7:31am MDST
I've complained before about John Humphrys and his way of interviewing
scientists about matters of general scientific interest:
Another gripe of mine about the BBC and science arises from John
and his larky,
attitude. Give it a rest please, John.
The last time I whinged about this, I added:
It's always the same question too: 'What's the point of this?'
There was a particularly irritating example of this on this morning's
... more
Is Mike Rounds' Visa-Selling Scandal Too Complicated For Voters To Understand?

Its rare that crooked governors are called on to account for their
corruption before the bar of Justice. Governor Rick Scott (R-FL) is running
for reelection; Governor Scott Walker (R-WI) is running for reelection and
would like to be someone's vice presidential pick; Governor Rick Perry
(R-TX), though under indictment, imagines he's running for president again;
Governor Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) just won renomination against an outstanding
anti-corruption reformer; Governor Nathan Deal (R-GA) is ahead in his
reelection campaign; Governor Chris Christie, under intense investigation
on ... more »
More Poor Choices?

Yesterday, the Harper Party released its latest campaign ad. It was Stephen
Harper's steady hand at the tiller, the ad claimed, that has guided Canada
through the economic storms of the decade. But Scott Clark and Peter
Devries beg to differ. The economy, they write, is dead in the water:
The dismal job creation numbers over the past 12 months merely show a
long-term trend becoming entrenched. The economy has been in a growth and
employment slump since 2010, with economic growth and employment growth
... more »
Wacking the Pinãta
*C36* — the Harper government, with its usual doublespeak flair, titles it
the Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act — is just one
MASSIVE pinãta of a Bill. And when it is whacked, all sorts of goodies
come tumbling out. Like Don the Plumber's John School™ - but more on that,
No no no. This pinãta is NOT what you think it is. Get your mind OUT of
the gutter.
This pinãta was previously a commemorative War of 1812™ genuine *papier
mâché* artillery cannon replica produced for its never-ending celebrations
and now recycled by the ever-so thrifty Harper governmen... more »
Canada should issue bonds with negative interest rates

If they can sell them in Japan, we can cash in here. The world is crashing
and Canada is about the safest structure there is.
My free to the mint sales pitch.
"our projections are that even in the event of a limited nuclear war you
will lose less than half your equity"
*In Which I Extract My Kid From the Clutches of Traditional Schooling*
I can't say it was the stress-induced puking that caused my wife and I to
finally pull our son from his brick-and-mortar charter school. We'd been
contemplating yanking him from a classroom setting for the past year or so.
Over the summer, we ran him through a battery of academic tests and
encouraged him to study math and Spanish online. The results were
enlightening, but we thought he might be a little young for a full online
education. And then the nervous tic developed as the start of school
approached. That... more »
Ukraine situation ( September 10 , 2014 ) - Russian preempts EU Sanctions that haven't actually been imposed by cutting natural gas to Poland......Ukraine situation - battlefield , political fronts from Ukraine / Russia , Europe and US...
Zero Hedge....
Russian Retaliation Begins: Gazprom "Limiting EU Gas", Cuts Poland Supplies
By 20% In Past Two Days
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/10/2014 08:00 -0400
- None
- Poland
- Ukraine
Over the weekend, we commented that in response to Europe's latest, and
most serious, sanction round which would finally impact Russian energy
giants Rosenft, Gazprom Neft (but not Gazprom) and Transneft, "suddenly the
stakes for Russia, and thus Europe, just got all too real, as Putin will
now have no choice but to really ramp up the r... more »
British Trotskyism and Scottish Independence
Were I still a Trotskyist, my position on the Scottish independence
referendum would be determined by this set of questions:
1. As America's lapdog, key prop of international neoliberalism, meddler in
foreign affairs, and cheerleader for market fundamentalism with the EU;
would an independent Scotland severely diminish the UK's influence?
2. What are the social character of the movements backing Yes and No? Do
they have the potential to mobilise wider layers of people, deepen
radicalisation, and/or lead to a more opportune environment for socialist
3. Will the labour mov... more »
Poll: Majority Of Chinese Believe That There Will Be War With Japan By 2020

Surveys conducted in China and Japan reveal people think a conflict between
the two nations is likely(Reuters)
*Poll: Majority of Chinese Predict War with Japan by 2020 -- IBTimes*
More than half of Chinese people think their country could go to war with
Japan, according to a recent poll.
The survey, conducted by Japanese non-governmental organisation Genron and
state-run newspaper China Daily, revealed that 53.4% of Chinese people
believe a conflict will happen, with many thinking it will occur "within
the next five years".
The poll was also conducted in Japan, where 29% of peopl... more »
Creator of the UMMO Hoax Passes Away in Spain

Spain's *El Ojo Crítico* informs us that Jose Luis Jordán Peña, the
architect of the notorious UMMO hoax of the '60s and '70s, has passed away
in Madrid. Jordán Peña was also responsible for the creation of a lesser
known fraud - Pyrophos - with even darker overtones.
When asked if he regretted started the UMMO hoax, he had this to say:
"I do not regret having started it. I regret having made the truth known.
Let's see. You have some kids. And you give the kids presents for Three
Kings Day, or from Santa Claus if you're in North America. What a delight
it is to see the joy of ... more »
Japan Is Changing It's Military Doctrine From A Defensive Posture To That Of Having An Offensive Military Capability

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (R) reviews Japanese Self-Defence
Forces' (SDF) troops during the annual SDF ceremony at Asaka Base in Asaka,
near Tokyo, in this October 27, 2013 file photo. Credit: Reuters/Issei
*Exclusive: Japan, U.S. Discussing Offensive Military Capability For Tokyo
- Japan Officials -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Japan and the United States are exploring the possibility of
Tokyo acquiring offensive weapons that would allow Japan to project power
far beyond its borders, Japanese officials said, a move that would likely
infuriate China.
While Japan's in... more »
Iraq / Syria Regional War Update ( September 10 , 2014 ) -- State of Play on the political fronts and battlefields....
Anti War......
Despite ISIS Getting US Arms, Obama Wants to Send More to Syria RebelsWhite
House Continues to Claim They're Being Careful With Arms
by Jason Ditz, September 09, 2014
Print This | Share This
Yesterday’s big report was that much of the weaponry that ISIS is using,
both small arms and anti-tank missiles, were actually provided by the US,
for the “moderate” Syrian rebels.
It wasn’t a big surprise that this was going to happen, though the White
House tried to spin this as vindication for their decision not to send even
more weapons to the rebels, because they had to be supe... more »
CIA Security Contractors At Benghazi: About 25 More Americans Would Be Dead Today If We Had Obeyed Our 'Stand Down' Order

*Benghazi Security Contractors: About 25 Americans Are Still Alive Because
We Broke 'Stand Down' Order -- Breitbart*
The Obama administration, the CIA, and even some congressional
committees—they all said there “was no 'stand down' order.”
But now five men who helped ward off the terrorists that attacked U.S.
diplomatic facilities in Benghazi, Libya two years ago say it's only
because they defied such an order that as many as 25 Americans are alive
“There’s quite a few—the soft-skins, we call them, or the non-shooters,”
Kris “Tanto” Paronto, one of the security contractors... more »
Musical Interlude: Logos, “Cheminement”
Logos, “Cheminement”
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOuXP8aVWHU
Incredibly beautiful...
HPV Vaccines Are NOT Good For Everyone by Maria Mexia
Yael Leycegui
HPV vaccines are NOT good for everyone
By Mara Mexia
Mexico City, Mexico
Sane Vax, Inc. 4 September 2014
I ask you to please read Yael Leycegui’s story. She is my daughter and one
of the unfortunate girls who suffered a severe reaction to the HPV vaccine,
Gardasil. I write because only one side of the HPV vaccine story is
mentioned before you receive the injections in my country, and many others.
You only hear how wonderful it is because it could prevent cervical cancer.
There is little mention of potential side effects. When they are mentioned,
you are told the v... more »
Cape Armature Winders ready for the SA Navy

[image: SAS Amatola]Cape Armature Winders was recently awarded an
electrical contract in support of the South African Navy, to perform
electrical repairs and services on their fleet of vessels, based across
South African shores and 5 ports.
The South African Valour class frigates are the major surface ships of the
South African Navy, comprising of the SAS Amatola, SAS Isandlwana, SAS
Spioenkop, and the SAS Mendi.
The frigates were designed to be capable of conducting sustained operations
at sea, and to negotiate sea conditions such as those found off the South
African coast.
Rea... more »
Health Risks Of Drinking Energy Drinks

Should junior people be equally loud during seminars?
A man named David Chalmers wrote down some norms of the right behavior
during philosophical seminars and Sean Carroll responded, in a surprisingly
moderate way. The recommendations are things like
1. be nice
2. allow the junior people to speak more than you do
3. the time one spends by talking during a seminar should be
proportional to the product of the number of his or her X chomosomes and
the number of men that he or she has sex with
and so on. Moreover, if you want to avoid a sexual harassment lawsuit, you
should follow several simple rules:
1. be handsome
2... more »
Russians Are More Optimistic On The 'Direction' Of Their Country Than Americans

*(Click on Image to Enlarge)*
*You Know It's Bad In Europe When... -- Zero Hedge*
...more Italian, Spanish, and Greek citizens believe their country is
heading in the wrong direction than Ukrainians!!!
*Read more* ....
*My Comment:* This is a surprise ..... Russians are more optimistic on
where their country is going than the U.S.. As for the current sentiment in
Greece, Italy, and Spain .... no surprise there .... especially among those
below 30 where 50% of them are either unemployed or underemployed.
#indyref in Scotland
is all over it. James Laxer gets it. The Westminster politicians of all
stripes manifestly do not. The Scottish independence referendum is not
nationalist paranoia like Quebec, nor is it some reactionary
anti-English 'decolonisation' movement rooted in Braveheart narratives
of historical defeat, conquest, or exploitation (Canada, PLEASE take
note!). Instead, it is probably best viewed as
Russia Successfully Test-Fires Bulava SLBM

[image: Bulava test launch]Russia has successfully test-fired a Bulava
submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) from its Borey-class Vladimir
Monomakh nuclear-powered submarine, the Russian Defense Ministry said
The missile was launched from a location off northwest Russia’s White Sea
and hit a designated target at the Kura test range on Russia’s Kamchatka
The launch is part of state tests of weapons and systems of the Vladimir
Monomakh nuclear-powered submarine, ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor
Konashenkov said.
Read more
Tomahawk enhancements showcased in back-to-back flight tests

[image: Tomahawk cruise missile]The U.S. Navy and Raytheon Company
completed successful back-to-back Tomahawk cruise missile flight tests that
validated recent software improvements. The upgrades improve weapon system
In the first test, the nuclear submarine USS Hampton (SSN 767) fired a
Tomahawk Block IV from the sub's vertical capsule launch system. The
missile flew a pre-planned mission until a strike controller located at a
maritime command center directed the Tomahawk to a new target.
The missile successfully demonstrated enhanced flex retargeting before
striking... more »
Protesters who are boycotting Israeli goods over Gaza need to be reminded that the Nazi campaign against Jewish goods ended with a campaign against Jewish lives, senior Tory Michael Gove has said.
Protesters who are boycotting Israeli goods over Gaza need to be reminded
that the Nazi campaign against Jewish goods ended with a campaign against
Jewish lives, senior Tory Michael Gove has said.
No Shit Sherlock
Protesters who are boycotting Israeli goods over Gaza need to be reminded that the Nazi campaign against Jewish goods ended with a campaign against Jewish lives, senior Tory Michael Gove has said.
Protesters who are boycotting Israeli goods over Gaza need to be reminded
that the Nazi campaign against Jewish goods ended with a campaign against
Jewish lives, senior Tory Michael Gove has said.
No Shit Sherlock
Israel, US test new Arrow 2 missile interceptor

[image: Arrow 2 missile]Israel and the United States on Tuesday
successfully conducted a joint test of an upgraded Arrow 2 ballistic
missile interception system over the Mediterranean Sea, the defence
ministry said.
"An Arrow 2 missile was launched and performed its flight sequence as
planned," the defence ministry said in a statement, with a spokesperson
confirming the system had been upgraded.
The two countries carried out similar tests in January, and in September
last year, as Washington was considering military action against Syria.
Read more
Pratt sees clarity on 'root cause' of F-35 engine issue by end Sept

[image: F-35 Lightning II]United Technologies Corp's Pratt & Whitney unit
said the "root cause" of the June 23 engine failure on a Lockheed Martin
Corp F-35 fighter jet should be clear by the end of September, which would
pave the way for over $1 billion in contracts for another 84 engines.
Engine maker Pratt & Whitney said it has delivered six of its F135 engines
to the U.S. government since Aug. 29, when it resumed deliveries that had
been halted after the June incident which grounded the F-35 fleet for weeks
and prevented its international debut.
Bennett Croswell, president of Pr... more »
The Collective Imagination: I Tech and limits of programming
Good morning!! On Monday night we pre-recorded The Collective Imagination
show, and it was published yesterday (after some..... delays, lol).
This weeks show was all about I tech.... sorta, lol. As usual, the show
was an open discussion between Lisa Brian and I that led us down many
paths, from I tech, to the former financial systems and Nesara, to changing
our words to reflect the new paradigm of creation and NOT limiting our
selves, to using imagination to guide us through new understanding of what
I tech is, and how to break down the walls of the programming to further
access i... more »
Boeing delivers third AEW&C to Turkey

[image: Boeing 737 Peace Eagle AEW&C]Boeing has delivered the third Peace
Eagle Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) aircraft to the Turkish
Armed Forces, further increasing the country’s self-defense capabilities.
The AEW&C aircraft was delivered on schedule on Sept. 4 at Konya Air Base,
the fleet’s main operating base. Boeing is scheduled to deliver the fourth
aircraft for the program in 2015.
In addition to the four aircraft, the Peace Eagle program includes ground
support segments for mission crew training, mission support and system
Read more
The U.S. Navy Now Has A New Patrol Boat
*The Navy's Long Overdue Smart & Deadly Patrol Boat Has Arrived -- Foxtrot*
The Navy has been slow to adapt from a Cold War era 'blue water' Navy,
focused on fighting set-piece prelude to WWIII engagements on the open
ocean, to one where interdiction, territorial security, and special
operations are also of a high priority. With this in mind, the Mark VI
Patrol Boat is welcome arrival.
It has been reported that the Navy has received its first of ten contracted
Mark VI Patrol Boats, with the service eyeing a fleet of 48 of the fast and
deadly vessels. The delivery of the Mark VI w... more »
Poseidon to come to our shores?

[image: P-8A Poseidon]The Sepanggar naval base here could host the United
States of America’s Navy P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol aircraft.
According to Boeing, the P-8A Poseidon is a long-range anti-submarine
warfare, anti-surface warfare, intelligence, surveillance and
reconnaissance aircraft.
US chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Admiral Jonathan W Greenert was quoted
by www.seapowermagazine.org as saying that Malaysia had offered them to use
the naval base in East Malaysia.
Read more
Delivery of US Perry-class frigates to Taiwan could be delayed
[image: Oliver Hazard Perry class FFG]The delivery of two Oliver Hazard
Perry-class guided missile frigates from the United States is likely to be
delayed, the Navy said Tuesday in response to a local media report that the
delivery has been postponed until 2016.
Taiwan has requested to purchase the two Perry-class frigates, which were
previously scheduled to be delivered in 2015 to replace the Navy's two
aging Knox-class frigates.
Asked about the report, the Navy said the delivery schedule could be
delayed, but did not give specific information on when Taiwan can take
delivery of t... more »
How the world flips when Jews go to war
A very good article that should be read by every BBC 'journalist'...
Here's an extract:
'As for Palestinians existing in Arab states, they might as well not
exist, so little do people think of them. In 1970, when the PLO threatened
his throne, King Hussein of Jordan had no qualms about slaughtering
thousands of Palestinians in "Black September."
Six years later Lebanese militias, backed by the Syrians, massacred some
3,500 Palestinians in the Beirut camp of Tel Zaatar.
The militias again sla... more »
Pakistan navy foils Taliban attack on strategic docks
Pakistan’s navy thwarted an effort by rebels to storm a dockyard in the
southern port city of Karachi, a naval spokesman said Tuesday.
About six militants attacked the facility on Saturday night but marine and
army commandoes repulsed the attack at the yard used to repair warships and
Two attackers were killed and four captured, the spokesman said.
Read more
Iran’s army overhauls fighter jets

[image: F-14 Tomcat]Iran, which made steadfast achievements in the military
sphere, has overhauled F-4 and F-14 jet fighters successfully.
The Iranian army experts overhauled the F-14 fighter jet after 35,000
person-hour work at the Shahid Babaei air base in Isfahan, Iran's Tasnim
news agency reported on September 9.
Also, an F-4 fighter jet was overhauled after 70,000 person-hour work at
the Shahid Delhamed Air Base in Chabahar.
Read more
Navantia Banks on the Future
[image: S-80 class SSK]It is no secret that the Spanish shipbuilding sector
has hit on hard times, particularly in the big ship sector where much of
the commercial business has evolved to lower cost manufacturers in the Far
But considering that Navantia has a 300-year history, the current downturn
is put in perspective. While Navantia is not without challenges, it has the
aforementioned experience and a military backlog to lean on.
Navantia is engaged in the design and manufacture of Integrated Platform
Management Systems, Fire Control Systems, Command and Control systems,
... more »
Mysterious submarine spotted off coast of Broward County
It's not unusual to see submarines off the coast of Broward County but
there was a sighting on Labor Day that remains a bit of a mystery.
A video camera recorded the long black vessel cruising north and south
between Fort Lauderdale and Hollywood beaches and then the video was
uploaded to YouTube.
The U.S. Navy doesn't discuss local submarine activity or acknowledge
specific vessel locations, but nautical charts show a restricted area about
four miles east of Port Everglades.
Read more
This Giant Russian Ship Is Toting Two Submarines

[image: MV Transshelf]America's isn't the only military to rely on
heavy-lift transport vessels, the unusual class of utility ship that helped
ferry the crippled USS Cole home for repairs.
Russia has just released a series of photos documenting the slow return
trip to the Zvezdochka shipyard for a pair of its Akula II-class
submarines, the Bratsk and the Samara.
The question is, why are we seeing them at all?
Read more
Taiwan and US talk submarine issue: US Naval official

[image: Hai Lung (Zwaardvis) class SSK]A senior United States naval
official confirmed on Monday that Taiwan and the United States recently
discussed the latter's efforts to acquire submarines from the U.S. or build
its own submarines.
Speaking during a seminar in Washington, U.S. Chief of Naval Operations
Admiral Jonathan Greenert made the remarks when asked to comment on whether
the U.S. and Taiwan have discussed Taiwan's possible purchase of new
submarines from the U.S. or if the U.S. will help Taiwan to build its own
In response, Greenert has confirmed that both sid... more »
*Greenhouse gas levels hit record high: CO2 levels surged at fastest rate
since records began in 2013, study claims*
*And we're STILL not warming!*
Greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere reached a record high in 2013
driven by a surge in the level of carbon dioxide, a study claims.
Experts say carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations grew at the fastest rate
since reliable global records began and have called for international
action to combat climate change.
The rise in CO2 levels is outpacing fossil fuel use, suggesting that the
planet's natural ability to soak up emissions of the ga... more »
I’ll torpedo submarine deal: Shorten

[image: Soryu class SSK]Bill Shorten has raised memories of World War II as
he vowed to cancel any plan to buy completed submarines from Japan and
build 12 boats for the navy in Adelaide if Labor wins the next federal
The Opposition Leader said the ALP would not be bound by any contracts
signed by the Coalition to buy the next fleet of submarines from Japan,
saying naval projects should ensure “jobs for Aussies”.
In comments that could affect the Abbott government’s commitment to closer
military co-operation with Japan, Mr Shorten invoked World War II to warn
against a d... more »
Submarine leaves base for planned Bulava missile test

[image: Project 955 (Borey) class SSBN]The nuclear-powered submarine
Vladimir Monomakh left Severodvinsk to testfire a Bulava ballistic missile
on September 10, a high-ranking source from the military industry told
Vladimir Monomakh left Severodvinsk on Monday evening. The Bulava launch is
planned for September 10 from a sea test area of the Northern Fleet, the
source said.
The missile will be fired in the presence of Russian Navy Commander in
Chief Viktor Chirkov who is on board the submarine.
Read more
China Continues To Build Islands In The South China Sea

*Why Is China Building Islands in the South China Sea? -- Shannon Tiezzi,
The Diplomat*
A BBC report confirms China’s extensive land reclamation projects in the
South China Sea. What does Beijing gain?
The BBC has published a multimedia report on the scramble for control over
the South China Sea, with a particular focus on the clash between China and
the Philippines. In the BBC report, entitled “China’s Island Factory,”
reporter Rupert Wingfield-Hayes describes his journey on a Filipino fishing
boat to visit “new islands” created by Chinese land reclamation in the
South China Sea.... more »
Mass-Murderer Modi tries to buy Japanese Plutonium.

*Mass-Murderer Modi tries to buy Japanese Plutonium.*
On his recent trip in August/September 2014, to Japan to meet Shinzo Abe,
all this rascal got was Japanese Tea laced with Plutonium dust from
In my blog at papani786 I wrote about Japanese Plutonium Exports. I wrote
it way back in 2011, surprisingly enough, Japan is the world’s largest
exporter of Plutonium (Pu) which is weapons grade.
According to the US congress record, the Japanese government has over the
years made more Plutonium than any other country. Here is the quote:
Congressional Record, V. 149, Pt... more »
Mum forced to leave Australia after discovering gender error on birth certificate - Yahoo!7
Mum forced to leave Australia after discovering gender error on birth
certificate - Yahoo!7
A British woman says she's been forced to surrender her dream life in
Australia, after discovering her birth certificate lists her as a boy.
Mother-of-five Kim Walmsey was mistakenly recorded as a male at her birth
in 1965, meaning her marriage of 23 years was illegal
Upon discovering the mistake, Walmsey found herself unable to renew her
Australian visa and spending over £150,000 on a mission to set things right
in the UK. Worse, when word got out in her Liverpool neighbourhood, Walmsey
b... more »
Evolution IS a Blind Watchmaker
This is a good illustration of the principles involved in my PhD work.
Only I'm attempting to evolve more efficient settings for mutation rate and
population size, so it's about not just genetic algorithms, but
meta-genetic algorithms. Evolving more efficient evolution.
China's Deadliest Missiles Can Now Reach Guam

*China Has A New High-Tech Missile That Can Reach A Major US Base In Guam
-- Business Insider*
National Security Advisor Susan Rice is in China this week, discussing
recent sticking-points in trans-Pacific relations with her counterparts in
Beijing, chief among them a mid-August confrontation between a U.S.
surveillance plane and a Chinese fighter jet over the South China Sea.
There's a lot for U.S. and Chinese security officials to talk through, from
problematic Chinese territorial claims to alleged state-backed hacking of
American government computer systems. One item that could ... more »
Outraged at the core
Sent to the Washington Post, September 9, 2014
The Post says that progressives are "uncomfortable with the role of the
Gates foundation and new tests associated with the (Common Core) standards"
("Common Core 2.0: Common Core by another name," Sept. 10).
Uncomfortable? More accurate would be "outraged."
Outraged not only at Gates' role in the Common Core, but also because the
Common Core imposes a sequence of standards totally unsupported by
research, with no plans to test it.
Outraged because the Common Core is requiring more standardized testing
than we have ever seen on this ... more »
Did Israeli Soldiers Execute Palestinian Militants During The Gaza War?

Smoke rises in the Gaza Strip after an Israeli strike. Reuters
*Did Israel Execute Jihadists In Gaza? -- Jacob Seigel, Daily Beast*
While official investigations are stalled, The Daily Beast reveals
important new details about the apparent summary execution of Palestinian
GAZA CITY, Gaza—More than a month after The Daily Beast reported evidence
suggesting Israeli soldiers carried out the summary execution of six men
amid fierce combat in late July, there are no signs that the Israeli
government is investigating the matter. It has declined to respond to
repeated inquiri... more »
PARCC and SBAC States Agree to Deliver Student-level Data to USDOE
In September 2010, two assessment consortia “won” federal Race to the Top
(RTTT) money for the “design, development, and evaluation of the assessment
system” known as Race to the Top Assessment (RTTA): The Smarter Balanced
Assessment Consortium (SBAC) and the Partnership for Assessment of
Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC). PARCC received $170 million, and
Musical Interlude: Bruce Springsteen, “My Hometown”
Bruce Springsteen, “My Hometown”
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CSFSX-Qh54
Is the U.S. Facing An ‘Unprecedented’ Threat From ISIL Foreign Fighters
*CNN Analysts Warn Of ‘Unprecedented’ Threat From ISIL Foreign Fighters --
CNN security analysts Frances Townsend and Philip Mudd issued a dire
warning about the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant on Anderson Cooper’s
“You and I talked about this,” Cooper said to Mudd, “The State Department
officials were telling CNN the Obama administration is less concerned about
a potential attack by ISIS in the U.S. than it is about the unknown
affiliated actor who decides to do something.”
“I think I’d be worried about both,” said Mudd, who has worked for the FBI
and CIA. “You... more »
The Moreland Commission Re-opens With A New Mandate

As corrupt as Chris Christie, Rick Perry, Scott Walker and Bob McDonnell
Our friends at the Accountability Project are about to launch an
investigative news site looking into criminals that run rampant inside of
our political system. Any day now. *But*, a staffer there, Cara Dee, put
together a pre-launch satirical piece that, in the light of today's primary
in New York, seems a complete match for *DWT*.
ALBANY, NY-- The independent commission that Gov Cuomo created to
investigate and root out corruption reopened today with a new mandate to
focus on the activities of 1011 named poli... more »
Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW) - Climate Change

Welcome to Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW)!
Wondering how to live greener? You've come to the right place. Each week we
challenge ourselves to try a new task ... or "amp up" something we're
already doing. We raise our awareness, learn from each other and develop
Eco-friendly skills which will improve our lives and protect our planet.
Doing so together gives us power ... the power to Change The World!
If this is your first visit, please click HERE for information and a
complete list of all the challenges we've taken on so far.
This post contains great information and I encourage ... more »
This is not satire

No, honest, this really and truly is true. See, from the *Herald*:
[image: image]
$9 million of your money to develop a *game development fund*. To give to *game
Plus another $3 million over three years for something called a “government
chief technology advisor.”
If this were truly satire, I’d be stuck coming up with a worthwhile
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
Welfare family to have second
Britons are outraged that a Kensington couple who rely on welfare to get by
are now having their second child, just a year after their first.
“I don’t want to sound harsh, but shouldn’t they be thinking about how
they’re going to pay for the first one, before popping out another?” said
one furious London resident.
*“*This is just another example of benefit cheats taking us for a ride.
I’m sorry, having kids is lovely, but don’t expect us taxpayers to fork out
to pay for them,” said another.
Further investigations have revealed that the father comes from a
family where wel... more »
The Islamic State Now Has Active Supporters In 32 Countries

*ISIS Is Spreading, Experts Warn -- The Hill*
Experts say the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is spreading to
other countries and inspiring terrorist groups toward greater acts of
ISIS gained global attention in August by beheading two American
journalists and is quickly gaining new followers, including al Qaeda's most
dangerous affiliate.
In a page directly from ISIS's playbook, members of al Qaeda in the Arabian
Peninsula (AQAP) last month captured 14 unarmed Yemeni soldiers, beheaded
them, and then publicized the bloodshed by posting photos and videos
onli... more »
How Does The Islamic State Fund Itself

*How ISIS Funds Its Reign Of Terror -- New York Daily News*
*Plain and simple, it's a criminal gang.*
It is no wonder that the terrorist group ISIS is now calling itself the
“Islamic State.” The group has fashioned a small army out of a mix of
foreign and local fighters, established oil refining and trafficking
operations, and even collects taxes.
Despite longstanding rumors that ISIS has foreign patrons in Gulf States
such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar, there is precious little evidence
that it ever depended on foreign largess. The group mostly brought i... more »
Is Turkey Fueling The Islamic State's War Machine?

*Is NATO Ally Turkey Tacitly Fueling the ISIS War Machine? -- Thomas
Seibert, Daily Beast*
Jihadis transit Turkey to get into the ranks of ISIS, and the Turks buy
millions of dollars worth of diesel fuel that the murderers of Foley and
Sotloff smuggle out.
ISTANBUL, Turkey — The lifeblood of the death-dealing Islamic State is
diesel fuel. And the group widely known by the acronyms ISIS or ISIL is
filling its war chest with millions of dollars earned by smuggling
thousands of tons of of this black gold into neighboring Turkey, according
to independent analysts and Turkish ... more »
New InternetMana billboards

A series of billboards saying things about which politicians have never
resiled would be an excellent resource for this election.
ALCP’s Richard Goode has started the ball rolling with this one above, from
trendsetter and DotCon icon Laila Harre, uttered in the *Evening Post *in
1987 apropos of not much at all.
For young trendsetters who might not get the reference, the *Evening Post *was
a late, unlamented newspaper.
And Stalin was a late, unlamented genocidal murderer.
Coming up next, Annette Sykes laughing and applauding at the September 11
atrocity – “I was laughing, I was ... more »
NBC News/WSJ Poll: U.S. Fear of Terror Attack Soars To 9/11 High
BREAKING: Fear of terror attack high, NBC News/WSJ poll finds
http://t.co/LCBuE1WPz7 Watch @NBCNightlyNews for more.
— NBC News (@NBCNews) September 9, 2014
*ISIS Threat: Fear of Terror Attack Soars to 9/11 High, NBC News/WSJ Poll
Finds -- NBC*
The nation is on edge in the wake of brutal beheadings of journalists by
Islamic extremists — with more Americans saying the United States is less
safe now than at any point since 9/11, a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal
Poll shows.
The exclusive poll reveals that 47% of Americans believe the country is
less sa... more »
New Conservative ad, now with added bonus tracks
from me, celebrating Stephen Harper's economic record. Fixed it for them.
Blurb accompanying original Con ad : *We're better off with Harper*
"With over 1.1 million net new jobs since the recession, Canada’s economy
is on the right track – thanks to the strong leadership of Stephen Harper
and Canada’s Conservatives."
God bless, now.
The Hurdles That The White House Must First Face Before Launching Military Operations In Syria

President Obama on Friday. The president was harshly criticized for
confessing two weeks ago that he did not have a strategy for dealing with
the militants in Syria. Credit Doug Mills/The New York Times
*White House Faces Series of Hurdles for Military Operations in Syria --
New York Times*
WASHINGTON — The White House is wrestling with a series of hurdles in
preparation for military operations in Syria, including how to train and
equip a viable ground force and intervene without aiding President Bashar
al-Assad, people briefed on the plans said Tuesday.
As President Obama cobble... more »
Hey White People! A message from the kids of Ferguson, MO. If there's anything I can't stand it's mouthy, snotty, sarcastic, in your face, precocious little kids...

*and I don't care what the heck color they are.*
What were the makers of this video hoping to accomplish by taping a bunch
of little black kids from Ferguson insulting whitey by insisting we're all
a bunch of Neanderthals for thinking there's no more racism? A radical far
left group called FCKH8 just released this video hoping to sell T-shirts.
It was so annoying, I couldn't even watch the whole thing.
What a cruel thing to do to these kids who were apparently scooped up off
the streets of Ferguson to fling insults at adults.
Video producer Marcus Kon comments, “We wanted to give... more »
President Obama Prepares To Order U.S. Airstrikes On Syria

U.S. President Barack Obama meets with Congressional leaders in the Oval
Office of the White House in Washington to discuss his plan to combat
Islamic State militants operating in Iraq and Syria September 9, 2014.
Credit: Reuters/Kevin Lamarque
*Obama Prepared To Order Airstrikes In Syria As Part Of Strategy Against
Islamic State -- Washington Post*
President Obama is prepared to use U.S. military airstrikes in Syria as
part of an expanded campaign to defeat the Islamic State and does not
believe he needs formal congressional approval to take that action,
according to people who h... more »
Was this "new" Ray Rice abuse video really needed for all to know that something terrible happened in that elevator?

*Janay and Ray Rice*
*"Both the Ravens and the [NFL] said they had not reviewed the footage from
inside the elevator prior to Monday. 'We requested from law enforcement any
and all information about the incident, including the video from inside the
elevator,' the NFL said in a statement early Monday. 'That video was not
made available to us and no one in our office has seen it until today.'"In
a later statement, the league indicated the league's revised punishment
stemmed from the new video footage."*
*-- from Mark Maske's washingtonpost.com report,*
"Baltimore Ravens cut Ray Rice... more »
A Timeline On U.S. Military Action Against Islamist Groups With Links To International Terrorism

Anti-Taliban fighters watch U.S. bombs explode in the Tora Bora mountains
of Afghanistan in December 2001. The airstrikes were targeting Taliban and
al Qaeda operatives in the region. Erik de Castro/Reuters/Landov
*Targeting Terrorists With Bombs And Bullets -- Jason Hanna, CNN*
The U.S. military is conducting airstrikes in Iraq against ISIS, in part to
protect U.S. personnel in the country but also to support Iraqi and Kurdish
forces as they tried to repel the group that has brutally captured a swath
of the country for what it calls its new Islamic caliphate. The strikes are
among... more »
Suicide Attack Decimates The Leadership Of One Of Syria's Rebel Groups

Hassan Abboud (seated) was the head of the political bureau of the Islamic
Front alliance
*Syria Crisis: Blast Kills Leader Of Ahrar al-Sham Group -- BBC*
Hassan Abboud, the leader of the Syrian Islamist insurgents Ahrar al-Sham
has been killed with other top commanders in a bomb blast at a meeting.
Activists say a suicide bomber detonated a vest in the attack in the
north-western town of Ram Hamdan.
Ahrar al-Sham is part of the Islamic Front, a coalition of seven Islamist
rebel groups.
In February, Ahrar al-Sham blamed the rival Islamic State group for an
attack which killed sev... more »
Did A Russian Military Satellite Explode Over The U.S.?

The satellite, launched from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome near Arkhangelsk on
May 6, was designed to drop its film in special canisters from space onto
Russian territory. samspace.ru
*Russia Denies Burn-Up of Military Spy Satellite Over U.S. -- Moscow Times*
The Defense Ministry has challenged reports that a Kobalt-M spy satellite
reentered the Earth's atmosphere and burnt up over the U.S., potentially
leaving Russian military intelligence photos lying in Colorado or Wyoming.
On Sept. 3, the American Meteor Society recorded more than 30 eyewitness
reports of a slow-moving fireball cross... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
"Sometimes, you can put some night sky in your art. Captured above Japan
earlier this month, a picturesque night sky was photographed behind a
picturesque frosted leaf. The reflecting ice crystals on the leaf coolly
mimic the shining stars far in the background. The particular background
sky on this 48-second wide angle exposure, however, might appear quite
interesting and familiar.
*Click this extraordinary image for larger size.*
On the far left, although hard to find, appears a streaking meteor. Below
and to the right of the meteor appears a longer and brighter streak of an
airpl... more »
by Ken Wilber
"Thought proceeds in a line, while the real world does not. Thought is
sequential, successive, one-dimensional, while the real world presents
itself as a multidimensional, simultaneous pattern of infinite variety.
Thought presents us with the convincing illusion that the world is
multiple, separate and independent things existing out there.
As everybody knows, you can’t think of even two or three things at once
without being thrown into confusion, and so, to introduce some measure of
coherence and order, the thought process, with the help of memory, str... more »
Chet Raymo, “Somewhere Over The Rainbow”
*“Somewhere Over The Rainbow” *
by Chet Raymo
“One of the wackier ideas to have emerged from modern physics is parallel
universes. That's right, folks. This universe that we live in may not be
the only universe. There may exist an uncountable number of universes, some
nearly identical to this one, others wildly different. Even as you read,
zillions of new universes may be blossoming into existence. If these other
universes exist, then some of them contain other yous and other mes.
How strange those words look on the page: You and me in the plural. There
are no such words in the dic... more »
"What Is Consciousness?"
"What Is Consciousness?"
As Seen On: UniqueDaily.com
Psychology: “Different Bodies, Different Minds: The Handedness Bias”
*“Different Bodies, Different Minds: *
*The Handedness Bias”*
by Association for Psychological Science
“We like to think of ourselves as rational creatures, absorbing
information, weighing it carefully, and making thoughtful decisions. But,
as it turns out, we're kidding ourselves. Over the past few decades,
scientists have shown there are many different internal and external
factors influencing how we think, feel, communicate, and make decisions at
any given moment. One particularly powerful influence may be our own
bodies, according to new research reviewed in the December issue of... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Aztec, New Mexico, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
"Life Is Never Easy..."
"Life is never easy for those who dream."
- Robert James Waller
"Moving Through Darkness: The Places We Go"
*"Moving Through Darkness: The Places We Go"*
by The DailyOM
"Often it takes something major to wake us up as we struggle to maintain an
illusion of control. In life, most of us want things to go to the places we
have envisioned ourselves going. We have plans and visions, some of them
divinely inspired, that we want to see through to completion. We want to be
happy, successful, and healthy, all of which are perfectly natural and
perfectly human. So when life takes us to places we didn’t consciously want
to go, we often feel as if something has gone wrong, or we must have made a
mis... more »
The Poet: William Stafford, "You Reading This, Be Ready"
*"You Reading This, Be Ready"*
"Starting here, what do you want to remember?
How sunlight creeps along a shining floor?
What scent of old wood hovers, what softened
sound from outside fills the air?
Will you ever bring a better gift for the world
than the breathing respect that you carry
wherever you go right now? Are you waiting
for time to show you some better thoughts?
When you turn around, starting here, lift this
new glimpse that you found; carry into evening
all that you want from this day. This interval you spent
reading or hearing this, keep it for life.
What can anyone give yo... more »
"Justifying Evil"
*"Justifying Evil"*
"Obviously the present crisis throughout the world is exceptional, without
precedent. There have been crises of varying types at different periods
throughout history - social, national, political. Crises come and go;
economic recessions, depressions, come, get modified, and continue in a
different form. We know that; we are familiar with that process. Surely the
present crisis is different, is it not? It is different first because we
are dealing not with money nor with tangible things but with ideas. The
crisis is exceptional because it is in the field of ideati... more »
Restoring Wright Buildings with 3d printing
*Frank Lloyd Wright’s Millard House or “La Miniatura”*
While everyone has been talking about trying to 3d print houses, Frank
Lloyd Wright’s ‘textile block’ buildings are being restored for pennies in
the pound with 3d printed textured blocks.
His Annie Pfeiffer Chapel at Florida Southern College—part of a composition
of twelve buildings at the South Florida campus designed as a “harmonious
whole expressing the spirit of the college free from grandomania:--has had
a makeover with the help of 3d-printed textile blocks replacing weathered
and aged blocks.
The cost to recast Wright... more »
"All Man Can Do..."
“All man can do is lose one life, but also keep in mind that all we have
is one life, so that the longest life and the shortest life amount to the
same thing. Our only loss is the passing minute which is every man's equal
possession for he cannot lose what is already passed nor what he does not
possess in the future. Only the present can be lost for this is all that is
man's. Also remember that the cycles of the world exhibit the same
recurring pattern, so it makes no difference how long you watch them
- Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
He Proudly Added That Although He Worked for BP, He Was Also An Operative for MI6, British Intelligence (Real Story of Why Deepwater Horizon Got Official Shrug in US/GB and Case On Hold As New Contract Awarded)
Poor Chelsea Manning. Nothing stays a secret for long I've always said.
(Except maybe the CIA-driven portion (h/t GHWB) of the JFK murder.) After
what British Petroleum (BP) has been allowed to get away with as "standard
business practices," my guess is that the Fukushima/TEPCO "collaboration"
was a done deal before it blew (too). Gotta love those Raygun deregulators
more and more every day,
Restoring Wright Buildings with 3d printing
*Frank Lloyd Wright’s Millard House or “La Miniatura”*
While everyone has been talking about trying to 3d print houses, Frank
Lloyd Wright’s ‘textile block’ buildings are being restored for pennies in
the pound with 3d printed textured blocks.
His Annie Pfeiffer Chapel at Florida Southern College—part of a composition
of twelve buildings at the South Florida campus designed as a “harmonious
whole expressing the spirit of the college free from grandomania:--has had
a makeover with the help of 3d-printed textile blocks replacing weathered
and aged blocks.
The cost to recast Wright... more »
“Time Is Getting A Wee Bit Short”
*“Time Is Getting A Wee Bit Short”*
by Karl Denninger
“I've noticed a few things of late... I'm an observer of people, by and
large. I'm the guy who sits and talks with the bartender, or simply sits
back and appears to be reading some article on my phone while sipping my
Rum & Diet. I peruse dozens of news sources daily, filtering all with a
rather jaundiced eye, as most are horribly biased and many are
intentionally dishonest.
But through all of this I've noted a shift- one that I've seen before, but
this time it's more-pervasive, more arrogant, and just generally worse.
It's th... more »
"There Is A Twilight..."
"As nightfall does not come all at once, neither does oppression. In both
instances, there is a twilight when everything remains seemingly unchanged.
And it is in such twilight that we all must be most aware of change in the
air -
however slight - lest we become unwitting victims of the darkness."
- Justice William O. Douglas
Public might blame both sides, but holds government responsible for inaction on strike
Both sides are losing in the teachers’ dispute. The spin and counter-spin,
PR gestures and ad campaigns aren’t moving the parties any closer to a deal.
More and more people - as an informal sampling by The Tyee suggested - are
sick of both the BCTF and the government.
Which means the government is going to have to step in and end the strike.
The chances of a negotiated settlement were always tiny. The posturing by
both sides and unwillingness or inability even to bargain the key issues
has reduced them to about zero.
Each side blames the other.
But - and it is an enormous but - only on... more »
“Resistance is Futile: The Violent Cost of Challenging the American Police State”
*“Resistance is Futile: *
*The Violent Cost of Challenging the American Police State”*
By John W. Whitehead
“Police are specialists in violence. They are armed, trained, and
authorized to use force. With varying degrees of subtlety, this colors
their every action. Like the possibility of arrest, the threat of violence
is implicit in every police encounter. Violence, as well as the law, is
what they represent.”—Kristian Williams, activist and author
“If you don’t want to get probed, poked, pinched, tasered, tackled,
searched, seized, stripped, manhandled, arrested, shot, or killed, d... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials On The Ukraine Civil War And The Involvement Of Russia

Map: "Novorossiya" and Eastern Ukraine
*Putin's New Russia: What the Future May Hold for Eastern Ukraine --
Benjamin Bidder, Markus Feldenkirchen, Marc Hujer and Matthias Schepp,
Deutshe Welle *
The fragile cease-fire in Ukraine appears to be holding, but President
Vladimir Putin still has the upper hand. Increasingly, it looks like he
intends to establish a Russian protectorate in eastern Ukraine.
In the morning, when he drives from his apartment across from the German
Embassy to his office in the Kiev city hall, everything seems normal.
Outdoor cafés are humming with activity an... more »
Major foreign corporation with US-military and IDF ties buys a "security and policy institute" at "Allan Rock's university" in Canada's capital
Denis G. Rancourt
The University of Ottawa was a reputable institution of higher learning
in Canada's capital city, before it was taken-over in 2008 by former
federal politician and former Canadian Ambassador to the UN Allan Rock.
Following his appointment, Rock immediately proceeded to bring in all
his own people to run the place in
France Delays Sea Trials Of Russian Warship
*French Sea Trials Of Russian Warship Suspended: Source -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - A forthcoming sea trial of a French-built Mistral helicopter
carrier due to be delivered to Russia has been suspended for technical
reasons, a source close to the matter said on Tuesday.
Under pressure from allies, France said last week that it wanted to see
whether a ceasefire between pro-Russian separatists and Ukrainian forces
held before deciding whether it could deliver the ship as planned on Nov. 1.
A nine-day sea trial with Russian sailors on board was due to start on
*Read more *...... more »
Lavrov: West may use ISIS as pretext to bomb Syria and Obama speech prime time
*There is a reason I like Mr Lavrov- Lavrov: West may use ISIS as pretext
to bomb Syrian govt forces*
The West absolutely is using ISIS as a pretext to justify bombing Syria's
army and it's sovereign territory- You have all been reading that from me
for a while now. Same as they used ISIS as a pretext for regime change in
[image: Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov adresses to his Malian
counterpart Abdoulaye Diop (not pictured) during their meeting in Moscow,
September 9, 2014. (Reuters/Sergei Karpukhin)]Sergei Lavrov*Flashback!*
August 28/14- *ISIS = Smoke & Mirrors.... more »
When caught lying, Keenan always feign wrong person.

*Admin: the latest post by GrandeLander highlights the following points:-
Why is Keenan still supporting "King Ed. Silva" (a member of his team) the
criminal fake king who hijacked the real "Independence for Hawaii Nation"
*- Kingdom of Colonia St John is obviously fake. By extension so is H.E
Count Albert Chiang who Neil Keenan said is a senior member of the
mysterious elusive Dragon Family. *
*- Is the Dragon Family which Keenan claims to be representing, equally a
fake contortion?*
*- The enormous oil potential beneath the disputed islands of Spratly
Region may... more »
If it weren’t for the black feather on the floor, I would have thought he was a mirage.

Robert Fisk knows who this is. Do you?
Oh dear God! I am appalled, absolutely appalled, that Karl Sharro (subject
of a recent 'Is' post) has just been re-tweeted, approvingly, by the BBC's
Jon Donnison (subject of more than 600 recent 'Is' posts). ['Is', of
course, standing for 'Is the BBC biased?' rather than 'Islamic State'.]
Still, the re-tweet in question...
My Robert Fisk parody, which is my favorite post, has dropped from my top
ten list for the first time, please help: http://t.co/aGPlxWs1d6
— Karl Sharro (@KarlreMarks) September 9, 2014
...takes us a brilliant spoof of the... more »
EU Delays Adopting New Russia Sanctions As It Assesses The Ukraine Ceasefire
*EU To Assess Ukraine Cease-Fire as New Russian Sanctions Weighed --
European Union governments tomorrow will reopen discussions about the
viability of a cease-fire in Ukraine as the bloc weighs whether to pull the
trigger on tougher sanctions against Russia.
The scheduled talks in Brussels among diplomats from the 28 member nations
follow the EU’s abrupt decision yesterday to put on hold for at least a
“few days” a second package of economic penalities against Russia over its
encroachment in Ukraine. The delay offered more time to assess the
effectiveness of the cease... more »
Ukraine Cease Fire Still Holding
*Fragile Truce Holding in East Ukraine -- Voice of America*
A cease-fire seems to held throughout day-time ours in eastern Ukraine,
despite sporadic skirmishes and an overnight shelling of the city of
Witnesses said Ukrainian positions in the rebel-held city were hit by
mortar and rocket fire four times during the night.
One woman was injured in the fighting, the Donetsk city council told The
Associated Press.
Skirmishes have also been reported near the port city of Mariupol.
Ukraine's National Security and Defense Council spokesman Andriy Lysenko
said five Ukrainian se... more »
Post by Dave DG.
Gordon Brown's fiscal profligacy finally outed – Telegraph Blogs
'... tax revenues were consistently falling short of spending from about
2002 onwards. These were mostly boom years economically, yet tax revenues
repeatedly came in lower than the Government's optimistic, and apparently
largely made up, forecasts for them. The fiscal rules were bent and
manipulated to ensure compliance. For the five years from 2002/3 onwards,
the Government consistently ran a budget deficit of between 2.5 and 3.5 per
cent of GDP.
As a result overall government debt rose at a time when most industrialised
countries were paying theirs down, leaving the UK peculiarl... more »
Thoughts on Scottish independence and the BBC

What would Scottish independence mean for the BBC (an organisation famously
founded by a Scot)?
I will admit that, until I was prompted to think about it, the fate of the
BBC was pretty low down my priorities when it comes to thinking about the
possibility of Scotland becoming independent from the rest of the United
Though English, I'm roughly one-thirds Scottish (a Scottish granddad from
Glasgow, plus more distant Scots on other ancestral branches), and we
holiday in Scotland more than anywhere else, my childhood dog was a
tim'rous West Highland called Robbie, I buy a ... more »
Is Henry Cuellar The Worst Democrat In Congress?

Often Democratic acquaintances of mine makes excuses for Blue Dogs and New
Dems-- the Republican wing of the Democratic Party-- and their horrible
voting records vy saying, "but look how red is district is." And sure
enough, the 8 most prohibitively Republican districts held by Democrats are
all held by Blue Dogs and New Dems with horrible anti-progressive voting
*•* UT-04- Jim Matheson (PVI- R+16)
*•* NC-07- Mike McIntyre (PVI- R+12)
*•* GA-12- John Barrow (PVI- R+9)
*•* MN-07- Collin Peterson (PVI- R+6)
*•* AZ-01- Ann Kirkpatrick (PVI- R+4)
*•* AZ-02- Ron Barber (PVI- R+... more »
Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- September 9, 2014
*A President Whose Assurances Have Come Back to Haunt Him -- Peter Baker,
New York Times*
WASHINGTON — When President Obama addresses the nation on Wednesday to
explain his plan to defeat Islamic extremists in Iraq and Syria, it is a
fair bet he will not call them the “JV team.”
Nor does he seem likely to describe Iraq as “sovereign, stable and
self-reliant” with a “representative government.” And presumably he will
not assert after more than a decade of conflict that “the tide of war is
As he seeks to rally Americans behind a new military campaign in the Middle
East,... more »
The Realist Report - Lenon Honor
On this edition of The Realist Report, we'll be joined once again by
author, film maker, and musician *Lenon Honor*. Lenon and I will be
discussing his book *The 911 Fear-Based Mind Control Program* as we
approach the 13th anniversary of the events of 9/11. You can download the
entire program *here.*
Be sure to visit the shop I set up for *The Realist Report at Cafe Press*,
and pick up a Weapon of Mass Deception t-shirt today!
Below are relevant links for this program:
- *The Truth About September 11th, 2001 (vid)*
- *Book Review - The 911 Fear-Based Mind Control Program*
... more »
Top 9 Countries That Send Jihadists To Islamic State
'Which countries lead in contributing fighters to the Levant, particularly
Iraq and Syria, might surprise you.
Using only official statements and credible reports, Business Insider has
compiled data to show rising numbers of jihadists from each country:
France – 700
U.K. – 400
Germany – 320
Belgium – 250
Australia – 200
Netherlands – 130
Canada – 100
U.S. – 100
Spain – 51
But the numbers are believed to be much higher than confirmed, as high as
3,000 from the top 9 nations.
Per capita, however, Belgium is the biggest source of western ISIS
More here
http://www.jewsn... more »
World News Briefs -- September 9, 2014
*Obama's Islamic State Strategy Draws Global Focus -- Voice of America*
LONDON - World leaders will be watching U.S. President Barack Obama’s
speech Wednesday to see how far he has come in developing a strategy to
fight the Islamic State group, with particular interest in whether he will
be able to bring Middle Eastern countries into the coalition announced in
Wales last week.
The United States has launched more than 100 airstrikes against the
militants in Iraq, supporting local forces and protecting key
*Read more* ....
US expands airstrikes* int... more »
Sept. 8: anything happening in Scotland? Nae
The Scottish vote on separation from Britain is nearing. And polls are
showing the separatists in the lead. The effects on England, militarily,
economically and diplomatically, will be serious. And so ends the Union
Jack that hung in the front of my grade one class, the one for which we
would stand every morning, and say, hands on hearts - "I pledge allegiance
to this flag and to the Empire for which it stands."
So now, it seems possible the cross of St.Andrew will be ripped out of the
flag, a symbol of the last shred of empire.
Separation wouldn't really be a turning point. Brita... more »

*Mike Michaud (left), Paul Lepage (Center) and Eliot Cutler (right) are all
running to be Maine's next governor. LePage, the right-wing Republican, is
the incumbant*
These three are running to be the next governor of Maine. Mike Michaud
(Democrat), Paul LePage (Republican) and Eliot Cutler (Independent) are now
in the heat of the race.
Maine's basically an extraction colony. Lumber, water, fishing, mill towns,
hunting and tourism have been the chief money maker for this state. Alot
of those jobs are now gone, or faltering like the fish count in the ocean
because of rising ocea... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- September 9, 2014
*Obama Discussing Islamic State Threat with Key Officials -- Voice of
President Barack Obama and key officials are meeting Tuesday to discuss how
to combat the advance of Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria, as he
considers whether to expand airstrikes in the region.
Obama is weighing whether to launch aerial attacks over Islamic State
strongholds in eastern Syria. He says his goal is "to degrade and defeat"
the insurgents.
President Obama is meeting with Secretary of State John Kerry, the top four
congressional leaders, Democrat Harry Reid and Republican Mitch McC... more »
The Islamic State Declares War Against Twitter

The warning came from the now-suspended account of Al Musra Al Maqdisia, an
ISIS-linked group in Israel
*ISIS Declares War On Twitter: Terror Group Warns Employees They Will Be
Assassinated For Closing Down Islamist Propaganda Accounts -- Daily Mail*
* Jerusalem-based group connected to ISIS tweeted threat to Twitter
* Called on 'lone wolves' to assassinate employees for closing accounts
* Issued specific warning to staff at headquarters in Silicon Valley
* The social media site is a key platform for the group's propaganda
An ISIS-affiliated group has threatened to assassinate Twitte... more »
Supplemental: Rachel rolls her eyes at Jesus himself!
*TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2014Our own entertainment and pablum:* The goodies
and parsons of Salem Village were out last night in force.
Last night, the parsons and goodies sere focused on the videotape of Ray
Rice and Janay Rice. A great deal of moral certainty was widely and dumbly
So it has always been from our many parsons and goodies. Last Friday night,
the parsons and goodies were still focused on the trial of Robert
Before we look at the dunking McDonnell received from Rachel Maddow, we
wanted to mention a couple of pieces from the Washington Post.
How... more »
Islamic State Using Captured U.S. And Saudi Weapons To Wage Jihad Across The Middle East

Islamic State fighters parade through Raqqa in Syria. The militant on the
left holds an American-made M16 assault rifle. Photograph: Reuters
*Isis Jihadis Using Captured Arms And Troop Carriers From US And Saudis --
The Guardian*
*Obama considers focusing on Isis bases in Syria as study finds jihadis
have anti-tank rockets seized from rival rebels there*
The jihadi group surging through Iraq and Syria is using large captured
US-made weapons and has access to anti-tank rockets supplied by Saudi
Arabia to a moderate rebel group, according to a report published on Monday.
The study b... more »
Car Bomb Attacks In Iraq 2012 Pt. III
MUSINGS ON IRAQ - 18 hours ago
*Car Bomb Attacks In Iraq Jul 2012*
Jul 1
Jul 2
Jul 3
Friha x2
Shiite pilgrims in market
Jul 4
Jul 5
Police patrol
Jul 6
Jul 7
Jul 8
Jul 9
Jul 10
Jul 11
Jul 12
Jul 13
Jul 14
Jul 15
Hussieni rituals office
Jul 16
Jul 17
Jul 18
Jul 19
... more »
Israel Providing Satellite Imagery And Other Intelligence On Islamic State To The U.S., Turkey, And Arab States

The launch of Israel's Ofek spy 7 satellite in June, 2007 Photo by Israel
Aerospace Industries
*Israel Provides Intelligence On Islamic State - Western Diplomat --
* Israeli Defence Ministry declines comment
* Israel concerned Islamic State could reach its borders
JERUSALEM, Sept 8 (Reuters) - Israel has provided satellite imagery and
other intelligence in support of the U.S.-led aerial campaign against
Islamic State in Iraq, a Western diplomat said on Monday.
Once "scrubbed" of evidence of its Israeli origin, the information has
often been shared by Washington with Arab ... more »
The Fuller Brush Off

(By *American Zen*'s Mike Flannigan. on loan from Ari.)
"*I reached this difficult decision after consulting with my family, and
deciding that it was in everyone's best interests to put this incident
behind us.*" - Judge Mark Fuller, through his lawyer on his "difficult
decision" to evade justice for beating his wife.
On the same day Michael Brown was getting shot six times for Holding
Up His Hands While Black, a white man was savagely beating and kicking his
wife in a hotel room at the Ritz Carlton in Atlanta. According to the
police report,
“Immediately upon entering the ro... more »
I "Mickey" NY Shirt

When we were in New York last year, we kept seeing these darling Mickey
Mouse New York shirts all over the place. We loved them, but unfortunately
for whatever reason, we couldn't find one in my daughter's size. When we
got home one of the first things I did was sit down to make her one. I made
this shirt using a Cricut Explore, I actually don't personally own the
machine but was using a friend's. It was a fun to use machine and I love
some of the easy features it has. This particular tutorial is for most of
the basics, we will get more in depth in later ones.
You will need:
-... more »
U.S. National Security Adviser Susan Rice In China To Prepare For Obama Visit. Trade Barbs With Chinese Officials Over Jet Intercepts

U.S. National Security Advisor Susan Rice (L), shakes hands with Chinese
President Xi Jinping during a meeting at the Great Hall of the People, in
Beijing September 9, 2014. Credit: REUTERS/Andy Wong/Pool
*U.S., China Security Leaders Trade Barbs Over Jet Maneuvers -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Top U.S. and China security officials traded accusations this
week over what the United States said was China's intercept of a U.S. Navy
patrol plane near the southern island province of Hainan.
U.S. National Security Adviser Susan Rice, on a three-day visit to Beijing,
told several senior Chinese... more »
Psychiatry Is A FRAUD: Vaccine Fraud? What About Psychiatric Fraud? Staggering!
For the longest time, I and others in what I call the "real truth movement"
have been working hard at exposing the fraud of vaccinations.... It is a
fact that vaccines absolutely do NOT work, and in fact the vaccines that
the criminals in our Pharmaceutical industry have been dispensing on
gullible victims works to weaken our immune systems and in fact cause
severe neurological and physical disorders due to the poisonous chemicals
that they contain.... It is frightening to watch as people act as dumb ass
sheep and blindly and gullibly line up to take vaccines in their bodies...
I ha... more »
Boko Haram Is Carving Out A Caliphate In Nigeria
*Killing And Preaching, Nigerian Militants Carve Out 'Caliphate' -- Voice
of America/Reuters*
GOMBE, NIGERIA — First comes the killing, then the preaching.
Islamist Boko Haram militants carrying automatic rifles and machetes roar
into northeast Nigerian towns or hamlets in columns of pickup trucks and
motorbikes and fire at all adult men they see. They often finish them off
with knives.
When they have hoisted their black flag inscribed with Koranic verses over
government offices or the local emir's palace, they tell the surviving
women they will marry them and “live in peace,” ac... more »
3 Russian Fighter Jets Buzz A Canadian Frigate In The Black Sea
*Russian Military Planes Buzzed HMCS Toronto In Black Sea -- CBC News *
HMCS Toronto left Halifax for Black Sea in late July Russia's military
acted in an "unnecessarily provocative" manner when its aircraft circled a
Canadian ship in the Black Sea on Sunday, says Canada's minister of
national defence.
"The acts perpetrated by Russia were unnecessarily provocative and are
likely to increase tensions further," said Rob Nicholson in a written
statement, saying it did not matter if the aircraft circling HMCS Toronto
had posed no threat.
*Read more *....
*More News On Russian Jet... more »
10 Signs That ISIS is a Scripted Psyop

*Scripted Oddities Portray ISIS As "James Bond" of Terrorism*
Bernie Suarez
Has the ISIS psyop calmed down a bit? Before it dies out let's examine some
incredible ironies and oddities surrounding CIA's ISIS. After all, the ISIS
psyop deserves a thorough analysis from every angle, so I thought it
appropriate to outline for the sake of humanity. Hopefully, humanity can
use the ISIS psyop as a tool for the final or further awakening. It may be
wishful thinking, but it is worth exposing every crack and corner of this
psyop and let government know that we are not going for it this time... more »
MH17 Truth deep sixed in return for Ukraine Ceasefire?

*MH17 shot down by air-to-air gunfire...Who did it? Why?*
I believe the MH17 report released this morning constitutes a term of the recent
peace agreement forged by Putin and Poroshenko. I believe Putin had
information/evidence directly implicating the Ukraine government in the
shoot down which he traded for Poroshenko’s sign on to the peace agreement.
This happened during a phone conversation between Putin and Poroshenko last
week just before the Friday ceasefire. Interestingly, Putin called
Poroshenko while flying over Siberia. He was also in the air on the phone
during the a... more »
Could November Prove To Be A Wipeout For Kansas Republican Extremists?

Kansas has been nearly a one party state for a very long time. Ravaged by
the Republican Party's Great Depression, Kansans voted for Franklin
Roosevelt in 1932 (against Hoover) and in 1936 (against Alf Landon, their
former governor). After that they went back to their innate conservatism,
backing Wendell Willkie against Roosevelt in 1940 and Thomas Dewey against
Roosevelt in 1944. There have been 17 presidential elections since then and
the only time Kansas voted for a Democrats was in 1964 when they backed LBJ
over Goldwater 54.09- 45.06. In 2012 Kansas was one of the only states ... more »
Ebola Spreading Exponentially In West Africa
*Ebola Will Infect Thousands More People In Liberia Within Weeks, Says WHO
-- The Guardian/Reuters*
UN agency says conventional measures to control deadly virus are not
working, with patients overflowing new clinics
Ebola is spreading fast in Liberia, where many thousands of new cases are
expected over the coming three weeks, the World Health Organisation has
"Transmission of the Ebola virus in Liberia is already intense and the
number of new cases is increasing exponentially," the WHO said in a
statement on Monday.
The organisation noted that motorbike and regular taxis a... more »
Herding Cats

Surprisingly its much easier to herd humans, cows, dogs and sheep.
Wow do I get my honorary doctorate in Anthropology now?
The cats are getting fatter and the masters of psych ops are
getting thin. Its going to be chaotic for sure
but I see a new world
where the advance of technology
is not a weapon
but an equalizer
and those with a big
obsolete armory
are going to fight hard
Dutch Preliminary Report On The Downing Of Malaysian Flight MH17 Released
*MH17 Crash: Dutch Experts Say Numerous Objects Hit Plane -- BBC*
Dutch experts say Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 broke up in mid-air after
being hit by "objects" that "pierced the plane at high velocity" in July.
The new report also said there was "no evidence of technical or human
Correspondents say this matches claims that MH17 was hit by missile
Investigators relied on cockpit data, air traffic control and images, as
the crash site in eastern Ukraine remains too dangerous to access amid
fighting between government troops and rebels.
The plane was flying fro... more »
Are U.S. Airstrikes In Iraq Only Escalating The Sectarian Conflict?

A Kurdish Peshmerga fighter moves into position while firing into Baretle
village (background), which is controlled by the Islamic State, in Khazir,
on the edge of Mosul September 8, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Ahmed Jadallah
*Iraq's Shi'ite Militia, Kurds Use U.S. Air Strikes To Further Own Agendas
-- Reuters*
(Reuters) - A small group of people pick through putrefying human remains
laid out on plastic sheets by the side of a road in northern Iraq,
searching for any trace of missing friends and relatives.
Some had brought spades to help dig up the mass grave near Suleiman Beg
after the... more »
Florida Newspaper Touts “Smart Meters”, Ignores Scientific Data

Image Credit: StopSmartMeters.org James F. Tracy
In a recent editorial, “Smart-Meter Phobia Sad, But Don’t Cut Power,” the *Palm
Beach Post* hyped safety claims of Florida Power and Light / Next Era
Energy accompanying the utility’s statewide “smart meter” deployment while
condemning the roughly 6,000 Florida households that have declined such
The *Post* often weighs in on regional and state affairs with a
discriminating editorial voice. In this instance, however, the paper’s
editorial staff has chosen to ignore hard scientific data that clearly lay
out the health-r... more »
Do I suck and blow whishing for Scottish Independance?
When it comes to Quebec I see the elephant in an entirely different way. To
keep the cognitive dissonance from the door I implore some defense of my
British Torys are ISIS while the current Canadian tea conservatives are
merely Taliban. Canada has a long history of true Federalism. The roots of
white Euros are not deep in Canada. PET was our PM and his son Justin seems
to be carried along by a true democratic wave to be the next one.
I have to say and is that poor writing in every way. I would not mind a
independent Quebec in an EU type open border establishment. In fact ... more »
Small Business Ownership In America Is At An All-Time Low

Michael Snyder
According to the Federal Reserve, the percentage of American families that
own a small business is at the lowest level that has ever been recorded.
In a report that was just released entitled "Changes in U.S. Family
Finances from 2010 to 2013: Evidence from the Survey of Consumer Finances",
the Federal Reserve revealed that small business ownership in America "fell
substantially" between 2010 and 2013. Even in the midst of this so-called
"economic recovery", small business ownership in America has now fallen to
an all-time low.
If the economy truly was healthy, t... more »
Wherein right-wing blogs become as disgustingly obnoxious as left-wing blogs...

*knocking them off my reading list.*
I rarely take the time to leave comments on a blog post with which I
disagree. I figure it's their blog and they are free to say anything they
want. If, after time, I disagree with them too often, I just quit going
there. Simple.
I also don't like to see blog administrators continually berate and
belittle their commenters. If the comment was so horrible (such as those
left by my troll, hence the comment moderation), they should not be
So when a blog administrator purposely allows a comment they disagree with,
and then attacks the ... more »
Ebola: Making Disease Profitable

*Experimental Vaccines*
GSK Fast-tracked into clinical trials
CFR Council on Fake Realities Vaccine Created Outbreaks? MAP
GSK’s Ebola vaccine to begin US clinical trials in weeks
Human Trial for Ebola Vaccine to Begin This Week
Ebola Vaccine to Get Human Trial for the First Time
Clinical Trials Ebola Vaccine Studies
Ebola Experimental Vaccine for Prevention of Ebola Virus Infection
Vaccine Exemption Forms
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
More Real History Revealed: DNA Evidence Proves Jack The Ripper Was Indeed Insane Jew Aaron Kosminski !
In my search for the real truths about our history, I have come across some
amazing articles and reports that show that much of our history has been
purposely hidden to hide the facts that the most evil criminal "Chosen
Ones" are responsible for some of the most heinous crimes committed.... One
major example is the murderer known as "Jack The Ripper" who for years has
been speculated as being an insane Jewish immigrant known as Aaron
We have had the stories about exactly who Jack the Ripper actually was
polluted over the years by wild stories that he was possibly a m... more »
NATO- Global Terrorizer & Pepe catches up to Penny on NATO's jihadists Russian threat
*It's NATO news day today! *
*Updated with that much anticipated MH-17 report- scroll down*
*NATO accounts for most of the planetary military spending*
-The stats speak entirely for themselves. For NATO to portray Russia as a
threat is the height of absurdity. This narrative only serves one group and
that is NATO
The article linked is from February of this year. Cuts to NATO spending
will now be reversed, thanks to the Russian ‘threat’ meme pushed on the
population for the purpose of management of perception, as peace becomes
* The combined defense expenditures of all NAT... more »
They Just Keep Saying ISIS Is Going to Attack America’s Electric Grid

Melissa Melton
Leading into another 9/11 anniversary, the normal al Qaeda scarefest is
nowhere to be found. This year’s fearmongering is all about ISIS, and
September started by taking the rhetoric up a notch.
Back in August, it was all about how ISIS is tremendously well-funded and
like nothing the Pentagon had ever seen and another 9/11 was on the way.
Then we were told an ISIS terror attack on American streets is highly
likely; so likely, in fact, that an Imminent Terrorist Attack Warning By
Feds on US Border alert was released featuring the possibility that ISIS
groups operat... more »
Serve and Protect is Now “Search and Destroy”

Lily Dane
Anyone who has been paying attention is aware that we have a growing
domestic terrorism problem here in America.
And by domestic terrorism, I mean our militarized police departments.
Here’s how the FBI defines domestic terrorism, from their website:
“Domestic terrorism” means activities with the following three
- Involve acts dangerous to human life that violate federal or state law;
- Appear intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;
- Occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the U.S.
Indeed, uniformed thugs pol... more »
U.S. Using Heavy Bombers To Attack Islamic State Fighters In Iraq

B-1B bombers deployed to Al-Ubeid Airbase in Qatar probably carried out the
airstrikes in Iraq. Source: US Air Force
*US Heavy Bombers Carry Out More Strikes In Iraq -- IHS Jane 360*
US heavy bombers - probably Rockwell B-1B Lancers - have carried out a
second series of airstrikes against the Islamic State militant group in
The bombers' participation was revealed by a 7 September US Central Command
(CENTCOM) statement, which said the air operation had targeted Islamic
State in Syria and the Levant (ISIL) forces around Al-Hadithah Dam, aimed
at preventing then seizing the da... more »
My friend Michael Collins writes beautiful, well researched articles from time to time, and this one couldn't be more timely. Here he explains why the Ukrainian government and its armed forces are both on the verge of collapse due to incompetent government and the militia of the Russian speaking people of the Donetsk Peoples Republic that they have been attacking (NOT a Russian invasion). It is now possible that Ukraine may become a failed state and, if so, Washington will have to find a new story line for its failed effort to place NATO missiles on the Ukraine-Russian border.

*OpEdNews Op Eds 9/4/2014 at 08:14:54*
Fascists Units and Regular Army Head for Kiev-Maidan Anti Gov Protests *By
Michael Collins (about the author)* Permalink
opednews.com*Headlined to H1 9/4/14*
Right Sector Thugs at Maidan in February
(image by WikiCommons)
Ukraine may be headed for another round of Maidan Square protests that
dwarf those seen in February. Regular army soldiers and special fascist
*punisher* battalions are leaving the battle field with a very bad attitude
toward the government of United States puppet, President Petro Poroshenko.
... more »
*TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2014Part 2—When pundits began chasing mammon:* In
the street-fighting class of 1969, we kids had a lot of on our plates.
There were the usual academic pursuits. Beyond that, we were busy stopping
a war—and it was youngsters like Jacob Weisberg we were trying to help.
For all posts in this award-winning series, click here.
Seventeen years later, Weisberg was a senior at Yale. By that time, the
young people didn’t have to spend their time devising plans to avoid the
draft. They were able to focus on the things that truly matter!
In Weisberg’s case, this led h... more »
Is Counter-Insurgency Making A Comeback In U.S. Foreign Policy?
*America’s Resumption Of ‘The Long War’ -- Michael Gerson, Washington Post*
As the United States pivots back to the Middle East — in belated
recognition that its enemies never pivoted from their intention to
establish a territorial expression of radical Islamism — President Obama is
more likely to change his policy than to change his rhetoric. We are more
likely, in other words, to see “boots on the ground” in Iraq (already more
than 1,000 troops are in supportive roles) than we are to hear an admission
that the administration’s foreign policy approach has shifted.
Obama now wants... more »
Islamic State’s Destruction Of Iraq’s Yazidi Community
Amnesty International recently released a report “Ethnic Cleansing On A
Historic Scale: Islamic State’s Systematic Targeting of Minorities In
Northern Iraq,” which added new detail to the mass killings and
imprisonment of Yazidis in Iraq’s Ninewa province. The Islamic State (IS)
attacked the Sinjar area early on the morning of August 3, 2014. The
Kurdish peshmerga withdrew without telling the local Yazidis leaving them
to fend for themselves. Immediately after the fall of the area there were
stories that IS was carrying out massacres and kidnapping women. Amnesty’s
paper has docum... more »
President Obama's Strategy To Combat The Islamic State Will Cost $5 Billion

US President Barack Obama speaks about the situation in Iraq from the South
Lawn of the White House in Washington. Reuters
*It Will Cost Taxpayers $5 Billion To Help Obama Create An ISIS Strategy --
Zero Hedge*
We can hear the narrative now... how can Congress turn down *President
Obama's demands for $5 billion to pay for a 'counter-terrorism' fund that
could be used to support operations against Islamic State targets in Iraq
and Syria*... if they do, are they not supporting terrorism? As The Hill
reports, White House press secretary Josh Earnest floated the $5 billion
counterterr... more »
A Teachout Moment
(*Updated below)
I'm going to break my own self-imposed rule of never endorsing a political
candidate by urging my New York readers who are registered Democrats to go
to the polls today to vote for anti-corruption candidate Zephyr Teachout,
and her running mate, net neutrality advocate Tim Wu.
Teachout is challenging Andrew Cuomo, a Democratic governor so corrupt that
even the *New York* *Times* refused to endorse him in the primary. It also
refused to endorse Teachout, a Fordham University law professor and
one-time manager of Howard Dean's campaign, but only on grounds of her
al... more »
Middle East Commedians Use 'Black Humor' To Explain The Islamic State
*Middle East Comedians Respond To Islamic State Violence With Black Humor
-- Passport/Foreign Policy*
In a recent comedy skit on Palestine's Al-Falastiniya TV station, three men
dressed as Islamic State soldiers lean against their jeep in the
countryside and tell a passing car to pull over. After reminiscing with the
Lebanese driver about their time in Beirut listening to pop music and
hanging out with local girls, they shoot the driver dead for misremembering
how many times to bow when entering a mosque.
In Lebanon, the popular, satiric Ktir Salbe Show recently released a sketch... more »
Is Jordan Next On The Islamic State's List Of Territories To Conquer?

*Why Obama Needs A Strategy For Saving Jordan -- James Jay Carafano,
National Interest*
President Obama’s recent press conference sparked a firestorm of concern
over the state of his strategy for dealing with ISIS. But ISIS isn’t the
only Middle East challenge deserving some well-thought-out “strategery.”
The administration also needs to craft a solid, sustainable plan for
supporting the people of Jordan.
On the surface, the fate of Jordan may not appear to be of vital interest
to the United States. But American strategists would be unwise to be
indifferent to the country’s fate. ... more »
Ebola Updates ( September 9 , 2014 ) - As Ebola continues to spread in West Africa , the West waits and wonders how far the scourge may extend ?

*Patrick Dollard* @PatDollard 5m
*Ebola* Spreading 'Exponentially' As Patients In 'Fruitless Search For
Medical Care' http://is.gd/USKnjw http://fb.me/6HZXwT8eO
*RT* @RT_com 10m
#*Ebola* scare: US air marshal attacked with syringe in Nigeria’s Lagos
Airport http://on.rt.com/9x5oqq pic.twitter.com/BCQJW3W3HV
[image: Embedded image permalink]
*Reuters Africa* @ReutersAfrica 54m
Senegal tracks route of Guinea student in race to stop #*Ebola* http://
af.reuters.com/article/topNews/idAFKBN0H414B20140909 …
*Nigeria Newsdesk* @NigeriaNewsdesk 3h
*EBOLA*: NMA rejects ... more »
Democrats Shut Down The Republican Party Filibuster On Citizens United, But That Fight Is Far From Won

If you signed any of the pathetic Democratic Party petitions yesterday to
"tell Congress to overturn *Citizens United*, you can be sure yopu will be
hit up for cash by corrupt Democratic conservatives like Steve Israel and
Debbie Wasserman Schultz and that your e-mail address will be widely shared
and sold and that you will wish you have never signed a petition that isn't
troll Congress anything anyway.
Two extremist billionaires and their right-wing Supreme Court are trying to
hijack our democracy-- and this could be our last chance to stop them. The
U.S. Senate is voting TODAY ... more »
The Smell Of Desperation

If you want to really know what's driving the Harperites these days, Devon
Black writes, consider the tactics they are using:
Twice in the last three months, Conservatives have sent individuals into
Liberal events in the hopes of deliberately instigating missteps — while
secretly recording the whole thing for release later.
The latest example concerns retired general Andrew Leslie, who criticized
Israel's tactics in Gaza, but who also recognized Israel's right to defend
So, every nation... more »
*UK: 'I went to private school - but I can't afford the same for my
*Middle-class families are being pushed out of private schools as the fees
increase by 20 per cent in five years*
“The ‘meet the parents’ evening at a friend’s private school was a wine and
cheese night – but with Heston Blumenthal’s cheesemaker. The kids go on
holidays on their private yachts, the ski trip is in Whistler in Canada. Do
you want to be constantly saying to your child, ‘I’m really sorry darling,
you can’t go to the Amazon to study the rainforest because we just can’t
afford it’?”
Charlo... more »
It Got Them Killed - John Belushi Demonstrates How Chicago Works

It Got Them Killed - John Belushi Demonstrates How Chicago Works
from Spike EP on Vimeo.
*"These people don't appreciate comedy" - Mae Brussell*
From John Belushi's final film, Continental Divide (1981)
*John Belushi*
*1949 - 1981*
Cause of Death: Non-consensual Injection of Speedball and Mocking
Iran-Contra in 1981
Likely Suspects: The FBI, DEA, Col. Oliver North & The National Security
Council, "The Secret Team".
"So if you think that Belushi was not overly-political, forget it...
One of the movies that Belushi was about to make was a comedy about the FBI
and drug sm... more »
Peace with Poetry: Ferguson Poet Asks Police to Think

*Twenty-two year old Marcellus Buckley uses the spoken word to counter the
mainstream narrative about the Ferguson uprising. *
*The People vs The Police - by Marcellus Buckley*
*We the people of the United States holds congress to their word,* *They
should do the same to their officers who are supposed to protect and serve,* *How
can we put our trust in someone who pushes us down when we are hurt?* *Instead
of lending a hand they call us monkeys like caged animals only treating us
worst,* *Singing oh we got what we deserved,* *A trainee want to be with
poison from the devil hi... more »
GAIA PORTAL: Supremacy of Higher Light transformations remains a constant as Gaia arises in consciousness
*Supremacy of Higher Light transformations remains a constant as Gaia
arises in consciousness*
by ÉirePort

Supremacy of Higher Light transformations remains a constant as Gaia arises
in consciousness.
Separation of lower vibrationals from Gaia ascendant occurs via quantized
*Lower vibrationals can not subsist with Gaia ascendant and are being left
behind* *[retired and re-located for future growth opportunities might be
more accurate, nobody gets left behind... -AK] *as Hue-Beings and hu-beings
travel the ascendant path.
Extraneous constructs fall rapidly as currents ri... more »
Georgia Cop Kills Woman He Met Online, Sets Body on Fire

In a gruesome story out of Atlanta where lax screening procedures and
psychopathic personalities intersected, a local police officer was arrested
last week on murder charges. Tahreem Zeus Rana is currently being held for
the murder of Vernicia Woodard who was shot multiple times and her body
then set on fire. Rana was apprehended at the Atlanta airport while in the
process of fleeing the country to India via Mexico. According to news
reports, Rana had met Woodward online likely for the purpose of having sex
with her. Something must have gone badly wrong because he then took the
v... more »
Obama Shanks Hispanics in the Back to Save Slimy Democrats

El Presidente hit the Sunday morning television propaganda circuit to
explain his announcement that he would take no action on immigration reform
until after the November elections. Obama caved in to pressure by feckless
Democrats who are facing a shellacking in two months at the polls by
postponing his promised executive action until after the votes have been
counted. It is a sleazy piece of work by the snake oil salesman in chief,
the latest of many. It is yet another sign of just how quickly that he and
the Democrats will take a dump on their base whenever it comes to
protecti... more »
Obama's Former Chief Economist Calls For An End To US Dollar Reserve Status

Obama's Former Chief Economist Calls For An End To US Dollar Reserve Status
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/08/2014 16:51 -0400
Authored by Jared Bernstein, originally posted Op-Ed at The NY Times,
There are few truisms about the world economy, but for decades, one has
been the role of the United States dollar as the world’s reserve currency.
It’s a core principle of American economic policy. After all, who wouldn’t
want their currency to be the one that foreign banks and gover... more »
Plugging in what was Unplugged
We have spoken a few times over the past couple of weeks about the various
"DOings" that we have been working on over the past year and a half. "Work"
that has taken place on perceived "other planes of existence" or dimensions
or "realities". .... and yes, we are working on compiling some of the
skype room conversations that discuss these past events. Yesterday
afternoon Lisa, Brian and I pre-recorded The Collective Imagination show
(to be released today), and we spoke about this work that has been done and
is being done, in these realms of what we perceive to be "unseen"......
.... more »
US Air Marshall stabbed with syringe in Nigeria - fears of Ebola prompt quarantine of the air marshall , no symptoms so far ...... Crazy Times !
[image: Lagos airport, Nigeria]
Women leaving Lagos airport wearing face masks and gloves. Ebola has spread
to Nigeria. Photograph: Pius Utomi Ekpei/AFP/Getty Images
A US air marshal was attacked with a syringe at Lagos airport in Nigeria and
has been taken to a US hospital, the FBI said on Monday.
It was not known what was in the syringe when its contents were injected
into the on-duty marshal, whose name has not been given and is in hospital
in Houston.
The incident on Sunday... more »
Bohr, Heisenberg, Landau wouldn't find QBism new
David Mermin posted the text of his talk
Why QBism is not the Copenhagen interpretation and what John Bell might
have thought of it (arXiv + video)
that he gave in Vienna 3 months ago. The conference was dedicated to John
Bell and the 50th anniversary of his theorem. I agree with many statements
that Mermin is making (and was making, in recent years) about the
foundations of quantum mechanics. But that's not the case of some of the
focal points in this talk.
First, I don't think that John Bell was such an important physicist that we
should spend too much time with speculations what... more »
Musical Interlude: Vangelis, “Alpha”
Vangelis, “Alpha”
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jG--3elufo
"A Look to the Heavens"
“This beautiful, bright, spiral galaxy is Messier 64, often called the
Black Eye Galaxy or the Sleeping Beauty Galaxy for its heavy-lidded
appearance in telescopic views. M64 is about 17 million light-years distant
in the otherwise well-groomed northern constellation Coma Berenices. In
fact, the Red Eye Galaxy might also be an appropriate moniker in this
colorful composition of narrow and wideband images.
*Click image for larger size.*
The enormous dust clouds obscuring the near-side of M64's central region
are laced with the telltale reddish glow of hydrogen associated with star
fo... more »
Ukraine situation Updates ( September 9 , 2014 ) -- EU adopts new sanctions against Russia to come into force in 'next few days' ...... State of play from the EU political front .... MH 17 Preliminary Report due September 9 , 2014 ..... Hagel not aware of any secret deals to arm Kiev ......Russia to test new nuclear sub ICBM September 10 , 2014 ... EU Sanctions against Russia delayed until September 11 , 2014 ......
Dutch Safety Board says MH17 broke apart due to external factors
AMSTERDAM Tue Sep 9, 2014 4:12am EDT
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[image: Members of a group of international experts inspect wreckage at the
site where the downed Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 crashed, near the
village of Hrabove (Grabovo) in Donetsk region, eastern Ukraine August 1,
2014. REUTERS/Sergei Karpukhin]
Members of a group of international experts inspect wreckage at the site
where the downed Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 crashed, near the village... more »
China Has A New High-Tech Missile That Can Reach A Major US Base In Guam

[image: DF-26 MRBM]National Security Advisor Susan Rice is in China this
week, discussing recent sticking-points in trans-Pacific relations with her
counterparts in Beijing, chief among them a mid-August confrontation
between a U.S. surveillance plane and a Chinese fighter jet over the South
China Sea.
There's a lot for U.S. and Chinese security officials to talk through, from
problematic Chinese territorial claims to alleged state-backed hacking of
American government computer systems.
One item that could be on the menu for the talks has to do with a
newly-confirmed Chinese missi... more »
US Navy chief: Surveillance will continue

[image: J-11 Flanker-B]The US' top naval officer said his country will not
stop or reduce its reconnaissance near the Chinese coast but added that a
recent air incident should not define the US-China relationship.
Speaking in Washington on Monday, Admiral Jonathan Greenert, chief of US
naval operations, said of such incidents, "I am concerned it will happen in
the future."
He was talking about the Aug 19 close encounter between a Chinese People's
Liberation Army Navy fighter jet and a US Navy reconnaissance airplane
about 200 km off China's Hainan Island.
Read more
Russia’s Air Force not dependent on foreign-made components

[image: PAK FA (T-50)]Russia’s Air Force does not depend on foreign
components, United Aircraft Corporation CEO Mikhail Pogosyan said on Monday.
“Clearly, our military aviation must not depend on foreign supplies, and we
are pursuing this policy now,” he said.
In civil aviation, the share of domestically-made components is 50% “This
figure is higher when aircraft are upgraded. This [growth] happens faster
now,” Pogosyan said.
Read more
Engine issues mean China can't power J-15, J-16 fighters

[image: J-16 Red Eagle]China is unable to produce advanced fighters such as
the J-15 and the J-16 in large numbers because it lacks the proper engines
to power the aircraft, according to the Moscow-based Military-Industrial
Courier on Sept. 8.
According to Kanwa Defense Review, a magazine operated by military analyst
Andrei Chang, also known as Pinkov, China is not even capable of producing
J-11B fighters due to problems with Shenyang Liming Aircraft Engine
Company's WS-10A engine.
Similar problems led the People's Liberation Army Navy to cancel their
plans to install the WS-10A i... more »
Deckhouse for stealthy destroyer arrives at BIW
A composite deckhouse for the second Zumwalt-class destroyer has arrived at
Bath Iron Works in Maine.
The deckhouse and helicopter hangar built at a shipyard in Mississippi
arrived by barge on Friday. The structure will house radar and sensors,
along with the bridge and combat operations center.
The 900-ton deckhouse will eventually be hoisted onto the hull of USS
Michael Monsoor, the second of three of the stealthy ships that are being
built at Bath Iron Works.
Read more
Russia Denies 'Provocative Maneuver' Over Canadian Warship
[image: HMCS Toronto]Canada's Defense Ministry has accused Russian military
aircraft of flying over one of its frigates involved in a NATO mission in
the Black Sea, in what it described as an "unnecessarily provocative"
"While the Russian military aircraft that circled the HMCS Toronto did not
in any way pose a threat to the Canadian ship, their actions were
unnecessarily provocative and risk escalating tensions even further,"
Canadian Defense Minister Rob Nicholson said Monday in an online statement.
A Russian Defense Ministry spokesman confirmed that two Russian aircraft... more »
Ari Lesser nails Hamas and it's foolish Western supporters
Anyone who screams "we are all Hamas now" and all BBC & Channel 4
'journalists' should watch this video.
Ari Lesser is becoming rather a good thing!
The Poet: Arthur O’Shaughnessy, "Music and Moonlight"
*"Music and Moonlight"*
"We are the music makers,
And we are the dreamers of dreams,
Wandering by lone seabreakers,
And sitting by desolate streams;
World-losers and world-forsakers,
On whom the pale moon gleams:
Yet we are the movers and shakers
Of the world forever, it seems…
We, in the ages lying
In the buried past of the earth,
Built Ninevah with our sighing,
And Babel itself in our mirth;
And o’erthrew them with prophesying
To the old of the new world’s worth;
For each age is a dream that is dying,
Or one that is coming to birth."
- Arthur O’Shaughnessy, "Music and Moonlight" (1874)
Russia: Two Strategic Bombers Reportedly Practice Nuclear Missile Strikes Against U.S.

[image: Tu-95 Bear]Two Russian strategic bomber jets reportedly practiced
cruise missile attacks against targets in the United States during a
training mission last week that defense officials said appeared to occur
around the same time that the NATO summit in Wales was held on Thursday and
Friday, according to a report in the Washington Free Beacon.
As part of a recent training mission, the pair of Russian Tu-95 Bear
bombers were tracked flying over the Labrador Sea last week in the northern
Atlantic Ocean near Iceland, Greenland and Canada's northeast.
Analysis of the flight indic... more »

*Global Temperature Update – No global warming for 17 years 11 months*
By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley
The Great Pause has now persisted for 17 years 11 months. Indeed, to three
decimal places on a per-decade basis, there has been no global warming for
18 full years. Professor Ross McKitrick, however, has upped the ante with a
new statistical paper to say there has been no global warming for 19 years.
Whichever value one adopts, it is becoming harder and harder to maintain
that we face a “climate crisis” caused by our past and present sins of
Taking the least-square... more »
Home-built submarines deemed too expensive, too risky

[image: Collins class SSK]Building a new fleet of submarines in Australia
would be too risky and too expensive, the Abbott government has concluded.
Instead, the government is considering buying “off-the-shelf” options from
Japan and Germany, with Japan’s Soryu- class boat the frontrunner.
As well as the risk and cost of building the submarines on home soil, such
a project would require big infrastructure spending, whereas Japan has an
established production line.
Read more
"Always Been Sane..."
"As long as you have mystery you have health; when you destroy mystery you
create morbidity. Indigenous humans have always been sane because they have
always been mystic. They permit the twilight."
- G. K. Chesterton
Paulo Coelho, “Change and Renewal”
*“Change and Renewal”*
by Paulo Coelho
“When winter arrives, the trees must sigh in sadness as they see their
leaves falling. They say: ‘We will never be like we were before.’ Of
course. Or still, what is the meaning of renewing oneself? The next leaves
will have their own nature, they pertain to a new summer that approaches
and which will never be like the one that passed.
Living means changing– and the seasons repeat these lessons to us every
year. Changing means going through a period of depression: we still don’t
know the new and we have to forget everything we used to know. Bu... more »
Scottish independence: Pro-Union parties to back Scotland powers timetable - BBC News
The news http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-29113547
that British politicians from all Westminster parties are desperately
promising to give Scotland even more preferential treatment so as to keep
themthe in the Union does not please me.
Maybe the English taxpayers, mostly from London and the South East of
England, who will have to pay for this extra subsidy without having much,
if any, of a say in how it is spent are tired of being told what to do by a
load of Scottish MPs who vote on English and Welsh legislation without
English MPs being able to vote on enti... more »
An odd turn of phrase from Roy Hodgson after last night's Euro 2016 qualifier victory over Switzerland
'... we had several chances to aggravate the scoreline before Danny
Welbeck's second.'
Aggravate the scoreline?
According to the BBC http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/live/football/28694395
Happy Anniversary, Richard Nixon... And America

Roland and I are spending September watching every episode of *Breaking Bad*
on the wall of his living room. I never watched it before and we just
finished sea on one… pretty heavy. Roland says I ain't seen nothing yet.
The other thing we're both doing this month is finishing our copies of Rick
Perlstein's epic history, The Invisible Bridge. We can't ready it together
but we talk about it before and after *Breaking Bad* everyday. We approach
it from very different backgrounds. When Reagan was is office, Roland was
between 8 and 16 in Maine and Reagan was a kind of hero to him. Reag... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. Thanks for stopping by.
The Daily "Near You?"
Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. Thanks for stopping by.
Archaelogy: "The Mysterious Megaliths of New England"
*"The Mysterious Megaliths of New England"*
By Paul Tudor
"Located in the heart of modern-day New England stand sites of such great
antiquity; sites so enigmatic, so sophisticated and seemingly inexplicable,
serious scientists and archaeologists have denied their study because of
their monumental implications: it would force them to throw away their
preconceived notions about the achievements of ancient man into the
historical garbage can. Mystery Hill, the Upton Cave, Calendar I and
Calendar II, G... more »
"Promise Me..."
“Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe,
and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”
- Christopher Robin to “Pooh”
"We Deny..."
"We deny that we're tired, we deny that we're scared, we deny how badly we
want to succeed. And most importantly, we deny that we're in denial. We
only see what we want to see and believe what we want to believe, and it
works. We lie to ourselves so much that after a while the lies start to
seem like the truth. We deny so much that we can't recognize the truth
right in front of our faces."
- "Dr. Meredith Grey," "Grey's Anatomy"
“Learned Helplessness: The War On You”
*“Learned Helplessness: The War On You” *
"Feel Confused? Lost? As if your life is out of your control? Learned
helplessness is a technical term that refers to the condition of a human or
animal that has learned to behave helplessly, failing to respond even
though there are opportunities for it to help itself by avoiding unpleasant
circumstances or by gaining positive rewards. Learned helplessness theory
is the view that clinical depression and related mental illnesses may
result from a perceived absence of control over the outcome of a situation.
Organisms which have been ineffectiv... more »

Kerry did a nice impression
of a peacenik
back in the day
but it was all for show
Coming out of the tomb
at Yale
the boys
at Skull & Bones
had long past decided
that Kerry
would play good cop
as the bad cop
looted the global treasury
it's been endless war
ever since
Kerry took the fall
when he ran
bonesman Bush
for prez
was rewarded
with job at State
where he could
remind the world
that civilized
nations don't bomb
John Oliver's Takedown of Online Diploma Mills
Must see!!
from the Consumerist:
What would it look like if you condensed all our hundreds of stories about student
loans and for-profit colleges into a profanity-filled, hilarious rant that
takes a brief detour to discuss Lyndon Johnson’s scrotum? John Oliver
answered that question on Sunday night.
Just like it’s recently done with the payday loan industry, Dr. Oz, and net
neutrality, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver took one of our favorite
topics and made it much funnier than it has any right to be.
You can watch the whole video above, or just read the highlights below:
*On th... more »
Truther Christmas

The Father (operation highjump), the Son (JFK) and the holy ghost (pancake
of Building Seven).
Waiting for an inquiry into 911 like waiting for Christmas in Saudi Arabia.
Truther Christmas is a day when all suspicions should collate into some
kind of landslide.
Editor's Note
I am finishing up on a project right now. Blogging will return tomorrow
(Tuesday) morning.
Northerntruthseeker Reaches 3000 Articles…..
I cannot believe it myself… 3000 articles at this site over the last 6+
years, and yes, I am still going strong…
Someone told me a long time ago that I should write a book… However knowing
that the criminals out for our destruction control the publishing
companies, fat chance at that……
I want to thank everyone for their support, and hopefully someone is
listening out there and doing their part in spreading the information that
I have presented here at this blog….
Well, readers… Heres to the first 3000, and hopefully another 3000 to come….
More to come
Florida Charters Corrupt as Jeb Bush
*By Michael Mayo Sun Sentinel Columnist*
*12:23 p.m. EDT, September 8, 2014*
*OK class, time for a pop quiz. If you want to open a charter school — a
privately run school that gets public money — which of the following will
you need to get approval?*
*a) A suitable building for classes*
*b) A proven background in education or business*
*c) A past with no bankruptcies or major blemishes*
*d) A computer with a cut-and-paste key*
*If you answered "d," you're right. And that shows something is very wrong.*
*"The way Florida authorizes charter schools is one of the worst in the
coun... more »
Hilarion - September 7, 2014

September 7-14, 2014
Beloved Ones,
You are now playing the waiting game, only you cannot discern the purpose
of your waiting. It is time to step up to the next level of your journey.
The thing you are waiting for is your own remembrance of the magnificence
you are. This remembrance is coded within you and it is connected to an
event in your life that will or has already taken place. How you will know
that yours has been activated is by the feeling you experience that there
is nothing of the old world that holds any interest for you any longer. You
are more than ready to leave be... more »
MG motoring essentials
[image: image]
The *Herald* recently posted what it called ten inventions every new car
should have.
Darryl Bretherton at the MG Car Club disagrees. He reckons all ten are
either totally unnecessary, reduce your driving pleasure, or are something
your classic MG already has but in a much more robust way.
Some people might even call them bollocks.
For example:
1. The *Herald* reckons you should have Adaptive Cruise Control to “ease
the driving load on long journeys.”
MGs have drivers who pay attention.
2. The *Herald* reckons you should have Cross-Traffic Alert “t... more »
NASA Worker Sees Men Walk Over To Viking Lander On Mars

*Sorry folks, not an actual image, I just couldn't resist a little
photoshop fun with this one... -AK :)*
*I love this kind of stuff... hahaha! Eternal Essence is causing everyone
to disclose everything... -AK*
*NASA Worker Sees Men Walk Over To Viking Lander On Mars*
September 1, 2014
A woman named Jackie called Coast To Coast AM from the north of Las Vegas,
to ask guest John Lear’s help, in solving a 27 year old mystery.
Jackie stated that she used to work at NASA and handled the down-linked
telemetry... more »
“37 Lies Americans Tell Themselves To Avoid Confronting Reality”
*“37 Lies Americans Tell Themselves To Avoid Confronting Reality”*
by Mike Adams
“Have you noticed the incredible detachment from reality exhibited by the
masses these days? The continued operation of modern society, it seems,
depends on people making sure they don't acknowledge reality (or try to
deal with it). "Denial" is what keeps every sector of civilization humming
along: medicine, finance, government, agriculture and more.
The trouble with the denial approach is that eventually the lies collide
with reality. Until that day comes, however, happy-go-lucky Americans are
merrily... more »
The Reference Frame: Scottish independence may be a non-event
The Reference Frame: Scottish independence may be a non-event
I am a Canadian and am pretty sure our current PM is doing everything he
can to dissolve the differences between Canada and the US. We will have a
referendum in 2015 and Harper will assume his place in the dustbin of
For Canadians its a fascinating story. The Queen of England is still our
head of state, but dissolution may prompt Canada to become a republic. We
have our own Separation anxiety with Quebec.
If culture and arts are the power, Scotland will be have led to freedom by
Liam Neeson (Rob Roy) Mel ... more »
Common Core: It Seemed Like a Good Idea Until It Existed
In 2008, Education Next asked 3,200 respondents (700 of whom were public
school teachers) about their thoughts on having “the same set of
educational standards” in order to “hold schools accountable.” Respondents
were divided into sub-samples and asked one of the two following questions.
Included are the percentages of respondents who chose among three response
options: Question […]
Who would know better than NJ's Boss of Bosses that the 2011 pension law is unconstitutional? It's his own damn law!

*Hokey smoke, Bullwinkle, is that New York Yankees announcer Michael Kay
with Parsippany (NJ) Mayor James Barberio? Oh wait, according to the *
Star-Ledger* caption, "Governor Chris Christie appears with Parsippany
Mayor James Barberio in front of Parsippany Town Hall where Christie
announced he was introducing a commission to repairs his botched pension
*"Gov. Chris Christie signed the pension reform law in 2011, calling it a
landmark achievement that showed what his brand of bold leadership could
accomplish. But now that the bill has come due, he is in court calling t... more »
10 Reasons the Islamic State Is Doomed

A Kurdish fighter keeps guard while overlooking positions of Islamic State
militants near Mosul in northern Iraq August 19, 2014. Youssef
*ISIS's Enemy List: 10 Reasons the Islamic State Is Doomed -- Kurt
Eichenwald, Newsweek*
The so-called Islamic State, better known as ISIS, is not just a collection
of barbaric psychopaths willing to engage in the most brutal and sordid
forms of violence without any hesitation born of normal human morality.
They are also the most irreparably stupid jihadists ever to slaughter their
way onto the international stage.
And therein ... more »
Scotland Goes to the Poles

*"Polls are polls, and they should stay in Warsaw"*
*- Frank Mankiewicz*
*So, Tobago (as in, Trinidad and Tobago) used to be a part of Poland - so
who knew..?*
*Well, they did, obviously (probably)...*
After the War on Drugs
*Students for Liberty*
Worried about public safety if we ended the war on drugs? You shouldn’t be.
After the War the world will be a better place.
Visit EndTheDrugWar.org
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
Scotland Vote NO ... Because TERRORISM
*Keelan Balderson*
An absurd story put forth by "intelligence expert" Anthony Glees is doing
the rounds today, suggesting that ISIS want to behead Scotsman David Haines
to encourage Scots to vote Yes in the referendum.
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
EngageNY : Robotic Teachers Wanted.
Came across this gem when trying to decipher my son’s 4th Grade math
homework (which included the inane task of making 50 dots to represent
multiplying by tens). EngageNY contains scripted curriculum modules at a
price of $12.9 million for the K-8 lessons. I find it insulting that a
teacher should be told to add emotion and energy […]
Why Is Obama Tipping His Hand To The Islamic State?

Pete Souza/White House
*'No Ground Troops': Why Is Obama Tipping His Hand to ISIS? -- Ron
Fournier, National Journal*
If the president's motive is politics, even doves should worry.
It's rare to hear a U.S. president take military action off the table, as
Barack Obama did Sunday. "This is not going to be an announcement about
U.S. ground troops," he told Chuck Todd of Meet the Press. Those are
assuring words for Americans worn weary by post-911 wars in Iraq and
But what about ISIS? It might be good to know the limits of the world's
greatest military power. The sprawl... more »
The weed drives people mad.
Marijuana has an almost unique ability to get people unhinged.
Well, not people. Politicians.
Latest to fall foul of their sanity when it comes to the cannabis? The
Internet Mana menage led by Hone and Laila.
Laila’s DotCon front wants to legalise cannabis, for reasons both fair and
foul, but good on them nonetheless for being willing to free smokers who
like a wee toke. Hone’s mana however doesn’t allow him to concede on a
subject for which he’s previously called for execution – yes, live
execution on television, for peaceful pot dealers.
I did use the word “unhinged.”
This... more »
Complete footage of The One Network Interview with Heather Tucci-Jarraf and Sacha Stone with PDF Transcript

Here's the complete edit of The One Network interview with Heather
Tucci-Jarraf and Sacha Stone with all the camera footage. A transcript PDF
of the interview is below the video.
PDF Transcript Below:
Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- September 8, 2014
*What To Look For In Obama's Islamic State Speech -- Paul D. Shinkman, US
News and World Report*
*Questions remain about ground forces in Syria, Congress and international
President Barack Obama will clarify for the American people, Congress and a
yet-undefined international coalition how the U.S. plans to “start going on
some offense” against the Islamic State in an address scheduled for
Gaping holes exist in how the U.S. can conceivably drive back this force
that has captured massive swathes of Syria and Iraq, and how it can restore
peace. Most pressing am... more »
EngageNY modules: Stunning incompetence.
Another questionable lesson from the curriculum modules found at NYSED’s
propaganda website EngageNY.org Once again, why did NYSED spend $12.9
million of taxpayer money on scripted lessons for K-8 when New York’s
teachers can produce superior (and appropriate) curriculum. Thoughts on
this Kindergarten homework assignment? […]
Interview with Nikita, an ex-soldier of the Ukrainian army from Makeevka,
Donetsk Oblast (Donbass) who has sided with the Army of Novorossiya/DPR
militia in recent days. His thoughts on the civil war, Ukrainian soldiers,
the junta government in Kiev, and the situation as a whole.
Benjamin Fulford - September 8, 2014 w/comments from David Wilcock

*The views below are those of Ben Fulford and not necessarily of this blog.
Consider it data which needs to be sifted through. Ben has been wrong a
number of times in his predictions of future events, while his leads on
past events are many times correct. Ben often speaks as mouth piece for
the dragons, and sometimes what he says is meant as coded messages for
various parties in the on going drama on this planet. -AK*
Monday, September 8, 2014
Benjamin Fulford - September 8, 2014: anniversary of 911 comes with no
arrests but some untimely deaths
This week marks the 13th anniv... more »
“Global Panic- U.S. Federal Government Stockpiling Ammo- Here’s What We’re Going to Do”
*“Global Panic- U.S. Federal Government Stockpiling Ammo- *
*Here’s What We’re Going to Do”*
by Shah Gilani
“This is a warning. I’m not kidding. I heard something yesterday that blew
me away. I can’t further corroborate it, but I trust the source. My friends
know I like to target shoot. I don’t hunt, because I can’t kill anything
living, but I like guns. Maybe it has something to do with wanting to be
James Bond when I was a kid… OK, I still want to be 007.
As other target shooters know, it’s gotten harder and harder to get
ammunition. For a few years now, all kinds of stuff have ... more »
Heavenletter #5036 - It Is Natural for You to Be a Seeker

MC Escher tribute art http://goo.gl/JMTxMf
*Heavenletter #5036 - It Is Natural for You to Be a Seeker*
September 8, 2014
God said:
What is meaningful to you? This is what you follow. This is what it means
to follow your heart. You want to follow your deepest heart. Surface
desires are one thing. Deep desires are another. And, then, you have to
know, there are desires you follow that you are not yet conscious of. You
have dreams that you don’t even know you have. Deep dreams as well as
surface ones.
You may not have known you wanted Me, were seeking Me, and, suddenly, here
I am, and... more »
Obama said to push Syrian no fly zone with prodding from the fox at the hen house,Turkey.
*I have been looking for news on what President Obomba has planned for
*Perhaps this article will shine a light on the evil intentions of the NATO
warmonger/world destroyers*
*Obama said to push Syria no-fly zone with prodding from Turkey*
*Because you know Turkey needs protecting from blowback? I mentioned this
just this morning in the previous post*
[image: U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, left, and Defense Secretary
Chuck Hagel. /Mark Wilson/Getty Images]Just two of too many psycho people
killers/planet destroyers*From "cancer" to "House of Blood". NATO media is
meme gene... more »
He’s right, you know
Bill English said last week National will give more detail on its tax plans
this week.
There was no detail.
Not unless the only detail that satisfies you is Bill English’s John Key’s
desire to deliver tax cuts by 2017 – a desire bringing back promises lies
of elections past, and a date conveniently butting up against the next
round of election lies promises.
This is trying to get two electoral bites at the one tax-cut cherry.
Greens co-leader Russel Norman says it is “unfathomable” National could
make a promise it could not explain, accusing National of attempting to buy
the e... more »
Ever Hear Of The Republican Trouble Makers Caucus?

Congress has been on vacation from their "grueling" three-and-a-half day
schedule for five weeks but the least competent Speaker in history,
alcoholic mess John Boehner, has only scheduled *seven* legislative days
for Congress between now and November. Seven days to pass a basketful of
crucial bills, including, for example, a continuing resolution that won't
allow the government to be shut down… at least not until *after* the
election-- which is what Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan candidly admitted is
what the Republicans are planning to do. Now Boehner and his lieutenants
are tryi... more »
Beyond Reparations - Ferguson and Actual Justice
originally published on CounterPunch
Killed at noon, just down the road from the grave of the slave Dred Scott,
Michael Brown has now joined a perennially growing group of dead men and
women (a group that only recently added Trayvon Martin, Oscar Grant, Eric
Garner, Ezell Ford, Renisha McBride, and others) killed by a combination of
institutional racism and systemic poverty. Poverty and race, of course
(like race and wealth), cannot be easily disentangled. Not only has the
man-made construct of race been used to justify seizures of material
resources (gold, timber, land, etc.) from ... more »
World News Briefs -- September 8, 2014 (Evening Edition)
*New U.N. Rights Boss Warns Of 'House Of Blood' In Iraq, Syria -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - The new U.N. human rights chief urged world powers on Monday to
protect women and minorities targeted by Islamic State militants in Iraq
and Syria, saying the fighters were trying to create a "house of blood."
Jordan's Zeid Ra'ad al Hussein, the first Muslim to hold the position,
called for the international community to focus on ending the "increasingly
conjoined" conflict in the two countries, and abuses in other hotspots from
Ukraine to Gaza.
*Read more *....
US fears Islamic ... more »
An appeal from a refusal to grant an interlocutory injunction must be taken promptly
Polar Supplies v Cape Dorset 2013 NUCA 11:
There appears to be some confusion here about the proper role of an
interlocutory injunction. Such an injunction is designed to hold the status
quo pending a trial. It has now been over 2 1/2 years since the first
injunction application, and there is no reason why this action could not
have been taken to trial. A trial court could by now have determined the
damages suffered by the appellant, rendering moot any question of
irreparable harm.
Streets of Rage 2 for the MegaDrive/Genesis
Here we go, *Streets of Rage 2*. Be warned, the following statement may be
flecked with nostalgia. This 1993 title for the Sega Genesis/MegaDrive is
one of the best video games ever made. It is easily the greatest side
scrolling beat 'em up of its console generation and it's arguable whether
it's ever been surpassed. It was a must-have game at the time for any
self-respecting MegaDrive owner, and remains so. To state it boldly: *SoR2*
is a masterpiece.
I was one of those who did pick it up at release. I remember queuing up in
Derby's ComputerGenie of a Saturday morning just as the ... more »

- The politicians in Washington are promising no boots on the ground in
Iraq. They know the public is war weary and tired of seeing their tax
dollars pissed down the rat hole. So the solution is hiring more
contractors (at huge salaries) and have then doing the killing. This
"helps solve" for the first of the public's concerns but not the latter.
The Stars & Stripes newspaper reports:
David Johnson, a former Army lieutenant colonel who is executive director
of the Center for Advanced Defense Studies in Washington, said contractors
aren’t considered “boots on... more »
Shhhh… The Crime Rate in Chicago Took a Nose-Dive. Here’s Why

*Aaron Nelson (The Anti-Media)*
*In 2012, Chicago was the murder capital of America. That December, the US
Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit struck down the ban Illinois had
in place on concealed carry. This year was the first time the new concealed
carry program was implemented in the state.*
Guess what?* In the first quarter of 2014, the homicide rate in Chicago
dropped to the lowest we have seen in 56 years.* Auto theft rates have
dropped by 26% and burglaries are down by 20%.
Well, what do you know? Now that people can defend themselves in
public, Chicago’s notorio... more »
Poll: Americans Are Alarmed About The Rise Of The Islamic State
*CNN Poll Finds Majority Of Americans Alarmed By ISIS -- CNN*
Washington (CNN) -- Americans are increasingly concerned that ISIS
represents a direct terror threat, fearful that ISIS agents are living in
the United States, according to a new CNN/ORC International poll. Most now
support military action against the terrorist group.
Seven in 10 Americans believe ISIS has the resources to launch an attack
against the United States, just days before President Barack Obama plans to
address the nation on the subject.
The poll released Monday shows that Americans favor:
*Read more* ....
... more »
President Obama Prepares For His Wednesday Speech On How The U.S. Will Combat The Islamic State
*White House Reportedly Planning Years-Long Campaign To Destroy ISIS -- FOX
The Obama administration is reportedly preparing a campaign to destroy the
Islamic State militant group that could outlast the president's remaining
time in office, according to a published report.
The New York Times, citing U.S. officials, reported late Sunday that the
White House plan involves three phases that some Pentagon officials believe
will require at least three years of sustained effort.
The first phase, airstrikes against Islamic State, also known as ISIS, is
already under way in Iraq, ... more »
The Puppy is Just to Get Your Attention

Oh, don't look at me like that. I never almost never use puppies for
such cynical means.
But to get serious for a moment, this is about my Indiegogo campaign.
Right now it's deader than Newt Gingrich's political career.
Now, I've made mention of late of the ridiculous and downright cruel
campaigns that have amassed anywhere from hundreds to hundreds of thousands
of dollars ranging from anti porn campaigns to one idiot that got over 50
grand for a potato salad to the two highly successful Go Fund Me campaigns
set up for Darren Wilson, the racist pig who shot Michael Bro... more »
Arab League States Agree To Confront The Islamic State

Foreign ministers of the Arab League take part in an emergency meeting at
the league's headquarters in Cairo September 7, 2014. Credit:
REUTERS/Mohamed Abd El Ghany
*Arab League Foreign Ministers Agree To 'Confront' IS -- Deutsche Welle*
Arab states have agreed to take urgent measures to combat 'Islamic State'
militants. The Arab League foreign ministers, however, fell short of
explicitly backing the US military action against the group.
The Arab League said in a resolution on Monday that it would take
"necessary measures" to combat "Islamic State" (IS) on the political,
defense,... more »
Stigma persists despite decriminalization
In the UK, there is continuing, yea, endless, blather about fetal viability
and therefore abortion time limits.
This comes up every time there is a report on the survival of an extreme
neonate. Here's some info on these births, aka "miracle babies." (Spoiler
alert: only 1% have fully "able-bodied lives.")
But no matter.
They are talking about viability again, who sets the rules for abortion
time limits, does UK need abortion law reform. Yada-yada.
Here's Clare Murphy, a director at the British Pregnancy Advisory Service,
the UK equivalent of Planned Parenthood, with a radical not... more »
The Islamic State Has A Navy (Albeit A Small One)

*Islamic State Launch Gunboat Attack On River-Side Town -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Islamic State fighters attacked a riverside town north of
Baghdad on Monday with gunboats and a car bomb, killing 17 people and
wounding 54, a security source said.
The source said the attack on Dhuluiya, around 70 km (45 miles) from the
capital, was carried out before dawn and continued for two hours before the
militants were pushed back.
Among the dead in the attack, the largest of its kind in the area, were
civilians and Iraqi forces. Most of the casualties were caused by the car
bomb, which struck ... more »
Russian Threatens To Close It's Airspace In The Event Of New Sanctions

A KLM Boeing 737-900 plane is seen at Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport,
September 8, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Maxim Zmeyev
*Russia Hints At Flight Ban In Response To New Sanctions -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Russia signalled on Monday it might ban Western airlines from
flying over its territory as part of an "asymmetrical" response to new
European Union sanctions over the Ukraine crisis.
Blaming the West for damaging the Russian economy by triggering "stupid"
sanctions, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said Moscow would press on with
measures to reduce reliance on imports, starting with increa... more »
NATO Puts Credible Deterrence Back in Place
The evidence that President Putin has lost Ukraine in the most important
senses has been around for months–Ukrainians want to be western even more
now, eastern Ukrainians in majority terms continue to want this as well,
Ukrainians elected a pro-western President, the EU trade deal is going
forward, and Poroshenko is pushing for NATO membership
Continue reading
Ukraine Ceasefire Still Holding (But Barely)
*In Ukraine, Signs Of Trouble Just Days Into Cease-Fire With Pro-Russian
Rebels -- CSM*
Many in Kiev doubt the cease-fire in the country's east will hold given the
gulf between different sides on the political steps needed for a lasting
Kiev, Ukraine — A deal designed by a committee, with something for everyone
but virtually no chance of working. Yet a truce that's holding, mostly,
after five months of bloody conflict.
Last Friday's agreement reached between Ukraine's warring parties calls for
an internationally-supervised ceasefire. Despite numerous reports of
continuin... more »
Totally the Same
Sad story. With bonus despicably dishonest reporting.
A Pennsylvania woman has been sentenced to up to 18 months in prison for
obtaining so-called abortion pills online and providing them to her teenage
daughter to end her pregnancy.
Jennifer Ann Whalen, 39, of Washingtonville, a single mother who works as a
nursing home aide, pleaded guilty in August to obtaining the
miscarriage-inducing pills from an online site in Europe for her daughter,
16, who did not want to have the child.
Terrible situation, but reporting is OK so far. There are some details on
how difficult and expensive... more »
UN: Ukraine Conflict Death Toll Rises Above 3,000

UN officials earlier said that the east Ukraine conflict casualties does
not exceed 3,000, according to their estimates. © REUTERS/ Maxim Shemetov
*Ukraine Conflict Death Toll Rises Above 3,000, Says UN -- The Guardian*
True death toll is likely to be higher than figure announced by UN human
rights official that includes victims of MH17 plane crash
The number of people confirmed killed in the Ukraine conflict has risen
above 3,000 if the victims of the MH17 plane crash are included, a senior
UN human rights official said on Monday.
Ivan Simonovic, the UN assistant secretary general... more »
Supplemental: There’s some bad journalism going around!
*MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2014The Washington Post pretends to report on
Connecticut’s public schools:* Last week, we said the following:
At least in theory, Meredith Vieira started out as a journalist. Meanwhile,
she has been paid more than $110 million over the past fifteen years.
At age 60, she could afford to perform some real journalism. And God knows,
her struggling nation could use some!
What did we mean by that last statement? For one thing, consider what
happened when the Washington Post tried to report on Connecticut’s public
schools in yesterday's Sunday edition.
Reid Wil... more »
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko: Pro-Russian Rebels Have Released 1,200 Prisoners

Prisoners-of-war, who are Ukrainian servicemen captured by pro-Russian
separatists, sit on the ground as they are assigned to clean a street in
Snizhne, Donetsk region. Photo: Reuters
*Rebels 'Free 1,200 Captives' - Poroshenko -- BBC*
Pro-Russian rebels in Ukraine have released 1,200 prisoners, President
Petro Poroshenko has said.
The releases followed Friday's ceasefire deal, he said, which included an
exchange of prisoners.
He was speaking during a visit to the strategic south-eastern port city of
Mariupol, which has come under shelling from pro-Russian rebels in recent
... more »
Even at Taco Bell
the corporate decision
has been taken
'thin out the refried beans'
the packing tape I use
has been thinned out
by 3M Scotch
the bumperstickers
on our car
don't last so long
they've been
thinned out too
corporate greed
maximize profits
product quality
and durability
chew up the planet
we can make money
off it
is the death machine
We've been told
we can't talk
openly about
if you do
you will be
called a commie
and put on
a black list
and maybe even
the 'black & ... more »

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