9:39pm MDST
(Frauds, Fakes and Koch Liars - Oh My!) Charles Koch Founded Anti-Environment Group to Protect Big Oil Industry Handouts (Diaper Vitter's Children's Crusade) Leading Civil Rights Groups Just Sold Out on Net Neutrality (Thank You, K Street!) Big Buckers Are In Total Control (At Last!)
Though the report scolds the nonprofits as untrustworthy and elite, there’s
virtually no information in the report that details anything they have done
wrong. Rather, Vitter and his staff appear to disagree with the shared
policy goals of these nonprofits, which include combatting global warming
as well (as) reducing cancer-causing pollutants from the air and water. If
there is a
Nathan rides South

*The Tsengwen Reservoir*
Three days. 240 kilometers. 4500 meters of climbing. Nathan Miller and I
rode across the mountains of southern Taiwan, in search of a flat area.
Found none. Three days of climbing later, I was sore but still alive. Good
ride, great company. Click on READ more to see the pics....
Route notes (map here): Day one: we took the 149 from Zhushan up to the
Nantou 212-1/Chiayi 151-1. Both of those roads are pretty. There is water
and snacks available on the 149 but not on the 212-1/151-1. Be prepared to
climb, grades range between 6 and 12%. Road surfaces are ok ... more »
Is The Syrian Government Losing The Civil War?

*Combat Reversals Pressure Syria's Assad, Complicating Efforts Against
Islamic State -- Wall Street Journal*
*Troubles Come as Obama Prepares to Outline Plan to Combat Militants.*
AL-HURRA, Syria—Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, who four months ago
seemed on the verge of defeating rebel forces, is now mired in defensive
battles on several fronts, complicating efforts to fight the Islamic State
militant group.
In a span of weeks, the Islamic State has overrun military bases in Syria's
east. In the west, the regime faces a coalition of rebels that threatens
the heartland of Mr. As... more »
Washington Menaces America With Its ISIS Creation

*Image: Despite the NSA's immense resources and all encompassing spying
activities both abroad and domestically, it appears to miss manyeven
obvious world events unfolding. It is likely this "ignorance" is feigned to
afford plausible deniability between global chaos and USculpability. *
*September 11, 2014* (Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - The Washington Times in an
article titled, "Intel believes 300 Americans fighting with Islamic State,
posing threat to U.S.," makes the incredible claim that:
*The U.S. government is tracking and gathering intelligence on as many as
300 Americans wh... more »
Dumbass Senator Ted Cruz Was Booed Off Stage By Smart Middle Eastern Christians
An excerpt from, *"Ted Cruz Booed Off Stage At Middle East Christian
Conference [VIDEO]"* by Tristyn Bloom, Daily Caller,
Sen. Ted Cruz was booed offstage at a conference for Middle Eastern
Christians Wednesday night after saying that “Christians have no greater
ally than Israel.”
“Religious bigotry is a cancer with many manifestations,” he continued. “ISIS,
al-Qaida, Hezbollah, Hamas, state sponsors like Syria and Iran, are all
engaged in a vicious genocidal campaign to destroy religious minorities in
the Middle East. Sometimes we are told not to loop these groups together,
that ... more »
Adiemus, “Adiemus”
Adiemus, “Adiemus”
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aL8kZ-iVk90&html5=1
"A Look to the Heavens"
“What created the Waterfall Nebula? No one knows. The structure seen in the
region of NGC 1999 in the Great Orion Molecular Cloud complex is one of the
more mysterious structures yet found on the sky. Designated HH-222, the
elongated gaseous stream stretches about ten light years and emits an
unusual array of colors.
* Click image for larger size.*
One hypothesis is that the gas filament results from the wind from a young
star impacting a nearby molecular cloud. That would not explain, however,
why the Waterfall and fainter streams all appear to converge on a bright
but unusual non ... more »
"Face It..."
"Facing it, always facing it, that's the way to get through. Face it."
- Joseph Conrad
“Maybe we like the pain. Maybe we're wired that way. Because without it,
I don't know; maybe we just wouldn't feel real. What's that saying? Why do
I keep hitting myself with a hammer? Because it feels so good when I
- "Grey's Anatomy"
Psychology: "Life's Extremes: Smart vs. Dumb"
*"Life's Extremes: Smart vs. Dumb"*
by Adam Hadhazy
“Legendary feats of intelligence - Ken Jennings winning 74 consecutive
"Jeopardy!" games - have their match in astonishing acts of stupidity, like
a would-be robber who dons a mask without remembering to cut eyeholes.
Quite a gulf exists between the extremes in innate human intelligence. Yet
establishing a clear biological basis for why some people are smarter than
others has so far proven tricky. Even the concept of intelligence as a
quantifiable, explainable phenomenon has only been recently settled. "A
generation ago, people we... more »
Chet Raymo, “ID”
by Chet Raymo
“I have this fantasy of arriving at the Pearly Gates. Saint Peter checks
his online ledger: "Yep, you're in," he says. I look over his shoulder and
see a vast white building stretching into the distance. A big sign on the
roof reads "ID Inc."
"Is that building what I think it is?" I ask.
"That's where we design creatures for new planets," he responds. "I see
here you have degrees in physics and engineering. Would you be interested
in a job?"
"A job? In heaven?"
"We find that a lot of folks find they have too much time on their hands.
Eternity, you know. So... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
San José, San Jose, Costa Rica. Thanks for stopping by.
"It Is Not Enough..."
"I love the valiant; but it is not enough to wield a broadsword,
one must also know against whom."
- Friedrich Nietzsche
“Attachment vs. Detachment: Finding the Psychological Golden Mean”
*“Attachment vs. Detachment: *
*Finding the Psychological Golden Mean”*
by Leon F. Seltzer, Ph.D.
"Being too detached- or not sufficiently available or responsive to others-
represents one pole of the attachment continuum (see Part 1).
Over-responsiveness (or excessive relational dependency) defines the other.
Here what's impaired isn't our ability to experience the full spectrum of
human emotions, but our ability to sufficiently detach from these emotions
so we're not totally preoccupied, or consumed, by them.
Extremely sensitive to how others see us- in fact, being held so tightly... more »
“When the Good Do Bad”
*“When the Good Do Bad”*
By David Brooks
"It’s always interesting to read the quotations of people who knew a mass
murderer before he killed. They usually express complete bafflement that a
person who seemed so kind and normal could do something so horrific.
Friends of Robert Bales, who was accused of massacring 16 Afghan civilians,
have expressed similar thoughts. Friends and teachers describe him as
caring, gregarious and self-confident before he — in the vague metaphor of
common usage — apparently “snapped.” As one childhood friend told The
Times: “That’s not our Bobby. Somethin... more »
“The left has already won this election”
She’s right, you know.
Josie Pagani, that is, saying National is coasting on its rival's policy:
The left has already won this election.
John Key's National Party is still high in the polls, not because the
values of the right are popular, but because National's pitch is
essentially, "Trust us to implement Labour policy. We'll spend a bit less
than them doing it, and if you're lucky we'll give you a tax cut from the
savings -- maybe."
The left won the contest of ideas a long time ago, and National has
completely capitulated… promising only to administer the policy wins ... more »
The Poet: T.S. Eliot, "The Four Quartets"
"I said to my soul, be still, and wait without hope
For hope would be hope for the wrong thing; wait without love
For love would be love of the wrong thing; there is yet faith
But the faith and the love and the hope are all in the waiting.
Wait without thought, for you are not ready for thought:
So the darkness shall be the light, and the stillness the dancing."
~ T.S. Eliot, "The Four Quartets"
"Shaya's Home Run"
"Shaya's Home Run"
by Rabbi Paysach Krohn
"In Brooklyn, New York, Chush is a school that caters to learning-disabled
children. Some children remain in Chush for their entire school careers,
while others can be mainstreamed into conventional yeshivos and Bais
Yaakovs. There are a few children who attend Chush for most of the week and
go to a regular school on Sundays. At a Chush fund-raising dinner, the
father of a Chush child delivered a speech that would never be forgotten by
all who attended. After extolling the school and its dedicated staff, he
cried out, “Where is the perfectio... more »
The U.S. Is Repeating History

*Obama And The Fall of Saigon -- George Packer, New Yorker*
Almost forty years ago, in April of 1975, as the North Vietnamese Army was
sweeping through South Vietnam toward Saigon, President Gerald Ford
addressed a joint session of Congress. He asked for seven hundred and
twenty-two million dollars in emergency military assistance for the
government of South Vietnam. He invoked the dire risk faced by tens of
thousands of South Vietnamese, including those affiliated with the United
States. In “Last Days in Vietnam,” Rory Kennedy’s gripping new documentary
about the fall o... more »
"Seeing is Believing: The Power of Visualization"
"Seeing is Believing: The Power of Visualization"
by Angie LeVan
"Despite the great case for getting off our duffs, there are some amazingly
cool and effective practices we can do from the comfort of our own
recliners – without even budging a finger. For instance, you could practice
your golf swing, work out your muscles, prepare to climb Mount Kilimanjaro,
hone your chess skills, practice for tomorrow’s surgery, and you can even
prepare for your best life!
Mental practice can get you closer to where you want to be in life, and it
can prepare you for success! For instance, Natan Shar... more »
Australia’s bubble banks [+ update 3]
[image: Bank leverage]
Estimates suggest the Australian housing market has nearly $3 trillion of
bubble value waiting to burst, while the capital base of Australasia’s
banks is well under $200 billion.
This excessive leverage is not a healthy sign – especially when those
Australian banks are also *our* banks …
ONE of the top global regulators during the global financial crisis has
lent support to David Murray’s suggestion of tougher capital requirements
for Australia’s big four banks, arguing they are excessively leveraged and
their preferred ‘risk-weighted’ capitalisation meas... more »
*Off The Grid*
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
Sen. Paul Speaks at Hearing on Demilitarization of State Law Enforcement
*Sen. Rand Paul*
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Watch Watch: I don't really care what the Apple Watch does, but if you do, we've got a demo you can watch

*Is this thing hideous or what? By comparison Dick Tracy's anciently
futuristic wristphone (see below) was a thing of beauty.*
*by Ken*
Since I really want to know as little as I can get away with about the
Apple Watch, I'm just going to go with Alexandra Petri on this, in her
washingtonpost.com ComPost post "In defense of the wristwatch, after Apple
unveils a watch of its own."
I admit that, as long as I'm within range of a computer, I often have a
tendency to poke at e-mail oftener than I should. Okay, sometimes every few
minutes, but usually that's only when I have a really, re... more »
“Repressing the Inner Voice: Giving Away Power”
*“Repressing the Inner Voice: Giving Away Power”*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
“We can avoid giving away our power on a daily basis by listening to our
own voice of knowing. In many ways, we are taught from the time we are
children to give away our power to others. When we were told to kiss and
hug relatives or friends of the family when we didn’t want to, for example,
we were learning to override our inner sense of knowing and our right to
determine for ourselves what we want to do. This repression continued, most
likely, in many experiences at school and in situations at work. A... more »
Fukushima nuclear debacle Updates ( September 10 , 2014 ) - Shattered so appropriate when considering the state of the Fukushima nuclear reactor buildings ! News on the unfolding crisis , plant status , nuclear contamination updates....

Energy News......
03:08 PM EST on September 9th, 2014 | 130 comments
Senior Scientist: Fukushima reactors like Swiss cheese; No one knows how
far melted nuclear fuel has spread — Newspaper: Highly radioactive water
thought to be coming up from ground and directly into open ocean, bypassing
plant’s bay; ‘Other substances’ making contamination more serious (VIDEO)
01:00 AM EST on September 9th, 2014 | 164 comments
“Not for Distribution, Internal Use Only”: US Energy Dept. estimated
Fukushima release up to 10,000 times larger than nuclear regulators
predicted — ‘Supercore’ scenar... more »
Washington Wants You

*Not even she can save the ordinary Americans overseas.*
Washington Post reports on how the US government has swung into action by
revising the laws that are making people give up their citizenship in
record numbers. No, hahaha. What earth do we live on? Now it will cost you
$70,000 NT to give up your US citizenship -- I suppose we should be
thankful they aren't simply drone bombing US citizens who want to revoke
their citizenship:
"Beginning Sept. 12, the State Department is increasing fivefold the fee it
charges Americans to cut ties with the (overtaxed?) land of the free. *It
u... more »
Former U.S. Vice President Cheney Unleashes On President Obama
*Threat From ISIS Is ‘One Of The Most Dangerous We Have Faced Certainly In
My Lifetime, And Far More Dangerous Than The Administration Has Been
Willing To Admit,’ Former Vice President Dick Cheney Says -- Daily Mail*
* Cheney outlined the importance of combating ISIS during a speech on
national security in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday morning
* 'A realistic strategy has to recognize that ISIS is a grave strategic
threat to the United States,' Cheney said
* 'Our president must understand that we are at war,' he said, 'and we must
do what it takes for as long as it takes to win'
For... more »
The Truth About 911 is What's Happening Now

It's September of 2014, the world is caught up in a whirlwind of
terraranoia while global leaders posture and position themselves in
preparation for the final stages in the agenda for a New World Order...with
the 13th anniversary of 911 coming up right around the corner it is
imperative now more than ever that we expose this event for what it was...a
false flag operation designed to advance the agenda of the global elite.
Visit PressForTruth.ca
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#Declassify the 28 Redacted Pages in the 9/11 Intelligence Report
Former Congressman Ron Paul has called upon social media to do what
lawmakers cannot do effectively — demand the release of 28 redacted pages
from the Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Community Activities before and
after the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001 report that cites some of
the extensive ties between the Bush Administration and the Saudis, who
evidence shows, financed the 9/11 hijackers.
Visit TruthstreamMedia.com
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Does Obama Plan To Announce Bombing Of Syria On Eve Of 9/11 Anniversary?

Anthony Freda Art
Brandon Turbeville
As the thirteenth anniversary of 9/11 draws closer so does the possibility
that the United States and NATO will finally be able to realize their dream
of direct airstrikes against the secular government of Bashar Al-Assad’s
After years of propaganda alleging Assad’s “brutality against his own
people” and a recent volley of “ISIS is under the bed”-style hype, complete
with beheadings, forced starvations, and other savagery, the American
people remain utterly befuddled regarding the true nature of events taking
place inside Syria, Iraq,... more »
the day before 9/11

the day before 9/11
Suspicious Events of Sept. 10, 2001
Architects And Engineers For 9/11 On C-SPAN!
Giant Video Billboard of WTC7's Destruction Placed in Times Square for 9/11 Anniversary

Melissa Melton
Beginning today, the organization Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth has
placed a massive, 45-foot video billboard of World Trade Center 7's
destruction in Times Square which is timed to run for the 13th anniversary
of 9/11 and on through October 5th.
Against a backdrop of WTC7's repeated freefall, the words “5:20 PM on 9/11,
WTC7 came down in a classic controlled demolition. The government says fire
brought it down, but anyone who watches the video can see otherwise” will
appear. The 15-second spot will air every two minutes for four straight
wee... more »
What no one wants to say about Ferguson!
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Breakdown Of U.S.-Led Middle East Order: Saudi Arabia, Turkey, And Israel Don't Want To Fight ISIS

*Old Saudi Wahhabi clerics are American allies in the war against ISIS.*
*Young Kurdish feminists and female fighters are not American allies in the
war against ISIS.*
Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Israel, the three biggest allies of the United
States in the Middle East, have made it clear, sometimes subtly, and
sometimes not so much, that they have no interest or desire to engage ISIS
militarily and halt its momentum.
Their neutral stance makes total sense since the governments of these
countries have played a big role in nurturing ISIS and helping it grow to
become the regional ge... more »
Stop Criminalizing Parenting: Free Range Kids' Lenore Skenazy on Fears over Child Safety

"People say, 'Now that I can get arrested any time I let my child play
outside or walk to school, I won't do it. And that's the opposite of what
Free Range Kids is about," says Lenore Skenazy, proprietor of the blog
FreeRangeKids.com. She adds, "Free Range Kids is about getting so many kids
outside, that it doesn't seem strange to see a child playing in the park."
Visit Reason.com
Visit FreeRangeKids.com
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Russell Brand: "End the Monarchy Now...No Wonder Scotland Wants to Go"

*Russell Brand*
Reaction to news that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are expecting their
second child. If we were to rebuild society now, would we start by putting
an old lady who does nothing in a palace and lavish her with riches?
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
The Ant and the Grasshopper–NZ, 2014
The ant and the grasshopper have been around for a while. But now,
Grasshopper is eligible to vote …
*Traditional Version:*
Ant works hard all summer long in the withering heat and rain, building his
house and laying in supplies for the winter. Grasshopper thinks Ant is a
fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away.
Come winter, Ant is warm and well fed.
Grasshopper has no food or shelter, so he dies out in the cold.
Work hard, think ahead, and be responsible for yourself!
*The 2014 NZ Election Version:*
Ant wor... more »
Confirmed: Bacteria From Bees Possible Alternative to Antibiotics
[image: Abeille-bee-honey]Heather Callaghan
Not just a possible alternative - but totally a preferable alternative to
antibiotics whenever possible. People are already using this incredible
healing substance without having needed a nod of approval from researchers.
And no, we're not talking about using the actual bees.
While consumers of raw honey can tell you that it works wonders,
researchers wanted to know exactly why? What have they been missing? What
are the exact compounds that make raw honey nature's antibiotic? How has it
protected bee colonies forever (until recent obstac... more »
Bump and Gradgrind

Let's take a break from the trumped-up war on ISIS for a moment and turn
our attention to the terror right here in America. Specifically, let's talk
about the war on youth, and even more specifically, the war on poor
students and unionized teachers.
Michelle Obama got one thing right at her "Reach Higher Prep Rally" in
Atlanta the other day. She jokily referred to her traveling partner,
neoliberal anti-union Education Secretary Arne Duncan, as her *partner in
What the Obama administration is doing to public education is indeed a
crime: its cruel, billionaire-fueled Race to ... more »
Researchers Offer Strange Answer to Anticipated Dengue Spikes Following Vaccine
[image: Anopheles stephensi]Heather Callaghan
Researchers indeed continue to develop vaccines for tropical,
mosquito-vectored diseases like dengue fever, which affects 50 million
people per year.
There are no commercially available vaccines for the virus - yet. But,
they've run into a big problem.
Researchers watching vaccine development caution that there will be initial
disease spikes with its use. There's no argument about this observation. In
fact, it's admitted.
But the explanation to ward off panic and ensure that people in other
countries will take that future risk, is ... more »
The Great Trade Deception in the TPP
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- September 10, 2014

President Barack Obama delivers a statement from Martha’s Vineyard,
Massachusetts, during his vacation, August 20, 2014. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque
*If U.S. Joins Islamic State Fight, How Will It Get Out? -- Bill Schneider,
When President Barack Obama makes the case for military action against
Islamic State militants on Wednesday night, it won’t be hard to convince
Americans to get involved in the conflict. The hard part will be explaining
how we get out.
The president is speaking to the American people — not to Congress. He may
not even ask Congress to authorize the use of f... more »
The Dutch Safety Board has released a preliminary report of the shootdown
of Malaysian Airline flight MH17 on 17 July 2014. The report states that
the cockpit area of the Boeing 777 airliner was hit with “a large number of
high energy objects”. The report does not identify nor speculate what these
objects were. However, a close examination of evidence available on the
internet, including photographs of the wreckage coupled with information
from the preliminary report, all but confirms that the aircraft was shot
down by another aircraft using rapid fire machine cannon of some 30mm
ca... more »
Free Trade 37: Multiple Concerns and Regulations in the ASEAN

The next and 25th Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) Summit
will be held this coming November 12-13 in Myanmar. Among the preparations
for this, the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) is conducting
consultation with some stakeholders in the Philippines to explain its
position on certain issues and get feedback from the public.
Yesterday, the DFA consultation with civil society organizations (CSOs)
for the 25th ASEAN Summit plus related matters -- PH advocacies in the 23rd
and 24th Summit, 47th ASEAN Foreign Ministers Meeeting -- was held at the
DFA Auditorium, main ... more »
“U.S. Plunges the Cradle of Civilization into Disaster, While Its Oil-Based Empire Destroys the Earth's Climate”
*“U.S. Plunges the Cradle of Civilization into Disaster, *
*While Its Oil-Based Empire Destroys the Earth's Climate”*
*Humanity has the effect of an immense asteroid hitting the planet.*
By Noam Chomsky
“It is not pleasant to contemplate the thoughts that must be passing
through the mind of the Owl of Minerva as the dusk falls and she undertakes
the task of interpreting the era of human civilization, which may now be
approaching its inglorious end.
The era opened almost 10,000 years ago in the Fertile Crescent, stretching
from the lands of the Tigris and Euphrates, through Phoenic... more »
World News Briefs -- September 10, 2014 (Evening Edition)
*Barack Obama To Lay Out Plan To Defeat Islamic State -- BBC*
*US President Barack Obama is due to lay out his strategy to defeat Islamic
State militants, in a televised speech.*
He is reportedly set to approve air strikes in Syria for the first time,
and also wants to send US military trainers there to help rebels fight IS.
Secretary of State John Kerry is in the Middle East trying to build a
coalition against IS, and Mr Obama's allies are canvassing support in
IS controls large parts of Syria and Iraq after a rapid military advance.
The jihadist group now runs a de fa... more »
Syrian Government: Any U.S. Air Strikes On Islamic State Targets In Syria Without Approval Will Be Considered An Aggressive Act

*US Air Strikes On IS Targets In Syria To Be Considered Aggression – Syrian
Official -- RIA Novosti*
MOSCOW, September 10 (RIA Novosti) - Any US air strikes against Islamic
State (IS) positions in Syria conducted without consent from the Syrian
authorities shall be regarded as aggression, Fayez Al-Sayegh, a member of
the Syrian parliament, told RIA Novosti on Wednesday.
“We reject bombing of IS targets in Syria without coordination with the
country’s government. Syria’s Foreign Minister has declared [the
government’s] readiness to cooperate with a regional or international
coaliti... more »
A Look At How The U.S. Military Could Carry Out Military Strikes In Syria

Map by The Washington Post, Sept. 10, 2014.
*Here’s How The U.S. Military Could Carry Out Strikes In Syria --
Washington Post*
Thirteen months ago, the United States sent Navy ships toward Syria as it
prepared to launch strikes against President Bashar al-Assad’s regime
following its use of chemical weapons. Four destroyers carrying about three
dozen Tomahawk missiles each made up the bulk of the force, but the
Pentagon also could have launched airstrikes from bases in Turkey or Europe
or submarines that quietly patrol the sea.
President Obama backed off hitting Assad’s regime the... more »
Corrupt Corporate Dems And Corrupt Corporate Republicans Team Up To Save The Export-Import Bank
Every now and then, the teabaggers team up with progressives and the two
populist wings of their respective parties work together to challenge the
grotesquely corrupt Establishment wings of the two Beltway parties. We've
been hoping that might happen in the case of the scam known as the
Export-Import Bank.
Grayson had been working to rally progressives and had been making some
headway but in the end, Democrats hoping to not get beaten up by the
Chamber of Commerce, sold out-- except for Grayson and Lloyd Doggett
(R-TX). A former economist, Grayson tried helping clarify a complica... more »
Media letting politicians off the hook for housing issues
Hugh Pavletich recommends what he calls “an excellent interview of
National’s finance spokesman Bill English by Bernard Hickey of Interest
Hugh highlights however that whatever you might think about English’s talk
of “stability,” Bill’s Blue Team has totally dropped the ball on housing,
highlighted perhaps by *yet another* major review on housing underway by
the Productivity Commission. Because the problem with housing is not any
lack of reports …
Within the above interview [says Hugh] Bernard Hickey let Mr English “off
the hook” regarding the National Party initiated Com... more »
Supplemental: Easy to be extremely hard!
*WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2014“There are no innocents here:”* It’s been
fascinating to watch the discussions of the Ray Rice matter.
We’ve been struck by several standard reactions—and make no mistake, when
one pundit says something about such a case, every other pundit is going to
say the exact same thing.
We’ll look at some of those points tomorrow. Our advice to all pundits: If
you’re not sure what to say, just say what Willie Geist said.
We’ll talk about that discussion tomorrow. Today, we continued to think
about something we saw a pundit say about a different topic.
On yest... more »
Three Cheese Baked Ziti

We don't make a lot of Italian food in our house, simply because my husband
doesn't care for it. My daughter and I on the other hand, love it. I am
always looking for amazing pasta recipes that will fill my craving for all
things pasta but my husband will be happy to eat too. This recipe fits
those requirements.
I love the cheesy pasta and he loves the flavor of this dish. It is
currently one of the only pasta dishes on our monthly rotation. The best
part? It is super easy to pull together, making me love it even more.
- 1 16 oz Ziti (tube pasta)
- 4 cups washed baby spina... more »
“No Economy For Americans”
*“No Economy For Americans”*
By Paul Craig Roberts
“The Dow Jones stock average closed Friday at 17,137, despite the fact that
the payroll jobs report was a measly 125,000 new jobs for August, an
insufficient amount to keep up with the growth in the working age
population. The low 125,000 jobs figure is also inconsistent with the
Bureau of Economic Analysis’ second estimate of second quarter 2014 US GDP
growth of 4.2 percent–a figure beyond the capability of the present-day US
economy. Clearly, the economic numbers are out of sync with one another.
They are also out of sync with re... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials On President Obama's Strategy To Combat The Islamic State
*Top Question For Obama: What's His Plan For ISIS? -- Kevin Liptak, CNN *
Washington (CNN) -- When President Barack Obama steps in front of cameras
Wednesday, he'll be addressing a nation that's simultaneously war-weary and
ready for more military action against ISIS; critical of Obama's handling
of the crisis yet largely supportive of his commitment to keep combat
troops out.
Those currents of public opinion, however convoluted, will shape how Obama
frames his strategy for "degrading and ultimately defeating" the Islamic
State militants in Iraq and Syria, which Americans now beli... more »
Is Congress Going To Give President Obama A 'Blank Check" To Fight The Islamic State?
*Obama Wants A Blank Check To Fight ISIS—And Congress Is Ready To Give It
To Him -- Josh Rogin & Eli Lake, Daily Beast*
*The Obama administration asked Congress for $5 billion to fight terrorism
but offered no details about how the money would be spent. Democrats want
to give Obama the money anyway.*
Democrats in Congress are ready to give the Obama administration $5 billion
in new funding to fight ISIS and other terror groups, despite the fact that
the administration has no idea how the money will be spent.
When the president calls for Congress to approve his new counterterrorism... more »
Middle East Myths and the Media
Whenever you find yourself arguing about the Middle East, you’ll probably
have the luck to be up against a fan of Ilan Pappé or Noam Chomsky. That is
a major stumbling block.
Venerated historians can reference archival material till the cows come
home, but documentary evidence seems not to figure in Israel-hating
arguments, which are usually emotional and often inexplicable.
The media’s focus is permanently fixed upon Israel’s imperfections (which
bear an uncanny similarity to ours) while no-one seems remotely
uncomfortable about the seismic imperfections of her enemies.
How easily... more »
Obama is giving a speech tonight...

*allow me to summarize in advance.*
My fellow Americans, um, uh, you know, ah, ah, ah
Islam is the religion of peace uh, uh, um...
I'm really upset about ISIL or ISIS or EYE SORE, uh, ah, ah, whatever is...
which has nothing, ya know, to do with Islam
which has helped build our wonderful country...
and, ya know
I'm speaking, ah, ah, in all truth tonight
if, uh , um, the Republicans would quit saying we maybe, um, er, ya know,
left Iraq too soon...
and, ya know, um, er, no boots on the ground...
ISIL is not a threat, um, ah, ah, ah, ya know
because, um, ah, ah, it's all Bu... more »
Paul Crag Roberts reflects on the flimsiness of the current cease fire in Ukraine, the trouble that Washington has caused Russia, the fact that Ukraine was a part of Russia longer than the US has existed, and Washington's strategic goals to build up military forces on Russia's borders and push the European Union into imposing sanctions on Russia that disrupt the trade relationships and create distrust. Consequently, it appears that the European Union may be getting set to impose sanctions on the Russian energy firms Rosneft, Gazpromneft and Transneft. To this, PCR remarks that "The Russian response to this audacity should be to turn off the gas in the winter without warning. All of it" ...reasoning that "That would bring an end to Washington’s assault on Russia."

*The Ukraine Crisis Remains Unresolved — Paul Craig Roberts*
September 9, 2014 | Original Here
Go here to sign up to receive
email notice of this news letter
*The Ukraine Crisis Remains Unresolved*
Paul Craig Roberts
Some Western commentators interpret the cease fire in Ukraine obtained by
President Putin as a victory for Russia. The reasoning is that the cease
fire leaves Ukraine with disputed borders, which rules out Ukraine’s
membership in NATO.
But will the cease fire ho... more »
The secret fascist terror organization run by US-NATO allies has a long and
dirty history. This BBC TV series digs deep to interview many who knew
about or were involved in the western terror outfit. Gladio was originally
used to kill and suppress any attempts to have electoral victory for
left-wing parties throughout Europe and to clandestinely undermine the
former Soviet Union.
These days the secret terror outfit Gladio is used to further the interests
of corporate globalization as it attempts to take control of declining
resources on the planet. ISIS, Libya, Somalia, Israeli... more »
The First Year on the Tenure-Track: Wanting to Give the White Whale Back
As a grad student, I used to the think longingly about the day when I would
finally hold a tenure-track job. I could almost taste the thrill of the
teaching and the joy of faculty resources. You mean, someone will pay for
my copy of [insert software you’d like to use legally]? And, textbooks will
Continue reading
Will The U.S. Congress Support President Obama's 'Plan of Action' Against The Islamic State?

U.S. President Barack Obama meets with Congressional leaders in the Oval
Office of the White House in Washington to discuss his plan to combat
Islamic State militants operating in Iraq and Syria September 9, 2014.
Credit: Reuters/Kevin Lamarque
*White House Wants Authority to Arm Syrian Rebels, but GOP Is Wary --
National Journal*
Obama seeks language in the must-pass spending bill set for a floor vote
House Republicans are grappling with an eleventh-hour request from the
White House to include an authorization to arm Syrian rebels in a must-pass
spending bill that is s... more »
September 11th 2014 - thirteenth anniversary of a pointlessness photo-op

thirteen years ago, it was nothing more than a pointless photo-op
today, it's not even that.
President Obama Is Preparing His Special Address To The Nation On Combating The Islamic State
*Obama Is Ready To Authorize Airstrikes Against ISIS In Syria WITHOUT
Congress As He Prepares To Tell The Nation In Prime Time Address How He
Will Destroy Jihadists -- Daily Mail *
* White House official confirmed air strikes would feature in the plan
* Air Force has hit ISIS targets in Iraq – but has not yet struck Syria
* Obama will announce a long-awaited strategy in TV appearance Wednesday
* He may ask for $500 million to arm rebels in Syria, but plans to act on
other parts of his plan, including airstrikes there, even if Congress
* Rattling war sabers, former... more »
Satire: “Cheney Says Iraq Would Be Stable If He Were Still President”
*“Cheney Says Iraq Would Be Stable If He Were Still President”*
by Andy Borowitz
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)— “Harshly criticizing the current occupant
of the White House, Dick Cheney told reporters on Wednesday, “Iraq would be
stable today if I were still President.” “ISIS is a problem that President
Obama has made possible,” Cheney said during a press conference on Capitol
Hill. “I never would have let that happen when I was Commander-in-Chief.”
He said that he would listen to President Obama’s speech on Wednesday night
about destroying the Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham, ... more »
Sulphur Tornado in Icelandic Volcano

Suphur dioxide tornado inside Icelandic volcano
From: http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=316330
We don’t see something like this every day. A toxic tornado consisting of
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2,) emitted from the large volcanic eruption occurring at
Bardarbunga Volcano in Iceland.
The erupting magma (lava) is producing its own weather, clouds, and now the
superheated air is producing superheated tornadoes like one would see in a
large forest fire.
This video comes from Nicarnica Aviation, a manufacturer of infrared , and
thermal camera components.
The tornado formed ... more »
Today I decided on the Internet I have no way forward this way

It means nothing to most anyone
but the few you
I am always grateful
could not of done much
if I was alone in
my tribe
But to the author
I have to make
a better cake
cause no matter
how hard i celibate
kids at college not
only do it better
but make more sincere
I will keep on plugging
to fill this blog with sunshine
but I now realize not many
will see the light.
So I will have to work
those other more
difficult mediums.
The first will be music
and if forced upon me
Friday on Rag Radio: Lamar Hankins discusses the chilling Church of Wells
scandal and the Rick Perry indictment.
Truth and Senting Act Provision struck down when denied bail because of criminal record
R. v. Safarzadeh-Markhali, 2014 ONCA 627:
[124] The words "the reason for detaining the person in custody was
stated in the record under subsection 515(9.1) or" in s. 719(3.1) of the
*Code* violate s. 7 of the*Charter *and are not saved by s. 1. Those words
are declared to be of no force and effect pursuant to s. 52(1) of the *Constitution
Act, 1982*. Accordingly, the Crown's appeal is dismissed. The validity of
the references to ss. 524(4) and (8) in s. 719(3.1) is not before us and it
is not appropriate to make any declaration in relation to their validity.
Legitimate Crack Mayors

Lets say I am not from Toronto
and why should I care
that the mayor does crack
In fact he made the burg
more famous
and is that not
in our age?
Everything is advertising
but not product
and as the Texans
say this is all Hat
no cattle
but as GWB
has demonstrated
you can float
for along time
on this construct
build a big enough barge
and the nation will
fit upon the deck
and not go astray
when you
live live live live live
so large.
We are great apes
with billions of monkey
at our command
but you as a monkey
have to ask yourself
living under this command
do you see more bana... more »
If The Ukraine Ceasefire Holds, Will Ukraine's Nationalist Militia Units Shift Their Focus To Kiev?

An Azov battalion soldier stands next to an armoured personnel carrier at a
checkpoint in Mariupol on 4 September. Photograph: Vasily Fedosenko/REUTERS
*Azov Fighters Are Ukraine's Greatest Weapon And May Be Its Greatest Threat
-- The Guardian*
*The battalion's far-right volunteers' desire to 'bring the fight to Kiev'
is a danger to post-conflict stability.*
"I have nothing against Russian nationalists, or a great Russia," said
Dmitry, as we sped through the dark Mariupol night in a pickup truck, a
machine gunner positioned in the back. "But Putin's not even a Russian.
Putin's a J... more »
A three cylinder automotive engine

Blow me away! My readers need no more than that.
H/T Canadian Autos blog I read them every day
David Meggyesy thinks new UT football coach Charlie Strong “is blowing it”
and calls his “Joe Hard-ass” approach “insane” in this Rag Radio interview.
How Far Would Republicans Go To Undermine America For Partisan Gain-- And To Sate Their Racism?

The racists and plutocrats who, hand-in-hand, have long taken over the
Republican Party are tickled pink-- or deep red-- that their avowed
strategy from the day after Obama had the temerity to beat John McCain has
worked. They set out to poison the well… and blame Obama for the results.
And if the new *Washington Post*-ABC News poll is correct, an exhausted
public has finally thrown in the towel.
Republicans were so ecstatic seeing all those people who say that the
country is on the wrong track that they even tweeted out an exaggerated,
misleading version of the results:
Not... more »
U.S. Military Aid To Ukraine Stalls

Ukrainian troops (Archive). © RIA Novosti. Mikhail Voskresenskiy
*Amid Intensifying Requests, American Military Aid to Ukraine Stalls -- New
York Times*
WASHINGTON — Despite appeals from the Ukrainian armed forces, the United
States has so far provided only a modest package of nonlethal assistance to
the Kiev government, and much of it has yet to arrive.
The White House, which has relied on economic sanctions and the threat of
international isolation to deter Russia from escalating its involvement in
Ukraine, has been reluctant to step up military assistance for fear that it
will ... more »
Roger Baker : America: You’ve got three more years to drive normally!
Three more years? That’s pretty scary! Surely there must be a mistake in
that headline. By Roger Baker | The Rag Blog | September 10, 2014 First in
a series Is it possible that average Americans could have a hard …
finish reading Roger Baker :
America: You’ve got three more years to
drive normally!
David Meggyesy thinks new UT football coach Charlie Strong “is blowing it”
and calls his “Joe Hard-ass” approach “insane” in this Rag Radio interview.
The Best Evidence That Russian Soldiers Are In Ukraine
*Best Evidence Russians Are In Ukraine? How Good Separatist Fighters Are --
Matthew Schofield, McClatchy Foreign Staff*
BERLIN — The uneasy truce in southeastern Ukraine appears, mostly, to be
holding, a development that the Russian government in Moscow is celebrating
as a hopeful sign for a besieged region.
Moscow, the word comes, has been deeply troubled by the fighting in the
region, and particularly its effect on civilians trapped between the
warring Ukrainian government and pro-Russian separatists calling themselves
the People’s Republic of Donetsk.
The problem with best wis... more »
September 11 Anniversary Post. Where is That One Honest Judge?!

*NOTE: I have updated my Arts and Crafts page. I will put a note on here
whenever that occurs.*
*I have also updated the previous post on the MH17 report released
I was going to write something commemorating the *biggest day of the
year in the "Truther movement"* myself...but after reading these two
paragraphs by Les Visible in Visible Origami, I have decided to paste them
here. This says it all .....*about what it has been like since 9/11 for
those unfortunate 37% of us who.... "can handle the truth".*
*************************... more »
The Battle That Changed The Course Of The Ukraine Civil War And That Forced Kiev To Accept A Ceasefire

*Ukraine Town Bears Scars of Russian Offensive That Turned Tide in Conflict
-- New York Times*
ILOVAISK, Ukraine — Burned-out tanks, troop carriers and trucks still lie
strewn on the roads and fields all around this town. The body of a
Ukrainian soldier hangs doubled over an electric wire, flung up like a doll
when his tank exploded. The charred corpse of another soldier lies inside
the hull of the tank, a third putrifying torso is tangled in machinery on
the road.
It is vivid, if horrifying, evidence of what was a devastating offensive
mounted by Russian artillery units at the e... more »
Jack A. Smith : The continuing failure of U.S. interventions
At this time of great conflict in the world, U.S. foreign/military policy
seems to be intimately connected to virtually everything that’s going
wrong. By Jack A. Smith | The Rag Blog | September 10, 2014 The United
States insists on … finish reading Jack A. Smith :
The continuing failure of U.S. interventions
Lets all live forever on video on a rewindable life

My whole life on Video
what a waste of megapixels
do you really want every moment
open to criticism, comment or complaint
if we want to confirm we
all be sheeple
this is the biggest
tech that will lead
us to the steeple
and you can bet for
sure those with the cameras
will never reveal any
activity that makes
them look like
and asshand.
Resistance is useless
Today is massive slow down day. On nebulous issues like this
its all just piss
into the wind.
On really important issues
is more of the same
just admit it people
we are collectively
We can get a million people together
to meet the pope
but when
big decisons are being made
we could not fill
a backyard rink
Obama's bombing "ISIS" in Syria is just a pretext for regime change
*WSJ makes this abundantly clear. *
*First the WSJ informs us that the NATO jihadis have been turning up the
*"In a span of weeks, the Islamic State has overrun military bases in
Syria's east. In the west, the regime faces a coalition of rebels that
threatens the heartland of Mr. Assad's Alawite minority and could alter the
course of Syria's multi-sided civil war" *
*These developments come as President Barack Obama prepares to describe on
Wednesday his own plan to defeat the Islamic State*, a Sunni-extremist
group also known as ISIS or ISIL. Mr. Assad's troubles could com... more »
WHY In The HELL Is The Criminal Prime Minister Of Canada Sending Canadian Troops To Iraq?
I do periodically view the Jew spew media up here in this occupied nation
of mine known as Canada just to try to see if some truths do come
forward.... No such luck, because the liars here are just as bad as those
in the formerly free and great United States of America. All I see is the
same false harping and lies about the newest and greatest fraud "terrorist"
group known as "ISIS", or as the criminal US President likes to state now
"ISIL" (just to conveniently take out the word "Syria" from the acronym).
The media here is going just as hog wild as those liars in the US with the... more »
Special "Turbulent Times" Show Tonight At 6PM Central Daylight Time (7PM EDT) On Outside Radio
Yes, Whitewraithe and I are presenting a special Turbulent Times show
tonight at 6PM CDT on the Outside Radio network at
For tonight's show we will have our special guest, Charles Giuliani, on to
have an open discussion on Religion..... Charles, Whitewraithe, and I,
have discussed previously that we should do a show because both Charles and
Wraithe are well versed on religion and why they believe it is such a
The show will be LIVE, and people can call in via the Skype link at Outside
Radio, to ask questions to Charles or Whitewraithe... Or... more »
Supplemental: Like Joe and Mika and Willie on Rice!
*WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2014Our latest national firestorm:* Yesterday,
the New York Times’ William Rhoden made an amazing statement on Morning
Joe. It led us to ask our favorite question:
Are we the people—we the humans—able to reason at all?
This afternoon, we’ll transcribe Rhoden’s statement. For now, we’ll pull
one phrase from his current New York Times column about the NFL and Ray
In this morning's Times, Rhoden refers to the matter as “a national
firestorm.” We think that’s a wonderfully useful phrase.
As a nation, we no longer seem to be able to engage in discussio... more »
So much misinformation in Senate sex-work hearings

Having a Twitter feed during the Senate's meetings on sex work is both
a blessing and a curse. I got so much minute-by-minute info yesterday on
the opening day of the meetings that I practically felt I was there, but at
the same time I spent the day fuming at all the inane, hurtful and poorly
informed comments being made by some of the senators and that infuriating
justice minister of ours, Peter MacKay.
Sex workers and sex-worker organizations that support
decriminalization have a huge presence on Twitter. The feed coming out of
Ottawa was frenzied from the moment I stagg... more »
Ukraine Ceasefire Still Holding But Tensions Remain High
*Ukraine Ceasefire Holds But Underlying Political And Military Tensions
Remain -- Euronews*
Pro-Russian separatists have been patrolling the outskirts of Donetsk from
where Ukrainian government troops have withdrawn.
Kyiv and Moscow both agree the fragile ceasefire in eastern Ukraine is
largely holding but on the ground tensions remain.
Both sides are gradually releasing their prisoners of war – under the truce
agreed last Friday all captives are due to be freed by the end of the week..
But it is in Mariupol where tensions are at their highest.
*Read more* ....
*More News On Ukr... more »
Obama ISIS speech

Yes my man was reluctant at first to
engage with an enemy so
hard to disperse
but who got to him?
We are now fighting gangsters
for who knows how long
but five billion dollars
brings it all into
a blackwater perspective.
Hosed, Hosed Hosed
when will we hear
on the TV
we are being hosed.
The CIA created Al Qudea
and the president declared they
where defeated
so where is the enemy
that a trillion dollar sword
per year
should swing?
Well we got ISIS so bad
the Al Queda were
sick abootit.

Switchfoot is an American alternative rock band from San Diego, California.
They became well known in San Diego for combining rock music concerts with
humanitarian fund raising and worked actively in the local San Diego
The band's members are Jon Foreman (lead vocals, guitar), Tim Foreman(bass
guitar, backing vocals), Chad Butler (drums, percussion), Jerome
Fontamillas (guitar, keyboards, backing vocals), and Drew Shirley (guitar,
backing vocals). After early successes in the Christian rock scene,
Switchfoot first gained mainstream recognition with the inclusion of fo... more »
Many Thanks To The Weather Channnel For Listening To Viewers About GMOs

[image: Foto: In June, The Weather Channel promoted an article that was
pro-GMO propaganda and we all told them that it was NOT OK. Our voices were
heard. TWC now offers the side of truth. Check out this interview on GMOs
with Jeremy Gruber, President of Council For Responsible Genetics... on The
Weather Channel. GMO Secrets REVEALED! WATCH:
http://www.weather.com/video/gmo-secrets-revealed-52616 #TWC
#TheWeatherChannel #GMO #GMOTruths #TheGMODeception #labelgmos
#needtoknowgmo #freedom2chooz #BoycottGMOs #JeremyGruber
#CouncilForResponsibleGenetics #CRG #GMOFreeCanada #GMOFreeUSA]
... more »
Huffman and Barbic Targets of Lawsuit in Tennessee
Kevin Huffman took just one month after his appointment as Commissioner of
Education in April 2011 to choose former CEO of YES Prep Charter Schools as
Superintendent of Tennessee's new Achievement School District, the State
office that would coordinate the charterizing of Memphis and Nashville
At that time, the betting started on how many months it would take for Yes
Prep, where Barbic had been CEO prior to coming to Tennessee, to claim a
piece of the action in the lava-hot charter market in Memphis.
It took just over 24 months, and in September 2013, YES Prep announced
... more »
As the Nazi made into Cast Iron, work will set you free

Getting a paycheck is a struggle
working for yourself is hard
I do not know what is the purpose
behind those canards
we all live
and we all want
and we all desire
but we all have to deal
with scarce resources
to feed that want
but today with computers
and socialists
proven successful
we can channel
all that backfill
into a real
World News Briefs -- September 10, 2014
*Obama To Lay Out Plan To 'Destroy' Isis Threat As Kerry Arrives In Baghdad
-- The Guardian*
*President's strategy to 'degrade and destroy' insurgents will include
military action and support for Iraq and Syrian opposition*
Barack Obama will pledge on Wednesday night to "degrade and ultimately
destroy" the Islamic State insurgency operating in both Syria and Iraq in
an address to the American people expected to herald a significant
escalation of the US military role across the region.
Though the exact extent of the anticipated US intervention in Syria
remained unclear in the hour... more »
Collective Imagination: I-TECH - Utilizing the latent technology inherent in the human body

The Collective Imagination Show discussion on I-TECH, the native technology
in the human body, and its role in the coming changes on this planet and
elsewhere. Panel discussion includes Brian Kelly, Lisa Harrison, Dani
A.M., Deer Woman. They discuss their experiences with I-TECH.
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- September 10, 2014
*Obama’s Military Options Against Islamist Militants -- Time*
*He'll reveal his choices to the nation Wednesday night*
To understand why President Obama has such a tough job when he explains to
the nation Wednesday night what he intends to do about the Islamist
jihadists overrunning Iraq and Syria, just step back
U.S. Strikes in Iraq Against Jihadists, Moving West Toward SyriaU.S.
Launches New Air Strikes in Iraq to Protect DamsTerror Talks: Kerry Swoops
Into Iraq to Spur Action on ISIS NBC NewsExclusive: Inside House Where
Pistorius Shot Girlfriend NBC News'God Help Me': Bodies ... more »
*WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2014Part 3—Cokie’s hunt for cash:* In 1988,
Richard M. Cohen offered a warning about the values, and the practices,
emerging within TV news.
At the time, Cohen was 40 years old. Two years earlier, a senior at Yale
pretty much beat him to it.
For all previous posts in this series, click here.
In the pages of The New Republic, Jacob Weisberg—then twenty years
old—warned about the rise of mammon within the nation’s print press. He
even coined a new term, “buckrakers,” burlesquing what journalists had
become in their pursuit of cold cash.
The bright young k... more »
The Two Wars In Ukraine
*From James @ WinterPatriot*
*Excerpting from his excellent piece *
There are two wars being waged in Ukraine. One is by the Kiev Junta Forces
(KJF) against the citizens of the Donbas in an effort to drive them out of
their home and to kill and terrorize those that remain. This is, of course,
one big war crime. The second war is being waged by the Novorossian Armed
Forces (NAF) against the invading KJF and their masters in Kiev.
The purpose of Kiev junta's war is to gain (or regain) control of physical
territory and resources. That is what is important to psychopaths. Behind
the ol... more »
Iraq Premier Abadi’s Cabinet Sworn In Amongst Political Disputes

Premier Abadi addressing parliament during swearing in session of his new
cabinet (*Al Jazeera*)
September 8, 2014 Prime Minister Haider Abadi’s new government was approved
by Iraq’s parliament. As usual since 2005, all the major winners in the
elections were given a position, which allows them to share in the spoils
that come from running government offices. This was highlighted in the
western press as a new “inclusive” administration, but was really nothing
new at all. More importantly if there were hope that this new cabinet would
help bring the country’s feuding political part... more »
Understanding Piketty, part 5 (conclusion)
Thomas Piketty's *Capital in the Twenty-First Century* is the first book to
make a data-driven examination of economic inequality. Based on hundreds of
years worth of data, it attempts to determine the long-term trends in
inequality and the social and political consequences that follow from them.
In this final post, I want to highlight the most important points of the
book, including a few I have not yet discussed. Beyond that, I want to
consider parts of the book that are perhaps a bit less persuasive.
First of all, the data has been almost unchallenged. The one person who
claimed ... more »
Post fifty five sex

When I wake up in the morning
I still have a hard on
even at 55
I want to post this online
to prove I am still a man
my greatest tool
is still charged
cause at this point
that's about all I got
along with my full
head of hair
and yes the carpet
matches the drapes
No one wants my drill
24/7 and I have not
even in this internet age
managed to make a site
where my boner
meets a paying meat patty
that will allocate a credit dollar
for AM prime
I am like Joe Buck
not a Midnight Cowboy
but a Sunrise Hipster
Cause believe me ladies
after noon I fade
low T I expect
and I do not have
the cash or... more »
Movie Idea Part II
No, no. It's not a sequel. I haven't finished describing the film idea I
brought up in yesterday's post.
So, the black, female heroine comes from a working class background and her
parents are rendered unemployed by the forces of capitalism. They descend
into poverty and religious hucksterism preys on them.
Of the two young men in her life, her brother and her boyfriend, one will
be shot dead by the police and the other will enlist in the military only
to become maimed and subsequently abandoned and betrayed by the country he
fought for.
As a result of her parents' unemployment, sh... more »
Is Mike Rounds' Visa-Selling Scandal Too Complicated For Voters To Understand?

Its rare that crooked governors are called on to account for their
corruption before the bar of Justice. Governor Rick Scott (R-FL) is running
for reelection; Governor Scott Walker (R-WI) is running for reelection and
would like to be someone's vice presidential pick; Governor Rick Perry
(R-TX), though under indictment, imagines he's running for president again;
Governor Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) just won renomination against an outstanding
anti-corruption reformer; Governor Nathan Deal (R-GA) is ahead in his
reelection campaign; Governor Chris Christie, under intense investigation
on ... more »
More Poor Choices?

Yesterday, the Harper Party released its latest campaign ad. It was Stephen
Harper's steady hand at the tiller, the ad claimed, that has guided Canada
through the economic storms of the decade. But Scott Clark and Peter
Devries beg to differ. The economy, they write, is dead in the water:
The dismal job creation numbers over the past 12 months merely show a
long-term trend becoming entrenched. The economy has been in a growth and
employment slump since 2010, with economic growth and employment growth
... more »
Wacking the Pinãta
*C36* — the Harper government, with its usual doublespeak flair, titles it
the Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act — is just one
MASSIVE pinãta of a Bill. And when it is whacked, all sorts of goodies
come tumbling out. Like Don the Plumber's John School™ - but more on that,
No no no. This pinãta is NOT what you think it is. Get your mind OUT of
the gutter.
This pinãta was previously a commemorative War of 1812™ genuine *papier
mâché* artillery cannon replica produced for its never-ending celebrations
and now recycled by the ever-so thrifty Harper governmen... more »
Canada should issue bonds with negative interest rates

If they can sell them in Japan, we can cash in here. The world is crashing
and Canada is about the safest structure there is.
My free to the mint sales pitch.
"our projections are that even in the event of a limited nuclear war you
will lose less than half your equity"
*In Which I Extract My Kid From the Clutches of Traditional Schooling*
I can't say it was the stress-induced puking that caused my wife and I to
finally pull our son from his brick-and-mortar charter school. We'd been
contemplating yanking him from a classroom setting for the past year or so.
Over the summer, we ran him through a battery of academic tests and
encouraged him to study math and Spanish online. The results were
enlightening, but we thought he might be a little young for a full online
education. And then the nervous tic developed as the start of school
approached. That... more »
Ukraine situation ( September 10 , 2014 ) - Russian preempts EU Sanctions that haven't actually been imposed by cutting natural gas to Poland......Ukraine situation - battlefield , political fronts from Ukraine / Russia , Europe and US...
Zero Hedge....
Russian Retaliation Begins: Gazprom "Limiting EU Gas", Cuts Poland Supplies
By 20% In Past Two Days
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/10/2014 08:00 -0400
- None
- Poland
- Ukraine
Over the weekend, we commented that in response to Europe's latest, and
most serious, sanction round which would finally impact Russian energy
giants Rosenft, Gazprom Neft (but not Gazprom) and Transneft, "suddenly the
stakes for Russia, and thus Europe, just got all too real, as Putin will
now have no choice but to really ramp up the r... more »
British Trotskyism and Scottish Independence
Were I still a Trotskyist, my position on the Scottish independence
referendum would be determined by this set of questions:
1. As America's lapdog, key prop of international neoliberalism, meddler in
foreign affairs, and cheerleader for market fundamentalism within the EU;
would an independent Scotland severely diminish the UK's influence?
2. What are the social character of the movements backing Yes and No? Do
they have the potential to mobilise wider layers of people, deepen
radicalisation, and/or lead to a more opportune environment for socialist
3. Will the labour m... more »
Poll: Majority Of Chinese Believe That There Will Be War With Japan By 2020

Surveys conducted in China and Japan reveal people think a conflict between
the two nations is likely(Reuters)
*Poll: Majority of Chinese Predict War with Japan by 2020 -- IBTimes*
More than half of Chinese people think their country could go to war with
Japan, according to a recent poll.
The survey, conducted by Japanese non-governmental organisation Genron and
state-run newspaper China Daily, revealed that 53.4% of Chinese people
believe a conflict will happen, with many thinking it will occur "within
the next five years".
The poll was also conducted in Japan, where 29% of peopl... more »
Creator of the UMMO Hoax Passes Away in Spain

Spain's *El Ojo Crítico* informs us that Jose Luis Jordán Peña, the
architect of the notorious UMMO hoax of the '60s and '70s, has passed away
in Madrid. Jordán Peña was also responsible for the creation of a lesser
known fraud - Pyrophos - with even darker overtones.
When asked if he regretted started the UMMO hoax, he had this to say:
"I do not regret having started it. I regret having made the truth known.
Let's see. You have some kids. And you give the kids presents for Three
Kings Day, or from Santa Claus if you're in North America. What a delight
it is to see the joy of ... more »
Japan Is Changing It's Military Doctrine From A Defensive Posture To That Of Having An Offensive Military Capability

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (R) reviews Japanese Self-Defence
Forces' (SDF) troops during the annual SDF ceremony at Asaka Base in Asaka,
near Tokyo, in this October 27, 2013 file photo. Credit: Reuters/Issei
*Exclusive: Japan, U.S. Discussing Offensive Military Capability For Tokyo
- Japan Officials -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Japan and the United States are exploring the possibility of
Tokyo acquiring offensive weapons that would allow Japan to project power
far beyond its borders, Japanese officials said, a move that would likely
infuriate China.
While Japan's in... more »
Iraq / Syria Regional War Update ( September 10 , 2014 ) -- State of Play on the political fronts and battlefields....
Anti War......
Despite ISIS Getting US Arms, Obama Wants to Send More to Syria RebelsWhite
House Continues to Claim They're Being Careful With Arms
by Jason Ditz, September 09, 2014
Print This | Share This
Yesterday’s big report was that much of the weaponry that ISIS is using,
both small arms and anti-tank missiles, were actually provided by the US,
for the “moderate” Syrian rebels.
It wasn’t a big surprise that this was going to happen, though the White
House tried to spin this as vindication for their decision not to send even
more weapons to the rebels, because they had to be supe... more »
CIA Security Contractors At Benghazi: About 25 More Americans Would Be Dead Today If We Had Obeyed Our 'Stand Down' Order

*Benghazi Security Contractors: About 25 Americans Are Still Alive Because
We Broke 'Stand Down' Order -- Breitbart*
The Obama administration, the CIA, and even some congressional
committees—they all said there “was no 'stand down' order.”
But now five men who helped ward off the terrorists that attacked U.S.
diplomatic facilities in Benghazi, Libya two years ago say it's only
because they defied such an order that as many as 25 Americans are alive
“There’s quite a few—the soft-skins, we call them, or the non-shooters,”
Kris “Tanto” Paronto, one of the security contractors... more »
Musical Interlude: Logos, “Cheminement”
Logos, “Cheminement”
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOuXP8aVWHU
Incredibly beautiful... do watch this on full screen... magnificent.
- CP
HPV Vaccines Are NOT Good For Everyone by Maria Mexia
Yael Leycegui
HPV vaccines are NOT good for everyone
By Mara Mexia
Mexico City, Mexico
Sane Vax, Inc. 4 September 2014
I ask you to please read Yael Leycegui’s story. She is my daughter and one
of the unfortunate girls who suffered a severe reaction to the HPV vaccine,
Gardasil. I write because only one side of the HPV vaccine story is
mentioned before you receive the injections in my country, and many others.
You only hear how wonderful it is because it could prevent cervical cancer.
There is little mention of potential side effects. When they are mentioned,
you are told the v... more »
Cape Armature Winders ready for the SA Navy

[image: SAS Amatola]Cape Armature Winders was recently awarded an
electrical contract in support of the South African Navy, to perform
electrical repairs and services on their fleet of vessels, based across
South African shores and 5 ports.
The South African Valour class frigates are the major surface ships of the
South African Navy, comprising of the SAS Amatola, SAS Isandlwana, SAS
Spioenkop, and the SAS Mendi.
The frigates were designed to be capable of conducting sustained operations
at sea, and to negotiate sea conditions such as those found off the South
African coast.
Rea... more »
Health Risks Of Drinking Energy Drinks

Should junior people be equally loud during seminars?
A man named David Chalmers wrote down some norms of the right behavior
during philosophical seminars and Sean Carroll responded, in a surprisingly
moderate way. The recommendations are things like
1. be nice
2. allow the junior people to speak more than you do
3. the time one spends by talking during a seminar should be
proportional to the product of the number of his or her X chomosomes and
the number of men that he or she has sex with
and so on. Moreover, if you want to avoid a sexual harassment lawsuit, you
should follow several simple rules:
1. be handsome
2... more »
Russians Are More Optimistic On The 'Direction' Of Their Country Than Americans

*(Click on Image to Enlarge)*
*You Know It's Bad In Europe When... -- Zero Hedge*
...more Italian, Spanish, and Greek citizens believe their country is
heading in the wrong direction than Ukrainians!!!
*Read more* ....
*My Comment:* This is a surprise ..... Russians are more optimistic on
where their country is going than the U.S.. As for the current sentiment in
Greece, Italy, and Spain .... no surprise there .... especially among those
below 30 where 50% of them are either unemployed or underemployed.
#indyref in Scotland
is all over it. James Laxer gets it. The Westminster politicians of all
stripes manifestly do not. The Scottish independence referendum is not
nationalist paranoia like Quebec, nor is it some reactionary
anti-English 'decolonisation' movement rooted in Braveheart narratives
of historical defeat, conquest, or exploitation (Canada, PLEASE take
note!). Instead, it is probably best viewed as
Russia Successfully Test-Fires Bulava SLBM

[image: Bulava test launch]Russia has successfully test-fired a Bulava
submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) from its Borey-class Vladimir
Monomakh nuclear-powered submarine, the Russian Defense Ministry said
The missile was launched from a location off northwest Russia’s White Sea
and hit a designated target at the Kura test range on Russia’s Kamchatka
The launch is part of state tests of weapons and systems of the Vladimir
Monomakh nuclear-powered submarine, ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor
Konashenkov said.
Read more
Tomahawk enhancements showcased in back-to-back flight tests

[image: Tomahawk cruise missile]The U.S. Navy and Raytheon Company
completed successful back-to-back Tomahawk cruise missile flight tests that
validated recent software improvements. The upgrades improve weapon system
In the first test, the nuclear submarine USS Hampton (SSN 767) fired a
Tomahawk Block IV from the sub's vertical capsule launch system. The
missile flew a pre-planned mission until a strike controller located at a
maritime command center directed the Tomahawk to a new target.
The missile successfully demonstrated enhanced flex retargeting before
striking... more »
Protesters who are boycotting Israeli goods over Gaza need to be reminded that the Nazi campaign against Jewish goods ended with a campaign against Jewish lives, senior Tory Michael Gove has said.
Protesters who are boycotting Israeli goods over Gaza need to be reminded
that the Nazi campaign against Jewish goods ended with a campaign against
Jewish lives, senior Tory Michael Gove has said.
No Shit Sherlock
Protesters who are boycotting Israeli goods over Gaza need to be reminded that the Nazi campaign against Jewish goods ended with a campaign against Jewish lives, senior Tory Michael Gove has said.
Protesters who are boycotting Israeli goods over Gaza need to be reminded
that the Nazi campaign against Jewish goods ended with a campaign against
Jewish lives, senior Tory Michael Gove has said.
No Shit Sherlock
Israel, US test new Arrow 2 missile interceptor

[image: Arrow 2 missile]Israel and the United States on Tuesday
successfully conducted a joint test of an upgraded Arrow 2 ballistic
missile interception system over the Mediterranean Sea, the defence
ministry said.
"An Arrow 2 missile was launched and performed its flight sequence as
planned," the defence ministry said in a statement, with a spokesperson
confirming the system had been upgraded.
The two countries carried out similar tests in January, and in September
last year, as Washington was considering military action against Syria.
Read more
Pratt sees clarity on 'root cause' of F-35 engine issue by end Sept

[image: F-35 Lightning II]United Technologies Corp's Pratt & Whitney unit
said the "root cause" of the June 23 engine failure on a Lockheed Martin
Corp F-35 fighter jet should be clear by the end of September, which would
pave the way for over $1 billion in contracts for another 84 engines.
Engine maker Pratt & Whitney said it has delivered six of its F135 engines
to the U.S. government since Aug. 29, when it resumed deliveries that had
been halted after the June incident which grounded the F-35 fleet for weeks
and prevented its international debut.
Bennett Croswell, president of Pr... more »
The Collective Imagination: I Tech and limits of programming
Good morning!! On Monday night we pre-recorded The Collective Imagination
show, and it was published yesterday (after some..... delays, lol).
This weeks show was all about I tech.... sorta, lol. As usual, the show
was an open discussion between Lisa Brian and I that led us down many
paths, from I tech, to the former financial systems and Nesara, to changing
our words to reflect the new paradigm of creation and NOT limiting our
selves, to using imagination to guide us through new understanding of what
I tech is, and how to break down the walls of the programming to further
access i... more »
Boeing delivers third AEW&C to Turkey

[image: Boeing 737 Peace Eagle AEW&C]Boeing has delivered the third Peace
Eagle Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) aircraft to the Turkish
Armed Forces, further increasing the country’s self-defense capabilities.
The AEW&C aircraft was delivered on schedule on Sept. 4 at Konya Air Base,
the fleet’s main operating base. Boeing is scheduled to deliver the fourth
aircraft for the program in 2015.
In addition to the four aircraft, the Peace Eagle program includes ground
support segments for mission crew training, mission support and system
Read more
The U.S. Navy Now Has A New Patrol Boat
*The Navy's Long Overdue Smart & Deadly Patrol Boat Has Arrived -- Foxtrot*
The Navy has been slow to adapt from a Cold War era 'blue water' Navy,
focused on fighting set-piece prelude to WWIII engagements on the open
ocean, to one where interdiction, territorial security, and special
operations are also of a high priority. With this in mind, the Mark VI
Patrol Boat is welcome arrival.
It has been reported that the Navy has received its first of ten contracted
Mark VI Patrol Boats, with the service eyeing a fleet of 48 of the fast and
deadly vessels. The delivery of the Mark VI w... more »
Poseidon to come to our shores?

[image: P-8A Poseidon]The Sepanggar naval base here could host the United
States of America’s Navy P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol aircraft.
According to Boeing, the P-8A Poseidon is a long-range anti-submarine
warfare, anti-surface warfare, intelligence, surveillance and
reconnaissance aircraft.
US chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Admiral Jonathan W Greenert was quoted
by www.seapowermagazine.org as saying that Malaysia had offered them to use
the naval base in East Malaysia.
Read more
Delivery of US Perry-class frigates to Taiwan could be delayed
[image: Oliver Hazard Perry class FFG]The delivery of two Oliver Hazard
Perry-class guided missile frigates from the United States is likely to be
delayed, the Navy said Tuesday in response to a local media report that the
delivery has been postponed until 2016.
Taiwan has requested to purchase the two Perry-class frigates, which were
previously scheduled to be delivered in 2015 to replace the Navy's two
aging Knox-class frigates.
Asked about the report, the Navy said the delivery schedule could be
delayed, but did not give specific information on when Taiwan can take
delivery of t... more »
How the world flips when Jews go to war
A very good article that should be read by every BBC 'journalist'...
Here's an extract:
'As for Palestinians existing in Arab states, they might as well not
exist, so little do people think of them. In 1970, when the PLO threatened
his throne, King Hussein of Jordan had no qualms about slaughtering
thousands of Palestinians in "Black September."
Six years later Lebanese militias, backed by the Syrians, massacred some
3,500 Palestinians in the Beirut camp of Tel Zaatar.
The militias again sla... more »
Pakistan navy foils Taliban attack on strategic docks
Pakistan’s navy thwarted an effort by rebels to storm a dockyard in the
southern port city of Karachi, a naval spokesman said Tuesday.
About six militants attacked the facility on Saturday night but marine and
army commandoes repulsed the attack at the yard used to repair warships and
Two attackers were killed and four captured, the spokesman said.
Read more
Iran’s army overhauls fighter jets

[image: F-14 Tomcat]Iran, which made steadfast achievements in the military
sphere, has overhauled F-4 and F-14 jet fighters successfully.
The Iranian army experts overhauled the F-14 fighter jet after 35,000
person-hour work at the Shahid Babaei air base in Isfahan, Iran's Tasnim
news agency reported on September 9.
Also, an F-4 fighter jet was overhauled after 70,000 person-hour work at
the Shahid Delhamed Air Base in Chabahar.
Read more
Navantia Banks on the Future
[image: S-80 class SSK]It is no secret that the Spanish shipbuilding sector
has hit on hard times, particularly in the big ship sector where much of
the commercial business has evolved to lower cost manufacturers in the Far
But considering that Navantia has a 300-year history, the current downturn
is put in perspective. While Navantia is not without challenges, it has the
aforementioned experience and a military backlog to lean on.
Navantia is engaged in the design and manufacture of Integrated Platform
Management Systems, Fire Control Systems, Command and Control systems,
... more »
Mysterious submarine spotted off coast of Broward County
It's not unusual to see submarines off the coast of Broward County but
there was a sighting on Labor Day that remains a bit of a mystery.
A video camera recorded the long black vessel cruising north and south
between Fort Lauderdale and Hollywood beaches and then the video was
uploaded to YouTube.
The U.S. Navy doesn't discuss local submarine activity or acknowledge
specific vessel locations, but nautical charts show a restricted area about
four miles east of Port Everglades.
Read more
This Giant Russian Ship Is Toting Two Submarines

[image: MV Transshelf]America's isn't the only military to rely on
heavy-lift transport vessels, the unusual class of utility ship that helped
ferry the crippled USS Cole home for repairs.
Russia has just released a series of photos documenting the slow return
trip to the Zvezdochka shipyard for a pair of its Akula II-class
submarines, the Bratsk and the Samara.
The question is, why are we seeing them at all?
Read more
Taiwan and US talk submarine issue: US Naval official

[image: Hai Lung (Zwaardvis) class SSK]A senior United States naval
official confirmed on Monday that Taiwan and the United States recently
discussed the latter's efforts to acquire submarines from the U.S. or build
its own submarines.
Speaking during a seminar in Washington, U.S. Chief of Naval Operations
Admiral Jonathan Greenert made the remarks when asked to comment on whether
the U.S. and Taiwan have discussed Taiwan's possible purchase of new
submarines from the U.S. or if the U.S. will help Taiwan to build its own
In response, Greenert has confirmed that both sid... more »
*Greenhouse gas levels hit record high: CO2 levels surged at fastest rate
since records began in 2013, study claims*
*And we're STILL not warming!*
Greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere reached a record high in 2013
driven by a surge in the level of carbon dioxide, a study claims.
Experts say carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations grew at the fastest rate
since reliable global records began and have called for international
action to combat climate change.
The rise in CO2 levels is outpacing fossil fuel use, suggesting that the
planet's natural ability to soak up emissions of the ga... more »
I’ll torpedo submarine deal: Shorten

[image: Soryu class SSK]Bill Shorten has raised memories of World War II as
he vowed to cancel any plan to buy completed submarines from Japan and
build 12 boats for the navy in Adelaide if Labor wins the next federal
The Opposition Leader said the ALP would not be bound by any contracts
signed by the Coalition to buy the next fleet of submarines from Japan,
saying naval projects should ensure “jobs for Aussies”.
In comments that could affect the Abbott government’s commitment to closer
military co-operation with Japan, Mr Shorten invoked World War II to warn
against a d... more »
Submarine leaves base for planned Bulava missile test

[image: Project 955 (Borey) class SSBN]The nuclear-powered submarine
Vladimir Monomakh left Severodvinsk to testfire a Bulava ballistic missile
on September 10, a high-ranking source from the military industry told
Vladimir Monomakh left Severodvinsk on Monday evening. The Bulava launch is
planned for September 10 from a sea test area of the Northern Fleet, the
source said.
The missile will be fired in the presence of Russian Navy Commander in
Chief Viktor Chirkov who is on board the submarine.
Read more
China Continues To Build Islands In The South China Sea

*Why Is China Building Islands in the South China Sea? -- Shannon Tiezzi,
The Diplomat*
A BBC report confirms China’s extensive land reclamation projects in the
South China Sea. What does Beijing gain?
The BBC has published a multimedia report on the scramble for control over
the South China Sea, with a particular focus on the clash between China and
the Philippines. In the BBC report, entitled “China’s Island Factory,”
reporter Rupert Wingfield-Hayes describes his journey on a Filipino fishing
boat to visit “new islands” created by Chinese land reclamation in the
South China Sea.... more »
Japanese Plutonium not for sale to India.

*Mass-Murderer Modi tries to buy Japanese Plutonium.*
On his recent trip in August/September 2014, to Japan to meet Shinzo Abe,
all this rascal got was Japanese Tea laced with Plutonium dust from
In my blog at papani786 I wrote about Japanese Plutonium Exports. I wrote
it way back in 2011, surprisingly enough, Japan is the world’s largest
exporter of Plutonium (Pu) which is weapons grade.
According to the US congress record, the Japanese government has over the
years made more Plutonium than any other country. Here is the quote:
Congressional Record, V. 149, Pt... more »
Mum forced to leave Australia after discovering gender error on birth certificate - Yahoo!7
Mum forced to leave Australia after discovering gender error on birth
certificate - Yahoo!7
A British woman says she's been forced to surrender her dream life in
Australia, after discovering her birth certificate lists her as a boy.
Mother-of-five Kim Walmsey was mistakenly recorded as a male at her birth
in 1965, meaning her marriage of 23 years was illegal
Upon discovering the mistake, Walmsey found herself unable to renew her
Australian visa and spending over £150,000 on a mission to set things right
in the UK. Worse, when word got out in her Liverpool neighbourhood, Walmsey
b... more »
Evolution IS a Blind Watchmaker
This is a good illustration of the principles involved in my PhD work.
Only I'm attempting to evolve more efficient settings for mutation rate and
population size, so it's about not just genetic algorithms, but
meta-genetic algorithms. Evolving more efficient evolution.
China's Deadliest Missiles Can Now Reach Guam

*China Has A New High-Tech Missile That Can Reach A Major US Base In Guam
-- Business Insider*
National Security Advisor Susan Rice is in China this week, discussing
recent sticking-points in trans-Pacific relations with her counterparts in
Beijing, chief among them a mid-August confrontation between a U.S.
surveillance plane and a Chinese fighter jet over the South China Sea.
There's a lot for U.S. and Chinese security officials to talk through, from
problematic Chinese territorial claims to alleged state-backed hacking of
American government computer systems. One item that could ... more »
Outraged at the core
Sent to the Washington Post, September 9, 2014
The Post says that progressives are "uncomfortable with the role of the
Gates foundation and new tests associated with the (Common Core) standards"
("Common Core 2.0: Common Core by another name," Sept. 10).
Uncomfortable? More accurate would be "outraged."
Outraged not only at Gates' role in the Common Core, but also because the
Common Core imposes a sequence of standards totally unsupported by
research, with no plans to test it.
Outraged because the Common Core is requiring more standardized testing
than we have ever seen on this ... more »
Did Israeli Soldiers Execute Palestinian Militants During The Gaza War?

Smoke rises in the Gaza Strip after an Israeli strike. Reuters
*Did Israel Execute Jihadists In Gaza? -- Jacob Seigel, Daily Beast*
While official investigations are stalled, The Daily Beast reveals
important new details about the apparent summary execution of Palestinian
GAZA CITY, Gaza—More than a month after The Daily Beast reported evidence
suggesting Israeli soldiers carried out the summary execution of six men
amid fierce combat in late July, there are no signs that the Israeli
government is investigating the matter. It has declined to respond to
repeated inquiri... more »
PARCC and SBAC States Agree to Deliver Student-level Data to USDOE
In September 2010, two assessment consortia “won” federal Race to the Top
(RTTT) money for the “design, development, and evaluation of the assessment
system” known as Race to the Top Assessment (RTTA): The Smarter Balanced
Assessment Consortium (SBAC) and the Partnership for Assessment of
Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC). PARCC received $170 million, and
Musical Interlude: Bruce Springsteen, “My Hometown”
Bruce Springsteen, “My Hometown”
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CSFSX-Qh54
Is the U.S. Facing An ‘Unprecedented’ Threat From ISIL Foreign Fighters
*CNN Analysts Warn Of ‘Unprecedented’ Threat From ISIL Foreign Fighters --
CNN security analysts Frances Townsend and Philip Mudd issued a dire
warning about the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant on Anderson Cooper’s
“You and I talked about this,” Cooper said to Mudd, “The State Department
officials were telling CNN the Obama administration is less concerned about
a potential attack by ISIS in the U.S. than it is about the unknown
affiliated actor who decides to do something.”
“I think I’d be worried about both,” said Mudd, who has worked for the FBI
and CIA. “You... more »
The Moreland Commission Re-opens With A New Mandate

As corrupt as Chris Christie, Rick Perry, Scott Walker and Bob McDonnell
Our friends at the Accountability Project are about to launch an
investigative news site looking into criminals that run rampant inside of
our political system. Any day now. *But*, a staffer there, Cara Dee, put
together a pre-launch satirical piece that, in the light of today's primary
in New York, seems a complete match for *DWT*.
ALBANY, NY-- The independent commission that Gov Cuomo created to
investigate and root out corruption reopened today with a new mandate to
focus on the activities of 1011 named poli... more »
Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW) - Climate Change

Welcome to Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW)!
Wondering how to live greener? You've come to the right place. Each week we
challenge ourselves to try a new task ... or "amp up" something we're
already doing. We raise our awareness, learn from each other and develop
Eco-friendly skills which will improve our lives and protect our planet.
Doing so together gives us power ... the power to Change The World!
If this is your first visit, please click HERE for information and a
complete list of all the challenges we've taken on so far.
This post contains great information and I encourage ... more »
This is not satire
No, honest, this really and truly is true. See, no joke, from the *Herald*:
[image: image]
$9 million of your money to develop a *game development fund*. To give to *game
Plus another $3 million over three years for something called a “government
chief technology advisor.”
If this were truly satire, I’d be stuck coming up with a worthwhile
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
Welfare family to have second
Britons are outraged that a Kensington couple who rely on welfare to get by
are now having their second child, just a year after their first.
“I don’t want to sound harsh, but shouldn’t they be thinking about how
they’re going to pay for the first one, before popping out another?” said
one furious London resident.
*“*This is just another example of benefit cheats taking us for a ride.
I’m sorry, having kids is lovely, but don’t expect us taxpayers to fork out
to pay for them,” said another.
Further investigations have revealed that the father comes from a
family where wel... more »
The Islamic State Now Has Active Supporters In 32 Countries

*ISIS Is Spreading, Experts Warn -- The Hill*
Experts say the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is spreading to
other countries and inspiring terrorist groups toward greater acts of
ISIS gained global attention in August by beheading two American
journalists and is quickly gaining new followers, including al Qaeda's most
dangerous affiliate.
In a page directly from ISIS's playbook, members of al Qaeda in the Arabian
Peninsula (AQAP) last month captured 14 unarmed Yemeni soldiers, beheaded
them, and then publicized the bloodshed by posting photos and videos
onli... more »
How Does The Islamic State Fund Itself

*How ISIS Funds Its Reign Of Terror -- New York Daily News*
*Plain and simple, it's a criminal gang.*
It is no wonder that the terrorist group ISIS is now calling itself the
“Islamic State.” The group has fashioned a small army out of a mix of
foreign and local fighters, established oil refining and trafficking
operations, and even collects taxes.
Despite longstanding rumors that ISIS has foreign patrons in Gulf States
such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar, there is precious little evidence
that it ever depended on foreign largess. The group mostly brought i... more »
Jean Trounstine : A moment of restorative justice
While the U.S.criminal justice system offers revenge as its principal
method of restitution, families may find better solutions for achieving
remorse and true rehabilitation. By Jean Trounstine | The Rag Blog |
September 9, 2014 It never happens. That’s what … finish reading Jean
Trounstine :
A moment of restorative justice
Is Turkey Fueling The Islamic State's War Machine?

*Is NATO Ally Turkey Tacitly Fueling the ISIS War Machine? -- Thomas
Seibert, Daily Beast*
Jihadis transit Turkey to get into the ranks of ISIS, and the Turks buy
millions of dollars worth of diesel fuel that the murderers of Foley and
Sotloff smuggle out.
ISTANBUL, Turkey — The lifeblood of the death-dealing Islamic State is
diesel fuel. And the group widely known by the acronyms ISIS or ISIL is
filling its war chest with millions of dollars earned by smuggling
thousands of tons of of this black gold into neighboring Turkey, according
to independent analysts and Turkish ... more »
New InternetMana billboards

A series of billboards saying things about which politicians have never
resiled would be an excellent resource for this election.
ALCP’s Richard Goode has started the ball rolling with this one above, from
trendsetter and DotCon icon Laila Harre, uttered in the *Evening Post *in
1987 apropos of not much at all.
For young trendsetters who might not get the reference, the *Evening Post *was
a late, unlamented newspaper.
And Stalin was a late, unlamented genocidal murderer.
Coming up next, Annette Sykes laughing and applauding at the September 11
atrocity – “I was laughing, I was ... more »
NBC News/WSJ Poll: U.S. Fear of Terror Attack Soars To 9/11 High
BREAKING: Fear of terror attack high, NBC News/WSJ poll finds
http://t.co/LCBuE1WPz7 Watch @NBCNightlyNews for more.
— NBC News (@NBCNews) September 9, 2014
*ISIS Threat: Fear of Terror Attack Soars to 9/11 High, NBC News/WSJ Poll
Finds -- NBC*
The nation is on edge in the wake of brutal beheadings of journalists by
Islamic extremists — with more Americans saying the United States is less
safe now than at any point since 9/11, a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal
Poll shows.
The exclusive poll reveals that 47% of Americans believe the country is
less sa... more »
New Conservative ad, now with added bonus tracks
from me, celebrating Stephen Harper's economic record. Fixed it for them.
Blurb accompanying original Con ad : *We're better off with Harper*
"With over 1.1 million net new jobs since the recession, Canada’s economy
is on the right track – thanks to the strong leadership of Stephen Harper
and Canada’s Conservatives."
God bless, now.
The Hurdles That The White House Must First Face Before Launching Military Operations In Syria

President Obama on Friday. The president was harshly criticized for
confessing two weeks ago that he did not have a strategy for dealing with
the militants in Syria. Credit Doug Mills/The New York Times
*White House Faces Series of Hurdles for Military Operations in Syria --
New York Times*
WASHINGTON — The White House is wrestling with a series of hurdles in
preparation for military operations in Syria, including how to train and
equip a viable ground force and intervene without aiding President Bashar
al-Assad, people briefed on the plans said Tuesday.
As President Obama cobble... more »
Hey White People! A message from the kids of Ferguson, MO. If there's anything I can't stand it's mouthy, snotty, sarcastic, in your face, precocious little kids...

*and I don't care what the heck color they are.*
What were the makers of this video hoping to accomplish by taping a bunch
of little black kids from Ferguson insulting whitey by insisting we're all
a bunch of Neanderthals for thinking there's no more racism? A radical far
left group called FCKH8 just released this video hoping to sell T-shirts.
It was so annoying, I couldn't even watch the whole thing.
What a cruel thing to do to these kids who were apparently scooped up off
the streets of Ferguson to fling insults at adults.
Video producer Marcus Kon comments, “We wanted to give... more »
President Obama Prepares To Order U.S. Airstrikes On Syria

U.S. President Barack Obama meets with Congressional leaders in the Oval
Office of the White House in Washington to discuss his plan to combat
Islamic State militants operating in Iraq and Syria September 9, 2014.
Credit: Reuters/Kevin Lamarque
*Obama Prepared To Order Airstrikes In Syria As Part Of Strategy Against
Islamic State -- Washington Post*
President Obama is prepared to use U.S. military airstrikes in Syria as
part of an expanded campaign to defeat the Islamic State and does not
believe he needs formal congressional approval to take that action,
according to people who h... more »
Was this "new" Ray Rice abuse video really needed for all to know that something terrible happened in that elevator?

*Janay and Ray Rice*
*"Both the Ravens and the [NFL] said they had not reviewed the footage from
inside the elevator prior to Monday. 'We requested from law enforcement any
and all information about the incident, including the video from inside the
elevator,' the NFL said in a statement early Monday. 'That video was not
made available to us and no one in our office has seen it until today.'"In
a later statement, the league indicated the league's revised punishment
stemmed from the new video footage."*
*-- from Mark Maske's washingtonpost.com report,*
"Baltimore Ravens cut Ray Rice... more »
A Timeline On U.S. Military Action Against Islamist Groups With Links To International Terrorism

Anti-Taliban fighters watch U.S. bombs explode in the Tora Bora mountains
of Afghanistan in December 2001. The airstrikes were targeting Taliban and
al Qaeda operatives in the region. Erik de Castro/Reuters/Landov
*Targeting Terrorists With Bombs And Bullets -- Jason Hanna, CNN*
The U.S. military is conducting airstrikes in Iraq against ISIS, in part to
protect U.S. personnel in the country but also to support Iraqi and Kurdish
forces as they tried to repel the group that has brutally captured a swath
of the country for what it calls its new Islamic caliphate. The strikes are
among... more »
Suicide Attack Decimates The Leadership Of One Of Syria's Rebel Groups

Hassan Abboud (seated) was the head of the political bureau of the Islamic
Front alliance
*Syria Crisis: Blast Kills Leader Of Ahrar al-Sham Group -- BBC*
Hassan Abboud, the leader of the Syrian Islamist insurgents Ahrar al-Sham
has been killed with other top commanders in a bomb blast at a meeting.
Activists say a suicide bomber detonated a vest in the attack in the
north-western town of Ram Hamdan.
Ahrar al-Sham is part of the Islamic Front, a coalition of seven Islamist
rebel groups.
In February, Ahrar al-Sham blamed the rival Islamic State group for an
attack which killed sev... more »
What More Bullshit Will Come Out of President Barack Obama's Mouth Tomorrow?
*Forty months ago, the Bullshiter-in-Chief said he killed Osama Bin Laden
in Pakistan. The truth is that Bin Laden died nearly a decade earlier due
to medical reasons. Tomorrow, Wednesday, September 10, 2014, Barack Obama
will tell yet more lies to the American people and the world. He will try,
but will fail, to distance himself and his evil regime from the ISIS
terrorist group that not long ago he supported with arms, money, and
training in order to illegally overthrow the democratically-elected Syrian
An excerpt from, *"US Begins Selling "Syria Intervention" Using I... more »
Did A Russian Military Satellite Explode Over The U.S.?

The satellite, launched from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome near Arkhangelsk on
May 6, was designed to drop its film in special canisters from space onto
Russian territory. samspace.ru
*Russia Denies Burn-Up of Military Spy Satellite Over U.S. -- Moscow Times*
The Defense Ministry has challenged reports that a Kobalt-M spy satellite
reentered the Earth's atmosphere and burnt up over the U.S., potentially
leaving Russian military intelligence photos lying in Colorado or Wyoming.
On Sept. 3, the American Meteor Society recorded more than 30 eyewitness
reports of a slow-moving fireball cross... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
"Sometimes, you can put some night sky in your art. Captured above Japan
earlier this month, a picturesque night sky was photographed behind a
picturesque frosted leaf. The reflecting ice crystals on the leaf coolly
mimic the shining stars far in the background. The particular background
sky on this 48-second wide angle exposure, however, might appear quite
interesting and familiar.
*Click this extraordinary image for larger size.*
On the far left, although hard to find, appears a streaking meteor. Below
and to the right of the meteor appears a longer and brighter streak of an
airpl... more »
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