Latest news and stories from
Apple releases security patch for the Bash ShellShock vulnerability
Apple released a security patch APPLE-SA-2014-09-29-1 for the Bash ShellShock vulnerability. Under certain7 mins ago -
Microsoft expected to announce new version of Windows tomorrow.
Microsoft is having a special special invite-only Windows event in San Francisco tomorrow that is widely14 hrs ago -
New ShellShock vulnerability. Are consumers directly affected? Probably not
A new vulnerability titled CVE-2014-6271 has been discovered in the Bash shell for Unix and Linux operatingSeptember 25, 2014
USA Partisan
By: Selwyn Duke Conservatives are generally very nice people — who never saw a culture war15 hrs ago -
Protect the poor – from climate change policies
Cornwall Alliance works to ensure reliable, affordable energy for poor families worldwide In a more15 hrs ago -
General Wesley Clark: Wars Were Planned – Seven Countries In Five Years General Wesley Clark: Because I had been throughSeptember 29, 2014
SGTreport - The Corporate Propaganda Antidote - Silver, Gold, Truth, Liberty, & Freedom
Another “Conspiracy Theory” Becomes Fact: The Fed’s “Stealth Bailout” Of
from ZeroHedge : Back in June 2011, Zero Hedge first posted: “ Exclusive: The Fed’s $6008 mins ago -
NASA Scientists: No Catastrophic Global Warming Evidence – “We The People
by We The People Radio, The News Doctors : Leighton Steward’s significant work with a team of former12 mins ago -
Net Changes to Central Bank Gold Positions
by MomentsInTrading, via The Victory Report :32 mins ago
Black Agenda Report
Will America's Black Political Class Join In the Spoils of the Rape of
By BAR managing editor Bruce A. Dixon The table set with the loot from 5 million dead in neighboringSeptember 25, 2014 -
The Big Switch: Obama Preparing to Bomb His Way to Regime Change in Syria
A Black Agenda Radio commentary by Glen Ford The U.S. bombing campaign over Syria has two objectives:September 25, 2014 -
The Black Caucus “Left” Wing Crumbles Before Obama’s War Machine
A Black Agenda Radio commentary by Glen Ford It took just three years for most Americans to concludeSeptember 24, 2014
Azzaman English
PM reported to have fueled inter-Kurdish differences
Azzaman, September 29, 2014 The head of the Kurdish region Massoud Barzani is unhappy with a visit by Iraqi22 hrs ago -
More advanced Russian weapons arrive in Iraq
By Mohammed al-Salehi Azzaman, September 28, 2014 Russian weapons among them advanced helicopter gunshipsSeptember 28, 2014 -
Hundreds of displaced Christian families return to village
Azzaman, September 26, 2014 Hundreds of Christian families who had fled a village north of the city ofSeptember 26, 2014
Community Press Group
Scotland and the disempowerment of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Scotland says NO... What happens next?September 20, 2014 -
The Rise of the Unarmed Warrior – The Insurance of Food.
What would you do if you went to your local supermarket and found it was closed? - PERMANENTLY. It’s anSeptember 2, 2014 -
New Beginnings for Live Pulse News and Awake Radio TV
From the 1st September 2014 the CPG site will be moving to it’s new permanent homeAugust 19, 2014
War Matrix: New System Enables Drones and Robots to Work Together
image source Nicholas West Activist Post The U.S. military continues to seek ways to integrate combat -
The U.S. Government Is Borrowing About 8 Trillion Dollars A Year
Michael Snyder Activist Post I know that headline sounds completely outrageous. But it is actually true. -
History proves vaccines are quite safe—really?
Jon Rappoport Activist Post In 1987, when I was writing my first book, AIDS INC. , I decided to look
RSS Feed
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Climate Resistance
Battle of Ideas 2014
The Institute of Ideas ‘ tenth Battle of Ideas festival is taking place next month at the BarbicanSeptember 27, 2014 -
Stern’s Turn
Way, way back in the 2000s, when everyone believed in Hockey Sticks, the UK’s Labour governmentSeptember 16, 2014 -
Monbiot Re-Writes History
Environmentalists don’t understand politics. Especially democratic politics. And EnvironmentalistsSeptember 13, 2014
The Daily Bell RSS News Feed
Wall Street Where Are the Real Bad Guys
It's fairly predictable now. A Wall Street transgression is noted and trumpeted and the call goes out8 hrs ago -
Flowing Cannabis Cash Speeds Up Political Acceptance
This is another article that shows how quickly cannabis is changing from an illegal substance to a8 hrs ago -
Dangerous Words I Believe in Freedom But
One of the greatest huddles to a successful achievement of liberty in society is all due to the little word8 hrs ago Top Topics
Unreal, Amazing and Breath Taking Photos From Outer Space (90 flags)
Folks, Sometimes you need to drop whatever you are doing and look up at the stars. I just spentSeptember 28, 2014 -
Vatican Pedophilia Scandal: Archbishop Jozef Wesolowski Stored Over 100,000
A former Vatican archbishop accused of paedophilia stored tens of thousands of child porn videos and photosSeptember 28, 2014 -
WW3 prophecy mega thread.. (40 flags)
Just for a bit of fun I thought I would collate a few WW3 prophesies from the past.. I take most prophesiesSeptember 28, 2014
Accuracy In Academia
MESA Culpa
Accuracy in Academia has proudly joined a distinguished cadre questioning the federal funding of biasedSeptember 28, 2014 -
Republican Sighted in Academe!
Academia is up in arms. The board of trustees at Florida State University (FSU) just named a Republican toSeptember 27, 2014 -
MOOCs Expand, Homeschoolers Beware
The School Reform News, published by the Heartland Institute, found there are over 1,200 massive openSeptember 26, 2014
ISIL under heavy assault by Kurds in Iraq
Peshmerga forces backed by US-led coalition air power launch pre-dawn attacks on three fronts against ISIL.17 mins ago -
Hong Kong protesters remain on streets
Huge crowds of pro-democracy protesters defy government calls to go home, bringing city's key districts11 hrs ago -
Catalonia halts independence vote campaign
The move comes after Spain's top court suspends the vote due to Madrid's appeals to declare it1 hr ago
AllThingsD » Walt Mossberg
Top Products in Two Decades of Tech Reviews
This is my last column for The Wall Street Journal, after 22 years of reviewing consumer technologyDecember 17, 2013 -
Diabetes Data Beamed to Your Phone
Home medical devices, as opposed to fitness products like activity-measuring wrist bands, have too oftenDecember 10, 2013 -
Two Houses, One Cable TV Bill
Q: I have a vacation home and I am paying for cable service at two houses. Is there a practical way toDecember 10, 2013
altahrir, news of Islam, Muslims, Arab Spring and special Palestine
Hamas has Israeli prisoners, next battle in Askalan
The Qassam commander said: “I am telling you now, based on real information, the next ground battle with17 hrs ago -
ICC already has authority to investigate Israel for war crimes, legal group
Palestinian children walk past destroyed houses in Shujaiya, eastern Gaza, which was heavily bombed17 hrs ago -
Most Palestinians back Israel rocket fire if Gaza blockade stays
Most Palestinians would favour resuming rocket fire at Israel if it does not lift its Gaza blockade17 hrs ago
Animal Emotions
The Emotional Lives of Animals; Children and Animal Minds
A new book by developmental psychologist William Crain titled "The Emotional Lives of Animals &September 25, 2014 -
Chimpanzees: Former Pets or Performers Suffer For Years
A recent study shows that chimpanzees who are reared in captivity and who lacked contact with otherSeptember 24, 2014 -
"I Need my Mama" Distress Calls are Similar Across Mammals
Distress calls emitted by young of different mammalian species share basic elements. They are simple soundsSeptember 23, 2014
RSS Feed
Iran’s Inflexibility on Enrichment a Barrier to Progress on Nuclear Deal
By Daryl G. Kimball Officials involved in the high-stakes negotiations aimed at reaching a comprehensiveSeptember 27, 2014 -
The P5+1 and Iran Nuclear Talks Alert, September 25
By the research staff of the Arms Control Association. To get this P5+1 and Iran Nuclear Talks AlertSeptember 25, 2014 -
The P5+1 and Iran Talks Are Complicated Enough Without Partisan Senate
By Kelsey Davenport U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry meets with Iranian Foreign Minister Javad ZarifSeptember 22, 2014
Australian Climate Madness
Dr Karl’s Klimate Krap…
Dr Karl is on a krappy Krusade… to keep the warming scare going. Rusted-on warmists like Dr Karl haveSeptember 18, 2014 -
Terror threat level raised to ‘High’ – Methodists blamed
Satire alert: Australia today raised the terror threat level to ‘high’ as a result of the increasing riskSeptember 12, 2014 -
Breaking news: nothing has anything to do with Islam
Satire alert: Islamic leaders have issued a statement explaining that nothing, including Qur’anSeptember 5, 2014
BBC News - Home
Hong Kong leader in protest appeal
Hong Kong leader CY Leung urges pro-democracy protesters to "immediately" stop their campaign, as2 hrs ago -
Kurds fight IS on Iraq-Syria border
Heavy fighting is reported on both sides of a key border crossing between Iraq and Syria, where Kurdish38 mins ago -
Thousands of Ebola orphans 'shunned'
At least 3,700 children in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone who have parents to Ebola this year face being2 hrs ago
BBC News - England
Dead teacher filmed boys changing
Indecent images of pupils are found on the computer of an Essex deputy head teacher who was found dead1 hr ago -
Melanie Hall charge decision sought
Detectives investigating the murder of Wiltshire woman Melanie Hall in 1996 ask the Crown Prosecution2 hrs ago -
'Dirty toilets' workers end strike
Construction staff in Ferrybridge will return to work following a row over toilets.3 hrs ago
The paperless dilemma
EVER since the “paperless office” was first mooted in a Business Week article back in 1975, its estimatedSeptember 29, 2014 -
How to judge a ’bot; why it’s covered
WHEN the autonomous cars in Isaac Asimov's 1953 short story “Sally” encourage a robotic bus to dole outSeptember 25, 2014 -
First time lucky
FOR a brief period in the small hours of the morning of September 24th, a control room full of IndianSeptember 24, 2014
Radley Balko
These 13 People Were Killed By The War On Drugs. Their Lives Were The Cost
This story was first published in April 2013. America's long drug war has produced countlessApril 18, 2014 -
An Interview With Sam Dalton, Now In His Seventh Decade Of Criminal Defense
The year 2013 marked the 50th anniversary of two landmark Supreme Court cases in criminal defense law. InDecember 30, 2013 -
Militarizing Santa Claus
A couple years ago, I wrote a story about efforts by citizens in the town of Keane, New Hampshire, to blockDecember 27, 2013
Bartholomew's Notes on Religion
Ted Cruz Tells Middle East Christians To “Stand With Israel”
From Tristyn Bloom at the Daily Caller : Sen. Ted Cruz was booed offstage at a conference for MiddleSeptember 11, 2014 -
Yakunin Outfit Hides Involvement of Larry Jacobs and Don Feder in
At Mother Jones , Hannah Levintova has an interesting detail about what happened when she asked the WorldSeptember 10, 2014 -
Christian Zionist Elvis Drama Sees Poor Reviews and Box-Office Takings
From the Hollywood Reporter : Faith-based Elvis musical drama The Identical bombed at the North AmericanSeptember 8, 2014
Beyond Meds
Weaving the golden path of integration
While the transformative fires of love may never feel safe, it is only through tender kindness to your10 hrs ago -
Healing through the dark emotions
Fear, grief and despair are uncomfortable and are seen as signs of personal failure. In our culture we callSeptember 28, 2014 -
It gets better: Neuropsych doctor confirms psych drug iatrogenisis, PTSD
Indeed, I do not consider myself ill anymore. I consider myself HEALING which is a vibrant state ofSeptember 27, 2014
Biased BBC
The Devil’s Greatest trick
The BBC is having a crisis. It hasn’t been able to settle on a position yet on how to8 hrs ago -
A new week dawns and so a new OPEN THREAD requires your attention! Detail the bias here please.September 29, 2014 -
Fancy That!
The BBC’s Lisa Jardine gives us her point of view….. A point of view: WhenSeptember 28, 2014
Israel PM warns Iran greater threat than IS jihadists
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned Monday at the United Nations that a nuclear-capable Iran9 hrs ago -
Another Conspiracy Theory Becomes Fact: The Fed's "Stealth Bailout
"Exclusive: The Fed's $600 Billion Stealth Bailout Of Foreign Banks Continues At The Expense Of9 hrs ago
Brave The World
Bitcoin Is a Right
The block chain is structured data, a way of organizing information…Restricting or manipulatingSeptember 23, 2014 -
26 Ways to be a Bitcoin Hater
Originally published in Bitcoin Magazine So you don’t really know whatSeptember 23, 2014 -
When we say Bitcoin, we mean the idea: the birth of cryptocurrency. We know it's not perfect. But weAugust 13, 2014
Blog: Posts
Boeing Delivers First New-Build Chinook for Special Operators
Body: By Yasmin Tadjdeh RIDLEY PARK, Pa. — The Boeing Co. delivered the first new-build MH-47G Chinook to1 hr ago -
U.S. Debates Removal of Weapons Ban on Vietnam as China Asserts Territorial
Body: By Sarah Sicard With relations warming, the U.S. ban on the sale of lethal weapons to Vietnam hasAugust 29, 2014 -
Foreign Buyers Vital to Lockheed's Missile Defense Business
Body: By Sandra I. Erwin Top U.S. military contractor Lockheed Martin Corp. is putting a full-court pressSeptember 26, 2014
Business News Headlines - Yahoo! News
U.S. consumer confidence falls in September
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. consumer confidence fell in September to its lowest level since May on concerns28 mins ago -
U.S. home prices rise less than expected in July: S&P/Case-Shiller
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. single-family home prices rose in July on a year-over-year basis but fell short1 hr ago -
Wall Street edges lower; investors watch dollar strength
By Ryan Vlastelica NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. stocks were slightly lower on Tuesday, pulling back from the43 mins ago
COTO Report
Mowing the Lawn in Gaza
By Volaar “When thy intelligence shall cross beyond the whirl of delusion, then shalt thou becomeAugust 11, 2014 -
Fasten your seat belts – Iran saving democracy in Iraq
Iran may rescue Iraq from a major threat posed by a Sunni Muslim extremist group formerly aligned with AlJune 16, 2014 -
Ukraine President Once Agent for U.S. State Department
Ask yourself, how would you regard a high level U.S. politician who met regularly at a foreign embassy andJune 16, 2014
CP Feed
Guardian: Moazzam Begg among four arrested in Birmingham terror raids
Former Guantánamo detainee is held along with two men and a woman on suspicion of Syria-relatedFebruary 25, 2014 -
Andy Worthington: A love letter from Guantánamo
Younus Chekhouri (also identified as Younous Chekkouri), who will be 46 in May, is one of the last twoFebruary 25, 2014 -
Dissenter: More charges of forced drugging at Guantanamo
On February 21, attorneys for six former Guantanamo prisoners took their civil case against DonaldFebruary 25, 2014
Caring for Survivors of Torture
“Mainstreaming Torture” & Other Resources
Does America Still Torture? That’s the question Rebecca Gordon asks in The Nation , “Once upon a time, ifAugust 22, 2014 -
The New York Times apologizes…
NY Times’ apologizes for failure to acknowledge torture…ten years too late I never thought IAugust 19, 2014 -
A Vacation from Gun Violence?
Americans have way more guns, but less vacation time… An excellent resource paper from theAugust 14, 2014
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Center on Budget: Comprehensive News Feed
Republican Study Committee Health Plan Would Likely Result in Many More
The Republican Study Committee (RSC) health plan (H.R. 3121) unveiled last year has received renewedSeptember 23, 2014 -
Poverty Fell and Health Coverage Improved in 2013, But Economic Recovery Is
The poverty rate dropped significantly in 2013 for the first time since 2006 and only the second timeSeptember 22, 2014
Cleantech Blog
Forward Osmosis – Solving Tomorrow’s Water Challenges Using Nature’s Remedy
Nature has an ingenious way of extracting water, but does it have the potential to solve many of todaySeptember 10, 2014 -
Healthy Planet Partners Closes Distributed Generation and Energy Efficiency
Healthy Planet Partners Energy & Infrastructure Fund, LP announces a final close at $26 MM, limitedSeptember 7, 2014 -
Green & Grow Inc. Secures $6M Series B Funding From Otter Capital
Texas, 26 August 2014: Green & Grow Inc. (GGI) has raised an additional $6 million in Series B fundingAugust 28, 2014
By John Bovay, TheMillenium report “…And now a new legendary terrorist leader of the Islamic State hasSeptember 24, 2014 -
Zapping ERTV Septembre 2014 – 1ère quinzaine
Parce qu’une compilation d’extraits vidéos peut servir à autre chose que promouvoir l’idéologie dominante,September 19, 2014 -
EBOLA: Cuba Sees a Crisis, and Sends Docs; The US Sees an Opportunity and
Different responses to Ebola epidemic: Cuba sends doctors; US sends troops and trainers By DaveSeptember 17, 2014
Coyote Blog
Fake but Accurate: How I Know Nobody Believes that 1 in 5 Women Are Raped
How do I know that average people do not believe the one in five women raped on campus meme? Because10 hrs ago -
Sorry for the Downtime
Had some sort of attack running all weekend against one of my more minor web sites. Hostgator found the18 hrs ago -
Great Example of the Completely Insane Way We Manage Water
Virtually every product and service we purchase has its supply and demand match by prices. Higher pricesSeptember 28, 2014
Crikey » COLUMNS
What really happened with Operation Neath
Crikey readers have their say about NIMBYism, development and The Australian 's account of how it12 hrs ago -
Glenn Dyer’s TV ratings: Ten calls the Cops on ratings
Ten failed with its two new cops programs; Seven safely downloaded, sorry, fast tracked the first of the12 hrs ago -
Media briefs: stymying Rundle … Essential on ABC cuts … the ABC from Laos …
One in four people are concerned about cuts to the ABC, but Coalition voters generally aren't among12 hrs ago
Astrobiology Magazine: Daily News Story
Life’s Wrinkles in the Sand
A new study sheds light on how geological features known as wrinkle structures are formed. It involves a10 hrs ago
Dandelion Salad
Chris Hedges: The Future Collapse + Perpetual Imperialistic War = Bombs on
Dandelion Salad with Chris Hedges Chris Hedges: Building Different Relationships Before It’s Too Late16 hrs ago -
Once Upon a Time in the US of A: An Unfairness Tale by Ed Ciaccio
by Ed Ciaccio Writer, Dandelion Salad September 28, 2014 Once upon a time in the US of A, the PlunderingSeptember 28, 2014 -
Chris Hedges at Flood Wall Street: The System Itself Is Dead + NYPD Arrest
Dandelion Salad with Chris Hedges ItsTheFree on Sep 25, 2014 Chis Hedges speaks to the crowd atSeptember 26, 2014
Diary of a Heartland Radical
Moving Above the Snake Line to the Higher Ground: Moral Mondays Comes to
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONESeptember 22, 2014 -
Twentieth Century Narratives of International Relations Are No Longer
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONESeptember 12, 2014
Liberalism and Gentrification
By MsSaraKelly via Flickr (CC by 2.0) via Jacobin : When I want to examine the limits of liberal22 mins ago -
World Has Lost More Than Half of Wildlife in 40 Years
Can you imagine the conspiracy theories that certain usual suspects would be broadcasting far and wide if1 hr ago -
War Photographer Comes Back From Syria To Show You The Truth
In this video Luke Rudkowski talks to Benjamin Hiller who’s an German-American freelance journalist2 hrs ago
The Doctor's Report
Ghana: a Shining Democracy Without Accountability
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONEJuly 4, 2013 -
How Could Japan Offer $32billion In Aid To Africa?
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONEJune 14, 2013 -
Why Are African Professors Becoming Politicians?
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONEJune 5, 2013
Drone Wars UK
UK’s much delayed Watchkeeper drone deployed to Afghanistan
Watchkeeper at Camp Bastion Sept 2014 – Crown Copyright The UK’s new Watchkeeper drone has finally5 hrs ago -
New Briefing: ‘Into the Fire: The dangers of redeploying British armed
Click to download As NATO military operations come to an end in Afghanistan and the MoD faces a judicialSeptember 22, 2014 -
Drones Week of Action 4-11 Oct 2014
Over the past couple of months we have witnessed drone strikes in at least seven countries: AfghanistanSeptember 12, 2014
(e) Science News - Biology & Nature
Plants prepackage beneficial microbes in their seeds
Plants have a symbiotic relationship with certain bacteria. These 'commensal' bacteria help the4 hrs ago -
MaxBin: Automated sorting through metagenomes
Microbes -- the single-celled organisms that dominate every ecosystem on Earth -- have an amazing ability4 hrs ago -
Investigating the 'underground' habitat of Listeria bacteria
The literature describes Listeria as ubiquitous bacteria with widespread occurrence. Yet they only become a23 hrs ago
Latest News
System of Rice Intensification Brings Hope to Global Rice Production
SRI methods generate higher rice yields using less water2 hrs ago -
Five Ways Ban Ki-moon’s Summit Has Changed International Climate Politics
The UN climate summit in New York decided nothing – but it has helped put climate change back on the agendaSeptember 26, 2014
Fabius Maximus
“The Lone Ranger” shows Hollywood’s new paradigm, since films were too deep
Summary: Today we have another guest post by film critic Locke Peterseim, reviewing The Lone Ranger. HeSeptember 27, 2014 -
A new world comes, probably one with no place for our “lords of finance”
Summary: The world changes as new great powers arise. The rules of international law and commerce willSeptember 25, 2014 -
Listen to the slowing US economy, hear echoes of Japan
Summary: Now in its sixth year, this sorry excuse for an expansion is ready to boom — accelerating toSeptember 24, 2014
Whistleblower Protection Blog
Attorney General Supports Increased Whistleblower Protections Under Federal
New York City, New York. September 17, 2014. In a speech delivered today at New York University School ofSeptember 17, 2014 -
Recent SEC Whistleblower Awards
Compliance Professional Awarded $300,000 by SEC Whistleblower Came to SEC After Reporting FraudSeptember 5, 2014 -
SEC Whistleblower Awards List August 2014
The SEC Office of the Whistleblower post Notices of Covered Action where a final judgment or order, byAugust 26, 2014
Friends of Syria
British PM David Cameron: “Non-Violent Extremists” Including “9/11 Truthers
An Open Letter Dear Mr Cameron I write this open letter to you in response to your recent speech15 hrs ago -
Moderate Syrian Rebels Carry ISIL Flags in Protest to Coalition Airstrikes
Obama training moderate terrorists in Saudi Arabia, is only going to encourage more Jihadists, from around16 hrs ago
Amanda Bynes on Adderall, Likely Extremely Focused During Arrest: Report
Amanda Bynes was having a relatively quiet 2014 until yesterday , when she was arrested for driving under37 mins ago -
Number One Singles of the Past Decade, Ranked
The Billboard Hot 100 has tracked the most popular songs in the U.S. since 1958, compiled from weekly from52 mins ago -
Are Anti-Vaccinators Stupid or Disingenuous? A Q&A With Eula Biss
It's not often that you find a literary essayist wandering into contemporary political debates, these57 mins ago
The Green Life
Hiking Guru Shares Perfect Paths
Robert Manning is a hiking guru. At the University of Vermont, he researches and teaches park managment ,&#May 30, 2014 -
Defending The F-Word
The oil and gas industry dislikes the noun fracking , shorthand for hydraulic fracturing . ItMay 28, 2014 -
Not Your Grandparents’ Road Trip: 5 Green Reasons to Visit National Parks
Wailing children, crotchety parents, sand and sunscreen in uncomfortable places… you get the idea. IfMay 28, 2014
Green Prophet » Green Prophet
Clear your coast – and row for the sea!
Part of International Coastal Cleanup Day 20 kayakers will paddle from Caesarea toSeptember 17, 2014 -
Railway use by people and freight up, but not in the Middle East
Travelling by rail is a great way to save gas and greenhouse gas emissions. ButSeptember 3, 2014 -
Ebola out of control makes chocolate more expensive
Disruptions in food trade and marketing in the three West African countries mostSeptember 2, 2014 - Daily News & Analysis
Top Provider Billing Mistakes Are Changing
Rapidly advancing fields such as molecular diagnostics pose some of the newest challenges for providers2 hrs ago -
Hospitals Seeking Physician Alignment
Healthcare leaders face challenges on multiple fronts as they try to redefine physician-hospital alignment2 hrs ago -
Driving Down Claims Denials
Provider organizations are finding new ways to protect revenue from aggressive government audits andSeptember 29, 2014
Carl Herman's feed
Recognizing 9/11 as an evil US CRIME: an analogy
9/11 began a fraud by the US upon the world through unlawful Wars of Aggression. The crime of 9/11 as toSeptember 10, 2014 -
Decades of federal government ‘cost-plus’ contracts skyrocket taxpayer
guest blog by “Captains America” (bio below)The biggest issue with federal governmentSeptember 8, 2014 -
Human failure to recognize, reject, and remember evil: essential topic for
Around 1969 as a young boy, I looked-up the definition of the word, evil. I found something like, &ldquoSeptember 7, 2014
The Intercept
New Intel Doc: Do Not Be ‘Led Astray’ By ‘Commonly Understood Definitions’
New evidence of the intelligence community’s intentionally deceptive use of the English language was20 hrs ago -
The Ghost of Ronald Reagan Authorizes Most NSA Spying
U.S. intelligence agents have broad authority to spy on U.S. companies as long as they are “believed21 hrs ago -
The Fake Terror Threat Used To Justify Bombing Syria
As the Obama Administration prepared to bomb Syria without congressional or U.N. authorization, it facedSeptember 28, 2014
In These Times
The Poor Don’t Need Pity
Linda Tirado is angry, and she wants to make you angry, too. Even when her voice is calm and clear, lining4 hrs ago -
7 Politicians Who Are Actually Talking About Inequality
The politician speaking out most vividly against economic inequality isn’t a Democrat at all, at18 hrs ago -
It’s the Inequality, Stupid
President Barack Obama said last December that inequality is “the defining challenge of our timeSeptember 29, 2014
Indigenous Action Media
Klamath River Tribes Confront Feds for Water Releases To Prevent Fish Kill
Klamath River Tribes Confront Feds for Water Releases To Prevent Fish KillFor Immediate Release August 19,August 19, 2014 -
Flagstaff Commits 3.6 Billion Gallons of Treated Sewage for Snowmaking on
Waste Water from Mari Cleven on Vimeo. For Immediate Release August 9, 2014 Contact: Klee BenallyAugust 9, 2014 -
Independent Film to Address Diné Forced Relocation, Crowdfunding Campaign
FLAGSTAFF, AZ — Diné activist, musician, and filmmaker Klee Benally hasn’t been known to pull punches whenAugust 6, 2014
Inter Press Service
From Subsistence to Profit, Swazi Farmers Get a Helping Hand
Processing baby vegetables at Sidemane Farm. Credit: Mantoe Phakathi/IPS By Mantoe Phakathi MBABANE, Sep 304 hrs ago -
Lack of Accountability Fuels Gender-Based Violence in India
Women in the north Indian village of Katra Shadatganj in the state of Uttar Pradesh, where two young girls14 hrs ago -
U.S. to Create National Plan on Responsible Business Practices
By Carey L. Biron WASHINGTON, Sep 30 2014 (IPS) The United States will begin developing a national action14 hrs ago
The Invisible Opportunity: Hidden Truths Revealed
Vaccine researcher charged with felony crimes for research fraud; may spend
By Mike Adams (NaturalNews) Scientific fraud is so common in the vaccine industry, it’s practically10 hrs ago -
What is ‘vaccine spectrum disorder’ and why is it called autism
by: S. D. Wells (NaturalNews) Vaccine spectrum disorder (VSD) is the disorder children get from receiving10 hrs ago -
Victims found in mass graves in Ukraine lack internal organs – English
On the outskirts of Donetsk, militia fighters discovered new mass graves of civilians. Representatives of10 hrs ago
Latest headlines
Cold Revenge
"Meretz is a loyal old party, saying all the right things, unblemished by corruption. Unfortunately it -
Military voyeurism or invasion of Syria?
"The ‘chemical weapons’ scenario seems to be the best cue for Washington and their western allies in -
Men and Women: Their Contributions to the World
"Even in the area of warfare, for which men had been paying price in terms of loss of life and limbs
Libya 360°
Memorandum of the Trilateral Contact Group, Minsk, Sept 19, 2014
Translated by Gleb Bazov Memorandum of September 19, 2014 outlining the parameters for theSeptember 20, 2014 -
Malaysian Flight MH17 Crash Analysis by the Russian Union of Engineers
Via Matthias Chang Future Fast Forward Download Report >> MH17 Report By Russian Union Of EngineersSeptember 18, 2014 -
Dutch MH17 Investigation Omits US “Intel”
By Tony Cartalucci The absence of America’s so-called “intelligence” regarding theSeptember 18, 2014
Lifeboat News
Our Final Hour
Guardian Award winner Lord Martin Rees, author of "Our Final Hour: A Scientist's Warning"September 25, 2014 -
Existential Risks
Nikki Olson joins our Ethics Board. Nikki produced the following educational videos for the LifeboatSeptember 24, 2014 -
Physics from the Edge
Read "Physics from the Edge: A New Cosmological Model for Inertia".September 24, 2014
India Today
Prominent Indian investors, business leaders, academics, and MPs gathered in New York, ahead of PrimeSeptember 28, 2014 -
Demolition Specialists
The scene at what was once the 5Pointz graffiti mecca, now a demolition site, offers evidence of differentSeptember 27, 2014 -
‘Shadow & Light’
Works by Horst P. Horst (1906-99), one of the great photographers of the 20th century, can be seen atSeptember 25, 2014
RSS Feed
This feed from couldn't be loaded right now. You can try again, but if it still does not work you may wish to remove this feed.Master Resource
Bird Mortality: Big Wind On Defense
“But the true intent of AWWI’s study is not about accurate mortality estimates. It’s13 hrs ago -
AWED Energy & Environmental Newsletter: September 29, 2014
The Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (AWED) is an informal coalition of individuals and organizationsSeptember 28, 2014 -
“Who Is a Libertarian?” (1955 insight for today)
“In popular terminology, a libertarian is the opposite of an authoritarian. Strictly speaking, aSeptember 25, 2014
Media Matters for America - Research Items
Conservative Media's Khorasan Conspiracy: Obama Administration Invented
Conservative media figures are accusing the Obama administration of "inventing" the KhorasanSeptember 29, 2014 -
Obama Cites Assessment Of Intelligence Community, Media Accuse Him Of
After President Obama repeated the assessment of James Clapper, the director of national intelligence, ofSeptember 28, 2014 -
Victory Laps And Conspiracies: Conservative Media Respond To Eric Holder
Eric Holder Reportedly To Resign As U.S. Attorney General NPR: Eric Holder To Announce His ResignationSeptember 25, 2014
New Content on CO2 Science
Crop Breeding for High Production, Water Use Efficiency & Albedo
It's a good way to confront mankind's growing need for food and the water needed to produce itSeptember 2, 2014 -
Biospheric Productivity (Global: The Recent Past) -- Summary
Since 1980 the Earth has weathered three of the warmest decades in the instrumental temperature record, aSeptember 2, 2014 -
Catastrophic Floods of Dartmoor, South West England
Are they few and far-between? ... or are they growing ever more frequent ... and ferocious?September 2, 2014
OAS to the rescue of Obama calls on country members to accept Guantanamo
The Organization of American States, OAS, Secretary General Jose Miguel Insulza6 hrs ago -
Cristina Fernandez claims US is responsible for Judge Griesa's decision
President Cristina Fernandez said US Judge Thomas Griesa decision to declare7 hrs ago -
Argentine reserves below 28bn dollars; bonds payments of 170m on Tuesday
The informal of “blue” dollar in Argentina fell back 15 cents to 15.55 Pesos after9 hrs ago
NME News
Mastodon ask fans to 'embrace magnificence' with twerking-heavy
Metal band are surrounded by dancers in latest video from 'Once More 'Round The Sun' album2 hrs ago -
Swedish scientists cram references to Bob Dylan into research papers as
Paper titles included 'The Times They Are A-Changing' and 'Tangled Up In Blue: Molecular2 hrs ago -
Annie Lennox labels Beyoncé's feminism 'tokenistic'
The Eurythmics singer also said she would like to sit down and hear "what [Beyoncé] truly thinks"3 hrs ago
Nature News Blog - Posts
Proposed EU research commissioner answers to Parliament
Carlos Moedas fielded some 50 questions from members of the European Parliament regarding his nomination to3 hrs ago -
Animal populations ‘have halved since 1970’
Earth’s wild vertebrate populations have dropped to one-half the size they were in the 1970s, according to16 hrs ago -
CERN at 60: Biggest moments at flagship physics lab
CERN director Carlo Rubbia (wearing tie) and other staff celebrate the first particles racing through the20 hrs ago
National Wind Watch: Wind Energy News
State organization to study impact of wind farms in Pennsylvania
The Pennsylvania General Assembly’s nonpartisan research organization has a year to produce a comprehensive2 hrs ago -
Developer says Alexandria wrong to deny tower
A Portuguese wind-energy developer is asking a Grafton County judge to order Alexandria’s selectmen to2 hrs ago -
Bats killed by wind turbines ‘because they mistake them for trees’
Hundreds of thousands of bats are being killed every year because they mistake wind turbines for tall trees2 hrs ago
European Council: Tusk and Mogherini appointed to EU top jobs
Last month the President of the European Council – the biannual meeting of the Heads of State and17 hrs ago -
Jean-Claude Juncker unveils his new European Commission, and it's good
After the confirmation of the appointment of former Luxembourg Prime Minister and Eurogroup Chairman JeanSeptember 25, 2014 -
Two European institutions, One president, and the Lisbon Treaty
To shed some light on the confusion surrounding the European Council and the Council of the European Union,September 21, 2014
RSS Feed
This feed from couldn't be loaded right now. You can try again, but if it still does not work you may wish to remove this feed.News For You
Trucker in Massive Rig Destroys Two Families in His Sleep. 'Burn in Hell'
On Aug. 16, four years to the day after the highway accident that tore apart his family, Ed Slattery confronted the man who killed his wife. The two sat on the front porch of the truck driver, Doug Bouch, whose triple-trailer plowed into Susan Slattery's car. Ed Slattery had rehearsed this moment dozens of times. On a sunny Monday in August 2010, after attending a family reunion in Cleveland, Susan Slattery started home for Baltimore with her two sons.Bloomberg -
Hot photos of Carrie Underwood wife of NHL player Mike Fisher in 2014
The following is a bio and slideshow of hot photos of singing star Carrie Underwood, the wife of NHL player Mike Fisher in 2014. As you can see from the photos, Carrie Underwood is one of the hottest WAGS in from RSS q -
We didn’t invent entertainment. We perfected it.
From legendary events at the Grand Garden Arena to world-class nightlife, dining and shows, MGM Grand is built on entertainment. -
Dancing With the Stars Season 19 Movie Night Recap: Two Perfect Scores, One Surprising Elimination
Movie night on Dancing With the Stars brought the first two perfect scores of season 19, plus an elimination that surprised even the judges and hosts -- read the recapUs Weekly -
NASA finds that Earth's 4th largest lake is almost completely dry
Images from NASA's Terra satellite have revealed some alarming results. The Aral Sea, which once was the fourth largest lake in the world, is almost completely dry, The Independent reports.The Week (RSS) q -
Brady doesn't congratulate Garoppolo, Belichick doesn't worry about his QB
Here's a possible preview of how the next few seasons are going to go in New England.Shutdown Corner -
Sugar Ray Leonard appealed to Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather Jr.
Every day is a new beginning for Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao, two of the best fighters of their generation who chose to fight against each other on Twitter instead of fixing their differences peacefully and make the mega fight happen next year before Floyd Mayweather retire. Aside from their supporters, Sugar Ray Leonard, one of the best fighters during his time, is also wishing that someday, Manny and Floyd will sit down and talk about the fight. Sugar Ray made an appeal to the two of the best fighters of their generation, according to him, Mayweather and Pacquiao should set aside their differences especially the monetary aspects to satisfy the public from RSS q -
This Injured Dog Wouldn't Leave Her Puppies. Her Rescuers Didn't Give Up On Her.
Iris the dog was hidden deep inside bushes on the side of a busy street in Los Angeles when Hope For Paws' Eldad Hagar and Lisa Chiarelli discovered her and her pups. In the end, to their relief, Hagar and Chiarelli rescued the pups as a family. The dogs are now up for adoption through The Dog Rescuers, another Los Angeles-based nonprofit. "She truly is the best Mama I have ever had. I can't get much work done because I love watching her play with her babies," The Dog Rescuers wrote on its Facebook page Monday.The Huffington Post from RSS q -
Husain Abdullah and Andy Reid speak about celebration penalty
Husain Abdullah and Chiefs head coach Andy Reid believe the unsportsmanlike conduct penalty handed out following a Tom Brady interception was a result of Abdullah sliding, not his act of prayer. "For me, I just got a little too excited," Abdullah said. Abdullah wasn't told explicitly his slide was the reason for the penalty, but Reid told him "You can't slide," when he returned to the sideline.SB Nation q
The Royal Society & the Scottish Referendum
Why did a scientific organization issue a statement about the Scottish independence vote?September 26, 2014 -
Who Signed the Climate Declaration?
The European Environment Foundation doesn't make it easy to analyze the names of the 160 individualsSeptember 22, 2014 -
Saving Civilization: 2009 vs 2015
Five years ago, we were told that the 2009 Copenhagen climate summit was the last chance to saveSeptember 20, 2014
Online Cancer Blog
Iodine Usage in Lung Cancer Treatment
If you have a tumor in either of your lungs or you have the bad habit of smoking often or if you haveSeptember 24, 2014 -
How do T Cells Treat Liver Cancer
Many studies done worldwide have recently proved that liver cancer (Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC)) can beAugust 17, 2014 -
Autologous Stem Cell Treatment: A Knowhow
Your bone marrow like your blood contains stem cells; in fact most of the time the stem cells in your bloodAugust 10, 2014
"Although Segue 2 only contains about 1,000 stars, its total mass is
“Although Segue 2 only contains about 1,000 stars, its total mass is about 600,000 solar masses. This meansSeptember 27, 2014 -
"See you all on IRC after the fire."
“See you all on IRC after the fire.” - Ello | interdomeSeptember 25, 2014 -
"honestly, if your method can’t handle large uncertainties, it’s
“honestly, if your method can’t handle large uncertainties, it’s pretty useless for astronomySeptember 24, 2014
The PPJ Gazette
TS RADIO: Dr. Gary Kohls Discusses Drugging Children and the Elderly
Join us live September 29th, 2014 at 7:00 pm CST! 5:00 pm PST … 6:00 pm MST … 7:00 pm CST  hrs ago -
TS RADIO: Christine Porter & Clear The Bench Arizona
5:00 pm PST … 6:00 pm MST … 7:00 pm CST … 8:00 pm EST Listen live HERE! callin # 917-388-September 28, 2014 -
Washington D.C.: Anita Bond’s Limitations of Guardianship Amendment Act of
“Bill 20-710 would amend Title 21 of the DC Official Code to protect the well-being of incapacitatedSeptember 25, 2014
Politics News Headlines - Yahoo News
Obama on Syria strikes: War on Islamic State will 'take time'
Hours after plunging the United States into new warfare in the heart of the Middle East, President ObamaSeptember 23, 2014 -
Syrian Twitter user reports U.S. airstrikes 30 minutes before Pentagon
A Syrian Twitter user appeared to break the news of U.S.-led airstrikes in Syria overnight before theSeptember 23, 2014 -
U.S., coalition airstrikes explained
The U.S. and five Arab countries launched airstrikes Monday night on Islamic State group targets in easternSeptember 23, 2014
The Pump Handle
Protecting young people working in US agriculture – How are we doing?
There’s been a lot going on this past week so it’s likely that National Farm Safety Week , announced by20 hrs ago -
Study: People who work long hours in low-wage jobs experience higher risk
A recent study has uncovered another possible risk factor for the development of type 2 diabetes: workingSeptember 26, 2014 -
Treatment, Not Prison: Reforming Sentences for Low-Level Crimes Will Boost
By Kim Gilhuly Reforming California’s sentences for low-level crimes would alleviate prison and jailSeptember 25, 2014
Jon Rappoport's Blog
History proves vaccines are quite safe—really?
History proves vaccines are quite safe—really? by Jon Rappoport September 29, 2014 NoMoreFakeNews.com23 hrs ago -
The creative versus the machine
The creative versus the machine by Jon Rappoport September 28, 2014 There areSeptember 28, 2014 -
Imagination and the fire
Imagination and the fire by Jon Rappoport September 27, 2014 Once upon a timeSeptember 27, 2014
Signs of the Times
Have archaeologists discovered the dungeon that held Vlad the Impaler?
Archaeologists have discovered what they believe is the dungeon that held Vlad the Impaler - the38 mins ago -
Recovery of Japan's Mt. Ontake victims suspended amid signs of rising
Search and recovery efforts for at least two dozen victims of Japan's worst volcanic eruption in45 mins ago -
Newly born Tropical Storm Phanfone triggers warnings in Northwestern
NASA's Aqua satellite passed over newborn Tropical Storm Phanfone on Sept. 29 and captured a picture of52 mins ago - Dominion Post
Lawyer's ID still secret
A prominent Wellington lawyer facing drugs charges has lost his latest attempt at keeping his identity6 hrs ago -
Rat's tail gets the chop
With one snip of the scissors, Hadleigh Cox's pride and joy was gone and with it, a part of his22 hrs ago -
Juken NZ fined over finger injury
A forestry and timber company has been fined $57,000 after one of its workers lost part of his finger in an10 hrs ago
SYRIA 360°
Turkish security troops clash with Kurds, as thousands flee ISIS
See >> 60,000 Syrian Kurds flee to Turkey within 24 hours amid ISIS advance Turkey’s securitySeptember 20, 2014 -
Speaker al-Laham: Whoever wants to fight terrorism must cooperate with
21/09/2014 Damascus, SANA- Speaker of the People’s Assembly Mohammad Jihad al-Laham said that the terroristSeptember 20, 2014 -
West Forgets to Target ISIS Sponsors
Ulson Gunnar As the US and Europe prepare another round of sanctions against Russia over the ongoingSeptember 20, 2014
130226 – Australia’s horrific incarceration rates of Aboriginal peoples
* The Stringer: International Prisoners Justice Day highlights Australia’s horrific incarcerationFebruary 26, 2013 -
130225 – Opportunity Lost by Boris Frankel – Marcia Langton’s Boyer
* arena: Opportunity Lost by Boris Frankel: Marcia Langton’s Boyer Lectures * Andrew Crook, CrikeyFebruary 26, 2013 -
130224 – Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia – 40 events
Click on the links for details of the events … Event: Sun 24 February 2013: Fremantle, Perth, WAFebruary 24, 2013
Freethought Blogs
Why it is the Non-religious Who Can, and Must, Save the World
(The text of my talk at the Cleveland Sunday Assembly held two days ago.) I must say that when I got up1 hr ago -
Perkins, Rios: Muslims Worship a ‘God of Death’
I’m always amused by Christians who attempt to distinguish between Islam and Christianity by making1 hr ago -
How about if we just shut down the NFL?
In an astonishing feat of hypocrisy, a Muslim NFL player has been penalized for kneeling and touching his1 hr ago
my yahoo - Yahoo News Search Results
Confronting My Cyberbully, 13 Years Later
I saw on Facebook that Amanda had children now. One effort involved Amanda saying loudly at lunchtime4 hrs ago -
Confronting My Cyberbully, Thirteen Years Later
I saw on Facebook that Amanda had children now. One effort involved Amanda saying loudly at lunchtime4 hrs ago -
Seattle Sonics in Sports Illustrated - Brian Robinson Responds
Brian Robinson responds to the Sports Illustrated article covering the absence of the Sonics in Seattle. ItSeptember 27, 2014
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