10:15pm MDST
Why Did President Obama Praise A Muslim Cleric Who Had Called For The Killing Of U.S. Soldiers?

Sheikh Abdallah Bin Bayyah. Wikipedia
*Obama Praises Muslim Cleric Who Backed Fatwa on Killing of U.S. Soldiers
-- Washington Free Beacon*
Controversial cleric gets nod in Obama’s speech at the United Nations
President Barack Obama favorably quoted and praised on Wednesday in his
speech before the United Nations a controversial Muslim cleric whose
organization has reportedly endorsed the terror group Hamas and supported a
fatwa condoning the murder of U.S. soldiers in Iraq.
Obama in his remarks offered praise to controversial cleric *Sheikh
Abdallah Bin Bayyah* and referred to him... more »
Is President Obama The Most Secretive President?

*Obama: The Most Secretive President? -- Lloyd Grove, The Daily Beast*
*A presidential administration expected to be more open and transparent
than preceding ones has become focused on keeping secrets and preventing
legitimate public inquiry.*
Having been elected to the White House with the promise of increased
openness and transparency regarding government operations, Barack Obama may
end his presidency as among the most secretive in American history.
That, anyway, was the conclusion of a couple of the high-powered panelists
Monday night during a debate on freedom of the press v... more »
Foget Steve Israel's Utter Incompetence And Grotesque Corruption For A Minute-- Will Boehner Be Speaker Again?

Boehner's lawsuit against Obama is turning out to be the bust most people
predicted it would be. A Federal Court of Appeals threw out an almost
identical lawsuit yesterday. Henry Decker, writing for the *National
Journal*: "When House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) announced his plan to sue
President Barack Obama for delaying enforcement of the Affordable Care
Act’s employer mandate, the reviews were swift and negative. Legally, the
lawsuit seemed destined for failure. Politically, it looked like a dud that
could actively backfire on the GOP."
This morning Greg Sargent warned about ... more »
An Increasingly Remarkable Series of Unprovoked Bullying Attacks Puts Brian Leiter in the Sight of Open Statement Signed by A Growing Number of Philosophers in US and Worldwide
Brian Leiter, well-known philosopher at the University of Chicago law
school and even more well-known philosophy blogger, has recently come under
some heavy criticism from colleagues in North America and overseas,
following a remarkably strange series of completely unprovoked, outright
nasty, harassing and openly threatening email-attacks against Carrie
Ichikawa Jenkins, philosopher at the universities of British Columbia and
Aberdeen, and some others. These as well as the one against Jenkins are
documented here and here. The latter of these resources also offers the
following furth... more »
The science is settled, says Leo
With stiff competition from an assortment of loony luminaries, Carbon
Dioxide gives their Clown of the Year Award this year to man-child Leonardo
di Caprio, a fellow who pretends for a living.
His performances in recent weeks have been exceptional, culminating in his
claims that sea ice is disappearing, his hypocritical appearance at the
so-called People’s Climate March ( losing his hearing when asked about his
yachts, for example), and lecturing the UN on climate change (also without
mentioning his four homes, private jets and renting the FIFTH biggest yacht
in the world from an... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Andromeda is the nearest major galaxy to our own Milky Way Galaxy. Our
Galaxy is thought to look much like Andromeda. Together these two galaxies
dominate the Local Group of galaxies. The diffuse light from Andromeda is
caused by the hundreds of billions of stars that compose it. The several
distinct stars that surround Andromeda's image are actually stars in our
Galaxy that are well in front of the background object.
*Click for larger, desktop sized, image.*
Andromeda is frequently referred to as M31 since it is the 31st object on
Messier's list of diffuse sky objects. M31 is so di... more »
Gold news of note ( September 24 , 2014 ) -- Gold demand down some say ( 50 tonne gold smuggled into India in 10 days, 30% reached Mumbai ) ..... Options Expiration on the Comex Tomorrow - October contract for gold and silver ........ Venezuela opens gold vault to impromptu inspection -- So how about it, central banks ? China will take control of gold pricing, Sprott's Charles Oliver says ........Von Greyerz thinks Swiss gold referendum proposal has a good chance ......
tonne gold smuggled into India in 10 days, 30% reached MumbaiManish
Pachouly, Hindustan Times Mumbai, September 23, 2014
First Published: 22:01 IST(23/9/2014) | Last Updated: 22:05
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About 50 tonne gold has been smuggled into the c... more »
My Two Speaking Engagements in October
I will be speaking in Indiana and Maine in October. On Thursday, October 2,
2014, I will be in North Manchester, Indiana, at Manchester University
(Cordier Auditorium, 7 – 8 p.m.). The title of my talk is, “When Education
Reform Becomes ‘Erroneous Ideology Well Funded.” I will include information
from my book, A Chronicle of Echoes: […]
Keep yer clothes on, Scott Brown -- Cosmo's now "picking brains over brawn"

*Isn't it just like us to be trotting out -- yet again -- these ancient
beefcake pictures? Sure, but ask yourself whether they aren't still the
most noteworthy thing about our Scott.*
*by Ken*
Before we get to the, er, meat of this story, could we pause for a bit of,
er, dressing? Namely, *Cosmo* is now doing political endorsements? Huh?
It might be useful here to have some political strategists to poll on the
expected impact of a *Cosmo* endorsement. I'm not suggesting that *Cosmo*
readers don't vote. I bet a lot of them do. Or at least as high a
precentage as that of non-*Cosmo*... more »
Rip-off News round-up. Our pick of the last week's media (Thu 25th Sept)
Bank of England deputy asks US to fine banks less
The deputy governor of the Bank of England, Andrew
Bailey, said: “I am trying to build capital in firms and it’s draining out the
other side (in fines and penalties).” Bailey has called for better co-operation
with US regulators over the scale of fines being levied on banks to ensure they
do not weaken their financial position. Regulators in
"The Universe As A Hologram"
*"The Universe As A Hologram"*
by Michael Talbot
"A dream you dream alone is only a dream.
A dream you dream together is reality."
- John Lennon
"In 1982 a remarkable event took place. At the University of Paris a
research team led by physicist Alain Aspect performed what may turn out to
be one of the most important experiments of the 20th century. You did not
hear about it on the evening news. In fact, unless you are in the habit of
reading scientific journals you probably have never even heard Aspect's
name, though there are some who believe his discovery may change the face
of ... more »
The Arab Spring Is Dead

An F/A-18E Super Hornet, attached to Strike Fighter Squadron 31, and an
F/A-18F Super Hornet, attached to Strike Fighter Squadron 213, prepare to
launch from the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush to
conduct strike missions,September 23, 2014. REUTERS/U.S. Navy/Mass
Communication Specialist 3rd Class Robert Burck
*After U.S. Airstrikes In Syria: If The Arab Spring Wasn’t Dead Already, It
Is Now -- Ishaan Tharoor, Washington Post*
For well over a year now, the Arab Spring has struggled on life support,
doomed to die with barely a whimper. Instead, it ended defi... more »
Debating Drug Prohibition at the Oxford Union
*Guest post here from the **Mises Institute**, interviewing Mark Thornton,
Mises Institute Senior Fellow, who recently took part in Oxford
University’s Oxford Union Debates.*
*Mises Institute:* *Why were you invited to debate at Oxford?*
*Mark Thornton:* The Oxford Union can pretty much get whoever they want to
debate, including presidents, prime ministers, Mother Theresa, the Dalai
Lama, and even Julian Assange, so I was honoured that they invited me. I
met several students in the Oxford Union and at Oxford University who were
familiar with my work on the drug war and at the Mi... more »
"Being Human: A Personal Credo"
"Being Human: A Personal Credo"
by John Robbins
"There is so much pain and death in our times. This is not an easy time to
be a person of conscience and feeling. It can be terribly hard today to
stay in touch with your deep soul. It can seem all but impossible to keep
your love alive. The world has a way of blowing relentless hurricane winds
at our little flickering candles of faith.
This is what I have to say at this time in history. I stand here in the
face of the anguish of our time, and I affirm that it is possible to see it
all, to gaze fully into the abyss, and yet not become... more »
*Video: Drew Brees speaks against NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell in favor
of future consistent player discipline ~New Orleans Advocate *
*Businesses won’t have to return BP spill payouts ~Janet McConnaughey, AP *
Insanity is not what it was
Just for the record, since I’m officially sick of hearing that "The
definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting
different results."
Not only is that not the definition of insanity, Einstein never said that.*
And not only did he not say it, what’s wrong with doing the same thing over
and over and expecting different results? Ever heard of metal fatigue? Or
tipping points?
Anyway, there is a respectable definition of insanity that we can use over
and over:
*Insanity.** n. mental illness of such a severe nature that a person cannot
distinguish fantas... more »
Bash Bug - worse than Heartbleed bug ? September 24 , 2014 .....

Tweets .....
*Symantec* @symantec 3h
BREAKING: Bug in Bash shell creates #security hole; could allow attacks on
Linux, Unix, Mac OS X http://ars.to/1rkxDtB
Ars Technica
[image: View this content on Ars Technica's website]
Bug in Bash shell creates big security hole on anything with *nix in...
By Sean Gallagher @thepacketrat
Could allow attackers to execute code on Linux, Unix, and Mac OS X.
View on web
*Brinda Lovely* @BrindaLovely 49m
Worse than Heartbleed? Today's Bash bug could be breaking security for
years http://theverge.com/e/6604738 via @verge #*bashbug*
The Verge
Wor... more »
The Social Media War on Terrorists: U.S. State Department Tweets Photos Of Four Dead Islamic State Jihadis

Advertising with an edge: The US State Department is using a Twitter
account to frighten would-be ISIS recruits with images of dead jihadis –
implying that any aspiring infidel-hunter could be the next casualty
*Think Again! US Tweets Photos Of Four DEAD ISIS Jihadis As It Launches
Social Media War On Terrorists -- Daily Mail*
* 'Think Again Turn Away' social media campaign aims to dissuade would-be
jihadis from joining up with ISIS
* It has already tweeted pics of airstrike gunsights, rocket launches and
two Americans who were killed fighting with Islamist radicals
* US State Depar... more »
The Poet: Mary Oliver, "Can You Imagine?"
*"Can You Imagine?" *
"For example, what the trees do
not only in lightning storms
or the watery dark of a summer's night
or under the white nets of winter
but now, and now, and now - whenever
we're not looking. Surely you can't imagine
they don't dance, from the root up, wishing
to travel a little, not cramped so much as wanting
a better view, or more sun, or just as avidly
more shade - surely you can't imagine they just
stand there loving every
minute of it, the birds or the emptiness, the dark rings
of the years slowly and without a sound
thickening, and nothing different unless the ... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Much Wenlock, Shropshire, United Kingdom.
Thanks for stopping by.
Get Down on Your Knees
*Written by: *Ray Davies (The Kinks)
You look like a real human being
But you don't have a mind of your own
Yeah, you can talk, you can breathe
You can work, you can stitch, you can sew
But you're brainwashed
Yes you are, yes you are
Get down on your knees
You've got a job and a house
And a wife, and your kids and a car
Yeah, you're conditioned to be
What they want you to be
And be happy to be where you are
Yes you are
Get down on your knees
Get down on your knees
The aristocrats and bureaucrats
Are dirty rats
For making you what you are
They're up there and... more »
Official: New Airstrikes Under Way; Planes Targeting Refineries Used By ISIS
*New Airstrikes Under Way; Planes Targeting Refineries Used By ISIS -- CNN*
Washington (CNN) -- U.S. and coalition warplanes pounded ISIS positions in
eastern Syrian, targeting oil installations being used by the so-called
Islamic State terror group, a U.S. official with knowledge of the operation
told CNN on Wednesday.
The latest round of airstrikes appeared to be part of the effort to cut off
money flowing to ISIS, which has been selling the oil to help fund the
group's efforts.
The airstrikes came just hours after U.S. President Barack Obama called for
united action to confron... more »
White House Petitioned to Declare Police Watchdog as Terrorist Group

The ongoing disintegration of what was once a free country into an
authoritarian fascist police state under the helm of El Presidente Barack
Obama is now evolving. With Barry exercising the divine right of a king in launching
yet another war in the Middle East - without the approval of Congress - the
forces of government must be free to operate with total impunity in *The
Homeland.* The war on terror which is now well into its second decade has
served to restrict civil liberties, enable a criminal government, justify
the expansion of a massive surveillance state and transform a goo... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- September 24, 2014
*'We're Not Sure Their Capabilities Match Their Desire' -- Shane
Harris/John Hudson/Justine Drennan, Toronto Star And Foreign Policy*
Is the Khorasan Group as dangerous as the White House is making it out to
Before the first U.S. military aircraft attacked the headquarters of the
Islamic State in Raqqa, Syria, early Tuesday morning, waves of American
Tomahawk cruise missiles began pounding targets 130 miles west, near the
battleground city of Aleppo. They weren't targeting the Islamic State,
though. They were battering the training camps and explosives-making
facilities of a... more »
Taken out to the Woodshed
There is a common expression in English..."Someone is going to be taken out
to the woodshed". It means that someone is going to be severely punished.
This expression harkens back to the days when the father of the family was
the supreme disciplinarian and one of the primary parenting rules was
"Spare the Rod and Spoil the Child". Children were regularly taken out to
the woodshed and given a strapping by their father. In a large family such
as I grew up in, there was always a hush in the household when someone was
going to be disciplined. You could feel the dread ... more »
World News Briefs -- September 24, 2014 (Evening Edition)
*Obama Vows To Defeat Isis And Rallies UN Against 'Network Of Death' -- The
* President insists he will not repeat mistakes of predecessor
* Addresses United Nations general assembly in New York
* Russia urged to ‘change course’ and cooperate with west
Barack Obama sought to rally the world for a new struggle against Islamic
extremism at the UN general assembly on Wednesday, while trying to reassure
a global audience that he would not repeat the mistakes of George W Bush’s
so-called “war on terror”.
Speaking to the United Nations general assembly in New York, hours after ... more »
(Irony Dead) Why Obama (Assumed the Least Likely) Bombs (Lone Nuts Assaulting In Battalions?) Employing Wimmenz Is Cheaper (Surprise Us!) Obamas Avoid NC (Like the Plague) Donald Trumps (Taxpayers/Workers Slump)
US Now Props Up Assad Regime. Irony Dies. Apocalypse Now. Fighting in Iraq
Until Hell Freezes Over. Before we begin today's essay proper, Bob Reich
has some words to keep in mind about what's still happening to people in
the U.S. (During the "overseas" bombing runs.) And I don't mean the Big
Boys. (Our democracy is not for sale.) No bankruptcy for you! There’s no
starting over for millions
“Bread, Circuses and Bombs - Decline of The American Empire”
*“Bread, Circuses and Bombs - Decline of The American Empire”*
by James Quinn
"Already long ago, from when we sold our vote to no man, the People have
abdicated our duties; for the People who once upon a time handed out
military command, high civil office, legions- everything, now restrains
itself and anxiously hopes for just two things: bread and circuses."
- Juvenal, “Satire” (100 A.D.)
“Roman satirist and poet Juvenal was displaying contempt for a degraded
Roman citizenry that had shunned civic responsibility, shirked their duties
of citizenship within a republic, and had chosen... more »
"Some Of The Dumbest Taxes Throughout History"
*"Some Of The Dumbest Taxes Throughout History"*
by Simon Black
"In the days of ancient Rome, it was tradition for the upper class to
liberate their slaves after a set number of years. The Roman government,
however, looked at this as an opportunity to generate revenue, and they
taxed the newly freed slave on his freedom. I can’t imagine anything more
repulsive than paying tax on freedom. But they gave it a pretty good try–
In 1696, the English government under William III (William of Orange)
passed a new law requiring subjects to pay a tax based on the number of
windows in their ho... more »
Director Of U.S. National Intelligence Admits That He Originally Dismissed The Islamic State: So Why Does He Still Have His Job?

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper testifies before a Senate
Intelligence Committee hearing on ''Current and Projected National Security
Threats to the United States'' on Capitol Hill in Washington March 12,
2013. Credit: Reuters/Kevin Lamarque/Files
*Our Intelligence Director Dismissed ISIS: Why Does He Still Have a Job? --
Andrew L. Peek, The Fiscal Times*
It is baffling how James Clapper still has a job. In an interview with The
Washington Post’s David Ignatius on Wednesday, the Director of National
Intelligence admitted that he had completely underestimated ISIS. H... more »
Chinese call America's bluff: what moon landing?
My friends.... I have no idea if this is actually true, but it's so damn
funny that I just had to post it!!!
[image: moon-rover-china]
[image: Facebook]0[image: Twitter]0[image: Google+]0[image: Pinterest]0[image:
Beijing | Top officials of the Chinese Space Program have come out this
morning and expressed their feelings that the American moon landings “were
a complete hoax” reports the Beijing Daily Express.
2... more »
Pride: "Mining Communities Are Being Bullied, Just Like We Are"

Last night a film critic friend invited me to see a new movie being
released Friday, *Pride*. It's a dramatization of a true story set in
Thatcherite England (1984), during an historic year long coal mining
strike. The movie is spectacular and is a celebration of a bond between
humans in the face of cold, ugly corporate power being enforced by
right-wing government. The film is set as a piece the brings together
politically conscious London gays and Welsh miners. There is plenty of
prejudice and hatred woven throughout the plot but when a miner goes to a
London gay dance club to ... more »

According to Michael Onyebuchi Eze, the core of ubuntu can best be
summarized as follows:
"A person is a person through other people" strikes an affirmation of one’s
humanity through recognition of an "other" in his or her uniqueness and
It is a demand for a creative intersubjective formation in which the
"other" becomes a mirror (but only a mirror) for my subjectivity.
This idealism suggests to us that humanity is not embedded in my person
solely as an individual; my humanity is co-substantively bestowed upon the
other and me.
Humanity is a quality we owe to each ot... more »
Is Syrian President Assad The Big Winner From U.S. Airstrikes Against The Islamic State?

Syria's President Bashar al-Assad heads a meeting of his cabinet in
Damascus on Aug 31. (Sana/Reuters)
*U.S. Airstrikes Are Targeting Islamic State, But They May Wind Up Helping
Syria’s Assad -- Washington Post*
BAGHDAD — As the United States launches airstrikes against Islamic State
extremists in Syria, the Obama administration is walking a precarious line
— attempting to crush the militants’ capacity without strengthening
President Bashar al-Assad’s hold on power.
On a complex battlefield, the American attacks may wind up giving Assad
breathing space, at least in the short term,... more »
Musical Interlude: Logos, “Cheminement”
Logos, “Cheminement”
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOuXP8aVWHU
Incredibly beautiful... do watch this on full screen... magnificent.
- CP
What Is The Real News Coming From Iraq And Syria
*Yesterday’s Real News Out Of Iraq and Syria -- Max Boot, Commentary*
There were three big stories yesterday out of Iraq and Syria. Question:
which is the most significant?
*Story No. 1:* The U.S. Navy and Air Force, in cooperation with five Arab
allies (Bahrain, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and UAE) launched a series of
air strikes and cruise missile strikes on ISIS targets in and around Raqaa,
Syria. Separately, the U.S. launched air strikes against the Khorasan
group, another jihadist terrorist organization in Syria, closely linked
with the Nusra Front, which was said to be plo... more »
A Look At Three Top Terror Groups: ISIS, al-Nusra And The Khorasan Group
*What's The Difference Between ISIS, al-Nusra And The Khorasan Group? --
(CNN) -- Not long ago, the threat of terrorist attacks against the United
States boiled down to two words: al Qaeda.
But this week's U.S. airstrikes against al Qaeda offshoots show the
President is playing whack-a-mole against a new generation of terrorists.
The attacks Tuesday inside Syria came in three waves and targeted ISIS, the
Khorasan Group and, apparently, al-Nusra Front.
The groups share a similar ideology. But there are key differences. Here's
how each stacks up:
*Read more* ....
*My Comment... more »
Jihadi Websites: Khorasan Group Leader Muhsin al-Fadhli 'Killed In U.S. Air Strike In Syria'
*'We've Killed World’s Most Wanted Terrorist': American Officials Believe
Muhsin al-Fadhli Died In Airstrikes On Syria Where He Was Plotting
Toothpaste Tube Bomb Attacks On US And Europe -- Daily Mail*
* Fresh wave of airstrikes hit ISIS targets in north west Syria overnight,
according to a conflict monitoring group
* Witnesses allege aircraft came from the direction of Turkey, but Turkey
denies its airspace was used for attacks
* Meanwhile American forces carried out separate overnight attacks on ISIS
in both eastern Syria and inside Iraq
* Blitz comes as jihadists claim leader of ... more »
Why Islamic State Kills Hostages
As we know, one burgeoning income stream for the psychotic would-be
caliphate is ransom payments. Despite a covenant between Western states to
not pay out for the safe return of citizens kidnapped by terror groups *of
whatever persuasion*, Islamic State has a tendency to release Danes, French
and Germans who've fallen into their clutches. A rare moment of pity? An
attempt to divide the coalition arrayed against it? Or is mercy redeemed
through bundles of cash made payable by a labyrinth of back channels? I
know what I believe.
This is scant compensation for British and American hos... more »
"How To Destroy Your Credibility (PA State Cops)"
*"How To Destroy Your Credibility (PA State Cops)"*
by Karl Denninger
"Yeah, I get it. Someone got the best of you. He shot two of your guys and
you can't find him. This *****es you off (as it would anyone else if their
friend or relative had been targeted.) The difference is that "anyone else"
doesn't get this sort of response- ever- from the police. Nonetheless that
you're *****ed off does not provide legal or moral cover to suspend the
entire Constitution, including everyone's right to quiet enjoyment of their
own private property, because you're incapable of dealing with one nu... more »
War by Way of Deception.....the 1967 Connection

I'm reading a fascinating and timely book called Guilt by Association: How
Deception and Self-Deceit Took America to War by Jeff Gates. Noam Chomsky
said about the book, "Breathless just reading it."
I want to share a bit from the book because of its direct relevance to the
current US-Israel attack on Syria. Gates writes:
[President] Lyndon Johnson was lobbied in 1967 by Arthur Goldberg [US
Ambassador to UN] to protect the Jewish state in the lead-up to the Six-Day
War. When Goldberg deployed heart-rending rhetoric to portray Israeli
vulnerability and the pending victimization... more »
World Buzzing in Aftermath of ISIS Psyop

*Scripted engineered consent for expanded war raises worldwide suspicion.*
Bernie Suarez
Psychological operations and the end result of these operations are little
known to most of humanity. Those that conduct the operations don't announce
what they are doing, in the same way a magician never gives away his
secrets. Understanding the principle of secrecy and how important it is to
magicians is all you need to understand the culture of secrecy among the
ranks of the controlling class.
One of the tricks to understanding how to stay sane in an insane world is
understanding the proc... more »
Satire? Sadly, No: "Americans Who Have Not Read a Single Article About Syria Strongly Support Bombing It"
*"Americans Who Have Not Read a Single Article *
*About Syria Strongly Support Bombing It"*
by Andy Borowitz
WASHINGTON, D.C. (The Borowitz Report) — "In a positive development for the
U.S.-led campaign of air strikes in Syria, a new poll indicates strong,
broad-based support for the mission among people who have yet to read a
news article about Syria. According to the poll, released on Tuesday, the
bombing campaign got a thumbs-up from people who had no information about
Syria’s civil war, including its duration, the parties involved, and what a
Sunni is. Additionally, the air stri... more »
ISIS, Syria, the Rebels and the US-Led Coalition: What Governs Who?
In a phone call today with a friend working on issues pertaining to the
Responsibility to Protect (R2P), an interesting question arose. In
particular, what types of conflict are going on with the fight against
ISIS? My friend wanted to draw attention to the R2P aspects of the crisis,
and whether the “intervention” on the
Continue reading
Peg Robertson Says No to Common Core Testing in CO
Posted here earlier:
*Citizens of Colorado, I address this letter to you, because you are my
community, my people. You have the power to shift the momentum in our
public schools – where our students are increasingly being taught to the
test under the intense high stakes conditions created via Race to the Top.
Meanwhile, child poverty is ignored. I send this letter to you because I
have made attempts to have a dialogue with the decision-makers. I have
spoken with Secretary Arne Duncan, I have written to President Obama, and I
have spoken in front of the Colorado Legislative Education... more »
Supplemental: Michelle Bernard and the human race!
*WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2014Are American pundits human:* As we’ve noted
many time, the current debate about domestic violence in the NFL has
provided a chance to watch the way our national pundits reason.
As we’ve watched this debate unfold, pundit behavior has almost always
struck us as barely human. This morning, on The Diane Rehm Show, Michelle
Bernard provided the ultimate example.
Bernard is a slightly strange duck in national pundit terms. When she began
appearing on Hardball in January 2008, she was still president of the
Independent Women’s Forum, a conservative group.
... more »
How to put more time in your day and regain sanity...

*or at least use your time to it's best advantage. *
*#1 *
* Turn off your email notification *
It's that simple.
Now I realize that for some people who may be running a business that
relies on customer service, knowing when an email comes in could be
But the majority of us don't need dinging sounds going off every time an
email drops into our inbox.
I became concerned when I noticed my heart skipping a beat whenever the
notification sounded, so I turned it off.
The sky didn't fall in, my cat didn't start sleeping with my dog (even
though she'd love to snuggle up w... more »
Will The U.S. Coalition Of Persian Gulf Nations Against The Islamic State Hold Together?

PHOTO: Several Arab nations are involved in the ongoing U.S.-led operation
against ISIS targets in Syria, Centcom said. Centcom identified the nations
as Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. ABC
*Airstrikes In Syria Against Islamic State Bring Together Persian Gulf
Nations At Odds -- Washington Post*
The four Persian Gulf nations whose warplanes flew in concert with U.S.
jets over Syria this week have spent the past few years acting with far
less harmony, riven by divergent approaches to address the growth of
Islamist political movements in the A... more »
The Ukrainian Military Shootdown (?) of Siberia Airlines Flight 1812 -October 4th 2001
Ukrainian Military Shootdown (?) of Siberia Airlines Flight 1812 - October
4th 2001
from Spike EP on Vimeo.
*Ukraine admits it shot down Russian airliner By Ben Aris in Moscow*
12:01AM BST 13 Oct 2001
Ukraine finally admitted yesterday that its military shot down a Russian
airliner that crashed into the Black Sea last week, killing all 78
passengers and crew.
Evhen Marchuk, the chairman of Ukraine's security council, conceded that
the plane had probably been brought down by "an accidental hit from an
S-200 rocket fired during exercises".
Russian investigators believe a missile e... more »
Despite U.S. Air Strikes The Islamic State War Machine Continues To Advance In Kurdish Areas

*(Click on Image to Enlarge)*
*Fighters Advance Despite U.S. Strikes; Obama Vows To Dismantle 'Network Of
Death' -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - U.S. planes pounded Islamic State positions in Syria for a
second day on Wednesday, but the strikes did not halt the fighters' advance
in a Kurdish area where fleeing refugees told of villages burnt and
captives beheaded.
President Barack Obama, speaking at the United Nations, asked the world to
join together to fight the militants and vowed to keep up military pressure
against them.
"The only language understood by killers like this is the lang... more »
President Obama At The U.N.: Vows To Fight ISIL 'Network Of Death
*Obama Vows To Fight ISIL 'Network Of Death' -- Al Jazeera*
In a speech to UN general assembly, Obama stresses on global role to
counter growing radicalisation and other crises.
US President Barrack Obama has affirmed his country's commitment to a
coalition it is leading against the Islamic State in Iraq and Levant (ISIL)
group, calling on leaders of the world, especially the Middle East to stand
against ideologies of "extremism and sectarianism".
Addressing world leaders on Wednesday in the annual general assembly of the
Untied Nations in New York, Obama said the US will be a "re... more »
How Much Did Yesterday's U.S. Strikes In Syria Using The F-22 Fighters Cost The American Taxpayer

Staff Sgt. Christopher Hubenthal/U.S. Air Force, via Reuters
*First U.S. Stealth Jet Attack on Syria Cost More Than Indian Mission to
Mars -- Dave Majumdar, Daily Beast*
F-22 Raptor stealth fighters were needed in case the Syrians used their
sophisticated air defenses. But Raptors don't come cheap.
Fears of a potent Syrian air defense system drove the U.S. Air Force to
send its silver bullet force of F-22 Raptor stealth fighters into battle
for the first time ever. The Pentagon confirmed on Sept. 23 that the $150
million jets had struck an ISIS command and control facility in Raqqa... more »
Dine' Women at Flood Wall Street Top Pic at Rolling Stone
Photo of Dine' (Navajo) women at Flood Wall Street top pic at Rolling Stone
Dine' Robyn Jackson's photo, as it happened, was even better on Censored News!
Photo by Robyn Jackson Censored News
Thing is - Paul Calandra is right
Boris Buckdog Lorne Montreal Simon Canadian Cynic Kev Stephen
Lautens Aaron Wherry
Paul Calandra responds :
Harper's Parliamentary Secretary Paul Calandra is pleased to use Israel as
a shield to avoid answering Mulcair's questions in the House of Commons
about Canadian troop deployment in Iraq and we are all rightly appalled at
both him and Andrew Scheer.
And yet ... thing is - Calandra is right.
Questions about the current Canadian mission in Iraq *are* always about
"Israel", the Cons' preferred collective term for the various neocon
government officials tha... more »
Dine' Women on Democracy Now! 'NO' to being a 'resource colony'
on Democracy Now! Dine' (Navajo) women say 'NO!' to resource
colonization on the Navajo Nation. 'NO!' to coal and uranium mining:
Big Oil Brown greenwashes his legacy at U.N. Climate Summit
of Jerry Brown courtesy of Damien Luzzo.
Big Oil Brown greenwashes his legacy at U.N. Climate Summit
by Dan Bacher
Jerry Brown, one of the worst governors for fish, water and the
environment in California history, spoke to world leaders at the United
Nations Climate Summit in New York City on September 23 in a cynical
attempt to greenwash his
METRO PODCAST | Thorne Dreyer : Lamar Hankins discusses a major scandal at the Church of Wells cult in East Texas
Lamar talks about the revelations in his chilling investigative report for
The Rag Blog, entitled ‘Child murder in Texas.’ Interview by Thorne Dreyer
| The Rag Blog | September 24, 2014 Lamar W. Hankins, a columnist for The
Rag Blog … finish reading *METRO PODCAST* | Thorne Dreyer : Lamar Hankins
discusses a major scandal at the Church of Wells cult in East Texas
Andrew Scheer Is The WORST House Of Commons Speaker In The Entire History Of Canada's Parliament!!

Speaker Scheer and the death of Parliament*By Montreal Simon*
For years Stephen Harper and his Cons have been slowly killing our
They have have debased it, they have rendered it impotent.
They have reduced it to a scripted horror show, where every question is
answered with an attack on the opposition.
But yesterday with their ghastly leader out of the country
they practically finished it off.
For this is what happened when Tom Mulcair rose to ask this question about
Canada’s mysterious mission in Iraq:
*“Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister has failed to answer clear questions... more »
Mohawk Nation News 'Naked Truth'
Posted on September 23, 2014
Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.
MNN. Sep. 23, 2014. The powered elite money brokers running the global
economy are descendants of an ancient bloodline known as the Anunnaki.
The most important intel exposing them is their diabolical “Secret
Covenant” plan for humanity. Let us look at some of it.
They state that: “The poisons will be
U.S. F-22 Raptors Used In Combat For The First Time -- News Roundup

The use of fifth generation US stealth F-22 Raptor fighters against the
Islamic State (IS) terrorist organization in Syria could be explained by
the United States’ fear of Syrian air defense forces. © US Air Force /
Master Sgt. Jeremy Lock
*In Syria, Pentagon's F-22 Fighter Plane Makes First Combat Appearance --
Wall Street Journal*
*Pilots Fly F-22 Over Syria to Bomb Militant Islamic State Group Targets*
WASHINGTON—The Pentagon's most advanced fighter plane made its combat debut
in the U.S.-led strikes on Syria,serving a crucial purpose for a sensitive
mission that depended on st... more »
Morales: U.S. is after our Natural Resources
Bolivian President Evo Morales harshly criticized US President Barack Obama
in an interview with RT Spanish, calling him a war criminal who should be
tried in international court. The outspoken critic of US policy did not
mince words in the interview, lashing out at capitalism, the UN Security
Council and America’s “imperialist” foreign policy. RT’s Marina Portnaya
has more of the president’s statements.
Oct 12: Book Unveiling: Nin Tonantzin Non Centeotl Our Sacred Maiz is our Mother

Nin Tonantzin Non Centeotl
Our Sacred Maiz is our Mother
Book Unveiling/Community Celebration
Oct 12, 2014
Indigenous Peoples Day
Global Justice Center.
225 E. 26th St., South Tucson, AZ, 85713.
The unveiling of my book "Our Sacred Maiz is our Mother: Indigeneity and
Belonging in the Americas" (University of Arizona Press) will also be a
fundraiser on behalf of Calpolli Teoxicalli, in recognition of all the
selfless and untiring work they have freely given to our besieged
communities in Arizona. More details forthcoming.
Is There Still A Statewide Republican Party In California?
Friday the Republicans' annual 3-day neo-fascist conclave begins at the
Omni Shoreham Hotel in DC. Featured speakers include a grab bag of some of
the craziest lunatics on the fringes of the far right, from extremist
current and former elected officials like Michele Bachmann, Ted Cruz, Sarah
Palin, David Brat, Rick Santorum and Mike Huckabee, to random
freaks-with-a-following like Glenn Beck, Mat Staver, Ollie North, William
Boykin, E.W. Jackson, Mark Levin, Erick Erickson, Gary Bauer, and some
Duggars and Duck Dynasts. The meeting of the American neo-fascist movement
is bound to... more »
U.S. Continues Air Strikes In Iraq And Syria
Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com
*US Launches 2nd Round of Syria Airstrikes -- Voice of America*
A U.S.-led coalition bombed Islamic State targets in Syria for a second day
on Wednesday, targeting the militants' transportation capabilities.
U.S. Central Command, which oversees American military operations in the
Middle East, reports an airstrike in eastern Syria damaged eight vehicles
that the Pentagon says were being used to move equipment into Iraq.
The latest bombing is the 20th in Syria since Tuesday, when Washington and
five Arab allies began the air campaign by bomb... more »
World News Briefs -- September 24, 2014
*More Airstrikes Against ISIS As Obama Urges Action At U.N. Against
Extremism -- CNN*
(CNN) -- U.S. President Barack Obama called for united action to confront
violent extremism Wednesday, as he addressed the United Nations General
Assembly after a second day of U.S. airstrikes in Syria.
Airstrikes were carried out overnight Tuesday into Wednesday against five
more targets: four in Iraq and one in Syria, the U.S. Central Command said.
In Syria, a U.S. aircraft and coalition plane struck an ISIS staging area
near the Iraqi border, northwest of Al Qa'im, damaging eight ISIS vehicles... more »
Stuffed Crust Pizza Breadsticks

Do you love stuffed crust pizza as much as I do? Do you ever wish you could
eat just the crusts? I know that my kids and I do and now you can! Today I
am over at the Rhodes Blog sharing one of my favorites, Stuffed Crust Pizza
Breadsticks. This is one of my go to recipes when my kids are screaming for
pizza and we aren't having something else for dinner, they get what they
want and I get a nice side dish!
These bread sticks are better than regular bread stick, because everything
is better with cheese, right?
For the full ingredient list and instructions, head over to the Rhodes
B... more »
Tunnel vision
Blink and you’d’ve missed it. I nearly did, but ‘Mr. Sue’ happened to be
watching BBC 1 last night, and spotted with eagle-eyed acuity that the
upcoming programme was Jane Corbin’s elusive Panorama “War of the Tunnels.”
He woke me up!
Because, dear reader, I was fast asleep. Early to rise etc. etc.
I tried to put myself in the shoes of Mrs Average Viewer. You know, the
kind with a casual, non committal interest in the subject. I kept thinking
“But Corbin didn’t mention this” and “What about that?” which I suppose Mrs
A V might not have done. Or would she?
I wanted to see whether... more »
Hong Kong Democracy vs. China Dictatorship

I am reposting some interesting reports and opinons here about the ugly
turn of events in Hong Kong recently where the China Communist Party in
Beijing has put its heavy feet on HK people's aspirations for freedom and
deeper democratization.
Undermining the Rule of Law
*"As the government and bureaucrats find that they typically cannot count
on the legislature making new laws, they interpret existing laws with ever
wider discretion. The scope of arbitrary regulation is broadening. This
does serious damage to the rule of law, although that probably does not
start out as... more »
Supplemental: Liberal channel ignores public schools!
*WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2014Tim Russert meets Diane Ravitch:* As noted in
our previous post, the late Tim Russert was an attack dog concerning Social
That’s almost literally true. During Campaign 2000, Candidate Bush proposed
partial privatization of the venerable program. Candidate Gore opposed the
Russert went on the attack. Speaking with Joe Klein, he used the word as a
KLEIN (5/6/00): The concern I have about the Gore campaign is that he has
learned one lesson and he's kind of becoming a one-trick pony.
RUSSERT: *Attack. Attack. Attack.*
KLEIN:... more »
Ebola Survival Handbook

*The Book You Need to See You Through the Coming Pandemic*
Kimberly Paxton
*The Daily Sheeple*
If you’re paying attention, you’ve noticed that the newsfeeds are full of
horror stories about Ebola. Right now, most of the concern is focused in
the farthest corner of the earth, in a handful of small countries that seem
far less civilized than ours. However, if the warnings filtering out of the
CDC and the WHO are any indication, Ebola will be coming to our shores, and
it could potentially be the worst pandemic the United States has ever faced.
Since the medical community appears to b... more »
$500 Disney Gift Card Giveaway
It has been a long time since we have had an amazing, magical trip to
Disneyland. We took our oldest when she was an infant, but of course,
doesn't remember any of it and at 2 weeks postpartum, it wasn't ideal for
me either. It has been 8 years since our fantastic trip for our Honeymoon
and I am currently planning a full Disney trip complete with a trip to the
Bibbidi-Bobbidi- Boutique for my 5-year-old and breakfast with the
characters. Since our trip is still in planning stages, I thought I would
help would love to help someone else experience some Disney Magic. I have
come toge... more »
Obama points out all the "failings" of America at UN speech and brings up Ferguson, MO...
while the blacks there *continue to loot and riot.*
*Obama to the UN: *
"In a summer marked by instability in the Middle East and Eastern Europe, *I
know the world also took notice of the small American city of Ferguson,
Missouri* – where a young man was killed, and a community was divided. So
yes, we have our own racial and ethnic tensions. And like every country, we
continually wrestle with how to reconcile the vast changes wrought by
globalization and greater diversity with the traditions that we hold dear."
"But we welcome the scrutiny of the world – because what you see in Amer... more »
Tom Hayden : Marching for a green economy ‘built to last’
New York Mayor Bill de Blasio commits to reducing greenhouse gas emissions
by 30 percent by 2030, calling it ‘a moral imperative.’ By Tom Hayden | The
Rag Blog | September 24, 2014 NEW YORK — With hundreds of thousands …
finish reading Tom Hayden :
Marching for a green economy ‘built to last’
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- September 24, 2014
*Analysts: Airstrikes Will Fail Unless Ground Troops Combat Islamic State
-- DoD Buzz*
The U.S. airstrikes will not be enough to defeat the Islamic State without
ground forces in Syria and Iraq capable of fighting the terrorist group,
several analysts said.
“I do think that air power alone is not going to be decisive. Air strikes
themselves don’t tend to produce lasting political results. Air power tends
to not succeed in the absence of a powerful ground component,” said
Benjamin Friedman, research fellow in defense and homeland security studies
at the Cato Institute, a Washingto... more »
*The Daily Show*
Get More: Daily Show Full Episodes,Indecision Political Humor,The Daily
Show on Facebook
Bad Evals: Further Thoughts on Having it All
So, I got some bad teaching evaluations from last semester (bad by my
standards at least. Hell, by anybody’s standards). It’s kind of thrown me
for a loop because I pride myself on being a good scholar, a good teacher,
and a good husband/father. But, sometimes it may not be possible to pull
off all
Continue reading
The Kurds: Israel's not so improbable ally
*Interesting article from Standpoint magazine*
Focusing on the history between the Khazars and the Kurds............
While Israel's relations with its neighbours remain deeply problematic, its
ties with the Kurds have for years helped nurture a military force that has
proved itself more resilient than the US-funded Iraqi army. *For years
Israel's relationship with the Kurds was kept secret,* but gradually the
issue has cropped up more and more in interviews in Israeli media and in
academic reports.
The Kurds constitute the world's largest stateless people. There are 30
million Kurd... more »
People on strike
Yeah they are not consuming. Yeah they are not making babies
Yeah take not you masters of the universe that depend upon ever expanding
*WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2014Part 2—A curious tilt under Welch:* Everyone
talks about Rupert Murdoch. No one discusses Jack Welch.
On its face, this differential treatment might seem a bit hard to explain.
For all previous reports in this award-winning series, click here.
Murdoch and Welch are both enormously wealthy people with well-known
political outlooks. Each man has run one or more major American news
org—Welch during the Reagan/Bush and Clinton/Gore years, Murdoch to this
very day.
Murdoch invented the Fox News Channel, which is routinely said to operate
in its owner’s ... more »
Can PM Abadi Appeal To Iraq’s Sunnis?
Premier Haider Abadi has only been in office for a few weeks now, but he
has huge work ahead of him. One main goal is for him to reach out to Iraq’s
Sunnis in the hopes that they will support his new government and help in
the fight against the insurgency. He knows this, and is being pressured by
the Americans do to the same as a precondition for their military support.
So far the prime minister has touched on some of the community’s main
demands, but he has not done anything concrete about them yet.
Sunnis have voiced a number of demands for the last few years. Some of
those inc... more »
The Coffee Salute
*Tempest Over Obama's Tea Cup Salute: Commander-In-Chief Sparks Anger By
Saluting Marines With Drink In His Hand -- Daily Mail*
* President was exiting his Marine One helicopter after landing in New York
City for speeches about global warming and fighting ISIS in Syria
* Commander-in-chief is a military title that entitles Obama to a salute,
and he's expected to return the gesture
* On Tuesday he saluted two uniformed US Marines while holding a cup in his
hand, a breach that won't win him fans among veterans or servicemen
* Twitter erupted with the president's indignant detractors
* ... more »
What If They Gave a War Protest and Nobody Came
It turns out that Americans are not war-weary after all. They're just weary
of being weary. They're all outraged out. They're replete on Marching for
Climate. Bombing another Middle-Eastern country? Yawn. Were there any
nip-slips on Dancing With the Stars last night?
Maybe I'm all wrong about the ennui. Because if narrowly-framed polls are
any indication, the propaganda efforts by Frighteners, Inc. are working
really well. A sizeable portion of the population, besides being bored out
their skulls, really does believe that Islamists are on the verge of
breaching the borders of The Ho... more »
Syria Is The 7th Country That President Obama Has 'Bombed' During His Presidency

US President Barack Obama delivers a statement at the White House in
Washington on the air strikes in Syria, prior to departing for the United
Nations in New York. Reuters
*'Peace' President? How Obama Came To Bomb Seven Countries In Six Years --
The Independent*
US has engaged in conflict in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen,
Libya and now Syria
Barack Obama, the man many hoped would be the 'peace President' when he
entered office, has bombed seven countries during his six years in office.
The President oversaw the first US air strikes launched in Syria this week,
in a... more »
What Is The World Reaction To U.S.-Led Airstrikes In Syria
*Around World, Mixed Reactions To U.S.-Led Airstrikes In Syria --
Washington Post*
The start of U.S.-led airstrikes in Syria drew mixed reactions across the
Middle East and around the world Tuesday, ranging from staunch support by
Britain to harsh condemnation by Russia.
In the Middle East, the fight against Islamic State militants is shifting
regional dynamics, winning support from Arab nations that opposed previous
U.S. military inventions in the region. At least on the first day of
bombing, there was little public backlash, with virtually no outcry beyond
a pro-Islamic State p... more »
U.S. Is Carrying Out Vast Majority Of Strikes On Islamic State

The Independent
*U.S. Is Carrying Out Vast Majority Of Strikes On ISIS, Military Officials
Say -- New York Times*
WASHINGTON — The vast majority of airstrikes launched against Sunni
militant targets in Syria have been carried out by American war planes and
ship-based Tomahawk cruise missiles, military officials said Tuesday, in
what they described as the successful beginning of a long campaign to
degrade and destroy the Islamic State.
In disclosing the identities of the five Sunni Arab nations that joined or
supported the attacks in Syria — Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, ... more »
Turkey Taco Soup

I was introduced to this recipe from a freezer meal group I was apart of.
We loved it, it is pretty healthy if you don't top it with sour cream and
it is delicious. It gets serious bonus points for freezing really well to
help out on days when you just don't have a ton of extra time to cook.
You will need:
- 1 lb ground turkey
- 1/2 onion, diced
- 1 28oz can diced tomatoes
- 1 15.5oz can red kidney beans
- 1 16oz can black beans
- 1 15oz can pinto beans
- 1 15oz can whole kernel corn
- 1 packet taco seasoning
- 1 1oz packet of ranch dressing seasoning
- ... more »
The Gay agenda
We lived for thousands of years persecuting Gays. There was never anything
wrong with that. Now we admit we were wrong, but I am tired of everything
Gay. I am tired of transgender and all these marginal folks taking up the
political space that needs more poke.
Paper Enemy & Alliance of Monarchies

Obama launched his attack on Syria using F-22 Raptor warplanes — employed
in combat for the first time — from a base in the United Arab Emirates
(UAE) and by firing around 50 Tomahawk cruise missiles from US Navy Aegis
destroyers. The cruise missiles cost more than $1 million each. Imagine
the money burned during this attack.
The Washington Post reported the attacks "have flattened targets in ways
destined to test Obama’s doctrine requiring 'near certainty' that no
civilians be killed."
The Obama war team boasts that their allies in this affair make up a
US-Arab alliance tha... more »
Winter Is Coming To Ukraine

Konstantin Chernichkin/Reuters
*In Ukraine, Winter Is Coming -- Anna Nemtsova, Daily Beast*
*Once again Russia brandishes the threat of a gas cutoff to squeeze Kiev
and coerce Europe. Folks are taking cold showers already, and the weather
soon will be glacial.*
MOSCOW — Fur coats may well be in high demand this winter among those
glamorous ladies in Ukraine who can afford them. But many others will be
happy just to get a hot shower before bundling up in their icy apartments.
Once again, the Kremlin is threatening its trouble neighbor with a
long-term cutoff of gas supplies, and al... more »
4 Republican Committee Chairs In Vulnerable Districts Who Steve Israel Is Protecting From Defeat

One of the tragedies around Pelosi's decision to appoint and reappoint
corrupt Blue Dog Steve Israel to head the DCCC for the last 2 cycles is
that he has taken all Republican leaders and all Republican committee
chairs off the table. None, not even ones in vulnerable seats, have been or
will be opposed by the DCCC. The Republicans like nothing more than
defeating Democratic leaders and committee chairs, but Israel has his
reasons. This cycle there are 4 GOP committee chairmen in considerably more
vulnerable districts than some of the ridiculous deep red districts Israel
has chose... more »
Fitch Warns on What Happens to the US as Dollar’s ‘Pre-Eminent Reserve Currency Status’ Erodes

*Fitch Warns on What Happens to the US as Dollar’s ‘Pre-Eminent Reserve
Currency Status’ Erodes*
by Wolf Richter
September 22, 2014
It’s very risky for an American credit ratings agency to downgrade the US
Standard & Poor’s found out when it stripped the US off its AAA rating in
2011 over the debt-ceiling charade. The Department of Justice then sued S&P
over its role in the financial crisis, i.e. for slapping AAA-ratings on
toxic securities to pocket fatte... more »
Ukraine Crisis News Updates -- September 24, 2014
*Ukraine Crisis: Rebels Declare Early Poll Date -- BBC*
Rebel leaders in eastern Ukraine say they will hold elections on 2
November, in an apparent show of defiance towards the government in Kiev.
Although Ukraine is holding parliamentary polls a week before, it has
offered the pro-Russian rebels a vote on self-rule in December.
A shaky ceasefire has held since 5 September and the two sides have since
agreed to set up a buffer zone.
UN officials say 3,245 people have been killed since fighting began in
That number does not include the 298 victims of the Malaysia Airlines p... more »
*Disrupting the student loan bubble*
In 21st century America, disruptive technology is all around us. Smartphone
apps allow us to summon transportation at the touch of a button, to book
accommodations in a stranger’s apartment, to arrange an impromptu dinner
party with people we have never met and to navigate our way through
unfamiliar cities without the need of a map or compass.
Of course, not everyone is delighted by these miraculous innovations. The
people still doing business the old-fashioned way see technology as an
existential threat, and are scrambling to find ways to defen... more »
Murray Gell-Mann on foundations of quantum mechanics
Last Monday, Murray Gell-Mann celebrated his 85th birthday: congratulations!
As far as I remember, I have never published a blog post that would be
primarily dedicated to Gell-Mann's comments about the foundations of
quantum mechanics. So this is the first time. The 17-minute-long video
monologue above was taken from multi-hour interviews with him (and
analogously, many others) on the "Web of Stories".
Along with Jim Hartle, Gell-Mann is the co-author of their "strongly
decoherent" version of the consistent histories, an approach to the
foundations of quantum mechanics. For yea... more »
Teacher Preparation Matters for Teacher Attrition

from Ingersoll, Merrill, and May (2014), available here:
A Fossil Fool

Stephen Harper is at the UN today to attend a meeting of the Security
Council. He chose not to attend yesterday's meeting on climate change. As
appalling as Harper's decision to skip that meeting was, Tom Walkom writes
that, in the end, he probably did the climate a favour. In the past, when
Harper has attended such meetings, his strategy was two fold: to obstruct
and to delay:
He made an alliance of convenience with Russia, Australia and, at one
point, Japan to deep-six any attempt to resurrect Kyoto.
... more »
US defends inexcusable airstrikes in letter to UN- no concern for climate change?
The *Nobel peace prize winning*-* planet loving, environmentally concerned
President* and his sick sidekick at the UN have no qualms about destroying
the environment when it comes to making war.
Deal with the cognitive dissonance that has taken hold of your mind. Obama
doesn't care about the environment- He is not a peace president. A spell
has been cast upon you. Break it!
Stop believing the lies you are spoon fed and look at the reality.
Witness the lies of the war whores, humanity crushers, soul destroyers and
environment destroyers
*US Ambassador to the UN says Syrian regime has... more »
Ingalls Shipbuilding Authenticates the Keel on Aegis Destroyer Ralph Johnson (DDG 114)

[image: Keel authentication DDG 114]Huntington Ingalls Industries' Ingalls
Shipbuilding division today authenticated the keel for the company's 30th
Aegis guided missile destroyer, Ralph Johnson (DDG 114).
To make it official, Georgeann McRaven, ship sponsor and wife of retired
Adm. William McRaven, former commander, U.S. Special Operations Command,
proclaimed the keel of DDG 114 to be "truly and fairly laid."
"We have a long history of building surface combatants, and the DDG 51
destroyers have become the backbone of the U.S. Navy's fleet," said Ingalls
Shipbuilding President Bria... more »
Amazon Creates New 'X Factor' or Crowdsourcing Offer

This week Amazon added another layer to their offer, a new ‘crowdsourcing’
book submission one, which as with all things Amazon today, immediately
polarised many. The lure is to attract would be authors into what some
would call a digital slush pile 'X factor’ competition, where readers vote
and those works that get the votes, win and potentially get selected for
stardom and the recognition their authors want. Under the new service
Authors will be asked to submit never before published works. Amazon will
then make available a preview of the work and enable readers to review and
no... more »
Grading in Ec 10
An instructor in introductory economics asks:
I have a question that may be of interest to the students and faculty who
read your blog. In searching the archives of your blog, I did not see a
blog post on the following:
How do you assess and evaluate those students?
I have a colleague who administers only one assessment - a final. Most of
the rest of my department uses a variety of activities, assessments and
evaluations - homework sets, reading quizzes, writing, midterm and final.
Here is the weighting we use to grade each semester in ec 10 at Harvard: 40
percent on the final ... more »

We remember well the lucrative STM journals market and the value added role
the subscription agents had carved out consolidating subscriptions across
thousands of institutions and publishers. It was a classic one stop shop
and rewarding for all parties. The likes of Swets and Ebsco dominated and
their position looked increasingly secure. Then came the shift to digital
and new players who also offered digital consolidation, publishers who
wanted to increasingly deal direct and institutions who discovered the
power of buying consortia. The market shifted and that was without the eve... more »
USS Coronado (LCS 4) Performs Live-Fire Test of Norwegian Naval Strike Missile
The crew of the littoral combat ship USS Coronado (LCS 4) successfully
performed a live-fire demonstration of a Kongsberg Naval Strike Missile
(NSM) during missile testing operations off the coast of Southern
California, Sept. 23.
During the test, the Norwegian-made Kongsberg NSM was launched from the
deck of Coronado and scored a direct hit on its intended target, a Mobile
Ship Target (MST).
The Kongsberg NSM is a long range precision strike missile designed to be
launched from a variety of ships against a variety of targets.
Read more
Finmeccanica unit sues to block U.S. helicopter deal for Airbus

[image: UH-72A Lakota]AgustaWestland, a unit of Italy's Finmeccanica SpA,
has sued the U.S. Army to block its plans to buy 155 helicopters built by
Europe's Airbus without a competition, arguing that its own helicopters
would be cheaper to buy and operate.
AgustaWestland asked the U.S. Court of Federal Claims in Washington to
issue a temporary restraining order barring the Army from awarding the
contract to Airbus without a competition, according to the complaint filed
Sept. 19.
The U.S. Army issued a notice to industry on Sept. 4, saying that it
planned to buy only EC-145 helicopt... more »
MEADS Multifunction Fire Control Radar Proves Capabilities in Performance Tests

[image: MFC MEADS]The Medium Extended Air Defense System (MEADS) program
has completed a six-week performance test of its 360-degree Multifunction
Fire Control Radar (MFCR) at Pratica di Mare Air Base near Rome, Italy, and
at MBDA Germany’s air defense center in Freinhausen in the presence of
representatives from the German Air Force and guests from MEADS partner
nations. This was the first time the MFCR has been operated in Germany.
“The latest test again gives evidence of the maturity of the MEADS
development results,” said Siegfried Bücheler, director of Programs and
Supply Chain... more »
Russian Air-to-air Missiles Hit Target
[image: First ever exercise]In a first ever exercise, three rounds of
air-to-air short range Russian missile were test fired by the Indian Air
Force (IAF) as part of their user trial on Tuesday. The missiles were
coordinated to destroy tow bodies released from pilotless target aircraft
(PTA) flown from a defence base off the Odisha coast.
The tests which were initially planned on last Thursday could not be
conducted due to technical glitches in the PTA. Another attempt on Friday
was postponed due to inclement weather.
Sources said the non-DRDO Russian missiles were fired from fight... more »
Fighter aircraft for Thiruvananthapuram station
The Indian Air Force (IAF) station here will host more military aircraft,
including jet fighters, in the coming days, senior air force officials said
on Tuesday.
The increased military activity, the officials said, was a sign of the IAF
fast-tracking its strategic doctrine to exert a stabilising influence over
the Indian Ocean from the straits of Malacca to that of Hormuz, one of the
world’s busiest sea routes. The Southern Air Command (SAC) was the pivot of
India’s emerging “look east” strategy, they said.
The bulk of the world’s trade, including a lion share of its oil shipments,... more »
The Realist Report - World War III for Dummies

On this edition of The Realist Report, we'll be joined once again by Mike
King of *TomatoBubble.com*. Mike and I will be discussing a number of
subjects including his recent *World War 3 for Dummies* article. We will
focus on the mysterious "ISIS" group, the geopolitical landscape in both
the Middle East and Russia, and Russian President Vladimir Putin. You can
download the entire program *here*.
Below are relevant links for this program:
- *World War 3 for Dummies*
- *War-mongering Jews compare ISIS to "Nazis," demand "boots on the
ground" - John Friend*
- *Meet the W... more »
Speakers in Houses
we've always suspected The Mouthpiece takes his orders from the Great
Grey Glans. Mr. Mulcair finally called him out on it, and duly punished.
On Iraq no less, where the Harper Regime has deployed Canadian troops
but won't tell us anything else about it. Trudeau the enabler apparently
changed the subject.
In Syria, Pentagon's F-22 Fighter Plane Makes First Combat Appearance
The Pentagon's most advanced fighter plane made its combat debut in the
U.S.-led strikes on Syria,serving a crucial purpose for a sensitive mission
that depended on stealth.
Pilots flying the F-22 Raptor flew bombing runs over Syria to target the
militant Islamic State group, U.S. officials said.
Officials didn't say what targets the F-22 struck, but said it was used
later in the series of strikes, which lasted several hours.
Read more
In first, Fire Scout drone helicopters being deployed to Pacific

[image: MQ-8C Fire Scout]The Navy will soon deploy unmanned surveillance
helicopters to the Pacific for the first time, according to defense
contractor Northrop Grumman.
Four MQ-8B Fire Scouts will be aboard the USS Fort Worth — one of several
new fast, shallow-water vessels known as littoral combat ships — when it
leaves San Diego later this year, Northrop Grumman Fire Scout project
manager Tom Twomey said this week.
The ship’s deployment to the Asia-Pacific theater will mark the start of a
continuous LCS presence in the region, according to the Navy.
Read more
Navy says may trim Northrop drone order due to better reliability

[image: MQ-4C Triton]I mproved reliability of Northrop Grumman Corp's
unmanned MQ-4C Triton spy plane means the U.S. Navy may buy fewer of the
drones than the 68 it now has on order, a senior navy official said on
Tuesday, a move which may result in lower revenues for the planemaker.
The Navy's goal is to have 20 of the huge drones available at any given
time to use for five continuous "orbits" of maritime surveillance. It takes
four planes to make up one orbit.
Rising reliability rates mean the Navy may not need as many of the
high-altitude aircraft as first thought, said Captain J... more »
Navy mulls N-powered aircraft carrier

[image: Future INS Vikrant]The navy on Tuesday said it was working on the
design of the second indigenous aircraft carrier which may be propelled by
a nuclear-powered engine.
The design is at a conceptual stage, Director-General of Naval Design
Bureau Rear Admiral Atul Saxena said when asked if the force was
considering using nuclear-powered engine for it.
The navy is already constructing the 40,000-tonne first indigenous aircraft
carrier at the Cochin Shipyard Limited and has plans of building one more
such vessel which is expected to be more than 60,000 tonnes in weight.
Read more
Herald Homes: Vela House by Organon Architecture
[image: image]
Nice to see one of my houses on the front page of the *Herald Homes*
lift-out this morning. I never like it however when my clients move out,
but 16 years after loving his renovation Kleme Vela is moving on to
pastures wider than the Pt Chev site he’s been in since 1990.
That’s the sketch, above, I did for him back in 1996, from which the
renovations started, making sure (as the *Herald* says) “the new part
seamlessly matched the old.
It’s hard to believe [continues the *Herald*] that the architect-designed
living room, with its wood-panelled window seat [below], t... more »
Ukraine situation ( September 24 , 2014 ) With all eyes and ears following the latest bombing runs in SYRAQ , recall the Ukraine / Russia situation remains very unsettled ...... Internal and external politics ( Russia / Ukraine / EU / US on Ukraine situation ) , state of play - ceasefire and negotiations to implement Minsk Protocol , Sanctions / Sanction reaction watch , Natural gas situation fo Ukraine and EU .....

Retweeted 8 times
*Blogs of War* @BlogsofWar 11h
*Ukraine* *crisis*: Rebels declare early poll date - *BBC* News http://
*Chris Burman-Day* @CBD_security 10h
*BBC* News - *Ukraine* *crisis*: Military to pull back artillery in east
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-29311056 … @*Carmdale* #*carmdaily*
#Putin warns #*Ukraine* against implementing EU pact http://
s.einnews.com/iBiR6YXUES #*Russia*
Moon of Alabama followed
*Johnsons Russia List* @JohnsonRussiaLi 5h
#Ukrai... more »
Smug condescension, other signatures of Sagan, Tyson eras
Honza U. sent me a link to a wonderful text by Robert Tracinski,
Neil deGrasse Tyson and the Science of Smug Condescension
That website seems to be all about Neil deGrasse Tyson whom I don't
consider too important in one way or another (perhaps just because I have
never been exposed to his recent TV program: I have no idea whether I would
like most of it!) but he plays the role of the "symbol" of some undesirable
trends in the attitude to science that the laymen are being led to in this
Neil deGrasse Tyson – and before him, to some extent, even Carl Sagan... more »
USS McClusky Returns Friday From Final Deployment
[image: USS McClusky (FFG 41)]The guided-missile frigate USS McClusky is
scheduled to return to San Diego on Friday from its final deployment, the
Navy announced Tuesday.
The vessel and its crew of more than 200 left San Diego on April 10 to
conduct anti-drug smuggling missions off Central and South America.
The Navy is phasing out frigates in favor of the new littoral combat ships,
which are fast, maneuverable vessels designed for fighting in coastal areas.
Read more
Russia's large-scale military drills Vostok-2014
Large-scale military drills Vostok-2014 are coming to an end in Russia.
Over 100,000 servicemen, thousands of tanks and aircraft, dozens of ships
participated in the drills. The exercises are to continue until September
25. The drills are the final stage of a series of command and staff, and
special exercises, drills, and surprise inspections in 2014.
*Snap checks and military drills in the Russian Armed Forces*
This is not the first large-scale checkup of the operational readiness of
the country's Armed Forces. Since the beginning of the year, Western,
Central, and Eastern Militar... more »
Iran to launch different Mowj class destroyers, Fateh submarines soon

[image: Jamaran corvette]A senior Iranian Navy official announced the
country’s plans to launch Fateh submarines and different Mowj Class
destroyers in the near future, APA reports quoting Fars News Agency.
“We will soon launch the Fateh class submarines and the second, third,
fourth and fifth version of Mowj class destroyers, and one of them will be
unveiled this year,” Head of the Navy’s Research and Self-Sufficiency Jihad
Office General Ali Gholamzadeh said in a press conference in Tehran on
Asked if Iran is capable of building heavier and bigger destroyers than its
fi... more »
Senator David Fawcett says submarine maintenance more important than building them

[image: Soryu class SSK]It is “far more important” that South Australia
secures ongoing submarine maintenance work than it is to build 12
submarines in the state, an SA Liberal MP has told the Government.
The Advertiser understands that Senator David Fawcett, who has a wealth of
Defence experience, including military service and Defence committee work,
spoke about submarines at the partyroom meeting yesterday.
Debate has flared recently about the Future Submarines project as the
Government gets closer to making a decision about buying submarines from
overseas or building them here.
... more »
Russian Defense Minister orders tighter control over Pacific nuclear sub base construction
Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu expressed his displeasure on Tuesday
over the construction of the docking and maintenance facilities at a naval
base in the country's Far East intended for the deployment of Russia’s
Borei-class strategic nuclear-powered missile submarines.
While inspecting the construction of the Pacific Fleet’s facility on the
Kamchatka Peninsula in the Avacha Bay on Tuesday, Shoigu expressed his
dissatisfaction with the work of the local supervising bodies overseeing
the quality of construction works.
“This is a very serious matter to joke about [the constr... more »
Ed Miliband forgot, how convenient or maybe revealing!
Labour aides said the Labour leader forgot to deliver key parts of his
speech to the Labour Party conference - the key parts were those in which
he was to promise to "deal with our nation's debts" and another on
Ed Miliband forgot? Maybe he did, in which case do we want someone that
forgetful as Prime Minister? What might he forget if he was Prime Minister?
Ed Miliband forgot? Maybe he did or maybe he has tried to be clever as by
'forgetting' he didn't have to address the enormous National debt and the
deliberately massive rise in uncontrolled immigration that were two ... more »
Pope Francis Says World War III Has Already Begun

De – Nazifying Islam is a serious challenge that will consume many before
it runs its course. That is ultimately why everyone is holding back rather
than charging in. The solutions are obvious and stunningly specific. I also
do not think that Islam as a religion can survive a proper cleansing as
fascism failed to survive Nazism either.
It is easy to begin of course. It is merely to separate Christian friendly
text from the Koran and then label all other teachings there as teachings
of the Anti Christ. This is made easy by the deliberate dualism of the text
itself. One then con... more »
Oldest house in Britain Discovered to be 11,500 Years Old

This very early date is important and more important is the existence of
permanent housing. These people did not migrate at all and must have
depended on the lake and forest for sustenance. This compares well to the
Pacific Northwest. That culture is at least as old and surely similar.
Further work is needed to determine what they ate. I see no evidence of
middens here but that may only mean they have not been identified at a
nearby locale.
This is also a snapshot of all Europe then. We have Stone Age villages
only only one thousand years after the... more »
Deep Sea 'Mushroom' May be New Branch of Life
[image: Mushroom]
The initial explosion produced an incredible variety of life types which
was ultimately decimated. today we find lucky outriders of what may well
have been a rich grouping. Whatever it is it is new to science and
joins many other oddities that will need to be studied deeply before we are
DNA work will help sort a lot of this out as our data basses steadily
Otherwise it is a neat and unusual creature.
* Deep sea 'mushroom' may be new branch of life*
* By Paul Rincon*
* 3 September 2014Last updated at 17:43 ET*
*The bizarre creatur... more »
Massive Extinct Volcano Discovered Beneath Pacific Ocean

What this illustrates is that our present resolution actually is
terrible. we need to spend the coin to do much better. Then we have to
follow up with robotic submersibles that can run forever and close map the
ocean floor. It will take millions of devices to do it all but then why
not? Our own land masses are barely as well surveyed and much there can be
done also. Remote sensing works and it is now a question of equipping
millions of drones to do this properly while operating other missions as
well. My point is that useful close spaced mapping of just several square ... more »
Meet Israel’s Newest, Most Expensive Weapon: The INS Tanin Submarine
In a commemoration aboard Israel’s 4th and newest submarine, the INS Tanin
(“crocodile,” or “alligator”), the IDF on Sunday held a wreath-laying
ceremony at the site where 69 soldiers of INS Dakar went down with the
ship, in the Mediterranean Sea some 270 miles off the Israeli coast in
1968, the Israeli army said.
“We will guard, protect, and act in any enemy coast, and fight bravely for
the navy and the state of Israel,” Adm. Ram Rothberg, said at the event,
The Jerusalem Post noted.
Referring to the prowess of the new Dolphin-class craft, IDF Chief of Staff
Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz ... more »
US Aggression Drags World into Age of Global Anarchy

Allied with barbaric regional regimes who gestated "Islamic State," Washington's
attack on Syria sets dangerous new precedent.
*September 24, 2014* (Tony Cartalucci - LD) - Without a UN mandate or even
a cohesive narrative, the United States and its regional allies have begun
unilaterally bombing targets in Syria. Together with Turkey, Jordan, Saudi
Arabia, and Qatar - the very sponsors of extremists groups fighting inside
of Syria, including the Islamic State, its offshoot al Nusra, and other Al
Qaeda aligned factions - the US has opened a new chapter on global anarchy.
*Image:... more »
Miliband a great original?
Ed Miliband nicked his opening joke from Tony Blair's speech to the Labour
Party conference in 2006, almost word for word. Then Blair said:
"I know I look a lot older. That's what being leader of the Labour Party
does to you. Actually, looking round some of you look a lot older."
This year Ed Miliband said:
"Since I was here 4 years ago, I feel wiser. I feel older. A lot older! But
hang on, some of you lot look older too."
Is Ed Miliband lazy or his script writers?
AIPAC, ISIS And The U.S. Congress

None of AIPAC's 7 American publications, *Defense Digest*, *Near East
Report*, *Homeland Security Monitor*, *Energy Monitor*, *Issue Memo*, *Israel
Connection* or *Middle East Spotlight* discusses ISIS, let alone instructs
Congress how to vote on the war with the so-called "Islamic State." In
general, if you want to know how AIPAC wants congressmembers to vote just
check on what its most slavish adherents do. Behind the scenes AIPAC was
lobbying Congress like mad in favor of destroying ISIS.
AIPAC urges Congress to grant the president the authority he has requested
to protect Ame... more »
Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW) - Your Choice
Welcome to Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW)!
I am on an unexpected trip to the Pacific Northwest so there won't be a new
challenge until October 8th. At that time, we'll recap and get back on
track. Until then, please continue with last week's challenge, choose a
challenge from THIS PAGE, create your own challenge, or ... take a break!
I appreciate your patience and I'll see you on October 8th!
Until next time ...
Musical Interlude: Liquid Mind III: “Balance - Lullaby for Grown-ups”
Liquid Mind III: “Balance - Lullaby for Grown-ups”
Deeply relaxing and soothing music for sleep, relief of stress and anxiety,
for meditation and healing.
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQGpjO-eagc&feature=related
Henry David Thoreau, "I Learned This, At Least..."
“I learned this, at least, by my experiment: that if one advances
confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life
which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common
hours. He will put some things behind, will pass an invisible boundary;
new, universal, and more liberal laws will begin to establish themselves
around and within him; or the old laws be expanded, and interpreted in his
favor in a more liberal sense, and he will live with the license of a
higher order of beings. In proportion as he simplifies his life, the laws
of the univ... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Far beyond the local group of galaxies lies NGC 3621, some 22 million
light-years away. Found in the multi-headed southern constellation Hydra,
the winding spiral arms of this gorgeous island universe are loaded with
luminous young star clusters and dark dust lanes.
*Click image for larger size.*
Still, for earthbound astronomers NGC 3621 is not just another pretty
face-on spiral galaxy. Some of its brighter stars have been used as
standard candles to establish important estimates of extragalactic
distances and the scale of the Universe. This beautiful image of NGC 3621
traces the ... more »
*Capitalism in crosshairs as Socialism promoted at opening event of
People’s Climate March*
*The Communist sympathizers are getting bolder. That they called it a
"people's" march alone tells you that. It is classic Communist jargon*
New York City – Socialism was praised and promoted to raucous applause by
the hundreds in attendance at the People’s Climate March event on September
20, featuring organizer Bill McKibben, author Naomi Klein, socialist
Seattle City Council member Kshama Sawant and socialist Senator Bernie
Sanders of Vermont.
The event, held at the Unitarian Church... more »
US Strike on Syria is Desperation Incarnate
*September 24, 2014* (Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - The West was racing against
the clock - attempting to justify war with Syria by allegedly "fighting"
the so-called "Islamic State" (ISIS) in Syrian territory before the world
fully realized the West and its allies had in fact created ISIS in the
first place and was to this day arming, funding, and directing them. In
haste that can only be described as desperation bordering criminal
insanity, the West announced that it has begun air and missile attacks on
Syrian territory.
It alleges that it is attacking ISIS, however - and unlike its ... more »
"Don't Wonder..."
"Don't wonder why people go crazy. Wonder why they don't.
In the face of what we can lose in a day, in an instant,
wonder what the hell it is that makes us hold it together."
- "Grey's Anatomy"
Chet Raymo, “The General And The Particular”
*“The General And The Particular”*
by Chet Raymo
“Of the fundamental particles of which the world is made, each one is
identical to all others of its species. Every electron is a clone of every
other electron. Every proton is interchangeable with every other. And the
laws by which the fundamental particles interact and bind are fixed and
immutable. Physics would not be possible if there were not an elemental
sameness to the world, a concrete block redundancy.
As a young man I was trained as a physicist. I was taught to revel in the
general, to see through the particulars to the sam... more »
Paulo Coelho, “Dreams: The 12 Steps”
*“Dreams: The 12 Steps”*
by Paulo Coelho
"When Joseph Campbell created the expression “follow your blessing,” he was
reflecting an idea that seems to be very appropriate right now. In “The
Alchemist,” this same idea is called “Personal Legend.” Alan Cohen, a
therapist who lives in Hawaii, is also working on this theme. He says that
in his lectures he asks those who are dissatisfied with their work and
seventy-five percent of the audience raise their hands. Cohen has created a
system of twelve steps to help people to rediscover their “blessing” (he is
a follower of Campbell):
*1. T... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Waynesville, North Carolina, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
The Poet: John Glenday, "Concerning the Atoms of the Soul"
*"Concerning the Atoms of the Soul"*
"Someone explained once how the pieces of what we are
fall downwards at the same rate as the Universe.
The atoms of us, falling towards the centre
of whatever everything is. And we don't see it.
We only sense their slight drag in the lifting hand.
That's what weight is, that communal process of falling.
Furthermore, these atoms carry hooks, like burrs,
hooks catching like hooks, like clinging to like,
that's what keeps us from becoming something else,
and why in early love, we sometimes
feel the tug of the heart snagging on another's heart.
Only th... more »
Climate Change March Highlights Global Issue
Demonstrations around the world. It is good to know that it has become
international issue.
Please watch the video here
"The Wonder Of Life..."
"We live in radical times surrounded by tasks that seem impossible. It has
become our collective fate to be alive in a time of great tragedies, to
live in a period of overwhelming disasters and to stand at the edge of
sweeping changes. The river of life is flooding before us, and a tide of
poisons affect the air we breathe and the waters we drink and even tarnish
the dreams of those who are young and as yet innocent. The snake-bitten
condition has already spread throughout the collective body.
However, it is in troubled times that it becomes most important to remember
that the wond... more »
"Life Is Not..."
- http://walkerbaitproductions.com/?p=746
"Taking Another Look: Importance of Second Chances"
*"Taking Another Look: Importance of Second Chances"*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
"Everyone deserves to be given a second chance in life and the opportunity
for forgiveness. When we meet someone for the first time, we often create a
defining image in our minds of who that person is. We may also determine
whether or not that someone is worth getting to know. Sometimes when an
initial interaction is particularly uncomfortable or challenging, we can
decide to close our hearts to this new acquaintance entirely. But being too
quick to judge can cause us to lose out on a potentially wo... more »
"FBI, DHS Go Full Scaremonger: Warn Police Of Airstrike-Inspired "Homegrown Extremists" & "Disgruntled Employee" Threats"
*"FBI, DHS Go Full Scaremonger: Warn Police Of Airstrike-Inspired *
*"Homegrown Extremists" & "Disgruntled Employee" Threats"*
by Tyler Durden
"While careful to note 'no specific threats' have been found, it appears
the FBI and DHS have decided it's time to show why local police departments
needed to be fully militarized after all. In the first bulletin, according
to Bloomberg, US security officials warned federal and local police to
watch for “homegrown violent extremists” who may be motivated to attack by
airstrikes in Syria. In the second bulletin, the FBI and DHS assess that
dis... more »
U.S. Told Iran That Their Intention Was To Strike Islamic State Targets In Syria But Were Not Going To Target Assad's Forces

The guided-missile cruiser USS Philippine Sea launches a Tomahawk cruise
missile, as seen from the aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush, in the
Arabian Gulf, September 23, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Mass Communication
Specialist 1st Class Eric Garst/U.S. Navy
*Exclusive: U.S. Told Iran Of Intent To Strike Islamic State In Syria --
(Reuters) - The United States informed Iran in advance of its intention to
strike Islamic State militants in Syria and told Tehran that it would not
target the forces of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, a senior Iranian
official told Reuters.
"Ira... more »
America's Mission Creep To War In The Middle East

*How Obama’s War Against ISIS Just Keeps Growing -- Michael Crowley, Time*
*A mission that keeps shedding its limits.*
Barack Obama’s war against ISIS has come a long way from Sinjar Mountain.
It was six weeks ago, on Aug. 7, that the President announced his first
airstrikes against the militant group Islamic State of Iraq and Greater
Syria (ISIS). It was a profound decision for a President long determined to
avoid military action in the Middle East—and for a war-scarred country
resistant to foreign interventions.
It was also the first of many incremental steps towards Monday ... more »
While the "MANHUNT" For Eric Frein Is Going On, How Many Citizens Have The Cops Murdered?

*Have you seen this man...on your lottery machine???*
We all know the Pennsylvania State Police are searching for Eric Frein whom
they accuse of shooting two Pennsylvania State Policemen, killing one of
them. But while the "MANHUNT" for Eric Frein is going on, how many citizens
in that time period have police murdered, beaten, tazed, and brutalized and *how
many Constitutional laws have the police broken* while doing their
(I will update this post DAILY, as police murder citizens DAILY, as long as
this "MANHUNT" is going on. There is a "MANHUNT" on for *Eric Frein*,
ac... more »
While the forerunners and later derivative groups of what is now ISIS, or
IS as they now prefer to call themselves, were busy fighting Israel’s enemy
in Syria, Israel and the US together with their Western allies were content
to let the al-Assad regime forces and the Islamists slug it out between
them. Both sides remain, however, the enemy of Israel. But, as the civil
war in Syria progressed, so the various Islamist forces ranged against
al-Assad began to coalesce. Though still not quite fully united, the group
that now calls itself the Islamic State has emerged by far the most
infl... more »
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