6:27pm MDST
The Kursk Incident - The Second Occasion when Vladimir Putin Prevented World War III

Kursk - A Submarine in Troubled Waters from Spike EP on Vimeo.
*It was US and UK that sank Russia's Kursk submarine? Pravda 18.05.2012*
Strategic submarine "Kursk" that sank in 2000 was sunk by the Americans.
This theory discussed in Russia and abroad was once again raised by the
Polish Wprost, referring to the information allegedly received from the
Russian General Staff officer, "Lt. Col. Andrei."
According to the authors, the restraint of the Russians made it possible to
avoid a full-scale nuclear war.
The fact that "Kursk" perished at the torpedo explosion was adopted as t... more »
Musical Interlude: Dan Fogelberg, “Nether Lands”
Dan Fogelberg, “Nether Lands”
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePrQFaB50w0
"Intelligent Life In The Universe?"
“Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists
elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.”
Calvin & Hobbes
"A Look to the Heavens"
“The 51st entry in Charles Messier's famous catalog is perhaps the original
spiral nebula - a large galaxy with a well defined spiral structure also
cataloged as NGC 5194. Over 60,000 light-years across, M51's spiral arms
and dust lanes clearly sweep in front of its companion galaxy (top), NGC
5195. Image data from the Hubble's Advanced Camera for Surveys has been
reprocessed to produce this alternative portrait of the well-known
interacting galaxy pair.
* Click image for larger size.*
The processing has further sharpened details and enhanced color and
contrast in otherwise faint ar... more »
"The Great Progress"
“Time advances: facts accumulate; doubts arise. Faint glimpses of truth
begin to appear, and shine more and more unto the perfect day. The highest
intellects, like the tops of mountains, are the first to catch and to
reflect the dawn. They are bright, while the level below is still in
darkness. But soon the light, which at first illuminated only the loftiest
eminences, descends on the plain, and penetrates to the deepest valley.
First come hints, then fragments of systems, then defective systems, then
complete and harmonious systems. The sound opinion, held for a time by one
bold s... more »
The End Of The World On 16 March 2880?

Making a movie about the threat of an asteroid impact dates back far longer
than most are aware of. (credit: despair.com)
*Huge Asteroid That 'Could End Human Life' Defying Gravity As It Moves
Towards Earth, Scientists Say -- The Independent*
'One in 19,800 chance' that asteroid 1950 DA could hit planet on 16 March
Scientists have moved closer to being able to stop a huge asteroid
colliding with the Earth and potentially wiping out human life.
Researchers at the University of Tennessee have discovered that blowing the
space rock up could make the collision worse by causing se... more »
"Our Job..."
"We can spend our lives letting the world tell us who we are. Sane or
Saints or sex addicts. Heroes or victims. Letting history tell us how good
bad we are. Letting our past decide our future. Or we can decide for
And maybe it's our job to invent something better."
- Chuck Palahniuk
“The Most Astounding Fact About the Universe”
* “The Most Astounding Fact About the Universe”*
by Max Schlickenmeyer
“In a 2008 interview by TIME magazine, astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson
was asked what he thought the “most astounding fact” about the Universe
was. Never at a loss for words, the famed scientist gave his equally
astounding answer. His response is in the video below, set to images and
music by Max Schlickenmeyer. It’s the best three minutes and thirty-three
seconds you’ll spend all day.”
- http://beforeitsnews.com/
The Poet: David Whyte, "The Opening of Eyes"
*"The Opening of Eyes"*
"That day I saw beneath dark clouds
The passing light over the water,
And I heard the voice of the world speak out.
I knew then as I have before,
Life is no passing memory of what has been,
Nor the remaining pages of a great book
Waiting to be read.
It is the opening of eyes long closed.
It is the vision of far off things,
Seen for the silence they hold.
It is the heart after years of secret conversing
Speaking out loud in the clear air.
It is Moses in the desert fallen to his knees
Before the lit bush.
It is the man throwing away his shoes
As if to enter heaven ... more »
"In the Middle..."
*"In the Middle..."*
"In the middle
of a life that's as complicated as everyone else's,
struggling for balance, juggling time.
The mantle clock that was my grandfather's
has stopped at 9:20; we haven't had time
to get it repaired. The brass pendulum is still,
the chimes don't ring. One day you look out the window,
green summer, the next, and the leaves have already fallen,
and a grey sky lowers the horizon. Our children almost grown,
our parents gone, it happened so fast. Each day, we must learn
again how to love, between morning's quick coffee
and evening's slow return. Steam from a pot ... more »
Who Serves In The U.S. Military (22 Charts)

*(Click on Image to Enlarge)*
*These 22 Charts Reveal Who Serves In America's Military -- Business
Even as the Pentagon plans significant troop reductions, the U.S. Armed
Forces remain by far the most powerful and most expensive military in the
But who makes up America's over 1.3 million active personnel and its over
800,000 reserves, and how is the composition of the military changing?
To answer these questions, we turned primarily to data from a 2012
Department of Defense report.
*Read more* ....
*My Comment:* There are a number of cool graphs/charts here. Chec... more »
The Incident at Pristina Airport - The First Occasion when Vladimir Putin Prevented World War III

The Incident at Pristina Airport - The First Occasion when Vladamir Putin
Prevented World War III from Spike EP on Vimeo.
*"I'm not going to start Third World War for you," Jackson told Clark
Behind the scenes battle over Pristina airport between British and US
genereals comes to light Monday 2 August 1999 15.11 BST*
* Nato supreme commander General Wesley Clark* is not being allowed to fade
away quietly. Days after the Clinton administration relieved him of his
command two months early, Newsweek is reporting that the victor of Kosovo
was blocked from sending paratroopers to Pr... more »
From Boston to Ferguson: Have We Reached a Tipping Point in the Police State?

John W. Whitehead
“I thought I was losing my capacity to be shocked -- but events in Missouri
over just the last couple of hours have crossed a frightening line, one
that makes me pray that this assault on fundamental American values is just
the aberration of one rudderless Heartland community, and not the first
symptoms of nation gone mad with high-tech weaponry to keep its own
citizens in line.”—Journalist Will Bunch
The difference between what happened in Boston in the wake of the Boston
Marathon explosion and what is happening now in Ferguson, Missouri, is not
in the govern... more »
ISIS Is An Instrument of US Foreign Policy Just As Al-Qaeda Was
*The idiot who took this picture has no idea that the White House created
his beloved terrorist group. As Einstein said, "Two things are infinite:
the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.” And
as Kissinger said, "Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used
as pawns in foreign policy." Of course, there is no longer any need for
American military men to advance US foreign policy in the Middle East. That
job has been exported out to the dumb, stupid animals in ISIS.*
The evil snakes in Washington have achieved several objectives by employing
ISI... more »
Where in the world is al Baghdadi? Kurdish media official says he fled to Syria!
Amongst the many other outrageous claims he makes...
Erbil, Asharq Al-Awsat—Leader of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
and self-proclaimed caliph Abu-Bakr Al-Baghdadi fled the northern city of
Mosul to return to Syrian territory after the US authorized airstrikes on
ISIS positions in Iraq, a Kurdish official said.
In comments to Asharq Al-Awsat, Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) spokesman
Saeed Mamo Zinni said: “Caliph of the Islamic State Abu-Bakr Al-Baghdadi
left Mosul for Syria a few days ago.”
“According to our intelligence sources, Abu-Bakr Al-Baghdadi traveled to
Sy... more »
Are We Witnessing The Collapse Of Democracy?

Riot police stand guard as demonstrators protest the shooting death of
teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri August 13, 2014. (Reuters /
Mario Anzuoni)
*Attitude Is Everything -- Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics*
Part of the war cycle is just the general feeling or attitude that shifts
due to economics. We seem to be headed for such a fateful turn. The police
domestically have turned militaristic. This is a very serious issue far
beyond what most people would even guess. It tends to show the changing
attitudes within society. Couple this with Obama who seems to think h... more »
Daily Living: “A Sign of Imbalance”
*“A Sign of Imbalance”*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
“Sometimes when we don't feel good enough, we create imbalance by
overachieving or needing to be the best at something. Overachievers are
people who have achieved but still feel the need to do more, creating an
imbalance in their lives. People who exhibit this behavior may be trying to
compensate for feelings of insecurity and doubts about their worth. They
may be chasing unresolved issues from their past into the present, or they
might not be looking at their lives as a whole, but judging themselves
based only on one aspect of... more »
This Secret to Massive Yields Could Rock the Farming World

*According to a new study, it lies in an unpatented technique...*
Heather Callaghan
What will ultimately feed the world? Is it really genetic engineering? Is
it biodiversity?
What can maintain and stoke that diversity - I mean, make it really
flourish with bountiful food using less land?
Of course, using this discovery might mean severing ties with monolithic
Big Ag and chemical corps whose actions could block this dream from
becoming reality. Monoculture fans need not apply.
Typical pollination from species like honeybees might be enough to generate
a crop, but can we do better... more »
The World is Waking Up to the Dangers of the Militarized Police State

*Written by Nick Bernabe | The Anti-Media*
What we are seeing now is a reversal from just a year or so ago when the
corporate media glorified the very same tactics being used against the
residents of Watertown following the Boston marathon bombing.
I’m sure you remember the pitiful act; video shown by the corporate
outlets even depicted residents cheering paramilitary police in armored
vehicles in a sort of Orwellian orgy of praise to the state.
While the media glorified the militarized police reaction in Watertown and
Boston, many residents told a much m... more »
Iowa Racist Steve King: "We're All God's Chillun"

Iowa, a swing state, has swung light blue in recent years. Bill Clinton won
both times. Al Gore beat Bush in 2000. Obama won both times as well, 54-44%
against McCain and 52-46% against Romney. The Democats control the state
Senate and the GOP holds the state House. Party registration shows 689,794
Democrats (32.0%), 672,308 Republicans (31.2%) and 792,363 (36.8%)
independents and others.
The only really conservative congressional district in the state, is IA-04,
home to one of Congress' most outspoken racists, Steve King. Of course,
King's is the whitest district in the state an... more »
With The Resignation Of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki Will Iraq Get Worse?

Iraq's Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki speaks during an interview with
Reuters in Baghdad in this January 12, 2014 file photo. Credit:
Reuters/Thaier Al-Sudani/Files
*Maliki's Gone. Will Iraq Get Worse? -- Stephen Carer, Bloomberg*
The resignation of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has led critics of
President Barack Obama’s foreign policy to insist that there is no longer
any reason to withhold military assistance from Baghdad in its struggle
against the jihadist group Islamic State. This blast from an editorial in
this morning’s Wall Street Journal is typical: “With Mr. Malik... more »
Homemade Kickstarter Campaign

I promise at the first available opportunity (probably tomorrow in
which I'll likely weigh in on the recent unpleasantness in Ferguson) to
give you the largely ignored bloggy badness on any and sundry subjects both
political and social. But for now, I'd like to propose an idea:
Some of you may recall a Kickstarter campaign I did back in the fall
of 2011 when I tried to crowd source some financing for a crime trilogy I
was writing at the time. It fell flatter than the top of Allen West's head
largely because Kickstarter immediately buried my campaign and at least at
the tim... more »
South Sudan Facing Conitnuous War And Famine
*South Sudan Heads Towards Famine Amid ‘Descent Into Lawlessness’ -- The
Urgent need for peace ignored as another deadline for a deal passes and
splinter groups of rebels threaten to spread conflict
Another deadline has passed. But instead of bringing peace, the leaders of
South Sudan’s warring parties have allowed the country to continue its
slide toward famine.
Sunday was the deadline for the delegations of President Salva Kiir and his
former deputy turned rebel leader Riek Machar to present a final proposal
for a unified transitional government that would end eight m... more »
Ebola Epidemic Deaths Vastly Underestimated
*Ebola Epidemic Most Likely Much Larger Than Reported, W.H.O. Says -- New
York Times*
GENEVA — West Africa’s deadly Ebola epidemic is probably much worse than
the world realizes, with health centers on the front lines warning that the
actual numbers of deaths and illnesses are significantly higher than the
official estimates, the World Health Organization said.
So far, 2,127 cases of the disease and 1,145 deaths have been reported in
four nations — Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone — the W.H.O
announced Friday. But the organization has also warned that the actual
number ... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Kracow, Malopolskie, Poland. Thanks for stopping by.
"Here And Now..."
"There is only one story. You already know the plot. Live it now. Eternity
isn’t a long time. Eternity has nothing to do with time. Eternity is that
dimension of here and now which thinking and time cuts out. This is it. And
if you don’t get it here, you won’t get it anywhere. The experience of
eternity right here and now is the function of life."
- Joseph Campbell
History: "The Cathars: 'Kill Them All, God Will Know His Own.'"
*"The Cathars:*
*'Kill Them All, God Will Know His Own.'"*
by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
“'Kill them all, God will know His own.' A chronicler reported that Arnold
Amaury, the monk who led the Albigensian Crusade, uttered this catchphrase
outside the city of Beziers on July 22, 1209. His crusaders had asked him
how to tell the Catholic believers from the Cathar Heretics. Arnold's
instructions were followed, and the entire population of Beziers - some
20,000 men, women and children - were indiscriminately murdered.
No one really knows if Arnold really said what was reported, but what is
k... more »
Palestinian Interior Ministry In Gaza Accused Israel Of Violating Truce. Israel Denies

A Palestinian worker walks inside al-Awdah food factory, which witnesses
said was shelled and torched by the Israeli army during the offensive, in
Deirl al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip August 14, 2014. Credit:
Reuters/Ibraheem Abu Mustafa
*Palestinians Accuse Israel Of Violating Gaza Truce -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - The Palestinian Interior Ministry in Gaza accused Israel on
Friday of a cross-border shooting in violation of a truce that has largely
held since getting off to a shaky start on Thursday.
An Israeli military spokeswoman said: "We have no knowledge of such an
incident."... more »
ISIS Flag Photo In Front Of The White House
#AmessagefromISIStoUS We are in your state We are in your cities We are in
your streets You are our goals anywhere pic.twitter.com/1EYMgCWJse
— قهر الطواغيت (@Sunna_rev) August 9, 2014
*Secret Service 'Aware' Of Apparent ISIS Flag Photo In Front Of The White
House -- ABC News*
The Secret Service said it is "aware" of a photo that appeared to show an
image of an ISIS flag in front of the White House.
If authentic, the photo showed a hand holding up an image of a flag for
ISIS (also known as ISIL or Islamic State), displayed on a smartphone, on
Pennsylvania Avenue in front of the W... more »
Chet Raymo, “To Sleep, Perchance to Dream”
*“To Sleep, Perchance to Dream”*
by Chet Raymo
*“What is more gentle than a wind in summer?What is more soothing than a
pretty hummerThat stays one moment in an open flower,And buzzes cheerily
from bower to bower?What is more tranquil than a musk-rose blowingIn a
green island, far from all men's knowing?More healthful than the leafiness
of dales?More secret than a nest of nightingales?What indeed?”*
The poet Keats answers his own questions: Sleep. Soft closer of our eyes.
I've reached an age when I find myself occasionally nodding off in the
middle of the day, an open book ... more »
"A Light In The Darkness..."
"As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human
existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being."
- Carl Jung
Ukraine Civil War News Updates -- August 15, 2014
*Did Russia And Ukraine Just Start A War? What We Know And Don't Know --
On Friday, as a Russian "aid convoy" of 280 trucks neared the Ukrainian
border, NATO said that a separate "incursion" of Russian military forces
had crossed into Ukraine. The Russian forces are reportedly in eastern
Ukrainian territory held by Russia-backed separatist rebels, according to
NATO and Ukrainian government officials. Some reports suggest that there
may be open fighting between Ukrainian military forces and the Russian
incursion, but it's far from clear whether that's true or what precisely is... more »
Why Would Any Normal Person Give A Damn If Dull Conservatives Gwen Graham Or Steve Southerland Wins?

If you live Inside the Beltway instead of in America, there's a decent
chance your involvement with politics centers on Team Red vs Team Blue
horse races. And I'm sure that Abby Livingston from *Roll Call* really and
truly meant it today when she tweeted this:
Excluding friends and family and horse race aficionados, there is virtually
no reason to be interested in the FL-02 race. It pits a run-of-the-mill,
extremely unexceptional conservative Republican against a run-of-the-mill,
extremely unexceptional conservative Democrat. The Republican is worse than
the Democrat. He would... more »
MI6 officers and station...
Donate $25 for two DVDs of the Cryptome collection of files from June 1996
to the present 22 February 2006. A. reports that Mark Williams, 95 Tehran,
is the same as Kenneth Mark Williams, 76 Kuala Lumpur, 79 Bridgetown, 88
Harare, 94 Delhi; dob 1944. Both names appeared on the 13 May 1999 list of
MI6 officers and below. Thus the number of unique names is reduced to 275.
A2 writes 23 January 2006: SIS Name is not Paul Cronton, but Paul Crompton,
Third Secretary (Political Affairs) 23 January 2006. Russian video of
British spy devices: http://www.4law.co.il/ukspy1.wmv [Now dead] 23 Jan... more »
BBC idiocy
BBC Radio 4 Front Row had a short piece on the new series of Doctor Who.
Can I point out to the lazy idiots who wrote and/or presented that piece
that The Doctor (not Doctor Who) doesn't have 'assistants' he has
Hamas Spokesman: We Deported Foreign Journalists for Filming Missile Launches
'Hamas spokeswoman Isra Al-Mudallal, head of foreign relations in the Hamas
Information Ministry, on Thursday told Lebanon's satellite broadcaster
Mayadeen TV that journalists who filmed missile launch sites were given a
chance to change their stories, or deported from Gaza.'
You can read more here
But not on the institutionally anti Israel BBC where the truth is less
important than vilifying Israel and protecting Islamist terrorists.
Was President Obama's Remark That 'The Siege Of Mount Sinjar Was Over' Premature?

'Crisis far from over': Some of refugees are still stranded on Mount Sinjar
(above) despite assertions by the UK and U.S. that they were only a few
thousand remain
*'The Siege Of Mount Sinjar Is NOT Over': Iraqi MP And UN Chiefs Attack
Obama's Claims That Islamic State Stand-Off Was 'Broken' - And Say 70,000
Refugees Are Still Trapped -- Daily Mail*
* Yazidi MP Vian Dakhil claims U.S. troops had only cleared north of
* Estimates that tens of thousands of refugees are still stranded to the
* She dismissed claims by U.S. and UK, adding: 'The situation is very
terrible... more »
Iraq Civil War News Updates -- August 15, 2014
*Iraq Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki Steps Down -- Wall Street Journal*
Iraq’s Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki relinquished power on Thursday,
ending eight years of tumultuous rule and opening a new political chapter
that U.S. officials hope will move Iraq toward a more united front against
marauding jihadists.
The surprise move defuses a potential crisis after Mr. Maliki had disputed
in court the naming of another politician to the premiership and ominously
deployed extra security forces across Baghdad.
Mr. Maliki’s departure fulfills an Obama administration goal of a peaceful
an... more »
Bill Whittle" The Struggle for Stupidity...
*I think the left is winning.*
A few months ago, I told the story of a young man I worked with who was in
his first year of college. He recounted how hard his math class was, but
that he was doing much better than his peers with the "tables" and that he
was able to complete the "tables" in under five minutes, which was required.
I was puzzled, and asked him if he meant the "times tables", as in
multiplication. He did indeed mean just that. I then asked if this was a
remedial math class and he said it was.
Remedial or not, what in hell is an 18 year old doing in his first year o... more »
Human Birth PAINS
Add caption
I did not ask God
to be born
in your little town
it was a great place to grow up
as a kid
but no matter what
love you offered
I was not going to
be a victim
to that town
So I moved away
to another town
but at the end of day
when the sun
set the same red lines
described the dawn
We were just a little bit smaller
and the rewards not so rich
but you destroyed my
view of humanity
with your rule of prickle
that life was just
a son of a bitch
and those with '
full pockets would
always abide
in the small universe
that you existed
and to the detriment
of the population
lived ve... more »
Supplemental: The New York Times brings us the head of Miami!
*FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 2014*
*A primer on how liberals lose:* Until yesterday, we didn’t realize that
Pamela Druckerman’s piece on Miami appeared in last weekend’s Sunday
Review, right there in the hard-copy Times.
We had read the piece via email. In part because the piece was so odd, we
assumed it appeared on-line.
To us, it’s amazing that the New York Times would publish such a piece in
the august Sunday Review. On the other hand, it almost defines a key way we
liberals choose to lose.
Poor Druckerman! Today, she lives in Paris, France, a fact we’ve learned in
previous columns. But... more »
Video: Michael Brown Robbing Ferguson Convenience Store

*Gateway Pundit*
*Ferguson police released a report today detailing a robbery before the
fatal shooting last week of 18 year-old Michael Brown. *Chief of police
Jackson held a press conference early Friday morning.
*Here is a copy of the report on the Ferguson convenience story robbery.*
Michael Brown was 6′ 4″ and 292 pounds.
The convenience store video reveals Michael Brown entering the store
followed by Johnson. Brown hands a box of Swisher Sweets to Johnson. Brown
took several boxes of cigars and turned to leave the store. “Brown grabbed
the clerk and *“forcefully pushed... more »
“Stress Relief Tactics Navy SEALs Swear By”
*“Stress Relief Tactics Navy SEALs Swear By”*
By Kathryn Wallace
“We asked former SEALs how they learned to keep their cool - and how we can
better navigate our personal minefields.
*Prep For Battle:* Instead of wasting energy by catastrophizing about
stressful situations, SEALs spend hours in mental dress rehearsals before
springing into action, says Lu Lastra, director of mentorship for Naval
Special Warfare and a former SEAL command master chief. He calls it mental
loading and says you can practice it, too. When your boss calls you into
her office, take a few minutes first to ru... more »
Russian Tanks in Ukraine? Consider the Source

Tony Cartalucci
Denying civilians admittedly needed aid constitutes, in the West’s own
terms, a crime against humanity. While in Syria attempts by the West to
openly arm and equip known terrorist organizations within Syrian territory
included a mandate from the UN that allowed supplies to flow without the
approval of the Syrian government. Those “aided,” are now clearly the
Islamic State in Syria and Iraq (ISIS) running rampant on both sides of the
Syrian-Iraqi border.
In Ukraine, precisely the opposite is happening. The regime in Kiev is
openly raising armies of Nazi militants ... more »
Been Caught Stealing
How many levels of genius is this. Thinking aboot it I got to say many.

Yesterday the Lewiston (Maine) Sun Journal newspaper ran a front page story
about the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) public hearings in Rangeley. I was
quoted but there were two important mistakes in the article that also
quoted my organizing companion Jason Rawn. So this morning I sent this
response to the paper and will hope it gets printed.
Lewiston Sun Journal
Dear Editor,
I read with great interest your article “Mixed emotions over interceptor
base in Franklin County” (8-14-14). This issue about Maine possibly
hosting a “missile defense” (MD) interceptor base should be give... more »
Militarized Police: “To Terrify and Occupy”
*“To Terrify and Occupy”*
by Matthew Harwood
“Jason Westcott was afraid. One night last fall, he discovered via Facebook
that a friend of a friend was planning with some co-conspirators to break
in to his home. They were intent on stealing Wescott's handgun and a couple
of TV sets. According to the Facebook message, the suspect was planning on
"burning" Westcott, who promptly called the Tampa Bay police and reported
the plot. According to the Tampa Bay Times, the investigating officers
responding to Westcott's call had a simple message for him: "If anyone
breaks into this house, g... more »
*Saintsational Saintsations Release 2014 Calendar!*
*The Advocate buys four weekly Louisiana newspapers *
*Coastal Rundown: Dr. John Lopez, Mr. Charlie And New Orleans To Venice
~Laine Kaplan-Levinson, WWNO*
Sandy Hook, Hippie Communes, and US Homeland Security

Prof. Jason Kissner
What follows either signifies next to nothing or something rather
unsettling. On June 3, 2014 someone writing by the name of “Duke Reichert”
contributed an article to the MemoryHole blog entitled “Gut Feeling:
Something is Wrong with Newtown.”
[image, right: Former San Francisco State University professor and
spiritual guru Stephen Gaskin preaches to followers at his "Sandy Hook
Church of Christ" circa 1972 in Summertown, Tennessee. "It's easier to be
God than to see God," Gaskin proclaimed. Image Credit: remazcla.com]
In that piece, Reichert indicates, amon... more »
9/11 Dust Cloud Caused Widespread Pregnancy Issues
Pregnant women living near the World Trade Center during 9/11 experienced
higher-than-normal negative birth outcomes, according to a new working
paper by Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School of Public and
International Affairs.
These mothers were more likely to give birth prematurely and deliver babies
with low birth weights. Their babies - especially baby boys - were also
more likely to be admitted to neonatal intensive care units after birth.
The study, led by the Wilson School's Janet Currie and Hannes Schwandt, was
released by the National Bureau of Labor Economics in... more »
Fukushima Radiation Fallout Causing Serious Biological Effects on Plants and Animals
Following the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear power plant meltdown, biological
samples were obtained only after extensive delays, limiting the information
that could be gained about the impacts of that historic disaster.
Determined not to repeat the shortcomings of the Chernobyl studies,
scientists began gathering biological information only a few months after
the disastrous meltdown of the Fukushima Daiichi power plant in Japan in
2011. *Results of these studies are now beginning to reveal serious
biological effects of the Fukushima radiation on non-human organisms
ranging from plants to... more »
Janes Adiction

I have been somewhat remiss in my predictions. So with out any debate. You
got to hear Janes Addiction. Plowing through all the anarchy. Jane Said you
must listen to Perry ferell. This is to me like a cowboy riding a horse or
a ski person ripping up some course. Its not optional to kick tomorrow
thats for sure,.
NAFTA Is 20 Years Old – Here Are 20 Facts That Show How It Is Destroying The Economy

Michael Snyder
Back in the early 1990s, the North American Free Trade Agreement was one of
the hottest political issues in the country. When he was running for
president in 1992, Bill Clinton promised that NAFTA would result in an
increase in the number of high quality jobs for Americans and that it would
reduce illegal immigration.
Ross Perot warned that just the opposite would happen. He warned that if
NAFTA was implemented there would be a "giant sucking sound" as thousands
of businesses and millions of jobs left this country. Most Americans chose
to believe Bill Clinton. We... more »
A Helpful Wave of National Indignation : MH17 - The Full & Independent Investigation
A Helpful Wave of National Indignation : MH17 - The Full & Independent
Investigation from Spike EP on Vimeo.
A "Remember the Maine" incident could be arranged in several forms:
We could blow up a drone (unmanned) vessel anywhere in the Eastern Ukraine.
We could arrange to cause such incident in the vicinity of Donesk as a
spectacular result of Russian attack from the air or land, or both.
The presence of pro-Russian separatists merely investigating the wreckage
could be fairly compelling evidence that the plane was taken under attack.
The nearness to Donesk would add credibilit... more »

Click on photo to enlarge
*The police before a rally Wednesday in Ferguson, Mo., where an unarmed
teenager, Michael Brown, was shot by an officer last week.*
Photo Credit Whitney Curtis for The New York Times
*Spurred on by 9/11 and the War on Terror, America has become a feared
military force of terror but the prime target has always been the American
public which is becoming increasingly aware of their Government sponsored
militarized police who see and relate to them as Middle East terrorists
until proven innocent such as in Ferguson, Missouri**. **The military-style
occupatio... more »
When time runs out what to remeber
I see my parents and they did their best
but I had DNA
that would not let
me suffer with their toil
I knew as most do
they were wage slaves
who bent and bred
people who would
take such toil.
I do not blame anyone
but I ran as fast as I can
from that partridge.
Life sucks but
in cottage country
they will not refrain
from running out of town
anyone who
says we should be equal player
in this green game.
The greenest warrior will
still make your blood spill
if you disturb the hornets nest
of wealth,
Like Silver beach
which they took away
and the government
of today and yesterday
said ok.
Stirring The Pot: DOJ Sends ‘Marshals’ To ‘Coach’ The Protesters In Ferguson

Anthony Freda Art
Michael Snyder
Is the Obama administration looking to stir up more trouble in Ferguson?
“Protest marshals” from the same Department of Justice division that
organized protests against George Zimmerman in the aftermath of the
shooting of Trayvon Martin have been deployed to the troubled city. It is
being reported that these DOJ agents will be “conducting training” for
Ferguson protesters that will focus on “best practices for participating in
Local officials in Missouri hope that this will help defuse the situation,
but if history is any guide it may... more »
PLAYING WITH DOLLS: A warning about that Rand Paul doll!
*FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 2014*
*Part 4—With praise for Ferguson’s kids:* Yesterday morning, Joan Walsh
took out her Rand Paul doll, as she has sometimes does.
Presumably, piddle like this is good for business. It makes us the clueless
feel good:
WALSH (8/14/14): [Sherilyn Ifill] made the important point that the
militarization of the Ferguson police is something entirely new and
enormously disturbing...
[G]ood journalists have been reporting on this for a while. I apologize for
not writing about this sooner. This is a bipartisan disaster that ought to
be inspiring a renewal of biparti... more »
Canadian Robot Producer First To Denounce Killer Robots

Take Action *HERE* Nicholas West
One could debate the overall merits or failings of robotic systems, but one
area that clearly has become a point for concern on all sides is the idea
of "killer robots." According to robotics pioneer, David Hanson, we are on
a collision course with exponential growth in computing and technology that
might only give us a "few years" to counter this scenario.
Elon Musk is the latest to proclaim the magnitude of the threat following a
reading of Nick Bostrom's book *Superintelligence*, stating that robots
infused with advanced artificial intelligen... more »
Cry for Argentina: Fiscal Mismanagement, Odious Debt or Pillage?
Ellen Brown
Argentina has now taken the US to The Hague for blocking the country’s 2005
settlement with the bulk of its creditors. The issue underscores the need
for an international mechanism for nations to go bankrupt. Better yet would
be a sustainable global monetary scheme that avoids the need for sovereign
Argentina was the richest country in Latin America before decades of
neoliberal and IMF-imposed economic policies drowned it in debt. A severe
crisis in 2001 plunged it into the largest sovereign debt default in
history. In 2005, it renegotiated its debt with... more »
New NSA Autonomous Weapons System Intercepts Threats and Retaliates Automatically

Mac Slavo
The name of it is telling.
They could just as easily have called it Skynet, the computer network of
*Terminator *franchise fame that eventually led to the destruction of the
modern world.
Though not as advanced just yet, MonsterMind is a new autonomous cyber
weapons system developed by the National Security Agency and according to
Edward Snowden is capable of not only intercepting every single digital
communication within the United States, but it can automatically detect and
launch retaliatory strikes without any human involvement if a threat has
been ... more »
You can not build your own TV but the computer is an afterthought

If you have half a brain and are not rich
your building your own computer
upon which you will play some games
and engage in chat
with your fellow builders
who did not save a cent
on the buy
but bought
a lamroghini
for the cost of
a pinto
that could
go to flames
before those
texts where deleteted
or moved upstairs
where the big boys
spend the budget
looking after simple
people who become inflamed.
Cyberbully you tell me
what a flushie
would do to your
Bully and Bully be
highschool is al about
recognizing that doubt
and the great thing about bullies
is they have no reach
i... more »
The Economy: "This Country Is Completely ***cked Up..."
*"This Country Is Completely ***cked Up..." *
by Bill Bonner
Ouzilly, France - “It's Assumption Day. Today is a holiday here in France.
You wouldn't know it. No one is working, but that is just like every other
day in August. "This country is completely ***cked up," says our handyman.
"Nobody works. Everybody expects something for nothing."
Damien deserves description. His parents gave him to an orphanage. At 16,
he began smoking and went to work; he's been smoking and working – as a
truck driver, day laborer, gardener, and handyman – ever since. He always
has a cigarette in his m... more »
DIY Mosquito Trap Catches Thousands Per Night

Heather Callaghan
DEET is a heavy-duty toxin to be spraying on clothes and especially highly
absorbable skin. Not all natural skin repellent combos work to keep
mosquito bites at bay. Mesh curtains, candles, bug lights - all of the
above - offer minimal protection against mosquito bites.
While some people don't like the idea of decimating a bunch of bugs - even
pests - mosquitoes aren't just "pests" anymore, leaving behind a swollen
thank-you bump for your generous blood donation. Not only are they out of
control with changing weather patterns, they are legions of little carriers ... more »
Music Evoltion
Open your eyes to techno. I am not a fan of computer or beat based music
but here we have a case.
The Long Missing Malaysian Flight MH370 IS The MH17 Flight Shot Down Over Ukraine: This Is Morbid - Mystery Withdrawals Made From Bank Accounts Of MH370 Passengers!
I have received a lot of hate comments the last while concerning my stance
and the obvious logical conclusion that this MH17 flight that was
definitely blown out of the sky by the Ukrainian military over eastern
Ukraine was in fact the long "missing" MH370 flight. It does appear that
the slurs and insults mean that I am right "over the target" when it comes
to this MH17 = MH370 fiasco and obvious false flag attempt in Ukraine.
That MH370 aircraft that was first attempted to use in an aborted false
flag operation back in late March against the Iranian Nuclear Summit in The
Hague, ... more »
EU courage moved from Czechia to Slovakia, Hungary
Some years ago, when Václav Klaus was the Czech president, my country would
be the ultimate headquarters of those who are not afraid to say what is
crucial and importantly wrong about the contemporary European Union.
Well, at least the headquarters for the central and Eastern portion of the
EU, but sometimes beyond this subset. I couldn't have hid my pride about
those matters.
Thankfully, Klaus was succeeded by Miloš Zeman who has at least some balls
(and when it comes to the Ukrainian matters, he at least opposes the
sanctions). His opponent in the elections, Karel Schwarzenberg, ... more »
Jack White

This is a modern day rock star. He can back up his celeiberty with talent.
And he can rock an roll, and rock and roll and sing and play an instrument
like he was just breathing something fast
because in his chest
his heart was beating at last.
Henry Giroux Explains It All

Henry Giroux shares clips of his recent appearances on a Canadian TV show
to talk about his new book, "The Violence of Organized Forgetting."
You can watch both segments here.
In the first part, the interviewer expresses disbelief that American police
departments are using tanks to make arrests. Hopefully, she's since
recovered from her original skepticism after (hopefully) watching events in
Ferguson, Missouri unfold.
For as Henry Giroux warns in the second part, regarding Canada's
comparatively strong safety net, "There's a cold wind blowing from the
He could have been t... more »
U.S. Maj. Gen. Harold Greene Is Buried With Full Honors At Arlington
*Goodbye Dad: Heartbroken Family Of Highest Ranking Soldier Killed By
'Insider' In Afghanistan Ambush Kiss His Casket As He Is Buried With Full
Honors At Arlington -- Daily Mail*
* A service featuring full military honors was held for Maj. Gen. Harold J.
Greene at Arlington National Cemetery on Thursday
* Major Greene was shot by an Afghan military policeman in an ambush on two
weeks ago
* He was the highest-ranking Army officer to die in Afghanistan
* His killer was hiding in a bathroom waiting for Greene and 20 other
military personnel
The highest-ranking U.S. military officer ki... more »
World News Briefs -- August 15, 2014
*Ukraine Tangles With Russia Over APCs as Convoy Stalls -- Bloomberg*
Ukraine and Russia clashed over accusations about an alleged border
incursion by Russian military vehicles as a humanitarian convoy awaits
permission to enter Ukraine.
The military in Kiev said Russia continues to aid militants with equipment
and confirmed that vehicles crossed over from its neighbor’s side under the
cover of darkness last night. The border violation, which Ukraine said it
doesn’t consider the start of a possible invasion, was confirmed by NATO.
Dmitry Peskov, a spokesman for Russian President V... more »
"The drums for war are being loudly beaten in Washington, European capitals, and the presstitute Western media." "The deadly consequences of such a war would extend beyond Russia, Europe, and the US to the entire world. The Western use of lies to demonize Russia endangers life on earth and reveals the West to be both reckless and irresponsible. Yet, few voices are raised against this recklessness and irresponsibility." -- Paul Craig Roberts

*Washington Has Placed The World On The Road To War — Paul Craig Roberts*
August 14, 2014 | Original Here
Go here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter
*Washington Has Placed The World On The Road To War*
*Does the world have a death wish?*
Paul Craig Roberts
The drums for war are being loudly beaten in Washington, European capitals,
and the presstitute Western media. A headline in the Asia Times is “NATO Is
Desperate For War.”
http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Cent... more »
Newsday Declares Down, Up, as Common Core Curdles

Last year's god-awful results on Common Core tests in New York set off a
statewide resistance movement among advantaged and the disadvantaged
parents to dump the Gates and Pearson CorpEd plan into the Long Island
This second year, when most new testing regimes usually see big gains,
state language arts scores actually went down, while math scores edged up. Newsday
headline? "Common Core Up Significantly in State in 2014."
Another clear case of----
IKEA Hack: $5 Side Table into Stacked End Table

Hello again, friends! It's Lorene again. Debra has graciously allowed me to
be here today to share my latest project with you -- an easy DIY to turn a
pair of IKEA Lack end tables into a set of stacked bedside tables.
We recently rearranged our master bedroom and needed new bedside tables. I
wanted something simple and inexpensive. When I saw this simple
stack-a-Lack tutorial, it was perfect -- especially since the Lack tables
are an IKEA Family special this month for only $5 a pop!
I only wanted my tables to be half the size (11" deep by 22"wide instead of
the full 22" square), s... more »
War with Russia

Does everyone forget they have thousand of nuclear weapons? Or is this the
Illuminati de -population master stroke? Does anyone doubt there are people
in power who would sanction a controlled by them outcome Nuclear War?
Nuclear war may be a better alternative if you are controlling the
dials than climate change. A few million survivors would inherit a paradise
if they had the technology to continue. Robotics makes most
people disposable. How to dispose of the useless masses?
The title is a message from a Russian Girl. Is it propaganda well if it is
its way more nuanced than throwi... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- August 15, 2014
*U.S. Military Shifts to Helping Kurds Fight Back -- Wall Street Journal*
WASHINGTON—The U.S. military is turning its focus toward helping Kurdish
forces launch a counteroffensive against Sunni militants now that the
refugee crisis in the northern Iraqi mountains has abated, American
officials said Thursday.
American military planners are building a coalition of countries that have
agreed to take part in the effort to fly in ammunition, mortars, and
rocket-propelled grenades the Kurdish fighters need to uproot extremist
forces that call themselves the Islamic State, the officials ... more »
Syrian Kurds, Not U.S. Military, Rescued Trapped Yazidis In Iraq

Brandon Turbeville
In a perfect example of how world events can be misconstrued in mainstream
media outlets for propaganda purposes, recent reports regarding trapped
Yazidis on Mt. Sinjar have been used as cover for the justification of an
American bombing campaign in Iraq.
This tragedy, which is very real, has been presented to the American public as
the reason that the U.S. military is engaging in “targeted airstrikes” in
Iraq, despite the fact that the area where the airstrikes initially took
place was Erbil, a “hub” for major international oil companies which is not
“in the ... more »
Volt holds its charge against BWM

A plug in car is capable of being everything in transport. An all battery
machine is a second car for most. Based upon this review the Volt is the
better choice.
Saving The Appearances Goes On Without Pause
Roy Spencer has a recent post suggesting a way that "deep ocean warming can
bypass the surface" (for those trying to explain the "pause" in global mean
surface temperature, without admitting their basic theory has been proven
wrong by that "pause"). My response:
*The comparison of temperatures in the atmospheres of Venus and Earth, at
points of equal pressure over the range of Earth tropospheric pressures,
shows that the Venus/Earth temperature ratio is precisely explained by the
different solar distances of the two planets and nothing else. This proves
there is no increase of tempe... more »
U.S. Knew About 9/11 Warning, Staged Egypt Revolution: Ex Interior Minister

Ex Interior Minister Habib Al-Adly
Brandon Turbeville
Over the weekend, the former Egyptian Interior Minister under Hosni
Mubarak, Habib El-Adly, gave a speech at his own retrial in Cairo, Egypt.
Among a number of generic statements, El-Adly made at least two bombshell
claims during his testimony that have received little to no coverage in the
Western press.
One of these claims was that the United States was behind the 2011 Egyptian
revolution which overthrew Hosni Mubarak. The other, however, was that the
Egyptian intelligence agencies and Interior Ministry received information ... more »
The U.S. Air Force's 30-Year Strategy On Future Technology Revealed

*Here Is The Futuristic Technology The Air Force Is Targeting Over The Next
30 Years -- Allan Smith, Business Insider*
The Air Force recently released its outline for a 30-year strategy,
charting the future of a branch of the military that has been recently
transformed by technological innovations like the development of advanced
unmanned aerial vehicles. In the new plan, the Air Force highlighted
technologies it would be targeting in the coming decades.
The advances will focus on adding even more "speed, range, flexibility, and
precision" to the Force's operations.
"The aircraf... more »
Iraq Updates ( August 12 , 2014 ) Prime Minister Maliki still refuses to abandon his quest for a third term ...... US airstrikes continue even though the Pentagon says they can't defeat ISIS ........ US and Iran plot to depose Maliki , both countries deny plotting to depose Maliki........ US gives Kurd ammo but no heavy weapons .....
Catharsis Ours - 11 hours ago
Monday, August 11, 2014 11:38 AM
US to Supply Kurds with Russian Arms via CIA
The story in Iraq gets more bizarre by the day. Kurdish territory in Iraq
are the only pro-American territory left. Yet the US worries it will
splinter off into Kuridistan. Apparently it's better to have a raging civil
war as long as the country stays together in one theoretical piece.
This is where the story gets really bizarre. To avoid the appearance of the
US giving arms to the Kurds, instead the US will give ... more »
Ebola Watch -August 15 , 2014 --- Ebola Outbreak "Moving Faster" Than Reported Cases Suggest, WHO Warns May Be Far Worse ...... Items of note from the frontlines in Africa ....
Ebola Outbreak "Moving Faster" Than Reported Cases Suggest, WHO Warns May
Be Far Worse
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/15/2014 08:49 -0400
- Ireland
- Japan
- recovery
The outbreak of Ebola virus disease in West Africa continues to escalate,
with 1975 cases and 1069 deaths reported from Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, and
Sierra Leone, according to the WHO, but warns that "there is *evidence that
the number of rep... more »
Not Just One Bad Apple

So Michael Sona is guilty of election fraud, even though the crown
prosecutor and the judge both agree that he did not act alone. The
Harperites will continue to insist that Sona was just one bad apple. But
that meme has become the punchline of a national joke. Michael Den Tandt
There was the “in and out” affair in 2007, related to spending-limit
violations in the 2006 election, which the Conservatives minimized for
years but to which the party ultimately pleaded guilty.
In-and-out a... more »
Is an Airborne Biological Weapons Release Imminent?

Janet Phelan
A surprise drill in New York City has the authorities scrambling to address
an anthrax attack. MERS is reported to have mutated and is now airborne.
Ebola is now being discussed as a major airborne threat to the US population
These stories hit the news during the past week. All three issues highlight
enhanced structured and established concerns about the possibility for an
airborne pandemic—launched either through a natural occurring disease agent
or a biological weapons attack.
But are these concerns realistic?
Since the anthrax attacks of September 2001, the US has... more »
CIA records: wanted to kill using chemical, biological substances

Credit: Omar Boubess Jon Rappoport
By analyzing CIA documents from earlier days, we can understand the
programs of the Agency and its government cousins.
Given the fact that the CIA’s umbrella research program, MKULTRA, went
completely dark in 1962, and given the technological advances that have
been made in the intervening years, we can draw inferences about
present-day covert ops.
Document: May 20, 1975; sent by CIA Inspector General, Donald F.
Chamberlain, to the Director of Central Intelligence, William Colby.
Subject: CIA activities at Fort Detrick, Maryland [in the 195... more »
Who Voted Against Militarizing The Local Police-- And Who Was Just Fine With It?

I saw a lot of coverage of Ferguson, Missouri in the last few days. But I
didn't see any photos of Georgia Republican congressional candidate Jody
Hice. Hice never showed up-- or maybe he was hiding under something. Gun
Owners of America only spent independent money on one candidate so far this
cycle: Jody Hice and that may be because of Hice's most famous quote: "It
is my belief that any, any, any, any weapon that our government and law
enforcement possesses ought to be allowed for individuals to possess in
this country, provided they can afford it." He goes on the explain why
p... more »
‘Drone-vertising’: Great, Now UAVs Are Going to be Flying around Selling Us Stuff

Melissa Melton
Am I the only one who feels like I’ve been born in the wrong time period?
Or maybe we just permanently live in *1984* year after year after year…
Apparently the next trendy new thing will be drones flying around
everywhere trying to sell you stuff.
That’s right. Tagline? “Advertising has never been so high.”Meet
“drone-vertising” (via Yahoo! News):
Sometimes it seems like every technological innovation ultimately just
turns into a new way to show us ads. But drones?
Yes, drones, too: Ads of the World and PSFK have brought to our attention
the concept of “drone-ver... more »
A Look At The Massive U.S. Military Depots Built And Hidden In The Caves Of Norway

This 1997 aerial photograph shows the entrance to a cave facility the U.S.
military uses in the Trondheim region of central Norway. (Defense
Department photo courtesy of the National Archives)
*The Pentagon Is Adding To Its Arsenal Of Weapons In Norway’s Caves --
Washington Post*
In the heart of Norway’s countryside, the U.S. military is bolstering its
arsenal of weapons with tanks, gun trucks and other armored vehicles along
with hundreds of containers of equipment.
The Marine Corps is overseeing the effort, which expands the existing
Marine Corps Prepositioning Program. It stash... more »
5 Big Brother Technologies for Tracking and Surveilling Children
Terrence Newton
Without much of a mentionable public debate about the implementation of
police state surveillance and tracking technologies in our society, we are
quickly moving into an era where personal liberty and privacy do not exist.
For those of us who grew up without being monitored and tracked everywhere
we went, watching the high-tech infrastructure of a super-funded police
state emerge is both alarming and intolerable. For today’s children,
however, ubiquitous surveillance and zero-expectation of privacy is the
standard in a culture dependent on smartphones, Wi-Fi, const... more »
"We tortured some folks"
"But we were really scared."
The depths of American liberalism.
"We tortured some folks."
"We tortured some folks."
"We tortured some folks."
"WE tortured some folks.."
"We TORTURED some folks."
"We tortured SOME FOLKS."
What a disgusting culture. And it's our culture. Our governments are just
as stained. Our "conservatives" are just as debased as those who condemned
Obama for admitting what was impossible to deny.
Is Ukraine Using Phosphorus Weapons In It's Campaign Against Pro-Separatist Rebels?
*‘White Rain’: Donetsk Residents Record Alleged Phosphorus Shelling (VIDEO)
-- RT*
Citizens of Donetsk have recorded multiple videos of white glowing
particles raining on residential quarters. The locals allege that Ukraine's
military has shelled their city with internationally prohibited phosphorus
On Thursday night, people in the Lenin district of the city of Donetsk saw
a flow of white fire pouring down from the dark sky alongside the
now-familiar sound of bombing, RIA Novosti reported.
They suspect these have been incendiary shells stuffed with white
phosphorou... more »
Russia's Military Buildup At The Ukraine Border Intensifying
*Russian Aid Convoy Checked; Military Vehicles Mass Near Ukraine -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Dozens of heavy Russian military vehicles massed on Friday near
the border with Ukraine, while Ukrainian border guards crossed the frontier
to inspect a huge Russian aid convoy.
Kiev has said the humanitarian aid might be used as cover for a Russian
military intervention, and has insisted that its forces check the convoy
before it moves across the border.
Moscow has denied any ulterior motives, but has allowed Ukrainian border
guards to enter Russia and look at the caravan of trucks in an area... more »
Ferguson Updates August 15 , 2014 -- ( Some different angles of observation ) Tear Gas Use at US Protests Excessive Use of Force – Russian Lawmaker..... Irony Watch items regarding Ferguson !
Tear Gas Use at US Protests Excessive Use of Force – Russian Lawmaker
[image: A protester kicks a smoke grenade that had been deployed by police
back in the direction of police in Ferguson]
A protester kicks a smoke grenade that had been deployed by police back in
the direction of police in Ferguson
© AP/ Jeff Roberson
13:10 15/08/2014
Tags: violence, mass protests, police, State Duma Foreign Affairs Committee
, Alexei Pushkov, Missouri,United States
Related News
- Arrest of... more »
"Jail 'Em" Says Pennsylvania Senator About Employers Who Misclassify
I've written here recently about the one-sided Criminalization of
Employment Law. It seems that employees are getting tossed in jail while
scofflaw employers sail off in their yachts laughing at the 99%. Well, at
least one state Senator is doing something to balance things out.
Senator Mike Stack has proposed a bill in Pennsylvania to toss employers
who misclassify employees in jail. Employers who declare employees to be
independent contractors are illegally avoiding paying worker's compensation
premiums, overtime and employment taxes, and at least Senator Stack is
doing something a... more »
14 Reasons Why The U.S. Economy’s Bubble Of False Prosperity May Be About To Burst

Michael Snyder
Did you know that a major event just happened in the financial markets that
we have not seen since the financial crisis of 2008? If you rely on the
mainstream media for your news, you probably didn't even hear about it.
Just prior to the last stock market crash, a massive amount of money was
pulled out of junk bonds. Now it is happening again.
In fact, as you will read about below, the market for high yield bonds just
experienced "a 6-sigma event". But this is not the only indication that
the U.S. economy could be on the verge of very hard times.
Retail sales are... more »
NY State Candidate for Governor Arrested For Filming Police

image source Brandon Turbeville
Despite the Supreme Court having ruled that videotaping police is legal and
protected by the 1st Amendment, citizens all across the country continue to
be arrested, charged, and abused by police for doing so.
Generally speaking, those videotaping and subsequently subjected to police
harassment or brutality are activists or otherwise concerned and “average”
citizens. However, the police state grows bolder and bolder every day in
its attempt to crush dissent and instill the concept that challenging the
power of the state will not be allowed, regar... more »
Sanctions watch August 15 , 2014 --- Europe fractures over Russian sanctions ( See Finland , Slovakia , Poland , Lithuania , Hungary ) , while other nations rush to void the food trade void left by EU blockage by Russia ( Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Mexico, Sri Lanka, Turkey, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Mauritius, Mozambique and China. ) ...... Hungary's Orban offers common sense regarding the EU shooting itself in the foot with EU sanctions against Russia .....
Sanctions price breaking European solidarity against Russia ?
Thursday, August 14, 2014 10:23 PM
Finland President Heads to Russia to Meet Putin; Phone Rings in Switzerland
Over Cheese
In a welcome development (except for warmongers and sanction lovers)
Kremlin news reports President of Finland to Visit Russia on a Working Visit
The Heads of State will discuss the state and prospects of bilateral
cooperation between Russia and Finland. Have in mind to pay attention and
international is... more »
Regional War watch ( August 15 , 2014 ) Syria and Lebanon in focus .... items of note for the day !
Anti War .......
Syrian Troops Retake Damascus Suburb of MieihaIslamist Rebels Expelled From
Key Suburb After Shelling
by Jason Ditz, August 14, 2014
Print This | Share This
After months of on-again, off-again mortar strikes, the Syrian military
finally retook the key Damascus suburb of Mieiha, with the rebels
reportedly withdrawing to nearby villages.
The capture of the suburb gives them the heart of the Ghouta District,
which is the key supply line for what rebels remain in the area around
Damascus and southward into Golan.
Though the rebels had only a handful of possessions left ar... more »
Ukraine Permitted To Inspect Russian 'Aid' Convoy
*Ukrainian Border Guards Inspecting Convoy Of Trucks In Russia -- CNN*
Kiev, Ukraine (CNN) -- Ukrainian border guards are in Russia and have
started to examine the contents of a huge convoy of trucks that Moscow says
is carrying relief goods for civilians in war-torn eastern Ukraine,
authorities said Friday.
The purpose of the procession of trucks, which abruptly changed course
earlier this week, has been the subject of dispute between Russia and
The Ukrainian government has expressed fears that the mission is a
camouflaged effort to smuggle supplies to pro-Russian rebel... more »
Look Upon Each Other.......by M.N. Hopkins

*Look upon each other with kindness, with compassion, with sympathy, and
with the concern that springs from the heart spring. *
*That Spring that flows endlessly and quenches Mankind's thirst.*
M.N. Hopkins
Iraq Updates ( August 15 , 2014 ) -- US ditches so called humanitarian rescue of Yazidis in a heartbeat ( without rescuing one Yazidi ) and now are focusing on the new War and new missions , like reinvading Fallujah ! ISIS seems to have quickly adapted to US intervention and tactics ( as if they had been schooled in same ) .....
Anti War......
Iraq Escalation: US Troops Headed Back to FallujahAnbar Governor Confirms
Deal for US Presence 'Very Soon'
by Jason Ditz, August 14, 2014
Print This | Share This
Having ditched the Yazidi rescue pretext for the new US war in Iraq, after
discovering there weren’t really many Yazidis to rescue in the first place,
the US has reportedly set its sights on the Anbar Province, site of some of
the bloodiest US battles during the previous occupation.
In an interview with Reuters, Anbar Governor Ahmed Khalaf al-Dulaimi
confirmed meetings with US diplomats and senior military offi... more »
Rand Paul: Demilitarize the Police

In writing a piece published by Time magazine, Senator Rand Paul once
again despite the nearly insurmountable odds that he faces shows why he
represents the best opportunity for change in America. A large part of the
change that is needed to save the republic from fascism is a rollback of
the militarized police state and the surveillance colossus that underlies
it. The menace of the government showering surplus battlefield equipment
from the endless wars on local law enforcement is the most important story
of the last decade yet has been largely ignored. That is until this week’s ... more »
Further restrictions lifted for F-35 test fleet

[image: F-35 AF-2 Lightning II]The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter test fleet
will be able to fly six hours between engine inspections for weapon test
and refueling missions, as restrictions on the fifth-generation fighter
continue to ease.
Previously, the entire F-35 fleet was limited to three hours of flight time
before an engine inspection was required as an investigation continues into
a fire that heavily damaged an F-35A model on June 23.
The test fleet is made up of 20 F-35 fighters. The remaining 79 F-35s are
still operating under the full restrictions.
Read more
Judges limited to issues properly before them
Iskander v. BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc., 2014 ONCA 582:
[2] On his own motion, the application judge determined that there
was no basis in law for BMO to withhold tax. He erred in so holding. That
issue was not before him and this was not the appropriate forum to make
that determination:*Tax Court of Canada Act*, R.S.C. 1985, c. T-2. S. 12.
Did Israel once support Hamas?
Occasionally on Twitter I get a smart arse who triumphantly tells me that
Israel used to support Hamas.
Occasionally they say Israel created Hamas but I tend to ignore people who
are that stupid.
In answer to the first group:
Israel used to support the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) back when it was focused
on bringing religious piety into the public sphere but before it added the
mission violent opposition to Israel. Later, a separate Islamic
organization, Palestinian Islamic JIHAD (PIJ) , started up and was focused
on violent opposition to Israel. So as not to lose support to PIJ, the... more »
A Note on the TERF Wars
It is a truth universally acknowledged that the fire of radical politics
burns fiercest when fuelled by the polemic of other radicals. Nowhere is
this truer than the ruinous, ceaseless battle between transwomen and
activists who've come to be known (pejoratively) as trans-exclusionary
radical feminists. I'm not going to get too much into that fight. There's
little point my mansplaining matters to readers, especially as there's
plenty of stuff out there already.
I agree with Caroline Criado-Perez, 'cis' is not a neutral term merely
meaning "not-trans". Bound up in trans discourse w... more »
Greg Hunter, “Weekly News Wrap-Up 8.15.14”
*“Weekly News Wrap-Up 8.15.14”*
By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com
“We start, once again, with the crisis in Ukraine. Russia sent a
humanitarian convoy to the pro-Russian separatist. It was stalled well
short of the border for a while and it looks like it will cross at some
point. The Ukraine government said it would stop the convoy that is aimed
at resupplying the rebels with food and water. Meanwhile, a second Russian
military convoy also crossed into Ukraine to help aid the pro-Russian
rebels, according to the Guardian in the UK. The reporter noted that the
convoy was only 23 vehic... more »
Some Happy Music From Nahko and Medicine For The People - Budding Trees

*Published on August 7, 2013*
Nahko and Medicine for the People - Budding Trees
From the album "Dark As Night" available now!
Purchase: iTunes - http://bit.ly/DANiTunes
A film by Grototote and Mari Kari.
A big thank you to everyone who contributed!
*Get a free download of Budding Trees at:*
Russian Tanks in Ukraine? Consider the Source

*Image: British propagandists took this picture inside Russia. No
evidencewhatsoever suggests the armor crossed the border with Ukraine,
leavingonly the Guardian's "word" to depend on. The Guardian's word,
however,is of little worth.*
*August 15, 2014* (Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - Denying civilians admittedly
needed aid constitutes, in the West's own terms, a crime against humanity.
While in Syria attempts by the West to openly arm and equip known terrorist
organizations within Syrian territory included a mandate from the UN that
allowed supplies to flow without the approval of the ... more »
Global Hawk Reaches New Milestone, Expands Operational Area

[image: RQ-4 Global Hawk]The U.S. Air Force's RQ-4 Global Hawk, a wide area
surveillance unmanned aircraft system, has just completed its 100th
operational mission in Southwest Asia and recently moved into the Pacific
Built by Northrop Grumman Corp. Global Hawk is operated largely out of the
69th Reconnaissance Group at Grand Forks Air Force Base, North Dakota.
The 69th Reconnaissance Group falls under the 9th Reconnaissance Wing,
central station for the entire Global Hawk fleet based at Beale Air Force
Base, California.
Read more
RCAF to acquire systems to protect CP-140 Auroras from missiles

[image: CP-140 Aurora]The Canadian government is spending more than $200
million to ensure that the RCAF’s CP-140 Aurora surveillance aircraft are
protected against enemy missile attacks.
Canada will purchase from the U.S. government what is called a Large
Aircraft Infrared Countermeasures (LAIRCM) system.
The Royal Canadian Air Force has requested six of the systems for the
Aurora aircraft; the deal includes sensors to warn of an approaching
missile and devices to counter that, as well as spare parts and training.
Read more
India plans to buy 3 radar reconnaissance aircrafts A-50 in Russia

[image: A-50 Mainstay]India plans to buy three airborne early warning and
control (AEW&C) aircrafts A-50 in Russia, a source in Russian governmental
military and industrial commission told ITAR-TASS on Friday.
In 2003 India has already ordered three such warplanes and the contract was
fulfilled in 2010.
“India is mulling possible delivery of another three AEW&C aircrafts, talks
are on now,” the commission’s source said. He did not specify a timeline
planned for a deal to strike.
Read more
Third AWACS to be delivered in September

[image: Boeing 737 Peace Eagle]The airborne early warning and control
aircraft (AWACS) project initiated in order to ensure complete and
uninterrupted surveillance of Turkey's surroundings and to manage air
traffic when necessary is drawing to an end.
According to Turkish Daily Dünya, the third aircraft will be delivered to
Turkey in September.
The project named as "Eagle of Peace," which consisted of the purchase of
four aircraft had been delayed for seven years and the first aircraft was
delivered in February and the other one in May.
Read more
Indonesians Boost CN235 Sales after Pact with Airbus D&S

[image: CN235 Persuader]PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) has stepped up its
marketing of maritime versions of the CN235 and is completing assembly of
its first C295.
The moves result from the strategic collaboration agreement that PTDI
signed with Airbus Defense & Space in 2011.
That deal also transferred production of the smaller C212 transport to
PTDI’s facility in Bandung.
Read more
AHRLAC gets airborne

[image: AHRLAC]South Africa’s Paramount Group announced on 13 August that
its AHRLAC [advanced high-performance reconnaissance light aircraft] has
entered flight testing; just shy of three years after launching the
indigenous project.
“Unique-looking” is probably the nicest way to describe the prototype’s
look, although we certainly do like the chosen camouflage scheme (squint a
bit and it’s almost a mini OV-10 Bronco with Slovakia’s funky MiG-29
markings; or is that just me?).
Paramount describes the twin-seater as being “the first military fixed-wing
aircraft to be fully designed... more »
Understanding Piketty, part 1
Thomas Piketty's (CV) *Capital in the Twenty-First Century* is the most
important book on economics published in this century. The book has made a
huge splash, and drawn the ire of conservatives, for its straightforward
argument that recent increases in inequality in numerous countries are
likely to rise to unprecedented heights unless governments can reach
democratically based solutions to this problem.
As I mentioned previously, the book's success is built on a mountain of
data that a multinational team of researchers has been compiling for 10
years, the World Top Incomes Database... more »
Britain's High-Tech New Plan to Rule the Waves

[image: Type-26 Global Combat Ship]After too many years of hearing senior
U.S. Navy officers gripe about budget cuts and political interference, it’s
refreshing to hear a flag officer sounding optimistic.
Britain’s First Sea Lord—the Royal Navy’s senior officer—is Sir George
Zambellas, educated as an aeronautical engineer, a helicopter pilot by
specialty and a confessed “antisubmarine warfare guy.”
He was in Washington late last month, in part, on a mission to boost the
Royal Navy’s capabilities, which former defense secretary Bob Gates had
casually trashed in a British radio inter... more »
The USS Enterprise Is Being Shut Down

[image: USS Enterprise]It's the beginning of the end for the USS
Enterprise. After 50 years of service, the world's first nuclear-powered
aircraft carrier is going dark at the same shipyard where it was first
Around 600 sailors and 1,200 employees at the Newport News shipyard in
Virginia have been tasked with completing the "inactivation." As the Daily
Press newspaper reports:
The Navy has never permanently shut down a nuclear-powered aircraft
carrier. A big part of the job — removing spent fuel from the ship's
nuclear reactors — is nothing new. Newport News has accomplished... more »
Panel: Taiwan Facing Increasing Chinese Pressure

[image: KJ-2000 AEW&C]Since the 1996 Taiwan Straits crisis, when China
tried to intimidate the island by testing missiles in waters near Taiwan
and the United States responded by sending two carrier battle groups to the
region, Beijing has built up its naval forces of conventionally powered
submarines, corvettes, and frigates to influence events in “the first
island chain” off its coast—and looks to extend its reach by 2050 to the
Mariana Islands with nuclear-powered submarines and aircraft carriers.
China “doesn’t need nuclear-powered submarines to operate around Taiwan,”
said Bern... more »
China Declares Australia a Military Threat Over U.S. Pact

[image: HMAS Canberra]China’s state-run media have declared Australia a
threat to its national security, after Australia finalized a 25-year
military pact with the United States.
The United States currently has 1,200 troops from the Marine Corps and Air
Force training with Australian troops for humanitarian and disaster relief.
The defense agreement will increase the number of U.S. troops at Darwin in
northern Australia to 2,500.
The Chinese regime is none too pleased about the agreement, however.
Read more
Hire your CERN and click at your discoveries
If you want to assure yourself that you're capable of doing all the work
that is done by people at CERN – from the Director General to the PhD
advisers, detector technicians, statisticians etc., you may simply open
this CERN game:
CERN particle clicker
You must click at buttons to discover the CP violation and do many other
Heuer and the folks at ATLAS, CMS, and other collaborations aren't doing
too different things.
If you're going to click vigorously enough, you will be receiving packages
with beer, coffee, graduate students, postdocs, research fellows,
reputatio... more »
The Poet: John Clare, “I Am!”
*“I Am!”*
by John Clare
“I am- yet what I am none cares or knows;
My friends forsake me like a memory lost:
I am the self-consumer of my woes-
They rise and vanish in oblivious host,
Like shadows in love’s frenzied stifled throes
And yet I am, and live- like vapours tossed
Into the nothingness of scorn and noise,
Into the living sea of waking dreams,
Where there is neither sense of life or joys,
But the vast shipwreck of my life’s esteems;
Even the dearest that I loved the best
Are strange- nay, rather, stranger than the rest.
I long for scenes where man hath never trod
A place where wo... more »
Freedom of information?
According to the BBC, London free newspaper The Metro is reporting that:
'Chelsea midfielder Eden Hazard, 23, has reportedly asked Google to erase
references of his performance for Belgium against Argentina at this
summer's World Cup under the European Union's recent 'right to be
forgotten' ruling.'
Two thoughts strike me: first that I don't think this is what the ruling
was meant for and second David Luiz could be very very interested if Eden
Hazard gets his way.
Are U.S. Aircraft Carriers Too Big To Fail?

The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75) transits up
the Elizabeth River as it passes the downtown Norfolk waterfront after
completing a successful and on-time six-month Planned Incremental
Availability at the Norfolk Naval Shipyard in Portsmouth, VA. (U.S. Navy
photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Tyler Folnsbee/Released)
*The U.S. Military's Ultimate Fear: Are Aircraft Carriers Too Big To Fail?
-- Henry Holst, National Interest *
Various defense pundits, scholars, and journalists have spent a
considerable amount of digital ink debating the variou... more »
President Obama Fails To Credit The PKK For The Rescue of Yezidis On Mount Sinjar in Iraq
*President Barack Obama: "We Broke the ISIL Siege of Mt. Sinjar." Obama you
didn't break shit. Stop lying about Iraq. *
*An excerpt from, "Syrian Kurds, Not U.S. Military, Rescued Trapped Yazidis
In Iraq" by Brandon Turbeville, Activist Post, August 14, 2014: *
"Of course, the mainstream Western press is attempting to paint the
improved conditions on Mt. Sinjar as a success of the American military,
U.S. Marines, and other related personnel. However, the fact is that the
U.S. military personnel only ever engaged in air relief drops and
The real heroes for the Mt... more »
Obama-- OK With The Evil Lobbyists Now?
I was head over heals about Barack Obama in 2003 when he was an Illinois
state Senator and I helped put on one of his first Los Angeles fundraisers
when he ran for the U.S. Senate. He was in 4th place in the Democratic
primary when I wrote my first check to his campaign. When I heard him speak
in person, I wrote a bigger check. And then he was elected to the Senate.
By the time he ran for president, I knew he wasn't what I thought he was. I
had watched him carefully in the Senate and I didn't vote for him in the
2008 primary. I did vote for him against McCain-- my last vote ever f... more »
Ukraine Passes Law That Sanctions Key Russian Industries And Individuals. Russian Gas Interruptions To Europe Are Now Feared
*Ukraine Approves Law On Sanctions Against Russia -- Reuters*
Aug 14 (Reuters) - The Ukrainian parliament approved a law on Thursday to
impose sanctions on Russian companies and individuals supporting and
financing separatist rebels in eastern Ukraine.
The government has already prepared a list of 172 citizens of Russia and
other countries, and of 65 Russian companies, including gas export giant
Gazprom, on whom they could impose sanctions "for financing terrorism".
After Thursday's vote, Prime Minister Arseny Yatseniuk told parliament that
Ukraine had taken a historic step. "By a... more »
Iran's Supreme Ruler: Talks With The U.S. Are Futile

*Photo:* Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Wikipedia
*Iran's Ayatollah Khamenei Says Talks With The U.S. Are Futile -- Daily
*The Supreme Leader suggests the only thing worth talking to the Americans
about is ending sanctions, and even then he doesn’t hold out much hope.*
In a speech to diplomats from around the world, Iran’s Supreme Leader
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Wednesday that he firmly believes further
negotiations with the United States should not go ahead. Iran is willing to
cooperate with any country in the world, he said, “with two exceptions: the
Zio... more »
Musical Interlude: David Schombert, "A Space Journey"
David Schombert, "A Space Journey"
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Un5SEJ8MyPc&feature=related
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Large, dusty, spiral galaxy NGC 4945 is seen edge-on near the center of
this rich telescopic image. The field of view spans nearly 2 degrees, or
about 4 times the width of the Full Moon, toward the expansive southern
constellation Centaurus.
*Click image for larger size.*
About 13 million light-years distant, NGC 4945 is almost the size of our
own Milky Way Galaxy. But X-ray and infrared observations reveal even more
high energy emission and star formation in the core of NGC 4945. The other
prominent galaxy in the field, NGC 4976, is an elliptical galaxy. Left of
center, NGC 4976 ... more »
"Just when we think we figured things out, the universe throws us a
curveball. So, we have to improvise. We find happiness in unexpected
places. We find ourselves back to the things that matter the most. The
universe is funny that way. Sometimes it just has a way of making sure we
wind up exactly where we belong."
- "Dr. Meredith Grey", "Grey's Anatomy"
The Move To Punish Banks That Handle The Money Of Designated Terror Groups Is Gaining Support

Arab Bank in Jordan. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
*Terrorism Trial Of Mideast Bank Worries The Financial World -- New York
The judge called it the Beirut account.
It was a basic bank account at Arab Bank’s Al-Mazra branch in Beirut,
Lebanon, unremarkable except for the name on the account: Osama Hamdan, a
spokesman for the terrorist group Hamas.
For the six years Mr. Hamdan maintained the account, at least three wire
transfers sent to it were earmarked for Hamas, transactions that officials
at Arab Bank vetted and initialed, the plaintiffs say.
Now, the Beirut account is at th... more »
U.S. Intelligence Is Still In The Dark On The Size And Scope Of The Islamic State

*ISIS Still Baffles US Intelligence Agencies -- Eli Lake & Kimberly Dozier,
Daily Beast*
It’s been two months since ISIS took over Iraq’s second largest city. But
U.S. analysts are still trying to figure out how big the group is and the
real identities of its leaders.
The U.S. intelligence community is still trying to answer basic questions
about the jihadists who tried to wipe out Iraq’s remaining Yazidis and who
now threaten to overrun the capital of the country’s Kurdish provinces.
In a briefing for reporters Thursday, U.S. intelligence officials said the
government is... more »
Chet Raymo, "Final Exam: Philosophy 101"
*"Final Exam: Philosophy 101"*
by Chet Raymo
“Among the collected aphorisms of the poet Wallace Stevens is this: "The
thing seen becomes the thing unseen. The opposite is, or seems to be,
impossible." Discuss.
The first question to ask is whether this aphorism, or any of Mr. Stevens
aphorisms, means anything at all. Stevens is known for his tricky opacity,
his oblique glance, his wry twists. All of this sometimes makes him seem
profound, and fine fodder for the critic, but one has to ask: Does it
really add up to a hill of beans? And the answer, I think, is: Yes. It does
add up to... more »
"Are Humans Becoming More or Less Psychopathic?"
*"Are Humans Becoming More or Less Psychopathic?"*
by George Dvorsky
"Readers of this blog know that I've started to develop a bit of a
fascination with psychopathy. It all got started after attending the Moral
Brain conference at NYU last April. The more I look into this subject, the
more I understand why so many neuroscientists are making such a big fuss
about it.
The one statistic that has stuck with me is the observation that 1-2% of
the general population is psychopathic. As previously noted, psychopathic
traits don't always lead to crime or violence. In fact, studies have sh... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Siler City, N. Carolina, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
"Foaming At The Mouth..."
"I am a person who is unhappy with things as they stand.
We cannot accept the world as it is.
Each day we should wake up foaming at the mouth because of the injustice
of things."
– Hugo Claus
"The Status Quo: Life as We Know It"
*"The Status Quo: Life as We Know It"*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
"Our lives can sometimes become status quo and that is ok as long as we
aren't keeping it that way on purpose. When our lives are going well, and
sometimes even when they aren’t, we may find ourselves feeling very
attached to the status quo of our existence- life as we know it. It is a
very human tendency to resist change as though it were possible to simply
decide not to do it, or have it in our lives. But change will come and the
status quo will go, sooner or later, with our consent or without it. We may
find a... more »
The Poet: Mary Oliver, "Song of the Builders"
*"Song of the Builders"*
"On a summer morning
I sat down
on a hillside
to think about God -
a worthy pastime.
Near me, I saw
a single cricket;
it was moving the grains of the hillside
this way and that way.
How great was its energy,
how humble its effort.
Let us hope
it will always be like this,
each of us going on
in our inexplicable ways
building the universe.”
~ Mary Oliver, “Why I Wake Early”
On August 9th in Hebron, Israeli soldiers celebrated shooting an
18-year-old Palestinian youth in the leg with live ammunition.
See much more on the story *here *
Fukushima Debacle ( August 14 , 2014 ) -- Japan definitely getting close to a " Nearer My God To Thee " moment regarding Fukushima...... The Ice-Wall Go-eth - Japan Scraps Fukushima Freezing Plan , time for Plan Z ?
Zero Hedge.....
The Ice-Wall Go-eth - Japan Scraps Fukushima Freezing Plan
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/14/2014 21:21 -0400
- B+
- Bloomberg News
- Google
- Japan
- Meltdown
- Newspaper
On the heels of our previous aggregation of all things Fukushima, we were
'shocked' to see the flashing red headline tear across the Bloomberg
exclaiming that "*The Japanese government has decided to abandon the
'frozen water wall' solution to Fukushima's meltdown*." When they unveiled
this "Game of Thrones"-esque 1.4km long ... more »
August 14: At last, we catch up...
The Thursday paper is easy. It has only one item in it worth reading - on
p. D7. Brian Cormier has a column on depression, and it's a good one. As
usual, it's a personal story rather than an opinion. But in this case, it
works. And it's well-written.
The editorial writer attacks the party leaders for not having a policy
entirely meeting the wishes of the TandT (and its boss). ---I notice the
editorials are almost always on matters of interest to the boss, and always
support his views.. This suggests, obviously, that the editors are hired
shills. And it also suggests they aren't brig... more »
World News Briefs -- August 14, 2014 (Evening Edition)
*Iraq’s Prime Minister Agrees to Renounce Power -- Voice of America*
WASHINGTON — Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has agreed to renounce
power, saying he will give up his post to his replacement, moderate Shi'ite
Haider al-Abadi.
Appearing on state television late Thursday flanked by Abadi and other
Shi'ite politicians, Maliki said he was withdrawing his candidacy in favor
of Abadi in order to "ease the movement of the political process and the
formation of the new government."
Maliki had faced enormous pressure at home and abroad to step aside,
dropping his bid for a third ... more »
Dementedly truth-free right-wingers double down on their bottom line: "We can't (or just don't wanna) handle the truth!"

*This hilarious photo of Chairman Trey -- master of the House's select
committee on Benghazi Made-Up Stuff -- was posted with Dana Milbank's
column. It looks like the chairman is wearing the suit (and tie) his mommy
bought for him the day he first went out selling snake oil.*
*"The Republican Party has finally admitted what has been fairly obvious
for much of the past six years: It produces fake news. This is not an
earth-shattering revelation to anybody who has been paying attention, but,
still, it's an important step for the party to embrace the phoniness."*
*-- Dana Milbank, in h... more »
Will Israeli Leaders Be Charged For War Crimes?
*Israel Braces For War Crimes Inquiries On Gaza -- New York Times*
JERUSALEM — The fighting is barely over in the latest Gaza war, with a
five-day cease-fire taking hold on Thursday, but attention has already
shifted to the legal battlefield as Israel gears up to defend itself
against international allegations of possible war crimes in the monthlong
Israel has excoriated the United Nations Human Rights Council over the
appointment of Prof. William Schabas, a Canadian expert in international
law, to head the council’s commission of inquiry for Israel’s military
operation... more »
The Military Occupation Of Ferguson, Missouri Is Just A Preview Of What Is Coming To America

Michael Snyder
Let’s be honest – Ferguson, Missouri is under military occupation right
now, and the entire world is watching in horror as militarized police fire
tear gas and rubber bullets at unarmed protesters. Yes, the rioting and
looting in Ferguson needed to be stopped. If order had not been restored,
more stores and businesses would have been destroyed. However, there is no
excuse for the brutal tactics now being employed.
At one point, police snipers were even using laser scopes to target
protesters that were obviously unarmed. Sadly, this is just a preview of
what is c... more »
Infowars has a live UStream right there at the front where it's all going
down (below). We have the "I am Mike Brown from Ferguson MO" live stream
and the local Fox affiliate's live stream, as well.(you can view all three
livestreams below). Reddit has a live stream gathering all the information
coming out as it happens here. *If you lose the connection, refresh
*Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream*
*You can visit our Michael Brown article archive here.*
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
Subscribe to GLO... more »
The Mike Brown Shooting What You're Not Being Told
*Storm Clouds Gathering*
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
Friday Morning Ramble: Dirty Edition

Dirty politics? A whole book illustrates the thesis by its own methods.
Folk comment.
*NZ POLITICS DAILY: August 14 2014* – Bryce Edwards, NBR
*I’ve either been hacked or spied on* – David Farrar, KIWIBLOG
*Dirty Politics* – David Farrar, KIWIBLOG
*Hell Pizza boss calls in police over stolen emails* – HERALD
*Slater, Greens plan complaints after Hager revelations* – OTAGO DAILY TIMES
No, no other bloggers do it.
*The Left blogosphere is as pure as the driven snow* – LINDSAY MITCHELL
*Prentice irritated by Labour links* – YOUR NZ
*Left wing bloggers defend their own work... more »
Yours truly as Hermione Granger in, I think, 2003?
Fifth grade level teachers for Halloween, characters from Harry Potter.
Myself as Hermione Granger. Let your eyes settle on that one for a bit. Why
do I look like I’m in pain? And, why does my wig look like it was stolen
from Bea Arthur, may she rest in peace.Filed under: SHAUN JOHNSON, PHD:
Musings […]
Replacing Maliki Changes Nothing
*Photo Source: Moises Saman/NewYorker. *
There is a lot of wishful thinking going on both in Iraq and outside of
Iraq about the graceful exit of Prime Minister Maliki from power. And this
is understandable. People want to be hopeful about Iraq's future. The
decision by Maliki to step down peacefully is a good news story.
But Maliki's absence from Iraqi politics won't change much.
Saudi Arabia and Qatar will continue to support ISIS and fund terrorism
against Baghdad.
The US, Turkey, Israel, NATO, and Jordan will continue to train ISIS
terrorists in secret camps and send them to Sy... more »
"How It Really Is"
Answer: None...
"Fukushima: We’ve Opened the Gates of Hell"
*"Fukushima: We’ve Opened the Gates of Hell"*
by George Washington
"*Preface:* we’ve written thousands of articles on Fukushima and radiation.
But this post will spotlight recent articles from EneNews, with which we
have no affiliation of any nature whatsoever. The American media hasn't
covered Fukushima for a long time. But that doesn't mean there hasn't been
any news. It just means that the U.S. and Japanese governments have worked
hard to cover it up. Here’s a roundup of recent news (links to EneNews;
click through to see original source material. That's how the web WORKS):
*R... more »

"We have police taking a military response... and making matters much
A former Seattle police chief is calling the Ferguson Police Department’s
use of military equipment against protesters an “act of provocation.”
In an interview with Vox, Norman Stamper, a 34 year law enforcement veteran
who oversaw the 1999 WTO protests in Seattle, said Ferguson police are not
utilizing much needed defusing techniques.
“If they’re out there in military gear from the beginning that’s an act of
provocation,” Stamper said. “... more »
Maliki stands down- US Regime change accomplished via ISIS terror proxy
The image below was not chosen to offend any of my American audience.
I am certain that you all, like myself, would want people where ever they
live, to choose their own way. Amongst themselves.
*Unfortunately psychopaths who have usurped power have other twisted ideas*
Directly below this image is the news of the day and a reminder. Scroll
*"Mission Accomplished"* Claimed George Bush with regard to Iraq- some
years back.
But, today another US President,* a peace prize winner,* has again
accomplished his mission.
A mission that my readers were informed of two months ago!
*FLAS... more »
DotCon Drivel
*Guest post from our accidental Invercargill correspondent, Jim Cuttance**,
**who inadvertently stumbled into an InternetMana revival meeting….*
The principle message from the savvy new internet party that's going to
change everything is: don't change anything.
That's what Auckland school teacher and list no. 3 Miriam Pierard insisted
at the InternetMana party's Invercargill show this week.
She assured everybody that education in New Zealand was bureaucratic
perfection and new-fangled charter schools would ruin things for young
Because, you know, overseas evidence and stu... more »
"From Boston to Ferguson: Have We Reached a Tipping Point in the Police State?"
*"From Boston to Ferguson:*
* Have We Reached a Tipping Point in the Police State?"*
By John W. Whitehead
“I thought I was losing my capacity to be shocked- but events in Missouri
over just the last couple of hours have crossed a frightening line, one
that makes me pray that this assault on fundamental American values is just
the aberration of one rudderless Heartland community, and not the first
symptoms of nation gone mad with high-tech weaponry to keep its own
citizens in line.” —Journalist Will Bunch
The difference between what happened in Boston in the wake of the Boston
Marat... more »
Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki Has Agreed To Resign

Nouri Maliki had been under intense pressure to make way for Haider
al-Abadi. BBC
*Maliki Steps Down As Iraqi Prime Minister -- Al Jazeera*
Nouri al-Maliki agrees to give up his post as prime minister, endorsing
Haider al-Abadi's appointment as his successor.
Nouri al-Maliki has in a television address announced his decision to step
down as Iraq's prime minister and endorsed Haider al-Abadi as his successor.
He said his decision was aimed at preserving the country's "unity".
"I announce before you today, to ease the movement of the pitical process
and the formation of the new gov... more »
Where We're Going? Social Democracy Has To Be Abandoned (Murdered By the Dim NeoLibs?) UBER UBER! (Williams Diagnosis: Parkinson's)
Why did that first hint of Third-Wayism leave an unpleasant taste in your
mouth? (Or were you one of the open-minded who thought "I'm sure there's a
better way than being a progressive"?) Remember the glib remonstrances?
"Noooo . . . we didn't mean abandon all progressive hope!" It's more than
the fact that it really appeals to multi-millionaires who have a lot of
moolah to throw at its
Ukraine's Military Is Broke

Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko greets servicemen at the military camp
near the town of Svyatogorsk in Eastern Ukraine, June 20, 2014. Credit:
Reuters/Mykhailo Markiv/Ukrainian Presidential Press Service/Handout via
*Ukraine's Broke Military Is Underpaid and Undertrained -- Bloomberg*
A group of men and a few women clad in neat, matching camouflage uniforms
and combat boots walk through an airport, presumably on their way to the
front. As the soldiers make their way toward their gate, people around them
rise in applause. A message appears on the screen: “Come back aliv... more »
First Bail In hits Africa ! ( August 14 , 2014 ) -- African Bank Investments LTD rescued and their depositors part of the rescue......
Investors in South African money-market funds holding African Bank
Investments Ltd. (ABL)securities are facing capital losses even as money
managers slash interest payments to offset writedowns of the debt.
Funds may use one day’s worth of accrued interest to offset losses, the
Financial Services Board said in a circular to money managers yesterday.
That may not be enough to cover losses for some funds, according to Andrew
Canter, chief investment officer at Futuregrowth Asset ... more »
I suppose that by now most of my readers are aware that the U.S. government lies about virtually everything -- particularly in the realm of foreign policy and our endless wars -- and that they are abetted by the despicable mainstream media who value their jobs more than the lives of our troops dying in distant lands for no purpose whatsoever. And now our idiot neocon government has its sights on a nuclear war with Russia and China that could eradicate the human race! The only thing that may save us and our children and grandchildren is for us to spread these truths far and wide.

*Washington Chokes Truth With Lies — Paul Craig Roberts*
August 13, 2014 | Original Here
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Washington Chokes Truth With Lies
Paul Craig Roberts
Are Western propagandists fooling anyone but themselves?
The latest absurdity coming out of Ukraine, the EU and Washington is that
the humanitarian aid that Russia and the Red Cross are trucking into the
former Russian territories that comprise eastern Ukraine is a trick, a
d... more »
Aaron Schock Is Not A Knight Bachelor-- But Cliff Richard Is

It's not a big deal-- at least not a *public* big deal-- that Arizona State
University football player Edward "Chip" Sarafin came out, and very matter
of factly, in a magazine article. He had already told his team mates,
family and friends. After the magazine article was published, Ray Anderson,
the school's athletic director, said, "The entire athletics department is
extremely proud of Chip and is unequivocally supportive of him. His
undergraduate degree in biomedical engineering, his pursuit of a master's
in the same field, his research involving football-related concussions, an... more »
Breaking News: Russian Armored Vehicles And Military Trucks Have Crossed Into Ukraine
So @RolandOliphant and I just saw a column of APCs and vehicles with
official Russian military plates cross border into Ukraine.
— Shaun Walker (@shaunwalker7) August 14, 2014
Erm ok so this isn't humanitarian aid. Column of over 20 APCs, 10km from
the Ukraine border, and heading closer pic.twitter.com/OMvJmHzsx1
— Shaun Walker (@shaunwalker7) August 14, 2014
*Russian Armoured Vehicles And Military Trucks Cross Border Into Ukraine --
The Telegraph*
Exclusive: Telegraph witnesses Russian armoured vehicles and military
trucks cross the border from Russia into Ukraine
A column of ... more »
Ukraine Civil War News Updates -- August 14, 2014
*Shells Hit Central Donetsk, Russian Aid Convoy Heads Towards Border --
(Reuters) - Artillery shells hit close to the centre of Ukraine's
separatist-held city of Donetsk for the first time on Thursday, killing at
least one person, as a large Russian aid convoy rumbled towards the border.
With Ukrainian government forces tightening the noose on pro-Russian
separatists, shelling rocked Donetsk, sending frightened residents rushing
for cover, witnesses said.
It was not immediately clear if the artillery was fired by government or
rebel forces.
Two shells landed 200 metres ... more »
Supplemental: Instant cartoons!
*On looking into Perlstein’s Nixonland a second time:* We recall Rick
Perlstein’s Nixonland as a fascinating book. It appeared in 2008.
Truth to tell, you had to skim it. The problem wasn’t the number of pages
(748) as much as the number of words on each page (far too many to count).
Truthfully, Nixonland couldn’t be read. But its subject matter, and its
themes, made it a very good skim.
Nixonland confronts an important historical question. It asks how we got
from the Johnson landslide of 1964 to the equal but opposite Nixon
landslide of 1972. It says t... more »
Thursday Linkage
Potpourri this week with Micah Zenko on the tendency for mission creep in
humanitarian interventions and other U.S. military missions, Marc Lynch
pushing back on whether arming the Syria rebels would have worked, story on
ISIS’ capture of the Mosul Dam and an interesting twist on water and
security challenges, bad air in China (I’m
Continue reading
Is The White House Showing A Lack of Concern On The Rise Of The Islamic State?

U.S. Air Strikes Outside Of Erbil. US Department of Defence Handout
*Obama Administration Shows Little Urgency For Stemming Islamic State
Violence -- Greg Jaffe and Greg Miller, Washington Post*
Senior U.S. officials describe the threat posed by the Islamic State in
chilling terms, but they have mounted a decidedly modest military campaign
to check its advance through northern Iraq.
The radical Islamist organization has attracted more fighters, controls
more territory and has access to a larger stream of money than al-Qaeda did
before the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, according to U.S... more »
What Can The U.S. Really Do In Iraq?
U.S. Air Force Capt. Andrea Delosreyes inspects the boom with Airmen 1st
Class Christopher Morgan and Jacob Manuel before an in-air refueling
mission over Iraq, Aug. 12, 2014. Before each mission, the aircraft
commander does a walk-around inspection to validate the safety of the
aircraft. Delosreues, a KC-135 Stratotanker pilot, and Morgan and Manuel,
KC-135 Stratotanker engine mechanics, are assigned to the 340th
Expeditionary Air Refueling Squadron. U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt.
Vernon Young Jr.
*What The U.S. Can Realistically Do In Iraq -- Nada Bakos and Tara Maller,
CNN*... more »
Islamists Are Now Presenting A New Face On The Web

A militant Islamist fighter uses a mobile to film his fellow fighters
taking part in a military parade along the streets of Syria's northern
Raqqa province June 30, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Stringer
*From Jihad To Pop Culture, Islamists Present New Face On Web -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - The jihadist calling himself Abdullah caused a brief stir on
the Internet this week - but not, to his disappointment, because of his
backing for Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria.
Instead, his comments posted on Twitter over the death of U.S. actor Robin
Williams went viral, prompting a blizzard o... more »
Crisis In Iraq -- News Updates August 14, 2014

The distribution of tents and non-food aid continues as the population of
Newroz camp grows as more and more Yazidis arrive from Mount Sinjar in
Iraq. Photo: UNHCR
*UN Declares Iraq ‘Level 3 Emergency’ To Trigger More Resources, Speed Up
Aid Delivery -- UN News Centre*
The United Nations has designated its highest level emergency for the
humanitarian crisis in Iraq, citing the scale and complexity of the
situation, which is impacting tens of thousands of people that have been
forcefully displaced by the armed group, Islamic State (IS).
The “Level 3 Emergency” designation will “fac... more »

*55-foot silos going into ground at Ft. Greeley, Alaska, a GMD base similar
to the one being proposed for the east coast of the US. Public hearings
are now under way in four states, including Maine, as potential basing
Yesterday I made the drive to Rangeley along with fellow Maine activist
Jason Rawn. The occasion was the "public hearing" put on by the Pentagon's
"Missile Defense Agency" (MDA) - better termed missile offense agency. The
corporation Black & Veatch was contracted to organize the hearings to help
determine where the MDA should build an "east coast" missile int... more »
United Nations Representative Admits Hamas Fires Rockets By UNRWA Facilities
UN Rep Admits Hamas Fires Rockets By UNRWA Facilities
This will not be reported on the institutionally anti Israel BBCbut it
should be. How can the BBC be held to account?
New! at Indigenous Resistance Aug. 2014
by Media Collectivo La Realidad, Chiapas
New! at Indigenous Resistance Aug. 2014
Indigenous Resistance is carrying forward the work of Censored News, our
8-year labor of love. New articles include photos and articles by the
media collectivo at the gathering of the Zapatistas and National
Indigenous Congress, and more:
▼ 2014 (66)
World News Briefs -- August 14, 2014
*UN Declares Highest-Level Humanitarian Emergency In Iraq As Clashes Erupt
Near Baghdad -- FOX News*
The United Nations announced it had declared the humanitarian crisis in
Iraq to be the highest level of emergency, while clashes between Iraqi
troops and Sunni militants west of Baghdad killed at least four children
The U.N. on Wednesday declared the situation in Iraq a "Level 3 Emergency"
-- a development that will trigger additional goods, funds and assets to
respond to the needs of the displaced, said U.N. special representative
Nickolay Mladenov, pointing to the "sca... more »
Hate Gets Smoked by #Prolove
Since they were in the general nab (PEI), the Ontario-based fetus-fetishist
gang "Show the Faked-Up Gory Fetus Pr0n Pix" thought they'd mosey over to
Halifax to spread some hate and disgust.
But about a hundred young Haligonians were ready for them.
Big-hearted & Brainy: #ProLOVE supporters in #Halifax - perfect response to
anti-abortion lunacy there: pic.twitter.com/MgyVvaQaut
— Nathalie-Roze (@NRandCo) August 14, 2014
Media coverage.
Blogger coverage with an update.
UPDATE: The repulsive image brigade moved on to Fredericton this afternoon,
almost certainly oblivious to the da... more »
Ikea Hack: Spice Rack to Doll Closet

I only have two kids, but there is a third one that seems to follow my
family wherever we go. No, it isn't a dog, my husband would have a heart
attack. It is a doll. Lily has been apart of our family for four years,
ever since my daughter got her for Christmas one year. She goes on every
trip, every sleepover at grandma's house, it is all I can do to keep her
from coming on every trip to the store.
Over the years, Lily has gathered almost as many clothes as a regular
member of the family and since she doesn't grow out of them, they just keep
piling up. We needed a place to hang up... more »
The Truth about the Ferguson Riots and Martial Law
*Paul Joseph Watson*
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- August 14, 2014

U.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey (C)
reviews the guard of honor with his Vietnamese counterpart General Do Ba Ty
during a welcoming ceremony at Vietnam's Defense Ministry in Hanoi, Aug.
14, 2014.
*Top US Military Officer in Vietnam for Historic Talks -- Voice of America*
The United States’ top military officer is in Vietnam for historic talks
with Communist Party officials, as part of the latest effort to expand
defense ties between the two former foes.
General Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, meets
Thursday in Hanoi with ... more »
Pretty little things delivering the fake news

I never wanted to jump DAN Rather. Maybe Kennetyh had the frequency
The winds and the atmosphere
are element
that i feel
have been ignored
in central developments
not to say a bit of tweak
would serve mankind
but changing a dessert
into a orchard
that is trespassing
into Gods land
I do not believe in him
so do not blame'
me when he failed
to supply a dessert
with water
no matter how
many billions
you spent to
change the game
Stupid investments
in earth science
leave this world
right now today
in conflict
over a coal fart
that stinks
and can not be fluffed
with a pretty girl
on a ice b... more »
Is Rand Paul Ready?

I get the feeling Rand Paul just wants to have some fun. I wonder if he's a
pot head. He's certainly different from the button-down phonies and square
we usually associate with the GOP. This week when most presidential
hopefuls were kissing the asses of likely caucus participants in Iowa, he
was in the Hamptons partying with FuFu. The *Des Moines Register* claims he
stiffed 1,200 right wing religious freaks so he could party down with Alec
An Iowa evangelical Christian leader stood on stage and told the 1,200
conservatives in the audience and the dozens of reporters that... more »
Phil Cantor and Zephyr Teachout @ the Chalk Face
Link to the full, double episode.Filed under: @TCF Radio Episodes
Alan Waldman : ‘Love/Hate’ is a very dark but highly compelling Irish crime drama
Despite its violence, this Dublin gang war saga is well written, performed,
and produced, with strong characters and dialogue. By Alan Waldman | The
Rag Blog | August 14, 2014 [In his weekly column, Alan Waldman reviews some
of his … finish reading Alan Waldman :
‘Love/Hate’ is a very dark but highly compelling Irish crime drama
The impossible spaceship engine
What a novel concept....however we have several improvements already in
mind that can increase thrust thousand fold...Stay tuned... for drawing
[image: http://www.wired.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/spacegif22.gif]
Seed Newsvine
Alien and alien shadow on the MOON
Alien and alien shadow on the MOON
Seed Newsvine
PLAYING WITH DOLLS: In this case, with an O’Reilly doll!
*Part 3—Joan Walsh toys with the facts:* Early this morning, we could tell
that Salon was quite upset about last night’s events in Ferguson.
In part, we could tell because of the site’s top front-page post:
*Nightmare in Ferguson: Cops become a brutal occupying force*
Journalists are arrested, tear-gassed as protesters are abused for another
night. Where is the political leadership? VIDEO
Had police become “a brutal occupying force?” For our money, that language
seems a bit overwrought, based on what we’ve seen so far.
That said, we could tell... more »
If its Thursday it must be a bad day

Most bad news is delivered on Friday after 6:30 PM so the networks can
ignore it with continuing and increasingly alienating happy talk. I may
have remarked once or twice but its worth repeating, the news is now total
propaganda, part of the glue being applied to a house of cards heavy with
paper, a structure that can not stand when the lies are stripped away.
Sunshine is a disinfectant but the people who are paid not to know are
brilliant at putting up blinds. The laws of thermodynamics dictate this
behavior is like a perpetual motion machine fueled by fraud as all such
devices ... more »
Student activist and school board candidate Melissa Katz @ the Chalk Face #stuvoice
The link to the full episode. After you listen, words of encouragement
would be nice. Filed under: @TCF Radio Episodes Tagged: activism, new
jersey, school board, student activism
Searching For Answers About The Ebola Virus Fear: Using Vitamin C To Ward Off Ebola
Over the last few weeks with this ever increasing Ebola virus outbreak
scare, I have been putting up information that everyone should be taking
high doses of Vitamin C on a daily basis. It is important again that
everyone take supplements and natural substances rather than subject
themselves to the soon to be prescribed "Ebola vaccine" that is being
developed and will be unleashed on unsuspecting and gullible people.
For this article, I want to present the following report from Jim Stone's
website, at www.jimstonefreelance.com. This article contains some very
important information... more »
Public Enemy Number One: The American Public

Ferguson, Missouri sector, Homeland Security States of America:
(Reuters)(New York Times)(YouTube)As so many others have observed, these
are the photos of a war zone. The explosion of events in a predominately
black midwestern community is the direct result of 1) endemic racism and
the paranoid "us against them" mentality of many police departments; and 2)
putting the surplus high tech weaponry of war into the hands of poorly
trained (mostly) men, who then act out of macho fantasy, abject fear, and
mindlessness nurtured by stunted lifetimes' worth of consumption of
violence-as-ente... more »
*Lewis: Greenbrier could be Saints’ training camp for years to come ~Ted
Lewis, The Advocate *
*The shelters may not be the answer for all under the Pontchartrain
Expressway ~Disenfranchised Citizen*
*Major upgrades to pump stations at outfall canals to bring noise to
lakefront ~WWLTV *
*"When finished, it will be a whole new way of battling storm surge."*
*Crane strikes Florida Avenue Bridge, tugboat captain killed ~Brian
Wiechert, WVUE *
Missouri Governor to Relieve Ferguson Police Department of Duties

A police officer watches over demonstrators protesting the shooting death
of teenager Michael Brown on August 13, 2014 in Ferguson, Missouri. Brown
was shot and killed by a Ferguson police officer on Saturday. Ferguson, a
St. Louis suburb, has experienced three days of violent protests since the
killing. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images) | Scott Olson via Getty Images
The St. Louis County Police Department will no longer be involved in the
policing of Ferguson, Missouri, the suburban community rocked by protests
after the death of an unarmed black teenager who wa... more »
*U.S. Democrats Embrace Shale Boom Ahead Of Midterm Elections*
When House Republicans took up a measure to speed the government's reviews
of applications to export natural gas, a move long sought by energy
companies, the unexpected happened: The bill won "yes" votes from 47
The bill's sponsor, Rep. Cory Gardner (R., Colo.), anticipated some
Democratic backing, but not that much. Rep. Steve Israel of New York, who
leads the Democrats' House campaign arm, was a yes, as was House Minority
Whip Steny Hoyer of Maryland. Both voted in 2012 to restrict oil and gas
Th... more »
The Cop Who Killed Michael Brown Has Been Identified
Anonymous has followed through on its threat to release the name of the
Ferguson police officer who it claims shot dead teenager Mike Brown on
The hacktivist collective threatened to release the name on Wednesday but
said it was holding back the name before it confirmed the identity of the
police officer with a second source.
However on Thursday morning the group published the name of a Ferguson
police department officer it claims shot 18-year-old Mike Brown on Saturday.
The name of the officer was released by the @TheAnonMessage Twitter
account but the claims have be... more »
British SAS Forces Are On The Ground In Northern Iraq

*(Click on Image to Enlarge)*
*SAS Sent In To Iraq As US Troops Land On Mount Sinjar -- The Telegraph*
David Cameron has suggested that British helicopters could be used within
days as US forces deploy to herald start of rescue operation
The SAS is on the ground in Iraq as part of the operation to rescue 30,000
“desperate” Yazidi refugees, it emerged on Wednesday, as US forces landed
on Mount Sinjar.
American officials confirmed that a combined contingent of 20 US Marines,
special forces and USAID disaster assistance experts had "briefly" landed
on Mt Sinjar just hours after Davi... more »
Ferguson, Missouri saw more protests Tuesday night as the community’s anger
over the shooting and killing of an unarmed African-American teen by police
refuses to subside. Seeing the tragedy as a representation of a larger
racial divide in the country, residents are demanding leaders address their
concerns and more fairly treat minorities in their city and across the
nation. RT’s Anastasia Churkina is in Ferguson and speaks to several
What Does Ferguson, MO Have to Do With 9-11?
Last night I watched the police in Ferguson, MO as they rolled out their
armored vehicles with machine guns on top to confront peaceful protestors
and the media. Even though no curfew had been declared by the mayor or any
of the other political cowards in the state, the police, bristling with
armor bought with unlimited Homeland Security funds, took it upon
themselves to decide when people should end a peaceful assembly and when
the media should stop taking pictures.
I saw protestors running for cover from repeated volleys of tear gas, some
launched onto lawns, and running to avoi... more »
Netanyahu talks about controlling America
This is a rather revealing video I'd say. It reminds me of the former Prime
Minister of Israel Ariel Sharon's admission that *"we, the Jewish people,
control America."*
*America is Zionist Occupied Territory*, and has been for generations now.
Encounters with Jerry Olsen
*This is a reposting of a 2010 post. I kinw Jerry Olsen during my
involvement withn the ORNL-NSF Environmental Studies Program in 1970-71.
My most important memory of Jerry from that time, was of his briefing to
Environmental Study researchers on CO2 and the prospects for Anthropogenic
Global Warming. Jerry had made numerous predictions that during the next
35 years had come to pass, so when Al Gore's movie appeared in 2006, it
fell on very well prepared soil. Not only had I learned of the AGW problem
35 years before Al Gore's movie, I also knew about ORNL's solution to the
prob... more »
Iowa Becomes Latest to Dump the Common Core
from the Blaze:
Yet another state has kicked Common Core to the curb.
Iowa had implemented much of the Common Core State Standards into its “Iowa
Core” education standards, working with the Smarter Balanced Assessment
Consortium on a single testing program to measure students’ progress.
The testing consortium has been one of the key organizations in helping
states fully implement Common Core.
But on Tuesday, Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad’s office announced that his state
is withdrawing from the consortium, the Associated Press reported. . . .
Follow-Up on Lee County, FL Board Consideration of Opting Out Entire County from State Tests
from News-Press.com:
*If the Lee County school board opts out of state-mandated testing, it will
be the first district in Florida to do so. But the legality of that
defiance remains unclear.*
*Members almost brought it to a vote Tuesday evening at the school board
meeting — prompting audience applause at the very suggestion — but it was
tabled for further legal consideration.*
*Florida statutes broadly require all school boards to be in compliance
with the state board of education's rules and laws. Those who do not follow
the law could stop receiving funding from the state or be de... more »
Thinking About Governments and Violence
I got into an extended twitter discussion about the 1992 LA riots. Why?
Because that event helped to inform much of my thinking about ethnic
conflict and because I see in Ferguson some key similarities despite the
on-going events being about police aout of control rather than riots. How
so? The event that triggered the
Continue reading
China's Space Weapons Program Continues To Grow

Missiles are displayed in a parade to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the
founding of the People's Republic of China, in Beijing on Oct. 1, 2009. Jason
*Stratcom: China Continuing to Weaponize Space with Latest Anti-Satellite
Missile Shot -- Washington Free Beacon*
July 23 test 'concerning,' 'problematic'
OMAHA—China last month conducted another test of a satellite-killing
missile that reflects Chinese efforts to weaponize space, the commander of
the U.S. Strategic Command said Wednesday.
“It’s very problematic to see China working to weaponize space in tests
like t... more »
Anonymous Threatens To Release Name Of Officer In Ferguson Police Shooting

Lebanese activists wear masks as they protest against corrupt governments
and corporations, in support of the anonymous activist moment, at the
Martyrs square, in downtown Beirut, Lebanon, Tuesday, Nov 5, 2013, as part
of a Million Mask March of similar rallies around the world on Guy Fawkes
Day. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla) | ASSOCIATED PRESS
Gerry Smith
The hacker group Anonymous claims it has the name of the Ferguson,
Missouri, police officer involved in the fatal shooting of an unarmed black
teenager over the weekend.
But in a rare display of caution, the group said Wednesday... more »
We Don't Know What We've Lost
Many Canadians don't know. Many Canadians are incapable of processing
what's immediately before them. They participate in it. I've done some
mean, selfish things in my time. The thing is; I feel bad about it. But
harpercon supporters on the other hand they're so stupid that they'll do
criminal, anti-democratic things and praise themselves to the sky about it.
They'll act as if efforts to uncover their criminality are "witch-hunts"
whose soul purpose is to victimize them.
The depths of our national failure were recently reached in Gaza, where our
[stolen] government party stood side-... more »
The U.S. Wanted A Second Guantanamo-Style Prison On Diego Garcia

The island territory of Diego Garcia, alleged to have been a refuelling
point for CIA rendition flights, may have been a potential prison camp site
in the War On Terror Photo: REUTERS
*Britain 'Discussed' US Request To Build Guantanamo-style Prison On Diego
Garcia After September 11 Attacks, Officials Say -- Peter Foster, The
As Democrats fight for information about the CIA's secret kidnap and
torture programme to be published in a landmark report, The Telegraph has
learnt details of America's requests to use British territory of Diego
Garcia in network of secret prison... more »
NSA Watch ( August 14 , 2014 ) - Meet MonsterMind, the NSA Bot That Could Wage Cyberwar Autonomously , latest NSA product to understand .... ....... New Snowden Interview in Wired....... The US Intelligence Community has a Third Leaker .....
New Snowden Interview in Wired
There's a new article on Edward Snowden in Wired. It's written by longtime
NSA watcher James Bamford, who interviewed Snowden is Moscow.
There's lots of interesting stuff in the article, but I want to highlight
two new revelations. One is that the NSA was responsible for a 2012
Internet blackout in Syria:
One day an intelligence officer told him that TAO -- a division of NSA
hackers -- had attempted in 2012 to remotely install an exploit in one of
the core routers at a major Internet... more »

*Adam Jones from the Baltimore Orioles - a team once mighty, then fell to a
long sleep, now resurrected and taking down the evil empire*
Orioles beat the Yankee*$*
after 14 years of losing
O's now in first place
Yankee*$* baseball empire
on the wane
maybe a sign
of the times
Birds (nature)
trump empire
a headline
long overdue
A start of things
to come?
or already deep
in motion
toward an
we just don't see it
The motto is
stick with your team
through the hard times
and the good
Back-to-School Vaccines: Know the Risks and Failures
Posted 8/13/2014
*By Barbara Loe Fisher*
As summer comes to an end, the drumbeat promoting back-to-school
vaccinations grows louder and louder in America. Unlike children in Canada
and the European Union,1 2 our children must get dozens of doses of
vaccines or they can’t get a public school education.3
*No Shots, No School, No Exceptions*
Over the past century, denial of a public school education has been used
like a club by public health and medical trade officials demanding that
state legislators enact “No Shots, No School, No Exceptions” vaccine laws.4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 In 1... more »
The Growing Exodus Of Russian Money And Brains

Russian President Vladimir Putin walks down the stairs upon his arrival at
Belbek airdrome near the Crimean port of Sevastopol, August 13, 2014.
Credit: Reuters/Alexei Nikolsky/RIA Novosti/Kremlin
*Putin's Ukraine Gamble Hastens Exodus Of Russian Money And Talent --
(Reuters) - The Kremlin's worst clash with the West since the 1991 collapse
of the Soviet Union has accelerated the outflow of two of Russia's most
prized assets: money and brains.
Vladimir Putin's annexation of Crimea and support for rebels accused of
shooting down a passenger plane over Ukraine then hinderin... more »
Which Members Of Congress Voted For Domestic Spying?

Yesterday, when we talked about conservative assholes who voted to deny
Climate Change was real, we were able to look at a roll call vote and see
who voted well and who voted badly. We saw that one Republican, Chris
Gibson, voted with the Democrats-- and that all the Republicans who try to
pass themselves off "mainstream," like Dave Reichert (WA), Frank LoBiondo
(NJ), Michael Grimm (NY), Jeff Denham (CA), Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (FL),
Charlie Dent (PA), Peter King (NY), Mike Firzpatrick (PA), and David Jolly
(FL) voted with the crazy extremists like Michele Bachmann, Fred Upton and
S... more »
Back-to-School Vaccines: Know the Risks and Failures
Posted 8/13/2014
*by Barbara Loe Fisher*
As summer comes to an end, the drumbeat promoting back-to-school
vaccinations grows louder and louder in America. Unlike children in Canada
and the European Union,1 2 our children must get dozens of doses of
vaccines or they can’t get a public school education.3
*No Shots, No School, No Exceptions*
Over the past century, denial of a public school education has been used
like a club by public health and medical trade officials demanding that
state legislators enact “No Shots, No School, No Exceptions” vaccine laws.4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 In 1914... more »
Cat Days Of Summer?

It must be the heat.....because I really don't know how else to explain her
rather odd sleeping positions as of late.
Hot Air And Bad Law

Steve Sullivan writes that Stephen Harper's obsession with PR makes for bad
laws. Consider the recently passed "Increasing Offenders Accountability For
Victims Act:"
The latter bill, which came into effect in October 2013, requires judges to
impose $100 or $200 surcharges on convicted offenders. Prior to the law,
judges had the discretion to waive the surcharge for offenders who could
not pay. Across the country, provincial governments rely on surcharges to
fund services for victi... more »
*Back to School*
Jackie Gingrich Cushman
Maybe it's the fact that both my parents were teachers when I was growing
up, or that I was a studious, serious child, but I've always loved going
back to school in the fall.
My mother was a high school math teacher, and my father taught at West
Georgia College, now called the University of West Georgia. Going back to
school meant a chance to start over, to get organized, to get into a
routine and to create a plan to be successful in the year ahead.
My earliest memory of school is being dropped off in front of Carrollton
Kindergarten under... more »
Why blogging has been light recently
Woman burnt in Downer house fire June 2, 2014
A 56-year-old woman has suffered serious burns following a kitchen fire on
Burn Street in Downer.
The woman was treated by intensive care paramedics at the scene of the fire
and then transported to the Canberra Hospital.
The ESA spokeswoman said she was in a stable condition.
My face was never my fortune, and a few minor scars on the forehead won't
make any difference to that. I lost all the skin on my face, but it grew
back, and I still have lips, eyelids, nose etc, and looking not very
different from before. A few patches on my arm... more »
Police search Cliff Richard's home - BBC News
'Police search Berkshire property belonging to Sir Cliff Richard in
relation to alleged historical sex offence'
Oh my...
More here http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-28790718
“End the siege in Gaza!” – But there is no siege
Have a read of this article if you want the facts rather than the BBC's
anti-Israel diatribe.
Hamas Controlled And Threatened The Press Corp In It's Coverage Of The Recent Israel - Gaza War

The Electronic Intifada
*Hamas Manipulated And Intimidated The Media In Gaza. Why Was That Kept
From Us? -- Alan Johnson, The Telegraph*
* We should normally say if our reports are censored or monitored or if we
withhold information, and explain, wherever possible, the rules under which
we are operating.- Section 11.4.1 of the BBC Editorial Guidelines on
accuracy and impartiality in times of War, Terror and Emergencies*
The Foreign Press Association (FPA) issued an astonishing protest yesterday
about "blatant, incessant, forceful and unorthodox" intimidation of
journalists in the ... more »
Was The White House Caught Off Guard By The Growing Islamist Threat In The Middle East?

CIA Director John Brennan (Reuters / Gary Cameron)
*Obama Administration Caught Off Guard By Islamist Threat In Iraq --
Washington Times*
The White House is facing questions about whether it underestimated the
threat from Islamic State militants in Iraq after the surfacing of a 2011
speech by John O. Brennan, then President Obama’s counterterrorism chief
and now CIA director, who dismissed the danger of an Islamic caliphate as
“Our strategy is … shaped by a deeper understanding of al Qaeda’s goals,
strategy and tactics,” Mr. Brennan said on June 29, 2011. “I’m not talkin... more »
Last Night in Ferguson: Police Storm a Neighborhood, Break Up a Protest

*Police break up a protest with gas, rubber bullets, and firecrackers. *
*Things start to get crazy about nine minutes in:*
*RealAlexJones Ustream Video (Recorded Live)*
*Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream*
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
Elites Gather at Google Camp to Discuss Calico Life Extension Tech

James Hall
When the billionaire tech jet-set decides to let down their hair, what do
they talk about around the campfire? According to the New York Times,
"Google is sponsoring an elite conference this week at a golf resort in
Sicily, with a guest list of chief executives, investors and celebrities,
all of whom were invited to bring their families. On the agenda are
high-minded discussions of global issues — along with relaxation by the
Mediterranean Sea." How quaint! . . . For the real scoop, Here's What Went
On At Google's Exclusive Conference For The Rich And Famous In Sicily. ... more »
Iraq Updates ( August 14 , 2014 ) -- Yazidis Weren’t Stranded, Pentagon Looks for Other Missions State Dept Tries to Credit US With Solving Phony Problem ....... Between Oil and Grains , ISIS really becoming quite the Commodities Broker ...... Any heavy arms given to the Kurds likely will be used at some point against the Iraq Army when the Kurds inevitably seek independence ........ State of the various battles around Iraq and Maliki still hasn't gone away........
Anti War......
Yazidis Weren’t Stranded, Pentagon Looks for Other MissionsState Dept Tries
to Credit US With Solving Phony Problem
by Jason Ditz, August 13, 2014
Print This | Share This
The 40,000 Yazidis stranded on the mountain. That was the pretext for US
military intervention in Iraq, as set out by President Obama last Thursday.
The air war was commenced, and officials were talking up sending ground
forces for “rescue” operations as recently as this afternoon.
But a funny thing happened when the US “advisers” got to Mount Sinjar.
There weren’t 40,000 starving Yazidis stranded ther... more »
Some news footage from proper journalists in Gaza.
Not the sort of thing you will every hear about on the institutionally anti
Israel BBC, where protecting the reputation of Hamas is a priority.
A Photo Has Been Released Showing NSA Leaker Edward Snowden With Then CIA DIA Director General Hayden Wearing Tuxedos
Snowden with General Michael Hayden at a gala in 2011 http://t.co/UABVyCMSYC
— Anthony De Rosa (@AntDeRosa) August 13, 2014
*That Time Edward Snowden And Gen. Michael Hayden Took A Photo Together —
Wearing Smiles And Tuxedos -- Washington Post*
Wired has published a massive profile of NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden.
And while it’s worth a read in its entirety, there’s one photo from the
story that has already emerged as a standout.
Yes. Snowden is on the left, and former National Security Agency and CIA
chief Michael Hayden is on the right.
Both are ... more »
Police Escalate in Ferguson: Begin Arresting Reporters

Welcome to Obamastan. The aggressive actions of militarized police shock
troops in Ferguson, Missouri are entering the fourth day of operations and
things are escalating. In addition to flooding the area with armed to the
teeth, jacked up state police goons with their armored vehicles and
automatic rifles news reporters are now being harassed and arrested. What
is this, a banana republic? Obama's war on journalism long ago passed the
level of former White House paranoid Richard M. Nixon and now with dear
leader having set such a fine example the police are taking the war on the
p... more »
Egypt Asks Russia for Anti-Tank Missiles, Warplanes

[image: MiG-29 Foxbat]Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has asked
Russia to supply Egypt with high-tech fighter jets, attack helicopters, and
anti-tank missile systems, according to regional reports.
Sisi made the request in Moscow Tuesday during a meeting with his
counterpart, Russian President Vladimir Putin, who met with the Egyptian
leader to discuss expanding arms exports.
The request for these advanced weapons comes just months after the Saudi
Arabian government donated $2 billion to Egypt to finance the purchase of
Russian-made weapons.
Read more
RC: 20 million Russian black holes needed for methane emergency
One month ago, a very large crater was found on Yamal Peninsula in Siberia.
Where did the black hole come from? What was the cause? These questions
were mysterious for us but now it seems that experts have reasons to say
that there's lots of methane in the hole and the hole was a result of a
methane bubble under the ground that found its way to the surface. Cool.
Such an insight is obviously a huge temptation for the repetitive
"mainstream" media. It actually combines two favorite "threats" that
millions of brainwashed morons who trust the "mainstream" media are being
served on... more »
ISIS Does Not Exist - More Proof

“According to the U. S. Terrorist Screening Database, or TSDB ,
watchlisting guidelines, published by The Intercept in July 2014, officials
don’t need
‘concrete facts’ or ‘irrefutable evidence’ to secretly place someone on
the list —
only a vague and elastic standard of ‘reasonable suspicion.’’’
- *The Intercept*, August 5, 2014
More Pallywood - "Hamas Funeral: I See Dead People ... Move"
See Dead People Move at a Hamas Funeral
That's odd, why might this be happening?
Pallywood strikes again.
'Pilot lost control of plane when artificial arm became detached' Most bizarre headline this year?
The details are here
Conflicting Objectives Push Washington To Assist Both ISIS And PKK In Syria And Iraq
It wasn't long ago when Obama administration officials planned to use
drones to take out the core leaders of the PKK (Kurdistan Workers Party),
as a favour for the Turkish government.
In December 2012, *Kevin McKiernan reported in The Huffington Post* that,
"Francis J. Ricciardone, Jr., Obama's ambassador to Turkey, revealed that
the U.S. had secretly offered Turkey what was, in effect, a bin Laden-style
assassination of the top leadership of the PKK."
That was before the Islamic State stormed its way into Mosul and marched
across Iraq's Sunni heartland. Since June, everything ha... more »
A U.S.-Iran Nuclear Deal's Biggest Roadblocks Are Internal: Obama And Rouhani Face Similar Struggles Against Infantile Hardliners
"Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani delivered a broadside Monday at critics of
his efforts to engage with the West and seek a nuclear deal, accusing them
of political cowardice and mischief.
In a speech broadcast live, Rouhani attacked the hardline factions within
Iran’s parliament who have consistently opposed him since he took office a
year ago after a surprise electoral victory.
“Some of them chant slogans but they are political cowards. As soon as we
negotiate they start shaking. Go to hell and find somewhere to stay warm,”
he told his opponents." - Middle East Eye, *"Iranian Pre... more »
they call it ALL YOU NEED IS KILL in Japan
All you need is kill ... well, let's use its Westernised or Hollywoodized
name, *Edge of Tomorrow* ... found the Japanese poster. And guess what?
They call it ALL YOU NEED IS KILL in the home territory after Hiroshi
Sakurazaka (Yoshitoshi ABe-illustrated) novel of the same name. Now, that's
a title of a film I might wanna watch. Damn.
*how does this translate to Edge of Tomorrow?*
B-52 aircrews hone long-range ISR capabilities
[image: B-52H Stratofortress]Airmen from Air Force Global Strike Command
recently took advantage of a multinational U.S.. Southern Command-led
exercise to hone their long-range reconnaissance capabilities.
The 2nd Bomb Wing, Barksdale Air Force Base, Louisiana, flew a B-52
Stratofortress bomber on a nonstop mission from the United States to the
U.S. Southern Command area of operations Aug. 12 during PANAMAX 2014 - an
annual U.S. Southern Command-sponsored exercise series that focuses on
ensuring the defense of the Panama Canal.
An almost entirely simulated exercise, the 15.5-hour lo... more »
Russia postpones Iskander missiles export

[image: Iskander E]Russia embargoed export of Iskander missile systems
until 2016 due to insufficient production capacities, the weaponry producer
said Wednesday.
"Production of these missiles is a bottleneck. The Votkinsk plant (in
northwestern Russia's Udmurt republic) has been working to the limits of
its capacity," Itar-Tass news agency quoted a deputy director of the KBM
Machine-building Design Bureau as saying.
The official said that all potential clients have been informed about the
delay, as he was attending an arms expo in the city of Zhukovsky outside
Read more
US clears air missiles sales to Turkish army

[image: AIM-120 AMRAAM]The United States has cleared a potential $320
million advanced medium-range air-to-air missiles (AMRAAM) missiles sale to
Turkey after the country demanded arms from its NATO ally amid increasing
security risks in the region.
The U.S. Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) has announced that the
State Department has approved a possible sale to Turkey for AIM-120C-7
AMRAAM missiles from Raytheon and associated equipment, parts, training and
logistical support for an estimated cost of $320 million, a statement
released by the agency on its website said.
T... more »
Akash Trial Successful

[image: Akash SAM]After a ‘failed’ test on Tuesday, Indian Air Force
successfully carried out another user trial of surface-to-air missile Akash
from Integrated Test Range (ITR) off the Odisha coast on Wednesday. The
missile targeted an aircraft, which mimicked the enemy fighter aircraft.
The indigenously developed sophisticated sleek missile having a strike
range of 30 km was fired from the launching complex-III of the ITR at about
1.15 pm.
On Tuesday, the missile had failed to hit the target.
Read more
US to support Saudi Arabian E-3 AWACS upgrade programme

[image: Saudi E-3A Sentry]The US Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA)
has notified Congress of a potential foreign military sale (FMS) of
airborne warning and control system (AWACS) upgrade programme and
associated equipment to Saudi Arabia.
Under the estimated $2bn sale, Saudi Arabia has requested the supply of
five E-3A AWACS Block 40/45 mission computing upgrade systems, along with
20 AN/UPX-40 next-generation identification friend or foe (NG IFF) systems.
The package also includes communication equipment, spare and repairs parts,
support equipment, mission planning system,... more »
Russia's Mistral Warships Won't Have French Weapons

[image: Vladivostok LHD]A Russian defense official said two French-built
Mistral-class warships on order for the Russian navy will be retrofitted
with Russian weapons systems after their delivery, signaling that Western
sanctions against Russia may have succeeded in scaling back the military
technology transfer proposed in the Mistral sale deal.
"The construction of the Vladivostok [the second Mistral ship] is being
completed. … She will be retrofitted with Russian-made weapons at port [in
St. Petersburg]," Igor Sevastyano, a spokesman for Russia's state arms
import and export agen... more »
China continues building ‘fixed aircraft carrier’ inside PH territory
[image: Kagitingan (Fiery Cross)]Amid Philippine government’s call for
construction freeze within the disputed territories in South China Sea
including West Philippine Sea, China openly rejected the proposal.
“China opposed it immediately. They should study it before they reject it.
If they reject it without studying it, then it looks like China does not
recognize that the developments in the South China Sea are creating
problems for everyone,” Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert del Rosario said
after attending the regional Ministers’ Meeting over the weekend.
According to del Rosario... more »
INS Kolkata, the Biggest Naval Destroyer, is the weakest link in Defence

[image: INS Kolkata]Its ironic, but true. INS Kolkata is ready to be
launched by the Prime Minister of India-Narendra Modi on Saturday, but it
is yet to be battle-ready.
Built with an aim to be India's biggest and most powerful guided missile
destroyer, this 7,500 ton warship lacks basic weaponry, which cuts down the
possibility of detecting incoming missiles and submarines.
The ship was under construction for the past 11 years, with a little help
from Ukraine and Israel. However, the Israel-built long range
surface-to-air missile called the Barak NG is still under construction. T... more »
PLA may deploy 10,000-tonne destroyers in future: military expert

[image: Type-052D DDG]China is planning to build a total of 12 Type 052D
guided-missile destroyers, but it will eventually have the capability to
construct larger destroyers with displacement of over 10,000 tonnes, said
Fang Bing, a military expert, in an interview with the state-owned Beijing
Television on Aug. 12.
Fang said Type 052D destroyers are likely to play a very important role in
the People's Liberation Army Navy for a period of time. Known as the
Chinese Aegis, Fang said that the Type 052D destroyer is currently the most
powerful warship China has constructed.
He said t... more »
The Pentagon's 'Ship Of The Future' Is In Even More Trouble

[image: USS Freedom]A new Congressional report suggests the Pentagon may
face further scrutiny over its direction to issue no new contracts for the
controversial Littoral Combat Ship program beyond 32 ships.
The August report questions whether the Pentagon did the proper analysis
before making the decision to truncate the Navy’s planned buy of 52 ships
down to 32.
The LCS vessels are currently being procured under a 2010, 10-ship deal
with each of the two contractors — the Lockheed design is a steel
semi-planing monohull and the General Dynamics/Austal USA design is an
all-aluminum... more »
Musical Interlude: 2002, “Sea of Dreams”
2002, “Sea of Dreams”
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMkzdVrgQ68
Blog Report, 6 Years On...
Happy birthday, “Running.” This blog started on August 14, 2008 as a sort
of “journal” to collect my thoughts and store things of interest. Over time
it made sense to share what I’d found to be of value. I’d have never
dreamed I’d still be doing this after 6 years, either, lol. According to
Google Blogger and StatCounter as of this moment we have 25,877 posts, have
had 1,669,833 unique visitors from all over the world, with 2,897,584
pageviews. We’ve come a long way together, and covered nearly everything
imaginable, and I thank you all very much for spending time here and
stopping ... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
"Drifting through the one-horned constellation Monoceros, these dusty
streamers and new born stars are part of the active Monoceros R2
star-forming region, embedded in a giant molecular cloud. The cosmic scene
was recorded by the VISTA survey telescope in near-infrared light. Visible
light images show dusty NGC 2170, seen here just right of center, as a
complex of bluish reflection nebulae.
*Click image for larger size.*
But this penetrating near-infrared view reveals telltale signs of ongoing
star formation and massive young stars otherwise hidden by the dust.
Energetic winds and r... more »
"In The Time Of Your Life..."
"In the time of your life, live - so that in good time there shall be no
ugliness or death for yourself or for any life your life touches. Seek
goodness everywhere, and when it is found, bring it out of its hiding-place
and let it be free and unashamed. Place in matter and in flesh the least of
the values, for these are things that hold death and must pass away.
Discover in all things that which shines and is beyond corruption.
Encourage virtue in whatever heart it may have been driven into secrecy and
sorrow by the shame and terror of the world. Ignore the obvious, for it is
unwor... more »
"A Perpetual Illusion..."
"Human life is thus only a perpetual illusion; men deceive and flatter each
other. No one speaks of us in our presence as he does of us in our absence.
Human society is founded on mutual deceit; few friendships would endure if
each knew what his friend said of him in his absence, although he then
spoke in sincerity and without passion. Man is then only disguise,
falsehood, and hypocrisy, both in himself and in regard to others. He does
not wish any one to tell him the truth; he avoids telling it to others, and
all these dispositions, so removed from justice and reason, have a natura... more »
Chet Raymo, "The Silence"
*"The Silence"*
by Chet Raymo
"The hiding places of my power
Seem open; I approach, and then they close;
I see by glimpses now; when age comes on,
May scarcely see at all, and I would give,
While yet we may, as far as words can give,
A substance and a life to what I feel..."
"These few lines from Wordsworth's "The Prelude" leapt off the page at me
this morning. They capture well enough what my life has become. All those
years of teaching, of writing in the Boston Globe, were years of sharing
public knowledge, knowledge that had been vetted by the scientific
co... more »
SAS Charlotte Maxeke refit on hold
[image: SAS Charlotte Maxeke]The second of the Navvy’s Heroine class
submarines, SAS Charlotte Maxeke, will not undergo a refit in the immediate
future because the Request for Offer (RfO) was withdrawn by Armscor.
At the same time the Navy, though its public relations officer, Captain
(SAN) Zamo Sithole, said the “refit is scheduled to commence once requisite
funding has been identified”.
Charlotte Maxeke was commissioned on March 14, 2007, with the pennant
number S102. Her sister underwater craft are SAS Manthatisi (S101) and SAS
Queen Modjadji 1 (S103).
Read more
Trident missiles 'could be relocated to Plymouth from independent Scotland'

[image: Vanguard class SSBN]There would be no insurmountable technical or
financial obstacle to relocating Britain's Trident nuclear missile base to
England out of an independent Scotland, a report by a leading thinktank
says on Thursday.
Any local opposition might delay but not stop relocation, and the favoured
site would be Devonport in Plymouth, it says.
Some opponents of Scottish independence have suggested it would mean the
end of the Trident nuclear weapons system and that the cost of moving the
submarine base at Faslane and the nuclear warhead depot at Coulport would
be proh... more »
Meet MonsterMind, the NSA Bot That Could Wage Cyberwar Autonomously

[image: MonsterMind, the NSA Bot]Edward Snowden has made us painfully aware
of the government’s sweeping surveillance programs over the last year.
But a new program, currently being developed at the NSA, suggests that
surveillance may fuel the government’s cyber defense capabilities, too.
The NSA whistleblower says the agency is developing a cyber defense system
that would instantly and autonomously neutralize foreign cyberattacks
against the US, and could be used to launch retaliatory strikes as well.
Read more
Truth - A Guest Post by Michael Brine
[image: Truth - Melissa Phillippe]
*Truth is not confined. It is everywhere and is everlasting. *
*It does not reside, nor is it the purview of any one person *
*or religion. *
*It rests within the hearts of us all. It is found in the Silence *
*when the mind is still. *
*It overflows from the heart when we ‘Listen’. *
*It has no limitations, for it is everywhere and in all created *
*things, and Love is its messenger.*
Michael Brine
*To read more of Michael's writings visit:*
Israel and Palestinians begin tense five-day Gaza truce
'Israel and the Palestinians have begun a fresh five-day ceasefire in Gaza,
agreed at the end of a three-day truce.As the ceasefire was announced,
Israel launched air strikes in response to alleged rocket fire from Gaza.'
As usual the BBC's wording re breaking this latest truce puts Israel's
firing first even though it was a reaction to Hamas breaking the ceasefire.
The BBC's institutional anti Israel bias is blatant and partly responsible
for the recent rise in antisemitism in the UK.
More here http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-28782224
Corruption vs Reform - A Guest Post by Saker Saloum
More NSA Revelations From Edward Snowden

*The Most Wanted Man In The World -- Wired*
The message arrives on my “clean machine,” a MacBook Air loaded only with a
sophisticated encryption package. “Change in plans,” my contact says. “Be
in the lobby of the Hotel ______ by 1 pm. Bring a book and wait for ES to
find you.” ¶ ES is Edward Snowden, the most wanted man in the world. For
almost nine months, I have been trying to set up an interview with
him—traveling to Berlin, Rio de Janeiro twice, and New York multiple times
to talk with the handful of his confidants who can arrange a meeting. Among
other things, I want to answe... more »
Why Is President Obama 'Secretly' Returning To Washington This Sunday?

President Barack Obama makes a statement on the situation in Iraq from
Chilmark, Mass., August 11, 2014. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
*Why Is Obama Returning To Washington? -- The Hill*
President Obama won't make any major announcements on immigration reform
during his secretive mid-vacation trip back to Washington next week, the
White House said Wednesday.
The president is expected to return to the White House on Sunday, but
officials won't say why Obama is taking the unusual, and costly, trip back
to Washington. He's expected to return to Martha's Vineyard, where he... more »
U.S. Special Forces Have Just Completed A Reconnaissance Mission On Rescuing Thousands Of Iraqi Refugees On Mount Sinjar
*U.S. Green Berets Land On Iraqi Mountain To Weigh Rescue -- CBS News*
U.S. troops landed Wednesday among refugees who remain stranded and
starving on a mountaintop in Iraq.
Several thousand ethnic Yazidis ran to Mount Sinjar after an Islamic
extremist group known as ISIS overran much of northern Iraq. President
Barack Obama ordered airstrikes last week to push ISIS back.
A team of about 20 American Green Berets has just completed a
reconnaissance mission on Mount Sinjar. They spent nearly the entire day
trying to determine what it will take to get thousands of desperate
refugees... more »
When People Are Dying, You Must Come Back From Vacation

French Foreign Affairs Minister Laurent Fabius (C) visited Iraqi refugees
in Nineveh province on Sunday, saying upon his return to France that
vacations for certain world leaders should cease while people are dying
*'When People Are Dying, You Must Come Back From Vacation': French Foreign
Minister Seems To Slam Obama For Golfing While Iraq Burns -- Daily Mail*
* Obama is on Martha's Vineyard while Iraq undergoes regime change and
terrorists slaughter ethnic and religious minorities
* Calling heads of state to lobby participation in humanitarian assistance
program – in between... more »
$100 Target Giftcard and Elph Giveaway

I am so excited to be teaming up with some awesome bloggers to bring you
this giveaway! Check out the details below!
It's that time of the year again: kids all over the country are headed back
to school. While gathering those school supplies, it's also important to
remember your child's safety. That's where ELPH comes in! ELPH is a
silicone wristband designed specifically for children, adults, the elderly,
and individuals with special needs. It provides an immediate, highly
visible form of identification, with clear instructions directly on the
band, so you can be reunited with you... more »
If either of Netanyahu’s right-wing political rivals for the Prime
Minister’s job had been leading Israel over this last year or so, what
would be the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank today?
A future potential Israeli leader is the extreme right-wing Naftali
Bennett, leader of the Jewish Home party which is devoted to creating a
Greater Israel that includes all of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip and
excludes any possibility of there ever being a Palestinian state. Bennett
is currently Minister of the Economy in Netanyahu’s cabinet.
Another contender is the even more ex... more »
Why North Carolina Partisan Hack Robert Pittenger Owes A No Sweat Reelection To Steve Israel
In 2013 right-wing lunatic Robert Pittenger and a less extreme,
business-friendly Republican calling himself a New Dem, Patrick Murphy,
sent out a letter to House leadership from a motley crew of conservative
freshmen-- from crackpot sociopaths like domestic terror supporter Steve
Stockman (R-TX), congressional coke dealer Trey Radel (R-FL), whack job
teabaggers like Kerry Bentivolio (R-MI), Markwayne Mullin (R-OK) and Ted
Yoho to the usual aisle-crossing Blue Dogs and New Dems from the Republican
wing of the Democratic Party like Kyrsten Sinema (Blue Dog-AZ), Pete
Gallego (Blue ... more »
Rest In Peace Lauren Bacall

Lauren Bacall (/ˌlɔrən bəˈkɔːl/, born Betty Joan Perske; (September 16,
1924 – August 12, 2014) was an American actress of film, stage, and musical
theatre, known for her distinctive husky voice and sultry looks. She began
her career as a model.
She first emerged as a leading lady in the Humphrey Bogart film To Have and
Have Not (1944) and continued on in the film noir genre, with appearances
in Bogart movies The Big Sleep (1946), Dark Passage (1947), and Key Largo
(1948), as well as comedic roles in How to Marry a Millionaire (1953) with
Marilyn Monroe and Designing Woman (1957) ... more »
*More Warmist deception*
*The notorious Mark Serreze fails to mention below that there was open
water at the North pole on several occasions throughout the 20th. century.
As NOAA says: "Recently there have been newspaper articles describing the
existence of open water at the North Pole. This situation is infrequent but
has been known to occur as the ice is shifted around by winds. In itself,
this observation is not meaningful."And Serreze is simply lying about the
Northwest passage. It too has been navigated on many occasions in the
past. It was first navigated by Roald Amund... more »
Ukraine: This Time, West Sides With Nazis

*August 13, 2014 *(Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - A Russian aid convoy consisting
of nearly 300 white trailer trucks carrying 2,000 tons of supplies for
besieged Ukrainians in the eastern province of Luhansk is being blocked by
the regime in Kiev. The Guardian in its article, "Russian aid convoy 'will
not be admitted into Ukraine'," stated:
*A Ukrainian security spokesman has said that a humanitarian convoy Russia
has dispatched to eastern Ukraine will not be admitted into the country.*
The Guardian would also admit:
*Thousands of people are said to be short of water, electricity and med... more »
Sweeping agreements will further degrade university education in Ontario, "Canada"
Denis G. Rancourt
In mid-summer vacations we learned from the media that the "Ontario
government has signed a sweeping set of agreements with universities and
colleges that will oblige them to choose areas of specialty and avoid
overlapping programs with one another". [1]
This is a structural change that goes to the heart of institutional
identity and jurisdiction. Thus, it is important
Seminar: Socialist Calculation Debate
[image: 276464_137539366339987_1226509_n]
What’s on the agenda at tonight’s Auckland Uni Economics Group seminar?
Here’s their update:
One of the great economic controversies of the twentieth century was known
as the Socialist Calculation Debate-drawing in thinkers and economists from
Vienna to Moscow, and from Warsaw to Chicago—and included at its climax a
joke whose punchline was new New Zealand.
Soviet leader Nikita Kruschev entered the debate in 1956 by banging his
shoe on the podium at the U.N., telling the west: "History is on our side.
We will bury you in fine [goods]. You... more »
Monstermind or the Doomsday Machine? Autonomous Cyberwarfare
Today in Wired magazine, James Bamford published a seven-page story and
interview with Edward Snowden. The interview is another unique look into
the life and motivations of one of America’s most (in)famous
whistleblowers; it is also another step in revealing the depth and
technological capacity of the National Security Agency (NSA) to wage
cyberwar. What
Continue reading
*Judge: Council approval of Holy Cross river- front condo development was
invalid ~Jaquetta White, New Orleans Advocate *
*Judge approves move of mentally ill OPP patients out of New Orleans ~WWLTV
Lee County, FL School Board Pledges to Research Opting Out Entire District
From News-Press.com:
FCAT. Florida Standards. Common core.
No matter what you call it, the school board wants it gone.
Board members unanimously expressed their disdain for standardized testing
at the school board meeting Tuesday, pledging to research the possibility
of "opting out" the entire district from standardized testing.
"There needs to be a come-to-Jesus meeting ... to talk about these issues
point blank," Chairman Tom Scott said.
Board member Don Armstrong said the district cannot afford to continue
testing at the current rate.
"A lot of our money is being poured out of... more »
The Mother of All Encores
One of the things I love about classical music is discovering a new work or
a piece by a composer you may not be all too familiar with. Such was the
case this afternoon when I decided to escape our mini heatwave here and
indulge in a few tunes. While Mozart is of course familiar to most, oft
listened to and performed one of the unfortunate side effects with music of
the Classical era is that there is a great deal of other great music out
there that deserves to be better known but often isn't simply
because....well, it's not Mozart. Anyhow, I came across some small
ensemble works ... more »
Some Info On Yezidis
An excerpt from, *"The Templars' last crusade for the Yezidis"* by Wayne
Purdin, Examiner.com, August 1, 2009:
Mark and the Gnostic Templars have undertaken a final crusade to spread the
teachings of gnosis and how it forms the basis of all religions. A key
element of this crusade is the preservation of the religion traditions of
the Yezidis. Mark is making people aware of the genocide that the Yezidis
are suffering and the truths about their religion through his website
yezidiruth.org. He is also helping to establish a Yezidi center in Lincoln,
Nebraska and an international shrine... more »
Germany debates arming Iraq | Journal + Helicopter pilot killed in Yazidi rescue crash, mourned in Iraq
Germany debates arming Iraq | Journal. Source: DW (English). Date
Published: August 13, 2014. Description:
Berlin is working on sending equipment to Iraqi Kurds to help fight off IS
militants. But there's disagreement on whether that should include weapons.
Helicopter pilot killed in Yazidi rescue crash, mourned in Iraq. Source:
Reuters. Date Published: August 13, 2014.
U.S. Defense Secretary Hagel: 'The World is Exploding All Over'
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel speaks to Marines on Camp Pendleton, Calif.,
Aug. 12, 2014. DoD photo by U.S. Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class Sean Hurt
*Defense Secretary: 'The World is Exploding All Over' -- Weekly Standard*
Fresh off a trip to India and Australia, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel
addressed a group of Marines in San Diego, California Tuesday, and may have
delivered a line that will show up in Republican campaign ads this election
cycle. After updating the troops on some issues in the Pacific region and
the Middle East, Hagel took questions from some of the Marines and g... more »
Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- August 13, 2014
*With Or Without Maliki, Iraq Will Tear Itself Apart -- Peter Van Buren,
The word out of Washington is Nouri al-Maliki must go. A new prime
minister, Haider al-Abadi, will unify Iraq with American help.
We’ve seen this movie before — an attempt at a quick fix of Iraq’s
problems. Like every other quick fix tried, this one will fail, too. The
United States is ignoring the inevitable: Iraq will eventually dissolve
into separate nation-states. Efforts are needed to manage that process, not
to hope it will go away.
*Read more* ....
*Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- ... more »
World News Briefs -- August 13, 2014 (Evening Edition)
Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com
*Hamas Agrees To New Cease-Fire; Israel Yet To Comment -- USA Today*
The Hamas militant group that controls Gaza agreed Wednesday to extend the
current cease-fire another 72 hours, a Hamas official said.
The announcement by senior Hamas member Izzat al-Rishq came just a
half-hour before a three-day truce was set to expire at 5 p.m. ET Wednesday.
Israel had no immediate comment.
Two hours before the cease-fire was to end, a rocket was fired from Gaza
into southern Israel. It exploded in open country and caused no damage or
injuries, Israe... more »
Ferguson: Live Video Streams
Once again an extremely militarized police force is facing down peaceful
protesters in Ferguson and trying to get them to disperse. There are dozens
of officers, some counting more than 70 and reports that there are snipers
with weapons pointed at the crowd.
Reddit has a live stream gathering all the information coming out as it
happens here.
Infowars has a live UStream right there at the front where it's all going
down (below). We have the "I am Mike Brown from Ferguson MO" live stream
and the local Fox affiliate's live stream, as well.(you can view all three... more »
Here is a vivid example of the anti-Russian propaganda being taught by the
US-EU backed regime in Kiev that came to power with the help of Nazi
elements in Ukraine.
Doing this to children is cruel but likely effective in planting the seeds
of hatred of Russia. Very sad.
This woman is Irina Farion from the ultra-nationalist camp in Kiev.
Let's talk about Francis Porretto...

*and his books.*
Some people write books that inspire. Some write books to teach us
something or to make us think, while others write books that are rollicking
good fun.
Very few writers manage to do all of these things at the same time.
Enter Francis Porretto.
Francis does that and more. He gives you big issues to ponder through the
struggles of his characters and he allows you, the reader, to sort out your
own answers.
*Disclaimer:* I'm probably one of the worst book reviewers in the history
of the world. It reminds me of the book reports we had to do in high
school in wh... more »
The Flu Shot: Hunting Season for Eugenicists?
*YouTube - Kenny Valenzuela*
Sanofi Pasteur Begins Shipping Seasonal Influenza Vaccine
FDA Vaccine Insert Lists Autism as Adverse Reaction
Sanofi Pasteur Fluzone Vaccine Insert
Who is Censoring the Internet?
CDC Vaccine Excipient & Media Summary
Vaccine Exemption Forms
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
Courtesy of Bob Mankoff we have a cartoonists' guide through the delicate subjects of proper eating habits and weight control

*"Is everything O.K., sir? We noticedthat you aren't constantly eating."*
*This delicious offering from Christopher Weyant comes from the slide show
assembled by *New Yorker* cartoon editor Bob Mankoff for his latest
blogpost, "Three Amazing Cartoon Diets You Won't Believe!"*
*by Ken*
As noted in the caption above, the title of Bob Mankoff's blogpost this
week is "Three Amazing Cartoon Diets You Won't Believe!" And while Bob does
eventually get to the promised cartoon diets, I'm afraid you'll have to
check those out for yourself -- we're not going to get to that. In fact, as
Bob ... more »
Heart Med Found to Increase Death in People with Irregular Heartbeat
Heather Callaghan
In *An Account of the Foxglove and Some of its Medical Uses*, published in
1785, Sir William Withering cautioned readers that extracts from the
poisonous plant foxglove, also called digitalis, was not a perfect drug.
He wrote:
...Time will fix the real value upon this discovery, and determine whether
I have imposed upon myself and others, or contributed to the benefit of
science and mankind.
Fast forward 200 years - researchers at the Stanford University School of
Medicine have finally highlighted that caution with the discovery that
patients with atrial fibri... more »
Language as a Weapon of Tyrants
*James Corbett*
Language is the great tool of the tyrants. It always has been, and always
will be. Patriots are expected to abide by a PATRIOT Act that destroys
their Bill of Rights, support “surgical strikes” against “enemy combatants”
by the Department of “Defense,” and cheer the award of the Nobel Peace
Prize to those who wage war.
Visit CorbettReport.com
Visit BoilingFrogsPost.com
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
AIsha North: The manuscript of survival – part 423

The manuscript of survival – part 423
For eons, mankind has been defined as consisting of single entities,
carrying out their life’s work in hardship and toil from birth to death,
for then to cease to exist altogether. In other words, you as humans have
been defined as someone simply existing between the first and the last
breath you take, and whatever comes before or indeed after that, is a
subject shrouded in mystery. Be that as it may, you have by now managed to
open your eyes to the fact that a hum... more »
Eye of Horus...an ancient esoteric joke?

I found this image tonight HERE, its a variation of the spooky "Eye of
Horus" found in Egyptian and occult symbology. The article calls it "The
Evil Eye box" (does that identify the "evil eye" as being the Eye of Horus?
Here in Morocco the Hand of Fatima (sometimes called *the Hamsa* - or five)
is a common piece of jewelry among the superstitous that is said to protect
against the "Evil Eye" (Eye of Horus?).
Wikipedia says that's a human look of anger or jealousy, but I wonder if
really refers to something more ancient as to whatever the eye of Horus
was? The Hand of Fatima A... more »
Know Your Rights: Police Checkpoints
*Voices of Liberty*
Know Your Rights host Britt Hysen speaks with Nina Hodjat of Hodjat Law and
DUI Partners about 4th Amendment protections against unreasonable searches
and seizures.
More at VoicesofLiberty.com
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
Libya ( Forgotten ) Updates August 14 , 2014 -- Summing up Libya right now ( Libya Parliament passes law banning Militias by the end of the year , meanwhile the Militias are fighting like mad and shelling each other in Tripoli , EU and UN demand an immediate ceasefire - but who do they make the demand to ? )
Reports of civilians casualties following heavy shelling in western Tripoli
*By Ajnadin Mustafa.*
[image: Fires blaze in Ghot Shaal where the worst of last night's shelling
took place (Photo: Social Media)]
Fires blaze in Ghut Shaal where the worst of last night’s shelling took
place (Photo:*Social Media*)
*Tripoli, 13 August 2014:*
At least five civilians were wounded with unconfirmed reports of a number
of deaths last night following heavy shelling of seve... more »
Hager, rhymes with macabre
Nicky Hager’s thesis appears to be that negative attack politics damages
our political system. He makes the case in a book that is a negative
political attack, the fourth in a series of attacks he has hoped each time
will change an election.
Nicky Hager is a privacy campaigner utterly opposed to government intrusion
into private data and communications. Nicky Hager has published four books
based on data derived from stolen communications.
Nicky Hager is appalled that some bloggers (Cameron Slater, David Farrar)
are National Party members, and are part of National Party campaigning... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Sheung Wan, Hong Kong, China. Thanks for stopping by.
Paulo Coelho, “The Stone”
*“The Stone”*
by Paulo Coelho
"A wise woman who was traveling in the mountains found a precious stone in
a stream. The next day she met another traveler who was hungry, and the
wise woman opened her bag to share her food. The hungry traveler saw the
precious stone and asked the woman to give it to him. She did so without
The traveler left, rejoicing in his good fortune. He knew the stone was
worth enough to give him security for a lifetime. But, a few days later, he
came back to return the stone to the wise woman. “I’ve been thinking,” he
said. “I know how valuable thi... more »
The Poet: Rainer Maria Rilke, "And Yet..."
*"And Yet..."*
"And yet, though we strain
against the deadening grip
of daily necessity,
I sense there is this mystery:
All life is being lived.
Who is living it then?
Is it the things themselves,
or something waiting inside them,
like an unplayed melody in a flute?
Is it the winds blowing over the waters?
Is it the branches that signal to each other?
Is it flowers
interweaving their fragrances
or streets, as they wind through time?"
~ Rainer Maria Rilke
"Emotional Attacks: Choosing Not to Be a Target"
*"Emotional Attacks: Choosing Not to Be a Target"*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
"It is important to remember that if you are being attacked emotionally, it
is more than likely not about you at all. Hurtful confrontations often
leave us feeling drained and confused. When someone attacks us emotionally,
we may wonder what we did to rouse their anger, and we take their actions
personally. We may ask ourselves what we could have done to compel them to
behave or speak that way toward us. It’s important to remember that there
are no real targets in an emotional attack and that it is usu... more »
US Special Ops meet 'refugees' on alleged beseiged mountain- Updated!
*Last post for today!*
* Still looking for some serious thoughts on this post.. feel free to
*1- Air Corridors & Bogus Humanitariansim as cover for wider war in the
Middle East?*
*And give a listen to-*
*2- James Corbett: The Ebola Effect*
Making plans? - Briefing the troops?
If you haven’t figured it out already, no, I do not believe there are
refugees in those mountains. It makes much more sense that the only people
really there are NATO’s Islamist fighters- And Special Ops dropping on in
just makes that truth all the more clear.
*Japan Today*
*A U.S. military official... more »
Georgia Town's SWAT Team Video Exemplifies Police Thug Mentality

Libertarian blogger Radley Balko has posted a story at the Washington Post
that perfectly illustrates the thug mentality of the American police state.
In a short video that should scare the living hell out of residents of
Doraville, Georgia, death metal music along with ominous military symbols
bookend a SWAT team mini-tank zooming around while on a drill. With the
ongoing plague of outbreaks of police state violence - in particular the
ongoing events in Ferguson, Missouri it is important to understand that
the police are completely out of control in this country.
The Doraville ... more »
(Bye Bye Dave, Hulloo Toddy) Third-World Status Envied Now (The De-Industrialization of America) One Rich Exec Gets Personal (Gives $$$$$ Back To Help Others) Robin Williams, Adieu
Some final thoughts on "Meet the Flesh." ‘Equally insufferable' Who knew?
National Review’s Jonah Goldberg is a Chuck Todd fan. No, really. Comments:
LucienCordier • They should hire me and rename it "Meet the Cattle Prod".
Start filibustering, speechifying, spewing talking points or avoiding a
simple yes/no answer and ride the lightning. Sure to be a hit.
NotBuyingItEvenForADollar •
GAIA PORTAL: Stillness at the center of Gaia energetic bodies has been realized in this moment
*Stillness at the center of Gaia energetic bodies has been realized in this
by ÉirePort
Stillness at the center of Gaia energetic bodies has been realized in this
Fragmentation paradigms have been supplanted with unity constructs.
Decimation of declinings has completed.
Restoration of Gaia Energtics prior to next phase has been completed.
Successive Gaia Hue-manity and hu-manity upgrades are next in line.
ÉirePort | August 13, 2014 at 12:15 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:
August 14, part two: (actually posted on July 15 and catching up with the Tand T of August 12))
Readers who check other sites I mention might have been trying to get
Information Clearing House a few days ago - to find it closed. This has
been a regular occurrence for some years. Unidentified hackers break in to
put it out of service. Of course, we know the hackers can't possible be
government agencies.
I should also mention that if you scroll down a bit on the site, you will
find, on the right margin a long list "alternative news and opinion
sources". I am not familiar enough with most of them to make any
recommendations. Something else to catch up on.
The only big news on ... more »
Nanu nanu

Like any other self-respecting blogger, I only (quite rightly) give
credence to reports and opinion polls that back up my own beliefs, so I'm
pleased to say that YouGov has it right over Robin Williams:
89% of British people say Robin Williams made them laugh
Nine in ten British people say Robin Williams made them laugh...
He certainly made me laugh in *Mork and Mindy*. (Not so much in *The Fisher
King *though).
I was a mere boy when he first called Orson and said 'Nanu nanu' to Mindy's
motorcycling granny, but I remember enjoying his performance at the time,
and then enjoying re... more »
Pre-K = Childhood's End?
Comment posted following “As the first day of school approaches, the city
trains thousands of universal pre-K teachers,” on Chalkbeat
Posted on August 12.
I wonder how many of those interested in teaching Pre-K in New York have
read the "New York State Prekindergarten Foundation for the Common Core."
The document is 62 pages long, filled with an astonishing list of standards
that cover Approaches to Learning (e.g. "Asks questions using who, what,
how, why, when, where, what if," Physical Development (e.g."runs, jumps and
walks in a straight line, and hops on one foot"), Social Develo... more »
A Look At The Desperate Plight Of The Yazidis In Iraq
*Arab Neighbors Joined ISIS Slaughter, Escaped Yazidi Says -- CNN*
Faysh Khabur, Iraq (CNN) -- In an exodus of almost biblical proportions,
thousands trudge across a river to escape killers belonging to the Islamic
State in Iraq and Syria, or ISIS.
Entire families carry nothing but the clothes on their backs. Some are
Jamal Jamir, a 23-year-old university student from Sinjar, told CNN his
family fled to the barren and windswept Mount Sinjar more than a week ago
after ISIS captured their town. The group, which calls itself the Islamic
State, has been on a rampage, killin... more »
ISIS (Islamic State) Is On The March And They Are Winning
*It Doesn’t Matter If You Call It ISIS, ISIL Or Islamic State, The
Extremist Brand Is Winning -- Adam Taylor, Washington Post*
Earlier this summer, the Associated Press announced that it would no longer
refer to the Islamist militants who had taken over swaths of of Syria and
Iraq as ISIS (the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) and instead would call
them ISIL (the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant). The news agency
justified the move by saying that it was a more accurate translation of the
Arabic original, al-Dawla al-Islamiya fi al-Iraq wa al-Sham (DAIISH or
داعش), though some ... more »
The Ukraine Crisis Is Testing The Russian - German Relationship

Russian President Vladimir Putin talks to German Chancellor Angela Merkel
at the Kurhaus resort garden in Wiesbaden, October 15, 2007. REUTERS/Bernd
*Ukraine Crisis Hardens Germany Against Russia, An Old Partner -- New York
BERLIN — Over recent months, something significant has happened in Europe:
In the crisis over Ukraine, Germany has assumed leadership not just in its
familiar fashion of trying to coax Russia away from belligerence and
bluster, but in standing firm and imposing sanctions on Moscow even if it
hurts German business.
Perhaps even more remarka... more »
Fighters And Military Equipment Are Moving Freely On Russia's Border With Ukraine

A Russian military helicopter takes off at a training site near the border
with Ukraine in the Rostov region, August 7, 2014. Credit: REUTERS/Maria
*On Russia's Border With Ukraine, Fighters And Military Gear Move Freely --
(Reuters) - In Russia's southwestern Rostov region bordering Ukraine, a
military-style training camp, a broken down border fence and tracks
consistent with armoured personnel carriers or tanks add to a body of
evidence of Russian involvement in Ukraine's war.
The Kremlin has consistently denied assertions by the West that it is
arming, suppo... more »
Do You Think Obama Has What It Takes To Save The World From Global Warming?
In an OpEd about executive action regarding immigration reform for
*USAToday*, Bush former Attorney General, Alberto Gonzales, urged Obama to
act. And Gonzales makes the case that Obama has American constitutional
precedent on his side.
Determining the limits of the president's inherent power to act in the
absence of either an express constitutional or congressional grant of
authority is one of the most difficult challenges in constitutional law. In
part, this is because our courts have been inconsistent in defining the
scope of the President's inherent authority.
Some constitut... more »
Iain Duncan Smith and the Race to the Bottom
Here we go again. In the topsy turvy Tory world of our beloved Department
for Work and Pensions secretary, joblessness is *not* caused by a lack of
jobs but instead "cultures of worklessness". To his mind, there are
millions living it up on the taxpayer dollar - skivers being kept in
e-cigs, iPads and *Jeremy Kyle* appearances. They do not work because they
have no incentive to take a job. It's all bullshit and myth. When a million
people queue up every week down the food bank, surely IBS and his chums at
the Department would be more concerned about fixing that very real, very
pres... more »
Astronomers and Alien Spacecraft
It is sort of an ongoing belief that astronomers don’t see UFOs… or as some
of those claiming this say, “Alien spacecraft.” Some astronomers have seen
things that could be classified as UFOs, meaning unidentified flying
objects as opposed to spacecraft. Clyde Tombaugh who discovered the now
demoted planet Pluto, had a sighting, but it was of rectangular lights
passing overhead which could have been some kind of spacecraft or might
have been some misunderstood natural phenomenon so strange that he had
never seen anything like it. The point here that could be debated was if
Tombaugh ... more »
Supplemental: Playing with their Hillary dolls!
*Reading her mind and speaking in her voice:* This morning, the New York
Times published three letters about Hillary Clinton’s recent interview, the
one about foreign affairs.
Three is *not* a large number. Under the circumstance, it’s striking to us
that the Times chose to publish the following tribute to the practice of
playing with dolls.
We’ll do a bit of highlighting:
LETTER TO THE NEW YORK TIMES (8/13/14): *It appears to me that Hillary
Clinton’s interview* with Jeffrey Goldberg in The Atlantic, which Frank
Bruni wrote about in “Hillary, Barbed a... more »
Joe's weird objections against state dependence
*The state dependence is a simple example of effective superselection
sectors; Joe's firewall confusion is linked to his sleeping beauty mistakes*
I have finally found some time to watch more videos from Strings 2014. You
may download them from the conference web page about talks or watch
many/most/all of them on the GraduatePhysics YouTube channel.
The talks by Joe Polchinski, Kyriakos Papadodimas, and Suvrat Raju are
among those that talk about the black hole interior. This blog's fans want
to see Suvrat's talk, 25:40-25:50. ;-)
What Suvrat and Kyriakos say makes sense. I looked a... more »
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