Australian Light Horse riding along Macquarie Street, Sydney (Photo credit: Australian National Maritime Museum on The Commons) |
When is Ebola not Ebola? ... When it walks off an airplane
As I pressed the "publish" button on yesterdays Ebola article, I knew that
there were several more facts and pieces of information to bring to the
public's attention. Here is part II of
The Ebola Outbreak: The "Pandemic" that isn't.The more news articles I
read, the more blatant the lies and deception become. The main stream
media seems to of been caught in their tracks with their "Ebola is an
airborne (aerosol) virus" lies and are now quickly backtracking and setting
the record straight on that fact. The Associated Press released this
article on 5 things you need to know about t... more »
Who can rescue the Labour Party?
A wise man, not David Miliband who looks shocked that the BBC would allow
such an attack on their allies
Profiteers on the Move in MA to Expand Charters in 2016
From Lisa Guisbond at CPS:
Charter proponents may have been shocked to be handed a rare legislative
defeat, but they are not sitting back on the heels of their designer shoes.
The State House News Service reported this week that charter advocates "are
already eyeing the 2016 ballot" and "reaching out to supporters in the
business and education communities, as well as potential donors, to line up
the backing necessary to mount a ballot campaign."
The report also heralded the arrival in Boston of a new pro-charter school
player, called "Families for Excellent Schools," led by a Brookl... more »
TRUTH of Smoking and Tobacco benefits. Tobacco treats Ebola, has many medicinal properties and Good Health Properties
The Truth of tobacco and smoking. It is beneficial and it is a treatment
for Ebola. It is not beneficial to smoke commercial bought cigarettes as
they contain over 3000 additives with many of those being carcinogenic.
Smoking store bought cigarettes will cause someone to have cancer. But
smoking natural pure tobacco is something all together different and can be
very good for you health
U.S. Sent Youths From Latin America To Cuba To Stir A Revolt

*AP: Obama Administration Program Secretly Sent Young Latin Americans To
Cuba To Gin Up Rebellion -- CBS*
WASHINGTON — An Obama administration program secretly dispatched young
Latin Americans to Cuba using the cover of health and civic programs to
provoke political change, a clandestine operation that put those foreigners
in danger even after a U.S. contractor was hauled away to a Cuban jail.
Beginning as early as October 2009, a project overseen by the U.S. Agency
for International Development sent Venezuelan, Costa Rican and Peruvian
young people to Cuba in hopes of ginning up r... more »
Ukraine Civil War News Updates -- August 4, 2014

*Ukraine Crisis: Army 'Heading For Victory' - Defence Minister -- BBC*
Ukraine's defence minister has said his forces are gaining ground
significantly against rebels in the country's east.
Valeriy Heletey told the BBC there would be victory "very soon".
He blamed the rebels for the difficulties faced by international experts in
getting access to the MH17 crash site.
His remarks came as civilians in the east prepare for a siege as government
forces close in on the rebel-held cities of Donetsk and Luhansk.
Residents are stockpiling food and supplies and are sleeping in basements,
w... more »
Lebanese Army Continue To Battle Syrian Rebels Who Have Crossed The Border From Syria
*Lebanon's Military Battles Islamists on Syrian Border -- Voice of America*
Lebanese troops are battling Islamic militants near the Syrian border in a
third day of fierce clashes - the worst spillover of violence since Syria's
civil war broke out three years ago.
Lebanon's army reported Monday that at least 16 of its soldiers have been
killed in the fighting that erupted in the town of Arsal, while another 22
are missing. It said that advancing soldiers have found the bodies of 50
Hundreds of Lebanese civilians and Syrian refugees crammed into cars and
pickup trucks du... more »
The Secret to Amazing Clam Chowder

There is a restaurant where my dad grew up in Oregon that is known for
their clam chowder. Every summer when we would drive up to visit my
grandpa, we would stop for clam chowder. I was convinced there was nothing
in the world more disgusting and I refused to eat anything but crackers
every time we went. One summer, after watching my parents struggle to get
my to try just one bite, my grandpa took a new approach. He offered me $5
to try the soup, one bite turned into bowl after bowl and I have never
looked back. After trying clam chowder at just about every place I have
been that... more »
Hamas Video 'Shows-Off' Their Ghoul Sniper Rifle In Action (And With A '2km Range')
*Hamas Militant Video Shows Ghoul Sniper With '2km Range' -- The Telegraph*
A video released by Hamas, which cannot be independently verified, shows a
huge sniper which militants claim was made in Gaza
Hamas' armed wing has released footage of a home grown sniper rifle,
nicknamed Ghoul, which it is using to target Israeli soldiers.
The footage, which cannot be independently verified, shows what Hamas
claims is a 14.5mm caliber sniper rifle, with 2 km (1.2 mile) range. The
average range of a typical sniper rifle is just under 900 yards (800
A militant posing next to the ... more »
Campbell Brown Clip from Colbert Show
Campbell Brown has been named by George Schmidt to the Ann Coulter Chair of
Right Wing Punditry. Congrats, Campbell.
Below is George's commentary from *Substance News*.
George N. Schmidt - August 04, 2014
From one point of view, you could say that Campbell Brown just got a
promotion. From an obscure "reporter" at CNN, she has been elevated to what
Substance will call the "Ann Coulter Chair of Right Wing Punditry" in
American media. (See below for another version of this, based on 20th
Century history). One way or the other, four years after "Waiting for
Superman" and four years a... more »
Robert Reich And Stanley Chang Want To Solve One Of The Big Problems Endemic To Growing Inequality

The debate above on the topic: The Rich Are Taxed Enough-- Robert Reich and
Mark Zandi vs Glenn Hubbard and Arthur Laffer-- took place in 2012. At its
core, the question came down to whether or not the richest are paying their
fair share in taxes. (Spoiler: the audience vote showed a gargantuan win
for Reich and Zandi over the two clueless corporate stooges Hubbard and
Over the weekend, Reich did an interesting post, Work and Worth that almost
anyone who finds himself in a high-paid job contemplates at one time or
another. His assertion-- that "what someone is paid ha... more »
Israel - Hamas War News Updates -- August 4, 2014

*(Click on Image to Enlarge)*
*Netanyahu: Gaza Campaign Continues Until Calm Restored -- Voice of America*
Israel will not stop its military campaign in Gaza until long-term calm is
restored, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Monday, at the end of a
seven-hour humanitarian lull in fighting.
“The campaign in Gaza is continuing. This operation will only end when
quiet and security is established for the citizens of Israel for a
prolonged period," he said on a visit to the army's southern command.
Also Monday, in what appeared to be backlash against Israel’s offensive
against Ga... more »
The Kitchen Sink was Exposed

When I was five or six years old
I first became aware
there is a world and I
somehow are a part of it
My question then
and now is how do I join
will I be a participant
a sailor or a Capetian
a member of the Columbus tradition
as an astronaut,
or as a servant
even an incredibly elevated one
The man realizing that
basically told you
get back to factory
because for you astronomy
is a column in the
paper on Sunday
your fate is in the stars
Fate that is spelled
Sheeple, come on people
be alive
There is no magic force
that guided you to merry
the cheerleader at 23
and give your fortune ... more »
Stop killing people
talk of two-state solutions, displacement, borders, violent Zionism,
violent resistance, bombed schools, shelters, houses, kibbutzim, the
opinions of various persons both thoughtful and blinkered is maybe just a
little teeny tiny bit ahead of the game. The current war on Gaza, for
that's what it is, highlights the baseline condition for any peace:
Stop killing people.
Stop killing people.
Noam Chomsky - Information Clearing House - OUTRAGE
as ICH or Information Clearing House states in its front-page editorial,
"You ain't gonna hear this on CNN," and look who authored this
*Gaza-holocaust* article titled...
*OutrageBy Noam ChomskyAugust 03, 2014 "ICH" - Almost every day brings news
of awful crimes, but some are so heinous, so horrendous and malicious, that
they dwarf all else. One of those rare events took place on July 17, when
Malaysian Airlines MH17 was shot down in Eastern Ukraine, killing 298
*The Guardian of Virtue in the White House denounced it as an “outrage of
unspeakable proportions,” whic... more »
World News Briefs -- August 4, 2014

Israeli soldiers walk past tanks at a staging area near the border with
Gaza Strip August 4, 2014. Credit: REUTERS/Nir Elias
*Israel 'To Pursue Campaign' As Truce Ends -- BBC*
*Israel's prime minister has vowed the campaign in Gaza will continue
"until quiet and security are returned to the citizens of Israel".*
Benjamin Netanyahu issued the statement after Israel's seven-hour
"humanitarian window" for parts of Gaza closed.
The truce slowed violence in Gaza, although Palestinians said Israel broke
it by hitting a house in Gaza City.
Two attacks on Israelis were reported in Jerusal... more »
Im Feeling Intolerant Again
Last month I wrote a little screed about why I thought somebody's comment
was infuriatingly stupid. I called the piece: "Why I'm So Intolerant." (It
turns out that the guy who made the comment has said intelligent things on
other matters and that part of what he was saying was correct. It also
remains the case that a LOT of what he said in the comment was plain
I use the word "intolerant" because there is something about my writing
style that makes me appear intolerant of difference of opinion and even
broadly contemptuous of the intelligence of anyone who disagrees with me... more »

*Palestinian Child killed by U.S. made Israeli Navy missile on Gaza beach*
*"If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It
is normal; we have taken their country." - **David Ben-Gurion** (Polish
born Israeli Statesman and Prime Minister (1948-53, 1955-63). *
*Ode to a dead Palestinian child*
*Yesterday you were playing with your cousins **on this sandy Gaza beach.*
*You were playing soccer and you had just scored **a goal with your
makeshift cloth beach ball.*
*You knew there was danger on the beach but you could **not resist the
beach and the cool oc... more »
Congressman Massie: ‘Anger, Frustration, Embarrassment’ When Redacted Portion of 9/11 Report Is Released
Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY)
As reported by Joshua Cook:
Kentucky Republican Congressman Thomas Massie said that U.S. citizens
should have to right to read the 28 redacted pages from a report
investigating the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001.
Appearing on The Glenn Beck Program, he said there will be “anger,
frustration, and embarrassment when these 28 pages finally come out.”
Despite those negative emotions, Massie is fighting for the document’s
As reported previously on, Massie, Walter Jones (R-NC) and
Stephen F. Lynch (D-MA) are sponsoring ... more »
James Heckman’s Research Argues Against Test-Driven Accountability
The Myth of Achievement Tests, by James Heckman, John Eric Humphries, and
Tim Kautz is more than a meticulous work of social science. It also is an
objective, but hard-hitting, analysis of the testing that has driven school
reform, and a warning about the unintended harm done by ill-conceived
policies. One of the best things […]
Netanyahu's Big Lie
History is full of ugly ironies. Among the ugliest is the Netanyahu
government's use of the Big Lie to justify what is happening in Gaza. Chris
Hedges writes that, while covering the Israeli-Palestinian conflict:
I saw small boys baited and killed by Israeli soldiers in the Gaza refugee
camp of Khan Younis. The soldiers swore at the boys in Arabic over the
loudspeakers of their armored jeep. The boys, about 10 years old, then
threw stones at an Israeli vehicle and the soldier... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- August 4, 2014

Image from VOX
*Analysis: Israel Underestimates Hamas' Asymmetrical Tactics -- Barbara
Opall-Rome, Defense News*
*Tunnels Support Attrition War By Far Inferior, Mini Force*
TEL AVIV — Amid mounting casualties and mutual recriminations over the
sixth failed ceasefire in their ongoing war, Israel and Hamas continued
late last week to battle on parallel fronts: under the sands of Gaza and in
the court of public opinion.
It’s a battle of competing narratives — a protracted race for the public
support and perceived victory needed to deter the other side from the next
round of fighting... more »
A total of 438 soldiers, including 164 Ukrainian border guards have been
allowed to cross into Russia on Sunday night after they requested
Previously hundreds of Kiev's soldiers have crossed into Russia - not
wanting to kill their own citizens in the civil conflict being encouraged,
funded, and directed by the US-NATO war machine.
Musical Interlude: Medwyn Goodall, “Vision Quest”
Medwyn Goodall, “Vision Quest”
We’re All Criminals and Outlaws in the Eyes of the American Police State

By John W. Whitehead
“Never in the civilised world have so many been locked up for so
little.”—“Rough Justice in America,” *The Economist*
Why are we seeing such an uptick in Americans being arrested for such
absurd “violations” as letting their kids play at a park unsupervised,
collecting rainwater and snow runoff on their own property, growing
vegetables in their yard, and holding Bible studies in their living room?
Mind you, we’re not talking tickets or fines or even warnings being issued
to these so-called “lawbreakers.” We’re talking felony charges, handcuffs,
police c... more »
Depraved Diplomacy
Just when you thought the official depravity couldn't get any worse, it
gets mind-numbingly worse:
*WASHINGTON (AP) -- An Obama administration program secretly dispatched
young Latin Americans to Cuba using the cover of health and civic programs
to provoke political change, a clandestine operation that put those
foreigners in danger even after a U.S. contractor was hauled away to a
Cuban jail.*
*Beginning as early as October 2009, a project overseen by the U.S. Agency
for International Development sent Venezuelan, Costa Rican and Peruvian
young people to Cuba in hopes of ginning ... more »
Stay inside, hide under the bed and play video games
*Because life is just too dangerous to live!*
By Capt. Fogg
Really, this is the safest time to live in the United states there has ever
been and I'm guessing that's true of the civilized, "first-world" in
general. Your kids are more likely to grow up big and strong and to live
longer than you do just as you're likely to live twice as long as folks did
a hundred or so years ago, but you'd never know it to listen and to read
and to feel the mood of America.
Have you seen the recent car commercials where the distracted young mother
with child in the back seat ( kids can't ride in the... more »
The Holy Land Is Crying Out
Free the Holy Land Five!
This is a track from David Rovics album, Meanwhile In Afghanistan, which
can be downloaded for free or by donation here:…tan/new-album.php
The Holy Land Five are still in U.S. prison for feeding helpless
Palestinians. David Rovics sings about them: I love this song, David Rovics!
"The Holy Land is crying out, leaving little room for doubt; from ruined
homes, the kids ask you--what in the world will you do?" ~Cynthia McKinney
*You can visit our Gaza article archive here. *
*Poll: Does the United States' support of ... more »
*Saints Monday Brief ~Ramon Antonio Vargas *
*Fire out at Diamond Green Diesel plant in Norco *
*Community Panel Wants Local Jobs From New Airport Terminal Project ~Eileen
Fleming, WWNO*
*Bayou Corne Waiting to start anew ~David J. Mitchell, The Advocate*
*Waters closed for over 4 years reopen to commercial, recreational fishing
*BP files appeal of settlement to U.S. Supreme Court ~David Hammer, WWL*
The spin about the 438 deserted Ukrainian troops
Lots of dramatic and worrisome events keep on taking place in Ukraine.
A million of users saw the monologue by Bogdan Butkevich, a pro-Kiev
journalist and a self-described musician, who said (months ago) that people
like him knew what the Ukrainian national interests were and 1.5 million
people in the Donetsk region (probably referring to all the ethnic
Russians) were "useless people" who needed to be killed. "Gentlemen" like
this one define the contemporary political mainstream in Ukraine.
Meanwhile, four days ago, the Donetsk People's Republic's minister of
defense, Igor Strelkov,... more »
Are Russia's Oligarchs Putting Pressure On Putin Because Of Sanctions?

Gennady Timchenko (RIA Novosti/Vladimir Fedorenko)
*‘No Compromise’: Big Business Won’t Pressure Putin Over Sanctions -- RT*
The big Russian businesses hurt by Western sanctions against Russia won’t
even think about putting pressure on President Putin, because the interests
of the state are at stake in the conflict, says a reputed presidential
‘inner circle’ figure.
“This is out of the question,” Gennady Timchenko, who is one of the few
Russian businessmen personally targeted by the US-championed sanctions,
“In any situation Putin is guided by the interests of Russ... more »
Russia Begins New Military Exercises Near The Border With Ukraine
*Russia Staging Military Exercises Near Ukraine: Interfax -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Russia announced new military exercises involving bombers and
fighter jets on Monday in a show of strength near the border with Ukraine.
An air force spokesman was quoted by Interfax news agency as saying more
than 100 planes and helicopters would take part in the manoeuvres from
Monday until Friday in its central and western districts.
The spokesman, Igor Klimov, said the exercises were the first in a series
to improve coordination in the military and made no mention of Ukraine,
where pro-Russian re... more »
August interlude: Postcard from Maine!
*MONDAY, AUGUST 4, 2014*
*Service a bit interruptus:* We've been whisked away by overnight train to
sojourn with family from distant parts here in the southernmost part of
With apologies, this is a special event. Making their first-ever North
American appearances:
A 7-month-old great nephew, live and direct from Dublin (with his parents).
Also, and a bit more magically, given relations between the two countries:
The 16-year-old daughter of our niece's husband, live and direct from
Also present, but old hat: Two great nieces, ages 2 and 8!
(They've embedded thems... more »
Kerith Strano Taylor Wants To Work For Us-- And There's No Doubt She Would Do A Better Job Than Rep. Glenn Thompson (R-PA)

As you probably know, Alan Grayson, a congressman who never sells out or
bargains away the legitimate rights of working families, has been the most
successful Member of Congress in terms of bringing both parties together in
moving sensible, bipartisan legislation. Friday I spoke with a progressive
candidate in a pretty red Pennsylvania district, Kerith Strano Taylor and
her approach to working across party lines reminded me of the way Grayson
does it. She won the Democratic primary for PA-05, a district currently
represented by a garden variety, lockstep backbencher with no influen... more »
Hundreds Of Ukrainian Troops Have Deserted Their Posts And Defected To Russia
*Over 400 Ukrainian Troops Cross Into Russia For Refuge -- RT*
More than 400 Ukrainian troops have been allowed to cross into Russia after
requesting sanctuary. It’s the largest, but not the first, case of
desertion into Russia by Ukrainian soldiers involved in Kiev’s military
crackdown in the east of the country.
According to the Rostov Region’s border guard spokesman Vasily Malaev, a
total of 438 soldiers, including 164 Ukrainian border guards, have been
allowed into Russia on Sunday night.
One of the Ukrainians was seriously injured on his arrival in Russia. He
was taken to th... more »
A Look At Hamas's Top Political Leader And The Man Who Heads Hamas’s Military Wing
*CNN Exclusive: Inside The Mind Of Hamas' Political Leader -- Holly Yan,
Steve Almasy, and Ali Younes, CNN*
Doha, Qatar (CNN) -- As fighting rages between Israel and Hamas militants
in Gaza, Hamas' political leader, who lives in Qatar, sat down with CNN for
an exclusive interview.
Khaled Meshaal, a 58-year-old former teacher, has had the role since 2004,
after Hamas' then-leader, Abdel Aziz al-Rantissi, was killed in an Israeli
Meshaal is known as Hamas' external deal-maker, raising money from
supporters in the region.
He spoke with CNN's Nic Robertson. Here are highl... more »
*To keep grads solvent, take middleman out of student loans*
The mounting student debt crisis could cause serious economic damage to the
United States. Rising college costs and declining financial aid at both
state and federal levels have significantly contributed to the problem. A
good deal of responsibility, however, belongs to the financial institutions
that service federal student loans, according to a new report.
Millions of students use loans underwritten by the Treasury Department and
granted by the Department of Education to help make college a reality. Once
the loan is app... more »
Tangle-Free Cord Organization

“This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with
Pollinate Media Group® and Sharpie, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #SharpieBTS”
I swear every house has one. You know what I am talking about, that crazy
box or drawer that is a tangled mess full of cords. Every time you need to
look for a cord you grumble under your breath because you are going to have
to go through that entire mess to find the right one. Even if you find the
cord easily, the next step is trying to get it untangled from all of the
other crazy cords in the p... more »
Gaza attack: 'We were striking a legitimate target' - video
*Israel spokesman Mark Regev says an airstrike on a school in Gaza, which
killed ten people, was targeted by Hamas terrorists and his government is
investigating why civilians died.*
*You can visit our Gaza article archive here. *
*Poll: Does the United States' support of Israel make Americans less safe?*
*Be the Change! Donate Today!*
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Boycott of Israel Spreads in European Civil Society Over Gaza War, Could Cost $5 Bn/Yr

By Juan Cole
*This post originally ran on Juan Cole’s Web page.*
The ill-considered and remarkably brutal Gaza war likely will give further
impetus to the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement by Western civil
society to pressure Israel on its illegal actions toward the Palestinians.
A thoroughgoing such European set of sanctions could cost Israel as much as
$5 bn a year and more. Roughly a third of Israeli trade is with Europe,
and the EU is Israel’s largest single trading partner.
Unite, the largest British trade union, has now resolved to campaign f... more »
Musical Interlude: Jason Mraz, “I Won't Give Up”
Jason Mraz, “I Won't Give Up”
"What Is Right and What Is Wrong..."
“Each man must for himself alone decide what is right and what is wrong,
which course is patriotic and which isn’t. You cannot shirk this and be a
To decide against your conviction is to be an unqualified and inexcusable
both to yourself and to your country, let them label you as they may.”
– Mark Twain
Obama's jibber jabber on Russia and the debunking of same ......
Moon debunks Obama jibber jabber on Russia .....
August 03, 2014
Obama's Russia Policies Are Based On Ignorance, Illusions
Obama's Russia policies are based on ignorance and driven by illusions:
President Barack Obama dismissed Russia as a nation that "*doesn't make
anything*" and said in an interview with the Economist magazine that the
West needs to be "pretty firm" with China as Beijing pushes to expand its
role in the world economy.
*"Immigrants aren't rushing to Moscow* in search of opportunity. The* life
expectancy of the Russian male is around 60 years* old. The *populatio... more »
Eat This Obama: Will Russia Ban McDonalds?

Despite months of sanctions applied by the Obama regime and it's EU
lapdogs against Russia over the alleged arming of rebels fighting the US
puppet government in Kiev, the bear is biting back. In a symbolic shot
after last week's latest round of idiotic economic warfare waged by Barry
and the boys, the Putin regime is retaliating by going after the iconic
American 800 pound gorilla of fast food that is McDonalds. In a Bloomberg
piece from last week entitled "Russia Eyes Banning U.S. Chicken And Some
European Fruit" it was stated that in addition to American poultry imports
that t... more »
Republicans Circle Wagons to Defend Torture

Most defenders of torture, which is prohibited under the Geneva Conventions are
Republicans. This is sad as well as indicative of a deep, self-destructive
streak that is going to continue to cost them elections at the national
level. The time has never been more right for a serious alternative to to
the ongoing wars, mass-surveillance, trampling of the Constitution and
redistributing wealth into the military-security industrial complex. This
is why so many are terrified of Kentucky Senator Rand Paul's increasing
popularity within the party. He at least seems to represent a clean ... more »
Thoughts on how Ukraine might have shot down MH 17 !
Saker offers his thoughts on MH 17....
Just the baseless hypothesis of an uninformed amateur, nothing more
First, a disclaimer: I am not a pilot nor an air traffic controller, and I
never served with air defense units. I did spend some time with an
airforce, but my role was one of electronic intercept analysis. So what
follows are just the musings of an uninformed amateur. *Caveat emptor*.
What I will try to do here is present a possible scenario which takes into
account the basic facts established so far. Here goes:
The plan was for the Ukies to shoot down the MH17 using a to... more »
US slowly unfolding nuclear disaster ( August 4 , 2014 ) -- Lab Director: Expect radiation spikes coming from US nuclear facility — Gov’t pays for more air monitors to see impact on populated areas — DOE warns of ‘ignitability’ of 368 containers at site; “Significant fire risk” — Top Official: Material at WIPP “just disintegrated… got very hot, very quickly” ........
of Energy – Carlsbad, NM Field Office (pdf), July 30, 2014: The
purpose of this letter is to provide you [New Mexico Environmental
written notice that the Department of Energy [is] provisionally applying
EPA Hazardous Waste Number (code) D001** for the characteristic of
ignitability to some nitrate salt bearing waste containers that have
disposed at the WIPP f... more »
Daniel in the lion's den

The Today programme announced (several times) that “another strike” had
been made by “Israel” on a UN school.
The strike they were referring to was the one that happened yesterday and
was, yesterday, thoroughly reported and documented on the air. Reported,
condemned, explained, condemned.
Was it a tiny bit misleading to keep announcing it as “another” strike,
leaving the impression that there has now been an additional strike? Was it
‘another’ example of the BBC’s mischief-making? Never mind that for now.
Let’s call it disputed territory.
Jon Donnison’s report had also been shown... more »
Status Quo & A Broader Vision - A Guest Post by Michael Brine
[image: courage-be-yourself]
Status Quo & Broader Vision.
This article is designed to have us take a deeper look at the world in
which we have been raised. To assist us in taking a more objective look at
what is happening in the world around us and in which we are inexorably
By gaining a broader vision we can collectively affect the outcome which
for this writer, given our present course, is not too uplifting! We have
the power to create change. Will we be able to rise to this challenge? Here
then is the challenge facing us, but not only us, but all life, human and
the... more »
"No Bravery"
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) — Israel withdrew most of its ground troops from
the Gaza Strip on Sunday in an apparent winding down of the nearly
monthlong operation against Hamas that has left more than *1,800
Palestinians* and more than 60 Israelis dead. Even as Israel said it was
close to completing its mission, heavy fighting raged in parts of Gaza,
with at least 10 people killed in what U.N. and Palestinian officials said
was an Israeli airstrike near a U.N. shelter. The United States lashed out
at Israel, saying it was "appalled" by the "disgraceful" attack.”
- http://www.huffing... more »
Ridge Racer Type 4 for the PlayStation
It's not news that the fifth generation of consoles left a legacy of some
truly ugly games. Something like the first iteration of *Tomb Raider* on
the PlayStation or Sega Saturn looks rank by today's standards. Back then
it was very well-received and appreciated as a technical achievement, but
no one ever thought the game was pretty. Such is the lot of the three
dimensional games that appeared on said systems and its contemporary, the
Nintendo 64. They were to 3D what the old Atari 2600 was to two dimensional
gaming. Great to play, grim to look at.
Granted there were a few that lo... more »
Doctor: ‘There’s Not Enough PANIC and Customers to Make an Ebola Vaccine’ — Oh Really?
Doctor: ‘There’s Not Enough PANIC and Customers to Make an Ebola Vaccine’ —
Oh Really?
Melissa Melton
The Daily Sheeple
August 3rd, 2014
A short two-minute video Bloomberg News uploaded to YouTube attempts to
explain why the world doesn’t already have a widely available Ebola vaccine.
(Trusting the ingredients of such a thing and whether or not you would
personally take it is another matter entirely, but hold on a second.)
What’s fascinating about this clip is wha... more »
“You Only Need To Be A Human To Stand With Gaza”
*“You Only Need To Be A Human To Stand With Gaza”*
by Abby Zimet
“The mind reels. Another atrocity in Gaza: Israel just hit its sixth U.N.
school sheltering displaced Palestinians, this time in Rafah, killing at
least 10 in what U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called "a moral outrage
and a criminal act." There have been so many, too many to bear. Again, the
only succor comes from the courage of those bearing witness: Among them, UN
spokesman Chris Gunness, who broke down sobbing on air; Naomi Wolf, ceaselessly
reporting, and now adding poems of grief and peace; other journalists ... more »
"Apathy And Evil..."
"Apathy and evil. The two work hand in hand. They are the same, really...
Evil wills it. Apathy allows it. Evil hates the innocent and the
defenseless most of all. Apathy doesn't care as long as it's not personally
- Jake Thoene, “Shaiton's Fire”
Two Pallywood duds in one day! - Thomas Wictor
When watching the BBC or Channel 4 coverage of the Israel Hamas conflict,
you really shouldn't believe everything they say.
Read this for some
excellent examples.
Nato to strengthen military exercises after Russia 'aggression'

[image: NATO flag]Nato chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen has said the
transatlantic military alliance will draw up new defence plans following
Russia's "aggression" in Ukraine.
In an interview with French regional newspaper Midi Libre, published Sunday
(4 August), he said that “Russia's aggression was a warning and created a
new security situation in Europe.”
"We will strengthen military exercises and prepare new defence plans," he
said, reports AFP.
Read more
Engine rejig to cut Su-30 burnouts

[image: Su-30MKI Flanker]IAF’s frontline fighter jet Sukhoi-30MKI will be
modified under new specifications laid down by its Russian manufacturers to
fix mid-air engine trouble in its fleet.
The move comes after the IAF faced an unusually high number of mid-air
engine failures over the past two years (January 2102 onwards) and asked
the Russians to rectify the problem in the fighter jet. The Tribune had
highlighted this in its July 21 report.
The IAF has a fleet of 200 Sukhoi aircraft and another 72 are on their way
from Moscow.
Read more
Rs 30,000 crore India-France missile development plan in troubled waters

[image: Akash SAM]India-France proposed joint venture expected to be worth
around Rs 30,000 crore to develop short range air defence missiles seems to
have run into rough weather as Indian Air Force feels that its requirements
could be met by indigenous Akash surface-to-air missile weapon system.
The proposed joint venture is planned between DRDO and the French missile
manufacturer MBDA under which they were planning to produce short-range
surface-to-air missile (SR-SAM) systems for the Indian Air Force for the
Maitri programme.
The Akash air defence missile system has already been ... more »
BrahMos missile can be exported to Southeast Asian, Latin American nations

[image: BrahMos supersonic cruise missile]In line with Prime Minister
Narendra Modi's vision to export defence hardware, supersonic cruise
missile manufacturer BrahMos Aerospace has said that South-East Asian and
Latin American countries have shown interest in acquiring the 290-km range
weapon system and it is possible to export the missile to certain friendly
"Several South-East-Asian and Latin American countries want the BrahMos,
expressed interest in it, particularly for the naval and coastal defence
versions. A definite list of such countries already exists. We are
pr... more »
Why Israel Is Not Trying To Destroy Hamas

Smoke: The aftermath of a reported Israeli air strike today in Rafah, which
has been pummeled by the military for days in the escalating Gaza conflict
*Senior IDF Official: We Could've Taken Down Hamas In 10 Days -- YNet News*
Army says Hamas was left in power so that one organization could be held
accountable for terrorist attacks coming from Gaza.
The IDF did not take over the Gaza Strip or worked to completely destroy
Hamas in order to leave an organization in power that would have to answer
for terrorism in the Strip, a senior IDF source said on Sunday.
"There's an Israeli int... more »
Speculation - conspiracy - is this a WAR WORLD or a FREE PLANET?

if War World vs Free Planet were a football game, the scores would be:
Free Planet 2 – War World 2
and by that I mean, two of the Free Planet novels and two of the War World
novels have been written, edited and published by Chimericana Books. Each
book is between 66,000 and 88,000 words, so if these trilogies were to
published as one fat paperback each be a whopping 700-page 200,000+ words
paperback, which is a nice thought.
Here are the scores on the doors so far, converted into relevant Amazon
links, click the title below if you're keen on sampling the madness.
-... more »
Ukrainian fighter jet downed by eastern insurgents

[image: Su-25 wreckage]The self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR)
said Sunday they confirmed shooting down a Ukrainian Su-25 fighter jet.
The jet was found between the towns of Yenakiyevo and Makiivka in Donetsk
Region, the RIA Novosti news agency quoted spokesman of the DPR as saying,
adding that the search for the pilot is ongoing.
The Su-25 was allegedly shot down on Saturday, but the militia could not
confirm it until they found the downed plane.
Read more
Pakistan diverted US aid to fight India: Ronald Neumann, Ex-envoy

[image: P-3C Orion]Pakistan diverted most of the military aid it received
from the US for counter-terror to fight against India, a former American
ambassador to Afghanistan has alleged Ronald Neumann, former US envoy to
Kabul's remarks came while testifying before a Congressional Committee.
He said that most of the military aid to Pakistan never went to
counterinsurgency and it went to buying equipment to fight India, post
Pakistan had received $20.7 billion worth of US assistance over the past
decade, about two-thirds of it was military aid.
Read more
INS Sindhurakshak CO likely to face court martial

[image: INS Sindhurakshak]The commanding officer of INS Sindhurakshak is
likely to be tried by a court martial for alleged lapses that led to the
sinking of the Russian-made Kilo-class submarine last year with 18
personnel onboard.
A navy source said the warship’s captain would face disciplinary action for
fatal lapses in safety that led to the sinking of the 2,300-tonne
fully-armed boat at a Mumbai harbour on August 14, 2013, barely seven
months after it had undergone a Rs. 815-crore upgrade in Russia.
The punishment could range from loss of seniority, retirement benefits and
even... more »
Royal Navy Ship HMS Enterprise to 'Evacuate Britons from Libya'
[image: HMS Enterprise (H88)]The Royal Navy is preparing to help British
citizens leave Libya as continued fighting and gunfire at Tripoli's airport
kills 22.
The Libyan interim government said "heavily armed groups" have shelled
"civilian targets", putting thousands of citizens in danger and displacing
hundreds of families.
The Foreign Office has advised British people to leave the country
immediately and is temporarily closing its embassy in Tripoli.
Read more
U.S. Continues Testing Surveillance Aircraft in Singapore

[image: P-8A Poseidon]A U.S. surveillance plane is joining Singapore’s
military in exercises as the navy tests the aircraft’s capabilities after
the Pentagon found it ineffective at some tasks.
The P-8A Poseidon, a Boeing Co. 737-800 modified with radar and sensors, is
conducting anti-submarine and surface warfare sorties as part of the CARAT
Singapore maneuvers that end Aug. 8, according to mission commander
Lieutenant Commander Colette Lazenka.
The aircraft, still in its testing phase, is faster and has more advanced
systems than the Lockheed Martin Corp. P-3 Orion, Lazenka said. ... more »
*Trade, the Precautionary Principle, and Post-Modern Regulatory Process:
Regulatory Convergence in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (“TTIP”) has been hailed
as an opportunity for the world’s two largest consumer markets to expand
inter-regional trade, investment and jobs, and to secure greater regulatory
convergence that could considerably reduce costly and market-distorting
extra-territorial non-tariff regulatory trade barriers. This opportunity
notwithstanding, Europe’s precautionary principle (“... more »
“5 Most Demented Right-Wing Moments This Week”
*“5 Most Demented Right-Wing Moments This Week”*
By Janet Allon
*“1. Peggy Noonan says the problem with the world is Obama 'dropping his
g's."* Peggy Noonan is quite possibly going off the deep end. Her worries
about our country's divisions have driven her there, apparently. The
conservative columnist and former Reagan speech writer talked about those
worries in her column in Thursday’s Wall Street Journal, in which for some
bizarre reason, she made reference to the president’s grammar and posture.
“He shouldn’t be at campaign-type rallies where he speaks only to the base,
he shoul... more »
Haitian Hearts Mid-Year Report--2014

John A Carroll shared a link.
39 minutes ago
Haitian Hearts Mid-Year Report--2014
As of today (August 3, 2014) we have had 12 Haitian patients accepted or
operated. All have been heart surgeries. Mitchena (above) is on the list
for heart surgery later this year. (Mitchena...
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We Belong To Earth - A Guest Post by Niti Joshi

"Now We Must Look..."
“Now we must look upon each other as brothers and sisters. Only by joining
together in a Spiritual Peace with love in our hearts for the Great Spirit
and Mother Earth shall we be saved... If you have a way to spread the
truth... Tell what you know to be true. Should we succeed, we will realize
our mistakes of the past and return to the true path- living in harmony as
brothers and sisters, sharing our Mother, the Earth, with all living
creatures. In this way we could bring about a new world. A world which
would be led by the Great Spirit... and our Mother will provide plenty and
hap... more »
Terrorist Armies Now Fight Smarter And Are Far More Deadlier

Masked Hamas supporters take part in a protest against against the Israeli
offensive on Gaza strip, in the West Bank city of Nablus July 31, 2014.
(Abed Omar Qusini/Reuters)
*Terrorist Armies Fight Smarter And Deadlier Than Ever -- Robert H. Scales
and Douglas Ollivant, Washington Post*
Military transformations can be hard to detect. They generally occur over
decades, sometimes over generations. Soldiers are usually the first to
recognize them, but for the perceptive, the signs of a sea change
developing on today’s battlefields are there. Look carefully at media
images of ground f... more »
President Obama: 'Russia Doesn't Make Anything'

President Obama in the Oval Office. Pete Souza
*Obama: 'Russia Doesn't Make Anything,' West Must Be Firm With China --
Reuters *
(Reuters) - President Barack Obama dismissed Russia as a nation that
"doesn't make anything" and said in an interview with the Economist
magazine that the West needs to be "pretty firm" with China as Beijing
pushes to expand its role in the world economy.
Obama has tried to focus U.S. foreign policy on Asia, a response to China's
economic and military might. But for months, that "pivot" has been
overshadowed by a flurry of international crises, includi... more »
UN: "Nothing Is More Shameful Than Attacking Sleeping Children" . . . Except When Nobel Peace Prize Winner Obama Does It

*Barack Obama: Go Fuck Yourself. Rot In Hell Scumbag*
*"List of children killed by drone strikes in Pakistan and Yemen"*, January 20, 2013:
*Compiled from The Bureau of Investigative Journalism reports*
Name | Age | Gender
Noor Aziz | 8 | male
Abdul Wasit | 17 | male
Noor Syed | 8 | male
Wajid Noor | 9 | male
Syed Wali Shah | 7 | male
Ayeesha | 3 | female
Qari Alamzeb | 14| male
Shoaib | 8 | male
Hayatullah KhaMohammad | 16 | male
Tariq Aziz | 16 | male
Sanaullah Jan | 17 | male
Maezol Khan | 8 | female
Afrah Ali Mohammed Nasser | 9 | female
Z... more »
Musical Interlude: Medwyn Goodall, “Invocation, Part 3”
Medwyn Goodall, “Invocation, Part 3”
10,000 million Becquerels an hour?
Majia's Blog - 14 hours ago
million Becquerels an hour? Does that figure include both
atmospheric and ocean emissions?
<img alt="" height="265"
src="... more »
Musical Interlude: Vangelis, “Hymn”
Vangelis, “Hymn”
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Globular star cluster 47 Tucanae is a jewel of the southern sky. Also
known as NGC 104, it roams the halo of our Milky Way Galaxy along with
around 200 other globular star clusters. The second brightest globular
cluster (after Omega Centauri) as seen from planet Earth, it lies about
13,000 light-years away and can be spotted naked-eye near the Small
Magellanic Cloud (SMC) in the constellation of the Toucan.
*Click image for larger size.*
Of course, the SMC is some 210,000 light-years distant, a satellite galaxy
of our Milky Way and not physically close to 47 Tuc. Stars on the outski... more »
I have for these last ten years on this blog been writing that the ultimate
goal of right-wing Zionism has always been the creation of a Greater Israel
that would ultimately incorporate the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, the Golan
Heights and even south Lebanon up to the Litani River if they thought they
could get away with it. I have written over the years that it has never
been the intention of Israel to allow any form of Palestinian state to
exist. Talks about a ‘two state solution’ and ‘Palestinian sovereignty’
have only ever been conducted by Israel in order to appease the West,
pa... more »
The Universe
“If you frequently give yourself permission to doodle, wander, and be
totally unproductive, and you actually relish such interludes, I can
guarantee that your genius, creativity, and productivity will increase
exponentially. I've seen it happen a billion times. Operative words, were
"frequently," "permission," and "relish"; does not work with "stingily,"
"regret," and "guilt."
“Through the roof,”
The Universe
“Thoughts become things... choose the good ones!”
"Eyes blinded by the fog of Things
cannot see Truth.
Ears deafened by the din of Things
cannot hear Truth.
Brains bewildered by the whirl of Things
cannot think Truth.
Hearts deadened by the weight of Things
cannot feel Truth.
Throats choked by the dust of Things
cannot speak Truth."
- Harald Bell Wright, “The Uncrowned King”
Transcript of Campbell Brown’s Interview with Stephen Colbert
On August 1, 2014, blogger Jersey Jazzman published an insightful
post regarding former CNN news anchor Campbell Brown’s appearance on the
Colbert Report on July 31, 2014, as she discussed her intention to abolish
teacher job protections “for the children” first in new York and then in
other states nationwide. I know, I know. On August 2, […]
"The Answer..."
"Very few beings really seek knowledge in this world - few really ask. On
the contrary, they try to wring from the unknown the answers they have
already shaped in their own minds - justifications, confirmations, forms of
consolation without which they can't go on. To really ask is to open the
door to a whirlwind. The answer may annihilate the question and the
- Anne Rice, “The Vampire Lestat”
"How to Protect Your Energy"
*"How to Protect Your Energy"*
By Judith Orloff MD
“As you go through the intuitive healing process you need to know: each of
us has our own special power. We carry it within; it waits to be awakened.
Call it your inner self, your spirit, or light–however conceived, you must
meet and come to know your core-essence. The source of all intuition, it is
your fiercest ally and advocate against danger. By connecting with this
part of yourself you’ll mount confidence, feel safer in the world. Then
whatever or whoever crosses your path–even the devil incarnate–will be no
match for your res... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Catania, Sicilia, Italy. Thanks for stopping by.
Paulo Coelho, “The Imperfect Attracts Us”
*“The Imperfect Attracts Us”*
by Paulo Coelho
"Beauty exists not in sameness but in difference. Who could imagine a
giraffe without its long neck or a cactus without its spines? The
irregularity of the mountain peaks that surround us is what makes them so
imposing. If we tried to make them all the same, they would no longer
command our respect.
It is the imperfect that astonishes and attracts us. When we look at a
cedar tree, we don’t think: ‘The branches should be all the same length.’
We think: ‘How strong it is.’ When we see a snake, we never say: ‘He is
crawling along the grou... more »
Chet Raymo, “A Wildly Seething Power”
*“A Wildly Seething Power”*
by Chet Raymo
"I read Kierkegaard's “Fear and Trembling” at about the same age as
Kierkegaard was when he wrote it- thirty. The young philosopher was
wrestling with his demons, including the death of his father, a sternly
religious man who demanded absolute obedience from his son. He had jilted
the woman he loved, a self-inflicted wound that perhaps not even he
understood. He was torn, in my opinion, between the demands of faith and
reason. Like many before him, he turned to the story of Abraham and Isaac
as a way of understanding his own endangered fait... more »
"What We Know..."
"It isn't what we don't know that gives us trouble,
it's what we *know* that ain't so."
- Will Rogers
“The Myth of Human Progress”
*“The Myth of Human Progress”*
by Chris Hedges
“Clive Hamilton in his "Requiem for a Species: Why We Resist the Truth
About Climate Change" describes a dark relief that comes from accepting
that "catastrophic climate change is virtually certain." This obliteration
of "false hopes," he says, requires an intellectual knowledge and an
emotional knowledge. The first is attainable. The second, because it means
that those we love, including our children, are almost certainly doomed to
insecurity, misery and suffering within a few decades, if not a few years,
is much harder to acquire. To... more »
Afghanistan's Presidential Recount Has Been Suspended Again

Afghanistan's rival presidential candidates Abdullah Abdullah, left, and
Ashraf Ghani announce an audit plan in Kabul on July 12, 2014.
*Afghan Recount Delayed Again -- Voice of America*
Afghan officials have again suspended the auditing of votes from the
country's runoff presidential election.
They said Saturday the count was delayed because presidential candidate
Abdullah Abdullah has not yet agreed on how ballots will be determined to
be valid or invalid.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry spoke separately by telephone Friday
with Abdullah and rival candidate Ashraf Ghani to of... more »
The First World War Started 100 Years Ago Today
*French, German Presidents Mark World War I Anniversary -- Voice of America*
PARIS — French and German presidents evoked the bloody lessons of World War
I and hailed the emergence of a largely peaceful Europe Sunday, as they
marked the centenary of Germany's declaration of war on France.
French President Francois Hollande and his German counterpart Joachim Gauck
met in France's eastern Alsace region to lay the first stone of a memorial
for French and German soldiers killed during what is called the Great War.
Their meeting took place in Vieil Armand - known in German as
Hartmannsw... more »
An Analysis Of The Islamic State's Military Strategy In It's War Against Baghdad

*Islamic State Builds Forces, Targets For Baghdad Bomb Attacks --
Washington Times*
The al Qaeda offshoot terrorizing Iraq is in the process of consolidating
territorial gains and increasing the target list in Baghdad, a U.S.
official and defense analysts say.
But at this point, the Islamic State army of Sunni extremists does not have
the capacity to take Baghdad, where a huge Shiite population and stiffer
Iraqi forces defend the capital.
“[The Islamic State] is solidifying its control in Sunni areas of Iraq and
Syria,” said a U.S. intelligence official. “They attack or entrench ... more »
A Summary On The State Of The Syrian Army As ISIS Advances

Forces loyal to Syria's President Bashar al-Assad carry their weapons as
they gather in the town of Safira November 1, 2013. Credit: REUTERS/George
*Assessing The State Of The Syrian Army As ISIS Advances -- ABC News*
The Syrian army said it had retaken the Shaar gas field near Palmyra – one
of the country's largest – from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).
The battle and its heavy losses raised questions about the army's state of
preparedness against the Sunni militant group; fueled by spoils from its
June offensive in Iraq, ISIS has marched steadily across east... more »
Who Wants Congress Pushing Us Into A War With Russian Over Ukraine?

McCain, Ayotte, Graham want to spend billions to provoke a war with Russia
over Ukraine
Marcy Kaptur should be home demanding answers about why her constituents can't
drink the water that comes out of their taps. (They can't brush their teeth
or shower with it either and they can't let their pets drink it. There's
cylindrospermopsin in what used to be their drinking water and, according
to the EPA "the primary toxic effect of this toxin is irreversible damage
to the liver." Oh, and it causes cancer in mice.) Last week, Kaptur was
busy in Washington introducing legislation with Republ... more »
ISIS The Start of World War III? David Icke with Luke Rudkowski

In this video Luke Rudkowski talks to David Icke about his predictions with
ISIS and the possible start of WWIII. David breaks down many esoteric
historical writings and the current political situation that can lead to
bringing in other countries to war.
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Thomas McKelvey Cleaver : Tonkin Gulf: The event that changed my life forever
I was a fly on the wall. I was a member of the staff of the operational
command under whose authority the destroyers USS Maddox and USS Turner Joy
would enter the history books. By Thomas McKelvey Cleaver | The …
finish reading Thomas McKelvey Cleaver :
Tonkin Gulf: The event that changed my
life forever
Misleading Public Over Exec Bonuses? (UltraRich, UltraPowerful) Should There Be a V.I.P. Room for Elections? (If Senate Dems Won’t Vote for You, Why Should You Vote for Them?)
Tired of having your pension invested in something with a good chance of
making returns you can depend on being there when you retire? If you
haven't felt like your government is trying to enfantilize (or at least
hide the facts of life from) you yet, get ready. David Sirota does the
honors: Govt Letter Declares Desire to "Minimize Attention" Around Wall St
Salaries (From David Sirota,
Renzo Piano: “the only place where it all comes together is the mind…”
[image: Interview - Renzo Piano]
I really like this observation by architect Renzo Piano, on how the
computer should remain a servant, not a master.
*Paul Clemence: I look around your office and models are everywhere! From
miniatures of entire buildings to blown-up structural details. Considering
the integration of 3-D modelling software in architectural practice over
the last decade, are models still essential to the preliminary design
process? **Renzo Piano*: Doing one of these rough models is the same as
sketching. The model is three-dimensional version of a sketch. With the
... more »
Gaza Death Toll Approaching 1,900

Rescue workers search for victims as Palestinians gather around the
wreckage of a house, which witnesses said was destroyed in an Israeli air
strike that killed at least nine members from the al-Ghol family, in Rafah
in the southern Gaza Strip August 3, 2014. REUTERS/Ibraheem Abu Mustafa
*Death Toll From Israel's Gaza Attacks Rises To 1830 -- World Bulletin*
At least 71 Palestinians were killed and 150 others injured on Sunday in
Israeli attacks on different parts of the blockaded Gaza Strip, according
to a Palestinian health official.
"This brings to 1830 the total number of Pales... more »
Israel Announces 7-Hour Humanitarian Cease-Fire

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu (R), Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon, and
IDF chief of staff Benny Gantz meet in Tel Aviv. Photo: ARIEL HERMONI /
*Israel: Temporary Cease-Fire Starts Tomorrow -- CNN*
Jerusalem (CNN) -- Israel has agreed to a 7-hour humanitarian cease-fire,
according to the Israel Defense Forces, but a spokesman for Hamas says it's
a no go.
The cease-fire is expected to start at 10 a.m. local time (3 a.m. ET)
Monday, the IDF said in a statement. It would not apply to the areas in
which Israeli soldiers are currently operating.
"The IDF will respo... more »
Iran's Elite Guards Are Now Waging War Against The Islamic State In Iraq

Smoke rises during clashes between Iraqi security forces and militants of
the Islamic State, formerly known as the Islamic State in Iraq and the
Levant (ISIL) in Ramadi, July 26, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Osama Al-dulaimi
*Iran's Elite Guards Fighting In Iraq To Push Back Islamic State -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - In early July, hundreds of mourners gathered for the funeral of
Kamal Shirkhani in Lavasan, a small town northeast of the Iranian capital
Tehran. The crowd carried the coffin past posters which showed Shirkhani in
the green uniform of the elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and... more »
Dept of Ag Shuts Down Cell of Potential “Agri-Terrorists”: Seed Libraries Outlawed in Pennsylvania

Daisy Luther
It looks like Michigan is not the only state with a Department of
Agriculture that is adamant about the best interests of their citizens.
Residents in Pennsylvania can now breathe a little bit easier since an
illegal enterprise has been shut down.
The Joseph T. Simpson Public Library in Mechanicsburg was participating in
an activity that put the entire ecosystem of the state at risk.
In an astonishing act of hubris, they were running a seed library, right
there amongst the books, in the very facility where small children go to
have stories read to them.
I’m not maki... more »
New Tracking Tech Designed to Thwart the Next Edward Snowden

image source Jason Erickson
Whether one calls the revelations of Edward Snowden legitimate
whistleblowing or treason, the technology to potentially thwart future
security breaches has been rolled out in an unlikely place: Estonia.
After a wave of cyber attacks in 2007, Estonia began focusing on data
integrity and is now leading the world toward big data governance.
Simultaneously, Estonia is laying claim as the first country to implement a
national digital identity system, proving that all forms of tracking are
being taken seriously:
Secure, authenticated identity is the birthr... more »
Maybe Jamie Whyte was wrong
Was Jamie Whyte right to compare the legal inequality of Maori today with
the aristocrats of pre-Revolutionary France? Probably not. The more
accurate analogy might be to compare the tribal leaders and their
hangers-on to those aristocrats, busily eating cake while those they
supposedly represent are getting their crumbs, if at all.
An even more accurate analogy might be to compare this Browntable of today
with the nineteenth-century version of the British House of Lords – an
unelected body with entry based solely on hereditary privilege having veto
power over the parliament of t... more »
QUOTE OF THE DAY: On responsibility for aggression
"He who initiates physical force is morally responsible for the destructive
consequences of the retaliatory force he thereby necessitates. So says the
law of causality.
"This principle is as clear in a warzone in the Middle East as it is on the
streets of Miami. If a thug grabs a woman and tries to shove her into a
van, and the woman pulls a gun from her purse and shoots at the thug,
thereby killing an innocent bystander behind him, who is morally
responsible for the bystander’s death? Every thinking adult knows the
"Of course, the kind and extent of retaliatory force war... more »
Irish Senator Drops Some Powerful Truth About the Tragedy in Gaza

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5 Questions About the Ebola Scare

Aaron Dykes & Melissa Melton
Now that the Ebola situation has hit the 24/7 mainstream media zoo, serious
questions are being raised as to why now.
After all, people were dying of Ebola in the hundreds in West Africa before
this week. Aid workers and doctors were getting infected before. These
things are not new, but the sudden media focus raises lots of questions.
To start…
*Why are they shipping Ebola-infected patients onto American soil for the
first time?*
As many have pointed out, this move seems particularly…ill-advised. The
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ... more »
Is drug use among right-wingers perhaps even heavier than we've been imagining?

*Yes, it's our old pal Rep. Steve "Nuttier Than Any Fruitcake" King (R-IA)!
The Fruitcake Man opened his giant yap, so you know there must be trouble.*
*by Ken*
The craziness is out there, and it's getting crazier. A few simple
click-through's on Daily Kos's "Recommended" list brought me this daily
sampling. Do I need to add that this almost random sampling could be
multiplied by thousands?
Daily Kos's Hunter notes ("Republican who crafted House border policy says
our nation's borders were established by God... more »
Kurdish Security Forces Have Been Routed By Islamic State Fighters. Extremists Have Taken Control Of Iraq's Largest Hydroelectric Dam. 200,000 Civilians Have Already Fled The Onslaught
*Extremists Seize 3 More Towns in Iraq After Routing Kurdish Forces -- New
York Times*
BAGHDAD — Sunni extremists seized control of three towns in northern Iraq
on Sunday after fierce battles with Kurdish security forces, sending
thousands of people fleeing to the nearby mountains and threatening the
country’s largest dam.
In the darkness of Sunday morning, the Sunni fighters swept in to take one
of the towns, Sinjar, and set about their method of conquest, which is as
familiar as it is brutal: They destroyed a Shiite shrine, executed
resisters, overran local security forces and ... more »
Pro-Russian Rebels Boast That They 'Shot Down' A Ukrainian Spy Drone
*Boastful Pro-Russian Rebels Parade Around Ukrainian Spy Drone 'Shot Down'
In A Field 15 Miles From MH17 Crash Site -- Daily Mail*
* Footage of aircraft in east Ukraine released by Donetsk Peoples' Republic
* Rebels posted photo making peace sign and declaring themselves heroes
* Site near city of Shakhtars'k 15 miles from where jet fatally crashed
* AFP quoted Ukrainian military alleging a spy drone was shot down with
similar 'missile' to system it claims was used against MH17
* But internet users scorned claim - as the craft appeared remarkably intact
* And footage by rebels in rebel... more »
Alan Waldman : New Zealand’s ‘Outrageous Fortune’ is an extremely clever comedy-drama TV series
An adorable cast creates a West Auckland criminal family struggling to go
straight after its leader is imprisoned. By Alan Waldman | The Rag Blog |
July 22, 2014 [In his weekly column, Alan Waldman reviews some of his
favorite … finish reading Alan Waldman :
New Zealand’s ‘Outrageous Fortune’ is an extremely clever comedy-drama TV
CARTOON OF THE DAY: On U.S. foreign policy successes
[Cartoon by Chris Bok]
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at
Jon Voight on the luvvies’s denunciation of Israel
Actor Jon Voight penned this Open Letter to the “dozens of Spanish film
stars, directors, musicians and writers, led by Oscar winners Penelope
Cruz, Javier Bardem and Pedro Almodovar,” who denounced Israel's actions in
Gaza in an Open Letter of their own.
[image: image]My name is Jon Voight and I am more than angry, I am
heartsick that people like Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem could incite
anti-Semitism all over the world and are oblivious to the damage they have
They are obviously ignorant of the whole story of Israel’s birth, when in
1948 the Jewish people were offer... more »
Israeli Ambassador To America Equates Hamas With ISIS And Al-Qaeda
*Hamas has more political credibility than Barack Obama and Benjamin
Ron Dermer, the Israeli ambassador to Washington, went onto NBC this
morning and equated Hamas with ISIS. This is a familiar talking point. We
often hear that "Hamas is like Al-Qaeda."
We know the creation of Al-Qaeda can be credited to the CIA, Mossad, MI6,
and Saudi Arabia, so the Israeli ambassador is putting his own government
on public trial when he resorts to this stupid talking point to defend the
indiscriminate killing of women and children in Gaza. If he were truthful
he would be saying Hama... more »
Senator David Norris is a political and human rights activist in Dublin,
Ireland and speaks about Israel's Gaza crimes.
"The Jewish State Solution" comes to Canada
West Bank settler Moshe Feiglin is a deputy speaker in Israel's Knesset and
head of the largest faction within Netanyahu's Likud party. Today,
actually, he is acting speaker.
Three months ago on May 6, Feiglin was in Toronto for a speaking event put
on by the Jewish Defence League (JDL) and the Toronto Zionist Council :
*An Evening with MK Moshe Feiglin : "The Jewish State Solution".*
Feiglin doesn't use the word Palestine as he contends Palestine does not
Shorter Feiglin : revoke the Oslo Accords, conquer Gaza, expel as many
Arabs as possible, repopulate the area with... more »
Sparring regarding Vote audit continues ( August 4 , 2014 ) .... Abdullah rejoins Afghan vote audit ; Afghan vote audit delayed over disagreement Candidate Abdullah's objection to criteria to address alleged fraud claims in June run-off election stalls process.
Abdullah rejoins Afghan vote audit
August 04, 2014 - 12:50:08 am
Afghan election commission workers unseal a box containing ballot papers
for an audit of the presidential run-off vote, at a counting centre in
Kabul, yesterday.
KABUL: Afghan presidential candidate Abdullah Abdullah has agreed to rejoin
an audit of the votes, the United Nations said yesterday, after tense
negotiations to rescue the election amid a prolonged dispute over fraud.
The country’s first democratic transfer of powe... more »
The pendulum of the Arab Spring has swung in Israel’s favor......."
The pendulum of the Arab Spring has swung in Israel's favour. That is not
a coincidence. That is long term planning
Ok, so much for my enforced break. After a lovely day in wine country.....
I am back! Continuing on with the situation in the ME.
*Hope you all listened to that Max Igan interview?*
During the first hour of the interview Max says something along the line of
the Arab Spring changing the scenery for Israel.* RIR- Max Igan- Zionist
Terrorism in Gaza*
Can't recall the exact wording, but, it was something like it appears the
Arab Spring™ had to take place before Israel co... more »
In Flanders fields

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie,
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
When the US spys on Nations , don't be shocked other Nations return the favor ! Israel wiretapped Kerry’s calls during peace talks – report
Russia Today.....
Israel wiretapped Kerry’s calls during peace talks – report
Published time: August 03, 2014 11:01
Get short URL
[image: U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry.(Reuters / Lucas Jackson)]
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry.(Reuters / Lucas Jackson)
Intelligence, Israel, Scandal, USA
Israeli agents were eavesdropping on US Secretary of State John Kerry as he
was mediating last year’s futile Middle East peace talks, German magazine
Der Spiegel has revealed.
Kerry made reviving diplomatic ties between Israel and the Palestinian
Authority after a three-year fr... more »
Ukrainian Soldiers Reveal What Life is Like On The Battlefield In Eastern Ukraine

Ukrainian army tanks move past a checkpoint as they patrol the area near
eastern Ukrainian town of Debaltseve August 3, 2014. Credit:
REUTERS/Valentyn Ogirenko
*Ukraine’s Frontline Troops, Surrounded By Enemies -- Washington Post*
KIEV, Ukraine — The calls home from the front line are very brief, often
just two words conveying all that really matters.
“I’m alive,” Marina Bershadskaya’s little brother, Sergey, tells her. Then
he hangs up to pass the communal cellphone to one of his fellow
paratroopers in the 79th Airborne Brigade deployed to Ukraine’s border with
It has be... more »
August 3, 2014
Share It | Print This
Preface by Washington’s Blog: The New York Times, Washington Post, Financial
Times,Bloomberg, Sydney Morning Herald, International Business Times and
many other news sources have reported that the numerous holes in the
wreckage of Malaysian airlines flight 17 are shrapnel from missiles fired
from the ground in Ukraine.
Reader-comments to my July 31st article, “First Examinatio... more »
Ebola in the US ? Reflections on August 3 , 2014 ....... Pondering the " What if " question - that being - What if Ebola is already here ? That makes the very recent August 1 , 2014 Executive Order from President Obama very interesting by way of timing and circumstance ......
The U.S. government will begin testing on people an experimental Ebola
vaccine as early as September, after seeing positive results from tests on
primates, according to media reports on Thursday.
The National Institutes of Health’s infectious disease unit is working with
the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to put the vaccine into trial as
quickly as possible, according to CNN and USA Today. The director of that
unit could not be reached for comment.
... more »
Florida Group Gets Message Out About Israeli War Crimes in Gaza

A central Florida based activist group, St. Pete for Peacehas taken the
initiative to circumvent a corrupt and biased media in order to spread
awareness about the ongoing Israeli ethnic cleansing operation in Gaza.
Despite the long-term consequences of the unconditional backing of the
right-wing government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the
unspeakable truth that their tax money is being used to finance the murders
of unarmed civilians (including children) Americans are ill-served by a
media and political class that has a vested interest in maintaining a
particul... more »
Ukraine Civil War News Updates -- August 3, 2014

Ukrainian servicemen, who are members of an artillery section, gather near
a cannon being fired during a military operation against pro-Russian
separatists near Pervomaisk, Luhansk region, Aug. 2, 2014.
*Deadly Clashes in Ukraine Continue -- Voice of America*
Deadly clashes between Ukrainian forces and pro-Russian separatists
continued Sunday as investigators searched the site of a plane crash for a
third day.
Reuters news agency reports nine people were killed around the cities of
Lukansk and Donetsk in eastern Ukraine.
On Saturday, international investigators recovered the rema... more »
Israel Hamas War News Updates -- August 3, 2014
*Shelling Near U.N. Shelter Draws Strong Condemnation From U.N., U.S. --
Jerusalem (CNN) -- The United States and the United Nations used the
strongest language yet in condemning the latest strike on a U.N.-run
shelter in Gaza, with Washington calling the attack "disgraceful."
At least nine people at the school, which was being used as a shelter for
about 3,000 people, were killed in the shelling.
The Israel Defense Forces said that it targeted three Palestinian Islamic
Jihad members riding a motorcycle in the vicinity of the school.
The IDF said it is reviewing the conseque... more »
Lyse Doucet on 'Feedback'

Following on from Sue's post and as part of *Is the BBC biased?*'s public
service remit, here's a full transcription of this week's *Feedback *
coverage of the BBC's Israel-Gaza coverage.
The BBC's Lyse Doucet spells out the BBC's position, revealing a good deal
about the BBC mindset in the process.
Please see what you make of it.
*Roger Bolton*: First, the story that continues to dominate our inbox - the
BBC's coverage of the Israel-Gaza conflict.
Last week, you may remember, we interviewed Phil Pegum, the producer of
Radio 4's *The Moral Maze, *about what some list... more »
Sexualization of children
*Sexualization of children by the International Criminal jew Mafia*
Fukushima Debacle Updates - August 3 , 2014 -- Focus on plant developments and contamination impacts in Japan and US H/T from Energy Blog and Fukushima Diary !
Energy News ......
12:05 PM EST on August 3rd, 2014 | 49 comments
Gov’t Report: Over 1,750 navy sailors suffer from ‘ill-defined conditions’
after exposure to Fukushima radiation while aboard USS Reagan —
‘Significant increases’ in male infertility and child birth complications —
Dozens have thyroid disorders, many spontaneous abortions — Veteran:
‘Extreme measures’ used to cover this up (AUDIO)
06:42 PM EST on July 31st, 2014 | 177 comments
Tokyo Professor: Surges in airborne radioactive releases have gone on for
years at Fukushima — Exceeded 25,000 times normal level — Radiation alar... more »
If You Let Criminals Off Lightly, You Guarantee One Thing: More Crime

The end of last week saw a lot of outrage on the left. It was primarily
directed towards the House Republican racism and xenophobia on display
Thursday and Friday. Even left-wing rags like the *NY Times* and *Wall
Street Journal* were outraged. There was less left-wing outrage directed
towards President Obama's horrifying defense of CIA criminal John Brennan,
a defense that will dog Obama's legacy for all time. Obama's premise was
that some fine folks illegally tortured some other people and then lied
about and now… well, what's past is past; let's move on. Sound familiar?
Elites... more »
'This madness must stop' - inside the hospitals of Gaza
'This madness must stop' - inside the hospitals of Gaza. Source: Channel 4
News. Date Published: August 3, 2014. Description:
Paul Mason meets some of the victims of the latest shelling in Gaza,
including a two-year-old child, as the outside of a UN school in Rafah is
hit. The UN says the strike is a 'criminal act' and 'the madness must stop'.
Amb. Rajendra Abhyankar talks on "Civil Wars in Syria and Iraq, ISIS and the ‘Caliphate’"
*"West Asia and the Region: Defining India's Role"* edited by Rajendra M.
Abhyankar (2009).
Book description (*Source: Amazon*):
Comprised of essays by a host of leading scholars, this comprehensive
volume examines the issues that will most influence India’s development of
a policy approach towards the states of West Asia. India’s relations with
this region have historically been based on geographical proximity and
cultural and religious affinity, but the significant role West Asia will
play in fulfilling India’s burgeoning energy, trade, and economic needs is
indisputable. Recen... more »
Wild Bill: Biden on voter ID law is "an evil self-serving lie by a devious sinister man"...(This is a must see video)
*well that sums it up nicely.*
What does Bill see when he meets a Democrat?
Probably about the same thing you see.
All the democrats I know (few and far between in North Idaho, but rampant
in my family) are vile vicious sociopaths who hate religion of any kind,
never met a baby in the womb they didn't want to kill, think everyone but
them is a stupid racist woman-hating gun-slinging wacko. Oh - and they
lie. They lie about everything. They take personal vendetta to a level
that any normal person would find almost impossible to imagine. Other than
that, they're fine.
My advice?... more »

We had 19 folks join us in Bath, Maine today at noon... we stood on corners
for an hour and then walked through the downtown shopping district in a
solemn procession..... going to do it again next Sunday at noon as well.
We had very good response from local citizens and tourists...... being on
the street helps the public feel that they are not alone in thinking that
Israel's attack on Gaza is shameful and a war crime.
how a reinvented dutch library set new attendance records and why is this still controversial?
This is a library! (Image found here.)This article about the incredible
Nieuwe Bibliotheek (New Library) in the Netherlands got me thinking about
the current state of libraries - and library staff and library customers -
and people's attitudes towards *change*.
Facing declining visitors and uncertainty about what to do about it,
library administrators in the new town of Almere in the Netherlands did
something extraordinary. They redesigned their libraries based on the
changing needs and desires of library users and, in 2010, opened the Nieuwe
Bibliotheek (New Library), a thriving co... more »
Nicaragua: ‘Netanyahu Appears To Be Possessed By The Devil’, Bolivia: ‘Israel A Terrorist State’

*The Pontiac Tribune*
Last night more than 100 Palestinians were killed during an Israeli
military offensive on Gaza. This brings the death toll on the Palestinian
side to a shocking 1,600+ since July 8th, the majority of which have been
innocent civilians caught in the middle of war zone.
Israel’s bombardment of Gaza. They do not support Hamas, nor Israel…
They’re just guilty of wanting to live peacefully in their own homes.
The Israeli military has lost the lives of 60 soldiers during their ground
invasion into Gaza. Only two civilian have died. Yup, one of the largest
and... more »
Nicaragua: ‘Netanyahu Appears To Be Possessed By The Devil’, Bolivia: ‘Israel A Terrorist State’

*Israel's bombardment of Gaza. Last night more than 100 Palestinians were
killed during an Israeli military offensive on Gaza. This brings the death
toll on the Palestinian side to a shocking 1,600+ since July 8th , the
majority of which have been innocent...*
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The one where Ed Miliband makes a prat of himself

With nothing much going on in the world at the moment, I think I can safely
sneak in another frivolous post in anticipation of another delightful week.
It has to be said that my own jokes at 'Is' this past week have been little
better than Marcus Brigstocke's.
[Exhibit A, this joke from last Wednesday: "Q. What do you get if you cross
Jon Donnison with a camel? A. A biased reporter'".
[Can you believe I actually received a tweet from Jeremy Bowen complaining,
in less than 140 characters, that *he* should have been the punchline of
that joke. So much for BBC collegiality, eh?].
... more »
Here is irrefutable evidence that Malaysian Airline MH17 was not shot down by an anti-aicraft rocket from the ground but rather by a pair of Ukrainian fighter planes seen tailing it. The most likely reason for this wanton mass murder was mistaking this flight for the one nearby carrying Russian President Vladimir Putin. Now who on earth is the terrorist who ordered this heinous hit job? Hmm... Maybe the sanctions slapped on Russia for allegedly downing this plane should now be transferred to Washington's stooges in Kiev.

Revelations of German Pilot: Shocking Analysis of the “Shooting Down” of
Malaysian MH17. “Aircraft Was Not Hit by a Missile”
By Peter Haisenko
Region: Russia and FSU
Global Research, July 30,
2014 Theme: US NATO War
In-depth Report: UKRAINE REPORT
[image: Malaysia MH17]
* Zur deutschen Version bitte hier anklicken *
*The tragedy of Ma... more »
U.S. Government Can't Stop LYING: It Looks Like MH17 Was Shot Down With Bullets From Fighter Planes, NOT A Missile From The Ground

How do you know when the U.S. government and their puppet mainstream media
There are MANY closeup pictures surfacing of the MH-17 cockpit riddled with
See these excellent posts for all the pictures:
*Evidence Is Now Conclusive: 2 Ukrainian Government SU-25 Fighter-Jets Did
Shoot Down that Malaysian Airliner. No “Buk” Missile Ground-Shot Was
*Germans Say MH17 Shot Down by Ukie Migs. Shocking Analysis of the
‘Shooting Down’ of Malaysian MH17*
*On July 30th, a German pilot headlined at anderweltonline, "Shocking
Analysis ... more »
*Building boom changes New Orleans cityscape ~Jed Horn, New Orleans
Advocate *
*The Rapid Rise of Terron Armstead ~Barry Hirstius, WhoDat Dish*
*Junior Galette's relentless film study, work habits pay dividends ~Ramon
Antonio Vargas*
*Saintsational Saintsations will unveil swimsuit calendar at New Orleans
gala on Monday! *
Time for the truth

Colonel Richard Kemp has knowingly taken a big risk. He’s probably already
surrendered a good deal of credibility by speaking out in the way he does.
He might also be sacrificing much of the well-earned respect and veneration
normally afforded, by general consensus, to those in a similarly
distinguished position as he is.
(30-year career in the British Army commanding front-line troops in
fighting terrorism and insurgency in hotspots including Iraq, the Balkans,
South Asia and Northern Ireland, Commander of British Forces in Afghanistan
in 2003. From 2002 - 2006 and headed the inte... more »
Sunday Beaver - Financial edition

Not much to report of late. The world has gone crazy and I'm just sitting
here waiting to die. That's life. It's what ya do while your waiting to
die. Work has become something out of an ancient slave ship all that's
missing are whips and a slave master. How's that you say? When the economy
tanked companies desperate for business under bid projects just to keep
their workers going, that is those lucky enough to find projects. Last jobs
I was on were over budget by a week each. And nobody can work full out all
the time, but that's what's happening.
Think there's another consequence... more »
In Depth: Ron Paul "LIVE" Call in Show

*Former Representative Ron Paul (R-TX) responds to viewers' questions and
comments on topics such as the U.S. economy and foreign policy.*
TODAY FROM 12pm-3pm ET, Ron Paul is LIVE on C-SPAN2 BookTV’s LIVE call-in
program In Depth to take your calls, emails, tweets and facebook comments.
Former Representative Ron Paul (R-TX) talked about his life and career. He
also responded to viewer questions and comments on topics such as the U.S.
economy and foreign policy. Dr. Ron Paul is an obstetrician who represented
Texas’s 14th Congressional District from 1997-2013 and its 22nd Di... more »
Ghost of Sunday Classics: Let's meet "a genuine philanthropist" ("All other kinds are sham")

*Martyn Green (b); Lehman Engel, cond. Columbia, recorded 1953*
*John Reed (b); Sir Malcolm Sargent, cond. Decca, recorded May 1965*
*by Ken*
Yes, we're still in Gilbert and Sullivan's treasurable if troubled
musico-dramatic trove *Princess Ida*, which we dipped into last week to
continue spotlighting the great Gilbert and Sullivan bass, specifically the
role Arac, the most talkative of Princess Ida's "three hulking brothers."
In a moment I'll share with you the logic whereby we've arrived at this
week's ghost post, but first --
Yes, I know we alr... more »
Are you missing out at the amusement arcade? NSFW
Big tits and medium tits out at amusement park *by miketru*
I have been trying to find an Enron that would leave me less exposed
Turns out there is no shit
that always smell good.
Nope no way
all the manipulation
is here to stay
So no matter what
if you invest
or you drive in with a truck
it does not make a damm
bit of difference
we are like the south after
the civil war
civilians traumatized and helpless
waiting to be plucked.
Europeans crying for our enemies. What is wrong with us?

As I write these words, terrible suffering is underway; human beings are
being slaughtered in massive numbers; lives are being destroyed. The
tragedy I speak of is the massacre of Europeans in the Ukraine. This
horrific crime against ordinary people has gained attention from
time-to-time, but it has not become the focus of mass protests, with
Europe-wide calls for 'something to be done' to stop the destruction of our
European kin. Why not? Because Europeans being murdered in Europe for the
benefit of global finance, simply isn't considered important to the liberal
bigots - unles... more »
Schooling a Pakistani

Sometimes it's just like shooting fish in a barrel...
Ebola, Bilderberg and Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed

Dean Garrison
D.C. Clothesline
In its statement, Emory said its “physicians, nurses and staff are highly
trained in the specific and unique protocols and procedures necessary to
treat and care for this type of patient. For this specially trained staff,
these procedures are practiced on a regular basis throughout the year so we
are fully prepared for this type of situation.”
*A spokeswoman for Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed declined to answer questions
about the matter.* A spokeswoman for Emory University did not immediately
respond to an e-mail seeking additional comment.
-From JCOnli... more »
A Leading Voice of U.S. Jewry: End the Occupation

*Henry Siegman, former executive director of the American Jewish Congress,
tells Democracy Now!, "I think that sending rockets that are going to kill
civilians is a crime. But for Palestinians to try, in any way they can, to
end this state of affair—and to expect of them to end their struggle and
just focus on less than 2 percent to build a country is absurd. That is
part of—that’s propaganda, but it’s not a discussion of either politics or
Amy Goodman/Nermeen Shaikh
Democracy Now!
July 30, 2014
Henry Siegman, former director of the American Jewish Congre... more »
World News Briefs -- August 3, 2014

Arrived: This image, taken from a CNN helicopter, appears to show Dr. Kent
Brantly being helped out an ambulance at Emory University Hospital in
Atlanta on Saturday
*PICTURED: U.S. Doctor Infected With Ebola Virus Unsteady On His Feet As He
Is Helped Out Of An Ambulance In A Hazmat Suit And WALKS Into Hospital
After Flying To Georgia For Treatment -- Daily Mail*
* Father-of-two Dr. Kent Brantly landed in Marietta, Georgia, just outside
Atlanta, on Saturday morning, from West Africa
* Second patient, aid worker Nancy Writebol, will arrive Monday
* Both victims will be treated in a su... more »
Islamic Jihad brags that dead Gaza babies are winning the media war for them
' Islamic Jihad mouthpiece Palestine Today is bragging that Gaza
has won
the media war - thanks to all those photos of dead babies.'
More here
IDF's Gaza assault is to control Palestinian gas, avert Israeli energy crisis

*Israel's defence minister has confirmed that military plans to 'uproot
Hamas' are about dominating Gaza's gas reserves*
A Palestinian boy plays in the rubble of a house destroyed in an Israeli
air strike on Beit Hanoun, Gaza. Photograph: Khalil Hamra/AP
From theguardian:
Yesterday, (*July 8, 2014*) Israeli defence minister and former Israeli
Defence Force (IDF) chief of staff Moshe Ya'alon announced that Operation
Protective Edge marks the beginning of a protracted assault on Hamas. The
operation "won't end in just a few days," he said, adding that "we are
preparing to e... more »
Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, August 3rd, 2014
[image: rant-jpeg-b]
Sunday, August 3rd, 2014… And time again for my rant… There is a lot of
things to talk about today, so bear with me while I do my best to touch on
some very important subjects…
First, as I stated just the other day, I am in no way trying to "whip up a
frenzy" by my stance on the Ebola virus scare that has now gripped most of
the major news outlets from around the planet. I laid it out clearly
during the week that there is definitely something funny going on when you
have a so called "research" facility in the nation of Sierra Leone doing
work on the Ebola vir... more »

War is big biz
we arm the world
the more war
the better
for those
with the mega
they bought
with 'Shock and Awe'
I've seen the one
docked in Freeport,
perfect name
free in this country
to cheat, lie, steal,
til they surrender
or are all gone
or just hidden
I saw a video
a boy
about 15
in Gaza
still alive
in hospital
lower part of
his face
upper lip
on down
all gone
I almost puked
by my heart was
I can't stop thinking
about him
and the rest
of the innocents
and back home
in places like BIW... more »
The World Is Catching On
Rumour has it that CETA -- the Canadian-European Trade Agreement -- is in
trouble. The problem is the Investor-State Dispute Settlement mechanism.
Germany doesn't like it. Jim Stanford writes:
Germany's limited experience with ISDS (it was recently sued by a Swedish
company for billions in lost profits resulting from its phase-out of
nuclear power) has heightened these concerns.
Canada has had lots of experience with ISDS -- and it has not been good:
As Scott Sinclair has demonstrated thr... more »
Argentina accuses US of judicial malpractice for triggering needless default
accuses US of judicial malpractice for triggering needless
*Country threatens to take US to The Hague after defaulting on its debts
for the second time in 12 years*
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
7:56PM BST 31 Jul 2014
Argentina has threatened to take the US to the International Court of
Justice for judicial malpractice, accusing the country of gross
incompetence for allowing two small hedge funds to p... more »
South Africa’s “Dr. Death” Again Evades Sentencing

Janet Phelan
Dr. Wouter Basson, whose work as head of the South African apartheid
government’s biological and chemical warfare unit earned him the nickname
“Dr. Death,” has again evaded sentencing.
Basson was first arrested in 1997, following the dissolution of the
apartheid government. His much publicized trial in Pretoria High Court in
the years 1999-2002 produced outcries of judicial bias by his prosecutors.
With 200 witnesses against him, who testified to his involvement in
multiple assassinations as well as fraud and embezzlement during his tenure
as head of Project Coast, ... more »
The Reader Supported News, with thousands of readers but less than a hundred supporters, may have scooped all its rivals with this: How a nuclear war with Russia may be averted by a Russia/Germany pact. Human existence may continue afterall, no thanks to the U.S. government's full court press to bring on nuclear armageddon. Hallelujah!

Russia's president Vladimir Putin talks to German chancellor
Angela Merkel in front of the Kurhaus resort in Wiesbaden,
Germany,in October 2007.(photo: Frank Augstein/AP)
Crimea: Can Merkel Still Strike a Deal With Putin?
By Steve Weissman, Reader Supported News
01 August 14
Even as Washington and its sycophants were pushing Europe “to stand up”
against Russia, German chancellor Angela Merkel and Russian president
Vladimir Pu... more »
Moral eqvilantcy is the great lie of the sheeple

Only strict observation of the laws of thermodynamic assures equality.
That is the first testament.
observations that stack up
when you do the math
The Israeli Palestine conflict
must be solved
it is taking up
way to much of the oxygen
in a world that must
radically evolve
So how do you solve a problem like Gaza
numerator to zero
a hard calculation
but it beats
waking up governed
by something less
than ones and zeros
Two sides in love
with a present desert
that is just going to get drier
an less sustainable
Israel the great and noble state
that we all admire
how long could it surv... more »
From Korea to KIPP: "production, performance, and obedience"
Reading the essay by Se-Woong Koo on the South Korean system of educational
child abuse, I was struck by how much of what he said could have come from
former teachers of KIPP who have since let their conscience be their
guides: incredible stress, diminished affect, clumps of hair falling out,
physical and psychological breakdowns, enraged screaming teachers,
incredibly long hours, constant demands for higher test scores.
And just as South Korea's cramming for higher PISA scores has turned up the
heat on other nations who appear to be laggards by comparison, KIPP's high
test scores... more »
There are other brands

We all know what advertising is don’t we? It’s the business of making
people want things. There’s a science behind it. Subliminal or overt
psychological manipulation, persuasion, all that lot.
If you’re alive you can’t be completely impartial. Every time we interact
with others we (inadvertently) ‘advertise‘ but let’s not pursue that for
now. What we will pursue in this sermon is the way the BBC and the other
main news organs are acting as advertising agents.
Have you noticed, as I have, that the footage we’re currently seeing on the
BBC from Gaza is getting increasingly mawkish... more »
Will Illinois Elect A Sleazy Billionaire Sociopath As Governor? Meet Bruce Rauner

There is no way to shame a Republican. None of their selfish, narcissistic
behavior ever seems to embarrass them. As Wall Street attorney Oliver Budde
explained, "[O]ur ethos in a nutshell: grab every dollar you can, for as
long as you can, using every scheme you can think of, and pay out to
yourself and your cronies as much as you possibly can, as quickly as you
can. You don't sweat morals or ethics; if it looks doable without getting
caught or at least without serious risk of penalty to the executives (who
couldn't care less if the corporation has to kick back some of the loot
... more »
Fighting And Tensions Between Armenia And Azerbaijan Are Escalating Over The Dispued Region Of Nagorno-Karabakh
*Troops Killed As Border Tensions Rise Between Armenia And Azerbaijan --
Independent (Ireland)*
Azerbaijan's Defence Ministry said that 12 of its troops have been killed
in the past four days. Nagorno-Karabakh's armed forces said one of its
soldiers was killed on Friday, the third in recent days.
Azerbaijan's Nagorno-Karabakh region and some adjacent territory have been
under the control of Armenian soldiers and ethnic Armenian local troops
since the end of a six-year separatist war in 1994. Both sides report
frequent shootings and attempted incursions along the ceasefire line, bu... more »
*College: Not the Be All, End All We’re Led to Believe*
*Ways to Skip the Years Lost, Crippling Debts*
EspañolThe average starting salary for the class of 2013 was $45,259 a
year, according to the National Association of Colleges and Employers.
While such earnings are certainly enough to get by, a graduating member of
the class of 2013 also owed an average of US$35,200 in student loans.
Meanwhile, salary growth is only at 2.4 percent and barely keeping up with
annual inflation of 2.1 percent. With these deflating facts in mind, young
people need to start looking at themselves in t... more »
Joe Scarborough (former conservative Republican congressman from Florida)
railed against Israel's ongoing offensive in Gaza.
This is the beginning of the end for Israel. Serious splits developing
among the American people and now even in the mainstream media.
With the coming starvation and disease that will be the next crisis in Gaza
(having been intentionally created by Israel's genocide policy) there will
be an even stronger global outcry.
The days of Israel getting away with anything they want are over. And now
the US will have to wear this 'wreath of death' in Gaza around... more »
This Is A Time Of A Great M.N. Hopkins

This is a time of a great awakening to the truth of Man.
No longer will a few hide easily in the dark shadows and direct the affairs
of Man.
For many have heard and answered the call to service and will not accept
the slavery offered by the few, but will seek the fruits of their own
labours upon this Earth.
A great collapse is in order and will pave the way for a new way of living
within human community.
A sharing of food and resources and more than this, an opening of heart to
heart which will further facilitate an opening in the communal heart of Man.
It has been centuries s... more »
Watch City of Toledo press conference on water crisis in its ent - Toledo (OH) News, Weather and Sports
Watch City of Toledo press conference on water crisis in its ent - Toledo (OH) News, Weather and Sports
Israel Wiretapped John Kerry’s Phone Calls During The Middle East Peace Negotiations

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry.(Reuters / Lucas Jackson)
*Wiretapped: Israel Eavesdropped on John Kerry in Mideast Talks -- Speigel
New information indicates that Israeli intelligence eavesdropped on
telephone conversations by US Secretary of State John Kerry. Sources told
SPIEGEL the government then used the information obtained from the calls
during negotiations in the Mideast conflict.
SPIEGEL has learned from reliable sources that Israeli intelligence
eavesdropped on US Secretary of State John Kerry during Middle East peace
negotiations. In addition to the Israelis... more »
Sunday Morning Sidewalk
Yeah the puke of Fukushima, Ukraine and Gaza are still sticky and make
strolling hard, I am doing some kind of hurdle Tia Chi as I juke around and
over the moving stains to make my way to a place I can be alone. At least
we dont have Ebola breaking out in these streets. At least flesh eating
disease is not airborne. At least its all on the far side of the world and
it will never hit home.
Defence or Destruction?
*Gaza deaths reported to July 8 - July 30 *– 1,363, Injured – 6,780 the
majority being civilians, including women and children.
Israeli deaths – 58 just two of which were civilians....
Whilst it is very difficult for those of us just observing from a distance
via various news media and other online sources to know the true situation
in Gaza, it is clear that the virtual imprisonment of an entire population
and the targeting of civilian infrastructure by a far superior Israeli
force is not simply 'defending' themselves and should not be supported by
ANY democratic nation. I do not end... more »
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