2:55pm MDST
By Capt. Fogg
Browse around the web and you'd think the world was going crazy and no, I'm
not talking about Ferguson, MO. Perhaps it is and perhaps we're all crazy
too, but within a couple of minutes looking for stories other than about
Ferguson, I found out far more than I wanted to know about a morgue
attendant indicted for having sex with a hundred corpses of crime victims.
Good thing I skipped lunch today. But on any particular day you'll get
demented Christian leaders telling us that public nursing causes people to
become gay. Maybe all those baby Jesus pictures in churches d... more »
“What All This Bad News Is Doing to Us”
*“What All This Bad News Is Doing to Us”*
By Jesse Singal
“A terrifying jihadist group is conquering and butchering its way across
big swaths of Iraq and Syria. Planes are falling out of the sky on what
seems like a weekly basis. Civilians are being killed in massive numbers in
the Israel-Gaza conflict. Others are falling prey to Ebola in West Africa.
The world, in short, is falling apart.
That’s how it feels, at least, to those of us who sit at a blessed remove
from the death and destruction, but who are watching every bloody moment of
it via cable news and social media. It raises... more »
The Fight Between Iraqi Militants And Kurdish Forces For Control Of Iraq's Mosul Dam Continues

*Iraqi Forces Seize Mosul Dam -- Wall Street Journal*
*Two Days Into Ground Offensive, Insurgents Driven Out*
BADRIYA, Iraq—Iraqi and Kurdish ground forces, backed by U.S. airstrikes,
recaptured the strategic Mosul Dam on Monday after two days of fighting
with Islamist insurgents, a Kurdish military spokesman said.
Helgurd Hikmet, a spokesman for the Kurdish Peshmerga forces, said they
have taken "complete control" of the fragile dam and there was no longer
any fighting at or around the facility.
Earlier, Gen. Qassim Atta, spokesman for Iraq's military in Baghdad, said
the Iraqi ... more »
What Will The U.S. Do If Russia And Ukraine Go To War

A Ukrainian serviceman guards a checkpoint outside Donetsk. Thomson Reuters
*The United States Will Face Tough Choices If Russia And Ukraine Go To War
-- Peter Apps, Business Insider/Reuters*
If Russia and Ukraine slide into outright war, the United States and allies
will face tough choices on how to support a friendly state they have no
intention of making a full NATO member.
In what appeared to be a dramatic escalation on Friday, Ukraine said it had
destroyed much of a column of armored vehicles that had entered its
territory from Russia.
Moscow dismissed the account as "fantasy... more »
Presser re: Michael Brown autopsy - Dr. Baden answers questions... .
*but first claims impartiality. *
I sure didn't see that:
This wasn't a press conference. It was "let's lynch a cop" conference.
*Some of the things that I thought while listening to this so-called
conference. *
I'm at 5 minutes and already I'm annoyed. Crump, the attorney for the
family of Michael Brown, is blathering about eyewitnesses, who have proven
to be, in most cases, most unreliable.
Oooops - now we're dragging mom into it. And how many times is he going to
say "execute."
Why all the "dis" and "dat's" from so-called educated men?
Dr. Baden just said that the shot to t... more »
Pro-Separatist Rebels In Ukraine Are Told To ObeyThe Law

Armed pro-Russian separatists look on at a town center in Snizhnye in
eastern Ukraine June 12, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Shamil Zhumatov
*Betrayal, Desertion Could Mean Execution, Ukraine Rebel Leaders Warn
Fighters -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Under growing pressure from a government offensive, the rebel
leadership in Ukraine's battle-torn east warned its fighters on Monday that
desertion and betrayal could be met by execution.
The warning appeared to signal a growing concern by the leadership of the
self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DNR) over a breakdown of
discipline in the fig... more »
What Is The Prospect For War Between Ukraine And Russia

A Russian convoy of trucks carrying humanitarian aid for Ukraine travels
along a road south of the city of Voronezh, Aug. 14, 2014. Maxim
*The Prospect Of War Looms Over Ukraine, Russia -- MSNBC*
Zack Beauchamp and Max Fisher asked the sort of question on Friday that
needs an answer: “Did Russia and Ukraine just start a war?” The answer
probably isn’t as obvious as it should be.
Wars often come with some kind of qualifier – there are, among other
things, hot wars, cold wars, open wars, and civil wars. Do any of these
apply to developments in Ukraine? The answer obv... more »
Beyond Michael Brown: Right or Wrong the 'Spark that Lit the Powder Keg'
Dan Johnson of PANDA (People against NDAA) joins Blake Walley to gives his
first-hand account of his experience in Ferguson at curfew time.
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
New Video Shows Immediate Aftermath Of Michael Brown Shooting

*by Brendan James*
New video released Monday reportedly showing the immediate aftermath of
the killing of unarmed teenager Michael Brown by Ferguson, Mo. police
officer Darren Wilson.
CNN aired the footage Monday during an interview with eyewitness Piaget
Crenshaw, who said she recorded it following the Aug. 9 shooting.
According to Crenshaw, the footage shows Michael Brown's body laying in
the middle of the street as Wilson stood over him speaking to another
"God bless his soul, the police shot this boy outside my apartment,"
Cr... more »
Yazidis haunted by cries for help as militants bury victims alive
“West’s Historic Drought Stokes Fears of Water Crisis”
*“West’s Historic Drought Stokes Fears of Water Crisis”*
By Joby Warrick
WILLOWS, Calif. —” When the winter rains failed to arrive in this
Sacramento Valley town for the third straight year, farmers tightened their
belts and looked to the reservoirs in the nearby hills to keep them in
water through the growing season. When those faltered, some switched on
their well pumps, drawing up thousands of gallons from underground aquifers
to prevent their walnut trees and alfalfa crops from drying up. Until the
wells, too, began to fail.
Now, across California’s vital agricultural belt, ner... more »
All this week: Reporting Michael Brown!
*MONDAY, AUGUST 18, 2014*
*In search of journalistic values:* Michael Brown’s death is a major event.
All this week, we’ll be discussing the way our major news orgs have
reported, or have failed to report, the unfolding chain of events.
According to our civics texts, we need good journalism at times like this.
In our view, the journalism hasn’t been especially good to date.
Final note: We're postponing our award-winning series, The Houses of
Journalist County.
We still plan to present that award-winning work, with its links to
inspiring photo spreads. But these events come first... more »
Supplemental: Nixon’s godforsaken burgs!
*MONDAY, AUGUST 18, 2014*
*When journalists fashion cartoons:* Was Richard Nixon already crazy when
he was just 11?
That’s the sense of Rick Perlstein’s writing in his 2008 best-seller,
We started discussing this topic last weekend. This is the highly peculiar
passage in question:
PERLSTEIN (page 21): *Richard Nixon was a serial collector of resentments.
He raged for what he could not have or control.* At the age of seven, he so
wanted a jar of pollywogs a younger boy had collected from the forbidden
canal that he beaned the kid in the head with a toy hatchet (his vict... more »
No Progress On Ukraine Truce Talks
*Russia Says No Progress On Ukraine Truce At Talks -- Deutsche Welle*
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has said Berlin talks on a truce in
Ukraine failed to make any progress. But he said all issues relating to a
Russian aid convoy for Ukraine had been resolved.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Monday that no progress had
been made toward resolving the conflict in Ukraine at crisis talks over the
weekend in Berlin.
Following the talks between the foreign ministers of Russia, Ukraine,
Germany and France on Sunday, Lavrov told a Berlin news conference that the
... more »
Ukraine's Army Is Now Claiming That They Control The Center Of The Rebel City Of Luhansk
*Ukraine Says Army Controls Center Of A Rebel City -- New York Times*
DONETSK, Ukraine — The Ukrainian military on Sunday moved into the heart of
the separatist hub of Luhansk for the first time, officials said, chipping
at one of the cornerstones of the pro-Russia rebels’ disintegrating virtual
Ukrainian officials said army units had raised the national flag over a
police station in central Luhansk, the eastern city that, along with
Donetsk, has been a center of rebel activity and an important destination
for Russian fighters and aid. Other parts of Luhansk, however, were ... more »
Science Advice Summit
Over the next few weeks I'll be focusing on issues of science advice to
governments, as I attend the "Science Advice to Governments" conference in
Auckland, New Zealand. It is being characterized as a science advice
"summit." I'll be participating on a panel focused on "Science advice in
the context of opposing political / ideological positions" along with the
chief scientific advisor to the Australian government, Ian Chubb, and the
chief scientific advisor to Defra, Ian Boyd, among others.
The conference is being convened by ICSU and hosted by Sir Peter Gluckman,
chief science adv... more »
Ukraine's Government And Pro-Russian Separatists Are Blaming One Another For Today's Attack On A Refugee Convoy
*Dozens Killed In Attack On Convoy, Ukraine Says; Rebels Deny Firing Rocket
-- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Dozens of people, including women and children, were killed
fleeing fighting in eastern Ukraine on Monday when their convoy of buses
was hit by rocket fire, military spokesmen said.
Ukraine accused pro-Russian rebels of targeting the convoy, which it said
was bearing white flags when it was hit near the eastern city of Luhansk.
The separatists denied responsibility for the attack and one rebel leader
suggested the incident might never have taken place.
"The rebels were expecting th... more »
People Against the NDAA Founder Daniel Johnson Live in Ferguson
*Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream*
*Also visit revandujo. Daniel helped him setup a live stream today. One
more citizen journalist.*
Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream
*You can visit our Michael Brown article archive here.*
*Related: **The Latest Livestreams of Ferguson Missouri*
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
"Death is normal for us..."
I have heard people being called racists and Islamophobes for saying that
Palestinians don't have the same attitude towards death as most Western
people.Of course Palestinian mothers love their children and want them to
live as much as we do in the West, they say.
Judge for yourself...
Watch it all and wonder like me at the attitude that that Palestinian
I wonder if the BBC would be interested in broadcasting this video? Come on
Jeremy Al Bowen and Lyse Dousett...
Bad Moon Rising

You know the Conservatives are in trouble when Ian MacDonald says they are.
No Liberal or Dipper, MacDonald got into politics as a spokesman for Brian
Mulroney and as an ardent supporter of his high school classmate, Jim
Flaherty. But now he is worried. The latest EKOS poll is bad news all
This isn’t the one bad poll in 20. And it wasn’t a one-night stand.
The Liberals now lead the Conservatives by 38.7 to 25.6 per cent, with the
NDP at 23.4 per cent. In effect, the Liberals have doubl... more »
The Latest Livestreams of Ferguson Missouri
The situation in Ferguson Missouri continues to deteriorate as curfew is
imposed and the Governor calls in the National Guard.
We have Infowars, Vice News, local Fox2News, "I am Mike Brown from Ferguson
MO" Liberty News Media, PANDA's Dan Johnson, Vice News' Tim Pool and STL
County Police Scanner, as well (you can view all livestreams below).
Reddit also has a live stream gathering all the information coming out as
it happens here.
*If you lose the connection, refresh screen.*
*Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream*
*Broadcast live... more »
Mahmoud Abbas - Israel's 'partner in peace'
Politicians and anti-Israel media often assure us that Mahmoud Abbas the
elected (albeit long, long ago) Palestinian Authority President is a man of
peace and Israel's partner in peace.
Watch the above video and see what you think...
I wonder if anyone at the BBC could watch that video and still push the
line that Mahmoud Abbas is Israel's partner in peace? Actually I know the
answer to that, of course they can and would.
Democrats Against Your Cable Company Treating You Terribly

As you probably know, Blue America endorsed Zephyr Teachout and Tim Wu over
Andrew Cuomo and Kathy Hochul in the New York State gubernatorial race.
Last night we sent this letter to all Blue America members. Give it a look
and if you do contribute-- regardless of amount-- you automatically become
a Blue America member. Our goal is to do what conventional wisdom-- the
brain surgeons who laughed when anyone suggested David Brat would beat Eric
Cantor-- says can't be done: replace Andrew Cuomo with a progressive icon
even before he's indicted on corruption charges and New York winds ... more »
Mahmoud Abbas - Israel's 'partner in peace'
Posibly the saddest letter I've read for a long time - from Britain's Independent newspaper
Today's Independent, not a paper that I ever read as I find it's incessant
anti-Israel tone highly offensive, published an interesting letter today:
I’m just an ordinary middle-aged Londoner.
I work in an office. I go to football. I like eating out. I enjoy the arts.
I am a proud family man. I give up time for charity work. I try to be a
decent contributing member of society. I pay my taxes honestly. But there
appears to be something that sets me and my kind apart.
At park gates in East London a friend of mine gets told to f**k off for
photographing a flag. At a pub in Bath my wife g... more »
How many times with that hinge work?

Did you think about that
when you totally commuted
to that door
Yes that is the reason
there are no gates
on the jet stream
doors are not natural
limit them as feasibly
Tin Soldiers and Nixon's Coming

"Law never made men a whit more just; and, by means of their respect for
it, even the well-disposed are daily made the agents of injustice." Henry
David Thoreau, *Civil Disobedience*, 1849
(By *American Zen*'s Mike Flannigan, on loan from Ari.)
Perhaps only the illiteracy quotient of your average teabagger
accounts for their not fully embracing Henry David Thoreau. The New England
transcendentalist and abolitionist who once famously said, "That government
is best which governs least" would've been apoplectic had he seen what's
going on in Ferguson, Missouri. He definitely woul... more »
Five people have been killed and at least 27 others wounded in weekend shootings across Chicago...
*where are the protesters?*
From *Second City Cop:*
*Police said a 16-year-old boy was found with a gunshot wound to the head
around 1:15 a.m. Sunday in the city’s Humboldt Park neighborhood.Police
were responding to a report of a person shot in the 900 block of North
Karlov Avenue and found the teen on the sidewalk. He was transported in
critical condition where he was later pronounced dead.*
Among the casualties:
*Early Saturday, a 16-year-old girl was fatally shot in a possible drive-by
shooting in the city’s Englewood neighborhood. Police said the girl was
st... more »
Update on the Silence from MH17 shot Down. Russia is asking UN Security Council for a briefing on the results.
I did a video this morning about the silence on MH17 black box results and
how no one mentions the shooting down of the plane anymore. Since then ITAR
released an article where Russia is asking the UN security council to do a
briefing about MH17.
Mark Twain on events in Gaza and Ferguson
Last week I watched Ken Burns' latest documentary about the great American
author Mark Twain. It was a fascinating portrait of a fascinating man,
although it gave short-shrift to his most radical views, which included
being Vice-President of the Anti-Imperialist League which opposed the
annexation of the Philippines by the United States. The film did mention
Twain's stinging denunciation of King Leopold II, the man responsible for
the death of 10 million Congolese in the late 1800's.
My interest in Twain awakened by the film, I picked up my copy of *A
Connecticut Yankee in King Art... more »
3 minutes that makes you think..... Homeless share and give what they have. An experiment.
Spread the message. Three minutes that makes you think. Homeless give
what they have and share.
Justin is violated with the mildness of avaialbe predjudice

Follow the money. In an event like this there is a money shot. It reminds
me so much of the Watergate burglary which is complicated but basically was
a message to Nixon he had become a liability. A clumsy robbery with no
loot, who won who lost history will always have to dispute. Can not leave
the discussion without forwarding the opinion that Bob Woodward was a
company man.
Following the same sick train of thought. Justin's house was targeted to
make an impression on him and the ones that hate the man. Will he curb his
travel? Will this event make him more crime and punishment bo... more »
The logical fallacy of “blowback” Infestation with the blowback mind virus
*Logical Fallacy: a misconception resulting from incorrect reasoning; the
logical fallacy of assuming the conclusion in the premises*
*Blowback* is a logical fallacy- * the logical fallacy of assuming the
conclusion in the premises*
*Blowback*, as commonly touted by the lying war mongering media, is always
presented in this fashion: *unforseen consequences from previous actions*
Emphasis always on the *“unforseen” *
*Unforseen*-* defined as not anticipated or predicted.*
*Unforseen goes hand in hand with the ‘incompetence’ meme constantly and
*These mind viruses wo... more »
KKK Arrives In Ferguson to Support Their ‘Hero’ Cop Who Shot Brown, Hate Heats Up

by Amanda Shea
Al Sharpton isn’t the only race baiter to descend on Ferguson to take
advantage of the tangle of tear gas, tanks, and snarling police dogs — the
Ku Klux Klan is seizing the opportunity to spread their hate and ignorance
in this hotbed of racial tension over the shooting death of black teenager
Michael Brown.
After the identity of the officer who shot Brown was released, the Klan
rushed to rally around Officer Darren Wilson to raise reward money for this
cop at the center of the shooting controversy, whereas the Klan’s
co... more »
I hate Mondays

A fantastic song by the Boomtown Rats and a one hit wonder that oracled the
As I thinkaboot this Monday I reflect.
Fergus is only the first Falija light for America. Thats a good sign
because on the Falujia scale America has had many lite fat events, and its
trending heavy. Wait for the first IED to take out one of those monstrous
police tanks. The real problem is that America and the white picket fence
increasingly makes black people think they are living in Gaza. Sure every
judge, police leader, and any other high fluten position possible is held
by a black pers... more »
The Silence is Deafening after analyzing MH17 Black Boxes. No data released. Silence as if it never happened.
Just a month ago the amount of war rhetoric and accusations against Russia
from the U.S. and other Western countries was loud and screaming.
Russia/Putin must pay, per Hillary Clinton. Ukraine wanted NATO military
immediately to go against Russia. Now MH17 has been forgotten. It is
almost as if it never happened from the silence. I have done a search
about the black box results from
An emotional movie on Stephen Hawking: Theory of Everything
In November 2014, a new emotional movie will hit the cinemas.
*A trailer plus a review. The talkative reviewer thinks that the filmmakers
were cheating when they suggested that Hawking and his wife were saints who
transcended the disease. True but the most ambitious movies like that
aren't documentaries, anyway.*
"A Theory of Everything" is a film about Hawking's life, work, and medical
disorder. But it is primarily a movie about his love life, a movie focusing
on Jane Hawking, his wife through 1995.
Search Google News for various reviews.
The British "Metro" is among the o... more »
Hating stephen harper
*a* *:* intense hostility and aversion usually deriving from fear, anger,
or sense of injury
*b* *:* extreme dislike or antipathy *:* loathing hate
What's the problem?
"Hate" is a strong emotion. And strong emotions are really felt by
children. They can go from the depths of despair (their ice cream fell out
of their ice cream cone) to intense joy (they got a new ice cream cone and
the monkey behind the glass is doing something funny) in a matter of
When adults do that, we (obviously) call them "childish."
One can get swept along by their emotions. (The initial fl... more »
NO JOURNALISM, NO JUSTICE: The Washington Post’s (rather bad) front page!
*MONDAY, AUGUST 18, 2014*
*Part 1—Today, we get one basic fact:* In a case where we don’t have a
whole lot of facts, we finally got one basic fact in this morning’s New
York Times.
Here it is:
According to the New York Times, 18-year-old Michael Brown *wasn’t* shot in
the back.
If Brown *had* been shot in the back, it would have been hard to imagine a
scenario in which the shooting was legal. As it turns out, Brown was shot
at least six times—but he wasn’t shot in the back.
This brings us to the front page of yesterday’s hard-copy Washington Post.
On a journalistic basis, we th... more »
The press takes a holiday…every day

Jon Rappoport
I’ve published the essence of this article before. I continue to reprint
it, now and then, because it illustrates a basic fact about the mainstream
Not only are they part of the problem; not only are they creating problems;
not only are they sold out; the reporters themselves, who should be able to
work up astonishment at mind-boggling facts, have lost that capacity.
They’ve lost the very urge that got them into the journalism trade in the
first place.
They’ve offloaded the ability to be shocked and outraged.
They’ve forgotten how to be surprised.
If... more »
What's happening within the Caliphate
VICE News have made a fantastic documentary from within the self proclaimed
Islamic State. You should watch all of the parts, they will open your minds
and maybe scare you too.
This part 4 is I think is interesting as it shows from 7:54 a young boy who
would be called a child if killed by Israel.
Cell Phone Guide For US Protesters

Eva Galperin & Parker Higgins
With major protests in the news again, we decided it's time to update our
cell phone guide for protesters. A lot has changed since we last published
this report in 2011, for better and for worse. On the one hand, we've
learned more about the massive volume of law enforcement requests for cell
phone—ranging from location information to actual content—and widespread
use of dedicated cell phone surveillance technologies. On the other hand, strong
Supreme Court opinions have eliminated any ambiguity about the
unconstitutionality of warrantless sear... more »
World News Briefs -- August 18, 2014

A Russian convoy of trucks carrying humanitarian aid for Ukraine drives
along a road from Kamensk-Shakhtinsky in the direction of the border with
Ukraine, Rostov Region, August 17, 2014. Credit: REUTERS/Alexander
*Ukraine, Rebels Accuse Each Other Of Attacking Refugee Bus Convoy --
(Reuters) - Ukraine accused pro-Russian rebels on Monday of hitting a
refugee convoy of buses with rocket fire near the eastern city of Luhansk,
killing people trapped in the burning vehicles, but the separatists denied
Ukrainian military spokesmen said the bus convo... more »
How to End the War Crimes in Gaza

Bernie Suarez
Some people may read this and say, no way, this is not a solution but I
challenge your belief and I offer that this is indeed an effective and
powerful way to move forward as a humanity with regard to the ongoing
atrocities in Gaza.
Is there actually a way to end the war crimes in Gaza? There is, but the
answer lies in our humanity not in politics, politicians, or a rigid
ideology. Ideologies that result in human deaths are ideologies of hatred
no matter how anyone spins it. We, as a humanity, must find a way of ending
ideologies of hatred that serve political purpos... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- August 18, 2014

President Barack Obama meets with his national security advisors in the
Situation Room of the White House, Aug. 7, 2014. Credit: Official White
House Photo by Pete Souza
*The Evolving Obama Doctrine: Limited Bombing Raids, Stronger Partnerships
-- John T. Bennett and Paul McLeary, Defense News*
WASHINGTON — Iraq again has descended into sectarian violence and political
chaos. An Islamic extremist group controls more land than al-Qaida ever
has. Vladimir Putin appears poised to invade eastern Ukraine.
As those global hotspots — and others, like northern Africa — all moved
closer in... more »
What Have We Accomplished in Iraq?

Freda Art Ron Paul
We have been at war with Iraq for 24 years, starting with Operations Desert
Shield and Storm in 1990. Shortly after Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait that
year, the propaganda machine began agitating for a US attack on Iraq. We
all remember the appearance before Congress of a young Kuwaiti woman
claiming that the Iraqis were ripping Kuwaiti babies from incubators. The
woman turned out to be the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador to the US and
the story was false, but it was enough to turn US opposition in favor of an
This month, yet another US president – the... more »
The World Is A Horror Movie
*Deep Space*
How the world resembles a horror film full of vampires, werewolves, and
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
Ferguson Riot Cop Threatens to Shoot Livestreaming Journalist
Source: Argus Radio livestream
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
If You Promote A Cure For Ebola, Men With Guns Could Show Up At Your Door

Michael Snyder
If I had a cure for Ebola, I could never sell it to you. I don’t have a
cure for Ebola of course, but even if I did I could never promote it. And
if you have a cure for Ebola and you start promoting it on the Internet,
men with guns could soon show up at your door.
Unfortunately, I am not kidding. Even if you have made a discovery that
could potentially save millions of lives, that will not earn you an ounce
of mercy from the FDA. In fact, the FDA has just issued a statement that
contains a chilling warning for anyone that is claiming that they know how
to pr... more »
Inside A Lethal Helicopter Crash In Iraq

Alissa J. Rubin, a Times reporter, on the left, and Vian Dakhil, a Yazidi
lawmaker. Credit Adam Ferguson for The New York Times
*On a Helicopter, Going Down: Inside a Lethal Crash in Iraq -- Alissa J.
Rubin, New York Times*
*Alissa J. Rubin, a veteran Times foreign correspondent, was injured on
Tuesday in a helicopter crash in Kurdistan and dictated the following
article from her hospital bed in Istanbul, where she was evacuated from
Iraq. She suffered broken bones and a fractured skull but was in stable
condition, and was scheduled to be taken by air to the United States on
Sunda... more »
The Islamic State Is Eclipsing Al Qaeda

Image from Insite Blog
*Islamic State Challenging Al-Qaeda for Leadership -- Bloomberg*
The radical Islamic State’s advances in Iraq are strengthening its
challenge to al-Qaeda in a contest for the leadership of the global jihadi
movement, according to five U.S. intelligence officials.
Its territorial gains and declaration of a caliphate spanning parts of
Syria and Iraq, reinforced by its use of social media to broadcast its
accomplishments in many languages, are attracting recruits and even drawing
defections from the leadership of the core al-Qaeda group and some
affiliates, th... more »
The Syrian Revolution Is Now At The 'Tipping Point'

*The Syrian Revolution Is Running Out Of Room As ISIS And Assad Close In --
Rana Moussaoui, Agence France Presse*
Western-backed rebels in northern Syria are fighting to survive in the face
of advances on their strongholds both by jihadists and government forces,
analysts and regime opponents say.
The opposition has sounded the alarm, appealing indirectly to the
international community to carry out air strikes on jihadist Islamic State
(IS) positions in Syria, like the United States has done in Iraq.
"More than ever the rebellion is caught in a pincer movement between the
regime ... more »
Which Faction's Pull Inside The GOP Is Strongest-- The Libertarians Or The Religious Nuts?

Rand Paul and Sharron Angle… what could possibly go wrong?
David Frum-- your grandpa's version of a Republican-- is worried that those
nutty Libertarians are making inroads into his party again. Last week he took
issue with Robert Draper's assertion that Rand Paul is the solution to the
GOP's demographic problems. "What he wrote was not true. But it felt true
to him… Draper’s wrong," he insisted, "emphatically wrong. Young voters are
not libertarian, nor even trending libertarian. Neither, for that matter,
are older voters. The 'libertarian moment' is not an event in American
culture... more »
The Comedic Genius of Jim Prentice
(My apologies for strong language but a fellow can only put with so much
nonsense. Anyhow, to be foretold is to be forewarned.)
Apparently former federal MP Jim Prentice was in town this past weekend to
drum up local support for his run at the premiership to be decided next
month. Now nothing against the guy personally but when I read in local
media here about some of what he had to say, I could only really shake my
head and wonder who writes his talking points.
In the world according to Jim, we have great local leadership in our local
MLA's. I'm sure we do......ok, other than ... more »
*62,000 New Yorkers Sign Petition to 'Stop Common Core' After Flat Results*
On New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s official website, he touts the merits
and needs of Common Core, an educational program detailing what students
should know in regards to math and English by the end of the 12th grade:
“The Common Core standards are a critical part of transforming New York’s
schools, and the failure to effectively implement them has led to confusion
and frustration among students and their families.”
Despite his initial optimism surrounding Common Core, however, New York
test scores have r... more »
Let It Go "FROZEN" Pencil Case

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser.
All opinions are mine alone. #CollectiveBias
We are hitting a huge milestone in our house this upcoming week. My little
girl starts kindergarten. She is completely oblivious to the fact that she
is supposed to be nervous about school starting soon, but I sit here with
knots in my stomach hoping she loves it as much as I want her to. Instead
of focusing on my nerves, I have thrown myself into getting her ready and
in our house, that means everything FROZEN.
My little girl and I picked up a backpack, folders a... more »
We Now Know A Lot More About Edward Snowden's Epic NSA Heist

Snowden with Former CIA and NSA chief General Michael Hayden at a gala in
2011. Courtesy of Edward Snowden via Wired
*We Now Know A Lot More About Edward Snowden's Epic Heist — And It's
Troubling -- Michael B Kelley, Business Insider*
Edward Snowden's in-depth interview with James Bamford of Wired offers
details about his last job as a contractor for the NSA in Honolulu, which
raise disconcerting questions about the motives of the former systems
While working at two consecutive jobs in Hawaii from March 2012 to May
2013, the 31-year-old allegedly stole about 200,000... more »
Chile: Regional Businessman Photographs UFO During World Cup Games

*Source: Planeta UFO and Diario El Día (Chile)Date: 08.12.14*
*Chile: Regional Businessman Photographs UFO During World Cup Games*
*By Cristian Riffo*
Photo taken by businessman Carlos Ruiz showing the city of Ouro Preto and a
self-luminous disk-shaped object in the sky.
Thousands of compatriots traveled to Brazil to see Chile playing in the
most recent World Cup games. One of them was Carlos Ruiz, a local
businessman and former Assistant Dean of the University of Aconcagua.
Aside from attending all of Team Chile's games, his goal was to enjoy the
beauty of Brazil's cities. Thus,... more »
Argentina: Uproar in Valle Fertil over Alleged UFO

*Source: Tiempo de San Juan (Argentina) and Planeta UFODate: 08.18.2014*
*Argentina: Uproar in Valle Fertil over Alleged UFO*
**** Residents of Valle Fertil claim that an Unidentified Flying Object
flew over the region ****** Valle Fertil journalist claims having seen the
UFO ****
Residents of the department of Valle Fertil report seeing a UFO flying over
the area on Thursday afternoon. It vanished two hours later.
Photos have appeared on social media showing a light in the sky, and local
residents affirm that it is the unidentified flying object.
Furthermore, minutes before th... more »
Another labour fail - it's Ed Miliband again - #LabourNo
Sometimes I wonder if the Labour Party is just full to the brim with
idiots, here's a tweet from Ed Miliband (@ed_miliband) from this morning...
Yes, the Labour leader, a man who says that he has more intellectual self
confidence than David Cameron has tweeted with the hashtag #LabourNo
I'd say it was unbelievable but it;'s really just par for the course for Ed
Miliband and his band of undergraduate level debaters. Maybe they should
have thought about it for just a little longer before tweeting #LabourNo at
01:48, maybe a little over-tired?
Well on the plus side, @ed_miliband will... more »
Hilarion's Weekly Message - August 17, 2014

[image: Hilarion]
*Hilarion's Weekly Message*
by Marlene Swetlishoff
Dear Ones,
It is a glorious time for planet Earth as she goes through the next phase
of her cosmic ascension and this will be felt by all of humanity in the
coming days. It is an energy that will be stepped down in intensity so that
all of her inhabitants can absorb the more refined energies. It is helpful
to go within often and be open to receive the incoming energies with the
intent of utilizing them to their fullest capacity and also by intending to
align consciously several times each day with the highest a... more »
Iraq Updates - August 18 , 2014 ---- Ron Paul nails it ----- Ron Paul: "What Have We Accomplished In Iraq?" War escalated by US against ISIS in Northern Iraq ( new goal liberating Mosul Dam ) ......... My , it certainly looks as if former enemy Assad and US coordinated attack on ISIS this weekend ........
Zero Hedge.....
Ron Paul: "What Have We Accomplished In Iraq?"
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/17/2014 22:01 -0400
- Iraq
- Kuwait
- Obama Administration
- President Obama
- Ron Paul
- Turkey
- Ukraine
*By Ron Paul*
*What Have We Accomplished in Iraq?*
We have been at war with Iraq for 24 years, starting with Operations Desert
Shield and Storm in 1990. Shortly after Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait that
year, the propaganda machine began agitating for a US attack on Iraq. We
all remember the appearance before Congr... more »
A Cole-Sullivan TwoFer + links

*Out walking the dog, found this beautiful walking stick.*
Taiwan expert Jon Sullivan with an excellent piece on the DPP, Taiwan
identity, social class issues, and politics at The National Interest. He
Notwithstanding underlying trends in public opinion, a spate of recent
academic publications suggests that this may indeed be happening. *They
suggest that a new economic cleavage based on class has not just mitigated
national identity, but has replaced it.* Because of the unusual equality of
growth during Taiwan’s “economic miracle,” combined with the dominance of
national... more »
4 Videos of Iraq's IDPs And Refugees
Below are videos of Iraq's internally displaced persons and refugees.
Christians, minorities seek refuge from militants in Iraq. Source: The
Washington Post. Date Published: August 17, 2014.
2014.08.14 - Assyrian IDP discuss their situation. Source: Shlama
Foundation. Date Published: August 14, 2014.
2014.08.15 - Man from Bakhdeda Describes his Family's situation. Source:
Shlama Foundation. Date Published: August 15, 2014.
Iraq crisis: Yadizi refugees keen to leave for good. Source: Channel 4
News. Date Published: August 13, 2014.
Ebola and the Absent “Humanitarians”

*August 18, 2014* (Ulson Gunnar - NEO) - The US spent over two billion
dollars during NATO’s armed assault on Libya both in ordnance used during
months of aerial bombardment and in covert support for terrorists used as
proxy ground forces in the overthrow of the Libyan government. The United
Kingdom is estimated to have spent even more. Hundreds of millions were
spent by other NATO members throughout the duration of the assault. The
“protection of civilians” was repeatedly cited as the altruistic
justification for such an expenditure in manpower and financial resources.
In the wak... more »
2016 Presidential Hopeful, Texas Governor Rick Perry Indicted For Abuse Of Power ..... Rosemary Lehmberg at the center of the controversy ( Travis County District Attorney ) .......
Catharsis Ours - 11 hours ago
Rick Perry indicted on two felonies
By Christy Hoppe
5:52 pm on August 15, 2014 | Permalink
<div class="gig-counter gig-share-counter gig-counter-$rid
gig-counter-right" id="gig-div-buttons-46159-top-reaction6-count"
style="background: url(http://cdn.gigya
'ISIS a pretext for US-sponsored regime change in Iraq'

*August 18, 2014* (Eric Draitser - RT) - The ousting of Iraqi Prime
Minister Nouri al-Maliki is part of a broader US plan for Iraq and the
Middle East as a whole.
Against the backdrop of the war against the Islamic State (IS, formerly
ISIS/ISIL), Washington has managed to kill two birds with one stone, as the
saying goes. Not only has the US removed a political leader who had proven
to be problematic due to his opposition to US military presence in Iraq, as
well as his staunch support for Syria and President Assad, they have also
created the conditions for the dismemberment of the... more »
When Humanity Can - A Quote from Michael Brine

*"When Humanity can let go of being controlled through fear and resist
judging others and follow the deeper urgings of their hearts then, and only
then, will we be able to soar to new heights of understanding, letting go
of the shackles that we have allowed to bind us, discovering some of the
very real mysteries that when understood will move us to new heights of
Michael B.
*To read more of Michael's writings visit:*
Nato chief warns Russia against 'green men' tactics

[image: Philip Breedlove]Philip Breedlove, Nato’s top military commander,
has said that if Russia does what it did in Crimea to a Nato state, it
would be considered an act of war against the alliance.
Referring to Russia’s actions in Crimea in March, he told Germany’s Die
Welt newspaper on Sunday (17 August): “The most important thing is that
Nato nations are prepared for the so-called green men: armed military
without insignia who create unrest, occupy government buildings, incite the
population; separatists who educate and give military advice and contribute
to the significant des... more »
Standard Missile Shows Versatility with “Juliet” Flight Test

[image: Standard Missile-6 (SM-6)]The Navy executed a successful flight
test of the surface-to-air Standard Missile-6 (SM-6) at White Sands Missile
Range Aug. 14.
During flight test “Juliet,” the Navy examined the missile's ability to
intercept a subsonic, low- altitude target over land. Juliet is one of 10
follow-on operational test and evaluation (FOT&E) events planned for SM-6's
missile performance and demonstration.
"This event demonstrated SM-6's ability to detect and engage a slow moving
target in the presence of complex land clutter," said Jim Schuh, Anti-Air
Warfare Missile... more »
You Were Born To Spread Love
[image: SpreadSeedsofLove]Source:
India ramps up defence along China border

[image: T-72 MBT]India has started ramping up military defences in the
Ladakh sector of Jammu and Kashmir that faces China, especially after
Beijing has ringed the area with at least six airfields, fighter aircraft,
all terrain vehicles and special forces that are backed by top-class
metalled roads right up to the Line of Actual Control (LAC).
New Delhi will be moving an armoured brigade — some 150 T-72 tanks — to
Ladakh and also have Smerch multi-barrel rocket launch units placed at key
locations. These are capable of hitting targets 70-80 kms away.
An armoured regiment — 46 tanks ... more »
Rafale fighter jet deal contract with France almost ready: Defence ministry

[image: Dassault Rafale]The much-awaited multi-billion Rafale combat
aircraft deal with France has moved a step further with the defence
ministry finalizing a 'draft contract', according to top defence ministry
Rafale was declared the lowest bidder in Janaury 2012 but the deal has not
been inked so far on account of escalation in the cost. The Cost
Negotiation Committee, which was set up in February 2012 to work out the
modalities for the deal has not reached a conclusion after 30 months of
The government raised its concerns over this last month, during the... more »
Canadian Forces quest to obtain unmanned aerial vehicles – 10 years and counting

[image: Heron UAV]The Canadian military’s almost decade-long quest to buy
unmanned aerial vehicles has been partly hung up by an internal debate
about whether the air forces needs one — or two — different fleets of
drones, the Canadian Press news service has reported.
A series of internal briefings, stretching back over two years, show that
military planners were forced to go back to the drawing board in early 2013
after consultations determined what the country wants to accomplish with
the remotely piloted planes might be too broad for just a single type of
aircraft, the news servi... more »
Britain expands role in Iraq as warplanes monitor Isis positions

[image: RAF Tornado F3 Fighters]Britain is stepping up its military
involvement in the fight against jihadi forces from the Islamic State in
Iraq after the defence secretary Michael Fallon confirmed that British
warplanes are flying deeper into Iraq in a mission that could last "months".
As David Cameron declared that Britain should be prepared to deploy its
"military prowess" to help defeat the jihadis, Fallon said that Britain's
involvement in Iraq is fast expanding beyond the initial humanitarian
mission to relieve Yazidi refugees besieged on Mount Sinjar.
"This is not simply a h... more »
Navy drone flies alongside fighter jets
The movement of jets aboard an aircraft carrier flight deck is often
compared to a ballet, with sailors in multicolored shirts guiding fighter
pilots and their jets in a tightly choreographed dance.
So what happens if you add a robot to the human performers?
The Navy attempted to answer that question Sunday aboard the aircraft
carrier Theodore Roosevelt, where, for the first time, the service's
prototype of an unmanned stealth plane, the X-47B, took off and landed on a
carrier flight deck alongside traditional fighter jets.
Read more
China considers buying four Russian Amur-Class AIP submarines

[image: Lada class SSK]China reportedly signed two military sale frameworks
with Moscow, of which Russia will jointly build four Amur-Class AIP
submarines with China and sell them to the country while China will buy 24
Su-35 fighters from Russia, reports Sina's military news portal.
It is the first major military procurement China has made with Russia in 10
years, said the report.
China needs submarines to counter threats from India's fleet and build a
fleet to resist America's influence, said the Voice of Russia, the Russian
government's international radio broadcasting service.
... more »
$150 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway

Can you believe that we are headed Back to School already? The ending of
summer snuck up on me like it never has before. My husband used to be a
school teacher and usually by this point in the summer I was ready for him
to go back. Ready for our daily routine to fall back into place and get our
normal back. This year, my little girl starts kindergarten and I am not
sure that I am ready for that to be our new normal.
Instead of focusing on my jitters, I thought I would focus on something fun
instead. I have teamed up with 9 other awesome bloggers to bring you $150
to Amazon. Check o... more »
DHS Is Employing Agent Provocateurs and Are Behind the Events In Ferguson

by Dave Hodges
What the mainstream media is not reporting is beginning to leak out from
local citizens in St. Louis and from an informant from the Department of
Homeland Security (DHS) who are all telling a different story that the one
you are seeing on Fox, CNN and CBS. First, the locals are reporting that
the rioting has spread far beyond the Ferguson city limits. Rioting is
taking place as far away as St. Charles which is located approximately 20
miles away from Ferguson. Second, more people are becoming aware that the
police chief of Ferguson, Th... more »
Life Aboard The USS George H.W. Bush (Photo Gallery)

The guided-missile cruiser USS Philippine Sea (CG 58) pulls alongside the
aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush as an MH-60S Sea Hawk takes off from
the flight deck on Aug. 13. (Photo: U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication
Specialist 3rd Class Joshua Card)
*An Inside Look At Life Aboard The USS George H.W. Bush In 19 Photos --
Daily Signal*
Aircraft from the USS George H.W. Bush have facilitated airstrikes on the
Islamic State militants in Iraq since Aug. 8. Their goal is to protect
American citizens and personnel in Iraq, and help the Yezidi religious
minority hiding with little ... more »
China-- Danced With Wind And Danced With Fire
In June my friend Qiao Li explained the concept of China's Naked Officials
for us:
"Naked officials" (裸体官员) are Chinese bureaucrats who send their family
members overseas with the illegal assets they amassed through corruption
and graft. These officials are “naked” as they are the only ones left
behind, working hard to accumulate and funnel capitals overseas under the
names of their relatives to popular destinations like the U.S., Canada and
the U.K, investing their transferred funds in financial, real estate,
energy, and other lucrative sectors. Banking on bribes to allow force... more »
Interview - Lisa Bell of Solarproducts.me
[image: Interview - Lisa Bell of Solarproducts.me]*Lisa Bell of
*I first met Lisa Bell on Ozoshare. Her profile fascinated me. She shared a
lot of great content on everyday solar products.As I got acquainted with
Lisa, I learned that she owns Solarproducts.me where, in addition to
selling solar items, she educates both adults and children on solar energy.
I've found wonderful articles and resources on the site.I recently had the
opportunity to ask Lisa a few questions. Here's our interview:*
*SF:* Hi Lisa, thanks for joining us today. When did you first become ... more »
(Shallow Reporting Pseudo-Feuds?) North Carolina’s (Duke-Sponsored) Governor Has Decided He Wants the State To Get Fracked - Whether It’s Safe or Not (Turning Tar Heels Into Tar Balls) So Now Dumbest State; Second Ex-Citadel Worker Guilty in Trade-Secrets Case; Human Rights Watch Barred from Egypt (It's Not About You - It's About Hillary (and Obama) - And The Owners) Earning the Templeton! Fraud
Have you ever tried to make yourself cry (to clear out the clogs (over
political realities, of course)) - get irrationally emotional - blame
everyone who treated you badly in exactly the sensitive manner in which you
thought they deserved? Not me. I credit this: Join the march. Sign the
petition! 100,000 People Sign-up To Support NYT Reporter James Risen, Who
Is Facing Jail* More
8.30 TOKYO Halt Restart of Sendai Power Plant! Big Demo In Front of Diet Building | Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes
Halt Restart of Sendai Power Plant! August 30 Big Demo In Front of Diet
Building | Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes
Proposition 64

The AIDS Crisis - Webster Tarpley on Crossfire (1986) from Spike EP on Vimeo
California Proposition 64, or the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Act
of 1986, was on the November 4, 1986 ballot in California as an initiated
state statute, where it was defeated.
* Yes: 2,039,744 (29.3%) No: 5,012,255 (70.7%) *
* "Declares that AIDS is an infectious, contagious and communicable disease
and that the condition of being a carrier of the HTLV-III virus is an
infectious, contagious and communicable condition. Requires both be placed
on the list of reportable diseases and conditio... more »
With Libya Descending Into Chaos, Pleas For International Help Go Unanswered
*Libya's Pleas For International Help Go Unanswered -- Deutsche Welle*
Politicians in restless Libya have called on the United Nations to take
measures to protect civilians. How this could be done, however, remains
unclear. The international community's options are limited.
The appeal came from Libya's far northeast in the coastal city of Tobruk,
near the border with Egypt and around 1,000 kilometers (620 miles) east of
the capital Tripoli. That's how far the newly appointed parliament has fled
to escape the attacks and shootings in the capital.
Libyan politicians urged the Unite... more »
Live Stream: Shots Fired at Police and Media in Ferguson
Reddit has a live stream gathering all the information coming out as it
happens here.
We have Infowars, Vice News, local Fox2News, "I am Mike Brown from
Ferguson MO" Liberty News Media, PANDA's Dan Johnson, Vice News' Tim Pool and
STL County Police Scanner, as well.(you can view all livestreams below).
*If you lose the connection, refresh screen.*
*Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream*
*Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream*
*Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream*
*Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream*
... more »
Israel's Gift: The American Quagmires In Iraq And Afghanistan
The situation in Iraq right now is a real mess… The former Iraqi Prime
Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, has been forced out of office by the Americans
because he had started to no longer obey his American masters and was
beginning to do what the Iraqi people had always wanted for themselves.
And of course we still have the situation in northern Iraq where the
US/Israeli bought and paid for "ISIS" force of mercenaries and hoodlums is
running rampant and killing innocent Iraqis in the process…. Iraq is
definitely in the process of being torn apart…..
The situation in Afghanistan is not muc... more »
Kurdish Militant Leader Abdullah Ocalan: War With Turkey Nearing An End

Abdullah Öcalan. (Photo: DHA)
*Jailed Kurdish Leader Says War With Turkey Nearing End: Firatnews --
(Reuters) - Jailed Kurdish militant leader Abdullah Ocalan said his
movement's 30-year war with Turkey's government was nearing its end through
democratic negotiations, Firatnews agency reported.
Ankara began peace talks with the Kurdish leader in 2012 in a bid to end a
30-year-old insurgency which has killed 40,000 people, riven the country
and battered its economy. A ceasefire called by Ocalan in March 2013 has
largely held.
"This 30-year war is nearing its end through ... more »
Putin's Policy of War Avoidance and Sovereign National Interdependence

It's not a supposition. It's history, and extremely well-documented.
Maddeline Albright wanted a military confrontation with Russia (and
possibly China) over Serbia, while Putin was Prime Minister - the world
came right to the brink on June 20th 1999. Putin outwitted NATO, and backed
off the Zionists and NeoCons in Clinton's rogue cabinet by having Yeltsin
publicly had Bill Clinton Lee Harvey Oswald's complete KGB File at the
start of the G8 meeting the following week.
The USS Missouri fired on, and sank the flagship of the Russian Submarine
fleet, the Kursk, in Russian ter... more »
To Amanda Ripley: A Second TIME Article on Rhee is Long Overdue
Michelle Rhee has failed as a test-driven education reformer. Rhee taught
for three years (1992-95) in Baltimore as part of Teach for America (TFA).
By her own admission, her first year was terrible. She taped students’
mouths and made them bleed, and she dropped a student off after a filed
trip at an unverified residence. […]
Property rights v development?
*Guest post by Mark Tammett*
Unfashionable I know, in this election period, but I’d like to talk about
policy. Specifically, new policies affecting residents of Christchurch –
possible precursors to policies in the rest of the country.
I’m talking about the council’s Christchurch Central Development Unit’s new
"Liveable City" plan that, according to one objector, treats existing
residents as expendable:
This proposal has the worthwhile aim of increasing the number of people
living in the central city to between 12,000 and 24,000, but proposes using
deeply unfair means… The sole m... more »
"The Others..."
"We are here on Earth to do good to others.
What the others are here for, I don't know."
- W. H. Auden
The Difficulty of Attributing Ends to Means - Selenium and Heart Disease
One of the arguments used by New Zealand's Public Health experts still
opposed to LCHF and Paleo diets - opposed, that is to the idea of the more
saturated animal fats being safe, either overall, or in a mainly wholefood,
low carb context - is that low-fat dietary guidelines, and the decreased
intake of butter, with increased use of margarine and seed oils, ought to
be given some of the credit for a decreased rate of heart disease in the
past 30 years.
They'll acknowledge that smoking cessation (to be fair, they had a bit to
do with this too) accounts for some of the decrease.
But is... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Andromeda is the nearest major galaxy to our own Milky Way Galaxy. Our
Galaxy is thought to look much like Andromeda. Together these two galaxies
dominate the Local Group of galaxies. The diffuse light from Andromeda is
caused by the hundreds of billions of stars that compose it. The several
distinct stars that surround Andromeda's image are actually stars in our
Galaxy that are well in front of the background object.
*Click image for larger size.*
Andromeda is frequently referred to as M31 since it is the 31st object on
Messier's list of diffuse sky objects. M31 is so distant it ta... more »
Quotes About ISIS And Its Expansion In Iraq By Experts
*Photo Source: AFP/Getty.*
"ISIS isn't an Islamic state. They're a Zarqawist death cult, the Khmer
Rouge of the Middle East--and will do as much damage if not defeated." - *Joel
Rayburn, author of, "Iraq after America: Strongmen, Sectarians, Resistance"
"The more I dig into ISIS ops across northern Iraq, the more I see a
pathological campaign to eliminate Shia, mainly Turkmen but also Arabs." - *Michael
Knights, Lafer fellow at The Washington Institute.*
"Since Isis took over large swaths of Iraq, in particular, Arabic media
outlets of all types have produced reports abou... more »
Taxes cost jobs
Labour wants jobs, and they want to raise taxes.
The Greens quite like jobs, but they really do want to raise taxes.
Internet/Mana don’t give a shit about jobs, and they really, really want to
stiff you on taxes.
At least Laila Harre’s crew are honest.
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
Urban Gadabout: Curiosity (Plus news from OHNY, MAS, the NY Transit Museum, and Jack Eichenbaum, including another trek on the No. 7 train)

*On Saturday, September 6, Norman Oder leads the MAS walking tour "Long
Island City, Queens in Flux: Court Square and Hunters Point." I've done at
least six or seven tours with Norman now, and they've all been tremendously
*by Ken*
If you look among the newly announced September, October, and November
walking-tour offerings of the Municipal Art Society at the description of
Francis's Morrone's September 28 tour, "Then and Now: Jane Jacobs and the
West Village," you'll see that it --
looks at the life and work of Jane Jacobs, whose 1961 book *The Death and
Life of Grea... more »
Finding Ferguson
*by Paul Jacob*
A week ago last Saturday, at high noon in Ferguson, Missouri, 18-year-old
Michael Brown was shot dead by police officer Darren Wilson. Brown was
black, Wilson is white.
Protests immediately followed, understandably; sadly, so did rioting and
Not to mention dueling narratives.
Michael Brown was an unarmed kid walking to his grandmother’s house on
that fateful day, and would have been on his way to college this fall.
Instead, according to some accounts, Brown was gunned down in the
sweltering August street in a hail of bul... more »
CTA Joins Forces with CorpEd to End Teacher Due Process
from WSWS.org:
By Alan Gilman
28 June 2014 On June 25, Democratic California Governor Jerry Brown signed
into law AB 215, legislation which streamlines the teacher dismissal
process. The bill was lobbied heavily by the California Teachers
Association (CTA) which joined with the right-wing anti-teacher
organization EDVoice to get the bill passed.
The issue concerning the process for firing teachers rose to prominence in
2012 when a teacher in Los Angeles was charged with committing 23 counts of
lewd conduct upon several of his students.
Although the teacher later pled guilty and wa... more »
Putin’s libertarians
*Guest post from our Russian correspondent, Mikhail Svetov*
[image: u-genghis-khan-monument]I DECIDED TO WRITE THIS after I noticed
that western libertarians have unaccountably developed a soft spot for
Russian president Vladimir Putin.
The consensus among them seems to be that Putin is in the right in Ukraine. Even
Ron Paul, whom I normally admire, has fallen for his charms. But as a
Russian libertarian myself, it leaves me disappointed and terribly sad.
The biggest complaint from libertarians about the Ukraine seems to be that
the government in Kyiv is somehow “fascist,” which ... more »
David Berliner @ the Chalk Face offers some words of wisdom.
I paraphrase, check the audio: If you’re going to be a profession of sheep,
then you’ll be run by wolves. Great conversation.Filed under: @TCF Radio
Episodes Tagged: at the chalk face, berliner, education reform, NEPC,
teacher evaluation, vam
Heroic YPG Sacrificed To Save Yezidis While US-Backed KRG Peshmerga Faced ISIS With Yellow Eyes And Ran Away Like Rats In The Night
[image: Image: Iraqi volunteers from the Yazidi sect gather during a
training camp at the Serimli military base, which is controlled by YPG, in
*The YPG in Syria are training the Yezidi refugees they rescued in Iraq.
Photo Source: Reuters. *
There is a worrying trend in Iraq and across the Middle East. U.S-trained
armies are breaking down and abandoning their posts in the face of the ISIS
onslaught. The Iraqi army ran away when ISIS invaded Mosul in June, and the
Peshmerga forces of the Kurdistan Regional Government did likewise when
ISIS invaded the Sinjar region.
It l... more »
September 11th 2001 - The Third Occasion when Vladamir Putin Prevented World War III
September 11th 2001 - The Third Occasion when Vladamir Putin Prevented
World War III
from Spike EP on Vimeo.
The potential for a thermonuclear confrontation or even of an all-out
thermonuclear exchange growing out of 9/11 has generally been ignored by
the US controlled media, but such a potential was clearly present. It was
inherently present because of the tense relations among the US, Russia, and
China in the wake of the bombing of Serbia and the Kursk incident. It was
made explicit when a flying object, probably a cruise missile, hit the
Pentagon. As ... more »
Captain Ron Johnson spoke of the need for communication, understanding, and
faith at Sunday’s Rally for Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO.
Johnson began by apologizing to Brown’s family. “I wear this uniform, and I
should stand up here and say that I’m sorry,” Johnson said to a long round
of applause. “I’ll tell you right now, I came in today and saw people
cheering and people clapping; this is what the media needs to put on TV.”
Johnson replaced Ferguson Police Chief Jon Belmar after several days of
over-militarized police presence led to a crisis in the St. Louis suburb.
Johnson cit... more »
President Obama Planning Brief Return To Washington In The Middle Of His Vacation

*Vacationing Obama Plans Brief Return to Washington -- VOA*
President Barack Obama, who is on a two-week vacation to Massachusetts with
his family, will return briefly to Washington for meetings, the White House
said on Sunday.
Obama is scheduled to be back at the White House Sunday around 11 p.m. EDT
(0300 UTC), USA Today reported.
While the White House did not say why Obama would need to attend
unspecified meetings with Vice President Joe Biden and other advisers, The
Associated Press reported that part of the decision appears aimed at
countering criticism that Obama is spendin... more »
Tunisia's Libya Refugees
Tunisia's Libya Refugees. Source: CCTV Africa. Date Published: August 17,
2014. Description:
Since NATO helped the Libyan rebels overthrow Muammar Gaddafi in 2011, the
country has descended into chaos. More than a million Libyans had sought
shelter in neighbouring Tunisia, hoping their stay would be short lived and
that stability would return to their homeland. Many are now facing the
reality that their stay in Tunisia might be much longer than they had
Understanding Piketty, part 2
In my last post, I gave an introduction to the massive data work underlying *Capital
in the Twenty-First Century*, as well as two clear results from Piketty's
work. First, he showed that the optimistic Kuznets view after World War II
that inequality was well on its way to being conquered was wrong, based on
putting too much stock into a short-term trend. Inequality in fact has been
increasing in the industrialized world since about 1980. Second, Piketty
showed that a slow-growth economy is ripe for an increasing concentration
of wealth in society, absent government action to counter ... more »
Ferguson is a symptom of larger problems facing the US - Poverty , Inequality / Rise of the 1 percenters vs the rest of the US , the perception at a minimum that laws apply only to one class of citizen and not to others , the sense that Democracy is evaporating away , the evaporating opportunity for advancement facing vast stretches of Americans across races and hues if not part of the " Elite " Class and the rising sense of nothing left to lose ......
Charting Poverty In Ferguson: Then And Now
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/17/2014 17:05 -0400
- Ben Bernanke
- Ben Bernanke
- None
- Reality
- Unemployment
While there have been many socio-economic 'explanations and justifications'
for the recent events in Ferguson, many of which have exceeded the realm of
the factual and have brazenly encroached on feelings, emotions,
heartstrings, and various other of the media's favorite manipulative
me... more »
Can The Democrats Win Back The House In November? Probably But It Would Take The Kind Of Bold Thinking And Bold Action They Fear

The 1st idiot to run the DCCC, James Rood Doolittle, and the current
incompetent, Steve Israel
The DCCC started in 1866 and the first chairman set the tone for the
impossibly incompetent organization House Democrats depend on today.
Chairman #1, James Rood Doolittle of Wisconsin, didn't quite know what he
was politically. He started as a Democrat, then switched to the Republicans
and then switched back to the Democrats and was a prominent opponent of the
Fifteenth Amendment , the one that gave former slaves U.S. citizenship. He
was such a lousy chairman (1868) that they operated with... more »
Top General: NATO Would Use Military Force If Russia Uses A Crimea-Style Infiltration Against A NATO State

NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe and Commander of the U.S. European
Command General Philip Breedlove speaks during a news conference at the
National Defence headquarters in Ottawa May 6, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Chris
*NATO Would Respond Militarily To Crimea-Style Infiltration: General --
(Reuters) - If Russia tries to infiltrate troops into a NATO country, even
out of official military uniform as it did before it annexed Ukraine's
Crimea, NATO will respond militarily, the alliance's top commander said in
an interview published on Sunday.
Soldiers wearing uniform... more »
The Disintegration Of Iraq Will Be The Legacy Of Nouri al-Maliki
*The Coming Disintegration Of Iraq -- Joel Rayburn, Washington Post*
Inside the legacy of Nouri al-Maliki
Nouri al-Maliki may have agreed to step down as prime minister of Iraq on
Thursday, but the damage he has wrought will define his country for decades
to come. The stunning collapse of the Iraqi state in its vast northern and
western provinces may be Maliki’s most significant legacy. After nine
decades as the capital of a unitary, centralized state, Baghdad no longer
rules Kurdistan, nor Fallujah, nor Mosul, and might never rule them again.
To his likely successor, Haider al-Ab... more »
'Dateline' - Guest of (Dis)Honour (Update)

Here's an update to the post Guest of (Dis)honour, which listed all the
guests on *Dateline London*, and revealed that the controversial
Palestinian (extremist) journalist Abdel Bari Atwan was the programme's
most regular guest by some margin.
That post appeared in November 2012. Many editions of *Dateline *have
passed since then. Who's top of the *Dateline *pops now? Well, here are the
total number of appearances of all *Dateline*'s guests since 30 October
2010 (with apologies for the list's untidy look).
It shows that Abdel Bari Atwan keeps his crown as the most regular *Date... more »
METRO EVENT | Alice Embree : Israeli author and peace activist to speak in Austin
Related: Latin American countries are breaking with the U.S. on its
uncondiditonal support for Israel. By Alice Embree | The Rag Blog | August
17, 2014 Event: Speaker: Israeli activist Miki Peled Place: Westminister
Presbyterian Church Address: 3208 Exposition Blvd., … finish reading *METRO
EVENT* | Alice Embree : Israeli author and peace activist to speak in Austin
"Memory, Meanings, Moments and Madness: Wanderers In No Man's Land"
"Memory, Meanings, Moments and Madness:
Wanderers In No Man's Land"
by Chris Floyd
"Zachary Mason's remarkable new novel, "The Lost Books of the Odyssey," is
based on a grain of fact. Before the stories of the Iliad and the Odyssey
were crystallized and canonized in the books of Homer sometime in the 8th
century B.C., various (and often conflicting) tales of the Trojan War and
its heroes had floated around in various forms for hundreds of years. Some
of these variants survive in fragments of other ancient works, like ghostly
echoes of alternative universes. Mason's intriguing fiction... more »
"I Can Choose..."
"Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself: I, not events,
have the power to make me happy or unhappy today.
I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived
I have just one day, today, and I'm going to be happy in it."
- Groucho Marx
Misogyny at the Morning Star?
Rory MacKinnon, a journalist at the *Morning Star* for the last three years
has resigned from the paper. This comes after facing disciplinary action
for pursuing the case of Caroline Leneghan. Readers and left-watchers may
recall that Caroline went public with some very serious domestic violence
allegations against her former partner, RMT assistant general secretary
Steve Hedley. A full account of what has happened with Rory is available
here and here. So what is going on? Why has the paper - one of the few to
give domestic violence the seriousness it is due - attacked the messenger... more »
"7 Signs You're in a Manipulative Relationship"
*"7 Signs You're in a Manipulative Relationship"*
by Colleen Oakley
“Christine Donovan knew something wasn't right in her relationship when she
didn't want to go home from work. "I felt anxious all the time," she says.
"I never knew what kind of mood he would be in, or if I had unknowingly
done something that would have upset him." But Christine wasn't in an
abusive relationship - at least none that she had ever seen. "He didn't hit
me or get violently angry. I just thought we were having normal
relationship problems that we needed to work through," she says.
The type of guy Christ... more »
mini-garden update: the eggplant arrives
I grew this! It's eight inches long, and three more are on the way.
What's ordinary to you veteran gardeners is still miraculous to me.
Gardening on a small scale is easy, fun, and very rewarding.
Next stop, eggplant recipes.
libraries with pride of place
Central Library at National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico CityWhile
I wait impatiently to post some exciting news, please enjoy these photos of
amazing libraries all over the world.
I've seen six on this list: New York Public Library, Butler Library at
Columbia University, Thomas Fisher Rare Books Library at University of
Toronto, Trinity College in Dublin, Central Library at University of Mexico
(from the outside only), and Los Angeles Central Library.
Library photos from BuzzFeed.

Because we can
we want to feel
that's what we do
in this culture
We are taught
to win
at all cost
we can kill them
or we can kill them
Our mission
our job
our role
in America
says Pentagon
'security export'
we are warriors
We've been chosen
by the man
we are the
primary resource
extraction service
for corporate
We do it
because we can
it's our culture
'full spectrum
Stability over insanity in Iraq...yeah, right

*With New Zealand wanting a seat on the UN Security Council, it can't just
stay quiet about ISIS, says Olivia Pierson in this Guest Post.*
Before 2003, when Saddam Hussein tyrannised Iraq with his secret police,
torture chambers and death squads, many, if not most in the west, claimed
that he was still the best man for the job "because he kept stability in
the region."
In fact, he was the brutal dictator of a psychopathic regime left to
dehumanise Iraqi citizens, systematically breaking their hearts and minds
over a thirty year time-line. That is until the coalition forces led by ... more »
Is The U.S. Abandoning Baghdad To The Islamic State?

An American fighter launching from the USS George HW Bush to strike Isis
targets in Iraq. Photograph: Hamad I Mohammed/Reuters
*Fears Grow In Baghdad That US Is Abandoning The City To Its Fate -- The
Resentment grows in capital over perceived American preference to fight for
Kurds rather than ousted Maliki
Iraq's political class has watched with fear and envy in the last fortnight
as American jets have slowed the Islamic State extremist group's advance
towards the Kurdish stronghold of Irbil.
At the same time the group, formerly known as Isis, has been trying to
encircl... more »
Israel To Counter Hamas' Tunnels With 'Iron Spade'

Iron Spade - Israel to come up with new anti-tunnel weapon system to tackle
Hamas militants in Gaza. Reuters file photo
*'Iron Spade' - Israel's New Weapon Against Hamas Terror Tunnels -- IBTimes*
Israel is believed to be working on its newest weapon system, codenamed
"Iron Spade", in its fight against the sophisticated terror tunnels
developed over the years by Hamas.
In what has been described as the underground equivalent of Israel's
successful Iron Dome missile interceptor system, the Iron Spade will detect
Hamas fighters' attempts to dig tunnels, a Sunday Times report said.
I... more »
Hams Warns Israel To Accept Their Demands Or Expect A Long War
*Hamas Says Israel Must Accept Palestinian Demands Or Face Long War --
Reuters) - Offers made to the Palestinian delegation in Cairo do not meet
the aspirations of the people, said Hamas's head of foreign affairs, Osama
Hamdan, raising doubts about the chances of reaching a truce with Israel in
the Cairo-brokered talks.
Hamdan said on his official Facebook page on Saturday: "Israel must accept
the demands of the Palestinian people or face a long war."
Israel launched its military campaign on July 8 to quell cross-border
rocket fire from Hamas in Gaza. The United Nations ... more »
New Book Reveals How Al Qaeda Leader Anwar al-Awlaki Was Set Up With The Promise Of Marriage

*How The CIA Set A Terrorist Up With ‘Groupie’ For Marriage — And Death --
New York Post*
In September 2009, Morten Storm, a young Danish national-turned-Islamic
jihadist, flew to Yemen to visit an old friend — Anwar al-Awlaki, the
American-born terrorist leading al Qaeda in Yemen.
Awlaki had been released from prison two years prior. He had served an
18-month sentence on ambiguous charges. After his release, Awlaki went
He soon sent Storm an e-mail. “Come to Yemen,” it read. “I need to see you.”
As a UK resident with a Yemeni wife, Storm was highly valuable to Awlaki... more »
Trash in the Pacific Ocean

We humans are doing a good job to pollute our planet. Not in too distant
future it may become unlivable.
You may watch the video here.
Up To 3,000 Women And Girls Kidnapped By Islamic State Jihadis In Iraq

Displaced Yazidis who fled the violence in the Iraqi town of Sinjar march
in a demonstration at the Iraqi-Turkish border crossing in Zakho district
of the Dohuk Governorate of the Iraqi Kurdistan province
*Up To 3,000 Women And Girls Kidnapped By Islamic State Jihadis In Iraq In
Just A Fortnight - And Hundreds Of Men Who Refuse To Convert Have Been Shot
Dead -- Daily Mail*
* Innocent Yazidi children have suffered harrowing ordeals in northern Iraq
* Kidnappings 'happened in areas where residents took up arms against IS'
* Women are being held separately from the men in IS-controlled ... more »
Ghost of Sunday Classics: At Castle Adamant, behind enemy lines, the truth is found, the truth is found!
*How we got here*: *Hilarion, Cyril, and Florian make their entry into the
grounds of Castle Adamant, from a Savoynet production in Bruxton.*
*"Darwinian Man, though well-behav'd,at best is only a monkey shav'd!"*
*-- Lady Psyche, in Act II of Princess Ida*
*by Ken*
Last week, in "Prince Hilarion's mission of the heart," we left our royal
wooing party -- comprising Prince Hilarion and his childhood friends Cyril
and Florian -- safely embedded behind enemy walls, in the garden of Castle
Adamant, seat of the woman's college founded by Princess Ida, Hilarion's
betrothed since she was... more »

*My twin brother Bobby died on August 17th, 2013 but he still*
*lives in my heart.*
I felt a deep sense of sadness this last week before I realized that I was
approaching the one year anniversary of his passing.
I still feel his presence in my soul because he is now one of the many angels
watching over me.
*Those who we love deeply become part of us forever and Bobby*
*will always be a part of me.*
Being a twin is an exhilarating experience for I have been twice blessed ~ One
for having a traveling companion on my 9 month journey to this planet,
especially since we... more »
Heavy Fighting Reported Between Kurdish Forces And Islamic State Fighters In Northern Iraq

*Kurd Forces 'Advance' On Mosul Dam -- BBC*
Kurdish sources say their forces "are advancing" in an offensive to retake
Mosul dam from the Islamic State (IS) jihadist group.
A joint operation involving both Kurdish forces and US air strikes has been
under way since 05:00 local time (03:00 GMT), the sources said.
The strategic dam, which supplies water and electricity to northern Iraq,
was seized by the militants on 7 August.
IS has seized a swathe of territory in Iraq and Syria, displacing millions.
The reported US strikes followed nine conducted on Saturday against IS
targets nea... more »
Who Broke-in to Justin Trudeau's House?
So, I heard that Justin Trudeau's house was broken into from Montreal
Simon's blog. Apparently Mr. Trudeau was on the road and his wife and
children were sleeping. Nothing was missing but a "threatening note" was
Occam's razor. My last boss was an outside-of-Toronto-living member of Ford
Nation. Working-class guy who, through hard work and brains, became the
property manager for a fairly big property owner. Obviously though, his
brain capacity didn't extend into the world of politics. Anyhow, we were
talking in his truck about federal politics and he asked me what I thought
... more »
A great artist . . .
BLANC: The Man of a Thousand Voices is a delightful look at the man,
the times he worked in — and all those wonderful critters. Enjoy. A
great antidote for the depression of Harper Hell . . .
Ukraine Separatist Leader: Reinforcements Are Coming In From Russia
*Ukraine Separatist Leader Says Rebels Getting Tanks And Reinforcements --
(Reuters) - Ukrainian rebels are receiving new armoured vehicles and
fighters trained in Russia, with which they plan to launch a major
counter-offensive against government forces, a separatist leader said in a
video released on Saturday.
The four-month conflict in eastern Ukraine has reached a critical phase,
with Kiev and Western governments watching nervously to see if Russia will
intervene in support of the increasingly besieged rebels - an intention
Moscow denies.
Alexander Zakharchenko, pri... more »
Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, August 17th, 2014
[image: rant-jpeg-b]
Another week, another weekend rant…. Again we are watching the planet go to
heck, and again it is time for my own two cents worth about what is really
going on….
First, I am again getting a deluge of insulting comments and slurs from who
are obviously Hasbara/JIDF agents. I never ever publish such trash and
drivel, and always put them into my ever increasing spam list. It also
seems that the reason why these comments do increase is because I am right
"over the target" when I post some material. But the real question that
I have always pondered is this: ... more »
Militarized Police Return to Ferguson to Battle Peaceful Curfew Disobedience

*Activist Post*
You can visit our Ferguson article archive here.
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
Study suggests federal law to combat use of 'club drugs' has done more harm than good

*Activist Post*
A federal law enacted to combat the use of "club drugs" such as Ecstasy —
and today's variation known as Molly — has failed to reduce the drugs'
popularity and, instead, has further endangered users by hampering the use
of measures to protect them.
University of Delaware sociology professor Tammy L. Anderson makes that
case in a paper she will present at the 109th Annual Meeting of the
American Sociological Association. The paper, which has been accepted for
publication this fall in the American Sociological Association journal
*Contexts*, examines the unintended ... more »
*Sean Payton reviews the Saints preseason home opener *
*Two applicants for regional levee board wouldn’t shift support for lawsuit
~Bob Marshall, The Lens*
*Displaced from one camp, city’s homeless set up another ~Dan Lawton, New
Orleans Advocate *
*Mardi Gras 2015: 6 months out, New Orleans yearns for beads, bands, balls
and brisk air ~Chris Waddington*
Ukraine Now Downplaying Reports That It's Military Destroyed A Russian Convoy

Russian military vehicles drive along the road outside Kamensk-Shakhtinsky,
Russia, on Saturday. Reuters
*Ukraine Plays Down Significance Of Destruction Of Russian Military Convoy
-- Wall Street Journal*
*European Leaders Meet in Effort to Bring Ukraine, Russia to Negotiating
Ukraine and Russia on Saturday appeared to be seeking to avoid a broader
confrontation in the wake of Kiev's claim it destroyed most of a Russian
military convoy that entered its territory, as the European Union
intensified its efforts to bring the two countries to the negotiating table.
Col. Andriy L... more »
Andrew Mazzone Interviews PCR: "Of all my interviews, this one is the best." -- Paul Craig Roberts

*"I ask no one who may read this book to accept my views. I ask him to
think for himself." Henry George in Social Problems*
*Smart Talk with Andrew Mazzone and Dr. Paul Craig Roberts*
Smart Talk is a series of discussions with leading economists around the
world moderated by Andrew Mazzone.
This is an interview with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts. Dr. Roberts has had
careers in scholarship and academia, journalism, public service, and
business. He is chairman of The Institute for Political Economy.
Dr. Roberts was awarded the Treasury Depa... more »
Merck’s Gardasil Vaccination Killing Pre-Teens?
*Experimental Vaccines - Kenny Valenzuela*
Wisconsin mom: ‘Did HPV vaccine kill my 12-year-old daughter?’
CDC Reports Autism Increases to 1 in 68 Children
Healthy and active daughter, 12, collapses and dies after getting vaccine
CDC Admits Vaccines Contain a Carcinogen
Investigation into death of 12-year-old continues
HPV Vaccine Insert Lists Death as Adverse Event
Utah health official bans Gardasil, stirring controversy
743,000 Gardasil Shots Recalled: Contaminated with Glass Particles
Japan Withdraws HPV Vaccine Recommendation for Girls
Gardasil Vaccine Causing Ovarian Failure
Vaccine... more »
Comin' at ya . . .
THE JOBS DISAPPEAR it's going to be really tough on capitalism. This
video is an accurate forecast without the hype of what kind of changes
are coming for your children to deal with. The next thirty years are
going to be so interesting . . .
Ukraine Civil War News Updates -- August 17, 2014
*Ukraine Says Its Troops Make Breakthrough In Rebel Stronghold -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Ukrainian forces have raised their national flag over a police
station in the city of Luhansk which was for months under rebel control,
Kiev said on Sunday, in what could be a breakthrough in Ukraine's efforts
to crush pro-Moscow separatists.
Ukrainian officials allege though that the rebels are fighting a desperate
rearguard action to hold on to Luhansk -- which is their supply route into
neighboring Russia -- and say the flow of weapons and fighters from Russia
has accelerated.
The foreign mi... more »
Bricks of Logic: The Prison for your Mind

Morpheus: I know exactly what you mean. Let me tell you why you're here.
You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain.
But you feel it. You've felt it your entire life. That there's something
wrong with the world. You don't know what it is but it's there, like a
splinter in your mind driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought
you to me. Do you know what I'm talking about?
Neo: The Matrix?
Morpheus: Do you want to know what it is? The Matrix is everywhere. It is
all around us, even now in this very room. You can see it when you look out
your wind... more »
Old TV Commercial Jokes about Ebola, “Don’t Worry, It’s Not an Airborne Strain”
*Truthstream Media*
But but…we thought there was no airborne strain…?
There is no shortage of Ebola jokes (for some demented reason, a la Sick,
Sad World). We remember this series of commercials being pretty annoying
but this is just plain horrible.
You can visit our Ebola article archive here.
*Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton created Truthstream Media.com as an outlet
to examine the news, uncover the deceptions, pierce through the fabric of
illusions, know the real enemy, unshackle from the system, and begin to
imagine the path towards taking back our lives, one step at a time, ... more »
Hezbollah Sees The Islamic State As A Mortal Threat

*Hezbollah Sees Islamic State Insurgents As Threat To Gulf, Jordan --
The Hezbollah leader described the radical Islamist movement that has
seized large areas of Iraq and Syria as a growing "monster" that could
threaten Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and other Gulf states, according to
an interview printed on Friday.
In a separate speech, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said Islamic State also posed
an existential threat to his own nation, Lebanon, the target of an
incursion by Islamist insurgents from Syria this month. He said his heavily
armed Shi'ite Muslim group was ready to fi... more »
You Can Be Assured That Agent Provocateurs Are "LOOTING" And Throwing "MOLOTOV COCKTAILS" In Ferguson

It's an age-old tactic. The government & media use it at all protests. They
used it at the Occupy protests. They use it at all the G8 protests. The
government send in "agent provocateurs" who LOOT and throw MOLOTOV
COCKTAILS and trash stores. Then the media changes the story from the
actual peaceful protests to stories of "LOOTING", protesters throwing
"MOLOTOV COCKTAILS", and trashing stores. It's the same pattern over and
over. Officials have ADMITTED the do this. Agent provocateurs HAVE BEEN
CAUGHT. It's the 100% plan against every big protest.
When the media then pushes the st... more »
A Deeper Look Inside 'The Islamic State' The Terror Group That Wants To Raise The Falg Of Allah At The White House
*The Islamic State (Full Length Video) -- Vice/YouTube*
The Islamic State, a hardline Sunni jihadist group that formerly had ties
to al Qaeda, has conquered large swathes of Iraq and Syria. Previously
known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the group has
announced its intention to reestablish the caliphate and has declared its
leader, the shadowy Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, as the caliph.
The lightning advances the Islamic State made across Syria and Iraq in June
shocked the world. But it's not just the group's military victories that
have garnered attention — it's also the... more »
Germany found to have tapped phones of John Kerry and also spied on Turkey's Prime Minister Erdogan for years ! Germany should pipe down on the outrage of US spying on Merkel it would appear .......
Germany tapped John Kerry’s phone, spied on Turkey for years - report
Published time: August 16, 2014 22:25
Edited time: August 17, 2014 12:51
Get short URL
[image: U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry (L) and Turkey's Prime Minister
Tayyip Erdogan (Reuters)]
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry (L) and Turkey's Prime Minister Tayyip
Erdogan (Reuters)
Germany, Intelligence, Security, Turkey,USA
Germany’s foreign intelligence agency eavesdropped at least one telephone
conversation of US Secretary of State John Kerry and spied ... more »
How To Look Concern When Meeting The U.S. President (Photo Gallery)

Pete Souza/The White House
*A Photographic Guide To Looking Concerned While Meeting With The President
-- The Wire*
If you're ever in a meeting with the leader of the free world, you know
it's important. Or rather, you better show it's important. After careful
study of the photographic record of the Obama administration, we can tell
you everything you need to know about how to appropriately convey your
sense of concern about whatever the other people in the room are talking
There are several ways you can do this—leaning forward, nodding, not
falling asleep—but the most ef... more »

Protesters clashed with police after a curfew was imposed in Ferguson, Mo.
CreditEric Thayer for The New York Times
*by* KMOV
*FERGUSON, Mo. — Hours after Gov. Jay Nixon of Missouri imposed a
midnight-to-5 a.m. curfew on Saturday in this small city, a group of
protesters defied the order and violence flared briefly on Sunday morning,
a week after demonstrations erupted over the killing of an unarmed black
teenager by a white police officer.*
*A clash between the protesters and dozens of police officers in riot gear
bega... more »
They Have To Blame Someone

President Obama meets with members of his Cabinet in the Cabinet Room of
the White House, on January 29, 2010. The President's chair is marked with
a plaque engraved with the date of his inauguration. (White House
Photo/Pete Souza)
*As World Boils, Fingers Point Obama’s Way -- Peter Baker, New York Times*
WASHINGTON — In this summer of global tumult, the debate in Washington
essentially boils down to two opposite positions: It is all President
Obama’s fault, according to his critics; no, it is not, according to his
supporters, because these are events beyond his control.
Americans... more »

Effort to end abuse will need to address entire police state
The militarized response to protests and media coverage in Ferguson,
Missouri has forced the federal government to rethink its policy of sending
military hardware to police departments.
“I am deeply concerned that the deployment of military equipment and
vehicles sends a conflicting message,” said Attorney General Eric Holder after
police manhandled demonstrators, gassed a media crew, and used rubber
bullets on protesters and journalists.
Following critic... more »
Ferguson Updates ( August 17 , 2014 ) 40 FBI Agents descend upon Ferguson to investigate the Mike Brown Shooting ........ Faceoff with police continues overnight with some scattered violence and arrests during the continuing protests , violation of the state imposed curfew occurred but both sides showed restraint last night ...........
Militarized US police face-off with Ferguson protesters LIVE UPDATES
Published time: August 14, 2014 22:51
Edited time: August 17, 2014 06:14
Get short URL
[image: Riot police clear a street from demonstrators in Ferguson, Missouri
August 13, 2014. (Reuters / Mario Anzuoni)]
Riot police clear a street from demonstrators in Ferguson, Missouri August
13, 2014. (Reuters / Mario Anzuoni)
Clashes, Crime, Law, Police, Protest,Security, Shooting, USA
Tensions continue to mount in Ferguson, Missouri, as police respond wit... more »
Tensions rise in the wake of Friday night's looting and vandalism Infowars
broke curfew to display the First Amendment in Ferguson:
Infowars reporters leave the police-run press zone to document protesters
defying the curfew first hand.
Below: Highway Patrol Captain Ron Johnson talks to Infowars prior to the
curfew restriction, but is vague on curfew violation repercussions.
*Warning: Video stream may contain adult language. Viewer discretion is
*Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream*
Infowars reporters are on the scene in Ferguson, Mo., the site o... more »
What Is Congress Going To Do About Police Militarization?

Militarization of local police forces began in earnest in 1991 when George
H.W. Bush decided it was a good way to reward GOP Military Industrial
Complex donors while fighting the so-called War on Drugs. Since then more
than $5 billion worth of military equipment has been given to local police
forces around the country. Along with the equipment has come an attitude of
occupiers in an alien land where anything that moves could be the enemy--
especially if what's moving is a young minority male.
As we've mentioned, last June Alan Grayson proposed an amendment to the
Defense Departme... more »
Ukraine Updates ( August 17 , 2014 ) -- A positive development , Ukraine officially recognizes Humanitarian aid from Russia ..... Additional news of note from the battlefield and sanctions regimes watch ....
Ukraine Minister of Social Policy Lyudmila Denisova has signed an order
officially recognizing the Russian convoy stuck at the border as
humanitarian aid cargo of the International Committee of the Red Cross.
*"In accordance with Articles 4 and 5 of the Law of Ukraine 'On
Humanitarian Aid' considering the initiative of the President of Ukraine
Petro Poroshenko on receiving humanitarian aid within the framework of
international humanitarian missions under the auspices of the International
Committee of the Red Cross... more »
*University rankings out again*
There are now rather a lot of these rankings, all using slightly different
methodology, but the latest out is the well established Shanghai Jiao Tong
No great surprises in the top ten, though Oxford would be sniffy about
being ranked lower than Cambridge.
As usual, Australian universities had a good showing, with Melbourne in the
top 50 and ANU at 74, Queensland at 85 and UWA at 88. Queensland is my
Alma Mater so nobody can cast nasturtiums on my background. My son is back
there too.
And one of Brisbane's newer universities (Griffith) ... more »
They Call That Stupid

Droves of baby boomers -- myself included -- have lamented the political
disengagement of the young. But, in the light of Michael Sona's conviction
for election fraud last week, it strikes me that perhaps the young are on
to something. Chantal Hebert writes:
Electoral politics is a blood sport and an intoxicating addictive one at
that, especially in an era of permanent campaigning.
To work in federal politics these days is to breathe in partisan helium
24/7. Short-term strategic gaming matters more than long-term policy
outcomes and consensus has become a poor cousin to finding a ... more »
Iraq Updates ( August 17 , 2014 ) Fighting around Mosul Dam in focus ( keep an eye on the Mosul Dam ) , as the focus has been assisting the Kurds and fighting ISIS in northern Iraq , Baghdad politicians asks " where are our US mercenaries ? " .........Death dealing around Iraq and tweets of note.... US denies air strikes in Syria ......
From Business Insider.....
[image: iraq strikes]
Anti War ......
As US Escalates in Northern Iraq, Baghdad Feels Left OutUS Plans Operations
Across Southwest Anbar Province
by Jason Ditz, August 16, 2014
Print This | Share This
US warplanes began pounding the area around Mosul overnight in the heaviest
airstrikes yet of the current air war in Iraq. The targets were mostly ISIS
forces that have been fighting with the Peshmerga over the past weeks.
That’s increasingly angering the Iraqi central government,which was on
board for the US intervention in their ongoing war with IS... more »
Successful Coverup, Fall Guy Convicted
The Conservative party has consistently said it ran a clean and ethical
campaign and had nothing to do with what happened in Guelph and has also
said that they 'fully cooperated ' with the investigation by Elections
Canada. This being the case then how is it that only one person was
charged, and now convicted, in what was obviously a far wider conspiracy?
*November 14, 2013, One of Prime Minister Stephen Harper‘s top advisers
instructed a potential key witness in the robocalls investigation to delay
an interview with an Elections Canada investigator until she could obtain
legal advi... more »
Aisha North: A short update on the energies

A short update on the energies
by Aisha North
August 17, 2014
Let us begin this missive by saying that you have entered another one of
those intense phases, where you will be as if churning in and out of a
veritable maelstrom of different frequencies. This may sound more than a
little daunting, but believe us when we say that you have all been well
prepared for such an intensely transformational upheaval such as this. For
once more you stand on the threshold of a huge leap in you vibrational
frequencies,... more »
Teaching is Not a Business!!!
Teaching Is Not a Business
By DAVID L. KIRPAUG. 16, 2014
CreditEleanor Davis
Continue reading the main storyShare This Page
TODAY’S education reformers believe that schools are broken and that
business can supply the remedy. Some place their faith in the idea of
competition. Others embrace disruptive innovation, mainly through online
learning. Both camps share the belief that the solution resides in the
impersonal, whether it’s the invisible hand of the market or the
transformative power of technology.
Neither strategy has lived up to its hype, and with go... more »
South Yorkshire Police accuse the BBC of breaching their editorial guidelines

The strange affair of the BBC, the police and Sir Cliff Richard continues. According
to *The Independent*:
In a statement, South Yorkshire Police reiterated that "at no point" had it
leaked information, which has been confirmed publicly by the BBC.
On Friday Jonathan Munro, the BBC's head of news gathering, said there had
been lots of questions about the original source of the story, tweeting:
"We won't say who, but can confirm it was not South Yorks Police."
The force acknowledged that it did confirm to a reporter at the corporation
the date of the search of Sir Cliff's house, bu... more »
Bishops attacking Cameron, Iraq, Muslims responses to Iraq, female Muslim boxers, the Pope in South Korea and Vicky Beeching coming out as a lesbian

A couple of Sundays ago, Radio 4's *Sunday* featured an interview with the
Bishop of Manchester, David Walker, based on a letter he'd written to the
*Observer* condemning the West's neglect of Christians in Iraq and calling
for Britain to take some of them in, just as we did with the Ugandan
Asians. He said that the anti-immigration mood in this country needed
Last week's edition of *Sunday *amplified that call by interviewing both
Cardinal Nichols and Archbishop Welby on the subject in the wake of their
endorsement of David Walker's views.
This week's edition of *... more »
Chinese Shipyard CSSC launched the first Algerian Navy C28A Corvette

[image: C28A Corvette]Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding, a wholly owned
subsidiary of China State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC, the largest
shipbuilding group in China) launched the first C82A Corvette on order for
the Algerian Navy on August 16 2014.
Algeria signed a contract with China Shipbuilding Trading Co (CSTC) for
construction of three C82A corvettes in March 2012.
CSTC representatives at DSA 2014 explained to Navy Recognition that the
ship would be about 120 meters in length, a breadth of 14.4 meters and a
draft of 3.87 meters for a displacement of about 2880 tons.
Read more
A looming civil war in Kiev?
The Czech media such as Tyden.CZ (The Week) quickly informed about a new
development in Northwestern Ukraine – perhaps, we should say that these
developments took place on Facebook. ;-)
A criminal and de facto minister of interior of Northwestern Ukraine Arsen
Avakov – who has been arrested in Moscow for his usage of illegal means of
warfare and mass murders of civilians but Moscow isn't able to put him in
jail so far – has attacked Dmitry Yarosh, the boss of the Nazi paramilitary
movement "The Right Sector" that has played the key role in the recent coup
in Kiev.
I can't see these... more »
NATO air force training slated for Czech Republic

[image: RNLAF F-16 Fighting Falcon]A large NATO aviation training with the
participation of pilots and soldiers from 11 allied countries will take
place in the Czech Republic in early September, Magdaléna Dvořáková, from
the general staff press department, told ČTK.
Along with Czech Gripen fighters and Soviet-made Mi helicopters, there will
be the F-16s combat aircraft and Apache helicopters, Dvořáková said.
The Czech government approved the exercise called Ample Strike 2014 this
Read more
Missouri Highway Patrol to Run Ferguson Security, Governor Says

*Missouri Highway Patrol to Run Ferguson Security, Governor Says*
By Jonathan Allen and Toluse Olorunnipa
Aug 14, 2014 9:47 PM GMT+0100
Aug. 15 (Bloomberg) -- University of Iowa Professor Colin Gordon discusses
the plight of St Louis, MO and the protests taking place in the suburb of
Ferguson. He speaks on “Bloomberg Surveillance.” (Source: Bloomberg)
Missouri Governor Jay Nixon ordered state troopers to take over security in
the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson and U.S. President Ba... more »
S-300 and S-125 anti-aircraft missile complexes put into test in exercises of Azerbaijani Air Forces

[image: S-125 ''Pechora-2'']Exercises of the Azerbaijani Air Forces led by
Defense Minister Colonel General Zakir Hasanov are continuing according to
plan, the Defense Ministry’s press service reported to APA.
According to the exercise scenario, the conventional enemy violating the
airspace was found and the datum about it were passed over to the combat
management station.
Air targets were caught by radar and were immediately shot down by
conventional shootings from S-300 PMU-2 "Favorite" and S-125 "Pechora-2"
TM-type anti-aircraft missiles.
Read more
A few small production pushes for LCA

[image: Tejas LCA]A newly created division for the light combat aircraft
(LCA) and a bid to make 80 per cent of its components locally are among
recent moves taken to spur production of the made-in-India fighter plane
once it crosses the last milestone for airworthiness, according to its
developer and production agencies.
The LCA Division was carved out a few months ago at the manufacturing
partner, Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. here.
In the last one year, R&D agency Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) and
HAL met small- and mid-sized component manufacturers several times and
encour... more »
Those "evil, racist White cops" in MO
How dare those "evil, racist White cops" in Ferguson, Missouri defend
themselves against a young, innocent *aspiring rapper/gangster* who just
happened to rob a liquor store, and then proceeded to allegedly attack a
police officer who confronted him shortly afterwards, purportedly
attempting to take the officer's gun in the process!
How dare those "evil, racist White cops" release the surveillance footage
of aspiring scholar and Black role model, Michael Brown, robbing the liquor
Everyone knows that the poor, harmless, innocent Blacks, who insist on
looting and pillaging ... more »
Development of Sukhoi FGFA well on course, full-scale development contract being drafted

[image: Su T-50 PAK-FA]The front-end engineering design of Sukhoi FGFA, the
fifth generation fighter plane being jointly developed by Russia and India
for Indian Air Force has been completed.
The United Aircraf Corporation (UAC), the company beghind the designing of
the state-of-the-art fighter jet, is under the process of preparing the
contract for full-scale development of the jet.
The Sukhoi/HAL Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA) or Perspective
Multi-role Fighter (PMF) is a fifth-generation fighter being developed by
India and Russia.
Read more
PLA's JL-2 SLBM set to enter service in near future

[image: JL-2 SLBM]The JL-2, China's second-generation submarine-launched
ballistic missile, is set to enter service. China may develop its next
generation with a range of at least 12,000 km in order to reach North
America from the South China Sea, reports our Chinese-language sister paper
Want Daily.
The PLA Navy's nuclear-powered Type 094 submarine was spotted patrolling
with the missile, which has a range of around 8,000 km and can carry
multiple warheads, at the beginning of this year.
The Chinese military ended its decade-long research, development and trials
for the missile a... more »
Current weather most similar to the weather 5 years ago
For half an hour, I was now playing with an amusing meteorological
question. If you want to use the approximation that the global weather is
repeating itself, what is the previous year that is most similar to Summer
2014 and the previous year or so?
I don't want to reveal my full methodology because you're invited to test
your own approach to the question. But I took the RSS data from 1979, and
reduced to the periods "minus two or three years" up to "a July", and
compared these periods for different years on one side and "the period up
to July 2014" on the other side. I first subtra... more »
U.S. Submarines Are Dying -- Will These 2 Companies Build Our New Nuclear Attack Subs?

[image: USS Toledo (Los Angeles class SSN)]The U.S. fleet of
nuclear-powered attack submarines is dying. The good news is the U.S. Navy
has a plan to address this problem, and it would directly benefit sub
makers General Dynamics and Huntington Ingalls Industries . Here's what you
need to know.
There are three types of Navy subs: nuclear-powered cruise missile and
special operations forces subs (SSGNs), nuclear-powered ballistic missile
subs (SSBNs), and nuclear-powered attack subs (SSNs).
Of these three types of vessels, it's the SSNs that make up the backbone of
the Navy's subma... more »
Polls and Politics in Taipei

*Another Lanyu pic, because I miss it so much.*
Over on Twitter the very useful FormosaNation has tweeted round the lastest
WantWant poll. Independent and former DPPer Shen Fu-hsiung has withdrawn
from the Taipei mayor race, leaving independent Ko Wen-je and KMT scion
Sean Lien facing off. WantWant has a new poll out which looks a lot like
most of the other polls, giving Ko 39.5% to Lien's 30.1% among those likely
to vote. Undecideds are at 25%. When asked who they thought would win,
voters had Ko over Lien, 32.5% to 30.1%. Interestingly, these are almost
the same numbers for Ko/Li... more »
It's not the politicians, guys II

From Don DeGlopper's *Lukang: Commerce and Community in a Chinese City. *It's
old, but still relevant. Re the post two below this one It's not the
politicians, guys: what kind of politicians do you think these people will
elect? What kind of politics will we have in this world? The attack on Chen
Chu over the Kaoshiung gas explosion is no different than any other attack
on any other politician at any level -- this kind of thing goes on at the
local level all the time, it just doesn't get reported because it's
"local". All politics is local, as it was famous said, but in Taiwan, even... more »
Fukushima: "Devastating Mystery Illness Hits California Horses”
*"Devastating Mystery Illness Hits California Horses” *
“Nobody will even tell us what it is."; Skin falling off, covered in
painful lesions, eyes
swollen shut, liver damage, fainting; Expert: "Never seen anything like it
in 40 year career”
by ENENews
“*Daily Press, Aug 5, 2014*: MYSTERY ILLNESS — Alyssa Langel's
three-year-old horse has large patches of skin exposed. Owners remain
unsure what caused many horses to manifest swollen eyes and lips, as well
as blisters. They heard of a similar outbreak affecting other horse
communities in California.
*CBS*, *Aug 6, 2014 (h/t Anonym... more »
Message From Higher Self - Consider The Flower
Life Update
Not a lot of posting lately, as life is just happening and nothing ultra
exciting is going on. Which is fine with me, as too much excitement
exhausts me.
We fired our yard guy. Well, told him we did not need his help anymore.
When we first started using him, he worked hard and for the entire day and
showed up every day except Sunday. But as time went on, a lot of things he
did started to annoy us. First, every day, Kurt would get up at 655 AM to
unlock our gate. Kurt is a light sleeper, so basically once he gets up for
the morning he cannot come back to bed and sleep. The guy... more »
Gold , Silver and Precious Metal Update ( August 16 , 2014 ) Not a shocker that when you boil away the fat , it just comes down to the ongoing manipulations allowed by the " Powers That Be " ! Ed Steer's Saturday blog post , Gata links and Koos Jansen links headline items to read and ponder for this weekend !
There was little price activity or volume in gold up until around the noon
silver fix in London on their Friday. Once the 'fix' was done for the day,
then everything changed---and within the space of a couple of hours, the
gold price was down twenty bucks, and back below its 50-day moving
average. It remained down until about 10:30 a.m. EDT---and then rallied
quite a bit, and back above it's 50-day moving average. The rally got
capped at 12 noon---and then sold ... more »
Despite The Catastrophic Impact Of NAFTA, There Are Still A Few Democrats Joining The GOP To Back Treaties Like It
When Obama was using populism as a tool to beat corporate Democrat Hilary
Clinton, he found NAFTA a useful weapon to use against her and to rally the
Democratic base to his side. He claimed he would renegotiate NAFTA if he
were elected. "Our trade agreements," he thundered, "should not just be
good for Wall Street it should also be good for Main Street. And the
problem that we've had is that we've had is that we've had corporate
lobbyists often times in negotiating these trade agreements; but the
AFL-CIO hasn't been involved. Ordinary working people have not been
involved." In an... more »
PKK And Hezbollah, Not Incompetent Armies, Pose The Biggest Obstacles To ISIS's Scary Advance Across The Middle East
*PKK and Hezbollah hold public rallies to show their popularity. ISIS
commits public executions to inflict psychological terror on populations.
Only one of them is a terrorist group.*
The designation of the PKK (Kurdistan Workers' Party) and Hezbollah as
terrorist groups by the U.S., NATO, and EU is meaningless. Turkey and Saudi
Arabia, the two big regional allies of the U.S, EU, and NATO, are
financing, arming, and sheltering ISIS, the most dangerous terrorist group
in the region. So who the U.S. and EU say is a terrorist and who is not a
terrorist is irrelevant.
These are govern... more »
The St. Louis Riots: Where's COINTELPRO?
*Truth Stream Media*
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
10,000 Israelis demonstrate for peace in Tel Aviv
Haaretz : A Facebook organized peace rally - "Changing direction: toward
peace, away from war."
"Following a painful month of war and death, in view of waves of incitement
and hatred that are tearing apart Israeli society, we call for a
demonstration for peace and democracy. The next round can be avoided. We
don’t have to sink into an abyss of ever-crueler wars, of extreme hatred
and a destruction of our neighbors and ourselves.
Only an agreement will ensure long-term security and quiet for residents of
the south and of the entire country. There is another way – immediate
dialo... more »
Ferguson and American Foreign Policy
I see a connection between what is happening in Ferguson, the now roiling
suburb of St. Louis, and American security policy. An odd connection to
make at first glance, but stay with me. In the context of the important
questions of institutionalized violence and race relations, it can be easy
to overlook the ways in
Continue reading
CREDO's Ferguson Justice LIVE
CREDO's Ferguson Justice LIVE
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
Michael Brown Murder: Startling New Cell Phone Video Released
Startling new cell phone video has been released from the aftermath of the
shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. We want to warn you
that the video contains graphic content that you may find disturbing.
Viewer discretion is advised.
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
The Madness In Ukraine: Did The US And Their Ukrainian Puppets Just Try Another False Flag To Blame Russia? Mysterious Circumstances Surrounding Alleged "Aid Convoy" Destroyed In Eastern Ukraine!
I have indeed been following the war by the criminal Ukrainian government
against the innocent people in eastern Ukraine who's only crime was to
legally vote in a referendum to secede from Ukraine itself… It is madness
to realize that the criminals in the US government are actually condoning
the actions by their puppets in the Kiev regime against their own people.
We see daily reports of the Ukrainian military slaughtering innocent
unarmed Ukrainian citizens in many eastern towns and cities, and yet our
Jew spew criminal media refuses to tell the truth about this situation
(imagin... more »
MaWangMess Postscript: Wang cleared of influence peddling

*Green Island road.*
Well well well. It appears that Speaker of the Legislature Wang Jin-pyng
has won a complete victory over President and KMT Chairman Ma Ying-jeou in
the Affair of Influence peddling. The Taipei Times reports:
Legislative Speaker Wang Jin-pyng (王金平) has been cleared of allegations of
influence peddling, the Taipei Prosecutors’ Office announced yesterday,
after its investigative unit last month concluded that there was no
evidence backing claims that Wang spoke with retired judge Yang Ping-chen
(楊炳禎) to request that he influence an embezzlement case involving Form... more »
TV Watch: Two great things about having the "Frasier" DVDs

*FRASIER* [*over opening shot of control-panel audio meters registering his
speaking voice*]: You're listening to KACL, 780 on your AM dial. This is
Dr. Frasier Crane. All our lines are open, so please, give us a call. [
I'm just sitting here waiting. [*Pause*]
Hey, Seattle, I know you're out there. Hey, look, I realize it's a sunny
day, but on all those rainy days I was here for *you*. [*Pause*]
Well, all right, then, if that's the way you want it, you leave me no
[*Pause -- then bouncing as he sings --*]
"When the moon hits your eye
like a big pizza" --
[*Br... more »
Forbes Calls Consumer Reports Anti-Science in a Pro-GMO Rant That…Lacks Science

Daisy Luther
Forbes Magazine is known for its lists of the wealthiest people and
companies. Frequently they use their influence to slyly support their big
dollar buddies in the biotech industry.
Forbes successfully plumbed a new depth with an attack on Consumer
Reports magazine last week.
Consumer Reports did an article ranking different milk substitutes for its
readers. In that report, they (gasp) referred to the inclusion of GMOs as
a “con” in their review on soy milk.
This caused Forbes Magazine to release the hounds in defense of genetically
modified foods everywhere.
Th... more »
Why Was Ebola-Infected Patrick Sawyer Cleared for Travel?

Melissa Melton
And why aren’t any media outlets outside of Africa talking about it?
Another scandal surrounding Ebola has exploded in Africa.
As reported in African media, such as DailyPost Nigeria,Sahara Reporters,
and All Africa (but nowhere I’ve found in the American mainstream media),
it has now come out the Liberian government likely knew that Patrick Sawyer
was infected with the Ebola virus *but cleared him for travel anyway*.
If you recall, Patrick Sawyer is the Liberian-American consultant with the
Liberian Ministry of Finance who was en route to Lagos, Nigeria when he
co... more »
Adventures in Canning: Raw vs Hot Pack and a question about Ferguson, MO...
*which is better; raw or hot pack?*
*(NB - this should have been posted hours ago, but a transformer close to
our house blew, sounding much like a small bomb, and our electricity has
been down.) *
For Kathleen, my gentle-souled friend who blogs at My Daily Musing (and
anyone else who is as sick of politics and the ongoing general mayhem as I
*But quickly - an observation about the goings on in Ferguson, MO. *
As of the census of 2010, the population of Ferguson was 21,203. The
percentage of people who identified as black was 67.4% (I believe it's
higher now.) The number of... more »
Parental Incarceration Can Be Worse for a Child Than Divorce or Death of a Parent

*Activist Post*
With more than 2 million people behind bars, the U.S. has the highest
incarceration rate in the world. This mass incarceration has serious
implications for not only the inmates, but their children, finds a new University
of California-Irvine study.
The study found significant health problems, including behavioral issues,
in children of incarcerated parents and also that, for some types of health
outcomes, parental incarceration can be more detrimental to a child's
well-being than divorce or the death of a parent.
"We know that poor people and racial minorities ar... more »
Translation: Governor Nixon bans the First Amendment, declares martial law
FERGUSON, MO (KTVI) – Saturday afternoon Governor Jay Nixon spoke to the
residents of Ferguson and the media at the Greater St. Mark’s Family Church
in north St. Louis County.
Governor Nixon ordered an immediate curfew for the city of Ferguson to
start Saturday night from Midnight to 5 am. The curfew will be enforced by
the Missouri State Highway Patrol who has operational control of security
in Ferguson. The governor also issued a state of emergency for Ferguson.
Nixon stated the “Eyes of the world are ... more »
Will President Barack Obama Become That Dark Knight To Take On The Jokers of ISIS?

“...some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be
bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch
the world burn.” - *The Dark Knight (2008/Warner Bros. Pictures).*
There are *reports* that the same Sunni tribal leaders in Iraq who a few
months ago pledged their allegiance to the ISIS terrorist group to show
their displeasure with Maliki and drive the Iraqi army out of their
provinces are now changing their tune*. *
They are thinking about making a deal with the new Iraqi Prime Minister
because they want to have their own autonom... more »
Tom Hayden : There are alternatives to more war in Iraq
To reject the ‘Long War’ doctrine, the American Left first has to
understand it. By Tom Hayden | The Rag Blog | August 16, 2014 Hillary
Clinton’s flapping of her hawkish wings only intensifies the pressure on
President Barack Obama … finish reading Tom Hayden :
There are alternatives to more war in Iraq
President Obama Has Absolutely No Clue What He Is Talking About - No Shit Sherlock
It’s All So Very Confusing
August 16, 2014 I don’t really know what is currently happening in
Ferguson, Missouri, although it is only about 200 miles from where I live.
News accounts vary, but here is what I think I know. After days of protests
… Continue reading →
Attention Deficit or Attention Excess?

My son just returned from a 500+ mile canoe trip which ended north of the
Arctic Circle. He talks about his concept of time and how the experience
completely altered it. This 45 day trip occurred out of “time”. It exists
as a whole; separate and without any connection to this life he’s just
returned to.
I am reading the series of Carlos Castaneda books. In them, he refers to
remembering his “lessons” which occurred not here, but in a place he refers
to as his “second attention”. You may call it another dimension or beyond
the veil. He too, mentions how when the memories come,... more »
Economist are the high priests of the Incas

I got to just laugh
when some economists
tells me I am on a bad journey
as if you knew anything about
travel expect the price of the ticket
Everything economic except
picking berry s
and eating game to survive
is artificial
and created on great
models that Lego
would never sell
to survive.
We got some ideas about
how to flame the shitthouse
and we will not do that
everything else is just
a educated guess
based upon the last
crisis and who survived
One thing we know about economics
is that is seems to serve a top
class demographic
the Rothschild
are immune to any Nobel
... more »
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