3:12pm MDST
The Air Force and the McMinnville UFO Photographs
For the last several weeks I have been researching my new book and I
stumbled across a bit of information that suggests the Air Force was less
than enthusiastic in their investigations of UFOs. I wondered what their
conclusion of the McMinnville photographs was. These are the two pictures
taken by Paul Trent on May 11, 1950 of a disk-shaped object near his farm
in Oregon. I’m not going to debate the merits of the pictures here, merely
look at the Air Force response.
According to the Project Blue Book files, they came to no conclusion. In
fact, they didn’t bother to investigate the ... more »
Obama’s “Lack” of Strategy Towards ISIS
The last two days have seen a maelstrom of media attention to President
Obama’s admission that he currently does not have a strategy for attacking
or containing ISIS (The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria) in Syria. It is
no surprise that those on the right criticized Obama’s candid remarks, and
it is equally not
Continue reading
Big Money Interests Investing Heavily In Their Most Subservient Political Handmaidens

I would call this Horsey cartoon from yesterday's *L.A. Times* pretty
risqué. It uses an image of a cocaine snorting Miss McConnell to portray
and mock his addiction to extreme right-wing Koch brothers cash. David
Horsey is a Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonist for the *Times* and
he can get away with stuff like this. He also wrote the piece the cartoon
accompanied. "The dilemma," he wrote, "facing the true grass-roots tea
party believers-- the dilemma they do not acknowledge-- is that their
primary goal of whittling and whacking away at big government undercuts
their seco... more »
The Summer so Far

August 30, 2014 Labor Day weekend is upon us and amidst the end of
summer/pre-fall barbeques, vacations, staycations and general revelries,
here’s what’s happening in my neighborhood: We hit 101 degrees last week,
but after a run of 98 and … Continue reading →
Russia and the Islamic State are short-term distractions from the
serious problems of climate change and resource depletion. We simply
don't have time to fuck around with some new fangled Cold- luke-warm-War
or to humour the Islamic State. The global policy response should be
robust, and aimed at walling off these two entities in every way
possible so that we in the rest of the world can
Once More, With Feeling

When I first began writing the series of template articles, my intention
was to publish them all within a day of each other, if not all at the same
time. Unfortunately time and internet issues managed to derail that
initial plan somewhat. With some of the articles being published days
apart- with weeks between the first one and the last one- some of the
message was lost. After discussing this aspect with Lisa and Heather and
Nick, I decided that I would re-publish the set of 5 articles, in reading
order, all at one time.
Below are all 5 of the Template articles. I am posting them... more »
“What is Going On?”
*“What is Going On?”*
by David Stansfield
“We have now reached the point in our story where we no longer know what is
going on. Moore’s law still reigns supreme over the technological
playground, but it appears that our toys have outgrown us – or are very,
very close to doing so. Each prediction about what this will mean for the
human race is wilder than the next. The wildest prophecies of all cluster
around a concept known as “the singularity.”
Now there’s a word. Something to do with single, with singleness, oneness,
with one or perhaps, The One. All of that and more is wrapped u... more »
Foreign Fighters Volunteering to Fight Against Ukraine Military
Fighters from throughout Europe are forming a "Europe United" brigade in
Ukraine to fight alongside the Novorossian militia.
I guess this is why NATO is calling for a 10,000 soldier force to confront
Russia in Ukraine.....the biggest "civil war" in history seems to be
shaping up. Canada is "considering" whether it will contribute to this
force. Of course, the choice is not ours to make. The NATO henchmen make
all those kinds of decisions...all we do is receive back into our country
the mentally and physically broken soldiers from these kinds of combats.
Don Lincoln's introduction to particle detectors
Fermilab's Don Lincoln has recorded a couple of videos promoting and
explaining physics concepts.
In this new 10-minute film, he presents particle detectors as subatomic
bomb squads.
To make his point clearer, he first detonates himself, goes to Heaven, and
returns to Earth.
A moment later, he makes his not so luxurious villa explode, too.
Meanwhile, beginners may learn something about the methods that physicists
used to reconstruct what happened during the explosion or collision.
Obama Awards Contract to Student Loan Predators Who Swindled 60,000 Veteran Families
Sallie Mae has a long, dirty history (here, here, here, here, here, here,
and here) of preying on those dependent upon student loans for a college
education. Recently, the dirty bastards spun off a company, which
according to Forbes, is really the old, rotten version of Sallie Mae that
we have come to hate:
The new company which is being spun out – Navient – is equivalent to the
old Sallie Mae. It will continue to service the existing loans in the
Sallie Mae portfolio, as well as service new loans via contracts with the
Department of Education. It will also focus on servicing priva... more »
Sasha & Heather on TCI: raw unedited video footage
Good evening everyone! Here is the raw, unedited video footage of The
Collective Imagination Interview with Heather Tucci-Jarraf and Sasha Stone
that was recorded on Tuesday August 26th, 2014.
As many of you probably have already heard, we had some technical issues
with getting the broadcast live on Tuesday. The round table discussion
with Lisa Harrison, Brian Kelly, myself, and Sasha and Heather was recorded
on skype and this is the unedited version that is embedded here. While the
awesome technical team is putting together an awesome production of this
discussion, using mult... more »
Can Peter King Add This To The Republican Law Suit Against President Obama?

“No way any of us can excuse what the president did yesterday… a week after
Jim Foley was beheaded"- Peter King
Roland and I have been traveling all over the world for decades. He'd eat
grasshoppers, snakes, monkeys and, in Beijing, dog. So when I wondered if I
knew anyone who watched the video of Jim Foley's beheading, I asked Roland.
"Are you kidding," he declared in disgust. "I'd never watch the savage
garbage." OK, so I don't know any friends or family who did. I asked a few
congressmembers too and they all said no. I couldn't get an answer from
Peter King's office but I bet he ... more »
The Islamic militant group ISIS, formerly known as Al-Qaeda in Iraq, and
recently rebranded as the so called Islamic State, is the stuff of
Would it interest you to know who helped these psychopaths rise to power?
Would it interest you to know who armed them, funded them and trained them?
Would it interest you to know why?
NATO uses fear to increase their 'security state' in Wales for their annual
summit. More money wasted at the very time that austerity measures are
ripping communities to pieces.
Say no to the NATO endless war machine!
Supplemental: The Clintons earn too much money again!
*SATURDAY, AUGUST 30, 2014Adopting Fawn Brodie’s procedures:* Early next
year, our nation will embark on it latest White House campaign.
The two-year campaign will be endless. Increasingly, the coverage of these
campaigns is built around journalistic cartoons.
Did we see one such cartoon growing again in today’s New York Times?
Chelsea Clinton is leaving her post at NBC News. This is a strikingly
trivial matter.
That said, did we spot a certain cartoon in the Times? Headline included,
Amy Chozick’s news report started like this:
CHOZICK (8/30/14):
*Chelsea Clinton to Leave ... more »
Friday Beaver - fear edition

Life of late is cheap which makes one wonder if it was always this way or
did we just not see it? Was it hidden behind some veil of secrecy?
Eventually atrocities creep out. How could a city stand and watch boxcars
crammed full of humanity pass by and not wonder what was going on? Justice
it seems is only for those holding all the cards, the boys with the most
fire power. This truly has turned Orwellian. Good is bad and bad is good.
Who would Jesus bomb?
Rights? You actually think you have rights? Shut up. They just slap a label
of enemy on your back and you get a visit from a d... more »
Editor's Note
Taking some badly needed R&R today. Blogging will return later tonight.
George Galloway 'beaten over Israel comments'
British MP attacked in London street by man said to have been shouting
about the Holocaust
UK seeking to bar Russia from using SWIFT banking network
The British government will press other European nations at a meeting in
Brussels on Saturday to block Russia from using the SWIFT banking network,
Bloomberg reported, in what could be a dramatic expansion of sanctions.
Woman working 4 jobs to make ends meet dies while napping in car between shifts
A New Jersey woman who worked four jobs, who sometimes “wouldn’t sleep for
five days,” according to a co-worker, died Monday while napping between
shifts in her car on the side of the road.
Italy's unelected Prime Minister slams Russia's elected President, Vladimir Putin, for 'escalation' in Ukraine
Italy's de-facto dictator, Matteo Renzi, called Russian President Vladimir
Putin on Thursday to warn of "very serious consequences" after reports that
Moscow has sent troops into Ukraine.
Washington Piles Lie Upon Lie — Paul Craig Roberts
The latest Washington lie, this one coming from NATO, is that Russia has
invaded Ukraine with 1,000 troops and self-propelled artillery.
Irish carpenter who is desperately fighting eviction is thrown into Mountjoy Prison
Michael O’Neill, 46, has been imprisoned in Mountjoy for two days on foot
of a High Court warrant which said to stay away from his home in Dunmanway,
Co Cork.
EU to Discuss More Russian Sanctions, Possible Weapons Embargo – Danish Foreign Minister
The European Union plans to discuss more sanctions against Russia and is
ready to consider a weapons embargo, Danish Foreign Minister Martin
Lidegaard told reporters Friday.
Cold War - Family Business for Brzezinskis
As US President Barack Obama prepares for his address at the NATO Summit in
Wales and for chairing the United Nations Security Council in September,
the children of Zbigniew Brzezinski, the aging anti-Russian strategist who
advised Obama during his first presidential campaign, have been actively
working on implementing their father's Cold War schemes.
Donetsk Republic leaders ready to provide corridors for encircled troops
Leaders of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic are ready to
provide humanitarian corridors for encircled Kiev-loyal troops on condition
of their disarmament.
Obama threatens Russia with new sanctions over Ukraine
US President Barack Obama has threatened his Russian counterpart Vladimir
Putin with new sanctions over the growing crisis in Ukraine.
Saudi Arabia's King Issues A Warning To The West; The Jihadists Are Going To Strike You Next

Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al-Saud speaks before a meeting with the
US Secretary of State at his private residence on June 27, 2014 in the Red
Sea city of Jeddah (AFP Photo/Brendan Smialowski)
*Saudi King Warns West Will Be Jihadists' Next Target -- AFP*
Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) (AFP) - King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia has warned that
the West will be the next target of the jihadists sweeping through Syria
and Iraq, unless there is "rapid" action.
"If we ignore them, I am sure they will reach Europe in a month and America
in another month," he said in remarks quoted on Saturday b... more »
Israel's Embedded American Operatives Aid the Genocide in Gaza

Extremist Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu enjoys an
overwhelmingly accommodating media in the United States. along with a
treacherous Congress packed with corrupt and cowardly weasels, lickspittles
and religious fanatics whose dedication to a foreign country stabs their
actual constituents in the back. The fealty that Netanyahu receives was
evident when he received 29 standing ovations during an address to the U.S.
Congress in 2011. He also is able to play the corrupt state-corporate media
like a Stradivarius to receive an unprecedented forum on national
televisio... more »
Stephen Harper, Nobel Peace Prize nominee
Not content with awarding Stephen Harper their Gold Medallion human rights
award and pledging to create a *Stephen Harper Centre for Human Rights*, B’nai
Brith Canada announced yesterday they will be nominating him for the Nobel
Peace Prize.
Frank Dimant from their statement :
“Moral clarity has been lost across much of the world, with terror, hatred
and antisemitism filling the void,” said Frank Dimant, CEO, B’nai Brith
Canada. “Throughout, there has been one leader which has demonstrated
international leadership and a clear understanding of the differences
between those who wou... more »
Ignoring The Obvious

Stephen Harper has just completed his ninth tour of the North. These tours
provide the prime minister with an opportunity to serve up warm rhetoric.
On this occasion, Harper saved his most heated words for Vladimir Putin.
But he said nothing about the North's increasingly warm atmosphere. Jeffrey
Simpson writes:
Nowhere in Canada is the impact of climate change more increasingly evident
than the North. And yet, the words “climate change” are never heard from
Mr. Harper in the North, as if the idea... more »
Ukraine / Russia situation ( August 27 , 2014 ) -- Daily update on the state of play regarding South East Ukraine battlefield , sanctions watch ( US/EU/Ukraine and Russia ) , Peace Talks / Mediations , Natural Gas Situation....
Catharsis Ours - 7 hours ago
Ukraine Accuses Russia Of Launching Invasion, Then Promptly Retracts
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/28/2014 07:24 -0400
- European Union
- Greenlight <li class="taxonomy_term_9184" style="display: inlin
What A U.S. Military Intervention In Syria Really Means

Badra Mamet/Reuters
*What Going To War In Syria Would Really Mean For The U.S. -- Conor
Friedersdorf, The Atlantic*
A brutal dictator, a violent terrorist group, and the morally fraught
tradeoff that interventionists face
Attacking Adolf Hitler's Germany benefited moral monster Joseph Stalin's
Soviet Union. That inescapable fact of World War II doesn't mean it wasn't
worth fighting Nazis. Under the circumstances, allying with Stalin to beat
Hitler was the right call. But the consequences of that fraught alliance
were themselves horrific. To ignore its downsides would be to misund... more »
The Economist: one drop in the tsunami of stoopid

*Another lovely Taiwan riding day*.
I'm blogging on this because I fear that if you read this article in which
the Economist explains why China and Taiwan are divided, your IQ may
plummet. Just consider this my small public service in defending the world
from the ongoing tsunami of stoopid in the media. Why O why can't we have a
better media?
The stoopid starts at the very beginning. With the title: "China and Taiwan
are divided." But of course, China and Taiwan aren't "divided." The KMT and
CCP governments wish to annex Taiwan to China, whose sovereignty over
Taiwan is not suppor... more »
*Nine ~Disenfranchised Citizen*
*New Orleans on a roll, but 9th Ward stymied 9 years after Katrina ~Rob
Masson, WVUE*
*Abortion clinics ask federal judge to rule new state law unconstitutional
*Nighttime burglar ransacks Treme funeral home, steals hearse ~Danny
Monteverde, New Orleans Advocate *
*It's GameDay! LSU Football vs. Wisconsin *
US hands over first upgraded KC-135 Stratotanker to France

[image: ALAT KC-135RG Stratotanker]The French Air Force (ALAT) has taken
delivery of the first modernised KC-135 Stratotanker aerial refuelling
aircraft from the US at Air Base 125, near Istres, France.
A total of three French KC-135RG tankers have been upgraded by the US to
primarily ensure compliance with the RENO global air traffic management
(GATM) standard.
The new interface is claimed to enable navigation standards identical to
those of US KC-135s and more efficient and secure integration into general
air traffic.
Read more
Taiwan to spend US$2.5b on anti-missile systems

[image: Tien Kung 3 (Sky Bow 3) missile]Taiwan plans to spend TW$74.8
billion (S$3.1 billion, US$2.5 billion) in the next nine years to acquire
anti-missile systems to boost its aerial defences against China, a lawmaker
and media said Saturday.
The defence ministry aims to purchase the locally-made Tien Kung 3 (Sky Bow
3) surface-to-air missile system between 2015 and 2024 to replace the
ageing Hawk missile systems, said lawmaker Lin Yu-fang of the parliament's
defence committee. T
his will be the biggest procurement of domestically-made weapon systems in
recent years, Lin said, ci... more »
The End of the Cobra Era

[image: AH-1Z Cobra]The IAF has quietly retired one of its oldest and most
venerable weapon systems recently.
The AH-1 Cobra attack helicopter OrBat, which entered service in 1975, was
demobilized pursuant to a decision (in the context of the recent cuts in
the defense budget) to discontinue using the outdated helicopters.
The demobilization process was executed in three stages: on July 29, 2013
the attack helicopter flight of the Red (Aggressor) Squadron was
Read more
Iran Nuclear talks hit impasse ( August 30 , 2014 ) - US rolls out more sanctions and Iranian response to same ...
*Hassan Rouhani* @HassanRouhani · 6m
Our broad sense in the nuclear negotiations is that all 7 countries want to
solve the issue.
*Hassan Rouhani* @HassanRouhani · 9m
The recent measures taken against #Iran by the US are against the spirit of
the Joint Plan of Action and confidence building.
*Hassan Rouhani* @HassanRouhani · 28m
Hope #nuclear negotiations will be fruitful. If counterparts avoid
excessive demands outcome would benefit all parties. #WinWin #RouhaniLive
http://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/middle-east/2014/08/29/U-S-imposes-new-sa... more »
Why Would You Vote For Anyone Opposed To Increasing The Minimum Wage?
No doubt Labor Day is about barbecuing for many people… or an extra day off
from work that can be spent with friends and family or in blissful
solitude. But this morning, in his weekly address, Presdient Obama chose to
discuss the minimum wage, particularly since Mitch McConnell had just
prostrated himself before the Koch brothers and some equally heinous
billionaires and viewed he would never allow an increase in the minimum
wage to even come up for a vote if he wins reelection. It probably angered
Peter King again, but the president decided to talk about economic issues
that fa... more »
With Syrian Rebels Intensifying Their Attacks, UN Peacekeepers Flee Into Israel From Their Posts In The Golan Heights

*Philippine Syria Troops 'Attacked' -- BBC*
Philippine peacekeepers trapped by rebels in the Syrian Golan Heights are
"under attack", Philippine Defence Minister Voltaire Gazmin says.
He said the assault had started early on Saturday, but gave no details on
any casualties.
In recent days the Syrian rebels have taken 44 Fijian peacekeepers hostage
in the area and surrounded 75 Filipinos manning two separate UN posts.
The rebels have also seized a crossing point into the Israeli-occupied
They are believed to include members of the al-Nusra Front, al-Qaeda's
affiliate in Syri... more »
Death is not the end. Our Struggle is Eternal

The death of a loved-one is never easy. It is that much harder when the
one you lose suffers excruciating pain before death. This month has been a
particularly difficult one, with the loss of a confidant, a listener, an
individual who was forthright yet compassionate, took no nonsense but
wasn't patronising, and was in every way a kindred spirit. Due to the
nature of my writing, I cannot give the name or any other details of the
great individual who has departed this world. Why not? Because to do so
would put the rest of my family in danger due to the malicious behaviour of
tho... more »
*TX: Some teachers packing heat, school district signs alert visitors*
A school district outside Dallas will reportedly continue to allow some
teachers to carry guns in school, and posted signs on school campuses
warning that teachers "may use whatever force is necessary to protect our
NewFix's CW33 reported that Argyle teachers will continue to be allowed to
be armed on campus under the state's Protection of Texas Children Act.
The report said these gun-toting teachers are required to have a handgun
license, pass a psychological test and go through emergency response
t... more »
A War Which Would Kill 40,000,000 Americans in an Hour

*LBJ: "Dick...it has already been announced and you can serve with anybody
for the good of America and this is a question that has a good many more
ramifications than on the surface and we've got to take this out of the
arena where they're testifying that Khrushchev and Castro did this and did
that and kicking us into a war that can kill 40 million Americans in an
hour. "*
Everyone ignores the direct, personal role played by Bobby Kennedy in
bringing the Warren Commission into existence - Bobby asked Earl Warren to
serve on the Commission, in person, TWICE, *BEFORE* LBJ asked hi... more »
APSA Fire Update
Well, the main APSA hotel at the Marriott last night caught fire last night
in what might be an act of arson, but we really don’t know. For those of us
staying at the Marriott, we awoke at 1am to alarms and recorded messages to
evacuate the building. We stayed outside until around 4:30 or
Continue reading
Winter watch ( August 30 , 2014 ) - Are Russia and Germany conniving to work around recalcitrant Ukraine regarding natural gas for Europe ? Association of European Businesses urges EU to refrain from sanctions against Russia ...... European Commission recommends Ukraine to start repaying Russian gas debt
( Ukraine needs 3 billion for their war with Novorussians and billions more
to pay for Russian natural gas...... Pony up time , boys and girls ! )
Barroso suggests EU’s increased financial aid for Ukraine
August 30, 20:12 UTC+4
“More than half a billion euros in loans and 250 million euros in grants
have already been mobilized by the European Commission as part of this
package,” the president of the European Commission said
© AP Photo/Yves Logghe
BRUSSELS, August 30, /ITAR-TASS/. European Commission President Jose Manuel
Barroso said on Sat... more »
Saturday Interview: Howard Fuller
Howard "Howie" Fuller is a PCS activist from London. Among his sins are a
penchant for comics and prog rock. He blogs at Howie's Corner and has
proven so far resistant to Twitter's lure.
- Why did you start blogging?
I actually came to blogging by accident rather than design. For several
years I had run (and still do) an e-mail list in the PCS union which
managed to get up the noses of the Socialist Party/Left Unity leadership.
So much so in fact that in late 2012 I received a phone call from John
McInally, a PCS Vice President (and SP Grandee) asking me to desist in my
criticisms... more »
Ukraine Updates ( August 30 , 2014 ) -- Ukraine Demands Arms, NATO Membership as Rebels Advance on Mariupol Kiev Cries 'Invasion,' But Still Has No Evidence ....... Ukraine Claims ‘Thousands’ of Russian Troops Invaded, Offers No Evidence Rebels Advance, But No Sign of Putative Russian Backing ....... Next Week’s NATO Summit to Focus on Escalations Against Russia Expected to Reach Deal on More Eastern Europe Troops ........ NATO planning 'rapid-deployment force' of 10,000 troops to counter Russia ...... Updates from the battlefield and Political minefields......
Anti War.....
Vineyard of the Saker......
“Russian Invasion” – How long is screaming ‘Wolf!’ having an impact of the
Western Populations? – Until Full Spectrum Dominance has been attained?
by Peter Koenig
"*The separatists are backed, trained, armed, financed by Russia. Russia
determined that it had to be a little more overt in what it had already
been doing, but it's not really a shift*."
Barak Obama, 29 August 2014.
"*If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth.*”
Joseph Goebbels
Interestingly, most of us who are seeking the truth are primaril... more »
Map On Wall In Office Of Governor Of Donetsk People's Republic Shows The Territory That They Want
Map on wall in office of governor of Donetsk People's Republic shows
territory they want in #Russia. pic.twitter.com/iFKx7pRXrm
— Alexander Marquardt (@MarquardtA) May 12, 2014
*My Comment:* It is not going to happen .... but some are now proposing
such a split to solve the crisis .... *A Split Is Possible Way Out Of
Ukraine Crisis -- Analysts* ( Marcel Michelson, Forbes)
Ukraine Civil War News Updates -- August 30, 2014
*Mariupol Digs Its Trenches And Awaits An Attack From The Troops Of 'New
Russia' -- The Telegraph*
Ukrainian forces in the port city of Mariupol believe Russian troops are
poised to take their stronghold – but Moscow denies that its troops are
serving across the border
"They're different to the fighters in Donetsk. We know what they're like,
we've fought them before. These guys are different. Their kit, their
uniforms, everything – they're Russian armed forces."
Standing among the sandbag redoubts dotting the grounds of the Azov
battalion's headquarters in Mariupol, the city of ... more »
Who's really hit a nerve with Jon Donnison?
Someone is very sore about *BBC Watch. *You might also say *#obsessed. *
Jon Donnison, though back in Oz (where his job is to report on Australian
affairs), is still obsessively tweeting about Gaza at the moment. And about *BBC
Watch* and *CiF Watch*. And, yet again, he's happily scrapping with an
Israeli spokesman, this time Yiftah Curiel, Spokesperson of the Embassy of
Israel in London.
Here's what's been happening so far:
I hope lone voice behind @bbcwatch is being paid by the word, or must be
most monumental waste of time since England picked Carlton Palmer.
— Jon Donnison (@Jo... more »
Iraq / Syria Regional War Updates ( August 30 , 2014 ) -- US has no strategy for ISIS yet is bombing away in Iraq , UK playing a " Chicken Little Game " crying terror threats , UN being dragged into the Syria campaign by al Nusra .......
Anti War.....
No ISIS Strategy; Obama’s Rare Moment of CandorHawks Push Escalation, But
Lack of Strategy Not an Oversight
by Jason Ditz, August 29, 2014
Print This | Share This
Nothing is more unwise for politicians than honesty, and President Obama
was caught in a pretty significant moment of candor with his admission that
“we don’t have a strategy yet” for the ISIS war.
The comment sparked immediate condemnation from hawks pushing him to
escalate the ISIS war even more precipitously, with claims that he isn’t
taking the situation seriously enough.
Yet the lack of a strategy isn’t s... more »
Coup Underway In African State Of Lesotho. Prime Minister Has Fled the Country

*Military Coup Under Way In Lesotho -- Al Jazeera*
Prime Minister, who has fled to South Africa, confirms with Al Jazeera that
army has taken over government buildings.
Military units in Lesotho have surrounded government and police buildings
and gunfire has been heard in the small mountainous southern African
kingdom, in what diplomats said appeared to be an attempted coup.
The military seized control of the tiny police headquarters and jammed
radio stations and phones in the early hours on Saturday, a government
minister and member of the ruling coalition told the AFP news agency... more »
NATO Plans To Establish A 'Rapid-Deployment Force' Of 10,000 Troops

German troops who are part of the NATO-led International Security
Assistance Force (ISAF) (Reuters / Omar Sobhani)
*NATO Planning 'Rapid-Deployment Force' Of 10,000 Troops To Counter Russia
-- RT*
NATO is reportedly working towards the creation of an expeditionary force
composed of 10,000 troops from seven different member states as a result of
escalating tensions with Russia over the conflict in Ukraine.
According to the Financial Times, the force’s creation will be spearheaded
by Britain and involve contributions from Denmark, Latvia, Estonia,
Lithuania, Norway, and the Netherla... more »
Ukraine Wants To Join NATO

Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko (L) greets NATO Secretary General
Anders Fogh Rasmussen during their meeting in Kiev, August 7, 2014.
Rasmussen on Thursday called on Russia to pull its troops back from the
border with Ukraine and "step back from the brink". REUTERS/Mykola
Lazarenko /Ukrainian Presidential Press Service/Handout via Reuters
*Ukraine To Seek Nato Membership, Says PM Yatsenyuk -- BBC*
*Ukraine's prime minister has said he will ask parliament to put the
country on a path towards Nato membership.*
Arseny Yatsenyuk said the government was sending a bill to MPs urging... more »
Poland Closes It's Airspace To The Russian Defense Minister's Plane From Flying Over

Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu (RIA Novosti / Igor Russak)
*Poland Closes Airspace To Russian Defense Minister's Plane, Demands
'Non-Military' Flight Status -- RT*
*Poland has allowed the plane of Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu to
fly over its territory, after the plane changed its status from military to
civilian. Earlier the country barred its airspace to the plane.*
The Russian defense minister’s plane has left Bratislava’s airport,
according to the Slovak Interior Ministry, RIA Novosti news agency reported.
The plane has received permission to fly over Poland af... more »
U.S. High-Altitude Missile System For S. Korea Upsets China, N. Korea, Russia, Poses Problems For South

[image: THAAD launcher]The specter of Chinese warplanes buzzing U.S. and
Japanese planes adds urgency to U.S. pressure for high-altitude defense in
Asia against a still more formidable threat: that of missiles fired by
North Korea and maybe even China.
Both the Pentagon and Japan’s defense ministry have protested the close
calls with Chinese planes while China threatens still more of them and
complains about U.S. dreams of installing a “Terminal High-Altitude Area
Defense” system in South Korea.
China, North Korea and, most recently, Russia all seem to fear that
installation of the... more »
Sweden to buy next-generation jets despite Swiss pullout

[image: Saab JAS-39 Gripen E/F]Sweden said Friday it would go ahead with
the purchase of a new generation of Saab Gripen fighter jets, despite
Switzerland pulling out of a major co-financing deal.
"Global developments and Russian action in Ukraine, with troops in the
country, underline the importance of us pursuing the acquisition of the
next generation fighter aircraft," defence minister Karin Enstroem told
public broadcaster SVT.
"This is also about our security and defence capability in the future," she
Read more
Rare footage: F16 low level test over beautiful Greenland landscapes
Thanks to Major John Kristensen of the Royal Danish Airforce you get to see
Greenland like you have never seen it before, flying low in an F16 fighter
Jacob Michaelsen, wing commander on the mission said, "the video combines
the best of two worlds; F16 flying and the breathtaking scenery over
Major Kristensen originally recorded the video as documentation but was
given permission from Tactical Air Command Denmark to share it with the
World after he edited it and showed them.
Accurate and Up-To Date Maps are Important.

*Remember Yalta - Yalta is extremely Important to remember.*
Transport Econ 13: On Prohibiting S. Luzon Provincial Buses to Enter M.Manila

The Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) will soon prohibit
buses from southern provinces to enter Metro Manila. Their analysis says
that these provincial buses contribute significantly to Metro Manila
traffic; thus, the solution is to ban and prohibit them from entering the
metropolis. Is this a good analysis?
In July 2013, MMDA proposed a two days a week cars-not-allowed in M.Manila,
from the current one day a week. Public adverse reaction was high and MMDA
was forced to abandon it.
Then in August 2013, MMDA prohibited provincial buses from Cavite and
western Batanga... more »
Pratt halted F-35 engine shipments in May over titanium

[image: F-135 test]United Technologies Corp's Pratt & Whitney unit briefly
suspended delivery of the engine for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter jet in
May because of questions about titanium provided to a parts supplier.
Pratt said on Friday it discovered conflicting documentation in late May
that raised questions about the origin of the titanium, which was also used
in parts for engines made by its Pratt & Whitney Canada division. The
Lockheed Martin Corp F-35 strike fighter is the Pentagon's costliest
weapons program.
Pratt determined very quickly that the material did not pose a fl... more »
US Air Force's Secretive X-37B Space Plane Passes 600 Days in Orbit

[image: X-37B Space Plane]The U.S. Air Force's mysterious unmanned space
plane has winged beyond 600 days in orbit on a classified military mission
that seems to have no end.
The X-37B space plane is carrying out the Orbital Test Vehicle-3 (OTV-3)
mission, a long-duration cruise that marks the third flight for the
unpiloted Air Force spaceflight program.
The Air Force launched the miniature space shuttle into orbit on Dec. 11,
2012 using an expendable Atlas 5 rocket. By the end of Friday (Aug. 29),
the space plane had spent 627 days in orbit. That's one year, eight months,
19 days ... more »
Russia, India to Continue Joint Air Force Drills in November

[image: Su-30MKI Flanker]The second phase of joint Russian-Indian Air Force
exercise “Aviaindra-2014” is set to take place in India in November, deputy
chief of the Russian Air Force's General Staff, Aleksandr Lyapkin, told
reporters Friday.
“The second phase of the exercise will take place in India after the end of
monsoon season, on November 10-21. The location isn't known yet, this will
become clear in October, when planning is finished,” Lyapkin said.
Russia is currently hosting the first ever Russian-Indian air force drills,
which involve joint flights with mixed Russian-Indian... more »
UCLASS RFP Delayed Again Following Pentagon Meeting

[image: X47B Night Deck Handling]The final request for proposal (RFP) for
the Navy’s planned carrier-based unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) has been
delayed pending a review of the service’s information, surveillance and
reconnaissance (ISR) portfolio as part of the service’s budget process this
fall, Navy officials told USNI News on Friday afternoon.
“Defense officials will be including [Unmanned Carrier Launched Airborne
Surveillance and Strike (UCLASS)] in its ISR portfolio review to be
conducted in conjunction with the normal budget review process this fall,”
Cmdr. Thurraya S. Kent... more »
Del Pilar class frigates to be fitted with CIWS, Harpoon missiles

[image: BRP Gregorio Del Pilar (PF-15)]“Our initial target is for the Del
Pilar frigates to have the same capabilities as the Hamilton-class did when
they were in US service, such as having the Phalanx CIWS and Harpoon
anti-ship missiles,” Marine Colonel Eric Nicanor, commander of the PN’s
Naval Communications, Electronic and Information Center and chairman of the
technical working group for the Del Pilar-class frigate upgrade told IHS
He also said that they are looking to possibility of fitting Del Pilar
class firgates with weapon and sensor system same with the upcoming br... more »
Japan defence ministry asks for record US$48.7b budget

[image: Kawasaki P-1 MPA]Japan’s defence ministry yesterday made its
biggest ever budget request, as Tokyo bolsters its military amid worries
over China’s expanding naval reach.
The ministry wants 5.05 trillion yen (US$48.7 billion) for the year, with
the focus on boosting protection of a string of southern islands that
stretches from Kyushu to waters near Taiwan.
The request, if approved, would mark the third straight annual defence
budget increase and a 3.5 per cent rise from the budget for the current
fiscal year, which ends in March 2015. The trend reflects Prime Minister
Shinz... more »
"Anti-Fascist Protection Rampart"

*"Smash your left hand down about right here three times, then twice up in
this area, then three times right about here... *
*That's 'Louie Louie' "*
Green signal for anti-sub sensors

[image: INS Kolkata]Defence minister Arun Jaitley today asked the navy to
procure anti-submarine warfare suites for two classes of warships from
within the country.
The Telegraph had reported last week that the Prime Minister and Jaitley
had this month commissioned warships INS Kolkata and INS Kamorta despite
their platforms not being fully equipped with anti-submarine sensors.
The Defence Acquisitions Council (DAC), chaired by Jaitley, today asked the
navy to speed up procurement of ASW (anti-submarine warfare) sensors worth
up to Rs 1,700 crore for a class of frigates and destroye... more »
French supplier faltering, deadlines breached; Scorpene may take another hit says defence shipyard

[image: Scorpene class SSK]The alarm bells have gone off. After nine long
years of waiting, the Indian Navy couldn't have expected a worse time for
it to happen.
Suffering from two debilitating underwater losses within a year and tardy
acquisition process, its only hope, Project 75 involving the construction
of six Scorpene submarines based on transfer of technology from the French
firm DCNS, is on the verge of taking a hit, resulting into the fourth
straight extension of delivery deadline.
The Mumbai-based Mazagon Dock Limited (MDL), which is building the boats
with DCNS' assistan... more »
Disputed figures on Gaza casualties.
Petition to change the BBC's boilerplate "mostly civilians" phrase while
the figures are inadequately verified.
Change BBC boilerplate on Gaza casualties to reflect disputed figures
Almost uniquely among news organisations the British Broadcasting
Corporation has a duty to impartiality that is not just implied by the
professional journalism they claim to practice but also legally by Royal
Charter:*"The BBC is required to deliver duly impartial news by the Royal
Charter and Agreement and to treat controversial subjects with due
impartiality"*[BB... more »
General Dynamics Delivers Submarine North Dakota To U.S. Navy on Schedule and Under Target Cost
[image: USS North Dakota (SSN-784)]General Dynamics Electric Boat today
delivered the nuclear-powered attack submarine North Dakota (SSN-784) on
time and more than $30 million below target cost. Electric Boat is a wholly
owned subsidiary of General Dynamics.
North Dakota is the 11th ship of the Virginia Class, which provides the
Navy with the capabilities required to retain undersea dominance well into
the 21st century. North Dakota will join the fleet in a commissioning
ceremony Oct. 25 at the Navy submarine base in Groton.
North Dakota is also the first of the eight-ship group of ... more »
Kenya Navy destroys ship with Sh1 billion worth of heroin as Uhuru watches from his military chopper
President Uhuru Kenyatta witnessed the destruction of the stateless Al Noor
ship with 370 kgs of heroin aboard a military chopper, 16 nautical miles
South of Mombasa.
The ship was destroyed at around 4:20pm by the Kenyan Navy officers who
ringed the ship with explosives which were later denoted.
Journalists watched from a distance as the ship exploded in a ball of fire
and sunk 500m down the sea bed.
Read more
Conflict – Emotion, Bias and Objectivity

*Conflict – Emotion, Bias and Objectivity*
That’s the heading to the promotional material for the event that was to
have taken place at the Frontline Club next week. It was fully booked, but
it has now been postponed, which must have been inconvenient for all
“An event discussing media coverage of the recent Israel-Hamas conflict has
been cancelled, following plans by the ZF to protest outside it. “Reporting
the Israeli–Palestinian Conflict – Emotion, Bias and Objectivity,”
organised by the Frontline Club, was scheduled to be held on Sept 3 at the
Shaw Theatre.”
Perhap... more »
Rasmussen: Ukraine free to seek Nato membership

[image: Anders Fogh Rasmussen]Nato chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen has said
Ukraine is free to pursue membership of the Western alliance despite
Russian opposition.
He told press in Brussels on Friday (29 August): “I’m not going to
interfere in political discussions in Ukraine. But let me remind you of
Nato’s decision at the Bucharest summit in 2008, according to which Ukraine
‘will become a member of Nato,’ provided of course, Ukraine so wishes and
fulfills the necessary criteria”.
“We adhere to the principle that each and every country has the right to
decide [its foreign and securit... more »
Stratbase 2: On Power and Jobs

* Reposting this from Business Mirror.
Group urges P-Noy to focus more on power generation andjob creation
27 Aug 2014 Written by David Cagahastian
CIVIL-SOCIETY group Citizenwatch has proposed several action plans that the
Aquino administration should focus on in its last two years in office,
particularly in the areas of power generation and promotion of medium-scale
enterprises to create more jobs.
In a recent roundtable discussion among the conveners of Citizenwatch, the
need to lower the costs of power and to provide for a reliable source of
power for industries was ... more »

George Galloway provides conclusive proof of his own guilt.
Racially/religiously aggravated assault! That’s the charge we’re told the
assailant will face.
It looks as though the ‘racist’ element of the above crime (racially
aggravated assault) normally concerns the ‘victim’. If A hits B because B
is black/foreign/ Jewish/ Muslim etc etc. then the assault is considered to
be racially aggravated.
George Galloway is none of the above. Unless being a annoying, provocative,
racist antisemite is a race. I suppose it could be a religion.
George was acting in a racia... more »
George Galloway taken to hospital after street attack - BBC News
The BBC are almost ecstatic to report that it may have been a supporter of
Israel that carried out this attack on Galloway.
Read here http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-28992601
Farming Today

Following *Prayer for the Day *came Farming Today - another daily staple of
the Radio 4 schedule. The BBC is sometimes accused of having a
metropolitan, anti-farmer bias, so having this as a regular part of its day
is an important gesture (even if it is scheduled at 5.45am).
Does the programme itself, however, show a metropolitan, anti-farmer bias
in its concerns?
Well, there were four topics on this edition of the Tuesday 26th August
edition of the programme.
The first subject was land access, specifically the tension between the
public's rights over footpath use in the country... more »
Fukushima:"Officials: About 2 Trillion Becquerels of Fukushima Radioactive Material Flowed Into Ocean Every Month During 2013"
*"Officials: About 2 Trillion Becquerels of Fukushima *
*Radioactive Material Flowed Into Ocean Every Month During 2013"*
by ENENews.com
"Officials reveal about 2 Trillion becquerels of Fukushima radioactive
material flowed into ocean every month during 2013 — “Deadly strontium”
releases now more than double cesium — “Strontium gets into your bones… it
changes the equation” (VIDEO)
Strontium 90 = 5 billion Bq
Cesium 137 = 2 billion Bq
Tritium = 15 billion Bq
Total daily outflow into the port = 22 billion Bq
Senior Scientist: 100 times more strontium than cesium in water at
Fukushima... more »
The U.S. Navy Wants It's Future Fighter Jets To Have An Aritificial Intelligence Platform

Boeing concept for F/A-XX. Boeing Image
*Navy’s Next Fighter Likely to Feature Artificial Intelligence -- Dave
Majumdar, USNI News*
Artificial intelligence will likely feature prominently onboard the
Pentagon’s next-generation successors to the Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet
and the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor.
“AI is going to be huge,” said one U.S. Navy official familiar with the
service’s F/A-XX effort to replace the Super Hornet starting around 2030.
Further, while there are significant differences between the U.S. Air
Force’s vision for its F-X air superiority fighter and the ... more »
Musical Interlude: Clannad, “Mystery Game”
Clannad, “Mystery Game”
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIDzqVRFr5c
Here's Where We Think The World's Nukes Are Stored

An image from the U.S.'s May, 1953 "Grable" test of a 280-mm nuclear
cannon. U.S. Department of Energy
*Here's Where We Think The World's Nukes Are Stored — And What It Says
About Global Security -- Armin Rosen, Business Insider*
Nuclear security scholars Hans M. Kristensen and Robert S. Norris published
a study of the worldwide deployment of nuclear weapons on August 27th in
the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, their first such survey since 2009.
As they stress throughout their paper, tracking the number and location of
the world's nuclear warheads is an inherently uncertain end... more »
Rumors Are Spreading That Now Retired Special Operations Admiral Bill McRaven May Be Hillary Clinton's Running Mate in 2016

*Photo:* Ret. Adm. William Harry McRaven. Wikipedia
*Special Ops Commander Swears: I Won't Be Hillary's VP -- Kimberly Dozier,
Daily Beast*
He commanded the bin Laden raid—and expanded U.S. commandos’ global
footprint. Now Adm. Bill McRaven is leaving the military. He
promises—promises—that politics won’t be next.
Admiral Bill McRaven left command of U.S. special operations this week as a
somewhat bewildered man – surprised, stymied, and in some cases burned by
the fame and notoriety that launched his three years there, as the military
commander of the 2011 raid that killed terror... more »
Yes, we know, guns don't kill people

*by Ken*
Yes, we know, guns don't kill people. Sometimes nine-year-old moppets
frolicking with Uzis on gun ranges kill people {"Child firing Uzi at Ariz.
shooting range accidentally kills instructor, police say").
Gun enthusiasts become heated in their defense of responsible gun ownership
and use. And I'm sure many of them *are* responsible. And yes, we're
hearing some of them saying, "Wtf?" At this point, however, it carries less
and less weight in the face of their steadfast defense of a do-nothing
policy on gun control.
Earlier tonight I voiced some reluctance to make a big d... more »
A Look At The U.S. Spy Planes That Will Be Used To Gather Intelligence On The Islamic State

The RQ-4A Global Hawk is a high-altitude, long-endurance unmanned aerial
reconnaissance system designed to provide military field commanders with
high-resolution, near-real-time imagery of large geographic areas. (CREDIT
: REUTERS/U.S. Air Force/Staff Sgt. Reynaldo Ramon)
*The U-2 And Global Hawk, The US Spy Planes That Will Help Hunt ISIS in
Syria -- International Business Times*
The United States has begun surveillance flights over Syria in an attempt
to spy on ISIS fighters. While the U.S. Department of Defense refused to
comment on what type of aircraft will be used, one milita... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“To the eye, this cosmic composition nicely balances the Bubble Nebula at
the lower right with open star cluster M52. The pair would be lopsided on
other scales, though. Embedded in a complex of interstellar dust and gas
and blown by the winds from a single, massive O-type star, the Bubble
Nebula, also known as NGC 7635, is a mere 10 light-years wide.
* Click image for larger size.*
On the other hand, M52 is a rich open cluster of around a thousand stars.
The cluster is about 25 light-years across. Seen toward the northern
boundary of Cassiopeia, distance estimates for the Bubble Neb... more »
Paulo Coelho, “Closing Cycles”
*“Closing Cycles”*
by Paulo Coelho
“One always has to know when a stage comes to an end. If we insist on
staying longer than the necessary time, we lose the happiness and the
meaning of the other stages we have to go through. Closing cycles, shutting
doors, ending chapters – whatever name we give it, what matters is to leave
in the past the moments of life that have finished.
Did you lose your job? Has a loving relationship come to an end? Did you
leave your parents’ house? Gone to live abroad? Has a long-lasting
friendship ended all of a sudden? You can spend a long time wondering... more »
"Willingness to Feel: Opening to Understanding"
*"Willingness to Feel: Opening to Understanding"*
by The DailyOM
"When we are resisting something based on a limited understanding, we must
then open ourselves to willingness. There are times when we may find
ourselves struggling or even fighting with our thoughts and emotions. We
may feel that something must be done in a certain way or not at all, or
there may be some other situation that feels absolutely black and white.
But life is not this way—it’s the way we are looking at our experiences
that is causing the turmoil within us. When we become aware that the
struggle we are havi... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Coppenbrügge, Niedersachsen, Germany.
Thanks for stopping by.
A Maze Or Labyrinth..."
"The difficulty in dealing with a maze or labyrinth lies not so much in
navigating the convolutions to find the exit but in *not entering* the damn
thing in the first place. Or, at least not yet again. As a creature of free
will, do not be tempted into futility."
- Vera Nazarian
Chet Raymo, “Whence Ourselves?”
*“Whence Ourselves?”*
by Chet Raymo
“I recently thought of David S. Goodsell's "The Machinery of Life," and I
found myself reading the book again. There is nothing I didn't already
know, but it's worth reading again for the same reason one might read, say,
Anna Karenina or Moby Dick several times in the course of a life. In fact,
Goodsell's book would be a good candidate for the one science book I would
recommend to someone stuck on a desert island.
Step by step he takes us through the molecular machinery shared by all life
on Earth. Humans have a lot more in common with a bacteriu... more »
The Poet: Wendell Berry, “Leavings”
“In time a man disappears
from his lifelong fields, from
the streams he has walked beside,
from the woods where he sat and waited.
Thinking of this, he seems to
miss himself in those places
as if always he has been there.
But first he must disappear,
and this he foresees with hope,
with thanks. Let others come.”
- Wendell Berry, “Leavings”
Consider This Dispatch a WAR-WARNING

*"The current threat level from international terrorism for the UK is
assessed as SEVERE"*
- If an attack should occur before, during or after the 2014 NATO Summit in
Wales, DON'T think ISIS, Don't think Putin, Don't think Syria: think *NATO
*#warwarning #nato*
I am afraid of Carbon Fiber as a mission critical resouce
It blows up at failure and give you little warning
watch the NHL for evidence
no way I am riding a bike
made of carbon fiber.
*Environmental businesses as a New Orleans economic asset: See the data
points ~Mark Waller*
Oh no, the evil ISIS terrorists are waterboarding! How dare those dastards . . . oops!

*Kids, don't try this at home! But I've got some suggestions of blowhards
who deserve to undergo a lovely round of waterboarding -- at the hands of
professional CIA torturers technicians. (Artwork by Simon Scarr/Reuters
*"Critics of waterboarding have said for years that the practice endangered
Americans, putting them at risk of being subjected to the same brutal
treatment at the hands of the enemy."*
*-- from "Captives held by Islamic State werewaterboarded" on
*by Ken*
Let's try not to make *too big* a deal of it, but since the Lying LIars of
the... more »
Hey Hackers: Join the NSA, It's like a Rave Party
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
Singapore Singapore Singapore

Austria Austria Austria, Denmark Denmark Denmark, Germany Germany Germany.
Of all the treys only Germany is a significant country but man they can
move like a little one and treat the citizens to a good life despite the
troubled seas that surround them and the lack of natural resources that
enrich the stupid ones.
But I say to you all, Singapore is the place that has been
playing civilization since 1964 and winning every round. Take a look folks,
no wires our mirrors just good, not good great goverment. Social housing is
the foundation and good goverment over all is the salvation ... more »
Crushed [updated]
Gutless, and gone?
*UPDATE*: Good riddance. A shame she wasn’t sacked for all her real offences
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
Breaking News: greencrow's option "None of the Above" pondered by Federal Liberal caucus

Greencrow proposed the "None of the Above" (NOTA) option to Minister for
Democratic Reform Pierre Poilievre and MP James Moore back last February,
2014. Neither of them bothered to respond to my e-mail....but it looks
like the Liberals have accepted my suggestion for a change to the ballot.
The Liberals have, however, framed it as a "mandatory vote"...which I don't
think will fly and is a totally unnecessary march down
the path to totalitarianism.
http://www.v... more »
Kissinger Defines His View Of What Is Necessary For A New World Order

*The Assembly Of A New World Order -- Henry Kissinger, Wall Street Journal*
The concept that has underpinned the modern geopolitical era is in crisis
Libya is in civil war, fundamentalist armies are building a self-declared
caliphate across Syria and Iraq and Afghanistan's young democracy is on the
verge of paralysis. To these troubles are added a resurgence of tensions
with Russia and a relationship with China divided between pledges of
cooperation and public recrimination. The concept of order that has
underpinned the modern era is in crisis.
The search for world order has long b... more »
*Zoom in Korea*
*South Korea Missile Defense: U.S. Presses Interoperability *
U.S. Deputy Defense Secretary Robert Work says he wants South Korea’s
missile defense (MD) system to be ‘extremely interoperable’ with the U.S.
“We want the Korean Air Missile and Defense (KAMD) to be independent and
strong,” he told a news conference at the Osan Air Base in Pyeongtaek on
August 21, “What we hope is to have an extremely interoperable system
between the United States’ theater missile defense and the KAMD.“
*‘Extremely Interoperable’ – What does it mean?*
The US government has... more »
"Fukushima Increased Cesium Levels 100 to 1,000 Times Worldwide... and 1,000,000 to 10,000,000 Times On the U.S. West Coast"
*"Fukushima Increased Cesium Levels 100 to 1,000 Times Worldwide... *
*and 1,000,000 to 10,000,000 Times On the U.S. West Coast"*
by George Washington
"We noted 2 days after the Japanese earthquake that radiation from
Fukushima could end up on the West Coast of North America. And see this. We
started tracking the radioactive cesium released by Fukushima within weeks
of the accident. In fact, U.S. nuclear authorities were extremely worried
about the West Coast getting hit by Fukushima radiation but publicly said
nothing. We reported that Fukushima radiation had spread worldwide, and ... more »
Corrupt UK Government Exports Islamist Terrorists To The Middle East And Then Uses Them To Put Fear In Its Ignorant Population
"The United Kingdom raised its terror threat level from “substantial” to
“severe” Friday, at a time when Britons have traveled to Iraq and Syria to
fight alongside the Islamist militant group wreaking havoc there." - Alex
Rogers, *"U.K. Raises Terror Threat Level to ‘Severe’"* Time, August 29,
The corrupt, cynical, and criminal U.K. government says that Islamist
terrorists that have taken over substantial territory in Iraq, and whom it
previously falsely labeled as "rebels" when they were busy fighting Assad
in Syria, pose a severe threat to the security of the U.K.
Insane ... more »
Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- August 29, 2014

Russian President Vladimir Putin attends the all-Russian youth forum
Seliger, held in Tver region August 29, 2014. (Reuters / RIA Novosti /
Mikhail Klimentyev)
*Putin Mocks The West, Puts His Own Prestige On The Line -- Anna Nemtsova,
Daily Beast*
By proclaiming his support for Novorossiya, the old imperial name for
eastern and southern Ukraine, Putin signals he won’t back away from the
MOSCOW — Russian President Vladimir Putin ratcheted up his
rhetorical-historical claims on eastern Ukraine Friday, even as pro-Russian
rebels and their allies among the separatist rebels pu... more »
Venezuela debt watch ( August 29 , 2014 ) - Venezuela has 15 billion in foreign reserves - 6 billion due to be paid in October - December 2014 ! If 2015 debt is similar to 2014 ( USD 9.6 billion to be paid in 2014 ) , it's not clear how Venezuela meets its debt obligations - while paying the rest of its bills .....
Foreign debt maturity puts pressure on Venezuelan public accountsUSD 6
billion is expected to be paid in October-December
The figures of the central bank show Venezuelan repaid USD 7 billion in
foreign debt in 2013 (Vicente Correale)
Saturday August 23, 2014 12:00 AM
In order to raise expenditure above oil revenues and tax collection, the
Venezuelan government took on debt by selling bonds now nearing their
maturity date, which forces authorities to allocate signif... more »
Rob Ford
How I despise this man and the system that put such a reprobate in.

Former Secretary of State releases globalist plan for world government
Editor’s note: this is an article written by wanted war criminal and the
elites gopher, Henry Kissinger. The article is titled: ‘Henry Kissinger on
the Assembly of a New World Order‘ and appeared in the Wall Street Journal
29th Aug, 2014.
Libya is in civil war, fundamentalist armies are building a self-declared
caliphate across Syria and Iraq and Afghanistan’s young democracy is on the
verge of paralysis.
To these troubles are add... more »
- I started bringing in some wood today because the temperatures are
cooling off and I wanted to fill up the wood holders in the house. Tonight
I am going to sit out in the back yard with a fire going and I called MB
and asked her to bring some beer on her way home from work. Might as well
start thinking and acting like I am on vacation.
- The summer this year has gone by fast and has been much cooler than
the past couple of years. This summer felt more like the Maine summers we
experienced after moving here in 2003.
- I had a 90-minute massage to... more »
Masters out of control spells KAOS

I have no idea how you became competent to comment. But believe me girl
and I would say the same thing to you if you were a man. The end of civil
discussion in near, Rob Ford over thirty and thats when the mission blows
and the other entertains increase the suck and blow and we get a mayor
whose lungs can survive a blow out at 35.000 feet due to tequila.
The world is so crazy these days and I thought I would love it
watching the wooden animals rot so fast
But thats a pleasure I have put into the past
We need these rotten decks of humanity
to move us into a concrete future
Tabernac... more »
The Indefatigable Lithuanians

*NATO : The Organisation so Satanic, they back-mask their own name.*
Zbig - The Ukraine Crisis and the Brezezinki's Plan for a Greater Poland
from Spike EP on Vimeo.
"The Young Poland of Lelewel and Worcell demands the re-creation of the
Polish state and rollback of the 1772-95 partitions of Poland. But they go
much further, laying claim to Poland in its old Jagiellonian borders,
stretching from the shores of the Baltic to the shores of the Black Sea.
*This includes an explicit denial that any Ukrainian nation exists. *
In the orbit of Young Poland is the poe... more »
World News Briefs -- August 29, 2014 (Evening Edition)
*NATO To Russia: Stop 'Illegal' Military Operations in Ukraine -- Voice of
NATO has called on Russia to cease its "illegal military operations" in
eastern Ukraine, which it says are aimed at destabilizing the country.
The comments by NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen on Friday followed an
emergency meeting in Brussels to discuss the worsening crisis.
Rasmussen, referencing satellite images released by his organization
Thursday, said it is now clear that Russian troops and equipment have
illegally crossed the border into eastern Ukraine. He said this is not an
isolated inc... more »
Prayer for the Day

That forensic review of BBC Radio 4's output on Tuesday 26 August, which I
envisioned in the previous post, would have to have begun somewhere and, as
the yearning Christian atheist in me would want me to begin the day with a
prayer, I would surely have had to have started it with *Prayer for the Day
- *Radio 4's daily religious offering at 5.43am.
Thinking about it, *Prayer for the Day* is an intriguing BBC Radio 4
institution - as is *Thought for the Day *on the *Today *programme, the *Daily
Service *(longwave only), *Sunday Worship*, and the ever-delightful *Bells
on Sunday*.
... more »
How to solve all our problems

The earth is a very big place and
its hard to hurt
humans have done this
repeatedly since our birth
now it has come to a crises
one the humans should curse
because of the extinction event
animals we are
well above the curve
First and foremost
cut back the CO2
Ban coal burning
that will give us a decade
or two
Then just modernize or lifestyles
Climate house our domiciles
and hydroginize our transport systems
man is the great architect of living
so lets listen to the best
build Manhattan projects that are forgiving
not death dealing atomic blasts.
Every technology we need to day
has b... more »
Fort Hood Shooter Nidal Hasan Wants To Be A Citizen Of The Islamic State
*'It Would Be An Honor To Join ISIS And Become A Citizen Of The Caliphate,'
Says Former US Army Psychiatrist Who Killed 13 In Shooting Spree At Fort
Hood -- Daily Mail*
* Nidal Hasan claimed it would be 'an honor' to join ISIS caliphate in
* Hasan killed 13 and injured 30 in 2009 mass shooting at Fort Hood, Texas
* Earlier this year FBI chief testified that he believed the shooting
carried out by Hasan at Fort Hood in Texas was inspired by al-Qaeda
The former Army psychiatrist who killed 13 people in the 2009 shooting
spree at Fort Hood has said it would be 'an honor' to joi... more »
Supplemental: The endless desire to see lives destroyed!
*FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 2014*
*Rachel Maddow in eastern Ukraine:* On last evening’s TV show, Rachel
Maddow really seemed to be flying.
To our taste, she wasted a lot of time with a lot of piffle-fed topics. She
wasted time discussing herself, as she constantly does.
At one point, she turned to her favorite topic. Early on, she made an odd
MADDOW (8/28/14): The defense rests! Today was the last day of testimony in
the federal corruption trial of Republican Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell.
Today, the judge in the case rejected a request by the defense counsel for
an acquittal.... more »
Rob Ford-- Four More Years?
When Richard Nixon was narrowly elected president in 1968-- beating
war-tainted Herbert Humphrey by seven tenths of a percentage point, 43.4 to
42.7%-- I decided to move to another country. I travelled around the world
and finally settled down in Amsterdam. By the summer of 1972 it was obvious
to me that Nixon couldn't possibly win another term and I started thinking
about moving back to America. When the votes were counted on November,
Nixon-- who we later found out stole the election through a criminal fraud
that later forced him to resign in disgrace-- had 47,168,710 votes (60.... more »
Its anxiety rising true
Every one has cancer
and there will
never be a cure
Its a war like weeding your garden
keep the bad plants away
but your never going to eliminate
any biological function
without killing the patient.
U.S. - Iraq Military Operations Are Cost $7.5 Million Per Day

A still image captured from U.S. Navy cockpit video shows an F/A-18F Super
Hornet assigned to the Fighting Black Lions of Strike Fighter Squadron
(VFA) 213 after launching from the aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush in
the Arabian Gulf on Aug. 10, 2014 in this video released on Aug. 11, 2014.
A series of U.S. airstrikes since last week has slowed the operational
tempo of the Islamic State, the militant group that has seized large parts
of northern Iraq, but is unlikely to substantially weaken the group, the
Pentagon said on Monday. Reuters/U.S. Navy/Handout via Reuters
*Pentago... more »
More Jo Grant pictures - NSFW - Doctor Who related - Friday Night Rule 5

A while ago I posted some 'arty' photos of Katy Manning, Jo Grant from the
Jon Pertwee Doctor Who era, and very nice they were too - a Dalek and a
naked Jo Grant.
Here's Jo Grant as I remember her.
Here's Jo Grant as we all too occasionally saw her on Doctor Who back in
the early 1970s
Now, partially thanks to Emma Peel's Pants, I have some more Katy
Manning/Jo Grant gratuitious nudity photos.
And here are those Jo Grant with Dalek photos, because you can never see
them too many times.
Ah happy days - 'something for the dads' they used to say, but also for
this randy... more »
Excuses, excuses
What with having a full-time job, a family, and friends who persist in
asking you to do things with them, it's a hard life being a blogger.
It really is, and, to be honest, I don't envy myself being one. In fact,
it's so bad that I *demand* violins. (Are Hilary Hahn and Nicola Benedetti
As a blogger, you keep intending to post important pieces - pieces bound to
resound around the blogosphere and beyond - and to conduct scorchingly
incisive in-depth surveys into the BBC's output which, in some sort of
other world to this one, might very well shake that wicked corporati... more »
Rest In Peace Richard Attenborough

Richard Samuel Attenborough, Baron Attenborough, CBE (29 August 1923 – 24
August 2014) was an English actor, film director, film producer, and
entrepreneur. He was the President of the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art
As a film director and producer, he won two Academy Awards for Gandhi in
1983. He also won four BAFTA Awards and four Golden Globe Awards. As an
actor, he is perhaps best known for his roles in Brighton Rock, The Great
Escape, 10 Rillington Place, Miracle on 34th Street and Jurassic Park.
He was the older brother of Sir David Attenborough, a naturalist and
broa... more »
A Cure for Climate Change
originally published on CounterPunch
As Easter Sunday melds into Easter Monday, and as technophiles and other
overly zealous techno-fetishists prattle on about their market-based (that
is, their faith-based) and tech-based fixes for climate change, a
foolproof, low-tech and (dare I say) “shovel ready” solution is already at
hand: the time-honored institution of the vacation. Recognized as vital at
least since biblical times (when the sabbath – a word derived from the verb
‘to rest’ – was introduced) the vacation not only enables people and other
animals to rejuvenate, the planet it... more »
Beyond Reparations - Ferguson and Actual Justice
originally published on CounterPunch
Killed at noon, just down the road from the grave of the slave Dred Scott,
Michael Brown has now joined a perennially growing group of dead men and
women (a group that only recently added Trayvon Martin, Oscar Grant, Eric
Garner, Ezell Ford, Renisha McBride, and others) killed by a combination of
institutional racism and systemic poverty. Poverty and race, of course
(like race and wealth), cannot be easily disentangled. Not only has the
man-made construct of race been used to justify seizures of material
resources (gold, timber, land, etc.) from ... more »
Is The Islamic State Plotting To Kill Pope Francis?
*Italy Steps Up Security Over Alleged ISIS Plot to Kill The Pope -- Barbie
Latza Nadeau, Daily Beast*
Vatican scoffs at threats that Pope Francis is “in the crosshairs” of ISIS
as Italy issues a terrorist threat and tightens security.
VATICAN CITY — As Pope Francis continues to straddle the fine line between
calling for the end of persecution of Christians in Iraq and blessing
American airstrikes against the Islamic State (also known as the
“Caliphate,” ISIS, or ISIL), there is increasing concern for the
pontiff’s—and the public’s—safety.
Earlier this week, the Roman newspaper I... more »
What Can The West Do To Prevent A Ukraine Defeat?
*What Can The US And NATO Do To Prevent Putin From Defeating Ukraine? --
The new incursion into Ukrainian territory by Russian forces has led some
veteran US foreign policy hands to call for a quick and highly visible
Western airlift of military equipment to Kyiv. The aim: to prevent a
Russian rout of Ukraine.
Writing in the Wall Street Journal, former US secretary of state George
Shultz and ex-defense secretary William Perry urged the US and NATO to
deploy forces in the Baltics, and equipment in Ukraine.
The prospects a swift victory for Russian president Vladimir Putin’... more »
Truth Is Always A Casualty Of War

Pro-Russian separatists walk at a destroyed war memorial on Savur-Mohyla, a
hill east of the city of Donetsk, August 28, 2014. Credit: REUTERS/Maxim
*On Russian Troops In Ukraine, Honesty Is Not Everyone's Best Policy --
Christian Lowe, Reuters*
(Reuters) - The Ukraine conflict has evoked many memories of the Cold War,
including a footloose attitude to the truth. But even as Russia’s denials
of involvement stretch credibility to breaking point, for some they remain
a convenient fiction.
Russian President Vladimir Putin is chief among them; denying a Russian
role will kee... more »
Why Clacton Matters for Labour
*A very quick something bashed out for LabourList this morning and
published here. In case you missed it ...*
Make yourself a cuppa, pull up a comfy chair, and watch. Since Douglas
Carswell’s surprise/no-surprise defection to UKIP yesterday and the forcing
of a by-election in Clacton, there will be some in the party tempted to
adopt this attitude. And not without good reason. Consider the previous
by-election outings over the last year or so.
In Eastleigh, a Liberal Democrat/Tory marginal, from nowhere, became a
LD/UKIP marginal. The Conservatives were dumped into third place and o... more »
Ukraine Civil War News Updates -- August 29, 2014

*Death Toll In Ukraine Fighting Hits 2,593: U.N. Human Rights Official --
(Reuters) - A total of 2,593 people, including civilians as well as
Ukrainian and separatist combatants, have been killed in fighting in
eastern Ukraine since it erupted in mid-April, a senior U.N. human rights
official said on Friday.
"The trend is clear and alarming. There is a significant increase in the
death toll in the east," Ivan Simonovic, U.N. Assistant Secretary General
for Human Rights, told journalists.
"The current number of killed is 2,593 - close to 3,000 if we include the
298 v... more »
NATO Condemns Russia For It's Invasion Of Ukraine
*NATO to Russia: Stop 'Illegal' Military Operations in Ukraine -- Voice of
NATO has called on Russia to cease its "illegal military operations" in
eastern Ukraine, which it says are aimed at destabilizing the country.
The comments by NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen on Friday followed an
emergency meeting in Brussels to discuss the worsening crisis.
Rasmussen, referencing satellite images released by his organization
Thursday, said it is now clear that Russian troops and equipment have
illegally crossed the border into eastern Ukraine. He said this is not an
isolated inc... more »
Grand Chess Master provokes "Kennedy Solution" from Ex CIA agent

Grand Chess Master Putin
*What took them so long to start talking about the "Kennedy solution"?*
Ex CIA agent and former Reagan advisor Herbert E. Meyer has proposed that
Putin be assassinated by his own Russian oligarchs.
*"Herbert E. Meyer, who served as a Special Assistant to the Director of
Central Intelligence under the Reagan administration, said the goal of U.S.
sanctions against Russia “should be to get the Russians who’ve been keeping
Putin in power, or tolerating Putin in power, **to throw that knockout
We all know the evil doers are *basically one or two ... more »
Why Did Russian President Putin Use The Term 'Novorossiya' In Yesterday's Statement

The area of 'New Russia' which Putin now refers to in Ukraine.(WikiCommons)
*The Very Scary Word In Putin's New Statement On The Ukraine Crisis -- Max
Fisher, VOX*
Russian President Vladimir Putin just dropped the biggest, scariest
dogwhistle of the Ukraine crisis: "Novorossiya."
The word literally means "new Russia" — it was an old, imperial-era term
for southern Ukraine, when it was part of the Russian Empire, and is now a
term used by Russia ultra-nationalists who want to re-conquer the area.Putin has used the word twice during the crisis. First, he used it in
April, about a m... more »
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