English: Affordable Housing From the Formartine and Buchan Way. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Top News - MIT Technology Review
How Human-Robot Teamwork Will Upend Manufacturing
Robots are starting to collaborate with human workers in factories, offering greater efficiency andSeptember 15, 2014 -
Google Execs Have Ideas on How to Run Your Business
The ex-CEO and another longtime Google executive say the “new style of managing” they developed should beSeptember 28, 2014 -
The New Chinese Factory
Leading manufacturers in China combine the country’s historical labor advantages with expertise inSeptember 15, 2014
Omnologos » » English
Veteran’s Day: Story of Charles (and Anthony and Frank)
Since it’s Veteran’s Day in the USA, I am posting a recap of the story of Charles J MorabitoMay 26, 2014 -
Luttwak on Italy and the Euro
From the LRB‘s “Opportunity Costs” by Edward Luttwak, Vol. 35 No. 22 · 21 November 2013 [February 4, 2014 -
Savant Idiots
There was a commenter at a blog I shall not mention who simply could not get anything I mentioned. AnythingJanuary 30, 2014
Project Censored
Affordable Housing and Coalitions for Building Safe and Healthy Communities
The September 26th Project Censored show looks at Affordable Housing and Coalitions for Building Safe andSeptember 28, 2014 -
The Green Tea Party and The Fight for Affordable Housing in America’s Most
By Chris McManus Summary: Tea Party activists and some North Bay liberals team up to defeat affordableSeptember 26, 2014 -
Banned Books Week
On the next Project Censored Show on Pacifica Radio, join co-hosts Mickey Huff and Peter Phillips as theySeptember 18, 2014
China’s strange support for Apple’s latest security features
Apple will be allowed to sell its new iPhones in China on October 17, according to a statement released by22 mins ago -
Cuddlr has a testosterone problem
Men in the United States are often taught from an early age that physical intimacy belongs to women. It1 hr ago -
Circle goes surprisingly global with the public launch of its user-friendly
When Circle previewed its bitcoin wallet and exchange platform in May, then in public beta, I called it the17 hrs ago
blindfolding SMH readers …
Just when they could not afford another readership decline, The Fairfax Fauxfax owned SMH defamed aSeptember 29, 2014 -
groupthinking ‘progressive rainmakers’ … ‘climate clowns’
Adherents of the Climate Consensus ‘groupthink’, uncovered by By Mike Ciandella Climate Clowns:September 28, 2014 -
unsettled activism … unsettled science
Now more apparent than ever, renewable energy has failed the ‘climate change’ activists. ThisSeptember 28, 2014
National Review Online - Planet Gore
EV Market on IV
Detroit – The headlines continue to trumpet the “electric cars of the future,” but the whisper in theSeptember 29, 2014 -
Straight talk on coal
Today’s Wall Street Journal has a little Q&A with Greg Boyce, CEO of Peabody Energy, the nation’sSeptember 10, 2014 -
Remember When Billionaire Tom Steyer Was Going to Affect the 2014 Elections
His plan to spread climate alarmism is going too well. The National Legal and Policy Center reportsSeptember 4, 2014
Project Syndicate RSS-Feed
China’s Internet Revolution
As Internet adoption reaches critical mass in China, it will help to unleash the economy’s productivity14 mins ago -
Why the Fed Will Go Faster
The US Federal Reserve has emphasized that its monetary policy will be determined by what economic32 mins ago -
The Third Way's Second Chance
Remember Tony Blair and Bill Clinton’s Third Way? The faces and names have changed, but the idea that1 hr ago
Raw Story
New Mexico grandma arrested for pointing gun at 7-year-olds: ‘How does it
A grandmother in New Mexico has been arrested for allegedly pointing a gun at two children’s head and18 mins ago -
GOP lawmakers pushing bill to allow Alabama teachers to join students in
Republican lawmakers are pushing a bill that would allow Alabama teachers to pray with students. State Rep.27 mins ago -
AR gun range declares itself a ‘Muslim Free Zone’ after ‘Allah Akbar ring
The owner of a gun range in Hot Springs, Arkansas this week declared that her business was a “Muslim29 mins ago
The Science of Doom
Turbulence, Closure and Parameterization
In Latent heat and Parameterization I showed a formula for calculating latent heat transfer from theAugust 23, 2014 -
Latent heat and Parameterization
In Ensemble Forecasting I wrote a short section on parameterization using the example of latent heatAugust 15, 2014 -
The Atmosphere Cools to Space by CO2 and Water Vapor, so More GHGs, More
The atmosphere cools to space by radiation. Well, without getting into all the details, the surface coolsAugust 11, 2014
RSS Feed
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10 Iconic Movie Characters Played By Stars Who Could Barely Speak English
Jackie Chan could walk the walk in his debut English language film, The Big Brawl – but he couldn’t talkSeptember 1, 2014 -
Storybook Worlds Laser Cut Into Pages That Fit in the Palm of Your Hand
Paper cutting isn’t a new art form, but Japanese designer Yusuke Oono, originally from Germany, is able toAugust 29, 2014 -
Fish Out of Water: When Aquariums Become Amazingly Lifelike Landscapes
Many people keep aquariums in their houses. Some even go all out making them look pretty. However, few goAugust 29, 2014
Putin’s Words and Kazakh History
Another summer passes, and Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev grows that much closer to moving into hisSeptember 12, 2014 -
Road of Sorrow – Trafficking and Ethnicity on the Pamir Highway
Beginning in the Kyrgyz second city of Osh, the Pamir Highway – the second highest international road inSeptember 4, 2014 -
A Shot Across the Bow: The Biggest Thing in Kazakh-Russian Relations in
The video from yesterday of Putin answering a question about Kazakh nationalism is a really big deal. IAugust 30, 2014
The 8 most unceremonious deaths of television characters
As "The Simpsons" kills off a beloved character, here are some others who were axed in the28 mins ago -
Suspect in Oklahoma beheading to be charged with murder amid Islamophobic
Alton Nolen was shot after attacking two of his coworkers with a knife last week, prompting an FBI28 mins ago -
“We’re not going to listen to empty promises”: Denver students show the
School closings follow a week of protests against a proposed 'whitewashing' of the AP History29 mins ago
Science Blog
Childhood asthma linked to lack of ventilation for gas stoves
Parents with children at home should use ventilation when cooking […]3 hrs ago -
Transplant drug could boost the power of brain tumor treatments
Every day, organ transplant patients around the world take a […]3 hrs ago -
‘Deadly diarrhea’ rates nearly doubled in 10 years
Infections with the intestinal superbug C. difficile nearly doubled from […]3 hrs ago
Scoop NZ - Sci-tech
Protected corals could be wiped out by deep sea mining
Wellington-30 September 2014—Mining phosphate from the seabed of the Chatham Rise would remove a protected13 hrs ago -
Traditional local knowledge helps Tonga face climate change
In the face of increasingly severe storms and changing weather patterns causing drought and floods, Caritas13 hrs ago -
Trans-Pacific Submarine System Delivers 4K Encrypted Video
Southern Cross, Vodafone New Zealand and Ciena collaborate to showcase advancements in uncompressed video14 hrs ago
Seeing the Forest
If You Live In Texas Watch This Video
If you live in Texas, watch this video – and register and vote!!!!!12 hrs ago -
Republicans On Supreme Court Enable Ohio Voter Suppression
The Republican majority on the US Supreme Court by the usual 5-4 today overturned a lower court and blocked13 hrs ago -
Netroots Nation Launching Netroots Music Project & Unity Concert
Netroots Nation is announcing The Netroots Music Project , “to re-inject music into our currentSeptember 25, 2014
The Slog.
“I say, er gosh, um, that is…are you sure?” LET THEM EAT DERIVATIVES Staring everyone2 hrs ago -
Speaking to reporters this morning, Mr Boris Jobsdone, MP for Fluxbridge (in waiting) said he felt that it5 hrs ago -
DAVE LEE TRAVIS: time to tell the fanatics that enough is enough….and time
DLT has been in alone the dock for too long: we should add Lord Brittan, David Cameron, Nick Clegg &18 hrs ago
Are You Even Serious Right Now, DC Comics?
[Content Note: Misogyny; heterocentrism.] Behold, two new terrific t-shirts being offered by DC Comics22 mins ago -
SCOTUS Strikes Again
[Content Note: Racism; classism; disablism.] A year after the US Supreme Court made a terrible ruling that1 hr ago -
Open Thread
Hosted by umbrellas. [The pictured painting is "Rain in the City" by Stanislav Sidorov.]1 hr ago
Socio-Economics History Blog
Recent US Military Drills Focus on Possible War with China: Report
Recent US military drills focus on possible war with China: Report! by http://www.presstv.ir/ The recent9 hrs ago -
“The Terrorists R Us.” The Islamic State “Big Lie”!
“The Terrorists R Us.” The Islamic State “Big Lie”! by Prof Michel Chossudovsky, http10 hrs ago -
US Plans Massive Military Escalation in Syria and Iraq!
US plans massive military escalation in Syria and Iraq! by Patrick Martin, http://www.wsws.org/ The10 hrs ago
Sunwarrior News
Seated Forward Fold Yoga Pose
Zain shares a pose beneficial for surrendering any aspect of your life you're hanging on too tightly to52 mins ago -
Traveling Suggestions for Great Food
If you’re heading for a conference, a business trip, or weekend away, with a little pre-planning you can21 hrs ago -
Carob Fig Frozen Fudge
Enjoy a decadent dessert that’s simple to make and comprised of all natural ingredients, boosted withSeptember 29, 2014
Technology - Google News
China cracks down on iPhone 6 smuggling - PCWorld
PCWorld China cracks down on iPhone 6 smuggling PCWorld Chinese custom agents literally have their hands1 hr ago -
Why You'll Never Leave Facebook for Ello - TIME
TIME Why You'll Never Leave Facebook for Ello TIME 140930_INV_Ello Berger & Föhr is a graphic21 mins ago -
Microsoft: Windows Phone 8.1 is on 'majority' of Lumia devices
Latino Post Microsoft: Windows Phone 8.1 is on 'majority' of Lumia devices Inquirer MICROSOFT HAS7 mins ago
Things I grab, motley collection
How to see into the future – [FT.com]
Irving Fisher was once the most famous economist in the world. Some would say he was the greatest9 hrs ago -
Radiohead singer Thom Yorke sells his new solo album via BitTorrent
Originally posted on Gigaom : Radiohead frontman Thom Yorke has a new album, and it’s availableSeptember 26, 2014 -
The Computer-Controlled Driving Experience Is About More Than Just Self
I f you were to design a transport system to use as much energy as possible, with the greatest possibleSeptember 24, 2014
This Can't Be Happening!
US Launches Wars and Backs Coups in the Name of Democracy, but Won’t Back
Freedom’s just another word:21 hrs ago -
David Swanson Interviews TCBH!'s Dave Lindorff on Ukraine, Syria, and
"Let's Try Democracy" Program on Talk Nation Radio:September 28, 2014 -
The Wretched Tenure of Attorney General Eric Holder
Going...going...almost gone, but let’s not forget himSeptember 25, 2014

Missing Arkansas realtor found dead
Beverly Carter's body is discovered days after she vanished while showing a house to a prospective customer.
Suspect in custody »
Top Documentary Films
The Total Collapse
The ‘New’ American Dream
The post The ‘New’ American Dream appeared first on The Total Collapse .September 24, 2014 -
Possibly The Biggest Scam In History
In 1974 Richard Nixon struck a deal with Saudi Arabia that might go down as the biggest scam in US history.September 6, 2014 -
Putin Arrives At Secret Bunker Fortress, Orders Nuclear Forces To “High
A foreboding report sent from the Office of the President (OoP) to all Kremlin departments today statesSeptember 5, 2014
RSS Feed
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The Truth is Where?
Liquid Lies Revisited.
By Craig Murray, July 3rd 2014. Find Article Here:- There never was a liquid bomb plot.July 6, 2014 -
The UK’s Internet Filters Block Almost 1 in 5 Websites.
By Joseph Cox July 3rd 2014. Find Article Here:- Almost one in five websites are blocked by the UK&#July 6, 2014 -
Scientists discover fragment of ‘missing link’ asteroid that led to
By James Vincent 3rd July 2014. Find Article HereJuly 6, 2014
Theresa May - Privatising The Police, Alienating Them From Public
There is no need to look any further than Westminster to see how Britain is being destroyed from withinSeptember 17, 2014 -
An Update On Beechwood Child Abuse Victim & Whistleblower Melanie Shaw
Let’s deal with reality. Melanie Shaw sits in Sodexo high security prison Peterborough. She has beenSeptember 11, 2014 -
Scotland: Independence Is Not On The Table
Today the LibLabCon has joined forces to keep the Union together, they say. Very publicly “abandoningSeptember 10, 2014
Universe Today
Russian Space Station Extension? Don’t Count On It Yet, NASA Head Says
he International Space Station as seen by the departing STS-134 crew aboard space shuttle Endeavour in May1 hr ago -
Behold: 100 Planetary Nebulas
100 colorful planetary nebulae, at apparent size relative to one another. Image processing and collection17 hrs ago -
Stunning Astrophoto: Milky Way Over Fünfländerblick
‘Fu?nfla?nderblick Milchstrasse,’ the Milky Way over a dark country sky in Switzerland. Credit19 hrs ago
Udacity Blog
4 Tips to Ace Your Online Course
September 25, 2014 -
Nanodegrees and Beyond
September 24, 2014
Veterans Today
The Flim Flam Men Have Flim Flammmed and Scammed You For Decades
I have been very disturbed lately and I’ll be damned if I could figure out why. Yesterday I was hit20 mins ago -
Alien Agenda VI: The Worm Has Turned
by Preston James The Coming Exposure, Containment and Deconstruction of the Illuminati Note: This article6 hrs ago -
Gun Control and the Nazis
Quite often i see uninformed bloggers, well-meaning patriotic Americans, and even the mainstream media13 hrs ago
Washington's Blog
ISIS Has “More In Common With Mao’s Red Guards or the Khmer Rouge Than It
Top Muslim Leaders Worldwide Say ISIS Is Not Really Islamic ABC News’ Laura Ingraham , Fox News8 hrs ago -
“Reporter” Who Broke Propaganda Piece “Justifying” Bombing Syria Clears His
A Stooge for the CIA? We recently pointed out that the immediate “justification” for the U.S.9 hrs ago -
China Accuses U.S. of Fomenting Hong Kong Unrest
Has the U.S. Egged On the Protests? The mass demonstrations in Hong Kong are dramatic, indeed . And given9 hrs ago
Viral History
A new Crimean War? Really?
0 false 18 pt 18 pt 0 0 false false false /* Style DefinitionsMarch 3, 2014 -
Yiddish Theater: Don't Forget Molly Picon
Yiddish is not beautiful. Harsh and gutteral, it makes you twist your face to get the sounds outFebruary 1, 2014 -
Guest Post: David Taylor on Anzia Yezierska, Part II
0 false 18 pt 18 pt 0 0 false false false /* Style DefinitionsJanuary 23, 2014
Andy Worthington
Abu Qatada’s Release in Jordan Discredits Tory Hysteria About the Need to
Last Wednesday, in Amman, Jordan, 12 years of British hysteria about terrorism was thoroughly undermined16 hrs ago -
Life Sentence for Sulaiman Abu Ghaith Discredits Guantánamo’s Military
On Tuesday, in a courtroom in New York City, a long-running chapter in the “war on terror” cameSeptember 27, 2014 -
On Guantánamo, No News is Bad News
I wrote the following article for the “ Close Guantánamo ” website, which I established in January 2012September 24, 2014
RSS Feed
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World Science
Out in space, the most complex organic molecule yet
The finding suggests an easier path to the formation of life on many planets, the researchers argue.September 28, 2014 -
An image, or its interpretation? Newfound brain cells show surprising role
Scientists combined images of celebrities to make viewers' brains do a little extra work. AristotleSeptember 27, 2014 -
Mystery fossils seem to represent tiny balls of cells
No one knows quite where they sit on the evolutionary tree of life.September 25, 2014
Fuel Fix
What does it really take to call yourself a “professional”?
Being a professional isn't then just receiving payment in exchange for a service. It represents a5 mins ago -
Oregon senators ask for more oil train notifications
Four West Coast senators are asking the federal government to expand a recent order for railroads to notify33 mins ago -
Solar may become largest global power source by 2050
Photovoltaic plants may provide as much as 16 percent of global electricity, according to the International2 hrs ago
Zelo Street
Mail Online Hires Morgan
While the perpetually thirsty Paul Staines and his rabble at the Guido Fawkes blog go from having alienated1 hr ago -
Guido Fawked – What Did I Tell You
After the all-too-obvious signs from the perpetually thirsty Paul Staines and his rabble at the Guido5 hrs ago -
Dan, Dan The UKIP Inclined Man
As the Tories attempt to find something to cheer in the thoughts of the Rt Hon Gideon George Oliver Osborne23 hrs ago
Business News Headlines - Yahoo! News
U.S. consumer confidence falls in September
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. consumer confidence fell in September to its lowest level since May on concerns1 hr ago -
U.S. home prices rise less than expected in July: S&P/Case-Shiller
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. single-family home prices rose in July on a year-over-year basis but fell short2 hrs ago -
Wall Street edges lower; investors watch dollar strength
By Ryan Vlastelica NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. stocks were slightly lower on Tuesday, pulling back from the1 hr ago
IEA.org.uk - Blog feed
Napolitano: ISIS Was One Of Many Similar Threats We Were Tracking
The former Homeland Security secretary and Arizona governor also talks about security improvements since3 hrs ago -
In Michigan, A Low-Key Campaign For A High-Stakes Senate Seat
GOP candidate Terri Lynn Land is taking it slow when it comes to public events. Her opponent, Democrat Rep.6 hrs ago -
Secret Service Director To Face Tough Question At House Hearing
Lawmakers will question Secret Service Director Julia Pierson on how a man was able to jump the White House6 hrs agoPolitics News Headlines - Yahoo News
Obama on Syria strikes: War on Islamic State will 'take time'
Hours after plunging the United States into new warfare in the heart of the Middle East, President ObamaSeptember 23, 2014 -
Syrian Twitter user reports U.S. airstrikes 30 minutes before Pentagon
A Syrian Twitter user appeared to break the news of U.S.-led airstrikes in Syria overnight before theSeptember 23, 2014 -
U.S., coalition airstrikes explained
The U.S. and five Arab countries launched airstrikes Monday night on Islamic State group targets in easternSeptember 23, 2014
Leung may be sacrificed as Hong Kong protests continue
China's central government could be preparing to dump Hong Kong chief executive CY Leung to mollify the -
Search for Malaysia Airlines MH370 to resume Wednesday
Search teams will resume the hunt for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 off the Australian coast on -
iPhone 6 granted network access license in China
China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) said Tuesday that it has granted a
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