September 12, 2005. IDF forces exit the Gaza Strip as part of Operation Last Dawn, the final stage of the Gaza Disengagement, which occurred in the summer of 2005. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Israel's Special Forces in Camouflage (Photo credit: Israel Defense Forces) |
World News Briefs -- August 5, 2014
*Israel Declares 'Mission Accomplished' As Troops Leave Gaza For Cease-Fire
-- CNN*
Gaza (CNN) -- Withdrawing its ground forces from Gaza Tuesday for a
three-day cease-fire with Hamas, Israel announced that its central goal was
"Mission accomplished," the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said on Twitter.
"We have dismantled the underground terror network built by Hamas to
infiltrate and attack Israel." The military said 32 tunnels were destroyed
in the four-week conflict.
The declaration came amid suspicions on both sides over whether the 72-hour
humanitarian cease-fire wil... more »
No voice for the Israeli side on BBC Radio 5 Live
I I just endured BBC 5 Live's idea of balance in the Israel Gaza conflict.
I'll ignore the two very different pieces by ordinary people, one an
Israeli soldier, the other a Palestinian doctor - except to say subtle? The
main part was an interview with first a Palestinian negotiatior and then a
former Israeli negotiatior. Sounds balanced? Don't be taken in.
The Palestinian negotiatior, I was driving and so couldn't note down names,
I think was Mr Barghouti and he launched into an attack on Israel: they
can't be trusted etc etc. For balance the BBC picked a former Israeli
negotiati... more »
Ebola Outbreak: Critical Questions About the Pandemic

There are rumors that there already is a vaccine for Ebola, and many
medical companies have been working on finding a cure. NIH ( National
Institute of Health ) is going to launch testing in September.
Results from the study should be available by January, Fauci said. If the
vaccine proves safe and effective, Fauci said he expects that it could be
given to health workers in affected African countries sometime in 2015. "We
are starting to discuss some deals with pharmaceutical companies to help
scale it up, so on an emergency basis, it might be available in 2015 for
health wo... more »
Colorado Republicans Are Wondering Who They Actually Nominated To Run For The Senate
Only 11 Republicans voted against the draconian anti-DREAMers bill that
passed Friday night night, mostly Republicans in vulnerable seats with
large Latino constituencies like Jeff Denham (R-CA), David Valadao (R-CA),
and Joe Heck (R-NV). But one name that stood out on the list of 11 who
wouldn't back the Ted Cruz/Steve King anti-Hispanic caucus bill was
Colorado extreme right-winger Cory Gardner. Gardner was first elected to
represent the very Republican 4th district (basically, the entire eastern
third of the state, with a PVI of R+11) in the Great Blue Dog Apocalypse
when he d... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- August 5, 2014
Watch the latest video at
*American General Reportedly Assassinated In 'Green-On-Blue' Shooting At
Afghan Army Training Base -- FOX News*
A U.S. major general was shot and killed Tuesday by a man dressed in an
Afghan army uniform who opened fire at an army training academy outside
Kabul, the Associated Press reported.
At least 15 soldiers -- reportedly mostly Americans and some Germans --were
wounded in the close-range assassination-style attack.
The attack at Camp Qargha killed the highest-ranking U.S. officer of the
nearly 13-year war and comes as foreign troops... more »
Can one be so passaive agssive
and no be biesexual
I think I am
btu thes is no doubl
a big hard cockgies \
gives me reaan to rise
not in homosexceuxl way
I just stopped. Gay people I do not care
Just do not put in my face
flaming bio petroleum tits,
Ron Jacobs : BOOKS | ‘Technocreep’ and how we are seduced by surveillance
Thomas Keenan has written a helpful description of the kinds of
surveillance undertaken by corporations, governments, criminal enterprises,
and just plain creeps every second of every day. By Ron Jacobs | The Rag
Blog | August 5, 2014 [Technocreep: The … finish reading Ron Jacobs :
*BOOKS* | ‘Technocreep’ and how we are seduced by surveillance
The Coyne Helicopter UFO Case
I have been working on a new book and so I have been reviewing some
interesting older cases. One of those is the Coyne case in which the flight
crew of an Army Reserve UH-1H helicopter spotted a UFO which might have
caused a radio outage and then a sudden, mysterious climb when Captain
Lawrence Coyne had entered a descent to avoid a collision.
Briefly, they were returning to their home station in Cleveland, Ohio, when
Sergeant John Healy, seated in the left rear spotted an object or a red
light off the left side of the aircraft. He thought it was brighter than
the red navigation li... more »
Historay Major dealing with spunk
Its a culture that your giving up
overtime you move
some where to be better
If you are comming from
coon porn central
I a can appreciate your pain
but if you live in a civilized world
the big move
to create big things
is more than likely
to be pain
Joy breaks through pain
like a freight train
so if those tracks
are so true
you are so lucky '
and humakind enveys you
We all really know its not so
where you grew up is
a place that you
will never forget
or displace
its blood zero
when they take your DNA
and maybe, no maybe
its so strange to think
this way
You got country str... more »
Vacation Blogging II: Communicative Action at a Federal Detention Center
About two weeks ago I had pledged to go on blogging hiatus in order to
vacation with my family, a pledge I only broke once so far. However, while
traveling south from Durango, CO with my partner and son last week, I ran
across this post by LGM’s Erik Loomis,’ on the treatment of Central
Continue reading
President "Ribbon Cutter" is having a big-ass birthday party tonight...
*after having a boys night at Camp David with a whole bunch of unmarried
men - one of whom was arrested for soliciting a (male??) prostitute. *
Yep, the narcissist-in-chief thinks celebrating his birthday with a big
party attended by all the low-life's of Hollywood is just the thing for a
sitting president during these perilous times.
And in just 4 or so days he's heading off to Martha's Vineyard for 16 days
of fun and sun. Of course, he'll manage to round up his two daughters for
the requisite trip to the bookstore. Other than that, I doubt he'll even
see them. Who the ... more »
閉嘴! (在公共汽車上的人)
你知道嗎?你知道嗎? (示出了中指)
FUCK YOU混蛋! ( 再次,要在總線上的人 )
It’s Official: Being Poor in America Has Been Outlawed

Joshua Krause
As they say, you can always judge a society by how they treat their weakest
members. So I shudder to think of how future generations will judge our
society. We’ve become a nation that discards our poor like they are trash,
and anyone who doesn’t “fit in” is segregated from the herd.
The police are now fining homeless folks for any arbitrary offense they can
think of, and city councils across the country are making it illegal to
sleep in public. They’ve gone so far as to make it illegal to camp, or even
sit or lay down in certain public areas. Worst of all, many citie... more »
If you eat beware, there is going to a premium to make up for the Junk Food
losses if we ever become heath aware. Yeah we can not go healthy without a
healthy perimeter.
“Institutionalized Tyranny and Serfdom”
*“Institutionalized Tyranny and Serfdom”*
By Joe Withrow
“In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and
epochs, it is the rule.”
– Friedrich Nietzsche
“Modern society does not care much for the individual. National interest,
public policy, and the common good are held up as the ideal. We still hear
lip service paid to the individual rights of man on occasion, but only
within the context of individual servitude towards one or another
State-driven collective goal. Of course these goals are presented as moral
and upright, but there is a little catch – no one c... more »
The Economy: “What You NEED to Know about the Wealth Inequality Debate “
*“What You NEED to Know about the Wealth Inequality Debate “*
by Bill Bonner
“Isn't it possible the same savants who now presume to address the problem
of wealth inequality were those most responsible for causing it? The
question arose as we discussed a publishing sensation: Thomas Piketty's
“Capital in the Twenty-First Century.” As you will recall, the book – all
700 pages – was recently number one on the bestseller list.
Whoever heard of an economics tome that sold so well? The reason, we
suspect, is that the book tells us something that a lot of people were
waiting to... more »
PET a magic man who foretold this centruty
I was born in Canada
a place that well known
pundint Pat Buchcann pontificated
its should be speeled ,Kanukistian
I am not sure what he meant
was our has that good
or did he think we had
a soviet goverement
Oh that we wood
if what Perire Elliiot Tudeau
had come to fortod
Canada would be like
Qtare except the money
would not be between the sheets
I would be floating in the air
free for any citzen
to take as much as
they needed to be
Brian Mulroney stopped the PET
train to paridse
and he was caught taking
brown envleolpes in Swiss
hotels as advice
Yet he never did a dime
he wai... more »
In Fighting Between Islamic State And Other Armed Factions Increases In Iraq’s Diyala

The insurgency has had great success in the last two months. It has taken
over much of Ninewa, Salahaddin, Kirkuk, and Anbar provinces, and has a
strong foothold in Diyala and Babil as well. This success has maintained a
lose alliance between the major militant groups, which includes the Islamic
State (IS), the Baathist Naqshibandi and its Military Councils, Ansar
al-Islam, the Mujahadeen Army, and the Islamic Army of Iraq. Behind the
scenes IS has been attempting to dominate the other groups by demanding
that they pledge allegiance to it, and pushing out its rivals from its
bases... more »
It's another 'man'
The BBC report:
'A man on the Doha to Manchester plane has been arrested on suspicion of
making a hoax bomb threat.'
It's another of those men...
More here
Interest in MH17 Fades as Sanctions and War Edge Closer

Tony Cartalucci
It is abundantly clear that a truthful resolution to the tragedy of the
downed Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 was never the goal of Washington,
London, and Brussels. Citing baseless accusations surrounding the tragedy,
the West has leveled a series of incrementally expansive sanctions against
Russia while using the tragedy to justify increased military support for
Kiev’s military forces even as they wage total war against their own
population including the use of ballistic missiles, airstrikes, artillery
barrages, and tanks. Clearly the goal then was to exploit the ... more »
One Hundred Years Later
Yesterday, the prime minister attended a ceremony to mark Canada's entry
into the First World War. The standard interpretation of Canada's part in
that war is that we blindly followed Britain to war. But we emerged from it
a mature, independent nation. Andrew Cohen writes that the one hundredth
anniversary of that war is a good time to ask some hard questions. After
It was a wasting conflict – a slaughterhouse, really – killing more
Canadians than all of Canada’s wars befo... more »
Afghan Soldier Kills Three 'High Ranking' NATO Officers At British-Run Qargha Military Academy Near Kabul (Update: Two-Star U.S. General Killed)

Afghan National Army soldiers (ANA) stand guard at the site of a suicide
attack in Kabul. Reuters
*Three NATO Officers Killed At Afghan Military Academy, Officials Say --
New York Times*
KABUL, Afghanistan — An attacker in an Afghan army uniform killed at least
three service members from the NATO-led coalition and wounded a senior
Afghan commander on Tuesday in a shooting at a military training academy on
the outskirts of Kabul, an Afghan official said.
Details of the shooting, which took place on Tuesday afternoon, were
sketchy, and the coalition would only confirm that “an incid... more »
When Even The Simplest Things Are Hard..
Hortons drive-through was nearly empty, so I took advantage. It was one
of those new two-lane drive-throughs, only one car in the left land
already placing an order and the car right ahead of me went to the
right-hand lane. So I went into the left hand lane thinking that car
should move on first. And the car in the right lane placed their order
and drove on. And another car went into the
Republican Party Civil War Heats Up On A New Front: Meet The Congressional Grifters

Much to the chagrin of corporate whores who had infected the DEmocratic
Party-- think Rahm Emanuel, Harold Ford, the Blue Dogs and New Dems--
Howard Dean coined and popularized the phrase, "the Democratic wing of the
Democratic Party." Here at *DWT* we often talk about the corollary, the Republican
wing of the Democratic Party. Over the weekend, former Ohio Republican
Congressman Steve LaTourette, a mainstream conservative, sought to
duplicate Dean's strategy by terming the now dominant right-wing extremists
in his party as the Grifting Wing. In a post he did for *Politico*, The
G... more »
Given the fact that the left is so weak and so despised by our society's
leadership, it really isn't the case that the time I spend in escapism is
time stolen from saving the world, You know, if I went out today, or to
whatever day there's a protest against Israel's mass-murder of
Palestinians, it would have exactly zero impact on stephen harper's insane
support for the slaughter.
At the same time though, I'm getting a little tired of the dedicated
escapism of stuff like this:
And this:
But, you know, that's the job of special effects people, and actors and
script writers and p... more »
Britain Remembers The Fallen On The 100th Anniversary Of It's Declaration Of War Against Germany In The First World War

The Houses of Parliament, pictured taking part in a similar scheme in 2007,
switched their lights off at 10pm last night as part of an initiative to
commemorate Britain entering the First World War
*The Night The Lights Went Out Across Britain: Young Royals Bow Their Heads
As Millions Take Part In Moving Tributes To The Fallen - Exactly A century
Since WWI Was Declared -- Daily Mail*
* Idea inspired by former foreign secretary Sir Edward Grey's famous words
when war was declared 100 years ago
* Houses of Parliament, Tower Bridge, St Paul's Cathedral and Buckingham
Palace all took p... more »
I bet that your presstitute mainstream media haven't given you a clue that this has been going on ...or that Obama has provided more munitions to the blood-thirsty Israeli army so that they can continue murdering Palestinian children, like fish in a barrel. I hope that you will finally recognize the need for The Real News, because your despicable faux news intends to keep on keeping you in the dark for as long as you’re willing to let them.

Original Here
*Israeli Forces Target UN School Shelter, Children and Hospitals*
Pernille Ironside: The Chief of the UNICEF Field Office in Gaza describes
the growing death toll and the rising humanitarian crisis - * August 1, 14*
More at The Real News
*Pernille Ironside* is UNICEF's Chief of Gaza Field Off... more »
Taliban Leader Released For Bergdahl Is Regarded As A Psychopath By Those Who Caught Him

*Obama Freed A Taliban ‘Psychopath’ In Bergdahl Trade, Army Colonel Says --
Washington Times*
‘Petty tyrant’ lost stature after capture in early days of war in
In a pointed assessment, an Army colonel advising the National Security
Council says one of the Taliban prisoners released in the Obama
administration’s deal to free Army Sgt. Bowe Berghdal is a “psychopath” who
poses a “danger to fellow Afghans.”
Army Col. Mark Mitchell, director for counterterrorism at the National
Security Council, is a Green Beret who helped capture Mullah Mohammad Fazl
in the early days o... more »
Israeli Soldier Commended For His Selfless Act Of Not Not Wanting His Comrade's Body Taken By The Enemy

IDF soldiers expose Gaza 'terror tunnel' (file). IDF Spokesperson Unit
*IDF Soldier Selflessly Pursued Terrorists in Gaza Tunnel -- Arutz Sheva*
The son of olim from New York is the soldier who provided the IDF with the
findings that enabled to determine the death of Lt. Hadar Goldin.
The findings that enabled the IDF’s Chief Rabbinate to declare the death of
Lt. Hadar Goldin were provided by an IDF commander who fearlessly and
selflessly pursued the terrorists who abducted Goldin's body.
First Lieutenant Eitan, the son of olim (immigrants) from New York,
realized following Friday ... more »
*Germantown kindergarten teacher accused of political vandalism identified*
Wisconsin Reporter has learned the identity of the suspect accused of
politically motivated disorderly conduct at last month’s Jefferson County
April Kay Smith, 38, a kindergarten teacher in the Germantown School
District, was issued a disorderly conduct citation for tearing up and
stomping on several signs on July 9 at the Jefferson County Republican
Party booth after the fair had shut down for the night, according to a
Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department report obtained by Wisconsin Reporter.
Th... more »
Top 5 Ways the U.S. Is Israel’s Accomplice in War Crimes in Gaza

By Juan Cole
*This post originally ran on Juan Cole’s Web page.*
The U.S. State Department became a little testy with Israel on Sunday over
the 6th school shelling by the Israeli military, which killed 10, saying
“The United States is appalled by today’s disgraceful shelling outside an
UNRWA school in Rafah sheltering some 3,000 displaced persons, in which ten
more Palestinian civilians were tragically killed,” reads the statement
from State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki. “We once again stress that
Israel do more to meet its own standards and avoid civilian... more »
Brothers In Arms To The End

*Photo: *The late Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class Ryan Harris, shown here in
2011 inspecting an oxygen mask, died last year along with Petty Officer 1st
Class James Reyher in a diving accident at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md.
(U.S. Navy photo by Seaman Jah’mai C.J. Stokes)
*Navy Diver Heroic To The Last Breath -- Virginia Pilot*
As they slowly asphyxiated at the bottom of a pond last year, two Navy
divers shared something extraordinary: the choice to die together rather
than abandon a fellow sailor.
That selflessness went with Petty Officer 2nd Class Ryan Harris and Petty
Officer 1st ... more »
Free Trade 36: Taxation, Regulations, Trade and Rule of Law in ASEAN

This is my paper presented during the Stratbase Forum on ASEAN
Competitiveness last July 23, 2014 in Makati, organized by Stratbase
Research Institute (SRI). SRI also published this today and circulated to
their friends and clients.
The 11-slides presentation including 9 tables and 2 charts is posted in my
slideshare wall.
I am posting 4 of 9 tables and 2 charts here.
*Table 1. Major Taxes in the ASEAN, 2013*
Source: KPMG, 2013.ASEAN Tax Guide, Overview, p. 10.
*Table 3. Ease and Unease in Starting a Business and Getting Construction
Permits in ASEAN-9.*
Source: WB-IFC, Doin... more »
Get Visas for the Entire Family with $500,000 to a Charter School
I came across this Reuters story yesterday while researching funding for
charters. Don't know how I missed this in October 2012, when it was first
. . . .Wealthy individuals from as far away as China, Nigeria, Russia and
Australia are spending tens of millions of dollars to build classrooms,
libraries, basketball courts and science labs for American charter schools.
In Buffalo, New York, foreign funds paid for the Health Sciences Charter
School to renovate a 19th-century orphanage into modern classrooms and
computer labs. In Florence, Arizona, overseas investment is expect... more »
Artificial Intelligence , Motivation theories discussion and Roko's Basilisk -- heavy stuff to ponder over coffee !
( Will Man sow the seeds for destruction ? Fascinating subject , must read
pieces sampled but go to the link for the full articles ! ! )
Elon Musk, the Tesla and Space-X founder who is occasionally compared to
comic book hero Tony Stark, is worried about a new villain that could
threaten humanity—specifically the potential creation of an artificial
intelligence that is radically smarter than humans, with
catastrophic results:
Elon Musk ✔ @elonmusk
Worth reading... more »
Your Wise Heart by Roxana Jones

Oh, if you would only allow your heart
to teach your mind all the wisdom you already know…
#HealThruWords #Quote #InspirationalQuote #Motivational #DoShare
HealThruWords® by Roxana Jones
Oh, si tan solo pudieras permitir a tu corazón
enseñarle a tu mente toda la sabiduría que ya conoces…
HealThruWords® por Roxana Jones
Hear, See and Speak - No Used eBooks?

How do industry bodies and major players respond to new entrants who offer
something different? Do they go out to squash them in order to maintain the
status quo? Do they attempt to reign them in and restrict their influence
and impact? Do they invest in them and work with them to create new
channels, new markets and new revenues? Some believe that many stick their
head in the dark and wish them to go away?
This last week we have all read the Amazon Press Release over their ongoing
battles with Hachette and one of the most relevant statements came right at
the beginning in their r... more »
US is insolvent blasts Charles Biderman - and then demonstrates precisely why and presents the bloody details !
"The US Is Bankrupt," Blasts Biderman, "We Now Await The Cramdown"
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/04/2014 21:32 -0400
- B+
- Bond
- Budget Deficit
- Charles Biderman
- Cramdown
- Federal Reserve
- Federal Tax
- Gross Domestic Product
- Medicare
- Moral Hazard
- Precious Metals
- Purchasing Power
- Real estate
- Reality
- Tax Revenue
- TrimTabs
- White House
- Z.1
inShare1... more »
USNS John Glenn (MLP 2) Completes Final Contract Trials
[image: USNS John Glenn]USNS John Glenn (MLP 2), successfully completed
Final Contract Trials (FCT) off the coast of Manchester, Washington July 31.
During the trials, the Navy's Board of Inspection and Survey along with the
ship's crew tested the vessel's various hull, mechanical, and electrical
systems to demonstrate that the ship meets Navy standards and requirements,
and is materially ready to perform all of its slated in-service missions.
John Glenn, the second of the Navy's Mobile Landing Platforms (MLP), was
constructed by General Dynamics National Steel and Shipbuilding Compa... more »
Lockheed Martin Dual Mode Laser Guided Bomb Achieves Objectives in Marine Corps Training Exercises

[image: Dual Mode Laser Guided Bomb]Lockheed Martin’s Dual Mode Laser
Guided Bomb (DMLGB) was successfully employed during recent U.S. Marine
Corps weapons and tactics instructor training.
During the training exercises at Marine Corps Air Station Yuma in Arizona,
AV-8B Harrier aircrews released 19 GBU-12F/B DMLGB weapons. The weapons
were released in tactically representative engagements, and used various
targeting modes against fixed targets. All weapons performed successfully
and met Marine Corps mission objectives.
“We partnered with the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps to support day ... more »
US President justifies CIA torture ( War crimes ) because folks were scared and the CIA is a tough job ? With that reed thin logic put out there - Why not excuse genocide in the future or ANY OTHER CRIMINAL CODUCT - BY THE SELECT FEW ..... because folks were under pressure at the time , tough jobs excuse or any other willy nilly notion ? If you don't grasp how dangerous this line of thought is , God help us all ! ,
SOURCE: TECHDIRT[image: obama-baja-popularidad]
On Friday, we wrote briefly about President Obama’s “admission” that “we
tortured some folks.” At the time I was going off of the press reports of
the conference, but now that I’veread the full transcript of his statement,
it’s much worse than just that brief comment. Here’s the relevant portion:
With respect to the larger point of the RDI report itself, even before I
came into office I was very clear that in th... more »
Defence holding community meeting on JSF upgrades

[image: RAAF F-35 Lightning II]The Upper Hunter will today receive an
insight into work to be undertaken locally for the arrival of the
Australia's next generation fighter aircraft.
The Department of Defence is holding three community information sessions
across the region this week to outline the new and upgraded facilities
required to support the arrival of the Joint Strike Fighters.
Denman Visitor Information Centre hosts the first this afternoon with the
focus on work planned for Defence Establishment Myambat located just west
of the town.
Read more
Sukhoi to sign another contract with India on FGFA

[image: Su-T50 PAK-FA]Russia’s Sukhoi aircraft manufacturer plans to sign
another contract with India in the framework of the joint project for the
construction of a fifth generation multipurpose combat jet, Alexander
Klementyev, a Sukhoi deputy director general told Itar-Tass.
“We hope the contract [for experimental design works] will be signed soon,”
he said.
The intergovernmental agreement on this project was signed back in 2007.
Three years after, the sides inked a general contract on joint design and
production and then the first engineering development contract. Works under
t... more »
China TA-600 amphibian eyes first flight in 2015

[image: AVIC TA-600 amphibious aircraft]China could conduct a maiden flight
for the developmental AVIC TA-600 amphibious aircraft in 2015.
According to a report in the People’s Daily quoting Fu Junxu, an executive
of China Aviation Industry General Aircraft (CAIGA), the design of the
four-engine flying boat has been completed, with the aircraft set to enter
trial production at Zhuhai in late 2014 or early 2015.
The aircraft, to be powered by four turboprop engines, will have a maximum
takeoff weight of 53.5t and a range of 5,000km.
Read more
EU may buy French warships built for Russia
[image: Vladivostok LHD]The European Union may acquire two Russian warships
currently under construction in France, analysts say.
The possibility comes as the United States and Western Europe tighten
economic sanctions against Russia, and Monday's denial of a German defense
contractor's delivery of military components to Russia by the German
The first of two Mistral-class ships purchased by Russia -- essentially
small aircraft carriers designed for helicopter takeoff and landing -- is
nearing completion at the STX Les Chantiers de l'Atlantique shipyard in
southwestern F... more »
Our Aircraft Carriers Are Not Sitting Ducks

[image: USS John C Stennis]The U.S. Navy is greatly endangered by the
global proliferation of anti-ship ballistic and cruise missiles.
Some analysts, like Dennis Gormley, Andrew Erickson, and Jingdong Yuan at
the National Defense University, say U.S. aircraft carriers in the western
Pacific are sitting ducks for communist China’s missiles, especially their
CM-400AKG Mach 5.5 Wrecker cruise missile and their DF-21 ballistic
missile, dubbed “the carrier killer.” They are wrong.
Simply put, the ongoing improvement of missile defense systems on U.S. Navy
warships is keeping pace with t... more »
Russia to conduct unprecedented maneuvers involving 100 combat planes

[image: Su-34 Fullback]A bilateral command-staff exercise involving
Commands 1 and 2 of the Russian Air Force and Air Defense, which are part
of the Western and central Districts, will be held under the command of the
commander-in-chief of the Russian Air Force on August 4-8, the Defense
Ministry reported.
"The training will involve over 100 aircraft of various branches of
aviation such as the destroyers Su-27, MiG-31, multi-function complexes
Su-34, frontline bombers Su-24, helicopters Mi-8, Mi-24, and Mi 28N,"
Colonel Igor Klimov, an official representative of the Russian Air For... more »
Narendra Modi to induct indigenously-built warship INS Kolkata in Mumbai

[image: Kolkata class DDG]Prime Minister Narendra Modi is likely to induct
country's largest indigenously-built warship INS Kolkata in Mumbai in the
the third week of August.
The Prime Minister has been invited in the third week of August to induct
the largest indigenously-built warship, which is constructed by the Mazagon
Dockyards Limited and has been designed by Navy's design bureau, defence
officials said.
The 6,800 tonne warship, which is over three years behind schedule, is a
technology demonst ..
Read more
Russia Develops Robots for Maritime Defense

[image: Georgy Antsev]Russian scientists have developed and presented to
the Defense Ministry a maritime defense system comprising surface,
underwater and flying robots, a defense industry official told RIA Novosti
on Monday.
“The global [maritime defense] command-and-control system, which we are
developing, is ready for a large-scale testing phase,” General Director and
Chief Designer of the Morinformsystem-Agat corporation, Georgy Antsev, said
during the Innovation Day exhibition organized by the Defense Ministry.
"A patrol ship or a submarine are not always capable of monitoring ... more »
Can we trust social media in general and Google in particular , in light of learning Google searches gmail for " only certain crimes " and the Bomb Gaza game debacle ?
Technology giant Google has developed state of the art software which
proactively scours hundreds of millions of email accounts for images of
child abuse.
The breakthrough means paedophiles around the world will no longer be able
to store and send vile images via email without the risk of their crimes
becoming known to the authorities.
Details of the software emerged after a 41-year-old convicted sex offender
was arrested in Texas for possession of child abuse ima... more »
Russian increases sanctions in response to US and EU sanctions this week ( July 18 , 2014 ) - Russian Sanctions Retaliation Escalates: Dumps Intel/AMD And Now Foreign Cars ...... Russia may revise US participation ( divide and conquer as Europe may be carved out of Russia sanctions here ) in hydrocarbon development over sanctions ...... meanwhile russia perfects sanctions defenses for its banks even as clock and calendar tick on natural gas situation !
Catharsis Ours - 9 hours ago
Russian volleys back into the forecourt of the US ... Intel , AMD and Car
makers scream .....
Russian Sanctions Retaliation Escalates: Dumps Intel/AMD And Now Foreign
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/18/2014 18:48 -0400
- Newspaper
- Reuters
- Ukraine
Ignoring for one second yesterday disastrous air crash in Ukraine, the
'boomerang' of sanctions continues to be thrown back and forth between the
US and Russi... more »
zucchini abundance recipe of the day: zucchini-corn-tomato bake
I found a bunch of recipes similar to this, and adapted them to my tastes.
This one is easy (especially if you use a food processor to shred the
zucchini and cheese), healthy, and tasty.
I feel like the ability to tweak and change recipes marks a turning point
in my cooking evolution, in both confidence and knowledge. I like it!
Also, I don't have measurements for this one. It's down to what proportions
you like and what ingredients you have on hand.
Zucchini-Corn-Tomato Bake
1 medium-to-large zucchini, grated or shredded
2 large ripe tomatoes, coarsely cubed
Kernels of corn, eithe... more »
When is Ebola not Ebola? ... When it walks off an airplane
*When is Ebola not Ebola? ... When it walks off an airplane*
As I pressed the "publish" button on yesterdays Ebola article, I knew that
there were several more facts and pieces of information to bring to the
public's attention. Here is part II of
The Ebola Outbreak: The "Pandemic" that isn't. The more news articles I
read, the more blatant the lies and deception become. The main stream media
seems to of been caught in their tracks with their "Ebola is an airborne
(aerosol) virus" lies and... more »

*Persecution of a skeptic*
*John Droz reports on more ruthless Leftism*
Dr. Henrik Møller, is an world-renowned expert on infra-sound, and has
published several high-quality studies on low-frequency acoustics (like
here, here, here, and here). More recently, some of these have dealt with
industrial wind energy noise (e.g. here — which was peer-reviewed).
He has been praised as Denmark's "leading noise researcher." What’s even
more important is that he has been courageous enough to have publicly
spoken out against poor government policies, as well as the misinformation
disseminated ... more »
Iraq situation ( August 5 , 2014 ) -- Tunnels of Saddam to used by jihadist and Baathist forces to haunt Maliki's Baghdad ? US to now arm and give air support to the Kurds as they battle ISIS forces to retake Sinjar ? Update on the state of play in Iraq ...... Tweets of note for the day......
Anti War......
Using Tunnels, ISIS Aims at Baghdad From the SouthAims to Take Area South
of Baghdad
by Jason Ditz, August 04, 2014
Print This | Share This
ISIS efforts to encircle the Iraqi capital city of Baghdad continue apace,
with their latest operations focusing on seizing the rural Sunni area south
of Baghdad, known colloquially as the “triangle of death.”
The triangle was a nightmare for US occupation forces in the last decade,
and ISIS is said to be using an elaborate collection of tunnels built by
the Iraqi government during the Saddam-era to infiltrate areas close to
Bagh... more »
India Ignores US Calls For Russian Sanction, Will Go-Ahead With Submarine Purchase

[image: Lada class submarine]India has rejected calls to join the sanctions
program against Russia during US Secretary of State John Kerry’s visit to
New Delhi on Aug. 1, according to various media reports.
India’s External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj has maintained that foreign
policy will not change with the new government while Kerry added that
Washington “will obviously welcome India joining in with respect to
[sanctions], but its India’s choice.”
A clear blow to the effort, India remains Russia’s largest consumer of
military equipment and is reportedly in talks with Rosoboro... more »
Interest in MH17 Fades as Sanctions & War Edge Closer

*August 4, 2014* (Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - It is abundantly clear that a
truthful resolution to the tragedy of the downed Malaysia Airlines flight
MH17 was never the goal of Washington, London, and Brussels. Citing
baseless accusations surrounding the tragedy, the West has leveled a series
of incrementally expansive sanctions against Russia while using the tragedy
to justify increased military support for Kiev's military forces even as
they wage total war against their own population including the use of
ballistic missiles, airstrikes, artillery barrages, and tanks. Clearly the
goa... more »
Climate disagreements: do PR firms matter?
*Off-topic:* Sheldon, Leonard, and Penny have tripled their income to $1
million per TBBT episode. Wow but probably deserved. has picked a story of the day, an article in the Guardian
World's top PR companies rule out working with climate deniers
written by Suzanne Goldenberg and Nishad Karim. The title is dramatic,
including the Holocaust-resembling expletive that similar inkspillers enjoy
using, but if you read the article and even if you trust it, you will see
that the content doesn't match the title. I know that you expect this
discrepancy under any article si... more »
Giveaway: HIPSTER Baby Carrier as seen on Kickstarter

If there is one thing I love, it is baby wearing! I have teamed up with
some awesome bloggers to bring you a giveaway for the HIPSTER, the new way
to carry your baby. Enter below.
Have you heard? There's a new way to carry your baby. One carrier, nine
different ways. No more achy arms. No more sore backs. Allow us to
introduce you to the MiaMily HIPSTER baby carrier. This innovative new
carrier is suitable for children ages 3 months to 3 years old (and/or 44
lbs) and consists of a back supporting belt with an integrated seat for
your baby that's designed to help you carry your litt... more »
Did you hear this on the U.S. "mainstream media"? I didn't think so. Their moto: All the news the government wants them to print.

Bolivia declares Israel ‘terrorist state’, scraps visa exemption agreement Published
time: July 30, 2014 21:58
Edited time: July 31, 2014 02:19
Bolivia has declared Israel to be a “terrorist state” and renounced a visa
exemption agreement with the country in protest over the ongoing Israeli
military offense in Gaza which already killed more than 1,300 dead and left
over 7,000 wounded.
LIVE UPDATES: Israel launches ground incursion in Gaza Strip
Canceling the 1972 agreement which allowed Israelis to travel freely to
Bolivia *“means, in other word... more »
"We Killed Some Little Folks" Future Title of Barack Obama's Memoirs

*Slayer of children, conqueror of infants, the great Barack Obama! His
government of destruction knows no distinction between young and old, male
and female, enemy combatant and civilian, Infidel and Muslim. *
An excerpt from, *"Greenwald: NSA Docs Show ‘Israeli Action In Gaza Has US
Fingerprints All Over It’"* by Jon Queally, MintPress News, August 4, 2014:
A new analysis of the intelligence and military relationship between the
U.S. and Israeli governments—bolstered by new top secret NSA documents
leaked by Edward Snowden—exposes the deep complicity of American foreign
policy wh... more »
The Case Of A Plane Landing On A Highway In Kenya Ended Up Revealing How U.S. Forces Are Transported In Africa
*Plane That Landed On African Highway Carrying U.S. Troops Gets Dismantled
-- Washington Post*
When a cargo plane landed on a Ugandan highway last month carrying U.S.
troops, it grabbed attention and shed light on the low-key way in which
American forces travel through Africa to carry out missions. But there’s
more to the story: The aircraft will be dismantled, likely because it can’t
fly from the same location again.
A news video of the plane — a CASA-212 aircraft, as the website Medium
pointed out — shows it surrounded by Ugandan civilians after it made an
emergency landing Jul... more »
How The Crisis In Ukraine Is Shaping How Strategists Study War

Russia's President Vladimir Putin chairs a government meeting at the
Novo-Ogaryovo state residence outside Moscow, July 30, 2014. Credit:
Reuters/Alexei Nikolskyi/RIA Novosti/Kremlin
*What Ukraine Means For How We Study War -- Joshua Rovner, Washington Post*
Last week Marc Lynch wrote a thoughtful commentary on the future of
political science after Gaza. He noted that while the ongoing violence
seems very familiar, it actually suggests a number of new questions for
political scientists who focus on the Arab-Israeli dispute. These include
everything from the limits of transnational ... more »
Musical Interlude: Deuter, “Atmospheres”
Deuter, “Atmospheres”
"Your Silence..."
“Your silence will not protect you.”
- Audre Lorde
Billboard improvement
Two best things about elections: slagging off politicians to their face,
and vandalising billboards. (Slagging off not shown.)
[image: The hypnotoad is even included.]
[image: Well, not everyone...]
[image: And, as always, BATMAN.]
[image: Hutt South #Labour #forabetterNZ]
[image: #National #TeamKey#Working4NZ]
[image: #Conservative "Abuse your party vote"]
[image: Mt Eden #InternetMana via Jolisa]
[image: We know this to be the truth. #NZPOL]
More billboard improvement at someone’s NZ Billboards Tumblr site.
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permi... more »
No U.S. - Russia Nuclear Defense For Real-Life ‘Armageddon’ Asteroid Threats
*U.S.—Russia Tensions Nuke Plans For Real-Life ‘Armageddon’ Asteroid
Defense -- Asawin Suebsaeng, Daily Beast*
The U.S. Energy Department, apparently, is being forced to close its eyes.
Rising tensions between the United States and Russia, stemming from the
latter’s recent aggressions, have upended the Obama administration’s
ambitious Russia “reset”—and with it, the once-promising U.S.-Russian plans
to destroy killer asteroids with nuclear bombs.
On Sunday, The New York Times ran a story detailing how the Ukraine crisis
has stalled an accord that promised “one of the most expansiv... more »
In A Rebuke To It's Neighbors And The U.S., China Says It Can Build What It Wants In The South China Sea

Image from The Economist
*China Says Can Build What It Wants On South China Sea Isles -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - China can build whatever it wants on its islands in the South
China Sea, a senior Chinese official said on Monday, rejecting proposals
ahead of a key regional meeting to freeze any activity that may raise
tensions in disputed waters there.
Southeast Asian foreign ministers this week hold security talks with
counterparts, including those from the United States and China, in Myanmar,
with escalating tensions over maritime disputes in Asia likely to be a
major issue.
The Phi... more »
The Ebola Epidemic Is 'Picking Up Speed' In Africa
*Ebola Death Toll Rises To 887 As Spread Of Disease Picks Up Speed -- L.A.
The deadly Ebola virus sweeping through West Africa continues to
accelerate, according to numbers released Monday by the World Health
The virus has now claimed at least 887 lives, the WHO reported, with 163
new cases and 61 deaths in just two days.
The latest update indicates the disease is picking up speed, with the
number of new infections surging by 33% over the last three-day report
ending July 27, and three new cases reported in Nigeria, the latest country
to be hit by the diseas... more »
As Soon As People With Guns Start Talking About Extermination, You Know There's A Serious Problem
Gun nuts will be in ecstasy when they read about civil unrest in western
China's Xinjiang Province. The freedom fighters only had knives, axes and
swords and were slaughtered by the governmental oppressors with automatic
rifles. Many local Muslims want their own country but virtually all local
Muslims don't want Beijing interfering with their faith. So they butchered
35 Han Chinese civilians with their knives and swords and then killed two
Muslim Uighurs who collaborate with the Chinese as well as a prominent
pro-government imam at a major mosque in the old Silk Road city of Kashg... more »
Do you cook at home ... or eat out?

[image: Cooking at home is Eco-friendly]*Cooking at home is Eco-friendly!*When
we cook at home, we can control all aspects of a meal. We determine
everything from the type of pots and pans we use, to the ingredients we
buy, to the amount we prepare.
Eating out, on the other hand, is a bit harder on the environment.
Restaurants use a lot of energy, waste ingredients, and don't always use
local, whole foods in their recipes.
So I'm wondering ... how many times, in a week, do you cook at home?
Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading
questionnaire tool.... more »
METRO | Alice Embree reports on a moving memorial for the victims of the UT
Tower shootings.

this is an orange
solving the mystery of wtc7
zero: an investigation of 9/11
Disease Expert Warns That Terrorists Could Make A 'Dirty Bomb' Containing Ebola

*Terrorists Could Use Ebola To Create Dirty Bomb To Kill Large Numbers In
The UK, Says Cambridge University Disease Expert -- Daily Mail*
* Dr Peter Walsh says group such as Al Qaeda could use virus to create bomb
* Biological anthropologist says risk of Ebola reaching UK is small
* 'Bigger risk' is that terrorists manage to harness virus, says expert
* Bomb could cause 'large number' of horrific deaths
The deadly Ebola virus could be used by terrorists to create a dirty bomb
capable of killing large numbers of people in the UK, a Cambridge
University disease expert has warned.
As fe... more »
The Islamic State Is Focusing On Saudi Arabia

*ISIL Targets Saudi Intelligence -- Bill Gertz, Washington Free Beacon*
Officials: ‘Crowd-sourced’ assassination campaign aimed at destabilizing
Saudi Arabia
The ultra-violent al Qaeda offshoot group Islamic State of Iraq and the
Levant (ISIL or ISIS) has targeted Saudi Arabian intelligence officers for
a campaign of assassination as part of plans by the group to expand
activities inside the oil-rich kingdom.
A Twitter campaign by ISIL terrorists was launched Friday that sought
information on Saudi intelligence officers. It followed a fatal knife
attack against a Saudi police off... more »
The Continuing Israeli Genocide Of Gaza: Exposing Israeli Lies - How A "Kidnapped" Soldier Ilustrates Israeli Deception!
Today, the reports coming out of Gaza seem to be going from bad to
horrific... It seems that as I have already stated as fact is coming
true... The insane and very criminal Israelis are out to exterminate the
entire population locked up in what is truly the world's largest open air
concentration camp. There should be absolutely no doubt in anyone's minds
any more that this has always been the purpose of this Israeli operation
against innocent and mostly helpless human beings..
Every single lie that the Israelis have used to this date that they have
used as their "excuse" to attack... more »
The Rise Of The Islamic State Is Unprecedented In The History Of Extremist Organizations

*Islamic State ‘Now Controls Resources And Territory Unmatched In History
Of Extremist Organizations’ -- Terrence McCoy, Washington Post*
It’s a pattern of territorial expansion that has now become familiar. After
the Islamic State captured Sinjar on Sunday, came the executions. Then
arrived the orders to convert or die, the flash of the movement’s black
flag, the fleeing of thousands — and, finally, the jubilant and chilling
images on social media.
One showed a destroyed Shiite shrine, which had long sat in the ancient
city of Sinjar in northwestern Iraq. Another depicted the exe... more »
Machinery of the day: Waterview spoil
Here’s the latest video showing the construction of the Waterview tunnel,
this time highlighting the removal of spoil from the tunnel face. An almost
wholly mechanised process, at the rate of one trailer truck load every ten
It reminded me of the observation that capital goods – machines and the
like – all that good stuff that Thomas Piketty and his crowd think are
unnecessary and irrelevant to production – are in fact tools by which human
effort is vastly leveraged,, making work like this possible. (Not just more
roundabout production, but production that wouldn’t be pos... more »
(Mary's Mosaic?) Who Rules Washington? (The Rise to Power of the National Security State )
Speaking of good books for a long weekend's indulgent read, I recommend
Peter (son of CIA head Wistar, who was probably involved) Janney's detailed
explication of what happened before and after the murders of JFK and his
very good friend - and college chum of Janney's Mother at Vassar - Mary
(ex-wife of CIA very-scary-guy Cord) Meyer. The storyline also exposes
(among many other subjects) much
Israel Is Turning Gaza To Ashes; ISIS Terrorists Threaten To Turn Iraq Into A Wasteland Like Afghanistan; The Authors of These Disasters Are On The CIA's Payroll
"So, as I terrorize Gotham Gaza, I will feed its people hope to poison
their souls. I will let them believe they can survive so that you can watch
them clambering over each other to stay in the sun. You can watch me
torture an entire city and when you have truly understood the depth of your
failure, we will fulfill Ra's al Ghul's Zionism's destiny... We will
destroy Gotham Gaza and then, when it is done and Gotham Gaza is...*ashes*...
then you have my permission to die." - Israel to Palestinian leaders. *Source
of quote: The Dark Knight Rises (2012, Warner Bros. Pictures).*
An exce... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“This shock wave plows through space at over 500,000 kilometers per hour.
Moving toward to bottom of this beautifully detailed color composite, the
thin, braided filaments are actually long ripples in a sheet of glowing gas
seen almost edge on. Cataloged as NGC 2736, its narrow appearance suggests
its popular name, the Pencil Nebula.
*Click image for larger size.*
About 5 light-years long and a mere 800 light-years away, the Pencil Nebula
is only a small part of the Vela supernova remnant. The Vela remnant itself
is around 100 light-years in diameter and is the expanding debris cloud... more »
"The Wonder Of Life"
"We live in radical times surrounded by tasks that seem impossible. It has
become our collective fate to be alive in a time of great tragedies, to
live in a period of overwhelming disasters and to stand at the edge of
sweeping changes. The river of life is flooding before us, and a tide of
poisons affect the air we breathe and the waters we drink and even tarnish
the dreams of those who are young and as yet innocent. The snake-bitten
condition has already spread throughout the collective body.
However, it is in troubled times that it becomes most important to remember
that the wond... more »
"One Big Road..."
“Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you're riding through the
don't complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy.
Don't bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality. Wake up and live!”
- Bob Marley
“He who cannot change the very fabric of his thought will never be
able to change reality, and will never, therefore, make any progress.”
- Anwar Sadat
"Reality is certainty or authenticity which gives a support to our argument
on any matter. Reality can also be defined as the one that the majority of
the people have agreed upon. But for argument sake, we may also say that
facts are different from reality. “Reality is that which when you stop
believing in it, does not go away” said Philip K Dick. But it also seems
that reality depends upon the perspective with which we view them. ... more »
The Poet: Joy Harjo, "Eagle Poem"
*"Eagle Poem" *
"To pray you open your whole self
To sky, to earth, to sun, to moon
To one whole voice that is you.
And know there is more
That you can't see, can't hear
Can't know except in moments
Steadily growing, and in languages
That aren't always sound but other
Circles of motion.
Like eagle that Sunday morning
Over Salt River. Circles in blue sky
In wind, swept our hearts clean
With sacred wings.
We see you, see ourselves and know
That we must take the utmost care
And kindness in all things.
Breathe in, knowing we are made of
All this, and breathe, knowing
We are truly blessed bec... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Boise, Idaho, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
Paulo Coelho, “Choosing The Way We Will Depart”
*“Choosing The Way We Will Depart”*
by Paulo Coelho
"As you probably know, we are all going to die one day. As we become aware
of that, we should surrender to life with much more joy, making things we
always postpone, respecting the precious minutes that are passing by and
will never come back, disclosing and discovering horizons that can be
interesting or disappointing, but deserve at least a little bit of our
effort. It’s normal that we try to avoid death. It isn’t only normal, it’s
the healthiest attitude we can adopt. It is an aberration however to deny
it, as the awareness of ... more »
Jus Ex Bello in Gaza
The New York Times recently reported that unidentified Israeli officials
claimed that Israel is looking to unilaterally end the conflict with Hamas
in Gaza. After more than 1800 Palestinian casualties in three weeks of
fighting, international pressure to cease hostilities appears to be
working. However, this strategy of the “silent treatment,” rather than a
negotiated settlement
Continue reading
"I Soon Found Out..."
"I soon found out you can't change the world.
The best you can do is to learn to live with it."
- Henry Miller
“Living With the Contradictions"
*“Living With the Contradictions: A Human Potential Visionary*
* Talks About Our Infinite Potential and How We Also Block Progress”*
By Charles Eisenstein
"Last week I sat down for a telephone conversation with Joseph Chilton
Pearce, an author who has had a big influence not only on my work, but on
the way I have raised my children. He alerted me early on to the damage
that hospital birthing, day care, television, and modern schooling do to
the developing brain. A World War Two veteran, he could be considered one
of the elders of the human potential movement, although he brings to it... more »
Chet Raymo, "Why Not?"
*"Why Not?"*
by Chet Raymo
"A reader named Liz asked: "If we are all one and made out of the same
material- then the things that we make are made out of the same material.
But they are not animate. Why not?" At first glance, this might seem like a
naive question, one that we all know the answer to. On reflection, it turns
out to be terribly profound. Or should I have said, "wonderfully profound"?
Yes, everything, animate and inanimate, is made of the same stuff - the 92
naturally-occurring elements - but all of the animate things we know about
are made mainly of carbon compounds - ... more »
Monsanto Paid Female Bloggers to Attend Panel

Heather Callaghan
Writers are often barraged with email invites to attend conferences to
become better writers with promises that, in time, their efforts will
produce a lucrative income. There are niche writing workshops as well, such
as "food blogging." The hitch, of course, is that one must pay for tickets
to enter said workshop.
In a notable flipside, however, Monsanto recently paid female bloggers $150
if they attended "an intimate and interactive panel." The goal here not
being a way to a successful writing career, but rather an incentivized way
to shape public opinion.
The... more »
The Dog that Did not Bark: American Airlines Flight 587 - by Webster G.Tarpley

The Dog That Did Not Bark - American Airlines Flight 587 from Spike EP on
*The Dog that Did not Bark*
"Two months after 9/11, American Airlines Flight 587 -- an Airbus 300-600
-- left John F. Kennedy International Airport en route to the Dominican
Republic. Less than three minutes after takeoff, the aircraft crashed in a
blazing inferno in the heart of a Queens neighborhood. All 265 people
aboard perished. According to the NTSB, the tail fin and rudder of the
plane sheared off as it accelerated. *This was the second deadliest crash
in U.S. history, but it also "was the fi... more »
DHS Funded Report: Sovereign Citizens Greatest Threat To U.S.

Brandon Turbeville
Back in April, 2014, I wrote an article entitled “FBI Visiting Gun Shops To
Investigate ‘People Talking About Big Government,” where I reported the
fact that FBI Counterterrorism agents were visiting South Carolina gun
shops in order to gain information regarding potentially “suspicious”
customers. These “suspicious” people were not those suspected of Muslim
extremism but Americans who were concerned with big government.
The agent who approached the gun shop discussed in my article was actually
quoted as saying “If you see some Middle Eastern guy come in. You d... more »
Would Elizabeth Green Approve of A Book I Might Write on the Art and Craft of Journalism?
Somehow I doubt it, especially since I am not a journalist, haven't studied
or practiced journalism, and know almost nothing about the origins,
history, theoretical base, or conceptual understanding and shared knowledge
of the craft and art of journalistic writing.
I hope Elizabeth will forgive me, then, for being skeptical about her
finally-published Columbia journalism research paper on pedagogy and
teaching, the "meat" of which was published in the New York Times Magazine
over four years ago.
I read a sampling of Elizabeth's "new" book at Amacon, and it is clear that
Elizabeth'... more »
The Truth is Rising About Global Destabilization

*Charlie Mcgrath*
*Be the Change! Donate Today!*
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
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James Brady (1940-2014)

*Sign a remembrance card on the BradyCampaign to Prevent Gun Violence
*"I come before you today as not just another pretty face, but out of sheer
*-- Jim Brady, to a press corps aware that First Lady-to-beNancy Reagan had
wanted a Ken doll as press secretary*
*"Neurosurgeon Arthur I. Kobrine later recalled telling the president's
personal physician about Mr. Brady: 'It's a terrible injury. I don't think
he has a chance. I don't think he's going to make it, but I think we should
try.' "*
*-- from Jon Thurber's Washington Post obituary*
*"The bullies have suc... more »
9/11 and Global Terrorism - A Dialogue with Jacques Derrida

*"Derrida is the kind of philosopher that gives bullshit a bad name"*
"In the winter of 1989, during Bush’s first hundred days in office,
*Fukuyama* delivered a lecture to the Olin Foundation which was later
published in *The National Interest*quarterly under the title of “The End
of History?” Imperial administrator *Fukuyama* had studied under the
reactionary elitist *Allan Bloom, *and was conversant with the French
neo-enlightenment semiotic (or semi-idiotic) school of *Derrida, Foucault,
and Roland Barthes,* whose zero degree of writing *Fukuyama* may have been
striv... more »
Faux outrage by the US and President Obama regarding Gaza ( August 4 , 2014 ) --- US, UN Outraged as Israel Strikes Another Gaza School ..... All the while US cash , weapons and surveillance involved in the same attacks ! Snowden outs Obama's charade !
Just a masquerade folks........
Retweeted by Anonymous Operations
*Dr.Bassel Abuwarda* @DrBasselAbuward 2h
Latest updates from #Gaza : 1867 killed -429 children -243 are women -70
elderly 9567 injured !! 10080 destroyed
View photo
Russia Today......
Obama's 'helplessness' an act: Snowden reveals scale of US aid to Israel
Published time: August 04, 2014 07:37
Edited time: August 04, 2014 17:42
Get short URL
[image: US President Barack Obama, Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu, Edward Snowden (Reuters/AFP Photo)]
US Presi... more »
Sunset of US Hegemony and the rule of King Dollar -- ( August 4 , 2014 ) Lead Articles --- India Slams US Global Hegemony By Scuttling Global Trade Deal, Puts Future Of WTO In Doubt ; De-Dollarization Continues: Russian Oligarchs Shift Cash To Hong Kong Dollars On Sanctions Concerns ....... additional items to consider !
De-Dollarization Continues: Russian Oligarchs Shift Cash To Hong Kong
Dollars On Sanctions Concerns
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/04/2014 18:31 -0400
- Bank of America
- Bank of America
- Currency Peg
- Hong Kong
Last week we noted the very significant activity by the Hong Kong Monetary
Authority as it bought USDollars in size to support its peg. It appears we
have found at least one smoking gun fo... more »
Israel And Hamas Agree To A 72-Hour Ceasefire

Israeli soldiers arrive at a staging area near the border with Gaza Strip
August 4, 2014. Credit: REUTERS/Nir Elias
*Officials: Israel, Palestinian Factions Accept 72-Hour Cease-Fire In Gaza
-- CNN*
Gaza City (CNN) -- Will it, or won't it, hold?
That's the question following word late Monday that Israel and Palestinian
factions, including Hamas, agreed to a 72-hour humanitarian cease-fire
proposed by Egypt.
Even as both sides agreed to the cease-fire, scheduled to begin Tuesday
morning, both sides appeared suspicious of one another.
"The onus is on Hamas," Israeli government spok... more »
Illinois' next governor may make Romney look like a saint
Does the name Bruce Rauner ring a bell? No, me neither. It turns out he's
the Republican nominee for governor in Illinois, which under normal
circumstances would mean he's a nobody. But he's been leading incumbent
Democrat Pat Quinn in polls all summer, and could actually end up as the
state's next governor.
This is a problem, because he is even more out of touch with the middle
class than Mitt Romney (Rauner is a private equity near-billionaire) whose
idea of transparency is to release the first two pages of his 1040 tax
return for 2010-12, and nothing else. Romney at least release... more »
World War One ... historical stupidity that seemed like a good idea at the time

*I see that the Canadians are being brainwashed into thinking that World
War One was a great and glorious moment in Canadian history. You are being
told that Canadian soldiers died for Canada's 'freedom' during the First
World War ... to 'protect and preserve our nation'. Nonsense!!!*
*Any one with even a fleeting knowledge of history will struggle with this
interpretation of the pointless, meaningless conflict known as 'the First
World War'.*
*Stop any citizen on the street and ask them what the reason for the First
World War was ... and see if they know. Essentially, three Royal... more »
Call For Genocide Adds to Israel's Mounting Public Relations Problem

It's not like Israel has enough of a public relations problem with the
mounting "collateral damage" from Operation Protective Edge but when
moronic bloggers are openly calling for genocide it doesn't help the cause.
In a deranged screed that was published by The Times of Israel and then
rapidly removed after mounting outrage triggered by the ill-advised posting
by Yochanan Gordon. The piece also appeared on The Five Towns Jewish Times,
a Long Island based newspaper and website founded by his father. Both
rapidly sites issued apologies for the piece and should hang their heads in
... more »
Arabs not supporting Hamas?
Elan Journo observes that Arab regimes in the past “would pounce to vilify
Israel’s efforts at defending itself from Palestinian aggression, but
curiously, many have been quiet amid the Gaza war.”
Why so?
One explanation, sketched in this *New York Times* piece, is that the Arab
states view the Islamists of Hamas (whose patron is Iran) as a major
problem, a higher priority than their (unwarranted) enmity toward Israel.
If so, that implies these regimes understand the Islamist threat better
than many in the West.
An exception of course is , pointed out by the *Washington Times*, ... more »
Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- August 4, 2014
*Why Are So Many Civilians Dying In Hamas-Israel War? -- Ashley Fantz, CNN*
(CNN) -- Images from the conflict between Israel and Hamas depict apparent
civilians, innocent people caught in the middle. Often, the dead are
The Palestinian death toll in Gaza stands at more than 1,800, with nearly
10,000 wounded, Gaza's Health Ministry said Sunday. More than 300 children
have died, the ministry has reported, as the United Nations repeatedly
raises concerns about the high number of deaths in Gaza.
On the Israeli side, 64 Israeli soldiers and three civilians have died
since fi... more »

FTR 4 Excerpted from the One Step Beyond show of 8/18/96, this broadcast
highlights the possible use of genetically-engineered micro-organisms for
the purposes of biological warfare and genocide. Beginning with the
research of Doctors Garth and Nancy Nicolson, the program discusses an
(apparently) genetically mutated mycoplasma that figures prominently in the
mysterious "Gulf War Syndrome". This micro-organism has had a gene from the
HIV spliced into its genome, making it much more destructive. Most of the
segment focuses on the remarkable recent book Emerging Viruses - AIDS and
E... more »
"Refugee camps" in Kurdish/Iraq- Kurds request No-fly Buffer Zone & Armed US Assist
*I am having a bit of deja vu. Deja vu, as in, this seems somewhat
*Turkey plans refugee camps, in Kurdish held territory, in Iraq.*
The deja vu, for myself, and perhaps for long time readers here comes from
the fact that *Turkey built "refugee camps" *at it's border with Syria.
Those camps were only maybe a tiny bit for refugees. *Mostly those camps
served as a base of operations for NATO backed Islamist fighters to destroy
Since some in Turkey have already embedded themselves with the Kurds, there
is no need to build "refugee camps" for NATO backed ... more »
World News Briefs -- August 4, 2014 (Evening Edition)

Palestinians dig through the rubble of a building searching for bodies
after what police said was an Israeli air strike at Shati (Beach) refugee
camp in Gaza City August 4, 2014. Credit: REUTERS/Finbarr O'Reilly
*Israel And Hamas Agree To A 72 Hour Ceasefire -- BBC*
Israel and Palestinian groups including Hamas have agreed to a 72-hour
humanitarian truce in Gaza, officials and Egyptian mediators say.
The ceasefire will start at 08:00 local time (05:00 GMT) on Tuesday.
On Monday Israel held its own seven-hour "humanitarian window" in Gaza but
then resumed its military operations.
H... more »
The Medicine Man - Ebola, Project Coast and the Depopulation of Africa

Larry Ford was a regular at those gatherings, and the technology he handed
over that day, Bouwer chortled, could prove invaluable: a sampler of
virulent, designer strains of cholera, anthrax, botulism, plague, and
malaria, as well as a bacteria he claimed had been mutated to be *“pigment
specific.” “Kaffer-killing germs,” *Bouwer confided, using the derogatory
Afrikaans term for blacks. *“Dr. Ford has done my country a great service.”*
Anthrax War - Project Coast, Dr. David Kelly and the Ethnic Weapons Program
from Spike EP on Vimeo.
The Assassination of Dr. David Kelly of MI6 ... more »
Who writes this shit?
Reading the commentariat slagging off the shouting match Joyce v Robertson
on this weekend’s *The Nation* – the interview show that’s only shown at
the time when most decent people are either in bed being hungover, or at
least not spending their Sunday morning in front of a bloody television –
I headed over to the website to enjoy the blood sport, and stayed to lament
the idiocy.
The blood sport was ill described, purportedly a debate about “the wealth
of the nation” – Joyce and Robertson going “head-to-head on their parties'
prescriptions for prosperity.” It wasn’t that at all; ... more »
Iraq’s Religious Minorities Are Being Slaughtered By The Islamic State
*Iraq’s Religious Minorities Are Being Slaughtered And ISIS Just Captured
The Last Town Giving Them Shelter -- Andrew Slater, Daily Beast*
ISIS just captured the Iraqi town of Sinjar in the first major defeat of
Kurdish forces. Religious groups that had taken refuge there are in
imminent danger of being massacred.
In a major defeat for Kurdish forces the Iraqi town of Sinjar was captured
Sunday by the group known as ISIS, now calling itself the Islamic State.
This is the Kurds first major loss to ISIS and a catastrophe for the
religious minorities who had taken refuge in the area ... more »
After Fleeing Advancing Islamic State Forces Humiliated Kurdish Leaders Have Ordered Their Forces To launch A Counter-Offensive

Photograph: Guardian
*Humiliated Kurdish Leaders Order Counter-Strike Against Advancing Islamic
State Fighters -- The Telegraph*
Questions asked about Kurdish Peshmerga troops after extremist militants
execute lightening strike and send thousands fleeing for their lives.
Kurdish leaders ordered a major counter-offensive against Islamic State
fighters in northern Iraq yesterday after being humiliated by a lightning
Jihadist surge into their supposedly “safe” areas.
Tens of thousands of members of the region’s patchwork of minority groups
were said to be in flight in the deserts an... more »
Never A Good Sign: "My Men Are Brave And Honourable; Their Cause Is Holy"

Kaiser Wilhelm II allowed zeppelins to bomb Liège in Belgium in August,
1914, right at the beginning of WW I and soon the zeppelins were dropping
bombs on Paris as well, even damaging Notre Dame Cathedral. Willy was ok
with bombing English military installations and docks but forbade targeting
London in the fear that a bomb might hoot one of his royal relatives but by
1915 he was already being ignored by the military and they began a terror
bombing of London. Watch the video from documentary sources above. In all,
Britain suffered 1,413 civilian deaths and 3,409 injuries from the ... more »
The Economy: “Middle Class? What Middle Class?”
*“Middle Class? What Middle Class?”*
by Bill Bonner
“We have reached the age where we have to resist the urge to give unwanted
advice to younger people. Just this morning, a young woman was crossing the
street: "Hey, none of my business, but that's a dangerous place to cross.
The cars whip around the corner here... and they can't see you because of
the scaffolding." "Thanks," came the polite brush-off.
And now we are about to give you, dear reader, some advice. Not a stock
tip. Not a trade. Nope... This is advice about crossing the street, circa
2014. And this advice could be wort... more »
Why the Great War Was Not Stopped
A century on and the establishment are still soft-soaping it. So no Dave,
no. Britain didn't declare war against Germany for the sake of poor little
Belgium, the rights of small nations or for the defence of neutrality.
Those then groaning under the weight of our empire might have had a thing
or two to say about these matters after all. These were the good reasons.
The real reasons, which *did not* make war an inevitability, was acting to
prevent French and Belgian channel ports from becoming German naval bases,
and putting the Wilhelmine upstart back into its box. Cold, hard intere... more »
Iraq's Sunni Militants Are Seizing The Country's Major Dams
*Iraq’s Biggest Dam at Risk as Militants Battle for Control -- Bloomberg*
Kurdish security forces clashed with a breakaway al-Qaeda group that’s
trying to extend its conquests in northern Iraq by seizing the country’s
largest dam.
Fighting is raging near the Mosul dam, and it is a “no man’s land,” Sheikh
Ahmed Al-Simmari, a resident of the nearby city of Rabia’ah, said in a
phone interview. The Kurds have bolstered their forces around the area and
are preparing a counteroffensive to retake the Rabia’ah border post with
Syria and nearby towns, he said.
*Read more* ....
*More New... more »
Covert chemical warfare: 100,000 deaths a year

image source Jon Rappoport
Medical News Today reports that, in 2011, there was a modest uptick in the
number of prescriptions written in the US.
The increase brought the total to: 4.02 billion.
Yes, in 2011, doctors wrote 4.02 billion prescriptions for drugs in
That’s an average of roughly 13 prescriptions for each man, woman, and
That’s about one new prescription every month for every American.
The Medical News Today article concluded, “…the industry should be
heartened by the growth of the number of prescriptions and spending.” Yes,
I’m sure the drug in... more »
Defining Away Economic Failure

Anthony Freda Art
Paul Craig Roberts
Last week’s government guesstimate that second quarter 2014 real GDP growth
will be 4% seems nonsensical on its face. There is no evidence of increases
in real median family incomes or real consumer credit that would lift the
economy from a first quarter decline to 4% growth in the second quarter.
Middle class store closings (Sears, Macy’s, J.C. Penney) have spread into
the Dollar stores used by those with lower incomes. Family Dollar, a chain
in the process of closing hundreds of stores is being bought by Dollar
Tree, the only one of the th... more »
Doctor: ‘There’s Not Enough PANIC and Customers to Make an Ebola Vaccine’ — Oh Really?

Melissa Melton
A short two-minute video Bloomberg News uploaded to YouTube attempts to
explain why the world doesn’t already have a widely available Ebola vaccine.
(Trusting the ingredients of such a thing and whether or not you would
personally take it is another matter entirely, but hold on a second.)
What’s fascinating about this clip is what Dr. Ben Neuman, University of
Reading, says towards the end.
Neuman explains that because viruses easily mutate, “It’s not just one drug
we need for Ebola. We need a cocktail of drugs and perhaps a nice vaccine
that could be used.”
Hm.... more »
Luke Rudkowski Interviews David Icke About Consciousness

*We Are Change*
In this video Luke Rudkowski meets David Icke on the Isle of Wight to
continue their conversation from last year about consciousnesses and
*Be the Change! Donate Today!*
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We've had a bit of a readership spike today, specifically for the post
called Jeremy Bowen's Gaza notebook: "I saw no evidence of Hamas using
Palestinians as human shields", which quoted the BBC's Middle East Editor
saying just that in a *New Statesman* article.
This great interest has been generated by a rumour on social media:
BBC removed Jeremy Bowen from #Gaza for saying he had not seen any evidence
of #Hamas using civilians as humanshields
— Raajje News (@raajjenews) August 3, 2014
Soon the likes of Lauren Booth and Tariq Ramadan were tweeting their ... more »
Lyse, damned lies and dodgy statistics.

I bear Lyse Doucet no ill-will. I don’t feel any animosity towards her at
all. At one time I found her accent intriguing, and many years ago I
listened to a middle-of-the-night broadcast on radio 4, probably BBC World
service, about her background and Canadian origins and thought it was
Of course, since she’s been beating the anti-Israel trail, it is hard not
to find yourself disliking her. I mean when she slunk over to the side of
the street where the sun don’t shine, you had to wonder what went wrong.
Somewhere, somehow she lost sight of the investigate/inquire/ques... more »
Quote of the Day: Education Policy
"Today, education reformers increasingly view our children as fodder for
the engines
of economic productivity. Leaders of global corporations, education
"experts," and
political leaders, having lost sight of the true ends of education, promote
of curricula across the nation, validated by high-stakes testing. The time
has long
passed for us to recognize that these would-be emperors of the mind … wear
no clothes."
- Lenore Ealy, "Is Education Policy Economic Policy"
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at ih... more »
METRO | Alice Embree : A moving memorial for the victims of the UT Tower shootings
Whitman survivor Claire Wilson James said, ‘It was so important to me that
a student group organized this event, and that a younger generation is
carrying these stories forward.’ By Alice Embree | The Rag Blog | August 4,
2014 … finish reading *METRO* | Alice Embree : A moving memorial for the
victims of the UT Tower shootings
When is Ebola not Ebola? ... When it walks off an airplane
As I pressed the "publish" button on yesterdays Ebola article, I knew that
there were several more facts and pieces of information to bring to the
public's attention. Here is part II of
The Ebola Outbreak: The "Pandemic" that isn't.The more news articles I
read, the more blatant the lies and deception become. The main stream
media seems to of been caught in their tracks with their "Ebola is an
airborne (aerosol) virus" lies and are now quickly backtracking and setting
the record straight on that fact. The Associated Press released this
article on 5 things you need to know about t... more »
Who can rescue the Labour Party?
A wise man, not David Miliband who looks shocked that the BBC would allow
such an attack on their allies
Profiteers on the Move in MA to Expand Charters in 2016
From Lisa Guisbond at CPS:
Charter proponents may have been shocked to be handed a rare legislative
defeat, but they are not sitting back on the heels of their designer shoes.
The State House News Service reported this week that charter advocates "are
already eyeing the 2016 ballot" and "reaching out to supporters in the
business and education communities, as well as potential donors, to line up
the backing necessary to mount a ballot campaign."
The report also heralded the arrival in Boston of a new pro-charter school
player, called "Families for Excellent Schools," led by a Brookl... more »
TRUTH of Smoking and Tobacco benefits. Tobacco treats Ebola, has many medicinal properties and Good Health Properties
The Truth of tobacco and smoking. It is beneficial and it is a treatment
for Ebola. It is not beneficial to smoke commercial bought cigarettes as
they contain over 3000 additives with many of those being carcinogenic.
Smoking store bought cigarettes will cause someone to have cancer. But
smoking natural pure tobacco is something all together different and can be
very good for you health
U.S. Sent Youths From Latin America To Cuba To Stir A Revolt

*AP: Obama Administration Program Secretly Sent Young Latin Americans To
Cuba To Gin Up Rebellion -- CBS*
WASHINGTON — An Obama administration program secretly dispatched young
Latin Americans to Cuba using the cover of health and civic programs to
provoke political change, a clandestine operation that put those foreigners
in danger even after a U.S. contractor was hauled away to a Cuban jail.
Beginning as early as October 2009, a project overseen by the U.S. Agency
for International Development sent Venezuelan, Costa Rican and Peruvian
young people to Cuba in hopes of ginning up r... more »
Ukraine Civil War News Updates -- August 4, 2014

*Ukraine Crisis: Army 'Heading For Victory' - Defence Minister -- BBC*
Ukraine's defence minister has said his forces are gaining ground
significantly against rebels in the country's east.
Valeriy Heletey told the BBC there would be victory "very soon".
He blamed the rebels for the difficulties faced by international experts in
getting access to the MH17 crash site.
His remarks came as civilians in the east prepare for a siege as government
forces close in on the rebel-held cities of Donetsk and Luhansk.
Residents are stockpiling food and supplies and are sleeping in basements,
w... more »
Lebanese Army Continue To Battle Syrian Rebels Who Have Crossed The Border From Syria
*Lebanon's Military Battles Islamists on Syrian Border -- Voice of America*
Lebanese troops are battling Islamic militants near the Syrian border in a
third day of fierce clashes - the worst spillover of violence since Syria's
civil war broke out three years ago.
Lebanon's army reported Monday that at least 16 of its soldiers have been
killed in the fighting that erupted in the town of Arsal, while another 22
are missing. It said that advancing soldiers have found the bodies of 50
Hundreds of Lebanese civilians and Syrian refugees crammed into cars and
pickup trucks du... more »
The Secret to Amazing Clam Chowder

There is a restaurant where my dad grew up in Oregon that is known for
their clam chowder. Every summer when we would drive up to visit my
grandpa, we would stop for clam chowder. I was convinced there was nothing
in the world more disgusting and I refused to eat anything but crackers
every time we went. One summer, after watching my parents struggle to get
my to try just one bite, my grandpa took a new approach. He offered me $5
to try the soup, one bite turned into bowl after bowl and I have never
looked back. After trying clam chowder at just about every place I have
been that... more »
Hamas Video 'Shows-Off' Their Ghoul Sniper Rifle In Action (And With A '2km Range')
*Hamas Militant Video Shows Ghoul Sniper With '2km Range' -- The Telegraph*
A video released by Hamas, which cannot be independently verified, shows a
huge sniper which militants claim was made in Gaza
Hamas' armed wing has released footage of a home grown sniper rifle,
nicknamed Ghoul, which it is using to target Israeli soldiers.
The footage, which cannot be independently verified, shows what Hamas
claims is a 14.5mm caliber sniper rifle, with 2 km (1.2 mile) range. The
average range of a typical sniper rifle is just under 900 yards (800
A militant posing next to the ... more »
Campbell Brown Clip from Colbert Show
Campbell Brown has been named by George Schmidt to the Ann Coulter Chair of
Right Wing Punditry. Congrats, Campbell.
Below is George's commentary from *Substance News*.
George N. Schmidt - August 04, 2014
From one point of view, you could say that Campbell Brown just got a
promotion. From an obscure "reporter" at CNN, she has been elevated to what
Substance will call the "Ann Coulter Chair of Right Wing Punditry" in
American media. (See below for another version of this, based on 20th
Century history). One way or the other, four years after "Waiting for
Superman" and four years a... more »
Robert Reich And Stanley Chang Want To Solve One Of The Big Problems Endemic To Growing Inequality

The debate above on the topic: The Rich Are Taxed Enough-- Robert Reich and
Mark Zandi vs Glenn Hubbard and Arthur Laffer-- took place in 2012. At its
core, the question came down to whether or not the richest are paying their
fair share in taxes. (Spoiler: the audience vote showed a gargantuan win
for Reich and Zandi over the two clueless corporate stooges Hubbard and
Over the weekend, Reich did an interesting post, Work and Worth that almost
anyone who finds himself in a high-paid job contemplates at one time or
another. His assertion-- that "what someone is paid ha... more »
Israel - Hamas War News Updates -- August 4, 2014

*(Click on Image to Enlarge)*
*Netanyahu: Gaza Campaign Continues Until Calm Restored -- Voice of America*
Israel will not stop its military campaign in Gaza until long-term calm is
restored, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Monday, at the end of a
seven-hour humanitarian lull in fighting.
“The campaign in Gaza is continuing. This operation will only end when
quiet and security is established for the citizens of Israel for a
prolonged period," he said on a visit to the army's southern command.
Also Monday, in what appeared to be backlash against Israel’s offensive
against Ga... more »
The Kitchen Sink was Exposed

When I was five or six years old
I first became aware
there is a world and I
somehow are a part of it
My question then
and now is how do I join
will I be a participant
a sailor or a Capetian
a member of the Columbus tradition
as an astronaut,
or as a servant
even an incredibly elevated one
The man realizing that
basically told you
get back to factory
because for you astronomy
is a column in the
paper on Sunday
your fate is in the stars
Fate that is spelled
Sheeple, come on people
be alive
There is no magic force
that guided you to merry
the cheerleader at 23
and give your fortune ... more »
Stop killing people
talk of two-state solutions, displacement, borders, violent Zionism,
violent resistance, bombed schools, shelters, houses, kibbutzim, the
opinions of various persons both thoughtful and blinkered is maybe just a
little teeny tiny bit ahead of the game. The current war on Gaza, for
that's what it is, highlights the baseline condition for any peace:
Stop killing people.
Stop killing people.
Noam Chomsky - Information Clearing House - OUTRAGE
as ICH or Information Clearing House states in its front-page editorial,
"You ain't gonna hear this on CNN," and look who authored this
*Gaza-holocaust* article titled...
*OutrageBy Noam ChomskyAugust 03, 2014 "ICH" - Almost every day brings news
of awful crimes, but some are so heinous, so horrendous and malicious, that
they dwarf all else. One of those rare events took place on July 17, when
Malaysian Airlines MH17 was shot down in Eastern Ukraine, killing 298
*The Guardian of Virtue in the White House denounced it as an “outrage of
unspeakable proportions,” whic... more »
World News Briefs -- August 4, 2014

Israeli soldiers walk past tanks at a staging area near the border with
Gaza Strip August 4, 2014. Credit: REUTERS/Nir Elias
*Israel 'To Pursue Campaign' As Truce Ends -- BBC*
*Israel's prime minister has vowed the campaign in Gaza will continue
"until quiet and security are returned to the citizens of Israel".*
Benjamin Netanyahu issued the statement after Israel's seven-hour
"humanitarian window" for parts of Gaza closed.
The truce slowed violence in Gaza, although Palestinians said Israel broke
it by hitting a house in Gaza City.
Two attacks on Israelis were reported in Jerusal... more »
Im Feeling Intolerant Again
Last month I wrote a little screed about why I thought somebody's comment
was infuriatingly stupid. I called the piece: "Why I'm So Intolerant." (It
turns out that the guy who made the comment has said intelligent things on
other matters and that part of what he was saying was correct. It also
remains the case that a LOT of what he said in the comment was plain
I use the word "intolerant" because there is something about my writing
style that makes me appear intolerant of difference of opinion and even
broadly contemptuous of the intelligence of anyone who disagrees with me... more »

*Palestinian Child killed by U.S. made Israeli Navy missile on Gaza beach*
*"If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It
is normal; we have taken their country." - **David Ben-Gurion** (Polish
born Israeli Statesman and Prime Minister (1948-53, 1955-63). *
*Ode to a dead Palestinian child*
*Yesterday you were playing with your cousins **on this sandy Gaza beach.*
*You were playing soccer and you had just scored **a goal with your
makeshift cloth beach ball.*
*You knew there was danger on the beach but you could **not resist the
beach and the cool oc... more »
Congressman Massie: ‘Anger, Frustration, Embarrassment’ When Redacted Portion of 9/11 Report Is Released
Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY)
As reported by Joshua Cook:
Kentucky Republican Congressman Thomas Massie said that U.S. citizens
should have to right to read the 28 redacted pages from a report
investigating the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001.
Appearing on The Glenn Beck Program, he said there will be “anger,
frustration, and embarrassment when these 28 pages finally come out.”
Despite those negative emotions, Massie is fighting for the document’s
As reported previously on, Massie, Walter Jones (R-NC) and
Stephen F. Lynch (D-MA) are sponsoring ... more »
James Heckman’s Research Argues Against Test-Driven Accountability
The Myth of Achievement Tests, by James Heckman, John Eric Humphries, and
Tim Kautz is more than a meticulous work of social science. It also is an
objective, but hard-hitting, analysis of the testing that has driven school
reform, and a warning about the unintended harm done by ill-conceived
policies. One of the best things […]
Netanyahu's Big Lie
History is full of ugly ironies. Among the ugliest is the Netanyahu
government's use of the Big Lie to justify what is happening in Gaza. Chris
Hedges writes that, while covering the Israeli-Palestinian conflict:
I saw small boys baited and killed by Israeli soldiers in the Gaza refugee
camp of Khan Younis. The soldiers swore at the boys in Arabic over the
loudspeakers of their armored jeep. The boys, about 10 years old, then
threw stones at an Israeli vehicle and the soldier... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- August 4, 2014

Image from VOX
*Analysis: Israel Underestimates Hamas' Asymmetrical Tactics -- Barbara
Opall-Rome, Defense News*
*Tunnels Support Attrition War By Far Inferior, Mini Force*
TEL AVIV — Amid mounting casualties and mutual recriminations over the
sixth failed ceasefire in their ongoing war, Israel and Hamas continued
late last week to battle on parallel fronts: under the sands of Gaza and in
the court of public opinion.
It’s a battle of competing narratives — a protracted race for the public
support and perceived victory needed to deter the other side from the next
round of fighting... more »
A total of 438 soldiers, including 164 Ukrainian border guards have been
allowed to cross into Russia on Sunday night after they requested
Previously hundreds of Kiev's soldiers have crossed into Russia - not
wanting to kill their own citizens in the civil conflict being encouraged,
funded, and directed by the US-NATO war machine.
Vineyard of the Saker writes today:
There is also information that among those who did not surrender there are
Polish mercenaries, which essentially explains the stubbornness of the
resistance (a serious international scandal is possible).
Musical Interlude: Medwyn Goodall, “Vision Quest”
Medwyn Goodall, “Vision Quest”
We’re All Criminals and Outlaws in the Eyes of the American Police State

Anthony Freda Art John W. Whitehead
“Never in the civilised world have so many been locked up for so
little.”—“Rough Justice in America,” The Economist
Why are we seeing such an uptick in Americans being arrested for such
absurd “violations” as letting their kids play at a park unsupervised,
collecting rainwater and snow runoff on their own property, growing
vegetables in their yard, and holding Bible studies in their living room?
Mind you, we’re not talking tickets or fines or even warnings being issued
to these so-called “lawbreakers.” We’re talking felony charges, handcuffs, ... more »
Depraved Diplomacy
Just when you thought the official depravity couldn't get any worse, it
gets mind-numbingly worse:
*WASHINGTON (AP) -- An Obama administration program secretly dispatched
young Latin Americans to Cuba using the cover of health and civic programs
to provoke political change, a clandestine operation that put those
foreigners in danger even after a U.S. contractor was hauled away to a
Cuban jail.*
*Beginning as early as October 2009, a project overseen by the U.S. Agency
for International Development sent Venezuelan, Costa Rican and Peruvian
young people to Cuba in hopes of ginning ... more »
Stay inside, hide under the bed and play video games
*Because life is just too dangerous to live!*
By Capt. Fogg
Really, this is the safest time to live in the United states there has ever
been and I'm guessing that's true of the civilized, "first-world" in
general. Your kids are more likely to grow up big and strong and to live
longer than you do just as you're likely to live twice as long as folks did
a hundred or so years ago, but you'd never know it to listen and to read
and to feel the mood of America.
Have you seen the recent car commercials where the distracted young mother
with child in the back seat ( kids can't ride in the... more »
The Holy Land Is Crying Out
Free the Holy Land Five!
This is a track from David Rovics album, Meanwhile In Afghanistan, which
can be downloaded for free or by donation here:…tan/new-album.php
The Holy Land Five are still in U.S. prison for feeding helpless
Palestinians. David Rovics sings about them: I love this song, David Rovics!
"The Holy Land is crying out, leaving little room for doubt; from ruined
homes, the kids ask you--what in the world will you do?" ~Cynthia McKinney
*You can visit our Gaza article archive here. *
*Poll: Does the United States' support of ... more »
*Saints Monday Brief ~Ramon Antonio Vargas *
*Fire out at Diamond Green Diesel plant in Norco *
*Community Panel Wants Local Jobs From New Airport Terminal Project ~Eileen
Fleming, WWNO*
*Bayou Corne Waiting to start anew ~David J. Mitchell, The Advocate*
*Waters closed for over 4 years reopen to commercial, recreational fishing
*BP files appeal of settlement to U.S. Supreme Court ~David Hammer, WWL*
The spin about the 438 deserted Ukrainian troops
Lots of dramatic and worrisome events keep on taking place in Ukraine.
A million of users saw the monologue by Bogdan Butkevich, a pro-Kiev
journalist and a self-described musician, who said (months ago) that people
like him knew what the Ukrainian national interests were and 1.5 million
people in the Donetsk region (probably referring to all the ethnic
Russians) were "useless people" who needed to be killed. "Gentlemen" like
this one define the contemporary political mainstream in Ukraine.
Meanwhile, four days ago, the Donetsk People's Republic's minister of
defense, Igor Strelkov,... more »
Are Russia's Oligarchs Putting Pressure On Putin Because Of Sanctions?

Gennady Timchenko (RIA Novosti/Vladimir Fedorenko)
*‘No Compromise’: Big Business Won’t Pressure Putin Over Sanctions -- RT*
The big Russian businesses hurt by Western sanctions against Russia won’t
even think about putting pressure on President Putin, because the interests
of the state are at stake in the conflict, says a reputed presidential
‘inner circle’ figure.
“This is out of the question,” Gennady Timchenko, who is one of the few
Russian businessmen personally targeted by the US-championed sanctions,
“In any situation Putin is guided by the interests of Russ... more »
Russia Begins New Military Exercises Near The Border With Ukraine
*Russia Staging Military Exercises Near Ukraine: Interfax -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Russia announced new military exercises involving bombers and
fighter jets on Monday in a show of strength near the border with Ukraine.
An air force spokesman was quoted by Interfax news agency as saying more
than 100 planes and helicopters would take part in the manoeuvres from
Monday until Friday in its central and western districts.
The spokesman, Igor Klimov, said the exercises were the first in a series
to improve coordination in the military and made no mention of Ukraine,
where pro-Russian re... more »
August interlude: Postcard from Maine!
*MONDAY, AUGUST 4, 2014*
*Service a bit interruptus:* We've been whisked away by overnight train to
sojourn with family from distant parts here in the southernmost part of
With apologies, this is a special event. Making their first-ever North
American appearances:
A 7-month-old great nephew, live and direct from Dublin (with his parents).
Also, and a bit more magically, given relations between the two countries:
The 16-year-old daughter of our niece's husband, live and direct from
Also present, but old hat: Two great nieces, ages 2 and 8!
(They've embedded thems... more »
Kerith Strano Taylor Wants To Work For Us-- And There's No Doubt She Would Do A Better Job Than Rep. Glenn Thompson (R-PA)

As you probably know, Alan Grayson, a congressman who never sells out or
bargains away the legitimate rights of working families, has been the most
successful Member of Congress in terms of bringing both parties together in
moving sensible, bipartisan legislation. Friday I spoke with a progressive
candidate in a pretty red Pennsylvania district, Kerith Strano Taylor and
her approach to working across party lines reminded me of the way Grayson
does it. She won the Democratic primary for PA-05, a district currently
represented by a garden variety, lockstep backbencher with no influen... more »
Hundreds Of Ukrainian Troops Have Deserted Their Posts And Defected To Russia
*Over 400 Ukrainian Troops Cross Into Russia For Refuge -- RT*
More than 400 Ukrainian troops have been allowed to cross into Russia after
requesting sanctuary. It’s the largest, but not the first, case of
desertion into Russia by Ukrainian soldiers involved in Kiev’s military
crackdown in the east of the country.
According to the Rostov Region’s border guard spokesman Vasily Malaev, a
total of 438 soldiers, including 164 Ukrainian border guards, have been
allowed into Russia on Sunday night.
One of the Ukrainians was seriously injured on his arrival in Russia. He
was taken to th... more »
A Look At Hamas's Top Political Leader And The Man Who Heads Hamas’s Military Wing
*CNN Exclusive: Inside The Mind Of Hamas' Political Leader -- Holly Yan,
Steve Almasy, and Ali Younes, CNN*
Doha, Qatar (CNN) -- As fighting rages between Israel and Hamas militants
in Gaza, Hamas' political leader, who lives in Qatar, sat down with CNN for
an exclusive interview.
Khaled Meshaal, a 58-year-old former teacher, has had the role since 2004,
after Hamas' then-leader, Abdel Aziz al-Rantissi, was killed in an Israeli
Meshaal is known as Hamas' external deal-maker, raising money from
supporters in the region.
He spoke with CNN's Nic Robertson. Here are highl... more »
*To keep grads solvent, take middleman out of student loans*
The mounting student debt crisis could cause serious economic damage to the
United States. Rising college costs and declining financial aid at both
state and federal levels have significantly contributed to the problem. A
good deal of responsibility, however, belongs to the financial institutions
that service federal student loans, according to a new report.
Millions of students use loans underwritten by the Treasury Department and
granted by the Department of Education to help make college a reality. Once
the loan is app... more »
Tangle-Free Cord Organization

“This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with
Pollinate Media Group® and Sharpie, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #SharpieBTS”
I swear every house has one. You know what I am talking about, that crazy
box or drawer that is a tangled mess full of cords. Every time you need to
look for a cord you grumble under your breath because you are going to have
to go through that entire mess to find the right one. Even if you find the
cord easily, the next step is trying to get it untangled from all of the
other crazy cords in the p... more »
Gaza attack: 'We were striking a legitimate target' - video
*Israel spokesman Mark Regev says an airstrike on a school in Gaza, which
killed ten people, was targeted by Hamas terrorists and his government is
investigating why civilians died.*
*You can visit our Gaza article archive here. *
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Boycott of Israel Spreads in European Civil Society Over Gaza War, Could Cost $5 Bn/Yr

By Juan Cole
*This post originally ran on Juan Cole’s Web page.*
The ill-considered and remarkably brutal Gaza war likely will give further
impetus to the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement by Western civil
society to pressure Israel on its illegal actions toward the Palestinians.
A thoroughgoing such European set of sanctions could cost Israel as much as
$5 bn a year and more. Roughly a third of Israeli trade is with Europe,
and the EU is Israel’s largest single trading partner.
Unite, the largest British trade union, has now resolved to campaign f... more »
Musical Interlude: Jason Mraz, “I Won't Give Up”
Jason Mraz, “I Won't Give Up”
"What Is Right and What Is Wrong..."
“Each man must for himself alone decide what is right and what is wrong,
which course is patriotic and which isn’t. You cannot shirk this and be a
To decide against your conviction is to be an unqualified and inexcusable
both to yourself and to your country, let them label you as they may.”
– Mark Twain
Obama's jibber jabber on Russia and the debunking of same ......
Moon debunks Obama jibber jabber on Russia .....
August 03, 2014
Obama's Russia Policies Are Based On Ignorance, Illusions
Obama's Russia policies are based on ignorance and driven by illusions:
President Barack Obama dismissed Russia as a nation that "*doesn't make
anything*" and said in an interview with the Economist magazine that the
West needs to be "pretty firm" with China as Beijing pushes to expand its
role in the world economy.
*"Immigrants aren't rushing to Moscow* in search of opportunity. The* life
expectancy of the Russian male is around 60 years* old. The *populatio... more »
Eat This Obama: Will Russia Ban McDonalds?

Despite months of sanctions applied by the Obama regime and it's EU
lapdogs against Russia over the alleged arming of rebels fighting the US
puppet government in Kiev, the bear is biting back. In a symbolic shot
after last week's latest round of idiotic economic warfare waged by Barry
and the boys, the Putin regime is retaliating by going after the iconic
American 800 pound gorilla of fast food that is McDonalds. In a Bloomberg
piece from last week entitled "Russia Eyes Banning U.S. Chicken And Some
European Fruit" it was stated that in addition to American poultry imports
that t... more »
Republicans Circle Wagons to Defend Torture

Most defenders of torture, which is prohibited under the Geneva Conventions are
Republicans. This is sad as well as indicative of a deep, self-destructive
streak that is going to continue to cost them elections at the national
level. The time has never been more right for a serious alternative to to
the ongoing wars, mass-surveillance, trampling of the Constitution and
redistributing wealth into the military-security industrial complex. This
is why so many are terrified of Kentucky Senator Rand Paul's increasing
popularity within the party. He at least seems to represent a clean ... more »
Thoughts on how Ukraine might have shot down MH 17 !
Saker offers his thoughts on MH 17....
Just the baseless hypothesis of an uninformed amateur, nothing more
First, a disclaimer: I am not a pilot nor an air traffic controller, and I
never served with air defense units. I did spend some time with an
airforce, but my role was one of electronic intercept analysis. So what
follows are just the musings of an uninformed amateur. *Caveat emptor*.
What I will try to do here is present a possible scenario which takes into
account the basic facts established so far. Here goes:
The plan was for the Ukies to shoot down the MH17 using a to... more »
US slowly unfolding nuclear disaster ( August 4 , 2014 ) -- Lab Director: Expect radiation spikes coming from US nuclear facility — Gov’t pays for more air monitors to see impact on populated areas — DOE warns of ‘ignitability’ of 368 containers at site; “Significant fire risk” — Top Official: Material at WIPP “just disintegrated… got very hot, very quickly” ........
of Energy – Carlsbad, NM Field Office (pdf), July 30, 2014: The
purpose of this letter is to provide you [New Mexico Environmental
written notice that the Department of Energy [is] provisionally applying
EPA Hazardous Waste Number (code) D001** for the characteristic of
ignitability to some nitrate salt bearing waste containers that have
disposed at the WIPP f... more »
Daniel in the lion's den

The Today programme announced (several times) that “another strike” had
been made by “Israel” on a UN school.
The strike they were referring to was the one that happened yesterday and
was, yesterday, thoroughly reported and documented on the air. Reported,
condemned, explained, condemned.
Was it a tiny bit misleading to keep announcing it as “another” strike,
leaving the impression that there has now been an additional strike? Was it
‘another’ example of the BBC’s mischief-making? Never mind that for now.
Let’s call it disputed territory.
Jon Donnison’s report had also been shown... more »
Status Quo & A Broader Vision - A Guest Post by Michael Brine
[image: courage-be-yourself]
Status Quo & Broader Vision.
This article is designed to have us take a deeper look at the world in
which we have been raised. To assist us in taking a more objective look at
what is happening in the world around us and in which we are inexorably
By gaining a broader vision we can collectively affect the outcome which
for this writer, given our present course, is not too uplifting! We have
the power to create change. Will we be able to rise to this challenge? Here
then is the challenge facing us, but not only us, but all life, human and
the... more »
"No Bravery"
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) — "Israel withdrew most of its ground troops
from the Gaza Strip on Sunday in an apparent winding down of the nearly
month long operation against Hamas that has left more than *1,800
Palestinians* and more than 60 Israelis dead. Even as Israel said it was
close to completing its mission, heavy fighting raged in parts of Gaza,
with at least 10 people killed in what U.N. and Palestinian officials said
was an Israeli airstrike near a U.N. shelter. The United States lashed out
at Israel, saying it was "appalled" by the "disgraceful" attack.”
- http://www.huffi... more »
Ridge Racer Type 4 for the PlayStation
It's not news that the fifth generation of consoles left a legacy of some
truly ugly games. Something like the first iteration of *Tomb Raider* on
the PlayStation or Sega Saturn looks rank by today's standards. Back then
it was very well-received and appreciated as a technical achievement, but
no one ever thought the game was pretty. Such is the lot of the three
dimensional games that appeared on said systems and its contemporary, the
Nintendo 64. They were to 3D what the old Atari 2600 was to two dimensional
gaming. Great to play, grim to look at.
Granted there were a few that lo... more »
Doctor: ‘There’s Not Enough PANIC and Customers to Make an Ebola Vaccine’ — Oh Really?
Doctor: ‘There’s Not Enough PANIC and Customers to Make an Ebola Vaccine’ —
Oh Really?
Melissa Melton
The Daily Sheeple
August 3rd, 2014
A short two-minute video Bloomberg News uploaded to YouTube attempts to
explain why the world doesn’t already have a widely available Ebola vaccine.
(Trusting the ingredients of such a thing and whether or not you would
personally take it is another matter entirely, but hold on a second.)
What’s fascinating about this clip is wha... more »
“You Only Need To Be A Human To Stand With Gaza”
*“You Only Need To Be A Human To Stand With Gaza”*
by Abby Zimet
“The mind reels. Another atrocity in Gaza: Israel just hit its sixth U.N.
school sheltering displaced Palestinians, this time in Rafah, killing at
least 10 in what U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called "a moral outrage
and a criminal act." There have been so many, too many to bear. Again, the
only succor comes from the courage of those bearing witness: Among them, UN
spokesman Chris Gunness, who broke down sobbing on air; Naomi Wolf, ceaselessly
reporting, and now adding poems of grief and peace; other journalists ... more »
"Apathy And Evil..."
"Apathy and evil. The two work hand in hand. They are the same, really...
Evil wills it. Apathy allows it. Evil hates the innocent and the
defenseless most of all. Apathy doesn't care as long as it's not personally
- Jake Thoene, “Shaiton's Fire”
Two Pallywood duds in one day! - Thomas Wictor
When watching the BBC or Channel 4 coverage of the Israel Hamas conflict,
you really shouldn't believe everything they say.
Read this for some
excellent examples.
Nato to strengthen military exercises after Russia 'aggression'

[image: NATO flag]Nato chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen has said the
transatlantic military alliance will draw up new defence plans following
Russia's "aggression" in Ukraine.
In an interview with French regional newspaper Midi Libre, published Sunday
(4 August), he said that “Russia's aggression was a warning and created a
new security situation in Europe.”
"We will strengthen military exercises and prepare new defence plans," he
said, reports AFP.
Read more
Engine rejig to cut Su-30 burnouts

[image: Su-30MKI Flanker]IAF’s frontline fighter jet Sukhoi-30MKI will be
modified under new specifications laid down by its Russian manufacturers to
fix mid-air engine trouble in its fleet.
The move comes after the IAF faced an unusually high number of mid-air
engine failures over the past two years (January 2102 onwards) and asked
the Russians to rectify the problem in the fighter jet. The Tribune had
highlighted this in its July 21 report.
The IAF has a fleet of 200 Sukhoi aircraft and another 72 are on their way
from Moscow.
Read more
Rs 30,000 crore India-France missile development plan in troubled waters

[image: Akash SAM]India-France proposed joint venture expected to be worth
around Rs 30,000 crore to develop short range air defence missiles seems to
have run into rough weather as Indian Air Force feels that its requirements
could be met by indigenous Akash surface-to-air missile weapon system.
The proposed joint venture is planned between DRDO and the French missile
manufacturer MBDA under which they were planning to produce short-range
surface-to-air missile (SR-SAM) systems for the Indian Air Force for the
Maitri programme.
The Akash air defence missile system has already been ... more »
BrahMos missile can be exported to Southeast Asian, Latin American nations

[image: BrahMos supersonic cruise missile]In line with Prime Minister
Narendra Modi's vision to export defence hardware, supersonic cruise
missile manufacturer BrahMos Aerospace has said that South-East Asian and
Latin American countries have shown interest in acquiring the 290-km range
weapon system and it is possible to export the missile to certain friendly
"Several South-East-Asian and Latin American countries want the BrahMos,
expressed interest in it, particularly for the naval and coastal defence
versions. A definite list of such countries already exists. We are
pr... more »
Why Israel Is Not Trying To Destroy Hamas

Smoke: The aftermath of a reported Israeli air strike today in Rafah, which
has been pummeled by the military for days in the escalating Gaza conflict
*Senior IDF Official: We Could've Taken Down Hamas In 10 Days -- YNet News*
Army says Hamas was left in power so that one organization could be held
accountable for terrorist attacks coming from Gaza.
The IDF did not take over the Gaza Strip or worked to completely destroy
Hamas in order to leave an organization in power that would have to answer
for terrorism in the Strip, a senior IDF source said on Sunday.
"There's an Israeli int... more »
Speculation - conspiracy - is this a WAR WORLD or a FREE PLANET?

if War World vs Free Planet were a football game, the scores would be:
Free Planet 2 – War World 2
and by that I mean, two of the Free Planet novels and two of the War World
novels have been written, edited and published by Chimericana Books. Each
book is between 66,000 and 88,000 words, so if these trilogies were to
published as one fat paperback each be a whopping 700-page 200,000+ words
paperback, which is a nice thought.
Here are the scores on the doors so far, converted into relevant Amazon
links, click the title below if you're keen on sampling the madness.
-... more »
Ukrainian fighter jet downed by eastern insurgents

[image: Su-25 wreckage]The self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR)
said Sunday they confirmed shooting down a Ukrainian Su-25 fighter jet.
The jet was found between the towns of Yenakiyevo and Makiivka in Donetsk
Region, the RIA Novosti news agency quoted spokesman of the DPR as saying,
adding that the search for the pilot is ongoing.
The Su-25 was allegedly shot down on Saturday, but the militia could not
confirm it until they found the downed plane.
Read more
Pakistan diverted US aid to fight India: Ronald Neumann, Ex-envoy

[image: P-3C Orion]Pakistan diverted most of the military aid it received
from the US for counter-terror to fight against India, a former American
ambassador to Afghanistan has alleged Ronald Neumann, former US envoy to
Kabul's remarks came while testifying before a Congressional Committee.
He said that most of the military aid to Pakistan never went to
counterinsurgency and it went to buying equipment to fight India, post
Pakistan had received $20.7 billion worth of US assistance over the past
decade, about two-thirds of it was military aid.
Read more
INS Sindhurakshak CO likely to face court martial

[image: INS Sindhurakshak]The commanding officer of INS Sindhurakshak is
likely to be tried by a court martial for alleged lapses that led to the
sinking of the Russian-made Kilo-class submarine last year with 18
personnel onboard.
A navy source said the warship’s captain would face disciplinary action for
fatal lapses in safety that led to the sinking of the 2,300-tonne
fully-armed boat at a Mumbai harbour on August 14, 2013, barely seven
months after it had undergone a Rs. 815-crore upgrade in Russia.
The punishment could range from loss of seniority, retirement benefits and
even... more »
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