7:34PM mdst
Citizen Watch 3: Political and Economic Reforms After SONA 2014

Yesterday, I participated in Round 3 of Citizen Watch's Roundtable
Discussion, on political and economic reforms after the 5th State of the
Nation Address (SONA) of President Aquino last August. The forum was held
at UP NCPAG, Diliman campus. Jointly organized by Stratbase Research
Institute (SRI), and the Office of the VP for Public Affairs, UP Diliman.
The Participants were:
1. Prospero "Popoy" De Vera, the UP Vice-President for Public Affairs.
2. Ramon Casiple, Executive Director of the Institute For Political And
Electoral Reform (IPER)
3. Atty. Randy Bello, Vice President For ... more »
Tonight's Movie Is 'Stalin'
*My Comment:* It is hard to believe that this man ruled the Soviet Union
for decades.
Joan Rivers (1933-2014)

*Joan preps to guest-host WNYC's Leonard Lopate Show, on which she was a
frequent guest, this past January. (Photo by Amy Pearl/WNYC)*
*by Ken*
Among the plethora of remembrances of Joan Rivers now pouring forth, I
commend to your attention to the one on the WNYC website, " Joan Rivers,
Unflinching And Iconic Comedian, Dies At 81," by Mike Katzif, the "digital
producer" of the station's *Soundcheck* broadcast, above all for the
generous assortment of audio clips included of appearances she made on
WNYC, all but one from *The Leonard Lopate Show*. For once, I don't think
there's li... more »
Washington's International Coalition Against ISIS Terrorists Excludes Popular Militias Like The PYD In Syria, But Includes This Demonic Retard

*Angry Arab - Those Saudi Wahhabi clerics are key US allies in the war on
*Angry Arab - Saudi and Qatari clerics: *
Yes, Saudi and Qatari clerics have been ordered to condemn ISIS as of late
but the problem is that those clerics are lacking in credibility and it is
easy for ISIS to dismiss them and mock them, as it has done.
*Angry Arab - Saudi regime is in deep trouble*:
It will eventually hit everyone: that both Al-Qa`idah and ISIS come out of
the same ideological background as the Saudi regime. It will be
inevitable: people will conclude that to stem the tide of those... more »
The Poet: Barbara Crooker, "In the Middle..."
*"In the Middle..."*
"In the middle
of a life that's as complicated as everyone else's,
struggling for balance, juggling time.
The mantle clock that was my grandfather's
has stopped at 9:20; we haven't had time
to get it repaired. The brass pendulum is still,
the chimes don't ring. One day you look out the window,
green summer, the next, and the leaves have already fallen,
and a grey sky lowers the horizon. Our children almost grown,
our parents gone, it happened so fast. Each day, we must learn
again how to love, between morning's quick coffee
and evening's slow return. Steam from a pot ... more »
Archaeology: “From Foraging To Farming: The 10,000-Year Revolution”
*“From Foraging To Farming: The 10,000-Year Revolution”*
by PhysOrg
“Excavation of 19,000-year-old hunter-gatherer remains, including a vast
camp site, is fuelling a reinterpretation of the greatest fundamental shift
in human civilisation – the origins of agriculture. The moment when the
hunter-gatherers laid down their spears and began farming around 11,000
years ago is often interpreted as one of the most rapid and significant
transitions in human history – the ‘Neolithic Revolution’. By producing and
storing food, Homo sapiens both mastered the natural world and took the
first s... more »
Chet Raymo, “Walking Wary”
*“Walking Wary”*
by Chet Raymo
“Virginia Woolf called them "moments of being," those unanticipated
encounters with something in nature (including, of course, human nature)
that sets one back on one's heels, drops the jaw, sends chills up the
spine. I use clichés, but the experiences are anything but clichés. What
makes them special is the way they break through and illuminate what Woolf
calls "the grey cotton wool" of everyday experience.
Sylvia Plath describes these rare and precious encounters in her poem
"Black Rook in Rainy Weather." "Spasmodic tricks of radiance," she calls
t... more »
"The Trouble With Most People..."
"The trouble with most people is that they think with their
hopes or fears or wishes rather than with their minds."
- Will Durant
Guatemala Rejects U.S. Trade Law Protecting Monsanto and GMOs

Heather Callaghan
Big Biotech's promise to feed the world, by squeezing out every other
choice against the will of the impoverished people intended as the target -
is beyond cruel and exploitative. It is another way that the U.S. occupies
other countries. How else are other people in these countries supposed to
view multiple soft-sanctions on food, but as an act of war?
The people of Guatemala caught on to the deceptive nature of a U.S. Trade
Agreement with Central America which was marketed as a way to "modernize"
them. It also pretends to protect new seed varieties and paints ... more »
Turkey Faces Blowback For Support Of ISIS Fighters In Syria
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The Police Tool Used To Hack iCloud and Other Crazy News
*James Corbett*
Corbett Report and Media Monarchy cover some of the most important
developments in open source intelligence news.
Visit CorbettReport.com
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Police Harass Man Sitting in Car in Front of His House Until He Exercises His Rights
*Hunter Sanders*
Video explanation: "So I'm sitting in my car in front of my house drinking
a Redbull after I got done working all night. At around 12:30 am august
29th 2014 when the police respond to a call across the street for domestic
disturbance (I assume because I heard an argument from their house before
the police showed up). At 12:50 the officer walked from their house across
the road to my vehicle and asked for my ID without identifying himself. I
told him I was in front of my house, my name, and I asked if I was being
detained. He tried to open my door. This is when I s... more »
Talk Of Nuclear War Over Ukraine Beginning To Surface In Mainstream Media

Anthony Freda Art Brandon Turbeville
Until now, the talk of nuclear warfare between the United States and Russia
has been confined to prescient and observant researchers largely operating
within the alternative media. Western media outlets, while attempting to
Portray Putin as the new Hitler and Russia as a provocateur, still attempt
to paint a picture of a winnable confrontation between the two superpowers.
Indeed, Western media outlets along with opportunistic politicians are
attempting to nurture anti-Russian sentiment amongst the American people
who, unfortunately, have no r... more »
Friday Nerd Blogging: NATO Week!
I have been lax in my Friday Nerd Blogging duties lately. Partly because I
have been so obsessed with NATO and its summit. Now that the communiques
are launched, it is time to relax and embrace that fave NATO song:
U.S. Confirms That Al Shabaab's Leader In Somalia Was Killed In A Drone Strike This Week
US Confirms al-Shabab Leader Ahmed Godane Killed -- BBC
The leader of the Somali Islamist group al-Shabab, Ahmed Abdi Godane, was
killed following a US attack earlier this week, the Pentagon has said.
The US carried out air strikes on Monday night destroying a vehicle and an
encampment south of the capital.
Somalia's president issued a statement on Friday urging militants to
embrace peace after the death of their leader.
Godane was one of the US state department's most wanted men.
It had placed a bounty of $7m (£4.2m) on his head.
Somali analyst Nuur Mohamud Sheekh told the BBC t... more »
Heavenletter #5033 - Bring What You Want to the World

*Heavenletter #5033 - Bring What You Want to the World*
September 5, 2014
God said:
Life in the world keeps chugging along. Life in the world, as you know it,
may never settle down. Therefore, it is incumbent for you to settle down.
Within yourself, you settle down. You are wise and calm. Life brings
unexpected stories, and yet you can read these stories without alarm. What
an imagination life has! What it puts together cannot be taken back, yet,
what life puts together keeps changing and growing, and sometimes dreams do
come true.
There are dreams you have that are imminently t... more »
Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- September 5, 2014
*Russia-Ukraine Crisis Moves NATO Back Toward Its Roots -- Nic Robertson
and Josh Levs, CNN*
(CNN) -- The future of Europe may rest on whether NATO can recover its
With Russian President Vladimir Putin "land grabbing" and violating
international law, the alliance is finding itself "brought back to its
core," says Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, NATO's former secretary general. But it
isn't prepared.
When NATO was founded in 1949, its central task was to protect its members
against military aggression and work to promote democracy -- which, in the
years following, often meant stand... more »
The Zarqawis

*U.S. distributed photo*
*Picture of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi shortly after his death. *
See http://www.defenselink.mil/home/photoessays/2006-06/p20060608b2.html,
slide 2, caption
*"Army Maj. Gen. William B. Caldwell briefs reporters in Baghdad, June 8,
2006, on the June 7 air strike that killed terrorist Abu Musab al Zarqawi.
U.S. military officials released the photo to Caldwell's right of the
deceased Zarqawi."*
According to NBC News, the Pentagon had pushed to "take out" Zarqawi's
operation at least three times prior to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, but had
been vetoed by the Na... more »
US Key Man in Syria Worked Closely with ISIL and Jabhat al-Nusra
*NATO won't destroy what it created over a period of many years. It will
send a few advisers to Iraq, and drop a few bombs, but in the shadows it
will continue to feed the ISIL terrorist machine with more money and better
Video Title: US Key Man in Syria Worked Closely with ISIL and Jabhat
al-Nusra. Source: Eretz Zen. Date Published: August 17, 2014. Description:
One of the key US men in Syria, the "Free Syrian Army" (FSA) Col. Abdel
Jabbar al-Okaidi, who operated mostly in the Greater Aleppo area, was open
about his daily communication and collaboration with extremist ji... more »
"Less Time And Inclination..."
“We have looked first at man with his vanities and greed and his problems
of a day or a year; and then only, and from this biased point of view, we
have looked outward at the earth he has inhabited so briefly and at the
universe in which our earth is so minute a part. Yet these are the great
realities, and against them we see our human problems in a different
perspective. Perhaps if we reversed the telescope and looked at man down
these long vistas, we should find less time and inclination to plan for our
own destruction.”
- Rachel Carson
World News Briefs -- September 5, 2014 (Evening Edition)
*Ukraine And Pro-Russia Rebels Sign Ceasefire Deal -- BBC*
Ukraine and pro-Russian rebels in the east have signed a truce deal to end
almost five months of fighting.
The two sides agreed to stop firing by 15:00 GMT and the truce appeared to
be holding. But the rebels said the truce had not changed their policy of
advocating splitting from Ukraine.
Meanwhile, Nato has agreed to form a multi-national "spearhead" force
capable of deploying within 48 hours.
More than 2,600 people have died since rebels stormed several eastern
The takeover - which followed the annexation by R... more »
Obama’s Chickens Coming Home to Roost in Kiev

While having lunch at a local eatery on Thursday, the television was on and
the area news channel was spewing the same lies and State Department
talking points on the vilified Russian leader Vladimir Putin’s invasion of
Ukraine. The patrons at the lunch counter were all staring into the
electronic crackpipe as they mentally digested the daily dispersal of
bullshit as I nearly choked on my 5.99 blue plate special meatloaf. Things have
never been what they are sold as in Ukraine, anyone who is inclined to stay
informed can easily do so in the era of the internet and social media. But... more »
*Society of Environmental Journalists' 24th Annual Conference Coverage *
*A reaction to the reckless ~Disenfranchised Citizen*
*So Many Reasons To Participate In #FalconsHateWeek (But It's All In Good
Fun) ~Jason Saul, WWNO*
Terrorism, COINTELPRO, and the Black Panther Party --An interview with law professor Angela A. Allen-Bell

(PHOTO: Angela A. Allen-Bell joins Amnesty International in support of the
Angola 3 outside of the Louisiana State Capitol on April 17, 2012.)
*Terrorism, COINTELPRO, and the Black Panther Party*
*--An interview with law professor Angela A. Allen-Bell*
*By Angola 3 News*
This past July, students from Northwestern University’s Medill Justice
Project visited the infamous Louisiana State Prison known as Angola. While
there, students landed an impromptu interview with Warden Burl Cain, where
they asked him about an inmate at Angola named Kenny ‘Zulu’ Whitmore, who
has now been in soli... more »
After Throwing His Own Christian Wife Under The Bus, Whose Wife Will Bob McDonnell Be In Prison?
Will Bob McDonnell start a song and dance group in prison?
Yesterday, when I first heard-- well, read-- on twitter the jury in
Virginia declare Bob McDonnell guilty on one corruption charge after
another, 11 in all, I just couldn't wait to watch Rachel Maddow's show. She
may not know much about electoral politics beyond a "D" or an "R," or
anything at all about telling a Balkan from a Baltic, but *no one* knows as
much about the intricacies of the Bob McDonnell case as Rachel. And no one
has presented the case in a more delightful and informative way.
The moment I saw the verdict com... more »
NATO Summit News Updates -- September 5, 2014
*NATO Agrees On New 'Spearhead' Force To Meet Global Threats -- CNN*
(CNN) -- The future of Europe may rest on whether NATO can recover its
With Russian President Vladimir Putin "land grabbing" and violating
international law, the alliance is finding itself "brought back to its
core," says Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, NATO's former secretary general. But it
isn't prepared.
When NATO was founded in 1949, its central task was to protect its members
against military aggression and work to promote democracy -- which, in the
years following, often meant standing against the Soviet em... more »
Supplemental: High praise for work which makes no sense!
*FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2014Fratricide and Richard Nixon:* Do you believe
there is any such thing as a “Los Angeles artist” named XVALA?
We ask that person because “Los Angeles artist XVALA” is currently in the
news, if any such thing as the news exists. Emily Yahr has the story, or
something like it, on-line at the Washington Post, if you believe in the
YAHR (9/5/14): While news about hundreds of nude celebrity photos stolen
from Jennifer Lawrence, Kate Upton and others have thrown the Internet into
a frenzy, one artist has decided to take advantage of the madness.
*Los Angel... more »
Kiev officials and representatives of the two self-proclaimed republics in
southeastern Ukraine have agreed to a ceasefire, as the contact group met
behind closed doors in Belarus.
Free Download: Mark Twain, "Letters From the Earth"
* Mark Twain's "Letters From the Earth"*
by Wikipedia
“Letters from the Earth” is one of Mark Twain's posthumously published
works. The essays were written during a difficult time in Twain's life; he
was deep in debt and had lost his wife and one of his daughters. Initially,
his daughter, Clara Clemens, objected to its publication in March 1939,
probably because of its controversial and iconoclastic views on religion,
claiming it presented a "distorted" view of her father. Henry Nash Smith
helped change her position in 1960. Clara explained her change of heart in
1962 saying that ... more »
NATO Is Not Ready To Admit Ukraine As A Full Fledge Member

Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko (L) and NATO Secretary General Anders
Fogh Rasmussen talk during the NATO-Ukraine meeting at the NATO Summit at
the Celtic Manor Resort in Newport, Wales, September 4, 2014.
(Reuters/Facundo Arrizabalag)
*NATO Too Wary of Russian Threats to Let Ukraine Join -- Simon Shuster,
Despite Russia's actions in eastern Ukraine, the U.S.-led alliance is
keeping Kiev at a distance
With its aggression against Ukraine, Russia achieved in just a few months
what Vadim Grechaninov has been trying to do for a decade. His mission as
President of the Atlan... more »
On Iraq, Former President Bush Looks Like A Genius Compared To President Barack "No Strategy" Obama

*The mentally deficient man with guts is a thousand times better than the
indecisive intellectual. *
“[It] would mean surrendering the future of Iraq to al Qaeda. It would mean
that we’d be risking mass killings on a horrific scale.
It would mean we’d allow the terrorists to establish a safe haven in Iraq
to replace the one they lost in Afghanistan.
It would mean increasing the probability that American troops would have to
return at some later date to confront an enemy that is even more
dangerous.” - Former President George W. Bush in 2007. [*Source*].
"The interesting part abou... more »
U.S. Military Charter Plane With 100 Americans Has Been Forced Down In Iran By Iranian Fighter Jets
*U.S. Military Charter Plane Forced To Land In Iran -- Washington Post*
A U.S. military charter aircraft flying from Afghanistan has been forced
down in Iran by Iranian fighter jets, according to officials familiar with
the incident.
The plane, which departed Bagram air base on Friday, was chartered by the
Pentagon from Fly Dubai, an airliner based in the United Arab Emirates, and
was carrying approximately 100 Americans and possibly a pair of Canadians.
After being intercepted by the fighter jets, the plane was escorted to the
southern Iranian city of Bandar Abbas.
*Read more* .... more »
Most of the links that Paul Craig Roberts provides here have been taken up in one form or another in my previous five re-posts. Please play at least the short videos you will find in two of them ("a picture is worth a thousand words"). The one thing new to me were the Germans in Dresden (burned to the ground in WWII) packing the streets calling Chancellor Merkel a war monger, which she is so long as she continues to be a vassal of Washington. A "must see" ...so I embedded this video below.

*Warning to the World: Washington and its NATO & EU Vassals are Insane —
Paul Craig Roberts*
September 2, 2014 | Original Here
Go here to sign up to receive
email notice of this news letter
*Warning to the World: Washington and its NATO & EU Vassals are Insane*
Paul Craig Roberts
Herbert E. Meyer, a nutcase who was a special assistant to the CIA director
for a period during the Reagan administration, has penned an article
calling for Russian President Putin’s assassination. If... more »
To discuss the latest developments in Ukraine and at NATO’s summit in
Wales, RT is joined live by British investigative journalist Tony Gosling
and political analyst Chris Bambery.
Carl Sagan, “Humility”
Carl Sagan, “Humility”
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8GA2w-qrcg
“The Pale Blue Dot: Where We Make Our Stand”
Carl Sagan, “The Pale Blue Dot: Where We Make Our Stand”
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PN5JJDh78I
“New Galaxy Map Relocates The Milky Way To A Ginormous Supercluster Called Laniakea”
*“New Galaxy Map Relocates The Milky Way *
*To A Ginormous Supercluster Called Laniakea”*
By James Cave
“Astronomers have long had a sense of where the Milky Way is in relation to
other galaxies, but a new three-dimensional star map gives us a more
nuanced look at our cosmic neighborhood. Until now, the Milky Way was
believed to be one galaxy in the 2,000 that make up what's known as the
Virgo "supercluster." But as the new map shows, the Milky Way's 100 billion
stars are actually part of something 100 times bigger: a supercluster of
galaxies astronomers have christened Laniakea, mea... more »
Adventures in canning: Sweet cherry peppers and beef stew...
*couldn't be easier.*
The cherry peppers were my major goal when planting all the pepper plants.
All the other peppers were just companions for the cherry peppers. Anyone
who gardens knows that when ordering seeds a sort of insanity ensues
wherein you order *waaaaay* more than you need.
I crammed in some banana peppers to fill up the spaces between the cherry
peppers and added some onion.
These will be delicious stuffed with feta cheese.
The store where I work had a good sale on boneless beef bottom round rump
roasts. This meat came from the *Double R ranch*. It's perfect ... more »
Before Today's Ukraine Ceasefire Announcement, The Pentagon Reported That Russia Had Just Deployed It's Best Troops On The Border

Pentagon: Russia Has More Capable Troops On Ukraine Border -- *Wall Street
Current Deployment Is Called Smaller But More Dangerous Than Previous Forces
The Pentagon said Thursday that the Russian troops along Ukraine's border
represent the most capable force Moscow has deployed to the area since the
current crisis began.
The potent border deployment, which is smaller but more dangerous than
previous ones, highlighted the degree to which the two sides remain at odds
and the difficulty of achieving a cease-fire.
In March, Russia had a far larger force, of more than 50,000, ... more »
Absent express findings supporting a finding that finding is an error of law
*R. v. Batty,* 2014 ONCA 620:
While this court cannot “revisit factual findings or correct errors of
mixed fact and law” (R. v. R.R., 2008 ONCA 497, 234 C.C.C. (3d) 463 at
para. 24), an absence of findings capable of supporting guilt amounts to an
error of law (R. v. Seath, 1999 ABCA 347, [2000] A.W.L.D. 93 at para 28
referring to R. v. Schuldt, [1985] 2 S.C.R. 592, [1985] S.C.J. No. 76 at
Even Senator McCain ‘Accidentally’ Refers to the Syrian Rebels as ‘ISIS’

Melissa Melton
The supposed differences between the Syrian rebels (which our government
says are the “good guys”) and ISIS (the “bad guys”) are becoming so hard to
differentiate these days, that apparently even our government’s most
stalwart supporters of war can’t keep their lies straight when the cameras
are rolling.
I’ve written multiple articles (here, here, and here) on the fact that good
‘ol Uncle Sam in the form of the Obama Administration has sent hundreds of
millions of dollars to ISIS, the terrorist enemy in Iraq and Syria that our
government also helped train ... more »
Joan Rivers

Putting my outsized cigar aside for a couple of minutes, here are some
classic lines from Joan Rivers:
My daughter and I are very close. We speak every single day and I call her
every day and I say the same thing, “Pick up, I know you’re there.” And she
says the same thing back, “How’d you get this new number?”
The whole Michael Jackson thing was my fault. I told him to date only
twenty-eight-year-olds. Who knew he would find 20 of them?
Bo Derek turned down the role of Helen Keller because she couldn’t remember
the lines.
And here's the BBC's attention-seeking Jon Donnison, twee... more »
17 Fake Cell Phone Towers Discovered Across U.S.

Chris Carrington
Now why would someone want to erect fake cell phone towers across the
United States? Who would have the money and the manpower to do so? Who owns
them? Who is using them to track your calls?
These are just a few of the questions Les Goldsmith, Chief Executive of the
security company ESD America, wants answered.
Talking to *Popular Science *magazine Mr Goldsmith said:
One of our customers took a road trip from Florida to North Carolina and he
found eight different interceptors on that trip. We even found one at a
casino in Las Vegas.
What we find suspicious is t... more »
Mike Brown Protesters: Willing to Die for Justice

*by Mark Daniels*
"The most iconic photo of the Ferguson Protests"
Photo Credit: Post-Dispatch photographer Robert Cohen
On August 9, 2014 Michael Brown of Ferguson Missouri was shot numerous
times and killed by Ferguson Police Officer, Darren Wilson, followed by
days and weeks of mostly peaceful protests with some rioting and looting
and a militarized police response including Governor Jay Nixon's State of
Emergency declaration and deployment of the Missouri National Guard on the
streets of Ferguson. As a result, Ferguson residents were subject to
martial law measures which i... more »
Hamas Sermon - Hamas are open about wanting to kill all Jews, why don't the BBC admit this truth?
Hamas are open about wanting to kill all Jews, why don't the BBC admit this
The BBC is institutionally anti Israel and this is seriously affecting
their coverage of Israel and the Palestinians.

*President Obama catches the eye of former Vice President Dick Cheney at
Obama's 2008 inauguration. (photo: Flickr)*
*As we approach the 13th Anniversary of America's greatest act of treason,
perhaps only satire can fully reveal the true extent of the Big Lie and how
literally half of Washington, DC has been silenced or blackmailed by AIPAC
into remaining silent over the fact that 9/11 was an inside job. The only
way to stop the current **military **escalation follies **throughout the
Middle East **is to finally fully reveal the 9/11 Lie they were** all**
initially born from: Allen ... more »
Human Rights Research and Researchers in IR: Are We REALLY that Odd?
Before APSA last week, I had the privilege of attending a small conference
put on the Teaching, Research, and International Policy (TRIP) Project at
William and Mary. The conference was a chance for researchers in different
research areas to write about the policy-relevance of their issue area and
compare research and researchers in their area
Continue reading
That Republican Civil War… It's Still Burning Out Of Control

One's indictable and one's… another Bush
The University of Florida released a poll last night showing Jeb Bush,
Marco Rubio (and Hillary) with the highest popularity ratings in the
Sunshine State's newest twist on a 2016 presidential survey. Nationally,
the Big Money elites who call the shots in the GOP, want a top tier
candidate to start focussing on already. Believe it or not, among GOP
voters, Chris Christie, most likely next governor to face the fate Bob
McDonnell just ran into yesterday in court, is still the highest ranked
"candidate." The sad Republican Party rankings:
*•* C... more »
SKY News Films The Presence Of Heavily Armed Russian Soldiers In Ukraine

The men were filmed travelling in a small convoy
*Sky Films Troops 'In Russian Gear' In Ukraine -- SKY News*
*The men were travelling in a convoy that included an armoured personnel
carrier and two machine gunners mounted on pick-up trucks.*
Sky News has filmed well-armed, well-equipped troops, who appear to be
wearing recent issue Russian combat gear, operating alongside rebel forces
in south-eastern Ukraine.
The men were travelling in a small convoy, which included an armoured
personnel carrier and two machine gunners mounted on pick-up trucks.
The vehicles were marked with the ... more »
Supplemental: Maddow discusses McDonnell’s conviction!
*FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2014We get a new impression:* To us, the prosecution
of Bob McDonnell seemed like a shaky idea.
He doesn’t seem to have done very much to help businessman Jonnie Williams.
We thought the prosecution was a bit of a stretch, with a bit of a banana
republic feel.
We’d prefer to see progressives learn how to win fights with such governors
at the polls. Unfortunately, as our new progressive world unfolds, we keep
getting saddled with leaders who don’t seem well suited to this approach.
We also weren’t crazy about the coverage in the Washington Post. That
extends ... more »
Ukraine Civil War News Updates -- September 5, 2014

© ITAR-TASS/EPA/Alexander Ermochenko
*Combat Operations In Donetsk, Luhansk Republics Suspended For Now — Source
Militiamen of DPR and LPR hold more than 1,000 Ukrainian servicemen
captive, and are ready to start start the exhchange of prisoners at any time
DONETSK, September 05. /ITAR-TASS/. Combat operations in Donetsk, Luhansk
self-proclaimed republics have been suspended for now, a high-ranking
source from the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) told
ITAR-TASS on Friday.
“There have been no reports about military hostilities in the DPR and LPR
over t... more »
Argentina: Unknown Object Over Villaguay

*Source: VISION OVNIDate: September 5, 2014*
*Argentina: Unknown Object Over Villaguay*
By Silvia Pérez Simondini
Dear friends - José Javier Perotti of Villaguay, Entre Rios, has sent me an
interesting home video - unedited, which makes it truthful. In any event,
it is necessary to have it analyzed by our specialists to insure that we
are facing an anomalous object. Thank you, José, for always being alert and
collaborating with us.
*VIDEO at*:
Inexplicata Podcasts covering items from UFO / paranormal history in... more »
The (Better) Half Has Never Been Told: A book review by Cyril Blubberpuss, Esq
Since the golf ball cleaner on the links was busted and I was waiting
for my caddy to suck my Titleists clean, I was thinking about a book I'd
read recently by some liberal named Edward Baptist. It's called, *The Half
Has Never Been Told: Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism*. Now,
as if that wasn't a provocative enough title with its call for class
warfare, it seems as if the limp-wristed *Economist*, which published a
review of the book, has pulled it under some politically correct liberal
faux outrage.
The libs, most of them coming from Crooks and Liars (includ... more »
Three new 'noes'

I hear Craig is putting his feet up and is smoking a big fat cigar instead
of blogging, though he disputes this.
Meanwhile here are three recommends. Some might argue that they only
tangentially relate to the BBC, but those of a particular turn of mind
might say they relate to the BBC quite a lot.
No Peace with Islam. No recognition of (moderate) Islam. No negotiations
with Islam.
Daniel Greenfield has written two particularly sparky articles on his blog
Sultan Knish.
The first one, The Deadly Israeli House Strikes Again, sets out the
absurdity of the fact that in the eyes of t... more »
Sweetness and Blight

The latest in Bam Spam:
Take it from one who knows: The constant maintenance of cynicism is
exhausting. So when I eagerly clicked on the link in the email from Obama
factotum Jon Carson to learn just how I, too, can stand up to cynicism and
give Hope a chance, I fell right back into the morass. It was nothing but
another freakin' money grub from Obama's political machine! Not even one
Panglossian quote, or a picture of Pollyanna, or a spoonful of sugar to
help the medicine go down, or anything to make us feel better. Just gimme,
gimme, gimme.
You may cynically be thinking that t... more »
Dilanian's Dizzying Defense & Dissemination of Disinformation:My Own Discussion with the 'CIA's Mop-Up Man'
Wednesday afternoon, The Intercept's Ken Silverstein dropped a
A prominent national security reporter for the Los Angeles Times
routinely submitted drafts and detailed summaries of his stories to CIA
press handlers prior to publication, according to documents obtained by
The Intercept.
That reporter is Ken Dilanian, who has since joined Associated Press as
an intelligence
NATO And Russia Give Cautious Support To Today's Ukraine Ceasefire Agreement
*Nato Leaders Cautiously Welcome Ukraine Ceasefire Agreement -- The
*Both Ukrainian military and pro-Russia rebels have agreed to a ceasefire
under terms proposed by Vladimir Putin*
Nato leaders cautiously welcomed an apparent breakthrough in the five-month
Ukrainian conflict after the country's president, Petro Poroshenko, and one
of the leading pro-Russia separatist leaders agreed to order a ceasefire on
But Poroshenko, who expressed cautious optimism about the truce, caught
Nato officials off-guard with the disclosure that, while Nato was not
arming Ukraine,... more »
TV = Weapon of Mass Deception

*The television is a weapon of mass deception. Tell your friends, family,
and neighbors.*On average, Americans watch over 4 hours of television every
single day. 98% of American households have at least one television, and
49% of Americans openly admit they watch too much television.
Television has had profoundly negative impacts on American cultural and
social life. It hinders education and learning, promotes excessive
materialism and commercialism, and encourages degenerate, narcissistic, and
hedonistic lifestyles. Television promotes violence and unrealistic life
expectations. It... more »
All Armed Forces Involved In The Ukraine Civil War Are To Remain In Current Positions
*Armed Forces To Remain In Current Positions In Ukraine After Ceasefire
Deal-Source -- Reuters*
MINSK, Sept 5 (Reuters) - The ceasefire deal in Ukraine includes a prisoner
exchange, while armed forces on both sides will remain in their current
positions, a source close to talks said on Friday.
The source also said the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in
Europe (OSCE) will monitor the implementation of the ceasefire.
*Read more* ....
*My Comment:* The next few days are going to be critical. For now .... I
personally expect the truce to hold .... and I hope that the focus... more »
Ukraine Government And Pro-Russian Separatist Leaders Have Agreed To A Ceasefire -- News Roundup
*Ukraine, Separatist Rebels Sign Truce -- Voice of America/Reuters*
MOSCOW - Ukraine and pro-Russian separatists signed an agreement on a
cease-fire in eastern Ukraine starting at 6:00 p.m. (1500 GMT) on Friday.
"A preliminary cease-fire protocol has been signed in Minsk. The protocol
should go into effect on Friday," President Petro Poroshenko tweeted
Friday, adding in a subsequent tweet that "Peace is an aspiration of the
entire world. Peace is an aspiration of all of Ukraine, including the
millions of residents of the Donbas."
The Donetsk People's Republic of Novorossiya also c... more »
KIPP: Waiting for the Marshmallow While Getting the Fist
*Educators have jumped on the bandwagon, hoping to teach the skills of
delaying gratification to inner-city kids. Dave Levin, co-founder of KIPP
(a network of charter schools) employs teaching these cognitive tricks to
all his students, who also each wear T-shirts emblazoned with the slogan
“Don’t eat the marshmallow!” *Source
When you hear white middle class corporate reformers talking about the need
to have poor brown and black poor children learn to "delay gratification,"
who can help but wince! After all, black children were being served the
same message over a hundred years ... more »
THE HOUSES OF JOURNALIST COUNTY: Game-show elements, roving trucks!
*FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2014Part 4—The Values of Journalist County:* Does it
matter if our best-known stars live in The Houses of Journalist County?
Theoretically, it doesn’t matter at all. Theoretically, a person can live
in a very large house while performing top-notch journalism.
Somewhere, it’s possible that this has even occurred!
Second question:
Does it matter if stars invent silly tales about the modesty of their
lives—tales designed to make us think they’re just like us?
Personally, we think that practice starts to suggest a certain lack of
respect for the truth. Beyond t... more »
in the US: “The top 3% held 54.4% of all wealth in 2013, up from 44.8% in 1989. The bottom 90% held 24.7@ of wealth last year, down from 33.2% in 1989.”
Wow! So much for democratic capitalism....
Leubsdorf, B. (2014, Sep 5) “Rich-Poor Gap Widened Amid Recovery, Fed
Finds.” The Wall Street Journal, B1.
[Excerpted]…Average, or mean, pretax income for the wealthiest 10% of US
families rose 10% in 2013 from 2010, but families in the bottom 40% saw
their average inflation-adjusted income decline over that period, according
to the Fed’s Survey of Consumer Finances, which is conducted every three
years. The report showed little change in average take-home pay for
middle-and upper-middle class families, who ‘failed to recover the losses
... more »
Establishment is Afraid of End The Fed Movement in Germany
In this video Luke Rudkowski talks to Ken Jebsen a former main stream media
journalist in Germany and Lars Maehrholz a skydiver that became the main
organizer of the massive Monday peace vigils in Berlin. The protests in
Berlin are not a left or right movement but a social media movement against
the establishment that have grown to over a 100 cities and 3 countries.
They started with Lars 2 1/2 months ago and with the help of Ken fm have
grown to a very large number which made the main stream media in Berlin
slander and attack the movement.
[image: Establishment is Afraid of End T... more »
Steven Sotloff and Israel
Israeli press comes short of linking Sotloff to the Mossad but it produces
the necessary evidence that would make such a suggestion into a valid
Baltimore City Police Detective Plans To Leave After Alleged Intimidation
A Baltimore City police detective who claims he’s been intimidated on the
job is leaving the force. He says he’s been harassed since testifying
against fellow officers who were convicted in a misconduct case.
Schizophrenic Man Armed with Pellet Gun Shot 80 Times By Police Until He ‘Had No Face’
A man in Laredo, Texas ‘armed’ with a simple pellet gun was shot by police
about 80 times, until he ‘had no face’.
[image: LPD officer-involved shooting at Gateway Truck Stop]
Candidates in elections must prove their sanity – Russian MP
A nationalist lawmaker suggests making politicians disclose their
psychiatric problems to the public and punish those who try to hide them by
removing them from polls.
Juveniles charged with felonies for stripping bark from school's tree
After allegedly admitting to the act, both were charged with second-degree
criminal mischief.
The Islamic State (ISIS) Used to Justify Renewed U.S. “Humanitarian Bombings” in Iraq and Syria
“There is no doubt that Islamic State is an utterly reactionary sectarian
force. But it is a force that came out of U.S. Policy and the destruction
of the whole region. ISIS or Islamic State, is a direct result of U.S.
Policy of fomenting religious, ethnic national differences, in Iraq, in
Syria, as policy for the war in Iraq and for overthrowing the government in
Syria. Again and again they have used absolutely reactionary groupings in
these policies.”
[image: The Islamic State (ISIS) Used to Justify Renewed U.S. “Humanitarian
Bombings” in Iraq and Syria]
IRA... more »
Palestinians put Gaza reconstruction cost at $7.8bn
The PA's assessment also found that the Strip's education sector would need
around $143 million to get back on its feet.
Ukraine Crisis - Ukrainian Soldiers Counting Losses
Soldiers from 72nd Mech. Brigade tell their story.
[image: Ukraine Crisis | Ukr. Soldiers Counting Losses | English Subtitles]
France, UK going mad over Syria
As horrors of the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) go
viral, reactions in Paris and London show a kind of self-inflicted
confusion when leaders try to relate to the crisis.
Shocking Report: True Victim Of Fraud US Judicial System, Edgar Steele, Has Just Passed Away!
Today, I am saddened to report that a true warrior and fighter for freedom
for all of us, Edgar Steele, has passed away.....
Edgar Steele has been falsely imprisoned in a California state penitentiary
for the last 3 years on false and trumped up charges.... Tragically, his
wife, Cyndi, was just informed yesterday that he passed away under very
strange circumstances.....
I want to present the following report that comes from another Canadian
patriot and true seeker of the truth, Arthur Topham, from his Radical Press
website, at www.radicalpress.com, that explains in some detail the
... more »
World News Briefs -- September 5, 2014
*Ukraine And Pro-Russia Rebels 'Sign Ceasefire Deal' -- BBC*
The Ukrainian government and pro-Russia rebels meeting in Minsk have signed
a preliminary protocol to start a ceasefire, Ukrainian President Petro
Poroshenko says.
He said that the truce would start at 15:00 GMT. The announcement came
after reports of further clashes in the east.
Western countries are meanwhile working on further sanctions against Russia.
The West accuses Russia of sending arms and troops to back the rebels in
eastern Ukraine. Moscow denies this.
The talks in Minsk, capital of Belarus, involve former Uk... more »
Read Like You're Watching TV with Spritz

One of the strangest things to me is when I talk to people who say they
hate reading and haven't read a book since they graduated high school or
college. I'm not judging, but it makes me sad on the great literature
they're missing out on by not reading.
I understand. Reading can be challenging, time consuming and sometimes
downright boring. And today's fast-paced, bite-sized digital world has
changed reading in many ways — though the jury is still out on whether this
is a good thing or not.
But what if there was a way to read that was more like TV: more relaxing,
more bite-sized, a... more »
Kiev/East Ukraine Seperatists agree on ceasefire- Azov/ISIS similarities
From left to right:- Former Ukrainian president Leonid Kuchma,
representative of self proclaimed "People Republic of Donetsk", Prime
Minister Alexander Zakharchenko, OSCE envoy Heidi Tagliavini, Russian
Ambassador to the Ukraine Mikhail Zurabov, rebel leader of "People Republic
of Lugansk" Igor Plotnitsky make an official statement on the signing of a
ceasefire agreement in Minsk, on September 5, 2014*RT *
The truce agreement comes into force starting 6 pm local time (15:00 GMT).
The president has ordered to cease fire starting at the time stated in the
*“I give the order... more »
Large Drop In Fighting In Iraq 3rd Week of August, 2014
MUSINGS ON IRAQ - 10 hours ago
For the last two weeks of August 2014 there was a decided decline in the
number of security incidents reported in the press. The third week of the
month saw the fewest acts of violence and a corresponding drop in
casualties. In Baghdad for example there was a large reduction in dead and
wounded because there were hardly any car bombs, while Kirkuk saw hardly
any attacks. This all point to the fighting in Iraq settling into a rough
From August 15-21, 2014 there were only 150 incidents mentioned in the
media. This was the lowest of the year surpassing the previous nadir of... more »
Friday pussy - reflective edition

Put down your weapons. Turn swords into plowshares and let's get on with
life. Too much greed and hate in the world. Was it something in the water?
"Us" never really wins against "them". What fools these mortals be.
Momma sends her sons to war and they don't come back. Was the sacrifice
really worth it? Raise a flag and stand tall with a nation we're told. Are
we really any better than them? It's all just an illusion. What's worse a
beheading or a bombed baby? Okay no fair that was a choice between cancer
or leprosy. All comes down to numbers on a mortality chart with no faces
t... more »
The Islamic State’s Rebirth In Iraq In 2012
When the United States withdrew from Iraq at the end of 2011, the Islamic
State of Iraq (ISI) was considered at its nadir. Much of its leadership was
dead or in prison. The number of attacks it was able to carry out was way
down, and many believed that the group would devolve into a criminal gang.
Instead in 2012 the organization started rebuilding. One sign of its
revival was the number of car bombs that it was able to launch. An analysis
of these attacks showed that ISI was able to steadily restore its networks
and capabilities as the year progressed eventually leading it to beco... more »
The Second Ebola Outbreak Is Just As Strange As The First

Joshua Krause
Exactly one month ago I wrote about, and charted the alarming spread of the
Ebola virus. As I explained in the article, the virus is behaving very
strangely. It doesn’t become infectious until the person shows symptoms, it
isn’t airborne and it’s extremely lethal; all conditions that would
normally keep a virus from reaching an epidemic status. And yet it
continues to spread like wildfire.
By the time I had the opportunity to write about it, 800 people had died in
the span of over 5 months. Now one month later, the number of deaths has
nearly doubled to over 1500 pe... more »
Russia Negotiates Ceasefire In Ukraine: NATO Responds With Troops, Warships, and Sanctions

image source Brandon Turbeville
Only hours after Russian President Vladmir Putin managed to secure a
fragile ceasefire between the Western-backed fascist regime in Kiev and the
Russian-backed separatists in Eastern Ukraine, NATO has rewarded Russia's
efforts by shipping NATO soldiers into Western Ukraine, increasing the
number of NATO navy vessels in the Black Sea, and leveling new sanctions
against Moscow.
According to Reuters, Western Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and one
of the main separatist leaders of Eastern Ukraine have agreed to order
ceasefires on Friday, pendi... more »
Ten Buck Friday...

is *baaaack.*
And we have *Proof Positive *to thank. Thanks, Proof.
*All my incumbents in Idaho are considered safe. It is Idaho, after all.
So, I'll be spreading my money around the country.*
*Please consider joining us in promoting Ten Buck Friday. *
*From Wyblog:*
Back in halcyon years of old (2010), some conservative bloggers put forth a
plan where, a poll would be taken of conservative candidates around the
country and the winner would be the recipient of a ten dollar contribution
to their campaign from each of the participants. Forgive me for not taking
a poll, but ther... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- September 5, 2014
*Nato Agrees On New 'Spearhead' Force Amid Ukraine Crisis -- BBC*
*The Nato military alliance has agreed on a new "spearhead" force amid
growing concern at the Ukraine crisis and the rise of Islamic State
The move was announced at a meeting of Nato leaders in Wales.
Talks on a ceasefire in eastern Ukraine have begun, but more clashes were
reported close to the city of Mariupol.
Ukraine, Russia and pro-Russia rebels are attending the talks in Belarus,
while Western countries ponder further sanctions on Russia.
The West accuses Russia of sending arms and troops to back ... more »
BREAKING NEWS: Ukraine And Pro-Russian Rebels Have Agreed To A Ceasefire Starting at 14:00 GMT

*Kiev, E. Ukraine Militia Sign Ceasefire Agreement -- RT*
Kiev officials and representatives of the two self-proclaimed republics in
southeastern Ukraine have agreed to a ceasefire, as the contact group met
behind closed doors in Belarus.
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has confirmed the ceasefire agreement
on his Twitter account.
The truce agreement comes into force starting 6 pm local time (15:00 GMT).
The president has ordered to cease fire starting at the time stated in the
*“I give the order to the chief of the General staff of the Ukrainian Armed
Forces to ... more »
Et Tu, Brian?

When Brian Mulroney appeared before a parliamentary committee to explain
his connections to Karl Heinz Schreiber, Stephen Harper let it be known
that Mulroney was *persona non grata*. Yesterday, Mulroney got his revenge.
Interviewed for CTV's *Power Play*, he took Harper apart.
On the prime minister's public spat with Beverley McLachlin, he said:
You don't get into a slagging contest with the chief justice of the Supreme
Court of Canada, even if you thought that he or she was wrong. You don't do... more »
Links and comments

*This little guy has been hanging round our screen door for the last couple
of days. I've been trying to get a shot of him. What a pleasure to finally
get a good shot.*
No time to blog....
- Hanjie's Blog: Matsu -- trip + pics
- Thinking Taiwan: when surveys become propaganda instruments: the
recent survey parading around FocusTaiwan and other pro-KMT sites is an
example of the ugliness to which the dark side will stoop.
- Shocked, just shocked to hear the Taiwanese investors are superstitious
and irrational, according to the Economist. Sometimes I get tired of the... more »

We Hereby Proclaim the People's Democratic Republic of Nulandistan
from Spike EP on Vimeo.
Nulandistan: Victoria Nuland, US Ambassador to NATO 2006 Interview
from Spike EP on Vimeo.
*Victoria Nuland: *"But there have been some wacky moments. I remember when
I was breastfeeding my second one being on a long negotiation with
Secretary Albright and I was - and at one point we got off an eight hour
flight. This was a little bit intimate, but just to give you a sense of
things. And she wanted to go right into a pre-brief.
And I said,* "Madam Secretary, I think it will be a good thing ... more »
Here Is The REAL Truth About The Mossad Run "Terrorist" Group Known As "ISIS": The ISIS Islamic Terrorists Are Supported By The US, Israel, And Saudi Arabia
Is it not remarkable about how the US/Israel criminal cabal constantly come
up with all these fraud "terrorist" groups to fuel their equally false and
absolutely laughable "war on terror"? I am still surprised to this day
how truly gullible people are that they cannot see the truth about this
latest and greatest "terrorist"group known by the acronym "ISIS" as being
nothing more than a massive fraud to use the psychology of fear to try to
scare the crap out of them.
What this "ISIS" truly is is nothing more than the next great "threat" to
the world following in the footsteps of t... more »
Let ISIS flow

You will know we have reached peak ISIS when the suitcase nuke is unpacked.
A bomb is a bomb. Nuclear bombs are more scary because of the ancillary
effect of radiation. I have been to both Nagasaki and Hiroshima. The
Economist would not find a city in Continental America so desirable today.
The reality is we have very little to fear from ISIS. It would be so easy
for ISIS, Al Queda or any other terror group to attack a shopping mall.
Remember the the Beltway Sniper? I guess Islamic terrorists do not have
internet access when they make their plans.
Relax people you are more likely... more »
Does The Chamber Of Commerce Think South Dakota Is Small And Inexpensive Enough For Them To Buy?
Yesterday we talked a little about how the U.S. Chamber of Commerce,
virtually an arm of the Republican Party, occasionally endorses fake
Democrats from the Republican wing of the Democratic Party. And yesterday
they added Georgia Blue Dog/New Dem corporate whore John Barrow to the list
of disgrace that thus far includes Scott Peters (New Dem-CA), Jim Costa
(Blue Dog-CA) and Henry Cuellar (Blue Dog-TX). I wonder what they're
waiting for to endorse Sean Patrick Maloney (New Dem-NY) and Kyrsten Sinema
(Blue Dog/New Dem-AZ); their records are as putrid as Peters, in fact… even
worse... more »
Infantile Anarchism
Getting the world that we want is going to be a struggle. This should go
without saying. It's going to mean a struggle between those who have, those
who think they're happy in the present circumstances, and those who are
unhappy with the system - many of whom are also those who are have-nots.
It's going to mean weak people going up against strong people. In this day
and age it's going to be unarmed civilians going up against a militarized
We have two options (that I know of ) for this struggle.
1) My proposal is that we work with the system we have. We work with the
system t... more »
America's Five Biggest Foreign-Policy Fiascoes

U.S. soldiers salute during a mass reenlistment ceremony in a U.S. military
camp in Balad, Iraq on Nov. 11, 2008. Thaier al-Sudani/Reuters
*Mistakes Were Made: America's Five Biggest Foreign-Policy Fiascoes --
Robert W. Merry, National Interest*
There were dubious decisions in the nineteenth century, but it was in the
twentieth that misguided adventures were really in vogue.
The rise of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria has raised arguments on the
part of some, including myself, that this ominous turn of events in the
Middle East flows directly from the regional destabilization w... more »
States With Pro-Employee Laws: Crackdown On Misclassification
Or, States That Don't Suck For Employees, Part IIIWith wage theft rampant
and employers trying to figure out ways to not pay employment taxes (and
avoid application of employment laws), many employers try to say, "Boom!
You're an independent contractor now." They shove an independent contractor
agreement in front of an employee and stop paying employment taxes. The
employee is told to take it or hit the road.
While the handy-dandy SS-8 form that IRS has is a good tool for employees
to force employers to correctly classify them, some states have taken
larger steps to protect employee... more »
Musical Interlude: Michael Jackson, “Earth Song”
Michael Jackson, “Earth Song”
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASbug4J4kIg
'Friendly Fire' Bombing By A B-1 That Killed 5 U.S. Soldiers In Afghanistan Is Blamed On Poor Communications

A B-1B Lancer similar to this one dropped two bombs on a ridgeline where
five American soldiers and one Afghan soldier were located. All were killed
in the friendly fire incident in June.(Photo: Master Sgt. Ben Bloker, U.S.
Air Force)
*Report: Bombs Killed U.S. Soldiers After Location Mix-Up -- USA Today*
A friendly fire incident that killed five American soldiers and one Afghan
soldier in June
was caused by failures from the "key members" of the ground team
who called in an airstrike from a B-1B Lancer, according to an accident
investigation report released Thursday.
A team of U... more »
Why Russia Will Win A Resource War

*Russia Can Hit Back With Resource War -- Gary Litman, Real Clear World*
This week, heads of 28 nations gather in Newport, Wales, for a NATO Summit
described by a former NATO military commander as “the most important since
the fall of the Berlin Wall.” In the face of increasing Russian military
action in Ukraine, NATO leaders will discuss what mix of tools, including
new and stricter sanctions, would cause the Russian leadership to rethink
its Ukraine policy.
Today’s headlines don’t tell the story, but in spite of the tumult in its
eastern regions, Ukraine finds itself on the path ... more »
German Supermarket Giants Demand Return to GMO-Free Fed Poultry by Henry Rowlands
[image: German Supermarket Giants Demand Return to GMO-Free Fed Poultry]
German Supermarket Giants Demand Return to GMO-Free Fed Poultry
by Henry Rowlands
Green Med Info, 3 September 2014
Germany's top supermarkets, the powerhouses of Europe when it comes to
retail, have delivered a blow to the biotech industry by forcing the German
poultry industry to return to the use of non-GMO feed.
*Global GMO Free Coalition on Facebook*
It was announced last Thursday that the German supermarkets, with a broad
consensus, recently demanded from the German Poultry Association (ZDG) to
stop us... more »
Are Ukraine's Nuclear Reactors Safe?

*A Worrying Factor In Ukraine's Chaos: 15 Nuclear Reactors -- Washington
WASHINGTON — As Ukraine looks like a country teetering on the edge of war,
there's an important factor to keep an eye on: The country's 15 nuclear
"There haven't been many conflicts in states with nuclear power facilities
in the past, so we're really entering unknown territory here," said Jeffrey
Mankoff, Deputy Director of the Center for Strategic and International
Studies' Russia and Eurasia Program. NATO has already shown its concern,
sending a small team of civilian experts to Ukraine in ... more »
Shoddy forgery exposed in 1963 Green Hilton Agreement docs presented by Keenan
- by GrandeLander (Sept 5, 2014)
On May 14, 2012, Keenan & Co sent out a Cease & Desist order signed by
Keith Scott & Neil Keenan. This was just weeks before Neil had his lawsuit
dated 11.22.2011 (48th anniversary of JFK assassination) withdrawn. To the
global audience, it appeared that Neil Keenan (the plaintiff on behalf of
the Dragon Family) was finally ready to slay the "Cabal Beast" in an open
court. He broadcast it in his U-turn updates. The world was all excited and
glued to the U-turn drama series for this climax, an epic court battle.
But like all popular long running TV ... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“The large stellar association cataloged as NGC 206 is nestled within the
dusty arms of neighboring spiral galaxy Andromeda (M31), 2.5 million
light-years distant.
*Click image for larger size.*
Seen near the center of this gorgeous close-up of the southwestern extent
of Andromeda's disk, the bright, blue stars of NGC 206 indicate its youth.
Its youngest massive stars are less than 10 million years old. Much larger
than the clusters of young stars in the disk of our Milky Way galaxy known
as open or galactic clusters, NGC 206 spans about 4,000 light-years. That's
comparable in size ... more »
Paulo Coelho, “Searching For Meaning”
*“Searching For Meaning”*
by Paulo Coelho
“At such a moment it is not the physical pain which hurts the most (and
this applies to adults as much as to punished children); it is the mental
agony caused by the injustice, the unreasonableness of it all.” - Viktor
“Terrible as it was, Viktor Frankl’s experience in Auschwitz reinforced
what was already one of his key ideas. Life is not primarily a quest for
pleasure, as Freud believed, or a quest for power, as Alfred Adler taught,
but a quest for meaning. The greatest task for any person is to find
meaning in his or her life. Fr... more »
Blame Jack
(Editor's note: Blame Jack the Ripper. Blame literary agent Philip
Spitzer for being arrogant enough to think he can inform me through his
flunky that I need to trim 100,000 words from my novel just to please him.
Or you can blame me for my verbosity in drafting a quarter of a million
word monstrosity last year. Either way, I'm fast running out of pages and I
still have 20,000+ words to delete from my novel, and that's a compromise
of 50,000 words. So please enjoy the most notorious examples of my alleged
wit and wisdom from my last couple of weeks on Twitter.)
Joan Rivers to 2... more »
Chet Raymo, “The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics”
*“The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics”*
by Chet Raymo
“Before I leave John Updike's bouquet of odes to natural processes, let me
share these lines from "Ode to Entropy":
“Death exists nowhere in nature, not
In the minds of birds or the consciousness of flowers,
Not even in the numb brain of the wildebeest calf
Gone under to the grinning crocodile, nowhere
In the mesh of woods or the tons of sea, only
In our forebodings, our formulae.”
Can that be true? That no other creature than ourselves anticipates
non-existence? Surely, other animals experience danger. The wildebe... more »
“Where does one go from a world of insanity?
Somewhere on the other side of despair.”
- T.S. Eliot
Gary Jules, “Mad World”
The Poet: Ralph Waldo Emerson, "The Past"
*"The Past"*
by Ralph Waldo Emerson
"The debt is paid,
The verdict said,
The Furies laid,
The plague is stayed,
All fortunes made;
Turn the key and bolt the door,
Sweet is death forevermore.
Nor haughty hope, nor swart chagrin,
Nor murdering hate, can enter in.
All is now secure and fast;
Not the gods can shake the Past;
Flies-to the adamantine door
Bolted down forevermore.
None can re-enter there,—
No thief so politic,
No Satan with a royal trick
Steal in by window, chink, or hole,
To bind or unbind, add what lacked,
Insert a leaf, or forge a name,
New-face or finish what is packed,
Alt... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Athens, Attiki, Greece. Thanks for stopping by.
"Our Best Choice..."
"Good or bad, everything we do is our best choice at that moment."
- William Glasser
Greg Hunter, “Weekly News Wrap-Up 9.5.14”
*“Weekly News Wrap-Up 9.5.14”*
By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com
“Once again, the Ukraine crisis is the top story. There is a cease-fire
between the pro-Russian separatists and Ukraine. I hope this is a
legitimate effort and not a tactic to stall for time until NATO can send in
more troops. I hope this is not a way to say well, we tried to talk to
Russia, and it did not work out, and now we have an excuse for wider
war. Anyone who thinks Russia is not heavily involved is dreaming. After
all, it is Vladimir Putin laying out a “seven point plan” to end
hostilities in eastern Ukraine. ... more »
President Zeman demands real evidence of a Russian invasion
It's been estimated that the Czech sanctions against Russia would cost us
about $1 billion if they continued in 2015. It's a lot of money which is
one reason – and the lack of any good outcomes of the sanctions so far is
another – why sensible politicians are skeptical towards sanctions, much
like the top Slovak politicians.
*Zeman and Putin. Yes, Zeman is currently the tallest head of a country in
the world.*
On behalf of their countries, Czech and Slovak PMs (Sobotka and Fico) won
the right not to join future EU sanctions or their parts. President Zeman
said that harder sanctio... more »
Oliver Giroud can't help being gorgeous...
#RainbowLaces: Change the Game: http://youtu.be/eTb-eepjheE
Iraq / Syria Updates ( September 5 , 2014 ) - War Mongerers continue to press for more War against ISIS - not just Iraq but Syria as well ! Tweets of the day....
September 5th Iraq SITREP by Mindfriedo: Infighting begins...
Short Analysis:
I put this on top because I feel it is very, very important. It talks about
the escape of a Shia recruit from Daash in Tikrit during the Spykar base
massacre by playing dead. His captors are merciless takfiris, who don't
think twice about killing the Shia.
The beginning of his account is depressing and tragic, but what he talks
about later is nothing short of amazing and touching. Sunni families gi... more »
No new Nato bases in eastern Europe

[image: NATO Summit]Poland has confirmed there will be no new Nato bases in
eastern Europe to deter Russian aggression.
The alliance is creating a new “spearhead” force of some 4,000 troops
designed to react if Russia attacks its eastern borders.
But Polish president Bronislaw Komorowski told press on Thursday (4
September) at a Nato summit in Wales that that the force will not be
physically stationed in the region. The only new facilities will include
airfields, vehicle parks, and ammunition depots to help it to deploy more
Read more
Boeing Laser Demonstrator Destroys Targets through Wind and Fog
Boeing and the U.S. Army have proven the capabilities of the High Energy
Laser Mobile Demonstrator (HEL MD) in maritime conditions, successfully
targeting a variety of aerial targets at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida.
“Under windy, rainy and foggy weather conditions in Florida, these
engagements were the most challenging to date with a 10-kilowatt laser on
HEL MD,” said Dave DeYoung, Boeing Directed Energy Systems director.
“As proven at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico in 2013 and at Eglin
Air Force Base this spring, HEL MD is reliable and capable of consistently
acquirin... more »
B-1s Continue to Prove Worth Over Iraq

[image: B-1 Lancer]As the air war over northern Iraq expanded over the last
week, Pentagon officials for first time acknowledged that land-based
bombers have begun conducting strikes against the Islamic State, or ISIS,
as it is formerly known.
Though the specific bomber type was not named, B-1B Lancers are widely
believed to be the bombers providing much needed air support to Kurdish
forces who retook the Mosul Dam.
The appearance of the B-1 in Iraq should come as no surprise, as its
long-range, all-weather, day or night, and low- or high-altitude
capabilities have made it one of... more »
*Climate sceptics should be 'crushed and buried' says eco-Fascist Sir Paul
Nurse *
*Once again note a major Warmist statement that fails to mention a single
scientific fact. All Warmists have is abuse, as we see again below. They
only ever make vague generalizations about "science". We are obviously not
supposed to question them. Why? Because they have no answers. Their
science is pseudo-science*
Politicians who do not believe in climate change should be 'crushed and
buried', according to the new president of the British Science Association.
Sir Paul Nurse, who starts his pr... more »
UH-1N 'Huey' retired from USMC service

[image: Bell UH-1N Twin Huey]The US Marine Corps (USMC) has officially
retired the last of its Bell UH-1N 'Huey' helicopters after more than 40
years of service, it was announced on 3 September.
A 'sundown' flypast of the last UH-1N to be operated by Marine Light Attack
Helicopter Squadron (HMLA) 773 took place at Naval Air Station Joint
Reserve Base New Orleans, Louisiana, on 28 August, during which the
helicopter was accompanied by its Bell UH-1Y Venom successor.
Having entered service in 1971 the UH-1N flew its final combat operation in
Afghanistan in 2010, since when it has been... more »
Singapore AF Gets New M-346 Aircraft

[image: M-346 Master]The Singapore Air Force's (RSAF) has taken delivery
new Advanced Jet Trainer, the Alenia Aermacchi M-346 aircraft, into 150
Squadron at Cazaux Air Base in France, according to an official statement.
Minister for Defence Dr Ng Eng Hen, said, "It allows our trainee pilots to
be able to be exposed to air combat environments within the cockpit - they
can be simulated, as in handling electronic warfare systems, multi-mode
radar and Beyond Visual Range missiles, early in their training. And I
think this will enhance the quality and realism of our flying training, and
... more »
Stavridis: Russian Mistrals Could Work Well As NATO Rapid Reaction Force Asset

[image: Vladivostok LHD]The suspended delivery of two French-built
amphibious warships to the Russian Navy could give NATO an opportunity to
buy a ready-made platform for its planned rapid reaction force, retired
Adm. James G. Stavridis — former NATO Supreme Allied Commander — told USNI
News on Thursday.
“France has made a good decision stopping the sale process — it would be
absurd for NATO to be providing assistance to Ukraine on the one hand while
selling arms to Russia on the other,” said retired James G. Stavridis —
U.S. Naval Institute’s Chair of the Board of Directors — said ... more »
Russian Navy to buy marine version of the Pantsir AAMG system

[image: Pantsir-M AAMG]The Russian Navy will receive the new Pantsir
anti-aircraft missile and gun system in 2016. It is lighter, more compact,
and efficient than its Kortik predecessor, although it may require the
modernization of Russian warships. The export prospects of the new
anti-aircraft missile and gun system (AAMG) are also still vague, experts
Service testing of the Pantzir AAMG, which was designed for use by naval
forces, has been completed. After 2 years, the sailors will have a
promising anti-aircraft gun mounted on the deck of their ships, and it will
replace the... more »
The US spy planes frequent China's coastline

[image: RC-135 Combat Sent]A US media report that said the Pentagon
recently claimed that a "Chinese fighter jet conducted a "dangerous
intercept' of a US plane" has stirred up broad concerns in both countries.
In response, Yang Yujun, spokesperson of China's Ministry of Defense said
large-scale and frequent close-in reconnaissance missions launched by the
United States jeopardize the maritime and aerial security of both
countries, adding they are a potential cause of accidents.
The United States stepped up surveillance of China's coastline following
the end of the Cold War in the 1... more »
Russia, China in talks over Su-35 fighter jet deal

[image: Su-35 Flanker-E]Russia and China are pushing ahead with talks over
the supplies of multi-functional Sukhoi-35 fighter jets and diesel-electric
submarines of Amur-1650 project, the general director of the Rostec
corporation, Sergey Chemezov, has told the media. He is in China on an
official visit.
“To my knowledge the negotiating process is underway. The contract has not
been signed yet,” he said.
According to the Russian Centre for Analysis of World Arms Trade Russia’s
export of military hardware was estimated at $1.2 billion, and in 2013 that
parameter, too, was no less th... more »
Has NATO Policy Failed In Ukraine?
*Analysis: NATO Confronts Failed Policy In Ukraine -- Oren Dorell, USA
Today *
Going into their NATO summit in Wales on Thursday, Western leaders are
focusing on a failed policy in Ukraine. And so far, they lack a plan to
reverse Russia's aggressive moves to bolster separatists' hold on eastern
Just two weeks ago, Ukrainian troops appeared poised to wrap up a military
offensive against Russian-backed separatists who'd been fighting an
insurgency since April. But the Ukrainian gains were soon reversed as
Russia ignored Western economic sanctions aimed at deterring its bac... more »
Ukrainian Troops Give Accounts Of Fighting Russian Army In Ilovaysk Outside Donetsk
*Russian Soldier: 'You're Better Clueless Because The Truth Is Horrible' --
The Guardian*
Despite Moscow denials, Ukrainian troops give accounts of fighting Russian
army in Ilovaysk outside Donetsk
Bloodied, dirty and stinking, the Ukrainian soldiers who passed through the
town of Komsomolske on Saturday morning made for a sorry sight. But they
were the lucky ones, who had managed to escape alive from an assault they
say involved regular units of the Russian army.
Having fled from encirclement in the town of Ilovaysk, their column of 70
armoured vehicles and hundreds of soldiers ... more »
Pro-Russian Separatists Backed By Russian Troops Keep On The Offensive In Eastern Ukraine
*Defying NATO, Ignoring Ceasefire, Russian-Backed Troops Keep Rolling --
Daily Beast*
*Pro-Russian separatists backed by Russian troops are closing in on
Mariupol, the strategic city that stands between them and a land route to
MARIUPOL, Ukraine — Volunteer battalions outside Mariupol retreated
Thursday after shelling and mortar fire hit positions just outside the
city. As evening fell, the staccato thunder of Grad missiles could be heard
close enough so the noise rumbled through the center of town.
All this ratcheted up fears that a much-anticipated Russian-backed assau... more »
France Facing Costly Financial Penalties For It's Decision To Suspend Delivery Of A Mistral Naval Assault Ship To Russia
*France Faces Huge Mistral Bill For Halting Russia Deal -- BBC*
The decision to suspend delivery of a Mistral naval assault ship to Russia
risks costing France at least 1bn euros (£800m), officials say.
French President Francois Hollande said Russia's actions in eastern Ukraine
meant conditions were not right for delivery of the helicopter-carrier.
He later said "a ceasefire and a political settlement" should be in place
before the deal could go ahead.
Russia was expecting two Mistral ships - the first one in October.
A French diplomat earlier said the contract was suspended until... more »
Benghazi Survivors Break Their Silence On The Terror Attack That Killed U.S. Ambassador Stevens And Three Other Americans
Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com
*Top CIA Officer In Benghazi Delayed Response To Terrorist Attack, US
Security Team Members Claim -- FOX News*
A U.S. security team in Benghazi was held back from immediately responding
to the attack on the American diplomatic mission on orders of the top CIA
officer there, three of those involved told Fox News’ Bret Baier.
Their account gives a dramatic new turn to what the Obama administration
and its allies would like to dismiss as an “old story” – the September 11,
2012 Benghazi attacks that killed U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens a... more »
U.S. Troops ‘Frustrated And Confused’ Over Mixed Message On ISIS

*‘Frustration And Confusion’ Among US Troops Over Mixed Message On ISIS --
FOX News*
America's GI "boots on the ground" in Iraq are so frustrated with the White
House message about their mission against the Islamic State -- which Vice
President Biden vowed Wednesday to chase "to the gates of Hell" -- that
they're wondering how they'll accomplish the goal "when we can't even leave
the front gate of our base."
Biden on Wednesday delivered what was probably the toughest statement to
date from the administration, declaring, after another U.S. journalist was
beheaded by the Islamic St... more »
The School-To-Prison Pipeline

All my school teacher friends are back at work now. Many sound as excited
and optimistic as their charges do. M pal Roland spent a whole day over the
weekend at a teacher supply store buying stuff for his kids. He said
they're an especially wonderful group this year… but he says that every
year. And he means it every year. He already broke my heart with one story
though. One of his kids, a little boy living with a foster family, seems
tightly wound and ready to fight. I think he's 7 or 8. His dad's in prison,
which has got to be hard on a kid that age. And his mother shot him in th... more »
U.S. And British Plans For Launching A Military Campaign Against The Islamic State Will Be Limited To Iraq

President Obama and Prime Minister David Cameron of Britain visited
students at Mount Pleasant Primary School, in Newport, Wales, as leaders
gathered for a NATO summit meeting on Thursday. Credit Doug Mills/The New
York Times
*David Cameron And Barack Obama Aim For Broad-Based Assault On Isis -- The
Prime minister's rhetoric around Isis ramps up, despite there being no
immediate plans for UK involvement in US air strikes
The building blocks for a lengthy military and political assault on Islamic
State (Isis) forces were being put in place on Thursday after Barack Obama ... more »
NSA Official: The Islamic State Is Using Edward Snowden's NSA Leaks To Evade U.S. Intelligence

Islamic State leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi and Edward Snowden. Photo from The
Moroccan Times
*Islamic State Using Snowden Leaks To Evade U.S. Intel: NSA Official --
Washington Times*
Disclosures from classified documents help terrorist group’s militants
avoid detection
A former top official at the National Security Agency says the Islamic
State terrorist group has “clearly” capitalized on the voluminous leaks
from former NSA contractor Edward Snowden and is exploiting the top-secret
disclosures to evade U.S. intelligence.
Bottom line: Islamic State killers are harder to find becau... more »
Ravitch Warms to Tuckerism: Can Randi Be Far Ahead?
Posted September 4 at Schools Matter. I posted the other day on the new
(old) Tuckerism that Joe Nocera was promoting (again) in the New York
Times. Obviously, Tucker’s THL (Testing Hysteria Lite) has resonated with
the neolibs as a way to stave off the revolution against testing, while
preserving its worst features and maintaining […]
The Islamic State Is Doctoring It's Videos Of President Obama To Make Him Look 'Haggard'

The islamic State Is Doctoring It's Videos Of President Obama To Make Him
Look 'Haggard'
*How Isil Doctored The Image Of Obama, Making Him Appear Haggard In Videos
-- The Telegraph*
The terrorist group carefully manipulate their videos to make the US
president look as tired and weary as possible, demonstrating its technical
Isil's video editors have carefully manipulated colour and screen size to
make Barack Obama look as haggard as possible in their recent productions.
The two videos disclosing the murders of James Foley and Steven Sotloff
display Isil’s mastery of comp... more »
"Sitting with Our Sadness: The Heart of Humanity"
*"Sitting with Our Sadness: The Heart of Humanity"*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
"Sitting with our sadness takes the courage to believe that we can bear the
pain and we will come out the other side. The last thing most of us want to
hear or think about when we are dealing with profound feelings of sadness
is that deep learning can be found in this place. In the midst of our pain,
we often feel picked on by life, or overwhelmed by the enormity of some
loss, or simply too exhausted to try and examine the situation. We may feel
far too disappointed and angry to look for anything rese... more »
Former CIA Operative: There Are Islamic State Cells In The U.S., And They Have The Capability To Commit Terror Atatcks
*Fmr. CIA Operative: ISIS Cells Are Here In The U.S., And They’re Capable
Of Striking -- CNN*
(CNN) – Militant group ISIS released another gruesome video, showing the
beheading of a second American, journalist Steven Sotloff.
The terrorist group has gained strongholds in eastern Syria and
northeastern Iraq, and, according to a former CIA operative, ISIS cells
have already infiltrated the U.S.
"The people who collect tactical intelligence on the ground, day-to-day –
and this isn't Washington – but people collecting this stuff say they're
here, ISIS is here, they're capable of stri... more »
The Scottish independence vote is going to the wire
If Scotland chooses independence, Chris, Fee and KJ wonder who might have to bail out whom...
SOURCE DAILY MAIL: Salmond toasts 'very
encouraging' opinion poll which puts his Yes campaign just six points behind in
independence battle
Support for the Yes vote has surged following the First
Minister's triumph in last week’s TV debate against former Chancellor Alistair
Darling, leader of the
Who put the Fox in charge of the Henhouse? Dirty Politics contaminates the food supply.
Those of my readers from outside New Zealand might be interested in this
local story. Especially you Australians.
It starts here:
Katherine Rich, a former National party MP, now the chief executive of the
New Zealand Food and Grocery Council, an industry lobby group, is on the
advisory board responsible for the health star rating system. For some
reason the N.Z. Government takes the position that we can only counter
diet-related ill health by paying the food industry to do something about
it on their own terms.
This kind of assumes some basic honesty and interest in science on t... more »
How ISIS Sows 'Global Panic'

Militant Sunni jihadist group the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
have captured several cities and towns in Iraq in the last three months.
*How ISIS Sows 'Global Panic,' And Other Facts About The Jihadist Group --
Fighting on numerous fronts in Iraq and Syria, Sunni militant group
threatens Americans.
The black-clad jihadist group Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) made
international headlines in June when it captured several Iraqi cities in
quick succession, killed members of other sects or religions and imposed a
harsh form of Shariah law.
Its notori... more »
Mark Twain, "Congress"
"Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress.
But I repeat myself."
"All Congresses and Parliaments have a kindly feeling for idiots,
and a compassion for them, on account of personal experience and heredity."
"...the smallest minds and the selfishest souls and the cowardliest hearts
that God makes."
"The lightning there is peculiar; it is so convincing, that when it strikes
thing it doesn't leave enough of that thing behind for you to tell whether-
Well, you'd think it was something valuable, and a Congressman had been
"It could probably be shown ... more »
The full DC Circuit Court of Appeals pulls back from the brink of health-care loony-tune-itude

*It was a good day for judicial sanity, not such a good day for the Great
Right-Wing Noise Machine. Cartoon by Joel Pett (March 2013) -- click to
*"When the full DC Circuit announced they would rehear the case, by
contrast, that was an indication that the two Republicans who blocked the
subsidies may be outliers who reached an idiosyncratic result in an easy
case. The fact that all six of the other judges who have considered the
Obamacare subsidies have also upheld them also lends credence to this
*-- legal eagle Ian Millhiser, today, in* "BREAKING: Federal
Appeal... more »
Why Are Sunni Arabs Supporting And Fighting For The Islamic State
*Inside The Mind Of An ISIS Fighter -- Arwa Damon and Holly Yan, CNN*
(CNN) -- To the outside world, they're a force of ruthless yet mysterious
insurgents bent on terrorizing civilians and expanding Islamist rule.
But as one former ISIS fighter tells CNN, the mentality goes much deeper.
"The main and principal goal of the Islamic State that they tell their new
members is to establish an Islamic state that will encompass the Arab
world," the man said in Turkey. "And after that, we go to other countries."
Just two weeks ago, the man was in Raqqa, the ISIS stronghold in northern
Syri... more »
Heavenletter #5032 - Whose Eyes You Seek

*Heavenletter #5032 - Whose Eyes You Seek*
September 4, 2014
God said:
In the world, sometimes when love is proclaimed, it may lose its sparkle.
You have longed for the moment of betrothal, and, then, when the moment
comes, when your love is proclaimed, a wedding date set, details to take
care of, a little of the tinsel of romance may become ordinary. No longer
do you feel like you are dancing on the stars. No, you are relegated to
ordinariness. You are just an engaged couple now and rather fair game to
the crowd. When you wed, rice and flower petals may be thrown at you. You
are... more »
You'll Never See This Guy On The Evil U.S. Media
*They send ISIS to Syria to destroy it, and now they want to use the
pretext of ISIS's control over certain parts of Syrian territory to attack
and invade Syria! You have to admire the hubris of these clever bastards.*
A reformed Al-Qaeda militant, one who no longer espouses violence,
ignorance, intolerance, and extremism towards Muslims or Westerners, is the
worst nightmare of the CIA and its evil media. What Washington wants is not
educated young people in these countries, but more brainwashed and gullible
Jihadists willing to die to promote Washington's aims, more suicide
bombe... more »
It's Nato, not Russia, provoking the Ukraine crisis
*Op-ed that is right on the money! Mail & Guardian Africa's Best Read*
Such a good read I simply have to use it entirely. It's so refreshing to
read something closer to fact as opposed to the constant stream of
fantastical news we are inundated with in the West
For the West’s masters of war, it’s a good time to be in Wales. A military
alliance that has struggled for years to explain why it still exists has a
packed agenda for its Newport summit.
The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (Nato) may not be at the centre of
Barack Obama and David Cameron’s plans to ramp up interve... more »
The Story Of One Man Who Survived An ISIS Massacre In Iraq
*Shiite Soldier Tells How He Smeared Comrade's Blood Across His Face And
Played Dead To Survive Massacre After Executioner MISSED -- Daily Mail*
* Ali Hussein Kadhim, 23, was captured by ISIS in June in Tikrit, Iraq
* He was one of hundreds of Iraqi soldiers abducted, was put in firing line
* Killer shot three men then missed his head, he fell forwards playing dead
* Spent three days on the run, now back home with daughter in south Iraq
* He has identified himself in picture released by ISIS of their 'victims'
A man who was lined up in a firing squad by ISIS has described his
incredib... more »
“It's Official: Public Opinion Of Congress Sinks Below That Of A Used-Car Salesman”
*“It's Official: Public Opinion Of Congress *
*Sinks Below That Of A Used-Car Salesman”*
by Simon Black
“Poll after poll confirms what I’m sure you’ve already been feeling. People
are disenchanted with the existing system. They don’t trust the government,
they don’t trust the banks, and they don’t trust the media. You can hear
the rumblings of grumblings, and it’s only growing louder and louder.
*Lost confidence in government: *If you were to ask 10 Americans if they
have confidence in Congress, less than one would now say yes. And it’s not
just disgust with the legislature. It’s al... more »
U.S. Airstrikes Kill Three Top ISIS Leaders In Iraq

*Pentagon Denies It Killed ISIS Chief As Airstrikes Hit Top Extremists --
Daily Beast*
The right-hand man of Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi was killed by an airstrike in
An airstrike in the ISIS stronghold of Mosul killed at least two members of
the group, including an aide to ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, according
to the Iraqi Defense Ministry.
Reports that Baghdadi himself had been killed by a U.S. airstrike
circulated in Turkish and Kurdish media Wednesday and were repeated to The
Daily Beast by multiple Iraqi sources. But a Pentagon official denied that
the ISIS leader... more »
A short update on the energies - September 3, 2014

*A short update on the energies*
By Aisha North
• September 3, 2014 •
As the time changes, you too are accelerating your growth in every
direction. And so, as night becomes day and you awaken, what you will find
will be something very different from the day before. Let us explain. By
now, you have grown accustomed to this ever increasing speed of light, and
so, as you continue to hurtle ever onwards, carried forth by this
increasing flood of light, you will find yourself as if new, almost from
one mom... more »
Study Proposes Outrageous Solution In Lieu of Family Dinners

"It's been great kids - gotta go!" Heather Callaghan
It's true - magazines, television and other popular media increasingly urge
families to return to the kitchen, stressing the importance of home-cooked
meals and family dinners for both physical health and emotional strength.
It's almost like a sick joke to finally push for things that are so out of
reach for the average family. Especially after decades of culture creation
eroding family life away, and an economy deeper in the toilet than ever
before. So what could researchers have to offer? But first...
Foodist "extraordinair... more »
Tainted Fruit - Watch Out For This Hidden Ingredient
[image: Blueberries picture]Heather Callaghan
*Case reveals possible allergy to this hidden fruit and veggie residue.*
A 10-year-old girl has a history of asthma, seasonal allergies and
anaphylaxis when exposed to cow's milk or penicillin.
She sat down to eat a blueberry pie, with none of those ingredients.
One bout of anaphylactic shock later, led allergist researchers to dig
deeper for the trigger ingredient.
What they found concerns us all, and you'll never find it on a label. And
not it's not *just* pesticides.
People with food allergies always have to watch what they eat. No... more »
The American Bankers Association and the Quiet War on Students

Devon Douglas-Bowers
College students and graduates around the nation are buried in debt and
trying to succeed in an extremely difficult and competitive economic
environment. Many people are graduating only to find that they are unable
to get the jobs they want either due to the small number of available
positions or, more usually, the problem that they lack "experience" – and
are thus reduced to working menial jobs while paying back exorbitant loans.
So far very little legislation has been passed to aid students in paying
back their loans, and many blame politicians. However, t... more »
Bombshell: CDC whistleblower goes further: mercury causes autism

Jon Rappoport
The brief explosive video is posted at autismmediachannel.com on the home
page: “CDC Whistleblower William Thompson on Thimerosal.”
Beyond admitting to fraud in a 2004 CDC study that exonerated the MMR
vaccine, Dr. William Thompson, a CDC scientist, asserts there is a
connection between mercury (thimerosal) in vaccines and autism.
Thompson states that giving a vaccine containing mercury to a pregnant
woman is something he would never do.
Couched in science-speak, Thompson winds up his remarks with this: “There
is biologic plausibility right now to say thimerosal cau... more »
The Doublespeak Dictionary for Dictatorship
*James Corbett*
Visit CorbettReport.com
Visit BoilingFrogsPost.com
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
Satire: “Growing Pressure on Obama to Do Something Stupid”
*“Growing Pressure on Obama to Do Something Stupid”*
by Andy Borowitz
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)— “Arguing that his motto “Don’t do stupid
stuff” is not a coherent foreign policy, critics of President Obama are
pressuring him to do something stupid without further delay.
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz) and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) led the attack
on Thursday, blasting Obama for failing to craft a stupid response to
crises in Iraq, Syria, and Ukraine. “Instead of reacting to these events
with the haste and recklessness they deserve, the President has chosen to
waste valuable time... more »
Friday Morning Ramble…

*“Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual
- H. L. Mencken
Sean Plunket invites Rawshark/WhaleDump to phone in. Kim DotCon makes the
*Kim Dotcom takes his right of reply, calls Sean Plunket* – RADIO LIVE
“Labour candidate hopeful and Massey University tax lecturer Deborah
Russell has blogged a piece to allay our fears over Labour’s proposed
capital gains tax (CGT), which she says is a fair tax. Only, as you will
see from our correspondence with her, my fears are only heightened.”
*Practical Example of How Unfair Labour’s CGT Will... more »
Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- September 4, 2014

(L-R) French President Francois Hollande, Ukrainian President Petro
Poroshenko, U.S. President Barack Obama, British Prime Minister David
Cameron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Italian Prime Minister Matteo
Renzi meet to discus Ukraine at the NATO summit at the Celtic Manor resort,
near Newport, in Wales September 4, 2014 (Reuters / Alain Jocard)
*Will They Stop Putin? -- Kyiv Post*
Ukraine was high on the agenda when the NATO summit started in Wales on
Sept. 4, with leaders of the 28-nation alliance looking for ways to bolster
Ukraine and punish Russia for its aggression.
“... more »
Preparing the ground for more whistleblowers

Jon Rappoport
It’s possible we will get more whistleblowers coming out and admitting they
covered up vaccine damage.
In order to help prepare the ground, some education is required.
This article is a backgrounder. The intention is to sweep aside the vaccine
propagandists whose main thrust is: the US medical system is excellent,
just fine, science is succeeding on all fronts, so why should we doubt
vaccines; don’t worry, be happy.
In the wake of the CDC whistleblower scandal, many such “defenders of the
realm” have emerged.
Expressing generalized outrage and disbelief, they assur... more »
Why Is Independence So Frightening To Some People?

Brandon Smith
In past articles I have examined the nature of power and division in our
society and have always come to the same conclusion, that there are only
two types of people: the people who want control over others and the people
who just want to be left alone. However, there are also subgroups that swim
within the boundaries of each end of the spectrum. Often, psychologists and
self-help gurus attempt to promote the idea that the defining quality of
the average person’s life is whether he is a follower or a leader. I have
seen this spectrum applied to every political and so... more »
Science for Sale: Get Your Very Own Industry-Funded Studies Today!

*How Bought & Paid For Academic Papers Twist the Truth*
*Truthstream Media*
When whistleblowers expose the corruption of gov’t and Big Pharma, are we
surprised they are marginalized, demonized and labeled as frauds …
particularly since the industry just wants to bring its ousters down to the
their level. What science isn’t fixed to the policy… I mean, really?! Phony
wars, hazardous GMOs, vaccines, drugs and much more.
You can’t open any of these supposedly prestigious journals today and just
read something and trust it. First you have to find out who wrote it and
then you have to... more »
The Undoing of US “Interventionism?”

Tony Cartalucci
Russian journalist Andrey Stenin, missing for a month in Ukraine, has been
confirmed dead. He was part of a convoy of refugees fleeing the fighting in
Ukraine’s eastern region when he came under artillery fire. The vehicle he
was in, along with several others, was destroyed, the occupants killed, and
the evidence covered up. Officers representing the regime in Kiev had
apparently rifled through the destroyed vehicles beforehand, collecting
evidence and looting belongings.
It is even suggested by Russian sources that the regime in Kiev attempted
to use Stenin as a... more »
Joan Rivers: Like her or not, you'll have to admit...

*she raised one classy daughter.*
Melissa Warburg Rosenberg, better known as Melissa Rivers, has conducted
herself with grace and dignity in the face of what can only be described as
a rather shocking occurrence.
Recognizing that Joan Rivers is a public figure, she has given continuous
updates on her mother's condition, and has never failed to recognize with
gratitude the public offers of prayers and condolences while ignoring the
less than positive ones.
Good job, Joan.
You'll be missed.
Militarization, Surveillance, and Profit: How Grassroots Groups are Fighting Urban Shield

Nadia Kayyali
*Electronic Frontier Foundation*
While all eyes are on the disturbing evidence of police militarization in
Ferguson, are you paying attention to what’s happening with law enforcement
in your own back yard?
In the San Francisco Bay Area, the answer is yes. A coalition of community
groups has come together to call attention to Urban Shield, a four-day long
“preparedness” exercise for law enforcement and other agencies that will
take place from September 4-8. They’ve organized a week of education,
including a march and demonstration outside of the event on Friday,
Sep... more »
Once more unto the (climate) breach
I just happened upon a Foreign Policy piece from May 6 of this year framing
climate change as a ‘Clear and Present Danger’. To summarize, the author
argues that Obama’s plans to address climate change are a political
non-starter in the US: Republicans are generally more opposed to carbon
control policy than ever and the
Continue reading
World News Briefs -- September 4, 2014 (Evening Edition)
*US, EU Preparing New Round Of Economic Sanctions Against Russia -- RT*
The United States is planning a new round of sanctions aimed at the Russian
Federation over the ongoing crisis in Ukraine, the White House said on
Thursday, and the European Union is reportedly on the verge of doing the
Reuters reported on Thursday that the White House is working on a new wave
of sanctions against Russia, which may be imposed in tandem with embargoes
expected to be announced by European Union representatives later this week.
The newswire made the announcement as the White House participa... more »
Deep Purple and the Collapse of the Soviet Union: Rock Aid, Armenia and HAARP

Rock Aid - Smoke on the Water (with HAARP Accompanyment)
from Spike EP on Vimeo.
*"Funky Claude was running in and out*
*Pulling kids out the ground"*
*WE NOTE: *The Space Shuttle Atlantis (*STS-27*) flew directly over *Spitak*
on a *CLASSIFED *Department of Defence Mission over the course of four days
from *2nd-6th December 1988*
Gorbavechev has confirmed in numerous subsequent interviews, the Armenian
Earthquake *BANKRUPTED *the USSR, more so than *Afghanistan* or even
*Chernobyl*. It would not recover.
Quote:* "Up to 45000 people died and a further 50,0000 were homeless after ... more »
Catching up on Ukraine- Ceasefire talk/NATO in Wales/MH-17 no press conference
Just a couple of items that seem interesting-
*The Gulf Today *
DONETSK: Pro-Russian separatists need “proper guarantees” that Ukraine will
honour any ceasefire agreement, a rebel leader said on Thursday,
underscoring the lack of trust between the two sides after six months of
Leaders of the self-declared Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics
proposed the creation of a “security zone” split into five sections, each
of which would be monitored by 40 observers from the Organization for
Security and Cooperation (OSCE) in Europe.
Rebels also said they would allow a humanita... more »
Mother Jones Story on Gates Core

A clip from a big story in Mother Jones.
How to Spend $200 million to buy what you want:
Seven Leftwing Reasons for Staying With Us
Viewed from afar, Better Together has been a poor show. Not in terms of
numbers involved out canvassing day after day. I'm on about the politics on
offer. The vision thing. Yes have it. That an independent Scotland will
share the monarchy, be a semi-colony of the Bank of England and fancies a
corporation tax race to the bottom with rUK and the Irish doesn't really
matter. *It won't be this forever*. Where Salmond and the SNP have been
really clever is allowing 'Scotland' to be populated by all kinds of
aspirations. It's a sail catching every gust of hope, and one that may well
blow... more »
Supplemental: Did Frank Nixon kick his sons?
*THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2014The way Fawn Brodie reasoned:* In 1981, an
influential book was published by the late Fawn Brodie, who had succumbed
to cancer before publication.
Richard Nixon: The Shaping of His Character was a work of psychobiography.
Sadly, the weird influence of Brodie’s weird book has continued into the
One unfortunate part of the book seemed to transmigrate into the press
corps’ coverage of Campaign 2000. Eight years later, Rick Perlstein cited
the book as a major source for an early, cartoonized part of his important
best-seller, Nixonland.
Yesterday... more »
Al-Qaida Fighters Are Now Stationed Along Israel's Border In The Golan Heights
*Israeli Golan Residents Tell Government To 'Wake Up' -- Al-Monitor*
Sgt. Shahar Shalev, the 72nd casualty of Operation Protective Edge, was
laid to rest Sept. 2 at a funeral in the Hispin community on the Golan
Heights. Shalev hailed from the neighboring community of Alonei HaBashan,
less than a kilometer from the Syrian border.
Echoes of nearby explosions could be heard in the area, resonating from the
battles between the Syrian army and the rebels opposing the government. The
Israel Defense Forces occasionally blocked roads and redirected traffic
onto alternative routes, worrie... more »
Progressive Frauds Unmasked-- Hochul Raises from Democrats Against Education

When Clinton was president, my industry's trade association contributed
$50,000 to the DNC in my name. I've been plagued by ravenous,
contribution-hungry Democratic candidates ever since then-- and almost
never good ones. Yes, it's how I came to meet Howard Dean and make him a
raw vegan brunch at my house once, but other than Dean, it's been one
monstrosity after another, from Dick Gephardt, the author of the
legislation allowing Bush to invade Iraq, to wheeler-dealers like Terry
McAuliffe. This week I got an invitation in the mail from the most unlikely
of Democratic corporate s... more »
Sept. 4: hysteria?
Section A has a few pages of N.B. party platforms worth reading. Alward's
platform is already dead in the water because we know what he'll do
----whatever Mr. Irving tells him to do. Gallant's platform? I would award
it two yawns, possibly three. There's nothing in it that has a grip on
anything this province needs. If either of them is elected, I would expect
Mr. Irving to do another arrogant repeat, and call for a provincial
conference of his human hamsters to plan the economic future (in one
weekend at a good hotel.)
I have lots of sympathy for the Greens, but their programme i... more »
The Gaza War Cost Billions
*Israel Says Gaza War Cost $2.5 Billion -- Voice of America*
Israel says its 50-day war against Hamas militants in Gaza cost more than
$2.5 billion.
Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon told an economic conference in Tel Aviv this
week that a large part of the cost came from more than 6,000 attacks
Israeli forces carried out on targets in the Palestinian enclave along the
Mediterranean, mostly airstrikes.
But he said the country also spent $100,000 each time its Iron Dome missile
defense system shot down one of the 600 rockets the militants fired across
the border at the Jewish state - ... more »
Beware: Facebook's "Soft Censorship"

*September 5, 2014* (Tony Cartalucci - LocalOrg) - The Land Destroyer Report maintained
a Facebook page under the name Anthony Cartalucci. Since 2009 it was used
to express my personal thoughts regarding the news of the day, as well as
share relevant links with followers. Today, Facebook, without warning or
opportunity to appeal, decided that the Facebook account must be changed
over to a "page." By doing so, all those following my account no longer
would receive updates, because of Facebook's "news feed" filters.
The premise behind news feed filters is that people have too many "fr... more »
Russian General Wants A Preemptive Nuclear Strike Doctrine Against The U.S. And NATO

Russian military vehicles drive down Tverskaya Street during rehearsals for
the Victory Day military parade in central Moscow May 5, 2014. Vladimir
Filonov / MT
*Russian General Calls For Preemptive Nuclear Strike Doctrine Against NATO
-- Moscow Times*
A Russian general has called for Russia to revamp its military doctrine,
last updated in 2010, to clearly identify the U.S. and its NATO allies as
Moscow's enemy number one and spell out the conditions under which Russia
would launch a preemptive nuclear strike against the 28-member military
alliance, Interfax reported Wednesday.
R... more »
U.S. Teachers Need to Stand with Teachers in Canada
Haven't seen much info on the ongoing teacher strike in British Columbia on
the evening news or even education blogs but it's happening.
Vancouver teachers
Teachers chose to go on strike and only teachers can end the job action,
Premier Christy Clark said Wednesday in her first recent public comments
about the strike.
Clark was pressed by reporters on how long her government would allow the
strike to continue, but she insisted a deal must come through negotiation,
not legislation.
“We need to get teachers to suspend their strike while we get back in the
classroom and while we barga... more »
Joan Rivers RIP
Joan Rivers on Johnny Carson's Tonight Show from 1986
Ukraine Has Few Options To End The Civil War In It's Favor
*Russian Muscle Turns Tide, Leaving Ukraine Few Options -- Wall Street
*President's Choice is Negotiating With 'Terrorists' or Bloody Defensive
MARIUPOL, Ukraine—With his army in retreat amid an influx of Russian
soldiers and heavy weapons, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko is facing
a tough choice between making concessions to Kremlin-backed separatists or
fighting a bloody defensive war.
The dilemma seemed unthinkable until last week, when what Western officials
describe as an incursion from Moscow turned the tide of a five-month
conflict that Ukrainian offici... more »
Supplemental: Please don’t agree with what I just said!
*THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2014Blasphemy conquers all:* We saw a lot of funky
work in the Washington Post this weekend.
That report about the Ferguson police was extremely muddled. Ruth Marcus
wrote a column which disappeared large chunks of modern press history.
We were struck by this piece in Outlook, which described a misunderstanding
on the Cape May ferry. Last April, something similar happened to us, with
an adorable great niece of ours!
(We avoided having a nervous breakdown, since the other parties were trying
to do the right thing. Increasingly though, the Post seems to enjo... more »
The F35 "Lightning II" Fighter Fiasco: F35 - Zombie Fighter Bomber Of American "Defense" Fantasies?
It was over two months ago when the Lougheed Martin boondoggle known as the
"F35 Lightning II" was unable to make an airshow in the United Kingdom due
to the single aircraft that was to make the appearance caught fire on a
runway at at military base in Florida in the United States... Since that
time I have heard that ALL flights of this piece of crap aircraft were
grounded until the designers behind this white elephant were able to
determine what caused that fire, and to work on other "design flaws" in
this aircraft.....I have been all over this lemon for a while now with past
repor... more »
Loss of deference to sentencing judge because of a failure to advert to relevant sentencing principles
Normally a sentencing judge`s decision is entitled to considerable
deference however, if the sentencing judge does not expressly reference a
relevant sentencing principle at deference may be lost – see *R. v. Doran*,
2014 ONCA 621 holding, The failure of the sentencing judge to expressly
state that she had considered the principle of totality disentitles the
sentencing judge's decision to the deference that is normally its due``.
Screwball Chris Matthews Says President Obama Should Invade Syria In Response To ISIS's Beheadings of American Journalists
*Source: Angry Arab - this is the liberal US media*:
"MATTHEWS: I put the question to you, you`re president of the United States
and an enemy is beheading one of your people every couple of weeks. What do
you do? Can you do nothing? Can you sit and watch it happening? This
open-ended barbarism against your people? *But what if the one thing you
can do to stop the beheadings is invade Syria and begin taking control of
the country, city by city, village by village?*"
So, the conclusion that the intellectually dishonest U.S. media is drawing
from recent events in the Middle East is ... more »
Talks For A Ukraine Ceasefire Gain Momentum (Updated)
*Battlefield Losses, Politics Push Ukraine Leader To Seek Peace -- Reuters*
* Ceasefire without military victory risky for Poroshenko
* Truce will cement battlefield "draw", avert risk of defeat
* President wants election to go ahead, to tackle economy
KIEV, Sept 4 (Reuters) - In a week that has confused many Ukraine watchers,
President Petro Poroshenko accused Moscow of launching "direct and open
aggression" against his country and two days later said a peace process
could begin as early as Friday.
As his office announced Poroshenko and Russia's President Vladimir Putin
had reache... more »
*Corps of Engineers tries to pass blame for failures 8-29-05 that flooded
New Orleans ~David Hammer *
Ukraine Civil War News Updates -- September 4, 2014

A man runs past a burnt truck belonging to Ukrainian forces near the
village of Berezove, southwest from Donetsk, September 4, 2014.
REUTERS/Maxim Shemetov
*Ukraine to Call Cease-Fire as Russian Tanks Advance -- Bloomberg*
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said he’ll call a cease-fire tomorrow
if peace talks with pro-Russian rebels take place as scheduled, amid
reports of Russian tanks moving toward a key eastern seaport.
Poroshenko, in Wales for a NATO summit, said on Ukrainian television he’ll
declare a halt to the fighting at 2 p.m. Minsk time if negotiations begin
as planne... more »
In The War Against ISIS And Jihadist Terrorism, Money Still Talks

* Cheap oil and arms deals trump fighting terrorism. If the U.S. and NATO
really wanted to eradicate ISIS they would sanction Saudi Arabia, Qatar,
UAE, and Turkey, not attack Syria and Iraq.*
German Minister Accuses Qatar of Funding ISIL, Germany then Regrets
Upsetting its Rich Partner. Source: Eretz Zen. Date Published: August 23,
2014. Description:
German Development Minister, Gerd Müller, accused Qatar on Wednesday of
financing militants of the so-called "Islamic State", formerly known as
"Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant" (ISIL), who have seized wide areas
of northern Iraq... more »
(Final Round of Chicken Occurring?) Beware the Coming for US Gig! (Millennials Not Coming to the Rescue - Not Even Riding Hard)
According to Bloomberg News, the Treasury Department has informed the
nation’s major banks that they would trigger an obscure law to pay back any
bank that suffers major losses from a hacking assault on their computer
networks. They would accomplish this with taxpayer money, though you could
certainly argue that the bank’s information security defenses, not
taxpayers, would ultimately be
After another eight hour drive MB and I returned to Maine yesterday from
Syracuse, New York. We arrived at the lake island home of a friend where
we will stay for two days. This morning we both went for a kayak paddle
around the lake and I just came in from an invigorating swim. The water is
cool but not cold and felt wonderful. Next up is some reading while
sitting in the sun and some lazing around.
On Saturday we'll drive to Belfast where a peace festival is being held.
I'll speak on a panel along with a couple other members of Maine Veterans
for Peace.
NATO Summit News Updates -- September 4, 2014
*Nato Summit Wales: Isil And Ukraine Top Agenda - Latest -- The Telegraph*
World leaders including Barack Obama, David Cameron and Petro Poroshenko
convene in Wales for the 2014 Nato summit to discuss Iraq, Syria, Russia,
Ukraine and Afghanistan
• Poroshenko, Ukraine rebels close to peace deal
• Tory MPs canvassed on support for air strikes on Isil
• What is Nato - explained in 90 seconds
• Jihadi John will be caught, vows Cameron
• Nato surrounded by an “arc of crisis”, says Sec-Gen
• Afghanistan and Ukraine sessions this afternoon
*Read more* ....
*NATO Summit News Updates -- Se... more »
GOP LIES - Deciding Vote On ACA - State by state by state
*GOP Lies *
*McFadden: Franken Was Deciding Vote for Obamacare, but Does Nothing Today
to Fix It*
*Scott Brown Lied About Shaheen's Deciding Vote For Obamacare*
*Did Mary Landrieu cast the ‘deciding’ vote for Obamacare?*
*"Jeff Merkley was the deciding vote on Obamacare,"*
http://www.ore... more »
UKIP - Nigel Farage - talks about 'arming the rebels abroad' and 'multiculturalism at home'.
here he is again, talking about our Empire and its intel unit 'arming the
rebels' abroad in foreign countries and 'multiculturism' at home here in UK
Like him or not, he's out there shouting from his soap box:
*DAY LATER UPDATE:* so, is this true or not? Have the Covert Agencies in UK
and USA helped fund what became ISIS or ISIL or Islamic State?
Robin Williams, Robert De Niro and the Night John Belushi Died,

*John Belushi*
*1949 - 1981*
*Cause of Death:* Non-consensual Injection of Speedball and Mocking
Iran-Contra in 1981
*Likely Suspects:* The FBI, DEA, Col. Oliver North & The National Security
Council, "The Secret Team".
"So if you think that Belushi was not overly-political, forget it... One of
the movies that Belushi was about to make was a comedy about the FBI and
drug smuggling from Colombia to Miami.
It is probably the biggest going industry in Florida, and also the United
And these people don't appreciate comedy."
*An excerpt from the book* *Untouchable - A Biog... more »
World News Briefs -- September 4, 2014

French President Francois Hollande, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko
and U.S. President Barack Obama meet to discus Ukraine at the NATO summit
at the Celtic Manor resort, near Newport, in Wales September 4, 2014.
REUTERS/Alain Jocard/Pool
*Ukraine And Rebels To Seek Peace Plan, Ceasefire On Friday -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and the main pro-Russian
rebel leader said they would both order ceasefires on Friday, provided that
an agreement is signed on a new peace plan to end the five month war in
Ukraine's east.
The first apparent breakthrough of... more »
Nail down this climeate

We are so politically correct
we have thrown the education baby
out with the racist bathwater
The purpose of education is simply
to create good citizens
black white purple or brown
it make no difference
we should all be the same
if you cant learn
do not be a citizen
that sounds a little harsh
and Robert Hienlien
of course we have
compassion for the
challenged things
The fact of life
is that we are all challenged
to keep it all together
and both
hands on the
steering wheel
The masters we elect
and now servee
have become too comfortable
and its mostly their fault
that living... more »
The Miracles/Mirror. If it isn't One Miracle it is Another, Bringing Miracles into your life, Through Self Love
I am stepping outside my comfort zone more and more to express myself and
what I feel is important in my understanding. Miracles the mirror of self.
Self Love, something I have just started to do in the recent past. Changing
our own lives and our world, simply by Loving Self!
Are You Surprised That The Chamber Of Commerce Is Backing Incumbents From The Republican Wing Of The Democratic Party?

Last night when we were looking at vile DC lobbyist John Breaux, formerly a
very conservative Louisiana senator, I recalled that he was a New Dem, a
Wall Street-funded organization of business-oriented Democrats. It should
come as no surprise that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, delights in finding
anti-family Democrats and endorsing them the same way they endorse
anti-family Republicans. In 2012 the Chamber of Commerce attack machine
spent $27,912,717 smearing Democrats with TV and radio ads. But they also
spent $305,044 bolstering 2 of the most right-wing Democrats in the House,
... more »
Syrian Rebels (NATO's mercs) Offer to Serve as Ground Troops for US airstrikes
Had this one saved from yesterday, but, didn’t get it posted- Still
relevant today!
Very relevant.
As you read the Bloomberg piece below you should understand how the lines
between ISIS/FSA blur, so much so that they have become indistinguishable.
Despite the spin of the NATO media
Because there are no moderate rebels in Syria. *There are only NATO backed
Islamist fighters, of one regiment or another. Promoted under varying
brand names*-* ISIS being the latest updated AQ rebranded marketing launch *
*First a couple of digressions, always related, always thoughtful*
*Flashback! **T... more »
Biggest false flag news week ever!

*False Flag News*
1) Obama/Cameron call on NATO to confront ISIS
Zionist propaganda SITE reports "Beheading of U.S. Reporter
Sotloff by ISIS"
Fake reporter's fake beheading staged in Israel
http://www.veteranstoday.com/2014/09/02/make-israel-stop-beheading-journ... more »
Harry Targ : Lies and war!
U.S. administrations ever since Truman have justified aggressive foreign
policies by lying and distorting the realities behind complex international
relationships. By Harry Targ | The Rag Blog | September 4, 2014
Post-modernists talk about “discourses,” “narratives,” “tropes,” and verbal
“deconstructions.” … finish reading Harry Targ :
Lies and war!
Post Labour day blues

Eugene Debs was a a real leader
who did hard and dangerous things
Everything the lower classes enjoys
in Anglo Saxon North America
was because he could
not be cowed
I took a pauser because of the weather
I was afraid
it would look
all clammy
on me
Maybe if I had antiperspirant
I could have preformed
There are many things in
our current toolbox
that could make
me serve
a burger to you.
Mother nature
never no mind
if you are comfortable
and well air conditions
I just ask you to consider a fact
as if one had passed your mind
and could find a location
where the message
would be relay... more »
Warning to the World: Washington and its NATO & EU Vassals are Insane

[image: Crazy Uncle Sam]
Warning to the World: Washington and its NATO & EU Vassals are Insane
Paul Craig Roberts · September 3, 2014
Herbert E. Meyer, a nutcase who was a special assistant to the CIA director
for a period during the Reagan administration, has penned an article
calling for Russian President Putin’s assassination. If we have “ to get
him out of the Kremlin feet-first with a bullet hole in the back of his
head, that would be okay with us.”
As the crazed ... more »
Argentina: A UFO Over San Francisco de Bellocq

*Source:La Voz del Pueblo (Argentina) and Planeta UFODate: August 27, 2014*
*Argentina: A UFO Over San Francisco de Bellocq*
08.27.14 - it was captured yesterday morning in a photo taken by an aide to
municipal delegate Gerardo Chedrese. Last night they noticed the presence
of an oval, plate-shaped figure. There is even a similar one that is less
visible. A report from the author of the image that has caused interest and
renewed speculation.
There was considerable surprise last night in San Francisco de Bellocq when
what looked like a spot or dot on the screen resulted in the dis... more »
Democratic Platform: Wishy-Washy Worry

"I worry a lot," Elizabeth Warren admitted this week. "I worry across the
If whining and complaining is how the Great Progressive Hope of the Senate
inspires enthusiasm in voters, then despair all ye who enter the fresh hell
of her Yahoo! interview with Katie Couric.
What's really worrisome to me is how narrowly Warren defines the "core
economic issues" of our time (hint: it's not the record wealth inequality
that was a popular talking point of Democrats for a couple of minutes last
year before a plutocratic temper tantrum sent them all scurrying to fetch
imaginary "opport... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- September 4, 2014
*Ukraine’s Poroshenko Gets Show of Support from NATO Leaders -- Voice of
Ukraine's president received a show of support from Western leaders at a
NATO summit on Thursday as a Kremlin peace offer failed to halt fighting
the country’s east where pro-Russia rebels have been gaining the upper hand
against Ukrainian troops.
The West has backed Kyiv with words and imposed economic sanctions against
Moscow, but offered Ukraine only non-lethal military support after Russia
annexed Crimea in March, and rebels, widely believed to be supported by
Moscow, have risen up against Kyiv ... more »
Clark's press conference bad news for province's court prospects
The tit-for-tat press conferences by Premier Christy Clark and BCTF head
Jim Iker did nothing to advance negotiations, and left most people appalled
by both sides.
But Clark’s comments seem especially damaging to the government’s long-term
Assume the union holds out and the government legislates teachers back to
work and imposes a new contract.
Teachers would then challenge the agreement in court, pointing to the
failure to negotiate class size and composition issues, as the B.C. Supreme
Court has said it must.
The court didn’t say the provisions, stripped in 2002, must b... more »
Argentina: Cattle Mutilation in Santa Fe
*Argentina: Cattle Mutilation in Santa Fe*
*By Andrea Pérez Simondini*
Thanks to our friend Marcelo Fasano we have learned of new cattle
mutilation events in the locality of Reconquista, Santa Fe.
The story was covered by local station Radio Amanecer and is very
interesting. It states that the animal's owner found the animal in a state
of nevers and trembling on Friday the 15th, and the found it dead with
these injuries on Monday the 18th.
Two new cases occurred during this instance: one of them in Villa Adela, in
the Villa Ocampo district, at the farm of Osvaldo Marega; another o... more »
Ravitch Warms to Tuckerism: Can Randi Be Far Ahead?

I posted the other day on the new (old) Tuckerism that Joe Nocera was
promoting (again) in the New York Times.
Obviously, Tucker's THL (Testing Hysteria Lite) has resonated with the
neolibs as a way to stave off the revolution against testing, while
preserving its worst features and maintaining the attack on collective
bargaining and due process.
Here is a key Tucker conclusion tucked into his report:
In the most facile and misleading way, Diane Ravitch has posted a select
few points of the new old Tuckerism that Tucker and the Hillaryites
obviously want Ravitch readers to kno... more »
69 Hoops and No Appeal: Teacher Observation--Memphis Style
Point one that has to be remembered: half of Tennessee teacher evaluations
are based on invalid, unreliable, and unfair test scores. The other half
is based on observations. Teachers who worked for months on a new
observation process last year were eventually dismissed when they disagreed
with the two most outrageous aspects of CorpEd's recipe for disaster: 1) an
observation checklist with 69 items that have to done in order to score the
highest rating, and 2) no way to disagree and no appeal for an
administrator's score.
With teachers ready to riot, the non-educator in charge has ... more »
Rosemary's Baby

About four weeks ago in his byline here, Mike Flannigan opined that
we've become so wearied by and used to corruption, we can no longer be
trusted to identify it and respond appropriately to it. I will add here and
now that not only is that true, we're outraged by the most ridiculous
things and are led astray as easily as a pod of whales inexplicably
beaching themselves. No one knows why it happens. It just does.
Even the so-called "liberal media", that Goldstein of American
journalism that doesn't exist any more than unicorns and ethical
Republicans, doesn't think there'... more »
Ringling Brothers and Barnum &Bailey Circus SLC Giveaway

I was given tickets to Ringling Brothers in exchange for this post. All
opinions are my own.
I am getting so excited for the Circus! This year we are taking my mom who
hasn't been in more than 30 years. I absolutely can't wait to experience it
with her and my girls! Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Circus will be in
Salt Lake City September 24-28th.
*Featuring over 100 performers spanning 25 countries plus more than 85
animals from nearly every continent around the world, the Ringling
Bros. 144th Edition features several unique acts including:*
- *China National Acrobatic Trou... more »
Brain-to-brain communication
Science Alert and many others bring us the gospel about the research
reported in PLOS in which thoughts were sent directly from one brain to
another brain, using no other human organs, over the Internet. The two
sides of the communication were located in France and in Spain or India.
*Except for a couple of extra wires in between, the technology is really
nothing else than telepathy.*
They were sending binary messages (they have used "Ciao vs Hola" instead of
"zero vs one", probably because they confused France with Italy LOL) and
the input side has typed the words by the power of... more »
ISIS to the Rescue

*Amid NATO's failures in Ukraine, America's terrorist mercenaries threaten
war with Russia.*
Tony Cartalucci
As the crisis in Ukraine continues to fare poorly for Kiev and its
NATO-backers, an "unlikely" ally has emerged - ISIS. Threatening to
"liberate" Chechnya and the Caucasus, ISIS would essentially be handing
over regions of Russia to its Western and Persian Gulf sponsors. While one
would imagine the West would attempt to at least appear to stand in
solidarity with Russia in the face of this recent threat, it has instead
used the threat to stir fear among Russians, and as ... more »
Newly Revealed NSA Program ICREACH Extends the NSA's Reach Even Further

Nadia Kayyali
*Electronic Frontier Foundation *
Turns out, the DEA and FBI may know what medical conditions you have,
whether you are having an affair, where you were last night, and more—all
without any knowing that you have ever broken a law.
That’s because the DEA and FBI, as part of over 1000 analysts at 23 U.S.
intelligence agencies, have the ability to peer over the NSA’s shoulder and
see much of the NSA’s metadata with ICREACH.
Metadata is transactional data about communications, such as numbers
dialed, email addresses sent to, and duration of phone calls, and it can be inc... more »
I grew Up in Canada

Thanks for the recommendation. I grew up in Canada and was about five
years old when I heard Gords Guitar pluck for the first time ribbons not
steel but more forged with humankind to document a black day in July. My
parents opinion was like a sailboat ill equipped headed with no recourse
into a hurricane. The storms that bloodied America and never would subside
would blanket Canada and we would have no choice but to abide.
Pierre Trudeau changed all that, he did not piss his pants when LBJ
raised him off the floor to make the point that Canada was pissing on his
grass. Not Amer... more »
THE HOUSES OF JOURNALIST COUNTY: Vieira provides some comic relief!
*THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2014Part 3—The bullroar of Journalist County:* When
we rose from our [hyperbaric] chamber this morning, the analysts were
loudly wailing.
We found them huddled around a copy of the New York Times. Purposefully
shoving the youngsters aside, we found they had the paper open to page A19.
The source of their distress was clear. They’d been huddled around a
full-page ad which was headlined like this:
The New York Times
Art. Technology. Fashion. Forward.
December 1-3, 2014/Mandarin Oriental, Miami
For the general background, clic... more »
Russia Warns Ukraine That Joining NATO Will Derail Peace Talks
*Kremlin Warns Ukraine Against Joining NATO -- Washington Post*
MOSCOW — The Kremlin on Thursday underscored Russia’s opposition to NATO
membership for Ukraine, warning that such a move could derail efforts to
end the conflict in eastern Ukraine, as leaders of the alliance gathered
for a key summit in Wales.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov also told the United States not to
try to impose its own will on Kiev.
Lavrov’s comments came one day after Russian President Vladimir Putin
announced a plan to end the fighting that would entrench gains by
pro-Russian rebels and hand a ... more »
UK to spend $80 million to protect world Leaders at NATO summit in Nation on highest threat level due to suspected ISIS and Putin Infultration
So how did Harper spend a Billion in Toronto and lose two police cars to
flames? False Flags Flying everywhere and I almost cut my hair.
Russian Media Reporting Progress In An Agreement For A Ukraine Ceasefire By Friday

Speaking about NATO’s cooperation with Ukraine, the secretary general said
he would have a meeting with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko on
September 4 and they would adopt a joint declaration and outline specific
steps needed to enhance the NATO-Ukraine partnership. © REUTERS/ Yves Herman
*NATO Welcomes Putin's Ukrainian Crisis Settlement Plan -- RIA Novosti*
MOSCOW, September 4 (RIA Novosti) - NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh
Rasmussen said that the organization welcomed Russian President Vladimir
Putin’s plan on the settlement of the crisis in Ukraine as an effort to
solve... more »
The Hidden Bipartisan Agenda Behind Eliminating the Export-Import Bank

Brandon Turbeville
It is increasingly true that whenever one sees Democrats and Republicans
joining forces in Congress the end result will inevitably be that the
American people are sold down the river. Thus, when we see a formation of
both Democrats and Republicans coming together for the purpose of
eliminating the Export-Import Bank, red flags should immediately go up in
regards to the true motivation and result of their newfound alliance.
For instance, leading the charge against the Export-Import Bank is the
Republican Congressman Jeb Hensarling of Texas. Hensarling has repe... more »
MERS-CoV and OFWs, Part 3

Four months after she died in Riyadh, my sister in law, a former nurse in a
Saudi government hospital, is finally home in our province in Negros Occ.
Welcome home, Gemma. Lois, their only child, 13 yo, with her in this photo
which I took from Gemma's fb wall.
She should have been brought home last August 17 via Cathay Pacific
(Riyadh-HK-Manila). But about one or two days before she would be
transported, Cathay demanded a new requirement before they would transport
Gemma. First they demanded an "import permit" from Manila. When I wrote to
them what is that “import permit” and wha... more »
NATO pushes its "member" states to increase military spending as the global
alliance turns Russia and China into enemies and reinvigorates war in Iraq.
NATO fits the term of war machine now more than ever.
The Israeli Army's Newest Elite Unit Is Made Up Of Exclusively Lawyers

Israeli soldiers look towards Gaza from Israel. Daily Mail
*Israeli Army Develops Exclusive Lawyers-Only Elite Unit -- Washington Free
*Unit will deal with charges of war crimes.*
JERUSALEM—In the wake of its 50-day confrontation with Hamas in Gaza, the
Israeli army has formed a new elite unit—made up entirely of lawyers.
The unit, part of the Military Advocate General’s Corps, will deal with
charges of war crimes raised by Palestinians and human rights organizations
following the deaths of some 2,200 Gazans, most of them civilians, from air
and artillery attacks.
Senior ... more »
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