1:21pm MDST
"Compassion is not a relationship between the healer and the wounded.
It's a relationship between equals. Only when we know our own
darkness well can we be present with the darkness of others.
Compassion becomes real when we recognize our shared humanity."
- Pema Chödrön
“What Doesn’t Kill You Really Does Make You Stronger”
*“What Doesn’t Kill You Really Does Make You Stronger”*
by Benedict Carey
“Character is a fine thing to admire, all right — once the storm has passed
and the rigging is repaired. But when people are truly sinking, because of
job loss, illness, debt or some combination of ills, they have no idea what
mix of character, connections and dumb luck will be enough to pull through.
To use the psychologists’ term, they don’t know how “resilient” they are,
or how much resilience even matters. Do I have the right stuff? Or is this
sinkhole simply too deep? “As with so many of life’s experience... more »
"This I Believe..."
“This I believe: that the free, exploring mind of the individual human is
the most valuable thing in the world. And this I would fight for: the
freedom of the mind to take any direction it wishes, undirected. And this I
must fight against: any idea, religion, or government which limits or
destroys the individual.”
- John Steinbeck
"Compassionate Homeless Man Shares Meal With Stranger When Others Wouldn't In Food Court"
*"Compassionate Homeless Man Shares Meal With*
* Stranger When Others Wouldn't In Food Court"*
By Robbie Couch
"There's no correlation between the size of your bank account and the size
of your heart. A video originally posted on July 28 by Facebook group Spread
the Message reminded us of just that, exposing a stark contrast between
some haves and have-nots in Santa Monica, California. In the video, a man
asks unsuspecting strangers in a food court if they could spare some of
their meal, and every one of them rejects the request. He then asks a
homeless man in a public space the same... more »
By Capt. Fogg
People get killed in almost any kind of racing and everyone knows it. It's
a rough sport, like the sports Americans love the most. People get hurt
playing football. People get killed on ski slopes and while surfing and
skateboarding. People go out during hurricanes to kite surf and board
surf and when they get killed in the process the responsibility is usually
clear. People run out into highways, people walk around on railroad bridges
and they get hurt and nobody blames anyone but the fools who do it, but
that's in the real world, not the strange world of journali... more »
Another introspective post

I think I can speak for Sue as well as myself in saying that things are
rather depressing at the moment...
....what with some Muslim version of the Khmer Rouge in Iraq and Syria
pronouncing genocidal edicts on anyone who doesn't share their
expensive-Rolex-watch-wearing Caliph's Islamic faith, and what with
supporters of that self-same Caliph coming from (and doubtless soon
returning to) our very own shores; and with parts of North Africa falling
apart; with tidal waves of deserving refugees fleeing towards our shores
(or begging to be allowed to flee to our shores); with Afghani... more »
Meanwhile, on the Foothills of Parnassus...
For you poor, eternally-disappointed souls who have been contributing
to P'ville these past several years and have come here day after day to
find no new examples of my so-called wit and wisdom, I profusely apologize
for the paucity of political posts (How's *that *for alliteration?).
As always, I'm endeavoring to set aside time for the type of blogging
you've come to expect of me (especially since the midterms are coming up,
one that'll, obviously, set the tone for President Obama's agenda for the
rest of his term). But to those of you who've been following me on a
regula... more »
"How It Really Is"
Inspired by this famous scene, no doubt...
"Insanity Is Relative..."
"Insanity is relative. It depends on who has who locked in what cage."
- Ray Bradbury
"The IDF’s ‘Hannibal Protocol’ and Two Criminally Insane Governments"
*"The IDF’s ‘Hannibal Protocol’ *
*and Two Criminally Insane Governments"*
by Dave Lindorff
"The sickness of present-day Israel, on display over the past horrible
month of the one-sided slaughter of nearly 2000 Palestinians (including
over 400 children) in the fenced-in ghetto of Gaza, has finally reached its
nadir with the ugly case of the deliberate Israeli Defense Force murder of
captured IDF 2nd Lt. Hadar Goldin.
According to an article in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, once it was
determined that Goldin had been captured by Hamas fighters in the Gaza town
of Rafah, the IDF ini... more »
"Humanity is the spirit of the Supreme Being on earth, and that humanity is
standing amidst ruins, hiding its nakedness behind tattered rags, shedding
tears upon hollow cheeks, and calling for its children with pitiful voice.
But the children are busy singing their clan's anthem; they are busy
sharpening the swords and cannot hear the cry of their mothers."
- Kahlil Gibran
“In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and
epochs, it is the rule.”
- Friedrich Nietzsche
*Size of Orleans jail, whom it will house still a matter of debate, Sheriff
Gusman continues to obfuscate ~Jim Mustian, N.O. Advocate *
*RTA: St. Charles Ave. streetcars to return to full service Sunday ~WWL*
*Shark attacks child in Lake Pontchartrain ~Meg Gatto*
*Developer buys New Orleans theater ~AP, via Miami Herald*
Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, August 10th, 2014
[image: rant-jpeg-b]
Sunday, time for my usual weekly rant… There is so much to cover that has
been happening in our sick world over the last week and beyond, and I will
do my best to give everyone my perspective on as much as possible…
The Ebola Virus "pandemic" seems to be gaining traction in the Jew spew
mainstream media, and as I have stated in several articles concerning this
rising fear I am not sold yet that this is a pandemic. In fact I do
believe that there is something very sinister when it comes to this sudden
Ebola "outbreak", and I am smelling a rat….
First, I have... more »
METRO EVENT | Beverly Baker Moore: The tribe gathers
‘Friends of New Journalism’ come together to party and hail ‘Rag Blog’
editor Thorne Dreyer on the occasion of his 69th trip around the sun. By
Beverly Baker Moore | The Rag Blog | August 10, 2014 The tribe gathered …
finish reading *METRO EVENT* | Beverly Baker Moore: The tribe gathers
“6 Bonkers Right-Wing Statements This Week: Peace Prizes for Warmongers Edition”
*“6 Bonkers Right-Wing Statements This Week: *
*Peace Prizes for Warmongers Edition”*
By Janet Allon
*“1. Ayan Hirsi Ali: Bibi Netanyahu deserves the Nobel Peace Prize. Say
what? *Unless the whole definition of peace was suddenly changed without
our knowing it, we’re a little befuddled at noted Somali-born, anti-Islamic
author and activist Ayan Hirsi Ali’s suggestion that Israeli Prime Minister
Binyamin Netanyahu deserves the Nobel Peace Prize. For waging war.
According to Salon, the suggestion came during an interview published
Friday by Israel HaYom, the Sheldon Adelson-backed Isr... more »
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your chance to be the change by directly supporting outstanding musicians
and music students around the world.*
Playing For Change
Visit Playing For Change today!
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MISSION ACCOMPLISHED: Permanent War for Permanent Profits

*“Name me someone that’s not a parasite and I’ll go out and say a prayer
for him”*
*- Bob Dylan (Visions of Johanna)*
A 2001 piece at satirical website The Onion entitled “Bush: 'Our Long
National Nightmare Of Peace And Prosperity Is Finally Over'” published
shortly after his inauguration was astonishing in the uncanny ability to so
accurately predict the future. Not only did Bush and Cheney use the
September 11, 2001 attacks to justify the invasion of the bane of empires
that is Afghanistan but also to launch a “Shock and Awe” attack on Iraq, a
country that had no connection to ... more »
Ghost of Sunday Classics: Prince Hilarion's mission of the heart

*"The world is but a broken toy"*: *Disguised as students of the woman's
college established by the Princess Ida, Florian (William Whitefield),
Cyril (Patrick Hogan), and Prince Hilarion (Colm Fitzmaurice) meet Ida,
Hilarion's betrothed (Kimilee Bryant), in the New York Gilbert and Sullivan
Players' January 2008 Princess Ida.*
*by Ken*
We've already dealt somewhat with the more martial aspects of *Princess Ida*,
the mortal struggle between Kings Gama and Hildebrand -- the fathers of the
bride and groom, respectively -- over the consummation of the union between
Princess Ida and Pr... more »
Bitcoin a NSA - CIA project ? ( August 10 , 2014 ) -- Have to say , when I first worked on this post , I merely considered this as a seemly " odd duck " type story . If this wasn't a article in the IBT or some other major media outlet , the amateur tone and non existent sourcing ( hitting the link for the alleged WikiLeak document does NOT link to a WikiLeak document , the existent of which I can't find by a Google search anyway ) ....... Upon further reflection , the fact that this has been put out there at all is probably very good for Bitcoin - because floating crap like this shows Bitcoin is terrifying some one real bad !
VIEWS !!! As noted in the Headnote , this appears to be a crock of crap
piece. But why was this even put out is the question in my mind ???
Disinformation maybe from CIA - NSA to discredit Bitcoin - that this
article has been floated actually might be a sign Bitcoin is scaring
someone big time ! Might this be a factual and a warning from a previously
unknown Group - to me timing is odd , the Group seems odd looking at the
website for a mi... more »
THE WILL OF IAM: Update from Heather
This is the Latest updated from Heather's own website. I have embedded one
of the videos, but please go to the original website to view all of the
"I AM making visible the choice of I AM to BE and DO I AM transparently
within all I AM...sooooo any and all tools previously used to "not be I AM"
are being reconciled back to pure energy for reissuance in I AM frequency,
by The Will and The Word of I AM. I AM dedicating this page for the NOW
Data and tools I... more »
Ukraine Civil War News Updates -- August 10, 2014

Fighting has forced at least 300,000 of Donetsk's one million residents to
flee [Reuters]
*Ukraine Crisis: Army Pounds Rebels In Donetsk -- BBC*
Ukraine's military has pounded the main pro-Russian rebel stronghold of
Donetsk with artillery fire, causing massive damage throughout the city.
A military spokesman said the rebels were in "panic and chaos" and had
begun to desert en masse.
Ukraine is mulling the possibility of allowing a humanitarian mission into
the area, as residents struggle without power or reliable sources of food.
Some 1,500 people are estimated to have died since... more »
Gaza Talks On Brink Of Collapse As Israel And Hamas Exchange Fire
*Israel Says Won't Talk Under Fire, New Gaza Truce Plan Mulled -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Israel said on Sunday it was prepared for protracted military
action in Gaza and would not negotiate under rocket fire as Egypt crafted a
new truce plan to try to keep indirect Israeli-Palestinian talks alive.
Israeli air strikes and shelling killed three Palestinians in Gaza,
including a boy of 14 and a woman, medics said, in a third day of renewed
fighting that has jeopardized efforts by Egypt, which also borders the
enclave, to end the month-old hostilities.
Since a three-day truce expired on... more »
The More We Hope and the More Things Change, the More Things Stay the Same
I never thought I'd live in a USA in which Joe McCarthy, the Klan, Jim Crow
and Ted Nugent would make successful comebacks but here we are.
— Robert Crawford (@jurassicpork59) August 9, 2014
Ukraine situation ( August 10 , 2014 ) -- Ukrainian Federalists float ceasefire possibility , which was promptly rejected by Kiev unless the Separatists surrender and put down their guns ......... Death dealing will continue it would appear
( Note this is a media source , not a wide eyed blogger... )
US analysts conclude MH17 downed by aircraftBY HARIS HUSSAIN - 7 AUGUST
2014 @ 8:20 AM
KUALA LUMPUR: INTELLIGENCE analysts in the United States had already
concluded that Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 was shot down by an air-to-air
missile, and that the Ukrainian government had had something to do with it.
This corroborates an emerging theory postulated by local investigators that
the Boeing 777-200 was crippled by an air-to-air missile and finished off
with cannon fire from a fighter that h... more »
First Western Reporter Sees Widespread Death Among Trapped Iraqi Yazidis. Is Told That 70 Per Cent Are Dead Or Will Be Dead. U.S. Aid Has Been 'Useless'
*Iraq Crisis: 'It Is Death Valley. Up To 70 Per Cent Of Them Are Dead' --
The Telegraph*
*On board Iraqi army helicopter delivering aid to the trapped Yazidis,
Jonathan Krohn sees a hellish sight.*
Mount Sinjar stinks of death. The few Yazidis who have managed to escape
its clutches can tell you why. “Dogs were eating the bodies of the dead,”
said Haji Khedev Haydev, 65, who ran through the lines of Islamic State
jihadists surrounding it.
On Sunday night, I became the first western journalist to reach the
mountains where tens of thousands of Yazidis, a previously obscure Middle
... more »

*Young boy in Syria sleeps between the graves of his parents*
One familiar refrain
from politicians
and media
in the US
is that
'we value life'
more than
around the world
This is of course
totally ridiculous
and spin
intended to provide
moral justification
for the Pentagon's
endless wars
for resource
The air strikes in Iraq
began just hours after Obama
authorized them
in a televised address
he said
that the US had an obligation
to protect its personnel in Iraq
and prevent a potential genocide
of minority groups by ISIS
(ISIS who the US/Jordan/Saudi Arabia
funde... more »
Was accidentally wearing my sunglasses while looking up some stuff online. #theylive
Filed under: PHD: Musings from the Chalk Face, SHAUN JOHNSON Tagged:
Duncan, education, they live
Europe in focus ( August 7 , 2014 ) - Items of note on Italy , Spain , Greece , Albania , UK and Europe at large ....
Catharsis Ours - 4 hours ago
Martin Armstrong Warns Italy's Recession Means "The End Of Democracy"
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/07/2014 19:05 -0400
- Corruption
- Gross Domestic Product
- Italy
- Martin Armstrong
- National Debt
- Recession
- recovery
<span class="IN-widget" style="display: inline-block; line-height: 1;
"A Hideous Atrocity": Noam Chomsky on Israel’s Assault on Gaza & U.S. Support for the Occupation

Noam Chomsky
Democracy Now
Hideous. Sadistic. Vicious. Murderous. That is how Noam Chomsky describes
Israel’s 29-day offensive in Gaza that killed nearly 1,900 people and left
almost 10,000 people injured. Chomsky has written extensively about the
Israel/Palestine conflict for decades. After Israel’s Operation Cast Lead
in 2008-2009, Chomsky co-authored the book "Gaza in Crisis: Reflections on
Israel’s War Against the Palestinians" with Israeli scholar Ilan Pappé. His
other books on the Israel/Palestine conflict include "Peace in the Middle
East?: Reflections on Justice and Nation... more »
The Princes Of Hot Air

The Harper government has been slashing government spending. But, if you
take Deep Throat's advice, and follow the money -- to where it's spent and
not spent -- Gregory Thomas writes that you get a real portrait of who
these people are:
Despite the Harper government’s avowed objective to reduce the federal
public service by 19,000 positions, the ranks of communications staff have
grown by 163 since the Conservatives took office, while costs have risen by
$48 million.
The combined payroll of fe... more »
Libertarians, Anarchists and Libertarian Socialism
Right off the bat, I'm a libertarian socialist. Unlike self-described,
plain, old "libertarians," I believe there's a call for "collectivism."
United action organized by the state, which is the institution that carries
out the democratically agreed upon wishes of the citizenry. (This does not
mean that the Canadian state is, at present, the tool of the democratic
majority in Canada. Canada is not a libertarian socialist country.)
"Anarchists" share my left-wing values, but share the anti-state
proclivities of the libertarians. How one arrives at social justice without
a state is som... more »
Crisis in the Middle East: The end of a country, and the start of a new dark age

Photo by Khalid Albaih (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
In a terrifying excerpt from his essential new book, ‘The Jihadis Return:
Isis and the New Sunni Uprising,’ veteran Middle East correspondent Patrick
Cockburn describes the native barbarous forces overwhelming the region
around Iraq, and the kind of society—thanks in large part to the failed
U.S. intervention there—they look set to succeed in creating.
He begins, in an excerpt published exclusively at his paper, The
Iraq has disintegrated. Little is exchanged between its three great
communities – Shia, Sunni and Kurd – except... more »
Which is worse, the International Monetary Fund, a vulture fund billionaire, or the conflict of interest of Biden's son becoming the leader of the Ukraine gas company? In any case, the struggling people of Ukraine and Argentina are about to be screwed again thanks to Obama's treachery.

Originals Here
*How The World Bank & IMF Plan to "Dismantle" Ukrainian Economy*
Michael Hudson: The West looks to ramp up gas production as Vice President
Biden's son named leader in Ukrainian gas company Buris... more »
GAIA PORTAL: Extremes of Light and shadow present at the current moment
*Extremes of Light and shadow present at the current moment*
August 10, 2014
Extremes of Light and shadow present at the current moment.
Gaia supports the visualization of all such contrast points, which
exemplify final stages of duality.
Light streams encompass the planet whole at this time and will remain.
Embracing of the Gaia Higher Purpose of all visible to eyes events is the
preferred mode for Hue-manity and hu-manity.
Musical Interlude: Dr. John, “Right Place Wrong Time”
Dr. John, “Right Place Wrong Time”
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5zPqgQ67yo
Two paths to Copenhagen: Weinberg and Lovins Repost
*Rod Adamsw debated Amory Lovins, and writes about it on his blog. Eod is
not the first nuclear advocate to debate Lovins, Alvin Weinberg was. Some
5 years ago, I pointed out how Weinberg's argument demonstrated the flaws
in Lovins ethical argument, and that Weinberg had pointed out how Lovins
argument supported the interest of coal aginst nuclear power. Thus nearly
40 years ago, Lovins was aware of how coal would contribute to global
warming, but chose to ignore the problem. Thus Lovins' ethical pose was
nothing short of hypicritical.*
In 1975 Alvin Weinberg left his final post ... more »
Susan O's Letter to the NYTimes
Posted August 8:
To the Editor:
I witnessed the educational abuse of South Korean children documented in “How
South Korea Enslaves Its Students,” by Se-Woong Koo (Sunday Review, Aug.
3), when I was asked by the Korean teachers’ union in 2007 to speak about
the dangers the No Child Left Behind law brought to American schools. I
asked if I could go early and visit schools in Seoul.
While Seoul kindergartens were filled with the playhouse items that once
filled our own kindergartens, Seoul middle schools provide study carrels so
that students can eat dinner at school and return to their... more »
The Matrix: Shackles for the Mind

The Matrix: Shackles for the Mind
There are movies out there that every time you watch them you catch
something new- something that you hadn't noticed when you watched it
previously, something that you didn't remember, or perhaps didn't recognize
for what it was. Some times when you watch a movie - even one that you've
seen many times before- when you literally have a huge WOW moment when
suddenly you "get it".
I'm currently working through another abscessed tooth (*sigh* ... more »
The Optics Of President Obama's Presidency

President Obama golfs in Oahu. Official White House Photo by Pete Souza
*No Optical Illusion: Obama Balances World Crises With Golf, Time Off --
(Reuters) - President Barack Obama gave Americans an update on U.S.
military strikes in Iraq on Saturday from a podium on the White House lawn
with Marine One, the presidential helicopter, parked in the background.
Four hours later, he offered an altogether different tableau: a golf game
with friends at a lush course on Martha's Vineyard, the upscale
Massachusetts island where the president and his family began a two-week
vacatio... more »
After Spending Years Opposing The Iraq War, President Obama Has Now Engaged America In A New Iraq War

US President Barack Obama pauses as he speaks to the media on the situation
in Iraq on the South Lawn of the White House, before his departure for
vacation at Martha's Vineyard, in Washington August 9, 2014. — Reuters
*Obama’s New, Undeclared Iraq War -- Eli Lake, Daily Beast*
Obama’s new Iraq war began modestly. By the end of his press conference on
Saturday though it got a bit bigger.
President Barack Obama’s war in Iraq just got more ambitious.
Speaking to reporters before departing for a two week vacation with his
family on Martha’s Vineyard, President Obama said the U.S. had... more »
Racist Fanatic William Colmer Has A Minority Majority School In Pascagoula Named After Him-- Plus Hawaii Update

The William M. Colmer Middle School is in Pascagoula, Mississippi. 46% of
the students are African-Americans and 15% are Hispanic. 79% of the
students are eligible for a free or reduced-price lunch program, somewhat
higher than the average for Mississippi (71%). The school is named for
Representative William M. Colmer who died on September 9, 1980 (age 90) and
is buried at Machpelah Cemetery right their in Pascagoula. The students can
walk over to the cemetery and visit their school's namesake. Perhaps they
should read a little about the 20-terms congressman from Mississippi's Gulf... more »
*UK: Toddlers at risk of extremism, warns Education Secretary*
Nurseries are at risk of being taken over by religious extremists, the
Education Secretary will warn as she announces that toddlers are to be
taught “fundamental British values”.
In her first major policy announcement, Nicky Morgan will say that local
authorities will be obliged to use new powers to strip nurseries of their
funding if they are found to “promote extremist views”.
She will also say that toddlers should be taught “fundamental British
values in an age-appropriate way” as part of a drive to protect children ... more »
U.S. Air Strikes In Iraq Are Continuing As Well As Reports Of Mass Murder Of Yazidis Refugees (Sunday Morning Update)

Desperate masses: Stranded Yazidi men, women and children rush towards a
Kurdish helicopter carrying aid today, as IS fighters surround mount Sinjar
*Exclusive: Iraq Says Islamic State Killed 500 Yazidis, Buried Some Victims
Alive -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Islamic State militants have killed at least 500 members of
Iraq's Yazidi ethnic minority during their offensive in the north, Iraq's
human rights minister told Reuters on Sunday.
Mohammed Shia al-Sudani said the Sunni militants had also buried alive some
of their victims, including women and children. Some 300 women were
kidnappe... more »
Peacekeepers ignored by Harper.
Today our Canadian military members and veterans as well as police officers
come together in ceremonies across the country to honour and remember all
Canadian peacekeepers who have served or are currently serving in support
of peace operations around the world. Among those who will NOT be there are
PM Stephen Harper, Veterans Minister Julian Fantino, Public Safety Minister
Steven Blaney and National Defence Minister Rob Nicholson, Veterans Affairs
have condescended to send a parliamentary secretary provided that the *Canadian
Association of Veterans in United Nations Peacekeeping *wr... more »
Jerome Keating meet up featuring the wonderful Tammy Turner

I am still taking time off blogging for another week, but Tammy Turner,
Jerome K's guest for the next meet up Aug 16, is someone I like and admire
very much... sure wish I could be up in Taipei to hear her speak.
Topic: Revolution Gardening
August 16, 10 am
Tammy Turner, a 28 year resident of Taiwan, originally from the US is a
Permaculture educator and designer who is dedicated to connecting people
with the natural environment and the traditional wisdom of indigenous
cultures thorough holistic learning and design processes. She is also
co-owner of Pristine Communicati... more »
Middle East Reaction To U.S. Airstrikes
*How Do Iraq's Neighbors Feel About U.S. Airstrikes? -- CBS*
Middle Eastern leaders have watched the violent disintegration of Iraq over
the last several months with a growing sense of alarm, quietly pushing the
United States to do something to turn the tide against the steady advance
fighters with the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).
And on Friday, Iraq's neighbors got what they asked for.
In a significant escalation of U.S. involvement in the bloody civil war,
American planes dropped bombs on the insurgents advancing on Erbil, the
capital of Iraq's semi-autonomous Kurdish... more »
Obama’s War Against Russia Backfires

*Written by Eric Zuesse.*
U.S. President Barack Obama’s war against Russia isn’t only causing Russia
to cooperate more strongly with the other BRIC countries to break the U.S.
dollar’s reign as the global reserve currency, but it’s also causing
Russian President Vladimir Putin’s job-approval rating in Russia to soar,
and the confidence that the Russian people have in their own Government to
soar likewise.
The latest of these signs came on August 5th, 2014 in a report from Gallup
Analytics (by subscription only) headlined “*Russians’ Confidence in Many
Insti... more »
Imagine A World In Which People Are.....

Source: https://www.indiegogo.com/
*That would be nice.*
In his latest piece published on the neoconservative online magazine
National Review Online, Daniel Pipes demonstrates the extent of his utter
lunacy by writing:
*Hamas’s greatest strategic weapon in its effort to damage Israel’s
reputation and ostracize it was neither rockets nor tunnels but wrenching
photographs of dead civilians purportedly killed by the IDF.*
*This leads to the bizarre situation in which Hamas seeks the destruction
of Palestinian property, compels civilians to sustain injuries and death,
inflates casualty figures, and may even intentionally attack its own
terri... more »
Heavenletter #5006 God Hears Our Cries

Heavenletter #5006 God Hears Our Cries
August 9, 2014
By Gloria Wendroff
God said:
I hear My children cry out:
“To God, dear God, I speak to You, and I know You hear me and You talk to
me, and You love me. Why am I not the happiest person in the world? God,
why aren’t I?”
I answer:
Habit. It is the premise you start from, that you do not have Me, that you
have to attain. You have attained. You have attained Me. What you actually
have attained is your awareness of Me, but not just of Me, of our Oneness.
There is some residual within you of Our sitting across from each other
tha... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“One of the brightest galaxies in planet Earth's sky is similar in size to
our Milky Way Galaxy: big, beautiful M81. This grand spiral galaxy lies
11.8 million light-years away toward the northern constellation of the
Great Bear (Ursa Major).
*Click image for larger size.*
The deep image of the region reveals details in the bright yellow core, but
at the same time follows fainter features along the galaxy's gorgeous blue
spiral arms and sweeping dust lanes. It also follows the expansive, arcing
feature, known as Arp's loop, that seems to rise from the galaxy's disk at
the upper righ... more »
"The World Is Too Much With Us..."
"The world is too much with us; late and soon,
Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers:
Little we see in Nature that is ours;
We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon!"
- William Wordsworth, 1770- 1850
The Poet: Mary Oliver, "Have You Ever Tried to Enter the Long Black Branches?"
* "Have You Ever Tried to Enter the Long Black Branches?"*
"Have you ever tried to enter the long black branches of other lives-
tried to imagine what the crisp fringes, full of honey,
hanging from the branches of the young locust trees,
in early morning, feel like?
Do you think this world was only an entertainment for you?
Never to enter the sea and notice how the water divides
with perfect courtesy, to let you in!
Never to lie down on the grass, as though you were the grass!
Never to leap to the air as you open your wings over
the dark acorn of your heart!
No wonder we hear, in y... more »
Chet Raymo, “This View of Life, With Its Several Powers”
* “This View of Life, With Its Several Powers”*
by Chet Raymo
“Somewhere in his "lost" notebooks Loren Eiseley writes of the pleasure of
exploding a puffball in a woodland clearing, or shaking seeds out of their
pods. As I recall, he takes a gleeful satisfaction in messing with
evolution, in hurrying the process along.
I remember identifying with that sentiment when I read it. I like exploding
puffballs too. Dropping insects into spider webs. Picking up turtles that
are half-way across a road and placing them in a ditch on the other side.
Most of all I like breaking off the stalks ... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Martinez, California, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
"Here we are, trapped in the amber of the moment. There is no why."
- Kurt Vonnegut
Libya Updates ( August 10 , 2014 ) -- In one word .... CHAOS
TRIPOLI: Heavy shelling resumed in the Libyan capital Tripoli on Sunday
after three days of relative calm following more than a month of street
fighting between rival armed factions battling for control of the city's
The North African OPEC oil producer is facing the worst violence since the
2011 war that toppled Muammar Gaddafi, with more than 200 people killed.
Many Western embassies and international companies have evacuated staff
Southern Tripoli was ... more »
One Nellis aggressor squadron being deactivated
The next time fighter jets take off from Nellis Air Force Base for a Red
Flag air combat exercise, there will be fewer would-be “bad guys” to battle.
Up-and-coming pilots who will be flying their first 10 simulated combat
missions will face an adversary force that has fewer sparring partners, a
sign of the times as the military reduces its planes and personnel and U.S.
combat operations wind down in Afghanistan.
That’s the word from Lt. Col. Greg “Papa” Wintill, commander of the 65th
Aggressor Squadron — one of two squadrons at Nellis that play would-be
enemies for Red Flag trainin... more »
US takes aim at Israeli antitank missiles in Indian arms market

[image: FGM-148 Javelin]Israel, better watch out! The US is going all out
to shoot down the Israeli 'Spike' antitank guided missile (ATGM) with its
own "Javelin" missile in the lucrative Indian arms market. Given the huge
size of the Indian ATGM project, upwards of $3 billion, Israel is sure to
strike back.
But for now, the US seems to have gained the upper hand. After earlier
being rebuffed by India for not agreeing to "full" transfer of technology
(ToT), the US is now promising to not only "co-produce" the
third-generation Javelin ATGMs, but also "co-develop" its fourth-generation... more »
The Yak-130: The Russian Army’s ‘flying iPhone’

[image: Yak-130]The Yakovlev Yak-130 is Russia’s newest trainer aircraft,
capable of being programmed to recreate a range of different flight
conditions for trainee pilots as well as functioning as a ground-attack
craft. Russia now hopes to take advantage of the plane’s export potential.
Within the next two or three years, Moscow intends to present the Yakovlev
Yak-130, its newest trainer aircraft, to a wider world market.
In comments made at the recent Farnborough International Airshow outside
London, Sergei Kornev, head of the Department for Exports of Aircraft and
Special Proper... more »
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse on 'Sunday'

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are very busy at the moment. (Their
poor horses must be well and truly knackered.) Conquest, War, Famine, and
Death are galloping around many countries and this morning's *Sunday* turned
its eyes towards some of them.
Here's what happened (with, as ever, quotes from the *Sunday* website as
*1. "Last week on Sunday the Bishop of Manchester called on the Government
to give refuge to Iraqi Christians. This week, as the situation for
Christians and other religious minorities worsens, Cardinal Vincent
Nicholls *(sic) *and the Archbishop o... more »
Sleeping beauty thirders' rudimentary Markov chain error
Last time when I talked about the Sleeping Beauty Problem a week ago, I
wanted to convey two points.
One of them – the woman's visit to Guantanámo Bay – was that the belief in
\(P=1/3\) is equivalent to a major flaw in thinking that turns many people
into conspiracy theorists: they think that even if some scenario is very
unlikely (e.g. that the woman is transferred to the facility in Cuba), the
low value of the probability may be "beaten" and made irrelevant by
inventing "huge implications" such as a very long sequence of torture and
But it isn't the case. If the proba... more »
Commander: Russian army to start receiving newest T-50 jet fighter from 2016

[image: Su T-50 PAK-FA]Russia’s fifth-generation T-50 jet fighter will
begin to be supplied to the Armed Forces from 2016, Air Force Commander,
Lieutenant General Viktor Bondarev said on Saturday.
“It [T-50] has already participated twice in the Aviadarts show and
performed aerobatics figures in pairs with other planes. I think it has a
bright future,” he told the Russian News Service radio, adding that plane
was being created using stealth technology.
Several such planes have already begun testing at the Akhtubinsk range in
the southern Astrakhan region.
Read more
A short update on the energies

*I so relate to this post... the sense of the familar human behaviors being
curious or even odd at times... the unmooring from the matrix we call
reality "the real world" (and what is "real" but a Spanish word for Royal?
Do the elites define your world still?) and feeling adrift...and then
connected for brief moments with everything that is truly real...and back
again... -AK*
*A short update on the energies*
By Aisha North
August 9, 2014
As the floodgates open, many of you will feel as if swept away by these
incoming energies, and rightly so. For now, nothing will be left bobbing... more »
US bombs Islamic State
US fighter jets and drones have repeatedly bombed Sunni extremists in
northern Iraq targeting Isis artillery units and convoys advancing on the
Kurdish regional capital, Irbil.
The airstrikes ramped up America's involvement in Iraq where the Isis
movement has been seizing control of towns and key infrastructure in an
advance that has forced hundreds of thousands to flee.
Islamic State fighters, who have beheaded and crucified captives in their
drive to eradicate unbelievers, have advanced to within a half hour's drive
of Arbil, capital of Iraq's Kurdish region and a hub for US oil ... more »
China's development of a new long-range missile is a significant boost for the military, say analysts

[image: Dongfeng 41]China's development of a long-range missile capable of
hitting anywhere in the United States suggests the PLA has made a
significant leap in countering American military might through its strategy
of "asymmetrical" warfare.
The approach, which has its roots in Sun Tzu's The Art of War, avoids
trying to match strength with strength, and instead seeks to create threats
that draw an opponent into making a costly response.
Amid such calculations, China appears set to introduce the Dongfeng-41,
which analysts say will have repercussions at the global and regional
lev... more »
PH buying two frigates; ammo price at P2.5-B

[image: BRP Gregorio Del Pilar (PF-15)]The defense department will spend
P2.5 billion for the ammunition of the two frigates it will acquire for the
Philippine Navy.
Defense Assistant Secretary Patrick Velez said security officials have
decided to separate the purchase of ammunition from the frigate acquisition
project, citing international arms restrictions.
“There will be two (projects). The acquisition of armaments will be treated
as a separate project,” Velez told The STAR in a recent interview.
Read more
Russia Forces US Submarine Out of Boundary Waters

[image: Virginia class SSN]Russia's Northern Fleet's anti-submarine forces
have detected and forced out a US submarine from Russian boundary waters, a
high-ranking source in Russia's Navy told RIA Novosti Saturday.
"On August 7, 2014, the patrol forces of the Northern Fleet detected a
foreign submarine, supposedly a US Navy Virginia-class one, in the Barents
Sea. A seaborne anti-submarine group, as well as an anti-submarine airplane
Il-38, was sent to the region to search and track it down," the source said.
The Russian navy forced the submarine out of Russian waters after a
27-minu... more »
Critics Of President Obama's Iraq Strategy Are Now Starting To Speak Out
*TWO Retired Four-Star Generals Blast Obama For Failing To Use 'Decisive'
Force in Iraq With 'Pinprick' Attacks For 'Political Posturing' -- Daily
* Retired Gen. Barry McCaffrey laid into Obama on Friday, saying bombing
runs against ISIS positions are political posturing
* 'These are political gestures using military power,' he said, lamenting
the president's lack of commitment to a full-blown military campaign
* Obama ran for president on a platform of getting US military out of Iraq
but began bombing runs Friday morning in the country's northern region
* White House Press Se... more »
Kaggle Higgs: approaching 3.85

If you follow the preliminary leaderboard of the Higgs ATLAS Kaggle contest
where 1,288 teams from various places of planet Earth are competing, you
may have noticed that I have invited Christian Veelken of CERN to join my
team. He kindly agreed. I believe he is one of the best programmers who
reconstructs the Higgs properties from the tau-tau decays in the CMS team,
the other big collaboration at CERN aside from ATLAS whose folks organize
the competition.
The current decision is that so far the viable scores were obtained
predominantly by me so I own 90% of the team which is enough... more »
*When obscenity trumps the facts*
*Obscenity is a strange way to make a scientific point. I have never seen
it before. But I think I know why the guy below used it. He is desperate.
He must be aware of the latest findings in his own field and the latest
finding is that current changes in the Arctic, particularly in
thermokarsts, have a net COOLING effect. See "A shift of thermokarst lakes
from carbon sources to sinks during the Holocene epoch". That study
concerns CO2 but the Warmist below makes no attempt to offset that finding
against the methane observations that are giving him ... more »
RSD School Construction Overspending and Substandard Concrete: Time for Jindal Admin to Expand Its Audit
As of June 18, 2014, Louisiana State Superintendent John White has found
himself to be the focus of Office of Contractual Renewal (OCR) and Division
of Administration (DOA) investigation for his questionable methods
regarding Louisiana’s assessment contracts. White has publicly complained
that such is evidence that Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal is out to get […]
Are U.S. Airstrikes Enough To Defeat The Islamic State In iraq?
*Are U.S. Airstrikes Enough To Defeat ISIS In Iraq? -- CBS*
ERBIL, Iraq - President Barack Obama warned Saturday that America's latest
incursion into Iraq will not be brief.
Airstrikes on ISIS, and air drops for the people the militants have
trapped, began Friday. They will likely continue for months.
On Saturday evening, there was word of new U.S. airstrikes, this time
targeting ISIS armored personnel carriers.
The ISIS militants are members of the Sunni branch of Islam, at war not
just with Iraq's Shiite majority, but also with other ethnic and religious
minorities, including K... more »
How The Decision To Launch Air Strikes Against Islamic State Forces In Iraq Was Made

President Barack Obama meets with the National Security Council in the
Situation Room of the White House in Washington, in this handout photograph
taken and released on August 7, 2014. Credit: REUTERS/Pete Souza/White
*Obama Iraq Decision Followed Limo Ride Talk With General -- Bloomberg*
President Barack Obama’s decision to approve airstrikes and humanitarian
air drops in Iraq began to come together at nightfall on Aug. 6, between
the end of the African leaders’ summit he’d hosted and a dinner with his
wife and some friends.
During a five-minute limo ride back to th... more »
If You Want To Vent Your Racism On Facebook, Maybe You Shouldn't Run For Congress

They all look the same to me; which one is Mark Walker?
After the North Carolina Republican primary runoff last month, many people
were stunned by what happened in NC-06 (think Mayberry), where a heavy
Establishment favorite, Phil Berger's son, Phil, Jr., was defeated by
fringe right-wing extremist, Baptist Choral Pastor/gun nut Mark Walker. As
we explained at the time, Walker is a Science denier who wants to abolish
the minimum wage and raise the Social Security retirement age to 70. And
Walker is not just anti-choice, but believes women who are the victims of
rape or incest should ... more »
A Look At The U.S. Military Forces That Have Been Deployed To Attack The Islamic State In Iraq

The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77) is shown
under way in the Atlantic Ocean conducting sea trials on Jan. 27,
2010.(Photo: Mass Communications Specialist 1st Class Jason Winn, U.S. Navy)
*Ready So Strike: How The US Is Armed To The Teeth In The Middle East After
Moving Ships, Jets And Troops Within Striking Distance... And Britain Has
Its Base In The Med To Drop Ai -- Daily Mail*
* U.S. forces have spent last two months moving ships, weapons and troops
within close proximity of conflict zone
* Two F/A18 fighters flew from American 'supercarrier' in Persi... more »
photos from france, may 2014
GivernyI have been avoiding the photos I took on my trip with my mom in
May. I suspected they were going to be pretty crappy and I didn't want to
see them. But finally I did go through them, got rid of the worst offenses,
and posted the rest on Flickr for safekeeping. I'm not happy with them,
but... oh well.
If you're curious: they are here. There are some nice photos of my mom, and
I'm even allowing a few of me to stay up, as intensely camera-shy as I am.
The Iraqi Army Does Not Have The 'Heart' To Fight. The Kurdish Fighters Do Not Have The Bullets

Kurdish peshmerga troops participate in an intensive security deployment
against Islamic State militants in Makhmur, on the outskirts of the
province of Nineveh August 7, 2014.
Credit: REUTERS/Stringer
*ISIS Beating Iraqis and Kurds As One Lacks 'Heart' And The Other Ammo --
ABC News*
The Islamic militia ISIS has been able to roll back both the Iraqi army and
the Kurdish peshmerga force because one lacks the "heart" for a fight while
the other lacks the firepower, according to Americans familiar with both
ISIS has easily swept the Iraqi army from Anbar province in the sout... more »
Islamic State Unleashes A Propaganda War Against The U.S.
Obama's Red Line. @ShamiWitness , @HazemIbnAlBaraa . @ghazishami
@Afghananalyst @AbuYazidMuawiya @AbuBakr1924 pic.twitter.com/anZIwyyISe
— Jizya Collector (@unseenocean) August 9, 2014
*'A Message From ISIS To The US': Islamist Militants Tweet Gruesome Images
Of Dead American Soldiers And Vow To Blow Up Embassies As Terrorist Convoy
Is Wiped Out In SECOND Round Of Airstrikes -- Daily Mail*
* WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT: Militants who support the terror group ISIS
tweeted threats to America on Friday after Barack Obama began airstrikes in
* Some warn of car bombs at embassies wh... more »
Iraq's Minority Communities Feel the Wrath Of Islamic Militants
*'A Catastrophe': Yazidi Survivor Recalls Horror Of Evading ISIS And Death
-- CNN*
Irbil, Iraq (CNN) -- Which is worse: Running desperately for your life, or
seeing others' lives end without enough to eat or drink?
It's an impossible question to answer. Then again, it's difficult to fathom
most anything thousands of minority Yazidis have endured in recent weeks as
they've fled from ISIS militants into remote, rugged, sparse mountains of
northern Iraq.
"With my own eyes, I saw dogs feeding off dead bodies," one of those
Yazidis, a man named Tariq, told CNN.
"It's not a crisis. It... more »
The Continuing Israeli Genocide Of Gaza: Further Proof That Hamas "Rockets" Are A Hoax!

The Israelis are back shooting their missiles at targets in the largest
open air prison camp known as the Gaz Strip today, and again it does seem
that Israel will again escalate the "conflict" with their ultimate goal
still being the destruction of the entire Gaza Strip and the wiping out of
its 1.8 million Palestinian inhabitants. It is indeed genocide, and sadly
the world is still brainwashed by the Jew spew media into the false notion
that it is a "war".
Today, I had to spend a bit of time in a dentist's office this morning, and
during my wait I happened to open up the so called... more »
President Obama: No Timetable Tor U.S. Airstrikes In iraq
*Obama Says Tackling Iraq's Insurgency Will Take Time -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Saturday U.S. airstrikes had
destroyed arms that Islamic State militants could have used against Iraqi
Kurds, but warned there was no quick fix to a crisis that threatens to tear
Iraq apart.
But speaking before U.S. warplanes struck militant targets for the second
straight day, Obama said it would take more than bombs to restore
stability, and criticized Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's Shi'ite-led
government for failing to empower Iraq's Sunnis.
"I don't think we're going ... more »
U.S. Launches More Air Strikes Against Islamic State Fighters In Iraq
*U.S. Conducts Four More Airstrikes in Iraq to Defend Yazidis -- Wall
Street Journal*
U.S. Attacks Rely on Mix of Fighter Jets and Unmanned Aircraft
WASHINGTON—The U.S. military launched four airstrikes Saturday in northern
Iraq designed to defend members of the Yazidi religious minority who were
coming under attack from Islamic extremists, American officials said.
The U.S. attacks relied on a mix of U.S. fighter jets and unmanned
aircraft, and followed a set of three strikes on Friday. While Friday's
strikes were intended to keep the militant group calling itself the Islamic
Sta... more »
Seth Mandel, a neocon propagandist writing for *Commentary* magazine, seems
to think that Hamas has overplayed its hand during the current crisis in
the Gaza Strip. Mandel says “that maybe the international community is so
torn up by the violence in Gaza that they want more than ever to prevent
its recurrence. And no matter how often they try to blame Israel, they seem
to understand that there’s only one way to prevent future bloodshed:
demilitarize, at least to a significant degree, the Gaza Strip”.
Looking at the demonstrations around the world, particularly the massive
display of... more »
No Nukes Canada

The question of the day is was the bombing of Nagasaki a war crime? It was
a terrible thing, but in the context of WW2 and the fanatical resistance by
the Japanese it was unfortunate choice but hard to condemn.
Ghost of Sunday Classics preview: Could we have a royal operetta without a dreamy prince?

*GILBERT and SULLIVAN: Princess Ida: Act I, Introduction and Opening
Chorus, "Search throughout the panorama for a sign of royal Gama"*
*Pavilion attached to* KING HILDEBRAND*'s palace. Soldiers and courtiers
discovered looking out through opera glasses, telescopes, etc., *FLORIAN*
*CHORUS*: Search throughout the panorama
for a sign of royal Gama,
who today should cross the water
with his fascinating daughter --
Ida is her name.
Some misfortune evidently
has detained them -- consequently,
search throughout the panorama
for the daughter of King Gama,
Prince Hilarion's flame! ... more »
John Friend no longer writes for American Free Press
Yesterday I received a letter from Willis Carto, publisher of both American
Free Press and The Barnes Review, notifying me that I will no longer be
writing for AFP. The letter reads in part:
Dear John,
As of August 10 we need to discontinue your weekly columns for American
Free Press. [...]
[...] we realize that you interview unsavory characters on your web radio
site. Interviewing Fritz Berg so that he can spew forth his hatred of me
and everything we ever have worked for is not acceptable. Listeners to your
program no doubt constitute readership from AFP. We would appear very
st... more »
"The Next Bin Laden is Here" - Don't Be Fooled
*Red Pill Revolution*
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
“George Carlin's Philosophy on Aging”
Jon Enroth, “George Carlin's Philosophy on Aging”
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5wJrnFBb_E
Hat tip to Julie Mitchell for this material.
"Time, Life, and the Roller Coaster"
*"Time, Life, and the Roller Coaster"*
by CP
Remember when you were 10 years old, and summer felt like it lasted
forever? Got a little older, not so bad, still plenty of time to do
everything you wanted. Someone told me back then that time speeds up the
older you get. Being young, and knowing everything as the young do, I of
course ridiculed this idea. But guess what- it’s true. Now I view life, and
time, as a roller coaster with just one enormous riser. As you climb the
beginning towards the top time is slower to pass. At 30 or so you’re at the
very top, then you start the fall to... more »
“The Gaza Saga Continues”
*“The Gaza Saga Continues”*
by James Zogby
“Bombs stopped falling on Gaza for three days, allowing hundreds of
thousands of Palestinians to return to what had once been their homes and
neighborhoods. For many, this brief respite provided no relief since they
emerged from their shelters only to find that the places they knew no
longer existed. Homes in which they were born and raised, that held within
their walls memories of the lives they lived, had been reduced to rubble.
Not only had lives and hope been victims of this onslaught, memories were
shattered, as well.
The one-month ... more »
"Our Attitude..."
“It is our attitude toward free thought and free expression that will
determine our fate. There must be no limit on the range of temperate
discussion, no limits on thought. No subject must be taboo. No censor must
preside at our assemblies.”
- Justice William O. Douglas
Aug. 9: The Blame Game...
First, something that didn't make the news in the Irving press. There's
been something of a revolt at the New York Times. Reporters and editors
demanded of the owners that they be allowed to use the word 'torture' in
connection with the CIA. Until then, they had been forced to use terms like
'enhanced interrogation techniques'. Of course. Torture sounds crude and
cruel , while enhanced 'interrogation techniques' sounds scientific and
sophisticated. And that helps to brainwash the public into thinking there's
nothing wrong with it.
And brainwashing is what most of the news media are ... more »
"Love and Strife Don't Spill a Drop"
*"Love and Strife Don't Spill a Drop"*
by Chris Floyd
"In days past, I was a lawyer. Yes, a lawyer, can you believe it? It seems…
ridiculous now, doesn't it? An orderly system meant to govern human
society, to establish justice, to advance the progress and enlightenment of
the human race. Yet that system, that civil cosmos – to which I was so
passionately committed – embraced and protected the most wretched evils,
entrenched the powerful in their unjust privilege, oppressed the poor and
weak most relentlessly and wickedly, yet at every step – at every step –
sang hosannas to itself... more »
‘I’d Like to Join ISIS and Kill with Them’: Children Volunteer for Jihad

VICE has taken another look at the inner workings of the Islamic State of
Iraq and Syria (ISIS), this time focusing on the effective and disturbing
way that the radical Islamists recruit one particular group: children.
“For us, we believe that this generation of children is the generation of
the Caliphate,” one ISIS fighter tells the camera. “God willing, this
generation will fight infidels and apostates, the Americans and their
allies, God willing. The right doctrine has been implanted in these
children. All of them love to fight for the sake of building the Islamic
State and for... more »
The Economy: “Are You A Zombie?”
*“Are You A Zombie?” *
by Bill Bonner
"It was unbelievable," said a colleague, encountering the complexity of
modern life. "My son got arrested for having a marijuana cigarette on him.
I had to go to court with him. First, the judge seemed to know the whole
thing was a farce. She looked down at my son and the other kids who were at
the same party and were all arrested along with him.
She said, 'You all have to realize that marijuana is against the law in the
state of Maryland. Also, it is a door to more serious problems. Every
addict I've had in my courtroom has started out with p... more »
How Canada's NDP enables and seeks to participate in the Israel genocide
from the NDP petition
By Denis G. Rancourt
It is no longer a question of serious debate whether Israel's intentions
and actions constitute genocide, versus less serious crimes against
humanity, or simple war crimes [1]. The Israeli establishment, Jewish
Israeli citizens, and some prominent members of the Jewish diaspora all
expressly call for genocide (extermination, cleansing, "mowing
Early Morning Thoughts

August 9, 2014 This morning, I did something I rarely do on blog post day.
After reading some of the morning news, I went out into the garden. While
it was still in shade from the walnut tree, while the … Continue reading →

*Cash, Weapons and Surveillance: the U.S. is a Key Party to Every Israeli
By Glenn Greenwald
The U.S. government has long lavished overwhelming aid on Israel, providing
cash, weapons and surveillance technology that play a crucial role in
Israel’s attacks on its neighbors. But top secret documents provided by NSA
whistleblower Edward Snowden shed substantial new light on how the U.S. and
its partners directly enable Israel’s military assaults – such as the one
on Gaza.
Over the last decade, the NSA has significantly increased the surveillance
assistance it provides to it... more »
The Matrix: Shackles for the Mind

There are movies out there that every time you watch them you catch
something new- something that you hadn't noticed when you watched it
previously, something that you didn't remember, or perhaps didn't recognize
for what it was. Some times when you watch a movie - even one that you've
seen many times before- when you literally have a huge WOW moment when
suddenly you "get it".
I'm currently working through another abscessed tooth (*sigh* yea, know!),
so today I was taking it easy. Nick and I sat in bed and watched a movie.
The Matrix
There were a few times that we paused the mo... more »
Central Bankers/US Government Set Stage For False Flag Event

According to the latest stats wage growth is non existent. Wholesale
inventories barely grew which will hurt Q2 GDP and the number revising game
begins. Housing is collapsing and the government has now changed the rules
for FICO credit to pump real estate back up. Record numbers of Americans
are renouncing their citizenship. The sanctions on Russia are backfiring
and now Russia is making plans to get supplies from the BRICS nations.
While Congress was on vacation the Central bankers/US Government started
bombing the Islamic State in Iraq, this is setting the stage for... more »
Trickle Up? Not While Blue Dogs And New Dems Hold Powerful Positions Inside The Democratic Party

There are so few of them left (22), that it's pretty easy to keep track of
the handful of mangy Blue Dogs left in Congress. Basically the same
species-- just with less overt bigotry-- the New Dems are not as well
known-- unless you're on Wall Street or K Street. Here's the whole
disgusting list-- in short the Republican wing of the Democratic Party
inside the House of Representatives:
*•* Ron Kind (WI), Chair
*•* Jim Himes (CT), Vice-Chair
*•* Rick Larsen (WA), Vice-Chair
*•* Gerry Connolly (VA), Vice-Chair
*•* Ron Barber (Blue Dog-AZ)
*•* John Barrow (Blue Dog-GA)
*•* Ami Bera (C... more »
(U.S Strikes Iraq) Psychopaths Uncloaked, US Corps Drool Over New African Investments, $16B Insufficient Bank Fraud Settlement (Come To Local Market for Jailbird Ringleader!)
I've said it before and I'll say it again. They've all got to go. Why
Airstrikes in Iraq Are a MistakeThis is a slippery slope if those words
have any meaning left. Airstrikes are in part to protect American advisors
sent earlier to Erbil to support Kurds there because Iraqi central
government won’t. The U.S. is assuming the role of the de facto Iraqi Air
Force. What happens next week,
Cops Execute Yet Another Dog in Front of Owner

One of the more disturbing elements of the rise of the locked and loaded
American police state is the ongoing killing of pets in front of their
owners. With the militarizing of law enforcement and the impunity with
which police now are allowed to operate, the death toll of dogs continues
to mount. Family pets are being gunned down by government goons coated in
black Kevlar so frequently that the practice has actually been given a
formal name: "puppycide".
Hulking cops adorned with heavy body armor are more frequently turning
their firepower on hapless four-legged targets. It is qu... more »
Shields and Brooks on Iraq reluctance, Nixon’s legacy
Shields and Brooks on Iraq reluctance, Nixon’s legacy. Source: PBS
NewsHour. Date Published: August 8, 2014.
US Military Web site for Northern Morocco

Now.... this is interesting! American Kabuki/Bill's article today is dead
on the money (and funny as hell to boot!). As a little lead in to this
article I'll copy the conversation I just posted in my skype ONE room:|
d.breakingthesilence: well darlins- here's the day so far:
-military convoy goes down the highway just after midnight- in sets of
three- two military trucks "escorting" a pristine white 18 wheelers
transport trucks. several sets of three go by.
-6:15 am heather see's a huge military convoy- with military and white
trucks mixed.
-6:45 am- several more sets of three t... more »
From the Vineyard of the Saker:
Who is Mr. Putin? by Mikhail Khazin (MUST SEE!)
There is a lot of nonsense and garbage floating around on the Internet
about the personality of Vladimir Putin, mostly written folks who not only
know nothing about him, but who don't even understand the basics about how
the Russian state works. Today, I want to share with you a video
(especially translated for this purpose by the Russian Team) in which the
renowned Russian economist Mikhail Khazin shares his view of Putin and of
Putin's current position vis-à-vis the hostile and russophobic West. ... more »
Russia & China , BRICS news ( August 9 , 2014 ) -- De-Dollarization Accelerates - China/Russia Complete Currency Swap Agreement ....... First BRICS Bank, Now BRICS Food Bank ....... Turkish list of food suppliers to Russia to be ready soon -- Mutual partnership is creating highly favourable conditions for the Turkish economy, ensuring stability of food manufacturing, the Russian veterinary watchdog said........
De-Dollarization Accelerates - China/Russia Complete Currency Swap Agreement
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/09/2014 14:21 -0400
- Central Banks
- China
- Hong Kong
- India
- Newspaper
- Renminbi
- Switzerland
- Turkey
- Vladimir Putin
- Yuan
*The last 3 months have seen Russia's "de-dollarization" plans accelerate.* First
Gazprom clients shift to Euros and Renminbi, then... more »
We are all Hamas
BBC News 24 has been treating viewers to an ongoing all-afternoon account
of today’s protest in London.
Tens of thousands of people were marching. There was a veritable sea of
Palestinian flags. We are all Hamas now. Banners with “victory to the
“Stop the War Coalition, Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Campaign for
Nuclear Disarmament, Friends of Al Aqsa, British Muslim Initiative, Muslim
Association of Britain, Palestinian Forum in Britain."
It was a quiet, peaceful protest according to several of the participants,
apart from the hysterical individuals who screeched ill-i... more »
Bleeding chunks from the 'Spectator'

It's time for another digest from the *Spectator *(an intermittent *Is the
BBC biased?* feature that falls under our '...and other matters' remit.)
Here are some choice extracts from this week's edition:
*David Frum: Diary*
A quiet rural county in a peaceable dominion may seem a planet removed from
the violence of the Middle East. But my wife and I wake up before six to
read about the latest rocket attack upon Israel from Gaza. Our eldest
daughter, Miranda, travelled to Tel Aviv in search of adventure early last
year. She was recruited by a local modelling agency, and her face no... more »
August interlude: What we pondered in southernmost Maine!
*Bringing Rick Perlstein back home:* After even the briefest of sojourns,
it’s hard to return to the mundane topics which form our public discourse.
In Maine, we pondered two different claims—the claim that “my current state
of consciousness...is just a feature of my brain at the present time” and a
second claim by Rick Perlstein concerning the film, The Exorcist.
Below, we highlight Perlstein’s claim. It’s featured in his suddenly
semi-controversial new book:
PERLSTEIN (page 206): The Exorcist opened in twenty-six theaters. As word
of mouth spread, the s... more »
Tim Whewell on 'From Our Own Correpondent'

Tim Whewell's report on this morning's From Our Own Correspondent bears
transcribing in full. It's the sort of report which shows what the BBC *can*
do - something it's important for blogs like this to point out from time to
time (as we sometimes do).
It follows the story of 36 year-old Narakorn Kittiyangkul, the Thai
national killed by a Hamas mortar attack during the present conflict, and
features Roni Keidar, who (along with her husband) runs a communal farm in
Netiv Haasara, right on the Gazan border:
It's often the footnotes that are most intriguing.
And there's a footnote ... more »
The Emperor's rage: Obama: Long Term Iraq Strikes!!
When I saw this headline I was not surprised and yet I feel infuriated!
*Obama warns of LONG TERM Iraq airstrikes.*
The airstrikes are going to last months! How many months? A years worth of
months? Two years worth of months? How many months?
-Laying the groundwork for an extended airstrike campaign- *President Obama
said Saturday that the strikes that began the day before could continue for
months *
*“I don’t think we’re going to solve this problem in weeks” claims Obomba*
* “This is going to be a long-term project.”*
*Quoting the mass murderer *
Mr. Obama had suggested that* wide... more »
*Saints RB Mark Ingram Serves Up Slices of “Humble Pie” ~Barry Hirstius,
Who Dat Dish*
*Observation Deck: New Orleans Saints ~Mike Triplett, ESPN*
*With Brees on sideline, McCown, Griffin show stuff ~Nick Underhill, The
New Orleans Advocate *
*Ex-prosecutor Perricone says he doesn't remember online comments ~David
Hammer, WWLTV *
*Richard Campanella Cityscapes: Anniversary Of An Epidemic ~Eve Troeh, WWNO*
GMO Golden Rice: The Scourge of Asia

Ulson Gunnar
Asia’s dependency on rice cultivation for both subsidence and income is
intuitively understood. The Food and Agricultural Organization of the
United Nations (FAO) estimates the agricultural population of lowland rice
cultivation in Asia to be over 470 million - larger than the entire
population of the United States. Improvements in rice cultivation would
stand to lift hundreds of millions from debt and poverty. Conversely, the
disruption of rice cultivation would threaten to mire hundreds of millions
in deeper debt, inescapable destitution, and all of the negative
s... more »
Breaking The Set - Abby Martin - George Galloway Solutions on ISIS Crisis & Gaza Massacre
RT > Breaking The Set > Abby Martin features an interview with UK
politician George Galloway, discussing the violence in Gaza and the latest
airstrikes the US military has launched against Islamic militants in Iraq.
Looking forward to the premier of Galloway's forthcoming documentary called THE
John Baird thinks that it is Palestinians' fault that they are being butchered by Israel

John Baird, Minister of Foreign Affairs, blames Palestinians that they are
being butchered by Israel. He is a bigger jackass than his boss Stephen
Harper who holds similar views.
*Tories Release Pro-Israel Ad Amid War In Gaza, But They Don't Want
Everyone To See It*
Other political parties don't have much different views including Justin
Read more here.
John Kerry to Starving Africans: ‘Don’t Build New Farms, Just Plant More GMO’

Melissa Melton
*“You better eat everything on your plate, dear. There are children
starving in Africa.”*
How many kids in first world countries have likely heard their mom utter
that phrase at the dinner table at least once? It may be an overused image,
but that doesn’t make it any less valid. There really are lots of starving
children in Africa.
Well, this week Secretary of State John Kerry took to the podium at the
U.S.—Africa Leaders Summit to say that Africans shouldn’t build more farms
because that would contribute to man-made global warming through a process
that “releases... more »
In Hawaii, Today's The Day… Two Moments Of Truth For Progressives

Today is primary day in Hawaii. Iselle hit Friday but had lost some
ferocity and came in as a tropic storm. With the exception of the polling
sites at Hawaii Paradise Community Center and Keone-opoko Elementray School
on the Big Island, all polling sites will be open from 7AM 'til 6 PM.
Hurricane Julio is also weakening slightly but may hit the Big Island
tomorrow. The rare twin storms shouldn't hold down turnout in the election.
And today's contests couldn't be clearer. The Senate race features two
well-known politicians, one progressive (Senator Brian Schatz) and one from
the R... more »
Eric Posner and Glen Weyl on Piketty
In *The New Republic*. A tidbit:
Only very extreme scenarios, where every wealthy individual *does all of
the following at the same time* can lead to the sort of explosive
inequality dynamics Piketty fears:
1. Marries someone at least as wealthy or bequeaths all wealth to one
2. Consumes very little.
3. Avoids paying most taxes.
4. Contributes little to charity or politics.
5. Invests optimally while avoiding Bernie Madoff and his ilk.
And it is hard to imagine why anyone would care about the existence of such
an inbred, self-denying, and politically-remove... more »
METRO | Sunshine Williams : Austin’s illustrious mayor likes them ‘bad boys’
Hizzoner fetes ex-Louisiana governor and ex-con Edwin Edwards, who joins
the rarefied company of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford and noted doper Lance
Armstrong. By Sunshine Williams | The Rag Blog | August 9, 2014 AUSTIN —
Mayor Lee Leffingwell is … finish reading *METRO* | Sunshine Williams :
Austin’s illustrious mayor likes them ‘bad boys’
Australian Proposal Would Require Suspicionless Domestic Spying by ISPs

Nadia Kayyali and Jeremy Malcolm
*Electronic Frontier Foundation*
The Australian government announced new anti-terrorism measures this week,
in response to the alleged involvement of Australian citizens with
extremist groups in countries including Syria and Iraq. Quietly omitted
from the briefing at which those changes were announced, but separately
leaked to the press this week, were the government's plans to introduce mandatory
data retention requirements for Australian Internet Service Providers
These changes are causing an outcry from privacy advocates and political ... more »
What's Troubling about Nel Noddings' Interview at Chalkface

I listened to Shaun Johnson's interview with Nel Noddings, and it was
obvious that both interviewer and interviewee were prepared for different
interviews. After spending a good chunk of time before the interview
making a case for his continuing the show in the absence of former
co-anchor, Tim Slekar, Shaun sort of got into an introduction to Nel
Noddings that encouraged listeners to get one of her books (no titles
mentioned) and to read "a couple of chapters."
In fact, I wish Shaun had read a couple of chapters before the interview,
for what followed was a wobbly unfocused compla... more »
Afghanistan Election Update ( August 9 , 2014 ) ...... Rough Agreement Outline on Unity Government - both parties agree to accept the results of the audit, and both agree to share power whoever is the winner....... US deadline of September 5 ( to determine whether a full withdrawal of US troops would need to occur ) driving much of the rush to resolve the Afghanistan political uncertainty.
Afghan poll rivals sign unity government deal
Feuding presidential candidates sign US-brokered deal to cooperate on the
formation of a national unity government.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2014 08:20
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Afghanistan's feuding presidential candidates have signed a deal to work on
the formation of a national unity government, as an audit attempts to
decide the winner of the cou... more »
Opening Up To Uncertainty by Roxana Jones

Editor's Note
For those who are not regular readers of this blog .... Saturday is spend
the time with family, do chores, play some golf, and catch up on what needs
to be done. Unfortunately .... blogging tales a 12 - 16 hour hiatus. But
blogging though will return later tonight.
Saturday Interview: Lily Jayne Summers
Lily Jayne Summers is a founder and editor of The Columnist, a cross-party
e-zine that blogs on current affairs and entertainment news. Lily is also a
member of the Labour Party in Stoke-on-Trent North, and has been known to tweet
- Why do you blog?
Because, it's a way for me to express my political views and to challenge
other people's notions or assumptions about an opinion or a political
debate. Quite frankly, blogging is the best way to express yourself and the
best way to be engage in politics. The only way to engage properly is to
put your opinions across vigo... more »
Update: The Engineered Destruction and Political Fragmentation of Iraq. Towards the Creation of a US Sponsored Islamist Caliphate

The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham: An instrument of the Western
Military Alliance
*Prof Michel Chossudovsky*
*First published by Global Research on June 14, 2014.*
*Update, August 9, 2014*
*President Barack Obama has initiated a series of US bombing raids in Iraq
allegedly directed towards the rebel army of the Islamic State (IS).*
*The Islamic State terrorists are portrayed as an enemy of America and the
Western world. Amply documented, the Islamic State is a creation of Western
intelligence, supported by the CIA and Israel’s Mossad and financed by
Saudi Arabia and Qatar... more »
What a load of bollocks.... Magharebia.com... US Military Web site for Northern Morocco

*"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: *
*'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'" *
*- President Ronald Reagan*
By American Kabuki
*There's a very curious web site about the Rif mountain region which
encompasses Northern Morocco, Tunisa and Algeria. Its very well written
with very professional graphics and web site. And its run by US Miiltary's
African Command out of Germany (plainly stated in the ABOUT page on the
site). The web server is a cloud based service and the DNS server is in
San Diego. But there's been a very interesting trend lat... more »
Fukushima Updates ( August 9 , 2014 ) Inevitable that Tepco would finally admit they will dump highly contaminated water directly into the Pacific Ocean...... Also inevitable that no matter how often Tepco and Japan lie about the dire state of affairs , they eventually will have to come clean and discuss the brutal truths - Japan is a dead nation walking and the rest of the planet is screwed ( think food chain clusterfark , water / air contamination which will be ongoing for centuries. )
Water underneath Fukushima reactors to be dumped in ocean —
Attempts to deal with problem have ‘failed’ — Officials: It’s better
radioactive substances just “spilling directly into the ocean” like it
AFP, Aug. 7, 2014 (*emphasis added*): *Tepco ‘running out of space’ for
tainted water* — [Tepco] on Thursday unveiled a plan to dump scrubbed
directly into the ocean,... more »
Common Core Inspires New Tests to Further Segregate Children Based on Class

In Tennessee, they call it "personalized learning time" made possible by a
"skills-based universal screener" administered three times a year (on top
of all the other testing).
In Dickson County, all the "screened" children are dumped into a Power
Learning Block (PLB) once a day based on their scores screening results.
In Cell Power Block 1 we have the black birds, whose low scores mean 45
minutes of intervention each day with other black birds. In Block 2 we
have the Brown Birds, who get a half hour of remediation every day. And in
Block 3, we have the white red birds who get 15 ... more »
Obama Warns of 'Long-Term Project' in Iraq
U.S. air missions and aid deliveries to Iraq will continue as long as
needed, but U.S. airstrikes have already destroyed weapons the militant
Islamist rebels could have used to launch new attacks, President Barack
Obama said Saturday.
Saying fighters of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham had advanced on
the strategic northern city of Erbil more rapidly than the U.S. had
expected, Obama said in a nationally televised news conference from the
South Lawn of the White House: "I don't think we're going to solve this
problem in weeks. This is going to be a long-term project." Re... more »
"It is my opinion that the irresponsibility and recklessness of the Obama regime is without precedent. Never before has the United States government or the government of any nuclear power gone to such great efforts to convince another nuclear power that that power was being set up for attack. It is difficult to imagine a more provocative act that more endangers life on earth. Indeed, the White House Fool has doubled up, convincing both Russia and China that Washington is planning a preemptive first strike on both. Republicans want to sue or to impeach Obama over relatively inconsequential issues, such as ObamaCare. Why don’t Republicans want to impeach Obama over such a critical issue as subjecting the world to the risk of nuclear armageddon? The answer is that the Republicans are as crazed as the Democrats." "Wherever one looks in American politics one sees crazed people, psychopaths and sociopaths who should not be in political office." -- Paul Craig Roberts

*Washington Threatens The World — Paul Craig Roberts*
August 8, 2014 | Original Here Go
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*Washington Threatens The World*
Paul Craig Roberts
The consequence of Washington’s reckless and irresponsible political and
military interventions in Iraq, Libya, and Syria has been to unleash evil.
The various sects that lived in peace under the rule of Saddam Hussein,
Gaddafi, and Assad are butchering one another, and a new group... more »
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