Russian President Vladimir Putin (right) and French President Jacques Chirac. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
What right-wing scumbags say vs. what they actually do, PA edition
KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 5 minutes ago

*by Ken*
I love this.
By way of background, I have an e-mail screen name that wound up being used
mostly for political mailings, including campaign stuff. Do I have to tell
you what an incredible amount of sludge it draws? I dread even looking at
the list of new posts, and manage to do it periodically only so I can keep
the sludge from piling up. Meaning that when I do attack the mail list, my
mindset is delete, delete, delete.
I still don't know what prompted me to open this particular item. Now I see
that Joe Sestak's name is in the "from" column, and that might have gotten
m... more »
It's all right for words to mean what they say
The Arthurian at The Rules of Exposition - 10 minutes ago
Eudora Welty:
It's *all right*, I want to say to the students who write to me, for things
to be what they appear to be, for words to mean what they say. It's all
right too for words and appearances to mean more than one thing — ambiguity
is a fact of life. But it is not all right, not in good faith, for things
not to mean what they say.
From Michael Leddy's Against “deep reading” at *Orange Crate Art*.
Iraq / Syria situation ( September 25 , 2014 ) -- Examining the battlefields in Syria and Iraq , a look at political affairs touching on SYRAQ , Tweets on current items of note .....
Catharsis Ours - 1 hour ago
The Logistical Challenge Of Air Operations In Syria
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/25/2014 18:44 -0400
- Iraq
- Saudi Arabia
*From Stratfor*
*The Logistical Challenge Of Air Operations In Syria*
The composition of the force carrying out airstrikes in Syria highlights
the logistical complexity of this kind of operation. Most of the U.S.
aircraft taking part in the operations over northern Iraq and Syria are
based in and around the Persian Gulf, meanin... more »
“Washington’s Secret Agendas” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 hour ago
*“Washington’s Secret Agendas”*
By Paul Craig Roberts
“One might think that by now even Americans would have caught on to the
constant stream of false alarms that Washington sounds in order to deceive
the people into supporting its hidden agendas.
The public fell for the lie that the Taliban in Afghanistan are terrorists
allied with al Qaeda. Americans fought a war for 13 years that enriched
Dick Cheney’s firm, Halliburton, and other private interests only to end in
another Washington failure.
The public fell for the lie that Saddam Hussein in Iraq had “weapons of
mass destruction... more »
Once again my friend Michael Collins has researched the situation in Ukraine, exposing Obama's lies by digging out materials published in U.S. newspapers and journals. Russian President Putin has won, but not by use of military force. Rather he held back his troops while offering to negotiate, a gesture that Obama not only ignored but falsely asserted that Russian troops were attacking. In the meantime, the Russian speakers of the eastern provinces of Lugansk and Donetsk repelled the entire Ukrainian army following its vicious shelling of civilian homes, stores, and factories. So Obama has now quietly dropped his failed Ukraine adventure in favor of the pointless bombing of ISIS.
David L Griscom at Cherchez la Verite - 1 hour ago

*OpEdNews Op Eds 9/28/2014 at 04:09:14 *
*It's Official! Resistance Defeats Kiev Junta in Ukraine*
*By Michael Collins (about the author) Permalink*
** *Headlined
H2 9/28/14*
Flag of Peoples Republic of Lugansk
(image by WikiCommons)Flag of Peoples Republic of Donetsk
(image by WikiCommons)The results are in. The official tally is complete
and the winner announced.
According to an opinion piece in in Bloomberg News (9/26), Russian
President Vladimir Putin is the victor in the c... more »
National 1938-2014 [updated]
Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 1 hour ago

David Farrar did two things this morning: he posted a carefully truncated
graph that got people talking showing the trend of Labour’s popular decline
– with a trendline added in “to reinforce the obvious point” -- and he
*didn’t* post a similar graph showing the declining trend in support for
National, his own party.
Lindsay Mitchell fixed the second omission. Below is her graph showing
National’s long-term trend in support since 1938. She also added in a
trendline “to reinforce the obvious point.” Like Labour’s, it declines – in
part due to MMP dividing up the vote between more p... more »
How would you destroy $6m of gold?
Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 3 hours ago
*Guest post by Terry Verhoeven*
[image: image]In a marketing gimmick, the Bank of New Zealand has placed $6
million of shredded cash inside a model house and placed it on display in
Aotea Square
The idea is to illustrate how much money is being wasted by New Zealand
homeowners in unnecessary interest payments, an amount that can supposedly
be saved if all mortgage payers were to change to a BNZ Tailored Home Loan.
The first thing that people who are not concrete-bound in their thinking
are going to conclude from the display is not how BNZ can save them money,
but how well it dem... more »
The Book of Trans-Genesis: Protecting the World's Seeds
Roberto Rodriguez at Dr Cintli - 3 hours ago

Sunday, 28 September 2014 09:48 By Roberto Rodriguez, Truthout | News
Tic toc. Tic toc. Tic toc.
I recently attended an international "Justice Begins With Seeds" Biosafety
Alliance conference in Portland, Oregon. It was both eye-opening and
jarring and it was also very focused: opposition to trade agreements and
laws that permit genetic modification and GMO foods, while promoting food
choice - in particular, safe organic and local foods.
Among the 40 presenters were people with biological and scientific
backgrounds, educators, attorneys, human rights activists and organic... more »
Sex and Westminster
Phil at All That Is Solid ... - 4 hours ago
I love Tory sleaze, and no one does sex scandal quite like the
Conservatives. Can you remember the 90s, the decade where John Major urged
his party to get "back to basics"? Alan Clark, Steven Norris, Jeffrey
Archer, David Mellor, Stephen Milligan. A roll call of *Carry On* farce and
sexual tragedy if there ever was one, rounded off nicely by the revelation
that its architect had hypocritically enjoyed an affair himself.
Fast forward to 2014 and things are out of sorts. Sleazy relations between
the Tory party and its cabal of shadowy donors abound but barely raise an
eyebrow. Likewi... more » - September 11 TV Archive - 9/11 Television News Coverage
Geezer Power at GEEZERPOWER - 4 hours ago - September 11 TV Archive - 9/11 Television News Coverage
Staten Island Mafia Thug/GOP Congressman "Mikey Suits" Grimm-- The Israeli Connection
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 4 hours ago

2 greedy-obsessed arch criminals claim to be victims
Back in January, we noted that Benjamin Netanyahu was using the Israeli
government to cover up for some of Mafia thug Michael Grimm's criminal
activities. Grimm, a former FBI agent who went over to the Gambino crime
family and then managed to get elected to Congress from-- where else?--
Staten Island, has been indicted a 20 relatively benign counts relative to
a long and sordid career in crime. Polls show that voters in the Staten
Island and Bay Ridge parts of New York's 11th CD are ready to reelect him a
month before his trial is ... more »
Is The West About To Make A Deal With Syrian President Assad?
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 4 hours ago

Syria's President Bashar al-Assad speaks during an interview with a Russian
newspaper in Damascus, in this handout photograph distributed by Syria's
national news agency SANA on August 26, 2013. Credit: Reuters/SANA/Handout
via Reuters
*British Intelligence Said To Be In Talks With Assad -- Times of Israel/AFP*
Despite assertion by US and UK denying coordination with Syrian regime,
discussions have been going on for months, report says
The British MI6 spy agency was reportedly engaged in months-long talks with
Syrian President Bashar Assad’s regime in the lead-up to the Western
mi... more »
State of the Nation - 9/11 TRUTH GOES NUCLEAR - Massive Download In Progress
Mike Philbin at Mike Philbin's free planet blog - 5 hours ago
a few years ago, across several blogposts, Free Planet entertained the
intriguing claims of former officer of Soviet Nuclear Intelligence Dmitri
Khalezov that the World Trade Centre (certainly buildings 1, 2 and 7) in
New York were brought down at freefall acceleration into their own
footprint on the day of 9th September 2001 by deep underground nuclear
Many people scoffed at this, with justification one might say; citing no
radiation, no blast, no cancers etc. Well, more than a decade after, spiked
tritium levels, cancers of first responders and now this -- a massive data ... more »
The Obama Khorasan Hoax is Revealed
Donn Marten at Carrying a Flag - 6 hours ago

The Obama administration’s invoking of the ultra-secretive most bad-assed
Islamist terrorist group of them all - the mysterious Khorasan – has always
smelled funny. That this group - which was hyped to be even worse than ISIS or
ISIL or IS or whatever the Hell it is being called on any given day - just
appeared out of thin air was very convenient. With the most intrusive and
expensive surveillance machine in human history it is absurd to believe
that such a group would not be on the U.S. radar yet it is discovered just
in time to justify Obama’s war in Syria. It has seemed like a ... more »
‘Call Of Duty’ Creator To Advise The Pentagon?
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 6 hours ago

Screenshot from "Call of Duty"
*Pentagon Think Tank Hires ‘Call of Duty’ Creator To Advise On Future
Threats To US -- RT*
You would think war-themed video games copy real life, and not the other
way around. Not this time. A Washington think tank has hired the maker of
the acclaimed “Call of Duty” game to envision the kind of future wars the
US could be fighting.
The key reason for this, according to the Atlantic Council think tank, is
that, with all its money and capabilities, America really isn’t thinking
creatively about the various threats it could face in the 21st century.
Da... more »
we like lists: list # 20: top ten reasons we love our favourite cult show or movie
laura k at wmtc - 6 hours ago
*For those who want the question with no context: *Do you love a cult show
or movie? What movie and why? List at least 10 reasons.
(I wish everyone would reply here and not on Facebook, but I know that is a
lost cause...)
* * * *
Further to my longstanding tradition of watching TV shows and movies years
- or even decades - after they first run, I have just completed Season 1 of
Buffy the Vampire Slayer. (What can I say? TV was not important to me in
the 1990s!) One of my TV gurus, the famous NFC, is a big Buffy fan, and
after hearing the show mentioned several times, it was time fo... more »
Paul Calandra Should Have an 18-Year Old Former Escort for a Wife
thwap at thwap's schoolyard - 6 hours ago
Then the small time con-man, amoral sociopath, pathetic laughing-stock,
could go on double-dates with stephen harper's other friend, small-time
con-man, amoral sociopath, pathetic laughing-stock, Bruce Carson.
Tweets of the Week #3
Rodger Payne at Duck of Minerva - 7 hours ago

It’s the weekend, so it’s time for the third edition of “Tweets of the
Week.” My twitter feed was again filled with some interesting
micro-blogging. By the way, I apologize for the way last week’s home page
post looked. Obviously, I’m doing something wrong with the images, though
it seems to be fine once the reader
Continue reading
More Failings Of The U.S. Secret Service Becoming Known
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 7 hours ago

President Barack Obama walks with Secret Service agents by his side to
greet well wishers upon his arrival in Tampa, April 13, 2012. Kevin
Lamarque / REUTERS
*Secret Service Fumbled Response After Gunman Hit White House Residence In
2011 -- Washington Post*
The gunman parked his black Honda directly south of the White House, in the
dark of a November night, in a closed lane of Constitution Avenue. He
pointed his semiautomatic rifle out of the passenger window, aimed directly
at the home of the president of the United States, and pulled the trigger.
A bullet smashed a window on the... more »
A Look At Kurdish Armor
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 8 hours ago

Image from Twitter @Vieze_Freddy
*The Amazing (And Bizarre) Homemade Kurdish Armor Fighting ISIS In Syria --
Irregular armed forces have to rely on their ingenuity to arm themselves.
And while rifles and mortars can be bought on the black market, getting
hold of a tank or two can be a bit tricky. But you can always make a DIY
version with your own hands.
At least that’s what fighters of the Kurdish militias in northern Syria do.
Called People's Protection Units, or YPG, they have been dedicated to
protecting Kurds from whatever the three-year-long war in the country may
thro... more »
Ghost of Sunday Classics: Who is the author of Hoffmann's misfortunes?
KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 8 hours ago

*Her mother's portrait sings to her --*
*Erin Wall as Antonia, Lyric Opera of Chicago, 2011*
*ANTONIA*: Heavens!
*MIRACLE*: Listen!
*VOICE*: Antonia!
*MIRACLE*: Listen!
*ANTONIA*: God! My mother! My mother!
*VOICE*: Dear child, whom I am calling
as in olden times,
it's your mother, it's she;
hear her voice!
Dear child, whom I am calling, *etc.*
*Felicity Palmer (ms), Voice of Antonia's Mother; Jessye Norman (s),
Antonia; Samuel Ramey (bs), Miracle; Staatskapelle Dresden, Jeffrey Tate,
cond. Philips, recorded 1987-89*
*Christa Ludwig (ms), Voice o... more »
ALEC Influence - Hidden Behind the Curtain
2old2care at Because I Can - 8 hours ago
Many times over the past 4 years we have seen articles and blog entries
that stated that a governor was beholding to the Koch’s or they were
passing legislation by ALEC, or were acting like an ALECer, but we could
never connect them directly to ALEC.
Reason being is that many of them were not legislators before they became
governor, so they didn’t have a chance to be a documented ALEC member, or
in ALEC tradition, their membership was hidden from view.
But - - sometimes you will find ALEC hiding behind the curtain –
Within the last month – the following connections have been made... more »
Every War Needs A Codename
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 8 hours ago
I am lying when I say this operation does not have a name. It has a name
Operation Hey That's My Humvee
— Fake Admiral Kirby (@zorching) September 25, 2014
*What's A War Without a Code Name? -- Washington Examiner*
When the U.S. military strikes, its leaders often choose colorful code
names for the operation that sometimes stick in history, like Operation
Overlord or Rolling Thunder or Desert Storm.
Not this time. The U.S.-led air campaign against the Islamic State of Iraq
and Syria doesn't have a name.
"I know of no plans at this point to name it," Pentagon spokesman Rear Adm.
... more »
(Thank You, Deeply Conflicted (and Taped) NY Fed!) What Happens When You Turn the U.S. Economy Over To Your Friends at Goldman Sachs (and the MIC) - Goldilocks Missing (Alarms Ringing?)
Cirze at Welcome to Pottersville 2 (Blogging Against Fascism!) - 8 hours ago
Carmen Segarra: Secretly Tape Recorded Goldman and New York Fed By Pam
Martens and Russ Martens The Trading Desk at the New York Fed Has Speed
Dials to Wall Street Firms (Photo from Educational Video Released by the
Federal Reserve) Jake Bernstein has a financial blockbuster up today at
"ProPublica" on the secret tape recordings made inside the New York Fed and
Goldman Sachs by bank
"Start Today: Ending the Cycle" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 9 hours ago
*"Start Today: Ending the Cycle"*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
"Each day offers us an opportunity to renew our resolve to the universe
that we are ready for change. One of the hardest things in life is feeling
stuck in a situation that we don’t like and want to change. We may have
exhausted ourselves trying to figure out how to make change, and we may
even have given up. However, each day offers us an opportunity to renew our
resolve and to declare to the universe that we are ready for change. We may
even say out loud that we have tried and struggled and have not found a
way, but... more »
Free Trade 38: Liberalize Rice Imports and Demonopolize NFA
Nonoy Oplas at Government and Taxes - 9 hours ago

This is the 2nd part of my paper published by the Stratbase Research
Institute (SRI) last April 18, 2014. The first part is about energy deficit
in the Philippines. The full paper is posted in slideshare.
*(2) Rice prices*. PNoy said (SONA 2014),
*“…some greedy rice hoarders are stockpiling their supplies in order to
sell them when prices eventually rise…. Our immediate solution: import more
rice, supply it to the markets, reduce the prices and keep them at a
reasonable level, and ultimately drive those who took advantage of the
Filipino people into financial ruin.”*
*... more »
Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, September 28th, 2014
Northerntruthseeker at Northerntruthseeker - 9 hours ago
[image: rant-jpeg-b]
Yes, it is Sunday again, and it is time for my usual weekly rant…
First, I figure I would clear up a few issues that arose over the last
week… One was the comment I made in last Monday's Turbulent Times show
where I stated that PressTV out of Iran was one of the last truthful news
networks left in the world…. Lets make it clear that this is of course in
comparison to all of the crap that we endure daily from the liars in the
Jew spew western media outlets. There were some comments over at
Delcroix's Outside Radio network that questioned my statement, but I sta... more »
Hong Kong Protest for Democracy - September 28 , 2014 ..... Tweets of the Day !
Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 9 hours ago

BBC News (World) retweeted
*Carrie Gracie* @BBCCarrie 17m
Whether he’s Hong Kong’s man or Beijing’s man, Chief Executive CY Leung has
one almighty headache tonight.
[image: Embedded image permalink]
User Actions
#HongKongProtests via @scmp A lone protester stands amid clouds of tear gas
as fellow demonstrators are forced back..
- Reply
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[image: Embedded image permalink]
Anonymous retweeted
*Young Post* @young... more »
Russian Foreign Minister: Relations With US Need New 'Reset'
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 10 hours ago
*Russia: Relations with US Need New 'Reset' -- VOA*
Russia's foreign secretary said relations between Moscow and Washington
need - in his words, a new "reset" - referring to U.S. President Barack
Obama's effort to improve ties with Russia in the early days of his
In a Russian television interview airing Sunday, Sergey Lavrov blamed the
United States for the strained ties between the two countries.
Lavrov said Russia wants to normalize the relations with the U.S., but he
said "it was not Russia who destroyed them."
*Read more *....
*Update #1:* Lavrov: Russia has... more »
New Orleans Ladder at New Orleans Ladder - 10 hours ago
*5 Funny But Real Reasons The Cowboys Will Lose To The Saints ~Jason
Calbos, Nola Nation Rising*
*Howdy, Pardner: Saints, Cowboys to Shoot it Out in Prime Time ~Barry
Hirstius, Who Dat Dish*
Big Sister on List of Potential Replacements for Departing Eric Holder
Donn Marten at Carrying a Flag - 10 hours ago

The news of Attorney General Eric Holder's surprise resignation on Thursday
continues to reverberate throughout the media. To many the departure of
Obama's savage legal hatchet man from the nation's top cop gig was cause
for celebration. Holder's hostility towards journalists, whistleblowers and
the abuse of the World War I era relic that is the Espionage Act of 1917 underlined
his seething contempt towards institutional accountability. Of course
Holder was only doing the bidding of Obama whose own lawlessness has
expanded the scope of executive power to that of a king. Holder was ... more »
An Analysis On America's Return To War In The Middle East
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 11 hours ago

*America and Islamic State: Mission Relaunched -- The Economist*
*The fight against Islamic State will help define America’s role in the
FOR more than three years, Barack Obama has been trying to avoid getting
into a fight in Syria. But this week, with great tracts of the Middle East
under the jihadist’s knife, he at last faced up to the inevitable. On
September 23rd America led air strikes in Syria against both the warriors
of Islamic State (IS) and a little-known al-Qaeda cell, called the Khorasan
group, which it claimed was about to attack the West. A president who has
... more »
Obama Hatchet Man Eric Holder Tenders His Resignation
Donn Marten at Carrying a Flag - 11 hours ago

These days it's hard to find much positive in this land of false hope and
chump change but today is one of those very few days when news is announced
that actually improves American government. President Barack Obama's
vicious hatchet man of an Attorney General, the dishonorable Eric Holder
has announced his resignation. Holder is one of the all time most
thoroughly rotten bastards to ever hold the office. He ranks up there with
the infamous John Mitchell who was Nixon's A.G. and a Watergate criminal
who ended up in prison. If this were truly a just and decent country -
which it i... more »
SITE: Jihadist's Tweets Indicate That The Leader Of The Khorasan Group Is Dead
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 12 hours ago

The messages appeared to provide confirmation that U.S. airstrikes in Syria
might have killed Khorasan leader Muhsin al-Fadhli. (Courtesy: ABC News)
*Khorasan Leader Killed By U.S. Strike In Syria: SITE Quoting Jihadist --
(Reuters) - A Twitter account run by an Qaeda member said the leader of the
al Qaeda-linked Khorasan group was killed in a U.S. air strike in Syria,
SITE monitoring service said on Sunday, following several days of
uncertainty over whether he survived the raid.
A U.S. official on Sept. 24 said the United States believed Mohsin
al-Fadhli, a senior al Qa... more »
All That Dead Money
Owen Gray at Northern Reflections - 12 hours ago
In 1974, Arthur Laffer famously drew a curve on the back of a napkin while
he had dinner with a reporter from the *Wall Street Journal*. The curve
illustrated Laffer's theory that, as governments cut taxes, their revenues
increased. Margaret Thatcher gave the curve a try and it didn't work.
Ronald Reagan gave it a shot, too; but he managed to create the biggest
deficit -- up to that time -- in American history. Next in line was Brian
Mulroney, whose application of the Laffer Curve caused Canada to hit the ... more »
Why Should The Arabs Continue To Roam Endlessly In A Political Wilderness Of Their Own Making?
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 12 hours ago

Yesterday I happened to pass a TV set while a nice MSNBC was trying to get
through her job by interviewing Hisham Melhem, the thoroughly Americanized
Lebanese journalist and Al Arabiya News Washington bureau chief. She may
not have known it-- trying desperately to keep whatever he was talking
about inside the time she was allotted to to with this guy-- but it was an
interesting interview, not the questions, of course, but what Melhem had to
As best I could tell, he wound up on her show because of an article he had
penned for *Politico* last week, Within Our Gates-- Arab Civil... more »
Demonstrations Break Out In Hong Kong Prompting A Police Crackdown
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 12 hours ago
*Police, Protesters Clash As Hong Kong Demonstrations Turn Violent -- CNN*
Hong Kong (CNN) -- Police are in a tense standoff in Hong Kong with tens of
thousands of pro-democracy student demonstrators, recently joined by the
like-minded Occupy Central movement, which has announced the formal start
of a campaign of civil disobedience in the Chinese territory.
The weekend's demonstrations follow a week of student-led boycotts and
protests against what many see as the encroachment of China's political
will on Hong Kong's governance, in the face of China's decision to only
allow Beijin... more »
Cop Shooting in Ferguson Could be a Signal of Renewed Unrest
Donn Marten at Carrying a Flag - 12 hours ago

Memorial to Michael Brown Torched by Vandals
Things may be ready to heat up again in Ferguson, Missouri after a police
officer was shot and wounded on Saturday night. While the tensions have
substantially died down after the shooting of an unarmed black teenager in
August led to mass protests and the dispatching of militarized police to
put down the unrest they have been percolating beneath the surface. Earlier
this week a memorial to 18 year old Michael Brown was burned down leading
to renewed protests. This is a ticking time bomb waiting to explode and the
shooting could be the... more »
Obama Regime to Begin Selling Arms to Vietnam
Donn Marten at Carrying a Flag - 12 hours ago

After nearly six years of living in the existential Hell of Obamastan it
should be pretty obvious to all by now that there is nothing sacred to this
villainous administration. With Mr. Hope and Change signing off on yet
another war in the Middle East that most certainly is going to need
American "boots on the ground" at some point, the dirty hidden dealings
within his administration are ongoing. Now according to Reuters the Obama
regime is about to lift the arms embargo and begin selling weapons to
The Reuters piece which is entitled "Courting Vietnam, U.S. prepares to
e... more »
Sudden eruption of Mt Ontake killes at least 30 people - September 28 , 2014
Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 12 hours ago

*バジル* @basilsauce 1h
BBC News - Japan volcano: 30 hikers feared dead on *Mt* *Ontake*
[image: Embedded image permalink]
*The Sun Newsdesk* @SunNewsdesk 3h
More than 30 feared dead after Japanese volcano erupts: http://
[image: Embedded image permalink]
Over 30 people feared dead near Japanese volcano after eruption
Published time: September 28, 2014 06:... more »
jonjayray at EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL - 12 hours ago
*University Forcing its Fraternities to Admit Women to Ensure Equality *
Both genders must be “equally represented” in leadership positions.
Wesleyan University in Connecticut has decided to force all of its
fraternities to become coed within three years because all-male
fraternities are both dangerous and unfair to women.
The new rules will require all Greek organizations to have both male and
female members and have both genders be “well represented” in leadership
positions in order to qualify for campus housing and meeting spaces.
University President Michael Roth and trustees C... more »
David Petraeus: Defeating The Islamic State Will Take Years And Require Use Of Ground Forces
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 12 hours ago

Former General and Central Intelligence Agency Director David Petraeus
(Reuters/Jason Reed)
*Defeating ISIS Will Take Years And Require Use Of Ground Forces: David
Petraeus -- National Post/Bloomberg*
TOKYO — The U.S.-led fight against Islamic jihadists will take years and
will need ground forces to succeed, retired Gen. David Petraeus said Friday.
“We’re talking about years, many years in the case of Syria,” he told
business executives at a Tokyo hotel. “What we’re doing right now is
disrupting. We are gradually chipping away at the strength” of the Islamic
State of Iraq & Al-Sha... more »
JR at GREENIE WATCH - 12 hours ago
*American Medical Association prostitutes itself to the climate change
And let's be clear that it is just a scare. No-one knows what the future
holds. Warmism enthusiasts thought that on the basis of the slight warming
of the last part of the 20th century they could predict warming from that
point on. But their models and predictions were wrong. There has been no
climate change (no warming) in the 21st century and no-one knows if the
next change will be towards cooling or warming. So the scare is no better
than religious prophecies of doom.
JAMA is of course not the fi... more »
Election Collection
Michael Turton at The View from Taiwan - 13 hours ago

*A candidate in Yunlin county hangs a sign at a junction of minor roads.*
Well, the November local elections are coming up in less than two months.
Once again, a view of some of the election posters I've seen in my travels
in the last few weeks. No sign of President Ma on any KMT signs! A sure
sign of his (un)popularity. Click on READ MORE to see more.
KMT candidate overlooks a road.
Education is my priority, he says
A candidate's banners line a bridge.
At a big intersection in Zhushan.
This on faces the one above.
Taiwan has scores of female candidates.
I dunno why he uses a ... more »
Daily Links
Michael Turton at The View from Taiwan - 13 hours ago

*Rode the Hsinchu 60 this weekend. Had to quit partway up, insomnia once
again killing a ride for me. But it's really lovely up there.*
With exquisite timing, President Xi of China once again proposed one
country, two systems for Taiwan, even as Hong Kong students and their
supporters are involved in mass protests over the failure of that program.
It's fascinating to watch as the world media have their eyes on Hong Kong,
while similar and much larger protests in Taiwan were largely ignored or
covered pro forma. Enjoy some links as the protests in Hong Kong continue...
______________... more »
Rock Snot a State Secret?
Rural at Democracy Under Fire - 13 hours ago
Back in May of this year a reporter from *The Canadian Press made a request
to speak to Fisheries and Oceans Canada scientist Max Bothwell* the
recognized expert on Rock Snot (*a single-celled algae that attaches to
rocks on river bottoms*) what followed can only be called bizarre. It most
certainly shows exactly how far the Harper Regime has moved from their
'Open and Accountable' promise when they took power and reinforces what we
already know about their perchance for suppressing information,
particularly science information.
Having never received the requested interview the repor... more »
A scandalous bishop, blasphemy in Pakistan, Opus Dei, atheist evangelicalism, R.E., abortion in Brazil and someone ranting against the West over Iraq
Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 13 hours ago

It's been quite the day for 'good old-fashioned' newspaper sex
scandal exposés, hasn't it?
First there was Conservative MP Brooks Newmark being forced to resign over
some lewd photos he sent to an undercover reporter at the *Sunday Mirror*,
which (along with the defection of Mark Reckless to UKIP) is,
understandably, dominating the headlines of pretty much every media
organisation in the country.
Then came the *Mail on Sunday*'s exposé of a leading Catholic bishop for
having an affair with at least one one woman. The bishop has now resigned.
That story led this morning's *Sunda... more »
We Are The Wayseers - A Poem by M.N. Hopkins
Stranger in a Strange Land at Stranger in a Strange Land - 14 hours ago

*We are the Wayseers*
*We come from all generations*
*All Lands*
*All races*
*For, we are the Wayseers*
*We appear to the world as sheep*
*Yet, we have the eyes of the eagle*
*The heart of the lion*
*We are resilient*
*We are strong*
*We are patient*
*We follow not the dictates of politicians, priests or money changers*
*We only hold dear the words of the Prophets,*
*The Saints of all ages*
*Those who Serve The Good*
*For, they were thee Wayseers before our arrival upon this Earth*
*As we will be the Wayseers for those yet to come*
*For, you see us not*
*Yet, we ... more »
Michael Turton at The View from Taiwan - 14 hours ago

[image: Hsinchu60_23]
*Rode the Hsinchu 60 this weekend. Had to quit partway up, insomnia once
again killing a ride for me. But it's really lovely up there.*
With exquisite timing, President Xi of China once again proposed one
country, two systems for Taiwan, even as Hong Kong students and their
supporters are involved in mass protests over the failure of that program.
It's fascinating to watch as the world media have their eyes on Hong Kong,
while similar and much larger protests in Taiwan were largely ignored or
covered pro forma. Enjoy some links as the protests in Hong Kong conti... more »
Lockheed to buy European satellite for South Korea in F-35 deal
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 15 hours ago

[image: F-35A Lightning II]Lockheed Martin Corp said it will buy a
European-built military communications satellite for South Korea as part of
a $7 billion deal to supply Seoul with 40 F-35 fighter jets, in what
industry observers call among the most unusual "offset" agreements ever to
accompany a major arms sale.
Lockheed, which builds its own satellites, declined to detail the cost of
the new satellite or name its manufacturer, but said the spacecraft would
provide a "state-of-the-art" system that met South Korea's military
"The Lockheed Martin offset commitment ...... more »
Proton-M returns to flight with Russian military launch
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 16 hours ago
Russia’s Proton-M rocket has successfully conducted a return-to-flight
mission Sunday with the deployment of a military satellite for the Russian
government. The mission, carrying a payload named Olimp, ends four months
of downtime for Russia’s heavy-lift rocket following a launch failure in
The Proton-M, which is the largest and most powerful rocket in Russia’s
fleet, first flew in 2001 although its design is much older.
A modernised version of the earlier Proton-K, which was used from 1967 to
2012, the Proton-M can trace its lineage back to Vladimir Chelomei’s
Universal Roc... more »
US confident of countering nuclear threat of PLA's Type 094 sub
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 16 hours ago

[image: Type 094 (Jin) class SSBN]China's Global Times says the United
States has studied various ways to counter the nuclear threat of China's
Type 94 Jin-class submarine. The report comes after a satellite image
indicated three of the ballistic missile sumbarines had been deployed to
Yalong Bay in Hainan province.
The Type 094 has a displacement of 8,000 tons surfaced and 11,000 tons
submerged. With a top speed of over 20 knots, the submarine is powered by a
nuclear reactor can remain submerged for 90 days. Designed as a ballistic
missile submarine, a Type 094 can carry between 12... more »
Pakistan Navy successfully test-fires torpedoes, anti-ship guided missiles
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 16 hours ago

[image: Anti-ship guided missile]Chief of Naval Staff (CNS), Admiral Asif
Sandila while expressing his satisfaction over war preparations of the
Pakistan Navy, has said that the navy is determined to be all time prepared
to deal with any challenges posed to the national security, ARY News
Pakistan Navy conducted fire-power exercises in the North of Arabian Sea on
Saturday, in order to check the effectiveness of Navy’s state-of-the-art
weaponry and the ability of precisely hitting the targets.
During the exercises, Pakistan Navy fired torpedoes from Agosta 90B Class
Submar... more »
Newly-procured 4 Chinese K-8w fighter aircraft arrive in Jessore
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 16 hours ago

[image: K-8 Karakorum]The present government has taken various steps to
modernise Bangladesh Air Force (BAF). In this connection, the government
has taken steps to induct nine K-8W trainer jet aircraft made by China.
As part of this induction process, in the 1st phase pilots of Bangladesh
Air Force (BAF) landed at Bangladesh Air Force Base Bir Sreshtho Matiur
Rahman, Jessore with four K-8W aircraft safely Saturday from China, an ISPR
press release said.
Rest of the five K-8W aircraft would be brought to the country at a later
stage. Chief of Air Staff Air Marshal Muhammad Enamul Ba... more »
Russia’s Yak-152 trainer to go into production in 2016
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 16 hours ago

[image: Yak-152]In 2015 the Irkutsk Aviation Plant will launch two samples
of the light Yak-152 trainer. Developed by the expert Yakovlev Design
Bureau, which is part of the Irkut Corporation, the new trainer is destined
for primary pilot preparation.
The "flying desk" will be tested in 2016, after which it will go into
serial production. For initial training, the Yak-152 plans to use flight
professionals from the air force academies. "
In the first years of training, students will learn to fly with
instructors, they will learn how to execute a simple flight known as the
'pancake'... more »
What is the Pentagon’s secret space drone doing?
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 16 hours ago

[image: X-37B]For almost two years, an unmanned space plane bearing a
remarkable resemblance to NASA’s space shuttle has circled the Earth,
performing a top-secret mission. It’s called the X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle
— but that’s pretty much all we know for certain.
Officially, the only role the Pentagon acknowledges is that the space plane
is used to conduct experiments on new technologies. Theories about its
mission have ranged from an orbiting space bomber to an anti-satellite
The truth, however, is likely much more obvious: According to intelligence
experts and satellite... more »
DRDO develops CO filters for submarines
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 16 hours ago

[image: CFKIII room filter]Like any automobile, submarines generate a lot
of harmful gases like carbon-mono-oxide (CO). India was importing special
room filters for submarines which could absorb CO as well as other gases.
To ensure safety of the Naval staff, the Defence Research Development
Organization (DRDO) has not only developed its own CO filters called
'CFKIII room filters' but also room filters that can absorb over 40
different gases, at almost one fifth of the imported cost.
The information on CO filter is on display at the three-day AXIS technical
festival organized by stu... more »
Maya Is Eczema Free After A Raw Food Diet
Stranger in a Strange Land at Stranger in a Strange Land - 16 hours ago

[image: Foto: This is Maya, she was dealing with severe Eczema for years,
the photo on the left is not even the worse. dehappy5_mama on Instagram
decided to try a Raw Food Plant based diet and within a short period of
time this is the result. Whole foods are the best medicine. Her post below:
Yes! We did it!!!!! Maya is eczema FREE!!!!!!!! Some of you
may remember my post when we jumped with my poor kids straight to banana
island. It has been a fun ride since then and look we are having the
results already! I am so happy and want to share with all of you as
promised hal... more »
Questions, Questions - 'Newsnight'
Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 16 hours ago

My old 2009-10 blog about BBC bias had a Unique Selling Point [not that it
helped sell it much!] in the form of my thousand+ survey of *all* political
interviews across a spectrum of BBC current affairs programmes over many
months, counting the number of interruptions politicians received from BBC
interviewers and then seeing if a pattern of bias emerged. (It did.)
What was deliberately missed out of that survey was the content of the
interviewer's questions. In order to avoid the dangers of subjectivity as
much as possible, all interruptions were considered equal. The supposed
mo... more »
new Jupiter Ascending trailer - oh, yes.
Mike Philbin at Mike Philbin's free planet blog - 17 hours ago
new trailer for Jupiter Ascending, remember this is a film by the team who
made the Matrix trilogy and Cloud Atlas. Expect large-scale drama, sets,
*Jupiter Ascending is scheduled for an early 2015 release in cinemas.*
Tom Cotton 2016 - The Post-Truth Coup
Spike EP at News Spike - 18 hours ago

"Rejecting criticism of its latest TV ad, Republican Senate hopeful Tom
Cotton plans to keep running the “Farm Bill” message beyond its current ad
“We’ve gotten such great feedback from farmers, taxpayers, and supporters
that we’re actually going to increase the size of the ad buy,” said David
Ray, a spokesman for the Cotton campaign.
In a local interview this week, Cotton said he’s “proud” of his
demonstrably dishonest commercial, adding that the fact-checkers didn’t
spend time “growing up on a farm,” so he knows “a little bill more about
farming than they do.”
As defen... more »
The GMO Labeling Conundrum
Land Destroyer at Land Destroyer - 19 hours ago
*September 28, 2014* (Ulson Gunnar - NEO) It would seem that large
agricultural corporations touting genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
they claim possess enhanced benefits for farmers and consumers would be
proud to differentiate their products on the shelves from organic and
traditionally produced food. However that is not the case. Not only is
big-ag attempting to hide the true nature of their products, but the many
big-business food processors that incorporate GMO ingredients into their
final products are likewise attempting to mislead consumers.
The obvious fear is that con... more »
Britian Is Now At War As Two Tornado Jets Fly Over Islamic State Territorys
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 20 hours ago
The MOD confirms RAF Tornados fly over Iraq from Cyprus following
parliamentary approval.
— Ministry of Defence (@DefenceHQ) September 27, 2014
*Female Top Gun Leads UK's First Iraq Combat Mission: As Britain Goes To
War For First Time In Six Years, Two Tornado Jets Take Off For Secret
Sortie Over Jihadi Held Territory... But Drop No Bombs -- Daily Mail*
* Unnamed officer flew from RAF base in Cyprus on the highly dangerous
sortie over IS-held territory in Northern Iraq
* The sortie, lasting several hours, was the first mission for the RAF’s
Operation Sh... more »
Al-Nusra Front Vowing Retaliation For U.S.-Led Air Strikes
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 20 hours ago
*Islamic State Crisis: Al-Nusra Issues Threat Over Air Strikes -- BBC*
Syrian militant group al-Nusra Front has denounced US-led air strikes as "a
war against Islam".
In an online statement, the al-Qaeda-linked group called on jihadists
around the world to target Western and Arab countries involved.
It comes as the US and other nations widened air strikes against Islamic
State (IS) fighters in Iraq and Syria.
The Pentagon said jets hit the Syrian city of Raqqa on Saturday as well as
IS positions near the Turkish border.
Kurdish fighters have been defending the Kurdish town of Kob... more »
Six Ways To Kill Weeds Without Using Roundup Herbicide
Stranger in a Strange Land at Stranger in a Strange Land - 20 hours ago

[image: Foto: 6 WAYS TO KILL WEEDS - WITHOUT ROUNDUP! Did you also know
that you can reduce your weed growth by mowing high? Yep, it's a fact!
About 3 inches is where you want to be. BOYCOTT MONSANTO'S ROUNDUP, the
most toxic of 9 herbicides and pesticides tested in a recent study. READ: READ: READ: #6WaysToKillWeeds
#BoycottRoundup #BANRoundup #Roundup #glyphosate #herbicide #pesticides
#Weeds #Vinegar... more »
Is The Khorasan Group A Deliberate White House Lie?
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 21 hours ago
*The Khorosan Group Does Not Exist -- Andrew C. McCarthy, NRO*
*It’s a fictitious name the Obama administration invented to deceive us. *
We’re being had. Again.
For six years, President Obama has endeavored to will the country into
accepting two pillars of his alternative national-security reality. First,
he claims to have dealt decisively with the terrorist threat, rendering it
a disparate series of ragtag jayvees. Second, he asserts that the threat is
unrelated to Islam, which is innately peaceful, moderate, and opposed to
the wanton “violent extremists” who purport to act in i... more »
Hillary Is Better Than Paul Ryan On Some Stuff… At Least There's That
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 21 hours ago

When I woke up this morning, I saw a tweet by Joe Stiglitz that caught my
attention-- part of a series regarding a new article he had just published, Europe's
Austerity Zombies. The tweet struck a chord because of an historical tidbit
I have been mulling over from Rick Perlstein's latest book, The Invisible
Bridge. First the tweet: "France’s so-called socialist gov't is lowering
corporate taxes & cutting expenditures-- a recipe almost guaranteed to
weaken the economy." Now the Perlstein tidbit, which was referencing the
catastrophic Nixon-Ford economic crisis and Ford's classic neo... more »
Assad Should Stop Flattering Himself; Erdogan Should Stop Deluding Himself; Obama Should Stop Congratulating Himself
Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 21 hours ago
*1. An excerpt from, "Obama Struggles to Strike ISIS Without Helping Assad"
by Melanie Batley, Newsmax, September 26, 2014:*
President Barack Obama faces a difficult challenge to target the Islamic
State (ISIS) in Syria without inadvertently bolstering the authoritarian
regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad,* The New York Time*s reported.
After three days of American airstrikes in the country, pro-government
Syrians are boasting that despite assurances by Obama otherwise, Assad and
the Syrian Army stand to gain from the offensive.
"The U.S. military leadership is now fighting ... more »
Rockets Fired At U.S. Embassy In Yemen
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 21 hours ago
Watch the latest video at
*Al Qaeda-Linked Militants In Yemen Say Fire Rocket Towards U.S. Embassy --
(Reuters) - An al Qaeda splinter group said it launched a rocket towards
the U.S. embassy in Sanaa on Saturday, wounding several guards, to
retaliate for a purported U.S. drone strike in a northern province of Yemen
the day before.
The U.S. State Department said it had no indication that the embassy was
the target of the attack and that none of its staff were wounded.
The rocket landed 200 metres from the heavily fortified embassy, hitting
members of the... more »
Remarkable Idiocy: “Economically-driven Education”
deutsch29 at @ THE CHALK FACE - 22 hours ago
On October 2, 2014, I will be speaking in Indiana to an audience chiefly
comprised of university students who have a passing understanding of the
intentions of moneyed interests to usurp control of public education. With
a mind toward preparing for my upcoming engagement, I happened to read
three pertinent (and powerful) articles: This one on September 26, 2014, […]
do canadians support a war against isis? not so much.
laura k at wmtc - 22 hours ago
When the US invaded Iraq in 2003, Canadians protested in huge numbers,
adding their voices to the unprecedented global outcry against the
"pre-emptive" war. It was that massive public support - almost statistical
unanimity - that allowed Jean Chretien to keep Canadian Forces out of the
war. Even Stephen Harper, who as Opposition Leader was as gung-ho as any Connecticut
Cowboy, has since admitted that the war was "absolutely an error". What's
more, even most USians now agree that other countries, such as Canada, were
right to not support the invasion.
Now, we're told, it's different.... more »
I Heard..... Wilderness
Barbara Ann Levy at WPB/NYC and Anything Else; A Curated Green Rights Collection - 23 hours ago
Ghost of Sunday Classics preview: Our Frantz knows it's all a matter of technique
KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago

*"It's technique"* -- *tenor Kerry Jennings as Frantz*
*by Ken*
This was looking like the week for our curtain-lowering Bruckner Ninth, but
I've made an executive decision that we can't leave Offenbach's *Tales of
Hoffmann* the way we did. So in preparation for tomorrow's farewell to
Hoffmann, I thought tonight we'd enoy a tasty morsel from the Antonia act
(which we're resolutely calling Act III, the last of the three "mad loves"
promised to recount in the Prologue.
As regular readers know, some of my most loved operatic activity takes
place with or even among the minor characters... more »
I'll Make You Pancakes Obama....
Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 1 day ago
A Russian babushka (grandma), gives Obama advice, in rhyme!, in the best
Russian tradition.
She calls him Obamashka, an affectionate rendering of his name in Russian.
She offers to pray for him, to cook him blinis (pancakes), to take him to
church to meet her priest so that they can all pray for America together,
and advises against cozying up to Nazis, explaining that this always ends
up badly.
Antoinette's Birthday Fun
Lori Anne Haskell at Our Paradise--Life in Costa Rica - 1 day ago

Our friends, Antoinette and Doug, asked if we wanted to meet up for sushi
last Friday. Of course we did! I found out the morning before they got
here that it was also Antoinette's birthday, which she had failed to tell
me! Facebook knows all..........
Anyway, luckily, no rain. We recommended I Love Sushi because they were
bringing their puppies and we needed outdoor seating. Met there, we pulled
up and parked just as they were pulling up. Got an outdoor table. Food
was amazing, and Kurt had a few too many drinks. I had an amazing banana
smoothie. It was an fabulous lunch with... more »
Ukraine; Backs off on EU brokered Gas deal & US Counterinsurgency ops deployed
Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 1 day ago
*I am playing catchup here so....*
Read about the EU brokered gas deal yesterday, it was certainly being
touted as a win/win/win for all parties- Ukraine, Russia and the EU. And
then I see this!?
*Ukraine backs off from EU-backed gas deal*
This had to have had the blessing of the US! How else to explain this chaos
& chill inducing decision?
*War-torn Ukraine on Saturday distanced itself from an EU-brokered
agreement with Russia that would have restored its gas supplies during
winter and helped rebuild trust between the neighbouring foes.*
The European Union’s energy commissioner em... more »
Mohawk Nation News BEER HALL PUTSCH at CENSORED NEWS - 1 day ago
Posted on September 25, 2014
Mohawk Nation News
Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.
MNN. Sep. 25, 2014. The tactics that Doug Ford is using for his election
campaign for mayor of Toronto reminds us of Hitler’s famous “beer hall
putsch” to totally control a meeting. Hitler went into the beer halls
with his armed brown shirt goons and
Spike EP at News Spike - 1 day ago

I know the names of those responsible for the slaughter...
I know the names of the powerful group...
I know the names of those who, between one mass and the next, made
provision and guaranteed political protection...
I know the names of the important and serious figures who are behind the
ridiculous figures...
I know the names of the important and serious figures behind the tragic
I know all these names and all the acts (the slaughters, the attacks on
institutions) they have been guilty of...
I know. But I don't have the proof. I don't even have clues.
... more »
Greg Orman-- Better Than Pat Roberts… But He's No Rick Weiland Or Shenna Bellows
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago
Several Democratic Party partisans, who apparently don't understand what
Blue America is all about, have been pestering me to add Kansas
independent, Greg Orman, to our Senate page. That's never going to happen.
We prefer an independent to a garden variety Democrat any day of the week
or any minute of any day-- but independents like Bernie Sanders who
represent independence not just from the 2 corrupt DC party establishments,
but independence of mind when it comes to the interests of the 99%. The two
most independent Senate candidates running this year are Shenna Bellows,
the pro... more »
Mysterious Ways
theozarker at The Conflicted Doomer - 1 day ago
September 27, 2014 Well, of all the things I could have imagined
happening from my little side garden of tomatoes, the one I probably would
not have imagined is the one that, in fact, did happen. While I was sitting
… Continue reading →
US Considers a no fly zone to 'protect civilians' from SAA in North/Eastern Syria
Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 1 day ago
*Here is the latest!*
*-The Obama administration has not ruled out establishing a no-fly zone
over northeastern Syria to protect civilians from airstrikes by the Syrian
*-Mr. Hagel and General Dempsey indicated they are open to considering the
request of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey for a buffer zone.*
* Refute By Exposing the Contradiction/s *
* Show that a statement is false or at least unreliable by exposing a
contradiction with other statements or facts. *
*Official narrative or conspiracy*
*-The US and co. claim that they are bombing north/eastern Syr... more »
Akhal-Teke: The Golden Horses of Turkmenistan...
Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 1 day ago

*never heard of them until last week.*
The *Akhal-Teke* is a horse breed from Turkmenistan, where they are a
national emblem. They have a reputation for speed and endurance,
intelligence, and a distinctive metallic sheen. The shiny coat of palominos
and buckskins led to their nickname "Golden Horses". These horses are
adapted to severe climatic conditions and are thought to be one of the
oldest existing horse breeds. There are currently about 6,600 Akhal-Tekes
in the world, mostly in Turkmenistan and Russia, although they are also
found throughout Europe and North America. *read m... more »
Lord love a duck...
Graeme Decarie at The Moncton Times@Transcript - Good and Bad - 1 day ago
Where to start...
Thursday's Big Story in Section A (p. 3) is literally big, taking up
three-quarters of a page. It's made up largely of quotations from two
cousins, Brian Murphy and Mike Murphy. telling us what gee-whiz sweethearts
they both are. and how they are, God bless them, setting up their own law
firm to "help the little guy". And this, apparently, is why both went into
politics as Liberals because that's the party that's well-known for having
no contacts with big money.
The reporter asks no questions except to give us important information like
- they sat in comfy chair... more »
GAIA PORTAL: Pliancy of choice in relation to Gaia energetics is of paramount importance
*Pliancy of choice in relation to Gaia energetics is of paramount
by ÉirePort
Pliancy of choice in relation to Gaia energetics is of paramount importance.
Restitutionals complete their functions within Higher and lower energetic
grid structures.
Festivational relationships are in their current resting places.
Foundations of chance are no more.
Freeing movements are called for at this moment.
ÉirePort | September 27, 2014 at 09:04 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:
12 imágenes de paisajes naturales en invierno, primavera, otoño y verano.
José Luis Ávila Herrera at FOTOFRONTERA - 1 day ago
Ya está aquí nuestra nueva colección de *paisajes naturales en invierno,
primavera, otoño y verano.* Una súper colección de fotos que sintetizan *las
cuatro estaciones del año*. Espero que estas imágenes sean de su completo
agrado y en breve le tendremos más y mejores *fotografías de nuestro
hermosa planeta*. Saludos en la distancia. -José Luis
Jesse Killed Martin
Spike EP at News Spike - 1 day ago

"In 1968 Ernestine Campbell and her husband owned the Trumpet Hotel which
abutted the Lorraine. No one had ever talked to her or asked her about what
she saw on that fateful afternoon. Ernestine said she left the hotel and
started for home just before 6:00 p.m., driving her gold-bronze Cadillac up
Butler and turning right on Mulberry. As she passed the Lorraine driveway
on Butler, she saw Dr. King standing on the balcony. She didn't hear
anything because she had the car windows up and the radio on. As she turned
the corner onto Mulberry she looked up and saw Dr. King lying on the
... more »
Musings On Iraq In The News
Joel Wing at MUSINGS ON IRAQ - 1 day ago
I was mentioned in “How an ISIS attempt to free prisoners in Baghdad could
spiral into something much worse” on Vox. I was interviewed by Sajad Jiyad
for his article "The fake sheikh: Why the media repeat Ali Hatem's false
'claim,'" on his blog. I was cited in "Brief Note on Fighting in Fallujah
and the Periphery" in Aymenn Jawad al-Tamimi's blog. My article on Premier
Abadi's need to reach out to Sunnis was republished by Business Insider.
Finally I talked with Karl Morand for his "Update on the Conflict in Iraq"
for the Middle East Week Podcast.
Steve Israel Cutting More Of His Terrible Recruits Loose-- Jerry Cannon (MI-01)
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago

Steve Israel picks candidates who disagree with these wild ideas-- and they
Back in May, the DCCC announced they had reserved $43.5 million in TV time
for endangered incumbents like Blue Dogs John Barrow, Nick Rahall and
Collin Peterson and for Steve Israel's mostly wretched, conservative,
doomed recruits. One of his worst recruits, Michigan reactionary and
anti-Choice nut Jerry Cannon-- the former commandante of the Guantánamo
gulag-- was promised two big runs of negative ads against Republican
incumbent Dan Benishek: $450,000 on Traverse City broadcast from Sept. 2 to
Sept. 2... more »
Medicare, Dr. Mengele, and You
Karen Garcia at Sardonicky - 1 day ago

So, the multimillionaire architect of Obamacare went on a luxury trek up
Mount Kilimanjaro recently with two of his trust-fund nephews. I am
guessing that much to his dismay, he got a bit winded moving through all
those exotic ecosystems. His 57-year-old body, so buff, so pampered, must
have protested with a few creaks and groans. His middle-aged elite lungs
probably gave out a few embarrassing wheezes. His technocratic brain,
deprived of oxygen at the freezing summit, sent him a Eureka moment message:
If Ezekiel Emanuel, M.D. can't live forever in a young body, then neither
should ... more »
Outbreak of Respiratory Illness Among US Children
Majia's Blog at Majia's Blog - 1 day ago
Outbreak of a Respiratory Illness Escalates Among Children and Mystifies
Scientists CATHERINE SAINT LOUIS SEPT. 25, 2014. The New York Times
An outbreak of respiratory illness first observed in the
Midwest has spread to 38 states, sending children to hospitals and
scientists trying to understand its virulent resurgence.
As of Thursday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had
confirmed 226 c... more »
Should U.S. General Dempsey Resign?
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
delivers remarks during an awards ceremony for Newman's Own grant winners
at the Hall of Heroes in the Pentagon, Sept. 24, 2014. DoD photo by U.S.
Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Daniel Hinton
*Is It Time For General Dempsey To Resign? -- Col. Gary Anderson, USMC
(Ret.), Best Defense/Foreign Policy*
General Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, knows
that the Obama strategy for dealing with the self-proclaimed Islamic State
is doomed to fail as currently structured; he has done as much to speculat... more »
Nomi Prins: "The real battle between the US and Russia is over the gateway countries in political flux. The real winners will be the private banks and oil companies that will reap the strategic benefits from gateway control over related markets and resources, supported by military and political might, and augmented with speculative capital for years to come. American and global citizens, oblivious to all this, will be the losers in this global shell game."
David L Griscom at Cherchez la Verite - 1 day ago

Gateway Policies: ISIS, Obama and US Financial Boots-on-the-Ground
Sunday, September 21, 2014 at
Original here
President Obama’s neo-Cold War is not about ideology or respect for
borders. It is about money and global power. The current battle over
control of gateway nations - strategic locations in which private firms can
establish the equivalent of financial boots-on-the-ground - is being waged
in the Middle East and... more »
North American Indian Home Remedy For Asthma
Stranger in a Strange Land at Stranger in a Strange Land - 1 day ago

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