC 253 the designation of starburst galaxy. Visible in the above photograph is the active central nucleus, also known to be a bright source o...more »
Psychology: "The Illusion of Truth"
* "The Illusion of Truth"* by PsyBlog "We see ads for the same products over and over again. Politicians repeat the same messages endlessly (even when it has nothing to do with the question they've been asked). Journalists repeat the same opinions day after day. Can all this repetition really be persuasive? It seems too simplistic that just repeating a persuasive message should increase its effect, but that's exactly what psychological research finds (again and again). Repetition is one of the easiest and most widespread methods of persuasion. In fact it's so obvious that we someti... more »
Chet Raymo, “Learning And Yearning”
*“Learning And Yearning” * by Chet Raymo “This photograph of the Eagle Nebula made by a rather modest telescope - the 0.9 meter instrument at Kitt Peak, Arizona - appeared on APOD (click to enlarge). I sat in front of the computer screen for ten minutes, breathless. One tiny corner of the Milky Way Galaxy, one of tens of billions of galaxies that we can potentially see with our telescopes! At the center are the so-called "Pillars of Creation" from a famous Hubble photograph. Click image for very large size. I recall when the Hubble photograph appeared in the media hundreds of v... more »
The Daily "Near You?'
San Isidro, San Jose, Costa Rica. Thanks for stopping by.
"I Rescued A Human Today"
* "I Rescued A Human Today"* by Rescue Me Dog "Her eyes met mine as she walked down the corridor peering apprehensively into the kennels. I felt her need instantly and knew I had to help her. I wagged my tail, not too exuberantly, so she wouldn’t be afraid. As she stopped at my kennel I blocked her view from a little accident I had in the back of my cage. I didn’t want her to know that I hadn’t been walked today. Sometimes the overworked shelter keepers get too busy and I didn’t want her to think poorly of them. As she read my kennel card I hoped that she wouldn’t feel sad about m... more »
“What Is ‘The Law of Attraction?’”
*“What Is ‘The Law of Attraction?’”* by Michael Bernard Beckwith “Why is it that just by walking into a room some people light up the atmosphere with their presence? Why, when certain individuals speak, do their listeners become spellbound, while someone talking about the same subject is met with yawns? What I'm describing are those individuals whose magnetism is so potent they effortlessly make a dynamic impact. No form of social networking, marketing, or résumé reveals more about us than the vibratory frequency that radiates from our being. Did you know that you have a magnetic f... more »
Paulo Coelho, "The Power Of The Word"
*"The Power Of The Word"* by Paulo Coelho "Of all the powerful weapons of destruction that man has invented, the most terrible – and the most cowardly – is the word. Knives and firearms leave traces of blood. Bombs shake whole buildings and streets. Poisons can always be detected. But a destructive word can provoke Evil without leaving behind it a single clue. Check to see if you yourself are using this weapon. Children are subject to years of conditioning by their parents, artists are mercilessly pilloried, women are systematically undermined by remarks made by their husbands, the... more »
"Gates Of Light..."
“The way the soul is with the senses and the intellect is like a creek. When desire weeds grow thick, intelligence can’t flow, and the soul creatures stay hidden. But sometimes the reasonable clarity runs so strong it sweeps the clogged stream open. No longer weeping and frustrated, your being grows as powerful as your wantings were before, more so. Laughing and satisfied, the masterful flow lets creations of the soul appear. You look down, and it’s lucid dreaming. The gates made of light swing open. You see in.” - Rumi
Prayers for Mandy Nagy...
From *Legal Insurrection:* Our beloved Mandy Nagy, also known as Liberty Chick, had a stroke yesterday and brain surgery to relieve the pressure today. I am in touch with Mandy’s mom, who approved me letting people know via Legal Insurrection. Before surgery, Mandy also was able to nod approval with a small smile, her mom tells me. Mandy has been writing for Legal Insurrection since March 2013, and started the Morning Insurrection newsletter for us a little over a month ago. Mandy, who always had several research projects running while also writing for Legal Insurrection, was to s... more »
Neocons confess: "We did 9/11-anthrax"
*As the 13th anniversary of the crimes of September, 2001 approaches, the neoconservatives are shrieking from the rooftops – and effectively confessing that they were the real perpetrators of the 9/11-Anthrax false flag operation. (The neocons, you may recall, openly called for a "new Pearl Harbor" in September, 2000 – and got one exactly one year later.)* Every year at this time, the neocons orchestrate and hype a series of public relations stunts designed to magnify fears of "radical Islam" and reinforce their crumbling 9/11-Anthrax cover story. But this year's propaganda camp...more »
If this doesn't make you wish you lived in Arkansas's 1st CD, maybe nothing will!
*by Ken* The other day Howie passed along this clip with this note: That actor with the gun is HOT… but why is he stalking around with the gun and the lighting? Is this supposed to appeal to the gay communities in Jonesboro and Bexar and Heber Springs? Jonesboro and Bexar and Heber Springs are, I assume, hot spots in Arkansas's 1st CD, currently represented by Republican Rep. Rick Crawford, who is being challenged, it appears, by someone calling himself Jackie For Arkansas. If the guy with the gun, Cpl. Michael Willen, US Marine Sniper, Afghanistan, who apparently lives in the 1s... more »
Details On New Russian Sanctions Have Been Leaked: All Major Russian Energy Firms Will Be Hit On Monday
Leaked copy of Fri night #Russia sanctions deal confirms 3 energy cos to be hit by #EU capital markets ban: Rosneft, Gazprom Neft, Transneft — Peter Spiegel (@SpiegelPeter) September 7, 2014 *Europe Goes "All In": Will Sanction Rosneft, Gazprom Neft And Transneft -- Zero Hedge* Until this moment, the main reason why everyone mostly dismissed Europe's sanctions against Russia is that despite all its pompous rhetoric, Europe consistently refused to hit Russia where it would hurt: its energy titans Gazprom, Rosneft And Transfneft. The reason is simple: by imposing sanctions on these... more »
Deep tweets
Me too. #FixThePolice! — Reg Saddler (@zaibatsu) September 8, 2014
The Real Dirtiness in NZ Politics
The subject has thankfully gone cold, but Lindsay Perigo is running hot on the *real* dirtiness in NZ politics: [image: Lindsay Perigo's picture]“Every election” said H. L. Mencken, “is a sort of advance auction sale of stolen goods.” Elections, we may agree, are a process whereby loot is exchanged for votes, to gratify the power-lust of sub-humans who crave control over *real* humans. Our 2014 election campaign kicked off with a frenzy of auctioneering that would have startled even Mencken. Tens of millions here, hundreds of millions there—in reckless indifference to where it... more »
Quote of the Day: On the idealism of politics
*"Idealism is the noble toga that political gentlemen drape over their will to power."* ~ Aldous Huxley [Hat tip Cathy] Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at
Adventures in canning: Roasted tomatoes, plums, and more beef...
*except I froze the roasted tomatoes.* I heard a rumor that the SCoaMF went golfing yesterday. Does he have no shame? Silly question. How does it feel America, for that sock puppet to rub your faces in his doo all the time? My second youngest Italian prune plum tree is loaded with fruit. Packed whole and raw with a bit of cinnamon stick and a few cloves in the jar. Added extremely light simple syrup. Processed in water bath canner for 25 minutes. I have at least another 7 or 8 pints to do tomorrow. These will be lovely on Greek yogurt for breakfast Easy way to do toma... more »
"A Native American Prayer"
*"A Native American Prayer"* "Give us hearts to understand; Never to take from creation's beauty more than we give; never to destroy wantonly for the furtherance of greed; Never to deny to give our hands for the building of earth's beauty; never to take from her what we cannot use. Give us hearts to understand That to destroy earth's music is to create confusion; that to wreck her appearance is to blind us to beauty; That to callously pollute her fragrance is to make a house of stench; that as we care for her she will care for us. We have forgotten who we are. We have sought only our ow... more »
A grave mythology is propagated by our own colleagues.
I am certain that any educator and reader of this website has been confronted with the following: You are against standardized testing. Therefore, you are against all assessment. You are against test-based accountability. Therefore, you are against all accountability. High-stakes are removed. Therefore, you have no incentive to work hard. For many years now, I […]
Is Sudan Supporting The Islamist Fighters In Libya?
*Libya Accuses Khartoum Of Flying Weapons To Islamist Rebels In Tripoli -- The Guardian* Sudan insists weapons were intended for legitimate border forces patrolling the southern desert Libya has expelled the Sudanese military attache after accusing Khartoum of flying weapons to Islamist rebels in Tripoli, raising fears of a widening regional conflict. The government, which has fled Tripoli for eastern Libya, accused Khartoum of sending a transport plane loaded with munitions for the Islamist-led Libya Dawn militias who control the capital. "Sudan is interposing itself by providin... more »
Böhm-Bawerk: Austrian Economist Who Said “No” to Big Government
*Austrian economist Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk was one of the greatest economists who ever lived, and in my own personal top five.* *As finance minister in the prewar Austro-Hungarian government, he was a fierce opponent of bad money, big government, and the nationalism and militarism that led his country to start the brush war that became the first world war.* *He died a hundred years ago this week, just as the war was starting and (in Edward Grey’s phrase) as the lamps were going out around Europe. A man in love with the freedom and culture those lamps lit up, it was said that he d...more »
(Alienated Nation: Generation Convinced by Fraudsters) Finally, Wall Street Gets Put On Trial? (We'll See) Lies Abound: The U.S. Is Only for the Rich and Those Who Serve Them (Are We Worse Off Today Than We Were Under George W. Bush?)
Contributions are always appreciated for this blog's operation! Thank you for your past support. Question Authority! I've said it so many times before but I'll say again that there's something wrong when the sight of this guy's face doesn't give every one of the 99.99% the creeps. I know when I see his smiling face depicted anywhere I begin feeling emotionally more and more detached from
The Afghan Military Is Losing The War Against The Taliban In A Key Southern District
*Afghans Say Taliban Are Nearing Control Of Key District -- New York Times* KABUL, Afghanistan — Local Afghan officials say more than 200 police officers and soldiers have been killed during a fierce Taliban offensive in Helmand Province in southern Afghanistan that has lasted all summer and now threatens to overwhelm a key district. Officials at the national level have played down the violence and even, in some cases, flatly denied that there is a problem. But local military, police and government officials, including two Afghan generals, have said in recent days that they are un... more »
"What We All Have In Common..."
"The Earth is what we all have in common." - Wendell Berry "The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of men when they realize their relationship, their oneness, with the universe and all its Powers, and when they realize that at the center of the universe dwells Wakan-Tanka, and that this center is really everywhere, it is within each of us. This is the real Peace, and the others are but reflections of this. The second peace is that which is made between two individuals, and the third is that which is made between two nations. But above all... more »
Al Shabaab Has Named A New Leader After Their Previous Leader Was Killed In A U.S. Airstrike This Week
*Al-Shabab Names New Leader After Godane Death In US Strike -- BBC* Somalia's Islamist group al-Shabab has named Ahmad Umar as successor to former leader Ahmed Abdi Godane, who was killed in a US air strike. The group announced the move in an online statement, vowing to take revenge for Godane's death. Somalia's authorities earlier put the country on alert for possible retaliatory attacks by al-Shabab. The alert came as the US confirmed the death of Godane in air strikes south of Mogadishu on Monday night. *Read more* .... *More News On Al Shabaab Naming A New Leader* Al-Shabaa... more »
DSCC: Dereliction Of Duty
Conservative Democrats who cannot win Progressive Democrats who can win Recent polls-- like this morning's release of the latest NBC News/Marist poll in Kentucky-- confirm what astute observers have been saying for some time: the DSCC braintrust-- Harry Reid, Michael Bennet and Guy Cecil-- are wasting their money on conservative candidates in deep red states. The DSCC has helped Alison Lundergan Grimes raise $11,353,760 and they and their Senate Majority Pac have spent close to another $4 million on TV ads in Kentucky already. Similarly, in Georgia, the DSCC has helped Michelle Nunn ... more »
"Roles of Support: Doing Our Best Work"
*"Roles of Support: Doing Our Best Work"* by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM "Each one of us is very much needed and we all have our role to play adding to the success of the whole. In the great symphony of life, we all have important parts to play. While some people are best suited to be conductors or soloists, their contributions would be diminished considerably without the individual musicians that lend their artistry to the fullness of an orchestra. The magical accents of the percussion section might sound random and out of place without the music they accompany. But any one member ... more »
thank you, charley richardson! your legacy lives on
On Labour Day, I happened to see this on Twitter: I am on my union's labour-management committee, the group that meets monthly with management to discuss members' concerns and try to resolve issues. I was intrigued and followed the link that Rank and File had posted. To my surprise, the original "how to" advice was written by the late Charley Richardson, who passed away in 2013. I knew of Charley, mostly by his outsize reputation, from another part of his life: along with his wife Nancy Lessin, he co-founded Military Families Speak Out. MFSO is now defunct, but the organization di... more »
Asset Forfeiture - Connecting the Dots to ALEC
Four things hit my attention today that reminded me of more ALEC state nastiness that most people wouldn’t be aware of. Like most times when pulling this together, I will rely on the actual words of ALEC, rather than summarizing them for the reader. I do this because I want you to see the actual ALEC’s nastiness and not me just reinterpreting on what could be ALEC nastiness. This entry really ended up morphing into two topics. The EVIL of ALEC at the state and federal level. And subsequently The new EVIL of ALEC at the local – municipal – level. *First:* A recent article ... more »
Karl reMarks
Although his outlook on the Middle East often differs sharply from my own, I've been quite a fan of Lebanese architect Karl Sharro since hearing him on Radio 4's *Four Thought* and checking him out on Twitter as a result, as you do. (Well, when I say "as you do" I *don*'t include Sue in that!) He's *very* funny. This is the sort of thing that makes me like him: Apparently this finger gesture is specific to ISIS. Coincidentally my reply to them is the finger next to it. — Karl Sharro (@KarlreMarks) September 7, 2014
Broad-ranging media interview with Denis Rancourt about Israel's massacre in Gaza
FARS News Agency published this broad-ranging interview, done while the recent Israeli massacre in Gaza was ungoing: Prof. Denis Rancourt: The United States Supports Israel for Constant Bloodletting in the Middle East (LINK) TEHRAN (FNA)- A Canadian scholar and academic, who was fired from the university where he was teaching because of his pro-Palestinian viewpoints, believes the US
Homeless Jesus, yew trees, world chaos, and monkish urges
A blog that offers a weekly assessment of a particular BBC programme should continue to post about it even if no BBC bias has been detected in it - especially if the blog is called *Is the BBC biased? *(with its question mark). Today's edition of Radio 4's *Sunday* talked about Ebola, Catholic priestly abuse, yew trees, Archbishop Justin's decision to set up a new monastic order in Lambeth Palace, a sculpture depicting a homeless Jesus and the Medical Innovations Bill. Now, yes, *Sunday'*s intense interest in Roman Catholic child abuse is an ongoing bias on the programme's part ...more »
Islamic Militants Lay Seige To One Of The Last Major Christian Cities In Syria
"Have no fear, for God is with you." Prayers in #Mhardeh earlier today 31/8/2014. #Hama #Syria — Dylan (@ProSyriana) August 31, 2014 *Al-Qaeda Closes In On Syrian Christian Stronghold -- The Telegraph* Jabhat al-Nusra encircle historic town of Mhardeh – one of Syria's remaining Christian strongholds Al-Qaeda's branch in Syria is attacking one of the country's remaining Christian strongholds, as it presses its offensive against the regime of President Bashar al-Assad. Jabhat al-Nusra fighters, who have pledged allegiance to al-Qaeda's leader Ayman al-Z... more »
Part II - details of "intentional" shoddy forgery workmanship in Keenan's Amanah Asset papers.
Part 1: Shoddy forgery exposed in 1963 Green Hilton Agreement docs presented by Keenan - by GrandeLander (Sept 5, 2014) In order to understand Neil Keenan's forgery & deception in his well-publicised Cease & Desist Order dated May14, 2012, we need to listen to his previous (long) interview with David Wilcock which was published on Feb 9, 2012. * UPDATE FRIDAY 2/10: DR. SENO HAS BEEN THREATENED* *NK: I h...more »
Merkel, Germany vow to fight "anti-Semitism"
In *the never ending charade* of "combating anti-Semitism" and "racism", German Chancellor Angela Merkel "has called on the country’s citizens to attend a rally against anti-Semitism next week in Berlin where she will speak," according to *The Times of Israel*. Appeasing the organized Jewish community and ensuring that they "feel safe" in Germany is one of Merkel's Germany's top priorities. Merkel said Saturday she would do everything possible to make sure anti-Semitism has no chance in Germany. She said *making Jews feel safe remains a top priority for Germany 75 years after the H... more »
U.S. State Department Releases A Graphic Anti-Islamic State Video
*State Department Releases Graphic Anti-ISIS Video -- CNN* Washington (CNN) -- The brutal mock ISIS recruitment video starts with a simple phrase: Run. Do not walk to ISIS land. Then a body is thrown off a cliff. Later a mosque is blown up, followed by a photo of a body with a severed head. Complete with crucifixions, Muslims being whipped, shot in the head at point-blank range and thrown into ditches, the grisly video is the latest State Department effort to push back against ISIS recruiting efforts by highlighting the group's barbaric nature. The video, which uses the group's ...more »
Valor: Unsung Heroes from Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Home Front
*"Valor: Unsung Heroes from Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Home Front" by Mark Lee Greenblatt. * *Amazon description:* Valor features the thrilling stories that are the fruit of Mark Lee Greenblatt’s interviews with brave American servicemen from twenty-first-century wars. These soldiers, sailors, and Marines have risked their lives several times over for their country as well as for their fellow troops and civilians. Still, until now, their stories have largely gone unnoticed by the public, perhaps lost in the frenzied and often nasty debate surrounding those conflicts. As the author... more »
The plot thickens
As we at *Is the BBC biased? *have been almost as obsessed about BBC Australia correspondent Jon Donnison's reckless tweeting about Israel/Gaza as Jon Donnison himself has been about Israel, Gaza and BBC Watch, it's only right to note the latest twist in his ongoing battle with a multitude of Israeli spokesmen. He's gloating today (on Twitter), and clearly feels vindicated in his very public dispute with Israeli police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld. The story goes back to late July - and if you want to refresh your memory of it then please read our post about it here. For those who... more »
Straight from a horse's mouth..... See a good article about the bigger US-NATO plan to use ISIS *here *
Hungry Children in Nunavik Study Shorter than Peers
Front page of the Nunatsiaq News - will it make it to the Globe and Mail?
Turkey Is Being Used As The Gateway For Foreign Fighters To Join The Islamic State
After 30 days of Islamic study, weapons training and frugal living, Islamic State recruits are locked in to a lifestyle that few ever rescind. Photograph: Reuters *Inside Isis: From Border Bootcamp To Battle, Jihad Is Run With Ruthless Skill -- The Guardian* *Charting the journey of foreign recruits who join the terror group and the juggernaut advance of its battle-hardened leadership* The last leg of the journey to jihad starts on goat trails near the Turkish-Syria border and ends through one of many holes in a barbed wire fence stretching several hundred miles. Just beyond, in ... more »
Will the Scott finally be free?
Many centuries after William Wallace cried Freedom, the ballot is about to be cast. It looks like the Anglo Saxons will have finally met their match. The Anglo Saxon culture that was Great Britain was great evil. Every problem we have in the world today is their fault. I am saying its most likely it would have better if the Kaiser had won world war one. Lets just step over Hitler who would never have existed in such a change of poles shifting to get a better gain. It was the British who invented concentration camps and Winston Churchill who had no computations about gassing civi... more »
Duncan's Civil Rights in Black Face Tour
The major civil rights initiative of the Obama Administration has been to re-segregate poor black and brown children into corporate education reform schools where they can be culturally sterilized and behaviorally neutered by white middle class missionaries with no experience. Duncan's Civil Rights Minstrel Tour will continue this coming week: *"The trip will include stops in Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee and highlight the commitment that those states are making to encourage reform and innovation. Traveling through places that represent the cradle of America’s civil rights effort... more »
Don't let his hippie appearance and sarcastic humor deceive you. Pepe Escobar is the highly traveled roving correspondent for Asia Times with a brilliant mind when it comes to separating the facts from the propaganda. Here he kills the myth of NATO being anything more than Washington's means of destroying any country in the way of "the Empire of Chaos".
------------------------------ *OpEdNews Op Eds 9/4/2014 at 16:12:07* NATO attacks! *By Pepe Escobar (about the author)* Permalink opednews.comHeadlined to H3 9/4/14 The burgeoning crisis in Ukraine and its relationship with Russia are set to take center stage at the NATO summit that starts in Wales on Thursday. (image by YouTube) First thing we do, let's kill all the myths. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is nothing but the Security Council of the Empire of Chaos. You don't need to be a neo-Foucault hooked on Orwellian/Panopticon practices to admire the hyper-democrati... more »
Sorry to say, many teachers are instruments of oppression
There are teachers who, despite how they’ve been mistreated by accountability, embrace some measures of accountability because they’ve worked with fellow teachers who are indeed trifling and deserve a swift kick out the door. It takes willful ignorance, nay, stupidity of the supreme order, to think you are, as an educator, serving your profession by […]
Truth of the Universe. There are no religions, countries, cultures, race or any divisions. Our Universal Rights of Freedom
I am intent of TRUTH of ourselves and discovering the TRUTH of I AM and WE ARE! I recently watched Mark Passio's 9 hour seminar on Natural Laws and the True Law of Attraction. I found it to be about all of the things I have thought of previously and learned more. As he says in the video.... learning TRUTH takes time and if you desire Freedom, then take the time to learn TRUTH! I highly
Ghost of Sunday Classics: I have a song to sing, O!
*Luciano Pavarotti and Joan Sutherland sing the "*Brindisi*" from Act I of Verdi's La Traviata, with Richard Bonynge conducting, at the Met in October 1970.* *ALFREDO*: Let’s drink, let's drink from the joyous chalice where beauty flowers. Let the fleeting hour to pleasure’s intoxication yield. Let’s drink to love’s sweet tremors – to those eyes that pierce the heart. Let’s drink to love -- to wine, that warms our kisses. *ALL* : Ah! Let’s drink, let's drink to love -- to wine, that warms our kisses. *VIOLETTA* [*rising*]: With you, with you I would share my days of happiness. Everyth... more »
President Obama Will Address The Nation Wednesday On The Threat Posed By The Islamic State
*Exclusive: Obama to Deliver Major Address on ISIS, Vows to "Hunt Down" Extremists -- NBC* One day before the thirteenth anniversary of the September 11 attacks, President Barack Obama plans to address the nation on the threat posed by ISIS extremists -- telling NBC News the U.S. will “hunt down" the terrorists "wherever they are.” The president revealed his plans for the upcoming address during a wide-ranging, exclusive interview on NBC’s Meet the Press. “What I'm going to be asking the American people to understand is, number one, this is a serious threat,” Obama said about th... more »
Politics Before and After the Referendum
Some sense impressions about the Scottish referendum and its consequences. If no wins on the 18th, it will be of the slimmest of margins and in spite of the politics of Better Together. The two debates between Salmond and Darling illustrated BT's problem perfectly. The first round went to Darling. He does technical detail very well, and took a scalpel to Salmond's bombast. Uncertainty was the First Minister's undoing, and he was duly skewered. Yet in the second round it was Darling who got crushed. He was like a broken record mumbling about currency and pensions as Salmond gave *b...more »
Edward Griffin - Katanga from Spike EP on Vimeo. *I Quote The Enemy: * "By 1964, Griffin had completed his first book, *The Fearful Master*, on th*e United Nations*, a challenging topic that recurs throughout his writings. * When George Wallace ran for President of the United States in the election of 1968, winning five states for the segregationist American Independent Party, Griffin served as a writer for Wallace's vice presidential candidate, Curtis LeMay, a retired General of the Air Force. * In the next year, Griffin began producing political films for American Media of Los... more »
U.S. Launches More Airstrikes Against Islamic State Fighters In Iraq
*U.S. Airstrikes Target ISIS Fighters Near 2nd-Largest Dam In Iraq -- CNN* Baghdad, Iraq (CNN) -- The U.S. military launched airstrikes targeting ISIS fighters around a key dam in western Iraq on Sunday, the Pentagon said. It carried out the airstrikes near Haditha Dam at the request of Iraq, according to Rear Adm. John Kirby, the Pentagon press secretary. If the terror group seized the dam -- the second-largest in the country -- it would prove catastrophic. It provides water to millions of people in western and southern Iraq. The U.S. also fears the militants could use the water ... more »
Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, September 7th, 2014
[image: rant-jpeg-b] Sunday… And again time for my weekly rant where I take the so called "news" for the last week and shred it to pieces…. I personally am truly sick and tired of the damn lies that continue to come out of the criminals and liars in our media… I have long called it the Jew spew media for a reason, and it should be obvious to everyone by now that the so called media is entirely owned and operated by Jews and they will stop at nothing to make the criminal Jews look good and their psychotic "nation" known as Israel to smell like a rose… It is disgusting to listen and ... more »
Food for thought: Harper, IS and terror in Canada
Until now, Canada is not a country that has openly committed military forces to conflicts where the adversary uses terror attacks on our soil as a weapon. Yes, there have been the occassional half-arsed terror plots in the past decade or so, but unlike some European countries and the US, we've not had commuter trains, subways, airports, and buildings bombed by radicals. The number of European
Ebola: WHO wants to recreate the Smallpox debacle
... Here we go! ZMAP is a failure, too expensive, not enough to go around and takes to long to make. Now onto vaccines!!! As I spoke about in my first Ebola article HERE, we know that this so called "ebola" is man made and that their purported plan was to create a vaccine for this frankenbola virus. What I didn't suspect is that they would turn to passive antibody transference through using the blood of the "survivors" of this virus. I really didn't see that coming..... ..... I suspect that there is a back room war going on with the creators of the frankenbola virus that is ... more »
5 NATO Members Have Agreed To Send Weapons To Ukraine's Military
Advisor to Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, Yuri Lutsenko said that agreements reached at the NATO summit in Wales to supply advanced weapons to Ukraine from several countries, including the United States, France and Poland. © RIA Novosti. Grigory Vasilenko *Ukraine Crisis: 5 NATO Members To Send Weapons To Ukrainian Forces -- CBC/Reuters* Fragile ceasefire in country's east is on verge of collapse as fighting renews A senior aide to Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko said on Sunday Kyiv had reached agreement during the NATO summit in Wales on the provision of weapons and ... more »
ITHACA Report to the UN on US Human Rights
Anthony Freda Art ITHACA submitted a report in 2010 to the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) concerning the human rights record of the United States and focused on two issues. The first issue concerned the revocation of rights taking place in state superior courts under the mantle of adult guardianships, impacting the elderly and disabled. The second issue we covered concerned attacks by the US government on human rights defenders. This report for the 2015 UPR of the human rights record of the United States will focus on the progress of these two issues. ADULT GUARDIANSHIP In repl... more »
Analysis: The Minsk Ceasefire Protocol Gives The Ukraine Rebel Movement The Victory That They Have Been Fighting For
(From L) Russian ambassador to Ukraine Mikhail Zurabov, Prime minister of Ukraine's self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic Alexander Zakharchenko, Ukraine's self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic leader Andrei Purgin and member of the self-proclaimed "Lugansk People's Republic" Igor Plotnitsky attend talks in Minsk on September 5, 2014. (AFP Photo / Vasily Maksimov) *Minsk Ceasefire Protocol: Ukraine To Be Decentralized, Special Status For Lugansk, Donetsk -- RT* The OSCE has revealed the 12-point roadmap behind the September 5 truce signed in Minsk. It says that Ukraine mu... more »
Gates Civ 101: The Antiseptic History MOOC Comes to High School
Some reporters for the New York Times pretend to be stupid enough to believe Bill Gates is out to simply make his favorite history course available to every high school student in America. The bigger assumption by the New York Times is that the American people are as stupid as their "reporter" pretends to be. Actually, the Times didn't choose a real reporter but, rather, a CNBC Wall Street cheerleader who makes his living telling television viewers what hedge fund CEOs want them to hear about investing. A TV financial analyst couldn't be a better pick for this 5,000 word story tha... more »
Received via email: “Subject: Major injustice committed by TFA”
I am posting the full-text here. I can’t substantiate these unsolicited claims. But I think many of them ring true with other accounts we’ve read online. I’m pretty sure that Ms. Rojas wanted to be heard, so I’d like to honor that. To whom it may concern, I would like to express how unfair it […]
The great Anthony Freda illustrates Vaccinegate
Jon Rappoport More of Anthony’s artwork can be found at his website All of my articles on the #CDCwhistleblower #Vaccinegate fraud scandal are archived under vaccinegate. Here is one of my latest pieces… “CDC caught in billion-dollar scheme to sell vaccines.” *The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal... more »
Report: It’s YOUR Fault: Fed Says Americans Who “Hoard Money” Are To Blame For Poor Economy
Mac Slavo Despite arguments to the contrary from the Obama administration, mounting evidence suggests that the U.S. economy is rapidly falling back into negative growth territory. More Americans are out of the workforce than ever before, median household incomes are at levels not seen since 1967, and consumer spending is coming to a veritable standstill. The crisis is apparently so significant that a Federal Reserve governor recently said U.S. policymakers are crafting regulations that will force bank depositors to cover any losses should their financial institutions fail. The qu... more »
As in Libya, So in Syria: The Folly of Interventionism
Ulson Gunnar The United States has been inching its way toward intervention in Syria since hostilities began in 2011. From the beginning, the US State Department admitted that terrorist armies were waging war against Damascus; but both the US government, its allies in Europe, and prominent media organizations across the West repeatedly claimed that the conflict was not an invasion by multinational terrorist organizations, but rather a “pro-democracy uprising.” Now, years into the conflict, the US is finally at the threshold of direct military intervention, announcing that it would... more »
Makers: Escaping the Pull of Big-Business
Image: Make, vol 40 Tony Cartalucci A popular magazine that should probably be more popular is *Make*. While this is always subject to change in the future, for the time being, it is actually a magazine that empowers rather than manipulates like its competitors on the news stands. While *Popular Mechanics* may at one time in the distant past have actually helped people learn more about the world around them and enabled them to change it - it has become more of a clearing house for covert Fortune 500 propaganda amid a torrent of overt advertisements. *Co-Opting, Tainting the Maker... more »
Can The Ukraine Ceasefire Hold?
*Does Ceasefire In Ukraine Have Any Chance Of Holding? -- Reza Sayah, CNN* Mariupol, Ukraine (CNN) -- Shelling hit areas near two key cities in eastern Ukraine on Sunday morning, intensifying fears that a ceasefire that took effect less than two days ago may be falling apart. The fledgling truce between the Ukrainian government and pro-Russian separatists began Friday evening, and both sides were already accusing each other of violating it by Saturday. Sporadic artillery and machine gun fire rang out in the early hours of Sunday on the outskirts the strategic port city of Mariupol... more »
Ukraine Ceasefire On The Brink Of Collapse As New Fighting Spreads
*Ukraine’s Cease-Fire In Jeopardy As New Fighting Reported -- Washington Post* KIEV, Ukraine — Ukraine on Sunday sought to maintain a tenuous cease-fire with pro-Russian rebels after a series of breaches endangered the truce, with officials in the eastern city of Mariupol saying one woman was killed and three were wounded in fighting overnight. “The Ukrainian government still believes in the cease-fire despite the violations,” Volodymyr Poleviy, deputy spokesman for Ukraine’s National Security Defense Council, said Sunday. Pro-Russian separatists and, according to Ukrainian and N... more »
It's Sunday and you know what that means...
*Reaganite's SUNDAY FUNNIES*
Elizabeth Warren Goes On Bill Moyers Show To Tell The Truth
Every time I see some clueless DIY pundit say something about the "Elizabeth Warren-Bill De Blasio wing of the Democratic Party," it's like fingernails on a chalkboard. Bill De Blasio? He has a record, which is why Blue America never endorsed him and why *DWT* never had any editorial comment on him beyond him being better than the even worse character that EMILY's List ran, Christine Quinn. A Wall Street Democrat, he took on the highly dubious persona of "the liberal," an undiscerning media bought it, was endorsed by *The Nation*, George Soros, Howard Dean, Jerry Nadler, Al Sharp...more »
New Blogs July/September 2014
New blogs. Let's 'ave 'em. 1. Econ Autodidactic (Unaligned) (Twitter) 2. Emma Ann Hardy (Labour) Twitter) 3. For a Fair Society (Labour) (Twitter) 4. IWANTEDWINGS (Unaligned/feminist) 5. Luke Nightingale (Unaligned) (Twitter) 6. NAPO General Secretary's Blog (NAPO) (Twitter) 7. Papier Haché (Unaligned/trans rights) (Twitter) 8. The Lit Crit Guy (Unaligned) (Twitter) 9. The Medway Marxist (LRC/Labour) (Twitter) 10. Worrall's World (Unaligned) (Twitter) That's your lot for this month's round up. If you know of any new blogs that haven't featured before then drop me a line via the comments,... more »
*An honest man upsets an entire university establishment* *Wallace Hall Was Right About UT All Along. He exposed comfortable little rackets that had built up* Maybe the University of Texas at Austin and its many passionate defenders had reason to beware of Wallace Hall when Governor Rick Perry appointed him to the UT System board of regents in 2011. Perry was pushing some plan he got from a rich oilman to eliminate research as a criterion for granting professorial tenure, an idea scathingly denounced by detractors as tantamount to book-burning. But having a good motivation only ma... more »
Ukraine situation ( September 7 , 2014 ) Europe Goes "All In": Will Sanction Rosneft, Gazprom Neft And Transneft ......... Ceasefire still holding despite provocations probably from both Kiev forces and Novorussian forces ..... News and views of the day Europe Goes "All In": Will Sanction Rosneft, Gazprom Neft And Transneft [image: Tyler Durden's picture] Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/07/2014 11:12 -0400 - Capital Markets - China - Yuan inShare4 Until this moment, the main reason why everyone mostly dismissed Europe's sanctions against Russia is that despite all its pompous rhetoric, Europe consistently refused to hit Russia where it would hurt: its energy titans Gazprom, Rosneft And Transfneft. The reason i... more »
*GAMEDAY! Saints at Falcon ~The Advocate * *Ready..Set…………New Orleans Saints versus Atlanta Falcons ~Who Dat Warriors* *Saints Picked for Another Party With the Lombardi ~Barry Hirstius, Who Dat Dish *
*Fun! Could a healthy diet speed up global warming? Eating according to US government guidelines would raise greenhouse gas emissions, claims study* Altering what we eat to conform to dietary guidelines would actually increase emissions of greenhouse gases, a study has found. The researchers found that diet-related greenhouse gas emissions would increase by 12 per cent if dietary recommendations are followed. And while the scientists aren't suggesting we should ignore dietary guidelines, they are suggesting that such guidelines should be made with more environmental considerations... more »
Irar / Syria Regional War - September 7 , 2014 ---- Most recent internal and external political items , battlefield updates on the Regional War and opinions to ponder.....
Tweets...... Retweeted by Thomas van Linge *Abdul* @al_7aleem 33m 07-09-2014: Updated infographic of the Syrian Armed Opposition #Syria # Rebels [image: Embedded image permalink] *Al Arabiya English* @AlArabiya_Eng · 2m BREAKING: #Anbar mayor Ahmed al-Dulaimi seriously injured in clashes with # ISIS near #Haditha in #Iraq - *Charles Lister* @Charles_Lister · 9m SRF leader Jamal Maarouf tells 100s of rebels to prepare to cleanse #Syria of IS in #Raqqa, #Aleppo & Deir ez Zour: *Rudaw English* @RudawEnglish · ... more »
Dipper Drift? In yesterday's *Toronto Star*, Chantal Hebert suggested that, if recent events in Ontario are an indication of the party's future, the NDP may be drifting back to third party status. In the recent provincial election, traditional Dippers voted Liberal to stop Tim Hudak: In the provincial campaign, the platform put forward by Tory leader Tim Hudak went a long way to convince many progressive voters to stick with the Liberals rather than risk facilitating a Conservative victory by giving their vote ...more »
Reproductive Public Health Ethics at the MANCEPT Workshops in Political Theory, 2014.
In a few hours, I'm off to Manchester, UK, for participation in a so-called panel ( ≈ special symposium) at the *MANCEPT Workshops in Political Theory 2014*. The panel is on the topic of *Reproductive Public Health Ethics* and has been conceived of and convened by myself. The topic itself is described thus, at the Mancept website: Human reproduction and resulting population patterns is a classic concern of public policy, yet philosophical and ethical applications to this area remain imprecise, scattered and unsystematic. The point of this workshop is to stimulate a more integrated ... more »
Data paranoia hits home. Conclusion: meh.
For the record, I use Class Dojo. In fact, one of the developers was @ the Chalk Face for an interview in August. I wouldn’t mandate its use, but I do recommend it because I actually like it. One of the primary reasons is its simplicity. The interface is crazily easy and I can create any […]
Palestinian Author Jihad Al-Rajabi: Blood of Mujahideen Makes Gaza Soil More Fertile...
Another Palestinian 'intellectual' talking peace... ' So I say: Oh Arabs, oh Muslims, if you want the Lord to provide for you, wage Jihad with your blood, because blood makes the land and soil more fertile. If you want to see trees heavy with fruit, go to Jabal Al-Rais and look at the lemon trees, which have been irrigated with the blood of mujahideen and martyrdom-seekers.' More here
US, Ukraine to Conduct Military Exercises in Black Sea on September 8-10: Kiev
[image: USS Ross (DDG 71)]The Ukrainian and US navies will take part in joint military drills called “Sea Breeze 2014” on September 8-10 in the northwestern part of the Black Sea, according to Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense. “From 8 to 10 September Ukrainian-American exercises ‘Sea Breeze 2014’ will be conducted in the northwestern part of the Black Sea… The objective of the training is an international operation on establishing and securing maritime safety zone in the crisis area,” the ministry said on its website Friday. Aside from the United States and Ukraine, the exercises will... more »
Graphs at a glance: Government increases the percentage of female police officers! By sacking male officers faster than they sack female officers!!
Question: How do you INCREASE the percentage of women in the police force while DECREASING the number of women in the police force? Answer: You decrease the number of policeMEN faster than you decrease the number of policeWOMEN. For example, if you have 20 women and 80 men, then 20% are women (20 out of a total 100 people). If you reduce the number of men such that you have 20 women and 20 men
As in Libya, So in Syria: The Folly of Interventionism
*September 7, 2014* (Ulson Gunnar - NEO) - The United States has been inching its way toward intervention in Syria since hostilities began in 2011. From the beginning the US State Department admitted that terrorist armies were waging war against Damascus, but both the US government, its allies in Europe, and prominent media organizations across the West repeatedly claimed that the conflict was not an invasion by multinational terrorist organizations, but rather a “pro-democracy uprising.” Now, years into the conflict, the US is finally at the threshold of direct military interventi...more »
Makers: Escaping the Pull of Big-Business
*Image: Make Volume 40 - worth reading. It is a guide tobuilding a new paradigm and new local institutions. **September 7, 2014* (LocalOrg) - A popular magazine that should probably be more popular is Make. While this is always subject to change in the future, for the time being, it is actually a magazine that empowers rather than manipulates like its competitors on the news stands. While Popular Mechanics may at one time in the distant past have actually helped people learn more about the world around them and enabled them to change it - it has become more of a clearing house for ... more »
"If you are a non-Muslim and you turn Muslim, no matter whatever you do in your life, straight to heaven"
Another Muslim, this time a Pakistani cricketer, seems to be 'misunderstanding' the Religion of Peace and Tolerance. Ahmed Shehzad was caught saying rather worrying things to the Sri Lanka cricketer Tillakaratne Dilshan: "If you are a non-Muslim and you turn Muslim, no matter whatever you do in your life, straight to heaven." Following Dilshan's inaudible reply, he added: "Then be ready for the fire." More details here and all around the world.
On Education
I much enjoyed this article by Steven Pinker. An excerpt: It seems to me that educated people should know something about the 13-billion-year prehistory of our species and the basic laws governing the physical and living world, including our bodies and brains. They should grasp the timeline of human history from the dawn of agriculture to the present. They should be exposed to the diversity of human cultures, and the major systems of belief and value with which they have made sense of their lives. They should know about the formative events in human history, including the blunders ... more »
A New Farming Technology That Will Eliminate The Use Of Toxic Herbicides
[image: Foto: WHO NEEDS TOXIC HERBICIDES? New experimental technology uses an air compressor and blasts weeds to smithereens with tiny particles of corn cobs without harming the crop. High-speed particles of grit shred the weeds at 100 pounds per square inch of compressed air. “We’ve been getting season-long weed control of about 80 to 90 percent, which isn’t perfect, but most organic farmers would be happy with that amount of weed control,” says Forcella, a USDA Dept. of Agriculture agronomist. The weeds just disappear. No need for herbicide tolerant genetically engineered crops. No... more »
Messages From Higher Self - Somes We..................
Source: **
Final Cut: Sasha and Heather TCI Interview
After several reloads, multiple complications and a gajillion attempts to upload.... here is the finished video of The Collective Imagination radio show with Lisa, Brian and I talking to Sasha Stone and Heather Tucci Jarraf. Sorry for the delays folks... you have no idea how many hours and hours of work went into finally getting this video out to the public!! Love D
Naval shortages to leave ships at sea for 9 months
Brittish warships could soon be at sea for up to nine months at a time because of budget cuts and crew shortages. The Royal Navy is in the grip of a manpower crisis, with a wave of departures leaving its fleets short of sailors. In an attempt to stem the losses, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) is spending almost £36m on “golden handcuff” payments to entice experienced engineers and technicians to stay in their jobs for another three years. Chief petty officer engineering technicians, who earn between £43,039 and £44,315, will be paid an additional £24,000 lump sum under the incentive ... more »
Russia dispatches naval force to reopen Arctic base
[image: Russia staked its claim]Russia on Saturday (Sep 6) sent six ships carrying personnel and equipment to a Soviet-era military base in the Arctic that it is reopening to bolster its presence in the region, Russian news agencies reported. Moscow is ramping up its military presence in the pristine but energy-rich region as other countries such as Canada and Norway are also staking claims to access its resources. President Vladimir Putin last year ordered the military to return to a base on the far-Northern New Siberian Islands that was abandoned in 1993. Read more
New submarine technology to allow more women onboard
[image: Astute class SSN]But some critics fear it will make mixed crews more likely to romp on board. Women have only been allowed on subs since 2011 and there are just three officers serving beneath the waves – but female ratings will be able to join them soon. Top brass feared high levels of dangerous gases on board the vessels could harm unborn babies conceived before or during missions. But now the subs are to be fitted with special “clean air” filters to cut the risk. Read more
Moira Herbst : THEATER | Brechtomania!
Why Marxist playwright Bertolt Brecht is theater’s hottest old name By Moira Herbst | Portside | September 7, 2014 The playwright, theorist and poet Bertolt Brecht is known worldwide as a giant of modern theater. But until recently, few theaters … finish reading Moira Herbst : *THEATER* | Brechtomania!
Eleven years and six months later, Steve finally gets his wish
Finally, eh? A small deployment of 100 "special ops" at first to be sure, but still a significant addition to the ongoing campaign to fund and arm the Mujihadeen, al Qaeda, Al Nusra, ISIS/ISIL/Islamic State, and whoever comes after them next. Blowback. It's a never-ending job. Here John bomb-bomb-bomb-Iran McCain poses with Free Syrian Army rebels in 2013, in photos purportedly released by ISIS . McCain disputes claims these men are IS-related. McCain press secretary : "If the individual photographed with Senator McCain is in fact Mohamed Nour, that is regrettable." "I believe... more »
Oil Theatre
*Tea farms outside Shijhuo.* One of the things you get used to when you live in Taiwan is periodic hand-wringing about the state of the food supply after the periodic discovery that Someone Is Cheating. In this case the Big News is that a supplier to a major firm was using totally tainted oil.... Police and prosecutors also said two underground factories were busted on suspicion of selling processed waste oils - collected from cookers, fryers and grease traps - including to one that supplied leading food oil manufacturer Chang Guann Co. Another factory allegedly recycled grease fro... more »
Gates, Other “Philanthropy,” and the Purchase of a Success Narrative
Billionaire Bill Gates funds the media. This is no surprise to me. What did surprise me is the discovery that he meets with the media he funds (and others) regularly behind closed doors. Yep. Gates Briefs a Media He Pays For (And Then Some) In February 2013, journalist Tom Paulson wrote a piece on Gates’ […]
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Grand spiral galaxies often seem to get all the glory. Their young, blue star clusters and pink star forming regions along sweeping spiral arms are guaranteed to attract attention. But small irregular galaxies form stars too, like NGC 4449, about 12 million light-years distant. Less than 20,000 light-years across, the small island universe is similar in size, and often compared to our Milky Way's satellite galaxy, the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). *Click image for larger size.* This remarkable Hubble Space Telescope close-up of the well-studied galaxy was reprocessed to highlight ... more »
Chet Raymo, "What Does It All Mean?"
*"What Does It All Mean?"* by Chet Raymo "A good friend tells me via e-mail that she is reading Leo Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina." I read the book for a second time two years ago, in the new translation by Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky. It's one of those novels I had to read twice - once in middle age (I would not have had the patience in youth) and once in settled maturity. In middle age, it was all about Anna, and passion, and doubt. In old age - for me at least - it's about Levin, settled, happily married, enjoying as much intellectual peace as might be possible in this bi... more »
American Republican Party Hatred And Bigotry Finds Fertile Ground In Europe
Last month Dutch fascist leader Geert Wilders was back in America, talking to rabid right-wing Republicans about one of their favorite topics-- and his: Islamophobia. He spoke at the Four Seasons in New York City. I wonder if he called his party the New Nazi Party, instead of the Netherlands Party For Freedom, the Four Seasons would welcome him as a speaker. Probably. "I come to America with a mission," he began. And the mission was to rile up easily demagogued Fox News viewers about the end of the world. "The Europe you know is changing," he warned. Don't they all! Trigger warnin... more »
FALSE FLAG ALERT - rated high for Sept 8 in Black Sea
Please distribute this information as widely as possible. Even if it doesn't pan could be because of all the "publicity". *Canadian frigate taking part in **NATO Black Sea provocation**. Hope it's heavily insured.... : /* Large NATO/Ukraine naval drill planned for September 8, 2014 in the Black Sea right across from Sevastopol, the main Russian naval base in Crimea. If this isn't a textbook situation for a false flag (sink one of the boats and blame it on Russia) then I don't know what is...and, folks, Canada has a frigate in the fleet. Oh, and sign the *letter of sup... more »
Scotland poised to vote YES for Independence ? Sunday Times poll ( September 7 , 2014 ) indicates YES poll receiving surge as we sprint toward the September 18 , 2014 vote..... UK scrambles to promise more powers if Scots reject independence BY KYLIE MACLELLAN LONDON Sun Sep 7, 2014 8:26am EDT 0 COMMENTS - - inShare5 - Share this - - Email - Print [image: Britain's Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne arrives for a meeting at Number 10 Downing Street in London September 1, 2014. REUTERS/Luke MacGregor] Britain's Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne arrives for a meeting at Number 10 Downing Street in London September 1, 2014. CREDIT: REUTERS/LUKE MA... more »
The Poet: Wendell Berry, "The Circles Of Our Lives"
*"The Circles Of Our Lives"* by Wendell Berry "Within the circles of our lives we dance the circles of the years, the circles of the seasons within the circles of the years, the cycles of the moon, within the circles of the seasons, the circles of our reasons within the cycles of the moon. Again, again we come and go, changed, changing. Hands join, unjoin in love and fear, grief and joy. The circles turn, each giving into each, into all. Only music keeps us here, each by all the others held. In the hold of hands and eyes we turn in pairs, that joining joining each to all again. And the...more »
Video: Is Lafayette Parish Schools Selling a “Visual Strategy” or Common Core?
Let’s examine a program known as Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS). They’ve been around for a while. It is important to note that VTS predates test-driven education “reform,” both the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and No Child Left Behind (NCLB): VTS is a well-known program developed by Abigail Housen and Philip Yenawine more than twenty years ago, […]
Mowing the lawn
Video Title: Israeli snipers shoot children playing on rooftop in Gaza. Source: Ry Dawson. Date Published: September 4, 2014.
Corruption? What corruption? With the McDingbat Defense in flames, next comes the appeal: "Dem coppers dint prove nuttin illegal!"
*No, apparently the McDingbats weren't signing autographs on their way out of the courthouse.* *by Ken* It didn't seem like a terribly promising legal strategy. To the charge that ex-VA Gov. Bob McDonnell and his wife Maureen took gifts and money from an entrepreneur and that in exchange they used the governor's office to promote their benefactor's business, the first line of defense was what I've called the Dingbat Defense, whereby all is supposed to be explained that Governor Bob married himself one heckuva doozie, which made him feel bad. Really, really bad. And what's a guy s...more »
Musical Interlude: The Alan Parsons Project, “Prime Time”
The Alan Parsons Project, “Prime Time” -
The Daily "Near You?"
Saint-basile, Quebec, Canada. Thanks for stopping by.
"We Do Not Need Magic..."
“Every day, I saw more evidence about the evils humankind will inflict on their fellow humans to gain or maintain power… What is more, those who choose not to empathize may enable real monsters. For without ever committing an act of outright evil ourselves, we collude with it through our own apathy… If you choose to use your status and influence to raise your voice on behalf of those who have no voice; if you choose to identify not only with the powerful, but with the powerless; if you retain the ability to imagine yourself into the lives of those who do not have your advantages, t... more »
"A Companion Who Goes With Us..."
"Someone once told me that time is a predator that stalked us all our lives. But I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey, that reminds us to cherish every moment because they'll never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we live it. After all, Number One, we're only mortal." - Captain Jean-Luc Picard
"It May Be..."
"It may be when we no longer know what to do, we have come to our real work, And that when we no longer know what way to go, we have begun our real journey." - Wendell Berry
"Life is A Journey- Don't Be Afraid"
"Life is A Journey- Don't Be Afraid" Author Unknown "Life is a journey filled with lessons, hardships, heartaches, joys, celebrations and special moments that will ultimately lead us to our destination, our purpose in life. The road will not always be smooth; in fact, throughout our travels, we will encounter many challenges. Some of these challenges will test our courage, strengths, weaknesses, and faith. Along the way, we may stumble upon obstacles that will come between the paths that we are destined to take. In order to follow the right path, we must overcome these obstacles. So... more »
"A Look To The Human Spirit"
"What are these humans doing? Dancing. Many humans on Earth exhibit periods of happiness, and one method of displaying happiness is dancing. Happiness and dancing transcend political boundaries and occur in practically every human society. Above, Matt Harding traveled through many nations on Earth, started dancing, and filmed the result. The video is perhaps a dramatic example that humans from all over planet Earth feel a common bond as part of a single species. Happiness is frequently contagious - few people are able to watch the above video without smiling." - more »
#Declassify the 28 Redacted Pages of the 9/11 Report!
Voices of Liberty Former Congressman and 2012 Presidential Candidate Ron Paul believes you deserve to know what’s in the 28 pages of the 9/11 report that have been classified since the report was issued in 2002. Though criticism has come to those who are certain that we do not know the full story of what happened that fateful day, it is important for us to set aside the conjecture and come together on the principle that we must always seek the truth. Members of Congress are pushing to bring the truth to light, and they need your support. Congressman Walter Jones (R-NC) and Cong... more »
Phantom Tanks and the Desperation of Kiev
"Humanitarian Aid" - Anthony Freda Art Caleb Maupin How many times have we seen this before? The President of the United States is on TV telling us horror stories. Some innocent people in some corner of the world are being crushed, he tells us. They face some monstrously evil oppressor, he says. While the United States doesn’t like war, what choice is there? Sacrifices must be made, cruise missiles must be unleashed, to protect the poor and innocent. The world is the set of an action movie, and the US is the tragic hero, forced to rescue the innocent. This is the script we hear... more »
A Future With Us On the Sidelines…
Melissa Melton It’s kind of ironic, if you think about it… On the same day that China announced that robots will replace their factory work force in both the chemical and steel sectors, the Drudge Report also highlighted some novel “progress” that was made for humans, too. In Guangzhou, China, the bosses brag that the robots make ideal employees: Efficient, working 24-7, no need to talk, eat, or drink, and best of all, you don’t have to pay them. There are more benefits to having robots working for you. They don’t get hurt. “The injury problems are solved, and efficiency is impr... more »
Latest Study into the Possibility of Megadroughts Ignores Much of the Real Science of Climate Change
Chris Carrington A new study in the *Journal of Climate Science *warns that decades-long drought may become the norm for the Southwestern United States. “A drier Southwest is also a Southwest at risk of a megadrought,” said study author Toby Ault, a climate scientist at Cornell University. Of course, the study implicates global warming as the cause of these future droughts; it does not take into account the planet hasn’t actually warmed at all since 1998. Publications from around the world have published articles relating to the hiatus in global warming. You can read some of them... more »
Caught red handed lying, wounded tiger (NFK) lashes out at conned followers who awoken
-by GrandeLander This is an urgent post on request. Caught red-handed with his lies and fake Amanah papers, Neil Keenan is like an angry wounded tiger; witch-hunting and lashing out wildly at those followers who had awoken. He is using underhand tactics (online and offline) to hit back at those who he suspected had exposed him. Please spread this and other recent articles, to take off the heat on those who are being harassed by agents working for him. *Dark connections - Keenan working for the Cabal, not for the people. * more »
Legendary Spoken Word Poet Has Kickstarter for New Album
*KickStarter* Join us spreading this message of gratitude, love and healing to the world. Support the album on kickstarter and learn more about Abiodun Oyewole of The Last Poets solo project #TeamGratitude. *Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.* Subscribe to GLOBAL POLITICAL AWAKENING by Email
Nevada is Biggest Loser of Tesla Auction
On September 4, Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval announced that electric car-maker Tesla had chosen Nevada for the location of its much sought-after Gigafactory. Contrary to its claim that it wanted $500 million, Tesla in fact wanted speed plus the highest bidder. As I analyzed last month, a $500 million subsidy would have been relatively low as measured by the benchmarks of cost per job and aid intensity (subsidy divided by investment). Instead, Nevada gave Tesla subsides worth $1.25 billion over 20 years. This is not a good deal, as I will detail below. First, of course the cost wa... more »
Top 10 Greatest Problems Humanity Currently Faces
Bernie Suarez There are many issues currently threatening humanity. Here are some of the most critical issues that come to mind. Issues that humanity must figure out if it is to survive the current fight against the controlling class. Perhaps at some point we will figure it all out. Changes never happen overnight; and, as a whole, most Americans hopefully do have a few things in common. Surely one of the solutions is to look for what we all have in common and see how we can all work together to improve things. Coming together on wider platforms is also a key to moving forward. He... more »
Satire: “McCain Rips Obama’s Failure to Bomb Stonehenge”
*“McCain Rips Obama’s Failure to Bomb Stonehenge”* by Andy Borowitz WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)— “Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.) blasted President Obama on Saturday for failing to bomb Stonehenge while in the United Kingdom for the NATO summit. “This is a time when it’s important to send our enemies the message that the United States is strong,” McCain told Fox News. “I can think of no better way to do that than by blowing Stonehenge off the map.” McCain said that he was “astounded” by Obama’s reluctance to order airstrikes on the ancient monument. “He had a clean shot at Stone... more »
A Timeline On When The World's Resources Run Out
*(Click on The Image to Enlarge)* *When Will It All Run Out? -- Zero Hedge* Nothing lasts forever (except central bank dovishness) in the real world. Here is an interpretation of when the world will run out of each metal or energy source... *As Visual Capitalist notes,* *There is a limited supply of these commodities – and if there are no discoveries, no price changes, and no changes in consumption, we are running out relatively soon. In my opinion, there are two caveats that are always worth considering when looking at something like this.1. “Reserves” are an engineering num... more »
NATO agrees cyberattack could trigger military response
*NATO looks for any excuse to justify their tyrannical existence.* *Question-** What two nations conspired and launched a massive cyber attack on energy producing facilities, possibly endangering the entire planet in the process?* *The answer is- US and Israel. Two nations that conspired to release Stuxnet & Flame* *Flashback to Stuxnet........* 4-Stuxnet Struck Russian Nuclear Power Plant 3-Massive Targeted CyberAttack- mostly striking Iran- Flame 2-Stuxnet, tested in Israel, developed with the aid of the US 1-Israel responsible for Stuxnet attack *Is NATO going to attack the US... more »
This morning's 'Today'
This morning's *Today* was really quite a pleasant listen, once you got past all the gory news. It wasn't entirely free from bias though. It covered much of the heavy stuff, dealing with Ukraine and Islamic State at some length, plus Ebola in Sierra Leone, the badger cull, a development v environment controversy in Kent, the successful parliamentary revolt over the 'bedroom tax' and, occupying the 8.10 spot, the immigration crisis in Calais. There was also time for lighter subjects, like James Naughtie visiting a whisky distillery on Skye that one of his ancestors used to own, an ... more »
More Thoughts on McMinnville
I find that sometimes, if I pose a question here, someone out there has an answer. I have said for a very long time that there are only two conclusions to be drawn about the pictures taken in McMinnville, Oregon. They either show a craft from another world, or they are a hoax. I do not see a third possibility given the clarity of the photographs, the features of the object, and the state of our research and development of aircraft in 1950. Philip Klass believed the photographs to be a hoax and research and analysis on the photographs suggested to Robert Sheaffer that the pictures ... more »
Israel's Moral Depravity
Somebody left a copy of the Toronto Star lying around the other day. Out of curiosity, I opened it up to the opinions page and found this nauseating example of complete moral depravity: "World too hasty in judging Israel’s conduct in Gaza: Israel’s conduct should be judged on the same level as that of other democracies during wartime." Let's be very clear here, for all the racists and sadists, "Operation Protective Edge" was not merely a "war of choice." It was a slaughter of choice. The only step lower for Israel to go is to put a few hundred Palestinian men, women and children in... more »
Some Odd Ends- Destroying Society's Cohesion- Hidden History
*Interesting little image left by jo* jo6pacSeptember 5, 2014 at 3:22 PM "Small print but nothing changes on how to attack people senses" *That little clipping reads very much like a methodology to destroy societies* *1919? Communist? Bolshevik? * Why the link? Because the Russian people were brutalized under the Bolshevik regime? *"More than was the case with the monarchies of western Europe, Russia's Tsar personally symbolized his land and nation. Thus, the murder of the last emperor of a dynasty that had ruled Russia for three centuries not only symbolically presaged the Com... more »
Next Round
September 6, 2014 Well, today we have our first taste of fall weather here in southwest Missouri, with lows last night in the mid fifties and an expected high of seventy-five this afternoon. By the end of next week, (we … Continue reading →
Did The U.S. Help In Making The Islamic State A Threat?
Image Credit: REUTERS/Stringer *How The US Made ISIS A Threat -- Zachary Keck, The Diplomat* *The U.S. not only helped create ISIS, but also turned it into a threat to the United States.* Over at The Debate, Ben Reynolds demolishes American pundits who, fearing the U.S. and Iran will cooperate on a shared interest, have tried to blame Iran and its allies for the rise of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS). I have no doubt that Bashar al-Assad welcomed ISIS’s rise in the insurgency. An Alawite family does get to rule over Syria for decades by failing to recognize opportun... more »
Ronald Reagan: "When You're Younger, You Have Fiery Ideas"
Yesterday afternoon, the *Washington Post*'s Greg Sargent pointed out that statewide Republican candidates-- even in the South-- are moving ever so slightly back towards the mainstream and away from the kind of crackpot right-wing extremism that has degraded the GOP brand so baldy in recent years. Arkansas teabagger Tom Cotton is suddenly saying he'll vote *for* the minimum wage increase in his state-- which isn't what the Koch brothers have been paying him to say. And four of them are ducking questions about Medcaid expansion (i.e., Obamacare) in Iowa, New Hampshire, Michigan and ... more »
In Iraq, A United Sectarian Death Cult Is Stronger Than A Coalition of Confused Enemies
*A resident of Amerli, Iraq.* There has been a lot of talk on twitter about the irony of the U.S. and Iran teaming up and fighting together in a strange coalition to save the besieged city of Amerli, whose inhabitants, Shiite Turkmen, have heroically resisted the ISIS onslaught for months while towns around them submitted without a fight. The coalition included the Iraqi army, Iranian-backed Shiite Militias, Kurdish Peshmerga, senior Iranian IRGC officials, the United States, and local volunteer fighters inside Amerli itself. This alliance was unexpected, and it was only formed i... more »
European heads of state accept Washington's lies about Russia as being the god's the truth, frequently at considerable cost to the countries they lead. Perhaps this is due to their belief that the U.S. can do no wrong, although more likely they have been bribed or blackmailed by Washington. Paul Craig Roberts perceives that the ever-willing-to-compromise Vladimir Putin "...holds all the cards and can wreck Europe by turning off the flow of natural gas and can reincorporate the entire Ukraine back into Russia in two weeks or less..." for which actions Washington would have no answer, yet he wonders whether Putin would ever do this.
------------------------------ *The West Paves The Road To War With Lies — Paul Craig Roberts* ------------------------------ September 5, 2014 | Original Here Go here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter The West Paves The Road To War With Lies Paul Craig Roberts Official statements from the Russian government indicate that the president and foreign minister continue to rely on the good will of “our Western partners” to work out a reasonable diplomatic solution to the trouble in Ukraine caused by Washington. Not only is... more »
Censored News photo mural 2006 -- 2014 CLIMATE TRAIN AND 'OUTSIDE THE GATE' at the UN By Brenda Norrell Govinda/Earthcycles Censored News Sept. 6, 2014 Govinda at Earthcycles is interested in providing a live broadcast from the Climate Train, across America on Amtrak in September 2014. We are also interested in providing, as always, the voice
The Islamic State Is Expanding Into Egypt
A fighter of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) holds an ISIL flag and a weapon on a street in the city of Mosul, June 23, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Stringer *Exclusive: Islamic State Guides Egyptian Militants, Expanding Its Influence -- Reuters* (Reuters) - Islamic State, fighting to redraw the map of the Middle East, has been coaching Egypt's most dangerous militant group, complicating efforts to stabilize the biggest Arab nation. Confirmation that Islamic Sate, currently the most successful of the region's jihadi groups, is extending its influence to Egypt will sound ... more »
Sept. 6: Let's forget the Irving press for a bit...
...there's nothing in it anyway. But something happened yesterday that can only be understood with a lot of history. While suffering the boredom forced on us seniors by exercise instructors who condemn us to forever walking on treadmills, I watched Obama's press conference on Ukraine. At first, I was infuriated by his lies, his spewing of hatred, and his threats. Then, as it went on, the truth dawned on me. It was all huff and puff. What he was really saying is that he isn't going to do anything about Ukraine. To understand all this, why it's happening and what it means, we have to... more »
Is There A U.S. - Iranian Alliance To Combat The Islamic State?
*America Has An Unannounced ISIS Strategy, And It Involves Iran -- Jacob Siegel, Daily Beast* *Obama may say “we don’t have a strategy yet” for beating ISIS. Growing American operations on the ground paint a different picture—one with Iranian hues.* The President hasn’t announced his strategy for dealing with ISIS yet, but there is a clear military approach taking shape in Iraq. On an operational level, the military intervention has shown some early success in using U.S. airpower to support local ground forces and halt ISIS’s advances. But the tension between tactics and strategy,... more »
Doubts on Doubts: Part Two
In part one, I shared my views on whether international law is really law. As promised, this post cuts into the conversation on whether international law matters. Violations of international law lead many to question its effectiveness. Non-compliance especially by powerful states reinforces the instrumentalist view which characterizes international law as a strategic instrument of Continue reading
You can't trust leaders who always take the credit, but never the blame. That's what undid Maliki. Maliki's heavy-handed control over the army led to its collapse at Mosul, but when the city of Amerli was recently liberated from ISIL by a coalition of militias and U.S. airstrikes, *he was the first politician on the scene* to promise the heroic people of the town that Iraq would win this war, posing as a great and triumphalist leader when in reality he had nothing to do with the victory. Video Title: Obama Ended the Iraq War!
Iran v Saudi Arabia, 'Dateline' grudge match
What has got into *Dateline London *recently? After years of relentless, rather oppressive left-liberal consensus-building, the programme has sprung to life in recent months. Instead of presenting us, week in week out, with like-minded people agreeing with each other - as if the whole world agreed with *Dateline*'s worldview - now we are being allowed to see and hear a wider range of voices, often vigorously disagreeing with each other. It's as if the real world has been invited in at last. The results may occasionally be raw and rowdy but it is fascinating and revealing, and I ... more »
U.S. Military Charter Plane With 100 Americans That Was Forced To Land In Iran Has Reached Dubai
*Plane Carrying Americans Reaches Dubai After Being Diverted To Iran -- Reuters* (Reuters) - A chartered aircraft carrying about 100 Americans from the U.S. airbase at Bagram, Afghanistan, has landed safely in Dubai after being diverted to Iran because of issues with its flight plan, the U.S. State Department said on Friday. The Fly Dubai plane took off earlier from Bandar Abbas, Iran, after being rerouted there. A U.S. official said the plane had failed to update its flight plan after leaving Bagram for Dubai several hours late. When Iranian civil aviation officials identified th... more »
Forgive me father for I have sinned and I’m not even a Catholic. I feel guilty all the same because I’ve been a voyeur. I’m sorry to say I’ve been looking at Jon Donnison’s Twitter feed with a mixture of morbid fascination and ordinary fascination, and I haven’t even got a Twitter account nor do I intend signing up for one no matter how many times they urge me to do so whenever I log on. Looking in on it feels just so wrong. I think they should stop people like me from spying on other people’s Tweets. Something should be done. Anyway, it led to something loosely relating to Craig’s ... more »
Genesis according to Kerry: you shall save the Muslim world from global warming
*What an interesting combination of insanities* As you may have noticed, I am very busy these days and it will continue to be so for 9 more days because several things have overlapped. So it may be a time for easier blog posts. When I was reading a title by Anthony Watts, Is John Kerry mentally ill? "Scriptures Commands America To Protect Muslims From Global Warming" I was thinking that Anthony had to misinterpret Kerry's words or heavily exaggerate, or something like that. But then I pressed "play" on this 90-second video: In the State Department, they follow the slogan "religi... more »
Steve Israel Starts Dumping His Miserable Recruits
Steve Israel and the DCCC freaked out when they realized that a progressive grassroots candidate, George Gollin, was serious about running against freshman GOP corporate shill Rodney Davis. With Dick Durbin at their side, they did everything they could to undermine Gollin and, in the end, Israel's mystery meat candidate, Ann Callis, won the primary, with 54.65%, having significantly outspent Gollin. From the moment she won the primary, the Democrats could have written off the swing district. She stands for nothing except her own career and offers no one-- except for blind partisan... more »
Why Did President Obama Skipped The Start Of This Week's NATO Meeting?
U.S. President Barack Obama prepares to speak at a news conference on the second and final day of the NATO summit at the Celtic Manor resort, near Newport, in Wales September 5, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Yves Herman *Obama Absent For Start Of NATO Meeting -- The Hill* President Obama was nowhere to be found during the beginning of a meeting of the NATO-Ukraine commission in Wales on Thursday. Obama was "noticeably absent" from the start of the meeting, according to a White House pool report, although U.S. Ambassador to NATO Douglas Lute was in attendance. Obama was late to the Ukraine... more »
Supplemental: The theme of confusion in elite life!
*SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2014Fratricide comes to Dick Nixon:* In the last few years of her life, Fawn Brodie, who was dying of cancer, wrote a peculiar book. The book was published in 1981, after Brodie had died. It bore the title Richard Nixon: The Shaping of His Character. Brodie’s semi-famous book was extremely strange. Equally strange is the fact that many elite journalists couldn’t tell—and that Professor Brodie’s book still plays a role in our lives. Next week, we’ll look at the way Rick Perlstein adapted parts of Brodie’s book in his 2008 best-seller, Nixonland. For today, ... more »
Ken O'Keefe talks about where Zionism is headed!
Ken tells it like it is. He was on the Mavi Mara aid ship which was ransacked by the criminal Zionist state called Israel and resulted in the murder of many people who came to help Palestine. Can you salute this guy? He personally disarmed one Zionist commando clown and another... please see.
Musings On Iraq In The News
I was mentioned in “iraq’s new parliament: 200 laws in limbo, 6,000 unfinished projects and one messy constitution” by Mustafa Habib in Niqash. I was also interviewed for the latest episode of EPIC's podcast "What You Need to Know About What Happened in Sinjar."
Our Politicians are overwhelming scumbags
Is this democracy? How can we change this? The world depends on some kind of articulacy, back by Justice.
The EU And The U.S. Are Preparing More Sanctions Against Russia Despite The Ceasefire
*Ukraine Crisis: Ceasefire Holds But Russia Says It 'Will React' To Further EU Penalties -- The Independent* Further travel and economic sanctions on Russia were approved by the EU yesterday, however its Foreign Ministry warned this morning that it would "react" if they are imposed A ceasefire between Ukraine and separatist rebels began last night and appears to still be in place, after a five-month bloody conflict left more than 2,000 dead. The deal began at 6pm local time after being signed in Minsk, the capital of Belarus, by Kiev, Moscow and the Russia-backed separatists, as ... more »
Architecture is everything
Well I know I am a living thing and is there anybody in humanity' that feels the same way? The way they build buildings makes me think aboot how different the life of the architect and mine cross paths on the search for a great life.
Why Is Independence So Frightening? Following the Leader...
Brandon Smith clearly outlines many aspects of the word "independence" that scares the shit out of people, and defines the word "leader" in it's true meaning in this article, *"Why is Independence so frightening to some people?".* Beyond the definition of "Follower" and "Leader" and their defined roles in our society that this article outlines, there is also the dramatic influence of the programmed templates that we have seen play out over and over in our perceived "history". As words are redefined to mean something different, ie: Leadership, so the templates roll on, continuing t... more
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