9:20pm MDST
ISIS Beheads US Journalist James Wright Foley As A Warning To President Obama

Frightening: James Wright Foley tenses as his executioner addresses the
camera who says this act of revenge is in responce to US airstrikes on Iraq
*'American Bombing Had Signed My Death Certificate': Missing US Journalist
James Wright Foley Goes Unflinching To His Death As ISIS Behead Him In
Horrific Video, As A Warning To Obama -- Daily Mail*
* American photojournalist James Wright Foley has been beheaded by ISIS
* Foley has been missing since Thanksgiving 2012 while working in Syria
* ISIS posted the extremely graphic video 'A Message to America' to social
* Foley sp... more »
Musical Interlude: 2002, “Oasis”
2002, “Oasis”
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Tfo1Jh2Jp0
"A Look to the Heavens"
"Is this what will become of our Milky Way Galaxy? Perhaps if we collide
with the Andromeda Galaxy in a few billion years, it might. Pictured above
is NGC 7252, a jumble of stars created by a huge collision between two
large galaxies. The collision will take hundreds of millions of years and
so is effectively caught frozen in time in the above image. The resulting
pandemonium has been dubbed the Atoms-for-Peace galaxy because of its
similarity to a cartoon of a large atom.
*Click image for larger size.*
The above image was taken recently by the MPG/ESO 2.2 meter telescope in
Chile. ... more »
"Past Life, Near Death Experience, Reincarnation Studies"
*"Past Life, Near Death Experience, Reincarnation Studies"*
by The University of Virginia
"If you would behold the spirit of death, open your heart wide unto
the body of life. For life and death are one, even as the river and sea are
- Kahlil Gibran
"The Division of Perceptual Studies (DOPS) is a unit of the Department of
Psychiatric Medicine of the University of Virginia's Health System. It was
founded in 1967, when Dr. Ian Stevenson resigned as Chairman of the
Department of Psychiatry to become Director of the Division and Chester F.
Carlson Professor of Psychiatry, positions... more »
"This Prison For Drunks..."
"All day I think about it, then at night I say it. Where did I come from,
and what am I supposed to be doing? I have no idea. My soul is from
elsewhere, I'm sure of that, and I intend to end up there. Who looks out
with my eyes? What is the soul? I cannot stop asking. If I could taste one
sip of an answer, I could break out of this prison for drunks. I didn't
come here of my own accord, and I can't leave that way. Whoever brought me
here, will have to take me home."
- Jalal al-Din Muhammad Rumi, "The Tavern" (Excerpt)
Kahlil Gibran, "Your Pain..."
"Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding.
Even as the stone of the fruit must break, that its heart may stand in the
so must you know pain.
And could you keep your heart in wonder at the daily miracles of your life,
your pain would not seem less wondrous than your joy."
-Kahlil Gibran, "The Prophet"
Why the Jindal Loss Was Expected Regarding La.’s PARCC Injunction
On August 19, 2014, District Judge Todd Hernandez ruled that the Jindal
administration’s suspension of the Louisiana state testing contract was to
be temporarily lifted until the pro-Common Core (CCSS) full case against
Jindal and his administration goes to court. (For backstory, click here.) I
was surprised at the judge’s ruling because the Louisiana Department of […]
Chet Raymo, “Retreat From Reason”
* “Retreat From Reason”*
by Chet Raymo
“Is there a flight from reason in the United States? Everywhere we look,
science is under attack. In government. In the schools. In the churches. We
are offered faith-based substitutes. The "Left Behind" series of
apocalyptic novels outsells everything else on the shelves. People are more
interested in astrology than astronomy. Intelligent design is championed at
the highest levels of government. Alternative medicine - faith healing,
homeopathy, energy therapies, New Age healing, and the like - is more
popular than ever. Scripture and revelati... more »
"I Had An Experience..."
"I had an experience... *I can't prove it, I can't even explain it, but
everything that I know as a human being, everything that I am tells me that
it was real! *I was given something wonderful, something that changed me
forever... A vision of the universe that tells us, undeniably, how tiny,
and insignificant and how... rare, and precious we all are! A vision that
tells us that we belong to something that is greater than ourselves, that
we are *not — that none of us — are alone!* I wish I could share that. I
wish, that everyone, if only for one moment, could feel that awe, and
hum... more »
Ron Jacobs : BOOKS | The pacification that never ends
Patrick Cockburn looks at the non-state forces in the region, who they are
backed by, the motives of those backers. and the sectarian desires of the
jihadis. By Ron Jacobs | The Rag Blog | August 19, 2014 [The Jihadis …
finish reading Ron Jacobs :
*BOOKS* | The pacification that never ends
The Daily "Near You?"
Burnham-on-sea, Somerset, United Kingdom.
Thanks for stopping by.
"Rarely Pure, Never Simple..."
"The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple."
- Oscar Wilde
"How To Respond To The Awful Truth"
*"How To Respond To The Awful Truth"*
by Zen Gardner
"It's a volatile, challenging time to be alive, no doubt. The world is a
landscape thoroughly scattered with catastrophic nightmares like flaming
lava pits on a giant festering orb. And this huge array of drastic,
life-threatening problems we're facing that are burning in the world's
collective subconscious are apparently careening towards some mad,
apocalyptic finale. The big question we're all faced with is this. Once
we're aware of what's going on, what do we do? And more importantly, for
those not willing to face the truth, w... more »
Is Japan's Military Returning To The Way Of The Samurai?

*Return Of The Samurai: Japan Steps Away From Pacifist Constitution As
Military Eyes Threat From China -- ABC Online*
Ever since it surrendered to the allies at the end of World War II, Japan's
military effort has been homebound.
The Japanese Self-Defence Forces have been precisely that – remaining
vigilant to outside threats but constitutionally restrained from striking
the first blow.
Now, with an assertive China throwing its weight around in North Asia,
there is a developing inclination among Japan's leadership to take its
tactical lead from another playbook: that the best... more »
Quote of the day: On what can’t be given to you by politicians
“Remember ever the old words—as true today as when they were first
spoken—'What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world, and lose his
own soul?' If you lose all respect for the rights of others, and with it
your own self-respect, if you lose your own sense of right and fairness, if
you lose your belief in liberty, and with it the sense of your own worth
and true rank, if you lose your own will and self-guidance and control over
your own lives and actions, what can all the buying and trafficking, what
can all the gifts of politicians give you in return?”
- Auberon Herbert
... more »
As He Saw It - by Elliot Roosevelt

*Conference leaders during Church services on the after deck of HMS Prince
of Wales, in Placentia Bay, Newfoundland, during the Atlantic Charter
Conference. *
*President Franklin D. Roosevelt (left) and Prime Minister Winston
Churchill are seated in the foreground.*
*Standing directly behind them are Admiral Ernest J. King, USN; General
George C. Marshall, U.S. Army; General Sir John Dill, British Army; Admiral
Harold R. Stark, USN; and Admiral Sir Dudley Pound, RN.*
*At far left is Harry Hopkins, talking with W. Averell Harriman.*
*Date between 10 August 1941 and 12 August 1941... more »
Danielle Jones
*"The day before, Father's Day, there had been 'an atmosphere' between the
youngster and her father.*
*Mrs Jones said Danielle had not given her father a Father's Day card that
Sunday, but she and her husband found one in their bedroom after she went
Danielle Jones - The Algebra of Justice from Spike EP on Vimeo.
"Resolving these cases as equations in this way fulfills the balancing act
that is depicted in the symbolism that we use for courts of justice, namely
the Scales of Justice, applying natural logic to the facts. The logic of
the completed equation is irrefutabl... more »
Will The U.S. Defend Japan?

Image Credit: Official U.S. Navy Page via Flickr.com
*Will The U.S. Defend Japan? More Of A Definite Maybe -- Paul Sracic, The
Recent history ought to teach us the dangers of assuming a ‘slam dunk.’
The late New York Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan once famously observed,
“[P]olitics is an argument about the future, and no one knows that future.”
Despite this warning, in recent weeks Jun Okumura and I have both tried our
hand at predicting a future that neither of us can be confident in knowing.
Still, the gravity of the event that we are both speculating about – the
lan... more »
They Thought They Were Free - The Germans, 1933-45

*They Thought They Were Free*
*The Germans, 1933-45*
*Excerpt from pages 166-73 of "They Thought They Were Free" First published
in 1955*
*By Milton Mayer*
*But Then It Was Too Late*
*"What no one seemed to notice," *said a colleague of mine, a philologist, *"was
the ever widening gap, after 1933, between the government and the people.
Just think how very wide this gap was to begin with, here in Germany. And
it became always wider. You know, it doesn’t make people close to their
government to be told that this is a people’s government, a true democracy,
or to be enrolled in civ... more »
Jeffrey Toobin explains "Why Rick Perry May Be Out of Luck"

*"[C]ourts give prosecutors virtual carte blanche to bring some cases and
ignore others. But, once they do bring them, courts respond to the argument
that 'everyone does it' more or less the same way that your mother did.
It's no excuse. So if Perry's behavior fits within the technical definition
of the two statutes under which he's charged, which it well might, he's
probably out of luck."*
*-- Jeffrey Toobin, in* "Why Rick Perry May Be Out of Luck"
*by Ken*
It's always frustrating when a pol outside the right-wing orbit behaves in
a way that enables the Right-Wing Noise Machine t... more »
Opertion Northwoods - Justification for US Military Intervention in Cuba
Opertion Northwoods - Justification for US Military Intervention in Cuba
from Spike EP on Vimeo.
3. A "Remember the Maine" incident could be arranged in several forms:
a. We could blow up a US ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba.
b. We could blow up a drone (unmannded) vessel anywhere in the Cuban
waters. We could arrange to cause such incident in the vicinity of Havana
or Santiago as a spectacular result of Cuban attack from the air or sea, or
The presense of Cuban planes or ships merely investigating the intent of
the vessel could be fairly compelling evidence that t... more »
Ambassador Freeman on US Iraq ISIS
Title: Ambassador Freeman on US Iraq ISIS. Source: VOAvideo. Date
Published: August 19, 2014. Description:
Host Carol Castiel talks with retired US defense official and diplomat,
Ambassador Chas Freeman, who served in numerous senior positions from US
Ambassador to Saudi Arabia to Director of Chinese Affairs at the State
Department to Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security
Affairs, about a range of national security issues from the crises in Iraq
and Syria, tensions between the United States and Russia over Ukraine,
differences between the U.S. and China over terr... more »
Roy Cohn, General John Medaris, Joe Bonanno, L.M. Bloomfield, theSyndicate and the Mafia.

*III - Roy Cohn, General John Medaris, Joe Bonanno, L.M. Bloomfield, the
Syndicate and the Mafia.*
Roy M. Cohn, using a representative of Intercontinental Company of Garland,
Texas, a subsidiary of Lionel Corporation, provided a Dallas located agent
to work with Ferenc Nagy. This agent was Ramon Buenrostro Cortez. Others
with Cortez in Texas were Lorenzo Saunders and a Cuban exile, Ignacio
Hernandez Garcia, alias Fernandez Feito.43
In the September 5, 1969 issue of LIFE Magazine, it was reported that J.
Edgar Hoover punished three of his FBI agents in New York for cooperating
... more »
Sarah Payne
*"The evidence at the trial of Roy Whiting consisted of an impressionable
eyewitness and an odd-looking pattern of fibres." *
Roy Whiting from Spike EP on Vimeo.
"Resolving these cases as equations in this way fulfills the balancing act
that is depicted in the symbolism that we use for courts of justice, namely
the Scales of Justice, applying natural logic to the facts. The logic of
the completed equation is irrefutable because it is mathematically correct,
and any error that is made in the calculation can be seen and corrected
The jury system was created with a unanim... more »
Permindex and Its Five Subsidiaries

*Former Hungarian Prime Minister Ferenc NagyAuthor of Behind the Iron
CurtainPresident of PERMINDEX*
This manuscript is the result of research and investigation by the
investigator and author. It is compiled for the sole purpose of research
and the statements and averments of fact contained herein are the result of
investigation and research of agencies both private and public. The purpose
of this document is to place into perspective such research and
investigative findings and is to be used only at a time in the future when
it... more »
Martial Law Primer ( August 19 , 2014 ) -- US Army's Civil Disturbances Manual .....US chemical weapon usage at Ferguson ( Tear Gas = chemical weapon ) ....... Amnesty International comes to Ferguson ( and US for the first time EVER !
Under What Conditions Can The US Army Engage Citizens: The Army's "Civil
Disturbances" Primer
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/19/2014 15:24 -0400
- Barack Obama
- None
With events in Ferguson deteriorating from day to day, despite the arrival
of the Missouri National Guard, some have asked what further escalation
steps are possible.
As a reminder, the reason Missouri governor Jay Nixon resorted to the aid
o... more »

*This picture is incredibly rare - that's "The Duchess", or "The Dutch".*
That's Savile's *MOTHER*...
Dead since 1973.
"Cliff Richard, whose home is near to where Madeleine McCann disappeared,
with Winston Churchill's close friend Lord Boothby, who reportedly was
involved with child sex rings for the elite..."
The Krays were not psychotic (or even violent) prior to their National
Service - then they spontaneously developed Multiple Personalities.
They are a product of the Tavistock Institute.
They main criminal racket was not Fruit Machines, it was little boys for
the Cliv... more »
"Some People..."
"There are some people that if they don't know, you can't tell 'em."
- Louis Armstrong
Lockerbie - Tam Dalyell
Lockerbie - Major's Bane from Spike EP on Vimeo.
*Q7. Mr. Dalyell : *To ask the Prime Minister if he will make a statement
on representations from Arab countries about sanctions against Libya.
* The Prime Minister :* We have had various approaches from Arab countries
about sanctions against Libya. We and the Arab League share the same
objective--to see a satisfactory outcome to the Lockerbie problem. This, as
the Arab League well knows, will require Libya's full compliance with
United Nations Security Council resolution 731.
* Mr. Dalyell :* In the light of my two letters to the P... more »
Recent Secret Test Raises Questions That China Is Now Ahead In Developing Hypersonic Strike Weapons

*China Secretly Conducts Second Flight Test Of New Ultra High-Speed Missile
-- Bill Gertz, Washington Free Beacon*
Wu-14 hypersonic glide vehicle poses major strategic weapons threat
China recently conducted the second flight test of a new, ultra-high-speed
missile that is part of what analysts say is Beijing’s global system of
attack weapons capable of striking the United States with nuclear warheads.
The latest test of the new hypersonic glide vehicle (HGV) known as Wu-14
took place Aug. 7 at a missile facility in western China, said U.S.
government officials familiar with detai... more »
In the Hands of Economists, the More Precise the Number, the Bigger the Lie.
*In this second-part of the excerpt we started yesterday, author of three
best-selling books already, Bill Bonner eviscerates what passes for modern
economics in this excerpt from ‘Hormageddon: How Too Much of a Good Thing
Leads to Disaster.’*
Excerpt #2 from
*Hormageddon: How Too Much of a Good Thing Leads to Disaster **By Bill
Bonner* *The Original Economists*
There was a time when economists were not so conceited, not so bold and
arrogant, not so ambitious… and not such dumbbells. The original
practitioners of the trade saw themselves as natural or moral philosophers.
It was ... more »
The Lesser of Two Evils Is Still Evil: An Interview With St. Pete for Peace

As the old saying goes, “the greatest trick that the devil ever pulled was
convincing the world he didn’t exist”. It is remarkable as to how
applicable that this saying is when applied to President Barack Obama.
Obama was widely hailed as the man who would lead the nation out of the
dark wilderness of the Bush-Cheney years of war, torture,
mass-surveillance, destruction of civil liberties and grand scale theft by
the jackals of high finance. Now it is apparent that Obama is not only a
fraud but is arguably far worse than Bush and Cheney because El Presidente
kills with a smile. E... more »
ECONOMICS FOR REAL PEOPLE: Why do Governments Regulate?
What’s happening tomorrow night at the Auckland Uni Economics Group? Here’s
your update:
This week we are excited to be joined by Professor Robert MacCulloch who
will answer the question: *Why do Governments Regulate?*
*This question has been a controversial one among economists for several
centuries. Do governments regulate for the public interest? Or rather to
protect the interests of “big business” that have captured politicians?
**Robert maintains neither of these views is consistent with the evidence,
arguing instead that regulations are imposed as a form of punishment o... more »
“Fukushima: Proof Radiation Is KILLING The Pacific”
*“Fukushima: Proof Radiation Is KILLING The Pacific”*
by Dana Durnford and Terry Daniels
“This video features highlights of Dana Durnford and Terry Daniel's video
Podcast. Very special thanks to Dana and his team for all the hard word and
research they have gathered concerning Fukushima radiation and the dying
Pacific Ocean. Without individuals such as Dana stepping up to get us the
real data in the field, much of this type of information would not be
available to the general public.
See the entire original 75 minute presentation here -
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1FrscZBjhc&fea... more »
How Long Until Ferguson Protesters are Declared to be "Terrorists"?
Attorney General Eric Holder is going to Ferguson while America is going to
Hell. Last night chaos continued to reign in Ferguson, Missouri as the
protests/riots over the shooting of Michael Brown are still going strong.
This despite the a renewed presence of militarized police in the streets
who are now augmented by the National Guard. Not only is the unrest ongoing
but as in America's Middle Eastern wars the local situation on the ground
is attracting participants who have a beef with the government from
According to a story in The Guardian entitled“Ferguson: 31 arres... more »
Unarmed Dog Gunned Down in Cold Blood by Chicago Cops

With a fervor akin to that of legendary G-man Eliot Ness chasing down a
member of the Al Capone mob, Chicago police gunned down a beloved family
pet early Monday morning. The latest victim of the undeclared war on dogs
by the nation's police was a large Italian Mastiff who was blown away in
it’s own backyard. There is now an actual term for the plague of family
pets being summarily executed during police raids:“puppycide”. This sad but
predictable evolution of the fascist police state has reached unprecedented
levels in America and body count rises daily. The murdering of innocent... more »
Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- August 19, 2014

The power of the Islamic State terrorist group, pictured here, stretches
from the steppe between Marea and al-Bab in northwestern Syria to an area
around 100 kilometers outside of Baghdad in Iraq. Reuters
*Caliphate of Fear: The Curse of the Islamic State -- Spiegel Online*
*Images of Yazidis fleeing parts of Iraq and Syria have shocked the world
and the battle against the jihadists with the Islamic State has united
Americans, Europeans, Kurds and Iranians. Can the Islamists be stopped?*
In Raqqa, Syria, the Islamic State's "caliphate" has already become a
reality. All women in the... more »
Elif Shafak: East, West, and Global Souls
Elif Şafak (born 25 October 1971, Strasbourg, France) is an outspoken
Turkish author, columnist, speaker and academic. "As Turkey's bestselling
female writer, Şafak is a brave champion of cosmopolitanism, a
sophisticated feminist, and an ambitious novelist who infuses her
magical-realist fiction with big, important ideas...". Critics have named
her as "one of the most distinctive voices in contemporary Turkish and
world literature".
Her books have been published in more than 40 countries, and she was
awarded the honorary distinction of Chevalier of the Order of Arts ... more »
Blatant EDL-Recruiting Propaganda, Courtesy of the License Fee Payer
Blatant EDL-Recruiting Propaganda, Courtesy of the License Fee Payer from Spike
EP on Vimeo.
*BBC EDL Girls - Dont Call Me Racist*
*A chronicle of the EDL "Angels" from BBC 3 in the wake of the Lee Rigby
Incident in Woolwich.*
*"The English Defence League has gained notoriety as the far-right street
movement with racist and extremist members whose protests often end in
violence. Many of its members feel misunderstood and misrepresented by the
media. This film explores the lives of some of the females living within
the EDL's ranks.*
*After the murder of Fusilier Lee Rigby in May ... more »
World News Briefs -- August 19, 2014 (Evenig Edition)
*Gaza Truce Collapses, Fighting Erupts, Israel Orders Negotiators Home --
(Reuters) - A ceasefire in the Gaza Strip collapsed on Tuesday, with
Palestinian militants firing dozens of rockets at Israel and Israel
launching air strikes that health officials said killed three people
including a woman and a young girl in Gaza.
Accusing Gaza Islamists of breaking the truce, Israel promptly recalled its
negotiators from talks in Cairo, leaving the fate of Egyptian-brokered
efforts to secure a lasting peace hanging in the balance.
Rockets were fired from Gaza nearly eight hours ... more »
Afghan Soldiers Have Been Ordered To Take No Prisoners

Captured Taliban insurgents and their weapons are presented to the media in
Ghazni province December 19, 2011. Mustafa Andaleb/REUTERS
*As Taliban Push Quickens, Afghan Troops Ordered: Take No Prisoners --
(Reuters) - As U.S. forces withdraw from Afghanistan, the battlefield they
leave behind is changing dramatically and becoming more deadly.
No longer pinned down by U.S. air cover, Taliban fighters are attacking
Afghan military posts in larger numbers with the aim of taking and holding
ground, a shift from the hit-and-run strikes with posses of gunmen,
explosives and sui... more »
Apartheid Schooling in New Jersey
Bob Braun's Ledger: on One Newark
I remember standing in line at the career fair at the New Jersey university
where I received my Master of Arts in Teaching and certification to teach
secondary history and social studies. The line at the Newark table was
vacant. No one, not one person, was interested in starting a career in
Newark New Jersey public schools. Despite financial incentives, jobs in
Newark and Camden public schools are still plentiful.
Bob Braun has been tirelessly covering education in New Jersey on his blog.
What is happening in Ferguson, Missouri, where schools budget... more »
revolutionary thoughts of the day: kareem abdul-jabbar, the new yorker, howard zinn
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar has an excellent essay in *Time*, something only a
big-name writer can get away with in the mainstream media. Abdul-Jabbar
names the stark truths behind the uprising in Ferguson, Missouri. And the
mere fact that this appears on Time.com is reason for hope.
This fist-shaking of everyone’s racial agenda distracts America from the
larger issue that the targets of police overreaction are based less on skin
color and more on an even worse Ebola-level affliction: being poor. Of
course, to many in America, being a person of color is synonymous with
being poor, and being... more »
Judith: think it possible you may be mistaken [updated]
[image: image]It’s true that both a person’s and a politician’s emails
should be private. But what might have been revealed by the reaction to the
illegal @Whaledump was more than just some ill-considered repartee.
How Judith Collins has reacted to media pressure about her behaviour –
leaving her Prime Minister to bat for her when she should be fronting
herself – has been revealing. It turns out Entitleitis isn't just for
corporate cronies and lowly-paid beneficiaries. Cabinet ministers get it
But then, they are the country’s highest-paid beneficiaries.
Irony, then, that Col... more »
It's no longer "hands up, don't shoot" in Ferguson
*As reported by Daniel Johnson, Founder of PANDA (People Against the NDAA)
moments ago via Ustream (see below), following another police involved
shooting earlier today, some protesters in the Northside community of St.
Louis (near Ferguson, MO) are saying: "It's no longer 'hands up, don't
shoot'. It's now 'shoot back'." *
*Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream*
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
Afghan Taliban Have Launched A Major Offensive Near Kabul

NATO troops arrive at the site of a suicide car bomb attack in Kabul Aug.
10, 2014. Reuters/Omar Sobhani
*Hundreds of Taliban Fighters Battle Afghan Forces Near Kabul -- Voice of
(Reuters) - As many as 700 heavily armed Taliban insurgents are battling
Afghan security forces in Logar, a key province near the capital Kabul,
local officials said on Tuesday, in a test of the Afghan military's
strength as foreign forces pull out of the country.
Militants have this summer mounted increasingly intensive assaults across
several provinces, often involving hundreds of fighters, as... more »
Is China's Armed Forces Too Corrupt To Fight And Win A War?

China's President Xi Jinping walks next to an honour guard during a
welcoming ceremony outside the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, in this
August 26, 2013 file photo. Credit: Reuters/Petar Kujundzic/Files
*Chinese Military's Ability To Wage War Eroded By Graft, Its Generals Warn
-- Reuters*
(Reuters) - As tensions spike between China and other countries in Asia's
disputed waters, serving and retired Chinese military officers as well as
state media are questioning whether China's armed forces are too corrupt to
fight and win a war.
A slew of articles in official media in recen... more »
Michael James : Stepping into America to see family, comrades & friends, then a return to Mexico, 1976-’78
After opening the Heartland Café in 1976, trips bolstered my positive
outlook about life, and probably kept me sane. By Michael James | The Rag
Blog | August 19, 2014 [In this series, Michael James is sharing images
from his … finish reading Michael James :
Stepping into America to see family, comrades & friends, then a return to
Mexico, 1976-’78
Greg Hunter, “Economic Mayhem Coming for US- Craig Hemke”
*“Economic Mayhem Coming for US- Craig Hemke”*
By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com
“Financial expert Craig Hemke is founder of the popular website
TFMetalsReport.com. Hemke says, “We are all preparing for the end of the
Keynesian experiment. We are all in the same boat. The Keynesian experiment
means this idea that government can simply print money and go into greater
and greater debt. Increase the money supply year over year, and we are at
a point where that is in the terminal phase. It’s unsustainable, and we are
preparing for what’s going to happen next.” Hemke goes by the name Tur... more »
“This Is Your Economic Recovery With And Without Drugs”
*“This Is Your Economic Recovery With And Without Drugs”*
By James Quinn
“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of
their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks…will
deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on
the continent their fathers conquered…. The issuing power should be taken
from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.” –
Thomas Jefferson
“Does this chart portray an economic recovery in any way? Wages have been
stagnant since the START of the supposed recovery in 201... more »
Capitalism and Social Movement Theory
You don't have to be steeped in social theory to realise that the kind of
society we live in is bound to have a huge impact on the things that happen
in that society. And yet social movement scholarship these last 20 years
has acted as if this law of sociological gravity does not apply. But when
the theoretical perspective that consistently gives the weight of wider
social relations due recognition is Marxism, you can understand why some
scholars might prefer to fight shy of integrating capitalism into the
analysis of movements. But it's not just a matter of political reticence.
Th... more »
Why Are Our Political Elites Always Such Patsies For Authoritarianism?

My grandfather, a Socialist, always warned me to never trust the Democratic
Party as a real alternative to the fascists (which is how he referred to
Nazis, Republicans, Southern Democrats and any other parties on the right).
In the last week, we've been looking at how the Democratic Establishment
and the Republican Establishment banded together to defeat Alan Grayson's
amendment against militarization of local police departments. As it turns
out, the Democratic floor manager of the bill was Military Industrial
Complex shill Pete Visclosky, who represents a heavily Democratic distr... more »
The Economy: “Corrupt Money Corrupts Everything”
*“Corrupt Money Corrupts Everything” *
by Bill Bonner
“Dow up another 175 points. Whee! Corrupt money corrupts everything it
touches. Do you remember, last year about this time, we saw two guys in
electric wheelchairs racing each other down Eutaw Street in Baltimore? The
local liquor store must have been getting ready to close.
All over the city you see these motorized wheelchairs. You may wonder how
people got around before they were invented. They probably walked. Or
powered their wheelchairs with their own arms. You may also wonder whether
eliminating the need to use arms as we... more »
Shut up, Wesley - Michael Moore & Jesse Jackson's 2004 Presidential Pick

*"Do you ever ask why it is that these people in these other countries
can't solve their own problems without the United States sending its troops
over there? And do you ever ask why it is the Europeans, the people that
make the Mercedes and the BMW's that got so much money can't put some of
that money in their own defense programs and they need us to do their
defense for them?*
*"And I'll tell you what I've learned from Europe is that are a lot of
people out in the world who really, really love and admire the United
States. Don't you ever believe it when you hear foreign leaders ... more »

Watershed event by government to impose further restrictions on liberty
Last week Fox News reported the FBI was concerned members of the New Black
Panthers are in Ferguson, Missouri to advocate and promote violence against
The report filed on August 13 cited an alert issued by the St. Louis
Division of the FBI. It claimed the National Chief of Staff of the New
Black Panther Party, Chawn Kweli, and others have traveled to Ferguson to
exploit the protests in response to the shooting of Michael Brown.
Kweli had p... more »
Swat Team Raided with Immigration, Tibetan Monks for over extended visas while they were on a Peace Mission in U.S.
Considering the U.S. is open for everyone now for illegal immigration. The
illegals are pouring in here fast from south of the border. SWAT teams in
the U.S. are militarized and are being used for the most basic purposes
now. They raid homes for the smallest reasons. In 2006, they raided
Tibetan Monks on a Peace mission for expired visas with immigration
officials. Now are they going to do
NATO Lies.

*"We have worked very hard in this campaign. It is not a campaign against
the Serb people, as we have said from the outset, it is directed
specifically to cause President Milosevic to change his mind, to change his
pattern of behaviour, to achieve some well articulated political aims and
we don't want to hurt innocent people, innocent civilians in this campaign,
so we are working very, very hard to prevent collateral damage. One of the
things we are doing is we are using precision weaponry. This campaign has
the highest proportion of precision weaponry that has ever been used in a... more »
Chinese Forces Have Advanced 25km Into Indian Territory In Recent Days

*Chinese Troops Enter 25km Deep Into Indian Territory: Sources -- Times Of
LEH/NEW DELHI: Chinese troops are reported to have entered 25 to 30km deep
into Indian territory in Burtse area in Ladakh where they had pitched their
tents last year that had led to a tense three-week standoff.
Official sources said on Monday a patrol of Indian troops noticed the
People's Liberation Army (PLA) personnel yesterday while moving from their
base towards the higher 'New Patrol base' post in Burtse area of North
Ladakh in Jammu and Kashmir. The area is at an altitude of 17,000 feet.
... more »
Ukraine's Millionaires Are Helping To Fund The Military As It Wages War Against Pro-Russian Separatists
*Ukraine's Secret Weapon: Funding From The Country's Millionaires -- CNN*
(CNN) -- A 20-minute drive from Kiev takes you to a neighborhood that feels
more like Beverly Hills than central Ukraine.
In a quiet oasis, huge mansions sit on lush lawns behind gilded gates.
Private security guards stand watch over quiet, tree-lined streets.
You'd never know you're in a country in the midst of a violent conflict,
with near daily reports of intense battles killing soldiers, pro-Russian
separatists, and civilians -- including children.
These are the mansions that rose when the Soviet Union f... more »
Supplemental: No leaders, no justice!
*TUESDAY, AUGUST 19, 2014*
*Where has the leadership been:* We were surprised by a conversation on
last evening’s Maddow program.
Maddow interviewed Lizz Brown, a St. Louis talk show host. Before
introducing her guest, Maddow indirectly raised a pair of questions we have
been puzzling about.
According to Maddow, some local people had suggested that the all-night
protests should be all-night no more. Wondering if those people could
really be local leaders, Maddow decided to ask Brown:
MADDOW (8/18/14): Tonight in Missouri, police are not imposing the midnight
to 5 a.m. curfew that ... more »
St. Louis City police shoot, kill knife-wielding suspect
*ST. LOUIS, MO (KTVI) – Authorities are responding to a report of an
officer involved shooting in north St. Louis. It happened just before 1
p.m. Tuesday at McLaran and Riverview outside a market.*
*Authorities say a man tried to rob the 5-Star Market convenience store
with a knife.*
*The store owner says he got into a dispute with the man.*
*Police were called but the suspect refused to put down the weapon. He
tried to attack police and was shot and killed.*
*Photo from officer involved shooting on Riverview in North St. Louis.
#KSDK ... more »
The Realist Report - Are nuclear weapons a hoax?

*Photographers connected to a military funded movie studio based in **Laurel
Canyon **filming a "nuclear weapon" test.*
On this edition of The Realist Report, we'll be joined by Rae West of
*www.Big-Lies.org *and www.NukeLies.org. Rae and I will be discussing the
very real possibility that nuclear weapons are in fact a hoax and a variety
of other subjects. You can download the entire program *here*.
Below are relevant links for this program:
- *"Have you heard the idea nuclear bombs are a myth?" - vid*
- *NukeLies.org YouTube playlist*
- *Guided Tour of our Hiroshima/Nagas... more »
Russian President Putin Will Meet Ukrainian President Poroshenko In Minsk On August 26

Ukrainian President-elect Petro Proshenko (left) walks past Russian
President Vladimir Putin (right) during the commemoration ceremony for the
70th anniversary of D-Day at Sword beach in Ouistreham, France on June 6,
before Poroshenko had been sworn in as president.
*Putin, Ukrainian President Poroshenko To Meet In Minsk Next Week -- Radio
Free Europe*
As fighting continued between pro-Russian separatists and Ukrainian forces
in the eastern Ukrainian city of Luhansk, Kyiv and Moscow announced that
the presidents of Russia and Ukraine will meeet in Minsk next week.
The Kremlin said... more »
Kicked-Up Sweet Chili Quesadilla

When it comes to Mexican food, it's easy to throw the humble quesadilla at
the bottom of the list of options. But who says the quesadilla has to be
We often make quesadillas as a quick-fix meal and as a result they end up
being quick-fix quality: dull and average. But, like so many other things
in life, if you add a little time and thought, you can make quesadillas an
awesome dish.
Such is the case with these Kicked-Up Sweet Chili Quesadillas. They are a
fusion of Asian and Mexican and the flavors are complex and delicious!
- 1/2 to 1 lb. cooked chicken,... more »
Ukraine Civil War News Updates -- August 19, 2014
*Advancing Ukraine Troops Take Fight To Heart Of Pro-Moscow Rebellion --
(Reuters) - A gun battle broke out in the center of the rebel-held
Ukrainian city of Donetsk and residents ran for cover from artillery fire
on Tuesday, taking a government military offensive into the heart of the
retreating pro-Moscow separatist rebellion.
Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Ukrainian counterpart will meet
next week for the first time in months to try to end their confrontation
over the separatist rebellion in eastern Ukraine, their offices said.
In a prelude to the talks betw... more »
August 18: Blah....
Monday's Times and Transcript was, more than usually, pretty flat gruel.
Almost all news media have always been propaganda sheets. In the old days,
that was evident in the press empires of William Randolph Hearst and Lord
Beaverbrook But these were lone operators, each with his own agenda so one
could always read several papers, and come up with some hint of the truth.
But now they are almost all of them, owned in huge blocks by a handful of
multibillionaires who are united to control government - and the news
media. Publicly-owned systems like BBC and CBC were more honest, and they... more »
Are The Republicans Pulling Ahead Of Democrats In Campaign Field Operations?

After watching how a weak Republican candidate, lobbyist David Jolly, managed
to beat Alex Sink-- with the DCCC and EMILY's List all in-- after Sink
spent $3,195,638-- *double* what Jolly spent-- it was clear that throwing
money into media buys was more effective in enriching consultants than in
winning elections. I asked an old friend of mine, Christian Schneider of Pivotal
Campaign Services to explain what exactly a "grassroots campaign" is and
why progressive candidates need to throw away the DCCC/consultant playbook
and start thinking outside the box.
*Field for Candidatesby ... more »
Reuters Given A Tour Of Hamas' Tunnel Complex

Palestinian fighters from the Izz el-Deen al-Qassam Brigades, the armed
wing of the Hamas movement, stand inside an underground tunnel in Gaza
August 18, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Mohammed Salem
*Exclusive: Hamas Fighters Show Defiance In Gaza Tunnel Tour -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Hamas fighters, clad in black and armed with assault rifles,
navigated the dimly lit tunnel with ease, saying they felt at home in their
network of underground passages in the Gaza Strip.
A rare tour that Hamas granted to a Reuters reporter, photographer and
cameraman appeared to be an attempt to dispute Israel... more »
Mass Produced Security Robots Introduced in U.S.

Vigilant MCP - Gamma2 Robotics *Activist Post*
While debate continues to rage about the threat of autonomous "killer
robots," the mechanized replacement of humans continues across the
workforce. In fact, the robotics industry notched record sales in the first
half of 2014 in North America, and there appears to be no indications of a
Security robots have become a special area of interest for developers.
Britain recently unveiled its first robot security guard. "Bob" is the
outcropping of a worldwide initiative into robotic security set to appear
at prisons, care facil... more »
"Has anyone else kept a job after 7 years of total failure?"
Alan at *Biased BBC* links to more tweets from the BBC's
Palestinian-obsessed Australia correspondent, Jon Donnison. After Alan went
to press, Jon D posted yet another impartiality-busting tweet:
Realised 7 years ago I was covering @tonyblairoffice new gig as ME peace
envoy? Has anyone else kept a job after 7 years of total failure?
— Jon Donnison (@JonDonnison) August 18, 2014
Now, he may very well be right, but should he really be saying that as a
BBC reporter (especially one who uses Twitter as a key part of his BBC
reporting and not in a personal capacity)?
Cost of Medical Bills for Baby Hit by SWAT Grenade? Over $800,000. County’s Refusal to Pay? Priceless

Daisy Luther
Remember back in May when a gang of uniformed thugs from the Habersham
County SWAT team threw a flash-bang grenade right on top of a sleeping baby?
Well, stellar group that they are, they’ve refused to pay the over $800,000
in medical bills for the child that they permanently disfigured and nearly
killed. That’s right. They aren’t paying the bills and are leaving the
family to try and cover the costs for the toddler’s care.
Our militarized police forces are claiming too many innocent victims, and
they aren’t being held accountable.
The family’s attorneys, from the D... more »
How Amanda Ripley’s The Smartest Kids in the World Falls Short
Amanda Ripley’s The Smartest Kids in the World is primarily concerned with
what we can learn from other countries, and several of those lessons are
very valuable. It also has a very few pages that are jammed-packed with
inaccurate, un-footnoted statements about standardized testing in America.
My sense is that Ripley feels compelled to offer […]
Argentina: “Strange Presences” in the Islands of Entre Rios

*Source: Diario La Voz (online)Date: 08.19.2014*
*Argentina: “Strange Presences” in the Islands of Entre Rios*
**** Man tells local television about disembodied beings in the La Jaula
A local resident identified as Rubén Lell claims having witnessed the
manifestations of beings “with heads, but without bodies” while crossing
the islands near the La Jaula wilderness in the Province of Entre Rios.
Lell states that he headed for the river, pushed along by “a black-colored
being” of great strength, to the point of being thrown into the water,
according to ElOnce.com
... more »

Lots of people complain that we are often "preaching to the choir". Peace
walks give us great opportunities to reach well beyond our normal activist
boxes. Both the organizing of a walk and the actual walk itself introduces
us to many new people and organizations.
The sharing community that gets created during a walk is more than magical
and sends sparks out into the air as we pass through rural and urban
settings. People take notice and open themselves to the message and spirit
of the walk.
I been involved in about a dozen or so walks. They are life changing
experiences and ... more »
Global Political Awakening
We have assembled a Youtube playlist to capture many of the events
surrounding the shooting death of Michael Brown by Ferguson Missouri Police
Officer, Darren Wilson.
Please share any videos you would like for us to add to the playlist in the
comments section below.
*You can visit our Michael Brown article archive here.*
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
Obama to Citizens of Ferguson: Carrying a Gun ‘Undermines Justice’

Melissa Melton
With National Guard now stationed in Ferguson, Missouri as the riots and
protests there continue over the shooting death of an unarmed teen by
police, Obama held a press conference where he said that citizens carrying
guns undermines justice (Via the Chicago Tribune):
"While I understand the passions and the anger that arise over the death of
Michael Brown, giving in to that anger by looting or carrying guns, and
even attacking the police, only serves to raise tensions and stir chaos,”
Obama told a news conference. “It undermines, rather than advancing,
R... more »
Israel - Hamas Ceasefire Shattered. Both Sides Resume Attacks
Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com
*Gaza Conflict: Israel Launches Strikes After Rocket Fire -- BBC*
Israel's military says it has carried out air strikes in the Gaza Strip in
response to fresh rocket fire, hours before a ceasefire was set to expire.
"Terror targets" were hit after three rockets were fired towards the towns
of Beersheba and Netivot, officials said.
A five-day ceasefire was extended for 24 hours at midnight while
delegations from both sides tried to negotiate a deal to end weeks of
More than 2,080 people, most of them Palestinians, have died since... more »
Jeffrey Smith's message to the March Against Monsanto 2014
The Institute for Responsible TechnologyPublished on May 22, 2014
Jeffrey Smith reports in from the front lines in Maui County where the
SHAKA Movement is helping to mobilize the county's first ever citizen's
ballot initiative. 17,000 registered voters have already signed a petition
to put on the ballot in November a temporary moratorium on open field GMO
and Pesticide experimentation and seed production until a public health
impacts study shows Monsanto's and DOW's GMO crops and the pesticide
cocktails they are spaying here are safe for the residents who are exposed
to ... more »
Fox News Viewers at Socialist Health Clubs
I work out at a city-owned health club, where old men who hate government
come in their white tennis shoes and walk on the new municipally-owned
treadmills, while watching the babes on FoxNews hand out to them their
morning doses of hate. They walk, glower, and sour without apparent
purpose other than to make their hearts harder as hard as their arteries.
But yesterday I figured out how to get old white men to turn off Fox News.
All you have to do is have on a scientist to share the details of an
autopsy of a black kid murdered by a white cop. These wheezing geezers
were switchi... more »
World News Briefs -- August 19, 2014
*Israel Launches Fresh Air Strikes In Gaza In Response To Rocket Fire --
The Guardian*
*Temporary ceasefire in jeopardy after rockets are fired from Gaza,
sparking swift response from Israel*
The temporary ceasefire between Israel and Hamas was in jeopardy on Tuesday
after rockets were fired from Gaza, triggering a swift military and
political response from Israel.
The Israel Defence Forces said it was targeting "terror sites across the
Gaza Strip" in retaliation, and the prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu,
ordered his negotiating team to pull out of talks to find a durable
ceas... more »
Fun City
Michael Brown ultimately died because he was jaywalking in the middle of
the street, and a police officer told him to move, and then things got
murky in the little minds of officials vainly trying to cover up the
ensuing facts and thus directly causing even more trouble.
It's weird. Because before the whole place went ka-boom, Ferguson,
Missouri was designated a "Playful City USA" winner by the KaBOOM!
corporate non-profit charity. They won because rather than spend a lot of
money for fancy community recreation, the town fathers had cleverly banned
Sunday afternoon traffic on selec... more »
NO JOURNALISM, NO JUSTICE: In search of journalistic values!
*TUESDAY, AUGUST 19, 2014*
*Part 2—A tale of three news reports:* As a matter of theory, journalistic
values are very important at a time like this.
As a matter of theory, journalists should help citizens know when certain
facts have been established. They should also caution citizens about the
facts which *aren’t* known.
We humans are strongly inclined to leap ahead of known facts. As a matter
of theory, journalists are supposed to drag us back into line.
Needless to say, this is all theory. In practice, journalistic and
scholarly norms are routinely honored in the breech. (Just c... more »
U.S. Navy Integrates Autonomous Drones With Manned Missions

image credit: Alex Millar/U.S. Navy Nicholas West
"History" was made in mid-May of last year as Northrop Grumman's X-47B unmanned
drone made its first launch at sea from the U.S.S. George H.W. Bush
aircraft carrier. While the Navy says it wasn't intended for the immediate
war environment, it was heralded by the commander of the Naval Air Forces,
Vice Admiral David Buss, as a monumental achievement:
Today we saw a small, but significant pixel in the future picture of our
Navy as we begin integration of unmanned systems into arguably the most
complex warfighting environment that e... more »
More Bogus Research from UofArkansas's Walmart School of Ed Reform
What a shame that a great state university like Arkansas would allow
billionaire bullshit "research" to sully its good name!
NEPC has reviewed the recent charter school "research" study by Jay Greene
and his team and found it severely lacking in most everything that research
requires to be legitimate:
BOULDER, CO (August 19, 2014) *–*A recent report from the University of
Arkansas Department of Education Reform (DER) on charter school
productivity asserts charter schools are more effective in producing
achievement on standardized tests and are also less costly per pupil than
tradit... more »
When Justin is elected

When Justin get elected, ask me about how listening to rock tunes at
painful volumes stirs the intellectualize juices. I have made Bob Dylan in
a can. Its stainless steel with temperature rating above silicone due to my
private patented for just so a case.
We are so lucky to live is sci fi novel but when the light grows dim
we will have to eat or do everything that a superhero
never considers when he plows a single lane
this life is complicated
and the great apes
never got over
the beating chest thing
I beat my chest and
nienty percent of the oppositon
will fade away
that is the gr... more »
Militia Mobilization Started In 203 Due To Renewed Iraq Insurgency

As the security situation has worsened in Iraq Baghdad has turned to
militias more and more. Some point to the fall of Mosul in June 2014 as the
turning point in this trend, but in fact armed Shiite groups started
operating again in early 2013 in response to the renewed insurgency. Today
they are working with the security forces on all major fronts, and have
been accused of kidnapping and killing civilians. The majority of them are
beholden to Iran increasing Tehran’s influence on the ground. The militias
highlight the weakness of the state. It can’t protect its people, it is
let... more »

*5 Match-Ups to Watch for Saints vs. Colts ~Barry Hirstius, Who Dat Dish*
*State Auditor: Bayou Health report flawed, marginally legitimate ~Marsha
Schuler, The Advocate*
*Mapping New Orleans: The Broadsides of Unfathomable City ~Daily Serving*
“Bass Lines: Deep Sounds and Soils” from the book Unfathomable City: A New
Orleans Atlas. Map concept by Joshua Jelly-Schapiro and Rebecca Snedeker,
cartography by Jakob Rosenzweig, artwork by Katie Holten, and design by Lia
*Program aims to improve quality of seafood catch ~Xerxes Wilson, WWLTV *
*New Orleans Fringe Festival adds Zei... more »
US/Syria "not on same page" fighting ISIS- FAA issues no fly warning over Syria
Gee, how come the US & Syria are not on the same page in fighting ISIS?
Isn't the US striking at ISIS in Iraq? Because they are terrorists? The
very same terrorists who have laid seige to many towns, brutalized
civilians and taken over oilfields in Syria?
*How could they not be "on the same page"?*
*Of course, I am being rhetorical!*- *US, Syria ‘not on the same page’ in
fighting IS*
*State Department official says Washington, Damascus have yet to share
common ground in fight against IS.*
Washington and Damascus are "not on the same page" in the fight against
their common enemy the... more »
US “Pivot” Stumbles in Thailand

Tony Cartalucci
Months after the May 22, 2014 military coup that ousted the regime of
Thaksin Shinawatra, the military-led government has been working in earnest
to uproot the Shinawatra political machine as well as realign the Kingdom’s
foreign policy to represent a better balance between China’s rising power
and the West’s waning but meddlesome influence.
*Uprooting the West’s Unwarranted Influence*
The regime of Thaksin Shinawatra, led by nepotist proxy via his own sister,
Yingluck Shinawatra, represented an inequity between this balance.
Shinawatra has been a long-time famil... more »
Workforce Investment Act Becomes $3 Billion Handout to Predatory "Colleges"
No bills get through Congress these days without an overwhelming amount of
money to be made by both sides of the corporate aisle. Such a bill sailed
through last month without so much as racial slur at the President,
something quite unheard of in the age of an ostensibly-black Commander in
The legislation is called the Workforce Investment Act, and it's worth $3.1
billion to corporate higher ed profiteers who convert government retraining
assistance to building corporate empires that offer nothing in return
except tens of thousands in additional debt to the unemployed peopl... more »
Order Out of Chaos: The Global Elites Plan for a “Middle Eastern Union”

Steven MacMillan
The Middle East has been engulfed in a state of chaos for decades now, with
the region becoming increasingly unstable in recent years largely due to
Western-sponsored proxy wars. The current map of the Middle East was
created in 1916 through the surreptitiousSykes-Picot agreement, a deal
which divided the Ottoman-ruled territories of Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and
Palestine, into areas controlled by either Britain or France. Today the
chaos we see in the Middle East is the creation of Anglo-American-Israeli
power, which is attempting to redraw the map to meet their prese... more »
War Pigs Exposed in Fergunson

Ferguson and the whole
state of the world debate
We have a lot of useless
people and guns
Now what will happen in the USA
is not a massacre
but in the wilder
world they will
take a 223 in the area
of critical ones
What are we fighting for?
This is not WW2
or even the american civil war
It seems we spill ammunition
to fuel our ambition
to be players
with the rescuers
that will get us a profile
on the Wall Street Journal
as the thoughtful one
I did not hoon
I did not wipe
out hundreds of civilians
with my drift
I only wanted clean
yet here I a,
with significance
Blood mak... more »
Early Use of Antibiotics Alters Immunity Later On
Heather Callaghan
As the gut microbiome becomes the newest hot topic in medical science,
researchers are welcoming natural and nutritional approaches to optimal
health and preventing disease.
A lot of studies take a doom-and-gloom tone about the devastating effects
on the world from generations of immersion in antibiotics - in animals, in
food and in early childhood. Some have even traced the damage to the immune
system from *before conception*. Many are warning that there is no hope except
through dramatic worldwide intervention (which includes new vaccines, newer
stronger drugs... more »

Pope Francis was just in South Korea for 100 hours and there was much
popular movement action in the streets across the nation. His translator
on the trip was one of the Catholic priests who has been involved in the
Jeju Island Navy base struggle and he met with Jeju Catholic Bishop Kang
who has been a huge supporter of Gangjeong village where the Navy base is
being built.
English language newspaper the hankyoreh reported:
In his Aug. 15 mass for the Feast of the Assumption in Daejeon, the Pope
urged attendees to fight the “spirit of unbridled competition” and reject
“inhumane ... more »
Spy Tech "Stress Camera" Scans Crowds For Suicide Bombers
Kevin Samson
In addition to the myriad ways we are being spied on by surveillance
cameras, biometrics and in the digital world, scientists also seek to
uncover our internal workings in order to predict behavior. One way this
traditionally has been done in law enforcement is through an examination of
stress levels, whether it be from trained observation or newly created
hi-tech mechanisms.
Perhaps the system that has garnered the most attention (and pushback) in
the U.S. for predicting "mal intent" is the Future Attribute Screening
Technology (FAST), which was intended to be deploy... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- August 19, 2014

*Iraq War Effort 'Is Going To Take Time,' Obama Warns, After Pentagon
Announces It Has Already Conducted 68 Airstrikes Against ISIS -- Daily Mail*
* Asked about a timetable, Obama said 'I don't think ... at this point,
that I'm prepared to provide a blanket answer'
* Pentagon said Monday that US forces have conducted 68 airstrikes in Iraq
since August 8 but sources tell MailOnline the number stands at 72
* Obama emphasized an 'international coalition' aimed at supporting an
'inclusive government'
* Catering to Sunnis along with Shias and Kurds, he said, will give Sunni
tribesmen a re... more »
New Anti Police State App Helps You "See Something, Say Something" in Real-Time

*Sidekik App* *Activist Post *
Recent studies have shown that police are held almost completely
unaccountable by the current systems of governmental oversight. Perhaps
this is the reason why you are 9 times more likely to be killed by a law
enforcement officer than a terrorist. Rather than wait for bloated
bureaucracy or corrupt government to save the day, we as activists have to
find our own solutions. Technology is one of these solutions.
As we have seen, the violent crackdown on independent journalism in
Ferguson is a sign of a worsening situation in much of America. More than ... more »
British diplomat snapped with scarf that covers whole of Israel with Palestinian flag
A photograph has emerged of UK Consul General to Jerusalem Alastair McPhail
wearing a keffiyeh scarf that bears the image of a Palestinian flag
superimposed over a map of the whole of Israel, West Bank and Gaza, with
the words "Free Palestine" emblazoned next to it.
The image appears on the Islamic Relief Palestine website, under the
headline "British Consulate visits Islamic Relief in Gaza", and was taken
during a visit McPhail paid earlier this year to Gaza City for the opening
of a new lab at Al-Azhar University, a project apparently co-sponsored by
the British government.
The... more »
Teaching Conference
I will be speaking at the annual conference of the National Economics
Teaching Association, which this year is being held on Thursday, November
6th and Friday, November 7th, 2014 in San Diego, CA. If you want to
consider attending, click here for more information.
You can potentially win a free trip to the conference, as well as some
cash, by entering this contest.
Abbas orders probe into Hamas coup plot revealed by Israel
Hamas planning terrorist attacks on Israel? No wonder the BBC aren't
reporting the news that Israel has foiled a Hamas takeover of the 'West
Bank' and terrorist attacks on Israel.
' Israel's Shin Bet security service said Monday it thwarted a Hamas coup
attempt in the West Bank aimed at overthrowing Abbas and starting a new
round of violence.
The Shin Bet said it arrested more than 90 Hamas operatives in May and
June, confiscated dozens of weapons that had been smuggled into the West
Bank, and seized more than $170,000 aimed at funding attacks. It produced
photos of the confisca... more »
Acknowledging the Irrational

At the centre of classical economics is the notion that man is a rational
decision maker. Thus, economics is all about creating incentives. If you
lower taxes, people will have more money to spend and the economy will
become a virtuous cycle. But the "dead money" sitting atop the Canadian
economy gives the lie to the notion that man always makes rational
Worse still, the only explanation classical economics has for unemployment
is that it is a moral failure. The unemployed simply have not taken
advantage of economic incentives. Shipping jobs overseas, or bringing in
te... more »
Islamic State Threatens To ‘Drown America In Blood'
*Islamic State Message To America: 'We Will Drown All Of You In Blood' --
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - The Islamic State militant group that has seized large
parts of Iraq and drawn the first American air strikes since the end of the
occupation in 2011 has warned the United States it will attack Americans
"in any place" if the raids hit its militants.
The video, which shows a photograph of an American who was beheaded during
the U.S. occupation of Iraq and victims of snipers, featured a statement
which said in English "we will drown all of you in blood".
U.S. airstrikes in northe... more »
*Intolerance Exposed: Liberal UCSB Professor Cites Slavery and Pregnancy
for Her Assault of Pro-life Student*
*The baggage concerned*
In a world where students are no longer allowed to speak freely on campus
and are limited to designated “free speech zones,” students still aren’t
safe to express their opinions.
Back in March, a feminist studies professor at University of California at
Santa Barbara (UCSB) assaulted a 16 year-old pro-life activist who was
displaying literature on campus. The professor, Mireille Miller-Young,
called the pro-life group members “terrorists” after she... more »
Munich city hall: Linux transition was a failed political experiment
*The Bavarian capital likely to restore Windows*
For decades, I have been emphasizing that the people aggressively
recommending Linux to common users and spreading conspiracy theories about
the alleged reasons why Windows hadn't died yet were loud ideologically
motivated anti-market terrorists who didn't hesitate to make most of the
people suffer.
*A building without windows looks rather sad. Well, let me admit: this is
not a picture from Munich, it is a big fridge in Minsk. I guess that these
days, the building is being used to produce high-quality Belorussian food
by attaching ... more »
The 2 Wings Of The Democratic Party Face Off In A Runoff Next Tuesday In Oklahoma City

One week from today is primary run-off day for both parties for OK-05, the
open seat centered on Oklahoma City (+ Edmond, Shawnee and Seminole).
Right-wing extremist James Lankford gave up the seat so he could run for
Tom Coburn's Senate seat. The last Democrat to hold that seat was John
Jarman, a reactionary who switched to the Republican party in 1975,
claiming the Democrats were "too liberal." Before he jumped the fence the
district had been a Democratic Party bastion since the GOP caused the Great
Depression. Tom Guild came in first in the primary with 11,597 votes
(42.1%) to... more »
Ferguson Media and citizen's Focus, should not be racial. Police getting away with murder and an 'Above the Law' complex. Swat teams Private Corps
Months ago I started an article about the police in this nation. How they
have gotten away with murder, assault and all other crimes against the
citizens. They are above the law. The law does not apply to them when
they are in uniform. The people of Ferguson want justice and they are
bringing to light how the police are getting away with murder and it has to
stop. The media is making
Fukushima Updates ( August 19 , 2014 ) Destruction of not just demand but the food chain continues without mainstream media concerns - why isn't this the major news story ?
Energy News......
02:59 AM EST on August 19th, 2014 | 15 comments
Experts: Plutonium and uranium flow into ocean from Fukushima — “Heavily
contaminated” water is leaking out of plant — Melted fuel releasing
hundreds of different radioactive materials — Officials refuse to
investigate 90% of these (VIDEO)
05:48 PM EST on August 18th, 2014 | 86 comments
Nuclear Expert: Fukushima fuel suspected to be in ground… “it’s going to
melt right down into the ground” when heat isn’t removed, that’s why these
are so dangerous — Physician: “3 of Fukushima’s reactors melted through
containment… the... more »
"How Many Divisions Does the Pope Have?"
The quote is from Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin. In the middle of WWII he
was informed by one of his Western allies that the Pope was concerned about
the persecution of Catholics in the USSR. Stalin snorted derisively about
the Pope's total absence of military power, inferring that it was Stalin
whose feelings they should be concerned about, because it was his hundreds
of divisions of soldiers doing most of the fighting against Hitler.
Churchill and Roosevelt conceded the point.
But the sentiment also applies to leftists. First of all, powerful
politicians and capitalists are not go... more »
Islamic State Executed 700 Members Of Syrian Tribe

Syrian opposition leaders have called for air strikes against the Islamic
State group [Reuters]
*Islamic State Group 'Executes 700' In Syria -- Al Jazeera*
Activists say the killings of Sheitat tribesmen, many by beheading,
happened over the last two weeks.
The Islamic State group has executed 700 members of a tribe it has been
battling in eastern Syria during the past two weeks, the majority of them
civilians, a monitoring group said.
The killing spree happened in several villages inhabited by the al-Sheitat
tribe in Deir Ezzor province, where the tribe are from, the Syrian
Obse... more »
Blowback From The White House's Decision To Halt A Missile Transfer To Israel Over Gaza Continues

President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel hold
a joint press availability in the Oval Office July 6, 2010. (Official White
House Photo by Pete Souza)
*Obama Deserts An Ally In Wartime -- New York Post editorial*
What kind of ally refuses to send you desperately needed weapons when
you’re smack in the middle of a war?
Apparently, that’s what the Obama folks did with Israel, which is caught up
fighting with Hamas. It’s unforgivable.
The decision came, it seems, after White House officials learned that,
unbeknownst to them, Israel had gotten mortar shell... more »
Lessons from Ferguson: Prepping for Civil Unrest and Martial Law

Daisy Luther
Any prepared and informed person knows that the threat isn’t always the
event itself, which could be anything from a natural disaster to a rioting
spree after a sporting event to an economic collapse. It’s the chaos during
the aftermath of the event.
If you ever had any doubts about that statement, you need look no further
than Ferguson, Missouri.
Today, Governor Jay Nixon called in the National Guard.
Martial law has officially arrived in Ferguson.
Of course, this only makes it official. The past week has shown a
militarized police force driving around in tanks, wea... more »
Israeli Intelligence: Hamas 'Planned To Overthrow Palestinian Authority'

Hamas operatives in Gaza. Photo: REUTERS
*Hamas In West Bank 'Planned To Topple Palestinian Authority' -- Jerusalem
Shin Bet, IDF say plot was orchestrated by Hamas overseas headquarters
located in Turkey, and centered on a string of mass casualty terror attacks.
A large-scale Hamas terrorist formation in the West Bank and Jerusalem
planned to destabilize the region through a series of deadly terrorist
attacks in Israel and then topple the Fatah-ruled Palestinian Authority,
the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) said Monday.
The plot was orchestrated by overseas Hamas operati... more »
Maldacena's bound on statistical significance
When Juan Maldacena began his Strings 2014 talk after so many speakers who
have displayed their eloquence back in June,
JM: Geometry and Quantum Mechanics,
he was feeling like a soccer player who had to play against Argentina. ;-)
The audience exploded in laughter; Juan is clearly an Argentine patriot.
Despite his personal modesty on steroids, the 13-minute talk was filled
with inspiring thoughts.
Many of them have been discussed on this blog repeatedly. But let me focus
on a rather new thing that starts to be covered around 6:00.
Maldacena reminds us of the obvious and old obse... more »
China - Philippine Maritime Border Dispute Is 'Heating Up'

*Philippines Warns China About Vessels in Disputed Seas -- WSJ*
Foreign Affairs Department Says Chinese Vessels Regularly Seen in the Reed
MANILA—The Philippines on Monday warned China that what it described as the
frequent presence of Chinese ships in a disputed area of the South China
Sea could potentially spark renewed tensions between the neighbors.
Department of Foreign Affairs spokesman Charles Jose said that Chinese
vessels are regularly seen in an area called the Reed Bank, which is
potentially rich in oil and natural gas.
Chinese vessels' presence in the area is "par... more »
How Foreign Militaries Share Responsibility for What’s Happening in Ferguson
*Abby Martin*
Abby Martin remarks on the growing militarization of America’s local police
forces in the midst of the unrest in Ferguson, MO, highlighting a program
known as Urban Shield, where US police forces train and learn military
tactics together.
Follow Abby on Twitter
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
Ron Paul: Police Are Supposed To Be Peace Officers, Not Warriors!
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
Ukraine Updates ( August 19 , 2014 ) - Updates from the battlefield , humanitarian efforts and sanctions watch
No ammunition moved through Russia-Ukraine border - OSCE monitors
Published time: August 19, 2014 08:35
Get short URL
[image: This file photo shows ukrainian soldiers stand guard near the
convoy of the OSCE (the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in
Europe) at a check-point in the village of Debaltseve, in the Donetsk
region, eastern Ukraine. (AFP Photo / Bulent Kilic)]
This file photo shows ukrainian soldiers stand guard near the convoy of the
OSCE (the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe) at a
check-point in... more »
Iraq Updates ( August 19 , 2014 ) - US Air strikes make a difference in Kurdistan and Mosul Dam fronts , next stop Anbar and / or Tikrit for US air strikes ? ISIS threatens US with reprisals ....... Tweets of the day for most current information ....
Anti War.....
Blaming Sunni Neighbors for Killings, Yazidis Look to Leave Iraq for GoodISIS
Didn't Do Most of the Killing, Yazidis Note
by Jason Ditz, August 18, 2014
Print This | Share This
Everyone is familiar with the current narrative of a bloody crackdown on
the Yazidi minority in northern Iraq after the ISIS takeover of the area
around Sinjar, but it didn’t go nearly how most of us envision.
“It wasn’t even ISIS who did most of the killing, it was our Sunni Arab
neighbors,” noted Hassan Jindi, one of the Yazidis, an air force veteran
from the Iraq-Iran War, who fled with his fam... more »
Ferguson - August 16, 2014 - latest update and images .....
Catharsis Ours - 15 hours ago
Ferguson Protesters Refuse To Leave As Midnight Curfew Approaches; Police
In Riot Gear Present: Live Feeds
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/16/2014 23:56 -0400
- New Orleans
- None
- Twitter
- Twitter
*Update 2*: It is after midnight in Ferguson and the curfew is now in
effect for the next 5 hours. However, it appears that the curfew has
already been broken. The ball is in the police's court:
Bre... more »
Listen to the Archbishop of Mosul: "Your liberal and democratic principles are worth nothing here"
' "Your liberal and democratic principles are worth nothing here. You must
consider again our reality in the Middle East, because you are welcoming in
your countries an ever growing number of Muslims. Also you are in danger.
You must take strong and courageous decisions, even at the cost of
contradicting your principles. You think all men are equal," Archbishop
Amel Nona continues, "but that is not true: Islam does not say that all men
are equal. Your values are not their values. If you do not understand this
soon enough, you will become the victims of the enemy you have welcomed i... more »
Ferguson continues to fester ( August 19 , 2014 ) -- National Guard introduction to the scene of protests fails to bring calm...... Protesters carrying " Negro Spring " signs - recalling the Sixties troubles ?

Retweeted by Shami Witness
*TheLondonSoundSurvey* @LondonSounds 4h
US cops deploy Long Range Acoustic Device 'sonic cannon' at protests in
Ferguson, Missouri http://www.vox.com/2014/8/18/6003
377/ferguson-military-gear … pic.twitter.com/nFHAmw30YN
[image: Embedded image permalink]
For Ferguson Market: NO ONE From His Store Called 911 To Report
Cigar Theft
- 501 Comments / 501 New
attribut... more »
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan: Worm Holes of Thought

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan: Worm Holes of Thought
By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan,
August 17, 2014
One of the many gifts of this year is the ability to glimpse into the
possibility of what is to come. The true pure essence of want and desire is
as powerful as a star being birthed. The energetic degree that you want (or
desire) something is aligned mathematically and exponentially with your
power to manifest it.
Each thought you have has its own consciousness. It is as consciousness
withi... more »
Swedish Woman Attacked by Muslim Group For Wearing a Star of David
' was attacked last Thursday in Gottsunda, a suburb of the city of Uppsala
in central Sweden by a group of young Muslims, after she was spotted
wearing a Star of David necklace.
The woman, Anna Sjogren, a local resident, said that the incident occurred
while she was walking through a highly Muslim populated neighborhood.
"A Muslim girl saw that I was wearing the Star of David on my neck and she
started swearing at me and spat in my face. I got very upset and pushed her
off. " Said Sjogren to the WZO Center for Countering Antisemitism (ICCA
Sjogren described that som... more »
Turkey courts France in $3.4 bln missile project

[image: Eurosam (Aster-30)]Though China has been the front runner, Turkey
has now turned toward France regarding the tender for a multi-billion
dollar air defense system, according to unnamed sources close to the
Undersecretariat for the Defense Industry (SSM) who spoke to Today's Zaman
on Monday.
The sources said that SSM Undersecretary İsmail Demir held a secret meeting
in France with the firm Eurosam regarding interest in the tender, which is
expected to be one of the largest military projects in the history of the
Turkish Republic.
Last year, Turkey chose a Chinese company for ... more »
Healing Occurs When there Is A Shared Responsibility.....A Quote by M.N. Hopkins
*Humans create institutions and expertise where no true expertise exists.
Healing occurs not only within an individual, but within a community when
there is a shared responsibility for the care and welfare of all.*
M: N. Hopkins
NUSHIP Canberra embarks on final trials

[image: NUSHIP Canberra]Canberra, the first of two Landing Helicopter Dock
(LHD) ships being built for the Australian Defence Force, has sailed on her
final contractor sea trials before delivery to the Australian Government.
The ship departed Williamstown shipyard on 12 August as planned with the
trials taking place in both Port Phillip Bay and off the southern coast of
New South Wales before returning to Williamstown around the end of August.
Final contractor trials involve testing of the combat and communication
systems along with some platform systems trials.
Read more
Poland says to speed up attack helicopter purchase due to Ukraine crisis

[image: AH-64E Apache]Poland will move the purchase of 30 attack
helicopters forward by two years as part of a review of its army
modernisation programme triggered by the crisis in Ukraine, Polish deputy
defence minister Czeslaw Mroczek said.
Mroczek told Reuters that the first stage of the procurement process,
originally scheduled for 2016, had already started and confirmed that 10
companies have submitted their offers but declined to name them.
“The events in Ukraine are having a clear negative impact on regional and
international security and have made us … realise there was a ne... more »
Moscow eyes joint development of weapons within BRICS

[image: Pantsyr-S1 (SA-22 Greyhound)]Last week, Anatoly Isaykin, general
director of Rosoboronexport (the sole Russian government agency for the
export and import of military products) told the mass media that
negotiations between Russia, Brazil and South Africa on the joint
development of weapons and military equipment within the framework of BRICS
should be held by the end of this year.
“For the time being, we are working directly with each country, but we are
also thinking on collaborative projects involving several countries at
In particular, three-party negotiations bet... more »
F-15s, troops from 493rd deploy to Bulgaria

[image: F-15C Eagle]Troops and fighter aircraft from the 493rd Fighter
Squadron have been sent to Bulgaria as tensions in Eastern Europe continue
to run high.
A dozen F-15s and approximately 180 personnel from the 493rd, based at RAF
Lakenheath, England, have deployed to Graf Ignatievo Air Base to
participate in a two-week bilateral training exercise with the Bulgarian
air force, Pentagon spokesmen Col. Steve Warren told reporters Monday.
The exercise began Monday and will continue through Sept. 1.
Read more
Canada has second thoughts about costly F-35 Lightning

[image: F-35A Lightning II]O Canada, land of "peace, order and good
government." Land of compromise and polite politics. Land of turmoil over
whether to buy the F-35.
As in the United States, the fighter plane has become a rancorous political
issue. What once looked like a sure buy of 65 planes has been bogged down
by infighting and un-Canadian vitriol, and the purchase is on hold while
Canadian officials consider whether to buy another plane.
The F-35 Lightning II is a U.S. plane, made by a U.S. company for the U.S.
military. But if the cost for U.S. taxpayers is going to come down... more »
Federation wants Latvia to participate in EUR 1.27 bln unmanned aircraft project

[image: RQ-4B Global Hawk]During the meeting with Latvian President Andris
Berzins, Latvian Safety and Protection Industries Federation
representatives announced about a chance for Latvia to participate in the
international NATO project "Alliance Ground Surveillance", which would
secure land and aerial surveillance and aerial, using "Global Hawk"
unmanned aircraft, the Presidential Press Service informed LETA.
During the meeting, the federation's representatives said that the program
currently involves 15 member states, and that the total costs of the
project are EUR 1.27 billion.
... more »
Final Portsmouth-built aircraft carrier block leaves shipyard hall

[image: HMS Prince of Wales block]The second and final block of HMS Prince
of Wales today leaves its Portsmouth shipyard hall home.
The block, weighing 6,000 tons, started to be moved on more than 2,300
wheels towards the barge this morning, which will transport it to Rosyth
when it leaves the city next week.
Workers looked on as the operation, expected to take 10 hours in total, was
coordinated with a single remote control.
Read more
Navy Commander: Iran Plans to Launch Production Line of Destroyers

[image: Jamaran FS]"Today, the Navy has acquired the capability to launch
the production line of destroyers and our project for building destroyers
has started at the order of the Supreme Leader since a while ago and we are
witnessing newer and more updated achievements in this project now,"
Sayyari told reporters in Tehran on Monday.
He said that Iran's new destroyer named Sahand is 30% more advanced than
the country's first destroyer, Jamaran.
Sayyari also said that Iran will launch its new submarine, Fateh, on the
Navy Day (November 28).
Read more
Turkey Hopes To Export GENESIS System for G-class Frigates

[image: TCG Gediz]Turkey’s procurement office, in connection with
state-controlled military software company Havelsan, has launched efforts
to export an indigenous naval combat management system.
Havelsan developed the GENESIS advanced combat management system for the
US-built Oliver Hazard Perry (G)-class frigates used by the US Navy and a
number of allied countries worldwide.
The company has upgraded Turkish frigates with the GENESIS system. One
company official said further upgrades on the system, including a ship data
link system and 3-D search radar integration, are underway, s... more »
Russian Baltic Fleet Holds Artillery Exercises
The Baltic Fleet’s main base is in the city of Baltiysk, located in
Kaliningrad Region, Russia’s Baltic exclave
More than 400 Russian servicemen are taking part in the coastal artillery
exercises of the Russian Baltic Fleet in Kaliningrad Region, which involve
over 60 units of combat equipment, the fleet’s press service reported
“The purpose of the exercises is to improve the crews’ combat skills, the
artillery units’ teamwork abilities, and the commanders’ practical skills
in organizing offensive and defensive operations. Crew members will go
through all stages of combat t... more »
AMSEC LLC Wins Two Navy Contracts

[image: USS Mount Whitney (LCC 20)]Huntington Ingalls Industries announced
that its AMSEC LLC subsidiary has been awarded two contracts in support of
the United States Navy.
Naval Sea Systems Command in Washington, D.C., awarded a contract to AMSEC
for technical and logistical support services, as well as material kitting
services, for U.S. Navy LCC 19-class Amphibious Command ships. Material
kitting services involve the pre-packaging of materials required to
complete a specific task. Amphibious Command ships provide command and
control for fleet commanders.
A total of three indefi... more »
Iran to put Fateh submarine into operation by late-November

[image: Ghadir class SSM]Iranian Navy Commander Habibollah Sayyari
announced that the home-made Fateh (Conqueror) submarine will join the Navy
in late-November.
The commander went on to note that Iran achieved the technology for
building submarines 20 years ago, the country's official IRNA news agency
reported on Aug. 18.
Iran has failed to unveil the Fateh submarine despite earlier announced
Read more
Appreciate Someone Today - Messages from Higher Self
in which i attain the holy grail of librarianship: the permanent, full-time job
Meet the new *permanent* youth librarian at the Mississauga Central Library.
I've been in this position since January, but on a temporary or contract
basis. Two big things had to happen in order for this job to post as
permanent, and they were completely out of my control: two other people
also had to get permanent promotions. If either of those people didn't get
their permanent positions, my contract would have ended. I would have gone
back to being a part-time library assistant (which would have been a huge
hit both financially and in terms of responsibility) and tried for another... more »
Natan Sharansky, an Israeli intellectual, extreme right-wing neocon Zionist
and ex-deputy prime minister of Israel, has written an article published in
the *Washington Post* in which he says: “The pictures of destruction and
mourning in Gaza that have filled media around the world for the past
several weeks have been very painful and sad to view. One would be
hard-pressed to find an Israeli who does not sympathize with the suffering
of Gaza’s victims.”
Is he nuts?
Did he miss the stories about Israelis taking grandstand seats in Israel
overlooking the Gaza Strip to watch the place ... more »
Hanky-Panky On Long Island Between Peter King And Steve Israel?

Peter King's son Sean works for one of the crookedest lobbying firms in
Most candidates for Congress-- and that includes incumbents-- do not run
primarily on a foreign policy platform. First of all, voters do not
perceive themselves affected by foreign policy on a day to day basis, and,
secondly, the president, in his roles as Chief of State and Commander in
Chief, has far more power on foreign policy than any individual member of
Congress. Even a distinguished senator like Dick Lugar lost to “rape is
something God intended” Richard Mourdock in the 2012 primary, an example of... more »
Six Reasons why cooking at home is Eco-friendly
Earlier this month, we asked how many days of the week you cook at home.
[image: Cooking at home is Eco-friendly.]
[image: Cooking at home is Eco-friendly.]
- I eat out MAYBE once a month. And it's an organic restaurant!
- we eat out about once a fortnight
- Eating out is for special occasions, with the once in a while take-out
when too busy to cook. Seattle has a fabulous vegan restaurant Cafe Flora!
Everyone who answered the survey cooked at home for the majority of the
week (at least 4 days out of 7).
Most people ate at home every day of... more »
US "Pivot" Stumbles in Thailand

*August 19, 2014* (Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - Months after the May 22, 2014
military coup that ousted the regime of Thaksin Shinawatra, the
military-led government has been working in earnest to uproot the
Shinawatra political machine as well as realign the Kingdom's foreign
policy to represent a better balance between China's rising power and the
West's waning but meddlesome influence.
*Uprooting the West's Unwarranted Influence *
The regime of Thaksin Shinawatra, led by nepotist proxy via his own sister,
Yingluck Shinawatra, represented an inequity between this balance.
Shinawatr... more »
Pope Francis Is More Hawkish On ISIS Than President Obama Whose Anti-Assad Policies Led To Its Rise

Pope Francis is speaking common sense in the video below.
But I wish he would name the financiers and arms suppliers of ISIS and
other radical Islamist terrorist groups. It is useless to single out ISIS
for punishment for its criminal aggression against innocent minorities in
Iraq, and leave out entities like the CIA, Mossad, MI6, as well as the
intelligence agencies of Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, and Jordan, all
of whom have had a big hand in creating and nurturing the rogue Islamic
If ISIS is defeated, as Al-Qaeda was, then these criminal and secretive
government e... more »
The U.S. Navy Wants It's Own 'Iron Man' Suits

Lockheed Martin’s Fortis exoskeleton (Courtesy Lockheed Martin)
*Lockheed Martin Awarded Contract To Test Iron Man-type Exoskeletons --
Washington Post*
The movie “Iron Man” popularized the idea of a futuristic warfighter waging
battle in a exoskeleton. The Defense Department recently procured two from
Bethesda-based contractor Lockheed Martin for far more prosaic missions.
The lightweight, load-bearing exoskeletons will be used to assist the
Navy’s ship maintenance crew in performing tasks that require heavy
lifting. Lockheed has developed two exoskeleton suits, and the contract i... more »
Musical Interlude: Vangelis, "A Tour of the Universe"
Vangelis, "A Tour of the Universe"
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDXp1tpPD38
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Holy Hubble! It's been almost 25 years since the Hubble Space Telescope
was deployed in 1990, but the orbiting observatory keeps sending exciting
new images. Just check out one of Hubble's latest images below, featuring a
brilliant globular cluster full of stars that shine bright like diamonds.
*Click image for larger size.*
Called globular cluster IC 4499, this group of old stars orbits in the
outer reaches of our Milky Way galaxy, around 55,000 light-years from
Earth. In the 1990s, observations of IC 4499 puzzled astronomers because
the globular cluster appeared to be much younger ... more »
"Life is an end in itself, and the only question as to whether
it is worth living is whether you have had enough of it."
- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
"A Prayer for the World"
*"A Prayer for the World"*
"Let the rain come and wash away the ancient grudges,
the bitter hatreds held and nurtured over generations.
Let the rain wash away the memory of the hurt, the neglect.
Then let the sun come out and fill the sky with rainbows.
Let the warmth of the sun heal us wherever we are broken.
Let it burn away the fog so that we can see each other clearly,
So that we can see beyond labels, beyond accents, gender or skin color.
Let the warmth and brightness of the sun melt our selfishness,
So that we can share the joys and feel the sorrow of our neighbors.
And let the lig... more »
Chet Raymo, “The Sea Grows Old In It”
* “The Sea Grows Old In It”*
by Chet Raymo
“The poet, like the electric [lightning] rod, must reach from a point
nearer to the sky than all surrounding objects down to the earth, and down
to the dark wet soil, or neither is of use. The poet must not only converse
with pure thought, but he must demonstrate it almost to the senses. His
words must be pictures, his verses must be spheres and cubes, to be seen,
and smelled and handled.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Ah, Mr. Emerson. This seems about as good a description of poetry as one
is likely to find. I love the image. Not a hand reachin... more »
In A First The U.S. Navy Conducts A Series Of Drone And Manned Fighter Jet Operations Together
*Navy Conducts First Series Of Drone And Manned Fighter Jet Operations --
L.A. Times*
The U.S. Navy said its jet-powered, bat-winged X-47B drone has conducted
carrier deck operations and performed maneuvers alongside an F/A-18 fighter
jet, marking the first time manned and unmanned aircraft have operated
together on the same carrier.
Navy officials hailed the test flights of the experimental drone, which
were completed Sunday on the Theodore Roosevelt in the eastern Atlantic
Ocean, as a milestone in carrier-based naval aviation.
"Today we showed that the X-47B could take off, lan... more »
EFN Asia 40: Liberalism, Growth and Reducing Inequality

The Economic Freedom Network (EFN) Asia will hold its annual conference
this coming November 6-7, 2014 in Hong Kong. The theme is very timely,
'Liberalism: promoting growth, reducing inequality'.
EFN annual conferences are sponsored by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation
for Freedom (FNF), in partnership with a local think tank/s of the host
city in Asia. So for this conference, the Lion Rock Institute (LRI), Hong
Kong's first free market think tank, will be the co-sponsor.
Among the prominent speakers will be HK Finance Secretary John Tsang, a
high official from the FNF headquarter ... more »
we burn

"Time is the school in which we learn,
Time is the fire in which we burn."
Delmore Schwartz
Massive Cutbacks In U.S. Navy Personnel Expected

*Almost 8,000 Navy Chiefs Face Ax; Sailors Could Advance -- USA Today*
WASHINGTON — Almost 8,000 senior enlisted personnel must go before a
continuation board later this year to determine whether they can continue
to serve or must retire.
The board — the first since early 2013 — will convene Oct. 27, according to
a Navy document released Aug. 14.
At risk are between 7,500 and 8,000 retirement-eligible active and reserve
E-7s, E-8s and E-9s with at least at least three years' time in rate.
But there is a big upside to the process: Clearing out senior enlisted who
have engaged in mi... more »

*The Coming Race War Won’t Be About Race *
By Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
Will the recent rioting in Ferguson, Missouri, be a tipping point in the
struggle against racial injustice, or will it be a minor footnote in some
future grad student’s thesis on Civil Unrest in the Early Twenty-First
The answer can be found in May of 1970.
You probably have heard of the Kent State shootings: on May 4, 1970, the
Ohio National Guard opened fire on student protesters at Kent State
University. During those 13 seconds of gunfire, four students were killed
and nine were wounded, one of whom w... more »
*Kuhn was right: AGW theory will persist until it is replaced by something
*I encountered the same in social science. Leftists need their
explanations ad theories so attacking those explanations without replacing
them will have nil effect*
Written by Dr Jennifer Marohasy
A couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity to attend the Ninth
International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC9) in Las Vegas. If you
ever doubted scepticism towards man-made global warming as a growing social
movement, well, you couldn’t after attending that conference with hundreds
of enthusiastic doub... more »
"Trends" and "millennials" are scary enough separately -- whose brilliant idea was it to put them together?

*This helpful guide is provided by Alexandra Petri with her
washingtonpost.com post today, "Trend piece about Millennials finds new
trend: that trend pieces are being written."*
*by Ken*
As noted above, Washingtonpost.com's Alexandra Petri has worked up this
helpful flow chart to assist would-be writers of such pieces to stifle the
impulse to write yet another piece about the trend of writing pieces about
millennials. This department is pleased to get behind an idea so excellent
that one hopes it becomes a trend. Except that should it in fact *become* a
trend, this department will... more »
How Much Does It Cost The U.S. To Blow Up Captured U.S. Military Hardware In Iraq

An M1 Abrams tank of the Iraqi security forces is seen during clashes with
the al Qaeda-linked Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in Ramadi,
May 31, 2014. REUTERS/ Ali al-Mashhadani
*How Much It Costs The U.S. To Blow Up Captured U.S. Military Hardware In
Iraq -- Jason Field, Reuters*
Last week was a weird one for American military hardware.
In the United States, Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles (MRAPs),
AR-15s and camouflage body armor all made an appearance on the streets of a
suburb in the heartland, helping to give a tense situation the push needed
to turn in... more »
Ebola Updates ( August 18 , 2014 ) --WHO Urges "Exit Screening" Of All Travelers In Ebola-Infected Countries ...... Some who fled Liberia Ebola clinic re-hospitalized ....... Ebola Latest: 3 new cases as 4 more victims are discharged in Nigeria ....... Ebola in Guinea: New cases emerge ........ Disease an excuse for ignorance -- Korea: “Africans” unwelcome
WHO Urges "Exit Screening" Of All Travelers In Ebola-Infected Countries As
Reported Cases Go Parabolic
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/18/2014 17:15 -0400
In its strongest-worded statement yet, the World Health Organization is
urging strengthened international cooperation to stop transmission of Ebola
to other countries. Most critically, WHO urges:*"Affected countries are
requested to conduct exit screening of all per... more »
Ferguson on the Brink of Martial Law as Nixon Calls Out National Guard

It could be a headline straight out of the tumultuous decade that was the
Sixties - NIXON CALLS OUT NATIONAL GUARD - such are these bizarre times in
which we live. The volatile situation in Ferguson, Missouri continues to
spin out of control going into week two. The release of the Michael Brown
surveillance camera video, showing the innocent one committing an obvious
criminal act has triggered an outbreak of mob violence and looting.
Missouri Governor Jay Nixon has called out the National Guard to put down
the insurrection in a dangerous escalation that is not going to end well
fo... more »
Surveillance Video Threatens National Debate Over Police Militarization

The surveillance video that was released on Friday by police in Ferguson,
Missouri nicely serves to change the subject from the threat of the
militarized police into yet another racially charged issue. The video does
appear to show the teenager Michael Brown, who was gunned down by a local
police officer in the process of committing what may be a crime. However,
the series of events leading up to the shooting of Brown and the
overwhelming response by fully weaponized police shock troops to the
protests (and rioting) are *two separate issues* and should remain as such.
What is show... more »
Woman Armed With Cordless Drill Gunned Down By Police

In a bizarre incident police gunned down a 19 year old woman who was
wielding a black cordless power drill. San Jose police allegedly were
responding to a 911 call from a woman threatening to kill her family with
an Uzi if they didn't show up. As is becoming ever more typical in the
American police state, the cops did show up and the incident ended with a
hail of gunfire. Granted the power drill *did* somewhat resemble a gun but
one would expect that professionally trained police officers would be able
to somehow tell the difference in broad daylight. The incident took place
befo... more »
Mosque-Goers Pledge Allegiance to ISIS Leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi following Al-Raqqah Sermon + Residents of Makhmour vow not to let the town fall to IS again
Mosque-Goers Pledge Allegiance to ISIS Leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi
following Al-Raqqah Sermon. Source: MEMRI TV. Date Published: August 18,
Residents of Makhmour vow not to let the town fall to IS again. Source:
Middle East Eye. Date Published: August 18, 2014.
Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- August 18, 2014

House US President Barack Obama meeting with members of his national
security team in the Situation Room of the White House in Washington. White
House Photo, Pete Souza
*Why We Fight Wars -- Paul Krugman, NYT*
A century has passed since the start of World War I, which many people at
the time declared was “the war to end all wars.” Unfortunately, wars just
kept happening. And with the headlines from Ukraine getting scarier by the
day, this seems like a good time to ask why.
Once upon a time wars were fought for fun and profit; when Rome overran
Asia Minor or Spain conquered Peru, i... more »
The weird tale of the deadbeat cop, and the true crime
BC's government claws back $17 million in child support payments from
mothers and children living in poverty.
Everything about the case of the disgraced RCMP officer who tried to scam a
paternity test is weird.
But weirdest and most destructive is the provincial government income
assistance policy that led to the crime. The same policy that ensures
thousands of children will be raised in government-mandated poverty.
Cst. Greg Doncaster was a rising star in the RCMP, the Times Colonist
reported, stationed in the detachment policing the capital's western
In 2009, he had an af... more »
World News Briefs -- August 18, 2014 (Evening Edition)
*No Sign Of Gaza Talks Breakthrough As Ceasefire Nears End -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Talks in Cairo on ending the Gaza war showed no signs of a
breakthrough on Monday, with Israel and the Palestinians entrenched in
their demands hours before the expiry of a five-day ceasefire.
The truce is due to run out at 2100 GMT (5.00 p.m. EDT). A Palestinian
source quoted by Egypt's state news agency MENA said Egyptian mediators
were making "a big effort to reach an agreement in the coming hours".
Both sides said gaps remained in reaching a long-term deal that would keep
the peace between Isra... more »
Does HIV Exist?

*“There are times, however, and this is one of them, when even being right
feels wrong. What do you say, for instance, about a generation that has
been taught that rain is poison and sex is death? If making love might be
fatal and if a cool spring breeze on any summer afternoon can turn a
crystal blue lake into a puddle of black poison right in front of your
eyes, there is not much left except TV and relentless masturbation. It's a
strange world. Some people get rich and others eat shit and die.”*
*― Hunter S. Thompson, Generation of Swine: Tales of Shame and Degradation
in the '80... more »
METRO | Lamar W. Hankins : Despite claims of partisan bias, Perry indictment has merit
The indictments mean that a special grand jury has good cause to believe
that Perry has violated two criminal laws by his actions. By Lamar W.
Hankins | The Rag Blog | August 18, 2014 AUSTIN — Gov. Rick Perry’s …
finish reading *METRO* | Lamar W. Hankins : Despite claims of partisan
bias, Perry indictment has merit
Marianne Williamson Endorses Ted Lieu For Congress

During the primary for Henry Waxman's congressional seat (the legendary
CA-33-- Malibu, Santa Monica, Manhattan Beach, Venice, Beverly Hills,
Westwood, Bel Air, Brentwood, Rancho Palos Verdes, Marina del Rey, El
Segundo), Blue America did a first-ever dual endorsement. It wasn't just
because Establishment favorites Wendy Greuel and Matt Miller were such
atrocious candidates, but because the two dogged progressive candidates we
did endorse-- out of the dozen or so running-- were both so exceptional.
Marianne Williamson is a charismatic, out-of-the-box visionary thinker who
knows h... more »
The Social Significance of Ian Botham's Penis
Ho, ho, ho, now we know why they call him "Beefy". Yes, regardless of all
the horrors scarring the world there's nothing quite like a celebrity dick
pic to set social media a-flapping. When Ian Botham tweeted a picture
purportedly to be his "old man" this morning, Twitter had one of its
periodic meltdowns. Botham himself denies all knowledge:
@RobbieSavage8 yes mate just changed my password !!! There's some idiots
out there !!
— Ian Botham (@BeefyBotham) August 18, 2014
Sure you were hacked, Ian. The just-visible chin of said willy-wafter bears
no resemblance to yours at all. No awk... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Brainerd, Minnesota, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
“Alan Shore,” “Speech on America”
*“Alan Shore,” “Speech on America”*
A little dated, but totally accurate, and it's much worse now... "Boston
Legal" character Alan Shore, an attorney, gives an interesting speech on
the status quo of the American throng. It is a thought provoking video. - CP
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YI2LSK4pEQ
How Too Much of a Good Thing Leads to Disaster
*Author of three best-selling books, in this excerpt from his forthcoming,
and fourth, our guest poster Bill Bonner eviscerates what passes for modern
Excerpt from
*Hormegeddon: How Too Much of a Good Thing Leads to Disaster **By Bill
*Prepare for Hormogeddon*
This book has a modest ambition: to catch a faint glimmer of truth, perhaps
out of the corner of our eye. What truth? It is a phenomenon I call
German pharmacologist Hugo Schulz first described its scientific antecedent
in 1888. He put small doses of lethal poison onto yeast and found that... more »
IPR and Medicines 29: Parallel Importation and Patent Linkage

This news r eport last August 8, 2014, was posted with discussion by Atty.
Joey Ochave at the Medicines Transparency Alliance (MeTA) Philippines email
loop. Joey is the Vice-Chairman of MeTA Philippines, SVP of Unilab, and a
friend way back in UP Diliman undergrad in the 80s.
Here is Joey's discussion. Posting this with his permission. It is a
well-written, well-argued piece as always, which many people outside of
MeTA would be interested to learn. My short comments and Joey's reply
further below. A bit long, about four pages, enjoy.
Parallel Importation and Patent Lin... more »
Satire: “Widespread Support for Sending Politicians to Prison for Ninety-Nine Years”
*“Widespread Support for Sending Politicians to Prison for Ninety-Nine
by Andy Borowitz
AUSTIN (The Borowitz Report)— "Last week’s indictment of Texas Governor
Rick Perry has sparked widespread bipartisan support for the concept of
sending politicians to prison for ninety-nine years. While Americans are
divided about the merits of the specific charges levelled against Perry,
there is near-unanimous agreement that imprisoning politicians for
ninety-nine years is an idea worth exploring further, a poll released on
Monday indicates.
According to the poll, eighty-seven per cen... more »
Geopolitics: "Armed Humanitarianism 2.0: The U.S. Empire of Death and Lies”
*"Armed Humanitarianism 2.0:*
*The U.S. Empire of Death and Lies”*
by Eric Margolis
“Armed humanitarianism 2.0. That’s our new western version of old-fashioned
19th century imperialism, now feminized by President Barack Obama’s lady
advisors, painted pink and accompanied by the kind of soft piano music you
hear in ads for women’s products.
Last week, the Obama administration latched onto the plight of Iraq’s
Yazidis who were being persecuted by those awful ISIS folks - just in jolly
good time to divert attention from the massacre in Gaza. How handy. All
three US networks and the in... more »
GAIA PORTAL: Separation of phase levels appears in all media of energy
*Separation of phase levels appears in all media of energy*
by ÉirePort
Separation of phase levels appears in all media of energy.
Prescience of Light Beings enhances velocity of awakenings.
Transitions to appropriate-for-each levels of BEingness occurs rapidly at
this moment.
Resolutions of long standings occurs rapidly at this moment.
Penetrations of Cosmics occurs rapidly at this moment.
ÉirePort | August 18, 2014 at 18:32 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:
U.S. And British Leaders Concede That Their 'Iraq Mission' Will Not End Quickly

REUTERS/Stringer Iraq
U*S, UK Leadership Warn Iraq Mission Won't be Quick; US Escalates Air
Offensive -- Defense News*
WASHINGTON — In an interview with New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman
on Aug. 7, President Barack Obama promised that while the United States
would use its formidable air power to help Iraq push back extremist Islamic
State fighters from Erbil and other key northern Iraqi cities, Baghdad
shouldn’t count on the US “being the Iraqi Air Force.”
But just 10 days later the White House sent a very different letter to
Capitol Hill, in which it informed congressional... more »
By Capt. Fogg
Browse around the web and you'd think the world was going crazy and no, I'm
not talking about Ferguson, MO. Perhaps it is and perhaps we're all crazy
too, but within a couple of minutes looking for stories other than about
Ferguson, I found out far more than I wanted to know about a morgue
attendant indicted for having sex with a hundred corpses of crime victims.
Good thing I skipped lunch today. But on any particular day you'll get
demented Christian leaders telling us that public nursing causes people to
become gay. Maybe all those baby Jesus pictures in churches d... more »
“What All This Bad News Is Doing to Us”
*“What All This Bad News Is Doing to Us”*
By Jesse Singal
“A terrifying jihadist group is conquering and butchering its way across
big swaths of Iraq and Syria. Planes are falling out of the sky on what
seems like a weekly basis. Civilians are being killed in massive numbers in
the Israel-Gaza conflict. Others are falling prey to Ebola in West Africa.
The world, in short, is falling apart.
That’s how it feels, at least, to those of us who sit at a blessed remove
from the death and destruction, but who are watching every bloody moment of
it via cable news and social media. It raises... more »
The Fight Between Iraqi Militants And Kurdish Forces For Control Of Iraq's Mosul Dam Continues

*Iraqi Forces Seize Mosul Dam -- Wall Street Journal*
*Two Days Into Ground Offensive, Insurgents Driven Out*
BADRIYA, Iraq—Iraqi and Kurdish ground forces, backed by U.S. airstrikes,
recaptured the strategic Mosul Dam on Monday after two days of fighting
with Islamist insurgents, a Kurdish military spokesman said.
Helgurd Hikmet, a spokesman for the Kurdish Peshmerga forces, said they
have taken "complete control" of the fragile dam and there was no longer
any fighting at or around the facility.
Earlier, Gen. Qassim Atta, spokesman for Iraq's military in Baghdad, said
the Iraqi ... more »
What Will The U.S. Do If Russia And Ukraine Go To War

A Ukrainian serviceman guards a checkpoint outside Donetsk. Thomson Reuters
*The United States Will Face Tough Choices If Russia And Ukraine Go To War
-- Peter Apps, Business Insider/Reuters*
If Russia and Ukraine slide into outright war, the United States and allies
will face tough choices on how to support a friendly state they have no
intention of making a full NATO member.
In what appeared to be a dramatic escalation on Friday, Ukraine said it had
destroyed much of a column of armored vehicles that had entered its
territory from Russia.
Moscow dismissed the account as "fantasy... more »
Presser re: Michael Brown autopsy - Dr. Baden answers questions... .
*but first claims impartiality. *
I sure didn't see that:
This wasn't a press conference. It was "let's lynch a cop" conference.
*Some of the things that I thought while listening to this so-called
conference. *
I'm at 5 minutes and already I'm annoyed. Crump, the attorney for the
family of Michael Brown, is blathering about eyewitnesses, who have proven
to be, in most cases, most unreliable.
Oooops - now we're dragging mom into it. And how many times is he going to
say "execute."
Why all the "dis" and "dat's" from so-called educated men?
Dr. Baden just said that the shot to t... more »
Pro-Separatist Rebels In Ukraine Are Told To ObeyThe Law

Armed pro-Russian separatists look on at a town center in Snizhnye in
eastern Ukraine June 12, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Shamil Zhumatov
*Betrayal, Desertion Could Mean Execution, Ukraine Rebel Leaders Warn
Fighters -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Under growing pressure from a government offensive, the rebel
leadership in Ukraine's battle-torn east warned its fighters on Monday that
desertion and betrayal could be met by execution.
The warning appeared to signal a growing concern by the leadership of the
self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DNR) over a breakdown of
discipline in the fig... more »
What Is The Prospect For War Between Ukraine And Russia

A Russian convoy of trucks carrying humanitarian aid for Ukraine travels
along a road south of the city of Voronezh, Aug. 14, 2014. Maxim
*The Prospect Of War Looms Over Ukraine, Russia -- MSNBC*
Zack Beauchamp and Max Fisher asked the sort of question on Friday that
needs an answer: “Did Russia and Ukraine just start a war?” The answer
probably isn’t as obvious as it should be.
Wars often come with some kind of qualifier – there are, among other
things, hot wars, cold wars, open wars, and civil wars. Do any of these
apply to developments in Ukraine? The answer obv... more »
Beyond Michael Brown: Right or Wrong the 'Spark that Lit the Powder Keg'
Dan Johnson of PANDA (People against NDAA) joins Blake Walley to gives his
first-hand account of his experience in Ferguson at curfew time.
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
New Video Shows Immediate Aftermath Of Michael Brown Shooting

*by Brendan James*
New video released Monday reportedly showing the immediate aftermath of
the killing of unarmed teenager Michael Brown by Ferguson, Mo. police
officer Darren Wilson.
CNN aired the footage Monday during an interview with eyewitness Piaget
Crenshaw, who said she recorded it following the Aug. 9 shooting.
According to Crenshaw, the footage shows Michael Brown's body laying in
the middle of the street as Wilson stood over him speaking to another
"God bless his soul, the police shot this boy outside my apartment,"
Cr... more »
Yazidis haunted by cries for help as militants bury victims alive
“West’s Historic Drought Stokes Fears of Water Crisis”
*“West’s Historic Drought Stokes Fears of Water Crisis”*
By Joby Warrick
WILLOWS, Calif. —” When the winter rains failed to arrive in this
Sacramento Valley town for the third straight year, farmers tightened their
belts and looked to the reservoirs in the nearby hills to keep them in
water through the growing season. When those faltered, some switched on
their well pumps, drawing up thousands of gallons from underground aquifers
to prevent their walnut trees and alfalfa crops from drying up. Until the
wells, too, began to fail.
Now, across California’s vital agricultural belt, ner... more »
All this week: Reporting Michael Brown!
*MONDAY, AUGUST 18, 2014*
*In search of journalistic values:* Michael Brown’s death is a major event.
All this week, we’ll be discussing the way our major news orgs have
reported, or have failed to report, the unfolding chain of events.
According to our civics texts, we need good journalism at times like this.
In our view, the journalism hasn’t been especially good to date.
Final note: We're postponing our award-winning series, The Houses of
Journalist County.
We still plan to present that award-winning work, with its links to
inspiring photo spreads. But these events come first... more »
Supplemental: Nixon’s godforsaken burgs!
*MONDAY, AUGUST 18, 2014*
*When journalists fashion cartoons:* Was Richard Nixon already crazy when
he was just 11?
That’s the sense of Rick Perlstein’s writing in his 2008 best-seller,
We started discussing this topic last weekend. This is the highly peculiar
passage in question:
PERLSTEIN (page 21): *Richard Nixon was a serial collector of resentments.
He raged for what he could not have or control.* At the age of seven, he so
wanted a jar of pollywogs a younger boy had collected from the forbidden
canal that he beaned the kid in the head with a toy hatchet (his vict... more »
No Progress On Ukraine Truce Talks
*Russia Says No Progress On Ukraine Truce At Talks -- Deutsche Welle*
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has said Berlin talks on a truce in
Ukraine failed to make any progress. But he said all issues relating to a
Russian aid convoy for Ukraine had been resolved.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Monday that no progress had
been made toward resolving the conflict in Ukraine at crisis talks over the
weekend in Berlin.
Following the talks between the foreign ministers of Russia, Ukraine,
Germany and France on Sunday, Lavrov told a Berlin news conference that the
... more »
Ukraine's Army Is Now Claiming That They Control The Center Of The Rebel City Of Luhansk
*Ukraine Says Army Controls Center Of A Rebel City -- New York Times*
DONETSK, Ukraine — The Ukrainian military on Sunday moved into the heart of
the separatist hub of Luhansk for the first time, officials said, chipping
at one of the cornerstones of the pro-Russia rebels’ disintegrating virtual
Ukrainian officials said army units had raised the national flag over a
police station in central Luhansk, the eastern city that, along with
Donetsk, has been a center of rebel activity and an important destination
for Russian fighters and aid. Other parts of Luhansk, however, were ... more »
Science Advice Summit
Over the next few weeks I'll be focusing on issues of science advice to
governments, as I attend the "Science Advice to Governments" conference in
Auckland, New Zealand. It is being characterized as a science advice
"summit." I'll be participating on a panel focused on "Science advice in
the context of opposing political / ideological positions" along with the
chief scientific advisor to the Australian government, Ian Chubb, and the
chief scientific advisor to Defra, Ian Boyd, among others.
The conference is being convened by ICSU and hosted by Sir Peter Gluckman,
chief science adv... more »
Ukraine's Government And Pro-Russian Separatists Are Blaming One Another For Today's Attack On A Refugee Convoy
*Dozens Killed In Attack On Convoy, Ukraine Says; Rebels Deny Firing Rocket
-- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Dozens of people, including women and children, were killed
fleeing fighting in eastern Ukraine on Monday when their convoy of buses
was hit by rocket fire, military spokesmen said.
Ukraine accused pro-Russian rebels of targeting the convoy, which it said
was bearing white flags when it was hit near the eastern city of Luhansk.
The separatists denied responsibility for the attack and one rebel leader
suggested the incident might never have taken place.
"The rebels were expecting th... more »
People Against the NDAA Founder Daniel Johnson Live in Ferguson
*Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream*
*Also visit revandujo. Daniel helped him setup a live stream today. One
more citizen journalist.*
Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream
*You can visit our Michael Brown article archive here.*
*Related: **The Latest Livestreams of Ferguson Missouri*
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
"Death is normal for us..."
I have heard people being called racists and Islamophobes for saying that
Palestinians don't have the same attitude towards death as most Western
people.Of course Palestinian mothers love their children and want them to
live as much as we do in the West, they say.
Judge for yourself...
Watch it all and wonder like me at the attitude that that Palestinian
I wonder if the BBC would be interested in broadcasting this video? Come on
Jeremy Al Bowen and Lyse Dousett...
Bad Moon Rising

You know the Conservatives are in trouble when Ian MacDonald says they are.
No Liberal or Dipper, MacDonald got into politics as a spokesman for Brian
Mulroney and as an ardent supporter of his high school classmate, Jim
Flaherty. But now he is worried. The latest EKOS poll is bad news all
This isn’t the one bad poll in 20. And it wasn’t a one-night stand.
The Liberals now lead the Conservatives by 38.7 to 25.6 per cent, with the
NDP at 23.4 per cent. In effect, the Liberals have doubl... more »

*The situation in Ferguson Missouri continues to deteriorate as curfew is
imposed and the Governor calls in the National Guard. *
* We have the Live Streams of **PANDA's Dan Johnson, **Global Revolution, *
*Anonymous, **James from The Internet, **Activist World News
Now, Infowars, Vice News, Fox2News, "I am Mike Brown from Ferguson
MO" Liberty News Media, **Film The Police Portland, **Vice News' Tim
Pool and STL County Police Scanner. (you can view all live streams below).
*Reddit also has a live stream gathering all the information coming out
as it happens... more »
Mahmoud Abbas - Israel's 'partner in peace'
Politicians and anti-Israel media often assure us that Mahmoud Abbas the
elected (albeit long, long ago) Palestinian Authority President is a man of
peace and Israel's partner in peace.
Watch the above video and see what you think...
I wonder if anyone at the BBC could watch that video and still push the
line that Mahmoud Abbas is Israel's partner in peace? Actually I know the
answer to that, of course they can and would.
Democrats Against Your Cable Company Treating You Terribly

As you probably know, Blue America endorsed Zephyr Teachout and Tim Wu over
Andrew Cuomo and Kathy Hochul in the New York State gubernatorial race.
Last night we sent this letter to all Blue America members. Give it a look
and if you do contribute-- regardless of amount-- you automatically become
a Blue America member. Our goal is to do what conventional wisdom-- the
brain surgeons who laughed when anyone suggested David Brat would beat Eric
Cantor-- says can't be done: replace Andrew Cuomo with a progressive icon
even before he's indicted on corruption charges and New York winds ... more »
Mahmoud Abbas - Israel's 'partner in peace'
Posibly the saddest letter I've read for a long time - from Britain's Independent newspaper
Today's Independent, not a paper that I ever read as I find it's incessant
anti-Israel tone highly offensive, published an interesting letter today:
I’m just an ordinary middle-aged Londoner.
I work in an office. I go to football. I like eating out. I enjoy the arts.
I am a proud family man. I give up time for charity work. I try to be a
decent contributing member of society. I pay my taxes honestly. But there
appears to be something that sets me and my kind apart.
At park gates in East London a friend of mine gets told to f**k off for
photographing a flag. At a pub in Bath my wife g... more »
How many times with that hinge work?

Did you think about that
when you totally commuted
to that door
Yes that is the reason
there are no gates
on the jet stream
doors are not natural
limit them as feasibly
Tin Soldiers and Nixon's Coming

"Law never made men a whit more just; and, by means of their respect for
it, even the well-disposed are daily made the agents of injustice." Henry
David Thoreau, *Civil Disobedience*, 1849
(By *American Zen*'s Mike Flannigan, on loan from Ari.)
Perhaps only the illiteracy quotient of your average teabagger
accounts for their not fully embracing Henry David Thoreau. The New England
transcendentalist and abolitionist who once famously said, "That government
is best which governs least" would've been apoplectic had he seen what's
going on in Ferguson, Missouri. He definitely woul... more »
Five people have been killed and at least 27 others wounded in weekend shootings across Chicago...
*where are the protesters?*
From *Second City Cop:*
*Police said a 16-year-old boy was found with a gunshot wound to the head
around 1:15 a.m. Sunday in the city’s Humboldt Park neighborhood.Police
were responding to a report of a person shot in the 900 block of North
Karlov Avenue and found the teen on the sidewalk. He was transported in
critical condition where he was later pronounced dead.*
Among the casualties:
*Early Saturday, a 16-year-old girl was fatally shot in a possible drive-by
shooting in the city’s Englewood neighborhood. Police said the girl was
st... more »
Update on the Silence from MH17 shot Down. Russia is asking UN Security Council for a briefing on the results.
I did a video this morning about the silence on MH17 black box results and
how no one mentions the shooting down of the plane anymore. Since then ITAR
released an article where Russia is asking the UN security council to do a
briefing about MH17.
Mark Twain on events in Gaza and Ferguson
Last week I watched Ken Burns' latest documentary about the great American
author Mark Twain. It was a fascinating portrait of a fascinating man,
although it gave short-shrift to his most radical views, which included
being Vice-President of the Anti-Imperialist League which opposed the
annexation of the Philippines by the United States. The film did mention
Twain's stinging denunciation of King Leopold II, the man responsible for
the death of 10 million Congolese in the late 1800's.
My interest in Twain awakened by the film, I picked up my copy of *A
Connecticut Yankee in King Art... more »
3 minutes that makes you think..... Homeless share and give what they have. An experiment.
Spread the message. Three minutes that makes you think. Homeless give
what they have and share.
Justin is violated with the mildness of avaialbe predjudice

Follow the money. In an event like this there is a money shot. It reminds
me so much of the Watergate burglary which is complicated but basically was
a message to Nixon he had become a liability. A clumsy robbery with no
loot, who won who lost history will always have to dispute. Can not leave
the discussion without forwarding the opinion that Bob Woodward was a
company man.
Following the same sick train of thought. Justin's house was targeted to
make an impression on him and the ones that hate the man. Will he curb his
travel? Will this event make him more crime and punishment bo... more »
The logical fallacy of “blowback” Intoxication with the blowback mind virus
*Logical Fallacy: a misconception resulting from incorrect reasoning; the
logical fallacy of assuming the conclusion in the premises*
*Blowback* is a logical fallacy- * the logical fallacy of assuming the
conclusion in the premises*
*Blowback*, as commonly touted by the lying war mongering media, is always
presented in this fashion: *unforseen consequences from previous actions*
Emphasis always on the *“unforseen” *
*Unforseen*-* defined as not anticipated or predicted.*
*Unforseen goes hand in hand with the ‘incompetence’ meme constantly and
*These mind viruses wo... more »
KKK Arrives In Ferguson to Support Their ‘Hero’ Cop Who Shot Brown, Hate Heats Up

by Amanda Shea
Al Sharpton isn’t the only race baiter to descend on Ferguson to take
advantage of the tangle of tear gas, tanks, and snarling police dogs — the
Ku Klux Klan is seizing the opportunity to spread their hate and ignorance
in this hotbed of racial tension over the shooting death of black teenager
Michael Brown.
After the identity of the officer who shot Brown was released, the Klan
rushed to rally around Officer Darren Wilson to raise reward money for this
cop at the center of the shooting controversy, whereas the Klan’s
co... more »
I hate Mondays

A fantastic song by the Boomtown Rats and a one hit wonder that oracled the
As I thinkaboot this Monday I reflect.
Fergus is only the first Falija light for America. Thats a good sign
because on the Falujia scale America has had many lite fat events, and its
trending heavy. Wait for the first IED to take out one of those monstrous
police tanks. The real problem is that America and the white picket fence
increasingly makes black people think they are living in Gaza. Sure every
judge, police leader, and any other high fluten position possible is held
by a black pers... more »
The Silence is Deafening after analyzing MH17 Black Boxes. No data released. Silence as if it never happened.
Just a month ago the amount of war rhetoric and accusations against Russia
from the U.S. and other Western countries was loud and screaming.
Russia/Putin must pay, per Hillary Clinton. Ukraine wanted NATO military
immediately to go against Russia. Now MH17 has been forgotten. It is
almost as if it never happened from the silence. I have done a search
about the black box results from
An emotional movie on Stephen Hawking: Theory of Everything
In November 2014, a new emotional movie will hit the cinemas.
*A trailer plus a review. The talkative reviewer thinks that the filmmakers
were cheating when they suggested that Hawking and his wife were saints who
transcended the disease. True but the most ambitious movies like that
aren't documentaries, anyway.*
"A Theory of Everything" is a film about Hawking's life, work, and medical
disorder. But it is primarily a movie about his love life, a movie focusing
on Jane Hawking, his wife through 1995.
Search Google News for various reviews.
The British "Metro" is among the o... more »
Hating stephen harper
*a* *:* intense hostility and aversion usually deriving from fear, anger,
or sense of injury
*b* *:* extreme dislike or antipathy *:* loathing hate
What's the problem?
"Hate" is a strong emotion. And strong emotions are really felt by
children. They can go from the depths of despair (their ice cream fell out
of their ice cream cone) to intense joy (they got a new ice cream cone and
the monkey behind the glass is doing something funny) in a matter of
When adults do that, we (obviously) call them "childish."
One can get swept along by their emotions. (The initial... more »
NO JOURNALISM, NO JUSTICE: The Washington Post’s (rather bad) front page!
*MONDAY, AUGUST 18, 2014*
*Part 1—Today, we get one basic fact:* In a case where we don’t have a
whole lot of facts, we finally got one basic fact in this morning’s New
York Times.
Here it is:
According to the New York Times, 18-year-old Michael Brown *wasn’t* shot in
the back.
If Brown *had* been shot in the back, it would have been hard to imagine a
scenario in which the shooting was legal. As it turns out, Brown was shot
at least six times—but he wasn’t shot in the back.
This brings us to the front page of yesterday’s hard-copy Washington Post.
On a journalistic basis, we th... more »
The press takes a holiday…every day

Jon Rappoport
I’ve published the essence of this article before. I continue to reprint
it, now and then, because it illustrates a basic fact about the mainstream
Not only are they part of the problem; not only are they creating problems;
not only are they sold out; the reporters themselves, who should be able to
work up astonishment at mind-boggling facts, have lost that capacity.
They’ve lost the very urge that got them into the journalism trade in the
first place.
They’ve offloaded the ability to be shocked and outraged.
They’ve forgotten how to be surprised.
If... more »
What's happening within the Caliphate
VICE News have made a fantastic documentary from within the self proclaimed
Islamic State. You should watch all of the parts, they will open your minds
and maybe scare you too.
This part 4 is I think is interesting as it shows from 7:54 a young boy who
would be called a child if killed by Israel.
Cell Phone Guide For US Protesters

Eva Galperin & Parker Higgins
With major protests in the news again, we decided it's time to update our
cell phone guide for protesters. A lot has changed since we last published
this report in 2011, for better and for worse. On the one hand, we've
learned more about the massive volume of law enforcement requests for cell
phone—ranging from location information to actual content—and widespread
use of dedicated cell phone surveillance technologies. On the other hand, strong
Supreme Court opinions have eliminated any ambiguity about the
unconstitutionality of warrantless sear... more »
World News Briefs -- August 18, 2014

A Russian convoy of trucks carrying humanitarian aid for Ukraine drives
along a road from Kamensk-Shakhtinsky in the direction of the border with
Ukraine, Rostov Region, August 17, 2014. Credit: REUTERS/Alexander
*Ukraine, Rebels Accuse Each Other Of Attacking Refugee Bus Convoy --
(Reuters) - Ukraine accused pro-Russian rebels on Monday of hitting a
refugee convoy of buses with rocket fire near the eastern city of Luhansk,
killing people trapped in the burning vehicles, but the separatists denied
Ukrainian military spokesmen said the bus convo... more »
How to End the War Crimes in Gaza

Bernie Suarez
Some people may read this and say, no way, this is not a solution but I
challenge your belief and I offer that this is indeed an effective and
powerful way to move forward as a humanity with regard to the ongoing
atrocities in Gaza.
Is there actually a way to end the war crimes in Gaza? There is, but the
answer lies in our humanity not in politics, politicians, or a rigid
ideology. Ideologies that result in human deaths are ideologies of hatred
no matter how anyone spins it. We, as a humanity, must find a way of ending
ideologies of hatred that serve political purpos... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- August 18, 2014

President Barack Obama meets with his national security advisors in the
Situation Room of the White House, Aug. 7, 2014. Credit: Official White
House Photo by Pete Souza
*The Evolving Obama Doctrine: Limited Bombing Raids, Stronger Partnerships
-- John T. Bennett and Paul McLeary, Defense News*
WASHINGTON — Iraq again has descended into sectarian violence and political
chaos. An Islamic extremist group controls more land than al-Qaida ever
has. Vladimir Putin appears poised to invade eastern Ukraine.
As those global hotspots — and others, like northern Africa — all moved
closer in... more »
What Have We Accomplished in Iraq?

Freda Art Ron Paul
We have been at war with Iraq for 24 years, starting with Operations Desert
Shield and Storm in 1990. Shortly after Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait that
year, the propaganda machine began agitating for a US attack on Iraq. We
all remember the appearance before Congress of a young Kuwaiti woman
claiming that the Iraqis were ripping Kuwaiti babies from incubators. The
woman turned out to be the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador to the US and
the story was false, but it was enough to turn US opposition in favor of an
This month, yet another US president – the... more »
The World Is A Horror Movie
*Deep Space*
How the world resembles a horror film full of vampires, werewolves, and
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
Ferguson Riot Cop Threatens to Shoot Livestreaming Journalist
Source: Argus Radio livestream
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
If You Promote A Cure For Ebola, Men With Guns Could Show Up At Your Door

Michael Snyder
If I had a cure for Ebola, I could never sell it to you. I don’t have a
cure for Ebola of course, but even if I did I could never promote it. And
if you have a cure for Ebola and you start promoting it on the Internet,
men with guns could soon show up at your door.
Unfortunately, I am not kidding. Even if you have made a discovery that
could potentially save millions of lives, that will not earn you an ounce
of mercy from the FDA. In fact, the FDA has just issued a statement that
contains a chilling warning for anyone that is claiming that they know how
to pr... more »
Inside A Lethal Helicopter Crash In Iraq

Alissa J. Rubin, a Times reporter, on the left, and Vian Dakhil, a Yazidi
lawmaker. Credit Adam Ferguson for The New York Times
*On a Helicopter, Going Down: Inside a Lethal Crash in Iraq -- Alissa J.
Rubin, New York Times*
*Alissa J. Rubin, a veteran Times foreign correspondent, was injured on
Tuesday in a helicopter crash in Kurdistan and dictated the following
article from her hospital bed in Istanbul, where she was evacuated from
Iraq. She suffered broken bones and a fractured skull but was in stable
condition, and was scheduled to be taken by air to the United States on
Sunda... more »
The Islamic State Is Eclipsing Al Qaeda

Image from Insite Blog
*Islamic State Challenging Al-Qaeda for Leadership -- Bloomberg*
The radical Islamic State’s advances in Iraq are strengthening its
challenge to al-Qaeda in a contest for the leadership of the global jihadi
movement, according to five U.S. intelligence officials.
Its territorial gains and declaration of a caliphate spanning parts of
Syria and Iraq, reinforced by its use of social media to broadcast its
accomplishments in many languages, are attracting recruits and even drawing
defections from the leadership of the core al-Qaeda group and some
affiliates, th... more »
The Syrian Revolution Is Now At The 'Tipping Point'

*The Syrian Revolution Is Running Out Of Room As ISIS And Assad Close In --
Rana Moussaoui, Agence France Presse*
Western-backed rebels in northern Syria are fighting to survive in the face
of advances on their strongholds both by jihadists and government forces,
analysts and regime opponents say.
The opposition has sounded the alarm, appealing indirectly to the
international community to carry out air strikes on jihadist Islamic State
(IS) positions in Syria, like the United States has done in Iraq.
"More than ever the rebellion is caught in a pincer movement between the
regime ... more »
Which Faction's Pull Inside The GOP Is Strongest-- The Libertarians Or The Religious Nuts?

Rand Paul and Sharron Angle… what could possibly go wrong?
David Frum-- your grandpa's version of a Republican-- is worried that those
nutty Libertarians are making inroads into his party again. Last week he took
issue with Robert Draper's assertion that Rand Paul is the solution to the
GOP's demographic problems. "What he wrote was not true. But it felt true
to him… Draper’s wrong," he insisted, "emphatically wrong. Young voters are
not libertarian, nor even trending libertarian. Neither, for that matter,
are older voters. The 'libertarian moment' is not an event in American
culture... more »
The Comedic Genius of Jim Prentice
(My apologies for strong language but a fellow can only put with so much
nonsense. Anyhow, to be foretold is to be forewarned.)
Apparently former federal MP Jim Prentice was in town this past weekend to
drum up local support for his run at the premiership to be decided next
month. Now nothing against the guy personally but when I read in local
media here about some of what he had to say, I could only really shake my
head and wonder who writes his talking points.
In the world according to Jim, we have great local leadership in our local
MLA's. I'm sure we do......ok, other than ... more »
*62,000 New Yorkers Sign Petition to 'Stop Common Core' After Flat Results*
On New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s official website, he touts the merits
and needs of Common Core, an educational program detailing what students
should know in regards to math and English by the end of the 12th grade:
“The Common Core standards are a critical part of transforming New York’s
schools, and the failure to effectively implement them has led to confusion
and frustration among students and their families.”
Despite his initial optimism surrounding Common Core, however, New York
test scores have r... more »
Let It Go "FROZEN" Pencil Case

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser.
All opinions are mine alone. #CollectiveBias
We are hitting a huge milestone in our house this upcoming week. My little
girl starts kindergarten. She is completely oblivious to the fact that she
is supposed to be nervous about school starting soon, but I sit here with
knots in my stomach hoping she loves it as much as I want her to. Instead
of focusing on my nerves, I have thrown myself into getting her ready and
in our house, that means everything FROZEN.
My little girl and I picked up a backpack, folders a... more »
We Now Know A Lot More About Edward Snowden's Epic NSA Heist

Snowden with Former CIA and NSA chief General Michael Hayden at a gala in
2011. Courtesy of Edward Snowden via Wired
*We Now Know A Lot More About Edward Snowden's Epic Heist — And It's
Troubling -- Michael B Kelley, Business Insider*
Edward Snowden's in-depth interview with James Bamford of Wired offers
details about his last job as a contractor for the NSA in Honolulu, which
raise disconcerting questions about the motives of the former systems
While working at two consecutive jobs in Hawaii from March 2012 to May
2013, the 31-year-old allegedly stole about 200,000... more »
Chile: Regional Businessman Photographs UFO During World Cup Games

*Source: Planeta UFO and Diario El Día (Chile)Date: 08.12.14*
*Chile: Regional Businessman Photographs UFO During World Cup Games*
*By Cristian Riffo*
Photo taken by businessman Carlos Ruiz showing the city of Ouro Preto and a
self-luminous disk-shaped object in the sky.
Thousands of compatriots traveled to Brazil to see Chile playing in the
most recent World Cup games. One of them was Carlos Ruiz, a local
businessman and former Assistant Dean of the University of Aconcagua.
Aside from attending all of Team Chile's games, his goal was to enjoy the
beauty of Brazil's cities. Thus,... more »
Argentina: Uproar in Valle Fertil over Alleged UFO

*Source: Tiempo de San Juan (Argentina) and Planeta UFODate: 08.18.2014*
*Argentina: Uproar in Valle Fertil over Alleged UFO*
**** Residents of Valle Fertil claim that an Unidentified Flying Object
flew over the region ****** Valle Fertil journalist claims having seen the
UFO ****
Residents of the department of Valle Fertil report seeing a UFO flying over
the area on Thursday afternoon. It vanished two hours later.
Photos have appeared on social media showing a light in the sky, and local
residents affirm that it is the unidentified flying object.
Furthermore, minutes before th... more »
Another labour fail - it's Ed Miliband again - #LabourNo
Sometimes I wonder if the Labour Party is just full to the brim with
idiots, here's a tweet from Ed Miliband (@ed_miliband) from this morning...
Yes, the Labour leader, a man who says that he has more intellectual self
confidence than David Cameron has tweeted with the hashtag #LabourNo
I'd say it was unbelievable but it;'s really just par for the course for Ed
Miliband and his band of undergraduate level debaters. Maybe they should
have thought about it for just a little longer before tweeting #LabourNo at
01:48, maybe a little over-tired?
Well on the plus side, @ed_miliband will... more »
Hilarion's Weekly Message - August 17, 2014

[image: Hilarion]
*Hilarion's Weekly Message*
by Marlene Swetlishoff
Dear Ones,
It is a glorious time for planet Earth as she goes through the next phase
of her cosmic ascension and this will be felt by all of humanity in the
coming days. It is an energy that will be stepped down in intensity so that
all of her inhabitants can absorb the more refined energies. It is helpful
to go within often and be open to receive the incoming energies with the
intent of utilizing them to their fullest capacity and also by intending to
align consciously several times each day with the highest a... more »
Iraq Updates - August 18 , 2014 ---- Ron Paul nails it ----- Ron Paul: "What Have We Accomplished In Iraq?" War escalated by US against ISIS in Northern Iraq ( new goal liberating Mosul Dam ) ......... My , it certainly looks as if former enemy Assad and US coordinated attack on ISIS this weekend ........
Zero Hedge.....
Ron Paul: "What Have We Accomplished In Iraq?"
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/17/2014 22:01 -0400
- Iraq
- Kuwait
- Obama Administration
- President Obama
- Ron Paul
- Turkey
- Ukraine
*By Ron Paul*
*What Have We Accomplished in Iraq?*
We have been at war with Iraq for 24 years, starting with Operations Desert
Shield and Storm in 1990. Shortly after Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait that
year, the propaganda machine began agitating for a US attack on Iraq. We
all remember the appearance before Congr... more »
A Cole-Sullivan TwoFer + links

*Out walking the dog, found this beautiful walking stick.*
Taiwan expert Jon Sullivan with an excellent piece on the DPP, Taiwan
identity, social class issues, and politics at The National Interest. He
Notwithstanding underlying trends in public opinion, a spate of recent
academic publications suggests that this may indeed be happening. *They
suggest that a new economic cleavage based on class has not just mitigated
national identity, but has replaced it.* Because of the unusual equality of
growth during Taiwan’s “economic miracle,” combined with the dominance of
national... more »
4 Videos of Iraq's IDPs And Refugees
Below are videos of Iraq's internally displaced persons and refugees.
Christians, minorities seek refuge from militants in Iraq. Source: The
Washington Post. Date Published: August 17, 2014.
2014.08.14 - Assyrian IDP discuss their situation. Source: Shlama
Foundation. Date Published: August 14, 2014.
2014.08.15 - Man from Bakhdeda Describes his Family's situation. Source:
Shlama Foundation. Date Published: August 15, 2014.
Iraq crisis: Yadizi refugees keen to leave for good. Source: Channel 4
News. Date Published: August 13, 2014.
Ebola and the Absent “Humanitarians”

*August 18, 2014* (Ulson Gunnar - NEO) - The US spent over two billion
dollars during NATO’s armed assault on Libya both in ordnance used during
months of aerial bombardment and in covert support for terrorists used as
proxy ground forces in the overthrow of the Libyan government. The United
Kingdom is estimated to have spent even more. Hundreds of millions were
spent by other NATO members throughout the duration of the assault. The
“protection of civilians” was repeatedly cited as the altruistic
justification for such an expenditure in manpower and financial resources.
In the wak... more »
'ISIS a pretext for US-sponsored regime change in Iraq'

*August 18, 2014* (Eric Draitser - RT) - The ousting of Iraqi Prime
Minister Nouri al-Maliki is part of a broader US plan for Iraq and the
Middle East as a whole.
Against the backdrop of the war against the Islamic State (IS, formerly
ISIS/ISIL), Washington has managed to kill two birds with one stone, as the
saying goes. Not only has the US removed a political leader who had proven
to be problematic due to his opposition to US military presence in Iraq, as
well as his staunch support for Syria and President Assad, they have also
created the conditions for the dismemberment of the... more »
When Humanity Can - A Quote from Michael Brine

*"When Humanity can let go of being controlled through fear and resist
judging others and follow the deeper urgings of their hearts then, and only
then, will we be able to soar to new heights of understanding, letting go
of the shackles that we have allowed to bind us, discovering some of the
very real mysteries that when understood will move us to new heights of
Michael B.
*To read more of Michael's writings visit:*
Nato chief warns Russia against 'green men' tactics

[image: Philip Breedlove]Philip Breedlove, Nato’s top military commander,
has said that if Russia does what it did in Crimea to a Nato state, it
would be considered an act of war against the alliance.
Referring to Russia’s actions in Crimea in March, he told Germany’s Die
Welt newspaper on Sunday (17 August): “The most important thing is that
Nato nations are prepared for the so-called green men: armed military
without insignia who create unrest, occupy government buildings, incite the
population; separatists who educate and give military advice and contribute
to the significant des... more »
Standard Missile Shows Versatility with “Juliet” Flight Test

[image: Standard Missile-6 (SM-6)]The Navy executed a successful flight
test of the surface-to-air Standard Missile-6 (SM-6) at White Sands Missile
Range Aug. 14.
During flight test “Juliet,” the Navy examined the missile's ability to
intercept a subsonic, low- altitude target over land. Juliet is one of 10
follow-on operational test and evaluation (FOT&E) events planned for SM-6's
missile performance and demonstration."This event demonstrated SM-6's ability to detect and engage a slow moving
target in the presence of complex land clutter," said Jim Schuh, Anti-Air
Warfare Missile... more »
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