Former Mosque, Gaza Strip, April 2009 (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Principal geographical features of Israel and south-eastern Mediterranean region (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
August 16, 2005. Israelis leaving the Gaza Strip through the Kisufim Crossing. The events shown took place as part of the Gaza Disengagement in the summer of 2005. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Ukraine Civil War News Updates -- August 1, 2014
*Ukraine Reports Losses After Pro-Russian Ambush Near Malaysia Airlines
Flight 17 Crash Area -- Wall Street Journal*
*Fighting Continues as Forensic Investigators Reach MH17 Site*
Ukraine said Friday it had lost at least 10 of its troops in an ambush by
pro-Russian separatists not far from where Malaysia Airlines Flight 17
crashed, as a team of forensic investigators reached the site and said they
were beginning work immediately.
A convoy with 70 Dutch and Australian experts had arrived to begin
recovering any human remains and personal effects still there, the Dutch
government s... more »
California Drought Spreading

Chris Carrington
The US Drought Monitor is reporting that 58% of California is now affected
by a crippling drought, and that it is spreading at an unprecedented rate.
The agency has five levels of alert with ‘exceptional drought,’ the current
level in California, listed as the most serious.
The LA Times reports:
This is the first year that any part of California has seen that level of
drought, let alone more than half of it, said Mark Svoboda, a climatologist
with the National Drought Mitigation Center, which issued the report.
“You keep beating the record, which are still all f... more »
Are you missing out when you're flying? NSFW
We know what happens on the flight deck, I've posted the videos before.
However there's all sots of shenanigans going on in the cabin as well...
2 Girls Flash on Airplane and Airport *by miketru*
*naughty on flight by Medelisss*
* Girl flash tits on the airplane by Medelisss*
Un plan a 3 avec des hôtesses de l'air pris en... *by VideoBuzzActu*
Long Established Mideast Powers Are Now Being Threatened By The Islamist Surge

*Islamist Surge Threatens Mideast Powers -- Wall Street Journal*
*U.S. Officials Hope Egypt, Israel, Iraq and Saudi Arabia Find Common
Ground in Fight Against Extremist Groups *
The eruptions of Islamist violence in the Gaza Strip, Syria and Iraq have
begun shaking the Middle East to its core, increasing the likelihood that a
new order will emerge when the dust starts to settle.
The region's traditional power centers—Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and
Israel—are all threatened by the surge of Islamist forces that aim to
disrupt the status quo. Even Shiite Iran, which often stokes Islam... more »
Is The Conflict Between Israel And Hamas A 'Proxy War' For The Entire Middle East?
*This Time, Gaza Fighting Is 'Proxy War' For Entire Mideast -- Josh Levs,
(CNN) -- The conflict raging in Gaza is different this time.
While Hamas' rocket attacks and Israel's military actions may look
familiar, they're taking place against a whole new backdrop.
"This is unprecedented in the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict," says
CNN's Ali Younes, an analyst who has covered the region for decades. "Most
Arab states are actively supporting Israel against the Palestinians -- and
not even shy about it or doing it discreetly."
It's a "joint Arab-Israeli war consisting of Eg... more »
When Genocide is Permissible
Never. Well, sometimes. Or at least thinking aloud about it is okay. Why
else would *The Times of Israel* publish such a thing? They may have
removed it in short order, but as we know once things get on the internet
Yochanan Gordon's execrable screed shits on the memory of his ancestors. I
am loathe to bring up history, but someone else once justified the
extermination of Europe's Jews in terms of securing the national well-being
of his people. Yet Gordon has done the world a service. By putting his
thoughts down on paper, as it were, he has distilled the barbarism
consuming I... more »
U.N. High Commissioner For Human Rights Condemns Israel, U.S. For Not Sharing Iron Dome With Hamas

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay speaks during a news
conference for a report on ''the right to privacy in the digital age'' at
the United Nations in Geneva, July 16, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Pierre Albouy
*U.N. Condemns Israel, U.S. For Not Sharing Iron Dome With Hamas --
Washington Times*
The United Nations slammed Israel for possibly committing war crimes in its
fight against Hamas — and then backed that accusation by suggesting the
Jewish nation ought to be sharing its Iron Dome defensive technology with
the very terror group it’s fighting.
U.N. High Commissioner... more »
Jon Stewart on Israel, Hamas cease-fire - "We cannot be Israel's rehab sponsor and its drug dealer "
On Thursday night’s Daily Show, host Jon Stewart continued to try and make
heads or tails of America’s actions in Israel. Despite the fact that
Secretary of State John Kerry has repeatedly tried to broker a peace deal
between Israel and Hamas, Stewart finds the nation’s actions a little
Moments after a 72-hour ceasefire was announced between the two countries,
Israel asked the United States for more weapons, which the United State was
ready to provide.
“Maybe they’re just running out of sh*t to blow up…maybe it’s the
opportunity for peace that as we heard earlier, the... more »

Left to their
own devices
the thugs
are always problematic
their power though
is limited
but when Mr. Big
gives them
and face time
on TV
they gain
undue influence
The thugs attract
other sad characters,
likely deeply wounded
when young,
need to
get revenge
on someone
or the bullies
just do it for cash
egos fanned
by ideological
The thugs are
at work
in many places now
like the ones
the CIA
planted in Ukraine
directing their
against those
near a certain
Our 'friends'
in Gaza,
better to call them
in crime,
are testing
the tactics ... more »
Supplemental: Same as it ever was!
*FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 2014*
*Same con games, fifteen years back:* Major pundits are rarely forced to
discuss their own conduct.
Last week, it happened on Morning Joe—twice! All this week, we’ve discussed
the faux discussions which ensued among those Morning Joe panels.
On several occasions, we’ve mentioned a bit of journalistic history. Back
in 1999, when the press corps’ War Against Gore was taking shape, the same
discussions happened, twice, on CNN’s Reliable Sources.
To his credit, Howard Kurtz had started discussing the coverage of Gore in
June of that year. At that time, he wro... more »
Robert D. Skeels and Doug Martin on War Report on Public Ed Sunday
by Doug Martin
I will be joining fellow *Schools Matter* blogger Robert D. Skeels and BATS
member Dr. James Avington Miller Jr. this Sunday, August 3, on the War
Report on Public Education.
Robert will be speaking about the upcoming LAUSD school board election (he
ran against a billionaire-funded candidate for a board seat in 2013) on the
first segment of the radio show, starting at 2 pm Pacific California Time
and 5 pm Indiana Time.
My segment will begin around 2:45 pm (or a bit later) California Time or
5:45 (or a bit later) Indiana Time. I will be discussing Evan Bayh's
inv... more »
THE RIGHT THING: A Teacher SpeaksFiled under: SHAUN JOHNSON, PHD: Musings
from the Chalk Face
Two Jewish Voices Fiercely Debate Gaza Siege | Max Blumenthal vs. ZOA’s Morton Klein
Abby Martin Features a debate on Israel-Palestine you won’t hear on the
corporate media.
On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin remarks on the latest news
regarding the conflict in Gaza, highlighting Israeli Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu’s call for 16,000 additional reserve troops as well as
the announcement of a 72-hour ceasefire. Abby then features an exclusive
debate on the issue between Journalist and Author Max Blumenthal and
President of the Zionist Organization of America, Morton Klein asking both
guests their opinions on everything from what the appropriate I... more »
Obama Hasn't Fired John Brennan Yet-- Let Alone Had Him Arrested

We've been suggesting that it is past due to disband the CIA for many
years. And that includes the NSA (which has illegally intercepted virtually
every e-mail ever sent by every American citizen). Most senators don't care
*who* the CIA spies on-- other than… senators. Then they get a little riled
up. Yesterday the CIA finally admitted they had indeed hacked into Senate
computers to spy on senators. Caught like a rat, John Brennan said... he is
One senator who actually *does* care about unconstitutional domestic spying
on Americans is Mark Udall (D-CO). He's a member of the... more »
When Is A Company A Joint Employer With Its Franchise Operators?
The National Labor Relations Board made a finding that has caused
management-side employment lawyers to blow several gaskets, namely, that McDonald's
is a joint employer with a franchise owner and is thus responsible for
labor law violations that occurred in a McDonald's workplace. And you're
thinking, "duh," right? I mean, why wouldn't McDonald's be responsible for
what happens in a McDonald's?
As with everything else in my chosen profession, it's not that simple. For
many years, corporations have escaped liability for discrimination, labor
law issues, overtime and unpaid wages by ... more »
IsraelÍs Peculiar Position by Eric Hoffer
As true today as it was in 1968.
'The Jews are a peculiar people: things permitted to other nations are
forbidden to the Jews. Other nations drive out thousands, even millions of
people, and there is no refugee problem. Russia did it, Poland and
Czechoslovakia did it. Turkey threw out a million Greeks and Algeria a
million Frenchman. Indonesia threw out heaven knows how many Chinese and no
one says a word about refugees. But in the case of Israel displaced Arabs
have become eternal refugees. Everyone insists that Israel must take back
every single Arab.
Arnold Toynbee calls the d... more »
Incredible Photographs Capture Israeli Missiles A Split Second Before Impact

(*Click on Image to Enlarge*)
Incoming: Palestinians brace themselves as an Israeli missile falls from
the sky towards an apartment block a few hundred metres away
*Incredible Photographs Capture Israeli Missiles A Split Second Before They
Reduce Gaza Buildings To Rubble In Front Of Palestinians -- Daily Mail*
* Young men and children cower in street as four missiles smash into
apartment block a few hundred yards away
* Family of 35 fled the building moments earlier after being warned by the
Israeli military of the impending strike
Gazing skywards with their hands over their ears, ... more »
Israel - Hamas War News Updates -- August 1, 2014
*'If We Don't Get Our Soldier Back, We Should Start Leveling Gaza':
Palestinians Face New Wave Of Bloodshed As Ceasefire Breaks Down After
British-Israeli Soldier Is 'Kidnapped By Hamas' -- Daily Mail*
* Lt Hadar Goldin, 23, believed to be from family of British Jewish
immigrants and cousin of Israeli defence minister
* 'Abduction took place when militants emerged from tunnel and detonated
bomb vest, killing two other soldiers'
* Israel resumed shelling in Gaza just two hours after start of ceasefire
after accusing Hamas of snatching soldier
* Military wing of Hamas claims kidnappin... more »
World News Briefs -- August 1, 2014
Watch the latest video at
*72-Hour Cease-Fire Fails In 90 Minutes -- CNN*
(CNN) -- The latest attempt at an Israel-Hamas cease-fire disintegrated
Friday. After the capture of an Israeli soldier, the conflict edged closer
to escalation than to peace.
The soldier was "abducted" by Palestinian militants during an attack in
Gaza in which two other Israeli soldiers died, Israeli military Lt. Col.
Peter Lerner told CNN's Wolf Blitzer. The soldiers were decommissioning a
tunnel at the time, Lerner said.
The Israel Defense Forces earlier identified soldier as 2nd Lt. Hada... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- August 1, 2014

President Vladimir Putin. © RIA Novosti. Mikhail Klimentiev
*EU Arms Embargo Against Russia Begins Aug. 1 -- Defense News*
BRUSSELS — The European Union’s embargo on the import and export of arms
and related material with Russia, which covers all items on the EU’s common
military list, will come into force Friday.
“Exports of dual use goods and technology for military use in Russia or to
Russian military end users will also be prohibited, with all items on the
EU list of dual use goods included,” said an EU press release. “The
measures will apply to new contracts,” it adds.
The EU... more »
Off to work...

*see you later.*
*Coming soon:*
- Hugelkultur (*F*or Kathleen. Check out this* post of hers*. It's
- Lasagna gardening
- Francis Porretto (who doesn't garden, but *does *write fabulous
Excellent Report From Whitewraithe: The Tyrannical State Of Israel Should Be Vanquished From The Pages Of History
Right now, the Israeli assault and slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza has
momentarily "halted" supposedly under the guise of a 72 hour cease fire..
But this morning, I was alerted to a report that an Israeli fighter jet
violated that ceasefire and has bombed a home in south Gaza killing some 10
innocent women and children... It shows again that these monsters can never
ever be trusted and their so called "cease fires" are a sham... The goal of
these psychos from the criminal state of Israel should be obvious by now,
and that is to wipe out and exterminate every living person holed up ... more »
“DESTINED TO GET HORRIBLE COVERAGE:” Julie Pace earns her stripes!
*FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 2014*
*Part 4—Young scribe showered with praise:* When pundits are forced to
discuss their own conduct, they rarely try to say what they actually know
or believe.
Instead, they throw the gorilla dust, attempting to obscure the behavior of
their colleagues and friends. This helps explain what happened last week on
two different Morning Joe programs.
Breaking the rules of pundit decorum, Mark Halperin offered a stinging
portrait of the way the press covers Hillary Clinton.
You aren’t supposed to do such things. Halperin did it twice!
“She has a lot of positive... more »
Is War Coming to Europe?

*James Corbett*
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DOW Loses All Yearly Gains On GDP Number & Fed Tapering

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FBI Scandal: Flawed Forensics Rampant, Impacted Many Cases

Lily Dane
Over two years ago, the Justice Department and the FBI began a review of
thousands of criminal cases to determine if any defendants were wrongfully
convicted based on flawed forensic testimony.
The review included 2,600 convictions and 45 death-row cases from the 1980s
and 1990s in which the FBI’s hair and fiber unit reported a match to a
crime-scene sample before DNA testing of hair became common.
On July 10, 2012, Spencer S. Hsu of The Washington Post broke the story:
The undertaking is the largest post-conviction review ever done by the FBI.
It will include cases co... more »
Biological Fallout of Fracking Still Largely Unknown: Scientists

Photo courtesy of EcoFlight *Activist Post*
In the United States, natural-gas production from shale rock has increased
by more than 700 percent since 2007. Yet scientists still do not fully
understand the industry's effects on nature and wildlife, according to a
report in the journal *Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment*.
As gas extraction continues to vastly outpace scientific examination, a
team of eight conservation biologists from various organizations and
institutions, including Princeton University, concluded that determining
the environmental impact of gas-drilling s... more »
Scientist Warns 'Solar Super-Storms' Are Inevitable and a Significant Threat

*Activist Post*
Solar flare NASA gif In this month's issue of *Physics World*, Ashley
Dale from the University of Bristol warns of the "catastrophic" and
"long-lasting" impacts of "solar super-storms" and the dangers we face if
the threat continues to go unnoticed.
Dale, who was a member of an international task force – dubbed SolarMAX –
set up to identify the risks of a solar storm and how its impact could be
minimized, explains how it is only a matter of time before an exceptionally
violent solar storm is propelled towards Earth. Such a storm would wreak
havoc with our communica... more »

The Copper was broken.
A rare;
My best birthday gift, almost ever?
ONTARIO CHIEFS (and their allies) PROCLAIM-
This is what happens
those of us
have little to lose but
broke-ass poor, starvin', thirsty, lean 'n' mean
have had enough.
BONO- 'when a people become willing to
To which I would add-
Keep kickin' at the DARKNESS 'til it BLEEDS DAYLIGHT!! -Bruce Cockburn
And H O N O U R T H E T R ... more »
Rosemary and Lavender Oils Affect Cognition and Mood Differently
Heather Callaghan
Ancient Greeks held essential oils in the highest esteem, believing that
rosemary oil in particular could improve memory. In the 15th century,
rosemary was believed to be a disinfectant. The documented clinical use of
essential oils for mood-disorders goes back to 1920s Europe. Throughout the
centuries, people have reported the same effects for the same oils.
In the last decade, researchers who hadn't often officially studied
essential oils, wanted to know - Is this just a belief? Or do these claimed
far-reaching complex oils produce an actual biological shift?
... more »
Do stringy electrons spin faster than light?

*No. String theory's resolution of the old paradox is a sign of the hidden
cleverness of string theory.*
After he read some of my essays on the electron's spin, Tom W. Larkin asked
an interesting question:
Does string theory resolve the paradox of (post-)classical physics that the
electron, if imagined as a spinning ball of a very small radius, has to
rotate faster than the speed of light for its spin to be \(\hbar/2\)?
One natural, fast, legitimate, but cheap reaction is to say: the electron
isn't really a rotating ball. The spin may be carried even by a point-like
particle, with... more »
Why Do Our Elites Keep Behaving Like Criminals And Sociopaths?

I've always been a law-and-order kind of guy. And yesterday I was
horrified-- though not surprised-- when CIA Director John Brennan admitted
the CIA had hacked Senate computers. Government officials do these kinds of
things with alacrity because they know that even in the unlikely chance
that they get caught, nothing happens to them anyway. Has Brennan been
fired? Indicted? Jailed? Anything? Maybe given an award by Obama?
Our elites don't suffer the consequences of their criminal behavior. Oh,
maybe .0001% of the time but, basically, never. This week the *NY Times*
clutched its wo... more »
Walmart Must Tell Us Why Their Ice Cream Sandwiches Don't Melt

Source Heather Callaghan
For at least one week, the World Wide Web has been in an uproar about
Walmart's Great Value ice cream sandwiches that won't melt after 12 hours
in 80-degree heat. The issue was raised in this WPCO report when a
Cincinnati mother, Christie Watson, saw that her child's ice cream sandwich
simply wouldn't melt.
Then, Dan Collins of KIKN 100.5 in Sioux Falls also put the sandwiches to
the test:
Some consumers are freaking out, while others are trying to quell the
"alarmism." Is there a cause to be worried about this everlasting
gobstopping creation?
An... more »
World inverted

You can see an example of the Palestinian approach to public relations in
this video over at Elder of Ziyon. (wait for second video) Blunt
questioning from a canny interviewer from ABC in Australia turned her
interview with Mustafa Barghouti into a farce. Barghouti was dumbfounded by
her forthright questioning. “When will Hamas stop firing rockets and
inviting the wrath of Israel upon the Palestinian people? All he could do
was splutter: “You’re asking the wrong question.”
We’ve heard the same tactic, (deflect, parry, attack the Israelis) so
many times that you have to ask why the... more »
10 Command Centers for Back to School

With Back To School just around the corner, I am scrambling to get ready. I
want mornings to go as smoothly as possible in our house, so I have been
looking at putting together a command center. I want a place for a
calendar, mail and a hook for my daughter's back packs. Here are some of
the places I have found inspiration!
Chalkboard Command Center by SAS Interiors
Command Center by The Caldwell Project
Family Command Center by The Homes I Have Made.
Kitchen Command Center by Ciburbanity.
How to Create a Command Center that Works for Your Family by Unoriginal Mom
Giant Wall Com... more »
Happy Birthday to us! *~*~*~*~*~* Here's To Another 24, KIDS!!
I would like to thank Professor Morton of Morton's Musings,
whom also, I believe, is a LPOC candidate in the next race;
for posting the most beautiful, interesting, photos;
(as well as relevant to the times- information on law)
which I have borrowed and re-posted here for our enjoyment.
I hope I haven't broken laws or stepped on toes.
Many of the other photos, I borrowed from
and photobucket.
I haven't yet learned linkage;
or copy and paste;
but for some unknown reason-
I can post phot... more »
Life Under Hamas Is Not Easy For Many In Gaza
*My Comment:* This video was uploaded to *LiveLeak on July22, 2014*. I do
not know if this was taken before the current Israeli-Hamas war or during
the hostilities .... but it shows how brutal Hamas can be in enforcing
their rule.
*Hat Tip:* To regular reader Plowman for this link.
Israel - Hamas Ceasefire Collapses Within Hours. Israeli Soldier Is Captured
*Israel-Gaza Cease-Fire Collapses Within Hours -- L.A. Times*
A hard-won internationally brokered truce between Israel and Palestinian
militants collapsed within hours Friday after the Israeli military said one
of its soldiers was missing amid heavy fighting in the southern Gaza Strip
and may have been captured by Hamas fighters.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stopped short of declaring the
cease-fire dead, but accused Hamas of “flagrantly violating” what was to
have been a three-day truce. Hamas in turn insisted it was Israel that had
broken the cease-fire terms agreed ... more »
Fugitive NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden Has Applied For Temporary Asylum In Russia

*Snowden Applies For Temporary Asylum In Russia -- RIA Novosti*
MOSCOW, July 31 (RIA Novosti) – Fugitive NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden
has applied to have his temporary asylum in Russia extended for another
year, his lawyer Anatoly Kucherena said Thursday.
“Edward is still in Russia, we have recently prepared and submitted a
package of documents to receive a temporary political asylum," LifeNews TV
quoted the lawyer as saying.
Kucherena said Snowden’s request should be resolved “today or tomorrow."
“If this is issue not resolved, we will clear up the situation,” the lawyer
adde... more »
*Tropical Storm Bertha forms near Barbados*
*Buffa's, Torres reach agreement in live music dispute ~WDSU*
*New Orleans Welcomes Matsue City, Japan*
*Spreading Oil Rig Dumpsites in the Gulf of Mexico? ~Cassady Sharp*
How to be a PC Automaton rather then a living, breathing, thinking, sentient human.
h/t anonymous commenter who left the link for the image below
AnonymousJuly 30, 2014 at 7:11 AM
*Good Citizens Don't Think*
This image compliments Winter's guideline, which is posted directly below
the image.
I enjoy Winter's *self censoring behaviour rules so much, I have decided to
break them, daily!*
*Take it away Winter!: WinterPatriot*
"Fortunately, it is quite easy not to be anti-American, anti-Semitic, and
so on. There are ten rules that you need to learn and understand. Once you
begin to apply these simple rules, you will be pleased to see that they
make difficult thin... more »
Enslavement is trendy! Get ready for your very own ‘smart’ robo-servant!

Melissa Melton
Coming soon to a home near you, it’s your very own Hal 9000, er, your
“first family robot” JIBO.
Complete with facial and voice recognition software, your new trendy new
“smart” robo-servant will be able to*participate* in you and your
children’s lives 24/7/365!
The “world’s best cameraman” can intelligently track the action around him
to independently take video and photo, meaning he not only knows exactly
what distance you are away at any given second, but whether or not you are
feeling the appropriate emotions, I mean, smiling.
*See how they’re all recognizab... more »
The Law Of Unintended Consequences
On the environment, Stephen Harper's record is appalling. Rick Smith
summarizes the damage he has done:
The Fisheries Act no longer protects most fish.
The Navigable Waters Protection Act no longer protects most lakes and
The federal Environmental Assessment Act was repealed in its entirety and
replaced with a law so cursory it might as well have been drafted on a
cocktail napkin.
Canada remains the only country in the world that signed the Kyoto agreement
on carbon pollution, onl... more »
Buy *prolife* propaganda or a doctor gets shot. In the head.
That is congruent with the violent ideology and vicious intolerance of
organizations that have incited violence against healthcare professionals, as
DJ! pointed out here.
But Holy Obfuscation Batman!
Jack Fonseca [...] a Campaign Life project manager and the author of the
blog post in question, decided to wade into the comments section on his
blog Tuesday afternoon to clear up any lingering confusion about the photo
of a handgun pointed at a doctor.
His explanation? That's not a handgun pointed at the doctor; it's a
proverbial handgun:
"In the graphic you referenced, the proverbi... more »
The Truth About Israel and Palestine
*Stefan Molyneux*
The Israel-Palestine conflict has been raging on for decades and there
seems to be no end in sight.
On July 8, 2014, Israel launched operation Protective Edge, carrying out
airstrikes on 50 cities in the Palestinian Gaza Strip. The Israeli
government claimed this was retaliation against rockets fired from
Palestinian territories controlled by the Islamic political movement Hamas.
The July events are the latest of a series of bloody attacks between Israel
and Palestine. What is the cause of all this violence and why are both
sides so committed to it? (Source)
... more »
"above the snake line"
From NetRoots Nation July 19, Rev. William Barber, the voice of human
rights in education:
Local Council By-Elections July 2014
Number of Candidates
Total Vote
+/- June
Plaid Cymru**
... more »
Outbreak of PC in science media
Along with Hank Campbell, the manager of, Alex Berezow wrote
the 2012 book
Science Left Behind: Feel-Good Fallacies and the Rise of the
Anti-Scientific Left
He also runs RealClearScience.COM where he recently published a text
Outbreak of Political Correctness in Science Media
He starts with some numbers indicating that 80-95 percent of science
journalists are leftists and then he mentions some consequences of this
particular pandemics.
A SciAm blogger was fired because he or she "dared" to defend a
non-left-wing book on genetics as well as a non-feminist physicist Ri... more »
The Canadian Commons church group
Singing songs of solidarity
Against the sight and smell
Of a rotting child's corpse
Musical Interlude: Peter Gabriel, Kate Bush, "Don't Give Up"
Peter Gabriel, Kate Bush, "Don't Give Up"
Song by Peter Gabriel, video produced by Barney Hilton Murray.
Greg Hunter, “Weekly News Wrap-Up 8.1.14”
*“Weekly News Wrap-Up 8.1.14”*
By Greg Hunter’s
“Top story is the Israel/Hamas war. Now, even the Pentagon is concerned
about civilian deaths as allegations of Israel shelling a U.N. facility
housing civilians was hit. Hamas vows to fight on and so does Israel. Hamas
wants its borders opened, and Israel wants the rockets and tunnels shut
down. I predicted this is going to go on for a while and is looking like it
may spark a wider Middle East war. Israel is calling up another 16,000
troops. Meanwhile, Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani is out with new
incendiary statem... more »
Vienna Is The World's Leader In Espionage
*Vienna Named As Global Spying Hub In New Book -- The Telegraph*
*Vienna is the world leader in espionage with at least 7,000 spies plying
their trade in the Austrian capital *
Its reputation as a centre of espionage long predates its notoriety as the
setting for the 1949 film The Third Man but only now can a figure be put on
the number of spies operating in Vienna.
A survey compiled by experts in spying activities in the Austrian capital
shows that at least 7,000 agents work undercover in the city.
As neutral country, Vienna was a Cold War spying hub where both sides were
able ... more »
China Confirms Development of Next-Generation Intercontinental Ballistic Missile
China acknowledged its development of a next-generation ballistic missile,
the Dongfeng-41 (DF-41), Xinhua reported Friday.
According to Xinhua, a government environment monitoring station in Shaanxi
Province published a document, saying that one of the province’s facilities
is developing a ballistic rocket with a multiple independently targetable
reentry vehicle (MIRV).
Xinhua quoted a Chinese military analyst as saying in an interview with
local media that, "as the US continues to strengthen its missile defense
system, developing third generation nuclear weapons capable of carryi... more »
Australian auditors slam bungled NH90 procurement

[image: NH90]In a scathing report, Australian auditors have blamed a series
of procurement errors and “development deficiencies” for the delayed
service entry of the nation’s fleet of NH Industries NH90 helicopters.
Final operational capability (FOC) for the rotorcraft is now not
anticipated before April 2019 – almost five years late. In the meantime,
the Australian Army Aviation Corps has had to continue operating its fleet
of ageing Sikorsky S-70A Black Hawks beyond their planned retirement date.
The Royal Australian Navy has been left with a capability gap following the
withdrawa... more »
Excalibur Ib enters full rate production and receives $52 million award

[image: Excalibur]Raytheon Company's Excalibur Ib precision guided
projectile has entered full rate production (FRP). U.S. Army approval of
FRP completes Excalibur Ib's low rate initial production phase.
Additionally, the U.S. Army has awarded Raytheon $52 million for continued
Excalibur Ib production.
"The full rate production decision is the culmination of superb teamwork
between the U.S. Army and Raytheon," said Lieutenant Colonel Josh Walsh,
U.S. Army Excalibur product manager. "I am proud of the combined team's
effort that is putting the world's finest cannon artillery munition... more »
North fires four missiles, though three attempts fail

[image: KN-09 multiple-rocket launcher]North Korea fired four short-range
projectiles with a cutting-edge, precision-guided rocket launcher, though
three of them fell to the ground, failing to reach the sea, a Seoul
official told the JoongAng Ilbo on Wednesday.
A senior official from South Korea’s Ministry of National Defense said
North Korea appeared to use its KN-09 multiple-rocket launcher, with a
Russian GLONASS GPS system, for the launch of the four rockets on
The South’s Joint Chiefs of Staff confirmed Pyongyang test-fired four
300-mm projectiles at 7:30 a.m., 7:... more »
Five Most Popular Posts for July
This month's five most-read were ...
1. On the "Obsession" with Israel and Palestine
2. The SWP's Moral Vacuity
3. Investigating Paedophile Politicians
4. Effacing Rolf Harris
5. Lauren Goodger" Against Revenge Porn
No prizes for guess a post about Israel and Palestine would come top in
July. I have no special insight into this interminable conflict, it's not
something I've spent years researching, writing and arguing about. But what
I do know about is British politics and how international issues are
refracted through its narrow prism. That's where I have plenty to say and
am likel... more »
*'Chill out about GM food': We've been modifying crops for thousands of
years, claims scientist*
Supporters of genetically modified food claim they it help feed the world
and eradicate disease, while their opponents believe they could contaminate
natural food and even harm people.
Now, American astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, who presents the TV
documentary Cosmos, has defended controversial genetically modified
organisms (GMOs), saying that people should just ‘chill out’.
He claims that practically every type for food for sale is genetically
modified in some way already and t... more »
The Price Of Oil Is Putin's And Russia's Achilles Heel

Carnegie Europe
*Beyond Oil And Reserves, Russia Running On Empty -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - For all the sanctions Western leaders can throw at Russia, the
biggest threat to President Vladimir Putin's ability to back separatists in
east Ukraine is something beyond his or their control: the price of oil.
With Russia's $2 trillion economy heavily dependent on crude exports, oil
prices are always closely monitored by the Kremlin, but the government is
particularly wary now as tensions with the West mount and sanctions ratchet
Such conflicts often push up crude prices, but as long as... more »
To Find America's Nuclear Missiles, Try Google Maps
Earlier this week, NPR ran a short series I did on America's land-based
nuclear missiles. One diagram in particular raised a few eyebrows: It
showed the location of a Missile Alert Facility, along with the silos for
10 nuclear weapons.
summed up what several of our readers were thinking: "Thanks for the map.
Can you now publish the GPS coordinates. You've been real helpful, Kim IL
In truth, the location of these weapons is no secret.
Read more
Raytheon fires four TALON Laser-Guided Rockets from MD 530G helicopter

[image: MH-6/AH-6 Little Bird]Raytheon Company and MD Helicopters, Inc.
successfully fired four TALON laser guided rockets from the MD 530G armed
aerial scout (AAS) helicopter during a series of tests at Yuma Proving
Ground, Ariz.
"This test further demonstrates the maturity of the TALON Laser Guided
Rocket weapon system as a complement to MD's AAS platform," said Darryl
Kreitman, Raytheon TALON program director. "These test shots included four
firings showcasing TALON's versatility over the entire firing envelope with
direct hits for all events."
TALON LGR is a low-cost, digital s... more »
French Army flight tests latest Tiger attack helo

[image: Tiger HAD-E]The latest version of the Tiger combat helicopter of
the French Army has undergone operational trials at a French military base
in Djibouti.
The Tiger HAD, or fire-support and destruction, aircraft is made by Airbus
Helicopter, formerly known as Eurocopter.
It is a four-bladed, twin-engine missile-firing attack helicopter.
Read more
An ill-equipped Britain must not sleepwalk into another disaster

[image: HMS Queen Elizabeth II]As we approach Monday’s anniversary of the
outbreak of the First World War, it is hard to escape the conclusion that
today’s Armed Forces are in the same wretched state of unpreparedness as
they were on that fateful day in 1914 when Britain declared war on Germany.
The Royal Navy, admittedly, was ready for battle with its fleet of
all-powerful dreadnoughts, not least because Winston Churchill, in his
capacity as First Lord of the Admiralty, had the foresight to ensure the
Navy enjoyed supremacy over the Kaiser’s fleet.
But the Army, which bore the bru... more »
Ruussia's Top General Says Moscow Will Abide By It's Nuclear Missile Treaties With The U.S.

Chief of the Russian General Staff, Gen. Valery Gerasimov. © RIA Novosti.
Сергей Пятаков
*Russian Military Reaffirms Strict Adherence to INF Treaty -- RIA Novosti*
MOSCOW, July 31 (RIA Novosti) – Chief of the Russian General Staff, Gen.
Valery Gerasimov, said on Thursday that Russia is strictly implementing the
Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty with the United States.
Gerasimov discussed the situation around the Soviet-era agreement in a
phone call with US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Martin
“Gerasimov reaffirmed Russia’s adherence to strict im... more »
Benefit cuts have pushed more people into work, says Ben Broadbent
' Ben Broadbent says welfare reforms have encouraged people on benefits to
rejoin the labour force
Benefit cuts have encouraged more people back into work, though demand for
lower paid jobs has also pushed down wages, according to the deputy
governor of the Bank of England.
Ben Broadbent said changes to welfare rules had encouraged more people to
look for jobs.
''In certain areas of the labour market, particularly the lower-skilled
end, there are things that are increasing the supply of labour," Mr
Broadbent told Bloomberg. "I'm thinking of changes to welfare rules in
particular... more »
BrahMos Aerospace to participate in Oboronexpo 2014

[image: BRAHMOS successfully test-fired from indigenously-built INS Kolkata]BrahMos
Aerospace will install a display at the Oboronexpo 2014 weapons exhibition,
Tass reported this week. The entire BrahMos missile family, which can be
launched from the air, land, sea surface, or underwater, will be showcased
at the exhibition that will be held near the Russian capital on August
The development of the BrahMos program is currently progressing according
to the approved plan. A new 16-container vertical launching system (VLS)
for the BrahMos surface-to-surface ultrasonic missile ha... more »
Navy gets new facility to communicate with nuclear submarines prowling underwater
INS Kattabomman
With India planning a larger fleet of nuclear-powered submarines, which can
prowl underwater for several months at a time and let loose their
nuclear-tipped missiles as and when required, the Navy has acquired a new
advanced facility to communicate with the silent predators.
The state-of-the-art very low frequency (VLF) transmitting station was
commissioned at INS Kattabomman in Tirunelveli (Tamil Nadu) by Navy chief
Admiral RK Dhowan on Thursday.
"The new facility will boost our ability to communicate with submarines,
which have trailing wire antenna to pick up t... more »
Frederik de Wilde - the blackest black in the world - H.R. Giger would have loved this
*worried that your black just isn't black enough?*
imagine Chur Switzerland's legendary H.R. Giger-themed bar repainted in
THIS MATERIAL... the blackest black in the world, made up of carbon
nanotubes grown on a titanium core.
*ART is the poetics of the imagination – SCIENCE is the poetics of
realityFrederik De Wilde acts on the border area between science,
technology and art. The conceptual crux of his artistic praxis are the
notions of the intangible, inaudible, invisible. It is this interstitial
territory that Frederik De Wilde explores in his various works. Sometimes
on the si... more »
Musical Interlude: 2002, “We Meet Again”
2002, “We Meet Again”
"For This Is What We Do..."
“For this is what we do. Put one foot forward and then the other. Lift our
eyes to the snarl and smile of the world once more. Think. Act. Feel. Add
our little consequence to the tides of good and evil that flood and drain
the world. Drag our shadowed crosses into the hope of another night. Push
our brave hearts into the promise of a new day. With love: the passionate
search for truth other than our own. With longing: the pure, ineffable
yearning to be saved. For so long as fate keeps waiting, we live on. God
help us. God forgive us. We live on.”
- Gregory David Roberts, “Shantaram”
EU Naval Force Dutch Frigate HNLMS De Zeven Provincien Holds Memorial Service for Families Affected by Malaysia Airlines MH17

[image: 0]On Sunday morning 27 July a memorial service for the victims of
Malaysia Airlines MH17 was held on board HNLMS De Zeven Provinciën.
The Dutch frigate is currently at sea off the coast of Somalia conducting
counter-piracy patrols as part of the EU Naval Force.
The warship’s Chaplain, Thijs Oosterhuis, led the service, with poems and a
reading in which he expressed that the thoughts of the Dutch Navy crew were
with their people and families at home.
Read more
Fourth known J-20 prototype makes first flight

[image: J-20 Powerful Dragon]The fourth known prototype of the Chengdu
Aircraft Corporation (CAC) J-20 fifth-generation fighter made its first
flight on the morning of 26 July, according to Chinese aviation websites.
According to online postings by local spotters, the prototype flew for
nearly two hours after having undertaken taxi tests since early July. The
first hints on military web forums of a fourth J-20 prototype with the tail
number '2012' emerged in late June, with clear photos emerging by mid-July.
Images show that '2012' features the refinements first seen in the third
pr... more »
"Vulcan Guiding Principles"
*"Vulcan Guiding Principles"*
By Moon
"Ideally, do no harm. Harm speeds up the heat-death of the Universe, and
indirectly, your own.
More practically, do as little harm as possible. We are creations of a
Universe in which entropy exists, and therefore see no way of escape, but
we do not need to help it.
Harm no one’s internal, invisible integrities. Leave others the privacies
of their minds and lives. Intimacy remains precious only insofar as it is
inviolate: invading it turns it to torment. Reach out to others
courteously: accept their reaching in the same way, with careful ha... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
"The southern Milky Way appears spectacular in this composite image taken
from Mangaia, the most southerly of the Cook Islands. Few sources of light
pollution exist here, home to only 500 people.
*Click image for larger size.*
The two bright stars at the Milky Way’s center are Alpha (left) and Beta
Centauri. They point to Crux the Southern Cross. Near the horizon, two of
the satellite galaxies of our Milky Way, the Small (left) and Large
Magellanic Clouds are easy to spot."
The Poet: Wendell Berry, "The Wish to Be Generous"
*"The Wish to Be Generous"*
"All that I serve will die, all my delights,
the flesh kindled from my flesh, garden and field,
the silent lilies standing in the woods,
the woods, the hill, the whole earth, all
will burn in man's evil, or dwindle
in its own age. Let the world bring on me
the sleep of darkness without stars, so I may know
my little light taken from me into the seed
of the beginning and the end, so I may bow
to mystery, and take my stand on the earth
like a tree in a field, passing without haste
or regret toward what will be, my life
a patient willing descent into the grass."
... more »
"What Is Life?"
"What is life?
It is the flash of a firefly in the night.
It is the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime.
It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the
- Crowfoot, Blackfoot Warrior and Orator
"Who Are You? How Do You Know?"
"Go without a coat when it's cold; find out what cold is. Go hungry; keep
your existence lean. Wear away the fat, get down to the lean tissue and see
what it's all about. The only time you define your character is when you go
without. In times of hardship, you find out what you're made of and what
you're capable of. If you're never tested, you'll never define your
- Henry Rollins
"As Far As We Can Go..."
“The development of our cerebral cortex has been the greatest achievement
of the evolutionary processes. Big deal. While allowing us the thrills of
intellect or the pangs of self-consciousness, it is all too often overruled
by our inner, instinctive brain - the one that tells us to react, not
reflect, to run, rather than ruminate. Maybe we have gone as far as we can
go and the next advance, whatever that may be - will be made by beings we
create ourselves, using our own technology. Life forms we can design and
program not to be ultimately governed and constricted by the rules of
sur... more »
Just How Likely Is World War Three?

James Vaughan/Flickr
*Just How Likely Is Another World War? -- Graham Allison, The Atlantic*
Assessing the similarities and differences between 1914 and 2014
A century ago this month, Europeans stood on the brink of a war so
devastating that it forced historians to create a new category: “World
War.” None of the leaders at the time could imagine the wasteland they
would inhabit four years later. By 1918, each had lost what he cherished
most: the kaiser dismissed, the Austro-Hungarian Empire dissolved, the tsar
overthrown by the Bolsheviks, France bled for a generation, and England... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Horton, Michigan, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
"Promise Me..."
“Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe,
and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”
- Christopher Robin to “Pooh”
"Life is A Journey- Don't Be Afraid"
*"Life is A Journey- Don't Be Afraid"*
Author Unknown
"Life is a journey filled with lessons, hardships, heartaches, joys,
celebrations and special moments that will ultimately lead us to our
destination, our purpose in life. The road will not always be smooth; in
fact, throughout our travels, we will encounter many challenges. Some of
these challenges will test our courage, strengths, weaknesses, and faith.
Along the way, we may stumble upon obstacles that will come between the
paths that we are destined to take. In order to follow the right path, we
must overcome these obstacles.... more »
Chet Raymo, “Universal Constants, Universal Consensus”
*“Universal Constants, Universal Consensus”*
by Chet Raymo
“I received a book in the mail, as I sometimes do, for potential review on
this blog, James Stein's “Cosmic Numbers: The Numbers That Define Our
Universe”. I often write here about books I read, but I don't review. I did
glance at Stein's book, however. It has an audience, but it's not for me;
been there, done that. The subtitle is provocative, however. The idea that
a dozen or so numbers "define the universe." *That's* a mind-blowing
The gravitational constant. The speed of light. Absolute zero. Planck's
constant.... more »
"Never Alone..."
"On this earth as beyond this earth you never are alone,
But are in constant company of things and beings
That take a share in your life as you take a share in theirs.
As you seek them, so they seek you.
As you partake of them, so they partake of you."
- Rumi, “The Book of Mirdad”
Is The U.S. Rushing Towards War With Russia?

*The West's Reckless Rush Towards War With Russia -- Tyler Durden, Zero
For reasons that have no rational explanations at this time, the US and
Europe have embarked on a concerted program to demonize Putin, ostracize
Russia, and bring the world as close to a major conflict as it's been since
the Cold War, a time hardly memorable to many in the current crop of our
elected officials.
Within hours of the MH-17 plane crash, the United States pinned the blame
on Russia generally, and Putin particularly. The anti-Putin propaganda (and
if there were a stronger term I'd use it) ha... more »
What National Group Is Funding the Pro-Common Core Lawsuit in Louisiana?
On July 29, 2014, the Louisiana State Board of Elementary and Secondary
Education (BESE) voted 6 to 4 to become plaintiffs in the pro-Common Core
(CCSS) lawsuit whose plaintiffs include nine individuals and the charter
management company, Choice Foundation. (Click here for Choice Foundation’s
home page. However, the information on their schools has not been updated
The hypocrisy of the US knows no bounds. On the one hand they tell the
world they are demanding the Israelis put a halt to the carnage they are
wreaking in the Gaza Strip and, on the other hand are resupplying the
Israelis with the wherewithal to continue their carnage.
The US knows full well that the weapons and fuel they are supplying to the
Israelis is for the purpose of continuing to wage war against civilians.
They have no excuse. The US are fully aware that Israel are committing war
crimes yet the US continues to supply weapons which they know the Israelis
are more than likely... more »
Report: President Obama's Defense Strategy Is ‘Dangerously’ Underfunded To Counter Future Threats

The Pentagon is funding social science research to model risks of "social
contagions" that could damage US strategic interests. Photograph: Jason
*Defense Panel: Obama Administration Defense Strategy ‘Dangerously’
Underfunded -- Washington Free Beacon*
*Chinese, Russian aggression cited by defense experts*
The Obama administration’s four-year defense strategy lacks funding needed
for fulfilling global military missions and the U.S. military faces “high
risk” in the world unless changes are made, according to a bipartisan
report by a congressionally backed panel of def... more »
Boehner Immigration Nonsense Falls Apart On The House Floor-- He Should Resign

This afternoon House Republicans decided to follow Ted Cruz, Steve King and
Michele Bachmann down the racist rabbit hole and defeated their own leaders
who were trying to pass a border supplemental bill that was terrible-- but
not terrible enough for the extremists. The bill deports people, but not
enough people for enough Republicans to back it. And even with scumbag Blue
Dogs like Henry Cuellar pledging to help Boehner pass his bill, it wasn't
enough. So, the Republican do-nothing Congress, is taking the month off so
they can go back to their districts and tell the same lies Luke... more »
MH370/MH17 : Israel's Spare Malaysian 777

"Why has this plane, a former Malaysia Airlines plane exactly like the
missing MH370, been kept in Israel by GA Telesis, a supposedly
Florida-based company? This photo is from an Israeli planespotter forum
that identifies the plane as GA Telesis N105GT at Tel Aviv airport on
December 2, 2013."
- See more at:
GA Telesis only has one plane in its fleet, a Boeing 777 with a
registration number N105GT. Why did GA Telesis give the plane a new
registration number if it was scheduled for dismantling?
- See more at:
ht... more »
Iraq's Shiite Militias Are Running Amok In Iraq

Iraqi security forces arrest suspected militants of the al Qaeda-linked
Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, during clashes in Jurf al-Sakhar,
40 miles from the capital city of Baghdad, Feb. 15. Reuters/Alaa Al-Marjani
*Iraqi Shi'ite Militias Use Hit Lists To Pick Off Foes: Police -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Iraqi Shi'ite militias have drawn up hit lists of suspected
Sunni insurgents to be kidnapped, executed and hung in public, security and
police officials said, raising the stakes in a sectarian war tearing the
country apart.
The militias became a vital line of defense for the ... more »
Fundamentalist Terrorist Leader Says The UN Should Shut The Fuck Up About Gaza
Video of Ayatollah Lindsey Graham's fatwa against the UN. Graham is a
leading voice in the Judaic Republic of the United States.
Tony Abbott calls for Gaza ceasefire and two-state solution – video
Tony Abbott calls for Gaza ceasefire and two-state solution – video.
Not Equal: Gaza in Over 1,000 Frames
"There's a tendency in most Gaza reporting to treat both sides as tough,
equally-matched adversaries. Israel must stand up to those evil, deadly
Hamas terrorists before the nation is overrun, eek! But if the measure of
success in this conflict is the combatants-to-civilians body count ratio
(and it is), then Hamas is winning handily. You can read more on my site at"
*Mark Fiore's latest animation is a harrowing visual portrayal of the
Palestinian death toll in Gaza as compared with Israeli casualties incurred
since the beginning of the hostilities this summer. Read... more »
Will The U.S. Be Able To Face The Rise And Challenge Of The Islamic State?

*The Islamic State’s Challenge To The United States -- David Ignatius,
Washington Post*
Warnings from U.S. officials about the terrorist Islamic State that has
established a haven in Iraq and Syria sound ominously like the intelligence
alerts that preceded al-Qaeda’s attack on Sept. 11, 2001.
Richard Ledgett, the deputy director of the National Security Agency, said
at the Aspen Security Forum last week that the “most worrisome” threat he’s
tracking are the thousands of foreign fighters training with the Islamic
State. Lisa Monaco, the White House counterterrorism adviser, said at... more »
Jon Stewart on America’s Favorite Way to Promote Peace in the Middle East

If you guessed supplying Middle Eastern countries with money and weapons
(that then get “regifted”), you’re spot-on. “The Daily Show” host points
out how many U.S. tax dollars and arms each country in the region received,
highlighting what a moronic way this is to help the area stabilize.
Meanwhile, Jon Stewart implies that everyone who went to his bar mitzvah
is barraging him with criticism due to his questioning Israel’s strikes on
Gaza. Read more
*The Daily Show*
Get More: Daily Show Full Episodes,The Daily Show on Facebook,Daily Show
Video Archive
*You... more »

*Running Orders *
by Lena Khalaf Tuffaha
They call us now.
Before they drop the bombs.
The phone rings
and someone who knows my first name
calls and says in perfect Arabic
“This is David.”
And in my stupor of sonic booms and glass shattering symphonies
still smashing around in my head
I think "Do I know any Davids in Gaza?"
They call us now to say
You have 58 seconds from the end of this message.
Your house is next.
They think of it as some kind of war time courtesy.
It doesn’t matter that
there is nowhere to run to.
It means nothing that the borders are closed
and your papers are ... more »
Donbass means eastern Ukraine where the Russian speaking people (the
certain "category of people" he refers to) live who are now under attack
from the US-NATO backed Kiev regime.
Listen to this from one of the voices who calls for extermination of those
in eastern Ukraine. Just like we see with the Israeli genocide of people
in Gaza (fully supported by the US), it's the same game in Ukraine.
Picture on the wall reads fascism folks.
When he says Donbass should be used as a "resource" he is talking about
plans for corporate fracking, Monsanto GMO planting, the coal deposits
there,... more »
U.S. Congress Sees Photos That Documents Mass Torture And Murder In Assad's Syrian Prisons
*Syrian Defector: Assad Poised To Torture And Murder 150,000 More -- Josh
Rogin, Daily Beast*
Congress was shocked Thursday when a Syrian defector recounted how he
documented Assad’s killing of over 11,000 innocents. But that’s only the
tip of the iceberg, according to ‘Caesar.’
The regime of Syrian President Bashar al Assad is holding 150,000 civilians
in custody, all of whom are at risk of being tortured or killed by the
state, the Syrian defector known as “Caesar” told Congress Thursday.
According to a senior State Department official, his department in... more »
Libya Disintegrating Into A Failed State As Benghazi 'Falls To al-Qaeda-Linked Rebels'

*The armed groups that took the city belong to a group called Shura Council
of Benghazi Revolutionaries [Reuters]*
Benghazi 'Falls To al-Qaeda-Linked Rebels' -- Al Jazeera
Factions including Ansar al-Sharia say they have taken over Libyan city
after defeating forces of renegade general.
Armed groups claimed to have taken control of Libya's second largest city,
Benghazi, after defeating units loyal to a renegade general, taking over
their barracks and seizing tanks, rockets and hundreds of boxes of
The main police headquarters was on Thursday still smouldering after it ... more »
Culture Watch: Are selfie-maniacs propelling a sharp rise in homelessness among black cats?

*"Many pet owners apparently complained when dropping the cats off at the
shelter that they didn't show up well in pictures, and prospective owners
at the shelter requested to meet cats that were any color other than
*by Ken*
Another fine and alarming Culture Watch catch from Claire Hannum at The
Frisky, who previously turned us on to those creepy cat-shaped marshmallows
and the possibly creepier still toasters that produce toast-selfies. Now
it's an apparent trend in the U.K. concerning what constitutes an adoptable
It appears that black cats are increasingly going... more »
"Scorched Earth": How Israel Converted 40% Of Gaza Into A Wasteland Of Rubble
"Scorched Earth": How Israel Converted 40% Of Gaza Into A Wasteland Of
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/31/2014 19:44 -0400
Moments ago, after weeks of relentless humiliation for John Kerry, Israel
and Hamas agreed to yet another 72 hour ceasefire - one which if the
previous "ceasefires" are any indication, will be broken within hours if
not minutes. Regardless, Kerry, who cobbled this agreement after much "hard
work" alongside the UN's Ban Ki-moon, was ecstatic: "We urge al... more »
Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- July 31, 2014
*Israel Tells Hamas: You Can Keep Your Rockets -- Eli Lake & Josh Rogin,
Daily Beast*
Israel's prime minister accuses them of being as bad as al Qaeda, but he
isn’t trying to run the group out of Gaza. There’s a good reason why.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said his military will not
stop until it dismantles a labyrinth of tunnels often burrowed under
private homes and even beneath Gaza’s mosques. But Netanyahu has not called
for destroying the organization that built those tunnels: Hamas—and he
won’t, multiple Israeli officials told The Daily Beast. Which raises ... more »
Russia And Germany Allegedly Working On Secret "Gas For Land" Deal
*Russia And Germany Allegedly Working On Secret "Gas For Land" Deal*
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/31/2014 14:50 -0400
While many were amused by this photo of Putin and Merkel during the world
cup final showing Europe's two most important leaders siding side by side,
some were more curious by just what the two were scheming:
Thanks to the Independent, we may know the answer, and it is a doozy,
because according to some it is nothing shy of a sequel to the ... more »
More evidence pointing toward Ukraine planes shooting down Malaysian
airliner.... OCSE monitor Michael Bociurkiw mentions bullet holes in #MH17,
not able to find any missile so far.
I think it is obvious who benefited from the false flag story that Russia
or the Ukraine self-defense forces shot this plane down. The US has never
looked back from demonizing Putin for this crime. No wonder the US backed
Kiev regime has been shelling the downed plane debris field in recent days
- trying to destroy the evidence and keep inspectors away - all the while
blaming it on Moscow.
Can you ... more »
Friday Morning Ramble: So I found this stuff on the internet …

*It’s Friday, and you know what that means … *
So David Cunliffe’s Labour wants to boost teenage and Maori unemployment,
make it harder to employ new-starts, and harder to make money from any
employees. That would be the effect of their “wages and work” policy
announced Wednesday.
*Labour promises $2 boost in minimum wage* – NZ HERALD
“But I am still left wondering what the IP stands for and how it proposes
to effect change if its candidates are elected.”
*Eye Candy, Window Dressing and Deep Pockets.* – Pablo, KIWIPOLITICO
“If one of the the points of a public broadcaster is to p... more »
The Evils of An Ethno-Supremacist Totalitarian Fascist State; Why The World Should Forgive Israelis Who Are The Most Propagandized People In Human History
"A poll this week for Israel’s Channel 10 news, conducted by the Sarid
Institute, *found that 87 percent of Jewish Israelis support continuing the
Gaza operation*. A survey by the Israel Democracy Institute *found that 95
percent of Israeli Jews think the operation in Gaza is just*, and 4 of 5
oppose a unilateral withdrawal. *Just 4 percent said the Israeli military
has used excessive force.*" - William Booth and Ruth Eglash, *"Israelis
support Netanyahu and Gaza war, despite rising deaths on both sides,"* The
Washington Post, July 29, 2014.
Totalitarianism did not die with the ex... more »
Amicus not substitute for defence counsel
R. v. Al-Enzi, 2014 ONCA 569:
[81] The traditional role of *amicus* was to assist the court,
typically by making submissions on points of law. Only indirectly did the
traditional *amicus* assist a party. The trial judge, however, did not
appoint *amicus* in a traditional role. He appointed Powell in an expanded
role more akin to the role of defence counsel. That expanded role fits
uncomfortably with the Supreme Court of Canada's recent decision in *Ontario
v. Criminal Lawyers' Association of Ontario*, 2013 SCC 43, [2013] 3 S.C.R.
3, at paras. 49-56. However, this trial took ... more »
"Markets In Turmoil" Russell 2000 Plunges Most In Over 2 Years, Dow Down For 2014

*"Markets In Turmoil" Russell 2000 Plunges Most In Over 2 Years, Dow Down
For 2014*
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/31/2014 16:05 -0400
The deer is back...
Stocks finally snapped and caught down to high-yield credit's warnings. The
worst day for the Dow in 6 months, smashing through its 50- and 100-day
moving-average. The Russell 2000 was worst on the day to end July down over
6% - its worst month since May 2012. The S&P's had almost its worst day in
6 months. Trannies dropped 3.4% on the week - the worst in 11 months.
Stocks closed at the day's lows.
Full article with charts... more »
RIR- Max Igan- Zionist Terrorism in Gaza
*I have updated this post and it now contains the entire two hour
interview. A must listen interview! *
*1- Thanks to Henrik @ RIR *
*2-Thanks to Max Igan @ his Youtube channel: Uploads from thecrowhouse*
*(This is the first time I had ever heard of Max Igan- so many people out
there for me still to find, even after all these years of blogging!)*
*3-And finally thanks to freethinker who let me know the whole show was
In this program we discuss Zionist terrorism in Gaza and the current
bombing campaign and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. We’ll talk about the
lies push... more »
House Bill Proposes Puerto Rico Bankruptcy; S&P Downgrades PREPA Utility
July 31, 2014, 4:58 P.M. ET
*House Bill Proposes Puerto Rico Bankruptcy; S&P Downgrades PREPA Utility*
By Michael Aneiro
Puerto Rico’s nonvoting congressional delegate today introduced legislation
in the U.S. House of Representatives that *would allow Puerto Rico’s
government-owned corporations to file for Chapter 9 bankruptcy protection,
the same type of municipal bankruptcy protection Detroit sought last year. *The
move comes a month after the commonwealth p... more »
World News Briefs -- July 31, 2014 (Evening Edition)
*Israel, Hamas Agree On 72-Hour Humanitarian Gaza Ceasefire -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Israel and Islamist militant group Hamas have agreed to a
72-hour ceasefire in their conflict in the Gaza Strip starting on Friday,
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
said on Thursday.
The ceasefire will begin at 8 a.m. local time (1.00 a.m. EDT) on Aug. 1,
they said in a joint statement. The statement said "forces on the ground
will remain in place" during the truce, implying that Israeli ground forces
will not withdraw.
U.N. Middle East envoy Robert Serry h... more »
BREAKING: Kaohsiung horror, gas main explosion kills 25, 292 injured UPDATE X 10
Death toll now at 25, expected to rise as more missing are found.
FocusTaiwan now saying it is petrochemical piping. Ben from Letters from
Taiwan and I are jointly wondering how long before Chen Chu gets blamed by
KMT. Politics has no bottom when it comes to cynical exploitation.
Apple Daily report in Chinese 22 dead, 270 injured.
Apple Daily images with dashcam video
*UPDATES... more »
The Israelis have been in the habit of calling some Palestinian families to
warn them that their homes are about to be bombed. Most of these homes are
owned by civilians, most of whom have no connection to Hamas or any other
political or militant organisation.
Deliberately bombing civilians is a war crime but, by warning the civilian
occupiers that their homes are about to be destroyed, the Israelis believe
that it somehow absolves them of any crime. Furthermore, not only do the
Israelis think that it absolves them of crimes, but it also provides them
with an opportunity to then ac... more »
Top CIA Nazi Brennan Cops to Spying on Senate Staffers

CIA Director John Brennan fessed up today over his agency spying on staff
members of a key Senate committee. Mr. Brennan's admission comes months
after an ugly dust-up with Senate Intelligence Committee boss Dianne
Feinstein (DiFi) over allegations that the CIA had hacked into the
computers of staff investigating agency *interrogation and detention* programs
or in layman's terms: *torture programs*. DiFi went absolutely ballistic
at the time, going to the extraordinary lengths of denouncing the CIA's
tactics on the Senate floor. Brennan, being the career spook that he is did
what... more »

Inside Story - Chappaquidick (1994) from Spike EP on Vimeo.
"An investigation of the accident on Chappaquiddick Island, Massachusetts,
in July 1969, when Senator Edward Kennedy's car plunged off a bridge and
Kennedy's companion, Mary Jo Kopechne, drowned. The film was made in 1994,
for the 25th anniversary of the event."
Contains the first / only on-camera interviews with some of the other
Boiler Room Girls who knew Mary Jo.
They have never spoken on the record about the incident before, or since.
Note, the mention of Ted's CHAUFFEUR driv... more »
Technology: “'BadBIOS': "And Now, You're Really Hosed"
*"And Now, You're Really Hosed"*
by Karl Denninger
"This isn't good at all...* When creators of the state-sponsored Stuxnet
worm used a USB stick to infect air-gapped computers inside Iran's heavily
fortified Natanz nuclear facility, trust in the ubiquitous storage medium
suffered a devastating blow. Now, white-hat hackers have devised a feat
even more seminal- an exploit that transforms keyboards, Web cams, and
other types of USB-connected devices into highly programmable attack
platforms that can't be detected by today's defenses.
This just plain sucks. What they've done here is... more »
Please Recycle. I Do.
Sorry I haven't been posting of late, guys. It's not as if I'm not
aware of what's going on in the Ukraine and Palestine and, the biggest news
of all, Lebron's return to Cleveland and Jon Lester's trade to Oakland. But
this revision of *Tatterdemalion*'s still kicking my ass and I still have
more than 30,000 words to excise before I can even think of resubmitting it
to that agency that'd asked for it last March. If it's any consolation, I
haven't invested much time this summer on Twitter, either. These are some
of my more noteworthy tweets from the last three weeks.
Fortunately... more »
The Golden Dollar: A Recipe for an Economic Boom
*Guest post by Peter Ferrara, introduced by **Laissez Faire Today*
Sometimes the best solution is to do nothing. But when you have the eyes of
the world watching your every move, expecting you to save the day, that
might be the hardest decision you can make.
Thankfully, you might never be in a position like this. But for government
and Federal Reserve officials, they find themselves in this predicament
quite often. Don't bother offering them any sympathy. Most of the time,
they got themselves into this mess.
Why am I bringing this up? Well, Fed Chairwoman Janet Yellen stayed true... more »
CIA Director Admits That Officers Penetrated Senate Intelligence Computers
*CIA Director John Brennan Apologizes For Search Of Senate Computers --
Washington Post*
CIA employees improperly searched computers used by Senate investigators
involved in a multi-year probe of the agency’s use of harsh interrogation
measures on terrorism suspects, according to the findings of an internal
agency probe that prompted CIA Director John O. Brennan to apologize to
lawmakers this week.
The embarrassing admission by the agency stems from a dispute that erupted
in public earlier this year when the CIA and the committee traded
accusations of illicit spying and security ... more »
BREAKING NEWS: Israel and Hamas Have Agreed To An Unconditional 72-Hour Ceasefire To Begin On Friday Morning

Israeli armoured personnel carriers outside the central Gaza Strip. July
31, 2014. Photo by Reuters
*New Gaza Humanitarian Truce 'Agreed By Israel And Hamas' -- BBC*
*Israel and Hamas have agreed to an unconditional 72-hour humanitarian
ceasefire in Gaza from 08:00 (05:00 GMT) on Friday, the US and UN say.*
Since Israel began its offensive in Gaza on 8 July, 1,422 Palestinians have
been killed, most of them civilians, according to Gaza's health ministry.
Fifty-six Israeli soldiers and two civilians have also died.
Israel says its operation in Gaza is designed to defend its populati... more »
NATO Unprepared To Face A Russian Invasion

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry speaks during a news conference at NATO
Headquarters in Brussels, April 1, 2014. Jacquelyn Martin/Pool/Reuters
*Nato 'Unprepared' For Possible Russia Attack -- SKY News*
*Nato troops should maintain a presence in "vulnerable" member states to
counter possible threats from Russia, says a UK report.*
Nato is badly prepared for a potential attack by Russia on a member state,
a parliamentary report has warned.
An influential group of MPs says that the recent conflict in Ukraine has
revealed "serious deficiencies" in Nato's preparedness to counter thre... more »
This is Why No One Trusts Gov't, CIA Apologizes After Denying Torture Hack

Anthony Freda Art Eric Blair
When will the American people learn that the government is filled with
liars? The good news is that in the information age denial of facts is
becoming much more difficult.
Today, the head of the CIA John Brennan apologized for hacking into US
Senate computers to cover-up torture investigations, a charge he mockingly
dismissed earlier this year.
Using very political language the CIA admitted their officers "acted
improperly" and "inconsistent with the common understanding" of sharing
classified data, and Brennan was forced to apologize to leaders of ... more »
Member of FBI-Raided School Funds Todd Rokita AFTER the Raid
by Doug Martin
I mention Todd Rokita, the Indiana US congressman from the 4th district, in
my book *Hoosier School Heist*because of his role with the Muslim Gulen
charter schools recently raided by the FBI (*see more on this at the end of
this article*).
Since Rokita is up for election this year, I decided to peek into his
campaign funding ("peek" because I merely touch the surface with what is
Unsurprisingly, Rokita and Tony Bennett have a lot in common. Rokita is
tight with the main players who have turned our schools over to privatizers
in Indiana.
First off, in 2010... more »
Concerns About the Focus on “Grit” in School Improvement
My approach was to focus on my students’ strengths. To do so, it could be
said that I needed to “get inside the mind(s)” of my students. To help my
students master a legitimate college prep curriculum, I would prefer to say
that I needed to listen to my students. In my experience, if teachers […]
Identity Politics Rearing Its Ugly Head Again-- In Hawaii, Michigan And California

This week, EMILY's List dropped a last minute $17,441 into an independent
expenditure for the extremely conservative candidate they're supporting in
Honolulu, Donna Mercado Kim. Many elderly ladies who remember when EMILY's
List was founded by Ellen Malcolm 30 years ago don't realize EMILY's List
has swung from being a basically progressive organization to being one of
the most conservative and untrustworthy elements in the Democratic
coalition. "We don't care about anything except electing pro-choice women
to office," they use as their excuse for backing absolutely horrible
conse... more »
Mr Big
R. *v. *Hart, 2014 SCC 52:
The Mr. Big technique is a Canadian invention.
Although a version of the technique appears to have been used more than a
century ago, its modern use began in the 1990s and by 2008, it had been
used by police across Canada more than 350 times. The technique, used only
in cases involving serious unsolved crimes, has secured confessions and
convictions in hundreds of cases. The confessions wrought by the technique
are often detailed and confirmed by other evidence.
However, the Mr. Big technique comes at a price. ... more »
Indiscriminate Slaughter of Innocent Men, Women and Children? Check.
Good lord, but the heights of our society's moral depravity and hypocrisy!
The Canadian weekly news magazine "Maclean's" cover for this week was a
picture of Vladimer Putin and the bold headline: "Getting Away With
Murder," in reference to the Malaysian airliner shot down over eastern
Ukraine. In the first place, I'm leaning towards the notion that a
Ukrainian fighter-jet shot that plane down. In the second place, the USA
never even apologized when their own USS Vincennes acknowledged shooting
down that Iranian airbus. They gave the captain a fucking medal! In the
third place, ... a... more »
Christy Clark Fatigue and The Streaking Diversion
*Written by Grant G*
Boy oh boy, how does one get around Vancouver city and the burbs when there
are road closures and diversions everywhere, all caused by a myriad of
Bollywood movie productions, ...just kidding, $20 million dollars flushed
down the toilet on a Bollywood award show, political pandering and vote
buying on the taxpayer`s dime...
"*In my heart I am Filipino*"... *......."I would rather by a MILF than a
cougar*"..."*LNG, a $trillion dollar once in a lifetime opportunity"....*
Christy photo-op vote buyer say anything but the truth Clark,........We
don`t care about... more »
'Pretty Disturbing': 37 Minutes of State Department Dodging Questions about Gaza
State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf condemned the deadly shelling of a
United Nations school in Gaza on Wednesday. She called for a "full and
prompt" investigation into the incident, but declined to immediately place
the blame on Israel.
Artillery shells hit the UN school crowded with refugees, while Israeli
airstrikes hit a group of rescue workers and onlookers who had rushed to
the scene of a previous attack in a busy shopping area - Read more
Related article:
‘World stands disgraced’: 20 killed in Israeli UN school shelling
*You can visit our Gaza article archive here.... more »
Doc McStuffins Costume Felt Doctor Bag

The costume my daughter is wearing in this post was provided by Anytime
Costumes, the project and tutorial are my own.
We love Doc McStuffins in our house. My daughter loves Disney's Adorable
Doctor and I love that the show is something I don't mind listening to in
the background while I work. My daughter has been working hard this summer
to earn points that she can exchange for small things. Instead of
exchanging them for anything she has been saving them all summer because
she wanted a Doc McStuffins Costume. She finally earned enough this last
week and has been wearing the cos... more »
Thursday Linkage: The Future of Israel edition
In the wake of the latest Gaza military intervention by the Israeli
government, the liberal Jewish diaspora appears to be coalescing quite
significantly around the view that, as awful as Hamas’ rockets and ideology
are, the current Israeli government’s actions in Gaza are immoral and
unwise. I start with a link to celebrated Israeli writer David Grossman and
Continue reading
Ukraine Civil War News Updates -- July 31, 2014

*Ukraine Premier Stays On, Envoys Agree On Crash Site Route -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Ukraine's parliament rejected Prime Minister Arseny Yatseniuk's
resignation on Thursday and finally passed legislation he said was needed
to finance an army offensive against a separatist rebellion in the east and
avert a national default on its debts.
The assembly's about-turn on laws it refused to back a week earlier offers
relief to Kiev's Western backers, who had feared Ukraine was sliding deeper
into political chaos and might renege on an international bailout as it
heads into an election peri... more »
A Photo Gallery From Two Photographers On Opposite Sides Of The Israel - Hamas War

A Palestinian firefighter participates in efforts to put out a fire in a
van, which witnesses said was hit in an Israeli air strike, in Gaza City
July 31, 2014. Credit: REUTERS/Mohammed Salem
*Inside Gaza and Israel: Two Photographers, One War -- Time*
*As the death toll rises in the war between Israel and Hamas, TIME LightBox
profiles two photographers who have spent weeks covering the opposing
sides: Andrew Katz interviewed Oliver Weiken of European Pressphoto Agency
and Olivier Laurent spoke with Getty Images’ Andrew Burton.*
The main border crossing between Israel and Gaza is a... more »
Anonymous Has Taken Down Mossad's Website

*Anonymous 'Take Down Mossad Website' Over Gaza Conflict -- Newsweek*
The hacktivist group Anonymous have claimed responsibility for disabling a
series of Israeli government websites, including that of its national
intelligence agency, Mossad, as a show of solidarity for the Palestinian
cause in Gaza.
Global access to ceased at 00:40 GMT this morning, Russia
Today reported. However, a Twitter account associated with the Anonymous
hashtag called @AnonymousGlobo reported the Mossad site as “down” much
earlier, at 09:50 GMT on 27 July.
The website was still offline at ... more »
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani: Refers To Israel As A “Festering Zionist Tumor”

Iran's President Hassan Rohani speaks during an event hosted by the Council
on Foreign Relations and the Asia Society in New York September 26, 2013.
Credit: Reuters/Keith Bedford
*Rouhani: ‘This Festering Zionist Tumor Has Opened Once Again’ --
Washington Free Beacon*
*Iranian president adopts violent rhetoric towards Israel*
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani lashed out at Israel in vitriolic terms on
Wednesday, referring to Israel as a “festering Zionist tumor.”
Rouhani, who has been championed by Western media as a moderate reformer
who could change Iran’s extremist ways, appear... more »
Israel - Hamas War News Updates -- July 31, 2014
*Is Israel Planning To Widen Its Gaza Offensive? An Extra 16,000 Reservists
Are Called Up As Aerial Bombardments Continue -- Daily Mail*
* Decision to call-up extra troops comes amid stalled efforts to end the war
* Offensive in Gaza has already claimed the lives of at least 1,360
* Yesterday alone total of 116 Palestinians and three Israeli soldiers were
* Israel continued offensive this morning, hitting a mosque next to UN
* Egyptian efforts to broker ceasefire between Israel and Hamas have stalled
Israel is to call up an additional 16,000 military reser... more »
Supplemental: It just keeps coming at the Post!
*THURSDAY, JULY 31, 2014*
*Who the heck is Alexander Becker:* It just keeps coming from the
Washington Post.
Granted, the piece in question only appears at the paper’s “Post Politics”
blog. It hasn’t appeared in the hard-copy paper.
Nor do we have any idea who Alexander Becker, the author of the piece, is.
He seems to be new to journalism, and to the Post, in the past few months.
In fact, he seems to be new to the world, based upon Google and Nexis
searches. Unless he’s the guy from Siena.
That said, Becker’s piece is being pimped on the front page of the Post’s
site. It’s the lat... more »
Makeout Sessions at the Highest Levels

Two weeks after the Obama Justice Department announced that it wouldn't
bother investigating the CIA for allegedly hacking into the computers of
Senate staffers investigating CIA torture, the CIA has come clean about
hacking into the computers of Senate staffers.
In case that verbiage is too obfuscatory for you, let the CIA, via McClatchy
Newspapers, come clean in its own cogent way:
Findings of the investigation by the CIA Inspector General’s Office
“include a judgment that some CIA employees acted in a manner inconsistent
with the common understanding reached between SSCI (Senate... more »
World News Briefs -- July 31, 2014

U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay attends a news
conference at the United Nations European headquarters in Geneva,
Switzerland, Dec. 2, 2013.
*UN: Israel, Hamas May Be Guilty of War Crimes -- Voice of America*
GENEVA — The U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, says the
targeting of civilian infrastructure or the use of civilian structures for
military purposes violate international humanitarian law and international
human rights law. She warns both Israel and Hamas may be guilty of war
crimes in breaching these humanitarian principles. U.N. figure... more »
On Facebook today you can see the signs that many activists are feeling
that it is hopeless to take on the military machine and stop carnage like
in Gaza. They care deeply and are outraged, but like me they have no easy
It's going to take a mind shift for most Americans to step out and demand
an end to the utter madness being perpetrated by our government which is
run by corporations. Classic fascism...or call it feudalism. We've all
been there before.
First they came
for the communists
but I was not a commie
so no big deal
Then they came
for the Palestinians
I wa... more »
The Shootdown of Long "Missing" Flight Malaysian Flight MH370 Over Ukraine: Buried Evidence Proves Fighter Escort Shoot Down Of MH17/370
Yes, that Malaysian flight MH17 that was blown out of the sky over Ukraine
earlier this month was ABSOLUTELY that long missing Malaysian flight
MH370... There can be absolutely no doubt in anyone's minds once they take
the time to look over all the evidence and do some comparisons of the
wreckage of the crashed "MH17" flight to the long "missing" MH370
aircraft. Jim Stone over at his website, "Jim Stone Freelance
Journalist" at has been all over this attempted
false flag attack from the very beginning, and I do again recommend that
everyone take a time t... more »
Is Europe’s breadbasket up for grabs? The Plunder of Ukraine.
*Ukraine's Plunder- Readers here knew this was coming. How many in Ukraine
were truly aware of the costs of western style 'democracy'- Vast wealth for
the tiny elite psycopaths and vast impoverishment for the masses.*
*Minimal background on this topic: *
** Ukraine: Cargill acquires stake in UkrLand Farming/food control = people
*The New Great Game: Why the Ukraine matters to so many other nations**
Battle for Ukraine*
NEW YORK, Jul 30 2014 (IPS) - Amidst an exodus of some 100,000 people from
the conflict-torn eastern Ukraine, ongoing fighting in the urban
strongholds of... more »
*Saints DE Akiem Hicks Powers His Way to “Superstar” Status ~Barry
Hirstius, WhoDat Dish**~In 2013, Hicks had a “breakout” season. He tallied
56 total tackles, which was fifth among defensive tackles in the NFL last
season — along with 4½ sacks, good for third on the Saints behind fellow DE
Cam Jordan and OLB Junior Galette. Hicks was the benefactor in an increase
of playing time, and he took full advantage: often “blowing up” plays in
the opponent’s offensive backfield. Hicks used that raw power to become the
15th overall rated DE in the League (according to Pro Football Focus), and... more »
Elizabeth Warren: "The Time For Free-Loading Is Over"
Just a week ago we warned about how conservatives were eager to prevent
progressives to end a tax loophole that allows corporations to do
"inversions" that allow them to pay no taxes. Yesterday, the Senate failed
to break a Republican filibuster lead by Wisconsin corporate whore Ron
Johnson. Breaking the filibuster requires 60 votes and the Democrats only
mustered 54, so it failed 54-42, all but one Republican joining the
filibuster this time.
Elizabeth Warren was up on the floor of the Senate (as you can see in the
video above), denouncing the corporations that are taking advant... more »
Thought experiment on teacher evaluation and high-stakes
This from a Twitter convo a few minutes ago. High-stakes obviously creates
a culture of cheating on assessments. Broad evidence for that. Good, bad,
or indifferent, teachers learn to play this unfair game to their advantage.
Call it cheating, or not. Call it survival. Nevertheless, teachers do reap
the rewards of an unfair system, while […]
July 31: Thoughts of childhood....
I grew up in the North End of Montreal, not far from where Little Italy
was, and where the community's church still serves. Mafia leader Rizutto
recently put it in the news when his funeral was held there. Just to the
east of it was the Syrian district.My school friends were largely Italians
and Syrians. I remember them well, especially the Syrians.
There was Junior Aboud, a quiet kid who still lives in the north end flat
he was born in. The Ayoub boys were great friends of mine. So was "Zarbie"
Zarbatani, the son on the Bishop of the Syrian Orthodox church. (The
Bishop's 'palace' ... more »
The Economy: "How America's Working Stiffs Got Stiffed"
*"How America's Working Stiffs Got Stiffed" *
by Bill Bonner
"Amazing how much difference a few years make. We first visited China in
the 1980s. It was an appalling dump. Few cars. Few roads. Almost no decent
restaurants or hotels. Now in Beijing you see large black luxury
automobiles everywhere... and modern highways crisscrossing in front of
huge hotels and apartment buildings. The Chinese have made real progress!
Thank You, Deng Xiaoping!
Nobody had any money in China in the 1980s. In contrast, today you lose
control of your car in downtown Beijing and you are bound to run over ... more »
Ebola - What You're Not Being Told
There is something very, very important that the corporate media and
public health officials are not telling you regarding the Ebola outbreak in
west Africa. Read More
If you want to learn more about Ebola I highly recommend that you read The
Hot Zone by Richard Preston.
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Portuguese Regulator Bans Short-Selling After Banco Espirito Santo Unveils Massive $5 Billion Loss

Portuguese Regulator Bans Short-Selling After Banco Espirito Santo Unveils
Massive $5 Billion Loss
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/30/2014 16:46 -0400
Having waited until after the US equity markets closed, Portugal's troubled
Banco Espirito Santo unveiled an enormous EUR 3.577 Billion loss - that is
15 times larger than the loss the bank suffered a year earlier. The data -
to end-June, before the crisis really got going - already shows notable
deposit flight, a 73.1% plunge in banking income, and a EUR 3 billion
collapse in repoable assets (i.e. liquidity). On the heels of this... more »
Fat Free Econ 55: The President's 5th SONA and Market-Oriented Reforms

* This is my article yesterday in
Overall, the President's State of the Nation Address (SONA) was good. More
statesman-like, less combative. He mentioned several liberal and free
market-leaning policies, which is good and consistent with his party
affiliation. But there was also an overall hangover belief that government
can do and will do almost everything for the people.
Some liberal and free market reforms that the President mentioned in his
address are the following:
1. More airline competition as a result of ICAO, European Union (EU) and US
Federal... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- July 31, 2014

*NATO Unprepared For Potential Attack by Russia, Although Risk Is Low –
Report -- RIA Novosti*
MOSCOW, July 31 (RIA Novosti) - NATO is not prepared to deal with a
military threat from Russia, although the risk of attack is very low,
according to the cross-party Defense Committee of UK lawmakers report.
"The risk of attack by Russia on a NATO Member State, whilst still small,
is significant…NATO has been too complacent about the threat from Russia,
and it is not well-prepared," Rory Stewart, chair of the cross-party
Defense Committee said in a report.
The report suggests that the ... more »
Budget Restraints On Kurdish Peshmerga Making It Difficult To Secure Iraq’s Disputed Territories

The Kurdish Peshmerga are in a tense standoff with the Islamic State across
northern Iraq. When the Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) collapsed after the
fall of Mosul the Peshmerga moved into the disputed territories that had
been abandoned by the police and army. One such place was Jalawla in
Diyala, which locals had complained about for years as being an insurgent
hotbed. The Kurdish forces have tried to clear the area, but they have been
constrained by budget problems.
The Peshmerga have tried to secure Jalawla but have not been able to
because of budgetary constraints (*NY Times*)... more »
Search for the truth on sex work

So many untruths are being bandied about as the Tories try to railroad
uncertain Canadians into accepting new prostitution laws that will
criminalize even more of the industry.
I know from my own circle of friends - at least the ones who aren't sex
workers themselves - that it's almost like people are frightened to rethink
what they think they know about the sex industry. Yet there is so much
exceptional research out there that challenges this fuzzy belief that to be
a sex worker is to be a helpless, trafficked victim dragged into the
business by a man who will beat you if you... more »
Canada-Israel Solidarity Rally
Yesterday while this carnage was going on, Chris Gunness from UNRWA, *the
United Nations Relief and Works Agency, *was breaking down in tears on live
TV after 19 were killed and 125 wounded in the latest attack on a UN school
in Gaza, which the UN accused Israel of carrying out after being warned 17
times that civilians were seeking shelter there ...
Gunness : "UNRWA is overwhelmed in #Gaza - we have reached breaking point,
our staff are being killed, our shelters overflowing. Where will it end?"
Note : Canada once provided 10% of UNRWA's budget. Now, according to
UNRWA's list o... more »
The Ebola Virus Outbreak In West Africa: Has The US Secretly Developed A Weaponized Version Of Ebola?
With most of the world's attention still focused in on Ukraine with the
obvious false flag attempt by the criminals in both the US and Ukraine to
get a nice little war started against Russia, and of course the insane
lunatic asylum known as Israel's attempt to massacre the Palestinians in
Gaza, there has been little attention on the growing crisis in West
Africa. That crisis is of course the rapid epidemic of a new form of
Ebola that is spreading from Sierra Leone, Guinea, and into Nigeria as I
type this report....
What concerns me about this new form of Ebola is not only its fero... more »
Argentina Default Imminent as Talks Collapse
*Argentina Default Imminent as Talks Collapse*
Setback Sends Argentine Shares Down in After-Hours Trading
Updated July 31, 2014 3:45 a.m. ET
Argentina faces default Wednesday for the second time in 13 years if it
doesn't meet a deadline to make payments to a small group of bondholders.
WSJ's Matthew Cowley explains Argentina's dispute with these creditors and
the long-standing battle that stems from the country's default in 2001.
(Pho... more »
The needed role of intellectuals in the resistance to stop the Israel genocide
M'bala M'bala
By Denis G. Rancourt
What do Norman Finkelstein, Dieudonné M'bala M'bala, and George Galloway
have in common?
All three are Western intellectuals (true intellectuals, not service
intellectuals [1]) who attack the Israel Lobby with the viciousness
necessary to be effective. And all three have been subjected to
significant establishment backlash for their dissidence,
Bank ‘glitch’ leaves thousands without wages across Ireland
Bank ‘glitch’ leaves thousands without wages across Ireland
*Bank apologies for error affecting public and private sector workers*
Rachel Flaherty
First published:
Thu, Jul 31, 2014, 10:27
Thousands of people, working in both the public and private sector, have
not been paid their wages today.
Teachers, nurses, gardaí, and also people working for private companies and
civil servant pensioners have reported receiving payslips but no payments.
It is understood that ... more »
Pork Barrel 13: Executive-Legislative Honeymoon and Presidential-Parliamentary Forms

This is my article today in
Last Monday, before President Aquino delivered his State of the Nation
Address (SONA) 2014, I noted that facebook was peppered with so many
anti-government, anti-PNoy posts and complaints. Was it good? Maybe yes,
maybe no. But one thing is sure: Government is force and coercion. No
matter how much we complain about the government or a particular
administration, we are forced, coerced and arm-twisted to contribute to its
annual funding via taxes, fees, fines and mandatory social contributions.
Next time, people should NOT suppor... more »
Does electron's magnetic field look like that of a bar magnet?
*Yes. It's just the laymen's whole way of thinking about it that is wrong.*
Brian Bi asked a question on the Physics Stack Exchange,
What does the magnetic field of the (quantum-mechanical) electron look like?
He seems annoyed by the idea that "quantum spinning electrons" have dipole
magnetic fields because the magnetic field of a magnetic dipole looks like
It's a nice, classical picture of the magnetic field. On the other hand,
the spin \(\vec J={\mathbf S}\) of an electron (the arrow above a letter or
the bold face represent three-dimensional vectors) is a bizarre quantum ... more »
Republicans - Its all About Them
A little under 100 days until the midterm elections and what do we know?
The Republicans have made it clear – it’s all about them - they will not
compromise on anything – it’s their way or the highway - to hell with
anyone else.
The Republicans have made it clear – it’s all about them - they support the
wealthy and tax cuts for the wealthy and to hell with everyone else.
The Republicans have made it clear – it’s all about them - they will
continue to block anything that is not on “their agenda” - to hell with
everyone else.
The Republicans have made it clear – it’s all about them - th... more »
“DESTINED TO GET HORRIBLE COVERAGE:” Brzezinski acknowledges being shallow!
*THURSDAY, JULY 31, 2014*
*Interlude—Two things they’re permitted to say:* When the press corps
pretends to discuss its own conduct, ranking pundits are permitted to make
at least two different claims:
They’re permitted to say that they try to create competitive White House
elections. Beyond that, they’re allowed to chuckle about how silly and
shallow they are.
Last week, on two Morning Joe programs, Mark Halperin made some rather
unpleasant claims about the press corps’ long-standing treatment of Bill
and Hillary Clinton.
According to Halperin, Hillary Clinton “is destined is ge... more »
Blaming Boomers for Social Security Crisis is a Crock!
Every time I hear a news report that Social Security is in grave danger and
we have to make drastic changes to retirement benefits – I want to scream. Every
time they talk about drastic changes it is always about retirement benefits
needing change – I want to scream. Yesterday CNBC suggested Boomers were
going to bankrupt Social Security and I WANT TO SCREAM!
To a topic people don’t like to talk about.
Got it? Do you understand that?
Does it make sense to you?
Pay attention here – this is really important when talking about “aged
benefits” and Social ... more »
U.S. Imposes Sanctions On Two North Korean Shipping Companies
*U.S. Blacklists North Korea Shipping Firms Over Arms Shipments -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - The United States on Wednesday blacklisted two North Korean
shipping firms that it said tried to conceal arms shipments from Cuba to
North Korea, following a similar move by the United Nations.
The ship, Chong Chon Gang, was discovered last July near the Panama Canal
hiding a large amount of arms, including two MiG-21 jet fighters under
200,000 bags of sugar, which the United States said showed a clear attempt
to circumvent U.N. and U.S. sanctions against North Korea.
North Korea is under an ar... more »
The Maltese Double Cross

The Maltese Double Cross - Lockerbie (1994) from Spike EP on Vimeo.
"The local police force, Dumfries and Galloway, they were most concerned at
the SWARMS of Americans, fiddling with bodies, and shall we say tampering
with those things that the police were carefully checking themselves.
I'm not pretending that they said they were from the FBI or the CIA - they
were just Americans, who seemed to have arrived extremely quickly, on the
- Tam Dalyell MP
The Maltese Double Cross – Lockerbie discusses evidence and witnesses that
would eventually figure at the Pan Am Fl... more »
40 Questions
The BBC has recently dispatched so many reporters to Gaza that I’ve lost
count. So far we’ve had Jeremy Bowen, Yolande Knell, Lyse Doucet, Ian
Pannell, Chris Morris, Paul Adams, Martin Patience, Jon Donnison John
Simpson; in Israel Orla Geurin Bethany Bell and James Reynolds. I’m sure
there are more and sorry if I’ve forgotten you. What’s happened to Kevin
We’ve seen analyses and comment by James Robbins, Frank Gardner, Stephen
Sacker, Andrew Roy, adversarial interviews by Emily Maitless, Kirsty Wark,
Robert Peston, the Today team, the World At One team, the News 24 tea... more »
The Israeli Genocide Of Gaza Continues: US Condemns Shelling Of UN School In Gaza, But Restocks Israel's Ammunition! (Shows American Hypocrisy At Its Worse!)
It has indeed been shocking to myself to read the reports that came out
yesterday where the criminal and psychotic Israelis had the gall to bomb a
UN School in Gaza that was loaded with refugees. I have been troubled by
this report and have been asking the same question that everyone should be
asking: WHY IS THIS NOT A WAR CRIME? And why in the hell has the UN not
stepped forward and demanded Israel immediately stop their attacks on
civilians? But again as I stated before, the UN is nothing but a tool
for American/Israeli interests and therefore will do nothing to stop the
blo... more »
Internationalists Are Pushing The World Towards Globally Engineered Economic Warfare

Brandon Smith
Over a year ago I published an essay entitled 'The Linchpin Lie: How
Global Collapse Will Be Sold To The Masses'. This essay addressed efforts
by the ever malicious Rand Corporation to create a false narrative
surrounding the possibility of global collapse. Linchpin Theory, as it was
named by it's originator and Rand Corp. employee, John Casti, is I believe
the very future of propaganda.
Every engineered crisis needs a clever cover story, and in Linchpin
Theory, we are told that all human catastrophe is a mere natural product of
the “overcomplexity” within variou... more »
Is Russia And Germany Holding Secret Talks To End The Ukraine Crisis?

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Russian President Vladimir Putin
*Land For Gas: Merkel And Putin Discussed Secret Deal Could End Ukraine
Crisis -- The Independent*
Merkel and Putin negotiate to trade Crimea’s sovereignty for guarantees on
energy security and trade
Germany and Russia have been working on a secret plan to broker a peaceful
solution to end international tensions over the Ukraine.
The Independent can reveal that the peace plan, being worked on by both
Angela Merkel and Vladimir Putin, hinges on two main ambitions: stabilising
the borders of Ukraine and providing ... more »
Kiev Deploys WMDs Against Eastern Ukraine

Ulson Gunnar
Ukraine’s Kiev-based regime has deployed OTR-21 Tochka ballistic missiles
also known as SS-21 “Scarabs,” against the people of eastern Ukraine. The
missiles measure 6.4 meters in length and carry warheads of up to 454 kg,
making them without a doubt a weapon of mass destruction (WMD). Their use
was revealed by a CNN report released just as US President Barack Obama
announced that the US and EU would be issuing more sanctions against
CNN revealed that, “there were reports that Ukraine’s government in the
past 48 hours used short-range ballistic missiles agai... more »
Knowing How To Launch A BUK Missile Is Apparently Not That Hard

Russian 9K37 BUK air defense system in 2010. WIKIMEDIA Commons
*Need To Learn To Launch A BUK Missile Quick? Look Online. -- Robert
Beckhusen, Reuters*
No one has admitted responsibility for firing the sophisticated missile
that brought down Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, killing 298 people over
Ukraine on July 17. But untrained rebels could probably have done it with a
little practice. There are even instructions online, making it possible for
nearly anyone who comes into possession of one of these systems — anywhere
in the world — to use it.
Washington and Kiev both blame Russian-... more »
Record Label Lawsuit Against Vimeo Threatens Free Speech Online
*Activist Post*
The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and a coalition of advocacy groups
have asked a federal appeals court to block record labels' attempt to
thwart federal law in *Capitol v. Vimeo*—a case that could jeopardize free
speech and innovation and the sites that host both.In this lawsuit, the record labels sued online video site Vimeo, alleging
that dozens of sound recordings were infringed in videos posted on the
site. A ruling from a district court judge earlier this year found Vimeo
could be responsible for copyright infringement, and in doing so imposed
new, i... more »
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