10:48pm MDST
Despite The Catastrophic Impact Of NAFTA, There Are Still A Few Democrats Joining The GOP To Back Treaties Like It
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 47 minutes ago
When Obama was using populism as a tool to beat corporate Democrat Hilary
Clinton, he found NAFTA a useful weapon to use against her and to rally the
Democratic base to his side. He claimed he would renegotiate NAFTA if he
were elected. "Our trade agreements," he thundered, "should not just be
good for Wall Street it should also be good for Main Street. And the
problem that we've had is that we've had is that we've had corporate
lobbyists often times in negotiating these trade agreements; but the
AFL-CIO hasn't been involved. Ordinary working people have not been
involved." In an... more »
PKK And Hezbollah, Not Incompetent Armies, Pose The Biggest Obstacles To ISIS's Scary Advance Across The Middle East
Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 1 hour ago
*PKK and Hezbollah hold public rallies to show their popularity. ISIS
commits public executions to inflict psychological terror on populations.
Only one of them is a terrorist group.*
The designation of the PKK (Kurdistan Workers' Party) and Hezbollah as
terrorist groups by the U.S. and EU is meaningless. Turkey and Saudi
Arabia, the two big regional allies of the U.S, EU, and NATO, are
financing, arming, and sheltering ISIS, the most dangerous terrorist group
in the region. So who the U.S. and EU say is a terrorist and who is not a
terrorist is irrelevant.
These are governments t... more »
The St. Louis Riots: Where's COINTELPRO?
Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 2 hours ago
*Truth Stream Media*
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
10,000 Israelis demonstrate for peace in Tel Aviv
Alison at Creekside - 2 hours ago
Haaretz : A Facebook organized peace rally - "Changing direction: toward
peace, away from war."
"Following a painful month of war and death, in view of waves of incitement
and hatred that are tearing apart Israeli society, we call for a
demonstration for peace and democracy. The next round can be avoided. We
don’t have to sink into an abyss of ever-crueler wars, of extreme hatred
and a destruction of our neighbors and ourselves.Only an agreement will
ensure long-term security and quiet for residents of the south and of the
entire country. There is another way – immediate dialogue... more »
Ferguson and American Foreign Policy
Jarrod Hayes at Duck of Minerva - 3 hours ago
I see a connection between what is happening in Ferguson, the now roiling
suburb of St. Louis, and American security policy. An odd connection to
make at first glance, but stay with me. In the context of the important
questions of institutionalized violence and race relations, it can be easy
to overlook the ways in
Continue reading
CREDO's Ferguson Justice LIVE
Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 3 hours ago
CREDO's Ferguson Justice LIVE
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
Michael Brown Murder: Startling New Cell Phone Video Released
Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 3 hours ago
Startling new cell phone video has been released from the aftermath of the
shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. We want to warn you
that the video contains graphic content that you may find disturbing.
Viewer discretion is advised.
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
The Madness In Ukraine: Did The US And Their Ukrainian Puppets Just Try Another False Flag To Blame Russia? Mysterious Circumstances Surrounding Alleged "Aid Convoy" Destroyed In Eastern Ukraine!
Northerntruthseeker at Northerntruthseeker - 3 hours ago
I have indeed been following the war by the criminal Ukrainian government
against the innocent people in eastern Ukraine who's only crime was to
legally vote in a referendum to secede from Ukraine itself… It is madness
to realize that the criminals in the US government are actually condoning
the actions by their puppets in the Kiev regime against their own people.
We see daily reports of the Ukrainian military slaughtering innocent
unarmed Ukrainian citizens in many eastern towns and cities, and yet our
Jew spew criminal media refuses to tell the truth about this situation
(imagin... more »
MaWangMess Postscript: Wang cleared of influence peddling
Michael Turton at The View from Taiwan - 3 hours ago

*Green Island road.*
Well well well. It appears that Speaker of the Legislature Wang Jin-pyng
has won a complete victory over President and KMT Chairman Ma Ying-jeou in
the Affair of Influence peddling. The Taipei Times reports:
Legislative Speaker Wang Jin-pyng (王金平) has been cleared of allegations of
influence peddling, the Taipei Prosecutors’ Office announced yesterday,
after its investigative unit last month concluded that there was no
evidence backing claims that Wang spoke with retired judge Yang Ping-chen
(楊炳禎) to request that he influence an embezzlement case involving Form... more »
TV Watch: Two great things about having the "Frasier" DVDs
KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 3 hours ago

*FRASIER* [*over opening shot of control-panel audio meters registering his
speaking voice*]: You're listening to KACL, 780 on your AM dial. This is
Dr. Frasier Crane. All our lines are open, so please, give us a call. [
I'm just sitting here waiting. [*Pause*]
Hey, Seattle, I know you're out there. Hey, look, I realize it's a sunny
day, but on all those rainy days I was here for *you*. [*Pause*]
Well, all right, then, if that's the way you want it, you leave me no
[*Pause -- then bouncing as he sings --*]
"When the moon hits your eye
like a big pizza" --
[*Br... more »
Forbes Calls Consumer Reports Anti-Science in a Pro-GMO Rant That…Lacks Science
Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 4 hours ago

Daisy Luther
Forbes Magazine is known for its lists of the wealthiest people and
companies. Frequently they use their influence to slyly support their big
dollar buddies in the biotech industry.
Forbes successfully plumbed a new depth with an attack on Consumer
Reports magazine last week.
Consumer Reports did an article ranking different milk substitutes for its
readers. In that report, they (gasp) referred to the inclusion of GMOs as
a “con” in their review on soy milk.
This caused Forbes Magazine to release the hounds in defense of genetically
modified foods everywhere.
Th... more »
Why Was Ebola-Infected Patrick Sawyer Cleared for Travel?
Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 4 hours ago

Melissa Melton
And why aren’t any media outlets outside of Africa talking about it?
Another scandal surrounding Ebola has exploded in Africa.
As reported in African media, such as DailyPost Nigeria,Sahara Reporters,
and All Africa (but nowhere I’ve found in the American mainstream media),
it has now come out the Liberian government likely knew that Patrick Sawyer
was infected with the Ebola virus *but cleared him for travel anyway*.
If you recall, Patrick Sawyer is the Liberian-American consultant with the
Liberian Ministry of Finance who was en route to Lagos, Nigeria when he
co... more »
Adventures in Canning: Raw vs Hot Pack and a question about Ferguson, MO...
Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 4 hours ago
*which is better; raw or hot pack?*
*(NB - this should have been posted hours ago, but a transformer close to
our house blew, sounding much like a small bomb, and our electricity has
been down.) *
For Kathleen, my gentle-souled friend who blogs at My Daily Musing (and
anyone else who is as sick of politics and the ongoing general mayhem as I
*But quickly - an observation about the goings on in Ferguson, MO. *
As of the census of 2010, the population of Ferguson was 21,203. The
percentage of people who identified as black was 67.4% (I believe it's
higher now.) The number of... more »
Parental Incarceration Can Be Worse for a Child Than Divorce or Death of a Parent
Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 4 hours ago

*Activist Post*
With more than 2 million people behind bars, the U.S. has the highest
incarceration rate in the world. This mass incarceration has serious
implications for not only the inmates, but their children, finds a new University
of California-Irvine study.
The study found significant health problems, including behavioral issues,
in children of incarcerated parents and also that, for some types of health
outcomes, parental incarceration can be more detrimental to a child's
well-being than divorce or the death of a parent.
"We know that poor people and racial minorities ar... more »
Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 4 hours ago
Translation: Governor Nixon bans the First Amendment, declares martial law
FERGUSON, MO (KTVI) – Saturday afternoon Governor Jay Nixon spoke to the
residents of Ferguson and the media at the Greater St. Mark’s Family Church
in north St. Louis County.
Governor Nixon ordered an immediate curfew for the city of Ferguson to
start Saturday night from Midnight to 5 am. The curfew will be enforced by
the Missouri State Highway Patrol who has operational control of security
in Ferguson. The governor also issued a state of emergency for Ferguson.
Nixon stated the “Eyes of the world are ... more »
Will President Barack Obama Become That Dark Knight To Take On The Jokers of ISIS?
Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 4 hours ago

“...some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be
bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch
the world burn.” - *The Dark Knight (2008/Warner Bros. Pictures).*
There are *reports* that the same Sunni tribal leaders in Iraq who a few
months ago pledged their allegiance to the ISIS terrorist group to show
their displeasure with Maliki and drive the Iraqi army out of their
provinces are now changing their tune*. *
They are thinking about making a deal with the new Iraqi Prime Minister
because they want to have their own autonom... more »
Tom Hayden : There are alternatives to more war in Iraq
Thorne Dreyer at The Rag Blog - 4 hours ago
To reject the ‘Long War’ doctrine, the American Left first has to
understand it. By Tom Hayden | The Rag Blog | August 16, 2014 Hillary
Clinton’s flapping of her hawkish wings only intensifies the pressure on
President Barack Obama … finish reading Tom Hayden :
There are alternatives to more war in Iraq
President Obama Has Absolutely No Clue What He Is Talking About - No Shit Sherlock
Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 5 hours ago
It’s All So Very Confusing
theozarker at The Conflicted Doomer - 6 hours ago
August 16, 2014 I don’t really know what is currently happening in
Ferguson, Missouri, although it is only about 200 miles from where I live.
News accounts vary, but here is what I think I know. After days of protests
… Continue reading →
Attention Deficit or Attention Excess?
Sophia Love at AMERICAN KABUKI - 6 hours ago

My son just returned from a 500+ mile canoe trip which ended north of the
Arctic Circle. He talks about his concept of time and how the experience
completely altered it. This 45 day trip occurred out of “time”. It exists
as a whole; separate and without any connection to this life he’s just
returned to.
I am reading the series of Carlos Castaneda books. In them, he refers to
remembering his “lessons” which occurred not here, but in a place he refers
to as his “second attention”. You may call it another dimension or beyond
the veil. He too, mentions how when the memories come,... more »
Economist are the high priests of the Incas
Steve at Thinking Aboot - 6 hours ago

I got to just laugh
when some economists
tells me I am on a bad journey
as if you knew anything about
travel expect the price of the ticket
Everything economic except
picking berry s
and eating game to survive
is artificial
and created on great
models that Lego
would never sell
to survive.
We got some ideas about
how to flame the shitthouse
and we will not do that
everything else is just
a educated guess
based upon the last
crisis and who survived
One thing we know about economics
is that is seems to serve a top
class demographic
the Rothschild
are immune to any Nobel
... more »
Heat Pump, Heat Pump, someday you gotta dump
Steve at Thinking Aboot - 7 hours ago

Summer comes and goes
its a season we relish
and all hot dog
with great enthusiasm
from great to small\
we love our warm
weather and a chance
to just venture out
You don t know this feeling
if you live to far south
you only know the constant
drum of heat and tornado
and humidity that will
take your breath away
make you gasp for air
and say why did I make
this journey if It meant
I would leave air condition
somewhere along the way.
But you global Kunutes
are fighting the tides
and its not just the seas
that defy mankind
You can hire a good
HVAC mechanic
and he will tell you
airflow is t... more »
Na Na Na Na and so it goes
Steve at Thinking Aboot - 7 hours ago

This is life as the smartest monkey. All kinds of people become famously
rich by defeating this equation. However for the 80% it remains baffklegab
or when faced with a cop with a gun and an aroused armored personal carrier
as backup something worse.
Those that have do not share willingly, they create great networks to keep
down the majority of humanity. Free and fair competition bring it on, chum
deals are as green as the grass on a well kept lawn. Stop the chum deals
but we cant.because we all have chums and some are extant.
We move slowly forward but in the back on my mind
is ... more »
Can You Be A Christian And A Lesbian? Meet Vicky Beeching
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 7 hours ago
Thursday afternoon we took a look at a very famous English closet case, pop
star Cliff Richard, who was in the news not because he was coming out of
the closet but because he was accused of molesting a 15 year old boy
backstage at a Billy Graham Crusade, where he was a performer. Since the
very public raid on one of Sir Richard's palaces, several other boys he has
molested have come forward to offer testimony.
The Vicky Beeching public coming out yesterday is a very different-- and
very inspirational-- story. The 35-year old British Christian rock singer
spoke to *The Independent... more »
Kryon on Swissindo....and abundance
Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 8 hours ago

BY ANNA MERKABA on JULY 20, 2013 •
YOU ARE THE SAVIOR That is why you are here on this planet at this given
moment, you are here to anchor this TRUST, ONENESS and LOVE for one
another. For should one of you fail at your endeavor another would step
into his place and assist him in bringing his idea to fruition without
taking a second guess, or thought, but simply trusting that his brother or
sister is on the right path and they too shall join the... more »
Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 8 hours ago

arcturianstelekinesisThe re-calibration of the hearts codices has been
completed. A new reality has indeed been instituted into the present
incarnation of human beings on GAIA. A new reality has weaved itself
the matrix of human earth and a new phase of restructuring... more »
BREAKING! Martial Law Command Center Erected in Ferguson, MO
Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 9 hours ago
Up to 100 police vehicles parked in cordoned-off shopping center
*Infowars reporters discover a martial law command center erected
overnight in Ferguson, MO after last nights chaos when police in Ferguson
fired tear gas amid more looting.*
*You can visit our Ferguson Missouri article archive here.*
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
Updates for La. Common Core/ PARCC Lawsuits– Including Fresh Spin from John White
deutsch29 at @ THE CHALK FACE - 9 hours ago
The State of Louisiana is currently involved in three lawsuits over the
Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and/or the CCSS testing consortium
assessments belonging to the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for
College and Careers (PARCC). Here is a brief update of the entire affair:
Lawsuit One Update On August 13, 2014, Judge Todd Hernandez denied the […]
August 16: have a swig of fracking waste water?
Graeme Decarie at The Moncton Times@Transcript - Good and Bad - 9 hours ago
In the TandT for August 15, the first page actually has a real news story.
"Can cities ban frack water from sewers?" The questions arises because a
company in Nova Scotia wants to dump 30 million liters of the stuff into
our sewers, and thence into the river. They claim it has already been
treated so that it is drinkable.
Well, there are questions that weren't asked. If it is actually drinkable,
why won't Nova Scotia allow it to be dumped there? Why was the company
allowed to conduct fracking if it didn't have a sure place to dispose of
the waste water? It may be okay for me to drin... more »
Ethical arms sales from Canada
Alison at Creekside - 10 hours ago
Back here in comments, e.a.f. noted I was singling out Israel for its
promotion of occupied Gaza as a lab/marketing display tool for selling its
population control armaments abroad - when USA arms manufacturers also
Too true. Also Canada.
As Marc Whittingham, CEO of the Canadian Commercial Corporation, the crown
corporation that acts as Canada's global military sales agency and "a foreign
policy instrument for the government of Canada", once put it :
"There is no better trade show for defence equipment than a military
*"Report on Exports of Military Goods f... more »
Straight from the horse's mouth
Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 10 hours ago
h/t Luton Reject, *Biased BBC*...
A tweet from former BBC online reporter, now *Panorama* journalist, Conor
You know you work in BBC current affairs when about 100 phones
simultaneously sound with a Guardian news alert
— Conor Spackman (@conorspackman) July 23, 2014
On 'Today'
Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 10 hours ago

Though they may fluctuate, the listening figures for Radio 4's *Today* lie
somewhere around the seven million mark, which is a substantial audience
(in the UK). Of course, many people just dip into it for a few minutes each
day (as, for example, I do while I'm driving to work) but I can well
imagine that a substantial number of listeners hear a good portion of it
quite often.
Lots of people must enjoy listening to it then. (Its audience can't *just*
consist of Beeb-hating, bias-hunting bloggers after all!). Why is that?
Presumably, part of it must be that many people like the pr... more »
“New Studies: ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ Sane; Government Dupes Crazy, Hostile”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 10 hours ago
*“New Studies: ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ Sane; *
*Government Dupes Crazy, Hostile”*
By Dr. Kevin Barrett
"This is the nineties, Bubba, and there is no such thing as paranoia. It's
all true."
- Hunter S. Thompson
"Recent studies by psychologists and social scientists in the US and UK
suggest that contrary to mainstream media stereotypes, those labeled
“conspiracy theorists” appear to be saner than those who accept the
official versions of contested events. The most recent study was published
on July 8th by psychologists Michael J. Wood and Karen M. Douglas of the
University of Kent (U... more »
“Official Public Discourse in America: Censorship and Orwellian ‘Double Think’, ‘Publicity of the Unspeakable’”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 10 hours ago
*“Official Public Discourse in America: *
*Censorship and Orwellian ‘Double Think’, ‘Publicity of the Unspeakable’”*
By James F. Tracy
“An infirmity once characterizing the past century’s most severe
totalitarian regimes has now taken root in Western public discourse and
practice, a process akin to Orwellian “double think” acting as a form of de
facto censorship preempting consideration of major issues and events. This
mindset is obliquely shared by a majority of professional journalists,
academics, and public office holders—in short, those who represent and lead
public opinion. The... more »
Musings On Iraq In The News
Joel Wing at MUSINGS ON IRAQ - 10 hours ago
My interview with Rachel Kantz-Feder on Ayatollah Sistani's fatwa was added
to the websiteof the Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and Africa
Studies at the Tel Aviv University, while my talk with Dr. Nicholas Krohley
about Moqtada al-Sadr's relationship with Iran was posted on Hurst
Publishing's webpage as well. I was also cited in "The Smart Way to Bomb
ISIS" in the National Interest, and quoted in "Will Iraq's Nuri al-Maliki
go without a fight? 5 things to know" by Tim Lister on CNN. Finally I took
part in a live Twitter chat put on by the United States Institute of Peace
... more »
Ebola Updates - August 16 , 2014 --- WHO PUSHES MEGA-QUARANTINE TO CONTROL EBOLA Medieval tactic could trap more than 1 million people ....... Ebola: Hope dashed as US declares ‘nano-silver’ ( so called experimental ebola drug ) a pesticide ....... News from the frontlines in Africa
Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 11 hours ago
PUSHES MEGA-QUARANTINE TO CONTROL EBOLAMedieval tactic could trap more than
1 million people
*By Delia M. Arias De Leon*
UNITED NATIONS – Lacking a medical solution to the worst Ebola outbreak in
history, governments and organizations in West Africa are resorting to a
medieval tactic that would radically affect the lives of more than 1
million people, according to the World Health Organization.
The method popularized in the era of the Black Death plague in the 14th
century, the “cordon sanitaire,” draws a l... more »
Republica - Ready To Go
Phil at All That Is Solid ... - 11 hours ago
Something a little different for tonight's disco.
Supplemental: Announcing the death of the west!
bob somerby at the daily howler - 11 hours ago
*Rick Perlstein’s Nixon doll:* Was Richard Nixon already crazy when he was
seven years old?
Rick Perlstein pretty much gives that impression in the second chapter of
Nixonland, his 2008 best-seller.
(For a fascinating reading experience, see “Chapter Two/The Orthogonian,”
pages 20-43. Prepare to study hard.)
The chapter presents an overview of Nixon’s earlier years, from his birth
on through the Checkers speech. It starts with a peculiar portrait of Yorba
Linda, “the godforsaken little burg” where Nixon spent his childhood, doing
a series of “dirty job... more »
Stephen Harper, Primer Minister of Canada has lost his mind
LeDaro at LeDaro - 11 hours ago

If you find it please return it to 24 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, Canada.
"What Is 'The Timetree of Life'?"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 11 hours ago
*"The Timetree of Life"*
by timetree.org
"The Timetree of Life project is now providing scientists with easy access
to information about when living species and their ancestors originated.
The resource could prove useful for astrobiologists (or the curious)
studying the origin and evolution of life on Earth. Scientists and
non-scientists now have easy access to information about when living
species and their ancestors originated, information that previously was
difficult to find or inaccessible. Free access to the information is part
of the new Timetree of Life initiative developed... more »
Libya Updates August 16 , 2014 -- Ironic that Libya's Parliament , Iraq's new Prime Minister and and the Governor of Anbar Province , Syria Rebels ( moderate FSA ) all crying out for US air strikes now ...... US is not the cop on the block for the world , we can't be unpaid mercenaries for dysfunctional nation states.....
Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 11 hours ago
Libya Herald....
Friday demonstrations for and against HoR – again marred by gunfire
By Sami Zaptia.
Tripoli, 16 August 2014:
Yesterday's Martyr Square demonstration in central Tripoli were again, and
for the second successive Friday, marred by the use of gunfire.
The demonstrations, by both pro and anti House of Representatives (HoR)
supporters, from what could be discerned, went off smoothly right up to the
end. The anti HoR supporters seemed to be the bigger of the two
There were pro and anti HoR demonstrations in Benghazi, Misrata, Zawia,
Ghirian, Sabha, Beida, Sha... more »
"Yet Now..."
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 11 hours ago
“Yet now, as he roared across the night sky toward an unknown destiny, he
found himself facing that bleak and ultimate question which so few men can
answer to their satisfaction. What have I done with my life, he asked
himself, that the world will be poorer if I leave it?”
- Arthur C. Clarke, “Glide Path”
Mark, We're BEGGING! DCCC Falls To New Lows
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 11 hours ago

My friend Mark has been a very steady DCCC contributor, even though I've
warned him about how corrupt they are and how they play grassroots donors
for suckers while lining their own pockets and feathering their own nests.
Mark doesn't give millions to the Democratic Party; but he does give
hundreds-- and his best friend has given millions. This is the note Mark
sent me today:
I'll leave you alone after this one but it's like reaching new heights of
intimidation/harassment. I'll ask to be removed.
I like the idea of being a part of the grass roots movement to defeat the
cretinous... more »
Editor's Note
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 11 hours ago
I must take care of my visiting brother today (flew in a few days ago). The
usual .... golf, dinner in old Montreal, fine wine, and arguing about
politics over cribbage.
GOD!!!!!! .... I feel old.
Blogging will return late tonight.
New Orleans Ladder at New Orleans Ladder - 12 hours ago
*Graham flagged twice for dunking after a touchdown in Saints win! ~WSPN*
*East bank levee authority asks appeals court to review New Orleans judge's
17th Street Canal landowners ruling ~Mark Schleifstein *
*Over objections of heir, Wisner committee awards $2 million to nonprofits,
city programs ~Charles Moldonado, The Lens*
It's Not About You. It's About Obama and Hillary.
Karen Garcia at Sardonicky - 12 hours ago

Everything wrong with the American media-political complex in one fell
*In this summer of global tumult, the debate in Washington essentially
boils down to two opposite positions: It is all President Obama’s fault,
according to his critics; no, it is not, according to his supporters,
because these are events beyond his control.*
So, which came first? The shallow play-acting of the elites, or the shallow
reportage of the sycophants?
And what does it really matter? Peter Baker's front page article in the *New
York Times, *which turns complicated world events into a Mani... more »
MJ-12, The Unholy Thirteen and Roswell
KRandle at A Different Perspective - 12 hours ago
Since it has come up recently on Facebook, I thought that I would revisit
the “Unholy Thirteen,” as named by Brigadier General Arthur Exon about two
decades ago. It was Exon who brought this up in my first interview with
him, it was he who described the committee, and it was he who linked it
specifically to UFOs.
First, though, a little bit of background. Back in the late 1970s, when
cattle mutilations were all the rage, I did an article about my
investigations into them and the fact that I had found terrestrial
explanations for these seemingly inexplicable events. I wrote an artic... more »
The NEA should have listened. It’s too late.
Shaun Johnson at @ THE CHALK FACE - 12 hours ago
The Washington Post has a feisty profile of the new NEA president, Lily
Eskelsen García: What would she do if she were still teaching and an
administrator told her to do something in class to improve student’s
standardized test scores so that her test-based evaluation would be
better? “I would totally ignore them,” she said. ” ‘Go […]
gail zawacki at Wit's End - 12 hours ago
For family reasons I have been stuck on Cape Cod for two weeks. I do not
like it here. It is impossible to go anywhere without being trapped in
traffic, it feels suffocating. There are so obviously too many people
sprawling heedlessly over this fragile sandy space, I sense a nasty shift
in my perception of humanity - no longer a detached fondness for a failed
and somewhat comically doomed species, but rather, increasing revulsion
towards a seething, wriggling mass of shiny maggots. Enjoy this short
trailer, it is heartbreakingly tragic (for best quality, go to the film
Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 12 hours ago
After a frightening show of force by the Ferguson Police Department, in
which they fired upon peaceful protesters and members of the press, the
police release video stills of an alleged robbery involving slain teen,
Mike Brown. As if petty theft justifies the execution of an unarmed man and
a police state in America.
*You can visit our Ferguson article archive here.*
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
StatsCan Labour Market Correction
thwap at thwap's schoolyard - 12 hours ago
Apparently it was "human error" that had them count working Canadians as
outside the labour force.
First: As the Globe & Mail link states, the revised job numbers are still
nothing to crow about.
Second: Jim Stanford says much the same thing at The Progressive
Economists' Forum.
Third: This embarrassment might have been a calculated plan on the part of
the beleaguered institution. Angry at budget cuts and staff cuts and
harper's stupid messing with the long-form Census. Even if it makes
StatsCan look bad, for a while at least, it opened the government to major
criticism and embarr... more »
Unrest Returns to Ferguson After Smear Campaign Launched
Donn Marten at Carrying a Flag - 12 hours ago

Friday's release of video footage alleging that Mike Brown, the young man
executed by Ferguson, Missouri cops was fleeing a robbery stinks to high
heaven. The first question should be why did the police wait for five days
before accusing Brown of something called a "strong-arm robbery" - which
sounds like shoplifting run through one of Frank Luntz's focus groups. It
is an obvious attempt to denigrate his character or to otherwise
"niggerize" him so as to make the cop who murdered him into a victim. We
saw a similar tactic used on Trayvon Martin after he was gunned down by the
loos... more »
Do Americans Care That They Are Going Back To War (Again) In Iraq?
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 12 hours ago
*Up To A Point: Shrugging Our Way Back To War In Iraq -- P. J. O’Rourke,
Daily Beast*
We’ve begun a new military adventure in Iraq, and Americans don’t seem to
mind. Isn’t that, you know, kind of weird?
I was on the patio honoring the cocktail hour and reading the paper when my
son, who was supposed to be mowing the lawn, said, “Dad, is America at war
in Iraq?”
“Usually,” I said. “Let me check.” And, sure enough, there on page 5 of The
Daily Bugle, “Obama Orders Airstrikes – Small Group of Military Advisors
Now, to a fellow my age, whose memory dates back to well befo... more »
Al Jazeera's interview with Andrei Linde
Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 13 hours ago

Two weeks ago, Al Jazeera America – a TV station that Al Gore sued yesterday
even though it has paid huge money to him for his worthless crappy pseudo
TV station – talked to Andrei Linde about the beginning of time:
*A 25-minute video*
Linde started by explaining why inflation is revolutionary – why it makes
the unreasonably huge and accurate explosion required by the Big Bang
moderate and natural, requiring no immense amount of matter ("explosive")
to start with a requiring no fine-tuned initial state.
He wants to describe the evolution of various quantities in some detail.
I... more »
Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 13 hours ago

The latest edition of the Global Network's newsletter is now printed and
being mailed to members. We would be happy to provide local activists with
bulk copies for local distribution. We don't ask for any money for
printing - we just request reimbursement for the cost of postage when we
mail them to you.
You can help us spread our message about drones, missile offense, and the
larger issue of the Pentagon using military space technology to control the
planet on behalf of corporate globalization. Let us know how many copies
you want and we'll send them right away. Just email us... more »
“The End of Money”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 13 hours ago
*“The End of Money” *
By Bill Bonner
“Here in France, the weather has turned bad. It is rainy and cold, with the
temperature below 60 degrees. Our thoughts turn gloomy... we give the cat
some extra food.
"It seems to be happening all over the whole world," said a friend. "The
climate is changing. Here in this part of France, it used to be reliably
sunny and warm in the summertime. Now, you never know what you'll get."
Some people believe the "global warming" hypothesis. Others are convinced
the globe is cooling.
"Yes, that is what is really going on," says another friend. "The E... more »
Toronto the Good
noreply@blogger.com (fern hill) at DAMMIT JANET! - 13 hours ago
Well, this is some shitty mayoral campaign we've got going here in Toronto.
Rob Fucking Ford is all lies all the time. David Sockacki has ideas and
position papers but is dull as dishwater. And the other supposedly
front-runners are depressingly namby-pamby.
For a great and recent example, read Matt Elliott on what the candidates
have to say about finances and inflation.
Even worse, all (except Soknacki and Ari Goldkind) are running on the
current understanding and practice of populism.
The biggest disappointment is Olivia Chow. I endorsed her back on March 13.
I still like her an... more »
The Failure of the UK Climate Change Act
noreply@blogger.com (Roger Pielke, Jr.) at Roger Pielke Jr.'s Blog - 13 hours ago
The Belgian think tank Bruegel points to data showing that the United
Kingdom's GDP has returned to pre-economic crisis levels, as shown above.
This allows us to do a quick and intuitive examination of how much the UK
economy has decarbonized over that time period, and how that rate of
decarbonization compares to that implied by the UK Climate Change Act.
As a refresher, decarbonization refers to the rate of decline in carbon
dioxide emissions to GDP. In order for the UK to hit the targets prescribed
in the UK Climate Change Act for 2022, it will need to achieve consistently
an ann... more »
Activist Teacher: Sweeping agreements will further degrade university education in Ontario, "Canada"
Denis Rancourt at Activist Teacher - 13 hours ago
Activist Teacher: Sweeping agreements will further degrade university education in Ontario, "Canada"
The Road to Reagangrad: God Bless America and Nixon
Donn Marten at Carrying a Flag - 13 hours ago

Taking the high pitched roar of right-wing caterwauling over Rick
Perlstein's outstanding new book “The Invisible Bridge” as a ringing
endorsement I ponied up the coin and purchased a copy. Mr. Perlstein has
written two previous books on the rise of the modern American right, the
Barry Goldwater centered "The Coming Storm" and the classic "Nixonland". I
have decided to review the book myself as I read it as well as adding my
take on the material. I will be writing on at least one chapter per week
and this is the first installment in what will be what I have called "The
Road to R... more »
U.S. Launches Air Strikes Against ISIS Targets Near Key Iraqi Dam
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 13 hours ago

*US Jets Strike Near Iraq's Largest Dam -- AL Jazeera*
Up to 15 Islamic State fighters killed in air strikes near Mosul Dam, amid
reports of "massacre" in Sinjar area.
US aircraft have launched air strikes near Iraq's largest dam, killing up
to 15 fighters from the Islamic State group, Al Jazeera's correspondent
Several air strikes hit Iraq’s north on Saturday, including in the besieged
Sinjar Mountains, where fresh reports emerged of a "massacre" against
residents belonging to the Yazidi religious minority.
There were suggestions that the attack near the Mosul Dam was... more »
Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 13 hours ago
In the last stage of its mission to crush self-defense forces in eastern
Ukraine, the Kiev regime is pounding cities and towns with shells and
bombs. Scared locals are suffering not only from constant fighting, but
there's also a shortage of food, water and electricity. In order to bring
some relief to the conflict zone, Russia's trying to send tons of
humanitarian aid, but the convoy is stuck at the border.
Kiev wants to either directly kill its own citizens in eastern Ukraine by
shelling or starve them to death. The world community remains largely
Detail Map Of Sinjar Mountains Adds Detail To The Yazidis' Tragedy
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 14 hours ago

*(Click on Image to Enlarge)*
Island Of Safety Becomes A Death Trap
Between 10,000 and 40,000 ethnic Yazidis are trapped in the Sinjar
Mountains after fleeing attacks by Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).
The 4,400 foot high Sinjar Mountain range is venerated by the Yazidis. They
consider it to be the place where Noah's Ark settled after the biblical
flood. Sinjar Mountain range is a barren ridge, four miles wide and 25
miles long. It is entirely devoid of plant life, water or shade. Image from
The Washington Post
A Very Dark Place
Owen Gray at Northern Reflections - 14 hours ago

Gerry Caplan has a sober piece in this morning's *Globe and Mail*. Its
thesis is bleak: "No matter what leaders do, there won't be peace in the
Middle East." There will be no two state solution, he writes, because both
sides are not prepared to give what would be required for peace:
Whatever outsiders think, in practical terms none of the Middle East
disputants are in a position to offer the others anything like an
acceptable peace deal. Or, to put it the other way, no one is likely t... more »
Islamic State Fighters Massacre Dozens Of Yazidi Villagers In Iraq
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 14 hours ago

Displaced people from the minority Yazidi sect, fleeing violence from
forces loyal to the Islamic State in Sinjar town, walk toward the Syrian
border, on the outskirts of Sinjar Mountain, earlier this week. RFE
*Islamic State Fighters Kill Dozens Of Yazidi Villagers -- Washington Post*
DAHUK, Iraq — Extremist fighters have killed more than 80 men and detained
hundreds of women in a Yazidi village, Yazidis and Kurdish officials said
Saturday, offering a reminder that the ancient minority sect is still at
risk despite President Obama’s conclusion that the threat had passed for
those ... more »
Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 15 hours ago
St. Louis County Police say they were told to stand down by the Missouri
State Highway Patrol #Ferguson
— FOX2now (@FOX2now) August 16, 2014
Lots of calls to newsroom. Questions why police wont stop looting. Still
working to get that info. Highway Patrol plans 2pm news conference
— FOX2now (@FOX2now) August 16, 2014
Plenty of militarized cops out in force to harass peaceful protesters and
journalists; AWOL when actual looting takes place. According to at least
one eyewitness, police also stood idly by during last week’s round of
looting, as well. (Source)
See the video below... more »
German Media: Germany 'Spied' On John Kerry And Hillary Clinton
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 15 hours ago

German Chancellor Angela Merkel (L) shares a toast with U.S. Secretary of
State Hillary Clinton and Vice President Joe Biden during a luncheon held
in Merkel's honor at the State Department in Washington June 7, 2011. REUTERS/Stelios
*German Federal Intelligence Service taps Hillary Clinton's Phone Call --
The German Federal Intelligence Service (BND) tapped at least one phone
call of the then Foreign Minister of the United States of America, Hillary
Clinton. Furthermore, the German government ordered to spy on a NATO
partner. According to "Süddeutsche Zeitung" (SZ... more »
Senate Developments: Hawaii And Montana
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 15 hours ago
The news from Hawaii yesterday was great. Progressive Senator Brian Schatz
beat corrupt conservative New Dem Colleen Hanabusa in the two Puna
precincts on the Big Island that didn't vote in last weekend's primary
because of Tropical Storm Iselle. Schatz went into yesterday's vote with a
1,635 vote lead. While Hanabusa spent the week whining about "voter
irregularities" and making all sorts of demands to change the voting rules,
Schatz was in Puna helping his constituents with storm recovery. Hanabusa's
Honolulu-based district didn't include the Big Island and the voters there
are... more »
JR at GREENIE WATCH - 15 hours ago
*Two very different Warmists meet -- and we see which is rational*
*Kevin Trenberth is allegedly a scientist but is certainly a global warming
evangelist. His second most famous quote is: "The planet is warming", but
"the warmth just isn’t being manifested at the surface". Pielke Jr. says
he believes in global warming but doesn't think anyone can do anything
about it. Pielke enrages other Warmists. He reports via Twitter:*
Roger Pielke Jr. @RogerPielkeJr
I debated Trenberth last week. From Kevin there was yelling, spittle & an
apology. I stuck to IPCC AR5 which he called tot... more »
North Korea At Night Time
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 15 hours ago

Compared: Lights can clearly be seen in North Korea's surrounding countries
of Russia, China and South Korea - where the capital Seoul just 35 miles
from the border
*North Korea Is So Secretive You Can't Even See It From Space! Nasa
Satellite Image Shows How Kim Jong-un's Hermit State Is Invisible Compared
To Its Neighbours -- Daily Mail*
Kim Jong-un runs one of the world’s most secretive societies - so secret
that despite it covering 47,000 sq miles, you can’t even see it from space.
This is the extraordinary image of North Korea almost completely in the
dark, apart from a small ... more »
Ukraine situation ( August 16 , 2014 ) -- As Russia is intertwined within the Ukraine situation , a review of the state of play involves not just the battlefield in South East Ukraine , but also the sanction regimes ( Ukraine / US / EU and Russia ) and the growing backlash / blowback to the West ........ As has been suggested , Malaysia might be the vehicle through which the truth is brought out into the light regardiing the fate of Malysia Flight 17 shot down over ukraine ( see the opinion piece from a Malaysian airline safety engineer ) .....
Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 16 hours ago
Nato-Member Turkey Threatens Western-Owned Banks, Shifts East, Cozies up to
Russiaby Don Quijones • August 15, 2014
*By Don Quijones**, freelance writer, translator in Barcelona,
Spain. Raging Bull-Shitis his modest attempt to challenge the wishful
thinking and scrub away the lathers of soft soap peddled by political and
business leaders and their loyal mainstream media. This article is a Wolf
Street exclusive*.
Since the U.S. and EU began imposing and then widening and... more »
jonjayray at EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL - 16 hours ago
*UK: Private school pupils more likely to be admitted to Oxford*
Private school pupils are more likely to be offered a place at Oxford than
state school pupils with the same A-level grades, according to figures
revealed as pupils across the UK receive their A-level results.
Between 2010 and 2012, private school applicants who had the highest
possible grades of three A* grades or more at A-level were 9 per cent more
likely to be offered a place at Oxford than state school students with the
same grades.
The difference increases to 14 per cent when selective state schools are
not inc... more »
How Photographs Can Change U.S. Military Policy
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 16 hours ago
*The Power of a Photograph -- A.J. McCarthy and Chris Wade, Slate *
A snapshot that changed United States military policy. Slate has partnered
with Brooklyn Brewery and RISC to bring its hit war correspondent interview
series to our readers. In this third installment, Steve Hindy, founder of
Brooklyn Brewery and a former Associated Press foreign correspondent, sits
down with three of the people closest to Chris Hondros, the Pulitzer
Prize-nominated photojournalist who was killed in Misrata, Libya in 2011.
Testament, a collection of Hondros' photography and writing, was released
p... more »
Activist Artist Michael D'Antuono Upends the Establishment
Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 16 hours ago

*Art is not made to decorate rooms. It is an offensive weapon in the
defense against the enemy - Picasso*
Artist Michael D'Antuono
*Activist Post*
Deemed “one of the world’s most controversial artists” by more than one
foreign publication, Michael D’Antuono is known for making art that
challenges people to think more deeply about sociopolitical issues. His
work has received high praise from fellow artists Shepard Fairey and Banksy.
In 2009 D’Antuono created a firestorm with his painting “The Truth” as seen
above. The artist’s intent was to the to let the diverse interpretations o... more »
Can This New Solar-Powered Device Purify Polluted Water?
Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 16 hours ago

Kevin Samson
Water shortages continue to make the news across the world, and governments
seem to be offering very few if any solutions. Recently, I covered a novel
low-cost, simple device called Warka Water that aims to extract water from
the air and offer regions with little to no infrastructure the possibility
of water self-sufficiency.
However, in addition to shortages, pollution is another grave problem; even
if some areas technically have water it is often unfit to drink.
A sophomore in the Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental
Engineering at the University of Bu... more »
Syria Updates ( August 16 , 2014 ) - ISIS and Assad squeezing the FSA at Aleppo ........Nice round up from Syria Direct from 8/14/14 on the state of play on the battlefield .....
Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 16 hours ago

Tweets of the day..... note the clamor for military action against ISIS
+ 1 to Alexblx.....
*Alexblx* @Alexblx 2m
#Obama's US > 'outgunned by ourselves - #US yellow tanks now used in North #
Aleppo by #ISIS' pic.twitter.com/Z6Ep9r1azb @AnneBayefsky @FSATruth
Retweeted by (س) Abu Aminah
*Basma Atassi | بسمة* @Basma_ 10h
US asked #Syria rebels to call on international community to hit Islamic
State targets, sources told us. Appeal expected today in Istanbul
Retweeted by (س) Abu Aminah
*Shadi Hamid* @shadihamid 1h
When Obama says "no military solution" in Syri... more »
It's not the politicians, guys
Michael Turton at The View from Taiwan - 16 hours ago

*An old coral house on Green island.*
Back from vacation. So much to catch up on...
J Michael Cole and a blogger (don't miss the witty exchange between
politicians via election signs) both had pieces out recently that bemoaned
the island's terrible politicians... Cole described at Thinking Taiwan:
No sooner had the dust settled on the city than the political parties went
on the offensive — not to ensure the survival of the victims or mitigate
the effects of the disaster, but to undermine their opponents. That isn’t
to say that good deeds were not done, but they often were a seconda... more »
Argentina: Phantom Humanoids in the Cordillera (1981)
Inexplicata (IHU) at Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology - 16 hours ago

*Argentina: Phantom Humanoids in the Cordillera (1981)*
*By Carlos Daniel Ferguson(appearing in UFO Press #24, November 1986)*
17 February 1981, Manzano Amargo, Neuquén
Phantom Humanoids in the Cordillera?
During the year 1981, at least in Argentina and without confirming greater
variation over successive years, reports on Close Encounters of the Third
Kind (according to the Hynek classification) have not been abundant. Nor
were there many “on site” surveys on such cases published in this magazine
since that time. Carlos Ferguson, the author of this article, made known an
original... more »
Iraq Updates ( August 16 , 2014 ) -- Sunni Tribal Leaders Offer Backing for New Iraqi Govt Urge PM-Designate to Give Sunnis Autonomy ( Soon we find out if Abadi will be different than Maliki ) ......... US Fighter Jets Pound Mosul Area in Heaviest Strikes Yet Attacks Center on Areas Near Dam, Border Crossing ( must be some Yazidis there somewhere ) ........ Report Claims ISIS Massacres Yazidis in North Iraq Village US Drone Strikes Village After Claims of Massacre ( Wonder if there are Yazidis in Baghdad and Samarra , Tikrit and Haditha too ) ....Death dealing across Iraq items to consider .....
Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 16 hours ago
( H/T to Kev for bringing this to my attention )
August 15th Iraq SITREP: The king is dead, long live the king
12th Aug: The United States sends another 130 "Advisors" to Iraqi Kurdistan
13th Aug: The US is reporting that its reconnaissance missions are
confirming that the plight of the Yazidis is not as severe as was expected
14th Aug: The US Secretary of Defence clarifies that US troops will not
take part in military operations in Iraq
14th Aug: The Iraqi Airforce bombs a Daa... more »
Launching the People's Climate March-"This Is About Public Health".
Barbara Ann Levy at WPB/NYC and Anything Else; A Curated Green Rights Collection - 17 hours ago
Adoga News: Ethnocentric Garbage from ACER
Michael Turton at The View from Taiwan - 17 hours ago
There's several of these "Adoga News" videos, links are on the sidebar for
this one. Professionally done, with the speaker, whose Chinese is obviously
excellent, pretending to speak in a choppy, lame accent. Basically the
equivalent of foreigner blackface. Sad. Won't be buying any Acer products
anytime soon.
[Taiwan] Don't miss the comments below! And check out my blog and its
sidebars for events, links to previous posts and picture posts, and scores
of links to other Taiwan blogs and forums!
Be Happy, Be Yourself - Author Unknown
Stranger in a Strange Land at Stranger in a Strange Land - 17 hours ago
With FTV on Green Island
Michael Turton at The View from Taiwan - 18 hours ago

Last week Lanyu, this week Green Island to do some shooting with FTV.
Snorkeling, conservation, and other activities with Michella and Charles!
Click READ MORE as always.
Since I was taking the ferry, only 50 mins from Taitung to Green Island, I
headed over to Taitung city a day early just to walk around and take
photos. Here some egg wholesalers distribute the goods.
Since I hate aircraft,especially small planes, it was reassuring to see the
size of the ferry Uranus....
...porpoises greeted us at the harbor mouth, diving in and out of the
Green Island in a single imag... more »
AWACS upgrade achieves initial operational capability
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 19 hours ago
[image: E-3G Sentry]The commander of Air Combat Command, Gen. Mike Hostage,
declared initial operational capability for the 552nd Air Control Wing's
E-3G Sentry, an Airborne Warning and Control System Block 40/45 aircraft,
July 28, here.
"This modification represents the most significant upgrade in the 35-plus
year history of the E-3 AWACS and greatly enhances our crew members'
ability to execute the command and control mission while providing a
building block for future upgrades," said Col. Jay R. Bickley, the 552nd
ACW commander.
Bickley said meeting this milestone is a testament... more »
Northrop Grumman Selected to Modernize Black Hawk Cockpit for US Army
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 19 hours ago

[image: Northrop Grumman's digital cockpit solution]Northrop Grumman
Corporation has been selected by Redstone Defense Systems to supply and
integrate mission avionics equipment for a digital cockpit upgrade of the
U.S. Army's UH-60L Black Hawk helicopters.
Northrop Grumman will provide a scalable, fully integrated mission
equipment package for the UH‑60L cockpit and will replace the older analog
gauges with digital electronic instrument displays. The new designation for
this upgraded aircraft will be UH-60V. The system virtually replicates the
newer UH‑60M pilot-vehicle interface, ... more »
Chinese businessman indicted in Boeing C-17 hacking case
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago

[image: C-17 Globemaster III]A 49-year-old Chinese national involved in a
computer hacking scheme to steal trade secrets about the Long
Beach-assembled Boeing C-17 military cargo plane and other aircraft has
been indicted by a federal grand jury, the U.S. Attorney’s Office announced
Businessman Su Bin — who also went by Stephen Su, Stephen Subin and Steven
Subin — is being held in British Columbia, Canada, on a provisional arrest
warrant submitted by the United States. He is expected to be extradited to
Los Angeles. He could face up to 30 years in prison for the cyber crime ... more »
Boeing Wins $300 Million Contract for P-8 Parts
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago

[image: P-8A Poseidon]Boeing Co. has landed a nearly $300 million contract
with the U.S. Navy for parts needed to build another dozen P-8 maritime
surveillance aircraft.
The deal was announced by the Pentagon on Thursday and includes funding for
so-called long-lead items to build and deliver 12 of the planes, including
eight for the Navy and four for the government of Australia, according to
the announcement.
The award comes as the Chicago-based aerospace giant is cutting costs from
its defense segment in anticipation of a downturn in U.S. military
spending. Defense accounted for $... more »
PM commissions INS Kolkata - India's largest indigenous warship
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago
Prime Minister Narendra Modi Saturday commissioned India's largest
indigenously built warship "INS Kolkata" into the Indian Navy, describing
it as "a symbol of our self-reliance in the field of defence".
"INS Kolkata, entirely built in India, is a symbol of our self-reliance in
the field of defence. It is a worthy example of the country's technical
abilities and will send a strong message around the world," Modi said at
the commissioning ceremony held at the naval base here.
"Not only are we dedicating the warship, but we are also introducing to the
whole world India's technical pr... more »
NAVSEA: North Dakota Attack Boat Investigation Complete
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago
[image: USS North Dakota (SSN 784)]Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) has
concluded an investigation into questionable third party components of its
latest Virginia-class attack boat — North Dakota (SSN-784) — clearing the
way for the submarine to commission in late October, NAVSEA told USNI News
on Thursday.
“To date, all necessary inboard and outboard components have been inspected
and all required repairs have been completed,” read a statement provided to
USNI News.
NAVSEA inspected 58 components — mostly in the bow and stern sections — of
the $2.6 billion attack boat and conduc... more »
Third Kilo submarine to arrive in Vietnam in November
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago

[image: Kilo (Hanoi) class SSK]The third diesel-electricity fueled
submarine built by the Admiralty Shipyard in Saint Petersburg for the
Vietnam Navy will be delivered to the military port of Cam Ranh in
November, according to the Russian news agency Interfax-AVN.
According to Interfax-AVN, Vietnamese sailors are practicing with the
submarine at sea, which is the second training phase at sea. The first
phase training took place from July 1 to 20 in the waters of Hogland Island.
“In the first phase, the submarine was in the water for 57 hours,"
Interfax-AVN said.
Read more
Neolithic 'Stonehenge' Monument and Burial Barrows Discovered in Kent
Mike Philbin at Mike Philbin's free planet blog - 21 hours ago
*The Swale and Thames Archaeological Survey Company (SWAT Archaeology) has
discovered a Neolithic henge and archaeological remains from several
periods on housing development grounds in Sittingbourne, Kent.SWAT
Archaeology's excavation also makes use of new technology, as the
archaeologists brought in local Kentish aerial photography drone service
Skyspider Aerial Imaging to record the site in high-definition video, the
results of which you can see in the video below:* [source IBTIMES]
SWAT Archaeology Iwade project from Skyspider A.I on Vimeo.
Damian Lataan at Telling the History of the Twenty-First Century as it Really Is - 22 hours ago
Neoconservative propagandist Max Boot, writing in the UK magazine
*Spectator*, says:
*With moreAmerican (and, one hopes, allied) eyes on the ground, it will be
possible to call in more air strikes with greater effectiveness, as
occurred in Afghanistan during the autumn of 2001. Western commandos such
as Seal Team Six, Delta Force and the British and Australian SAS should
also expand operations to carry out the kind of intelligence-driven
leadership targeting that was an important part of the 2007-2008 surge.*
(Bold is my emphasis.)
Well, we know there are already American ‘advisor... more »
White House Halts Vital Missile Transfer To Israel Over Gaza Concerns
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 23 hours ago

Benjamin Netanyahu, left, looks on as President Barack Obama speaks at the
White House in March. Bloomberg News
*Report: US Halted Transfer Of Hellfire Missiles To Israel -- YNet News*
*Shipment of aerial anti-armor missiles stopped after White House, State
Department learned that IDF requested transfer directly from Pentagon
without asking for their approval, according to Wall Street Journal report.
WASHINGTON - The US administration has halted a shipment of Hellfire aerial
anti-armor missiles to Israel, the Wall Street Journal reported on
Wednesday, citing government sources. ... more »
10 George Orwell Quotes that Predicted Life in 2014 America
Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 23 hours ago

*Written by Justin King | The Anti-Media*
George Orwell ranks among the most profound social critics of the modern
era. Some of his quotations, more than a half a century old, show the depth
of understanding an enlightened mind can have about the future.
1) “*In our age there is no such thing as ‘keeping out of politics.’ All
issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies,
evasions, folly, hatred and schizophrenia*.”
Though many in the modern age have the will to ... more »
The UN's Tepid Response To ISIS Terrorism Needs An Explanation
Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 1 day ago

An excerpt from, *"UNSC takes aim at Jihadist supporters in Iraq and Syria"*
DW, August 15, 2014:
"The Security Council [...] expresses its readiness to consider
blacklisting individuals, groups, undertakings and entities providing
support" to Islamic State (IS), including those who finance, arm, plan or
recruit for the groups, the resolution, adopted Friday, read.
*The resolution imposes sanctions on six men for recruiting foreign
fighters in Iraq and Syria and calls for the "immediate disbanding and
disarming" of all al Qaeda-linked groups there.*
The six individuals, according... more »
Did Ukrainian Forces Attack And Destroy A Russian Miltiary Incursion Or Is This Just A Fabricated Story?
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago

Russian servicemen drive armored personnel carriers on the outskirts of the
city of Belgorod near the Russian-Ukrainian border on April 25, 2014.
*Did Ukraine Attack Its Own Tanks? White House "Can't Confirm Russian
Convoy Was Destroyed By Kiev" -- Zero Hedge*
While today's trading session was marked by news which at first blush
correlated with what may be the 2014 equivalent of the Archduke Ferdinand
shooting, in retrospect the newsflow made painfully little sense. Let's
1. Yesterday afternoon, two UK reporters working for the Guardian and
Telegraph... more »
Here at last is the TRUE story of Creation (courtesy of Roz Chast)
KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago

*HERE'S ONE VERSION OF THE CREATION --from the Fourth Day: The lighting of
the firmament*
*THE ANGEL URIEL*: In full splendor rises now
the sun, streaming:
a wondrous bridegroom,
a giant, proud and happy
to run his path.
With gentle motion and soft shimmer
the moon steals through the silent night.
*Waldemar Kmentt (t), Uriel; Bavarian Radio Chorus and Symphony Orchestra,
Eugen Jochum, cond. Philips, recorded July 1966*
*NOTE*: We originally heard this excerpt, along with a snippet from the
First Day ("And a new world, and a new world springs up, springs up at
God's word"), and the... more »
Twitter User Appears to Have Live-Tweeted the Shooting of Michael Brown
Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 1 day ago

A Twitter user who goes by the handle @TheePharoah and whose profile
says he lives in St. Louis, Missouri, may have live-tweeted the killing of
unarmed teenager Michael Brown.
Rolling Stone national-affairs reporter Tim Dickinson curated this series
of tweets from @TheePharoah, which all have time stamps that match up with
the timeline of Brown's death. The alleged witness also tweeted a photo of
Brown lying dead in the street while two police officers stand over him.
The man claims to live on the residential street where the shooting
occurred, and some of the photos show that... more »
The Zionist Fake Jihad of Syria-- Sheikh Imran Hosein
Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 1 day ago

*"Syrian rebel commander says he collaborated with Israel" (The Times of
Israel, August 13, 2014).*
In the video below, which is almost a year old, Sheikh Imran Hosein
criticizes those who took up arms against Assad with backing from the
tyrannical governments of Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Israel, Qatar, and the U.S.
He also praises Russia's recent reconversion to Christianity under Putin.
Every government does some evil to protect its interests, such as killing
critical journalists and committing false flags to manipulate and shape
public opinion, but the evil that Russia does on occas... more »
ISIS Tentacles Reach toward China
Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 1 day ago
*This is an interesting article. *
What do readers here think about these connections?
I see it as a definite possibility, when we recall the fact that Uighers
and Pakistanis were killing Syrians and making their *NATO best effort *to
destroy that nation. It already seems we have some connectivity.
I know nothing of Peter Lee. If anyone else has come across his work let me
"It's been reported on the always-reliable Twitter by a Pakistan
journalist, Ali Kamran Chishti, that Abdul Maulana Aziz has declared his
support for the "Caliphate of Abu Bakar Baghdadi", ie ISIS, or the I... more »
Oberon at GlobaLove Think Tank - 1 day ago

The Mahavatar is in constant communion with Christ; together they send out
vibrations of redemption, and have planned the spiritual technique of
salvation for this age.
The work of these two fully-illumined masters–one with the body, and one
without it–is to inspire the nations to forsake suicidal wars, race
hatreds, religious sectarianism, and the boomerang-evils of materialism.
Babaji is well aware of the trend of modern times, especially of the
influence and complexities of Western civilization, and realizes the
necessity of spreading the self-liberations of yoga equally in th... more »
Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 1 day ago
Ukraine's National Guard which is supported by the West is controlled by
Neo-Nazis with Nazi emblems.
Documented in the video, war crimes are being committed by both the
Ukrainian Army and the Ukrainian National Guard.
In the media's coverage of unfolding atrocities directed against civilians
in Eastern Ukraine, the words Nazi, Fascist or Neo-Nazi are a taboo. They
have been eliminated from the anthology of investigative reporting.
The mainstream media by denying the very existence of these crimes against
humanity committed by Neo-Nazi military and paramilitary formations is
com... more »
Culture Watch: When selfies are the BETTER behavioral option, we know we're in cuckoo-land
KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago

*Ils sont fous, ces Français*: *This business of lovey-dovey couples
attaching a lock to a bridge and then throwing the key in the river -- I'm
just hearing about it this very hour. So this is my first opportunity to
say that these people are stark, staring nuts and need to be
*by Ken*
The Frisky's Claire Hannum is turning into our chief scout into The World
of the Crazy. Recently, you may recall ("Culture Watch: Are selfie-maniacs
propelling a sharp rise in homelessness among black cats?"), she tipped us
off to this trend first documented in the U.K. of people... more »
Tonight Is Movie Night:Some Of The Best Clips Of Robin Williams
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*WNU Editor:* An exception to the rule for this week's "Movie Night". What
we will have instead are some Robin Williams clips. If you have one that
you enjoy and want to share it with us, just put the link in the comments
section, and I will be reposting it later tonight. Sighhh .... he will be
missed but his humor will live forever in our hearts.
Ukraine Updates ( August 12 , 2014 ) -- Ukraine Blocks Russian Humanitarian Convoy, Accuses Kremlin Of Sending "Disguised Military Gear" ...... Ukrainian Rada adopts package of sanctions against Russia ...... EU plans Russia sanctions talks with Latin America countries ....... Additional items of note !
Catharsis Ours - 1 day ago
Zero Hedge......
( Putin travels to Crimea - last time his plane was anywhere near Ukraine ,
some believe the Ukrainians try to shoot his plane down , hit MH 17 in
error ! So keep an eye out for mischief while he travels ! )
Putin to travel to Crimea for a two-day tour
August 13, 2:08 UTC+4
The Kremlin press service reported that on Wednesday the President would
confer with members of the Security Council of the Russian Federation
© ITAR-TASS/Alexei Nikolsky
MOSCOW, August 13. /ITAR-TASS/. Russia's President Vladimir Putin on
Wednesday ... more »
Emmy Awards 2014 - Rehearsal Leaked Clip for Best Psychopath
Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 1 day ago
*Joy Camp*
Visit TheJoyCamp.com
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
Musical Interlude: Davy Spillane, Maire Brennan, “A Place Among The Stones”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
Davy Spillane, Maire Brennan, “A Place Among The Stones”
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cofvKWy_zlQ
The Kursk Incident - The Second Occasion when Vladimir Putin Prevented World War III
Spike EP at News Spike - 1 day ago

Kursk - A Submarine in Troubled Waters from Spike EP on Vimeo.
*It was US and UK that sank Russia's Kursk submarine? Pravda 18.05.2012*
Strategic submarine "Kursk" that sank in 2000 was sunk by the Americans.
This theory discussed in Russia and abroad was once again raised by the
Polish Wprost, referring to the information allegedly received from the
Russian General Staff officer, "Lt. Col. Andrei."
According to the authors, the restraint of the Russians made it possible to
avoid a full-scale nuclear war.
The fact that "Kursk" perished at the torpedo explosion was adopted as t... more »
Musical Interlude: Dan Fogelberg, “Nether Lands”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
Dan Fogelberg, “Nether Lands”
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePrQFaB50w0
"Intelligent Life In The Universe?"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
“Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists
elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.”
Calvin & Hobbes
"A Look to the Heavens"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
“The 51st entry in Charles Messier's famous catalog is perhaps the original
spiral nebula - a large galaxy with a well defined spiral structure also
cataloged as NGC 5194. Over 60,000 light-years across, M51's spiral arms
and dust lanes clearly sweep in front of its companion galaxy (top), NGC
5195. Image data from the Hubble's Advanced Camera for Surveys has been
reprocessed to produce this alternative portrait of the well-known
interacting galaxy pair.
* Click image for larger size.*
The processing has further sharpened details and enhanced color and
contrast in otherwise faint ar... more »
"The Great Progress"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
“Time advances: facts accumulate; doubts arise. Faint glimpses of truth
begin to appear, and shine more and more unto the perfect day. The highest
intellects, like the tops of mountains, are the first to catch and to
reflect the dawn. They are bright, while the level below is still in
darkness. But soon the light, which at first illuminated only the loftiest
eminences, descends on the plain, and penetrates to the deepest valley.
First come hints, then fragments of systems, then defective systems, then
complete and harmonious systems. The sound opinion, held for a time by one
bold s... more »
The End Of The World On 16 March 2880?
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago

Making a movie about the threat of an asteroid impact dates back far longer
than most are aware of. (credit: despair.com)
*Huge Asteroid That 'Could End Human Life' Defying Gravity As It Moves
Towards Earth, Scientists Say -- The Independent*
'One in 19,800 chance' that asteroid 1950 DA could hit planet on 16 March
Scientists have moved closer to being able to stop a huge asteroid
colliding with the Earth and potentially wiping out human life.
Researchers at the University of Tennessee have discovered that blowing the
space rock up could make the collision worse by causing se... more »
"Our Job..."
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
"We can spend our lives letting the world tell us who we are. Sane or
Saints or sex addicts. Heroes or victims. Letting history tell us how good
bad we are. Letting our past decide our future. Or we can decide for
And maybe it's our job to invent something better."
- Chuck Palahniuk
“The Most Astounding Fact About the Universe”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
* “The Most Astounding Fact About the Universe”*
by Max Schlickenmeyer
“In a 2008 interview by TIME magazine, astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson
was asked what he thought the “most astounding fact” about the Universe
was. Never at a loss for words, the famed scientist gave his equally
astounding answer. His response is in the video below, set to images and
music by Max Schlickenmeyer. It’s the best three minutes and thirty-three
seconds you’ll spend all day.”
- http://beforeitsnews.com/
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