Norton Internet Security 2006's main interface. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Screenshot of the Bitcoin Software under Ubuntu 10.04 (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Latest news and stories from
Emsisoft releases Emsisoft Internet Security and some nice deals for
We are late on the announcement, but I still wanted to share the news about one of the companies we likeSeptember 11, 2014TorrentLocker Ransomware Cracked and Decrypter has been made
** Visitors looking for just the Decrypter and not the TorrentLocker Analysis can Download and read aboutSeptember 11, 2014Approximately 5,000,000 Google accounts leaked on Russian Bitcoin Forum
On Tuesday, approximately 5 million Google accounts and their passwords were leaked on the Russian BitcoinSeptember 10, 2014
USA Partisan
Bill Maher Spars With Charlie Rose Over Islam’s ‘Illiberal Beliefs
HBO’s Bill Maher clashed with Charlie Rose on the 9 September 2014 edition of the veteran host’12 hrs agoThe ISIS Horror: Created by Zionists
America’s entire policy from the time of the Afghanistan War, through the lies of the Iraq War, rightSeptember 11, 2014Legal Scholar: Is Fluoridation an Illegitimate Human Experiment?
NEW YORK, Sept. 3, 2014 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ – “The cessation of allSeptember 11, 2014
SGTreport - The Corporate Propaganda Antidote - Silver, Gold, Truth, Liberty, & Freedom
Kerry: ISIS Trying to Spread ‘Dangerous…Offensive…Insulting Distortion of
by Patrick Goodenough, CNSnews : The ideology which Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS/ISIL) is trying31 mins agoArmed citizen militias build up along US-Mexico border
from RT : Armed militias continue to patrol the United States-Mexico border seeking to repel any52 mins agoStock Market Crash: Imminent or Unlikely? 2015 Outlook & Sentiment
from Silver & Gold Updates & Analysis :1 hr ago
Black Agenda Report
The Treasonous 32: Four-Fifths of Black Caucus Help Cops Murder Their
by BAR executive editor Glen Ford Fully 80 percent of the 40 voting members of the Congressional BlackSeptember 10, 2014Low Voter Turnout Didn't Kill Michael Brown
A Black Agenda Radio Commentary by Bruce A. Dixon If you believe our black political class, low voterSeptember 10, 2014Freedom Rider: NATO Loses Ukraine
by BAR editor and senior columnist Margaret Kimberley President Obama provokes one world crisis afterSeptember 10, 2014
Azzaman English
Sunni tribes form front to confront Islamic State
By Mazen Abdulmajeed Azzaman, September 12, 2014 Sunni tribes in the Province of Salahudeen are rallying12 hrs agoIraq to release more than 1000 prisoners
By Mohammed al-Salehi Azzaman, September 11, 2014 The government is to release 1163 prisoners who have beenSeptember 11, 2014Besieged Iraqi town sends out SOS signal as Islamic State militants
By Mohammed Al-Salehi Azzaman, September 9, 2014 The picturesque town of Dhiloiya is almost encircled bySeptember 9, 2014
Community Press Group
Reality Bytes Radio - Thursday 4th Sept.
Join us live at 8pm UK for more news and viewsSeptember 4, 2014The Rise of the Unarmed Warrior – The Insurance of Food.
What would you do if you went to your local supermarket and found it was closed? - PERMANENTLY. It’s anSeptember 2, 2014New Beginnings for Live Pulse News and Awake Radio TV
From the 1st September 2014 the CPG site will be moving to it’s new permanent homeAugust 19, 2014
Now Entire ISIS Opposition Command Mysteriously Blown Up in '
Truthstream Media This has got to be the most Orwellian moment of Obama's perpetual warmongering yetMilitary Source: Troops On The Ground In Syria 'Absolutely Crucial'
Anthony Freda Art Brandon Turbeville Activist Post As the threat of nuclear war hangs over the world
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Climate Resistance
A Climate Economics Antinomy
Paul Ehrlich once famously remarked, Giving society cheap, abundant energy would be the equivalent ofSeptember 10, 2014How Not to “Crush and Bury” Climate Sceptics
The Guardian has quoted Royal Society President, Paul Nurse’s outburst : He urged researchers toSeptember 6, 2014Does the UK Need Another Climate ‘Unit’?
Imagine that you are a journalist — it’s not hard to do — in need of some informationAugust 29, 2014
The Daily Bell RSS News Feed
Casting Russia as Expansionist to Advance EU Solidarity
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard provides us with a trenchant analysis of what's taking place in Europe, and22 hrs agoAntidote to an Equity Realignment Invest in Fundamentally New Industries
According to this article, there may be a crash in the fall, but investors should protect themselves, stay22 hrs agoDark Ages Bloomberg Gets It Right And Wrong
This is a funny editorial in Bloomberg because its author is convinced that mainstream dominant socialSeptember 11, 2014 Top Topics
Next Level BS: #2: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories, From a Journalists Point of
On this, the thirteenth anniversary of the attacks on 9/11, we tone things down just a bit with anSeptember 11, 2014hi all ats member, mods longtime not see.. (56 flags)
Finally after a year in deep forest to work, i get back here..and let me say haloo.. :) :lol:September 11, 2014Rosetta just took the coolest selfie Ive ever seen (39 flags)
Pictures like this make me proud to be human, despite all of our shortcomings. We did this. We are sendingSeptember 11, 2014
Accuracy In Academia
Chick-fil-A Founder’s Death leads to Nasty Comments
Tributes to Chick-fil-A’s founder from the non-judgmental, tolerant left. Truett Cathy, Chick-fil-ASeptember 11, 2014We Will Never Forget: Twitter Remembers 9/11
On the sad anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on American soil, we stand as a nationSeptember 11, 2014Government Schools Harm Hispanics
Frequently, left-wing ideologues manage to harm the very people they claim they are aiding. “When yourSeptember 10, 2014
US: we are at war with Islamic State group
White House and Pentagon say country is at war with armed group, a day after secretary of state John Kerry53 mins agoRussia slams US and EU over Ukraine sanctions
Russian rouble sinks as Lavrov says sanctions hurt the chances of a lasting peace in eastern Ukraine.3 hrs agoMalala attack suspects held in Pakistan
Pakistan army says it has arrested 10 Taliban fighters suspected of shooting rights activist Malala51 mins ago
AllThingsD » Walt Mossberg
Top Products in Two Decades of Tech Reviews
This is my last column for The Wall Street Journal, after 22 years of reviewing consumer technologyDecember 17, 2013Diabetes Data Beamed to Your Phone
Home medical devices, as opposed to fitness products like activity-measuring wrist bands, have too oftenDecember 10, 2013Two Houses, One Cable TV Bill
Q: I have a vacation home and I am paying for cable service at two houses. Is there a practical way toDecember 10, 2013
altahrir, news of Islam, Muslims, Arab Spring and special Palestine
Portraits from Gaza
Dr. Nasser al-Tatar, the director general of al-Shifa hospital, had been working twenty hours a day6 hrs agoBlockaded Gaza faces huge challenges to rebuild after war
A Palestinian man cleans his house, which witnesses said was badly damaged during the seven-week6 hrs agoAutopsy shows Palestine prisoner died of blow to head
The result of an autopsy on the body of a Palestinian prisoner, who lost his life in an Israeli jail6 hrs ago
Animal Emotions
Fish Rival Chimpanzees in Forming Cooperative Relationships
Trout seek out moray eels with whom to cooperate to get a meal. The trout use head shakes and headstands toSeptember 11, 2014Dogs: Do They Really "Play Dumb" For Us?
Do dogs really dumb down to please us? Despite claims that they do, this sweeping conclusion is prematureAugust 24, 2014Birds and Us: Should Cormorants Be Killed to Save Salmon?
Two recent essays and an excellent book highlight how we view these magnificent animals and why birds andAugust 22, 2014
Arms Control Now: The Blog of the Arms Control Association
Myths and Realities: Iranian ICBMs?
By Jonah Aboni The Iranian nuclear program is a source for international concern. The concern genuinelySeptember 11, 2014IAEA Report Shows Iran’s Nuclear Program Remains Frozen
By Kelsey Davenport IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano talks to press during an Aug. 17 visit to Tehran.September 5, 2014Moving Beyond INF Treaty Compliance Issues
A tactical Tomahawk cruise missile launch from a Mk-41 VLS. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass CommunicationSeptember 5, 2014
Australian Climate Madness
Terror threat level raised to ‘High’ – Methodists blamed
Satire alert: Australia today raised the terror threat level to ‘high’ as a result of the increasing risk21 hrs agoBreaking news: nothing has anything to do with Islam
Satire alert: Islamic leaders have issued a statement explaining that nothing, including Qur’anSeptember 5, 2014Islamic State terrorists traumatised by shocking Islamophobia video
Satire alert: Islamic State terrorists in Iraq have described as ‘barbaric and appalling’ a new videoSeptember 2, 2014
BBC News - Home
Kerry to visit Egypt for IS talks
US Secretary of State John Kerry is due to arrive in Egypt for talks on defeating Islamic State militants56 mins agoBusiness row marks weekend campaign
The row over a "leak" from the RBS bank continues into the final weekend ahead of the Scottish32 mins agoToronto Mayor Rob Ford quits race
Scandal-plagued Toronto Mayor Rob Ford withdraws from October's mayoral election after being diagnosed5 hrs ago
BBC News - England
Shot seven-year-old girl dies
A seven-year-old girl, thought to have been shot in the head by her father in East Sussex, dies in hospital9 hrs agoFirefighters tackle university blaze
Sixty firefighters are tackling a large blaze at the University of Nottingham.2 hrs agoKennels blaze donations reach £1m
More than £1m is raised in less than 24 hours for a dogs' home in Manchester where a fire killed 6010 hrs ago
Lost in fire, found in water
ONE could easily imagine that the sheer tyrant-lizard kingliness of Tyrannosaurus rex was what made it aSeptember 11, 2014Faux go-slow
DEAR reader, what kept you? Perhaps you were visiting film-streaming service Netflix, discussion forumSeptember 10, 2014Apple's future will reflect its past
THIS week our correspondents discuss the past and future of Apple and a weighty problem in physics ContinueSeptember 9, 2014
Radley Balko
These 13 People Were Killed By The War On Drugs. Their Lives Were The Cost
This story was first published in April 2013. America's long drug war has produced countlessApril 18, 2014An Interview With Sam Dalton, Now In His Seventh Decade Of Criminal Defense
The year 2013 marked the 50th anniversary of two landmark Supreme Court cases in criminal defense law. InDecember 30, 2013Militarizing Santa Claus
A couple years ago, I wrote a story about efforts by citizens in the town of Keane, New Hampshire, to blockDecember 27, 2013
Bartholomew's Notes on Religion
Ted Cruz Tells Middle East Christians To “Stand With Israel”
From Tristyn Bloom at the Daily Caller : Sen. Ted Cruz was booed offstage at a conference for MiddleSeptember 11, 2014Yakunin Outfit Hides Involvement of Larry Jacobs and Don Feder in
At Mother Jones , Hannah Levintova has an interesting detail about what happened when she asked the WorldSeptember 10, 2014Christian Zionist Elvis Drama Sees Poor Reviews and Box-Office Takings
From the Hollywood Reporter : Faith-based Elvis musical drama The Identical bombed at the North AmericanSeptember 8, 2014
Beyond Meds
The wonders of solitude
There is no species of training I ever underwent to which I owe more than to the habit of regular periods25 mins agoToxic people
I've basically stayed away from labeling people whether it's toxic, bipolar, schizophrenic16 hrs agoYogic breathing in daily life
By Sangeetha Saran Deep, thoughtful breathing is a crucial part of yoga. Proper yogic breathing is known asSeptember 11, 2014
Biased BBC
Here you go, a new open thread to see us off into the weekend! Detail the bias here please.12 hrs agoIan Paisley 1926-2014
Former DUP leader Ian Paisley has died aged 88 Listening to 5Live, Dominic13 hrs ago
Dropbox Reports 80 Percent of Subpoenas Contain Gag Request
Most U.S. government subpoenas for data on Dropbox users are accompanied with a request not to inform the23 hrs agoThe Undeclared "Economic" War on Russia
Sanctions or War? It's long overdue we label sanctions for what they really are: war. If you prefer23 hrs agoEntire Leadership of ISIS Opposition Wiped Out by ‘Unexplained’ Explosion
Nearly fifty senior commanders of a major coalition of Islamic ‘moderates’ opposed to ISIS in Syria have23 hrs ago
Brave The World
Rare Interview With Spain’s Robin Hood Enric Duran
Enric Duran is currently considered a fugitive in Spain for borrowing 500,000 euros from several banksJuly 8, 2014How The Silk Road Case Affects Us All
Ross Ulbricht's mother, Lyn Ulbricht tells us the dark truth. I met her at PorcFest 2014 and wasJuly 8, 2014Nothing Is Real Until Denied
0:14 The internet has given reporting sovereignty to the people. The monopolistic control of informationJune 16, 2014
Blog: Posts
Military Experts Predict More Boots on the Ground in Iraq
Body: By Sandra I. Erwin Military experts do not believe the war against the Islamic State of Iraq andSeptember 11, 2014War on ISIS Not Likely to Reverse Downward Military Budgets
Body: By Sandra I. Erwin The Obama administration’s funding request for upcoming military operationsSeptember 11, 2014JLTV Vendors: We’re Ready for Production (UPDATED)
Body: By Valerie Insinna As the joint light tactical vehicle program heads toward the end of itsSeptember 8, 2014
Business News Headlines - Yahoo! News
Fed change unlikely to blunt equities' appeal over bonds
By Akane Otani NEW YORK (Reuters) - The recent wobbly stretch in both stocks and bonds may persist for the2 hrs agoMicrosoft needs Minecraft to boost mobile ambitions
By Bill Rigby SEATTLE (Reuters) - Microsoft’s impending purchase of Mojang, the Swedish developer with 1007 hrs agoBets on hawkish Fed lift dollar, U.S. bond yields
By Richard Leong NEW YORK (Reuters) - The U.S. dollar ended higher for a ninth straight week against the6 hrs ago
COTO Report
Mowing the Lawn in Gaza
By Volaar “When thy intelligence shall cross beyond the whirl of delusion, then shalt thou becomeAugust 11, 2014Fasten your seat belts – Iran saving democracy in Iraq
Iran may rescue Iraq from a major threat posed by a Sunni Muslim extremist group formerly aligned with AlJune 16, 2014Ukraine President Once Agent for U.S. State Department
Ask yourself, how would you regard a high level U.S. politician who met regularly at a foreign embassy andJune 16, 2014
CP Feed
Guardian: Moazzam Begg among four arrested in Birmingham terror raids
Former Guantánamo detainee is held along with two men and a woman on suspicion of Syria-relatedFebruary 25, 2014Andy Worthington: A love letter from Guantánamo
Younus Chekhouri (also identified as Younous Chekkouri), who will be 46 in May, is one of the last twoFebruary 25, 2014Dissenter: More charges of forced drugging at Guantanamo
On February 21, attorneys for six former Guantanamo prisoners took their civil case against DonaldFebruary 25, 2014
Caring for Survivors of Torture
“Mainstreaming Torture” & Other Resources
Does America Still Torture? That’s the question Rebecca Gordon asks in The Nation , “Once upon a time, ifAugust 22, 2014The New York Times apologizes…
NY Times’ apologizes for failure to acknowledge torture…ten years too late I never thought IAugust 19, 2014A Vacation from Gun Violence?
Americans have way more guns, but less vacation time… An excellent resource paper from theAugust 14, 2014
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Center on Budget: Comprehensive News Feed
New Research Shows Limits of Risk Adjustment in Protecting Traditional
Proposals to convert Medicare to a “premium support” system would replace its guarantee of14 hrs agoUnderstanding the Census Bureau's Upcoming Health Insurance Coverage
The Census Bureau will release estimates on September 16 of the number and share of Americans withoutSeptember 11, 2014
Cleantech Blog
Forward Osmosis – Solving Tomorrow’s Water Challenges Using Nature’s Remedy
Nature has an ingenious way of extracting water, but does it have the potential to solve many of todaySeptember 10, 2014Healthy Planet Partners Closes Distributed Generation and Energy Efficiency
Healthy Planet Partners Energy & Infrastructure Fund, LP announces a final close at $26 MM, limitedSeptember 7, 2014Green & Grow Inc. Secures $6M Series B Funding From Otter Capital
Texas, 26 August 2014: Green & Grow Inc. (GGI) has raised an additional $6 million in Series B fundingAugust 28, 2014
9/11: A Conspiracy Theory Explained in 5 min
Brought to you by The Corbett ReportSeptember 11, 20149/11 – The Mother Of All Big Lies
By Stephen LENDMAN They’re an American tradition. They date from the republic’s inception.September 11, 2014Lavrov: West may use ISIS as pretext to bomb Syrian govt forces
Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov adresses to his Malian counterpart Abdoulaye Diop (notSeptember 10, 2014
Coyote Blog
Healthcare Deductibles Rising -- Why This is GOOD News
Things like Obamacare cannot be discussed, it seems, in anything but a political context. So if you don11 hrs agoGender-Neutral Third Person Pronoun
I am with Kevin Drum . I got tired of using "his or her" or some other such kluge some time back12 hrs ago
Crikey » COLUMNS
Who is John Galt?
Crikey readers have their say on submarines, the real threat of Islamic State and the selflessness ofSeptember 11, 2014Glenn Dyer’s TV ratings: we still love The Block for some reason
Australians are still obsessed with home renovation, it would seem. Everyone loses in BB 's race to theSeptember 11, 2014Media briefs: watch out, Gittins … sixes and sevens … Nielsen stats …
Jess Irvine has a warning for Ross Gittins. And other media tidbits of the day.September 11, 2014
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Dandelion Salad
NATO Sabotage on Order for Ukraine Ceasefire by Finian Cunningham + Threat
by Finian Cunningham Writer, Dandelion Salad East Africa Crossposted from Strategic Culture FoundationSeptember 9, 2014The Socialist Alternative to a World of Injustice by Danny Katch
Dandelion Salad by Danny Katch, Sept. 4, 2014 September 6, 2014 Is there an alternativeSeptember 6, 2014Ralph Nader and Grover Norquist Agree on Corporate Welfare and Auditing the
Dandelion Salad with Ralph Nader The National Press Club on Sep 4, 2014 Consumer advocate Ralph Nader andSeptember 5, 2014
Diary of a Heartland Radical
Twentieth Century Narratives of International Relations Are No Longer
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONEAugust 29, 2014
Quantum Mechanics Saves Grandfathers From Time Travelers
JD Hancock via Flickr. (CC BY 2.0) via Popsci : Mention time travel at a nerd party, and other guests3 hrs agoWhen Star Wars Meets Sesame Street: Luke Piewalker, Flan Solo, and Chewie
“A long time ago in a cookies and milky way galaxy far, far away…Princess Parfaita was taken5 hrs agoSolar Storm Hits Earth
There could be power grid fluctuations tonight, not to mention some spectacular Northern Lights if you live6 hrs ago
The Doctor's Report
Ghana: a Shining Democracy Without Accountability
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONEJuly 4, 2013How Could Japan Offer $32billion In Aid To Africa?
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONEJune 14, 2013Why Are African Professors Becoming Politicians?
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONEJune 5, 2013
Drone Wars UK
Drones Week of Action 4-11 Oct 2014
Over the past couple of months we have witnessed drone strikes in at least seven countries: Afghanistan16 hrs agoThe danger of ‘sending in the drones’
Today’s Sun calls for the deployment of British drones to attack ISIS in Iraq and Syria. Rupert MurdochSeptember 4, 2014Drone Wars UK refused permission for full hearing on drones FoI request
“The legality of the use of armed drones is one of the most important and pressing issues in modernAugust 18, 2014
(e) Science News - Biology & Nature
Our microbes are a rich source of drugs, UCSF researchers discover
Bacteria that normally live in and upon us have genetic blueprints that enable them to make thousands of19 hrs agoCells put off protein production during times of stress
Living cells are like miniature factories, responsible for the production of more than 25,000 different19 hrs agoTwo new species of carabid beetles found in Ethiopia
There are more than 150 species of beetles in the genus Calathus , 17 of which have only been found in the19 hrs ago
Latest News
Blue Whale Recovery Report Leaves Room for Caution
New study only relevant to the Eastern Pacific Ocean; other blue whale populations around the world remain16 hrs agoEnd of the Road
The US Forest Service is beginning to decommission some of its roads, opening the way for a wildlifeSeptember 11, 2014$7.5 Billion California Water Bond Headed for the November Ballot
Voters must decide whether the bond can lead the state toward a sustainable water futureSeptember 10, 2014
Fabius Maximus
Law professors justify Obama’s illegal wars; more fuel for the
Summary: Today’s essay by David Cole looks at Obama’s justifications for the next phase of the1 hr agoSome good news about our changing climate. Enjoy it, for it might not last
Summary: A people can be shaped by controlling their information, altering their perception of the world by22 hrs agoEco-activists benefit from white privilege. Black protesters get gas
For a long time I was not a fan of the “white privilege” concept. But years of evidence provedSeptember 10, 2014
Whistleblower Protection Blog
Recent SEC Whistleblower Awards
Compliance Professional Awarded $300,000 by SEC Whistleblower Came to SEC After Reporting FraudSeptember 5, 2014SEC Whistleblower Awards List August 2014
The SEC Office of the Whistleblower post Notices of Covered Action where a final judgment or order, byAugust 26, 2014IRS Whistleblower Office News
IRS Commissioner John Koskinen issued an August 2014 policy statement expressing his strong support forAugust 21, 2014
Friends of Syria
Russia warns US against strikes on Islamic State in Syra
John Kerry is meeting leaders from several Arab countries as well as Turkey Russia has warned that US air4 hrs agoOBAMA THE WORLD KNOW YOU HAVE BEEN FUNDING ISIS
Your speeches are making you look more like a fool than you already are. The world knows you are4 hrs ago
Knicks Owner Jim Dolan Wrote an Applebee's Jingle About Trayvon Martin
New York Knicks owner and JD & the Straight Shot frontman Jim Dolan is bored with ruining the Knicks.6 hrs agoPlayboy Ex-Governor Mark Sanford, Argentinian Lover Call Off Wedding
Mark Sanford, the one-time South Carolina governor who chose the undeniably better life of living with his6 hrs agoWhat to Watch This Weekend on TV
Last night around midnight-thirty something real dumb happened on the Comedy Central. Those city slickers6 hrs ago
The Green Life
Hiking Guru Shares Perfect Paths
Robert Manning is a hiking guru. At the University of Vermont, he researches and teaches park managment ,&#May 30, 2014Defending The F-Word
The oil and gas industry dislikes the noun fracking , shorthand for hydraulic fracturing . ItMay 28, 2014Not Your Grandparents’ Road Trip: 5 Green Reasons to Visit National Parks
Wailing children, crotchety parents, sand and sunscreen in uncomfortable places… you get the idea. IfMay 28, 2014
Green Prophet » Green Prophet
Railway use by people and freight up, but not in the Middle East
Travelling by rail is a great way to save gas and greenhouse gas emissions. ButSeptember 3, 2014Ebola out of control makes chocolate more expensive
Disruptions in food trade and marketing in the three West African countries mostSeptember 2, 2014Feed-in tariffs – save, export, earn money
If you have been looking for ways to cut down on your energy spending whileSeptember 1, 2014 - Daily News & Analysis
CEO Exchange: Pressure is On to Partner, Drive Quality
Finding growth opportunities through partnerships while managing the disruptive nature of healthcare16 hrs agoSlideshow: Physician Alignment—New Leadership Models for Integration
This HealthLeaders Media intelligence report explores how physicians and their employers face an uncertain16 hrs agoCMS Pitches Medicare Appeals Deal to Hospitals
Federal officials are urging hospitals to accept a settlement for thousands of Medicare claims deniedSeptember 11, 2014
Carl Herman's feed
Recognizing 9/11 as an evil US CRIME: an analogy
9/11 began a fraud by the US upon the world through unlawful Wars of Aggression. The crime of 9/11 as toSeptember 10, 2014Decades of federal government ‘cost-plus’ contracts skyrocket taxpayer
guest blog by “Captains America” (bio below)The biggest issue with federal governmentSeptember 8, 2014Human failure to recognize, reject, and remember evil: essential topic for
Around 1969 as a young boy, I looked-up the definition of the word, evil. I found something like, &ldquoSeptember 7, 2014
The Intercept
Bombing People Isn’t Like Casual Sex
Lobbing missiles into foreign countries is a lot like a one night stand, says retired U.S. Air Force Gen7 hrs agoDouble Standard: After Going Easy on Ray Rice, Prosecutor Torments Single
From time to time, the American public gets a glaring reminder that the elite play by their own set of8 hrs agoMore ‘Imperial Hubris’ Than Bush
President Obama’s plan to defeat the Islamic State is already showing signs of falling apart (see13 hrs ago
In These Times
Janay Rice and the Problem with Trauma Voyeurism
It’s a bad day for the digital age. The past few weeks have seen not one, but two controversies6 hrs agoThe James Foley I Knew
Since his brutal murder at the hands of militants from the Islamic State (also known as ISIS) in AugustSeptember 11, 2014Whither the American Dream?
Hollywood celebrity and actress Katie Holmes recently bought a $3.8 million home in CalabasasSeptember 9, 2014
Indigenous Action Media
Klamath River Tribes Confront Feds for Water Releases To Prevent Fish Kill
Klamath River Tribes Confront Feds for Water Releases To Prevent Fish KillFor Immediate Release August 19,August 19, 2014Flagstaff Commits 3.6 Billion Gallons of Treated Sewage for Snowmaking on
Waste Water from Mari Cleven on Vimeo. For Immediate Release August 9, 2014 Contact: Klee BenallyAugust 9, 2014Independent Film to Address Diné Forced Relocation, Crowdfunding Campaign
FLAGSTAFF, AZ — Diné activist, musician, and filmmaker Klee Benally hasn’t been known to pull punches whenAugust 6, 2014
Inter Press Service
U.S. Bypasses Security Council on Impending Invasion of Syria
The U.N. Security Council discusses the situation in Syria on June 26, 2014. Credit: UN Photo/Devra8 hrs agoOPINION: Say ‘No’ to War and Media Propaganda
By Mairead Maguire BELFAST, Sep 12 2014 (IPS) While the United States, United Kingdom and NATO are pushing10 hrs agoSalvadoran Farmers Stake Their Bets on Sustainable Development
Peasant farmer Brenda Arely Sánchez uses her machete to clear a blocked canal in the Cuche de Monte swamp12 hrs ago
The Invisible Opportunity: Hidden Truths Revealed
▶ The Purge is coming. Evgeny Fedorov – YouTube
▶ The Purge is coming. Evgeny Fedorov – YouTube .43 mins agoThe Vineyard of the Saker: Strelkov: from swimming with Piranhas to
By the Saker Yesterday’s press conference by Strelkov is, I believe, a historical moment because it56 mins agoWe Will Not Allow for Russia to be Ripped Asunder and Ruined
Translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov (Subheadings by the Translator) Edited by S. Naylor It has been1 hr ago
Latest headlines
Cold Revenge
"Meretz is a loyal old party, saying all the right things, unblemished by corruption. Unfortunately itMilitary voyeurism or invasion of Syria?
"The ‘chemical weapons’ scenario seems to be the best cue for Washington and their western allies inMen and Women: Their Contributions to the World
"Even in the area of warfare, for which men had been paying price in terms of loss of life and limbs
Libya 360°
In Chile, A Dictatorship’s Horrors Go On Trial
Former DINA agent Cristián Labbé has been indicted on charges related to his role in Chile’s dictatorshipSeptember 11, 2014CIA-Supported Hopeful Runs for Presidency in Brazil
By Nil Nikandrov Marina Silva is a presidential hopeful running on the Socialist Party ticket. HerSeptember 10, 2014The NGO-ization of Resistance
By Arundhati Roy Via Wrong Kind of Green A hazard facing mass movements is the NGO-ization of resistanceSeptember 10, 2014
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‘Hallucinated Neo-Expressionism’
Mana Contemporary, the Jersey City, NJ arts destination, is holding a public opening this Sunday Sept. 14 (9 mins ago‘Kids These Days’
“My drawings are about my life, my memories, my messed-up psychology. I don’t plan them outSeptember 11, 2014No Men, Only Events
During the Reign of Terror in France (1793-4) a French Royalist, Mallet Du Pin, is reported to have said: &September 10, 2014
We Moved Go To:
True Or False: Anti-Fascist UKRAINIANS Shoot Down (Fascist) UKRAINIAN
Remember, this blog is only a forward until we are all set up: True Or False: Anti-Fascist UKRAINIANSJuly 23, 2014Snoop Dogg Got High At The White House (Not Surprising)
Idiot: Snoop Dogg Got High At The White House (Not Surprising) Tagged: Snoop Dogg , Snoop Dogg Got High AtJuly 23, 2014Why Is The #Gaza, ‘Anti-War’, #FreePalestine, Pro #Hamas Crowd Almost
Jut a heads up before you proceed: Remember, this is not our blog anymore. This is only a site forJuly 21, 2014
Master Resource
Houston Climate Conference Sept. 25/26: Unsettled Science Trending
“A groundbreaking gathering of the most acclaimed thinkers, scholars, and policymakers on our historicSeptember 11, 2014Demythologizing California’s Drought ‘Demythologizers’
“What proposed groundwater regulation will end up doing is divvying up farm water to new politicalSeptember 10, 201430-Year Eagle Kill Permits: Comment to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service on
“The wind industry is in tatters in Germany, being routed out in Spain, and reduced to operatingSeptember 9, 2014
Media Matters for America - Research Items
Business Media Push Industry-Funded Study On Federal Regulations Experts
Reuters and CNBC uncritically promoted a new report claiming that government regulations cost the economySeptember 11, 2014Right-Wing Media Scandalize Obama For Distinguishing Islam From Terrorism
Right-wing media scandalized President Obama's assertion that the Islamic State doesSeptember 11, 2014How The Right Wing Media Is Using Chuck Todd's Interview To Dismiss
Right wing media have latched onto comments made by new Meet the Pres s host Chuck Todd, inSeptember 10, 2014
New Content on CO2 Science
Crop Breeding for High Production, Water Use Efficiency & Albedo
It's a good way to confront mankind's growing need for food and the water needed to produce itSeptember 2, 2014Biospheric Productivity (Global: The Recent Past) -- Summary
Since 1980 the Earth has weathered three of the warmest decades in the instrumental temperature record, aSeptember 2, 2014Catastrophic Floods of Dartmoor, South West England
Are they few and far-between? ... or are they growing ever more frequent ... and ferocious?September 2, 2014
With the new bill "Argentina wants to pay, can pay and will pay all
Argentine President Cristina Fernández signed into law the Sovereign Debt bill21 hrs agoFalklands Islands' minefield priority areas are named as bidders visit
Four minefield clusters have been pinpointed as priority areas for the next21 hrs agoChile's military coup anniversary exposes a divided country
"In Chile there's no room, and there can be no room, for violence or fear,&21 hrs ago
NME News
James Franco to make film based on 'Fight Club' author Chuck
'Spring Breakers' star will play a "murderous demolition driver"7 hrs agoCharli XCX reveals she would 'love' to write a song with Britney
The singer's new album 'Sucker' is due for release on October 177 hrs ago
Nature News Blog - Posts
STAP co-author offers yet another recipe for stem cells
A senior co-author on controversial, and now retracted, stem cell papers has quietly posted new tips on how7 hrs agoWestern Australian agency lets sharks off the hook
Western Australia’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has halted the controversial culling of sharks12 hrs agoWhere to land on a comet?
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After more than a decade of rapid growth in Oklahoma, the wind industry is like a teenager that might need16 hrs ago
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Many of you may be using asbestos at home to cover a portion of your terrace or to create a shade over theAugust 7, 2014
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U.S. intensifies sanctions on Russia over Ukraine
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The Pump Handle
Temp workers organize for change in an industry rife with reported abuses:
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SYRIA 360°
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