10:28am MDST
My nearly velvet divorce with Bank of America
*Except for a dramatic event, it was smooth*
A Czech proverb due to the Daddy President of Czechoslovakia T.G. Masaryk
teaches us that as many U.S. banks have served you, as many times you are a
human being. Well, the original version was counting languages you can
speak but that's so stupid that I wouldn't reproduce it on this blog. ;-)
*Bank of America on Harvard Square. The picture shows something that is so
common in Cambridge, MA that it's a waste of time to comment on it.
Left-wing whackadoodles, in this case a "City Life" group, protests against
greedy investors in front of... more »
ancient's BIBLE
*Blessings everyone;Welcome to the Official release of my animated short;
"ancient's BIBLE". I used the open source programs; Blender and Gimp to
create, model and animate the following short and Windows Movie Maker to
edit it together. Please share if you enjoy it. *
*Thank you. *
*your humble servant,*
*ancient clown *
Interview with Peter Zucker @ the Chalk Face
Full interview here on Blog Talk Radio.Filed under: @TCF Radio Episodes
Tagged: @ the chalk face, peter zucker
Interview with Nel Noddings @ the Chalk Face
The interview in full on Blog Talk Radio.Filed under: @TCF Radio Episodes
Tagged: @ the chalk face, Nel Noddings
Glen Ford: The mainstream media’s refuses to contextualize the fatal
shooting of unarmed teenager Michael Brown by Ferguson, Missouri police in
America’s tradition of the mass incarceration of African Americans and
police brutality sparking black uprisings.
The Death Throes Of The Maliki Government In Iraq

Iraq’s political class has been slowly but surely moving towards a new
government since the April 2014 parliamentary elections. A speaker of
parliament and president were named, but the final barrier to completing
the process was Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s insistence on a third
term. The Sadrists, the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq, the Kurdistan
Democratic Party, and Mutahidun were all demanding that Maliki’s State of
Law list come up with an alternative for the premiership, while Maliki
claimed that his victory in the polls gave him first dibs at forming a new
government... more »
PLAYING WITH DOLLS: Even dragging out Chucky!
*TUESDAY, AUGUST 12, 2014*
*Part 2—Progressive leader gone wild:* Rachel Maddow sometimes does
informative news segments.
Over the years, she has followed some important topics—abortion rights and
voting procedures in the various states, to name two.
That said, Maddow’s informative segments now tend to come in the second
half of her program. Up front, we tend to get the puzzling, long-form
presentations in which the cable star tends to play with dolls.
On Wednesday evening, July 30, Maddow *literally* played with dolls—with
paper dolls of the heinous Bob and Maureen McDonnell. As M... more »
depression is to sad as cancer is to pimple (a few thoughts after the death of robin williams)
Reading a news story about Robin Williams' death, I saw a tweet from Jimmy
Kimmel. It said, in part: "If you're sad, tell someone."
Depression is "you're sad" the way cancer is a pimple. And telling someone
doesn't make it go away. For severe depression telling someone is... well,
it's nothing.
I'm assuming Kimmel meant, if you're depressed, seek help. Yes. Good
advice. But Robin Williams *did* seek help. He was in treatment. So was
David Foster Wallace when he killed himself. So was... I could go on.
Severe depression is often untreatable. That's the terrible truth.
Today I'm t... more »
The Military Community Pays Tribute To Robin Williams
Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com
*Military Community Pays Tribute To 'True Friend' Robin Williams -- FOX
LOS ANGELES – Robin Williams participated in United Service Organization
(USO) tours for more than a decade, entertaining troops in war zones from
Afghanistan to Iraq to Kuwait. He made many trips to 13 different countries
and performing stand-up routines for almost 90,000 troops. So the news of
his death -- believed to be a suicide -- sent shock waves through the U.S.
armed forces.
Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel said Monday that the entire Department of
Defe... more »
DCPS sidelines test-based teacher evaluations. Fine, but…
This from Diane Ravitch. And others. Henderson described the move “as
necessary in order to allow students to acclimate themselves to new tests
built around the standards established by the Common Core.” That’s a very
sensible move. I have, however, one caveat. DCPS evaluates its teachers
using the IMPACT system. It may look a little […]
A Note about dani's recent posts....

It would seem that some of my previous articles have upset the apple cart
for many people. I was actually going to address this topic when.... my
computer died. And with all the drama that has been playing out here
yesterday... I got completely side tracked. So I send Bill a huge hug and
thanx for the reminder! See his article below:
Perhaps I should of been more specific, more exact in my descriptions who
is following them (the controllers) and who isn't. I didn't think it was
necessary because I ... more »
Welcome back Marc
This guy is a pistol and he got shot. Five years in max in the USA
and he never sold any pot. He never broke the law in Canada. Yet Harper
sent him away. To deprive an honest man of his liberty is a crime, so we
all say.
Which begs the question why
do I live a life that getting high
is so important
I would want to change some laws
I would say in my own defense
if you are living straight
I mean really straight
no pharma
no chance at drama
putting your life
and all anxites
into some religion
because that is the blender
that will mix you up
in a secret sauce
that will
be put on the toa... more »
Robin Williams

News of Robin Williams' death has been a sucker-punch to the gut of a
nation. At the same time, the reality that this genius is no longer of the
earth is a concept that still hasn't quite sunk in.
I always liked his improvisational stand-up better than his TV sitcom or
his later commercial blockbuster movies. (Exception: *Awakenings*.) When I
first saw this anarchist in action, hyped up on his own natural
amphetamines, I remember wondering how he ever managed to wind down enough
to fall asleep at night. Later, when he revealed his substance abuse
issues, I was not surprised that... more »
Dads do things differently - especially when it comes to making a ponytail for a daughter - why not use a vacuum cleaner?
Video: Dad Uses Vacuum Cleaner to Make Daughter's Ponytail
Transient Visitors: Strange Humanoid Encounters

*Transient Visitors: Strange Humanoid Encounters*
*By Scott Corrales, © 2014*
At some point in the 1990s I had a conversation with Dr. Rafael A. Lara
Palmeros, director of research for Mexico’s C.E.F.P organization regarding
the motives of individuals who develop an unhealthy attraction to UFO and
paranormal phenomena. Dr. Lara mentioned a case involving a certain
gentleman from Central Mexico who openly expressed his wish to be
“contacted by aliens”, as that would be the solution to all his problems,
real or imagined. He went as far as to offer money – not small amounts,
ether – ... more »
If there is any chance that you can spare 56 minutes to watch this video of Greg Hunter interviewing Paul Craig Roberts, they would be well spent to learn what is really going on in the world today that you should know but the despicable mainstream media won't tell you until it's too late.

Threat of Nuclear War Back-Paul Craig Roberts By Greg Hunter On August 10,
*By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Early Sunday Release)*
Former Assistant Treasury Secretary Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is worried about
nuclear war with China and Russia. Dr. Roberts warns, “It’s clear Russia
doesn’t want war. China doesn’t want war, but because of the recklessness
of the Bush and Obama regimes, both China and Russia have been upgrading
their strategic nuclear forces. Russia has not only been upgrading its
nuclear forces very rapidly, but Russia has bee... more »
The End of Israel
Originally published on CounterPunch
Though Tiberius died, and the ancient Romans have all faded away, the
empire has not. As a political form the empire not only remains, it is
still very much alive. Just look outside at the various senates, and
capitol buildings dotting the landscape. Though Rome may have left more
remnants of its reign, however, Alexander the Great's empire may provide a
better example - not only of the empire as such, but of that which opposes
and resists it.
Beyond Hellenizing much of the world (to some degree laying the groundwork
for subsequent empire... more »
In the film, people sacrifice the very core of what makes us human: The
ability to choose right and wrong. All choices are made for them, from
career to family to curfew. The community is the ultimate triumph of a
totalitarian state because the people are no longer aware they are being
controlled. The state has won jurisdiction over their minds and quieted
their hearts with opiates.
Director Jeff Bridges sees a link to today:
“I think although the movie takes place in some future time that it is very
reflective of our own and there’s a bit of a cautionary tale of how us
humans r... more »
*In New Orleans, Gluttony and Starvation Live Side by Side ~Katy Reckdahl,
Next City*
*N.O. mayor Mitchmo asks court to abolish indicted judge’s seat ~John
Simerman *
*Notice orders homeless to vacate area under Pontchartrain Expressway or
else *
*Influx of Child Immigrants Strains Courts in Louisiana ~Alex Altman, Time*
Anonymous Just Released This Powerful Video Statement on the Michael Brown Shooting

*Internet "hacktivist" collective Anonymous has released a statement on the
Michael Brown shooting.*
*In the two-minute video posted to YouTube Sunday night, a digitally
altered voice delivers a strict list of demands for local police and
by Zak Cheney-Rice
"Anonymous will not be satisfied this time ... with simply obtaining
justice for this young man and his family," the voice says. "Anonymous
demands that the Congressional Representatives and Senators from Missouri
introduce legislation entitled 'Mike Brown's Law,' that will set strict
national standards for po... more »
Glitter Crayon Art

Thank you to Dollar Tree for sponsoring today's project.
There are few things my 5-year-old loves more than creating. Every morning
when she wakes up, she asks me what kind of craft we are going to do that
day. To help facilitate her love of creating, we have made her an art
station full of paper and crayons. While we loved the art station, it
needed a little decor to brighten it up and really make it hers. What
better what to personalize an art station than with crayons and glitter?
This project comes from the Dollar Tree Value Seekers Club, a free club
that includes recipes, decor... more »
This is the sort of terror sweeping across Iraq, Syria and beyond but
because it's Muslims killing Muslims the BBC really aren't that interested.
If only there were Jews (sorry Israelis) to blame...
Robin Williams Slices & Dices George W. Bush, Sarah Palin
A lot of great comics (Steve Martin, Woody Allen) pretty much left stand-up
comedy behind when they went to Hollywood. But the great Robin Williams
(1951-2014) not only never abandoned stand-up, he excelled at it all his
In stand-up mode, Williams was a true giant that towered above today's
other puerile, mediocre talentless hacks, like Larry the Cable Guy and
Dennis Miller.
On-stage, Williams was America's greatest Progressive Truth Teller since
Bill Hicks. And unlike the relentlessly politically uncompromising Hicks,
Williams was so damn funny that ... more »
Time To Hit The Road?

Conservatives -- at least those who are capable of sustained thought --
are beginning to wonder if now is the time for Stephen Harper to exit,
stage right. The immediate cause of their inquietude is the latest EKOS
poll. Tasha Kheiriddin writes:
EKOS finds that the Liberals continue to ride high at 38.7 per cent overall
support, while the Tories and the NDP jostle for second place at 25.6 and
23.4 per cent, respectively. The Greens take 7.1 per cent, while the Bloc
has 3.7 per cent, representing... more »
Too Early To Start Thinking About 2016?

Late last night, we ran that graphic up top as part of a post about the
Republican wing of the Democratic Party and why the Dems are destined to
fail miserably in November following the failed strategy of incompetent
moron Steve Israel, Nancy Pelosi's biggest career error. Israel Democrats
are using Republican talking points about balancing budgets, another nail
in the coffin of whatever remained of the Democrats winning back the
House-- or even staunching the bleeding. In all likelihood, the DCCC won't
only fail to win back the House; they will lose more seats than they pick
up. ... more »
*Ex-UMass student sues over expulsion in sex assault case*
A former University of Massachusetts Amherst student who said he was
expelled last fall over allegations he sexually assaulted a female student
is suing the school, saying administrators unfairly and mistakenly found
him responsible and discriminated against him because he is a man.
The suit, filed Thursday in US District Court in Springfield, said the
university violated Title IX, a federal law banning gender discrimination
on college campuses, when the student “was met with overall hostility,
dismissal and pre-judgment as... more »
This Is How Moscow Sees The Ukraine Crisis Playing Out

Sergei Glazyev, Adviser to the President of the Russian Federation on
Regional Economic Integration (RIA Novosti / Grigoriy Sisoev)
*This Is How Putin's Adviser Sees The Ukraine Crisis Playing Out -- Zero
Vladimir Putin's chief "integration" advisor, Sergei Glazyev, has been
regularly featured on these pages in the past (see Putin Advisor Threatens
With Dumping US Treasurys, Abandoning Dollar If US Proceeds With Sanctions and
Putin Advisor Proposes "Anti-Dollar Alliance" To Halt US Aggression Abroad for
two examples). So now that the Ukraine situation has once again escalat... more »
The Collapse Of Ukraine's Currency Continues

Ukraine Currency Plunges To Record Low: US Taxpayer To The Rescue? -- Zero
With all eyes firmly focused on Ukraine's borders and the bloodshed in the
East as fighting rages, it appears few are paying attention to the ongoing
collapse of the nation's currency. The *Hrynia just traded at new record
lows this morning following NATO's Rasmussen's comments*. However, there is
no need to worry...
*Read more* ....
*My Comment*: One the most under-reported stories is Kiev's handling of
the IMF/Europe/U.S. financial ai... more »
Ignoring Warnings From Ukraine And The West Russia Sends A Huge Aid Convoy Into Ukraine (Update: Ukraine Blocks Russian Aid Convoy)
*Russia Sends Big Aid Convoy To Ukraine, West Sounds Warnings -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - A Russian convoy carrying food, water and other aid set off on
Tuesday for eastern Ukraine, where government forces are closing in on
pro-Russian rebels, but Kiev said it would not allow the vehicles to cross
onto its territory.
Kiev and Western governments warned Moscow against any attempt to turn the
operation into a military intervention by stealth in a region facing a
humanitarian crisis after four months of warfare.
"This cargo will be reloaded onto other transport vehicles (at the border)
... more »
U.S. Senator: The Ukraine Civil War Can End In One Week Or It Can End With A Russian Invasion
*US Senator: Standoff in Eastern Ukraine To Be Settled 'Within Another
Week' -- Defense News*
WASHINGTON — A tense standoff between Ukrainian forces and Russian-backed
separatists will be over within a week — and will decide whether “all-out
war” begins in Eastern Europe, says a US senator.
Florida Sen. Bill Nelson, the No. 3 Democrat on the Senate Armed Services
Committee, leaves for a trip to Ukraine later this week, where he will
huddle with leaders of that nation and “representatives” for the top US
general in Europe.
Nelson told reporters via a conference call that with Mosc... more »
“Robin Williams' Death Reveals How Hard It Can Be To Climb Out Of Depression”
*“Robin Williams' Death Reveals How Hard*
* It Can Be To Climb Out Of Depression”*
By Meredith Melnick
“The suicide death of beloved comedian and actor Robin Williams shocked
many of his fans. But those who knew him were aware of his ongoing struggle
with depression. According to his publicist, Williams, 63, was completing a
12-step program for drug abuse and had been battling severe depression.
"You're standing at a precipice and you look down, there's a voice and it's
a little quiet voice that goes, 'Jump,'" Williams told Diane Sawyer during
an interview about his struggle with a... more »
A Look At Israel's 'Aquashield' Defense System

*AquaShield: Protecting Israel’s Maritime Border -- Breaking Israel News*
After Hamas terrorists attempted to infiltrate Israel via an amphibious
landing from the sea, the thwarted terror attacks underlined the need to
continually maintain security across Israel’s shoreline, stretching
hundreds of kilometers on the Mediterranean sea.
The answer has come from Israeli defense technology firm DSIT Solutions.
DSIT has developed a new sonar and electronic detection system designed to
protect all forms of maritime assets which include beaches, bays, ports,
ocean-based installations (lik... more »
Iraq Updates ( August 9 , 2014 ) - US seemingly can't wait to get into the middle of the Iraq Civil War , Air strikes likely to be followed by ground troops ...... Round up on the news of the day ( check the tweets which are refreshed as appropriate )
Catharsis Ours - 4 hours ago
If this is accurate , this is major news.....
Retweeted by Joel Wing
*Eric Davis* @NewMidEast · 7h
Leader in SIIC says 5 candidates 4 PM. Maliki demanding Vice-PM or hd
powerful ministry in return 4 stepping down http://ln.is/almadapress.co
m/ar/n/Jo0EW …
Retweeted by Joel Wing
*Green lemon* @green_lemonnn · 10h
#Breaking #Iraq Shura Council of Dawa selected Tareq Najim candidate for
the premiership - Means #Maliki is out.
Retweeted by fred walton
*Rami* @RamiAlLolah · 1h
#BreakingNews Tarek Najim is the #Iraq|i Prime Minister.. #ISIS
Retweeted by fred ... more »
RIP Robin Williams

I have to admit I liked Mindy much more than Mork. However back in the day
Robin Williams was one of the brightest stars in the Universe. I cant think
of anyone who has the depth and berth of his work. My favorite movie was
Mrs Doubtfire, but also recommend The birdcage.
Which begs the question why
do I live a life that getting high
is so important
I would want to change some laws
I would say in my own defense
if you are living straight
I mean really straight
no pharma
no chance at drama
putting your life
and all anxites
into some religion
because that is the blender
that will mix you... more »

(By *American Zen*'s Mike Flannigan, on loan from Ari)
"The Statue of Liberty is no longer saying 'Give me your poor, your tired,
your huddled masses.' She's got a baseball bat and she's yelling, 'You want
a piece of me?'" — Robin Williams
For a wild, zany, barely-restrained "always on" comedian in the mold
of Fat Jack Leonard and Rodney Dangerfield, Robin Williams was surprisingly
quiet about his political beliefs.
The great great grandson of Mississippi Governor and Senator Anselm
McLaurin, Oscar winner Robin Williams died yesterday of apparent
self-inflicted asphyxiati... more »
Making a killing on Gaza
As blogged here a month ago, Israeli writer/researcher Shir Hever told the
Real News Network that Israeli security companies are using the Gaza
conflict to market the tools of occupation to other countries :
"... when they go to arms trade shows and show their equipment, they say
this has already been tested by the Israeli army on actual people. You can
only have that because of the occupation. So every new weapon is first sold
to the Israeli army, shot at Palestinians. Then you can sell it."
Fast forward to two articles from today's Haaretz :
*For Israeli arms makers, Gaza is a c... more »
Could Reproductive Liberty be Ethically Curtailed for Environmental Policy Reasons? or Why I Would Have Rejected Cristina Richie's Article on IVF
It's been a bit of a gale (as opposed to a *bona fide* storm) lately,
following an article in the *Journal of Medical Ethics* by Cristina Richie,
entitled "What would an environmentally sustainable reproductive technology
industry look like?". It's not the question of a full hurricane, as in the
infamous "after birth abortion" paper from 2012, but this rather raving rant
is on the more aggressive end of the scale of reactions to Richie's piece.
I dislike the language and the attitude expressed at the end of this
article for simple reasons of decency and respect, but I also rather
di... more »
BBC bias
From the day that Israel responded to years of Hamas rockets being fired at
it, the BBC put the Israel Gaza conflict on their BBC news site's front
page. Of course there was no mention that I recall of the rockets being
fired by Hamas before the Israeli response. By way of contrast, over the
last few weeks, in Syria and Iraq, thousands of civilians have been
massacred by Islamist terrorists and right now the Iraqi Yazidis are being
ethnically cleansed from their land, or killed. Yet on the BBC news front
page there's not a word
If you look on that second image, you will see that t... more »
There are none so blind as cannot see
Lyse Doucet on the BBC asks a question that only someone who refuses to
recognise that Hamas fire from civilian areas would ask:
'I ask why with such good intelligence, there have still been - according
to the UN - repeated strikes on the schools serving as shelters for the
many thousands of displaced people in Gaza.'
Read the whole piece, ostensibly about how 'Israelis along the Gaza Border
keep calm and carry on' and note the contrasts that Lyse Doucet makes
between life in Israel and Gaza. Now wonder how many times Lyse Doucet
reported on life in Southern Israel whilst Hamas was ... more »
Clif High: perpetuo autem....in the ever present now...

*perpetuo autem....in the ever present now...*
*Simultaneous tides and shockwave riders....*
by clif high, Thorsday,August 7, 2014 5:30am
with respect...
i have been pressed upon, pressured, beat up physically, oppressed
emotionally, and generally sat up by the self-appointed mullahs of the
social order since i was barely tall enough to get my own breakfast.
It was not my fault. Nor that of my parents. They did their best at trying
to create yet another good statist. They even had the assistance of the
mighty US military as i was an A... more »
A note about Dani's recent posts...

*A note about Dani's recent posts...*
By American Kabuki
I have received a few emails and Skype messages from people who felt Dani
was "bashing" all "New Age" movements. This is not true. She's bashing
any movement ("New Age" or otherwise) that is trying impose a new hierarchy
- which is usually in the same old one in a new "party dress". This
world is controlled by a hierarchy that has existed on this realm and
others for a very long time.
*For example: *The "Cabal" is but a western broker for collateral funds,
which were always controlled by Chinese royal family members (... more »
NATO Baiting Russia into War

*August 12, 2014* (Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - Russia is consistently
portrayed in the Western media as the "aggressor" amid the ongoing
Ukrainian conflict, however, it is clear through overt moves by NATO's
proxy regime in Kiev, that attempts are being made to intentionally provoke,
not defend against Moscow's ire.
The New York Times, in a recent article admits that the military campaign
Kiev is carrying out against its own citizens in eastern Ukraine is overt
brutality carried out by literal flag-waving Nazis, with the all but stated
goal of provoking a Russian invasion.
*Brutal P... more »
British May Use RAF Tornados In Iraq Mission

[image: RAF Tornado F3]The British government will deploy RAF Tornado fast
jets in northern Iraq which could play a role in the humanitarian mission,
Downing Street has confirmed.
In a statement, Number 10 said "a small number" of Tornado jets will be
sent to the region and can be used, if required, to improve the UK's
surveillance capability.
The UK will also look at how it can get equipment to Kurdish forces, the
statement added.
Read more
Russia to Start Developing Replacement for MiG-31 in 2017

[image: MiG-31 Foxhound]Russia will start developing a replacement for its
MiG-31 "Foxhound" interceptors in 2017, Col. Gen. Viktor Bondarev,
commander of the Russian Air Force, said.
“From 2017 we will start working on a new long-range interceptor to replace
MiG-31,” he said.
According to the official, the new aircraft is to enter service in 2025.
Read more
Zhirinovsky: Baltic States and Poland will be wiped out

[image: Colonel Vladimir Zhirinovsky]The politician, who is often dubbed
the Kremlin's mouthpiece, threatens Poland and the Baltic States with
carpet bombings.
According to him, whatever plans NATO and Brussels have and whatever
directives Barack Obama signs, they won't have any power. “All questions of
war and peace in general and in particular those relating to Ukraine will
be solved by one person, the head of the Russian Federation,” he said.
He made the statement on the air of Russia 24 Tv channel. The vice speaker
of the Russian Duma, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, commended on tensions... more »
Kazakhstan interested in Russia's Iskander-M missile system deliveries

[image: Iskander-M (SS-26 Stone)]Kazakhstan has filed a request concerning
deliveries of Russian Iskander-M missile systems, Konstantin Biryulin,
director of the Federal Service for Military Technological Cooperation,
told journalists on Monday.
"There has been a request from Kazakhstan but no decisions have been made
as of yet,” Biryulin told Itar-Tass, adding both sides are involved in a
Iskander-M (NATO reporting name SS-26 Stone) is a version of the Iskander
tactical missile system supplied to the Russian Armed Forces.
Read more
China beating US to punch on EMP warfare

[image: EMP Explosion]Though the U. S. government has been slow to protect
America’s electrical grid from a potentially catastrophic electromagnetic
event, it appears the Chinese are working to guard their own, as
demonstrated by an ongoing drill the People’s Liberation Army is running
until mid-August.
The drill is designed to determine how the PLA will respond in the event of
an attack including the use of an electromagnetic pulse, or EMP, from a
foreign country.
Right now, the most likely suspect would be the United States, in the eyes
of the PLA, since Beijing and Moscow seem ... more »
Japan to test first homegrown stealth fighter jet: report

[image: Mitsubishi ATD-X]A group of major Japanese firms are planning a
test flight next year for the nation's first homegrown stealth fighter jet,
a report said Tuesday, AFP reports.
The consortium -- led by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries -- is developing a jet
that has similar technology to US-made F-35 stealth fighters, with a
prototype set for a test run in January, the Mainichi Shimbun newspaper
About 39.2 billion yen ($384 million) has been invested in the project,
said the report, which did not cite sources.
Read more
BAE Systems wins £348 million contract for new UK patrol ships

[image: BAE Offshore Patrol Vessel]BAE Systems, Europe’s largest defence
firm, has been awarded a 348 million-pound contract by the British
government to build three new Offshore Patrol Vessels, formalising an
initial deal agreed last year.
The vessels, which will be used in counter-terrorism, counter-piracy and
anti-smuggling operations, will be built at BAE Systems’ shipyards on the
Clyde in Scotland, safeguarding 800 jobs, Britain’s Ministry of Defence
(MOD) said on Tuesday.
The shipbuilders who will work on the new vessels are currently involved in
manufacturing the second of t... more »
U.S. said to dispatch 100 missions a day over Iraq

[image: E/A-18G Growler]The U.S. Navy and Air Force are flying as many as
100 attack and reconnaissance missions daily over Iraq, according to a U.S.
military official.
They include as many as 30 daily missions by Air Force refueling tankers,
according to the official, who asked not to be identified before the
information is announced. The sorties are mostly, but not exclusively, over
northern Iraq.
Since Aug. 8, U.S. aircraft have been attacking mortar positions, mobile
artillery, convoy vehicles and armored personnel carriers under President
Barack Obama's authorization for air s... more »
Heavenletter #5008 Citizen of Heaven

*Heavenletter #5008 Citizen of Heaven*
August 11, 2014
God said:
You are more than the person who sits in your house. You are more than the
person who lives in your town or city. You are more than the person who
lives in a state or province. You are more than the person who lives in a
country. You are more than the person who lives in a continent. You are
more than the person who lives on land or sails the seas. You are more even
than a citizen of the world.
You are a Child of God, and you are also a citizen of Heaven with all the
rights and privileges. *You are limited to noth... more »
What Is God? - Author Unknown
What is God?
"What God is can best be described as the collectiveness of mankind
whether seen or unseen and in the virtue of mankind's existence that God,
thru that description, is un-conditional and open ended love – because in
the realisation of what God is is the realisation of what we are – that we
are God and we always have been. That we are not evil in our souls, as we
have been taught, or that we are corrupt. That we are really divine in our
souls and with that learning – that profoundness of learning – it allows us
the vision – the hope – the desire to become all that we... more »
PLA Navy set to build 10 aircraft carriers

[image: Liaoning CV]To create its first blue-water navy, China plans to
construct a total of 10 domestic aircraft carriers according to the Kanwa
Defense Review, a Chinese-language military magazine operated by Andrei
Chang also known as Pinkov, a military analyst from Canada.
After Admiral Jonathan Greenert, the US chief of naval operations, visited
China's first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, a refitted Soviet-era carrier
purchased from Ukraine, the blueprint of the nation's first domestic
carrier is nearly complete, according to Kanwa.
Greenert said China is speeding up the con... more »
The Sonar market in India 'hots' up

[image: INS Mysore]Defence procurement in India has often been
characterized by the need to make a decision between importing an
off-the-shelf system on operational grounds and waiting for a home grown
system to complete development.
Sonars for the most part has been an area where such decisions have been
easier to make with the Indian Navy(IN) mostly opting for indigenous
systems developed by DRDO' s underwater sensor laboratory the Naval
Physical and Oceanographic Laboratory (NPOL), Kochi.
Recently however, time lags in a few segments of this critical technology
area have led I... more »
YOU ALWAYS ARE - A Poem by R.G. Kirk

*Published on November 26, 2013*
Poetry Written and Read by R.G.Kirk . You can Download
*My FREE Poetry eBooks from:*
Navy ship HMAS Bundaberg goes up in flames in Brisbane's east
A large navy ship fire east of Brisbane has been brought under control
after three hours.
Firefighters in breathing apparatus remain at a commercial boat shed on
Barku Court in Hemmant, about 11 kilometres east of the CBD. Earlier, about
50 firefighers and 16 fire trucks were called to the scene.
Authorities have confirmed the ship on fire is the HMAS Bundaberg, a navy
vessel that was in Brisbane for routine maintenance.
Read more
*The latest survey cookery (Verheggen, Cook, et al.) by Warmists is
A new survey of climate scientists has been published. The author team is
headed by Bart Verheggen and includes John Cook. Here's the abstract:
"Results are presented from a survey held among 1868 scientists
studying various aspects of climate change, including physical climate,
climate impacts, and mitigation. The survey was unique in its size,
broadness and level of detail. Consistent with other research, we found
that, as the level of expertise in climate science grew, so too did the
level of agr... more »
Happy Birthday, baby Midas!
Midas is one!
I can't believe how time has flown this past year. My baby is one!
Luckily for me, he still acts like my baby. :)
I lost my boy Vito a year ago, which was devastating for me. Even though
he was sick and I knew it was going to happen, it did not make it any
easier since Vito was my favorite. He was such a loving, happy go lucky
However, I can now see a LOT of Vito in Midas, and I think in a way, Vito
is still with us, through Midas. Midas is so friendly, happy go lucky, and
always nice to all humans and other animals. He is also obsessed with
Gretel, jus... more »
Pentagon Admits That It's Airstrikes Against ISIS Will Have A Minimal Impact
*Pentagon Says Airstrikes Have Slowed but Not Stopped Sunni Militants --
New York Times*
WASHINGTON — Four days of airstrikes have slowed the progress of Sunni
militants laying siege to refugees on Mount Sinjar and advancing toward the
Kurdish capital of Erbil, but the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria remains
strong and on the offense, the Pentagon said Monday.
While the airstrikes on targets around Sinjar and to the west of Erbil have
“slowed and temporarily disrupted” the ability of the militant group, known
as ISIS, to attack Kurds in northern Iraq, Lt. Gen. William C. Mayville,... more »
Report: Hamas Has Executed Dozens Of Tunnel Diggers

A tunnel entrance, within a civilian home, found by Golani soldiers in the
northern Gaza Strip (photo credit: IDF Spokesperson’s Unit/ Flash 90)
*Hamas Said To Have Executed Dozens Of Tunnel Diggers -- Times of Israel*
Any excavator who was suspected of collaborating with Israel was killed,
Israeli website reports
Hamas executed dozens of diggers responsible for its extensive tunnel
system in past weeks, fearing the workers would reveal the site locations
to Israel, a report on the Mako website’s army blog said.
There was no independent confirmation of the report (link here in Hebr... more »
He's 48 Years Old ...
At the time, i was still only 47. I took my (then) 6 year old to Toronto's
lakeshore for the celebratory fireworks for Queen Victoria's birthday. It
was crowded and full of people. And I remember the (if not confidence)
nonchalance with which I walked through the crowd with my boy.
As a teenager I'd have thought about how much of a pimply, short, scrawny
fuckwad I was.
As an "adult" of 18 ("Hey!" shouts my 18-year old self) I would have
agonized about all the possible love affairs I could have pursued amongst
the many nubile females present, if only so many of those females wouldn't... more »
Space Weather and Nuclear Power Plants
Recently the Washington Post ran an op-ed on the dangers posed by solar
[op-ed] Extreme space weather threatens to leave the U.S. in the dark
(2014, August 9). The Washington Post,
Scientists have been predicting an upswing in volatile solar
behavior, resulting in “space weather” that poses a surprisingly
threat to modern society. A big “coronal mass ejection” is one of the
... more »
President Obama Tells U.S. Lawmakers That Criticism of His Syria Policy is 'Horsesh*t'

Candid camera: Official photographer Pete Souza caught the split-second
reaction of Obama, VP Joe Biden and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
after she accidentally dropped all of her briefing papers onto the Oval
Office rug
*Exclusive: Obama Told Lawmakers Criticism Of His Syria Policy Is
'Horsesh*t' -- Josh Rogin, Daily Beast*
Hillary Clinton and Congressmen alike have called on Obama to arm Syria’s
rebels. But the President fumed at lawmakers in a private meeting for
suggesting he should’ve done more.
President Obama got angry at lawmakers who suggested in a private meeting
t... more »
Nigel Calder: 1931-2014

Nigel Calder's blog which you may find in the right TRF sidebar hasn't been
updated for two years and I felt nervous about it. Now I learned something
sad that I should have learned 6 weeks ago. Nigel Calder is no longer with
I first saw him in The Global Warming Swindle, a skeptical documentary
about the climate change controversy. He was more than a classic
old-fashioned science journalist and writer who tried to put things
Calder has also contributed to the scientific research itself. About 40
years ago, he actually formulated the rough versions of the ideas... more »
Peace Talks Between Israel And Hamas Continue But Tensions Remain High
*Gaza Talks Resume In Egypt As New Truce Holds -- CNN*
Jerusalem (CNN) -- Indirect talks between Palestinians and Israelis, aimed
at ending the hostilities in Gaza, have resumed in Cairo, Egyptian
state-run EgyNews reported Monday.
The talks are taking place amid a three-day cease-fire brokered by Egypt.
Israel wants Hamas, the militant Islamic group that runs Gaza, to disarm as
part of a demilitarization of the territory. The Palestinian delegation's
demands include the withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza; a commitment to
the 2012 memorandum of understanding, which called for ... more »
Controversy about the \(3.5\keV\) line

A year ago, we would sometimes watch the disagreement of experimental
astrophysicists concerning the existence of sub-\(10\)-\({\rm GeV}\) dark
matter particles which was suggested by DAMA, CoGENT, CDMS Silicon, and
others. LUX finally showed that those hints had to be due to some
overlooked boring phenomenon because even with the superior sensitivity of
the South Dakota detector, the graphs are as clean as you can get.
*Someone seemed to be sending X-rays from the Central Milky Way.*
Another potential intriguing signal has become questionable. Jester would
write about the neutrin... more »
DCCC Rolls Out Their Failed Game Plan-- A Sure And Proven Loser

The theory is that fewer young voters, fewer minority voters, fewer single
women, fewer poor people turn out for midterms. These groups tend to vote
Democratic-- and the groups that do turn out-- elderly whites, more
well-off people, ideologically driven extremists-- tend to vote for
Republicans. There are two things Democratic candidates can do: try to win
over the likely voters or try to turn out their own base in greater
numbers. A Democratic Party gloom and doom scenario, Conservative voters
key to Dems 2014 strategy, by Alex Isenstadt in *Politico* this morning
indicates tha... more »
Musical Interlude: Medwyn Goodall, “Eye of the Wolf”
Medwyn Goodall, “Eye of the Wolf”
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBuSKPD2jY0
"A Look to the Heavens"
"Face-on spiral galaxy M77 lies a mere 47 million light-years away toward
the aquatic constellation Cetus. At that estimated distance, the gorgeous
island universe is about 100 thousand light-years across. Also known as NGC
1068, its compact and very bright core is well studied by astronomers
exploring the mysteries of supermassive black holes in active Seyfert
*Click image for larger size.*
M77 is also seen at x-ray, ultraviolet, infrared, and radio wavelengths.
But this sharp visible light image based on Hubble data follows its winding
spiral arms traced by obscuring du... more »
“The 13th Warrior: Prayers Before Final Battle”
*“The 13th Warrior: Prayers Before Final Battle”*
*Ahmed Ibn Fahdlan:* “Merciful Father, I have squandered my days with plans
of many things. This was not among them. But at this moment, I beg only to
live the next few minutes well. For all we ought to have thought, and have
not thought; all we ought to have said, and have not said; all we ought to
have done, and have not done; I pray thee God for forgiveness.”
- http://www.youtube.com/
“Lo, there do I see my father.
Lo, there do I see my mother and my sisters, and my brothers.
Lo, there do I see the line of my people back to the beg... more »
The Poet: Octavio Paz, “Brotherhood"
"I am a man: little do I last
and the night is enormous.
But I look up:
the stars write.
Unknowing I understand:
I too am written,
and at this very moment
someone spells me out."
- Octavio Paz
Leo Buscaglia, “Loving Each Other”
* “Loving Each Other”*
by Leo Buscaglia
“Emotional detachment, maintaining our distance from others, is being
prescribed as a solution for avoiding pain. Neglect and abuse of children
and the aged is a growing problem. Social and religious institutions, which
in the past helped to set standards of behavior and brought people together
in companionship, are actively downgraded. Individualism, independence, and
personal freedom are valued above love, commitment, and cooperation.
Examining the complex nature involved in loving each other (the dynamic and
everchanging nature of two or m... more »
“The Secret to Letting Go of Every Fear”
* “The Secret to Letting Go of Every Fear”*
By VividLife
“Are you afraid of some condition in your life? Here’s a life-transforming
secret: that seemingly scary condition, whatever it may be, is not the
problem. It is your reaction that is fearful. This is why if you will
become conscious of your condition instead of afraid of it, you will change
forever your relationship with fear.
It is only within this special kind of inner-relationship that there is
real safety, because now you are interacting with fear in an entirely new
way. You are no longer letting it dictate to you how to ... more »
"A Lion Fight..."
"It's good to be scared. It means you still have something to lose. So chin
up. Put your shoulders back, walk proud, strut a little. Don't lick your
wounds: celebrate them. The scars you bear are the signs of a competitor.
You're in a lion fight. Just because you didn't win doesn't mean you don't
know how to roar."
- "Dr. Meredith Grey", "Grey's Anatomy"
Chet Raymo, “Speak, Earth”
*“Speak, Earth”*
by Chet Raymo
“There is a passage toward the end of Vladimir Nabokov' memoir "Speak,
Memory" where he compares the writing of a novel to "the zest of a deity
building a live world from the most unlikely ingredients—rocks, and carbon,
and blind throbbings."
This is the season in New England when we watch the deity in action, when
the cold, rocky foundation suddenly seeps and oozes the fluids of life, the
blood and tears and intestinal juices and sticky protoplasm. The first rays
of summer filter to the woodland floor and wild lilies-of-the-valley, bell
flowers and... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Brookings, Oregon, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
"Life Is Hard?"
"Life is hard? True- but let's love it anyhow,
though it breaks every bone in our bodies."
- Edward Abbey
"What Will Your Verse Be?”
“To quote from Whitman, "O me! O life!... of the questions of these
recurring; of the endless trains of the faithless... of cities filled with
the foolish; what good amid these, O me, O life?" Answer. That you are here
- that life exists, and identity; that the powerful play goes on and you
may contribute a verse. That the powerful play *goes on* and you may
contribute a verse. What will your verse be?”
- Robin Williams as John Keating, "Dead Poets Society"
Canada looks better from a distance these days

It appears that I may have developed an idealistic sense of Canada
while I was off living in Honduras these last two years. I was thinking of
it as a great country with a few problems it needed to pay attention to at
the time I left Canada in early 2012, but perhaps the distance - and the
contrast with super-troubled Honduras - led me to forget about the "pay
attention" part and just remember it as a country that largely had its act
At any rate, coming home and learning about some of the messed-up stuff
that's actually going on in my homeland has been pretty disco... more »
The Media Conveniently Focuses on Ferguson Looting Instead of Rampant Police State

*And unfortunately a lot of people are falling right into this trap.*
*Nick Bernabe | The Anti-Media*
Following what may be the greatest few weeks in decades of exposure to
police brutality, police in Ferguson, Missouri, have now shot and killed an
18 year old unarmed teen who, according to witnesses, was holding his hands
in the air when he was shot. Peaceful protests that began shortly after the
shooting yesterday were met with full on military style anti-riot police.
What started as a peaceful protest soon turned into a small riot which
resulted in some stores ... more »
Mind War Crimes - MH17, MH370 and The Silent War Against Malaysia

*The final statement broadcast on-air in New York City in the pre-9/11 era
was *
*"The Malaysian Prime Minister must be eliminated."*
Mind War Crimes - MH17, MH370 and The Silent War Against Malaysia from Spike
EP on Vimeo.
*"We *[Muslims] *are actually very strong, 1.3 billion people cannot be
simply wiped out. *
*The Europeans killed 6 million Jews out of 12 million* [during the
*But today the Jews rule the world by proxy. They get others to fight and
die for them. *
*They invented socialism, communism, human rights and democracy so that
persecuting them would app... more »
Doesn't Carlos Danger need a better name than "Rockaway Restoration Kitchen" for his entry into the restaurant world?

*Does it get any more macho? Well, it might if Anthony W didn't look like
he just found out he inadvertently sent a penis picture to the pope.
Meanwhile, Mikey S looks like he just threatened to throw the pope off his
*"To be frank, Weiner would not be the first scandal-ridden New York pol to
have tried his hand at the restaurant business. Rep. Michael Grimm (R-N.Y.)
of 'break you in half like a boy' fame, once ran a failed health food
restaurant in Manhattan.""Maybe they can trade notes?"*
*-- from Colby Itkowitz's Thursday* Washington Post
* "Inthe Loop"report,* "New W... more »
Ukraine Civil War News Updates -- August 11, 2014

A Ukrainian serviceman uses a pair of binoculars as he guards a checkpoint
near Debaltseve, Donetsk region August 6, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Valentyn
*Residents Of Donetsk See No End To Raging Ukrainian Civil War --
Washington Times*
DONETSK, Ukraine — When the streets of Donetsk are quiet, the supermarkets
resound with the clatter of grocery carts and the rattling of cash drawers.
Elderly women approach the register with mountains of vegetable crates,
bags of flour, toilet paper, and jugs of cooking oil. No one knows when
they will be able to go to the store again, or if f... more »
U.S. Continues It's Military And Aid Operations In Iraq
*U.S. Directly Arming Kurds In Iraq -- CNN*
(CNN) -- The Obama administration has shipped weapons directly to Kurdish
forces battling ISIS militants in northern Iraq and is considering ways to
expand the transfer of arms, U.S. officials told CNN.
Shipments have so far come from the CIA, two U.S. officials said.
But discussions are underway inside the administration about whether the
Defense Department might get involved.
The Pentagon and the State departments do not sell or transfer weapons to
non-state entities, but the administration is looking at whether there is a
way around ... more »
The Kursk tragedy - the turning point of Kabal's march to the global Imperial throne.

As we have consistently said, the KZB's failure rate to sabotage the world
(politically, financially & socially) is as high as 70%. But you don't get
to read about those failures because the MSM-presstitutes do a good job
censoring news that give hope to the masses. They tend to blow up (sorry we
call them blow-jobs) the fear-porn; magnifying the destructive power of
their WNC (Weaponised Natural Calamiities) or just blowing their own horns.
Case in point was the reported fatalities caused by Super Typhoon HaiYan.
Initial western media figures were more than 10,0... more »
This post is offensive
In the Middle East and Eastern Europe, people are being killed because
they’re the wrong race, or the wrong religion.
Kind of puts an antiquated joke and a few vandalised billboards in
perspective, doesn’t it?
Are we all just getting a little bit over-offended on behalf of everyone
else? If John Key isn’t offended by jew-baiting billboards and being
called Shylock, why should you? If Wongs *are* offended by a politician in
search of a headline, and some are, couldn’t they just lighten up?
Sure, parts of the world are perishing from religious-and race-hatred, but
here in this pla... more »
Ebola Watch August 11 , 2014 - Ebola spreading quickly ( French Government Denies Report Of "Several Ebola Cases"; Outbreak Accelerates At Fastest Pace Yet ) ....... Experimental vaccines to be rushed into production - but how safe might they be , if they even work ? And if the Ebola rapidly spreading isn't spread airborne , how is that so may healthcare workers have been infected ?
Priest With Ebola Dies In Spanish Hospital As Eight Chinese Workers
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/12/2014 08:38 -0400
- China
- headlines
- Japan
Sadly, the Spanish missionary priest who became infected with Ebola
treating patients in Liberia has died in hospital in Madrid. As AP reports, *Father
Miguel Pajares died despite receiving the experimental drug ZMapp*, and is
one of 3 patients to receive it (the American doctors in Atlanta being the
other 2). This morning the WHO confirmed the *use of "experimental,
... more »
The Yazidi genocide narrative strains credulity- No fly zone by stealth
*I want to finish up with some of the other information concerning Iraq*
*Start here* *Baghdad Coup attempt? Kerry dictates to Maliki & the Iraqis-
Comply or else!*
*Go here Baghdad- New PM picked/Maliki ousted?/ Biden calls Kurdish Prez
for 'attaboy'*
*And then below .......*
I’m going to be straight up- The Yazidi narrative? I don’t find it
credible. I find it convenient. But, not credible.
**Why on earth would the Yazidi’s who are Kurds, however that is defined,
head up to some mountain top on the border of Syria, when Kurdish territory
is heavily guarded and virtually untouche... more »
Iraq's Political Crisis Continues
*Iraq President Asks Abadi To Succeed PM Nouri Maliki -- BBC*
*Iraq's president has asked the deputy speaker of parliament, Haider
al-Abadi, to form a new government.*
Mr Abadi had previously been nominated prime minister by Shia parties,
instead of the incumbent Nouri Maliki.
But Mr Maliki said Mr Abadi's nomination was a "violation of the
constitution". Mr Maliki has made it clear he wants a third term in office.
Meanwhile the jihadist insurgency in the north of Iraq continues to cause
international concern.
Fighters from the Islamic State (IS) group have made substantial gains... more »
Rest In Peace Robin Williams. You will be missed and you brought lots of laughter into the world
I am not a movie star person. But I believe Robin Williams was a great
soul. He brought laughter into the world and played many deep and strong
characters in movies. It is said he committed suicide by hanging himself.
He was 63 years young. Here is his instagram and the last picture of him
is on it from his birthday. Rest In Peace. You will be missed!
ECHELON - by Duncan Campbell
Temporary Committee on the ECHELON Interception System 2001 from Duncan
Campbell on Vimeo.
The Vanishing AIDS Vaccine - by Duncan Campbell
Scottish Vaccine from Duncan Campbell on Vimeo.
A 1992 IPTV investigation into Professor William Jarrett, a man publically
claimed to be on the verge of an AIDS vaccine which would save countless
lives. Jarrett received millions in research grants formt he government.
But the vaccine did not exist.
Robin Williams Dead At 63
*My Comment: *I attended one of his live performances in San Francisco
years ago. We had the front seat and he just destroyed me throughout the
show (anyone who is in the front seat always gets destroyed). I have never
laughed as much as I did that night. He will be sorely missed. Our prayers
are with his family and loved ones.
Dr Robert Willner Injects HIV into himself on TV
Dr Robert Willner Injects HIV into himself on TV from Spike EP on Vimeo.
*"HIV does not cause AIDS.... The point that everyone is missing is that
all of those original papers Gallo wrote on HIV have been found
fraudulent.... The HIV hypothesis was based on those papers. "*
— Peter Duesberg
In 1980, Dr. Robert Gallo, a retrovirologist with the National Cancer
Institute, discovered the first human retrovirus (HTLV-I). A retrovirus is
distinguished from an ordinary virus by virtue of the fact that its RNA is
converted to DNA by an enzyme called reverse transcriptase. Its replication ... more »
World News Briefs -- August 11, 2014
*Power Struggle On Baghdad Streets As Maliki Replaced But Refuses To Go --
(Reuters) - Iraq's president named a new prime minister to end Nuri
al-Maliki's eight year rule on Monday, but the veteran leader refused to go
after deploying militias and special forces on the streets, creating a
dangerous political showdown in Baghdad.
Washington, which helped install Maliki following its 2003 invasion that
toppled Saddam Hussein, congratulated Haidar al-Abadi, a former Maliki
lieutenant who was named by President Fouad Masoum to replace him.
But Maliki's Dawa Party declared hi... more »
Greece recession set to visibly deepen ( August 11 , 2014 ) Greece more than glad to blame Russia for the inevitable failure to leave their perennial recession .....
Greek Bailout 3.0? It's All Russia's Fault
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/11/2014 17:15 -0400
- Germany
- Greece
- Gross Domestic Product
- Recession
- Trade War
- Ukraine
- Unemployment
Despite 30% general unemployment, the majority of youths jobless, GDP
forecasts already disappointing, and government asset sales at rock-bottom
prices, *Greek leaders are preparing to blame any missed growth
expectations on Russia*. As Bloomberg... more »
250,000 people have been left without water, electricity and communications
for over a week in the eastern Ukrainian city of Lugansk. The town is
subject to siege conditions and under heavy bombardmentby the US-NATO
backed regime in Kiev.
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- August 11, 2014

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen speaks during an interview
with Reuters at the Alliance headquarters in Brussels August 11, 2014.
Credit: Reuters/Yves Herman
*NATO Chief Says Will Have To Decide On Afghan Pullout Soon -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - NATO will soon be forced to take a decision on a total pullout
from Afghanistan unless a deadlock over the country's election ends and a
new president signs an agreement allowing foreign forces to stay, the head
of the alliance said on Monday.
Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen told Reuters the Sept. 4-5 NATO
summit in Wales ... more »
Tweets By Experts And Journalists On The Rocky Political Transition In Iraq
PT: Maliki often threatened that if he goes down he will use his compiled
dossiers to air dirty laundry & take many others down with him.
— Joel Rayburn (@joel_rayburn) August 11, 2014
.@AliShroogi @zalali Exactly right: party circle went with Abadi; family
circle went with Maliki. But which way do fmr Bath securocrats go?
— Michael Knights (@Mikeknightsiraq) August 11, 2014
If Maliki had better relations with other parties he would have remained PM
easily. That's the reality. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise
— Sajad Jiyad سجاد (@SajadJiyad) August 11, 2014
Next Iraqi PM wi... more »
Chomsky on Boycotting Israel
From an interview with Amy Goodman published on the Democracy Now website.
This segment of the interview focuses specifically on boycott, divestment
and sanctions. There's a brief comment that follows:
AMY GOODMAN: Noam, I wanted to ask you about your recent piece for The
Nation on Israel-Palestine and BDS. You were critical of the effectiveness
of the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement. One of the many
responses came from Yousef Munayyer, the executive director of the
Jerusalem Fund and its educational program, the Palestine Center. He wrote,
quote, "Chomsky’s criticism of... more »
Wisdom Sits in Places
Wal-Mart, McDonalds, Shell, Safeway, the highway matrix — everyone knows
these culturally significant features of our landscape. Less well known
are the natural features of the land: the hills, prairies, ponds, and
streams. Our landscape watched the mammoths roam, it watched the furious
madness of civilization, and it will watch the manmade eyesores dissolve
into ancient ruins.
Waking up in the civilized world each morning is a jolt — jets, sirens, the
endless rumble of machines. Most of us live amidst hordes of two-legged
tumbleweeds, nameless strangers. We are the people from... more »
Herald on Labour’s election bribe
The way the *Herald* sees it this morning:
[image: image]
Even the *Herald* is prepared to go hard against the idea of taxpayers
further subsidising the taxpaid generation.
Labour proposes to replace doctors' discretion with free consultations and
medicines to the over-65s regardless of their ability to pay. It would give
the elderly the same benefits provided to children up to age 13 in this
year's Budget, which Labour endorses…
Labour is offering free doctors and medicines to a generation that grew
up in a welfare state, attended university at a fraction of the cost faced
... more »
D's short update: RIP my well traveled computer!
Well My friends.... today was the day that I finally had to say good bye to
my overly abused and well traveled computer. After many many months of a
missing "F" key, then a scorched keyboard, the over heating fan, and the
slightly epileptic screen.... today she added her last \ to the end of my
sentences. It was a quiet passing, no smoke or fires.... one minute she
was happily playing The Amazing Spiderman 2 and keeping my kids oh so
happy..... the next minute, she sighed a peaceful sigh, the screen went
black and her lights blinked for the last time.
I will miss her.\
In the m... more »
Interview with founder of Class Dojo @ the Chalk Face
Do you use Class Dojo? I did, last year, and I’ll do it again. Really
simple tool. Great interface. I saw results, almost immediately, that were
sustained for months. We do not often get to hear from app developers, so
listen here as the new Dojo feature is announced publicly for the first
time. You […]
Why Are The Button Down Republicans Still Beating The Cool Democrats At Social Media?

We did our first congressional twitter directory 3 years ago. It's amazing
how many of them are no longer in Congress. In California alone, missing
from action:
*•* @eltongallegly24
*•* @RepHowardBerman
*•* @RepLRichardson
*•* @RepJerryLewis
*•* @BacaCA43
*•* @MaryBonoMack
*•* @CongBobFilner
And every year there's a spate of articles about how the Republicans in
Congress have more Twitter and Facebook followers than congressional
Democrats. In 2010, there was an enthusiasm gap between fired up Republican
GOP social media mavens and stuffy old Democrats. HeadCount pointed out
back... more »

Allan Toffler was not kidding
and we are all surfers now
we are trying to find
a cut
where we can ride
without getting crushed
Surfing I tried it once
and at that time
I could be considered
by a low threshold
an athlete
It was fucking impossible
So if I can not surf
like Charlie
what can I do?
Pick crops
grown in a hundred mile circle
and enjoy the harvest ever nite
with a bride
that makes my struggle light
Yeah that's right
Paradise can be found
in other places than under
a incandescent dashboard light
The future is all local
cause no one can afford
the cost to rule
the world
... more »
Cardinal Filoni: “My mission in Iraq is to give moral, spiritual and psychological support”
Cardinal Filoni: “My mission in Iraq is to give moral, spiritual and
psychological support." Source: romereports. Date Published: August 11,
2014. Description:
Pope Francis met with Cardinal Fernando Filoni yesterday at Santa Marta
before the prelate travels to Iraq.
“West Coast Devastation Continues: Seals, Oysters, Pelicans, Fish, Squid- All Sick, Dying Or Failing To Breed”
*“West Coast Devastation Continues: *
*Seals, Oysters, Pelicans, Fish, Squid- All Sick, Dying Or Failing To
by Ethan A. Huff
“The makings of a mass-level extinction event in the world's oceans appear
disturbingly imminent, as marine species after marine species washes ashore
on the Pacific West Coast. Ailing seals, dead fish, missing pelicans and
much more are being reported in the media as scientists struggle to figure
out what, exactly, is causing entire marine ecosystems to suffer and die,
seemingly inexplicably.
Much of the carnage is being reported in California, wher... more »
Civil Unrest Breaks out in MO After Cop Kills Unarmed Teen
*Civil strife broke out in St. Louis this weekend after a police officer
was seen fatally shooting an unarmed African American teen from behind as
he fled.*
*by *Barry Donegan
According to *Fox News*, 18-year-old Michael Brown was fatally shot in
broad daylight by police last Saturday in St. Louis while walking to his
grandmother’s house.Eyewitness reports allege that the teenager was
unarmed, fleeing, and had his hands held high when an unidentified officer
from the St. Louis-area Ferguson Police Department opened fire multiple
times, killing him.
St. Louis Police ... more »
The Islamic State Is Worse Than Any Other Terrorist Group Including Al Qaeda

*Why ISIL Is Worse Than al-Qaeda—And Any Other Terrorist Group That Came
Before -- Bobby Ghosh, Quartz*
Now the world has finally turned its attention to the carnage sweeping
through northern Iraq, many are struggling to place the perpetrators—the
death cult known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIL—in
the context of modern-day terrorism. I’m getting the same questions from
friends and fellow journalists: Are these guys the new al-Qaeda? Or are
they like the Taliban? Or is this movement more like Hezbollah… Boko Haram…
Led by the self-appo... more »
Gaza Mea Culpa
If I were Kelvin Brown of the BBC (ever heard of him? ) I wouldn’t go
aTweeting that Hamas has never intimidated the BBC. That’s not so much a
boast; more a mea culpa.
As DB has written over at Biased-BBC, it’s been established quite clearly
that Hamas uses threats and pressure to prevent journalists from providing
objective reports.
The Foreign Press Association:
*“protests in the strongest the blatant, incessant, forceful and unorthodox
methods employed by the Hamas authorities and their representatives against
visiting international journalists in Gaza over the past month.”*
*... more »
Baghdad- New PM picked/Maliki ousted?/ Biden calls Kurdish Prez for 'attaboy'
*Following up on* *Baghdad Coup attempt? Kerry dictates to Maliki & the
Iraqis- Comply or else!*
*Attaboy defined*- The US is definitely trying their hardest. The pressure
is on!
It should come as no surprise to anyone that* the Kurdish president: not
elected, but selected, has handpicked this man for the office of Prime
Minister* despite Maliki winning an actual election in Iraq.
*the link is not the story, quoted. Sadly, I lost my link :(*
*As the U.S. tries to pressure Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Maliki to step
aside*, *Vice President Joe Biden called Maliki's disputed successor M... more »
(Robin Williams Dead) Why Are the Neolibs (Dare We Say It?) Lying To US About The State Of Social Security? (Best Colbert EVUH!)
BREAKING! Robin Williams Suicide Victim? I'll remember the sadness of this
day until I kick. He was a mentor and a personal friend to me although I
had never met him in person. He brightened my life immeasurably from the
first glimpse I had of him on "Happy Days" to his incredibly stellar
performance in "Good Morning, Vietnam," which brightened my Dad's last few
moments as he died of
A Look At The State Of The Ukraine Army As It Continues It's Fight Against Pro-Russsian Rebels

A Ukrainian military convoy moves along a road near Donetsk August 9, 2014.
Credit: Reuters/Valentyn Ogirenko
*Ukraine’s Army Slogs Through the Merciless Donbass -- Robert Beckhusen,
War Is Boring*
Blood, borscht and BTRs
The Ukrainian military is close to defeating the rebels that have caused so
much trouble in the country’s east during the past two months. The rebels
are now surrounded and Kiev’s army is pummeling them with artillery.
But it’s been a slog for the troops tasked with sweeping the towns and
cities of the heavily-armed, Russian-backed separatists.
It’s tough to gra... more »
Great Moments in Passive Journalism

This is about the Michael Brown murder a few days ago in Ferguson, MO
and was written and posted by, to my eternal surprise (/sarcasm), the *New
York Times*. If this sentence was any more passive, it would be wrapped in
latex, have a ball gag and a safe word.
And, really, using the passive voice here and making it sound as if
the gun seemingly went off all by itself in loving defense of its owner,
shows just how passive the mainstream media is in reporting establishment
violence. The sinecured moron who wrote this story was obviously parroting
what the Ferguson Chief of Po... more »
Supplemental: All this week, playing with dolls!
*MONDAY, AUGUST 11, 2014*
*Walsh helps define the question:* Personally, we were less than thrilled
when Rachel Maddow played with her dolls on her cable news program.
It struck us as pathetically silly. But then, we’d had a somewhat similar
reaction when we watched Maddow playing with her remote control toy car the
night before.
(For background, see this morning’s report. The toy car segment at least
made some objective sense.)
Will progressives ever learn how to win friends and influence voters? Or
will our avatars line their pockets by sillily playing with their toys on
our tri... more »
Today’s menu

A strange, superficial kind of balance was in evidence on the Today
programme this morning. I suspect the producers, or the editors or
whomsoever is responsible for selecting the morning menu are the
thirteen-year-olds that Jeremy Paxman was complaining about the other day.
On the face of it they could claim they were pitching an item about
antisemitism against a few about Gaza. But that would be facile.
An item presented by Caroline Wyatt about antisemitism in France preceded
the usual Israel-bashing items. I hadn’t realised that Ms. Wyatt is now the
BBC’s religious affairs (instea... more »
Huge Round Robin Instagram Giveaway!

Today I have a awesome Instagram giveaway going on with 28 other bloggers.
We are all giving away our own prizes and it is super easy and FAST to get
entered! You will have chances of winning cool prizes from every single
blogger. Fun, right?
*MY GIVEAWAY*: 1 Lucky Housewife Eclectic (@Wifeeclectic) Instagram
Follower will win a $50 Amazon Gift Card!
*TO ENTER*: You MUST head to Instagram and follow @Wifeeclectic. Then,
leave a comment on the giveaway photo that says what you would do with the
giftcard. After you leave your comment, you can hop over to the next person
in the... more »
Amnesty International: Pentagon Concealed U.S. Troops' War Crimes In Afghanistan

*U.S. Special Forces Killed Pregnant Women, Tampered With Evidence, Report
Alleges -- Washington Post*
Did U.S. troops tamper with evidence to cover up civilian casualties in
Afghanistan? That’s a central premise of the accusations outlined in a new
report released Monday by Amnesty International. The human rights
organization accuses the U.S. military of systematically covering up
examples of civilian casualties, failing to investigate cases it knew about
and participating in torture and brutality.
The report, “Left in the Dark: Failures of Accountability for Civilian
Casualties ... more »

- We had another Gaza support vigil yesterday here in Bath, Maine. A
dozen folks turned out. We'll do it again next Sunday at noon.
- There is an article in the Portland Press Herald today about the
Pentagon's 'Missile Defense Agency' public hearings in our state this
week. I was quoted in the article saying that Maine Veterans for Peace
(VFP) is opposed to the proposed deployment of ground-based missile defense
systems in Maine. I'll be driving up to Rangeley (in the western
mountains) on Wednesday to attend the hearing and to then do a second drive
... more »
Satire: “The Slacker Congress”
*“The Slacker Congress”*
by Will Durst
“More fun than fourteen barrels of flunkies watching our elected officials
exit Washington like scared rats streaming out of a sewer to escape
Godzilla. And really, who can blame them. Anybody who’s ever spent a summer
in DC can tell you the climate is real similar to Hell. With humidity. Then
again, not sure even Hell has winged insects the size of footstools. It’s
not called Foggy Bottom because that’s the first thing that springs to mind
when Diane Feinstein walks away, you know.
Funny thing is, this is the same Congress that lies on the ve... more »
Ukraine And Russia 'Agree' To A Red Cross-Led Humanitarian Aid Mission To The Rebel Stronghold Of Luhansk

*Ukraine And Russia 'Agree' To Aid Mission To Luhansk -- BBC*
*Ukraine and Russia say they have agreed to a Red Cross-led humanitarian
aid mission to the eastern Ukrainian rebel stronghold of Luhansk.*
The Kremlin earlier announced it was working with the Red Cross to send a
humanitarian aid convoy to the region.
The EU Commission chief has warned Russia not to carry out unilateral
military action "under any pretext".
Ukraine and Western governments had previously objected to Russia sending
any aid into the region.
The Red Cross has not yet commented on the latest announcements.
... more »
The Cruel Jest of American ‘Humanitarian Aid’ to Iraq

By Juan Cole
*U.S. soldier stands in front of an Iraqi woman’s house during a search
for three missing soldiers in Al Thobat, Iraq in 2007. The U.S. Army (CC BY
*This post originally ran on Juan Cole’s Web page.*
The United States of America has no claim on the language of “humanitarian
aid” to Iraq after what it did to that country. It is rather as though
Washington should send Meals Ready to Eat to the good people of Hiroshima
and Nagasaki. One is happy that the U.S. has dropped food aid for the
Yezidis trapped on a mountain after they escaped the ... more »
Withdraw Consent
A collage of memes, quotes and provocative questions about the role we play
in giving our consent to being ruled. (No audio)
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
Lamar W. Hankins : REPORT | Child murder in Texas
Is the Church of Wells, considered by many to be a cult, sacrificing
children at the altar of religious belief? By Lamar W. Hankins | The Rag
Blog | August 11 2014 WELLS, Texas — The death of 3-day old …
finish reading Lamar W. Hankins :
*REPORT* | Child murder in Texas
Media Will Use Oscar Pistorius Verdict To Hide 9/11 Awakening
*Hang The Bankers*
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
Are Elites Always Going To Be Above The Law?
Nixon may or may not have made a deal with Jerry Ford, but he got a pardon
and never faced a trial, let alone a prison sentence. He said what many
politicians feel about politicians who get caught breaking the law: "the
punishment of resignation is more than adequate for the crime." Our
corporate elites couldn't agree more. Accountability is for poor
people with no power, but for elites with lots of it.
Only 15 senators and 5 congressmen have ever been expelled-- and almost all
of them were Confederate sympathizers during the Civil War. Censure is a
less severe measure, while oft... more »
A 1968 episode of William F. Buckley's Firing Line, featuring a drunken
Jack Kerouac, the Fug's Ed Sanders and a clueless academic, Lewis
Yablonsky, discussing the "Hippie" movement.
The Shootdown Of Malaysian Flight MH370 (The Reported "MH17"): Is Israel Involved?
When that infamous Malaysian flight "MH17" was "shotdown" over Ukraine now
almost a month ago, I smelled a rat immediately... We had the Jew spew
media and the Jewish controlled American government fingering Russia almost
right off the bat with shooting down this aircraft, which is way too quick
without proper evidence. That alone should have raised red flags with
everyone..... Then we had the reports of how this aircraft "mysteriously"
was flying some 300 miles north of its proper flight path which put it
right over the region of eastern Ukraine where the civil war between the
cri... more »
The Malaysian press trumps the U.S. government and its presstitute media's no-evidence claim that Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 was brought down by Russia.

*OpEdNews Op Eds 8/9/2014 at 23:17:06*
Malaysian press charges Ukraine government shot down MH 17
*By Alex Lantier (about the author)* Permalink
Cross-posted from WSWS
A plane somewhat resembling Malaysia Airlines flight
MH 17 that crashed in Ukraine (image by YouTube)
A Thursday article in the *New Straits Times*, Malaysia's flagship
English-language newspaper, charged the US- and European-backed Ukrainian
regime in Kiev with shooting down Malaysian Airlines flight MH 17 in east
Ukraine last month. Given the tightly... more »
*5 Things I Want to See in “Living Color” for Saints vs. Titans ~Barry
Hirstius, Who Dat Dish*
*Letter: John Barry has right idea on coastal issues ~Len Bahr *
*Terrebonne pitching versions of billion-dollar sediment project ~Xerxes
Wilson, Daily Comet*
*Follow Along With The Coastal Desk's 'Vanishing Coast' Tour Of Chauvin
~Kaplan-Levenson & Hardman, WWNO *
PLAYING WITH DOLLS: And with a toy car!
*MONDAY, AUGUST 11, 2014*
*Part 1—Maddow’s paper dolls:* Rachel Maddow has been on vacation. There’s
nothing “wrong” with that!
Maddow may have needed her break, which started on July 31. You see, on
Wednesday night, July 30, she was (literally) playing with dolls, right
there on the air.
One night before, she had played with a battery-powered remote control car.
Right there on the air!
A cynic will say that Maddow was possibly trying to juice her ratings with
bits of entertainment. Others will say that she may have been experimenting
with alternative forms of news presentation.
... more »
A World Full of Hate
*Alternative News Network*
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
Happy Ending? Or Happy Now

*by Zen Gardner*
No matter where I turn the awakening is screaming out at me. Every event
and announcement of intention by the dark side, no matter how destructive
and disturbing, is only precipitating more conscious awareness and very
present, personal involvement by humanity. It’s a thrilling time. If it
weren’t for what we consider to be terrible and tragic events being
perpetrated on humanity, our tidal wave of awakening would not have the
momentum it has gathered and continues to gain.
I’m not saying to bring on the madness, but I am... more »
Made in the USA
This is refreshingly journalistic, at least more nuanced compared to the
deja-vu American chest thumping for freedumb being spewed in the news these
*BAGHDAD — When American forces raided a home near Falluja during the
turbulent 2004 offensive against the Iraqi Sunni insurgency, they got the
hard-core militants they had been looking for. They also picked up an
apparent hanger-on, an Iraqi man in his early 30s whom they knew nothing
*The Americans duly registered his name as they processed him and the
others at the Camp Bucca detention center: Ibrahim Awad Ibrahim al-B... more »
Charter School Education in the U. S.: It's All About the Real Estate
When ignorant or purchased Ohio politicians jumped on the charter school
bandwagon almost 20 years ago to "provide more choices for poor families"
and to "cut bureaucratic oversight to allow educational innovation," they
opened the floodgates for corruption, larceny, and educational fraud promoted
under the guise of helping poor kids.
As a result, charter kingpin, David Brennan and his White Hat Management Co.
have carried off mountains of taxpayer money to fund Brennan's isolating,
depressing, and cellar-performing charter storefronts.
Finally faced with the reality over years of... more »
“The Urge To Solve”
*“The Urge To Solve”*
by TEDTalks
“Magician and New York Times crossword puzzle wizard David Kwong says we're
wired to solve puzzles and make order out of chaos- and he's got a trick to
prove it.”
- http://www.huffingtonpost.com/
Let it Go!!
I would like to introduce you to a new blogger with lots to say. This is a
new site, set up by a friend of mine who has made the massive jump from
completely asleep to fully awake in less than a year and is currently on a
journey to discover just how deep the rabbit hole is. Mel has been living
and breathing in all that we have been doing for the past few months-
experiencing the unseen as a brand new world of reality. A Journey we are
all on....
Inspired by music
LET IT GO!! <3
I''ve realised during my awakening/remembering period that I ha... more »
Baghdad Coup attempt? Kerry dictates to Maliki & the Iraqis- Comply or else!
*I am going to begin this post by reminding everyone, because it needs to
be kept in mind, that Nouri al Maliki won the Iraqi election. *Fair and
square. And overwhelmingly so.
*This was the first election not held under full US occupation.*
And, Maliki won. The US/UK/Israeli/NATO war machine then wound up their
Islamist jihadi soldiers and began to destabilize with the plan of wielding
those final death blows to the nation of Iraq as we know it. With the goal
of it being Iraq in name only.
*Regime Change*
If the regime change agenda is new to you reread this post from two months ... more »
CDC Criteria For Ebola Transmission: “Being Within 3 Feet” or “In Same Room” Can Lead To Infection

*The Pontiac Tribune*
*Public health officials and the corporate media haven’t been telling you
the truth regarding the Ebola outbreak.*
For months, any time you heard mainstream news discuss the topic, they have
made it a priority to insist Ebola is only transferred by exchanging bodily
SCG News has suspected for some time now that this is not true. Recent
changes made by CDC criteria for Ebola transmission seem to suggest this
claim is correct.
From the CDC update:
“*A low risk exposure includes any of the following:*
- *Household member or other casua... more »
New Blue America Endorsement: Zephyr Teachout And Tim Wu

We've been talking about the eye-popping corruption of New York Governor
Andrew Cuomo-- and Democratic Party version of shady Republican governors
Christie, McDonnell, Walker, and Deal, all of whom, like Cuomo, are under
federal investigation. Cuomo, to put it mildly, has been in bed with Wall
Street, serving their interests and ignoring the interests of New York's
working families-- just what we would expect from a Republican or from a
"Democrat" from the Republican wing of the Democratic Party. He picked one
of the most conservative Democrats in the state, Kathy Hochul, who twice... more »
Oil And Democracy

Oil and Democracy -- like oil and water -- don't mix. And, when oil is
allowed to call the tune, democracy suffocates. That, Andrew Nikiforuk
writes, is the lesson behind premier Allison Redford's resignation:
Every petrostate, including Texas and Russia, suffers from an exclusive
form of narcissism: oil exporters think they are better than everyone else
because they are sitting on piles of the world's most lucrative commodity.
In turn, that feeds an arrogant culture of entitlement.
... more »
Hmm... looks like Germany had a conversation with Kiev -- Ukraine Quickly Backs Off Threat Of Halting Russian Gas Transit After Europe Screams....
Ukraine Quickly Backs Off Threat Of Halting Russian Gas Transit After
Europe Screams
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/11/2014 07:42 -0400
- Counterparties
- European Union
- Germany
- national security
- Natural Gas
- Ukraine
That didn't take long.
A few short days after Ukraine's always entertaining puppet government,
whose very existence is to benefit its western overlords and certainly Victori... more »
*Fired Texas Principal Speaks Out: ‘It Would Be Best to Speak English in
On November 12, 2013, Amy Lacey, the principal of Texas’ Hempstead Middle
School, was placed on administrative leave and subsequently fired when she
made a simple request to students: speak English.
Now that the gag order has expired, Lacey is speaking out about what
happened that day, dispelling rumors that she banned Spanish from the
school’s campus.
“I informed students it would be best to speak English in the classrooms to
the extent possible, in order to help prepare them for [state] tests,”... more »
Azerbaijan buys medium-range missiles

[image: Shaheen I]Azerbaijan has gained the medium range ballistic missiles
EXTRA of Israeli production (130 km) and long-range missiles (2,000 km)
made in Pakistan.
Oxu.Az reports citing Haqqin.Az that the information was provided by
It has to be noted that in order not to disturb the balance of power,
Russia does not sell long-range ballistic missiles to Armenia and
Azerbaijan. At the same time, Russia has installed operational-tactical
missile complexes "Iskander" with nuclear warheads on a military base in
Armenia near the Turkish border.
Read more
John Wayne Movies, Biker and outdoor Movies from 1960s and 70s... Gorgeous Blue Skies, Not One Chemtrail - Links to the movies
I have found movie after movie that were filmed outside in the 1960s and
70s. They all have one thing in common. They all have Gorgeous Blue skies
without chemtrails. I searched for movies that were filmed outside during
those decades as they take months to film and if there were chemtrails at
that time, they would have been seen. Well, after going through many movies
that would have
We teachers are often the ones lacking imagination
From Facebook (take it with a grain of salt). But if this image is true,
then we teachers are our own problems. What a simple, superfluous, insipid
little assignment. Not that everything I’ve done is perfectly genius. In
what universe is this an exemplar of “effective” teaching? Filed under:
SHAUN JOHNSON, PHD: Musings from the […]
“(Conditioned) Human Nature Within the Insane Asylum”
*“(Conditioned) Human Nature Within the Insane Asylum”*
By Cognitive Dissonance
"I wish I had a silver dollar for every time I’ve heard the phrase “It is
human nature…” or some such derivative or derivation. Alan Greenspan
recently popped to the surface of his personal cesspool to proclaim it is
human nature to create financial bubbles, thus absolving himself of any
blame for a runaway fiat candy machine. His exact words were “Bubbles are
functions of unchangeable human nature.” I will stifle the urge to flush
Greenspan back down the commode where he belongs and instead focus upon t... more »
Fukushima Updates August 11 , 2014 - Lead article showing Japan is massively contaminated ----Nuclear fuel found 15 miles from Tokyo suburbs — Fukushima uranium in ‘glassy’ spheres transported over 170 km — Structural materials from the nuclear reactors also present .......
Energy News .......
01:41 PM EST on August 11th, 2014 | 196 comments
200,000,000,000,000 becquerels/kg in fuel rod materials found near Tokyo…
“the material spread globally” — Composed “major part” of worst Fukushima
plume — Persists for long time in living organisms — Must reconsider
disaster’s health effects (PHOTOS)
10:47 PM EST on August 10th, 2014 | 39 comments
Nuclear fuel found 15 miles from Tokyo suburbs — Fukushima uranium in
‘glassy’ spheres transported over 170 km — Structural materials from the
nuclear reactors also present (PHOTOS)
10:58 AM EST on August 10th, 2014 |... more »
Iraq Updates ( August 11 , 2014 ) - As Iraq spirals in political chaos as Maliki refuses to stand down and appears to have enacted a coup in Baghdad , while ISIS and other Sunni Rebels appear to have taken advantage of the political chaos to attack Baghdad , while the overall status of Iraq as one nation and not three potential partitioned states seems to hang by a thread - the US still intends to ramp up its new Iraq war ?

Tweets .....
Retweeted by (س) Ghāzī
*Ali Khedery* @akhedery 1h
Senior Shia Islamist politico from deep inside the Green Zone: Maliki will
appear on TV again at 3PM following Abbadi nomination - "trouble
*Rudaw English* @RudawEnglish · 2m
#BREAKING: National Iraqi alliance chooses Haydar Abbadi as a candidate for
Iraq's Prime Ministerial post. http://fb.me/2FDWGqeJV
*The New Yorkers* @TischNewYorkers · 12m
Al-Maliki's slaves in Baghdad are shouting "Allah - Al-Maliki" #Iraq
*The New Yorkers* @TischNewYorkers · 18m
Al-Maliki's loyal forces have closed Abu Nawwas... more »
Editor's Note
I am in court today. Fear not .... I am not the one who has the legal
dispute. I am a witness for a friend in a contract dispute. I am hopeful
that this will be wrapped up by mid-day. Today's news briefs (Military And
Intelligence News Briefs, World News Briefs, Iraq, Ukraine, Gaza, etc. ....
this will all be updated when I return this afternoon).
*Update 13:00 EST*: Court rooms .... yecchhhh. It did not go well for my
friend. I should be posting soon.
Has The White House's Iraq Policy Backfired?

President Barack Obama and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki walk from
the Oval Office for a joint press availability in the Rose Garden at the
White House, Wednesday, July 22, 2009. Official White House Photo by Chuck
*U.S. Helped Push Iraq’s Politics To A Breaking Point, And Now Is Pushing
Maliki Out -- Josh Rogin, Daily Beast*
America’s rush to pressure Iraq’s political process may have backfired,
analysts say—contributing to the crisis that threatens to tank the new
government before it gets started.
President Obama has said that more U.S. help to Iraq in fighting I... more »
Pesident Obama On Vacation

The Obamas will return to Martha's Vineyard today to vacation in this 17
room, $12 million home
*War On Golf: Obama Is Escorted By SWAT Team And Two Snipers As He Enjoys
Second Day On The Course As Conflict Rages In Iraq -- Daily Beast*
* President Obama was escorted to the Farm Neck Golf Club, in Oak Bluffs,
Massachusetts, Sunday by a huge motorcade, which included a SWAT team and
two snipers
* Sporting a United States Secret Service baseball cap, Obama seemed
reasonably relaxed despite the hefty protection
* Moments before he flew to Martha's Vineyard Saturday, he held a press
co... more »
Words of peace from Hamas official Osama Hamdan
Top Hamas Official Osama Hamdan:
Words of peace?
The Humanitarian Crisis of the Gaza Mall
The Humanitarian Crisis of the Gaza Mall:
For Man Must Learn To Co-operate & Care For Each Other - M.N. Hopkins
*For Man must learn to co-operate and care for each other or all life on
your planet will surely perish in time. Man refuses to look for new ways of
being in his world, but rather clings to the old ideas and beliefs, which
no longer have the power necessary to hold or bind together Man's
*Yes, new beings or a new kind of being will begin to enter into your world
soon with the knowledge and wisdom necessary to the task of evolving a new
consciousness that accepts and understands all life. They are the one's who
will lead the way and found and develop new institutio... more »
Russian President Putin Mediates Azerbaijan-Armenia Border Dispute

RIA Novosti / Alexey Druzhinin
*Putin Mediates Talks Between Armenia, Azerbaijan On Nagorno-Karabakh
Conflict -- Wall Street Journal*
*Violence in Region Has Escalated in Past Week*
MOSCOW—Russian President Vladimir Putin met his Armenian and Azerbaijani
counterparts on Sunday, calling for a negotiated and peaceful resolution to
the armed conflict in the South Caucasus region of Nagorno-Karabakh.
The meeting, held in Russia's Black Sea resort of Sochi, was the first
face-to-face engagement between Azerbaijan's Ilham Aliyev and Armenia's
Serzh Sargsyan since the recent surge of vio... more »
Photobathroomism - the art of Lee Price - Lemon Slices series

Lee Price is an American figurative realist painter. Her work focuses on
the relationship between women and food. I've focussed, here, on her LEMON
SLICES series.
Remember, these are PAINTINGS, oil on linen.
Did The Russian Navy Chase Away A U.S. Submarine?

Russian Anti-Submarine Destroyer "Vice-Admiral Kulakov". © Photo Press
office of Russian Northern Fleet
*Russia Forces US Submarine Out Of Boundary Waters -- RIA Novsoti*
MOSCOW, August 9 (RIA Novosti) - Russia's Northern Fleet's anti-submarine
forces have detected and forced out a US submarine from Russian boundary
waters, a high-ranking source in Russia's Navy told RIA Novosti Saturday.
"On August 7, 2014, the patrol forces of the Northern Fleet detected a
foreign submarine, supposedly a US Navy Virginia-class one, in the Barents
Sea. A seaborne anti-submarine group, as well as a... more »
A Belated Review to the Film "1408"
I stayed up very, very late, waiting for some people to arrive. (They did
and all is right with the world.) In the process, I became very, very
drunk. So there's this post now. Because I decided to watch the film "1408"
And I think it's a damn good spooky movie.
Whatever its weaknesses, *1408* holds you captive. The film may seem like a
one-room version of THE SHINING, condensed and tight rather than big and
sprawling like the Kubrick movie, but Hafstrom does an impressive job of
keeping its limited space visually interesting for feature length, and when
all else fails the s... more »
Indian missiles languish in South Korea due to Gaza conflict

[image: LR-SAM]The eponymously named Long Range Surface to Air Missile
(LR-SAM), being co-developed by the Defence Research & Development
Organisation (DRDO) and Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI), is already two
years late. Now, because of Israel's invasion of Gaza, the delay will get
Business Standard has learnt that four LR-SAM rocket motors, built in India
and despatched to Tel Aviv for trials, have been lying in Seoul, South
Korea, for close to a month.
The DRDO confirms that the rockets, filled with highly combustible
propellant, were despatched on a commercial airline... more »
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Erdogan Has Won His Country's First Direct Presidential Election

Turkey's Prime Minister and presidential candidate Tayyip Erdogan (Reuters
/ Umit Bektas)
*Recep Tayyip Erdogan wins Turkish presidential election -- BBC*
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has won his country's first
direct presidential election.
With almost all the votes counted, Mr Erdogan had won about 52%, against
38% for main rival Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu.
The huge margin of victory means there is no need for a run-off.
Mr Erdogan, who has vowed to bolster the power of the president, promised
supporters a "social reconciliation period", saying: "Let's leave the old
di... more »
AquaShield: Protecting Israel's Maritime Border
After Hamas terrorists attempted to infiltrate Israel via an amphibious
landing from the sea, the thwarted terror attacks underlined the need to
continually maintain security across Israel’s shoreline, stretching
hundreds of kilometers on the Mediterranean sea.
The answer has come from Israeli defense technology firm DSIT Solutions.
DSIT has developed a new sonar and electronic detection system designed to
protect all forms of maritime assets which include beaches, bays, ports,
ocean-based installations (like oil rigs), piers, and maritime energy
terminals, of which Israel has more... more »
Pentagon Ordered to Better Track Threats to Taiwan

[image: The Pentagon]Several members of Congress have added language to the
2015 National Defense Authorization Act aimed at better preparing the
Pentagon to assess and confront Chinese military expansion and its
implications for potential threats to Taiwan.
The language, incorporated into the House Armed Services Committee’s passed
version of the defense bill, asks the Defense Department to better assess
anti-access/area-denial threats in the Asia-Pacific region, submit a report
on the cross-strait balance of forces between China and Taiwan, and better
estimate China’s fast-growing... more »
The dangers of SSBN proliferation in Indo-Pacific Asia

[image: Type 094 (Jin) class SSBN]It has become commonplace to lament the
arms races underway in Indo-Pacific Asia.
China's military modernisation over the last two decades has helped provoke
heightened political tensions and growing concern in capitals from Tokyo to
New Delhi to Washington and Moscow. North Korea's continued pursuit of
nuclear weapons and missile delivery systems keeps tensions in Northeast
Asia high.
The Indian subcontinent is home to two nuclear powers that have fought four
wars over the last 65 years. Many countries in the Asian littoral have
undertaken seriou... more »
David Icke - Rothschild Zionism - running the world from Israel
it's been a while since Free Planet did a piece on Isle of Wight resident
David Icke, but he's *SO CONVINCING* and even when he totally trashes the
American Administration with his claims of Chicago-derived infiltration by
Rothschild Zionism you gotta listen.
Ready for some truth?
so, got that? Well, it gets even more interesting, and I'm not totally sure
where this then takes his assertion, but let's hear it. Khazars and the
Israeli infiltration of 'the truth'. Confused? *Need to know* dictates that.
If We Could Look Into Each Others Hearts - by Marvin J. Ashton

[image: Foto: Share to spread the love!]
Sketch Factor App: For Unsafe Areas in Racial Discrimination Line

Sketch Factor App which launched on Friday uses crowd-sourced data from
users to pinpoint sketchy areas as well as to provide safe walking
The app allows users to submit sketchy reports and others to vote on
whether or not the tips are helpful. Sketch Factor is just one of many
products that aim to crowd source safety information about the areas in
which users live and walk - and it is not the first to be hit with the
racial discrimination label.
In fact, several alarming red flags pop up when one looks at the region
around the bureau. But in reading the comments, so... more »
METRO PODCAST | Thorne Dreyer : Community activists Bill Oakey & Roger Baker on Austin transportation politics
Affordability blogger Oakey joins The Rag Blog’s Baker in a lively
discussion of the city’s proposed billion dollar transportation bond
election and other community issues. Interview by Thorne Dreyer | The Rag
Blog | August 7, 2014 [Also read Roger … finish reading *METRO PODCAST* |
Thorne Dreyer : Community activists Bill Oakey & Roger Baker on Austin
transportation politics
A New 3 Day Ceasefire Between Israel And Hamas Takes Hold In Gaza
*Gaza Conflict: New Three-Day Ceasefire Holds -- BBC*
*A fresh three-day ceasefire agreed between Israel and Palestinian faction
Hamas in Gaza was holding on Monday.*
The agreement, which began at midnight (21:00 GMT Sunday), came after days
of intense mediation by Egypt.
If the truce continues to hold, Israel will send negotiators to Cairo on
Monday for talks on a longer-term deal.
About 2,000 people have died in the conflict, which began on 8 July when
Israel launched an operation intended to deter militant attacks from Gaza.
Those killed include more than 1,900 Palestinians, m... more »
Blaming Maliki For Everything That's Gone Wrong In Iraq Is Dishonest
*Photo Source: EPA/BGNES.*
The rise of ISIS in Iraq has been squarely laid at the feet of Iraqi Prime
Minister Maliki in the US-European press. They say he has disenfranchised
the Sunni minority, criminalized its political representatives, and as a
result they have been forced to join the arms of the genocidal madmen in
the Islamic State.
Much of this criticism is true. Maliki is nowhere near a perfect
politician. He has a big head. His overconfidence is blinding his judgment.
He has been described as an idiot. *Recent research studies have proven
that power makes people stupid*, ... more »
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