English: Veterinary students from the United States and Canada learn about veterinary contributions to public health at "Veterinary Student Day" at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on April 15, 2006. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
English: Logo of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an agency within the United States Department of Health and Human Services. White on blue background with white rays but no white "burst". No detailed wording. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
USA Partisan
Actor Rob Schneider has obtained copies of CDC cover-up documents, urges
The CDC whistleblower story is exploding, and despite the best efforts of the mainstream media to maintain8 hrs ago -
AZ’s Pro-Common Core Incumbent Loses By A Landslide
Pro-Common Core official John Huppenthal, Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction, has been defeated8 hrs ago -
A psychologist’s scathing review of John Cook’s ‘97% consensus’ nonsensus
The Cook et al 97% paper included a bunch of psychology studies, marketing papers, and surveys of the8 hrs ago
SGTreport - The Corporate Propaganda Antidote - Silver, Gold, Truth, Liberty, & Freedom
The Wages-Fuel-Demand Fallacy
from Gold Money : In recent months talking heads, disappointed with the lack of economic recovery, have27 mins ago -
Report: Pentagon Forced Military Gear On Police Departments
by Steve Watson, infowars : Following scrutiny surrounding the Ferguson uprising earlier this month47 mins ago -
The End of the “Gun Control” Bull Market
by Greg Guenthner, Daily Reckoning.com : Just call it “peak gun”… Yes, the gun bubble is finally1 hr ago
Black Agenda Report
To Zombie Civil Rights Organizations: Don't Like Being Called Sellouts?
by BAR managing editor Bruce A. Dixon An August 11 letter published by Rev. Jesse L. Jackson in theAugust 27, 2014 -
Black Folks are Going Nowhere Until We Discard the Misleadership Class
by BAR executive editor Glen Ford The movement in Ferguson has, once again, showed that the BlackAugust 27, 2014 -
Freedom Rider: Van Jones and Charles Blow Absolve White America
by BAR editor and senior columnist Margaret Kimberley U.S. corporate media have made it easy toAugust 27, 2014
Azzaman English
Iraqi planes evacuate starving children from besieged town
By Mazen Abdulhameed Azzaman, August 29, 2014 Iraqi air force planes are defying Jihadists of the Islamic12 hrs ago -
Turkey biggest beneficiary of Islamic State’s oil smuggling
By Nidhal al-Laithi Azzaman, August 28, 2014 The Islamic State (IS) cashes in on the smuggling of Iraqi andAugust 28, 2014 -
Iraqi forces ‘gearing up’ to retake Mosul from Islamic state
By Mohammed al-Salehi Azzaman, August 27, 2014 Iraqi troops and allied Sunni tribal leaders are on theirAugust 27, 2014
Community Press Group
New Beginnings for Live Pulse News and Awake Radio TV
From the 1st September 2014 the CPG site will be moving to it’s new permanent homeAugust 19, 2014 -
Guernsey Press Agrees to Cover-Up
At the start of his tenure as editor of the Guernsey Press in June, Shaun Green promised to get to theAugust 19, 2014 -
The Rise of the Unarmed Warrior – Using the Tool of Failure.
On hearing the word ‘failure’ one instinctively links the word to loss, setback, guilt, shame, and a hostAugust 18, 2014
Norway Undermines, Pushes Mass Immigration on Hungary
"Tensions between Norway and Hungary escalated after the Nordic country on Thursday asked the EU to -
Hungary's Orban Bashes Liberal Immigration Policy
Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban on Monday lashed out against immigration, setting one of the main
RSS Feed
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Climate Resistance
Does the UK Need Another Climate ‘Unit’?
Imagine that you are a journalist — it’s not hard to do — in need of some information13 hrs ago -
How ‘Stupid’ Spreads
The last post here noted that there was more than coincidence to environmentalism’s ascendency andAugust 21, 2014 -
Environmentalism & Mediocrity
This blog has long argued that one of the forces driving environmentalism’s ascendency is mediocrity,August 10, 2014
The Daily Bell RSS News Feed
The Regulatory Attack on US Business Is Not the Real Problem
The Economist magazine has decided a major problem with the US economy is that its largest multinational22 hrs ago -
The EU Eats Itself
Even though half of Europe seems to be standing in breadlines, Eurocrats have other concerns. They keep22 hrs ago -
Bloomberg Shock Economics Is Storytelling Not Science
Bloomberg's Noah Smith is back with an editorial explaining that even though economics isn't aAugust 28, 2014
AboveTopSecret.com Top Topics
Next Level BS: Episode 0.1: Mainstream Media, Cyber Security, Pedophiles
In this episode we hit all of the mainstream media head-on with their BS deflective coverage of the eventsAugust 28, 2014 -
The Genetic Language: The Old, Old Testament. (44 flags)
There are 22 codon types in the human genome: Start Stop Plus 20 different proteins. There areAugust 27, 2014 -
Ebola Mutating: Sustained H2H Transmission (33 flags)
The research was done at Kenema Government Hospital in Sierra Leone, at the laboratory where USAMRIID was13 hrs ago
Accuracy In Academia
DNA Tracking a Reality for U.S. Government
Do you think the NSA surveillance issue is bad? Wait until you hear about the U.S. government’s DNA6 hrs ago -
The Feds’ Charter School Supervision
Charter schools are gaining momentum, and a recently-passed bill in the House of Representatives will helpAugust 28, 2014 -
Common Core Defeats Pile Up
Common Core, as it is known to the American public, has seen significant setbacks in recent months asAugust 27, 2014
NATO: Russia supplying Ukraine rebels tanks
NATO chief says Moscow has continued giving pro-Kremlin rebels military aid, including rocket launchers and11 hrs ago -
Taliban storm Afghan intelligence base
At least six people reported dead as fighters attack Jalalabad headquarters with huge car bomb and gun1 hr ago -
Ebola: Senegal confirms first case of virus
Dakar says patient had travelled from Guinea before falling ill, as virus spreads to fifth west African1 hr ago
AllThingsD » Walt Mossberg
Top Products in Two Decades of Tech Reviews
This is my last column for The Wall Street Journal, after 22 years of reviewing consumer technologyDecember 17, 2013 -
Diabetes Data Beamed to Your Phone
Home medical devices, as opposed to fitness products like activity-measuring wrist bands, have too oftenDecember 10, 2013 -
Two Houses, One Cable TV Bill
Q: I have a vacation home and I am paying for cable service at two houses. Is there a practical way toDecember 10, 2013
altahrir, news of Islam, Muslims, Arab Spring and special Palestine
Syrian exodus reaches 3 million – UN
The United Nations says reports of “increasingly horrifying conditions” inside Syria are to blame6 hrs ago -
Syrian Army Kills Large Number of ISIL Commanders in Deir Ezour
The Syrian army killed large number of ISIL commanders, including a dissident officer, called “6 hrs ago -
Why US Air Strikes in Syria Would Damage But Not Destroy ISIS
As President Barack Obama mulls widening strikes against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria ( ISIS ) from6 hrs ago
Animal Emotions
Dogs: Do They Really "Play Dumb" For Us?
Do dogs really dumb down to please us? Despite claims that they do, this sweeping conclusion is prematureAugust 24, 2014 -
Birds and Us: Should Cormorants Be Killed to Save Salmon?
Two recent essays and an excellent book highlight how we view these magnificent animals and why birds andAugust 22, 2014 -
Sperm: Group Living Swimmers Come Together and Arrive Early
Group living sperm, when compared to single sperm, swim in a straighter line in a promiscuous species ofAugust 21, 2014
Arms Control Now: The Blog of the Arms Control Association
Huge Advance in Chemical Weapons Arms Control
The MV Cape Ray at Portsmouth, Virginia. By Greg Thielmann It was exactly one year ago that SyrianAugust 21, 2014 -
The Next Two Weeks Ahead, August 17-30: IAEA Amano Visits Iran; GGE on FMCT
The following are some of the key arms control dates and developments to watch over the next two weeksAugust 18, 2014 -
The Time is Now For Countries to Discuss Autonomous Weapons Systems
The SGR-A1, developed for the North/South Korea border, can in theory fire a gun without human interventionAugust 13, 2014
Australian Climate Madness
No amount of appeasement is ever enough
So in other words, why bother? Hizb ut-Tahrir’s verdict on attempts by the Abbott government toAugust 27, 2014 -
Muslim leaders ‘denounce’ anti-terror laws
Now there’s a surprise. Muslim leaders ‘denounce’ anti-terror lawsAugust 20, 2014 -
Islamic leaders rush to take offence
Any imagined slight by the filthy kafir is enough to send the Islamic leaders flouncing off: True ColoursAugust 19, 2014
BBC News - Home
EU mulls fresh response to Russia
EU leaders are to meet in Brussels to consider how to respond to Russia following accusations that its16 mins ago -
Jews 'forced' from Guatemala village
Some 230 members of an Orthodox Jewish group begin leaving a village in western Guatemala after a bitter2 hrs ago -
Texas abortion provisions struck down
A US judge strikes down part of a Texas abortion law that would have closed more than a dozen clinics.3 hrs ago
BBC News - England
Abuse force failings 'laid bare'
The police force at the centre of the Rotherham child abuse scandal admits a report has laid bare its13 hrs ago -
Missing boy's 'life is in danger'
The health of a five-year-old boy taken from hospital by his parents against medical advice will11 hrs ago -
George Galloway attacked on street
George Galloway has been taken to hospital with a suspected broken jaw after he was attacked on a London2 hrs ago
That others may live
IT IS a solemn custom in science to mark the names of collaborators who pass away during the course of an11 hrs ago -
Thou shalt not kill, in theory
THE street protests in Ferguson, Missouri have been met with a range of so-called non-lethal weaponryAugust 28, 2014 -
Divining reality from the hype
Audio and Video content on Economist.com requires a browser that can handle iFrames. OVER the past fewAugust 27, 2014
Radley Balko
These 13 People Were Killed By The War On Drugs. Their Lives Were The Cost
This story was first published in April 2013. America's long drug war has produced countlessApril 18, 2014 -
An Interview With Sam Dalton, Now In His Seventh Decade Of Criminal Defense
The year 2013 marked the 50th anniversary of two landmark Supreme Court cases in criminal defense law. InDecember 30, 2013 -
Militarizing Santa Claus
A couple years ago, I wrote a story about efforts by citizens in the town of Keane, New Hampshire, to blockDecember 27, 2013
Bartholomew's Notes on Religion
FBI Files On Paul Crouch Prompt Sensationalised Reports
Muckrock has posted FBI files relating to the late televangelist Paul Crouch: Requested by long-timeAugust 28, 2014 -
WND Finds Another Gaza “Miracle” Claim
From WND again : ISRAELI SOLDIER TESTIFIES TO MIRACLE IN GAZA One of the many Israeli soldiers whoAugust 24, 2014 -
Rick Joyner Warns of Global Pandemic: Advises Buying Water Filter that also
From Right Wing Watch : On today’s “Prophetic Perspective on Current Events” broadcastAugust 22, 2014
Beyond Meds
The war on grief
by Robert D. Stolorow The DSM5, the most recent version of psychiatry’s diagnostic bible, makes it possible26 mins ago -
The middle way to eating (intuitive eating) #foodie friday
I've not read the below book, but I like the way it's talking about food, because although I've16 hrs ago -
A way to be on this earth and not shy away from the pain
Wow. Just wow! A wave of gratitude arriving on the shores of a radical earth based faith that is lived, aAugust 28, 2014
Biased BBC
Oh Dear, What a Shame
Absolutely nothing to do with BBC bias…..just some appalling examples of4 hrs ago -
Novel And Interesting But Not Necessarily True
Some interesting climate stuff via Bishop Hill that keeps us informed of the8 hrs ago -
Weekend Open Thread
Right, I’m off to Stockholm for the weekend but here’s a fresh Open thread to detail the bias!18 hrs ago
Denmark to deploy military personnel in Iraq
The Folketinget, which was attended by 104 deputies in its session, decided unanimously to send a Hercules23 hrs ago -
IMF Approves 1.39 billion Bailout Payment to Ukraine
The International Monetary Fund on Friday approved the latest payment to Ukraine in its $17 billion bailout23 hrs ago -
Chelsea Clinton is Leaving Her Fake Job at NBC
Kicking off the annual Labor Day Friday News Dump, Chelsea Clinton has announced, via People, that she will23 hrs ago
Brave The World
We Are The Bitcoin Kids
Sometimes the things you are trying to achieve are not felt to be real until you are acknowledged by10 hrs ago -
Bitcoin, Anarchy, & Utopia on the Keiser Report
Had the pleasure of doing a segment about bitcoin on the Keiser Report. "People12 hrs ago -
The Tactics of the BitLicense
Originally published on Bitcoin Not Bombs “ We’re not the kind ofAugust 28, 2014
Blog: Posts
U.S. Debates Removal of Weapons Ban on Vietnam as China Asserts Territorial
Body: By Sarah Sicard With relations warming, the U.S. ban on the sale of lethal weapons to Vietnam has15 hrs ago -
Islamic State Militants in Syria Now Have Drone Capabilities
Body: By Yasmin Tadjdeh Recently, video emerged that showed Islamic militants in Syria had acquired aAugust 28, 2014 -
U.S., China in Race to Develop Hypersonic Weapons
Body: By Valerie Insinna On the heels of reports that China had successfully completed a second ultra-high-August 27, 2014
Business News Headlines - Yahoo! News
U.S. coal stocks could gain on Russia tension
By Akane Otani NEW YORK (Reuters) - Beaten-down U.S. The crisis in eastern Ukraine has emboldened Europe3 hrs ago -
China graft watchdog probes another exec at Volkswagen JV
China's anti-graft watchdog has said it is investigating a former senior executive at Volkswagen AG1 hr ago -
Exclusive: U.S. options exchanges craft rules to fend off turmoil
By John McCrank NEW YORK (Reuters) - A year after Goldman Sachs bungled a software upgrade and lost tens of9 hrs ago
COTO Report
Mowing the Lawn in Gaza
By Volaar “When thy intelligence shall cross beyond the whirl of delusion, then shalt thou becomeAugust 11, 2014 -
Fasten your seat belts – Iran saving democracy in Iraq
Iran may rescue Iraq from a major threat posed by a Sunni Muslim extremist group formerly aligned with AlJune 16, 2014 -
Ukraine President Once Agent for U.S. State Department
Ask yourself, how would you regard a high level U.S. politician who met regularly at a foreign embassy andJune 16, 2014
CP Feed
Guardian: Moazzam Begg among four arrested in Birmingham terror raids
Former Guantánamo detainee is held along with two men and a woman on suspicion of Syria-relatedFebruary 25, 2014 -
Andy Worthington: A love letter from Guantánamo
Younus Chekhouri (also identified as Younous Chekkouri), who will be 46 in May, is one of the last twoFebruary 25, 2014 -
Dissenter: More charges of forced drugging at Guantanamo
On February 21, attorneys for six former Guantanamo prisoners took their civil case against DonaldFebruary 25, 2014
RSS Feed
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RSS Feed
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Center on Budget: Comprehensive News Feed
Policy Basics: The Minimum Wage
What Is a Minimum Wage? Minimum wage laws set the lowest hourly rate an employer can legally pay workersAugust 27, 2014 -
Approved Demonstrations Offer Lessons for States Seeking to Expand Medicaid
Twenty-six states and the District of Columbia are now implementing health reform’s MedicaidAugust 20, 2014 -
SNAP's Excess Medical Expense Deduction
Executive Summary The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) provides over 8 million strugglingAugust 20, 2014
Cleantech Blog
CJK: Solving PM2.5
In spite of the political posturing taking place between Japan and Korea and China, the governments areMay 1, 2014 -
Seafloor Carpet Turns Surf’s up to Lights On
At the University of California, Berkeley, a team of engineers is pioneering ocean-source energy technologyMarch 25, 2014 -
Boeing’s SBRC Makes Biofuel from Agricultural Rejects
A decade ago, biofuels were considered the Holy Grail of combustion-engine fuels. Measurably cleaner thanMarch 10, 2014
Ukraine Has Failed
Klitshko, Hollande, “PORKY” POROSHENKO – The 3 STOOGES By Jim Kirwan The first20 hrs ago -
Peace president plots war on Syria
US President Barack Obama speaks on the phone with King Abdullah II of Jordan in the Oval Office of theAugust 28, 2014 -
US Journalist Foley Murdered by IS Militants 1 Year Ago – Assad
MOSCOW, August 26 ( RIA Novosti ) – American journalist James Foley may have been murdered byAugust 27, 2014
Coyote Blog
What Is It About California Shepherds?
I saw this by accident on the California FAQ on the state minimum wage . 1. Q. What is the9 hrs ago -
So In The End, The VA Was Rewarded, Not Punished
Remember the whole VA thing? It has mostly been forgotten, though we will all remember it again, or moreAugust 28, 2014 -
There Seems to Be No Limit to Politicians' Hypocrisy
Obama, 2008: " I taught constitutional law for ten years. I take the Constitution very seriouslyAugust 28, 2014
Crikey » COLUMNS
Mike Carlton and Hamas’ complicity
Crikey readers have their say about Mike Carlton's column on Gaza, and whether Australia should becomeAugust 28, 2014 -
Media briefs: Strewthwatchwatch … ABC cuts ‘substantial’ … Oz price hike …
Next week the Oz's Monday-to-Friday cover price rises from $2.20 to $2.50. And other media tidbits ofAugust 28, 2014 -
Glenn Dyer’s TV ratings: weak programming spreads to Thursday nights
It’s a pretty weak night when an NRL match is one of the viewing highlights, simply because it isAugust 28, 2014
RSS Feed
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Dandelion Salad
Chris Hedges: Strategies for Revolution + Revolution, the video
Dandelion Salad with Chris Hedges LeighaCohen on Aug 28, 2014 A meeting of 8 diverse panelists met onAugust 28, 2014 -
Michael Parenti: As Kiev Tries to Terrorize Donetsk Into Submission, West
with Michael Parenti Writer, Dandelion Salad Michael Parenti Blog michaelparenti.org August 28, 2014 byAugust 28, 2014 -
Ralph Nader: The Democracy Gap
Dandelion Salad with Ralph Nader Commonwealth Club on Aug 26, 2014 Ralph Nader, Political Activist; Author,August 27, 2014
Diary of a Heartland Radical
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE9 mins ago -
The Middle East: Militarism, Growing Economic Inequality, and Starvation
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONEAugust 11, 2014
Woman with 4 Jobs Dies While Napping in Car
By SpaceShoe via Flickr . This tragic death raises questions about the economy. It’s time to raise2 hrs ago -
Interview with David Lynch – Transcendental Meditation, “True Detective
“David Lynch (cropped edit)” by Sasha Kargaltsev . Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution4 hrs ago -
Extinction Burst
Other than Filmspotting , the only podcast I listen to regularly is You Are Not So Smart . Out of all of6 hrs ago
The Doctor's Report
Ghana: a Shining Democracy Without Accountability
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONEJuly 4, 2013 -
How Could Japan Offer $32billion In Aid To Africa?
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONEJune 14, 2013 -
Why Are African Professors Becoming Politicians?
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONEJune 5, 2013
Drone Wars UK
Drone Wars UK refused permission for full hearing on drones FoI request
“The legality of the use of armed drones is one of the most important and pressing issues in modernAugust 18, 2014 -
PR Trumps Transparency Part II: Government response to Select Committee
The Government Response to the Defence Select Committee Report on ‘Remotely Piloted Air Systems’ (drones toJuly 30, 2014 -
New figures show UK increasingly relying on drones for strikes in
Newly released Ministry of Defence (MoD) figures show that the UK is increasingly relying on its armedJuly 22, 2014
(e) Science News - Biology & Nature
New research reveals how wild rabbits were genetically transformed into
The genetic changes that transformed wild animals into domesticated forms have long been a mystery. An19 hrs ago -
Flapping baby birds give clues to origin of flight
How did the earliest birds take wing? Did they fall from trees and learn to flap their forelimbs to avoid19 hrs ago -
Walking fish reveal how our ancestors evolved onto land
About 400 million years ago a group of fish began exploring land and evolved into tetrapods -- today'sAugust 27, 2014
Latest News
In Conversation: Darren Aronofsky
Hollywood director wrestles with Alberta’s “out of whack” tar sands on a trip with the21 hrs ago -
US Forest Service Moves to Start Clearcutting in Rim Fire Area
Massive logging proposal threatens many spotted owls, currently thriving in the fire-affected acres ofAugust 28, 2014 -
Can A Drive-Thru Really Be Green?
LEED certified buildings can’t negate the emissions from a long line of idling carsAugust 28, 2014
Fabius Maximus
Police grow more powerful; the Republic slides another step into darkness.
Summary: Our system is changing; the Republic is dying. Events in Ferguson illustrate some aspects of thisAugust 28, 2014 -
The promise and peril of automation: now everyone sees the challenge
Summary: It was long denied, but now everybody sees the coming of the next industrial revolution. We enterAugust 27, 2014 -
The long-simmering conflict in the Middle East breaks out, surprising US
Summary: In our multi-media flood of news it’s easy to miss important inflection points. One mightAugust 26, 2014
Whistleblower Protection Blog
SEC Whistleblower Awards List August 2014
The SEC Office of the Whistleblower post Notices of Covered Action where a final judgment or order, byAugust 26, 2014 -
IRS Whistleblower Office News
IRS Commissioner John Koskinen issued an August 2014 policy statement expressing his strong support forAugust 21, 2014 -
WMATA Pays $5.6 Million to Settle False Claims Act and Whistleblower
Washington, D.C. August 20, 2014. The Washington Area Metropolitan Transit Authority (WMATA) has paid $5.6August 20, 2014
Friends of Syria
20:45 / 21:29 Vladimir Putin Reminds The World That Russia Is A Nuclear
Filed under: Warmongers Tagged: Aleppo , friends of syria , ISIL , russia , Syrian News , Vladamir Putin4 hrs ago -
Feds Fund ISIS Planned Attack On Southern Border
Filed under: news Tagged: ISIL , Obama , USA4 hrs ago -
Israel tech site paying “interns” to covertly plant stories in social media
Nathan Miller explains his “digital engagement” strategy with Israel21c. ( Screenshot ) An7 hrs ago
[Rescuers enter the El Comal gold and silver mine in Bonanza, Nicaragua
[ Rescuers enter the El Comal gold and silver mine in Bonanza, Nicaragua, where a landslide trapped5 hrs ago -
Cee-Lo Green Pleads No Contest to Putting Ecstasy In a Woman's Drink
Cee-Lo Green avoided a potential jail sentence today by pleading no contest to charges that he slipped a6 hrs ago -
Should Mitt Romney Run for President?
Slate’s resident neoconservative Reihan Salam thinks so! Read more...7 hrs ago
The Green Life
Hiking Guru Shares Perfect Paths
Robert Manning is a hiking guru. At the University of Vermont, he researches and teaches park managment ,&#May 30, 2014 -
Defending The F-Word
The oil and gas industry dislikes the noun fracking , shorthand for hydraulic fracturing . ItMay 28, 2014 -
Not Your Grandparents’ Road Trip: 5 Green Reasons to Visit National Parks
Wailing children, crotchety parents, sand and sunscreen in uncomfortable places… you get the idea. IfMay 28, 2014
Green Prophet » Green Prophet
Investing ethically in the Middle East
With several of the Middle East’s city-states becoming some of the world’s richestJuly 30, 2014 -
Solar panels and saving money at home
How would you like to save money by no longer paying electric bills? There areJuly 23, 2014 -
Demand safe work conditions in the Middle East where laws may be lacking
Some workplace environments are naturally going to be considered more dangerousJuly 23, 2014
HealthLeadersMedia.com - Daily News & Analysis
Transforming Cancer Care
Leaders from UNC Health Care are driving outcomes and patient engagement through a multidisciplinary model.16 hrs ago -
NFP Hospitals' Revenue Growth at 'All-Time Low'
Not-for-profit hospitals are feeling financially pinched as healthcare reform efforts seek to16 hrs ago -
Sharp HealthCare Leaves Pioneer ACO Program
After two and a half years of work to coordinate care for more than 28,000 Medicare beneficiaries, SharpAugust 28, 2014
Carl Herman's feed
UN ‘leaders’ as corrupt as US/UK/Israel: We the People must demand arrests
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s official statements about Israel’s most recentAugust 24, 2014 -
UN just like US Constitution: great law gone forever until 'leaders'
A law is a limit of what actions are allowed among groups of people. Laws/limits are natural expressions toAugust 17, 2014 -
What a renowned poet wrote about awakening humanity
Rainer Rilke (1875-1926) was a poignant poet; still among the best-selling in the US. Included in his workAugust 10, 2014
The Intercept
Elizabeth Warren Finally Speaks on Israel/Gaza, Sounds Like Netanyahu
The last time Elizabeth Warren was asked about her views on the Israeli attack on Gaza – on July 17 &August 28, 2014 -
The Fun of Empire: Fighting on All Sides of a War in Syria
(updated below) CBS News, August 18, 2011 : President Barack Obama officially demanded that SyrianAugust 26, 2014 -
The Surveillance Engine: How the NSA Built Its Own Secret Google
The National Security Agency is secretly providing data to nearly two dozen U.S. government agencies with aAugust 25, 2014
In These Times
It’s Time To Speak Out for Gaza
The latest seven-week war in Gaza is over. More than 2,000 people are dead—most of them civilians,7 hrs ago -
How U.S. Corporations Skip Out on Their Tax Bill
Reading companies' annual reports to the Securities and Exchange Commission is a reliable cure for16 hrs ago -
‘Chiraq’: Facts and Fictions
Chicago’s astounding weekend body counts make headlines around the globe: On the July 4 weekend, 82August 28, 2014
Indigenous Action Media
Klamath River Tribes Confront Feds for Water Releases To Prevent Fish Kill
Klamath River Tribes Confront Feds for Water Releases To Prevent Fish KillFor Immediate Release August 19,August 19, 2014 -
Flagstaff Commits 3.6 Billion Gallons of Treated Sewage for Snowmaking on
Waste Water from Mari Cleven on Vimeo. For Immediate Release August 9, 2014 Contact: Klee BenallyAugust 9, 2014 -
Independent Film to Address Diné Forced Relocation, Crowdfunding Campaign
FLAGSTAFF, AZ — Diné activist, musician, and filmmaker Klee Benally hasn’t been known to pull punches whenAugust 6, 2014
Inter Press Service
Growing Calls for Reforms of El Salvador’s Privatised Pension System
Manuel Campos, a 56-year-old taxi driver, is not covered by either the public or private pension system in10 hrs ago -
SDGs Make Room for Education for Global Citizenship
Soka Gakkai International (SGI) sponsors a workshop on education for global citizenship in the post-201511 hrs ago -
Africa-U.S. Summit – Catching Up With China?
In this column, Demba Moussa Dembele, director of the African Forum on Alternatives in Dakar, analyses the15 hrs ago
The Invisible Opportunity: Hidden Truths Revealed
Anti-govt forces ‘circle 1000s of Kiev troops, capture 2 tank battalions
After sustained defensive combat against Ukrainian troops in the self-proclaimed People’s Republic ofAugust 24, 2014 -
PressTV – Russia – Red Cross wins aid convoy battle
Russia’s East Ukraine humanitarian aid convoy had to crash the border to get the badly needed suppliesAugust 24, 2014 -
Quote of the Day – I felt then…
via Michael Gold on Twitter: @dwatchnews Politicians don’t change!! http://t.co/N6PdWRlJBd httpAugust 24, 2014
Latest headlines
Cold Revenge
"Meretz is a loyal old party, saying all the right things, unblemished by corruption. Unfortunately it -
Military voyeurism or invasion of Syria?
"The ‘chemical weapons’ scenario seems to be the best cue for Washington and their western allies in -
Men and Women: Their Contributions to the World
"Even in the area of warfare, for which men had been paying price in terms of loss of life and limbs
Libya 360°
Putin Discusses Ukraine, Crimea, UN, NATO with Russian Youth
Seliger 2014 National Youth Forum Vladimir Putin is visiting the Seliger 2014 10th National Youth Forum18 hrs ago -
MH17: America’s Long History of Downing Passenger Airplanes
By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya Approximately four months after Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 (MH370) disappearedAugust 27, 2014 -
America’s Creeping Intervention in Syria and it’s Inevitable Downfall in
By Tony Cartalucci The US has claimed it will begin reconnaissance flights over Syria – a tentativeAugust 27, 2014
Lifeboat News
The Leverage and Centrality of Mind
Our Preston Estep III and Alexander Hoekstra won third prize with the essay "The Leverage andAugust 27, 2014 -
American Longevity Alliance
Mallory McLaren, Chief Liaison at the American Longevity Alliance, joins our Life Extension Board.August 26, 2014
A boy visiting Times Square with his family paid a stripper (wearing only g-string and paint) to have hisAugust 28, 2014 -
U.S. Tennis Open — Kicks-Off
Under a perfect sky in Flushing the U.S. Tennis Open got underway today. One of the stories at this year&August 25, 2014
We Moved Go To:
True Or False: Anti-Fascist UKRAINIANS Shoot Down (Fascist) UKRAINIAN
Remember, this blog is only a forward until we are all set up: True Or False: Anti-Fascist UKRAINIANSJuly 23, 2014 -
Snoop Dogg Got High At The White House (Not Surprising)
Idiot: Snoop Dogg Got High At The White House (Not Surprising) Tagged: Snoop Dogg , Snoop Dogg Got High AtJuly 23, 2014 -
Why Is The #Gaza, ‘Anti-War’, #FreePalestine, Pro #Hamas Crowd Almost
Jut a heads up before you proceed: Remember, this is not our blog anymore. This is only a site forJuly 21, 2014
MasterResource on Break (back September 2nd)
… and already looking forward to the November release of Alex Epstein’s historic, timely callAugust 27, 2014 -
James Hansen: “I Struggle to Sleep” (with current energy trends, energy
“Events are spiraling down so rapidly that I struggle to sleep…. Ironically, environmental groupsAugust 26, 2014 -
Desrochers on Food: Politically Incorrect, Economically and Environmentally
A culture war on college campuses today revolves around the politics of food production. In countlessAugust 25, 2014
Media Matters for America - Research Items
Conservative Media's "Off-The-Rails" Claim About A Climate
Conservative media are suggesting that the Obama administration is "working with foreigners to subvertAugust 28, 2014 -
Myths And Facts About The Koch Brothers
Charles and David Koch, brothers and the oil barons who are already shaping the 2014 midterm electionsAugust 27, 2014 -
Fox Falsehood: Domestic Violence Survivors Who Seek Asylum Will Get "
Fox News host Brian Kilmeade falsely claimed that an immigration ruling allowing a victim of domesticAugust 27, 2014
New Content on CO2 Science
Elevated CO2 Increases Minerals at the Base of Human Nutrition
... contrary to what is claimed in a recent scientific publication.August 26, 2014 -
Biofuels (Miscellaneous) -- Summary
Enough serious work has been conducted on the growing, harvesting, and processing of the raw materials thatAugust 26, 2014 -
A 1500-Year Temperature Proxy from Southwestern Greenland
A new study reveals a familiar climatic oscillation with a twist.August 26, 2014
US economy rebounds strongly in the second quarter: 4.2% annual rate
The US economy rebounded more strongly than initially thought in the second quarter20 hrs ago -
Singer extends 'discovery' looking for Argentine assets in Chinese
As it did in Nevada and California, a unit of billionaire Paul Singer's Elliott20 hrs ago -
Malaysia Petronas joins YPF to develop shale-oil reserves in Argentina
Argentine government controlled energy company YPF said on Thursday it signed a 55020 hrs ago
NME News
'The Walking Dead' season 5 - watch two new trailers
Zombie saga returns for 16-episode run on Fox this autumn5 hrs ago -
Karen O: 'The girl group sound shaped my melodic sensibility'
The Yeah Yeah Yeahs' frontwoman releases her debut solo album on September 88 hrs ago -
ZZ Top cancel tour due to bass player's tourbus accident
The rockers were on the road with Jeff Beck when Dusty Hill fell onto his hip9 hrs ago
Nature News Blog - Posts
US government labs plan biohazard-safety sweep
The discovery of smallpox in a refrigerator at the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda13 hrs ago -
Japanese lab at centre of stem-cell scandal to be reformed
The Japanese research centre where one researcher was found guilty of scientific misconduct and anotherAugust 27, 2014 -
Updated: Icelandic volcano erupts
Update, 23 August 23:27 BST: As of this evening, Icelandic experts are reconsidering whether an eruptionAugust 23, 2014
National Wind Watch: Wind Energy News
Proposed Tazewell County zoning ordinance aims to curb undesirable
BLUEFIELD, Va. — A proposed zoning ordinance for the Eastern District of Tazewell County would safeguard15 hrs ago -
Energy companies looking elsewhere for wind farm locations
It hasn’t been smooth sailing for a wind farm that was planned for La Salle County. In 200915 hrs ago -
Somerset wind project still hot topic among residents
The Somerset County Planning Commission’s work session on its wind turbine ordinance featured the kind of15 hrs ago
Dear Reader, we know you've got loads of questions racing through your mind these summer days: whatAugust 26, 2014 -
What should the rest of the EU make of the Scottish referendum?
Celebrities across the world, Scottish or not, seem to love getting their teeth stuck into the ScottishAugust 19, 2014 -
Erdogan won, what's next?
In the first ever public elections of the president in Turkey, prime minister Erdogan was elected in theAugust 11, 2014
RSS Feed
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News For You
Smell from boy, clothes leads to mom's arrest
Orlando Sentinel from RSS q -
Half-ton Alabama Alligator Sets World Record
Huffington Post q
Tiny Imaginations, Big Egos
Instead of a tropical rainforest of diverse perspectives, the environmental conversation is an aridJuly 9, 2014 -
‘No Culture of Accountability’ at Greenpeace
Environmental organizations are large, affluent, and secretive. Rather than being underdogs, they are nowJune 23, 2014 -
Countdown to Disaster – Exhibit #11 in the Drama Queen Files
A chief scientist, a statesman, and an heir to a throne all say climate disaster is imminent. But theirJune 16, 2014
Online Cancer Blog
Points to Consider while Conceiving after Cervical Cancer
Cervical cancer as the name suggests occur at the cervix and strangely enough it does not show off anyJuly 27, 2014 -
Foods to Avoid During Chemotherapy
Being diagnosed with cancer, be it any type of cancer, chemotherapy is the invariable form of treatmentJuly 23, 2014 -
How to Manage Hand Foot Syndrome (HFS) Effectively?
People suffering from cancer have to go through various chemotherapy sessions. The resultant side effect ofJuly 17, 2014
"Then again, perhaps you’ve noticed: You buy your soda in liters and
“Then again, perhaps you’ve noticed: You buy your soda in liters and your wine in milliliters. Your aspirinAugust 11, 2014 -
August 7, 2014 -
"Airlines seemed to make no bones in those days about passengers
“Airlines seemed to make no bones in those days about passengers taking rifles on a plane.” - Helmand’sAugust 7, 2014
The PPJ Gazette
Are We Being Had… (again)? Are We Being Hosed, or Had?
by James Hufferd, Ph.D. Coordinator, 911 Truth Grassroots OrganizationAugust 28, 2014 -
Bankers, CDC Trying to Duck Financial and Vaccine Fallout
by W. R. McAfee, Sr. August 27, 2014August 28, 2014 -
THE NEED TO TAKE A STRONG STAND AGAINST H.R. 5058: Doom for America’s Wild
RED ALERT From ISPMB (International Society for the Protection of Mustangs & Burros) THE NEED TO TAKE AAugust 27, 2014
Politics News Headlines - Yahoo News
Obama unloads on Republicans, sees 'cynical genius'
Obama, raising money for Democratic candidates as Republicans aim to take over the Senate in the fall, on3 hrs ago -
Obama faces a tough sell in Congress for Islamic State strategy
President Barack Obama has pledged to consult Congress about any expanded military action against Islamic6 hrs ago -
Texas frontrunner for governor, Abbott, backs out of sole TV debate
The frontrunner for the Texas race for governor, Republican Greg Abbott, has pulled out of the sole6 hrs ago
The Pump Handle
Disappointing summer for progress by OSHA on new worker safety regulations
Just before Memorial Day—the kickoff of the summer season—the Obama Administration released its8 hrs ago -
San Jose Mercury News investigates the drugging of California foster
The San Jose Mercury News has begun publishing a multi-part series on the alarming use of psychotropicAugust 28, 2014 -
Occupational Health News Roundup
As Texas Gov. Rick Perry makes moves toward a 2016 presidential run, it seems he can’t talk enough aboutAugust 27, 2014
Jon Rappoport's Blog
CNN asks serial lying liar to comment on the CDC whistleblower scandal!
CNN asks serial lying liar to comment on CDC whistleblower scandal! by Jon Rappoport August 29, 201413 hrs ago -
The Big One: CDC whistleblower goes public Now
The Big One: CDC whistleblower goes public Now CDC whistleblower admits fraud publicly: releases Aug. 27August 27, 2014 -
Breaking: CDC whistleblower’s contact censored
Breaking: CDC whistleblower’s contact censored Brian Hooker’s journal paper deleted from site The bookAugust 27, 2014
Signs of the Times
Is Miami on the brink of a Fukushima style nuclear disaster?
New reports indicate a Fukushima-style nuclear disaster is inevitable in the Miami area, and need to be7 mins ago -
Relationship between MMR Vaccine and Autism : CDC whistleblower goes public
All the people who said we were making it up, inventing charges of fraud at the CDC...well, here it is. CDC28 mins ago -
No Kidding!: If You promote a cure for Ebola, big brother Police would show
If I had a cure for Ebola, I could never sell it to you. I don't have a cure for Ebola of course, but41 mins ago
Stuff.co.nz - Dominion Post
Judith Collins resigns, says she's a victim
Judith Collins says allegations that she tried to undermine the Serious Fraud Office director are "1 hr ago -
Slow ahead? A political fork in the road
How you get around the Wellington region - be it by car, train, bike or foot - could differ greatly23 hrs ago -
Award-winning images on display
War, natural disaster and hope for humanity are key themes of the 57th annual World Press Photo award3 hrs ago
SYRIA 360°
Report: Israel’s Criminal Assault on the Occupied State of Palestine
State of Palestine, Palestine Liberation Organization, Negotiation Affairs Department, August 27th 2014August 27, 2014 -
Israel, Gaza and ‘Manifest Destiny’
By Deirdre Griswold Yet another round of Israeli missiles and bombs have killed scores more people in GazaAugust 27, 2014 -
Desmond Tutu : “My plea to the people of Israel: Liberate yourselves by
By Desmond Tutu The past weeks have witnessed unprecedented action by members of civil society across theAugust 27, 2014
130226 – Australia’s horrific incarceration rates of Aboriginal peoples
* The Stringer: International Prisoners Justice Day highlights Australia’s horrific incarcerationFebruary 26, 2013 -
130225 – Opportunity Lost by Boris Frankel – Marcia Langton’s Boyer
* arena: Opportunity Lost by Boris Frankel: Marcia Langton’s Boyer Lectures * Andrew Crook, CrikeyFebruary 26, 2013 -
130224 – Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia – 40 events
Click on the links for details of the events … Event: Sun 24 February 2013: Fremantle, Perth, WAFebruary 24, 2013
Freethought Blogs
Why As An Iranian I’m Skeptical of Jon Stewart’s “Rosewater”
The trailer of Jon Stewart’s Rosewater was released. I ought to be very excited. No event was more9 hrs ago -
The Colbert Report takes a look at my district
In his ongoing series interviewing congressional representatives from each of the districts, Stephen5 hrs ago -
We’re adept at masking inconsistencies from ourselves
In pleasanter news than most of what I’ve shared today, Rebecca Goldstein talks to The Humanist about3 hrs ago
my yahoo - Yahoo News Search Results
Yahoo! Shareholders Should Be Heeded, Not Attacked
NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- Is a shareholder who says something negative about the management team leading thatAugust 14, 2014 -
AM's Week 3 Player Picks
Nik Argiropoulos runs you through the players you should be considering for your Yahoo Fantasy PremierAugust 28, 2014 -
Yahoo Fantasy Hockey: Ranking goalies will save your season
This week, your friends at Puck Daddy are offering a variety of fantasy hockey previews ahead of the 2014August 27, 2014
Top News - MIT Technology Review
The History Inside Us
Improvements in DNA analysis are helping us rewrite the past and better grasp what it means to be humanAugust 18, 2014 -
Hidden Obstacles for Google’s Self-Driving Cars
Impressive progress hides major limitations of Google’s quest for automated driving. Would you buy a selfAugust 27, 2014 -
2014 Entrepreneurs | Innovators Under 35
These innovators are creating businesses that will upend markets or create new ones.August 18, 2014
Omnologos» English
Veteran’s Day: Story of Charles (and Anthony and Frank)
Since it’s Veteran’s Day in the USA, I am posting a recap of the story of Charles J MorabitoMay 26, 2014 -
Luttwak on Italy and the Euro
From the LRB‘s “Opportunity Costs” by Edward Luttwak, Vol. 35 No. 22 · 21 November 2013 [February 4, 2014 -
Savant Idiots
There was a commenter at a blog I shall not mention who simply could not get anything I mentioned. AnythingJanuary 30, 2014
Project Censored
Fundraiser for the Progressive Festival
Come watch the film about Project Censored, followed by discussion with the filmmakers and the Director ofAugust 26, 2014 -
Carl Dix
Civil rights activist Carl Dix joins the program from Ferguson, Missouri, to discuss the police killing ofAugust 23, 2014 -
Nora-Barrows Friedman
Why are thousands of Central American children and youth migrating to the U.S.? We get a look beyond theAugust 22, 2014
The four delusions that cost VCs money
Editor’s note: This is a guest post by Rick Lewis, General Partner at USVP. The post went through5 hrs ago -
Is Uber good for urban communities?
Last night, in the basement bar of a Harlem soul food restaurant, New York tech and social entrepreneurs6 hrs ago -
US judge says it’s “regrettable” that IBM can’t be punished for knowingly
From the holocaust to apartheid , where you or I see an atrocity, IBM sees an opportunity . Still, a US7 hrs ago
bleached …
Despite living in the tropics, I avoid the use of sunscreen. The chemicals in it don’t like me. It42 mins ago -
the dangerous follies of foreign correspondents with “a feeling of
A fascinating read from a Middle East journalist, this column describes what’s wrong with journalism2 hrs ago -
the pink woodland of Australia’s north …
20 hrs ago
National Review Online - Planet Gore
Hey, Why Don't We Just Suck the CO2 Out of the Air and Use It?
Newsweek : Global industrialization has poured carbon in the sky, and now we must pay the price: theAugust 26, 2014 -
Climate and Fracking Alarmism Meets Geologic Realism
We read a lot about how climate change might hurt Napa’s wine industry and we read a lot about howAugust 26, 2014 -
People Ignore Climate Scientists Because They're Not Enough Like the
Georgia Tech climatologist Judith Curry thinks scientists need to get better at social media to make anAugust 21, 2014
Project Syndicate RSS-Feed
Building NATO’s “Weimar Triangle”
Europeans and Americans have slowly but steadily tightened the economic screws on Russia. But, in contrast19 hrs ago -
Ending East Asia’s History Wars
Georges Clemenceau, who, as France’s prime minister, led his country to victory in World War I, famouslyAugust 28, 2014 -
The Greater Depression
Seven years after the global financial crisis began, the US and eurozone economies are still performingAugust 28, 2014
The Raw Story
MSNBC’s Chris Hayes challenges senators who harassed Kirsten Gillibrand to
MSNBC Chris Hayes called out the lawmakers who allegedly harassed Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) to reveal13 mins ago -
‘Not an isolated event’: U.N. agency chides U.S. over racial profiling by
The United States must stem police racism and brutality, a U.N. watchdog said Friday, as debate rages over2 hrs ago -
Cuban immigrants head back to sea after being turned away from Cayman
By Peter Polack GEORGE TOWN Cayman Islands (Reuters) – Sixteen Cuban migrants who sought refuge in2 hrs ago
The Science of Doom
Turbulence, Closure and Parameterization
In Latent heat and Parameterization I showed a formula for calculating latent heat transfer from theAugust 23, 2014 -
Latent heat and Parameterization
In Ensemble Forecasting I wrote a short section on parameterization using the example of latent heatAugust 15, 2014 -
The Atmosphere Cools to Space by CO2 and Water Vapor, so More GHGs, More
The atmosphere cools to space by radiation. Well, without getting into all the details, the surface coolsAugust 11, 2014
A member of a pro-Russian separatist militia walked by an unexploded rocket that fell in the backyard of aAugust 28, 2014 -
BEIJING (AP) — China said Thursday it will continue responding to U.S. military surveillance flightsAugust 28, 2014 -
U.S. President Barack Obama delivers a statement from Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts during hisAugust 28, 2014
Enchanting Fantasy Worlds Cut into Books That Fit in the Palm of Your Hand
Paper cutting isn’t a new art form, but Japanese designer Yusuke Oono, originally from Germany, is able to7 hrs ago -
Fish Out of Water? When Aquariums Become Incredible Landscapes
Many people keep aquariums in their houses. Some even go all out making them look pretty. However, few go9 hrs ago -
10 Awe-Inspiring Astronaut Selfies
Witness the ultimate in self-portrait photography: the emptiness of the cosmos, a gleaming curved Earth10 hrs ago
Conceptualizing Chinese Continentalism
People have used a variety of phrases to describe the emerging phenomenon of Chinese relations with14 hrs ago -
Mes Aynak saga continues
The Mes Aynak mine in Afghanistan garnered much attention when surveyors discovered cultural artifacts atAugust 26, 2014 -
Marching Westward
We always knew 2014 was going to be a year of Eurasian shift. The American withdrawal from AfghanistanAugust 3, 2014
Why Comcast is the worst company in America
The world's largest broadcasting and cable company motto should be: If you do a thing, do it as badly5 hrs ago -
From murderous detectives to evil space police: The worst cops in comics
These corrupt, abusive, head-severing cops are among the most sinister law enforcers in comic books5 hrs ago -
Will “The Simpsons” ever be good again?
The FXX marathon makes us miss the things we loved about a great show -- but those things may be gone5 hrs ago
Science Blog
Vote early and often!
The blog 3 Quarks Daily is running a contest for the best science-related […]7 hrs ago -
After Great Recession, Americans are Unhappy, Worried, Pessimistic
National survey: most don’t think economy improved last year or […]15 hrs ago
Scoop NZ - Sci-tech
SMC Heads-Up: E-cigarettes, SMCs gather in NZ, crisis advice
SMC Heads-Up:E-cigarettes risks highlighted, SMCs gather in NZ, science advice in times of crisis23 hrs ago -
New Biological Heritage Science Challenge
The new National Science Challenge, New Zealand’s Biological Heritage - Ngā Koiora Tuku Iho, announced23 hrs ago -
DOC involved in the Biological Heritage science challenge
The Department of Conservation (DOC) is excited to be a part of the New Zealand Biological Heritage scienceAugust 28, 2014
Seeing the Forest
Why Fight For Unions? So We Can Fight An Economy Rigged Against Us
The other day I wrote about how FedEx has been pretending that their employees are not employees , which12 hrs ago -
Nicole Sandler Radio or Not Show
I was on Nicole Sandler’s Radio or Not show Monday. (You might know Nicole as the person who tookAugust 28, 2014 -
Now It’s Burger King Renouncing US Citizenship – Let’s Eat Somewhere Else
Burger King is the latest company announcing plans to renounce its U.S. citizenship in order to dodge taxesAugust 27, 2014
The Slog.
CRASH2: the roadsigns become so frequent, people can’t see them for looking
THIS WAY TO THE CRASH Despite a consensus expecting US disposable income to grow by 0.2% in July, it10 hrs ago -
RUCTIONS AT THE TELEGRAPH: Clearly Gallagher was too high-brow. Now the
Gallagher…fell foul of the digital hypistas Telegraph Media Group announced to shocked staff on14 hrs ago -
HUNT BALLS: Why better food in hospitals is merely another Trojan Horse
Slog whistle-blower slams Hunt wheeze, says food costs “will have to rise tenfold” A20 hrs ago
Blog Note
[Content Note: Illness.] Shakesville will be on hiatus for the next couple of weeks, starting this evening.August 28, 2014 -
Happy Dogs Are Happy
[Content Note: Animal cruelty, but happy endings.] A year ago, the ASPCA and responders from The HumaneAugust 28, 2014 -
Film Corner!
[Content Note: Christian Supremacy; racism. DoNotLink used in first paragraph to Glenn Beck's siteAugust 28, 2014
Socio-Economics History Blog
Illuminati Globalists May Start Nuclear War With Russia To Stop Them From
Published on Aug 29, 2014 Alex Jones breaks down why the globalists continue to push for a war with Russia.1 hr ago -
Former Top CIA Analyst: This Is Bigger Than The Cuban Missile Crisis!
Published on Aug 29, 2014 Alex Jones talks with former top CIA analyst and presidential advisor Ray1 hr ago
Sunwarrior News
How & Why to Add MCTs Into a Balanced Diet
The secret to your health is the healthy fats—in particular, medium chain triglycerides or MCTs—that exist14 hrs ago -
Holistic Health Tip: Berry Facial Mask
Smearing fruit on your face to stay healthy and beautiful? Try this alternative to the traditional beauty15 hrs ago -
Unsung Cancer Fighting Resources
Linus Pauling, Otto Warburg, Johanna Budwig—any of these names ring a bell? They are all Nobel PrizeAugust 28, 2014
Technology - Google News
4 'iWatch' alternatives Apple could unveil on Sept. 9 - CNET
Montreal Gazette 4 'iWatch' alternatives Apple could unveil on Sept. 9 CNET Apple may show off a6 hrs ago -
Hyperlapse For iPhone Will Revolutionize Wildlife Films - Forbes
Firstpost Hyperlapse For iPhone Will Revolutionize Wildlife Films Forbes As a biologist, my first thought8 hrs ago -
As relaunch hype subsides, will Foursquare survive? - VentureBeat
ABC News As relaunch hype subsides, will Foursquare survive? VentureBeat When Foursquare relaunched its4 hrs ago
Things I grab, motley collection
With $30 Million More in Hand, IFTTT Looks to the Internet of Things
O ne ambitious start-up wants to reroute the plumbing of the consumer Internet. Now it has the money to23 hrs ago -
Amazon Opens Up Its Enterprise Cloud Storage Service Zocalo To All
Originally posted on TechCrunch : Amazon today announced that it’s making Zocalo , its secure documentAugust 27, 2014 -
Why e-learning should be in perpetual beta – [clive
I once asked the CEO of a major e-learning company how much of their work was maintenance of existingAugust 24, 2014
This Can't Be Happening!
Smart Social Policies in Finland, Dumb Ones in the US
Where even the reality cop shows are boring:August 28, 2014 -
David Swanson on America's Obsession with War as Foreign Policy
How many wars can the US fight at once?August 28, 2014

Putin to West: Don't mess with nuclear Russia
Speaking to a youth camp, the Moscow leader issues a chilling warning as tensions remain high.
'Best not to' »
Top Documentary Films
Tent City
This documentary takes viewers inside one of the largest tent cities in the country. Profiling several16 hrs ago -
Animals Like Us: Business
This installment of the series Animals Like Us focuses on the "business" or "mutual aid"August 27, 2014 -
The glamorous lure of Dubai turns sour for an Australian couple when the downfall of the area's onceAugust 25, 2014
The Total Collapse
Coup Rumors Abound After Obama Attempt To Kill Feared FBI Director Fails
A stunning new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today is warning that7 hrs ago -
Obama Regime Beheading Horror Stuns Russia
A wide ranging Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today states thatAugust 25, 2014 -
“The Russian Aggression Prevention Act” (RAPA): A Direct Path to Nuclear
The Russian Aggression Prevention Act”, introduced to Congress by U.S. Senator Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), willAugust 25, 2014
A Poem on the 74th Anniversary of Leon Trotsky’s Murder
Today [21 Aug 2014] is the 74th anniversary of the murder in Mexico City, by an agent of Soviet MilitaryAugust 25, 2014 -
Obama Buggers Europe: Sanctions Deepen the Recession
By submitting to Washington’s doctrine of permanent wars, Europe eschews the only road out of permanentAugust 25, 2014 -
The Outlaw State of Israel (Part I)
Since 1948 Israel has drawn a long list of military aggression, human rights violations and war crimes. ItAugust 25, 2014
The Truth is Where?
Liquid Lies Revisited.
By Craig Murray, July 3rd 2014. Find Article Here:- There never was a liquid bomb plot.July 6, 2014 -
The UK’s Internet Filters Block Almost 1 in 5 Websites.
By Joseph Cox July 3rd 2014. Find Article Here:- Almost one in five websites are blocked by the UK&#July 6, 2014 -
Scientists discover fragment of ‘missing link’ asteroid that led to
By James Vincent 3rd July 2014. Find Article HereJuly 6, 2014
A New Bill Of Rights -or- Why Human Rights Are So Dangerous
David Cameron intends to introduce a new "law" which will, according to the Daily Express, makeJuly 31, 2014 -
Abuse Witness Melanie Shaw Remanded: No Evidence Presented
Following an extraordinary Crown Court hearing in which Nottingham Police and the CPS failed to presentJuly 29, 2014 -
Melanie Shaw, Beechwood Child Abuse Witness, Held in Peterborough Prison
The Beechwood Children’s Home abuse witness is being held in Peterborough prison after unknown policeJuly 14, 2014
Universe Today
Heat Protecting Back Shell Tiles Installed on NASA’s Orion EFT-1 Spacecraft
Inside the Operations and Checkout Building high bay at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida27 mins ago -
Radio Telescopes Resolve Pleiades Distance Debate
An optical image of the Pleiades. Credit: NOAO / AURA / NSF Fall will soon be at our doorstep. But before11 hrs ago -
Enjoy This Eye-Meltingly Awesome Photo of Our Sun
Photo of the Sun captured and processed by Alan Friedman. Click for a larger version. (© Alan Friedman. All14 hrs ago
Udacity Blog
Intro to Artificial Intelligence Open with Full Udacity Goodness
Today, we are excited to announce that you now have access to coaching support and can earn a Verified10 hrs ago -
Google Q&A: Scalable Apps with Java
Why is cloud computing one of the fastest growing fields right now? Why should you learn to developAugust 26, 2014 -
Why Startups Fail: “The Mistakes We Made Boiled Down to One Thing”
Many startups fail by not validating their ideas early on with real-life customers. Entrepreneurs need toAugust 25, 2014
Veterans Today
Dutch Intellectuals Apologize to Putin
- Jim W. Dean..."The breakthough the Dutch have given us is the obvious link that these Western10 hrs ago -
Nuclear 9/11 Revealed: Theories and Disinformation, the Misguided and the
- "For two months now, we have published the most advanced weapons physics papers ever to be made21 hrs ago -
Israel, ISIL have a lot in common
ISrael would be a paradise for people who like to shoot children and cut off heads.August 28, 2014
Washington's Blog
Judges’ Level of Empathy Correlated with Time of Day
Tired, Hungry Judges Are Mean We’ve previously noted that – contrary to the naive belief of3 hrs ago -
Why Does the U.S. Support a Country which was FOUNDED With Terrorism … and
America Has Sold Its Soul for Oil A U.S. congressman for 6 years, who is now a talking head on MSNBC (6 hrs ago -
Can a National Quasi-Religion (Pro Sports) Go Broke?
Attending costly games is on the margins of the household budget. When the credit card gets maxed out12 hrs ago
Viral History
A new Crimean War? Really?
0 false 18 pt 18 pt 0 0 false false false /* Style DefinitionsMarch 3, 2014 -
Yiddish Theater: Don't Forget Molly Picon
Yiddish is not beautiful. Harsh and gutteral, it makes you twist your face to get the sounds outFebruary 1, 2014 -
Guest Post: David Taylor on Anzia Yezierska, Part II
0 false 18 pt 18 pt 0 0 false false false /* Style DefinitionsJanuary 23, 2014
Andy Worthington
Guantánamo Violence: Prisoners Report Shaker Aamer “Beaten,” Another Man
In a recent letter to the British foreign secretary Philip Hammond, Clive Stafford Smith, the founder and7 hrs ago -
Ali Hamza Al-Bahlul, David Hicks and the Legal Collapse of the Military
I wrote the following article for the “ Close Guantánamo ” website, which I established in January 2012August 27, 2014 -
Guantánamo Torture Victim Mohamedou Ould Slahi’s Harrowing Memoir to be
In January 2015, Mohamedou Ould Slahi, a prisoner at Guantánamo, will become the first prisoner still heldAugust 25, 2014
WASH Research News
A sustainability assessment tool for rural water services
Ryan Schweitzer and James Mihelcic from the University of South Florida have developed a SustainabilityMarch 6, 2013 -
Renewed research call for faecal sludge secondary treatment options in
IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre announces a renewed research call for: Faecal sludgeNovember 25, 2012 -
UNESCO-IHE and partners offering twenty PhD positions on pro-poor
Twenty PhD Positions are available in the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Funded Project on Pro-poorDecember 2, 2011
World Science
Tiny "cannon" shoots single light particles
The invention is part of an attempt to develop super-fast computers using photons.20 hrs ago -
Sheepdogs found to use simple rules to herd sheep
Sscientists used GPS technology to understand how sheepdogs do their jobs so well.August 27, 2014 -
Movie recreates in detail past visit to far-off moon
Scientists working with NASA restored 1989 footage from the Voyager 2 spacecraft to make a map and film ofAugust 26, 2014
Fuel Fix
Houston crude-by-rail company files for $150 million IPO
Houston rail terminal operator USD Partners told regulators Friday it plans to make a $150 million Wall5 hrs ago -
Feds advance hydraulic fracturing rule
The Obama administration is on track to impose new mandates governing hydraulic fracturing on public land9 hrs ago -
Illinois state agency issues fracturing rules
he lengthy report follows months of delays and complaints over the process to draft rules governing9 hrs ago
Zelo Street
Threat Level – Severe My Arse
Most of the time, ministerial announcements do not raise the average citizen’s interest level one jot12 hrs ago -
Clacton – Possibly Bad Road Trip
“ Tory Shock As MP Joins UKIP ” screamed the Daily Express this morning , adding “ Defection on day16 hrs ago -
Uber – What Did I Tell You?
Just three days ago , I noted that “ Uber gets into price wars; it therefore lowers prices. Driver earnings18 hrs ago
Business News Headlines - Yahoo! News
U.S. coal stocks could gain on Russia tension
By Akane Otani NEW YORK (Reuters) - Beaten-down U.S. The crisis in eastern Ukraine has emboldened Europe3 hrs ago -
China graft watchdog probes another exec at Volkswagen JV
China's anti-graft watchdog has said it is investigating a former senior executive at Volkswagen AG1 hr ago -
Exclusive: U.S. options exchanges craft rules to fend off turmoil
By John McCrank NEW YORK (Reuters) - A year after Goldman Sachs bungled a software upgrade and lost tens of9 hrs ago
IEA.org.uk - Blog feed
Bitcoin: the Money of the Future?
August 20, 2014
Federal Judge Blocks Texas Restriction On Abortion Clinics
Requiring every center that performs abortions to meet all the standards of a surgical center is2 hrs ago -
McConnell's Campaign Manager Resigns To Avoid Being 'Distraction
There's an investigation into a payoff scheme before the 2012 presidential caucuses in Iowa. Jesse4 hrs ago -
Legal Questions Loom As Obama Weighs Military Action In Syria
The Obama administration is considering whether to broaden its air campaign against the extremist group the7 hrs ago
Politics News Headlines - Yahoo News
Obama unloads on Republicans, sees 'cynical genius'
Obama, raising money for Democratic candidates as Republicans aim to take over the Senate in the fall, on3 hrs ago -
Obama faces a tough sell in Congress for Islamic State strategy
President Barack Obama has pledged to consult Congress about any expanded military action against Islamic6 hrs ago -
Texas frontrunner for governor, Abbott, backs out of sole TV debate
The frontrunner for the Texas race for governor, Republican Greg Abbott, has pulled out of the sole6 hrs ago
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